Business Ethics - Bus 222

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STUDENT: ____________________ REG.NO. : _____________

SEMESTER: Spring 2021 TEACHER: Dr. Elena Malkawi

BUS 222

Friday, 04 June, 2021, 9:00 am

Duration of Examination: 3 teaching hours

Instructions Question
 Write your name and registration number in the spaces above accordingly. MARK
 Check examination details in the box above to make sure that
you have the correct paper.
 Answer the questions as specified in the paper.
 Answer the questions on the lined sheets of paper or in the space provided,
stating clearly Section and Question number.
 Number all the sheets of lined paper you will hand in.
 Student ID card should be kept on the desk during the examination.
 Use only black or blue ink or ball-point pen for your answers.

 The paper has 1 section and 5 questions in total.
 Answer all 5 questions listed below.
 The total score for this paper is 100.
 The final exam contributes to 60% of the total grade of the module.
 This is an open book exam.
 Marks for each question are stated in the instructions,
this will help you manage the available time more efficiently.

 Read each question carefully before you begin to answer it.
 Try to leave some time at the end to check your answers.
 Scholastic dishonesty is interpreted as cheating in an examination.
Cheating will not be condoned under any circumstances.
 Giving or receiving information, copying, using unauthorized materials,
collaborating during examination will result to cancellation of the examination
paper or whole course, even dismissal from the College.

LECTURER’S SIGNATURE _______________________ TOTAL

Please read the case and answer ALL the questions.

1. Describe the ethical dilemma Jared faces. (20 marks)

2. Critically evaluate ethical culture of DCC and suggest how the organization will develop an effective
ethics programme. (20 marks)
3. List all stakeholders involved in this situation. What stake do they have in the situation? (20 marks)
4. How sustainability relates to the ethical decision making and social responsibility of DCC?
(20 marks)
5. Develop a plan for DCC to deal with environmental issue in the area. (20 marks)

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