Control of Voc Emissions Ink and Paint Manufacturing Processes

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United States Office of Air Quality EPA-450f3-92-013

Environmental Protection Planning and Standards April 1992

Agency Research Triangle Park NC 2mll



techno logy center





Emission Standards Division
Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711

Air and Energy Engineering Research Laboratory

Office of Research and Development
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711

a .

April 1992


. '

April 1992



Prepared by:

B.W. McMinn
PJ. Marsosudiro
Alliance Technologies Corporation
100 Europa Drive, Suite 150
Chapel Hill, North Carolina 27514

,,EPA\Contract No. 68-D0-0121

Work Assignment No. 1-29
(AIIiance No. 1-638-029-1) .

Project Officer

Joseph S teigemald
Emission Standards Division
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711

Prepared for:

Control Technology Center

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, North Carolina 27711



This final report was prepared for the Control Technology Center, U.S. Environmental
Protection Agency, by Alliance Technologies Corporation, 100 Europa Drive, Chapel Hill,NC

27514, in partial fulfillment of Contract No. 68430-0121, Work Assignment No 1-29. TIie
opinions, findings and conclusions expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those
of the Environmental Protection Agency.


This report was prepared for and funded by the Control Technology Center (CTC), U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency. The CTC was established by EPA’s Ofice of Research and
~ _
Development (ORD) and -Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards (OAQPS) to provide
technical assistance to State and local air pollution control agencies. Several levels of assistance
are available through the CTC: a CTC HOTLINE provides telephone assistance on matters
relating to air pollution control technology; in-depth engineering assistance is provided when
needed by EPA and its contractors; and the CTC can provide technical guidance through
publication of technical guidance documents, development of personal computer software, and
presentation of workshops on control technology matters. The fourth assistance program
-sponsored by the CTC is the CTC Bulletin Board System (BBS), a part of the EPA OAQPS
Technology Transfer Network. Users of the BBS can retrieve CTC information through one of
four major area menu selections. The four areas included are Utilities, Help Center,
Documents/Software, and CTC Projects.
Technical guidance projects, such as this one, focus on topics of national or regional
interest that are identifed through contact with State and local agencies. In this case, the CTC
.received a number of calls on controlling volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions from
processes used to manufacture ink and paint. Controlling VOC emissions at various source ty-pes
that have not been addressed by Control Techniques Guidelines (CTG’s) is of interest to many
States and local air pollution control agencies due to on-going ozone nonattainment problems
(VOC is a precursor of ozone) and requirements in Title I of the Clean Air Act Amendments of
1990. This report presents the results of a study to identify and collect information on paint and
ink manufacturing processes and the VOC emissions generated during these operations.


Section Page
Disclaimer ........................................................ iii

Preface ........................................................... iv

List of Tables ..................................................... ...


List of Figures ...................................................... ix

Executive Summary .................................................. x

1.0 Introduction ................................................. 1-1

2.0 Industry Structure and Process Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1

2.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.2 Paint Manufacturing Industry Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1
2.2.2 Market. Raw Materials. and Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .2-1
2.2.3 Paint Product End-Uses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-4
2.3 Ink Manufacturing Industry Structure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2.3.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2r8
2.3.2 Market. Raw Materials. and Products . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-8
2.3.3 . Ink Product End-Uses .................................... 2-11
2.4 Manufacturing Process Description . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
2.4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-14
2.4.2 . Reassembly and Premix ................................ 2-14
2.4.3 Pigment Grinding or Milling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-17
2.4.4 Product Finishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-25
2.4.5 Product Filling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
' 2-29
2.5 'References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-31

3.0 Volatile Organic Compound Emissions. Regulations. and Permits . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1

3.1 General . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.2 Source Identification and Characterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.2.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1
3.2.2 Reassembly and Premix . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3.2.3 Pigment Grinding or Milling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3.2.4 Product Finishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3.2.5 Product Filling . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-4
3.2.6 Equipment Cleaning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-5
3.3 . Emission Factor Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-6

CH-92-02 V

Section Page
3.3.1 . Introduction .......................................... 3-6
. 3.3.2 Current Regulations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-8
3.3.3 Permits .............................................. 3-9 __-
3.3.4 PlantTrips .......................................... 3-15
3.4 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-17

4.0 Emission Control Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1

4.1 Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4.2 Voc Emission Reduction Methods .................................. 4-1
4.2.1 Equipment or Process Modifications .......................... 4-2
4.2.2 Improved Operating Practices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-6
4.2.3 Recycling Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-7
4.3 Product Reformulation ...................................... ; . . . . 4-7
4.3.1 Powder Coatings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
4.3.2 .Waterborne Paints and Inks . . . . . . . . i . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-10
4.3.3 Radiation-Curable Paints and Inks . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-11
4.3:4 High-Solids Paints and Inks ............................... 4-11
4.4 VOC Emissions Reduction by Control Systems ........................ 4-12
4.4.1 Capture Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-12
4.4.2 Recovery Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-14
4.4.3 Combustion Techniques . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-19
4.5 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-25

5.0 Control Cost Analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1

5.1' Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1
5.2 Thermal Incineration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5.2.1 Equipment Tank Lids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5-1
5.2.2 Horizontal Media Mills . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-4
5.2.3 Equipment Cleaning Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
5.3 VOC Emissions Reduction Methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-6
5.4 Product Reformulation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
5.5 Capture Devices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
5.6 Thermal Incineration . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
5.7 References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11

a-92-02 vi

Section Page

Appendix A Lists of Facilities with Annual Sales Greater Than $1 Million . . . . . . . A-1
Appendix B Permit Requirements from Several States ...................... B-1

Appendix C TripReports . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . C - 1


Number Page

2-1 Paint Raw Materials Consumed in 1987 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3

2-2 Paint Categories By Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-5
2-3 Ink Raw Materials Consumed in 1987 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-9
2-4 Ink Categories By Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-12

3-1 Uncontrolled Emission Factors for Paint. Varnish. and Printing Ink
Manufacturing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-7
3-2 State Regulations for Paint and Resin Manufacturing Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-10
3-3 State Regulations for Coatings and Ink Manufacturing Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-13
3-4 Emissions for 1990 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-16

5-1 Applicability and Use of VOC Emission Reduction Methods in Paint

and Ink Facilities . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-2
5-2 Equipment Cover Cost Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-5
5-3 Horizontal Media Mill Cost Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
5-4 Cleveland. Facility Thermal Incineration Cost Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-10

A-1 Paint and Allied Products Facilities (SIC 2851) with Annual Sales
Greater Than $1 Million . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A-2
A-2 Printing Ink Facilities (SIC.2893) wi& Annual Sales Greater .i
Than $1 Million . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .A-14

B-1' Selection of Ohio Permit Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-2

8-2 State of California Permit Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-3
8-3 State of Illinois Permit Information . . . . . . : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B-4
B-4 State of Texas Permit Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .B-7
B-5 Permit Information for Other States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..B-23

CH-9202 Viii


Number Page
2-1 Flow Diagram of the Paint and Ink Manufacturing Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-15
2-2 'Schematic Diagram of a Three-Roll Mill ............................ 2-18
2-3 Schematic Drawing of Conventional Sand Mill ........................ 2-22
2-4a Schematic Drawing of the Stator/Rotor Assembly in a High-speed Stone Mill . . 2-24
2-4b Schematic Drawing of the Stator/Rotor Assembly in a Colloid Mill . . . . . . . . . . 2-24
2-5 Schematic Drawing of the Milling Head of a High-speed
Impingement (Kinetic Dispersion Mill) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-27

4-1 Typical Flat Mix Tank Cover . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4

4-2 Recycling and Reusing Cleaning Solvent . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-8
4-3 Production Trends in Coating Systems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-9
4-4 Catalytic Incinerator .......................... a . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20

4-5 Thermal Incinerator . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-20


In the United States today there are approximately 1,123 c~mpaniesoperating 1,426 paint
plants and 224 companies operating 504 ink facilities. Many of these manufacturing facilities

produce solvent-based products. Together the two industries consume an estimated 2,750 rmllion
pounds of organic solvent which accounts for 0.05 percent of total volatile organic compound
(VOC) emissions. The application of these paints and inks accounts for an additional 13 percent
of VOC emissions.
The products of the paint manufacturing industry include architectural coatings, product
coatings for original equipment manufacturers (OEM),and special-purpose coatings. The four
primary types of inks are letterpress inks, lithographic and offset inks, gravure inks, and
flexographic inks. All of these products are made with the same basic raw matirials: pigments,
solvents, resins (or binders), and other additives. In most cases, the manufacturing facilities
purchase these raw materials and then formulate or blend, rather than react, to produce a finished
product. The batch process production of paint and ink involves four major steps: preassembly
and premik, pigment grinding/milling, product finishing/blending, and product fillingpackaging.
Some of the equipment used to accomplish these manufacturing steps include roller mills; ball
and pebble mills; attritors; sand, bead, and shot mills; horizontal media mills; and high-speed disk

Releases of volatile organic compounds from paint and ink manufacturing include those
from the process steps and from cleanup operations. However, very little information is available
which quantifies these emissions: Many paint and ink manufacturing facilities calculate total
plant VOC emissions based on raw material consumption rather than calculating emissions from
processes or equipment by an alternative method. Emission values therefore reflect solvent losses
from manufacturing, cleaning, and storage. Because emissions have not been quantified, there
are no publicly avadable emission factors for paint and ink manufacturing processes. Emission
factor data contained in facility permits is most likely based on theoretical equations rather than
on actual test data. These values vary significantly from State to State.
Similarly, regulatory requirements vary from State to State as paint and ink facilities are
not identified by any current Control Technique Guideline (CTG). In many States only those
non-CTG facilities emitting more than 100 tons per year are controlled, while in other States the

a-9202 X
VOC limit may be 15 pounds per day. Several of the requirements common to the States with
rules regulating VOC emissions from paint and ink facilities include the following: covers must
be used on all open equipment and equipment must be monitored and inspected regularly for
leaks. Most States also exclude from regulation those facilities emitting less than 100 tons per
year VOC and those plants manufacturing primarily water-based products.
Regardless of State regulations, paint and ink facilities must use some method to control
the VOC emissions that are generated throughout the manufacturing process. If left uncontrolled,
these emissions can cause high concentrations of VOC in the work area compromising worker
health, safety, and productivity. Some of the methods used by paint and ink facilities in reducing
emissions are tank lids, horizontal media mills, equipment cleaning devices, recycling techniques,
- -
and improved operating practices. Many facilities have also invested research and development
time and dollars in new product lines with lower VOC concentrations. Powder coatings,
waterborne paints and inks, radiation-curable paints and inks, and high-solids products are slowly
replacing some of the markets once dominated by solvent-bome formulations.
Few facilities use VOC reduction methods other than those previously mentioned.
However, control systems including capture devices and thermal incinerators are technically
* feasible for the low VOC concentrations and the wide variety of contaminants found in paint and
ink waste streams.
Before a thorough assessment of control systems can be conducted, more emissions data
must be accumulated or generated. There is a general lack of data presented in literature and
State permit information concerning the quantity, composition, and breakdown of the emissions
venerated by the various stages in the paint and ink manufacturing process.

ai-9202 xi

This report presents the results of a study to collect and report information on processes
used to manufacture paint and ink,volatile organic compound (VOC) emissions generated during
these operations, emission control techniques and their effectiveness, and costs associated with
process changes and emission control options. State agencies and other government-sponsored
programs, as well as equipment manufacturers, professional and trade organizations, and paint
and ink manufacturers were contacted to assess production methods, available control
technologies, and current emission rates from the manufacturing processes.
Many paint and ink manufacturing facilities produce solvent-based product;. In the United
States today, there are approximately 1,123 companies operating 1,426 paint plants and 224
companies operating 504 ink facilities. Almost half of these plants are small, employing fewer
than 20 people. Most of the facilities are located in population centers because of high
transportation costs. It is also estimated that more than half of these plants are located in ozone
nonattainment areas. 'L
This report is divided into five chapters and three appendices. Chapter 2 characterizes the
two areas of primary focus, the paint manufacturing industry and the ink manufacturing industry,
and also provides a general description of the raw materials these facilities use, the products they
make, and the markets they serve. Chapter 2 also provides a description of the manufacturing
process and processing equipment common to both ink and paint manufacturkrs.
The sources of process VOC emissions are identified and characterized in Chapter 3. Also
included in this section are emission factor data which are divided into three sections:
information retrieved from current State regulations, information abtained from State permit files,
and data received from plant trips.
Chapter 4 discusses methods of reducing and controlling VOC emissions resulting from the
ink and paint manufacturing process. Areas addressed include equipment and process
modifications, improved operating practices, recycling techniques, product reformulations, and
add-on control techniques. Chapter 5 estimates the costs associated with several of these
reduction and control methods.

CH-9202 1-1
The report also includes three appendices. Appendix A lists paint and ink facilities with
annual sales greater than one million dollars. Appendix B contains tables wKch have a selection
* of permit requirements from several States. Appendix C contains copies of the trip reports for
the two paint and two ink facilities visited during the course of this work assignment.

C .

CH-92-02 1-2


This chapter gives'an overview of the paint and ink manufacturing industries. The chapter
is divided into three sections: Paint Manufacturing Industry Structure, Ink Manufacturing
Industry Structure, and Manufacturing Process Description. Both of the industry smcture
sections address the current market, materials used in the manufacturing process, products
manufactured, and product end-uses. The last section in this chapter focuses on the four steps
in both the paint and ink manufacturing processes with emphasis on equipment and procedure.


2.2.1 Introduction

This section gives an overview of ;he paint manufacturing industry, including geographic
dismbutions, production trends, industry issues, and the major subdivisions within the industry.
Also included in this. section is information relating to manufacturing raw materials, finished
products, and product end-uses. Much of the data is based on the Standard Industrial
Classification (SIC) 2851.

2.2.2 Market, Raw Materials, and Products

The paints and allied products industry, as defined by SIC 2851, consists of firms that
manufacture paints, varnishes, lacquers, enamels, shellacs, putties, wood fillers and sealers, paint
and varnish removers, paint brush cleaners, and allied paint products. Facilities which
manufacture pigments, resins, printing inks, adhesives and sealants, and artists' paints are not
included under SIC code 2851. According to the 1987 Census of Manufactures, the paints and
allied products industry employed 55.2 thousand people with nearly 40 percent of the industry's
employment in the States of California, Ohio, Illinois, and New Jersey. In 1987, SIC 2851

CH-92-02 2- 1
facilities were composed of 1,123 companies operating 1,426 plants, two-thirds of which were
located in ten states. Over 50 percent of paint manufacturing plants are small, priva:ely owned
facilities employing less than 20 people and specializing in a limited product line marketed within
a small geographic region. Some companies, however, own multiple manufacturing .facilities and
distribute products nationwide. Regardless of ownership, the paint manufacturing industry tends
to concentrate in population centers because of high transportation costs. An estimated 50
percent of the manufacturing facilities are located in ozone nonattainment areas.l
The raw materials used in the paint manufacturing process include pigments, solvents, and
resins. Some commonly used paint raw materials are listed in Table 2-1. The chemical
composition of paint varies depending on the desired paint properties. Pigments provide the
coating with color, opacity, and a degree of durability. Pigmented coatings are more weather-
resistant than unpigmented paints. In the case of metal primers, pigments are used to check or
inhibit corrosion of the metal. Pigments may be either organic or inorganic. Almost all of the
organic pigments used today are manufactured, while inorganic pigments may be either natural
or manufactured. Most natural pigments are oxides or hydroxides of iron. Manufactured
pigments span the entire color spectrum with a wide range of brilliance and opacity.2
The fluid componen a coating, consisting of nonvolatile binders and volatile solvents,
is called the vehicle. Binders are those components whkh form a continuous phase, hold the
pigment in the dry film, and cause it to adhere to the surface to be coated. The majority of
binders in modem paint films are composed of resins and drying oils which are largely
responsible for the protective and general mechanical properties of the film. Most resins and oils
used in paint manufacturing are organic, although some are inorganic. Alkyds, acrylics, and
vinyls are three of the more commonly used
The vehicle solvents are used to keep paints in liquid form so they can be applied easily.
When a coating is deposited on a substrate, the solvent should evaporate completely. It is used
to transfer the pigmenfiinder mixture to a surface in a thin, uniform film and plays no role in
film formation. Materials used as solvents include aliphatic hydrocarbons (white spirit and the
Special Boiling Point (SBP) solvents), aromatic hydrocarbons (toluene, xylene, and the trimethyl
benzenes), alcohols, esters, ketones, esters and ether-esters of propylene glycol. Water is the
solvent in water based and emulsion p a i n t ~ 2 , ~

CH-92-02 2-2

Material Quantity'
Vegetable oils .............................................. mil Ib '183.0
lltanium dioxide, composite and pure (100% no2) ........ mil Ib 763.7
Other inorganic pigments, including chrome colors, whiting.
white and red lead, lith.arge, lithopone, zinc oxide,
calcium carbonate precipitated, erc. .......................
Organic color pigments, lakes, and toners .....................
Hydrocarbons (toluene, xylene, etc.) ................... mil Ib **818.2
Alcohols (butyl, ethyl, isopropyl, etc.) ..................... do *283.6
Ketones and esters (methyl ethyl ketone, ethyl acetate,
etc.) ........................................... do 435.2
Other ............................................. do *382.5
Plastics resins:
Alkyds ........................................ millb *626.3
Acrylics .......................................... do 627.9
Vinyl ............................................ do **595.0
Otherplasticsresins.. ................................ do *764.5
. Petroleum thinners (naphtha) ................................... mil gal
Nonmetallic minerals and earths, ground or otherwise w e d (calcium
carbonate, talc. silica, kaolin, mica, barite, soapstone,.clay,
and other clay minerals) for use as extenders ............................
All other organic and inorganic chemicals, n.e.c. ...........................
'For some esublishmmu, data have been estimated from antral unit values which are based on quantity-cost
rrlrtianshipa of the data reponed by the establishment. The following.symbols are used when the percenlage
of each q w t i t y figure estimated in this marmcr equals or exceeds 10 percent of the figure published in t h s
table: *10 to 19 percent estimated: "20 to 29 percent esumated. If 30 percent or more IS esumated, figure
is replaced by (S).

Source: Adapted from Reference 1

do Ditto
Not elsewhere classified
(NA) Not available
(S) Withheld beuuse estimate did not meet publication standards

CH-92-02 2-3
Another category of paint raw materials, present only in small concentrations in the 0.2 to
ten percent range, is additives. These chemicals perform a special function or impart a certain
property to the coating. Additives include driers, thickeners, biocides, surfactants, dispersing
agents, antifoams, and catalysts.3
The products of the paint manufacturing industry are categorized according to their use, the *

type of vehicle or carier used in manufacture, and the method of curing. The use categories are
architectural coatings, product coatings for original equipment manufacturers (OEM), and special
purpose coatings? Architectural coatings are products used to coat interior and exterior surfaces.
OEM coatings include finishes which provide the first coating on newly manufactured equipment
and products. Special purpose coatings are products formulated to meet specific use reqcirements
such as extreme temperatures or heavy wear. A summary of the paint use divisions by use
category and subcategory is found in Table 2-2. In 1987, the value of all coating shipments was
$9.9 1 billion dollars ($4.25 billion for architectural coa'tings, $3.64 billion for product coatings,
and $2.02 billion for special purpose coatings).' Wards Business Directory lists 364 paint and
allied products facilities in SIC 2851 with 1990 sales greater than $l,OOO,OOO. This list is given
in Appendix A, Table A-l?
Paint products may also be classified by the type of vehicle or carrier incorporated in the
paint formulation. This classification normally refers to the volatile solvent portion of the vehicle
rather than to the combined solven; and binder. The volatiles, typicaily water or solvent,
evaporate after the paint has been applied to the substrate. The total annual production of the
average paint plant in the United States consists of 60 percent solvent based product, 35 percent
water based paint, and 5 percent allied products. While more than 70 percent of architectural
coatings are water based, the majority of product and special purpose coatings are solvent based.'
The third method used to-categorize coatings is curing. This system applies to nonvolatile
coating systems which do not rely on the evaporation of solvent or water to achieve the desired
finish. Coatings iiicluded in this category are powder coatings, radiation-curable coatings, and
two-part catalyzed paints.

ai-92-02 2-4
1987 Product Shipments
Product Quantity (million dollars)
Exterior. solvent-type:
Solvent thinned paints and tinting bases. including
barn and roof paints ..................... mil gal 20.2 216.5
Solvent thinned enamels and tinting bases.
including interior-exterior floor enamels . . . . . . . . . . do 14.5 152.7
Solvent thinned undercoaters and primers ........... do 8.2 78.3
Solvent thinned clear finishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 10.3 83.6
Solvent thinned stains. including shingle and
shake .................................. do 17.8 165.4
Other exterior solvent thinned coatings. including
bituminous paints .......................... do 11.6 120.3
Exterior. water-type:
Water thinned paints and tinting bases. including
barn and roof paints ..................... mil gal 95.9 732.0
Water thinned undercoaters and primers . . . . . . . . . . . . do 7.7 58.7
Water thinned stains ......................... do 9.2 61.9
Other exterior water thinned coatings ............. do 11.4 100.1
Interior. solvent-type:
Flat solvent thinned wall paints and tinting
bases. including mill white paints ........... mil gal 8.3 81.5
Gloss and quick drylng enamels and other gloss
solvent thinned paints and enamels ...... ....... do 4.4 53.6
Semigloss. eggshell. satin solvent thinned
paints. and tinting bases ...................... do 15.0 155.7
Solvent thinned undercoaters and primers . . . . . . . . . . . do 7.0 64.3
Solvent thinned clear finishes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 8.6 100.7
Solvent thinned stains ........................ do 7.6 53.7
Other interior solvent thinned coatings . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 5.8 63.6
Interior. water-type:
Rat water thinned paints and tinting bases . . . . . . . mil gal 125.5 834.3
Semigloss. eggshell. satin. and other gloss
water thinned paints and tinting bases ........... do 81.3 614.1
Water thinned undercoaters and primers . . . . . . . . . . . . do 10.2 64.9
Other Interior water thinned coatings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 15.9 106.8

Architectural lacquers ........................... do 10.5 81.7

Architectural coatings. ...................... do 19.9 170.9


a-9202 2-5

1987 Product Shipments

Product Quantity (million dollars)
COATINGS ..............................
mil gal 327.1 3,637.0
Automobile finishes ............................ do 55.4 987.7
Truck, bus, and recreational vehicle finishes ........... do 14.9 280.3
- Other transportation equipment tinishes,
including aircraft and railroad ................... do 3.2 54.3
Appliances, heating equipment, and air-conditioner
finishes .................................. do 5.8 70.1
Wood fumiture, cabinet, and fixture finishes ........... do 43.1 276.6
Wood and composition board flat stock finishes ........ do 7.3 53.2
Sheet, smp, and coil coatings, including
siding ................................... do 20.3 303.4
Container and closure finishes ..................... do 60.2 413.1
Machinexy and equipment finishes, including road
building equipment and farm implement ........... do 16.2 181.3
Nonwood fumiture and fixture finishes, including
business equipment finishes .................... do 14.3 187.7
Paper, paperboard, film, and foil finishes,
excluding pigment binders ..................... do 11.0 66.7
Electrical insulating coatings ...................... do 3.6 34.1
Powder coatings ............................... do 19.1' 193.2
Other industrial product finishes, excluding
semimanufactured products, such as pigment dispersions
and ink vehicles ............ ,............... do 27.6 333.0
Product finishes for original equipment manufacturers
(OEM), excluding marine coatings, n.s.k. . . . . . . . . . . . do 24.9 202.4
iMARINE COATINGS ...................... mil gal 1373 2,018.6

Indusmal new construction and maintenance paints

(especially formulated coating for special conditions of
indusmal plants and/or facilities requiring protection against
extreme temperatures, fungi, chemicals, fumes, etc.):
Interior.. ............................... do 13.O 169.8
Exterior . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 28.5 323.6
~ ~-

a-92-02 2-6

1987 Product Shipments

Product Quantity (million dollars)

Traffic marking paints (all types, sheif goods, and highway

department) ............................... do 19.8 98.7
Automotive, other transportation, and machinery reffish
paints and enamels, including primers ............. do 44.3 903.8
Marine paints, ship and offshore facilities and sheif goods
for both new construction and marine refinish and
maintenance, excluding spar vanish .............. do 9.1 144.1
Aerosol-paint concenmes produced for packaging in
aerosol containers ........................... do 12.8 239.8
Special purpose coatings, n.s.k. .................... do 9.9 138.9

'In 1987, quantity was collected in pounds and converted to gallons using a conversion factor of 3 1b:l gal.

Source: Adapted h m Reference 1

do Ditto
n.s.k. - Not specified by kind

a-9202 3 -7
2.2.3 Paint Product End-Uses

Paint is a suspension of finely separated pigment particles in a liquid, which when spread
over a surface in a thin layer will fonn a solid, cohesive, and adherent film. Paints have been
used for many centuries for decorative purposes. The Industrial Revolution expanded the end- ___

uses of paint and can be thought of as the beginning of the modem paint industry.* Today,
paints are used to solve both aesthetic and protective problems on a variety of surfaces which
include wood, masonry, metal, plastics, and fiberglass. The end-uses of paint are defined by the
markets served (See Table 2-2).


2.3.1 Introduction

This section gives an overview of the ink manufacturing industry, including geographic
uction trends, industry issues, and the major subdivisions within the industry.
Also included in this section is information -relating to manufacturing raw materials, finished
products, and product end-uses. Much of the data is based on the Standard Lndusmai
Classification (SIC) 2893.

2.3.2 Market, Raw Materials, and Products

The ink manufacturing industry includes those facilities classified under SIC code 2893
which man’ufacture letterpress, lithographic and offset inks, gravure, and flexographic inks. This
category does not include the addition of solvents to inks by printers to reduce ink viscosity (i.e.,
press side reduction). The 1987 Census of Manufactures shows that the 504 ink manufactunng
facilities in the United States are owned by 224 companies which employ a total of 11,100
people in nineteen States and the District of Columbia. More than 60 percent of the
manufacturing facilities employ fewer than 20 people.6 Like paint manufacturing facilities, ink


CH-92-02 2-8
. plants concentrate in population centers. Nearly 60 percent of all ink facilities and 75 percent
of all persons employed by ink facilities are located in ozone nonattainment areas.6
Printing inks are a mixture of pigments, oils, resins, solvents, and driers. Some commonly
used ink raw materials are listed in Table 2-3. The fluid component of the ink, made of binders
(oils and resins) and solvents, is called the vehicle. The vehicle serves as the dispersing and
carrying agent tor the pigment particles and gives the ink the required rheological properties of
flow and plasticity. Vehicles carry pigments through printing presses and transfer and bind the
ink to the surface to be prix~ted.”~
Pigments are the solid, colored part of printing inks which are visible to the eye when
viewing printed material. As in paints, pigments provide
inks with color, opacity, durability, and

body or consistency. Pigments, as well as binders, determine whether or not a print will bleed
in water, oil, alcohol, fats, acid, or alkali. Thus, pigments are partially responsible for
determining the end use of the ink. Ink pigments, like paint pigments, may be classified as either
organic or inorganic and natural or manufactured?**
Oils serve as one of the film-forming agents in letterpress, lithographic, and offset inks.
Most oils used in the manufacture of printing inks are classified by their origin as mineral oils,
vegetable oils, animal oils, and synthetic oils. Vegetable oils are further categorized into the
drying oils and the non-drying oils. Non-drying oils are used in vehicles which dry by the
absorption of the vehicle into the paper. These oils penetrate the substrate, soft absorbent papers
such as news and comic paper, rather than evaporate from the substrate’s surface. Drying oils
dry by oxidation.8 Vegetable drying oils are most often used in printing inks. The primary
vegetable drying oils are linseed oil, chinadood oil, perilla oil, and soya bean oil. Steadily
replacing the natural oils are synthetic oils such as dehydrated castor oil, re-esterified fish oil
acids, and long-oil alkyds?
Resins are one of the primary components in printing ink vehicles. Along with oils, they
serve as film-forming ingredients (binders) and impart to the ink gloss, drying speed, improved
hardness, toughness, and scuff-resistance. Resins are divided into two classes: natural resins and
synthetic resins. All natural resins, with the exception of shellac, are formed by solidifying the
viscous sap of trees. Fresh sap contains both resins and volatile oils. Although the oils are
normally removed by distillation or evaporation, residual volatiles may remain in the treated resin
and eventually contribute to the volatile content of the ink product. Several synthetic resins

CH-92-02 2-9

Material Quantity'

Materials, containers, and supplies ("4)

Organic and inorganic pigments mil lb 228.6
C ~ n b l a c k.................................................. do *283.0 ___

-Plastics resins consumed in the form of granules, pellets, powders,

liquids, etc., but excluding sheets, rods, tubes, and shapes ....... do *60.7
Paints,varnishes, lacquers, shellacs, japans, enamels, and .
..... 1O
allied products (includes all ink vehicles and varnishes) , OO Ib *457.6
. Wood rosin, turpentine, and other wood chemicals ..................... .mil Ib 85.1
Hydrocarbon oils and solvents .................................. mil gal **92.7
Oxygenated solvents. ...... :. .. ;.-.. .-............................. do **24.9
Metalcontainers ................................................. (NA)
All other materials and components, parts, containers, and supplies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . (NA)
Materials, containers, and supplies, n.s.k.' ................................ (N4

'For some establishments. data have been estimated from antral unit valuer which are based on quantity-cost
relationships of the data reporred by the establishment. The following symbols are used when the percentage
of each quantity figure estimated in this manner equals or exceeds 10 pe"t of the figure published in this
table: *10 to 19 percent estimated; **20 to 29 percent estimated. If 30 percent or more is estimated. figure
is r e p l a d by (S).
%'ocil cost of materials of establishmcnts that did not r e v d e d e d materials data, including establishments that were not mailed a form.

Source: Adaped from Reference 6

do - Ditto
n.s.k. - Not specitied by kind
(NA) - Not available

"-02 2-10
include phenol formaldehyde resins, alkyds, polyesters, vinyls, silicones, and polyurethanes.’
The ink industry refers to solvents as any organic liquid used to dissolve film-forming
materials and keep them in solution until the ink is applied to the surface to be printed. When
the ink has been applied, the solvent should be removed quickly to allow the ink to dry. Ink
formulators use a number of different solvents including ketones, ethers, esters, alcohols, alcohol-
ethers, chlorinated compounds (methylene chloride, carbon tetrachloride, and trichloroethylene),
and some aromatic hydrocarbons such as toluene and xylene?
Driers are used in inks which contain oxidizable oils or vehicles which fonn films by
oxidation. The driers, most often organic salts of metals such as lead, manganese, and cobalt,
act as catalysts and are added to drying oils to increase their normal drying rate. The metal
constituent imparts the drying action, while the organic portion of the salt carries the metal into
solution, or dispersion, with the oil. Too much drier causes the ink to skin and dry on the press,
fill in halftones, and causes the sheets to stick and offset in the pile?p8
Inks, like paints, may contain small concentrations of additives. Additives perform a
special function or impart a certain property to the coating. Additives include biocides,
surfactants, antifoams, and0waxy or greasy components. The waxy and greasy components are
used to improve the working and setting qualities of the ink, and to eliminate offsetting, sticking,
and picking problems. Waxes may be cooked -directly into the vehicle, or prepared as a
compound and added to the ink?**
Inks may also be classified by use and according to the type of vehicle used in the
formulation. The four primary types of inks are letterpress inks, lithographic and offset inks.
gravure inks, and flexographic inks. Typically, flexographic rind rotogravure inks employ a
solvent carrier, while letterpress, lithographic, and offset inks are of an oil or paste base. A
summary of the ink classifications by use category and subcategory is found in Table 2-4. In
1987, the value of all ink shipments was $2.36 billion dollars ($164.1 million for letterpress inks,
$987.3 million for lithographic and offset inks, $414.5 million for gravure inks, $424.8 million
for flexographic inks and $370.1 million for otherwise classified inks).6 Ward:s Business
Directory lists 56 ink manufacturing facilities in SIC 2893 with 1990 sales greater than
$l,OOO,OOO. This list is given in Appendix A, Table A-25

M-92-02 2-11
.. Product Shipments'
Product Quanti@ (million dolhrs)
TOTAL ......................................... (NA) 2,360.7
Letterpressinks ................................ OVA) 164.1
New inks ............................... miilb 203.1 100.7
Publicationinks ............................ do 9.8
Packaginginks ............................. do 27.4
Other letterpress inks ......................... do 20.9
Letterpress inks. .......................... 5.2
Lithographic and offset inks .......................
Newsinks .............................. millb
Publication inks:
Webtypes ............................ millb *179.9 311.0
Sheet types .............................. do **20.0 68.5
Packaginginks ............................. do 182 77.7
Web commercial type ........................ do 39.3 73.0
Other lithogmphic and offset inks. including sheet
commercial type ........................ mil Ib 162.8
Lithographic and offset inks. ................. 37.4
Gravure inks ................................. 4145
Packaging inks ........................... mil lb 153.6
Publication inks ............................ do 248.2
Other gravure inks .......................... do 1.4
Gravure inks. ............................ 11.2
Flexographic inks ............................... 424.8
Packaging inks:
Solvent types .......................... mil lb 117.7 189.3
Watertypes .............................. do 125.0 172.4
Other flexogxaphic inks:
Solvent types Ib 8.9
Watertypes .............................. do 31.0
Flexographic inks. n.s.k .......................... 23.1
Printing inks. n.e.c. .............................. 140.4
Textile printing inks f ...................... mil lb 45.3
Screen printing inks ....... : . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . do 59.6
Other printing inks. including stencil inks .......... do 34.0
Printing inks. n.e.c., n.s.k. ....................... 1.4
Printing ink, ns.k. .............................. 229.7
Printing inks., typidally for establishments with
10 employees or more (see note) ................. 160.5
Printing inks., typically for establishments with less
than 10 employees (see note) ................... 69.2
'Data by all pmduan not just those wirh shipments of S1OO.ooO or more.
'For sane establishments data have k e n estimated from a n d unit values which arc based on quantity-cost
rekhonships of the data rewned by che cstablishmcnr The followng symbols are used when the percenraqe
of each quannty figure csnmated m chis manner equalc or exceeds 10 percent of the figure pubbshtd in tbs
table: *IO to 19 percent wtmated; **?O to 29 percent estlmatcd If 30 percent or more 1s esnmaled. figure
is replaced by (S)

Source: Adaped from Reference 6

do Ditto
n.e.c. Noc elsewhem classified
n.r.k. Not specified by kind
(NA) .Not available
(S) Withheld bc4a11ss atimam did not meet publication standdr

9202 2- 12
2.3.3 Ink Product End-Uses

The end-uses of ink correspond to the use categories (Le., the type of printing process for
which the ink is manufactured): letterpress inks, lithographic and offset inks, gravure inks, and
flexographic inks. Letterpms, relief, or typographic inks (except flexographic inks) are those
inks used in printing processes employing raised characters or plates. Letterpress printing is the
oldest printing method, and until the mid 1970s, it was the major consumer of printing inks.
Now, ink facilities manufacture more of both gravure and lithographic inks. The primary uses
of letterpress inks include high-speed, long-run magazine and newspaper printing. Other
letterpress inks are used in the packaging industry, particularly on cormgated containers. Many
letterpress inks are black: almost all black inks use carbon black as the pigmenting agent?**
The majority of letterpress inks dry by absorption or penetration and are, therefore, oil

According to the 1987 Census, lithographic ink accounts for almost 40 percent of ink
shipments in the United States and slightly over 40 percent of product shipment valuk6
Lithographic printing processes include all processes of printing from flat, or slightly etched,
surfaces, such as stone lithography, offset lithography, dry offset printing, and offset tin ~ r i n t i n g . ~
Lithographic inks are used in the newspaper, publication, and packaging industries.6 The vehicle
in lithographic inks normally consists of one or more lithographic varnishes (linseed oil that has
been bodied by heat alone) or high-boiling solvents combined with oils and
Gravure inks, and the gravure processes, are used in the.production of fine, engraved
stationery and announcements, postage stamps, paper money, and illustrations in some books.
Gravure printing is also used in newspaper, magazine, and booklet supplements, and on a wide
range of packaging materials such as plastic films and foil. Ink is transferred from an etched flat
or cylindrical plate to the stock. Gravure inks consist of pigments, binders, and solvents. The
solvents incorporated in gravure inks are very volatile, allowing them to evaporate completely
from the ink film. The most important branches of gravure printing are the copper and steel plate
processes, the steel die stamping process, and the photogravure and rotary photogravure
(rotogravure) processes.7’8

“-02 2-13
Flexography, a branch of rotary letterpress printing, uses flexible, rubber relief plates with
fluid, volatile inks. As of 1987, water has acted as the solvent in slightly more than 50 percent
of flexographic inks.6 The remaining inks use volatile alcohols and glycol ethers.6p7 The
flexographic printing process was developed in Germany in the 1920s primarily for printing
grocery bags during their manufacture. Since that time, flexography has spread to other
packaging areas &d has been adapted to print on cellophane, foil, Mylar, polystyrene, and -

polyethylene. Flexographic inks also print well on glassine, tissue, sulphite, kraft and other paper
stocks, paperboard, corrugated liners, bags, paper labels, box coverings, folding cartons, gift and
trademark wrappings, corrugated boxes, paper cups and containers. Flexographic printing
provides attractive, economical packaging materials and is seen in all grocery stores on
prepackaged items from snack foods to clothing, cigarettes, toiletries, and industrial products.7,8,9
In addition to the conventional inks (Le., letterpress inks, lithographic and offset inks,
gravure inks, and flexographic inks), there are several other types of specialty ink products
including textile and silk screen inks, invisible inks, powdered inks, and carbon paper, typewriter,
and duplicating inks.


2.4.1 Introduction

Paint and ink facilities use similar manufacturing processes to produce their respective
products. Most small plants (i.e., facilities employing less than 20 people) produce paint in 10
to 500 gallon batches, while larger facilities produce paint in 200 to 3,000 gallon batches with
stock items made in 10,OOO gallon runs. '0911 Inks are produced in batches ranging from one
gallon to over 1000 gallons.''
The raw materials used in the manufacture of paints and inks include pigments, solvents,
. resins (or binders), and other additives. In most cases, the manufacturing facilities purchase these
raw materials and then formulate, or blend, a finished product. Normally, no chemical reactions
take place during the process.*' Batch process production of paint and ink involves four major

preassembly and premix

CH-92-02 2-14
pigment grhdingjmiiling
product finishinghlending
product fillingjpackaging
The manufacturing process is summarized in Figure 2-1.

2.4.2 Reassembly and Premix

The fmt step in the mariufacturing process is preassembly and premix. In this step, the
liquid raw materials (e.g., resins, solvents, oils, alcohols, and/or water) are "assembled" and
mixed in containers to form a viscous material to which pigments are added. The pigment and
liquid mixture forms a thicker materid, which is then sent to the grinding operations. At this
stage, the particles in the concentrate are rather large (250 pm) and not consistently mixed.' The
premix stage results in the formation of an intermediate product which is referred to as the base
or mill base. With further processing, this base with high pigment concentration may become
any one of a variety of specific end products.9,12 Resin production and cooking

Resin production is typically considered the first step in the manufacturing process.
However, few paint facilities, and even fewer ink plants, currently manufacture their own resins.
This step is now being accomplished in closed reactors in chemical plants. Once the resin has
been manufactured, it must be cooked and then converted to a usable vehicle. Over the last
decade, this step, like resin production, has become increasingly performed by chemical plants.
Chemical facilities cook resins with oils, fatty acids, or alcohols in indirectly heated, closed
stainless steel vessels. l5 These reactors are normally vented through a fractional distillation
column and a condenser, so that vaporized compounds are recycled back into the reactor. After
the resin has been cooked and then cooled, it is thinned with solvent to produce the vehicle. 15.16
The thinning stage is often the point at which paint and ink plants begin their manufacturing

CH-92-02 2- 15
I 1
=t t
Grinding Preassem bly Filter
or Milling and or Milling Product
Premix Finishing
(Batch (Continuous
operations) Operations)

. . Equipment selection
Premixing is necessary to keep the pigment in suspension in the resin, alcohol, solvent, and
oil mixture and to supply the dispersion equipment with a consistently mixed material. A wide
variety of equipment may be used in the premix process. Choosing which to use depends in part
on batch size. Drum-sized batches made in the drum itself may be blended with a portable mixer
which clamps onto the rim of the drum. These mixers normally have a three or four blade
impeller and may be either hydraulic or e1e~tric.l~
Other materials made in portable mix tanks
may be blended using larger, permanent high-speed dispersers or variable-speed mixers fitted
with paddle, propellor, turbine, or disc-type agitators.16 In some cases, a paint or ink will be
moved to a dispersion mill for grinding and milling, and then transferred back to the same premix
mixer for blending .operations.9 .
Other facilities use typical grinding equipment to accomplish premix operations. One paint
manufacturing plant uses dispersers and mixers to achieve high-sheared mixing when working
with insoluble powders (Le., pigments and additives). The same plant uses balVpebble mills or
Kady mills when mixing soluble powders. In this case, the facility may eliminate the need to
transfer the material to another type of grinding equipment as the premix and milling steps are
accomplished in one piece of equipment.13

2.4.3 Pigment Grinding or Milling

The incorporation of the pigment into the paint or ink vehicle to yield a fine particle
dispersion is referred to as pigment grinding or milling. This process occurs in three stages (i.e.,
wetting, gnnding, and dispersion) which may overlap in any grinding operation. To wet the
pigment particles, the wetting agent, normally a surfactant, must displace all contaminants (e.g.,
air, moisture, and gases) adsorbed on the surface of the pigment particles. The wetting process
actually begms in the premix step, when the pigment is charged to the liquid vehicle. 16,18
Grinding is the mechanical breakup and separation of the pigment particle clusters into isolated
primary particles. Dispersion is the movement of the wetted particles into the body of the liquid
vehicle to produce a permanent particle separation.18

CH-92-02 2-17
The goal of pigment grinding is to achieve fine, unifomrly-ground, smooth, round pigment
particles which are permanently separated from other pigment particles. The degree to which this
is realized determines the coating effectiveness and permanency of the paint or ink. Grinding
equipment must work effectively with the vehicle to accomplish this end. Just as there is a
variety of pigment vehicles, so there is an array of dispersion (milling) equipment. Some of the
more common equipment is described in the following nine sections. Roller mills

Roller mills may have from one to five rolls which grind pigments into vehicles. Most
paint and ink facilities that use roller mills operate with conventional three-roll mills. A
schematic diagram of a three-roll mill is shown in Figure 2-2. The premixed pigmented paste
is charged to the space between the feed and center rolls called the feed bank. End plates
prevefit the material in the feed bank from spilling out thesides. The mill base is canied into
the feed nip region by the inward rotation of the feed and center rolls which are turning at
different speeds. Some of the material remains in the feed bank while another portion transfers
through the feed nip to the underside of the rolls. Here the material splits. Part transfers to the
center roll while the remaining portion stays on the feed roll to return to the feed bank. The
material that was transferred to the center roll passes through the apron nip, after which a second
split t&es place. One amount remains with the center roll, returning to the feed nip, while the
other transfers to the apron roll where it is removed from the roller mill by the takeoff apron.
As the material moves through both the feed and apron nips, it is subjected to very high shear.
This shearing action serves to disperse the pigment throughout the vehicle, while the nip space
determines the degree of this dispersion.2.16,18

Roller mills are labor intensive, requiring highly skilled operators. Their lack of speed and
high operating cost make them unsuitable for large-volume production. The use of roller mills
is confined to the manufacture of very high-quality paints and inks and viscous pigmented
products which require fine dispersion and clean color. l6 Ball and pebble mills

Ball and pebble mills, probably the oldest pigment dispersion equipment, are cylindrical
containers mounted horizontally and partially filled with either pebbles or ceramic, glass, or

CH-92-02 2-18
metallic balls which serve as the grinding media. Paint and ink components, either in raw
material or in premix form, are charged to the mill through a top chute. The ball mill and its
contents then rotate about the horizontal axis at a rate sufficient to lift the grinding media to one
side and then cause them to cascade to the lower side. The tumbling action results in pigment

Ball and pebble mills are distinguished only by their interior lining and grinding media. _ _

The paint and ink industries conventionally define pebble mills as those mills containing a
nonmetallic grinding media such as ceramic, porcelain, silica balls and flint pebbles, and having
an inside surface lined with a nonmetallic liner such as burrstone, porcelain block, or rubber.
Ball mills, on t h i other hand, contain steel, alumina, iron, or nickel balls and have an interior
surface of alloy steel or another metallic liner. Because of these minor differences, the terms
"ball mill" and "pebble mill" are used rather loosely and the former is often used to describe both
types of mills. 2,16,18
The size and type of the grinding media will determine the type of paint or ink
manufactured. Small, dense grinding media tend to be more efficient at dispersing pigment than
larger, more porous media. Steel-lined mills charged with steel balls can be used only for dark

cQlors, as erosion results in the discoloration of whites and pale shades. Normally, lighter colors
I are made in pebble mills using ceramic media. 2-16.18
Ball mills offer paint and ink manufacturers the following advantages:

Normally no product premixing is required. The vehicle is often charged directly to

the mill followed by the pigment charge. This offers an economic advantage as
many grinding processes require premixing. 18

The milling process does not require skilled attention or supervision, yielding
minimal labor costs. Ball mills can operate on a timer, thus completing the
dispersion rocess outside of normal working hours (Le., at night or on

Low maintenance costs. 18

Ball bills are adaptable to the grinding of most paint dispersions and of all pigments.
Only highly viscous products are not amenable to ball mill grinding. l 8
Ball mills offer product standardization and consistency. 18 '


M-92-02 Q 2-20
Ball mills have the capability of providing substantial physical size reduction of
oversized particles, thereby upgrading pigment opacity andor color development.

Several disadvantages of ball mills include relatively long processing times ranging from 8 to
more than 36 hours and lengthy cleaning times requiring considerable amounts of solvents.16 Attritors
An attritor is a stationary, vertical, cylindrical grinding tank fitted with a centralized,
rotating agitator shaft to which are attached evenly-spaced spokes. The spokes extend into the
ball media and mill base mixture which fills the attritor during the milling process. As the

spokes rotate through the attritor tank contents, they agitate the ball charge. The agitation
the required shear and impact to effectively disperse the pigment into the vehicle: 16.18 -
Attritors are available in sizes up to approximately 100 gallons total capacity. They may
operate on a batch or on a continuous process basis and usually contain small ceramic or steel
balls (Le., 114 inch diameter). Raw materials may be added by hand or by a manifold system.
An attritor achieves pigment dispersion approximately three times faster than a ball mill, but
requires constant supervision. Attritors 'tan also handle higher viscosity materials than a ball
mill. 16.18 Sand mills

Sand mills, vertical cylinders filled with grinding media, operate on the principle that the
dispersion efficiency increases with the decreasing diameter of grinding media. These mills attain
dispersion by rapidly stirring small spheres in the presence of the pigment slurry. Paint and ink
manufacturers have used sand mills for the dispersion of pigmented mill bases since the early
1950s. Originally, manufacturers used fine-grained Ottawa sand as the grinding media. Now,
however, many facilities use small beads or balls ranging from 1/32 to l/S of an inch. Because
the size of sand mill media approaches that of bead, shot and ball mill media, the terms "sand
mill," "ball mill," "shot mill," and "bead mill" are often used interchangeably. Sand, bead, and
shot mills are frequently called media mills.2,16,18

, In vertical sand mills, the premixed slurry is pumped in at the bottom of the cylinder and
rises through the sand, which is kept fluid by the quickly rotating shaft impeller. Dispersion

CH-92-02 2-2 1

takes place as a result of pigment shearing as it rises through the chamber. Most pigments are
sufficiently dispersed when they reach the top of the chamber. The dispersed product is then
allowed to filter from the mill through a mesh which retains the sand. Older sand mills operate
with an exposed fdtering screen which often becomes encrusted with dry mill base. Many newer
mills, however, have a submerged screen that eliminates plugging problems. With an ample
supply of premixed material, the sand milling process can be continuous.2*16*18 Figure 2-3 is
a schematic of a vertical sand mill. Bead and shot mills

Bead mills look and operate like sand mills. The only difference between the two is the
type of grinding media employed. While conventional sand mills ordinarily use Ottawa sand,
bead mills use a wide variety of synthetic media including glass, ceramic, and zirconium oxide
or zirconium silicate* beads. 14*16 The term "beadmilling" developed i i the 1960s when
manufacturers started using synthetic grinding medii rather than sand. Many former "sand" mills
are now "bead' mills.16
The latest bead mills are closed agitated ball mills with a stationary horizontal cylindrical
grinding container enclosing a
%veri shaft which agitates 1 to 3 mm diameter grinding beads.
The small size of the grinding media necessitates that particle size in the mill.base feedstock be
ground and dispersed to below 250 pm. A properly set up bead mill can disperse to below 20
pm in a single pass through the mil!' Bead milling systems are available in sizes ranging from
1.5 to 1,900 gallons.16 Most bead mill manufacturers, with few exceptions, use glass, zirconium
oxide or zirconium silicate, ceramic, alumina, and in certain cases, steel ball e"rinding media.
They may be used either for batch or continuous processing.2,14,18
Shot mills are also similar to sand mills. These rugged units have a narrow, upright,
cylindrical tank equipped with a rotating vertical shaft that sustains a series of evenly spaced,
stainless alloy, circular platforms. The platforms rotate through the medidmill base mixture.
High-speed shot mills work best with small steel or ceramic grinding media. The mill operates
under internal pressure and therefore is able to grind materials with high viscosities. The mill
also has a variable-speed pump and submerged filter which rotates with the shaft.18

CH-92-02 2-22
-, Rotating shaft

Screen fa holding
back sand particles
while allowing free
flowthrouah of
dispersed 6 11 base I!
I 1
Exit port for discharge
of dispersed
mill base to apron

Impeller disks

.iypicai* , . now

for mill bose
sandwich between
two impeller disks
(rolling double-dou hnut
grinding action7


Water jacket -1
-_ . I
..i - 50/50 volume mix of
mill base and sand


Valve controlling rate
of flow of mill bose \

- Bottom entry for introducing homogeneous

premix of miil base paste o r
slurry t o s a n d grinder

Figure 2-3. Schematic drawing of conventional sand mill.

3-37 High-speed stone and colloid mills
High-speed stone and colloid mills, although not as common as many of the other pigment
grinding mechanisms, are another method of achieving pigment dispersion. Modem stone
(Carborundum) mills consist of two precisely shaped Carborundum stones working against each
other, as illustrated in Figure 2-4a. One stone, the stator, is held stationary while the other stone, -

the rotor, is rotated at high speed from 3,600 to 5,400 rpm. The premixed mill base is fed by
gravity or under pressure into the charge area above the rotor. A viscous laminar flow, yielding
pigment dispersion, results as the material moves through the grinding gap or the small space
separating the two stone surfaces. Because the material spends only a fraction of a second
between the stones, the dispersing action of the stone mill serves to refine rather than as a pure
mixing and grinding operation. Stone mills produce the best quality product when they are fed
- a well-mixed, viscous premix. 18 '

Colloid mills differ from stone mills in their material of construction and their gap
configuration. Figure 2-4b illustrates the truncated cone arrangement distinguishing the two
mills. The rotor and stator are designed with smooth, ground, and lapped faces which ensure a
uniform cross section in the material in the grinding gap. Mill base consistency results in
maximum shear and efficient milling. The rotor and stator in colloid mills may be constructed
. of Carborundum stones, high-nickel alloys, or Invar, an alloy with a low coefficient of expansion.
Like stone mills, colloid mills must be provided with a well-mixed, viscous material feed. 18,20
Both the stone mills and the colloid mills traditionally operate as open systems. However,
both may be converted to closed systems using an accessory pump to provide the material feed.'* High-speed disk dispersers

High-speed disk dispersers are the most universally used method of dispersion in the paint
and ink manufacturing industry. Their popularity continues to increase as compact, efficient,

heavy-duty power sources and readily dispersible pigments become more available. Some paint
and ink blends are manufactured entirely in one piece of equipment using high-speed disk-type
impellers. Essentially, the high-speed disk disperser consists of a circular, steel, saw-blade-type
impeller attached to the end of a steel shaft. The disk is suspended in a mixing pot which may
be jacketed for water-cooling. Because there is no grinding media present in the mixing vat, the

CH-92-02 2-24
63600 rpm

Figure 2-4. (a) Schematic drawing of the statorhotor assembly in a high-speed stone mill
(grinding region has the shape of a flat annular ring).
(b) Schematic drawing of the statorhotor assembly-in a colloid mill
(grinding region has the shape of a truncated cone).
pigment disperses on itself and against the surfaces of the rotor. While high-speed disk
dispersion may work well with some products such as undercoats and primers, it may not be
appropriate for high-quality paints and inks. It can, however, be used for premix operations of
high-quality paints, thus reducing the number of passes in a media mill or reducing the amount
of time spent in a ball mill.2.16.1 8,21
High-speed dispersers provide a simple, quick, and relatively inexpensive means of -~

distributing easy-to-disperse pigments in conventional vehicles on a batch processing basis.

These dispersers are also capable of handling all phases in the preparation of some paints and
inks (i.e., preassembly and premix, pigment grinding and dispersion, and product finishing) in
one piece of equipment. In addition to its dispersion abilities, the high-speed disperser can be
used in premix and blending (postmix) operations. Another advantage is the comparatively low
initial capital investment and low maintenance costs. The primary disadvantage of the high-speed
disperser is its inability to disperse hard agglomerates. l8
A modificakon of the high-speed disperser is a variable speed disperser. Variable speed
systems allow the incorporation of dry powders into a liquid medium at low speed with minimum
dusting. The speed is increased once initial wetting is complete.19
A second variation of the high-speed disperser is a rotor stator type machine similar-to the
set-up found in stone and colloid mills. Instead of disk type impellers, this disperser operates
with a rotor stator unit. The stator is mounted on several shafts extending from the equipment
housing, while the rotor is attached to a center disperser shaft which would typically hold a disk
type impeller. The rotor stator unit may be either high-speed or variable-speed. In addition,
newer models are quiet and more efficient than conventional high-speed dispersers.22,23 '

Another variation of the high-speed disperser/portable mix tank operation is the Kady mill.
This mill consists of a high-speed disperser or agitator in combination with a fixed mix tank.
The tank is jacketed, allowing for heating capability. It is also equipped with a permanent lid
which can be opened during product filling operations and sealed during the mixing and
dispersion process. As with disperser/portable tank operations, Kady mills contain no gnnding
media in the mix tank allowing the pigment to disperse on itself and against the surfaces of the
rotor. Kady mills are often used in the production of high-gloss paints and inks which require
heat to develop the gloss characteristics.13.14

CH-92-02 2-26 High-speed impingement mills
High-speed impingement mills or kinetic dispersion mills disperse pigment agglomerates
by impact. This mill consists of a slotted rotor and stator as shown in Figure 2-5. Material is
sucked in at both the top and the bottom of the mill and is thrown outward by the rotating slots
on the rotor against the close-fitting stator. The high velocity and forceful impact of the particles
results in dispersion.'
Impingement mills are most efficient when they are fed with a low-viscosity, easily
dispersible pigment/vehicle mixture. As impingement mills are a batch process operation, no
material premixing is required. The fluid vehicle (low solids content) is placed in the mill tank
prior to starting the milling process. Once the rotor has started, pigment is rapidly fed into the
tank. Batch grinding time averages less than 25 minutes."
a Horizontal media mills

The horizontal media mill is basically a vertical mill turned 90 degrees. This-configuration
improves the performance of the mill by creating better material flow and by increasing the
media loading capacity from 85 tt 90 percent of the chamber volume. The increase in media
loading from 5 0 percent in iertical mills to 90 percent in horizontal mills provides increased
- milling effi~iency2~
When provided with the proper premix feed, a standard horizontal media
mill offers the most efficient one-pass operation. Properly equipped horizontal mills provide
three times the productivity on an equal volume basis .as the open-top sand and bead mills.25
Horizontal media mills are closed systems. The filtering screen is enclosed by a sheet
metal cover which controls solvent losses and expands the range of products that can be
processed. Although the mill base moving through the chamber should be of low viscosity to
allow the grinding media to move with maximum velocity, manufacturers using horizontal mills
are no longer concerned about solvent evaporation and the mill base drying on the screen
(causing the mill to overflow).24.26
Horizontal mills range in size from 1.5 liters (0.4 gallons) to 500 liters ( 132 gallons). Most
mills are equipped with a secondary jacket which allows for water cooling. The mills are able
to use any of the common media currently manufactured including glass beads, ceramic beads,
zirconium silicate beads, and steel shot.24

ai-92-02 2-27
Figure 2-5. Schematic drawing of the milling head of a high-speed
impingement (kinetic dispersion) mill.

2.4.4 Product Finishing

Final product specifications are achieved in the product finishing step which consists of
three intermediate stages: thinning, tinting and blending. Thinning (letdown)

Material letdown, or thinning, is the process by which a completed mill base dispersion is
let down or reduced with solvent and/or binder to give a coating which is designed to provide
a durable, serviceable film that is easily applied to the substrate.’* The volume of the paint or
ink may inmase significantly at this point depending on the final product specifications.

.. . Tinting
Tinting is the process of adjusting the color of completed mill base dispersions. Normally,
an operator will collect a sample of the paint or ink once it exits the milling equipment. This
sample will be taken to the laboratory and compared to the desired color standard. Various
combinations of pigments, solvents, resins, and pastes are added to the material to meet the color
9,12,13 .i
requirements. Blending
Blending operations occur once the necessary additions have been made to the completed
mill base dispersion. Blending is the process of incorporating the additions into the material in .
order to meet the desired product specifications. In the case of batch operations, blendmg may
simply consist of additional milling in a ball mill or added mixing and dispersing in a portable
mix “high-speed disperser set-up. In other cases, the mill base dispersion is transferred to
fixed agtated blend tanks or additional mix tanwdisperser operations. In each case, material
adjustments for thinning and tinting are added through top openings, aptated, and gravity fed or
pumped out bottom or side spigots for filling operations.9,12,13,14

CH-92-02 2-29
2.4.5 Product Filling

The final step in paint and ink manufacturing is product fdling operations. After the
material has been blended, it is transferred from the blend tanks into containers for product
shipment. The transfer step normally involves product filtration. Filtering
Filtering acts to screen out impurities (e&, dust, gelled resin, and pigment aggregates) and
to enhance the quality and uniformity of the product. In the case of media mills, filters prevent
the grinding media from exiting the mill and entering shipment containers.2.14
Paints and inks may be filtered in a variety of ways. Some facilities simply attach cheese
cloth or cloth socks to the exiting blend tank spigot.9*13*14 Other plants use filtering eqiipkent
such as strainers or sieves. The Russel Finex strainer consists of a vibrated screen and hopper
through which product flows prior to entering shipment containers. The screens may be either
metal mesh, supported nylon, or another synthetic fiber. Another strainer, the Jenag strainer, has
a vertical chamber holding fiber filters. The paint is fed by gravity or pump to the chamber and
drawn through by vacuum2 -High quality finishes, such as those used lor automobiles and
industrial products, may be pumped through wound polypropylene or other resin cartridge
filtersz912 Bag filters, made from felts (rayon, polypropylene, or- nylon) or gauzes
(polypropylene, nylon, or polyester), can be attached to the flanged end of a supply line and
supported by a vibrating wire basket. These bags are usually washable and used only. for small
batches.2,13 Material transfer

Once the material has been filtered, it can be transferrcd into pails, drums, tote tanks, tote
wagons, or another container for shipment. Although most paints are sold by volume, most
manufacturing facilities find it more convenient to fill the shipping containers by weight using
the specific gravity of the paint or ink. Filling may be accomplished either manually or
mechanically depending on the number and size of the containers to be filled.2.12

CH-92-02 2-30

1. 1987 Census of Manufactures. Industry Series. Paints and Allied Products. U.S.
Department of Commerce. Washington, D.C.

2. Morgans,' W.M., Outlines of Paint Technology, Third edition, Halsted Press, John Wiley
& Sons, New York, NY. 1990.

3. "Paint Manufacture and Painting,"IARC Monographs, 47: 329-442, 1989.

4. Lorton, Gregory A., "Waste Minimization in the Paint and Allied Products Industry,''
JAPCA, 38(4): 422-427, 1988.

5. Gale Research, Inc. Wards Business Directory of U.S.Private and Public Companies-
1991, Volume 4. Detroit, MI. 1991.

6. 1987 Census of Manufactures. Industry Series. Miscellaneous Chemical Products. U.S.

Department of Commerce. Washington, D.C.

7. Wolfe, Herbert Jay, Printing and Litho Inks, Sixth edition, MacNair-Dorland Company,
New York, NY. 1967.

8. Printing Ink Handbook, complled by Technical and Education Committees, National

Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers, Inc. and the National Printing Ink Research
Institute, National Association of Printing Ink Manufacturers, New York, NY. 1967.

9. IC1 trip report.

10. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Guides to Pollution Prevention: The Paint
Manufacturing Industry, EPA-625/7-90-005. Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory.
Cincinnati, OH. 1990.

11. Berlow, James R., Howard D. Feiler, and Paul J. Storch, "Paint and Ink Industry Toxic
Pollutant Control," reprinted for the Pollution Prevention Pays Program, Pollution
Prevention Pays Library, C&AP 88. Raleigh, NC.

12. PPG trip report.

13. Perry & Denick trip report.

14. Borden trip report.

15. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Control Techniquesfor Volatile Organic.Emissions

from Stationary Sources. EPA-450/2-78-022. Office of Air Quality Planning and
Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1978.

CH-9202 2-3 1

16. Lambourne, R., ed., Paint and Surface Coatings, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY,

17. MixMor product brochure. "Mixers and Agitators for Industry," Mixmor, King of h s s i a ,
PA. 1989.

18. Patton, Temple C., Paint Flow and Pigment Dispersion, Second edition, John Wiley &
Sons, New York, NY. 1979.

19. Denison, B., "Bead milling - a practical guide," Journal of the Oil and Colour Chemists'
Association, 73(6): 256-260, 1990.

20. Premier Colloid Mills product brochure. "The Ultimate in Dispersing and Emulsifying,"
Premier Mill, Corp., Reading, PA. 1988.

2 1. Tippett, Jerome P., "Selecting Dispersion Equipment," reprinted from Modern Painr and
Coatings, by Schold Machine Company, St. Petersburg, FL. May 1980.

22. Wagman, Scott and Alan E. Hodel, "Rotor stator yields uniform dispersion in 1/4 the time," .
reprinted by Schold Machine Company, St. Petersburg, FL,from Chemical Processing.
50(8): 44-46, 1987.

23. Whitlock, Robert and Alan E. Hodel, "Disperser Cuts Processing Time 80% Produces
Smoother Flowing Product," reprinted by Schold Machine Company, S t. Petersburg, FL,
from Chemical Prkessing, July 1989.

24. Zoga, Christ, "Horizontal Media Milling With Computer Controls," reprinted from Modern .
Paint and Coatings, by Premier Mill Corporation, New Yark, NY. June 1984.

25. Zoga, Christ, "Dispersion and Milling Methods to Increase Plant Productivity," reprinted
from Modern Paint and Coatings, by Premier Mill Corporation, New York, NY. May 1989.

26. Sneeringer, John R., "Consider the Horizontal Mill," reprinted from CPIIOO, by Premier
Mill Corporation, New York, NY May/June 1986.

CH-92-02 2-32


This chapter describes the 'potential sources of VOC emissions in ink and paint
manufacturing facilities. Potential emission sources are identified and characterized based on
available literature and plant visit results. This chapter also discusses current industry emissions
as defined and described by published documents, State permit information, State VOC
regulations, and individual industry sites.
In 1987, the paint and ink industries consumed an estimated 2,750 million pounds of
solvent.li2 Although this number is expected to decrease as paint and ink manufacturers continue
to move toward products with lower VOC contents, it still accounts for 0.05 percent of total VOC
emissions. Other statistics indicate that the application of paints is the fourth-largest VOC
source.3 The United Kingdom attributes solvent emissions of 94,000 tons per year to the paint
and paint application industries.4
The primary factors affecting the emission of organic compounds are the types of solvent
used in the manufacturing process, the temperature at which these compounds are mixed, and the
methods and materials used during cleanup operations. According to EPA publication AP-42,
even under well controlled conditions, approximately 1 to 2 percent of the solvent brought into
the facility is lost during manufacturing operations?


3.2.1 Introduction

Volatile organic compounds are released from several types of equipment and handling
operations throughout the paint and ink manufacturing process and during cleanup operations.
Emissions can be categorized according to the four manufacturing processes (Le., preassembly

CH-92-02 3- 1
and premix, pigment grinding or milling, product finishing, and product filling) and cleaning

3.2.2 Preassembly and Premix .

The vast majority of paint and ink facilities begin the manufacturing process by thinning
resins with solvents, alcohols, oils, and/or water. The equipment items most often used in this
premix and preassembly operation are drums and portable tanks in combination with mixers.
Emissions from other premix equipment, such as grinding and milling devices, will be discussed
in Section 3.2.3.
Portable mix tanks, either alone or in combination with an agitator, are a common
emissions source. Portable mix tanks are used to mix product and to keep the pigment in
suspension. They are also used to transfer material from one manufacturing stage to the next.
While they are being used for mixing, the tanks are often, but not always, covered with lids. If
a cover is used on a mix tank during mixing, it will have a small opening through which the
agitator shaft extends. In some cases, only a splash guard is used to cover the back half of the
mix tarik. If mix tanks are used for temporary storage, they are often covered with a solid lid.
None of the lids seal with the mix tanks.6'8 .
In some cases, products are premixed in 55 gallon drums. Like the portable mix tanks, the
drums are often covered with non-sealing'lids. If a cover is used on a drum during mixing, it
will have a small opening for the agitator
Emissions occur during material loading when the tank or drum is uncovered or when the
lid'is open. VOCs may also be released through the agitator shaft opening and from around the
edges of the lid during the mixing process. The quantity of material released varies with type
of solvent, agitator mixing speed, material temperature, and type of cover. More organics will
be released with highly volatile solvents, increased agitator speed, and warmer temperatures.

3.2.3 Pigment Grinding or Milling

The equipment used in grinding operations includes roller mills, ball and pebble mills,
atmtors, sand mills, bead and shot mills, stone and colloid mills,.\ high-speed dispersers,

a€-92-02 3-2
impingement mills, and horizontal media mills. Emissions of VOCs from dispersers were
discussed in the previous section. ,

Roller mills are used to manufacture high-quality paints and inks with a high solids content.
The mill base vehicles used on roller mills normally contain from zero to 40 percent volatile
content, Because the rolling cylinders on roller mills are exposed to the atmosphere, the majority
of the volatile content in the mill base vehicle is expected to evaporate during the course of the
grinding process.9,lO
Grinding with ball and pebble mills approaches a closed system operation. The only
opening in these mills is the chute through which raw materials or premixes are added and the
spigot which is used for product filling operations. VOC emissions occur during these
r .

Attritors also approximate closed systems. Emissions may occur from the opening
surrounding the agitator shaft and/or at product outfall.'
Older vertical media mills (i.e., sand mills, bead mills, and shot mills) operate with an
exposed filtering screen. As the mill base rises through the chamber and becomes exposed to
the air, the solvent constituent evaporates, often leaving the screen enc sted with dry mill
Media mill operators may apply solvent to Qnclog the screen or they may scrape
down the filter with a coarse, dry brush.6-8 Fewer emissions occur from newer vertical media
mills which have submerged filtering screens." Additional emissions of VOCs result from
adding raw materials and from product filling operations.
Both the stone and the colloid mills traditionally operate as open systems. Emissions
normally occur as the mill base feedstock is added to the charge chute on top of the rotor/stator
arrangement. Similarly, emissions may occur after grinding as the material exits through the mill
spillway. Enclosing the spillway and using a closed charge chute with an accessory pump will
reduce overall emissions. 10.12
One variation of the high-speed disperser is the Kady mill. As with the emis3ions from
other dispersers, emissions from Kady mills occur during material additions and product filling.
However, unlike other dispersers, the Kady mill may be heated, resulting in additional'solvent
The majority of the emissions from impingement mills also occur during the addition of
raw materials and while emptying the mill of product. Impingement mills are potentially high-

CH-92-02 3-3
emission processing equipment because they require low-viscosity (low solids) vehicles. Ideally,
the first vehicle addition would contain only ten percent by weight solids. Subsequent additions
might contain a higher solids content.10
Horizontal media mills are efficient, closed-system milling devices. The filtering screen ~

is enclosed by a sheet metal cover which controls solvent losses and expands the range of
products that can be processed. Although the mill base used in a horizontal mill should be of
low viscosity, paint and ink manufacturers do not have to worry about VOC emissions during
the grinding process. The mill base for most horizontal mills is pumped from containers or
premix equipment through an enclosed piping system. Material discharge is also through
enclosed pipes or hoses.6-13

3.2.4 Product Finishing r .

The emissions that occur during the product finishing step are mainly a result of material
additions during the tinting and thinning stages. If a product is finished in a mix tWdisperser
set-up, emissions are similar to those mentioned in Section 3.2.2. When material is finished in
a fixed blend tank, releases occur during product additions throug$ the top hatch, which normally
does not seal with the blend tank?i8

3.25 Product

Emissions occur during almost all product filling operations. The extent of these emissions
is determined by the volatility of the solvent in the paint or ink formulation, the temperature at
which the product enters the shipment container, the method of material transfer, and the method
of filling. Emissions increase with temperature and highly volatile solvents.
One source of emissions is scale systems, where solvent and resin raw materials are
measured and transferred from storage tanks to the process tanks, between .process tanks, or from
process tanks to shipment containers. Emissions may occur during transfer and hose connecting
and disconnecting. Another type of scale system consists of a floor scale, a drum, a drum
dispenser, and a receiving container. Material is pumped out of the drum into the receiving
container. Emissions occur during material transfer and free-fall into the receiving container.

ai-92-02 3-4
In some cases, materid is transferred by bucket and dip method. Here, emissions occur while
the product is exposed to the air and while it is being scooped and transferred to the second
Another emission source is product filtering. As product fbws through a filtering device,
it is often exposed to the air, resulting in releases of VOCs.
Filling operations also result in VOC emissions. In one plant, portable mix tanks are
mechanically lifted and tilted, allowing the finished product to gravity feed into containers for
shipment. Some facilities allow product to gravity feed from processing equipment through
filters into shipment containers. Emissions result from product free-fall and material splashing.

3.2.6 Equipment Cleaning

In addition to emissions from process operations, VOCs are also released from a variety
of cleaning operations. Solvent based materials are used to clean equipment in which solvent
based products are manufactured, while water based supplies are used to clean after water based
production. Emissions occur during solvent
In many facilities, manufacturing equipment is cleaned manually on the production floor
on an as-needed basis. In some cases, cleaning is performed after each batch, and in other cases
equipment is cleaned after a series of batches. The cleaning frequency depends on the number
and size of batches processed, the size of the equipment to be cleaned, and the color and type
of product manufactured. The standard method of cleaning grinding equipment involves
emptying the mill of product and then adding solvent to the vessel to capture remaining product
residue. The wash solvent is normally drained from the tank and either disposed of as hazardous
waste or recycled. '-'Mix tanks and agitator blades may be cleaned with solvents, brushes,
and/or rags6 Roller mills are often cleaned by hand using rags and s o l ~ e n t . ~
Larger facilities may have areas designed specifically for cleaning operations. In these
facilities, equipment cleaning may be more automated (Le., automatic tank washers and spray
guns), but emissions still occur during the process.7

CH-92-02 * 3-5
Equipment cleaning operations account for over 80 percent of the paint industry's waste.
Although solvents are not the only waste generated during cleaning processes, they are a major


3.3.1 Introduction

There is little emission factor information available for the manufacture of paints and inks.
Figures range from process solvent losses of one to two percent under well controlled conditions
to losses of 100 percent for specific volatile organic c o m p o u n d ~ 5 *The
~ ~ 100 percent loss figure
is obviously a "worst case" estimate, as enough volatile components remain in the paint or ink
to allow it to remain fluid and workable. Some studies indicate that a coating film which is dry
to the touch may'retain five to ten weight percent solvent for several years because of the slow
diffusion rates encountered at the air-fdm interface.16 Many paint and ink manufacturing
facilities calculate total plant VOC emissions based on raw material consumption rather than
calculating emissions from processes or equipment by an alternative method. Total emissions
therefore reflect solvent losses du -manufacturing, cleaning operations, and storage.17
Emission factors for specific equipment could be developed using theoretical equations,
mass balance, or emission testing. The development of a theoretical equation could be based on
solvent volatility, vapor pressure, equipment size, and degree of agitation. Other variables to be
considered include equipment heatingkooling capabilities, ambient conditions, and exposed
surface area and tank cover efficiency (in the case of mixing vats andor drums). Both the mass
balance and the emission testing methods would require industry t r i a d 7
Much of the currently available emission factor data is based on U.S. EPA's Compilation
of Air Pollutant Emission Factors (AP-42). Data for paint and ink manufacturing are found in
Table 3-1. The table indicates that the majority of the VOC emissions result from varnish
production (for paints) and vehicle cooking (for inks). Because these processes are typically
performed in chemical facilities rather than in paint and ink manufacturing facilities, their
emissions are not addressed in this report.5

CH-92-07, 3-6

Nonmethane VOC
Type of Emission Factor
Productkocess Rating kg/Mg of product lb/ton of product

Paint' C 15 30
Varnish' C
Bodying Oil 20 40
Oleoresinous 75 150
Alkyd 80 160
Acrylic 10 20
Ink Vehicle Cookingd E
General 60 120
Oils 20 40
Oleoresinous 75 150
Alkyds 80 160
Source: Reference 3
manufacturing data is based on paint & vamish information
bAfterburners can reduce V O C emissions by 99% .
'Expressed as undefined organic compounds whose composition depends upon the type of
solvents used in the manufacture of paint & vamish
dink nonmethane V O C emissions are a mix of volatilized vehicle components, cooking
decomposition products and ink solvent

A = Ten or more tests at different plants with a single, standard method. These tests are not necessarily EPA
reference method tests, although such reference methods are certainly to be used as a guide.

B = Several test results using an accepted method that reflect a large portion of the population.

C = A small number of tests or tests employing several different or nonstandard methods.

D = A few or a singie source test that may be of questionable quality; or a factor derived for a different
source type that has been "transferred."

E = Engineering judgment

CH-92-02 3-7
Also included in the Table 3-1 is an emission factor data quality rating which may range
from A to E, with A being most reliable. AP-42 indicates that high qllality ratings are given to
emission factors based on multiple observations at many different plants, while low ratings are
given to emission factors based on single observations of questionable quality or extrapolated
from other emission factors for similar processes. The ratings given in AP-42 are considered a
general indicator of the accuracy and precision of a given factor used to estimate emissions from
a large number of sources. The rating system for a particular emission factor test data set is
based on the data standards developed by the U.S. EPA's Office of Air Quality Planning and
Standards for inclusion in AP-42. The rating system is included in Table 3-1.

3.3.2 Curreht Regulations7J8-25

Regulatory requirements for VOCs.vary from State to Staie and within some jurisdictions
of certain States. At the very least, VOC regulations should be in place in non-attainment areas
where source size may be a basis for control. VOC emission limits are often determined by end
use categories commonly called EPA Control Technique Guideline (CTG) Sources and by EPA
6 established Reasonably Available Control Technology (RAGI') Limits. Because paint and ink
manufacturing facilities are not identified by any current CTGs, individual States may develop
RACT limits. In many States only those non-CTG facilities emitting more than 100 tons per year
are controlled, while in other States the limit may be 15 pounds per day. Plants releasing less
than the specified limit are exempt. The Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990 will require non-
CTG sources in ozone non-attainment areas to control VOC sources that emit 10, 25, 50, or 100
tons per year VOC depending on the severity of the problem.
Several States currently have rules regulating VOC emissions from paint and ink
manufacturing facilities. Most of these regulations have the following common requirements and

Covers must be used on all stationary and portable mix tanks, dispersion mills, and
tanks containing VOC used for cleanup.

Grinding mills installed after the date ofregulatory enactment must be equipped with
fully enclosed screens.

ai-92-02 3-8
Equipment must be monitored and inspected for leaks on a regular basis.

Facilities emitting less than 100 tons per year VOC are exempt from regulation.

Facilities manufacturing primarily water based paints and inks are exempt.

The State of Ohio is one State that has developed an RACT case-by-case regulation. In
1988, Ohio enacted Ohio Air Pollution Control (OAC) rules 3745-21-01 and -09, which subjected
the Cleveland PPG Industries, Ipc. (PPG), paint manufacturing facility to site-specific
requirements for VOC emissions based on RACT. Because the emissions from the
manufacturing facility and the paint laboratory met or exceeded 100 tons of VOC annually prior
to rule enactment, the facility (manufacturing and laboratory) was classified as a "major" source.
As such, Ohio Mote non-CTG rules for the paint manufacturing operations and paint laboratory
operations specifically for PPG. Ohio's paint manufacturing RACT rules and the paint
manufacturing rules from other States are summarized in Table 3-2. Table 3-3 summarizes
similar rules for the ink manufacturing industry.

3.3.3 Permits26-30

Selected permits for equipment at paint and ink manufacturing facilities were retrieved from

the State of Ohio. Many pieces of manufacturing equipment (e.g., mixers, grinding mills,
dispersers, and filling equipment) are classified as stationary sources which are subject to the Best
Avglable Technology (BAT) requirement of OAC Rule 3745-31-07 (G)(2),"The control of
emissions of organic materials from stationary sources.'' This rule limits VOC emissions from
stationary sources to 8 pounds per hour and 40 pounds per day. In addition to these emission
limits, some equipment is subject to other special terms and conditions including the following:26

Bottom f l U requirements: All solvent additions to the designated equipment (mainly

tanks) shall be accomplished by bottom fill, with the exception of a small amount of
solvent per batch (i.e., 50 gallons) for making adjustments for product specifications.

Operational limits: Some sources are limited to processing time each day where
processing includes all periods in which the tank is being filled, materials are being
added, mixing is occurring andor cleaning of the tank. Holding time is not
CH-92-02 3-9

OE91'9EE-9 A

62'8 AI

5 I' I 1.92 111

- --__
Statc EPA
EPA Regulation Approval
Heglon Stale N 0. StatudDate State 1 h i k or Ilcciulreiiienl ExeniptlondCutoffs Coniiiients
V WI 121.06 kpproved (a) Coven on all blationary and portable mix tanks. [a) Facilities emitting 5100 tpy VOC. (a) Applies to manufacture of paints.
varnishes, lacquers, enamels, and other
@) Clean all portable tanks, stationary vats, high-speed dispersion &) Tanks where more effidive d i e d surface coating products.
mills, gnnding mills. and roller mills by mehods which minimize control used.
VOC emissions. @) Applies to facilities in Kenosha.
Milwaukee, Oaukee. Racine.
(c) Equip any grinding mill installed after 10/1M6 with fully enclosed Washin$ton. and Waukesha counties.

(d) Monitor valves. puiiips, sealed agitators. compressors. flanges. and

relief valver each quarter or year (as specified).

(e) Visually inspect valves. pumps. scaled agitators. conipresson.

flanees. and relief valves binionthlu: rtuair 515 davr.
V 11. 15-B-AA 4ppruvcd (a) Coven o n d l stationary and portable mills, lanks. vats, and (a) Facilities emitting < I O 0 tpy VOC. (a) Applies to facilities in Cook.
icction vessels and on all equipment being cleaned with DuPage. Kane. Lake, Mamupin,
!15.620 (b) Facilities producing a
,O O Madison. Mcllenry. Monroe. SI. Clair.
@) oprate grinding mills in accordmce wid1 maAacturers gpy of paints or ink formulations with and Will counties.
specifications which niust be kept 011 file and made available upon 210 percent (wt) water.
request. @) Applies to mixing. blending. ~d
(c) Equipment used to produce paint compounding of enamels, lacquers.
(F) Equip any gnnding mill installed after 4/1/89 with fully enclosed or ink formulations with 2lW (wt) sealen. shellacs. stains. varnishes. or
screens. water or ilks containing Magic oil pigmented surface coatings.
and glycol as the primary solvent.
(d) Visually inspect punips each week for leaks; repair SI5 days. (e) Applies to ink manufacturing
(e) Identify leaking punips. valves. pressure relief valves, sampling
connections. open-ended valves, and tlanges and repair in 515 days;
maintain records for two yean.

(0 Store organic wash solvent in c l o ~ containen.

V 011 1745-21-09 (a) VOC emissions from mixing tanks. grinding mills. thinning tanks. [a) Rule requirements do not apply to (a) State has developed RACT NICS
MM) filling equipment, cleaning equipment, solvent rebovely equipment. specific quipment during periods of Ma case by case basis.
and paint laboratory equipment shall be vented to control equipment no production activity or during
which shall be maintained as described. periods of water-based paint
@)Covers on a11 staii(wuy arid poii.dde mixing and blsnding tanks.

- -
State EPA
EPA Regulation Approval
Heglon State
State I.lmlt or Itequlrement
(a) Pressurehacuum conservation vents ret at 0.2 kPa on tanks a)
Installations with potential to a n i t
(a) Applies to manufacture of pints,
(KC) 10-2.300 ?toring VOC with vapor pressure >IO kPa. 250 kg/day or SI00 tpy VOC. varnishes. lacquers, enamels. and other
allied surface coating pductl.
@) Submerged-fill pipe or bottom fill for stationary VOC storage b) Tanks where more effeciive
containers with capacity >250 gallons. :ontrol used.
(c) Coven closed on Opcn-top tanks used in production of non-
w a t e h s e coating products, and on all tanks containing VOC used for
cleanup. -
(d) Collect gases ~d vapors from vamish
control by 285% before discharge.

(e)Opcratc and maintain grinding mills according to manufacturers'


(f) Polymerization of synthetic vamisli or resin to occur in enclosed

cperation using surface condenser exit stream 5 temperature at which
v a w r pressure is 3.5 kl'a for MY organic component.
VI1 MO 10 CSR Awroved (a) Pressurehacuum conservation vents set at 0.2 kPa on tanks 'a) Installation: with potential to a n i t (a) Applies to manufactum of painu.
(S1.L) 10-5.390 storing VOC with vapor pressure 210 e a . 2 5 0 kg/day or SI00 tpy VOC. vami:ho. lacquers, enmelr. and other
allied surface coating products.
+ (a) Submerged-fill pipe or bottom fill for stationary VOC storage b) Tanks where more effedivc
w containen wih capacity >250 gallons. :ontrol used. @) Applies to Swth St. h i s area.

(c) Covers closed on open-top tanks used production of non-

w a t e h s e coating products. and on ali tanks conlaining voc used for

(d) Collect gases and vapors from vaniish coating operations and
control by 285% before discharge.

(e) Operate and maintain grinding mills according to manufactum"


[f) Polymerization of synthetic vamisli or resin to occur in enclosed

operation using surface condenser exit stream 5 temperature at which
vapor pressure is 3.5 kPa for any organic component.
IX 1141.1 Approved (See Coatings and Inks Manufacture)

IX 1-35 4p["oved (See Coatings and Itks Manufacture)

EPA Regulation Approval
Heglon Slate No. Strtusflhte State IJmlt or Ilequlrenieiit ExaiiptlunslCutoffs Coniments
IV AL k.29 Approval (See Paints ~d Resin hlanufacturing)
V IL 35-U-AA Al'pruvcd
V MI Approved (See Paints and Resin Manufacturing)
V WI Approved (See Paints and Resin Manufacturing)
VI1 MO 10 CSR Approved (See Paints and Resin Manufacturing)
(Kc) 10-5.300
VI1 MO 10 CSR Approved (See Paints and Resin Manufacturing)
(S1.L) 10-5.390
M CA 8-35 Approved (a) Cowr dl portable niixing vats with lids as described and cover aU (a) Manufacturer producing 4
0 *(a) Includes adhesive manufacturing
@A) stationary mixing operations. gal/&y. facilities

*(b) Minimize VOC cleaning emissions from portable mixing vats. *(b) Equipment being &ed for watcr- *(b) Cleaning rrquinments effective
high speed dispersion mills. grinding mills k roller mills by one or based matings. p a r k inks. and low 1/1/93.
more of the following methods: (I) cleaning materials containing < V O C coatings. inks or adhesives
1% VOC. (2) M approved closed system cleaning system, (3) (<la, voc WI).
collection & venting of equipment cleaning emissions to an approved
emission control system. (c) Vats S 12 gal volume.
w (c) Fully enclosed screens on grinding mills installed after 11/1/85.

*(d) 4 5 l b VOClday from stationary vat unless emissions controlled

wilh overall efficiency of 85% (w) or where > 90% of organic c a h
is oxidized to carbon dioxide by incineration.
Ix 1141.1 Approvul (a) Cover portable mixing vats with lids as described and mver (a) Manufactukn of 400 gallday. (a) lncludes esiablishments under SIC
stationary mixing vats. I 0 2851.
(b) For limit (a), equipment producing
@) Minimize reactive organic gases when cleaning portable and water-based coatings and/or parte
stationary mixing vats. high speed dispersion mills, grinding mills. inks.
and roller mills.
(c) For limits (a) and (b). equipment

'Proposed aniendmenls/changes
- (c) Grinding mills installed after 1/1/85 shall have fully enclosed
used to product coating in vats S I 2
considered to be processing time. Solvent use per day or quarter may also be
- limited.

Recordkeeping and reporting: Some facilities are required to maintain daily records
of individual source processing time with product identified and batch start and stop
times indicated. Other recordkeeping requirements include tracking daily solvent use ~

with amount and type indicated. In addition, a facility may be required to conduct
routine inspections of equipment and record the results of the inspections and any
necessary repairs.

New product notification: Prior to manufacturing any new products, for other than
process development andor testing, some facilities must submit written notification
to the Ohio EPA.

Equipment modijicatiom: In most facilities equipment is required to be covered or'

enclosed during manufacturing operations.

Additional requirements will apply if a given facility operates add-on air pollution control
equipment. The Cleveland PPG manufacturing facility, which is mentioned in Section 3.3.2,
controls VOC emissions by venting fumes from individual sources to a REECO (Regenerative
Environmental Equipment Company) thermal incinerator. PPG's .permits (and the RACT rule)
name the following requirements:

the VOC emissions from the equipment included within the paint manufacturing

operations shall be vented either directly or by means of a building or local area

exhaust to a control s stem which shall maintain compliance with any of the
following requirements:7.26

(a) A minimum control efficiency of 98.0 percent by weight for the VOC emissions;

(b) A maximum outlet VOC concentration of twenty parts per million by volume (dry
basis); or

(c) A minimum incineration temperature of one thousand five hundred degrees


Similar permit requirements apply to other facilities operating air pollution control devices.
Appendix €3 contains tables which have a selection of permit requirements from several States. -
The States included are Ohio (Table B-1), California (Table B-2), Illinois (Table B-3), Texas

CH-92-02 3- 14
(Table B-4), and other States (Table B-5). The information included in these tables gives a
general idea of the quantity of VOC emissions occurring at different size facilities. In some
cases, the emission data is divided by source category (Tables B-1, B-4, and B-5). The emission
data listed in the tables is most likely based on theoretical equations rather than 00 actual test
Infomation retrieved from the State of Ohio lists vessel capacity, vessel size, abatement
methods, VOC emission limits, control efficiencies, and applicable operational limits. Two
methods of abatement used to control VOC emissions are carbon absorption and carbon
adsorption. Both the adsorbers and the absorbers operate at 95 percent efficiency.
California information lists facility size and organic emission limits in both tons per year
and pounds per day. The data indicate facilities with applicable abatement devices, but does not
describe the type of device.
Information included in the Illinois table indicates estimated organic emissions in tons per
year. . The abatement devices in this table include control techniques for both VOCs and
particulate matter.
Texas data includes facility size, emission sources, speciation data, organic emissions in
tons per year, and abatement devices. Like Illinois, Texas includes information on both VOC
and particulate controls. . Some of the methods used to control VOC emissions are vapor
condensors and scrubbers.
The information included in the final table, Table B-5, lists emission sources, emissions,
and abatement devices for several States.

3.3.4 Plant Trips

The trip reports for the four facilities visited during the course of this project are located
in Appendix C. All of the manufacturing facilities visited cdcuiate total plant VOC emissions
based on raw material consumption rather than calculating emissions from processes or
equipment by an alternative method. Total emissions therefore reflect solvent losses during
manufacturing, cleaning operations, and ~ t o r a g e . ~ - ~
Each of the four facilities visited is required to submit annual emission reports under the
Superfund Amendments and Reauthorization Act of 1986 (SARA) Section 313. In 1990, the

CH-92-02 3-15
facilities reported releases as indicated in Table 3-4.6*8*9 Please note that the term fugitives as
used in this table indicates primarily evaporative losses. These emissions m3y be controlled if
they occur within a structure or enclosure.


1990 Releases (Ibs)

Facility Chemical Fugitive Point Sources
The Perry & Derrick Company n-Butanol 1600 1-10
Ethyl Benzene 11499
Ethylene Glycol 11499
Glycol Ethers 500-999 11-499
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 13,000 1-10
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone 2,060 1-10
Toluene 19,000 11-499
Xylene 1,100 11-499
IC1 Specialty Inks Toluene 11499 11-499
(Regent Drive Facility)
Borden Packaging and .Industrial Glycol Ethers 1,100 500-999
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 500-999 7,800
1,l,l-Trichloroethane 7,830
Yoluene 11-499 500-999

Section 313 submissions for the PPG Industries, Inc., site are found in the facility t i p
report located in Appendix C.

CH-92-02 3-16

1. 1987 Census of Manufactures. Industry Series. Paints and Allied Products. U.S.
Department of Commerce. Washington, D.C.

' 2. 1987 Census of Manufactures. Industry Series. Miscellaneous Chemical Products. U.S. ~

Department of Commerce. Washington, D.C. .

3. Reitter, Chuck, "VOCs, ozone still major problems, and paint is right in the middle (Parr
l)," American Paint & Coatings Journal, July 7:15-18, 42-43, 1986.

4. Hart,Judith, "Painting the Town Green," Chemistry & Industry, 20:638, 1990.
5. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Compilation of Air Pollutant Emission Factors. AP-
42, Fourth Edition and Supplements. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards,
Research Triangle Park, NC. September 1985.

6. IC1 trip report and facility information

7. PPG mp report and facility information

8. Perry & Derrick trip report and facility information


9. Borden trip report and facility information

10.' Patton, Temple C., Paint Flow and Pigment Dispersion, Second edition, John Wiley &
Sons, New York, NY. 1979. .

11. Lambourne, R., ed., Paint and Surface Coatings, John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY.

12. Premier Colloid Mills product brochure. "The Ultimate in Dispersjng and Emulsifying,"
Premier Mill, Corp., Reading, PA. 1988.

13. Zoga, Christ, "Horizontal Media Milling With Computer Controls," reprinted from Modern
Paint and Coatings, by Premier Mill Corporation, New York, NY. June 1984.

14. Lorton, Gregory A., "Waste Minimization in the Paint and Allied Products Industry,"
JAPCA, 38(4):422-427, 1988.

15. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Toxic Air Pollutant Emission Factors - A
Compilationfor Selected Air Toxic Compounds and Sources, EPA-450/2-88-006a. Office
of Air Quality Planning and Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1988. .
16. Storfer, Stanley J. and Steven A. Yuhas, Jr., "Mechanism of Blister Formation in Orrganic
Coatings; Effect of Coating Solvents," Paint & Resin, 57(5):8-12,33, 4987.

(31-92-02 2-1 7
17. Memo from McMinn, B., Alliance Technologies Corporation, to Blaszczak, B., U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards, Connol
Technology Center. January 7, 1991. Request for emission factor development.

18. Exxon Chemical, "Guide to State Volatile Organic Compound Control Regulations,"
produced by Modern Paint and Coatings, April, 1991.

19. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Summary of State VOC Regulations - Volume 2 . ~

Group III CTG and Greater Than 100 Ton Per Year Non-CTG VOC Regulations, EPA-
450/2-88-004. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC.
May 1988.

20. Regulation 1141.1. Coatings and Ink Manufacturing, Rules and Regulations, South Coast
Air Quality Management District (California).

21. Regulation B, Rule 35. Coatings and Ink Manufacturing, Rules and Regulations, Bay Area
Air Quality Management District (California).

22. Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control
Board, Subpart AA: Paint and Ink Manufacturing, Section 215.620, 215.621, 215.623,
215.624, 215.625, 215.628, 215.630, 215.636. Rules and Regulations, Illinois
Environmental Protection Agency.

23. Chapter NR 42 1.06. Coatings Manufacturing, Rules and Regulations, WiSconsin

Department of hatural Resources.

Part 6, Rule 336.1630. Emission of volatile orpnic compounds from existing painr
manufacturing processes. Rules and Regulations, Michigan Air Pollution Control

25. Rules 3745-21-01 (Q) and -09(MM). PPG Industries, Inc., RACT rules. Ohio
Environmental Protection Agency.

26. Permit information retrieved from the State of Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.

27. Permit information received from the State of Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.

28. Permit information received from the State of Texas Air Control Board.

29. Permit information remeved from the Bay Area Air Quality Management District

30. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. AIRS Facility Subsystem Source Classification
Codes and Emission Factor Listing for Criteria Air Pollutants Database, EPA-450f2-88-
004. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC. May

CH-92-02 3-18


In paint and ink facilities, VOC vapors are generated throughout the manufacturing process.
If these emissions are left uncontrolled, high concentrations of VOC can build up in the work
area, compromising workers' health, safety, and productivity. Release of VOC to the atmosphere
can result in increased levels of tropospheric ozone (O,), a pollutant that causes negative health
effects in the human pulmonary system. -

The amount of VOC present in the indoor and outdoor atmospheres can be reduced in the
following'ways: minimizing the manufacture and use of products containing VOC, reducing the
amount of VOC emitted during the manufacturing process, and removing VOC from the air once
it has been emitted. Paints and inks may be reformulated to eliminate or minimize the amount
of VOC contained in the product. Reductions in process VOC emissions may be achieved by
equipment and process modifications, improved operating practices, and recycling. Reduction
of VOC emissions to the indoor and outdoor atmospheres can be achieved by ventilating the
manufacturing area through use of well-designed capture devices and subsequently removing
VOC from the ventilation air by appropriate control devices.
The concentrations of organics found in the emission streams from the process equipment
are often very low. The organics in these streams consist of alcohols, ketones, cellos.oIves,
acetone, toluene, xylene, and others.'12 The low organic concentrations, the variety of organic
constituents, and the paint and ink batch process operations often make add-on control devices
for individual sources unattractive. 'The following sections describe more effective emission
reduction and removal methods.


Paint and ink manufacturing facilities can take several steps to minimize VOC emissions
without employing add-on controls. The methods discussed in this section will reduce waste in
addition to reducing emissions. These VOC-minimizing methods include process and equipment

1 .
modifications, improved operating practices, and recycling. Source reduction through product
reformulation is covered in Section 4.3. It is difficult, however, to determine the overall
efficiency or impact of these VOC-minimizing methods on individual emission sources because
many paint b d ink manufacturing facilities estimate total plant emissions rather than estimating
or testing emissions by process or source (Le., filling operations, grinding operations, cleaning

4.2.1 Equipment or Process Modificatjons

Two stages which are amenable to equipment and process modifications are paint and ink
manufacturing and equipment cleaning. Tank Lids

Tank lids are the most common equipment modification used during the manufacturing
process to control VOC emissions. iMix and blend tanks are a primary source of manufacturing
VOC emissions because the solvent-containing materials spend a significant amount of time in
this equipment. All of the States tHat regulate paint and ink manufacturers require that all open-
top equipment be covered during the manufacturing process (See Tables 3-2 and 3-3). Illinois,
like most of the States, requires the following of equipment lids:3

1. The mill, tank, vat, or vessel is equipped with a cover which compietely covers the
milI, tank, vat, or vessel opening, except for an opening no larger than necessruy to
allow for safe clearance for a mixer shaft. Such a cover shall extend at least 1/2 inch
beyond the outer rim of the opening or be attached to the rim.

2. The cover remains closed, except when production, sampling, maintenance, or

inspection procedures require access.

3. The cover is maintained in good condition, such that when in place, it maintains
contact with the rim of the opening for at least 90 percent of the circumference of
the rik.

Many of the lids currently used in industry are flat and some are conical. FIat lids control ~

emissions relatively well, but they do have some inherent flaws. The lids do not form a seal with
the mix tank and the hinged door product add chute does not always remain closed. A typical

CH-92-02 4-2
flat lid is illustrated in Figure 4-1. Conical lids, a better engineering design, are considered a
more efficient means of controlling emissions. However, they too have associated difficulties
caused by added weight and bulky shape. The conical lids are more difficult to handle and
damage more easily than the flat lids:
Lids may be constructed of either plastic, wood, aluminum, or stainless Plastic
and wooden lids are normally one piece except for the center agitator shaft opening, while
aluminum and stainless steel lids normally have hinged openings for product additions and
sampling. Some facilities currently using aluminum lids question their safety? A study
conducted in Germany indicates that having steel (e.g., carbon steel mix tank) scraping against
aluminum containing silicon (e.g., mix tank cover) could be a potential source of sparks. A fxe
may break out if the sparks contact possible flammable vapors from solvent-containing paints and

The control efficiency of covers on mix tanks ranges from 40 to 96 percent depending on
the method used to determine emission^^*^*^^ These values represent the ratio of the emission
reduction to the uncontrolled emissions. They do not account for any subsequent venting to
control devices. The 96 percent value arose from studies conducted with mix tanks in the
g industry. In this case, the demonstrator considered only evaporative losses
d u h g the mixing prodess. This method of emission determination fails to include the working
losses that occur during filling and emptying a vessel containing a solvent-saturated air space.9
A study of the efficiency of covers used in the magnetic tape manufacturing industry
indicated an efficiency of 40 percent. This study, which is considered representative of the paint
and ink manufacturing industries, accounted for both evaporative and working losses. The
analysis indicated that the covered tank would release almost no evaporative losses. The study
also stated that working losses would be 75 percent of those calculated for an open tank (i.e.,
when the covered tank is filled, only 75 percent of the solvent-saturated air is pushed out into
the surrounding air). As described by the magnetic tape study, the total emission reduction is
determined to be the difference between the emissions of the open and covered tanks."
A description of a third study on mix tank covers is found in the IC1 trip report in
Appendix C. This study, which accounts only for evaporative losses, indicates a cover efficiency
of 88.6 percent?

CH-92-02 4-3

Figure 4-1. Typical flat mix tank cover.


Studies conducted by the polymeric coating industry indicate that no significant increase
in cover efficiency is achieved by using vapor-tight covers with conservation vents rather than ~~

tight-fitting covers. The primary benefit of conservation vents is the controi of breathing losses
which result from diurnal temperature changes. Mix tanks in paint and ink manufacturing, like
mix tanks in the polymeric coating industry, are not normally exposed to these temperature
changes." Modified Milling Equipment

In some cases paint and ink manufacturers couldreduce total VOC emissions by convening -
some of their older milling equipment to newer, more efficient closed-systems such as horizontal
media mills. Although a wide range of products can be processed in the horizontal mills, some
cannot. The mill base must be of a low'viscosity to allow the grinding media to move with
maximum velocity. The low viscosity requirement prevents some materials currently made in
other types of milling equipment from being manufactured in horizontal mills. The viscosity of
a product, along with other characteristics such as color, gloss, type of raw materials, and
processing time, often determines the appropriate type of milling Equipment Cleaning

Equipment cleaning generates a high percentage of the waste associated with paint and ink
manufacturing. Because much of this cleaning is performed with solvents, equipment cleaning
is also a major source of VOC emissions. Any methods that reduce the need or frequency of
tank cleaning will also reduce emissions. Several process and equipment modifications follow.

Rubber wipers: Facilities can use rubber wipers to scrape the sides of the tank to
reduce the amount of clinging paint or ink, therefore reducing the amount of solvent
needed to clean the tank. Wipers can be either manual or auto ma ti^.'^.'^

High-pressure spray head: High pressure spray heads can be used to clean process
tanks. These heads can reduce cleaning material use by 80 to 90 p e r ~ e n t . ' ~ " ~

Teflon" lined tanks: Teflon" lined tanks will reduce the amount of paint and ink
clinging to the side of the tank and will make cleaning easier.13s14

Plastic pigs: Plastic or foam "pigs" may be used to clean paint and ink from process
pipes. The "pig" moves through the pipes and pushes ahead paint from a previous

CH-92-02 4-5
batch which has been left clinging to the pipe walls. This process reduces solvent
needed to clean the pipes and increases product ~ i e l d . ' ~ . ' ~

Automaric rub washers: Some facilities have successfully used automatic tub washers
to clean process tanks. These washers form a seal with the tank, pull a vacuum, and
circulate cleaning solvent on a timed s c h e d ~ l e . ~

Another method to reduce emissions from solvent cleaning operations is to use larger media .

in milling equipment. Larger media rinses mgre easily than small media, and therefore requires
less cleaning s01vent.'~ Glass and ceramic media and sand are also easier to clean than steel

4.2.2 Improved Operating Practices

In addition to process and equipment modifications, VOC emissions may be reduced by

following good operating procedures. Several paint manufacturing facilities in Ohio are required
by permit to abide by the following good housekeeping procedures:"

1. All open-ended paint manufacturing vessels shall be securely covered during periods
of operation, except when adding raw materials.

2. During the transfer of'material to different containers, steps shall be taken to reduce
b d prevent splashes and spills. Any liquid or dry material spilled shall be cleaned
as expeditiously as possible, but not later than the end of the daily work shift.

3. Waste solvent shall be collected and stored in closed containers. The ciosed
containers may contain a device that would allow pressure relief, but would not d l o ~
liquid solvent to dram fiom the container prior to disposal.

4. The permitted facility shall provide a permanent sign or signs for the paint
manufacturing equipment which states the required work and operating practices.
The sign or signs shall be placed in a prominent location and be kept visible and
legible at all times.

Another good operating procedure which can reduce emissions is dedicating process lines
and equipment. Equipment dedication eliminates cleaning between each product batch.
Scheduling compatible batches or batches from light to dark colors also reduces the need for
equipment cleaning. Production scheduling and dedicating equipment may be impossible,

CH-92-02 4-6
however, in small paint and ink facilities that operate on a batch schedule in order to meet
customer demands. In some cases, facilities operate on a same-day shipment ~chedule.~'

4.2.3 Recycling Techniques

One common recycling technique among paint and ink manufacturers is using spent
cleaning solvent in subsequent compatible batches. After a mill or tank has been emptied of
product, solvent is added to the vessel to capture remaining product residue. The wash solvent
is drained from the tank,staged, and recycled into the next compatible product batch. Mills may
be cleaned by replacing the residual heel of the exiting product with an equivalent mount of
solvent which is compatible with both the preceding and the ensuing batche~.~'~"
Another recycling technique which reduces total solvent consumption and VOC emissions
is using countercurrent rinsing sequences. This method uses recycled "dirty" solvmt to initially
clean the tank. Following this step, "clean" recycIed or virgin solvent is used to rinse away the
"dirty" solvent. The countercurrent sequence, as illustrated in Figure 4-2, extends the' life of
cleaning sdvents. 4.6.14



Eliminating or minimizing the manufacture and use of products containing VOCs is the
most effective way to reduce VOC emissions. In many cases, alternatives to high-solvent
containing paints and inks do exist. However, because many end users (i.e., finishing facilities)
are reluctant to invest the time and effort required to change to these new and developmental
technologies, manufacturers continue to make the higher solvent products. As more technically
~~ ~

feasible low-VOC coatings become available, regulations covering their use will be developed.
For instance, a Control Technique Guideline (CTG) is curently being developed for aichitecrurd
and industrial maintenance coatings. The production trends for these lower solvent product
formulations are illustrated in Figure 4-3. The following sections briefly discuss several coatings
which have been successfully manufactured and applied by end-users.
1 a l
* 4-8
4.3.1 Powder Coatings

Powder coatings are mixtures of dry synthetic resins, pigments, solid additives, and from
zero to ten percent entrapped volatiles. Because these coatings contain no liquid solvents, they ~

do not emit VOC. Powder coatings are of two general resin types: thermoplastic and
thermosetting. Thermoplastic powders are comprised mainly of vinyl, nylon or fluoroplastics. ~

Thermosetting coatings are normally epoxy, polyester or acrylic p o ~ d e r s . ' ~ . ' ~

Powder coatings currently account for 15 percent, or an estimated 118 million pounds, of
the coatings market, and future growth is expected particularly with thermoset powder coatings.20
Epoxy systems, because of their versatility in both decorative and functional areas, have
anticipated expansion of 14 percent per year to 105 million pounds by 1995.2'
Powders can now be used in many paint end-user industries because of the technological
advances in the powder coating industry and because powder coating suppliers have developed
custom-formulated powders. They are a feasible alternative to many OEM paints, although they
are less viable in architectural and special-purpose markets.

4.3.2 Waterborne Paints and Inks

Waterborne paints and inks contain water as the main solvent or dispersant, although most
contain 5 to 20 percent organic solvent to aid in wetting, viscosity control, and pigment
Waterborne paints are of several types: latex or emulsion paints, partially solubilized
dispersions and water soluble coatings. Emulsions are the most commonly used coatings because
they can form relatively thick films without blistering. Emulsions are particularly common in
the consumer architectural market.I8
Waterborne inks are also penetrating solvent markets. The traditional solvent categories ~- ~

(flexographic and gravure inks) are seeing increasing production of waterborne formulations.-'

ai-92-02 4-10
4.3.3 Radiation-Curable Paints and Inks"

Radiation-curable coatings are coatings formulated to cure at room temperature with the
assistance of a radiation source, either an ultraviolet (VV) light or an accelerated electron beam
(EB). The electromagnetic radiation energy effects a chemical and physical change in the coating
materials by forming cross-linked polymer networks. Radiation-curable coatings typically have
higher solids contents than their conventional solventbome counterparts. The majority of current
radiation-curable systems contain none of the organic solvents found in conventional paints and
inks. The film-forming components in a radiation-curable system may approach 100 percent
reactivity, which means that most (Le., 98 to 99 percent) of the material is converted into the

polymer networkand very little evaporates before the coating or ink is considered dry.
Radiation-curable paints and inks have been used successfully in several areas. The graphic
s industry, a large user of UV-curable inks and varnishes, accounts for almost 50 percent of
the radiation-curible market. For 1985, it is estimated that the graphic a r t s indusuy,used 13
million pounds of UV-curable materials.

4.3.4 High-Solids Paints and,Inks

The normal solids content for conventional coatings ranges from 8 to 30 percent, while
high-solids coatings typically contain greater than 60 percent solids by The
contributing solids' components in high-solids coatings are pigments and binders (re~inq).'~.'~
Because high-solids coatings contain less solvent and more solids, they help to lower VOC
emissions. Some high-solids materials are used in almost all of the paint and ink markets.
High-solids coatings are modifications of their solvent-based counterparts and x e classified
into two general groups: two-componentlam bient cured and single-component/heat
Both groups are chemically composed of synthetic .resins, pigments, additives and a reduced
quantity of solvent: Epoxy, acrylic, polyester and alkyd resins have been developed for single-
component systems; acrylic, polyester, epoxy and urethane resins are used in two-component
coatings. The two-component systems offer the advantage of ambient curing, thereby eliminating
the need for an oven. When mixed shortly before application, the components crosslink to form
a solid film." .
A 1 7

VOC emissions can be removed from the atmosphere by an add-on control system
consisting of a capture device and a removal device. The capture device (such as a hood or
enclosure) captures the VOC-laden air from the emission area and ducts the emission stream to ~

removal equipment such as a recovery device (e.g., an adsorber) or a combustion device (e.g.,
an incinerator) which removes the VOC from the air. The overall efficiency of a conuol system
is calculated by multiplying the capture system efficiency by the removal device efficiency.
Thus, the combination of a capture device which captures 80 percent of the VOC emissions at
the emission source ducted to a removal device which removes 90 percent of the VOC in the
would yield an 72 percent overall efficiency.
emission s ~ e m
Many removal devices (such as adsorbers or incinerators) have removal efficiencies well
above 90 percent. Capture devices, in comparison, have a much larger range of capture
Designing a capture system for a facility can be a more complex task than designing a
removal system. A capture system must be designed around equipment functions and layout that
can vary significantly from plant to piant. In contrast, removal systems are typicaIly “packaged”

systems designed by the removal device manufacturer and placed away from the process
equipment, there by reducing facility-specific demands.

4.4.1 Capture Devices

Several capture devices such as enclosures, hoods, and other devices may be used in the
paint and ink manufacturing industry to remove vapor and liquid VOC from the manufacturing
area and to transport them to an appropriate removal device.*’
Severai factors are important in the design of a good capture system. A pnrnary capture
system criterion is that the system should maximize VOC capture at the minimum cost. F ~ _ _ _

Optimum cost effectiveness is generally achieved by increasing the degree of closure around the
emission area, because airflow volume is the primary factor influencing capture system cost.”

CH-91-02 4- 12
Other necessary considerations in addition to airflow and cost include fire and explosion
hazards, and visibility requirements." To prevent the risk of fne or explosion, the maximum
VOC concentration within capture and removal systems should be kept below 25 percent of the
VOC's lower explosive limit (LEL). Visibility must be maintained so that operators can clearly
observe the manufacturing equipment when nece~sary.'~
A "total enclosure" device is defined as a stnrcture that is constructed around a source of
emissions so that all VOC emissions are collected and exhausted through a stack or duct to a
control device. With a total enclosure, there will be no fugitive emissions, only stack
emissions.1o A paint or ink manufacturing facility may be well-suited to using the "total
enclosure" approach to VQC capture. The mixing tank lid could be constructed with a surficial
flange which could be conqected to a second flange at the end of flexible ductwork. The
ductwork, which is connected to a combustion or recovery device, is installed at the mixing
station and is attached to the mix tank lid during mixing operations. Although it is infeasible to
duct emissions from a portable tank while it is being temporarily stored or staged, it is feasible
to duct emissions from this equipment when it is being held stationary during manufacturing
*operations. This technique can be applied to lids fitting mix tanks and &ms of all sizes.
Employing this arrangemknt allows the covered tank to become, in effect, a total enclosure
capture device. Exhiusting the tank emissions to a removal devices completes the control
A second option is to use a room-type total enclosure or a small-process total enclosure.
In the paint and ink manufacturing industry, it may be possible to enclose defined areas within
the production facility and vent the area emissions to a combustion or recovery device. The
capture efficiency for complete enclosures can be close to 100 percent." Total enclosures may
be used in areas housing automated equipment and where personnel activities are minimized.
Although pamal enclosures, such as hoods hstalled over processing equipment, can be used in
more areas than total enclosures, their efficiencies are not as great.
The following points summarize the design and operational criteria set forth by EPA for
total enclosures in the polymeric coating industry:
1. The only opening in the enclosure shall be forced makeup air and exhaust ducts and
natural draft openings such as those through which raw materials enter and exit the
coating operation.

CH-92-02 A-17
2. The total area of all natural draft openings shall not exceed 5 percent of the total
surface m a of the total enclosure's walls, floor, and ceiling.

3. All access doors and windows shall be closed during normal operation of the
enclosed coating operation, except for brief, occasional openings to accommodate
process equipment adjustments. If such openings are frequent, or if the access door
or window remains open for a significant amount of time during the process
operation, it must be considered a natural draft opening.

4. Average inward face velocity (FV) across all natural draft openings is a minimum of
3,600 meters per hours (200 feet per minute) and demonstrably inward at all times.
5. All sources of emissions within the enclosure shall be a minimum of four equivalent
diameters away from each natural draft 0pening.l'

AIthough the criteria listed above were included in the polymeric coating and magnetic tape
coating new source performance standards, they may be considered a guide to the appropriate
design of a tank-and-lid total enclosure capture device.

4.4.2 Recovery Techniques

Recovery devices are those which physically remove a compound from an emission stream
and convert the compound into a form (normally a liquid) for future use, The removal
efficiencies-of recovery techniques normally depend on the chemical and physical characteristics
of the compound to be removed. Some of the recovery control devices used in industry include
carbon adsorbers, absorbers, and condensers. Carbon Adiorption

In the carbon adsorption process, VOC emission streams are passed through a bed of
activated carbon in which the VQC molecules are captured on the porous carbon surfaces by non-
chemical Van der Waals forces. The adsorptive capacity of the carbon bed tends to increase with
the gas phase VOC concentration, molecular weight, diffusivity, polarity, and boiling point of the
VOC.30 After the working VOC capacity of the carbon is reached, the VOC can be desorbed ______
from the carbon and collected for reuse.

a-92-02 4-14
Desorption of the solvent VOC from the used carbon bed is typically achieved by passing
low-pressure steam through the bed.31 In the regeneration cycle, heat from the stearn forces the
VOC to desorb from the carbon, where it is entrained in the steam. After the carbon bed has
been sufficiently cleared of VOC, it is cooled and replaced on-line with the emission stream.
Meanwhile, the VOC-laden steam is condensed, and the VOC is separated from the water by
decanting or, if necessary, by distillation; if the VOC is not recovered for reuse or reprocessing,
it may be incinerated?’
Carbon adsorbers are commonly used for air pollution control and/or solvent recovery from
dilute (less than 10,000 ppmv) streams of VOC in air. Adsorption provides a very low outlet
concentration as well as the opportunity to recover the VOC. Removal efficiencies range from
95 to 99 percent for well-operated systems, and outlet concentrations of 50 to 100 ppmv can be
routinely achieved. Packaged systems are available with flow rate capacities beyond 100,000
The principal advantage of carbon adsorption is that it is very cost effective with low
concentrations of VOCs. VOC recovery may offset operation costs. Operation of the adsorber
is relatively simple for both continuous and intermittent use. HowCver, at concentrations below
the 500 to 2,500 ppm range, adsorption may become
Certain types of VOCs, such as those which are difficult to strip from carbon or those
which are miscible with water, do present disadvantages. If the VOC involved is miscible with
water, additional distillation measures are necessary to recover the VOC. If steam-smpping is
conducted with chlorinated hydrocarbons, corrosion and wastewater treatment problems may
Also, carbon adsorption is relatively sensitive to emission stream humidty and
temperature. Dehumidification is necessary if the emission stream has a high humidity (relative
humidity > 50 percent) and cooling may be required if the emission stream temperature exceeds
120’ to 130°F.33
Two carbon adsorption systems currently in use are the fixed-bed system and the tluidized-
bed system. In the fixed-bed system, non-moving beds of carbon are alternately placed on-line
and regenerated. When a continuous emission stream is being treated, at least one bed is on-line
and one bed is regenerating at any given time. In the fluidized-bed systim, loose, clean carbon
is constantly metered into the bed while loose, VOC-laden carbon is removed for regenerati~n.~’

CH-92-02 Fixed-Bed Systems. In a continually operating fixed-bed system, the VOC emission
stream is passed through two or more non-mobile carbon beds. In 3 twc-bed qsiem, one bed
is on-line with the emission stream while the other bed is being regenerated or on standby.

When the fmt bed reaches its working VOC capacity, the emission stream is redirected to the
second bed, and the first bed is regenerated. While two beds are common, three or more beds
can be used in a variety of configurations, with more than one bed on-line at a time.31

4.4.2.I2 Fluidized-Bed Systems. The fluidized-bed adsorber system contains one or more beds
of loose, beaded activated carbon. The VOC emission stream is directed upward through the bed
where the VOCs are adsorbed onto the carbon. The flow of the emission stream stirs the carbon
beads, causing them to "fluidize" and flow within the adsorber. The VOC-cleaned air exiting the
adsorber is passed through a dust collector, then released into the atm~sphere.~'Fresh carbon
is continually metered into the bed while VOC-laden carbon is removed for regeneration.
Fluidized-bed adsorbers can capture more VOC with a given quantity of carbon because
the fluidized bed mixes newly regenerated carbon and VOC more thoroughly, and because the
system continually replaces used carbon with regenerated carbon. This increased VOC-capacity
reduces costs for steam regeneration. Fluidized-bed adsorbers are less common than fixed-bed
adsorbers because ff uidized-bed adsorption technology has been commercially feasible only since
the early 1 9 7 0 ~ . ~ ~
Because VOC concentrations in the paint and ink industry' are generally lower than the
acceptable range for economically feasible control by carbon adsorption, it is unlikely that the
carbon adsorber is a viable choice for the industry. Also, the wide mixture of organics that may
be emitted at a paint and-ink facility will tend to reduce the control efficiency of carbon
adsorption.% Absorption (Scrubbing)

In the physical absorption process, VOCs are removed from the emission m e a n by
absorption in a liquid solvent such as a high molecular weight oil. Spray towers, venturi -~

scrubbers, or other methods are used to bring the absorbent into contact with the emission stream.
After the VOCs dissolve into the solvent, the cleaned gas is released from the ab~orber.~'After

CH-92-02 4-16
the VOCs have been captured in the absorbent, fractional distillation or some other method can
be used to recover the VOC from the absorbent.n
Absorption is most efficient when the VOC is soluble in the absorbent, and when the
absorbent's boiling point is significantly higher than the VOC to be absorbed. Absorbers have
been shown to remove from 86 to greater than 99 percent of the waste stream VOC for various
Absorbers can be used with a wide variety of organic compounds without many of the
problems associated with other VOC removal devices such as the carbon adsorber, incinerator.
or condenser. A closed-loop system has been developed that demonstrates no deterioration with
use and does not generate steam, or wastewater or cause c o r r o s i ~ n . ~ ~
-Despite its advantages, the closed-loop adsorption system is not cost effective with very
low inlet concentrations of VOCs or with airflows less than 1,000cfm3' These restrictions make
the absorber a less-frequently used option for VOC control. For most industrial processes, I

including paint i d ink manufacturing, the waste stream VOC concentrations are generally low,
making absorption less desirable than adsorption or incineration unless the absorbent is easilv
regenerated or the solution can be used as a process make-up stream." Condensation
Condensers remove VOCs from the emission stream by causing the VOC to condense and
separate from the gas. The VOC can be condensed by decreasing or increasing the pressure at
a given temperature. Surface condensers and contact condensers are two common systems that
condense VOCs by cooling the emission stream at atmospheric pressure, The removal efficiency
of a condenser is dependent on the VOC characteristics, concentration, and airflow design.33
. In the surface condenser, the emission stream is passed by a tube or manifold containing
a chilled liquid. When the emission stream contacts the chilled surface, the VOCs condense. then
drain to storage or disposaL3' No contact-occurs between the coolant and the emission stream,
thus the condensate is smctly composed of the species condensing on its surface.
Contact condensers typically condense the VOC by spraying a liquid (such as water) that
is at ambient temperature or slightly chilled liquid directly into the gas stream in a simple spray
chamber or similar device." In contrast to the surface condenser, the contact condenser

CH-92-02 4-17
intimately mixes the cooling agent with the VOC to be removed. The VOC and coolant mixture
is collected for reprocessing or disposal.
Condensers are wideZy used as raw material andor product recovery devices.33 Often,
condensers are not used done but are used in conjunction with other VOC removal devices.
Condensers may be placed upstream of absorbers, adsorbers, or incinerators to reduce the
material load entering these more expensive or sensitive devices. Used in this way, the
condenser can remove components harmful to the other devices (such as chlorine or sulfur) or
remove valuable components that would otherwise be destroyed.
Condensers can be used alone for controlling waste streams containing high VOC
concentrations (>5,000 ppmv). In these cases, condenser VOC removal efficiencies usually vary
between 50 and 95 percent.33 Flow rates up to about 2,000 scfm are typical for condensers used
, -
- as emission control devices. At larger flowrates, prohibitively large heat transfer areas become
Surface and contact condensers each have merits relative to the other. Surface condensers
may more easily recover marketable condensate while minimizing waste disposal problems.
However, surface condensers are more expensive to operate than contact condenser^.^' Contact
condensers are generally less expensive, more flexible, and more efficient in removing VOC
are surface condensers. Condensate from contact condensers cannot be reused and may require
wastewater treatment prior to disposa~.~’
The condenser does not remove VOCs as efficiently as other VOC control devices such as
the incinerator, adsorber, or absorber. As the sole method of VOC control, the condenser may
not be sufficient for removing VOCs from the waste stream, particularly at high airflows. The
condenser may be best applied as an auxiliary VOC removal device placed upstream from other
removal devices and used to remove moisture, substances (such as chlorine or sulfur) harmfui
to other devices, or to recover easily captured materials that would be destroyed if an incinerator
were used downstream.
A disadvantage of the condenser is that VOC outlet concentrations below 10,000 to 20,000
ppmv are difficult to achieve due to saturation conditions. If extremely low outlet concentrations ~

are necessary, condensation will usually be economically infea~ible.~~

CH-92-02 4-18
Because much of the process equipment in paint and ink manufacturing facilities handles
a variety of substances with a wide range of VOC concentrations and components, condensers
would not be a feasible control device.%

4.4.3 Combustion Techniques

The most common combustion technique is incineration. Incinerators remove VOCs from
the emission stream by combustion, converting the VOCs into carbon dioxide, water vapor, and
small amounts of other compounds. The VOC-laden emission stream enters the incinerator
chamber where the VOCs are burned, sometimes with the assistance of a catalyst. Incinerator
performance is a function of the waste gas heating value, inert content, waste gas water content,
and the amount of excess combustion air.31. Other design variables include degree of mixing,
residence time, and the type of auxiliary burning used.
In contrast to adsorbers, absorbers, or condensers, incinerators do not recover the VOC for
reuse; however, heat is generated during the combustion reaction, and this heat may be recovered
for use elsewhere in the plant. The two most common means of incineration are thermal
incineration and catalytic incineration, in which the emission streams are ducted to a combustion
device primarily designated for control of organic emissions. The thermal incinerator and
catalytic incinerator are illustrated in Figures 4-4and 4-5. In a third means of incineration, the
emission stream can be vented to the combustion chamber of an industrial boiler or process
heater. The destruction method efficiency of a boiler or process heater is similar to that of the
thermal incinerator. The distinction between the two devices is that the boiler or process heater
is designated primarily as a heat source, and secondarily as a control device.
Both thermal and catalytic incinerators are often well-suited for removal of VOCs from
emission streams. Heat recovery is readily attained with both thermal and catalytic incinerators,
and this feature enhances the economy of using an incinerator rather than another VOC removal
There are some disadvantages to using incinerators. Incinerators destroy the VOCs rather
than recovering them; in some cases, the energy benefit may not be as great as the lost value of
the VOC. Incinerators may not be practical choices for VOC removal if certain types of VOCs
or other materials are burned. Incineration of VOCs that contain haloggns or sulfur will produce

ai-92-02 4-19
r Catalytic Bed

Gas In - - Gas Out

To Heat Recovery
and Exhaust

LAuxiliary Fuel Burner


Figure 4-4. Catalytic incinerator.

Burner Plate

t - Gas
Gas In- Gas flow

Fuel Supply - =

Figure 4-5. Thermal incinerator.


acidic compounds such as HCl or €&SO,.These streams are likely to require removal of the acid
components by a scrubber unit, greatly adding to the cost of the VOC control system.30 Catalytic
incinerators are very sensitive to materials that can reduce the effectiveness of the catalyst.
Phosphorous, lead, sulfur, and halogens can poison typical catalysts and severely affect their
perf0rmance.3~If it is necessary to use catalytic incineration to control waste streams containing
these materials, special catalysts or other measures must be employed. Liquid or solid particles
that deposit on the catalyst and form a coating also reduce the catalyst's usefulness by preventing
contact between the catalyst and the VOC?
For safety reasons, both thermal and catalytic incinerators may require large amounts of
dilution air to reduce the VOC concentration in the emission stream. Heating the dilution air to
the ignition point of the VOC may be prohibitively expensive, particularly if a waste gas contains
entrained water droplets which must be vaporized and raised to combustion chamber
temperatures. However, it is unlikely that dilution air would be necessary at a paint and ink
facility due to the relatively low VOC concentrations typically encountered. Thermal Incinerators ,

Thermal incinerators pass the emission stream through a combustion chamber where the
n burned at temperatures typically ranging from 700' to 1,300'C (1,300" to 2,370°F).31
VOCs a
Initially, burning is started with the assistance of a natural gas flame or similar heat source. If
the VOC in the emission stream has a sufficient heating value and concentration, ignition
temperatures can be sustained by the combustion of the VQC, and the auxiliary heat can be
turned off. If the ignition temperature cannot be maintained by combustion only, the auxiliary
heat must be Ieft on. Auxiliary heat can be provided by fuels such as natural gas, and from
recovery of heat released during combustion. The waste gases from the thermal incinerator are
usually vented to the atmosphere.
Thermal incineration is widely used to control continuous, &lute VOC emission streams
with constituents from a number of compounds. Thermal incinerators can achieve VOC removal
efficiencies of 98 percent or greater depending on the design of the equipment. These
efficiencies may not be possible in cases where the inlet VOC concentration is less than
approximately 2,000 ppm. For inlet concentrations lower than 2,000 ppm, the performance of
an incinerator is more appropffately indicated as a maximum exit concentration of 20 p p m ~ . ~ *

CH-92-02 A 3 1
For safety considerations, VOC concentrations are usually limited to 25 percent of the lower
explosive limit (LEL) for the VOC. If the VOC concentration is higher in the waste gas, dilution
may be required. Packaged, single-unit therind incinerators are available to control emission
streams with flow rates up to about 100,000 ~ c f m . ~ ’
Thermal incinerators, via combustion, remove particulates and other organics in addition
to VOCs,thus enhancing their utility?2 _ ~ -

One paint manufacturing facility currently uses regenerative thermal incineration to control
odors and VOC emissions.’ The contaminated gases enter the system through an upper ring-
shaped manifold. The air from this manifold is directed into inlet stoneware (Le., ceramic) beds
which act as energy recovery chambers. As the gases pass through the ceramic beds towards the

incineration chamber, they are heated to a temperature nearing that of incineration. The VOC
present in the fumes will autoignite in the beds. Oxidation is completed in the cennal
incineration chamber where a gas or oil burner maintains a preset temperature. The purified &
then passes through a second set of ceramic beds which absorb much of the gas’s internal heat.
The flow is periodically reversed to continually feed the inlet stream to the hot bed. The energy
which is stored in the stoneware bed during the outlet mode is subsequently used to preheat inlet
gases. Thermal efficiencies can exceed 93 percent. Although capital costs are high, thei are
generally offset by a decreased need for auxiliary f~eIs.’*~~ Catalytic Incinerators

Catalytic incinerators are similar to thermal incinerators in that they eliminate VOCs from
the waste stream via combustion. The distingqishing feature of a catalytic incinerator is the
presence of a catalyst (such as platinum or copper oxide) that allows the VOC combustion
reaction to take place at a temperature lower than the normal ignition temperature exhibited by
the VOC in By allowing the combustion reaction to take place at lower temperatures than
required for a thermal incinerator, less preheating of the emission stream from auxiliary hear is
necessary, and significant fuel savings are achieved.
In the catalytic incinerator, the emission stream is preheated to approximately 320°C
(600’F) by recovered incinerator heat or by auxiliary The preheated emission stream
is passed through the catalyst bed where combustion takes place on the activated catalytic
surface. The incinerators are operated from 320” to 650°C (600’ to 1,TOOOF), significantly lower

a-92-02 4-22
than operating temperatures for thermal incinerators. Higher temperatures can shorten the Life
of the catalytic bed. Properly operated catalyeic converters can be satisfactorily operated for three
to five years before replacement of the catalyst is necessary.33
Catalytic incinerators have been applied to emission streams in many industries. Packaged,
single-unit catalytic incinerators are available to control emission streams with flow rates up to
about 100,OOO scfm at efficiencies greater than 98 per~ent.~’
Low energy costs make the catalytic incinerator an important option for removal of VOC
from emission streams; however, the catalytic incinerator cannot be used in as many applications
as the thermal incinerator. Catalytic materials can be quickly degraded by many elements or
compounds present in industrial emissions such as sulfur or particulates. Many of these materials
are burned without difficulty in thermal incinerators.
Some of the issues which must be addressed when‘ applying catalytic incineration
techniques are the incinerator’s ability to handle the large variety of vapor phase organics that
would be emitted from a paint and ink facility, the wide variety .of organic concentrations in
process waste streams, and the changing speciation of organic emissions that would occur with
adjustments of paint and ink product formulations over time.N In many cases, one catalyst
cannot handle” all of the waste stream variations encountered in paint and ink manufacturink
facilities. Industrial Boilers and Process Heaters

In industrial boilers and process heaters, hot combustion gases (typically from natural gas
or fuel oils) are placed into contact with heat transfer tubes that contain water or process liquids.
Heat from the combustion gases is transferred across the tube to the liquids to produce steam or
to heat the process material. In addition to their function as steam generators and heaters,
industrial boilers and process heaters are currently used in industry to control organic emissions
from manufacturing operations. Both devices are most applicable where high heat ‘recovery
potential e ~ i s t s . ~ ’
Because the combustion of organic emissions can affect the performance of a boiler, the
emission characteristics must be considered. Such factors as variable flow rates, variable heat
contents, pressure, and the presence of corrosive compounds may require changes in the operation
of the boiler or heater. Boilers currently operating in a facility may n q be able to control all of

CH-92-02 4-31
the emissions from the plant, and an additional incineration device may be required. When a
new boiler or other incineration device is to be purchased, the operating and design parameters
can be calculated to fit specific facility
If a boiler or process heater is applicable and available for use as a control device, they
may provide excellent control efficiencies comparable to a thermal incinerator, while reducing

capital and operating costs. The only capital investments involved are those associated with
capture system ductwork, fans, and boiler or process heater modifications required to direct
emissions to the boiler/process heater. One difficulty associated with boilers and process heaters
is that they must operate continuously and concurrently with the emission source unless other
control devices or strategies are a ~ a i I a b l e . ~ * * ~ ~

CH-92-02 4-24

1. 1987 Census of Manufacturers. Industry Series. Paints &d Allied Products. U.S.
Department of Commerce. Washington, D.C.

. 2. 1987 Census of Manufacturers. Industry Series. Miscellaneous Chemical Products. U.S.

Department of Commerce. Washington, D.C. ___

3. Title 35: Environmental Protection, Subtitle B: Air Pollution, Chapter I: Pollution Control
Board, Subpart AA: Paint and Ink Manufacturing, Section 215.624. Rules and Regulations,
Illinois Environmental Protection Agency.

4. ICI trip report and facility information.

5. PPG trip report and facility information.

6. Peny & Derrick trip report and facility information.

7. Borden trip report and facili6 information.

8. Titman, H., "A review of Experiments on the Ignition of Inflammable Gases by Frictional
Sparking," Transactions of the Institution of Mining Engineers, 115(7):536-557, 1956.

9. Memo from Glanville, J. and S. Edgerton, Midwest Research Institute, to Magnetic Tape
Project File, Project 83118, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Emission Standards
Division, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. December 17, 1986. Calculated
Control Efficiency of Covers on Mix Tanks.

10. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates--

Background Information for Promulgated Standards, EPA-45013-85-022b. Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1989.

11. Zoga, Christ, "Horizontal Media Milling With Computer Controls," reprinted from Modern
Paint and Coatings, by Premier Mill Corporation, New York, NY. June 1984.

12. Sneennger, John R., Tonsider the Horizontal Mill," reprinted from CPIIOO, by Premier
Mill Corporation, New York, NY May/June 1986.

13. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Guides to Pollution Prevennon: The Paint
Manufacturing Industry, EPA-6237-90-005. Risk Reduction Engineering Laboratory.
Cincinnati, OH: 1990.

14. Jacobs Engineering Group, Inc. Wmte Audit Study: Paint Manufacturing Industry,
prepared for Toxic Substances Control Program, California Department of Health Services.
April 1989 revision of original study report.

a-9202 4-25
15. Quackenbush, Ivan C., "Points on Picking the Right Media for Small-Media Mills,"
reprinted from American Paint di Coatings Journal for the Quackenbush Company.
December 13, 1982.

16. "Bugs? In your Bead Mill," eleventh printing. Pamphlet from the Quackenbush Company,
Palatine, IL,1985.

17. Pennit information retrieved from the State of Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.

18. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Sulface Coating of Metal Furniture-Background

Informationfor Proposed Standards. EPA-450/3-80-007a. Office of Air Quality Planning
and Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1980.

19. "Powder Coatings," pamphlet prepared for The Powder Coating Institute, Alexandria, VA,

20. Bocchi, Greg, "Powder Coating Advantages," reprinted from:Products Finishing for The
Powder Coating Institute, Gardner Publications, Inc, 1991.

21. "Powder Coatings Bloom," Chemical Marken'ng Reporter, 240(8): 9,12, 1991.

22. "Coating Materials," pamphlet no.: TD 100-5, BINKS Training Division, Franklin Park, IL.

23. Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources. Hazardous Waste Minimization

Guidance Manual for Pennsylvania's Vehicle Maintenance Industry. Center for Hazardous
. Materials Research. Pittsburgh, PA. 1987.

24. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Radiation-Curable Coatings. EPA-600/2-9 1-035.

Control Technology Center. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1991.

25. Kohl, Jerome, Jeremy Pearson, Michelle Rose, and Philip Wright, "Managing and
Recycling Solvents in the Furniture Industry," reprinted for Pollution Prevention Pays
Program, January 1988.

26. Brantley, Michael, "Volatile Organic Compound (VOC) Emission Reduction

Implementation," from the Proceedings of Finishing '89 Conference, Society of
Manufacturing Engineers, Oct. 16-19, Cincinnati, OH, 1989.

27. U.S.Environmental Protection Agency. Glossary for Air Pollution Control of Industrial
Coating Operations, EPA4-450/3-83-013R.Second Edition. Office of ?iir Quality Planning-
and .Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1983.

CH-92-02 4-26
28. Ross, Vincent, "Waste Reduction-Pollution Prevention in the Furniture Industry: New
Technologies for Reducing Finishing Wastes and VOC Emissions," Proceedings of the
Conference "Warte Reduction-Pollution Prevention: Progress and Prospects within North
Camlina." North Carolina Department of Natural Resources and Community Development.

29. Roos, R.A., G.P. Fenton, and R.W. Perryman. "Containment of Fumes and Vapors
Generated in the Aluminum Rolling Process" in Lubrication Engineering, Volume 40., No.
10. pp. 621-626. American Society of Lubrication Engineers. October 1984.

30. OAQPS Control Cost Manual. EPA-450/3-90-006. Fourth Edition. Office of Air Quality
Planning and Standards, Research Triangle Park, NC. January 1990.

31. Control Techniques for Volatile Organic Compound Emissions from Stationary Sources.
EPA-450/3-85-008. Third Edition. Office of Air and Radiation and the Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1986.

32. Radanof, R.M. "VOC Incineration and Heat Recovery-Systems and Economics" in Third
Conference on Advanced Pollution Control for the Metal Finishing Industry. EPA-600/2-
81-028. .U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Industrial Environmental Research
Laboratory. Cincinnati, OH. February 1981.

33. Handbook: Conpol Technologies for Hazardous Air Pollutants. EPA-625/6-86-014. Air
and Energy En$neering Research Laboratory. Research Triangle Park, NC. September

34. Cleveland RACT Document, PPG Industries, Inc., Cleveland, OH. July 1957.

35. Ehrler, A.J. "Closed-Loop Absorption for Solvent Recovery" in Metal Finishing, Volume
85, No. 11. pp. 53-56. November 1987.

36. Heim, C.J., "Volatile Organic Emission Control in the Aluminum Industry Using Fluidized
Bed Carbon Adsorption," Proceedings of the Workshop on Characterization and Control
of Aluminum Cold Rolling Mill Emissions, The Aluminum Associadon. 1983.

37. Barten, A.E. "A New System for Separation and Recycling of Mineral Oils from Process
Fumes," in Lubrication Engineering, Volume 38, No. 12. pp. 754-757. American Society
of Lubrication Engineers. December 1982.

38, U.S.Environmental Protection Agency. Control of VOC Emissionsfrom Polystyrene Foam

Manufacturing, EPA-450/3-90-020. Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards.
Research Triangle Park, NC. 1990.

af-92-02 4-77


This chapter presents the estimated costs for controlling VOC emissions from paint and ink
manufacturing faciliies. The VOC reduction methods discussed in Chapter 4 are summarized
in Table 5-1, along with their applicability and current use in paint and ink manufacturing
industries. Of the methods presented in Table 5-1, the following are both applicable and used
by paint and ink manufacturing plants for reducing emissions: tank lids, horizontal media mills,
equipment cleaning devices, improved operating practices, recycling techniques, product
reformulation, capture devices, and thermal incinerators.
These methods are presented with their
- available associated costs in subsequent sections in this chapter.



I TaMc lids, horizontal media mills, and equipment cleaning devices all reduce VOC
emissions by modifying manufacturing equipment.

5.2.1 Equipment Tank Lids

The most common method of controlling VOC emissions during the paint and ink
manufacturing process is the use of equipment tank lids. Mix and blend tanks are a primary
source of manufacturing VOC emissions because the solvent-containing materials spend a
significant amount of time in this equipment. All of the States that regulate paint and ink
manufacturing facilities require that all open-top equipment be covered during the manufacturing
process. In most cases, the State or local agencies have adopted rules defining process controls,
such as lids, as RACT for paint and ink manufacturing industries (See Tables 3-2 and 3-3).
Lids reduce VOC emissions by retaining the solvent in the product in the mix tank. This
action serves to keep the product fluid and workable, thus preventing future solvent additions.

M-9202 5- 1
Reduction Method Applicability to Industry Current Use in Industry
Tank Lids Used extensively Most facilities
Considered by States as
Not normally vented to
control devices

Horizontal Media Mills Require low viscosity Some facilities

Highly efficient, closed
milling system
Equipment Cleaning Efficiency of use depends on Some facilities
Devices (rubber wipers, product manufactured and
high-pressure spray heads, level of employee training
Teflon" lined tanks,pigs, Some iqtallations may
automatic tub washers) require equipment
Improved Operating Used extensively Most facilities
Recycling Techniques Used extensively Most facilities 6
\ Product Reformulation Applicability depends on end Many lfacilities
use and customer
Some States have regulations
requiring lower VOC
Reformulation requires
extensive research and

Capture Devices Applicable according to data Extent of use is unknown.

coilected from other similar Only one facility with
industries documented use.
Capture devices are
commonly used for
particulate control


~ ~~

Reduction Method Applicability to Industry Current Use in Industry


Carbon Adsorbers Not applicable to industry Few facilities'

because of low VOC inlet
concentrations and variety
of contaminants in
Absorbers Not applicable to industry Few facilities'
because of costs associated
with low VOC inlet
May be used by very
specialized plants
Condensers Not applicable to industry Few facilities'
because of efficiency and
costs associated with waste-
stream concenaation and
composition variability
May be used in very
specialized plants i
Thermal Incinerators 0 Applicable, capable of Few facilities.
destroying contaminants in
process wastestreams
Catalytic Incinerators Not'applicable to industry No documented use found
because of low VOC inlet
concentrations and variety
of contaminants in
Industrial Boilers and 0 Applicable according to data No documented use found
Process Heaters collected from other similar

"Few - Documentation shows use by less than 20 facilities.

Lids also reduce excess VOC emissions entering the work area. Because the primary objective
of tank lids is to keep the solvent in the product, ducting lids to control devices is uncommon
The lids that are currently used in industry for covering process mix tanks can be either
plastic, wooden, aluminum, or stainless stee1.l4 Plastic lids consist of a thin sheet of plastic
which is placed across the tank in question and then taped or otherwise attached to the side of
the tank. Normally, plastic lids are used for one product batch and then are thrown away. Other
facilities use homemade plywood lids. After several uses, the underside of the plywood becomes
saturated with product and the lid must be discarded. The most frequently used lids are those
constructed of either aluminum or stainless steel. Flat aluminum lids, which are made by a sheet
metal contractor, cost $20 to $25 for dmms-and $300 for a 250 gallon mix tank. Similar
stainless steel lids often cost twice as much as the aluminum lids.2 The efficiency of mixer lids
has been estimated to be approximately 40 percent (See discussion of lid efficiency in Chapter
4).5 This value represents the ratio of the emission reduction 6 the uncontrolled emissions.
Using the lid efficiency of 40 percent, assuming an average batch size of 250 gallons, and
employing some additional data from the PPG RACT study (discussed below), the cost efficiency
of equipment lids can be determined as indicated in Table 5-2.
As part of,their RACT determination, the PPG facility determined total VOC emissions
released from each of their manufacturing buildings.6 In 1983, Building 19 used nine portable
mix tanks with agitators to accomplish premix operations. During that year, the tanks emitted
25 tons of VOC to the atmosphere. Assuming a normal operating schedule of 24 hours a day,
5 days per week, and 52 weeks per year, this calculates to approximately 0.89 pound of VOC
per hour from each This factor is specific to the .PPG facility and its products, as
emission rates will vary with many factors including the type of product manufactured, the type
of solvent used, and the capacity of the manufacturing equipment.

5.2.2 Horizontal Media Mills

Installing horizontal media mills is a second way to reduce VOC emissions generated
during the manufacturing process. Although these &Is are more efficient milling devices than
mix tanks and can be considered nearly 100 percent effective in controlling VOC emissions, they
cannot be used to manufacture every type of paint and ink.

CH-9202 5-4

- Cost Item (in dollars) Number cost Total Cost

Aluminum equipment covers 9 300 2,700
(replaced annually)
Cost Efficiency
Total Annualized Operating Cost for Equipment Lids 2,700
Total Emissions
25 tons/year at 40% control efficiency = 10 tons/year
Cost Efficiency $270/ton
'Cost figures and were taken from References 1, 2, and 6 and are assumed to be current dollars.
A typical 15 liter horizontal media mill with a 20 horsepower motor can produce 13 to 78
gallons of product per hour depending on the type of product produced? With an average
production capacity of 50 gallons per hour, a horizontal mill will produce 250 gallons of product
in 5 hours. Similar production quantities in other equipment may take 15 hours of processing
time. These numbers would indicated that horizontal media mills are approximately three times
as efficient as other equipment (e.g., a 250 gallon mix tank equipped with a high-speed disperser _____-

or a 15 liter open-top andm mill).**^**

Table 5-3 presents cost information for a horizontal media mill. To determine the cost
effectiveness of the process change as a control measure, the annual cost of the control equipment
(or mills) it replaces must first be subtracted from the cost of a horizontal mill. This incremental
cost divided by the amount of VOC emissions reduced would indicate the cost effectiveness of
the process change.

5.23 Equipment Cleaning Devices

Many equipment cleaning processes performed in the paint and ink manufacturing industry
.use organic solvents as the cleaning agent. Although equipment cleaning is a major source of
iVOC emissions, it is difficult to determine the overall efficiency or impact that equipment
cleaning devices have on reducing VOC emissions from equipment cleaning processes because
no data is available which quantifies these process emissions. Therefore, an equipment cost
efficiency cannot be calculated.


Two additional methods which may be used to reduce VOC emissions during the
manufacturiny process are improving operating practices and recycling. Discussions of both of

these methods are included in Chapter 4. Both of these techniques are very popular within the
paint and ink manufacturing industry because they are easily implemented at low cost. The only
costs involved with either of these techniques are those for operator training. In return, solvent
emissions and waste can be significantly decreased. One manufacturer of trade sales paints in

CH-92-02 5-6


Cost Item (in dollars) Factor cost
Capital Costs:
Equipment. Installation, and Indirect As estimated 180,000
Cost Totals (Not included in total
Annualized Costs:
Annual Capital Cost Recovery . As estimated 23,670
(15 year life, 10% effective
interest rate)
Direct Operating Costs:
Utilities 0.059kWhr 1,830
Op6rating Labor 12.96/hr 10,110
Operating Supervision 15% of operator labor 1,520

Labor 12.96/hr 3,370
Materials 100% of maintenance labor 3,370

Indirect Operating Costs:

Overhead , 0.60 (operating labor + . 11,020
Property Tax 1% of capital cost 1,800
Insurance 1% of capital cost 1,800
Administration 2% of capital cost 3,600
GRAND TOTAL (,Annualized Cost) 62,090
1 ,

‘Original cost figures were taken from References 2 and 6 and are in current dollars. Factors are adapted from
Reference 9 (fabric filters).

CH-9202 5-7
North Carolina reduced waste solvent production from 25,000 gallons to 400 gallons in the
course of a year by implementing a recycling program. In addition to redticing ultimate
hazardous waste disposal costs, the facility also reduced the amount of virgin solvent purchased."
These actions, in turn, will reduce o.verall emissions.


It is extremely difficult to assess the eosts associated with product reformulation. The
primary cost is the research and development that is required by each facility to reformulate
current products using lower VOC raw materials. AIthough waterbomes, powders, radiation-
curables, and higher-solids formulations are currently available, they may not meet the specific
end-user requirements and needs. In addition to absorbing development costs, industries wishing
to reformulate must also invest in pilot studies, prdduct testing, and additional operator training.

Reformulated coatings often act differently than solvent based products and require increased
levels of process control."


According to data collected from the polymeric coating industry and from the Cleveland
PPG facility, capture devices are expected to be applicable to the paint and ink manufacturing
industry.6*" However, only one paint facility is known to have a plant-wide capture system and
the capital and operating costs for this facility are unavailable.6 The costs associated with a
complete capture system are relatively inexpensive when compared to those of a control device.


~ ~~

The costs associated with thermal incineration presented here are based on actual costs
incurred by one facility known to employ thermal incineration as their control technique. The
costs are based on purchase, installation, and operation of two thermal incinerators at the
Cleveland PPG Industries, Inc., facility. One incinerator, the REECO I, controls VOC emissions .
from the manufacturing facility. A second REECO incinerator, REECO II,controls emissipns

M-92-02 5-8
fromthe PPG paint laboratory also located at the Cleveland site. Both of the nine-chamber fume
incinerators were. originally installed as odor control devices.
The 95 percent destruction and removal efficiency of the incinerators depends on the
capture efficiency of the ventilation system. A study conducted in 1983 indicated that plantwide
emissions for the Cleveland facility are 1,085.9 tons per year. Of these releases, 25 tons per year
are lost to the atmosphere. This represents a fugitive emission capture efficiency of
approximately 96 percent. The capital and operating costs and cost efficiency for thermal
incineration at the Cleveland PPG facility are presented in Table 5-4.

CH-9202 5-9
Cost Item (in dollars) REECO I REECO II Total
Capital Costs:
Equipment, Installation, and Indirect 7,071,760 5,407,975 12,479,735
Cost Totals (Not included in total ~

Annualized Costs:
Annual Capital Cost Recovery 1,150,897 880,123 2.03 1,020
(10 year life, 10% effective
interest rate)
Direct Operating Costs:
Utilities 522,888 530,430 1,053,318
Operating Labor 25,666 25,666 51,332
c .
Operating Supervision 3,827 3,827 7,654
(based on 15% of operator
Maintenance - Contracted:
Labor 16,886 16,886 33,772
Materials 16,886 16.886 33,772
Indirect Operating Costs:
i R
Overhead 20,488 20,488 40,976
Property Tax (pollution -0- -0- -0-
abatement equipment is
Insurance (1%of capital cost) 70,700 54,000 124,700
Administration (2% of capital ' 141,400 108200 249,600
GRAND TOTAL 1969,638 1,656506 3,626,144
Cost EfEciency:
Total Annualized Operating Cost for Incinerators 3,626.14
Total Emissions:
1085.9 tons/year at an overall efficiency of 91.2% = 990.3 tons/year

Cost Efficiency: %3,662/ton

'Original cost fig- were taken from Reference 1 and a c ar~umed
~ to have bem 1987 dollan. The costs were then adjusted to 1992
dollan using published Chemical Engineering cost indices.

a-9202 5- 10

1. PPG trip report and facility information.

2. IC1 trip report and facility information.

3. -Perry & Demck trip report and facility information.

4. Borden trip report and facility information.

5. Memo from Glanville, J. and S. Edgerton, Midwest Research Institute, to Magnetic Tape
Project File, Project 83/18, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Emission Standards
Division, Office of Air Quality Planning and Standards. December 17, 1986. Calculated
Control Efficiency of Covers on Mix Tanks.

6. Cleveland RACT Document, PPG Industries, hc., Cleveland, OH. July 1987.

7. "Supemill." Product pamphlet from the Premier Mill Corporation, New York, NY

8.. Zoga, Christ, "Dispersion and Milling Methods to Increase Plant Productivity," reprinted
from Modern Paint and Coatings, by Premier Mill Corporation, New York, N Y . May 1989.

9. U.S.Environm Protection Agency. Handbook: Control Technologiesfor Hazardolu

Air Pollutants, -625/6-9 1-014. Office of. Research and Development. Washington,
DC. June 1991.

10. Kohl, Jerome, Phillip Moses, and Brooke Triplett. Managing and Recycling Solvenrs.
North Carolina Practices, Facilities, and Regulations. December 1984.

11. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Polymeric Coating of Supporting Substrates--

Background Information for Promulgated Standards, EPA-45013-85-022b. Office of Air
Quality Planning and Standards. Research Triangle Park, NC. 1989.

a-92-02 5-11




A- 1


Sales in
Name Address $ Millions
Aervce-Pacific Co. Inc. PO Box 485, Gardnerville NV 89410 11
AExcel Corp. 7373 Production Dr, Mentor OH 44060 20
Agri-Blend Inc. PO Box 957, Rowlea TX 75088 1*
Akxon Paint & Vamish Inc. 1390 Firestone Parkway, Akron OH 44301 4+
Akzo Coatings Inc. Reliance Universal Inc. 1930 Bishop Ln, Louisville KY 40218 300
Akzo Coatings Inc. Akzo Resins & Vehicles 21625 Oak St, Matteson IL 60443 .13
Akzo Coatings Inc. 1600 Wafterson Towers, Louisville KY 40218 550*
Allentown Paint Manufacturing Co. PO Box 597, Allentown PA 18105 4
Also Indus hc.Morton Paint Co. Box 6208, Canton OH 44706 3
Ameritone Paint Corp. PO Box 190, Long Beach CA 90801 40
Ameron Inc. Enmar Finishes Div. PO Box 9610, Little Rock AB 72219 15
Ameron Inc. Ameron Protective Coatings 201 N Berry St,Brea CA 92621 112
Amsterdam Color Works Inc. 1546 Stillwell Ave, Bronx NY 10461 7
Aspen Paints 1128 SW Spokane St Seattle WA 98 134 4
Atlas Coating Cop. 820 E 140th St, Bronx NY 10454 7*
Automotive Finishes Inc. 6430 Wyoming Ave. Dearbom MI 48126 4
Baker Sealants & Coating 234 Suydam Ave, Jersey City NJ 07304 5 ‘
Barrett Vamish Co. ’ 1532 S 50th Ct, Cicero IL 60650 3
Bee Chem Co. 2700 E 170th St, Lawing IL 60438 66
Behr Process Corp. PO Box 1287, Santa Ana CA 92702 33*
Benjamin Moore & Co.
Bennette Paint Manufacturing Co.
Best Bros Paint Manufacturing Co.
. 51 Chestnut Ridge Rd., Montvale NJ 07645
PO Box 9088, Hampton VA 23670
PO Box 2056, Sinking Spr PA 19608
Beverly Manufacturing Co. (Los Angeles) 9118 S Main St, Los Angeles CA 90003 2
Birk Paint Manufacturing Inc. 230 Keamy Ave, Jersey City NJ 07305
Blue Ridge Talc CQ. Inc. PO Box 39, Henry VA 24102 , 9
Brewer Chem COT. PO Box 48, Honolulu HI 96810 .50
Brod-Dugan Co. 2145 Schuetz Rd, St Louis MO 63146 15
Bruning Paint Co. 601 S Haven, Baltimore, MD 21224 -30
Burkes Paint Co. Inc. 727 S 27th St, Washougal WA 98671 3
Buten Paint & Wallpaper 5000 Ridge Ave, Philadelphia PA 19128 40
Cabot Stains 100 Hale St Newburyport MA 01950 30
Cal Western Paint Corp. 11748 Skuson Ave, Santa Fe Spr CA 90670 5 .
Calbar Inc. 2626 N Martha St, Philadelphia PA 19125 4
California Products Corp. PO Box 569, Cambridge MA 02139 32
Carbit Paint Co. 927 W Blackhawk St, Chicago IL 60622 5
Carboline Co. 350 Hanley Indus Ct. St. Louis MO 63144 65
Cardinal Color Co. 50-56 1st St, Paterson NJ 07524 7
Cardinal Indus Finish Inc. 1329 Potrero Ave, South El Mon CA 91733 18
Centurv Chem Co. 5 Lawrence St. Bloomfield NJ 07003 .I


N O M A 6

Sales in
Name Address , $ Millions
Certified Coating Products 2414 S Connor Ave, Los Angeies CA 90040 1
CF Jameson & Co. Inc. PO Box 197, Bradford MA 01835 1
Charles A Crosbie Labs Inc. PO Box 3497, Van Nuys CA 91407 1
Chemical Technology Labs Inc. 12150 S A.lameda St, Lynwood CA 90262 3
Chemical Coating Corp. 7300 Crider Ave, Pic0 Rivera CA 90660 3
Ciba-Geigy Corp. Drakenfeld Colors PO Box 519, Washington PA 15301 28
Clement Coverall Inc. PO Box 557, Camden NJ 08101 4
CM Athey Paint Co. 1809 Bayard St, Baltimore h4D 21230 6
Coatings & Chems Corp. 3067 N Elston Ave, Chicago IL 60618 5
Colonial Refining & Chem Co. 20575 Ctr Ridge Rd, Cleveland OH 441 16 3
Columbia Paint Corp. PO Box 2888, Huntington WV 25728 5
Columbia Paint Co. PO Box 4569, Spokane WA 99202 17
Colweil Gen hc. PO Box 329, Fort Wayne IN 46801 20
Commercial Chem Co. Inc. PO Box 2126, Santa Ana CA 92707 4
Con-Lux Coatings Inc. PO Box 847, Edison NJ 08818 25
Cook & DUMPaint Corp. Pure All Paint 700 Gotham Ave, Carlstadt NJ 07072 8*
Coatings Co.
Cook & Dunn Paint Corp. 700 Gotham Parkway, Carlstadt NJ 07072 20
Cook &.Dunn Paint Corp. Adelphi 700 Gotham Parkway, Carlstadt NJ 07072 3
Cook Paint & Varnish Co. PO Box 419389, Kansas City MO 64141 100
Coronado Paint Co. Inc. PO Box 308, Edgewater FL 32032 28
Cosan Chem Corp. 400 14th St, Carlstadt NJ 07072 10*
Cotter & Co. Gen Paint & Chem Co. 201 Jandus Rd., Cary IL 60013 120
Courtlaulds Coatings USA Inc. PO Box 1439, Louisville, KY 40201 160*
Cowman & Campbeil PO Box 70328, Seattle WA 98107 3
CP Inc. PO Box 333, Connersville IN 47331 5
Crest Chem Indus Ltd. PO Box 85, New Lenox IL 60451 1*
Crosby Coatings Inc. PO Box 1038, Chic0 CA 95927 6
CWC Indus Inc. 2686 Lisbon Rd, Cleveland OH 44104 5

Ddys Inc. 3525 Stone Way N, Seattle WA 98103 5

Dampney Co. Inc. 85 Paris St, Everett MA 02149 4
Daniel Products Co. 400 Claremont Ave, Jersey City NJ 07304 20
Davis Paint Co. 1311 Iron St, Kansas City MO 64116 13
Davlin Paint Co. Inc. 700 Allston Way, Berkeiy CA 94702 3*
DC Franche & Co. 1401 W Wabansia Ave, Chicago IL 60622 '3
De Boom Paint Co. 645 Texas St, San Francisco CA 94107 5
Dean & Barry Co. 296 Marconi Blvd, Columbus OH 43215 15
Decratrend Paints 251 Mason Way, City of Indu CA 91746 17
Deft Inc. 17451 Von h a n Ave, Irvine CA 92714 ' 15

CH-9202 A-3 *


Sales in
Name Address .$Millions
Del Paint Corp. 3 105 E Reno St, Oklahoma City OK 73 117 4
Delrac Manufacturers of Bisonite Products PO Box 764, Tonawanda NY 14151 3*
co. Inc.
DeSoto Inc. PO Box 5030, Des Plaines IL 60017 408
Devoe & Raynolds Co. PO Box 7600, Louisville KY 40207 120*
Dexter Corp. Dexter Specialty Coatings Div. 1 E Water St, Waukegan IL 60085 80
Diamond Products Co. Inc. 709 S 3rd Ave, Marshalltown IA 50158 - 18*
DJ Simpson Co. PO Box 2265, South San Francisco CA 94080 5
Dover Sales Co. Inc. PO Box 2479, Berkeley CA 94702 3*
Duncan Enterprises PO BQX7827, Fresno CA 93747 30
Dunn Edwards Corp. PO Box 30389, Los Angeles CA 90039 150*
Dupli-Color Products Co. 1601 Nicholas Blvd, Elk Grove Vi IL 60007 50
Duralac Inc. 84 Lister Ave. Newark NJ 07105 4
Duron Inc. 10406 Tucker St,Beltsville MD 20705 150
Dye Specialties Inc. PO Box 1447, Secaucus NJ 07096 8
Egyptian Lacquer Manufacturing PO Box 4449, Lafayette IN 47903 10
Ellis & Everard (US Holdings) Inc. PO Box 4024, Martinsville VA 24 112 96*
Prillaman Chem Corp.
Box 447, Elkhart IN 46515 8
Emco Finishing Products Inc. 470 Cresent St, Jamestown NY 14701 2
Empire State Varnish Co. 38 Varick St, Brooklyn N Y 11222 5
Environmental Coain_esInc. 6450 Hanna Lake SE, Caiedonia MI 493 16 . 5
Epcca Co. 5 Lawrence St, Bloomfield NJ 07003
Epoxy Coatings Co. PO Box 1035, Union City CA 94587
Evans Paint Inc. PO Box 4098, Roanoke VA 24015 4*
Everseal Manufacturing Co. Inc. 475 Broad Ave, Ridgefield NJ 07657 12
Fabrionics Inc. Route 130 S, Camargo l L 61919 13
Farboil Co. 8200 Fischer Rd, Baltimore MD 21222 11
Farwest Paint Manufacturing Co. Inc. PO Box 68726, Tukwila WA 98168 3
Federated Paint Manufacturing Co. 1882 S Normal St, Chicago IL 60616 8*
Ferro Corp. Coatings Div. PO Box 6550, Cleveland OH 44101 73*
Fiber-Resin COT. PO Box 4187, Burbank CA 91503 10
Fine Line Paint Corp. 12234 Los Nietos Rd, Santa Fe Spr CA 90670 5
Finishes Unlimited Inc. PO Box 69. Sugar Grove IL 60554 3
Finnaren & Haley Inc. 2320 Haverford Rd, Ardmore PA 19003 25*
Recto Co. Inc. PO Box 12955, Oakland CA 94608 20
Frank W Dunne Co. 1007 41st St, Oakland CA 94608 7
Frazee Indus Inc. PO Box 2471, San Diego CA 92112 100
Fredericks-Hansen Paint PO Box 5638, San Bemardi CA 92408 12
Fuller O’Brien Corp. 450 E Grand Ave, South San Francisco CA 94080 140



Sales in
Name Address $ Millions
Gilbert Spruance Co. Richmond St & Tioga St,Philadelphia PA 19134 10
Given Paint Manufacturing Co. Inc. 111 N Piedras Sf El Paso TX 79905 7*
GJ Nikolas & Co. Jnc. 2810 Washington Blvd, Bellwood IL 60104 2
Glidden Co. Eastern Region PO Box 15049, Reading PA 19612 140
Glidden Co. Southwest Region PO Box 566, C m l l t o n TX 75011 59
Glidden Co. Resin Div. 1065 Glidden St NW,Atliuita GA 30318 30
Gloss-Flo COT. 135 Jackson St,Brooklyn NY 11211 4
Glyptal Inc. 305 Eastern Ave, Chelsea MA 02150 5
Gordon Bartels Co. 2600 Harrison Ave, Rockford E,6 1108 7
Graham Paint & Varnish Co. 4800 S Richmond St, Chicago IL 60632 10*
Grow Group Inc, US Paint Div. 831 S 21st St, St Louis MO 63103 30*
Grow Group Inc. Natl Aerosol Products Co. 2193 E 14th St, Los Angeles CA 90021 5
Grow Group Inc. 200 Park Ave, New York NY 10166 413
Guardsman Products Inc. 3033 Orchard Vista Dr, Grand Rapids MI 49501 190
Guardsman Chems Inc. 13535 Monster Rd, Seattle WA 98 178 6
H Behlen & Brother Inc. Route 30 N Perth Rd, Amsterdam NY 12010 10
Hancock Paint & Varnish 109 Accord Dr, Norwell MA 02061 10
H a n Chem
~ Coatings Inc. PO Box 147, Columbus OH 43216 25
Harco Chem Coatings Inc. 208 DuPont St, Brooklyn NY 11222 6
PO Box 8470, Canton OH 4471 1 20
PO Box 116, Caristadt NJ 07072 3
Hempel Coatings USA 201 Route 17 N, Rutherford NJ 07070 15
Hentzen Coatings Inc. 6937 W Mill Rd, Milwaukee WI 53218 12
Heresite Protective Coatings Inc. PO Box 250, Manitowoc WI 54221 15 .
Hoboken Paint Co. Inc. 40 Indus Rd, Lodi NJ 07644 17
Hoffers Inc. PO Box 777, Wausau WI 54401 47
Hy-Klas Paints Inc. 1401 S 12th St, Louisville KY 40210 6
Hydrosol Inc. 8407 S 77th Ave, Bridgeview IL 60455 30
IC1 Americas Inc. IC1 Paints 925 Euclid Ave, Cleveland OH 441 15 843
Illinois Bronze Paint Co. 300 E Main St, Lake Zurich IL 60047 25
Indumll Coatings Inc. PO Box 2371, Birmingham AL 35201 8
Industrial Coatings Intl. 7030 Quad Ave, Baltimore MD 21237 14*
Insilco Corp. Sindair Paint Co. 6200 S Garfield Ave, Los Angeles CA 90040 loo*
Intemationd Paint Co. USA Inc. 6001 Antoine, Houston TX 77091 50 ~~~~

International Pant Co. USA Inc. Southwest PO Box 920762, Houston TIC 77292 18
International Coatings Co. 13929 E 166th St, Cemtos CA 90701 5
M a n e Syss Inc. PO Box 276, Ebbing MN 55746 8*
IVC Indus Coatings Inc. PO Box 18163, Indianapolis IN 46218 9
J Landau & Co. Inc. PO Box 135, Carlstadt NJ 07072 4

CH-92.02 A-5


Sales in
Name Address .$ Millions
James B Day & Co. Day Ln, CarpentersviUe IL 60110 8
James Bute Co. PO Box 1819, Houston TX 77251 3*
Jasco Chem COT. PO Dmwer J, Mountain View CA 94040 7
John L Armitage & Co. 1259 Route 46 E,Parsippany NJ 07054 8*
Johnson Paints Inc. PO Box 061319, Fort Myers FL 33906 9
Jones Blair Co. G h a n Paint & PO Box 1257, Chattanooga TN 37401 38
Wallcovering Div.
Kalcor Coatings Co. 37721 Stevens, Willoughby OH 44094 6
Kaufman Products Inc. 1326 N Bentalov St, Baltimore MD 21216 I*
Keeler & Long .Inc. ~

p0 Box 460, Watertown CT 06795 10

Kelly-Moore Paint Co. Inc. H L t Div. 301 W H m t Blvd, Hurst TX 76053 15
Kelly-Moore Paint Co. 987 Commercial St San Carlos CA 94070 230*
King Fiber Glass Corp. Fiber Resin 366 W Nickerson St, Seattle WA 98119 2
Supply Div.
Komac Paint Inc. 1201 Osage St, Denver CO 80204 10
Kop-Coat Co. Inc. 480 Frelinghuysen Ave, Newark NJ 07114 15
Kop-Coat Co. Inc. Pettit Paint Co. 36 Pine St, Rockaway NJ 07866 11
Kurfees Coatings Inc. 201 E Market St, Louisville KY 40202 16
Kwal-Howells Inc. PO Box 39-R, Denver CO 80239 23
L & H Paint Products Inc. PO Box 7311, San Francisco CA 94120 4
Lasting Paints Inc. PO Box 4428, Baltimore MD 21223 6
Lenmar Inc. 150 S Calverton Rd. Baltimore MD 21223 13
Lilly Chem Products Inc. PO Box 188, Templeton MA 01468 11
Lilly Indusmal Coatings Inc. 733 S West St, Indianapolis, IN 46225 212
Lily Co. Inc. PO Box 2358, High Point NC 27261 30
Linear Dynamics Inc. 400 Lanidex Plz, Parsippany NJ 07054 ?O
Lyle Van Parten Co. Inc. 321 W 135th St, Los Angeles CA 90061 3
MA Bruder & Sons Inc. PO Box 600, Broomail PA 19008 140*
Maas & Waldstein Co. 2121 McCarter Highway, Newark NJ 07104 15
MAB Paints Inc. 630 N 3rd St, Tem Haute IN 47808 32
Magruder Color Co. Inc. riadiant Color Div. PO Box 4019, Richmond CA 94804 30
Major Paint Co. 4300 W 190th St, Torrance CA 90509 65
Mansfield Paint Co. Inc. 169 W Longview Ave. Mansfield OH 44905 -

Ic.farteCInc. 760 Aloha St Seaale WA' 98109 3

Martin-Senour Co. 101 eospect Ave, Cleveland OH 441 15 44*
Maua Paint co. PO Box 7068, Madison WI 53707 19
McCormick Paint Works Co. 2355 Lewis Ave, Rockville, MD 20851 18*
McWhorter-McCloskey Inc. 5501 E Slauson Ave, Los Angeles CA 90040 5
Mercury Paint Co. Inc. 14300 Schaefer Highway, Detroit MI 48227 18
Mid-States Paint CO. 93 15 Watson Indus Park. St. Louis MO 63 126 1


a-9202 A-6


Sales in
Name Address $ Millions
Midwest Lacquer Manufacturing Co. 9353 Seymour Ave, Schiller Par IL 60176 <

Midwest Paint Manufacturing Co. 23 13 W River Rd N, Minneapolis MN 554 11 2

Millmaster Onyx Group Inc. Manmse- 500 Post Rd E, Westport CT 06880 . 15
Haeuser Co.
Mobile Paint Manufacturing Co. 4775 Hamilton Blvd, Theodore AL 36582 45
Mohawk Finishing Products Route 30 N, Amsterdam NY 12010 35*
Moline Paint Manufacturing Co. 5400 23rd Ave, Moline IL 61265 17
Moling Paint Manufacturing 5400 23rd Ave, Moline IL 61265 125
Monarch Paint Co. PO Box 55604, Houston TX 77255 29*
Morton I 2 Inc. Noms Paint/TMT PO Box 2023, Salem OR 97308 5
Mural0 Co. Inc. - PO Box 455, Bayonne NJ 07002 42
M d o Co. Inc. Olympic Paint & Chem Co. 5928 S Garfreld Ave, Los Angeles CA 90040 2*
N Siperstein Inc. 415 Montgomery St, Jersey City NJ 07302 40
National Paint Co. Inc. 3441 E 14th St, Los Angeles CA 90023 3
National Lacquer & Paint Co. 7415 S Green St,Chicago IL 60621 2
Nelson Tech Coatings Inc. 2147 N Tyler Ave, South El Mon CA 91733 2
New York Bronze Powder Co. Inc. 519 Dowd Ave, Elizabeth NJ 07201 30
Niles Chem Paint Co. PO Box 307, Niles MI 49120 16*
Norton & Son Inc. 148 E 5th St,Bayonne NJ 07002 15*
Nu-Brite Chem Co. Inc. Kyanize Paints 2nd & Boston St. Everett MA 02149 20
O’Brien Corp. # 450 E Grand Ave, South San Francisco CA 94080 150*
O’Brien Corp. Powder Coatings Div. 5300 Sunrise Rd. Houston TX 77021 40
O’Brien Corp. Southeast Region PO Box 864, Brunswick GA 31521 11*
Old Quaker Paint Co. 2209 S Main St, Santa AM CA 92707 31
Orelite Chem Coatings 62 Woolsey S t, Irvington NJ 07 111 4
Pacific Coast Lacquer Co. Inc. 3150 E Pic0 Blvd, Los Angeles CA 90023 3
Palmer Paint Products Inc. PO Box 1058, Troy MI 48099 7
Pan Chem Corp. 1 Washington Ave, Hawthorne NJ 07506 5
Paragon Paint & Varnish Corp. 5 4 9 46th Ave, Long Island NY 11101 14*
Parker Paint Manufachlring Co. PO Box 11047, Tacoma WA 98411 26
Parks Corp. PO Box 5, Somerset MA 02726 20
Parks Paint &‘ Vamish Co. Inc. 660 Tonnelle Ave, Jersey City NJ 07307 3*
Passonrio Paints 500 Broadway, Watervliet NY 12189 10
Pave-Mark COT. PO Box 94108, Atlanta GA 30318 30
PavePrep Corp. 141 Central Ave, Westfield NJ 07090 14*
Penn Color Inc. 400 Old Dublin Pike, Doylestown PA 18901 40
Pentagon Chem & Paint Co. 24 Woodward Ave, Ridgewood NY 11385 16*
Perfection Paint & Color Co. 715 E Maryland St, Indianapolis IN 46202 6*
Performance Coatings Inc. PO Box 1569, Ukiah CA 95482 3
Perry & Demck Co. 2510 Highland
- Ave, Cincinnati OH 45212 15

cH-%o2 A-7

' Sales in
Name Address $ Millions
Pervo Paint Co. 6624 Stanford Ave, Los Angeles CA go001 13
PFI Incorporated-Paints for Industry 921 Santa Fe Springs Rd,Santa Fe Spr CA 90670 2
Pierce & Stevens Corp. 710 Ohio St, Buffdo NY 14203 50
Plasti-Kote Co. Inc. PO Box 708, Medina OH 44258 50
Plasticolors Inc. 2600 Michigan Ave, Ashtabula OH 44004 17
Plextone Corp. of America 2141 McCarter Highway, Newark NJ 07104 3
PMC Inc. Gen Plastics Div. 55-T La France Ave, Bloomtield NJ 07003 4
Ponderosa Paint Manufacturing Co. Inc. PO Box 5466, Boise ID 83705 10
Porter Paint Co. PO Box 1439, Louisville KY 40201 121
Potter Paint Co. Inc. PO Box 265, Cambridge Ci IN 47327 2*
PPG Indus Architectual Finishes Inc. 2233 112th Atre NE, Bellevue WA 98004 110*
PPG Indus Inc. Automotive Products Group PO Box 3510, Troy MI 48007 20*
h a & Lambert Inc. 75 Tonawanda St, Buffalo NY 14207 246
Pratt & Lambert Inc, Western Div. PO Box 668, Marysville CA 95901 10
Premier Coatings Inc. . 2250 Arthur Ave, Elk Grove Vi IL 60007 20
Preservative Paint Co. Inc. 5410 Airport Way S, Seattle WA 98108 13
Pro-Line Paint Manufacturing Co. Inc. 2646 Main St,San Diego CA 92113 7*
Proctor Paint & Varnish 38 Wells Ave, Yonkers NY 10701 ' 20
Progress Paint Manufacturing Co. PO Box 33188, Louisville KY 40232 10
hen-Schaffer Chem Co. PO BoxP350, Pittsburgh PA 15.204 4
Pyrolac Corp. 55 Schoon Ave, Hawthome NJ 07506 4*
Quality Coatings Inc. 1700 N State. Chandler IN 47610 2
MI& Swanson Inc. 100 Eames St, Wilmington MA 01887 15
Randolph Products Co. Park Place E, Catlstadt NJ 07072 9
Red Spot Paint Varnish Co. Red Spot 550 S Edwin St,Westland MI 48185 15
Westland Inc.
Red Spot Paint Varnish Co. PO Box 418, Evansville IN 47703 58
Reliable Coatings Inc. 13108 Euless St,,Euless TX 76040 14*
Republic Clear Thru Corp. 211 63rd St, Brooklyn pJY 11220 6
Republic Powdered Metals Inc. PO Box 777, Median OH 44258 15
Riley Bros Inc. 860 Washington Ave, Burlington IA 52601 3
River Valley Coatings Inc. PO Box 580. Aurora IL 60507 2*
Riverside Labs Inc. 411 Union St. Geneva E 40134 3*
RJ McGlennon Co. Inc. 198 Utah St, San Francisco CA 94103 j
Roymai Inc. Route 103, Newport N H 03773 4
RPM Inc. PO Box 777, Medina OH 44258 380
Rudd Co. Inc. 1630 15th Ave W, Seattle WA 98119 10
Rust-Oleum Corp. 11 Hawthorne Parkway, Vernon Hills IL 6006 1 89
Rutland Fire Clay Co. PO Box 340, Rutland VT 05702 2
SamDson Paint Manufacturing- Co. 1900 Ellen Rd, Richmond VA 23224 42

CH-9202 A- 8

~ ~~

Sales in
Name Add- $ Millions
Sampson Coatings Inc. PO Box 6625, Richmond VA 23230 9
Sandst" Products Co. 218 S High, Port Byron IL 61275 7
Saxon Paint & Home Care Centers Inc. 3729 W 49th St, Chicago IL 60632 15*
Dreeblan Paint Co.
Schalk Chems Inc. 2400 Vauxhall Rd, Union NJ 07083 7
Scott Paint Corp. 5940 Palmer Blvd, Sarasota FL 34232 16*
Seagrave Coatings Corp. Clover Leaf Paint 320 Paterson Plank Rd, Carlstadt NJ 07072 14*
& Varnish
Seaside Inc. PO Box 2809, Long Beach CA 90801 3
Seibert-Oxidenno Inc. 6455 Strong Ave, Detroit MI 48211 11
SEM Products Inc. 120 Sem Ln, Belmont CA 94002 7
Sentry Paint Technologies Inc. 237 Mill St, Darby PA 19023 10
Seymour of Sycamore Inc. 917 Crosby Ave, Sycamore EL 60178 10
Sheboygan Paint Co. PO Box 417, Sheboygan WI 53082 12
Sheffield Bronze Paint Corp. 17814 S. Waterloo Rd, Cleveland OH 44119 3
Sherwin-Williams Co. 101 Prospect Ave NW,Cleveland OH 44115 2,124
Sherwin-Williams Co. Automotive Div. 101 Prospect Ave NW,Cleveland OH 441 15 160
Sherwin-Williams Co. Consumer Div. 101 Prospect Ave N W ,Cleveland OH 441 15 170*
Sherwin-Williams Co. Oakland 1450 Sherwin Ave, Oakland CA 94608 32*
Sherwin-Williams Co. Chem Coatings Div. 11541 S Champlain Ave, Chicago IL 60628 250
Sigma Coatings Co. PO Box 816, Harvey LA 70059 15
Smiland Paint Co. 620 Lamar St.Lo's Angeles CA 90031 10
Snyder Bros Co. PO Box 760, Toccoa GA 36577 7
Southern Coatings Inc. PO Box 160, Sumter SC 29151 30
Southwesfem Petroleum Corp. PO Box 961005, Fort Worth TX 76161 26
Spaa Paints Inc. 1439 Hanley Indusmal Ct, St Louis MO 63144 5
Specialty Coating & Chem 7360 V m a Ave, North Hollywood CA 91605 3'
Spectra-Tone Paint Corp. 9635 Klingerman St South El Mon CA 91733 7
Spraylat Cop. Los Angeles 3465 S La Cienega, Los Angeles CA 90016 5
Stanchem Inc. 401 Berlin St, East Berlin CT 06023 10
Standard Detroit Paint Co. 8225 Lyndon Ave, Detroit MI 48238 8
Standard T Chem Co. Inc. 290 E Joe O n Rd, Chicago Heights IL 6041 1 14*
Star Finishing Products Inc. 360 Shore Dr,H i n s h e IL 60521 15
Star Bronze Co. PO Box 2206, Alliance OH 44601 11
461 Broad Ave, Ridgefield NJ 07657 .

S T D coating corp. I

Steelcote Manufacturing Corp. 3418 Gratiot St, St. Louis MO 63103 4

Sterling Twelve Star Paint PO Box 791, Little Rock AR 72203 15
Sterling-Clark-Lmn 184 Commercial St,M d e n MA 02148 9
Stevens Paint Corp. 38 Wells Ave, Yonkers NY 10701 15
Stonhaxd Inc. PO Box 308, Made Shade NJ 08052 62

a-92-02 A-9

Sales in
Name Address $ Millions
Snathmore Products Inc. 1970 W Fayeae St,Syracuse NY 13204 6
Sullivan Coatings Inc. 410 N Hart St, Chicago IL 60622 21
Sunnyside Corp 225 Carpenter Aye, Wheeling IL 60090 14
Superior Vamish & Drier Co. PO Box 1310, Merchantville NJ 08109 7*
Superior Sealants Inc. 1135 Sylvan SW,Atlanta GA 303 10 11*
Supro Corp. 2650 Pomona Blvd, Pomona CA 91768 4
Technical Coatings Laboratory Inc. PO Box 565, Avon CT O6001 6
Technical Coatings Inc. PO Box 3337, Austin TX 78764 8
Technical Coatings Co. lo00 Walsh Ave, Santa Clara CA 95050 6
Tenax Finishing Products 390 Adams St, Newark NJ 07114 6*
Tera Lite Inc. 1631 S 10th St, San Jose Ca 95112 3
Testor Cop. 620 Buckbee St,Rockford IL 61106 43*
Thompson & Fomby Inc. 825 Crossover Ln, Memphis TN 381 17 44*
Ti-Kromatic Paints Inc. 2492 Doswell Ave, St. Paul MN 55108 3
Tnemec Co. Inc. PO Box 411749, Kansas City MO 64141 50
Touraine Paints Inc. 1760 Revere Beach Parkway, Everett MA 02149 17
Tower P q t Manufacturing 620 W 27th St, Hialeah FL 33010 i
Trail Chem Corp. 9904 Gidley St, El Monte CA 9 1731 4
ITriangle Coatings Inc. 1930 Fairway Dr, San Leandro CA 94577 5
United Paint & Chem Corp. 24671 Telegraph Rd, Southfield MI 48034 11*
United Coatings Inc. 2850 Festival Dr,Kankakee I L 60901 65
United Paint Co. 404 E Mallory, Memphis TN 38109 35
United Gilsonite Labs Po Box 70, Scranton PA 18501 22*
Universal Paint Corp. PO Box 1218, La Puente CA 91749 20
Universal Chems & Coatings Inc. 1975 Fox Ln, Elgin IL 60123 10
Universe Paint Co. PO Box 668, Marysville CA 95901 3*
Valspar COT. MCI Quality Coatings 6110 Gunn Highway, Tampa FL 33625 12
Valspar Cop. Colony Paints Div. PO Box 418037, Kansas City M O 64141 15
Valspar Corp. 1101 S 3rd St, Minneapolis MN 55415 527 .
valspar Corp. Masury Paint co. 1401 Sevem St, Baltimore MD 21230 8
Vanex Color Inc. 1700 Shawnee St, Mount Vemon IL 62864 4
VJ Dolan & Co. Inc. 1830 N Lanmie Ave, Chicago IL 60639 5
Vogel Paint & Wax Inc. Marwin Paints Inc. 2100 N 2nd St, Minneapolis h4N 5541 1 s*
Vogel Paint & Wax Inc. . Industrial kir Park Rd, Orange City IA 5 1041 100
Voplex Corp. Merton Chem Div. 763 Linden Ave, Rochester NY 14625 1
Waterlox Chem & Coatings Corp. 9808 Meech Ave, Cleveland OH 44105 4
Watson-Standard Co. Jordan Paint 7250 Franklin St, Forest Park IL 60130 ri
Manufacturing Co.
Watson-S tandard Co. PO Box 11250, Pittsburgh PA 15238 29*
Wattyl Group Precision Paint Group 5275 Peachtree. Atlanta GA 30341 --

C'W-QZM A in

Sales in
Name Address $ Millions
WC Richards Co. Inc. 3555 W 123rd St,Blue Island IL 60406 15*
Welco Manufacturing Co. Inc. 1225 Ozark St, Nah Kansas MO 64116 lo ~-
Wellbom Paint Manufacturing Co. 215 Rossmoor Rd SW, Albuquerque NM 87102 15
Westem Automotive Finishes 1450 Ave R, Grand Prairi TX 75050 17*
Westfield Coatings Corp. PO Box 815, Westfiled MA 01086 7
Westinghouse Elec Corp. Insulating Route 993, Manor PA 15665 15
Materials Div.
Whittaker Cap. Whittaker DecaW Coatings PO Box 2238, Decatur AL 35602 12*
William Zinsser tk Co. 31 Belmont Dr, Somerset NJ 08873 16
Wiltech Corp. PO Box 517, Longview WA 98632 2
Wisconsin Protective Coatings Corp. Po Box 216. Green Bay WI 54305 10
WM Barr & Co. Inc. PO Box 1879, Memphis TN 38 113 95
Yenkin Majestic Paint Corp. PO Box 369004, Columbus OH 43236 80
Zehrung Corp 3273 Casitas Ave, Los Angeles CA 90039 2*
Zolatone Process Inc. 3411 E 15th St. Los Angeles CA 90023 6
ZPC Indus Coatings Inc. 120 E Minereal St, Milwaukee WI 53204 2
Zynolyte Products Co. PO Box 6244, Carson CA 90749 2s
* Indicates an estimated financial figure. E

Source: Reference 5 , Chapter 2.

CH-9202 I' A-11


Sales in
Name Address $ Millions
Acme Printing Ink Co. Packaging Inc. Corp. 5001 S Mason Ave, Chicago IL 60638 100
Acme Printing Ink Co. 165 Bond St, Elk Grove Vi IL 60007 140*
AJ Daw Printing Ink Co. 3559 S Greenwood Ave, Los Angeles CA 90040 13
American Inks & Coatings Corp. PO Box 803, Valley Forge PA 19482 15
Autoroll Machine Corp. 11 River St, Middleton MA 01949 12
BASF Cop. Coatings & Colorants Div. 1255 Broad St, Clifton NJ 07015 105*
Bomark Inc. 601 S 6th Ave, City of Indu CA 91746 3
Borden Inc. Coatings & Graphics Group -
630 Glendale Milford, Cincinnati OH 45215 17*
Braden Sutphin Ink Co. - 3650 E 93rd St,Cleveland OH 44105 25
CeliaCorp. 320 Union St, Sparta MI 49345 15
Central Ink & Chem 1100 N Harvester Rd, West Chicago IL 60185 9
Colonial hinting Ink Corp 180 E Union Ave, East Rutherford NJ 07073 17
Converters Ink Co. 1301 S Park Ave, Linden NJ 07036 16*
CrodaInksCorp. ' 7777 N Merrimac, Niles IL 60648 32*
Custom Chem Corp. 30 Paul Kohner PI, Elmwood Park NJ 07407 40
Del Val Ink & Color Co. hc. 1301 Taylors Ln, Riverton NJ 08077 5
Excello Color & Chem 1446 W Kinzie St, Chicago IL 60622 84*
Flint Ink Corp. 25111 Glendale Ave, Detroit MI 48234 23 5
Flint Ink Corp. Capitol Printing Ink 806 Channing PI NE, Washington DC 20018 23
Flint Ink C o p . 1404 4th St. Berkeley CA 94710 30*
Gans Ink & Supply Co. Inc. 1441'Boyd St, Los Angeles CA 90033 18
Gotham Ink & Color Co. Inc. 5-19 47th Ave, Long Island N y 11101 4
Graphic Color Corp. 750 Arthur Ave, E k Grove Vi IL 60007 18
Handschy Ink & Chems Inc. 120 25th Ave, Bellwood IL 60104 30
Ink Masters Inc. 2842 S 17th Ave, Broadview IL 60153 3
James River Corp. of Virginia CZ Inks Div. 4150 Carr Ln, St. Louis MO 63119 28
JM Huber Corp. Carbon Div. 9300 Needlepoint Rd, Baytown TX 77521 18*
Kerley Ink Engineers Inc. 2839 19th Ave, Broadview IL 60153 4*
Kohl & Madden Printing Ink COT. 222 Bridge Plz Sq, Hackensack NJ 07601 35
Lakeiand Laboratory Inc. Alfa Ink Div. 655 Washington Ave, Carlstadt NJ 07072 2*
Lakeiand Laboratory Inc. 655 Washington Ave, Carlstadt NJ 07072 3
Lawter Intl Inc. 990 Skokie Blvd, Northbrook IL 60062 136
Merit Printing Inc. Co. 1451 S Lorena St,Los Angeies CA 90023 4*
Midland Color Co. 651 Bonnie Ln, Elk Grove Vi IL 60007 85
Miller-Cooper Co. 1601 Prospect Ave, Kansas City MO 64127 6
Morrison Printing Ink Co. 4801 W 160th St, Cleveland OH 44135 14*
Na-Dar CO. 1087 N Northbranch St, Chicago IL 60622
(contined) i

Sales in
Name Address $ Millions
Nor-Cote Intl Inc. PO Box 668, CrawfordsvilIe IN 47933 5
North American Printing Ink 152.4 David Rd, Elgin IL 60123 14
Northern Rinting Ink Corp. 8360 10th Ave N, Minneapolis MN 55427 8
Polypore Inc. 4601 S 3rd Ave, Tucson AZ 85714 10
Polytex Color & Chem 820 E 140th St, Bronx NY 10454 3
PPG Indus Inc. PPG Ink Products Co. 1835 Airport Exchange Blvd, Covington KY 41018 15
R e m Chem Corp. 1183 Westside Ave, Jersey City NJ 07306 6*
Ron Ink Co. Inc. 61 Haistead St, Rochester NY 14610 7
Sicpa Indus of America Inc. 8000 Research Way, Springfield VA 22153 25
Sinclair & Valentine LP 2520 Pilot Knob Rd, St. Paul MN 55120 186
Sun Chem Corp. PO Box 1302. Fort Lee NJ 07024 1,100
Sun Chem Corp. Gen. Printing Ink Div. 135 W Lake St, NorthIake IL 60164 410*
Superior Printing Ink Co. Inc. 70 Bethune St, New York NY 10014 50
United States Printing Ink Corp. Leber Ink PO Box 88700, Seattle WA 98138 6
United States Printing Ink Corp. 343 Murray Hill Pkwy, East Rutherford NJ 07073 65
Van Son Holland Corp. of America 92 Union St, Mineola NY 11501 42
Vivitone Inc. 110 E 27th St, Paterson NJ 07514 8
Walter W Lawence 9715 Aluaca St. South E1 Mon CA 91733 1
Wikoff Color Corp. PO Box W, Fort MU SC 29715 45*

*Indicates an estimated financial figure.

Source: Reference 5, Chapter 2.

A- 13


VOC Emission Limit
Capacity Equipment Method of Abatement Ib/ hr lblday tondyr Control Efticiency Operational Limits
5000 gal Paint Thindown Carbon Absomtion 0.5
2250 gal Paint Mix Tank ’ NIA 8.0 40 bottom fill of solvents
9 hrs/day processing
2000 gal Paint Thindown Carbon Adsorption 0.5
1000 gal Paint Thindown Carbon Adsorption 0.5
1 gal Paint Filler NIA 8 .O 40
5 gal Paint Filler NIA 8 .O 40
750 gal Paint Mix Tank NIA 8.0 40 bottom fill of solvents
9 W d a y processing
All Sizes Paint Batch N/A 8.O 40 1- keep lids closed
Mixers, Mills,
Filter and Fill
Paint with NIA 8.0 40 2
Agitator Process
Paint Mixer NIA 8 .O 40 2
550 gal Paint Portable NIA 1.o 5 covers at all times
Agitators Mixers vapor return system when filling totes
agitators should be color dedicated
Paint Mixer . 3.6 40 5
Ink Mixer 8 40
Ink Sandmill 8 40 maximum production in mill ~ 8 0 0 0Ibdday
Ink Shhnill 0.46 2.02
100 HP Traffic 38 30.7 solvent usage limited to 1633.5 tons/quarter
Paint Disperser
60 HP Traffic 6.75 13.4 solvent usage limited to 726 tonslquarter
Paint Disperser
50 HP Traffic 3.2 3.2 solvent usage limited to 321.6 tons/quILc(er
Paint Disperser
60 HP Industrial 3.1 3.2- solvent usage limited to 3 12.8 tonslquarter
Paint Disrxrser

Organic Emissions
Plant Number of
Number SIC Employees tonsiyr Iblday Abatement Devices
CA-0 1 2893 160 90.69 496.94 YES
CA-02 2893 22 13.66 74.85 NO
CA-03 2893 0.00 0.00 NO
CA-04 2893 2 5.39 29.55 NO
CA-05 285 1 55 67.49 369.79 YES
CA-06 285 1 239 28.90 158.37 YES
CA-07 285 1 244 27.12 148.59 YES
CA-08 285 1 0.18 1.01 NO
CA-09 285 1 160 90.69 496.94 YES
CA-10 285 1 -
._.. 10 0.00 0.00 NO
CA- 11 285 1 62 30.65 167.94 YES
CA- 12 285 1 28 122 67.04 YES
CA- 13 285 1 300 62.52 342.56 YES
CA- 14 285 1 34 9.12 49.96 YES
CA- 15 285 1 1.01 5.56 YES
CA- 16 285 1 30 11.83 64.81 NO
CA- 17 285 1 0.72 3.96 NO
CA-18 285 1 18 8.57 46.97 NO
CA-19 285 1 125 99.4 1 544.74 YES
CA-20 285 1 50 4.96 t 27.16 NO
CA-21 285 1 100 4.86 26.65 YES
CA-22 285 1 25 16.14 88.43 YES
CA-23 285 1 0.00 0.02 NO
CA-24 285 1 12 20.96 114.86 NO
CA-25 285 1 4.77 26.16 NO
CA-26 285 1 6 5.13 28.11 NO
CA-27 285 1 6 0.00 0.00 NO
CA-28 285 1 14 12.24 67.06 NO
CA-29 285 1 3 0.28 1.54 NO
CA-30 285 1 20 0.00 0.00 YES
CA-3 1 285 1 35 43.15 236.44 NO
CA-32 285 1 45 6.70 36.74 YES
CA-33 285 1 8 0.04 0.20 NO
CA-34 285 1 27 6.8 1 37.29 NO
CA-35 2851 8 1.21 6.62 NO
. CA-36 285 1 3 0.00 0.01 YES
CA-37 285 1 30 1.57 8.60 YES
CA-38 285 1 115 879.52 4819.30 YES

CH-9202 B -3

Organic Emissions
Plant Number of
Number SIC Employees todyr I b/day Abatement Devices
IL-01 285 1 6.1620
IL-02 285 1 8.9677 VENTURI SCRUBBER
IL-03 285 1 82.1184
IL-04 2893 14.2071 CUTRIDGE FILTER
IL-05 2893 8.1484 *

IL-06 2893 O.oo00

IL-07 285 1 27.9200 CYCLONE
IL-08 2893 O.oo00
IL-09 2893 O.oo00
IL-10 2893 0 . m
IL-11 285 I 39.8964 CONDENSOR & SCRUBBER
IL-12 285'1 3.go00 CYCLONE
IL-13 285 1 \ O.oo00
IL-14 , 285 1 O.oo00
. IL-15 285 1 64.4000
IL-16 285 1 56.8817 CONDENSORS
IL-17 2893 O.oo00
E-18 2893 24.906 1 CONDENSORS
IL-19 285 1 180.6560 CONDENSORS I

IL-20 2893 1.9520

IL-21 285 1 O.oo00
IL-22 2893 0.0008 SCRUBBERS
IL-23 285 1 7.7103
IL-24 285 1 O.oo00
IL-26 285 1 1.3632 CARBON ADSORBERS
IL-27 285 1 14.1180
IL-28 285 1 33A365

CH-9202 R-4

Organic Emissions
Plant Number of
Number SIC Employees todyr Iblday Abatement Devices
IL-29 2893 * 280.9783 FUME SCRUBBER
IL-30 2851 45.2446 CONDENSORS
IL-3 1 2893 O.oo00
IL-32 2893 O.oo00 CONDENSORS
IL-33 2851 49.4400 SCRUBBERS
IL-34 2851 15.4713 CONDENSORS
IL-35 285 1 O.oo00
IL-36 285 1 11.3100 CHARCOAL ADSORBER
IL-37 285 1 6.2400 ' ROTOCLONE
IL-38 285 1 12.2460 SCRUBBER
IL-39 2893: 13.3120
IL-40 285 1 3.9610
IL-41 285 1 O.oo00 ROTOCLONE
IL-42 285 1 43.8604 AFTERBURNER
IL43 2893 17.3750
IL4 285 1 15.6600
IL-45 285 1 O.oo00
4-45 '85 1 18.9280 RECYCLING STILL
IL-47 285 1 34.9440
IL-48 2851 33 6 9 VENTURI EDUCTOR
IL39 285 1 94.1300
IL-50 7-851 9.8000 CONDENSORS
IL-51 2893 17.4985 SCRUBBER
IL-52 285 1 9.0892 SCRUBBERS
IL-53 285 1 O.oo00 SCRUBBERS
IL-54 285 1 o.oo00 '

IL-55 285 1 2.6208

IL-56 2851 17.2680

CH-9202 R-C

Organic Emissions
Plant Number of
Number SIC Employees todyr Ib/day Abatement Devices
IL-57 285 1 143.2435 SCRUBBERS ~~

IL-58 2893 86.8543 CONDENSORS ~-

IL-59 285 1 200.5087 CONDENSORS

IL-60 285 1
IL-61 285 1 8.3956
IL-62 285 1 83.5848
IL43 285 1 30.2640
IL-64 285 1 28.2880 SETTZING CHAMBERS
IL-65 285 1 37.5000
IL-66 285 1 2 17.1960 SCRUBBERS
IL-67 285 1 1.9207 SPEED REDUCTION

Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement
Number SIC Employees Source Type tonslyr Ib/&y Devices

TX-0 I 2851 10 CTG MFG NONMETHANE 14.6000

TCE 8.4000
TX-02 2851 17 PRO. FUG. NON METHANE 0.0000
TOLUENE 2.2000
XYLENE 19.5000
ALKYL ACET. 0.0000
r '
GLYCOL ETH. 0.0000
1.1,I TRICH. 2.9000
KETONES 0.0000
MEK 0.1300
Ml5K 4.7500
2-N ITROPRO. 0.0000
TX-04 285 1 18 TANK STACK AROMATICS 0.3500
TOLUENE 1 .0000
XYLENE I .oooo
MINERAL SPR. 1 .oooo
NAPIITHA i .oooo
Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement
Number SIC Employees Source Type tonslyr Iblday Devices


XYLENE 0.0004
MEK 0.0005
MlBK . 0.0008
NAPHTHA 0.0019
XYLENE 0.0030
MEK 0.0417
MIBK 0.0180
XYLENE 0.0030
MEK 0.0317
MlBK 0.0180
XYLENE 0.0030
MEK 0.0317
MlBK 0.0180

XYLENE 0.0030 1

h4 EK 0 0-117
MlBK 0.0I80
TOLUENE 0.2526
XYLENE 0.0969

l l
Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement
Number -_
SIC Employees Source Type tons/yr Ib/day Devices


MIBK 0.2163
NAPHTHA 0.4975
XYLENE 0.0663
M EK 0.1296
MIBK 0.1479
MINER. SPIRT 0.,0891
NAPHTHA 0.3371
TOLUENE 0.8262
?0 XYLENE 0.2913
M EK 0.6207
MIBK 0.6508
NAPHTHA 1.4563
XYLENE 0.0177
MEK 0.0353 '

MIBK 0.0394
- NAPHTHA 0.0317


Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement
Number SIC Employees Source Type tons/yr lb/day Devices


TOLUENE 0.0552
XYLENE , 0.0206
MEK 0.0402
MlBK 0.0406
MINER. SPIRT ’ 0.0278
NAPHTHA 0.1050
TOLUENE 0.0926
XYLENE 0.0352
hlEK 0.0404
MlBK 0.0786
TOLUENE 0.0880
XYLENE 0.0364 .
hlEK 0.0570
MlBK 0.0128
hliNER. SPIRT 0.0970
NAPHTHA 0.4200
TOLUENE 0 0880
XYLENE 0.0364
hlEK 0 0570
hllBK 0.0128
N APIITlI A 0.2099
Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement
Number SIC Employees Source Type tonstyr Ib/day Devices


TOLUENE 0.1174
XYLENE 0.0377
MEK 0.0877
MlBK 0.0853
MINER. SPlRT 0.0195
>CYLENE 0.0377
MEK 0.0877
MlBK 0.0853
. MINER. SPIRT 0.0195
TOLUENE 0.3729
XYLENE 0.1280
MEK 0.2750
MlBK 0.2200
NAPHTHA 0.7189
TOLUENE 0.3720
XYLENE 0.1280
MEK 0.2750
MlBK 0.2200
i AfINER. SPIRT 0.1318


I !
Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement
Number SIC Employees Source Type tonslyr Ib/day Devices


MlBK 0.0006
ROOF VENT 7 MEK . 0.0064
ROOF VENT 8 MEK 0.0064
ROOF VENT 7 MEK 0.0074
ROOF VENT 8 MEK 0.0074
XYLENE 0.0170
M EK 0.3137
MlBK 0.0905
XYLENE 0.0170
MEK 0.3137
MlBK 0 0905
MlBK 0.0497
N APHTIl A 0 0740
XYLENE 0 0172
MEK 0 0340
Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement
Number SIC Employees Source Type tondyr Ib/day Devices


XYLENE 0.0299
MEK 0.0591
C '
MlBK 0.0884
N APHTHA 0.1353
TOLUENE 0.0402
XYLENE 0.0147
MEK 0.0290
MlBK 0.0403
NAPHTHA 0.0644
TOLUENE 0.2500
MEK 0.6000
MlBK 0.2400
TOLUENE 0.3100
XYLENE 0.4000
MEK 0.2300
hllBK 0.1500

__ __ NAPHTHA 0.7100

Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement
Number SIC Employees Source TYP tonslyr lblday Devices
C '
TOLUENE 0.3100
XYLENE 0.4000
MEK 0.2300
MlBK 0.1500
NAPHTHA 0.7000
XYLENE 0.0000
XYLENE 0.0001
MEK 0.0021
W MlBK 0.0003
P MtNER. SPIRT 0.0003
NAPHTHA 0.0030
h4lX iyr THIN ISOPROPANOL 0.0166
TOLUENE 0.0323
XYLENE 0.0122
MEK 0.0238
MlBK 0.0271
NAPHTHA 0.0615
XYLENE 0.4324
hlEK 0.0826
hlIBK 0.0941
hllNER. SPIRT 0.0.563
N APllTH A 0.2138
Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement
Number SIC Employees Source Type toqslyr Ib/day Devices


TOLUENE , 0.0395
XYLENE 0.0156
MEK 0.0284
MlBK 0.0347
NAPHTHA 0.0795
TOLUENE 0.0380
XYLENE 0.0180
M EK ' 0.0700
MlBK 0.0340
MINER. ~ P I R T 0.0200
TANK MlBK 0.0250
XYLENE 0.0180
MEK 0.0700
MIBK 0.0340
TOLUENE 0.0128
XYLENE 0.0085
M EK 0.0158
MlBK 0.0188
_____ - .
Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement
Number SIC Employees Source Type tonslyr Ib/&y Devices

TX-05 TANK STOR. MEK 0.0420

-TANK VENT MllJK 0.0250
hllX & THIN ISOPROPANOL . 0,0306
TOLUENE 0.0648
XYLENE 0.0259
. MEK 0.0462
MlBK 0.0575
hllX 3r THIN ISOPROPANOL . 0.0535
XYLENE 0.0454
M EK 0.0810
MlBK 0.1007
NAPHTHA 0.23 14
TOLUENE 0.0151
XYLENE o.od55
MEK I 0.01 13
MIBK 0 0122
NAPIITliA 0 0274
TOLUENE 0 0365
XYLENE 0 0139
MEK 0.0260
hllBK 0 0240
__ N APHTII A 0 0708

Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement

Number SIC Employees Source Type tonslyr Ib/day Devices

TX-05 STOR.'I'K. T0I.I IEN E * 0.0050

TANK 35 NAPHTHA 0.0020
TANK 36 NAPHTHA 0.0020
TANK 43-46 XYLENE 0.0010
MIBK 0.0030
TANK 43-46 XYLENE 0.0010
. MIBK 0.0030
TOLUENE 0.0978
XYLENE 0.0361
MEK 0.0729
MIBK 0.0803
NAPHTHA 0.1342
TOLUENE 0.0367
XYLENE 0.0135
MEK 0.0274
MIBK 0.0301
N APHTIf A 0.0503

I !
Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement
Number SIC Employees Source Type tonslyr lb/day Devices


TANK XYLENE . 0.0030
TOLUENE 0.0604
XYLENE 0.0229
MEK 0.0444
MlBK 0.0509
TOLUENE 0.0173
XYLENE 0.0065
W MEK Iy 0.0127
00 MlBK 0.0145
NAPHTHA 0.0330
MIX.& THIN MEK 0.0080
h4lX & THIN MEK 0.0060
XYLENE 0.0180
hlEK 0.0790
h4lBK 0.0370
Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement
Number SIC Employees Source Trpe tonslyr Ib/day Devices

TX-06 285 1 225 PAlNT PROC. AROMATICS 0.6700


XYLENE . 0.2500
s- I NONMETHANE 0.1110
u TOLUENE 26.2000
XYLENE 30.7000
MINER. SPIRT. 967.1000
TX-09 285 I 80 AREASTACK h4ETHY.CHLORIDE 2.1600 '
XYLE'NE 0.0300
MINER. SPIRT. 0.3800
NAPHTHA 0,5500
XYLENE 0.0300
MINER. SPIRT. 0.3800
N APtiTH A 0.5500
Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement
Number SIC Employees Source Type tons/yr lb/day Devices


XYLENE . 0.0300
MIN IRT. 0.3800
N AP 0.5500
XYLENE 0.0300
MINER. SPIRT. 0.2300
NAPHTHA 0.2700
TX-12 285 I 16 MIXER N-BUTYL ALC. 4.3700
PROP. GLY. 0.0800
ISOPROP. 0.0800
ARO M ATlCS o.oo00
TOLUENE 9.8600
XYLENE 13.4900
MEK '2. I700
CllUK 3.5100
M I AK 0.2800
N APIiTIJ A I ,2800
_- 7 .OOOO
Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement.
Number SIC - Employees Source Type tonslyr Ib/day Devices

TX- 13 285 L 50 GRIND.hll1-L NONMETHANE 2.9800

TX- 14 2851 PAlNT & DEG. NONMETHANE 74.0000 .
TX-I5 285 1 125 DUSTCOL. NONMETHANE 0.0000
NAPHTHA 0.5000
NAPHTHA 0.6200
NAPHTHA 0.6000
ETHYL. GLYC. 0.0200
TX- 16 285 I 50 PAINT MIX NONMETHANE 4.2900
N-B UT AN0 L 0.3400
ETHANOL 0.0100


Plant Number of Organic Emissions Abatement
Number SIC Employees Source TYPe tonslyr iblday Devices

TX-16 METHANOL 0.1000

TOLUSNE . 3.8200
XYLENE 3.3200


KETONES 0.3090
ACETONE 0.5400
MEK ' 0.8500
MlBK I . 3400
NAPHTHA 0.6000
. TX-18 285 I PROD. STACK NONMETHANE 1 .so00

Organic Emissions
State Number SIC Source TYPe tonslyr lblday Abatement Devices
PIGMENT MIX voc 15.422
ALABAMA AL-0 1 285 1 MIXING & HAND. voc 215.000
ARKANSAS AR-01 285 1 MIXING & HAND. voc 42.000
COLORADO co-01 285 1 MIXING & HAND. VOC 12.000
c0-02 285 1 h.1 IXING . VOC 4.000
C0-03 285 I MIXING VOC 22.000
CO-04 285 1 MIXING voc 17.000
?j CO-05 285 1 MIXING VOC 10.000
u C0-06 285 1 MIXING. voc 7.000

GEORGIA GA-01 285 1 MIXLNG voc 4 1.000

GA-02 285 1 MIXING VOC 28.000
INDIANA IN-02 285 1 MIXING voc 17.000
IN-03 285 1 MIXING voc 88.000
IN-OI 285 1 MIXING voc 46.000
IN-05 285 1 OTHER OPER. voc 1.Ooo
IN-06 285 1 MIXING voc 30.000
IN-07 285 1 MIXING voc 97.500
r' IN-08 285 1 MIXING voc 14.000
KANSAS KS-01 285 1 MIXING voc 240.000 '

KS-02 285 1 MIXING voc 2.000

KENTUCKY KY-01 285 1 MIXING voc 245.000
MARYLAND MD-01 - 2851 MIXING voc 28.000
MD-02 285 1 MIXING voc 63.000 VENTURI SCRUBBER
MD-03 285 1 MIXING VOC 9.000
MD-04 2851 MIXING voc
(contin ued)

Organic Emissions
State Number SIC S(JUrCC Type tonsly r Ib/day Abatement Devices
MICHIGAN MI-01 2851 MIXING voc 203.000
Mi-02 2851 MIXING voc 206.000
MI-03 2851 MIXING voc 175.000
MI-01 2851 MIXING * voc 76.000
MISSOURI MO-01 285 1 MIXING voc 144.0oO
MO-02 285 1 MIXING . voc 73.000
OTHER OPER. voc 28.000
MO-03 285 1 MIXUG voc 309.000
MO-04 285 1 MIXING voc 257.000
MO-05 285 1 MIXING voc 62.000
OTHER OPER. voc 37.000
NORTH CAROLINA NC-Ol 285 1 MlXING voc 138.000
NC-02 285 I MIXING voc 498.000
W NC-03 285 1 MIXING voc 319.000
b NC-04 285 1 MIXING voc 181.000
OHIO OH-01 285 1 OTHER OPER. voc 1.Ooo
OH-02 285 1 MIXING voc 44.000
on-01 285 I MIXING voc 675.000
PENNSYLVANIA PA-0 1 285 1 MIXING voc 79.000
PA-02 285 1 MIXING voc 353.000 CARBON ADSORPTION
OTHER OPER. voc 88.000
PA-03 285 1 MIXING voc 34.000
PA-& 285 1 MIXING voc 56.000
SOUTH CAROLINA sc-01 285 1 MIXING voc 149.000
VIRGINIA VA-01 285 1 MIXING voc 259.000



Jdv&$7& Technologies Corporation

Date: 6 January 1992

Subject: Site Visit--IC1 Specialty Inks

Ink Manufacturing
EPA Contract 68-DO-0121; Work Assignment 1-29
Alliance Reference No. 1638029

From: Beth W. McMinn

Alliance Technologies Corporation
To: Joseph Steigerwald -


U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, NC 277 11

I. Purpose

The purpose of the visit was to gather information on the ink manufacturing process
including information necessary to characterize the process parameters, emissions, control
techniques, and control costs.

11. Place and Date

IC1 Specialty Inks

120 Regent Drive
Winston-Salem, NC 27103
(919) 760-1011

December 18, 1991

111. Attendees

IC1 Specialty Inks

Randy Besaw, Plant Superintendent

Templeton A. Elliott, Jr., Vice President/Director Safety, Health, & Environmental
Tony Martin, Branch Manager
Stephen W. Paine, Environmental Engineer

U.S.Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Joseph Steigerwald, CTC

Alliance Technologies Comoration (Alliance1

Beth W. McM~M

IV. Discussion

A meeting was held with the personnel from IC1 Specialty Inks to discuss the ink
manufacturing process. The discussion focused on market profile, manufacturing supplies,
manufacturing process parameters, volatile organic compound (VOC) conuol experience, and
emission characterization. This discussion was followed by a tour of the production facility in

Winston-Salem, North Carolina, and then by a short closing meeting.

A. IC1 Suecialty Inks Market Profile

The IC1 Specialty Inks facility in Winston-Salem manufactures flexographic and

rotogravure inks for the packaging industry. Many of their inks are used in the printing of
packages for food and snack food products such as Frit0 Lay, Lance, Hershey, and Mars. IC1
Specialty Inks also produces ink used on the packaging of R.J. Reynolds cigarettes and textile soft
uoods packagihg such as that used to package pantyhose. The facility places a heavy emphasis

on inks for lamination (Le., ink printed between two layers of film). Approximately 99 percent
of the inks manufactured by this location of ICI Specialty Inks are solvent based, while the
remaining one percent is water based. This location of IC1 Specialty Inks produces colored, clear,
and white inks. All of their water based inks are flexographic white inks and top lacquers. In
the flexible packaging industry, white inks are high-volume, low profit margin products. They
are, consequently, the first type of ink to be converted from solvent based ink because the high
volume usage by printers results in the largest reduction on VOC emissions by the printers for
switching a single ink.

Very few of the IC1 Specialty Inks printed products come in direct contact with food,
therefore, approhd from the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is not a major concern. Food
packagers are, however, sensitive about the inks used in packaging and restrict ink manufacturers
from using heavy metal pigments (Le., lead, hexavalent chromium, cadmium, and mercury).

The printingpackaging operations that the Winston-Salem ink facility services are located
withn a 300 to 400 mile radius. Some of these packaging facilities supply products to a regional
area while others service the nation. IC1 Specialty Inks takes pride in the quality of its final
product and its "Just In Time" manufacturing policy. In many cases customers like the Charlotte,

CH-9202 2
North Carolina based Venture Packaging and Package Products will receive same day shipment
of ink orders. .
The Regent Drive IC1 Specialty Ink facility was known as Converters Inks until January
1, 1992. Throughout its history, the former Converters Ink has manufactured solvent based
flexographic and rotogravure inks for the packaging industry. Carl Bear founded the Converters
Ink Company in the 1950’s. During the next thirty years, Converters Ink expanded to a total of
12 manufacturing plants, of which nine are located in the United States and three in Canada. In
1971, Beatrice Foods purchased the Converters Ink facilities. The plants were purchased a second
time in late 1984 by IC1 Americas, Inc. (ICI). Shortly after the 1984 buyout, IC1 constructed the
current Converters Ink facility. Production in the new 12,000 square feet manufacturing facility
began in early 1985. Eventually, a 5,000 to 6,000 square feet addition was added. In 1988, IC1
bought five Thiele-Engdahl ink manufacturing plants. The Winston-Salem based Thiele-Engdahl
plant concentrates its production efforts in gravure inks used in box and cardboard packaging.
Converters Ink and Thiele-Engdahl merged in early 1992 and are now called IC1 Specialty Inks.

B. Manufacturing Supplies

IC1 Specialty Inks uses more than 200 raw materials in their manufacturing processes. In
addition to the solvents described in Attachment 1, IC1 Specialty Inks also purchases and uses a
variety of resins, pigments, and additives. Corporate headquarters regularly determines product
ink VOC content based on raw material safety data sheets and finished good calculations. Some ,
finished goods are tested for flashpoint determination.

C. Manufacturing Process Parameters

The ink manufacturing process at the Winston-Salem facility is basically a batch process
materials handling operation. Products are formed by mixing and blending rather than by reactins
materials chemically. No heating of materials is necessary during the processing. A process
description and simplified flow diagram are found in Attachment 2. The main manufacturing
operations are completed in the following order:

e premix
e pigment grinding/milling
e product blending
e product filtering
0 product fillingpac kag ing

The first step in the manufacturing process is material premix. This is the production of
an intermediate product referred to as the base. The base or premix is made by combining
vehicles (e.g., solvents, alcohols, resins, and/or water) with pigments and any other necessary
additives. The materials are mixed in portable containers to form a viscous material which acts
as a concentrate. At this stage, the particles in the concentrate are rather large (250 pm) and not
consistently mixed. With further processing, the concentrate may become any one of a variety
of specific end products. ,

CH-92-02 3
The grinding or milling stage serves to further disperse the pigment throughout the base
by pumping it through dispersion equipment. Once the customer-requested grind specifications
are met, the resulting base is transferred to the product blending tanks.

Final product specifications are achieved in the blending or product finishing step. The
base from the dispersion operation is mixed with other intermediates and raw materials to produce
a finished ink. Blending may occur in the same or in a different tank used for premix.

Once the ink has been blended, it is filtered through various filter media to enhance the
quality and uniformity of the product. Filtering also acts to screen out impurities.

After the ink has been filtered, it is pumped or emptied into shipping containers. Whites
are normally shipped in 400 gallon tote bins while most other products are shipped in 55 gallon

The IC1 Specialty Inks facility currently manufacturers over 200 blended products.
Formulas change daily, so IC1 Specialty Inks keeps a computerized database of several thousand
active product formulations. Because of the wide variety of products and because 65 to 70
percent of business is same day shipments, IC1 Specialty Inks does not dedicate manufacturing
equipment to specific products. Some equipment is dedicated to certain colors (e.g., whites and
clears) while other equipment is dedicated to ink type (Le., water or solvent) products.

IC1 Specialty Inks uses a variety of equipment during the premix and blending stages. The
facility has many mixers, which are used depending in part on batch size. Drum-size$ batches
made in the drum itself may be blended with a portable mixer called a Lightning Mixer. Other
materials made in portable mix tanks may be blended'using larger, permanent high-speed or
variable-speed mixers. In some cases, an ink will be premixed with one mixer, moved to a
dispersion mill for grinding and milling, and then transferred back to the same premix mixer for
blending operations..

IC1 Specialty Inks operates several types of dispersion mills including three ball mills, a
sand mill, horizontal small media mills, and mix tanks. IC1 Specialty Inks makes solvent based
inks in the ball mills. Two ball rmlls are dedicated to the manufacture of black and blue inks
while the other mill is used for colored ink production. Ball m i l l s are rotating cylinders, mounted
horizontally, and filled with grinding media. Because these m i l l s are used to make solvent based
inks, they contain steel ball media used to disperse pigment. These m i l l s generate heat during the
grinding process, so they are jacketed and water cooled. Production personnel manually load raw
materials (i.e., premix liquids, powders/pigments, and additives) into the mills from a catwalk
through a top chute. Solvents are either pumped from drums or from bulk storage tanks through
a manifold system into the ball mills. Other materials are added directly from bags dr drums into
the mill. In some cases (e.g., material adjustment), material is dispensed with buckets. Material
loading is done during the day and the grinding process, which is noisy, is done during the night
and is controlled by a timer. The following day, the product is inspected, properly adjusted, and
then unloaded by gravity feed, filtered, and packaged into containers for shipment or for further
use as intermediates in the facility. Ball mills approach a closed system as they are open only
during addition of raw material and product filling operations. .L

CH-92-02 4~
Horizontal m i l l s are similar to ball mills except that they are much smaller and operate
continuously rather than by batch although they are fed by batches. Rather than using steel balls,
IC1 Specialty Inks’s horizontal shot mills use tiny various grinding media. Rather than having
a rotating hollow cylinder tumble media as in the case of the ball mills, the shot mills feature a
stationary hollow cylinder with a rotating internal shaft which has pegs affixed to vigorously
agitate the media. The Winston-Salem facility manufactures water based inks in one mill and
solvent based inks in the other. Some of the products manufactured in the water based shot mill
are shipped to customers while other products are sent to sister IC1 Specialty Inks facilities. IC1
recently chose the Winston-Salem facility to begin producing waterborne base concentrates for
use in other IC1 owned ink plants.

IC1 Specialty Inks also operates a sand mill to manufacture solvent based inks. This mill
uses fine-grained Ottawa sand to accomplish pigment dispersion. Material enters through the
bottom of the mill and is forced up through the sand to an open-top filtering screen. The screen
often clogs as the material filters out of the mill and into a receiving hopper. Because the mill
must be scraped down regularly, enclosing the filter would create processing difficulties.

In addition to the mills, IC1 Specialty Inks operates a number of fixed mix tanks with
agitators which are used for mixing, milling, and blending both water and solvent based white
inks and varnishes; Two of these mix tanks are dedicated to the production of white inks.
Material is added through the top, agitated, and gravity fed out the bottom. The top openings on
the mix tanks are covered with permanent aluminum lids which are opened only during the
addition of product components. The lids contain a center opening through which the agitator
shaft extends. The lfds also have a small hinged opening to allow for gradual product additions.

The IC1 Specialty Inks facility operates 9 hours per day, 5 days per week, 52 weeks per
year. A typical batch can take 3 to 20 hours to complete. More time is required to manufacture
colored rotogravure inks than other inks. Viscous or dry materials take longer to gnnd and .
achieve proper dispersion than less viscous materials. Batch sizes range from five gallons to
1,100 gallons.

Equipment is cleaned manually on an as-needed basis. Cleaning frequency depends on

the number and size of batches processed, the size of the equipment to be cleaned, and the color
and type of ink manufactured. After a mill or tank has been emptied, solvent is added to the
vessel to capture remaining product residue. The wash solvent is drained from the tank and
recycled into the next product batch of that particular product whenever possible. Disperser
blades are cleaned with ethanol and n-propyl-acetate, which is used repeatedly until it is pigment
saturated. Once becoming unusable as a cleaning solvent, the wash material is sent off-site as
hazkdous waste. Mills are cleaned by replacing the residual heel of the exiting product with an
equivalent amount of solvent which is compatible with both the preceding and the ensuing
batches. Some base raw materials and solvents are handled via a manifold system using dedicated
process lines. Therefore, cleaning of these lines is limited. IC1 Specialty Inks is unable to
schedule consecutive production batches of similar products to reduce equipment cleanirig
fiequency because they operate on a same day shipment schedule.

CH-92-02 5

D. Volatile Organic Compound Control ExDerience

The IC1 Specialty Inks facility has no add-on control devices for the capture and
destruction of VOCs. Volatile organic compounds emitted from the manufacture of solvent based
inks are controlled through equipment modifications such as tank covers.

Drop hoses are used around all mixing and some milling equipment to capture and remove
VOC material from the work area. Captured emissions are routed through the hoses to a central
ventilation system and eventually to the outside. The facility also uses fans operating at 6000 cfm
to achieve approximately six air exchanges per hour in the manufacturing area.

IC1 Specialty Inks operates under permit no. 00758-001-P in accordance with Section 3-
166 of the Forsyth County Air Quality Technical Code, which restricts the ink facility from
emitting more than 40 pounds of photochemically reactive compounds in a 24-hour day. This
permit also requires that all ink manufacturing vessels be covered at all times while mixing,
storing, transfening, and handling.

Because the facility’s VOC control emphasis has been on lids, IC1 Specialty Inks has tried
several different types. Initially, the facility used homemade plywood covers on both drums and
mix tanks. The wooden covers were difficult to clean, so IC1 Specialty Inks stapled plastic to the
bottom. The plastic frequently came loose and would be pulled into the mix tank, tangling with
the mixing blade. IC1 Specialty Inks then tried using Kraft paper in hopes that the lighter weight
would prevent the staples from pulling away from the wood. The paper did remain attached to
the wood, but it became saturated with ink.
6 ,
IC1 Specialty Inks then moved to aluminum lids. Flat lids, which are made by a sheet
metal contractor, cost $20 to $25 dollars for drums and $300 dollars for a 250 gallon mix tank
(see Attachment 3). The flat lids have worked relatively well, but they do have some inherent
flaws. The lids do not form a complete seal with the mix tank and the hinged door product
addition chute does not always remain closed. For these reasons, IC1 Specialty Inks moved to
conical lids which are a better engineering design. The conical aluminum lids cost $1500 dollars.
The added weight and bulky shape led to worker ergonomic difficulties. Because these lids were
difficult to handle, they were damaged more often than the flat lids. The increased replacement
and upkeep costs prompted IC1 Specialty Inks to return to flat lids.

ICI Specialty Inks may now change to stainless steel lids because of the recent information
released by the Bureau of Mines in England dealing with the reactions of aluminum and steel.
Many of the facility’s portable mix tanks and permanent blend vessels are carbon steel. In
addition, almost all of the 55 gallon drums are steel.

Attachment 4 contains a description of a cover efficiency test‘conducted at one of the IC1 ‘

Specialty Inks’s sister facilities. Although the test proved sensitive to weigh scale calibration (one
of two tests done in 1991 proved unrepresentative), it does provide a lid testing methodology and
initial results comparing an uncovered mix tank and a tank covered with a sealing conical lid.
E. Emission Characterization

The IC1 Specialty Inks facility uses ball mills, a sand mill, shot mills, mix tanks and drums
with mixers in the manufacture of solvent based inks. Releases of VOCs come from several types
of equipment used in the ink manufacturing process.

Some solvent ink production is accomplished by blending in 55 gallon drums. The drums
are used to mix product and to keep the pigment in suspension. Covers are used on the drums
during the mixing process but emissions still occur from the small opening through which the
agitator shaft extends and from around the edges of the lid. All of the solvent based inks that are
made in mix tanks are made in tanks covered with lids. These lids have a four to six inch
opening through which the agitator shaft extends and a hinged opening for delayed product
additions. Emissions can result from both areas.

Ball mills are also used in the-manufacture of solvent based inks. These mills approach
a closed system, as they are openbnly during raw material-adds and product filling operations.
It is during these operations that VOC emissions can occur.

Sand mills are used to disperse pigment throughout the ink. Emissions result from the
exposed screen thrmgh which warm product filters, often clogging the screen. The open screen.
warm product, and scraping down of the filter with a solvent-ladened brush add to total emissions.

Both of the horizontal shot mills are closed systems, thus significantly reducing VOC
emissions from processing equipment. Purchasing these mills, however, is rather expensive. IC1
Specialty Inks’s 15 liter continuous feed mill cost approximately $160,000. The smaller five liter
mill, was almost $80,000. Both mills are jacketed for cooling.

Another source of emissions is the manifold system, where solvents are weighed and
transferred from storage tanks to mix tanks, mills, or drums. Emissions may occur during transfer
and hose connecting and disconnecting.

In addition to emissions from process operations, VOCs are also released from a vanery
of cleaning operations. Emissions occur during cleaning solvent addition and removal, as well
as during manual cleaning of tanks and mixing blades with solvents and brushes. IC1 Specialty
Inks has tried to use automatic tub washers which seal with a tank, pull a vacuum, and circulate
cleaning solvent on a timed schedule. The washers have not worked well at the Thiele-Engdahl
Winston-Salem facility. The washer did not seal with the tank, and consequently did not attain
the required vacuum. The timer did not work correctly, resulting in insufficient cleaning. In
addition, the automatic washer required a large air supply to oberate the pumps and produced a
high noise level.

The Regent Drive Site calculates SARA Section 313 releases based on consumption
figures, and only limited studies have been done to determine emission breakdown by specific
process or product. The facility has not examined emission contribution from janitorial supplies.

CH-9202 7

Attachment 1



TOLUOL 53433
ETHANOL 711650
i-~ 669
MEK .366
HEPTANE 142175

CH-92-02 8
.- -

1. Raw Mate5d ReceivingStonoe. Liquid “-ids are rexived in drums or in buik:

solvents used in large quantities are stored in zbove or be!ow ground storzge tanks and/or
in portable “tote” tanks. Dry materiais are received and srored in bags or drums.

2. Dismrsing. This is the produclion 0f.m intermediate product, u s d y referred to as a

base. A ‘prenix’ is performed in which vehicles (i-e., solvent, alcohol and/or water) are
added to a mixing vessel, along with any dry pigmenrs and other chenicds. The batch
is mechanidy mixed with a special slotted blade. Typically the mixing vessel has a
cover with an orifice which the mixer shaft goes through, and a small hinged opening to
&ow delayed addition of c e d raw matezkk, after mixing has alrady commencd.
The resuit of the dispersion/mixing operation is a EW concentrate which has the potentid
to become any of a family of specific end producs (inks), but which requires further
processing to do SO.

3. Grindine!‘Millinz. This is the step of taking a raw base, which s t i U contzins fairly large
particles (250 pm) and incomplezeiy inked pigment. and grinding it. The premix is
pumped through a chamber containing sand, sted shot or other small spherical media.
Mechanidy driven discs, or a rotor, is used to chum the media ana break UD the
pigmenr-agglomerates. Tne result is a more homogeneous produc: with imuroved z!oss -
and other ohvsical propenies. Tine opexuon is a batch one, in which a pre-mixd base
L ,

is pumped -bough the mrU and into a rec2iving vesse!. Using a 4,000 lb. batch as m
example, the process can take from 3-1 hours up to 20, depending on whether re-
grinding is a d d . Mill types include senklosed (as in the attached flow diagram) and
closed units. Ball m i l l s are a special type of closed unit which does not. feature
continuous p d u c : feed. Instead, raw mate,ids are added to a hollow vesse! contzining
approximare!y 1” diameter spheres; the vessel is closed and slowly tums, tumbling the
contents io mix them. Tne result is usually an intermediate (base) rather than a h s h e r i

1. Blending. Inte,mediates and any raw mate,iais not needing previous processing are
mixed in spxific quantities to produce a finished ink. The blending occurs in the same
vessd, or a vessel similar to that used in the dispersing/pre,?rix ste?.

). Filtering. Finished product is s d e d through cloth or other iilters to enhance quaLiry

and uniformity of the product.

I. Packazinq. After filtration, frnished product is pumped or enptied into the final shipping
container: pails, drums, portable tanks or occasionally tank trucks.

r Cleaning. 8IendinS vessels? mriIs, fiiter sciens and other equipment is rouiineiy cieaed
with soivent after production of an mk formulation. In a few plants, only one color or
a limited number of colors are produced, eliminating the n& for cieanin,* between color
changavers. With mixers, the vessel will be completely dean& and emptied; with.
mills, tvpically a residual ‘heel’ of finished product is repiaced by an equivalent quantity
of c l 4 soivent which is compatible with both the precedin,0 and ensuing batches.

1 .

l a
/ I


Typical Flat Mix Tank Cover
Sqtember 23, 1991

Mi. Mike mkkd

Fonytfi County E n v i r o n m e d M & s D q a m n t i t
539 N.SprucE Street
Wmston-Salem, NC 27105

Dear Mr. Kirkhd:

This is to q o n to you cancz-rning the r e d & or' the e.mission test obsezed by you ar our
F~aircihiiciRoad Plant on Sqrember 16. 1991. For your information, spread s h e s zre zttzci?&
for both this test and the Xupst i9, 1991 run (which proved LO be unrqresentztive due to weish
scale cdibrzrion probiens).

Tie proczssing squehclo, in review, cm be aesc5eci as foilows:

a) E n p y mix tank weighed

b) Pre-mix ingredients added to mix -ai(to zc5ieve resyzive proFrdons in batch),

w'nile tank is suil on weigh scales:

1) Toluene
2) Liquid and dry ingredients, aesigxed 'A', 'E',and 'C'
c) Trasfer mix tank to work sarion, s
m mix
d) Dermnine weight of additives to be inuoducxi at mixer

I) Weigh pallet of additive XL and $2

2) Rand carry bags of additive $1 to mixer, add, and rerum e q t y bags to palle:
3) Record weight of paller aftere:-- we@t of additive #1achieved in mix
4) Rand carry bags of additive a to mixer, add, and rem muty b a g to pailet
T) S w e q up any spiilage of additives bl and x2 and return to &let
s) R c x d weight of palle: including unused bags of product, submcc (a)(l),above

Chicago Ceveland Richmond Winston-Salem CX"00ga New 'fork Cinannau West Monroe aerkeiey
P m at IC1Speoalnes A Busnew Una of IC1Amen- Inc
Atracnment 4

Mr. Mike Kirkiand

September 23, 1992
Page 2

7 ) Add net weight of any quantity of additive drl or additive ,E not included on the
original pallet, Le., if it did not have enough of one of these and it was necessary
to supplement from a bag not on the oR,Oiai pallet, etc.

e) Complete mix cycfe, take samples for quality conaol

f ) Record weight of full mixing vessel at scales*

This concludes the process cycle for batch mixing, the opemion for which the consol equipment
effectiveness is being measured. AS YOU obsenei, an a~~clllary operation, drumoff of a fish&
batch, occurs immediately after the &g. Tfle data associa,pcI with this is ap-pendd for

Eowever, it is emphasized that the drum-oir' data should not be considered aoulicabie c
evaluating the etiectiveness of the mixing vessel covers. AS-YOU may re~all,the s&ig o i the
mixing vessel during drum-off required the vessel to be tilted, so that the cover was o d y
partially in pia= (the material chargig hatch was open). More importandy, the solvent loss
during drum-oifcame, in large pan, from the open drums during the fill, Also contributing w a
the operation and manipulation of the filter bags attacki to the tap near the bottom of the
vessel. Neither the drums nor the Qter btlgs were able to be &kc*& by the mixer cover - o d y

the miXing operation was. For this reason, the percat emissions reduction aciueved by this
control equipment is evaluated for the process s t e p during which it is "doin, something", @)
though (0, above.

Reviewing the results of the Sqtember 16, 1991 test, the total weight of all batch ingredients
and of the 10 drum mix vessel was 4789.5 Ibs., using the cover. The weight immediate!v after
the mix was comFieted was 4787.5 lbs; after waiting on the d e s due to Q N Q C approvk and
to a rush order being nm, it was 4786.5 Ibs. M o w i n g for two (2) 4 oz. quality connol sampies
that were withdrawn, the net loss during the test was (4789.5 - 4786.5 f 0.25 - 0.25), or 2.5

For the tesr without a cover, the weight of the mix vessel and of a i l ingredients was 4,702 Ib.
The weight after the mix and after a waiting period approximately the same as that following
the coveA&-mixer test was 4679.5 Ibs. N o w i n g for the 0.5 Ib. withdrawal for quaiity control
samples, the net loss was (4702 - 4679.5 f 0.25 f 0.25), or 22.0 Ibs.

* May be done either before or after QNQC clearance, but should be consistent for both
covered and uncovered mixing vessels.
Mr. &MikeK;riciana
September 23, 1991
Page 3

is consistent witfi previous daa, though we would not have bezi surprised by higher
numbers g i v a improvements in the cover design.

cc: (with artzcfiments)

T. A. moa
Scott Trethway
John Tanner n b
Steve Sutron
Bruce Gammon
Ea& Greenwood


Item Wt. Batch Time Item Wt. Batch Time
Pounds Total Pounds Total
Lb . Lb .
Tank 930.5 930.5 I 9:41 a.a. 848.0 848.0 1054 a.m.

Tolucnc 1 2753.5 3684.0 10:02 3.n. 2756 3W.O 11:19 a.m.

Ingdicnt A I 151.0 3835.5 1O:M a.m. 151.0 ' 3755.0 I 1125 a.m.

InqedicntB I 76.5 3912.0 10:ll 3.n. 76.0 3831.0 1129 L.P.

InpdicntC I 38.0 3950.0 I 10:17 3.3. 38.0 3869.0 I 11:32 a.m.

(Shrc Mix) I 1 1 0 : a.3.
~ I I 11:42 3.x.

Plllcr mci. mix 988.0 991.5

$1 & x 2


538.5 43-2.0 ll:11 L.Q.

178.5 1682.0 11:50 3.m.

20.0 Go2.0 11~52a.m.

Mix cornpicre; (0.5) 4789.0 11:34 3.3. (0.3 4701.5 1252 p m .

Quiity conawl :ussumdl (assumed)
qampie taka

Wei@t aher

Weight a r k

i 1139 a.m.

1 5 8 0.n.
Q M Q C hoiding
T i c & waic
on s d u

Net loss with cover 4789.0 - Net !ota wirholn aver 4701.5
4786.5 -
2.5 22.0

Controi c5cimcy of coven = 22.Q - 3.5 x 100% = 88.65

-. 0

Whcn one time recording 1J made lor I
IIscavity, the time -
i ampicdon.

Vase1 not weighed immeddiatcfy a h mix due to cmOioy& lunch break. Soivcnt loss b c t w w compiecion of mixing md
later weighing of vasal assumed pmpordond tn total loss durkrg midng and waiting timu, combined. It k emphasized
thar a ?+ hourwaic for drummingaif is unusual a d ~ 8 uuaf
3 by trying to fit this CUI into a given tknc slot. thcn having
a rush order wmc up frum a customer. tying up the scala.


Empty 51 4,786.5 1 5 8 p.m. E- .49 4,679.5 w= 3 : 3 p.m.
Drums 51 Drums 50
(N@ 48 We) 50
51 50
48 50
59 51
51 51
49 49
51 51
3.550 /3850\

Vusci weight Vurel weight 848.5

inci. fiaal inct. &ai
clingage cfinpg0
(0.5 Ib) 93 1 (0.5 Ib)
solvent raained Solvnr mind
by tiitcr **=* 1 by fiitcr a*m 0.25
932 (932) 2 4 9 p.m
848.75 (848.75) 4:08 p.m.
4.5’ Acruai loss during drumoff 9.25 actual loss during drimoii

T i c of cornpicdon, ii not othc.wisc i n d i d
At end of mixing CkTle 3nd QNQC wait time
*** ExmpoLattd h r n baxcb mcvurcmcnu z h r nix efcic. and s i t r drum off.
**** to n e M t 0.25 lb.
Date: 6 January 1992

Subject: Site Visit--The Perry & Derrick Company

Paint Manufacturing
EPA Contract 68-DO-0121; Work Assignment 1-29
Alliance Reference No. 1638029

From: Beth W. McMinn

Alliance Technologies Corporation

To: Joseph Steigerwald

U.S.Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711

I. Purpose i

The purpose of the visit was to gather information on the paint manufacturing process
including information necessary to characterize the process parameters, emissions, control
techniques. and control costs.

11, Place and Date

The Perry & Derrick Company

25 10 Highland Avenue
Cincinnati, OH 45212
(513) 351-5800

December 13, 1991

III. Attendees

The Perrv & Derrick Company (Perm & Derrick)

John J. Jones, Plant Manager

Hugh W. Lowrey, Technical Director
Gregory P. Schott, Production Manager
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Joseph S teigerwald, CTC

Alliance Technologies Coruoration (Alliance1

Beth W. McMinn
Stephen A. Walata

W. Discussion

A meeting was held with the personnel from Perry & Derrick to discuss the paint
manufacturing process. The discussion focused on market profile, manufacturing supplies,
manufacturing process parameters, volatile organic compound (VOC) control experience, and
emission characterization. This discussion was followed by a tour of the production facility in
Cincinnati, Ohio, and then by a short closing meeting.

A. P e m & Derrick’s Market Profile

The Cincinnati facility produces both water (latex) and solvent (oil) based industrial and
consumer paints. Perry & Derrick’s industrial coatings are used in many markets including metal
cans and containers, metal furniture, general metal, machinery and equipment, and electronics.
Perry & Derrick does not sell paints into coil coating, exterior car coating, wood finishing, or
major appliance coating areas. -The company’s consumer paints are sold over the counter under
manufacturer and private labels to customers for interior and exterior painting needs.

Perry & Derrick began manufacturing resins and solvent based consumer paints in 1913
in Dayton, Kentucky, with sales offices in Cincinnati, Ohio. The family-owned business gradually
expanded into the industrial market. In the late 1950’s, a fire in the Dayton facility raw material
warehouse caused the company to move paint manufacturing operations to Cincinnati. This move
also prompted Perry & Derrick to begin manufacturing latex consumer paints. The resin facility
remained in Dayton. As environmental and Occupational Safety and Health Administration
(OSHA) rules became more stringent, Perry & Demck made the decision to leave the resin
manufacturing business. Since 1987, Perry & Demck has manufactured only consumer and
industrial paints.

Water based paints currently account for 59 percent of total production with 55 percent
being consumer products and 4 percent being industrial products. The remaining 41 percent of
manufacturing is solvent (oil) based; 17 percent of t h s market is for consumer use while 24
percent is for industrial use. Two years ago the Perry & Derrick sales team asked thier industrial
solvent based paint customers to move to water based coatings. Although the customers
demanded, and some still require, solvent based products, Perry & Derrick has concentrated new
product development in the area of waterborne coatings. Some product development still occurs
in the area of solvent based products. The majority of Perry & Derrick’s consumer products
contain less than one pound per gallon VOC,but some gloss and semi-gloss latex paints contain

CH-9202 2
nearly three pounds. Industrial coatings range from water thinned products with almost zero VOC
to conventional lacquer-type coatings (manufactured for unregulated customers) with as much as
six pounds per gallon VOC.

The Perry & Derrick facility produces just under 1,000,000 gallons of paint annually.
They also employ a total of 77 people, 48 of whom are production employees. .

B. Manufacturing Supplies

Perry & Derrick ,uses approximately 700 raw materials in their paint manufacturing
processes. In addition to the solvents and alcohols described in Attachment 1, Perry & Derrick
also purchases and uses a variety of resins, pigments, and additives. Perry & Derrick regularly
calculates VOC content using a finished product rather than a raw material standpoint.

C. Manufacturing Process Parameters

Since Perry & Derrick left the resin production business in 1987, the paint,manufacturing
process at the Cincinnati based facility has been a batch process materials handling operation.
The method of product formation is by mixing and blending rather than by reacting materials
chemically. The four main manufacturing operations are completed in the following order:

0 preassembly and premix

0 pigment grindinghnilling
0 product Gnishingjblending
0 praduct filling/packaging

The first step in the manufacturins process is preassembly and premix. In this step, the
liquid raw materials (e.g., resins, solvents, aicohols, and/or water) are mixed in portable containers
to form a honey-like material to which pigments are added. The pigment and liquid mixture form
a viscous material which is then sent to the grinding operations.

The grinding or milling stage serves tQ further disperse the pigment throuihout the paste.
Once the customer-requested grind specifications are met, the paint mixture is transferred to the
product finishing tanks. Normally, this step serves to disperse insoluble solid materials. If
insoluble materials are not present, the grindinghilling stage may be omitted as sufficient
blending will have occurred in premix.

Final product specifications are achieved in the blending or product finishing step. Here. 8

the paint mixture from the dispersion operation is tinted, if necessary, and further reduced. or
letdown, with resins, solvents, and alcohols or water in agitated tanks.

Once the paint has been "finished," it can be transferred from the finishing tanks into pails,
irums, tote tanks or tank wagons for shipment. The paint is normally filtered during the transfer

Perry & Derrick offers their customers more than 1000 different products. Many of these
products are manufactured for specific customer needs. Paint formulations change as customer
requirements change. New product development and product revisions typically occur several
times per week. One base product may have several different variations which may be
manufactured in a variety of equipment. Because of this, Perry & Derrick is unable to dedicate
manufacturing equipment to specific products. Most of the equipment is, however, dedicated to
paint type (Le., waterflatex or solvent/oil). In several cases, equipment is further reserved for
industrial solvent based paints or consumer latexes.

Perry & Derrick uses high speed dispersers, mixers, Kady mills and ball/pebble mills in
the preassembly and premix stage. The agitation keeps the pigment in suspension and supplies
the dispersion equipment with a consistently mixed material. Dispersers and mixers are used with
insoluble powders prior to the milling stage. If the dry materials are soluble, transfer to another
type of dispersion equipment is unnecessary. Product milling, Step 2, and premix, Step 1, may
be accomplished in a single process. -- -

Perry & Derrick currently operates four types of dispersion equipment: Kady mills, media
mills, balypebble mills, and high speed dispersers. BWpebble m i l l s are rotating cylinders,
mounted horizontally, and filled with grinding media. The company operates one steel ball rmll
which is used to disperse pigment in solvent based paints. The pebble mills, which use flint
pebbles as grinding media, disperseboth oil and water based products. Certain paints can be
made in entirety in ball mills and packaged directly into containers: The mills are loaded through
a top chute with raw materials (i.e., premix liquids, powders/pigments, and additives) during the
day and the grinding process is completed during the night. The following day the product is
inspected, proper1 adjusted, and then unloaded by gravity feed, filtered, and packaged into
containers for ship ent. The mills run at night because of the noise generated during the grinding
process. They approach a closed system as they are open only during additions of raw materials
and product filling operations.

The media mill at the Perry & Derrick facility is a sand mill. Rather than using sand, this
vertical mill uses tiny glass, ceramic, or zirconia media to accomplish pigment dispersion.
Material enters through the bottom of the mill and is forced up through the media to an open-top
filtering screen.

Kady m i l l s are unlike most of the other dispersion m i l l s in that they are jacketed allowing
for heating capability. These mills have permanent lids which allow them to be covered during
grinding operations. Perry & Derrick uses Kady mills for the production of solvent based
material. The largest of the facility’s three Kady mills is used in the manufacture of a high-solids
paint. ~ ~~

The Perry & Derrick facility also uses high speed dispersers to grind pigment into paint.
These dispersers are adjustable and are used with portable mix tanks. The portable tanks are
covered during the manufacture of solvent based products. Covers are normally made of stainless
steel with openings for the agitator shaft.

CH-92-02 4
The Perry & Demck facility uses balVpebble mills, Kady mills, vertical media mills, mix
tanks, and blend vessels in the manufacture of solvent based paints. Releases of VOCs come
from several types of equipment used in the paint manufacturing process.

Bwpebble mills are used in the manufacture of solvent based paints. These mills
approach a closed system, as they are open only during additions of raw materials and product
filling operations. It is during these operations that VOC emissions can occu.

VOCs may be emitted during solvent based paint blending and milling operations in the
Kady mills. The mixing operations generate friction which causes product temperatures to rise
resulting in the volatilization of organics in the paint formulation. Emissions may also be released
during material additions when the mill covers are open.

Vertical media mills, or sand mills, are used to disperse pigment throughout the paint.
Emissions result from the *exposedscreen, through which warm product filters, possibly clogging
the screen. An operator might apply solvent to unclog the screen, adding to total emissions.
. r *

Another emission source is portable mix tanks and blend vessels. Portable mix tanks are
used to mix product and to keep the pigment in suspension. They are also used to transfer
material from one manufacturing stage or area to the next. While they are being used for mixing,
the tanks are often, but not always, covered. If a cover is used on a mix tank during mixing, it
will have a f o 5 to six inch opening through which the agitator shaft extends. In some cases (e.g.,
water based paint manufacturing), only a splash guard is used to cover the back half of the mix
tank. When mix tanks are used for temporary storage, they are covered with a solid lid. None
of the lids seal with the mix tank. Blend vessels not equipped with sealing lids are ardother source
of VOC emissions. Emissions may occur during product addition through the top opening.
Because the lids do not form a seal with the tank, gradual emissions durins paint processing are

Emissions are also possible from the scale systems' where solvent and resin raw materials
are measured and transferred from storage tanks to mix tanks or other containers. Emissions may
occur during transfer and hose connecting and disconnecting. * .

In addition to emissions from process operations, VOCs are also released from a variety
of cleaning operations. Solvents are used to clean the Kady mills and other equipment used to
manufacture solvent based paints. Emissions occur during cleaning solvent addition and removal.

Perry & Derrick calculates SARA Section 313 releases based on consumption figures, so
i o studies have been done to determine emission breakdown by process. The facility has'not
:xamined emission contribution from janitorial supplies.

CH-92-02 6
Some products manufactured by Perry & Derrick are finished in the equipment in which
they completed the dispersion process. Others are transferred to permanent blend vessels for
product adjustment and letdown. In .the permanent vessels, material is added through the top,
agitated, and gravity fed out the bottom. The top openings on the tanks are covered with
permanent lids, which are opened only during the addition of product components. When the
product is ready to be packaged, it is transferred to the filling department where it is filtered using
a Vorto-Siv, a nylon mesh or felt bag, or a cartridge filter. ~-

The Cincinnati based facility operates eight hours per day, 298 days per year. Batch sizes
range from less than one gallon to 1600 gallons, with most of the production volume coming from
batches in the 300 to 1600 gallon range. Process tanks range from a 270 gallon ball mill to a
1600 gallon mix tank.

Equipment is cleaned after each batch. The degree of cleaning depends on the size of
batches processed, the size of the equipment to be cleaned, and the color and type of product
manufactured. Every effort is made to minimize equipment cleaning. The Production Manager
attempts to schedule similar product batches while Perry & Demck's in-house laboratory
determines the degree of cleaning required based on the compatibility of consecutive batches.
Equipment used to manufacture water based products is cleaned with a water based cleaner while
equipment used to manufacture solvent based products is cleaned with solvent. In most cases,
the spent cleaning liquid is retained and used as a vehicle or thinner in the next similar product
batch. Filter bags and other straining equipment used in product filling operations are also
cleaned with the recyclable wash liquid. Process lines are dedicated to certain raw materials and
therefore are cleaned only on a limite'd basis. The amount of wash so ution used for equipment
cleaning ranges from 2 to 50 gallons.

D. Volatile Organic Compound Control Experience

The Perry & Derrick facility has no add-on control devices for the capture and destruction
of VOCs. Volatile organic compounds emitted from the manufacture of solvent based paints are
controlled through equipment modifications such as tank covers. In addition. to modifying
equipment to reduce solvent emissions, the company has altered their cleaning procedures and
focused much of their new product development in the area of waterbomes.

Although management at the Cincinnati based Perry & Derrick facility feels that they have
significantly reduced VOC emissions over the past few years, they will have difficulty proving
this if they are required to do so. AS with many small paint and ink manufacturing facilities,
Perry & Demck has not performed any VOC measuring or testing of stacks primarily because of
the cost involved with conducting EPA-approved test methods.

Drop hoses are used around mixing and milling equipment to capture particulate matter.
These hoses are routed to a dust collector and then to dust collection drums. Pigment particles
transferred to drums are accumulated and are eventually recycled back into similar paint batches.

E. Emission Characterization

ai-9202 5
Attachment 1


HI-IMTIAL V.M.&P. (R-66)
HI SOL #70
140 SOLVENT (R-66)
a-9202 7
"PAR S-10
MAGIE EXK 385 (SP 6325)
MPAR 640

CH-92-02 8

l n t , s atjd C o a t I nqs t t i a t i u t . s c t u r e d b y Perry & Derr ick Rr.e made b y t h i . % ! I til*.

p r o c e s s , w i t h b a t c h slzss c o v e r i n g t h e r a n g e f r o m o n e - g a l l o n o r II?S!; t I I
allons, b u t w i t h most o f t h e p r o d u c t i o n v o l u m e c o m i n g f r o m b a t c h c s 1 1 1 I I I C
o f 300 t o 160@ cTa1lon.s. The number o f p r o d u c t s o f f e r e d by t h e c r i m p ; i t i v - ; . t
e t i m e is o f t h e o r d e r o f o n e t h o u s a n d . The numbe'r of l n g r e d l e n t s u c ~ 1 d
one time, l n c l u d l n q e q n l v a l e n t m a t e r i a l s p u r c h a s e d f r o m d l f f p r p r i t
ers, is p r o b a b l y In t h e r a n g e of 1590 l o 2 0 0 0 . Many p r o d u c t s a r p
c t u r e d t o meet t h e s p e c i f i c n e e d s of I n d i v i d u a l i n d u s t r i a l c u s l o i n l : r * - : .
o d u c t d e v e l o p i n e n t s a n d p r o d u c t r e v i S l O n S o c c u r s e v e r a l times 111 tl t v p i r n 1
Because d l f f e r e n t k1iiJ.s o € equlptneiit may be used f o r t h e same
zause t h e p o t e n t l a 1 number o f p r o d u c t s r c q u l r l n q s l l q h t l y d i f f p r r t r t
l o n s o f the. p r o c e s s Is v i r t u a l l y without l i m i t , t h e number o f p r o r r s q
l o n s f s t a o l a r g o tci p p r m i t a d e t a i l e d d e s c r i p t i o n o f e a c h o n e .

s t o r a g e o f p a i n t i n q r - i t e n t s Is i n b u l k t a n k s o f 2 5 0 0 t o 8noo q a i i 1 j t 1 . ; .
3 t a n k s of 2 n O - 3 0 0 g a l l l z n s , I n 5 5 gall911 d r u m s a n d t o a minor dpg1.p.3 1 1 1
* containers. Msasuretn@nt o f l l q u l d s 1s b y m e t e r i n g o r w c i g l l i ~ ~ q :
t s o l i d i n g r e d i e n t s a r e s t o r e d In f l a k c d , p r i l l e d , s o l i d o r p o t v ( i t ~ t f , , 1 * t 1 1
? r h a g s o r f l b e r o r s t p e l drums o f 5 0 t o 500 p o u n d s net w e l q f l t .
?merit i s b y witlqlit o r h y c o u n t i n g p r e w c l g h t ? d p a c l t a g e s . I n s a l u h l ~d1.v
l n q r e d l e n t s a r e s t a r e d I n p a p e r b a g s o r f i b e r d r u m s of 1 0 t o 2011 P ~ ~ I I ~ I ~ I ~
. g h t . M e a s u r e m e n t is b y t h e same m e t h o d s as f o r soluble s o l i d s .

i o n s c h e d u l l n g and c o n t r o l a r e e x e r c i s e d b y l a s u l n g a f a c t o r y hntt:l)
and a s e p a r a t e f l l l l n g t l c k e t f o r e a c h b a t c h p r i o r t o m a n u f a c t u ~ * e ,
l o c u m e n t s accotnpaiiy t h c h a t c h t h r o u g h the f a c t o r y . T h e y ident 1 f y t i I +
a n d t h e q u ' a r t t i t y t o bt? m a n u f a c t u r e d , t h e a m o u n t o f e a c h i n g r e d i e i l t .
!nt t o b e u s e d ? and t h e y c a r r y any s p e c i a l i n s t r u c t i o n s , s a f e t v / h ~ a i t l ~
it ion a n d packaging I n s t r u c t i o n s . P e r t f n e n t L n f o r m a t i o n i s r P c o r d e ( i ( 1 1 1
t r i n g m a n u f a c t u r l n g , a n d t h e y become p e r m a n e n t r e c o r d s o f t h e p r o c i u c t tor1
batch. When a b a t c h r e q u i r i n g p a p e r l a b e l s i s s c h e d u l e d , a s ~ p a l - a t ~
I I n s t r u c t i o n g o e s t o t h e p r i n t s h o p w h e r e t h e r e q u i r e d number o f l a b e l s
ited. F o r n o t i - c ~ t i s u m e r p r o d u c t s , a s e p a r a t e w r i t t e n i n s t r u c t l o r l e o r ~I
: u l a t o r y c o m p u t e r o p e r a t o r , w h e r e t h e r e q u i r e d number o f hazard
c a t loit l a b e l s I s p r l n t p d .

t l a l m a n u f a c t u r i n g s t e p i s t o t r a n s f e r m a t e r l a l f r o m s t o r a q e t n a t;rni{
,, p r e m l x l i q u i d s a n d l i t s o l u b l e powders and d i s s o v e s o l u b l e s o l l d s . ThP
!nt u s e d may b e a m i x e r , high s p e e d d i s s o l v e r / d i s p e r s e r , KD m i l l n r
!hhle m l l l . l f l i t s r r l u h l e p o w d e r s a r e p r e s e n t , t h e n e x t s t e p Is t o
; e t h e powder t o t h e d e s i r e d d e g r e e u s l n q a h i g h s p e e d d i s p e r s e r . KD
qedia m i l l or h a l l / p e b b l e m l l l . S a t i s f a c t o r y d i s p e r s i o n is cniif IrmPtl h v
ory test. I C I n s o l u b l e p o w d e r s a r e n o t p r e s e n t , t h e d i s p e r s t n n .it+!, I s
1 , and 111 - p l f ] \ e r c a s e t h e n e x t s t e p is t o . reduce t h e b a t c h w l t l i t I r +
1 o f t h e l i q u i d s t o be used, w i t h small a m o u n t s w i t h h e l d in S o m P C ~ S I ' S
er adjustment. of pliyslcal p r o p e r t l e s . I f c o l o r a d j u s t m e n t is rpqiilrocl.
r a t e d d i s p e r s i o n s of d r y c o l o r a r e a d d e d a s n e c e s s a r y . Each b a l v l i i s
"led a n d t h e s a m p l e 1s l a b o r a t o r y t e s t e d f o r p h y s i c a l p r o p e r t l e s .
t l 9 n a n d p e r f o r m a n c e a c c o r d l n q t o a t e s t p l h o t o c o l e s t a b l i s h e d ~ c - p n r . ; "~lI y
h. p r o d u c t . I f t e s t re.sii1t.s d o n o t show the b a t c h t o h e w i t h f t\ ? p t : t - . I f 1 # - 1 1
a d J u s t m e n t a a r e m a d s u n d e r l a b o r a t o r y d i r e c t loti b y a d d l n q smnl 1 n t n o i i t r t s
e d l e n t s t o the b a t c h . S t r a i n i n g l n s t r u c t l o n s a r e confirmed or rpvlqr'd
, Technolcges Corporation

Date: 6 January 1992

Subject: Site Visit--Borden Packaging and Industrial Products

Ink Manufacturing
EPA Contract 68-DO-0121; Work Assignment 1-29
Alliance Reference No. 1638029

From: Beth W. McMinn

Alliance Technologies Corporation
To: Joseph S teigerwaid
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, NC 27711

1. Purpose
The purpose of the visit was to gather information on the ink manufacturing process
including information necessary to characterize the process parameters, emissions, control
techniques, and control costs.

11. Place and Date

Borden Packaging and Industrial Products

630 Glendale-Milford Road
Cincinnati, OH 45215
(513) 782-6384

December 12, 1991

11. Attendees

Borden Packaging and Industrial Products (Borden)

A. A. (Tony) Stambolos, Director of Manufacturing - Coatings

John Edelbrock, Plant Manager - Coatings
U.S. Environmental Protection Aeencv (EPA)

Joseph Steigerwald, CTC

Alliance Technologies Corporation (Alliance)

Beth W. McMinn
Stephen A. Walata

IV. Discussion

A meeting was held with the personnel from Borden Packaging and Industrial Products
to discuss the ink manufactwing process. The discussion focused on market profile,
manufacturing supplies, manufacturing process parameters, volatile organic compound (VOC)
control experience, and emission characterization. This discussion was followed by a tour of the
production facility in Cincinnati, Ohio, and then by a short closing meeting.

A. Borden's Market Profile

The Borden Cincinnati facility acts as both a base manufacturing plant and a local service
facility. The base plant manufacturers waterbome ink bases and acrylic polymers. The bases and
the polymers may or may not be pigmented. These "finished products" are then sent to smaller
Borden facilities which act'as local blend houses. The plants receive the bases and polymers and
blend them to the specifications of local customers. i

The second manufacturing area at the Borden facility is a blend house to service local
customers. The products from the base plant are used as raw materials and are blended with
additional raw materials, pigments, resins, solvents, and additives to form a finished ink.

Borden manufactures water based inks for the corrugated market, high-gloss solvent based
paste inks for folding packages (e+, LWs.Smith's pies), and some rotogravure products such as
those inks used for Christmas packaging. The facility also does some carbon black dispersion for
non-Borden facilities. Approximately 90 percent of the products manufactured are water based,
while the remaining ten percent are solvent based. The majority of the water based products are
inks for the corrugated market.

The Cincinnati Borden facility was originally established as a solvent based gravure
manufacturing plant. Production was entirely solvent based until the mid- 1980s. In 1985, Borden
decided to leave the gravure market and concentrate on water based products. Malung this change
involved some process modifications. Borden relined most of their stainless steel tanks with
epoxy coatings to prevent the new water based products from rusting the' metal. The facility also
purchased new media for the ball mills. Solvent based products had been manufactured using
small steel ball media. Water based products required larger ceramic or zirconium balls.

CH-92-02 2
Borden's annual sales are in the $50 to $100 million dollar range, classifying the company
as a large ink manufacturer.

B. Manufacturing Supplies

Borden uses between 1200 and 1500 raw materials in their manufacturing processes. Some
of the solvents used include methyl ethyl ketone (MEK), 1,1,1-Trichloroethane, toluene, methanol,
xylene, and acetone. Borden also uses many alcohols, although plant officials say that there is
a general push in the printing industry to move away from inks with a high alcohol content (Le.,
hiih volatility). For this reason, Borden has replaced some of thiir alcohols with glycol ether
products. In addition to solvents and alcohols, Borden also purchases and uses a variety of resins,
pigments, and additives. Borden addresses VOC content from a raw material rather than a
finished product standpoint. Borden calculates VOC content in finished products based on
component composition.

C. Manufacturing Process Parameters

The ink manufacturing process at the Cincinnati facility is basically 3 batch process
materials handling operation. Products are formed by mixing and blending rather than by reacting
materials chemically. The main manufacturing operations are completed in the following order:

pigment grindinghilling
product blending
product filtering
4 product fiIling,/packaging

The first step in the manufacturing process is material premix. This is the production of
an intermediate product referred to as the base. The base or premix is made by combining
vehicles (e.g., solvents, alcohols, and/or water) with pigments and any other necessary additives.
The materials are mixed in portable containers to form a viscous material which acts as 3
concentrate. A t this stage, the particles in the concentrate are rather large and not consistently
mixed. With further processing, the concentrate may become any one of a variety of specific end

The grinding or milling stage serves to further disperse the pigment throughout the base
by pumping it through dispersion equipment. Once the customer-requested grind specifications
are met, the resulting base is transferred to the product blending tanks.

Final product specifications are achieved in the blending or product finishing step. The .
base from the dispersion operation is mixed with other intermediates and raw materiais to produce
a finished ink. Blending may occur in the same tank or in a different tank used for'premix. '

Once the ink has been blended, it is filtered through cheese cloth or other filters to
enhance the quality and uniformity of the product. Filtering also acts to screen out impurities.

CH-92-02 3
After the ink has been filtered, it is pumped or emptied into the shipping concainer.
With over 10,000 blended products, Borden does not dedicate m a m h c t u n n g equipment
to specific products except for large quantity materials. Some equipment may be dedicated
periodically to seasonal products, such as during the fall, when Christmas reds and greens are in
high demand. Different equipment is used for the manufacture of water based inks, solvent based
inks, and paste inks, so certain equipment may be reserved for these product families.
_ -
Borden uses a variety of equipment during the premix and blending stages. The - .cility
has many mixers, and choosing which to use depends m part on batch size. Drum-sized odtches
made in the drum itself may be blended with a portable mixer called a Lightning Mixer. Other
materials made in portable mix tanks may be blended using larger permanent mixers. In some
cases, an ink will be premixed with one mixer, moved to a dispersion mill for grinding and
milling, and then transferred back to the same premix mixer for blending operations.

Borden operates several types of dispersion mills including two roll mills, three roll mills,
ball mills, kady mills, shot mills, and pebble mills. The three roll mills are used to grind pigment
into water based paste inks. All three rollers are exposed to the air.

Borden makes both water and solvent based inks in ball mills. These mills are rotating
cylinders, mounted horizontally, and filled with grinding media. Typically, steel balls are used
to disperse pigment in solvent based inks and ceramic or zirconium balls are used for water based
materials. Certain inks can be manufactured entirely in ball mills and packaged directly into
drums for shipment. These mills approach a closed system, as they are open only dunng
additions of raw materials and uct filling operations.

Pebble mills are identical to ball mills except for the grinding media. Originally, pebble
mills used flint pebbles while ball mills used steel balls. The pebble miiis at the Borden facility
use ceramic beads to disperse white and clear inks.

Shot rmlls are similar to ball mills, except that they are vertical. iMaterial enters through
the bottom of the mill and is forced up through the media to a submerged filtering screen. The
upward action results in wear on the internal rotor and on the filtering media, which are normally
glass, ceramic or steel. At the Borden facility, shot mills are used primarily in the manufacture
of light-colored water-based inks.

Both the Kady m i l l s and the two roll mills are used in the production of high-gloss solvent
based paste inks for folding packages. Two roll mills operate in the same fashion as three roll
mills. The Kadv mill is unlike most of the other dispersion mills, as it is jacketed, allowing for
heating capabiliiy. This mill has a permanent lid which allows the rmll to be covered during
grinding operations.

In addition to the mills, Borden operates a number of fixed mix tanks which are used for
mixing, milling, and blending both solvent and water based inks. Material is added through the
top, agitated, and gravity fed out the bottom. The top of the mix tank may be either open or
covered with lids.

CH-92-02 4
The Borden facility normally operates 24 hours per day, five days per week, 52 weeks per
year. A’typical batch can take eight to twenty hours to complete. More time is required to
manufacture black inks than other colored inks. Viscous or dry materials take longer to grind and
achieve proper dispersion than less viscous materials. Batch sizes range from five gallons (50
pounds) to 2,500 gallons (20,000 pounds), and process tanks range from pails and drums to 4,100
gallon (33,000 pounds) ink mixers. The larger batches are normally black inks for the cormgated
packaging market, while the smaller batches are typically solvent based specialty inks.

Equipment is cleaned on an as-needed basis. Cleaning frequency depends on the number

and size of batches processed, the size of the equipment to be cleaned, and the color and type of
ink manufactured. Equipment used to manufacture water based inks is cleaned with water. After
a mill or tank has been emptied, water is added to the equipment to capture remaining product
residue. The wash water is drained from the tank and recycled into the next product batch.
Equipment used to manu’facture solvent based products is cleaned with solvent which is captured
and reused. The three roll mills are cleaned by hand, using rags and 1,1,1-Trichloroethane, while
the Kady mills are cleaned with a petroleum distillate which is also captured and reused. Some
base raw materials and all solvents are handled via a manifold system using dedicated process
lines. Therefore, cleaning of these lines is limited. Borden also schedules consecutive production
batches of similar products to reduce equipment cleaning frequency.

D. Volatile Organic Compound Control Experience

I The Borden facility has no add-on control devices for the capture and destruction of VOCs.
Volatile organic compounds emitted from the manufacture of solvent based inks are controlled
through equipment modifications such as tank covers. Drop hoses are also used around mixing
tanks to capture both particulate matter and VOCs. Thkse hoses are then routed to a baghouse.
In the area where solvent based paste inks are ground on the two roll mills, emissions are
captured through exhaust hoods and then vented to a fabric filter (i.e., baghouse). Borden
operates a venturi scrubber in addition to fabric filters for the capture of particulate matter.

E. Erhission Characterization

The Cincinnati Borden facility uses ball mills, pebble mills, Kady mills, two roll mills, and
some mix tanks and drums with mixers in the manufacture of solvent based inks. Releases of
VOCs come from several types of equipment used in the ink manufactunng process.

Some solvent color work is accomplished by blending in 55 gallon drums. The drums are
used to mix product and to keep the pigment in suspension. While they are being used for
mixing, the drums are often open to the atmosphere. If a cover is used on a drum during mixing,
it will have a small opening through which the agitator shaft extends. Most of the solvent based
inks that are made in mix tanks are made in tanks covered with metal lids. These lids have a four
to six inch opening through which the agitator shaft extends.

Both ball and pebble m i l l s are used in the manufacture of solvent based inks. These mills
approach a closed system, as they are open only during additions of raw materials and product
filling operations. It is during these operations that VOC emissions can occur.

CH-92-02 5
The two roll mills, used to disperse pigment in solvent based paste ink, are another source
of VOC emissions. Because they are exposed to the atmosphere, solvents are emitted during the
rolling process. The material exiting the two roll mill is a sheet of flexible ink. This sheet is
folded into a transport bin for temporary storage. While in the staging bin, the sheet may cause
further emissions of organic compounds.

VOCs may be emitted during solvent based paste ink chip melting and blending operations
in the Kady mills. These tanks can be heated, resulting in the volatilization of organics in the ink
chips. Emissions may also be released during material additions when the mill covers are open.

Another source of emissions is the manifold system where solvents are weighed and
transferred from storage containers to mix tanks, mills or other containers. Emissions may occur
during transfer and hose connecting and disconnecting.

In addition to emissions from process operations, VOCs are also released from a variety
of cleaning operations. Solvents are used to clean the Kady mills and other equipment used to
manufacture solvent based inks. Eniissions occur during cleaning solvent addition and removal.
The solvents are collected and reused, reducing overall emissions from virgin solvent. The three
roll mills are cleaned by hand, using rags and 1,1,l-Trichloroethane. During cleaning procedures,
some 1,1,l-Trichloroethane is released.

Most of the emission areas, with the exception of the staging of drums and storage bins,
are equipped with exhaust fans or drop hoses connected to headers which lead to particulate
control devices.

Borden calculates SARA Section. 3.13 releases based on mass balance and consumption
figures, so no studies have been done to determine emission breakdown by specific process or
product. The facility has. not examined emission contribution from janitorial supplies. The
Cincinnati facility is engaging in pollution prevention activities and succeeded in reducing overall
emissions by 43 percent from 1989 to 1990.

CH-92-02 6
Tecnrclogies Corporation

Date: 10 January 1992

Subject: Site Visit--PPG Industries, Inc.

Paint Manufacturing
EPA Contract 68-D0-0121; Work Assignment 1-29
Alliance Reference No. 1638029

From: Beth W. McMinn

Alliance Technologies Corporation

To: Joseph Steigerwald

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
Research Triangle Park, NC 277 11

1. Purpose

The purpose of the visit was to gather information on the paint manufacturing process
including information necessary to characterize the process parameters. emissions, control
techniques. and process and control costs.

11. Place and Date

PPG Industries, Inc.

3800 W. 143rd Str'eet
Cleveland, OH 44111
(216) 464-5710

December 10, 1991

111. Attehdees

PPG Industries. Inc. (PPG)

Dennis A. Kovalsky, Plant Manager

David P. Mazzocco, Environmental Engineer - Air Programs

John C. Richter, Plant Superintendent

Maura C. Tinter, Environmental Engineer

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)

Joseph Steigerwald, CTC

Alliance Technologies Comoration (Alliance)

Beth W. McMinn
Stephen A. Walata

IV. Discussion

A meeting was held with the personnel from PPG Industries, Inc. to discuss the paint
manufacturing process. The discussion focused on market profile, manufacturing supplies.
manufacturing process parameters, and volatile organic compound control experience. This
discussion was followed by a tour of the production facility in Cleveland, Ohio, and then by a
short closing meeting.

A. PPG's Market Profile

The Cleveland facility produces automotive coatings for automotive Original Equipment
Manufacturers (OEM). The three families of products PPG produces are cationic electrocoats ("E"
coats), solvent based topcoats, and water based topcoats. The "E" coats account for 47 percent
of the facility's production and 24 percent of its business. Solvent. based topcoats account for 5 1
percent of production and 70 percent of business, whil: water based coatings account for 2 percent
of production and 6 percent of business. Annually, the PPG Cleveland facility produces 4,000,000
gallons of both solvent based topcoat and cationic electrocoat and manufacturers 250.000 gailons
of water based paints. PPG expects the demand for water based coatings to increase in the future.

The Cleveland PPG facility was onginally established in 1907 as the Banner Varnish
Company under the guidance of C.J. Forbes. During the next forty years, the facility operated
as the Forbes Varnish Company, a producer of varnish for the carriage trade. PPG Lndusmes,
then Pittsburgh Plate Glass, purchased the original seven acre operation in 1947, operating under
the Forbes Finishes Division title. Major building expansions and local property acquisitions
followed during the 1960s and 1970s to reach the current 17 acre complex. Today the facility
produces 8 to 12 million gallons per year of original automotive coatings, 3. great increase over
the 2 million gallons produced in 1948.

CH-9202 2
B. Manufacturing Supplies

PPG uses more than 400 raw materials in their manufacturing processes. In addition to
the solvents and alcohols described in Attachment 1, PPG also purchases and uses a variety of
resins, pigments, and additives. The company regularly calculates VOC content in finished

C. Manufacturing Process Parameters

The paint manufacturing process at the Cleveland facfiity is basically a batch process
materials handling operation. The method of product formation is by mixing and blending rather
than by reacting materials chemically. The four main manufacturing operations are completed in
the following order: -

preassembly and premix

pigment grindinghilling
product finishing/blending
product fillingpackaging

The first step in the'manufacturing process is preassembly and premix. In this step, the
liquid raw materials (e.g., resins, solvents, alcohols, and/or water) are mixed in portable containers
to form a honey-like material to which pigments are added. The pigment and liquid mixture
forms a paste, which is then sent to the grinding operations.

The grinding or milling Serves to further disperse .the pigment throughout the paste.
Once the customer-requested grind specifications are met, the paint mixture is transferred to the
product finishing tanks. .

Final product specifications are achieved in the' blending or product finishing step. Here,
the paint mixture from the dispersion operation is tinted, if necessary, and further reduced. or
letdown, with resins, solvents, and alcohols in agitated tanks.

Once the paint has been "finished," it can be transferred from the finishing tanks into pails,
drums, tote tanks or tote wagons for shipment. The paint is normally filtered during the transfer
step .

The Cleveland PPG facility has three manufacturing lines which correspond to the three
families of products: solvent based topcoat, water based topcoat, and "E" coat. The equipment
in each of these lines is dedicated both to product family and to color. Equipment dedication
prevents product contamination and allows for fewer equipment cleanings (i.e.. less solvent use).
The equipment for each manufacturing operation for each family is located in a separate building
(i.e., solvent based grinding occurs in one building while "E" coat filling occurs in another). This
segregation of family manufacturing operations requires that material be transferred from one
building to another in portable tanks. During the transfer process, the ta;lks are covered with
either plastic or stainless steel covers.

CH-92-02 3
PPG uses portable mixers and agitators in the preassembly and premix stage. In some
cases, premix equipment is combined with dispersion equipment. The product circulates between
mixer and disperser. The agitator keeps the pigment in suspension and supplies tht: c!ispersion
equipment with a consistently mixed material.

PPG currently operates three types of dispersion equipment (vertical media rmlls,
horizontal media mills, and attritors) with the goal of reducing to two (horizontal mills and
attritors). The reasons for li.tniting equipment types to two are many. Vertical mills are an older
technology. Material enters through the bottom of the mill and is forced up through the media
to an exposed filtering screen. The upward action results in wear on the internal rotor and on the
filtering media. It also generates heat which causes the material to become warm. As the product
filters through the screen it may be 150oF, frequently causing the screen to clog. An operator
might brush on solvent to unclog the screen. The older mills are also noisy and may require
hearing protection for workers. In contrast, horizontal mills are closed systems. Because they
are closed, they have fewer emissions and less yield loss. The horizontal position makes these
mills more efficient than their vertical counterparts. There is less wear on the grinding media and
rotor and therefore the horizontal mills produce a cooler product (100oF). In addition, horizontal
mills produce a more consistent product for fewer manhours.

PPG also has begun to replace some of their rectangular blend vessels with cylindrical
tanks. The vessels being replaced require that material additions be made through the top. Resins
and pigment pastes are added manually while solvent is piped into the tank. In the past, the
hatches through which material is added were left uncovered during blending operations. PPG
has since purchased covers which are removed only during add times. The rectangular tanks are
difficult to clean because of their shape. Product accumulates in comers, requiring additional
wash solvent and ge ting more waste. Similarly, agitation is not as efficient in the rectangular
vessels as it is in the cylindrical tanks. The addition of material into cyiindrical tanks is also
through the top. Material is added through the top, agitated, and gravity fed out the bottom. The
top openings on the cylindrical tanks are covered with sealing lids. The stainless steel design and
cylindrical shape makes cleaning more efficient both in terms of required labor and generated

The Cleveland PPG facility normally operates 24 hours per day, five days per week, 365
days per year, with a potential for operating seven days a week. On average, it takes five days
to complete one product batch and follow it from scheduling through the filling operations. Each
batch in each family of products spends approximately 24 hours in grinding operations and 16
hours in blending operations. The remaining time is spent in adding, transferrins, color matching,
filtering, and filling material and in dead time. More labor hours are required to produce the
colored topcoats than the primers or clearcoats. The average batch size is 300 gallons, but process
v ~ ~~

tanks range from 500 gailon rectangular vessels to a 14,000 gailon rectangular vessel. Xi1 o r [fie
solvent based topcoats that PPG produces are considered to be high-solids, with a solids content
oreater than 50 percent and a VOC content less than five percent. The water based products are

three percent organic.

Equipment is cleaned on an as-needed basis. Cleaning frequency depends on the number

and size of batches processed, the size of the equipment .to be cleaned, and the color and type of

CH-92-02 4
product manufactured. Equipment used to manufacture water based products is cleaned with a
water based cleaner, while equipment used to manufacture solvent based products is cleaned with
wash solvent. Process lines are dedicated to certain r3w materials and therefore are cleaned only
on a limited basis. The amount of wash solvent used for equipment cleaning ranges from 1 to
100 gallons. PPG cleans equipment such as tote tanks, filter presses, portable mix t a n k s , and
grinding mills with wash solvent recycled on site using a rototherm distillation unit and two Luwa

thin film evaporators. This continuous operation recovers from 3,000 to 12.000 gallons of solvent
per day at an average cost of $2.00 per gallon, as compared to an average cost of $2.80 for virgin
solvent. Wash solvent consists of a mixture of solvents with methyl ethyl ketone (MEK)
predominating at a concentration of 50 to 60 percent. Waste generated by the solvent recovery
system (i.e., still bottoms with a solids content of approximately 60 percent) is sent off site to the
PPG coatings and resins incinerator in Circleville, Ohio.

D. Volatile Organic Compound Control Experience

Volatile organic compound emissions from the Cleveland PPG manufacturing facility are
controlled by a REECO (Regenerative Environmental Equipment Company j thermal incinerator.
REECO I. A second REECO incinerator, REECO 11, controls emissions from the PPG paint
laboratory also located at the Cleveland site. The nine chamber fume incinerators were installed
in 1984 and 1985 as ,odor control devices. The primary purpose of the incinerators changed in
1988 with the enactment of Ohio Air Pollution Control (OAC) rules 3745-21-01 and -09, which
subjected the Cleveland PPG facility to site-specific requirements for VOC emissions based on
reasonably available control technology (RACT). Because combined emissions from the
manufacturing facility and the paint laboratory met or exceeded 100 tons of VOC annually prior
to rule enactment, the facility (manufacturing and laboratory) was classified as a "major" source.
As such, Ohio wrote non-CTG rules for the paint manufacturihg operations and paint laboratory
operations specifically for PPG (Attachment 2). The rule requires that ... :he VOC emissions

from the equipment included within the paint manufacturing operations shall be vented either
directly or by means of a building or local area exhaust to a control system which shall maintain
compliance with any of the following requirements:

'a) .A minimum control efficiency of 98.0 percent by weight for the VOC emissions:
(b) A maximum outlet VOC concentration of twenty parts per million by volume (dry
basis); or
(c) A minimum incineration temperature of one thousand five hundred degrees

PPG has chosen to comply with the 1500oF incineration temperature. Process emissions are
suppiemented by natural gas with the option to burn fuel oil. Results tiom recenE compliance
tests are included in Attachment 3.

OAC originally included a control device capture efficiency clause in the PPG rule.
However, after receiving and reviewing PPG's comments addressing the difficulty in measuring
capture efficiency, OAC removed these requirements.

Following is a schedule of current installation and annual costs:

CH-92-02 5
Installation Cost:
Base Unit $2,400,000.00
Ductwork and Interfacing 3,800,000.00
Annuai Costs:
Maintenance $50,000.00
Media Topoff 3,000.00
Fire Protection 14,000.00
Gas 250,000.00 @ $5.20/thousand cubic feet
Electricity 183,000.00 @ $8.13Mowatt hour

In addition to add-on control technology, PPG has implemented the following techniques
to reduce solvent evaporation:

1. Retrofit of manufacturing facilities with closed process equipment and tanks.

(Each closed system 45 liter horizontal grinding mill costs $65,000 to $70,000.)
2. Clean process equipment by purging with resin from the next batch.
3. Develop of water based line-with reduced VOC content.

PPG has calculated VOC emissions based on compliance testing to be 921 tons per year
before control and 92.1 tons per year after control. Releases for Section 3 13 reporting under the
Superfund Amendment and Reauthorization Act (SARA) of 1986 are calculated based on
consumption figures. Rather than breaking emissions into fugitive and point source categories,
PPG reports total air releases according to the following formula:

% loss = In vapor uressure of VOC X Consumption


Final releases are calculated using a 90 percent destructionhemoval efficiency (DRE). Actual
compliance testing has shown a 98.2 percent DRE.

E. Emission Characterization

The Cleveland PPG facility releases VOCs from several types of equipment used in the
manufacturing process.

Portable mix tanks, either alone or in combination with an agitator, are a common emission
source. Portable mix tanks are u s d to mix product and to keep the pigment in suspension. They
are also used to transfer material from one manufacturing stage to the next. While they are being
used for mixing, the tanks are often. but not always, covered with either plastic or stainless steel
lids. If a cover is used on a mix tank during mixing, it will have a four to six inch opening
through which the agitator shaft extends. In some cases, only a splash guard is used to cover the
back half of the mix tank. When mix tanks are used for temporary storage, they are covered with
a solid lid, either plastic or stainless steel. None of the lids seal with the mix tanks.

a-92-02 6
Vertical media mills, or sand mills, are used to disperse pigment throughout the paint.
Emissions result from the exposed screen through which warm product filters, possibly clogging
the screen. An operator might apply solvent to unclog the screen, adding to total emissions.

Attritors are vertical, stationary, cylindrical grinding tanks also used to disperse pigment
throughout the product mixture. Emissions may occur from the opening surrounding the agitator
shaft and/or at product outfall.

Rectangular blend vessels not equipped with sealing lids are another source of VOC
emissions. Emissions may occur during product adds through the top hatch.

Another source of emissions is the scale system, where solvent and resin raw materials are
measured and transferred from storage tanks to portable mix tanks or other containers. Emissions
may occur during transfer and hose connecting and disconnecting. A second scale system consists
of a floor scale, a drum, a drum dispenser, and a receiving container. Material is pumped out of
the drum into the receiving container. Emissions occur during material transfer and free-fall into
the receiving container.

Emissions may also occur from process tanks used for final letdown and tinting prior to
filling operations.

During some product filling operations, portable mix tanks are mechanically lifted and
tilted, allowing a finished prodpct to gravity feed into containers for shipment (i.e., pails, drums,
and tote bins).

In addition to emissions from process operations, VOCs are also released from a variety
of cleaning operations. The areas where portable mix tanks, mix tank lids, and portable pumps
are washed are sources of VOC emissionS. The tote bin cleaning area and filter cleaning station
also contribute to plant releases, as does the still'itself.

All of the areas, with the exception of the temporary storage of portabie mix tanks. are
equipped with exhaust ducts connected to headers and/or the central ventilation system.
Emissions captured by the ducts in the manufacturing area are burned in the REECO I incinerator.

PPG calculates SARA Section 313 releases based on consumption figures, so no studies
have been done to determine emission breakdown by process. Attachment 4 contains SARA
Section 313 air releases for 1988 to 1990. The facility has not examined emission contribution

from janitorial supplies.

CH-92-02 7
Attachment 1
- -
-- -
Toluene Hexyl Cellosolve Butyl Cellosolve
Xylene Mineral Spirits Methyl Isobutyl K ,

Ethyl Alcohol Propylene Diisopropyl Amine Deionized Water

Isobutyl Alcohol Dimethyl Ethanolamine
Ethylene Glycol Propylene Glycol
Monomethyl Ether
Methyl Isobutyl Ketone Methyl Ether
Heptane Isobutyl Alcohol
Isobutyl Acetate Ethylene Glycol
Isopropyl Alcohol Xylene
Butyl Acetate Deionized Water
Methyl Ethly Ketone

"PPG I n d u s t r i e s , Inc." or any subsequent owner o r operator o f the
"PPG I n d u s t r i e s , Inc." f a c i l i t y located a t 3800 West 143rd s t r e e t ,
Cleveland, O h i o 'shall comply, on a n d A f t e r Flay 25, 1988, w i t h the
following requirements f o r the VOC emissions from the paint
manufacturing operations and associated p a i n t laboratory
operations :
The p a i n t manufacturing operations s h a l l include the
following equipment: m i x i n g tanks f o r paint liquids and
pigments, grinding mills, paint thinning and t i n t i n g tanks,
paint f i l l i n g equipment for s h i p p i n g containers, cleaning
equipment f o r paint processing equipment, and recovery
equipment f o r t h e cleaning solvents. The paint laboratory
operations shall include t h e following equipment: p a i n t
spray booths and associated ovens w i t h i n the paint
manufacturing quality control 1 aboratory and the paint
research '1 aboratory.

(2) Except as otherwise provided in paragraph (MM)(4) o f t h i s

r u l e , t h e VOC emissions from the equipment included within
t h e p a i n t manufacturing operations s h a l l be vented e i t h e r
d i r e c t l y o r by means of a building o r local area exhaust t o a
control system which shall maintain compliance with any of
t h e f o l 1 owing requi rements :

(a) A rqinimum control efficiency of 98.0 per cent by weight

f o i t h e VOC emissions;

(b) A maximum o u t l e t VOC concentration o f twenty parts per

million by volume (dry b a s i s ) ; or

( c ) A minimum incineration temperature o f one thousand f i v e

hundred degrees Fahrenheit.
(3) Except a s otherwise provided i n paragraph (1YM)(4) o f t h i s
r u l e , t h e VOC elnissions from the equipment included w i t h i n
t h e p a i n t laboratory operations shall be. vented t o a control
system w h i c h shall maintain compliance w i t h a minimum control
e f f i c i e n c y of ninety per cent by weight f o r t h e VOC emissions
o r a maximum o u t l e t VOC concentration of twenty parts per
million by volume (dry basis). .

. (4) The requirements of paragraphs ( M M ) ( 2 ) and (MM)(3) o f t h i s

r u l e s h a l l n o t apply t o any s p e c i f i c piece o f equipment
included within the -paint manufacturing operations or t h e
p a i n t laboratory operations during each of the following

(a) D u r i n g any period in which t h e r e i s no production

a c t i v i t y o r laboratory a c t i v i t y a t said equipment; a n d

(b) During t h e processing or use of a waterbased paint
material i n .said equipment, provided t h e following two
conditions are met:

( i ) The VOC content of the waterbased paint material i s

1 ess t h a n or equal t o 12.0 per cent VOC by weight,
as determined under paragraph ( 8 ) of r u l e
3745-21-10 of t h e Administrative Code; and
( i i ) Any VOC emissions f m m t h e processing o r use of the
waterbased p a i n t material t h a t a r e not vented t o
the control systems speci f i ed in p a r a g r a p h s (MM) ( 2 ) -- -

and (MM)(3) of t h i s r u l e a r e included ( a c c o u n t e d

f o r ) i n a permit t o i n s t a l l issued by t h e d i r e c t o r
a f t e r t h e e f f e c t i v e date of t h i s rule pursuant t o
Chapter 3745-31 of the Administrative Code.
(5) The VOC control e f f i c i e n c y or o u t l e t VOC concentrations shall
be determined in accordance w i t h paragraph ( C ) of rule
3745-21-10 of the Administrative Code.
(6) For a control system i d e n t i f i e d in paragrapn ( H M ) ( Z ) o r
(MM)(3) of t h i s rule t h a t employs i n c i n e r a t i o n , the
i n c i n e r a t i o n temperature s h a l l be determined by means o f a
, continuous measurment and recording o f sucn tmperacure.

containing a paint material shall

(7), Any mixing o r blending t a n k
be equipped with a cover or l i d t h a t completely covers the
f o r an opening no larger than
o p e n i n g of t h e t a n k , except
necessary t o allow f o r s a f e
clearance f o r the m i x e r ' s ' s h a f t .
Such tank shall be covered a t a l l times in !which the t a n k
contains a paint material except when operator access i s
necessary t o add ingredients or take samples.
"Midwest Mica and Insulation Company" or any subsequent owner or
operator of t h e "Midwest Mica and Insulation Ccmpany" faci 1 i t y
located a t 4853 Nest 130th s t r e e t , Cleveland, Ohio shall n o t
cause, allow o r permit the discharge i n t o t h e ambient a i r o f any
VOC from any mica coating o r laminating l i n e a f t e r the date I

s p e c i f i e d in paragraph (C)(48) of rule 3745-21-04 o f the

Administrative Code unless t h e VOC emissions from t h 2 associated
oven a r e vented t o a control system t h a t i s designed and operated
t o achieve a control e f f i c i e n c y which i s a t l e a s t ninety-eight per
cent by weight o r an o u t l e t VOC concentration which i s l e s s t h a n
or equal t o twerity parts per million by volume (dry b a s i s ) , e i t h e r
of which i s determined under paragraph ( C ) o f r u l e 3745-21-10 o f
the Administrative Code. This requirement s h a l l n o t a p p l y t o any
mica c o a t i n g or.laminating l i n e which employs l e s s than f i v e tons
of VOC per y e a r .


Attachment 3
Inlet Outlet Reduction
Concentration Concentration Efficiency
Test 1 872.0 ppm 11.7 ppm 98.7% _ ~ __
7112/84 Test 2 749.8 ppm 26.5 ppm 96.5%
1500'F Test 3 1080.0 ppm 52.4 ppm 95.2%
REECO I Test 1 920.4 ppm 27.8 ppm 97.0%
7/13/84 Test 2 899.0 ppm 63.3 ppm 93.0%
1400'F Test 3 1208.0 ppm 59.6 ppm 95.1 %
REECO I1 Test 1 91.0 ppm 6.0 ppm 93.0%
1/26/87 Test 2 88.8 ppm 6.0 ppm 92.8%
1500'F Test 3 89.0 ppm 4.0 ppm 95.1%
REECO I1 Test 1 60.0 ppm 7.0 ppm 88.4%
1/27/87 Test 2 98.0 ppm 12.0 ppm 88.2%
1300'F Test 3 97.0 ppm 10.0 ppm 89.3%


' .:xhment 4

Chemical 1988 19139 1990

Acetone 200 30 1 2 14
E thy1benzene 1000 920 753
Formaldehyde 0 20 124
Glycol Ethers 69 58
Methanol 2700 371 1 3367
Methyl Ethyl Ketone 1843 3704 2152
hlethyi Isobutyl Ketone 664 57 1 494

Butyl Alcohol J
0 67 11
Toluene 1334 1023 1132
Xylene 5000 4603 2137
Bmum 933 579 573
Chromium 130 215 47
Copper 0 41 50
Lead I 677 151 189 .
6. P E R P O R M I N G O R G A N I Z A T I O N C O D E
a c t u r i n g Processes



n c e Technologies Corporation
uropa Drive, S u i t e 150 1 1 C O N T R A C T / G R A N T NO.

1 H i l l , NC 27514 68-D0-0121

O R l N G A G E N C Y N A M E A N 0 AOORESS 13. T Y P E OF R E P O R T A N D P E R I O D C O V E R E D
EPA F i d
s i o n s Standards D i v i s i o n 14. S P O N S O R I N G A G E N C Y C O O €

:e of Air Q u a l i t y Planning and Standards

i r c h T r i a n g l e Park, NC 27711

Jork Assignment Manager: Joseph S t e i g e m a l d , 919-541-2736


document p r e s e n t s t h e results of a study t o c o l l e c t and r e p o r t information

cocesses used t o manufacture paint h ink, v o l a t i l e organic compounds (VOC)
;ions generated during these operations, emission c o n t r o l techniques and
c e f f e c t i v e n e s s , and c o s t s a s s o c i a t e d w i t h process changes and emission
c o l options.



Manufacturing I ' I
nur'ac t u r i n g
l e Organic Compounds
on Control

3UTION S T A T E S V E N T j 19. S E C U R I T Y CLASS ( 7 k s R C * p o r r , 1 2 1 . NO. O F PAGES 1I
se Unlimited I Unclassified 1 j
j 20. SECURITY CLASS ,rillsp u p e l :2. PRICE i
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