Uts Kristine Riris
Uts Kristine Riris
Uts Kristine Riris
NIM : 2010153p
2. Empathy is the ability to place oneself in another person's situation and look at their condition
through their perspectives, emotions, actions and reactions.For patients, empathy is powerful
because it changes their experience. Poor communication with caregivers can leave them feeling
frustrated, neglected and confused about what they need to do to improve their condition. Whether
discussing medical instructions, test results or treatment options, patients appreciate transparency
and clarity. whereas sympathy is a psychological process in which a person feels attracted to
someone or a group of people because of their attitude, appearance, authority, or actions in such a
way. In this process one's feelings play a very important role, although the main impetus for
sympathy is the desire to understand the other and work with him. This is the main difference when
compared to identification. Identification is driven more by the desire to learn from other parties
who are considered to have a higher position and should be respected. This is because the other
party has certain strengths or abilities that should be used as an example.
3. S : the patient's family said his brother had shortness of breath, confusion, cold akral
O : BP hypotension (80/60 mmhg)
HR Tachycardia (140 per minutes)
RR Tachypnea (35 per minutes)
Temp Hypothermia (35 C)
Laboratorium results: BUN 65 mg/dl, Creatinin 7,5 mg/dl.
A : Breathing disorders
1. provide a comfortable position
2. breath pattern monitor
3. Check blood pressure regularly
4. Checks vital signsMonitor ventilator usage
4. provide education to pregnant women and nursing mothers to maintain their diet during
pregnancy and continue to exercise recommended and tolerated during pregnancy, then
support exclusive breastfeeding for mothers who breastfeed for 6 months and provide
complementary foods after the baby is more than 6 months old month. And the others
indonesia can avoid the double burden of malnutrition by providing health insurance to the
poorest 40 percent of the country's population, by ensuring adequate health services, by
providing clean water and sanitation services, raising awareness for better nutrition, sanitation
and health, and, finally , Extend social security programs for the poor and near-poor.
5. Here's the BMI formula or how to calculate Body Mass Index and BMI values in adults.
BMI = Weight (kg): Height (m) 2
The threshold for the body mass index of the Ministry of Health, for Indonesians, as quoted
from the official website of the Ministry of Health, includes the following.
Thin Weight loss level of weight: <17.0
Mild underweight: 17.0-18.4
Normal BMI of normal body weight: 18.5-25.0
Fat / Obesity Mild overweight: 25.1 - 27.0
Overweight level of weight (obesity):> 27.0