TATA Ammonia Plant: Design Features and Operating Experience
TATA Ammonia Plant: Design Features and Operating Experience
TATA Ammonia Plant: Design Features and Operating Experience
ATA Chemicals Limited (TATACHEM) com- inert gas plant, an effluent treatment plant, and so
prises two divisions: the Chemical Division, forth.
located at Mithapur (West Coast of India, in The fertilizer complex at Babrala is one of the six
Gujarat State), and the Fertilizer Division, located at fertilizer complexes located inland along a cross-coun-
Babrala (Western Uttar Pradesh State, India). The try HBJ (Hazira-Bijaipur-Jagdishpur) natural gas
Chemical Division at Mithapur owns and operates a pipeline (Figure 1). The pipeline transports associated
uniquely integrated inorganic chemical complex that gas from Bombay High and natural gas from South
produces 35 basic chemicals, of which soda ash is the Basin to the fertilizer and power plants located inland.
major product. TATACHEM is a leader in the soda Babrala happens to be located at the tall end of the
ash industry, and its inorganic chemical complex is the pipeline and therefore experiences frequent fluctua-
largest in Southern Asia and ranks among the most tions in gas supply pressure and quantity. As a conse-
self-reliant, energy-efficient, and water-efficient oper- quence, 70% of the total feedstock and fuel require-
ations in the world. ment is normally being supplied with natural gas.with
The fertilizer complex at Babrala is composed of an the balance supplied with naphtha. Naphtha is drawn
ammonia plant that has an installed capacity of 1,350 in rail tankers from a refinery in Mathura located
metric ton/d (1,488 short ton/d) based on the state-of- about 150 km away by rail.
the-art Low Energy Process of Haldor Tops0e A/S,
and two lines of urea, each having a capacity of 1,125 Unique Features of the Complex
metric ton/d (1,250 short ton/d) based on the
Snamprogetti (Italy) SpA technology incorporating The fertilizer complex at Babrala has two unique
several low energy features. The related off-site and features. The first is an integrated energy network. As
utilities facilities consist of a captive power and steam shown in Figure 2, the demineralized water for the
generation plant (CPSGP) with two gas turbines, two entire complex is preheated in the CO2-removal and
Design Philosophy
For a number of years the Indian fertilizer industry
Figure 1. Location of TATA chemicals complex suffered from gas shortage problems from the HBJ
and HBJ gas pipeline. pipeline. The use of naphtha for fertilizer production
process-condensate stripping sections of the ammonia has been more common because of these problems.
plant and supplied to the deaerators of the ammonia TATACHEM was very far-sighted when they decid-
plant and the CPSGP. The waste heat in the front-end ed to build an ammonia plant that would have full
and the synthesis section of the ammonia plant is used flexibility with respect to utilization of feed and fuel.
for preheating boiler feed water (BFW), generating The basic philosophy was to be able to sustain full
high-pressure steam and superheat. Except for the pri- load on the ammonia plant, even when gas supply was
mary reformer furnace, no other fired heater has been limited or nonexistent over a long period. This would
provided in the ammonia plant either for preheating allow TATACHEM to produce ammonia at full load
feedstock or for generating and superheating of high even during the fluctuations hi the natural gas supply
pressure steam. Superheating of steam in the ammonia that have often been experienced. Furthermore,
plant takes place in the process gas superheater. The TATACHEM was prepared to accept the most up-to-
superheater is located between two waste heat boilers, date state-of-the-art technology available on the mar-
downstream of the secondary reformer and hi the con- ket, with extensive integration of the ammonia plant
vection zone of the primary reformer. Superheated with the entire complex. A common central control
high pressure steam is also generated in the heat room for the entire complex was preferred. The goal
recovery units (HRUs) from the exhaust gas of the gas was that the complex be self-sufficient hi steam and
turbines hi CPSGP. HRUs are provided with supple- power supply and that use of electric motors be maxi-
mentary firing. High-pressure steam is used for dri- mized. The following key areas were given special
ving turbines of the process air and synthesis gas com- consideration hi the design:
pressors hi the ammonia plant and CO2 compressors in • Flexibility with respect to feedstock (natural
the urea plants. Except for BFW pumps in the ammo- gas/naphtha)
nia plant and CPSGP, all other equipment, including • Flexibility with respect to fuel (natural gas/naph-
ID and FD fans, cooling water pumps, and hot potassi- tha)
um carbonate pumps, are driven by electric motors. • Demineralized water preheating for entire complex
Heat Exchanger
BFW Dowutnaw
PlCtefer SMWdtiy
DoH Bcfanur teRtfonwrWHS
_„„, hEBttrDawB-
BFW fa»
BTWP™, 5le*mOnin
1s / ; i
/\ __t
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Steam Fliat Gas Chan nd
Figure 7. Preformer.
Purge Cas.
Process Gas
from Process Gas
Secondary to BFW
Reformer Preheater
HP Wast« HP Waste
Heat Boiler Heat Boiler
^ ...;.
....—j? .
Figure 12. Refractory damage for inlet channel to reformed gas boiler.
On*tr«*m Effielcney
Capacity Utilization
Net Energy
Figure 15. Net energy including power, DMW, and steam debit/credit.
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W. Verduijn, Kemira: You use the prereformer as a use our prereformer as an instrument in an energy con-
means to provide flexibility for your various feed sys- servation project. You could, in our specific case, regard
tems and feed compositions. We have used a prere- it as a kind of negative boiler since you enter steam into
former at Rozenberg since 1991 in our 1,700 ton/d the system and the system releases natural gas. As you
ammonia plant for a completely different reason. The know, energy conservation is good for our common
prereformer was developed in cooperation with Tops0e environment and even better for our wallets.
and Continental Engineering in Amsterdam and is used Gupta: We appreciate that you are telling the audi-
as a means to convert steam that otherwise would have ence that there are other possibilities for using prere-
to be vented back to a natural gas saving. We therefore formers. In India problems with gas shortages have
been very extensive through the last few years. All of ning because the overall requirement requires this.
the new plants being constructed in India are having Also there's a flexibility because if one gas turbine
prereformers installed mainly to take care of the varia- goes down, then the complex continues to run fully.
tion in the feed stock. But it's obvious that the prere- The normal practice is to keep one of them on naphtha
former can also be used in the revamp situations and one on natural gas, but there's no reason why both
where you want to save energy in an ammonia plant can't run on naphtha.
and put some of the load from your primary reformer Bhakta: What has been your experience using naph-
onto different parts of the plant. tha on run time?
D. K. Shah, Ruwais Fertilizer: One of the novel fea- Gupta: We had initial heating problems, especially
tures you mention is the steam superheater down- with the naphtha pumps, and also a problem that had
stream of the first waste heat boiler. You have not something to do with filtration of naphtha, but not
mentioned the temperature of the gas entering the really anything serious.
steam superheater, but I feel it would be in the range Bhakta: What was your longest running time using
of metal dusting temperature. So are you inspecting naphtha?
for any metal dusting in this superheater? Gupta: I think we have been able to run for three
Gupta: The steam-to-carbon ratio that we are main- months or so at a stretch. But since we have two tur-
taining is 3.2, although the plant is designed to operate bines we can always pull down one turbine and do
from 2.5 to 3.2. One of the reasons we like to maintain some work, if it is required.
the 3.2 ratio is, of course, to avoid the risk of metal A. Ilyas, Indonesia: How big is the difference in energy
dusting. The plant has been in operation for almost consumption when the prereformer is used?
three years and so far we have found absolutely no Nielsen: Maybe I can answer that question. For the
evidence of metal dusting. TATA plant in India the goal has not been to save
Ali Adi Jama, Qatar Fertilizer Company: What are energy, but the plant has been to be able to operate on
the process conditions at the inlet of the superheater a variety of feed stocks. For instance, for the plant
after the reform gas boiler? Also, what is the tube with Kemira, where the prereformer was installed to
material that you have in the superheater, and have save energy, a typical achievable figure is between
you experienced any problems so far? You just men- 0.05 to 0.1 Giga calorie per ton of ammonia, but that
tioned that there were no problems, but, since there depends on the savings you can achieve mainly in the
have been failures in superheaters similar to what you steam system around the prereformer and on the actual
have in your plant, are there any concerns? configurations of your plant.
Gupta: The temperature of the gas entering the super- I. J. Ohri, India: As Mr. Gupta has said, in India we
heater is about 600 to 650°C. The parts of the super- usually have a lot of problems with gas shortages, hi one
heater that are exposed to the process gas are mostly of the old plants, basically a Kellogg plant, we have
made of 304L and 316L except for the tubes, which installed a prereformer to take care of the shortage of gas,
are made of one and a half chrome and half moly. No and it has recently been commissioned and is operating
problems are evident. Of course we are concerned all right. I would also Eke to share that we are putting in
with the matter. another expansion plant based on naphtha, on Tops0e
We have been talking to various agencies like con- technology. There, the temperature and operating para-
sultants and equipment suppliers. One of the possibili- meters that we experience are more severe than at a gas-
ties is to upgrade the metallurgy to include Inconel based plant. For the superheater we are going to use
600, but we don't think it's really warranted at the Inconel 601 tubes instead of 304 L or other materials.
moment because there's absolutely no evidence of any G. Lai, Welding Services: I can maybe also add anoth-
problem. er comment on Mr. Ilyas' reply. IFFCO is also going
M. L. Bhakta, Brown & Root: With the gas shortage to use gas turbines operating on naphtha, perhaps in
in India, have you run your gas turbine using naphtha? the new expansion projects, and the gas turbines will
Gupta: Yes. We normally keep two gas turbines run- be used for driving the process air compressors within