Vantocil IB Antimicrobial-Antiviral Activity

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Antiviral Activity of VANTOCIL BRIEF

Viruses are divided into families on the basis of size, highly effective against a virus associated with
symmetry, type of nucleic acid genome (ribonucleic acid gastroenteritis (Rotavirus) and also a range of bird and
(RNA) or deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA)) and mode of animal viruses including Herpes virus, Coronavirus,
replication. Viruses of different families vary in their Poxvirus and Parvovirus. Specifically, VANTOCIL has
resistance to disinfectants, enveloped viruses usually being been shown to be active against Foot and Mouth Virus
more sensitive than non-enveloped viruses. VANTOCIL (Picornaviridae) and pathogenic Avian influenza virus (both
has been shown to have broad spectrum virucidal activity H7N1 and H5N1). Technical data is shown below. The
against both enveloped and naked RNA/DNA viruses. procedures used are typical of those used for the
VANTOCIL (which is based on polyhexamethylene quantitation of infectious viruses; calculation of the end
biguanide, also known as PHMB) was as shown to be point of a quantal titration is the dilution of virus which
active against a range of medically important viruses infects or kills 50% of inoculated hosts (TCID 50 ) and
including Herpes simplex type 1 (Herpesviridae), Influenza cytopathic effects (virus induced lysis or necrosis) which
Hong Kong Virus (Orthomyxoviridae) and Vaccinia can be observed both macro and microscopically.
(Poxviridae). VANTOCIL has also been shown to be

Table 1 : Summary of Antiviral Activity of VANTOCIL IB

Test Conditions
Virus Diseases Type Structure (type of test, diluent, interferring
substances, contact time, temp.)
Enveloped, Surface test, SDW, 10% albumin, 10min
Influenza Hong Kong Virus Flu Orthomyxoviridae Lipophilic
RNA contact time, RT 0.15% (1)
Herpes Simplex Enveloped, Surface test, SDW, 10% albumin, 10min
Herpes Herpesviridae Lipophilic 0.15% (1)
Type 1 Virus DNA contact time, RT
Surface test, SDW, 10% albumin, 10min
Vaccinia Virus Smallpox Poxviridae Partial lipophilic Naked, DNA 0.15% (1)
contact time, RT
Partial lipophilic Suspension test, SDW, 0.03% albumin, 5min
Rotavirus Gastroenteritis Reoviridae
(capsomeric lipophilicity)
Naked, RNA
contact time, RT 0.1% (2)
Avian Infectious Enveloped, Suspension test, phosphoric acid buffer,
Laryngotracheitis Virus
Laryngotracheitis Herpesviridae Lipophilic
DNA 15min contact time, RT 0.01% (3)
Enveloped, Suspension test, phosphoric acid buffer,
Avian Herpes Virus Mareks Disease Herpesviridae Lipophilic
DNA 15min contact time, RT 0.01% (3)
Suspension test, SDW,
Fowl pox Virus Fowl pox Poxviridae Partial lipophilic Naked, DNA
15min contact time, RT 0.04% (3)
Transmissible Gastroenteritis Enveloped, Suspension test, phosphoric acid buffer, 3hour
of Swine Virus
Gastroenteritis Coronaviridae Lipophilic
RNA contact time, RT 0.04% (3)
Foot & Mouth Suspension test, WHO hard water, 1% serum,
Foot & Mouth Disease Virus
Picornaviridae Hydrophilic Naked, RNA
30min contact time, 4oC 1% (4)
Feline Infectious Enveloped, Suspension test, SDW,
Feline Coronavirus
Coronaviridae Lipophilic
RNA 2hour contact time, RT 0.2% (5)
Feline Calicivirus Surface test, SDW, 0.06% serum, 5min
(Norovirus surrogate)
Gastroenteritis Caliciviridae Partial lipophilic Naked, RNA
contact time, RT 0.1% (6)
Parvoviral Suspension test, SDW, 0.06% serum, 15 min
Canine Parvovirus
Parvoviridae Hydrophilic Naked, DNA
contact time, RT 0.2% (7)
Pathogenic Avian Influenza Enveloped, Suspension test, hard water, 0.3% BA & 1%
Virus (H7N1)
Avian Influenza Orthomyxoviridae Lipophilic
RNA BA + 1% YE, 30 min contact time, 10oC 2% (8)
Highly Pathogenic Avian Enveloped, Suspension test, hard water, 5% chicken
Influenza Virus (H5N1)
Avian Influenza Orthomyxoviridae Lipophilic
RNA serum, 10 min contact time, RT 3% (9)

(continued on next page)

Arch® Biocides
Antiviral Activity of VANTOCIL BRIEF

Table 2 : Activity of VANTOCIL IB Against Medically Table 4 : VANTOCIL IB against Avian Infectious
Important Viruses (1) Laryngotracheitis Virus (ILT) (Herpesviridae) (3)
VANTOCIL IB Conc. TCID at 10 Minutes Contact Time VANTOCIL IB TCID50 from Reed-Muench Test at
(% product) 50
(% product) Contact Time (Min)
Flu A2 Hong
Vaccinia Simplex 0 5 15 30 60 120
Type 1 0.01 103 100.5 <10 <10 <10 <10
0.15 102 102 102 0.005 103 101 100.5 100.5 100.3 <10
0.025 10 3.5 10 3.6 102 0.0025 103 101.5 101 100.5 100.5 100.5
0.005 10 4.5 10 4.6 104.9 Control 103 103 103 100.7 102.7 102.5
Control 10 4.5 10 5.1 104.7 TCID50 = Tissue Culture Infecting Dose for 50% inoculated tubes.
Quantitative suspension test on dried viruses. Test conditions; product Inoculated 0.2ml of ILT virus into 2ml of PHMB diluted with phosphoric
diluted in sterile distilled water, dirty conditions (10% bovine plasma acid buffer solution, after various contact times samples were added to
chicken renal cells, incubated at 37oC for 4 days and cytophatic effects
albumin), inoculum = test viruses at log5-7 titre. The data shows 0.15%
observed. Data above shows TCID 50 from Reed-Muench method. The
VANTOCIL IB to be active against Vaccinia, Flu A2 Hong Kong and
Herpes simplex type 1 viruses. data shows 0.01% VANTOCIL IB to be active against Avian Infectious
Laryngotracheitis virus.

Table 3 : Activity of VANTOCIL IB Against

Rotavirus (2) Table 5 : VANTOCIL IB Against Mareks Virus (Herpesviridae)
VANTOCIL IB Conc. Log 10 Decrease in Viral Titre
Inoculated 0.1ml of HVT virus strain (1.2E+06 PFU/ml) into PHMB
(% product) at 5 Minutes Contact Time
0.5 4.0 Time VANTOCIL IB Conc.
0.2 3.7 (Min) (% product)
0.1 4.0 0.02 0.01 0.005 0.0025 Control
Control 0 15 TCID50 <1 <1 100.6 102.3 102
Decrease % >99.9 >99.9 99.2 74.9 -
Quantitative suspension test method based on EN1276. Test conditions; 60 TCID50 1 1 10 0.6 10 1.6 102.7
product diluted in sterile distilled water, clean conditions (0.03% BSA),
inoculum = rotavirus cultured in MA-104 cells, measurement of cytopathic
Decrease % >99.8 >99.8 99.2 92.1 -
effects - microscopy, confirmation of cytopathic effects = stained with diluted with phosphoric acid buffer solution. Inoculated into chicken
FITC conjugated rotavirus type 1 monoclonal antibody. The data shows embryonic fibrocyte, incubated at 37oC for 4 days and cytopathic effect
0.1% VANTOCIL IB to be active against Rotavirus. observed. Data above shows TCID 50 from Reed-Muench method. The
data shows 0.01% VANTOCIL IB to be active against Avian herpes virus.

(continued on next page)

Arch® Biocides
Antiviral Activity of VANTOCIL BRIEF

Table 6 : VANTOCIL IB Against Transmissible Gastroenteritis Table 9 : Activity of VANTOCIL IB Against Feline
of Swine Virus (Coronaviridae) (3) Coronovirus (5)
Decrease in Viability VANTOCIL IB Conc. VANTOCIL IB Conc. (% product)
(%) (% product) 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 0.5
0.04 0.1 Control FCoV titre 105 103 10 0 nt
Cytopathic effect (+, -) - - + Toxicity to
- - - + +++
Inoculated 0.2ml of TGE virus KBE strain into 2ml of PHMB diluted
FeA cells
with phosphoric acid buffer solution, left for 3 hours incubation at 20oC Test conditions = Various levels of VANTOCIL IB were mixed with
and then inoculated into pig renal tissue cells. After incubation at 37oC for Feline Coronavirus (FCoV Wellcome strain) at a titre of 105 and left for 2
4 days, cytophatic effects observed. The data shows 0.04% VANTOCIL hours. Dilutions were then added to pre-plated feline embryo cells (FeA)
IB to be active against Transmissible Gastroenteritis of Swine Virus. and absorbed for 4 hours. The inoculum was then removed and cell
growth media (DFC10) added. Cytopathic effects were then measured
after 48 hours incubation. The data shows 0.2% VANTOCIL IB to be
active against Feline Coronavirus.
Table 7 : VANTOCIL IB Against Fowl pox Virus (Poxviridae)
Inoculated 0.2ml of Fowl pox virus Nakano KIII strain into 2ml of PHMB
Table 10 : Activity of VANTOCIL IB Against Feline Calicivirus
Decrease in Viability VANTOCIL IB Conc. (6)
(%) (% product)
VANTOCIL IB Conc. Log Reduction in TCID50 at
0.04 Control
(% product) Contact Time (Mins)
Cytopathic effect (+, -) - +
1 5 15 30
diluted with distilled water. Following 15 mins at 20 C samples were

removed, serially diluted and added to chicken germinal fibrocyte,

0.1 2.2 >3.8 5.2 5.6
incubated at 37oC for 6 days and cytophatic effects observed. The data 0.2 1.9 >3.8 5.6 5.6
shows 0.04% VANTOCIL IB to be active against Fowl pox Virus. 0.5 3.0 >3.8 5.6 5.6
1 3.4 >3.8 nt nt
Test conditions; VANTOCIL IB Bx. 6333, Feline Calicivirus, temperature
Table 8 : VANTOCIL IB Aainst Foot and Mouth Disease Virus = 20oC, diluent = hard water, test surface = polystyrene, organic loading =
(4) 0.06% foetal bovine serum. The data shows 0.1% VANTOCIL IB to be
Test conditions; FMDV strain OBFS 1850, contact time = 30 minutes, active against Feline Calicivirus at a contact time of 5 minutes.
temperature = 4 oC, diluent = WHO hard water, organic loading = 1%
VANTOCIL IB Conc. Log Reduction in TCID50 at
(% product) 30 Mins. Contact Time
0.1 0.82 Fail
0.25 2.05 Fail
0.5 3.6 Fail
1 5.12 Pass
2 7.42 Pass
foetal calf serum. Pass criteria = a disinfectant dilution which reduces the
virus titre by at least 104 median tissue culture infective doses (TCID50)
compared to the untreated Control virus mixture passes the test. The data
shows 1% VANTOCIL IB to be active against Foot and Mouth Disease

(continued on next page)

Arch® Biocides
Antiviral Activity of VANTOCIL BRIEF

Table 11 : Activity of VANTOCIL IB Against Canine Table 13 : Activity of VANTOCIL TG Against Avian Influenza
Parvovirus (7) Virus H5N1 (9)
VANTOCIL IB Conc. Log Reduction in Viral Viability at VANTOCIL TG Conc. Log Viral Titre Percentage Reduction
(% product) Contact Time (% product) (EID50) in Viral Viability
5 15 Control 4.5 -
0.2 1.0 4.2 0.2 3.4 92.06
0.5 3.5 4.8 0.5 2.5 99.00
1.0 5.5 4.2 1.0 2.0 99.68
Test conditions; VANTOCIL IB Bx. 6333, Canine Parvovirus, temperature
3.0 <0.8 >99.98
= 20 oC, diluent = hard water, organic loading = 0.06% foetal bovine Test conditions; VANTOCIL TG Bx. 1145, Highly Pathogenic Avian
serum. The data shows 0.2% VANTOCIL IB to be active against Canine Influenza Virus (A/Cygnus olor/Croatia/ 1/2005 H5N1), surface test,
Parvovirus at a contact time of 15 minutes. contact time = 10 minutes, temperature = RT, diluent = hard water, organic
loading = 5% specific pathogen free chicken serum. The data shows 3%
VANTOCIL TG to be active against Avian Influenza Virus at a contact
Table 12 : Activity of VANTOCIL IB Against Avian Influenza time of 10 minutes under conditions of high soiling.
Virus H7N1 (8)
VANTOCIL IB Conc. Log Reduction in Viral Viability
(% Product) (with various soiling conditions)
No Organic 1% BA +
0.3% BA
Soil 1% YE
0.5 2.1 1.0 0.2
1.0 2.4 1.8 1.3
2.0 >4.5 >4.5 2.4
3.0 nt >4.5 4.5
Test conditions; VANTOCIL IB Bx. 6566, Avian Influenza Virus
(A/carduelis/Germany/72. H7N1), contact time = 30 minutes, temperature =
10oC, diluent = hard water, organic loading = 0.3% bovine albumin and
1% yeast extract plus 1% bovine albumin. The data shows 2%
VANTOCIL IB to be active against Avian Influenza Virus at a contact
time of 30 minutes under conditions of no and low soiling and at 3%
under conditions of high soiling.

(continued on next page)

Arch® Biocides
Antiviral Activity of VANTOCIL BRIEF

1. 1977 : ICI Virology Unit Test Report: The Antiviral
Activity of VANTOCIL IB.
2. Quantitative Suspension Test for the Evaluation of Two
Antimicrobial Substances against Rotavirus. The
Freeman Hospital; 19th September 2001.
3. Patent #63-183502, Publication date: 28th July, 1988,
Applicant: Ueno Pharmaceuticals Co. Ltd. Research
4. Efficacy of VANTOCIL IB Against Foot and Mouth
Disease Virus. Disinfectants Laboratory, Institute for
Animal Health, Pirbright Laboratory. 19th August 2002.
5. Efficacy of VANTOCIL IB Against Feline
Coronavirus. Institute of Comparative Medicine,
University of Glasgow. Dr.Diane Addie. 22nd
December 2003.
6. Surface Virucidal Activity of VANTOCIL IB Against
Feline Calicivirus (Human Norovirus surrogate).
BluScientific Test Data, Glasgow Caledonian
University. February 2005.
7. Virucidal activity of VANTOCIL IB against Canine Use biocides safely. Always read the label and product
Parvovirus. BluScientific Test Data, Glasgow information before use.
Caledonian University, September 2005.
8. Determination of the Virucidal Activity Against Avian Some Arch Chemicals, Inc. biocides may not be registered
Influenza Virus according to prEN14675. Laboratory for certain uses in your country.
of Virology, Justus Liebig University, Giessen, 24th
November 2005. Arch® Biocides is a business unit of Arch Chemicals Inc.
9. Virucidal Efficacy of VANTOCIL TG for H5N1
Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza Virus, Croatian Any data relating to test organisms included in this
Veterinary Institute, Zagreb, Croatia, 10th January 2007. publication relates to standard laboratory test species and is
provided for information only. No claim of controlling
organisms in public health applications is made by the
inclusion of such data nor should it be implied.

No statement herein is intended as a representation or

warranty regarding VANTOCIL or any other product of
Arch Chemicals, Inc.

VANTOCIL is a trademark, the property of Arch UK Biocides Ltd., a subsidiary of Arch Chemicals, Inc.


Refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) available from Arch Chemicals, Inc. for information on the safe use, handling and
disposal of this product.

Arch® Biocides
Phone: (800) 523-7391 FAX: (866) 705-0465
1955 Lake Park Drive, Suite 100, Smyrna, GA 30080 © 2007 Arch Chemicals, Inc. 2-00295-R4

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