MCR3U7 Course Outline 2020
MCR3U7 Course Outline 2020
MCR3U7 Course Outline 2020
IB Curriculum Documents:
Mathematics: Analysis and Approaches
Prerequisites: MPM2D7 Credit value: 1.0
Assistant Curriculum Leaders: Ms. S. Arjomand Course Teachers: Ms. Buica
Room: 225 (Math Office). Telephone: 416-395-3310 Ext. 20080
Course Description
This is the first course in the IB HL mathematics program at Victoria Park C.I. We will complete our
units in polynomial functions, quadratic functions, rational functions, exponential functions, logarithmic
functions and trigonometric functions. We aim to enable students to broaden their understanding of
mathematical concepts through investigation, the effective use of technology, and abstract reasoning.
Time will be allocated throughout the course to develop the student’s skills in an inquiry based approach
as they build their “toolkit” of mathematical skills applicable both in the real world and in other courses.
Time will also be spent establishing expectations and developing topics for the mathematics internal
assessment that will be completed in the fourth course.
Curriculum Expectations
During this course, students will study:
● Review on quadratic functions: vertex form, standard form, intercept form
● The discriminant and the nature of the roots, the sum and product of the roots
● The polynomial functions – determining key feature of the graphs
● The factor and remainder theorem
● Composite, modulus and inverse functions
● Odd and even, self-inverse functions
● Transformations of functions
● The reciprocal and rational functions
● Laws of exponents and logarithms
● Exponential and logarithmic functions
● Solving equations and inequalities both graphically and analytically
● The circular functions and transformations
● Reciprocal and inverse trigonometric functions
● Solving trigonometric equations both graphically and analytically
● Trigonometric Identities
● Complex numbers: modulus-argument form
● Arithmetic and geometric series and sequences
● Financial applications: compound interest, annual depreciation
● Proof by mathematical induction, contradiction
Course Content*
Unit Timeline Unit Timeline
1 Quadratic, polynomial 8 periods 5 Circular Functions 12 periods
2 Reciprocal, rational 8 periods 6 Series and Sequences 10 periods
3 Transformations, solving 6 periods 7 Proofs 4 periods
4 Exponents and logarithms 8 periods 8 Applications 12 periods
Attendance is very important. If you know prior to the evaluation that you will be absent, make alternate
arrangements with your teacher. If for some reason you are absent on the day of an evaluation, call the
Math Office before 8:45 am and speak with your teacher or email your teacher. Evaluation missed
without a legitimate reason will result in a mark of zero and may impact your prediction.
Learning Skills. Students will be assessed on the following Six Learning Skills:
Responsibility, Organization, Independent Work, Collaboration, Initiative, Self-Regulation.
The students will be given a variety of assessments focusing on the types of rich questions typically
posed on I.B. exams. The teacher will use their best professional judgement from the assessments
completed in this course and from discussion with the student’s teachers in past courses to formulate a
prediction for an I.B. level. A percentage mark that falls within the IB Ontario Schools (IBSO) range for
that I.B. level as shown in the student agenda will then be assigned using the marks achieved in
assessments in this course as their primary guide.
Late Assignments/Missed Evaluations: Chronic absences from evaluations may result in referral to
Grade Reports throughout the Year: The grade for each term/reporting period is based on the
evaluations that have been conducted to that point in the course. They will be based on the most
consistent level of achievement to that time. The students’ grades may change when all work is
evaluated by the end of the course. Midterm reports will be sent home with the students approximately
half way through the quadmester..
Policies and Procedures: See the Victoria Park C.I. Student Agenda for additional details on School
Policies on Homework, Attendance, Lateness, Missing and Late Assignments and Assessments, Course
Modifications and Academic Honesty.