Port State Control
Port State Control
Port State Control
Purnama Putra
Port State Control (PSC) is the inspection of foreign ships present in a nation’s
port for the purpose of verifying that the condition of the ships and their
equipment comply with the provisions of international conventions and codes
and that the ships are manned and operated in compliance with those
Many of IMO’s most important technical conventions contain provisions for
ships to be inspected when they visit foreign ports to ensure that they meet
IMO requirements.
These inspections were originally intended to be a back up to flag State
implementation, but experience has shown that they can be extremely
effective, especially if organized on a regional basis. A ship going to a port in
one country will normally visit other countries in the region before embarking
on its return voyage and it is to everybody’s advantage if inspections can be
closely co-ordinated.
This ensures that as many ships as possible are inspected, but at the same time
prevents ships being delayed by unnecessary inspections. The primary
responsibility for ships standards rests with the flag state but Port State
Control provides a “safety net” to catch sub-standard ships.
Primary Responsibilities
The primary responsibility for maintaining ships standard rests with the
flag states, as well as their owners and masters. However, many flag states do
not, for various reasons, fulfill their obligations under international maritime
conventions, and PSC provides a useful “safety net” to catch substandard
ships. PSC effectively does what the Flag State control should, but in many
cases fails, to do.
In 1978 the ‘Hague Memorandum’ between a number of maritime
authorities in Western Europe was developed. It dealt mainly with
enforcement of shipboard living and working conditions as required by ILO
Convention no. 147.
However just as the memorandum was about to come into effect in March
1978 a massive oil spill occurred off the coast of Brittany (France) as a result of
the grounding of the VLCC ‘Amoco Cadiz’.
This incident caused a strong political and public outcry in Europe for far more
stringent regulations with regard to the safety of shipping. This pressure
resulted in a more comprehensive memorandum which covered:
safety of life at sea
prevention of pollution by ships, and
living and working conditions on board ships
Subsequently, a new Memorandum of Understanding on Port State Control
was signed in January 1982 by fourteen European countries at a Ministerial
Conference held in Paris, France. It entered into operation on 1 July 1982.
Since that date, the Paris Memorandum has been amended several times to
accommodate new safety and marine environment requirements stemming
from the International Maritime Organization (IMO) and requirements related
to working and living conditions of seafarers.
The organization expanded to twenty-seven member States over the past
General Criteria as laid down by the PSC MOUs to carry out Inspection
1. Ships visiting a port of a state for the first time or after an absence of 12
months or more
2. Ships which have been permitted to leave the port of a state with
deficiencies to be rectified
3. Ships which have been reported by pilots or port authorities as being
4. Ships whose certificates are not in orderShips carrying dangerous or
5. polluting goods which have failed to report relevant information
6. Ships which have been suspended from class in the preceding 6 months
7. Ships which have been subject of a report or notification by another
8. Ships which have been involved in a collision, grounding or stranding on
their way to port
9. Ships accused of an alleged violation of the provisions of IMO as to pose
a threat persons, property or environment.
10.Ships are permitted to leave the port of a member state on conditions
such as deficiencies are to be rectified before departure or at the next
port or within 14days.