The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey: Russia

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The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey

Global Summary
2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey

Our methodology: Key findings:

In late 2019, for its ninth annual The unfolding of the COVID-19 pandemic and the preventive measures undertaken to slow its spread have impacted
Millennial Survey, Deloitte Global the attitudes of millennials and Gen Zs. The pulse survey conducted in Australia, Brazil, Canada, China, France,
surveyed 18.4k millennial and Gen Z Germany, India, Italy, Japan, South Korea, Spain, the UK and the US during the pandemic uncovered the following
respondents across 43 countries, global insights:
including 577 respondents from
Russia, to understand their views on a
variety of topics—from their actions to Mental health: Before the pandemic, close to half of the respondents said they were stressed all or
make a positive impact in the world; to most of the time. But anxiety levels fell eight points for both generations in the peak-pandemic pulse
what they are looking for in jobs and survey, indicating a potential silver lining to the disruption caused by the pandemic.
employers; to the role of business in Environment: Prior to the pandemic, half of respondents said they believed it was too late to repair the
society; to the issues of mental health damage caused by climate change. Yet, this figure dropped in the pulse survey, suggesting the
and stress; and more. environmental improvements resulting from reduced human activity during the pandemic has given hope
In early 2020, as the COVID-19 there is still time to take action.
pandemic continued to unfold around Finances: Many are financially prudent and literate, but three-fourths often worry about their financial
the world, Deloitte fielded an additional situations either in the short or long term.
survey of 9,100 respondents across
13 countries to supplement the original Work and loyalty: Before the pandemic, more millennials said they’d like to stay with their employers
survey findings with insights about: for at least five years than would prefer to leave within two, signaling employers may be better
addressing their needs. It remains to be seen how loyalty will be affected by the pandemic.
 How millennials and Gen Zs are
responding to the pandemic; View of institutions: A majority of respondents gave businesses and governments high marks for
their pandemic responses. Actions taken during the crisis, however, did not translate into overall better
 How it is impacting them, their opinions of these institutions or their leaders.
jobs/workplaces, and their views on
businesses and governments; and
We can understand the shifts in Millennial and Gen Z mindset during COVID-19 from a global perspective through
 The long-term implications the the lens of these 13 countries, and how their attitudes evolved throughout the crisis.
pandemic may have.

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 2
Sample profile (weighted)
340 Millennial interviews conducted in Russia

Gender Education level Organization size*

(number of employees)

10% Currently studying for/gained 15%

50% 50% trade/vocational qualification 1-9
18% Completed education in high 10-99
Men Women school
Currently studying at 22%
university 250-999
62% Gained university/college 1,000+
degree 26% 13%

Have children Working status Job seniority/level*

11% 5%
70% 30% 0% Working full- or part-time (less 12% Junior-level executive
5% than 30 hours per week) 21%
Yes No Midlevel executive
Senior executive
In full-time education
Head of department/division

84% Not working/in unpaid work 35% Senior management

26% team/board

* Based upon those currently working

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 3
Sample profile (weighted)
237 Gen Z interviews conducted in Russia

Gender Education level Organization size*

(number of employees)

10% Currently in high school

50% 50% 19% 19% 22% 1-9
10% Currently studying for/gained
trade/vocational qualification 10-99
Men Women Completed education in high 100-249
19% Currently studying at university 15%
42% 27% 1,000+
Gained university/college degree 7%

Have children Working status Job seniority/level*

42% Working full- or part-time (less 5% 4% 39% Junior-level executive
than 30 hours per week)
10% Midlevel executive
Senior executive
In full time education
Head of department/division
76% 40% Not working/in unpaid work Senior management
8% 42% team/board

* Based upon those currently working

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 4
Stress and unhappiness

% Millennials and Gen Zs who agree they feel anxious or % Millennials and Gen Zs who think they will be happier or
stressed all or most of the time less happy than their parents’ generation

Millennials in Russia Gen Zs in Russia

Russia Global Russia Global

33% 44%
26% 39%
Global 2020


29% 28%
40% 48% 22%

Russia Global 2020

31% 49%

Happier Less happy Happier Less happy

Q43) How often would you say you feel anxious or stressed? Q11B) Compared to your parents' generation, do you think that your generation will generally be
Q43) How often would you say you feel anxious or stressed? ... happier, less happy, or no different?

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Base: All Millennials/Gen Zs in Russia 319/236, Global 13,715/4,711 The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 5
Stress and unhappiness

% Millennials and Gen Zs who are regularly stressed say % Millennials and Gen Zs who agree that stress is a legitimate
… contribute a lot to their feelings of stress reason to take time off work

My physical/medical health Russia
16% 26% 58% 15%

My day-to-day finances Global
33% 50% 39% 12%

My job/career prospects
36% Gen Zs

41% 42% 17%
The welfare of my family
52% 34% 14%
My longer-term financial future

Millennials Gen Zs Yes No Don't know/prefer not to say

in Russia in Russia

Q44) To what extent do each of the following contribute to your feelings of anxiety or stress? Q45) Do you believe feelings of anxiety or stress are a legitimate reason to take time off from
work? (i.e. as a sick day/leave of absence)

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Base: Millennials/Gen Zs in Russia who are regularly stressed 297/219, Global 12,415/4,112; In any The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 6
employment 282/119, Global 11,787/2,411
Stress and unhappiness

% Millennials and Gen Zs who …

Have taken time off work in the past 12 months due to anxiety or Of those who have taken time off for stress, percent who told their
stress employers that their absence was due to anxiety or stress

11% 29% 14% 44%

Russia Globally Russia Globally 47% 39%

20% 34%
Russia Globally

Q46) In the past 12 months, have you ever taken time off work (i.e. a sick day/leave of absence) Q47) When you took time off work due to feelings of anxiety or stress, did you tell your employer this was
due to feelings of anxiety or stress? (regardless of whether anxiety or stress was the reason you the reason? Or did you say it was because of a different reason? **Among those who have taken time off
gave to your employer at the time) due to anxiety or stress in the past 12 months

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 7
Environmental concerns and behavior

% Millennials and Gen Zs who “strongly agree” or “tend to % Millennials and Gen Zs who are optimistic/pessimistic that
agree” that … efforts to protect/sustain the health of the planet will be effective
We have already hit the point of no return Climate change is most certainly occurring
and it is too late to repair the damage and is primarily caused by human activity
Millennials in Russia Gen Zs in Russia

51% 82%
83% 34% 36%
Global 2020 Global 2020 33% 28
Russia Russia %

49% 79% 2019 2020 2020

33% Global 2020 75% Global 2020
Russia Russia Optimistic Pessimistic Optimistic Pessimistic

Global 2020 40% 29% Global 2020 40% 27%

Q21) To what extent do you agree or Q21) To what extent do you agree or disagree with Q6) Are you generally optimistic or pessimistic that efforts to protect and sustain the health of the
disagree with the following statements the following statements related to the environment? planet will be effective?
related to the environment? - We have - Climate change (global warming, major changes in
already hit the point of no return and it weather patterns, etc.) is most certainly occurring
is too late to repair the damage and is primarily caused by human activity

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 8
Environmental concerns and behavior

% Millennials and Gen Zs are concerned about …

Ruissia’s Millennials – Top 3 Russia’s Gen Z - Top 3

Healthcare / disease prevention 40% Corruption within business or politics 32%

Income inequality / distribution of wealth 30% Unemployment 28%

Corruption within business or politics 28% Crime / personal safety 24%

Global Millennials – Top 3 Global Gen Z - Top 3

1. Climate change / protecting the environment 1. Climate change / protecting the environment
2. Crime / personal safety 2. Unemployment
3. Unemployment 3. Sexual harassment

Q1b) Which three of these issues are of greatest concern to you?

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Base: All Millennials/Gen Zs in Russia 319/236, Global 13,715/4,711 The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 9
Financial concerns and behavior

% Millennials and Gen Zs who agree that % Millennials and Gen Zs who often worry % Millennials and Gen Zs who are regularly
their financial situations over the next 12 or get stressed* about their general stressed say … contribute a lot to their
months will improve financial situations feelings of stress

36% 43% 75% 80% My day-to-day


Russia Russia Russia Russia

Millennials Gen Zs Millennials Gen Zs

My longer-term
financial future
Global improve 2020 Global strongly agree/tend to agree 2020 37%

42% 45% 67% 64%

Millennials Gen Zs
in Russia in Russia

Q4) How do you expect your personal financial situation to Q33) To what extent do you agree or disagree with the Q44) To what extent do each of the following contribute to your
change over the next 12 months? following statements? - I often worry/get stressed about my feelings of anxiety or stress?
general financial situation *strongly agree or tend to agree

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 10
Financial concerns and behavior

% Millennials and Gen Zs who agree that … % Millennials’ and Gen Zs’ distribution of “discretionary” spending

Millennials in Russia Gen Zs in Russia

I couldn't cope financially if I I have missed paying or haven't
unexpectedly received a large bill been able to pay a bill/fixed
payment in the last six months
Mills 35% 49% 16%
or had to fund a major expense
Global 40% 48% 12%
31% Russia

16% 17% Gen Z 31% 52% 17%

Global 35% 55% 11%


Saving/investing in Short-term ‘fun’ Other

31% 37% 29% 29% the future spending spending

Global 2020 Global 2020 Global 2020 Global 2020

Q34) Please indicate whether the following Q34) Please indicate whether the following Q32) Once you’ve covered things you have to pay for (e.g. taxes, rent/mortgage, food, etc.), what
statements are true or false... I could cope statements are true or false... I have proportion of the money you are left with do you typically devote to… Saving/investing in the
financially if I unexpectedly received a large missed paying or haven’t been able to pay a future (general savings to put towards large future purchases, my pension/retirement funds,
bill or had to fund a major expense bill/fixed payment in the last six months investments/financial portfolio, saving for my child’s/children’s education), short-term ‘fun’
spending (general spending/social life/entertainment, saving or spending on travel/holidays,
charities/causes that are important to me), other spending (other spending not covered above).
Rebased to exclude ‘don’t know’.

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. Base: All Millennials/Gen Zs in Russia 319/236, Global 13,715/4,711 The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 11
Job security and Industry 4.0

% Millennials and Gen Zs who expect to leave/stay with their current employers … % Millennials and Gen Zs who feel
very/fairly secure in their current roles

Global 2020

Leave within two years 31% 50% Russia

Stay beyond five years 35% 21%

32% 58%
Global 2020
Very secure 23% 20%
Fairly secure 53% 49%

Leave within two years Stay beyond five years Mills Gen Z

Millennials in Russia '19 Millennials in Russia '20 Gen Zs in Russia '20 Very secure Fairly secure

Q8) If you had a choice, how long would you stay with your current employer(s) before leaving to join a new organization or do Q38) How secure do you feel in your current role where you
something different? work?

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 12
Job security and Industry 4.0

% Millennials and Gen Zs who expect Industry 4.0 will have the following impact on their current jobs

37% 37%


18% 18%
17% 17%

It will replace all or part of my job It will augment my job, allowing focus on It won't have an impact on my job Don't know
responsibilities value-added work

Millennials in Russia Global Millennials Gen Zs in Russia Global Gen Zs

Q40) What impact, if any, do you think Industry 4.0 might have on your current job?

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 13
Job security and Industry 4.0

% Millennials and Gen Zs who say they have the skills and knowledge required as Industry 4.0 shapes the working environment


46% 45% 45%

23% 24%
20% 19% 19%
17% 17% 17% 18%

13% 12%

Yes, I have all the required knowledge Have some, but not all No, have few if any skills Don't know

Millennials in Russia Global Millennials Gen Zs in Russia Global Gen Zs

Q41) Do you feel you currently have the skills and knowledge that will be required as the working environment is increasingly shaped by Industry 4.0?

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 14
View of business

% Millennials and Gen Zs who say businesses % Millennials and Gen Zs who have stopped or started a relationship with a business
in general have a very/fairly positive impact on because of …
the wider society in which they operate Russia’s Russia’s
Millennials % Gen Zs %
who have … who have …
Stopped Started Stopped Started
54% 55% 57%
45% Balance achieved between “doing good” and making profits 12% 25% 10% 30%

The amount of tax it pays relative to its profits/revenues 7% 16% 20% 16%

Russia Its ability to protect personal data 24% 26% 19% 35%

Millennials 2018 Millennials 2019 Millennials 2020 Its position/performance on diversity and inclusion 10% 11% 13% 16%

63% The position the company’s CEO/leader has taken on political issues 9% 9% 24% 9%

Positive or negative impact of products/services on the environment 26% 23% 26% 26%
Russia The pay/reward it provides to senior executives relative to the average employee 43% 40% 28% 29%

Gen Zs 2020

Q12) Thinking about businesses in general around the world, Q17) As a consumer, have you ever started or deepened a relationship with a business because of the following?
what impact do you think they are having on the wider society Q18) As a consumer, have you ever stopped or lessened a relationship with a business because of the following?
in which they operate?

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 15
View of business

% Millennials and Gen Zs who say the following groups of people and organizations are having a positive impact on the world, and can be
trusted “a lot” as sources of reliable/accurate information

Millennials Gen Zs
Political leaders
60% 60% 60% 60%

% Positive impact
% Positive impact

% Positive impact

% Positive impact
50% 50% 50% 50% Religious/faith leaders
40% 40% 40% 40%
Social media platforms
30% 30% 30% 30%
20% 20%
Business leaders
20% 20%

10% 10% 10% 10% Traditional media/journalists

0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
Leaders of NGOs and
% Trust as source of % Trust as source of % Trust as source of % Trust as source of not-for-profit organizations
reliable/accurate information reliable/accurate information reliable/accurate information reliable/accurate information Activists
Russia Global Russia Global

Q15) Do you think the following groups of people and organizations are having a positive or negative impact on you and the world in which you live? *Excludes China
Q16) Thinking of these same people and organizations, how much trust do you have in them as sources of reliable and accurate information? *Excludes China

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 16
View of the world

% Millennials and Gen Zs who say the economic and social/political situations in % Millennials and Gen Zs who strongly
their countries will improve in the next 12 months … agree or tend to agree the world is
becoming more divided/polarized …

Russia Russia

Economic Social/political Economic Social/political

Russia 2020: 84% 74% 78%
20% 20% Global 2020 Global 2020
17% Millennials 72% 65% 68%
17% 16%
28% Gen Zs
11% 10% Economic Economic
Economically Politically Socially
outlook outlook
79% 69%
Global 2020: 81% 71% 76% 66%
Social/political Social/political
2018 2019 2020 outlook* outlook*

*Excludes China

*Excludes China
Q2) Taking everything into account, do you expect the overall economic situation in {#Country} to improve, worsen or stay the same Q25) To what extent do you agree or disagree with the
over the next 12 months? following statements? The world is becoming politically more
Q3) Taking everything into account, do you expect the overall social/political situation in {#Country} to improve, worsen or stay the divided/polarized (e.g. less tolerance of alternative points of
same over the next 12 months? view, resistance to compromise), the world is becoming socially
more divided/polarized (e.g. less tolerance of other social
groups/nationalities, weakening sense of community or shared
values), the world is becoming economically more
divided/polarized (e.g. the gap between the richest and poorest
people is widening)

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 17
View of the world

% Millennials and Gen Zs who say that we are becoming more or less civil toward one another …

Millennials in Russia
Gen Zs in Russia 48%




More Civil Less Civil

40% 46% 48% 40%
Global 2020 Global 2020 Global 2020 Global 2020

Q24) If 'civility' is defined as treating others with respect and politeness, do you think that, as a society, we are becoming more civil or less civil toward one another?

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 18
The “Millz Mood Index”
The Millz Mood Index gauges the mood of respondents and provides an annual snapshot
of millennials’ and Gen Z’s optimism that the world and their places in it will improve

Scores are based on results from the following five question

30 46 37 -2 topics that are aggregated to create a measure of between
Millennials Mature -2 Emerging-2 zero and a hundred. This scale gives us the ability to

markets markets Global
compare not only year-to-year movement, but also regional
and demographic groups within a given year
33 31

Economic Social/ Personal Environment Impact of

situation political financial businesses on
situation situation wider society

34 53 39
Gen Z Mature Emerging

markets markets

Zero 50 100
40 33 Nothing positive Half think we’re Everything is
at all! making progress awesome

Note: Trends not shown for Gen Z data at a global and regional level due to changed country composition since 2019.

Copyright © 2020 Deloitte Development LLC. All rights reserved. The 2020 Deloitte Millennial Survey 19
Deloitte refers to one or more of Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu Limited (“DTTL”), its global network of member firms, and their related entities (collectively, the
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