Soil Moisture Mapping With Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Uas) : White Paper
Soil Moisture Mapping With Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Uas) : White Paper
Soil Moisture Mapping With Unmanned Aircraft Systems (Uas) : White Paper
Designing an Advanced UAS for
Environmental Monitoring
BST has been working with several agriculture research groups at the
University level along with commercial entities to look into utilizing
this unique data to reduce water usage on farms. Two years of flight
campaigns have been conducted at a precision agriculture research site
with flights of the instrument over various crop types throughout the
growing season. This technology is a key attribute for complete systems
that take advantage of variable rate irrigation to reduce water usage.
BST’s soil moisture UAS solution consists of the Black Swift S2™ airframe, avionics, radiometer, and supporting
sensors specifically designed for the task of accurately measuring soil moisture content, even under dense
canopy crops. The primary instrument is a passive microwave radiometer that provides full coverage soil moisture
measurements over an area of up to 600 acres per flight. Tight integration of the sensor with the avionics and
airframe will enable precise flight control for low altitude missions in the range of 15m-30m above ground level
(AGL) required for the sensor to accurately map soil moisture down to 5cm in depth at up to a 15m resolution.
At the core of the system is the S2 airframe and SwiftCore flight management system. The pair provides a
highly capable UAS platform specifically designed to accommodate the next generation of scientific payloads.
It has passed NASA’s rigorous flight safety review, and contains a level of autonomy and redundancy to ensure
data collection can be done routinely and safely. The aircraft limits electromagnetic interference from sub-
systems and is capable of low altitude, terrain following flight. In addition, the S2 is designed around a modular
architecture, allowing rapid development to accommodate new instruments with the aircraft. Through this
innovation, BST is able to rapidly develop solutions to meet the needs of the data gathering mission and each
customer’s unique requirements.
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BST has been working with several The soil moisture mapping UAS provides The system will also have the ability to
agriculture research groups at the a novel platform for conducting Earth support FEMA in better understanding
University level along with commercial science research. This system is capable flash flood vulnerability. This utility was
entities to look into utilizing this of mapping soil moisture content at demonstrated in 2007 where CET led
unique data to reduce water usage on critical depths in a low cost, easy to a NASA funded research effort to map
farms. Two years of flight campaigns operate package. It can be employed soil moisture in a region of North Texas
have been conducted at a precision by current NASA projects to provide and Oklahoma that suffered from severe
agriculture research site with flights valuable localized high resolution flooding. This data was used to provide
of the instrument over various crop data to compare with satellites such alerts and warnings to areas susceptible
types throughout the growing season. as the AMSR-E radiometers mounted to flash flooding. The S2 UAS could
This technology is a key attribute for on the EOS Aqua satellite and the provide this data at a fraction of the cost
complete systems that take advantage of radiometers specified for the HYDROS and thus improve predictions for flooding
variable rate irrigation to reduce water mission. Beyond NASA projects, its events in vulnerable watersheds around
usage. It can be further expanded to unique capabilities can also potentially the country.
the application of nutrients and result in benefit other federal agencies such as
lowering the amount of fertilizer used agricultural extension service offices, Providing information on vegetation
based on the exact water content of who can deploy the system to provide density and soil moisture has a
the soil which will reduce the ecological farmers with data that can improve the potentially powerful application in
effects of fertilizer runoff. productivity of their crops. support of state and federal agencies
seeking to understand, monitor, and fight
wildfires. As the soil moisture mapping
UAS matures this technology will benefit
forecasting for wildfires.
The S2 with its soil moisture mapping payload can provide up to 15m
resolution data, allowing for the models to make use of data on a per vehicle
scale. Additionally, the low latency determination of the ability of the soil to
support the movement of a vehicle directly will greatly enhance the ability of
the armed forces to operate in potentially unstable areas such as terrain in
and around rivers, wetlands and coastal regions as well as in regions that are
susceptible to thunderstorms and heavy precipitation.
The S2 can map over 600 acres per flight. Flights with this specialized payload have been conducted by Colorado University at
Boulder over a number of test sites including the Canton, Oklahoma Soilscape Site, and the Irrigation Research Foundation (IRF) in
Yuma, Colorado. Preliminary results of these missions correlate with in situ probes, as well as a strong correlation for different soil
types further validating this unique UAS solution.
Maps generated from an actual flight of the S2 equipped with soil moisture mapping sensor suite. (a) Flight trajectories, (b) land
convert type, (c) soil type, and (d) volumetric water content (VWC).
The S2 is capable of conducting fully autonomous flights The S2 is an aircraft system that was designed around
in unimproved areas. Take-off is fully autonomous and the payload. The nose cone contains a large volume to
the advanced landing algorithm provides for robust and easily integrate new systems and allow easy access in
precise autonomous belly landings utilizing the laser the field. A standard data and power interface makes
landing system. The S2 has a high operational ceiling, the different payloads field-swappable, allowing for
and has been designed for altitudes up to 20,000 ft for spare aircraft without the need for purchasing extra
NASA science missions. It has primarily been employed payloads, which can be quite expensive. It is actively
for complex science missions, but the overall system will being flown for four major scientific field campaigns in
perform well in surveying work, land management, crop both atmospheric science and remote sensing.
damage assessment, and large area ecological studies.
The specifications of the S2 are listed in the table below.
Mission Capabilities
Ingress Protection (IP) IP42
Payload Wieght vs Launch 1.4 kg (3 lbs) hand launch
2.3 kg (5 lb) rail launch
Flight Ceiling 6000 m (20,000 ft)
Max. Winds Endured 15 m/s (30 kts)
Flight Characteristic (6,000 ft density alt)
Flight Speed 12 m/s (24 kts) stall, 18 m/s (35 kts) cruise
Flight Time 110 min max, 90 min nominal
Range 110 km (60 nm) max, 92 km (50 nm) nominal
Vehicle Characteristic
Weight 5.2 kg (11.5 lbs) nomoinal, 6.6 kg (14.5 lbs) max
Wingspan 3.0 m (10.0 ft) S2’s Modular Field-Swappable Payload System
Payload Capacities
Nose Cone Dimensions 20.3 cm (8 in) diameter
63.2 cm (24.9 in ) length
Power available for payload 50 W total The S2 utilizes the SwiftCore™ Flight Management
Payload weight 2.3 kg (5 lbs) max w/ rail launch
Geotagging Position Accuracy Typically < 4m in all directions System, comprised of the SwiftPilot, SwiftStation, and
Telemetry Data Rate Serial Stream, 9500 bps SwiftTab user interface, along with support electronics.
The entire system is designed for ease of use along
with accurate flight tracking, even in high winds. The
SwiftCore is designed by BST and is entirely made in
the USA. The SwiftCore has been approved and used
for major scientific missions by NASA, deployments by
NOAA, and by a growing list of commercial companies.
• Soil moisture mapping (up to 600 acres per flight) using multiple sensors
including an L-band radiometer capable of measuring soil moisture content up
to 10 cm below the ground, even under dense canopy crops.
• Using a multispectral camera array for Landsat-8 OLI, and S-NPP VIIRS
instrument calibration with NASA’s Goddard Space Flight Center.
SINCE 2011
Black Swift Technologies (BST) is based in Boulder, CO and has been in operation since 2011. BST
is unique is than all UAS sold by BST are built upon it’s own SwiftCore\textsuperscript{TM} flight
management system (FMS) that includes the autopilot, ground station, user interface, and support
electronics. Unlike many competing systems that rely on open-source and low-quality avionics, BST is able
to guarantee quality, robustness, and supply of the most critical components of our systems. The SwiftCore
FMS was designed by BST from the ground up. This affords control of the critical parts of our products,
including the design of all electronics for both the avionics and ground systems, software, mechanical
assembly, and the detailed QC process for all outgoing systems. Furthermore, BST uniquely couples
avionics expertise with consulting services, and has delivered products and engineering services to many
government entities including NASA, NOAA, various universities along with commercial sales to end-users
and aircraft integrators.
Dr. Elston received his Ph.D. from the Dr. Stachura received his M.S. and Ph.D.,
University of Colorado Boulder based on work both in aerospace engineering, from the
that developed a complex meshed network, University of Colorado Boulder. During his
unmanned aircraft system, and control time at CU, Dr. Stachura was involved in over
algorithms for in situ sampling of tornadic 300 fight experiments ranging from multi-
supercell thunderstorms. Dr. Elston is also aircraft cooperative flight experiments to the
the technical lead on all avionics work at BST VORTEX2 field campaign, which involved the
including the creation of the highly capable first-ever intercept of a tornadic supercell
autopilot system that anchors the SwiftCore thunderstorm.
Flight Management System.