APC Back-UPS 650
APC Back-UPS 650
APC Back-UPS 650
Easy Setup
1 The battery in the UPS will lose some charge in ship- tion. If the local line frequency is unknown, leave switch 7 To test the system, disconnect the mains inlet cord
ping and storage. It will recharge completely after approxi- #4 in the factory default, 50 Hz, down position. from the mains power source while the load equipment is
mately six hours of normal operation. Do not expect full switched on. The audible alarm will beep once every five
battery run time during this initial recharge period. 5 Use the output power cords (provided) to connect a seconds, and the UPS should power all of the load equip-
computer, monitor and/or other data-critical devices to ment. Restore normal operation by reconnecting the
2 Place the UPS in an area with adequate airflow, and the three “Surge and Battery Backup” power outlets. The mains inlet cord to the mains power source.
away from direct sunlight and excessive dust. See the Speci- “Full-Time Surge Protection” outlet can be used for a la-
fications Table for proper operating conditions. ser printer, a fax machine, a scanner or another device that
does not require battery backup protection.
3 Power the UPS from a mains socket that is not on
Important: Connect a laser printer or scanner to the “Full-
the same circuit as a heavy motor load (e.g., an air condi- Time Surge Protection” outlet only.
tioner or refrigerator). Remove the power cord from the File this guide where it can be
computer to be protected, and plug it into the mains power 6 Switch on the UPS. Switch on the load equipment. found when it's time
inlet on the UPS. If the power cord for your computer is The indicator on the On/Off control will illuminate, and to replace the battery
not removable, see your dealer for a mains inlet cord. the load equipment will operate normally. The UPS can (3-6 years).
be used as a master On/Off control for the three “Surge
4 If the mains power source frequency is 60 Hz, set and Battery Backup” power outlets. The “Full-Time Surge
option switch #4 (at the rear of the UPS) to the up posi- Protection” outlet is always powered.
On/Off Control Switch UPS to transfer to battery too often), the transfer thresh- Check Battery/Alarm Disable Switch
(“|” means “on,” O means “off ”) old can be set lower with switches #2 & #3. See figure 2.
When the On/Off switch is in the “on” position, the UPS Important: Before selecting a lower threshold, make sure
receives power from the mains source, and delivers con- the load equipment can safely operate at the voltage level.
ditioned power to all four outlets. When in the “off ” po- Line Frequency - if the local line frequency is 60 Hz, set
sition, the UPS and the three “Surge and Battery Backup” switch #4 to the up position. If you are unsure what the
outlets are not powered. The “Full-Time Surge Protec- local line frequency is, leave switch #4 in the factory de-
tion” outlet is independent of the On/Off switch. If mains fault, 50 Hz, down position.
voltage is present, it is powered.
Circuit Breaker
Check Battery/Alarm Disable Switch If the UPS is severely overloaded, the circuit breaker on
(500MI & 650MI Only) the rear panel will disconnect the UPS from the mains
power source. The circuit breaker button will pop out. If On/Off Control Switch
Check Battery: Press and hold the top of the toggle switch
to check the battery. The UPS will power the loads from this occurs, remove at least one piece of load equipment
from the UPS, and reset the circuit breaker by pressing Fig 1 Family of BKMI UPS Units
the battery. If the UPS emits the battery exhaustion alarm
(see below), the battery is weak and requires extended re- the button back into place.
charge or replacement. See “Battery Replacement.”
Alarm Disable: When delivering battery power during a Computer Interface Port
mains failure, the UPS emits an audible alarm once every (650MI only)
five seconds. Press the bottom of this toggle switch to si- “PowerChute Plus” UPS monitoring software is available
lence the alarm. from APC. This software enables a computer to monitor
the UPS, and to initiate an orderly shutdown of load equip-
Audible Alarms ment in the event of an unattended mains power failure.
The UPS emits the following audible alarms: The appropriate 9 pin, RS-232 serial cable is provided with
On Battery - single beep every five seconds the software. See the APC website for order information Fig 2 Option Switch Settings
This is the most important alarm signal to understand. (www.apcc.com), or call APC technical support.
It warns that the mains voltage has failed, and the load
equipment is operating from the battery. Because battery Mains Power Inlet
run time is limited in duration, this alarm calls for action. Due to the variety of outlet configurations in Asia, Africa,
When this alarm sounds, save the files you are working Europe, and Latin America, a mains inlet cord is not pro-
Option Switches
on, and then follow the steps you normally take to shut vided. Use the power cord from the computer that is to be
down the computer. Then switch the UPS off. protected, to connect to this inlet. Use one of the provided Full-Time
output power cords to connect the computer to an out- Circuit Surge Protection
Battery Exhaustion - loud tone
Breaker Outlet
When operating on battery, the UPS monitors the amount put power outlet on the UPS.
of battery capacity remaining. A loud tone will sound to
warn there is only two minutes of battery run time re- Surge and Battery Backup Outlets
maining. Close files and switch off system immediately. Three “Surge and Battery Backup” outlets are provided.
Severe Overload - loud tone These will be powered by the battery in the event of a mains Mains Surge
If the UPS detects a severe overload when it is switched Power and Battery
failure. Connect a computer, monitor, and one other “data-
Inlet Backup Outlets
on, it will shut down, and emit a loud tone. Switch the critical” devices to these.
On/Off control to the off position. See “Circuit Breaker”
for instructions to remove the overload. Full-Time Surge Protection Outlet Fig 3 Rear View - 300MI and 500MI
A single “Full-Time Surge Protection” outlet is provided.
Option Switches This outlet is “always on,” and is independent of the UPS
Four option switches on the rear panel of the UPS control On/Off switch. It is rated for 500VA (300W), which is
the power failure audible alarm, the voltage level at which sufficient for most laser printers or scanners. Use this
the UPS will transfer voltage to the load equipment, and outlet for equipment that requires protection from surges, Computer
the local line frequency. but is not required during a mains failure. Interface Option
Audible Alarm Disable Switch - when switch #1 is set to Port Switches
the down position, the UPS will sound an audible alarm
once every five seconds in the event of a mains power fail- Full-Time Circuit
ure. Set it to the up position to disable this alarm. Surge Breaker
Note: The UPS will still emit the Battery Exhaustion alarm. Protection
Setting the Minimum Voltage - the UPS is factory config- Outlet
ured to transfer the load equipment to battery power when
the mains voltage drops below 196V. In locations where
the mains voltage power fluctuates frequently (causing the Surge Mains
and Battery Power
Backup Inlet
CAUTION: Use the same number and type of valve-regu- 2 Grasp the white tab on the battery, and pull it from the UPS. (Figure 1)
lated, sealed, lead acid battery. See the dealer or call APC for
information on replacement batteries. Always recycle batteries. 3 Remove the two wires connecting the battery to the UPS. To loosen the wire connec- Figure 1
tors, wiggle the connectors side-to-side while pulling straight back from the mating battery
CAUTION: The battery can present a risk of electrical connector. Be careful to not pull wire from the connector. (Figure 2)
shock and high short circuit current. When replacing battery,
wrist watches and jewelry such as rings should be removed. Use 4 Connect the battery wires to the new battery. The red wire is positive (+), the black
tools with insulated handles. Do not lay tools or metal parts on wire is negative (-).
the battery. Do not dispose of the battery in a fire, it may ex-
plode. Do not open or mutilate the battery. Released electro- 5 Slide the replacement battery into the UPS. Arrange the wires so that they will not
lyte is harmful to the skin and eyes, and may be toxic. interfere with the battery installation.
NOTE: The battery can be replaced while the UPS is sup- 6 Close the battery door and fasten the two battery door screws. The new battery must Figure 2
plying power to the load equipment. The UPS does not provide charge for a minimum of six hours before full run time can be expected.
battery back up protection while the battery is being replaced.
p*dFh pa*dF"¤F 4apmp"cF
Line cord plug is loose. Check fit of line cord plug.
Extended tab at rear of UPS Unplug excessive load, and reset breaker
Load equipment is not powered.
indicates circuit breaker is tripped. (press tab.)
UPS emits beep frequently, (more than Have mains voltage checked by an electrician.
Mains voltage is distorted or branch
once or twice an hour). Load Operate the UPS from a socket that is wired
circuits are heavily loaded.
equipment operates normally. to a different branch fuse or circuit.