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Message from Founder & M.D.

Greetings from Chemzone Group!

As a managing director, I believe that we are committed to provide exceptional quality products for
our esteemed customers with consistent and improved profitability.
We would like to contribute to the development of a strong infrastructure leading to public safety and
wish our efforts to be resulted in a continued creation of long term value for the company as well as
our valued customers and dealers. Business is a never ending journey.
I am privileged to be on this journey surrounded by talented employees, loyal customers and dealers.
We believes in bringing the best product and best business practices to cater to the existing clientele
as well as prospective dealers.

To build high performing & Diverse work force offering Best in class Product & Services- Trust
To become first choice (brand) in all types of Stone/Tile laying & Maintenance business in
construction industry.
Effective utilisation & Multi channel marketing Network & group's to achieve sustainable growth
through Customer Service & Satisfaction.

To satisfy our consumer expectations in premium quality, accurate delivery, and value through
continuous improvement and consumer co-operation.

Warm regards,

J.M. Patel
Founder and M.D.




Specialists in System-based Installation Solutions
we believe we are not selling just products but offering you world class solutions
to enable better design and faster execution.

Our installation systems are specially innovated for those who love to experiment
with new materials and techniques that lend their creativity a unique touch and a
standout quality. We will partner you in the quest to push back the boundaries and
set fresh benchmarks.


• Grouting Tile: How to Apply Grout
and Remove Grout Perfectly....................... 06
• Conzo Ceraclean.................................... 34
• Tile Spacers:
A Must in Your Installation.......................... 08
• How to mix mortar for tile installation:
the expert's recipe...................................... 10
• Preventing Lippage:
Start with the Right Tile Leveling System.... 12
• Modified or Unmodified Thinset:
Which Is Better?......................................... 14


• Easy Flex C-111....................................... 16
• Sparrow Wall Putty................................. 36
• Ultra Flex C-222....................................... 16
• Vitri Flex C-252......................................... 17
• Xtra Flex C-345........................................ 17
• Stone Flex C-531....................................... 18
• Block Fix.................................................. 18

• Sparkle Series......................................... 20
• Spacers & Tools.................................... 38
• Color Poxy............................................. 20
• Conzo Glitter............................................ 21
• Conzo Fill TG........................................... 22

• Conzo Conproof LW Super....................... 24
• Conzo Bond SBR..................................... 25
• Conzo Bond SBR ADVANCE..................... 27
• Conzo Dampfin 2k................................... 30
• Conzo Conproof PWD.............................. 32

Tips & Tricks
Tips & Tricks

Grouting Tile: How to Apply Grout and Remove Grout Perfectly

For some installers, grouting tile is one of the best parts of a project. When grout constantly exposes to water and warm temperatures, it
For starters, it’s the last step in the installation process, so you know creates a breeding ground for bacteria. That can affect the bonding
you’re almost done. Secondly, filling the joints with grout can add a between the tile and mortar, as well as the structure of the grout. As
second dimension to the flooring, pulling the look together. But, more water moves freely through the grout to the base of the tile, it can
than anything, grout is a vital structural element that secures the tiles cause cracking in the grout, advancing the structural decline of the
together. Simply put, it can make the difference between a tile entire assembly.
installation project that will last for decades and one that will show Another crucial function of the grout is to hide the small dimensional
signs of trouble after the very first weeks. variations of the tiles.
But, if you’ve ever struggled with getting the right thickness of the No one doubts the fact that grouting tile plays a major role in the
grouting mix or had grout turn rock hard before you managed to get it installation process. The question is, how to grout tile so that you get
off the tile, then you know that this last step is also one of the most the best results every time?
challenging. Make one mistake, and you’ll ruin all of your hard work
to this point. It all starts with working with the right type of grout for the task at
Sanded vs. Unsanded Grout
• Sanded Grout
When it comes to grouting tile, sanded grout is the favorite option for
most installers. That’s because unsanded (also known as non-
sanded) grout tends to shrink when mixed with cement. Due to the
ratio of aggregate material to cement in sanded grout, this material
has a thicker consistency and is more durable and resistant than
unsanded grout.
This comprehensive guide about grouting tile will help you avoid any On the downside, however, the harsh aggregate material presented
problems and get the best results with minimum efforts. We’ll talk in sanded grout can damage soft materials like granite, limestone or
about how to mix grout, what consistency should grout be, and how marble. This type of grout can act like sandpaper, scratching the
to apply it and remove it so that you get the best results every time. smooth surface of soft stones. For this reason, it’s best to use an
The Purpose of Laying Joints epoxy-based non-sanded grout. This type of grouting material uses
Besides the aesthetic functions, laying joints with grout also plays a an advanced chemical compound which consists of a base and an
crucial role in absorbing tensile and stress. From a mechanical point activator. When you add the activator to the base, the chemical
of view, grouting tile can prevent the deformation or instability of the reaction will result in a grout that is smooth and extremely powerful.
structural supports, keep the cement from retracting, and protect the The problem with epoxy-based non-sanded grout is that it can be
tiles from humidity or temperature changes. difficult to work with since it has a rather short curing time. If you
All the movement and impact that tiles withstand causes stress to don’t manage to apply it over the entire work area before it cures, it
accumulate at the edges of the slabs. The grout serves as the first will harden, and you will have a difficult time applying it. That’s why
level of protection, reducing the tension by spreading it between it’s important to have the right tools for mixing grout.
tiles. • Unsanded Grout
In spite of its tendency to shrink, non-sanded grout is ideal for
vertical surfaces. Since it has no sand or aggregate added to it, this
type of grout is extremely sticky. As a result, it will spread easily over
vertical surfaces and will stick there without causing you any
additional problems.
Although non-sanded grout is not recommended for applications
where the tile would have to withstand a lot of foot pressure, when it
comes to vertical surfaces, durability doesn’t represent a problem
As mentioned already, another reason for laying joints is to protect
tiles from humidity or temperature changes. In cold geographic Another great benefit of using unsanded grout for vertical surfaces is
areas, vapor diffusion can lead to condensation. Even in warm areas, how easy it is to work with it. It spreads easily and evenly, allowing
in the case of bathroom tiles, due to the constant exposure to you to focus on placing the tiles in the right spot rather than trying to
moisture and temperature changes, grout can absorb a significant correct errors.
amount of water if it’s not applied properly.

Tips & Tricks

How to Prepare the Grouting Material

When you know how to grout tile correctly, the joints between the
slabs are uniform in texture and color, with no cracks or residue. But,
when the tile is installed over a thick mortar bed, the mixture could
provide a sufficient amount of minerals to cause efflorescence.
These problems can affect the grout life and require intense

Now, that you’ve ensured that everything is in order, the grouting tile
process can begin. You can use whichever technique fits you best.
Most installers find that spreading the grout diagonally is the most
efficient way to apply grout. This technique ensures that the grout
gets into the joints and prevents it from popping out as you apply it. If
you’re applying grout over a vertical surface, then spreading it
diagonally can mean that there’s less mess to clean after you finish.
Of course, the right grouting tools can make a world of difference in
how easy it is to apply the grout. Choose a mortar applicator that is
lightweight and allows for an easy, quick, and clean application of the
grout material.

How to Remove Grout

Here’s the part that most tile installers dread: removing grout.
It should go without saying that no tile installation project is finished
without grout removal. The residue left from grout application can
To ensure proper grout application, you must pay close attention to make tiles look dusky and ruin their overall appearance. Be one
the preparation of the material. minute too late with removal, and it would be nearly impossible to do
a proper grout repair.
If you use Chemzone Grouts materials for grouting tile, then you need
to know that the temperature range for handling and application is So, even though this task is tedious and time-consuming, it needs to
rather limited. How long does grout take to dry? Well, it depends on be done. So, get a sponge and water, get down on all fours, and start
the material’s condition. scrubbing. The sooner you get started, the faster you’ll finish.
If the condition is below or above the recommended temperature Sure, no one says that you can’t cheat a little. A grout removal tool,
range, then you might have a difficult time working with it. such as a grout scraper can make this task a bit easier to endure.
Be careful not to add any bonding agents to the grout material and, If you need to remove old grout, then don’t waste a few days hand-
with materials, to use manufacturer’s recommended quantity of scrapping it. Use a reciprocating saw or an oscillating tool to remove
water. Although they can add extra adhesive strength to the grout, grout in as little as one afternoon. Be careful, though, not to chip the
bonding agents can also cause discoloration. tiles.
Grouting Tile: How to Apply the Material Conclusion
Any person with an internet connection can learn how to apply grout You are finally done! That is if the client doesn’t ask you to seal the
in under an hour. Or, so they think. Proper grout application requires tiles and grout. If they prefer the natural appearance of the tiles, then
years of experience learning the in’s and out’s of each material. congratulations for a new amazing project.
First of all, you need to ensure that the installation joints are clear of Hopefully, after reading this guide, grouting tile, and especially
any excessive adhesive materials. If you are using RG materials, removing grout, will become an easier task to handle.
then you should make sure that the flanks and the bottom seal are Do you have any expert tips about how to grout tile? We would love
dry. The presence of water can affect the curing reaction and prevent to hear your input. So, let’s start the discussion in the comment
tiles from adhering to the subfloor. section below!

Tips & Tricks

Tile Spacers – A Must in Your Installation

There are instances where creativity and working with what you’ve That is where tile spacers can come in handy.
got can alter the result for the better. That is the case of Tile Spacers. A tile spacer is a small piece of plastic that enables you to line slates
In art, for example, those who broke the rules and put their properly and maintain the correct distance between them. They
imagination to work were able to create new movements that defined come in a variety of shapes and sizes and can be made of plastic,
an entire generation. The same goes for gastronomy: getting creative wood or ceramic.
when you don’t have all the ingredients you need and using
substitutes can often lead to a recipe that is more delicious than the While keeping tiles equally distant is their main purpose, spacers
original. have a few other applications too. For example, you could use them
as a separation point when the tile meets the wall and create
When it comes to tile installation, however, precision and expansion joints.
rigorousness are paramount to the success of a project. Using a
substitute for your tile spacers, for example, may seem like a safe Spacers have great utility for both floor and wall tile installation
approach. But, as many tile installers have learned the hard way projects. In other words, you could use a floor tile spacer for a wall
before you, the right tile installation tools can make or break your tile project, as long as you have the right shape and size.
project. Using a substitute will, at best, increase the time and effort Don’t assume that you can use this versatile piece of equipment only
you need to spend on tiling. But, more often than not, this oversight when you install the tiles. They can be extremely useful when you
can lead to damage to the tile, the tool and even yourself. dry-lay the tile and create the initial outline. That way, you can get an
The variety of tools that are essential for an installation project is accurate overview of how the project will look like as well as exact
immense. However, in this article, we want to focus on a small piece estimations of where you will need to place the tiles to get an even
of equipment that a lot of installers often neglect. look.

We’re talking about tile spacers. • Types and Sizes

As mentioned already, spacers come in a variety of types and sizes.
Keep in mind there isn’t any one-size-fits-all solution, and you must
choose the right size and shape based on the requirements of your

For a long time, professionals have used nails, screws, ropes, and
even sticks to keep tiles at the proper distance from each other
during an installation project. These tools were hard to work with,
ineffective and made the entire process difficult and challenging. X-Shaped Tile Spacers: Use this type of spacers where four tiles
Thankfully, in the 1950’s, Bob Jobs invented the tile spacers, a meet. Their size varies from 2mm to 10mm.
cutting-edge piece of equipment that facilitates the placement of tiles T-Shape Tile Spacers: Use this type of spacers where three tiles
and ensures uniform spacing between them. meet. Their size ranges from 3mm, 4mm, or 5mm.
Even today, tile spacers are the best and easiest way to ensure that The Benefits of Tile Spacers
your tiles are set at the correct distance from each other and that the At the most basic level, spacers have a pretty simple purpose: they
result is even, polished, and professional-looking. will allow you to keep the tiles at equal distance, enabling you to
Do you need more reasons for why this essential tool should be in space them correctly and get a symmetrical result.
your arsenal? However, their benefits don’t stop there.
Let’s explore! Here’s how tile spacers can make your life easier and ensure that the
What Are Tile Spacers and What Difference Can They Make in Your installation process goes a bit smoother than before.
Installation Project •Create Even Grout Lines
Tile tends to expand when the room temperature reaches a certain It doesn’t matter how hard you’ve worked to measure and prepare
level. That is why you should never install tiles next to each other and the surface before installing the tiles. If the grout lines are uneven,
always leave a small space between slates for the grout lines.

Tips & Tricks

then the final result will look messy and unprofessional. That is Tiling without spacers is not only extremely difficult but also time-
especially true if you’re using a grout color that stands out against consuming. You need to stop constantly and adjust the tiles so that
the tiles. you get an even layout. With a tile spacer, on the other hand, you will
Spacers are an excellent way to ensure that the grout lines are spend less time agonizing over the width and accuracy of your lines.
uniform and well-proportioned. How to Choose the Right Tile Spacers
•Ensure Tiles’ Uniformity As mentioned already, you can’t just pick any tile spacer and call it a
Accuracy and uniformity are two of the keywords of a successful day. You need to consider the requirements of your project before
installation project. Just think about it: if just one of the tile slate is you can determine what size and shape of the spacer will benefit you
slightly off-center, then it will jeopardize the appearance of the entire best.
layout. Spacers make it easy to ensure the precise alignment of floor For starters, discuss with the client the amount of space they want to
and wall tiles and achieve a uniform and constant look. That way, you have between the tiles. Remind them that the distance will also
won’t risk having the tiles at the edge of the floor set further apart function as the width of the grout line and make some suggestions if
than the ones at the center of the surface. you believe that their expectations are a bit unrealistic.
• Enhance the Design Consider the surface you will be working with as well. If the baseline
One of the reasons you should use spacers when you’re dry-laying is uneven, then let your client know that they should opt for small
the tiles is that you can see what grout width works best with your spaces between the tiles to create a uniform appearance. Not only
pattern. That way, you can make adjustments to the design and that, but this approach will also increase the durability of the tiles and
enhance the appearance of the final result. reduce maintenance costs significantly.
• Improve the Durability of Tile Surface Last but not least, you need tile spacers that are sturdy and reliable,
and that won’t break at the first use. You can find a wide variety of
You may think that after years of experience, you don’t need spacers spacers, perfect for a wide range of installation work. Their
to tell how and where you should place the tiles. You would be wrong. uniformity and durability of these CHEMZONE spacers will help you
Savvy installers know that every tiling project is different and even a obtain an excellent finish and with outstanding accuracy.
formed eye can’t observe all the subtleties of the surface. Place the
tiles too close together, and you risk damaging the material when the Conclusion
slates expand. When it comes to tiling, the right tools can make the difference
Spacers, however, enable you to determine the exact distance you between a successful project and one that will require extensive
need to leave between tiles. As such, the surface you are creating is maintenance. Never assume that if you’re an experienced tiler, then
safer and more durable than if you were to guess the tile placement. your skills and expertise are enough to determine the proper
placement of the tile slates. Sure, you may have installed one
• Fast Turnaround hundred floor tiles correctly.

Tips & Tricks

How to mix mortar for tile installation: the expert's recipe

One of the key aspects of a successful tile installation is to get the low rpm. Most mortar manufacturers recommend a low rpm to
right mortar. Knowing how to mix mortar correctly is important to ensure a minimum amount of air trapped in the mortar as well as a
achieve the strongest bond possible and thus a long-lasting more consistent mix. You also want to use a spiral-type mixing
installation. Improper mortar mixing may cause issues to your paddle rather than the ‘egg-beater’ type. This also prevents excess
installation or even lead to a complete failure. Here are some key air in the mix. The low rpm and comes with the proper type of
steps to ensure a proper mix, and why they are necessary, paddle. Combined with the bucket, you have all the equipment
regardless of the brand or type of mortar. needed to properly mix mortar for tile installation.
How to mix mortar right: before you start
Be familiar with the specific type of mortar you use. While specifics
vary between manufacturers, every bag will have instructions
printed on it – read them. You should at least know basic things like
the mortar mix ratio or amount of water, slake time, pot life (time
between mixing and when the mixture is no longer usable), and open
time (time between spreading the adhesive and having the tile set).
Provided you are aware of those things, there should be no real
surprises following the steps below.
To know how to mix mortar properly, you must understand these
steps and the basics of how cementitious mortars actually work, on Initial mortar mix
a chemically and microscopic level. Mortars consist of a few basic Start by pouring water into your bucket first. This cuts down on the
ingredients: sand, Portland cement, lime and (usually) various amount of airborne particles. If you put the powder in first, then add
chemically manufactured additives which assist in the mortar mix water, you’ll have a large cloud of dry mortar floating around when
being able to retain water for a longer amount of time. These you begin mixing, and it’s difficult to get all the dry mortar mixed up,
additives can also provide different properties to the final product like it will stick to the sides of the bucket. Add the mortar to the water,
flexibility, strength, faster curing times, etc. Most modern mortars mix, add more mortar or water as needed to reach a fairly thick
have at least one type of additive. consistency – about the creaminess of thick peanut butter. You want
Understanding the way that cement works and why it needs to be the swirls at the top of the bucket to stand up without slumping or
mixed in a certain manner, in different stages, is key to ensure a disappearing (see the photo).
successful result. Cement cures through a process called hydration.
The dry cement molecules are inert – they don’t do anything at all
until they are mixed with water. Once water is added to cement the
molecules use that water to grow small crystals. The more water
available to the molecule, the longer and thicker the crystals grow.
When these cement molecules are all growing crystals next to one
another, the crystals will grow around other crystals and interlock.
This is how cement gets stronger, and why it gets stronger the longer
it exposes to water. In the case of a mortar, the crystals will not only
grow around other crystals, they will grow into the pores of the tile
and substrate. This is how to achieve the bond.
When a modifier is added to the mix, it helps achieve a stronger bond
to the tile than a mortar without modifiers. The more modifiers
included in the mortar mix, the stronger the bond, because the
polymers allow the mix to retain water for a longer period. When the
polymers expose to water, then dispersed evenly into the mix, they Most manufacturers recommend what seems like an excessive
surround the cement molecules and allow them access to water for a amount of time to mix mortar, five or ten minutes. This is a LONG time
longer period (the water won’t evaporate through the polymers). This to mix mortar, but it will help achieve the required blending and
process produces a longer, thicker cement crystal than the mortar saturation of the individual molecules, both cement and additives, in
you would have without any type of modifier. your mix. Most professionals will only mix long enough to get a
Equipment consistent mix of the powder and water. Ideally, you should stick to
the recommended time, but, realistically, it won’t likely happen. Just
Wondering how to mix mortar the right way? Well, selecting the right
be aware, and always mix a bit longer than the time you feel may be
tools for the job is among the first decisions you have to make. The
mixing drill and mixing paddle are fundamental. Use a mixer with a

Tips & Tricks

It is completely fine to add more mortar or water at this stage to reach Final mortar mix
the desired thickness. Do this during the initial mix rather than adding Once the mortar slakes, move on to get the final mix by distributing
more later in the process. Adding more water or mortar after the the additives evenly into the mortar. This process helps spread the
slaking stage will considerably weaken the mortar. The mortar polymers and water throughout the mix to produce a consistent,
should be thick enough to stick to the trowel when you turn it upside properly blended mortar during and after the cure time.
down. If it drips off then it’s too thin, you need to add more powder to
the mix. Do not add more water or powder to the mix at this stage! Excessive
water will only spread out the mix. There is already water between the
mortar molecules, separating them from each other. The farther
apart the molecules are when the crystals begin to grow, the harder
will be to achieve the interlocking crystal formation of the cement,
which is where the strength of the mortar comes from. If the crystals
cannot fully interlock with one another, the final product will be
weaker. By the way, this is also why you don’t want excessive air
trapped in the mortar mix.
Slaking If properly mixed, the mortar should have standing ridges without
slumping when spreading it with the trowel.
The slaking stage is very important! It is a key issue when
determining how to mix mortar perfectly. Slaking simply means
letting the mixed mortar sit, untouched, for ten minutes or so. It is
critical to allowing the chemical makeup of the mortar to work
correctly. Not doing so, and using it immediately after the initial mix,
will lead to the mortar getting stiff and unworkable (fairly quickly).
Then, the mortar won’t bond or cure correctly with the tile. Slaking
also provides the maximum working time once the mortar is fully

So, how to mix mortar the right way? Just remember this:
• Don’t add too much water – this will weaken the mix.
• Mix slowly to trap the minimum amount of air in the mortar mix.
Most modern modified mortars have powdered additives (usually
polymers of some sort) added to the dry mix. Chemically speaking, • The mortar should be fairly thick, like thick peanut butter.
these additives, like the cement, get activated through hydration, but • The thickness and consistency of the initial mix should be the
they work a bit differently. When adding water to the cement, the mix same consistency of the final mix.
begins to grow crystals and that’s how mortar gets its strength. The • Slaking is necessary!
longer the cement exposes to water, the longer the crystals grow.
• Do not add more water or mortar mix after the mortar slakes.
The longer the crystals grow, the stronger the cured product will be.
• Know the working time of your mortar, pay attention to when it
Once you add water to the additives, however, the molecules in the
begins to stiffen up.
additives will absorb the water. Think of a molecule of the additive like
a cotton ball. The outer layer of the additive will be hydrated, but the The right mortar mix is critical to achieve a successful tile installation
inner portion will still be dry. Slaking provides the additive enough with the most durable bond. How you can see, it is not that simple to
time to become completely saturated. know how to mix mortar correctly. When done properly, it makes a
world of difference.
If you do not put the mortar to slake, the mix will have dry polymers.
The dry polymers will leach water from the cement and cause it to Do you know other pro tips about how to mix mortar for tile
stiffen up quickly. If the cement does not have sufficient water to installation? Leave your comments below!
continue growing the crystals, the crystal growth and curing
process essentially stops. Therefore, not allowing the mortar mix to
slake causes it to get stiff quickly, which weakens the mortar and
create issues with bonding. Lack of crystal formation in the cement
leads to an insufficient bond to the tile and substrate. Allow the
additives to dissolve fully to have a proper mortar mix.

Tips & Tricks

Preventing Lippage: Start with the Right Tile Leveling System

As a pro tile installer, tile lippage is one of the worst things to happen A lot of factors can cause lippage, starting with the surface flatness
to you. A slightly uneven floor or material problem can compromise and ending with improper thinset mortar coverage. So, before we
the entire project if you’re not careful. One of the most common teach you how to use a tile leveling system, let’s take a look first at
mistakes contractors and DIYers make is not using a tile leveling how to level a floor for tile.
system to prevent tile lippage. Not only that the difference in height How Do I Level the Floor for Tile?
between the edges of the adjacent tiles is aesthetically unappealing,
but it can also turn into a tripping hazard. The number one rule when installing tile is that the result needs to be
flat. Sure, other aspects, such as plumb, for instance, are important
too, but they can be unattainable sometimes due to pre-existing
conditions. Flatness, on the other hand, is non-negotiable.
So, how do you ensure that the subfloor is as smooth and even as
possible? It all begins with leveling floor for tile.
Before we start, it’s important to note down the tools you will need. If
you’re a small independent contractor, who is just starting out, keep
in mind that you won’t find these materials at the local home
improvement store. You’ll need to find a tile supply shop and head
there to purchase everything you need.

What Is Tile Lippage?

Installing tile seems like a straightforward process, but if you are a
pro you know there’s more to it than it meets the eye.
You’ll need much more than trowels and spacers to align the tile
properly. By setting the tiles at different levels, you risk creating
Tile lippage is the vertical displacement between the edges of two
adjoining tiles. Simply put, the tiles are set at different levels,
meaning that they are spaced evenly in width, but not in height.
Not only that it looks bad, but lippage can also lead to numerous Here are the tools and supplies you will need for tiling uneven floor:
problems. Damaged tiles are one of the most common one as carts • Contractor line or chalk line
or other objects hit it as they run over the edges. Lippage can also be
a safety hazard, especially for people who use a walker. • Square-notched trowel (make sure to choose the right size for the
task at hand. As a rule of thumb, the less flat the tile is, the more
mortar you’ll need. The more thinset you need, the larger the trowel
size should be.)
• Grinder
• Mortar
• Bucket
• Sponge
• Brush
Now, that you have everything you need, here’s how to level floor for
However, not every warpage qualifies as lippage. According to the Step 1: Find Dips and Peaks
American National Standards Institute (ANSI,), the allowable lippage This simple trick will help you identify peaks and dips regardless if
for grout joints that are less than 6 mm (1/4 in.) wide is 1 mm (1/32 the room is 20 x 20 or 4 x 5.
in.) plus the built-in tile warpage. The allowable lippage for grout Have a colleague hold one end of the chalk line and stretch it across
joints that are 6 mm or wider is 2 mm (1/16 in.) plus the warpage. the room with both ends on the floor. Look for any variations in the

Tips & Tricks

floor’s height. Move the chalk line across the entire room and mark The tile strips guarantee rapid leveling. Due to their reduced
any peaks and valleys you find with a contractor pencil. thickness, the strips can reduce warpage to 1/16 in., the allowable
Step 2: Determine the depth of the dip lippage for grout joints.
Once you’ve identified the valleys, you’ll need to know how deep they The circular base of the tile caps ensures that the pressure is
are. You can do this by using your trowel and holding it next to the distributed evenly over the surface of the tile. Because the pressure
chalk line. If the valley is deeper than your trowel notch, then you’ll is applied vertically, you don’t have to check the variations in height
need to use a bigger notch. More often than not a 1/4 x 3/8 in. square between the tiles constantly.
notch trowel is what you need when installing 12 x 12 in. tiles. The role of the tile pliers is to provide the necessary pressure to the
Step 3: Remove Any Dirt and Debris tile caps, thus making it easier for you to obtain a perfect leveling of
the surface. The pliers can be used both horizontally (on the floor)
Use a brush to remove any dirt, debris or drywall compound from the and vertically (on the wall.)
floor. Next, clean the floor with a sponge to eliminate dust.
If you don’t own a tile leveling system and you’re just now
Step 4: Mix Mortar considering buying one, make sure that the pliers have an ergonomic
It could be argued that mixing mortar is an art. If you want to achieve design. Not only that the bi-material handles are lightweight and safe,
a strong bond and long-lasting results, you need to know how to get but they’re also sturdy enough to withstand years of constant use.
the right consistency. Read this guide to learn how to mix mortar the
right way and what tools you need to use.
Step 5: Fill the Dips
Use your trowel to spread the thinset over the dips marked on the
floor. Pull it across the subfloor trying to leave even tracks. Use the
straight edge of the trowel to remove any excess thin set.
Step 6: Grind Peaks
Use a grinder to level any humps in the floor’s surface. As a rule of
thumb, grind from the middle to the edges to ensure you get a
smooth result.
Step 7: Final Filling
Wait for at least 24 hours for the thinset to dry. You can also use fast-
drying mortar, although it’s a bit more expensive. Check the floor
again to make sure it’s flat and leveled evenly. If some of the dips are
deeper than 1/8 of an inch, then you need to repeat step five. If
everything looks fine, then you can move onto the next step of the
project: installing the tiles.
The Best of Both Worlds
Managing Lippage: How a Tile Leveling System Can Help
Use the described procedure to level the floor for tile and a good tile
Making sure there are no peaks and valleys in the subfloor surface is
leveling system to get the best results.
paramount. But, sometimes, even if the floor is even, you can still get
lippage due to irregularities in the thickness of the tile material. Make sure that the surface is as flat as possible before installing the
tiles. Adjust and hand set each tile to reduce the risk of lippage. Lift
That’s where a tile leveling system can come to help.
the tiles and add more thinset if necessary, remove mortar to push
It’s almost certain that you will need a good tile leveling system to them down, and so on. Then use the leveling system to ensure and
prevent tile lippage, especially when dealing with large format tiles. maintain a lippage-free tile surface.
Due to its design, a tile leveling system interlocks the tiles, ensuring
Don’t use the tile leveling system to manipulate the tiles so that they
that the surface remains smooth and flat while the thinset dries.
stick to the surface evenly. Level the subfloor first, and then use the
The interlocking design not only that minimizes the possibility of system to set the tiles. That way, you can obtain a lippage-free floor
lippage, but it can also reduce or even eliminate settling from every time. After all, that’s your primary objective of your tile
shrinkage. In addition to preventing lippage, a tile leveling system installation project.
can also reduce the time of installation by almost eliminating the
You think a tile leveling system is a must-have tool for pro tile
need to lift some of the tiles to add more thinset.
installers? Leave your comments below.
A complete system consists of three main components:Clips,
Wedges and pliers. These elements work together to prevent the
movement of tiles when the compound is setting in and to improve
the flatness of the surface.

Tips & Tricks

Modified or Unmodified Thinset: Which Is Better?

When it comes to thinset, choosing between modified or unmodified known as the “full bed method.” People used between two and three
thinset can leave many tile installers scratching their heads. Is one inches of thinset beneath the tile to ensure that the cement had
better than the other? Or is it just a matter of personal preference, enough moisture to cure properly. If there wasn’t enough moisture,
convenience or plain work habits? the thinset mortar wouldn’t have been strong enough to make the
Unmodified thinset has been around forever. Old-school tiles stick to the subfloor.
professionals know how to work with it and understand its But, adding thick layers of thinset was a lot of work. It didn’t look very
application perfectly. But, in the last decades, we have witnessed the appealing either. That’s how the need for better retention techniques
rise of the modified thinset. Its simplicity charms more and more came to life. Professional installers wanted a solution that would
installers. allow them to harden cement more easily and organically.
Unlike unmodified mortar, which consists only of a blend of Portland Engineers at that time added rubber into the thinset mix to repair and
cement, sand, and water retention agents, modified thinset includes make seawalls more durable. Later, constructors began using it to
additional retention products, such as latex polymers, which can make brick installations stronger. But, in spite of the fact that adding
increase its performance and strength. More than that, you don’t rubber to cement helped retain water for longer, this compound still
have to mix some types of modified thinset with water before had its limitations. For starters, rubber had limited working time. It
spreading it out on the subfloor. That translates into less work for you was also difficult to store and keep it from degrading.
and sturdier concrete for the client. That’s when a chemical engineer named Henry M. Rothberg decided
to develop a synthetic form of rubber that would have an extended
It’s a win-win situation.
working time and would be easy to store. After creating more than
Case closed, right? 300 different chemical compositions, he finally discovered a liquid
Obviously, modified thinset is the better option, and all this debate is latex polymer that, when added to the thinset mix, would make the
useless. concrete stronger, durable, and more flexible.
Not so fast! That is how “CHEMZONE” one of the best-known modified thinsets
Before you can decide between modified or unmodified thinset, you on the market came to life. From here on, a wide variety of mixtures
were created, and the market for modified thinset expanded.
need to ensure that you understand their strengths and weaknesses,
their applications, and when it’s best to use one versus the other. Modified or Unmodified Thinset: Key Characteristics to Keep in
Here’s what you need to know to determine if modified or unmodified
thinset is the right option for you. When it comes to modified or unmodified thinset, there are different
grades that you need to take into account. These grades or levels are
The Hydration Reaction in Concrete dictated by the ratio of cement to sand used in the mix. In the case of
Before we dive into the topic, it’s important to understand the modified thinset, the percentage of the retention product added into
scientific principles that cause concrete to harden when mixed with the mix is also a telling factor for quality. These three elements:
water. cement, sand, and the retention compound are what give quality and
Adding water to Portland cement starts a chemical reaction known resistance to modified and unmodified thinset.
as hydration. The cement reacts with the water and forms A high-quality thinset will have a higher percentage of cement
interlocking crystals, which make cement hard. These crystals grow because it makes it sturdier as well as more resistant and sticky.
as long as they expose to moisture. Once there’s no more water in One of the most popular retention compounds is the “hydrated lime”
the mix, they start to slow down and eventually stop. – a product renowned for its strong, long-term water retention
properties. It’s for these reasons that builders use it for brick
masons. Hydrated lime can retain water in the cement for longer than
other compounds, thus making the product more durable and
There is something else important to consider about modified
That’s why curing, the process of maintaining the moisture level thinsets. The additional polymers included in the modified thinset
high, inside the cement is so important for hydration. As long as could be introduced in either liquid or powder form. In the first case,
moisture and cement co-exist, the strength, density, and durability of the modified thinset is mixed with a liquid polymer instead of water. In
the thinset will continue to increase gradually. the latter case, manufacturers include the polymers into the powder
that should be mixed with water later.
As mentioned already, one of the benefits of modified thinset is that it
contains retention products that allow for better water retention and, So yes, you can actually “grade” your thinset options by simply
therefore, a stronger concrete cure. looking at the ratio between these three key components. Based on
this, you can group available thinset and choose the one that fits your
But if water retention seems to be easier to obtain by using the needs best.
already mixed compounds of the modified thinset, then why are
there still so many tile installers using unmodified mortar?
The History of Thinset
To better understand this modified vs. unmodified thinset talk, you
might want to know the “behind the scenes” of this mortar blend and
how modified thinset came to life.
Back in the days of the early 1900s, tile installers used a procedure


Across the world, the winds of change are sweeping away traditional methods of installing tiles and stones as these have
proven to be incapable of handling modern products and materials.
Rising to meet the challenge is CHEMZONE range of new age polymer tile adhesive. Far superior to conventional methods,
these tile adhesive break the shackles imposed on your creativity by allowing you to experiment with aesthetics.
For instance, you can now even think of fixing a marble slab on the ceiling finally, today's construction need have met their
match in CHEMZONE adhesive.

Advantage • High strength

• Higher working time • wide range for diverse application
• No curing required • high flexible
• Suitable for any substrate • Enable faster completion of job - savings of time and money
• Easy to apply



Easyflex C-111 adhesive is polymer, modifier & additives. it is used for fixing
ceramic tiles.apply outdoor and indoor area and vitrified tiles indoor only.
Easyflex C-111 is a bagged cementations powder to be mixed with either
water for installing.

Applications:Designed for fixing all ceramic tiles on internal & external and
vitrified tiles Internal only.
• Economy grade • Smooth & creamy • Ideal for fixing ceramic tiles on
floors & walls.
Suitable substrates
• Cement mortar beds • Brick masonry • Cement terrazzo • Cement
plaster • Coverage • Approx 50-60 sq.ft per 20kg bag.
Packing : 20kg bags.
Colour : Grey
Compliance : Meets the following standards as per
• IS-15477 type-1 • EN 12004/ISO 13007:C1T


Ultra flex C-222 is a smooth and creamy polymer based adhesive for
installing small and medium size ceramic wall and Floor tiles in interior and
exterior areas.

Application : Designed for fixing all small and medium size tiles on internal
and external areas.
Advantage • Extended open time • Smooth and creamy • Ideal for fixing
small and medium size tiles on floor & wall.
Suitable Substrates • Cement mortar beds • Brick masonry •Cement
terrazzo • Cement plaster • Tiles on tiles • Coverage • Approx 50-60
sq.ft per 20kg bag.
Packaging : 20kg bags
Colour : Grey
Compliance • Meets the following standards as per
• IS 15477 type-1 • EN 12004/ISO 13007:C1T.



Vitriflex C-252 is a multipurpose polymer modified powder offering utility
including applications for floors and wall in interior and exterior area it is
cementations thin set powder to be mixed only with water to install all type
of medium and large size tiles & stone on variety of substrates using thin set
method of installation.
Application • Designed for specially for interior and exterior floor & wall
installation of all type of ceramic vitrified, glass Mosaic tiles, precast
terrazzo and natural stones.
Advantage • Single component • Highly flexible yet strong on bond
strength • Suitable for various substrates.
Suitable substrates •Concrete •Cement mortar beds •Ceramic tiles &
stone •Cement plaster •Brick masonry •Cement terrazzo •Gypsum wall
Coverage • Approx 50-60 sq.ft per 20kg bag
Packing : 20kg bags.
Colour : Grey and White
Compliance • Meets the following standards as per
• IS 15477 type 1 adhesive • EN 12004/ISO 13007 for C2 TE.


Xtra Flax C-345 is a multipurpose high polymer, modified thin set mortar
for interior and exterior installation of ceramic tiles, stone,quarry tiles,
glass mosaic tiles, pavers and brick xtraflex c-345 multipurpose thin set
adhesive is designed to mix water, has a convenient open time with high
adhesion and workability xtraflex c-345 multipurpose thin set adhesive.
designed for exterior and underwater application, superior bond to
concrete, cement renders, screeds.
• Highly flexible yet strong on bond strength • Single component
• Suited for demanding external application
Suitable substrates
• Cement mortar beds • Cement plaster • ceramic tile and stone
• Concrete • Concrete masonry • Brick masonry • Cement tarrazzo
• Gypsum wall board
Approx 55-60 sft per 20 kg bag with 6mm notch trowel for a bed of 3mm
Packing - 20 kg bags.
Colour - Grey & White
Compliance • Meets the following standards as per
• IS 15477 type 2 adhesive • EN 12004/ISO 13007 for C2 TE S1.



Stone flex C-252 is a ultimate one step polymer fortified mortar for
external facade installation of ceramic tiles, vitrified tiles, stone,
quarry tiles, pavers and brick superior strength flexibility to handle
structural movements, non say property and taking on extreme
weather conditions are among its features mixed with water, it has a
long open time with unsurpassed adhesion and workability.
Applications • Designed for excellent for facades and underwater
applications both interior and exterior areas.
Advantage • Excellent for underwater application • Single
component just add water • Good working time • Good open time
• Long working time • No caring required after block work is done
• Fast & Economical • Improved adhesive between two blocks.
Suitable substrates • Concrete masonry • Concrete • Cement
mortar beds • Cement plaster • Cement tiles & stone • Brick
masonry • Cement terrazzo • Gypsum wall board • Calcium
silicate boards
Coverage • Approx 50-60 sq.ft per 20kg bag
Packing : 20kg bags
Colour : Grey and White
Compliance • Meets the following standards as per
• IS 15477 type 2 adhesive • EN 12004/ISO 13007 for C2 TE S1.

Block flex is a factory prepared blend of carefully selected row material
Portland cement and graded aggregates And polymers designed for use with
water to produce high strength thyrotrophic mortar for laying aerated light
Weigh concrete, fly ash bricks, cement hollow blocks, cellular concrete blocks
or smoothing over the block work Surface in layers of up to 12mm thickness
that meet and exceed the requirement of national and international Standards.
Application : For interior and exterior for preparing thin bed block mortar
for a/c and cellular concrete blocks.
Advantage : • Long working time • No caring required after block work is
done. • Fast & Economical • Improved adhesive between two blocks.
Suitable substrates • Concrete blocks • Cement block/bricks
• Concrete hollow blocks • Aerated light weight blocks • Fly ash bricks
• Cellular concrete blocks
Coverage : Approximately 300 sq.ft per 50kg bag when used at 2mm bed
thickness coverage is based on smoothness size of block used and the
thickness of mortar used a general guide line for coverage of mortar is
given when used with 25% water added to powder.
Note : Coverage is based on the block size of 600mm 200mm 100mm
Packing : 50kg bags
Colour : Grey


Not using grouts when laying tiles can lead to problem ranging from chipped corners, water seepage, staining to even
breeding of fungus and the tiles debonding or falling off.
Extensive studies and in depth research by some of the most innovative minds in the business have seen the emergence of
a new breed of grout that makes all others obsolete. the award-winning range is a perfect blend of aesthetics and
performance and becomes the new yardstick of quality.

Advantage • Dustproof
• Acid/chemical resistant • Highly durable
• Non-cracking/peeling • Easy to apply
• Antifungal and anti-bacterial • available in a variety shades



Conzo epoxy sparkle pro premium grout is a high performance

griut which offers excellent colour uniformity, durability,beautiful
and stain protection flush grout joints in an easy to use, non-sag

Application : Cafeterias and food joints • Residential and

institutional kitchens • Swimming polls, spa and sauna •
washroom and clean room • School and eductional institutes
• Hospitals, operation theatres, laboratories • Terraces and
balconies • Drive ways , podium slabs and atriums
Advantage : Full flush joints * maximum nin sag performance *
easy to install and clean * doesn't retain dirt and dust
Packaging : 1 kg and 5 kg pails
Varies with tile size and grout width
Colour : Available in 22 attreactive colours
Compliance • Meets the following standards as per
EN 13888 : RG2 •ANSI : A 118.3


Conzo colour poxy epoxy grout for wall & floor is a colour fast,
chemical resistant, acid resistant 100 % solid epoxy grout
suitable for ceramics tiles marble and stone , vitrified tiles,
especially in stain prone areas such as kitchaens and washrooms

Application :
Bathrooms, kitchens, swimming pools, water bolies, fountains,
hospitals, operation theatres, restaurants, cafeterias, light
industrial application and high traffic areas

Advantage :
Strong and durable • Anti bacterial and anti fungal • 100 %
stainfree • Chemical and temperature resistant • Acid resistant

Coverage : Varies with tile size and grout width

Packaging : 1 kg and 5kg pails
Colour : Available in range of more than 33 colour

Compliance • Meets the following standards as per

EN 13888 : RG2 •ANSI : A 118.3



Glitter for Conzo colour poxy Specific to be as an additive

and metalized decoration of Conzo
Product Strengths
• Dissolves easily • Premanent shine • Excellent
chemical resistance
Areas of Use
Additive for Conzo color poxy to give the metalized effect.
Instructions for use
add conzo glitter gold or silver in the recommended
amounts(approx. 100 grammes for 3 Kg conzo color poxy
Technical Data Compliant with Kerakoll Quality Standard according to the aesthetic finish required).
Recommended dosage 100- 3kg conzo color poxy Mix together manually using a trowel before mixing more
Nature polyester smoothly from the bottom upwards with a low-rev (=
Shape hexagonal prism 400/min.) helicoidal agitator, to prevent dispersion into air.
Dimensions = 0.2 mm When an smooth mixture has been obtained, apply conzo
Specific weight = 1,38 kg/dm3 color poxy with additives and proceed with the usual
colour silver-gold finising and cleaning operations.
Chemical resistance Grade II Apply the mixed product to a trial section to check the
aesthetic effect.


Conzo fill TG

Conzo fill TG a carefully prepared cement graded aggregates, polymers,

fortifiers and colour fast pigment.It is designed for joint width 1mm to 3mm
for porous and absorbent type tiles, non vitreous clay tiles, marbles and
glazed wall tiles, suitable for internal and external applications.

Applications : Residential, commercial, external facades

Advantage :
• Uniform colour • Hard and durable • Economical • For tile joints 1-3 mm
Mixing ratio : Use approximate 400ml of water of conzo fill TG unsanded grout

Coverage : Varies with tile size and grout width

Packing : 500gm, 1kg, 5kg and 20kg
Colours : available in a range of more than 20 colours.

Compliance • Meets the following standards as per

EN 13888 : CG1 •ANSI : A 118.6


CHEMZONE has innovated in this critical area to bring you a game-changing product. the advanced single component
waterproofing membrane has the unique ability to bridge cracks in the substrate ( up to 3mm) and requires no other
additional accessories for exceptional performance. the under-tile waterproofing membranes are especially
recommended for tiled wet areas, washrooms, kitchens, swimming pools, and other water bodies.

Highly flexible
• Easy to apply.
• extremely versatile - suitable for various substrates such as concrete
• highly flexible - to adjust to structural movement
• tile can be fixed directly on the membrane



CONZO CONPROOF LW SUPER is specially formulated

integral liquid waterproofing Admixture compound
composed of surface active plasticising agents, polymers
and additives. It is used as an additive for cement concrete
and plaster.
It makes concrete cohesive and prevents segregation.

Area of Application : Waterproofing of concrete and

plaster used in Basements, • Roof slabs and screeds •
Balconies and bathrooms • Sumps and drains •
External plastering • Water tanks
Features & Benefits :
Strength-dose not affects the setting time and strength of
Precautions & Limitations
•Maintain water-cement ratio as low as possible. Compatibility-Being a liquid, easily dispersible &
compatible with concrete and plaster mixes.
•Do not add CONZO CONPROOF LW SUPER directly to dry
cement & aggregate mix. Durability- Increases durability by improving
waterproofing of concrete and plaster.
•The dosage of CONZO CONPROOF LW SUPER should be
maintained as per recommendations. Permeability- It reduces the permeability of water into
Dosage concrete and plaster.
200 ml per 50 kg bag of cement. Cohesiveness - Make concrete more cohesive, hence
Coverage protects steel against corrosion
As per site condition Shrinkage- Reduces shrinkage crack development in
Packing concrete and plaster.
1, 5, 20, 50 & 200 litre Workability- Improves workability of freshly mixed
Shelf Life & Storage cement concrete.
24 months from the date of manufacturing in sealed pack Method of Application
and stored under proper condition. •Cement & aggregates to concrete mixer as per the mix
Store in a cool and dry place. design, mix in dry state for 1-2 minutes.
Safety and Health Precautions •Start addition of 70–80% mixing water & mix for 2-3
Use rubber hand gloves and safety goggles, while using minutes.
In case of contact with skin, wash with plenty of water. recommended dosage into the remaining mixing / gauging
Keep out of reach of children. water, then add to concrete mixer & mix for another 2-3
•Place the concrete or apply plaster as needed.
•Cure the applied plaster and concrete as per good
construction practices.



Conzo Bond S.B.R. is based on styrene butadiene rubber
latex supplied as a ready to use bonding agent in liquid
consistency. It is used for repair of spelled concrete –
floors, columns, beams, slabs, chhajas and waterproofing
of bathrooms and toilets, small terraces etc. as it bonds
strongly to old & new concrete and to plasters. It reduces
shrinkage, prevents cracking, dust pick up & improves
abrasion resistance.
Area of Application : Waterproofing of roof terraces,
toilets, slabs, columns, lift pits, balconies bathroom,
staircases, liquid and effluent tanks, decks and walkways.
Bond coat – bonding of new concrete to old concrete,
plastering, masonry, stone work etc.
Concrete repairs- Spelled concrete of floors, columns,
beams, chajjas parapets, slabs etc.
Cladding- Reaffixing or fixing of slip bricks, stones, tiles & ECONOMICAL WATERPROOFING
marble bedding.
For a waterproofing coating Mix Conzo band SBR: Cement
External rendering- Slurry coat for pinhole treatment on in the ratio 1:1.5 by volume.
concrete surface, weatherproof and frost resistance Mix for 3-4 minutes to avoid air entrapment. Keep on
render, high wear & erosion resistance render and as repair slowly adding cement to Conzo Bond S.B.R. until the
mortar for overhead application. required consistency is achieved.
Features & Benefits : • It prevents cracking by improving Brush apply 2 coats of the mix in a span of 5-7 hours on the
flexural strength • Improves the hardness & prevents prepared concrete substrate.
dust generation • It is multipurpose & economical Overlay the coating with a protective screed to the desired
product, easy to use • Bonding strongly to concrete, slope & thickness.
stonework, masonry, plaster, cementations surface •
Improves abrasion resistance of the cement mix •
Improves erosion resistance & prevents corrosion •
Reduces viscosity of cement injection grout for better
fluidity & bonding.
Method of Application
• Clean the surface with wire brush or scrubber to remove
all loose particles, dirt, oil, grease, Degrease the surface
by using suitable solvents. Vacuum clean to remove all
loose material.
• Repair the spelled concrete portion by saw, cutting the
extreme edges of the repair location to a depth of at least 10
mm to avoid feather edging & to provide strong bond.
• Clean the concrete surface to remove any contamination
where breaking is not possible. Roughen the surface by
light scrabbling or grit blasting.
• For priming of concrete substrate, the surface should be
thoroughly saturated with potable water. Remove any
excess of water prior to application.


REPAIR MORTARS : A suitable mix ratio for patching repair mortar or render is as follows:
Mix design - Portland cement: 50 kg, Washed sand: 150 kg, Conzo Bond SBR: 6-8 kg & Water: 10 Lit
SCREED CONCRETE : A suitable mix ratio for patching repair mortar or screed is as follows:
Mix design - Portland cement: 50 kg, Washed sand: 75kg, 6mm downsize aggregates: 75 kg, Conzo Bond SBR: 6-8 kg &
Water: 10 Lit
For a bonding coat of Conzo Bond SBR mix SBR: Cement in the ratio 1:1 by volume
Brush apply 1 continuous coat of the mix on the prepared concrete substrate.
Ensure to overlay the repair mortar when the bond coat is still tacky.
Using Conzo Bond S.B.R.
Wide range of mix designs are recommended for different application using Conzo Bond S.B.R.

Technical specification

40 + 1%

Packing : 1,5,20,50,100 & 200 kg

Dosage : Economical waterproofing - Mix proportion by volume 1:1.5 (Conzo Bond SBR: Cement)
Repair mortar -10-15 % of Conzo Bond SBR by weight of cement
Bond coat – Mix proportion by volume 1:1 (Conzo Bond SBR: Cement)
Coverage : As per site condition
Shelf Life & Storage
• Best before 12 month from the date of manufacturing
• Store in a cool & dry place in unopened condition away from direct sunlight.
Safety and Precautions
Avoid contact with skin and eyes.
In case of contact with skin, rinse with plenty of clean water and then clean with soap water.
In case of contact with eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water and seek medical advice.
Wear suitable protective clothing, gloves, eye protection and respiratory protective equipment during application.


Conzo Bond S.B.R. ADVANCE

SBR Latex for Waterproofing & Repairs

Conzo Bond SBR Advance is based on modified Styrene
butadiene latex used for high performance applications in
waterproofing and repairs. it is used for repairs of spalled
concrete such as – floors, columns, beams, chhajjas,
slabs & waterproofing of toilets & bathrooms & terraces. it
bonds strongly to old & new concrete & plaster.

Areas of Application : waterproofing - Waterproofing of

small roof terraces, sunken portions of toilet & bathrooms,
chajjas & lift pits, balconies & stare cases. waterproofing
of liquid & effluent tanks, car deck and walk ways.

Bond coat - plaster to plaster, concrete-to-concrete,

plaster to concrete masonry to stone work and for
plastering over brick masonry. Bonding coat & mortar for
tiles & panels, underlays for special finishes such as top
rendering coat for chemical resistant floors. Method of Application
Cladding - fixing or refixing of slip bricks, tiles, stones &
marble bedding. • Clean the surface with wire brush or scrubber to remove
hidden dirt, loose particles. Laitance, & dust. Degrease the
Crack repair - Repairs of plaster cracks more than 5 mm & surface by using suitable solvents
in gaps developed between masonry and RCC members.
• Repair the concrete spalled portion by saw cutting the
External rendering- Weatherproof & frost resistant render, extreme edges of the repair location to a depth of at least 10
high wear & erosion resistant render. mm to avoid featheredging & to provides strong substrate
• Roughen the surface by light scabbling or grit blasting
bonding slurry coat for pin hole treatment on concrete
surface & as repair mortar for overhead applications. • Clean the concrete surface to remove any contamination
where breaking is not possible.
Features & Benefits : Reduces drying & aging shrinkage • Expose corroded rebars in the repairing area fully.
cracks • it prevents cracking by improving flexural Remove all loose scales & corrosion deposits &
strength • it is multipurpose & economical product, easy immediately clean the surface.
to use • improves the hardness & prevents dust
generation • Bonds strongly to concrete, masonry, stone
work, plasters, steel, asphalt & mostof the building
materials. • improves abrasion resistance of cement
mix. • improvers erosion resistance & prevents
corrosion. • prevents leakage & dampness. •
enhances strength of a repair mortar & provides durability.


Conzo Bond S.B.R. ADVANCE

Application mixing

Apply a single coat as a bond coat prior to the crack filling of the chemzone.

Compact it into the crack fully and trowel.finish to level.

add CONZO CONPROOF LW SUPER to the second coat plaster.


Conzo Bond S.B.R. ADVANCE

Appearance free flowing liquid
Colour Milky white
Specific gravity @30°C. gms / ml 1.02 + 0.02
pH value 7–9
Chemical resistance Resists mild acids & alkalies
freeze thaw resistance excellent

Technical Information
For Bonding & waterproofing applications
1 kg of super latex will cover 70 - 80 sq. ft. area in 2 coats for a
proportion mix 1 : 4 : 7
(Super Latex : Water : Cement).

1, 5 & 20 Kg
Shelf Life & Storage
12 month from the date of manufacturing.
Store in a cool & dry place in unopened condition away from
direct sunlight

Safety Precautions
Avoid contact with skin and eyes
in case of contact with skin,rince with clean water and then clean
with soup water.
in case of contact with skin,rinse immediately with clean water
and seek medical advice.
Keep out of reach of children’s



Areas of Application: Pile Heads • Basement retaining

walls • Structural surfaces of cellars •
Water tanks and swimming pools • Concrete roof slabs,
floors, balcony floor slabs • Canals and dam walls •
Bridge decks • Waterproof coating (bottom coat) for
marble, granite and other natural stones • Structural
sur face of dykes • Suitable for steam room
waterproofing • Sewage treatment plants • For special
applications such as areas where more thick plaster
application is needed.

Features & Benefits : Water permeability - Excellent

resistance to ingress of water • Adhesion - Excellent
adhesion to concrete, natural and artificial stone •
TWO PACK CEMENTITIOUS WATERPROOF COATING Flexibility-Provides a flexible & low permeable coating •
DESCRIPTION Slip resistant - Provides slip resistant coating •
Waterproof- Waterproof for concrete structures •
CHEMZONE 2K is two-part component cementation and
Diffusion –Excellent resistance to chloride ion diffusion
acrylic flexible waterproofing & protective coating
and carbon dioxide • Low temperature resistant -
composed of best quality portland cement. properly
Resistance to freeze-thaw cycles and de-icing salts •
selected & graded aggregates, additives & acrylic
Carbonation-Prevents carbonation of cement concrete.
emulsion polymer as a binder it is applied to waterproof
and protect concrete and similar structures. specially
formulated for swimming pools, retaining wall, pile heads, Method of Application
water tank, submerged tunnels, sumps, bridge decks, SURFACE PREPARATION : The surface must be strong &
marble, granites and a wide variety of extreme service free dirt, dust & lose particles. thoroughly wire brush the
class structures because on curing it forms an excellent surface & clean the dust by air compressor or wash the
elastomeric, waterproof & protective layer over the surface with water • Any damage surface must be
substrate. repaired by using polymer modified repair mortar • Oil &
grease must be removed using degreasing solvents.
MIXING : Shake well the liquid component to a
homogenous milky colour, before mixing transfer entire
quantity of liquid component into a suitable clean mixing
vessel, gradually start addition of powder component
under constant mixing with a stirrer using a pneumatic or
electric power tool at slow speed 300 -400 rpm for 5-7-
minutes to homogeneous & uniform free flowing slurry.

Blinding Coverage : Apply slurry coat of mixed material for
two coats at a coverage rate of 1.5 kg/m² over the set
concrete slab by a masonry brush or appropriate power
spray equipment.



Water tanks and swimming pools : Two coat of CHEMZONE 2K applied @ 1.5 kg/m² each coat by masonry brush or an
appropriate power spray equipment • All applications where two coats are specified. the second coat shall be applied
when the first coat is completely dried • The treated area should be protected from direct sunlight and to be damp cured
by covering with damp hessian or similar system.
Marbles/Stones : It is recommended to apply one coat at the bottom side of the marble @1.5mm thick at a coverage of
approximately 1.8 to 2 kg/m²
Pile Heads : Two coat of mixed slurry to be applied on the pile head @0.75 kg/m² first coat and 1.25 to 1.5 kg/m² •
Second coat either by a masonry brush or by appropriate power spray equipment.
Concrete slabs or roof slabs : Two coat of mixed slurry to be applied to the set concrete @ 1.5 -2 kg/m by a masonry
brush, roller or appropriate power spray equipment.
Precautions & Limitations : Do not use powder with the liquid other than the powder accompanied with liquid, it will
affect the performance • Do not add water for dilution • Mix the entire quantity of both the components at one go • Do
not flood or overexpose the treated surface to water until it is completely cured.
Approximately 1.5-2 kg/m² @ 1mm thickness for 2 coats.
3, 15 kg.
Shelf Life & Storage
Shelf life is 12 month from date of manufacturing.




Conzo Conproof PWD is a chloride free powder that seals
the surface of concrete and cement mortars thereby
blocking water absorption. It is water insoluble, powder
improves workability to a nominal level.
Areas of Application
Conzo Conproof PWD can be mixed to waterproof
concrete or sand-cement mortars, used in basements,
roof slabs and screeds, water retaining structures, sunken
slabs, terrace slabs, water tanks, sump tanks etc.
Features & Benefits
Increases cohesive property of concrete & mortars. It
reduces the permeability of water into concrete, thus
improving its durability. Reduces shrinkages & crack
development in concrete and plasters. Chloride free hence Machine Mixing:
reduces the chance of corrosion of reinforcement bars. • Charge the cement & sand into the concrete mixer &
Method of Application mix for one minute.
Hand Mixing: • Add 1 KG of Conzo Conproof PWD for every 50 kg bag
• Add Conzo Conproof PWD to the dry mix of cement sand of cement & mix for one more minute.
first and then mix evenly with a trowel, until an even mix is • Add the measured quantity of potable water as per the
obtained. W/C ratio and mix for 2-3 minutes to a lump free
• Add the measured quantity of potable water as per the homogeneous concrete. Place the mixed concrete or
W/C ratio and mix to a homogeneous & uniform mortar as needed.
consistency concrete or mortars. • Cure the concrete or mortar surface, as is done in
• Place the mixed concrete or mortar into shuttering, regular practices of water curing.
provided. Use of mixer is recommended as a good Precautions & Limitations
practice. Cannot be used for concrete cast in structural members.
• Cure the concrete or mortar surface, as is done in Dosage: 1 KG per 50kg bag of cement.
regular practice of water curing. INTEGRAL POWDER WATERPROOFING COMPOUND
Packaging: 1 kg
Shelf Life: 1 year of unopened pack from the date of


CHEMZONE has innovated in this critical area to bring you a game-changing product. the advanced single component
waterproofing membrane has the unique ability to bridge cracks in the substrate ( up to 3mm) and requires no other
additional accessories for exceptional performance. the under-tile waterproofing membranes are especially
recommended for tiled wet areas, washrooms, kitchens, swimming pools, and other water bodies.

Highly flexible
• Easy to apply.
• extremely versatile - suitable for various substrates such as concrete
• highly flexible - to adjust to structural movement
• tile can be fixed directly on the membrane


Conzo ceraclean is a fast acting acid based cleaner for
regular cleaning of dirt and stains on tiles surface conzo
ceraclean is designed for daily maintenance of tiles, it is
ideal for interior and exterior use.

Application • Cleans dirt and removes stains

• Easy to use • Fast acting
Coverage • Depends on porosity of the substrate.
1ltr, 5ltr


SPARROW wall putty from CHEMZONE not only strengthens wall but also protects expensive paint from dampness and
moisture. Its greater adhesive properties enable perfect bonding with the base and paint .providing bright, even finished
surface that effectively eliminates the need for primer. Vastly superior to any other wall putty available in the market today. It
serves as the best sub-surface for all type of interior and exterior paints application. Benefitting you with a considerable
saving of time and money.



Sparrow wall putty is unique formulation of white cement and

high performance chemicals and polymers.Which can be
applied on damp as well as dry surfaces.

We recommend • Maximum two coats of sparrow wall putty
• Approximate achievable coverage is 4-5 sq.ft/kg/3mm
however actual coverage achieved depends on surface
Available pack sizes : 5kg,20kg, and 40kg.

Advantage • While cement based wall putty • Prevents

flaking of painter • Ideal for internal & external wall.
Specialists In System based Installation Solution
At CHEMZONE. We belive we are not selling just products but
offering you world class solutions to enable better design and
Our installation system are specially innovated for those who
love to experiment with new materials and techniques that their
creativity a unique touch and a standout


CHEMZONE, the leader in the stone and tile installation industry, presents a world class range of innovative products
Spacers, levelling system and tools.
Tile Spacers are used to keep tiles evenly spaced, removed before grouting. Tile Spacers can be removed and used time
and time again, saving money.
The CHEMZONE tile leveling system features a patented easy-break system that breaks the clip off at the base. Eliminating
time spent removing material from clips breaking off flush with the tile surface. To be used with CHEMZONE wedge.



CHEMZONE, the leader in the stone and tile installation industry, presents a world
class range of innovative products Spacers, levelling system and tools.
Tile Spacers are used to keep tiles evenly spaced, removed before grouting. Tile
Spacers can be removed and used time and time again, saving money.
The CHEMZONE tile leveling system features a patented easy-break system that
breaks the clip off at the base. Eliminating time spent removing material from clips
breaking off flush with the tile surface. To be used with CHEMZONE wedge.

Application of chemzone epoxy systems

Resi ener

n Hard

before joint filling, gradually add 2 parts of add B parts of filler by Add filler to the mixture
remove excess mortar resin to 1 part of weight to resin and slowly by continuous
debris from the joints hardener by weight and hardener mix. mixing mix the contents
clean the tile surface to mix the components for for 3-4 minutes to get
remove dust,stain or dirt. 1 minute. u n i f o r m p a s t e

Before application wear fill the joints with a trowel Remove excess material The joints start hardening
rubber gloves and start or an appropriate tool by placing the rubber after 30-40 min then start the
filling the tile joints trowel or an appropriate intail cleaning with water
tool perpendiculer using scrubber finally clean
the tile surface after 50 mins
to the tiled surface. of joint filling to remove
epoxy stain with water and
soap solution.

Application of chemzone adhesive systems

Clean water in to the Add the water until the Apply the adhesive to Spread the adhesive
bucket Add the adhesive desired consistency is the surface with the using the toothed part of
and mix achived smooth part of the trowel the trowel
(Use slow speed blender
500 RPM approx)

As per requirement do While fixing the tile Remove excess Grout 24 H after fixing
back buttering on tile ensure that the back adhesive from the tile
surface of tile is fully surface
covered with adhesive
Registered Office : 7, G.I.D.C. Estate, Road - D, Ta. - Visnagar, Di. - Mehsana, Pin Code - 384315, Gujarat, INDIA.
Ph.: +91 2765 224 330, Helpline No.: +91 98 98 94 93 94
Email : | |
CIN : U24100GJ2017PTC094986


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