Tourism Planning and Development Continuous Assessment
Tourism Planning and Development Continuous Assessment
Tourism Planning and Development Continuous Assessment
Valentia Island is currently attempting to gain World Heritage designation for an industrial
heritage site on the island (Valentia Cable). Initial assessments have been made and the
site is being considered for inclusion on the Irish WH Tentative List. The Valentia
Development Association is heavily involved in the project.
At this initial stage, a scoping exercise is being undertaken. Our brief is to carry out some
of the research associated with the project and present our findings to the VDA. A
number of weeks ago, a community meeting was held and several questions emerged as a
result. Our research will attempt to answer some of these questions and make the results
available to the stakeholders in Valentia.
1. Market
Who is the potential customer for this industrial heritage product? We need to
build a profile of the WH consumer. Identify their needs & expectations. Other than the
experience, what else will they require? How do they typically travel – individual / group?
When do they travel (seasonal?).
2. UNESCO designation
What are the benefits of being designated a WH site? To realise economic benefits
is very important to Valentia – income, employment, investment etc. Other benefits – less
tangible, but important.
3. Best Practice
Varberg Radio Station, Sweden is a similar industrial heritage site & product.
Profile the site and the experience. How do they tell the story? What does the tourist pay
for? How much is it? What benefits have accrued to the site? What can Valentia learn from
Please note:
* The findings from all three groups must be displayed in poster format which will be
displayed at a meeting of VDA which we will attend.
* We will be available at this meeting to answer questions on our findings
* MaryRose Stafford will attend class on Thursday 26th to brief us on the background to the
project. She will also act as mentor to the groups and will attend the VDA meeting.
Marking Scheme
Content 10%
Poster 10%
1. Market
2. Benefits
3. Best Practice