Under Frequency Load Shedding Using

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International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ISSN- 2321-2055 (E)

http://www.arresearchpublication.com IJEEE, Volume 07, Issue 01, Jan- June 2015


Siddharth Bhatnagar1, Saurav Chopra2, Shivam Bhati3,
Neeraj Kumar Gupta4
Department of Electrical and Electronics Engg,
Krishna Institute of Engineering and Technology, Ghaziabad (India)

In this paper under frequency load shedding method is proposed using adaptive neuro fuzzy inference system.
The fuzzy If-then rules govern the functioning of load shedding in different conditions. The system is simulated
on fuzzy tools and results are generated. The final result shows a training error equal to 0.0169 which is very
close to the tolerance level. Using fuzzy logic control makes the implementation of the system much more
practical which is the first & foremost goal. Adaptive Under-Frequency Load Shedding is an accurate method
which sheds the right amount of load from the system during instability. Under Frequency Load shedding works
when the frequency of the system drops to a value lower than normal.

Keywords: Fuzzy Logic Control, Neural Networks, Training Error, Neuro Fuzzy Inference System


1.1 Present Scenario

In today’s world there is a great problem of electricity supply meeting the demand of the people thus load has to
be shed intentionally in order to reduce burden on the generator end. Intelligent Load shedding helps
understanding the problem due to which the load needs to be shed and also gives the exact amount of load to be
shed for the proper working of the interconnected systems.There are various technologies proposed for load
1. Breaker Interlock load shedding
2. Under frequency relay load shedding
3. Programmable logic controller based load shedding, so on and so forth.

1.2 Problem with Conventional Methods of Load Shedding

Problem faced by conventional methods are:
1. There is only one stage of load shedding
2. More load is shed than required
3. Modification to system is costly
4. Slow response time
5. Analysis knowledge is always lost

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International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ISSN- 2321-2055 (E)
http://www.arresearchpublication.com IJEEE, Volume 07, Issue 01, Jan- June 2015
1.3 Solution Proposed in this Paper
Solution to these problems is an intelligent load shedding method which is proposed in this paper using
“NeuroFuzzy Inference System”. Technologies utilized in the intelligent load shedding method are:
1. Fuzzy Logic Based System: The if-then rules of fuzzy logic are used. Based.
2. On the rule base the amount of load to be shed is decided.

1.4 Advantages Over Other Systems

Fuzzy logic control is very flexible and the use of adaptive neuro fuzzy logic provides the facility of learning.
Here the back propagation algorithm is used which is used to deduce the output. Thus because of fuzzy system
the use of other sensors is not important. Fuzzy gives the exact amount load to be shed and the error percentage
is very low. The training and testing of data is also possible and the output is given by the trained data.


This research paper consist of two important aspect first is automatic under frequency load shedding and other is
neuro fuzzy inference system. Power system stability is a very important aspect of power generation, there are
various factors on which power system stability depends but here in this research paper we have consider two
inputs- (i) Input frequency, (ii) Change in input frequency. Frequency is a continuous changing variable which
is a function of the system generation and the supply. Many short circuits, load growth, generation shortages and
other faults disturbs the voltage and frequency stabilities of the system. This instability causes the large scale
blackouts and done serious damages to the equipment. To prevent such condition certain amount of load is
required to be shed so as to keep the frequency in between normal working range.Now the first aspect of our
research paper is under frequency load shedding which is defined as the set of controls which results in shedding
the load in the power system. To control the frequency drop and maintain the frequency a certain amount of load
is shed. Basic principles in the power system operation are frequency and voltage stabilities [1]. So usually
under normal condition total generated power is equal to the sum of running load plus all real power losses.
Normally load shedding is simply a balance maintaining between demand and generation. In Indian power
generation takes place at 50Hz. So to avoid any blackout it is important to maintain the frequency at 50Hz. On
the both ends of see-saw there is demand and generation so, when there is a slight increase in demand than
generation than there is slight variation in frequency. Now suppose a large portion of generation is removed than
there will be large variation of f.0/requency from 50Hz which can cause blackout. Now in these case AUFLS
block come into play. So to maintain the balance between demand and generation supply to the AUFLS block is
cut till the frequency reaches its normal value. Power system frequency is a continuous changing variable which
is a function of generated supply and load demand in the power system. Recently the main challenges of electric
power utilities is power system blackouts [2]. Power system blackouts are like chain reaction which runs from
one region to other region if they are not controlled. Extreme system disturbances can result in uncontrolled
output and isolation of areas causing formation of electrical islands. If such an area is under generated, it will
experience a majorreduction in frequency. Unless sufficient generation with ability to increase output is
available, the frequency decline will be largely determined by frequency sensitive characteristics of loads [3].
To execute the operation of extended area under frequency load shedding is used. Load shedding scheme is
employed to cut-off certain load in order to supply by using the available amount of generation. Under
frequency load shedding is a common practice for electric utilities for preventing frequency drop in power

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International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ISSN- 2321-2055 (E)
http://www.arresearchpublication.com IJEEE, Volume 07, Issue 01, Jan- June 2015
systems following a disturbance [4]. Load shedding schemes can be grouped into three main categories:
traditional, semi adaptive and adaptive [5]. Traditional scheme is as its name suggest is simple and used by most
utilities. The semi-adaptive method calculates the rate of change of frequency whenever the system reaches a
certain threshold frequency. In [6] an adaptive methodology is given for the setting the under frequency based
relays, based on the initial rate of change of frequency at the relay. In [7]a method using both frequency and
voltage changes is presented. In [8] an adaptive scheme that uses both frequency and the rate of change
offrequency measurement to dynamically set under frequency relays is presented.


A. Fuzzy logic based system (main working concept)

Table I. Working Concept

If frequency is near 47.5 to 49.5 Load needs to be shed according to the

frequency range and df/dt

3.1 Input Variables

Frequency and rate of change of frequency (df/dt)
Frequency: (range from 47.5 to 49.5)
Very low
Very extra low
Extra low
rate of change of frequency (-6pu to 6pu)
High positive
High negative
Low positive
Low negative

3.2 Output Variables

The amount of load to be shed i.e. in our case the outputs are as follows:
Small shed
Very small shed
Big shed
Very big shed

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International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ISSN- 2321-2055 (E)
http://www.arresearchpublication.com IJEEE, Volume 07, Issue 01, Jan- June 2015
Thus 16 rules are formed such that whendf/dt is HN and frequency is low the required amount of shed is ( small
shed) and so on.


The simulation work is done on the MATLAB fuzzy toolbox. The rule base is defined on the Sugeno with the
information of input and output parameters and the learning of the system is done using the ANFIS.

4.1 Various STAGEs in SIMULATION

1. First the input and output parameters are defined.
2. In the second step rules are defined on the Sugeno model.
3. Then by the help of a MATLAB program, simulation of defined rules is done and set of values are
4. These values are utilized to train the system.

1. First stage: defining input and output parameters. First stage of simulation is shown in the Fig1 & Fig2.
Here various input and output parameters are defined with their membership functions on FIS .

Fig1. Input and Output Parameters

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International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ISSN- 2321-2055 (E)
http://www.arresearchpublication.com IJEEE, Volume 07, Issue 01, Jan- June 2015

Fig 2. Membership Functions of Input and Output Parameters

2. Second Stage: Defining the rules

Fig3. Shows the Rule Base Defined on FIS

3. Third Stage: Program simulation on mat lab

Fig4. Program Simulation Result

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International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ISSN- 2321-2055 (E)
http://www.arresearchpublication.com IJEEE, Volume 07, Issue 01, Jan- June 2015

4. Fourth stage: Final training &error reduction

Fig 5. Testing Data Fig6. Training Data

Fig 8. ANFIS info After Training

After testing the following data, comprising of all the information is generated on the MATLAB window:

Fig9. Training Error

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International Journal of Electrical and Electronics Engineers ISSN- 2321-2055 (E)
http://www.arresearchpublication.com IJEEE, Volume 07, Issue 01, Jan- June 2015
Figure 9 shows the error generated during the training of the system. The main objective here is to reduce the
error by certain modifications such as modifications in rule base or in the generating functions.
Error tolerance: 0.01
Epoch: 100
Error: 0.0169


India is a highly populated country; frequency variation is the major problem that we are facing today. So due to
the shortage of electricity load shedding is very important for proper distribution of power. Now due to the
increasing demand of power supply automatic load shedding is important to relieve the loaded instrument before
any damage happens to it or tripping of line takes place. So all this can be possible with the help of automatic
load shedding. As we can see in our research paper that load shedding can be done by various ways but the most
effective way doing it is by using adaptive neuro fuzzy interference system. ANFIS system helps us to digitize
the working of a power system. It helps us to understand the change in output with the variation in frequency, so
we can easily understand the condition of our system. All this can be impossible with the conventional load
shedding methods. Conventional load shedding methods are not that efficient and also a bit slow as compared to
ANFIS system.The existing methods such as Breaker inter locking system; Under Frequency Relay Load
Shedding and PLC based controllers are used for the load shedding. These methods are time consuming and also
shed excess amount of load. Compared to other under frequency load shedding control methods, the ANFIS
method shows the advantages like lower value of load shedding, quick response, saving more amounts of energy
and benefiting more consumers.


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