The Imperative Mood: Form Affirmative Negative Number Pers
The Imperative Mood: Form Affirmative Negative Number Pers
The Imperative Mood: Form Affirmative Negative Number Pers
Rule. The imperative is formed with the help of the short indefinite infinitive of the verb to be
conjugated for the second person and the subject in the second person is not normally expressed. For
the first and third person the auxiliary Let is used, followed by the subject and the short indefinite
infinitive of the verb to be conjugated.
The Negative imperative is formed with the help of the auxiliary DO + the negative particle NOT
followed by the short indefinite infinitive of the verb to be conjugated for the second person.
For the first and third person there are two ways to form the negative: a. the auxiliary DO + the
negative particle NOT followed by the auxiliary LET + the subject + the short indefinite infinitive of
the verb to be conjugated; b. the auxiliary Let + by the subject + the negative particle NOT and the short
indefinite infinitive of the verb to be conjugated.
Full forms
Form Affirmative Negative
number pers
Contracted forms
Form Affirmative Negative
number pers
Notes on form
Main uses
Use Examples
1. To give a direct order or to express Go away! Stop that! Keep quiet!
LEC, curs, II, s. 2, Lecture nr. 7
request and wish Lend me your dictionary, please! Have a nice weekend
2. To give instructions or directions Don’t use this spray near a naked flame!
Apply the glue thinly and leave it for ten minutes!
3. To give advice or warnings, to Don’t forget to take your passport with you! Be careful!
make suggestions Don’t go on the ice! Look out! There’s a car coming!
4. To make an offer or an invitation Have a piece of cake!
Come round and see me some time!
Other uses
Form Uses Examples
1. Do + a main verb For polite emphasis Do take your coat off!
To be persuasive Do try to eat a little of this; it will be good for you!
is used:
To show irritation Do stop talking! I’m trying to work!
2. More urgent To express advice Hurry up, otherwise you’ll be late for the exam!
To express request Come earlier and we’ll try to solve the problem!
To express threat Do that and I’ll never forgive you!
conditional clause of
Do that, or I’ll never forgive you!
the real type
3. Commonly used To express Have a walk in the park while I’m doing my homework!
with have suggestions, offers or Have some rice pudding! Have fun!
wishes (frequent in set Have a good time!
4. More natural with in causative Get your hair styled for the party!
get constructions
5. More frequent in passive Get dressed!
with get constructions (Be seated! Be prepared!)
(Be is only used in a
few orders)