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Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.

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CHAPTER 1 Overview 1

Cisco ISE Overview 1

Cisco ISE Features 2
Cisco ISE Administrators 3
Force CLI Administrator to Use External Identity Store 3
Create a New Administrator 4
Cisco ISE Administrator Groups 5
Create an Admin Group 15
Administrative Access to Cisco ISE 16
Role-Based Admin Access Control in Cisco ISE 17
Role-Based Permissions 17
RBAC Policies 17
Default Menu Access Permissions 18
Configure Menu Access Permissions 18
Prerequisites for Granting Data Access Permissions 19
Default Data Access Permissions 19
Configure Data Access Permissions 21
Read-Only Admin Policy 21
Customize Menu Access for the Read-Only Administrator 21

CHAPTER 2 Licensing 23

Cisco ISE Licenses 23

Tier Licenses 24
Device Administration Licenses 26

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Virtual Appliance Licenses 26

Evaluation Licenses 27
Cisco ISE Smart Licensing 27
Register and Activate Smart Licenses 28
Manage Smart Licensing in Cisco ISE 29
Smart Licensing for Air-Gapped Networks 30
Configure Smart Software Manager On-Prem for Smart Licensing 30
Unregistered License Consumption 31

CHAPTER 3 Deployment 33
Cisco ISE Deployment Terminology 33
Personas in Distributed Cisco ISE Deployments 34
Configure a Cisco ISE Node 34
Configure a primary Policy Administration Node (PAN) 35
Register a Secondary Cisco ISE Node 35
Support for Multiple Deployment Scenarios 37
Cisco ISE Distributed Deployment 37
Cisco ISE Deployment Setup 37
Data Replication from Primary to Secondary ISE Nodes 37
Cisco ISE Node Deregistration 38
Guidelines for Setting Up a Distributed Deployment 38
Menu Options Available on Primary and Secondary Nodes 39
Deployment and Node Settings 40
Deployment Nodes List Window 40
General Node Settings 42
Profiling Node Settings 47
Logging Settings 49
Remote Logging Target Settings 49
Configure Logging Categories 51
Admin Access Settings 52
Administrator Password Policy Settings 52
Session Timeout and Session Information Settings 54
Administration Node 55
High Availability for the Administrative Node 55

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


High-Availability Health Check Nodes 56

Health Check Nodes 57
Automatic Failover to the Secondary PAN 58
Sample Scenarios when Automatic Failover is Avoided 59
Functionalities Affected by the PAN Automatic Failover Feature 59
Configure Primary PAN for Automatic Failover 61
Manually Promote Secondary PAN To Primary 62
Reusing a node of an existing Cisco ISE Deployment as a Primary PAN for a new Cisco ISE
Deployment 62
Restoring Service to the Primary PAN 63
Support for Automatic Failover for the Administration Node 63
Policy Service Node 63
High Availability in Policy Service Nodes 63
Load Balancer To Distribute Requests Evenly Among PSNs 64
Session Failover in Policy Service Nodes 64
Number of Nodes in a Policy Service Node Group 64
Light Data Distribution 64
Radius Session Directory 65
Endpoint Owner Directory 65
Monitoring Node 66
Manually Modify MnT Role 66
Syslog over Cisco ISE Messaging Service 67
Automatic Failover in MnT Nodes 68
Monitoring Database 70
Back Up and Restore of the Monitoring Database 70
Monitoring Database Purge 70
Guidelines for Purging the Monitoring Database 70
Operational Data Purging 71
Purge Older Operational Data 71
Configure MnT Nodes for Automatic Failover 72
Cisco pxGrid Node 73
Deploy Cisco pxGrid Node 74
Configure Cisco pxGrid Settings 75
Generate Cisco pxGrid Certificate 75

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Control Permissions for Cisco pxGrid Clients 77

View Nodes in a Deployment 78
Download Endpoint Statistical Data From MnT Nodes 79
Database Crash or File Corruption Issues 79

Device Configuration for Monitoring 79

Synchronize Primary and Secondary Cisco ISE Nodes 80
Change Node Personas and Services 80
Effects of Modifying Nodes in Cisco ISE 80

Create a Policy Service Node Group 81

Remove a Node from Deployment 82
Shut Down a Cisco ISE Node 83
Change the Hostname or IP Address of a Standalone Cisco ISE Node 83

CHAPTER 4 Basic Setup 85

Administration Portal 86
Cisco ISE Home Dashboards 90
Configuring Home Dashboards 91
Context Visibility Views 92
Attributes in Context Visibility 93
The Application Dashboard 94
The Hardware Dashboard 95
Dashlets 97
Filtering Displayed Data in a View 98
Create Custom Filters 100
Filter Data by Conditions Using the Advanced Filter 100
Filter Data by Field Attributes Using the Quick Filter 100
Endpoint Actions in Dashlet Views 100
Cisco ISE Dashboard 101
Cisco ISE Internationalization and Localization 104
Supported Languages 104
End-User Web Portal Localization 105
Support for UTF-8 Character Data Entry 105
UTF-8 Credential Authentication 105
UTF-8 Policies and Posture Assessment 106

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


UTF-8 Support for Messages Sent to Supplicant 106

Reports and Alerts UTF-8 Support 106
UTF-8 Character Support in the Portals 106
UTF-8 Support Outside the Cisco ISE User Interface 109
Support for Importing and Exporting UTF-8 Values 110
UTF-8 Support on REST 110
UTF-8 Support for Identity Stores Authorization Data 110
MAC Address Normalization 110
Cisco ISE Deployment Upgrade 111
Administrator Access Console 111
Administrator Login Browser Support 111
Administrator Lockout Due to Failed Login Attempts 112
Configure Proxy Settings in Cisco ISE 112
Ports Used by the Administration Portal 113
Set Up the Cisco ISE Application Programming Interface Gateway 113
Enable External RESTful Services Application Programming Interface 114
Enable External AD Access for External RESTful Services Application Programming Interface

External RESTful Services Software Development Kit 116

Specify System Time and Network Time Protocol Server Settings 116
Change the System Time Zone 117
Configure SMTP Server to Support Notifications 118
Interactive Help 119
Enable Secure Unlock Client Mechanism 119
Federal Information Processing Standard Mode Support 121
Enable Federal Information Processing Standard Mode in Cisco ISE 122
Configure Cisco ISE for Administrator Common Access Card Authentication 122
Secure SSH Key Exchange Using Diffie-Hellman Algorithm 125
Configure Cisco ISE to Send Secure Syslog 125
Configure Secure Syslog Remote Logging Target 125
Remote Logging Target Settings 126
Enable Logging Categories to Send Auditable Events to the Secure Syslog Target 127
Configure Logging Categories 128
Disable TCP Syslog and UDP Syslog Collectors 129

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Default Secure Syslog Collector 129

Offline Maintenance 130
Configure Endpoint Login Credentials 131
Certificate Management in Cisco ISE 131
Configure Certificates in Cisco ISE to Enable Secure Access 131
Certificate Usage 132
Certificate Matching in Cisco ISE 133
Validity of X.509 Certificates 134
Enable Public Key Infrastructure in Cisco ISE 134
Wildcard Certificates 135
Wildcard Certificate Support in Cisco ISE 136
Wildcard Certificates for HTTPS and Extensible Authentication Protocol Communication 136
Fully Qualified Domain Name in URL Redirection 137
Advantages of Using Wildcard Certificates 138
Disadvantages of Using Wildcard Certificates 138
Wildcard Certificate Compatibility 139
Certificate Hierarchy 139

System Certificates 139

View System Certificates 141
Import a System Certificate 141
System Certificate Import Settings 142
Generate a Self-Signed Certificate 143
Self-Signed Certificate Settings 144
Edit a System Certificate 146
Delete System Certificate 147
Export a System Certificate 148
Trusted Certificates Store 148
Certificates in Trusted Certificates Store 149
List of Trusted Certificates 150
Trusted Certificate Naming Constraint 151
View Trusted Certificates 152
Change the Status of a Certificate in Trusted Certificates Store 152
Add a Certificate to Trusted Certificates Store 152
Edit a Trusted Certificate 153

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Trusted Certificate Settings 153

Delete Trusted Certificates 155
Export a Certificate from the Trusted Certificates Store 156
Import the Root Certificates to the Trusted Certificate Store 156
Trusted Certificate Import Settings 157
Certificate Chain Import 158
Install Trusted Certificates for Cisco ISE Inter-node Communication 158
Default Trusted Certificates in Cisco ISE 159
Certificate Signing Requests 162
Create a Certificate Signing Request and Submit it to a Certificate Authority 162
Bind the CA-Signed Certificate to the Certificate Signing Request 163
Export a Certificate Signing Request 164
Certificate Signing Request Settings 164
Set Up Certificates for Portal Use 169
Reassign Default Portal Certificate Group Tag to CA-Signed Certificate 170
Associate the Portal Certificate Tag Before You Register a Node 170
User and Endpoint Certificate Renewal 171
Dictionary Attributes Used in Policy Conditions for Certificate Renewal 172
Authorization Policy Condition for Certificate Renewal 172
CWA Redirect to Renew Certificates 172
Configure Cisco ISE to Allow Users to Renew Certificates 172
Update the Allowed Protocol Configuration 172
Create an Authorization Policy Profile for CWA Redirection 173
Create an Authorization Policy Rule to Renew Certificates 174
Enable BYOD Settings in the Guest Portal 174
Certificate Renewal Fails for Apple iOS Devices 175
Certificate Periodic Check Settings 175
Cisco ISE CA Service 175
Cisco ISE Certificate Fingerprinting 176
Create a Policy with SHA-256 fingerprint 177
Create and Map the Authentication Policy with SHA-256 Fingerprint 177
Create an Authorization Policy 178
Verify PRRT Logs 178
ISE CA Certificates Provisioned on Administration and Policy Service Nodes 178

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Requirements for CA to Interoperate with Cisco ISE 180

ISE CA Chain Regeneration 181
Elliptical Curve Cryptography Certificates Support 181
Cisco ISE Certificate Authority Certificates 183
Edit a Cisco ISE CA Certificate 183
Export a Cisco ISE CA Certificate 184
Import a Cisco ISE CA Certificate 184
Certificate Templates 185
Certificate Template Name Extension 185
Use Certificate Template Name in Authorization Policy Conditions 185
Deploy Cisco ISE CA Certificates for pxGrid Controller 185
Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol Profiles 186
Issued Certificates 187
Issued and Revoked Certificates 187
Backup and Restore of Cisco ISE CA Certificates and Keys 188
Export Cisco ISE CA Certificates and Keys 188
Import Cisco ISE CA Certificates and Keys 189
Generate Root CA and Subordinate CAs on the Primary PAN and PSN 190
Configure Cisco ISE Root CA as Subordinate CA of an External PKI 190
Configure Cisco ISE to Use Certificates for Authenticating Personal Devices 191
Add Users to the Employee User Group 191
Create a Certificate Authentication Profile for TLS-Based Authentication 192
Create an Identity Source Sequence for TLS-Based Authentication 192
Configure Certificate Authority Settings 193
Create a CA Template 194
Internal CA Settings 195
Create a Native Supplicant Profile to be Used in Client Provisioning Policy 196
Download Agent Resources from Cisco Site for Windows and MAC OS X Operating Systems

Create Client Provisioning Policy Rules for Apple iOS, Android, and MACOSX Devices 197
Configure the Dot1X Authentication Policy Rule for TLS-Based Authentication 197
Create Authorization Profiles for Central Web Authentication and Supplicant Provisioning Flows

Create Authorization Policy Rules 199

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


CA Service Policy Reference 199

Client Provisioning Policy Rules for Certificate Services 199
Authorization Profiles for Certificate Services 201
Authorization Policy Rules for Certificate Services 202
ISE CA Issues Certificates to ASA VPN Users 203
VPN Connection Certificate Provisioning Flow 203
Configure Cisco ISE CA to Issue Certificates to ASA VPN Users 204
Revoke an Endpoint Certificate 207
OCSP Services 207
Cisco ISE CA Service Online Certificate Status Protocol Responder 208
OCSP Certificate Status Values 208
OCSP High Availability 208
OCSP Failures 209
Add OCSP Client Profiles 209
OCSP Client Profile Settings 210
OCSP Statistics Counters 212
Configure Admin Access Policies 213
Administrator Access Settings 214
Configure the Maximum Number of Concurrent Administrative Sessions and Login Banners 214
Allow Administrative Access to Cisco ISE from Select IP Addresses 215
Allow Access to the MnT Section in Cisco ISE 215

Configure a Password Policy for Administrator Accounts 216

Configure Account Disable Policy for Administrator Accounts 217
Configure Lock or Suspend Settings for Administrator Accounts 217
Configure Session Timeout for Administrators 218
Terminate an Active Administrative Session 218
Change Administrator Name 218
Admin Access Settings 219
Administrator Password Policy Settings 219
Session Timeout and Session Information Settings 221

CHAPTER 5 Maintain and Monitor 223

Adaptive Network Control 224

Enable Adaptive Network Control in Cisco ISE 225

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Configure Network Access Settings 225

Create Authorization Profiles for Network Access through ANC 226
ANC Quarantine and Unquarantine Flow 226
ANC NAS Port Shutdown Flow 227
Endpoints Purge Settings 228
Quarantined Endpoints Do Not Renew Authentication Following Policy Change 229
ANC Operations Fail when IP Address or MAC Address is not Found 229
Externally Authenticated Administrators Cannot Perform ANC Operations 230
Backup Data Type 230
Backup and Restore Repositories 231
Create Repositories 232
Repository Settings 234
Enable RSA Public Key Authentication in SFTP Repository 235
On-Demand and Scheduled Backups 235
Perform an On-Demand Backup 235
On-Demand Backup Settings 237
Schedule a Backup 238
Scheduled Backup Settings 239
Backup Using the CLI 240
Backup History 240
Backup Failures 240
Cisco ISE Restore Operation 241
Guidelines for Data Restoration 241
Restoration of Configuration or Monitoring (Operational) Backup from the CLI 242
Restore Configuration Backups from the GUI 244
Restoration of Monitoring Database 245
Restore a Monitoring (Operational) Backup in a Standalone Environment 245
Restore a Monitoring Backup with Administration and Monitor Personas 246
Restore a Monitoring Backup with a Monitoring Persona 246
Restore History 247
Export Authentication and Authorization Policy Configuration 247
Schedule Policy Export Settings 248
Synchronize Primary and Secondary Nodes in a Distributed Environment 248
Recovery of Lost Nodes in Standalone and Distributed Deployments 249

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Recovery of Lost Nodes Using Existing IP Addresses and Hostnames in a Distributed Deployment

Recovery of Lost Nodes Using New IP Addresses and Hostnames in a Distributed Deployment 250
Recovery of a Node Using Existing IP Address and Hostname in a Standalone Deployment 250
Recovery of a Node Using New IP Address and Hostname in a Standalone Deployment 251
Configuration Rollback 251
Recovery of Primary Node in Case of Failure in a Distributed Deployment 252
Recovery of Secondary Node in Case of Failure in a Distributed Deployment 252
Cisco ISE Logging Mechanism 252
Configure Syslog Purge Settings 253
Cisco ISE System Logs 253
Configure Remote Syslog Collection Locations 254
Cisco ISE Message Codes 255
Set Severity Levels for Message Codes 256
Cisco ISE Message Catalogs 256
Endpoint Debug Log Collector 256
Download Debug Logs for a Specific Endpoint 256
Collection Filters 257
Configure Collection Filters 257
Event Suppression Bypass Filter 258
Cisco ISE Reports 258
Report Filters 258
Create the Quick Filter Criteria 259
Create the Advanced Filter Criteria 259
Run and View Reports 260
Reports Navigation 260
Export Reports 260
Schedule and Save Cisco ISE Reports 261
Cisco ISE Active RADIUS Sessions 262
Change Authorization for RADIUS Sessions 263
Available Reports 264
RADIUS Live Logs 284
Authentication Latency 287
RADIUS Live Sessions 287

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TACACS Live Logs 291

Export Summary 293

CHAPTER 6 Device Administration 295

TACACS+ Device Administration 295

Device Administration Work Center 296
Device Administration Deployment Settings 297
Device Admin Policy Sets 297
Create Device Administration Policy Sets 298
TACACS+ Authentication Settings and Shared Secret 299
Device Administration - Authorization Policy Results 301
Allowed Protocols in FIPS and Non-FIPS Modes for TACACS+ Device Administration 301

TACACS+ Command Sets 301

Wildcards and Regex in Command Sets 301
Command Line and Command Set List Match 302
Process Rules with Multiple Command Sets 303
Create TACACS+ Command Sets 303
TACACS+ Profile 304
Create TACACS+ Profiles 304
Common Tasks Settings 305
Access the Command-Line Interface to Change the Enable Password 307
Configure Global TACACS+ Settings 308
Data Migration from Cisco Secure ACS to Cisco ISE 309
Monitor Device Administration Activity 309
TACACS Live Logs 309

CHAPTER 7 Guest and Secure WiFi 313

Cisco ISE Guest Services 313

End-User Guest and Sponsor Portals in Distributed Environment 314
Guest and Sponsor Accounts 314
Guest Types and User Identity Groups 315
Create or Edit Guest Types 315
Disable a Guest Type 318
Configure Maximum Simultaneous Logins for Endpoint Users 319

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Schedule When to Purge Expired Guest Accounts 320

Add Custom Fields for Guest Account Creation 321
Specify Email Addresses and SMTP Servers for Email Notifications 321
Assign Guest Locations and SSIDs 322
Rules for Guest Password Policies 323
Set the Guest Password Policy and Expiration 324
Rules for Guest Username Policies 325
Set the Guest Username Policy 325
SMS Providers and Services 326
Configure SMS Gateways to Send SMS Notifications to Guests 326
Social Login for Self-Registered Guests 328
Configuring Social Login 330
Guest Portals 332
Credentials for Guest Portals 332
Guest Access with Hotspot Guest Portals 333
Guest Access with Credentialed Guest Portals 333
Employee Access with Credentialed Guest Portals 334
Guest Device Compliance 334
Guest Portals Configuration Tasks 334
Enable Policy Services 335
Add Certificates for Guest Portals 335
Create External Identity Sources 336
Create Identity Source Sequences 337
Create Endpoint Identity Groups 338
Create a Hotspot Guest Portal 338
Create a Sponsored-Guest Portal 338
Create a Self-Registered Guest Portal 340
Authorize Portals 344
Customize Guest Portals 345
Configure Periodic AUP Acceptance 345
Forcing Periodic AUP 345
Guest Remember Me 346
Sponsor Portals 346
Managing Guest Accounts on the Sponsor Portal 346

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Managing Sponsor Accounts 348

Configure Account Content for Sponsor Account Creation 352
Configure a Sponsor Portal Flow 353
Enable Policy Services 353
Add Certificates for Guest Services 354
Create External Identity Sources 354
Create Identity Source Sequences 355
Create a Sponsor Portal 355
Customize Sponsor Portals 356
Configuring Account Content for Sponsor Account Creation 356
Configuring the Time Settings Available to Sponsors 357

Kerberos Authentication for the Sponsor Portal 357

Sponsors Cannot Log In to the Sponsor Portal 359
Monitor Guest and Sponsor Activity 359
Metrics Dashboard 360
AUP Acceptance Status Report 360
Guest Accounting Report 360
Primary Guest Report 360
Sponsor Login and Audit Report 361
Audit Logging for Guest and Sponsor Portals 361
Guest Access Web Authentication Options 361
NAD with Central WebAuth Process 362
Wireless LAN Controller with Local WebAuth Process 363
Wired NAD with Local WebAuth Process 364
IP Address and Port Values Required for the Login.html Page 364
HTTPS Server Enabled on the NAD 365
Support for Customized Authentication Proxy Web Pages on the NAD 365
Configure Web Authentication on the NAD 365
Device Registration WebAuth Process 366
Guest Portal Settings 368
Portal Identification Settings 368
Portal Settings for Hotspot Guest Portals 369
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings for Hotspot Guest Portals 371

Post-Access Banner Page Settings for Hotspot Portals 371

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Portal Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals 371

Login Page Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals 373
Self-Registration Page Settings 375
Self Registration Success Page Settings 377
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals 378
Guest Change Password Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals 379
Guest Device Registration Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals 379
BYOD Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals 379
Post-Login Banner Page Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals 380

Guest Device Compliance Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals 381

VLAN DHCP Release Page Settings for Guest Portals 381

Authentication Success Settings for Guest Portals 382

Support Information Page Settings for Guest Portals 382

Sponsor Portal Application Settings 383

Portal Identification Settings 383
Portal Settings for Sponsor Portals 384
Login Settings for Sponsor Portals 387
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Settings for Sponsor Portals 387
Sponsor Change Password Settings for Sponsor Portals 388
Post-Login Banner Settings for Sponsor Portals 388

Support Information Page Settings for Sponsor Portals 388

Notify Guests Customization for Sponsor Portals 389

Manage and Approve Customization for Sponsor Portals 390
Global Settings for Guest and Sponsor Portals 390
Guest Type Settings 391
Sponsor Group Settings 393
End-User Portals 396

Customization of End-User Web Portals 396

Portal Content Types 398

Basic Customization of Portals 398
Modify the Portal Theme Colors 399
Change the Portal Display Language 399
Change the Portal Icons, Images, and Logos 400
Update the Portal Banner and Footer Elements 400

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Change the Titles, Instructions, Buttons, and Label Text 401

Format and Style Text Box Content 401
Variables for Portal Pages Customization 402
View Your Customization 405
Custom Portal Files 406
Advanced Customization of Portals 406

Enable Advanced Portal Customization 407

Portal Theme and Structure CSS Files 407
About Changing Theme Colors with jQuery Mobile 408
Change Theme Colors with jQuery Mobile 409
Location Based Customization 410
User Device Type Based Customization 411
Export a Portal’s Default Theme CSS File 411
Create a Custom Portal Theme CSS File 411
Embed Links in Portal Content 412
Insert Variables for Dynamic Text Updates 413
Use Source Code to Format Text and Include Links 414
Add an Image as an Advertisement 414
Set Up Carousel Advertising 415
Customize Greetings Based on Guest Location 417
Customize Greetings Based on User Device Type 418
Modify the Portal Page Layout 419
Import the Custom Portal Theme CSS File 420
Delete a Custom Portal Theme 421
View Your Customization 421
Portal Language Customization 422
Export the Language File 423
Add or Delete Languages from the Language File 423
Import the Updated Language File 424
Customization of Guest Notifications, Approvals, and Error Messages 425
Customize Email Notifications 425
Customize SMS Text Message Notifications 426
Customize Print Notifications 427
Customize Approval Request Email Notifications 427

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Edit Error Messages 428

Portal Pages Titles, Content and Labels Character Limits 428
Character Limits for Portal Pages Titles, Content and Labels 429

Portal Customization 430

CSS Classes and Descriptions for End-User Portals Page Layout 430

HTML Support for a Portal Language File 431

HTML Support for the Blocked List Portal Language File 431
HTML Support for Bring Your Own Device Portals Language Files 431
HTML Support for Certificate Provisioning Portal Language Files 433
HTML Support for Client Provisioning Portals Language Files 433
HTML Support for Credential Guest Portals Language Files 434
HTML Support for Hotspot Guest Portals Language Files 437
HTML Support for Mobile Device Management Portals Language Files 438
HTML Support for My Devices Portals Language Files 438
HTML Support for Sponsor Portals Language Files 440

CHAPTER 8 Asset Visibility 443

Administrative Access to Cisco ISE Using an External Identity Store 444

External Authentication and Authorization 445
Configure a Password-Based Authentication Using an External Identity Store 445
Create an External Administrator Group 446
Create an Internal Read-Only Admin 446
Map External Groups to the Read-Only Admin Group 446
Configure Menu Access and Data Access Permissions for External Administrator Group 447
Create a RBAC Policy for External Administrator Authentication 447
Configure Admin Access Using an External Identity Store for Authentication with Internal
Authorization 448
External Authentication Process Flow 448
External Identity Sources 449
LDAP Identity Source Settings 449
RADIUS Token Identity Sources Settings 456
RSA SecurID Identity Source Settings 458
Cisco ISE Users 459
User Identity 459

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User Groups 459

User Identity Groups 459
User Role 460
User Account Custom Attributes 460
User Authentication Settings 461
Generate Automatic Password for Users and Administrators 462
Internal User Operations 463
Add Users 463
Export Cisco ISE User Data 463
Import Cisco ISE Internal Users 463
Endpoint Settings 464
Endpoint Import from LDAP Settings 466
Identity Group Operations 468
Create a User Identity Group 468
Export User Identity Groups 469
Import User Identity Groups 469
Endpoint Identity Group Settings 469
Configure Maximum Concurrent Sessions 470
Maximum Concurrent Sessions for a Group 470

Configure Counter Time Limit 471

Account Disable Policy 471
Disable Individual User Accounts 472
Disable User Accounts Globally 472
Internal and External Identity Sources 473
Create an External Identity Source 475
Authenticate Internal User Against External Identity Store Password 475
Certificate Authentication Profiles 476
Add a Certificate Authentication Profile 476
Active Directory as an External Identity Source 477
Active Directory Supported Authentication Protocols and Features 477
Active Directory Attribute and Group Retrieval for Use in Authorization Policies 478
Support for Boolean Attributes 479
Active Directory Certificate Retrieval for Certificate-Based Authentication 479
Active Directory User Authentication Process Flow 480

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Configure Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow to Authenticate Users with Azure Active
Directory 480
Configure an Application for Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow in Azure Active
Directory 480
Configure Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow in Cisco ISE 481
Support for Active Directory Multidomain Forests 482
Prerequisites for Integrating Active Directory and Cisco ISE 482

Active Directory Account Permissions Required to Perform Various Operations 483

Network Ports That Must Be Open for Communication 484
DNS Server 484
Configure Active Directory as an External Identity Source 485
Add an Active Directory Join Point and Join Cisco ISE Node to the Join Point 485
Add Domain Controllers 487
MSRPC Protocol for Passive ID 487
Configure WMI for Passive ID 489
Leave the Active Directory Domain 489
Configure Authentication Domains 490
Configure Active Directory User Groups 491
Configure Active Directory User and Machine Attributes 492
Modify Password Changes, Machine Authentications, and Machine Access Restriction Settings

Machine Access Restriction (MAR) Cache 493

Configure Custom Schema 493
Support for Active Directory Multi-Join Configuration 494
Create a New Scope to Add Active Directory Join Points 494
Identity Rewrite 495
Enable Identity Rewrite 496
Identity Resolution Settings 496
Avoid Identity Resolution Issues 497
Configure Identity Resolution Settings 497
Test Users for Active Directory Authentication 498
Delete Active Directory Configurations 498
View Active Directory Joins for a Node 499
Diagnose Active Directory Problems 499
Enable Active Directory Debug Logs 500

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Obtain the Active Directory Log File for Troubleshooting 500

Active Directory Alarms and Reports 500
Active Directory Advanced Tuning 501
Active Directory Identity Search Attributes 501
Supplemental Information for Setting Up Cisco ISE with Active Directory 502
Configure Group Policies in Active Directory 502
Configure Odyssey 5.X Supplicant for EAP-TLS Machine Authentications Against Active
Directory 503
AnyConnect Agent for Machine Authentication 504
Active Directory Requirements to Support Easy Connect and Passive Identity services 504
Configure Active Directory for Passive Identity service 505
Set the Windows Audit Policy 508
Set Permissions When Microsoft Active Directory User is in the Domain Admin Group 508
Permissions for Microsoft Active Directory Users Not in Domain Admin Group 509
Permissions to Use DCOM on the Domain Controller 510
Set Permissions for Access to WMI Root/CIMv2 Namespace 512
Grant Access to the Security Event Log on the AD Domain Controller 513
Easy Connect 515
Configure Easy Connect Enforcement Mode 517
Configure Easy Connect Visibility-Mode 518
PassiveID Work Center 519

Initial Setup and Configuration 520

PassiveID Work Center Dashboard 520
Active Directory as a Probe and a Provider 521
Getting Started with the PassiveID Setup 522

Manage the Active Directory Provider 524

Active Directory Settings 524
Additional Passive Identity Service Providers 527
Active Directory Agents 529
Automatically Install and Deploy Active Directory Agents 530
Manually Install and Deploy Active Directory Agents 531
Uninstall the Agent 532
Active Directory Agent Settings 532
API Providers 533

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Configure a Bridge to the ISE REST Service for Passive Identity Services 534
Send API Calls to the Passive ID REST Service 535
API Provider Settings 536
API Calls 536
SPAN 538
Working with SPAN 538
SPAN Settings 539
Syslog Providers 539
Configure Syslog Clients 540
Customize Syslog Message Structures (Templates) 544
Work with Syslog Pre-Defined Message Templates 549
Filter Passive Identity Services 560
Endpoint Probe 561
Work with the Endpoint Probe 562
Endpoint Probe Settings 562
Subscribers 563
Generate pxGrid Certificates for Subscribers 564
Enable Subscribers 565
View Subscriber Events from Live Logs 566
Configure Subscriber Settings 566
Monitoring and Troubleshooting Service in PassiveID Work Center 566
LDAP 566
LDAP Directory Service 567
Multiple LDAP Instances 567
LDAP Failover 567
LDAP Connection Management 568
LDAP User Authentication 568
LDAP Group and Attribute Retrieval for Use in Authorization Policies 569
Errors Returned by the LDAP Server 570
LDAP User Lookup 571
LDAP MAC Address Lookup 571
Add LDAP Identity Sources 571
LDAP Identity Source Settings 572
Configure LDAP Schema 579

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Configure Primary and Secondary LDAP Servers 579

Enable Cisco ISE to Obtain Attributes from the LDAP Server 580
Retrieve Group Membership Details from the LDAP Server 580
Retrieve User Attributes From the LDAP Server 580
Enable Secure Authentication with LDAP Identity Source 581
ODBC Identity Source 582
Credential Check for ODBC Database 582
Add ODBC Identity Source 586
RADIUS Token Identity Sources 589
RADIUS Token Server Supported Authentication Protocols 590
Ports Used By the RADIUS Token Servers for Communication 590
RADIUS Shared Secret 590
Failover in RADIUS Token Servers 590
Configurable Password Prompt in RADIUS Token Servers 590
RADIUS Token Server User Authentication 590
User Attribute Cache in RADIUS Token Servers 590
RADIUS Identity Source in Identity Sequence 591
RADIUS Server Returns the Same Message for All Errors 591
Safeword Server Supports Special Username Format 592
Authentication Request and Response in RADIUS Token Servers 592
RADIUS Token Identity Sources Settings 593
Add a RADIUS Token Server 594
Delete a RADIUS Token Server 595
RSA Identity Sources 596
Cisco ISE and RSA SecurID Server Integration 596
RSA Configuration in Cisco ISE 597
RSA Agent Authentication Against the RSA SecurID Server 597
RSA Identity Sources in a Distributed Cisco ISE Environment 597
RSA Server Updates in a Cisco ISE Deployment 597
Override Automatic RSA Routing 597
RSA Node Secret Reset 597
RSA Automatic Availability Reset 598
RSA SecurID Identity Source Settings 598
Add RSA Identity Sources 599

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Import the RSA Configuration File 599

Configure the Options File for a Cisco ISE Server and Resetting SecurID and sdstatus.12 Files

Configure Authentication Control Options for RSA Identity Source 601

Configure RSA Prompts 601
Configure RSA Messages 602
SAMLv2 Identity Provider as an External Identity Source 602
Configure SAML Identity Providers in Cisco ISE 603
Add a SAML Identity Provider to Cisco ISE 604
Add SAML Identity Provider as Authentication Method of a Portal 604
Configure SAML ID Provider 604
Delete an Identity Provider 606
Authentication Failure Log 607

Identity Source Sequences 607

Create Identity Source Sequences 607
Delete Identity Source Sequences 608
Identity Source Details in Reports 609
Authentications Dashlet 609
Identity Source Reports 609
Profiled Endpoints on the Network 609
Profiler Condition Settings 609
Cisco ISE Profiling Service 610
Profiler Work Center 611
Profiler Dashboard 611
Endpoint Inventory Using Profiling Service 611
Cisco ISE Profiler Queue Limit Configuration 611
Martian IP Addresses 612
Profiler Forwarder Persistence Queue 612
Configure Profiling Service in Cisco ISE Nodes 612
Network Probes Used by Profiling Service 613
IP Address and MAC Address Binding 613
NetFlow Probe 614
DHCP Probe 614
Wireless LAN Controller Configuration in DHCP Bridging Mode 615

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


DHCP SPAN Probe 615

HTTP Probe 615
HTTP SPAN Probe 616
Unable to Collect HTTP Attributes in Cisco ISE Running on VMware 616
pxGrid Probe 616
RADIUS Probe 617
Network Scan (NMAP) Probe 617
SNMP Read Only Community Strings for NMAP Manual Subnet Scan 618
Manual NMAP Scan Results 618

DNS Probe 619

DNS FQDN Lookup 619
Configure Call Station ID Type in the WLC Web Interface 620
SNMP Query Probe 620
Cisco Discovery Protocol Support with SNMP Query 620
Link Layer Discovery Protocol Support with SNMP Query 621
SNMP Trap Probe 622
Active Directory Probe 622
Configure Probes per Cisco ISE Node 623
Setup CoA, SNMP RO Community, and Endpoint Attribute Filter 623
Global Configuration of Change of Authorization for Authenticated Endpoints 624
Use Cases for Issuing Change of Authorization 625
Exemptions for Issuing a Change of Authorization 625
Change of Authorization Issued for Each Type of CoA Configuration 626
Attribute Filters for ISE Database Persistence and Performance 627
Global Setting to Filter Endpoint Attributes 627
Attributes Collection from IOS Sensor Embedded Switches 629
IOS Sensor Embedded Network Access Devices 629
Configuration Checklist for IOS Sensor-Enabled Network Access Devices 630
Support for Cisco IND Controllers by the ISE Profiler 631
ISE Support for MUD 633
Profiler Conditions 634
Profiling Network Scan Actions 635
Create a New Network Scan Action 635
NMAP Operating System Scan 636

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Operating System Ports 637

NMAP SNMP Port Scan 640
NMAP Common Ports Scan 641
Common Ports 641
NMAP Custom Ports Scan 642
NMAP Include Service Version Information Scan 642
NMAP SMB Discovery Scan 642
Skip NMAP Host Discovery 643
NMAP Scan Workflow 643
Exclude Subnets from NMAP Scan 645
Manual NMAP Scan Settings 645
Configure Profiler Policies Using the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator 646
Profiler Endpoint Custom Attributes 648
Create a Profiler Condition 649
Endpoint Profiling Policy Rules 649
Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings 650
Create Endpoint Profiling Policies 655
Change of Authorization Configuration per Endpoint Profiling Policy 656
Import Endpoint Profiling Policies 656
Export Endpoint Profiling Policies 657
Predefined Endpoint Profiling Policies 657
Predefined Endpoint Profiling Policies Overwritten During Upgrade 658
Unable to Delete Endpoint Profiling Policies 658
Predefined Profiling Policies for Draeger Medical Devices 659
Endpoint Profiling Policy for Unknown Endpoints 659
Endpoint Profiling Policy for Statically Added Endpoints 659
Endpoint Profiling Policy for Static IP Devices 660
Endpoint Profiling Policy Matching 660
Endpoint Profiling Policies Used for Authorization 660
Endpoint Profiling Policies Grouped into Logical Profiles 660
Create Logical Profiles 661
Profiling Exception Actions 661
Create Exception Actions 662
Create Endpoints with Static Assignments of Policies and Identity Groups 662

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Import Endpoints from CSV Files 663

Default Import Template Available for Endpoints 664
Unknown Endpoints Reprofiled During Import 664
Endpoints with Invalid Attributes Not Imported 665
Import Endpoints from LDAP Server 665
Export Endpoints with Comma-Separated Values File 666
Identified Endpoints 666
Identified Endpoints Locally Stored in Policy Service Nodes Database 667
Policy Service Nodes in Cluster 668
Create Endpoint Identity Groups 668
Identified Endpoints Grouped in Endpoint Identity Groups 669
Default Endpoint Identity Groups Created for Endpoints 669
Endpoint Identity Groups Created for Matched Endpoint Profiling Policies 670
Add Static Endpoints in Endpoint Identity Groups 670
Dynamic Endpoints Reprofiled After Adding or Removing in Identity Groups 670
Endpoint Identity Groups Used in Authorization Rules 670
Anycast and Profiler Services 671
Profiler Feed Service 671
Configure Profiler Feed Service 672
Configure Profiler Feed Services Offline 673
Download Offline Update Package 673
Apply Offline Feed Updates 674
Configure Email Notifications for Profile and OUI Updates 674
Undo Feed Updates 675
Profiler Reports 675
Detect Anomalous Behavior of Endpoints 675

Set Authorization Policy Rules for Endpoints with Anomalous Behavior 676
View Endpoints with Anomalous Behavior 676
Agent Download Issues on Client Machine 677
Endpoints 677
Endpoint Settings 678
Endpoint Import from LDAP Settings 679
Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings 681
Endpoint Context Visibility Using UDID Attribute 686

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Endpoint Scripts Wizard for Windows and Macintosh Endpoints 686

Endpoint Scripts Provisioning Summary Report 687
IF-MIB 688
SNMPv2-MIB 689
IP-MIB 689
EEE8021-PAE-MIB: RFC IEEE 802.1X 694
Session Trace for an Endpoint 695
Session Removal from the Directory 697
Global Search for Endpoints 697

CHAPTER 9 Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) 699

Personal Devices on a Corporate Network (BYOD) 699
End-User Device Portals in a Distributed Environment 699
Global Settings for Device Portals 700
Personal Device Portals 700
Access Device Portals 700
Blocked List Portal 701
Certificate Provisioning Portal 701
Bring Your Own Device Portal 701
Client Provisioning Portal 702
Mobile Device Management Portal 702
My Devices Portal 702
BYOD Deployment Options and Status Flow 703
Limit the Number of Personal Devices Registered by Employees 706

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Support Device Registration Using Native Supplicants 706

Operating Systems Supported by Native Supplicants 706
Allow Employees to Register Personal Devices Using Credentialed Guest Portals 706
Provide a URL to Reconnect with BYOD Registration 707
Device Portals Configuration Tasks 707
Enable Policy Services 709
Add Certificates to the Device Portal 709
Create External Identity Sources 709
Create Identity Source Sequences 710
Create Endpoint Identity Groups 711
Edit the Blocked List Portal 711
Create a BYOD Portal 713
Create a Certificate Provisioning Portal 715
Create a Client Provisioning Portal 716
Create an MDM Portal 717
Create a My Devices Portal 719
Create Authorization Profiles 720
Create Authorization Profiles 720
Create Authorization Policy Rules 720
Customize Device Portals 721
Manage Personal Devices Added by Employees 721
Display Devices Added by an Employee 721
Errors When Adding Devices to My Devices Portal 722
Devices Deleted from My Devices Portal Remain in Endpoints Database 722
Limit the Number of Personal Devices Registered by Employees 722
Monitor My Devices Portals and Endpoints Activity 723
My Devices Login and Audit Report 723
Registered Endpoints Report 723

CHAPTER 10 Secure Wired Access 725

Define Network Devices in Cisco ISE 725

Define a Default Network Device in Cisco ISE 726
Network Devices 727
Network Device Definition Settings 727

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Default Network Device Definition Settings 739

Network Device Import Settings 742
Add a Network Device in Cisco ISE 743
Import Network Devices into Cisco ISE 744
Export Network Devices from Cisco ISE 744
Troubleshoot Network Device Configuration Issues 745
Execute Network Device Command Diagnostic Tool 745
Third-Party Network Device Support in Cisco ISE 746
Network Device Profiles 748
Configure A Third-Party Network Device in Cisco ISE 750
Create a Network Device Profile 751
Export Network Device Profiles from Cisco ISE 752
Import Network Device Profiles into Cisco ISE 752
Manage Network Device Groups 753
Network Device Group Settings 753
Network Device Group Import Settings 753
Network Device Groups 754
Network Device Attributes Used by Cisco ISE in Policy Evaluation 756
Import Network Device Groups in to Cisco ISE 756
Export Network Device Groups from Cisco ISE 756
Manage Network Device Groups 757
Network Device Group Settings 757
Network Device Group Import Settings 757
Import Templates in Cisco ISE 758
Network Devices Import Template Format 758
Network Device Groups Import Template Format 762
IPsec Security to Secure Communication Between Cisco ISE and NAD 762
Configure RADIUS IPsec on Cisco ISE 763
Configure and Install X.509 Certificates on ESR-5921 766
Example: Output of Pre-shared Key Configuration on Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches 772
Mobile Device Manager Interoperability with Cisco ISE 773
Supported Mobile Device Management Use Cases 774
Supported Mobile Device Management Servers 776
Ports Used by the Mobile Device Management Server 777

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Mobile Device Management Integration Process Flow 777

Set Up Mobile Device Management Servers with Cisco ISE 778
Import Mobile Device Management Server Certificate into Cisco ISE 779
Define Device Management Servers in Cisco ISE 779
Configure Mobile Device Management Servers in Cisco ISE 780
Cisco ISE Mobile Device Management Support for Microsoft Intune and Microsoft System Center
Configuration Manager 781
Connect Microsoft Intune to Cisco ISE as a Mobile Device Management Server 782
Policy Set Example for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager 784
Configure the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Server for Cisco ISE 785
Set Permissions When Microsoft Active Directory User is in the Domain Admin Group 786
Permissions for Microsoft Active Directory Users Not in Domain Admin Group 786
Permissions to Use DCOM on the Domain Controller 788
Set Permissions for Access to WMI Root/CIMv2 Namespace 789
Open Firewall Ports for WMI Access 790
Select Configuration Baseline Policies for Endpoint Compliance from Desktop Device Manager
Server 791
Configure an Authorization Profile for Redirecting Nonregistered Devices 792
Configure Authorization Policy Rules for the Mobile Device Management Use Cases 793
Configuring ACLs on the Wireless LAN Controller for Mobile Device Management Interoperability

Wipe or Lock a Device 795

View Mobile Device Management Reports 796
View Mobile Device Management Logs 796

CHAPTER 11 Segmentation 797

Policy Sets 797
Policy Set Configuration Settings 799
Authentication Policies 800
Authentication Failures—Policy Result Options 802
Configure Authentication Policies 803
Authentication Policy Configuration Settings 804
Password-Based Authentication 806
Secure Authentication Using Encrypted Passwords and Cryptographic Techniques 806

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Authentication Methods and Authorization Privileges 807

Authentication Dashlet 807
View Authentication Results 807
Authentication Reports and Troubleshooting Tools 808
Authorization Policies 808
Cisco ISE Authorization Profiles 809
Permissions for Authorization Profiles 809
Location Based Authorization 810
Downloadable ACLs 811
Machine Access Restriction for Active Directory User Authorization 813
Guidelines for Configuring Authorization Policies and Profiles 813
Configure Authorization Policies 814
Authorization Policy Settings 816
Authorization Profile Settings 818
Authorization Policy Exceptions 821
Local and Global Exceptions Configuration Settings 822
Policy Conditions 822
Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes 823
System Defined Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes 828
Display System Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes 828
User-Defined Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes 828
Create User-Defined Dictionaries 829
Create User-Defined Dictionary Attributes 829
RADIUS-Vendor Dictionaries 829
Create RADIUS-Vendor Dictionaries 830
Create RADIUS-Vendor Dictionary Attributes 830
HP RADIUS IETF Service Type Attributes 830
RADIUS Vendor Dictionary Attribute Settings 831
Navigate the Conditions Studio 832
Configure, Edit and Manage Policy Conditions 836
Special Network Access Conditions 841

Configure Device Network Conditions 841

Configure Device Port Network Condition 842
Configure Endstation Network Conditions 842

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Create Time and Date Conditions 843

Use IPv6 Condition Attributes in Authorization Policies 843
Policy Set Protocol Settings 845
Supported Network Access Policy Set Protocols 845
Guidelines for Using EAP-FAST as Protocol 845
Configure EAP-FAST Settings 846
Generate the PAC for EAP-FAST 846
EAP-FAST Settings 847
PAC Settings 847
Using EAP-TTLS as Authentication Protocol 849
Configure EAP-TTLS Settings 849
EAP-TTLS Settings 849
Configure EAP-TLS Settings 850
EAP-TLS Settings 850
Configure PEAP Settings 851
PEAP Settings 851
Configure RADIUS Settings 852
RADIUS Settings 852
Configure Security Settings 856
Supported Cipher Suites 858
RADIUS Protocol Support in Cisco ISE 861
Allowed Protocols 862

PAC Options 874

Cisco ISE Acting as a RADIUS Proxy Server 877
Configure External RADIUS Servers 878
Define RADIUS Server Sequences 878
Cisco ISE Acting as a TACACS+ Proxy Client 879
Configure External TACACS+ Servers 879
TACACS+ External Server Settings 879
Define TACACS+ Server Sequences 880
TACACS+ Server Sequence Settings 881
Network Access Service 882
Define Allowed Protocols for Network Access 882
Network Access for Users 883

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Enable MAB from Non-Cisco Devices 888

Enable MAB from Cisco Devices 890
TrustSec Architecture 891
TrustSec Components 891
TrustSec Terminology 892
Supported Switches and Required Components for TrustSec 893
Integration with Cisco DNA Center 894
TrustSec Dashboard 895
Metrics 896
Current Network Status 896
Active SGT Sessions 896
Alarms 896
Quick View 897
Live Log 898
Configure TrustSec Global Settings 898
General TrustSec Settings 899
Configure TrustSec Matrix Settings 902
TrustSec Matrix Settings 902
Configure TrustSec Devices 904
OOB TrustSec PAC 904
Generate a TrustSec PAC from the Settings Screen 904
Generate a TrustSec PAC from the Network Devices Screen 904
Generate a TrustSec PAC from the Network Devices List Screen 905
Push Button 905
Configure TrustSec AAA Servers 906
TrustSec HTTPS Servers 906
Security Groups Configuration 907
Managing Security Groups in Cisco ISE 908
Import Security Groups into Cisco ISE 908
Export Security Groups from Cisco ISE 909
Add IP SGT Static Mapping 909
Deploy IP SGT Static Mappings 910
Import IP SGT Static Mappings into Cisco ISE 911
Export IP SGT Static Mappings from Cisco ISE 911

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Add SGT Mapping Group 911

Add Security Group Access Control Lists 912
Egress Policy 914
Source Tree View 914
Destination Tree View 914
Matrix View 915
Matrix Dimensions 916
Import/Export Matrix 916
Create Custom View 916
Matrix Operations 916
Configure Work Process Settings 917
Matrices Listing Page 918
TrustSec Matrix Workflow Process 919
Egress Policy Table Cells Configuration 924
Add the Mapping of Egress Policy Cells 924
Export Egress Policy 925
Import Egress Policy 925
Configure SGT from Egress Policy 926
Monitor Mode 926
Features of Monitor Mode 927
The Unknown Security Group 927
Default Policy 927
SGT Assignment 928
NDAC Authorization 928
Configure NDAC Authorization 929
Configure End User Authorization 929
TrustSec Configuration and Policy Push 930
CoA Supported Network Devices 930
Push Configuration Changes to Non-CoA Supporting Devices 930
SSH Key Validation 931
Environment CoA Notification Flow 932
Environment CoA Triggers 933
Update SGACL Content Flow 934
Initiate an Update SGACL Named List CoA 935

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Policies Update CoA Notification Flow 935

Update SGT Matrix CoA Flow 936
Initiate Update SGT Matrix CoA from Egress Policy 936
TrustSec CoA Summary 937
Security Group Tag Exchange Protocol 938

Add an SXP Device 939

Add an SXP Domain Filter 939
Configure SXP Settings 940
TrustSec-Cisco ACI Integration 941
Configure ACI Settings 942
Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access Integration with Virtual Network Awareness 944
Configure Cisco ISE for Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access Integration 948
Verify Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access Integration 950
Run Top N RBACL Drops by User Report 951

CHAPTER 12 Compliance 953

Posture Types 954
Agentless Posture 956
Agentless Posture Troubleshooting 959
Posture Administration Settings 959
Client Posture Requirements 959
Timer Settings for Clients 961
Set Remediation Timer for Clients to Remediate Within Specified Time 962
Set Network Transition Delay Timer for Clients to Transition 962
Set Login Success Window to Close Automatically 962
Set Posture Status for Nonagent Devices 963
Posture Lease 963
Periodic Reassessments 964
Configure Periodic Reassessments 964
Posture Troubleshooting Settings 965
Posture General Settings 966
Download Posture Updates to Cisco ISE 967
Cisco ISE Offline Updates 968

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Download Posture Updates Automatically 969

Posture Acceptable Use Policy Configuration Settings 970
Configure Acceptable Use Policies for Posture Assessment 971
Posture Conditions 972
Simple Posture Conditions 972
Create Simple Posture Conditions 972
Compound Posture Conditions 973
Create Compound Posture Conditions 973
Dictionary Compound Condition Settings 974
Predefined Condition for Enabling Automatic Updates in Windows Clients 975
Preconfigured Antivirus and Antispyware Conditions 975
Antivirus and Antispyware Support Chart 975
Compliance Module 976
Check Posture Compliance 977
Create Patch Management Conditions 977
Create Disk Encryption Conditions 978
Posture Condition Settings 978
File Condition Settings 979
Firewall Condition Settings 983
Registry Condition Settings 983
Continuous Endpoint Attribute Monitoring 985
Application Condition Settings 985
Service Condition Settings 986
Posture Compound Condition Settings 987
AntiVirus Condition Settings 988
Antispyware Compound Condition Settings 991
Antimalware Condition Settings 992
Dictionary Simple Condition Settings 995
Dictionary Compound Condition Settings 996
Patch Management Condition Settings 997
Disk Encryption Condition Settings 999
USB Condition Settings 1001
Hardware Attributes Condition Settings 1001
Posture External DataSource Condition 1002

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Configure Posture Policies 1002

Configure AnyConnect Workflow 1004
Prerequisite for Certificate-Based Conditions 1005
Default Posture Policies 1007
Client Posture Assessment 1008
Posture Assessment Options 1008
Posture Remediation Options 1010
Custom Conditions for Posture 1010
Posture End-Point Custom Attributes 1011

Create Posture Policy Using End-Point Custom Attributes 1011

Custom Posture Remediation Actions 1012
Add an Antispyware Remediation 1012
Add an Antivirus Remediation 1012
Add a File Remediation 1013
Add a Launch Program Remediation 1013
Troubleshoot Launch Program Remediation 1013
Add a Link Remediation 1014
Add a Patch Management Remediation 1014
Add a Windows Server Update Services Remediation 1014
Add a Windows Update Remediation 1015
Posture Assessment Requirements 1015
Client System Stuck in Noncompliant State 1017
Create Client Posture Requirements 1017
Posture Reassessment Configuration Settings 1017
Custom Permissions for Posture 1019
Configure Standard Authorization Policies 1020
Best Practices for Network Drive Mapping with Posture 1020
Configure AnyConnect Stealth Mode Workflow 1021
Create an AnyConnect Agent Profile 1022
Create an AnyConnect Configuration for AnyConnect Packages 1022
Upload a Open DNS Profile in Cisco ISE 1022
Create a Client Provisioning Policy 1023
Create a Posture Condition 1023
Create Posture Remediation 1024

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Create Posture Requirement in Stealth Mode 1024

Create Posture Policy 1024
Enable AnyConnect Stealth Mode Notifications 1025
Configure Cisco Temporal Agent Workflow 1025
Create Posture Condition 1026
Create Posture Requirements 1026
Create the Posture Policy 1027
Configure the Client Provisioning Policy 1027
Download and Launch Cisco Temporal Agent 1027
Posture Troubleshooting Tool 1027
Configure Endpoint Login Credentials 1028
Endpoint Scripts Settings 1028
Configure Client Provisioning in Cisco ISE 1029
Client Provisioning Resources 1029
Add Client Provisioning Resources from Cisco 1030
Add Cisco Provided Client Provisioning Resources from a Local Machine 1031
Add Customer Created Resources for AnyConnect from a Local Machine 1031
Create Native Supplicant Profiles 1032
Native Supplicant Profile Settings 1033
Client Provisioning Without URL Redirection for Different Networks 1034
AMP Enabler Profile Settings 1035
Create an AMP Enabler Profile Using the Embedded Profile Editor 1036
Create an AMP Enabler Profile Using the Standalone Editor 1037
Troubleshoot Common AMP Enabler Installation Errors 1038
Cisco ISE Support for Onboarding Chromebook Devices 1038
Best Practices for Using Chromebook Device in a Shared Environment 1040
Chromebook Onboarding Process 1041
Configure the Network and Force Extensions in the Google Admin Console 1041

Configure Cisco ISE for Chromebook Onboarding 1042

Wipe a Chromebook Device 1043
Enroll Chromebook to the Google Admin Console 1044
Connect Chromebook to the Cisco ISE Network for BYOD On Boarding 1044
Google Admin Console - Wi-Fi Network Settings 1045
Monitor Chromebook Device Activities in Cisco ISE 1049

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Troubleshoot Chromebook Device Onboarding 1049

Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility 1050
Create AnyConnect Configuration 1050
Create a Posture Agent Profile 1052
Client IP Address Refresh Configuration 1052
Posture Protocol Settings 1054
Continuous Endpoint Attribute Monitoring 1054
Cisco Web Agent 1055
Cisco Web Agent 1055
Configure Client Provisioning Resource Policies 1056
Configure Cisco ISE Posture Agent in the Client Provisioning Policy 1057
Configure Native Supplicants for Personal Devices 1057
Client Provisioning Reports 1058
Client Provisioning Event Logs 1058
Portal Settings for Client Provisioning Portals 1059
HTML Support for Client Provisioning Portals Language Files 1061

CHAPTER 13 Threat Containment 1063

Threat Centric NAC Service 1063
Enable Threat Centric NAC Service 1066
Add SourceFire FireAMP Adapter 1067
Configure Cognitive Threat Analytics Adapter 1068
Configure Authorization Profiles for CTA Adapter 1069
Configure Authorization Policy using the Course of Action Attribute 1069
Support for Vulnerability Assessment in Cisco ISE 1070
Enable and Configure Vulnerability Assessment Service 1071
Enable Threat Centric NAC Service 1071
Configure Qualys Adapter 1072
Configure Nexpose Adapter 1074
Configure Tenable Adapter 1076
Configure Authorization Profile 1079
Configure Exception Rule to Quarantine a Vulnerable Endpoint 1079
Vulnerability Assessment Logs 1080
Network Resources 1080

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Support for Session Aware Networking (SAnet) 1080

Network Devices 1080
Network Device Definition Settings 1080
Default Network Device Definition Settings 1092
Device Security Settings 1095
Network Device Import Settings 1095
Manage Network Device Groups 1096
Network Device Group Settings 1096
Network Device Group Import Settings 1097
Network Device Profiles Settings 1098
External RADIUS Server Settings 1103
RADIUS Server Sequences 1105
NAC Manager Settings 1107
Device Portal Management 1107
Configure Device Portal Settings 1107
Portal Identification Settings for Device Portals 1107

Portal Settings for BYOD and MDM Portals 1108

BYOD Settings for BYOD Portals 1110
Portal Settings for Certificate Provisioning Portal 1111
Portal Settings for Client Provisioning Portals 1114
Employee Mobile Device Management Settings for MDM Portals 1116
Portal Settings for My Devices Portals 1117
Login Page Settings for My Devices Portals 1120
Acceptable Use Policy Page Settings for My Devices Portals 1120
Post-Login Banner Page Settings for My Devices Portals 1120

Employee Change Password Settings for My Devices Portals 1121

Manage Device Settings for My Devices Portal 1121
Add, Edit, and Locate Device Customization for My Devices Portals 1122

Support Information Page Settings for Device Portals 1123

CHAPTER 14 pxGrid 1125

pxGrid and Cisco ISE 1125

pxGrid Summary Page 1128
pxGrid Client Management 1128

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Control pxGrid Policies 1129

Enable pxGrid Service 1130

pxGrid Diagnostics 1130

pxGrid Settings 1131
Generate Cisco pxGrid Certificate 1131

CHAPTER 15 Integration 1133

Enable Your Switch to Support Standard Web Authentication 1133

Local Username and Password Definition for Synthetic RADIUS Transactions 1134
NTP Server Configuration to Ensure Accurate Log and Accounting Timestamps 1134
Command to Enable AAA Functions 1134
RADIUS Server Configuration on the Switch 1135
Command to Enable RADIUS Change of Authorization (CoA) 1135
Command to Enable Device Tracking and DHCP Snooping 1136
Command to Enable 802.1X Port-Based Authentication 1136
Command to Enable EAP for Critical Authentications 1136
Command to Throttle AAA Requests Using Recovery Delay 1137
VLAN Definitions Based on Enforcement States 1137
Local (Default) Access List (ACL) Definitions on the Switch 1138
Enable Switch Ports for 802.1X and MAB 1139
Command to Enable 802.1X based on Identity-Based Networking Services 1141
Command to Enable EPM Logging 1142
Command to Enable SNMP Traps 1142
Command to Enable SNMP v3 Query for Profiling 1143
Command to Enable MAC Notification Traps for Profiler to Collect 1143
RADIUS Idle-Timeout Configuration on the Switch 1143
Wireless Controller Configuration for iOS Supplicant Provisioning 1144
Configuring ACLs on the Wireless LAN Controller for Mobile Device Management Interoperability 1144

CHAPTER 16 Troubleshoot 1147

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Service in Cisco ISE 1147

Open TAC Support Case in Cisco ISE 1148
Health Check 1149
Run Health Check 1150

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Network Privilege Framework Event Flow Process 1151

User Roles and Permissions for Monitoring and Troubleshooting Capabilities 1151
Data Stored in the Monitoring Database 1152
Cisco ISE Telemetry 1152
Information that Telemetry Gathers 1152
SNMP Traps to Monitor Cisco ISE 1155
Cisco ISE Alarms 1159
Alarm Settings 1176
Add Custom Alarms 1176
Cisco ISE Alarm Notifications and Thresholds 1177
Enable and Configure Alarms 1177
Cisco ISE Alarms for Monitoring 1178
View Monitoring Alarms 1178
Log Collection 1178
Alarm Syslog Collection Location 1178
RADIUS Live Logs 1179
TACACS Live Logs 1182
Live Authentications 1184
Monitor Live Authentications 1185
Filter Data in the Live Authentications Page 1185
RADIUS Live Sessions 1186
Export Summary 1189
Authentication Summary Report 1191
Troubleshoot Network Access Issues 1191
Cisco Support Diagnostics for Deployment and Support Information 1192
Diagnostic Troubleshooting Tools 1193
The RADIUS Authentication Troubleshooting Tool 1193
Troubleshoot Unexpected RADIUS Authentication Results 1194
Execute Network Device Command Diagnostic Tool 1194
Execute Cisco IOS show Commands to Check Configuration 1194
The Evaluate Configuration Validator Tool 1195
Agentless Posture Troubleshooting 1195
Troubleshoot Network Device Configuration Issues 1195
Troubleshoot Endpoint Posture Failure 1196

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Session Trace Test Cases 1196

Configure a Session Trace Test Case 1196
Technical Support Tunnel for Advanced Troubleshooting 1197
Establish a Technical Support Tunnel 1198
TCP Dump Utility to Validate the Incoming Traffic 1198
Use TCP Dump to Monitor Network Traffic 1199
Save a TCP Dump File 1200
Compare Unexpected SGACL for an Endpoint or User 1200
Egress Policy Diagnostic Flow 1200
Troubleshoot Connectivity Issues in a Trustsec-Enabled Network with SXP-IP Mappings 1201
Troubleshoot Connectivity Issues in a Trustsec-Enabled Network with IP-SGT Mappings 1201
Device SGT Tool 1202
Troubleshoot Connectivity Issues in a Trustsec-Enabled Network by Comparing Device SGT
Mappings 1202
Obtaining Additional Troubleshooting Information 1202
Cisco ISE Support Bundle 1202
Support Bundle 1203
Download Cisco ISE Log Files 1203
Cisco ISE Debug Logs 1204
Obtain Debug Logs 1205
Cisco ISE Components and Corresponding Debug Logs 1205
Configure Debug Wizard by Function 1207
Download Debug Logs 1207

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


Note The documentation set for this product strives to use bias-free language. For purposes of this documentation
set, bias-free is defined as language that does not imply discrimination based on age, disability, gender, racial
identity, ethnic identity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, and intersectionality. Exceptions may be
present in the documentation due to language that is hardcoded in the user interfaces of the product software,
language used based on RFP documentation, or language that is used by a referenced third-party product.

• Cisco ISE Overview, on page 1

• Cisco ISE Features, on page 2
• Cisco ISE Administrators, on page 3
• Cisco ISE Administrator Groups, on page 5
• Administrative Access to Cisco ISE, on page 16

Cisco ISE Overview

Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) is an identity-based network access control and policy enforcement
system. It functions as a common policy engine that enables endpoint access control and network device
administration for enterprises.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Features

You can leverage Cisco ISE to ensure compliance, enhance infrastructure security, and streamline service
A Cisco ISE administrator can gather real-time contextual data for a network, including users and user groups
(who?), device type (what?), access time (when?), access location (where?), access type (wired, wireless, or
VPN) (how?), and network threats and vulnerabilities.
As a Cisco ISE administrator, you can use this information to make network governance decisions. You can
also tie identity data to various network elements to create policies that govern network access and usage.

Cisco ISE Features

The Cisco ISE software must be installed as is. You cannot install any other third-party applications at the
underlying Operating System level.
Cisco ISE empowers you with the following capabilities:
• Device Administration: Cisco ISE uses the TACACS+ security protocol to control and audit the
configuration of network devices. It facilitates granular control of who can access which network device
and change the associated network settings. Network devices can be configured to query Cisco ISE for
authentication and authorization of device administrator actions. These devices also send accounting
messages to Cisco ISE to log such actions.
• Guest and Secure Wireless: Cisco ISE enables you to provide secure network access to visitors,
contractors, consultants, and customers. You can use web-based and mobile portals to on-board guests
to your company’s network and internal resources. You can define access privileges for different types
of guests, and assign sponsors to create and manage guest accounts.
• Bring Your Own Device (BYOD): Cisco ISE allows your employees and guests to securely use their
personal devices on your enterprise network. BYOD feature end users can use configured pathways to
add their devices, and provision predefined authentications and levels of network access.
• Asset Visibility: Cisco ISE gives you visibility and control over who and what is on your network
consistently, across wireless, wired, and VPN connections. Cisco ISE uses probes and device sensors to
listen to the way devices connect to the network. The Cisco ISE profile database, which is extensive,
then classifies the device. This gives the visibility and context you need to grant the right level of network
• Secure Wired Access: Cisco ISE uses a wide range of authentication protocols to provide network
devices and endpoints with a secure wired network access. These include, but are not limited to, 802.1X,
RADIUS, MAB, web-based, EasyConnect, and external agent-enabled authentication methods.
• Segmentation: Cisco ISE uses contextual data about network devices and endpoints to facilitate network
segmentation. Security group tags, access control lists, network access protocols, and policy sets that
define authorization, access, and authentication, are some ways in which Cisco ISE enables secure
network segmentation.
• Posture or Compliance: Cisco ISE allows you to check for compliance, also known as posture, of
endpoints, before allowing them to connect to your network. You can ensure that endpoints receive the
appropriate posture agents for posturing services.
• Threat Containment: If Cisco ISE detects threat or vulnerability attributes from an endpoint, adaptive
network control policies are sent to dynamically change its access levels of the endpoint. After the threat
or vulnerability is evaluated and addressed, the endpoint is given back its original access policy.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Administrators

• Security Ecosystem Integrations: The pxGrid feature allows Cisco ISE to securely share context-sensitive
information, policy and configuration data, and so on, with connected network devices, third-party
vendors, or Cisco partner systems.

Cisco ISE Administrators

Administrators can use the admin portal to:
• Manage deployments, help desk operations, network devices, and node monitoring and troubleshooting.
• Manage Cisco ISE services, policies, administrator accounts, and system configuration and operations.
• Change administrator and user passwords.

A CLI administrator can start and stop the Cisco ISE application, apply software patches and upgrades, reload
or shut down the Cisco ISE appliance, and view all the system and application logs. Because of the special
privileges that are granted to a CLI administrator, we recommend that you protect the CLI administrator
credentials and create web-based administrators for configuring and managing Cisco ISE deployments.
The username and password that you configure during setup is intended only for administrative access to the
CLI. This role is considered to be the CLI admin user, also known as CLI administrator. By default, the
username for a CLI admin user is admin, and the password is defined during setup. There is no default
password. This CLI admin user is the default admin user, and this user account cannot be deleted. However,
other administrators can edit it, including options to enable, disable, or change password for the corresponding
You can either create an administrator, or you can promote an existing user to an administrator role.
Administrators can also be demoted to simple network user status by disabling the corresponding administrative
Administrators are users who have local privileges to configure and operate the Cisco ISE system.
Administrators are assigned to one or more admin groups.
Related Topics
Cisco ISE Administrator Groups, on page 5

Force CLI Administrator to Use External Identity Store

Authentication with an external identity source is more secure than using the internal database. Role-based
access control (RBAC) for CLI administrators supports an external identity store.

You must have defined Admin users, and added them to an Administrator group. The Admin must be a Super

Define a User’s Attributes in the Active Directory User Directory

Using the Windows server running Active Directory, modify the attributes for each user that you plan to
configure as a CLI Administrator.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create a New Administrator

1. From the Server Manager window, choose Server Manager > Roles > Active Directory Domain
Services > Active Directory Users and Computers > [ ad.adserver ] <ad_server>.local.
2. Enable Advanced Features under the View menu so that you can edit a user’s attributes.
3. Navigate to the Active Directory group that contains a list of all the admin user and select a user.
4. Double-click the user to open the Properties window.
5. Click the Attribute Editor.
6. Click any attribute and start entering "gid" to locate the gidNumber. If you don't find the gidNumber
attribute, click the Filter button and un-check Show only attributes that have values.
7. Double-click an attribute name to edit each attribute. For each user:
• Assign a uidNumber greater than 60000, and make sure that the number is unique. Do not change
the uidNumber after assignment.
• Assign gidNumber as 110 or 111. While 110 denotes an admin user, whereas 111 denotes a read-only
user. If you modify the gidNumber, wait for at least five minutes before making an SSH connection.

Join the Admin CLI User to the Active Directory Domain

Connect to the Cisco ISE CLI, run the identity-store command, and assign the Admin user to the ID store.
For example, to map the CLI admin user to the Active Directory defined in ISE as adpool1, run the
identity-store active-directory domain-name adpool1 user admincliuser command.
After the join is complete, connect to the Cisco ISE CLI and log in as the Admin CLI user to verify your
If the domain you use in this command was previously joined to the ISE node, you must rejoin the domain
in the Administrators console.
1. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management >
External Identity Sources.
2. In the left-hand pane, click Active Directory and select your Active Directory name.

Note If you test the connection with the test user using either MS-RPC or Kerberos, the status for your Active
Directory connection might show Operational, but error messages are displayed.

3. Verify that you can still log in to the Cisco ISE CLI as the Admin CLI user.

Create a New Administrator

Cisco ISE administrators need accounts with specific roles assigned to them in order to perform specific
administrative tasks. You can create multiple administrator accounts and assign one or more roles to these
admins based on the administrative tasks that these admins have to perform.
Use the Admin Users window to view, create, modify, delete, change the status, duplicate, or search for
attributes of Cisco ISE administrators.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Administrator Groups

Note We recommend that you configure Active Directory access in the CLI before you join it in the GUI if the
admin user's domain is the same in both the CLI and the GUI. Else, you must rejoin the domain from the GUI
to avoid authentication failures to that domain.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Administrators > Admin Users > Add.
Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access >
Administrators > Admin Users > Add
Step 3 From the Add drop-down, choose one of the following options:
• Create an Admin User
If you choose Create an Admin User, a New Administrator window appears, from where you can configure
account information for the new admin user.
• Select from Network Access Users
If you choose Select from Network Access Users, a list of current users appears, from which you can choose a
user. Subsequently, the Admin User window corresponding to this user appears.

Step 4 Enter values in the fields. The characters supported for the Name field are # $ ’ ( ) * + - . / @ _.
The admin user name must be unique. If you have entered an existing user name, an error pop-up window displays the
follwing message:
User can't be created. A User with that name already exists.

Step 5 Click Submit to create a new administrator in the Cisco ISE internal database.

Related Topics
Read-Only Admin Policy, on page 21
Customize Menu Access for the Read-Only Administrator, on page 21

Cisco ISE Administrator Groups

Administrator groups are role-based access control (RBAC) groups in Cisco ISE. All the administrators who
belong to the same group share a common identity and have the same privileges. An administrator’s identity
as a member of a specific administrative group can be used as a condition in authorization policies. An
administrator can belong to more than one administrator group.
An administrator account with any level of access can be used to modify or delete objects for which it has
permission, on any window it has access to.
The Cisco ISE security model limits administrators to creating administrative groups that contain the same
set of privileges that the administrator has. The privileges given are based on the administrative role of the
user, as defined in the Cisco ISE database. Thus, administrative groups form the basis for defining privileges
to access the Cisco ISE systems.
The following table lists the admin groups that are predefined in Cisco ISE, and the tasks that members from
these groups can perform.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Administrator Groups

Table 1: Cisco ISE Admin Groups, Access Levels, Permissions, and Restrictions

Admin Group Role Access Level Permissions Restrictions

Customization Admin Manage sponsor, guest, • Configure guest and • Cannot perform any
and personal device sponsor access. policy management,
portals. identity
• Manage guest access management, or
settings. system-level
• Customize end-user configuration tasks
web portals. in Cisco ISE.
• Cannot view any

Helpdesk Admin Query monitoring and • Run all reports. Cannot create, update, or
troubleshooting delete reports,
operations • Run all troubleshooting flows,
troubleshooting live authentications, or
flows. alarms.
• View the Cisco ISE
dashboard and live
• View alarms.

Identity Admin • Manage user • Add, edit, and delete Cannot perform any
accounts and user accounts and policy management or
endpoints. endpoints. system-level configuration
tasks in Cisco ISE.
• Manage identity • Add, edit, and delete
sources. identity sources.
• Add, edit, and delete
identity source
• Configure general
settings for user
accounts (attributes
and password
• View the Cisco ISE
dashboard, live logs,
alarms, and reports.
• Run all

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Administrator Groups

Admin Group Role Access Level Permissions Restrictions

MnT Admin Perform all the monitoring • Manage all the Cannot perform any
and troubleshooting reports (run, create, policy management,
operations. and delete). identity management, or
system-level configuration
• Run all the tasks in Cisco ISE.
• View the Cisco ISE
dashboard and live
• Manage alarms
(create, update, view,
and delete).

Network Device Admin Manage Cisco ISE • Read and write Cannot perform any
network devices and permissions on policy management,
network device repository. network devices identity management, or
system-level configuration
• Read and write tasks in Cisco ISE.
permissions on
Network Device
Groups and all
network resource
object types.
• View the Cisco ISE
dashboard, live logs,
alarms, and reports.
• Run all the

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Administrator Groups

Admin Group Role Access Level Permissions Restrictions

Policy Admin Create and manage • Read and write Cannot perform any
policies for all the Cisco permissions on all identity management or
ISE services across the the elements that are system-level configuration
network, which are related used in policies, such tasks in Cisco ISE.
to authentication, as authorization
authorization, posture, profiles, Network
profiler, client Device Groups
to the work center does
provisioning, and work (NDGs), and
not guarantee access to the
centers. conditions.
subordinate links.
• Read and write
permissions on
identities, endpoints,
and identity groups
(user identity groups
and endpoint identity
• Read and write
permissions on
services policies and
• View the Cisco ISE
dashboard, live logs,
alarms, and reports.
• Run all the
• Device
Access to device
administration work
centers. Permission
for TACACS policy
conditions and
results. Network
device permissions
for TACACS proxy
and proxy sequences.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Administrator Groups

Admin Group Role Access Level Permissions Restrictions

RBAC Admin All the tasks under the • View the Cannot perform any
Operations menu, except authentication identity management or
for Endpoint Protection details. system-level configuration
Services Adaptive tasks in Cisco ISE.
Network Control, and • Enable or disable
partial access to some Endpoint Protection
menu items under Services Adaptive
Administration. Network Control
• Create, edit, and
delete alarms;
generate and view
reports; and use
Cisco ISE to
problems in your
• Read permissions on
account settings and
admin group settings
• View permissions on
admin access and
data access
permissions in the
RBAC Policy
• View the Cisco ISE
dashboard, live logs,
alarms, and reports.
• Run all the

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Administrator Groups

Admin Group Role Access Level Permissions Restrictions

Read-Only Admin Read-only access to the • View and use the

ISE GUI. functions of the
dashboard, reports,
and live logs or
sessions, such as
filtering data,
querying, saving
options, printing, and
exporting data.
• Change passwords of
their own accounts.
• Query ISE using
global search,
reports, and live logs
or sessions.
• Filter and save data
based on the
• Export data
pertaining to
policies, profile
policies, users,
endpoints, network
devices, network
device groups,
identities (including
groups), and other
• Customize report
queries, save, print,
and export them.
• Generate custom
report queries, save,
print, or export the
• Save GUI settings
for future reference.
• Download logs, such
as ise-psc-log from
the Operations >
Troubleshoot >
Download Logs

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Administrator Groups

Admin Group Role Access Level Permissions Restrictions

• Perform any
changes such as
create, update,
delete, import,
quarantine, and
Mobile Device
(MDM) actions of
objects, such as
policies, posture
policies, profiler
policies, endpoints,
and users.
• Perform system
operations, such as
backup and restore,
registration or
deregistration of
synchronization of
nodes, creating,
editing, and deleting
node groups, or
upgrade and
installation of
• Import data
pertaining to
policies, network
devices, network
device groups,
identities (including
groups), and other
• Perform operations,
such as CoA,
endpoint debugging,
modifying collection
filters, bypassing
suppression on live
sessions data,
modifying the
PAN-HA failover
settings, and editing

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Administrator Groups

Admin Group Role Access Level Permissions Restrictions

the personas or
services of Cisco ISE
• Run commands that
might have a heavy
impact on
performance. For
example, access to
the TCP Dump in
the Operations >
Troubleshoot >
Diagnostic Tools >
General Tools
window is restricted.
• Generate support

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Administrator Groups

Admin Group Role Access Level Permissions Restrictions

Super Admin All Cisco ISE Create, read, update, • Device

administrative functions. delete, and eXecute Administration—
The default administrator (CRUDX) permissions on Access to the work
account belongs to this all Cisco ISE resources. center does not
group. guarantee access to
Note The super admin
the subordinate links.
user cannot
modify the • Only an admin user
default from the default
system-generated Super Admin Group
RBAC policies can modify or delete
and permissions. other admin users.
To do this, you Even an externally
must create new mapped user who is
RBAC policies part of an Admin
with the Group cloned with
necessary the Menu and Data
permissions Access privileges of
based on your the Super Admin
needs, and map Group cannot modify
these policies to or delete an admin
an admin group. user.

to device administration
work centers. Permission
for TACACS policy
conditions and results.
Network device
permissions for TACACS
proxy and proxy
sequences. In addition,
permission to enable
TACACS global protocol

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Administrator Groups

Admin Group Role Access Level Permissions Restrictions

System Admin All Cisco ISE Full access (read and Cannot perform any
configuration and write permissions) to policy management or
maintenance tasks. perform all the activities system-level configuration
under the Operations tab tasks in Cisco ISE.
and partial access to some
menu items under the
Administration tab:
• Read permissions on
account settings and
administrator group
• Read permissions on
admin access and
data access
permissions along
with the RBAC
policy window.
• Read and write
permissions for all
options under
Administration >
• View authentication
• Enable or disable
Endpoint Protection
Services Adaptive
Network Control
• Create, edit, and
delete alarms;
generate and view
reports; and use
Cisco ISE to
problems in your
• Device
Permission to enable
TACACS global
protocol settings.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create an Admin Group

Admin Group Role Access Level Permissions Restrictions

Elevated System Admin All Cisco ISE In addition to all the • Cannot create or
(available in Cisco ISE, configuration and privileges of the System delete Super Admin
Release 2.6, Patch 2 and maintenance tasks. Admin, an Elevated users.
above ) System Admin can create
Admin users. • Cannot manage the
Super Admin groups.

External RESTful Full access to all the ERS • Create, read, update, The role is meant only for
Services (ERS) Admin API requests such as and delete ERS API ERS authorization
GET, POST, DELETE, requests. supporting internal users,
PUT identity groups, endpoints,
endpoint groups, and SGT

External RESTful Read-only access to ERS • Can only read ERS The role is meant only for
Services (ERS) Operator API, only GET API requests ERS authorization
supporting internal users,
identity groups, endpoints,
endpoint groups, and

TACACS+ Admin Full access Access to: —

• Device
Administration Work
• Deployment—To
enable TACACS+
• External ID stores.
• Operations >
TACACS Live Logs

Related Topics
Cisco ISE Administrators, on page 3

Create an Admin Group

The Admin Groups window allows you to view, create, modify, delete, duplicate, or filter Cisco ISE network
admin groups.

Before you begin

To configure an external administrator group type, you must have already specified one or more external
identity stores.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Administrative Access to Cisco ISE

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Administrators
> Admin Groups
Step 2 Click Add, and enter a name and description.
The supported special characters for the Name field are: space, # $ & ‘ ( ) * + - . / @ _ .

Step 3 Check the corresponding check box to specify the Type of administrator group you are configuring:
• Internal: Administrators assigned to this group type authenticate against the credentials that are stored in the Cisco
ISE internal database.
• External: Administrators assigned to this group authenticate against the credentials stored in the external identity
store that you select in the Administration > System > Admin Access > Authentication > Authentication Method
window. You can specify the external groups, if required.

Note If an internal user is configured with an external identity store for authentication, while logging in to the ISE
Admin portal, the internal user must select the external identity store as the Identity Source. Authentication
will fail if Internal Identity Source is selected.

Step 4 Click Add in the Member Users area to add users to this admin group. To delete users from the admin group, check the
check box corresponding to the user that you want to delete, and click Remove.
Step 5 Click Submit.

Administrative Access to Cisco ISE

Cisco ISE administrators can perform various administrative tasks based on the administrative group to which
they belong. These administrative tasks are critical. Grant administrative access only to users who are authorized
to administer Cisco ISE in your network.
Cisco ISE allows you to control administrative access to its web interface through the options described here.

Note When a Cisco ISE server is added to a network, it is marked to be in Running state after its web interface
comes up. However, it might take some more time for all the services to be fully operational because some
advanced services such as posture services might take longer to be available.

Administrative Access Methods

You can connect to the Cisco ISE servers in several ways. The Policy Administration node (PAN) runs the
Administrators portal. An admin password is required to log in. Other ISE persona servers are accessible
through SSH or the console, where you run the CLI. This section describes the process and password options
available for each connection type.
• Admin password: The Cisco ISE Admin user that you created during installation times out in 45 days
by default. You can prevent that by turning off the password lifetime from Administration > System >
Admin Settings. Click the Password Policy tab, and uncheck theAdministrative passwords expire
check box under Password Lifetime.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Role-Based Admin Access Control in Cisco ISE

If you do not do this, and the password expires, you can reset the admin password in the CLI by running
the application reset-passwd command. You can reset the Admin password by connecting to the console
to access the CLI, or by rebooting the ISE image file to access the boot options menu.
• CLI password: You must enter a CLI password during installation. If you have a problem logging in to
the CLI because of an invalid password, you can reset the CLI password. Connect to the console and run
the password CLI command to rest the password. See the Cisco Identity Services Engine CLI Reference
Guide for more information.
• SSH access to the CLI: You can enable SSH access either during installation or after, using the service
sshd command. You can also force SSH connections to use a key. Note that when you do this, SSH
connections to all the network devices also use that key. For more information, see the SSH Key Validation
section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Segmentation. You can force the SSH key to use the Diffie-Hellman
algorithm. Note that ECDSA keys are not supported for SSH keys.

Role-Based Admin Access Control in Cisco ISE

Cisco ISE provides role-based access control (RBAC) policies that ensure security by restricting administrative
privileges. RBAC policies are associated with default admin groups to define roles and permissions. A standard
set of permissions (for menu as well as data access) is paired with each of the predefined admin groups, and
is thereby aligned with the associated role and job function.
Some features in the user interface require certain permissions for their use. If a feature is unavailable, or you
are not allowed to perform a specific task, your admin group may not have the necessary permissions to
perform the task that utilizes the feature.
Regardless of the level of access, any administrator account can modify or delete objects for which it has
permission, on any window that it can access.

Note Only system-defined admin users with Super Admin or Read Only Admin permissions can see the identity-based
users who are not a part of a user group. Admins you create without these permissions cannot see these users.

Role-Based Permissions
Cisco ISE allows you to configure permissions at the menu and data levels. These are called menu access and
data access permissions.
The menu access permissions allow you to show or hide the menu and submenu items of the Cisco ISE
administrative interface. This feature lets you create permissions so that you can restrict or enable access at
the menu level.
The data access permissions allow you to grant read and write, read only, or no access to the Admin Groups,
User Identity Groups, Endpoint Identity Groups, Locations, and Device Types data in the Cisco ISE interface.

RBAC Policies
RBAC policies determine if an administrator can be granted a specific type of access to a menu item or other
identity group data elements. You can grant or deny access to a menu item or identity group data element to
an administrator based on the admin group, by using RBAC policies. When administrators log in to the Admin
portal, they can access menus and data that are based on the policies and permissions defined for the admin
groups with which they are associated.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Default Menu Access Permissions

RBAC policies map admin groups to menu access and data access permissions. For example, you can prevent
a network administrator from viewing the Admin Access operations menu and the policy data elements. This
can be achieved by creating a custom RBAC policy for the admin group with which that network administrator
is associated.

Note If you are using customized RBAC policies for admin access, ensure that you provide all the relevant menu
access for a given data access. For example, to add or delete endpoints with data access of Identity or Policy
Admin, you must provide menu access to Work Center > Network Access and Administration > Identity

Default Menu Access Permissions

Cisco ISE provides an out-of-the-box set of permissions that are associated with a set of predefined admin
groups. Having predefined admin group permissions allow you to set permissions so that a member of any
admin group can have full or limited access to the menu items within the administrative interface (known as
menu access) and to delegate an admin group to use the data access elements of other admin groups (known
as data access). These permissions are reusable entities that can be further used to formulate RBAC policies
for various admin groups. Cisco ISE provides a set of system-defined menu access permissions that are already
used in the default RBAC policies. Apart from the predefined menu access permissions, Cisco ISE also allows
you to create custom menu access permissions that you can use in RBAC policies. The key icon represents
menu access privileges for the menus and submenus, and the key with a close icon represents no access for
different RBAC groups.

Note For a Super Admin user, all the menu items are available. For other admin users, all the menu items in the
Menu Access Privileges column are available for standalone deployment and primary node in a distributed
deployment. For secondary nodes in a distributed deployment, the menu items under the Administration tab
are not available.

Configure Menu Access Permissions

Cisco ISE allows you to create custom menu access permissions that you can map to an RBAC policy.
Depending on the role of the administrators, you can allow them to access only specific menu options.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access >
Authorization > Permissions > Menu Access
Step 2 Click Add, and enter values for the Name and Description fields.
a) Expand the ISE Navigation Structure menu to the desired level, and click the options for which you want to create
b) In the Permissions for Menu Access pane, click Show.
Step 3 Click Submit.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Prerequisites for Granting Data Access Permissions

Prerequisites for Granting Data Access Permissions

When an RBAC admin has Full Access permission to an object (for example, Employee in the User Identity
Groups data type), the admin can view, add, update, and delete users who belong to that group. Ensure that
the admin has menu access permission granted for the Users window (Administration > Identity Management
> Identities > Users). This is applicable for network devices and endpoints objects (based on the permissions
granted to the Network Device Groups and Endpoint Identity Groups data types).
You cannot enable or restrict data access for network devices that belong to the default network device group
objects—All Device Types and All Locations. All the network devices are displayed if Full Access data
permission is granted to an object created under these default network device group objects. Therefore,we
recommend that you create a separate hierarchy for the Network Device Groups data type, which is independent
of the default network device group objects. You should assign the network device objects to the newly created
Network Devices Groups to create restricted access.

Note You can enable or restrict data access permissions only for the User Identity Groups, Network Device Groups,
and Endpoint Identity Groups, not to Admin Groups.

Default Data Access Permissions

Cisco ISE comes with a set of predefined data access permissions. These permissions enable multiple
administrators to have the data access permissions within the same user population. You can enable or restrict
the use of data access permissions to one or more admin groups. This process allows autonomous delegated
control to administrators of one admin group to reuse data access permissions of the chosen admin groups
through selective association. Data access permissions range from full access to no access for viewing selected
admin groups or network device groups. RBAC policies are defined based on the administrator (RBAC) group,
menu access, and data access permissions. You should first create menu access and data access permissions
and then create an RBAC policy that associates an admin group with the corresponding menu access and data
access permissions. The RBAC policy takes the form: If admin_group=Super Admin then assign SuperAdmin
Menu Access permission + SuperAdmin Data Access permission. Apart from the predefined data access
permissions, Cisco ISE also allows you to create custom data access permissions that you can associate with
an RBAC policy.
There are three data access permissions, namely, Full Access, No Access, and Read Only access that can be
granted to admin groups.
The Read Only permission can be granted to the following admin groups:
• Administration > Admin Access > Administrators > Admin Groups
• Administration > Groups > User Identity Group
• Administration > Groups > Endpoint Identity Groups
• Network Visibility > Endpoints
• Administration > Network Resources > Network Device Groups
• Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices
• Administration > Identity Management > Identities
• Administration > Identity Management > Groups > User Identity Groups

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Default Data Access Permissions

• Administration > Identity Management > Groups > Endpoint Identity Groups

If you have read-Only permission for a data type (for example, Endpoint Identity Groups), you will not be
able to perform CRUD operations on that data type. If you have read-only permission for an object (for
example, GuestEndpoints), you cannot perform edit or delete operations on that object.
The following image describes how Data Access Privileges apply at the second-level or third-level menu that
contains additional submenus or options for different RBAC groups.
Figure 1: Data Access Privileges

Label Description

1 Denotes full access for the User Identity groups data


2 Denotes that Endpoint Identity groups derive the

maximum permission (full access) that is granted to
its child (Asia).

3 Denotes that there is no access for the object (blocked


4 Denotes that the parent (Continents) derives the

maximum access permission granted to its child

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Data Access Permissions

Label Description

5 Denotes Read-Only access for the object (Australia).

6 Denotes that when full access is granted to the parent

(Network Device groups), it results in the children
automatically inheriting permissions.

7 Denotes that when full access is granted to the parent

(Asia), it results in the objects inheriting the Full
Access permission, unless permissions are explicitly
granted to the objects.

Configure Data Access Permissions

Cisco ISE allows you to create custom data access permissions that you can map to an RBAC policy. Based
on the role of the administrator, you can choose to provide them access only to select data.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Authorization >
Step 2 Choose Permissions > Data Access.
Step 3 Click Add, and enter values for the Name and Description fields.
a) Click to expand the admin group and select the corresponding admin group.
b) Click Full Access, Read Only Access, or No Access.
Step 4 Click Save.

Read-Only Admin Policy

The default Read-Only Admin policy is available in the Administration > System > Admin Access >
Authorization > RBAC Policy window. This policy is available for both new installations and upgraded
deployments. The Read-Only Admin policy is applicable to the Read-Only Admin group. By default, Super
Admin Menu Access and Read-Only Data Access permissions are granted to Read-Only administrators. This
policy cannot be duplicated and the associated Data Access permission cannot be edited.

Note • The default read-only policy is mapped to the Read Only Admin group. You cannot create custom RBAC
policy using the Read Only Admin group.
• Cisco ISE supports the read-only functionality based on the static check of Read-Only Admin Group

Customize Menu Access for the Read-Only Administrator

By default, Read-Only Administrators are given Super Admin Menu Access and Read Only Admin Data
Access. However, if the Super Admin requires that the Read-Only Administrator view only the Home and
Administration tabs, the Super Admin can create a custom menu access or customize the default Permissions

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Customize Menu Access for the Read-Only Administrator

to, for example, MnT Admin Menu Access or Policy Admin Menu Access. The Super Admin cannot modify
the Read Only Data Access mapped to the Read Only Admin Policy.

Step 1 Log in to the Admin portal as a Super Admin.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Authorization >
Permissions > Menu Access
Step 3 Click Add and enter a Name (for example, MyMenu) and Description.
Step 4 In the Menu Access Privileges section, you can select the Show/Hide option to choose the required options (for example,
Home and Administration tabs) that should be displayed for the Read-Only Administrator.
Step 5 Click Submit.
The custom menu access permission is displayed in the Permissions drop-down correspoinding to the Read-Only Admin
Policy displayed in the Administration > System > Admin Access > Authorization > Policy window.
Step 6 Choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Authorization > RBAC Policy window.
Step 7 Click the Permissions drop-down corresponding to the Read-Only Admin Policy and choose a default (MnT Admin
Menu Access) or custom menu access permission (MyMenu) that you have created in the Administration > System >
Admin Access > Authorization > Permissions > Menu Access window.
Step 8 Click Save.
Note • You will encounter an error if you choose Data Access permissions for the Read-Only Admin policy.
• When you log in to the Read-Only Admin portal, a Read-Only icon appears at the top of the window and
you can view only the specified menu options without data access.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

• Cisco ISE Licenses, on page 23
• Cisco ISE Smart Licensing, on page 27
• Register and Activate Smart Licenses, on page 28
• Manage Smart Licensing in Cisco ISE, on page 29
• Smart Licensing for Air-Gapped Networks, on page 30
• Unregistered License Consumption, on page 31

Cisco ISE Licenses

Cisco ISE Release 3.0 and later releases do not support legacy licenses, such as Base, Plus, and Apex licenses,
that were used in Cisco ISE Releases 2.x. Cisco ISE Release 3.0 licenses are managed entirely through a
centralized database that is called the Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM). Register, activate, and manage
all your licenses easily and efficiently with single token registration.
To maximize economy for customers, licensing in Cisco ISE is supplied in the following packages:
• Tier Licenses
Starting Cisco ISE Release 3.0, a new set of licenses that are called Tier Licenses replace the Base, Apex,
and Plus licenses used in previous releases. Tier Licenses include three licenses, Essentials, Advantage,
and Premier.
If you currently have Base, Apex, or Plus licenses, use the Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM) to
convert them into the new license types.
• Device Administration Licenses
Policy Service nodes (PSN) that have the TACACS+ persona enabled on them consume Device
Administration licenses.
• Virtual Appliance Licenses
Virtual appliance licenses are available in three forms, VM Small, VM Medium, and VM Large.
• Evaluation Licenses
The Evaluation license is enabled by default when you first install Cisco ISE Release 3.0. Evaluation
licenses are 90-day licenses that give you access to all the Cisco ISE features. During the evaluation
period, license consumption is not reported to the CSSM.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Tier Licenses

If you are upgrading to Cisco ISE Release 3.0 with existing smart licenses, your smart licenses are upgraded
to the new license types in Cisco ISE. However, you must register the new license types in CSSM to activate
the licenses in Cisco ISE Release 3.0.
If you own traditional Cisco ISE licenses, you must convert them to smart licenses to enable license consumption
in Cisco ISE Release 3.0. To convert Cisco ISE 2.x licenses to the new license types, open a case online
through the Support Case Manager at, or use the contact information that is provided at
For all active Cisco ISE licenses, notifications about license expiration are displayed in Cisco ISE 90, 60, and
30 days before the expiration. Notifications about non-compliant license consumption are also displayed in
Cisco ISE. If your license consumption is out of compliance for 45 days, you will lose all administrative
control of Cisco ISE until you purchase and activate the required licenses.
When upgrading from one licensing package to another, Cisco ISE continues to offer all the features that were
available in the earlier package before the upgrade. You do not need to re-configure any settings that you had
already configured.
For example, if you currently use an Essentials license and later add an Advantage license, the features that
are already configured using the Essentials license will not change.
You should update your license agreements if:
• The evaluation period has ended and you have not yet registered your license.
• Your license has expired.
• The endpoint consumption exceeds your licensing agreement.

ISE Community Resource

Cisco Identity Services Engine Ordering Guide
For information on how to obtain evaluation licenses, see How to Get ISE Evaluation Licenses.

Tier Licenses
The following table specifies what the new Tier Licenses enable.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Tier Licenses

Table 2: Cisco ISE Tier Licenses

License Name What does this license enable?

Essentials • RADIUS authentication, authorization, and

accounting, including 802.1X, MAC
authentication bypass and easy connect, and web
• MACsec.
• Authentications that are based on Single Sign-On
(SSO), Security Assertion Markup Language
(SAML), and Open DataBase Connectivity
(ODBC) standards.
• Guest access and sponsor services.
• Representational State Transfer (REST) APIs
for monitoring purposes, and External RESTful
Services APIs for CRUD operations.
• PassiveID services.
• Secure wired and wireless access.

Advantage • All the features that are enabled by the Cisco ISE
Essentials license.
• Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) device
registration and provisioning, with a built-in
certification authority. Device registration occurs
through the configured My Devices portals.
• Security Group Tagging, TrustSec, and Cisco
Application Centric Infrastructure (ACI)
• Profiling services, including basic asset visibility
and enforcement features.
• Endpoint analytics, including advanced asset
visibility and enforcement features.
• Feed Services.
• Visibility and enforcement of location-based
• Context sharing (such as pxGrid), and security
ecosystem integrations.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration Licenses

License Name What does this license enable?

Premier • All the features that are enabled by the Cisco ISE
Essentials and Advantage licenses.
• Endpoint protection services.
• Rapid Threat Containment, using Adaptive
Network Control and context sharing services.
• Posture visibility and enforcement.
• Compliance visibility and enforcement through
Enterprise Mobility Management and Mobile
Device Management.
• Threat-Centric Network Access Control visibility
and enforcement.

Device Administration Licenses

A Device Administration license allows you to use TACACS services on a Policy Service node. In a
high-availability standalone deployment, a Device Administration license permits you to use TACACS services
on a single Policy Service node in the high availability pair.

Virtual Appliance Licenses

Cisco ISE is also sold as a virtual appliance. Choose your Virtual Machine (VM) licenses based on the number
of VM nodes in your network, and each VM node's resource specifications such as CPU and memory. There
are three categories of VM licenses offered, VM Small, VM Medium, and VM Large.
The following table shows the minimum VM resources by category.

Table 3: Minimum VM Resources by Category

VM License RAM Capacity of VM Node Number of CPUs of VM Node

VM Small 16 GB 12 CPUs

VM Medium 64GB 16 CPUs

VM Large 256GB 16 CPUs

For example, if you are using a 3595-equivalent VM node with 16 CPUs and 64 GB RAM, you need a VM
Medium license to enable Cisco ISE services on this VM node. Even if you only have VM Small licenses
registered and activated, Cisco ISE will register the consumption of a VM Medium license by the VM node.
This is because the license consumed is determined by the RAM and CPU specifications of the VM node.
You will then receive warnings and notifications of non-compliant license consumption till you procure and
install the required VM licenses. However, Cisco ISE services are not interrupted.
You can install multiple VM licenses based on the number of VMs in your deployment and their resources.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Evaluation Licenses

VM licenses are infrastructure licenses. Therefore, you can install VM licenses irrespective of the endpoint
licenses available in your deployment. However, in order to use the features enabled by the Tier licenses, you
must also install the appropriate Tier licenses.
After installing or upgrading to Cisco ISE Release 2.4 or later releases, if there is any mismatch between the
number of deployed VM nodes and installed VM licenses, alarms are displayed in the Alarms dashlet in the
Home page every 14 days. Alarms are also displayed if there are any changes in the VM node’s resources,
and when a VM node is registered or deregistered.
VM licenses are perpetual licenses. VM licensing changes are displayed every time you log in to the Cisco
ISE GUI, until you check the Do not show this message again check box in the pop-up notification displayed.

Evaluation Licenses
Evaluation Licenses are activated by default when you install or upgrade to Cisco ISE Release 3.0. The
Evaluation License is active for 90 days, and you have access to all Cisco ISE features during this time. Cisco
ISE is considered to be in Evaluation Mode when the Evaluation License is in use.
The top-right corner of the Cisco ISE administration portal displays a message with the number of days that
are left in the Evaluation Mode. You must register Cisco ISE licenses purchased by the end of the Evaluation
Mode to continue using the Cisco ISE features you need.

Cisco ISE Smart Licensing

When a smart license token is active and registered in the Cisco ISE administration portal, the CSSM monitors
the consumption of licenses by each endpoint session per product license. Smart Licensing notifies the
administrator about license consumption by endpoint sessions from a simple table layout in Cisco ISE. Smart
Licensing reports the peak usage of each enabled license to the centralized database daily. When licenses are
available and not consumed, the administrator is notified of available licenses and can continue to monitor
usage. When consumption exceeds the number of licenses available, an alarm is activated and the administrator
is notified through alarms and notifications.
With Smart Licensing, you can also manage the different license entitlements included through your Cisco
Smart Account, such as Essentials, Advantage, Premier, or Device Admin. From Cisco ISE, you can monitor
basic consumption statistics per license entitlement. From your CSSM account, you can also view additional
information, statistics and notifications, as well as make changes to your account and entitlements.

Note Cisco Smart Software Manager satellite is not supported.

Cisco ISE takes internal samples of license consumption every 30 minutes. License compliancy and
consumption is updated accordingly. To view this information in the Licenses table in Cisco ISE, from the
main menu, choose Administration > System > Licensing), and click Refresh.
From the time you register your Cisco ISE Primary Administration node (PAN) with the CSSM, Cisco ISE
reports peak counts of license consumption to the CSSM server every six hours. The peak count reports help
ensure that license consumption in Cisco ISE is in compliance with the licenses purchased and registered.
Cisco ISE communicates with the CSSM server by storing a local copy of the CSSM certificate. The CSSM
certificate is automatically re-authorized during the daily synchronization, and when you refresh the Licenses
table. Typically, CSSM certificates are valid for six months.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Register and Activate Smart Licenses

If there is a change in the compliance status when synchronized with the CSSM server, the Last Authorization
column of the Licenses table updates accordingly. In addition, when entitlements are no longer compliant,
the number of days for which they are out of compliancy appears in the Days Out of Compliancy column.
Non-compliancy is also indicated in Notifications at the top of the Licensing area, and on the Cisco ISE
toolbar at the License Warning link. In addition to notifications, you can view alarms.

Note Device Admin licenses are authorized when Cisco ISE communicates with the CSSM server, but they are not
session-based and therefore no consumption count is associated with them in the Licenses table.

The compliance column of the Licenses table displays one of the following values:
• In Compliance: The use of this license is in compliance.
• Released Entitlement: The licenses have been purchased and released for use, but none have been
consumed so far in this Cisco ISE deployment. In this case, you will see that the Consumption Count
for the license is 0.
• Evaluation: Evaluation licenses are available for use.

Register and Activate Smart Licenses

Before you begin
• If you have traditional Cisco ISE licenses, you must convert them to smart licenses.
• If you are upgrading to Cisco ISE Release 3.0 with existing smart licenses, convert the licenses to the
new smart license types in CSSM.
• Register your new smart license types in CSSM to receive a registration token.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Licensing.
Step 2 Click Registration Details.
Step 3 In the Registration Details area displayed, enter the registration token that you received from CSSM in the Registration
Token field.
Step 4 Choose a connection method from the Connection Method drop-down list.
• Direct HTTPS if you have configured a direct connection to the Internet.
• HTTPS Proxy if you do not have a direct connection to the Internet and need to use a proxy server. If you change
your proxy server configuration after you register Cisco ISE Smart Licenses, you must update your Smart Licenses
configuration in the Licensing window. Cisco ISE establishes a connection with the CSSM using the updated proxy
server, avoiding any disruption of Cisco ISE services.
• Transport Gateway is the recommended option. If you have configured a Transport Gateway, this connection is
chosen by default. You must remove the Transport Gateway configuration to choose another connection method.
• SSM On-Prem server to connect to the configured SSM on-prem server. This option is available in Cisco ISE
Release 3.0 Patch 2 and later. See Smart Licensing for Air-Gapped Networks, on page 30.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Manage Smart Licensing in Cisco ISE

Step 5 From the Tier and Virtual Appliance areas, check the check boxes for all the licenses you need to enable. The chosen
licenses will be activated and their consumption is tracked by CSSM.
Step 6 Click Register.

Manage Smart Licensing in Cisco ISE

Once you have activated and registered your Smart Licensing token, you can manage license entitlements
from Cisco ISE by:
• Enabling, disabling, and refreshing license entitlement certificates.
• Updating Smart Licensing registration.
• Identifying compliant and non-compliant licensing issues.

Before you begin

Ensure you have activated and registered your Smart Licensing token.

Step 1 When you first install Cisco ISE Release 3.0, all license entitlements are enabled automatically as part of the Evaluation
Mode. Once you register your license token, if your CSSM account does not include certain entitlements and you did not
disable them during registration, non-compliant notifications will appear in Cisco ISE. Add those entitlements to your
CSSM account (contact your CSSM account representative for assistance), and then from the Licenses table, click Refresh
to remove non-compliant notifications and continue to use the related features. Once you have refreshed authorization,
log out and then log back in to Cisco ISE for the relevant non-compliancy messages to be removed.
Step 2 If the daily automatic authorization does not succeed for any reason, non-compliancy messages may appear. Click Refresh
to re-authorize your entitlements. Once you have refreshed authorization, log out and then log back in to Cisco ISE for
the relevant non-compliancy messages to be removed.
Step 3 When you first install Cisco ISE Release 3.0, all license entitlements are enabled automatically as part of the evaluation
period. Once you register your token, if your CSSM account does not include certain entitlements and you did not disable
them during registration, you can still disable those entitlements from Smart Licensing in ISE in order to avoid unnecessary
non-compliant notifications. From the Licenses table, check the checkboxes for the license entitlements that are not
included in your token, and click Disable from the toolbar. Once you have disabled license entitlements, log out and then
log back in to Cisco ISE for the relevant features to be removed from the menus and for the non-compliancy messages
to be removed.
Step 4 Once you add entitlements to your account, enable those entitlements. From the Licenses table, check the checkboxes
for the required disabled licenses and click Enable from the toolbar.
Step 5 The registration certificate is automatically refreshed every six months. To manually refresh your Smart Licensing
certificate registration, click Renew Registration from the top of the Licensing window.
Step 6 To remove your Cisco ISE box registration (indicated by UDIs) from your Smart Account but continue to use Smart
Licensing to the end of the evaluation period, click Deregister from the top of the Cisco Smart Licensing area. You can
do this, for example, if you need to change the UDIs you have indicated as part of the registration process. If you still
have time remaining in your evaluation period, Cisco ISE remains in Smart Licensing. If your evaluation period is at an
end, a notification appears when the browser refreshes. Once you deregister, you can follow the registration process again
in order to register with the same or different UDIs.
Step 7 To remove your Cisco ISE box registration (indicated by UDIs) from your Smart Account entirely and to revert to
traditional licensing, click Disable from the top of the Cisco Smart Licensing area. You can do this, for example, if you

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Smart Licensing for Air-Gapped Networks

need to change the UDIs you have indicated as part of the registration process. Once you disable, you can follow the
registration process again in order to activate and register with the same or different UDIs. .

Smart Licensing for Air-Gapped Networks

Cisco ISE Smart Licensing requires Cisco ISE to be connected to the CSSM. If your network is air-gapped,
Cisco ISE is unable to report license usage to CSSM. This lack of reporting results in loss of administrative
access to Cisco ISE and restrictions in Cisco ISE features.
To avoid licensing issues in air-gapped networks and enable full Cisco ISE functionality, configure Smart
Software Manager (SSM) On-Prem. This licensing method is available in Cisco ISE Release 3.0 Patch 2 and
later. You can configure the SSM On-Prem server on a node in your deployment and ensure that Cisco ISE
can reach this server. This server takes over the role of CSSM in your air-gapped network, releasing license
entitlements as needed and tracking usage metrics. The SSM On-Prem server also sends notifications, alarms,
and warning messages that are related to licensing consumption and validity.
If you buy or modify your license purchases, you must connect the SSM On-Prem to CSSM for the changes
to be available in your local server.

Note • If you enable the SSM On-Prem licensing solution, you will not be able to use proxy services in Cisco
ISE. You will also not be able to use any Cisco ISE services that are enabled by external CA certificates.
• ISE-PIC 3.0 does not support Smart Licensing.

Configure Smart Software Manager On-Prem for Smart Licensing

Before you begin
Configure SSM On-Prem server on a node in your deployment and ensure that Cisco ISE can reach this server.
This node must be a dedicated server. Do not enable any Cisco ISE personas on this node.
See Smart Software Manager On-Prem Resources.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Licensing.
Step 2 Click Registration Details.
Step 3 In the Registration Details area displayed, enter the registration token that you received from CSSM in the Registration
Token field.
Step 4 Choose SSM On-Prem Server from the Connection Method drop-down list.
The Certificate window in the SSM On-Prem portal displays either the IP address or the hostname (or FQDN) of the
connected SSM On-Prem server.

Step 5 Enter the configured IP address or the hostname (or FQDN) in the SSM On-Prem server Host field.
Step 6 From the Tier and Virtual Appliance areas, check the check boxes for all the licenses you need to enable. The chosen
licenses will be activated and their consumption is tracked by CSSM.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Unregistered License Consumption

Step 7 Click Register.

Unregistered License Consumption

Endpoint license consumption relies on the attributes that are used in the authorization policy with which an
endpoint is matched.
Consider you only have a Cisco ISE Essentials license registered on your system (you deleted the 90-day
Evaluation license). You will be able to see and configure the corresponding Cisco ISE Essentials menu items
and features.
If you configure an authorization policy to use a feature (for example, if you use the attribute
Session:PostureStatus) that requires an Advantage license, and if an endpoint matches this authorization
policy, then:
• The endpoint will consume an Cisco ISE Advantage license, despite the fact that an Cisco Advantage
license has not been registered in the system.
• You see notifications of non-compliant license consumption whenever you log in.
• Cisco ISE displays notifications and alarms "Exceeded license usage than allowed". This is because
there are no registered Cisco ISE Advantage licenses on registered on CSSM for your Cisco ISE, but an
endpoint is consuming one.

If the use of all three Tier licenses is out of compliance for 45 days, all administrative control of Cisco ISE
is lost until the correct license files are uploaded. You will be able to access only the Licensing window in
the Cisco ISE administration portal until the correct licenses are registered. However, Cisco ISE will continue
to handle authentications.

Possible Causes
Due to the configuration of an authorization policy, the Licensing table reports that Cisco ISE has consumed
a license you have not purchased and registered. Before you purchase a license, the Cisco ISE administration
portal does not display the functionality covered by that license. However, once you purchase a license, the
user interface continues to display their functionality even after the license has expired or exceeded its endpoint
consumption. Thus, you are able to configure them even if you do not have a valid license for them.

In the Cisco ISE administration portal, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Sets, identify
the authorization rule that is using the feature for which you do not have a registered license, and reconfigure
that rule.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Unregistered License Consumption

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

• Cisco ISE Deployment Terminology, on page 33
• Personas in Distributed Cisco ISE Deployments, on page 34
• Configure a Cisco ISE Node, on page 34
• Support for Multiple Deployment Scenarios, on page 37
• Cisco ISE Distributed Deployment, on page 37
• Deployment and Node Settings, on page 40
• Logging Settings, on page 49
• Admin Access Settings, on page 52
• Administration Node, on page 55
• Support for Automatic Failover for the Administration Node, on page 63
• Policy Service Node, on page 63
• Monitoring Node, on page 66
• Monitoring Database, on page 70
• Configure MnT Nodes for Automatic Failover, on page 72
• Cisco pxGrid Node, on page 73
• View Nodes in a Deployment, on page 78
• Download Endpoint Statistical Data From MnT Nodes, on page 79
• Database Crash or File Corruption Issues , on page 79
• Device Configuration for Monitoring, on page 79
• Synchronize Primary and Secondary Cisco ISE Nodes, on page 80
• Change Node Personas and Services, on page 80
• Effects of Modifying Nodes in Cisco ISE , on page 80
• Create a Policy Service Node Group, on page 81
• Remove a Node from Deployment, on page 82
• Shut Down a Cisco ISE Node, on page 83
• Change the Hostname or IP Address of a Standalone Cisco ISE Node, on page 83

Cisco ISE Deployment Terminology

The following terms are commonly used when discussing Cisco ISE deployment scenarios:
• Service: A service is a specific feature that a persona provides such as network access, profiler, posture,
security group access, monitoring and troubleshooting, and so on.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Personas in Distributed Cisco ISE Deployments

• Node: A node is an individual instance that runs the Cisco ISE software. Cisco ISE is available as an
appliance and also as a software that can be run on VMware. Each instance (appliance or VMware) that
runs the Cisco ISE software is called a node.
• Persona: The persona of a node determines the services provided by the node. A Cisco ISE node can
assume any of the following personas: Administration, Policy Service, Monitoring, and pxGrid. The
menu options that are available through the Admin portal are dependent on the role and personas that a
Cisco ISE node assumes.
• Deployment Model: Determines if your deployment is distributed, standalone, or high availability in
standalone, which is a basic two-node deployment.

Personas in Distributed Cisco ISE Deployments

A Cisco ISE node can assume the Administration, Policy Service, or Monitoring personas.
A Cisco ISE node can provide various services based on the persona that it assumes. Each node in a deployment
can assume the Administration, Policy Service, and Monitoring personas. In a distributed deployment, you
can have the following combination of nodes in your network:
• Primary Policy Administration node (primary PAN) and secondary Policy Administration node (secondary
PAN) for high availability
• Primary Monitoring node (primary MnT node) and secondary Monitoring node (secondary MnT node)
for high availability
• A pair of health check nodes or a single health check node for the primary PAN automatic failover
• One or more Policy Service nodes (PSNs) for the session failover

Environment download is successful, with only the up and running Cisco ISE node present in the result.

Configure a Cisco ISE Node

After you install a Cisco ISE node, all the default services provided by the Administration, Policy Service,
and Monitoring personas run on it. This node is in a standalone state. You must log in to the Admin portal of
the Cisco ISE node to configure it. You cannot edit the personas or services of a standalone Cisco ISE node.
You can, however, edit the personas and services of the primary and secondary Cisco ISE nodes. You must
first configure a primary ISE node and then register secondary ISE nodes to the primary ISE node.
If you are logging in to the node for the first time, you must change the default administrator password and
install a valid license.
It is recommended not to change the host name and the domain name configured on Cisco ISE in production.
If required, then reimage the appliance, make changes, and configure the details during the initial deployment.

Before you begin

You should have a basic understanding of how distributed deployments are set up in Cisco ISE. See Guidelines
for Setting Up a Distributed Deployment

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure a primary Policy Administration Node (PAN)

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the Cisco ISE node that you want to configure, and click Edit.
Step 3 Enter the values as required and click Save.

Configure a primary Policy Administration Node (PAN)

To set up a distributed deployment, you must first configure a Cisco ISE node as your primary PAN.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
The Register button will be disabled initially. To enable this button, you must configure a Primary PAN.

Step 2 Check the check box next to the current node, and click Edit.
Step 3 Click Make Primary to configure your primary PAN.
Step 4 Click Save to save the node configuration.

What to do next
1. Add secondary nodes to your deployment.
2. Enable the profiler service and configure the probes, if required.

Register a Secondary Cisco ISE Node

You can register Cisco ISE nodes to the primary PAN to form a multi-node deployment. Nodes in a deployment
other than the primary PAN are referred to as secondary nodes. While registering a node, you can select the
personas and services that must be enabled on the node. Registered nodes can be managed from the primary
PAN (for example, managing the node personas, services, certificates, licenses, applying patches, and so on).
When a node is registered, the primary PAN pushes the configuration data to the secondary node and the
application server on the secondary node restarts. After the complete data, further configuration changes done
on the primary PAN are replicated to the secondary node. The time taken for the changes to be replicated on
the secondary node depends on various factors, such as the network latency, load on the system, and so on.

Before you begin

Ensure that the primary PAN and the node being registered are DNS resolvable to each other. If the node
being registered uses an untrusted self-signed certificate, you are prompted with a certificate warning with
the details of the certificate. If you accept the certificate, it is added to the trusted certificate store of the primary
PAN to enable TLS communication with the node.
If the node uses a certificate that is not self-signed (for example, signed by an external CA), you must manually
import the relevant certificate chain of that node to the trusted certificate store of the primary PAN. When
you import the secondary node's certificate in to the trusted certificate store, check the Trust for Authentication
within ISE check box in the Trusted Certificates window, for the PAN to validate the secondary node's

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Register a Secondary Cisco ISE Node

While registering a node with session services enabled (such as Network Access, Guest, Posture, and so on),
you can add it to a node group. See section Create a Policy Service Node Group, on page 81 for more details.

Step 1 Log in to the primary PAN.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 3 Click Register to initiate registration of a secondary node.
Step 4 Enter the DNS-resolvable fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the standalone node that you are going to register (in
the format hostname.domain-name, for example, The FQDN of the Primary PAN and the node being
registered must be resolvable from each other.
Step 5 Enter the UI-based administrator credentials for the secondary node in the Username and Password fields.
Step 6 Click Next.
The primary PAN tries to establish TLS communication (for the first time) with the node being registered.
• If the node uses a certificate that is trusted, you can proceed to step 7.
• If the node uses a self-signed certificate that is not trusted, a certificate warning message is displayed. The certificate
warning message displays details about the certificate (such as, Issued-to, Issued-by, Serial number, and so on),
which can be verified against the actual certificate on the node. You can select the Import Certificate and Proceed
option to trust this certificate and proceed with registration. Cisco ISE imports the default self-signed certificate of
that node to the trusted certificate store of the primary PAN. If you do not want to use the default self-signed
certificate, click Cancel Registration and manually import the relevant certificate chain of that node to the trusted
certificate store of the primary PAN. When you import the secondary node's certificate in to the trusted certificate
store, check the Trust for Authentication within ISE check box for the PAN to validate the secondary node's
• If the node uses a CA signed certificate, an error message is displayed that the registration cannot proceed until
certificate trust is set up.

Step 7 Select the personas and services to be enabled on the node, and then click Save.

When a node is registered, an alarm (which confirms that a node has been added to the deployment) is generated
on the primary PAN. You can view this alarm in the Alarms dashlet in the Cisco ISE GUI Dashboard. After
the registered node is synchronized and restarted, you can log in to the secondary node GUI using the same
credentials used on the primary PAN.

What to do next
• For time-sensitive tasks such as guest user access and authorization, logging, and so on, ensure that the
system time on your nodes is synchronized.
• If you registered a secondary PAN, and are using the internal Cisco ISE CA service, you must back up
the Cisco ISE CA certificates and keys from the primary PAN and restore them on the secondary PAN.
See "Backup and Restore of Cisco ISE CA Certificates and Keys" in Chapter "Basic Setup" of the Cisco
ISE Administrator Guide.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Support for Multiple Deployment Scenarios

Support for Multiple Deployment Scenarios

Cisco ISE can be deployed across an enterprise infrastructure, supporting 802.1X wired, wireless, and Virtual
Private Networks (VPNs).
The Cisco ISE architecture supports both standalone and distributed (also known as high availability or
redundancy) deployments where one machine assumes the primary role and another “backup” machine
assumes the secondary role. Cisco ISE features distinct configurable personas, services, and roles, which
allow you to create and apply Cisco ISE services where they are needed in the network. The result is a
comprehensive Cisco ISE deployment that operates as a fully functional and integrated system.
Cisco ISE nodes can be deployed with one or more of the Administration, Monitoring, and Policy Service
personas. Each persona performs a different vital part in your overall network policy management topology.
Installing Cisco ISE with an administration persona allows you to configure and manage your network from
a centralized portal to promote efficiency and ease of use.

Cisco ISE Distributed Deployment

A deployment that has more than one Cisco ISE node is called a distributed deployment. To support failover
and to improve performance, you can set up your deployment with multiple Cisco ISE nodes in a distributed
fashion. In a Cisco ISE distributed deployment, the administration and monitoring activities are centralized,
and processing is distributed across the PSNs. Depending on your performance needs, you can scale your
deployment. Each Cisco ISE node in a deployment can assume any of the following personas: Administration,
Policy service, and Monitoring.

Cisco ISE Deployment Setup

After you install Cisco ISE on all your nodes, as described in the Cisco Identity Services Engine Hardware
Installation Guide, the nodes come up in a standalone state. You must then define one node as your primary
PAN. While defining your primary PAN, you must enable the administration and monitoring personas on that
node. You can optionally enable the policy service persona on the primary PAN. After you complete the task
of defining personas on the primary PAN, you can then register other secondary nodes to the primary PAN
and define personas for the secondary nodes.
All Cisco ISE system and functionality-related configurations should be done only on the primary PAN. The
configuration changes that you perform on the primary PAN are replicated to all the secondary nodes in your
There must be at least one MnT in a distributed deployment. At the time of configuring your primary PAN,
you must enable the Monitoring persona. After you register an MnT node in your deployment, you can edit
the primary PAN and disable the Monitoring persona, if required.

Data Replication from Primary to Secondary ISE Nodes

When you register a Cisco ISE node as a secondary node, Cisco ISE immediately creates a data replication
channel from the primary to the secondary node and begins the process of replication. Replication is the
process of sharing Cisco ISE configuration data from the primary to the secondary nodes. Replication ensures
consistency among the configuration data available in all the Cisco ISE nodes that are part of your deployment.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Node Deregistration

A full replication typically occurs when you first register a Cisco ISE node as a secondary node. Incremental
replication occurs after a full replication and ensures that any new changes such as additions, modifications,
or deletions to the configuration data in the PAN are reflected in the secondary nodes. The process of replication
ensures that all Cisco ISE nodes in a deployment are in sync. You can view the status of replication in the
Node Status column in the Deployment window of the Cisco ISE Admin portal. When you register a Cisco
ISE node as a secondary node or perform a manual synchronization with the PAN, the node status shows an
orange icon indicating that the requested action is in progress. Once the synchronization is complete, the node
status turns green indicating that the secondary node is synchronized with the PAN.

Cisco ISE Node Deregistration

To remove a node from a deployment, you must deregister it. When you deregister a secondary node from
the primary PAN, the status of the deregistered node changes to standalone and the connection between the
primary and the secondary node is lost. Replication updates are no longer sent to the deregistered standalone
When a PSN is deregistered, the endpoint data is lost. If you want the PSN to retain the endpoint data after it
becomes a standalone node, you can do one of the following:
• Obtain a backup from the primary PAN and when the PSN becomes a standalone node, restore this data
backup on it.
• Change the persona of the PSN to administration (secondary PAN), synchronize the data from the
Deployment window of the Admin portal, and then deregister the node. This node will now have all the
data. You can then add a secondary PAN to the existing deployment.

Note You cannot deregister a primary PAN.

Guidelines for Setting Up a Distributed Deployment

Read the following statements carefully before you set up Cisco ISE in a distributed environment.
• Choose a node type for the Cisco ISE server. You must choose a Cisco ISE node for administration,
policy service, and monitoring capabilities.
• Choose the same Network Time Protocol (NTP) server for all the nodes. To avoid timezone issues among
the nodes, you must provide the same NTP server name during the setup of each node. This setting
ensures that the reports and logs from the various nodes in your deployment are always synchronized
with timestamps.
• Configure the Cisco ISE administrator password when you install Cisco ISE. The previous Cisco ISE
administrator default login credentials (admin/cisco) are no longer valid. Use the username and password
that was created during the initial setup or the current password if it was changed later.
• Configure the Domain Name System (DNS) server. Enter the IP addresses and fully qualified domain
names (FQDNs) of all the Cisco ISE nodes that are part of your distributed deployment in the DNS
server. Otherwise, the node registration fails.
• Configure the forward and the reverse DNS lookup for all the Cisco ISE nodes in your distributed
deployment in the DNS server. Otherwise, you may run into deployment related issues when registering

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Menu Options Available on Primary and Secondary Nodes

and restarting Cisco ISE nodes. Performance might be degraded if reverse DNS lookup is not configured
for all the nodes.
• (Optional) Deregister a secondary Cisco ISE node from the primary PAN to uninstall Cisco ISE from it.
• Back up the primary MnT, and restore the data to the new secondary MnT. This ensures that the history
of the primary MnT is in sync with the new MnT as the new changes are replicated.
• Ensure that the primary PAN and the standalone node that you are about to register as a secondary node
are running the same version of Cisco ISE.
• While adding a new node to the deployment, make sure that the issuer certificate chain of wildcard
certificates is part of the trusted certificates of the new node. When the new node is added to the
deployment, the wildcard certificates are then replicated to the new node.
• When configuring your Cisco ISE deployment to support Cisco TrustSec, or when Cisco ISE is integrated
with Cisco DNA Center, do not configure a PSN as SXP-only. SXP is an interface between Cisco TrustSec
and non- Cisco TrustSec devices. SXP does not communicate with the Cisco TrustSec enabled network

Menu Options Available on Primary and Secondary Nodes

The menu options available in Cisco ISE nodes that are part of a distributed deployment depend on the personas
that are enabled on them. You must perform all administration and monitoring activities through the primary
PAN. For other tasks, you must use the secondary nodes. Therefore, the user interface of the secondary nodes
provides limited menu options based on the persona that is enabled on them.
If a node assumes more than one persona, for example, the Policy Service persona, and a Monitoring persona
with a primary role, then the menu options listed for the PSNs and the primary MnT is available on that node.
The following table lists the menu options that is available on Cisco ISE nodes that assume different personas.

Table 4: Cisco ISE Nodes and Available Menu Options

Cisco ISE Node Available Menu Options

All Nodes • View and configure the system time and the NTP
server settings
• Install the server certificate and manage
certificate signing request. You can perform
server certificate operations, for all the nodes in
the deployment, via the primary PAN that
centrally manages all server certificates
Note The private keys are not stored in the
local database and are not copied from
the relevant node. The private keys
are stored in the local file system.

Primary Policy Administration node (primary PAN) All menus and sub-menus

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Deployment and Node Settings

Cisco ISE Node Available Menu Options

Primary Monitoring node (primary MnT node) • Provides access to monitoring data
Note The Operations menu can be viewed
only from the primary PAN. The
Operations menu does not appear in
the monitoring nodes in Cisco ISE 2.1
and later.

PSNs (Policy Service nodes) Options to join, leave, and test the Active Directory
connection are available. Each PSN must be separately
joined to the Active Directory domain. You must first
define the domain information and join the PAN to
the Active Directory domain. Then, join the other
PSNs to the Active Directory domain individually.

Secondary Policy Administration node (secondary Option to promote the secondary PAN to the primary
Note After you have registered the secondary
nodes to the primary PAN, while logging
in to the Admin portal of any of the
secondary nodes, you must use the login
credentials of the primary PAN.

Deployment and Node Settings

The Deployment Nodes window enables you to configure the Cisco ISE (PAN, PSN, and MnT) nodes and
to set up a deployment.

Deployment Nodes List Window

The following table describes the fields in the Deployment Nodes List window, which you can use to configure
Cisco ISE nodes in a deployment. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration >
System > Deployment.

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Hostname Displays the hostname of the node.

Personas (Only appears if the node type is Cisco ISE) Lists the
personas that a Cisco ISE node has assumed.
For example, Administration, Policy Service,
Monitoring, or pxGrid.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Deployment Nodes List Window

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Role Indicates the role (primary, secondary, or standalone)

that the Administration and Monitoring personas have
assumed, if these personas are enabled on this node.
The role can be any one or more of the following:
• PRI(A): Refers to the primary PAN
• SEC(A): Refers to the secondary PAN
• PRI(M): Refers to the primary MnT
• SEC(M): Refers to the secondary MnT

Services (Only appears if the Policy Service persona is enabled)

Lists the services that run on this Cisco ISE node.
Services can include any one of the following:
• Identity Mapping
• Session
• Profiling
• All

Node Status Indicates the status of each Cisco ISE node in a

deployment for data replication.
• Green (Connected): Indicates that a Cisco ISE
node, which is already registered in the
deployment is in sync with the primary PAN.
• Red (Disconnected): Indicates that a Cisco ISE
node is not reachable, is down or data replication
is not happening.
• Orange (In Progress): Indicates that a Cisco ISE
node is newly registered with the primary PAN,
you have performed a manual sync operation, or
the Cisco ISE node is not in sync (out of sync)
with the primary PAN.

For more information, click the quick view icon for

each Cisco ISE node in the Node Status column.

Related Topics
Cisco ISE Distributed Deployment, on page 37
Cisco ISE Deployment Terminology, on page 33
Configure a Cisco ISE Node, on page 34
Register a Secondary Cisco ISE Node, on page 35

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

General Node Settings

General Node Settings

The following table describes the fields on the General Settings window of a Cisco ISE node. In this window,
you can assign a persona to a node and configure the services to be run on it. To view this window, click the
Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment > Deployment Node > Edit > General

Table 5: General Node Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Hostname Displays the hostname of the Cisco ISE node.
FQDN Displays the fully qualified domain name of the Cisco
ISE node. For example,
IP Address Displays the IP address of the Cisco ISE node.
Node Type Displays the node type.
Administration Enable this toggle button if you want a Cisco ISE
node to assume the Administration persona. You can
enable the Administration persona only on nodes that
are licensed to provide the administrative services.
Role: Displays the role that the Administration
persona has assumed in the deployment. The persona
could take any one of the following values:
Standalone, Primary, or Secondary.
Make Primary: Click this button to make this node
your primary Cisco ISE node. You can have only one
primary Cisco ISE node in a deployment. The other
options on this window will become active only after
you make this node primary. You can have only two
Administration nodes in a deployment. If the node
has a Standalone role, Make Primary button appears
next to it. If the node has a Secondary role, Promote
to Primary button appears next to it. If the node has
a Primary role and there are no other nodes registered
with it, Make Standalone button appears next to it.
You can click this button to make your primary node
a standalone node.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

General Node Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Monitoring Enable this toggle button if you want a Cisco ISE
node to assume the Monitoring persona and function
as your log collector. There must be at least one
Monitoring node in a distributed deployment. At the
time of configuring your primary PAN, you must
enable the Monitoring persona. After you register a
secondary Monitoring node in your deployment, you
can edit the primary PAN and disable the Monitoring
persona, if required.
To configure a Cisco ISE node on a VMware platform
as your log collector, use the following guidelines to
determine the minimum amount of disk space that
you need: 180 KB per endpoint in your network, per
day 2.5 MB per Cisco ISE node in your network, per
You can calculate the maximum disk space that you
need based on how many months of data you want to
have in your Monitoring node. If there is only one
Monitoring node in your deployment, it assumes the
standalone role. If you have two Monitoring nodes in
your deployment, Cisco ISE displays the name of the
other Monitoring node for you to configure the
primary-secondary roles. To configure these roles,
choose one of the following:
• Primary: For the current node to be the primary
Monitoring node.
• Secondary: For the current node to be the
secondary Monitoring node.
• None: If you do not want the Monitoring nodes
to assume the primary-secondary roles.

If you configure one of your Monitoring nodes as

primary or secondary, the other Monitoring node
automatically becomes the secondary or primary node,
respectively. Both the primary and secondary
Monitoring nodes receive Administration and Policy
Service logs. If you change the role for one
Monitoring node to None, the role of the other
Monitoring node also becomes None, thereby
cancelling the high availability pair after you designate
a node as a Monitoring node. You will find this node
listed as a syslog target in the Remote Logging
Targets window. To view this window, click the
Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration >
System > Logging > Remote Logging Targets.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

General Node Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Policy Service

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

General Node Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Enable this toggle button to enable any one or all of
the following services:
• Enable Session Services: Check this check box
to enable network access, posture, guest, and
client provisioning services. Choose the group
to which this Policy Service node belongs from
the Include Node in Node Group drop-down
list. Note that Certificate Authority (CA) and
Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST) services
can only run on a Policy Service node that has
session services enabled on it.
For Include Node in Node Group, choose None
if you do not want this Policy Service node to be
part of any group.
All the nodes within the same node group should
be configured on the network access device
(NAD) as RADIUS clients and authorized for
CoA, because any one of them can issue a CoA
request for the sessions that are established
through any node in the node group. If you are
not using a load balancer, the nodes in a node
group should be the same as, or a subset of the
RADIUS servers and clients configured on the
NAD. These nodes would also be configured as
RADIUS servers.
While a single NAD can be configured with
many Cisco ISE nodes as RADIUS servers and
dynamic-authorization clients, it is not necessary
for all the nodes to be in the same node group.
The members of a node group should be
connected to each other using high-speed LAN
connection such as Gigabit Ethernet. The node
group members need not be L2 adjacent, but L2
adjacency is highly recommended to ensure
sufficient bandwidth and reachability. See the
Create Policy Service Node Group section in
Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Deployment for more
• Enable Profiling Service: Check this check box
to enable the Profiling service. If you enable the
Profiling service, you must click the Profiling
Configuration tab and enter the details as
required. When you enable or disable any of the
services that run on the Policy Service node or
make any changes to this node, you will be
restarting the application server processes on
which these services run. You must expect a

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

General Node Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

delay while these services restart. You can
determine when the application server has
restarted on a node by using the show application
status ise command from the CLI.
• Enable Threat Centric NAC Service: Check
this check box to enable the Threat Centric
Network Access Control (TC-NAC) feature. This
feature allows you to create authorization policies
based on the threat and vulnerability attributes
received from the threat and vulnerability
adapters. Threat severity levels and vulnerability
assessment results can be used to dynamically
control the access level of an endpoint or a user.
• Enable SXP Service: Check this check box to
enable SXP service on the node. You must also
specify the interface to be used for SXP service.
If you have configured NIC bonding or teaming,
the bonded interfaces are also listed along with
the physical interfaces in the Use Interface
drop-down list.
• Enable Device Admin Service: Check this
check box to create TACACS policy sets, policy
results, and so on to control and audit the
configuration of network devices.
• Enable Passive Identity Service: Check this
check box to enable the Identity Mapping feature.
This feature enables you to monitor users that
are authenticated by a omain Controller (DC)
and not by Cisco ISE. In networks where Cisco
ISE does not actively authenticate users for
network access, you can use the Identity
Mapping feature to collect user authentication
information from the Active Directory (AD)
Domain Controller.

pxGrid Check this check box to enable pxGrid persona. Cisco

pxGrid is used to share the context-sensitive
information from Cisco ISE session directory to other
policy network systems such as Cisco Adaptive
Security Appliance (ASA). The pxGrid framework
can also be used to exchange policy and configuration
data between nodes like sharing tags and policy
objects between Cisco ISE and third party vendors,
and for non- Cisco ISE related information exchanges
such as threat information.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Profiling Node Settings

Related Topics
Personas in Distributed Cisco ISE Deployments, on page 34
Administration Node, on page 55
Policy Service Node, on page 63
Monitoring Node, on page 66
Cisco pxGrid Node, on page 73
Synchronize Primary and Secondary Cisco ISE Nodes, on page 80
Create a Policy Service Node Group, on page 81
Deploy Cisco pxGrid Node, on page 74
Change Node Personas and Services, on page 80
Configure MnT Nodes for Automatic Failover, on page 72

Profiling Node Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Profiling Configuration window, which you can use to configure
the probes for the profiler service. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration >
System > Deployment > ISE Node > Edit > Profiling Configuration.

Table 6: Profiling Node Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

NetFlow Enable this toggle button to enable NetFlow per Cisco
ISE node that has assumed the Policy Service persona
to receive Netflow packets sent from the routers. Enter
the required values for the following options:
• Interface: Choose the interface on the Cisco ISE
• Port: Enter the NetFlow listener port number on
which NetFlow exports are received from the
routers. The default port is 9996.

DHCP Enable this toggle button to enable DHCP per Cisco

ISE node that has assumed the Policy Service persona
to listen for DHCP packets from IP helper. Enter the
required values for the following options:
• Interface: Choose the interface on the Cisco ISE
• Port: Enter the DHCP server UDP port number.
The default port is 67.

DHCP SPAN Enable this toggle button to enable DHCP SPAN per
Cisco ISE node that has assumed the Policy Service
persona to collect DHCP packets.
• Interface: Choose the interface on the Cisco ISE

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Profiling Node Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

HTTP Enable this toggle button to enable HTTP per Cisco
ISE node that has assumed the Policy Service persona
to receive and parse HTTP packets.
• Interface: Choose the interface on the Cisco ISE

RADIUS Enable this toggle button to enable RADIUS per Cisco

ISE node that has assumed the Policy Service persona
to collect RADIUS session attributes as well as Cisco
Device Protocol (CDP) and Link Layer Discovery
Protocol (LLDP) attributes from the IOS Sensor
enabled devices.

Network Scan (NMAP) Enable this toggle button to enable the NMAP probe.

DNS Enable this toggle button to enable DNS per Cisco

ISE node that has assumed the Policy Service persona
to perform a DNS lookup for the FQDN. Enter the
Timeout period in seconds.
Note For the DNS probe to work on a particular
Cisco ISE node in a distributed
deployment, you must enable any one of
the following probes: DHCP, DHCP
DNS lookup, one of the probes mentioned
above must be started along with the DNS

SNMP Query Enable this toggle button to enable SNMP Query per
Cisco ISE node that has assumed the Policy Service
persona to poll network devices at specified intervals.
Enter values for the following fields: Retries,
Timeout, Event Timeout, and an optional
Note In addition to configuring the SNMP Query
probe, you must also configure other
SNMP settings in the following location:
Administration > Network Resources >
Network Devices. When you configure
SNMP settings on the network devices,
ensure that you enable CDP and LLDP
globally on your network devices.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Logging Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

SNMP Trap Enable this toggle button to enable SNMP Trap probe
per Cisco ISE node that has assumed the Policy
Service Persona to receive linkUp, linkDown, and
MAC notification traps from the network devices.
Enter the required values for the following options:
• Link Trap Query: Enable this toggle button to
receive and interpret linkup and linkdown
notifications received through the SNMP Trap.
• MAC Trap Query: Enable this toggle button to
receive and interpret MAC notifications received
through the SNMP Trap.
• Interface: Choose an interface on the Cisco ISE
• Port: Enter the UDP port of the host to use. The
default port is 162.

Active Directory Enable this toggle button to scan the defined Active
Directory servers for information about Windows
• Days before rescan: Choose the days after which
you want the scan to happen again.

pxGrid Enable this toggle button to allow Cisco ISE to collect

(profile) endpoint attributes over pxGrid.

Related Topics
Cisco ISE Profiling Service, on page 610
Network Probes Used by Profiling Service, on page 613
Configure Profiling Service in Cisco ISE Nodes, on page 612

Logging Settings
The following sections explain how to configure the severity of debug logs, create an external log target, and
enable Cisco ISE to send log messages to these external log targets.

Remote Logging Target Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Remote Logging Targets window that you use to create external
locations (syslog servers) to store logging messages. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and
choose Administration > System > Logging > Remote Logging Targets. Click Add.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Remote Logging Target Settings

Table 7: Remote Logging Target Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter a name for the new syslog target.

Target Type Select the target type from the drop-down list. The
default value is UDP Syslog.

Description Enter a brief description of the new target.

IP Address Enter the IP address or hostname of the destination

machine that will store the logs. Cisco ISE supports
IPv4 and IPv6 formats for logging.

Port Enter the port number of the destination machine.

Facility Code Choose the syslog facility code that must be used for
logging from the drop-down list. Valid options are
Local0 through Local7.

Maximum Length Enter the maximum length of the remote log target
messages. Valid values are from 200 through 1024

Buffer Message When Server Down This check box is displayed when you choose TCP
Syslog or Secure Syslog from the Target Type
drop-down list. Check this check box to allow Cisco
ISE to buffer the syslog messages when a TCP syslog
target or secure syslog target is unavailable. Cisco
ISE retries sending the messages to the target when
the connection to the target resumes. After the
connection resumes, messages are sent sequentially,
starting with the oldest and proceeding to the newest.
Buffered messages are always sent before new
messages. If the buffer is full, old messages are

Buffer Size (MB) Set the buffer size for each target. By default, it is set
to 100 MB. Changing the buffer size clears the buffer
and all existing buffered messages for the specific
target are lost.

Reconnect Timeout (Sec) Enter the time (in seconds) to configure how long the
TCP and secure syslogs are stored before being
discarded, when the server is down.

Select CA Certificate This drop-down list is displayed when you choose

Secure Syslog from the Target Type drop-down list.
Choose a client certificate from the drop-down list.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Logging Categories

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Ignore Server Certificate Validation This check box is displayed when you choose Secure
Syslog from the Target Type drop-down list. Check
this check box for Cisco ISE to ignore server
certificate authentication and accept any syslog server.

Configure Logging Categories

The following table describes the fields which you use to configure a logging category. Set a log severity
level and choose the logging targets for the logs of a logging category. To view this window, click the Menu
icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Logging > Logging Categories.
Click the radio button next to the logging category you want to view, and click Edit. The following table
describes the fields that are displayed in the edit window of the logging categories.

Table 8: Logging Category Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Displays the name of the logging category.

Log Severity Level For some logging categories, this value is set by
default and you cannot edit it. For some logging
categories, you can choose one of the following
severity levels from a drop-down list:
• FATAL: Emergency level. This level means that
you cannot use Cisco ISE and you must
immediately take the necessary actions.

• ERROR: This level indicates a critical error


• WARN: This level indicates a normal but

significant condition. This is the default level set
for many logging categories.

• INFO: This level indicates an informational


• DEBUG: This level indicates a diagnostic bug


Local Logging Check this check box to enable logging events for the
category on the local node.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Admin Access Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Targets This area allows you to choose the targets for a

logging category by transferring the targets between
the Available and the Selected areas using the left
and right arrow icons. The Available area contains
the existing logging targets, both local (predefined)
and external (user-defined). The Selected area, which
is initially empty, then displays the targets that have
been chosen for the category.

Admin Access Settings

These sections enable you to configure access settings for administrators.

Administrator Password Policy Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Password Policy tab, which you can use to define a criteria
that administrator passwords should meet. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > System > Admin Access > Authentication > Password Policy.

Table 9: Administrator Password Policy Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Minimum Length Specify the minimum length of the password (in

characters). The default is six characters.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Administrator Password Policy Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Password must not contain Admin name or its characters in reverse order:
Check this check box to restrict the use of the
administrator username or its characters in reverse
order as the password.

"Cisco" or its characters in reverse order: Check

this check box to restrict the use of the word “Cisco”
or its characters in the reverse order as the password.

This word or its characters in reverse order: Check

this check box to restrict the use of any word that you
define or its characters in the reverse order as the

Repeated characters four or more times

consecutively: Check this check box to restrict the
use of repeated characters four or more times
consecutively as the password.

Dictionary words, their characters in reverse order

or their letters replaced with other characters:
Check this check box to restrict the use of dictionary
words, their characters in reverse order or their letters
replaced with other characters, as the password.
Substitution of "$" for "s", "@" for "a", "0" for "o",
"1" for "l", "!" for "i", "3" for "e", and so on, is not
permitted. For example, "Pa$$w0rd" is not permitted.
• Default Dictionary: Choose this option to use
the default Linux dictionary in Cisco ISE. The
default dictionary contains approximately
480,000 English words.
This option is selected by default.
• Custom Dictionary: Choose this option to use
your customized dictionary. Click Choose File
to select a custom dictionary file. The text file
must be of newline-delimited words, .dic
extension, and size less than 20 MB.

Password must contain at least one character of Check the check box for the type of characters an
each of the selected types administrator's password must contain. Choose one
or more of the following options:
• Lowercase alphabetic characters
• Uppercase alphabetic characters
• Numeric characters
• Non-alphanumeric characters

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Session Timeout and Session Information Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Password History Specify the number of previous passwords from which

the new password must be different to prevent the
repeated use of the same password. Check the
Password must be different from the previous
nversions check box, and enter the number in the
corresponding field.
Enter the number of days before which you cannot
reuse a password. Check the Cannot reuse password
within n days check box, and enter the number in the
corresponding field.

Password Lifetime Check the check boxes for the following options to
force users to change passwords after a specified time
• Administrator passwords expire n days after
creation or last change: Time (in days) before
the administrator account is disabled if the
password is not changed. The valid range is 1 to
3,650 days.
• Send an email reminder to administrators n
days prior to password expiration: Time (in
days) before which the administrator is reminded
that their password will expire. The valid range
is 1 to 3,650 days.

Display Network Device Sensitive Data

Require Admin Password Check this check box if you want the admin user to
enter the log in password to view network device
sensitive data such as shared secrets and passwords.

Password cached for n Minutes The password that is entered by the admin user is
cached for this time period. The admin user will not
be prompted to enter the password again during this
period to view the network device sensitive data. The
valid range is from 1 to 60 minutes.

Related Topics
Cisco ISE Administrators, on page 3
Create a New Administrator, on page 4

Session Timeout and Session Information Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Session window, which you can use to define session timeout
and terminate an active administrative session. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > System > Admin Access > Settings > Session.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Administration Node

Table 10: Session Timeout and Session Info Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Session Timeout

Session Idle Timeout Enter the time in minutes that you want Cisco ISE to
wait before it logs out the administrator if there is no
activity. The default value is 60 minutes. The valid
range is from 6 to 100 minutes.

Session Info

Invalidate Check the check box next to the session ID that you
want to terminate and click Invalidate.

Related Topics
Administrator Access Settings, on page 214
Configure Session Timeout for Administrators, on page 218
Terminate an Active Administrative Session, on page 218

Administration Node
A Cisco ISE node with the Administration persona allows you to perform all administrative operations on
Cisco ISE. It handles all system-related configurations that are related to functionality such as authentication,
authorization, auditing, and so on. In a distributed environment, you can have a maximum of two nodes
running the Administration persona. The Administration persona can take on any one of the following roles:
Standalone, Primary, or Secondary.

High Availability for the Administrative Node

In a high availability configuration, the primary Policy Administration node (PAN) is in the active state. The
secondary PAN is in the standby state, which means it receives all configuration updates from the primary
PAN, but is not active in the Cisco ISE network.
Cisco ISE supports manual and automatic failover. With automatic failover, when the primary PAN goes
down, an automatic promotion of the secondary PAN is initiated. Automatic failover requires a
non-administration secondary node, which is called a health check node. The health check node checks the
health of the primary PAN. If the health detects that the primary PAN is down or unreachable, the health
check node initiates the promotion of the secondary PAN to take over the primary role.
To deploy the automatic failover feature, you must have at least three nodes, where two of the nodes assume
the Administration persona, and one node acts as the health check node. A health check node is a
non-administration node and can be a PSN, MnT, pxGrid node, or a combination of these. If the primary and
secondary PANs are in different data centers, you must have a health check node for each PAN.
The following table lists the features that are affected when the primary PAN goes down and the secondary
PAN is yet to take over.

Features Available when primary PAN is down? (Yes/No)

Existing internal user RADIUS authentication Yes

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

High-Availability Health Check Nodes

Features Available when primary PAN is down? (Yes/No)

Existing or new AD user RADIUS authentication Yes

Existing endpoint with no profile change Yes

Existing endpoint with profile change No

New endpoint learned through profiling. No

Existing guest: Local Web Authentication (LWA) Yes

Existing guest: Central Web Authentication (CWA) Yes (apart from flows enabled for device registration,
such as Hotspot, BYOD, and CWA with automatic
device registration)

Guest change password No

Guest: AUP No

Guest: Max Failed Login Enforcement No

New Guest (Sponsored or Self-registered) No

Posture Yes

BYOD with Internal CA No

Existing Registered Devices Yes

MDM on-boarding No

pxGrid Service No

Log in to GUI of secondary nodes Yes (The login process is delayed as a blocking call
to the PAN is attempted to update the last login
details. The login proceeds once above call times-out)

To support certificate provisioning with the internal certificate authority, you must to import the root certificate
of the original primary PAN and its key into the new primary node, after promotion. Certificate provisioning
does not work after automatic failover for the PSN nodes that are added after the promotion of the secondary
node to primary PAN.

High-Availability Health Check Nodes

The health check node for Primary PAN is called the active health check node. The health check node for
Secondary PAN is called the passive health check node. The active health check node is responsible for
checking status of Primary PAN, and managing the automatic failover of Administration nodes. We
recommended using two non-administration ISE nodes as health check nodes, one for the Primary and one
for the Secondary PAN. IF you use only one health check node, and that node goes down, automatic failover
will not happen.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Health Check Nodes

When both PANs are in the same data center, you can use a single non-administration ISE node as the health
check node for both the Primary PAN and the Secondary PAN. When a single health check node checks the
health of both the Primary PAN and the Secondary PAN, it assumes both the active and passive roles.
A health check node is a non-administration node, which means it can be a Policy Service, Monitoring, or
pxGrid node, or a combination of those. We recommend that you designate PSN nodes in the same data center
as the Administration nodes as health check nodes. However, in a small or a centralized deployment, where
the two Administration nodes are not in the same location (LAN or data center), any node (PSN/pxGrid/MnT)
not having the Administration persona can be used as health check node.
If you chose not to enable automatic failover, and rely on manually promoting the secondary node when the
primary PAN fails, then you do not need any check nodes.

Health Check Node for the Secondary PAN

The health check node for the Secondary PAN is a passive monitor. It does not take any action until the
Secondary PAN has been promoted as the Primary PAN. When the Secondary PAN takes over the primary
role, its associated health check node takes the active role for managing automatic failover of Administration
nodes. The health check node of the previous Primary PAN becomes the health check node for the Secondary
PAN now and would monitor it passively.

Disabling and Restarting Health Check

When a node is removed from the health check role or auto-failover configuration is disabled, the health check
service is stopped on that node. When the auto-failover configuration is enabled on the designated
high-availability health check node, the node starts checking health of Administration nodes again. Designating
or removing the high-availability health check role on a node does not involve any application restart on that
node; only the health check activities are started or stopped.
If the high-availability health check node is restarted, it ignores the previous downtimes of Primary PAN and
starts checking the health status afresh.

Health Check Nodes

The active health check node checks the health status of the primary PAN at a configured polling interval. It
sends a request to the primary PAN, and if the response that it receives matches the configuration, then the
health check node considers the primary PAN to be in good health. Otherwise, the health check node considers
the primary PAN to be in bad health. If the health of the primary PAN is bad continuously for more than the
configured failover period, then the health check node initiates failover to the secondary PAN.
If at any time during the health check, health status is found to be good after being reported as bad previously
within the failover period, then the health check node marks the primary PAN status as good, and resets the
health check cycle.
Response from health check of the primary PAN is validated against the configuration values available on its
health check node. If the response does not match it would raise an alarm. However, a promotion request will
be made to the secondary PAN.

Changing Health Nodes

You can change the Cisco ISE node that you are using for a health check, but there are some things to consider.
For example, assume that the health check node (H1) goes out-of-sync and some other node (H2) is made the
health check node of the primary PAN. In such a case, once the primary PAN goes down, there is no way for

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Automatic Failover to the Secondary PAN

H1 to know that there is another node (H2) checking the same primary PAN. Later, if H2 goes down or out
of network, an actual failover is required. The secondary PAN, however, retains the right to reject the promotion
request. So, once the secondary PAN has been promoted to the primary role, a promotion request from H2 is
rejected with an error. Even if a health check node for the primary PAN is out of sync, it continues to check
the health of the primary PAN.

Automatic Failover to the Secondary PAN

You can configure Cisco ISE to automatically the promote the secondary PAN when the primary PAN becomes
unavailable. The configuration is done on the primary Policy Administration node (Primary PAN) in the
Deployment window. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System >
Deployment. The failover period is defined as the number of times configured in Number of Failure Polls
Before Failover times the number of seconds configured in Polling Interval. With the default configuration,
that time is 10 minutes. Promotion of the secondary PAN to primary takes another 10 minutes. So by default,
the total time from primary PAN failure to secondary PAN working is 20 minutes.
When the secondary PAN receives the failover call, it carries out the following validations before proceeding
with the actual failover:
• The primary PAN isn’t available in the network.
• The failover request came from a valid health check node.
• The failover request is for this PAN.

If all the validations pass, the secondary PAN promotes itself to the primary role.
The following are some sample (but not limited to) scenarios where automatic failover of the secondary PAN
would be attempted.
• Health of primary PAN is consistently not good for the Number of failure polls before failover value
during the polling period.
• Cisco ISE services on the primary PAN are manually stopped, and remain stopped for the failover period.
• The primary PAN is shut down using soft halt or reboot option, and remains shut down for the configured
failover period.
• The primary PAN goes down abruptly (power down), and remains down for the failover period.
• The network interface of primary PAN is down (network port shut or network service down), or it’s not
reachable by the health check node for any other reason, and remains down for the configured failover

Health Check Node Restarts

Upon restart, the high availability health check node ignores the previous downtimes of primary PAN and
checks the health status afresh.

Bring Your Own Device In Case Of Automatic Failover To Secondary PAN

When the primary PAN is down, authentication isn’t interrupted for the endpoints that already have certificates
issued by the primary PAN root CA chain. This is because all the nodes in the deployment have the entire
certificate chain for trust and validation purposes.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Sample Scenarios when Automatic Failover is Avoided

However, until the secondary PAN is promoted to primary, new BYOD devices won’t be onboarded. BYOD
onboarding requires an active primary PAN.
Once the original primary PAN is brought back up or the secondary PAN is promoted, new BYOD endpoints
will be onboarded without any issues.
If the primary PAN that failed can’t be re-joined as the primary PAN, regenerate the root CA certificate on
the newly promoted primary PAN (the original secondary PAN).
For existing certificate chains, triggering a new root CA certificate, results in the automatic generation of the
subordinate CA certificates. Even when new subordinate certificates are generated, endpoints certificates that
were generated by the previous chain continue to be valid.

Sample Scenarios when Automatic Failover is Avoided

The following are some sample scenarios that depict cases where automatic failover by the health check node
would be avoided or promotion request to the secondary node would be rejected.
• The node receiving the promotion request is not the secondary node.
• The promotion request received by the secondary PAN does not have the correct primary PAN information.
• The promotion request is received from an incorrect health check node.
• The promotion request is received but the primary PAN is up and in good health.
• The node receiving the promotion request goes out-of-sync.

Functionalities Affected by the PAN Automatic Failover Feature

The following table lists the functionalities that are blocked or require additional configuration changes if the
PAN automatic failover configuration is enabled in your deployment.

Functionality Affect Details

Operations that are Blocked

Upgrade Upgrade via the CLI is blocked.

The PAN automatic failover feature will be available
for configuration after you upgrade from a previous
version of Cisco ISE to release 1.4. By default, this
feature is disabled.
To deploy the auto-failover feature, you must have at
least three nodes, where two of the nodes assume the
Administration persona, and one node acts as the
health check node. A health check node is a
non-administration node and can be a PSN, MnT,
pxGrid node, or a combination of these. If the PANs
are in different data centers, you must have a health
check node for each PAN.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Functionalities Affected by the PAN Automatic Failover Feature

Functionality Affect Details

Restore of Backup Restore via the CLI and user interface will be blocked.
If the PAN automatic failover configuration was
enabled prior to restore, you must reconfigure it after
a successful restore.

Change Node Persona Change of the following node personas via the user
interface will be blocked:
• Administration persona in both the primary and
secondary PANs
• Persona of the PAN
• Deregistration of health check node after
enabling the PAN automatic failover feature

Other CLI Operations The following admin operations via the CLI will be
• Patch Installation and Roll back
• DNS server change
• IP address change of eth1, eth2, and eth3
• Host alias change of eth1, eth2, and eth3
• Timezone change

Other Administration Portal Operations The following administrative operations via the user
interface will be blocked:
• Patch Installation and Roll back
• Change of HTTPS certificate
• Change of admin authentication type from
password-based authentication to
certificate-based authentication and vice versa

Users with maximum connected devices cannot Some session data is stored on the failed PAN, and
connect. can't be updated by the PSN.

Operations that Require PAN Automatic Failover to be Disabled

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Primary PAN for Automatic Failover

Functionality Affect Details

CLI Operations The following administrative operations via the CLI

will display a warning message if the PAN automatic
failover configuration is enabled. These operations
may trigger automatic failover if service or system is
not restarted within the failover window. Hence, while
performing the below operations it is recommended
to disable the PAN automatic failover configuration:
• Manual stopping the Cisco ISE service
• Soft reload (reboot) of Cisco ISE using the admin

Configure Primary PAN for Automatic Failover

Before you begin
To deploy the automatic failover feature, you must have at least three nodes, where two of the nodes assume
the Administration persona, and one node acts as the health check node. A health check node is a
non-administration node and can be a PSN, MnT, pxGrid node, or a combination of these. If the PANs are in
different data centers, you must have a health check node for each PAN.

Step 1 Log in to the user interface of the primary PAN.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment > PAN Failover.
Step 3 Check the Enable PAN Auto Failover check box, to enable automatic failover of the primary PAN.
You can only promote a secondary PAN to become the Primary PAN. Cisco ISE nodes that assume only the PSN, MnT,
pxGrid node, or a combination of these, cannot be promoted to become the Primary PAN.

Step 4 Select the health check node for primary PAN from the Primary Health Check Node drop-down list containing all the
available secondary nodes.
It is recommended to have this node in the same location or data center as the primary PAN.

Step 5 Select the health check node for secondary PAN, from the Secondary Health Check Node drop-down list containing
all the available secondary nodes.
It is recommended to have this node in the same location or data center as the secondary PAN.

Step 6 Provide the Polling Interval time after which the PAN status will be checked. The valid range is 30–300 seconds.
Step 7 Provide the count for Number of Failure Polls before Failover
The failover occurs if the status of the PAN is not good for the specified number of failure polls. The valid range is 2–60

Step 8 Click Save

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Manually Promote Secondary PAN To Primary

What to do next
After the promotion of secondary PAN to the primary PAN, do the following:
• Manually sync the old primary PAN to bring it back into the deployment.
• Manually sync any other secondary node that is outof sync, to bring it back into the deployment.

Manually Promote Secondary PAN To Primary

If the primary PAN fails and you have not configured PAN automatic failover, you must manually promote
the secondary PAN to become the new primary PAN.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have a second Cisco ISE node configured with the Administration persona to promote as your
primary PAN.

Step 1 Log in to the user interface of the secondary PAN.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 3 In the Edit Node window, click Promote to Primary.
You can only promote a secondary PAN to become the primary PAN. Cisco ISE nodes that assume only the Policy
Service or Monitoring persona, or both, cannot be promoted to become the primary PAN.

Step 4 Click Save.

What to do next
If the node that was originally the primary PAN, comes back up, it will be demoted automatically and become
the secondary PAN. You must perform a manual synchronization on this node (that was originally the primary
PAN) to bring it back into the deployment.
In the Edit Node window of a secondary node, you cannot modify the personas or services because the options
are disabled. You have to log in to the Admin portal to make changes.

Reusing a node of an existing Cisco ISE Deployment as a Primary PAN for a

new Cisco ISE Deployment
If you want to repurpose a node of an existing Cisco ISE Deployment to the primary PAN of a new Cisco
ISE Deployment you must follow these steps:

Step 1 First run the Cisco ISE utility "Perform System Erase", as described in the Cisco ISE Installation Guide for your version
of Cisco ISE
Step 2 Perform a fresh install of Cisco ISE, as described in the Cisco ISE Installation Guide.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Restoring Service to the Primary PAN

Step 3 Configure the standalone node as a primary Policy Administration node by referring to Configure a primary Policy
Administration Node (PAN), on page 35.

Restoring Service to the Primary PAN

Cisco ISE does not support automatic fallback to original primary PAN. After the automatic failover to the
secondary PAN is initiated, if you bring the original primary PAN back into the network, you should configure
it as the secondary PAN.

Support for Automatic Failover for the Administration Node

Cisco ISE supports automatic failover for the Administration persona. To enable the automatic failover feature,
at least two nodes in your distributed setup should assume the Administration persona and one node should
assume the non-Administration persona. If the primary PAN goes down, an automatic promotion of the
secondary PAN is initiated. For this, a non-administration secondary node is designated as the health check
node for each of the PANs. The health check node checks the health of the primary PAN at configured intervals.
If the health check response received for the primary PAN is not good for reasons such as the device is down
or unreachable, health check node initiates the promotion of the secondary PAN to take over the primary role
after waiting for the configured threshold value. There are some features that are unavailable after automatic
failover of the secondary PAN. Cisco ISE does not support fallback to the original primary PAN. Refer to the
High Availability for the Administrative Node section for more information.

Policy Service Node

A Policy Service node (PSN) is a Cisco ISE node with the Policy Service persona and provides network
access, posture, guest access, client provisioning, and profiling services.
At least one node in your distributed setup should assume the Policy Service persona. This persona evaluates
the policies and makes all the decisions. Typically, there would be more than one PSN in a distributed
All PSNs that reside in the same high-speed Local Area Network (LAN) or behind a load balancer can be
grouped together to form a node group. If one of the nodes in a node group fails, the other nodes detect the
failure and reset any URL-redirected sessions.

High Availability in Policy Service Nodes

To detect node failure and to reset all URL-redirected sessions on the failed node, two or more PSNs can be
placed in the same node group. When a node that belongs to a node group fails, another node in the same
node group issues a Change of Authorization (CoA) for all URL-redirected sessions on the failed node.
All the nodes within the same node group should be configured on the network access device (NAD) as
RADIUS clients and authorized for CoA, because any one of them can issue a CoA request for the sessions
that are established through any node in the node group. If you are not using a load balancer, the nodes in a
node group should be the same as, or a subset of, the RADIUS servers and clients configured on the NAD.
These nodes would also be configured as RADIUS servers.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Load Balancer To Distribute Requests Evenly Among PSNs

While a single NAD can be configured with many Cisco ISE nodes as RADIUS servers and
dynamic-authorization clients, it is not necessary for all the nodes to be in the same node group.
The members of a node group should be connected to each other using high-speed LAN connection such as
Gigabit Ethernet. The node group members need not be L2 adjacent, but L2 adjacency is highly recommended
to ensure sufficient bandwidth and reachability. See Create a Policy Service Node Group, on page 81 section
for more details.

Load Balancer To Distribute Requests Evenly Among PSNs

When you have multiple PSNs in the deployment, you can use a load balancer to distribute the requests evenly.
The load balancer distributes the requests to the functional nodes behind it. Refer to Cisco and F5 Deployment
Guide: ISE Load Balancing using BIG-IP for information, and to know about best practices when deploying
PSNs behind a load balancer.

Session Failover in Policy Service Nodes

PSNs in a node group share session information. The nodes exchange heartbeat messages to detect node
failures. If a node fails, one of its peers from the node group knows which sessions were on the failed PSN,
and issues a CoA to disconnect those sessions. Most clients automatically reconnect, and establish a new
Some clients don’t automatically reconnect. For example, if a client connects via VPN, then that client may
not see the CoA. Clients that are IP Phones, multihost 802.1X ports, or virtual machines may also not see or
be able to respond to a CoA. URL-redirected clients (webauth) also can’t connect automatically. Those clients
must manually reconnect.
Timing issues can also prevent reconnection. For example, if the posture state is pending at the time of PSN
For more information about PSN session sharing, see Light Data Distribution, on page 64.

Number of Nodes in a Policy Service Node Group

The number of nodes that you can have in a node group depends on your deployment requirements. Node
groups ensure that node failures are detected and that a peer issues a CoA for sessions that are authorized, but
not yet postured. The size of the node group does not have to be very large.
If the size of the node group increases, the number of messages and heartbeats that are exchanged between
the nodes increases significantly. As a result, traffic also increases. Having fewer nodes in a node group helps
reduce the traffic and at the same time provides sufficient redundancy to detect PSN failures.
There is no hard limit on the number of PSNs that you can have in a node group cluster.

Light Data Distribution

Light Data Distribution is used to store the user session information and replicate it across the PSNs in a
deployment, thereby eliminating the need to be dependent on the PAN or MnT nodes for user session details.
Light Data Distribution consists of the following two directories:
• Radius Session Directory

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Radius Session Directory

• Endpoint Owner Directory

In addition, you can configure the following options under Advanced Settings:
• Batch Size: The session updates can be sent in batches. This value specifies the number of records sent
in each batch from a Light Data Distribution instance to the other PSNs in the deployment. If this field
is set to 1, the session updates are not sent in batches. The default value is 10 records.
• TTL: This value specifies the maximum time a session will wait for the batch to complete before updating
the Light Data Distribution. The default value is 1000 milliseconds.

In case of connectivity issues between the PSNs (for example, when a PSN is down), the session details are
retrieved from the MnT session directory and stored for future use.
Large deployments can hold up to 2,000,000 session records. Small deployments can store 1,000,000 session
records. When an accounting stop request is received for a session, the corresponding session data is deleted
from all Light Data Distribution instances. When the number of stored records exceeds the maximum limit,
oldest sessions are deleted based on the timestamp.

Note • If the IPv6 prefix length of a session is less than 128 bits and the interface ID is not specified, the IPv6
prefix is rejected, thereby preventing multiple sessions from having the same key.
• Light Data Distribution uses Cisco ISE messaging services for inter-node communication. Cisco ISE
messaging service uses a different certificate (signed by internal-CA chain). In case you are facing issues
with the Cisco ISE messaging service, you have to regenerate Cisco ISE messaging service certificate.
In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates >
Certificate Management > Certificate Signing Requests. Select ISE Messaging service in the
Certificate(s) will be used for section. Click generate ISE messaging service certificate.

Radius Session Directory

The RADIUS Session Directory is used to store the user session information and replicate it across the PSNs
in a deployment. The RADIUS Session Directory stores only the session attributes that are required for
Change of Authorization (CoA).
This feature is enabled by default from Cisco ISE Release 2.7. You can enable or disable this feature, by
checking or unchecking the RADIUS Session Directory check box in the Light Data Distribution window.
To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Light
Data Distribution.

Endpoint Owner Directory

Until Cisco ISE Release 2.6, when an endpoint probe is received on a Policy Service node (PSN), that is
different from the one that originally handled the requests for that specific endpoint, the endpoint owner is
changed to the new PSN. This results in endpoint ownership flapping.
From Cisco ISE Release 2.7, the Endpoint Owner Directory is used to store the PSN FQDN of each MAC
address connecting to Cisco ISE and to replicate this data across the PSNs in a deployment. This avoids
endpoint ownership flapping because all the PSNs are now aware of all the endpoint owners. The endpoint
ownership now changes only in case of a successful RADIUS authentication of that endpoint on another PSN.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Monitoring Node

In addition, the static endpoint assignments are prioritized over the attributes received by an incoming probe
for the same endpoint, avoiding attribute override issues.
This feature is enabled by default from Cisco ISE Release 2.7. If required, you can disable it to fall back to
the old mechanism of not using the endpoint owner directory. The Endpoint Owner Directory is also used
in profiling and disabling this option will use the legacy profiler owner's directory. You can enable or disable
this feature, by checking or unchecking the Enable Endpoint Owner Directory check box in the Light Data
Distribution window. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System >
Settings > Light Data Distribution.

Monitoring Node
A Cisco ISE node with the Monitoring persona functions as the log collector and stores log messages from
the PANs and PSNs in your network. This persona provides advanced monitoring and troubleshooting tools
that you can use to effectively manage your network and resources. A node with this persona aggregates and
correlates the data that it collects to provide you with meaningful information in the form of reports.
Cisco ISE allows you to have a maximum of two nodes with this persona that can take on primary or secondary
roles for high availability. Both the primary and secondary MnT nodes collect log messages. If the primary
MnT goes down, the primary PAN points to secondary node to gather monitoring data. But the secondary
node will not be promoted to primary automatically. This should be done by Manually Modify MnT Role.
At least one node in your distributed setup should assume the Monitoring persona. We recommend that you
not have the Monitoring and Policy Service personas enabled on the same Cisco ISE node. We recommend
that the node be dedicated solely to monitoring for optimum performance.
You can access the Monitoring menu from the PAN in your deployment.

Note If you have enabled pxGrid, you must create a new certificate for the pxGrid node. Create the certificate
template with digital signature usage and generate a new PxGrid certificate.

Manually Modify MnT Role

You can manually modify MnT roles (both from primary to secondary and from secondary to primary) from
the primary PAN.

Step 1 Log in to the user interface of the primary PAN.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 3 From the list of nodes, scheck the check box next to the MnT node for which you want to change the role.
Step 4 Click Edit.
Step 5 In the Monitoring section, change the role to Primary or Secondary.
Step 6 Click Save.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Syslog over Cisco ISE Messaging Service

Note You can enable the Dedicated MnT option if you want to disable all other personas and services enabled on
that node. When this option is enabled, the configuration data replication process is stopped on that node.
This helps to improve the performance of the MnT node. When you disable this option, manual synchronization
is triggered.

Syslog over Cisco ISE Messaging Service

Cisco ISE Release 2.6 offers MnT WAN Survivability for the default, built-in UDP syslog collection targets,
LogCollector and LogCollector2. This survivability is enabled by the option Use "ISE Messaging Service"
for UDP Syslogs delivery to MnT (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose System >
Logging > Log Settings). When you enable this option, the UDP syslogs are protected by Transport Layer
Security (TLS).
The Use "ISE Messaging Service" for UDP Syslogs delivery to MnT option is disabled by default in Cisco
ISE Release 2.6, First Customer Ship (FCS). This option is enabled by default in Cisco ISE Release 2.6
Cumulative Patch 2 and later releases.
Using the Cisco ISE messaging service for UDP syslogs retains the operational data for a finite duration even
when the MnT node is unreachable. The MnT WAN Survivability period is approximately 2 hours and 30
This service uses TCP port 8671. Please configure your network accordingly and allow the connections to
TCP port 8671 on each Cisco ISE node from all other Cisco ISE nodes in the deployment. The following
features also use Cisco ISE messaging service: Light Session Directory (see the section "Light Session
Directory" in Chapter "Set Up Cisco ISE in a Distributed Environment" in Cisco Identity Service Engine
Administrator Guide , and Profiler Persistence Queue. .

Note If your deployment uses TCP or Secure syslogs for Cisco ISE deployment, the functionality remains same as
the earlier releases.

Queue-link Alarm
The Cisco ISE messaging service uses a different certificate, signed by the internal-CA chain.You might get
a queue-link alarm in the Alarms dashlet in the Cisco ISE GUI dashboard. This alarm is expected in case
you are performing any deployment operations such as registering a node to deployment, manually syncing
a node from primary PAN, a node is in out-of-sync state or the application service is getting restarted in the
nodes. Ensure the following to resolve the alarm:
• All the nodes are connected and synced.
• All the nodes and Cisco ISE messaging services are functional.
• Cisco ISE messaging services port are not blocked by external entities such as firewalls.
• Cisco ISE messaging certificate chain on each node is not broken and the certificate state is good.

If the prerequisites listed above are met, the queue-link alarm is triggered due to the following actions:
• Changing the domain name or hostname of your PAN or PSN.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Automatic Failover in MnT Nodes

• Restoring a backup on a new deployment.

• Promoting the old primary PAN to new primary PAN post upgrade.

To resolve the queue-link alarm, regenerate the Cisco ISE Root CA chain. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Management > Certificate
Signing Requests. Click on Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR). Select the ISE Root CA in the
Certificate(s) will be used for drop-down list. Click on Replace ISE root CA Certificate Chain.
A Queue Link Error alarm can be generated due to the following scenarios:
• Timeout: A Queue Link Error alarm with cause Timeout occurs when there is a network issue between
two nodes in the Cisco ISE deployment. Check the connectivity on port 8671 to troubleshoot this error.
• Unknown CA: A Queue Link Error alarm with cause Unknown CA occurs when when there is a
broken Cisco ISE Messaging Certificate present in the System Certificates window (To view this
window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > System
Certificates.) This issue can be resolved by regenerating the Cisco ISE Messaging Certificate by choosing
Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Management > Certificate Signing Requests
and then clicking on Generate Certificate Signing Request (CSR) from the Cisco ISE GUI. The
regeneration is not required if you have already replaced the Cisco ISE root CA certificate chain.

When you replace the Cisco ISE Root CA chain, the Cisco ISE Messaging Service certificate will also be
replaced. This will be followed by the restart of the Cisco ISE Messaging service with a downtime of about
two minutes. As a result, the syslogs will be lost during this downtime. To avoid losing the syslogs during
the downtime, the Cisco ISE Messaging Service can be disabled for a short period.
To enable or disable the Cisco ISE messaging service for UDP Syslogs delivery to MnT:

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose System > Logging > Log Settings.
Step 2 Check or uncheck the Use “ISE Messaging Service” for UDP Syslogs delivery to MnT check box to enable to disable
the use of the ISE Messaging Service.
Step 3 Click Save.

Automatic Failover in MnT Nodes

MnT nodes do not offer high availablity, but do offer active standby. The PSN copies operational audit data
to both the primary and secondary MnT nodes.

Automatic Failover Process

When a primary MnT node goes down, the secondary MnT node takes over all monitoring and troubleshooting
To manually convert the secondary node to a primary node, see Manually Modify MnT Role. If the primary
node comes back up after the secondary node was promoted, it takes the secondary role. If the secondary node
was not promoted, the primary MnT node resumes the primary role, after it comes back up.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Automatic Failover in MnT Nodes

Caution When the primary node comes back up after a failover, obtain a backup of the secondary and restore the data
to update the primary node.

Guidelines for Setting Up an Active Standby Pair of MnT Nodes

You can specify two MnT nodes on a Cisco ISE network, and configure then to be an active standby pair.
We recommend that you back up the primary MnT node, and restore the data to the new secondary MnT node.
This ensures that the history of the primary MnT node is synchronized with the new secondary node as the
primary replicates new data. The following rules apply to an active standby pair:
• All changes are logged to the primary MnT node. The secondary node is read-only.
• Changes made to the primary node are automatically replicated on the secondary node
• Both the primary and secondary nodes are listed as log collectors, to which all other nodes send logs.
• The Cisco ISE dashboard is the main entry point for monitoring and troubleshooting. Monitoring
information is displayed on the dashboard from the PAN . If the primary node goes down, monitoring
information is available on the secondary node.
• Backing up and purging MnT data is not part of a standard Cisco ISE node backup process. You must
configure repositories for backup and data purging on both the primary and secondary MnT nodes, and
use the same repositories for each.

MnT Node Failover Scenarios

The following scenarios apply to the active-standby or single node configurations corresponding to the MnT
• In an active-standby configuration of the MnT nodes, the primary PAN always points to the primary
MnT node to collect the monitoring data. After the primary MnT node fails, the PAN points to the standby
MnT node. The failover from the primary node to the secondary node happens after it is down for more
than five minutes.
However, after the primary node fails, the secondary node does not become the primary node. In case
the primary node comes up, the PAN starts collecting the monitoring data again from the resumed primary
• If the primary MnT node is down, and you want to promote the standby MnT node to active status, you
can do so by Manually Modify MnT Role or by de-registering the existing primary MnT node. When
you de-register the existing primary MnT node, the standby node becomes the primary MnT node, and
the PAN automatically points to the newly promoted primary node.
• In an active-standby pair, if you de-register the secondary MnT node or if the secondary MnT node goes
down, the existing primary MnT node remains current the primary node.
• If there is only one MnT node in the Cisco ISE deployment, then that node acts as the primary MnT
node, and provides monitoring data to the PAN. However, when you register a new MnT node, and make
it the primary node in the deployment, the existing primary MnT node automatically becomes the standby
node. The PAN points to the newly registered primary MnT node to collect monitoring data.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Monitoring Database

Monitoring Database
The rate and amount of data that is utilized by monitoring functions requires a separate database on a dedicated
node that is used for these purposes.
Like PSN, MnT node has a dedicated database that requires you to perform maintenance tasks, such as the
topics covered in this section:

Back Up and Restore of the Monitoring Database

Monitoring database handles large volumes of data. Over time, the performance and efficiency of the MnT
node depends on how well you manage that data. To increase efficiency, we recommend that you back up the
data and transfer it to a remote repository on a regular basis. You can automate this task by scheduling automatic

Note You should not perform a backup when a purge operation is in progress. If you start a backup during a purge
operation, the purge operation stops or fails.

If you register a secondary MnT node, we recommend that you first back up the primary MnT node and then
restore the data to the new secondary MnT node. This ensures that the history of the primary MnT node is in
sync with the new secondary node as new changes are replicated.

Monitoring Database Purge

The purging process allows you to manage the size of the Monitoring database by specifying the number of
months to retain the data during a purge. The default is three months. This value is utilized when the disk
space usage threshold for purging (percentage of disk space) is met. For this option, each month consists of
30 days. A default of three months equals 90 days.

Guidelines for Purging the Monitoring Database

The following are some guidelines to follow relating to Monitoring database disk usage:
• If the Monitoring database disk usage is greater than 80 percent of the threshold setting, a critical alarm
is generated indicating that the database size has exceeded the allocated disk size. If the disk usage is
greater than 90 percent another alarm is generated.
A purge process runs, creating a status history report that you can view in the Data Purging Audit
window. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > Reports >
Audit > Data Purging Audit. An information (INFO) alarm is generated when the purge completes.
• Purging is also based on the percentage of consumed disk space for the database. When the consumed
disk space for the Monitoring database is equal to or exceeds the threshold (the default is 80 percent),
the purge process starts. This process deletes only the oldest seven days of monitoring data, irrespective
of what is configured in the Admin portal. It will continue this process in a loop until the disk space is
below 80 percent. Purging always checks the Monitoring database disk space limit before proceeding.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Operational Data Purging

Operational Data Purging

Cisco ISE Monitoring Operational database contains information that is generated as Cisco ISE reports. Recent
Cisco ISE releases have options to purge the monitoring operational data and reset the monitoring database
after running the Cisco ISE admin CLI command application configure ise.
The purge option is used to clean up the data and will prompt to ask the number of days to be retained. The
reset option is used to reset the database to the factory default, so that all the data that is backed up will be
permanently deleted. You can reset the database if the files are consuming too much file system space.

Note The reset option will cause Cisco ISE services to be temporarily unavailable until it restarts.

The Operational Data Purging window contains the Database Utilization and Purge Data Now areas. To
view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Maintenance >
Operational Data Purging. You can view the total available database space and the RADIUS and TACACS
data stored in the Database Utilization area. You can hover the mouse over the status bar to display the
available disk space and the number of days the existing data is stored in the database. You can specify the
period during which the RADIUS and TACACS data is supposed to be retained in the Data Retention Period
area. Data is purged at 4 AM every day, and you can configure to export data to a repository before it is purged
by specifying the number of retention days. You can check the Enable Export Repository check box to
select and create a repository, and specify an Encryption Key.
In the Purge Data Now area, you can purge all RADIUS and TACACS data or specify the number of days
beyond which data is supposed to be purged.

Note You can export the RADIUS authentication and accounting, TACACS authorization and accounting, RADIUS
errors, and misconfigured supplicants tables to a repository before purging.

Related Topics
Purge Older Operational Data, on page 71

Purge Older Operational Data

The operational data gets collected in the server over a period of time. It can be purged either instantly or
periodically. You can verify the success of the data purge by viewing the Data Purging Audit report.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Maintenance > Operational
Data Purging.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• In the Data Retention Period area:
a. Specify the time period in days, for which RADIUS and TACACS data should be retained. All the data prior to
the specified time period will be exported to a repository.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure MnT Nodes for Automatic Failover

b. In the Repository area, check the Enable Export Repository check box to choose the repository to save data.
c. In the Encryption Key text box, enter the required password.
d. Click Save.
Note If the configured retention period is less than the existing retention thresholds corresponding to the
diagnostics data, then the configured value overrides the existing threshold values. For example, if
you configure the retention period as three days and this value is less than the existing thresholds in
the diagnostics tables (for example, a default of five days), then the data is purged according to the
value that you configure (three days) in this window.

• In the Purge Data Now area:

a. Choose to purge all data or to purge data that is older than the specified number of days. Data is not saved in
any repository.
b. Click Purge.

Configure MnT Nodes for Automatic Failover

If you have two MnT nodes in a deployment, you can configure a primary-secondary pair for automatic
failover to avoid downtime in the Cisco ISE Monitoring service. A primary-secondary pair ensures that a
secondary MnT node automatically provides monitoring should the primary node fail.

Before you begin

• Before you can configure MnT nodes for automatic failover, they must be registered as Cisco ISE nodes.
• Configure monitoring roles and services on both nodes and name them for their primary and secondary
roles, as appropriate.
• Configure repositories for backup and data purging on both the primary and secondary MnT nodes. For
the backup and purging features to work properly, use the same repositories for both the nodes. Purging
takes place on both the primary and secondary nodes of a redundant pair. For example, if the primary
MnT node uses two repositories for backup and purging, you must specify the same repositories for the
secondary node.
Configure a data repository for a MnT node using the repository command in the system CLI.

Caution For scheduled backup and purge to work properly on the nodes of a monitoring
redundant pair, configure the same repository, or repositories, on both the primary
and secondary nodes using the CLI. The repositories are not automatically synced
between the two nodes.

From the Cisco ISE dashboard, verify that the MnT nodes are ready. The System Summary dashlet shows
the MnT nodes with a green check mark to the left when their services are ready.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco pxGrid Node

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 2 In the Deployment Nodes window, check the check box next to the MnT node that you want to specify as primary, and
click Edit.
Step 3 Click the General Settings tab and choose Primary from the Role drop-down list.
When you choose an MnT node as primary, the other MnT node automatically becomes secondary. In the case of a
standalone deployment, primary and secondary role configuration is disabled.

Step 4 Click Save. Both the primary and secondary nodes restart.

Cisco pxGrid Node

You can use Cisco pxGrid to share the context-sensitive information from Cisco ISE session directory with
other network systems such as Cisco ISE ecosystem partner systems and other Cisco platforms. The pxGrid
framework can also be used to exchange policy and configuration data between nodes like sharing tags and
policy objects between Cisco ISE and third-party vendors, and for other information exchanges. Cisco pxGrid
also allows third-party systems to invoke adaptive network control actions (EPS) to quarantine users or devices
or both in response to a network or security event. The Cisco TrustSec information like tag definition, value,
and description can be passed from Cisco ISE via Cisco TrustSec topic to other networks. The endpoint
profiles with Fully Qualified Names (FQNs) can be passed from Cisco ISE to other networks through an
endpoint profile meta topic. Cisco pxGrid also supports bulk download of tags and endpoint profiles.
You can publish and subscribe to SXP bindings (IP-SGT mappings) through Cisco pxGrid. For more
information about SXP bindings, see the Security Group Tag Exchange Protocol section in Cisco ISE Admin
Guide: Segmentation .
In a high-availability configuration, Cisco pxGrid servers replicate information between the nodes through
the PAN. When the PAN goes down, the Cisco pxGrid server stops handling the client registration and
subscription. You need to manually promote the PAN for the Cisco pxGrid server to become active. You can
check the Cisco pxGrid services window (Administration > pxGrid Services) to verify whether a Cisco pxGrid
node is currently in active or standby state.
On the active Cisco node that has the pxGrid persona, these processes show as Running. On the standby
Cisco pxGrid node, they show as Standby. If the active pxGrid node goes down, the standby pxGrid node
detects this, and starts the four pxGrid processes. Within a few minutes, these processes show as Running,
and the standby node becomes the active node. You can verify whether the Cisco pxGrid service is in standby
on that node by running the CLI command show logging application pxgrid/pxgrid.state.
For XMPP (Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol) clients, Cisco pxGrid nodes work in active-standby
high availability mode which means that the Cisco pxGrid Service is in Running state on the active node and
in Disabled state on the standby node.

Note In a High Availability Cisco ISE deployment, the pxGrid persona nodes that work in an active-standby setup
show that the pxGrid service is in running state on the active node and in standby state on the standby node.
To verify the status of pxGrid services on a Cisco ISE node, use the following CLI command:
show logging application pxgrid/pxgrid.state

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Deploy Cisco pxGrid Node

After the automatic failover to the secondary Cisco pxGrid node is initiated, if the original primary Cisco
pxGrid node is brought back into the network, the original primary Cisco pxGrid node will continue to have
the secondary role and will not be promoted back to the primary role unless the current primary node goes

Note At times, the original primary Cisco pxGrid node might be automatically promoted back to the primary role.

In a high availability deployment, when the primary Cisco pxGrid node goes down, it might take around three
to five minutes to switchover to the secondary Cisco pxGrid node. It is recommended that the client waits for
the switchover to complete, before clearing the cache data just in case the primary Cisco pxGrid node fails.
The following logs are available for the Cisco pxGrid node:
• pxgrid.log: State change notifications.
• pxgrid-cm.log: Updates on publisher or subscriber or both and data exchange activity between the client
and the server.
• pxgrid-controller.log: Displays the details of client capabilities, groups, and client authorization.
• pxgrid-jabberd.log: All logs related to system state and authentication.
• pxgrid-pubsub.log: Information related to publisher and subscriber events.

Note If Cisco pxGrid service is disabled on a node, port 5222 is down, but port 8910 (used by web clients) is
functional and continues to respond to the requests.

Note You can enable Cisco pxGrid and Cisco pxGrid persona with the Cisco ISE Advantage license.

Note Cisco pxGrid should be defined in order to work with the Passive ID Work Center. For more information,
see the PassiveID Work Center section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Asset Visibility .

Deploy Cisco pxGrid Node

You can enable Cisco pxGrid persona both on a standalone node and distributed deployment node.

Before you begin

• You must have a Cisco ISE Advantage license to enable the Cisco pxGrid persona.
• For licensing requirements, see ISE Licensing / Ordering.
• All nodes use the CA certificate for Cisco pxGrid service usage. If you used the default certificate for
Cisco pxGrid service before upgrade, upgrade replaces that certificate with the internal CA certificate.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Cisco pxGrid Settings

• You must have port 8910 open for Websockets (pxGrid 2.0) and port 5222 open for XMPP (pxGrid
V1.0). If the Cisco pxGrid service is disabled on a node, port 5222 goes down, but port 8910 remains
functional, and continues to respond to the requests.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 2 In the Deployment Nodes window, check the check box next to the node for which you want to enable the Cisco pxGrid
services, and click Edit.
Step 3 Click the General Settings tab and enable the pxGrid toggle button.
Step 4 Click Save.
When you upgrade from the previous version, the Save option might be disabled. This happens when the browser cache
refers to the old files from the previous version of Cisco ISE. Clear the browser cache to enable the Save option.

Configure Cisco pxGrid Settings

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > pxGrid Services > Settings.
Step 2 Select the following options based on your requirements:
• Automatically approve new certificate-based accounts: Check this check box to automatically approve the
connection requests from new Cisco pxGrid clients.
• Allow password based account creation: Check this check box to enable username or password based authentication
for Cisco pxGrid clients. If this option is enabled, the Cisco pxGrid clients cannot be automatically approved.
A Cisco pxGrid client can register itself with the Cisco pxGrid controller by sending the username via REST API.
The Cisco pxGrid controller generates a password for the Cisco pxGrid client during client registration. The
administrator can approve or deny the connection request.

Step 3 Click Save.

You can use the Test option on the Cisco pxGrid Settings window to run a health check on the Cisco pxGrid
node. You can view the details in the pxgrid or pxgrid-test.log file.

Generate Cisco pxGrid Certificate

Before you begin
Some versions of Cisco ISE have a certificate for Cisco pxGrid that uses NetscapeCertType. We recommend
that you generate a new certificate.
• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Generate Cisco pxGrid Certificate

• A Cisco pxGrid certificate must be generated from the primary PAN.

• If the Cisco pxGrid certificate uses the subject alternative name (SAN) extension, be sure to include the
FQDN of the subject identity as a DNS name entry.
• Create a certificate template with digital signature usage and use that to generate a new Cisco pxGrid

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > pxGrid Services > Client Management >
Step 2 Select one of the following options from the I want to drop-down list:
• Generate a single certificate (without a certificate signing request): You must enter the Common Name (CN)
if you select this option.
• Generate a single certificate (with a certificate signing request): You must enter the Certificate Signing Request
details if you select this option.
• Generate bulk certificates: You can upload a CSV file that contains the required details.
• Download Root Certificate Chain: You can download the root certificates and add them to the trusted certificate
store. You must specify the host name and the certificate download format.

Step 3 Common Name (CN): (Required if you choose to Generate a single certificate (without a certificate signing request)
option.) Enter the FQDN of the pxGrid client.
Step 4 Certificate Signing Request Details: (Required if you choose to Generate a single certificate (without a certificate
signing request) option.) Enter the complete certificate signing request details.
Step 5 Description: (optional) You can enter a description for this certificate.
Step 6 Certificate Template: Click the pxGrig_Certificate_Template link to download the certificate template edit the
template based on your requirements.
Step 7 Subject Alternative Name (SAN): You can add multiple SANs. The following options are available:
• IP address: Enter the IP address of the Cisco pxGrid client to be associated with the certificate.
• FQDN: Enter the fully qualified domain name of the pxGrid client.

Note This field is not displayed if you have selected the Generate Bulk Certificate option.

Step 8 Select one of the following options from the Certificate Download Format drop-down list:
• Certificate in Private Enhanced Electronic Mail (PEM) format, key in PKCS8 PEM format (including
certificate chain): The root certificate, the intermediate CA certificates, and the end entity certificate are represented
in the PEM format. PEM formatted certificate are BASE64-encoded ASCII files. Each certificate starts with the
"--------BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" tag and ends with the "-------END CERTIFICATE----" tag. The end entity’s
private key is stored using PKCS* PEM. It starts with the "-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----" tag
and ends with the "-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----" tag.
• PKCS12 format (including certificate chain; one file for both the certificate chain and key): A binary format
to store the root CA certificate, the intermediate CA certificate, and the end entity 's certificate and private key in
one encrypted file.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Control Permissions for Cisco pxGrid Clients

Step 9 Certificate Password: Enter the password for the certificate and confirm the password by entering it again in the next
Step 10 Click Create.

The certificate that you created is visible in Cisco ISE in the Issued Certificates window. To view this window,
click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Authority >
Issued Certificates. The certificate is also downloaded to your browser's downloads directory.

Note From Cisco ISE 2.4 patch 13 onwards, the certificate requirements have become stricter for the pxGrid service.
If you are using the Cisco ISE default self-signed certificate as the pxGrid certificate, Cisco ISE might reject
that certificate after applying Cisco ISE 2.4 patch 13 or later versions. This is because the older versions of
that certificate have the Netscape Cert Type extension specified as SSL Server, which now fails (a client
certificate is also required now).
Any client with a non-compliant certificate fails to integrate with Cisco ISE. Use a certificate issued by the
internal CA or generate a new certificate with proper usage extensions:
• The Key Usage extension in the certificate must contain the Digital Signature and Key Encipherment
• The Extended Key Usage extension in the certificate must contain the Client Authentication and Server
Authentication fields.
• The Netscape Certificate Type extension is not required. If you like to include that extension, you must
add both SSL Client and SSL Server in the extension.
• If you are using a self-signed certificate, the Basic Constraints CA field must be set to True and the
Key Usage extension must contain the Key Cert Sign field.

Control Permissions for Cisco pxGrid Clients

You can create Cisco pxGrid authorization rules for controlling the permissions for the Cisco pxGrid clients.
Use these rules to control the services that are provided to the Cisco pxGrid clients.
You can create different types of groups and map the services provided to the Cisco pxGrid clients to these
groups. Use the Groups option in the Client Management window to add new groups. You can view the
predefined authorization rules that use predefined groups (such as EPS and ANC) in the Client Management
> Policies window. Note that you can update only the Custom Operations field for the predefined rules.
To create an authorization rule for pxGrid clients:

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > pxGrid Services > Client Management >
Step 2 From the Service drop-down list, choose one of the following options:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

View Nodes in a Deployment


Step 3 From the Operation drop-down list, choose one of the following options:
• <ANY>
• publish
• publish /topic/
• publish /topic/
• publish /topic/
Note You can specify a custom operation if you select this option.

Step 4 From the Groups drop-down list, choose the groups that you want to map to this service.
Predefined groups (such as EPS and ANC) and manually added groups are listed in this drop-down list.

View Nodes in a Deployment

In the Deployment Nodes window, you can view all the Cisco ISE nodes, primary and secondary, that are
part of your deployment.

Step 1 Log in to the primary Cisco ISE Admin portal.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 3 Click Deployment from the navigation pane on the left.
All the Cisco ISE nodes that are part of your deployment are listed.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Download Endpoint Statistical Data From MnT Nodes

Download Endpoint Statistical Data From MnT Nodes

You can download statistical data about endpoints that connect to your network from the MnT nodes. Key
Performance Metrics (KPM), which include the load, CPU usage, authentication traffic data are available that
you can use to monitor and troubleshoot issues in your network. From the Cisco ISE Command-Line Interface
(CLI), use the application configure ise command and choose options 12 or 13 to download the daily KPM
statistics or KPM statistics for the last eight weeks, respectively.
The output of this command provides the following data about endpoints:
• Total endpoints on your network
• Number of endpoints that established a successful connection
• Number of endpoints that failed authentication
• Total number of new endpoints that have connected each day
• Total number of endpoints onboarded each day

The output also includes time stamp details, the total number of endpoints that connected through each of the
Policy Service nodes (PSNs) in the deployment, total number of endpoints, active endpoints, load, and
authentication traffic details.
Refer to the Cisco Identity Services Engine CLI Reference Guide for more information on this command.

Database Crash or File Corruption Issues

Cisco ISE may crash if the oracle database files are corrupted due to power outage or other reasons resulting
in data loss. Based on the incident, follow the steps below to recover from data loss.
• In case of PAN corruption in deployment, you should promote the Secondary PAN to Primary PAN.
• If the secondary PAN's promotion is not possible due to small deployment or any other reason, restore
the most recent available backup.
• In case of PSN corruption, follow the steps to de-register, reset config and register the node again.
• In case of a standalone device, restore the most recent available backup.

Note Obtain the backup from the standalone box regularly to avoid loss in the latest
configuration changes.

Device Configuration for Monitoring

The MnT node receives and uses data from the devices on a network to populate the dashboard display. To
enable communication between the MnT node and the network devices, the switches and NADs must be
configured properly.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Synchronize Primary and Secondary Cisco ISE Nodes

Synchronize Primary and Secondary Cisco ISE Nodes

You can make configuration changes to Cisco ISE only through the primary PAN. The configuration changes
get replicated to all the secondary nodes. If, for some reason, this replication does not occur properly, you
can manually synchronize the secondary PAN with the primary PAN.

Step 1 Log in to the primary PAN.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 3 Check the check box next to the node that you want to synchronize with the primary PAN, and click Syncup to force a
full database replication.

Change Node Personas and Services

You can edit the Cisco ISE node configuration to change the personas and services that run on the node.

Before you begin

• When you enable or disable any of the services that run on a PSN or make any changes to a PSN, you
will be restarting the application server processes on which these services run. Expect a delay while these
services restart.
• Due to this delay in restart of services, automatic failover if enabled in your deployment, might get
initiated. To avoid this, make sure that the automatic failover configuration is turned off.

Step 1 Log in to the primary PAN.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 3 Check the check box next to the node whose personas or services you want to change, and then click Edit.
Step 4 Choose the personas and services that you want.
Step 5 Click Save.
Step 6 Verify receipt of an alarm on your primary PAN to confirm the persona or service change. If the persona or service change
is not saved successfully, an alarm is not generated.

Effects of Modifying Nodes in Cisco ISE

When you make any of the following changes to a node in a Cisco ISE, that node restarts, which causes a
• Register a node (Standalone to Secondary)
• Deregister a node (Secondary to Standalone)

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create a Policy Service Node Group

• Change a primary node to Standalone (if no other nodes are registered with it; Primary to Standalone)
• Promote an Administration node (Secondary to Primary)
• Change the personas (when you assign or remove the Policy Service or Monitoring persona from a node)
• Modify the services in the Policy Service node (enable or disable the session and profiler services)
• Restore a backup on the primary and a sync up operation is triggered to replicate data from primary to
secondary nodes

Create a Policy Service Node Group

When two or more Policy Service nodes (PSNs) are connected to the same high-speed Local Area Network
(LAN), we recommend that you place them in the same node group. This design optimizes the replication of
endpoint profiling data by retaining less significant attributes local to the group and reducing the information
that is replicated to the remote nodes in the network. Node group members also check on the availability of
peer group members. If the group detects that a member has failed, it attempts to reset and recover all
URL-redirected sessions on the failed node.

Note We recommend that you make all PSNs in the same local network part of the same node group. PSNs need
not be part of a load-balanced cluster to join the same node group. However, each local PSN in a load-balanced
cluster should typically be part of the same node group.

Note The node groups are used for the PSN failover for the sessions on which URL-redirect (posture services, guest
services and MDM) is imposed.

Before you can add PSNs as members to a node group, you must create the node group first. You can create,
edit, and delete PSN groups from the Deployment window of the Admin portal.

Before you begin

Node group members can communicate over TCP/7800.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 2 Click the Settings icon from the top of the navigation pane on the left.
Step 3 Click Create Node Group.
Step 4 Enter a unique name for your node group.
Note We do not recommend configuring a node group with the name None, as it may cause undesirable issues in
node registration.

Step 5 (Optional) Enter a description for your node group.

Step 6 (Optional) Check the Enable MAR Cache Distribution check box and fill in the other options. Ensure that the MAR is
enabled in the Active Directory window before enabling this option.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Remove a Node from Deployment

Step 7 Click Submit to save the node group.

After you save the node group, it should appear in the navigation pane on the left. If you do not see the node
group in the left pane, it may be hidden. Click the Expand button on the navigation pane to view the hidden

What to do next
Add a node to a node group. Edit the node by choosing the node group from the Include node in node group
drop-down list in the Policy Service area.

Remove a Node from Deployment

To remove a node from a deployment, you must deregister it. The deregistered node becomes a standalone
Cisco ISE node.
It retains the last configuration that it received from the primary PAN and assumes the default personas of a
standalone node that are Administration, Policy Service, and Monitoring. If you deregister an MnT node, this
node will no longer be a syslog target.
When a Primary PSN is deregistered, the endpoint data is lost. If you want the PSN to retain the endpoint data
after it becomes a standalone node, you can do one of the following:
• Obtain a backup from the primary PAN and when the PSN becomes a standalone node, restore this data
backup on it.
• Change the persona of the PSN to Administration (secondary PAN), synchronize the data from the
Deployment window of the Admin portal, and then deregister the node. This node will now have all the
data. You can then add a secondary PAN to the existing deployment.

You can view these changes from the Deployment window of the primary PAN. However, expect a delay of
five minutes for the changes to take effect and appear in the Deployment window.

Before you begin

Before you remove any secondary node from a deployment, perform a backup of Cisco ISE configuration,
which you can then restore later on, if needed.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the secondary node that you want to remove, and then click Deregister.
Step 3 Click OK.
Step 4 Verify receipt of an alarm on your primary PAN to confirm that the secondary node is deregistered successfully. If the
secondary node fails to deregister from the primary PAN, the alarm is not generated.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Shut Down a Cisco ISE Node

Shut Down a Cisco ISE Node

Before you issue the halt command from the Cisco ISE Command Line Interface (CLI), it is advised that
you stop the Cisco ISE application service and ensure that it is not performing any backup, restore, installation,
upgrade, or remove operation. If you issue the halt command while the Cisco ISE is performing any of these
operations, you will get one of the following warning messages:
WARNING: A backup or restore is currently in progress! Continue with halt?

WARNING: An install/upgrade/remove is currently in progress! Continue with halt?

If no processes are running when you use the halt command or if you enter Yes in response to the warning
message displayed, then you must respond to the following question:
Do you want to save the current configuration?

If you enter Yes to save the existing Cisco ISE configuration, the following message is displayed:
Saved the running configuration to startup successfully.

Note It is recommended that you stop the application process before rebooting the appliance.

This is also applicable to reboot Cisco ISE. For more information: see Cisco Identity Services Engine CLI
Reference Guide

Change the Hostname or IP Address of a Standalone Cisco ISE

You can change the hostname, IP address, or domain name of standalone Cisco ISE nodes. You cannot use
localhost as the hostname for a node.

Before you begin

If the Cisco ISE node is part of a distributed deployment, you must first remove it from the deployment and
ensure that it is a standalone node.

Step 1 Change the hostname or IP address of the Cisco ISE node using the hostname, ip address, or ip domain-name command
from the Cisco ISE CLI.
Step 2 Reset the Cisco ISE application configuration using the application stop ise command from the Cisco ISE CLI to restart
all the services.
Step 3 Register the Cisco ISE node to the primary PAN if it is part of a distributed deployment.
Note If you are using the hostname while registering the Cisco ISE node, the fully qualified domain name (FQDN)
of the standalone node that you are going to register, for example, must be DNS-resolvable from
the primary PAN. Otherwise, node registration fails. You must enter the IP addresses and FQDNs of the Cisco
ISE nodes that are part of your distributed deployment in the DNS server.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Change the Hostname or IP Address of a Standalone Cisco ISE Node

After you register the Cisco ISE node as a secondary node, the primary PAN replicates the change in the IP address,
hostname, or domain name to the other Cisco ISE nodes in your deployment.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
• Administration Portal, on page 86
• Cisco ISE Internationalization and Localization, on page 104
• MAC Address Normalization, on page 110
• Cisco ISE Deployment Upgrade, on page 111
• Administrator Access Console, on page 111
• Configure Proxy Settings in Cisco ISE, on page 112
• Ports Used by the Administration Portal, on page 113
• Set Up the Cisco ISE Application Programming Interface Gateway, on page 113
• Enable External RESTful Services Application Programming Interface, on page 114
• External RESTful Services Software Development Kit , on page 116
• Specify System Time and Network Time Protocol Server Settings, on page 116
• Change the System Time Zone, on page 117
• Configure SMTP Server to Support Notifications, on page 118
• Interactive Help, on page 119
• Enable Secure Unlock Client Mechanism, on page 119
• Federal Information Processing Standard Mode Support, on page 121
• Secure SSH Key Exchange Using Diffie-Hellman Algorithm, on page 125
• Configure Cisco ISE to Send Secure Syslog, on page 125
• Default Secure Syslog Collector, on page 129
• Offline Maintenance, on page 130
• Configure Endpoint Login Credentials, on page 131
• Certificate Management in Cisco ISE, on page 131
• Cisco ISE CA Service, on page 175
• OCSP Services, on page 207
• Configure Admin Access Policies, on page 213
• Administrator Access Settings, on page 214

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Administration Portal

Administration Portal
Figure 2: Cisco ISE Administration Portal

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Administration Portal

Table 11: Components of the Cisco ISE Administration Portal

1 Menu Icon Click the Menu icon ( ) for a slide-in window with the following menus.
The slide-in Menu window also contains a search bar with which you can
find the window that you need. Click Dashboard for the home page.
Figure 3: Cisco ISE Main Menu

• Context Visibility: The context visibility windows display information

about endpoints, users, and network access devices (NAD). The context
visibility information is segmented by features, applications, Bring
Your Own Device (BYOD), and other categories, depending on the
licenses you have registered. The context visibility windows use a
central database and gather information from database tables, caches,
and buffers. As a result, the content in the context visibility dashlets
and lists updates quickly. The context visibility windows consist of
dashlets at the top, and a list of information at the bottom. When you
filter data by modifying the column attributes in the list, the dashlets
refresh to display the modified content.
• Policy: Policy windows include tools for managing network security
in the areas of authentication, authorization, profiling, posture, and
client provisioning.
• Administration: Administration windows include tools for managing
Cisco ISE nodes, licenses, certificates, network devices, users,
endpoints, and guest services.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Administration Portal

2 Top-Right Menu Icons

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Administration Portal

Use this icon to search for endpoints and display their distribution by
profiles, failures, identity stores, location, device type, and so on.

Click the icon to view the Interactive Help menu that provides access
to multiple resources.

Click this icon to access the following options:
• PassiveID Setup: The PassiveID Setup option launches the
PassiveID Setup wizard to set up passive identity using Active
Directory. Configure the server to gather user identities and IP
addresses from external authentication servers and deliver the
authenticated IP addresses to the corresponding subscriber.
• Visibility Setup: Visibility Setup is a Proof of Value (PoV)
service that collects endpoint data such as applications, hardware
inventory, USB status, firewall status, and the overall compliance
state of Windows endpoints. The collected data is then sent to
Cisco ISE. When you launch the ISE Visibility Setup wizard, it
allows you to specify an IP address range to run endpoint
discovery for a preferred segment of the network or a group of
The PoV service uses the Cisco Stealth Temporal agent to collect
endpoint posture data. Cisco ISE pushes the Cisco Stealth
Temporal agent to computers running Windows with an
Administrator account type, which automatically runs a temporary
executable file to collect context. The agent then removes itself.
To experience the optional debug capabilities of Cisco Stealth
Temporal agent, check the Endpoint Logging check box (click
the Menu icon ( ), and choose Visibility Setup > Posture) to
save the debug logs in an endpoint or multiple endpoints. You
can view the logs in either of the following locations:
• C:\WINDOWS\syswow64\config\systemprofile\ (64-bit
operating system)
• C:\WINDOWS\system32\config\systemprofile\ (32-bit
operating system)

• Run Endpoint Scripts: Choose this option to run scripts on

connected endpoints to carry out administrative tasks that comply
with your organization’s requirements. This includes tasks like
uninstalling obsolete software, starting or terminating processes
or applications, and enabling or disabling specific services.

Click this icon for a menu of system activities, including launching

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Cisco ISE Home Dashboards

online help, and configuring account settings.

Cisco ISE Home Dashboards

The Cisco ISE Home dashboard displays live consolidated and correlated statistical data that is essential for
effective monitoring and troubleshooting. Dashboard elements typically display activity over 24 hours. The
following figure is an example of the information available in a Cisco ISE dashboard. You can view the Cisco
ISE dashboard data only in the primary Policy Administration node (PAN) portal.
Figure 4: Cisco ISE Home Dashboard

The home page has five default dashboards that display your Cisco ISE data. Each of these dashboards has
several predefined dashlets.
• Summary: This dashboard contains a linear metrics dashlet, pie chart dashlets, and list dashlets. The
metrics dashlet is not configurable. By default this dashboard contains the dashletsStatus Endpoints,
Endpoint Categories, and Network Devices.
• Endpoints: By default, this dashboard contains the dashlets Status, Endpoints, Endpoint Categories,
and Network Devices.
• Guests: This dashboard contains dashlets that provide information on guest user type, log in failures,
and location of acitivity.
• Vulnerability: This dashboard displays the information that vulnerability servers report to Cisco ISE.
• Threat: This dashboard displays information from the threat servers reports sent to Cisco ISE.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Configuring Home Dashboards

Configuring Home Dashboards

You can customize a home page dashboard by clicking the Inverted Pyramid icon in the top right corner of
the window:
Figure 5: Customize A Dashboard

The following options are displayed in the drop-down list:

• Add New Dashboard allows you to add a new dashboard. Enter a value in the field that is displayed
and click Apply.
• Add Dashlet(s) displays a dialog box with a list of dashlets available. Click Add or Remove next to the
dashlet name to add or remove a dashlet from the dashboard.
• Export saves the selected home page view to a PDF.
• Layout Template configures the number of columns that are displayed in this view.
• Manage Dashboards contains two options:
• Mark As Default Dashboard: Choose this option to make the current dashboard the default view
when you choose Home.
• Reset All Dashboards: Use this option to also reset all the dashboards and remove your
configurations on all the Home dashboards.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Context Visibility Views

Context Visibility Views

The structure of a Context Visibility window is similar to the home page, except that the Context Visibility
• Retain your current context (browser window) when you filter the displayed data
• Are more customizable
• Focus on endpoint data

You can view the context visibility data only from the primary PAN.
Dashlets on the Context Visibility windows show information about endpoints, and endpoint connections to
NADs. The information currently displayed is based on the content in the list of data below the dashlets on
each window. Each window displays endpoint data, based on the name of the tab. As you filter the data, both
the list and dashlets update. You can filter the data by clicking on parts of one or more of the circular graphs,
by filtering rows on the table, or any combination those actions. As you select filters, the effects are additive,
also referred to as cascading filter, which allows you to drill down to find the particular data you are looking
for. You can also click an endpoint in the list, and get a detailed view of that endpoint.
There are four main menu options under Context Visibility:
• Endpoints: Filter the endpoints you want to view based on types of devices, compliance status,
authentication type, hardware inventory, and more. See The Hardware Dashboard, on page 95 for
additional information.

Note We recommend that you enable the accounting settings on the network access
devices (NADs) to ensure that the accounting start and update information is sent
to Cisco ISE.
Cisco ISE can collect accounting information, such as the latest IP address, status
of the session (Connected, Disconnected, or Rejected), the number of days an
endpoint has been inactive, only if accounting is enabled. This information is
displayed in the Live Logs, Live Sessions and Context Visibility windows in
the Cisco ISE administration portal. When accounting is disabled on a NAD,
there might be a missing, incorrect, or mismatched accounting information
between the Live Sessions, Live Logs and Context Visibility windows.

Note The Visibility Setup workflow that is available on the Cisco ISE administration
portal home page allows you to add a list of IP address ranges for endpoints
discovery. After this workflow is configured, Cisco ISE authenticates the
endpoints, but the endpoints that are not included in the configured IP address
ranges are not displayed in the Context Visibility > Endpoints window and the
Endpoints listing page (Work Centers > Network Access > Identities >

• Users: Displays user-based information from user identity sources.

If there is a change in the username or password attribute, it reflects in the Users window when there is
a change in the authentication status.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Attributes in Context Visibility

If any other attribute other than the username is changed in the Microsoft Active Directory, the updated
attributes are displayed in the Users window 24 hours after re-authentication.
If the username or other attributes are changed in the Microsoft Active Directory, the updated changes
are displayed in the Users window immediately after re-authentication.
• Network Devices: This window displays the list of NADs that have endpoints connected to them. For
any NAD, click the number of endpoints that is displayed in the corresponding # of endpoints column.
A window that lists all the devices filtered by that NAD is displayed.

Note If you have configured your network device with SNMPv3 parameters, you cannot
generate the Network Device Session Status Summary report that is provided
by the Cisco ISE monitoring service (Operations > Reports > Catalog >
Network Device > Session Status Summary). You can generate this report
successfully if your network device is configured with SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c

• Application: Use this window to identify the number of endpoints that have a specific application
installed. The results are displayed in graphical and table formats. The graphical representation helps
you make a comparative analysis. For example, you can find out the number of endpoints with the Google
Chrome software along with their Version, Vendor, and Category (Anti-phishing, Browser, and so on)
in a table as well as a bar chart. For more information, see The Application Dashboard.

You can create a new tab in the Context Visibility windows and create a custom list for additional filtering.
Dashlets are not supported in custom views.
Click a section of a circular graph in a dashlet to view a new window with filtered data from that dashlet in.
From this new window, you can continue to filter the displayed data, as described in Filtering Displayed Data
in a View, on page 98.
For more information about using Context Visibility windows to find endpoint data, see the following Cisco
YouTube video which uses ISE 2.1
Related Topics
The Hardware Dashboard, on page 95

Attributes in Context Visibility

The systems and services that provide attributes for Context Visibility sometimes have different values for
the same attribute name. The following are a few examples:
For Operating System
• OperatingSystem: Posture operating system.
• operating-system: NMAP operating system.
• operating-system-result: Profiler consolidated operating system.

Note There might be some discrepancies in the endpoint operating system data that is displayed in the Context
Visibility window when you enable multiple probes in Cisco ISE for an endpoint.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
The Application Dashboard

For Portal Name

• Portal.Name: Guest portal name when device registration is turned on.
• PortalName: Guest portal name when device registration is not turned on.

For Portal User

• User-Name: Username from RADIUS authentication.
• GuestUserName: Guest username.
• PortalUser: Portal username.

The Application Dashboard

Table 12: Description of the Application Dashboard

Label Description

1 The Summary tab is displayed by default on the home page. It displays the Application Categories
dashlet, which contains a bar chart. Applications are classified into 13 categories. Applications
that do not fall into any of these categories are grouped as Unclassified.
The available categories are Anti-Malware, Antiphishing, Backup, Browser, Data Loss Prevention,
Data Storage, Encryption, Firewall, Messenger, Patch Management, Public File Sharing, Virtual
Machine, and VPN Client.

2 Each bar corresponds to a classified category. Hover over each bar to view the total number of
applications and endpoints that correspond to the selected application category.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
The Hardware Dashboard

Label Description

3 The applications and endpoints that fall under the Classified category are displayed in blue.
Unclassified applications and endpoints are displayed in gray. Hover over the classified or
unclassified category bars to view the total number of applications and endpoints that belong to
that category. You can click Classified and view the results in the bar chart and table in the window.
When you click Unclassified, the bar chart is disabled and the results are displayed in the table
in the window.

4 The applications and endpoints are displayed based on the selected filter. You can view the
breadcrumb trail as you click different filters. You can click Clear All Filters to remove all the
applied filters.

5 When you click multiple bars, the corresponding classified applications and endpoints are displayed
in the table. For example, if you select the Antimalware and Patch Management categories, the
following results are displayed:

Application Version Vendor Category Application Endpoints

Name OS With This
Gatekeeper 9.9.5 Apple Inc. Antimalware windows 7 5
64-bit,mac osx
10.10,mac osx
8,mac osx 9
Gatekeeper 10.9.5 Apple Inc. Antimalware Windows 8 3
64-bit, mac osx
Software Update 2.3 Apple Inc. Patch Windows 7 64 5
Management bit, mac osx
10.10,mac osx
8,mac osx 9

6 Click an endpoint in the Endpoints With This Software column in the table to view the endpoint
details, such as Mac address, NAD IP address, NAD port ID/SSID, IPv4 address, and so on.

7 You can select an application name and choose the Create App Compliance option from the
Policy Actions drop-down list to create application compliance condition and remediation.

The Hardware Dashboard

The endpoint hardware tab under context visibility helps you collect, analyze, and report endpoint hardware
inventory information within a short time. You can gather information, such as finding endpoints with low
memory capacity or finding the BIOS model/version in an endpoint. You can increase the memory capacity
or upgrade the BIOS version based on these findings. You can assess the requirements before you plan the
purchase of an asset. You can ensure timely replacement of resources. You can collect this information without
installing any modules or interacting with the endpoint. In summary, you can effectively manage the asset

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
The Hardware Dashboard

The Context Visibility > Endpoints > Hardware page displays the Manufacturers and Endpoint
Utilizations dashlets. These dashlets reflect the changes based on the selected filter. The Manufacturers
dashlet displays hardware inventory details for endpoints with Windows and Mac OS. The Endpoint
Utilizations dashlet displays the CPU, Memory, and Disk utilization for endpoints. You can select any of the
three options to view the utilization in percentage.
• Devices With Over n% CPU Usage.
• Devices With Over n% Memory Usage.
• Devices With Over n% Disk Usage.

Note The hardware inventory data takes 120 seconds to be displayed in the ISE GUI. The hardware inventory data
is collected for posture compliant and non-compliant states.

Note • The Quick Filters in the Hardware Visibility Page need at least 3 characters to take effect. Another way
to make the Quick Filter work efficiently is to click on the filters of other column attributes after entering
the characters.
• Some of the column attributes are greyed out as this table is only used to filter based on attributes related
to hardware.
• The Operating System filter applies only to the Manufacturers Chart. It is not relevant to the table below

The hardware attributes of an endpoint and their connected external devices are displayed in a table format.
The following hardware attributes are displayed:
• MAC Address
• BIOS Manufacturer
• BIOS Serial Number
• BIOS Model
• Attached Devices
• CPU Name
• CPU Speed (GHz)
• CPU Usage (%)
• Number of Cores
• Number of Processors
• Memory Size (GB)
• Memory Usage (%)
• Total Internal Disk(s) Size (GB)

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup

• Total Internal Disk(s) Free Size (GB)

• Total Internal Disk(s) Usage (%)
• Number of Internal Disks
• NAD Port ID
• Status
• Network Device Name
• Location
• IPv4 Address
• Username
• Hostname
• OS Types
• Anomalous Behavior
• Endpoint Profile
• Description
• Endpoint Type
• Identity Group
• Registration Date
• Identity Store
• Authorization Profile

You can click the number in the Attached Devices column that corresponds to an endpoint to view the Name,
Category, Manufacturer, Type, Product ID, and Vendor ID of the USB devices that are currently attached to
the endpoint.

Note Cisco ISE profiles the hardware attributes of a client’s system, however, there may be a few hardware attributes
Cisco ISE does not profile. These hardware attributes may not appear in the Hardware Context Visibility

The hardware inventory data collection interval can be controlled in the Administration > System > Settings >
Posture > General Settings page. The default interval is 5 minutes.

The following image is an example of a dashlet:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Filtering Displayed Data in a View

1. The Open New Window icon opens this dashlet in a new browser window. The pie chart refreshes. Click
the X to delete this dashlet. This option is only available on the home page. You delete dashlets in Context
Visibility windows using the gear symbol in the top-right corner of the screen.
2. Some dashlets have different categories of data. Click the category to see a pie chart with that set of data.
3. The pie chart shows the data that you have selected. Click one of the pie segments to open a new tab in
with the filtered data, based on that pie segment.

Click a section of the pie chart in a home page dashboard to open the chart in a new browser window. The
new window displays data that is filtered by the section of the pie chart that you clicked on.
When you click a section of the pie chart in a Context Visibility window, the displayed data is filtered but
context does not change. You view the filtered data in the same browser window.

Filtering Displayed Data in a View

When you click a dashlet in a Context Visibility window, the corresponding data is filtered by the item you
click and displayed. For example, when you click a section of a pie chart, the data for the chosen section is
filtered and displayed.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Filtering Displayed Data in a View

If you click defau...evice in the Network Devices dashlet, a new window displays the data, as shown in the
following image:

Filter the data further by clicking more sections of the pie charts. You can also use the Filter drop-down list
or the gear icon at the top-right corner of the list of data to manage the data displayed.
Save your custom filters.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Create Custom Filters

Create Custom Filters

Create and save user-specific custom filters that are accessible only to you. Other users logging in to Cisco
ISE cannot view the custom filters that you create. These custom filters are saved in the Cisco ISE database.
You can access them from any computer or browser with which you log in to Cisco ISE.

Step 1 Click Filter and choose Advanced Filter from the drop-down list.
Step 2 Specify the search attributes, such as fields, operators, and values from the Filter menus.
Step 3 Click + to add more conditions.
Step 4 Click Go to display the entries that match the specified attributes.
Step 5 Click Save to save the filter.
Step 6 Enter a name and click Save. The filter now appears in the Filter drop-down list.

Filter Data by Conditions Using the Advanced Filter

The Advanced Filter allows you to filter information based on specified conditions, such as, First Name =
Mike and User Group = Employee. You can specify more than one condition.

Step 1 Click Filter and choose Advanced Filter drop-down list.

Step 2 Specify search the search attributes, such as fields, operators, and values from the filter menus.
Step 3 Click + to add more conditions.
Step 4 Click Go to view the entries that match the specified attributes.

Filter Data by Field Attributes Using the Quick Filter

The Quick Filter allows you to enter a value for any of the field attributes displayed in the listing page, refreshes
the page, and lists only those records that match your filter criteria.

Step 1 Click Filter and choose Quick Filter from the drop-down list.
Step 2 Enter search criteria in one or more of the attribute fields, and the entries that match the specified attributes display

Endpoint Actions in Dashlet Views

The toolbar at the top of the list allows you to act on endpoints in the list that you select. Not all actions are
enabled for every list. Some actions depend on the feature that is enabled for use. The following list shows
two endpoint actions that must be enabled in Cisco ISE before you can use them.
• Adaptive Network Control Actions

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Cisco ISE Dashboard

If you enable the Adaptive Network Control service, you can select endpoints in the list and assign or
revoke network access. You can also issue a change of authorization.
Enable the Adaptive Network Services or Endpoint Protection Services in Cisco ISE in the Adaptive
Network Service window. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and chooseAdministration >
System > Settings > Endpoint Protection Service > Adaptive Network Control. For more information,
see the "Enable Adaptive Network Control in Cisco ISE" section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Maintain
and Monitor .
When you click the pie chart on a home page dashlet, the new window that is displayed contains the
options ANC and Change Authorization. Check the check box for the endpoint you want to perform
an action on, and choose the necessary action from the drop-down lists ofANC and Change Authorization.
Figure 6: Endpoint Actions in Dashlet Views

• MDM Actions
If you connect an MDM server to Cisco ISE, you can perform MDM actions on selected endpoints.
Choose the necessary action from the MDM Actions drop-down list.

Cisco ISE Dashboard

The Cisco ISE dashboard or home page (click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Dashboard) is the landing
page that you view after you log in to the Cisco ISE administration portal. The dashboard is a centralized
management console consisting of metric meters along the top of the window, with dashlets below. The default
dashboards are Summary, Endpoints, Guests, Vulnerability, and Threat. See Cisco ISE Home Dashboards,
on page 90.

Note You can view this dashboard data only in the Cisco ISE primary PAN portal.

The dashboard’s real-time data provides an at-a-glance status of the devices and users accessing your network,
and an overview of the system's health.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Cisco ISE Dashboard

Click the gear icon in the second level menu bar for a drop-down list of dashboard settings. The following
table contains descriptions for the dashboard settings options available in the drop-down list:

Drop-Down List Option Description

Add New Dashboard You can have a maximum of 20 dashboards, including

the five default dashboards.

Rename Dashboard (This option is available only for custom dashboards)

To rename a dashboard:
1. Click Rename Dashboard.
2. Specify a new name.
3. Click Apply.

Add Dashlet To add a dashlet to the home page dashboard:

1. Click Add Dashlet(s).
2. In the Add Dashlets window, click Add next to
the dashlets that you want to add.
3. Click Save.
Note You can add a maximum of nine
dashlets per dashboard.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Cisco ISE Dashboard

Drop-Down List Option Description

Export You can export the dashboard data as a PDF or a CSV

1. Click Export.
2. In the Export dialog box, click the radio button
next to one of the following file formats:
• PDF: Choose the PDF format for a snapshot
view of the selected dashlets.
• CSV: Choose the CSV format to download
the selected dashboard data as a zip file.

3. In the Export dialog box, check the check boxes

next to the dashlets you want to export.
4. Click Export.
The zip file contains individual dashlet CSV files
for the selected dashboard. Data related to each
tab in a dashlet is displayed as separate sections
in the corresponding dashlet CSV file.

When you export a custom dashboard, the zip file is

exported with the same name. For example, if you
export a custom dashboard that is named
MyDashboard, then the exported file's name is

Layout Template You can change the layout of the template in which
the dashlets are displayed.
To change the layout:
1. Click Layout Template.
2. Select the required layout from the options

Manage Dashboards Click Manage Dashboards and choose one of the

following options:
• Mark as Default Dashboard: Use this option
to set a dashboard as your default dashboard (the
home page).
• Reset all Dashboards: Use this option to reset
all the dashboards to their original settings.

You can delete a dashboard that you have created by clicking the close (x) icon next to the corresponding
custom dashboard.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Cisco ISE Internationalization and Localization

Note You cannot rename or delete a default dashboard.

Each dashlet has a toolbar at the top-right corner where you can perform the following operations:
• Detach: To view a dashlet in a separate window.
• Refresh: To refresh a dashlet.
• Remove: To remove a dashlet from the dashboard.

You can drag and drop the dashlet using the gripper icon that is present at the top-left corner of the dashlet.
The Alarms dashlet contains a quick filter for the Severity column. You can filter alarms by their severity by
choosing Critical, Warning, or Info from the Severity drop-down list.

Cisco ISE Internationalization and Localization

Cisco ISE internationalization adapts the user interface to the supported languages. Localization of the user
interface incorporates location-specific components and translated text. In Windows, MAC OSX, and Android
devices, the native supplicant provisioning wizard can be used in any of the following supported languages.
In Cisco ISE, internalization and localization support focuses on support for non-English text in UTF-8
encoding to the end user-facing portals and on selective fields in the administration portal.

Supported Languages
Cisco ISE provides localization and internalization support for the following languages and browser locales.

Table 13: Supported Languages and Locales

Language Browser Locale

Chinese traditional zh-tw

Chinese simplified zh-cn

Czech cs-cz

Dutch nl-nl

English en

French fr-fr

German de-de

Hungarian hu-hu

Italian it-it

Japanese ja-jp

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
End-User Web Portal Localization

Language Browser Locale

Korean ko-kr

Polish pl-pl

Portuguese (Brazil) pt-br

Russian ru-ru

Spanish es-es

End-User Web Portal Localization

The Guest, Sponsor, My Devices, and Client Provisioning portals are localized into all the supported languages
and locales. This includes text, labels, messages, field names, and button labels. If a client browser requests
a locale that is not mapped to a template in Cisco ISE, the portal displays content using the English template.
Using the administration portal, you can modify the fields that are used in the Guest, Sponsor, and My Devices
portals for each language. You can also add other languages. Currently, you cannot customize these fields for
the Client Provisioning portal.
You can further customize the Guest portal by uploading HTML pages to Cisco ISE. When you upload
customized pages, you are responsible for the appropriate localization support for your deployment. Cisco
ISE provides a localization support example with sample HTML pages, which you can use as a guide. Cisco
ISE allows you to upload, store, and render custom internationalized HTML pages.

Note NAC and MAC agent installers, and WebAgent pages are not localized.

Support for UTF-8 Character Data Entry

Cisco ISE fields that are exposed to the end user (through the Cisco client agent or supplicants, or the Sponsor,
Guest, My Devices, and Client Provisioning portals) support UTF-8 character sets for all languages. UTF-8
is a multibyte character encoding for the Unicode character set, which includes many different language
character sets including Hebrew, Sanskrit, and Arabic.
Character values are stored in UTF-8 in the administration configuration database, and the UTF-8 characters
display correctly in reports and user interface components.

UTF-8 Credential Authentication

Network access authentication supports UTF-8 username and password credentials. This includes RADIUS,
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), RADIUS proxy, RADIUS token, and web authentication from the
Guest and administration portal login authentications. UTF-8 support for username and password applies to
authentication against the local identity store and external identity stores.
UTF-8 authentication depends on the client supplicant that is used for network login. Some Windows native
supplicants do not support UTF-8 credentials.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
UTF-8 Policies and Posture Assessment

Note UTF-8 authentication with RSA is not supported as RSA does not support UTF-8 users. RSA servers, which
are compatible with Cisco ISE, also do not support UTF-8.

UTF-8 Policies and Posture Assessment

Policy rules in Cisco ISE that are conditioned on attribute values may include UTF-8 text. Rule evaluation
supports UTF-8 attribute values. You can also configure conditions with UTF-8 values through the
administration portal.
Posture requirements are modified as File, Application, and Service conditions based on a UTF-8 character

UTF-8 Support for Messages Sent to Supplicant

RSA prompts and messages are forwarded to the supplicant using a RADIUS attribute REPLY-MESSAGE,
or within EAP data. If the text contains UTF-8 data, it is displayed by the supplicant, based on the client’s
local operating system language support. Some Windows-native supplicants do not support UTF-8 credentials.
Cisco ISE prompts and messages may not be in synchrony with the locale of the client operating system on
which the supplicant is running. You must align the end-user supplicant locale with the languages that are
supported by Cisco ISE.

Reports and Alerts UTF-8 Support

Monitoring and troubleshooting reports and alerts support UTF-8 values for relevant attributes for the languages
that are supported in Cisco ISE. The following activities are supported:
• Viewing live authentications.
• Viewing detailed pages of report records.
• Exporting and saving reports.
• Viewing the Cisco ISE dashboard.
• Viewing alert information.
• Viewing tcpdump data.

UTF-8 Character Support in the Portals

More character sets are supported in Cisco ISE fields (UTF-8) than are currently supported for localizations
in portals and end-user messages. For example, Cisco ISE does not support right-to-left languages, such as
Hebrew or Arabic, although the character sets themselves are supported.
The following table lists the fields in the Admin and end-user portals that support UTF-8 characters for data
entry and viewing, with the following limitations:
• Cisco ISE does not support guest usernames and passwords with UTF-8 characters.
• Cisco ISE does not support UTF-8 characters in certificates.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
UTF-8 Character Support in the Portals

Table 14: Administration Portal UTF-8 Character Fields

Administration Portal Element UTF-8 Fields

Network access user configuration • Username

The usernames can contain any combination of
upper and lowercase letters, numbers, space, and
special characters (except `, %, ^, ;, :, [, {, |, }, ],
\, ‘, “, =, <, >, ?, !, and control characters). You
cannot submit usernames with only spaces.
• First Name
• Last Name
• Email

User list • All filter fields.

• Values displayed in the User List window.
• Values displayed in the left navigation quick

User password policy The passwords can contain any combination of upper
and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters
(including !, @, #, $, ^, &, *, (, and ). The password
field accepts any characters including UTF-8
characters, but it does not accept control characters.
Some languages do not have uppercase or lowercase
alphabets. If your user password policy requires the
user to enter a password with uppercase or lowercase
characters and the user’s language does not support
these characters, the user cannot set a password. For
the user password field to support UTF-8 characters,
uncheck the following check boxes in the user
password policy page (Click the Menu icon and
chooseAdministration > Identity Management >
Settings > User Authentication Settings > Password
• Lowercase alphabetic characters
• Uppercase alphabetic characters

You cannot use dictionary words, their characters in

reverse order, or their letters replaced with other

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
UTF-8 Character Support in the Portals

Administration Portal Element UTF-8 Fields

Administrator list • All filter fields.

• Values that aredisplayed in the administrator list
• Values that are displayed in the left navigation
quick view.

Admin login page • Username

RSA • Messages
• Prompts

RADIUS token • Authentication tab > Prompt

Posture Requirement • Name

• Remediation action > Message shown to Agent
• Requirement list display

Posture conditions The following fields in the Policy > Policy

Elements > Conditions > Posture windows:
• File Condition > Add > File Path.
• Application Condition > Add > Process Name.
• Service Condition > Add > Service Name.
• Conditions list displays.

Guest and My Devices settings • Sponsor > Language Template: all supported
languages, all fields.
• Guest > Language Template: all supported
languages, all fields.
• My Devices >Language Template: all supported
languages, all fields.

System settings • SMTP Server > Default email address

Operations > Alarms > Rule • Criteria > User

• Notification > email notification user list

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
UTF-8 Support Outside the Cisco ISE User Interface

Administration Portal Element UTF-8 Fields

Operations > Reports • Operations > Live Authentications > Filter fields
• Operations > Reports > Catalog > Report filter

Operations > Troubleshoot • General Tools > RADIUS Authentication

Troubleshooting > Username

Policies • Authentication > value for the antivirus

expression within policy conditions
• Authorization or posture or client provisioning
> other conditions > value for the antivirus
expression within policy conditions

Attribute value in policy library conditions • Authentication > simple condition or compound
condition > value for the antivirus expression
• Authentication > simple condition list display
• Authentication > simple condition list > left
navigation quick view display
• Authorization > simple condition or compound
condition > value for the antivirus expression
• Authorization > simple condition list > left
navigation quick view display
• Posture > Dictionary simple condition or
dictionary compound condition > value for the
antivirus expression
• Guest > simple condition or compound condition
> value for the antivirus expression

UTF-8 Support Outside the Cisco ISE User Interface

This section contains the areas outside the Cisco ISE user interface that provide UTF-8 support.

Debug Log and CLI-Related UTF-8 Support

Attribute values and posture condition details appear in some debug logs. All debug logs accept UTF-8 values.
You can download debug logs containing raw UTF-8 data that can be viewed with a UTF-8-supported viewer.

Cisco Secure ACS Migration UTF-8 Support

Cisco ISE allows the migration of Cisco Secure Access Control Server (ACS) UTF-8 configuration objects
and values. Migration of some UTF-8 objects may not be supported by Cisco ISE UTF-8 languages, which
might render some of the UTF-8 data that is provided during migration unreadable using the administration
portal or report methods. Convert the unreadable UTF-8 values (that are migrated from Cisco Secure ACS)

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Support for Importing and Exporting UTF-8 Values

into ASCII text. For more information about migrating from Cisco Secure ACS to Cisco ISE, see the Cisco
Secure ACS to Cisco ISE Migration Tool for your version of Cisco ISE.

Support for Importing and Exporting UTF-8 Values

The administration and Sponsor portals support plaintext and CSV files with the UTF-8 values to use when
importing user account details. Exported files are provided as CSV files.

UTF-8 Support on REST

External Representational State Transfer (REST) communication supports UTF-8 values. This applies to
configurable items that have UTF-8 support in the Cisco ISE user interface, except for administrator
authentication. Administrator authentication in REST requires ASCII text credentials for login.

UTF-8 Support for Identity Stores Authorization Data

Cisco ISE allows Microsoft Active Directory and Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to use UTF-
8 data in authorization policies for policy processing.

MAC Address Normalization

Cisco ISE supports normalization of the MAC address that you enter in any of the following formats:
• 00-11-22-33-44-55
• 0011.2233.4455
• 00:11:22:33:44:55
• 001122334455
• 001122-334455

Provide full or partial MAC addresses in the following Cisco ISE windows:
• Policy > Policy Sets
• Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Authorization
• Authentications > Filters (Endpoint and Identity columns)
• Global search
• Operations > Reports > Report Filters
• Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools > General Tools > Endpoint Debug

Provide full MAC addresses (six octets separated by ‘:’ or ‘-’ or ‘.’) in the following Cisco ISE windows:
• Operations > Endpoint Protection Services Adaptive Network Control
• Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools > General Tools > RADIUS Authentication
• Operations > Troubleshooting > Diagnostic Tools > General Tools > Posture Troubleshooting

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Cisco ISE Deployment Upgrade

• Administration > Identities > Endpoints

• Administration > System > Deployment
• Administration > Logging > Collection Filters

REST APIs also support normalization of full MAC address.

The valid ranges for an octet are 0 to 9, a to f, or A to F.

Cisco ISE Deployment Upgrade

Cisco ISE offers a GUI-based centralized upgrade from the administration portal. The progress of the upgrade
and the status of the nodes are displayed in the Cisco ISE GUI. For information on the preupgrade and
postupgrade tasks you must carry out, see the Cisco Identity Services Engine Upgrade Guide for the Cisco
ISE release that you want to upgrade to.
The upgrade Overview window (Administration > System > Upgrade > Overview lists all the nodes in
your deployment, the personas that are enabled on them, the Cisco ISE version that is currently in use, and
the status (whether a node is active or inactive) of each node. You can begin upgrade only if all the nodes are
in the Active state.

Administrator Access Console

The following steps describe how to log in to the administrative portal.

Step 1 Enter the Cisco ISE URL in the address bar of your browser (for example, https://<ise hostname or ip address>/admin/).
Step 2 Enter the username and case-sensitive password that were specified and configured during the initial Cisco ISE setup.
Step 3 Click Login or press Enter.
If your login is unsuccessful, click the Problem logging in? link in the log in window and follow the instructions that
are displayed.

Administrator Login Browser Support

The Cisco ISE administration portal supports the following HTTPS-enabled browsers:
• Mozilla Firefox Version 79 and earlier versions
• Mozilla Firefox ESR Version 60.9 and earlier versions
• Google Chrome Version 84 and earlier versions

ISE Community Resource

ISE Pages Fail to Fully Load When Adblock Plus is Used

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Administrator Lockout Due to Failed Login Attempts

Administrator Lockout Due to Failed Login Attempts

If you enter an incorrect password for an administrator user ID enough times, the account is either suspended
for a specified time or locked out (as configured). If Cisco ISE is configured to lock you out, the administration
portal locks you out of the system. Cisco ISE adds a log entry in the Server Administrator Logins report and
suspends the credentials for that administrator ID. Reset the password for that administrator ID as described
in the Section "Reset a Disabled Password Due to Administrator Lockout" in the Cisco Identity Services
Engine Installation Guide. The number of failed login attempts allowed before an administrator account is
disabled is configured as described in the Section "Administrative Access to Cisco ISE" of the Cisco Identity
Services Engine Administrator Guide. After an administrator user account is locked out, Cisco ISE sends an
email to the associated user, if this information is configured.
Only an administrator with the role of Super Admin (including Microsoft Active Directory users) can configure
the disable administrator access option.

Configure Proxy Settings in Cisco ISE

If your existing network topology requires you to use a proxy server to enable Cisco ISE to access external
resources (such as the remote download site where you can find client provisioning and posture-related
resources), use the administration portal to configure the proxy settings.
The proxy settings impact the following Cisco ISE functions:
• Partner Mobile Management
• Endpoint Profiler Feed Service Update
• Endpoint Posture Update
• Endpoint Posture Agent Resources Download
• Certificate Revocation List (CRL) Download
• Guest Notifications
• SMS Message Transmission
• Social Login

The Cisco ISE proxy configuration supports basic authentication for proxy servers. NT LAN Manager (NTLM)
authentication is not supported.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Proxy.
Step 2 Enter the proxy IP address or DNS-resolvable hostname, and specify the port through which proxy traffic travels to and
from Cisco ISE in the Proxy host server : port field.
Step 3 Check the Password required check box, if necessary.
Step 4 Enter the username and password that are used to authenticate to the proxy servers in the User Name and Password
fields. Reenter the password in the Confirm Password field.
Step 5 Enter the IP address or the address range of hosts or domains that must be bypassed in the Bypass proxy for these hosts
and domain text box.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Ports Used by the Administration Portal

Step 6 Click Save.

Ports Used by the Administration Portal

The administration portal uses HTTP port 80 and HTTPS port 443 and you cannot change these settings. You
cannot configure any of the end user portals to use these ports, to reduce the risk to the administration portal.

Set Up the Cisco ISE Application Programming Interface

The Cisco ISE API Gateway is an API management solution that acts as a single entry point to multiple Cisco
ISE service APIs to provide better security and traffic management. API requests from external clients are
routed to the API Gateway in Cisco ISE. The requests are forwarded to the Cisco ISE nodes where service
APIs are running, based on an internal algorithm.
In Cisco ISE Release 3.0, only the MnT (Monitoring) API is routed through the API Gateway.
You can choose the Cisco ISE nodes on which you want to enable the API Gateway. We recommend that
you run the API Gateway on at least two nodes in your Cisco ISE deployment.

Step 1 Log in to the primary PAN.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > API Gateway
Step 3 In the ISE API Gateway Nodes List area, check the check boxes next to the nodes on which you want to enable the API
Step 4 Click Enable.

To troubleshoot issues that are related to the API Gateway, set the Log Level for the following components
to DEBUG in the Debug Log Configuration window. (To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and
choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Debug Wizard > Debug Log Configuration.)
• ise-kong
• kong

The logs can be downloaded from the Download Logs window. (To view this window, click the Menu icon
( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Download Logs.) You can choose to download either a
support bundle from the Support Bundle tab (by clicking the Download button on the tab), or download the
kong debug logs from the Debug Logs tab (by clicking the Log File value for kong debug log).
If you are able to log in to the Cisco ISE primary PAN successfully every time, the API Gateway setup is
working as expected.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Enable External RESTful Services Application Programming Interface

Note If REST API’s are accessed through API Gateway on a different tab in the same web browser where the UI
is logged in, the UI gets logged out.
This happens only when the API is served by remote nodes other than API Gateway node.

Enable External RESTful Services Application Programming

The External RESTful Services application programming interfaces (API) are based on HTTPS protocols and
REST methodology and use port 9060.
The External RESTful Services APIs support basic authentication. The authentication credentials are encrypted
and are part of the request header.
You can use any REST client like JAVA, cURL Linux command, Python, or any other client to invoke External
RESTful Services API calls.

Note The ERS APIs support TLS 1.1 and TLS 1.2. ERS APIs do not support TLS 1.0 regardless of enabling TLS
1.0 in the Security Settings window (Administration > System > Settings > Security Settings). Enabling
TLS 1.0 in the Security Settings window is related to the EAP protocol only and does not impact ERS APIs.

You must assign special privileges to a user for the user to perform operations using the External RESTful
Services APIs. In Cisco ISE Release 2.6 and later, External RESTful Services users can be either internal
users or belong to an external Microsoft Active Directory group. The Active Directory group to which the
external users belong must be mapped to either ERS Admin or ERS Operator groups:
• ERS Admin: This user can create, read, update, and delete External RESTful Services API requests.
They have full access to all External RESTful Services APIs (GET, POST, DELETE, PUT).
• ERS Operator: This user has read-only access (GET requests only).

Note A user with the role Super Admin can access all External RESTful Services APIs.
ERS session idle timeout is 60 sec. If several requests are sent during this period, the same session is used
with the same Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) token. If the session has been idle for more than 60 sec,
the session is reset and a new CSRF token is used.

The External RESTful Services APIs are disabled by default. If you evoke the External RESTful Services
API calls before enabling them, you will receive an error response. Enable the Cisco ISE REST API feature
for the applications developed for a Cisco ISE REST API to be able to access Cisco ISE. The Cisco REST
APIs uses HTTPS port 9060, which is closed by default. If the Cisco ISE REST APIs are not enabled on the
Cisco ISE administration server, the client application receives a timeout error from the server for any Guest
REST API requests.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Enable External AD Access for External RESTful Services Application Programming Interface

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > ERS Settings.
Step 2 Click the Enable ERS for Read/Write radio button to enable External RESTful Services on the Primary Administration
node (PAN).
Step 3 Click the Enable ERS for Read for All Other Nodes radio button if there are any secondary nodes in your deployment.
External RESTful Service requests of all types are valid only for primary Cisco ISE nodes. Secondary nodes have
read-access (GET requests).

Step 4 In the CSRF Check area, click the radio button for one of the following options:
• Use CSRF Check for Enhanced Security: If this option is enabled, the External RESTful Services client must
send a GET request to fetch the CSRF token from Cisco ISE and include the CSRF token in the requests that are
sent to Cisco ISE. Cisco ISE will validate a CSRF token when a request is received from the External RESTful
Services client. Cisco ISE processes the request only if the token is valid. This option is not applicable for External
RESTful Services clients earlier than Cisco ISE Release 2.3.
• Disable CSRF for ERS Request: If this option is enabled, CSRF validation is not performed. This option can be
used for External RESTful Services clients earlier than Cisco ISE 2.3.

Step 5 Click Save.

All REST operations are audited and the logs are logged in the system logs. External RESTful Services APIs
have a debug logging category, which you can enable from the debug logging window in the Cisco ISE GUI.
When you disable External RESTful Services in Cisco ISE, port 9060 remains open but no communication
is allowed through the port.
Related Topics
External RESTful Services Software Development Kit , on page 116

Enable External AD Access for External RESTful Services Application

Programming Interface

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Add the Active Directory groups that the external user belongs to as an external identity source.
See the section "Active Directory as an External Identity Source" in Chapter "Asset Visibility" in the Cisco ISE
Administrator Guide.

Step 3 Add user groups from the Active Directory.

See the section "Add Users" in Chapter "Asset Visibility" in Cisco ISE Administrator Guide.

Step 4 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Admin Access > Authentication >
Authentication Method.
Step 5 Choose AD: <Join Point Name> from the Identity Source drop-down list.
Step 6 Choose either Password Based or Client Certificate Based authentication by clicking the corresponding radio button.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
External RESTful Services Software Development Kit

Step 7 Choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Administrators > Admin Groups.
Step 8 Click ERS Admin group or ERS Operator from the list of administration groups,
Step 9 Click Add and add the external group to the administrator group as a member user.
Step 10 Click Save.

The Cisco ISE administrator must assign special privileges to a user to allow the user to perform operations
using the External RESTful Services APIs. In Cisco ISE Release 2.6 and later, External RESTful Services
users can be either internal users or belong to an external Active Directory. The Active Directory group to
which the external users belong must be mapped to either ERS Admin or ERS Operator groups:
• ERS Admin: This user can create, read, update, and delete External RESTful Services API requests.
They have full access to all External RESTful Services APIs (GET, POST, DELETE, PUT).
• ERS Operator: This user has read-only access (GET requests only).

Note A user with the role Super Admin can access all External RESTful Services APIs.

External RESTful Services Software Development Kit

Use the External RESTful Services (ERS) software development kit (SDK) to build your own tools. You can
access the External RESTful Services SDK with the URL https://<ISE-ADMIN-NODE>:9060/ers/sdk. Only
users with the role ERS Admin can access the External RESTful Services SDK.
The SDK consists of the following components:
• Quick reference API documentation.
• A complete list of all available API operations.
• Schema files available for download.
• Sample application in Java available for download.
• Use cases in cURL script format.
• Use cases in Python script format.
• Instructions on using Chrome Postman.

Specify System Time and Network Time Protocol Server

Cisco ISE allows you to configure up to three NTP servers. Use the NTP servers to maintain accurate time
and synchronize time across different timezones. You can also specify whether Cisco ISE must use only
authenticated NTP servers and enter one or more authentication keys for that purpose.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Change the System Time Zone

We recommend that you set all Cisco ISE nodes to the Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) timezone, especially
if your Cisco ISE nodes are installed in a distributed deployment. This procedure ensures that the timestamps
of the reports and logs from the various nodes in your deployment are always synchronized.
Cisco ISE supports public key authentication for NTP servers. NTP Version 4 uses symmetric key cryptography
and also provides a new Autokey security model that is based on public key cryptography. Public-key
cryptography is considered to be more secure than symmetric key cryptography. This is because the security
is based on a private value that is generated by each server and never revealed. With the Autokey security
model, all key distribution and management functions involve only public values, which considerably simplify
key distribution and storage.
You can configure the Autokey security model for NTP server from the Cisco ISE CLI in Configuration
Mode. We recommend that you use the Identification Friend or Foe (IFF) system as this system is most widely

Before you begin

You must have either the Super Admin or System Admin administrator role assigned.
If you have both primary and secondary Cisco ISE nodes in your deployment, you must log in to the user
interface of each node and configure the system time and Network Time Protocol (NTP) server settings.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > System Time.
Step 2 In the NTP Server Configuration area, enter the unique IP addresses (IPv4 or IPv6 or fully qualified domain name
(FQDN) value) for your NTP servers.
Step 3 (Optional) To authenticate the NTP server using private keys, click the NTP Authentication Keys tab and specify one
or more authentication keys if any of the servers that you specify require authentication via an authentication key. Carry
out the following steps:
a) Click Add.
b) Enter the necessary values in the Key ID and Key Value fields. Choose the required Hashed Message Authentication
Code (HMAC) value from the HMAC drop-down list.The Key ID field supports numeric values between 1 to 65535
and the Key Value field supports up to 15 alphanumeric characters.
c) Click OK.
d) Return to the NTP Server Configuration tab.
Step 4 (Optional) To authenticate the NTP server using public key authentication, configure the Autokey security model on
Cisco ISE from the CLI. See the ntp server and crypto commands in the Cisco Identity Services Engine CLI Reference
Guide for your Cisco ISE release.
Note Cisco ISE recommends not to use only two NTP servers.

Step 5 Click Save.

Change the System Time Zone

Once set, you cannot edit the time zone from the administration portal. To change the time zone setting, enter
the following command in the Cisco ISE CLI:

clock timezone timezone

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Configure SMTP Server to Support Notifications

For more information about the clock timezone command, see Cisco Identity Services Engine CLI Reference

Note Cisco ISE uses Portable Operating System Interface (POSIX)-style signs in the time zone names and the
output abbreviations. Therefore, zones west of Greenwich have a positive sign and zones east of Greenwich
have a negative sign. For example, TZ='Etc/GMT+4' corresponds to 4 hours behind Universal Time (UT).

Caution When you change the time zone on a Cisco ISE appliance after installation, Cisco ISE services restart on that
particular node. We recommend that you perform such changes within a maintenance window. Also, it is
important to have all the nodes in a single Cisco ISE deployment that is configured to the same time zone. If
you have Cisco ISE nodes located in different geographical locations or time zones, you should use a global
time zone such as UTC on all the Cisco ISE nodes.

Configure SMTP Server to Support Notifications

Configure an SMTP server for Cisco ISE to be able to send email notifications for the following purposes:
• Alarms.
• For sponsors to send email notification to guests with their login credentials and password reset
• For guests to automatically receive their login credentials after they successfully register themselves,
and for the actions that are required of them before their guest accounts expire.

The recipient of alarm notifications can be any internal admin user with the Include system alarms in emails
option enabled. The sender’s email address for sending alarm notifications is hardcoded as ise@<hostname>.
The following table shows which node in a distributed Cisco ISE environment sends emails.

Table 15: Cisco ISE Nodes That Send Emails

Purpose of Email Node That Sends the Email

Guest access expiration Primary Policy Administration Node (PAN)

Alarms Active Monitoring and Troubleshooting node (MnT)

Sponsor and guest notifications from guest and Policy Service node (PSN)
sponsor portals

Password expirations Primary PAN

To configure an Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server, click the Menu icon ( ) and Administration >
System > Settings > SMTP Server. Configure the following fields:
• In the SMTP Server Settings area:
• SMTP Server: Enter the hostname of the outbound SMTP server.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Interactive Help

• SMTP Port: Enter the SMTP port number. This port must be open to connect to the SMTP server.
• Connection Timeout: Enter the maximum time that Cisco ISE waits for a connection to the SMTP
server before starting a new connection. The timeout value is configured in seconds.

• In the Encryption Settings area, check the Use TLS/SSL Encryption check box to communicate with
a secure SMTP server. If you use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), add the root certificate of the SMTP
server to Cisco ISE Trusted Certificates.
• In the Authentication Settings area, check the Use Password Authentication check box to use username
and password for authentication instead of SSL.

Interactive Help
The Interactive Help enables users to work effectively with Cisco ISE by providing tips and step-by-step
guidance to complete tasks with ease.
This feature is enabled by default. To disable this feature, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > System > Settings > Interactive Help, and uncheck the Enable Interactive Help check
Click the Show button to view the Interactive Help menu.

Enable Secure Unlock Client Mechanism

The Secure Unlock Client mechanism provides root shell access on Cisco ISE CLI for a certain time. When
you exit or close the session, the root access is also revoked.
The Secure Unlock Client feature is implemented using the Consent Token tool. Consent Token is a uniform
multifactor authentication scheme to securely grant privileged access for Cisco products in a trusted manner,
and only after mutual consent from both the customer and Cisco.
To enable root shell on Cisco ISE CLI, perform the following steps:

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE CLI, enter permit rootaccess:

ise/admin# permit rootaccess
1. Generate Challenge Token Request
2. Enter Challenge Response for Root Access
3. Show History
4. Exit
Enter CLI Option:

Step 2 Generate the Consent Token Challenge by choosing option 1:

1. Generate Challenge Token Request
2. Enter Challenge Response for Root Access
3. Show History
4. Exit
Enter CLI Option:
Generating Challenge.....................................
Challenge String (Please copy everything between the asterisk lines exclusively):

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Enable Secure Unlock Client Mechanism

Starting background timer of 15mins
1. Generate Challenge Token Request
2. Enter Challenge Response for Root Access
3. Show History
4. Exit
Enter CLI Option:

Step 3 Send the Consent Token Challenge to the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC):
Cisco TAC generates Consent Token Response using the Consent Token Challenge that you provide.

Step 4 Choose option 2 and then enter the Consent Token Response that is provided by Cisco TAC:
Enter CLI Option:
Please input the response when you are ready .........................
Response Signature Verified successfully !
Granting shell access
sh-4.2# ls

Note The privileged access is enabled if response signature verification is successful.

What to do next
To exit from the shell mode, run the exit command:
sh-4.2# exit
Root shell exited

View the history of root access sessions by choosing option 3:

1. Generate Challenge Token Request
2. Enter Challenge Response for Root Access
3. Show History
4. Exit
Enter CLI Option:
SN No : 1
generated at 2019-06-12 15:40:01.000
SN No : 2

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Federal Information Processing Standard Mode Support

Federal Information Processing Standard Mode Support

Cisco ISE Federal Information Processing Standard (FIPS) 140 mode initializes the Cisco FIPS Object Module
cryptographic module into FIPS 140-2 mode. Cisco ISE uses embedded FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic
modules. For details of the FIPS compliance claims, see FIPS Compliance Letter.
When the FIPS mode is enabled, the Cisco ISE administrator interface displays a FIPS mode icon at the left
of the node name in the top-right corner of the window.
If Cisco ISE detects the use of a protocol or certificate that is not supported by the FIPS 140-2 standard, it
displays a warning with the name of the protocol or certificate that is noncompliant, and the FIPS mode is
not enabled. Ensure that you choose only FIPS-compliant protocols and replace non-FIPS compliant certificates
before you enable the FIPS mode.
The certificates that are installed in Cisco ISE must be re-issued if the encryption method that is used in the
certificates is not supported by FIPS.
When you enable the FIPS mode, the following functions are affected:
• Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) over SSL

Cisco ISE enables FIPS 140-2 compliance via RADIUS shared secret and key management measures. When
the FIPS mode is enabled, any function that uses a non-FIPS-compliant algorithm fails.
When you enable the FIPS mode:
• All non-FIPS compliant cipher suites are disabled for EAP-TLS, PEAP, and EAP-FAST.
• All non-FIPS compliant cipher suites are disabled in SSH.
• Certificates and private keys must use only FIPS-compliant hash and encryption algorithms.
• RSA private keys must be 2048 bits or greater.
• ECDSA private keys must be 224 bits or greater.
• ECDSA server certificate works with only TLS 1.2.
• DHE ciphers work with DH parameters of 2048 bits or greater for all ISE TLS clients.
• 3DES ciphers are not allowed for Cisco ISE as a server
• SHA-1 is not allowed for generating certificates.
• SHA-1 is not allowed in client certificates.
• The anonymous PAC provisioning option in EAP-FAST is disabled.
• Local SSH server operates in FIPS mode.
• The following protocols are not supported for RADIUS:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Enable Federal Information Processing Standard Mode in Cisco ISE


Once the FIPS Mode is enabled, all the nodes in the deployment are rebooted automatically. Cisco ISE performs
a rolling restart by first restarting the primary PAN and then restarting each secondary node, one at a time.
Hence, it is recommended that you plan for the downtime before changing the configuration.

Tip We recommend that you do not enable FIPS mode before completing the database migration process.

Enable Federal Information Processing Standard Mode in Cisco ISE

To enable the FIPS mode in Cisco ISE:

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > FIPS Mode.
Step 2 Choose Enabled from the FIPS Mode drop-down list.
Step 3 Click Save and restart your machine.

What to do next
After you enable FIPS mode, enable and configure the following FIPS 140-2 compliant functions:
• Generate a Self-Signed Certificate, on page 143.
• Create a Certificate Signing Request and Submit it to a Certificate Authority, on page 162.
• Configure RADIUS authentication settings as mentioned under Network Device Definition Settings, on
page 727.

You may want to enable administrator account authorization using a Common Access Card function. Although
using Common Access Card functions for authorization is not strictly a FIPS 140-2 requirement, it is a
well-known secure-access measure that is used in several environments to bolster FIPS 140-2 compliance.

Configure Cisco ISE for Administrator Common Access Card Authentication

Before you begin

• Ensure that the domain name server (DNS) in Cisco ISE is set for Active Directory.
• Ensure that Active Directory user and user group memberships have been defined for each administrator

To ensure that Cisco ISE can authenticate and authorize an administrator based on the Common Access
Card-based client certificate that is submitted from the browser, configure the following:
• The external identity source (Active Directory in the following example).
• The Active Directory user groups to which the administrator belongs.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Configure Cisco ISE for Administrator Common Access Card Authentication

• How to find the user's identity in the certificate.

• Active Directory user groups to Cisco ISE RBAC permissions mapping.
• The Certificate Authority (trust) certificates that sign the client certificates.
• A method to determine if a client certificate has been revoked by the certificate authority.

You can use a Common Access Card to authenticate credentials when logging in to Cisco ISE.

Step 1 Configure an Active Directory identity source in Cisco ISE and join all Cisco ISE nodes to Active Directory.
Step 2 Configure a certificate authentication profile according to the guidelines.
Be sure to select the attribute in the certificate that contains the administrator username in the Principal Name X.509
Attribute field. For Common Access Cards, the Signature Certificate on the card is normally used to look up the user in
Active Directory. The Principal Name is found in this certificate in the Subject Alternative Name extension, specifically
in the Other Name area of the extension. So the attribute selection here should be Subject Alternative Name - Other
If the Active Directory record for the user contains the user's certificate, and you want to compare the certificate that is
received from the browser against the certificate in Active Directory, check the Binary Certificate Comparison check
box, and select the Active Directory instance name that was specified earlier.

Step 3 Enable Active Directory for password-based administrator authentication. Choose the Active Directory instance name
that you connected and joined to Cisco ISE earlier.
Note You must use password-based authentication until you complete other configurations. Then, you can change
the authentication type to client certificate based at the end of this procedure.

Step 4 Create an external administrator group and map it to an Active Directory group. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu
icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Administrators > Admin Groups. Create an external
system administrator group.
Step 5 Configure an administrator authorization policy to assign RBAC permissions to the external administrator groups.
Caution We strongly recommend that you create an external Super Admin group, map it to an Active Directory group,
and configure an administrator authorization policy with Super Admin permissions (menu access and data
access), and create at least one user in that Active Directory Group. This mapping ensures that at least one
external administrator has Super Admin permissions once Client Certificate-Based Authentication is enabled.
Failure to do this may lead to situations where the Cisco ISE administrator is locked out of critical functionality
in the administration portal.

Step 6 Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Store > Trusted Certificates to import certificate authority
certificates into the Cisco ISE trusted certificates store.
Cisco ISE does not accept a client certificate unless the certificate authority certificates in the client certificate’s trust
chain are placed in the Cisco ISE Certificates store. You must import the appropriate certificate authority certificates in
to the Cisco ISE Certificates store.
a) Click Import and click Choose File in the Certificate File area.
b) Check the Trust for client authentication and Syslog check box.
c) Click Submit.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Supported Common Access Card Standards

Cisco ISE prompts you to restart all the nodes in the deployment after you import a certificate. You can defer the
restart until you import all the certificates. However, after importing all the certificates, you must restart Cisco ISE
before you proceed.

Step 7 Configure the certificate authority certificates for revocation status verification.
a) Administration > System > Certificates > OSCP Client Profile.
b) Click Add.
c) Enter the name of an OSCP server, an optional description, and the URL of the server in the corresponding fields.
d) Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Store.
e) For each certificate authority certificate that can sign a client certificate, specify how to do the revocation status check
for that certificate authority. Choose a certificate authority certificate from the list and click Edit. On the edit page,
choose OCSP or certificate revocation list (CRL) validation, or both. If you choose OCSP, choose an OCSP service
to use for that certificate authority. If you choose CRL, specify the CRL Distribution URL and other configuration
Step 8 Enable client certificate-based authentication. Choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Authentication.
a) In the Authentication Method tab, click the Client Certificate Based radio button.
b) Choose the certificate authentication profile that you configured earlier from the Certificate Authentication Profile
drop-down list.
c) Select the Active Directory instance name from the Identity Source drop-down list.
d) Click Save.
Here, you switch from password-based authentication to client certificate-based authentication. The certificate
authentication profile that you configured earlier determines how the administrator’s certificate is authenticated. The
administrator is authorized using the external identity source, which in this example is Active Directory.
The Principal Name attribute from the certificate authentication profile is used to look up the administrator in Active

Supported Common Access Card Standards

Cisco ISE supports U.S. government users who authenticate themselves using Common Access Card
authentication devices. A Common Access Card is an identification badge with an electronic chip containing
a set of X.509 client certificates that identify a particular employee. Access via the Common Access Card
requires a card reader into which you insert the card and enter a PIN. The certificates from the card are then
transferred into the Windows certificate store, where they are available to applications such as the local browser
running Cisco ISE.

Common Access Card Operation in Cisco ISE

You can configure the administration portal so that Cisco ISE authentications occur only through a client
certificate. Credentials-based authentication that requires user IDs or passwords is not permitted. In client
certificate-based authentication, you insert a Common Access Card card, enter a PIN, and then enter the Cisco
ISE administration portal URL into the browser address field. The browser forwards the certificate to Cisco
ISE, and Cisco ISE authenticates and authorizes your login session, based on the contents of the certificate.
If this process is successful, the Cisco ISE Monitoring and Troubleshooting home page is displayed and you
are given the appropriate RBAC permissions.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Secure SSH Key Exchange Using Diffie-Hellman Algorithm

Secure SSH Key Exchange Using Diffie-Hellman Algorithm

Configure Cisco ISE to only allow Diffie-Hellman-Group14-SHA1 Secure Shell (SSH) key exchanges. Enter
the following commands from the Cisco ISE CLI Configuration Mode:
service sshd key-exchange-algorithm diffie-hellman-group14-sha1
Here is an example:
ise/admin#conf t
ise/admin (config)#service sshd key-exchange-algorithm diffie-hellman-group14-sha1

Configure Cisco ISE to Send Secure Syslog

Before you begin
To configure Cisco ISE to send only TLS-protected secure syslog between the Cisco ISE nodes and to the
monitoring nodes, perform the following tasks:
• Ensure that all the Cisco ISE nodes in your deployment are configured with appropriate server certificates.
• Ensure that the default network access authentication policy does not allow any version of the SSL
• Ensure that all the nodes in your deployment are registered with the primary PAN. Also ensure that at
least one node in your deployment has the Monitoring persona enabled on it to function as the secure
syslog receiver (TLS server).
• Check the supported RFC standards for syslogs. See Cisco Identity Services Engine Network Component
Compatibility guide for your Cisco ISE release.

Step 1 Configure a secure syslog remote logging target.

Step 2 Enable logging categories to send auditable events to the secure syslog remote logging target.
Step 3 Disable TCP Syslog and UDP syslog collectors. Only TLS-protected syslog collectors must be enabled.
Note Cisco ISE Release 2.6 and later releases include TLS-protected UDP syslogs if you enable the use of Cisco
ISE Messaging Service for delivering UDP syslogs to MnT nodes.

Configure Secure Syslog Remote Logging Target

Cisco ISE system logs are collected and stored by log collectors for various purposes. To configure a secure
syslog target, choose a Cisco ISE node with the Monitoring persona enabled on it as your log collector.

Step 1 Log in to the Cisco ISE administration portal.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Remote Logging Target Settings

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Logging > Remote Logging
Step 3 Click Add.
Step 4 Enter a name for the secure syslog server.
Step 5 Choose Secure Syslog from the Target Type drop-down list.
Step 6 Choose Enabled from the Status drop-down list.
Step 7 Enter the hostname or IP address of the Cisco ISE monitoring node in your deployment, in the Host / IP Address field.
Step 8 Enter 6514 as the port number in the Port field. The secure syslog receiver listens on TCP port 6514.
Step 9 Choose the syslog facility code from the Facility Code drop-down list. The default value is LOCAL6.
Step 10 Check the following check boxes to enable the corresponding configurations:
a) Include Alarms For This Target
b) Comply to RFC 3164
c) Enable Server Identity Check
Step 11 Check the Buffer Messages When Server Down check box. If this option is checked, Cisco ISE stores the logs if the
secure syslog receiver is unreachable, periodically checks the secure syslog receiver, and forwards the logs when the
secure syslog receiver comes up.
a) Enter the buffer size in the Buffer Size (MB) field.
b) For Cisco ISE to periodically check the secure syslog receiver, enter the reconnect timeout value in the Reconnect
Time (Sec) field. The timeout value is configured in seconds.
Step 12 Choose the CA certificate that Cisco ISE must present to the secure syslog server from the Select CA Certificate
drop-down list.
Step 13 Ensure that the Ignore Server Certificate validation check box is not checked when configuring a Secure Syslog.
Step 14 Click Submit.

Remote Logging Target Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Remote Logging Targets window that you use to create external
locations (syslog servers) to store logging messages. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and
choose Administration > System > Logging > Remote Logging Targets. Click Add.

Table 16: Remote Logging Target Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter a name for the new syslog target.

Target Type Select the target type from the drop-down list. The
default value is UDP Syslog.

Description Enter a brief description of the new target.

IP Address Enter the IP address or hostname of the destination

machine that will store the logs. Cisco ISE supports
IPv4 and IPv6 formats for logging.

Port Enter the port number of the destination machine.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Enable Logging Categories to Send Auditable Events to the Secure Syslog Target

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Facility Code Choose the syslog facility code that must be used for
logging from the drop-down list. Valid options are
Local0 through Local7.

Maximum Length Enter the maximum length of the remote log target
messages. Valid values are from 200 through 1024

Buffer Message When Server Down This check box is displayed when you choose TCP
Syslog or Secure Syslog from the Target Type
drop-down list. Check this check box to allow Cisco
ISE to buffer the syslog messages when a TCP syslog
target or secure syslog target is unavailable. Cisco
ISE retries sending the messages to the target when
the connection to the target resumes. After the
connection resumes, messages are sent sequentially,
starting with the oldest and proceeding to the newest.
Buffered messages are always sent before new
messages. If the buffer is full, old messages are

Buffer Size (MB) Set the buffer size for each target. By default, it is set
to 100 MB. Changing the buffer size clears the buffer
and all existing buffered messages for the specific
target are lost.

Reconnect Timeout (Sec) Enter the time (in seconds) to configure how long the
TCP and secure syslogs are stored before being
discarded, when the server is down.

Select CA Certificate This drop-down list is displayed when you choose

Secure Syslog from the Target Type drop-down list.
Choose a client certificate from the drop-down list.

Ignore Server Certificate Validation This check box is displayed when you choose Secure
Syslog from the Target Type drop-down list. Check
this check box for Cisco ISE to ignore server
certificate authentication and accept any syslog server.

Enable Logging Categories to Send Auditable Events to the Secure Syslog

Enable logging categories for Cisco ISE to send auditable events to the secure syslog target.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE administration portal, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Logging >
Logging Categories.
Step 2 Click the radio button next to the Administrative and Operational Audit logging category, then click Edit.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Configure Logging Categories

Step 3 Choose WARN from the Log Severity Level drop-down list.
Step 4 In the Targets area, move the secure syslog remote logging target that you created earlier to the Selected area.
Step 5 Click Save.
Step 6 Repeat this task to enable the following logging categories. Both these logging categories have INFO as the default log
severity level and you cannot edit it.
• AAA Audit.
• Posture and Client Provisioning Audit.

Configure Logging Categories

The following table describes the fields which you use to configure a logging category. Set a log severity
level and choose the logging targets for the logs of a logging category. To view this window, click the Menu
icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Logging > Logging Categories.
Click the radio button next to the logging category you want to view, and click Edit. The following table
describes the fields that are displayed in the edit window of the logging categories.

Table 17: Logging Category Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Displays the name of the logging category.

Log Severity Level For some logging categories, this value is set by
default and you cannot edit it. For some logging
categories, you can choose one of the following
severity levels from a drop-down list:
• FATAL: Emergency level. This level means that
you cannot use Cisco ISE and you must
immediately take the necessary actions.

• ERROR: This level indicates a critical error


• WARN: This level indicates a normal but

significant condition. This is the default level set
for many logging categories.

• INFO: This level indicates an informational


• DEBUG: This level indicates a diagnostic bug


Local Logging Check this check box to enable logging events for the
category on the local node.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Disable TCP Syslog and UDP Syslog Collectors

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Targets This area allows you to choose the targets for a

logging category by transferring the targets between
the Available and the Selected areas using the left
and right arrow icons. The Available area contains
the existing logging targets, both local (predefined)
and external (user-defined). The Selected area, which
is initially empty, then displays the targets that have
been chosen for the category.

Disable TCP Syslog and UDP Syslog Collectors

For Cisco ISE to send only secure syslog between the nodes, you must disable the TCP and UDP syslog
collectors, and enable only Secure Syslog collectors.

Note Cisco ISE Release 2.6 and later releases include TLS-protected UDP syslogs if you enable the use of Cisco
ISE Messaging Service for delivering UDP syslogs to MnT nodes. See Syslog over Cisco ISE Messaging
Service, on page 67

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Logging > Remote Logging
Step 2 Click the radio button next to a TCP or UDP syslog collector.
Step 3 Click Edit.
Step 4 Choose Disabled from the Status drop-down list.
Step 5 Click Save.
Step 6 Repeat this process until you disable all the TCP or UDP syslog collectors.

Default Secure Syslog Collector

Cisco ISE provides default secure syslog collectors for the MnT nodes. By default, no logging categories are
mapped to these default secure syslog collectors. The default secure syslog collectors are named as follows:
• Primary MnT node: SecureSyslogCollector
• Secondary MnT node: SecureSyslogCollector2

You can view this information on the Remote Logging Targets window (Administration > System >
Logging > Remote Logging Targets). You cannot delete the default syslog collectors and cannot update the
following fields for the default syslog collectors:
• Name
• Target Type

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Offline Maintenance

• IP/Host address
• Port

During a fresh Cisco ISE installation, a certificate that is named Default Self-signed Server Certificate is
added to the Trusted Certificates store. This certificate is marked for Trust for Client authentication and
Syslog usage, making it available for secure syslog usage. While configuring your deployment or updating
the certificates, you must assign relevant certificates to the secure syslog targets.
During a Cisco ISE upgrade, if there are any existing secure syslog targets pointing to MnT nodes on port
6514, the names and configurations of the target are retained. After the upgrade, you cannot delete these syslog
targets and you cannot edit the following fields:
• Name
• Target Type
• IP/Host address
• Port

If no such targets exist at the time of upgrade, default secure syslog targets are created similar to the fresh
installation scenario, without any certificate mapping. You can assign the relevant certificates to these syslog
targets. If you try to map a secure syslog target that is not mapped to any certificate to a logging category,
Cisco ISE displays the following message:

Please configure the certificate for log_target_name

Offline Maintenance
If the maintenance time period is less than an hour, take the Cisco ISE node offline and perform the maintenance
task. When you bring the node back online, the PAN node will automatically synchronize all the changes that
happened during maintenance time period. If the changes are not synchronized automatically, you can manually
synchronize it with the PAN.
If the maintenance time period is more than an hour, deregister the node at the time of maintenance and
reregister the node when you add the node back to deployment.
We recommend that you schedule the maintenance at a time period during which the activity is low.

Note 1. Data replication issues may occur if the queue contains more than 1,000,000 messages or if the Cisco ISE
node is offline for more than six hours.
2. If you are performing maintenance on the primary MnT node, we recommend that you take an operational
backup of the MnT node before performing maintenance activities.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Configure Endpoint Login Credentials

Configure Endpoint Login Credentials

The Endpoint Login Configuration window is where you configure login credentials so Cisco ISE can log
in to clients. The login credentials that are configured in this window are used by the following Cisco ISE
In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Endpoint
Scripts > Settings.
The following tabs are displayed:
• Windows Domain User: Configure the domain credentials that Cisco ISE must use to log in to a client
via SSH. Click the Plus icon and enter as many Windows logins as you need. For each domain, enter
the required values in the Domain, Username, and Password fields. If you configure domain credentials,
the local user credentials that are configured in the Windows Local User tab are ignored.
• Windows Local User: Configure the local account that Cisco ISE uses to access the client via SSH. The
local account must be able to run Powershell and Powershell remote.
• MAC Local User: The local account that Cisco ISE uses to access the client via SSH. The local account
must be able to run Powershell and Powershell remote.

Certificate Management in Cisco ISE

A certificate is an electronic document that identifies an individual, a server, a company, or another entity,
and associates that entity with a public key. A self-signed certificate is signed by its creator. Certificates can
be self-signed or digitally signed by an external CA. A CA-signed digital certificate is considered an industry
standard and more secure than a self-signed certificate.
Certificates are used in a network to provide secure access. Certificates identify a Cisco ISE node to an endpoint
and secure the communication between that endpoint and the Cisco ISE node.
Cisco ISE uses certificates for:
• Communication between Cisco ISE nodes.
• Communication between Cisco ISE and external servers such as the syslog and feed servers.
• Communication between Cisco ISE and end user portals such as guest, sponsor and BYOD portals.

Manage certificates for all the nodes in your deployment through the Cisco ISE administration portal.

Configure Certificates in Cisco ISE to Enable Secure Access

Cisco ISE relies on public key infrastructure (PKI) to provide secure communication with both endpoints and
administrators and between Cisco ISE nodes in a multinode deployment. PKI relies on X.509 digital certificates
to transfer public keys for encryption and decryption of messages, and to verify the authenticity of other
certificates representing users and devices. Through the Cisco ISE administration portal, you can manage two
categories of X.509 certificates:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Certificate Usage

• System Certificates: These are server certificates that identify a Cisco ISE node to client applications.
Every Cisco ISE node has its own system certificates that are stored on the node along with the
corresponding private keys.
• Trusted Certificates: These are CA certificates that are used to establish trust for the public keys that are
received from users and devices. The Trusted Certificates store also contains certificates that are distributed
by the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP), which enables the registration of mobile devices
into the enterprise network. Trusted certificates are managed on the primary PAN, and are automatically
replicated to all the other nodes in a Cisco ISE deployment.

In a distributed deployment, you must import the certificate only into the Certificate Trust List (CTL) of the
PAN. The certificate gets replicated to the secondary nodes.
To ensure certificate authentication in Cisco ISE is not impacted by minor differences in certificate-driven
verification functions, use lowercase hostnames for all Cisco ISE nodes that are deployed in a network.

Certificate Usage
When you import a certificate into Cisco ISE, specify the purpose for which the certificate is to be used. In
the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > System
Certificates, and click Import.
Choose one or more of the following uses:
• Admin: For internode communication and authenticating the administration portal.
• EAP Authentication: For TLS-based EAP authentication.
• RADIUS DTLS: For RADIUS DTLS server authentication.
• Portal: For communicating with all Cisco ISE end-user portals.
• SAML: For verifying that the SAML responses are being received from the correct identity provider.
• pxGrid: For communicating with the pxGrid controller.

Associate different certificates from each node for communicating with the administration portal (Admin
usage), the pxGrid controller (pxGrid usage), and for TLS-based EAP authentication (EAP Authentication
usage). However, you can associate only one certificate from each node for each of these purposes.
With multiple PSNs in a deployment that can service a web portal request, Cisco ISE needs a unique identifier
to identify the certificate that must be used for portal communication. When you add or import certificates
that are designated for portal use, define a certificate group tag and associate it with the corresponding certificate
on each node in your deployment. Associate this certificate group tag to the corresponding end-user portals
(guest, sponsor, and personal devices portals). This certificate group tag is the unique identifier that helps
Cisco ISE identify the certificate that must be used when communicating with each of these portals. You can
only designate one certificate from each node for each of the portals.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Certificate Matching in Cisco ISE

Note An EAP-TLS client certificate should have KeyUsage=Key Agreement and ExtendedKeyUsage=Client
Authentication for the following ciphers:

An EAP-TLS client certificate should have KeyUsage=Key Encipherment and ExtendedKeyUsage=Client

Authentication for the following ciphers:
• AES256-SHA256
• AES128-SHA256
• AES256-SHA
• AES128-SHA
• RC4-MD5

Certificate Matching in Cisco ISE

When you set up Cisco ISE nodes in a deployment, the nodes communicate with each other. The system
checks the FQDN of each Cisco ISE node to ensure that they match (for example and or if you use wildcard certificates then * In addition, when an external machine
presents a certificate to a Cisco ISE server, the external certificate that is presented for authentication is checked

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Validity of X.509 Certificates

(or matched) against the certificate in the Cisco ISE server. If the two certificates match, the authentication
For Cisco , matching is performed between the nodes (if there are two), and between Cisco and pxGrid.
Cisco ISE checks for a matching subject name as follows:
1. Cisco ISE looks at the subject alternative name extension of the certificate. If the subject alternative name
contains one or more DNS names, then one of the DNS names must match the FQDN of the Cisco ISE
node. If a wildcard certificate is used, then the wildcard domain name must match the domain in the Cisco
ISE node’s FQDN.
2. If there are no DNS names in the subject alternative name, or if the subject alternative name is missing
entirely, then the common name in the Subject field of the certificate or the wildcard domain in the
Subject field of the certificate must match the FQDN of the node.
3. If no match is found, the certificate is rejected.

Note X.509 certificates that are imported into Cisco ISE must be in privacy-enhanced mail (PEM) or distinguished
encoding rule format. Files containing a certificate chain (a system certificate along with the sequence of trust
certificates that sign it) can be imported, subject to certain restrictions.

Validity of X.509 Certificates

X.509 certificates are valid until a specific date. When a system certificate expires, the Cisco ISE functionality
that depends on the certificate is impacted. Cisco ISE notifies you about the pending expiration of a system
certificate when the expiration date is within 90 days. This notification appears in several ways:
• Colored expiration status icons appear in the System Certificates window. To view this window, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificate Management > System
• Expiration messages appear in the Cisco ISE System Diagnostic report. To view this window, click the
Menu icon ( ) and chooseOperations > Reports > Reports > Diagnostics > System Diagnostic.
• Expiration alarms are generated 90 days, 60 days, and 30 days before expiration. Expiration alarms are
generated every day in the final 30 days before expiration.

If the expiring certificate is a self-signed certificate, you can extend its expiration date by editing the certificate.
For a certificate authority-signed certificate, you must allow sufficient time to acquire the replacement certificate
from your certificate authority.

Enable Public Key Infrastructure in Cisco ISE

PKI is a cryptographic technique that enables secure communication and verifies the identity of a user using
digital signatures.

Step 1 Configure system certificates on each node in your deployment for the following:
• TLS-enabled authentication protocols such as EAP-TLS.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Wildcard Certificates

• Administration portal authentication.

• Allow browser and REST clients to access Cisco ISE web portals.
• Allow access to pxGrid controller.

By default, a Cisco ISE node is preinstalled with a self-signed certificate that is used for EAP authentication, and for
access to administration portal, end user portals, and pxGrid controller. In a typical enterprise environment, this self-signed
certificate is replaced with server certificates that are signed by a trusted CA.

Step 2 Populate the Trusted Certificates store with the CA-signed certificates that are used to establish trust with the user, and
device certificates that will be presented to Cisco ISE.
To validate the authenticity of a user or device certificate with a certificate chain that consists of a root CA certificate
and one or more intermediate CA certificates:
• Enable the relevant trust option for the root CA.
In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System >Certificates > Certificate
Management > Trusted Certificates. In this window, check the check box for the root CA certificate and click
Edit. In the Usage area, check the necessary check boxes in the Trusted For area.
• If you do not want to enable the trust option for the root CA, import the entire CA-signed certificate chain into the
Trusted Certificates store.

For inter-node communications, you must populate the Trusted Certificates store with the trust certificates that validate
the Admin system certificate of each node in the Cisco ISE deployment. To use the default self-signed certificate for
internode communication, export this certificate from the System Certificates window of each Cisco ISE node and import
it into the Trusted Certificates store. If you replace the self-signed certificates with CA-signed certificates, it is only
necessary to populate the Trusted Certificates store with the appropriate root CA and intermediate CA certificates. You
cannot register a node in a Cisco ISE deployment until you complete this step.
If you use self-signed certificates to secure communication between a client and a PSN in a deployment, when BYOD
users move from one location to another, EAP-TLS user authentication fails. For such authentication requests that have
to be serviced between a few PSNs, you must secure communication between the client and the PSN with an
externally-signed CA certificate or use wildcard certificates that are signed by an external CA.
Note After you obtain a backup from a standalone Cisco ISE node or the PAN, if you change the certificate
configuration on one or more nodes in your deployment, you must obtain another backup to restore data.
Otherwise, if you try to restore data using the older backup, communication between the nodes might fail.

Wildcard Certificates
A wildcard certificate uses a wildcard notation (an asterisk and period before the domain name) and the
certificate can be shared across multiple hosts in an organization. For example, the CN value for the certificate
subject would be a generic hostname such as aaa.ise.local and the SAN field would include the same generic
hostname and a wildcard notation such as DNS.1=aaa.ise.local and DNS.2=*.ise.local.
If you configure a wildcard certificate to use *.ise.local, you can use the same certificate to secure any other
host whose DNS name ends with “.ise.local,” such as :
• aaa.ise.local

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Wildcard Certificate Support in Cisco ISE

• psn.ise.local
• mydevices.ise.local
• sponsor.ise.local

Wildcard certificates secure communication in the same way as a regular certificate, and requests are processed
using the same validation methods.
The following figure is an example of a wildcard certificate that is used to secure a website.
Figure 7: Example of Wildcard Certificate

Wildcard Certificate Support in Cisco ISE

Cisco ISE supports wildcard certificates. In earlier releases, Cisco ISE verified any certificate enabled for
HTTPS to ensure the common name field matches the FQDN of the host exactly. If the fields did not match,
the certificate could not be used for HTTPS communication.
In earlier releases, Cisco ISE used that common name value to replace the variable in the url-redirect A-V
pair string. For all centralized web authentication, onboarding, posture redirection, and so on, the common
name value was used.
Cisco ISE uses the hostname of the ISE node as the common name.

Wildcard Certificates for HTTPS and Extensible Authentication Protocol Communication

You can use wildcard server certificates in Cisco ISE for administration (web-based services) and EAP
protocols that use SSL or TLS tunneling. When you use wildcard certificates, you do not need to generate a
unique certificate for each Cisco ISE node. Also, you no longer have to populate the SAN field with multiple
FQDN values to prevent certificate warnings. Use an asterisk (*) in the SAN field to share a single certificate
across multiple nodes in a deployment and prevent certificate name mismatch warnings. However, the use of

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Fully Qualified Domain Name in URL Redirection

wildcard certificates is considered less secure than assigning a unique server certificate to each Cisco ISE
When assigning public wildcard certificates to the guest portal and importing sub-CA with root-CA certificates,
the certificate chain is not sent until Cisco ISE services are restarted.

Note If you use wildcard certificates, we recommend that you partition your domain space for greater security. For
example, instead of *, you can partition it as * If you do not partition your
domain, it could lead to serious security issues.

Wildcard certificates use an asterisk (*) and a period before the domain name. For example, the common
name value for a certificate’s Subject Name would be a generic hostname such as aaa.ise.local and the SAN
field would have the wildcard character such as *.ise.local. Cisco ISE supports wildcard certifications in which
the wildcard character (*) is the left-most character in the presented identifier. For example, *
or * Cisco ISE does not support certificates in which the presented identifier contains other
characters along with the wildcard character. For example, abc*, or a*, or

Fully Qualified Domain Name in URL Redirection

Authorization profile redirects are carried out for central web authentication, device registration web
authentication, native supplicant provisioning, mobile device management, client provisioning, and posture
services. When Cisco ISE builds an authorization profile redirect, the resulting cisco-av-pair includes a string
similar to the following:
When processing this request, Cisco ISE substitutes actual values for some keywords in this string. For
example, SessionIdValue is replaced with the actual session ID of the request. For an eth0 interface, Cisco
ISE replaces the IP in the URL with the FQDN of the Cisco ISE node. For non-eth0 interfaces, Cisco ISE
uses the IP address in the URL. You can assign a host alias (name) for interfaces eth1 through eth3, which
Cisco ISE can then substitute in place of IP address during URL redirection.
To do this, use the ip host command in the configuration mode from the Cisco ISE CLI ISE /admin(config)#

ip host IP_address host-alias FQDN-string

Where IP_address is the IP address of the network interface (eth1 or eth2 or eth3) and host-alias is the name
that you assign to the network interface. FQDN-string is the fully qualified domain name of the network
interface. Using this command, you can assign a host-alias or an FQDN-string or both to a network interface.
Here is an example using the ip host command: ip host a.b.c.d sales
After you assign a host alias to the non-eth0 interface, restart the application services on Cisco ISE using the
application start ise command.
Use the no form of this command to remove the association of the host alias with the network interface.

no ip host IP_address host-alias FQDN-string

Use the show running-config command to view the host alias definitions.
If you provide the FQDN-string, Cisco ISE replaces the IP address in the URL with the FQDN. If you provide
only the host alias, Cisco ISE combines the host alias with the configured IP domain name to form a complete

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Advantages of Using Wildcard Certificates

FQDN and replaces the IP address in the URL with the FQDN. If you do not map a network interface to a
host alias, then Cisco ISE uses the IP address of the network interface in the URL.
When you use non-eth0 interfaces for client provisioning or native supplicant or guest flows, ensure that the
IP address or host alias for non-eth0 interfaces are configured appropriately in the PSN certificate's SAN

Advantages of Using Wildcard Certificates

• Cost savings: Certificates that are signed by third-party CAs are expensive, especially as the number of
servers increases. Wildcard certificates can be used on multiple nodes in the Cisco ISE deployment.
• Operational efficiency: Wildcard certificates allow all PSNs to share the same certificate for EAP and
web services. In addition to significant cost savings, certificate administration is also simplified by
creating the certificate once and applying it on all the PSNs.
• Reduced authentication errors: Wildcard certificates address issues seen with Apple iOS devices when
the client stores trusted certificates within the profile and does not follow the iOS keychain where the
signing root is trusted. When an iOS client first communicates with a PSN, it does not explicitly trust
the PSN certificate, although a trusted CA has signed the certificate. Using a wildcard certificate, the
certificate is the same across all PSNs, so the user only has to accept the certificate once and successive
authentications to different PSNs proceed without errors or prompts.
• Simplified supplicant configuration: For example, a Microsoft Windows supplicant with
PEAP-MSCHAPv2 and a trusted server certificate requires that you specify each of the server certificate
to trust, or the user may be prompted to trust each PSN certificate when the client connects using a
different PSN. With wildcard certificates, a single server certificate can be trusted rather than individual
certificates from each PSN.
• Wildcard certificates result in an improved user experience with less prompting and more seamless

Disadvantages of Using Wildcard Certificates

The following are some of the security considerations that are related to the use of wildcard certificates:
• Loss of auditability and nonrepudiation.
• Increased exposure of the private key.
• Not common or understood by administrators.

Wildcard certificates are considered less secure than using a unique server certificate in each Cisco ISE node.
But cost and other operational factors outweigh the security risk.
Security devices such as Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance also support wildcard certificates.
You must be careful when deploying wildcard certificates. For example, if you create a certificate with
*.company.local and an attacker is able to recover the private key, that attacker can spoof any server in the
company.local domain. Therefore, it is considered a best practice to partition the domain space to avoid this
type of compromise.
To address this possible issue and to limit the scope of use, wildcard certificates may also be used to secure
a specific subdomain of your organization. Add an asterisk (*) in the subdomain area of the common name
where you want to specify the wildcard.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Wildcard Certificate Compatibility

For example, if you configure a wildcard certificate for *, that certificate may be used to
secure any host whose DNS name ends in “”, such as:

Wildcard Certificate Compatibility

Wildcard certificates are usually created with the wildcard listed as the common name of the certificate subject.
Cisco ISE supports this type of construction. However, not all endpoint supplicants support the wildcard
character in the certificate subject.
All the Microsoft native supplicants that were tested (including Windows Mobile which is now discontinued)
do not support wildcard character in the certificate subject.
You can use another supplicant, such as Cisco AnyConnect Network Access Manager that might allow the
use of wildcard characters in the Subject field.
You can also use special wildcard certificates such as DigiCert's Wildcard Plus that is designed to work with
incompatible devices by including specific subdomains in the Subject Alternative Name of the certificate.
Although the Microsoft supplicant limitation appears to be a deterrent to using wildcard certificates, there are
alternative ways to create the wildcard certificate that allow it to work with all the devices tested for secure
access, including the Microsoft native supplicants.
To do this, instead of using the wildcard character in the Subject, you must use the wildcard character in the
Subject Alternative Name field instead. The Subject Alternative Name field maintains an extension that is
designed for checking the domain name (DNS name). See RFC 6125 and RFC 2128 for more information.

Certificate Hierarchy
In the administration portal, view the certificate hierarchy or the certificate trust chain of all endpoint, system,
and trusted certificates. The certificate hierarchy includes the certificate, all the intermediate CA certificates,
and the root certificate. For example, when you choose to view a system certificate from the the administration
portal, the details of the corresponding system certificate are displayed. The certificate hierarchy is displayed
at the top of the certificate. Click a certificate in the hierarchy to view its details. The self-signed certificate
does not have any hierarchy or trust chain.
In the certificate listing windows, you will see one of the following icons in the Status column:
• Green icon: Indicates a valid certificate (valid trust chain).
• Red icon: Indicates an error (for example, trust certificate missing or expired).
• Yellow icon: Warns that a certificate is about to expire and prompts renewal.

System Certificates
Cisco ISE system certificates are server certificates that identify a Cisco ISE node to other nodes in the
deployment and to client applications. System certificates are:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
System Certificates

• Used for inter-node communication in a Cisco ISE deployment. Check the Admin check box in the
Usage area of these certificates.
• Used by browser and REST clients who connect to Cisco ISE web portals. Check the Portal check box
in the Usage area of these certificates.
• Used to form the outer TLS tunnel with PEAP and EAP-FAST. Check the EAP Authentication check
box in the Usage area for mutual authentication with EAP-TLS, PEAP, and EAP-FAST.
• Used for RADIUS DTLS server authentication.
• Used to communicate with SAML identity providers. Check the SAML check box in the Usage area of
this certificate. If you choose the SAML option, you cannot use this certificate for any other service.
• Used to communicate with the pxGrid controller. Check the pxGrid check box in the Usage area of these

Install valid system certificates on each node in your Cisco ISE deployment. By default, two self-signed
certificates and one signed by the internal Cisco ISE CA are created on a Cisco ISE node during installation
• A self-signed server certificate designated for EAP, Admin, Portal, and RADIUS DTLS (it has a key
size of 2048 and is valid for one year).
• A self-signed SAML server certificate that can be used to secure communication with a SAML identity
provider (it has a key size of 2048 and is valid for one year).
• An internal Cisco ISE CA-signed server certificate that can be used to secure communication with pxGrid
clients (it has a key size of 4096 and is valid for one year).

When you set up a deployment and register a secondary node, the certificate that is designated for pxGrid
controller is automatically replaced with a certificate that is signed by the primary node's CA. Thus, all pxGrid
certificates become part of the same PKI trust hierarchy.

Note When you export a wildcard system certificate to be imported into the other nodes (for inter-node
communication), ensure that you export the certificate and the private key, and specify an encryption password.
During import, you will need the certificate, private key, and encryption password.

Note For supported key and cipher information for your release, see the appropriate version of the Cisco Identity
Services Engine Network Component Compatibility guide.

We recommend that you replace the self-signed certificate with a CA-signed certificate for greater security.
To obtain a CA-signed certificate, you must:
1. Create a Certificate Signing Request and Submit it to a Certificate Authority, on page 162
2. Import the Root Certificates to the Trusted Certificate Store, on page 156
3. Bind the CA-Signed Certificate to the Certificate Signing Request, on page 163

ISE Community Resource

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
View System Certificates

How To: Implement ISE Server-Side Certificates

Certificate Renewal on Cisco Identity Services Engine Configuration Guide

View System Certificates

The System Certificate window lists all the system certificates added to Cisco ISE.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Certificates > System Certificates.
Step 2 The following columns are displayed in the System Certificates window:
• Friendly Name: Name of the certificate.
• Usage: The services for which this certificate is used.
• Portal group tag: Applicable only for certificates that are designated for portal use. This field specifies which
certificate has to be used for portals.
• Issued To: Common Name of the certificate subject.
• Issued By: Common Name of the certificate issuer
• Valid From: Date on which the certificate was created, also known as the "Not Before" certificate attribute.
• Valid To (Expiration): Expiration date of the certificate, also known as the "Not After" certificate attribute. The
following icons are displayed next to the expiration date:
• Green icon: Expiring in more than 90 days.
• Blue icon: Expiring in 90 days or less.
• Yellow icon: Expiring in 60 days or less.
• Orange icon: Expiring in 30 days or less.
• Red icon: Expired.

Import a System Certificate

You can import a system certificate for any Cisco ISE node from the administration portal.

Note Changing the certificate of the admin role certificate on a primary PAN node restarts services on all other
nodes. The system restarts one node at a time, after the primary PAN restart has complete.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
System Certificate Import Settings

Before you begin

• Ensure that you have the system certificate and the private key file on the system that is running on the
client browser.
• If the system certificate that you import is signed by an external CA, import the relevant root CA and
intermediate CA certificates into the Trusted Certificates store (Administration > System > Certificates >
Trusted Certificates).
• If the system certificate that you import contains basic constraints extension with the CA flag set to true,
ensure that the key usage extension is present, and the keyEncipherment bit or the keyAgreement bit or
both are set.
• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1
Step 2 Click Import.
The Import Server Certificate window is displayed.
Step 3 Enter the values for the certificate that you are going to import.
Step 4 Click Submit.

System Certificate Import Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Import System Certificate window that you can use to import
a server certificate. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System >
Certificates > System Certificates. Click Import.

Table 18: System Certificate Import Settings

Field Name Description

Select Node (Required) Choose the Cisco ISE node on which you want to import the system
certificate from the drop-down list.

Certificate File (Required) Click Choose File and choose the certificate file from your local system.

Private Key File (Required) Click Choose File and choose the private key file from your local system.

Password (Required) Enter the password to decrypt the private key file.

Friendly Name Enter a friendly name for the certificate. If you do not specify a name, Cisco ISE
automatically creates a name in the following format:
<common name> # <issuer> # <nnnnn> where <nnnnn> is a unique five-digit number.

Allow Wildcard Check this check box if you want to import a wildcard certificate. A wildcard certificate
Certificates uses a wildcard notation (an asterisk and period before the domain name). Wildcard
certificates are shared across multiple hosts in an organization.
If you check this check box, Cisco ISE imports this certificate to all the other nodes in
the deployment.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Generate a Self-Signed Certificate

Field Name Description

Validate Check this check box if you want Cisco ISE to validate the certificate extensions. If
Certificate you check this check box and the certificate that you import contains a basic constraints
Extensions extension with the CA flag set to true, ensure that the key usage extension is present.
The keyEncipherment bit or the keyAgreement bit, or both, must also be set.

Usage Choose the service for which this system certificate must be used:
• Admin: Server certificate used to secure communication with the administration
portal and between the Cisco ISE nodes in a deployment.
Note Changing the certificate of the admin role certificate on the primary
PAN restarts services on all other Cisco ISE nodes.

• EAP Authentication: Server certificate used for authentications that use the EAP
protocol for SSL or TLS tunneling.
• RADIUS DTLS: Server certificate used for RADIUS DTLS authentication.
• pxGrid: Client and server certificate to secure communication between the pxGrid
client and the server.
• ISE Messaging Service: Used by Syslog Over Cisco ISE Messaging feature,
which enables MnT WAN survivability for built-in UDP syslog collection targets
(LogCollector and LogCollector2).
• SAML: Server certificate used to secure communication with the SAML identity
provider. A certificate that is designated for SAML use cannot be used for any
other service such as Admin, EAP authentication, and so on.
• Portal: Server certificate used to secure communication with all Cisco ISE web

Related Topics
System Certificates, on page 139
View System Certificates, on page 141
Import a System Certificate, on page 141

Generate a Self-Signed Certificate

Add a new local certificate by generating a self-signed certificate. Cisco recommends that you only employ
self-signed certificates for your internal testing and evaluation needs. If you plan to deploy Cisco ISE in a
production environment, use CA-signed certificates whenever possible to ensure more uniform acceptance
around a production network.

Note If you use a self-signed certificate and you want to change the hostname of your Cisco ISE node, log in to the
administration portal of the Cisco ISE node, delete the self-signed certificate that has the old hostname, and
generate a new self-signed certificate. Otherwise, Cisco ISE continues to use the self-signed certificate with
the old hostname.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Self-Signed Certificate Settings

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Self-Signed Certificate Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Generate Self Signed Certificate window. This window allows
you to create system certificates for inter-node communication, EAP-TLS authentication, Cisco ISE web
portals, and to communicate with the pxGrid controller. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and
choose Administration > System > Certificates > System Certificates. Click Generate Self Signed

Table 19: Self-Signed Certificate Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Select Node (Required) Choose the node for which you want to generate the system certificate
from the drop-down list.

Common Name (Required if you do not specify a SAN) By default, the common name is the FQDN
(CN) of the Cisco ISE node for which you are generating the self-signed certificate.

Organizational Unit Organizational Unit name. For example, Engineering.


Organization (O) Organization name. For example, Cisco.

City (L) (Do not abbreviate) City name. For example, San Jose.

State (ST) (Do not abbreviate) State name. For example, California.

Country (C) Country name. Enter the two-letter ISO country code. For example, US.

Subject Alternative An IP address, DNS name, or Uniform Resource Identifier (URI) that is associated
Name (SAN) with the certificate.

Key Type The algorithm to be used for creating the public key, either RSA or ECDSA.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Self-Signed Certificate Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Key Length The bit size for the public key. Choose one of the following options from the
drop-down list for RSA:
• 512
• 1024
• 2048
• 4096

Choose one of the following options from the drop-down list for ECDSA:
• 256
• 384

Note RSA and ECDSA public keys might have different key lengths for the
same security level.

Choose 2048 if you plan to get a public CA-signed certificate or deploy Cisco ISE
as a FIPS-compliant policy management system.

Digest to Sign With Choose one of the following hashing algorithms from the drop-down list:
• SHA-1
• SHA-256

Certificate Policies Enter the certificate policy OID or list of OIDs that the certificate should conform
to. Use a comma or space to separate the OIDs.

Expiration TTL Specify the number of days after which the certificate expires. Choose the value from
the drop-down lists.

Friendly Name Enter a friendly name for the certificate. If you do not specify a name, Cisco ISE
automatically creates a name in the format <common name> # <issuer> # <nnnnn>
where <nnnnn> is a unique five-digit number.

Allow Wildcard Check this check box if you want to generate a self-signed wildcard certificate. A
Certificates wildcard certificate uses a wildcard notation (an asterisk and period before the domain
name) and allows the certificate to be shared across multiple hosts in an organization.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Edit a System Certificate

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Usage Choose the service for which this system certificate must be used:
• Admin: Server certificate used to secure communication with the administration
portal and between the Cisco ISE nodes in a deployment.
• EAP Authentication: Server certificate used for authentications that use the
EAP protocol for SSL or TLS tunneling.
• RADIUS DTLS: Server certificate used for RADIUS DTLS authentication.
• pxGrid: Client and server certificate to secure communication between the
pxGrid client and the server.
• SAML: Server certificate used to secure communication with the SAML identity
provider. A certificate that is designated for SAML use cannot be used for any
other service such as Admin, EAP authentication, and so on.
• Portal: Server certificate used to secure communication with all Cisco ISE web

Related Topics
System Certificates, on page 139
View System Certificates, on page 141
Generate a Self-Signed Certificate, on page 143

Edit a System Certificate

Use this window to edit a system certificate and to renew a self-signed certificate. When you edit a wildcard
certificate, the changes are replicated to all the nodes in the deployment. If you delete a wildcard certificate,
that wildcard certificate is removed from all the nodes in the deployment.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 ChooseIn the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > System
Step 2 Check the check box next to the certificate that you want to edit, and click Edit.
Step 3 To renew a self-signed certificate, check the Renewal Period check box and enter the expiration Time to Live (TTL) in
days, weeks, months, or years. Choose the required value from the drop-down lists.
Step 4 Click Save.
If the Admin check box is checked, then the application server on the Cisco ISE node restarts. In addition, if the Cisco
ISE node is the PAN in a deployment, then the application server on all the other nodes in the deployment also restart.
The system restarts one node at a time, after the primary PAN restart has completed.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Delete System Certificate

Note Using Chrome 65 and above to launch Cisco ISE can cause BYOD portal or Guest portal to fail to launch in
the browser although URL is redirected successfully. This is because of a new security feature introduced by
Google that requires all certificates to have a Subject Alternative Name field. For Cisco ISE Release 2.4 and
later, you must fill the Subject Alternative Name field.
To launch with Chrome 65 and above, follow the steps below:
1. Generate a new self-signed certificate from the Cisco ISE GUI by filling the Subject Alternative Name
field. Both DNS and IP Address must be filled.
2. Cisco ISE services restart.
3. Redirect the portal in Chrome browser.
4. From browser View Certificate>Details>Copy the certificate by selecting base-64 encoded.
5. Install the certificate in Trusted path.
6. Close the Chrome browser and try to redirect the portal.

Note When configuring wireless BYOD setup for the browser Firefox 64 and later releases, with operating systems
Win RS4 or RS5, you may not be able to add Certificate Exception. This behaviour is expected in case of
fresh installs of Firefox 64 and later releases, and does not occur in case of upgrading to Firefox 64 and above
from a previous version. The following steps allow you to add certificate exception in this case:
1. Configure for BYOD flow single or dual PEAP or TLS.
2. Configure CP Policy with Windows ALL option.
3. Connect Dot1.x or MAB SSID in end client Windows RS4 or Windows RS5.
4. Type in FF64 browser for redirection to Guest or BYOD portal.
5. Click Add Exception > Unable to add certificate, and proceed with flow.

As a workaround, add the certificate manually for Firefox 64. In the Firefox 64 browser, choose Options >
Privacy & Settings > View Certificates > Servers > Add Exception.

Delete System Certificate

You can delete the system certificates that you no longer use.
Although you can delete multiple certificates from the System Certificates store at a time, you must have at
least one certificate to use for Admin and EAP authentication. Also, you cannot delete any certificate that is
in use for Admin, EAP Authentication, Portals, or pxGrid controller. However, you can delete the pxGrid
certificate when the service is disabled.
If you choose to delete a wildcard certificate, the certificate is removed from all the Cisco ISE nodes in the

Step 1 ChooseIn the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > System

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Export a System Certificate

Step 2 Check the check boxes next to the certificates that you want to delete, and click Delete.
A warning message is displayed.

Step 3 Click Yes to delete the certificate.

Export a System Certificate

You can export a system certificate or a certificate and its associated private key. If you export a certificate
and its private key for backup purposes, you can reimport them later if needed.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 ChooseIn the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > System
Step 2 Check the check box next to the certificate that you want to export and click Export.
Step 3 Choose whether to export only the certificate, or the certificate and its associated private key.
Tip We do not recommend exporting the private key that is associated with a certificate because its value may be
exposed. If you must export a private key (for example, when you export a wildcard system certificate to be
imported into the other Cisco ISE nodes for inter-node communication), specify an encryption password for
the private key. You must specify this password while importing this certificate into another Cisco ISE node
to decrypt the private key.

Step 4 Enter the password if you have chosen to export the private key. The password should be at least eight characters long.
Step 5 Click Export to save the certificate to the file system that is running your client browser.
If you export only the certificate, the certificate is stored in the PEM format. If you export both the certificate and private
key, the certificate is exported as a .zip file that contains the certificate in the PEM format and the encrypted private key

Trusted Certificates Store

The Trusted Certificates store contains X.509 certificates that are used for trust and for Simple Certificate
Enrollment Protocol (SCEP).
The certificates in the Trusted Certificate store are managed on the primary PAN, and are replicated to every
node in the Cisco ISE deployment. Cisco ISE supports wildcard certificates.
Cisco ISE uses the trusted certificates for the following purposes:
• To verify client certificates used for authentication by endpoints, and by Cisco ISE administrators
accessing ISE-PICthe administration portal using certificate-based administrator authentication.
• To enable secure communication between Cisco ISE nodes in a deployment. The Trusted Certificates
store must contain the chain of CA certificates needed to establish trust with the system certificate on
each node in a deployment.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Certificates in Trusted Certificates Store

• If a self-signed certificate is used for the system certificate, the self-signed certificate from each
node must be placed in the Trusted Certificates store of the PAN.
• If a CA-signed certificate is used for the system certificate, the CA root certificate, and any
intermediate certificates in the trust chain, must be placed in the Trusted Certificates store of the

• To enable Secure LDAP authentication, a certificate from the certificate store must be selected when
defining an LDAP identity source that will be accessed over SSL.
• To distribute to personal devices preparing to register in the network using the personal devices portals.
Cisco ISE implements the SCEP on PSNs to support personal device registration. A registering device
uses the SCEP protocol to request a client certificate from a PSN. The PSN contains a registration authority
(RA) that acts as an intermediary. The RA receives and validates the request from the registering device
and then forwards the request to an external CA or the internal Cisco ISE CA, which issues the client
certificate. The CA sends the certificate back to the RA, which returns it to the device.
Each SCEP CA used by Cisco ISE is defined by a SCEP RA profile. When a SCEP RA profile is created,
two certificates are automatically added to the Trusted Certificates store:
• A CA certificate (a self-signed certificate)
• An RA certificate (a Certificate Request Agent certificate), which is signed by the CA.

The SCEP protocol requires that these two certificates be provided by the RA to a registering device. By
placing these two certificates in the Trusted Certificates store, they are replicated to all PSN nodes for
use by the RA on those nodes.

Note When a SCEP RA profile is removed, the associated CA chain is also removed
from the Trusted Certificates store. However, if the same certificates are referenced
by secure syslog, LDAP, system, or trust certificates, only the SCEP profile is

Note • X.509 certificates imported to Cisco ISE must be in PEM or Distinguished Encoding Rule format. Files
containing a certificate chain, a system certificate along with the sequence of trust certificates that sign
it, are imported, subject to certain restrictions.
• When assigning public wildcard certificates to the guest portal and importing sub-CA with root-CA
certificates, the certificate chain is not sent until the Cisco ISE services restart.

ISE Community Resource

Install a Third-Party CA Certificate in ISE 2.0

Certificates in Trusted Certificates Store

The Trusted Certificate store is prepopulated with trusted certificates: manufacturing certificate, root certificate,
and other trusted certificates. The Root certificate (Cisco Root CA) signs the Manufacturing (Cisco CA

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
List of Trusted Certificates

Manufacturing) certificate. These certificates are disabled by default. If you have Cisco IP phones as endpoints
in your deployment, enable the root and manufacturing certificates so the Cisco-signed client certificates for
the phones are authenticated.

List of Trusted Certificates

The following table describes the columns in the Trusted Certificates window, where the list of trusted
certificates that are added to the administration node is displayed. To view this window, click the Menu icon
( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Trusted Certificates.

Table 20: Trusted Certificates Window Columns

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Friendly Name Displays the name of the certificate.

Status This column displays Enabled or Disabled. If the

certificate is disabled, Cisco ISE will not use the
certificate for establishing trust.

Trusted for Displays one or more of the following services for

which the certificate is used.
• Infrastructure
• Cisco Services
• Endpoints

Issued To Displays the common name of the certificate subject.

Issued By Displays the common name of the certificate issuer.

Valid From Displays the date and time when the certificate was
issued. This value is also known as the “Not Before”
certificate attribute.

Expiration Date Displays the date and time when the certificate
expires. This value is also known as the “Not After”
certificate attribute.

Expiration Status Provides information about the status of the certificate

expiration. There are five icons and categories of
informational message that are displayed in this
• Green: Expiring in more than 90 days
• Blue: Expiring in 90 days or less
• Yellow: Expiring in 60 days or less
• Orange: Expiring in 30 days or less
• Red: Expired

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Trusted Certificate Naming Constraint

Related Topics
Trusted Certificates Store, on page 148
View Trusted Certificates, on page 152
Change the Status of a Certificate in Trusted Certificates Store, on page 152
Add a Certificate to Trusted Certificates Store, on page 152

Trusted Certificate Naming Constraint

A trusted certificate in CTL may contain a name constraint extension. This extension defines a namespace
for values of all subject name and subject alternative name fields of subsequent certificates in a certificate
chain. Cisco ISE does not check constraints that are specified in a root certificate.
Cisco ISE supports the following name constraints:
• Directory name
The directory name constraint should be a prefix of the directory name in the subject or subject alternative
name field. For example:
• Correct subject prefix:
CA certificate name constraint: Permitted: O=Cisco
Client certificate subject: O=Cisco,CN=Salomon
• Incorrect subject prefix:
CA certificate name constraint: Permitted: O=Cisco
Client certificate subject: CN=Salomon,O=Cisco

• Email
• URI (The URI constraint must start with a URI prefix such as http://, https://, ftp://, or ldap://).

Cisco ISE does not support the following name constraints:

• IP Address
• OtherName

When a trusted certificate contains a constraint that is not supported and the certificate that is being verified
does not contain the appropriate field, Cisco ISE rejects the certificate because it cannot verify unsupported
The following is an example of the name constraints definition within the trusted certificate:

X509v3 Name Constraints: critical

DirName: DC = dir, DC = emea
DirName: C = AT, ST = EMEA, L = AT, O = ABCDE Group, OU = Domestic

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
View Trusted Certificates

DirName: C = BG, ST = EMEA, L = BG, O = ABCDE Group, OU = Domestic

DirName: C = BE, ST = EMEA, L = BN, O = ABCDE Group, OU = Domestic
DirName: C = CH, ST = EMEA, L = CH, O = ABCDE Group, OU = Service Z100

An acceptable client certificate subject that matches the above definition is as follows:

Subject: DC=dir, DC=emea, OU=+DE, OU=OU-Administration, OU=Users, OU=X1,


View Trusted Certificates

The Trusted Certificates window lists all the trusted certificates that are available in Cisco ISE. To view the
trusted certificates, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 To view all the certificates, choose click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates >
Trusted Certificates. The Trusted Certificates window displayed, listing all the trusted certificates.
Step 2 Check the check box of the trusted certificate and click Edit, View, Export, or Delete to perform the required task.

Change the Status of a Certificate in Trusted Certificates Store

The status of a certificate must be enabled so that Cisco ISE can use the certificate for establishing trust. When
a certificate is imported into the Trusted Certificates store, it is automatically enabled.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Trusted
Step 2 In the ISE-PIC GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Certificates > Trusted Certificates.
Step 3 Check the check box next to the certificate you want to enable or disable, and click Edit.
Step 4 Choose the status from the Status drop-down list.
Step 5 Click Save.

Add a Certificate to Trusted Certificates Store

The Trusted Certificate store window allows you to add CA certificates to Cisco ISE.

Before you begin

• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.
• The certificate that you want to add must be in the file system of the computer where your browser is
running. The certificate must be in PEM or DER format.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Edit a Trusted Certificate

• To use the certificate for Admin or EAP authentication, define the basic constraints in the certificate and
set the CA flag to true.

Edit a Trusted Certificate

After you add a certificate to the Trusted Certificates store, you can further edit it by using the Edit options.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 ChooseIn the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Trusted
Step 2 Check the check box next to the certificate that you want to edit, and click Edit.
Step 3 (Optional) Enter a name for the certificate in the Friendly Name field. If you do not specify a friendly name, a default
name is generated in the following format:

Step 4 Define the usage of the certificate by checking the necessary check boxes in the Trusted For area.
Step 5 (Optional) Enter a description for the certificate in the Description field.
Step 6 Click Save.

Trusted Certificate Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Edit window of a Trusted Certificate. Edit the CA certificate
attributes in this window. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration >
System > Certificates > Trusted Certificates. Check the check box for the Trusted Certificate you want to
edit, and click Edit.

Table 21: Trusted Certificate Edit Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Certificate Issuer

Friendly Name Enter a friendly name for the certificate. This is an

optional field. If you do not enter a friendly name, a
default name is generated in the following format:

Status Choose Enabled or Disabled from the drop-down

list. If the certificate is disabled, Cisco ISE will not
use the certificate for establishing trust.

Description (Optional) Enter a description.


Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Trusted Certificate Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Trust for authentication within ISE Check this check box if you want this certificate to
verify server certificates (from other Cisco ISE nodes
or LDAP servers).

Trust for client authentication and Syslog (Applicable only if you check the Trust for
authentication within ISE check box) Check the
check box if you want this certificate to be used to:
• Authenticate endpoints that connect to Cisco ISE
using the EAP protocol.
• Trust a Syslog server.

Trust for authentication of Cisco Services Check this check box if you want this certificate to
be used to trust external Cisco services such as the
Feed Service.

Certificate Status Validation Cisco ISE supports two ways of checking the
revocation status of a client or server certificate that
is issued by a particular CA. The first way is to
validate the certificate using the Online Certificate
Status Protocol (OCSP), which makes a request to an
OCSP service maintained by the CA. The second way
is to validate the certificate against a CRL which is
downloaded from the CA into Cisco ISE. Both of
these methods can be enabled, in which case OCSP
is used first and only if a status determination cannot
be made then the CRL is used.

Validate Against OCSP Service Check the check box to validate the certificate against
OCSP services. You must first create an OCSP
Service to be able to check this box.

Reject the request if OCSP returns UNKNOWN Check the check box to reject the request if certificate
status status is not determined by the OCSP service. If you
check this check box, an unknown status value that
is returned by the OCSP service causes Cisco ISE to
reject the client or server certificate currently being

Reject the request if OCSP Responder is Check the check box for Cisco ISE to reject the
unreachable request if the OCSP Responder is not reachable.

Download CRL Check the check box for the Cisco ISE to download
a CRL.

CRL Distribution URL Enter the URL to download the CRL from a CA. This
field is automatically populated if it is specified in the
certificate authority certificate. The URL must begin
with “http”, “https”, or “ldap.”

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Delete Trusted Certificates

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Retrieve CRL The CRL can be downloaded automatically or

periodically. Configure the time interval between

If download failed, wait Configure the time interval that Cisco ISE must wait
Cisco ISE tries to download the CRL again.

Bypass CRL Verification if CRL is not Received Check this check box, for the client requests to be
accepted before the CRL is received. If you uncheck
this check box, all client requests that use certificates
signed by the selected CA will be rejected until Cisco
ISE receives the CRL file.

Ignore that CRL is not yet valid or expired Check this check box if you want Cisco ISE to ignore
the start date and expiration date and continue to use
the not yet active or expired CRL and permit or reject
the EAP-TLS authentications based on the contents
of the CRL.
Uncheck this check box if you want Cisco ISE to
check the CRL file for the start date in the Effective
Date field and the expiration date in the Next Update
field. If the CRL is not yet active or has expired, all
authentications that use certificates signed by this CA
are rejected.

Related Topics
Trusted Certificates Store, on page 148
Edit a Trusted Certificate, on page 153

Delete Trusted Certificates

You can delete trusted certificates that you no longer need. However, you must not delete Cisco ISE internal
CA certificates. Cisco ISE internal CA certificates can be deleted only when you replace the Cisco ISE root
certificate chain for the entire deployment.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Certificates > Trusted Certificates.
Step 2 Check the check boxes next to the certificates that you want to delete, and click Delete.
A warning message is displayed. To delete the Cisco ISE Internal CA certificates, click one of the following options:
• Delete: To delete the Cisco ISE internal CA certificates. All endpoint certificates that are signed by the Cisco ISE
internal CA become invalid and the endpoints cannot join the network. To allow the endpoints on the network again,
import the same Cisco ISE internal CA certificates into the Trusted Certificates store.
• Delete & Revoke: Deletes and revokes the Cisco ISE internal CA certificates. All endpoint certificates that are
signed by the Cisco ISE internal CA become invalid and the endpoints cannot get on to the network. This operation
cannot be undone. You must replace the Cisco ISE root certificate chain for the entire deployment.

Step 3 Click Yes to delete the certificate.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Export a Certificate from the Trusted Certificates Store

Export a Certificate from the Trusted Certificates Store

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Note If you export certificates from the internal CA and plan to use the exported certificates to restore from backup,
use the CLI command application configure ise. See Export Cisco ISE CA Certificates and Keys, on
page 188.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Trusted
Step 2
Step 3 Check the check box next to the certificate that you want to export, and click Export. You can export only one certificate
at a time.
Step 4 The chosen certificate downloads in the PEM format into the file system that is running your client browser.

Import the Root Certificates to the Trusted Certificate Store

While importing the root CA and intermediate CA certificates, specify the services for which the trusted CA
certificates are to be used.

Before you begin

You must have the root certificate and other intermediate certificates from the CA that signed your certificate
signing requests and returned the digitally signed CA certificates.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Trusted
Step 2
Step 3 Click Import.
Step 4 In the Import a new Certificate into the Certificate Store window that is displayed, click Choose File to select the
root CA certificate signed and returned by your CA.
Step 5 Enter a Friendly Name.
If you do not enter a Friendly Name, Cisco ISE autopopulates this field with a name of the format
common-name#issuer#nnnnn, where nnnnn is a unique number. You can also edit the certificate at a later time to change
the Friendly Name.
Step 6 Check the check boxes next to the services for which you want to use this trusted certificate.
Step 7 (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description for your certificate.
Step 8 Click Submit.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Trusted Certificate Import Settings

What to do next
Import the intermediate CA certificates into the Trusted Certificates store (if applicable).

Trusted Certificate Import Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Trusted Certificate Import window, which you can use to add
CA certificates to Cisco ISE. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration >
System > Certificates > Trusted Certificates > Import.

Table 22: Trusted Certificate Import Settings

Field Name Description

Certificate File Click Browse to choose the certificate file from the
computer that is running the browser.

Friendly Name Enter a friendly name for the certificate. If you do not
specify a name, Cisco ISE automatically creates a
name in the format <common
name>#<issuer>#<nnnnn>, where <nnnnn> is a
unique five-digit number.

Trust for authentication within ISE Check the check box if you want this certificate to be
used to verify server certificates (from other ISE nodes
or LDAP servers).

Trust for client authentication and Syslog (Applicable only if you check the Trust for
authentication within ISE check box) Check the check
box if you want this certificate to be used to:
• Authenticate endpoints that connect to ISE using
the EAP protocol
• Trust a Syslog server

Trust for authentication of Cisco Services Check this check box if you want this certificate to
be used to trust external Cisco services such as the
feed service.

Validate Certificate Extensions (Only if you check both the Trust for client
authentication and Enable Validation of Certificate
Extensions options) Ensure that the “keyUsage”
extension is present and the “keyCertSign” bit is set,
and that the basic constraints extension is present with
the CA flag set to true.

Description Enter an optional description.

Related Topics
Trusted Certificates Store, on page 148
Certificate Chain Import, on page 158
Import the Root Certificates to the Trusted Certificate Store, on page 156

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Certificate Chain Import

Certificate Chain Import

You can import multiple certificates from a single file that contains a certificate chain received from a Certificate
store. All certificates in the file must be in the PEM format, and the certificates must be arranged in the
following order:
• The last certificate in the file must be the client or server certificate issued by the CA.
• All preceding certificates must be the root CA certificate plus any intermediate CA certificates in the
signing chain for the issued certificate.

Importing a certificate chain is a two-step process:

1. Import the certificate chain file into the Trusted Certificate store in the Cisco ISE administration portal.
This operation imports all certificates from the file except the last one into the Trusted Certificates store.
2. Import the certificate chain file using the Bind a CA-Signed Certificate operation. This operation imports
the last certificate from the file as a local certificate.

Install Trusted Certificates for Cisco ISE Inter-node Communication

When you set up the deployment, before you register a secondary node, you must populate the PAN's CTL
with appropriate CA certificates that are used to validate the Admin certificate of the secondary node. The
procedure to populate the CTL of the PAN is different for different scenarios:
• If the secondary node is using a CA-signed certificate to communicate with the Cisco ISE administration
portal, you must import the CA-signed certificate of the secondary node, the relevant intermediate
certificates (if any), and the root CA certificate (of the CA that signed the secondary node's certificate)
into the CTL of the PAN.
• If the secondary node is using a self-signed certificate to communicate with the Cisco ISE administration
portal, you can import the self-signed certificate of the secondary node into the CTL of the PAN.

Note • If you change the Admin certificate on a registered secondary node, you
must obtain appropriate CA certificates that can be used to validate the
secondary node’s Admin certificate and import it into the CTL of the PAN.
• If you use self-signed certificates to secure communication between a client
and PSN in a deployment, when BYOD users move from one location to
another, EAP-TLS user authentication fails. For such authentication requests
that have to be serviced between a few PSNs, you must secure
communication between the client and the PSN with an externally-signed
CA certificate or use wildcard certificates signed by an external CA.

Ensure that the certificate issued by the external CA has basic constraints defined and the CA flag is set to
true. To install CA-signed certificates for inter-node communication, carry out the following steps. For
information on these tasks, refer to Chapter "Basic Setup" in the Cisco ISE Administrator Guide.

Step 1 Create a Certificate Signing Request (CSR) and submit the CSR to a Certificate Authority.
Step 2 Import the root certificates to the trusted certificate store.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Default Trusted Certificates in Cisco ISE

Step 3 Bind the CA-signed certificate to the CSR.

Default Trusted Certificates in Cisco ISE

The Trusted Certificates store (click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates >
Trusted Certificates) in Cisco ISE includes some certificates that are available by default. These certificates
are automatically imported into the store to meet security requirements. However, it is not mandatory for you
to use all of them. Unless mentioned otherwise in the following table, you can use certificates of your choice
instead of the ones that are already available.

Table 23:

Trusted Certificate Name Serial Number Purpose of the Certificate Cisco ISE Releases with

Baltimore CyberTrust 02 00 00 B9 This certificate can serve Releases 2.4 and above.
Root CA as the root CA certificate
in CA chains used by in some
geographies. The
certificate was also used
in ISE 2.4 posture/CP
update XML files when
they hosted at

DST Root CA X3 44 AF B0 80 D6 A3 27 This certificate can serve Releases 2.4 and above.
Certificate Authority BA 89 30 39 86 2E F8 40 as the root CA certificate
6B for the CA chain used by

Thawte Primary Root 34 4E D5 57 20 D5 ED This certificate can serve Releases 2.4 and above.
CA EC 49 F4 2F CE 37 DB as the root CA certificate
2B 6D for the CA chain used by and

VeriSign Class 3 Public 18 DA D1 9E 26 7D E8 This certificate serves as Releases 2.4 and above.
Primary Certification BB 4A 21 58 CD CC 6B the root CA certificate for
Authority 3B 4A VeriSign Class 3 Secure
Server CA-G3.
You must use this
certificate when
configuring profiler feed
services in Cisco ISE.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Default Trusted Certificates in Cisco ISE

Trusted Certificate Name Serial Number Purpose of the Certificate Cisco ISE Releases with

VeriSign Class 3 Secure 6E CC 7A A5 A7 03 20 This is an intermediate Releases 2.4 and above.

Server CA - G3 09 B8 CE BC F4 E9 52 CA certificate that expires
D4 91 on February 7, 2020. You
do not need to renew this
You can remove the
certificate by following
the task below.

Cisco CA 6A 69 67 B3 00 00 00 00 This certificate may be Releases 2.4 and 2.6.

Manufacturing 00 03 used by certain Cisco
devices connecting to
Cisco ISE. The certificate
is disabled by default.

Cisco Manufacturing 02 This certificate can be Releases 2.4 and above.

CA SHA2 used in CA chains for
authentications, endpoint
authentications, and
deployment infrastructure

Cisco Root CA 2048 5F F8 7B 28 2B 54 DC This certificate can be Releases 2.4 and above.
8D 42 A3 15 B5 68 C9 used by certain Cisco
AD FF devices connecting to
Cisco ISE. The certificate
is disabled by default.

Cisco Root CA M2 01 This certificate can be Releases 2.4 and above.

used in CA chains for
authentications, endpoint
authentications, and
deployment infrastructure

DigiCert Root CA 02 AC 5C 26 6A 0B 40 You must use this Releases 2.4 and above.
9B 8F 0B 79 F2 AE 46 25 certificate for flows where
77 guest login with Facebook
is used.

DigiCert SHA2 High 04 E1 E7 A4 DC 5C F2 You must use this Releases 2.4 and above.
Assurance Server CA F3 6D C0 2B 42 B8 5D certificate for flows where
15 9F guest login with Facebook
is used.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Default Trusted Certificates in Cisco ISE

Trusted Certificate Name Serial Number Purpose of the Certificate Cisco ISE Releases with

HydrantID SSL ICA G2 75 17 16 77 83 D0 43 7E Trusted for Cisco Releases 2.4 and 2.6.
B5 56 C3 57 94 6E 45 63 services.

QuoVadis Root CA 2 05 09 You must use this Releases 2.4 and above.
certificate in the profiler,
posture, and client
provisioning flows.

Cisco ECC Root CA 01 This certificate is part of Release 2.6.

the Cisco Trust root store
bundle that is used in
Cisco ISE.

Cisco Licensing Root 01 This certificate is part of Releases 2.6 and above.
CA the Cisco Trust root store
bundle that is used in
Cisco ISE.

Cisco Root CA 2099 01 9A 33 58 78 CE 16 C1 This certificate is part of Releases 2.6 and above.
C1 the Cisco Trust root store
bundle that is used in
Cisco ISE.

Cisco Root CA M1 2E D2 0E 73 47 D3 33 83 This certificate is part of Releases 2.6 and above.

4B 4F DD 0D D7 B6 96 the Cisco Trust Root Store
7E bundle used in Cisco ISE.

Cisco RXC-R2 01 This certificate is part of Releases 2.6 and above.

the Cisco Trust root store
bundle that is used in
Cisco ISE.

DigiCert Global Root 08 3B E0 56 90 42 46 B1 This certificate is part of Releases 2.6 and above.
CA A1 75 6A C9 59 91 C7 the Cisco Trust root store
4A bundle that is used in
Cisco ISE.

Cisco ECC Root CA 03 This certificate is part of Releases 2.6 and above.
2099 the Cisco Trust root store
bundle that is used in
Cisco ISE.

Remove a Default Trusted Certificate from Cisco ISE

• In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates >
Trusted Certificates to view all your trusted certificates.
• Export the certificate that you wish to delete and save it so that it can be imported again if needed.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Certificate Signing Requests

Check the check box against the certificate you wish to export, and click Export on the menu bar above.
The key chain downloads to your system.
• Delete the certificate. Check the check box against the certificate you wish to delete, and click Delete
on the menu bar above. You will not be allowed to delete the certificate if it is being used by any CA
chain, Secure Syslog, or secure LDAP.
• Make the necessary configuration changes to remove the certificate from the CA chains, Secure Syslogs,
and syslogs it is part of. Then, delete the certificate.
• After you delete the certificate, check that the related services (refer to the purpose of the certificate) are
working as expected.

Certificate Signing Requests

For a CA to issue a signed certificate, you must create a certificate signing request and submit it to the CA.
The list of certificate signing requests that you have created is available in the Certificate Signing Requests
window. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and chooseAdministration > System > Certificates >
Certificate Signing Requests. To obtain signatures from a CA, you must export the certificate signing request
and then send the certificates to the CA. The CA signs and returns your certificates.
You can manage the certificates centrally from the Cisco ISE administration portal. You can create certificate
signing requests for all the nodes in your deployment and export them. Then you should submit the certificate
signing requests to a CA, obtain the CA-signed certificates from the CA, import the root and intermediary
CA certificates returned by the CA into the Trusted Certificates store, and bind the CA-signed certificates to
the certificate signing requests.

Create a Certificate Signing Request and Submit it to a Certificate Authority

You can generate a certificate signing request to obtain a CA-signed certificate for the nodes in your deployment.
You can generate the certificate signing request for a specific node in the deployment or for all the nodes in
your deployment.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Signing Requests.
Step 2 Click Generate Certificate Signing Requests (CSR) to generate the certificate signing request.
Step 3 Enter the values for generating a certificate signing request. See Certificate Signing Request Settings for information on
each of the fields in the window displayed.
Step 4 Check the check box for a signing request and click Export to download the certificate signing request.
Step 5 Copy all the text from “-----BEGIN CERTIFICATE REQUEST-----” through “-----END CERTIFICATE
Step 6 Paste the contents of the certificate signing request in the certificate request of the chosen CA.
Step 7 Download the signed certificate.
Some CAs might email the signed certificate to you. The signed certificate is in the form of a .zip file that contains the
newly issued certificate and the public signing certificates of the CA that you must add to the Cisco ISE trusted certificates
store. The digitally-signed CA certificate, root CA certificate, and other intermediate CA certificate (if applicable) are
downloaded to the local system running your client browser.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Bind the CA-Signed Certificate to the Certificate Signing Request

Bind the CA-Signed Certificate to the Certificate Signing Request

After the CA returns the digitally-signed certificate, you must bind it to the certificate signing request. You
can perform the bind operation for all the nodes in your deployment from the Cisco ISE administration portal.

Before you begin

• You must have the digitally signed certificate, and the relevant root intermediate CA certificates returned
by the CA.
• Import the relevant root and intermediate CA certificates into the Trusted Certificates store (click the
Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Trusted Certificates).

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Signing Requests.
Check the check box next to the certificate signing request you must bind with the CA-signed certificate.

Step 2 Click Bind Certificate.

Step 3 In the Bind CA Signed Certificate window displayed, click Choose File to choose the CA-signed certificate.
Step 4 Enter a value in the Friendly Name field.
Step 5 Check the Validate Certificate Extensions check box if you want Cisco ISE to validate certificate extensions.
If you enable the Validate Certificate Extensions option, and the certificate that you import contains a basic constraints
extension with the CA flag set to true, ensure that the key usage extension is present, and that the keyEncipherment bit
or the keyAgreement bit, or both, are also set.
Note Cisco ISE requires EAP-TLS client certificates to have digital signature key usage extension.

Step 6 (Optional) Check the services for which this certificate will be used in the Usage area.
This information is autopopulated if you have enabled the Usage option while generating the certificate signing request.
You can also choose to edit the certificate at a later time to specify the usage.
Changing the Admin usage certificate on a primary PAN restarts services on all other nodes. The system restarts one
node at a time, after the primary PAN restarts.

Step 7 Click Submit to bind the certificate signing request with the CA-signed certificate.
If this certificate is marked for Cisco ISE internode communication usage, the application server on the Cisco ISE node
Repeat this process to bind the certificate signing request with the CA-signed certificate on the other nodes in the

What to do next
Import the Root Certificates to the Trusted Certificate Store, on page 156

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Export a Certificate Signing Request

Export a Certificate Signing Request

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Signing Requests.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the certificates that you want to export, and click Export.
Step 3 The certificate signing request downloads to your local file system.

Certificate Signing Request Settings

Cisco ISE allows you to generate certificate signing requests for all the nodes in your deployment from the
Admin portal in a single request. Also, you can choose to generate the certificate signing request for a single
node or multiple both nodes in the deployment. If you choose to generate a certificate signing request for a
single node, ISE automatically substitutes the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) of the particular node
in the CN= field of the certificate subject. If you choose to include an entry in the Subject Alternative Name
(SAN) field of the certificate, you must enter the FQDN of the ISE node in addition to other SAN attributes.
If you choose to generate certificate signing requests for all the nodes in your deployment, check the Allow
Wildcard Certificates check box and enter the wildcard FQDN notation in the SAN field (DNS name), for
example, * If you plan to use the certificate for EAP Authentication, do not enter the
wildcard value in the CN= field.
With the use of wildcard certificates, you no longer have to generate a unique certificate for each Cisco ISE
node. Also, you no longer have to populate the SAN field with multiple FQDN values to prevent certificate
warnings. Using an asterisk (*) in the SAN field allows you to share a single certificate across multiple both
nodes in a deployment and helps prevent certificate name mismatch warnings. However, use of wildcard
certificates is considered less secure than assigning a unique server certificate for each Cisco ISE node.
The following table describes the fields in the certificate signing request window, which you can use to generate
a certificate signing request that can be signed by a Certificate Authority (CA). To view this window, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Management >
Certificate Signing Request.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Certificate Signing Request Settings

Table 24: Certificate Signing Request Settings

Field Usage Guidelines

Certificate(s) will be
used for

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Certificate Signing Request Settings

Field Usage Guidelines

Choose the service for which you are going to use the certificate:
Cisco ISE Identity Certificates
• Multi-Use: Used for multiple services (Admin, EAP-TLS Authentication, pxGrid,
and Portal). Multi-use certificates use both client and server key usages. The
certificate template on the signing CA is often called a Computer or Machine
certificate template. This template has the following properties:
• Key Usage: Digital Signature (Signing)
• Extended Key Usage: TLS Web Server Authentication (
and TLS Web Client Authentication (

• Admin: Used for server authentication (to secure communication with the Admin
portal and between ISE nodes in a deployment). The certificate template on the
signing CA is often called a Web Server certificate template. This template has
the following properties:
• Key Usage: Digital Signature (Signing)
• Extended Key Usage: TLS Web Server Authentication (

• EAP Authentication: Used for server authentication. The certificate template

on the signing CA is often called a Computer or Machine certificate template.
This template has the following properties:
• Key Usage: Digital Signature (Signing)
• Extended Key Usage: TLS Web Server Authentication (

Note Digital signature key usage is required for EAP-TLS client certificates.

• RADIUS DTLS: Used for RADIUS DTLS server authentication. This template
has the following properties:
• Key Usage: Digital Signature (Signing)
• Extended Key Usage: TLS Web Server Authentication (

• ISE Messaging Service: Used by the feature Syslog Over Cisco ISE Messaging,
which enables MnT WAN survivability for built-in UDP syslog collection targets
(LogCollector and LogCollector2).
• Key Usage: Digital Signature (Signing)
• Extended Key Usage: TLS Web Server Authentication (

• Portal: Used for server authentication (to secure communication with all ISE
web portals). The certificate template on the signing CA is often called a
Computer or Machine certificate template. This template has the following
• Key Usage: Digital Signature (Signing)

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Certificate Signing Request Settings

Field Usage Guidelines

• Extended Key Usage: TLS Web Server Authentication (

• pxGrid: Used for both client and server authentication (to secure communication
between the pxGrid client and server). The certificate template on the signing
CA is often called a Computer or Machine certificate template. This template
has the following properties:
• Key Usage: Digital Signature (Signing)
• Extended Key Usage: TLS Web Server Authentication (
and TLS Web Client Authentication (

• SAML: Server certificate used to secure communication with the SAML Identity
Provider (IdP). A certificate designated for SAML use cannot be used for any
other service such as Admin, EAP authentication, and so on.
• Key Usage: Digital Signature (Signing)
• Extended Key Usage: TLS Web Server Authentication (

Note We recommend that you do not use a certificate that contains the value of for the Any Purpose object identifier in the Extended Key
Usage attribute. If you use a certificate that contains the value of
for the Any Purpose object identifier in the Extended Key Usage attribute,
the certificate is considered invalid and the following error message is
source=local ; type=fatal ; message="unsupported certificate"

Cisco ISE Certificate Authority Certificates

• ISE Root CA: (Applicable only for the internal CA service ) Used for
regenerating the entire internal CA certificate chain including the root CA on
the Primary PAN and subordinate CAs on the PSNs.
• ISE Intermediate CA: (Applicable only for the internal CA service when ISE
acts as an intermediate CA of an external PKI) Used to generate an intermediate
CA certificate on the Primary PAN and subordinate CA certificates on the PSNs.
The certificate template on the signing CA is often called a Subordinate
Certificate Authority. This template has the following properties:
• Basic Constraints: Critical, Is a Certificate Authority
• Key Usage: Certificate Signing, Digital Signature
• Extended Key Usage: OCSP Signing (

• Renew ISE OCSP Responder Certificates: (Applicable only for the internal
CA service) Used to renew the ISE OCSP responder certificate for the entire
deployment (and is not a certificate signing request). For security reasons, we
recommend that you renew the ISE OCSP responder certificates every six months.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Certificate Signing Request Settings

Field Usage Guidelines

Allow Wildcard Check this check box to use a wildcard character (*) in the CN and/or the DNS name
Certificates in the SAN field of the certificate. If you check this check box, all the nodes in the
deployment are selected automatically. You must use the asterisk (*) wildcard
character in the left-most label position. If you use wildcard certificates, we
recommend that you partition your domain space for greater security. For example,
instead of *, you can partition it as * If you do not
partition your domain, it might lead to security issues.

Generate CSRs for Check the check boxes next to the nodes for which you want to generate the certificate.
these Nodes To generate a CSR for select nodes in the deployment, you must uncheck the Allow
Wildcard Certificates option.

Common Name By default, the common name is the FQDN of the ISE node for which you are
(CN) generating the certificate signing request. $FQDN$ denotes the FQDN of the ISE
node. When you generate certificate signing requests for multiple nodes in the
deployment, the Common Name field in the certificate signing requests is replaced
with the FQDN of the respective ISE nodes.

Organizational Unit Organizational Unit name. For example, Engineering.


Organization (O) Organization name. For example, Cisco.

City (L) (Do not abbreviate) City name. For example, San Jose.

State (ST) (Do not abbreviate) State name. For example, California.

Country (C) Country name. You must enter the two-letter ISO country code. For example, US.

Subject Alternative An IP address, DNS name, Uniform Resource Identifier (URI), or Directory Name
Name (SAN) that is associated with the certificate.
• DNS Name: If you choose the DNS name, enter the fully qualified domain name
of the ISE node. If you have enabled the Allow Wildcard Certificates option,
specify the wildcard notation (an asterisk and a period before the domain name).
For example, *
• IP Address: IP address of the ISE node to be associated with the certificate.
• Uniform Resource Identifier: A URI that you want to associate with the
• Directory Name: A string representation of distinguished name(s) (DNs) defined
per RFC 2253. Use a comma (,) to separate the DNs. For “dnQualifier” RDN,
escape the comma and use backslash-comma “\,” as separator. For example,

Key Type Specify the algorithm to be used for creating the public key: RSA or ECDSA.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Set Up Certificates for Portal Use

Field Usage Guidelines

Key Length Specify the bit size for the public key.
The following options are available for RSA:
• 512
• 1024
• 2048
• 4096

The following options are available for ECDSA:

• 256
• 384

Note RSA and ECDSA public keys might have different key length for the same
security level.

Choose 2048 or greater if you plan to get a public CA-signed certificate.

Digest to Sign With Choose one of the following hashing algorithm: SHA-1 or SHA-256.

Certificate Policies Enter the certificate policy OID or list of OIDs that the certificate should conform
to. Use comma or space to separate the OIDs.

Related Topics
Certificate Signing Requests, on page 162
Create a Certificate Signing Request and Submit it to a Certificate Authority, on page 162
Bind the CA-Signed Certificate to the Certificate Signing Request, on page 163

Set Up Certificates for Portal Use

With multiple PSNs in a deployment that can service a web portal request, Cisco ISE needs a unique identifier
to identify the certificate that must be used for portal communication. When you add or import certificates
that are designated for portal use, define a certificate group tag and associate it with the corresponding certificate
on each node in your deployment. Associate this certificate group tag to the corresponding end-user portals
(guest, sponsor, and personal devices portals). This certificate group tag is the unique identifier that helps
Cisco ISE identify the certificate that must be used when communicating with each of these portals. You can
only designate one certificate from each node for each of the portals.

Note Cisco ISE presents the Portal certificate on TCP port 8443 (or the port that you have configured for portal

Step 1 Create a Certificate Signing Request and Submit it to a Certificate Authority, on page 162.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Reassign Default Portal Certificate Group Tag to CA-Signed Certificate

You must choose a Certificate Group Tag that you have already defined or create a new one for the portal. For example,

Step 2 Import the Root Certificates to the Trusted Certificate Store, on page 156.
Step 3 Bind the CA-Signed Certificate to the Certificate Signing Request, on page 163.

Reassign Default Portal Certificate Group Tag to CA-Signed Certificate

By default, all Cisco ISE portals use the self-signed certificate. If you want to use a CA-signed certificate for
portals, you can assign the default portal certificate group tag to a CA-signed certificate. You can use an
existing CA-signed certificate or generate a CSR and obtain a new CA-signed certificate for portal use. You
can reassign any portal group tag from one certificate to another.

Note When you edit an existing certificate, if the portal tag (guest) that is associated with the certificate is already
in use by any of the portals, then you cannot reassign the default portal certificate group tag or any other portal
group tag to this certificate. The system displays the list of portals that use the "guest" portal tag.

The following procedure describes how to reassign the default portal certificate group tag to a CA-signed

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Certificates > System Certificates.
Hover the mouse over the i icon next to the Default Portal Certificate Group tag to view the list of portals that use this
tag. You can also view the ISE nodes in the deployment that have portal certificates which are assigned this tag.

Step 2 Check the check box next to the CA-signed certificate that you want to use for portals, and click Edit.
Be sure to choose a CA-signed certificate that is not in use by any of the portals.

Step 3 Under the Usage area, check the Portal check box and choose the Default Portal Certificate Group Tag.
Step 4 Click Save.
A warning message appears.

Step 5 Click Yes to reassign the default portal certificate group tag to the CA-signed certificate.

Associate the Portal Certificate Tag Before You Register a Node

If you use the "Default Portal Certificate Group" tag for all the portals in your deployment, before you register
a new ISE node, ensure that you import the relevant CA-signed certificate, choose "Portal" as a service, and
associate the "Default Portal Certificate Group" tag with this certificate.
When you add a new node to a deployment, the default self-signed certificate is associated with the "Default
Portal Certificate Group" tag and the portals are configured to use this tag.
After you register a new node, you cannot change the Certificate Group tag association. Therefore, before
you register the node to the deployment, you must do the following:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
User and Endpoint Certificate Renewal

Step 1 Create a self-signed certificate, choose "Portal" as a service, and assign a different certificate group tag (for example,
Step 2 Change the portal configuration to use the newly created certificate group tag (tempportaltag).
Step 3 Edit the default self-signed certificate and remove the Portal role.
This option removes the Default Portal Certificate Group tag association with the default self-signed certificate.

Step 4 Do one of the following:

Option Description
Generate a CSR When you generate the CSR:
a. Choose "Portal" as a service for which you will use this certificate and associate
the "Default Portal Certificate Group" tag.
b. Send the CSR to a CA and obtain the signed certificate.
c. Import the root and any other intermediate certificates of the CA that signed your
certificate in to the Trusted Certificates store.
d. Bind the CA-signed certificate with the CSR.

Import the private key and the When you import the CA-signed certificate:
CA-signed certificate
a. Choose "Portal" as a service for which you will use this certificate and associate
the "Default Portal Certificate Group" tag.
b. Import the root and any other intermediate certificates of the CA that signed your
certificate in to the Trusted Certificates store.

Edit an existing CA-signed When you edit the existing CA-signed certificate:
Choose "Portal" as a service for which you will use this certificate and associate the
"Default Portal Certificate Group" tag.

Step 5 Register the ISE node to the deployment.

The portal configuration in the deployment is configured to the "Default Portal Certificate Group" tag and the portals are
configured to use the CA-signed certificate associated with the "Default Portal Certificate Group" tag on the new node.

User and Endpoint Certificate Renewal

By default, Cisco ISE rejects a request that comes from a device whose certificate has expired. However, you
can change this default behavior and configure ISE to process such requests and prompt the user to renew the
If you choose to allow the user to renew the certificate, Cisco recommends that you configure an authorization
policy rule which checks if the certificate has been renewed before processing the request any further. Processing
a request from a device whose certificate has expired may pose a potential security threat. Hence, you must
configure appropriate authorization profiles and rules to ensure that your organization’s security is not

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Dictionary Attributes Used in Policy Conditions for Certificate Renewal

Some devices allow you to renew the certificates before and after their expiry. But on Windows devices, you
can renew the certificates only before it expires. Apple iOS, Mac OSX, and Android devices allow you to
renew the certificates before or after their expiry.

Dictionary Attributes Used in Policy Conditions for Certificate Renewal

Cisco ISE certificate dictionary contains the following attributes that are used in policy conditions to allow a
user to renew the certificate:
• Days to Expiry: This attribute provides the number of days for which the certificate is valid. You can
use this attribute to create a condition that can be used in authorization policy. This attribute can take a
value from 0 to 15. A value of 0 indicates that the certificate has already expired. A value of 1 indicates
that the certificate has less than 1 day before it expires.
• Is Expired: This Boolean attribute indicates whether a certificate has expired or not. If you want to allow
certificate renewal only when the certificate is near expiry and not after it has expired, use this attribute
in authorization policy condition.

Authorization Policy Condition for Certificate Renewal

You can use the CertRenewalRequired simple condition (available by default) in authorization policy to ensure
that a certificate (expired or about to expire) is renewed before Cisco ISE processes the request further.

CWA Redirect to Renew Certificates

If a user certificate is revoked before its expiry, Cisco ISE checks the CRL published by the CA and rejects
the authentication request. In case, if a revoked certificate has expired, the CA may not publish this certificate
in its CRL. In this scenario, it is possible for Cisco ISE to renew a certificate that has been revoked. To avoid
this, before you renew a certificate, ensure that the request gets redirected to Central Web Authentication
(CWA) for a full authentication. You must create an authorization profile to redirect the user for CWA.

Configure Cisco ISE to Allow Users to Renew Certificates

You must complete the tasks listed in this procedure to configure Cisco ISE to allow users to renew certificates.

Before you begin

Configure a limited access ACL on the WLC to redirect a CWA request.

Step 1 Update the Allowed Protocol Configuration, on page 172

Step 2 Create an Authorization Policy Profile for CWA Redirection, on page 173
Step 3 Create an Authorization Policy Rule to Renew Certificates, on page 174
Step 4 Enable BYOD Settings in the Guest Portal, on page 174

Update the Allowed Protocol Configuration

Step 1 Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authentication > Allowed Protocols > Default Network Access.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Create an Authorization Policy Profile for CWA Redirection

Step 2 Check the Allow Authentication of expired certificates to allow certificate renewal in Authorization Policy check
box under the EAP-TLS protocol and EAP-TLS inner methods for PEAP and EAP-FAST protocols.
Requests that use the EAP-TLS protocol will go through the NSP flow.
For PEAP and EAP-FAST protocols, you must manually configure Cisco AnyConnect for Cisco ISE to process the

Step 3 Click Submit.

What to do next
Create an Authorization Policy Profile for CWA Redirection, on page 173

Create an Authorization Policy Profile for CWA Redirection

Before you begin

Ensure that you have configured a limited access ACL on the WLC.

Step 1 Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Authorization Profiles.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter a name for the authorization profile. For example, CertRenewal_CWA.
Step 4 Check the Web Redirection (CWA, DRW, MDM, NSP, CPP) check box in the Common Tasks area.
Step 5 Choose Centralized Web Auth from the drop-down list and the limited access ACL.
Step 6 Check the Display Certificates Renewal Message check box.
The URL-redirect attribute value changes and includes the number of days for which the certificate is valid.

Step 7 Click Submit.

Note If you have configured the following Device Registration WebAuth (DRW) policies for wireless devices in
Cisco ISE 1.2:
• DRW-Redirect policy with Condition = (Wireless_MAB AND Network Access:UseCase EQUALS
HostLookup) and Profile = Wireless-drw-redirect
• DRW-Allow policy with Condition = (Wireless_MAB AND Network Access:UseCase EQUALS
HostLookup) and Profile = Wireless-Permit

After upgrading to ISE 1.3 or above version, you must update the DRW-Allow policy condition as follows:
• Condition = (Wireless_MAB AND Network Access:UseCase EQUALS Guest Flow) and Profile =

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Create an Authorization Policy Rule to Renew Certificates

What to do next
Create an Authorization Policy Rule to Renew Certificates, on page 174

Create an Authorization Policy Rule to Renew Certificates

Before you begin

Ensure that you have created an authorization profile for central web authentication redirection.
Enable Policy Sets on Administration > System > Settings > Policy Settings.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Policy Sets.
Step 2 Click Create Above.
Step 3 Enter a name for the new rule.
Step 4 Choose the following simple condition and result:
If CertRenewalRequired EQUALS True, then choose the authorization profile that you created earlier (CertRenewal_CWA)
for the permission.

Step 5 Click Save.

Note Cisco ISE will allow you to load a maximum of 50 authorization policies at a time and there will be a delay of
about 10 seconds to load the next set of policies.

Note When you search for a particular authorization policy from the list of policies created. The policy name given
in the search bar will be highlighted among the list of policies below but not filtered.

What to do next
When you access the corporate network with a device whose certificate has expired, click Renew to reconfigure
your device.

Enable BYOD Settings in the Guest Portal

For a user to be able to renew a personal device certificate, you must enable the BYOD settings in the chosen
guest portal.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components > Guest Portals.
a) Select the chosen CWA portal and click Edit.
Step 2 From BYOD Settings, check the Allow employees to use personal devices on the network check box.
Step 3 Click Save.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Certificate Renewal Fails for Apple iOS Devices

Certificate Renewal Fails for Apple iOS Devices

When you use ISE to renew the endpoint certificates on Apple iOS devices, you might see a “Profiled Failed
to Install” error message. This error message appears if the expiring or expired network profiles were signed
by a different Admin HTTPS certificate than the one that is used in processing the renewal, either on the same
Policy Service Node (PSN) or on another PSN.
As a workaround, use a multi-domain SSL certificate, which is commonly referred to as Unified
Communications Certificate (UCC), or a wildcard certificate for Admin HTTPS on all PSNs in the deployment.

Certificate Periodic Check Settings

Cisco ISE checks the Certificate Revocation Lists (CRL) periodically. Using this window, you can configure
Cisco ISE to check ongoing sessions against CRLs that are downloaded automatically. You can specify the
time of the day when the OCSP or CRL checks should begin each day and the time interval in hours that Cisco
ISE waits before checking the OCSP server or CRLs again.
The following table describes the fields in the Certificate Periodic Check Settings window, which you can
use to specify the time interval for checking the status of certificates (OCSP or CRL). To view this window,
click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Management
> Certificate Periodic Check Settings.

Table 25: Certificate Periodic Check Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Certificate Check Settings

Check ongoing Check this check box if you want Cisco ISE to check ongoing sessions against CRLs
sessions against that are automatically downloaded.
retrieved CRL

CRL/OCSP Periodic Certificate Checks

First check at Specify the time of the day when the CRL or OCSP check should begin each day.
Enter a value between 00:00 and 23:59 hours.

Check every Specify the time interval in hours that Cisco ISE waits before checking the CRL or
OCSP server again.

Related Topics
OCSP Services, on page 207
Add OCSP Client Profiles, on page 209

Cisco ISE CA Service

Certificates can be self-signed or digitally signed by an external Certificate Authority (CA). The Cisco ISE
Internal Certificate Authority (ISE CA) issues and manages digital certificates for endpoints from a centralized
console to allow employees to use their personal devices on the company's network. A CA-signed digital
certificate is considered industry standard and more secure. The Primary PAN is the Root CA. The Policy

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Cisco ISE Certificate Fingerprinting

Service Nodes (PSNs) are subordinate CAs to the Primary PAN (SCEP RA). The ISE CA offers the following
• Certificate Issuance: Validates and signs Certificate Signing Requests (CSRs) for endpoints that connect
to your network.
• Key Management: Generates and securely stores keys and certificates on both PAN and PSN nodes.
• Certificate Storage: Stores certificates issued to users and devices.
• Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Support: Provides an OCSP responder to check for the validity
of certificates.

When a CA Service is disabled on the primary administrative node, the CA service is still seen as running on
the secondary administration node's CLI. Ideally, the CA service should be seen as disabled. This is a known
Cisco ISE issue.

Cisco ISE Certificate Fingerprinting

Certificate fingerprinting process is used to evaluate certificate immediate Issuer Fingerprint SHA256 to match
with the trusted certificates. This enforces a secured mechanism for multiple CAs to support different domains
and also allows you to lock the trusted CAs for 802.1x protocol.
Ensure that the Issuer- Fingerprint SHA-256 certificate is added to your Cisco ISE deployment before updating
the certificate in the policy condition.

Note After the trusted certificate is configured with a policy, you cannot delete the certificate. The following message
is displayed in the This Trusted Certificate Refered by Policy Sets section in the Trusted Certificates
window. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates >
Trusted Certificates:
Certificate cannot be deleted because it is used in a policy. To delete
the certificate, please modify policy condition first.

To configure certificate fringerprint for Cisco ISE, follow the below steps in compliance with the order:
1. Create an internal user. For more information, see "Add Users" section in the chapter "Asset Visibility"
in Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0.
2. Add a network device. For more information, see "Add a Network Device in Cisco ISE" section in the
chapter "Basic Setup"in Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0.
3. Import external CA in External Certificates. For more information, see "Import a System Certificate"
section in the chapter "Basic Setup" in Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0.
You can also import the Issuer- Fingerprint SHA-256 certificate using the SCEP protocol. In the Cisco
ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate
Authority > External CA Settings. In the Add SCEP RA Profile window that is displayed, click Add.
Enter the certificate name in the Name field. Enter the CA server URL in the URL field. Click Test
4. Create a Policy with SHA-256 fingerprint
5. Create and Map the Authentication Policy with SHA-256 Fingerprint

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Create a Policy with SHA-256 fingerprint

6. Create an Authorization Policy.

7. Verify PRRT Logs

Create a Policy with SHA-256 fingerprint

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Set.
Step 2 In the Policy Set window that is displayed, click Settings and from the drop down list, choose insert a new row.
Step 3 In the New Policy Name field, enter a name.
Step 4 Enter the Description for the policy.
Step 5 Click the Add ( + ) icon adjacent to the new Policy Set Name under the Conditions column.
Step 6 In the Condition Studio window that is displayed, click the Click to Add Attribute field.
Step 7 Select the Network Access-Protocol (Dictionary-Attribute) combination from the All Dictionary drop-down list.
Step 8 Select the Equals operator to build a logical condition.
Step 9 Choose RADIUS from the Choose from List or Type drop-down list.
Step 10 Click Use.
Step 11 In the Policy Set window that is displayed, from the Allowed Protocols/ Server Sequence drop down list, select
Default Network Access.
Step 12 Click Save.

Create and Map the Authentication Policy with SHA-256 Fingerprint

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Set > Default.
Step 2 Click Authentication Policy.
Step 3 Click the settings icon and choose insert a new row.
Step 4 In the Authentication Rule Name window, enter the name.
Step 5 Click on the Add ( + ) icon adjacent to the rule name.
Step 6 In the Condition Studio window that is displayed, click the Click to add Attributes field.
Step 7 Choose CERTIFICATE-Issuer- Fingerprint SHA-256 (Dictionary-Attribute) combination from the All Dictionary
drop-down list.
Step 8 Select the Equals operator to build a logical condition.
Step 9 Choose Cisco Manufacturing CA SHA2 fingerprint sha256 from Choose from List or Type drop-down list.
Step 10 Click Use.
Step 11 In the Policy Set window that is displayed, from the Allowed Protocols/Server Sequence drop-down list, select
Step 12 Click Save.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Create an Authorization Policy

Create an Authorization Policy

Step 1 Choose In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Set > Default.
Step 2 Click Authorization Policy.
Step 3 Click on the settings icon and choose insert a new rowfrom the drop-down list.
Step 4 In the Authorization Rule Name window, enter the name.
Step 5 Click the Add ( + ) icon adjacent to the rule name.
Step 6 In the Condition Studio window that is displayed, click the Click to Add Attributes field.
Step 7 Select the CERTIFICATE-Issuer- Fingerprint SHA-256 (Dictionary-Attribute) combination from the All Dictionary
drop-down list.
Step 8 Select the Equals operator to build a logical condition.
Step 9 Select Cisco Root CA 2099 fingerprint shafrom Choose from List or Type drop-down list.
Step 10 Click Use.
Step 11 In the Policy Set window that is displayed, from the Allowed Protocols/Server Sequence drop down list, select
Step 12 Click Save.

Verify PRRT Logs

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operation > RADIUS > Live Logs.
Step 2 In the Live Logs window that is displayed, click the latest log details.
Step 3 In the Authentication Details window that is displayed, view the SHA-256 value in the Issuer- Fingerprint SHA-256
column to confirm that the Issuer- Fingerprint SHA-256 certificate is successfully added and validated.

ISE CA Certificates Provisioned on Administration and Policy Service Nodes

After installation, a Cisco ISE node is provisioned with a Root CA certificate, and a Node CA certificate to
manage certificates for endpoints.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
ISE CA Certificates Provisioned on Administration and Policy Service Nodes

Figure 8: ISE CA Certificates Provisioned on a Standalone Node

When you set up a deployment, the node that you designate as the Primary Administration Node (PAN)
becomes the Root CA. The PAN has a Root CA certificate and a Node CA certificate that is signed by the
Root CA.
When you register a Secondary Administration Node to the PAN, a Node CA certificate is generated and is
signed by the Root CA on the Primary Administration Node.
Any Policy Service Node (PSN) that you register with the PAN is provisioned an Endpoint CA and an OCSP
certificate signed by the Node CA of the PAN. The Policy Service Nodes (PSNs) are subordinate CAs to the
PAN. When you use the ISE CA, the Endpoint CA on the PSN issues the certificates to the endpoints that
access your network.
Figure 9: ISE CA Certificates Provisioned on Administration and Policy Service Nodes in a Deployment

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Requirements for CA to Interoperate with Cisco ISE

Requirements for CA to Interoperate with Cisco ISE

While using a CA server with Cisco ISE, make sure that the following requirements are met:
• Key size should be 1024, 2048, or higher. In CA server, the key size is defined using certificate template.
You can define the key size on Cisco ISE using the supplicant profile.
• Key usage should allow signing and encryption in extension.
• While using GetCACapabilities through the SCEP protocol, cryptography algorithm and request hash
should be supported. It is recommended to use RSA and SHA1.
• Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) is supported. This is not directly used in BYOD, but a CA
which can act as an OCSP server can be used for certificate revocation.

Note Cisco ISE supports Enterprise Java Beans Certificate Authority (EJBCA) for
standard EAP authentication like PEAP, EAP-TLS, and so on. You must disable
the Enable End Entity Profile Limitations option (under System > Basic
Configurations) in EJBCA to enable EJBCA support for proxy SCEP.

• If you use an enterprise PKI to issue certificates for Apple iOS devices, ensure that you configure key
usage in the SCEP template and enable the Key Encipherment option.
If you use Microsoft CA, edit the Key Usage Extension in the certificate template. In the Encryption
area, click the Allow Key Exchange only with Key Encryption (Key encipherment) radio button and
check the Allow Encryption of User Data check box.
• Cisco ISE supports the use of RSASSA-PSS algorithm for trusted certificates and endpoint certificates
for EAP-TLS authentication. When you view the certificate, the signature algorithm is listed as
1.2.840.113549.1.1.10 instead of the algorithm name.

Note If you use the Cisco ISE internal CA for the BYOD flow, the Admin certificate should not be signed using
the RSASSA-PSS algorithm (by an external CA). The Cisco ISE internal CA cannot verify an Admin certificate
that is signed using this algorithm and the request would fail.

Client Certificate Requirements for Certificate-Based Authentication

For certificate-based authentication with Cisco ISE, the client certificate should meet the following requirements:

Table 26: Client-Certificate Requirements for RSA and ECC


Supported Key Sizes 1024, 2048, and 4096 bits

Supported Secure Hash Algorithms SHA-1 and SHA-2 (includes SHA-256)


ECC 1 2

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
ISE CA Chain Regeneration

Supported Curve Types P-192, P-256, P-384, and P-521

Supported Secure Hash Algorithm SHA-256


Client Machine Operating Systems and Supported Curve Types

Windows 8 and later P-256, P-384, and P-521

Android 4.4 and later All curve types (except

Androidv6.0, which does not
Note Android 6.0 requires
support the P-192 curve type).
May 2016 patch to
support ECC

Windows 7 and Apple iOS do not natively support ECC for EAP-TLS authentication.
This release of Cisco ISE does not support the use of ECC certificates on MAC OS X devices.

ISE CA Chain Regeneration

When you regenerate the Cisco ISE CA chain, all the certificates including the Root CA, Node CA, and
Endpoint CA certificates are regenerated. You must regenerate the ISE CA chain when you change the domain
name or hostname of your PAN or PSN. When you upgrade from earlier releases to Release 2.0 or later, we
recommend that you regenerate the ISE CA chain to move from the two root hierarchy to a single root hierarchy.
When you regenerate a system certificate, whether root CA or an intermediate CA certificate, ISE Messaging
Service restarts to load the new certificate chain. Audit logs will be lost until the ISE Messaging Service is
available again.

Note Whenever the Cisco ISE internal CA is replaced in a deployment, then the ISE messaging service must also
be refreshed that time to retrieve the complete certificate chain.
When you regenerate the Cisco ISE internal CA chain, the Valid From field of all the certificates in the chain
will display the date one day previous to the day of regeneration.

Elliptical Curve Cryptography Certificates Support

Cisco ISE CA service supports certificates that are based on Elliptical Curve Cryptography (ECC) algorithms.
ECC offers more security and better performance than other cryptographic algorithms even when using a
much smaller key size.
The following table compares the key sizes of ECC and RSA and security strength.

ECC Key Size (in bits) RSA Key Size (in bits)
160 1024
224 2048
256 3072

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Elliptical Curve Cryptography Certificates Support

ECC Key Size (in bits) RSA Key Size (in bits)
384 7680
521 15360

Because of the smaller key size, encryption is quicker.

Cisco ISE supports the following ECC curve types. The higher the curve type or key size, the greater is the
• P-192
• P-256
• P-384
• P-521

ISE does not support explicit parameters in the EC part of a certificate. If you try to import a certificate with
explicit parameters, you get the error: Validation of certificate failed: Only named ECParameters supported.
Cisco ISE CA service supports ECC certificates for devices connecting through the BYOD flow. You can
also generate ECC certificates from the Certificate Provisioning Portal.

Note The following table lists the operating systems and versions that support ECC along with the supported curve
types. If your devices are not running a supported operating system or on a supported version, you can use
RSA-based certificates instead.

Operating System Supported Versions Supported Curve Types

Windows 8 and later P-256, P-384, and P-521
Android 4.4 and later All curve types (except Android 6.0, which
does not support the P-192 curve type).
Note Android 6.0 requires May
2016 patch to support ECC

Windows 7 and Apple iOS do not natively support ECC for authentication over EAP-TLS. This release of
Cisco ISE does not support the use of ECC certificates on MAC OS X devices.

If the BYOD flow with Enrollment over Secure Transport (EST) protocol is not working properly, check the
• Certificate Services Endpoint Sub CA certificate chain is complete. To check whether the certificate
chain is complete:
1. Choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Authority > Certificate Authority
2. Check the check box next to the certificate that you want to check and click View.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Cisco ISE Certificate Authority Certificates

• Ensure that the CA and EST services are up and running. If the services are not running, go to
Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Authority > Internal CA Settings to enable
the CA service.
• If you have upgraded to Cisco ISE 2.x from an ISE version prior to 2.0, replace the ISE Root CA certificate
chain after the upgrade. To do this:
1. Choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Management > Certificate Signing
2. Click Generate Certificate Signing Requests (CSR).
3. Choose ISE Root CA from one or more Certificates will be used for drop-down list.
4. Click Replace ISE Root CA Certificate Chain.

Note This release of Cisco ISE does not support EST clients to authenticate directly against the EST Server residing
within Cisco ISE.
While on-boarding an Android or a Windows endpoint, ISE triggers an EST flow if the request is for an
ECC-based certificate.

Cisco ISE Certificate Authority Certificates

The Certificate Authority (CA) Certificates page lists all the certificates related to the internal Cisco ISE CA.
In previous releases, these CA certificates were present in the Trusted Certificates store and are now moved
to the CA Certificates page. These certificates are listed node wise in this page. You can expand a node to
view all the ISE CA certificates of that particular node. The Primary and Secondary Administration nodes
have the root CA, node CA, subordinate CA, and OCSP responder certificates. The other nodes in the
deployment have the endpoint subordinate CA and OCSP certificates.
When you enable the Cisco ISE CA service, these certificates are generated and installed on all the nodes
automatically. Also, when you replace the entire ISE Root CA Chain, these certificates are regenerated and
installed on all the nodes automatically. There is no manual intervention required.
The Cisco ISE CA certificates follow the following naming convention: Certificate Services <Endpoint Sub
CA/Node CA/Root CA/OCSP Responder>-<node_hostname>#certificate_number.
From the CA Certificates page, you can edit, import, export, delete, and view the Cisco ISE CA certificates.

Edit a Cisco ISE CA Certificate

After you add a certificate to the Cisco ISE CA Certificates Store, you can further edit it by using the edit

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Authority > Certificate Authority Certificates..

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Export a Cisco ISE CA Certificate

Step 2 In the ISE-PIC GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose .
Step 3 Check the check box next to the certificate that you want to edit, and click Edit.
Step 4 Modify the editable fields as required. See Trusted Certificate Settings for a description of the fields.
Step 5 Click Save to save the changes you have made to the certificate store.

Export a Cisco ISE CA Certificate

To export the Cisco ISE root CA and node CA certificates:

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Authority > Certificate Authority Certificates.
Step 2 In the ISE-PIC GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose .
Step 3 Check the check box next to the certificate that you want to export, and click Export. You can export only one certificate
at a time.
Step 4 Save the privacy-enhanced mail file to the file system that is running your client browser.

Import a Cisco ISE CA Certificate

If an endpoint tries to authenticate to your network using a certificate issued by Cisco ISE CA from another
deployment, you must import the Cisco ISE root CA, node CA, and endpoint sub CA certificates from that
deployment in to the Cisco ISE Trusted Certificates store.

Before you begin

• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.
• Export the ISE root CA, node CA, and endpoint sub CA certificates from the deployment where the
endpoint certificate is signed and store it on the file system of the computer where your browser is running.

Step 1 Log in to the Admin Portal of the deployment where the endpoint is getting authenticated.
Step 2 Choose Administration > System > Certificates > Trusted Certificates.
Step 3
Step 4 Click Import.
Step 5 Configure the field values as necessary. See Trusted Certificate Import Settings for more information.
If client certificate-based authentication is enabled, then Cisco ISE will restart the application server on each node in
your deployment, starting with the application server on the PAN and followed, one-by-one, by each additional node.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Certificate Templates

Certificate Templates
Certificate templates contain properties that are common to all certificates issued by the Certificate Authority
(CA) based on that template. The certificate template defines the Subject, Subject Alternative Name (SAN),
key type, key size, SCEP RA profile that must be used, validity period of the certificate, and the extended key
usage (EKU) that specifies whether the certificate has to be used for client or server authentication or both.
The internal Cisco ISE CA (ISE CA) uses a certificate template to issue certificates based on that template.
Cisco ISE comes with the following default certificate templates for the ISE CA. You can create additional
certificate templates, if needed. The default certificate templates are:
• CA_SERVICE_Certificate_Template—For other network services that use Cisco ISE as the Certificate
Authority. For example, use this certificate template while configuring ISE to issue certificates for ASA
VPN users. You can modify only the validity period in this certificate template.
• EAP_Authentication_Certificate_Template—For EAP authentication.
• pxGrid_Certificate_Template—For the pxGrid controller while generating the certificate from the
Certificate Provisioning Portal.

Certificate Template Name Extension

The Cisco ISE Internal CA includes an extension to represent the certificate template that was used to create
the endpoint certificate. All endpoint certificates issued by the internal CA contain a certificate template name
extension. This extension represents the certificate template that was used to create that endpoint certificate.
The extension ID is You can use the CERTIFICATE: Template Name attribute in
authorization policy conditions and assign appropriate access privileges based on the results of the evaluation.

Use Certificate Template Name in Authorization Policy Conditions

You can use the certificate template name extension in authorization policy rules.

Step 1 Choose Policy > Policy Sets, and expand the Default policy set to view the authorization policy rules.
Step 2 Add a new rule or edit an existing rule. This example describes editing the Compliant_Device_Access rule:
a) Edit the Compliant_Device_Access rule.
b) Choose Add Attribute/Value.
c) From Dictionaries, choose the CERTIFICATE: Template Name attribute and Equals operator.
d) Enter the value of the certificate template name. For example, EAP_Authentication_Certificate_Template.
Step 3 Click Save.

Deploy Cisco ISE CA Certificates for pxGrid Controller

Cisco ISE CA provides a certificate template for the pxGrid controller to generate a certificate from the
Certificate Provisioning Portal.

Before you begin

Generate a certificate signing request (CSR) for the pxGrid client and copy the contents of the CSR in to the

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol Profiles

Step 1 Create a network access user account (Administration > Identity Management > Identities > Users > Add).
Make note of the user group to which the user is assigned.

Step 2 Edit the Certificate Provisioning Portal Settings (Administration > Device Portal Management > Certificate Provisioning).
a) Select the certificate provisioning portal and click Edit.
b) Click the Portal Settings drop-down list. From the Configure authorized groups Available list, select the user group
to which the network access user belongs to and move it to Chosen list.
c) Click the Certificate Provisioning Portal Settings drop-down list. Choose the pxGrid_Certificate_Template. See
the Portal Settings for Certificate Provisioning Portal section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Guest and BYOD for more
d) Save the portal settings.
Step 3 Launch the Certificate Provisioning Portal. Click the Portal Test URL link.
a) Log in to the Certificate Provisioning Portal using the user account created in step 1.
b) Accept the AUP and click Continue.
c) From the I want to drop-down list, choose Generate a single certificate (with certificate signing request).
d) In the Certificate Signing Request Details field, paste the contents of the CSR from the clipboard.
e) From the Certificate Download Format drop-down list, choose PKCS8 format.
Note If you choose the PKCS12 format, you must convert the single certificate file in to separate certificate and
key files. The certificate and key files must be in binary DER encoded or PEM format before you can
import them in to Cisco ISE.

f) From the Choose Certificate Template drop-down list, choose pxGrid_Certificate_Template.

g) Enter a certificate password.
h) Click Generate.
The certificate is generated.
i) Export the certificate.
The certificate along with the certificate chain is exported.

Step 4 Import the Cisco ISE CA chain in to the Trusted Certificates store in the pxGrid client.

Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol Profiles

To help enable certificate provisioning functions for the variety of mobile devices that users can register on
the network, Cisco ISE enables you to configure one or more Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP)
Certificate Authority (CA) profiles (called as Cisco ISE External CA Settings) to point Cisco ISE to multiple
CA locations. The benefit of allowing for multiple profiles is to help ensure high availability and perform
load balancing across the CA locations that you specify. If a request to a particular SCEP CA goes unanswered
three consecutive times, Cisco ISE declares that particular server unavailable and automatically moves to the
CA with the next lowest known load and response times, then it begins periodic polling until the server comes
back online.
For details on how to set up your Microsoft SCEP server to interoperate with Cisco ISE, see

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Issued Certificates

Issued Certificates
The Admin portal lists all the certificates issued by the internal ISE CA to endpoints (Administration > System
> Certificates > Endpoint Certificates). The Issued Certificates page provides you an at-a-glance view of the
certificate status. You can mouse over the Status column to find out the reason for revocation if a certificate
has been revoked. You can mouse over the Certificate Template column to view additional details such as
Key Type, Key Size or Curve Type, Subject, Subject Alternative Name (SAN), and Validity of the certificate.
You can click on the endpoint certificate to view the certificate.
All certificates issued by the ISE CA (certificates automatically provisioned through the BYOD flow and
certificates obtained from the Certificate Provisioning portal) are listed in the Endpoint Certificates page. You
can manage these certificates from this page.
For example, if you want to view the certificates issued to user7, enter user7 in the text box that appears below
the Friendly Name field. All the certificates issued by Cisco ISE to this user appear. Remove the search term
from the text box to cancel the filter. You can also use the Advanced Filter option to view records based on
various search criteria.
This Endpoint Certificates page also provides you the option to revoke an endpoint certificate, if necessary.
The Certificate Management Overview page displays the total number of endpoint certificates issued by each
PSN node in your deployment. You can also view the total number of revoked certificates per node and the
total number of certificates that have failed. You can filter the data on this page based on any of the attributes.

Issued and Revoked Certificates

The following table describes the fields on the Overview of Issued and Revoked Certificates window. The
PSN nodes in your deployment issue certificates to endpoints. This window provides you information about
the endpoint certificates issued by each of the PSN nodes in your deployment. To view this window, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Overview.

Table 27: Issued and Revoked Certificates

Fields Usage Guidelines

Node Name Name of the Policy Service node (PSN) that issued the certificate.

Certificates Issued Number of endpoint certificates issued by the PSN node.

Certificates Revoked Number of revoked endpoint certificates (certificates that were issued by the PSN

Certificates Requests Number of certificate-based authentication requests processed by the PSN node.

Certificates Failed Number of failed authentication requests processed by the PSN node.

Related Topics
Issued Certificates, on page 187
User and Endpoint Certificate Renewal, on page 171
Configure Cisco ISE to Use Certificates for Authenticating Personal Devices, on page 191
Configure Cisco ISE to Allow Users to Renew Certificates, on page 172
Revoke an Endpoint Certificate, on page 207

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Backup and Restore of Cisco ISE CA Certificates and Keys

Backup and Restore of Cisco ISE CA Certificates and Keys

You must back up the Cisco ISE CA certificates and keys securely to be able to restore them back on a
Secondary Administration Node in case of a PAN failure and you want to promote the Secondary Administration
Node to function as the root CA or intermediate CA of an external PKI. The Cisco ISE configuration backup
does not include the CA certificates and keys. Instead, you should use the Command Line Interface (CLI) to
export the CA certificates and keys to a repository and to import them. The application configure ise command
now includes export and import options to backup and restore CA certificates and keys.
The following certificates from the Trusted Certificates Store are restored on the Secondary Administration
• Cisco ISE Root CA certificate
• Cisco ISE Sub CA certificate
• Cisco ISE Endpoint RA certificate
• Cisco ISE OCSP Responder certificate

You must back up and restore Cisco ISE CA certificates and keys when you:
• Have a Secondary Administration Node in the deployment
• Replace the entire Cisco ISE CA root chain
• Configure Cisco ISE root CA to act as a subordinate CA of an external PKI
• Upgrade from Release 1.2 to a later release
• Restore data from a configuration backup. In this case, you must first regenerate the Cisco ISE CA root
chain and then back up and restore the ISE CA certificates and keys.

Note Whenever the Cisco ISE internal CA is replaced in a deployment, then the ISE messaging service must also
be refreshed that time to retrieve the complete certificate chain.

Export Cisco ISE CA Certificates and Keys

You must export the CA certificates and keys from the PAN to import them on the Secondary Administration
Node. This option enables the Secondary Administration Node to issue and manage certificates for endpoints
when the PAN is down and you promote the Secondary Administration Node to be the PAN.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have created a repository to store the CA certificates and keys.

Step 1 Enter application configure ise command from the Cisco ISE CLI.
Step 2 Enter 7 to export the certificates and keys.
Step 3 Enter the repository name.
Step 4 Enter an encryption key.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Import Cisco ISE CA Certificates and Keys

A success message appears with the list of certificates that were exported, along with the subject, issuer, and serial number.
The following 4 CA key pairs were exported to repository 'sftp' at 'ise_ca_key_pairs_of_ise-vm1':
Subject:CN=Cisco ISE Self-Signed CA of ise-vm1
Issuer:CN=Cisco ISE Self-Signed CA of ise-vm1

Subject:CN=Cisco ISE Endpoint CA of ise-vm1

Issuer:CN=Cisco ISE Self-Signed CA of ise-vm1

Subject:CN=Cisco ISE Endpoint RA of ise-vm1

Issuer:CN=Cisco ISE Endpoint CA of ise-vm1

Subject:CN=Cisco ISE OCSP Responder Certificate of ise-vm1

Issuer:CN=Cisco ISE Self-Signed CA of ise-vm1
ISE CA keys export completed successfully

Import Cisco ISE CA Certificates and Keys

After you register the Secondary Administration Node, you must export the CA certificates and keys from
the PAN and import them in to the Secondary Administration Node.

Step 1 Enter application configure ise command from the Cisco ISE CLI.
Step 2 Enter 8 to import the CA certificates and keys.
Step 3 Enter the repository name.
Step 4 Enter the name of the file that you want to import. The file name should be in the format ise_ca_key_pairs_of_<vm
Step 5 Enter the encryption key to decrypt the file.
A success message appears.
The following 4 CA key pairs were imported:
Subject:CN=Cisco ISE Self-Signed CA of ise-vm1
Issuer:CN=Cisco ISE Self-Signed CA of ise-vm1

Subject:CN=Cisco ISE Endpoint CA of ise-vm1

Issuer:CN=Cisco ISE Self-Signed CA of ise-vm1

Subject:CN=Cisco ISE Endpoint RA of ise-vm1

Issuer:CN=Cisco ISE Endpoint CA of ise-vm1

Subject:CN=Cisco ISE OCSP Responder Certificate of ise-vm1

Issuer:CN=Cisco ISE Self-Signed CA of ise-vm1

Stopping ISE Certificate Authority Service...

Starting ISE Certificate Authority Service...

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Generate Root CA and Subordinate CAs on the Primary PAN and PSN

ISE CA keys import completed successfully

Note Encryption of exported keys file was introduced in Cisco ISE Release 2.6. The export of keys from Cisco ISE
Release 2.4 and earlier versions and import of keys in Cisco ISE Release 2.6 and later versions will not be

Generate Root CA and Subordinate CAs on the Primary PAN and PSN
When you set up the deployment, Cisco ISE generates a root CA on the primary PAN and subordinate CA
certificates on the PSNs for the Cisco ISE CA service. However, when you change the domain name or the
hostname of the primary PAN or PSN, you must regenerate root CA on the primary PAN and sub CAs on the
PSNs respectively.
If you want to change the hostname on a PSN, instead of regenerating the root CA and subordinate CAs on
the primary PAN and PSNs respectively, you can deregister the PSN before changing the hostname, and
register it back. A new subordinate certificate gets provisioned automatically on the PSN.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Signing Requests
Step 2 Click Generate Certificate Signing Requests (CSR).
Step 3 Choose ISE Root CA from the Certificate(s) will be used for drop-down list.
Step 4 Click Replace ISE Root CA Certificate chain.
The root CA and subordinate CA certificates get generated for all the nodes in your deployment.

Configure Cisco ISE Root CA as Subordinate CA of an External PKI

If you want the root CA on the primary PAN to act as a subordinate CA of an external PKI, generate an ISE
intermediate CA certificate signing request, send it to the external CA, obtain the root and CA-signed
certificates, import the root CA certificate in to the Trusted Certificates Store, and bind the CA-signed certificate
to the CSR. In this case, the external CA is the root CA, the Primary PAN is a subordinate CA of the external
CA, and the PSNs are subordinate CAs of the primary PAN.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Signing Requests.
Step 2 Click Generate Certificate Signing Requests (CSR).
Step 3 Choose ISE Intermediate CA from the Certificate(s) will be used for drop-down list.
Step 4 Click Generate.
Step 5 Export the CSR, send it to the external CA, and obtain the CA-signed certificate.
Step 6 Import the root CA certificate from the external CA in to the Trusted Certificates store.
Step 7 Bind the CA-signed certificate with the CSR.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Configure Cisco ISE to Use Certificates for Authenticating Personal Devices

What to do next
If you have a secondary PAN in the deployment, obtain a backup of the Cisco ISE CA certificates and keys
from the primary PAN and restore it on the secondary PAN. Server and root certificates are then automatically
replicated in the secondary PAN. This ensures that the secondary PAN can function as subordinate CA of the
external PKI in case of administration node failover.

Configure Cisco ISE to Use Certificates for Authenticating Personal Devices

You can configure Cisco ISE to issue and manage certificates for endpoints (personal devices) that connect
to your network. You can use the internal Cisco ISE CA service to sign the certificate signing request from
endpoints or forward the CSR to an external CA.

Before you begin

• Obtain a backup of the Cisco ISE CA certificates and keys from the primary PAN and store them in a
secure location for disaster recovery purposes.

Step 1 Add Users to the Employee User Group, on page 191

You can add users to the internal identity store or to an external identity store such as Microsoft Active Directory.
Step 2 Create a Certificate Authentication Profile for TLS-Based Authentication, on page 192
Step 3 Create an Identity Source Sequence for TLS-Based Authentication, on page 192
Step 4 Creating a client provisioning policy.
a) Configure Certificate Authority Settings, on page 193
b) Create a CA Template, on page 194
c) Create a Native Supplicant Profile to be Used in Client Provisioning Policy, on page 196
d) Download Agent Resources from Cisco Site for Windows and MAC OS X Operating Systems, on page 197
e) Create Client Provisioning Policy Rules for Apple iOS, Android, and MACOSX Devices, on page 197
Step 5 Configure the Dot1X Authentication Policy Rule for TLS-Based Authentication, on page 197
Step 6 Configure authorization policy rules for TLS-based authentications.
a) Create Authorization Profiles for Central Web Authentication and Supplicant Provisioning Flows, on page 198
b) Create Authorization Policy Rules, on page 199
When you use ECDHE-RSA based certificates, while connecting to the wireless SSID from your personal device, you
will be prompted to enter the password a second time.

Add Users to the Employee User Group

The following procedure describes how to add users to the Employee user group in the Cisco ISE identity
store. If you are using an external identity store, make sure that you have an Employee user group to which
you can add users.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > Identities > Users.
Step 2 Click Add.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Create a Certificate Authentication Profile for TLS-Based Authentication

Step 3 Enter the user details.

Step 4 In the Passwords section, choose the Login Password and TACACS+ Enable Password to set the access level to a
network device.
Step 5 Select Employee from the User Group drop-down list.
All users who belong to the Employee user group share the same set of privileges.
Step 6 Click Submit.

What to do next
Create a Certificate Authentication Profile for TLS-Based Authentication, on page 192

Create a Certificate Authentication Profile for TLS-Based Authentication

To use certificates for authenticating endpoints that connect to your network, you must define a certificate
authentication profile in Cisco ISE or edit the default Preloaded_Certificate_Profile. The certificate
authentication profile includes the certificate field that should be used as the principal username. For example,
if the username is in the Common Name field, then you can define a certificate authentication profile with
the Principal Username being the Subject - Common Name, which can be verified against the identity store.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Certificate Authentication Profile.
Step 2 Enter a name for your certificate authentication profile. For example, CAP.
Step 3 Choose Subject - Common Name as the Principal Username X509 Attribute.
Step 4 Click Save.

What to do next
Create an Identity Source Sequence for TLS-Based Authentication, on page 192

Create an Identity Source Sequence for TLS-Based Authentication

After you create a certificate authentication profile, you must add it to the identity source sequence so that
Cisco ISE can obtain the attribute from the certificate and match it against the identity sources that you have
defined in the identity source sequence.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have completed the following tasks:
• Add users to the Employee user group.
• Create a certificate authentication profile for certificate-based authentication.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > Identity Source Sequences.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter a name for the identity source sequence. For example, Dot1X.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Configure Certificate Authority Settings

Step 4 Check the Select Certificate Authentication Profile check box and select the certificate authentication profile that you
created earlier, namely CAP.
Step 5 Move the identity source that contains your user information to the Selected list box in the Authentication Search List
You can add additional identity sources and Cisco ISE searches these data stores sequentially until a match is found.
Step 6 Click the Treat as if the user was not found and proceed to the next store in the sequence radio button.
Step 7 Click Submit.

What to do next
Configure Certificate Authority Settings, on page 193

Configure Certificate Authority Settings

You must configure the external CA settings if you are going to use an external CA for signing the CSRs.
The external CA settings was known as the SCEP RA profile in previous releases of Cisco ISE. If you are
using the Cisco ISE CA, then you do not have to explicitly configure the CA settings. You can review the
Internal CA settings at Administration > System > Certificates > Internal CA Settings.
Once users’ devices receive their validated certificate, they reside on the device as described in the following

Table 28: Device Certificate Location

Device Certificate Storage Location Access Method

iPhone/iPad Standard certificate store Settings > General > Profile

Android Encrypted certificate store Invisible to end users.

Note Certificates can be
removed using Settings
> Location & Security
> Clear Storage.

Windows Standard certificate store Launch mmc.exe from the /cmd

prompt or view in the certificate

Mac Standard certificate store Application > Utilities > Keychain


Before you begin

If you are going to use an external Certificate Authority (CA) for signing the certificate signing request (CSR),
then you must have the URL of the external CA.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Certificates > External CA Settings.
Step 2 Click Add.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Create a CA Template

Step 3 Enter a name for the external CA setting. For example, EXTERNAL_SCEP.
Step 4 Enter the external CA server URL in the URL text box.
Click Test Connection to check if the external CA is reachable. Click the + button to enter additional CA server URLs.
Step 5 Click Submit.

What to do next
Create a CA Template, on page 194

Create a CA Template
The certificate template defines the SCEP RA profile that must be used (for the internal or external CA), Key
Type, Key Size or Curve Type, Subject, Subject Alternative Name (SAN), validity period of the certificate,
and the Extended Key Usage. This example assumes that you are going to use the internal Cisco ISE CA. For
an external CA template, the validity period is determined by the external CA and you cannot specify it.
You can create a new CA template or edit the default certificate template,
By default, the following CA templates are available in Cisco ISE:
• CA_SERVICE_Certificate_Template—For other network services that use the ISE CA. For example,
use this certificate template while configuring ISE to issue certificates for ASA VPN users.
• EAP_Authentication_Certificate_Template—For EAP authentication.
• pxGrid_Certificate_Template—For pxGrid controller while generating the certificate from the Certificate
Provisioning Portal.

Note Certificate templates that use the ECC key type can be used only with the internal Cisco ISE CA.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have configured the CA settings.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > CA Service > Internal CA Certificate Template.
Step 2 Enter a name for the internal CA template. For example, Internal_CA_Template.
Step 3 (Optional) Enter values for the Organizational Unit, Organization, City, State, and Country fields.
We do not support UTF-8 characters in the certificate template fields (Organizational Unit, Organization, City, State,
and Country). Certificate provisioning fails if UTF-8 characters are used in the certificate template.
The username of the internal user generating the certificate is used as the Common Name of the certificate. Cisco ISE
Internal CA does not support "+" or "*" characters in the Common Name field. Ensure that your username does not
include "+" or "*" special characters.

Step 4 Specify the Subject Alternative Name (SAN) and the validity period of the certificate.
Step 5 Specify a Key Type. Choose RSA or ECC.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Internal CA Settings

The following table lists the operating systems and versions that support ECC along with the curve types that are
supported. If your devices are not running a supported operating system or on a supported version, you can use RSA-based
certificates instead.

Operating System Supported Versions Supported Curve Types

Windows 8 and later P-256, P-384, and P-521
Android 4.4 and later All curve types (except Android 6.0, which
does not support the P-192 curve type).
Note Android 6.0 requires May 2016
patch to support ECC

Windows 7 and Apple iOS do not natively support ECC for EAP-TLS authentication. This release of Cisco ISE does
not support the use of ECC certificates on MAC OS X devices.
If the devices in your network run an operating system that is not supported (Windows 7, MAC OS X, or Apple iOS,
we recommend that you choose RSA as the Key Type.

Step 6 (Applicable if you choose the RSA Key Type) Specify a key size. You must choose 1024 or a higher key size.
Step 7 (Applicable only if you choose the ECC Key Type) Specify the Curve Type. The default is P-384.
Step 8 Choose ISE Internal CA as the SCEP RA Profile.
Step 9 Enter the validity period in days. The default is 730 days. Valid range is between 1 and 730.
Step 10 Specify the Extended Key Usage. Check the Client Authentication check box if you want the certificate to be used
for client authentication. Check the Server Authentication check box if you want the certificate to be used for server
Step 11 Click Submit.

The internal CA certificate template is created and will be used by the client provisioning policy.

What to do next
Create a Native Supplicant Profile to be Used in Client Provisioning Policy, on page 196

Internal CA Settings
The following table describes the fields in the internal CA Settings window. You can view the internal CA
settings and disable the internal CA service from this window. To view this window, click the Menu icon
( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Authority > Internal CA Settings.

Table 29: Internal CA Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Disable Certificate Click this button to disable the internal CA service.

Host Name Host name of the Cisco ISE node that is running the CA service.

Personas Cisco ISE node personas that are enabled on the node running the CA service. For
example, Administration, Policy Service, etc.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Create a Native Supplicant Profile to be Used in Client Provisioning Policy

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Role(s) The role(s) assumed by the Cisco ISE node running the CA service. For example,
Standalone or Primary or Secondary.

CA, EST & OCSP Enabled or disabled

Responder Status

OCSP Responder URL for Cisco ISE node to access the OCSP server.

SCEP URL URL for the Cisco ISE node to access the SCEP server.

Related Topics
Cisco ISE CA Service, on page 175
Configure Cisco ISE to Use Certificates for Authenticating Personal Devices, on page 191

Create a Native Supplicant Profile to be Used in Client Provisioning Policy

You can create native supplicant profiles to enable users to bring personal devices to your Corporate network.
Cisco ISE uses different policy rules for different operating systems. Each client provisioning policy rule
contains a native supplicant profile, which specifies which provisioning wizard is to be used for which operating

Before you begin

• Configure the CA certificate template in Cisco ISE.
• Open up TCP port 8905 and UDP port 8905 to enable client agents and supplicant provisioning wizard
installation. For more information about port usage, see the "Cisco ISE Appliance Ports Reference"
appendix in the Cisco Identity Services Engine Hardware Installation Guide.

Step 1 Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client Provisioning > Resources.
Step 2 Choose Add > Native Supplicant Profile.
Step 3 Enter a name for the native supplicant profile. For example, EAP_TLS_INTERNAL.
Step 4 Choose ALL from the Operating System drop-down list.
Note The MAC OS version 10.10 user should manually connect to the provisioned SSID for dual-SSID PEAP flow.

Step 5 Check the Wired or Wireless check box.

Step 6 Choose TLS from the Allowed Protocol drop-down list.
Step 7 Choose the CA certificate template that you created earlier.
Step 8 Click Submit.

What to do next
Download Agent Resources from Cisco Site for Windows and MAC OS X Operating Systems, on page 197

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Download Agent Resources from Cisco Site for Windows and MAC OS X Operating Systems

Download Agent Resources from Cisco Site for Windows and MAC OS X Operating Systems
For Windows and MAC OS X operating systems, you must download the remote resources from the Cisco

Before you begin

Ensure that you are able to access the appropriate remote location to download client provisioning resources
to Cisco ISE, by verifying that the proxy settings for your network are correctly configured.

Step 1 Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Resources > Client Provisioning > Resources.
Step 2 Choose Add > Agent resources from Cisco site.
Step 3 Check the check boxes next to the Windows and MAC OS X packages. Be sure to include the latest versions.
Step 4 Click Save.

What to do next
Create Client Provisioning Policy Rules for Apple iOS, Android, and MACOSX Devices, on page 197

Create Client Provisioning Policy Rules for Apple iOS, Android, and MACOSX Devices
Client provisioning resource policies determine which users receive which version (or versions) of resources
(agents, agent compliance modules, and agent customization packages/profiles) from Cisco ISE upon login
and user session initiation.
When you download the agent compliance module, it always overwrites the existing one, if any, available in
the system.
To enable employees to bring iOS, Android, MACOSX devices, you must create policy rules for each of these
devices on the Client Provisioning Policy page.

Before you begin

You must have configured the required native supplicant profiles and downloaded the required agents from
the Client Provisioning Policy pages.

Step 1 Choose Policy > Client Provisioning.

Step 2 Create client provisioning policy rules for Apple iOS, Android, and MACOSX devices.
Step 3 Click Save.

What to do next
Configure the Dot1X Authentication Policy Rule for TLS-Based Authentication, on page 197

Configure the Dot1X Authentication Policy Rule for TLS-Based Authentication

This task shows how to update the Dot1X authentication policy rule for TLS-based authentications.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Create Authorization Profiles for Central Web Authentication and Supplicant Provisioning Flows

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the certificate authentication profile created for TLS-based authentication.

Step 1 Choose Policy > Policy Sets.

Step 2 Click the arrow icon from the View column to open the Set view screen and view, manage, and update the
authentication policy.
The default rule-based authentication policy includes a rule for Dot1X authentication.

Step 3 To edit the conditions for the Dot1X authentication policy rule, hover over the cell in the Conditions column and click
. The Conditions Studio opens.
Step 4 From the Actions column in the Dot1X policy rule, click the cog icon and then from the drop-down menu, insert a new
policy set by selecting any of the insert or duplicate options, as necessary.
A new row appears in the Policy Sets table.
Step 5 Enter a name for the rule. For example, eap-tls.
Step 6 From the Conditions column, click the (+) symbol.
Step 7 Create the required conditions in the Conditions Studio Page. In the Editor section, click the Click To Add an
Attribute text box, and select the required Dictionary and Attribute (for example, Network Access:UserName Equals
You can drag and drop a Library condition to the Click To Add An Attribute text box.

Step 8 Click Use.

Step 9 Leave the default rule as is.
Step 10 Click Save.

What to do next
Create Authorization Profiles for Central Web Authentication and Supplicant Provisioning Flows, on page

Create Authorization Profiles for Central Web Authentication and Supplicant Provisioning Flows
You must define authorization profiles to determine the access that must be granted to the user after the
certificate-based authentication is successful.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have configured the required access control lists (ACLs) on the wireless LAN controller
(WLC). Refer to the TrustSec How-To Guide: Using Certificates for Differentiated Access for information
on how to create the ACLs on the WLC.
This example assumes that you have created the following ACLs on the WLC.
• NSP-ACL - For native supplicant provisioning
• BLACKHOLE - For restricting access to block listed devices
• NSP-ACL-Google - For provisioning Android devices

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Create Authorization Policy Rules

Step 1 Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Authorization Profiles.
Step 2 Click Add to create a new authorization profile.
Step 3 Enter a name for the authorization profile.
Step 4 From the Access Type drop-down list, choose ACCESS_ACCEPT.
Step 5 Click Add to add the authorization profiles for central web authentication, central web authentication for Google Play,
native supplicant provisioning, and native supplicant provisioning for Google.
Step 6 Click Save.

What to do next
Create Authorization Policy Rules, on page 199

Create Authorization Policy Rules

Cisco ISE evaluates the authorization policy rules and grants the user access to the network resources based
on the authorization profile specified in the policy rule.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have created the required authorization profiles.

Step 1 Choose Policy > Policy Sets, and expand the policy set to view the authorization policy rules.
Step 2 Insert additional policy rules above the default rule.
Step 3 Click Save.

CA Service Policy Reference

This section provides reference information for the authorization and client provisioning policy rules that you
must create before you can enable the Cisco ISE CA service.

Client Provisioning Policy Rules for Certificate Services

This section lists the client provisioning policy rules that you must create while using the Cisco ISE certificate
services. The following table provides the details.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Client Provisioning Policy Rules for Certificate Services

Rule Name Identity Groups Operating Systems Other Conditions Results

iOS Any Apple iOS All Condition(s) EAP_TLS_INTERNAL
(the native
supplicant profile
that you created
earlier). If you are
using an external
CA, select the native
supplicant profile
that you have
created for the
external CA.
Android Any Android Condition(s) EAP_TLS_INTERNAL
(the native
supplicant profile
that you created
earlier). If you are
using an external
CA, select the native
supplicant profile
that you have
created for the
external CA.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Authorization Profiles for Certificate Services

Rule Name Identity Groups Operating Systems Other Conditions Results

MACOSX Any MACOSX Condition(s) Under the Native
specify the
1. Config Wizard:
Select the
wizard that you
from the Cisco
2. Wizard Profile:
Choose the
profile that you
created earlier.
If you are using
an external CA,
select the native
profile that you
have created for
the external CA.

Authorization Profiles for Certificate Services

This section lists the authorization profiles that you must create for enabling certificate-based authentication
in Cisco ISE. You must have already created the ACLs (NSP-ACL and NSP-ACL-Google) on the wireless
LAN controller (WLC).
• CWA - This profile is for devices that go through the central web authentication flow. Check the Web
Authentication check box, choose Centralized from the drop-down list, and enter NSP-ACL in the ACL
text box.
• CWA_GooglePlay - This profile is for Android devices that go through the central web authentication
flow. This profile enables Android devices to access Google Play Store and download the Cisco Network
Setup Assistant. Check the Web Authentication check box, choose Centralized from the drop-down
list, and enter NSP-ACL-Google in the ACL text box.
• NSP - This profile is for non-Android devices that go through the supplicant provisioning flow. Check
the Web Authentication check box, choose Supplicant Provisioning from the drop-down list, and enter
NSP-ACL in the ACL text box.
• NSP-Google - This profile is for Android devices that go through the supplicant provisioning flow. Check
the Web Authentication check box, choose Supplicant Provisioning from the drop-down list, and enter
NSP-ACL-Google in the ACL text box.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Authorization Policy Rules for Certificate Services

Review the default Blackhole_Wireless_Access authorization profile. The Advanced Attributes Settings
should be:
• Cisco:cisco-av-pair = url-redirect=https://ip:port/blockedlistportal/gateway?portal=PortalID
• Cisco:cisco-av-pair = url-redirect-acl=BLACKHOLE

Authorization Policy Rules for Certificate Services

This section lists the authorization policy rules that you must create while enabling the Cisco ISE CA service.
• Corporate Assets-This rule is for corporate devices that connect to the corporate wireless SSID using
802.1X and MSCHAPV2 protocol.
• Android_SingleSSID-This rule is for Android devices that access the Google Play Store to download
the Cisco Network Setup Assistant for provisioning. This rule is specific to single SSID setup.
• Android_DualSSID-This rule is for Android devices that access the Google Play Store to download the
Cisco Network Setup Assistant for provisioning. This rule is specific to dual SSID setup.
• CWA-This rule is for devices that go through the central web authentication flow.
• NSP-This rule is for devices that go through the native supplicant provisioning flow using a certificate
for EAP-TLS authentication.
• EAP-TLS-This rule is for devices that have completed the supplicant provisioning flow and are provisioned
with a certificate. They will be given access to the network.
The following table lists the attributes and values that you must choose while configuring authorization policy
rules for the Cisco ISE CA service. This example assumes that you have the corresponding authorization
profiles configured in Cisco ISE as well.

Rule Name Conditions Permissions (authorization profiles

to be applied)
Corporate Assets Corp_Assets AND (Wireless PermitAccess
802.1X AND Network
Android_SingleSSID (Wireless 802.1X AND Network NSP_Google
Session:Device-OS EQUALS
Android_DualSSID (Wireless_MAB AND CWA_GooglePlay
Session:Device-OS EQUALS
CWA Wireless_MAB CWA
NSP (Wireless 802.1X AND Network NSP
EAP-TLS (Wireless 802.1X AND Network PermitAccess

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
ISE CA Issues Certificates to ASA VPN Users

ISE CA Issues Certificates to ASA VPN Users

ISE CA issues certificates to client machines connecting over ASA VPN. Using this feature, you can
automatically provision certificates to end devices that connect over ASA VPN.
Cisco ISE uses the Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol (SCEP) for enrollment and to provision certificates
to the client machines. The AnyConnect client sends the SCEP request to the ASA over an HTTPS connection.
The ASA evaluates the request and enforces policies before it relays the request to Cisco ISE over an HTTP
connection established between Cisco ISE and ASA. The response from the Cisco ISE CA is relayed back to
the client. The ASA cannot read the contents of the SCEP message and functions as a proxy for the Cisco ISE
CA. The Cisco ISE CA decrypts the SCEP message from the client and sends the response in an encrypted
The ISE CA SCEP URL is http://<IP Address or FQDN of ISE CA server>:9090/auth/caservice/pkiclient.exe.
If you are using FQDN of the ISE node, the DNS server connected to ASA must be able to resolve the FQDN.
You can configure certificate renewal before expiration in the AnyConnect Client profile. If the certificate
has already expired, the renewal flow is similar to a new enrollment.
Supported versions include:
• Cisco ASA 5500 Series Adaptive Security Appliances that run software version 8.x
• Cisco AnyConnect VPN version 2.4 or later

VPN Connection Certificate Provisioning Flow

Figure 10: Certificate Provisioning for ASA VPN Users

1. The user initiates a VPN connection.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Configure Cisco ISE CA to Issue Certificates to ASA VPN Users

2. The AnyConnect client scans the client machine and sends the attributes such as the unique device
identifier (for example, IMEI) to the ASA.
3. The ASA requests certificate-based authentication from the client. The authentication fails because there
is no certificate.
4. The ASA proceeds to primary user authentication (AAA) using the username/password and passes the
information to the authentication server (ISE).
a. If authentication fails, the connection is terminated immediately.
b. If authentication passes, limited access is granted. You can configure dynamic access policies (DAP)
for client machines that request a certificate using the attribute. You can set
the value for this attribute to “true” and apply ACLs and web ACLs.

5. The VPN connection is established after the relevant policies and ACLs are applied. The client starts
key generation for SCEP only after AAA authentication succeeds and the VPN connection is established.
6. The client starts the SCEP enrollment and sends SCEP requests to ASA over HTTP.
7. ASA looks up the session information of the request and relays the request to ISE CA, if the session is
allowed for enrollment.
8. ASA relays the response from ISE CA back to the client.
9. If enrollment succeeds, the client presents a configurable message to the user and disconnects the VPN
10. The user can again authenticate using the certificate and a normal VPN connection is established.

Configure Cisco ISE CA to Issue Certificates to ASA VPN Users

You must perform the following configurations on Cisco ISE and ASA to provision certificates to ASA VPN

Before you begin

• Ensure that the VPN user account is present in Cisco ISE internal or external identity source.
• Ensure that the ASA and the Cisco ISE Policy Service Nodes are synchronized using the same NTP

Step 1 Define the ASA as a network access device in Cisco ISE. See Add a Network Device in Cisco ISE, on page 205 for
information on how to add ASA as a network device.
Step 2 Configure Group Policy in ASA, on page 205.
Step 3 Configure AnyConnect Connection Profile for SCEP Enrollment, on page 205.
Step 4 Configure a VPN Client Profile in ASDM, on page 206.
Step 5 Import Cisco ISE CA Certificates into ASA.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Add a Network Device in Cisco ISE

Add a Network Device in Cisco ISE

You can add a network device in Cisco ISE or use the default network device.
You can also add the network device in the Network Devices (Work Centers > Device Administration >
Network Resources > Network Devices) window.

Before you begin

The AAA function must be enabled on the network device to be added. See See the section “Command to
Enable AAA Functions” in chapter “Integrations” in the Cisco ISE Administrator Guide for your release.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the corresponding values in the Name, Description, and IP Address fields.
Step 4 Choose the required values from the drop-down lists for Device Profile, Model Name, Software Version, and Network
Device Group fields.
Step 5 (Optional) Check the RADIUS Authentication Settings check box to configure the RADIUS protocol for authentication.
Step 6 (Optional) Check the TACACS Authentication Settings check box to configure the TACACS protocol for authentication.
Step 7 (Optional) Check the SNMP Settings check box to configure SNMP for the Cisco ISE profiling service to collect
information from the network device.
Step 8 (Optional) Check the Advanced Trustsec Settings check box to configure a Cisco TrustSec-enabled device.
Step 9 Click Submit.

Configure Group Policy in ASA

Configure a group policy in ASA to define the ISE CA URL for AnyConnect to forward the SCEP enrollment

Step 1 Log in to Cisco ASA ASDM.

Step 2 From the Remote Access VPN navigation pane on the left, click Group Policies.
Step 3 Click Add to create a group policy.
Step 4 Enter a name for the group policy. For example, ISE_CA_SCEP.
Step 5 In the SCEP forwarding URL field, uncheck the Inherit check box and enter the ISE SCEP URL with port number.
If you are using the FQDN of the ISE node, the DNS server connected to ASA must be able to resolve the FQDN of the
ISE node.
Step 6 Click OK to save the group policy.

Configure AnyConnect Connection Profile for SCEP Enrollment

Configure an AnyConnect connection profile in ASA to specify the ISE CA server, authentication method,

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Configure a VPN Client Profile in ASDM

Step 1 Log in to Cisco ASA ASDM.

Step 2 From the Remote Access VPN navigation pane on the left, click AnyConnect Connection Profiles.
Step 3 Click Add to create a connection profile.
Step 4 Enter a name for the connection profile. For example, Cert-Group.
Step 5 (Optional) Enter a description for the connection profile in the Aliases field. For example, SCEP-Call-ASA.
Step 6 In the Authentication area, specify the following:
• Method—Click the Both radio button
• AAA Server Group—Click Manage and choose your ISE server

Step 7 In the Client Address Assignment area, select the DHCP server and client address pools to use.
Step 8 In the Default Group Policy area, click Manage and select the Group Policy that you have created with the ISE SCEP
URL and port number.
For example, ISE_CA_SCEP.
Step 9 Choose Advanced > General and check the Enable Simple Certificate Enrollment Protocol check box for this
connection profile.
Step 10 Click OK.
Your AnyConnect connection profile is created.

What to do next

Configure a VPN Client Profile in ASDM

Configure a VPN client profile in AnyConnect for SCEP enrollment.

Step 1 Log in to Cisco ASA ASDM.

Step 2 From the Remote Access VPN navigation pane on the left, click AnyConnect Client Profile.
Step 3 Select the client profile that you want to use and click Edit.
Step 4 Click Certificate Enrollment from the Profile navigation pane on the left.
Step 5 Check the Certificate Enrollment check box.
Step 6 Enter the values in the following fields:
• Certificate Expiration Threshold—The number of days before the certificate expiration date that AnyConnect warns
users their certificate is going to expire (not supported when SCEP is enabled). The default is zero (no warning
displayed). The range of values is zero to 180 days.
• Automatic SCEP Host—Enter the host name and connection profile (tunnel group) of the ASA that has SCEP
certificate retrieval configured. Enter a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) or a connection profile name of the
ASA. For example, the hostname and the connection profile name Cert_Group.
• CA URL—Identifies the SCEP CA server. Enter the FQDN or IP Address of the ISE server. For example,

Step 7 Enter values for the Certificate Contents that define how the client requests the contents of the certificate.
Step 8 Click OK.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Import Cisco ISE CA Certificates into ASA

The AnyConnect client profile is created. Refer to the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client for your version of
AnyConnect for additional information.

Import Cisco ISE CA Certificates into ASA

Import the Cisco ISE internal CA certificates into the ASA.

Before you begin

Export the Cisco ISE internal CA certificates. Go to Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate
Authority > Certificate Authority Certificates. Check the check boxes next to Certificate Services Node
CA and Certificate Services Root CA certificates and export them, one certificate at a time.

Step 1 Log in to Cisco ASA ASDM.

Step 2 From the Remote Access VPN navigation pane on the left, choose Certificate Management > CA Certificates.
Step 3 Click Add and select the Cisco ISE internal CA certificates to import them in to ASA.

Revoke an Endpoint Certificate

If you need to revoke a certificate issued to an employee's personal device, you can revoke it from the Endpoint
Certificates page. For example, if an employee's device has been stolen or lost, you can log in to the Cisco
ISE Admin portal and revoke the certificate issued to that device from the Endpoint Certificates page. You
can filter the data on this page based on the Friendly Name, Device Unique Id, or Serial Number.
If a PSN (sub CA) is compromised, you can revoke all certificates issued by that PSN by filtering on the
Issued By field from the Endpoint Certificates page.
When you revoke a certificate issued to an employee, if there is an active session (authenticated using that
certificate), the session is terminated immediately. Revoking a certificate ensures that unauthorized users do
not have any access to resources as soon as the certificate is revoked.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Authority > Issued Certificates.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the endpoint certificate that you want to revoke and click Revoke.
You can search for the certificate based on the Friendly Name and Device Type.
Step 3 Enter the reason for revoking the certificate.
Step 4 Click Yes.

OCSP Services
The Online Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) is a protocol that is used for checking the status of x.509 digital
certificates. This protocol is an alternative to the Certificate Revocation List (CRL) and addresses issues that
result in handling CRLs.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Cisco ISE CA Service Online Certificate Status Protocol Responder

Cisco ISE has the capability to communicate with OCSP servers over HTTP to validate the status of certificates
in authentications. The OCSP configuration is configured in a reusable configuration object that can be
referenced from any certificate authority (CA) certificate that is configured in Cisco ISE.
You can configure CRL and/or OCSP verification per CA. If both are selected, then Cisco ISE first performs
verification over OCSP. If a communication problem is detected with both the primary and secondary OCSP
servers, or if an unknown status is returned for a given certificate, Cisco ISE switches to checking the CRL.

Cisco ISE CA Service Online Certificate Status Protocol Responder

The Cisco ISE CA OCSP responder is a server that communicates with OCSP clients. The OCSP clients for
the Cisco ISE CA include the internal Cisco ISE OCSP client and OCSP clients on the Adaptive Security
Appliance (ASA). The OCSP clients should communicate with the OCSP responder using the OCSP
request/response structure defined in RFC 2560, 5019.
The Cisco ISE CA issues a certificate to the OCSP responder. The OCSP responder listens on port 2560 for
any incoming requests. This port is configured to allow only OCSP traffic.
The OCSP responder accepts a request that follows the structure defined in RFC 2560, 5019. Nonce extension
is supported in the OCSP request. The OCSP responder obtains the status of the certificate and creates an
OCSP response and signs it. The OCSP response is not cached on the OCSP responder, although you can
cache the OCSP response on the client for a maximum period of 24 hours. The OCSP client should validate
the signature in the OCSP response.
The self-signed CA certificate (or the intermediate CA certificate if ISE acts as an intermediate CA of an
external CA) on the PAN issues the OCSP responder certificate. This CA certificate on the PAN issues the
OCSP certificates on the PAN and PSNs. This self-signed CA certificate is also the root certificate for the
entire deployment. All the OCSP certificates across the deployment are placed in the Trusted Certificates
Store for ISE to validate any response signed using these certificates.

OCSP Certificate Status Values

OCSP services return the following values for a given certificate request:
• Good—Indicates a positive response to the status inquiry. It means that the certificate is not revoked,
and the state is good only until the next time interval (time to live) value.
• Revoked—The certificate was revoked.
• Unknown—The certificate status is unknown. OCSP service returns this value if the certificate was not
issued by the CA of this OCSP responder.
• Error—No response was received for the OCSP request.

OCSP High Availability

Cisco ISE has the capability to configure up to two OCSP servers per CA, and they are called primary and
secondary OCSP servers. Each OCSP server configuration contains the following parameters:
• URL—The OCSP server URL.
• Nonce—A random number that is sent in the request. This option ensures that old communications cannot
be reused in replay attacks.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
OCSP Failures

• Validate response—Cisco ISE validates the response signature that is received from the OCSP server.

In case of timeout (which is 5 seconds), when Cisco ISE communicates with the primary OCSP server, it
switches to the secondary OCSP server.
Cisco ISE uses the secondary OCSP server for a configurable amount of time before attempting to use the
primary server again.

OCSP Failures
The three general OCSP failure scenarios are as follows:
• Failed OCSP cache or OCSP client side (Cisco ISE) failures.
• Failed OCSP responder scenarios, for example:
The first primary OCSP responder not responding, and the secondary OCSP responder responding to
the Cisco ISE OCSP request.
Errors or responses not received from Cisco ISE OCSP requests.
An OCSP responder may not provide a response to the Cisco ISE OCSP request or it may return an
OCSP Response Status as not successful. OCSP Response Status values can be as follows:
• tryLater
• signRequired
• unauthorized
• internalError
• malformedRequest
There are many date-time checks, signature validity checks and so on, in the OCSP request. For
more details, refer to RFC 2560 X.509 Internet Public Key Infrastructure Online Certificate Status
Protocol - OCSP which describes all the possible states, including the error states.

• Failed OCSP reports

Add OCSP Client Profiles

You can use the OCSP Client Profile page to add new OCSP client profiles to Cisco ISE.

Before you begin

If the Certificate Authority (CA) is running the OCSP service on a nonstandard port (other than 80 or 443),
you must configure ACLs on the switch to allow for communication between Cisco ISE and the CA on that
port. For example:
permit tcp <source ip> <destination ip> eq <OCSP port number>

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Management > OCSP Client Profile.
Step 2 Enter the values to add an OCSP Client Profile.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
OCSP Client Profile Settings

Step 3 Click Submit.

OCSP Client Profile Settings

The following table describes the fields on the OCSP Client Profile window, which you can use to configure
OCSP client profiles. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration >
Certificates > Certificate Management > OCSP Client Profile.

Table 30: OCSP Client Profile Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Name of the OCSP Client Profile.

Description Enter an optional description.

Configure OCSP Responder

Enable Secondary Server Check this check box to enable a secondary OCSP server for high

Always Access Primary Server Use this option to check the primary server before trying to move to the
First secondary server. Even if the primary was checked earlier and found to
be unresponsive, Cisco ISE will try to send a request to the primary
server before moving to the secondary server.

Fallback to Primary Server Use this option when you want Cisco ISE to move to the secondary
After Interval n Minutes server and then fall back to the primary server again. In this case, all
other requests are skipped, and the secondary server is used for the
amount of time that is configured in the text box. The allowed time range
is 1 to 999 minutes.

Primary and Secondary Servers

URL Enter the URL of the primary and/or secondary OCSP server.

Enable Nonce Extension Support You can configure a nonce to be sent as part of the OCSP request. The
Nonce includes a pseudo-random number in the OCSP request. It is
verified that the number that is received in the response is the same as
the number that is included in the request. This option ensures that old
communications cannot be reused in replay attacks.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
OCSP Client Profile Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Validate Response Signature The OCSP responder signs the response with one of the following
• The CA certificate
• A certificate different from the CA certificate
In order for Cisco ISE to validate the response signature, the OCSP
responder needs to send the response along with the certificate,
otherwise the response verification fails, and the status of the
certificate cannot be relied on. According to the RFC, OCSP can
sign the response using different certificates. This is true as long as
OCSP sends the certificate that signed the response for Cisco ISE
to validate it. If OCSP signs the response with a different certificate
that is not configured in Cisco ISE, the response verification will

Use OCSP URLs specified in Click the radio button to use the OCSP URLs specified in the Authority
Authority Information Access Information Access extension.

Response Cache

Cache Entry Time To Live n Enter the time in minutes after which the cache entry expires. Each
Minutes response from the OCSP server holds a nextUpdate value. This value
shows when the status of the certificate will be updated next on the server.
When the OCSP response is cached, the two values (one from the
configuration and another from response) are compared, and the response
is cached for the period of time that is the lowest value of these two. If
the nextUpdate value is 0, the response is not cached at all. Cisco ISE
will cache OCSP responses for the configured time. The cache is not
replicated or persistent, so when Cisco ISE restarts, the cache is cleared.
The OCSP cache is used in order to maintain the OCSP responses and
for the following reasons:
• To reduce network traffic and load from the OCSP servers on an
already-known certificate
• To increase the performance of Cisco ISE by caching already-known
certificate statuses

By default, the cache is set to 2 minutes for the internal CA OCSP client
profile. If an endpoint authenticates a second time within 2 minutes of
the first authentication, the OCSP cache is used and the OCSP responder
is not queried. If the endpoint certificate has been revoked within the
cache period, the previous OCSP status of Good will be used and the
authentication succeeds. Setting the cache to 0 minutes prevents any
responses from being cached. This option improves security, but
decreases authentication performance.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
OCSP Statistics Counters

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Clear Cache Click Clear Cache to clear entries of all the certificate authorities that
are connected to the OCSP service.
In a deployment, Clear Cache interacts with all the nodes and performs
the operation. This mechanism updates every node in the deployment.

Related Topics
OCSP Services, on page 207
Cisco ISE CA Service Online Certificate Status Protocol Responder, on page 208
OCSP Certificate Status Values, on page 208
OCSP High Availability, on page 208
OCSP Failures, on page 209
OCSP Statistics Counters, on page 212
Add OCSP Client Profiles, on page 209

OCSP Statistics Counters

Cisco ISE uses OCSP counters to log and monitor the data and health of the OCSP servers. Logging occurs
every five minutes. Cisco ISE sends a syslog message to the Monitoring node and it is preserved in the local
store. The local store contains data from the previous five minutes. After Cisco ISE sends the syslog message,
the counters are recalculated for the next interval. This means, after five minutes, a new five-minute window
interval starts again.
The following table lists the OCSP syslog messages and their descriptions.

Table 31: OCSP Syslog Messages

Message Description

OCSPPrimaryNotResponsiveCount The number of nonresponsive primary requests

OCSPSecondaryNotResponsiveCount The number of nonresponsive secondary requests

OCSPPrimaryCertsGoodCount The number of ‘good’ certificates that are returned

for a given CA using the primary OCSP server

OCSPSecondaryCertsGoodCount The number of ‘good’ statuses that are returned for a

given CA using the primary OCSP server

OCSPPrimaryCertsRevokedCount The number of ‘revoked’ statuses that are returned

for a given CA using the primary OCSP server

OCSPSecondaryCertsRevokedCount The number of ‘revoked’ statuses that are returned

for a given CA using the secondary OCSP server

OCSPPrimaryCertsUnknownCount The number of ‘Unknown’ statuses that are returned

for a given CA using the primary OCSP server

OCSPSecondaryCertsUnknownCount The number of ‘Unknown’ statuses that are returned

for a given CA using the secondary OCSP server

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Configure Admin Access Policies

Message Description

OCSPPrimaryCertsFoundCount The number of certificates that were found in cache

from a primary origin

OCSPSecondaryCertsFoundCount The number of certificates that were found in cache

from a secondary origin

ClearCacheInvokedCount How many times clear cache was triggered since the

OCSPCertsCleanedUpCount How many cached entries were cleaned since the t


NumOfCertsFoundInCache Number of the fulfilled requests from the cache

OCSPCacheCertsCount Number of certificates that were found in the OCSP


Configure Admin Access Policies

An RBAC policy is represented in an if-then format, where "if" is the RBAC Admin Group value and "then"
is the RBAC Permissions value.
The RBAC policies window (click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin
Access > Authorization > RBAC Policy ) contains a list of default policies. You cannot edit or delete these
default policies. However, you can edit the data access permissions for the Read-Only Admin policy. The
RBAC policies page also allows you to create custom RBAC policies for an admin group specifically for your
work place, and apply to personalized admin groups.
When you assign limited menu access, make sure that the data access permissions allow the administrator to
access the data that is required to use the specified menus. For example, if you give menu access to the
MyDevices portal, but don't allow data access to Endpoint Identity Groups, then that administrator cannot
modify the portal.

Note Admin users can move endpoint MAC addresses from the Endpoint Identity Groups they have read-only
access to, to the Endpoint Identity Groups they have full access to. The other way around is not possible.

Before you begin

• Create all the admin groups for which you want to define the role-based access control (RBAC) policies.
• Ensure that these admin groups are mapped to individual admin users.
• Ensure that you have configured the RBAC permissions such as menu access and data access permissions.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Authorization > RBAC Policy.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Administrator Access Settings

The RBAC Policies page contains a set of ready-to-use predefined policies for default admin groups. You cannot edit or
delete these default policies. However, you can edit the data access permissions for the default Read-Only Admin policy.

Step 2 Click Actions next to any of the default RBAC policy rule.
Here, you can insert new RBAC policies, duplicate an existing RBAC policy, and delete an existing RBAC policy.

Step 3 Click Insert new policy.

Step 4 Enter values for the Rule Name, RBAC Group(s), and Permissions fields.
You cannot select multiple menu access and data access permissions when creating an RBAC policy.

Step 5 Click Save.

Administrator Access Settings

Cisco ISE allows you to define some rules for administrator accounts to enhance security. You can restrict
access to the management interfaces, force administrators to use strong passwords, regularly change their
passwords, and so on. The password policy that you define in the Administrator Account Settings in Cisco
ISE applies to all administrator accounts.
Cisco ISE supports administrator passwords with UTF-8 characters.

Configure the Maximum Number of Concurrent Administrative Sessions and

Login Banners
You can configure the maximum number of concurrent administrative GUI or CLI (SSH) sessions and login
banners that help and guide administrators who access your administrative web or CLI interface. You can
configure login banners that appear before and after an administrator logs in. By default, these login banners
are disabled.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Settings > Access > Session.
Step 2 Enter the maximum number of concurrent administrative sessions that you want to allow through the GUI and CLI
interfaces. The valid range for concurrent administrative GUI sessions is from 1 to 20. The valid range for concurrent
administrative CLI sessions is 1 to 10.
Step 3 If you want Cisco ISE to display a message before an administrator logs in, check the Pre-login banner check box and
enter your message in the text box.
Step 4 If you want Cisco ISE to display a message after an administrator logs in, check the Post-login banner check box and
enter your message in the text box.
Step 5 Click Save.

Related Topics
Allow Administrative Access to Cisco ISE from Select IP Addresses, on page 215

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Allow Administrative Access to Cisco ISE from Select IP Addresses

Allow Administrative Access to Cisco ISE from Select IP Addresses

Cisco ISE allows you to configure a list of IP addresses from which administrators can access the Cisco ISE
management interfaces.
The administrator access control settings are only applicable to Cisco ISE nodes that assume the Administration,
Policy Service, or Monitoring personas. These restrictions are replicated from the primary to the secondary

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Settings
> Access > IP Access.
Step 2 Click the Allow only listed IP addresses to connect radio button.
Note Connection on Port 161 (SNMP) is used for administrative access. However, when IP Access restrictions are
configured, the snmpwalk fails if the node from which it was performed is not configured for administrative

Step 3 In the Configure IP List for Access Restriction area, click Add.
Step 4 In the Add IP CIDR dialog box, enter the IP addresses in the classless interdomain routing (CIDR) format in the IP
Address field.
Note This IP address can be an IPv4 or an IPv6 address. You can configure multiple IPv6 addresses for an ISE node.

Step 5 Enter the subnet mask in the Netmask in CIDR format field.
Step 6 Click OK. Repeat steps 4 to 7 to add more IP address ranges to this list.
Step 7 Click Save to save the changes.
Step 8 Click Reset to refresh the IP Access window.

Allow Access to the MnT Section in Cisco ISE

Cisco ISE allows you to configure a list of nodes from which administrators can access the MnT section in
Cisco ISE.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 From the Cisco ISE home page, choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Settings > Access.
Step 2 Click the MnT Access tab.
Step 3 To allow nodes or entities either within the deployment or outside the deployment to send syslogs to MnT, click the
Allow any IP address to connect to MnT radio button. To allow only nodes or entities within the deployment to send
syslogs to MnT, click the Allow only the nodes in the deployment to connect to MnT radio button.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Configure a Password Policy for Administrator Accounts

Note For ISE 2.6 P2 and later, Use ISE Messaging Service for UDP Syslogs delivery to MnT is turned on by default
which doesn’t allow syslogs coming from any other entities outside of deployment.

Configure a Password Policy for Administrator Accounts

Cisco ISE also allows you to create a password policy for administrator accounts to enhance security. You
can define whether you want a password-based or client certificate-based administrator authentication. The
password policy that you define here is applied to all the administrator accounts in Cisco ISE.

Note • Email notifications for internal admin users are sent to root@host. You cannot configure the email
address, and many SMTP servers reject this email.
Follow open defect CSCui5583, which is an enhancement to allow you to change the email address.
• Cisco ISE supports administrator passwords with UTF-8 characters.

Before you begin

• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.
• Turn off the automatic failover configuration, if this is enabled in your deployment. See Support for
Automatic Failover for the Administration Node, on page 63
When you change the authentication method, you restart the application server processes. There might
be a delay while these services restart. Due to this delay in restart of services, automatic failover of
secondary administration node might get initiated.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Authentication.
Step 2 Click the radio button for one of the following authentication methods:
• Password Based: Choose this option to use the standard user ID and password credentials for administrator logins.
Choose Internal or External from the Identity Source drop-down list.
Note If you have configured an external identity source such as LDAP and want to use that as your authentication
source to grant access to the admin user, you must select that particular identity source from the Identity
Source list box.

• Client Certificate Based: Choose this option to specify a certificate-based policy. From the Certificate
Authentication Profile drop-down list, choose an existing authentication profile. Choose the required value from
the Identity Source drop-down list.

Step 3 Click the Password Policy tab and enter the required values to configure the Cisco ISE GUI and CLI password
Step 4 Click Save to save the administrator password policy.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Configure Account Disable Policy for Administrator Accounts

Note If you use an external identity store to authenticate administrators at login, note that even if this setting is
configured for the password policy applied to the administrator profile, the external identity store will still
validate the administrator’s username and password.

Related Topics
Administrator Password Policy Settings, on page 52
Configure Account Disable Policy for Administrator Accounts, on page 217
Configure Lock or Suspend Settings for Administrator Accounts, on page 217

Configure Account Disable Policy for Administrator Accounts

Cisco ISE allows you to disable an administrator account if the administrator account is not authenticated for
the configured consecutive number of days.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Authentication >
Account Disable Policy.
Step 2 Check the Disable account after n days of inactivity check box, and enter the number of days in the corresponding
This option allows you to disable the administrator account if the administrator account was inactive for the specified
number of days. However, you can exclude individual administrator accounts from this account disable policy using the
Inactive Account Never Disabled option in the Administration > System > Admin Access > Administrators > Admin
Users window.

Step 3 Click Save to configure the global account disable policy for administrators.

Configure Lock or Suspend Settings for Administrator Accounts

Cisco ISE allows you to lock or suspend administrator accounts (including password-based internal
administrator accounts and certificate-based administrator accounts) that have more than a specified number
of failed login attempts.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Authentication >
Lock/Suspend Settings.
Step 2 Check the Suspend Or Lock Account With Incorrect Login Attempts check box and enter the number of failed
attempts after which action should be taken. The valid range is from 3 through 20. Click the radio button for one of the
following options:
• Suspend Account For n Minutes: Choose this option to suspend any account that exceeds a specified number of
incorrect login attempts. The valid range is from 15 through 1440.
• Lock Account: Choose this option to lock an account that exceeds a specified number of incorrect login attempts.
You can enter a custom email remediation message, such as asking the end user to contact the helpdesk to unlock the

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Configure Session Timeout for Administrators

Note In Cisco ISE Release 2.3 and earlier, the Lock/Suspend Settings are available in the Password Policy tab
(Administration > System > Admin Access > Authentication > Password Policy.

Configure Session Timeout for Administrators

Cisco ISE allows you to determine the length of time an administration GUI session can be inactive and still
remain connected. You can specify a time in minutes after which Cisco ISE logs out the administrator. After
a session timeout, the administrator must log in again to access the Cisco ISE Admin portal.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Settings > Session > Session Timeout.
Step 2 Enter the time in minutes that you want Cisco ISE to wait before it logs out the administrator if there is no activity. The
default value is 60 minutes. The valid range is from 6 to 100 minutes.
Step 3 Click Save.

Terminate an Active Administrative Session

Cisco ISE displays all active administrative sessions from which you can select any session and terminate at
any point of time, if a need to do so arises. The maximum number of concurrent administrative GUI sessions
is 20. If the maximum number of GUI sessions is reached, an administrator who belongs to the super admin
group can log in and terminate some of the sessions.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Settings > Session > Session Info.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the session ID that you want to terminate and click Invalidate.

Change Administrator Name

Cisco ISE allows you to change your username from the Cisco ISE GUI.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Log in to the Cisco ISE administration portal.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Admin Access Settings

Step 2 Click the Gear icon ( ) at the upper right corner of the Cisco ISE GUI, and choose Account Settings from the drop-down
Step 3 Enter the new username in the Admin User dialog box that is displayed.
Step 4 Edit any other details about your account that you want to change.
Step 5 Click Save.

Admin Access Settings

These sections enable you to configure access settings for administrators.

Administrator Password Policy Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Password Policy tab, which you can use to define a criteria
that administrator passwords should meet. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > System > Admin Access > Authentication > Password Policy.

Table 32: Administrator Password Policy Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Minimum Length Specify the minimum length of the password (in

characters). The default is six characters.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Administrator Password Policy Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Password must not contain Admin name or its characters in reverse order:
Check this check box to restrict the use of the
administrator username or its characters in reverse
order as the password.

"Cisco" or its characters in reverse order: Check

this check box to restrict the use of the word “Cisco”
or its characters in the reverse order as the password.

This word or its characters in reverse order: Check

this check box to restrict the use of any word that you
define or its characters in the reverse order as the

Repeated characters four or more times

consecutively: Check this check box to restrict the
use of repeated characters four or more times
consecutively as the password.

Dictionary words, their characters in reverse order

or their letters replaced with other characters:
Check this check box to restrict the use of dictionary
words, their characters in reverse order or their letters
replaced with other characters, as the password.
Substitution of "$" for "s", "@" for "a", "0" for "o",
"1" for "l", "!" for "i", "3" for "e", and so on, is not
permitted. For example, "Pa$$w0rd" is not permitted.
• Default Dictionary: Choose this option to use
the default Linux dictionary in Cisco ISE. The
default dictionary contains approximately
480,000 English words.
This option is selected by default.
• Custom Dictionary: Choose this option to use
your customized dictionary. Click Choose File
to select a custom dictionary file. The text file
must be of newline-delimited words, .dic
extension, and size less than 20 MB.

Password must contain at least one character of Check the check box for the type of characters an
each of the selected types administrator's password must contain. Choose one
or more of the following options:
• Lowercase alphabetic characters
• Uppercase alphabetic characters
• Numeric characters
• Non-alphanumeric characters

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Session Timeout and Session Information Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Password History Specify the number of previous passwords from which

the new password must be different to prevent the
repeated use of the same password. Check the
Password must be different from the previous
nversions check box, and enter the number in the
corresponding field.
Enter the number of days before which you cannot
reuse a password. Check the Cannot reuse password
within n days check box, and enter the number in the
corresponding field.

Password Lifetime Check the check boxes for the following options to
force users to change passwords after a specified time
• Administrator passwords expire n days after
creation or last change: Time (in days) before
the administrator account is disabled if the
password is not changed. The valid range is 1 to
3,650 days.
• Send an email reminder to administrators n
days prior to password expiration: Time (in
days) before which the administrator is reminded
that their password will expire. The valid range
is 1 to 3,650 days.

Display Network Device Sensitive Data

Require Admin Password Check this check box if you want the admin user to
enter the log in password to view network device
sensitive data such as shared secrets and passwords.

Password cached for n Minutes The password that is entered by the admin user is
cached for this time period. The admin user will not
be prompted to enter the password again during this
period to view the network device sensitive data. The
valid range is from 1 to 60 minutes.

Related Topics
Cisco ISE Administrators, on page 3
Create a New Administrator, on page 4

Session Timeout and Session Information Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Session window, which you can use to define session timeout
and terminate an active administrative session. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > System > Admin Access > Settings > Session.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Basic Setup
Session Timeout and Session Information Settings

Table 33: Session Timeout and Session Info Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Session Timeout

Session Idle Timeout Enter the time in minutes that you want Cisco ISE to
wait before it logs out the administrator if there is no
activity. The default value is 60 minutes. The valid
range is from 6 to 100 minutes.

Session Info

Invalidate Check the check box next to the session ID that you
want to terminate and click Invalidate.

Related Topics
Administrator Access Settings, on page 214
Configure Session Timeout for Administrators, on page 218
Terminate an Active Administrative Session, on page 218

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
• Adaptive Network Control, on page 224
• Enable Adaptive Network Control in Cisco ISE, on page 225
• Configure Network Access Settings, on page 225
• ANC Quarantine and Unquarantine Flow, on page 226
• ANC NAS Port Shutdown Flow, on page 227
• Endpoints Purge Settings, on page 228
• Quarantined Endpoints Do Not Renew Authentication Following Policy Change, on page 229
• ANC Operations Fail when IP Address or MAC Address is not Found, on page 229
• Externally Authenticated Administrators Cannot Perform ANC Operations, on page 230
• Backup Data Type, on page 230
• Backup and Restore Repositories, on page 231
• On-Demand and Scheduled Backups, on page 235
• Cisco ISE Restore Operation, on page 241
• Export Authentication and Authorization Policy Configuration, on page 247
• Schedule Policy Export Settings, on page 248
• Synchronize Primary and Secondary Nodes in a Distributed Environment, on page 248
• Recovery of Lost Nodes in Standalone and Distributed Deployments, on page 249
• Cisco ISE Logging Mechanism, on page 252
• Cisco ISE System Logs, on page 253
• Configure Remote Syslog Collection Locations, on page 254
• Cisco ISE Message Codes, on page 255
• Cisco ISE Message Catalogs, on page 256
• Endpoint Debug Log Collector, on page 256
• Collection Filters, on page 257
• Cisco ISE Reports, on page 258
• Report Filters, on page 258
• Create the Quick Filter Criteria, on page 259
• Create the Advanced Filter Criteria, on page 259
• Run and View Reports, on page 260
• Reports Navigation, on page 260
• Export Reports, on page 260
• Schedule and Save Cisco ISE Reports, on page 261
• Cisco ISE Active RADIUS Sessions, on page 262

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Adaptive Network Control

• Available Reports, on page 264

• RADIUS Live Logs, on page 284
• RADIUS Live Sessions, on page 287
• TACACS Live Logs, on page 291
• Export Summary, on page 293

Adaptive Network Control

Adaptive Network Control (ANC) is a service that runs on the Administration node. This service monitors
and controls network access of endpoints. ANC is invoked by the ISE administrator on the admin GUI, and
also can be invoked through pxGrid from third-party systems. ANC supports wired and wireless deployments
and requires a Premier License.
You can use ANC to change the authorization state without having to modify the overall authorization policy
of the system. ANC allows you to set the authorization state when you quarantine an endpoint. As a result,
the established authorization policies where authorization policies are defined to check for ANCPolicy to
limit or deny network access. You can unquarantine an endpoint for full network access. You can also shut
down the port on the network attached system (NAS) that disconnects the endpoint from the network.
There are no limits to the number of users that can be quarantined at one time. Also, there are no time constraints
on the quarantine period length.
You can perform the following operations to monitor and control network access through ANC:
• Quarantine: Allows you to use Exception policies (authorization policies) to limit or deny an endpoint
access to the network. You must create Exception policies to assign different authorization profiles
(permissions) depending on the ANCPolicy. Setting to the Quarantine state essentially moves an endpoint
from its default VLAN to a specified Quarantine VLAN. You must define the Quarantine VLAN
previously that is supported on the same NAS as the endpoint.
• Unquarantine: Allows you to reverse the quarantine status that permits full access to the network for an
endpoint. This happens by returning the endpoint to its original VLAN.
• Shutdown: Allows you to deactivate a port on the NAS and disconnect the endpoint from the network.
Once the port is shut down on the NAS to which an endpoint is connected, manually reset the port on
the NAS again. This allows an endpoint to connect to the network, which is not available for wireless

Quarantine and unquarantine operations can be triggered from the session directory reports for active endpoints.

Note If a quarantined session is unquarantined, the initiation method for a newly unquarantined session depends
on the authentication method that is specified by the switch configuration.

Note As of Cisco ISE 1.4, ANC replaces Endpoint Protection Services (EPS). ANC provides additional classifications,
and performance improvements. While using ERS attributes in a policy might still work for some ANC actions
some of the time, use ANC attributes.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Enable Adaptive Network Control in Cisco ISE

Enable Adaptive Network Control in Cisco ISE

ANC is disabled by default. ANC gets enabled only when pxGrid is enabled, and it remains enabled until you
manually disable the service in the Admin portal.

Configure Network Access Settings

ANC allows you to reset the network access status of an endpoint to quarantine, unquarantine, or shut down
a port. These define the degree of authorization for the endpoints in the network.
You can quarantine or unquarantine endpoints, or shut down the network access server (NAS) ports to which
endpoints are connected, by using their endpoint IP addresses or MAC addresses. You can perform quarantine
and unquarantine operations on the same endpoint multiple times, provided they are not performed
simultaneously. If you discover a hostile endpoint on your network, you can shut down the endpoint’s access,
using ANC to close the NAS port.
To assign an ANC policy to an endpoint:

Before you begin

• Enable ANC.
• Create authorization profiles and exception type authorization policies for ANC.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Adaptive Network Control > Policy List.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter a name for the ANC policy and specify the ANC action. The following options are available:
• Quarantine
• Shut_Down
• Port_Bounce

You can select one or multiple actions, but you cannot combine Shut_Down and Port_Bounce with the other ANC actions

Step 4 Choose Policy > Policy Sets, and expand the policy set.
Step 5 Associate the ANC policy with the corresponding authorization policy by using the ANCPolicy attribute.
Step 6 Choose Operations > Adaptive Network Control > Endpoint Assignment.
Step 7 Click Add.
Step 8 Enter the IP address or MAC address of the endpoint and select the policy from the Policy Assignment drop-down list.
Step 9 Click Submit.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Create Authorization Profiles for Network Access through ANC

Create Authorization Profiles for Network Access through ANC

You need to create an authorization profile that should be use with ANC. you can view the authorization
profile in the list of Standard Authorization Profiles. An endpoint can be authenticated and authorized in the
network, but restricted to access network.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Authorization > Authorization
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter a unique name and description for the authorization profile, and update the Access Type as ACCESS_ACCEPT.
Step 4 Check the DACL Name check box, and choose DENY_ALL_TRAFFIC from the drop-down list.
Step 5 Click Submit.

Exception authorization polices are intended for authorizing limited access to meet special conditions or
permissions or an immediate requirement. For ANC authorization, you need to create a quarantine exception
policy that is processed before all standard authorization policies. You need to create an exception rule with
the following condition:
Session:ANCPolicy EQUALS Quarantine.

ANC Quarantine and Unquarantine Flow

You can quarantine-selected endpoints with ANC, to limit their access to the network. You can quarantine
endpoints and establish exception authorization policies that assign different authorization profiles, depending
on the status. An authorization profile acts as a container for permissions that you define in the authorization
policies that allow access to specified network services. When the authorization is complete, the permissions
are granted for a network access request. If the endpoint is then validated, you can unquarantine the endpoint
for full access to the network.
This figure illustrates the quarantine flow, which assumes that authorization rules have been configured and
the ANC session has been established.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
ANC NAS Port Shutdown Flow

Figure 11: ANC Quarantine Flow

1. A client device logs on to the network through a wireless device (WLC), and a quarantine REST API call
is issued from the Administration node (PAP) to the Monitoring node (MnT).
2. The Monitoring node then calls PrRT through the policy services Cisco ISE node (PDP) to invoke a
Certificate of Authorization (CoA).
3. The client device is disconnected.
4. The client device then reauthenticates and reconnects.
5. A RADIUS request for the client device is sent back to the Monitoring node.
6. The client device is quarantined while the check is in progress.
7. The Q-Profile authorization policy is applied, and the client device is validated.
8. The client device is unquarantined, and provided with full access to the network.

ANC NAS Port Shutdown Flow

You can shut down the NAS port to which an endpoint is connected by using the endpoint IP address or MAC
Shutdown allows you to close a NAS port based on a specified IP address for a MAC address. You have to
manually reinstate the port to bring the endpoint back into the network, which is effective only for endpoints
that are connected through wired media.
Shutdown may not be supported on all devices. Most switches should support the shutdown command,
however. You can use the getResult() command to verify that the shutdown is executed successfully.
This figure illustrates the ANC shutdown flow. For the client device, the shutdown operation is performed
on the NAS that the client device uses to access the network.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Endpoints Purge Settings

Figure 12: ANC Shutdown Flow

Endpoints Purge Settings

You can define the endpoint purge policy by configuring rules, based on identity groups and other conditions.
In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management >
Settings > Endpoint Purge. You can choose not to purge specified endpoints and to purge endpoints based
on selected profiling conditions.
You can schedule an endpoint purge job. This endpoint purge schedule is enabled by default. Cisco ISE, by
default, deletes endpoints and registered devices that are older than 30 days. The purge job runs at 1:00 a.m.
(midnight) every day based on the time zone configured in the primary PAN.
Endpoint purge deletes over five thousand endpoints every 3 minutes.
The following are some of the conditions with examples you can use for purging the endpoints:
• InactivityDays— Number of days since last profiling activity or update on endpoint
• This condition purges stale devices that have accumulated over time, commonly transient guest or
personal devices, or retired devices. These endpoints tend to represent noise in your deployment as
they are no longer active on network or not likely to be seen in near future. If they do happen to
connect again, then they will be rediscovered, profiled, registered, etc as needed.
• When there are updates from endpoint, InactivityDays will be reset to 0 only if profiling is enabled.

• ElapsedDays—Numbers days since object is created.

• This condition can be used for endpoints that have been granted unauthenticated or conditional
access for a set time period, such as a guest or contractor endpoint, or employees leveraging webauth
for network access. After the allowed connect grace period, they must be fully reauthenticated and

• PurgeDate—Date to purge the endpoint.

• This option can be used for special events or groups where access is granted for a specific time,
regardless of creation or start time. This allows all endpoints to be purged at same time. For example,
a trade show, a conference, or a weekly training class with new members each week, where access
is granted for specific week or month rather than absolute day, week, or month.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Quarantined Endpoints Do Not Renew Authentication Following Policy Change

Policy Change
Authentication has failed following a change in policy or additional identity and no reauthentication is taking
place. Authentication fails or the endpoint in question remains unable to connect to the network. This issue
often occurs on client machines that fails posture assessment per the posture policy that is assigned to the user

Possible Causes
The authentication timer setting is not correctly set on the client machine, or the authentication interval is not
correctly set on the switch.

There are several possible resolutions for this issue:
1. Check the Session Status Summary report in Cisco ISE for the specified NAD or switch, and ensure
that the interface has the appropriate authentication interval configured.
2. Enter “show running configuration” on the NAD/switch and ensure that the interface is configured with
an appropriate “authentication timer restart” setting. (For example, “authentication timer restart 15,” and
“authentication timer reauthenticate 15.”)
3. Enter “interface shutdown” and “no shutdown” to bounce the port on the NAD/switch and force
reauthentication following a potential configuration change in Cisco ISE.

Note Because CoA requires a MAC address or session ID, we recommend that you do not bounce the port that is
shown in the Network Device SNMP report.

ANC Operations Fail when IP Address or MAC Address is not

An ANC operation that you perform on an endpoint fails when an active session for that endpoint does not
contain information about the IP address. This also applies to the MAC address and session ID for that endpoint.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Externally Authenticated Administrators Cannot Perform ANC Operations

Note When you want to change the authorization state of an endpoint through ANC, you must provide the IP address
or the MAC address for the endpoint. If the IP address or the MAC address is not found in the active session
for the endpoint, then you will see the following error message:

No active session found for this MAC address, IP Address or Session ID

Externally Authenticated Administrators Cannot Perform ANC

If an externally authenticated administrator tries to issue CoA-Quarantine from a live session, Cisco ISE
returns the following error message:

CoA Action of Quarantine for xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx can not be initiated. (Cause:User not found internally. Possible use of
unsupported externally authenticated user

If an externally authenticated administrator performs an ANC operation from Operations in the Cisco ISE
using the IP address or MAC address of the endpoint, Cisco ISE returns the following error message:

Server failure: User not found internally. Possible use of unsupported externally authenticated user

Backup Data Type

Cisco ISE allows you to back up data from the primary PAN and from the Monitoring node. Backup can be
done from the CLI or user interface.
Cisco ISE allows you to back up the following type of data:
• Configuration data—Contains both application-specific and Cisco ADE operating system configuration
data. Backup can be done via the primary PAN using the GUI or CLI.
• Operational Data—Contains monitoring and troubleshooting data. Backup can be done via the primary
PAN GUI or using the CLI for the Monitoring node.

When Cisco ISE is run on VMware, VMware snapshots are not supported for backing up ISE data.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Backup and Restore Repositories

Note Cisco ISE does not support VMware snapshots for backing up ISE data because a VMware snapshot saves
the status of a VM at a given point in time. In a multinode Cisco ISE deployment, data in all the nodes are
continuously synchronized with current database information. Restoring a snapshot might cause database
replication and synchronization issues. Cisco recommends that you use the backup functionality included in
Cisco ISE for archival and restoration of data.
Using VMware snapshots or any third-party backup service to back up Cisco ISE data might result in
interrupting Cisco ISE services. When a backup is initiated by VMware or any other third-party backup service
like CommVault SAN level backup, it quiesces the file system to maintain crash consistency, which can cause
your Cisco ISE functionalities to freeze. A reboot is required to resume the services on your Cisco ISE

Restore operation, can be performed with the backup files of previous versions of Cisco ISE and restored on
a later version. For example, if you have a backup from an ISE node from Cisco ISE, Release 1.3 or 1.4, you
can restore it on Cisco ISE, Release 2.1.
Cisco ISE, Release 3.0 supports restore from backups obtained from Release 2.4 and later.

Backup and Restore Repositories

Cisco ISE allows you to create and delete repositories through the administrator portal. You can create the
following types of repositories:

Note Repositories are local to each device.

We recommend that you have a repository size of minimum 100 GB for all types of deployment (small,
medium, and large).
The following table shows the supportability information between the Cisco ISE operations and the type of
external repositories:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Create Repositories

Table 34: Supportability Matrix for External Repositories

Repository Config Config Upgrade Operational Operational Support Validation Exporting Exporting
Type Backup Restore Backup Restore Bundle from Reports Policies
the User from from the
Interface the User User
Interface Interface

FTP √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

SFTP √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

TFTP √ √ √ √ √ √ X √ √



NFS √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √ √

Create Repositories
You can use the CLI and GUI to create repositories. We recommend that you use the GUI due to the following
• Repositories that are created through the CLI are saved locally and do not get replicated to the other
deployment nodes. These repositories do not get listed in the GUI’s repository page.
• Repositories that are created on the primary PAN get replicated to the other deployment nodes.

The keys are generated only at the primary PAN on GUI, and so during upgrade you need to generate the
keys again at GUI of new primary admin and export it to the SFTP server. If you remove the nodes from your
deployment, you need to generate the keys on GUI of non-admin nodes and export it to the SFTP server.
You can configure an SFTP repository in Cisco ISE with RSA public key authentication. Instead of using an
administrator-created password to encrypt the database and logs, you can choose the RSA public key
authentication that uses secure keys. In case of SFTP repository created with RSA public key, the repositories
created through the GUI do not get replicated in the CLI and the repositories created through the CLI do not
get replicated in the GUI. To configure same repository on the CLI and GUI, generate RSA public keys on
both CLI and GUI and export both the keys to the SFTP server.

Note Cisco ISE initiates outbound SSH or SFTP connections in FIPS mode even if FIPS mode is not enabled on
ISE. Ensure that the remote SSH or SFTP servers that communicate with ISE allow FIPS 140-2 approved
cryptographic algorithms.
Cisco ISE uses embedded FIPS 140-2 validated cryptographic modules. For details of the FIPS compliance
claims, see the FIPS Compliance Letter.

Before you begin

• To perform the following task, you must have the privileges of either a Super Admin or System Admin.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Create Repositories

• If you want to create an SFTP repository with RSA public key authentication, perform the following
• Enable RSA public key authentication in the SFTP repository.
• Enter the host key of the SFTP server from the Cisco ISE CLI using the crypto host_key add
command. The host key string should match the hostname that you enter in the Path field of the
repository configuration page.
• Generate the key pairs and export the public key to your local system from the GUI. From the Cisco
ISE CLI, generate the key pairs using the crypto key generate rsa passphrase test123 command,
where, passphrase must be greater than four letters, and export the keys to any repository (local disk
or any other configured repository).
• Copy the exported RSA public key to the PKI-enabled SFTP server and add it to the
"authorized_keys" file.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Maintenance > Repository.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Maintenance > Repository.
Step 3 Click Add to add a new repository.
Step 4 Enter the values as required to set up new repository. See Repository Settings, on page 234 for a description of the fields.
Step 5 Click Submit to create the repository.
Step 6 Verify that the repository is created successfully by clicking Repository from the Operations navigation pane on the
left or click the Repository List link at the top of Repository window to go to the repository listing page.

What to do next
• Ensure that the repository that you have created is valid. You can do so from the Repository Listing
window. Select the corresponding repository and click Validate. Alternatively, you can execute the
following command from the Cisco ISE command-line interface:
show repository repository_name
where repository_name is the name of the repository that you have created.

Note If the path that you provided while creating the repository does not exist, then
you will get the following error:

%Invalid Directory

• Run an on-demand backup or schedule a backup.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Repository Settings

Repository Settings
The following table describes the fields on the Repository List window, which you can use to create repositories
to store your backup files. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration >
System > Maintenance > Repository.

Table 35: Repository Settings

Fields Usage Guidelines

Repository Enter the name of the repository. Alphanumeric

characters are allowed and the maximum length is 80

Protocol Choose one of the available protocols that you want

to use.

Server Name (Required for TFTP, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, SFTP, and
NFS) Enter the hostname or IP address (IPv4 or IPv6)
of the server where you want to create the repository.
Note Ensure that the ISE eth0 interface is
configured with an IPv6 address if you are
adding a repository with an IPv6 address.

Path Enter the path to your repository. The path must be

valid and must exist at the time you create the
This value can start with two forward slashes (//) or
a single forward slash (/) denoting the root directory
of the server. However, for the FTP protocol, a single
forward slash (/) denotes the FTP of the local device
home directory and not the root directory.

Enable PKI authentication (Optional; applicable only for SFTP repository) Check
this check box if you want to enable RSA Public Key
Authentication in SFTP repository.

User Name (Required for FTP, SFTP) Enter the username that
has write permission to the specified server. Only
alphanumeric characters are allowed.

Password (Required for FTP, SFTP) Enter the password that

will be used to access the specified server. Passwords
can consist of the following characters: 0 to 9, a to z,
A to Z, -, ., |, @, #,$, ^, &, *, (, ), +, and =.

Related Topics
Backup and Restore Repositories, on page 231
Create Repositories, on page 232

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Enable RSA Public Key Authentication in SFTP Repository

Enable RSA Public Key Authentication in SFTP Repository

In the SFTP server, each node must have two RSA public keys, one each for CLI and for GUI. To enable
RSA public key authentication in SFTP repository, perform the following steps:

Step 1 Log in to SFTP server with an account that has permission to edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config.file.
Note The location of the sshd_config file might vary based on the operating system installation.

Step 2 Enter the vi /etc/ssh/sshd_config command.

The contents of the sshd_config file is listed.

Step 3 Remove the "#" symbol from the following lines to enable RSA public key authentication:
• RSAAuthentication yes
• PubkeyAuthentication yes
Note If Public Auth Key is no, change it to yes.
• AuthorizedKeysFile ~/.ssh/authorized_keys

On-Demand and Scheduled Backups

You can configure on-demand backups of the primary PAN and the primary monitoring node. Perform an
on-demand backup when you want to back up data immediately.
You can schedule system-level backups to run once, daily, weekly, or monthly. Because backup operations
can be lengthy, you can schedule them so they are not a disruption. You can schedule a backup from the
Admin portal.

Note If you are using the internal CA, you should use the CLI to export certificates and keys. Backup using in the
administration portal does not back up the CA chain.
For more information, see the "Export Cisco ISE CA Certificates and Keys" section in the "Basic Setup"
chapter Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide .

Related Topics
Maintenance Settings

Perform an On-Demand Backup

You can perform an On-demand backup to instantly back up the configuration or monitoring (operational)
data. The restore operation restores Cisco ISE to the configuration state that existed at the time of obtaining
the backup.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Perform an On-Demand Backup

Important When performing a back up and restore, the restore overwrites the list of trusted certificates on the target
system with the list of certificates from the source system. It is critically important to note that backup and
restore functions do not include private keys associated with the Internal Certificate Authority (CA) certificates.
If you are performing a back up and restore from one system to another, you have to choose from one of these
options to avoid errors:
• Option 1:
Export the CA certificates from the source ISE node through the CLI and import them in to the target
system through the CLI.
Pros: Any certificates issued to endpoints from the source system will continue to be trusted. Any new
certificates issued by the target system will be signed by the same keys.
Cons: Any certificates that have been issued by the target system prior to the restore function will not
be trusted and will need to be re-issued.
• Option 2:
After the restore process, generate all new certificates for the internal CA.
Pros: This option is the recommended and clean method, where neither the original source certificates
or the original target certificates will be used. Certificates issued by the original source system continues
to be trusted.
Cons: Any certificates that have been issued by the target system prior to the restore function will not
be trusted and will need to be re-issued.

Before you begin

• Before you perform an on-demand backup, you should have a basic understanding of the backup data
types in Cisco ISE.
• Ensure that you have created repositories for storing the backup files.
• Do not back up using a local repository. You cannot back up the monitoring data in the local repository
of a remote Monitoring node.
• Ensure that you perform all certificate-related changes before you obtain the backup.
• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Note For backup and restore operations, the following repository types are not
supported: CD-ROM, HTTP, HTTPS, or TFTP. This is because, either these
repository types are read-only or the protocol does not support file listing. To
restore a backup, choose the repository and click Restore.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Backup and Restore.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Backup and Restore.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
On-Demand Backup Settings

Step 3 Choose the type of backup: Configuration or Operational.

Step 4 Click Backup Now.
Step 5 Enter the values as required to perform a backup.
Step 6 Click Backup.
Step 7 Verify that the backup completed successfully.
Cisco ISE appends the backup filename with a timestamp and stores the file in the specified repository. In addition to the
timestamp, Cisco ISE adds a CFG tag for configuration backups and OPS tag for operational backups. Ensure that the
backup file exists in the specified repository.
In a distributed deployment, do not change the role of a node or promote a node when the backup is running. Changing
node roles does not shut down all the processes and might cause some inconsistency in data if a backup is running
concurrently. Wait for the backup to complete before you make any node role changes.
Do not promote a node when the backup is running. This will shut down all the processes and might cause some
inconsistency in data if a backup is running concurrently. Wait for the backup to complete before you make any node
Note High CPU usage might be observed and High Load Average alarm might be seen when the backup is running.
CPU usage will be back to normal when the backup is complete.

Related Topics
Cisco ISE Restore Operation, on page 241
Export Authentication and Authorization Policy Configuration, on page 247

On-Demand Backup Settings

The following table describes the fields on the On-Demand Backup window, which you can use to obtain a
backup at any point of time. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration >
System > Backup & Restore.

Table 36: On-Demand Backup Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Type Choose one of the following:
• Configuration Data Backup: Includes both
application-specific and Cisco ADE operating
system configuration data
• Operational Data Backup: Includes monitoring
and troubleshooting data

Backup Name Enter the name of your backup file.

Repository Name Repository where your backup file should be saved.

You cannot enter a repository name here. You can
only choose an available repository from the
drop-down list. Ensure that you create the repository
before you run a backup.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Schedule a Backup

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Encryption Key This key is used to encrypt and decrypt the backup

Related Topics
Backup Data Type, on page 230
On-Demand and Scheduled Backups, on page 235
Backup History, on page 240
Backup Failures, on page 240
Cisco ISE Restore Operation, on page 241
Export Authentication and Authorization Policy Configuration, on page 247
Synchronize Primary and Secondary Nodes in a Distributed Environment, on page 248
Perform an On-Demand Backup, on page 235

Schedule a Backup
You can perform an On-demand backup to instantly back up the configuration or monitoring (operational)
data. The restore operation restores Cisco ISE to the configuration state that existed at the time of obtaining
the backup.

Important When performing a back up and restore, the restore overwrites the list of trusted certificates on the target
system with the list of certificates from the source system. It is critically important to note that backup and
restore functions do not include private keys associated with the Internal Certificate Authority (CA) certificates.
If you are performing a back up and restore from one system to another, you will have to choose from one of
these options to avoid errors:
• Option 1:
Export the CA certificates from the source ISE node through the CLI and import them in to the target
system through the CLI.
Pros: Any certificates issued to endpoints from the source system will continue to be trusted. Any new
certificates issued by the target system will be signed by the same keys.
Cons: Any certificates that have been issued by the target system prior to the restore function will not
be trusted and will need to be re-issued.
• Option 2:
After the restore process, generate all new certificates for the internal CA.
Pros: This option is the recommended and clean method, where the original source certificates or the
original target certificates will be used. Certificates issued by the original source system will continue
to be trusted.
Cons: Any certificates that have been issued by the target system prior to the restore function will not
be trusted and will need to be re-issued.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Scheduled Backup Settings

Before you begin

• Before you schedule a backup, you should have a basic understanding of the backup data types in Cisco
• Ensure that you have configured repositories.
• Do not back up using a local repository. You cannot back up the monitoring data in the local repository
of a remote Monitoring node.
• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.
• If you have upgraded to Cisco ISE 1.2 from Cisco ISE 1.1 or earlier releases, you should reconfigure
your scheduled backups. See the Known Upgrade Issues section in the Cisco Identity Services Engine
Upgrade Guide, Release 1.2.

Note For backup and restore operations, the following repository types are not supported: CD-ROM, HTTP, HTTPS,
or TFTP. This is because, either these repository types are read-only or the protocol does not support file

Scheduled Backup Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Scheduled Backup window, which you can use to restore a
full or incremental backup. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration >
System > Backup and Restore.

Table 37: Scheduled Backup Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Type Choose one of the following:
• Configuration Data Backup: Includes both
application-specific and Cisco ADE operating
system configuration data
• Operational Data Backup: Includes monitoring
and troubleshooting data

Name Enter a name for your backup file. You can enter a
descriptive name of your choice. Cisco ISE appends
the timestamp to the backup filename and stores it in
the repository. You will have unique backup filenames
even if you configure a series of backups. On the
Scheduled Backup list window, the backup filename
will be prepended with “backup_occur” to indicate
that the file is an occurrence kron job.

Description Enter a description for the backup.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Backup Using the CLI

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Repository Name Select the repository where your backup file should
be saved. You cannot enter a repository name here.
You can only choose an available repository from the
drop-down list. Ensure that you create the repository
before you run a backup.

Encryption Key Enter a key to encrypt and decrypt the backup file.

Schedule Options Choose the frequency of your scheduled backup and

fill in the other options accordingly.

Related Topics
Backup Data Type, on page 230
On-Demand and Scheduled Backups, on page 235
Backup History, on page 240
Backup Failures, on page 240
Cisco ISE Restore Operation, on page 241
Export Authentication and Authorization Policy Configuration, on page 247
Synchronize Primary and Secondary Nodes in a Distributed Environment, on page 248
Backup Using the CLI, on page 240
Schedule a Backup, on page 238

Backup Using the CLI

Although you can schedule backups both from the CLI as well as the GUI, it is recommended to use GUI.
However, you can perform operational backup on the secondary monitoring node only from the CLI.

Backup History
Backup history provides basic information about scheduled and on-demand backups. It lists the name of the
backup, backup file size, repository where the backup is stored, and time stamp that indicates when the backup
was obtained. This information is available in the Operations Audit report and on the Backup and Restore
page in the History table.
For failed backups, Cisco ISE triggers an alarm. The backup history page provides the failure reason. The
failure reason is also cited in the Operations Audit report. If the failure reason is missing or is not clear, you
can run the backup-logs command from the Cisco ISE CLI and look at the ADE.log for more information.
While the backup operation is in progress, you can use the show backup status CLI command to check the
progress of the backup operation.
Backup history is stored along with the Cisco ADE operating system configuration data. It remains there even
after an application upgrade and are only removed when you reimage the PAN.

Backup Failures
If backup fails, check the following:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Cisco ISE Restore Operation

• Check if there is any NTP sync or service failure issue. When the NTP service on Cisco ISE is not
working, Cisco ISE raises the NTP Service Failure alarm. When Cisco ISE cannot sync with all the
configured NTP servers, Cisco ISE raises the NTP Sync Failure alarm. Cisco ISE backup might fail if
the NTP services are down or if there is any sync issue. Check the Alarms dashlet and fix the NTP sync
or service issue before you retry the backup operation.
• Make sure that no other backup is running at the same time.
• Check the available disk space for the configured repository.
• Monitoring (operational) backup fails if the monitoring data takes up more than 75% of the allocated
monitoring database size. For example, if your Monitoring node is allocated 600 GB, and the
monitoring data takes up more than 450 GB of storage, then monitoring backup fails.
• If the database disk usage is greater than 90%, a purge occurs to bring the database size to less than
or equal to 75% of its allocated size.

• Verify if a purge is in progress. Backup and restore operations will not work while a purge is in progress.
• Verify if the repository is configured correctly.

Cisco ISE Restore Operation

You can restore configuration data on a primary or standalone administration node. After you restore data on
the Primary PAN, you must manually synchronize the secondary nodes with the Primary PAN.
The process for restoring the operational data is different depending on the type of deployment.

Note The new backup/restore user interface in Cisco ISE makes use of meta-data in the backup filename. Therefore,
after a backup completes, you should not modify the backup filename manually. If you manually modify the
backup filename, the Cisco ISE backup/restore user interface will not be able to recognize the backup file. If
you have to modify the backup filename, you should use the Cisco ISE CLI to restore the backup.

Guidelines for Data Restoration

Following are guidelines to follow when you restore Cisco ISE backup data.
• Cisco ISE allows you to obtain a backup from an ISE node (A) and restore it on another ISE node (B),
both having the same host names (but different IP addresses). However, after you restore the backup on
node B, do not change the hostname of node B because it might cause issues with certificates and portal
group tags.
• If you obtain a backup from the Primary PAN in one timezone and try to restore it on another Cisco ISE
node in another timezone, the restore process might fail. This failure happens if the timestamp in the
backup file is later than the system time on the Cisco ISE node on which the backup is restored. If you
restore the same backup a day after it was obtained, then the timestamp in the backup file is in the past
and the restore process succeeds.
• When you restore a backup on the Primary PAN with a different hostname than the one from which the
backup was obtained, the Primary PAN becomes a standalone node. The deployment is broken and the

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Restoration of Configuration or Monitoring (Operational) Backup from the CLI

secondary nodes become nonfunctional. You must make the standalone node the primary node, reset the
configuration on the secondary nodes, and reregister them with the primary node. To reset the configuration
on Cisco ISE nodes, enter the following command from the Cisco ISE CLI:
• application reset-config ise

• We recommend that you do not change the system timezone after the initial Cisco ISE installation and
• If you changed the certificate configuration on one or more nodes in your deployment, you must obtain
another backup to restore the data from the standalone Cisco ISE node or Primary PAN. Otherwise, if
you try to restore data using an older backup, the communication between the nodes might fail.
• After you restore the configuration backup on the Primary PAN, you can import the Cisco ISE CA
certificates and keys that you exported earlier.

Note If you did not export the Cisco ISE CA certificates and keys, then after you restore
the configuration backup on the Primary PAN, generate the root CA and
subordinate CAs on the Primary PAN and Policy Service Nodes (PSNs).

• If you are trying to restore a platinum database without using the correct FQDN (FQDN of a platinum
database), you need to regenerate the CA certificates. (To view this window, click the Menu icon ( )
and choose Administration > Certificates > Certificate Signing Requests > Replace ISE Root CA
certificate chain).However, If you restore the platinum database with the correct FQDN, note that the
CA certificates regenerated automatically.
• You need a data repository, which is the location where Cisco ISE saves your backup file. You must
create a repository before you can run an on-demand or scheduled backup.
• If you have a standalone administration node that fails, you must run the configuration backup to restore
it. If the Primary PAN fails, you can use the distributed setup to promote your Secondary Administration
Node to become the primary. You can then restore data on the Primary PAN after it comes up.

Note Cisco ISE also provides the backup-logs CLI command that you can use to collect
log and configuration files for troubleshooting purposes.

Restoration of Configuration or Monitoring (Operational) Backup from the CLI

To restore configuration data through the Cisco ISE CLI, use the restore command in the EXEC mode. Use
the following command to restore data from a configuration or operational backup:
restore filename repository repository-name encryption-key hash|plain encryption-key name include-adeos
Syntax Description

restore Type this command to restore data from a

configuration or operational backup.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Restoration of Configuration or Monitoring (Operational) Backup from the CLI

filename Name of the backed-up file that resides in the

repository. Supports up to 120 alphanumeric
Note You must add the .tar.gpg extension after
the filename (for example, myfile.tar.gpg).

repository Specifies the repository that contains the backup.

repository-name Name of the repository you want to restore the backup


encryption-key (Optional) Specifies user-defined encryption key to

restore backup.

hash Hashed encryption key for restoring backup. Specifies

an encrypted (hashed) encryption key that follows.
Supports up to 40 characters.

plain Plaintext encryption key for restoring backup.

Specifies an unencrypted plaintext encryption key
that follows. Supports up to 15 characters.

encryption-key name Enter the encryption key.

include-adeos (Optional, applicable only for configuration backup)

Enter this command operator parameter if you want
to restore ADE-OS configuration from a configuration
backup. When you restore a configuration backup, if
you do not include this parameter, Cisco ISE restores
only the Cisco ISE application configuration data.

No default behavior or values.

Command Modes

Usage Guidelines
When you use restore commands in Cisco ISE, the Cisco ISE server restarts automatically.
The encryption key is optional while restoring data. To support restoring earlier backups where you have not
provided encryption keys, you can use the restore command without the encryption key.


ise/admin# restore mybackup-100818-1502.tar.gpg repository myrepository encryption-key plain

Restore may require a restart of application services. Continue? (yes/no) [yes] ? yes
Initiating restore. Please wait...
ISE application restore is in progress.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Restore Configuration Backups from the GUI

This process could take several minutes. Please wait...

Stopping ISE Application Server...
Stopping ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Log Processor...
Stopping ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Log Collector...
Stopping ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Alert Process...
Stopping ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Session Database...
Stopping ISE Database processes...
Starting ISE Database processes...
Starting ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Session Database...
Starting ISE Application Server...
Starting ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Alert Process...
Starting ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Log Collector...
Starting ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Log Processor...
Note: ISE Processes are initializing. Use 'show application status ise'
CLI to verify all processes are in running state.

Related Commands


backup Performs a backup (Cisco ISE and Cisco ADE OS)

and places the backup in a repository.

backup-logs Backs up system logs.

repository Enters the repository submode for configuration of


show repository Displays the available backup files located on a

specific repository.

show backup history Displays the backup history of the system.

show backup status Displays the status of the backup operation.

show restore status Displays the status of the restore operation.

If the sync status and replication status after application restore for any secondary node is Out of Sync, you
have to reimport the certificate of that secondary node to the Primary PAN and perform a manual

Restore Configuration Backups from the GUI

You can restore a configuration backup from the Admin portal. The GUI lists only the backups that are taken
from the current release. To restore backups that are prior to this release, use the restore command from the

Before you begin

Ensure that the primary PAN Auto Failover configuration, if enabled in your deployment, is turned off. When
you restore a configuration backup, the application server processes are restarted. There might be a delay
while these services restart. Due to this delay in restart of services, auto failover of secondary PAN might get
When your deployment is a dual node deployment at the time configuration backup, ensure the following:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Restoration of Monitoring Database

• Source and target nodes for the restore are same as the ones used for the configuration backup, the target
node can be either stand-alone or primary.
• Source and target nodes for the restore are different from the ones used in the configuration backup, the
target node must be stand-alone.

Note You can restore configuration database backup and regenerate the Root CA on a primary PAN only. However,
you cannot restore the configuration database backup on a registered PAN.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Backup and Restore.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Backup and Restore.
Step 3 Select the name of the backup from the list of Configurational backup and click Restore.
Step 4 Enter the Encryption Key used during the backup.
Step 5 Click Restore.

What to do next
If you are using the Cisco ISE CA service, you must:
1. Regenerate the entire Cisco ISE CA root chain.
2. Obtain a backup of the Cisco ISE CA certificates and keys from the primary PAN and restore it on the
secondary PAN. This ensures that the secondary PAN can function as the root CA or subordinate CA of
an external PKI in case of a Primary PAN failure and you promote the secondary PAN to be the primary

Restoration of Monitoring Database

The process for restoring the Monitoring database is different depending on the type of deployment. The
following sections explain how to restore the Monitoring database in standalone and distributed deployments.
You must use the CLI to restore an on-demand Monitoring database backup from previous releases of Cisco
ISE. Restoring a scheduled backup across Cisco ISE releases is not supported.

Note If you attempt to restore data to a node other than the one from which the data was taken, you must configure
the logging target settings to point to the new node. This ensures that the monitoring syslogs are sent to the
correct node.

Restore a Monitoring (Operational) Backup in a Standalone Environment

The GUI lists only the backups that are taken from the current release. To restore backups that obtained from
earlier releases, use the restore command from the CLI.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Restore a Monitoring Backup with Administration and Monitor Personas

Before you begin

• Purge the old monitoring data.
• Schedule a backup or perform an on-demand backup.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Backup and Restore.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Backup and Restore.
Step 3 Select the name of the backup from the list of Operational backup and click Restore.
Step 4 Enter the Encryption Key used during the backup.
Step 5 Click Restore.

Restore a Monitoring Backup with Administration and Monitor Personas

You can restore a Monitoring backup in a distributed environment with administration and monitor personas.

Before you begin

• Purge the old monitoring data.
• Schedule a backup or perform an on-demand backup.

Step 1 If you are using a primary and secondary PAN, synchronize the PANs.
When you synchronize the PANs, you must chose a PAN and promote that to be the active primary.

Step 2 Before you deregister the Monitoring node, assign the Monitoring persona to another node in the deployment.
Every deployment must have at least one functioning Monitoring node.

Step 3 Deregister the Monitoring node for backup.

Step 4 Restore the Monitoring backup to the newly deregistered node.
Step 5 Register the newly restored node with the current Administration node.
Step 6 Promote the newly restored and registered node as the active Monitoring node.

Restore a Monitoring Backup with a Monitoring Persona

You can restore a Monitoring backup in a distributed environment with only Monitoring persona.

Before you begin

• Purge the old monitoring data.
• Schedule a backup or perform an on-demand backup.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Restore History

Step 1 Prepare to deregister the node to be restored. This is done by assigning the monitoring persona to another node in the
A deployment must have at least one functioning Monitoring node.

Step 2 Deregister the node to be restored.

Note Wait until the deregistration is complete before proceeding with the restore. The node must be in a standalone
state before you can continue with the restore.

Step 3 Restore the Monitoring backup to the newly deregistered node.

Step 4 Register the newly restored node with the current Administration node.
Step 5 Promote the newly restored and registered node as the PAN.

Restore History
You can obtain information about all restore operations, log events, and statuses from the Operations Audit
Report window.

Note However, the Operations Audit Report window does not provide information about the start times
corresponding to the previous restore operations.

For troubleshooting information, you have to run the backup-logs command from the Cisco ISE CLI and
look at the ADE.log file.
While the restore operation is in progress, all Cisco ISE services are stopped. You can use the show restore
status CLI command to check the progress of the restore operation.

Export Authentication and Authorization Policy Configuration

You can export authentication and authorization policy configuration in the form of an XML file that you can
read offline to identify any configuration errors and use for troubleshooting purposes. This XML file includes
authentication and authorization policy rules, simple and compound policy conditions, Discretionary Access
control Lists (DACLs), and authorization profiles. You can choose to email the XML file or save it to your
local system.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Backup & Restore.
Step 2 Click Policy Export.
Step 3 Enter the values as needed.
Step 4 Click Export.
Use a text editor such as WordPad to view the contents of the XML file.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Schedule Policy Export Settings

Schedule Policy Export Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Schedule Policy Export window. To view this window, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Backup and Restore > Policy Export.

Table 38: Schedule Policy Export Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines


Encryption Key Enter a key to encrypt and decrypt the export data.
This field is enabled only if you select the Export
with Encryption Key option.


Download file to local computer Allows you to download the policy export file to your
local system.

Email file to You can enter multiple email addresses separated by

a comma.

Repository Select the repository to export policy data to. You

can’t enter a repository name here. You can only
choose an available repository from the drop-down
list. Ensure that you create the repository before
scheduling a policy export.

Export Now Click this option to export the data to the local
computer or send as an email attachment. You can’t
export to a repository; you can only schedule a
repository export.

Schedule Options Choose the frequency of the export schedule and enter
the other details accordingly.

Synchronize Primary and Secondary Nodes in a Distributed

In a distributed environment, sometimes the Cisco ISE database in the primary and secondary nodes are not
synchronized automatically after restoring a backup file on the PAN. If this happens, you can manually force
a full replication from the PAN to the secondary ISE nodes. You can force a synchronization only from the
PAN to the secondary nodes. During the sync-up operation, you cannot make any configuration changes.
Cisco ISE allows you to navigate to other Cisco ISE Admin portal pages and make any configuration changes
only after the synchronization is complete.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Recovery of Lost Nodes in Standalone and Distributed Deployments

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Deployment.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Backup & Restore.
Step 3 Check the check boxes next to the secondary ISE nodes with an Out of Sync replication status.
Step 4 Click Syncup and wait until the nodes are synchronized with the PAN. You will have to wait until this process is complete
before you can access the Cisco ISE Admin portal again.

Recovery of Lost Nodes in Standalone and Distributed

This section provides troubleshooting information that you can use to recover lost nodes in standalone and
distributed deployments. Some of the following use cases use the backup and restore functionality and others
use the replication feature to recover lost data.

Recovery of Lost Nodes Using Existing IP Addresses and Hostnames in a

Distributed Deployment
In a distributed deployment, a natural disaster leads to a loss of all the nodes. After recovery, you want to use
the existing IP addresses and hostnames.
For example, you have two nodes: N1 (Primary Policy Administration Node or Primary PAN) and N2
(Secondary Policy Administration Node or Secondary PAN.) A backup of the N1 node, which was taken at
time T1, is available. Later, both N1 and N2 nodes fail because of a natural disaster.

All Cisco ISE nodes in the deployment were destroyed. The new hardware was imaged using the same
hostnames and IP addresses.

Resolution Steps
1. You have to replace both the N1 and N2 nodes. N1 and N2 nodes will now have a standalone configuration.
2. Obtain a license with the UDI of the N1 and N2 nodes and install it on the N1 node.
3. You must then restore the backup on the replaced N1 node. The restore script will try to sync the data on
N2, but N2 is now a standalone node and the synchronization fails. Data on N1 will be reset to time T1.
4. You must log in to the N1 Admin portal to delete and reregister the N2 node. Both the N1 and N2 nodes
will have data reset to time T1.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Recovery of Lost Nodes Using New IP Addresses and Hostnames in a Distributed Deployment

Recovery of Lost Nodes Using New IP Addresses and Hostnames in a

Distributed Deployment
In a distributed deployment, a natural disaster leads to loss of all the nodes. The new hardware is reimaged
at a new location and requires new IP addresses and hostnames.
For example, you have two ISE nodes: N1 (primary Policy Administration Node or primary PAN) and N2
(secondary Policy Service Node.) A backup of the N1 node which was taken at time T1, is available. Later,
both N1 and N2 nodes fail because of a natural disaster. The Cisco ISE nodes are replaced at a new location
and the new hostnames are N1A (primary PAN) and N2A (secondary Policy Service Node). N1A and N2A
are standalone nodes at this point in time.

All Cisco ISE nodes in the deployment were destroyed. The new hardware was imaged at a different location
using different hostnames and IP addresses.

Resolution Steps
1. Obtain the N1 backup and restore it on N1A. The restore script will identify the hostname change and
domain name change, and will update the hostname and domain name in the deployment configuration
based on the current hostname.
2. You must generate a new self-signed certificate.
3. You must log in to the Cisco ISE administrator portal on N1A.In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon
( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment, and do the following:
Delete the old N2 node.
Register the new N2A node as a secondary node. Data from the N1A node will be replicated to the N2A

Recovery of a Node Using Existing IP Address and Hostname in a Standalone

A standalone administration node is down.
For example, you have a standalone administration node, N1. A backup of the N1 database was taken at time
T1. The N1 node goes down because of a physical failure and must be reimaged or a new hardware is required.
The N1 node must be brought back up with the same IP address and hostname.

This deployment is a standalone deployment and the new or reimaged hardware has the same IP address and

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Recovery of a Node Using New IP Address and Hostname in a Standalone Deployment

Resolution Steps
Once the N1 node is up after a reimage or you have introduced a new Cisco ISE node with the same IP address
and hostname, you must restore the backup taken from the old N1 node. You do not have to make any role

Recovery of a Node Using New IP Address and Hostname in a Standalone

A standalone administration node is down.
For example, you have a standalone administration node, N1. A backup of the N1 database taken at time T1
is available. The N1 node is down because of a physical failure and will be replaced by a new hardware at a
different location with a different IP address and hostname.

This is a standalone deployment and the replaced hardware has a different IP address and hostname.

Resolution Steps
1. Replace the N1 node with a new hardware. This node will be in a standalone state and the hostname is
2. You can restore the backup on the N1B node. No role changes are required.

Configuration Rollback
There may be instances where you inadvertently make configuration changes that you later determine were
incorrect. For example, you may delete several NADs or modify some RADIUS attributes incorrectly and
realize this issue several hours later. In this case, you can revert to the original configuration by restoring a
backup that was taken before you made the changes.

Possible Causes
There are two nodes: N1 (primary Policy Administration Node or primary PAN) and N2 (secondary Policy
Administration Node or secondary PAN) and a backup of the N1 node is available. You made some incorrect
configuration changes on N1 and want to remove the changes.

Obtain a backup of the N1 node that was taken before the incorrect configuration changes were made. Restore
this backup on the N1 node. The restore script will synchronize the data from N1 to N2.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Recovery of Primary Node in Case of Failure in a Distributed Deployment

Recovery of Primary Node in Case of Failure in a Distributed Deployment

In a multinode deployment, the PAN fails.
For example, you have two Cisco ISE nodes, N1 (PAN) and N2 (Secondary Administration Node). N1 fails
because of hardware issues.

Only the primary node in a distributed deployment has failed.

Resolution Steps
1. Log in to the N2 administrator portal. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > System > Deployment and configure N2 as your primary node.
The N1 node is replaced with a new hardware, reimaged, and is in the standalone state.
2. From the N2 administrator portal, register the new N1 node as a secondary node.
Now, the N2 node becomes your primary node and the N1 node becomes your secondary node.

If you wish to make the N1 node the primary node again, log in to the N1 administrator portal and make it
the primary node. N2 automatically becomes a secondary server. There is no data loss.

Recovery of Secondary Node in Case of Failure in a Distributed Deployment

In a multinode deployment, a single secondary node has failed. No restore is required.
For example, you have multiple nodes: N1 (primary PAN), N2 (secondary PAN), N3 (secondary Policy
Service Node), N4 (secondary Policy Service Node). One of the secondary nodes, N3, fails.

Resolution Steps
1. Reimage the new N3A node to the default standalone state.
2. Log in to the N1 Admin portal and delete the N3 node.
3. Reregister the N3A node.
Data is replicated from N1 to N3A. No restore is required.

Cisco ISE Logging Mechanism

Cisco ISE provides a logging mechanism that is used for auditing, fault management, and troubleshooting.
The logging mechanism helps you to identify fault conditions in deployed services and troubleshoot issues
efficiently. It also produces logging output from the monitoring and troubleshooting primary node in a consistent

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Configure Syslog Purge Settings

You can configure a Cisco ISE node to collect the logs in the local systems using a virtual loopback address.
To collect logs externally, you configure external syslog servers, which are called targets. Logs are classified
into various predefined categories. You can customize logging output by editing the categories with respect
to their targets, severity level, and so on.
As a best practice, do not configure network devices to send syslogs to a Cisco ISE Monitoring and
Troubleshooting (MnT) node as this could result in the loss of some Network Access Device (NAD) syslogs,
and overloads the MnT servers resulting in loading issues. If NAD Syslogs are configured to be sent directly
to MnT, session management functionality would break. NAD syslogs can be directed to external syslog
servers for troubleshooting but should not be directed to MnT.
The Process Down alarm is no longer triggered when ISE Messaging Service fails on a node. When ISE
Messaging Service fails on a node, all the syslogs and the Process Down alarm will be lost until the messaging
service is brought back up on that node.
In this case, an administrator must look for the Queue Link Error alarm that will be listed in the Alarms
dashlet on the Cisco ISE Home window. Click on the alarm, and a new window will open with a Suggested
Actions section. Follow these instructions to resolve the issue.

Note If the Monitoring node is configured as the syslog server for a network device, ensure that the logging source
sends the correct network access server (NAS) IP address in the following format:
<message_number>sequence_number: NAS_IP_address: timestamp: syslog_type: <message_text>
Otherwise, this might impact functionalities that depend on the NAS IP address.

Configure Syslog Purge Settings

Use this process to set local log-storage periods and to delete local logs after a certain period of time.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Logging > Local Log Settings.
Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Logging > Local Log Settings.
Step 3 In the Local Log Storage Period field, enter the maximum number of days to keep the log entries in the configuration
Logs may be deleted earlier than the configured Local Log Storage Period if the size of the localStore folder reaches
97 GB.

Step 4 Click Delete Logs Now to delete the existing log files at any time before the expiration of the storage period.
Step 5 Click Save.

Cisco ISE System Logs

In Cisco ISE, system logs are collected at locations called logging targets. Targets refer to the IP addresses
of the servers that collect and store logs. You can generate and store logs locally, or you can use the FTP
facility to transfer them to an external server. Cisco ISE has the following default targets, which are dynamically
configured in the loopback addresses of the local system:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Configure Remote Syslog Collection Locations

• LogCollector—Default syslog target for the Log Collector.

• ProfilerRadiusProbe—Default syslog target for the Profiler Radius Probe.

By default, AAA Diagnostics subcategories and System Diagnostics subcategories logging targets are disabled
during a fresh Cisco ISE installation or an upgrade to reduce the disk space. You can configure logging targets
manually for these subcategories but local logging for these subcategories are always enabled.
You can use the default logging targets that are configured locally at the end of the Cisco ISE installation or
you can create external targets to store the logs.

Note If a syslog server is configured in a distributed deployment, syslog messages are sent directly from the
authenticating PSNs to the syslog server and not from the MnT node.

Related Topics
Cisco ISE Message Codes, on page 255

Configure Remote Syslog Collection Locations

You can use the web interface to create remote syslog server targets to which system log messages are sent.
Log messages are sent to the remote syslog server targets in accordance with the syslog protocol standard
(see RFC-3164). The syslog protocol is an unsecure UDP.
A message is generated when an event occurs. An event may be one that displays a status, such as a message
displayed when exiting a program, or an alarm. There are different types of event messages generated from
multiple facilities such as the kernel, mail, user level, and so on. An event message is associated with a severity
level, which allows an administrator to filter the messages and prioritize it. Numerical codes are assigned to
the facility and the severity level. A syslog server is an event message collector and collects event messages
from these facilities. The administrator can select the event message collector to which messages will be
forwarded based on their severity level.
The UDP syslog (log collector) is the default remote logging target. When you disable this logging target, it
no longer functions as a log collector and is removed from the Logging Categories window. When you enable
this logging target, it becomes a log collector in the Logging Categories window.

Note Any changes to the default remote logging target SecureSyslogCollector results in the restart of the Cisco
ISE Monitoring & Troubleshooting Log Processor service.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Logging > Remote Logging
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the required details.
Step 4 Click Save.
Step 5 Go to the Remote Logging Targets page and verify the creation of the new target.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Cisco ISE Message Codes

The logging targets can then be mapped to each of the logging categories below. The PSN nodes send the relevant logs
to the remote logging targets depending on the services that are enabled on those nodes.
• AAA Audit
• AAA Diagnostics
• Accounting
• External MDM
• Passive ID
• Posture and Client Provisioning Audit
• Posture and Client Provisioning Diagnostics
• Profiler

Logs of the following categories are sent by all nodes in the deployment to the logging targets:
• Administrative and Operational Audit
• System Diagnostics
• System Statistics

Cisco ISE Message Codes

A logging category is a bundle of message codes that describe a function, a flow, or a use case. In Cisco ISE,
each log is associated with a message code that is bundled with the logging categories according to the log
message content. Logging categories help describe the content of the messages that they contain.
Logging categories promote logging configuration. Each category has a name, target, and severity level that
you can set, as per your application requirement.
Cisco ISE provides predefined logging categories for services, such as Posture, Profiler, Guest, AAA
(authentication, authorization, and accounting), and so on, to which you can assign log targets.
For the logging category Passed Authentications, the option to allow local logging is disabled by default.
Enabling local logging for this category will result in high utilization of operational space, and fill prrt-server.log
along with the iseLocalStore.log.
If you choose to enable local logging for Passed Authentications, go to Administration > System > Logging >
Logging Categories, click Passed Authentications from the category section, and check the check box
against Local Logging.
Related Topics
Set Severity Levels for Message Codes, on page 256

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Set Severity Levels for Message Codes

Set Severity Levels for Message Codes

You can set the log severity level and choose logging targets where the logs of selected categories will be

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Logging > Logging Categories.
Step 2 Click the radio button next to the category that you want to edit, and click Edit.
Step 3 Modify the required field values.
Step 4 Click Save.
Step 5 Go to the Logging Categories page and verify the configuration changes that were made to the specific category.

Cisco ISE Message Catalogs

You can use the Message Catalog page to view all possible log messages and the descriptions. In the Cisco
ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Logging > Message Catalog.
The Log Message Catalog page appears, from which you can view all possible log messages that can appear
in your log files. Choose Export to export all the syslog messages in the form of a CSV file.
See Cisco ISE Syslogs for a comprehensive list of the syslog messages sent by Cisco ISE, what they mean,
and how they are recorded in local and remote targets.

Endpoint Debug Log Collector

To troubleshoot issues with a specific endpoint, you can download debug logs for that particular endpoint
based on its IP address or MAC address. The logs from the various nodes in your deployment specific to that
particular endpoint get collected in a single file thus helping you troubleshoot your issue quickly and efficiently.
You can run this troubleshooting tool only for one endpoint at a time. The log files are listed in the GUI. You
can download the logs for an endpoint from a single node or from all the nodes in your deployment.

Download Debug Logs for a Specific Endpoint

To troubleshoot issues related to a specific endpoint in your network, you can use the Debug Endpoint tool
from the Admin portal. Alternatively, you can run this tool from the Authentications page. Right-click the
Endpoint ID from the Authentications page and click Endpoint Debug. This tool provides all debug information
for all services related to the specific endpoint in a single file.

Before you begin

You need the IP address or MAC address of the endpoint whose debug logs you want to collect.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools > General
Tools > Endpoint Debug.
Step 2 Click the MAC Address or IP radio button and enter the MAC or IP address of the endpoint.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Collection Filters

Step 3 Check the Automatic disable after n Minutes check box if you want to stop log collection after a specified amount of
time. If you check this check box, you must enter a time between 1 and 60 minutes.
The following message appears: "Endpoint Debug degrades the deployment performance. Would you like to continue?"

Step 4 Click Continue to collect the logs.

Step 5 Click Stop when you want to manually stop the log collection.

Related Topics
Endpoint Debug Log Collector, on page 256

Collection Filters
You can configure the Collection Filters to suppress the syslog messages being sent to the monitoring and
external servers. The suppression can be performed at the Policy Services Node levels based on different
attribute types. You can define multiple filters with specific attribute type and a corresponding value.
Before sending the syslog messages to monitoring node or external server, Cisco ISE compares these values
with fields in syslog messages to be sent. If any match is found, then the corresponding message is not sent.

Configure Collection Filters

You can configure multiple collection filters based on various attribute types. It is recommended to limit the
number of filters to 20. You can add, edit, or delete a collection filter.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Logging > Collection Filters.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Choose the Filter Type from the following list:
• User Name
• MAC Address
• Policy Set Name
• NAS IP Address
• Device IP Address

Step 4 Enter the corresponding Value for the filter type you have selected.
Step 5 Choose the Result from the drop-down list. The result can be All, Passed, or Failed.
Step 6 Click Submit.

Related Topics
Collection Filters, on page 257
Event Suppression Bypass Filter, on page 258

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Event Suppression Bypass Filter

Event Suppression Bypass Filter

Cisco ISE allows you to set filters to suppress some syslog messages from being sent to the Monitoring node
and other external servers using the Collection Filters. At times, you need access to these suppressed log
messages. Cisco ISE now provides you an option to bypass the event suppression based on a particular attribute
such as username for a configurable amount of time. The default is 50 minutes, but you can configure the
duration from 5 minutes to 480 minutes (8 hours). After you configure the event suppression bypass, it takes
effect immediately. If the duration that you have set elapses, then the bypass suppression filter expires.
You can configure a suppression bypass filter from the Collection Filters page in the Cisco ISE user interface.
Using this feature, you can now view all the logs for a particular identity (user) and troubleshoot issues for
that identity in real time.
You can enable or disable a filter. If the duration that you have configured in a bypass event filter elapses,
the filter is disabled automatically until you enable it again.
Cisco ISE captures these configuration changes in the Change Configuration Audit Report. This report provides
information on who configured an event suppression or a bypass suppression and the duration of time for
which the event was suppressed or the suppression bypassed.

Cisco ISE Reports

Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) reports are used with monitoring and troubleshooting features to analyze
trends, and, monitor system performance and network activities from a central location.
Cisco ISE collects log and configuration data from across the network. It then aggregates the data into reports
for you to view and analyze. Cisco ISE provides a standard set of predefined reports that you can use and
customize to fit your needs.
Cisco ISE reports are preconfigured and e grouped into logical categories with information related to
authentication, session traffic, device administration, configuration and administration, and troubleshooting.
Related Topics
Run and View Reports, on page 260
Export Reports, on page 260
Available Reports, on page 264

Report Filters
There are two types of reports, single-section and multi-section. Single-section reports contain a single grid
(Radius Authentications report) and multi-section reports contain many grids (Authentications Summary
report) and represent data in the form of charts and tables. The Filter drop-down menu in the single-section
reports contains the Quick Filter and Advanced Filter. In the multi-section reports, you can specify only
advanced filters.
Multi-section reports may contain one or more mandatory advanced filters that require your input. For example,
when you click the Health Summary report (Operations > Reports > Diagnostics page), it displays two
mandatory advanced filters—Server and Time Range. You must specify the operator command, server name,
required values for both these filters, and click Go to generate the report. You can add new advanced filters
by clicking the Plus (+) symbol. You can export multi-section reports only in the PDF format. You cannot
schedule Cisco ISE multi-section reports to run and re-run at specific time or time intervals.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Create the Quick Filter Criteria

Note When you click a report, data for the current date is generated by default. However, some multi-section reports
require mandatory input from the user apart from the time range.

By default, the Quick Filter is displayed as the first row in single-section reports. The fields may contain a
drop-down list from which you can select the search criteria or may be a text box.
An Advanced Filter contains an outer criteria that contains one or more inner criteria. The outer criteria is
used to specify if the search should meet All or Any specified inner criteria. The inner criteria contains one
or more conditions that is used to specify the Category (Endpoint ID, Identity Group) Method (operator
commands, such as Contains, Does Not Contain), and Time Range for the condition.
When using the Quick Filter, you can choose a date or time from the Logged At drop-down list to generate
reports for a data set logged in the last 30 days or less. If you want to generate a report for a date or time prior
to 30 days, use the Advanced Filter to set the required time frame in the From and To fields of the Custom
option from the drop-down list.

Create the Quick Filter Criteria

The section describes how to create a quick filter criteria. You can create quick filter criteria for only
single-section reports.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports and click the required report.
Step 2 From the Settings drop-down list, choose the required fields.
Step 3 In the required field, you can choose from the drop-down list or type the specific characters to filter data. The search uses
the Contains operator command. For example, to filter by text that begins with “K”, enter K or to filter text that has “geo”
anywhere in the text, enter geo. You can also use asterisks (*), for example, the regex starting with *abc and ending with
The quick filter uses the following conditions: contains, starts with, ends with, starts with or ends with, and multiple
values with OR operator.

Step 4 Press Enter.

Create the Advanced Filter Criteria

The section describes how to create an advanced filter criteria. You can create advanced filters for single- and
multi-section reports. The Filter drop-down menu in the single-section reports contains the Quick Filter and
Advanced Filter. In the multi-section reports, you can specify only advanced filters.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports and click the required report.
Step 2 In the Filters section, from the Match drop-down list, choose one of the options.
a) Choose All to match all specified conditions.
b) Choose Any to match any one specified condition.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Run and View Reports

Step 3 From the Time Range drop-down list, choose the required category.
Step 4 From the Operator Commands drop-down list, choose the required command. For example, you can filter text that
begins with a specific character (use Begin With), or specific characters anywhere in the text (use Contains). Or, you can
choose the Logged Time and corresponding Custom option and specify the From and To date and time from the calendar
to filter data.
Step 5 From the Time Range drop-down list, choose the required option.
Step 6 Click Go.

You can save a filtered report and retrieve it from the Filter drop-down list for future reference.

Run and View Reports

This section describes how to run, view, and navigate reports using Reports View. When you click a report,
by default, data for the last seven days is generated. Each report displays 500 rows of data per page. You can
specify time increments over which to display data in a report.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > ISE Reports.
You can also navigate to the Reports link under each work center to view the set of reports specific to that work center.

Step 2 Click a report from the report categories available.

Step 3 Select one or more filters to run a report. Each report has different filters available, of which some are mandatory and
some are optional.
Step 4 Enter an appropriate value for the filters.
Step 5 Click Go.

Related Topics
Export Reports, on page 260
Available Reports, on page 264

Reports Navigation
You can get detailed information from the reports output. For example, if you have generated a report for a
period of five months, the graph and table will list the aggregate data for the report in a scale of months.
You can click a particular value from the table to see another report related to this particular field. For example,
an authentication summary report will display the failed count for the user or user group. When you click the
failed count, an authentication summary report is opened for that particular failed count.

Export Reports
You can only export the PDF file format of the following reports:
• Authentication Summary

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Schedule and Save Cisco ISE Reports

• Health Summary
• RBACL Drop Summary

Note Flows for RBACL dropped packets are available only with the Cisco Catalyst
6500 series switches.

• Guest Sponsor summary

• End point Profile Changes
• Network Device Session Status

Step 1 Run a report, as described in the Running and Viewing Reports section.
Step 2 Click Export To in the top-right corner of the report summary page.
Step 3 Choose one of the following options:
• Repository (CSV): To export the report in CSV file format to a repository
• Local (CSV): To export the report in CSV file format to a local disk
• Local (PDF): To export the report in pdf file format to a local disk

Note When you select the local CSV or pdf option, only the first 500 records are exported. You can use the Repository
CSV option to export all the records.

Schedule and Save Cisco ISE Reports

You can customize a report and save the changes as a new report, or restore the default report settings in My
Reports at the top right corner of the report summary page.
You can also customize and schedule Cisco ISE reports to run and re-run at specific time or time intervals.
You can also send and receive email notifications for the reports generated.
When scheduling reports with Hourly frequency, you can have the report run over multiple days, but the
timeframe cannot spread across two days.
For example, when scheduling an hourly report from May 4, 2019, to May 8, 2019, you can set the time
interval as between 6:00 a.m. and 11:00 p.m. each day, but not between 6:00 p.m. of one day and 11:00 a.m.
of the next. Cisco ISE displays an error message that the time range is invalid in the latter case.

Note If an external administrator (for example: Active Directory Administrator) creates a scheduled report without
filling the email-id field, no email notifications will be sent.

You cannot schedule the following reports:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Cisco ISE Active RADIUS Sessions

• Authentication Summary
• Health Summary
• RBACL Drop Summary
• Guest Sponsor summary
• Endpoint Profile Changes
• Network Device Session Status

Note You can save or schedule (customize) Cisco ISE reports only from the PAN.

Note iI Primary MnT is down, the Secondary MnT executes the scheduled report job. The scheduled report job
runs on both Primary MnT and Secondary MnT. On Secondary MnT, before running the export job, it tries
to ping the Primary MnT. In case if the ping fails, then only it runs the export job otherwise the export job
gets skipped.

Step 1 Run a report as described in the Running and Viewing Reports section.
Step 2 Click My Reports in the top right-hand corner of the report summary page.
Step 3 Enter the required details in the dialog box.
Step 4 Click Save as New.

When you go back to a saved report, all the filter options are checked by default. Uncheck the filters that you
do not wish to use.
You can also remove a saved report from My Reports category.

Cisco ISE Active RADIUS Sessions

Cisco ISE provides a dynamic Change of Authorization (CoA) feature for the Live Sessions that allows you
to dynamically control active RADIUS sessions. You can send reauthenticate or disconnect requests to a
Network Access Device (NAD) to perform the following tasks:
• Troubleshoot issues related to authentication—You can use the Session reauthentication option to follow
up with an attempt to reauthenticate again. However, you must not use this option to restrict access. To
restrict access, use the shutdown option.
• Block a problematic host—You can use the Session termination with port shutdown option to block an
infected host that sends a lot of traffic over the network. However, the RADIUS protocol does not
currently support a method for re-enabling a port that has been shut down.
• Force endpoints to reacquire IP addresses—You can use the Session termination with port bounce option
for endpoints that do not have a supplicant or client to generate a DHCP request after a VLAN change.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Change Authorization for RADIUS Sessions

• Push an updated authorization policy to an endpoint—You can use the Session reauthentication option
to enforce an updated policy configuration, such as a change in the authorization policy on existing
sessions based on the discretion of the administrator. For example, if posture validation is enabled, when
an endpoint gains access initially, it is usually quarantined. After the identity and posture of the endpoint
are known, it is possible to send the Session reauthentication command to the endpoint for the endpoint
to acquire the actual authorization policy based on its posture.

For CoA commands to be understood by the device, it is important that you configure the options appropriately.
For CoA to work properly, you must configure the shared secret of each device that requires a dynamic change
of authorization. Cisco ISE uses the shared secret configuration to request access from the device and issue
CoA commands to it.

Note In this release of Cisco ISE, the maximum number of active authenticated endpoint sessions that can be
displayed is limited to 100,000.

Related Topics
Change Authorization for RADIUS Sessions, on page 263

Change Authorization for RADIUS Sessions

Some Network Access Devices on your network may not send an Accounting Stop or Accounting Off packet
after a reload. As a result, you might find two sessions in the Session Directory reports, one which has expired.
To dynamically change the authorization of an active RADIUS session or disconnect an active RADIUS
session, be sure to choose the most recent session.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > RADIUS Livelog.
Step 2 Switch the view to Show Live Session.
Step 3 Click the CoA link for the RADIUS session that you want to issue CoA and choose one of the following options:
• SAnet Session Query—Use this to query information about sessions from SAnet supported devices.
• Session reauthentication—Reauthenticate session. If you select this option for a session established on an ASA
device supporting COA, this will invoke a Session Policy Push CoA.
• Session reauthentication with last—Use the last successful authentication method for this session.
• Session reauthentication with rerun—Run through the configured authentication method from the beginning.
Note Session reauthentication with last and Session reauthentication with rerun options are not currently
supported in Cisco IOS software.

• Session termination—Just end the session. The switch reauthenticates the client in a different session.
• Session termination with port bounce—Terminate the session and restart the port.
• Session termination with port shutdown—Terminate the session and shutdown the port.

Step 4 Click Run to issue CoA with the selected reauthenticate or terminate option.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

If your CoA fails, it could be one of the following reasons:

• Device does not support CoA.
• Changes have occurred to the identity or authorization policy.
• There is a shared secret mismatch.

Available Reports
The following table lists the preconfigured reports, grouped according to their category. Descriptions of the
report functionality and logging category are also provided.
To generate syslogs for a logging category, set its Log Severity Level to Info:
• In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Logging >
Logging Categories.
• Click the logging category for which syslogs must be generated.
• In the field Log Severity Level, choose Info from the drop-down menu.
• Click Save.

Note In Cisco ISE Release 2.6 and later, users with IPv6 addresses will have the following events logged in audit
reports: login/logout, password change, and operational changes made. In Administrator Logins, User Change
Password Audit, and Operations Audit reports, you can now filter logs by IPv4 and IPv6 records.

Report Name Description Logging Category


Adaptive Network Control Audit The Adaptive Network Control In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
Audit report is based on the Menu icon ( ) and choose
RADIUS accounting. It displays Administration > System >
historical reporting of all network Logging > Logging Categories
sessions for each endpoint. and select Passed Authentications
and RADIUS Accounting.

Administrator Logins The Administrator Logins report In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
provides information about all Menu icon ( ) and choose
GUI-based administrator login Administration > System >
events as well as successful CLI Logging > Logging Categories
login events. and select Administrative and
Operational audit.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

Change Configuration Audit The Change Configuration Audit

report provides details about
configuration changes within a
specified time period. If you need
to troubleshoot a feature, this report
can help you determine if a recent
configuration change contributed
to the problem.

Data Purging Audit The Data Purging Audit report —

records when the logging data is
This report reflects two sources of
data purging.
At 4AM daily, Cisco ISE checks
whether there are any logging files
that meet the criteria you have set
on the Administration >
Maintenance > Data Purging page.
If so, the files are deleted and
recorded in this report.
Additionally, Cisco ISE continually
maintains a maximum of 80% used
storage space for the log files.
Every hour, Cisco ISE verifies this
percentage and deletes the oldest
data until it reaches the 80%
threshold again. This information
is also recorded in this report.
If there is high disk space
utilization, an alert message stating
ISE Monitor node(s) is
about to exceed the
maximum amount allocated
is displayed at the 80 percent
threshold. Subsequently, an alert
message stating ISE Monitor
node(s) has exceeded the
maximum amount allocated
is displayed at the 90 percent

Endpoints Purge Activities The Endpoints Purge Activities In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
report enables the user to review Menu icon ( ) and choose
the history of endpoints purge Administration > System >
activities. This report requires that Logging > Logging Categories
the Profiler logging category is and select Profiler.
enabled. It is enabled by default.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

Internal Administrator Summary The Internal Administrator —

Summary report enables you to
verify the entitlement of
administrator users. From this
report, you can also access the
Administrator Logins and Change
Configuration Audit reports, which
enables you to view these details
for each administrator.

Operations Audit The Operations Audit report In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
provides details about any Menu icon ( ) and choose
operational changes, such as: Administration > System >
running backups, registering a Logging > Logging Categories
Cisco ISE node, or restarting an and select Administrative and
application. Operational audit.

pxGrid Administrator Audit The pxGrid Administrator Audit —

report provides the details of the
pxGrid administration actions such
as client registration, client
deregistration, client approval, topic
creation, topic deletion,
publisher-subscriber addition, and
publisher-subscriber deletion on the
Primary PAN.
Every record has the administrator
name who has performed the action
on the node.
You can filter the pxGrid
Administrator Audit report based
on the administrator and message

Secure Communications Audit The Secure Communications Audit —

report provides auditing details
about security-related events in
Cisco ISE Admin CLI, which
includes authentication failures,
possible break-in attempts, SSH
logins, failed passwords, SSH
logouts, invalid user accounts, and
so on.

User Change Password Audit The User Change Password Audit Administrative and Operational
report displays verification about audit
employee's password changes.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

Trustsec Audit Trustsec Audit logs contains: —

• Management (Create,
Rename, Update, and Delete)
of Trustsec components.
• Deployments of SGACLs and
SGTs to Trustsec-enabled
• Trustsec Sessions.

If Cisco ISE is integrated with

Cisco DNA Center, and SD Access
is managed by Cisco DNA Center,
then this log is empty.

Device Administration

Authentication Summary The TACACS Authentication —

Summary report provides details
about the most common
authentications and the reason for
any authentication failures.

TACACS Accounting The TACACS Accounting report In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
provides accounting details for a Menu icon ( ) and choose
device session. It displays Administration > System >
information related to generated Logging > Logging Categories
and logged time of the users and and select TACACS Accounting.

Top N Authentication by Failure The Top N Authentication by —

Reason Failure Reason report displays the
total number of authentications by
failure reason for the specific
period based on the selected

Top N Authentication by Network The Top N Authentication by —

Device Network Device report displays the
number of passed and failed
authentications by the network
device name for the specific period
based on the selected parameters.

Top N Authentication by User The Top N Authentication by User —

report displays the number of
passed and failed authentications
by the user name for the specific
period based on the selected

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category


AAA Diagnostics The AAA Diagnostics report In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
provides details of all network Menu icon ( ) and choose
sessions between Cisco ISE and Administration > System >
users. If users cannot access the Logging > Logging Categories
network, you can review this report and select these logging categories:
to identify trends and identify Policy Diagnostics, Identity Stores
whether the issue is isolated to a Diagnostics, Authentication Flow
particular user or indicative of a Diagnostics, and RADIUS
more widespread problem. Diagnostics.
Note Sometimes ISE will
silently drop the
Accounting Stop request
of an endpoint if user
authentication is in
progress. However, ISE
starts acknowledging all
accounting requests
once the user
authentication is

AD Connector Operations The AD Connector Operations In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
report provides log of operations Menu icon ( ) and choose
performed by AD Connector such Administration > System >
as Cisco ISE Server password Logging > Logging Categories
refresh, Kerberos tickets and select AD Connector.
management, DNS queries, DC
discovery, LDAP, and RPC
Connections management, etc.
If some AD failures are
encountered, you can review the
details in this report to identify the
possible causes.

Endpoint Profile Changes The Top Authorization by Endpoint Passed Authentications, Failed
(MAC address) report displays how Attempts
many times each endpoint MAC
address was authorized by Cisco
ISE to access the network.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

Health Summary The Health Summary report —

provides details similar to the
Dashboard. However, the
Dashboard only displays data for
the past 24 hours, and you can
review more historical data using
this report.
You can evaluate this data to see
consistent patterns in data. For
example, you would expect heavier
CPU usage when most employees
start their work days. If you see
inconsistencies in these trends, you
can identify potential problems.
The CPU Usage table lists the
percentage of CPU usage for the
different Cisco ISE functions. The
output of the show cpu usage CLI
command is presented in this table
and you can correlate these values
with the issues in your deployment
to identify possible causes.

ISE Counters The ISE Counters report lists the —

threshold values for various
attributes. The values for these
different attributes are collected at
different intervals and the data is
presented in a tabular format; one
at five minute interval and another
greater than five minutes.
You can evaluate this data to see
the trend and if you find values that
are higher than the threshold, you
can correlate this information with
the issues in your deployment to
identify possible causes.
Cisco ISE, by default, collects the
values for these attributes. You can
choose to disable this data
collection from the Cisco ISE CLI
using the application configure
ise command.Choose option 14 to
enable or disable counter attribute

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

Key Performance Metrics The Key Performance Metrics —

report provides statistical
information about the number of
endpoints that connect to your
deployment and the amount of
RADIUS requests that are
processed by each of the PSNs on
an hourly basis. This report lists the
average load on the server, average
latency per request, and the average
transactions per second.

Misconfigured NAS The Misconfigured NAS report —

provides information about NADs
with inaccurate accounting
frequency typically when sending
accounting information frequently.
If you have taken corrective actions
and fix the mis-configured NADs,
the report displays fixed
acknowledgment in the report.
Note RADIUS Suppression
should be enabled to run
this report.

Misconfigured Supplicants The Misconfigured Supplicants —

report provides a list of
mis-configured supplicants along
with the statistics due to failed
attempts that are performed by a
specific supplicant. If you have
taken corrective actions and fix the
mis-configured supplicant, the
report displays fixed
acknowledgment in the report.
Note RADIUS Suppression
should be enabled to run
this report.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

Network Device Session Status The Network Device Session Status —

Summary report enables you to
display the switch configuration
without logging into the switch
Cisco ISE accesses these details
using an SNMP query and requires
that your network devices are
configured with SNMP v1/v2c.
If a user is experiencing network
issues, this report can help you
identify if the issue is related to the
switch configuration rather than
with Cisco ISE.

OCSP Monitoring The OCSP Monitoring Report In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
specifies the status of the Online Menu icon ( ) and choose
Certificate Status Protocol (OCSP) Administration > System >
services. It identifies whether Cisco Logging > Logging Categories
ISE can successfully contact a and select System Diagnostics.
certificate server and provides
certificate status auditing. Provides
a summary of all the OCSP
certificate validation operations
performed by Cisco ISE. It
retrieves information related to the
good and revoked primary and
secondary certificates from the
OCSP server. Cisco ISE caches the
responses and utilizes them for
generating subsequent OCSP
Monitoring Reports. In the event
the cache is cleared, it retrieves
information from the OCSP server.

RADIUS Errors The RADIUS Errors report enables In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
you to check for RADIUS Requests Menu icon ( ) and choose
Dropped (authentication/accounting Administration > System >
requests discarded from unknown Logging > Logging Categories
Network Access Device), EAP and select Failed Attempts.
connection time outs, and unknown
Note You can view the report
only for the past 5 days.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

System Diagnostics The System Diagnostic report In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
provides details about the status of Menu icon ( ) and choose
the Cisco ISE nodes. If a Cisco ISE Administration > System >
node is unable to register, you can Logging > Logging Categories
review this report to troubleshoot and select these logging categories:
the issue. Internal Operations Diagnostics,
Distributed Management,
This report requires that you first
Administrator Authentication and
enable several diagnostic logging
categories. Collecting these logs
can negatively impact Cisco ISE
performance. So, these categories
are not enabled by default, and you
should enable them just long
enough to collect the data.
Otherwise, they are automatically
disabled after 30 minutes.

Endpoints and Users

Authentication Summary The Authentication Summary —

report is based on the RADIUS
authentications. It enables you to
identify the most common
authentications and the reason for
any authentication failures. For
example, if one Cisco ISE server is
handling significantly more
authentications than others, you
might want to reassign users to
different Cisco ISE servers to better
balance the load.
Note As the Authentication
Summary report or
dashboard collects and
displays the latest data
corresponding to failed
or passed
authentications, the
contents of the report
appear after a delay of a
few minutes.

Agentless Posture Lists all endpoints that ran

Agentless posture.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

Client Provisioning The Client Provisioning report In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
indicates the client provisioning Menu icon ( ) and choose
agents applied to particular Administration > System >
endpoints. You can use this report Logging > Logging Categories
to verify the policies applied to and select Posture and Client
each endpoint to verify whether the Provisioning Audit and Posture and
endpoints have been correctly Client Provisioning Diagnostics.
Note MAC address of an
endpoint is not
displayed in the
Endpoint ID column, if
the endpoint does not
connect with ISE (no
session is established)
or if a Network Address
Translation (NAT)
address is used for the

Current Active Sessions The Current Active Sessions report —

enables you to export a report with
details about who was currently on
the network within a specified time
If a user isn't getting network
access, you can see whether the
session is authenticated or
terminated or if there is another
problem with the session.

Endpoint Scripts Provisioning The Endpoint Scripts —

Summary Provisioning Summary window
displays details of jobs run through
the Endpoint Scripts Wizard, over
the last 30 days.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

External Mobile Device The External Mobile Device In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
Management Management report provides details Menu icon ( ) and choose
about integration between Cisco Administration > System >
ISE and the external Mobile Device Logging > Logging Categories
Management (MDM) server. and select MDM.
You can use this report to see
which endpoints have been
provisioned by the MDM server
without logging into the MDM
server directly. It also displays
information such as registration and
MDM-compliance status.

Passive ID The Passive ID report enables you In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
to monitor the state of WMI Menu icon ( ) and choose
connection to the domain controller Administration > System >
and gather statistics related to it Logging > Logging Categories
(such as amount of notifications and select Identity Mapping.
received, amount of user
login/logouts per second etc.)
Note Sessions authenticated
by this method do not
have authentication
details in the report.

Manual Certificate Provisioning The Manual Certificate —

Provisioning report lists all the
certificates that are provisioned
manually via the certificate
provisioning portal.

Posture Assessment by Condition The Posture Assessment by —

Condition report enables you to
view records based on the posture
policy condition configured in ISE
to validate that the most up-to-date
security settings or applications are
available on client machines.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

Posture Assessment by Endpoint The Posture Assessment by —

Endpoint report provides detailed
information, such as the time,
status, and PRA Action, of an
endpoint. You can click Details to
view further information of an
Note The Posture Assessment
by Endpoint report does
not provide posture
policy details of
applications and
hardware attributes of
an endpoint. You can
view this information
only in the Context
Visibility page.

Profiled Endpoints Summary The Profiled Endpoints Summary In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
report provides profiling details Menu icon ( ) and choose
about endpoints that are accessing Administration > System >
the network. Logging > Logging Categories
and select Profiler.
Note For endpoints that do
not register a session
time, such as a Cisco
IP-Phone, the term Not
Applicable is shown in
the Endpoint session
time field.

RADIUS Accounting The RADIUS Accounting report

identifies how long users have been
on the network. If users are losing
network access, you can use this
report to identify whether Cisco
ISE is the cause of the network
connectivity issues.
Note Radius accounting
interim updates are
included in the RADIUS
Accounting report if the
interim updates contain
information about the
changes to the IPv4 or
IPv6 addresses for the
given sessions.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

RADIUS Authentications The RADIUS Authentications In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
report enables you to review the Menu icon ( ) and choose
history of authentication failures Administration > System >
and successes. If users cannot Logging > Logging Categories
access the network, you can review and select these logging categories:
the details in this report to identify Passed Authentications and Failed
possible causes. Attempts.

Registered Endpoints The Registered Endpoints report —

displays all personal devices
registered by employees.

Rejected Endpoints The Rejected Endpoints report lists —

all rejected or released personal
devices that are registered by

Supplicant Provisioning The Supplicant Provisioning report Posture and Client Provisioning
provides details about the Audit
supplicants provisioned to
employee's personal devices.

Top Authorizations by Endpoint The Top Authorization by Endpoint Passed Authentications, Failed
(MAC address) report displays how Attempts
many times each endpoint MAC
address was authorized by Cisco
ISE to access the network.

Top Authorizations by User The Top Authorization by User Passed Authentications, Failed
report displays how many times Attempts
each user was authorized by Cisco
ISE to access the network.

Top N Authentication by Access The Top N Authentication by —

Service Access Service report displays the
number of passed and failed
authentications by the access
service type for the specific period
based on the selected parameters.

Top N Authentication by Failure The Top N Authentication by —

Reason Failure Reason report displays the
total number of authentications by
failure reason for the specific
period based on the selected

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

Top N Authentication by Network The Top N Authentication by —

Device Network Device report displays the
number of passed and failed
authentications by the network
device name for the specific period
based on the selected parameters.

Top N Authentication by User The Top N Authentication by User —

report displays the number of
passed and failed authentications
by the user name for the specific
period based on the selected


AUP Acceptance Status The AUP Acceptance Status report In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
provides details of AUP Menu icon ( ) and choose
acceptances from all the Guest Administration > System >
portals. Logging > Logging Categories
and select Guest.

Guest Accounting The Guest Accounting report is a —

subset of the RADIUS Accounting
report. All users assigned to the
Activated Guest or Guest identity
groups appear in this report.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

Primary Guest Report The Primary Guest Report In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
combines data from various Guest Menu icon ( ) and choose
Access reports and enables you to Administration > System >
export data from different reporting Logging > Logging Categories
sources. The Primary Guest report and select Passed Authentications.
also provides details about the
websites that guest users are
visiting. You can use this report for
security auditing purposes to
demonstrate when guest users
accessed the network and what they
did on it.
You must also enable HTTP
inspection on the network access
device (NAD) used for guest
traffic. This information is sent
back to Cisco ISE by the NAD.
To check when the clients reach the
maximum simultaneous sessions
limit, from the Admin portal,
choose Administration > System
> Logging > Logging Categories
and do the following:
1. Increase the log level of
"Authentication Flow
Diagnostics" logging category
from WARN to INFO.
2. Change LogCollector Target
from Available to Selected
under the "Logging Category"
of AAA Diagnostics.

My Devices Login and Audit The My Devices Login and Audit In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
report provides details about the Menu icon ( ) and choose
login activities and the operations Administration > System >
performed by the users on the Logging > Logging Categories
devices in My Devices Portal. and select My Devices.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

Sponsor Login and Audit The Sponsor Login and Audit In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
report provides details of guest Menu icon ( ) and choose
users' login, add, delete, enable, Administration > System >
suspend and update operations and Logging > Logging Categories
the login activities of the sponsors and select Guest.
at the sponsors portal.
If guest users are added in bulk,
they are visible under the column
'Guest Users.' This column is
hidden by default. On export, these
bulk users are also present in the
exported file.


SXP Binding The SXP Binding report provides —

information about the IP-SGT
bindings that are exchanged over
SXP connection.

SXP Connection You can use this report to monitor —

the status of an SXP connection and
gather information related to it,
such as peer IP, SXP node IP, VPN
name, SXP mode, and so on.


RBACL Drop Summary The RBACL Drop Summary report —

is specific to the TrustSec feature,
which is available only with an
Advanced Cisco ISE license.
This report also requires that you
configure the network devices to
send NetFlow events for dropped
events to Cisco ISE.
If a user violates a particular policy
or access, packets are dropped and
indicated in this report.
Note Flows for RBACL
dropped packets are
available only with the
Cisco Catalyst 6500
series switches.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

Top N RBACL Drops By User The Top N RBACL Drops By User —

report is specific to the TrustSec
feature, which is available only
with an Advanced Cisco ISE
This report also requires that you
configure the network devices to
send NetFlow events for dropped
events to Cisco ISE.
This report displays policy
violations (based on packet drops)
by specific users.
Note Flows for RBACL
dropped packets are
available only with the
Cisco Catalyst 6500
series switches.

TrustSec ACI This report lists the SGTs and SXP —

mappings that are synchronized
with the IEPGs, EEPGs, endpoints,
and subnet configuration of APIC.
These details are displayed only if
the TrustSec APIC integration
feature is enabled.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

TrustSec Deployment Verification —

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

You can use this report to verify
whether the latest TrustSec policies
are deployed on all network devices
or if there are any discrepancies
between the policies configured in
Cisco ISE and the network devices.
Click the Details icon to view the
results of the verification process.
You can view the following details:
• When the verification process
started and completed
• Whether the latest TrustSec
policies are successfully
deployed on the network
devices. You can also view the
names and IP addresses of the
network devices on which the
latest TrustSec policies are
• Whether if there are any
discrepancies between the
policies configured in Cisco
ISE and the network devices.
It displays the device name,
IP address, and the
corresponding error message
for each policy difference.

You can view the TrustSec

Deployment Verification alarms in
the Alarms dashlet (under Work
Centers > TrustSec > Dashboard
and Home > Summary).
Note • The time taken for
reporting depends
on the number of
network devices
and TrustSec
groups in your
• The error message
length in the
Verification report
is currently limited

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Available Reports

Report Name Description Logging Category

to 480 characters.
Error messages
with more than 480
characters will be
truncated and only
the first 480
characters will be
displayed in the

Trustsec Policy Download This report lists the requests sent To view this report, you must do
by the network devices for policy the following:
(SGT/SGACL) download and the
1. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
details sent by ISE. If the Workflow
Menu icon ( ) and choose
mode is enabled, the requests can
Administration > System >
be filtered for production or staging
Logging > Logging
2. Choose AAA Diagnostics >
RADIUS Diagnostics.
3. Set the Log Severity Level to

Threat Centric NAC Service

Adapter Status The Adapter Status report displays —

the status of the threat and
vulnerability adapters.

COA Events When a vulnerability event is —

received for an endpoint, Cisco ISE
triggers CoA for that endpoint. The
CoA Events report displays the
status of these CoA events. It also
displays the old and new
authorization rules and the profile
details for these endpoints.

Threat Events The Threat Events report provides —

a list of all the threat events that
Cisco ISE receives from the various
adapters that you have configured.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
RADIUS Live Logs

Report Name Description Logging Category

Vulnerability Assessment The Vulnerability Assessment —

report provides information about
the assessments that are happening
for your endpoints. You can view
this report to check if the
assessment is happening based on
the configured policy.

RADIUS Live Logs

The following table describes the fields in the Live logs window, which displays the recent RADIUS
authentications. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > RADIUS > Live
Logs. You can view the RADIUS live logs only in the Primary PAN.

Table 39: RADIUS Live Logs

Field Name Description

Time Shows the time at which the log was received by the
monitoring and troubleshooting collection agent. This
column is required and cannot be deselected.

Status Shows if the authentication was successful or a failure.

This column is required and cannot be deselected.
Green is used to represent passed authentications. Red
is used to represent failed authentications.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
RADIUS Live Logs

Field Name Description

Details Clicking the icon under the Details column opens the
Authentication Detail Report in a new browser
window. This report offers information about
authentication and related attributes, and
authentication flow. In the Authentication Details
box, Response Time is the total time it takes Cisco
ISE to process the authentication flow. For example,
if authentication consists of three roundtrip messages,
which took 300 ms for the initial message, 150 ms for
the next message, and 100 ms for the last, Response
Time is 300 + 150 + 100 = 550 750 ms.
Note You cannot view the details for endpoints
that are active for more than 48 hours. You
might see a page with the following
message when you click the Details icon
for endpoints that are active for more than
48 hours: No Data available for this
record. Either the data is purged
or authentication for this session
record happened a week ago. Or if
this is an 'PassiveID' or 'PassiveID
Visibility' session, it will not
have authentication details on ISE
but only the session.

Repeat Count Shows the number of time the authentication requests

were repeated in the last 24 hours, without any change
in the context of identity, network devices, and

Identity Shows the logged in username that is associated with

the authentication.
If the username is not present in any ID Store, it is
displayed as INVALID. If the authentication fails due
to any other reason, it is displayed as USERNAME.
Note This is applicable only for users. This is
not applicable for MAC addresses.

To aid debugging, you can force Cisco ISE to display

the invalid usernames. To do this, check the Disclose
Invalid Usernames check box under
Administration > System > Settings > Security
Settings. You can also configure the Disclose Invalid
Usernames option to time out, so that you do not have
to manually turn it off.

Endpoint ID Shows the unique identifier for an endpoint, usually

a MAC or IP address.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
RADIUS Live Logs

Field Name Description

Endpoint Profile Shows the type of endpoint that is profiled, for

example, profiled to be an iPhone, Android, MacBook,
Xbox, and so on.

Authentication Policy Shows the name of the policy selected for specific

Authorization Policy Shows the name of the policy selected for specific

Authorization Profiles Shows an authorization profile that was used for


IP Address Shows the IP address of the endpoint device.

Network Device Shows the IP address of the Network Access Device.

Device Port Shows the port number at which the endpoint is


Identity Group Shows the identity group that is assigned to the user
or endpoint, for which the log was generated.

Posture Status Shows the status of posture validation and details on

the authentication.

Server Indicates the Policy Service from which the log was

MDM Server Name Shows the names of the MDM servers.

Event Shows the event status.

Failure Reason Shows the detailed reason for failure, if the

authentication failed.

Auth Method Shows the authentication method that is used by the

RADIUS protocol, such as Microsoft Challenge
Handshake Authentication Protocol Version 2
(MS-CHAPv2), IEE 802.1x or dot1x, and so on.

Authentication Protocol Shows the authentication protocol used, such as

Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP),
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), and so on.

Security Group Shows the group that is identified by the

authentication log.

Session ID Shows the session ID.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Authentication Latency

Note In the RADIUS Live Logs and TACACS+ Live Logs window, a “Queried PIP”- entry appears for the first
attribute for each policy authorization rule. If all the attributes within the authorization rule are related to a
dictionary that was already queried for previous rules, no additional- “Queried PIP” entry appears.

You can do the following in the RADIUS Live Logs window:

• Export the data in CSV or PDF format.
• Show or hide the columns based on your requirements.
• Filter the data using the quick or custom filter. You can also save your filters for later use.
• Rearrange the columns and adjust the width of the columns.
• Sort the column values.

Note All the user customizations will be stored as user preferences.

Authentication Latency
Authentication Latency is the average response time of the RADIUS authentication process from the time
authetication process is initiated. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Dashboard >
System Summary dashlet..
You can select the following authentication latency timeframe from the drop-down list:
• 60 mins: This option gives you the authentication latency for the authentication that was initiated in last
60 mins.
• 12 hrs: This option gives you the authentication latency for the authentication process that was initiated
in last 24 hrs.

The response time that is displayed is in millisecond (ms). To view a detailed report of authentication latenty,
click on the latest log in the Live Logs window. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Operations > RADIUS.

RADIUS Live Sessions

The following table describes the fields in the RADIUS Live Sessions window, which displays live
authentications. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and chooseYou can view the RADIUS live
sessions only in the Primary PAN.

Table 40: RADIUS Live Sessions

Field Name Description

Initiated Shows the timestamp when the session was initiated.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
RADIUS Live Sessions

Field Name Description

Updated Shows the timestamp when the session was last

updated due to a change.

Account Session Time Shows the time span (in seconds) of a user's session.

Session Status Shows the current status of an endpoint device.

Action Click the Actions icon to reauthenticate an active

RADIUS session or disconnect an active RADIUS

Repeat Count Shows the number of times a user or endpoint is


Endpoint ID Shows the unique identifier for an endpoint, usually

a MAC or IP address.

Identity Shows the username of an endpoint device.

IP Address Shows the IP address of an endpoint device.

Audit Session ID Shows a unique session identifier.

Account Session ID Shows a unique ID provided by a network device.

Endpoint Profile Shows the endpoint profile for a device.

Posture Status Shows the status of posture validation and details on

the authentication.

Security Group Shows the group that is identified by the

authentication log.

Server Indicates the Policy Service node from which the log
was generated.

Auth Method Shows the authentication method that is used by the

RADIUS protocol, such as Password Authentication
Protocol (PAP), Challenge Handshake Authentication
Protocol (CHAP), IEE 802.1x or dot1x, and so on.

Authentication Protocol Shows the authentication protocol used, such as

Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP),
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), and so on.

Authentication Policy Shows the name of the policy selected for specific

Authorization Policy Shows the name of the policy selected for specific

Authorization Profiles Shows an authorization profile that was used for


Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
RADIUS Live Sessions

Field Name Description

NAS IP Address Shows IP address of a network device.

Device Port Shows the connected port to a network device.

PRA Action Shows the periodic reassessment action taken on a

client after it is successfully postured for compliance
on your network.

ANC Status Adaptive Network Control status of a device as

Quarantine, Unquarantine, or Shutdown.

WLC Roam Shows the boolean (Y/N) used to track, which an

endpoint has been handed off during roaming, from
one WLC to another. It has the value of
cisco-av-pair=nas-update =Y or N.
Note Cisco ISE relies on the nas-update=true
attribute from WLC to identify whether
the session is in roaming state. When the
original WLC sends an accounting stop
attribute with nas-update=true, the session
is not deleted in ISE to avoid
reauthentication. If roaming fails, ISE
clears the session after five days of

Packets In Shows the number of packets received.

Packets Out Shows the number of packets sent.

Bytes In Shows the number of bytes received.

Bytes Out Shows the number of bytes sent.

Session Source Indicates whether it is a RADIUS session or Passive

ID session.

User Domain Name Shows the registered DNS name of a user.

Host Domain Name Shows the registered DNS name of a host.

User NetBIOS Name Shows the NetBIOS name of a user.

Host NetBIOS Name Shows the NetBIOS name of a host.

License Type Shows the type of license used.

License Details Shows the license details.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
RADIUS Live Sessions

Field Name Description

Provider Endpoint events are learned from different syslog

sources. These syslog sources are referred to as
• Windows Management Instrumentation
(WMI)—WMI is a Windows service that
provides a common interface and object model
to access management information about
operating system, devices, applications, and
• Agent: A program that runs on a client on behalf
of the client or another program.
• Syslog: A logging server to which a client sends
event messages.
• REST: A client is authenticated through a
terminal server. The TS Agent ID, Source Port
Start, Source Port End, and Source First Port
values are displayed for this syslog source.
• Span: Network information is discovered using
span probes.
• DHCP: DHCP event.
• Endpoint

Note When two events from different providers

are learned from an endpoint session, the
providers are displayed as
comma-separated values in the live
sessions page.

MAC Address Shows the MAC address of a client.

Endpoint Check Time Shows the time at which an endpoint was last checked
by the endpoint probe.

Endpoint Check Result Shows the result of an endpoint probe. The possible
values are:
• Unreachable
• User Logout
• Active User

Source Port Start (Values are displayed only for the REST provider)
Shows the first port number in a port range.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
TACACS Live Logs

Field Name Description

Source Port End (Values are displayed only for the REST provider)
Shows the last port number in a port range.

Source First Port (Values are displayed only for the REST provider)
Shows the first port allocated by the Terminal Server
A Terminal Server refers to a server or network device
that allows multiple endpoints to connect to it without
a modem or network interface and facilities the
connection of the multiple endpoints to a LAN
network. The multiple endpoints appear to have the
same IP address, and therefore, it is difficult to
identify the IP address of a specific user.
Consequently, to identify a specific user, a Terminal
Server Agent is installed in the server, which allocates
a port range to each user. This helps create an IP
address-port user mapping.

TS Agent ID (Values are displayed only for the REST provider)

Shows the unique identity of the Terminal Server
Agent that is installed on an endpoint.

AD User Resolved Identities (Values are displayed only for AD user) Shows the
potential accounts that matched.

AD User Resolved DNs (Values are displayed only for AD user) Shows the
Distinguished Name of AD user, for example,

TACACS Live Logs

The following table describes the fields in the TACACS Live Logs page, which displays the TACACS+ AAA
details. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > TACACS > Live Logs.
You can view the TACACS live logs only in the Primary PAN.

Table 41: TACACS Live Logs

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Generated Time Shows the syslog generation time based on when a

particular event was triggered.

Logged Time Shows the time when the syslog was processed and
stored by the Monitoring node. This column is
required and cannot be deselected.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
TACACS Live Logs

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Status Shows if the authentication was successful or a failure.

This column is required and cannot be deselected.
Green is used to represent passed authentications. Red
is used to represent failed authentications.

Details Brings up a report when you click the magnifying

glass icon, allowing you to drill down and view more
detailed information on the selected authentication
scenario. This column is required and cannot be

Session Key Shows the session keys (found in the EAP success or
EAP failure messages) returned by ISE to the network

Username Shows the user name of the device administrator. This

column is required and cannot be deselected.

Type Consists of two Types—Authentication and

Authorization. Shows user names who have passed
or failed authentication, authorization, or both. This
column is required and cannot be deselected.

Authentication Policy Shows the name of the policy selected for specific

Authorization Policy Shows the name of the policy selected for specific

ISE Node Shows the name of the ISE Node through which the
access request is processed.

Network Device Name Shows the names of network devices.

Network Device IP Shows the IP addresses of network devices whose

access requests are processed.

Network Device Groups Shows the name of the corresponding network device
group to which a network device belongs.

Device Type Shows the device type policy used to process access
requests from different network devices.

Location Shows the location-based policy used to process

access requests from network devices.

Device Port Shows the device port number through which the
access request is made.

Failure Reason Shows the reason for rejecting an access request made
by a network device.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Export Summary

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Remote Address Shows the IP address, MAC address, or any other

string that uniquely identifies the end station.

Matched Command Set Shows the MatchedCommandSet attribute value if it

is present or shows an empty value if the
MatchedCommandSet attribute value is empty or
attribute itself does not exist in the syslog.

Shell Profile Shows the privileges that were granted to a device

administrator for executing commands on the network

You can do the following in the TACACS Live Logs page:

• Export the data in csv or pdf format.
• Show or hide the columns based on your requirements.
• Filter the data using quick or custom filter. You can also save your filters for later use.
• Rearrange the columns and adjust the width of the columns.
• Sort the column values.

Note All the user customizations will be stored as user preferences.

Export Summary
You can view the details of the reports exported by all the users in the last 7 days along with the status. The
export summary includes both the manual and scheduled reports. The export summary page is automatically
refreshed every 2 minutes. Click the Refresh icon to refresh the export summary page manually.
The super admin can cancel the export which is in-progress or in queued state. Other users are allowed only
to cancel the export process that they have initiated.
By default, only 3 manual export of reports can run at a given point of time and the remaining triggered manual
export of reports will be queued. There are no such limits for the scheduled export of reports.

Note All the reports in the queued state will be scheduled again and the reports in the In-Progress or
Cancellation-in-progress state will be marked as failed when the Cisco ISE server is restarted.

Note If the primary MnT node is down, the scheduled report export job will run on secondary MnT node.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Maintain and Monitor
Export Summary

The following table describes the fields in the Export Summary page. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu
icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > Export Summary.

Table 42: Export Summary

Field Name Description

Report Exported Displays the name of the report.

Exported By Shows the role of the user who initiated the export

Scheduled Shows whether the report export is a scheduled one.

Triggered On Shows the time when the export process has been
triggered in the system.

Repository Displays the name of the repository where the

exported data will be stored.

Filter Parameters Shows the filter parameters selected while exporting

the report.

Status Shows the status of the exported reports. It can be one

of the following:
• Queued
• In-progress
• Completed
• Cancellation-in-progress
• Cancelled
• Failed
• Skipped

Note Failed status indicates the reason for

failure. Skipped status indicates that the
scheduled export of reports is skipped as
the primary MnT node is down.

You can do the following in the Export Summary page:

• Show or hide the columns based on your requirements.
• Filter the data using quick or custom filter. You can also save your filters for later use.
• Rearrange the columns and adjust the width of the columns.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
• TACACS+ Device Administration, on page 295
• Device Administration Work Center, on page 296
• Device Administration Deployment Settings, on page 297
• Device Admin Policy Sets, on page 297
• Create Device Administration Policy Sets, on page 298
• TACACS+ Authentication Settings and Shared Secret, on page 299
• Device Administration - Authorization Policy Results, on page 301
• Access the Command-Line Interface to Change the Enable Password, on page 307
• Configure Global TACACS+ Settings, on page 308
• Data Migration from Cisco Secure ACS to Cisco ISE, on page 309
• Monitor Device Administration Activity, on page 309

TACACS+ Device Administration

Cisco ISE supports device administration using the Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System
(TACACS+) security protocol to control and audit the configuration of network devices. The network devices
are configured to query Cisco ISE for authentication and authorization of device administrator actions, and
send accounting messages for Cisco ISE to log the actions. It facilitates granular control of who can access
which network device and change the associated network settings. A Cisco ISE administrator can create policy
sets that allow TACACS results, such as command sets and shell profiles, to be selected in authorization
policy rules in a device administration access service. The Cisco ISE Monitoring node provides enhanced
reports related to device administration. The Work Center menu contains all the device administration pages,
which act as a single start point for ISE administrators.
Cisco ISE requires a Device Administration license to use TACACS+.
There are two types of administrators for device administration:
• Device Administrator
• Cisco ISE Administrator

The device administrator is the user who logs into the network devices such as switches, wireless access
points, routers, and gateways, (normally through SSH), in order to perform the configuration and maintenance
of the administered devices. The Cisco ISE administrator logs into Cisco ISE to configure and coordinate the
devices that a device administrator logs in to.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
Device Administration Work Center

The Cisco ISE administrator is the intended reader of this document, who logs into Cisco ISE to configure
the settings that control the operations of the device administrator. The Cisco ISE administrator uses the device
administration features (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and chooseWork centers > Device
Administration) to control and audit the configuration of the network devices. A device can be configured
to query the Cisco ISE server using the Terminal Access Controller Access-Control System (TACACS)
security protocol. The Cisco ISE Monitoring node provides enhanced reports related to device administration.
A Cisco ISE administrator can perform the following tasks:
• Configure network devices with the TACACS+ details (shared secret).
• Add device administrators as internal users and set their enable passwords as needed.
• Create policy sets that allow TACACS results, such as command sets and shell profiles, to be selected
in authorization policy rules in a device administration access service.
• Configure the TACACS server in Cisco ISE to allow device administrators to access devices based on
the policy sets.

The device administrator performs the task of setting up a device to communicate with the Cisco ISE server.
When a device administrator logs on to a device, the device queries the Cisco ISE server, which in turn queries
an internal or external identity store, to validate the details of the device administrator. When the validation
is done by the Cisco ISE server, the device informs the Cisco ISE server of the final outcome of each session
or command authorization operation for accounting and auditing purposes.
A Cisco ISE administrator can manage device administration using TACACS and Cisco ISE 2.0 and later
releases. The configuration related to device administration can also be migrated from a Cisco Secure Access
Control System (ACS) server, versions 5.5, 5.6, 5.7 and 5.8. Prior versions need to be upgraded to 5.5 or 5.6
before migration.

Note You should check the Enable Device Admin Service check box in the Administration > System >
Deployment > General Settings page to enable TACACS+ operations. Ensure that this option is enabled in
each PSN in a deployment.
Due to a known limitation of TACACS+ protocol to create a secure connection between switch or router and
Cisco ISE, ensure that IPsec protocol is deployed between the two parties.

ISE Community Resource

For information about device administration attributes, see ISE Device Administration Attributes.
For information about TACACS+ configuration for Wireless LAN controllers, IOS network devices, Cisco
NX-OS network devices, and network devices, see ISE Device Administration (TACACS+).

Device Administration Work Center

The Work Center menu contains all the device administration pages, which act as a single start point for Cisco
ISE administrators. However, pages that are not specific to device administration such as Users, User Identity
Groups, Network Devices, Default Network Devices, Network Device Groups, Authentication and Authorization
Conditions, can still be accessed from their original menu options, such as Administration. The Work Centers
option is available only if the correct TACACS+ license(s) are obtained and installed.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
Device Administration Deployment Settings

The Device Administration Menu contains the following menu options: Overview, Identities, User Identity
Groups, Ext ID Stores, Network Resources, Network Device Groups, Policy Elements, Device Admin Policy
Sets, Reports, and Settings.

Device Administration Deployment Settings

The Device Administration Deployment page (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Work Centers > Device Administration > Overview > Deployment) allows Cisco ISE administrators to
centrally view the device administration system without referring to each node in the deployment section.
The Device Administration Deployment page lists the PSNs in your deployment. This simplifies the task of
enabling the device admin service individually in each PSN in your deployment. You can collectively enable
the device admin service for many PSNs by selecting an option below:

Option Description

None By default, the device administration service is

disabled for all nodes.

All Policy Service Nodes Enables the device administration service in all PSNs.
With this option, new PSNs are automatically enabled
for device admin when they are added.

Specific Nodes Displays the ISE Nodes section that lists all the PSNs
in your deployment. You can select the required nodes
that necessitate the device admin service to be enabled.

Note If the deployment is not licensed for TACACS+, the above options are disabled.

The TACACS Ports field allows you to enter a maximum of four TCP ports, which are comma- separated
and port values range from 1 to 65535. Cisco ISE nodes and their interfaces listen for TACACS+ requests on
the specified ports and you must ensure that the specified ports are not used by other services. The default
TACACS+ port value is 49.
When you click Save, the changes are synchronized with the nodes specified in the Administration >
System > Deployment Listing window.

Device Admin Policy Sets

The Device Admin Policy Sets window (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work
Centers > Device Administration > Device Admin Policy Sets) contains the list of policy sets that a Cisco
ISE administrator manages to control the authentication and authorization of TACACS+ Device administrators.
Each policy can be in one of two modes: Regular and Proxy Sequence.
A Regular policy set comprises an authentication rule table and an authorization rule table. The authentication
rule table contains a set of rules to select actions required to authenticate a network device.
The authorization rule table contains a set of rules to select the specific authorization results required to
implement the authorization business model. Each authorization rule consists of one or more conditions that

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
Create Device Administration Policy Sets

must be matched for the rule to be engaged, and a set of command sets, and/or a shell profile, which are
selected to control the authorization process. Each rule table has an exception policy that can be used to
override the rules for specific circumstances, often the exception table is used for temporary situations.

Note TACACS+ CHAP outbound authentication is not supported.

A Proxy Sequence policy set contains a single selected proxy sequence. If the policy set is in this mode then
one or more remote proxy servers are used to process the requests (although local accounting may be configured
by the Proxy Sequence).

Create Device Administration Policy Sets

To create a device administration policy set:

Before you begin

• Ensure that the Device Administration in the Work Centers > Device Administration > Overview >
Deployment window is enabled for TACACS+ operations.
• Ensure that any User Identity Groups, (for example, System_Admin, Helpdesk) required for the policy
are created. (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device
Administration > User Identity Groups page). Ensure that the member users (for example, ABC, XYZ)
are allocated to their corresponding groups. (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Work Centers > Device Administration > Identities > Users window).
• Ensure to configure TACACS settings on devices that need to be administered. (In the Cisco ISE GUI,
click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Network Resources
> Network Devices > Add > TACACS Authentication Settings check box is enabled and the shared
secret for TACACS and devices are identical to facilitate the devices to query Cisco ISE.)
• Ensure that the Network Device Group, based on the Device Type and Location, is created. (In the Cisco
ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Network
Device Groups window)

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Device Admin
Policy Sets.
Step 2 From the Actions column on any row, click the cog icon and then from the drop-down menu, insert a new policy set
by selecting any of the insert or duplicate options, as necessary.
A new row appears in the Policy Sets table.
Step 3 Enter the name and description for the policy set.
Step 4 If required, from the Allowed Protocols/Server Sequence column, click the (+) symbol and select one of the following:
a) Create a New Allowed Protocol
b) Create a TACACS Server Sequence
Step 5 From the Conditions column, click the (+) symbol.
Step 6 Create the required conditions in the Conditions Studio Page. In the Editor section, click the Click To Add an
Attribute text box, and select the required Dictionary and Attribute (for example, Device-Location Equals Europe).

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
TACACS+ Authentication Settings and Shared Secret

You can drag and drop a Library condition to the Click To Add An Attribute text box.

Step 7 Click Use.

Step 8 From the View column, click to access all of the policy set details and to create the authentication and authorization
policies as well as policy exceptions.
Step 9 Create the required Authentication policy, (for example, Rule Name: ATN_Internal_Users, Conditions: DEVICE:Location
EQUALS Location #All Locations#Europe—The policy matches only devices that are in location Europe).
Step 10 Click Save.
Step 11 Create the required Authorization Policy.
Example 1: Rule Name: Sys_Admin_rule, Conditions: if SysAdmin and TACACS User Equals ABC then
cmd_Sys_Admin AND Profile_priv_8—The policy matches system administrators with user name ABC and allows
the specified commands to be executed and assigns a privilege level of 8.
Example 2: Rule Name: HelpDesk AND TACACS User EQUALS XYZ then cmd_HDesk_show AND cmd_HDesk_ping
AND Profile_priv_1—The policy matches system administrators with user name XYZ and allows the specified
commands to be executed and assigns a privilege level of 1.
In the above examples:
• The command sets, cmd_Sys_Admin and cmd_HDesk, are created in the Work Centers > Device Administration
> Policy Elements > Results>TACACS Command Sets > Add window.
• The TACACS profiles, Profile_Priv_1 and Profile_priv_8, are created in the Work Centers > Device
Administration > Policy Elements > Results >TACACS Profiles > Add window.

Note You can add IPv4 or IPv6 single address for the Device IP address attribute in the conditions used in
authentication and authorization policies.

Step 12 Click Save.

TACACS+ Authentication Settings and Shared Secret

The following table describes the fields on the Network Devices window, which you can use to configure
TACACS+ authentication settings for a network device. The navigation path is:
• (For Network Devices) In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers >
Device Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices > Add > TACACS Authentication
• (For Default Devices) In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers >
Device Administration > Network Resources > Default Devices > TACACS Authentication
Settings. See the section "Default Network Device Definition in Cisco ISE" in for more information.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
TACACS+ Authentication Settings and Shared Secret

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Shared Secret A string of text assigned to a network device when

TACACS+ protocol is enabled. A user must enter the
text before the network device authenticates a
username and password. The connection is rejected
until the user supplies the shared secret. This is not a
mandatory field.

Retired Shared Secret is Active Displayed when the retirement period is active.

Retire Retires an existing shared secret instead of ending it.

When you click Retire, a message box is displayed.
You can either click Yes or No.

Remaining Retired Period (Available only if you select Yes in the above message
box) Displays the default value specified in the
following navigation path: In the Cisco ISE GUI, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers >
Device Administration > Settings > Connection
Settings > Default Shared Secret Retirement
Period. You can change the default values.
This allows a new shared secret to be entered and the
old shared secret will remain active for the specified
number of days.

End (Available only if you select Yes in the above message

box) Ends the retirement period and terminates the
old shared secret.

Enable Single Connect Mode Check to use a single TCP connection for all
TACACS+ communication with the network device.
Choose one of the following:
• Legacy Cisco Devices
• Or, TACACS+ Draft Compliance Single Connect
Support. If you disable Single Connect Mode,
ISE uses a new TCP connection for every
TACACS+ request.

In summary, you can

• Retire the old shared secret by specifying the retirement period as number of days (Range is 1 to 99) and
at the same time set a new shared secret.
• Use the old and new shared secrets during the retirement period.
• Extend the retirement period before it expires.
• Use the old shared secret only until the end of the retirement period.
• Terminate the retirement period before it expires (click End and then Submit).

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
Device Administration - Authorization Policy Results

Note In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources >
Network Devices > Add window to access the TACACS+ Authentication Settings option.

Device Administration - Authorization Policy Results

Cisco ISE administrators can use the TACACS+ command sets and TACACS+ profiles (policy results) to
exercise control over the privileges and commands that are granted to a device administrator. The policy works
along with the network devices and thereby prevents accidental or malicious configuration changes that may
be done. In the event such changes occur, you can use the device administration audit reports to track the
device administrator who has executed a particular command.

Allowed Protocols in FIPS and Non-FIPS Modes for TACACS+ Device

There are many allowed authentication protocol services that Cisco ISE offers for creating the policy results.
However, authentication protocol services such as PAP/ASCII, CHAP, and MS-CHAPv1, which are applicable
to the TACACS+ protocol, are disabled on FIPS-enabled Cisco ISE appliances for RADIUS. As a result,
these protocols cannot be enabled in the Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Allowed Protocols window
to administer devices, when using a FIPS-enabled (Administration > System Settings > FIPS Mode) Cisco
ISE appliance.
Consequently, to configure PAP/ASCII, CHAP, and MS-CHAPv1 protocols in your device administration
policy results, for both FIPS and non-FIPS modes, you must navigate to the Work Centers > Device
Administration > Policy Elements > Results > Allowed Protocols window. Only the Default Device Admin
allowed protocols setting may be used when FIPS mode is enabled. This option is not allowed in RADIUS.

TACACS+ Command Sets

Command sets enforce the specified list of commands that can be executed by a device administrator. When
a device administrator issues operational commands on a network device, Cisco ISE is queried to determine
whether the administrator is authorized to issue these commands. This is also referred to as command

Wildcards and Regex in Command Sets

A command line comprises the command and zero or more arguments. When Cisco ISE receives a command
line (request), it handles the command and its arguments in different ways:
• It matches the command in the request with the commands specified in the command set list using the
wildcard matching paradigm.
Example: Sh?? or S*
• It matches the arguments in the request with the arguments specified in the command set list using regular
expressions (regex) matching paradigm.
Example: Show interface[1-4] port[1-9]:tty*

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
Command Line and Command Set List Match

Command Line and Command Set List Match

To match a requested command line to a command set list containing wildcards and regex:
1. Iterate over a command set list to detect matching commands.
Wildcard matching permits:
• Case insensitivity
• Any character in the command in the command set may be "?", which matches any individual character
that must exist in the requested command
• Any character in the command in the command set may be "*", which matches zero or more characters
in the requested command

Request Command Set Matches Comments

show show Y —

show SHOW Y Case insensitive

show Sh?? Y Matches any character

show Sho?? N Second "?" intersects

with the character that
does not exist

show S* Y "*" matches any


show S*w Y "*" matches characters


show S*p N Character "p" does not


2. For each matching command, Cisco ISE validates the arguments.

The command set list will include a space-delimited set of arguments for each command.
Example: Show interface[1-4] port[1-9]:tty.*
This command has two arguments.
1. Argument 1: interface[1-4]
2. Argument 2: port[1-9]:tty.*
The command arguments in the request are taken in the position-significant order they appear in the
packet. If all the arguments in the command definition match the arguments in the request, then this
command/argument is said to be matched. Note that any extraneous arguments in the request are ignored.

Note Use the standard Unix regular expressions in arguments.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
Process Rules with Multiple Command Sets

Process Rules with Multiple Command Sets

1. If a command set contains a match for the command and its arguments, and the match has Deny Always,
Cisco ISE designates the command set as Commandset-DenyAlways.
2. If there is no Deny Always for a command match in a command set, Cisco ISE checks all the commands
in the command set sequentially for the first match.
a. If the first match has Permit, Cisco ISE designates the command set as Commandset-Permit.
b. If the first match has Deny, Cisco ISE designates the command set as Commandset-Deny.

3. After Cisco ISE has analyzed all the command sets, it authorizes the command:
a. If Cisco ISE designated any command set as Commandset-DenyAlways, Cisco ISE denies the
b. If there is no Commandset-DenyAlways, Cisco ISE permits the command if any command set is
Commandset-Permit; otherwise, Cisco ISE denies the command. The only exception is when the
Unmatched check box is checked.

Create TACACS+ Command Sets

To create a policy set using the TACACS+ command sets policy results:

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Policy Elements >
Results > TACACS Command Sets.
You can also configure TACACS command sets in the Work Centers > Device Administration > Device Admin Policy
Sets page.

Step 2 Click Add.

Step 3 Enter a name and description.
Step 4 Click Add to specify the Grant permission, Command, and Argument.
Step 5 In the Grant drop-down, you can choose one of the following:
• Permit: To allow the specified command, (for example, permit show, permit con* Argument terminal).
• Deny: To deny the specified command, (for example, deny mtrace).
• Deny Always: To override a command that has been permitted in any other command set, (for example, clear

Note Click the action icon to increase or decrease the column width of the Grant, Command, and Argument fields.

Step 6 Check the Permit any command that is not listed below check box to allow commands and arguments that are not
specified as Permit, Deny or Deny Always in the Grant column.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
TACACS+ Profile

TACACS+ Profile
TACACS+ profiles control the initial login session of the device administrator. A session refers to each
individual authentication, authorization, or accounting request. A session authorization request to a network
device elicits a Cisco ISE response. The response includes a token that is interpreted by the network device,
which limits the commands that may be executed for the duration of a session. The authorization policy for
a device administration access service can contain a single shell profile and multiple command sets. The
TACACS+ profile definitions are split into two components:
• Common tasks
• Custom attributes

There are two views in the TACACS+ Profiles window (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and
choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Policy Elements > Results > TACACS Profiles), Task
Attribute View and Raw View. Common tasks can be entered using the Task Attribute View and custom
attributes can be created in the Task Attribute View as well as the Raw View.
The Common Tasks section allows you to select and configure the frequently used attributes for a profile.
The attributes that are included here are those defined by the TACACS+ protocol draft specifications. However,
the values can be used in the authorization of requests from other services. In the Task Attribute View, the
Cisco ISE administrator can set the privileges that will be assigned to the device administrator. The common
task types are:
• Shell
• Nexus
• Generic

The Custom Attributes section allows you to configure additional attributes. It provides a list of attributes
that are not recognized by the Common Tasks section. Each definition consists of the attribute name, an
indication of whether the attribute is mandatory or optional, and the value for the attribute.

Note You can define a total of 24 task attributes for TACACS-enabled network devices. If you define more than
24 task attributes, none of them are sent to TACACS-enabled network devices.

In the Raw View, you can enter the mandatory attributes using a equal to (=) sign between the attribute name
and its value and optional attributes are entered using an asterisk (*) between the attribute name and its value.
The attributes entered in the Raw View section are reflected in the Custom Attributes section in the Task
Attribute View and vice versa. The Raw View section is also used to copy and paste the attribute list (for
example, another product's attribute list) from the clipboard onto Cisco ISE. Custom attributes can be defined
for nonshell services.

Create TACACS+ Profiles

To create a TACACS+ profile:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
Common Tasks Settings

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Policy Elements >
Results > TACACS Profiles.
You can also configure TACACS command sets in the Work Centers > Device Administration > Device Admin Policy
Sets page.

Step 2 Click Add.

Step 3 In the TACACS Profile section, enter a name and description.
Step 4 In the Task Attribute View tab, check the required Common Tasks. Refer to the Common Tasks Settings, on page 305
Step 5 In the Task Attribute View tab, in the Custom Attributes section, click Add to enter the required attributes.

Common Tasks Settings

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Policy
Elements > Results > TACACS Profiles > Add to view the common tasks settings window. The Common
Task Types are Shell, WLC, Nexus, and Generic.

The following options are available for the Cisco ISE administrator to set the device administrator's privileges.

Option Description

Default Privilege Enable the default (initial) privilege level for a device
administrator for the shell authorization. Select any
one of the following options:
• Select values between 0 through 15.
• Select the required Identity Store Attribute.

Maximum Privilege Enable the maximum privilege level for Enable

authentication. You can select values between 0
through 15.

Access Control List Select an ASCII String (1-251*) or the required

Identity Store Attribute.

Auto Command Select an ASCII String (1-248*) or the required

Identity Store Attribute.

No Escape Select any one of the following options for escape

• True: Specifies that escape prevention is enabled.
• False: Specifies that escape prevention is not
• Select the required Identity Store Attribute.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
Common Tasks Settings

Option Description

Timeout Select values between 0 through 9999 or the required

Identity Store Attribute.

Idle Time Select values between 0 through 9999 or the required

Identity Store Attribute.

The following options are available for the Cisco ISE administrator to control a device administrator's access
to the WLC application tabs. The WLC application contains the following tabs: WLAN, Controller, Wireless,
Security, Management, and Commands.

Option Description

All Device administrators have full access to all the WLC

application tabs.

Monitor Device administrators have only read-only access to

the WLC application tabs.

Lobby Device administrators have only limited configuration


Selected Device administrators have access to the tabs as

checked by the Cisco ISE administrator from the
following check boxes: WLAN, Controller, Wireless,
Security, Management, and Commands.

The following options are available for the Cisco ISE administrator to control a device administrator's access
to the Cisco Nexus switches.

Option Description

Set Attribute As A Cisco ISE administrator can specify the Nexus

attributes generated by the common tasks as Optional
or Mandatory.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
Access the Command-Line Interface to Change the Enable Password

Option Description

Network Role When a Nexus is configured to authenticate using

Cisco ISE, the device administrator, by default, has
read-only access. Device administrators can be
assigned to one of these roles. Each role defines the
operations that is allowed:
• None: No privileges.
• Operator (Read Only): Complete read access to
the entire NX-OS device.
• Administrator (Read/Write): Complete
read-and-write access to the entire NX-OS

Virtual Device Context (VDC) None: No privileges.

Operator (Read Only): Read access limited to a VDC
Administrator (Read/Write): Read-and-write access
limited to a VDC.

The Cisco ISE administrator uses the option to specify custom attributes that are not available in the common

Access the Command-Line Interface to Change the Enable

To change Enable password, perform the following steps:

Before you begin

Some commands are assigned to privileged mode. Therefore, they can only be executed when the device
administrator has authenticated into this mode.
The device sends a special enable authentication type when the device administrator attempts to enter the
privileged mode. Cisco ISE supports a separate enable password to validate this special enable authentication
type. The separate enable password is used when the device administrator is authenticated with internal identity
stores. For authentication with external identity stores, the same password is used as for regular login.

Step 1 Log in to the switch.

Step 2 Press Enter to display the following prompt:

Step 3 Execute the following commands to configure the Enable password.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
Configure Global TACACS+ Settings

Switch> enable
Password: (Press Enter to leave the password blank.)
Enter Old Password: (Enter the old password.)
Enter New Password: (Enter the new password.)
Enter New Password Confirmation: (Confirm the new password.)

Note If password lifetime is configured for the Login password and Enable password, the user account will be disabled
if the passwords are not changed within the specified time period. If Cisco ISE is configured as TACACS+
server and the Enable Bypass option is configured on the network device, you cannot change the Enable
password from the CLI (via telnet). In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration
> Identity Management > Identities > Users to change the Enable password for internal users.

Configure Global TACACS+ Settings

To configure global TACACS+ settings:

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Settings.
In the Connection Settings tab, you can change the default values for the required fields.
• In the Authorization cache timeout field, you can set the Time-To-Live (TTL) value for which certain attributes
of an internal user are cached upon the first authorization request. The cached attributes include username, and
user-specific attributes, such as UserGroup. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose System
Administration > Configuration > Dictionaries > Identity > Internal Users to create attributes. The default value
is 0, which means the authorization cache is disabled.
• Single Connect Support: If you disable Single Connect Mode, ISE uses a new TCP connection for every TACACS+

Step 2 In the Password Change Control tab, define the required fields to control whether password update is permitted through
The prompts in the Enable Telnet Change Password section are enabled only when this option is selected. Or else, the
prompts in the Disable Telnet Change Password are enabled. The password prompts are fully customizable and can be
modified as needed.
In the Password Policy Violation Message field, you can display an appropriate error message for the password set by
the internal users if the new password does not match the specified criteria.

Step 3 In the Session Key Assignment tab, select the required fields to link TACACS+ requests into a session.
The session key is used by the Monitoring node to link AAA requests from clients. The default settings are for
NAS-Address, Port, Remote-Address, and User fields to be enabled.

Step 4 Click Save.

Related Topics
TACACS+ Authentication Settings and Shared Secret, on page 299

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
Data Migration from Cisco Secure ACS to Cisco ISE

Data Migration from Cisco Secure ACS to Cisco ISE

You can use the migration tool to import data from ACS 5.5 and later, and set default TACACS+ secret for
all network devices. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device
Administration > Overview and in the Prepare section, click Download Software Webpage to download
the migration tool. Save the tool to your PC, and from the migTool folder, run the migration.bat file to start
the migration process. For complete information related to the migration, refer to the Migration Guide for
your version of Cisco ISE.

Monitor Device Administration Activity

Cisco ISE provides various reports and logs that allow you to view information related to accounting,
authentication, authorization, and command accounting of devices configured with TACACS+. You can run
these reports either on demand or on a scheduled basis.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Reports >
You can also view the reports in another location. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations >
Reports > Reports page.

Step 2 In the Report Selector, expand Device Administration to view Authentication Summary, TACACS Accounting,
TACACS Authentication, TACACS Authorization , TACACS Command Accounting, Top N Authentication by
Failure Reason, Top N Authentication by Network Device, Top N Authentication by User reports.
Step 3 Select the report and choose the data with which you want to search using the Filters drop-down list.
Step 4 Select the Time Range during which you want to view the data.
Step 5 Click Run.

TACACS Live Logs

The following table describes the fields in the TACACS Live Logs page, which displays the TACACS+ AAA
details. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > TACACS > Live Logs.
You can view the TACACS live logs only in the Primary PAN.

Table 43: TACACS Live Logs

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Generated Time Shows the syslog generation time based on when a

particular event was triggered.

Logged Time Shows the time when the syslog was processed and
stored by the Monitoring node. This column is
required and cannot be deselected.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
TACACS Live Logs

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Status Shows if the authentication was successful or a failure.

This column is required and cannot be deselected.
Green is used to represent passed authentications. Red
is used to represent failed authentications.

Details Brings up a report when you click the magnifying

glass icon, allowing you to drill down and view more
detailed information on the selected authentication
scenario. This column is required and cannot be

Session Key Shows the session keys (found in the EAP success or
EAP failure messages) returned by ISE to the network

Username Shows the user name of the device administrator. This

column is required and cannot be deselected.

Type Consists of two Types—Authentication and

Authorization. Shows user names who have passed
or failed authentication, authorization, or both. This
column is required and cannot be deselected.

Authentication Policy Shows the name of the policy selected for specific

Authorization Policy Shows the name of the policy selected for specific

ISE Node Shows the name of the ISE Node through which the
access request is processed.

Network Device Name Shows the names of network devices.

Network Device IP Shows the IP addresses of network devices whose

access requests are processed.

Network Device Groups Shows the name of the corresponding network device
group to which a network device belongs.

Device Type Shows the device type policy used to process access
requests from different network devices.

Location Shows the location-based policy used to process

access requests from network devices.

Device Port Shows the device port number through which the
access request is made.

Failure Reason Shows the reason for rejecting an access request made
by a network device.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
TACACS Live Logs

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Remote Address Shows the IP address, MAC address, or any other

string that uniquely identifies the end station.

Matched Command Set Shows the MatchedCommandSet attribute value if it

is present or shows an empty value if the
MatchedCommandSet attribute value is empty or
attribute itself does not exist in the syslog.

Shell Profile Shows the privileges that were granted to a device

administrator for executing commands on the network

You can do the following in the TACACS Live Logs page:

• Export the data in csv or pdf format.
• Show or hide the columns based on your requirements.
• Filter the data using quick or custom filter. You can also save your filters for later use.
• Rearrange the columns and adjust the width of the columns.
• Sort the column values.

Note All the user customizations will be stored as user preferences.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device Administration
TACACS Live Logs

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
• Cisco ISE Guest Services, on page 313
• Guest and Sponsor Accounts, on page 314
• Guest Portals, on page 332
• Sponsor Portals, on page 346
• Monitor Guest and Sponsor Activity, on page 359
• Guest Access Web Authentication Options, on page 361
• Guest Portal Settings, on page 368
• Sponsor Portal Application Settings, on page 383
• Global Settings for Guest and Sponsor Portals, on page 390
• Guest Type Settings, on page 391
• Sponsor Group Settings, on page 393
• End-User Portals , on page 396
• Customization of End-User Web Portals , on page 396
• Portal Content Types, on page 398
• Basic Customization of Portals, on page 398
• Advanced Customization of Portals , on page 406
• Portal Language Customization, on page 422
• Customization of Guest Notifications, Approvals, and Error Messages, on page 425
• Portal Pages Titles, Content and Labels Character Limits, on page 428
• Portal Customization, on page 430
• HTML Support for a Portal Language File, on page 431

Cisco ISE Guest Services

Cisco Identity Services Engine (Cisco ISE) guest services enable you to provide secure network access to
guests such as visitors, contractors, consultants, and customers. You can support guests with basic Cisco ISE
licenses, and you can choose from several deployment options depending on your company’s infrastructure
and feature requirements.
Cisco ISE provides web-based and mobile portals to provide on-boarding for guests and employees to your
company’s network and internal resources and services.
From the Admin portal, you can create and edit guest and sponsor portals, configure guest access privileges
by defining their guest type, and assign sponsor privileges for creating and managing guest accounts.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
End-User Guest and Sponsor Portals in Distributed Environment

• Guest Portals, on page 332

• Guest Types and User Identity Groups, on page 315
• Sponsor Portals, on page 346
• Sponsor Groups, on page 348

ISE Community Resource

For the complete list of ISE community resources for ISE Guest and Web Authentication, see ISE Guest
Access - ISE Guest and Web Authentication.

End-User Guest and Sponsor Portals in Distributed Environment

Cisco ISE end-user web portals depend on the Administration, Policy Services, and Monitoring personas to
provide configuration, session support, and reporting.
• Policy Administration node (PAN): Configuration changes that you make to the users, devices, and
end-user portals are written to the PAN.
• Policy Service node (PSN): The end-user portals run on a PSN, which handles all session traffic,
including: network access, client provisioning, guest services, posture, and profiling. If a PSN is part of
a node group, and one node fails, the other nodes detect the failure and reset any pending sessions.
• Monitoring node (MnT node): The MnT node collects, aggregates, and reports data about the end-user
and device activity on the My Devices, Sponsor, and Guest portals. If the primary MnT node fails, the
secondary MnT node automatically becomes the primary MonT node.

Guest and Sponsor Accounts

• Guest Accounts: Guests typically represent authorized visitors, contractors, customers, or other users
who require temporary access to your network. You can also use guest accounts for employees if you
prefer to use one of the guest deployment scenarios to allow employees to access the network. You can
access the Sponsor portal to view guest accounts created by a sponsor and by self-registering guests.
• Sponsor Accounts: Use the Sponsor portal to create temporary accounts for authorized visitors to securely
access your corporate network or the Internet. After creating the guest accounts, you can also use the
Sponsor portal to manage these accounts and provide account details to the guests.

Guest accounts can be created by:

• Sponsors: On the Admin portal, you can define the access privileges and feature support for sponsors,
who can access the Sponsor portal to create and manage guest accounts.
• Guests: Guests can also create their own accounts by registering themselves on the Self-Registered Guest
portal. Based on the portal configuration, these self-registering guests may need sponsor approval before
they receive their login credentials.
Guests can also choose to access the network using the Hotspot Guest portal, which does not require the
creation of guest accounts and login credentials, such as username and password.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Guest Types and User Identity Groups

• Employees: Employees who are included in identity stores (such as Active Directory, LDAP, Internal
Users) can also gain access through the credentialed Guest portals (Sponsored-Guest and Self-Registered
Guest portals), if configured.

After their guest accounts are created, guests can use the Sponsored-Guest portal to log in and gain access to
the network.

Guest Types and User Identity Groups

Each guest account must be associated with a guest type. Guest types allow a sponsor to assign different levels
of access and different network connection times to a guest account. These guest types are associated with
particular network access policies. Cisco ISE includes these default guest types:
• Contractor: Users who need access to the network for an extended amount of time, up to a year.
• Daily: Guests who need access to the resources on the network for just 1 to 5 days.
• Weekly: Users who need access to the network for a couple of weeks.

When creating guest accounts, certain sponsor groups can be restricted to using specific guest types. Members
of such a group can create guests with only the features specified for their guest type. For instance, the sponsor
group, ALL_ACCOUNTS, can be set up to use only the Contractor guest type, and the sponsor groups,
OWN_ACCOUNTS and GROUP_ACCOUNTS, can be set up to use Daily and Weekly guest types. If the
self-registering guests using the Self-Registered Guest portal typically need access for just a day, you can
assign them the Daily guest type.
The guest type defines the user identity group for a guest.
For more information, see:
• User Identity Groups, on page 459
• Create a User Identity Group, on page 468

Create or Edit Guest Types

You can edit the default Guest Types and their default access privileges and settings, or you can create new
Guest Types. Changes you make will be applied to existing Guest accounts that were created using this Guest
Type. Guest users who are logged on will not see these changes until they log off and back on. You can also
duplicate a Guest Type to create additional Guest Types with the same access privileges.
Each Guest Type has a name, description, and a list of sponsor groups that can create guest accounts with this
guest type. You can designate some guest types as follows: use just for self-registering guests, or do not use
to create Guest accounts (by any sponsor group).

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Guest Access > Configure > Guest Types. Enter the required

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Create or Edit Guest Types

Use these settings to create the types of Guests that can access your network and their access privileges. You can also
specify which Sponsor Groups can create this type of Guest.

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Guest Type Name Provide a name (from 1 to 256 characters) that distinguishes
this Guest type from the default Guest Types and others
that you create.
Description Provide additional information (maximum of 2000
characters) about the recommended use of this Guest Type,
for example, Use for self-registering Guests, Do NOT use
for Guest account creation, and so on.

Language File Export or import the language file to use for portals using
this Guest Type.
Collect Additional Data Select custom fields to collect additional information from
To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Guest Access > Settings > Custom Fields.

Maximum Access Time—Account Duration Starts From First Login: The account start time starts when the
guest user first logs in to the guest portal, and the end time
equals the specified duration time. If the guest user never
logs in, the account remains in the Awaiting first login state
until the account is removed by the Guest Account Purge
Policy. Self-registered and Sponsor-created user's account
starts when they create and log on to their account.
Note If you use Allow access only on these days and
times, then location is used for context of those
times. If you do not want From First Login
access to be based on location, then do not set
days and times for access.

From sponsor-specified date: Specify the maximum

number of days, from 1 to 999, hours or minutes that Guests
of this Guest Type can access and stay connected to the
If you change this setting, your changes will not apply to
existing Guest accounts created using this Guest Type.

Allow Access only on these Days and Times Enter the time ranges and select the days of the week to
specify when this Guest Type can access the network. If
this guest type remains connected outside these time
parameters, they will be logged off. The time ranges are
related to the time zones defined by the locations assigned
to the guests using this Guest Type.
Click + or - for adding or deleting restricted access times.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Create or Edit Guest Types

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Configure Guest Account Purge Policy You can schedule an endpoint purge job. The endpoint
purge schedule is enabled by default and Cisco ISE deletes
endpoints that are older than 30 days. See the section
"Endpoints Purge Settings" in Cisco ISE Admin Guide:
Maintain and Monitor for more information.

Login Options—Maximum simultaneous logins Enter the maximum number of user sessions that this Guest
Type can have running concurrently.

When Guest Exceeds Limit When you select Maximum simultaneous logins, you must
also select the action to take when a user connects after that
limit is reached.
When the guest exceeds limit
• Disconnect the oldest connection
• Disconnect the newest connection
• Redirect user to a portal page showing an error
message: An error message is displayed for a
configurable amount of time, then the session is
disconnected, and the user is redirected to the
Guest portal. The error page's content is
configured on the Portal Page Customization
dialog box, on the Messages > Error Messages

Maximum Devices Guests can Register Enter the maximum number of devices that can be registered
to each Guest. You can set the limit to a number lower than
what is already registered for the Guests of this Guest Type.
This will only affect newly created Guest accounts.

Allow Guest to bypass the Guest portal Allows users to bypass the credentialed Guest captive portal
(web authentication page) and access the network by
providing credentials to wired and wireless (dot1x)
supplicants or VPN clients. Guest accounts go to Active
state bypassing the Awaiting Initial Login state and the AUP
page, even if it is required.
If you do not enable this setting, users must first log in
through the credentialed Guest captive portal before they
will be able to access other parts of the network.

Account Expiration Notification—Send account Send a notification to Guests before their account expires
expiration notification __ days before account expires and specify how many days, hours or minutes in advance
of the expiration.

View messages in Specify the language to use when displaying email or SMS
notifications as you set them up.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Disable a Guest Type

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Email Select email as the method used for account expiry

Use customization from Select email customization from another portal.

Messages Enter the text to use for account expiry notification.

Copy text from Reuse email text that you created for another Guest Type
for account expiry notification.

Send test email to me at Ensure that the email notification displays as it should by
sending it to your email address.

SMS Select text (SMS) as the method used for account expiry

Messages Enter the text to use for account expiry notification.

Copy text from Reuse text messages that you created for another Guest

Send test SMS to me at Ensure that the text notification displays as it should by
sending it to your cell phone.

These sponsor groups can create this guest type Select which sponsor groups can create Guest accounts with
this Guest Type.
If you want to disable use of this Guest Type, do not assign
it to any sponsor group. If you want to discontinue use of
this Guest Type, delete the sponsor groups listed.

What to do next
• Create or modify sponsor groups to use this guest type.
• If appropriate, assign this guest type to self-registering guests in the Self-Registered Guest portal.

Disable a Guest Type

You cannot delete the last remaining guest type or guest types that are being used by guest accounts. If you
want to delete a guest type that is in use, first ensure that it is no longer available for use. Disabling a guest
type does not affect guest accounts that were created with that guest type.
The following steps explain how to prepare for and disable a target guest type.

Step 1 Identify the sponsor groups that allow the sponsor to create guests using the target guest type. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Configure > Portals and Components > Sponsor

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Configure Maximum Simultaneous Logins for Endpoint Users

Groups. Open each sponsor group and examine the This sponsor group can create accounts using these guest types
Step 2 Identify the Self-Registered portals that assign the target guest type. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and
choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Configure > Portals and Components > Guest Portals. Open each
Self-Registered Guest portal. If the portal is using the specific guest type, expand Portal Settings, and change the assigned
guest type in the Employees using this portal as guests inherit login options from: field.
Step 3 Open the guest type you wish to delete, and delete all sponsor groups that you identified in the previous steps. This action
effectively prevents all sponsors from using creating a new guest account with this guest type. In the Cisco ISE GUI,
click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Configure > Portals and Components > Guest

Configure Maximum Simultaneous Logins for Endpoint Users

You can configure the maximum number of simultaneous logins that are allowed for a guest.
When the user logs in to a guest portal, and is successfully authenticated, that user's number of existing logins
is checked to see if the user has already reached the maximum number of logins. If yes, the Guest user is
redirected to an error page. An error page is displayed, and the session is stopped. If that user tries to access
the internet again, the user's connection is redirected to the guest portal's login page.

Before you begin

Make sure that the authorization profile that you are using in the authorization policy for this portal has Access
Type set to Access_Accept. If Access Type is set to Access_Reject, then maximum simultaneous logins is
not enforced.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Type. Under Login Options:
a) Check the Maximum simultaneous logins check box and enter the maximum number of simultaneous logins allowed.
b) Under When guest exceeds limit, click the Disconnect the newest connection option.
c) Check the Redirect user to a portal page showing an error message check box.
Step 2 Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results, and create an authorization profile:
a) Under Common Tasks, check Web Redirection and do the following:
• In the first drop-down, choose Centralized Web Auth.
• Enter the ACL you created as part of the prerequisite.
• For Value, select the guest portal to be redirected to.

b) Scroll down in Common Tasks, and check the Reauthentication check box and do the following:
• In Timer, enter the amount of time you want the error page to display before redirecting the user to the guest
• In Maintain Connectivity During Reauthentication, choose Default.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Schedule When to Purge Expired Guest Accounts

Step 3 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Sets. Create an authorization policy so that
when the attribute NetworkAccess.SessionLimitExceeded is true, the user is redirected to the portal.

What to do next
You can customize the text of the error page on the Portal Page Customization tab. Choose Messages > Error
Messages and change the text of the error message key ui_max_login_sessions_exceeded_error.

Schedule When to Purge Expired Guest Accounts

When an active or suspended guest account reaches the end of its account duration (as defined by the sponsor
when creating the account), the account expires. When guest accounts expire, the affected guests cannot access
the network. Sponsors can extend expired accounts before they are purged. However, after an account is
purged, sponsors must create new accounts.
When expired guest accounts are purged, the associated endpoints and reporting and logging information are
Cisco ISE automatically purges expired guest accounts every 15 days, by default. The Date of next purge
indicates when the next purge will occur. You can also:
• Schedule a purge to occur every X days. The first purge will occur in X days at Time of Purge, then
purges occur every X days.
• Schedule a purge on a given day of the week every X weeks. The first purge occurs on the next Day of
Week at Time of Purge, then purges occur every configured number of weeks on that day and time. For
example, on Monday you set purges to occur on Thursday every 5 weeks. The next purge will be the
Thursday of this week, not the Thursday 5 weeks from now.
• Force a purge to happen immediately by clicking Purge Now.

If the Cisco ISE server is down when the purge is scheduled to run, the purge is not executed. The purge
process will run again at the next scheduled purge time, assuming the server is operational at that time.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Settings > Guest
Account Purge Policy.
Step 2 Choose one of these options:
• Click Purge Now to immediately purge the expired guest account records.
• Check Schedule purge of expired guest accounts to schedule a purge.
Note After each purge is completed, the Date of next purge is reset to the next scheduled purge.

Step 3 Specify the number of days of inactivity to expire users in Expire portal-user information after. This setting prevents
LDAP and Active Directory accounts that were never used from staying in the ISE database indefinitely.
If a first login does not happen, on expiry of the specified time period, the guest account is moved to the expired state
and is then purged, based on the configured purge policy.
You can also specify the frequency (in days or weeks) at which the expired guest accounts must be purged. If you have
selected the Purge occurs every _ weeks option, you can also specify the day and time for purging the expired accounts.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Add Custom Fields for Guest Account Creation

Step 4 Click Save. If you do not want to save any updates you made to the settings, click Reset to revert to the last saved values.

Add Custom Fields for Guest Account Creation

When providing guest access, you may want to collect information from your guests beyond just their names,
email addresses, and phone numbers. Cisco ISE provides custom fields that you can use to collect additional
information about guests that is specific to your company’s needs. You can associate the custom fields with
guest types and with the Self-Registered Guest and Sponsor portals. Cisco ISE does not provide any default
custom fields.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Guest Access > Settings > Custom Fields.
Step 2 Enter the Custom Field Name, pick a Data Type from the drop-down list, and enter Tip Text to help provide additional
information about the custom field. For instance, if you enter Date of Birth, pick Date-MDY, and enter a tip for the date
format as MM/DD/YYYY.
Step 3 Click Add.
The custom field appears in the list in alphabetical order or in the context of the sorted order.

Step 4 Click Save. If you do not want to save any updates you made to the settings, click Reset to revert to the last saved values.
Note If you delete a custom field, it will no longer be available for selection in the Custom Fields list for guest types
and in the Self-Registered Guest and Sponsor portals settings. If the field is being used, Delete will be disabled.

What to do next
You can include the desired custom fields:
• When defining a guest type so that accounts created with that guest type will include this information.
See Create or Edit Guest Types.
• When configuring the Sponsor portal for sponsors to use when creating guest accounts. See Customize
Sponsor Portals, on page 356.
• When requesting information from self-registering guests using a Self-Registered Guest portal. See
Create a Self-Registered Guest Portal, on page 340.

Specify Email Addresses and SMTP Servers for Email Notifications

Cisco ISE allows you to send emails to sponsors and guests, notifying them of information and instructions.
You can configure SMTP servers to deliver these email notifications. You can also specify the email address
from which the notifications will be sent to guests.

Note Guest notifications require an UTF-8 compatible e-mail client.

HTML-capable e-mail client (with functionality enabled) is needed to use the single click sponsor approval

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Assign Guest Locations and SSIDs

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Settings > Guest Email
Step 2 Enable email notifications to guests is checked by default. If you disable this setting, guests will not receive email
notifications regardless of any other settings you may have enabled while configuring Guest and Sponsor portals.
Step 3 Enter the Default “From” email address that is designated for sending email notifications to guests. For example,
Step 4 Do one of the following:
• Check Send notifications from sponsor's email address (if sponsored) if you want guests to receive notifications
from the sponsor who created their accounts. Self-registering guests will receive notifications from the default email
• Check Always send notifications from the default email address if you want guests to receive notifications,
regardless of whether they are sponsored and self-registering.

Step 5 Click Save. If you do not want to save any updates you made to the settings, click Reset to revert to the last saved values.

Assign Guest Locations and SSIDs

A Guest Location defines a name for a time zone, and is used by ISE to enforce time-related settings of logged
on Guests. Guest Locations are assigned to Guest accounts by Sponsors creating a Guest account, and by
self-registering Guests. The default Guest Location is San Jose. If no other Guest Locations are added, all
accounts are assigned this Guest Location. You can't delete the San Jose Guest Location unless you create
one or more new Locations. Unless all your Guests will be in the same time-zone as San Jose, create at least
one Guest Location with the required time-zone.

Note Guest access times are based on the Guest Location's time zone. A Guest user may not be able to login if the
Guest Location's time zone doesn't match the system time zone. In this case, the Guest user may get an
"Authentication Failed" error. You might see the "Guest active time period not yet started" error message in
the debug report. As a workaround, you can adjust the Guest access start time to match the local time zone
of the Guest user by using the Manage Accounts option.

The SSIDs you add here are available to Sponsor Portals, so Sponsors can tell the Guest which SSID to connect
You can't delete a Guest Location or a SSID if it is configured in a Sponsor portal or assigned to a Guest

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Portals & Components > Settings > Guest
Locations and SSIDs.
Step 2 For Guest Locations:
a) For each time-zone that you need to support, enter a Location name and pick a Time zone from the drop-down list.
b) Click Add.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Rules for Guest Password Policies

Note In a Guest Location, the name of the place, the name of the time zone, and the GMT offset are static; you
cannot change them. The GMT offset does not change with daylight savings time changes. The GMT offsets
are the opposite of what is shown in the list. For example, Etc/GMT+3 is actually GMT-3.
Note For From First-login guest type, ensure that you configure a Guest Location (time zone) only if you intend
to configure the access time restrictions in the Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Types page.

Step 3 For Guest SSIDs:

a) Enter the SSID names of the networks that will be available for guests to use at the Guest Locations.
b) Click Add.
Step 4 Click Save. To revert to the last saved values, click Reset.

What to do next
If you added a new Guest Location or SSID, you can:
• Provide the SSIDs for Sponsors to use when creating Guest accounts. See Portal Settings for Sponsor
Portals, on page 384.
• Add the Guest Locations to Sponsor Groups, so that Sponsors assigned to that group can use them when
creating guest accounts. See Configure Sponsor Groups, on page 349.
• Assign the Guest Locations available to self-registering guests using a Self-Registered Guest portal. See
Create a Self-Registered Guest Portal, on page 340.
• For existing guest accounts, edit them manually to add SSIDs or Locations.

Rules for Guest Password Policies

Cisco ISE has the following built-in rules for guest passwords:
• The Guest password policy applies to sponsor portals, self registered portals, accounts uploaded in a
CSV file, passwords created using the ERS API, and user created passwords.
• Changes to the guest password policy do not affect existing accounts, until the guests passwords have
expired and need to be changed.
• Passwords are case sensitive.
• The special characters <, >, /, space, comma, and % cannot be used.
• Minimum length and minimum required characters apply to all passwords.
• Passwords cannot match usernames.
• New passwords cannot match current passwords.
• Guests do not receive notifications before password expiration, unlike guest account expiration. When
guest passwords expire, either sponsors can reset the password to a random password or guests can log
in using their current login credentials and then change their password.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Set the Guest Password Policy and Expiration

Note The guest default username is four alpabetic and password is four numeric characters. Short, easy to remember
usernames and passwords are adequate for short-term guests. You can change the username and password
length in ISE, if you desire.

Set the Guest Password Policy and Expiration

You can define a password policy for all Guest portals. A Guest password policy determines how the password
is generated for all guest accounts. A password can be a mixture of alphabetic, numeric, or special characters.
You can also set the number of days after which guest passwords will expire, requiring guests to reset their
The Guest password policy applies to sponsor portals, self registered portals, accounts uploaded in a CSV
file, passwords created using the ERS API, and user created passwords.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Guest Access > Settings > Guest Password Policy.
Step 2 Enter the Minimum password length (in characters) for the guest passwords.
Step 3 Specify the characters from each character set that can be used by guests to create passwords.
Choose one of the following options under Allowed Characters and Minimums to specify the password policy for
• Use all the characters from each character set.
• To prevent the use of certain characters, choose Custom from the drop-down menu, and delete these characters
from the predefined and complete sets.

Step 4 Enter the minimum number of characters to use from each set.
The total number of required characters across the four character sets should not exceed the overall Minimum password
Step 5 Choose one of the following options under Password Expiration:
• Specify the frequency (in days) when guests have to change their passwords after they first log in. If the guests do
not reset their passwords before they expire, the next time they log in to the network using their original login
credentials, they are prompted to change their passwords.
• Set the passwords to never expire.

Step 6 Click Save. If you do not want to save any updates you made to the settings, click Reset to revert to the last saved values.

What to do next
You should customize the error messages that are related to the password policy to provide the password
1. Choose Guest Access > Portals & Components > Sponsored-Guest Portals or Self-Registered Guest
Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Error Messages.
2. Search for the keyword policy.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Rules for Guest Username Policies

Rules for Guest Username Policies

Cisco ISE has the following built-in rules for guest username policies:
• Changes to the guest username policy do not affect existing accounts, until the guest accounts have
expired and need to be changed.
• The special characters <, >, /, space, comma, and % cannot be used.
• Minimum length and minimum required characters apply to all system-generated usernames, including
usernames based on email addresses.
• Passwords cannot match usernames.

Set the Guest Username Policy

You can configure rules for how guest usernames are created. A generated username can be created based on
the email address, or based on the first name and last name of the guest. The Sponsor can also create a random
number of guest accounts to save time when creating multiple guests, or when guest names and email addresses
are not available. Randomly generated guest usernames consist of a mixture of alphabetic, numeric, and special
characters. These settings affect all guests.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Portals & Components > Settings >
Guest Username Policy.
Step 2 Enter the Minimum username length (in characters) for the guest usernames.
Step 3 Choose one of the options under Username Criteria for Known Guests to specify the policy for creating usernames
for known guests.
Step 4 Choose one of the following options under Characters Allowed in Randomly-Generated Usernames to specify the
policy for creating random usernames for guests:
• Use all characters from each character set.
• To prevent the use of certain characters, choose Custom from the drop-down menu, and delete these characters
from the predefined and complete sets.

Step 5 Enter the minimum number of characters to use from each set.
The total number of characters from the three character sets should not exceed the number specified in Minimum
username length.
Step 6 Click Save. If you do not want to save any updates you made to the settings, click Reset to revert to the last saved values.

What to do next
You should customize the error messages that are related to the username policy to provide the username
1. Choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components > Sponsored-Guest Portals,
Self-Registered Guest Portals, Sponsor Portals, or My Devices Portals > Edit > Portal Page
Customization > Error Messages.
2. Search for the keyword policy.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
SMS Providers and Services

SMS Providers and Services

SMS services send SMS notifications to guests that are using credentialed Guest portals. If you plan to send
SMS messages, enable this service. Whenever possible, configure and provide free SMS service providers to
lower your company's expenses.
Cisco ISE supports a variety of cellular service providers that provide free SMS services to their own
subscribers. You can use these providers without a service contract and without configuring their account
credentials in Cisco ISE. These include ATT, Orange, Sprint, T-Mobile, and Verizon.
You can also add other cellular service providers that offer free SMS services or a global SMS service provider,
such as a Click-A-Tell. The default global SMS service provider requires a service contract and you must
configure their account credentials in Cisco ISE.
• If self-registering guests pick their free SMS service provider on the Self-Registration form, SMS
notifications with their login credentials are sent to them free of cost. If they do not pick an SMS service
provider, then the default global SMS service provider that is contracted by your company sends the
SMS notifications.
• To allow sponsors to send SMS notifications to guests whose accounts they created, customize the sponsor
portal and select all the appropriate SMS service providers that are available. If you do not select any
SMS service providers for the Sponsor portal, the default global SMS service provider that is contracted
by your company provides the SMS services.

SMS providers are configured as SMS Gateways in Cisco ISE. Email from Cisco ISE is converted to SMS
by the SMS gateway. The SMS gateway can be behind a proxy server.

Configure SMS Gateways to Send SMS Notifications to Guests

You must set up SMS gateways in Cisco ISE to enable:
• Sponsors to manually send SMS notifications to guests with their login credentials and password reset
• Guests to automatically receive SMS notifications with their login credentials after they successfully
register themselves.
• Guests to automatically receive SMS notifications with actions to take before their guest accounts expire.

When entering information in the fields, you should update all text within [ ], such as [USERNAME],
[PASSWORD], [PROVIDER_ID], and so on, with information specific to your SMS provider's account.

Before you begin

Configure a default SMTP server to use for the SMS Email Gateway option.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > SMS Gateway >
SMS Gateway Providers.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the following details to configure the SMS gateway:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Configure SMS Gateways to Send SMS Notifications to Guests

Field Name Usage Guidelines

SMS Gateway Provider Domain Enter the provider domain, which is used as the host portion and the guest
account's mobile number as the user portion of the email address to send the
message to the provider's SMS/MMS gateway.

Provider account address (Optional)

Enter the account address, which is used as the FROM address (typically the
account address) for the email and overrides the Default Email Address
global setting in Guest Access > Settings.

SMTP API destination address (Optional)

Enter the SMTP API Destination Address, if you are using an SMTP SMS
API that requires a specific account recipient address, such as Clickatell
This is used as the TO address for the email and the guest account's mobile
number is substituted into the message's body template.

SMTP API body template (Optional)

Enter the SMTP API Body Template, if you are using an SMTP SMS API
that requires a specific email body template for sending the SMS, such as
Clicketell SMTP API.
The supported dynamic substitutions are $mobilenumber$, $timestamp$ (of
format $YYYYMMDDHHHMISSmimi$), and $message$. You can use
$timestamp$$mobilenumber$ for SMS gateways that require a unique
idenitifier in the URL.

Use these settings to configure sending SMS messages to guests and sponsors via an HTTP API (GET or POST method).

Field Usage Guidelines

URL Enter the URL for the API.
This field is not URL encoded. The guest account's mobile number is
substituted into the URL. The supported dynamic substitutions are
$mobilenumber$ and $message$.
If you are using HTTPS with the HTTP API, include HTTPS in the URL
string and upload your provider's trusted certificates into Cisco ISE. In
the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > System > Certificates > Trusted Certificates.

Data (Url encoded portion) Enter the Data (URL encoded portion) for the GET or POST request.
This field is URL encoded. If using the default GET method, the data is
appended to the URL specified above.

Use HTTP POST method for data portion If you are using the POST method, check this option.
The data specified above is used as the content of the POST request.

HTTP POST data content type If you are using the POST method, specify the content type such as
"plain/text" or "application/xml".

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Social Login for Self-Registered Guests

Field Usage Guidelines

HTTPS Username Enter this information.
HTTPS Password
HTTPS Host name
HTTPS Port number

Step 4 (Optional) Check the Enable Mobile Number Format check box if you want to add a Javascript to format the mobile
number before it is sent to the SMS provider.
Step 5 Click Submit.

What to do next
If you configured a new SMS gateway, you can:
• Select the SMS service provider to use when sending SMS notifications about expiring accounts to guests.
See Create or Edit Guest Types.
• Specify which of the configured SMS providers should display on the Self-Registration form for
self-registering guests to pick from. See Create a Self-Registered Guest Portal, on page 340.

Social Login for Self-Registered Guests

Guests can select a social media provider as a way to provide credentials as a self-registered guest, instead of
entering username and password in the guest portal. To enable this, you configure a social media site as an
external identity source, and configure a portal that allows users to use that external identity (social media
provider). Additional information about social media login for Cisco ISE can be found here:
After authenticating with social media, guests can edit the information retrieved from the social media site.
Even though social media credentials are used, the social media site does not know that the user has used that
site's information to log in. Cisco ISE still uses the information retrieved from the social media site internally
for future tracking.
You can configure the guest portal to prevent users from changing the information retrieved from the social
media site, or even suppress display of the registration form.

Social Login Guest Flow

Login flow varies, depending on how you configure the portal settings. You can configure social media login
without user registration, with user registration, or with user registration and sponsor approval.
1. User connects to the self-registered portal, chooses to log in using social media. If you configured an
access code, the user must also enter the access code on the login page.
2. The user is redirected to the social media site for authentication. The user must approve use of their social
media site's basic profile information.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Social Login for Self-Registered Guests

3. If the login to the social media site is successful, Cisco ISE retrieves additional information about the user
from the social media site. Cisco ISE uses the social media information to log the user on.
4. After login, the user may have to accept the AUP, depending on configuration.
5. The next action in the login flow depends on the configuration:
• Without registration: Registration is done behind the scenes. Facebook provides a token for the user's
device to Cisco ISE for login.
• With registration: The user is instructed to complete a registration form that has been prepopulated
with information from the social media providers. This allows the user to correct and add missing
information, and submit updated information for login. If you configured a registration code in the
Registration Form Settings, the user must also enter the registration code.
• With registration and sponsor approval: In addition to allowing the user to update the social
media-provided information, the user is informed that they must wait for sponsor approval. The
sponsor receives an email requesting approval or denial of the account. If the sponsor approves the
account, Cisco ISE emails the user that they have access. The user connects the guest portal, and is
automatically logged in with social media token.

6. Registration is successful. The user is directed to the option configured in After submitting the guest
form for self-registration, direct guest to on Registration Form Settings. The user's account is added
to the endpoint identity group configured for the portal's guest type.
7. The user has access until the guest account expires, or the user disconnects from the network.
If the account expired, the only way to allow the user to log in is to reactivate the account, or to delete it.
The user must go through the login flow again.
If a user disconnects from the network, and reconnects, the action Cisco ISE takes depends on the
authorization rules. If the user hits an authorization similar to:
rule if guestendpoint then permit access

and the user is still in the endpoint group, then the user is redirected to the logon page. If a user still has
a valid token, they are automatically logged in. If not, the user must go through registration again.
If the user is no longer in the endpoint group, the user is redirected to the guest page to go through

Social Login Account Duration

Account re-authorization varies by connection method:
• For 802.1x, the default authorization rule
if guestendpoint then permit access

enables a guest to reconnect if the user device falls asleep, or if the user device roams to another building.
When the user reconnects, the user is redirected back to guest page which either does auto login with a
token, or starts registration again.
• For MAB, every time the user reconnects, the user is redirected to the guest portal, and needs to click
the social media again. If Cisco ISE still has a token for that user's account (guest account hasn't expired),
then the flow goes to log in success immediately, without having to connect with the social media provider.
To prevent every reconnect redirecting to another social login, you can configure an authorization rule
that remembers the device, and permits access until the account expires. When the account expires, it is

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Configuring Social Login

removed from the endpoint group, and the flow is redirected back to the rule for guest redirect. For
if wireless_mab and guest endpoint then permit access
if wireless_mab then redirect to self-registration social media portal

Reporting and User Tracking

Cisco ISE Live Logs and Facebook
• Authentication Identity Store: This is the name of the application you created in your social media app
for Cisco ISE.
• Facebook username: This is the username reported by Facebook. If you allow the user to change their
username during registration, the name reported by Cisco ISE is the social media username.
• SocialMediaIdentifier: This is<number>

where number identifies the social media user.

ISE Reports: The Guest username is the user's name on the social media site.
Facebook Analytics: You can see who is using your guest network through Facebook social logon by using
analytics from Facebook.
Wireless and Facebook: The User Name on the Wireless controller is the unique Facebook ID, the same as
the SocialMediaIdentifier on the Live Logs. To see the setting in the Wireless UI, choose Monitor > Clients >
Detail, and look at the User Name field.

Block a Social Media-Authenticated Guest

You can create an authorization rule to block an individual social media user. This can be useful when using
Facebook for authentication, when the token has not expired. The following example shows a Wi-Fi-connected
guest user blocked by using their Facebook User

. e m a N
For information about configuring Social Login for Cisco ISE, see Configuring Social Login, on page 330.

Configuring Social Login

Before you begin

Configure the social media site so that Cisco ISE can connect to it. Only Facebook is supported currently.
Make sure the following HTTPS 443 URLs are open through your NADs so that Cisco ISE can access

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Configuring Social Login

Note The social login URL for Facebook is HTTPS. Not all NADs support redirection to a HTTPS URL. See

Step 1 On Facebook, create a Facebook application:

a) Log on to and sign up as a developer.
b) Select Apps in the header and click Add a New App.
Step 2 Add a new Product, Facebook Login, of type Web. Click Settings, and set the following values:
• Client OAuth Login: NO
• Web OAuth Login: YES
• Force Web OAuth Reauthentication: NO
• Embedded Browser OAuth Login: NO
• Valid OAuth redirect URIs: Add the automated redirect URLs from the Cisco ISE
• Login from Devices: NO

Step 3 Click App Review, and select Yes for Your app is currently live and available to the public.
Step 4 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources > Social Login. Click Add to create a new social login external identity source.
• Type: Select the type of Social Login provider. Facebook is currently the only option.
• App ID: Enter the App ID from the Facebook application.
• App Secret: Enter the App Secret from the Facebook application.

Step 5 In Cisco ISE, enable Social Media Login in a self-registered portal. On the portal page, choose Portal & Page Settings >
Login Page Settings, check the Allow Social Logincheck box, and enter the following details:
• Show registration form after social login: This allows the user to change the information provided by Facebook.
• Require guests to be approved: This informs the user that a sponsor must approve their account, and will send
them credentials for login.

Step 6 Choose Administration > External Identity Sources, select the Facebook Login window, and edit your Facebook
external identity source.
This creates redirect URIs, which you add to the Facebook application.
Step 7 In Facebook, add the URIs from the previous step to your Facebook application.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Guest Portals

What to do next
In Facebook, you can display data about your app, which shows the guest activity with the Facebook Social

Guest Portals
When people visiting your company wish to use your company’s network to access the internet, or resources
and services on your network, you can provide them network access through a Guest portal. Employees can
use these Guest portals to access your company’s network, if configured.
There are three default Guest portals:
• Hotspot Guest portal: Network access is granted without requiring any credentials. Usually, an Acceptance
of User Policy (AUP) must be accepted before network access is granted.
Requiring an access code logon is supported by Wireless Setup for the Hotspot and Self-Registration
• Sponsored-Guest portal: Network access is granted by a sponsor who creates accounts for guests, and
provides the guest with login credentials.
• Self-Registered Guest portal: Guests can create their own account credentials, and may need sponsor
approval before they are granted network access.

Cisco ISE can host multiple Guest portals, including a predefined set of default portals.

Credentials for Guest Portals

Cisco ISE provides secured network access by requiring guests to log in using various types of credentials.
You can require that guests log in using one or a combination of these credentials.
• Username: Required. Applies to all guests using end-user portals (except Hotspot Guest portals) and is
derived from the username policy. The username policy applies only to system-generated usernames and
not to usernames specified using the Guest API programming interface or the self-registering process.
You can configure the policy settings that apply to usernames at Work Centers > Guest Access >
Settings > Guest Username Policy. Guests can be notified of their username in an email, SMS, or in
printed form.
• Password: Required. Applies to all guests using end-user portals (except Hotspot Guest portals) and is
derived from the password policy. You can configure the policy settings that apply to passwords at Work
Centers > Guest Access > Settings > Guest Password Policy. Guests can be notified of their password
in an email, SMS, or in printed form.
• Access code: Optional. Applies to guests using the Hotspot Guest and Credentialed Guest portals. An
access code is primarily a locally known code that is given to physically present guests (either visually
via a whiteboard or verbally by a lobby ambassador). It would not be known and used by someone outside
the premises to gain access to the network. If the Access code setting is enabled:
• Sponsored guests are prompted to enter it on the Login page (along with a username and password).
• Guests using the Hotspot Guest portal are prompted to enter it on the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP)

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Guest Access with Hotspot Guest Portals

• Registration code: Optional. Applies to self-registering guests and is similar to an access code in how it
is provided to the self-registering guests. If the Registration code setting is enabled, self-registering guests
are prompted to enter it on the Self-Registration form.

The username and password can be provided by a sponsor at your company (for sponsored guests), or a
Credentialed Guest portal can be configured to allow guests to register themselves to obtain these credentials.
Related Topics
Guest Types and User Identity Groups, on page 315

Guest Access with Hotspot Guest Portals

Cisco ISE provides network access functionality that includes “hotspots,” which are access points that guests
can use to access the Internet without requiring credentials to log in. When guests connect to the hotspot
network with a computer or any device with a web browser and attempt to connect to a website, they are
automatically redirected to a Hotspot Guest portal. Both wired and wireless (Wi-Fi) connections are supported
with this functionality.
The Hotspot Guest portal is an alternative Guest portal that allows you to provide network access without
requiring guests to have usernames and passwords and alleviates the need to manage guest accounts. Instead,
Cisco ISE works together with the network access device (NAD) and Device Registration Web Authentication
(Device Registration WebAuth) to grant network access directly to the guest devices. Sometimes, guests may
be required to log in with an access code. Typically, this is a code that is locally provided to guests who are
physically present on a company’s premises.
If you support the Hotspot Guest portal:
• Based on the Hotspot Guest portal configuration and settings, guests are granted access to the network
if the guest access conditions are met.
• Cisco ISE provides you with a default guest identity group, GuestEndpoints, which enables you to
cohesively track guest devices.

Guest Access with Credentialed Guest Portals

You can use a credentialed Guest portal to identify and authorize temporary access for external users to internal
networks and services, as well as to the Internet. Sponsors can create temporary usernames and passwords
for authorized visitors who can access the network by entering these credentials in the portal's Login page.
You can set up a credentialed Guest portal so that guests can log in using a username and password that is
• From a sponsor. In this guest flow, guests are greeted by a sponsor, such as a lobby ambassador, when
they enter company premises and are set up with individual guest accounts.
• After they register themselves, using an optional registration code or access code. In this guest flow,
guests are able to access the Internet without any human interaction and Cisco ISE ensures that these
guests have unique identifiers that can be used for compliance.
• After they register themselves, using an optional registration code or access code, but only after the
request for a guest account is approved by a sponsor. In this guest flow, guests are provided access to
the network, but only after an additional level of screening is done.

You can also force the user to enter a new password when logging in.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Employee Access with Credentialed Guest Portals

Cisco ISE enables you to create multiple credentialed Guest portals, which you can use to allow guest access
based on different criteria. For example, you might have a portal for monthly contractors that is separate from
the portal used for daily visitors.

Employee Access with Credentialed Guest Portals

Employees can also access the network using Credentialed Guest Portals by signing in using their employee
credentials, as long as their credentials can be accessed by the identity source sequence configured for that

Guest Device Compliance

When guests and non-guests access the network through credentialed Guest portals, you can check their
devices for compliance before they are allowed to gain access. You can route them to a Client Provisioning
window and require them to first download the posture agent that checks their posture profile and verifies if
their device is compliant. You can do this by enabling the option in the Guest Device Compliance Settings
in a credentialed Guest portal, which displays the Client Provisioning window as part of the guest flow.

Note Client posture assessment in guest flow supports only the Temporal agent.

The Client Provisioning service provides posture assessments and remediations for guests. The Client
Provisioning portal is available only with a Central Web Authorization (CWA) guest deployment. The guest
login flow performs a CWA, and the credentialed Guest portal is redirected to the Client Provisioning portal
after performing acceptable-use-policy and change-password checks. The posture subsystem performs a
Change of Authorization (CoA) on the network access device to reauthenticate the client connection once the
posture has been assessed.

Guest Portals Configuration Tasks

You can use a default portal and its default settings such as certificates, endpoint identity group, identity
source sequence, portal themes, images, and other details provided by Cisco ISE. If you do not want to use
the default settings, you should create a new portal or edit an existing one to meet your needs. You can duplicate
a portal if you want to create multiple portals with the same settings.
After creating a new portal or editing a default one, you must authorize the portal for use. Once you authorize
a portal for use, any subsequent configuration changes you make are effective immediately.
If you choose to delete a portal, you must first delete any authorization policy rules and authorization profiles
associated with it or modify them to use another portal.
Use this table for the tasks related to configuring the different Guest portals.

Task Hotspot Guest Portal Sponsored-Guest Portal Self-Registered Guest

Enable Policy Services, Required Required Required
on page 335

Add Certificates for Guest Required Required Required

Portals, on page 335

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Enable Policy Services

Task Hotspot Guest Portal Sponsored-Guest Portal Self-Registered Guest

Create External Identity Not applicable Required Required
Sources, on page 336

Create Identity Source Not applicable Required Required

Sequences, on page 337

Create Endpoint Identity Required Not required (defined by Not required (defined by
Groups, on page 668 guest type) guest type)

Create a Hotspot Guest Required Not applicable Not applicable

Portal, on page 338

Create a Sponsored-Guest Not applicable Required Not applicable

Portal, on page 338

Create a Self-Registered Not applicable Not applicable Required

Guest Portal, on page 340

Authorize Portals, on page Required Required Required


Customize Guest Portals, Optional Optional Optional

on page 345

Enable Policy Services

To support the Cisco ISE end-user web portals, you must enable the portal-policy services on the node on
which you want to host them.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 2 Click the node and click Edit.
Step 3 Under the General Settings tab, enable the Policy Service toggle button.
Step 4 Check the Enable Session Services check box.
Step 5 Click Save.

Add Certificates for Guest Portals

If you do not want to use the default certificates, you can add a valid certificate and assign it to a certificate
group tag. The default certificate group tag used for all end-user web portals is Default Portal Certificate

Step 1
Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > System
Step 3 Add a system certificate and assign it to a certificate group tag that you want to use for the portal.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Create External Identity Sources

This certificate group tag will be available to select during portal creation or editing.
Step 4 Choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components > Guest Portals > Create or Edit > Portal Settings.
Step 5 Select the specific certificate group tag from the Certificate group tag drop-down list that is associated with the newly
added certificate.

Create External Identity Sources

Cisco ISE can connect with external identity sources such as Active Directory, LDAP, RADIUS Token, and
RSA SecurID servers to obtain user information for authentication and authorization. External identity sources
also include certificate authentication profiles that you need for certificate-based authentications.

Note To work with passive identity services, which enable you to receive and share authenticated user identities,
see Additional Passive Identity Service Providers, on page 527.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources.
Step 2 Choose one of these options:
• Certificate Authentication Profile for certificate-based authentications.
• Active Directory to connect to an Active Directory as an external identity source. See Active Directory as an External
Identity Source, on page 477 for more details.
• LDAP to add an LDAP identity source. See LDAP, on page 566 for more details.
• RADIUS Token to add a RADIUS Token server. See RADIUS Token Identity Sources, on page 589 for more details.
• RSA SecurID to add an RSA SecurID server. See RSA Identity Sources, on page 596 for more details.
• SAML Id Providers to add an identity provider (IdP), such as Oracle Access Manager. See SAMLv2 Identity
Provider as an External Identity Source, on page 602 for more details.
• Social Login to add a Social Login, such as Facebook, as an external identity source. See Social Login for
Self-Registered Guests, on page 328 for more details.

Configure Guest Portals to Redirect to SAML IDP Portals for Authentication

You can configure a Guest portal to allow users to be redirected to a SAML IDP portal for authentication.
Configuring the Allow the following identity-provider guest portal to be used for login option in a guest
portal (self-registered or Sponsored Guest) enables a new login area in that portal. If a user selects that login
option, they are redirected to the alternate identity portal (which they don't see), and then to the SAML IDP
logon portal for authentication.
For example, the Guest portal could have a link for employee login. Instead of logging in on the existing
portal, the user clicks the employee logon link, and is redirected to the SAML IDP single-signon portal. The
employee is either reconnected using the token from the last logon with this SAML IDP, or logs in on that
SAML site. That allows the same portal to handle both guests and employees from a single SSID.
The following steps show how to configure a Guest portal that calls another portal which is configured to use
a SAML IDP for authentication.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Create Identity Source Sequences

Step 1 Configure an external identity source. See SAMLv2 Identity Provider as an External Identity Source, on page 602 for
more details.
Step 2 Create a guest portal for the SAML provider. Set the Authentication method in Portal Settings to the SAML provider.
The user will not see this portal, it is just a placeholder to direct the user to the SAML IDP logon page. Other portals can
be configured to redirect to this sub-portal, as described next.
Step 3 Create a guest portal with the option to redirect to the guest portal for the SAML provider portal that you just created.
This is the main portal, which will redirect to the sub-portal.
You may want to customize the look of this portal to make it look like the SAML provider.
a) On the Login Page Settings page of the main portal, check Allow the following identity-provider guest portal to
be used for login.
b) Select the guest portal that you configured to use with the SAML provider.

Create Identity Source Sequences

Before you begin

Ensure that you have configured your external identity sources in Cisco ISE.
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.
For allowing guest users to authenticate through Local WebAuth, you must configure both the Guest portal
authentication source and the identity source sequence to contain the same identity stores.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > Identity
Source Sequences > Add.
Step 2 Enter a name for the identity source sequence. You can also enter an optional description.
Step 3 Check the Select Certificate Authentication Profile check box and choose a certificate authentication profile for
certificate-based authentication.
Step 4 Choose the database or databases that you want to include in the identity source sequence in the Selected List field.
Step 5 Rearrange the databases in the Selected list field in the order in which you want Cisco ISE to search the databases.
Step 6 Choose one of the following options in the Advanced Search List area:
• Do not access other stores in the sequence and set the AuthenticationStatus attribute to ProcessError: Choose
this option if you want Cisco ISE to discontinue the search, if the user is not found in the first selected identity
• Treat as if the user was not found and proceed to the next store in the sequence: Choose this option if you want
Cisco ISE to continue searching the other selected identity sources in sequence, if the user is not found in the first
selected identity source.
While processing a request, Cisco ISE searches these identity sources in sequence. Ensure that you have the identity
sources in the Selected list field listed in the order in which you want Cisco ISE to search them.

Step 7 Click Submit to create the identity source sequence that you can then use in policies.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Create Endpoint Identity Groups

Create Endpoint Identity Groups

Cisco ISE groups endpoints that it discovers in to the corresponding endpoint identity groups. Cisco ISE
comes with several system-defined endpoint identity groups. You can also create additional endpoint identity
groups from the Endpoint Identity Groups window. You can edit or delete the endpoint identity groups that
you have created. You can only edit the description of the system-defined endpoint identity groups. You
cannot edit the name of these groups or delete them.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > Groups >
Endpoint Identity Groups.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the Name for the endpoint identity group that you want to create (do not include spaces in the name of the endpoint
identity group).
Step 4 Enter the Description for the endpoint identity group that you want to create.
Step 5 Click the Parent Group drop-down list to choose an endpoint identity group to which you want to associate the newly
created endpoint identity group.
Step 6 Click Submit.

Create a Hotspot Guest Portal

You can provide a Hotspot Guest portal to enable guests to connect to your network without requiring a
username and password to log in. An access code can be required to log in.
You can create a new Hotspot Guest portal, or you can edit or duplicate an existing one. You can delete any
Hotspot Guest portal, including the default portal provided by Cisco ISE.
Any changes that you make to the Page Settings on the Portal Behavior and Flow Settings tab are reflected
in the graphical flow in the Guest Flow diagram. If you enable a page, such as the AUP page, it appears in
the flow and the guest will experience it in the portal. If you disable it, it is removed from the flow and the
next enabled page displays for the guest.
All the Page Settings, except the Authentication Success Settings, are optional.

Before you begin

• Ensure that you have the required certificates and endpoint identity groups configured for use with this
• Ensure that the WLC that guests connect to for the Hotspot portal is supported by Cisco ISE. See the
Identity Services Engine Network Component Compatibility guide for your version of Cisco ISE.

What to do next
You must authorize the portal in order to use it. You can also customize your portal either before or after you
authorize it for use.

Create a Sponsored-Guest Portal

You can provide a Sponsored-Guest portal to enable designated sponsors to grant access to guests.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Create a Sponsored-Guest Portal

You can create a new Sponsored-Guest portal, or you can edit or duplicate an existing one. You can delete
any Sponsored-Guest portal, including the default portal provided by Cisco ISE.
Any changes that you make to the Page Settings on the Portal Behavior and Flow Settings tab are reflected
in the graphical flow in the Guest Flow diagram. If you enable a page, such as the AUP page, it appears in
the flow and the guest will experience it in the portal. If you disable it, it is removed from the flow and the
next enabled page displays for the guest.
All these page settings enable you to display an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for a guest and require its
• Login Page Settings
• Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings
• BYOD Settings

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the required certificates, external identity sources, and identity source sequences configured
for use with this portal.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate.
Step 2 If creating a new portal, in the Create Guest Portal dialog box, select Sponsored-Guest Portal as the portal type and
click Continue.
Step 3 Provide a unique Portal Name and a Description for the portal.
Ensure that the portal name that you use here is not used for any other end-user portals.
Step 4 Use the Language File drop-down menu to export and import language files to use with the portal.
Step 5 Update the default values for ports, Ethernet interfaces, certificate group tags, identity source sequences, authentication
method, and so on in Portal Settings, and define behavior that applies to the overall portal.
Step 6 Update the following settings, which apply to each of the specific pages:
• Login Page Settings: Specify guest credential and login guidelines. If you select the Allow guests to create their
accounts option, users will be able to create their own guest accounts. If this option is not selected, sponsors will
be required to create guest accounts.
Note Login Page Settings option will be disabled if you have selected an identity provider (IdP) in the
Authentication Method field.

• Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings: Add a separate AUP page and define the acceptable use policy
behavior for guests, including employees who use the credentialed Guest portals.
• Employee Change Password Settings: Require guests to change their password after the first time they log in.
• Guest Device Registration Settings: Select whether Cisco ISE automatically registers guest devices or displays a
page where guests can manually register their devices.
• BYOD Settings: Let employees use their personal devices to access the network.
• Post-Login Banner Page Settings: Notify guests of additional information before they are granted network access.
• Guest Device Compliance Settings: Route guests to the Client Provisioning page and require them to first download
the posture agent.
• VLAN DHCP Release Page Settings: Release the guest device IP address from the guest VLAN and renew it to
access another VLAN on the network.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Create a Self-Registered Guest Portal

• Authentication Success Settings: Specify what guests should see once they are authenticated.
• Support Information Page Settings: Help guests provide information that the Help Desk can use to troubleshoot
network access issues.

Step 7 Click Save. A system-generated URL displays as the Portal test URL, which you can use to access the portal and test

What to do next

Note The test portal does not support RADIUS sessions, so you won't see the entire portal flow for all portals.
BYOD and Client Provisioning are examples of portals that depend on RADIUS sessions. For example, a
redirect to an external URL will not work. If you have more than one PSN, ISE chooses the first active PSN.

You must authorize the portal in order to use it. You can also customize your portal either before or after you
authorize it for use.

Create a Self-Registered Guest Portal

You can provide a Self-Registered Guest portal to enable guests to register themselves and create their own
accounts so they can access the network. You can still require that these accounts be approved by a sponsor
before access is granted.
You can create a new Self-Registered Guest portal, or you can edit or duplicate an existing one. You can
delete any Self-Registered Guest portal, including the default portal provided by Cisco ISE.
Any changes that you make to the Page Settings on the Portal Behavior and Flow Settings tab are reflected
in the graphical flow in the Guest Flow diagram. If you enable a page, such as the AUP page, it appears in
the flow and the guest will experience it in the portal. If you disable it, it is removed from the flow and the
next enabled page displays for the guest.
All these page settings enable you to display an Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) for a guest and require its
• Login Page Settings
• Self-Registration Page Settings
• Self-Registration Success Page Settings
• Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings
• BYOD Settings

Before you begin

Ensure that you have configured the required certificates, external identity sources, and identity source
sequences for this portal.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate..

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Create a Self-Registered Guest Portal

Step 2 If creating a new portal, in the Create Guest Portal dialog box, select Self-Registered Guest Portal as the portal type
and click Continue.
Step 3 Provide a unique Portal Name and a Description for the portal.
Ensure that the portal name that you use here is not used for any other end-user portals.
Step 4 Use the Language File drop-down menu to export and import language files to use with the portal.
Step 5 In Portal Settings, update the default values for ports, Ethernet interfaces, certificate group tags, identity source sequences,
authentication method,, and other settings that define behavior of this portal.
For more information about Portal Settings fields, see Portal Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals, on page 371.
Step 6 Update the following settings, which apply to each of the specific pages:
• Login Page Settings: Specify guest credential and login guidelines. For more information, see Login Page Settings
for Credentialed Guest Portals, on page 373.
• Self-Registration Page Settings: Specify the information self-registering guests will read and should enter on the
Self-Registration form, in addition to the guest experience after they have submitted the form.
• Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings: Add a separate AUP page and define the acceptable use policy
behavior for guests, including employees who use the credentialed Guest portals. For more information, see
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals, on page 378.
• Employee Change Password Settings: Require guests to change their password after the first time they log in.
• Guest Device Registration Settings: Select whether Cisco ISE automatically registers guest devices or displays a
page where guests can manually register their devices.
• BYOD Settings: Let employees use their personal devices to access the network. For more information, see BYOD
Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals, on page 379.
• Post-Login Banner Page Settings: Display additional information after the user successfully logs in, and before
they are granted network access.
• Guest Device Compliance Settings: Redirects guests to the Client Provisioning page for posture assessment. For
more information, see Guest Device Compliance Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals, on page 381.
• VLAN DHCP Release Page Settings: Release the guest device IP address from the guest VLAN and renew it to
access another VLAN on the network. For more information, see BYOD Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals,
on page 379.
• Authentication Success Settings: Specify where to direct guests after they are authenticated. If you redirect a Guest
to an external URL after authentication, there may be a delay while the URL address is resolved and the session is
redirected. For more information, see Authentication Success Settings for Guest Portals, on page 382.
• Support Information Page Settings: Help guests provide information that the Help Desk can use to troubleshoot
network access issues.

Step 7 Click Save. A system-generated URL displays as the Portal test URL, which you can use to access the portal and test

What to do next

Note The test portal does not support RADIUS sessions, so you won't see the entire portal flow for all portals.
BYOD and Client Provisioning are examples of portals that depend on RADIUS sessions. For example, a
redirect to an external URL will not work. If you have more than one PSN, ISE chooses the first active PSN.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Self-Registered Account Approval by a Sponsor

You must authorize the portal in order to use it. You can also customize your portal either before or after you
authorize it for use.

Self-Registered Account Approval by a Sponsor

When you configure a registered guest to require approval of their account, Cisco ISE sends email to the
approver to approve the account. The approver can either be the person being visited, or a sponsor user.
When the approver is a sponsor, you can configure the email to include links that deny or approve the account.
The approval link contains a token, which ties the approval to the sponsor's email address. You can require
the sponsor to authenticate, which ignores the token. The token can also time out, which requires the sponsor
to authenticate before approving the account.
You configure account approval options on the Self-Registration Portal's Registration Form Settings. This
feature is also called single-click sponsor approval.
When the sponsor opens the email, and clicks the approve link, the action varies depending on configuration
of the approver.
If Email approval request to is configured as:
• person being visited
• And the guest account does not require authentication: A single click approves the account.
• And the guest account does require authentication: The sponsor is directed to the sponsor portal,
where the sponsor must enter their credentials before they can approve the account.

• Sponsor email addresses listed below: Cisco ISE sends emails to all the provided email addresses.
When one of those sponsors clicks the approve or deny link, they are directed to their sponsor portal.
That sponsor enters their credentials, which are verified. If the sponsor group that they belong to allows
them to approve the guest account, they can approve the account. If credentials fail, then Cisco ISE
notifies the sponsor to log on to the sponsor portal, and approve the account manually.

• If your are upgrading or restoring the database from previous version of Cisco ISE, you must manually
insert approve or deny links. Open the Self-Registered guest portal and choose the Portal Page
Customization tab. Scroll down and choose the Approval Request Email window. Click Insert
Approve/Deny Links in the Email Body section of that window.
• Only Sponsor portals that authenticate with Active Directory and LDAP are supported. The sponsor
group that the sponsor maps to must contain the Active Directory group that the sponsor belongs to.
• When there is a list of sponsors, the customization from the first portal is used, even if that is not the
portal that the sponsor logs on to.
• The sponsor must use an HTM-capable email client to use the approve and deny links.
• If the email address for the sponsor is not for a valid sponsor, the approval email is not sent.

For more information about single-click sponsor approval, see the Cisco ISE community resource: ISE Single
Click Sponsor Approval FAQ. This document also has a link to a video that explains the entire process.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Configuring Account Approval Email Links

Configuring Account Approval Email Links

You can require that a self-registered guest is approved before gaining access to the network. Cisco ISE uses
the email address of the person being visited to notify the approver. The approver is either the person being
visitited, or a sponsor. For more information about approval, see Self-Registered Account Approval by a
Sponsor, on page 342.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest > Configure > Guest Portals.
Select the self-registered portal that you want to configure for email account approval links.
Step 2 Expand the Self-Registration Page Settings tab.
Step 3 Check Require self-registered guests to be approved.
Approve/Deny Link Settings section appears. It also populates the email configuration of the Approval Request Email
with approve and deny links.
Enter the following details:
• Require self-registered guests to be approved: Specify that the self-registering guests using this portal require
approval from a sponsor before receiving their guest credentials. Clicking this option displays more options for how
sponsors approve a self-registered guest.
• Allow guests to login automatically from self-registration after sponsor's approval: A self-registered guest
will be logged in automatically after sponsor approval.
• Email approval request to:
• Sponsor email addresses listed below: Enter one or more email addresses of sponsors designated as
approvers, or a mailer, to which all guest approval requests should be sent. If the email address is not valid,
approval fails.
• Person being visited: Require sponsor to provide credentials for authentication field is displayed,
and the Required option in Fields to include is enabled (if it was previously disabled). These fields are
displayed on the Self-Registration form requesting this information from the self-registering guests. If the
email address is not valid, approval fails.

• Approve/Deny Link Settings:

• Links are valid for: You can set an expiration period for the account approval links.
• Require sponsor to provide credentials for authentication: Check this to force the sponsor to enter
credentials to approve the account, even if it is not required by the configuration in this section. This field
is only visible if Require self-registered guests to be approved is set to person being visited.
• Sponsor is matched to a Sponsor Portal to verify approval privileges: Click Details to select the portals
that are searched to verify that the sponsor is a valid system user, a member of a sponsor group, and that
the members of that group have authority to approve the account. Each sponsor portal has an identity
source sequence, which is used to identify the sponsor. Portals are used in the order they are listed. The
first portal in the list determines the style and customization used in the sponsor portal.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Authorize Portals

Authorize Portals
When you authorize a portal, you are setting up the network authorization profiles and rules for network

Before you begin

You must create a portal before you can authorize it.

Step 1 Set up a special authorization profile for the portal.

Step 2 Create an authorization policy rule for the profile.

Create Authorization Profiles

Each portal requires that you set up a special authorization profile for it.

Before you begin

If you do not plan to use a default portal, you must first create the portal so you can associate the portal name
with the authorization profile.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization >
Authorization Profiles.
Step 2 Create an authorization profile using the name of the portal that you want to authorize for use.

What to do next
You should create a portal authorization policy rule that uses the newly created authorization profile.

Create Authorization Policy Rules for Hotspot and MDM Portals

To configure the redirection URL for a portal to use when responding to the users' (guests, sponsors, employees)
access requests, define an authorization policy rule for that portal.
The url-redirect takes the following form based on the portal type, where:
ip:port : the IP address and port number
PortalID: the unique portal name
For a Hotspot Guest portal:
For a Mobile Device Management (MDM) portal:

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Sets to create a new authorization policy
rule under Standard policies.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Customize Guest Portals

Step 2 For Conditions, select an endpoint identity group that you want to use for the portal validation. For example, for the
Hotspot Guest portal, select the default GuestEndpoints endpoint identity group and, for the MDM portal, select the
default RegisteredDevices endpoint identity group.
Note Do not use Network Access:UseCase EQUALS Guest Flow as one of the validation conditions in the Hotspot
Guest authorization policy, because the Hotspot Guest portal only issues a Termination CoA. Instead, match
the identity group that the endpoint belongs to for validation. For example,
• If GuestEndpoint + Wireless MAB then Permit Access

• If Wireless MAB then HotSpot Redirect

Step 3 For Permissions, select the portal authorization profile that you created.

Note While creating an authorization condition using a dictionary attribute with the MAC option enabled, such as
RADIUS.Calling-Station-ID, you must use a Mac operator (for example, Mac_equals) to support different
MAC formats.

Customize Guest Portals

You can customize the portal appearance and user (guests, sponsors, or employees as applicable) experience
by customizing the portal themes, changing UI elements on the portal pages, and editing error messages and
notifications that are displayed to the users. For more information about customizing portals, see the
Customization of End-User Web Portals section in .

Configure Periodic AUP Acceptance

Choose Policy > Policy Sets, and create a new authorization rule at the top of the list that redirects the Guest user to a
credentialed portal when the AUP period has expired. Use conditions to compare LastAUPAcceptanceHours against the
desired maximum hours, for example, LastAUPAcceptanceHours > 8. You can check for a range of hours from 1 to 999.

What to do next
To verify that the endpoint has received the AUP settings:
1. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identities > Endpoints.
2. Click an endpoint to verify that the endpoint has the time that the AUP was last accepted

Forcing Periodic AUP

You can force a user to accept the AUP by using LastAUPAcceptance in a policy.
If LastAUPAcceptance >= 24: Hotspot Redirect

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Guest Remember Me

If LastAUPacceptance < 24: PermitAccess

If Wireless_MAB: Hotspot Redirect

This example shows how to force AUP on a hotspot portal every 24 hours.
1. If the user accepted AUP more than 24 hours ago, then the must accept AUP (start over).
2. If the user accepted AUP less than 24 hours ago, continue the session.
3. On the first access to the network (MAB), they must accept AUP.

The same rules can be used with a credentialed portal, as long as you enable AUP for that portal.

Guest Remember Me
This feature enables Cisco ISE to show a guest's username instead of MAC address in reports and logs.
When a guest first authenticates, the MAC address of user device is saved in the endpoint group, and the
username is used in reports. If the user disconnects, and then reconnects to the network, the MAC address is
already in the endpoint group, so the user does not have to log back in again (authenticate). In this case, the
username is not available, so the MAC address is used in reporting and logs.
Starting with Cisco ISE 2.3, ISE keeps the portal user ID, and uses it in some reporting, depending on the
• Cisco ISE 2.3 implemented this feature, but you can't turn it off.
• Cisco ISE 2.4 added the ability to disable this feature in Guest > Settings > Logging. It is enabled by
default on new installations, and disabled for upgrades and restores of previous releases.

For more information about Remember Me logging issues, see the following Cisco ISE community resource:
ISE 2.3+ Remember Me guest using guest endpoint group logging display.
For more information about configuring remember me, see the Cisco ISE Guest Access Deployment guide:
For more information about which reporting methods are supported in each release, see the release notes for
that release.

Sponsor Portals
The Sponsor portal is one of the primary components of Cisco ISE guest services. Using the Sponsor portal,
sponsors can create and manage temporary accounts for authorized visitors to securely access the corporate
network or the Internet. After creating a guest account, sponsors also can use the Sponsor portal to provide
account details to the guest by printing, emailing, or texting. Before providing self-registering guests access
to the company network, sponsors may be requested via email to approve their guests’ accounts.

Managing Guest Accounts on the Sponsor Portal

Sponsor Portal Log on Flow
A sponsor group specifies a set of permissions that are assigned to a sponsor user. When a sponsor logs in to
a sponsor portal:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Managing Guest Accounts on the Sponsor Portal

1. ISE verifies the sponsor’s credentials.

2. If the sponsor authenticates successfully, Cisco ISE searches all the available sponsor groups to find the
sponsor groups that the sponsor belongs to. A sponsor matches or belongs to a sponsor group if both:
• The sponsor is a member of one of the configured Member Groups.
• If you are using Other Conditions, all the conditions evaluate to true for that sponsor.

3. If the sponsor belongs to a sponsor group, then that sponsor gets the permissions from that group. A
sponsor can belong to more than one sponsor group, in which case the permissions from those groups are
combined. If the sponsor does not belong to any sponsor group, then the login to the sponsor portal fails.

Sponsor groups and their permissions are independent of the sponsor portals. The same algorithm for matching
sponsor groups is used, regardless of which sponsor portal the sponsor logs in to.

Using a Sponsor Portal

Use a Sponsor portal to create temporary guest accounts for authorized visitors to securely access your corporate
network or the Internet. After creating guest accounts, you can use a Sponsor portal to manage these accounts
and to provide account details to the guests.
On a Sponsor portal, the sponsor can create new guest accounts individually, or import a group of users from
a file.

Note An ISE administrator authorized from an external identity store, such as Active Directory, can be part of a
Sponsor group. However, internal administrator accounts, for example, the default "admin" account, cannot
be part of a Sponsor group.

There are several ways to open a Sponsor portal:

• In the Administrators console, using the Manage Accounts link. On the Administrators console, click
Guest Access > Manage Accounts. When you click Manage Accounts, you are assigned to the default
sponsor group with access to ALL_ACCOUNTS. You can create new guest accounts, but those guests
cannot be notified, because there is no email address available to receive the account activation request
from the guest. A Sponsor with the same privileges who logs on to the sponsor portal, and searches for
those accounts, can send notification.
This step requires that the FQDN that you configured on the sponsor portal's Portal Behavior and Flow
Settings window is in your DNS server.
If you are accessing the Sponsor portal through a NAT firewall, the connection uses port 9002.
• In the Administrators console, on the Sponsor Portal configuration window. Click Guest Access > Portals
& Components > Sponsor Portals, open a sponsor portal, and click the Portal Test URL link to the
right of the Description field.
• In a browser, by opening the URL ( configured in the sponsor portal's Portal Settings window,
which must be defined in your DNS server.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Managing Sponsor Accounts

What to do Next
For information abouit how to use the Sponsor portal, see the Sponsor Portal User Guide for your version of

Managing Sponsor Accounts

A sponsor user is an employee or contractor of your organization who creates and manages guest-user accounts
through the sponsor portal. Cisco ISE authenticates sponsors through a local database, or through external
Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP), Microsoft Active Directory, or SAML identity stores. If you
are not using an external source, you must create internal user accounts for sponsors.

Sponsor Groups
Sponsor groups control the permissions given to a sponsor when using any Sponsor portal. If a sponsor is a
member of a sponsor group, then the sponsor receives the permissions defined in the group.
A sponsor is considered to be a member of a sponsor group if both of the following are true:
1. The sponsor belongs to at least one of the Member Groups defined in the sponsor group. A Member Group
can be a User Identity Group, or a group selected from an external identity source, such as Active Directory.
2. The sponsor satisfies all of the Other Conditions specified in the sponsor group. The Other Conditions,
which are optional, are conditions defined on dictionary attributes. These conditions are similar in behavior
to those used in an Authorization Policy.

A sponsor can be a member of more than one sponsor group. If so, the sponsor receives the combined
permissions from all of those groups, as follows:
• An individual permission such as "Delete guests' accounts" is granted if it is enabled in any of the groups.
• The sponsor can create guests using the Guest Types in any of the groups.
• The sponsor can create guests at the locations in any of the groups.
• For a numeric value such as a batch size limit, the largest value from the groups is used.

If a sponsor is not a member of any sponsor group, then the sponsor is not permitted to log in to any sponsor
• ALL_ACCOUNTS: Sponsors can manage all guest accounts.
• GROUP_ACCOUNTS: Sponsors can manage the guest accounts created by sponsors from the same
Sponsor Group.
• OWN_ACCOUNTS: Sponsors can manage only the Guest accounts that they created.

You can customize the features available to particular sponsor groups to limit or expand the functionality of
the Sponsor portal.

Create Sponsor Accounts and Assign to Sponsor Groups

To create internal sponsor user accounts and specify the sponsors who can use the Sponsor portals:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Configure Sponsor Groups

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > Identities >
Users. Assign the internal sponsor user account to the appropriate user identity group.
Note The default Sponsor Groups have the default Identity Group Guest_Portal_Sequence assigned to them.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Groups > Create, Edit or Duplicate and click Members. Map the sponsor user identity groups to sponsor

What to do next
You can also create additional user identity groups specific to your organization to use with sponsors. Choose
Administration > Identity Management > Groups > User Identity Groups.

Configure Sponsor Groups

Cisco provides default sponsor groups. If you do not want to use the default options, you can either create
new sponsor groups or edit the default sponsor groups and change the settings. You can also duplicate a
sponsor group to create more sponsor groups with the same settings and privileges.
You can disable a sponsor group, which prevents the members of the sponsor group from logging in to the
Sponsor portal. You can delete any of the sponsor groups, except the default sponsor groups provided by
Cisco ISE.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals and Components
> Sponsor Groups > Create, Edit or Duplicate.
Step 2 Enter the Sponsor group name and Description.
Step 3 Enter the following details in the Match Criteria section:
• Member Groups: Click Members to select one or more user (identity) groups and groups from external identity
sources, and add those groups. In order for a user to be a member of this sponsor group, they must belong to at
least one of the configured groups.
• Other conditions: Click Create New Condition to build one or more conditions that a sponsor must match to be
included in this sponsor group. You can use authentication attributes from Active Directory, LDAP, SAML, and
ODBC identity stores, but not RADIUS Token or RSA SecurID stores. You can also use internal user attributes.
Conditions have an attribute, and operator, and a value.
• To create a condition using the internal dictionary attribute Name, prefix the identity group name with User
Identity Groups. For example:
InternalUser:Name EQUALS bsmith
This means that only internal users with the Name "bsmith" can belong to this sponsor group.
• To create a condition using the ExternalGroups attribute of an Active Directory instance, select the AD
“Primary Group” for the sponsor users you want to match. For example, AD1:LastName EQUALS Smith is
true if the user’s name is Smith.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Configure Sponsor Groups

In addition to matching one or more of the configured member groups, a sponsor must also match all the conditions
you create here. If an authenticating sponsor user meets the matching criteria for multiple sponsor groups, then that
user is granted permissions as follows:
• An individual permission, such as Delete guests' accounts is granted if it is enabled in any of the matching groups.
• The sponsor can create guests using the Guest Types in any of the matching groups.
• The sponsor can create guests using the Guest Types in any of the matching groups.
• The sponsor can create guests at the locations in any of the matching groups.
• For a numeric value such as a batch size limit, the largest value from the matching groups is used.

You can create Matching Criteria that contain Member Groups only, or Other Conditions only. If you only specify
Other Conditions, then membership of a sponsor in the sponsor group is determined solely by matching dictionary

Step 4 To specify which guest types that sponsors based on this sponsor group can create, click This sponsor group can
create accounts using these guest types, and select one or more guest types.
You can create more guest types to assign to this sponsor group by clicking the link under Create Guest Types at.
After you create a new guest type, save, close, and reopen the sponsor group before you can select that new guest type.

Step 5 Use Select the locations that guests will be visiting to specify the locations (used to set the guest time zones) that
sponsors in this sponsor group can choose from when creating guest accounts.
You can add more locations to choose from by clicking the link under Configure guest locations at and adding guest
locations. After you create a new guest location, save, close, and reopen the sponsor group before you can select that
new guest location.
This does not restrict guests from logging in from other locations.

Step 6 Under Automatic guest notification, check Automatically email guests upon account creation if email address is
available if you want to save your sponsors the step of clicking Notify after creating a user. This causes a window to
popup saying that an email was sent. Checking this also adds a header to the sponsor portal that says Guest notifications
are sent automatically.
Step 7 Under Sponsor Can Create, configure options that sponsors in this group have for creating guest accounts.
• Multiple guest accounts assigned to specific guests (Import): Enable the sponsor to create multiple guest
accounts by importing guest details such as first name and last name from a file.
If this option is enabled, the Import option appears on the Create Accounts window of the Sponsor portal. The
Import option is only available on desktop browsers (not mobile), such as Internet Explorer, Firefox, Safari, and
so forth
• Limit to batch of: If this sponsor group is allowed to create multiple accounts simultaneously, specify the number
of guest accounts that can be created in a single import operation.
Although a sponsor can create a maximum of 10,000 accounts, we recommend that you limit the number of
accounts you create, due to potential performance issues.
• Multiple guest accounts to be assigned to any guests (Random): Enable the sponsor to create multiple random
guest accounts as placeholders for guests who are not known as yet, or to create many accounts quickly.
If this option is enabled, the Random option appears on the Create Accounts window of the Sponsor portal.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Configure Sponsor Groups

• Default username prefix: Specify a username prefix that sponsors can use when creating multiple random guest
accounts. If specified, this prefix appears in the Sponsor Portal when creating random guest accounts. In addition,
if Allow sponsor to specify a username prefix is:
• Enabled: The sponsor can edit the default prefix in the Sponsor portal.
• Not enabled: The sponsor cannot edit the default prefix in the Sponsor portal.

If you do not specify a username prefix or allow the sponsor to specify one, then the sponsor will not be able to
assign username prefixes in the Sponsor portal.
• Allow sponsor to specify a username prefix: If this sponsor group is allowed to create multiple accounts
simultaneously, specify the number of guest accounts that can be created in a single import operation.
Although a sponsor can create a maximum of 10,000 accounts, we recommend that you limit the number of
accounts you create, due to potential performance issues.

Step 8 Under Sponsor Can Manage, you can restrict which guests accounts the members of this sponsor group can view and
• Only accounts sponsor has created: Sponsors in this group can view and manage only the guest accounts that
they have created, which is based on the Sponsor’s email account.
• Accounts created by members of this sponsor group: Sponsors in this group can view and manage the guest
accounts created by any sponsor in this sponsor group.
• All guest accounts: Sponsors view and manage all pending guest accounts.

Step 9 Under Sponsor Can, you can provide more privileges related to guest passwords and accounts to the members of this
sponsor group.
• Update guests' contact information (email, Phone Number): For guest accounts that they can manage, allow
the sponsor to change a guest's contact information
• View/print guests' passwords: When this option is enabled, the sponsor can print passwords for guests. The
sponsor can see the passwords for guests on the Manage Accountswindow and in the details for a guest. When
this is not checked, the sponsor can't print the password, but the user can still get the password through email or
SMS, if configured.
• Send SMS notifications with guests’ credentials: For guest accounts that they can manage, allow the sponsor
to send SMS (text) notifications to guests with their account details and login credentials.
• Reset guest account passwords: For guest accounts that they can manage, allow the sponsor to reset passwords
for guests to a random password generated by Cisco ISE.
• Extend guests’ accounts: For guest accounts that they can manage, allow the sponsor to extend them beyond
their expiration date. The sponsor is automatically copied on email notifications sent to guests regarding their
account expiration.
• Delete guests’ accounts: For guest accounts that they can manage, allow the sponsor to delete the accounts, and
prevent guests from accessing your company's network.
• Suspend guests’ accounts: For guest accounts that they can manage, allow the sponsor to suspend their accounts
to prevent guests from logging in temporarily.
This action also issues a Change of Authorization (CoA) Terminate to remove the suspended guests from the

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Configure Account Content for Sponsor Account Creation

• Require sponsor to provide a reason: Require the sponsor to provide an explanation for suspending the
guest accounts.

• Approve and view requests from self-registering guests: Sponsors who are included in this Sponsor Group can
either view all pending account requests from self-registering guests (that require approval), or only the requests
where the user entered the Sponsor's email address as the person being visited. This feature requires that the portal
used by the Self-registering guest has Require self-registered guests to be approved checked, and the Sponsor's
email is listed as the person to contact.
• Any pending accounts: A sponsor belonging to this group an approve and review accounts that were created
by any sponsor.
• Only pending accounts assigned to this sponsor: A sponsor belonging to this group can only view and approve
accounts that they created.

• Access Cisco ISE guest accounts using the programmatic interface (Guest REST API): For guest accounts
that they can manage, allow the sponsor to access guest accounts using the Guest REST API programming interface.

Step 10 Click Save and then Close.

Configure Account Content for Sponsor Account Creation

You can configure the type of user data that your guests and sponsors must provide to create a new guest
account. Some fields are required to identify an ISE account, but you can eliminate other fields, and add your
own custom fields.
To configure fields for account creation by Sponsors:
1. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Sponsor Portals, and edit your sponsor portal.
2. Select the Portal Page Customization tab.
3. Scroll down and select Create Account for Known Guests.
4. On the Preview display on the right, select Settings.

These settings determine which fields display and are required for guest accounts when they are created on
the sponsor portal. This configuration applies to Known, Random, and Imported guest types. The template
that the sponsor downloads to import new users is created dynamically, so that only the fields set in Known
Guests are included.

Import Username and Password for Accounts

Sponsors can import username and password, but those rows are not added to the CSV template when the
sponsor downloads it. The sponsor can add those headings. They must be named properly in order for the ISE
to recognize the columns:
• Username—Can be either User Name or UserName.
• Password—Must be password.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Configure a Sponsor Portal Flow

Special Settings for the Sponsor Portal

The following settings are unique to the Create Account for Imported Guests page, on the Portal Page
Customization tab, on the Sponsor Portal.
• Allow sponsor to be copied in Guest Credentials email: If you enable this option, then each email of
guest credentials that is sent to a successfully imported guest is also sent to the sponsor. The default is
to not send emails to the sponsor.
• Allow sponsor to receive summary email: When a sponsor imports a list of users, ISE sends one email
with a summary of all the imported users. If you uncheck this option, the sponsor gets a separate email
for each imported user.

Configure a Sponsor Portal Flow

You can use a default portal and its default settings such as certificates, endpoint identity group, identity
source sequence, portal themes, images, and other details provided by Cisco ISE. If you do not want to use
the default settings, you should create a new portal or edit an existing one to meet your needs. You can duplicate
a portal if you want to create multiple portals with the same settings.
You may want to create multiple sponsor portals if your company has different branding for your corporate
office and its retail locations, or if your company has different product brands, or if a city’s offices want
different themed portals for the fire, police, and other departments.
These are the tasks related to configuring a Sponsor portal.

Before you begin

Configure or edit existing sponsor groups for your site, as described in Configure Sponsor Groups, on page

Step 1 Enable Policy Services, on page 353.

Step 2 Add Certificates for Guest Services, on page 354.
Step 3 Create External Identity Sources, on page 354.
Step 4 Create Identity Source Sequences, on page 355.
Step 5 Create a Sponsor Portal, on page 355.
Step 6 (Optional) Customize Sponsor Portals, on page 356.

Enable Policy Services

To support the Cisco ISE end-user web portals, you must enable the portal-policy services on the node on
which you want to host them.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 2 Click the node and click Edit.
Step 3 Under the General Settings tab, enable the Policy Service toggle button.
Step 4 Check the Enable Session Services check box.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Add Certificates for Guest Services

Step 5 Click Save.

Add Certificates for Guest Services

If you do not want to use the default certificates, you can add a valid certificate and assign it to a certificate
group tag. The default certificate group tag used for all end-user web portals is Default Portal Certificate

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > System
Step 2 Add a system certificate and assign it to a certificate group tag that you want to use for the portal.
This certificate group tag will be available to select during portal creation or editing.
Step 3 Choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components > Sponsor Portals > Create or Edit > Portal
Step 4 Select the specific certificate group tag from the Certificate Group Tag drop-down list that is associated with the newly
added certificate.

Create External Identity Sources

Cisco ISE can connect with external identity sources such as Active Directory, LDAP, RADIUS Token, and
RSA SecurID servers to obtain user information for authentication and authorization. External identity sources
also include certificate authentication profiles that you need for certificate-based authentications.

Note To work with passive identity services, which enable you to receive and share authenticated user identities,
see Additional Passive Identity Service Providers, on page 527.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources.
Step 2 Choose one of these options:
• Certificate Authentication Profile for certificate-based authentications.
• Active Directory to connect to an Active Directory as an external identity source. See Active Directory as an External
Identity Source, on page 477 for more details.
• LDAP to add an LDAP identity source. See LDAP, on page 566 for more details.
• RADIUS Token to add a RADIUS Token server. See RADIUS Token Identity Sources, on page 589 for more details.
• RSA SecurID to add an RSA SecurID server. See RSA Identity Sources, on page 596 for more details.
• SAML Id Providers to add an identity provider (IdP), such as Oracle Access Manager. See SAMLv2 Identity
Provider as an External Identity Source, on page 602 for more details.
• Social Login to add a Social Login, such as Facebook, as an external identity source. See Social Login for
Self-Registered Guests, on page 328 for more details.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Create Identity Source Sequences

Create Identity Source Sequences

Before you begin

Ensure that you have configured your external identity sources in Cisco ISE.
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.
For allowing guest users to authenticate through Local WebAuth, you must configure both the Guest portal
authentication source and the identity source sequence to contain the same identity stores.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > Identity
Source Sequences > Add.
Step 2 Enter a name for the identity source sequence. You can also enter an optional description.
Step 3 Check the Select Certificate Authentication Profile check box and choose a certificate authentication profile for
certificate-based authentication.
Step 4 Choose the database or databases that you want to include in the identity source sequence in the Selected List field.
Step 5 Rearrange the databases in the Selected list field in the order in which you want Cisco ISE to search the databases.
Step 6 Choose one of the following options in the Advanced Search List area:
• Do not access other stores in the sequence and set the AuthenticationStatus attribute to ProcessError: Choose
this option if you want Cisco ISE to discontinue the search, if the user is not found in the first selected identity
• Treat as if the user was not found and proceed to the next store in the sequence: Choose this option if you want
Cisco ISE to continue searching the other selected identity sources in sequence, if the user is not found in the first
selected identity source.
While processing a request, Cisco ISE searches these identity sources in sequence. Ensure that you have the identity
sources in the Selected list field listed in the order in which you want Cisco ISE to search them.

Step 7 Click Submit to create the identity source sequence that you can then use in policies.

Create a Sponsor Portal

You can provide a Sponsor portal to enable sponsors to create, manage, and approve accounts for guests who
want to connect to your network to access the internet and internal resources and services.
Cisco ISE provides you with a default Sponsor portal that you can use without having to create another one.
However, you can create a new Sponsor portal, or you can edit or duplicate an existing one. You can delete
any of these portals, except the default Sponsor portal.
Any changes that you make to the Page Settings on the Portal Behavior and Flow Settings tab are reflected
in the graphical flow in the Sponsor Flow diagram. If you enable a page, such as the AUP page, it appears in
the flow and the sponsor will experience it in the portal. If you disable it, it is removed from the flow and the
next enabled page displays for the sponsor.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the required certificates, external identity sources, and identity source sequences configured
for use with this portal.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Customize Sponsor Portals

Step 1 Configure the Portal Settings page, as described in Portal Settings for Sponsor Portals, on page 384.
Ensure that the portal name that you use here is not used for any other end-user portals.
Step 2 Configure the Login Settings page , as described in Login Settings for Sponsor Portals, on page 387.
Step 3 Configure the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings page, as described in Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Settings
for Sponsor Portals, on page 387 .
Step 4 Configure the Sponsor Change Password Settings option, as described in Sponsor Change Password Settings for
Sponsor Portals, on page 388.
Step 5 Configure the Post-Login Banner Page Settings page, as described in Post-Login Banner Settings for Sponsor Portals
, on page 388.
Step 6 Click Sponsor Portal Application Settings if you want to customize the portal.
Step 7 Click Save.

Customize Sponsor Portals

You can customize the portal appearance and user experience by customizing the portal themes, changing UI
elements on the portal pages, and editing error messages and notifications that display to the users. For more
information about customizing portals, see Customization of End-User Web Portals , on page 396.

Configuring Account Content for Sponsor Account Creation

You can configure the type of user data that your guests and sponsors must provide to create a new guest
account. Some fields are required to identify an ISE account, but you can eliminate other fields, and add your
own custom fields.
To configure fields for account creation by Sponsors:
1. Choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components > Sponsor Portals, and edit your
sponsor portal.
2. Select the Portal Page Customization tab.
3. Scroll down and select Create Account for Known Guests.
On the Preview display on the right, select Settings.These settings determine which fields display and
are required for guest accounts when they are created on the sponsor portal.

This configuration applies to Known, Random, and Imported guest types. The template that the sponsor
downloads to import new users is created dynamically, so that only the fields set in Known Guests are included.

Sponsor Import Usernames and Passwords for Accounts

Sponsors can import username and password, but those rows are not added to the template when the sponsor
downloads it. The sponsor can add those headings. They must be named properly in order for the Cisco ISE
to recognize the columns:
• Username: Can be either User Name or UserName
• Password: Must be password

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Configuring the Time Settings Available to Sponsors

Configuring the Time Settings Available to Sponsors

When sponsors create a new guest account, they configure the time that the account is active. You configure
the options that are available to the sponsor, to allow them to set the account duration, and the start and end
times. These options are configured by guest type. The sponsor sees the results under the heading Access
The Guest Type settings that control sponsor portal account time options are under the heading Maximum
Access Time, and are described below:
• From first login: The sponsor portal shows the duration for which the account is active after the first
The guest type setting Maximum Account Duration determines which values the Sponsor can enter
for duration.
• From sponsor-specified date (or date of self-registration, if applicable): The sponsor can choose
between setting the duration as End of business day, or, by unchecking that field, the duration, start and
end times.
The guest type settings to control the duration time and effective dates are under the heading Allow
access only on these days and times.
• The days of the week that you select limits the dates that are selectable in the Sponsor's calendar.
• Maximum account duration is enforced in the sponsor portal when picking duration and dates.

Kerberos Authentication for the Sponsor Portal

You can configure Cisco ISE to use Kerberos to authenticate a sponsor user who is logged onto Windows for
access to the sponsor portal. This process uses the Active Directory credentials of the logged in sponsor user
in the Kerberos ticket. Kerberos SSO is performed inside the secure tunnel after the browser establishes the
SSL connection with Cisco ISE.
The following items must be in the same Active Directory domain:
• Sponsor's PC
• FQDN configured for this sponsor portal

This requirement is because Microsoft does not support Kerberos SSO with 2-way trusts across Active
Directory forests.
The sponsor user must be logged onto Windows.
Kerberos authentication is NOT supported for the Guest portal.

Configuring Kerberos
To enable Kerberos on the Sponsor portal, check the Allow Kerberos SSO check box in the Sponsor Settings
and Customization window.
The sponsor's browser must also be configured properly. The following sections explain how to manually
configure each browser.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Kerberos Authentication for the Sponsor Portal

Note The username in the Active Directory and User Principle Name must match. The SSO will depend on the
User Principle Name to identify the session of the user.

Note While accessing the sponsor portal using the sponsor portal FQDN from your browser, Cisco ISE redirects
the request to the PSN FQDN instead of the configured sponsor portal FQDN.
For example, if the sponsor portal FQDN is and the PSN FQDN is,
when you try accessing from your browser, you will be redirected to

This behavior occurs only when you enable the Allow Kerberos SSO option.

To Manually Configure Firefox

1. Enter about:config in the address bar.
2. Ignore warnings that appear, and click to continue.
3. Search for negotiate in the search bar.
4. Add the FQDN to network.negotiate-auth.delegation-uris and
network.negotiate-auth.trusted-uris. The list of URLs for each attribute is separated by commas.

5. Close the tab. The browser is ready, no restart is required.

To Manually Configure Internet Explorer

1. Click the gear on the top right, and select Internet Options.
2. Click the Security tab.
3. Click Local Intranet.
4. Click Sites and then click Advanced.
5. Add in the string <mydomain>.com, where <mydomain> is a wild card for the Sponsor portal FQDN, or
you can enter the FQDN.
6. Click Close and then click OK.
7. Click the Advanced tab.
8. Scroll down to the Security section and check the Enable Integrated Windows Authentication check
9. Restart the computer.

Chrome gets the configuration from Internet Explorer

• Run set user in the command prompt to verify that the machine is tied to proper AD domain.
• Run klist in the command prompt to see list of cached Kerberos tickets and the hostnames.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Sponsors Cannot Log In to the Sponsor Portal

• Look at the SPNEGO token data. The NTLM password-based token string is much shorter than Kerberos
token string; the correct token string should not fit on one line.
• Use Wireshark using the filter kerberos to capture Kerberos request, if it exists.

Note When the Kerberos SSO option is enabled, the user needs to access the sponsor portal by the node FQDN for
Kerberos SSO to function properly. If a portal FQDN is configured for the sponsor portal, when the user
connects to the portal FQDN, the user will be redirected to the portal by its node FQDN.

Sponsors Cannot Log In to the Sponsor Portal

The following error message appears when a sponsor tries to log in to the Sponsor portal:

“Invalid username or password. Please try again.”

• The sponsor has entered invalid credentials.
• The sponsor is not valid because the user record is not present in the database (Internal Users or Active
• The sponsor group to which the sponsor belongs is disabled.
• The Sponsor's user account is not a member of an active/enabled Sponsor Group, which means the
Sponsor user's Identity Group is not a member of any Sponsor Group.
• The sponsor’s internal user account is disabled (suspended).

• Verify the user’s credentials.
• Enable the sponsor group.
• Reinstate the user account if disabled.
• Add the sponsor user's Identity Group as a member of a Sponsor Group.

Monitor Guest and Sponsor Activity

Cisco ISE provides various reports and logs that allow you to view endpoint and user management information
and guest and sponsor activity.
You can run these reports either on demand or on a scheduled basis.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > Reports.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Metrics Dashboard

Step 2 Choose Guest or Endpoints and Users to view the various guest, sponsor, and endpoint related reports
Step 3 Choose the data with which you want to search using the Filters drop-down list.
Step 4 Select the Time Range during which you want to view the data.
Step 5 Click Run.

Metrics Dashboard
Cisco ISE provides an at-a-glance view of Authenticated Guests and Active Endpoints in the network in a
metrics dashboard that appears on the Cisco ISE Home page.

Note For Hotspot flow, the endpoints are not displayed on the Authenticated Guests dashlet

AUP Acceptance Status Report

The AUP Acceptance Status report displays the acceptance status of the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) by
guests from all the Guest portals. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations >
Reports > Guest > AUP Acceptance Status.
You can use the report to track all the accepted and denied AUP connections for a given period of time.

Guest Accounting Report

The Guest Accounting report displays the guest login history for an indicated time period. To view this window,
click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > Guest > Guest Accounting.

Primary Guest Report

The Primary Guest Report combines data from various reports into a single view enabling you to export data
from different reporting sources. You can add more data columns and remove the ones you do not want to
view or export. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > Reports >
Guest > Primary Guest Report.
This report collects all guest activity and provides details about the websites that guest users visit. You can
use this report for security auditing purposes to see when guest users accessed the network and what they did
on it. To view the guests’ Internet activity, such as the URLs of the websites that they visited, you must first:
• Enable the passed authentications logging category. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and
choose Administration > System > Logging > Logging Categories and select Passed authentications.
• Enable these options on the firewall used for guest traffic:
• Inspect HTTP traffic and send data to Cisco ISE Monitoring node. Cisco ISE requires only the IP
address and accessed URL for the Guest Activity report; so, limit the data to include just this
information, if possible.
• Send syslogs to Cisco ISE Monitoring node.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Sponsor Login and Audit Report

Sponsor Login and Audit Report

The Sponsor Login and Audit report is a combined report that tracks:
• Login activity by the sponsors at the Sponsor portal.
• Guest-related operations performed by the sponsors in the Sponsor portal.

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > Guest Access Reports >
Sponsor Login and Audit.

Audit Logging for Guest and Sponsor Portals

During specific actions within the Guest and Sponsor portals, audit log messages are sent to the underlying
audit system. By default, these messages appear in the /opt/CSCOcpm/logs/localStore/iseLocalStore.log file.
You can configure these messages to be sent by syslog to the monitoring and troubleshooting system and log
collector. The monitoring subsystem presents this information in the appropriate sponsor and device audit
logs and guest activity logs.
Guest login flow is logged in the audit logs regardless of whether the guest login has passed or failed.

Guest Access Web Authentication Options

Cisco ISE Guest and Web Authentication Services support several deployment options that enable secure
guest access. You can provide wired or wireless guest connectivity using Local or Central Web Authentication
and Device Registration Web Authentication.
• Central Web Authentication (Central WebAuth): Applies to all Guest portals. Uses Web authentication
by a central Cisco ISE RADIUS server for both wired and wireless connection requests. Guests authenticate
after by either entering an optional access code on the Hotspot Guest portals, or by entering a username
and password on the Credentialed Guest portals.

Note During redirection, if the browser opens more than one tab, Cisco ISE redirects
to every tab. The user can log in to the portal, but Cisco ISE can't authorize the
session, and the user fails to gain access. To work around this issue, the user must
close all but one tab on the browser.

• Local Web Authentication (Local WebAuth): Applies to the Credentialed Guest portals. The guest
connects to a switch for a wired connections, or a wireless LAN controller (WLC) for a wireless
connection. The network access device (NAD) directs them to web pages for authentication. The guest
enters a username and password on the Credentialed Guest portals to authenticate.
• Device Registration Web Authentication (Device Registration WebAuth): Applies only to the Hotspot
Guest portal. Cisco ISE registers and authorizes the guest device before Web authentication. When guests
connect to a wired or wireless NAD, they are directed to the Hotspot Guest portal. Guests get network
access without providing credentials (username and password).

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
NAD with Central WebAuth Process

ISE Community Resource

For information on how to configure Cisco ISE with Cisco Wireless Controller to provide guest access, see
ISE Guest Access Prescriptive Deployment Guide.
Also see the following Tech Note: ISE Wireless Guest Setup Guide & Wizard.

NAD with Central WebAuth Process

In this scenario, the network access device (NAD) makes a new authorization request to the Cisco ISE RADIUS
server from an unknown endpoint connection. The endpoint then receives a url-redirect to Cisco ISE.

Note webauth-vrf-aware command is supported only in IOS XE 3.7E, IOS 15.2(4)E or later versions. Other switches
do not support WebAuth URL redirect in virtual routing and forwarding (VRF) environment. In such cases,
as a workaround, you can add a route in the global routing table to leak the traffic back into the VRF.

If the guest device is connected to a NAD, the guest service interaction takes the form of a MAC Authentication
Bypass (MAB) request that leads to a Guest portal Central WebAuth login. The following is an outline of the
subsequent Central Web Authentication (Central WebAuth) process, which applies to both wireless and wired
network access devices.
1. The guest device connects to the NAD through a hard-wired connection. There is no 802.1X supplicant
on the guest device.
2. An authentication policy with a service type for MAB allows a MAB failure to continue and return a
restricted network profile containing a url-redirect for the Central WebAuth user interface.
3. The NAD is configured to authenticate MAB requests to the Cisco ISE RADIUS server.
4. The Cisco ISE RADIUS server processes the MAB request and does not find an endpoint for the guest
This MAB failure resolves to the restricted network profile and returns the url-redirect value in the
profile to the NAD in an access-accept. To support this function, ensure that an authorization policy
exists and features the appropriate wired or wireless MAB (under compound conditions) and, optionally,
“Session:Posture Status=Unknown” conditions. The NAD uses this value to redirect all guest HTTPS
traffic on the default port 8443 to the url-redirect value.
The standard URL value in this case is:

5. The guest device initiates an HTTP request to redirect URL via a web browser.
6. The NAD redirects the request to the url-redirect value returned from the initial access-accept.
7. The gateway URL value with action CWA redirects to the Guest portal login page.
8. The guest enters their login credentials and submits the login form.
9. The guest server authenticates the login credentials.
10. Depending on the type of flow, the following occurs:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Wireless LAN Controller with Local WebAuth Process

• If it is a non-posture flow (authentication without further validation), where the Guest portal is not
configured to perform client provisioning, the guest server sends a CoA to the NAD. This CoA
causes the NAD to reauthenticate the guest device using the Cisco ISE RADIUS server. A new
access-accept is returned to the NAD with the configured network access. If client provisioning is
not configured and the VLAN needs to be changed, the Guest portal performs VLAN IP renew.
The guest does not have to re-enter login credentials. The username and password entered for the
initial login are used automatically.
• If it is a posture flow, where the Guest portal is configured to perform client provisioning, the guest
device web browser displays the Client Provisioning page for posture agent installation and
compliance. (You can also optionally configure the client provisioning resource policy to feature
a “NetworkAccess:UseCase=GuestFlow” condition.)

The Guest portal redirects to the Client Provisioning portal (because there is no client provisioning or posture
agent for Linux), which in turn redirects back to a guest authentication servlet to perform optional IP
release/renew and then CoA.
With redirection to the Client Provisioning portal, the Client Provisioning service downloads a non-persistent
web agent to the guest device and performs a posture check of the device. You can optionally configure the
posture policy with a “NetworkAccess:UseCase=GuestFlow” condition.
If the guest device is non-compliant, ensure that you have configured an authorization policy that features
“NetworkAccess:UseCase=GuestFlow” and “Session:Posture Status=NonCompliant” conditions.
When the guest device is compliant, ensure that you have an authorization policy configured with the conditions
“NetworkAccess:UseCase=GuestFlow” and “Session:Posture Status=Compliant.” From here, the Client
Provisioning service issues a CoA to the NAD. This CoA causes the NAD to reauthenticate the guest using
the Cisco ISE RADIUS server. A new access-accept is returned to the NAD with the configured network

Note “NetworkAccess:UseCase=GuestFlow” can also apply for Active Directory and LDAP users who log in as

Wireless LAN Controller with Local WebAuth Process

In this scenario, the guest logs in and is directed to the wireless LAN controller (WLC). The WLC then
redirects the guest to a Guest portal, where they are prompted to enter their login credentials, accept an optional
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP), and perform an optional password change. When this is complete, the guest
device’s browser is redirected back to the WLC to provide login credentials via a POST.
The WLC can now log the guest in via the Cisco ISE RADIUS server. When this is complete, the WLC
redirects the guest device's browser to the original URL destination. The Wireless LAN Controller (WLC)
and the network access devices (NAD) requirements to support the original URL redirect for guest portals
are WLC 5760 and Cisco Catalyst 3850, 3650, 2000, 3000, and 4000 Series Access Switches running releases
IOS-XE 3.6.0.E and 15.2(2)E.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Wired NAD with Local WebAuth Process

Figure 13: WLC with Local WebAuth Non-Posture Flow

Wired NAD with Local WebAuth Process

In this scenario, the Guest portal redirects the guest login request to the switch (wired NAD). The login request
is in the form of an HTTPS URL posted to the switch and contains the login credentials. The switch receives
the guest login request and authenticates the guest using the configured Cisco ISE RADIUS server.
1. Cisco ISE requires a login.html file with the HTML redirect to be uploaded to the NAD. This login.html
file is returned to the browser of the guest device for any HTTPS request made.
2. The browser of the guest device is redirected to the Guest portal where the guest’s login credentials are
3. After the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) and change password are processed, both of which are optional,
the Guest portal redirects the browser of the guest device to post the login credentials on the NAD.
4. The NAD makes a RADIUS request to the Cisco ISE RADIUS server to authenticate and authorize the

IP Address and Port Values Required for the Login.html Page

The IP address and port values must be changed in the following HTML code for the login.html page to those
values being used by the Cisco ISE Policy Services nodes. The default port is 8443, but you can change this
value, so ensure that the value you assign to the switch matches the setting in Cisco ISE.

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">


Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
HTTPS Server Enabled on the NAD

<title>ISE Guest Portal</title>
<meta Http-Equiv="Cache-Control" Content="no-cache">
<meta Http-Equiv="Pragma" Content="no-cache">
<meta Http-Equiv="Expires" Content="0">
<meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">

<meta http-equiv="REFRESH"


Redirecting ... Login
<a href="https://ip:port/portal/PortalSetup.action?switch_url=wired">ISE Guest Portal</a>


The custom login page is a public web form, hence consider these guidelines:
• The login form must accept user entries for the username and password and must show them as uname
and pwd.
• The custom login page should follow best practices for a web form, such as page timeout, hidden password,
and prevention of redundant submissions.

HTTPS Server Enabled on the NAD

To use web-based authentication, you must enable the HTTPS server within the switch using the ip http
secure-server command.

Support for Customized Authentication Proxy Web Pages on the NAD

You can upload custom pages for success, expiry, and failure to the NAD. Cisco ISE does not require any
specific customization, so you can create these pages using the standard configuration instructions included
with the NAD.

Configure Web Authentication on the NAD

You need to complete the web authentication on the NAD by replacing the default HTML pages with your
custom files.

Before you begin

During web-based authentication, create four substitute HTML pages to use instead of the switch default
HTML pages.

Step 1 To specify the use of your custom authentication proxy web pages, first store your custom HTML files on the switch
flash memory. To copy your HTML files to the switch flash memory, run the following command on the switch:
copy tftp/ftp flash

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Device Registration WebAuth Process

Step 2 After copying your HTML files to the switch, perform the following commands in global configuration mode:

ip admission proxy http login page file Specifies the location in the switch memory file system of
device:login-filename the custom HTML file to use in place of the default login
page. The device: is flash memory.

ip admission proxy http success page file Specifies the location of the custom HTML file to use in
device:success-filename place of the default login success page.

ip admission proxy http failure page file Specifies the location of the custom HTML file to use in
device:fail-filename place of the default login failure page.

ip admission proxy http login expired page file Specifies the location of the custom HTML file to use in
device:expired-filename place of the default login expired page.

Step 3 Configure the customized authentication proxy web pages following the guidelines provided by the switch.
Step 4 Verify the configuration of a custom authentication proxy web page, as shown in the following example:

Switch# show ip admission configuration

Authentication proxy webpage
Login page : flash:login.htm
Success page : flash:success.htm
Fail Page : flash:fail.htm
Login expired Page : flash:expired.htm

Authentication global cache time is 60 minutes

Authentication global absolute time is 0 minutes
Authentication global init state time is 2 minutes
Authentication Proxy Session ratelimit is 100
Authentication Proxy Watch-list is disabled
Authentication Proxy Auditing is disabled
Max Login attempts per user is 5

Device Registration WebAuth Process

Using Device Registration Web Authentication (Device Registration WebAuth) and the Hotspot Guest portal,
you can allow guest devices to connect to a private network without requiring usernames and passwords.
In this scenario, the guest connects to the network with a wireless connection. See Figure 14: Wireless Device
Registration Web Authentication Flow for an example of the Device Registration WebAuth process flow.
The following is an outline of the subsequent Device Registration WebAuth process, which is similar for both
wireless and wired connections:
1. The network access device (NAD) sends a redirect to the Hotspot Guest portal.
2. If the MAC address of the guest device is not in any endpoint identity group or is not marked with an
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) accepted attribute set to true, Cisco ISE responds with a URL redirection
specified in an authorization profile.
3. The URL redirection presents the guest with an AUP page (if enabled) when the guest attempts to access
any URL.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Device Registration WebAuth Process

• If the guest accepts the AUP, the endpoint associated with their device MAC address is assigned to
the configured endpoint identity group. This endpoint is now marked with an AUP accepted attribute
set to true, to track the guest acceptance of the AUP.
• If the guest does not accept the AUP or if an error occurs, for instance, while creating or updating
the endpoint, an error message displays.

4. Based on the Hotspot Guest portal configuration, a post-access banner page (if enabled) with additional
information may appear.
5. After the endpoint is created or updated, a Change of Authorization (CoA) termination is sent to the NAD.
6. After the CoA, the NAD re-authenticates the guest connection with a new MAC Auth Bypass (MAB)
request. The new authentication finds the endpoint with its associated endpoint identity group, and returns
the configured access to the NAD.
7. Based on the Hotspot Guest portal configuration, the guest is directed to the URL to which they requested
access, or to a custom URL specified by the administrator, or to an Authentication Success Page.

The CoA type for both wired and wireless is Termination CoA. You can configure the Hotspot Guest portal
to perform VLAN DHCP Release (and renew), thereby re-authorizing the CoA type for both wired and wireless
to Change of Auth.
VLAN DHCP Release support is available for Windows devices only. It is not available for mobile devices.
If the device being registered is mobile and the VLAN DHCP Release option is enabled, the guest is requested
to manually renew their IP address. For mobile device users, we recommend using Access Control Lists
(ACLs) on the WLC, rather than using VLANs.
Figure 14: Wireless Device Registration Web Authentication Flow

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Guest Portal Settings

Guest Portal Settings

Portal Identification Settings
To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals or Sponsor Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Guest Portals or Sponsor
Portals Settings and Customization.
• Portal Name: Enter a unique portal name to access this portal. Do not use this portal name for any other
Sponsor, Guest, or nonguest portals, such as Blocked List, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Client
Provisioning, Mobile Device Management (MDM), or My Devices portals.
This name appears in the authorization profile portal selection for redirection choices. It is applied to the
list of portals for easy identification among other portals.
• Description: Optional.
• Portal Test URL: A system-generated URL displays as a link after you click Save. Use it to test the
Click the link to open a new browser tab that displays the URL for this portal. Policy Services Node
(PSN) with Policy Services must be turned on. If Policy Services are disabled, the PSN only displays
the Admin portal.

Note The test portal does not support RADIUS sessions, so you won't see the entire
portal flow for all portals. BYOD and Client Provisioning are examples of portals
that depend on RADIUS sessions. For example, a redirect to an external URL
will not work. If you have more than one PSN, Cisco ISE chooses the first active

• Language File: Each portal type supports 15 languages by default, which are available as individual
properties files bundled together in a single zipped language file. Export or import the zipped language
file to use with the portal. The zipped language file contains all the individual language files that you
can use to display text for the portal.
The language file contains the mapping to the particular browser locale setting along with all of the string
settings for the entire portal in that language. A single language file contains all the supported languages,
so that it can easily be used for translation and localization purposes.
If you change the browser locale setting for one language, the change is applied to all the other end-user
web portals. For example, if you change the browser locale from fr,fr-fr,fr-ca to fr,fr-fr
in the Hotspot Guest portal, the changes also apply to the My Devices portal.
An alert icon displays when you customize any of the text on the Portal Page Customizations tab. The
alert message reminds you that any changes made to one language while customizing the portal must
also be added to all the supported languages properties files. You can manually dismiss the alert icon
using the drop-down list option; or it is automatically dismissed after you import the updated zipped
language file.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Portal Settings for Hotspot Guest Portals

Portal Settings for Hotspot Guest Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Portal
• HTTPS Port: Enter a port value between 8000 to 8999; the default value is 8443 for all the default
portals, except the Blocked List Portal, which is 8444. If you upgraded with port values outside this
range, they are honored until you modify this window. If you modify this window, update the port setting
to comply with this restriction.
If you assign ports used by a non-guest (such as My Devices) portal to a guest portal, an error message
For posture assessments and remediation only, the Client Provisioning portal also uses ports 8905 and
8909. Otherwise, it uses the same ports assigned to the Guest portal.
Portals assigned to the same HTTPS port can use the same Gigabit Ethernet interface or another interface.
If they use the same port and interface combination, they must use the same certificate group tag. For
• Valid combinations include, using the Sponsor portal as an example:
• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate tag A and My Devices portal: Port 8443,
Interface 0, Certificate group A.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate group A and My Devices portal: Port 8445,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8444, Interface 1, Certificate group A and Blocked List portal: Port 8444,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.

• Invalid combinations include:

• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate group A and My Devices portal: 8443,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8444, Interface 0, Certificate tag A and Blocked List portal: Port 8444,
Interface 0, Certificate group A.

Note We recommend that you use interface 0 for Guest services for best performance.
You can either configure only interface 0 in the Portal Settings, or you can use
the CLI command ip host to map a hostname or FQDN to the IP address of
interface 0.

• Allowed Interfaces: Select the PSN interfaces which a PAN can use to run a portal. When a request to
open a portal is made on the PAN, the PAN looks for an available allowed port on the PSN. You must
configure the Ethernet interfaces using IP addresses on different subnets.
These interfaces must be available on all the PSNs, including VM-based ones, that have Policy Services
turned on. This is a requirement because any of these PSNs can be used for the redirect at the start of the
guest session.
• The Ethernet interfaces must use IP addresses on different subnets.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Portal Settings for Hotspot Guest Portals

• The interfaces you enable here must be available on all your PSNs, including VM-based ones when
Policy Services turned on. This is required because any of these PSNs can be used for a redirect at
the start of the guest session.
• The portal certificate Subject Name or Alternate Subject Name must resolve to the interface IP
• Configure ip host x.x.x.x in Cisco ISE CLI to map the secondary interface IP
address to the FQDN, which is used to match the certificate Subject Name or Alternate Subject
• If only the bonded NIC is selected, when the PSN attempts to configure the portal it first attempts
to configure the Bond interface. If that is not successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup
on that PSN, then the PSN logs an error and exits. The PSN will not try to start the portal on the
physical interface.
• NIC Teaming or bonding is a configuration option that allows you to configure two individual NICs
for high availability (fault tolerance). If one of the NICs fails, the other NIC that is part of the bonded
connection continues the connection. A NIC is selected for a portal based in the Portal Settings
configuration. If both physical NICs and the corresponding bonded NIC are configured, when the
PSN attempts to configure the portal, it first attempts to connect to the Bond interface. If that is not
successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup on that PSN, then the PSN attempts to start
the portal on the physical interface.

• Certificate Group tag: Pick a certificate group tag that specifies the certificate to be used for the portal’s
HTTPS traffic.
• Endpoint Identity Group: Choose an endpoint identity group to track guest devices. Cisco ISE provides
the GuestEndpoints endpoint identity group to use as a default. You can also create more endpoint
identity groups if you choose to not use the default.
Choose an endpoint identity group to track employee devices. Cisco ISE provides the RegisteredDevices
endpoint identity group to use as a default. You can also create more endpoint identity groups if you
choose to not use the default.
• Purge Endpoints in this Identity Group when they Reach __ Days: Specify the number of days after
which the device is purged from the Cisco ISE database. Purging is done on a daily basis and the purge
activity is synchronized with the overall purge timing. The change is applied globally for this endpoint
identity group.
If changes are made to the Endpoint Purge Policy based on other policy conditions, this setting is no
longer available for use.
• Display Language
• Use Browser Locale: Use the language specified in the client browser's locale setting as the display
language of the portal. If browser locale's language is not supported by Cisco ISE, then the Fallback
Language is used as the language portal.

• Fallback Language: Choose the language to use when the language cannot be obtained from the
browser locale, or if the browser locale language is not supported by Cisco ISE.

• Always Use: Choose the display language to use for the portal. This setting overrides the User
Browser Locale option.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings for Hotspot Guest Portals

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings for Hotspot Guest Portals
To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings >
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings.
• Include an AUP Page: Display your company’s network-usage terms and conditions on a separate page
to the user.
• Require an Access Code: Assign an access code as the login credential that multiple guests should use
to gain access to the network. An access code is primarily a locally known code that is given to physically
present guests (either visually via a whiteboard or verbally by a lobby ambassador). It would not be
known and used by someone outside the premises to access the network.
You can use this option in addition to the usernames and passwords that are provided as the login
credentials to individual guests.
• Require scrolling to end of AUP—Ensure that the user has read the AUP completely. The Accept
button activates only after the user has scrolled to the end of the AUP. Configure when the AUP appears
to the user.

When configuring the Hotspot Guest Portals flow, the AUP access code is reliant on Endpoint Identity Group
device registration. This means that AUP Last Acceptance and Network Access: Use Case EQUALS Guest
Flow flags cannot be used. When a user's session gets removed from the NAD, upon reconnecting, the user
will see the AUP page but will not be required to enter the AUP access code.
The AUP access code page will appear only after the MAC address has been removed from the Endpoint
Identity Group tied to the hotspot portal configuration. An endpoint is either manually deleted from the
database through the Context Visibility page on Cisco ISE, or it is purged by way of the Endpoint Purge
feature and configured endpoint purge policies.

Post-Access Banner Page Settings for Hotspot Portals

The navigation path for this page is Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components > Guest
Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Post-Access Banner Page
Use this setting to inform guests of their access status and any other additional actions, if required.

Field Usage Guidelines

Include a Post-Access Banner page Display additional information after the guests are
successfully authenticated and before they are granted
network access.

Portal Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Portal
• HTTPS Port: Enter a port value between 8000 to 8999; the default value is 8443 for all the default
portals, except the Blocked List Portal, which is 8444. If you upgraded with port values outside this

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Portal Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals

range, they are honored until you modify this window. If you modify this window, update the port setting
to comply with this restriction.
If you assign ports used by a non-guest (such as My Devices) portal to a guest portal, an error message
For posture assessments and remediation only, the Client Provisioning portal also uses ports 8905 and
8909. Otherwise, it uses the same ports assigned to the Guest portal.
Portals assigned to the same HTTPS port can use the same Gigabit Ethernet interface or another interface.
If they use the same port and interface combination, they must use the same certificate group tag. For
• Valid combinations include, using the Sponsor portal as an example:
• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate tag A and My Devices portal: Port 8443,
Interface 0, Certificate group A.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate group A and My Devices portal: Port 8445,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8444, Interface 1, Certificate group A and Blocked List portal: Port 8444,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.

• Invalid combinations include:

• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate group A and My Devices portal: 8443,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8444, Interface 0, Certificate tag A and Blocked List portal: Port 8444,
Interface 0, Certificate group A.

Note We recommend that you use interface 0 for Guest services for best performance.
You can either configure only interface 0 in the Portal Settings, or you can use
the CLI command ip host to map a hostname or FQDN to the IP address of
interface 0.

• Allowed Interfaces: Select the PSN interfaces which a PAN can use to run a portal. When a request to
open a portal is made on the PAN, the PAN looks for an available allowed port on the PSN. You must
configure the Ethernet interfaces using IP addresses on different subnets.
These interfaces must be available on all the PSNs, including VM-based ones, that have Policy Services
turned on. This is a requirement because any of these PSNs can be used for the redirect at the start of the
guest session.
• The Ethernet interfaces must use IP addresses on different subnets.
• The interfaces you enable here must be available on all your PSNs, including VM-based ones when
Policy Services turned on. This is required because any of these PSNs can be used for a redirect at
the start of the guest session.
• The portal certificate Subject Name or Alternate Subject Name must resolve to the interface IP

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Login Page Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals

• Configure ip host x.x.x.x in Cisco ISE CLI to map the secondary interface IP
address to the FQDN, which is used to match the certificate Subject Name or Alternate Subject
• If only the bonded NIC is selected, when the PSN attempts to configure the portal it first attempts
to configure the Bond interface. If that is not successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup
on that PSN, then the PSN logs an error and exits. The PSN will not try to start the portal on the
physical interface.
• NIC Teaming or bonding is a configuration option that allows you to configure two individual NICs
for high availability (fault tolerance). If one of the NICs fails, the other NIC that is part of the bonded
connection continues the connection. A NIC is selected for a portal based in the Portal Settings
configuration. If both physical NICs and the corresponding bonded NIC are configured, when the
PSN attempts to configure the portal, it first attempts to connect to the Bond interface. If that is not
successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup on that PSN, then the PSN attempts to start
the portal on the physical interface.

• The portal certificate Subject Name or Alternate Subject Name must resolve to the interface IP address.
• Authentication Method: Choose which identity source sequence or Identity Provider (IdP) to use for
user authentication. The identity source sequence is a list of identity stores that are searched in sequence
to verify user credentials.
Cisco ISE includes a default identity source sequence for sponsor portals, Sponsor_Portal_Sequence.
To configure IdP, choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources >
SAML Id Providers.
To configure an identity source sequence, choose Administration > Identity Management > Identity
Source Sequences.
• Employees Using this Portal as Guests Inherit Login Options from: Choose the Guest Type that
employees are assigned when they log on to this portal. The employee's endpoint data is stored in the
endpoint identity group configured in that guest type for the attribute Store device information in
endpoint identity group. No other attributes from the associated guest type are inherited.
• Display Language
• Use Browser Locale: Use the language specified in the client browser's locale setting as the display
language of the portal. If browser locale's language is not supported by Cisco ISE, then the Fallback
Language is used as the language portal.

• Fallback Language: Choose the language to use when the language cannot be obtained from the
browser locale, or if the browser locale language is not supported by Cisco ISE.

• Always Use: Choose the display language to use for the portal. This setting overrides the User
Browser Locale option.

Login Page Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Login
Page Settings.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Login Page Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals

• Require an Access Code: Assign an access code as the login credential that multiple guests should use
to gain access to the network. An access code is primarily a locally known code that is given to physically
present guests (either visually via a whiteboard or verbally by a lobby ambassador). It would not be
known and used by someone outside the premises to access the network.
You can use this option in addition to the usernames and passwords that are provided as the login
credentials to individual guests.
• Maximum Failed Login Attempts Before Rate Limiting: Specify the number of failed login attempts
from a single browser session before Cisco ISE starts to throttle that account. This does not cause an
account lockout. The throttled rate is configured in Time between login attempts when rate limiting.
• Time Between Login Attempts when Rate Limiting: Set the length of time in minutes that a user must
wait before attempting to log in again (throttled rate), after failing to log in the number of times defined
in Maximum failed login attempts before rate limiting.
• Include an AUP: Add a acceptable use policy window to the flow. You can add the AUP to the window,
or link to another window.
• Allow Guests to Create their Own Accounts: Provide an option on this portal’s Login page for guests
to register themselves. If this option is not selected, sponsors create guest accounts. Enabling this also
enables tabs on this page for you to configure Self-Registration Page Settings and Self-Registration
Success Page Settings.
If guests choose this option, they are presented with the Self-Registration form where they can enter the
requested information to create their own guest accounts.
• Allow Guests to Recover the Password: This option enables a Reset Password button on the Guest
portal for self-registered guests. If a self-registered guest who still has a valid account connects to the
login portal, and forgot their password, they can click Reset Password. That brings them back to the
self-registration window, where they can enter their phone or email (whichever they registered with) and
enter a new password.
• Allow Social Login: Use a social media site to get login credentials for users of this portal. Checking
this option displays the following settings:
• Show registration form after social login: This allows the user to change the information provided
by Facebook.
• Require guests to be approved: This informs the user that a sponsor must approve their account,
and will send them credentials for login.

• Allow guests to change password after login: Allow guests to change their password after successfully
authenticating and accepting the AUP, if it is required. If guests change their passwords, sponsors cannot
provide guests with their login credentials if lost. The sponsor can only reset the guest’s password back
to a random password.
• Allow the following identity-provider guest portal to be used for login: Checking this option and
selecting a SAML Id identity provider adds a link for that SAML Id to this portal. This sub-portal can
be configured to look like the SAML IDP that the user is providing credentials for.
• Allow social login: Allow this portal to use a social media type for user login. For more information
about configuring social login, see Social Login for Self-Registered Guests, on page 328.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Self-Registration Page Settings

Self-Registration Page Settings

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portal &
Components > Guest Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Self
Registration Page Settings. Use these settings to enable guests to register themselves and specify the
information that they must provide on the Self-Registration form.
• Assign self-registered guests to guest type: Choose the guest type to which all the self-registered guests
using this portal are assigned.
• Account valid for: Specify the duration for the account in days, hours, or minutes after which the account
expires unless you or the sponsor extend the account duration in the Sponsor portal.
• Require a registration code for self registration: Assign a code that the self-registering guests must
enter to successfully submit their Self-Registration form. Similar to the access code, the registration code
is provided to the guest offline to prevent someone who is outside the premises from accessing the system.
• Fields to include: Check the fields that you want to display on the Self-Registration form. Then check
which fields are mandatory for the guests to complete in order to submit the form and receive a guest
account. You may want to require fields such as SMS Service Provider and Person being Visited to
gather important information from self-registering guests.
• Location: Enter locations that the self-registering guests can select at registration time using the
list of locations that you have defined. This automatically assigns the related time zones as the valid
access times for these guests. Use clear location names to avoid ambiguity during selection (for
example, Boston Office, 500 Park Ave New York, Singapore).
If you plan to restrict guest access by time of day, the time zone is used to determine that time.
Unless all your time-access controlled guests are in the San Jose time zone, then create a time zone
for your locale. If there is only one location, it is automatically assigned as the default location, and
this field does not display in the portal for guests to view. Also, Location is disabled in the list of
Fields to include.
• SMS Service Provider: Select which SMS providers to display on the Self-Registration form to
enable self-registering guests to choose their own SMS provider. You can then use the guest’s SMS
service to send them SMS notifications, which minimize expenses for your company. If you only
selected one SMS provider for the guest to use, this field will not display on the Self-Registration
• Person being visited: This is a text field, so if you want to use it, instruct your guests what kind of
information to enter into this field.
• Custom Fields: Select the custom fields that you previously created to collect more data from the
self-registering guests. Then check which fields are mandatory for the guests to complete in order
to submit the Self-Registration form and receive a guest account. These fields are listed in alphabetical
order by name. You create these fields on Work Centers > Guest Access > Settings > Custom
Fields to add more custom fields.
• Include an AUP: Display your company’s network-usage terms and conditions, either as text on
the page currently being displayed for the user or as a link that opens a new tab or window with
AUP text.
• Require acceptance: Ensure that the user has read the AUP completely. This configures an
Accept button on the self-registration page. If you configured AUP as on page, then you can
also disable the Accept button until after the user has scrolled to the end of the AUP.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Self-Registration Page Settings

• Only allow guests with an email address from: Specify an allowed list of domains which the
self-registering guests can use in Email Address to create email addresses, for example,
If you leave this field blank, any email address is valid, except for domains listed in Do not allow guests
with email address from.
• Do not allow guests with an email address from: Specify a blocked list of domains which the
self-registering guests cannot use in Email Address to create email addresses, for example,
• Require self-registered guests to be approved: Specify that the self-registering guests using this portal
require approval from a sponsor before receiving their guest credentials. Clicking this option displays
more options for how sponsors approve a self-registered guest.
• Allow guests to login automatically from self-registration after sponsor's approval: A
self-registered guest will be logged in automatically after sponsor approval.
• Email approval request to:
• Sponsor email addresses listed below: Enter one or more email addresses of sponsors
designated as approvers, or a mailer, to which all guest approval requests should be sent. If the
email address is not valid, approval fails.
• Person being visited: Require sponsor to provide credentials for authentication field is
displayed, and the Required option in Fields to include is enabled (if it was previously
disabled). These fields are displayed on the Self-Registration form requesting this information
from the self-registering guests. If the email address is not valid, approval fails.

• Approve/Deny Link Settings:

• Links are valid for: You can set an expiration period for the account approval links.
• Require sponsor to provide credentials for authentication: Check this to force the sponsor
to enter credentials to approve the account, even if it is not required by the configuration in
this section. This field is only visible if Require self-registered guests to be approved is set
to person being visited.
• Sponsor is matched to a Sponsor Portal to verify approval privileges: Click Details to
select the portals that are searched to verify that the sponsor is a valid system user, a member
of a sponsor group, and that the members of that group have authority to approve the account.
Each sponsor portal has an identity source sequence, which is used to identify the sponsor.
Portals are used in the order they are listed. The first portal in the list determines the style and
customization used in the sponsor portal.

• After registration submission, direct guest to: Choose where the self-registered guest is directed after
successfully registering.
• Self-Registration Success page: Direct successfully self-registered guests to the Self-Registration
Success window, which displays the fields and messages you have specified on Self Registration
Success Page Settings.
It may not be desirable to display all the information, because the system may be awaiting account
approval (if enabled on this window) or delivering the login credentials to an email address or phone
number based on the allowed list and blocked list domains specified on this window.
If you enabled Allow guests to log in directly from the Self-Registration Success page in
Self-Registration Success Page Settings, successfully self-registered guests can log in directly

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Self Registration Success Page Settings

from this window. If it is not enabled, they are directed to the portal's Login window after the
Self-Registration Success window is displayed.
• Login page with instructions about how to obtain login credentials: Direct successfully
self-registered guests back to the portal’s Login window and display a message, such as “Please
wait for your guest credentials to be delivered either via email, SMS, or print format and proceed
with logging in.”
To customize the default message, click the Portal Page Customization tab and select
Self-Registration Page Settings.
The system may be awaiting account approval (if enabled on this window) or delivering the login
credentials to an email address or phone number based on the allowed list and blocked list domains
specified on this window.
• URL: Direct successfully self-registered guests to the specified URL while waiting for their account
credentials to be delivered.
The system may be awaiting account approval (if enabled on this window) or delivering the login
credentials to an email address or phone number based on the allowed list and blocked list domains
specified on this window.

• Send credential notification automatically using:

• Email: Choose email as the option by which successfully self-registered guests receive their login
credential information. If you choose this option, Email address becomes a required field in the
list of Fields to include and you can no longer disable this option.
• SMS: Choose SMS as the option by which successfully self-registered guests receive their login
credential information. If you choose this option, SMS Service Provider becomes a required field
in the list of Fields to include and you can no longer disable this option.

Self Registration Success Page Settings

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Self
Registration Success Page Settings. Use these settings to notify successfully self-registered guests of the
credentials they need to gain access to the network.

Field Usage Guidelines

Include this information on the Self-Registration Check the fields that you want to display for the
Success page successfully self-registered guests on the
Self-Registration Success page.
If sponsor approval of the guest is not required, check
Username and Password to display these credentials
for the guest. If sponsor approval is required, these
fields are disabled, because the credentials can only
be delivered to the guest after they have been

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals

Field Usage Guidelines

Allow guest to send information to self using Check the options by which the successfully
self-registered guest can send credential information
to themselves: Print, Email, or SMS.

Include an AUP (on page/as link) Display your company’s network-usage terms and
conditions, either as text on the window currently
being displayed for the user or as a link that opens a
new tab or window with AUP text.

Require Acceptance Require users to accept an AUP before their account

is fully enabled. The Login button is not enabled
unless the user accepts the AUP. If users do not accept
the AUP, they will not obtain network access.

Require scrolling to end of AUP This field displays if you chose the AUP on page
Ensure that the user has read the AUP completely.
The Accept button is enabled only after the user has
scrolled to the end of the AUP.

Allow guests to log in directly from the Display a Login button at the bottom of the
Self-Registration Success page Self-Registration Success page. This enables the guest
to bypass the Login page and automatically deliver
the login credentials to the portal and display the next
page in the portal flow (for instance, the AUP page).

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals
To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings >
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings.
• Include an AUP Page: Display your company’s network-usage terms and conditions on a separate page
to the user.
• Use Different AUP for Employees: Display a different AUP and network-usage terms and conditions
for employees only. If you choose this option, you cannot also choose Skip AUP for employees.
• Skip AUP for Employees: Employees are not required to accept an AUP before accessing the network.
If you choose this option, you cannot also choose Use different AUP for employees.
• Require Scrolling to End of AUP: This option displays only if Include an AUP on page is enabled.
Ensure that the user has read the AUP completely. The Accept button activates only after the user has
scrolled to the end of the AUP. Configure when the AUP appears to the user.
• On First Login only: Display an AUP the first time the user logs into the network or portal.
• On Every Login: Display an AUP every time the user logs into the network or portal.
• Every __ Days (starting at first login): Display an AUP periodically after the user first logs into
the network or portal.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Guest Change Password Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals

Guest Change Password Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals

Guest Change Password Settings
To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Guest
Change Password Settings
• Allow guests to change password after login: Allow guests to change their password after successfully
authenticating and accepting the AUP, if it is required. If guests change their passwords, sponsors cannot
provide guests with their login credentials if lost. The sponsor can only reset the guest’s password back
to a random password.

Guest Device Registration Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Guest
Device Registration Settings.
Use these settings to either ensure that Cisco ISE automatically registers guest devices when they log in to or
to allow guests to manually register their devices after they log in.
The maximum number of devices is specified for each guest type in Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals
& Components > Guest Types.
• Automatically Register Guest Devices: Automatically create an endpoint for the device from which
the guest is accessing this portal. The endpoint is added to the endpoint identity group specified for this
An authorization rule can now be created to allow access to endpoints in that identity group, so that web
authentication is no longer required.
If the maximum number of registered devices is reached, the system automatically deletes the first
registered device, registers the device the guest is trying to log in with, and notifies them. Choose Work
Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components > Guest Types to change the maximum number of
devices with which a guest can register.
• Allow Guests to Register Devices: Guests can register their devices manually by providing a name,
description and MAC address. The MAC address is associated with an endpoint identity group.
If the maximum number of registered devices is reached, the guest is required to delete at least one device
before being allowed to register another device.

BYOD Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals

The navigation path for this page is Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components > Guest
Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > BYOD Settings.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Post-Login Banner Page Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals

Use these settings to enable Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) functionality for non-guests, such as employees,
using the Credentialed Guest portals to access your corporate network.

Field Usage Guidelines

Allow Employees to use Personal Add the BYOD Registration window to this portal allowing
Devices on the Network employees to go through the employee device registration
process, and possibly native supplicant and certificate
provisioning, depending on the settings for Client Provisioning
for the employee’s personal device type (for example, iOS,
Android, OSX).

Endpoint Identity Group Choose an endpoint identity group to track guest devices. Cisco
ISE provides the GuestEndpoints endpoint identity group to
use as a default. You can also create more endpoint identity
groups if you choose to not use the default.

Allow employees to choose to get guest Let employees access your guest network and avoid additional
access only provisioning and registration that may be required to access your
corporate network.

Display Device ID Field During Display the device ID to the user during the registration process,
Registration even though the device ID is pre-configured and cannot be
changed while using the BYOD portal.

Originating URL After successfully authenticating to the network, redirect the

user’s browser to the original website that the user is trying to
access, if available. If not available, the Authentication Success
window appears. Make sure that the redirect URL is allowed to
work on port 8443 of the PSN by the access-control list on the
NAD and by authorization profiles configured in Cisco ISE for
that NAD.
For Windows, MAC, and Android devices, control is given to
the Self-Provisioning Wizard app, which does provisioning.
Therefore, these devices are not redirected to the originating
URL. However, iOS (dot1X) and unsupported devices (that are
allowed network access) are redirected to this URL.

Success page Display a page indicating that the device registration was

URL After successfully authenticating to the network, redirect the

user's browser to the specified URL, such as your company’s

Post-Login Banner Page Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals or Sponsor Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and
Flow Settings > Post-Login Banner Page Settings.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Guest Device Compliance Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals

Use this setting to notify users (guests, sponsors or employees as applicable) of additional information after
they log in successfully.

Field Usage Guidelines

Include a Post-Login Banner page Display additional information after the users
successfully log in and before they are granted
network access.

Guest Device Compliance Settings for Credentialed Guest Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Guest
Device Compliance Settings. Use these settings to require guests, and employees using the guest portal, to
undergo client provisioning of their devices in order to gain access to the network.
• Require guest device compliance—Redirect guests to the Client Provisioning page, which requires
them to download a posture agent. This adds client provisioning to the Guest flow, where you configure
posture policies for guests, such as checking for virus protection software.
If the guest is an employee using the Credentialed Guest portals to access the network and:
• If you enabled Allow employees to use personal devices on the network in the BYOD Settings,
the employee is redirected to the BYOD flow and will not undergo client provisioning.
• If you enabled both Allow employees to use personal devices on the network and Allow employees
to choose to get guest access only in the BYOD Settings, and the employee chooses guest access,
they are routed to the Client Provisioning page.

VLAN DHCP Release Page Settings for Guest Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > VLAN
DHCP Release Page Settings.
• Enable VLAN DHCP release: Refresh a guest's IP address for Windows devices after a VLAN change
in both wired and wireless environments.
This affects the Central WebAuth (CWA) flow during final authorization, when the network access
changes the guest VLAN to a new VLAN. The guest’s old IP address must be released before the VLAN
change, and a new guest IP address must be requested through DHCP when the guest connects to the
new VLAN. The IP address release and renew operations are supported only on the Internet Explorer
Browser which uses DirectX controls.
The VLAN DHCP Release option does not work on mobile devices. Instead, guests are requested to
manually reset the IP address. This method varies by devices. For example, on Apple iOS devices, guests
can select the Wi-Fi network and click the Renew Lease button.
• Delay to Release __ Seconds: Enter the delay to release time. We recommend a short value, because
the release must occur immediately after the applet is downloaded, and before the Cisco ISE server directs
the NAD to re-authenticate with a CoA request.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Authentication Success Settings for Guest Portals

• Delay to CoA __ Seconds: Enter the time to delay Cisco ISE from executing the CoA. Provide enough
time (use the default value as a guideline) to allow the applet to download and perform the IP release on
the client.
• Delay to Renew __ Seconds: Enter the delay to renew value. This time is added to the IP release value
and does not begin timing until the control is downloaded. Provide enough time (use the default value
as a guideline) so that the CoA is allowed to process and the new VLAN access granted.

Authentication Success Settings for Guest Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings >
Authentication Success Settings.
These settings notify the users (guests, sponsors, or employees as applicable) of authentication success or
display a URL. Under Once authenticated, take guest to:, configure the following fields:
• Originating URL: After successfully authenticating to the network, redirect the user’s browser to the
original website that the user is trying to access, if available. If not available, the Authentication Success
window appears. Make sure that the redirect URL is allowed to work on port 8443 of the PSN by the
access-control list on the NAD and by authorization profiles configured in ISE for that NAD.
For Windows, MAC, and Android devices, control is given to the Self-Provisioning Wizard app, which
does provisioning. Therefore, these devices are not redirected to the originating URL. However, iOS
(dot1X) and unsupported devices (that are allowed network access) are redirected to this URL.
• Authentication Success page: Notification of successful authentication of the user.
• URL: After successfully authenticating to the network, redirect the user's browser to the specified URL,
such as your company’s website.

Note If you redirect a Guest to an external URL after authentication, there may be a delay while the URL address
is resolved and the session is redirected. Make sure that the redirect URL is allowed to work on port 8443 of
the PSN by the access-control list on the NAD and by authorization profiles configured in ISE for that NAD.

Support Information Page Settings for Guest Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Support
Information Page Settings.
Use these settings to display the information that your Help Desk can use to troubleshoot access issues
experienced by users (guests, sponsors or employees as applicable).

Field Usage Guidelines

Include a Support Information Page Display a link to an information window, such as
Contact Us, on all enabled windows for the portal.

MAC Address Include the MAC address of the device on the

Support Information window.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Sponsor Portal Application Settings

Field Usage Guidelines

IP Address Include the IP address of the device on the Support
Information window.

Browser User Agent Include the browser details such as the product name
and version, layout engine, and version of the user
agent originating the request on the Support
Information window.

Policy Server Include the IP address of the ISE Policy Service Node
(PSN) that is serving this portal on the Support
Information window.

Failure Code If available, include the corresponding number from

the log message catalog. To view the message catalog,
choose Administration > System > Logging >
Message Catalog.

Hide Field Do not display any field labels on the Support

Information window if the information that they
would contain is non-existent. For example, if the
failure code is unknown, and therefore blank, do not
display Failure Code, even if it is selected.

Display Label with no Value Display all selected field labels on the Support
Information window, even if the information that
they would contain is non-existent. For example, if
the failure code is unknown, display Failure Code,
even if it is blank.

Display Label with Default Value Display this text in any selected field on the Support
Information window, if the information that they
would contain is non-existent. For example, if you
enter Not Available in this field, and the failure code
is unknown, the Failure Code field displays Not

Sponsor Portal Application Settings

Portal Identification Settings
To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals or Sponsor Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Guest Portals or Sponsor
Portals Settings and Customization.
• Portal Name: Enter a unique portal name to access this portal. Do not use this portal name for any other
Sponsor, Guest, or nonguest portals, such as Blocked List, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Client
Provisioning, Mobile Device Management (MDM), or My Devices portals.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Portal Settings for Sponsor Portals

This name appears in the authorization profile portal selection for redirection choices. It is applied to the
list of portals for easy identification among other portals.
• Description: Optional.
• Portal Test URL: A system-generated URL displays as a link after you click Save. Use it to test the
Click the link to open a new browser tab that displays the URL for this portal. Policy Services Node
(PSN) with Policy Services must be turned on. If Policy Services are disabled, the PSN only displays
the Admin portal.

Note The test portal does not support RADIUS sessions, so you won't see the entire
portal flow for all portals. BYOD and Client Provisioning are examples of portals
that depend on RADIUS sessions. For example, a redirect to an external URL
will not work. If you have more than one PSN, Cisco ISE chooses the first active

• Language File: Each portal type supports 15 languages by default, which are available as individual
properties files bundled together in a single zipped language file. Export or import the zipped language
file to use with the portal. The zipped language file contains all the individual language files that you
can use to display text for the portal.
The language file contains the mapping to the particular browser locale setting along with all of the string
settings for the entire portal in that language. A single language file contains all the supported languages,
so that it can easily be used for translation and localization purposes.
If you change the browser locale setting for one language, the change is applied to all the other end-user
web portals. For example, if you change the browser locale from fr,fr-fr,fr-ca to fr,fr-fr
in the Hotspot Guest portal, the changes also apply to the My Devices portal.
An alert icon displays when you customize any of the text on the Portal Page Customizations tab. The
alert message reminds you that any changes made to one language while customizing the portal must
also be added to all the supported languages properties files. You can manually dismiss the alert icon
using the drop-down list option; or it is automatically dismissed after you import the updated zipped
language file.

Portal Settings for Sponsor Portals

Configure these settings to identify the portal and select the language files to be used for all the portal pages.
• HTTPS Port: Enter a port value between 8000 to 8999; the default value is 8443 for all the default
portals, except the Blocked List Portal, which is 8444. If you upgraded with port values outside this
range, they are honored until you modify this window. If you modify this window, update the port setting
to comply with this restriction.
If you assign ports used by a non-guest (such as My Devices) portal to a guest portal, an error message
For posture assessments and remediation only, the Client Provisioning portal also uses ports 8905 and
8909. Otherwise, it uses the same ports assigned to the Guest portal.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Portal Settings for Sponsor Portals

Portals assigned to the same HTTPS port can use the same Gigabit Ethernet interface or another interface.
If they use the same port and interface combination, they must use the same certificate group tag. For
• Valid combinations include, using the Sponsor portal as an example:
• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate tag A and My Devices portal: Port 8443,
Interface 0, Certificate group A.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate group A and My Devices portal: Port 8445,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8444, Interface 1, Certificate group A and Blocked List portal: Port 8444,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.

• Invalid combinations include:

• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate group A and My Devices portal: 8443,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8444, Interface 0, Certificate tag A and Blocked List portal: Port 8444,
Interface 0, Certificate group A.

Note We recommend that you use interface 0 for Guest services for best performance.
You can either configure only interface 0 in the Portal Settings, or you can use
the CLI command ip host to map a hostname or FQDN to the IP address of
interface 0.

• Allowed Interfaces: Select the PSN interfaces which a PAN can use to run a portal. When a request to
open a portal is made on the PAN, the PAN looks for an available allowed port on the PSN. You must
configure the Ethernet interfaces using IP addresses on different subnets.
These interfaces must be available on all the PSNs, including VM-based ones, that have Policy Services
turned on. This is a requirement because any of these PSNs can be used for the redirect at the start of the
guest session.
• The Ethernet interfaces must use IP addresses on different subnets.
• The interfaces you enable here must be available on all your PSNs, including VM-based ones when
Policy Services turned on. This is required because any of these PSNs can be used for a redirect at
the start of the guest session.
• The portal certificate Subject Name or Alternate Subject Name must resolve to the interface IP
• Configure ip host x.x.x.x in Cisco ISE CLI to map the secondary interface IP
address to the FQDN, which is used to match the certificate Subject Name or Alternate Subject
• If only the bonded NIC is selected, when the PSN attempts to configure the portal it first attempts
to configure the Bond interface. If that is not successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup
on that PSN, then the PSN logs an error and exits. The PSN will not try to start the portal on the
physical interface.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Portal Settings for Sponsor Portals

• NIC Teaming or bonding is a configuration option that allows you to configure two individual NICs
for high availability (fault tolerance). If one of the NICs fails, the other NIC that is part of the bonded
connection continues the connection. A NIC is selected for a portal based in the Portal Settings
configuration. If both physical NICs and the corresponding bonded NIC are configured, when the
PSN attempts to configure the portal, it first attempts to connect to the Bond interface. If that is not
successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup on that PSN, then the PSN attempts to start
the portal on the physical interface.

• Certificate Group tag: Pick a certificate group tag that specifies the certificate to be used for the portal’s
HTTPS traffic.
• Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN): Enter at least one unique FQDN or hostname for the Sponsor
or MyDevices portal. For example, you can enter,sponsor,
so that when the user enters either of those into a browser, the sponsor portal displays. Separate names
with commas, but do not include spaces between entries.
If you change the default FQDN, then also do the following:
• Update your DNS so that the FQDN of the new URL resolves to a valid Policy Services Node (PSN)
IP address. Optionally, this address could point to a load balancer virtual IP address that serves a
pool of PSNs.
• To avoid certificate warning messages due to name mismatches, include the FQDN of the customized
URL, or a wildcard, in the subject alternative name (SAN) attribute of the local server certificate
of the Cisco ISE PSN. If the Allow Kerberos SSO option is enabled for the sponsor portal, you
must include the FQDN of the Cisco ISE PSN, or a wildcard, in the SAN attribute of the local server
certificate used by the portal.

• Authentication Method: Choose which identity source sequence or Identity Provider (IdP) to use for
user authentication. The identity source sequence is a list of identity stores that are searched in sequence
to verify user credentials.
Cisco ISE includes a default identity source sequence for sponsor portals, Sponsor_Portal_Sequence.
To configure IdP, choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources >
SAML Id Providers.
To configure an identity source sequence, choose Administration > Identity Management > Identity
Source Sequences.
• Idle Timeout: Enter the time in minutes that you want Cisco ISE to wait before it logs out the user if
there is no activity in the portal. The valid range is from 1 to 30 minutes.
• Allow Kerberos: Use Kerberos to authenticate a sponsor for access to the sponsor portal. Kerberos SSO
is performed inside the secure tunnel after the browser establishes the SSL connection with ISE.

Note Kerberos authentication requires the following items to be in the same domain:
• Sponsor's PC
• FQDN configured for this sponsor portal

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Login Settings for Sponsor Portals

Note Kerberos authentication is NOT supported for the Guest portal.

• Display Language
• Use Browser Locale: Use the language specified in the client browser's locale setting as the display
language of the portal. If browser locale's language is not supported by Cisco ISE, then the Fallback
Language is used as the language portal.

• Fallback Language: Choose the language to use when the language cannot be obtained from the
browser locale, or if the browser locale language is not supported by Cisco ISE.

• Always Use: Choose the display language to use for the portal. This setting overrides the User
Browser Locale option.

• SSIDs Available to Sponsors: Enter the names or the SSIDs (Session Service Identifiers) of the networks
that a sponsor can notify guests as the correct networks to connect to for their visit.

Login Settings for Sponsor Portals

Login Page Settings for Sponsor Portals
To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Sponsor Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Login
Page Settings.
• Maximum Failed Login Attempts Before Rate Limiting: Specify the number of failed login attempts
from a single browser session before Cisco ISE starts to throttle that account. This does not cause an
account lockout. The throttled rate is configured in Time between login attempts when rate limiting.
• Time Between Login Attempts when Rate Limiting: Set the length of time in minutes that a user must
wait before attempting to log in again (throttled rate), after failing to log in the number of times defined
in Maximum failed login attempts before rate limiting.
• Include an AUP: Add a acceptable use policy window to the flow. You can add the AUP to the window,
or link to another window.

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Settings for Sponsor Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Sponsor Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings >
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings.
Use these settings to define the AUP experience for the users (guests, sponsors or employees as applicable).

Field Usage Guidelines

Include an AUP Page Display your company’s network-usage terms and
conditions on a separate page to the user.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Sponsor Change Password Settings for Sponsor Portals

Field Usage Guidelines

Require scrolling to end of AUP Ensure that the user has read the AUP completely.
The Accept button is enabled only after the user has
scrolled to the end of the AUP.

On First Login only Display an AUP when the user logs into the network
or portal for the first time only.

On Every Login Display an AUP each time the user logs into the
network or portal.

Every __ Days (starting at first login) Display an AUP periodically after the user first logs
into the network or portal.

Sponsor Change Password Settings for Sponsor Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Sponsor Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings >
Sponsor Change Password Settings. These settings define the password requirements for sponsors using
the Sponsor portal.

Field Usage Guidelines

Allow sponsors to change their own passwords Allow sponsors to change their passwords after they
log into the Sponsor portal. This option displays a
Change Password page only if the sponsors are part
of the Internal Users database.

Post-Login Banner Settings for Sponsor Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals or Sponsor Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and
Flow Settings > Post-Login Banner Page Settings.
Use this setting to notify users (guests, sponsors or employees as applicable) of additional information after
they log in successfully.

Field Usage Guidelines

Include a Post-Login Banner page Display additional information after the users
successfully log in and before they are granted
network access.

Support Information Page Settings for Sponsor Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Sponsor Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings >
Support Information Page Settings.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Notify Guests Customization for Sponsor Portals

Use these settings to display the information that your Help Desk can use to troubleshoot access issues
experienced by users (guests, sponsors or employees as applicable).

Field Usage Guidelines

Include a Support Information Page Display a link to an information window, such as
Contact Us, on all enabled windows for the portal.

MAC Address Include the MAC address of the device on the

Support Information window.

IP Address Include the IP address of the device on the Support

Information window.

Browser User Agent Include the browser details such as the product name
and version, layout engine, and version of the user
agent originating the request on the Support
Information window.

Policy Server Include the IP address of the ISE Policy Service Node
(PSN) that is serving this portal on the Support
Information window.

Failure Code If available, include the corresponding number from

the log message catalog. To view the message catalog,
choose Administration > System > Logging >
Message Catalog.

Hide Field Do not display any field labels on the Support

Information window if the information that they
would contain is non-existent. For example, if the
failure code is unknown, and therefore blank, do not
display Failure Code, even if it is selected.

Display Label with no Value Display all selected field labels on the Support
Information window, even if the information that
they would contain is non-existent. For example, if
the failure code is unknown, display Failure Code,
even if it is blank.

Display Label with Default Value Display this text in any selected field on the Support
Information window, if the information that they
would contain is non-existent. For example, if you
enter Not Available in this field, and the failure code
is unknown, the Failure Code field displays Not

Notify Guests Customization for Sponsor Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Sponsor Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Page Customization > Notify Guests.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Manage and Approve Customization for Sponsor Portals

Under Page Customizations, you can customize the messages, titles, content, instructions, and field and
button labels that appear on the notifications that sponsors send to guests from the Sponsor portal.
Under Settings, you can specify whether sponsors can send usernames and passwords separately to guests
using email or SMS. You can also specify whether sponsors can display a Support Information page for guests
to provide information that a help desk can use to troubleshoot access issues.

Manage and Approve Customization for Sponsor Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Sponsor Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Page Customization > Manage and
Under Page Customizations, you can customize the messages, titles, content, instructions, and field and
button labels that appear on the Manage and Approve tabs of the Sponsor portal.
These include the accounts (registered and pending) summary and detailed views, the pop-up dialogs that
display based on the operations the sponsor performs on guest accounts such as edit, extend, suspend and so
on, and also general portal and account action messages.

Global Settings for Guest and Sponsor Portals

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Guest Access > Settings. You can configure the
following general settings that apply to Guest and Sponsor portals, guest types, and sponsor groups in Cisco
• Policies for purging guest accounts and generating usernames and passwords.
• SMTP servers and SMS gateways to use when sending email and SMS notifications to guests and
• Locations, time zones, SSIDs, and custom fields to select from when creating guest accounts and when
registering guests using Self-Registration Guest portals.

After configuring these global settings, you can use them as needed when configuring specific Guest and
Sponsor portals, guest types, and sponsor groups.
The following tabs are on the Portal settings page:
• Guest Account Purge Policy: Schedule when to purge guest accounts that have expired. For more
information, see Schedule When to Purge Expired Guest Accounts, on page 320.
• Custom Fields: Add custom fields to use in Guest portals, to retrieve additional information from users.
For more information, see Add Custom Fields for Guest Account Creation, on page 321.
• Guest Email Settings: Decide whether to email notifications to guests about changes in their account.
For more information, see Specify Email Addresses and SMTP Servers for Email Notifications, on page
• Guest Locations and SSIDs: Configure the Locations and the Service Set Identifiers (SSIDs) of the
networks that guests can use at these Locations. For more information, see Assign Guest Locations and
SSIDs, on page 322.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Guest Type Settings

• Guest Username Policy: Configure how guest user names are created. For more information, see Set
the Guest Username Policy, on page 325 and Rules for Guest Password Policies, on page 323.
• Guest Password Policy: Define the guest password policies for all Guest and Sponsor portals. For more
information, see Set the Guest Password Policy and Expiration, on page 324.
• Logging: Guest users are tracked by the MAC address of their device. When guest users are displayed
in reports, the username is the MAC address. If you select this option, reports will show the portal user
ID as the username, instead of the MAC address. For more information about this option, see Guest
Remember Me, on page 346.

Guest Type Settings

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Types. Use these settings to create the types of Guests that can access your network
and their access privileges. You can also specify which Sponsor Groups can create this type of Guest.
• Guest type name: Provide a name (from 1 to 256 characters) that distinguishes this Guest Type from
the other Guest Types.
• Description: Provide additional information (maximum of 2000 characters) about the recommended use
of this Guest Type, for example, Use for self-registering Guests.
• Language File: This field allows you to export and import the language file, which contains content for
email subject, email message, and SMS messages in all supported languages. These languages and content
are used in notifications about an expired account, and are sent to guests who are assigned to this guest
type. If you are creating a new guest type, this feature is disabled until after you save the guest type. For
more information about editing the lanaguage file, see Portal Language Customization, on page 422.
• Collect Additional Data: Click the Custom Fields option to select which custom fields to use to collect
additional data from guests using this Guest Type.
To manage custom fields, choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Settings > Custom Fields.
• Maximum Access Time
• Account duration starts: If you select From first login, the account start time starts when the
guest user first logs in to the guest portal, and the end time equals the configured duration time. If
the guest user never logs in, the account remains in the Awaiting first login state until the guest
account purge policy removes the account.
Values are from 1 to 999 days, hours, or minutes.
A self-registered user's account starts when they create and log on to their account.
If you select From sponsor-specified date, enter the maximum number of days, hours, or minutes
that Guests of this Guest Type can access and stay connected to the network.
If you change these settings, your changes will not apply to existing Guest accounts that were created
using this Guest Type.
• Maximum account duration: Enter the number of days, hours, or minutes that guests assigned to
this guest type can log on.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Guest Type Settings

Note The account purge policy checks for expired guest accounts, and sends expiration
notification. This policy runs every 20 minutes, so if you set the account duration
to less than 20 mins, it is possible that expiration notices may not be sent out
before the account is purged.

You can specify the duration time and the days of the week when access is provided to the guests
of this Guest Type by using the Allow access only on these days and times option.
• The days of the week that you select limits access to the dates that are selectable in the Sponsor's
• Maximum account duration is enforced in the sponsor portal, when the Sponsor picks duration
and dates.

The settings you make here for access time affect the time settings that are available on the sponsor portal
when creating a guest account. For more information, see Configuring the Time Settings Available to
Sponsors , on page 357.
• Logon Options
• Maximum simultaneous logins: Enter the maximum number of user sessions that users assigned
to this Guest Type can have running concurrently.
• When guest exceeds limit: When you select Maximum simultaneous logins, you must also select
the action to take when a user connects after the maximum number of login is reached.
• Disconnect the oldest connection
• Disconnect the newest connection: If you select Redirect user to a portal page showing an
error message, an error message is displayed for a configurable amount of time, then the
session is disconnected, and the user is redirected to the Guest portal. The error page's content
is configured on the Portal Page Customization dialog, on the Messages > Error Messages

• Maximum devices guests can register: Enter the maximum number of devices that can be registered
to each Guest. You can set the limit to a number lower than what is already registered for the Guests
of this Guest Type. This only affects newly created Guest accounts. When a new device is added,
and the maximum is reached, the oldest device is disconnected.
• Endpoint identity group for guest device registration: Choose an endpoint identity group to
assign to guest devices. Cisco ISE provides the GuestEndpoints endpoint identity group to use as
a default. You can also create more endpoint identity groups if you choose to not use the default.
• Allow guest to bypass the Guest portal: Allows users to bypass the credentialed guest-type captive
portal (web authentication page), and access the network by providing credentials to wired and
wireless (dot1x) supplicants or VPN clients. Guest accounts change to the Active state, bypassing
the Awaiting Initial Login state and the AUP page, even if the AUP is required.
If you do not enable this setting, users must first log in through the credentialed Guest captive portal
before they are able to access other parts of the network.

• Account Expiration Notification

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Sponsor Group Settings

• Send account expiration notification __ days before account expires: Send a notification to
Guests before their account expires and specify how many days, hours, or minutes before the
• View messages in: Specify the language to use when displaying email or SMS notifications as you
set them up.
• Email: Send account expiration notices by email.
• Use customization from: Apply the same customizations that you configured for the selected portal
to this Guest Type's account expiration emails.
• Copy text from: Reuse email text that you created for another Guest Type's account expiration
• SMS: Send account expiration notices by SMS.
The settings that follow for SMS are the same as for email notifications, except that you choose an
SMS gateway for Send test SMS to me.

• Sponsor Groups: Specify the sponsor groups whose members can create a guest account using this guest
type. Delete the sponsor groups that you do not want to have access to this guest type.

Sponsor Group Settings

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Sponsor Groups. Use these settings to add members to the sponsor group, define guest types
and location privileges, and set permissions related to creating and managing guest accounts.
• Disable Sponsor Group: Disable members of this sponsor group from accessing the Sponsor portal.
For instance, you may want to temporarily prevent sponsors from logging in to the Sponsor portal while
configuration changes are being made in the Admin portal. Or, you may want to disable a sponsor group
that is involved in infrequent activity, such as sponsoring guests for an annual convention, until the time
they need to be activated again.
• Sponsor group name: Enter a unique name (from 1 to 256 characters).
• Description: Include useful information (maximum of 2000 characters) such as the guest types used by
this sponsor group.
• Configure Guest Types: If the guest type you need is not available, click Work Centers > Guest
Access > Portals & Components > Guest Types and create a new guest type or edit an existing one.
• Match Criteria
• Members: Click to display the Select Sponsor Group Members box, where you can select available
user identity groups (from internal and external identity stores) and add them as members of this
sponsor group.
• Sponsor Group Members: Search and filter the list of selected sponsor groups and delete any
groups you do not want to include.

• Other conditions: Click Create New Condition to build one or more conditions that a sponsor
must match to be included in this sponsor group. You can use authentication attributes from Active

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Sponsor Group Settings

Directory, LDAP, SAML, and ODBC identity stores, but not RADIUS Token or RSA SecurID
stores. You can also use internal user attributes. Conditions have an attribute, and operator, and a
• To create a condition using the internal dictionary attribute Name, prefix the identity group
name with User Identity Groups. For example:
InternalUser:Name EQUALS bsmith
This means that only internal users with the Name "bsmith" can belong to this sponsor group.

• This sponsor group can create accounts using these guest types: Specify the guest types that the
members in this sponsor group can use when creating guest accounts. For a sponsor group to be enabled,
it must have at least one guest type that it can use.
If you assign only one guest type to this sponsor group, you can choose not to display it in the Sponsor
portal because it is the only valid guest type available for use. Choose Work Centers > Guest Access >
Portals & Components > Sponsor Portal > Page Customization > Create Accounts > Guest Types >
Settings. Check Hide guest type if only one is available to sponsor to enable this option.
• Select the locations that guests will be visiting: Select the locations that can be assigned to guests while
creating their accounts. This helps define the valid time zones for these guest accounts and specifies all
the time parameters that apply to the guest, such as valid access times. This does not prevent guests from
connecting to the network from other locations.
For a sponsor group to be enabled, it must have at least one location that it can use.
If you assign only one location to this sponsor group, it will be the only valid time zone for the guest
accounts created by its members. By default, it does not display in the Sponsor portal.

Sponsor Can Create

• Multiple guest accounts assigned to specific guests (Import): Enable the sponsor to create multiple
guest accounts by importing guest details such as first name and last name from a file.
If this option is enabled, the Import option appears in the Create Accounts page of the Sponsor portal.
The Import option is only available on desktop browsers (not mobile), such as Internet Explorer, Firefox,
Safari, and so on.
• Limit to batch of: If this sponsor group is allowed to create multiple accounts simultaneously, specify
the number of guest accounts that can be created in a single import operation.
Although a sponsor can create a maximum of 10,000 accounts, we recommend that you limit the number
of accounts you create, due to potential performance issues.
• Multiple guest accounts to be assigned to any guests (Random): Enable the sponsor to create multiple
random guest accounts as placeholders for guests who are not known as yet, or when they need to create
many accounts quickly.
If this option is enabled, the Random option appears in the Create Accounts window of the Sponsor
• Default username prefix: Specify a username prefix that sponsors can use when creating multiple
random guest accounts. If specified, this prefix appears in the Sponsor Portal when creating random guest
accounts. In addition, if Allow sponsor to specify a username prefix is:
• Enabled: The sponsor can edit the default prefix in the Sponsor portal.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Sponsor Group Settings

• Not enabled: The sponsor cannot edit the default prefix in the Sponsor portal.

If you do not specify a username prefix or allow the sponsor to specify one, then the sponsor will not be
able to assign username prefixes in the Sponsor portal.
• Allow sponsor to specify a username prefix: If this sponsor group is allowed to create multiple accounts
simultaneously, specify the number of guest accounts that can be created in a single import operation.
Although a sponsor can create a maximum of 10,000 accounts, we recommend that you limit the number
of accounts you create, due to potential performance issues.
• Start date can be no more than __ days into the future: Specify the number of days within which
sponsors have to set as the start date for the multiple guest accounts they have created.

Sponsor Can Manage

• Only accounts sponsor has created: Sponsors in this group can view and manage only the guest accounts
that they have created, which is based on the Sponsor’s email account.
• Accounts created by members of this sponsor group: Sponsors in this group can view and manage
the guest accounts created by any sponsor in this sponsor group.
• All guest accounts: Sponsors view and manage all pending guest accounts.

Note Regardless of the group membership, all sponsors can see all pending accounts, unless you check Approve
and view requests from self-registering guests with the option Only pending accounts assigned to this
sponsor under Sponsor Can.

Sponsor Can
• Update guests' contact information (email, Phone Number): For guest accounts that they can manage,
allow the sponsor to change a guest's contact information
• View/print guests' passwords: When this option is enabled, the sponsor can print passwords for guests.
The sponsor can see the passwords for guests on the Manage Accountswindow and in the details for a
guest. When this is not checked, the sponsor can't print the password, but the user can still get the password
through email or SMS, if configured.
• Send SMS notifications with guests’ credentials: For guest accounts that they can manage, allow the
sponsor to send SMS (text) notifications to guests with their account details and login credentials.
• Reset guest account passwords: For guest accounts that they can manage, allow the sponsor to reset
passwords for guests to a random password generated by Cisco ISE.
• Extend guests’ accounts: For guest accounts that they can manage, allow the sponsor to extend them
beyond their expiration date. The sponsor is automatically copied on email notifications sent to guests
regarding their account expiration.
• Delete guests’ accounts: For guest accounts that they can manage, allow the sponsor to delete the
accounts, and prevent guests from accessing your company's network.
• Suspend guests’ accounts: For guest accounts that they can manage, allow the sponsor to suspend their
accounts to prevent guests from logging in temporarily.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
End-User Portals

This action also issues a Change of Authorization (CoA) Terminate to remove the suspended guests from
the network.
• Require sponsor to provide a reason: Require the sponsor to provide an explanation for suspending
the guest accounts.

• Approve and view requests from self-registering guests: Sponsors who are included in this Sponsor
Group can either view all pending account requests from self-registering guests (that require approval),
or only the requests where the user entered the Sponsor's email address as the person being visited. This
feature requires that the portal used by the Self-registering guest has Require self-registered guests to
be approved checked, and the Sponsor's email is listed as the person to contact.
• Any pending accounts: A sponsor belonging to this group an approve and review accounts that were
created by any sponsor.
• Only pending accounts assigned to this sponsor: A sponsor belonging to this group can only view
and approve accounts that they created.

• Access Cisco ISE guest accounts using the programmatic interface (Guest REST API): For guest
accounts that they can manage, allow the sponsor to access guest accounts using the Guest REST API
programming interface.

End-User Portals
Cisco ISE provides web-based portals for three primary sets of end users:
• Guests who need to temporarily access your enterprise network using the Guest portals (Hotspot and
credentialed Guest portals).
• Employees who are designated as sponsors who can create and manage guest accounts using the Sponsor
• Employees who are using their personal devices on the enterprise network using the various non-guest
portals such as the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Mobile Device Management (MDM), and My
Devices portals.

Customization of End-User Web Portals

You can edit, duplicate, and create more portals. You can also fully customize the portal appearance and,
therefore, the portal experience. You can customize each individual portal without affecting other portals.
You can customize various aspects of the portal interface that apply to the entire portal or to specific pages
of the portal, such as:
• Themes, images, colors, banners, and footers
• Languages used for displaying portal text, error messages, and notifications
• Titles, content, instructions, and field and button labels
• Notifications sent to guests via email, SMS, and printer (applies only to the Self-Registered Guest and
Sponsor portals)

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Customization of End-User Web Portals

• Error and informational messages displayed to users

• For the the Self-Registered Guest and Sponsor portals, you can create custom fields to gather guest
information specific to your needs

ISE Community Resource

For more information about customizing web portals, see ISE Portal Builder and HowTo: ISE Web Portal
Customization Options.

Customization Methods
There are several different ways to customize the end user portals pages, which require different levels of
• Basic: You can modify the portal Customization page:
• Upload banners and logos
• Change some colors (except for buttons)
• Change the text on the screens, and the language used on the entire portal

• Intermediate
• Use the minieditor to add HTML and Javascript

Note Before you can enter HTML in a minieditor, click the HTML icon.

• Use the jQuery mobile theme roller to change the color of all page elements

• Advanced
• Manually modify properties and CSS files.

After you customize your portal, you can create multiple portals (of the same type) by duplicating it. For
example, if you customized your Hotspot Guest portal for one business entity, you can duplicate it and make
minor changes to create custom Hotspot Guest portals for other business entities.

Tips for Customizing Portals with the Mini Editors

• Long words in a minieditor box may scroll off the screen area of the portal. You can break the line with
the HTML paragraph attribute style="word-wrap: break-word". For example:
<p style="word-wrap:break-word">



• When you use HTML or javascript to customize portal pages, make sure that you use valid syntax. Cisco
ISE doesn’t validate the tags and code that you enter into a minieditor. Invalid syntax may cause problems
during the portal flow.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Portal Content Types

Portal Content Types

Cisco ISE provides a default set of portal themes that you can use “as is” or customize by using the existing
CSS files as models to create new custom files. However, you can alter the appearance of the portals without
using customized CSS files.
For instance, if you want to use unique corporate logos and banner images, you can simply upload and use
these new image files. You can customize the default color scheme by changing the color of the different
elements and areas of the portals. You can even choose the language in which you want to view the custom
changes as you make them.
When you design images to replace the logos and banner, make the images as close to the following pixel
size as you can:

Banner 1724 X 133

Desktop Logo 86 X 45
Mobile Logo 80 X 35

Note that ISE resizes the images to fit the portal, but images that are too small may not look right after resizing.
To perform advanced customization, such as changing the page layout or adding video clips or advertisements
to your portal pages, you can use your own custom CSS files.
These types of changes within a specific portal are applied globally to all the pages of that portal. Changes to
the page layout can be applied either globally or to just one specific page in the portal.

Portal Page Titles, Content, and Labels

You can customize the titles, text boxes, instructions, field and button labels, and other visual elements that
the guest views on the end-user web portal pages. While you are customizing the page, you can even edit the
page settings dynamically.
These changes are applied only to the specific page that you are customizing.

Basic Customization of Portals

Select a predefined theme that best suits your needs, and use most of its default settings. You can then do
some basic customization, such as:
• Modify the Portal Theme Colors, on page 399
• Change the Portal Icons, Images, and Logos, on page 400
• Update the Portal Banner and Footer Elements, on page 400
• Change the Portal Display Language, on page 399
• Change the Titles, Instructions, Buttons, and Label Text, on page 401
• Format and Style Text Box Content, on page 401

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Modify the Portal Theme Colors

Tip You can View Your Customization, on page 405 as you make the updates.

Modify the Portal Theme Colors

You can customize the default color scheme in the default portal themes and change the color of the different
elements and areas of the portals. These changes apply to the entire portal that you are customizing.
If you plan to change the portal colors, be aware of the following:
• You cannot use this option to change the color scheme in any of the custom portal themes that you may
have imported for use with this portal. You must edit the custom theme CSS file to change its color
• After changing the colors in a portal theme, if you select another portal theme from the Portal Theme
drop-down menu, the changes are lost in the original portal theme and it reverts to its default colors.
• If you tweak the colors of a portal theme with an already modified color scheme and then reset its colors
before saving it, the color scheme reverts to its default colors and any previous modifications are lost.

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Guest Access > Portals & Components > Sponsor
Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Step 2 Select one of the default themes from the Portal Theme drop-down list.
Step 3 Click Tweaks to override some of the color settings in the selected default portal theme.
a) Change the color settings for the banner and page backgrounds, text, and labels.
b) If you want to revert to the theme’s default color scheme, click Reset Colors.
c) Click OK if you want to view the color changes in Preview.
Step 4 Click Save.

Change the Portal Display Language

You can choose the language in which you want to view the custom changes as you make them. This change
applies to the entire portal that you are customizing.

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Global Customization.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Change the Portal Icons, Images, and Logos

• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Global Customization.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Global Customization.

Step 2 From the View In drop-down list, choose the language in which you want to view the text while customizing the page.
The drop-down list includes all languages in the language file associated with the specific portal.

What to do next
Make sure that you update any changes made in the selected language while customizing the portal page into
all the supported language properties files.

Change the Portal Icons, Images, and Logos

If you want to use unique corporate logos, icons, and banner images, you can simply replace the existing
images by uploading your custom images. Supported image formats include .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, and .png. These
changes apply to the entire portal that you are customizing.

Before you begin

To include images in the footer of the portal, for instance in an advertisement, you should be able to access
an external server that has these images.

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Configure > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Step 2 Under Images, click any of the logos, icons, and image buttons and upload your custom images.
Step 3 Click Save.

Update the Portal Banner and Footer Elements

You can customize the information that appears in the banner and footer sections of every page in the portal.
These changes apply to the entire portal that you are customizing.

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Change the Titles, Instructions, Buttons, and Label Text

• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Step 2 Change the Banner title that appears on every portal page.
Step 3 Include these links for the guests who use your portals:
• Help—Online help (provided for only the Sponsor and My Devices portals).
• Contact—Technical support (set up the Support Information page to enable this).

Step 4 Add a disclaimer or a copyright notice in the Footer Elements to appear on the bottom of every portal page.
Step 5 Click Save.

Change the Titles, Instructions, Buttons, and Label Text

You can update all the text that is displayed in the portal. Each UI element on the page that you are customizing
has a minimum and maximum range for the number of characters that you can enter. When available in some
of the text blocks, you can use a mini-editor to apply visual styling to the text. These changes apply only to
the specific portal page you are customizing. These page elements are different for email, SMS, and print

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Step 2 Under Pages, choose the page that you want to change.
Step 3 Under Page Customizations, update any of the displayed UI elements. All pages contain Browser Page Title, Content
Title, Instructional Text, Content, and two Optional Content text blocks. The fields in the Content area are specific
to each page.

Format and Style Text Box Content

Use the mini-editor that is available in the Instructional Text, Optional Content 1, and Optional Content
2 text boxes to do basic formatting of the text. These changes apply only to the specific portal pages that you
are customizing.
Use the Toggle Full Screen button to increase and decrease the size of the text boxes as you work in them.

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Variables for Portal Pages Customization

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Step 2 Under Pages, choose the page that you want to change.
Step 3 Under Page Customizations, in the Instructional Text and Optional Content text blocks, you can:
• Change the font, size, and color of the text.
• Style the text as bold, italics, or underlined.
• Create bulleted and numbered lists.
Note You can use the Toggle HTML Source button to view the HTML tags that were applied to the text that you
formatted using the mini-editor. If you edit the text in the HTML Source view, click the Toggle HTML Source
button again, before saving your changes in the Portal Page Customization window.

Variables for Portal Pages Customization

The navigation paths for these portal page text boxes are:
• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal
Management > (any Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages.

Use these variables when creating templates for portal content and guest notifications to enable consistency
in the information presented to the portal users (guests, sponsors, and employees). Substitute text with the
variable names listed here for each of the portals in the Instructional Text , Optional Content 1, and Optional
Content 2 text boxes.

Table 44: List of Variables for Guest Portals

Display Name Substitute with Variable Name

Access code ui_access_code
Use to provide an access code to guests using either
email, text, or print notifications.

BYOD IOS SSID ui_byod_success_ios_ssid

Use to specify the network that a device should
connect to after on-boarding in a dual SSID flow.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Variables for Portal Pages Customization

Display Name Substitute with Variable Name

Client Provisioning Agent Type ui_client_provision_agent_type
Use to specify the currently configured agent in the
client provisioning policy, such as the AnyConnect

Client Provisioning Agent URL ui_client_provision_agent_url

Use to specify the download URL for the posture

Client Provisioning agent install minutes ui_client_provision_install_agent_mins

Use to notify guests the amount of time (set by the
remediation timer) in which they must complete the
installation instructions on the Client Provisioning
window. If guests do not complete the installation
instructions before the timer expires, they must refresh
the browser page and go through the login process

Company ui_company

Email address ui_email_address

End date and time ui_end_date_time

First name ui_first_name

Last name ui_last_name

Location name ui_location_name

Maximum registered devices ui_max_reg_devices

Maximum simultaneous logins ui_max_siml_login

Password ui_password

Person being visited (email) ui_person_visited

Phone number ui_phone_number

Reason for visit ui_reason_visit

SMS Provider ui_sms_provider

SSID ui_ssid
Use to specify the wireless network that a guest can
use to connect to the network.

Start date and time ui_start_date_time

Time left ui_time_left

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Variables for Portal Pages Customization

Display Name Substitute with Variable Name

Username ui_user_name

Table 45: List of Variables for Sponsor Portals

Display Name Substitute with Variable Name

Guest - Company ui_guest_company

Guest - Email address ui_guest_email_address

Guest - End date and time ui_guest_end_date_time

Guest - First name ui_guest_first_name

Guest - Last name ui_guest_last_name

Guest - Location name ui_guest_location_name

Guest - Maximum registered devices ui_guest_max_reg_devices

Guest - Maximum simultaneous logins ui_guest_max_siml_login

Guest - Password ui_guest_password

Guest - Person being visited (email) ui_guest_person_visited

Guest - Phone number ui_guest_phone_number

Guest - Reason for visit ui_guest_reason_visit

Guest - SMS Provider ui_guest_sms_provider

Guest - SSID ui_guest_ssid

Use to specify the wireless network that a guest can
use to connect to the network.

Guest - Start date and time ui_guest_start_date_time

Guest - Time left ui_guest_time_left

Guest - Username ui_guest_user_name

Username ui_sponsor_user_name
Use to specify the username of the user logged into
the portal.

Use to display "From" in the Guest Access ui_from_label

Information window.

Use to display "First Login" in the Guest Access ui_first_login_text

Information window.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
View Your Customization

Display Name Substitute with Variable Name

Use to display guest account notification message if ui_notification_first_login_text
the access time starts at First Login.

Dynamic variable that represents the account duration ui_access_duration

in email notifications.

Dynamic variable to display an account that is no ui_account_purge_date

longer available. For Start-End accounts, the date is
the End date and for From-First-Login account, the
date is the account creation date plus the purge
duration days.

Use to restrict the sponsor from changing the guest ui_guest_type_change_ffl_startend_not_allowed_error

type from From First Login to Start-End or vice versa,
if the guest user has logged in at least once in the past.
Displayed in the General Sponsor Portal Messages.

Table 46: List of Variables for MDM Portals

Display Name Substitute with Variable Name

MDM - Vendor Name ui_mdm_vendor_name

Table 47: List of Variables for My Devices Portals

Display Name Substitute with Variable Name

MyDevices - Login Failure Rate Limit $user_login_failure_rate_limit$

MyDevices - Max Devices to Register ui_max_register_devices

MyDevices - User Name $session_username$

Use to specify the username of the user logged into
the portal.

View Your Customization

You can view how your customization will display to the portal users (guests, sponsors, or employees).

Step 1 Click Portal test URL to view your changes.

Step 2 (Optional) Click Preview to dynamically view how your changes appear on various devices:
• Mobile devices: View your changes under Preview.
• Desktop devices: Click Preview and then click Desktop Preview.
If the changes are not displayed, click Refresh Preview. The portal displayed is only meant for viewing your changes;
you cannot click buttons or enter data.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Custom Portal Files

Note The test portal does not support RADIUS sessions, so you won't see the entire portal flow for all portals. BYOD
and Client Provisioning are examples of portals that depend on RADIUS sessions. If you have more than one
PSN, Cisco ISE chooses the first active PSN.

Custom Portal Files

The custom portal files menu lets you upload your own files to the ISE server, which you can use to customize
all user facing portals (except for the Admin portal). The files you upload are stored on the PSN and
synchronized to all PSNs.
Supported file types are:
• .png, .gif, .jpg, .jpeg, ico: For backgrounds, announcements, and advertisements
• .htm, .html, .js, .json, .css, .m4a, .m4v, .mp3, .mp4, .mpeg, .ogg, .wav: For advanced customization (for
example,portal builder)

File sizes are limited to:

• 20 MB per file
• 200 MB total of all files

The path column in the list of files displays the URL to the file on this server, which you can use to reference
it outside the mini-editor. If the file is an image, when you click the link, it opens a new window that displays
the image.
Uploaded files can be referenced by all portal types, except the Admin portal, in the mini-editors under Portal
Page Customization. To insert the file into a mini-editor, click Insert File. Toggle to the HTML Source
view, and you will see the inserted file surrounded by the appropriate HTML tags.
You can also view the displayable uploaded files in your browser from outside of ISE, for testing. The URL
is https://ise_ip:8443/portal/customFiles/filename.

Advanced Customization of Portals

If you do not want to use one of the default portal themes provided by Cisco ISE, you can customize the portal
to suit your needs. To do so, you must have experience working with CSS and Javascript files and the jQuery
Mobile ThemeRoller application.
You cannot alter the default portal themes, but you can:
• Export a Portal’s Default Theme CSS File, on page 411 and use it as a base for creating a custom portal
• Create a Custom Portal Theme CSS File, on page 411 by editing the default portal theme and saving it
as a new file.
• Import the Custom Portal Theme CSS File, on page 420 and apply it to the portal.

Depending on your expertise and requirements, you can perform various types of advanced customization.
You can use predefined variables to enable consistency in displayed information, add advertisements to your

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Enable Advanced Portal Customization

portal pages, use HTML, CSS and Javascript code to customize your content, and modify the portal page
You modify the portal by adding HMTL, CSS, and javascript into the content boxes on the Portal Page
Customization tab of each portal. This document has examples of customization with HTML and CSS.
Examples using javascript are on the ISE community here: More HTML, CSS,
and Javascript examples are on the ISE community here:

Note TAC does not support Javascript customizations of Cisco ISE portals. If you are having problems with
Javascript customizations, please post your questions to the ISE community

Enable Advanced Portal Customization

Cisco ISE allows you to customize the content that displays on your end-user portals. You can enter HTML,
CSS, and Javascript code in the text boxes on the different pages listed under Portal Page Customization.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Settings >
Portal Customization.
Step 2 Verify that Enable portal customization with HTML is checked by default. This setting enables you to include HTML
tags in the Instructional Text, Optional Content 1 and Optional Content 2 fields.
Step 3 Check Enable portal customization with HTML and Javascript if you want to do advanced JavaScript customization
by including <script> tags in the Instructional Text, Optional Content 1 and Optional Content 2 fields.

Portal Theme and Structure CSS Files

If you have experience with working with CSS files, you can customize the default portal theme CSS files to
alter the portal presentation and manipulate elements such as the page layout, colors, and fonts. Customizing
the CSS files provides you with flexibility and control in specifying the presentation characteristics, it enables
you to share formatting across multiple pages, and it reduces the complexity and repetition in the structural
Cisco ISE end-user portals use two distinct types of CSS files: structure.css and theme.css. Every portal theme
has its own theme.css file, but there is only one structure.css file per portal type; for example guest.structure.css
for Guest portals, sponsor.structure.css for Sponsor Portals, and mydevices.structure.css for My Devices
The structure.css provides the styling for the page layout and structure. It defines the positioning of elements
on each page and also includes jQuery Mobile structure styles. You can only view the structure.css file, but
you cannot edit it. However, when you change the page layout within theme.css files, import these files into
the portal, and apply them, the most recent changes take priority over the structure.css styles.
The theme.css files specify styles such as fonts, button colors, and header background. You can export the
theme.css files, change the theme settings, and import them to use as custom themes for your portal. Any page
layout style changes made to the theme.css files take priority over the styles that are defined in the structure.css

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
About Changing Theme Colors with jQuery Mobile

You cannot alter any of the Cisco provided default portal theme.css files. However, you can edit the settings
in the files and save them to a new custom theme.csstheme.css file. You can make further edits to the custom
theme.css file, but when you import it back into Cisco ISE, remember to use the same theme name you
originally used for it. You cannot use two different theme names for the same theme.css file.
For example, you can use a default green theme.css file to create a new custom blue theme.css file and name
it as Blue. You can then edit the blue theme.css file, but when you import it again, you must reuse the same
Blue theme name. You cannot call it Red, since Cisco ISE checks for the relationship between a filename and
its name and the uniqueness of the theme’s name. You can however edit the blue theme.css file, save it as red
theme.css, import the new file, and name it as Red.

About Changing Theme Colors with jQuery Mobile

The color scheme of Cisco's end-user portals is compatible with jQuery ThemeRoller. You can easily edit the
colors for an entire portal using the ThemeRoller web site.
ThemeRoller color “swatches” contain a unique color scheme, which defines the colors, textures, and font
settings for the primary UI elements, such as toolbars, content blocks, buttons, list items, and font text-shadow.
A color scheme also defines the settings for various interaction states of the buttons: normal, hover, and
Cisco uses three swatches:
• Swatch A—The default swatch.
• Swatch B—Defines emphasized elements, such as an Accept button.
• Swatch C—Defines critical elements such as alerts, error messages, invalid input fields, and delete

You cannot apply additional swatches, unless you add HTML code (to the Optional Content, for example)
with elements that use the newly added swatches.
To edit the default Cisco-provided CSS files or create new files based on the CSS classes and structures
defined in the default themes, use the required version of jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller (Release 1.3.2).
For additional information on swatches and themes in jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller, see "Theming Overview"
in Creating a Custom Theme with ThemeRoller. Use the online help in jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller to learn
how to download, import, and share your custom themes.
For tutorials on how to use HTML, CSS, and Javascript code to customize the text and content that appears
on your portal pages, visit Codecademy.

Example of a Theme That Shows Cisco Swatches

To demonstrate how swatches are used, the default theme for the Guest Portal was edited in ThemeRoller to
show the differences in color.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Change Theme Colors with jQuery Mobile

The following screen shows a guest portal logon error (swatch C) along with a button that takes an action
from the user (swatch B), and the rest of the screen is Swatch A.

Change Theme Colors with jQuery Mobile

Before you begin

Make sure you are using version 1.3.2 of jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller. The version you are using is displayed
in the top-left corner of the screen, as shown below.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Location Based Customization

Step 1 Export an existing theme from the portal you wish to change by clicking the Configuration tab on the portal.
Step 2 Choose Advanced Customization > Export/Import Themes.
Step 3 In the Custom Theming dialog, export the theme you want to update.
Step 4 Open that theme in a text editor, select all, and copy.
Step 5 Paste that text (CSS) into the jQuery web site's Import Theme field.
Step 6 Make your changes in the jQuery Mobil web-based application.
Step 7 Export the updated theme from the jQuery website (the export format is ZIP).
Step 8 Unzip the updated theme, and extract the updated theme in themes folder to your PC. The name of the theme is the one
you provided on the jQuery website.
Step 9 Import the extracted CSS theme file into your portal in the portal configuration page's Custom Theming dialog.
You can switch back and forth between the old theme and the new theme by clicking the Portal Theme drop-down list
on the Portal Configuration window.

Location Based Customization

When guest accounts are created, you can associate them with a location and specify a Service Set Identifier
(SSID) attribute. Both the location and SSID are available as CSS classes that you can use to apply different
CSS styles to portal pages, based on the guest's location and SSID.
For example:
• Guest location—When guests with accounts that have San Jose or Boston as their locations log into a
credentialed Guest portal, one of these classes is available on every portal page: guest-location-san-jose
or guest-location-boston.
• Guest SSID—For an SSID named Coffee Shop Wireless, the following CSS class is available on every
portal page: guest-ssid-coffee-shop-wireless. This SSID is the one you specified on the guest account
and not the SSID that the guests connected to when they logged in.

Note This information applies only to the credentialed Guest portals after the guests log in.

You can also specify locations when you add devices such as switches and Wireless LAN Controllers (WLCs)
to a network. This location is also available as a CSS class that you can use to apply different CSS styles to
portal pages depending on the network device's location.
For example, if a WLC is assigned to Seattle and guests are redirected to Cisco ISE from the Seattle-WLC,
the following CSS class is available on every portal page: device-location-my-locations-usa-seattle.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
User Device Type Based Customization

Related Topics
Customize Greetings Based on Guest Location, on page 417

User Device Type Based Customization

Cisco ISE detects the type of client device (guest, sponsor, or employee) to access your company’s network
or end-user web portals (Guest, Sponsor, and Device). It is detected either as a mobile device (Android, iOS,
and so on) or a desktop device (Windows, MacOS, and so on). The device type is available as a CSS class
that you can use to apply different CSS styles to portal pages based on the user’s device type.
When a user logs in to any of the Cisco ISE end-user web portals, the following class is available on their
portal pages: cisco-ise-mobile or cisco-ise-desktop.
Related Topics
Customize Greetings Based on User Device Type, on page 418

Export a Portal’s Default Theme CSS File

You can download a default portal theme provided by Cisco and customize it to suit your needs. You can use
it as a base for performing advanced customization.

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages.

Step 2 From the Advanced Customization drop-down list, choose Export/Import Themes.
Step 3 In the Custom Theming dialog box, use the drop-down list to select the theme that you want to customize.
Step 4 Click Export Theme CSS to download a default theme.css file to customize.
Step 5 Click Save to save the file to your desktop.

Create a Custom Portal Theme CSS File

You can create a custom portal theme by customizing an existing default portal theme and saving the changes
in a new portal theme.css file. You can modify the default theme settings and the swatches to make global
changes to the selected portal.

Before you begin

• Download the theme.css file from the portal that you want to customize to your desktop .
• This task requires experience working with HTML, CSS, and Javascript code.
• Use Release 1.3.2 of jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Embed Links in Portal Content

Step 1 Import the downloaded portal theme.css file contents into the jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller tool.
Tip You can View Your Customization, on page 421 as you make your changes.

Step 2 (Optional) Embed Links in Portal Content, on page 412

Step 3 (Optional) Insert Variables for Dynamic Text Updates, on page 413
Step 4 (Optional) Use Source Code to Format Text and Include Links, on page 414
Step 5 (Optional) Add an Image as an Advertisement, on page 414
Step 6 (Optional) Customize Greetings Based on Guest Location, on page 417
Step 7 (Optional) Customize Greetings Based on User Device Type, on page 418
Step 8 (Optional) Set Up Carousel Advertising, on page 415
Step 9 (Optional) Modify the Portal Page Layout, on page 419
Step 10 Save the customized file as a new theme.css file.
Note You cannot save the edits to the default CSS theme files. You can only create new custom files with any edits
you have made.

Step 11 When your new theme.css file is ready, you can import it into Cisco ISE.

Embed Links in Portal Content

You can add links to enable guests to access various websites from the portal pages. These changes apply
only to the specific portal page that you are customizing.
Use the Toggle Full Screen option to increase and decrease the size of the fields as you work in them.

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals and Components >
Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals and
Components > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Certificate Provisioning portal, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal
Management > Certificate Provisioning > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Step 2 Under Pages, choose the page that you want to update.
Step 3 Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Optional Content text blocks to add links to portal
Step 4 Click the Create Link button.
Link Properties dialog box appears.
Step 5 Enter the URL and the text you want to hyperlink in the Description window for the URL.
For the link to work correctly, include the protocol identifier in the URL. For example, use instead

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Insert Variables for Dynamic Text Updates

Step 6 Click Set and then click Save.

You can use the Toggle HTML Source option to view the HTML tags that were applied to the text that you formatted
using the mini-editor.

Insert Variables for Dynamic Text Updates

You can also create templates for text displayed on the portal by substituting predefined variables ($variable$)
that dynamically update the content. This enables consistency in the text and information that you display to
guests. These changes apply only to the specific portal pages that you are customizing.
Use the Toggle Full Screen option to increase and decrease the size of the fields as you work in them.

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals and Components >
Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals and
Components > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Step 2 Under Pages, choose the page you want to update.

Step 3 Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Instructional Text, Optional Content 1, and
Optional Content 2fields to create text templates for the portal pages.
For example, you can create a single welcome message template for multiple guests, but personalize the message that
displays to the guests after they successfully log in and connect to the network.

Step 4 Enter the information in the fields as you normally would.

For example, you could enter a welcome message for your portal:
Welcome to our company’s Guest portal,

Step 5 At the point where you want to substitute a variable for the text, click Insert Variable.
A list of variables appears in the pop-up menu.
Step 6 Select the variable that you want to substitute in your text.
For example, choose First name to display each guest’s first name in the welcome message. The variable $ui_first_name$
is inserted at your cursor position:
Welcome to our company’s Guest portal,$ui_first_name$.

This is the welcome message that would appear on the portal welcome page for guests whose first name is John: Welcome
to our company’s Guest portal, John.

Step 7 Continue to use the list of variables as needed until you have completed entering the information in the text boxes.
Step 8 Click Save.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Use Source Code to Format Text and Include Links

You can use the Toggle HTML Source option to view the HTML tags that were applied to the text that you formatted
using the mini-editor.

Use Source Code to Format Text and Include Links

Besides using the mini-editor’s formatting and link icons with plain text, you can also use HTML, CSS, and
Javascript code to customize text that displays on the portal pages. These changes apply only to the specific
portal pages that you are customizing.
Use the Toggle Full Screen option to increase and decrease the size of the text boxes as you work in them.

Before you begin

Ensure that Enable portal customization with HTML is enabled by default in Administration > System
> Admin Access > Settings > Portal Customization.

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Step 2 Under Pages, choose the page that you want to update.
Step 3 Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Instructional Text, Optional Content 1, and
Optional Content 2 fields to enter and view source code.
Step 4 Click Toggle HTML Source.
Step 5 Enter your source code.
For example, to underline your text, enter:
<p style="text-decoration:underline;">Welcome to Cisco!</p>

For example, to include a link using HTML code, enter:

<a href="">Cisco</a>

Important When inserting an external URL in the HTML code, make sure that you enter the absolute (entire) URL path,
including “http” or “https”.

Step 6 Click Save.

Related Topics
Enable Advanced Portal Customization, on page 407

Add an Image as an Advertisement

You can include images and advertisements to appear in specific areas of the portal pages.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Set Up Carousel Advertising

Use the Toggle Full Screen option to increase and decrease the size of the text boxes as you work in them.

Before you begin

Ensure that Enable portal customization with HTML is enabled in Administration > System > Admin
Access > Settings > Portal Customization.

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Step 2 Under Pages, choose the page that you want to update.
Step 3 Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Instructional Text, Optional Content 1, and
Optional Content 2 fields to enter and view source code.
Step 4 Click Toggle HTML Source.
Step 5 Enter your source code.
For example, to include a product advertisement and its image using HTML code on the Hotspot Guest portal post-access
banner, enter this code in the Optional Content 1 text box on the Post-Access Banner page:
<p style="text-decoration:underline;">Optimized for 10/40/100 Campus Services!</p>
<img src="" width="100%" />

Note When inserting an external URL in the HTML code, make sure that you enter the absolute (entire) URL path,
including “http” or “https”.

Step 6 Click Save.

Set Up Carousel Advertising

Carousel advertising is an advertisement format in which several product images or text descriptions are
displayed and rotate in a repeating loop within a banner. Use carousel advertising on your guest portals to
promote several related products or a variety of different products offered by your company.
Use the Toggle Full Screen option to increase and decrease the size of the text boxes as you work in them.

Before you begin

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access >
Settings > Portal Customization and check Enable portal customization with HTML and Javascript.

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Set Up Carousel Advertising

• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Step 2 Under Pages, choose the page that you want to update.
Step 3 Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Instructional Text, Optional Content 1, and
Optional Content 2 fields to enter and view source code.
Step 4 Click Toggle HTML Source.
Step 5 Enter your source code.
For example, to implement carousel advertising using product images on the Guest portals, enter the following HTML
and Javascript code in the Optional Content 1 field on the Post-Access Banner (for Hotspot portals) or Post Login
Banner (for credentialed Guest portals) window:

var currentIndex = 0;
setInterval(changeBanner, 5000);

function changeBanner(){
var bannersArray = ["<img src='
n21v1DrawerContainer.img.jpg/1379452035953.jpg' width='100%'/>",
"<img src='
n21v1DrawerContainer.img.jpg/1400748629549.jpg' width='100%' />",
"<img src='
n21v1DrawerContainer.img.jpg/1376556883237.jpg' width='100%'/>"

var div = document.getElementById("image-ads");
currentIndex = (currentIndex<2) ? (currentIndex+1) : 0;
div.innerHTML = bannersArray[currentIndex];
color: black;
background-color: lightgrey;
<div class="grey" id="image-ads">
<img src='
content_parsys/overview/layout- overview/gd12v2/gd12v2-left/n21v1_cq/

For example, to implement carousel advertising using text product descriptions on the Guest portals, enter the following
HTML and Javascript code in the Optional Content 2 field on the Post-Access Banner (for Hotspot portals) or Post
Login Banner (for credentialed Guest portals) window:

var currentIndex = 0;
setInterval(changeBanner, 2000);

function changeBanner(){

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Customize Greetings Based on Guest Location

var bannersArray = ["Optimize branch services on a single platform while delivering an optimal
application experience across branch and WAN infrastructure", "Transform your Network Edge to
deliver high-performance, highly secure, and reliable services to unite campus, data center,
and branch networks", "Differentiate your service portfolio and increase revenues by delivering
end-to-end scalable solutions and subscriber-aware services"];

var colorsArray = ["grey", "blue", "green"];

var div = document.getElementById("text-ads");
currentIndex = (currentIndex<2) ? (currentIndex+1) : 0;
div.innerHTML = bannersArray[currentIndex];
div.className = colorsArray[currentIndex];
color: black;
background-color: lightgrey;
color: black;
background-color: lightblue;
color: black;
background-color: lightgreen;
<div class="grey" id="text-ads">
Optimize branch services on a single platform while delivering an optimal application
experience across branch and WAN infrastructure

Note When inserting an external URL in the HTML code, you must enter the absolute (entire) URL path, including
“http” or “https”.

Step 6 Click Save.

Customize Greetings Based on Guest Location

This example shows how to customize the successful login message that your guests see after they log into a
credentialed Guest portal (not Hotspot), based on the locations configured in their guest type.
Use the Toggle Full Screen option to increase and decrease the size of the fields as you work in them.

Step 1 Navigate to one of these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Step 2 Under Pages, click Authentication Success.

Step 3 Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Optional Content 1 fields to enter and view HTML
source code.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Customize Greetings Based on User Device Type

Step 4 Click Toggle HTML Source.

Step 5 Enter your source code.
For example, to include a location-based greeting, enter this code in Optional Content 1:
.custom-greeting {
display: none;
.guest-location-san-jose .custom-san-jose-greeting {
display: block;
.guest-location-boston .custom-boston-greeting {
display: block;
<div class="custom-greeting custom-san-jose-greeting">
Welcome to The Golden State!
<div class="custom-greeting custom-boston-greeting">
Welcome to The Bay State!

Guests will see a different message after successful logon, depending on their specific location.

Customize Greetings Based on User Device Type

You can customize the greetings that you send to your users (guest, sponsor, or employee) after they log into
any of the Cisco ISE end-user web portals (Guest, Sponsor and Device), based on their client device type
(mobile or desktop).
Use the Toggle Full Screen option to increase and decrease the size of the fields as you work in them.

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Step 2 Under Pages, choose the page that you want to update.
Step 3 Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Optional Content 1 field to enter and view HTML
source code.
Step 4 Click Toggle HTML Source.
Step 5 Enter your source code.
For example, to include a device type-based greeting on the AUP page, enter this code in the Optional Content 1 field
on the AUP window:
.custom-greeting {
display: none;
.cisco-ise-desktop .custom-desktop-greeting {

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Modify the Portal Page Layout

display: block;
.cisco-ise-mobile .custom-mobile-greeting {
display: block;
<div class="custom-greeting custom-mobile-greeting">
Try our New Dark French Roast! Perfect on the Go!
<div class="custom-greeting custom-desktop-greeting">
We brough back our Triple Chocolate Muffin!
Grab a seat and dig in!

Users will see a different greeting on the AUP page depending on the type of device they used to gain access to the
network or portal.

Modify the Portal Page Layout

You can manipulate the overall layout of the pages; for example, you can add a sidebar to an AUP page that
provides additional information or links to information.

Step 1 Add the following CSS code to the bottom of the custom theme.css file that you create and plan to apply to your portal.
This changes the AUP page layout. The Optional Content 1 field appears as a side bar in the desktop and mobile device
#page-aup .cisco-ise-optional-content-1 {
margin-bottom: 5px;
@media all and ( min-width: 60em ) {
#page-aup .cisco-ise-optional-content-1 {
float: left;
margin-right: 5px;
width: 150px;
#page-aup .cisco-ise-main-content {
float: left;
width: 800px;
#page-aup .cisco-ise-main-content h1,
#page-aup .cisco-ise-main-content p {
margin-right: auto;
margin-left: -200px;

You can then add links using HTML code in the Optional Content 1 field for the AUP window for that portal.

Step 2 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portal & Components >
Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portal & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Import the Custom Portal Theme CSS File

Step 3 Under Pages, choose the page for which you want to include a side bar.
Step 4 Under Page Customizations, use the mini-editor provided with the Optional Content 1 field to enter and view source
Step 5 Click Toggle HTML Source.
Step 6 Enter your source code.
For example, to include a side bar for the AUP window, enter this code in the Optional Content 1 field on the AUP
<ul data-role="listview">
<li>Rent a Car</li>
<li>Top 10 Hotels</li>
<li>Free Massage</li>
<li>Zumba Classes</li>

Step 7 Click Save.

What to do next
You can customize other pages by entering different text or HTML code in the Optional Content fields.

Import the Custom Portal Theme CSS File

You can upload any custom theme.css file that you have created and apply it to any of your end-user portals.
These changes apply to the entire portal that you are customizing.
Any time you edit a custom theme.css file and import it back into Cisco ISE, remember to use the same theme
name you originally used for it. You cannot use two different theme names for the same theme.css file.

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Configure > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Step 2 From the Advanced Customization drop-down list, choose Export/Import Themes.
Step 3 In the Custom Theming dialog box, click Browse to find your new theme.css file.
Step 4 Enter a Theme Name for the new file.
Step 5 Click Save.

What to do next
You can apply this custom portal theme to the portal that you want to customize.
1. Choose the updated theme from the Portal Themes drop-down list to apply to the entire portal.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Delete a Custom Portal Theme

2. Click Save.

Delete a Custom Portal Theme

You can delete any custom portal theme that you have imported into Cisco ISE, unless it is being used by one
of your portals. You cannot delete any of the default themes provided by Cisco ISE.

Before you begin

The portal theme that you want to delete should not be used by any of the portals.

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization.

Step 2 From the Advanced Customization drop-down list, choose Delete Themes.
Step 3 Select the portal theme that you want to delete from the Theme Name drop-down list.
Step 4 Click Delete and then Save.

View Your Customization

You can view how your customization will display to the portal users (guests, sponsors, or employees).

Step 1 Click Portal test URL to view your changes.

Step 2 (Optional) Click Preview to dynamically view how your changes appear on various devices:
• Mobile devices: View your changes under Preview.
• Desktop devices: Click Preview and then click Desktop Preview.
If the changes are not displayed, click Refresh Preview. The portal displayed is only meant for viewing your changes;
you cannot click buttons or enter data.

Note The test portal does not support RADIUS sessions, so you won't see the entire portal flow for all portals. BYOD
and Client Provisioning are examples of portals that depend on RADIUS sessions. If you have more than one
PSN, Cisco ISE chooses the first active PSN.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Portal Language Customization

Portal Language Customization

The Guest, Sponsor, My Devices, and Client Provisioning portals are localized into all supported languages
and locales. This includes text, labels, messages, field names, and button labels. If the client browser requests
a locale that is not mapped to a template in Cisco ISE, the portals display content using the English template.
Using the Admin portal, you can modify the fields used for the Guest, Sponsor, and My Devices portals for
each language individually, and you can add more languages. Currently, you cannot customize these fields
for the Client Provisioning portal.
By default, each type of portal supports 15 languages. You select which language a portal uses, and optionally
update page content for that language, on the Portal Page Customization window. Note, if you change fonts
and content on the page for one language, those changes to not carry over into the other languages. The changes
you make on the Portal Page Customization window are included when you export the Lanaguage File.
The supported languages are:
• Chinese Simplified
• Chinese Traditional
• Czech
• Dutch
• English
• French
• German
• Hungarian
• Italian
• Japanese
• Korean
• Polish
• Portuguese
• Russian
• Spanish

To Edit the Language Used by a Portal

1. Open the portal that you want to edit.
2. On the Portal Page Customization tab, select the language that you want to edit in the view in drop-down
3. Change content, headings, and fonts as desired.
4. Save that portal configuration, and repeat this flow for the other languages that you want to update.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Export the Language File

To Edit the Language File

Each Portal Page Customization window also provides a Language File. The Language File is a ZIP of
attribute files that you can use to customize headings and text that are part of the portal flow, but is not available
to customize on the Portal Page Customization window.
The Language File also contains the mapping to the particular browser locale setting along with all of the
string settings for the entire portal in that language. If you change the browser locale setting for one language,
the change is applied to all the other end-user web portals. For example, if you change the
browser locale from fr,fr-fr,fr-ca to fr,fr-fr in the Hotspot Guest portal, the change is applied to the My Devices
portal also.
You can export the zipped language file and make updates to it, including adding new languages or deleting
existing ones you do not need.
For instructions about how to update the Language File, see:
• Export the Language File, on page 423
• Add or Delete Languages from the Language File, on page 423
• Import the Updated Language File, on page 424

Export the Language File

You can export the language file available for each portal type to edit and customize the existing values
specified in it, and add or delete a language.

Note Only some of the dictionary keys in the language properties files support HTML in their values (text).

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Edit .
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Configure > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit .
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit .

Step 2 Click Language File and choose Export from the drop-down list.
Step 3 Save the zipped language file to your desktop.

Add or Delete Languages from the Language File

If a language you want to use for your portal type is missing from the language file, you can create a new
language properties file and add it to the zipped language file. If there are languages you do not need, you can
delete their language properties files.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Import the Updated Language File

Before you begin

Export the zipped language file available with each portal type in order to add or delete language properties

Step 1 Use any editor that displays UTF-8 (such as Notepad ++) to open the predefined language file for the portal type to which
you want to add or delete languages.
If you want to add or delete languages for more than one portal type, use all the appropriate portal properties files.

Step 2 To add a new language, save an existing language properties file as the new language properties file using the same
naming convention of the other files in the zipped language file. For example, to create a new Japanese language properties
file, save the file as (
Step 3 Associate the new language with its browser locale by specifying the browser local value in the first line of the new
language properties file. For example, LocaleKeys= ja,ja-jp (LocaleKeys=browser locale value) should be the first line
in the file.
Step 4 Update all the values (text) of the dictionary keys in the new language properties file.
You cannot change the dictionary keys. You can update only their values.
Note Only some of the dictionary keys support HTML in their values (text).

What to do next
1. Zip all the properties files (new and existing) and create a new zipped language file. Do not include any
folders or directories.

Note When using a Mac, extracting the ZIP file produces a DS store. When you compress the language file after
editing, do not include the DS store in the ZIP. To learn methods of extracting the DS store, see

2. Use a new name or its original name for the zipped language file.
3. Import the zipped language file into the specific portal you exported it from.

Import the Updated Language File

You can import an edited language file that you have customized by adding or deleting language properties
files or by updating text in existing properties files.

Note Ensure that you do not copy and paste customization content from Word files. Alternately, choose File > Save
As and save the Word file in HTML format. You can then copy and paste customization content from the
HTML file.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Customization of Guest Notifications, Approvals, and Error Messages

Step 1 Navigate to these portals:

• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit .
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
Portals) > Edit .

Step 2 Click Language File and choose Import from the drop-down list.
Step 3 Browse to find the new zipped language file on your desktop.
Step 4 Import it back for the portal type from where you exported it.

What to do next
To display the changed text or the new language you added, select the specific language from the View In
drop-down list.

Customization of Guest Notifications, Approvals, and Error

Within in each portal, you can customize how guests receive notifications via email, SMS text messages, and
print. Use these notifications to email, text, or print the login credentials:
• When guests use the Self-Registration Guest portal and successfully register themselves.
• When sponsors create guest accounts and want to provide the details to guests. When you create sponsor
groups, you can determine whether to authorize sponsors to use SMS notifications. They can always use
email and print notifications, if these facilities are available.

You can also customize email notifications to sponsors requesting that they approve a self-registering guest
trying to gain access to the network. Additionally, you can customize the default error messages that display
to guests and sponsors.

Customize Email Notifications

You can customize the information that is sent via email to guests.

Before you begin

• Configure the SMTP server to enable email notifications. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon
( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > SMTP Server.
• Configure support for email notifications to guests. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and
choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Settings > Guest Email Settings. Check Enable email
notifications to guests.
• Ensure that Enable portal customization with HTML is enabled by default in Administration >
System > Admin Access > Settings > Portal Customization.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Customize SMS Text Message Notifications

Step 1 For Self-Registered Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Notify Guests > Email Notification.
Step 2 You can change the default Logo (Email) that was specified under Global Page Customizations.
Step 3 Specify the Subject and Email body. Use predefined variables to specify the guest account information to be included
in the email message. Use the mini-editor and HTML tags to customize the text.
Step 4 Under Settings, you can:
• Send username and password separately in different emails. If you select this option, two separate tabs appear in
Page Customizations for customizing the Username Email and Password Email notifications.
• Send Test Email to your email address to preview your customization on all devices to ensure that the information
appears as it should.

Step 5 Click Save and then Close.

Customize SMS Text Message Notifications

You can customize the information that is sent via SMS text messages to guests.

Before you begin

• Configure the SMTP server, which is used to send emails to the SMS gateway to deliver the SMS text
message. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System >
Settings > SMTP Server.
• Configure the sponsor groups to support the SMS text notification.
• Set up an account with a third-party SMS gateway. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and
choose Administration > Systems > Settings > SMS Gateway. Cisco ISE sends the text messages as
email messages to the gateway, which forwards the messages via the SMS provider to the specified user.
• Ensure that Enable portal customization with HTML is enabled by default in Administration >
System > Admin Access > Settings > Portal Customization.

Step 1 For Self-Registered Guest or Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access >
Portals & Components > Guest or Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > SMS Receipt or SMS
Step 2 Use the mini-editor and HTML tags to customize the Message Text. Use predefined variables to specify the guest account
information to be included in the SMS text message.
Step 3 Under Settings, you can:
• Send username and password separately in different text messages. If you select this option, two separate tabs
appear in Page Customizations for customizing the Username Message and Password Message notifications.
• Send Test Message to a cell phone to preview your customization to ensure that the information appears as it should.
The supported phone number formats include: +1 ### ### ####, ###-###-####, (###) ### ####, ##########,
1########## and so on.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Customize Print Notifications

Step 4 Click Save and then Close.

Customize Print Notifications

You can customize the information that is printed for guests.

Note Within each portal, the print notification logo is inherited from the email notification logo setting.

Before you begin

Ensure that Enable portal customization with HTML is enabled by default in Administration > System
> Admin Access > Settings > Portal Customization.

Step 1 For Self-Registered Guest and Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access >
Portals & Components > Guest or Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Print Receipt or Print
Step 2 Specify the Print Introduction Text. Use predefined variables to specify the guest account information to be included
in the email message. Use the mini-editor and HTML tags to customize the text.
Step 3 Preview your customization in the thumbnail or click Print Preview. You cannot view any HTML customization in the
If you select the Print Preview option, a window appears from which you can print the account details to ensure that the
information appears as it should.
Step 4 Click Save and then Close.

Customize Approval Request Email Notifications

You can require sponsors to approve self-registering guests before their accounts are created and before they
can obtain their login credentials. You can customize the information that is sent via email to sponsors
requesting their approval. This notification only displays if you have specified that self-registering guests
using the Self-Registered Guest portals require approval before they are granted network access.

Before you begin

• Configure the SMTP server to enable email notifications. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon
( ) and choose Administration > Systems > Settings > SMTP Server.
• Configure support for email notifications to guests. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and
choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Settings > Guest Email Settings. Check Enable email
notifications to guests.
• If you want a sponsor to approve self-registered account requests, check Require self-registered guests
to be approved under Self-Registration Page Settings on the Portal Behavior and Flow Settings tab.
That enables the Approval Request Email tab under Notifications in Portal Page Customization,
where you can customize the email that goes to the sponsor.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Edit Error Messages

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Configure > Self-Registered Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Approval Request Email. Here
you can:
Step 2 Do the following:
a) Change the default Logo that is specified under Global Page Customizations.
b) Specify the Subject and Email body. Use predefined variables to specify the guest account information to be included
in the email message. Use the mini-editor and HTML tags to customize the text. For example, to include a link to
the Sponsor portal in the request approval email, click Create a Link and add the FQDN to the Sponsor portal.
c) Preview your customization on all devices using Send Test Email to ensure that it appears as it should.
d) Click Save and then Close.
Step 3 Customize the content of the approval email sent by the sponsor:
a) Choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components > Sponsor Portals.
b) Click Portal Page Customization.
c) Click the Email Notification tab and enter the required details.

Edit Error Messages

You can fully customize the error messages that appear on the Failure pages displayed for guests, sponsors
and employees. Failure pages are available with all end-user web portals, except the Blocked List portal.

Step 1 Do one of the following:

• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customizations > Messages > Error Messages.
• For Sponsor Portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customizations > Messages > Error Messages.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Adminsitration > Device Portals Management > (any
portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customizations > Messages > Error Messages.

Step 2 From the View In drop-down list, choose the language in which you want to view the text while customizing the messages.
The drop-down list includes all the languages in the language file associated with a specific portal. Make sure that you
update any changes made while customizing the portal page into the supported languages properties files.
Step 3 Update the error message text. You can search for specific error messages by typing in keywords such as aup to find
AUP related error messages.
Step 4 Click Save and Close.

Portal Pages Titles, Content and Labels Character Limits

There is a maximum and minimum range of characters you can enter in the titles, text boxes, instructions,
field and button labels, and other visual elements on the Portal Page Customization tab.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Character Limits for Portal Pages Titles, Content and Labels

Character Limits for Portal Pages Titles, Content and Labels

The navigation paths for these portal page UI elements are:
• For Guest portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages.
• For Sponsor portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages.
• For Device portals, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal
Management > (any Portals) > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages.

Use this information when you enter content in the titles, text boxes, instructions, field and button labels, and
other visual elements of the portal page the you are customizing. These updates are applied only to the specific
page that you are customizing.

Note Whether you enter single-byte or multi-byte characters, you can only enter the maximum number of characters
identified for a field. Multi-byte characters do not affect the character limit.

Field Fields Field Labels: Field Labels: Field Input Field Input
Category Minimum Maximum Values: Values:
Characters Characters Minimum Maximum
Characters Characters
Common Banner title 256

Footer elements 0 2000

Browser Page Title 0 256

Instructional Text 0 2000

Content Title 0 256

Optional Content 1 0 2000

Optional Content 2 0 2000

Button labels 0 64

Check box labels 0 64

Tab labels 0 64

Link labels 0 256

AUP AUP Text 0 50,000

Message Message text 0 2000

text (displayed on page)

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
Portal Customization

Field Fields Field Labels: Field Labels: Field Input Field Input
Category Minimum Maximum Values: Values:
Characters Characters Minimum Maximum
Characters Characters
Message text 0 256
(displayed in pop-up

Field labels All fields labels 0 256

Field input Field input in general 0 256

(general) (see special cases

Field input Access Code field 1 20


Registration Code field 1 20

Username fields 1 64

Password fields 1 256

Phone Number field 0 64

Device ID field 12 17

Portal Customization
You can customize the appearance of the end-user web portals and the guest experience. If you have experience
with the cascading style sheet (CSS) language and with Javascript, you can use the jQuery Mobile ThemeRoller
application to customize portal themes by changing the portal page layout.
You can view all the fields by exporting the CSS theme or language properties from the required portal page.
See Export a Portal’s Default Theme CSS File for more information.

CSS Classes and Descriptions for End-User Portals Page Layout

Use these CSS classes to define and modify the page layout of the Cisco ISE end-user web portals.

CSS Class Name Description

cisco-ise-banner Includes logos, banner image, and banner text.
On the Sponsor and My Devices portals, this class also contains
buttons that can activate a context menu. For example, the menu
can bring up a pop-up window with options to Log Out, Change
Password, and so on.

cisco-ise-body Contains all page elements that are not part of the banner.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
HTML Support for a Portal Language File

CSS Class Name Description

cisco-ise-optional-content-1 Empty by default. You can add text, links, and HTML and
Javascript code.

cisco-ise-main-content Includes the main contents of the portal page, such as instructional
text, action buttons, and the cisco-ise-footer container.

cisco-ise-optional-content-2 Empty by default. You can add text, links, and HTML and
Javascript code.

cisco-ise-footer Part of the footer, it is a placeholder for links such as Contact

Support and online Help.

cisco-ise-footer-text Empty by default. It is a placeholder for anything that you want

to display at the bottom of the portal page, such as a copyright
notice or a disclaimer.

HTML Support for a Portal Language File

The zipped language file for each portal includes the default language properties files for that portal. Each
properties file includes dictionary keys that define the content that displays on the portal.
You can customize the text that displays on a portal, including the content in the Instructional Text, Content,
Optional Content 1, and Optional Content 2 fields. Some of these fields have default content and some are
Only some of these dictionary keys associated with these fields support HTML in their values (text).

HTML Support for the Blocked List Portal Language File

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
Blocked List Portal > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages. You can use the View HTML Source
icon in the mini-editor and add HTML code in your content.
These dictionary keys in the portal's language properties files support HTML in their text.

Note This is not a complete list of the dictionary keys in the files.

• key.blacklist.ui_reject_message

HTML Support for Bring Your Own Device Portals Language Files
To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
BYOD Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages. You can use the View HTML Source icon
in the mini-editor and add HTML code in your content.
These dictionary keys in the portal's language properties files support HTML in their text.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
HTML Support for Bring Your Own Device Portals Language Files

Note This is not a complete list of the dictionary keys in the files.

• key.guest.ui_contact_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_welcome_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_byod_welcome_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_byod_reg_limit_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_reg_content_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_success_manual_reconnect_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_install_winmac_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_install_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_byod_reg_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_byod_install_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_byod_reg_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_byod_reg_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_welcome_aup_text
• key.guest.ui_contact_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_contact_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_byod_install_ios_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_welcome_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_error_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_error_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_byod_welcome_renew_cert_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_install_android_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_install_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_welcome_config_device_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_success_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_success_unsupported_device_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_success_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_byod_success_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_error_instruction_message

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
HTML Support for Certificate Provisioning Portal Language Files

HTML Support for Certificate Provisioning Portal Language Files

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
Certificate Provisioning Portal > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages. You can use the View
HTML Source icon in the mini-editor and add HTML code in your content.
These dictionary keys in the portal's language properties files support HTML in their text.

Note This is not a complete list of the dictionary keys in the files.

• key.manualcertprov.ui_login_instruction_message
• key.manualcertprov.ui_aup_instruction_message
• key.manualcertprov.ui_changepwd_instruction_message
• key.manualcertprov.ui_post_access_instruction_message
• key.manualcertprov.ui_status_csv_invalid_instruction_message
• key.manualcertprov.ui_login_optional_content_1
• key.manualcertprov.ui_login_optional_content_2
• key.manualcertprov.ui_aup_optional_content_1
• key.manualcertprov.ui_aup_optional_content_2
• key.manualcertprov.ui_changepwd_optional_content_1
• key.manualcertprov.ui_changepwd_optional_content_2
• key.manualcertprov.ui_post_access_optional_content_1
• key.manualcertprov.ui_post_access_optional_content_2
• key.manualcertprov.ui_landing_instruction_message
• key.manualcertprov.ui_status_page_single_generated_content
• key.manualcertprov.ui_status_generated_content

HTML Support for Client Provisioning Portals Language Files

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
Client Provisioning Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages. You can use the View HTML
Source icon in the mini-editor and add HTML code in your content.
These dictionary keys in the portal's language properties files support HTML in their text.

Note This is not a complete list of the dictionary keys in the files.

• key.guest.ui_client_provision_agent_installed_instructions_without_java_message

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
HTML Support for Credential Guest Portals Language Files

• key.guest.ui_contact_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_success_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_unable_to_detect_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_agent_installation_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_posture_agent_check_message
• key.guest.ui_vlan_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_agent_installation_instructions_with_no_java_message
• key.guest.ui_success_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_vlan_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_vlan_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_contact_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_contact_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_contact_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_posture_check_compliant_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_error_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_error_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_posture_check_non_compliant_message
• key.guest.ui_vlan_install_message
• key.guest.ui_success_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_success_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_posture_agent_scan_message

HTML Support for Credential Guest Portals Language Files

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages. You can use the View HTML
Source icon in the mini-editor and add HTML code in your content.
These dictionary keys in the portal's language properties files support HTML in their text.

Note This is not a complete list of the dictionary keys in the files.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
HTML Support for Credential Guest Portals Language Files

• key.guest.ui_contact_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_login_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_login_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_unable_to_detect_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_device_reg_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_device_reg_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_byod_success_manual_reconnect_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_reg_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_byod_reg_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_agent_installation_instructions_with_no_java_message
• key.guest.ui_success_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_max_devices_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_max_devices_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_self_reg_results_instruction_message
• key.guest.notification_credentials_email_body
• key.guest.ui_max_devices_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_contact_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_contact_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_byod_install_ios_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_changepwd_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_posture_check_compliant_message
• key.guest.ui_aup_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_changepwd_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_changepwd_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_self_reg_results_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_self_reg_results_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_device_reg_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_welcome_renew_cert_message
• key.guest.ui_vlan_execute_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_install_android_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_posture_check_non_compliant_message

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
HTML Support for Credential Guest Portals Language Files

• key.guest.ui_byod_install_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_device_reg_max_reached_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_success_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_success_unsupported_device_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_success_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_byod_success_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_aup_employee_text
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_agent_installed_instructions_without_java_message
• key.guest.ui_success_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_welcome_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_byod_welcome_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_self_reg_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_self_reg_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_byod_reg_limit_message
• key.guest.notification_credentials_print_body
• key.guest.ui_byod_reg_content_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_agent_installation_message
• key.guest.ui_post_access_message
• key.guest.ui_vlan_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_byod_install_winmac_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_aup_guest_text
• key.guest.ui_byod_install_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_byod_install_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_byod_reg_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_aup_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_aup_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_self_reg_aup_text
• key.guest.ui_login_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_vlan_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_vlan_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_self_reg_results_aup_text
• key.guest.ui_device_reg_register_message

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
HTML Support for Hotspot Guest Portals Language Files

• key.guest.ui_byod_welcome_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_self_reg_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_vlan_install_message
• key.guest.ui_success_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_success_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_post_access_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_post_access_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_post_access_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_byod_welcome_config_device_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_posture_agent_scan_message

HTML Support for Hotspot Guest Portals Language Files

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Guest Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages. You can use the View HTML
Source icon in the mini-editor and add HTML code in your content.
These dictionary keys in the portal's language properties files support HTML in their text.

Note This is not a complete list of the dictionary keys in the files.

• key.guest.ui_contact_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_success_message
• key.guest.ui_post_access_message
• key.guest.ui_vlan_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_success_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_aup_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_aup_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_vlan_unsupported_error_message
• key.guest.ui_vlan_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_vlan_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_contact_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_contact_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_aup_instruction_message

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
HTML Support for Mobile Device Management Portals Language Files

• key.guest.ui_aup_hotspot_text
• key.guest.ui_vlan_execute_message
• key.guest.ui_vlan_install_message
• key.guest.ui_success_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_success_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_post_access_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_post_access_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_post_access_optional_content_1

HTML Support for Mobile Device Management Portals Language Files

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
MDM Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages. You can use the View HTML Source icon
in the mini-editor and add HTML code in your content.
These dictionary keys in the portal's language properties files support HTML in their text.
• key.mdm.ui_contact_instruction_message
• key.mdm.ui_mdm_enrollment_after_message
• key.mdm.ui_error_optional_content_2
• key.mdm.ui_error_optional_content_1
• key.mdm.ui_mdm_enroll_optional_content_1
• key.mdm.ui_mdm_enroll_optional_content_1
• key.mdm.ui_mdm_enroll_optional_content_2
• key.mdm.ui_mdm_enroll_instruction_message
• key.mdm.ui_error_instruction_message
• key.mdm.ui_mdm_enrollment_link_message
• key.mdm.ui_mdm_not_reachable_message
• key.mdm.ui_contact_optional_content_2
• key.mdm.ui_mdm_continue_message
• key.mdm.ui_contact_optional_content_1

HTML Support for My Devices Portals Language Files

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
My Devices Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages. You can use the View HTML Source
icon in the mini-editor and add HTML code in your content.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
HTML Support for My Devices Portals Language Files

These dictionary keys in the portal's language properties files support HTML in their text.

Note This is not a complete list of the dictionary keys in the files.

• key.mydevices.ui_add_optional_content_1
• key.mydevices.ui_add_optional_content_2
• key.mydevices.ui_post_access_instruction_message
• key.mydevices.ui_edit_instruction_message
• key.mydevices.ui_contact_optional_content_2
• key.mydevices.ui_contact_optional_content_1
• key.mydevices.ui_changepwd_optional_content_1
• key.mydevices.ui_changepwd_optional_content_2
• key.mydevices.ui_post_access_message
• key.mydevices.ui_home_instruction_message
• key.mydevices.ui_edit_optional_content_1
• key.mydevices.ui_edit_optional_content_2
• key.mydevices.ui_add_instruction_message
• key.mydevices.ui_post_access_optional_content_2
• key.mydevices.ui_post_access_optional_content_1
• key.mydevices.ui_error_instruction_message
• key.mydevices.ui_actions_instruction_message
• key.mydevices.ui_home_optional_content_2
• key.mydevices.ui_aup_optional_content_1
• key.mydevices.ui_aup_optional_content_2
• key.mydevices.ui_home_optional_content_1
• key.mydevices.ui_changepwd_instruction_message
• key.mydevices.ui_contact_instruction_message
• key.mydevices.ui_aup_employee_text
• key.mydevices.ui_login_optional_content_2
• key.mydevices.ui_login_optional_content_1
• key.mydevices.ui_login_instruction_message
• key.mydevices.ui_error_optional_content_1

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
HTML Support for Sponsor Portals Language Files

• key.mydevices.ui_error_optional_content_2
• key.mydevices.ui_aup_instruction_message

HTML Support for Sponsor Portals Language Files

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals &
Components > Sponsor Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages. You can use the View
HTML Source icon in the mini-editor and add HTML code in your content.
These dictionary keys in the portal's language properties files support HTML in their text.

Note This is not a complete list of the dictionary keys in the files.

• key.sponsor.ui_aup_instruction_message
• key.sponsor.ui_create_random_instruction_message
• key.sponsor.ui_home_instruction_message
• key.sponsor.ui_post_access_instruction_message
• key.sponsor.notification_credentials_print_body
• key.sponsor.ui_aup_sponsor_text
• key.sponsor.ui_create_accounts_access_info_instruction_message
• key.sponsor.ui_login_instruction_message
• key.sponsor.notification_credentials_email_body
• key.sponsor.ui_create_known_instruction_message
• key.sponsor.ui_create_import_instruction_message
• key.sponsor.ui_suspend_account_instruction_message
• key.sponsor.ui_post_access_message
• key.sponsor.ui_login_optional_content_2
• key.sponsor.ui_login_optional_content_1
• key.sponsor.notification_credentials_email_password_body
• key.sponsor.ui_contact_optional_content_2
• key.sponsor.ui_contact_optional_content_1
• key.sponsor.ui_login_aup_text
• key.sponsor.ui_changepwd_instruction_message
• key.sponsor.ui_create_accounts_guest_type_instruction_message
• key.sponsor.ui_changepwd_optional_content_1

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
HTML Support for Sponsor Portals Language Files

• key.sponsor.ui_changepwd_optional_content_2
• key.sponsor.notification_credentials_email_username_body
• key.sponsor.ui_aup_optional_content_1
• key.sponsor.ui_aup_optional_content_2
• key.sponsor.ui_post_access_optional_content_1
• key.sponsor.ui_post_access_optional_content_2
• key.sponsor.ui_contact_instruction_message

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Guest and Secure WiFi
HTML Support for Sponsor Portals Language Files

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
• Administrative Access to Cisco ISE Using an External Identity Store, on page 444
• External Identity Sources, on page 449
• Cisco ISE Users, on page 459
• Internal and External Identity Sources, on page 473
• Certificate Authentication Profiles, on page 476
• Active Directory as an External Identity Source, on page 477
• Active Directory Requirements to Support Easy Connect and Passive Identity services, on page 504
• Easy Connect, on page 515
• PassiveID Work Center , on page 519
• LDAP, on page 566
• ODBC Identity Source, on page 582
• RADIUS Token Identity Sources, on page 589
• RSA Identity Sources, on page 596
• SAMLv2 Identity Provider as an External Identity Source, on page 602
• Identity Source Sequences, on page 607
• Identity Source Details in Reports, on page 609
• Profiled Endpoints on the Network, on page 609
• Profiler Condition Settings, on page 609
• Cisco ISE Profiling Service, on page 610
• Profiler Forwarder Persistence Queue, on page 612
• Configure Profiling Service in Cisco ISE Nodes, on page 612
• Network Probes Used by Profiling Service, on page 613
• Configure Probes per Cisco ISE Node, on page 623
• Setup CoA, SNMP RO Community, and Endpoint Attribute Filter, on page 623
• Attribute Filters for ISE Database Persistence and Performance, on page 627
• Attributes Collection from IOS Sensor Embedded Switches, on page 629
• Support for Cisco IND Controllers by the ISE Profiler, on page 631
• ISE Support for MUD, on page 633
• Profiler Conditions, on page 634
• Profiling Network Scan Actions, on page 635
• Create a Profiler Condition, on page 649
• Endpoint Profiling Policy Rules, on page 649
• Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings, on page 650

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Administrative Access to Cisco ISE Using an External Identity Store

• Create Endpoint Profiling Policies, on page 655

• Predefined Endpoint Profiling Policies, on page 657
• Endpoint Profiling Policies Grouped into Logical Profiles, on page 660
• Profiling Exception Actions, on page 661
• Create Endpoints with Static Assignments of Policies and Identity Groups, on page 662
• Identified Endpoints, on page 666
• Create Endpoint Identity Groups, on page 668
• Anycast and Profiler Services, on page 671
• Profiler Feed Service, on page 671
• Profiler Reports, on page 675
• Detect Anomalous Behavior of Endpoints , on page 675
• Agent Download Issues on Client Machine, on page 677
• Endpoints, on page 677
• IF-MIB, on page 688
• SNMPv2-MIB, on page 689
• IP-MIB, on page 689
• CISCO-CDP-MIB, on page 689
• CISCO-VTP-MIB, on page 690
• CISCO-STACK-MIB, on page 691
• BRIDGE-MIB, on page 691
• CISCO-LWAPP-AP-MIB, on page 691
• EEE8021-PAE-MIB: RFC IEEE 802.1X, on page 694
• HOST-RESOURCES-MIB, on page 694
• LLDP-MIB, on page 694
• Session Trace for an Endpoint, on page 695
• Global Search for Endpoints, on page 697

Administrative Access to Cisco ISE Using an External Identity

In Cisco ISE, you can authenticate administrators via an external identity store such as Active Directory,
LDAP, or RSA SecureID. There are two models you can use to provide authentication via an external identity
• External Authentication and Authorization: There are no credentials that are specified in the local Cisco
ISE database for the administrator, and authorization is based on external identity store group membership
only. This model is used for Active Directory and LDAP authentication.
• External Authentication and Internal Authorization: The administrator’s authentication credentials come
from the external identity source, and authorization and administrator role assignment take place using
the local Cisco ISE database. This model is used for RSA SecurID authentication. This method requires
you to configure the same username in both the external identity store and the local Cisco ISE database.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
External Authentication and Authorization

During the authentication process, Cisco ISE is designed to “fall back” and attempt to perform authentication
from the internal identity database, if communication with the external identity store has not been established
or if it fails. In addition, whenever an administrator for whom you have set up external authentication launches
a browser and initiates a login session, the administrator still has the option to request authentication via the
Cisco ISE local database by choosing Internal from the Identity Store drop-down list in the login dialog
Administrators who belong to a Super Admin group, and are configured to authenticate and authorize using
an external identity store, can also authenticate with the external identity store for Command Line Interface
(CLI) access.

Note You can configure this method of providing external administrator authentication only via the Admin portal.
Cisco ISE CLI does not feature these functions.

If your network does not already have one or more existing external identity stores, ensure that you have
installed the necessary external identity stores and configured Cisco ISE to access those identity stores.

External Authentication and Authorization

By default, Cisco ISE provides internal administrator authentication. To set up external authentication, you
must create a password policy for the external administrator accounts that you define in the external identity
stores. You can then apply this policy to the external administrator groups that eventually become a part of
the external administrator RBAC policy.
To configure external authentication, you must:
• Configure password-based authentication using an external identity store.
• Create an external administrator group.
• Configure menu access and data access permissions for the external administrator group.
• Create an RBAC policy for external administrator authentication.

In addition to providing authentication via an external identity store, your network may also require you to
use a Common Access Card (CAC) authentication device.

Configure a Password-Based Authentication Using an External Identity Store

You must first configure password-based authentication for administrators who authenticate using an external
identity store such as Active Directory or LDAP.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Authentication.
Step 2 On the Authentication Method tab, click Password Based and choose one of the external identity sources you have
already configured. For example, the Active Directory instance that you have created.
Step 3 Configure any other specific password policy settings that you want for administrators who authenticate using an external
identity store.
Step 4 Click Save.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Create an External Administrator Group

Create an External Administrator Group

You will need to create an external Active Directory or LDAP administrator group. This ensures that Cisco
ISE uses the username that is defined in the external Active Directory or LDAP identity store to validate the
administrator username and password that you entered upon login.
Cisco ISE imports the Active Directory or LDAP group information from the external resource and stores it
as a dictionary attribute. You can then specify that attribute as one of the policy elements while configuring
the RBAC policy for this external administrator authentication method.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Administrators
> Admin Groups.
The External Groups Mapped column displays the number of external groups that are mapped to internal RBAC roles.
You can click the number corresponding to a admin role to view the external groups (for example, if you click 2 displayed
against Super Admin, the names of two external groups are displayed).

Step 2 Click Add.

Step 3 Enter a name and optional description.
Step 4 Click External.
If you have connected and joined to an Active Directory domain, your Active Directory instance name appears in the
Name field.

Step 5 From the External Groups drop-down list box, choose the Active Directory group that you want to map for this external
administrator group.
Click the “+” sign to map additional Active Directory groups to this external administrator group.

Step 6 Click Save.

Create an Internal Read-Only Admin

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access >
Administrators > Admin Users .
Step 2 Click Add and select Create An Admin User.
Step 3 Check the Read Only check box to create a Read-Only administrator.

Map External Groups to the Read-Only Admin Group

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity
Sources to configure the external authentication source.
Step 2 Click the required external identity source, such as Active Directory or LDAP, and then retrieve the groups from the
selected identity source.
Step 3 Choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Authentication to map the authentication method for the admin
access with the identity source.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Configure Menu Access and Data Access Permissions for External Administrator Group

Step 4 Choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Administrators > Admin Groups and select Read Only Admin
Step 5 Check the External check box and select the required external groups for whom you intend to provide read-only privileges.
Step 6 Click Save.
An external group that is mapped to a Read-Only Admin group cannot be assigned to any other admin group.

Configure Menu Access and Data Access Permissions for External Administrator Group
You must configure menu access and data access permissions that can be assigned to the external administrator

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Permissions.
Step 2 Click one of the following:
• Menu Access: All administrators who belong to the external administrator group can be granted permission at the
menu or submenu level. The menu access permission determines the menus or submenus that they can access.
• Data Access: All administrators who belong to the external administrator group can be granted permission at the
data level. The data access permission determines the data that they can access.

Step 3 Specify menu access or data access permissions for the external administrator group.
Step 4 Click Save.

Create a RBAC Policy for External Administrator Authentication

You must configure a new RBAC policy to authenticate an administrator using an external identity store and
to specify custom menu and data access permissions. This policy must have the external administrator group
for authentication and the Cisco ISE menu and data access permissions to manage the external authentication
and authorization.

Note You cannot modify an existing (system-preset) RBAC policy to specify these new external attributes. If you
have an existing policy that you would like to use as a template, you must duplicate that policy, rename it,
and then assign the new attributes.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Authorization >
RBAC Policy.
Step 2 Specify the rule name, external administrator group, and permissions.
Remember that the appropriate external administrator group must be assigned to the correct administrator user IDs. Ensure
that the administrator is associated with the correct external administrator group.

Step 3 Click Save.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Configure Admin Access Using an External Identity Store for Authentication with Internal Authorization

If you log in as an administrator, and the Cisco ISE RBAC policy is not able to authenticate your administrator identity,
Cisco ISE displays an “unauthenticated” message, and you cannot access the Admin portal.

Configure Admin Access Using an External Identity Store for Authentication

with Internal Authorization
This method requires you to configure the same username in both the external identity store and the local
Cisco ISE database. When you configure Cisco ISE to provide administrator authentication using an external
RSA SecurID identity store, administrator credential authentication is performed by the RSA identity store.
However, authorization (policy application) is still done according to the Cisco ISE internal database. In
addition, there are two important factors to remember that are different from external authentication and
• You do not need to specify any particular external administrator groups for the administrator.
• You must configure the same username in both the external identity store and the local Cisco ISE database.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Admin Access > Administrators
> Admin Users.
Step 2 Ensure that the administrator username in the external RSA identity store is also present in Cisco ISE. Ensure that you
click the External option under Password.
Note You do not need to specify a password for this external administrator user ID, nor are you required to apply
any specially configured external administrator group to the associated RBAC policy.

Step 3 Click Save.

External Authentication Process Flow

When the administrator logs in, the login session passes through the following steps in the process:
1. The administrator sends an RSA SecurID challenge.
2. RSA SecurID returns a challenge response.
3. The administrator enters a user name and the RSA SecurID challenge response in the Cisco ISE login
dialog, as if entering the user ID and password.
4. The administrator ensures that the specified Identity Store is the external RSA SecurID resource.
5. The administrator clicks Login.

Upon logging in, the administrator sees only the menu and data access items that are specified in the RBAC

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
External Identity Sources

External Identity Sources

These windows enable you to configure and manage external identity sources that contain user data that Cisco
ISE uses for authentication and authorization.

LDAP Identity Source Settings

The following table describes the fields on the LDAP Identity Sources window, which you can use to create
an LDAP instance and connect to it. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > LDAP.

LDAP General Settings

The following table describes the fields in the General tab.

Table 48: LDAP General Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter a name for the LDAP instance. This value is

used in searches to obtain the subject DN and
attributes. The value is of type string and the
maximum length is 64 characters.

Description Enter a description for the LDAP instance. This value

is of type string, and has a maximum length of 1024

Schema You can choose any one of the following built-in

schema types or create a custom schema:
• Active Directory
• Sun Directory Server
• Novell eDirectory
You can click the arrow next to Schema to view
the schema details.
If you edit the attributes of the predefined
schema, Cisco ISE automatically creates a
Custom schema.

Note The following fields can be edited only when you choose the Custom schema.

Subject Objectclass Enter a value to be used in searches to obtain the

subject DN and attributes. The value is of type string
and the maximum length is 256 characters.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
LDAP Identity Source Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Subject Name Attribute Enter the name of the attribute containing the
username in the request. The value is of type string
and the maximum length is 256 characters.

Group Name Attribute • CN: To retrieve the LDAP Identity Store Groups
based on Common Name.
• DN: To retrieve the LDAP Identity Store Groups
based on Distinguished Name.

Certificate Attribute Enter the attribute that contains the certificate

definitions. For certificate-based authentication, these
definitions are used to validate certificates that are
presented by clients.

Group Objectclass Enter a value to be used in searches to specify the

objects that are recognized as groups. The value is of
type string and the maximum length is 256 characters.

Group Map Attribute Specifies the attribute that contains the mapping
information. This attribute can be a user or group
attribute based on the reference direction that is

Subject Objects Contain Reference To Groups Click this option if the subject objects contain an
attribute that specifies the group to which they belong.

Group Objects Contain Reference To Subjects Click this option if the group objects contain an
attribute that specifies the subject. This value is the
default value.

Subjects in Groups Are Stored in Member (Only available when you enable the Group Objects
Attribute As Contain Reference To Subjects option) Specifies
how members are sourced in the group member
attribute and defaults to the DN.

User Info Attributes By default, predefined attributes are used to collect

user information (such as, first name, last name, email,
telephone, locality, and so on) for the following
built-in schema types:
• Active Directory
• Sun Directory Server
• Novell eDirectory

If you edit the attributes of the predefined schema,

Cisco ISE automatically creates a Custom schema.
You can also select the Custom option from the
Schema drop-down list to edit the user information
attributes based on your requirements.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
LDAP Identity Source Settings

LDAP Connection Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Connection Settings tab.

Table 49: LDAP Connection Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Enable Secondary Server Check this option to enable the secondary LDAP
server to be used as a backup if the primary LDAP
server fails. If you check this check box, you must
enter configuration parameters for the secondary
LDAP server.

Primary and Secondary Servers

Hostname/IP Enter the IP address or DNS name of the machine that

is running the LDAP software. The hostname can
contain from 1 to 256 characters or a valid IP address
expressed as a string. The only valid characters for
hostnames are alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to
Z, 0 to 9), the dot (.), and the hyphen (-).

Port Enter the TCP/IP port number on which the LDAP

server is listening. Valid values are from 1 to 65,535.
The default is 389, as stated in the LDAP
specification. If you do not know the port number,
you can find this information from the LDAP server

Specify server for each ISE node Check this check box to configure primary and
secondary LDAP server hostnames/IP and their ports
for each PSN.
When this option is enabled, a table listing all the
nodes in the deployment is displayed. You need to
select the node and configure the primary and
secondary LDAP server hostname/IP and their ports
for the selected node.

Access Anonymous Access: Click to ensure that searches on

the LDAP directory occur anonymously. The server
does not distinguish who the client is and will allow
the client read access to any data that is configured as
accessible to any unauthenticated client. In the absence
of a specific policy permitting authentication
information to be sent to a server, a client should use
an anonymous connection.
Authenticated Access: Click to ensure that searches
on the LDAP directory occur with administrative
credentials. If so, enter information for the Admin DN
and Password fields.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
LDAP Identity Source Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Admin DN Enter the DN of the administrator. The Admin DN is

the LDAP account that has permission to search all
required users under the User Directory Subtree and
to search groups. If the administrator specified does
not have permission to see the group name attribute
in searches, group mapping fails for users who are
authenticated by that LDAP server.

Password Enter the LDAP administrator account password.

Secure Authentication Click to use SSL to encrypt communication between

Cisco ISE and the primary LDAP server. Verify that
the Port field contains the port number used for SSL
on the LDAP server. If you enable this option, you
must choose a root CA.

LDAP Server Root CA Choose a trusted root certificate authority from the
drop-down list to enable secure authentication with a

Server Timeout Enter the number of seconds that Cisco ISE waits for
a response from the primary LDAP server before
determining that the connection or authentication with
that server has failed. Valid values are 1 to 99. The
default is 10.

Max. Admin Connections Enter the maximum number of concurrent connections

(greater than 0) with LDAP administrator account
permissions that can run for a specific LDAP
configuration. These connections are used to search
the directory for users and groups under the User
Directory Subtree and the Group Directory Subtree.
Valid values are 1 to 99. The default is 20.

Force reconnect every N seconds Check this check box and enter the desired value in
the Seconds field to force the server to renew LDAP
connection at the specified time interval. The valid
range is from 1 to 60 minutes.

Test Bind to Server Click to test and ensure that the LDAP server details
and credentials can successfully bind. If the test fails,
edit your LDAP server details and retest.


Always Access Primary Server First Click this option if you want Cisco ISE to always
access the primary LDAP server first for
authentications and authorizations.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
LDAP Identity Source Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Failback to Primary Server After If the primary LDAP server that Cisco ISE attempts
to contact cannot be reached, Cisco ISE attempts to
contact the secondary LDAP server. If you want Cisco
ISE to use the primary LDAP server again, click this
option and enter a value in the text box.

LDAP Directory Organization Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Directory Organization tab.

Table 50: LDAP Directory Organization Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Subject Search Base Enter the DN for the subtree that contains all subjects.
For example:
If the tree containing subjects is the base DN, enter:
as applicable to your LDAP configuration. For more
information, refer to your LDAP database

Group Search Base Enter the DN for the subtree that contains all groups.
For example:
ou=organizational unit, ou=next organizational unit,
If the tree containing groups is the base DN, type:
as applicable to your LDAP configuration. For more
information, refer to your LDAP database

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
LDAP Identity Source Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Search for MAC Address in Format Enter a MAC Address format for Cisco ISE to use for
search in the LDAP database. MAC addresses in
internal identity sources are sourced in the format
xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx. MAC addresses in LDAP
databases can be sourced in different formats.
However, when Cisco ISE receives a host lookup
request, Cisco ISE converts the MAC address from
the internal format to the format that is specified in
this field.
Use the drop-down list to enable searching for MAC
addresses in a specific format, where <format> can
be any one of the following:
• xxxx.xxxx.xxxx
• xxxxxxxxxxxx
• xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
• xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

The format you choose must match the format of the

MAC address sourced in the LDAP server.

Strip Start of Subject Name Up To the Last Enter the appropriate text to remove domain prefixes
Occurrence of the Separator from usernames.
If Cisco ISE finds the delimiter character that is
specified in this field in the username, it strips all
characters from the beginning of the username through
the delimiter character. If the username contains more
than one of the characters that are specified in the
<start_string> box, Cisco ISE strips characters through
the last occurrence of the delimiter character. For
example, if the delimiter character is the backslash (\)
and the username is DOMAIN\user1, Cisco ISE
submits user1 to an LDAP server.
Note The <start_string> cannot contain the
following special characters: the pound
sign (#), the question mark (?), the
quotation mark (“), the asterisk (*), the
right angle bracket (>), and the left angle
bracket (<). Cisco ISE does not allow these
characters in usernames.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
LDAP Identity Source Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Strip End of Subject Name from the First Enter the appropriate text to remove domain suffixes
Occurrence of the Separator from usernames.
If Cisco ISE finds the delimiter character that is
specified in this field in the username, it strips all
characters from the delimiter character through the
end of the username. If the username contains more
than one of the characters that are specified in this
field, Cisco ISE strips characters starting with the first
occurrence of the delimiter character. For example,
if the delimiter character is @ and the username is
user1@domain, then Cisco ISE submits user1 to the
LDAP server.
Note The <end_string> box cannot contain the
following special characters: the pound
sign (#), the question mark (?), the
quotation mark ("), the asterisk (*), the
right angle bracket (>), and the left angle
bracket (<). Cisco ISE does not allow these
characters in usernames.

LDAP Group Settings

Table 51: LDAP Group Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Add Choose Add > Add Group to add a new group or choose Add > Select Groups
From Directory to select the groups from the LDAP directory.
If you choose to add a group, enter a name for the new group. If you are selecting
from the directory, enter the filter criteria, and click Retrieve Groups. Check the
check boxes next to the groups that you want to select and click OK. The groups that
you have selected will appear in the Groups window.

LDAP Attribute Settings

Table 52: LDAP Attribute Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Add Choose Add > Add Attribute to add a new attribute or choose Add > Select
Attributes From Directory to select attributes from the LDAP server.
If you choose to add an attribute, enter a name for the new attribute. If you are
selecting from the directory, enter the username and click Retrieve Attributes to
retrieve the attributes. Check the check boxes next to the attributes that you want
to select, and then click OK.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
RADIUS Token Identity Sources Settings

LDAP Advanced Settings

The following table describes the field in the Advanced Settings tab.

Table 53: LDAP Advanced Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Enable Password Change Check this check box to enable the user to change the password in case of
password expiry or password reset while using PAP protocol for device admin
and RADIUS EAP-GTC protocol for network access. User authentication fails
for the unsupported protocols. This option also enables the user to change the
password on their next login.

Related Topics
LDAP Directory Service, on page 567
LDAP User Authentication, on page 568
LDAP User Lookup, on page 571
Add LDAP Identity Sources, on page 571

RADIUS Token Identity Sources Settings

The following table describes the fields on the RADIUS Token Identity Sources window, which you can use
to configure and connect to an external RADIUS identity source. To view this window, click the Menu icon
( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > RADIUS Token.

Table 54: RADIUS Token Identity Source Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter a name for the RADIUS token server. The
maximum number of characters allowed is 64.

Description Enter a description for the RADIUS token server. The

maximum number of characters is 1024.

SafeWord Server Check this check box if your RADIUS identity source
is a SafeWord server.

Enable Secondary Server Check this check box to enable the secondary
RADIUS token server for Cisco ISE to use as a
backup in case the primary fails. If you check this
check box, you must configure a secondary RADIUS
token server.

Always Access Primary Server First Click this option if you want Cisco ISE to always
access the primary server first.

Fallback to Primary Server after Click this option to specify the amount of time in
minutes that Cisco ISE can authenticate using the
secondary RADIUS token server if the primary server
cannot be reached. After this time elapses, Cisco ISE
reattempts to authenticate against the primary server.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
RADIUS Token Identity Sources Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Primary Server
Host IP Enter the IP address of the primary RADIUS token
server. This field can take as input a valid IP address
that is expressed as a string. Valid characters that are
allowed in this field are numbers and dot (.).

Shared Secret Enter the shared secret that is configured on the

primary RADIUS token server for this connection.

Authentication Port Enter the port number on which the primary RADIUS
token server is listening.

Server Timeout Specify the time in seconds that Cisco ISE should
wait for a response from the primary RADIUS token
server before it determines that the primary server is

Connection Attempts Specify the number of attempts that Cisco ISE should
make to reconnect to the primary server before moving
on to the secondary server (if defined) or dropping
the request if a secondary server is not defined.

Secondary Server
Host IP Enter the IP address of the secondary RADIUS token
server. This field can take as input a valid IP address
that is expressed as a string. Valid characters that are
allowed in this field are numbers and dot (.).

Shared Secret Enter the shared secret configured on the secondary

RADIUS token server for this connection.

Authentication Port Enter the port number on which the secondary

RADIUS token server is listening. Valid values are
from 1 to 65,535. The default is 1812.

Server Timeout Specify the time in seconds that Cisco ISE should
wait for a response from the secondary RADIUS token
server before it determines that the secondary server
is down.

Connection Attempts Specify the number of attempts that Cisco ISE should
make to reconnect to the secondary server before
dropping the request.

Related Topics
RADIUS Token Identity Sources, on page 589
Add a RADIUS Token Server, on page 594

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
RSA SecurID Identity Source Settings

RSA SecurID Identity Source Settings

The following table describes the fields on the RSA SecurID Identity Sources window, which you can use to
create and connect to an RSA SecurID identity source. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and
choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > RSA SecurID.

RSA Prompt Settings

The following table describes the fields in the RSA Prompts tab.

Table 55: RSA Prompt Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Enter Passcode Prompt Enter a text string to obtain the passcode.

Enter Next Token Code Enter a text string to request the next token.

Choose PIN Type Enter a text string to request the PIN type.

Accept System PIN Enter a text string to accept the system-generated PIN.

Enter Alphanumeric PIN Enter a text string to request an alphanumeric PIN.

Enter Numeric PIN Enter a text string to request a numeric PIN.

Re-enter PIN Enter a text string to request the user to re-enter the

RSA Message Settings

The following table describes the fields in the RSA Messages tab.

Table 56: RSA Messages Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Display System PIN Message Enter a text string to label the system PIN message.

Display System PIN Reminder Enter a text string to inform the user to remember the
new PIN.

Must Enter Numeric Error Enter a message that instructs users to enter only
numbers for the PIN.

Must Enter Alpha Error Enter a message that instructs users to enter only
alphanumeric characters for PINs.

PIN Accepted Message Enter a message that the users see when their PIN is
accepted by the system.

PIN Rejected Message Enter a message that the users see when the system
rejects their PIN.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Cisco ISE Users

Field Name Usage Guidelines

User Pins Differ Error Enter a message that the users see when they enter an
incorrect PIN.

System PIN Accepted Message Enter a message that the users see when the system
accepts their PIN.

Bad Password Length Error Enter a message that the users see when the PIN that
they specify does not fall within the range specified
in the PIN length policy.

Related Topics
RSA Identity Sources, on page 596
Cisco ISE and RSA SecurID Server Integration, on page 596
Add RSA Identity Sources, on page 599

Cisco ISE Users

In this chapter, the term user refers to employees and contractors who access the network regularly as well
as sponsor and guest users. A sponsor user is an employee or contractor of the organization who creates and
manages guest-user accounts through the sponsor portal. A guest user is an external visitor who needs access
to the organization’s network resources for a limited period of time.
You must create an account for any user to gain access to resources and services on the Cisco ISE network.
Employees, contractors, and sponsor users are created from the Admin portal.

User Identity
User identity is like a container that holds information about a user and forms their network access credentials.
Each user’s identity is defined by data and includes: a username, e-mail address, password, account description,
associated administrative group, user group, and role.

User Groups
User groups are a collection of individual users who share a common set of privileges that allow them to
access a specific set of Cisco ISE services and functions.

User Identity Groups

A user’s group identity is composed of elements that identify and describe a specific group of users that belong
to the same group. A group name is a description of the functional role that the members of this group have.
A group is a listing of the users that belong to this group.

Default User Identity Groups

Cisco ISE comes with the following predefined user identity groups:
• All_Accounts

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
User Role

• Employee
• Group_Accounts
• GuestType_Contractor
• GuestType_Daily
• GuestType_SocialLogin
• GuestType_Weekly
• Own_Accounts

User Role
A user role is a set of permissions that determine what tasks a user can perform and what services they can
access on the Cisco ISE network. A user role is associated with a user group. For example, a network access

User Account Custom Attributes

Cisco ISE allows you to restrict network access based on user attributes for both network access users and
administrators. Cisco ISE comes with a set of predefined user attributes and also allows you to create custom
attributes. Both types of attributes can be used in conditions that define the authentication policy. You can
also define a password policy for user accounts so that passwords meet specified criteria.

Custom User Attributes

You can configure more user-account attributes on the User Custom Attributes window (Administration
> Identity Management > Settings > User Custom Attributes). You can also view the list of predefined
user attributes in this window. You cannot edit the predefined user attributes.
Enter the required details in the User Custom Attributes pane to add a new custom attribute. The custom
attributes and the default values that you add on the User Custom Attributes window are displayed while
adding or editing a Network Access user (Administration > Identity Management > Identities > Users >
Add/Edit) or Admin user (Administration > System > Admin Access > Administrators > Admin Users
> Add/Edit). You can change the default values while adding or editing a Network Access or Admin user.
You can select the following data types for the custom attributes on the User Custom Attributes window:
• String: You can specify the maximum string length (maximum allowed length for a string attribute value).
• Integer: You can configure the minimum and maximum value (specifies the lowest and the highest
acceptable integer value).
• Enum: You can specify the following values for each parameter:
• Internal value
• Display value

You can also specify the default parameter. The values that you add in the Display field are displayed
while adding or editing a Network Access or Admin user.
• Float

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
User Authentication Settings

• Password: You can specify the maximum string length.

• Long: You can configure the minimum and maximum value.
• IP: You can specify a default IPv4 or IPv6 address.
• Boolean: You can set either True or False as the default value.
• Date: You can select a date from the calendar and set it as the default value. The date is displayed in
yyyy-mm-dd format.

Check the Mandatory check box if you want to make an attribute mandatory while adding or editing a
Network Access or Admin user. You can also set default values for the custom attributes.
The custom attributes can be used in the authentication policies. The data type and the allowable range that
you set for the custom attributes are applied to the custom attribute values in the policy conditions.

User Authentication Settings

Not all external identity stores allow network access users to change their passwords. See the section for each
identity source for more information.
Network use password rules are configured on Administration > Identity Management > Settings > User
Authentication Settings.
The following section has additional information about some of the fields on the Password Policy tab.
• Required Characters: If you configure a user-password policy that requires upper or lowercase characters,
and the user’s language does not support these characters, the user cannot set a password. To support
UTF-8 characters, uncheck the following check boxes:
• Lowercase alphabetic characters.
• Uppercase alphabetic characters

• Password Change Delta: Specifies the minimum number of characters that must change when changing
the current password to a new password. Cisco ISE does not consider changing the position of a character
as a change.
For Example, if the password delta is 3, and the current password is "?Aa1234?", then "?Aa1567?"
("5","6" and "7" are the three new characters) is a valid new password. "?Aa1562?" fails, because "?","2",
and "?" characters are in the current password. "Aa1234??" fails, because even though the character
positions changed, the same characters are in the current password.
Password change delta also considers the previous X passwords, where X is the value of Password must
be different from the previous versions. If your password delta is 3, and your password history is 2,
then you must change 4 characters that are not part of the past 2 passwords.
• Dictionary words: Check this check box to restrict the use of any dictionary word, its characters in
reverse order, or its letters replaced with other characters.
Substitution of "$" for "s", "@" for "a", "0" for "o", "1" for "l", "!" for "i", "3" for "e", is not permitted.
For example, "Pa$$w0rd".
• Default Dictionary: Choose this option to use the default Linux dictionary in Cisco ISE. The default
dictionary contains approximately 480,000 English words.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Generate Automatic Password for Users and Administrators

• Custom Dictionary: Choose this option to use your customized dictionary. Click Choose File to
select a custom dictionary file. The text file must be of newline-delimited words, .dic extension,
and size less than 20 MB.

• You can use the Password Lifetime section to update the password reset interval and reminder. To set
the lifetime of the password, check the Disable user account after __ days if password was not changed
check box and enter the number of days in the input field. To send a reminder email for password reset,
check the Display Reminder __ Days Prior to Password Expiration check box and enter the number
of days before which a reminder email should be sent to the email address configured for the network
access user. While creating a network access user, you can add the email address in the Administration
> Identity Management > Identities > Users > Add Network Access User window to send an email
notification for password reset.

Note • The reminder email is sent from the following email address:
iseadminportal@<ISE-Primary-FQDN>. You must explicitly permit access
for this sender.
• You cannot customize the email content. The reminder email has the
following content: Your network access password will expire on <password
expiry date and time>. Please contact your system administrator for

• Lock/Suspend Account with Incorrect Login Attempts: You can use this option to suspend or lock
an account if the login attempt failed for the specified number of times. The valid range is from 3 to 20.
• The Account Disable Policy tab is where you configure rules about when to disable an existing user
account. See Disable User Accounts Globally for more information.

Related Topics
User Account Custom Attributes, on page 460
Add Users, on page 463

Generate Automatic Password for Users and Administrators

You can use the Generate Password option on the user and administrator creation window to generate instant
password adhering to Cisco ISE password policies. This helps the users or administrators to use the password
generated by Cisco ISE than spending time in thinking of a safe password to be configured.
The Generate Password option is available in the following windows:
• Administration > Identity Management > Identities > Users.
• Administration > System > Admin Access > Administrators > Admin Users.
• Settings > Account Settings > Change Password.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Internal User Operations

Internal User Operations

Add Users
Cisco ISE allows you to view, create, modify, duplicate, delete, change the status, import, export, or search
for attributes of Cisco ISE users.
If you are using a Cisco ISE internal database, you must create an account for any new user who needs access
to resources or services on a Cisco ISE network.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > Identities > Users.
You can also create users by accessing the Work Centers > Device Administration > Identities > Users page.

Step 2 Click Add (+) to create a new user.

Step 3 Enter values for the fields.
Do not include !, %, :, ;, [, {, |, }, ], `, ?, =, <, >, \ and control characters in the username. Username with only spaces is
also not allowed. If you use the Cisco ISE Internal Certificate Authority (CA) for BYOD, the username that you provide
here is used as the Common Name for the endpoint certificate. Cisco ISE Internal CA does not support "+" or "*" characters
in the Common Name field.
Step 4 Click Submit to create a new user in the Cisco ISE internal database.

Export Cisco ISE User Data

You might have to export user data from the Cisco ISE internal database. Cisco ISE allows you to export user
data in the form of a password-protected csv file.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > Identities > Users.
Step 2 Check the check box that corresponds to the user(s) whose data you want to export.
Step 3 Click Export Selected.
Step 4 Enter a key for encrypting the password in the Key field.
Step 5 Click Start Export to create a users.csv file.
Step 6 Click OK to export the users.csv file.

Import Cisco ISE Internal Users

You can import new user data into Cisco ISE with a CSV file to create new internal accounts. A template
CSV file is available for download while you import user accounts. Sponsors can import users on the Sponsor
portal. for information about configuring the information types that the sponsor guest accounts use.

Note If the CSV file contains custom attributes, the data type and the allowable range that you set for the custom
attributes will be applied for the custom attribute values during import.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Settings

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > Identities > Users.
Step 2 Click Import to import users from a comma-delimited text file.
If you do not have a comma-delimited text file, click Generate a Template to create a CSV file with the heading rows
filled in.

Step 3 In the File text box, enter the filename containing the users to import, or click Browse and navigate to the location where
the file resides.
Step 4 Check the Create new user(s) and update existing user(s) with new data check box if you want to create new users
and update existing users.
Step 5 Click Save.

Note We recommend that you do not delete all the network access users at a time, because this may lead to CPU
spike and the services to crash, especially if you are using a very large database.

Endpoint Settings
The following table describes the fields on the Endpoints window, which you can use to create endpoints
and assign policies for endpoints. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers >
Network Access > Identities > Endpoints.

Table 57: Endpoint Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

MAC Address Enter the MAC address in hexadecimal format to

create an endpoint statically.
The MAC address is the device identifier for the
interface that is connected to the Cisco ISE enabled

Static Assignment Check this check box when you want to create an
endpoint statically in the Endpoints window and the
status of static assignment is set to static.
You can toggle the status of static assignment of an
endpoint from static to dynamic or from dynamic to

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Policy Assignment (Disabled by default unless the Static Assignment is

checked) Choose a matching endpoint policy from
the Policy Assignment drop-down list.
You can do one of the following:
• If you do not choose a matching endpoint policy,
but use the default endpoint policy Unknown,
then the static assignment status is set to dynamic
for the endpoint that allows dynamic profiling
of an endpoint.
• If you choose a matching endpoint policy other
than Unknown, then the static assignment status
is set to static for that endpoint and the Static
Assignment check box is automatically checked.

Static Group Assignment Check this check box when you want to assign an
endpoint to an identity group statically.
In you check this check box, the profiling service does
not change the endpoint identity group the next time
during evaluation of the endpoint policy for these
endpoints, which were previously assigned
dynamically to other endpoint identity groups.
If you uncheck this check box, then the endpoint
identity group is dynamic as assigned by the ISE
profiler based on policy configuration. If you do not
choose the Static Group Assignment option, then the
endpoint is automatically assigned to the matching
identity group the next time during evaluation of the
endpoint policy.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Import from LDAP Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Identity Group Assignment Choose an endpoint identity group to which you want
to assign the endpoint.
You can assign an endpoint to an identity group when
you create an endpoint statically, or when you do not
want to use the Create Matching Identity Group
option during evaluation of the endpoint policy for
an endpoint.
Cisco ISE includes the following system created
endpoint identity groups:
• Blocked List
• GuestEndpoints
• Profiled
• Cisco IP-Phone
• Workstation

• RegisteredDevices
• Unknown

Related Topics
Identified Endpoints, on page 666
Create Endpoints with Static Assignments of Policies and Identity Groups, on page 662

Endpoint Import from LDAP Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Import from LDAP window, which you can use to import
endpoints from an LDAP server. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers >
Network Access > Identities > Endpoints.

Table 58: Endpoint Import from LDAP Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Connection Settings

Host Enter the hostname, or the IP address of the LDAP


Port Enter the port number of the LDAP server. You can
use the default port 389 to import from an LDAP
server, and the default port 636 to import from an
LDAP server over SSL.
Note Cisco ISE supports any configured port
number. The configured value should
match the LDAP server connection details.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Import from LDAP Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Enable Secure Connection Check the Enable Secure Connection check box to
import from an LDAP server over SSL.

Root CA Certificate Name Click the drop-down arrow to view the trusted CA
The Root CA Certificate Name refers to the trusted
CA certificate that is required to connect to an LDAP
server. You can add (import), edit, delete, and export
trusted CA certificates in Cisco ISE.

Anonymous Bind You must enable either the Anonymous Bind check
box, or enter the LDAP administrator credentials from
the slapd.conf configuration file.

Admin DN Enter the distinguished name (DN) configured for the

LDAP administrator in the slapd.conf configuration
Admin DN format example: cn=Admin,, dc=com

Password Enter the password configured for the LDAP

administrator in the slapd.conf configuration file.

Base DN Enter the distinguished name of the parent entry.

Base DN format example:, dc=com.

Query Settings

MAC Address objectClass Enter the query filter, which is used for importing the
MAC address, for example, ieee802Device.

MAC Address Attribute Name Enter the returned attribute name for import, for
example, macAddress.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Identity Group Operations

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Profile Attribute Name Enter the name of the LDAP attribute. This attribute
holds the policy name for each endpoint entry that is
defined in the LDAP server.
When you configure the Profile Attribute Name
field, consider the following:
• If you do not specify this LDAP attribute in the
Profile Attribute Name field or configure this
attribute incorrectly, then endpoints are marked
“Unknown” during an import operation, and
these endpoints are profiled separately to the
matching endpoint profiling policies.
• If you configure this LDAP attribute in the
Profile Attribute Name field, the attribute
values are validated to ensure that the endpoint
policy matches with an existing policy in Cisco
ISE, and endpoints are imported. If the endpoint
policy does not match with an existing policy,
then those endpoints will not be imported.

Time Out Enter the time in seconds. The valid range is from 1
to 60 seconds.

Related Topics
Identified Endpoints, on page 666
Import Endpoints from LDAP Server, on page 665

Identity Group Operations

Create a User Identity Group
You must create a user identity group before you can assign a user to it.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > Groups > Identity Groups > User Identity Groups > Add.
You can also create a user identity group by accessing the Work Centers > Device Administration > User Identity
Groups > Identity Groups > User Identity Groups > Add page.

Step 2 Enter values in the Name and Description fields. Supported characters for the Name field are space # $ & ‘ ( ) * + - . /
Step 3 Click Submit.

Related Topics
User Identity Groups, on page 459

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Export User Identity Groups

Export User Identity Groups

Cisco ISE allows you to export locally configured user identity groups in the form of a csv file.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > Groups > Identity Groups > User Identity Groups.
Step 2 Check the check box that corresponds to the user identity group that you want to export, and click Export.
Step 3 Click OK.

Import User Identity Groups

Cisco ISE allows you to import user identity groups in the form of a csv file.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > Groups > Identity Groups > User Identity Groups.
Step 2 Click Generate a Template to get a template to use for the import file.
Step 3 Click Import to import network access users from a comma-delimited text file.
Step 4 Check the Overwrite existing data with new data check box if you want to both add a new user identity group and
update existing user identity groups.
Step 5 Click Import.
Step 6 Click Save to save your changes to the Cisco ISE database.

Endpoint Identity Group Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Endpoint Identity Groups window, which you can use to create
an endpoint group. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity
Management > Groups > Endpoint Identity Groups.

Table 59: Endpoint Identity Group Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the endpoint identity group that you
want to create.

Description Enter a description for the endpoint identity group

that you want to create.

Parent Group Choose an endpoint identity group from the Parent

Group drop-down list to which you want to associate
the newly created endpoint identity group.

Related Topics
Identified Endpoints Grouped in Endpoint Identity Groups, on page 669
Create Endpoint Identity Groups, on page 668

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Configure Maximum Concurrent Sessions

Configure Maximum Concurrent Sessions

For optimal performance, you can limit the number of concurrent user sessions. You can set the limits at the
user level or at the group level. Depending upon the maximum user session configurations, the session count
is applied to the user.
You can configure the maximum number of concurrent sessions for each user per ISE node. Sessions above
this limit are rejected.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Settings > Max Sessions > User.
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Enter the maximum number of concurrent sessions that are allowed for each user in the Maximum Sessions per
User field.
• Check the Unlimited Sessions check box if you want the users to have unlimited sessions. This option is selected
by default.

Step 3 Click Save.

If the maximum number of sessions is configured at both the user and group level, the smaller value will have
precedence. For example, if the maximum session value for a user is set as 10 and the maximum session value
of the group to which the user belongs is set as 5, the user can have a maximum of 5 sessions only.

Maximum Concurrent Sessions for a Group

You can configure the maximum number of concurrent sessions for the identity groups.
Sometimes all the sessions can be used by a few users in the group. Requests from other users to create a new
session are rejected because the number of sessions has already reached the maximum configured value. Cisco
ISE allows you to configure a maximum session limit for each user in the group; each user belonging to a
specific identity group cannot open sessions more than the session limit, irrespective of the number of sessions
other users from the same group have opened. When calculating the session limit for a particular user, the
lowest configuration value takes the precedence—whether the global session limit per user, the session limit
per identity group that the user belongs to, or the session limit per user in the group.
To configure maximum number of concurrent sessions for an identity group:

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Settings > Max Sessions > Group.
All the configured identity groups are listed.

Step 2 Click the Edit icon next to the group that you want to edit and enter the values for the following:
• Maximum number of concurrent sessions permitted for that group. If the maximum number of sessions for a group
is set as 100, the total count of all sessions established by all members of that group cannot exceed 100.
Note Group-level session limits are applied based on the group hierarchy.

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Configure Counter Time Limit

• Maximum number of concurrent sessions permitted for each user in that group. This option overrides the maximum
number of sessions for a group.

If you want to set the maximum number of concurrent sessions for a group or maximum concurrent sessions for the users
in a group as Unlimited, leave the Max Sessions for Group/Max Sessions for User in Group field blank, click the Tick
icon, and then click Save. By default, both these values are set as Unlimited.

Step 3 Click Save.

Configure Counter Time Limit

You can configure the timeout value for concurrent user sessions.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Settings > Max Sessions > Counter Time Limit.
Step 2 Select one of the following options:
• Unlimited: Check this check box if you do not want to set any timeout or time limit for the sessions.
• Delete sessions after: You can enter the timeout value for concurrent sessions in minutes, hours, or days. When a
session exceeds the time limit, Cisco ISE deletes the session from the counter and updates the session count, thereby
allowing new sessions. Users will not be logged out if their sessions exceed the time limit.

Step 3 Click Save.

You can reset the session count from the RADIUS Live Logs window. Click the Actions icon displayed on
the Identity, Identity Group, or Server column to reset the session count. When you reset a session, the session
is deleted from the counter (thereby allowing new sessions). Users will not be disconnected if their sessions
are deleted from the counter.

Account Disable Policy

While authenticating or querying a user or administrator, Cisco ISE checks the global account disable policy
settings at Administration > Identity Management > Settings > User Authentication Settings and
authenticates or returns a result based on the configuration.
Cisco ISE verifies the following three policies:
• Disable user accounts that exceed a specified date (yyyy-mm-dd): Disables the user account on the
specified date. However, the account disable policy settings for an individual network access user
configured at Administration > Identity Management > Identities > Users > Account Disable Policy
takes precedence over the global settings.
• Disable user account after n days of account creation or last enable: Disables user accounts after specific
number of days of account creation or the last date when the account was active. You can check the user
status at Administration > Identity Management > Identities > Users > Status.
• Disable accounts after n days of inactivity: Disables administrator and user accounts that have not been
authenticated for the configured consecutive number of days.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Disable Individual User Accounts

When you migrate from Cisco Secure ACS to Cisco ISE, the account disable policy settings specified for a
network access user in Cisco Secure ACS is migrated to Cisco ISE.

Disable Individual User Accounts

Cisco ISE allows you to disable the user account for each individual user if the disable account date exceeds
the date specified by the admin user.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > Identities > Users.
Step 2 Click Add to create a new user or check the check box next to an existing user and click Edit to edit the existing user
Step 3 Check the Disable account if the date exceeds check box and select the date.
This option allows you to disable the user account when the configured date exceeds at user level. You can configure
different expiry dates for different users as required. This option overrules the global configuration for each individual
user. The configured date can either be the current system date or a future date.
Note You are not allowed to enter a date earlier than the current system date.

Step 4 Click Submit to configure the account disable policy for an individual user.

Disable User Accounts Globally

You can disable user accounts on a certain date, several days after account creation or last access date, and
after several days of account inactivity.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > Settings > User Authentication Settings > Account Disable Policy.
Step 2 Perform one of the following actions:
• Check the Disable account if date exceeds check box and select the appropriate date in yyyy-mm-dd format. This
option allows you to disable the user account after the configured date. The Disable account if date exceeds setting
at user level takes precedence over this global configuration.
• Check the Disable account after n days of account creation or last enable check box and enter the number of
days. This option disables the user account when the account creation date or last access date exceeds the specified
number of days. Administrators can manually enable the disabled user accounts, which reset the number of days
• Check the Disable account after n days of inactivity check box and enter the number of days. This option disables
the user account when the account is inactive for the specified number of days.

Step 3 Click Submit to configure the global account disable policy.

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Internal and External Identity Sources

Internal and External Identity Sources

Identity sources are databases that store user information. Cisco ISE uses user information from the identity
source to validate user credentials during authentication. User information includes group information and
other attributes that are associated with the user. You can add, edit, and delete user information from identity
Cisco ISE supports internal and external identity sources. You can use both sources to authenticate sponsor
and guest users.

Internal Identity Sources

Cisco ISE has an internal user database whree you can store user information. Users in the internal user
database are called internal users. Cisco ISE also has an internal endpoint database that stores information
about all the devices and endpoints that connect to it.

External Identity Sources

Cisco ISE allows you to configure the external identity source that contains user information. Cisco ISE
connects to an external identity source to obtain user information for authentication. External identity sources
also include certificate information for the Cisco ISE server and certificate authentication profiles. Cisco ISE
uses authentication protocols to communicate with external identity sources.
Note the following points while configuring policies for internal users:
• Configure an authentication policy to authenticate internal users against an internal identity store.
• Configure an authorization policy for internal user groups by selecting the following option:
Identitygroup.Name EQUALS User Identity Groups: Group_Name

The following table lists authentication protocols and the external identity sources that they support.

Table 60: Authentication Protocols and Supported External Identity Sources

Protocol Internal Active LDAP RADIUS REST ODBC

(Authentication Database Directory Token Server
Type) or RSA

EAP-GTC, Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

PAP (plain

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Internal and External Identity Sources

Protocol Internal Active LDAP RADIUS REST ODBC

(Authentication Database Directory Token Server
Type) or RSA

MS-CHAP Yes Yes No No No Yes

(as inner
method of

EAP-MD5 Yes No No No No Yes


EAP-TLS No Yes Yes No No No

Note For TLS
(EAP-TLS and
sources are not
required but
can optionally
be added for

Credentials are stored differently, depending on the external data source connection type, and the features
• When joining an Active Directory Domain (but not for Passive ID), the credentials that are used to join
are not saved. Cisco ISE creates an AD computer account, if it does not exist, and uses that account to
authenticate users.
• For LDAP and Passive ID, the credentials that are used to connect to the external data source are also
used to authenticate users.

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Create an External Identity Source

Create an External Identity Source

Cisco ISE can connect with external identity sources such as Active Directory, LDAP, RADIUS Token, and
RSA SecurID servers to obtain user information for authentication and authorization. External identity sources
also include certificate authentication profiles that you need for certificate-based authentications.

Note To work with passive identity services, which enable you to receive and share authenticated user identities,
see Additional Passive Identity Service Providers, on page 527.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources.
Step 2 Choose one of these options:
• Certificate Authentication Profile for certificate-based authentications.
• Active Directory to connect to an Active Directory as an external identity source. See Active Directory as an External
Identity Source, on page 477 for more details.
• LDAP to add an LDAP identity source. See LDAP, on page 566 for more details.
• RADIUS Token to add a RADIUS Token server. See RADIUS Token Identity Sources, on page 589 for more details.
• RSA SecurID to add an RSA SecurID server. See RSA Identity Sources, on page 596 for more details.
• SAML Id Providers to add an identity provider (IdP), such as Oracle Access Manager. See SAMLv2 Identity
Provider as an External Identity Source, on page 602 for more details.
• Social Login to add a Social Login, such as Facebook, as an external identity source. See Social Login for
Self-Registered Guests, on page 328 for more details.

Authenticate Internal User Against External Identity Store Password

Cisco ISE allows you to authenticate internal users against external identity store passwords. Cisco ISE
provides an option to select the password identity store for internal users from the Administration > Identity
Management > Identities > Users window. Administrators can select the identity store from the list of Cisco
ISE External Identity Sources while adding or editing users in the Users window. The default password
identity store for an internal user is the internal identity store. Cisco Secure ACS users will retain the same
password identity store during and after migration from Cisco Secure ACS to Cisco ISE.
Cisco ISE supports the following external identity stores for password types:
• Active Directory
• RADIUS Token server
• RSA SecurID server

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Certificate Authentication Profiles

Note As per the current design, if authentication is done against an external ID store, then the internal user identity
group name cannot be configured in authorization policy. In order to use internal user identity group for
authorization, authentication policy must be configured to authenticate against Internal Users ID store and
password type, which can be either internal or external, must be selected in user configuration.

Certificate Authentication Profiles

For each profile, you must specify the certificate field that should be used as the principal username and
whether you want a binary comparison of the certificates.

Add a Certificate Authentication Profile

You must create a certificate authentication profile if you want to use the Extensible Authentication
Protocol-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS) certificate-based authentication method. Instead of authenticating
via the traditional username and password method, Cisco ISE compares a certificate received from a client
with one in the server to verify the authenticity of a user.

Before you begin

You must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources > Certificate Authentication Profile > Add.
Step 2 Enter the name and an optional description for the certificate authentication profile.
Step 3 Select an identity store from the drop-down list.
Basic certificate checking does not require an identity source. If you want binary comparison checking for the certificates,
you must select an identity source. If you select Active Directory as an identity source, subject and common name and
subject alternative name (all values) can be used to look up a user.

Step 4 Select the use of identity from Certificate Attribute or Any Subject or Alternative Name Attributes in the Certificate.
This will be used in logs and for lookups.
If you choose Any Subject or Alternative Name Attributes in the Certificate, Active Directory UPN will be used as
the username for logs and all subject names and alternative names in a certificate will be tried to look up a user. This
option is available only if you choose Active Directory as the identity source.

Step 5 Choose when you want to Match Client Certificate Against Certificate In Identity Store. For this you must select an
identity source (LDAP or Active Directory.) If you select Active Directory, you can choose to match certificates only to
resolve identity ambiguity.
• Never: This option never performs a binary comparison.
• Only to resolve identity ambiguity: This option performs the binary comparison of client certificate to certificate
on account in Active Directory only if ambiguity is encountered. For example, several Active Directory accounts
matching to identity names from certificate are found.
• Always perform binary comparison: This option always performs the binary comparison of client certificate to
certificate on account in identity store (Active Directory or LDAP).

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Active Directory as an External Identity Source

Step 6 Click Submit to add the certificate authentication profile or save the changes.

Active Directory as an External Identity Source

Cisco ISE uses Microsoft Active Directory as an external identity source to access resources such as users,
machines, groups, and attributes. User and machine authentication in Active Directory allows network access
only to users and devices that are listed in Active Directory.

ISE Community Resource

ISE Administrative Portal Access with AD Credentials Configuration Example

Active Directory Supported Authentication Protocols and Features

Active Directory supports features such as user and machine authentications, changing Active Directory user
passwords with some protocols. The following table lists the authentication protocols and the respective
features that are supported by Active Directory.

Table 61: Authentication Protocols Supported by Active Directory

Authentication Protocols Features

EAP-FAST and password based Protected Extensible User and machine authentication with the ability to
Authentication Protocol (PEAP) change passwords using EAP-FAST and PEAP with
an inner method of MS-CHAPv2 and EAP-GTC

Password Authentication Protocol (PAP) User and machine authentication

Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication User and machine authentication

Protocol Version 1 (MS-CHAPv1)

Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication User and machine authentication

Protocol Version 2 (MS-CHAPv2)

Extensible Authentication Protocol-Generic Token User and machine authentication

Card (EAP-GTC)

Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer • User and machine authentication

Security (EAP-TLS)
• Groups and attributes retrieval
• Binary certificate comparison

Extensible Authentication Protocol- Flexible • User and machine authentication

Authentication via Secure Tunneling-Transport Layer
Security (EAP-FAST-TLS) • Groups and attributes retrieval
• Binary certificate comparison

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Active Directory Attribute and Group Retrieval for Use in Authorization Policies

Authentication Protocols Features

Protected Extensible Authentication • User and machine authentication

Protocol-Transport Layer Security (PEAP-TLS)
• Groups and attributes retrieval
• Binary certificate comparison

Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol User authentication


Active Directory Attribute and Group Retrieval for Use in Authorization Policies
Cisco ISE retrieves user or machine attributes and groups from Active Directory for use in authorization
policy rules. These attributes can be used in Cisco ISE policies and determine the authorization level for a
user or machine. Cisco ISE retrieves user and machine Active Directory attributes after successful authentication
and can also retrieve attributes for an authorization that is independent of authentication.
Cisco ISE may use groups in external identity stores to assign permissions to users or computers; for example,
to map users to sponsor groups. You should note the following restrictions on group memberships in Active
• Policy rule conditions may reference any of the following: a user’s or computer’s primary group, the
groups of which a user or computer is a direct member, or indirect (nested) groups.
• Domain local groups outside a user’s or computer’s account domain are not supported.

Note You can use the value of the Active Directory attribute, msRadiusFramedIPAddress, as an IP address. This
IP address can be sent to a network access server (NAS) in an authorization profile. The
msRADIUSFramedIPAddress attribute supports only IPv4 addresses. Upon user authentication, the
msRadiusFramedIPAddress attribute value fetched for the user will be converted to IP address format.

Attributes and groups are retrieved and managed per join point. They are used in authorization policy (by
selecting first the join point and then the attribute). You cannot define attributes or groups per scope for
authorization, but you can use scopes for authentication policy. When you use a scope in authentication policy,
it is possible that a user is authenticated via one join point, but attributes and/or groups are retrieved via another
join point that has a trust path to the user's account domain. You can use authentication domains to ensure
that no two join points in one scope have any overlap in authentication domains.

Note During the authorization process in a multi join point configuration, Cisco ISE will search for join points in
the order in which they listed in the authorization policy, only until a particular user has been found. Once a
user has been found the attributes and groups assigned to the user in the join point, will be used to evaluate
the authorization policy.

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Support for Boolean Attributes

Note See Microsoft-imposed limits on the maximum number of usable Active Directory groups:

An authorization policy fails if the rule contains an Active Directory group name with special characters such
as /, !, @, \, #, $, %, ^, &, *, (, ), _, +, or ~.
Admin user login through Active Directory might fail if the admin username contains $ character.

Use Explicit UPN

To reduce ambiguity when matching user information against Active Directory's User-Principal-Name (UPN)
attributes, you must configure Active Directory to use Explicit UPN. Using Implicit UPN can produce
ambiguous results if two users have the same value for sAMAccountName.
To set Explicit UPN in Active Directory, open the Advanced Tuning page, and set the attribute
REGISTRY.Services\lsass\Parameters\Providers\ActiveDirectory\UseExplicitUPN to 1.

Support for Boolean Attributes

Cisco ISE supports retrieving Boolean attributes from Active Directory and LDAP identity stores.
You can configure the Boolean attributes while configuring the directory attributes for Active Directory or
LDAP. These attributes are retrieved upon authentication with Active Directory or LDAP.
The Boolean attributes can be used for configuring policy rule conditions.
The Boolean attribute values are fetched from Active Directory or LDAP server as String type. Cisco ISE
supports the following values for the Boolean attributes:

Boolean attribute Supported values

True t, T, true, TRUE, True, 1

False f, F, false, FALSE, False, 0

Note Attribute substitution is not supported for the Boolean attributes.

If you configure a Boolean attribute (for example, msTSAllowLogon) as String type, the Boolean value of
the attribute in the Active Directory or LDAP server will be set for the String attribute in Cisco ISE. You can
change the attribute type to Boolean or add the attribute manually as Boolean type.

Active Directory Certificate Retrieval for Certificate-Based Authentication

Cisco ISE supports certificate retrieval for user and machine authentication that uses the EAP-TLS protocol.
The user or machine record on Active Directory includes a certificate attribute of the binary data type. This
certificate attribute can contain one or more certificates. Cisco ISE identifies this attribute as userCertificate
and does not allow you to configure any other name for this attribute. Cisco ISE retrieves this certificate and
uses it to perform binary comparison.

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Active Directory User Authentication Process Flow

The certificate authentication profile determines the field where the username is taken from in order to lookup
the user in Active Directory to be used for retrieving certificates, for example, Subject Alternative Name
(SAN) or Common Name. After Cisco ISE retrieves the certificate, it performs a binary comparison of this
certificate with the client certificate. When multiple certificates are received, Cisco ISE compares the certificates
to check for one that matches. When a match is found, the user or machine authentication is passed.

Active Directory User Authentication Process Flow

When authenticating or querying a user, Cisco ISE checks the following:
• MS-CHAP and PAP authentications check if the user is disabled, locked out, expired or out of logon
hours and the authentication fails if any of these conditions are true.
• EAP-TLS authentications checks if the user is disabled or locked out and the authentication fails if any
of these conditions are met.

Configure Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow to Authenticate Users

with Azure Active Directory

Caution The Resource Owner Password Credentials (ROPC) flow in Cisco ISE is a controlled introduction feature.
We recommend that you thoroughly test this feature in a test environment before using it in a production

Resource Owner Password Credentials (ROPC) is an OAuth 2.0 grant type that allows Cisco ISE to carry out
authorization and authentication in a network with cloud-based identity providers.
Using the ROPC flow, Cisco ISE validates a user’s credentials with a cloud-based identity source. The ROPC
flow supports plaintext authentication protocols.
Cisco ISE currently supports Azure Active Directory through the ROPC flow.

Configure an Application for Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow in Azure Active Directory

Step 1 Log in to the Azure portal.

Step 2 Click the Directory+Application filter icon in the top navigation bar. Choose the Azure Active Directory tenant to
which an ROPC-enabled application must be added.
Step 3 Use the search bar to find and choose App Registrations.
Step 4 Click + New Registration.
Step 5 In the Register an Application window displayed, enter a meaningful name for this app in the Name field.
Step 6 In the Supported account types area, click Accounts in this organizational directory only.
Step 7 Click Register.
Step 8 In the new window displayed, click Certificates & Secrets from the left menu pane.
Step 9 In the Client Secrets area, click + New Client Secret.
Step 10 In the Add a Client Secret dialog box displayed, enter a description in the Description field.
Step 11 In the Expiry area, click Never.

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Configure Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow in Cisco ISE

Step 12 Click Add.

Step 13 Click the copy to clipboard icon to copy the shared secret. You will need this value when configuring the ROPC flow
in Cisco ISE.
Step 14 Click Overview in the left menu pane, and copy the following values to use in Cisco ISE when configuring the ROPC
• Application (client) ID.
• Directory (tenant) ID.

Step 15 To enable the ROPC flow for this application, click Authentication in the left menu pane. In the Advanced Settings
area, ensure that the toggle button is set to Yes.
Step 16 To add a groups claim to the app, click Token Configuration in the left menu pane.
Step 17 Click + Add Groups Claim.
Step 18 In the Edit Groups Claim dialog box, check the Security groups check box.
Step 19 Click Save.
Step 20 To enable the use of APIs, click API Permissions in the left menu pane.
Step 21 Click + Add A Permission.
Step 22 In the Microsoft APIs area, click Microsoft Graph.
Step 23 Click Application Permissions.
Step 24 In the Group drop-down area, check the Group.Read.All check box.
Step 25 Click Add Permissions.
Step 26 Click Grant Admin Consent for <user>, and then click Yes.

Configure Resource Owner Password Credentials Flow in Cisco ISE

Before you begin

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose System > Certificates > Certificate
Management > Trusted Certificates. Check if DigiCert Global Root G2 is displayed in the list trusted
If this certificate is not available in the Trusted Certificates store, import the public root certificate DigiCert
Global Root G2 in PEM format into the Cisco ISE Trusted Certificates store.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > Settings >
REST ID Store Settings.
Step 2 Click Enabled, and then click Submit.
Step 3 Verify the status of the REST Auth Service through the following CLI command in your ISE node:
show application status ise

If the message REST Auth Service running is displayed in the response, REST ID Store Settings is successfully
enabled. You can now proceed with configuring the ROPC flow.

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Support for Active Directory Multidomain Forests

Step 4 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources > REST (ROPC).
Step 5 Click Add.
Step 6 In the new window displayed, enter a value in the Name field.
Step 7 From the REST Identity Provider drop-down list, choose the identity source to be configured.
Step 8 Enter the required values for the fields Client ID, Client Secret, and Tenant ID, from the information saved when
configuring Azure Active Directory in the preceding task.
Step 9 Click Test Connection to check if Cisco ISE is able to connect to the chosen identity source.
Step 10 Click Load Groups to import user groups from the connected identity source. You can then choose a specific group
from the Groups drop-down list.
Step 11 (Optional) Enter a value in the Username Suffix field to authenticate the users of a Azure Active Directory tenant by
their user names.
For example, if the Azure Active Directory User Private Name (UPN) of a user is,
the suffix is the separator and the domain name is

Step 12 Click Submit.

Support for Active Directory Multidomain Forests

Cisco ISE supports Active Directory with multidomain forests. Within each forest, Cisco ISE connects to a
single domain, but can access resources from the other domains in the Active Directory forest if trust
relationships are established between the domain to which Cisco ISE is connected and the other domains.
Refer to Release Notes for Cisco Identity Services Engine for a list of Windows Server Operating Systems
that support Active Directory services.

Note Cisco ISE does not support Microsoft Active Directory servers that reside behind a network address translator
and have a Network Address Translation (NAT) address.

Prerequisites for Integrating Active Directory and Cisco ISE

This section describes the manual steps required to configure Active Directory for integration with Cisco ISE.
However, in most cases, you can enable Cisco ISE to automatically configure Active Directory. The following
are the prerequisites to integrate Active Directory with Cisco ISE.
• Ensure you have Active Directory Domain Admin credentials, required to make changes to any of the
AD domain configurations.
• Ensure you have the privileges of a Super Admin or System Admin in Cisco ISE.
• Use the Network Time Protocol (NTP) server settings to synchronize the time between the Cisco ISE
server and Active Directory. You can configure NTP settings from Cisco ISE CLI.
• Cisco ISE can connect with multiple Active Directory domains that do not have a two-way trust or have
zero trust between them. If you want to query other domains from a specific join point, ensure that trust
relationships exist between the join point and the other domains that have user and machine information

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Active Directory Account Permissions Required to Perform Various Operations

to which you need access. If trust relationships does not exist, you must create another join point to the
untrusted domain. For more information on establishing trust relationships, refer to Microsoft Active
Directory documentation.
• You must have at least one global catalog server operational and accessible by Cisco ISE, in the domain
to which you are joining Cisco ISE.

Active Directory Account Permissions Required to Perform Various Operations

Join Operations Leave Operations Cisco ISE Machine Accounts
The join operation requires the The leave operation requires the The ISE machine account that
following account permissions: following account permissions: communicates to the Active
Directory connection requires the
• Search Active Directory (to • Search Active Directory (to
following permissions:
see if a Cisco ISE machine see if a Cisco ISE machine
account exists) account exists) • Change password
• Create Cisco ISE machine • Remove the Cisco ISE • Read the user and machine
account to domain (if the machine account from the objects corresponding to users
machine account does not domain and machines that are
already exist) authenticated
If you perform a force leave (leave
• Set attributes on the new without the password), it will not • Query Active Directory to get
machine account (for example, remove the machine account from information (for example,
Cisco ISE machine account the domain. trusted domains, alternative
password, SPN, UPN suffixes, and so on)
• Read the tokenGroups
It is not mandatory to be a domain attribute
administrator to perform a join
operation. You can precreate the machine
account in Active Directory. If the
SAM name matches the Cisco ISE
appliance hostname, it is located
during the join operation and
If there are multiple join operations,
multiple machine accounts are
maintained inside Cisco ISE, one
for each join.

Note The credentials that are used for the join or leave operation are not stored in Cisco ISE. Only the newly created
Cisco ISE machine account credentials are stored.

The Network access: Restrict clients allowed to make remote calls to SAM security policy in Microsoft
Active Directory has been revised. Hence, Cisco ISE might not able to update its machine account password
every 15 days. If the machine account password is not updated, Cisco ISE will no longer authenticate users
through Microsoft Active Directory. You will receive the AD: ISE password update failed alarm on your
Cisco ISE dashboard to notify you of this event.

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Asset Visibility
Network Ports That Must Be Open for Communication

The security policy allows users to enumerate users and groups in the local Security Accounts Manager (SAM)
database and in Microsoft Active Directory. To ensure Cisco ISE can update its machine account password,
check that your configurations in Microsoft Active Directory are accurate. For more information on the
Windows operating systems and Windows Server versions affected, what this means for your network, and
what changes may be needed, see:

Network Ports That Must Be Open for Communication

Protocol Port (remote-local) Target Authenticated Notes

DNS (TCP/UDP) Random number DNS Servers/AD No —

greater than or equal Domain Controllers
to 49152

MSRPC 445 Domain Controllers Yes —

Kerberos 88 Domain Controllers Yes (Kerberos) MS AD/KDC


LDAP (TCP/UDP) 389 Domain Controllers Yes —

LDAP (GC) 3268 Global Catalog Yes —


NTP 123 NTP No —


IPC 80 Other ISE Nodes in Yes (Using RBAC —

the Deployment credentials)

DNS Server
While configuring your DNS server, make sure that you take care of the following:
• The DNS servers that you configure in Cisco ISE must be able to resolve all forward and reverse DNS
queries for the domains that you want to use.
• The Authoritative DNS server is recommended to resolve Active Directory records, as DNS recursion
can cause delays and have significant negative impact on performance.
• All DNS servers must be able to answer SRV queries for DCs, GCs, and KDCs with or without additional
Site information.
• Cisco recommends that you add the server IP addresses to SRV responses to improve performance.
• Avoid using DNS servers that query the public Internet. They can leak information about your network
when an unknown name has to be resolved.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Configure Active Directory as an External Identity Source

Configure Active Directory as an External Identity Source

Configure Active Directory as an external identity source as part of the configuration for features such as
Easy Connect and the PassiveID Work Center. For more information about these features, see Easy Connect,
on page 515 and PassiveID Work Center , on page 519.
Before you configure Active Directory as an External Identity Source, make sure that:
• The Microsoft Active Directory server does not reside behind a network address translator and does not
have a Network Address Translation (NAT) address.
• The Microsoft Active Directory account intended for the join operation is valid and is not configured
with the Change Password on Next Login.
• You have the privileges of a Super Admin or System Admin in ISE.

Note If you see operational issues when Cisco ISE is connected to Active Directory, see the AD Connector Operations
Report under Operations > Reports.

You must perform the following tasks to configure Active Directory as an external identity source.
1. Add an Active Directory Join Point and Join Cisco ISE Node to the Join Point, on page 485
2. Configure Authentication Domains, on page 490
3. Configure Active Directory User Groups, on page 491
4. Configure Active Directory User and Machine Attributes, on page 492
5. (Optional) Modify Password Changes, Machine Authentications, and Machine Access Restriction Settings,
on page 492

Add an Active Directory Join Point and Join Cisco ISE Node to the Join Point

Before you begin

Ensure that the Cisco ISE node can communicate with the networks where the NTP servers, DNS servers,
domain controllers, and global catalog servers are located. You can check these parameters by running the
Domain Diagnostic tool.
Join points must be created in order to work with Active Directory as well as with the Agent, Syslog, SPAN
and Endpoint probes of the Passive ID Work Center.
If you want to use IPv6 when integrating with Active Directory, then you must ensure that you have configured
an IPv6 address for the relevant ISE nodes.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Click Add and enter the domain name and identity store name from the Active Directory Join Point Name settings.
Step 3 Click Submit.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Add an Active Directory Join Point and Join Cisco ISE Node to the Join Point

A pop-up appears asking if you want to join the newly created join point to the domain. Click Yes if you want to join
If you clicked No, then saving the configuration saves the Active Directory domain configuration globally (in the primary
and secondary policy service nodes), but none of the Cisco ISE nodes are joined to the domain yet.

Step 4 Check the check box next to the new Active Directory join point that you created and click Edit, or click on the new
Active Directory join point from the navigation pane on the left. The deployment join/leave table is displayed with all
the Cisco ISE nodes, the node roles, and their status.
Step 5 In case the join point was not joined to the domain during Step 3, check the check box next to the relevant Cisco ISE
nodes and click Join to join the Cisco ISE node to the Active Directory domain.
You must do this explicitly even though you saved the configuration. To join multiple Cisco ISE nodes to a domain in a
single operation, the username and password of the account to be used must be the same for all join operations. If different
username and passwords are required to join each Cisco ISE node, the join operation should be performed individually
for each Cisco ISE node.

Step 6 Enter the Active Directory username and password in the Join Domaindialog box.
It is strongly recommended that you choose Store credentials, in which case your administrator's user name and password
will be saved in order to be used for all Domain Controllers (DC) that are configured for monitoring.
The user used for the join operation should exist in the domain itself. If it exists in a different domain or subdomain, the
username should be noted in a UPN notation, such as

Step 7 (Optional) Check the Specify Organizational Unit check box.

You should check this check box in case the Cisco ISE node machine account is to be located in a specific Organizational
Unit other than CN=Computers,DC=someDomain,DC=someTLD. Cisco ISE creates the machine account under the
specified organizational unit or moves it to this location if the machine account already exists. If the organizational unit
is not specified, Cisco ISE uses the default location. The value should be specified in full distinguished name (DN) format.
The syntax must conform to the Microsoft guidelines. Special reserved characters, such as /'+,;=<> line feed, space, and
carriage return must be escaped by a backslash (\). For example, OU=Cisco ISE\,US,OU=IT Servers,OU=Servers\, and
Workstations,DC=someDomain,DC=someTLD. If the machine account is already created, you need not check this check
box. You can also change the location of the machine account after you join to the Active Directory domain.

Step 8 Click OK.

You can select more than one node to join to the Active Directory domain.
If the join operation is not successful, a failure message appears. Click the failure message for each node to view detailed
logs for that node.
Note When the join is complete, Cisco ISE updates its AD groups and corresponding security identifiers (SIDs).
Cisco ISE automatically starts the SID update process. You must ensure that this process is allowed to complete.

Note You might not be able to join Cisco ISE with an Active Directory domain if the DNS service (SRV) records
are missing (the domain controllers do not advertise their SRV records for the domain that you are trying to
join to). Refer to the following Microsoft Active Directory documentation for troubleshooting information:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Add Domain Controllers

Note You can only add up to 200 Domain Controllers on ISE. On exceeding the limit, you will receive the error
"Error creating <DC FQDN> - Number of DCs Exceeds allowed maximum of 200".

What to do next
Configure Active Directory User Groups, on page 491
Configure authentication domains.

Add Domain Controllers

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > PassiveID > Providers and then from the left panel choose Active Directory.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the Active Directory join point that you created and click Edit. The deployment join/leave
table is displayed with all the Cisco ISE nodes, the node roles, and their statuses.
Step 3 Note To add a new Domain Controller (DC) for Passive Identity services, you need the login credentials of that DC.

Go to the PassiveID tab and click Add DCs.

Step 4 Check the check box next to the domain controllers that you would like to add to the join point for monitoring and click
The domain controllers appear in the Domain Controllers list of the PassiveID tab.
Step 5 Configure the domain controller:
a) Checkmark the domain controller and click Edit. The Edit Item screen appears.
b) Optionally, edit the different domain controller fields. .
c) If you selected WMI protocol, click Configure to configure WMI automatically and click Test to test the connection.

The DC failover mechanism is managed based on the DC priority list, which determines the order in which
the DCs are selected in case of failover. If a DC is offline or not reachable due to some error, its priority is
decreased in the priority list. When the DC comes back online, its priority is adjusted accordingly (increased)
in the priority list.

Note Cisco ISE does not support Read-only Domain Controller for authentication flows.

MSRPC Protocol for Passive ID

From Cisco ISE Release 3.0 onwards, you can use MS-Eventing API or MSRPC (Microsoft Remote Procedure
Call) protocol for Passive Identity. MSRPC protocol is used to establish node communication and monitor
heartbeats between nodes in Cisco ISE. This option is available in addition to the WMI protocol.
MSRPC protocol promotes a reliable mechanism when Cisco ISE or Cisco ISE-PIC collects or monitors the
events from several domain controllers. It also reduces latency on the Active Directory Domain Controllers
user logon events.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Deploy Agents for MSRPC

For Cisco ISE 3.0 and later, MSRPC is the default protocol. We recommend that you enable the primary and
secondary agent for high availability functionalities of the MSPRC, so that if there is a failure in the primary
agent installed server, the secondary agent becomes active and monitors Domain controller.
You can also choose to use the standalone option for MSPRC while creating an agent. However, the standalone
agent will not be backed up by a secondary agent, in case of agent failure and DC events cannot be monitored.
While upgrading from Cisco ISE 2.x to 3.0 version, if the member server is updated with existing agents, the
agent version is displayed in the Version column in the Agents window. To view this window, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Passive ID > Providers > Agents .

Deploy Agents for MSRPC

Before you begin

You must enable the Passive Identity Service. To do this:
In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment and
check the checkbox adjacent to the deployment node. Click Edit. In the Edit Node window, check the Enable
Passive Identity Service check box and click Save.
In the Cisco ISE-PIC GUI, choose Administration > System > Deployment and check the checkbox adjacent
to the deployment node. Click Edit. In the Edit Node window, check the Enable Passive Identity Service
check box and click Save.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Passive ID > Providers > Agents.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 In the Agents window, click Deploy New Agent, if you want to deploy new agents or click Register Existing Agents
, if you want to register an existing agent.
If you choose the Register Existing Agent option, a request from a supported registered client may be dropped due to
the unsupported protocol. In such events, you need to configure the Cisco ISE client with a supported protocol.

Step 4 Enter the agent name in the Name field.

Step 5 Enter the Host FQDN URL in the Host FQDN field.
Step 6 Enter the User Name and Password.
Step 7 Choose MSRPC from the Protocol dropdown list.
Step 8 Click Primary in the High Availability Settings section.
After the primary agent is successfully deployed, the above steps should be repeated to deploy the secondary agents by
selecting the Secondary option in the High Availability Settings section. While deploying the secondary agent, select
the configured primary agent from the Primary Agent drop-down list.
Step 9 Click Deploy.

Map Domain Controller with Primary Agent

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > PassiveID > Providers > Active Directory.
Step 2 In the Active Directory window, click Add.
Step 3 In the Connection section, enter the Join Point Name and Active Directory Domain for the domain controller.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Configure WMI for Passive ID

Step 4 Click Submit.

The following message is displayed:
Would you like to Join all ISE Nodes to this Active Directory Domain?

Step 5 Click Yes to join all the ISE nodes.

Step 6 In the Join Domain pop-up window, enter the AD User name and Password.
Step 7 Click Ok.
Step 8 Click the PassiveID tab.
Step 9 In the PassiveID Domain Controllers window, click the check box adjacent to the ISE domain you want to map.
For multiple DC mapping, you can choose the existing agent from the Use Existing Agent option.

Step 10 Click Edit

Step 11 Enter the Host FQDN URL in the Host FQDN field.
Step 12 Enter the AD credentials in the AD User Name and Password fields.
Step 13 Choose Agent from the Protocol drop-down list.
Step 14 Select the corresponding agent (Primary for high availability or Standalone) from the Agent drop-down list.
Step 15 Click Save.
You can review the agent mapping status, the agent monitoring the domain controller and the agent role in the Dashboard.
( To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and chooseWork Centers > PassiveID > Overview.)
In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > RADIUS > Live Sessions to view the domain
controller event logs.

Configure WMI for Passive ID

Before you begin

Ensure you have Active Directory Domain Admin credentials, required in order to make changes to any of
the AD domain configurations. Ensure that you enabled Passive ID for this node under Administration >
System > Deployment.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the Active Directory join point that you created and click Edit. The deployment join/leave
table is displayed with all the Cisco ISE nodes, the node roles, and their statuses.
Step 3 Go to the Passive ID tab, check the check box next to the relevant domain controllers and click Config WMI to enable
ISE to automatically configure the domain controllers you selected.
To configure Active Directory and Domain Controllers manually, or to troubleshoot any problems with configuration,
see Prerequisites for Integrating Active Directory and Cisco ISE , on page 482.

Leave the Active Directory Domain

If you no longer need to authenticate users or machines from this Active Directory domain or from this join
point, you can leave the Active Directory domain.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Configure Authentication Domains

When you reset the Cisco ISE application configuration from the command-line interface or restore
configuration after a backup or upgrade, it performs a leave operation, disconnecting the Cisco ISE node from
the Active Directory domain, if it is already joined. However, the Cisco ISE node account is not removed
from the Active Directory domain. We recommend that you perform a leave operation from the Admin portal
with the Active Directory credentials because it also removes the node account from the Active Directory
domain. This is also recommended when you change the Cisco ISE hostname.

Before you begin

If you leave the Active Directory domain, but still use Active Directory as an identity source for authentication
(either directly or as part of an identity source sequence), authentications may fail.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Check the checkbox next to the Active Directory join point that you created and click Edit. The deployment join/leave
table is displayed with all the Cisco ISE nodes, the node roles, and their statuses.
Step 3 Check the checkbox next to the Cisco ISE node and click Leave.
Step 4 Enter the Active Directory username and password, and click OK to leave the domain and remove the machine account
from the Cisco ISE database.
If you enter the Active Directory credentials, the Cisco ISE node leaves the Active Directory domain and deletes the
Cisco ISE machine account from the Active Directory database.
Note To delete the Cisco ISE machine account from the Active Directory database, the Active Directory credentials
that you provide here must have the permission to remove machine account from domain.

Step 5 If you do not have the Active Directory credentials, check the No Credentials Available checkbox, and click OK.
If you check the Leave domain without credentials checkbox, the primary Cisco ISE node leaves the Active Directory
domain. The Active Directory administrator must manually remove the machine account that was created in Active
Directory during the time of the join.

Configure Authentication Domains

The domain to which Cisco ISE is joined to has visibility to other domains with which it has a trust relationship.
By default, Cisco ISE is set to permit authentication against all those trusted domains. You can restrict
interaction with the Active Directory deployment to a subset of authentication domains. Configuring
authentication domains enables you to select specific domains for each join point so that the authentications
are performed against the selected domains only. Authentication domains improves security because they
instruct Cisco ISE to authenticate users only from selected domains and not from all domains trusted from
join point. Authentication domains also improve performance and latency of authentication request processing
because authentication domains limit the search area (that is, where accounts matching to incoming username
or identity will be searched). It is especially important when incoming username or identity does not contain
domain markup (prefix or suffix). Due to these reasons, configuring authentication domains is a best practice,
and we highly recommended it.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Click Active Directory join point.
Step 3 Click the Authentication Domains tab.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Configure Active Directory User Groups

A table appears with a list of your trusted domains. By default, Cisco ISE permits authentication against all trusted

Step 4 To allow only specified domains, uncheck Use all Active Directory domains for authentication check box.
Step 5 Check the check box next to the domains for which you want to allow authentication, and click Enable Selected. In the
Authenticate column, the status of this domain changes to Yes.
You can also disable selected domains.

Step 6 Click Show Unusable Domains to view a list of domains that cannot be used. Unusable domains are domains that Cisco
ISE cannot use for authentication due to reasons such as one-way trust, selective authentication and so on.

What to do next
Configure Active Directory user groups.

Configure Active Directory User Groups

You must configure Active Directory user groups for them to be available for use in authorization policies.
Internally, Cisco ISE uses security identifiers (SIDs) to help resolve group name ambiguity issues and to
enhance group mappings. SID provides accurate group assignment matching.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Click the Groups tab.
Step 3 Do one of the following:
a) Choose Add > Select Groups From Directory to choose an existing group.
b) Choose Add > Add Group to manually add a group. You can either provide both group name and SID or provide
only the group name and press Fetch SID.
Do not use double quotes (”) in the group name for the user interface login.
Step 4 If you are manually selecting a group, you can search for them using a filter. For example, enter admin* as the filter
criteria and click Retrieve Groups to view user groups that begin with admin. You can also enter the asterisk (*) wildcard
character to filter the results. You can retrieve only 500 groups at a time.
Step 5 Check the check boxes next to the groups that you want to be available for use in authorization policies and click OK.
Step 6 If you choose to manually add a group, enter a name and SID for the new group.
Step 7 Click OK.
Step 8 Click Save.
Note If you delete a group and create a new group with the same name as original, you must click Update SID
Values to assign new SID to the newly created group. After an upgrade, the SIDs are automatically updated
after the first join.

What to do next
Configure Active Directory user attributes.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Configure Active Directory User and Machine Attributes

Configure Active Directory User and Machine Attributes

You must configure Active Directory user and machine attributes to be able to use them in conditions in
authorization policies.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Click the Attributes tab.
Step 3 Choose Add > Add Attribute to manually add a attribute, or choose Add > Select Attributes From Directory to
choose a list of attributes from the directory.
Cisco ISE allows you to configure the AD with IPv4 or IPv6 address for user authentication when you manually add the
attribute type IP.

Step 4 If you choose to add attributes from the directory, enter the name of a user in the Sample User or Machine Account
field, and click Retrieve Attributes to obtain a list of attributes for users. For example, enter administrator to obtain a
list of administrator attributes. You can also enter the asterisk (*) wildcard character to filter the results.
Note When you enter an example username, ensure that you choose a user from the Active Directory domain to
which the Cisco ISE is connected. When you choose an example machine to obtain machine attributes, be sure
to prefix the machine name with “host/” or use the SAM$ format. For example, you might use host/myhost.
The example value displayed when you retrieve attributes are provided for illustration only and are not stored.

Step 5 Check the check boxes next to the attributes from Active Directory that you want to select, and click OK.
Step 6 If you choose to manually add an attribute, enter a name for the new attribute.
Step 7 Click Save.

Modify Password Changes, Machine Authentications, and Machine Access Restriction Settings

Before you begin

You must join Cisco ISE to the Active Directory domain. For more information, see Add an Active Directory
Join Point and Join Cisco ISE Node to the Join Point, on page 485.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the relevant Cisco ISE node and click Edit .
Step 3 Click the Advanced Settings tab.
Step 4 Modify as required, the Password Change, Machine Authentication, and Machine Access Restrictions (MARs) settings.
Step 5 Check the Enable dial-in check check box to check the dial-in permissions of the user during authentication or query.
The result of the check can cause a reject of the authentication in case the dial-in permission is denied.
Step 6 Check the Enable callback check for dial-in clients check box if you want the server to call back the user during
authentication or query. The IP address or phone number used by the server can be set either by the caller or the network
administrator. The result of the check is returned to the device on the RADIUS response.
Step 7 Check the Use Kerberos for Plain Text Authentications check box if you want to use Kerberos for plain-text
authentications. The default and recommended option is MS-RPC.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Machine Access Restriction (MAR) Cache

Machine Access Restriction (MAR) Cache

Cisco ISE stores the MAR cache content, calling-station-ID list, and the corresponding time stamps to a file
on its local disk when you manually stop the the application services. Cisco ISE does not store the MAR cache
entries of an instance when there is an accidental restart of the application services. Cisco ISE reads the MAR
cache entries from the file on its local disk based on the cache entry time to live when the application services
restart. When the application services come up after a restart, Cisco ISE compares the current time of that
instance with the MAR cache entry time. If the difference between the current time and the MAR entry time
is greater than the MAR cache entry time to live, then Cisco ISE does not retrieve that entry from disk.
Otherwise, Cisco ISE retrieves that MAR cache entry and updates its MAR cache entry time to live.

To Configure MAR Cache

On Advanced Settings tab of the Active Directory defined in External Identity Sources, verify that the
following options are checked:
• Enable Machine Authentication: To enable machine authentication.
• Enable Machine Access Restriction: To combine user and machine authentication before authorization.

To Use MAR Cache in Authorization

Use WasMachineAuthenticated is True in an authorization policy. You can use this rule plus a credentials
rule to do dual-authentication. Machine authentication must be done before AD credentials.
If you created a Node Group on the System > Deployment page, enable MAR Cache Distribution. MAR
cache distribution replicates the MAR cache to all the PSNs in the same node group.

For More Information

See the following Cisco ISE Community pages:

Related Topics
Configure Active Directory as an External Identity Source, on page 485

Configure Custom Schema

Before you begin

You must join Cisco ISE to the Active Directory domain.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Select the Join point.
Step 3 Click the Advanced Settings tab.
Step 4 Under the Schema section, select the Custom option from the Schema drop-down list. You can update the user information
attributes based on your requirements. These attributes are used to collect user information, such as, first name, last name,
email, telephone, locality, and so on.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Support for Active Directory Multi-Join Configuration

Predefined attributes are used for the Active Directory schema (built-in schema). If you edit the attributes of the predefined
schema, Cisco ISE automatically creates a custom schema.

Support for Active Directory Multi-Join Configuration

Cisco ISE supports multiple joins to Active Directory domains. Cisco ISE supports up to 50 Active Directory
joins. Cisco ISE can connect with multiple Active Directory domains that do not have a two-way trust or have
zero trust between them. Active Directory multi-domain join comprises a set of distinct Active Directory
domains with their own groups, attributes, and authorization policies for each join.
You can join the same forest more than once, that is, you can join more than one domain in the same forest,
if necessary.
Cisco ISE now allows to join domains with one-way trust. This option helps bypass the permission issues
caused by a one-way trust. You can join either of the trusted domains and hence be able to see both domains.
• Join Point: In Cisco ISE, each independent join to an Active Directory domain is called a join point. The
Active Directory join point is an Cisco ISE identity store and can be used in authentication policy. It has
an associated dictionary for attributes and groups, which can be used in authorization conditions.
• Scope: A subset of Active Directory join points grouped together is called a scope. You can use scopes
in authentication policy in place of a single join point and as authentication results. Scopes are used to
authenticate users against multiple join points. Instead of having multiple rules for each join point, if you
use a scope, you can create the same policy with a single rule and save the time that Cisco ISE takes to
process a request and help improve performance. A join point can be present in multiple scopes. A scope
can be included in an identity source sequence. You cannot use scopes in an authorization policy condition
because scopes do not have any associated dictionaries.
When you perform a fresh Cisco ISE install, by default no scopes exist. This is called the no scope mode.
When you add a scope, Cisco ISE enters multi-scope mode. If you want, you can return to no scope
mode. All the join points will be moved to the Active Directory folder.
• Initial_Scope is an implicit scope that is used to store the Active Directory join points that were
added in no scope mode. When multi-scope mode is enabled, all the Active Directory join points
move into the automatically created Initial_Scope. You can rename the Initial_Scope.
• All_AD_Instances is a built-in pseudo scope that is not shown in the Active Directory configuration.
It is only visible as an authentication result in policy and identity sequences. You can select this
scope if you want to select all Active Directory join points configured in Cisco ISE.

Create a New Scope to Add Active Directory Join Points

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Click Scope Mode.
A default scope called Initial_Scope is created, and all the current join points are placed under this scope.
Step 3 To create more scopes, click Add.
Step 4 Enter a name and a description for the new scope.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Identity Rewrite

Step 5 Click Submit.

Identity Rewrite
Identity rewrite is an advanced feature that directs Cisco ISE to manipulate the identity before it is passed to
the external Active Directory system. You can create rules to change the identity to a desired format that
includes or excludes a domain prefix and/or suffix or other additional markup of your choice.
Identity rewrite rules are applied on the username or hostname received from the client, before being passed
to Active Directory, for operations such as subject searches, authentication, and authorization queries. Cisco
ISE will match the condition tokens and when the first one matches, Cisco ISE stops processing the policy
and rewrites the identity string according to the result.
During the rewrite, everything enclosed in square bracket [ ] (such as [IDENTITY]) is a variable that is not
evaluated on the evaluation side but instead added with the string that matches that location in the string.
Everything without the brackets is evaluated as a fixed string on both the evaluation side and the rewrite side
of the rule.
The following are some examples of identity rewrite, considering that the identity entered by the user is
• If identity matches ACME\[IDENTITY], rewrite as [IDENTITY].
The result would be jdoe. This rule instructs Cisco ISE to strip all usernames with the ACME prefix.
• If the identity matches ACME\[IDENTITY], rewrite as [IDENTITY]
The result would be This rule instructs Cisco ISE to change the format from prefix
for suffix notation or from NetBIOS format to UPN formats.
• If the identity matches ACME\[IDENTITY], rewrite as ACME2\[IDENTITY].
The result would be ACME2\jdoe. This rule instructs Cisco ISE to change all usernames with a certain
prefix to an alternate prefix.
• If the identity matches [ACME]\jdoe.USA, rewrite as [IDENTITY]@[ACME].com.
The result would be jdoe\ This rule instructs Cisco ISE to strip the realm after the dot, in
this case the country and replace it with the correct domain.
• If the identity matches E=[IDENTITY], rewrite as [IDENTITY].
The result would be jdoe. This is an example rule that can be created when an identity is from a certificate,
the field is an email address, and Active Directory is configured to search by Subject. This rule instructs
Cisco ISE to remove ‘E=’.
• If the identity matches E=[EMAIL],[DN], rewrite as [DN].
This rule will convert certificate subject from, CN=jdoe, DC=acme, DC=com to
pure DN, CN=jdoe, DC=acme, DC=com. This is an example rule that can be created when identity is
taken from a certificate subject and Active Directory is configured to search user by DN . This rule
instructs Cisco ISE to strip email prefix and generate DN.

The following are some common mistakes while writing the identity rewrite rules:
• If the identity matches [DOMAIN]\[IDENTITY], rewrite as [IDENTITY]

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Enable Identity Rewrite

The result would be This rule does not have [DOMAIN] in square brackets [ ] on
the rewrite side of the rule.
• If the identity matches DOMAIN\[IDENTITY], rewrite as [IDENTITY]@[DOMAIN].com.
Here again, the result would be This rule does not have [DOMAIN] in square
brackets [ ] on the evaluation side of the rule.

Identity rewrite rules are always applied within the context of an Active Directory join point. Even if a scope
is selected as the result of an authentication policy, the rewrite rules are applied for each Active Directory
join point. These rewrite rules also applies for identities taken from certificates if EAP-TLS is being used.

Enable Identity Rewrite

Note This configuration task is optional. You can perform it to reduce authentication failures that can arise because
of various reasons such as ambiguous identity errors.

Before you begin

You must join Cisco ISE to the Active Directory domain.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Click the Advanced Settings tab.
Step 3 Under the Identity Rewrite section, choose whether you want to apply the rewrite rules to modify usernames.
Step 4 Enter the match conditions and the rewrite results. You can remove the default rule that appears and enter the rule according
to your requirement. Cisco ISE processes the policy in order, and the first condition that matches the request username
is applied. You can use the matching tokens (text contained in square brackets) to transfer elements of the original
username to the result. If none of the rules match, the identity name remains unchanged. You can click the Launch Test
button to preview the rewrite processing.

Identity Resolution Settings

Some type of identities include a domain markup, such as a prefix or a suffix. For example, in a NetBIOS
identity such as ACME\jdoe, “ACME” is the domain markup prefix, similarly in a UPN identity such as, “” is the domain markup suffix. Domain prefix should match to the NetBIOS
(NTLM) name of the Active Directory domain in your organization and domain suffix should match to the
DNS name of Active Directory domain or to the alternative UPN suffix in your organization. For example is treated as without domain markup because is not a DNS name of Active
Directory domain.
The identity resolution settings allows you to configure important settings to tune the security and performance
balance to match your Active Directory deployment. You can use these settings to tune authentications for
usernames and hostnames without domain markup. In cases when Cisco ISE is not aware of the user's domain,
it can be configured to search the user in all the authentication domains. Even if the user is found in one
domain, Cisco ISE will wait for all responses in order to ensure that there is no identity ambiguity. This might
be a lengthy process, subject to the number of domains, latency in the network, load, and so on.

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Avoid Identity Resolution Issues

Avoid Identity Resolution Issues

It is highly recommended to use fully qualified names (that is, names with domain markup) for users and
hosts during authentication. For example, UPNs and NetBIOS names for users and FQDN SPNs for hosts.
This is especially important if you hit ambiguity errors frequently, such as, several Active Directory accounts
match to the incoming username; for example, jdoe matches to and In some cases, using fully qualified names is the only way to resolve issue. In others,
it may be sufficient to guarantee that the users have unique passwords. So, it is more efficient and leads to
less password lockout issues if unique identities are used initially.

Configure Identity Resolution Settings

Note This configuration task is optional. You can perform it to reduce authentication failures that can arise because
of various reasons such as ambiguous identity errors.

Before you begin

You must join Cisco ISE to the Active Directory domain.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Click the Advanced Settings tab.
Step 3 Define the following settings for identity resolution for usernames or machine names under the Identity Resolution
section. This setting provides you advanced control for user search and authentication.
The first setting is for the identities without a markup. In such cases, you can select any of the following options:
• Reject the request: This option will fail the authentication for users who do not have any domain markups, such
as a SAM name. This is useful in case of multi join domains where Cisco ISE will have to look up for the identity
in all the joined global catalogs, which might not be very secure. This option forces the users to use names with
domain markups.
• Only search in the “Authentication Domains” from the joined forest: This option will search for the identity
only in the domains in the forest of the join point which are specified in the authentication domains section. This is
the default option and identical to Cisco ISE 1.2 behavior for SAM account names.
• Search in all the “Authentication Domains” sections: This option will search for the identity in all authentication
domains in all the trusted forests. This might increase latency and impact performance.
The selection is made based on how the authentication domains are configured in Cisco ISE. If only specific authentication
domains are selected, only those domains will be searched (for both “joined forest” or “all forests” selections).
The second setting is used if Cisco ISE cannot communicate with all Global Catalogs (GCs) that it needs to in order to
comply with the configuration specified in the “Authentication Domains” section. In such cases, you can select any of
the following options:
• Proceed with available domains: This option will proceed with the authentication if it finds a match in any of the
available domains.
• Drop the request: This option will drop the authentication request if the identity resolution encounters some
unreachable or unavailable domain.

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Test Users for Active Directory Authentication

Test Users for Active Directory Authentication

The Test User tool can be used to verify user authentication from Active Directory. You can also fetch groups
and attributes and examine them. You can run the test for a single join point or for scopes.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Choose one of the following options:
• To run the test on all join points, choose Advanced Tools > Test User for All Join Points.
• To run the test for a specific join point, select the joint point and click Edit. Select the Cisco ISE node and click
Test User.

Step 3 Enter the username and password of the user (or host) in Active Directory.
Step 4 Choose the authentication type. Password entry in Step 3 is not required if you choose the Lookup option.
Step 5 Select the Cisco ISE node on which you want to run this test, if you are running this test for all join points.
Step 6 Check the Retrieve Groups and Attributes check boxes if you want to retrieve the groups and attributes from Active
Step 7 Click Test.
The result and steps of the test operation are displayed. The steps can help to identify the failure reason and troubleshoot.
You can also view the time taken (in milliseconds) for Active Directory to perform each processing step (for authentication,
lookup, or fetching groups/attributes). Cisco ISE displays a warning message if the time taken for an operation exceeds
the threshold.

Delete Active Directory Configurations

You should delete Active Directory configurations if you are not going to use Active Directory as an external
identity source. Do not delete the configuration if you want to join another Active Directory domain. You can
leave the domain to which you are currently joined and join a new domain.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have left the Active Directory domain.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Check the checkbox next to the configured Active Directory.
Step 3 Check and ensure that the Local Node status is listed as Not Joined.
Step 4 Click Delete.
You have removed the configuration from the Active Directory database. If you want to use Active Directory at a later
point in time, you can resubmit a valid Active Directory configuration.

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View Active Directory Joins for a Node

View Active Directory Joins for a Node

You can use the Node View button on the Active Directory page to view the status of all Active Directory
join points for a given Cisco ISE node or a list of all join points on all Cisco ISE nodes.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Click Node View.
Step 3 Select a node from the ISE Node drop-down list.
The table lists the status of Active Directory by node. If there are multiple join points and multiple Cisco ISE nodes in a
deployment, this table may take several minutes to update.
Step 4 Click the join point Name link to go to that Active Directory join point page and perform other specific actions.
Step 5 Click the link in the Diagnostic Summary column to go to the Diagnostic Tools page to troubleshoot specific issues.
The diagnostic tool displays the latest diagnostics results for each join point per node.

Diagnose Active Directory Problems

The Diagnostic Tool is a service that runs on every Cisco ISE node. It allows you to automatically test and
diagnose the Active Directory deployment and execute a set of tests to detect issues that may cause functionality
or performance failures when Cisco ISE uses Active Directory.
There are multiple reasons for which Cisco ISE might be unable to join or authenticate against Active Directory.
This tool helps ensure that the prerequisites for connecting Cisco ISE to Active Directory are configured
correctly. It helps detect problems with networking, firewall configurations, clock sync, user authentication,
and so on. This tool works as a step-by-step guide and helps you fix problems with every layer in the middle,
if needed .

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory.
Step 2 Click the Advanced Tools drop-down and choose Diagnostic Tools.
Step 3 Select a Cisco ISE node to run the diagnosis on.
If you do not select a Cisco ISE node then the test is run on all the nodes.

Step 4 Select a specific Active Directory join point.

If you do not select an Active Directory join point then the test is run on all the join points.

Step 5 You can run the diagnostic tests either on demand or on a scheduled basis.
• To run tests immediately, choose Run Tests Now.
• To run the tests at an scheduled interval, check the Run Scheduled Tests check box and specify the start time and
the interval (in hours, days, or weeks) at which the tests must be run. When this option is enabled, all the diagnostic
tests are run on all the nodes and instances and the failures are reported in the Alarms dashlet in the Home dashboard.

Step 6 Click View Test Details to view the details for tests with Warning or Failed status.
This table allows you to rerun specific tests, stop running tests, and view a report of specific tests.

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Enable Active Directory Debug Logs

Enable Active Directory Debug Logs

Active Directory debug logs are not logged by default. You must enable this option on the Cisco ISE node
that has assumed the Policy Service persona in your deployment. Enabling Active Directory debug logs may
affect ISE performance.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Logging > Debug Log Configuration.
Step 2 Click the radio button next to the Cisco ISE Policy Service node from which you want to obtain Active Directory debug
information, and click Edit.
Step 3 Click the Active Directory radio button, and click Edit.
Step 4 Choose DEBUG from the drop-down list next to Active Directory. This will include errors, warnings, and verbose logs.
To get full logs, choose TRACE.
Step 5 Click Save.

Obtain the Active Directory Log File for Troubleshooting

Download and view the Active Directory debug logs to troubleshoot issues you may have.

Before you begin

Active Directory debug logging must be enabled.

Step 1 Choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Download Logs.

Step 2 Click the node from which you want to obtain the Active Directory debug log file.
Step 3 Click the Debug Logs tab.
Step 4 Scroll down this page to locate the ad_agent.log file. Click this file to download it.

Active Directory Alarms and Reports

Cisco ISE provides various alarms and reports to monitor and troubleshoot Active Directory related activities.

The following alarms are triggered for Active Directory errors and issues:
• Configured nameserver not available
• Joined domain is unavailable
• Authentication domain is unavailable
• Active Directory forest is unavailable
• AD Connector had to be restarted
• AD: ISE account password update failed

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Active Directory Advanced Tuning

• AD: Machine TGT refresh failed

You can monitor Active Directory related activities through the following two reports:
• RADIUS Authentications Report: This report shows detailed steps of the Active Directory authentication
and authorization. You can find this report here: Operations > Reports > Endpoints and Users >
RADIUS Authentications.
• AD Connector Operations Report: The AD Connector Operations report provides a log of background
operations performed by AD connector, such as Cisco ISE server password refresh, Kerberos ticket
management, DNS queries, DC discovery, LDAP, and RPC connections management. If you encounter
any Active Directory failures, you can review the details in this report to identify the possible causes.
You can find this report here: Operations > Reports > Diagnostics > AD Connector Operations.

Active Directory Advanced Tuning

The advanced tuning feature provides node-specific settings used for support action under the supervision of
Cisco support personnel, to adjust the parameters deeper in the system. These settings are not intended for
normal administration flow, and should be used only under guidance.

Active Directory Identity Search Attributes

Cisco ISE identifies users using the attributes SAM, CN, or both. Cisco ISE, Release 2.2 Patch 5 and above,
and 2.3 Patch 2 and above, use sAMAccountName attribute as the default attribute. In earlier releases, both
SAM and CN attributes were searched by default. This behavior has changed in Release 2.2 Patch 5 and
above, and 2.3 Patch 2 and above, as part of CSCvf21978 bug fix. In these releases, only the sAMAccountName
attribute is used as the default attribute.
You can configure Cisco ISE to use SAM, CN, or both, if your environment requires it. When SAM and CN
are used, and the value of the SAMAccountName attribute is not unique, Cisco ISE also compares the CN
attribute value.

Note The identity search behavior has been changed in Cisco ISE 2.4 to search the SAM account name only, by
default. To modify this default behavior, change the value of the "IdentityLookupField" flag as mentioned in
the "Configure Attributes for Active Directory Identity Search" section.

Configure Attributes for Active Directory Identity Search

1. Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory . In
the Active Directory window, click Advanced Tools, and choose Advanced Tuning. Enter the following
• ISE Node—Choose the ISE node that is connecting to Active Directory.
• Name—Enter the registry key that you are changing. To change the Active Directory search attributes,
enter: REGISTRY.Services\lsass\Parameters\Providers\ActiveDirectory\IdentityLookupField
• Value—Enter the attributes that ISE uses to identify a user:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Supplemental Information for Setting Up Cisco ISE with Active Directory

• SAM—To use only SAM in the query (this option is the default).
• CN—To use only CN in the query.
• SAMCN—To use CN and SAM in the query.

• Comment—Describe what you are changing, for example: Changing the default behavior to SAM
and CN

2. Click Update Value to update the registry.

A pop-up window appears. Read the message and accept the change. The AD connector service in ISE

Example Search Strings

For the following examples, assume that the username is userd2only:
• SAM search string—

• SAM and CN search string—


Supplemental Information for Setting Up Cisco ISE with Active Directory

For configuring Cisco ISE with Active Directory, you must configure group policies, and configure a supplicant
for machine authentication.

Configure Group Policies in Active Directory

For more information about how to access the Group Policy management editor, refer to the Microsoft Active
Directory documentation.

Step 1 Open the Group Policy management editor as shown in the following illustration.

Group Policy Objects selection

Step 2 Create a new policy and enter a descriptive name for it or add to an existing domain policy.
In example below, we used Wired Autoconfiguration for the policy name.

Step 3 Check the Define this policy setting check box, and click the Automatic radio button for the service startup mode as
shown in the following illustration.

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Configure Odyssey 5.X Supplicant for EAP-TLS Machine Authentications Against Active Directory

Step 4 Apply the policy at the desired organizational unit or domain Active Directory level.

Configure Odyssey 5.X Supplicant for EAP-TLS Machine Authentications Against Active Directory
If you are using the Odyssey 5.x supplicant for EAP-TLS machine authentications against Active Directory,
you must configure the following in the supplicant.

Step 1 Start Odyssey Access Client.

Step 2 Choose Odyssey Access Client Administrator from the Tools menu.
Step 3 Double-click the Machine Account icon.
Step 4 From the Machine Account window, you must configure a profile for EAP-TLS authentications:
a) Choose Configuration > Profiles.
b) Enter a name for the EAP-TLS profile.
c) On the Authentication tab, choose EAP-TLS as the authentication method.
d) On the Certificate tab, check the Permit login using my certificate check box, and choose a certificate for the
supplicant machine.
e) On the User Info tab, check the Use machine credentials check box.
If this option is enabled, the Odyssey supplicant sends the machine name in the format host\<machine_name> and
Active Directory identifies the request as coming from a machine and will look up computer objects to perform
authentication. If this option is disabled, the Odyssey supplicant sends the machine name without the host\ prefix and
Active Directory will look up user objects and the authentication fails.

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AnyConnect Agent for Machine Authentication

AnyConnect Agent for Machine Authentication

When you configure AnyConnect Agent for machine authentication, you can do one of the following:
• Use the default machine hostname, which includes the prefix “host/.”
• Configure a new profile, in which case you must include the prefix “host/” and then the machine name.

Active Directory Requirements to Support Easy Connect and

Passive Identity services
Easy Connect and Passive Identity services use Active Directory login audit events generated by the Active
Directory domain controller to gather user login information. The Active Directory server must be configured
properly so the ISE user can connect and fetch the user login information. The following sections show how
to configure the Active Directory domain controller (configurations from the Active Directory side) to support
Easy Connect and Passive Identity services.
To configure Active Directory domain controllers (configurations from the Active Directory side) to support
Easy Connect and Passive Identity services, follow these steps:

Note You must configure all the domain controllers in all the domains.

1. Set up Active Directory join points and domain controllers from ISE. See Add an Active Directory Join
Point and Join Cisco ISE Node to the Join Point, on page 485 and Add Domain Controllers, on page 487.
2. Configure WMI per domain controller. See Configure WMI for Passive ID, on page 489.
3. Perform the following steps from Active Directory:
• Configure Active Directory for Passive Identity service, on page 505
• Set the Windows Audit Policy, on page 508

4. (Optional) Troubleshoot automatic configurations performed by ISE on Active Directory with these steps:
• Set Permissions When Microsoft Active Directory User is in the Domain Admin Group, on page
• Permissions for Microsoft Active Directory Users Not in Domain Admin Group, on page 509
• Permissions to Use DCOM on the Domain Controller, on page 510
• Set Permissions for Access to WMI Root/CIMv2 Namespace, on page 512
• Grant Access to the Security Event Log on the AD Domain Controller, on page 513

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Configure Active Directory for Passive Identity service

Configure Active Directory for Passive Identity service

ISE Easy Connect and Passive Identity services use Active Directory login audit events generated by the
Active Directory domain controller to gather user login information. ISE connects to Active Directory and
fetches the user login information.
The following steps should be performed from the Active Directory domain controller:

Step 1 Make sure relevant Microsoft patches are installed on the Active Directory domain controllers.
a) The following patches for Windows Server 2008 are required:
This patch fixes a memory leak in Microsoft’s WMI, which prevents ISE to establish successful connection with
the domain controller.
This patch fixes different memory leak in Microsoft’s WMI, which sporadically prevents the Active Directory
domain controller from writing the necessary user login events to the Security Log of the domain controller.

b) The following patches for Windows Server 2008 R2 are required (unless SP1 is installed):
This patch fixes memory leak in Microsoft’s WMI, which sporadically prevents the Active Directory domain
controller from writing the necessary user login events to the Security Log of the domain controller.
This patch fixes unexpectedly slow startup or logon process in Windows Server 2008 R2.

c) The patches listed at the following link, for WMI related issues on Windows platform are required:

These hot fixes are associated with the operation and functionality of the WMI service and its related components.

Step 2 Make sure the Active Directory logs the user login events in the Windows Security Log.
Verify that the Audit Policy settings (part of the Group Policy Management settings) allows successful logons to generate
the necessary events in the Windows Security Log (this is the default Windows setting, but you must explicitly ensure
that this setting is correct).

Step 3 You must have an Active Directory user with sufficient permissions for ISE to connect to the Active Directory. The
following instructions show how to define permissions either for admin domain group user or none admin domain group
• Permissions Required when an Active Directory User is a Member of the Domain Admin Group
• Permissions Required when an Active Directory User is Not a Member of the Domain Admin Group

Step 4 The Active Directory user used by ISE can be authenticated either by NT Lan Manager (NTLM) v1 or v2. You need to
verify that the Active Directory NTLM settings are aligned with ISE NTLM settings to ensure successful authenticated
connection between ISE and the Active Directory Domain Controller. The following table shows all Microsoft NTLM

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Configure Active Directory for Passive Identity service

options, and which ISE NTLM actions are supported. If ISE is set to NTLMv2, all six options described in are supported.
If ISE is set to support NTLMv1, only the first five options are supported.

Table 62: Supported Authentication Types Based on ISE and AD NTLM Version Settings

ISE NTLM setting options / Active NTLMv1 NTLMv2

Directory (AD) NTLM setting options

Send LM & NTLM responses connection is allowed connection is allowed

connection is allowed connection is

Send LM & NTLM - use NTLMv2 connection is allowed connection is allowed

session security if negotiated
connection is allowed connection is

Send NTLM response only connection connection is allowed connection is allowed

is allowed connection is allowed

Send NTLMv2 response only connection is allowed connection is allowed

connection is allowed connection is

Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse connection is allowed connection is allowed

LM connection is allowed connection
is allowed

Send NTLMv2 response only. Refuse connection is refused connection is allowed

LM & NTLM connection is refused
connection is allowed

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Configure Active Directory for Passive Identity service

Figure 15: MS NTLM Authentication Type Options

Step 5 Make sure that you have created a firewall rule to allow traffic to dllhost.exe on Active Directory domain controllers.
You can either turn the firewall off, or allow access on a specific IP (ISE IP address) to the following ports:
• TCP 135: General RPC Port. When doing asynchronous RPC calls, the service listening on this port tells the client
which port the component servicing this request is using.
• UDP 137: Netbios Name Resolution
• UDP 138: Netbios Datagram Service
• TCP 139: Netbios Session Service
• TCP 445: SMB

Higher ports are assigned dynamically or you can configure them manually. We recommend that you add
%SystemRoot%\System32\dllhost.exe as a target. This program manages ports dynamically.
All firewall rules can be assigned to specific IP (ISE IP).

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Set the Windows Audit Policy

Set the Windows Audit Policy

Ensure that the Audit Policy (part of the Group Policy Management settings) allows successful logons. This
is required to generate the necessary events in the Windows Security Log of the AD domain controller machine.
This is the default Windows setting, but you must verify that this setting is correct.

Step 1 Choose Start > Programs > Administrative Tools > Group Policy Management.
Step 2 Navigate under Domains to the relevant domain and expand the navigation tree.
Step 3 Choose Default Domain Controller Policy, right click and choose Edit.
The Group Policy Management Editor appears.

Step 4 Choose Default Domain Controllers Policy > Computer Configuration > Policies > Windows Settings > Security
• For Windows Server 2003 or Windows Server 2008 (non-R2), choose Local Policies > Audit Policy. For the two
Policy items, Audit Account Logon Events and Audit Logon Events, ensure that the corresponding Policy Setting
either directly or indirectly includes the Success condition. To include the Success condition indirectly, the Policy
Setting must be set to Not Defined, indicating that the effective value will be inherited from a higher level domain,
and the Policy Setting for that higher level domain must be configured to explicitly include the Success condition.
• For Windows Server 2008 R2 and Windows 2012, choose Advanced Audit Policy Configuration > Audit Policies >
Account Logon. For the two Policy items, Audit Kerberos Authentication Service and Audit Kerberos Service
Ticket Operations, ensure that the corresponding Policy Setting either directly or indirectly includes the Success
condition, as described above.
Note Cisco ISE uses RC4 cipher in Kerberos protocol while communicating with Active Directory, unless this
encryption type is disabled in Active Directory Domain Controller configuration. You can use the Network
Security: Configure Encryption Types Allowed for Kerberos option in Active Directory to configure
the allowed encrytion types for Kerberos protocol.

Step 5 If any Audit Policy item settings have been changed, you should then run gpupdate /force to force the new settings to
take effect.

Set Permissions When Microsoft Active Directory User is in the Domain Admin
For Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 R2, the Domain Admin
group does not have full control of certain registry keys in the Windows operating system by default. The
Microsoft Active Directory administrator must give the Microsoft Active Directory user full control permissions
on the following registry keys:
• HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}
• HKLM\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}

The following Microsoft Active Directory versions require no registry changes:

• Windows 2003

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Permissions for Microsoft Active Directory Users Not in Domain Admin Group

• Windows 2003R2
• Windows 2008

To grant full control, the Microsoft Active Directory admin must first take ownership of the key:

Step 1 Right-click the key icon and choose the Owner tab.
Step 2 Click Permissions.
Step 3 Click Advanced.

Permissions for Microsoft Active Directory Users Not in Domain Admin Group
For Windows Server 2012 R2, give the Microsoft AD user full control permissions on the following registry
• HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}
• HKLM\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}

Use the following commands in Windows PowerShell to check if full permission is given to the registry keys:
• get-acl -path
| format-list

• get-acl-path
"hklm:\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}" |

The following permissions are required when a Microsoft AD user is not in the Domain Admin group, but is
in the Domain Users group:
• Add registry keys to allow Cisco ISE to connect to the domain controller.
• Permissions to Use DCOM on the Domain Controller, on page 510
• Set Permissions for Access to WMI Root/CIMv2 Namespace, on page 512

These permissions are only required for the following Microsoft AD versions:
• Windows 2003
• Windows 2003R2
• Windows 2008
• Windows 2008 R2
• Windows 2012
• Windows 2012 R2
• Windows 2016

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Permissions to Use DCOM on the Domain Controller

Add Registry Keys to Allow Cisco ISE to Connect to the Domain Controller
You must manually add some registry keys to the domain controller to allow Cisco ISE to connect as a domain
user, and retrieve login authentication events. An agent is not required on the domain controllers or on any
machines in the domain.
The following registry script shows the keys to add. You can copy and paste this into a text file, save the file
with a .reg extension, and double click the file to make the registry changes. To add registry keys, the user
must be an owner of the root key.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"DllSurrogate"=" "

"DllSurrogate"=" "

Make sure that you include two spaces in the value of the DllSurrogate key. If the registry is manually updated,
you must include only the two spaces and do not include the quotes. While updating the registry manually,
ensure that quotes are not included for AppID, DllSurrogate, and its values.
Retain the empty lines as shown in the preceding script, including the empty line at the end of the file.
Use the following commands in the Windows command prompt to confirm if the registry keys are created
and have the correct values:
• reg query "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}" /f
"{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}" /e

• reg query HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6} /f " " /e

• reg query HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\AppID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}

/f " " /e

Permissions to Use DCOM on the Domain Controller

The Microsoft Active Directory user who is used for Cisco ISE Passive Identity service must have the
permissions to use DCOM on the domain controller server. Configure permissions with the dcomcnfg command
line tool.

Step 1 Run the dcomcnfg tool from the command line.

Step 2 Expand Component Services.
Step 3 Expand Computers > My Computer.
Step 4 Choose Action from the menu bar, click Properties, and click COM Security.
Step 5 The account that Cisco ISE uses for both access and launch must have Allow permissions. Add the Microsoft Active
Directory user to all the four options, Edit Limits and Edit Default for both Access Permissions and Launch and
Activation Permissions.
Step 6 Allow all local and remote accesses for both Access Permissions and Launch and Activation Permissions.

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Permissions to Use DCOM on the Domain Controller

Figure 16: Local and Remote Accesses for Access Permissions

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Set Permissions for Access to WMI Root/CIMv2 Namespace

Figure 17: Local and Remote Accesses for Launch and Activation Permissions

Set Permissions for Access to WMI Root/CIMv2 Namespace

By default, Microsoft Active Directory users do not have permissions for the Execute Methods and Remote
Enable. You can grant access using the wmimgmt.msc MMC console.

Step 1 Choose Start > Run and type wmimgmt.msc.

Step 2 Right-click WMI Control and click Properties.
Step 3 Under the Security tab, expand Root and choose CIMV2.
Step 4 Click Security.
Step 5 Add the Microsoft Active Directory user, and configure the required permissions as shown in the following image.

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Grant Access to the Security Event Log on the AD Domain Controller

Figure 18: Required Permissions for WMI Root\CIMv2 Namespace

Grant Access to the Security Event Log on the AD Domain Controller

On Windows 2008 and later, you can grant access to the AD Domain controller logs by adding the ISE ID
Mapping user to a group called Event Log Readers.
On all older versions of Windows, you must edit a registry key, as shown below.

Step 1 To delegate access to the Security event logs, find the SID for the account .
Step 2 Use the following command from the command line, also shown in the diagram below, to list all the SID accounts.
wmic useraccount get name,sid

You can also use the following command for a specific username and domain:
wmic useraccount where name=“iseUser” get domain,name,sid

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Grant Access to the Security Event Log on the AD Domain Controller

Figure 19: List All the SID Accounts

Step 3 Find the SID, open the Registry Editor, and browse to the following location:

Step 4 Click on Security, and double click CustomSD.

For example, to allow read access to the ise_agent account (SID - S-1-5-21-1742827456-3351963980-3809373604-1107),
enter (A;;0x1;;;S-1-5-21-1742827456-3351963980-3809373604-1107).
Figure 20: Edit CustomSD String

Step 5 Restart the WMI service on the Domain Controller. You can restart the WMI services in the following two ways:
a) Run the following commands from the CLI:
net stop winmgmt
net start winmgmt
b) Run Services.msc, which opens the Windows Services Management tool. In the Windows Services Management
window, locate the Windows Management Instrumentation service, right click, and select Restart.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Easy Connect

Easy Connect
Easy Connect enables you to easily connect users from a wired endpoint to a network in a secure manner and
monitor those users by authenticating them through an Active Directory Domain Controller and not by Cisco
ISE. With Easy Connect, Cisco ISE collects user authentication information from the Active Directory Domain
Controller. Easy Connect connects to a Windows system (Active Directory) using the MS WMI interface and
queries logs from the Windows event messaging, hence it currently only supports Windows-installed endpoints.
Easy Connect supports wired connections using MAB, which is much easier to configure than 802.1X. Unlike
802.1X, with Easy Connect and MAB:
• You don't need to configure supplicants
• You don't need to configure PKI
• ISE issues a CoA after the external server (AD) authenticates the user

Easy Connect supports these modes of operation:

• Enforcement-mode: ISE actively downloads the authorization policy to the network device for enforcement
based on the user credentials.
• Visibility-mode: Cisco ISE publishes session merge and accounting information received from the NAD
device sensor in order to send that information to pxGrid.

In both cases, users authenticated with Active Directory (AD) are shown in the Cisco ISE live sessions view,
and can be queried from the session directory using Cisco pxGrid interface by third-party applications. The
known information is the user name, IP address, the AD DC host name, and the AD DC NetBios name. For
more information about pxGrid, see Cisco pxGrid Node, on page 73.
Once you have set up Easy Connect, you can then filter certain users, based on their name or IP address. For
example, if you have an administrator from IT services who logs in to an endpoint in order to assist the regular
user with that endpoint, you can filter out the administrator activity so it does not appear in Live Sessions,
but rather only the regular user of that endpoint will appear. To filter passive identity services, see Filter
Passive Identity Services, on page 560.

Easy Connect Restrictions

• MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB) supports Easy Connect. Both MAB and 802.1X can be configured
on the same port, but you must have a different ISE policy for each service.
• Only MAB connections are currently supported. You do not need a unique authentication policy for
connections, because the connection is authorized and permissions are granted by an Easy Connect
condition defined in the authorization policy.
• Easy Connect is supported in High Availability mode. Multiple nodes can be defined and enabled with
a Passive ID. ISE then automatically activates one PSN, while the other nodes remain in standby.
• Only Cisco Network Access Devices (NADs) are supported.
• IPv6 is not supported.
• Wireless connections are not currently supported.
• Only Kerberos auth events are tracked and therefore Easy Connect enables only user authentication and
does not support machine authentication.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Easy Connect

Easy Connect requires configuration in ISE, while the Active Directory Domain server must also have the
correct patches and configuration based on instructions and guidelines issued by Microsoft. For information
about configuring the Active Directory domain controller for Cisco ISE, see Active Directory Requirements
to Support Easy Connect and Passive Identity services, on page 504

Easy Connect Enforcement Mode

Easy Connect enables users to log on to a secure network from a wired endpoint (usually a PC) with a Windows
operating system, by using MAC address bypass (MAB) protocol, and accessing Active Directory (AD) for
authentication. Easy Connect listens for a Windows Management Instrumentation (WMI) event from the
Active Directory server for information about authenticated users. When AD authenticates a user, the Domain
Controller generates an event log that includes the user name and IP address allocated for the user. Cisco ISE
receives notification of log in from AD, and then issues a RADIUS Change of Authorization (CoA).

Note MAC address lookup is not done for a MAB request when the Radius service-type is set to call-check. Therefore
the return to the request is access-accept. This is the default configuration.

Easy Connect Enforcement Mode Process Flow

The Easy Connect Enforcement mode process is as follows:
1. The user connects to the NAD from a wired endpoint (such as a PC for example).
2. The NAD (which is configured for MAB) sends an access request to Cisco ISE. Cisco ISE responds with
access, based on user configuration, allowing the user to access AD. Configuration must allow at least
access to DNS, DHCP, and AD.
3. The user logs in to the domain and a security audit event is sent to Cisco ISE.
4. ISE collects the MAC address from RADIUS and the IP address and domain name, as well as accounting
information (login information) about the user, from the security audit event.
5. After all data is collected and merged in the session directory, Cisco ISE issues a CoA to the NAD (based
on the appropriate policy managed in the policy service node), and the user is provided access by the
NAD to the network based on that policy.

Figure 21: Easy Connect Enforcement Mode Basic Flow

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Configure Easy Connect Enforcement Mode

Figure 22: Easy Connect Enforcement Mode Detailed Flow

For more information about configuring Enforcement mode, see Configure Easy Connect Enforcement Mode,
on page 517.

Easy Connect Visibility Mode

With the Visibility mode, Cisco ISE only monitors accounting information from RADIUS (part of the device
sensor feature in the NAD) and does not perform authorization. Easy Connect listens for RADIUS Accounting
and WMI events, and publishes that information to logs and reports, (and optionally, to pxGrid). Both RADIUS
accounting start and session termination are published to pxGrid during user login using Active Directory
when pxGrid is setup.
Figure 23: Easy Connect Visibility Mode Flow

For more information about configuring Easy Connect Visibility mode, see Configure Easy Connect
Visibility-Mode, on page 518 .

Configure Easy Connect Enforcement Mode

Before you begin
• For best performance, deploy a dedicated PSN to recieve WMI events.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Configure Easy Connect Visibility-Mode

• Create a list of Active Directory Domain Controllers for the WMI node, which receives AD login events.
• Determine the Microsoft Domain that Cisco ISE must join to fetch user groups from Active Directory.
• Determine the Active Directory groups that are used as a reference in the authorization policy.
• If you are using pxGrid to share session data from network devices with other pxGrid-enabled systems,
then define a pxGrid persona in your deployment. For more information about pxGrid, see Cisco pxGrid
Node, on page 73
• After successful MAB, the NAD must provide a limited-access profile, which allows the user on that
port access to the Active Directory server.

Note Passive Identity Service can be enabled on multiple nodes, but Easy Connect can only operate on one node
at a time. If you enable the service for multiple nodes, ISE will automatically determine which node to use
for the active Easy Connect session.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Deployment, open a node, and under General Settings, enable Enable Passive
Identity Service.
Step 2 Configure an Active Directory join point and domain controller to be used by Easy Connect. For more information, see
Active Directory Requirements to Support Easy Connect and Passive Identity services, on page 504.
Step 3 (Optional) Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory. Click
the Groups tab, and add the Active Directory groups you plan to use in your authorization policies.
The Active Directory groups that you map for the Domain Controller are dynamically updated in the PassiveID dictionary
and can then be used when you set up your policy conditions rules.
Step 4 Note Passive Identity Tracking must be enabled for all profiles used for Easy Connect authorization in order for
the Easy Connect process to run properly and enable ISE to issue a CoA.

Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Authorization Profiles. For any profiles to be used by
Easy Connect, open the profile and enable Passive Identify Tracking.
Step 5 Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Authorization > Simple Conditions, to create rules for Easy Connect.
Click Add and define the condition:
a) Enter a name and description.
b) From Attribute, go to the PassiveID dictionary and select either PassiveID_Groups to create a condition for domain
controller groups, or select PassiveID_user to create a condition for individual users.
c) Enter the correct operation.
d) Enter the user name or group name to be included in the policy.
Step 6 Click Submit.

Configure Easy Connect Visibility-Mode

Before you begin
• For best performance, deploy a dedicated PSN to recieve WMI events.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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PassiveID Work Center

• Create a list of Active Directory Domain Controllers for the WMI node, which receives AD login events.
• Determine the Microsoft Domain that Cisco ISE must join to fetch user groups from Active Directory.
• If you are using pxGrid to share session data from network devices with other pxGrid-enabled systems,
then define a pxGrid persona in your deployment. For more information about pxGrid, see Cisco pxGrid
Node, on page 73

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Deployment, open a node, and under General Settings, enable Enable Passive
Identity Service.
Step 2 Configure an Active Directory join point and domain controller to be used by Easy Connect. For more information, see
Active Directory Requirements to Support Easy Connect and Passive Identity services, on page 504.

PassiveID Work Center

Passive Identity Connector (the PassiveID work center) offers a centralized, one-stop installation and
implementation enabling you to easily and simply configure your network in order to receive and share user
identity information with a variety of different security product subscribers such as Cisco Firepower
Management Center (FMC) and Stealthwatch. As the full broker for passive identification, the PassiveID
work center collects user identities from different provider sources, such as Active Directory Domain Controllers
(AD DC), maps the user login information to the relevant IP addresses in use and then shares that mapping
information with any of the subscriber security products that you have configured.

What is Passive Identity?

Standard flows offered by Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE), which provide an authentication, authorization
and accounting (AAA) server, and utilize technologies such as 802.1X or Web Authentication, communicate
directly with the user or endpoint, requesting access to the network, and then using their login credentials in
order to verify and actively authenticate their identity.
Passive identity services do not authenticate users directly, but rather gather user identities and IP addresses
from external authentication servers such as Active Directory, known as providers, and then share that
information with subscribers. the PassiveID work center first receives the user identity information from the
provider, usually based on the user login and password, and then performs the necessary checks and services
in order to match the user identity with the relevant IP address, thereby delivering the authenticated IP address
to the subscriber.

Passive Identity Connector (PassiveID work center) Flow

The flow for the PassiveID work center is as follows:
1. Provider performs the authentication of the user or endpoint.
2. Provider sends authenticated user information to Cisco ISE.
3. Cisco ISE normalizes, performs lookups, merges, parses and maps user information to IP addresses and
publishes mapped details to pxGrid.
4. pxGrid subscribers receive the mapped user details.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Initial Setup and Configuration

The following diagram illustrates the high-level flow offered by Cisco ISE.
Figure 24: High Level Flow

Initial Setup and Configuration

To get started using Cisco PassiveID work center quickly, follow this flow:
1. Ensure you have properly configured the DNS server, including configuring reverse lookup for the client
machine from Cisco ISE. For more information, see DNS Server, on page 484.
2. Enable the Passive Identity and pxGrid services on the dedicated Policy server (PSN) you intend to use
for any of the Passive Identity services. Choose Administration > System > Deployment, open the
relevant node, and under General Settings, enable Enable Passive Identity Service and pxGrid.
3. Synchronize clock settings for the NTP servers.
4. Configure an initial provider with the ISE Passive Identity Setup. For more information, see Getting
Started with the PassiveID Setup , on page 522
5. Configure a single or multiple subscribers. For more information, see Subscribers, on page 563

After setting up an initial provider and subscriber, you can easily create additional providers (see Additional
Passive Identity Service Providers, on page 527) and manage your passive identification from the different
providers in the PassiveID work center:
• RADIUS Live Sessions, on page 287
• Cisco ISE Alarms, on page 1159
• Cisco ISE Reports, on page 258
• TCP Dump Utility to Validate the Incoming Traffic, on page 1198

PassiveID Work Center Dashboard

The Cisco PassiveID Work Center dashboard displays consolidated and correlated summary and statistical
data that is essential for effective monitoring and troubleshooting, and is updated in real time. Dashlets show

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Active Directory as a Probe and a Provider

activity over the last 24 hours, unless otherwise noted. To access the dashboard, choose Work Centers >
PassiveID and then from the left panel choose Dashboard. You can only view the Cisco PassiveID Work
Center Dashboard in the Primary Administration Node (PAN).
• The Main view has a linear Metrics dashboard, chart dashlets, and list dashlets. In the PassiveID Work
Center, the dashlets are not configurable. Available dashlets include:
• Passive Identity Metrics: Displays the total number of unique live sessions currently being tracked,
the total number of identity providers configured in the system, the total number of agents actively
delivering identity data, and the total number of subscribers currently configured.
• Providers: Providers provide user identity information to PassiveID Work Center. You configure
the ISE probe (mechanisms that collect data from a given source) through which to receive
information from the provider sources. For example, an Active Directory (AD) probe and an Agents
probe both help ISE-PIC collect data from AD (each with different technology) while a Syslog
probe collects data from a parser that reads syslog messages.
• Subscribers: Subscribers connect to ISE to retrieve user identity information.
• OS Types: The only OS type that can be displayed is Windows. Windows types display by Windows
versions. Providers do not report the OS type, but ISE can query Active Directory to get that
information. Up to 1000 entries are displayed in the dashlet.
• Alarms: User identity-related alarms.

Active Directory as a Probe and a Provider

Active Directory (AD) is a highly secure and precise source from which to receive user identity information,
including user name, IP address, and domain name.
The AD probe, a Passive Identity service, collects user identity information from AD through WMI technology,
while other probes use AD as a user identity provider through other technologies and methods. For more
information about other probes and provider types offered by ISE, see Additional Passive Identity Service
Providers, on page 527.
By configuring the Active Directory probe you can also then quickly configure and enable these other probes
(which also use Active Directory as their source):
• Active Directory Agents, on page 529

Note The Active Directory agents are only supported on Windows Server 2008 and

• SPAN, on page 538

• Endpoint Probe, on page 561

In addition, configure the Active Directory probe in order to use AD user groups when collecting user
information. You can use AD user groups for the AD, Agents, SPAN, and Syslog probes. For more information
about AD groups, see Configure Active Directory User Groups, on page 491.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Getting Started with the PassiveID Setup

Set Up an Active Directory (WMI) Probe

To configure Active Directory and WMI for Passive Identity service you can use the Passive ID Work Center
Wizard (see Getting Started with the PassiveID Setup , on page 522) or you can follow the steps as follows:
1. Configure the Active Directory probe. See Add an Active Directory Join Point and Join Cisco ISE Node
to the Join Point, on page 485.
2. Create a list of Active Directory Domain Controllers for the WMI-configured node (or nodes) that receives
AD login events. See Add Domain Controllers, on page 487.
3. Configure the Active Directory in order for it to integrate with ISE. See Configure WMI for Passive ID,
on page 489.
4. (Optional) Manage the Active Directory Provider, on page 524.

For more information, see Active Directory Requirements to Support Easy Connect and Passive Identity
services, on page 504.

Getting Started with the PassiveID Setup

ISE-PIC offers a wizard from which you can easily and quickly configure Active Directory as your first user
identity provider, in order to receive user identities from Active Directory. By configuring Active Directory
for ISE-PIC, you also simplify the process for configuring other provider types later on. Once you have
configured Active Directory, you must then configure a Subscriber (such as Cisco Firepower Management
Center (FMC) or Stealthwatch), in order to define the client that is to receive the user data. For more information
about subscribers, see Subscribers, on page 563.

Before you begin

• Ensure the Microsoft Active Directory server does not reside behind a network address translator and
does not have a Network Address Translation (NAT) address.
• Ensure the Microsoft Active Directory account intended for the join operation is valid and is not configured
with the Change Password on Next Login.
• Ensure you have the privileges of a Super Admin or System Admin in ISE.
• Enable the Passive Identity and pxGrid services on the dedicated Policy server (PSN) you intend to use
for any of the Passive Identity services. Choose Administration > System > Deployment, open the
relevant node, and under General Settings, enable Enable Passive Identity Service and pxGrid.
• Ensure that ISE has an entry in the domain name server (DNS). Ensure you have properly configured
reverse lookup for the client machine from ISE. For more information, see DNS Server, on page 484

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > PassiveID. From the Passive Identity Connector Overview screen, click Passive Identity

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Getting Started with the PassiveID Setup

Figure 25: The PassiveID Setup

Step 2 Click Next to begin the wizard.

Step 3 Enter a unique name for this Active Directory join point. Enter the domain name for the Active Directory Domain to
which this node is connected, and enter your Active Directory administrator user name and password. .
It is strongly recommended that you choose Store credentials, in which case your administrator's user name and password
will be saved in order to be used for all Domain Controllers (DC) that are configured for monitoring.
Step 4 Click Next to define Active Directory groups and check any user groups to be included and monitored.
The Active Directory user groups automatically appear based on the Active Directory join point you configured in the
previous step.

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Manage the Active Directory Provider

Step 5 Click Next. Select the DCs to be monitored. If you choose Custom, then from the next screen select the specific DCs for
monitoring. When finished, click Next.
Step 6 Click Exit to complete the wizard.

What to do next
When you finish configuring Active Directory as your initial provider, you can easily configure additional
provider types as well. For more information, see Additional Passive Identity Service Providers, on page 527.
Furthermore, you can now also configure a subscriber, designated to receive the user identity information that
is collected by any of the providers you have defined. For more information, see Subscribers, on page 563.

Manage the Active Directory Provider

Once you have created and configured your Active Directory join points, continue to manage the Active
Directory probe with these tasks:
• Test Users for Active Directory Authentication, on page 498
• View Active Directory Joins for a Node, on page 499
• Diagnose Active Directory Problems, on page 499
• Leave the Active Directory Domain, on page 489
• Delete Active Directory Configurations, on page 498
• Enable Active Directory Debug Logs, on page 500

Active Directory Settings

Active Directory (AD) is a highly secure and precise source from which to receive user information, including
user name and IP address.
To create and manage Active Directory probes by creating and editing join points, choose Work Centers >
PassiveID > Providers > Active Directory.
For more information, see Add an Active Directory Join Point and Join Cisco ISE Node to the Join Point, on
page 485.

Table 63: Active Directory Join Point Name Settings and Join Domain Window

Field Name Description

Join Point Name A unique name that distinguishes this configured join
point quickly and easily.

Active Directory Domain The domain name for the Active Directory Domain
to which this node is connected.

Domain Administrator This is the user principal name or the user account
name for the Active Directory user with administrator

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Active Directory Settings

Field Name Description

Password This is the domain administrator's password as
configured in Active Directory.

Specifiy Organizational Unit Enter the administrator's organizational unit


Store Credentials It is strongly recommended that you choose Store

credentials, in which case your administrator's user
name and password will be saved in order to be used
for all Domain Controllers (DC) that are configured
for monitoring.
For the Endpoint probe, you must choose Store

Table 64: Active Directory Join/Leave Window

Field Name Description

ISE Node The URL for the specific node in the installation.

ISE Node Role Indicates whether the node is the Primary or

Secondary node in the installation.

Status Indicates whether the node is actively joined to the

Active Directory domain.

Domain Controller For nodes that are joined to Active Directory, this
column indicates the specific Domain Controller to
which the node is connected in the Active Directory

Site When an Active Directory forest is joined with ISE,

this field indicates the specific Active Directory site
within the forest as it appears in the Active Directory
Sites and Services area.

Table 65: Passive ID Domain Controllers (DC) List

Field Description
Domain The fully qualified domain name of the server on
which the domain controller is located.

DC Host The host on which the domain controller is located.

Site When an Active Directory forest is joined with ISE,

this field indicates the specific Active Directory site
within the forest as it appears in the Active Directory
Sites and Services area.

IP Address The IP address of the domain controller.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Active Directory Settings

Field Description
Monitor Using Monitor Active Directory domain controllers for user
identity information by one of these methods:
• WMI: Monitor Active Directory directly with
the WMI infrastructure.
• Agent name: If you have defined agents to
monitor Active Directory for user information,
select the Agent protocol and choose the agent
from the dropdown list that you would like to
use. For more information about agents, see
Active Directory Agents, on page 529.

Table 66: Passive ID Domain Controllers (DC) Edit Window

Field Name Description

Host FQDN Enter the fully qualified domain name of the server
on which the domain controller is located.

Description Enter a unique description for this domain controller

in order to easily identiy it.

User Name The administrator's user name for accessing Active


Password The administrator's password for accessing Active


Protocol Monitor Active Directory domain controllers for user

identity information by one of these methods:
• WMI: Monitor Active Directory directly with
the WMI infrastructure.
• Agent name: If you have defined agents to
monitor Active Directory for user information,
select the Agent protocol and choose the agent
from the dropdown list that you would like to
use. For more information about agents, see
Active Directory Agents, on page 529.

Active Directory groups are defined and managed from Active Directory and the groups for the Active
Directory that is joined to this node can be viewed from this tab. For more information about Active Directory,

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Additional Passive Identity Service Providers

Table 67: Active Directory Advanced Settings

Field Name Description

History interval The time during which the Passive Identity service
reads user login information that already occurred.
This is required upon startup or restart of the Passive
Identity service to catch up with events generated
while it was unavailable. When the Endpoint probe
is active, it maintains the frequency of this interval.

User session aging time The amount of time the user can be logged in. The
Passive Identity service identifies new user login
events from the DC, however the DC does not report
when the user logs off. The aging time enables Cisco
ISE to determine the time interval for which the user
is logged in.

NTLM Protocol settings You can select either NTLMv1 or NTLMv2 as the
communications protocol between Cisco ISE and the
DC. NTLMv2 is the recommended default.

Additional Passive Identity Service Providers

In order to enable ISE to provide identity information (Passive Identity Service ) to consumers that subscribe
to the service (subscribers), you must first configure an ISE probe, which connects to the identity provider.
Providers that have been mapped and are actively delivering information to ISE can be viewed in the session
directory, from the Live Sessions menu. For more information about Live Sessions, see RADIUS Live Sessions,
on page 287.
The table below provides details about all of the provider and probe types available from ISE. For more
information about Active Directory, see Active Directory as a Probe and a Provider, on page 521.
You can define these provider types:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Additional Passive Identity Service Providers

Table 68: Provider Types

Provider Description Source Technology User Identity Document Link

Type System Information
(Probe) (Provider) Collected

Active A highly secure and Active WMI • User name Active Directory
Directory precise source, as Directory as a Probe and a
(AD) well as the most Domain • IP address Provider, on
common, from which Controller • Domain page 521
to receive user
As a probe, AD
works with WMI
technology to deliver
authenticated user
In addition, AD itself,
rather than the probe,
functions as a source
system (a provider)
from which other
probes retrieve user
data as well.

Agents A native 32-bit Agents installed • User name Active Directory

application installed on the domain Agents, on page
on Active Directory controller or on a • IP address 529
domain controllers or member server. • Domain
on member servers.
The Agent probe is a
quick and efficient
solution when using
Active Directory for
user identity

Endpoint Always runs in the WMI Whether the user is Endpoint Probe,
background in still connected on page 561
addition to other
configured probes, in
order to verify
whether the user is
still connected.

SPAN SPAN, installed • User name SPAN, on page

on the switch, 538
and Kerberos • IP address
messages • Domain

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Active Directory Agents

Provider Description Source Technology User Identity Document Link

Type System Information
(Probe) (Provider) Collected
Sits on the network
switch in order to
listen to network
traffic, and extract
user identity
information based on
Active Directory

API Gather user identity Any system RESTful APIs. • User name API Providers,
providers information from any programmed User identity sent on page 533
system programmed to to subscribers in • IP address
to communicate with communicate JSON format. • Port range
a RESTful API with a REST
client, using the API client. • Domain
RESTful API service
offered by ISE.

Syslog Parse syslog • Regular Syslog messages • User name Syslog

messages and retrieve syslog Providers, on
user identities, message • IP address page 539
including MAC providers • MAC address
• DHCP • Domain

Active Directory Agents

From the Passive Identity service work center install the native 32-bit application, Domain Controller (DC)
agents, anywhere on the Active Directory (AD) domain controller (DC) or on a member server (based on
your configurations) to retrieve user identity information from AD and then send those identities to the
subscribers you have configured. The Agent probe is a quick and efficient solution when using Active Directory
for user identity information. Agents can be installed on a separate domain, or on the AD domain, and once
installed, they provide status updates to ISE once every minute.
The agents can be either automatically installed and configured by ISE, or you can manually install them.
Upon installation, the following occurs:
• The agent and its associated files are installed at the following path: Program Files/Cisco/Cisco
ISE PassiveID Agent
• A config file called PICAgent.exe.config is installed indicating the logging level for the agent.
You can manually change the logging level from within the config file.
• The CiscoISEPICAgent.log file is stored with all logging messages.
• The nodes.txt file contains the list of all nodes in the deployment with which the agent can communicate.
The agent contacts the first node in the list. If that node cannot be contacted, the agent continues to
attempt communication according to the order of the nodes in the list. For manual installations, you must

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Automatically Install and Deploy Active Directory Agents

open the file and enter the node IP addresses. Once installed (manually or automatically), you can only
change this file by manually updating it. Open the file and add, change or delete node IP addresses as
• The Cisco ISE PassiveID Agent service runs on the machine, which you can manage from the Windows
Services dialog box.
• ISE supports up to 100 domain controllers, while each agent can monitor up to 10 domain controllers.

Note In order to monitor 100 domain controllers, you must configure 10 agents.

Note The Active Directory agents are only supported on Windows Server 2008 and higher.
If you cannot install agents, then use the Active Directory probe for passive identity services. For more
information, see Active Directory as a Probe and a Provider, on page 521.

Automatically Install and Deploy Active Directory Agents

When configuring the Agent provider to monitor domain controllers for user identities, the agent must be
installed on either a member server or on a domain controller. The agents can be either automatically installed
by ISE, or you can manually install them. After installation, automatic or manual, you must then configure
the installed agent to monitor specified domain controllers rather than the default WMI. This process describes
how to enable automatic installation and configure the agent to monitor a domain controller.

Before you begin

Before you begin:
• Configure reverse lookup for the relevant DNS servers from the server side. For more information about
the DNS server configuration requirements for ISE, see DNS Server, on page 484
• Ensure Microsoft .NET Framework is updated for the machine designated for the agents, to a minimum
of version 4.0. For more information about the .NET framework, see
• Active Passive ID and pxGrid services. For more information, see Initial Setup and Configuration, on
page 520.
• Create an AD join point and add at least one domain controller. For more information about creating
join points, see Active Directory as a Probe and a Provider, on page 521.
Use AD user groups for the AD, Agents, SPAN and Syslog probes. For more information about AD
groups, see Configure Active Directory User Groups, on page 491.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > PassiveID > Providers and then choose Agents from the left panel.
Step 2 To add a new agent, click Add from the top of the table.
Step 3 To create the new agent and automatically install it on the host that you indicate in this configuration, select Deploy
New Agent.

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Manually Install and Deploy Active Directory Agents

Step 4 Complete all mandatory fields in order to configure the client correctly. For more information, see Active Directory
Agent Settings, on page 532.
Step 5 Click Deploy.
The agent is automatically installed on the host according to the domain that you indicated in the configuration, and
the settings are saved. The agent now also appears in the Agents table and can be applied to monitor specified domain
controllers, as described in the following steps.
Step 6 Choose Work Centers > PassiveID > Providers and then choose Active Directory from the left panel to view all
currently configured join points.
Step 7 Click the link for the join point from which you would like to enable the agent you created.
Step 8 Choose the Passive ID tab to configure the domain controllers that you added as part of the prerequisites.
Step 9 Select the domain controller that you would like to monitor with the agent you created and click Edit.
Step 10 From the Protocol drop-down list, select Agent
Step 11 Select the agent you created from the Agent drop-down list. Enter the user name and password credentials if you created
any for the agent, and click Save.

Manually Install and Deploy Active Directory Agents

When configuring the Agent provider to monitor domain controllers for user identities, the agent must be
installed on either a member server or on a domain controller. The agents can be either automatically installed
by ISE, or you can manually install them. After installation, automatic or manual, you must then configure
the installed agent to monitor specified domain controllers rather than the default WMI. This process describes
how to manually install and configure the agent to monitor a domain controller.

Before you begin

Before you begin:
• Configure reverse lookup for the relevant DNS servers from the server side. For more information about
the DNS server configuration requirements for ISE, see DNS Server, on page 484
• Ensure Microsoft .NET Framework is updated for the machine designated for the agents, to a minimum
of version 4.0. For more information about the .NET framework, see
• Active Passive ID and pxGrid services. For more information, see Initial Setup and Configuration, on
page 520.
• Create an AD join point and add at least one domain controller. For more information about creating
join points, see Active Directory as a Probe and a Provider, on page 521.
Use AD user groups for the AD, Agents, SPAN and Syslog probes. For more information about AD
groups, see Configure Active Directory User Groups, on page 491.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > PassiveID > Providers and then choose Agents from the left panel.
Step 2 Click Download Agent to download the file for manual installation.
The file is downloaded to your standard Windows Download folder.
Step 3 Place the zip file on the designated host machine and run the installation.
Step 4 From the ISE GUI, again choose Work Centers > PassiveID > Providers and then choose Agents from the left panel.

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Uninstall the Agent

Step 5 To configure a new agent, click Add from the top of the table.
Step 6 To configure the agent that you have already installed on the host machine, select Register Existing Agent.
Step 7 Complete all mandatory fields in order to configure the client correctly. For more information, see Active Directory
Agent Settings, on page 532.
Step 8 Click Save.
The agent settings are saved. The agent now also appears in the Agents table and can be applied to monitor specified
domain controllers, as described in the following steps.
Step 9 Choose Work Centers > PassiveID > Providers and then choose Active Directory from the left panel to view all
currently configured join points.
Step 10 Click the link for the join point from which you would like to enable the agent you created.
Step 11 Choose the Passive ID tab to configure the domain controllers that you added as part of the prerequisites.
Step 12 Select the domain controller that you would like to monitor with the agent you created and click Edit.
Step 13 From the Protocol drop-down list, select Agent.
Step 14 Select the agent you created from the Agent drop-down list. Enter the user name and password credentials if you created
any for the agent, and click Save

Uninstall the Agent

Agents, installed automatically or manually, can be easily (manually) uninstalled directly from Windows.

Step 1 From the Windows dialog, go to Programs and Features.

Step 2 Find and select the Cisco ISE PassiveID Agent in the list of installed programs.
Step 3 Click Uninstall.

Active Directory Agent Settings

Allow ISE to automatically install agents on a specified host in the network in order to retrieve user identity
information from different Domain Controllers (DC) and deliver that information to Passive Identity service
To create and manage agents, choose Providers > Agents. See Automatically Install and Deploy Active
Directory Agents, on page 530.

Table 69: Agents Window

Field Name Description

Name The agent name as you configured it.

Host The fully qualified domain name of the host on which

the agent is installed.

Monitoring This is a comma separated list of domain controllers

that the specified agent is monitoring.

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API Providers

Table 70: Agents New

Field Description
Deploy New Agent or Register Existing Agent • Deploy New Agent: Install a new agent on the
specified host.
• Register Existing Agent: Manually install the
agent on the host and then configure that agent
from this screen for Passive Identity service to
enable the service.

Name Enter a name by which you can easily recognize the


Description Enter a description by which you can easily recognize

the agent.

Host FQDN This is the fully qualified domain name for the host
on which the agent is installed (register existing
agent), or is to be installed (automatic deployment).

User Name Enter your user name in order to access the host on
which to install the agent. Passive Identity service
uses these credentials in order to install the agent for

Password Enter your user password in order to access the host

on which to install the agent. Passive Identity service
uses these credentials in order to install the agent for

API Providers
The API Providers feature in Cisco ISE enables you to push user identity information from your customized
program or from the terminal server (TS)-Agent to the built-in ISE passive identity services REST API service.
In this way, you can customize a programmable client from your network to send user identities that were
collected from any network access control (NAC) system to the service. Furthermore, the Cisco ISE API
provider enables you to interface with network applications such as the TS-Agent on a Citrix server, where
all users have the same IP address but are assigned unique ports.
For example, an agent running on a Citrix server that provides identity mappings for users authenticated
against an Active Directory (AD) server can send REST requests to ISE to add or delete a user session whenever
a new user logs in or off. ISE then takes the user identity information, including the IP address and assigned
ports, delivered from the client and sends it to pre-configured subscribers, such as the Cisco Firepower
Management Center (FMC).
The ISE REST API framework implements the REST service over the HTTPS protocol (no client certificate
validation necessary) and the user identity information is delivered in JSON (JavaScript Object Notation)
format. For more information about JSON, see .

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Configure a Bridge to the ISE REST Service for Passive Identity Services

The ISE REST API service parses user identities and in addition, maps that information to port ranges, in
order to distinguish between the different users logged in simultaneously to one system. Everytime a port is
allocated to a user, the API sends a message to ISE.

The REST API Provider Flow

After you have configured a bridge to your customized client from ISE by declaring that client as a Provider
for ISE and enabling that specific customized program (the client) to send RESTful requests, the ISE REST
service works in the following way:
1. For client authentication, Cisco ISE requires an authentication token. A customized program on the client
machine sends a request for an authentication token when initiating contact and then every time ISE
notifies that the previous token has expired. The token is returned in response to the request, enabling
ongoing communication between the client, and the ISE service.
2. After a user has logged into the network, the client retrieves user identity information and posts that
information to the ISE REST service using the API Add command.
3. Cisco ISE receives and maps the user identity information.
4. Cisco ISE sends the mapped user identity information to the subscriber.
5. Whenever necessary, the customized machine can send a request to remove user information by sending
a Remove API call and including the user ID received as the response when the Add call was sent.

Work with REST API Providers in ISE

Follow these steps to activate the REST service in ISE:
1. Configure the client side. For more information, see the client user documentation.
2. Activate Passive ID and pxGrid services. For more information, see Initial Setup and Configuration, on
page 520.
3. Ensure you have properly configured the DNS server, including configuring reverse lookup for the client
machine from ISE. For more information about the DNS server configuration requirements for , see DNS
Server, on page 484
4. See Configure a Bridge to the ISE REST Service for Passive Identity Services, on page 534.

Note To configure the API Provider to work with a TS-Agent add the TS-Agent information when creating a bridge
from ISE to that agent, and then consult with the TS-Agent documentation for information about sending API

5. Generate an authentication token and send add and remove requests to the API service.

Configure a Bridge to the ISE REST Service for Passive Identity Services
In order to enable the ISE REST API service to receive information from a specific client, you must first
define the specific client from Cisco ISE. You can define multiple REST API clients with different IP addresses.

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Send API Calls to the Passive ID REST Service

Before you begin

Before you begin:
• Ensure you have activated Passive ID and pxGrid services. For more information, see Initial Setup and
Configuration, on page 520.
• Ensure you have properly configured the DNS server, including configuring reverse lookup for the client
machine from Cisco ISE. For more information about the DNS server configuration requirements for
Cisco ISE, see DNS Server, on page 484

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > PassiveID > Providers and then choose API Providers from the left panel
The API Providers table is displayed, including status information for each existing client.
Step 2 To add a new client, click Add from the top of the table.
Step 3 Complete all mandatory fields in order to configure the client correctly. For more information, see API Provider Settings,
on page 536.
Step 4 Click Submit.
The client configuration is saved and the screen displays the updated API Providers table. The client can now send posts
to the ISE REST service.

What to do next
Set up your customized client to post authentication tokens and user identities to the ISE REST service. See
Send API Calls to the Passive ID REST Service, on page 535.

Send API Calls to the Passive ID REST Service

Before you begin

Configure a Bridge to the ISE REST Service for Passive Identity Services, on page 534

Step 1 Enter the Cisco ISE URL in the address bar of your browser (for example, https://<ise hostname or ip address>/admin/)
Step 2 Enter the username and password that you specified and configured from the API Providers window. For more information,
see Configure a Bridge to the ISE REST Service for Passive Identity Services, on page 534.
Step 3 Press Enter.
Step 4 Enter the API call in the URL Address field of the target node.
Step 5 Click Send to issue the API call.

What to do next
See API Calls, on page 536 for more information and details about the different API calls, their schemas and
their results.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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API Provider Settings

API Provider Settings

Note The full API definition and object schemas can be retrieved with a request call as follows:
• For the full API specifications (wadl)—https://YOUR_ISE:9094/application.wadl
• For the API model and object schemas—https://YOUR_ISE:9094/application.wadl/xsd0.xsd

Table 71: API Providers Settings

Field Description
Name Enter a unique name for this client that distinguishes
it quickly and easily from other clients.

Description Enter a clear description of this client.

Status Select Enabled to enable the client to interact with

the REST services immediately upon completing

Host/ IP Enter the IP address for the client host machine.

Ensure you have properly configured the DNS server,
including configuring reverse lookup for the client
machine from ISE.

User name Create a unique user name to be used when posting

to the REST service.

Password Create a unique password to be used when posting to

the REST service.

API Calls
Use these API calls to manage user identity events for Passive Identity services with Cisco ISE.

Purpose: Generate Authentication Token

• Request
https://<PIC IP address>:9094/api/fmi_platform/v1/identityauth/generatetoken
The request should contain the BasicAuth authorization header. Provide the API provider's credentials
as previously created from the ISE-PIC GUI. For more information see API Provider Settings, on page
• Response Header
The header includes the X-auth-access-token. This is the token to be used when posting additional REST

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API Calls

• Response Body
HTTP 204 No Content

Purpose: Add User

• Request
https://<PIC IP address>:9094/api/identity/v1/identity/useridentity
Add X-auth-access-token in the header of the POST request, for example, Header: X-auth-access-token,
Value: f3f25d81-3ac5-43ee-bbfb-20955643f6a7
• Response Header
201 Created
• Response Body
"user": "<username>",
"srcPatRange": {
"userPatStart": <user PAT start value>,
"userPatEnd": <user PAT end value>,
"patRangeStart": <PAT range start value>
"srcIpAddress": "<src IP address>",
"agentInfo": "<Agent name>",
"timestamp": "<ISO_8601 format i.e. “YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ" >",
"domain": "<domain>"
• Notes
• srcPatRange can be removed in above json to create a single IP user binding.
• Response body contains the "ID" which is the unique identifier for the user session binding created.
Use this ID when sending a DELETE request to indicate which user should be removed.
• This reponse also contains the self link which is the URL for this newly created user session binding.

Purpose: Remove User

• Request
https://<PIC IP address>:9094/api/identity/v1/identity/useridentity/<id>
In <id> enter the ID as was received from the Add response.

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Add the X-auth-access-token in the header of the DELETE request, for example, Header:
X-auth-access-token, Value: f3f25d81-3ac5-43ee-bbfb-20955643f6a7
• Response Header
200 OK
• Response Body
Response body contains the details about the user session binding which got deleted.

SPAN is a Passive Identity service that allows you to quickly and easily enable Cisco ISE to listen to the
network and retrieve user information without having to configure Active Directory to work directly with
Cisco ISE. SPAN sniffs network traffic, specifically examining Kerberos messages, extracts user identity
information also stored by Active Directory and sends that information to ISE. ISE then parses the information,
ultimately delivering user name, IP address and domain name to the subscribers that you have also already
configured from ISE.
In order for SPAN to listen to the network and extract Active Directory user information, ISE and Active
Directory must both be connected to the same switch on the network. In this way, SPAN can copy and mirror
all user identity data from Active Directory.
With SPAN, user information is retrieved in the following way:
1. The user endpoint logs in to the network.
2. Log in and user data are stored in Kerberos messages.
3. When the user logs in and the user data passes through the switch, SPAN mirrors the network data.
4. Cisco ISE listens to the network for user information and retrieves the mirrored data from the switch.
5. Cisco ISE parses the user information and updates passive ID mappings.
6. Cisco ISE delivers the parsed user information to the subscribers.

Working with SPAN

Before you begin

In order to enable ISE to receive SPAN traffic from a network switch, you must first define which nodes and
node interfaces are to listen to the switch. You can configure SPAN in order to listen to the different installed
ISE nodes. For each node, only one interface can be configured to listen to the network and the interface used
to listen must be dedicated to SPAN only.
Before you begin, ensure you have activated Passive ID and pxGrid services. Only nodes for which Passive
ID has been turned on will appear in the list of available interfaces for configuring SPAN. For more information,
see Initial Setup and Configuration, on page 520.
In addition, you must:
• Ensure Active Directory is configured on your network.
• Run a CLI on the switch in the network that is also connected to Active Directory in order to ensure the
switch can communicate with ISE.

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SPAN Settings

• Configure the switch to mirror the network from AD.

• Configure a dedicated ISE network interface card (NIC) for SPAN. This NIC is used only for SPAN
• Ensure the NIC that you have dedicated to SPAN is activated via the command line interface.
• Create a VACL that sends only Kerberos traffic into the SPAN port.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > PassiveID > Providers and then choose SPAN from the left panel to configure SPAN.
Step 2 Note It is recommended that the GigabitEthernet0 network interface card (NIC) remain available and that you select
any other available NIC for configuring SPAN. GigabitEthernet0 is used for system management purposes.

Enter a meaningful description (optional), select status Enabled, and choose the nodes and the relevant NICs that will
be used to listen to the network switch. For more information, see SPAN Settings, on page 539.
Step 3 Click Save.
The SPAN configuration is saved and ISE-PIC ISE is now actively listening to network traffic.

SPAN Settings
From each node that you have deployed, quickly and easily configure ISE to receive user identities by installing
SPAN on a client network.

Table 72: SPAN Settings

Field Description
Description Enter a unique description to remind you of which
nodes and interfaces are currently enabled.

Status Select Enabled to enable the client immediately upon

completing configuration.

Interface NIC Select one or more of the nodes installed for ISE, and
then for each selected node, choose the node interface
that is to listen to the network for information.
Note It is recommended that the
GigabitEthernet0 NIC remain available and
that you select any other available NIC for
configuring SPAN. GigabitEthernet0 is
used for system management purposes.

Syslog Providers
Passive Identity service parses syslog messages from any client (identity data provider) that delivers syslog
messages, including regular syslog messages (from providers such as InfoBlox, Blue Coat, BlueCat, and
Lucent) as well as DHCP syslog messages, and sends back user identity information, including MAC addresses.
This mapped user identity data is then delivered to subscribers.

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Configure Syslog Clients

You can specify the syslog clients from which to receive the user identity data (see Configure Syslog Clients,
on page 540). While configuring the provider, you must specify the connection method (TCP or UDP) and the
syslog template to be used for parsing.

Note When TCP is the configured connection type, if there is a problem with the message header and the host name
cannot be parsed, ISE attempts to match the IP address received in the packet to the IP address of any of the
providers in the list of providers that have already been configured for Syslog messages in ISE. To view this
list, choose Work Centers > PassiveID > Providers > Syslog Providers. It is recommended that you check
the message headers and customize if necessary to guarantee parsing succeeds. For more information about
customizing headers, see Customize Syslog Headers, on page 546.

The syslog probe sends syslog messages that are received to the ISE parser, which maps the user identity
information, and publishes that information to ISE. ISE then delivers the parsed and mapped user identity
information to the Passive Identity service subscribers.
To parse syslog messages for user identity from ISE-PIC ISE:
• Configure syslog clients from which to receive user identity data. See Configure Syslog Clients, on page
• Customize a single message header. See Customize Syslog Headers, on page 546.
• Customize message bodies by creating templates. See Customize the Syslog Message Body, on page
• Use the message templates pre-defined in ISE when configuring your syslog client as the message template
used for parsing, or base your customized header or body templates on these pre-defined templates. See
Work with Syslog Pre-Defined Message Templates, on page 549.

Configure Syslog Clients

In order to enable Cisco ISE to listen to syslog messages from a specific client, you must first define the
specific client from Cisco ISE. You can define multiple providers with different IP addresses.

Before you begin

Before you begin, ensure you have activated Passive ID and pxGrid services. For more information, see Initial
Setup and Configuration, on page 520.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > PassiveID > Providers and then choose Syslog Providers from the left panel.
The Syslog Providers table is displayed, including status information for each existing client.
Step 2 To configure a new syslog client, click Add from the top of the table.
Step 3 Complete all mandatory fields (see Syslog Settings, on page 541 for more details) and create a message template if
necessary (see Customize the Syslog Message Body, on page 545 for more details) to configure the client correctly.
Step 4 Click Submit.

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Syslog Settings

Syslog Settings
Configure Cisco ISE to receive user identities, including MAC addresses, by way of syslog messages from
a specific client. You can define multiple providers with different IP addresses.

Table 73: Syslog Providers

Field Name Description

Name Enter a unique name that distinguishes this configured
client quickly and easily.

Description A meaningful description of this Syslog provider.

Status Select Enabled to enable the client immediately upon

completing configuration.

Host Enter the FQDN of the host machine.

Connection Type Enter UDP or TCP to indicate the channel by which

ISE listens for syslog messages.
Note When TCP is the configured connection
type, if there is a problem with the message
header and the host name cannot be parsed,
then Cisco ISE attempts to match the IP
address received in the packet to the IP
address of any of the providers in the list
of providers that have already been
configured for Syslog messages in Cisco
To view this list, choose Work Centers >
PassiveID > Providers > Syslog
Providers. It is recommended that you
check the message headers and customize
if necessary to ensure that parsing
succeeds. For more information about
customizing headers, see Customize Syslog
Headers, on page 546.

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Syslog Settings

Field Name Description


Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Syslog Settings

Field Name Description

A template indicates precise body message structure
so that the parser can identify the pieces of
information within the syslog message that should be
parsed, mapped and delivered.
For example, a template can indicate the exact position
of the user name so that the parser can find the user
name in every message received.
From this field, indicate the template (for the body of
the syslog message) to be used in order to recognize
and correctly parse the syslog message.
Choose either from the pre-defined dropdown list, or
click New to create your own customized template.
For more information about creating new templates,
see Customize the Syslog Message Body, on page
545. Most of the pre-defined templates use regular
expressions, and customized templates should also
use regular expressions.
Note Only customized templates can be edited
or removed, while pre-defined system
templates in the dropdown cannot be

ISE currently offers these pre-defined DHCP provider

• InfoBlox
• BlueCat
• Lucent_QIP

Note DHCP syslog messages do not contain user

names. Therefore, these messages are
delivered from the parser with a delay so
that Cisco ISE can first check users
registered in the local session directory
(displayed from Live Sessionss) and
attempt to match those users by their IP
addresses to the IP addresses listed in the
DHCP syslog messages received, in order
to correctly parse and deliver user identity
If the data received from a DHCP syslog
message cannot be matched to any of the
currently logged in users, then the message

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Customize Syslog Message Structures (Templates)

Field Name Description

is not parsed and user identity is not

Cisco ISE offers these pre-defined regular syslog

provider templates:
• F5_VPN
• Blue Coat
• Aerohive
• Safe connect_NAC
• Nortel_VPN

For information about templates, see Work with

Syslog Pre-Defined Message Templates, on page 549.

Default Domain If the domain is not identified in the syslog message

for the specific user, this default domain is
automatically assigned to the user in order to ensure
that all users are assigned a domain.
With the default domain or with the domain that was
parsed from the message, the user name is appended
to username@domain, thereby including that domain,
in order to get more information about the user and
user groups.

Customize Syslog Message Structures (Templates)

A template indicates precise message structure so that the parser can identify the pieces of information within
the syslog message that should be parsed, mapped and delivered. For example, a template can indicate the
exact position of the user name so that the parser can find the user name in every message received. Templates
determine the supported structures for both new and remove mapping messages.
Cisco ISE enables you to customize a single message header and multiple body structures, to be used by the
Passive ID parser.
The templates should include regular expressions to define the structure for user name, IP address, MAC
address and domain in order to enable the Passive ID parser to correctly identify whether the message is to
add or remove user identity mapping and to correctly parse the user details.
When customizing your message templates, you can choose to base your customization on the message
templates pre-defined in ISE-PIC ISE by consulting with the regular expressions and message structures used
within those pre-defined options. For more information about the pre-defined template regular expressions,
message structures, examples and more, see Work with Syslog Pre-Defined Message Templates, on page 549.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Customize the Syslog Message Body

You can customize:

• A single message header—Customize Syslog Headers, on page 546
• Multiple message bodies—Customize the Syslog Message Body, on page 545.

Note DHCP syslog messages do not contain user names. Therefore, these messages are delivered from the parser
with a delay so that Cisco ISE can first check users registered in the local session directory (displayed from
Live Sessionss) and attempt to match those users by their IP addresses to the IP addresses listed in the DHCP
syslog messages received, in order to correctly parse and deliver user identity information. If the data received
from a DHCP syslog message cannot be matched to any of the currently logged in users, then the message is
not parsed and user identity is not delivered.
The delay necessary to properly match, parse and map details from DHCP messages cannot be applied to
customized templates, and therefore it is not recommended that DHCP message templates be customized.
Instead, use any of the pre-defined DHCP templates.

Customize the Syslog Message Body

Cisco ISE enables you to customize your own syslog message templates (by customizing the message body)
to be parsed by the Passive ID parser. The templates should include regular expressions to define the structure
for user name, IP address, MAC address and domain.

Note DHCP syslog messages do not contain user names. Therefore, these messages are delivered from the parser
with a delay so that Cisco ISE can first check users registered in the local session directory (displayed from
Live Sessionss) and attempt to match those users by their IP addresses to the IP addresses listed in the DHCP
syslog messages received, to correctly parse and deliver user identity information. If the data received from
a DHCP syslog message cannot be matched to any of the currently logged in users, then the message is not
parsed and user identity is not delivered.
The delay necessary to properly match, parse and map details from DHCP messages cannot be applied to
customized templates, and therefore it is not recommended that DHCP message templates be customized.
Instead, use any of the pre-defined DHCP templates.

Create and edit syslog message body templates from within the syslog client configuration screen.

Note You can only edit your own customized templates. Pre-defined templates offered by the system cannot be

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > PassiveID > Providers and then choose Syslog Providers from the left panel.
The Syslog Providers table is displayed, including status information for each existing client.
Step 2 Click Add to add a new syslog client or Edit to update an already configured client. For more information about configuring
and updating syslog clients, see Configure Syslog Clients, on page 540.
Step 3 In the Syslog Providers window, click New to create a new message template. To edit an existing template, select the
template from the dropdown list and click Edit.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Customize Syslog Headers

Step 4 Complete all mandatory fields.

For information about how to enter the values correctly, see Syslog Customized Template Settings and Examples, on
page 547.

Step 5 Click Test to ensure the message is correctly parsed based on the strings you have entered.
Step 6 Click Save.

Customize Syslog Headers

Syslog headers also contain the host name from which the message originated. If your syslog messages are
not recognized by the Cisco ISE message parser, you may need to customize the message header by configuring
the delimiter that proceeds the host name, thereby enabling Cisco ISE to recognize the host name and parse
the message correctly. For more details about the fields in this screen, see Syslog Customized Template
Settings and Examples, on page 547. The customized header configuration is saved and added to the header
types that are used by the parser whenever messages are received.

Note You can only customize a single header. After you customize a header, when you click Custom Header and
create a template, only the newest configuration is saved.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > PassiveID > Providers and then choose Syslog Providers from the left panel.
The Syslog Providers table is displayed, including status information for each existing client.
Step 2 Click Custom Header to open the Syslog Custom Header screen.
Step 3 In the Paste sample syslog field, enter an example of the header format in your syslog messages. For example, copy
and paste this header from one of your messages: <181>Oct 10 15:14:08
Step 4 In the Separator field, indicate whether words are separated by spaces or tabs.
Step 5 In the Position of hostname in header field, indicate which place in the header is the host name. For example, in the
header offered above, the host name is the fourth word in the header. Enter 4 to indicate this.
The Hostname field displays the host name based on the details indicated in the first three fields. For example, if the
header example in Paste sample syslog is as follows:
<181>Oct 10 15:14:08
The separator is indicated as Space and the Position of hostname in header is entered as 4.
The Hostname will automatically appear as, which is the fourth word in the header phrase pasted in the Paste
sample syslog field.
If the host name is incorrectly displayed, check the data you have entered in the Separator and Position of hostname
in header fields.
This example is as in the following screen capture:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Syslog Customized Template Settings and Examples

Figure 26: Customize Syslog Headers

Step 6 Click Submit.

The customized header configuration is saved and added to the header types that are used by the parser whenever messages
are received.

Syslog Customized Template Settings and Examples

Cisco ISE enables you to customize your own syslog message templates to be parsed by the Passive ID parser.
Customized templates determine the supported structures for both new and remove mapping messages. The
templates should include regular expressions to define the structure for user name, IP address, MAC address
and domain in order to enable the Passive ID parser to correctly identify whether the message is to add or
remove user identity mapping and to correctly parse the user details.

Note Most of the pre-defined templates use regular expressions. Customized templates should also use regular

Syslog Header Parts

You can customize a single header that is recognized by the Syslog probe by configuring the delimiter that
proceeds the host name.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Syslog Customized Template Settings and Examples

The following table describes the different parts and fields that can be included in your customized syslog
header. For more information about regular expressions, see Table 76: Regular Expressions for Customized
Templates, on page 549.

Table 74: Syslog Custom Header

Field Description
Paste sample syslog Enter an example of the header format in your syslog
messages. For example, copy and paste this header:
<181>Oct 10 15:14:08 Hostname

Separator Indicate whether words are separated by spaces or


Position of hostname in header Indicate which place in the header is the host name.
For example, in the header offered above, the host
name is the fourth word in the header. Enter 4 to
indicate this.

Hostname Displays the hostname based on the details indicated

in the first three fields. For example, if the header
example in Paste sample syslog is as follows:
<181>Oct 10 15:14:08 Hostname Message
The separator is indicated as Space and the Position
of hostname in header is entered as 4.
The Hostname will automatically appear as
If the host name is incorrectly displayed, check the
data you have entered in the Separator and Position
of hostname in header fields.

Syslog Template Parts and Descriptions for the Message Body

The following table describes the different parts and fields that can be included in your customized syslog
message templates. For more information about regular expressions, see Table 76: Regular Expressions for
Customized Templates, on page 549.

Table 75: Syslog Template

Part Field Description

Name A unique name by which to recognize the purpose of this template.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Work with Syslog Pre-Defined Message Templates

Part Field Description

Mapping New Mapping A regular expression that describes the kind of mapping used with this template to add
Operations For example, enter "logged on from" in this field to indicate a new user that has logged

Removed A regular expression that describes the kind of mapping used with this template to rem
Mapping For example, enter "session disconnect" in this field to indicate a user that should be re

User IP Address A regular expression that indicates the IP addresses to be captured.

For example, for Bluecat messages, to capture identities for users within this IP addres

User Name A regular expression that indicates the user name format to be captured.

Domain A regular expression that indicates the domain to be captured.

Mac Address A regular expression that indicates the MAC address format to be captured.

Regular Expression Examples

In order to parse messages use regular expressions. This sections offers regular expression examples in order
to parse IP address, user name and add mapping messages.
For example, use regular expressions to parse the following messages:

<174> %ASA-4-722051: Group <DfltGrpPolicy> User <user1> IP <> IPv4

Address <> IPv6 address <::> assigned to session
<174> %ASA-6-713228: Group = xyz, Username = user1, IP =, Assigned
private IP address to remote user

The regular expressions are as defined in the following table.

Table 76: Regular Expressions for Customized Templates

Part Regular Expression

IP address Address <([^\s]+)>|address ([^\s]+)

User name User <([^\s]+)>| Username = ([^\s]+)

Add mapping (%ASA-4-722051|%ASA-6-713228)


Work with Syslog Pre-Defined Message Templates

Syslog messages have a standard structure which include a header and the message body.
The pre-defined templates offered by Cisco ISE are described in this section, including content details for the
headers that are supported, as well as the supported body structure, based on the origin of the messages.

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Syslog ASA VPN Pre-Defined Template

In addition, you can create your own templates with customized body content for sources that are not pre-defined
in the system. The supported structure for customized templates is also described in this section. You can
configure a single customized header to be used in addition to the headers pre-defined in the system, when
parsing messages, and you can configure multiple customized templates for the message body. For more
information about customizing the header, see Customize Syslog Headers, on page 546. For more information
about customizing the body, see Customize the Syslog Message Body, on page 545.

Note Most of the pre-defined templates use regular expressions, and customized templates should also use regular

Message Headers
There are two header types recognized by the parser, for all message types (new and remove), for all client
machines. These headers are as follows:
• <171>Host message
• <171>Oct 10 15:14:08 Host message

Once received, the header is parsed for host name, which can be IP address, hostname, or full FQDN.
Headers can also be customized. To customize your headers, see Customize Syslog Headers, on page 546.

Syslog ASA VPN Pre-Defined Template

The supported syslog message format and types for ASA VPN are as described below.

Headers supported by the parser are identical for all clients, as described in Work with Syslog Pre-Defined
Message Templates, on page 549.

New Mapping Body Messages

There are different ASA VPN body messages that are recognized by the parser as described in the following

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Syslog ASA VPN Pre-Defined Template

Body Message Parsing Example

%ASA-6-109005 Authentication succeeded for user [UserA,]

UserA from to on
interface eth1/1

%ASA-6-602303 IPSEC: An direction tunnel_type

SA (SPI=spi) between local_IP and (UserA)
has been created.

%ASA-6-721016 (device) WebVPN session for client

user UserA, IP has been created.

%ASA-6-603104 PPTP Tunnel created, tunnel_id is

number, remote_peer_ip is remote_address,
ppp_virtual_interface_id is number,\
client_dynamic_ip is,ffg123 #% UserA is
UserA, MPPE_key_strength is string

%ASA-6-603106 L2TP Tunnel created, tunnel_id is

number, remote_peer_ip is remote_address,
ppp_virtual_interface_id is number,\
client_dynamic_ip is, UserA is user

%ASA-6-113039 Group group User UserA IP AnyConnect parent session started.

%ASA-6-802001 User UserA IP OS

os_name UDID number MDM action session started.

%ASA-6-713228: Group = xyz, UserA = xxxx227, [UserA,]

IP =, Assigned private IP address
Note The parsed IP address from this message to remote user
type is the private IP address, as indicated
in the message.

%ASA-4-722051: Group <DfltGrpPolicy> User [UserA,]

<UserA> IP <> IPv4 Address
Note The parsed IP address from this message
<> IPv6 address <::> assigned to session
type is the IPv4 address.

Remove Mapping Body Messages

The Remove Mapping messages supported for ASA VPN by the parser are as described in this section.
Once received, the body is parsed for user details as follows:

Body Message
%ASA-4-113019 Group = group, UserA = UserA, IP =, Session disconnected. Session Type: type,
Duration:\ duration, Bytes xmt: count,Bytes rcv: count, Reason: reason

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Syslog Bluecat Pre-Defined Template

Body Message
%ASA-4-717052 Group group name User UserA IP Session disconnected due to periodic certificate
authentication failure. Subject Name id subject name Issuer Name id issuer name\ Serial Number id serial

%ASA-6-602304 IPSEC: An direction tunnel_type SA (SPI=spi) between local_IP and (UserA)
has been deleted.

%ASA-6-721018 WebVPN session for client user UserA, IP has been deleted.

%ASA-4-722049 Group group User UserA IP Session terminated: SVC not enabled or invalid
image on the ASA

%ASA-4-722050 Group group User UserA IP Session terminated: SVC not enabled for the user.

%ASA-6-802002 User UserA IP OS os_name UDID number MDM action session terminated.

%ASA-3-716057 Group group User UserA IP Session terminated, no type license available.

%ASA-3-722046 Group group User UserA IP Session terminated: unable to establish tunnel.

%ASA-4-113035 Group group User UserA IP Session terminated: AnyConnect not enabled or
invalid AnyConnect image on the ASA.

%ASA-4-716052 Group group-name User UserA IP Pending session terminated.

%ASA-6-721018 WebVPN session for client user UserA, IP has been deleted.

Syslog Bluecat Pre-Defined Template

The supported syslog message format and types for Bluecat are as described below.

Headers supported by the parser are identical for all clients, as described in Work with Syslog Pre-Defined
Message Templates, on page 549.

New Mapping Body Messages

The messages supported for New Mapping for Bluecat syslog are as described in this section.
Once received, the body is parsed for user details as follows:

Nov 7 23:37:32 xx-campus1 dhcpd: DHCPACK on to nn:xx:nn:ca:xx:nn via

Remove Mapping Messages

There are no remove mapping messages known for Bluecat.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Syslog F5 VPN Pre-Defined Template

Syslog F5 VPN Pre-Defined Template

The supported syslog message format and types for F5 VPN are as described below.

Headers supported by the parser are identical for all clients, as described in Work with Syslog Pre-Defined
Message Templates, on page 549.

New Mapping Body Messages

There are different F5 VPN body messages that are recognized by the parser as described in the following
Once received, the body is parsed for user details as follows:

Apr 10 09:33:58 Oct 2 08:28:32 security[nnnnn]: [UserA@vendor-abcr] User UserA logged
on from to \ Sid = xyz\

Remove Mapping Messages

Currently there are no remove messages for F5 VPN that are supported.

Syslog Infoblox Pre-Defined Template

The supported syslog message format and types for Infoblox are as described below.

Headers supported by the parser are identical for all clients, as described in Work with Syslog Pre-Defined
Message Templates, on page 549.

New Mapping Body Messages

There are different ASA VPN body messages that are recognized by the parser as described in the following
Once received, the body is parsed for user details as follows:
[macAddress= nn:xx:xx:xx:nn:nn,ip=]

Body Message
Nov 15 11:37:26 user1-lnx dhcpd[3179]: DHCPACK on to nn:xx:xx:nx:nn:nn
(android-df67ddcbb1271593) via eth2 relay lease-duration 3600

Nov 15 11:38:11 user1-lnx dhcpd[3179]: DHCPACK on to nn:xx:xx:xn:nn:nn

(DESKTOP-HUDGAAQ) via eth2 relay lease-duration 691200 (RENEW)

Nov 15 11:38:11 dhcpd[25595]: DHCPACK to (nn:xx:xx:xn:nn:nx) via eth1

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Syslog Linux DHCPd3 Pre-Defined Template

Remove Mapping Messages

Once received, the body is parsed for user details as follows:
• If MAC address is included:
• If MAC address is not included:

Body Message
07-11-2016 23:37:32 Daemon.Info Jul 12 10:42:26 dhcpd[26083]: DHCPEXPIRE has expired

07-11-2016 23:37:32 Daemon.Info Jul 12 10:42:26 dhcpd[26083]: DHCPRELEASE of from 00:0c:29:a2:18:34 \ (win10) via eth1 uid 01:00:0c:29:a2:18:34

07-11-2016 23:37:32 Daemon.Info Jul 12 10:42:26 dhcpd[25595]: RELEASE on to c0:ce:cd:44:4f:bd

Syslog Linux DHCPd3 Pre-Defined Template

The supported syslog message format and types for Linux DHCPd3 are as described below.

Headers supported by the parser are identical for all clients, as described in Work with Syslog Pre-Defined
Message Templates, on page 549.

New Mapping Messages

There are different Linux DHCPd3 body messages that are recognized by the parser as described in the
following table.
Once received, the body is parsed for user details as follows:

Body Message
Nov 11 23:37:32 dhcpsrv dhcpd: DHCPACK on to 00:0c:29:a2:18:34 (win10) via eth1

Nov 11 23:37:32 dhcpsrv dhcpd: DHCPACK on (00:0c:29:a2:18:34) via eth1

Remove Mapping Body Messages

The Remove Mapping messages supported for Linux DHCPd3 by the parser are as described in this section.
Once received, the body is parsed for user details as follows:
[00:0c:29:a2:18:34 ,]

Body Message
Nov 11 23:37:32 dhcpsrv dhcpd: DHCPEXPIRE has expired

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Syslog MS DHCP Pre-Defined Template

Body Message
Nov 11 23:37:32 dhcpsrv dhcpd: DHCPRELEASE of from 00:0c:29:a2:18:34 (win10) via eth1

Syslog MS DHCP Pre-Defined Template

The supported syslog message format and types for MS DHCP are as described below.

Headers supported by the parser are identical for all clients, as described in Work with Syslog Pre-Defined
Message Templates, on page 549.

New Mapping Body Messages

There are different MS DHCP body messages that are recognized by the parser as described in the following
Once received, the parser divides data by searching for the comma (,) and then messages of these formats are
parsed as in the following example:

Body Message
Nov 11 23:37:32

Remove Mapping Body Messages

The Remove Mapping messages supported for MS DHCP by the parser are as described in this section.
Once received, the parser divides data by searching for the comma (,) and then messages of these formats are
parsed as in the following example:

Body Message
Nov 11 23:37:32
12,07/21/16,16:55:18,Release,,win10.IDCSPAN.Local,000C29912E5D,,3128563632,\ 0,,,,,,,,,0

Syslog SafeConnect NAC Pre-Defined Template

The supported syslog message format and types for SafeConnect NAC are as described below.

Headers supported by the parser are identical for all clients, as described in Work with Syslog Pre-Defined
Message Templates, on page 549.

New Mapping Body Messages

There are different SafeConnect NAC body messages that are recognized by the parser as described in the
following table.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Syslog Aerohive Pre-Defined Templates

Once received, the body is parsed for user details as follows:


Body Message
Apr 10 09:33:58 nac Safe*Connect:

Remove Mapping Messages

Currently there are no remove messages for Safe Connect that are supported.

Syslog Aerohive Pre-Defined Templates

The supported syslog message format and types for Aerohive are as described below.

Headers supported by the parser are identical for all clients, as described in Work with Syslog Pre-Defined
Message Templates, on page 549.

New Mapping Body Messages

There are different Aerohive body messages that are recognized by the parser as described in the following
Details parsed from the body include user name and IP address. The regular expression used for parsing is as
in the following examples:
• New mapping—auth\:

• IP—ip ([A-F0-9a-f:.]+)

• User name—UserA ([a-zA-Z0-9\_]+)

Once received, the body is parsed for user details as follows:


Body Message
2013-04-01 14:06:05 info ah auth: Station 1cab:a7e6:cf7f ip UserA UserA

Remove Mapping Messages

Currently the system does not support remove mapping messages from Aerohive.

Syslog Blue Coat Pre-Defined Templates—Main Proxy, Proxy SG, Squid Web Proxy
The system supports the following message types for Blue Coat:
• BlueCoat Main Proxy
• BlueCoat Proxy SG
• BlueCoat Squid Web Proxy

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Syslog Blue Coat Pre-Defined Templates—Main Proxy, Proxy SG, Squid Web Proxy

The supported syslog message format and types for Bluecoat messages are as described below.

Headers supported by the parser are identical for all clients, as described in Work with Syslog Pre-Defined
Message Templates, on page 549.

New Mapping Body Messages

There are different Blue Coat body messages that are recognized by the parser as described in the following
Once received, the body is parsed for user details as follows:

Body Message (this example is taken from a BlueCoat Proxy SG message)

2016-09-21 23:05:33 58 UserA - - PROXIED "none" 200 TCP_MISS
GET application/json;charset=UTF-8 http 80 /apis/v2/scoreboard/header
?rand=1474499133503 - "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML,
like Gecko) Chrome/46.0.2486.0 Safari/537.36 Edge/13.10586" 7186 708 - "unavailable

The following table describes the different regular expression structures used per client for new mapping

Client Regular expressions

BlueCoat Main Proxy New mapping

User name

BlueCoat Proxy SG New mapping

User name

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Syslog ISE and ACS Pre-Defined Templates

Client Regular expressions

BlueCoat Squid Web Proxy New mapping

User name

Remove Mapping Messages

Remove mapping messages are supported for Blue Coat clients, though no examples are currently available.
The following table describes the different known regular expression structure examples used per client for
remove mapping messages.

Client Regular expressions

BlueCoat Main Proxy (TCP_MISS|TCP_NC_MISS){1}

BlueCoat Proxy SG No example currently available.

BlueCoat Squid Web Proxy (TCP_MISS|TCP_NC_MISS){1}

Syslog ISE and ACS Pre-Defined Templates

When listening to ISE or ACS clients, the parser receives the following message types:
• Pass authentication: When the user is authenticated by ISE or ACS, the pass authentication message is
issued notifying that authentication succeeded, and including user details. The message is parsed and the
user details and session ID are saved from this message.
• Accounting start and accounting update messages (new mapping): The accounting start or accounting
update message is parsed with the user details and session ID that were saved from the Pass Authentication
message and then the user is mapped.
• Accounting stop (remove mapping): The user mapping is deleted from the system.

The supported syslog message format and types for ISE and ACS are as described below.

Pass Authentication Messages

The following messages are supported for Pass Authentication.
• Header
<181>Sep 13 10:51:41 Server logTag messageId totalFragments currentFragments message

For example: <181>Sep 13 10:51:41 Positron CISE_PassiveID 0000005255 1 0 message

• Body
Passed-Authentication 000011 1 0 2016-05-09 12:48:11.011 +03:00 0000012435 5200 NOTICE
Passed-Authentication: Authentication succeeded, ConfigVersionId=104, Device IP Address=,

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Syslog ISE and ACS Pre-Defined Templates

DestinationIPAddress=, DestinationPort=1812, UserA=UserA, Protocol=Radius,

RequestLatency=45, NetworkDeviceName=DefaultNetworkDevice, User-Name=UserA,
NAS-IP-Address=, Session-Timeout=90, Calling-Station-ID=, cisco-av-pair=audit-session-id=5
• Parsing Example
User name and session ID only are parsed.

Accounting Start/Update (New Mapping) Messages

The following messages are supported for New Mapping.
• Header
<181>Sep 13 10:51:41 Server logTag messageId totalFragments currentFragments message

For example: <181>Sep 13 10:51:41 Positron CISE_PassiveID 0000005255 1 0 message

• Body
CISE_RADIUS_Accounting 000011 1 0 2016-05-09 12:53:52.823 +03:00 0000012451 3000 NOTICE
Radius-Accounting: RADIUS Accounting start request, ConfigVersionId=104, Device IP
Address=, RequestLatency=12, NetworkDeviceName=DefaultNetworkDevice,
User-Name=UserA, NAS-IP-Address=, Framed-IP-Address=, Session-Timeout=90,
Calling-Station-ID=, Acct-Status-Type=Start, Acct-Session-Id=6, cisco-av-pair=audit-session-id=5
• Parsing Example
Parsed details include user name, and framed IP address, as well as the MAC address if it is included in
the message.

Remove Mapping Messages

The following messages are supported for Remove Mapping.
• Header
<181>Sep 13 10:51:41 Server logTag messageId totalFragments currentFragments message

For example: <181>Sep 13 10:51:41 Positron CISE_PassiveID 0000005255 1 0 message

• Body
2016-05-09 12:56:27.274 +03:00 0000012482 3001 NOTICE Radius-Accounting: RADIUS Accounting
stop request, ConfigVersionId=104, Device IP Address=, RequestLatency=13,
NetworkDeviceName=DefaultNetworkDevice, User-Name=UserA, NAS-IP-Address=,
Framed-IP-Address=, Session-Timeout=90, Calling-Station-ID=, Acct-Status-Type=Stop,
Acct-Session-Id=104, cisco-av-pair=audit-session-id=5
• Parsing Example
Parsed details include user name, and framed IP address, as well as the MAC address if it is included in
the message.

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Syslog Lucent QIP Pre-Defined Template

Syslog Lucent QIP Pre-Defined Template

The supported syslog message format and types for Lucent QIP are as described below.

Headers supported by the parser are identical for all clients, as described in Work with Syslog Pre-Defined
Message Templates, on page 549.

New Mapping Body Messages

There are different Lucent QIP body messages that are recognized by the parser as described in the following
The regular expression structure for these messages is as follows:
Once received, the body is parsed for user details as follows:

Body Message
DHCP:subtype=0:Single:$IGNORE_N$ DHCP_GrantLease: Host=$HOSTNAME$ P= MAC=

DHCP:subtype=0:Single:$IGNORE_N$ DHCP_RenewLease: Host=$HOSTNAME$ P= MAC=


Remove Mapping Body Messages

The regular expression structure for these messages is as follows:
Delete Lease:|DHCP Auto Release:
Once received, the body is parsed for user details as follows:

Body Message
DHCP:subtype=0:Single:$IGNORE_N$ Delete Lease: IP= $IGNORE_N$

DHCP:subtype=0:Single:$IGNORE_N$ DHCP Auto Release: IP= $IGNORE_N$

Filter Passive Identity Services

You can filter certain users, based on their name or IP address. For example, if you have an administrator
from IT services who logs in to an endpoint in order to assist the regular user with that endpoint, you can filter
out the administrator activity so it does not appear in Live Sessions, but rather only the regular user of that
endpoint will appear. The Live Session shows Passive Identity service components that are not filtered out
by the Mapping Filters. You can add as many filters as needed. The “OR” logic operator applies between
filters. If both the fields are specified in a single filter, the “AND” logic operator applies between these fields.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > PassiveID > Providers and then from the left panel choose Mapping Filters.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Endpoint Probe

Step 2 Choose Providers > Mapping Filters.

Step 3 Click Add, enter the Username and or IP address of the user you want to filter and click Submit.
Step 4 To view the non-filtered users that are currently logged into the Monitoring session directory, choose Operations >
RADIUS Livelog.

Endpoint Probe
In addition to the customized providers that you can configure the Endpoint probe is enabled in ISE when the
Passive Identity service is activated and always runs in the background. The Endpoint probe periodically
checks whether each specific user is still logged in to the system.

Note In order to ensure Endpoint runs in the background, you must first configure an initial Active Directory join
point and ensure you choose to Store Credentials. For more information about configuring the Endpoint
probe, see Work with the Endpoint Probe, on page 562.

To manually check for endpoint status go to Live Sessions , from the Actions column, click Show Actions
and choose Check current user, as in the following figure.
Figure 27: Check Current User

For more information about endpoint user status, and manually running the check, see RADIUS Live Sessions,
on page 287.
When the Endpoint probe recognizes that a user has connected, if 4 hours have passed since the last time the
session was updated for the specific endpoint, it checks whether that user is still logged in and collects the
following data:
• MAC address
• Operating system version

Based on the this check, the probe does the following:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Work with the Endpoint Probe

• When the user is still logged in, the probe updates Cisco ISE with the status Active User.
• When the user has logged out, the session state is updated as Terminated and fifteen minutes later, the
user is removed from the Session Directory.
• When the user cannot be contacted, for example, when a firewall prevents contact or the endpoint has
shut down, the status is updated as Unreachable and the Subscriber policy will determine how to handle
the user session. The endpoint will remain in the Session Directory.

Work with the Endpoint Probe

Before you begin

Create and enable Endpoint probes based on subnet ranges. One Endpoint probe can be created per PSN. To
work with Endpoint probes, first ensure you have configured the following:
• Endpoints must have network connectivity to port 445.
• From ISE, configure an initial Active Directory join point and ensure you select Select Credentials when
prompted. For more information about join points, see Active Directory as a Probe and a Provider, on
page 521.

Note In order to ensure Endpoint runs in the background, you must first configure an
initial Active Directory join point, which enables the Endpoint probe to run even
when the Active Directory probe is not fully configured.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > Passive ID > Providers and then choose Endpoint Probes.
Step 2 Click Add to create a new Endpoint probe.
Step 3 Complete the mandatory fields, ensuring you select Enable from the Status field, and click Submit. See Endpoint Probe
Settings, on page 562 for more information.

Endpoint Probe Settings

Create a single Endpoint probe per PSN, based on subnet ranges. If you have multiple PSNs in your deployment,
then you can allot each PSN for a separate set of subnets.

Table 77: Endpoint Probes Settings

Field Name Description

Name Enter a unique name by which to identify the use of
this probe.

Description Enter a unique description that explains the use for

this probe.

Status Choose Enable to activate this probe.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility

Field Name Description

Host Name Choose a PSN for this probe from the list of available
PSNs in your deployment.

Subnets Enter the subnet range for the group of endpoints that
should be checked by this probe. Use standard subnet
mask ranges and separate subnet addresses with
For example:,,,,
Each range must be unique and separate from all other
ranges. For example, you cannot enter the following
ranges for the same probe because they overlap with
each other:,

The Passive Identity services use Cisco pxGrid services to deliver authenticated user identities that are collected
from various providers and stored by the Cisco ISE session directory, to other network systems such as Cisco
Stealthwatch or Cisco Firepower Management Center (FMC).
In the following figure, the pxGrid node collects user identities from external providers. Those identities are
parsed, mapped and formatted. pxGrid takes those formatted user identities and sends them to Passive Identity
service subscribers.
Figure 28: Passive Identity Service Flow

Subscribers connected to Cisco ISE must register to use the pxGrid services. Subscribers should adopt the
pxGrid Client Library available from Cisco through the pxGrid SDK to become the clients. A subscriber can
log in to pxGrid using a unique name and certificate-based mutual authentication. Once they have sent a valid
certificate, Cisco pxGrid subscribers are automatically approved by ISE.
Subscribers can connect to either a configured pxGrid server hostname or an IP Address. We recommend that
you use hostname to avoid unnecessary errors, particularly to ensure the DNS queries work properly.
Capabilities are information topics or channels that are created on pxGrid for subscribers to publish and

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Generate pxGrid Certificates for Subscribers

subscribe. In Cisco ISE, only SessionDirectory and IdentityGroup are supported. You can view capability
information that is available from the publisher through publish, directed query, or bulk download query, by
navigating to Subscribers in the Capabilities tab.
To enable subscribers to receive information from ISE, you must:
1. Optionally, generate a certificate from the subscriber's side.
2. Generate pxGrid Certificates for Subscribers, on page 564 from the PassiveID work center.
3. Enable Subscribers, on page 565. Either perform this step, or automatically enable approvals, in order to
allow subscribers to receive user identities from ISE. See Configure Subscriber Settings, on page 566.

Note From Cisco ISE Release 3.1, all pxGrid connections must be based on pxGrid 2.0. pxGrid 1.0-based
(XMPP-based) integrations will cease to work on Cisco ISE from Release 3.1 onwards.
pxGrid Version 2.0, which is based on WebSockets, was introduced in Cisco ISE Release 2.4. We recommend
that you plan and upgrade your other systems to pxGrid 2.0-compliant versions in order to prevent potential
disruptions, if any, to integrations.

Generate pxGrid Certificates for Subscribers

Before you begin
You can generate certificates for pxGrid subscribers in order to guarantee mutual trust between pxGrid and
the subscribers, thereby enabling user identities to be passed from ISE to the subscribers. To perform the
following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 ChooseWork Centers > PassiveID > Subscribers and go to the Certificates tab.
Step 2 Select one of the following options from the I want to drop-down list:
• Generate a single certificate without a certificate signing request: You must enter the Common Name (CN) if
you select this option. In the Common Name field, enter the pxGrid FQDN which includes pxGrid as the prefix. For
example, Or, alternatively, use wildcards. For example, *
• Generate a single certificate with a certificate signing request: You must enter the Certificate Signing Request
details if you select this option.
• Generate bulk certificates: You can upload a CSV file that contains the required details.
• Download Root Certificate Chain: Download the ISE public root certificates in order to add them to the pxGrid
client's trusted certificate store. The ISE pxGrid node only trusts the newly signed pxGrid client certificate and
vice-versa, eliminating the need for outside certificate authorities.

Step 3 (optional) You can enter a description for this certificate.

Step 4 View or edit the pxGrid Certificate template on which this certificate is based. Certificate templates contain properties
that are common to all certificates issued by the Certificate Authority (CA) based on that template. The certificate template
defines the Subject, Subject Alternative Name (SAN), key type, key size, SCEP RA profile that must be used, validity
period of the certificate, and the extended key usage (EKU) that specifies whether the certificate has to be used for client
or server authentication or both. The internal Cisco ISE CA (ISE CA) uses a certificate template to issue certificates based

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Enable Subscribers

on that template. To edit this template, choose Administration > Certificates > Certificate Authority > Certificate
Step 5 Specify the Subject Alternative Name (SAN). You can add multiple SANs. The following options are available:
• FQDN: Enter the fully qualified domain name of the ISE node. For example Or, alternatively,
use wildcards for the FQDN. For example, *
An additional line can be added for FQDN in which the pxGrid FQDN can also be entered. This should be identical
to the FQDN you used in the Common Name field.
• IP address: Enter the IP address of the ISE node to be associated with the certificate. This information must be
entered if the subscriber uses IP addresses instead of an FQDN.

Note This field is not displayed if you have selected the Generate Bulk Certificate option.

Step 6 Select one of the following options from the Certificate Download Format drop-down list:
• Certificate in Private Enhanced Electronic Mail (PEM) format, key in PKCS8 PEM format (including
certificate chain): The root certificate, the intermediate CA certificates, and the end entity certificate are represented
in the PEM format. PEM formatted certificate are BASE64-encoded ASCII files. Each certificate starts with the
"--------BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" tag and ends with the "-------END CERTIFICATE----" tag. The end entity’s
private key is stored using PKCS* PEM. It starts with the "-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----" tag and
ends with the "-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----" tag.
• PKCS12 format (including certificate chain; one file for both the certificate chain and key): A binary format
to store the root CA certificate, the intermediate CA certificate, and the end entity 's certificate and private key in
one encrypted file.

Step 7 Enter a certificate password.

Step 8 Click Create.

Enable Subscribers
You must perform this task, or alternatively automatically enable approvals, in order to allow subscribers to
receive user identities from Cisco ISE. See Configure Subscriber Settings, on page 566.

Before you begin

• Enable the pxGrid persona on at least one node to view the requests from the Cisco pxGrid clients.
• Enable Passive Identity Service. For more information, see Easy Connect, on page 515.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > PassiveID > Subscribers and ensure you are viewing the Clients tab.
Step 2 Check the checkbox next to the subscriber and click Approve.
Step 3 Click Refresh to view the latest status.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
View Subscriber Events from Live Logs

View Subscriber Events from Live Logs

The Live Logs page displays all the Subscriber events. Event information includes the subscriber and capability
names along with the event type and timestamp.
Navigate to Subscribers and select the Live Log tab to view the list of events. You can also clear the logs
and resynchronize or refresh the list.

Configure Subscriber Settings

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Administration > pxGrid Services > Settings.

Step 2 Select the following options based on your requirements:
• Automatically Approve New Accounts: Check this checkbox to automatically approve the connection requests
from new pxGrid clients.
• Allow Password Based Account Creation: Check this checkbox to enable username/password based authentication
for pxGrid clients. If this option is enabled, the pxGrid clients cannot be automatically approved.
A pxGrid client can register itself with the pxGrid controller by sending the username via REST API. The pxGrid
controller generates a password for the pxGrid client during client registration. The administrator can approve or
deny the connection request.

Step 3 Click Save.

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Service in PassiveID Work Center

Learn about how you can manage PassiveID Work Center with monitoring, troubleshooting and reporting
• See the RADIUS Live Sessions section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Troubleshooting
• See the Cisco ISE Alarms section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Troubleshooting
• See the Reports section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Maintain and Monitor
• See the TCP Dump Utility to Validate the Incoming Traffic section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide:

Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is a networking protocol defined by RFC 2251 for querying
and modifying directory services that run on TCP/IP. LDAP is a lightweight mechanism for accessing an
X.500-based directory server.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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LDAP Directory Service

Cisco ISE integrates with an LDAP external database, which is also called an identity source, by using the
LDAP protocol.

LDAP Directory Service

LDAP directory service is based on a client-server model. A client starts an LDAP session by connecting to
an LDAP server and sending operation requests to the server. The server then sends its responses. One or
more LDAP servers contain data from the LDAP directory tree or the LDAP backend database.
The directory service manages a directory, which is a database that holds information. Directory services use
a distributed model for storing information, and that information is usually replicated between directory
An LDAP directory is organized in a simple tree hierarchy and can be distributed among many servers. Each
server can have a replicated version of the total directory, which is synchronized periodically.
An entry in the tree contains a set of attributes, where each attribute has a name (an attribute type or attribute
description) and one or more values. The attributes are defined in a schema.
Each entry has a unique identifier: its distinguished name (DN). This name contains the relative distinguished
name (RDN), which is constructed from attributes in the entry, followed by the DN of the parent entry. You
can think of the DN as a full filename, and the RDN as a relative filename in a folder.

Multiple LDAP Instances

By creating more than one LDAP instance with different IP addresses or port settings, you can configure
Cisco ISE to authenticate using different LDAP servers or different databases on the same LDAP server. Each
primary server IP address and port configuration, along with the secondary server IP address and port
configuration, forms an LDAP instance that corresponds to one Cisco ISE LDAP identity source instance.
Cisco ISE does not require that each LDAP instance correspond to a unique LDAP database. You can have
more than one LDAP instance set to access the same database. This method is useful when your LDAP
database contains more than one subtree for users or groups. Because each LDAP instance supports only one
subtree directory for users and one subtree directory for groups, you must configure separate LDAP instances
for each user directory and group directory subtree combination for which Cisco ISE submits authentication

LDAP Failover
Cisco ISE supports failover between a primary LDAP server and a secondary LDAP server. A failover occurs
when an authentication request fails because Cisco ISE could not connect to an LDAP server because it is
down or is otherwise unreachable.
If you establish failover settings and the first LDAP server that Cisco ISE attempts to contact cannot be
reached, Cisco ISE always attempts to contact a second LDAP server. If you want Cisco ISE to use the first
LDAP server again, you must enter a value in the Failback Retry Delay text box.

Note Cisco ISE always uses the primary LDAP server to obtain groups and attributes for use in authorization
policies from the Admin portal, so the primary LDAP server must be accessible when you configure these
items. Cisco ISE uses the secondary LDAP server only for authentications and authorizations at run time,
according to the failover configuration.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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LDAP Connection Management

LDAP Connection Management

Cisco ISE supports multiple concurrent LDAP connections. Connections are opened on demand at the time
of the first LDAP authentication. The maximum number of connections is configured for each LDAP server.
Opening connections in advance shortens the authentication time. You can set the maximum number of
connections to use for concurrent binding connections. The number of open connections can be different for
each LDAP server (primary or secondary) and is determined based on the maximum number of administration
connections configured for each server.
Cisco ISE retains a list of open LDAP connections (including the binding information) for each LDAP server
that is configured in Cisco ISE. During the authentication process, the connection manager attempts to find
an open connection from the pool. If an open connection does not exist, a new one is opened.
If the LDAP server closed the connection, the connection manager reports an error during the first call to
search the directory, and tries to renew the connection. After the authentication process is complete, the
connection manager releases the connection.

LDAP User Authentication

You can configure LDAP as an external identity store. Cisco ISE uses plain password authentication. User
authentication includes:
• Searching the LDAP server for an entry that matches the username in the request.
• Checking the user password with the one that is found in the LDAP server.
• Retrieving a group’s membership information for use in policies.
• Retrieving values for specified attributes for use in policies and authorization profiles.

To authenticate a user, Cisco ISE sends a bind request to the LDAP server. The bind request contains the DN
and password of the user in clear text. If the DN and password of the user match the username and password
in the LDAP directory, then the user is authenticated.
When Active Directory is used as LDAP, UPN names are used for user authentication. When Sun ONE
Directory Server is used as LDAP, SAM names are used for user authentication

Note Cisco ISE sends two searchRequest messages for every user authentication. This does not impact Cisco ISE
authorization or network performance. The second LDAP request is to make sure the Ciso ISE is talking to
the right identity.

Note Cisco ISE as a DNS client, uses only the first IP returned in the DNS response to perform the LDAP bind.

We recommend that you protect the connection to the LDAP server using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL).

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
LDAP Group and Attribute Retrieval for Use in Authorization Policies

Note Password change is supported for LDAP only if there are remaining grace logins for the account after the
password has expired. If password change is successful, the LDAP server's bindResponse is LDAP_SUCCESS,
and includes the remaining grace logins control field in the bindResponse message. If the bindResponse
message contains any additional control fields (other than remaining grace logins), Cisco ISE might not be
able to decode the message.

LDAP Group and Attribute Retrieval for Use in Authorization Policies

Cisco ISE can authenticate a subject (user or host) against an LDAP identity source by performing a bind
operation on the directory server to find and authenticate the subject. After a successful authentication, Cisco
ISE can retrieve groups and attributes that belong to the subject whenever they are required. You can configure
the attributes to retrieve in the Cisco ISE Admin portal by choosing Administration > Identity Management
> External Identity Sources > LDAP. These groups and attributes can be used by Cisco ISE to authorize
the subject.
To authenticate a user or query the LDAP identity source, Cisco ISE connects to the LDAP server and maintains
a connection pool.
You should note the following restrictions on group memberships when Active Directory is configured as an
LDAP store:
• Users or computers must be direct members of the group defined in the policy conditions to match the
policy rule.
• The defined group may not be a user’s or computer’s primary group. This restriction is applicable only
when Active Directory is configured as an LDAP store.

LDAP Group Membership Information Retrieval

For user authentication, user lookup, and MAC address lookup, Cisco ISE must retrieve group membership
information from LDAP databases. LDAP servers represent the association between a subject (a user or a
host) and a group in one of the following ways:
• Groups Refer to Subjects: The group objects contain an attribute that specifies the subject. Identifiers
for subjects can be sourced in the group as the following:
• Distinguished names
• Plain usernames

• Subjects Refer to Groups: The subject objects contain an attribute that specifies the group to which they

LDAP identity sources contain the following parameters for group membership information retrieval:
• Reference direction: This parameter specifies the method to use when determining group membership
(either groups to subjects or subjects to groups).
• Group map attribute: This parameter indicates the attribute that contains group membership information.
• Group object class: This parameter determines that certain objects are recognized as groups.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Errors Returned by the LDAP Server

• Group search subtree: This parameter indicates the search base for group searches.
• Member type option: This parameter specifies how members are stored in the group member attribute
(either as DNs or plain usernames).

LDAP Attributes Retrieval

For user authentication, user lookup, and MAC address lookup, Cisco ISE must retrieve the subject attributes
from LDAP databases. For each instance of an LDAP identity source, an identity source dictionary is created.
These dictionaries support attributes of the following data types:
• String
• Unsigned integer 32
• IPv4 address

For unsigned integers and IPv4 attributes, Cisco ISE converts the strings that it has retrieved to the
corresponding data types. If conversion fails or if no values are retrieved for the attributes, Cisco ISE logs a
debug message, but the authentication or lookup process does not fail.
You can optionally configure default values for the attributes that Cisco ISE can use when the conversion
fails or when Cisco ISE does not retrieve any values for the attributes.

LDAP Certificate Retrieval

If you have configured certificate retrieval as part of user lookup, then Cisco ISE must retrieve the value of
the certificate attribute from LDAP. To retrieve the value of the certificate attribute from LDAP, you must
have previously configured the certificate attribute in the list of attributes to be accessed while configuring
an LDAP identity source.

Errors Returned by the LDAP Server

The following errors can occur during the authentication process:
• Authentication Errors—Cisco ISE logs authentication errors in the Cisco ISE log files.
Possible reasons for an LDAP server to return binding (authentication) errors include the following:
• Parameter errors—Invalid parameters were entered
• User account is restricted (disabled, locked out, expired, password expired, and so on)
• Initialization Errors—Use the LDAP server timeout settings to configure the number of seconds
that Cisco ISE should wait for a response from an LDAP server before determining that the connection
or authentication on that server has failed.
Possible reasons for an LDAP server to return an initialization error are:
• LDAP is not supported.
• The server is down.
• The server is out of memory.
• The user has no privileges.
• Administrator credentials are configured incorrectly.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
LDAP User Lookup

The following errors are logged as external resource errors, indicating a possible problem with the LDAP
• A connection error occurred
• The timeout expired
• The server is down
• The server is out of memory

The following error is logged as an Unknown User error:

• A user does not exist in the database

The following error is logged as an Invalid Password error, where the user exists, but the password sent is
• An invalid password was entered

LDAP User Lookup

Cisco ISE supports the user lookup feature with an LDAP server. This feature allows you to search for a user
in the LDAP database and retrieve information without authentication. The user lookup process includes the
following actions:
• Searching the LDAP server for an entry that matches the username in the request
• Retrieving a user’s group membership information for use in policies
• Retrieving values for specified attributes for use in policies and authorization profiles

LDAP MAC Address Lookup

Cisco ISE supports the MAC address lookup feature. This feature allows you to search for a MAC address
in the LDAP database and retrieve information without authentication. The MAC address lookup process
includes the following actions:
• Searching the LDAP server for an entry that matches the MAC address of the device
• Retrieving a MAC Address group information for the device for use in policies
• Retrieving values for specified attributes for use in policies

Add LDAP Identity Sources

Before you begin
• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.
• Cisco ISE always uses the primary LDAP server to obtain groups and attributes for use in authorization
policies. Therefore, your primary LDAP server must be reachable when you configure these items.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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LDAP Identity Source Settings

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources > LDAP > Add.
Step 2 Enter the values.
Step 3 Click Submit to create an LDAP instance.

LDAP Identity Source Settings

The following table describes the fields on the LDAP Identity Sources window, which you can use to create
an LDAP instance and connect to it. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > LDAP.

LDAP General Settings

The following table describes the fields in the General tab.

Table 78: LDAP General Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter a name for the LDAP instance. This value is

used in searches to obtain the subject DN and
attributes. The value is of type string and the
maximum length is 64 characters.

Description Enter a description for the LDAP instance. This value

is of type string, and has a maximum length of 1024

Schema You can choose any one of the following built-in

schema types or create a custom schema:
• Active Directory
• Sun Directory Server
• Novell eDirectory
You can click the arrow next to Schema to view
the schema details.
If you edit the attributes of the predefined
schema, Cisco ISE automatically creates a
Custom schema.

Note The following fields can be edited only when you choose the Custom schema.

Subject Objectclass Enter a value to be used in searches to obtain the

subject DN and attributes. The value is of type string
and the maximum length is 256 characters.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
LDAP Identity Source Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Subject Name Attribute Enter the name of the attribute containing the
username in the request. The value is of type string
and the maximum length is 256 characters.

Group Name Attribute • CN: To retrieve the LDAP Identity Store Groups
based on Common Name.
• DN: To retrieve the LDAP Identity Store Groups
based on Distinguished Name.

Certificate Attribute Enter the attribute that contains the certificate

definitions. For certificate-based authentication, these
definitions are used to validate certificates that are
presented by clients.

Group Objectclass Enter a value to be used in searches to specify the

objects that are recognized as groups. The value is of
type string and the maximum length is 256 characters.

Group Map Attribute Specifies the attribute that contains the mapping
information. This attribute can be a user or group
attribute based on the reference direction that is

Subject Objects Contain Reference To Groups Click this option if the subject objects contain an
attribute that specifies the group to which they belong.

Group Objects Contain Reference To Subjects Click this option if the group objects contain an
attribute that specifies the subject. This value is the
default value.

Subjects in Groups Are Stored in Member (Only available when you enable the Group Objects
Attribute As Contain Reference To Subjects option) Specifies
how members are sourced in the group member
attribute and defaults to the DN.

User Info Attributes By default, predefined attributes are used to collect

user information (such as, first name, last name, email,
telephone, locality, and so on) for the following
built-in schema types:
• Active Directory
• Sun Directory Server
• Novell eDirectory

If you edit the attributes of the predefined schema,

Cisco ISE automatically creates a Custom schema.
You can also select the Custom option from the
Schema drop-down list to edit the user information
attributes based on your requirements.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
LDAP Identity Source Settings

LDAP Connection Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Connection Settings tab.

Table 79: LDAP Connection Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Enable Secondary Server Check this option to enable the secondary LDAP
server to be used as a backup if the primary LDAP
server fails. If you check this check box, you must
enter configuration parameters for the secondary
LDAP server.

Primary and Secondary Servers

Hostname/IP Enter the IP address or DNS name of the machine that

is running the LDAP software. The hostname can
contain from 1 to 256 characters or a valid IP address
expressed as a string. The only valid characters for
hostnames are alphanumeric characters (a to z, A to
Z, 0 to 9), the dot (.), and the hyphen (-).

Port Enter the TCP/IP port number on which the LDAP

server is listening. Valid values are from 1 to 65,535.
The default is 389, as stated in the LDAP
specification. If you do not know the port number,
you can find this information from the LDAP server

Specify server for each ISE node Check this check box to configure primary and
secondary LDAP server hostnames/IP and their ports
for each PSN.
When this option is enabled, a table listing all the
nodes in the deployment is displayed. You need to
select the node and configure the primary and
secondary LDAP server hostname/IP and their ports
for the selected node.

Access Anonymous Access: Click to ensure that searches on

the LDAP directory occur anonymously. The server
does not distinguish who the client is and will allow
the client read access to any data that is configured as
accessible to any unauthenticated client. In the absence
of a specific policy permitting authentication
information to be sent to a server, a client should use
an anonymous connection.
Authenticated Access: Click to ensure that searches
on the LDAP directory occur with administrative
credentials. If so, enter information for the Admin DN
and Password fields.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
LDAP Identity Source Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Admin DN Enter the DN of the administrator. The Admin DN is

the LDAP account that has permission to search all
required users under the User Directory Subtree and
to search groups. If the administrator specified does
not have permission to see the group name attribute
in searches, group mapping fails for users who are
authenticated by that LDAP server.

Password Enter the LDAP administrator account password.

Secure Authentication Click to use SSL to encrypt communication between

Cisco ISE and the primary LDAP server. Verify that
the Port field contains the port number used for SSL
on the LDAP server. If you enable this option, you
must choose a root CA.

LDAP Server Root CA Choose a trusted root certificate authority from the
drop-down list to enable secure authentication with a

Server Timeout Enter the number of seconds that Cisco ISE waits for
a response from the primary LDAP server before
determining that the connection or authentication with
that server has failed. Valid values are 1 to 99. The
default is 10.

Max. Admin Connections Enter the maximum number of concurrent connections

(greater than 0) with LDAP administrator account
permissions that can run for a specific LDAP
configuration. These connections are used to search
the directory for users and groups under the User
Directory Subtree and the Group Directory Subtree.
Valid values are 1 to 99. The default is 20.

Force reconnect every N seconds Check this check box and enter the desired value in
the Seconds field to force the server to renew LDAP
connection at the specified time interval. The valid
range is from 1 to 60 minutes.

Test Bind to Server Click to test and ensure that the LDAP server details
and credentials can successfully bind. If the test fails,
edit your LDAP server details and retest.


Always Access Primary Server First Click this option if you want Cisco ISE to always
access the primary LDAP server first for
authentications and authorizations.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
LDAP Identity Source Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Failback to Primary Server After If the primary LDAP server that Cisco ISE attempts
to contact cannot be reached, Cisco ISE attempts to
contact the secondary LDAP server. If you want Cisco
ISE to use the primary LDAP server again, click this
option and enter a value in the text box.

LDAP Directory Organization Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Directory Organization tab.

Table 80: LDAP Directory Organization Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Subject Search Base Enter the DN for the subtree that contains all subjects.
For example:
If the tree containing subjects is the base DN, enter:
as applicable to your LDAP configuration. For more
information, refer to your LDAP database

Group Search Base Enter the DN for the subtree that contains all groups.
For example:
ou=organizational unit, ou=next organizational unit,
If the tree containing groups is the base DN, type:
as applicable to your LDAP configuration. For more
information, refer to your LDAP database

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
LDAP Identity Source Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Search for MAC Address in Format Enter a MAC Address format for Cisco ISE to use for
search in the LDAP database. MAC addresses in
internal identity sources are sourced in the format
xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx. MAC addresses in LDAP
databases can be sourced in different formats.
However, when Cisco ISE receives a host lookup
request, Cisco ISE converts the MAC address from
the internal format to the format that is specified in
this field.
Use the drop-down list to enable searching for MAC
addresses in a specific format, where <format> can
be any one of the following:
• xxxx.xxxx.xxxx
• xxxxxxxxxxxx
• xx-xx-xx-xx-xx-xx
• xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx

The format you choose must match the format of the

MAC address sourced in the LDAP server.

Strip Start of Subject Name Up To the Last Enter the appropriate text to remove domain prefixes
Occurrence of the Separator from usernames.
If Cisco ISE finds the delimiter character that is
specified in this field in the username, it strips all
characters from the beginning of the username through
the delimiter character. If the username contains more
than one of the characters that are specified in the
<start_string> box, Cisco ISE strips characters through
the last occurrence of the delimiter character. For
example, if the delimiter character is the backslash (\)
and the username is DOMAIN\user1, Cisco ISE
submits user1 to an LDAP server.
Note The <start_string> cannot contain the
following special characters: the pound
sign (#), the question mark (?), the
quotation mark (“), the asterisk (*), the
right angle bracket (>), and the left angle
bracket (<). Cisco ISE does not allow these
characters in usernames.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
LDAP Identity Source Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Strip End of Subject Name from the First Enter the appropriate text to remove domain suffixes
Occurrence of the Separator from usernames.
If Cisco ISE finds the delimiter character that is
specified in this field in the username, it strips all
characters from the delimiter character through the
end of the username. If the username contains more
than one of the characters that are specified in this
field, Cisco ISE strips characters starting with the first
occurrence of the delimiter character. For example,
if the delimiter character is @ and the username is
user1@domain, then Cisco ISE submits user1 to the
LDAP server.
Note The <end_string> box cannot contain the
following special characters: the pound
sign (#), the question mark (?), the
quotation mark ("), the asterisk (*), the
right angle bracket (>), and the left angle
bracket (<). Cisco ISE does not allow these
characters in usernames.

LDAP Group Settings

Table 81: LDAP Group Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Add Choose Add > Add Group to add a new group or choose Add > Select Groups
From Directory to select the groups from the LDAP directory.
If you choose to add a group, enter a name for the new group. If you are selecting
from the directory, enter the filter criteria, and click Retrieve Groups. Check the
check boxes next to the groups that you want to select and click OK. The groups that
you have selected will appear in the Groups window.

LDAP Attribute Settings

Table 82: LDAP Attribute Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Add Choose Add > Add Attribute to add a new attribute or choose Add > Select
Attributes From Directory to select attributes from the LDAP server.
If you choose to add an attribute, enter a name for the new attribute. If you are
selecting from the directory, enter the username and click Retrieve Attributes to
retrieve the attributes. Check the check boxes next to the attributes that you want
to select, and then click OK.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Configure LDAP Schema

LDAP Advanced Settings

The following table describes the field in the Advanced Settings tab.

Table 83: LDAP Advanced Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Enable Password Change Check this check box to enable the user to change the password in case of
password expiry or password reset while using PAP protocol for device admin
and RADIUS EAP-GTC protocol for network access. User authentication fails
for the unsupported protocols. This option also enables the user to change the
password on their next login.

Related Topics
LDAP Directory Service, on page 567
LDAP User Authentication, on page 568
LDAP User Lookup, on page 571
Add LDAP Identity Sources, on page 571

Configure LDAP Schema

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity
Sources > LDAP.
Step 2 Select the LDAP instance.
Step 3 Click the General tab.
Step 4 Click the drop-down arrow near the Schema option.
Step 5 Select the required schema from the Schema drop-down list. You can select the Custom option to update the attributes
based on your requirements.
Predefined attributes are used for the built-in schema, such as Active Directory, Sun directory Server, Novell eDirectory.
If you edit the attributes of the predefined schema, Cisco ISE automatically creates a custom schema.

Configure Primary and Secondary LDAP Servers

After you create an LDAP instance, you must configure the connection settings for the primary LDAP server.
Configuring a secondary LDAP server is optional.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources > LDAP.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the LDAP instance that you want to edit and click Edit.
Step 3 Click the Connection tab to configure the primary and secondary servers.
Step 4 Enter the values as described in LDAP Identity Source Settings.
Step 5 Click Submit to save the connection parameters.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Enable Cisco ISE to Obtain Attributes from the LDAP Server

Enable Cisco ISE to Obtain Attributes from the LDAP Server

For Cisco ISE to obtain user and group data from an LDAP server, you must configure LDAP directory details
in Cisco ISE. For LDAP identity source, the following three searches are applicable:
• Search for all groups in group subtree for administration
• Search for user in subject subtree to locate user
• Search for groups in which the user is a member

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources > LDAP.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the LDAP instance that you want to edit and click Edit.
Step 3 Click the Directory Organization tab.
Step 4 Enter the values as described in LDAP Identity Source Settings.
Step 5 Click Submit to save the configuration.

Retrieve Group Membership Details from the LDAP Server

You can add new groups or select groups from the LDAP directory.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources > LDAP.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the LDAP instance that you want to edit and click Edit.
Step 3 Click the Groups tab.
Step 4 Choose Add > Add Group to add a new group or choose Add > Select Groups From Directory to select the groups
from the LDAP directory.
a) If you choose to add a group, enter a name for the new group.
b) If you are selecting from the directory, enter the filter criteria, and click Retrieve Groups. Your search criteria can
contain the asterisk (*) wildcard character.
Step 5 Check the check boxes next to the groups that you want to select and click OK.
The groups that you have selected will appear in the Groups page.

Step 6 Click Submit to save the group selection.

Note Active Directory built-in groups are not supported when Active Directory is configured as LDAP Identity
Store in Cisco ISE.

Retrieve User Attributes From the LDAP Server

You can obtain user attributes from the LDAP server for use in authorization policies.

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Enable Secure Authentication with LDAP Identity Source

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > LDAP.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the LDAP instance that you want to edit and click Edit.
Step 3 Click the Attributes tab.
Step 4 Choose Add > Add Attribute to add a new attribute or choose Add > Select Attributes From Directory to select
attributes from the LDAP server.
a) If you choose to add an attribute, enter a name for the new attribute.
b) If you are selecting from the directory, enter an example user and click Retrieve Attributes to retrieve the user’s
attributes. You can use the asterisk (*) wildcard character.
Cisco ISE allows you to configure the LDAP server with IPv4 or IPv6 address for user authentication when you manually
add the attribute type IP.

Step 5 Check the check boxes next to the attributes that you want to select, then click OK.
Step 6 Click Submit to save the attribute selections.

Enable Secure Authentication with LDAP Identity Source

When you choose the Secure Authentication option in the LDAP configuration page, Cisco ISE uses SSL to
secure communication with the LDAP identity source. Secure connection to LDAP identity source is established
• SSL tunnel: Using SSL v3 or TLS v1 (the strongest version supported by the LDAP server)
• Server authentication (authentication of LDAP server): Certificate based
• Client authentication (authentication of Cisco ISE): None (Administrator bind is used inside the SSL
• Cipher suites: All cipher suites supported by Cisco ISE

We recommend that you use TLS v1 with the strongest encryption and ciphers that Cisco ISE supports.
To enable Cisco ISE to communicate securely with the LDAP identity source:

Before you begin

• Cisco ISE must be connected to an LDAP server
• TCP port 636 should be open

Step 1 Import the full Certificate Authority (CA) chain of the CA that issued the server certificate to the LDAP server in to Cisco
ISE (Administration > System > Certificates > Trusted Certificates).
The full CA chain refers to the root CA and intermediate CA certificates; not the LDAP server certificate.

Step 2 Configure Cisco ISE to use secure authentication when communicating with the LDAP identity source (Administration
> Identity Management > External Identity Sources > LDAP; be sure to check the Secure Authentication check
box in the Connection Settings tab).

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ODBC Identity Source

Step 3 Select the root CA certificate in the LDAP identity store.

ODBC Identity Source

You can use an Open Database Connectivity (ODBC)-compliant database as an external identity source to
authenticate users and endpoints. ODBC identity source can be used in an identity store sequence and for
Guest and Sponsor authentications. It can also be used for BYOD flow.
The following database engines are supported:
• Oracle
• PostgreSQL
• Microsoft SQL Server
• Sybase

Configuring Cisco ISE to authenticate against an ODBC-compliant database does not affect the configuration
of the database. To manage your database, refer to your database documentation.

Note Cisco ISE does not support encryption with ODBC. Hence, ODBC connections are not secured.

Credential Check for ODBC Database

Cisco ISE supports three different types of credential check for an ODBC database. You must configure
appropriate SQL stored procedure for each credential check type. Cisco ISE uses the stored procedure to query
the appropriate tables in the ODBC database and receive the output parameters or recordset from the ODBC
database. The database can return a recordset or a set of named parameters in response to an ODBC query.
The password can be stored in an ODBC database in clear text or encrypted format. The stored procedure can
decrypt it back to clear text when it is called by Cisco ISE.

Credential Check ODBC Input ODBC Output Credential Check Authentication

Type Parameters Parameters Protocols

Plain text Username Result If the username and PAP

password password are matched,
Password Group EAP-GTC (as
authentication in relevant user information
inner method of
ODBC database Account Info is returned.
Error string EAP-FAST)

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Credential Check for ODBC Database

Credential Check ODBC Input ODBC Output Credential Check Authentication

Type Parameters Parameters Protocols

Plain text Username Result If the username is found, CHAP

password fetching its password and relevant
Group MSCHAPv1/v2
from ODBC user information is
database Account Info returned by the stored EAP-MD5
procedure. Cisco ISE
Error string LEAP
calculates the password
Password hash based on the EAP-MSCHAPv2
authentication method (as inner method of
and compares it with the PEAP or
one that is received from EAP-FAST)
the client.

Lookup Username Result If the username is found, MAB

relevant user information
Group Fast reconnect of
is returned.
Account Info
Error string EAP-TTLS

Note If ODBC is used as the lookup source for authorization, ensure that the ODBC database and incoming request
MAB format are same.

The groups that are returned in the output parameters are not used in Cisco ISE. Only the groups that are
retrieved by the Fetch Groups stored procedure are used in Cisco ISE. The account information is included
only in the authentication audit log.
The following table lists the mapping between the result codes returned by the ODBC database stored procedure
and Cisco ISE authentication result codes:

Result code Description Cisco ISE authentication result

(returned by the code

0 CODE_SUCCESS NA (authentication passed)






10002 CODE_PASSWORD_EXPIRED NotPerformedPasswordExpired

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Credential Check for ODBC Database

Note Cisco ISE performs the actual authentication or lookup operation based on this mapped authentication result

You can use the stored procedures to fetch groups and attributes from the ODBC database.

Sample procedure that returns recordset for plain text password authentication (for Microsoft SQL Server)
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ISEAuthUserPlainReturnsRecordset]
@username varchar(64), @password varchar(255)
FROM NetworkUsers
WHERE username = @username
AND password = @password )
SELECT 0,11,'give full access','No Error'
FROM NetworkUsers
WHERE username = @username
SELECT 3,0,'odbc','ODBC Authen Error'

Sample procedure that returns recordset for plain text password fetching (for Microsoft SQL Server)
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ISEFetchPasswordReturnsRecordset]
@username varchar(64)
FROM NetworkUsers
WHERE username = @username)
SELECT 0,11,'give full access','No Error',password
FROM NetworkUsers
WHERE username = @username
SELECT 3,0,'odbc','ODBC Authen Error'

Sample procedure that returns recordset for Lookup (for Microsoft SQL Server)
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ISEUserLookupReturnsRecordset]
@username varchar(64)
FROM NetworkUsers
WHERE username = @username)
SELECT 0,11,'give full access','No Error'
FROM NetworkUsers
WHERE username = @username
SELECT 3,0,'odbc','ODBC Authen Error'

Sample procedure that returns parameters for plain text password authentication (for Microsoft SQL Server)
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ISEAuthUserPlainReturnsParameters]
@username varchar(64), @password varchar(255), @result INT OUTPUT, @group varchar(255)
OUTPUT, @acctInfo varchar(255) OUTPUT, @errorString varchar(255) OUTPUT

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Credential Check for ODBC Database

FROM NetworkUsers
WHERE username = @username
AND password = @password )
SELECT @result=0, @group=11, @acctInfo='give full access', @errorString='No Error'
FROM NetworkUsers
WHERE username = @username
SELECT @result=3, @group=0, @acctInfo='odbc', @errorString='ODBC Authen Error'

Sample procedure that returns parameters for plain text password fetching (for Microsoft SQL Server)
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ISEFetchPasswordReturnsParameters]
@username varchar(64), @result INT OUTPUT, @group varchar(255) OUTPUT, @acctInfo
varchar(255) OUTPUT, @errorString varchar(255) OUTPUT, @password varchar(255) OUTPUT
FROM NetworkUsers
WHERE username = @username)
SELECT @result=0, @group=11, @acctInfo='give full access', @errorString='No Error',
FROM NetworkUsers
WHERE username = @username
SELECT @result=3, @group=0, @acctInfo='odbc', @errorString='ODBC Authen Error'

Sample procedure that returns parameters for Lookup (for Microsoft SQL Server)
CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ISEUserLookupReturnsParameters]
@username varchar(64), @result INT OUTPUT, @group varchar(255) OUTPUT, @acctInfo
varchar(255) OUTPUT, @errorString varchar(255) OUTPUT
FROM NetworkUsers
WHERE username = @username)
SELECT @result=0, @group=11, @acctInfo='give full access', @errorString='No Error'
FROM NetworkUsers
WHERE username = @username
SELECT @result=3, @group=0, @acctInfo='odbc', @errorString='ODBC Authen Error'

Sample procedure that fetches groups from Microsoft SQL Server

@username varchar(64), @result int output
if exists (select * from NetworkUsers where username = @username)
set @result = 0
select 'accountants', 'engineers', 'sales','test_group2'
set @result = 1

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Add ODBC Identity Source

Sample procedure that fetches all the groups of all the users if the username is "*" (for Microsoft SQL Server)
@username varchar(64), @result int output
if @username = '*'
-- if username is equal to '*' then return all existing
set @result = 0
select 'accountants', 'engineers',
if exists (select * from NetworkUsers where username = @username)
set @result = 0
select 'accountants'
set @result = 1

Sample procedure that fetches attributes from Microsoft SQL Server

@username varchar(64), @result int output
if exists (select * from NetworkUsers where username = @username)
set @result = 0
select phone as phone, username as username, department as
department, floor as floor, memberOf as memberOf, isManager as isManager from NetworkUsers
where username = @username
set @result = 1

Additional Examples of ODBC Configuration

Add ODBC Identity Source

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources.
Step 2 Click ODBC.

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Add ODBC Identity Source

Step 3 Click Add.

Step 4 In the General tab, enter a name and description for the ODBC identity source.
Step 5 In the Connection tab, enter the following details:
• Hostname or IP address of the ODBC database. If you are using a nonstandard TCP port for the database, you can
specify the port number in the following format: hostname or IP address:port
• Name of the ODBC database
• Admin username and password (Cisco ISE connects to the database using these credentials)
• Server timeout in seconds (default is 5 seconds)
• Connection attempts (default is 1)
• Database type. Choose one of the following:
• Oracle
• PostgreSQL
• Microsoft SQL Server
• Sybase

Step 6 Click Test Connection to check the connectivity with the ODBC database and to verify the existence of the stored
procedures for the configured use cases.
Step 7 In the Stored Procedures tab, enter the following details:
• Stored Procedure Type: Specify the type of output that your database provides:
• Returns Recordset: The database returns a recordset in response to an ODBC query.
• Returns Parameters: The database returns a set of named parameters in response to an ODBC query.

• Plain Text Password Authentication: Enter the name of the stored procedure that runs on the ODBC server for
plain text password authentication. Used for PAP, EAP-GTC inner method, and TACACS.
• Plain Text Password Fetching: Enter the name of the stored procedure that runs on the ODBC server to fetch
plain text passwords. Used for CHAP, MS-CHAPv1/v2, LEAP, EAP-MD5, EAP-MSCHAPv2 inner method, and
• Check Username or Machine Exists: Enter the name of the stored procedure that runs on the ODBC server for
User/MAC address lookup. Used for MAB and fast reconnect of PEAP, EAP-FAST, and EAP-TTLS.
• Fetch Groups: Enter the name of the stored procedure that retrieves the groups from the ODBC database.
• Fetch Attributes: Enter the name of the stored procedure that retrieves the attributes and their values from the
ODBC database.
• Advanced Settings: Click this option to use the attributes under the following dictionaries as input parameters in
the Fetch Attributes stored procedure (in addition to the username and password):
• Device

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Add ODBC Identity Source

• Network Access

Note You can use only the following attributes in the Network Access dictionary: AuthenticationMethod,
Device IP Address, EapAuthentication, EapTunnel, ISE Host Name, Protocol, UserName, VN,
and WasMachineAuthenticated.

In the Attribute Name in Stored Procedure field, specify the attribute name that is used in the stored procedure.
You can configure the stored procedures to retrieve the following output parameters from the ODBC database:
• Security Group
• VLAN (name or number)
• Web-redirect ACL
• Web-redirect portal name

You can use these attributes to configure the authorization profiles. These attributes are listed in the Common
Tasks section in the Authorization Profiles window (under Policy > Policy Elements > Results). The following
are a few sample use case scenarios where you can use these attributes:
• To configure an authorization profile to use the VLAN that is returned from the ODBC database, based on
the specified input attributes (MAC address, username, called-station-ID, or device location), instead of
manually specifying the VLAN for each authorization profile.
• To configure an authorization profile to block access for the calling station IDs that are blocked in the ODBC
identity store.
• To configure an authorization profile to retrieve the web-redirect ACL or web-redirect portal name from the
ODBC database, based on the MAC address, username, called-station-ID, or device location.

While configuring an authorization policy, you can select the security groups that are retrieved from the ODBC
database in the Policy Sets window.
Note While using the Advanced Settings option, a new table named user_attributes_detail is created in the
ODBC database to store the additional details. You must set the data type as VARCHAR2 for all the
output parameters. Otherwise, the stored procedure might fail during the Union and Compilation process.
For example, if SGTNAME is set as VARCHAR2 and VLANNUMBER is set as NUMBER, compilation
of the following stored procedure might fail:
select ATTR_NAME, value from ATTRIBUTES where user_id=userid
select 'SGTNAME', SGTNAME from user_attributes_detail where USER_ID = userid
and user_attributes_detail.DEVICELOCATIONS=ise_DEVICETYPE
select 'VLANNUMBER', VLANNUMBER from user_attributes_detail where USER_ID =
userid and user_attributes_detail.DEVICELOCATIONS=ise_DEVICETYPE;

• Search for MAC Address in Format: The incoming MAC address is normalized based on the selected MAC

Step 8 Add the required attributes in the Attributes tab. While adding an attribute, you can specify how the attribute name
should appear in the authorization policy rules.
You can also fetch the attributes from the ODBC database. These attributes can be used in the authorization policies.

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RADIUS Token Identity Sources

Step 9 Add the user groups in the Groups tab. You can also fetch the groups from the ODBC database by specifying the
username or MAC address. These groups can be used in authorization policies.
You can rename the groups and attributes. By default, the name that is displayed in the Name in ISE field is same as
that in ODBC database, however, you can modify this name. This name is used in the authorization policies.

Step 10 Click Submit.

For more information on how to configure the ODBC identity source, see the following links:
• Configure ODBC on Cisco ISE with Oracle Database
• Configure Cisco ISE with MS SQL using ODBC
• Configure ODBC on Cisco ISE with PostgreSQL
• Configure Cisco ISE for integration with MySQL server

Note If you have configured input attributes, you must do the following while duplicating an ODBC identity store.
Otherwise, input parameters might be lost in the duplicated ODBC identity store.
1. Click Advance Settings.
2. Verify whether the input parameters are set properly.
3. Click OK to save these input parameters in the duplicated ODBC identity store.

RADIUS Token Identity Sources

A server that supports the RADIUS protocol and provides authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA)
services to users and devices is called a RADIUS server. A RADIUS identity source is simply an external
identity source that contains a collection of subjects and their credentials and uses the RADIUS protocol for
communication. For example, the Safeword token server is an identity source that can contain several users
and their credentials as one-time passwords that provides an interface that you can query using the RADIUS
Cisco ISE supports any RADIUS RFC 2865-compliant server as an external identity source. Cisco ISE supports
multiple RADIUS token server identities, for example the RSA SecurID server and the SafeWord server.
RADIUS identity sources can work with any RADIUS token server that is used to authenticate a user.

Note The Process Host Lookup option must be enabled for MAB authentication. We recommend that you don’t
configure the RADIUS token server that is used as the external identity source, for MAB authentication,
because the devices that are using MAB authentication cannot generate an OTP or a RADIUS token (which
is required for RADIUS token server authentication). Hence, the authentication will fail. You can use the
external RADIUS server option to process the MAB requests.

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RADIUS Token Server Supported Authentication Protocols

RADIUS Token Server Supported Authentication Protocols

Cisco ISE supports the following authentication protocols for RADIUS identity sources:
• Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP) with inner Extensible Authentication
Protocol-Generic Token Card (EAP-GTC)
• EAP-FAST with inner EAP-GTC

Ports Used By the RADIUS Token Servers for Communication

RADIUS token servers use the UDP port for authentication sessions. This port is used for all RADIUS
communication. For Cisco ISE to send RADIUS one-time password (OTP) messages to a RADIUS-enabled
token server, you must ensure that the gateway devices between Cisco ISE and the RADIUS-enabled token
server allow communication over the UDP port. You can configure the UDP port through the Admin portal.

RADIUS Shared Secret

You must provide a shared secret while configuring RADIUS identity sources in Cisco ISE. This shared secret
should be the same as the shared secret that is configured on the RADIUS token server.

Failover in RADIUS Token Servers

Cisco ISE allows you to configure multiple RADIUS identity sources. Each RADIUS identity source can
have primary and secondary RADIUS servers. When Cisco ISE is unable to connect to the primary server, it
uses the secondary server.

Configurable Password Prompt in RADIUS Token Servers

RADIUS identity sources allow you to configure the password prompt. You can configure the password
prompt through the Admin portal.

RADIUS Token Server User Authentication

Cisco ISE obtains the user credentials (username and passcode) and passes them to the RADIUS token server.
Cisco ISE also relays the results of the RADIUS token server authentication processing to the user.

User Attribute Cache in RADIUS Token Servers

RADIUS token servers, by default, do not support user lookups. However, the user lookup functionality is
essential for the following Cisco ISE features:
• PEAP session resume: This feature allows the PEAP session to resume after successful authentication
during EAP session establishment.
• EAP/FAST fast reconnect: This feature allows fast reconnection after successful authentication during
EAP session establishment.

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RADIUS Identity Source in Identity Sequence

• TACACS+ Authorization: Happens after a successful TACACS+ authentication.

Cisco ISE caches the results of successful authentications to process user lookup requests for these features.
For every successful authentication, the name of the authenticated user and the retrieved attributes are cached.
Failed authentications are not written to the cache.
The cache is available in the memory at runtime and is not replicated between Cisco ISE nodes in a distributed
deployment. You can configure the Time to Live (TTL) limit for the cache through the Admin portal. Starting
with ISE 2.6, you may choose to enable the identity caching option and set the aging time in minutes. The
option is disabled by default and when enabled, the cache will be available in the memory for the specified
amount of time.

RADIUS Identity Source in Identity Sequence

You can add the RADIUS identity source for authentication sequence in an identity source sequence. However,
you cannot add the RADIUS identity source for attribute retrieval sequence because you cannot query the
RADIUS identity source without authentication. Cisco ISE cannot distinguish among different errors while
authenticating with a RADIUS server. RADIUS servers return an Access-Reject message for all errors. For
example, when a user is not found in the RADIUS server, instead of returning a User Unknown status, the
RADIUS server returns an Access-Reject message.

RADIUS Server Returns the Same Message for All Errors

When a user is not found in the RADIUS server, the RADIUS server returns an Access-Reject message. Cisco
ISE provides an option to configure this message through the Admin portal as either an Authentication Failed
or a User Not Found message. However, this option returns a User Not Found message not only for cases
where the user is not known, but for all failure cases.
The following table lists the different failure cases that are possible with RADIUS identity servers.

Table 84: Error Handling

Failure Cases Reasons for Failure

Authentication Failed • User is unknown.

• User attempts to log in with an incorrect
• User login hours expired.

Process Failed • RADIUS server is configured incorrectly in

Cisco ISE.
• RADIUS server is unavailable.
• RADIUS packet is detected as malformed.
• Problem during sending or receiving a packet
from the RADIUS server.
• Timeout.

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Safeword Server Supports Special Username Format

Failure Cases Reasons for Failure

Unknown User Authentication failed and the Fail on Reject option is

set to false.

Safeword Server Supports Special Username Format

The Safeword token server supports authentication with the following username format:
Username—Username, OTP
As soon as Cisco ISE receives the authentication request, it parses the username and converts it to the following
The SafeWord token servers support both of these formats. Cisco ISE works with various token servers. While
configuring a SafeWord server, you must check the SafeWord Server check box in the Admin portal for Cisco
ISE to parse the username and convert it to the specified format. This conversion is done in the RADIUS
token server identity source before the request is sent to the RADIUS token server.

Authentication Request and Response in RADIUS Token Servers

When Cisco ISE forwards an authentication request to a RADIUS-enabled token server, the RADIUS
authentication request contains the following attributes:
• User-Name (RADIUS attribute 1)
• User-Password (RADIUS attribute 2)
• NAS-IP-Address (RADIUS attribute 4)

Cisco ISE expects to receive any one of the following responses:

• Access-Accept: No attributes are required, however, the response can contain a variety of attributes based
on the RADIUS token server configuration.
• Access-Reject: No attributes are required.
• Access-Challenge: The attributes that are required per RADIUS RFC are the following:
• State (RADIUS attribute 24)
• Reply-Message (RADIUS attribute 18)
• One or more of the following attributes: Vendor-Specific, Idle-Timeout (RADIUS attribute 28),
Session-Timeout (RADIUS attribute 27), Proxy-State (RADIUS attribute 33)
No other attributes are allowed in Access-Challenge.

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RADIUS Token Identity Sources Settings

RADIUS Token Identity Sources Settings

The following table describes the fields on the RADIUS Token Identity Sources window, which you can use
to configure and connect to an external RADIUS identity source. To view this window, click the Menu icon
( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > RADIUS Token.

Table 85: RADIUS Token Identity Source Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter a name for the RADIUS token server. The
maximum number of characters allowed is 64.

Description Enter a description for the RADIUS token server. The

maximum number of characters is 1024.

SafeWord Server Check this check box if your RADIUS identity source
is a SafeWord server.

Enable Secondary Server Check this check box to enable the secondary
RADIUS token server for Cisco ISE to use as a
backup in case the primary fails. If you check this
check box, you must configure a secondary RADIUS
token server.

Always Access Primary Server First Click this option if you want Cisco ISE to always
access the primary server first.

Fallback to Primary Server after Click this option to specify the amount of time in
minutes that Cisco ISE can authenticate using the
secondary RADIUS token server if the primary server
cannot be reached. After this time elapses, Cisco ISE
reattempts to authenticate against the primary server.

Primary Server
Host IP Enter the IP address of the primary RADIUS token
server. This field can take as input a valid IP address
that is expressed as a string. Valid characters that are
allowed in this field are numbers and dot (.).

Shared Secret Enter the shared secret that is configured on the

primary RADIUS token server for this connection.

Authentication Port Enter the port number on which the primary RADIUS
token server is listening.

Server Timeout Specify the time in seconds that Cisco ISE should
wait for a response from the primary RADIUS token
server before it determines that the primary server is

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Add a RADIUS Token Server

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Connection Attempts Specify the number of attempts that Cisco ISE should
make to reconnect to the primary server before moving
on to the secondary server (if defined) or dropping
the request if a secondary server is not defined.

Secondary Server
Host IP Enter the IP address of the secondary RADIUS token
server. This field can take as input a valid IP address
that is expressed as a string. Valid characters that are
allowed in this field are numbers and dot (.).

Shared Secret Enter the shared secret configured on the secondary

RADIUS token server for this connection.

Authentication Port Enter the port number on which the secondary

RADIUS token server is listening. Valid values are
from 1 to 65,535. The default is 1812.

Server Timeout Specify the time in seconds that Cisco ISE should
wait for a response from the secondary RADIUS token
server before it determines that the secondary server
is down.

Connection Attempts Specify the number of attempts that Cisco ISE should
make to reconnect to the secondary server before
dropping the request.

Related Topics
RADIUS Token Identity Sources, on page 589
Add a RADIUS Token Server, on page 594

Add a RADIUS Token Server

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration External Identity Sources > RADIUS
Token > Add.
Step 2 Enter the values in the General and Connection tabs.
Step 3 Click the Authentication tab.
This tab allows you to control the responses to an Access-Reject message from the RADIUS token server. This response
could either mean that the credentials are invalid or that the user is not known. Cisco ISE accepts one of the following
responses: Failed authentication or User not found. This tab also allows you to enable identity caching and to set the
aging time for the cache. You can also configure a prompt to request the password.

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Delete a RADIUS Token Server

a) Click the Treat Rejects as ‘authentication failed’ radio button if you want the Access-Reject response from the
RADIUS token server to be treated as a failed authentication.
b) Click the Treat Rejects as ‘user not found’ radio button if you want the Access-Reject response from the RADIUS
token server to be treated as an unknown user failure.
Step 4 Check the Enable Passcode Caching check box if you want Cisco ISE to store the passcode in the cache after the first
successful authentication with an RADIUS token server and use the cached user credentials for the subsequent
authentications if they happen within the configured time period.
Enter the number of seconds for which the passcode must be stored in the cache in the Aging Time field. Within this
period of time, the user can perform more than one authentication with the same passcode. The default value is 30 seconds.
The valid range is from 1 to 300 seconds.
Note Cisco ISE clears the cache after the first failed authentication. The user must enter a new, valid passcode.

Note We strongly recommend that you enable this option only when you use a protocol that supports encryption of
the passcode, for example, EAP-FAST-GTC. For information on supported authentication protocols for RADIUS
Token server, see RADIUS Token Server Supported Authentication Protocols, on page 590

Step 5 Check the Enable Identity Caching check box if you want to allow processing of requests that do not perform
authentication against the server.
You can enable the identity caching option and set the aging time in minutes. The default value is 120 minutes. The valid
range is from 1 to 1440 minutes. The results and attributes obtained from the last successful authentication are retained
in the cache for the specified time period.
This option is disabled by default.

Step 6 Click the Authorization tab.

This tab allows you to configure a name that will appear for the attribute that is returned by the RADIUS token server
while sending an Access-Accept response to Cisco ISE. This attribute can be used in authorization policy conditions.
The default value is CiscoSecure-Group-Id.
Note If you want to send any attribute in Access-Accept from External ID source, Ext ID source needs to send
<ciscoavpair> as attribute name and value in the format: ACS:<attrname>=<attrvalue> where <attrname> is
configured in the Authorization tab.

Step 7 Click Submit.

Delete a RADIUS Token Server

Before you begin
• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.
• Ensure that you do not select the RADIUS token servers that are part of an identity source sequence. If
you select a RADIUS token server that is part of an identity source sequence for deletion, the delete
operation fails.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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RSA Identity Sources

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources > RADIUS Token.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the RADIUS token server or servers that you want to delete, then click Delete.
Step 3 Click OK to delete the RADIUS token server or servers that you have selected.
If you select multiple RADIUS token servers for deleting, and one of them is used in an identity source sequence, the
delete operation fails and none of the RADIUS token servers are deleted.

RSA Identity Sources

Cisco ISE supports the RSA SecurID server as an external database. RSA SecurID two-factor authentication
consists of the PIN of the user and an individually registered RSA SecurID token that generates single-use
token codes based on a time code algorithm. A different token code is generated at fixed intervals (usually
each at 30 or 60 seconds). The RSA SecurID server validates this dynamic authentication code. Each RSA
SecurID token is unique, and it is not possible to predict the value of a future token based on past tokens.
Thus, when a correct token code is supplied together with a PIN, there is a high degree of certainty that the
person is a valid user. Therefore, RSA SecurID servers provide a more reliable authentication mechanism
than conventional reusable passwords.
Cisco ISE supports the following RSA identity sources:
• RSA ACE/Server 6.x series
• RSA Authentication Manager 7.x and 8.0 series

You can integrate with RSA SecurID authentication technology in any one of the following ways:
• Using the RSA SecurID agent: Users are authenticated with their username and passcode through the
RSA native protocol.
• Using the RADIUS protocol: Users are authenticated with their username and passcode through the
RADIUS protocol.

The RSA SecurID token server in Cisco ISE connects with the RSA SecurID authentication technology by
using the RSA SecurID Agent.
Cisco ISE supports only one RSA realm.

Cisco ISE and RSA SecurID Server Integration

These are the two administrative roles involved in connecting Cisco ISE with an RSA SecurID server:
• RSA Server Administrator: Configures and maintains RSA systems and integration
• Cisco ISE Administrator: Configures Cisco ISE to connect to the RSA SecurID server and maintains the

This section describes the processes that are involved in connecting Cisco ISE with the RSA SecurID server
as an external identity source. For more information on RSA servers, please refer to the RSA documentation.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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RSA Configuration in Cisco ISE

RSA Configuration in Cisco ISE

The RSA administrative system generates an sdconf.rec file, which the RSA system administrator will provide
to you. This file allows you to add Cisco ISE servers as RSA SecurID agents in the realm. You have to browse
and add this file to Cisco ISE. By the process of replication, the primary Cisco ISE server distributes this file
to all the secondary servers.

RSA Agent Authentication Against the RSA SecurID Server

After the sdconf.rec file is installed on all Cisco ISE servers, the RSA agent module initializes, and
authentication with RSA-generated credentials proceeds on each of the Cisco ISE servers. After the agent on
each of the Cisco ISE servers in a deployment has successfully authenticated, the RSA server and the agent
module together download the securid file. This file resides in the Cisco ISE file system and is in a well-known
place defined by the RSA agent.

RSA Identity Sources in a Distributed Cisco ISE Environment

Managing RSA identity sources in a distributed Cisco ISE environment involves the following:
• Distributing the sdconf.rec and sdopts.rec files from the primary server to the secondary servers.
• Deleting the securid and sdstatus.12 files.

RSA Server Updates in a Cisco ISE Deployment

After you have added the sdconf.rec file in Cisco ISE, the RSA SecurID administrator might update the
sdconf.rec file in case of decommissioning an RSA server or adding a new RSA secondary server. The RSA
SecurID administrator will provide you with an updated file. You can then reconfigure Cisco ISE with the
updated file. The replication process in Cisco ISE distributes the updated file to the secondary Cisco ISE
servers in the deployment. Cisco ISE first updates the file in the file system and coordinates with the RSA
agent module to phase the restart process appropriately. When the sdconf.rec file is updated, the sdstatus.12
and securid files are reset (deleted).

Override Automatic RSA Routing

You can have more than one RSA server in a realm. The sdopts.rec file performs the role of a load balancer.
Cisco ISE servers and RSA SecurID servers operate through the agent module. The agent module that resides
on Cisco ISE maintains a cost-based routing table to make the best use of the RSA servers in the realm. You
can, however, choose to override this routing with a manual configuration for each Cisco ISE server for the
realm using a text file called sdopts.rec through the Admin portal. Refer to the RSA documentation for
information on how to create this file.

RSA Node Secret Reset

The securid file is a secret node key file. When RSA is initially set up, it uses a secret to validate the agents.
When the RSA agent that resides in Cisco ISE successfully authenticates against the RSA server for the first
time, it creates a file on the client machine called securid and uses it to ensure that the data exchanged between
the machines is valid. At times, you may have to delete the securid file from a specific Cisco ISE server or a
group of servers in your deployment (for example, after a key reset on the RSA server). You can use the Cisco
ISE Admin portal to delete this file from a Cisco ISE server for the realm. When the RSA agent in Cisco ISE
authenticates successfully the next time, it creates a new securid file.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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RSA Automatic Availability Reset

Note If authentications fail after upgrading to a latest release of Cisco ISE, reset the RSA secret.

RSA Automatic Availability Reset

The sdstatus.12 file provides information about the availability of RSA servers in the realm. For example, it
provides information on which servers are active and which are down. The agent module works with the RSA
servers in the realm to maintain this availability status. This information is serially listed in the sdstatus.12
file, which is sourced in a well-known location in the Cisco ISE file system. Sometimes this file becomes old
and the current status is not reflected in this file. You must remove this file so that the current status can be
recreated. You can use the Admin portal to delete the file from a specific Cisco ISE server for a specific realm.
Cisco ISE coordinates with the RSA agent and ensures correct restart phasing.
The sdstatus.12 file is deleted whenever the securid file is reset, or the sdconf.rec or sdopts.rec files are updated.

RSA SecurID Identity Source Settings

The following table describes the fields on the RSA SecurID Identity Sources window, which you can use to
create and connect to an RSA SecurID identity source. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and
choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > RSA SecurID.

RSA Prompt Settings

The following table describes the fields in the RSA Prompts tab.

Table 86: RSA Prompt Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Enter Passcode Prompt Enter a text string to obtain the passcode.

Enter Next Token Code Enter a text string to request the next token.

Choose PIN Type Enter a text string to request the PIN type.

Accept System PIN Enter a text string to accept the system-generated PIN.

Enter Alphanumeric PIN Enter a text string to request an alphanumeric PIN.

Enter Numeric PIN Enter a text string to request a numeric PIN.

Re-enter PIN Enter a text string to request the user to re-enter the

RSA Message Settings

The following table describes the fields in the RSA Messages tab.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Add RSA Identity Sources

Table 87: RSA Messages Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Display System PIN Message Enter a text string to label the system PIN message.

Display System PIN Reminder Enter a text string to inform the user to remember the
new PIN.

Must Enter Numeric Error Enter a message that instructs users to enter only
numbers for the PIN.

Must Enter Alpha Error Enter a message that instructs users to enter only
alphanumeric characters for PINs.

PIN Accepted Message Enter a message that the users see when their PIN is
accepted by the system.

PIN Rejected Message Enter a message that the users see when the system
rejects their PIN.

User Pins Differ Error Enter a message that the users see when they enter an
incorrect PIN.

System PIN Accepted Message Enter a message that the users see when the system
accepts their PIN.

Bad Password Length Error Enter a message that the users see when the PIN that
they specify does not fall within the range specified
in the PIN length policy.

Related Topics
RSA Identity Sources, on page 596
Cisco ISE and RSA SecurID Server Integration, on page 596
Add RSA Identity Sources, on page 599

Add RSA Identity Sources

To create an RSA identity source, you must import the RSA configuration file (sdconf.rec). You must obtain
the sdconf.rec file from your RSA administrator. To perform this task, you must be a Super Admin or System
Adding an RSA identity source involves the following tasks:

Import the RSA Configuration File

You must import the RSA configuration file to add an RSA identity source in Cisco ISE.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources > RSA SecurID > Add.
Step 2 Click Browse to choose the new or updated sdconf.rec file from the system that is running your client browser.

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Configure the Options File for a Cisco ISE Server and Resetting SecurID and sdstatus.12 Files

When you create the RSA identity source for the first time, the Import new sdconf.rec file field will be a mandatory field.
From then on, you can replace the existing sdconf.rec file with an updated one, but replacing the existing file is optional.

Step 3 Enter the server timeout value in seconds. Cisco ISE will wait for a response from the RSA server for the amount of time
specified before it times out. This value can be any integer from 1 to 199. The default value is 30 seconds.
Step 4 Check the Reauthenticate on Change PIN check box to force a reauthentication when the PIN is changed.
Step 5 Click Save.
Cisco ISE also supports the following scenarios:
• Configuring the Options File for a Cisco ISE Server and Resetting SecurID and sdstatus.12 Files.
• Configuring Authentication Control Options for RSA Identity Source.

Configure the Options File for a Cisco ISE Server and Resetting SecurID and sdstatus.12 Files

Step 1 Log into the Cisco ISE server.

Step 2 Choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources > RSA SecurID > Add.
Step 3 Click the RSA Instance Files tab.
This page lists the sdopts.rec files for all the Cisco ISE servers in your deployment.
The Node Secret Status is displayed as Created when the user is authenticated against RSA SecurID token server. The
Node Secret Status can be one of the following—Created or Not Created. The Node Secret Status is displayed as Not
Created when it is cleared.

Step 4 Click the radio button next to the sdopts.rec file for a particular Cisco ISE server, and click Update Options File.
The existing file is displayed in the Current File region.

Step 5 Choose one of the following:

• Use the Automatic Load Balancing status maintained by the RSA agent—Choose this option if you want the RSA
agent to automatically manage load balancing.
• Override the Automatic Load Balancing status with the sdopts.rec file selected below—Choose this option if you
want to manually configure load balancing based on your specific needs. If you choose this option, you must click
Browse and choose the new sdopts.rec file from the system that is running your client browser.

Step 6 Click OK.

Step 7 Click the row that corresponds to the Cisco ISE server to reset the securid and sdstatus.12 files for that server:
a) Click the drop-down arrow and choose Remove on Submit in the Reset securid File and Reset sdstatus.12 File
Note The Reset sdstatus.12 File field is hidden from your view. Using the vertical and horizontal scroll bars in
the innermost frame, scroll down and then to your right to view this field.

b) Click Save in this row to save the changes.

Step 8 Click Save.

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Configure Authentication Control Options for RSA Identity Source

Configure Authentication Control Options for RSA Identity Source

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources > RSA SecurID > Add.
Step 2 Click the Authentication Control tab.
Step 3 Choose one of the following:
• Treat Rejects as “authentication failed”—Choose this option if you want the rejected requests to be treated as failed
• Treat Rejects as “user not found”—Choose this option if you want the rejected requests to be treated as user not
found errors.

Step 4 Check the Enable Passcode Caching check box if you want Cisco ISE to store the passcode in the cache after the first
successful authentication and use the cached user credentials for the subsequent authentications if they happen within
the configured time period.
Enter the number of seconds for which the passcode must be stored in the cache in the Aging Time field. Within this
period of time, the user can perform more than one authentication with the same passcode. The default value is 30 seconds.
The valid range is from 1 to 300 seconds.
Note Cisco ISE clears the cache after the first failed authentication. The user must enter a new, valid passcode.

Note We strongly recommend that you enable this option only when you use a protocol that supports encryption of
the passcode, for example, EAP-FAST-GTC.

Step 5 Check the Enable Identity Caching check box if you want to allow processing of requests that do not perform
authentication against the server.
You can enable the identity caching option and set the aging time in minutes. The default value is 120 minutes. The valid
range is from 1 to 1440 minutes. The results and attributes obtained from the last successful authentication are retained
in the cache for the specified time period.
This option is disabled by default.

Step 6 Click Save to save the configuration.

Configure RSA Prompts

Cisco ISE allows you to configure RSA prompts that are presented to the user while processing requests sent
to the RSA SecurID server.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources > RSA SecurID.
Step 2 Click Prompts.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Configure RSA Messages

Step 3 Enter the values as described in RSA SecurID Identity Source Settings.
Step 4 Click Submit.

Configure RSA Messages

Cisco ISE allows you to configure messages that are presented to the user while processing requests sent to
the RSA SecurID server.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources > RSA SecurID.
Step 2 Click Prompts.
Step 3 Click the Messages tab.
Step 4 Enter the values as described in RSA SecurID Identity Source Settings.
Step 5 Click Submit.

SAMLv2 Identity Provider as an External Identity Source

Security Assertion Markup Language (SAML) is an XML-based open standard data format that enables
administrators to access a defined set of applications seamlessly after signing into one of those applications.
SAML describes the exchange of security related information between trusted business partners. SAML
enables exchange of security authentication information between an Identity Provider (IdP) and a service
provider (in this case, ISE).
SAML Single Sign On (SSO) establishes a Circle of Trust (CoT) by exchanging metadata and certificates as
part of the provisioning process between the IdP and the Service Provider. The Service Provider trusts the
IdP's user information to provide access to the various services or applications.
Enabling SAML SSO results in several advantages:
• It reduces password fatigue by removing the need for entering different user name and password
• It improves productivity because you spend less time re-entering credentials for the same identity.
• It transfers the authentication from your system that hosts the applications to a third party system.
• It reduces costs as fewer help desk calls are made for password reset, thereby leading to more savings.

The IdP is an authentication module that creates, maintains, and manages identity information for users,
systems, or services. The IdP stores and validates the user credentials and generates a SAML response that
allows the user to access the service provider protected resources.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Configure SAML Identity Providers in Cisco ISE

Note You must be familiar with your IdP service, and ensure that it is currently installed and operational.

SAML SSO is supported for the following portals:

• Guest portal (sponsored and self-registered)
• Sponsor portal
• My Devices portal
• Certificate Provisioning portal

You cannot select IdP as external identity source for BYOD portal, but you can select an IdP for a guest portal
and enable BYOD flow.
Cisco ISE is SAMLv2 compliant and supports all SAMLv2 compliant IdPs that use Base64-encoded certificates.
The IdPs listed below have been tested with Cisco ISE:
• Oracle Access Manager (OAM)
• Oracle Identity Federation (OIF)
• SecureAuth
• PingOne
• PingFederate
• Azure Active Directory

The IdP cannot be added to an identity source sequence.

The SSO session will be terminated and Session Timeout error message will be displayed if there is no activity
for the specified time (default is 5 minutes).
If you want to add the Sign On Again button in the Error page of the portal, add the following JavaScript in
the Optional Content field in the Portal Error page:
<button class="cisco-ise" data-inline="true" data-mini="true" data-theme="b"
id="ui_aup_accept_button" onclick="location.href='PortalSetup.action?portal=<Portal ID>'"
type="button">SignOn Again</button>

Configure SAML Identity Providers in Cisco ISE

To configure SAML Identity Providers in Cisco ISE:
• You must be a Super Admin or System Admin in Cisco ISE.
• If the certificate to be used is not self-signed by the Identity Provider (IdP), import the Certificate Authority
(CA) certificate in to the Trusted Certificate Store.
• You must have admin access to the IdP portal being configured. The following task involves some steps
to be performed in the IdP portal.

To configure SAML Identity Providers in Cisco ISE:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Add a SAML Identity Provider to Cisco ISE

1. Add a SAML Identity Provider to Cisco ISE.

2. Add SAML Identity Provider as the authentication method of a portal.
3. Configure SAML ID Provider.

Add a SAML Identity Provider to Cisco ISE

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > External Identity Sources > SAML Id
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 In the SAML Identity Provider window displayed, enter the Id Provider Name and Description in the General tab.
Step 4 Click Submit.
Step 5 In the Identity Provider Config tab, import the relevant metadata.xml file, and click Submit.

Add SAML Identity Provider as Authentication Method of a Portal

You can add the SAML Identity Provider you just created to the following portals:
1. Self-registered Guest Portals and Sponsored Guest Portals (Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals
and Components)
2. Certificate Provisioning Portals (Administration > Device Portal Management > Certificate
Provisoning > Certificate Provisioning Portal)

Step 1 In the portal customization window of the portal you are configuring, click Portal Settings.
Step 2 In the drop-down section that is displayed, go to Authentication Method section and use the menu to select the SAML
IP Provider you added.
Step 3 Click Save.

Configure SAML ID Provider

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > External Identity Sources > SAML Id
Providers. Select the IdP that you have just linked to a portal, and click Edit.
Step 2 (Optional) If you are using a load balancer to optimize the load on Cisco ISE nodes, you can add its details in the Service
Provider Info tab to simplify the configuration of IdPs. Software or hardware load balancers can be added.
The load balancer should be able to forward requests to the Cisco ISE nodes in the deployment using the port specified
in the Portal Settings window.
When a load balancer is added, its URL alone is provided in the service provider metadata file. If a load balancer is not
present, multiple AssertionConsumerService URLs are included in the service provider metadata file.
Note We recommend that you avoid using the same IP address of the load balancer at the portal FQDN setting.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Configure SAML ID Provider

Step 3 In the Service Provider Info tab, click Export to export the service provider metadata file. The exported metadata
includes the signing certificate of Cisco ISE, which is identical to the chosen portal's certificate.
The exported metadata zip folder includes a Readme file that contains basic instructions for configuring each IdP (including,
Azure Active Directory, PingOne, PingFederate, SecureAuth, and OAM)
You must re-export the service provider metadata if there are any changes in the following:
• Registration of a new Cisco ISE node.
• Hostname or IP Address of a node.
• Fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of My Devices, Sponsor, or Certificate Provisioning portal.
• Port or interface settings.
• Associated load balancer.

If the updated metadata is not re-exported, the IdP may reject a user authentication request.

Step 4 Go to your IdP portal and log in as Admin user, and import the service provider metadata file that you just exported from
Cisco ISE. You need to first unzip the exported folder and a metadata file with the name of the portal. The metadata file
includes the Provider ID and Binding URI.
Step 5 Return to the Cisco ISE portal.
Step 6 (Optional) In the Groups tab of the SAML Identity Provider window, add the required user groups.
Enter the assertion attribute that specifies the group membership of users in the Group Membership Attribute field.
Step 7 (Optional) Add the user attributes in the Attributes tab to specify how the attribute appears in the assertions returned
from the IdP.
The name you specify in the Name in ISE field will appear in policy rules.
The following data types are supported for the attributes:
• String
• Integer
• IPv4
• Boolean

Step 8 Configure the following options in the Advanced Settings tab:

Option Description
Identity Attribute Select the attribute that specifies the identity of the user that is being authenticated by clicking the
radio button against the options displayed.
Note Cisco ISE does not support SAML IdP responses that contain subject name (NameID)
in transient or persistent formats. Cisco ISE cannot retrieve the Username attribute
assertion from the SAML IdP response if these methods are used and the authentication
will fail.

Email attribute From the drop-down list, select the assertion attribute which returns the email address of the user.
The email attribute must be configured if you plan to filter (limit) the list of sponsored guests to be
approved by a sponsor.

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Delete an Identity Provider

Option Description
Multi-Value Select one of the following:
• Each value in a separate XML: Click this option if your IdP returns multiple values of the
same attribute in separate XML elements.
• Multiple values in a single XML: Click this option if your IdP returns multiple values in a
single XML element. Specify the delimiter in the text box.

Logout Settings Check the Sign Logout Requests check box if you want logout requests to be signed. This option
is not displayed if the IdP being configured is Oracle Access Manager or Oracle Identity Federation.
Note SecureAuth does not support SAML logout.

The following options are displayed only when configuring Oracle Access Manager or Oracle
Identity Federation IdPs, and a load balancer is not configured:
• Logout URL: Enter the URL for the page to which a user is redirected to terminate an SSO
session, when they log out of either the Sponsor or the My Devices portal.
• Redirect Parameter Name: When the SSO session is terminated, the user is brought back to
the IdP’s login page.The redirect parameter name may differ based on the IdP, for example,
end_url or returnURL. This field is case sensitive.

If the logout does not work as expected, check the IdP’s documentation for details on using logout
URLs and redirect parameter names.

Authentication Use this section to edit SAML IdP authentication context class reference. Cisco ISE SAML requests
Context have typically used PasswordProtectedTransport authentication method in SAML request headings.
This resulted in authentication failure in the case of multi-factor authentications being used.
To avoid this, you can use AuthnContextClassRef SAML Element section to specify an
authentication method. If you are unsure of the authentication method used, we recommend that
you leave this section empty to avoid authentication failures.

Step 9 Click Submit.

Delete an Identity Provider

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.
Ensure that the IdP that you want to delete is not linked to any portal. If the IdP is linked to any portal, the
delete operation fails.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Ext Id Sources >
SAML Id Providers.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the IdP that you want to delete, and then click Delete.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Authentication Failure Log

Step 3 Click OK to delete the IdP that you have selected.

Authentication Failure Log

When authentication against SAML ID Store fails and the IdP redirects the user back to ISE portal (through
SAML response), ISE will report a failure reason in the authentication log. For Guest portal (with or without
BYOD flow enabled), you can check the RADIUS Livelog (Operations > RADIUS > Live Log) to know the
authentication failure reason. For My Devices portal and Sponsor portal, you can check the My Devices
Login/Audit report and Sponsor Login/Audit report (under Operations > Reports > Guest) to know the
authentication failure reason.
In case of logout failure, you can check the reports and logs to know the failure reason for My Devices,
Sponsor, and Guest portal.
Authentication can fail due to the following reasons:
• SAML Response parse errors
• SAML Response validation errors (for example, Wrong Issuer)
• SAML Assertion validation errors (for example, Wrong Audience)
• SAML Response signature validation errors (for example, Wrong Signature)
• IdP signing certificate errors (for example, Certificate Revoked)

Note Cisco ISE does not support SAML responses with encrypted assertions. If this is configured in the IdP, you
will see the following error message in ISE: FailureReason=24803 Unable to find 'username' attribute

If the authentication fails, we recommend that you check the "DetailedInfo" attribute in the authentication
log. This attribute provides additional information regarding the cause of failure.

Identity Source Sequences

Identity source sequences define the order in which Cisco ISE looks for user credentials in the different
If you have user information in more than one of the databases that are connected to Cisco ISE, you can define
the order in which you want Cisco ISE to look for information in these identity sources. Once a match is
found, Cisco ISE does not look any further, but evaluates the credentials, and returns the result to the user.
This policy is the first match policy.

Create Identity Source Sequences

Before you begin
Ensure that you have configured your external identity sources in Cisco ISE.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Delete Identity Source Sequences

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.
For allowing guest users to authenticate through Local WebAuth, you must configure both the Guest portal
authentication source and the identity source sequence to contain the same identity stores.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > Identity
Source Sequences > Add.
Step 2 Enter a name for the identity source sequence. You can also enter an optional description.
Step 3 Check the Select Certificate Authentication Profile check box and choose a certificate authentication profile for
certificate-based authentication.
Step 4 Choose the database or databases that you want to include in the identity source sequence in the Selected List field.
Step 5 Rearrange the databases in the Selected list field in the order in which you want Cisco ISE to search the databases.
Step 6 Choose one of the following options in the Advanced Search List area:
• Do not access other stores in the sequence and set the AuthenticationStatus attribute to ProcessError: Choose
this option if you want Cisco ISE to discontinue the search, if the user is not found in the first selected identity
• Treat as if the user was not found and proceed to the next store in the sequence: Choose this option if you want
Cisco ISE to continue searching the other selected identity sources in sequence, if the user is not found in the first
selected identity source.
While processing a request, Cisco ISE searches these identity sources in sequence. Ensure that you have the identity
sources in the Selected list field listed in the order in which you want Cisco ISE to search them.

Step 7 Click Submit to create the identity source sequence that you can then use in policies.

Delete Identity Source Sequences

You can delete identity source sequences that you no longer use in policies.

Before you begin

• Ensure that the identity source sequence that you are about to delete is not used in any authentication
• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Administration > Identity Management > Identity Source Sequences.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the identity source sequence or sequences that you want to delete, then click Delete.
Step 3 Click OK to delete the identity source sequence or sequences.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Identity Source Details in Reports

Identity Source Details in Reports

Cisco ISE provides information about the identity sources through the Authentications dashlet and Identity
Source reports.

Authentications Dashlet
From the Authentications dashlet, you can drill down to find more information including failure reasons.
Choose Operations > RADIUS Livelog to view real-time authentication summary. For more information
about RADIUS Live Logs, see RADIUS Live Logs, on page 284.

Identity Source Reports

Cisco ISE provides various reports that include information about identity sources. See the Available Reports
section for a description of these reports.

Profiled Endpoints on the Network

The Profiler service assists in identifying, locating, and determining the capabilities of all endpoints on your
network (known as identities in Cisco ISE), regardless of their device types, to ensure and maintain appropriate
access to your enterprise network. The Cisco ISE Profiler function uses a number of probes to collect attributes
for all endpoints on your network, and pass them to the Profiler analyzer, where the known endpoints are
classified according to their associated policies and identity groups.
The Profiler Feed service allows administrators to retrieve new and updated endpoint profiling policies and
the updated OUI database as a feed from a designated Cisco feed server through a subscription in to Cisco

Profiler Condition Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Profiler Condition window. The navigation path for this window
is Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Profiling.

Table 88: Profiler Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Name of the profiler condition.

Description Description of the profiler condition.

Type Choose any one of the predefined types.

Attribute Name Choose an attribute on which to base the profiler


Operator Choose an operator.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Cisco ISE Profiling Service

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Attribute Value Enter the value for the attribute that you have chosen.
For Attribute Names that contain pre-defined Attribute
Values, this option displays a drop-down list with the
pre-defined values, and you can choose a value.

System Type Profiling conditions can be any one of the following

• Cisco Provided: Profiling conditions that are
provided by Cisco ISE when deployed are
identified as Cisco Provided. You cannot edit or
delete them from the system.
• Administrator Created: Profiling conditions
that you create as an administrator of Cisco ISE
are identified as Administrator Created.

Related Topics
Cisco ISE Profiling Service, on page 610
Profiler Conditions, on page 634
Profiler Feed Service, on page 671
Create a Profiler Condition, on page 649

Cisco ISE Profiling Service

The profiling service in Cisco Identity Services Engine (ISE) identifies the devices that connect to your network
and their location. The endpoints are profiled based on the endpoint profiling policies configured in Cisco
ISE. Cisco ISE then grants permission to the endpoints to access the resources in your network based on the
result of the policy evaluation.
The profiling service:
• Facilitates an efficient and effective deployment and ongoing management of authentication by using
IEEE standard 802.1X port-based authentication access control, MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB)
authentication, and Network Admission Control (NAC) for any enterprise network of varying scale and
• Identifies, locates, and determines the capabilities of all of the attached network endpoints regardless of
endpoint types.
• Protects against inadvertently denying access to some endpoints.

ISE Community Resource

ISE Endpoint Profiles
How To: ISE Profiling Design Guide

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Profiler Work Center

Profiler Work Center

The Profiler Work Center menu (Work Centers > Profiler) contains all the profiler pages, which acts as a
single start point for ISE administrators. The Profiler Work Center menu contains the following options:
Overview, Ext ID Stores, Network Devices, Endpoint Classification, Node Config, Feeds, Manual Scans,
Policy Elements, Profiling Policies, Authorization Policy, Troubleshoot, Reports, Settings, and Dictionaries.

Profiler Dashboard
The Profiler dashboard (Work Centers > Profiler > Endpoint Classification) is a centralized monitoring tool
for the profiles, endpoints, and assets in your network. The dashboard represents data in both graphical and
table formats. The Profiles dashlet displays the logical and endpoint profiles that are currently active in the
network. The Endpoints dashlet displays the identity group, PSNs, OS types of the endpoints that connect to
your network. The Assets dashlet displays flows such as Guest, BYOD, and Corporate. The table displays
the various endpoints that are connected and you can also add new endpoints.

Endpoint Inventory Using Profiling Service

You can use the profiling service to discover, locate, and determine the capabilities of all the endpoints
connected to your network. You can ensure and maintain appropriate access of endpoints to the enterprise
network, regardless of their device types.
The profiling service collects attributes of endpoints from the network devices and the network, classifies
endpoints into a specific group according to their profiles, and stores endpoints with their matched profiles
in the Cisco ISE database. All the attributes that are handled by the profiling service need to be defined in the
profiler dictionaries.
The profiling service identifies each endpoint on your network, and groups those endpoints according to their
profiles to an existing endpoint identity group in the system, or to a new group that you can create in the
system. By grouping endpoints, and applying endpoint profiling policies to the endpoint identity group, you
can determine the mapping of endpoints to the corresponding endpoint profiling policies.

Cisco ISE Profiler Queue Limit Configuration

Cisco ISE profiler collects a significant amount of endpoint data from the network in a short period of time.
It causes Java Virtual Machine (JVM) memory utilization to go up due to accumulated backlog when some
of the slower Cisco ISE components process the data generated by the profiler, which results in performance
degradation and stability issues.
To ensure that the profiler does not increase the JVM memory utilization and prevent JVM to go out of memory
and restart, limits are applied to the following internal components of the profiler:
• Endpoint Cache: Internal cache is limited in size that has to be purged periodically (based on least recently
used strategy) when the size exceeds the limit.
• Forwarder: The main ingress queue of endpoint information collected by the profiler.
• Event Handler: An internal queue that disconnects a fast component, which feeds data to a slower
processing component (typically related to a database query).

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Martian IP Addresses

Endpoint Cache
• maxEndPointsInLocalDb = 100000 (endpoint objects in cache)
• endPointsPurgeIntervalSec = 300 (endpoint cache purge thread interval in seconds)
• numberOfProfilingThreads = 8 (number of threads)

The limit is applicable to all profiler internal event handlers. A monitoring alarm is triggered when queue size
limit is reached.

Cisco ISE Profiler Queue Size Limits

• forwarderQueueSize = 5000 (endpoint collection events)
• eventHandlerQueueSize = 10000 (events)

Event Handlers
• NetworkDeviceEventHandler: For network device events, in addition to filtering duplicate Network
Access Device (NAD) IP addresses, which are already cached.
• ARPCacheEventHandler: For ARP Cache events.

Martian IP Addresses
Martian IP addresses are not displayed in Context Visibility > Endpoints and Work Centers > Profiler >
Endpoint Classification windows as the RADIUS parser removes such addresses before they reach the
profiling service. Martian IP addresses are a security concern as they are vulnerable to attacks. However,
martian IP addresses are displayed in MnT logs for auditing purposes. This behaviour stands true in the case
of multicast IP addresses as well. For more information on Martian IP addresses, see

Profiler Forwarder Persistence Queue

The Profiler Forwarder Persistence queue stores events before they are sent to the profiler module for further
processing. In addition, the queuing capacity has also been increased to support increased event handling.
This reduces the number events that are lost because of a sudden increase in the number of events. This in
turn reduces the alarms raised, when the queue reaches its maximum limit.
This feature is enabled by default. If required, you can disable this feature to fall back to the original mechanism,
where events are sent directly to the profiler module. To enable or disable this feature, choose Administration >
System > Settings > Profiling and check or uncheck the Enable Profiler Forwarder Persistence Queue
check box.

Configure Profiling Service in Cisco ISE Nodes

You can configure the profiling service that provides you a contextual inventory of all the endpoints that are
using your network resources in any Cisco ISE-enabled network.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Network Probes Used by Profiling Service

You can configure the profiling service to run on a single Cisco ISE node that assumes all Administration,
Monitoring, and Policy Service personas by default.
In a distributed deployment, the profiling service runs only on Cisco ISE nodes that assume the Policy Service
persona and does not run on other Cisco ISE nodes that assume the Administration and Monitoring personas.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 2 Choose a Cisco ISE node that assumes the Policy Service persona.
Step 3 Click Edit in the Deployment Nodes page.
Step 4 On the General Settings tab, check the Policy Service check box. If the Policy Service check box is unchecked, both
the session services and the profiling service check boxes are disabled.
Step 5 Perform the following tasks:
a) Check the Enable Session Services check box to run the Network Access, Posture, Guest, and Client Provisioning
session services.
b) Check the Enable Profiling Services check box to run the profiling service.
c) Check the Enable Device Admin Service check box to run the device administration service to control and audit an
enterprise's network devices.
Step 6 Click Save to save the node configuration.

Network Probes Used by Profiling Service

Network probe is a method used to collect an attribute or a set of attributes from an endpoint on your network.
The probe allows you to create or update endpoints with their matched profile in the Cisco ISE database.
Cisco ISE can profile devices using a number of network probes that analyze the behavior of devices on the
network and determine the type of the device. Network probes help you to gain more network visibility.

IP Address and MAC Address Binding

You can create or update endpoints only by using their MAC addresses in an enterprise network. If you do
not find an entry in the ARP cache, then you can create or update endpoints by using the L2 MAC address of
an HTTP packet and the IN_SRC_MAC of a NetFlow packet in Cisco ISE. The profiling service is dependent
on L2 adjacency when endpoints are only a hop away. When endpoints are L2 adjacent, the IP addresses and
MAC addresses of endpoints are already mapped, and there is no need for IP-MAC cache mapping.
If endpoints are not L2 adjacent and are multiple hops away, mapping may not be reliable. Some of the known
attributes of NetFlow packets that you collect include PROTOCOL, L4_SRC_PORT, IPV4_SRC_ADDR,
OUT_SRC_MAC. When endpoints are not L2 adjacent and are multiple L3 hops away, the IN_SRC_MAC
attributes carry only the MAC addresses of L3 network devices. When the HTTP probe is enabled in Cisco
ISE, you can create endpoints only by using the MAC addresses of HTTP packets, because the HTTP request
messages do not carry IP addresses and MAC addresses of endpoints in the payload data.
Cisco ISE implements an ARP cache in the profiling service, so that you can reliably map the IP addresses
and the MAC addresses of endpoints. For the ARP cache to function, you must enable either the DHCP probe
or the RADIUS probe. The DHCP and RADIUS probes carry the IP addresses and the MAC addresses of
endpoints in the payload data. The dhcp-requested address attribute in the DHCP probe and the

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
NetFlow Probe

Framed-IP-address attribute in the RADIUS probe carry the IP addresses of endpoints, along with their MAC
addresses, which can be mapped and stored in the ARP cache.

NetFlow Probe
Cisco ISE profiler implements Cisco IOS NetFlow Version 9. We recommend using NetFlow Version 9,
which has additional functionality needed to enhance the profiler to support the Cisco ISE profiling service.
You can collect NetFlow Version 9 attributes from the NetFlow-enabled network access devices to create an
endpoint, or update an existing endpoint in the Cisco ISE database. You can configure NetFlow Version 9 to
attach the source and destination MAC addresses of endpoints and update them. You can also create a dictionary
of NetFlow attributes to support NetFlow-based profiling.
For more information on the NetFlow Version 9 Record Format, see Table 6, “NetFlow Version 9 Field Type
Definitions” of the NetFlow Version 9 Flow-Record Format document.
In addition, Cisco ISE supports NetFlow versions earlier than Version 5. If you use NetFlow Version 5 in
your network, then you can use Version 5 only on the primary network access device (NAD) at the access
layer because it will not work anywhere else.
Cisco IOS NetFlow Version 5 packets do not contain MAC addresses of endpoints. The attributes that are
collected from NetFlow Version 5 cannot be directly added to the Cisco ISE database. You can discover
endpoints by using their IP addresses, and append the NetFlow Version 5 attributes to endpoints, which can
be done by combining IP addresses of the network access devices and IP addresses obtained from the NetFlow
Version 5 attributes. However, these endpoints must have been previously discovered with the RADIUS or
SNMP probe.
The MAC address is not a part of IP flows in earlier versions of NetFlow Version 5, which requires you to
profile endpoints with their IP addresses by correlating the attributes information collected from the network
access devices in the endpoints cache.
For more information on the NetFlow Version 5 Record Format, see Table 2, “Cisco IOS NetFlow Flow
Record and Export Format Content Information” of the NetFlow Services Solutions Guide.

DHCP Probe
The Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol probe in your Cisco ISE deployment allows the Cisco ISE profiling
service to reprofile endpoints based only on new requests of INIT-REBOOT and SELECTING message types.
Though other DHCP message types such as RENEWING and REBINDING are processed, they are not used
for profiling endpoints. Any attribute parsed out of DHCP packets is mapped to endpoint attributes.

DHCPREQUEST Message Generated During INIT-REBOOT State

If the DHCP client checks to verify a previously allocated and cached configuration, then the client must not
fill in the Server identifier (server-ip) option. Instead it should fill in the Requested IP address (requested-ip)
option with the previously assigned IP address, and fill in the Client IP Address (ciaddr) field with zero in its
DHCPREQUEST message. The DHCP server will then send a DHCPNAK message to the client if the
Requested IP address is incorrect or the client is located in the wrong network.

DHCPREQUEST Message Generated During SELECTING State

The DHCP client inserts the IP address of the selected DHCP server in the Server identifier (server-ip) option,
fills in the Requested IP address (requested-ip) option with the value of the Your IP Address (yiaddr) field
from the chosen DHCPOFFER by the client, and fills in the “ciaddr” field with zero.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Wireless LAN Controller Configuration in DHCP Bridging Mode

Table 89: DHCP Client Messages from Different States


broadcast/unicast broadcast broadcast unicast broadcast



ciaddr zero zero IP address IP address

Wireless LAN Controller Configuration in DHCP Bridging Mode

We recommend that you configure wireless LAN controllers (WLCs) in Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol
(DHCP) bridging mode, where you can forward all the DHCP packets from the wireless clients to Cisco ISE.
You must uncheck the Enable DHCP Proxy check box available in the WLC web interface: Controller >
Advanced > DHCP Master Controller Mode > DHCP Parameters. You must also ensure that the DHCP
IP helper command points to the Cisco ISE Policy Service node.


The DHCP Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) probe, when initialized in a Cisco ISE node, listens to network
traffic, which are coming from network access devices on a specific interface. You need to configure network
access devices to forward DHCP SPAN packets to the Cisco ISE profiler from the DHCP servers. The profiler
receives these DHCP SPAN packets and parses them to capture the attributes of an endpoint, which can be
used for profiling endpoints.
For example,

switch(config)# monitor session 1 source interface Gi1/0/4

switch(config)# monitor session 1 destination interface Gi1/0/2

HTTP Probe
In HTTP probe, the identification string is transmitted in an HTTP request-header field User-Agent, which
is an attribute that can be used to create a profiling condition of IP type, and to check the web browser
information. The profiler captures the web browser information from the User-Agent attribute along with
other HTTP attributes from the request messages, and adds them to the list of endpoint attributes.
Cisco ISE listens to communication from the web browsers on both port 80 and port 8080. Cisco ISE provides
many default profiles, which are built in to the system to identify endpoints based on the User-Agent attribute.
HTTP probe is enabled by default. Multiple ISE services such as CWA, Hotspot, BYOD, MDM, and Posture
rely on URL-redirection of the client's web browser. The redirected traffic includes the RADIUS session ID
of the connected endpoint. When a PSN terminates these URL-redirected flows, it has visibility into the
decrypted HTTPS data. Even when the HTTP probe is disabled on the PSN, the node will parse the browser
user agent string from the web traffic and correlate the data to the endpoint based on its associated session
ID. When browser strings are collected through this method, the source of the data is listed as Guest Portal
or CP (Client Provisioning) rather than HTTP Probe.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility


The HTTP probe in your Cisco ISE deployment, when enabled with the Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN)
probe, allows the profiler to capture HTTP packets from the specified interfaces. You can use the SPAN
capability on port 80, where the Cisco ISE server listens to communication from the web browsers.
HTTP SPAN collects HTTP attributes of an HTTP request-header message along with the IP addresses in the
IP header (L3 header), which can be associated to an endpoint based on the MAC address of an endpoint in
the L2 header. This information is useful for identifying different mobile and portable IP-enabled devices
such as Apple devices, and computers with different operating systems. Identifying different mobile and
portable IP-enabled devices is made more reliable because the Cisco ISE server redirects captures during a
guest login or client provisioning download. This allows the profiler to collect the User-Agent attribute and
other HTTP attributes, from the request messages and then identify devices such as Apple devices.

Unable to Collect HTTP Attributes in Cisco ISE Running on VMware

If you deploy Cisco ISE on an ESX server (VMware), the Cisco ISE profiler collects the Dynamic Host
Configuration Protocol traffic but does not collect the HTTP traffic due to configuration issues on the vSphere
client. To collect HTTP traffic on a VMware setup, configure the security settings by changing the Promiscuous
Mode to Accept from Reject (by default) of the virtual switch that you create for the Cisco ISE profiler. When
the Switched Port Analyzer (SPAN) probe for DHCP and HTTP is enabled, Cisco ISE profiler collects both
the DHCP and HTTP traffic.

pxGrid Probe
The pxGrid probe leverages Cisco pxGrid for receiving endpoint context from external sources. Prior to Cisco
ISE 2.4, Cisco ISE served only as a publisher and shared various context information such as session identity
and group information as well as configuration elements to external subscribers. With the introduction of the
pxGrid probe in Cisco ISE 2.4, other solutions serve as the publishers and Cisco ISE Policy Service nodes
become the subscribers.
The pxGrid probe is based on pxGrid v2 specification using the Endpoint Asset topic
/topic/ with Service Name The following table displays
the topic attributes all of which are preceded by the prefix asset.

Table 90: Endpoint Asset Topic

Attribute Name Type Description

assetId Long Asset ID
assetName String Asset name
assetIpAddress String IP address
assetMacAddress String MAC address
assetVendor String Manufacturer
assetProductId String Product Code
assetSerialNumber String Serial Number
assetDeviceType String Device Type
assetSwRevision String S/W Revision number

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility

assetHwRevision String H/W Revision number

assetProtocol String Protocol
assetConnectedLinks Array Array of Network Link objects
assetCustomAttributes Array Array of Custom name-value pairs

In addition to the attributes commonly used to track networked assets such as device MAC address
(assetMacAddress) and IP address (assetIpAddress), the topic allows vendors to publish unique endpoint
information as Custom Attributes (assetCustomAttributes). The use of Endpoint Custom Attributes in Cisco
ISE makes the topic extensible to a variety of use cases without requiring schema updates for each new set
of unique vendor attributes shared over pxGrid.

You can configure Cisco ISE for authentication with RADIUS, where you can define a shared secret that you
can use in client-server transactions. With the RADIUS request and response messages that are received from
the RADIUS servers, the profiler can collect RADIUS attributes, which can be used for profiling endpoints.
Cisco ISE can function as a RADIUS server, and a RADIUS proxy client to other RADIUS servers. When it
acts as a proxy client, it uses external RADIUS servers to process RADIUS requests and response messages.
The RADIUS probe also collects attributes sent in RADIUS accounting packets by device sensors. For more
information, see Attributes Collection from IOS Sensor Embedded Switches, on page 629 and Configuration
Checklist for IOS Sensor-Enabled Network Access Devices, on page 630.
The RADIUS probe is running by default, even for systems not configured for Profiling Service to ensure
ISE can track endpoint authentication and authorization details for use in Context Visibility Services. The
RADIUS probe and Profiling Services are also used to track the creation and update times for registered
endpoints for purposes of purge operations.

Table 91: Common attributes collected using the RADIUS probe.

User-Name Calling-Station-Id Called-Station-Id Framed-IP-Address

NAS-IP-Address NAS-Port-Type NAS-Port-Id NAS-Identifier

Device Type (NAD) Location (NAD) Authentication Policy Authorization Policy

Note When an accounting stop is received, it triggers the Cisco ISE to reprofile the corresponding endpoint if it
was originally profiled with an IP address. Therefore if you have custom profiles for endpoints profiled with
IP addresses, the only way to meet the total certainty factor for these profiles is to match on the corresponding
IP address.

Network Scan (NMAP) Probe

Cisco ISE enables you to detect devices in a subnet by using the NMAP security scanner. You enable the
NMAP probe on the Policy Service node that is enabled to run the profiling service. You use the results from
that probe in an endpoint profiling policy.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
SNMP Read Only Community Strings for NMAP Manual Subnet Scan

Each NMAP manual subnet scan has a unique numeric ID that is used to update an endpoint source information
with that scan ID. Upon detection of endpoints, the endpoint source information can also be updated to indicate
that it is discovered by the Network Scan probe.
The NMAP manual subnet scan is useful for detecting devices such as printers with a static IP address assigned
to them that are connected constantly to the Cisco ISE network, and therefore these devices cannot be discovered
by other probes.

NMAP Scan Limitations

Scanning a subnet is highly resource intensive. Scanning a subnet is lengthy process that depends on the size
and density of the subnet. Number of active scans is always restricted to one scan, which means that you can
scan only a single subnet at a time. You can cancel a subnet scan at any time while the subnet scan is in
progress. You can use the Click to see latest scan results link to view the most recent network scan results
that are stored in Work Centers > Profiler > Manual Scans > Manual NMAP Scan Results.

Manual NMAP Scan

The following NMAP command scans a subnet and sends the output to nmapSubnet.log:
nmap -O -sU -p U:161,162 -oN /opt/CSCOcpm/logs/nmapSubnet.log
--append-output -oX - <subnet>

Table 92: NMAP Commands for a Manual Subnet Scan

-O Enables OS detection
-sU UDP scan
-p <port ranges> Scans only specified ports. For example, U:161, 162
oN Normal output
oX XML output

SNMP Read Only Community Strings for NMAP Manual Subnet Scan
The NMAP manual subnet scan is augmented with an SNMP Query whenever the scan discovers that UDP
port 161 is open on an endpoint that results in more attributes being collected. During the NMAP manual
subnet scan, the Network Scan probe detects whether SNMP port 161 is open on the device. If the port is
open, an SNMP Query is triggered with a default community string (public) with SNMP version 2c.
If the device supports SNMP and the default Read Only community string is set to public, you can obtain the
MAC address of the device from the MIB value “ifPhysAddress”.
In addition, you can configure additional SNMP Read Only community strings separated by a comma for the
NMAP manual network scan in the Profiler Configuration window. You can also specify new Read Only
community strings for an SNMP MIB walk with SNMP versions 1 and 2c. For information on configuring
SNMP Read Only community strings, see Setup CoA, SNMP RO Community, and Endpoint Attribute Filter,
on page 623.

Manual NMAP Scan Results

The most recent network scan results are stored in Work Centers > Profiler > Manual Scans > Manual NMAP
Scan Results. The Manaul NMAP Scan Results page displays only the most recent endpoints that are detected,
along with their associated endpoint profiles, their MAC addresses, and their static assignment status as the

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
DNS Probe

result of a manual network scan you perform on any subnet. This page allows you to edit points that are
detected from the endpoint subnet for better classification, if required.
Cisco ISE allows you to perform the manual network scan from the Policy Service nodes that are enabled to
run the profiling service. You must choose the Policy Service node from the primary Administration ISE node
user interface in your deployment to run the manual network scan from the Policy Service node. During the
manual network scan on any subnet, the Network Scan probe detects endpoints on the specified subnet, their
operating systems, and check UDP ports 161 and 162 for an SNMP service.
Given below is additional information related to the manual NMAP scan results:
• To detect unknown endpoints, NMAP should be able to learn the IP/MAC binding via NMAP or a
supporting SNMP scan.
• ISE learns IP/MAC binding of known endpoints via Radius authentication or DHCP profiling.
• The IP/MAC bindings are not replicated across PSN nodes in a deployment. Therefore, you must trigger
the manual scan from the PSN, which has the IP/MAC binding in its local database (for example, the
PSN against which a mac address was last authenticated with).
• The NMAP scan results do not display any information related to an endpoint that NMAP had previously
scanned, manually or automatically.

DNS Probe
The Domain Name Service (DNS) probe in your Cisco ISE deployment allows the profiler to lookup an
endpoint and get the fully qualified domain name (FQDN). After an endpoint is detected in your Cisco
ISE-enabled network, a list of endpoint attributes is collected from the NetFlow, DHCP, DHCP SPAN, HTTP,
RADIUS, or SNMP probes.
When you deploy Cisco ISE in a standalone or in a distributed environment for the first time, you are prompted
to run the setup utility to configure the Cisco ISE appliance. When you run the setup utility, you will configure
the Domain Name System (DNS) domain and the primary nameserver (primary DNS server), where you can
configure one or more nameservers during setup. You can also change or add DNS nameservers later after
deploying Cisco ISE using the CLI commands.


Before a DNS lookup can be performed, one of the following probes must be started along with the DNS
probe: DHCP, DHCP SPAN, HTTP, RADIUS, or SNMP. This allows the DNS probe in the profiler to do a
reverse DNS lookup (FQDN lookup) against specified name servers that you define in your Cisco ISE
deployment. A new attribute is added to the attribute list for an endpoint, which can be used for an endpoint
profiling policy evaluation. The FQDN is the new attribute that exists in the system IP dictionary. You can
create an endpoint profiling condition to validate the FQDN attribute and its value for profiling. The following
are the specific endpoint attributes that are required for a DNS lookup and the probe that collects these
• The dhcp-requested-address attribute—An attribute collected by the DHCP and DHCP SPAN probes.
• The SourceIP attribute—An attribute collected by the HTTP probe
• The Framed-IP-Address attribute—An attribute collected by the RADIUS probe
• The cdpCacheAddress attribute—An attribute collected by the SNMP probe

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Configure Call Station ID Type in the WLC Web Interface

Configure Call Station ID Type in the WLC Web Interface

You can use the WLC web interface to configure Call Station ID Type information. You can go to the Security
tab of the WLC web interface to configure the calling station ID in the RADIUS Authentication Servers page.
The MAC Delimiter field is set to Colon by default in the WLC user interface.
For more information on how to configure in the WLC web interface, see Chapter 6, “Configuring Security
Solutions” in the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Configuration Guide, Release 7.2.
For more information on how to configure in the WLC CLI using the config radius callStationIdType command,
see Chapter 2, “Controller Commands” in the Cisco Wireless LAN Controller Command Reference Guide,
Release 7.2.

Step 1 Log in to your Wireless LAN Controller user interface.

Step 2 Click Security.
Step 3 Expand AAA, and then choose RADIUS > Authentication.
Step 4 Choose System MAC Address from the Call Station ID Type drop-down list.
Step 5 Choose Colon from the MAC Delimeter drop-down list.

SNMP Query Probe

In addition to configuring the SNMP Query probe in the Edit Node page, you must configure other Simple
Management Protocol settings in the following location: Administration > Network Resources > Network
You can configure SNMP settings in the new network access devices (NADs) in the Network Devices list
page. The polling interval that you specify in the SNMP query probe or in the SNMP settings in the network
access devices query NADs at regular intervals.
You can turn on and turn off SNMP querying for specific NADs based on the following configurations:
• SNMP query on Link up and New MAC notification turned on or turned off
• SNMP query on Link up and New MAC notification turned on or turned off for Cisco Discovery Protocol
• SNMP query timer for once an hour for each switch by default

For an iDevice, and other mobile devices that do not support SNMP, the MAC address can be discovered by
the ARP table, which can be queried from the network access device by an SNMP Query probe.

Cisco Discovery Protocol Support with SNMP Query

When you configure SNMP settings on the network devices, you must ensure that the Cisco Discovery Protocol
is enabled (by default) on all the ports of the network devices. If you disable the Cisco Discovery Protocol
on any of the ports on the network devices, then you may not be able to profile properly because you will
miss the Cisco Discovery Protocol information of all the connected endpoints. You can enable the Cisco
Discovery Protocol globally by using the cdp run command on a network device, and enable the Cisco
Discovery Protocol by using the cdp enable command on any interface of the network access device. To
disable the Cisco Discovery Protocol on the network device and on the interface, use the no keyword at the
beginning of the commands.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Link Layer Discovery Protocol Support with SNMP Query

Link Layer Discovery Protocol Support with SNMP Query

The Cisco ISE profiler uses an SNMP Query to collect LLDP attributes. You can also collect LLDP attributes
from a Cisco IOS sensor, which is embedded in the network device, by using the RADIUS probe. The following
are the default LLDP configuration settings that you can use to configure LLDP global configuration and
LLDP interface configuration commands on the network access devices.

Table 93: Default LLDP Configuration

Attribute Setting
LLDP global state Disabled
LLDP holdtime (before discarding) 120 seconds
LLDP timer (packet update frequency) 30 seconds
LLDP reinitialization delay 2 seconds
LLDP tlv-select Enabled to send and receive all TLVs.
LLDP interface state Enabled
LLDP receive Enabled
LLDP transmit Enabled
LLDP med-tlv-select Enabled to send all LLDP-MED TLVs

CDP and LLDP Capability Codes Displayed in a Single Character

The Attribute List of an endpoint displays a single character value for the lldpCacheCapabilities and
lldpCapabilitiesMapSupported attributes. The values are the Capability Codes that are displayed for the
network access device that runs CDP and LLDP.

Example 1

lldpCacheCapabilities S
lldpCapabilitiesMapSupported S

Example 2

lldpCacheCapabilities B;T
lldpCapabilitiesMapSupported B;T

Example 3

Switch#show cdp neighbors

Capability Codes:
R - Router, T - Trans Bridge, B - Source Route Bridge, S - Switch, H - Host, I - IGMP,
r - Repeater, P - Phone, D - Remote, C - CVTA, M - Two-port Mac Relay

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
SNMP Trap Probe

Switch#show lldp neighbors

Capability codes:
(R) Router, (B) Bridge, (T) Telephone, (C) DOCSIS Cable Device
(W) WLAN Access Point, (P) Repeater, (S) Station, (O) Other

SNMP Trap Probe

The SNMP Trap receives information from the specific network access devices that support MAC notification,
linkup, linkdown, and informs. The SNMP Trap probe receives information from the specific network access
devices when ports come up or go down and endpoints disconnect from or connect to your network.
For SNMP Trap to be fully functional and create endpoints, you must enable SNMP Query so that the SNMP
Query probe triggers a poll event on the particular port of the network access device when a trap is received.
To make this feature fully functional, you should configure the network access device and SNMP Trap.

Note Cisco ISE does not support SNMP Traps that are received from the Wireless LAN Controllers (WLCs) and
Access Points (APs).

Active Directory Probe

The Active Directory (AD) probe:
• Improves the fidelity of OS information for Windows endpoints. Microsoft AD tracks detailed OS
information for AD-joined computers including version and service pack levels. The AD probe retrieves
this information directly using the AD Runtime connector to provide a highly reliable source of client
OS information.
• Helps distinguish between corporate and non-corporate assets. A basic but important attribute available
to the AD probe is whether an endpoint exists in AD. This information can be used to classify an endpoint
contained in the AD as a managed device or corporate asset.

You can enable the AD probe under Administration > System > Deployment > Profiling Configuration.
When this probe is enabled, Cisco ISE fetches the AD attributes for a new endpoint as soon as it receives a
hostname. The hostname is typically learned from the DHCP or DNS probes. Once successfully retrieved,
ISE does not attempt to query AD again for the same endpoint until a the rescan timer expires. This is to limit
the load on AD for attribute queries. The rescan timer is configurable in the Days Before Rescan field
(Administration > System > Deployment > Profiling Configuration > Active Directory). If there is
additional profiling activity on the endpoint, the AD is queried again.
The following AD probe attributes can be matched in the Policy > Policy Elements > Profiling using the
ACTIVEDIRECTORY condition. AD attributes collected using the AD Probe appear with the prefix “AD”
in the endpoint details on the Context Visibility > Endpoints window.
• AD-Host-Exists
• AD-Join-Point
• AD-Operating-System
• AD-OS-Version

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Configure Probes per Cisco ISE Node

• AD-Service-Pack

Configure Probes per Cisco ISE Node

You can configure one or more probes on the Profiling Configuration tab per Cisco ISE node in your deployment
that assumes the Policy Service persona, which could be:
• A standalone node: If you have deployed Cisco ISE on a single node that assumes all Administration,
Monitoring, and Policy Service personas by default.
• Multiple nodes: If you have registered more than one node in your deployment that assume Policy Service

Note Not all probes are enabled by default. Some probes are partially enabled even when they are not explicitly
enabled by a check mark. The profiling configuration is currently unique to each PSN. We recommend that
each PSN in the deployment should be configured with identical profiler configuration settings.

Before you begin

You can configure the probes per Cisco ISE node only from the Administration node, which is unavailable
on the secondary Administration node in a distributed deployment.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 2 Choose a Cisco ISE node that assumes the Policy Service persona.
Step 3 Click Edit in the Deployment Nodes page.
Step 4 On the General Settings tab, check the Policy Service check box. If the Policy Service check box is unchecked, both
the session services and the profiling service check boxes are disabled.
Step 5 Check the Enable Profiling Services check box.
Step 6 Click the Profiling Configuration tab.
Step 7 Configure the values for each probe.
Step 8 Click Save to save the probe configuration.

Setup CoA, SNMP RO Community, and Endpoint Attribute Filter

Cisco ISE allows a global configuration to issue a Change of Authorization (CoA) in the Profiler Configuration
page that enables the profiling service with more control over endpoints that are already authenticated.
In addition, you can configure additional SNMP Read Only community strings separated by a comma for the
NMAP manual network scan in the Profiler Configuration page. The SNMP RO community strings are used
in the same order as they appear in the Current custom SNMP community strings field.
You can also configure endpoint attribute filtering in the Profiler Configuration page.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Global Configuration of Change of Authorization for Authenticated Endpoints

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Settings > Profiling.

Step 2 Choose one of the following settings to configure the CoA type:
• No CoA (default)—You can use this option to disable the global configuration of CoA. This setting overrides any
configured CoA per endpoint profiling policy. If the goal is only visibilibility, retain the default value as No CoA.
• Port Bounce—You can use this option, if the switch port exists with only one session. If the port exists with multiple
sessions, then use the Reauth option. If the goal is to immediately update the access policy based on profile changes,
select the Port Bounce option, this will ensure that any clientless endpoints is reauthorized, and IP address is
refreshed, if required.
• Reauth—You can use this option to enforce reauthentication of an already authenticated endpoint when it is profiled.
Select the Reauth option, if no VLAN or address change is expected following the reauthorization of the current
Note If you have multiple active sessions on a single port, the profiling service issues a CoA with the Reauth
option even though you have configured CoA with the Port Bounce option. This function avoids
disconnecting other sessions, a situation that might occur with the Port Bounce option.

Step 3 Enter new SNMP community strings separated by a comma for the NMAP manual network scan in the Change Custom
SNMP Community Strings field, and re-enter the strings in the Confirm Custom SNMP Community Strings field
for confirmation.
The default SNMP community string used is public. Click Show in the Current Custom SNMP Community Strings
section to verify this.

Step 4 Check the Endpoint Attribute Filter check box to enable endpoint attribute filtering.
On enabling the EndPoint Attribute Filter, the Cisco ISE profiler only keeps significant attributes and discards all other
attributes. For more information, see Global Setting to Filter Endpoint Attributes, on page 627 and Attribute Filters for
ISE Database Persistence and Performance, on page 627 sections. As a best practice, we recommend you to enable
Endpoint Attribute Filter in production deployments.

Step 5 Check the Enable Probe Data Publisher check box if you want Cisco ISE to publish endpoint probe data to pxGrid
subscribers that need this data to classify endpoints onboarding on ISE. The pxGrid subscriber can pull the endpoint
records from Cisco ISE using bulk download during initial deployment phase. Cisco ISE sends the endpoint records to
the pxGrid subscriber whenever they are updated in PAN. This option is disabled by default.
When you enable this option, ensure that the pxGrid persona is enabled in your deployment.

Step 6 Click Save.

Global Configuration of Change of Authorization for Authenticated Endpoints

You can use the global configuration feature to disable change of authorization (CoA) by using the default
No CoA option or enable CoA by using port bounce and reauthentication options. If you have configured Port
Bounce for CoA in Cisco ISE, the profiling service may still issue other CoAs as described in the “CoA
Exemptions” section.
The global configuration chosen dictates the default CoA behavior only in the absense of more specific settings.
See Change of Authorization Configuration per Endpoint Profiling Policy, on page 656.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Use Cases for Issuing Change of Authorization

You can use the RADIUS probe or the Monitoring persona REST API to authenticate the endpoints. You can
enable the RADIUS probe, which allows faster performance. If you have enabled CoA, then we recommend
that you enable the RADIUS probe in conjunction with your CoA configuration in the Cisco ISE application
for faster performance. The profiling service can then issue an appropriate CoA for endpoints by using the
RADIUS attributes that are collected.
If you have disabled the RADIUS probe in the Cisco ISE application, then you can rely on the Monitoring
persona REST API to issue CoAs. This allows the profiling service to support a wider range of endpoints. In
a distributed deployment, your network must have at least one Cisco ISE node that assumes the Monitoring
persona to rely on the Monitoring persona REST API to issue a CoA.
Cisco ISE arbitrarily will designate either the primary or secondary Monitoring node as the default destination
for REST queries in your distributed deployment, because both the primary and secondary Monitoring nodes
have identical session directory information.

Use Cases for Issuing Change of Authorization

The profiling service issues the change of authorization in the following cases:
• Endpoint deleted: When an endpoint is deleted from the Endpoints page and the endpoint is disconnected
or removed from the network.
• An exception action is configured: If you have an exception action configured per profile that leads to
an unusual or an unacceptable event from that endpoint. The profiling service moves the endpoint to the
corresponding static profile by issuing a CoA.
• An endpoint is profiled for the first time: When an endpoint is not statically assigned and profiled for
the first time; for example, the profile changes from an unknown to a known profile.
• An endpoint identity group has changed: When an endpoint is added or removed from an endpoint
identity group that is used by an authorization policy.
The profiling service issues a CoA when there is any change in an endpoint identity group, and the
endpoint identity group is used in the authorization policy for the following:
• The endpoint identity group changes for endpoints when they are dynamically profiled
• The endpoint identity group changes when the static assignment flag is set to true for a dynamic

• An endpoint profiling policy has changed and the policy is used in an authorization policy: When an
endpoint profiling policy changes, and the policy is included in a logical profile that is used in an
authorization policy. The endpoint profiling policy may change due to the profiling policy match or when
an endpoint is statically assigned to an endpoint profiling policy, which is associated to a logical profile.
In both the cases, the profiling service issues a CoA, only when the endpoint profiling policy is used in
an authorization policy.

Exemptions for Issuing a Change of Authorization

The profiling service does not issue a CoA when there is a change in an endpoint identity group and the static
assignment is already true.
Cisco ISE does not issue a CoA for the following reasons:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Change of Authorization Issued for Each Type of CoA Configuration

• An Endpoint disconnected from the network—When an endpoint disconnected from your network is
• Authenticated wired (Extensible Authentication Protocol) EAP-capable endpoint—When an authenticated
wired EAP-capable endpoint is discovered.
• Multiple active sessions per port—When you have multiple active sessions on a single port, the profiling
service issues a CoA with the Reauth option even though you have configured CoA with the Port Bounce
• Packet-of-Disconnect CoA (Terminate Session) when a wireless endpoint is detected—If an endpoint is
discovered as wireless, then a Packet-of-Disconnect CoA (Terminate-Session) is issued instead of the
Port Bounce CoA. The benefit of this change is to support the Wireless LAN Controller (WLC) CoA.
• Profiler CoA is suppressed when the Suppress Profiler CoA for endpoints in Logical Profile option
is used for the configured logical profile in the Authorization Profile. Profiler CoA will be triggered for
all other endpoints by default.
• Global No CoA Setting overrides Policy CoA—Global No CoA overrides all configuration settings in
endpoint profiling policies as there is no CoA issued in Cisco ISE irrespective of CoA configured per
endpoint profiling policy.

Note No CoA and Reauth CoA configurations are not affected, and the profiler service
applies the same CoA configuration for wired and wireless endpoints.

Change of Authorization Issued for Each Type of CoA Configuration

Table 94: Change of Authorization Issued for Each Type of CoA Configuration

Scenarios No CoA Port Bounce Reauth Additional

Configuration Configuration Configuration Information

Global CoA No CoA Port Bounce Reauthentication —

configuration in
Cisco ISE (typical

An endpoint is No CoA No CoA No CoA Change of

disconnected on authorization is
your network determined by the
RADIUS attribute
Acct-Status -Type
value Stop.

Wired with multiple No CoA Reauthentication Reauthentication Reauthentication

active sessions on avoids disconnecting
the same switch port other sessions.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Attribute Filters for ISE Database Persistence and Performance

Scenarios No CoA Port Bounce Reauth Additional

Configuration Configuration Configuration Information

Wireless endpoint No CoA Packet-of-Disconnect Reauthentication Support to Wireless

CoA (Terminate LAN Controller.

Incomplete CoA No CoA No CoA No CoA Due to missing

data RADIUS attributes.

Attribute Filters for ISE Database Persistence and Performance

Cisco ISE implements filters for Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (both DHCP Helper and DHCP SPAN),
HTTP, RADIUS, and Simple Network Management Protocol probes except for the NetFlow probe to address
performance degradation. Each probe filter contains the list of attributes that are temporal and irrelevant for
endpoint profiling and removes those attributes from the attributes collected by the probes.
The isebootstrap log (isebootstrap-yyyymmdd-xxxxxx.log) contains messages that handles the creation of
dictionaries and with filtering of attributes from the dictionaries. You can also configure to log a debug message
when endpoints go through the filtering phase to indicate that filtering has occurred.
The Cisco ISE profiler invokes the following endpoint attribute filters:
• A DHCP filter for both the DHCP Helper and DHCP SPAN contains all the attributes that are not
necessary and they are removed after parsing DHCP packets. The attributes after filtering are merged
with existing attributes in the endpoint cache for an endpoint.
• An HTTP filter is used for filtering attributes from HTTP packets, where there is no significant change
in the set of attributes after filtering.
• A RADIUS filter is used once the syslog parsing is complete and endpoint attributes are merged into the
endpoint cache for profiling.
• SNMP filter for SNMP Query includes separate CDP and LLDP filters, which are all used for
SNMP-Query probe.

Global Setting to Filter Endpoint Attributes

You can reduce the number of persistence events and replication events by reducing the number of endpoint
attributes that do not change frequently at the collection point. Enabling the EndPoint Attribute Filter will
have the Cisco ISE profiler only to keep significant attributes and discard all other attributes. Significant
attributes are those used by the Cisco ISE system or those used specifically in an endpoint profiling policy or
To enable the Endpoint Attribute Filter), see the Setup CoA, SNMP RO Community, and Endpoint Attribute
Filter, on page 623 section.
An allowed list is a set of attributes that are used in custom endpoint profiling policies for profiling endpoints,
and that are essential for Change of Authorization (CoA), Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Device Registration
WebAuth (DRW), and so on to function in Cisco ISE as expected. The allowed list is always used as a criteria
when ownership changes for the endpoint (when attributes are collected by multiple Policy Service nodes)
even when disabled.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Global Setting to Filter Endpoint Attributes

By default, the allowed list is disabled and the attributes are dropped only when the attribute filter is enabled.
The allowed list is dynamically updated when endpoint profiling policies change including from the feed to
include new attributes in the profiling policies. Any attribute that is not present in the allowed list is dropped
immediately at the time of collection, and the attribute is not used for profiling endpoints. When combined
with the buffering, the number of persistence events can be reduced.
You must ensure that the allowed list contains a set of attributes determined from the following two sources:
• A set of attributes that are used in the default profiles so that you can match endpoints to the profiles.
• A set of attributes that are essential for Change of Authorization (CoA), Bring Your Own Device (BYOD),
Device Registration WebAuth (DRW), and so on to function as expected.

Note To add an new attribute to the allowed list, the administrator needs to create a new profiler condiion and policy
that uses the attribute. This new attribute will be automatically added to the allowed list of stored and replicated

Table 95: Allowed Attributes

AAA-Server BYODRegistration

Calling-Station-ID Certificate Expiration Date

Certificate Issue Date Certificate Issuer Name

Certificate Serial Number Description

DestinationIPAddress Device Identifier

Device Name DeviceRegistrationStatus

EndPointPolicy EndPointPolicyID

EndPointProfilerServer EndPointSource

FQDN FirstCollection

Framed-IP-Address IdentityGroup

IdentityGroupID IdentityStoreGUID

IdentityStoreName L4_DST_PORT

LastNmapScanTime MACAddress

MatchedPolicy MatchedPolicyID

NADAddress NAS-IP-Address

NAS-Port-Id NAS-Port-Type

NmapScanCount NmapSubnetScanID

OS Version OUI

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Attributes Collection from IOS Sensor Embedded Switches

PolicyVersion PortalUser

PostureApplicable Product

RegistrationTimeStamp —

StaticAssignment StaticGroupAssignment

TimeToProfile Total Certainty Factor

User-Agent cdpCacheAddress

cdpCacheCapabilities cdpCacheDeviceId

cdpCachePlatform cdpCacheVersion

ciaddr dhcp-class-identifier

dhcp-requested-address host-name

hrDeviceDescr ifIndex

ip lldpCacheCapabilities

lldpCapabilitiesMapSupported lldpSystemDescription

operating-system sysDescr

161-udp —

Attributes Collection from IOS Sensor Embedded Switches

An IOS sensor integration allows Cisco ISE run time and the Cisco ISE profiler to collect any or all of the
attributes that are sent from the switch. You can collect DHCP, CDP, and LLDP attributes directly from the
switch by using the RADIUS protocol. The attributes that are collected for DHCP, CDP, and LLDP are then
parsed and mapped to attributes in the profiler dictionaries in the following location: Policy > Policy Elements >
For information about the supported Catalyst platforms for Device sensors, see

IOS Sensor Embedded Network Access Devices

Integrating IOS sensor embedded network access devices with Cisco ISE involves the following components:
• An IOS sensor
• Data collector that is embedded in the network access device (switch) for gathering DHCP, CDP, and
LLDP data
• Analyzers for processing the data and determining the device-type of endpoints
There are two ways of deploying an analyzer, but they are not expected to be used in conjunction with
each other:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Configuration Checklist for IOS Sensor-Enabled Network Access Devices

• An analyzer can be deployed in Cisco ISE

• Analyzers can be embedded in the switch as the sensor

Configuration Checklist for IOS Sensor-Enabled Network Access Devices

This section summarizes a list of tasks that you must configure in the IOS sensor-enabled switches and Cisco
ISE to collect DHCP, CDP, and LLDP attributes directly from the switch:
• Ensure that the RADIUS probe is enabled in Cisco ISE.
• Ensure that network access devices support an IOS sensor for collecting DHCP, CDP, and LLDP
• Ensure that network access devices run the following CDP and LLDP commands to capture CDP and
LLDP information from endpoints:

cdp enable
lldp run

• Ensure that session accounting is enabled separately by using the standard AAA and RADIUS commands.
For example, use the following commands:

aaa new-model
aaa accounting dot1x default start-stop group radius

radius-server host <ip> auth-port <port> acct-port <port> key <shared-secret>

radius-server vsa send accounting

• Ensure that you run IOS sensor-specific commands.

• Enabling Accounting Augmentation
You must enable the network access devices to add IOS sensor protocol data to the RADIUS
accounting messages and to generate additional accounting events when it detects new sensor
protocol data. This means that any RADIUS accounting message should include all CDP, LLDP,
and DHCP attributes.
Enter the following global command:
device-sensor accounting
• Disabling Accounting Augmentation
To disable (accounting) network access devices and add IOS sensor protocol data to the RADIUS
accounting messages for sessions that are hosted on a given port (if the accounting feature is globally
enabled), enter the following command at the appropriate port:
no device-sensor accounting
• TLV Change Tracking
By default, for each supported peer protocol, client notifications and accounting events are generated
only when an incoming packet includes a type, length, and value (TLV) that has not been received
previously in the context of a given session.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Support for Cisco IND Controllers by the ISE Profiler

You must enable client notifications and accounting events for all TLV changes where there are
either new TLVs, or where previously received TLVs have different values. Enter the following
device-sensor notify all-changes

• Be sure that you disable the IOS Device Classifier (local analyzer) in the network access devices.
Enter the following command:

no macro auto monitor

Note This command prevents network access devices from sending two identical
RADIUS accounting messages per change.

Support for Cisco IND Controllers by the ISE Profiler

Cisco ISE can profile and display the status of devices attached to a Cisco Industrial Network Device (IND).
PxGrid connects Cisco ISE and the Cisco Industrial Network Director to communicate endpoint (IoT) data.
pxGrid on Cisco ISE consumes Cisco IND events, and queries Cisco IND to update endpoint type.
Cisco ISE profiler has dictionary attributes for IoT devices. Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries,
and select IOTASSET from the list of System Dictionaries to see the dictionary attributes.

Guidelines and Recommendations

If you have several ISE nodes configured for profiling, we recommend that you enable pxGrid for Cisco IND
on only one node.
Multiple Cisco IND devices can connect to a single ISE.
If the same endpoint is received from two or more publishers (Cisco IND), Cisco ISE only keeps the last
publisher's data for that endpoint.
Cisco ISE gets Cisco IND data from the service names and
/topic/ pxGrid.

Cisco IND Profiling Process Flow

Cisco IND Asset discovery finds an IoT device and publishes the endpoint data for that device to pxGrid.
Cisco ISE sees the event on pxGrid, and gets the endpoint data. Profiler policies in Cisco ISE assign the device
data to attributes in the ISE profiler dictionary, and applies those attributes to the endpoint in Cisco ISE.
IoT endpoint data which does not meet the existing attributes in Cisco ISE are not saved. But you can create
more attributes in Cisco ISE, and register them with Cisco IND.
Cisco ISE does a bulk download of endpoints when the connection to Cisco IND through pxGrid is first
established. If there is a network failure, Cisco ISE does another bulk download of accumulated endpoint

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Support for Cisco IND Controllers by the ISE Profiler

Configure Cisco ISE and Cisco IND for IND Profiling

Note You must install the Cisco ISE certificate in Cisco IND, and install the Cisco IND certificate in ISE, before
you activate pxGrid in Cisco IND.

1. Choose Administration > Deployment. Edit the PSN that you plan to use as pxGrid consumer, and
enable pxGrid. This PSN is the one that creates endpoints from pxGrid data published by Cisco IND and
2. Choose Administration > pxGrid Services to verify that pxGrid is running. Then click the Certificates
tab, and fill in the certificate fields. Click Create to issue the certificate and download the certificate.
• For I want to, select “Generate a single certificate (without a certificate signing request), Common
Name, and enter a name for the Cisco IND you are connecting with.
• For Certificate Download Format, choose PKS12 format.
• For Certificate Password, create a password.

Note The ISE internal CA must be enabled. If your browser blocks popups, you won’t be able to download the
certificate. Unzip the certificate to make the PEM file available for the next step.

3. In Cisco IND, choose Settings > pxGrid, and click Download .pem IND certificate. Keep
this window open.
4. In Cisco ISE, choose Administration > pxGrid Services > All Clients. When you see the Cisco IND
pxGrid client, approve it.
5. In Cisco IND, move the slider to enable pxGrid. Another screen opens, where you define the location of
the ISE node, the name of the certificate that you entered for this pxGrid server in ISE, and the password
you provided. Click Upload Certificate, and locate the ISE pxGrid PEM file.
6. In ISE, choose Administration > Certificates > Trusted Certificates. Click Import and enter the path
to the certificate you got from Cisco IND.
7. In Cisco IND, click Activate.
8. In Cisco ISE, choose Adminstration > Deployment. Select the PSN you are using for the Cisco IND
connection, select the Profiling window, and enable the pxGrid probe.
9. The pxGrid connection between ISE and Cisco IND is now active. Verify that by displaying the IoT
endpoints that Cisco IND has found.

Add an Attribute for IND Profiling

Cisco IND may return attributes that are not in the ISE dictionary. You can add more attributes to Cisco ISE,
so you can more accurately profile that IoT device. To add a new attribute, you create a custom attribute in
Cisco ISE, and send that attribute to Cisco IND over pxGrid.
1. Choose Administration > Identity Management > Settings, and select Endpoint Custom Attributes.
Create an attribute endpoint attribute.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
ISE Support for MUD

2. You can now use this attribute in a profiler policy to identify assets with the new attribute. Choose Policy >
Profiling, and create a new profiler policy. In the Rules section, create a new rule. When you add an
attribute/value, select the CUSTOMATTRIBUTE folder, and the custom attribute you created.

ISE Support for MUD

Manufacturer Usage Descriptor (MUD) is an IETF standard, which defines a way to on-board IoT devices.
It provides seamless visibility and segmentation automation of IoT devices. MUD has been approved in IETF
process, and released as RFC8520. For more information, see
Cisco ISE, Release 2.6 and later supports identification of IoT devices. Cisco ISE automatically creates
profiling policies and Endpoint Identity Groups. MUD supports profiling IoT devices, creating profiling
policies dynamically, and automating the entire process of creating policies and Endpoint Identity Groups.
Administrators can use these profiling policies to create manually Authorization Policies and Profiles. IoT
devices sending MUD URL in DHCP and LLDP packets are on board, using those profiles and policies.
Cisco ISE performs unsigned classification of IoT devices. Cisco ISE does not store the MUD attributes; the
attributes are only used in the current session. In the Context and Visibility > Endpoints window, you can
filter IoT devices by the Endpoint Profile field.
The following devices support sending MUD data to Cisco ISE:
• Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches running Cisco IOS XE Version 16.9.1 & 16.9.2
• Cisco Catalyst Digital Building Series Switches running Cisco IOS Version 15.2(6)E2
• Cisco Industrial Ethernet 4000 Series Switches running Cisco IOS Version 15.2(6)E2
• Internet of Things (IoT) devices with embedded MUD functionality

Cisco ISE supports the following profiling protocols and profiling probes:
• LLDP and Radius - TLV 127
• DHCP - Option 161

Both fields can be sent to Cisco ISE by IOS Device Sensor.

Configuring ISE for MUD

1. Choose Work Centers > Profiler > Profiler Settings , and check the Enable profiling for MUD check
2. Add the Network Access Device that can send MUD URIs to ISE. To add network devices, choose
Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices.
3. Verify that the MUD-URL connection is working.
a. Choose Context Visibility > Endpoints, and find IoT endpoints that ISE successfully classified. You
can filter IoT devices by the Endpoint profile name, which starts with IOT-MUD.
b. Click the endpoint MAC address of one of the IoT devices, and select the attribute tag. Verify that
there is a mud-url in the list of attributes.
c. Choose Policy > Profiling and filter the list by selecting IOT Created for System Type.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Profiler Conditions

4. Optionally configure debug logging for the new IoT devices.

a. Choose System > Logging > Debug Log Configuration, and select the ISE node that has the MUD
b. Select Debug Log Configuration in the left menu, and then select profiler.

As more IoT devices are classified, all devices of the same category or group with same MUD-URL are
assigned to the same endpoint group. For example, if a Molex light connects, and is classified, a profiler group
is created for that Molex light. As more Molex lights of the same type (with the same MUD-URL) are classified,
they inherit the same classification or endpoint identity group.

Verify MUD Traffic Flow in ISE and the Switch

1. Before turning on the IoT device, either connect port or unshut the interface.
a. Start packet capture at ISE.
b. Start packet capture at switch ports.

2. View the following output on the switch.

a. show device-sensor cache all
b. show access-session
c. show radius statistics

3. Turn on the IoT devices.

4. Repeat the following every minute.
a. show device-sensor cache all
b. show access-session
c. show radius statistics

5. Wait for 3 to 5 minutes for all the devices show up on ISE.

6. Stop both the ISE and switch packet captures.
7. Repeat the following every minute.
a. show device-sensor cache all
b. show access-session
c. show radius statistics

Profiler Conditions
Profiling conditions are policy elements and are similar to other conditions. However unlike authentication,
authorization, and guest conditions, the profiling conditions can be based on a limited number of attributes.
The Profiler Conditions page lists the attributes that are available in Cisco ISE and their description.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Profiling Network Scan Actions

Profiler conditions can be one of the following:

• Cisco Provided: Cisco ISE includes predefined profiling conditions when deployed and they are identified
as Cisco Provided in the Profiler Conditions window. You cannot delete Cisco Provided profiling
You can also find Cisco Provided conditions in the System profiler dictionaries in the following location:
Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > System.
For example, MAC dictionary. For some products, the OUI (Organizationally Unique Identifier) is an
unique attribute that you can use it first for identifying the manufacturing organization of devices. It is
a component of the device MAC address. The MAC dictionary contains the MACAddress and OUI
• Administrator Created: Profiler conditions that you create as an administrator of Cisco ISE or predefined
profiling conditions that are duplicated are identified as Administrator Created. You can create a profiler
condition of DHCP, MAC, SNMP, IP, RADIUS, NetFlow, CDP, LLDP, and NMAP types using the
profiler dictionaries in the Profiler Conditions window.

Although, the recommended upper limit for the number of profiling policies is 1000, you can stretch up to
2000 profiling policies.

Profiling Network Scan Actions

An endpoint scan action is a configurable action that can be referred to in an endpoint profiling policy, and
that is triggered when the conditions that are associated with the network scan action are met.
An endpoint scan is used to scan endpoints in order to limit resources usage in the Cisco ISE system. A network
scan action scans a single endpoint, unlike resource-intensive network scans. It improves the overall
classification of endpoints, and redefines an endpoint profile for an endpoint. Endpoint scans can be processed
only one at a time.
You can associate a single network scan action to an endpoint profiling policy. Cisco ISE predefines three
scanning types for a network scan action, which can include one or all three scanning types: for instance, an
OS-scan, an SNMPPortsAndOS-scan, and a CommonPortsAndOS-scan. You cannot edit or delete OS-scan,
SNMPPortsAndOS-scan, and CommonPortsAndOS-scans, which are predefined network scan actions in
Cisco ISE. You can also create a new network scan action of your own.
Once an endpoint is appropriately profiled, the configured network scan action cannot be used against that
endpoint. For example, scanning an Apple-Device allows you to classify the scanned endpoint to an Apple
device. Once an OS-scan determines the operating system that an endpoint is running, it is no longer matched
to an Apple-Device profile, but it is matched to an appropriate profile for an Apple device.

Create a New Network Scan Action

A network scan action that is associated with an endpoint profiling policy scans an endpoint for an operating
system, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) ports, and common ports. Cisco provides network
scan actions for the most common NMAP scans, but you can also create one of your own.
When you create a new network scan, you define the type of information that the NMAP probe will scan for.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
NMAP Operating System Scan

Before you begin

The Network Scan (NMAP) probe must be enabled before you can define a rule to trigger a network scan
action. The procedure for that is described in Configure Probes per Cisco ISE Node.

Step 1 Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Profiling > Network Scan (NMAP) Actions. Alternatively, you
can choose Work Centers > Profiler > Policy Elements > NMAP Scan Actions.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter a name and description for the network scan action that you want to create.
Step 4 Check one or more check boxes when you want to scan an endpoint for the following:
• Scan OS: To scan for an operating system
• Scan SNMP Port: To scan SNMP ports (161, 162)
• Scan Common Port: To scan common ports.
• Scan Custom Ports: To scan custom ports.
• Scan Include Service Version Information: To scan the version information, which may contain detailed description
of the device.
• Run SMB Discovery Script: To scan SMB ports (445 and 139) to retrieve information such as the OS and computer
• Skip NMAP Host Discovery: To skip the initial host discovery stage of the NMAP scan.
Note The Skip NMAP Host Discovery option is selected by default for automatic NMAP scan, however, you
must select it to run manual NMAP scan.

Step 5 Click Submit.

NMAP Operating System Scan

The operating system scan (OS-scan) type scans for an operating system (and OS version) that an endpoint
is running. This is a resource intensive scan.
The NMAP tool has limitations on OS-scan which may cause unreliable results. For example, when scanning
an operating system of network devices such as switches and routers, the NMAP OS-scan may provide an
incorrect operating-system attribute for those devices. Cisco ISE displays the operating-system attribute, even
if the accuracy is not 100%.
You should configure endpoint profiling policies that use the NMAP operating-system attribute in their rules
to have low certainty value conditions (Certainty Factor values). We recommend that whenever you create
an endpoint profiling policy based on the NMAP:operating-system attribute, include an AND condition to
help filter out false results from NMAP.
The following NMAP command scans the operating system when you associate Scan OS with an endpoint
profiling policy:
nmap -sS -O -F -oN /opt/CSCOcpm/logs/nmap.log -append-output -oX - <IP-address>

The following NMAP command scans a subnet and sends the output to nmapSubnet.log:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Operating System Ports

nmap -O -sU -p U:161,162 -oN /opt/CSCOcpm/logs/nmapSubnet.log

--append-output -oX - <subnet>

Table 96: NMAP Commands for a Manual Subnet Scan

-O Enables OS detection
-sU UDP scan
-p <port ranges> Scans only specified ports. For example, U:161, 162
oN Normal output
oX XML output

Operating System Ports

The following table lists the TCP ports that NMAP uses for OS scanning. In addition, NMAP uses ICMP and
UDP port 51824.

1 3 4 6 7 9 13 17 19

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 30 32

33 37 42 43 49 53 70 79 80

81 82 83 84 85 88 89 90 99

100 106 109 110 111 113 119 125 135

139 143 144 146 161 163 179 199 211

212 222 254 255 256 259 264 280 301

306 311 340 366 389 406 407 416 417

425 427 443 444 445 458 464 465 481

497 500 512 513 514 515 524 541 543

544 545 548 554 555 563 587 593 616

617 625 631 636 646 648 666 667 668

683 687 691 700 705 711 714 720 722

726 749 765 777 783 787 800 801 808

843 873 880 888 898 900 901 902 903

911 912 981 987 990 992 993 995 999

1000 1001 1002 1007 1009 1010 1011 1021 1022

1023 1024 1025 1026 1027 1028 1029 1030 1031

1032 1033 1034 1035 1036 1037 1038 1039 1040-1100

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Operating System Ports

1102 1104 1105 1106 1107 1108 1110 1111 1112

1113 1114 1117 1119 1121 1122 1123 1124 1126

1130 1131 1132 1137 1138 1141 1145 1147 1148

1149 1151 1152 1154 1163 1164 1165 1166 1169

1174 1175 1183 1185 1186 1187 1192 1198 1199

1201 1213 1216 1217 1218 1233 1234 1236 1244

1247 1248 1259 1271 1272 1277 1287 1296 1300

1301 1309 1310 1311 1322 1328 1334 1352 1417

1433 1434 1443 1455 1461 1494 1500 1501 1503

1521 1524 1533 1556 1580 1583 1594 1600 1641

1658 1666 1687 1688 1700 1717 1718 1719 1720

1721 1723 1755 1761 1782 1783 1801 1805 1812

1839 1840 1862 1863 1864 1875 1900 1914 1935

1947 1971 1972 1974 1984 1998-2010 2013 2020 2021

2022 2030 2033 2034 2035 2038 2040-2043 2045-2049 2065

2068 2099 2100 2103 2105-2107 2111 2119 2121 2126

2135 2144 2160 2161 2170 2179 2190 2191 2196

2200 2222 2251 2260 2288 2301 2323 2366 2381-2383

2393 2394 2399 2401 2492 2500 2522 2525 2557

2601 2602 2604 2605 2607 2608 2638 2701 2702

2710 2717 2718 2725 2800 2809 2811 2869 2875

2909 2910 2920 2967 2968 2998 3000 3001 3003

3005 3006 3007 3011 3013 3017 3030 3031 3052

3071 3077 3128 3168 3211 3221 3260 3261 3268

3269 3283 3300 3301 3306 3322 3323 3324 3325

3333 3351 3367 3369 3370 3371 3372 3389 3390

3404 3476 3493 3517 3527 3546 3551 3580 3659

3689 3690 3703 3737 3766 3784 3800 3801 3809

3814 3826 3827 3828 3851 3869 3871 3878 3880

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Operating System Ports

3889 3905 3914 3918 3920 3945 3971 3986 3995

3998 4000-4006 4045 4111 4125 4126 4129 4224 4242

4279 4321 4343 4443 4444 4445 4446 4449 4550

4567 4662 4848 4899 4900 4998 5000-5004 5009 5030

5033 5050 5051 5054 5060 5061 5080 5087 5100

5101 5102 5120 5190 5200 5214 5221 5222 5225

5226 5269 5280 5298 5357 5405 5414 5431 5432

5440 5500 5510 5544 5550 5555 5560 5566 5631

5633 5666 5678 5679 5718 5730 5800 5801 5802

5810 5811 5815 5822 5825 5850 5859 5862 5877

5900-5907 5910 5911 5915 5922 5925 5950 5952 5959

5960-5963 5987-5989 5998-6007 6009 6025 6059 6100 6101 6106

6112 6123 6129 6156 6346 6389 6502 6510 6543

6547 6565-6567 6580 6646 6666 6667 6668 6669 6689

6692 6699 6779 6788 6789 6792 6839 6881 6901

6969 7000 7001 7002 7004 7007 7019 7025 7070

7100 7103 7106 7200 7201 7402 7435 7443 7496

7512 7625 7627 7676 7741 7777 7778 7800 7911

7920 7921 7937 7938 7999 8000 8001 8002 8007

8008 8009 8010 8011 8021 8022 8031 8042 8045

8080-8090 8093 8099 8100 8180 8181 8192 8193 8194

8200 8222 8254 8290 8291 8292 8300 8333 8383

8400 8402 8443 8500 8600 8649 8651 8652 8654

8701 8800 8873 8888 8899 8994 9000 9001 9002

9003 9009 9010 9011 9040 9050 9071 9080 9081

9090 9091 9099 9100 9101 9102 9103 9110 9111

9200 9207 9220 9290 9415 9418 9485 9500 9502

9503 9535 9575 9593 9594 9595 9618 9666 9876

9877 9878 9898 9900 9917 9929 9943 9944 9968

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Asset Visibility

9998 9999 10000 10001 10002 10003 10004 10009 10010

10012 10024 10025 10082 10180 10215 10243 10566 10616

10617 10621 10626 10628 10629 10778 11110 11111 11967

12000 12174 12265 12345 13456 13722 13782 13783 14000

14238 14441 14442 15000 15002 15003 15004 15660 15742

16000 16001 16012 16016 16018 16080 16113 16992 16993

17877 17988 18040 18101 18988 19101 19283 19315 19350

19780 19801 19842 20000 20005 20031 20221 20222 20828

21571 22939 23502 24444 24800 25734 25735 26214 27000

27352 27353 27355 27356 27715 28201 30000 30718 30951

31038 31337 32768 32769 32770 32771 32772 32773 32774

32775 32776 32777 32778 32779 32780 32781 32782 32783

32784 32785 33354 33899 34571 34572 34573 34601 35500

36869 38292 40193 40911 41511 42510 44176 44442 44443

44501 45100 48080 49152 49153 49154 49155 49156 49157

49158 49159 49160 49161 49163 49165 49167 49175 49176

49400 49999 50000 50001 50002 50003 50006 50300 50389

50500 50636 50800 51103 51493 52673 52822 52848 52869

54045 54328 55055 55056 55555 55600 56737 56738 57294

57797 58080 60020 60443 61532 61900 62078 63331 64623

64680 65000 65129 65389


The SNMPPortsAndOS-scan type scans an operating system (and OS version) that an endpoint is running
and triggers an SNMP Query when SNMP ports (161 and 162) are open. It can be used for endpoints that are
identified and matched initially with an Unknown profile for better classification.
The following NMAP command scans SNMP ports (UDP 161 and 162) when you associate the Scan SNMP
Port with an endpoint profiling policy:
nmap -sU -p U:161,162 -oN /opt/CSCOcpm/logs/nmap.log --append-output -oX - <IP-address>

Table 97: NMAP Commands for an Endpoint SNMP Port Scan

-sU UDP scan.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
NMAP Common Ports Scan

-p <port-ranges> Scans only specified ports. For example, scans UDP

ports 161 and 16.2
oN Normal output.
oX XML output.
IP-address IP-address of an endpoint that is scanned.

NMAP Common Ports Scan

The CommonPortsAndOS-scan type scans an operating system (and OS version) that an endpoint is running
and common ports (TCP and UDP), but not SNMP ports. The following NMAP command scans common
ports when you associate Scan Common Port with an endpoint profiling policy:nmap -sTU -p
-oN /opt/CSCOcpm/logs/nmap.log --append-output -oX - <IP address>

Table 98: NMAP Commands for an Endpoint Common Ports Scan

-sTU Both TCP connect scan and UDP scan.

-p <port ranges> Scans TCP ports: 21,22,23,25,53,80,110,135,139,143,
443,445,3306,3389,8080 and UDP ports:
oN Normal output.
oX XML output.
IP address IP address of an endpoint that is scanned.

Common Ports
The following table lists the common ports that NMAP uses for scanning.

Table 99: Common Ports

TCP Ports UDP Ports

Ports Service Ports Service
21/tcp ftp 53/udp domain
22/tcp ssh 67/udp dhcps
23/tcp telnet 68/udp dhcpc
25/tcp smtp 123/udp ntp
53/tcp domain 135/udp msrpc
80/tcp http 137/udp netbios-ns
110/tcp pop3 138/udp netbios-dgm
135/tcp msrpc 139/udp netbios-ssn
139/tcp netbios-ssn 161/udp snmp

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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NMAP Custom Ports Scan

TCP Ports UDP Ports

Ports Service Ports Service
143/tcp imap 445/udp microsoft-ds
443/tcp https 500/udp isakmp
445/tcp microsoft-ds 520/udp route
3389/tcp ms-term-serv 1434/udp ms-sql-m
8080/tcp http-proxy 1900/udp upnp

NMAP Custom Ports Scan

In addition to the common ports, you can use custom ports (Work Centers > Profiler > Policy Elements >
NMAP Scan Actions or Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Profiling > Network Scan (NMAP) Actions)
to specify automatic and manual NMAP scan actions. NMAP probes collect the attributes from endpoints via
the specified custom ports that are open. These attributes are updated in the endpoint's attribute list in the ISE
Identities page (Work Centers > Network Access > Identities > Endpoints). You can specify up to 10 UDP
and 10 TCP ports for each scan action. You cannot use the same port numbers that you have specified as
common ports. See Configure Profiler Policies Using the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator for more information.

NMAP Include Service Version Information Scan

The Include Service Version Information NMAP probe automatically scans the endpoints to better classify
them, by collecting information about services running on the device. The service version option can be
combined with common ports or custom ports.
CLI Command: nmap -sV -p T:8083

Port State Service Version

8083/tcp open http McAfee ePolicy

Orchestrator Agent

NMAP SMB Discovery Scan

NMAP SMB Discovery scan helps differentiate the Windows versions, and results in a better endpoint profiling.
You can configure the NMAP scan action to run the SMB discovery script that is provided by NMAP.
The NMAP scan action is incorporated within the windows default policies and when the endpoint matches
the policy and the scanning rule, the endpoint is scanned and the result helps to determine the exact windows
version. The policy will be then configured on the feed service and new pre-defined NMAP scan is created
with the SMB discovery option.

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SMB Discovery Attributes

The NMAP scan action is invoked by the Microsoft-Workstation policies and the result of the scan is saved
on the endpoint under the operating system attribute and leveraged to the Windows policies. You can also
find the SMB Discovery script option in the manual scan on the subnet.

Note For SMB discovery, be sure to enable the Windows file sharing option in the endpoint.

SMB Discovery Attributes

When the SMB discovery script is executed on the endpoint, new SMB discovery attributes, such as
SMB.Operating-system, are added to the endpoint. These attributes are considered for updating the Windows
endpoint profiling policies on the feed service. When a SMB discovery script is run, the SMB discovery
attribute is prefixed with SMB, such as SMB.operating-system, SMB.lanmanager, SMB.server, SMB.fqdn,
SMB.domain, SMB.workgroup, and SMB.cpe.

Skip NMAP Host Discovery

Scanning every port of every single IP address is a time-consuming process. Depending on the purpose of the
scan, you can skip the NMAP host discovery of active endpoints.
If a NMAP scan is triggered after the classification of an endpoint, the profiler always skips the host discovery
of the endpoint. However, if a manual scan action is triggered after enabling the Skip NMAP Host Discovery
Scan, then host discovery is skipped.

NMAP Scan Workflow

Steps to be followed to perform a NMAP scan:

Before you begin

In order to run NMAP SMB discovery script, you must enable the file sharing in your system. Refer to the
Enable File Sharing to Run NMAP SMB Discovery Script topic for an example.

Step 1 Create an SMB Scan Action.

Step 2 Configure the Profiler Policy Using the SMB Scan Action.
Step 3 Add a New Condition Using the SMB Attribute.

Create an SMB Scan Action

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Profiling > Network
Scan (NMAP) Actions.
Step 2 Enter the Action Name and Description.
Step 3 Check the Run SMB Discovery Script checkbox.
Step 4 Click Add to create the network access users.

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Configure the Profiler Policy Using the SMB Scan Action

What to do next
You should configure the profiler policy using the SMB scan action.

Configure the Profiler Policy Using the SMB Scan Action

Before you begin

You must create a new profiler policy to scan an endpoint with the SMB scan action. For example, you can
scan a Microsoft Workstation by specifying a rule that if the DHCP class identifier contains the MSFT attribute,
then a network action should be taken.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Profiling > Add.
Step 2 Enter the Name and Description.
Step 3 In the drop-down, select the scan action (for example, SMBScanAction) that you had created.

What to do next
You should add a new condition using the SMB attribute.

Add a New Condition Using the SMB Attribute

Before you begin

You should create a new profiler policy to scan the version of an endpoint. For example, you can scan for
Windows 7 under the Microsoft Workstation parent policy.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Profiling > Add.
Step 2 Enter the Name (for example, Windows-7Workstation) and Description.
Step 3 In the Network Scan (NMAP) Action drop-down, select None.
Step 4 In the Parent Policy drop-down choose the Microsoft-Workstation policy.

Enable File Sharing to Run NMAP SMB Discovery Script

Given below is an example to enable file sharing in Windows OS version 7, to run the NMAP SMB discovery

Step 1 Choose Control Panel > Network and Internet.

Step 2 Click Network and Sharing Center.
Step 3 Click Change Advanced Sharing Settings.
Step 4 Click Turn on File and Printer Sharing.
Step 5 Enable the following options: Enable File Sharing for Devices That Use 40- or 56-bit Encryption and Turn on
Password Protected Sharing.
Step 6 Click Save Changes.

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Asset Visibility
Exclude Subnets from NMAP Scan

Step 7 Configure the Firewall settings.

a) In the Control Panel, navigate to System and Security > Windows Firewall > Allow a Program Through Windows
b) Check the File and Printer Sharing check box.
c) Click OK.
Step 8 Configure the shared folder.
a) Right-click the destination folder, and select Properties.
b) Click the Sharing tab, and click Share.
c) In the File Sharing dialog box, add the required names and click Share.
d) Click Done after the selected folder is shared.
e) Click Advanced Sharing and select the Share This Folder check box.
f) Click Permissions.
g) In the Permissions for Scans dialog box, choose Everyone and check the Full Control check box.
h) Click OK.

Exclude Subnets from NMAP Scan

You can perform an NMAP scan to identify an endpoint's OS or SNMP port.
When performing the NMAP scan, you can exclude a whole subnet or IP range that should not be scanned
by NMAP. You can configure the subnet or IP range in the NMAP Scan Subnet Exclusions window (Work
Centers > Profiler > Settings > NMAP Scan Subnet Exclusions). This helps limit the load on your network
and saves a considerable amount of time.
For Manual NMAP scan, you can use the Run Manual NMAP Scan window (Work Centers > Profiler >
Manual Scans > Manual NMAP Scan > Configure NMAP Scan Subnet Exclusions At) to specify the
subnet or IP range.

Manual NMAP Scan Settings

You can perform a manual NMAP scan (Work Centers > Profiler > Manual Scans > Manual NMAP Scan)
using the scan options that are available for automatic NMAP scan. You can choose either the scan options
or the predefined ones.

Table 100: Manual NMAP Scan Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Node Choose the ISE node from which the NMAP scan is

Manual Scan Subnet Enter the range of subnet IP addresses of endpoints

for which you want to run the NMAP scan.

Configure NMAP Scan Subnet Exclusions At You will be directed to the Work Centers >
Profiler > Settings > NMAP Scan Subnet
Exclusions window. Specify the IP address and subnet
mask that should be excluded. If there is a match, the
NMAP scan is not run.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Run a Manual NMAP Scan

Field Name Usage Guidelines

NMAP Scan Subnet You can do one of the following:

• Specify Scan Options
• Select an Existing NMAP Scan

Specify Scan Options Select the required scan options: OS, SNMP Port,
Common Ports, Custom Ports, Include Service
Version Information, Run SMB Discovery Script,
Skip NMAP Host Discovery. See Create a New
Network Scan Action for more information.

Select an Existing NMAP Scan Displays the Existing NMAP Scan Actions
drop-down list that displays the default profiler NMAP
scan actions.

Reset to Default Scan Options Click this option to restore default settings (all scan
options are checked).

Save as NMAP Scan Action Enter an action name and a description.

Run a Manual NMAP Scan

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Profiler > Manual Scans > Manual NMAP
Step 2 In the Node drop-down list, select the ISE node from which you intend to run the NMAP scan.
Step 3 In the Manual Scan Subnet text box, enter the subnet address whose endpoints you intend to check for open ports.
Step 4 Select one of the following:
a) Choose Specify Scan Options, and on the right side of the page, choose the required scan options. Refer to the Create
a New Network Scan Action page for more information.
b) Choose Select An Existing NMAP Scan Action to select the default NMAP scan action, such as
Step 5 Click Run Scan.

Configure Profiler Policies Using the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator

Cisco ISE profiling services can detect if the McAfee ePolicy Orchestrator (McAfee ePO) client is present
on the endpoint. This helps in determining if a given endpoint belongs to your organization.
The entities involved in the process are:
• ISE Server
• McAfee ePO Server
• McAfee ePO Agent

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Configure the McAfee ePo NMAP Scan Action

Cisco ISE provides an in-built NMAP scan action (MCAFeeEPOOrchestratorClientscan) to check if the
McAfee agent is running on an endpoint using NMAP McAfee script on the configured port. You can also
create new NMAP scan options using the custom ports (for example, 8082). You can configure a new NMAP
scan action using the McAfee ePO software by following the steps below:

Step 1 Configure the McAfee ePo NMAP Scan Action.

Step 2 Configure the McAfee ePO Agent.
Step 3 Configure Profiler Policies Using the McAfee ePO NMAP Scan Action.

Configure the McAfee ePo NMAP Scan Action

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Profiler > Policy Elements > Network
Scan (NMAP) Actions.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the Action Name and Description.
Step 4 In the Scan Options, select Custom Ports.
Step 5 In the Custom Ports dialog box, add the required TCP port. The 8080 TCP port is enabled by default for McAfee ePO.
Step 6 Check the Include Service Version Information checkbox.
Step 7 Click Submit.

Configure the McAfee ePO Agent

Step 1 In your McAfee ePO server, check the recommended settings to facilitate the communication between the McAfee ePO
agent and the ISE server.
Figure 29: McAfee ePO Agent Recommended Options

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Configure Profiler Policies Using the McAfee ePO NMAP Scan Action

Step 2 Verify that the Accept Connections Only From The ePO Server is unchecked.

Configure Profiler Policies Using the McAfee ePO NMAP Scan Action

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Profiling > Add.
Step 2 Enter the Name and Description.
Step 3 In the Network Scan (NMAP) Action drop-down list, select the required action (for example,
Step 4 Create the parent profiler policy (for example, Microsoft-Workstation containing a rule to check if the DHCP class
identifier contains the MSFT attribute).
Step 5 Create a new policy (for example CorporateDevice) within the parent NMAP McAfee ePO policy (for example,
Microsoft-Workstation) to check if the McAfee ePO agent is installed on the endpoint.
Endpoints that meet the condition are profiled as corporate devices. You can use the policy to move endpoints profiled
with McAfee ePO agent to a new VLAN.

Profiler Endpoint Custom Attributes

Choose Administration > Identity Management > Settings > Endpoint Custom Attributes to assign
attributes to endpoints, besides the attributes that the endpoint gathers from the probe. The endpoint custom
attributes can be used in authorization policies to profile endpoints.
You can create a maximum of 100 endpoint custom attributes. The types of endpoint custom attributes
supported are: Int, String, Long, Boolean, and Float.
You can add values for the endpoint custom attributes in the Context Directory > Endpoints > Endpoint
Classification window.
Use cases for endpoint custom attributes include, to allow or block devices based on certain attributes or to
assign certain privileges based on the authorization.

Using Endpoint Custom Attributes in Authorization Policy

The endpoint custom attributes section allows you to configure extra attributes. Each definition consists of
the attribute and type (String, Int, Boolean, Float, Long). You can profile devices using endpoint custom

Note You must have a Cisco ISE Advantage license to add custom attributes to the endpoints.

The following steps show how to create an authorization policy using endpoint custom attributes.

Step 1 Create the endpoint custom attributes and assign values.

a) Choose Administration > Identity Management > Settings > Endpoint Custom Attributes page.
b) In the Endpoint Custom Attributes area, enter the Attribute Name (for example, deviceType), Data Type (for
example, String) and Parameters.
c) Click Save.

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Create a Profiler Condition

d) Choose Context Visibility > Endpoints > Summary.

e) Assign the custom attribute values.
• Check the required MAC address check box, and click Edit.
• Or, click the required MAC address, and on the Endpoints page, click Edit.

f) In the Edit Endpoint dialog box, in the Custom Attribute area enter the required attribute values (for example,
deviceType = Apple-iPhone).
g) Click Save.
Step 2 Create an authorization policy using the custom attributes and values.
a) Choose Policy > Policy Sets.
b) Create the authorization policy by selecting the custom attributes from the Endpoints dictionary (for example, Rule
Name: Corporate Devices, Conditions:EndPoints:deviceType Contains Apple-iPhone, Permissions: then PermitAccess).
c) Click Save.

Related Topics
Profiler Endpoint Custom Attributes, on page 648

Create a Profiler Condition

Endpoint profiling policies in Cisco ISE allow you to categorize discovered endpoints on your network, and
assign them to specific endpoint identity groups. These endpoint profiling policies are made up of profiling
conditions that Cisco ISE evaluates to categorize and group endpoints.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or Policy Admin.

Step 1 Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Profiling > Add.
Step 2 Enter values for the fields as described in the Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings, on page 650.
Step 3 Click Submit to save the profiler condition.
Step 4 Repeat this procedure to create more conditions.

Endpoint Profiling Policy Rules

You can define a rule that allows you to choose one or more profiling conditions from the library that are
previously created and saved in the policy elements library, and to associate an integer value for the certainty
factor for each condition, or associate either an exception action or a network scan action for that condition.
The exception action or the network scan action is used to trigger the configurable action while Cisco ISE is
evaluating the profiling policies with respect to the overall classification of endpoints.
When the rules in a given policy are evaluated separately with an OR operator, the certainty metric for each
rule contributes to the overall matching of the endpoint profiles into a specific category of endpoints. If the

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings

rules of an endpoint profiling policy match, then the profiling policy and the matched policy are the same for
that endpoint when they are dynamically discovered on your network.

Logically Grouped Conditions in Rules

An endpoint profiling policy (profile) contains a single condition or a combination of multiple single conditions
that are logically combined using an AND or OR operator, against which you can check, categorize, and group
endpoints for a given rule in a policy.
A condition is used to check the collected endpoint attribute value against the value specified in the condition
for an endpoint. If you map more than one attribute, you can logically group the conditions, which helps you
to categorize endpoints on your network. You can check endpoints against one or more such conditions with
a corresponding certainty metric (an integer value that you define) associated with it in a rule or trigger an
exception action that is associated to the condition or a network scan action that is associated to the condition.

Certainty Factor
The minimum certainty metric in the profiling policy evaluates the matching profile for an endpoint. Each
rule in an endpoint profiling policy has a minimum certainty metric (an integer value) associated to the profiling
conditions. The certainty metric is a measure that is added for all the valid rules in an endpoint profiling policy,
which measures how each condition in an endpoint profiling policy contributes to improve the overall
classification of endpoints.
The certainty metric for each rule contributes to the overall matching of the endpoint profiles into a specific
category of endpoints. The certainty metric for all the valid rules are added together to form the matching
certainty. It must exceed the minimum certainty factor that is defined in an endpoint profiling policy. By
default, the minimum certainty factor for all new profiling policy rules and predefined profiling policies is

Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Endpoint Policies window. To view this window, click the
Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Profiling > Profiling Policies.

Table 101: Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the endpoint profiling policy that

you want to create.

Description Enter the description of the endpoint profiling policy

that you want to create.

Policy Enabled By default, the Policy Enabled check box is checked

to associate a matching profiling policy when you
profile an endpoint.
When unchecked, the endpoint profiling policy is
excluded when you profile an endpoint.

Minimum Certainty Factor Enter the minimum value that you want to associate
with the profiling policy. The default value is 10.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Exception Action Choose an exception action, which you want to

associate with the conditions when defining a rule in
the profiling policy.
The default is NONE. The exception actions are
defined in the following location: Policy > Policy
Elements > Results > Profiling > Exception Actions.

Network Scan (NMAP) Action Choose a network scan action from the list, which
you want to associate with the conditions when
defining a rule in the profiling policy, if required.
The default is NONE. The exception actions are
defined in the following location: Policy > Policy
Elements > Results > Profiling > Network Scan
(NMAP) Actions.

Create an Identity Group for the policy Check one of the following options to create an
endpoint identity group:
• Yes, create matching Identity Group
• No, use existing Identity Group hierarchy

Yes, create matching Identity Group Choose this option to use an existing profiling policy.
This option creates a matching identity group for those
endpoints and the identity group will be the child of
the Profiled endpoint identity group when an endpoint
profile matches an existing profiling policy.
For example, the Xerox-Device endpoint identity
group is created in the Endpoints Identity Groups page
when endpoints discovered on your network match
the Xerox-Device profile.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

No, use existing Identity Group hierarchy Check this check box to assign endpoints to the
matching parent endpoint identity group using
hierarchical construction of profiling policies and
identity groups.
This option allows you to make use of the endpoint
profiling policies hierarchy to assign endpoints to one
of the matching parent endpoint identity groups, as
well as to the associated endpoint identity groups to
the parent identity group.
For example, endpoints that match an existing profile
are grouped under the appropriate parent endpoint
identity group. Here, endpoints that match the
Unknown profile are grouped under Unknown, and
endpoints that match an existing profile are grouped
under the Profiled endpoint identity group. For
• If endpoints match the Cisco-IP-Phone profile,
then they are grouped under the Cisco-IP-Phone
endpoint identity group.
• If endpoints match the Workstation profile, then
they are grouped under the Workstation endpoint
identity group.
The Cisco-IP-Phone and Workstation endpoint
identity groups are associated to the Profiled
endpoint identity group in the system.

Parent Policy Choose a parent profiling policy that are defined in

the system to which you want to associate the new
endpoint profiling policy.
You can choose a parent profiling policy from which
you can inherit rules and conditions to its child.

Associated CoA Type Choose one of the following CoA types that you want
to associate with the endpoint profiling policy:
• No CoA
• Port Bounce
• Reauth
• Global Settings that is applied from the profiler
configuration set in Administration > System >
Settings > Profiling

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Rules One or more rules that are defined in endpoint

profiling policies determine the matching profiling
policy for endpoints, which allows you to group
endpoints according to their profiles.
One or more profiling conditions from the policy
elements library are used in rules for validating
endpoint attributes and their values for the overall

Conditions Click the plus [+] sign to expand the Conditions

anchored overlay, and click the minus [-] sign, or click
outside the anchored overlay to close it.
Click Select Existing Condition from Library or
Create New Condition (Advanced Option) .
Select Existing Condition from Library: You can
define an expression by selecting Cisco predefined
conditions from the policy elements library.
Create New Condition (Advanced Option): You
can define an expression by selecting attributes from
various system or user-defined dictionaries.
You can associate one of the following with the
profiling conditions:
• An integer value for the certainty factor for each
• Either an exception action or a network scan
action for that condition

Choose one of the following predefined settings to

associate with the profiling condition:
• Certainty Factor Increases: Enter the certainty
value for each rule, which can be added for all
the matching rules with respect to the overall
• Take Exception Action: Triggers an exception
action that is configured in the Exception Action
field for this endpoint profiling policy.
• Take Network Scan Action: Triggers a network
scan action that is configured in the Network
Scan (NMAP) Action field for this endpoint
profiling policy.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Select Existing Condition from Library You can do the following:

• You can choose Cisco predefined conditions that
are available in the policy elements library, and
then use an AND or OR operator to add multiple
• Click the Action icon to do the following in the
subsequent steps:
• Add Attribute or Value: You can add
ad-hoc attribute or value pairs
• Add Condition from Library: You can
add Cisco predefined conditions
• Duplicate: Create a copy of the selected
• Add Condition to Library: You can save
ad-hoc attribute/value pairs that you create
to the policy elements library
• Delete: Delete the selected condition.

Create New Condition (Advance Option) You can do the following:

• You can add ad-hoc attribute/value pairs to your
expression, and then use an AND or OR operator
to add multiple conditions.
• Click the Action icon to do the following in the
subsequent steps:
• Add Attribute or Value: You can add
ad-hoc attribute or value pairs
• Add Condition from Library: You can
add Cisco predefined conditions
• Duplicate: Create a copy of the selected
• Add Condition to Library: You can save
ad-hoc attribute/value pairs that you create
to the policy elements library
• Delete: Delete the selected condition. You
can use the AND or OR operator

Related Topics
Cisco ISE Profiling Service, on page 610
Create Endpoint Profiling Policies, on page 655

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Create Endpoint Profiling Policies

Endpoint Context Visibility Using UDID Attribute, on page 686

Create Endpoint Profiling Policies

You can create new profiling policies to profile endpoints by using the following options in the New Profiler
Policy page:
• Policy Enabled
• Create an Identity Group for the policy to create a matching endpoint identity group or use the endpoint
identity group hierarchy
• Parent Policy
• Associated CoA Type

Note When you choose to create an endpoint policy in the Profiling Policies window,
do not use the Stop button on your web browsers. This action leads to the
following: stops loading the New Profiler Policy window, loads other list pages
and the menus within the list pages when you access them, and prevents you from
performing operations on all the menus within the list pages except the Filter
menus. You might need to log out of Cisco ISE, and then log in again to perform
operations on all the menus within the list pages.

You can create a similar characteristic profiling policy by duplicating an endpoint profiling policy through
which you can modify an existing profiling policy instead of creating a new profiling policy by redefining all

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Profiling > Profiling Policies.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter a name and description for the new endpoint policy that you want to create. The Policy Enabled check box is
checked by default to include the endpoint profiling policy for validation when you profile an endpoint.
Step 4 Enter a value for the minimum certainty factor within the valid range 1 to 65535.
Step 5 Click the arrow next to the Exception Action drop-down list to associate an exception action or click the arrow next
to the Network Scan (NMAP) Action drop-down list to associate a network scan action.
Step 6 Choose one of the following options for Create an Identity Group for the policy:
• Yes, create matching Identity Group
• No, use existing Identity Group hierarchy

Step 7 Click the arrow next to the Parent Policy drop-down list to associate a parent policy to the new endpoint policy.
Step 8 Choose a CoA type to be associated in the Associated CoA Type drop-down list.
Step 9 Click in the rule to add conditions and associate an integer value for the certainty factor for each condition or associate
either an exception action or a network scan action for that condition for the overall classification of an endpoint.

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Change of Authorization Configuration per Endpoint Profiling Policy

Step 10 Click Submit to add an endpoint policy or click the Profiler Policy List link from the New Profiler Policy page to
return to the Profiling Policies page.

Change of Authorization Configuration per Endpoint Profiling Policy

In addition to the global configuration of change of authorization (CoA) types in Cisco ISE, you can also
configure to issue a specific type of CoA associated for each endpoint profiling policy.
The global No CoA type configuration overrides each CoA type configured in an endpoint profiling policy.
If the global CoA type is set other than the No CoA type, then each endpoint profiling policy is allowed to
override the global CoA configuration.
When a CoA is triggered, each endpoint profiling policy can determine the actual CoA type, as follows:
• General Setting—This is the default setting for all the endpoint profiling policies that issues a CoA per
global configuration.
• No CoA—This setting overrides any global configuration and disables CoA for the profile.
• Port Bounce—This setting overrides the global Port Bounce and Reauth configuration types, and issues
port bounce CoA.
• Reauth—This setting overrides the global Port Bounce and Reauth configuration types, and issues
reauthentication CoA.

Note If the profiler global CoA configuration is set to Port Bounce (or Reauth), ensure
that you configure corresponding endpoint profiling policies with No CoA, the
per-policy CoA option so that the BYOD flow does not break for your mobile

See the summary of configuration below combined for all the CoA types and the actual CoA type issued in
each case based on the global and endpoint profiling policy settings.

Table 102: CoA Type Issued for Various Combination of Configuration

Global CoA Type Default CoA Type No coA Type per Port Bounce Type Reauth Type per
set per Policy Policy per Policy Policy

No CoA No CoA No CoA No CoA No CoA

Port Bounce Port Bounce No CoA Port Bounce Re-Auth

Reauth Reauth No CoA Port Bounce Re-Auth

Import Endpoint Profiling Policies

You can import endpoint profiling policies from a file in XML by using the same format that you can create
in the export function. If you import newly created profiling policies that have parent policies associated, then
you must have defined parent policies before you define child policies.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Export Endpoint Profiling Policies

The imported file contains the hierarchy of endpoint profiling policies that contain the parent policy first, then
the profile that you imported next along with the rules and checks that are defined in the policy.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Profiling > Profiling > Profiling Policies.
Step 2 Click Import.
Step 3 Click Browse to locate the file that you previously exported and want to import.
Step 4 Click Submit.
Step 5 Click the Profiler Policy List link to return to the Profiling Policies window.

Export Endpoint Profiling Policies

You can export endpoint profiling policies to other Cisco ISE deployments. Or, you can use the XML file as
a template for creating your own policies to import. You can also download the file to your system in the
default location, which can be used for importing later.
A dialog appears when you want to export endpoint profiling policies, which prompts you to open the
profiler_policies.xml with an appropriate application or save it. This is a file in XML format that you can
open in a web browser, or in other appropriate applications.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Profiling > Profiling > Profiling Policies.
Step 2 Choose Export, and choose one of the following:
• Export Selected: You can export only the selected endpoint profiling policies in the Profiling Policies window.
• Export Selected with Endpoints: You can export the selected endpoint profiling policies, and the endpoints that
are profiled with the selected endpoint profiling policies.
• Export All: By default, you can export all the profiling policies in the Profiling Policies window.

Step 3 Click OK to export the endpoint profiling policies in the profiler_policies.xml file.

Predefined Endpoint Profiling Policies

Cisco ISE includes predefined default profiling policies when Cisco ISE is deployed, and their hierarchical
construction allows you to categorize identified endpoints on your network, and assign them to a matching
endpoint identity groups. Because endpoint profiling policies are hierarchical, you can find that the Profiling
Policies window displays the list of generic (parent) policies for devices and child policies to which their
parent policies are associated in the Profiling Policies listing window.
The Profiling Policies window displays endpoint profiling policies with their names, type, description and
the status, if enabled or not for validation.
The endpoint profiling policy types are classified as follows:
• Cisco Provided: Endpoint profiling policies that are predefined in Cisco ISE are identified as the Cisco
Provided type.

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Predefined Endpoint Profiling Policies Overwritten During Upgrade

• Administrator Modified: Endpoint profiling policies are identified as the Administrator Modified
type when you modify predefined endpoint profiling policies. Cisco ISE overwrites changes that
you have made in the predefined endpoint profiling policies during upgrade.

• Administrator Created: Endpoint profiling policies that you create or when you duplicate Cisco-provided
endpoint profiling policies are identified as the Administrator Created type.

We recommend that you create a generic policy (a parent) for a set of endpoints from which its children can
inherit the rules and conditions. If an endpoint has to be classified, then the endpoint profile has to first match
the parent, and then its descendant (child) policies when you are profiling an endpoint.
For example, Cisco-Device is a generic endpoint profiling policy for all Cisco devices, and other policies for
Cisco devices are children of Cisco-Device. If an endpoint has to be classified as a Cisco-IP-Phone 7960, then
the endpoint profile for this endpoint has to first match the parent Cisco-Device policy, its child Cisco-IP-Phone
policy, and then the Cisco-IP-Phone 7960 profiling policy for better classification.

Note Cisco ISE will not overwrite the Administrator Modified policies nor their children policies even if they are
still labeled as Cisco Provided. If an Administrator Modified policy is deleted, it reverts back to the previous
Cisco Provided policy. Next time when Feed Update happens, all children policies are updated.

Predefined Endpoint Profiling Policies Overwritten During Upgrade

You can edit existing endpoint profiling policies in the Profiling Policies page. You must also save all your
configurations in a copy of the predefined endpoint profiles when you want to modify the predefined endpoint
profiling policies.
During an upgrade, Cisco ISE overwrites any configuration that you have saved in the predefined endpoint

Unable to Delete Endpoint Profiling Policies

You can delete selected or all the endpoint profiling policies in the Profiling Policies window. By default,
you can delete all the endpoint profiling policies from the Profiling Policies window. When you select all
the endpoint profiling policies and try to delete them in the Profiling Policies window, some of them may
not be deleted, if the endpoint profiling policies are mapped to other endpoint profiling policies or mapped
to an authorization policy.
• You cannot delete Cisco Provided endpoint profiling policies.
• You cannot delete a parent profile in the Profiling Policies window when an endpoint profile is defined
as a parent to other endpoint profiles. For example, Cisco-Device is a parent to other endpoint profiling
policies for Cisco devices.
• You cannot delete an endpoint profile when it is mapped to an authorization policy. For example,
Cisco-IP-Phone is mapped to the Profiled Cisco IP Phones authorization policy, and it is a parent to other
endpoint profiling policies for Cisco IP Phones.

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Predefined Profiling Policies for Draeger Medical Devices

Predefined Profiling Policies for Draeger Medical Devices

Cisco ISE contains default endpoint profiling policies that include a generic policy for Draeger medical
devices, a policy for Draeger-Delta medical device, and a policy for Draeger-M300 medical device. Both the
medical devices share ports 2050 and 2150, and therefore you cannot classify the Draeger-Delta and
Draeger-M300 medical devices when you are using the default Draeger endpoint profiling policies.
If these Draeger devices share ports 2050 and 2150 in your environment, you must add a rule in addition to
checking for the device destination IP address in the default Draeger-Delta and Draeger-M300 endpoint
profiling policies so that you can distinquish these medical devices.
Cisco ISE includes the following profiling conditions that are used in the endpoint profiling policies for the
Draeger medical devices:
• Draeger-Delta-PortCheck1 that contains port 2000
• Draeger-Delta-PortCheck2 that contains port 2050
• Draeger-Delta-PortCheck3 that contains port 2100
• Draeger-Delta-PortCheck4 that contains port 2150
• Draeger-M300PortCheck1 that contains port 1950
• Draeger-M300PortCheck2 that contains port 2050
• Draeger-M300PortCheck3 that contains port 2150

Endpoint Profiling Policy for Unknown Endpoints

An endpoint that does not match existing profiles and cannot be profiled in Cisco ISE is an unknown endpoint.
An unknown profile is the default system profiling policy that is assigned to an endpoint, where an attribute
or a set of attributes collected for that endpoint do not match with existing profiles in Cisco ISE.
An Unknown profile is assigned in the following scenarios:
• When an endpoint is dynamically discovered in Cisco ISE, and there is no matching endpoint profiling
policy for that endpoint, it is assigned to the unknown profile.
• When an endpoint is statically added in Cisco ISE, and there is no matching endpoint profiling policy
for a statically added endpoint, it is assigned to the unknown profile.
If you have statically added an endpoint to your network, the statically added endpoint is not profiled by
the profiling service in Cisco ISE. You can change the unknown profile later to an appropriate profile
and Cisco ISE will not reassign the profiling policy that you have assigned.

Endpoint Profiling Policy for Statically Added Endpoints

For the endpoint that is statically added to be profiled, the profiling service computes a profile for the endpoint
by adding a new MATCHEDPROFILE attribute to the endpoint. The computed profile is the actual profile
of an endpoint if that endpoint is dynamically profiled. This allows you to find the mismatch between the
computed profile for statically added endpoints and the matching profile for dynamically profiled endpoints.

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Endpoint Profiling Policy for Static IP Devices

Endpoint Profiling Policy for Static IP Devices

If you have an endpoint with a statically assigned IP address, you can create a profile for such static IP devices.
You must enable the RADIUS probe or SNMP Query and SNMP Trap probes to profile an endpoint that has
a static IP address.

Endpoint Profiling Policy Matching

Cisco ISE always considers a chosen policy for an endpoint that is the matched policy rather than an evaluated
policy when the profiling conditions that are defined in one or more rules are met in a profiling policy. Here,
the status of static assignment for that endpoint is set to false in the system. But, this can be set to true after
it is statically reassigned to an existing profiling policy in the system, by using the static assignment feature
during an endpoint editing.
The following apply to the matched policies of endpoints:
• For statically assigned endpoint, the profiling service computes the MATCHEDPROFILE.
• For dynamically assigned endpoints, the MATCHEDPROFILEs are identical to the matching endpoint

You can determine a matching profiling policy for dynamic endpoints using one or more rules that are defined
in a profiling policy and assign appropriately an endpoint identity group for categorization.
When an endpoint is mapped to an existing policy, the profiling service searches the hierarchy of profiling
policies for the closest parent profile that has a matching group of policies and assigns the endpoint to the
appropriate endpoint policy.

Endpoint Profiling Policies Used for Authorization

You can use an endpoint profiling policy in authorization rules, where you can create a new condition to
include a check for an endpoint profiling policy as an attribute, and the attribute value assumes the name of
the endpoint profiling policy. You can select an endpoint profiling policy from the endpoints dictionary, which
includes the following attributes: PostureApplicable, EndPointPolicy, LogicalProfile, and BYODRegistration.
The attribute value for PostureApplicable is auto set based on the operating system. It is set to No for IOS
and Android devices because AnyConnect support is not available on those platforms to perform Posture.
The value is set as Yes for Mac OSX and Windows devices.
You can define an authorization rule that includes a combination of EndPointPolicy, BYODRegistration, and
identity groups.

Endpoint Profiling Policies Grouped into Logical Profiles

A logical profile is a container for a category of profiles or associated profiles, irrespective of Cisco-provided
or administrator-created endpoint profiling policies. An endpoint profiling policy can be associated to multiple
logical profiles.
You can use the logical profile in an authorization policy condition to help create an overall network access
policy for a category of profiles. You can create a simple condition for authorization, which can be included
in the authorization rule. The attribute-value pair that you can use in the authorization condition is the logical

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Create Logical Profiles

profile (attribute) and the name of the logical profile (value), which can be found in the EndPoints systems
For example, you can create a logical profile for all mobile devices like Android, Apple iPhone, or Blackberry
by assigning matching endpoint profiling policies for that category to the logical profile. Cisco ISE contains
IP-Phone, a default logical profile for all the IP phones, which includes IP-Phone, Cisco-IP-Phone,
Nortel-IP-Phone-2000-Series, and Avaya-IP-Phone profiles.

Create Logical Profiles

You can create a logical profile that you can use to group a category of endpoint profiling policies, which
allows you to create an overall category of profiles or associated profiles. You can also remove the endpoint
profiling policies from the assigned set moving them back to the available set. For more information about
Logical Profiles, see Endpoint Profiling Policies Grouped into Logical Profiles, on page 660.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Profiling > Profiling > Logical Profiles.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter a name and description for the new logical profile in the text boxes for Name and Description.
Step 4 Choose endpoint profiling policies from the Available Policies to assign them in a logical profile.
Step 5 Click the right arrow to move the selected endpoint profiling policies to the Assigned Policies.
Step 6 Click Submit.

Profiling Exception Actions

An exception action is a single configurable action that can be referred to in an endpoint profiling policy, and
that is triggered when the exception conditions that are associated with the action are met.
Exception Actions can be any one of the following types:
• Cisco-provided—You can not delete Cisco-provided exception actions. Cisco ISE triggers the following
noneditable profiling exception actions from the system when you want to profile endpoints in Cisco
• Authorization Change—The profiling service issues a change of authorization when an endpoint is
added or removed from an endpoint identity group that is used by an authorization policy.
• Endpoint Delete—An exception action is triggered in Cisco ISE and a CoA is issued when an
endpoint is deleted from the system in the Endpoints page, or reassigned to the unknown profile
from the edit page on a Cisco ISE network.
• FirstTimeProfiled—An exception action is triggered in Cisco ISE and a CoA is issued when an
endpoint is profiled in Cisco ISE for the first time, where the profile of that endpoint changes from
an unknown profile to an existing profile but that endpoint is not successfully authenticated on a
Cisco ISE network.

• Administrator-created—Cisco ISE triggers profiling exception actions that you create.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Create Exception Actions

Create Exception Actions

You can define and associate one or more exception rules to a single profiling policy. This association triggers
an exception action (a single configurable action) when the profiling policy matches and at least one of the
exception rules matches in the profiling endpoints in Cisco ISE.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Profiling >
Exception Actions.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter a name and description for the exception action in the text boxes for Name and Description.
Step 4 Check the CoA Action check box.
Step 5 Click the Policy Assignment drop-down list to choose an endpoint policy.
Step 6 Click Submit.

Create Endpoints with Static Assignments of Policies and

Identity Groups
You can create a new endpoint statically by using the MAC address of an endpoint in the Endpoints page.
You can also choose an endpoint profiling policy and an identity group in the Endpoints page for static
The regular and mobile device (MDM) endpoints are displayed in the Endpoints Identities list. In the listing
page, columns for attributes like Hostname, Device Type, Device Identifier for MDM endpoints are displayed.
Other columns like Static Assignment and Static Group Assignment are not displayed by default.

Note You cannot add, edit, delete, import, or export MDM Endpoints using this page.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Identities > Endpoints.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the MAC address of an endpoint in hexadecimal format and separated by a colon.
Step 4 Choose a matching endpoint policy from the Policy Assignment drop-down list to change the static assignment status
from dynamic to static.
Step 5 Check the Static Assignment check box to change the status of static assignment that is assigned to the endpoint from
dynamic to static.
Step 6 Choose an endpoint identity group to which you want to assign the newly created endpoint from the Identity Group
Assignment drop-down list.
Step 7 Check the Static Group Assignment check box to change the dynamic assignment of an endpoint identity group to static.
Step 8 Click Submit.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Import Endpoints from CSV Files

Import Endpoints from CSV Files

You can import endpoints from a CSV file that you have created from a Cisco ISE template and update it
with endpoint details. Endpoints exported from ISE contains around 75 attributes and therefore cannot be
imported directly into another ISE deployment. If columns that are not allowed for import are present in the
CSV file, a message with the list of columns are displayed. You must delete the specified columns before
trying to import the file again.

Note To import endpoint custom attributes, you have to create the same custom attributes as in the CSV file in the
Administration > Identity Management > Settings > Endpoint Custom Attributes page using the correct
data types. These attributes have to be prefixed with "CUSTOM." to differentiate them from endpoint attributes.

There are about 30 attributes that can be imported. The list includes MACAddress, EndPointPolicy, and
IdentityGroup. Optional attributes are:

Description PortalUser LastName

PortalUser.GuestType PortalUser.FirstName EmailAddress

PortalUser.Location Device Type host-name

PortalUser.GuestStatus StaticAssignment Location

PortalUser.CreationType StaticGroupAssignment MDMEnrolled

PortalUser.EmailAddress User-Name MDMOSVersion

PortalUser.PhoneNumber DeviceRegistrationStatus MDMServerName

PortalUser.LastName AUPAccepted MDMServerID

PortalUser.GuestSponsor FirstName BYODRegistration

CUSTOM.<custom attribute name> — —

The file header has to be in the format as specified in the default import template so that the list of endpoints
appear in this order: MACAddress, EndpointPolicy, IdentityGroup <List of attributes listed above as optional
attributes>. You can create the following file templates:
• MACAddress
• MACAddress, EndPointPolicy
• MACAddress, EndPointPolicy, IdentityGroup
• MACAddress, EndPointPolicy, IdentityGroup, <List of attributes listed above as optional attributes>

All attribute values, except MAC address, are optional for importing endpoints from a CSV file. If you want
to import endpoints without certain values, the values are still separated by the comma. For example,
• MAC1, Endpoint Policy1, Endpoint Identity Group1
• MAC2

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Default Import Template Available for Endpoints

• MAC3, Endpoint Policy3

• MAC4, , Endpoint Identity Group4
• MAC5, , Endpoint Identity Group5, MyDescription, MyPortalUser, and so on

Step 1 Choose Context Visibility > Endpoints > Import .

Step 2 Click Import From File.
Step 3 Click Browse to locate the CSV file that you have already created.
Step 4 Click Submit.

Default Import Template Available for Endpoints

You can generate a template in which you can update endpoints that can be used to import endpoints. By
default, you can use the Generate a Template link to create a CSV file in the Microsoft Office Excel application
and save the file locally on your system. The file can be found in Context Visibility > Endpoints > Import >
Import From File. You can use the Generate a Template link to create a template, and the Cisco ISE server
will display the Opening template.csv dialog. This dialog allows you to open the default template.csv file, or
save the template.csv file locally on your system. If you choose to open the template.csv file from the dialog,
the file opens in the Microsoft Office Excel application. The default template.csv file contains a header row
that displays the MAC address, Endpoint Policy, and Endpoint Identity Group, and other optional attributes.
You must update the MAC addresses of endpoints, endpoint profiling policies, endpoint identity groups along
with any of the optional attribute values you wish to import, and save the file with a new file name. This file
can be used to import endpoints. See the header row in the template.csv file that is created when you use the
Generate a Template link.

Table 103: CSV Template File

MAC EndpointPolicy IdentityGroup Other Optional Attributes

11:11:11:11:11:11 Android Profiled <Empty>/<Value>

Unknown Endpoints Reprofiled During Import

If the file used for import contains endpoints that have their MAC addresses, and their assigned endpoint
profiling policies is the Unknown profile, then those endpoints are immediately reprofiled in Cisco ISE to the
matching endpoint profiling policies during import. However, they are not statically assigned to the Unknown
profile. If endpoints do not have endpoint profiling policies assigned to them in the CSV file, then they are
assigned to the Unknown profile, and then reprofiled to the matching endpoint profiling policies. See below
how Cisco ISE reprofiles Unknown profiles that match the Xerox_Device profile during import and also how
Cisco ISE reprofiles an endpoint that is unassigned.

Table 104: Unknown Profiles: Import from a File

MAC Address Endpoint Profiling Policy Assigned Endpoint Profiling Policy Assigned
Before Import in Cisco ISE After Import in Cisco ISE
00:00:00:00:01:02 Unknown Xerox-Device
00:00:00:00:01:03 Unknown Xerox-Device

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Endpoints with Invalid Attributes Not Imported

MAC Address Endpoint Profiling Policy Assigned Endpoint Profiling Policy Assigned
Before Import in Cisco ISE After Import in Cisco ISE
00:00:00:00:01:04 Unknown Xerox-Device
00:00:00:00:01:05 If no profile is assigned to an Xerox-Device
endpoint, then it is assigned to the
Unknown profile, and also
reprofiled to the matching profile.

Endpoints with Invalid Attributes Not Imported

If any of the endpoints present in the CSV file have invalid attributes, then the endpoints are not imported
and an error message is displayed.
For example, if endpoints are assigned to invalid profiles in the file used for import, then they are not imported
because there are no matching profiles in Cisco ISE. See below how endpoints are not imported when they
are assigned to invalid profiles in the CSV file.

Table 105: Invalid Profiles: Import from a File

MAC Address Endpoint Profiling Policy Assigned Endpoint Profiling Policy Assigned
Before Import in Cisco ISE After Import in Cisco ISE
00:00:00:00:01:02 Unknown Xerox-Device
00:00:00:00:01:05 If an endpoint such as The endpoint is not imported
00:00:00:00:01:05 is assigned to an because there is no matching profile
invalid profile other than the in Cisco ISE.
profiles that are available in Cisco
ISE, then Cisco ISE displays a
warning message that the policy
name is invalid and the endpoint
will not be imported.

Import Endpoints from LDAP Server

You can import the MAC addresses, the associated profiles, and the endpoint identity groups of endpoints
securely from an LDAP server.

Before you begin

Before you begin to import endpoints, ensure that you have installed the LDAP server.
You have to configure the connection settings and query settings before you can import from an LDAP server.
If the connection settings or query settings are configured incorrectly in Cisco ISE, then the “LDAP import
failed:” error message appears.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Context Visibility > Endpoints > Import > Import from
Step 2 Enter the values for the connection settings.
Step 3 Enter the values for the query settings.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Export Endpoints with Comma-Separated Values File

Step 4 Click Submit.

Export Endpoints with Comma-Separated Values File

You can export selected or all endpoints from a Cisco ISE server into a CSV file in which endpoints are listed
with around 75 attributes along with their MAC addresses, endpoint profiling policies, and endpoint identity
groups. The custom attributes created in Cisco ISE will also be exported to the CSV file and is prefixed with
"CUSTOM." to differentiate them from other endpoint attributes.

Note To import endpoint custom attributes exported from one deployment to another, you must create the same
custom attributes in the Administration > Identity Management > Settings > Endpoint Custom Attributes
window and use the same data type as specified in the original deployment.

Export All exports all the endpoints in Cisco ISE, whereas Export Selected exports only the endpoints
selected by the user. By default, the profiler_endpoints.csv is the CSV file and Microsoft Office Excel is the
default application to open the CSV file.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Context Visibility > Endpoints.
Step 2 Click Export, and choose one of the following:
• Export Selected: You can export only the selected endpoints in the Endpoints window.
• Export All: By default, you can export all the endpoints in the Endpoints window.

Step 3 Click OK to save the profiler_endpoints.csv file.

Identified Endpoints
Cisco ISE displays identified endpoints that connect to your network and use resources on your network in
the Endpoints page. An endpoint is typically a network-capable device that connect to your network through
wired and wireless network access devices and VPN. Endpoints can be personal computers, laptops, IP phones,
smart phones, gaming consoles, printers, fax machines, and so on.
The MAC address of an endpoint, expressed in hexadecimal form, is always the unique representation of an
endpoint, but you can also identify an endpoint with a varying set of attributes and the values associated to
them, called an attribute-value pair. You can collect a varying set of attributes for endpoints based on the
endpoint capability, the capability and configuration of the network access devices and the methods (probes)
that you use to collect these attributes.

Dynamically Profiled Endpoints

When endpoints are discovered on your network, they can be profiled dynamically based on the configured
profiling endpoint profiling policies, and assigned to the matching endpoint identity groups depending on
their profiles.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Identified Endpoints Locally Stored in Policy Service Nodes Database

Statically Profiled Endpoints

An endpoint can be profiled statically when you create an endpoint with its MAC address and associate a
profile to it along with an endpoint identity group in Cisco ISE. Cisco ISE does not reassign the profiling
policy and the identity group for statically assigned endpoints.

Unknown Endpoints
If you do not have a matching profiling policy for an endpoint, you can assign an unknown profiling policy
(Unknown) and the endpoint therefore will be profiled as Unknown. The endpoint profiled to the Unknown
endpoint policy requires that you create a profile with an attribute or a set of attributes collected for that
endpoint. The endpoint that does not match any profile is grouped within the Unknown endpoint identity

Identified Endpoints Locally Stored in Policy Service Nodes Database

Cisco ISE writes identified endpoints locally in the Policy Service node database. After storing endpoints
locally in the database, these endpoints are then made available (remote write) in the Administration node
database only when significant attributes change in the endpoints, and replicated to the other Policy Service
nodes database.
The following are the significant attributes:
• ip
• EndPointPolicy
• MatchedValue
• StaticAssignment
• StaticGroupAssignment
• MatchedPolicyID
• NmapSubnetScanID
• PortalUser
• DeviceRegistrationStatus
• BYODRegistration

When you change endpoint profile definitions in Cisco ISE, all endpoints have to be reprofiled. A Policy
Service node that collects the attributes of endpoints is responsible for reprofiling of those endpoints.
When a Policy Service node starts collecting attributes about an endpoint for which attributes were initially
collected by a different Policy Service node, then the endpoint ownership changes to the current Policy Service
node. The new Policy Service node will retrieve the latest attributes from the previous Policy Service node
and reconcile the collected attributes with those attributes that were already collected.
When a significant attribute changes in the endpoint, attributes of the endpoint are automatically saved in the
Administration node database so that you have the latest significant change in the endpoint. If the Policy
Service node that owns an endpoint is not available for some reasons, then the Administrator ISE node will
reprofile an endpoint that lost the owner and you have to configure a new Policy Service node for such

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Policy Service Nodes in Cluster

Policy Service Nodes in Cluster

Cisco ISE uses Policy Service node group as a cluster that allows to exchange endpoint attributes when two
or more nodes in the cluster collect attributes for the same endpoint. We recommend to create clusters for all
Policy Service nodes that reside behind a load balancer.
If a different node other than the current owner receives attributes for the same endpoint, it sends a message
across the cluster requesting the latest attributes from the current owner to merge attributes and determine if
a change of ownership is needed. If you have not defined a node group in Cisco ISE, it is assumed that all
nodes are within one cluster.
There are no changes made to endpoint creation and replication in Cisco ISE. Only the change of ownership
for endpoints is decided based on an allowed list of attributes used for profiling that are built from static
attributes and dynamic attributes.
Upon subsequent attributes collection, the endpoint is updated on the Administration node, if anyone of the
following attributes changes:
• ip
• EndPointPolicy
• MatchedValue
• StaticAssignment
• StaticGroupAssignment
• MatchedPolicyID
• NmapSubnetScanID
• PortalUser
• DeviceRegistrationStatus
• BYODRegistration

When an endpoint is edited and saved in the Administration node, the attributes are retrieved from the current
owner of the endpoint.

Create Endpoint Identity Groups

Cisco ISE groups endpoints that it discovers in to the corresponding endpoint identity groups. Cisco ISE
comes with several system-defined endpoint identity groups. You can also create additional endpoint identity
groups from the Endpoint Identity Groups window. You can edit or delete the endpoint identity groups that
you have created. You can only edit the description of the system-defined endpoint identity groups. You
cannot edit the name of these groups or delete them.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > Groups >
Endpoint Identity Groups.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the Name for the endpoint identity group that you want to create (do not include spaces in the name of the endpoint
identity group).

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Identified Endpoints Grouped in Endpoint Identity Groups

Step 4 Enter the Description for the endpoint identity group that you want to create.
Step 5 Click the Parent Group drop-down list to choose an endpoint identity group to which you want to associate the newly
created endpoint identity group.
Step 6 Click Submit.

Identified Endpoints Grouped in Endpoint Identity Groups

Cisco ISE groups discovered endpoints into their corresponding endpoint identity groups based on the endpoint
profiling policies. Profiling policies are hierarchical, and they are applied at the endpoint identify groups level
in Cisco ISE. By grouping endpoints to endpoint identity groups, and applying profiling policies to endpoint
identity groups, Cisco ISE enables you to determine the mapping of endpoints to the endpoint profiles by
checking corresponding endpoint profiling policies.
Cisco ISE creates a set of endpoint identity groups by default, and allows you to create your own identity
groups to which endpoints can be assigned dynamically or statically. You can create an endpoint identity
group and associate the identity group to one of the system-created identity groups. You can also assign an
endpoint that you create statically to any one of the identity groups that exists in the system, and the profiling
service cannot reassign the identity group.

Default Endpoint Identity Groups Created for Endpoints

Cisco ISE creates the following endpoint identity groups:
• Blocked List: This endpoint identity group includes endpoints that are statically assigned to this group
in Cisco ISE and endpoints that are blocked in the device registration portal. An authorization profile
can be defined in Cisco ISE to permit, or deny network access to endpoints in this group.
• GuestEndpoints: This endpoint identity group includes endpoints that are used by guest users.
• Profiled: This endpoint identity group includes endpoints that match endpoint profiling policies except
Cisco IP phones and workstations in Cisco ISE.
• RegisteredDevices: This endpoint identity group includes endpoints, which are registered devices that
are added by an employee through the devices registration portal. The profiling service continues to
profile these devices normally when they are assigned to this group. Endpoints are statically assigned to
this group in Cisco ISE, and the profiling service cannot reassign them to any other identity group. These
devices will appear like any other endpoint in the endpoints list. You can edit, delete, and block these
devices that you added through the device registration portal from the endpoints list in the Endpoints
window in Cisco ISE. Devices that you have blocked in the device registration portal are assigned to the
Blocked List endpoint identity group, and an authorization profile that exists in Cisco ISE redirects
blocked devices to a URL, which displays “Unauthorised Network Access”, a default portal page to the
blocked devices.
• Unknown: This endpoint identity group includes endpoints that do not match any profile in Cisco ISE.

In addition to the above system created endpoint identity groups, Cisco ISE creates the following endpoint
identity groups, which are associated to the Profiled (parent) identity group. A parent group is the default
identity group that exists in the system:
• Cisco-IP-Phone: An identity group that contains all the profiled Cisco IP phones on your network.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Endpoint Identity Groups Created for Matched Endpoint Profiling Policies

• Workstation: An identity group that contains all the profiled workstations on your network.

Endpoint Identity Groups Created for Matched Endpoint Profiling Policies

If you have an endpoint policy that matches an existing policy, then the profiling service can create a matching
endpoint identity group. This identity group becomes the child of the Profiled endpoint identity group. When
you create an endpoint policy, you can check the Create Matching Identity Group check box in the Profiling
Policies page to create a matching endpoint identity group. You cannot delete the matching identity group
unless the mapping of the profile is removed.

Add Static Endpoints in Endpoint Identity Groups

You can add or remove statically added endpoints in any endpoint identity group.
You can add endpoints from the Endpoints widget only to a specific identity group. If you add an endpoint
to the specific endpoint identity group, then the endpoint is moved from the endpoint identity group where it
was dynamically grouped earlier.
Upon removal from the endpoint identity group where you recently added an endpoint, the endpoint is reprofiled
back to the appropriate identity group. You do not delete endpoints from the system but only remove them
from the endpoint identity group.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > Groups >
Endpoint Identity Groups.
Step 2 Choose an endpoint identity group, and click Edit.
Step 3 Click Add.
Step 4 Choose an endpoint in the Endpoints widget to add the selected endpoint in the endpoint identity group.
Step 5 Click the Endpoint Group List link to return to the Endpoint Identity Groups page.

Dynamic Endpoints Reprofiled After Adding or Removing in Identity Groups

If an endpoint identity group assignment is not static, then endpoints are reprofiled after you add or remove
them from an endpoint identity group. Endpoints that are identified dynamically by the ISE profiler appear
in appropriate endpoint identity groups. If you remove dynamically added endpoints from an endpoint identity
group, Cisco ISE displays a message that you have successfully removed endpoints from the identity group
but reprofiles them back in the endpoint identity group.

Endpoint Identity Groups Used in Authorization Rules

You can effectively use endpoint identity groups in the authorization policies to provide appropriate network
access privileges to the discovered endpoints. For example, an authorization rule for all types of Cisco IP
Phones is available by default in Cisco ISE in the following location: Policy > Policy Sets > Default >
Authorization Policy .
You must ensure that the endpoint profiling policies are either standalone policies (not a parent to other
endpoint profiling policies), or their parent policies of the endpoint profiling policies are not disabled.

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Anycast and Profiler Services

Anycast and Profiler Services

Anycast is a networking technique where the same IP address is assigned to two or more hosts and routing is
allowed to determine the most appropriate target to receive the data. Similar to the load balancer use cases to
provide a single target for profiling data (RADIUS, DHCP relay, SNMP traps, and NetFlow), Anycast allows
the sources to be configured with a single IP target to avoid sending the same data to multiple destinations.
The Anycast IP address can be assigned to a real PSN interface IP address or a load balancer virtual IP address
to support redundancy across data centers. You must not assign the Anycast IP address to ISE Gigabit Ethernet
0 management interface.
The interface used for Anycast must be a dedicated interface used by the Profiler probe. The same requirement
does not apply when the Anycast IP address is assigned to a load balancer virtual IP address.
When using Anycast, it is critical that any node failure be automatically detected and the corresponding route
to the failed node be removed from the routing table. If an Anycast target is the only host on the link or VLAN,
then failure may result in route being automatically removed.
When IP Anycast is deployed, it is very important to ensure that the route metrics to each target have significant
weighting or bias. If the routes to Anycast targets flap or result in an Equal-Cost Multi-Path Routing (ECMP)
scenario, then traffic for a given service (RADIUS AAA, DHCP or SNMP Trap Profiling, HTTPS portals)
may be distributed to each target resulting in excessive traffic and service failures (RADIUS AAA and HTTPS
portals) or suboptimal profiling and database replication (profiling services).
The key advantage of IP Anycast is that it greatly simplifies the configuration on access devices, profile data
sources, and DNS. It can also optimize ISE profiling by ensuring that the data for a given endpoint is sent
only to a single PSN. Additional route configuration must be carefully planned and managed with appropriate
monitors. However, troubleshooting might be difficult because distinct subnetworks and IP addresses are not

Profiler Feed Service

Profiler conditions, exception actions, and NMAP scan actions are classified as Cisco-provided or
administrator-created, as shown in the System Type attribute. Endpoint profiling policies are classified as
Cisco-provided, administrator-created, or administrator- modified. These classifications are shown in the
System Type attribute.
You can perform different operations on the profiler conditions, exception actions, NMAP scan actions, and
endpoint profiling policies depending on the System Type attribute. You cannot edit or delete Cisco-provided
conditions, exception actions, and nmap scan actions. You can not delete Endpoint policies that are provided
by Cisco. When you edit policies, they are called administrator-modified. When the feed service updates
policies, the administrator-modified policies are replaced by the up-to-date version of the Cisco-provided
policy that it was based on.
You can retrieve new and updated endpoint profiling policies and the updated OUI database from the Cisco
feed server. You must have a subscription to Cisco ISE. You can also receive e-mail notifications about
applied, success, and failure messages. You can send the anonymous information back to Cisco about feed
service actions, which helps Cisco improve the feed service.
The OUI database contains the MAC OUIs assigned to vendors. The OUI list is available here:

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Configure Profiler Feed Service

Cisco ISE downloads policies and OUI database updates every day at 1:00 A.M of the local Cisco ISE server
time zone. Cisco ISE automatically applies these downloaded feed server policies, and stores the the changes
so that you can revert to the previous state. When you revert to a previous state, the new endpoint profiling
policies are removed and updated endpoint profiling policies are reverted to the previous state. In addition,
the profiler feed service is automatically disabled.
You can also update the feed services manually in offline mode. You can download the updates manually by
using this option if you cannot connect your ISE deployments to Cisco feed service.

Note Updates from the Feed Service are not allowed after the license goes Out of Compliance (OOC) for 45 days
within a 60-day window period. The license is out of compliance when it has expired, or when the usage
exceeds the allowed number of sessions.

Configure Profiler Feed Service

The Profiler Feed Service retrieves new and updated endpoint profiling policies and MAC OUI database
updates from the Cisco Feed server. If the Feed Service is unavailable or other errors have occurred, it is
reported in the Operations Audit report.
You can configure Cisco ISE to send anonymous feed service usage report back to Cisco, which sends the
following information to Cisco:
• Hostname: Cisco ISE hostname
• MaxCount: Total number of endpoints
• ProfiledCount: Profiled endpoints count
• UnknownCount: Unknown endpoints count
• MatchSystemProfilesCount: Cisco Provided profiles count
• UserCreatedProfiles: User created profiles count

You can change the CoA type in a Cisco-provided profiling policy. When the feed service updates that policy,
the CoA type will not be changed, but the rest of that policy's attributes will be still be updated.
Cisco ISE, Release 2.7 and later allow you to manually download OUI updates without downloading policy
updates. If you customized some of your profiler conditions to change more than just the CoA type, you may
not want the profiler feed to replace those conditions. You may still want the OUI updates, so the profiler can
identify new devices as manufacturers add them. The option to download only OUI is available on the Feed
Service portal.

Before you begin

The Profiler feed service can only be configured from the Cisco ISE Admin portal in a distributed deployment
or in a standalone ISE node.
Set up a Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) server if you plan to send e-mail notifications from the Admin
portal about feed updates (Administration > System > Settings).
To update the Feed Services online:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Configure Profiler Feed Services Offline

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Certificates > Trusted Certificates, and check if QuoVadis Root CA 2 is enabled.
Step 2 Choose Work Centers > Profiler > Feeds.
You can also access the option in the Administration > FeedService > Profiler page.
Step 3 Click the Online Subscription Update tab.
Step 4 Click the Test Feed Service Connection button to verify that there is a connection to the Cisco Feed Service, and that
the certificate is valid.
Step 5 Check the Enable Online Subscription Update check box.
Step 6 Enter time in HH:MM format (local time zone of the Cisco ISE server). By default, Cisco ISE feed service is scheduled
at 1.00 AM every day.
Step 7 Check the Notify administrator when download occurs check box and enter your e-mail address in the Administrator
email address text box. Check the Provide Cisco anonymous information to help improve profiling accuracy check
box, if you want to allow Cisco ISE to collect non-sensitive information (that will be used to provide better services and
additional features in forthcoming releases).
Step 8 Click Save.
Step 9 Click Update Now.
Instructs Cisco ISE to contact Cisco feed server for new and updated profiles created since the last feed service update.
This re-profiles all endpoints in the system, which may cause an increase the load on the system. Due to updated endpoint
profiling policies, there may be changes in the authorization policy for some endpoints that are currently connected to
Cisco ISE.
The Update Now button is disabled when you update new and updated profiles created since the last feed service and
enabled only after the download is completed. You must navigate away from the profiler feed service configuration
window and return to this window.

Related Topics
Configure Profiler Feed Services Offline, on page 673

Configure Profiler Feed Services Offline

You can update the feed services offline when Cisco ISE is not directly connected to the Cisco feed server.
You can download the offline update package from the Cisco feed server and upload it to Cisco ISE using
the offline feed update. You can also set email notifications about new policies that are added to the feed
Configuring the profiler feed services offline involves the following tasks:
1. Download Offline Update Package
2. Apply Offline Feed Updates

Download Offline Update Package

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Profiler > Feeds.
You can also access the option in the Administration > FeedService > Profiler page.
Step 2 Click the Offline Manual Update tab.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Apply Offline Feed Updates

Step 3 Click Download Updated Profile Policies link. You will be redirected to Feed Service Partner Portal.
You can also go to from your browser, to go to the feed service partner portal directly.
Step 4 If you are a first time user, accept the terms and agreements.
An email will be triggered to Feed Services administrator to approve your request. Upon approval, you will receive a
confirmation email.
Step 5 Login to the partner portal using your credentials.
Step 6 Choose Offline Feed > Download Package .
Step 7 Click Generate Package .
Step 8 Click the Click to View the Offline Update Package contents link to view all the profiles and OUIs that are included
in the generated package.
• The policies under Feed Profiler 1 and Feed OUI will be downloaded to all versions of Cisco ISE.
• The policies under Feed Profiler 2 will be downloaded only to Cisco ISE Release 1.3 and later.
• The policies under Feed Profiler 3 will be downloaded only to Cisco ISE Release 2.1 and later.

Step 9 Click Download Package and save the file to your local system.
You can upload the saved file to Cisco ISE server to apply the feed updates in the downloaded package.

Apply Offline Feed Updates

Before you begin

You must have downloaded the offline update package before applying the feed updates.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Profiler > Feeds .
You can also access the option in the Administration > FeedService > Profiler window.
Step 2 Click the Offline Manual Update tab.
Step 3 Click Browse and choose the downloaded profiler feed package.
Step 4 Click Apply Update .

Configure Email Notifications for Profile and OUI Updates

You can configure your email address to receive notifications on profile and OUI updates.

Step 1 Perform Step 1 through Step 5 in the Download Offline Update Package section to go to the Feed Service Partner Portal.
Step 2 Choose Offline Feed > Email Preferences.
Step 3 Check the Enable Notifications checkbox to receive notifications.
Step 4 Choose the number of days from the days drop-down list to set the frequency in which you want to receive the notifications
on new updates.
Step 5 Enter the e-mail address/addresses and click Save .

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Undo Feed Updates

Undo Feed Updates

You can revert endpoint profiling policies that were updated in the previous update and remove endpoint
profiling policies and OUIs that are newly added through the previous update of the profiler feed service .
An endpoint profiling policy, if modified after an update from the feed server is not changed in the system.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Profiler > Feeds.
Step 2 Click Go to Update Report Page if you want to view the configuration changes made in the Change Configuration Audit
Step 3 Click Undo Latest.

Profiler Reports
Cisco ISE provides you with various reports on endpoint profiling, and troubleshooting tools that you can use
to manage your network. You can generate reports for historical as well as current data. You may be able to
drill down on a part of the report to view more details. For large reports, you can also schedule reports and
download them in various formats.
You can run the following reports for endpoints from Operations > Reports > Endpoints and Users:
• Endpoint Session History
• Profiled Endpoint Summary
• Endpoint Profile Changes
• Top Authorizations by Endpoint
• Registered Endpoints

Detect Anomalous Behavior of Endpoints

Cisco ISE protects your network from the illegitimate use of a MAC address. Cisco ISE detects the endpoints
involved in MAC address spoofing and allows you to restrict the permission of the suspicious endpoints.
The following are the two options in the profiler configuration page for Anomalous Behavior:
• Enable Anomalous Behavior Detection
• Enable Anomalous Behavior Enforcement

If you enable Anomalous Behavior detection, Cisco ISE probes for data, and checks for any contradiction to
the existing data with respect to changes in attributes related to NAS-Port-Type, DHCP Class Identifier, and
Endpoint Policy. If so, an attribute called AnomalousBehavior set to true is added to the endpoint which
helps you to filter and view the endpoints in the Visibility Context page. Audit logs are also generated for the
respective MAC address.
When anomalous behavior detection is enabled, Cisco ISE checks if the following attributes of existing
endpoints have changed:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Set Authorization Policy Rules for Endpoints with Anomalous Behavior

1. Port-Type—Determines if the access method of an endpoint has changed. This only applies when the
same MAC address that is connected via Wired Dot1x has been used for Wireless Dot1x and visa-versa.
2. DHCP Class Identifier—Determines whether the type of client or vendor of an endpoint has changed.
This only applies when DHCP Class identifier attribute is populated with a certain value and is then
changed to another value. If an endpoint is configured with a static IP, the DHCP Class Identifier attribute
is empty in Cisco ISE. Later on, if another device spoofs the MAC address of this endpoint and uses
DHCP, the Class Identifier changes from an empty value to a specific string. This will not trigger anomalous
behavior detection.
3. Endpoint Policy—Determines if there are significant profile changes. This only applies when the profile
of an endpoint changes from a “Phone” or “Printer” to a “Workstation”.

If you enable Anomalous Behavior Enforcement, a CoA is issued upon detection of the anomalous Behavior,
which can be used to re-authorize the suspicious endpoints, based on the authorization rules configured in the
Profiler Configuration window.

Set Authorization Policy Rules for Endpoints with Anomalous Behavior

You can choose the action to be taken against any endpoint with anomalous Behavior by setting the
corresponding rules on the Authorization Policy page.

Step 1 Choose Policy > Policy Sets.

Step 2 Click the arrow icon from the View column corresponding to the Default Policy to open the Set view screen and view
and manage the default authorization policy.
Step 3 From the Actions column on any row, click the cog icon and then from the drop-down list, insert a new authorization
rule by selecting any of the insert or duplicate options, as necessary.
A new row appears in the Policy Sets table.
Step 4 Enter the Rule Name.
Step 5 From the Conditions column, click the (+) symbol.
Step 6 Create the required conditions in the Conditions Studio Page. In the Editor section, click the Click To Add an Attribute
text box, and select the required Dictionary and Attribute (for example, Endpoints.AnomalousBehaviorEqualsTrue).
You can also drag and drop a Library condition to the Click To Add An Attribute text box.

Step 7 Click Use to set the authorization policy rules for endpoints with anomalous behavior.
Step 8 Click Done.

View Endpoints with Anomalous Behavior

You can view the endpoints with anomalous behavior by using any of the following options:
• Click Anomalous Behavior from Home > Summary > Metrics. This action opens a new tab with
Anomalous Behaviour column in the lower pane of the window.
• Choose Context Visibility > Endpoints > Endpoint Classification. You can view the Anomalous
Behaviour column in the lower pane of the window.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

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Agent Download Issues on Client Machine

• You can create a new Anomalous Behavior column in Authentication view or Compromised Endpoints
view in the Context Visibility window as explained in the following steps:

Step 1 Choose Context Visibility > Endpoints > Authentication or Context Visibility > Endpoints > Compromised Endpoints.
Step 2 Click the Settings icon in the lower pane of the window and check Anomalous Behavior check box..
Step 3 Click Go.
You can view the Anomalous Behavior column in the Authentication or Compromised Endpoints View.

Agent Download Issues on Client Machine

The client machine browser displays a “no policy matched” error message after user authentication and
authorization. This issue applies to user sessions during the client provisioning phase of authentication.

Possible Causes
The client provisioning policy is missing required settings.

Posture Agent Download Issues

Remember that downloading the posture agent installer requires the following:
• The user must allow the ActiveX installer in the browser session the first time an agent is installed on
the client machine. The client provisioning download page prompts for this.
• The client machine must have Internet access.

• Ensure that a client provisioning policy exists in Cisco ISE. If yes, verify the policy identity group,
conditions, and type of agent defined in the policy. Also ensure whether or not there is any agent profile
configured under Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client Provisioning >
ResourcesAddAnyConnect Posture Profile, even a profile with all default values.
• Try re-authenticating the client machine by bouncing the port on the access switch.

These windows enable you to configure and manage endpoints that connect to your network.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Settings

Endpoint Settings
The following table describes the fields on the Endpoints window, which you can use to create endpoints
and assign policies for endpoints. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers >
Network Access > Identities > Endpoints.

Table 106: Endpoint Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

MAC Address Enter the MAC address in hexadecimal format to

create an endpoint statically.
The MAC address is the device identifier for the
interface that is connected to the Cisco ISE enabled

Static Assignment Check this check box when you want to create an
endpoint statically in the Endpoints window and the
status of static assignment is set to static.
You can toggle the status of static assignment of an
endpoint from static to dynamic or from dynamic to

Policy Assignment (Disabled by default unless the Static Assignment is

checked) Choose a matching endpoint policy from
the Policy Assignment drop-down list.
You can do one of the following:
• If you do not choose a matching endpoint policy,
but use the default endpoint policy Unknown,
then the static assignment status is set to dynamic
for the endpoint that allows dynamic profiling
of an endpoint.
• If you choose a matching endpoint policy other
than Unknown, then the static assignment status
is set to static for that endpoint and the Static
Assignment check box is automatically checked.

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Endpoint Import from LDAP Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Static Group Assignment Check this check box when you want to assign an
endpoint to an identity group statically.
In you check this check box, the profiling service does
not change the endpoint identity group the next time
during evaluation of the endpoint policy for these
endpoints, which were previously assigned
dynamically to other endpoint identity groups.
If you uncheck this check box, then the endpoint
identity group is dynamic as assigned by the ISE
profiler based on policy configuration. If you do not
choose the Static Group Assignment option, then the
endpoint is automatically assigned to the matching
identity group the next time during evaluation of the
endpoint policy.

Identity Group Assignment Choose an endpoint identity group to which you want
to assign the endpoint.
You can assign an endpoint to an identity group when
you create an endpoint statically, or when you do not
want to use the Create Matching Identity Group
option during evaluation of the endpoint policy for
an endpoint.
Cisco ISE includes the following system created
endpoint identity groups:
• Blocked List
• GuestEndpoints
• Profiled
• Cisco IP-Phone
• Workstation

• RegisteredDevices
• Unknown

Related Topics
Identified Endpoints, on page 666
Create Endpoints with Static Assignments of Policies and Identity Groups, on page 662

Endpoint Import from LDAP Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Import from LDAP window, which you can use to import
endpoints from an LDAP server. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers >
Network Access > Identities > Endpoints.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Import from LDAP Settings

Table 107: Endpoint Import from LDAP Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Connection Settings

Host Enter the hostname, or the IP address of the LDAP


Port Enter the port number of the LDAP server. You can
use the default port 389 to import from an LDAP
server, and the default port 636 to import from an
LDAP server over SSL.
Note Cisco ISE supports any configured port
number. The configured value should
match the LDAP server connection details.

Enable Secure Connection Check the Enable Secure Connection check box to
import from an LDAP server over SSL.

Root CA Certificate Name Click the drop-down arrow to view the trusted CA
The Root CA Certificate Name refers to the trusted
CA certificate that is required to connect to an LDAP
server. You can add (import), edit, delete, and export
trusted CA certificates in Cisco ISE.

Anonymous Bind You must enable either the Anonymous Bind check
box, or enter the LDAP administrator credentials from
the slapd.conf configuration file.

Admin DN Enter the distinguished name (DN) configured for the

LDAP administrator in the slapd.conf configuration
Admin DN format example: cn=Admin,, dc=com

Password Enter the password configured for the LDAP

administrator in the slapd.conf configuration file.

Base DN Enter the distinguished name of the parent entry.

Base DN format example:, dc=com.

Query Settings

MAC Address objectClass Enter the query filter, which is used for importing the
MAC address, for example, ieee802Device.

MAC Address Attribute Name Enter the returned attribute name for import, for
example, macAddress.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Profile Attribute Name Enter the name of the LDAP attribute. This attribute
holds the policy name for each endpoint entry that is
defined in the LDAP server.
When you configure the Profile Attribute Name
field, consider the following:
• If you do not specify this LDAP attribute in the
Profile Attribute Name field or configure this
attribute incorrectly, then endpoints are marked
“Unknown” during an import operation, and
these endpoints are profiled separately to the
matching endpoint profiling policies.
• If you configure this LDAP attribute in the
Profile Attribute Name field, the attribute
values are validated to ensure that the endpoint
policy matches with an existing policy in Cisco
ISE, and endpoints are imported. If the endpoint
policy does not match with an existing policy,
then those endpoints will not be imported.

Time Out Enter the time in seconds. The valid range is from 1
to 60 seconds.

Related Topics
Identified Endpoints, on page 666
Import Endpoints from LDAP Server, on page 665

Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Endpoint Policies window. To view this window, click the
Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Profiling > Profiling Policies.

Table 108: Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the endpoint profiling policy that

you want to create.

Description Enter the description of the endpoint profiling policy

that you want to create.

Policy Enabled By default, the Policy Enabled check box is checked

to associate a matching profiling policy when you
profile an endpoint.
When unchecked, the endpoint profiling policy is
excluded when you profile an endpoint.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Minimum Certainty Factor Enter the minimum value that you want to associate
with the profiling policy. The default value is 10.

Exception Action Choose an exception action, which you want to

associate with the conditions when defining a rule in
the profiling policy.
The default is NONE. The exception actions are
defined in the following location: Policy > Policy
Elements > Results > Profiling > Exception Actions.

Network Scan (NMAP) Action Choose a network scan action from the list, which
you want to associate with the conditions when
defining a rule in the profiling policy, if required.
The default is NONE. The exception actions are
defined in the following location: Policy > Policy
Elements > Results > Profiling > Network Scan
(NMAP) Actions.

Create an Identity Group for the policy Check one of the following options to create an
endpoint identity group:
• Yes, create matching Identity Group
• No, use existing Identity Group hierarchy

Yes, create matching Identity Group Choose this option to use an existing profiling policy.
This option creates a matching identity group for those
endpoints and the identity group will be the child of
the Profiled endpoint identity group when an endpoint
profile matches an existing profiling policy.
For example, the Xerox-Device endpoint identity
group is created in the Endpoints Identity Groups page
when endpoints discovered on your network match
the Xerox-Device profile.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

No, use existing Identity Group hierarchy Check this check box to assign endpoints to the
matching parent endpoint identity group using
hierarchical construction of profiling policies and
identity groups.
This option allows you to make use of the endpoint
profiling policies hierarchy to assign endpoints to one
of the matching parent endpoint identity groups, as
well as to the associated endpoint identity groups to
the parent identity group.
For example, endpoints that match an existing profile
are grouped under the appropriate parent endpoint
identity group. Here, endpoints that match the
Unknown profile are grouped under Unknown, and
endpoints that match an existing profile are grouped
under the Profiled endpoint identity group. For
• If endpoints match the Cisco-IP-Phone profile,
then they are grouped under the Cisco-IP-Phone
endpoint identity group.
• If endpoints match the Workstation profile, then
they are grouped under the Workstation endpoint
identity group.
The Cisco-IP-Phone and Workstation endpoint
identity groups are associated to the Profiled
endpoint identity group in the system.

Parent Policy Choose a parent profiling policy that are defined in

the system to which you want to associate the new
endpoint profiling policy.
You can choose a parent profiling policy from which
you can inherit rules and conditions to its child.

Associated CoA Type Choose one of the following CoA types that you want
to associate with the endpoint profiling policy:
• No CoA
• Port Bounce
• Reauth
• Global Settings that is applied from the profiler
configuration set in Administration > System >
Settings > Profiling

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Rules One or more rules that are defined in endpoint

profiling policies determine the matching profiling
policy for endpoints, which allows you to group
endpoints according to their profiles.
One or more profiling conditions from the policy
elements library are used in rules for validating
endpoint attributes and their values for the overall

Conditions Click the plus [+] sign to expand the Conditions

anchored overlay, and click the minus [-] sign, or click
outside the anchored overlay to close it.
Click Select Existing Condition from Library or
Create New Condition (Advanced Option) .
Select Existing Condition from Library: You can
define an expression by selecting Cisco predefined
conditions from the policy elements library.
Create New Condition (Advanced Option): You
can define an expression by selecting attributes from
various system or user-defined dictionaries.
You can associate one of the following with the
profiling conditions:
• An integer value for the certainty factor for each
• Either an exception action or a network scan
action for that condition

Choose one of the following predefined settings to

associate with the profiling condition:
• Certainty Factor Increases: Enter the certainty
value for each rule, which can be added for all
the matching rules with respect to the overall
• Take Exception Action: Triggers an exception
action that is configured in the Exception Action
field for this endpoint profiling policy.
• Take Network Scan Action: Triggers a network
scan action that is configured in the Network
Scan (NMAP) Action field for this endpoint
profiling policy.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Profiling Policies Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Select Existing Condition from Library You can do the following:

• You can choose Cisco predefined conditions that
are available in the policy elements library, and
then use an AND or OR operator to add multiple
• Click the Action icon to do the following in the
subsequent steps:
• Add Attribute or Value: You can add
ad-hoc attribute or value pairs
• Add Condition from Library: You can
add Cisco predefined conditions
• Duplicate: Create a copy of the selected
• Add Condition to Library: You can save
ad-hoc attribute/value pairs that you create
to the policy elements library
• Delete: Delete the selected condition.

Create New Condition (Advance Option) You can do the following:

• You can add ad-hoc attribute/value pairs to your
expression, and then use an AND or OR operator
to add multiple conditions.
• Click the Action icon to do the following in the
subsequent steps:
• Add Attribute or Value: You can add
ad-hoc attribute or value pairs
• Add Condition from Library: You can
add Cisco predefined conditions
• Duplicate: Create a copy of the selected
• Add Condition to Library: You can save
ad-hoc attribute/value pairs that you create
to the policy elements library
• Delete: Delete the selected condition. You
can use the AND or OR operator

Related Topics
Cisco ISE Profiling Service, on page 610
Create Endpoint Profiling Policies, on page 655

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Context Visibility Using UDID Attribute

Endpoint Context Visibility Using UDID Attribute, on page 686

Endpoint Context Visibility Using UDID Attribute

The Unique Identifier (UDID) is an endpoint attribute that identifies MAC addresses of a particular endpoint.
An endpoint can have multiple MAC addresses. For example, one MAC address for the wired interface and
another for the wireless interface. The AnyConnect agent generates a UDID for that endpoint, and saves it as
an endpoint attribute. You can use the UDID in authorization query. The UDID remains constant for an
endpoint; the UDID does not change with the AnyConnect installation or uninstallation. When using UDID,
Context Visibility window (Context Visibility > Endpoints > Compliance) displays one entry instead of
multiple entries for endpoints with multiple NICs. You can ensure posture control on a specific endpoint
rather than on a Mac address.

Note The endpoint must have AnyConnect 4.7 or higher to create the UDID.

Endpoint Scripts Wizard for Windows and Macintosh Endpoints

The Endpoint Scripts Wizard allows you to run scripts on connected endpoints to carry out administrative
tasks that comply with your organization’s requirements. This includes tasks like uninstalling obsolete software,
starting or terminating processes or applications, and enabling or disabling specific services.
Endpoint scripts can be run on Windows and Macintosh endpoints through the Endpoint Scripts Wizard.

Before you begin

• You must have the user role of Super Admin.
• Configure login credentials for Cisco ISE to access Macintosh and Windows endpoints with administrative
In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings >
Protocols > Endpoint Login Configuration, and configure the following:
• Domain credentials with which Cisco ISE can log into endpoints.
• Local user credentials for Windows and Macintosh with which Cisco ISE can log into the endpoints
as a local user.
Domain user has precedence over local user. If you have configured both, and need to run a script
with local user credentials, you must remove domain credentials.

• Windows endpoints must have Windows PowerShell version 5.1 or later installed. PowerShell remoting
must be enabled.
• Macintosh endpoints must have Bash installed.
• Both Windows and Macintosh endpoints must have cURL version 7.34 or later installed.
• The Windows and Macintosh endpoints must be connected to a network and have active sessions in
Cisco ISE.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Endpoint Scripts Provisioning Summary Report

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Context Visibility > Endpoints
Step 2 Click the link icon in the top-right corner of the window, and choose Run Endpoint Scripts from the drop-down list.
The Welcome tab contains a link to the Endpoint Login Configuration window to configure login credentials, if this
is not already done. You can click the Start button at the bottom-right corner of this tab only when login credentials are

Step 3 In the Select Category tab, you can select endpoints based either on their operating systems, or the applications available
on them. Click the radio button for By OS or By Application to make your choice. Click Next to continue.
Step 4 In the Select Endpoints window, a dashlet displays the filters available for OS type, or application, as applicable. In the
dashlet, click the filter you wish to apply, and all the endpoints for that filter are listed in a table.
• To select all the endpoints for the chosen filter, check the checkbox in the title row of the table.
• To select specific endpoints, check the check box for that entry in the table. To find a specific endpoint from the
table, click the Filter button above the table and choose Quick Filter. You can filter by any of the parameters
displayed to find the required endpoints.

Note If you chose By Application in the Select Categories step, remember to select endpoints belonging to the
same OS type in this step. In the case of application-based scripts, create a script for each OS type and set up
a separate job for each OS type on the Endpoints Scripts Wizard.

Step 5 Click Next after choosing the endpoints on which to run a script.
Step 6 In the Select Scripts tab, click Add.
Step 7 Click Add Script to choose the script from your system. Click Start Upload to add the script to the Select Scripts tab.
Step 8 Check the check box for the script you wish to run and click Next.
Step 9 The Summary tab displays the endpoints selected and the script chosen. Review the selection here and click Back to
change any details. Click Finish to initiate running the scripts.
A pop-up window named Endpoints Script Report is displayed, with the Job ID of this task. Click Endpoint Scripts
provisioning report to be redirected to the window with the details of this task.
To view the reports of jobs run through the Endpoints Scripts Wizard, choose Operations > Reports > Reports >
Endpoints and Users > Endpoint Scripts Provisioning Summary.

Endpoint Scripts Provisioning Summary Report

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > Reports > Endpoints
and Users > Endpoint Scripts Provisioning Summary
The Endpoint Scripts Provisioning Summary window displays details of jobs run through the Endpoint Scripts
Wizard, over the last 30 days. Click Schedule in the top-right corner of the window to schedule exporting
reports and keep track of older reports.
Click Export To and choose an option from the drop-down list to save a CSV or PDF version of the report
to a repository or a local destination.
The Endpoint Scripts Provisioning Summary window displays a table with the following columns by

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility

Name of Column Information Displayed

Logged At Time stamp of submission of job.

Job ID Click the Job ID entry to view details of this entry. A

new tab open with Endpoint Scripts Provisioning
Details, with timestamp, MAC addresses of the
endpoints selected, script status and provisioning
status of the script for each of the endpoints, name of
PSN provisioning the job, and the Job ID.
Note Note: Click the MAC address for granular
step-by-step details of the script run.

Admin Name Name of administrator who submitted the job.

Operating System Operating system for which the selected script was

Total/ Success /Failed/In-Progress Endpoints • Total number of endpoints selected.

• Number of endpoints on which the script ran
• Number of endpoints on which the script failed
to run.
• Number of endpoints on which the script is still

Script Name Name of the script included in the job.

Object OID








Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility

Object OID











Object OID





Object OID






Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility

Object OID





















Object OID




Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility

Object OID



Object OID



Object OID


Object OID











Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility

Object OID

























Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility

Object OID




















Object OID




Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility

Object OID






Object OID

dot1xAuthAuthControlledPortStatus 1.0.8802.

dot1xAuthAuthControlledPortControl 1.0.8802.

dot1xAuthSessionUserName 1.0.8802.

Object OID



Object OID

lldpEntry 1.0.8802.

lldpTimeMark 1.0.8802.

lldpLocalPortNum 1.0.8802.

lldpIndex 1.0.8802.

lldpChassisIdSubtype 1.0.8802.

lldpChassisId 1.0.8802.

lldpPortIdSubtype 1.0.8802.

lldpPortId 1.0.8802.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Session Trace for an Endpoint

Object OID

lldpPortDescription 1.0.8802.

lldpSystemName 1.0.8802.

lldpSystemDescription 1.0.8802.

ldpCapabilitiesMapSupported 1.0.8802.

lldpCacheCapabilities 1.0.8802.

Session Trace for an Endpoint

You can use the global search box available at the top of the Cisco ISE home page to get session information
for a particular endpoint. When you search with a criteria, you get a list of endpoints. Click on any of these
endpoints to see the session trace information for that endpoint. The following figure shows an example of
the session trace information displayed for an endpoint.

Note The dataset used for search is based on Endpoint ID as indexes. Therefore, when authentication occurs, it is
mandatory to have Endpoint IDs for the endpoints for those authentications to include them in the search
result set.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Session Trace for an Endpoint

Figure 30: Session Trace of an Endpoint

You can use the clickable timeline at the top to see major authorization transitions. You can also export the
results in .csv format by using the Export Results option. The report gets downloaded to your browser.
You can click the Endpoint Details link to see more authentication, accounting, and profiler information for
a particular endpoint. The following figure shows an example of endpoint details information displayed for
an endpoint.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Session Removal from the Directory

Figure 31: Endpoint Details

Session Removal from the Directory

Sessions are cleaned from the session directory on the Monitoring and Troubleshooting node as follows:
• Terminated sessions are cleaned 15 minutes after termination.
• If there is authentication but no accounting, then such sessions are cleared after one hour.
• All inactive sessions are cleared after five days.

Global Search for Endpoints

You can use the global search box available at the top of the Cisco ISE home page to search for endpoints.
You can use any of the following criteria to search for an endpoint:
• User name
• MAC Address
• IP Address
• Authorization Profile
• Endpoint Profile

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Asset Visibility
Global Search for Endpoints

• Failure Reason
• Identity Group
• Identity Store
• Network Device name
• Network Device Type
• Operating System
• Posture Status
• Location
• Security Group
• User Type

You should enter at least three characters for any of the search criteria in the Search field to display data.

Note If an endpoint has been authenticated by Cisco ISE, or its accounting update has been received, it can be found
through the global search. Endpoints that have been manually added and are not authenticated by or accounted
for in Cisco ISE will not show up in the search results.

The search result provides a detailed and at-a-glance information about the current status of the endpoint,
which you can use for troubleshooting. Search results display only the top 25 entries. It is recommended to
use filters to narrow down the results.
You can use any of the properties in the left panel to filter the results. You can also click on any endpoint to
see more detailed information about the endpoint, such as:
• Session trace
• Authentication details
• Accounting details
• Posture details
• Profiler details
• Client Provisioning details
• Guest accounting and activity

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
• Personal Devices on a Corporate Network (BYOD), on page 699
• Personal Device Portals, on page 700
• Support Device Registration Using Native Supplicants, on page 706
• Device Portals Configuration Tasks, on page 707
• Manage Personal Devices Added by Employees, on page 721
• Monitor My Devices Portals and Endpoints Activity, on page 723

Personal Devices on a Corporate Network (BYOD)

When supporting personal devices on a corporate network, you must protect network services and enterprise
data by authenticating and authorizing users (employees, contractors, and guests) and their devices. Cisco
ISE provides the tools you need to allow employees to securely use personal devices on a corporate network.
Guests can automatically register their devices when logging in to the Guest portals. Guests can register
additional devices up to the maximum limit that you define in their guest type. These devices are registered
into endpoint identity groups based on the portal configuration.
Guests can add their personal devices to the network by running the native supplicant provisioning (Network
Setup Assistant), or by adding their devices to the My Devices portal. You can create native supplicant profiles,
which determine the proper native supplicant provisioning wizard to use, based on the operating system.
Because native supplicant profiles are not available for all devices, users can use the My Devices portal to
add these devices manually; or you can configure BYOD rules to register these devices.

Cisco ISE Community Resource

End-User Device Portals in a Distributed Environment

Cisco ISE end-user web portals depend on the Administration, Policy Services, and Monitoring personas to
provide configuration, session support, and reporting.
• Policy Administration node (PAN): Configuration changes that you make to the users, devices, and
end-user portals are written to the PAN.
• Policy Service node (PSN): The end-user portals run on a PSN, which handles all session traffic,
including: network access, client provisioning, guest services, posture, and profiling. If a PSN is part of
a node group, and one node fails, the other nodes detect the failure and reset any pending sessions.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Global Settings for Device Portals

• Monitoring node (MnT node): The MnT node collects, aggregates, and reports data about the end-user
and device activity on the My Devices, Sponsor, and Guest portals. If the primary MnT node fails, the
secondary MnT node automatically becomes the primary MonT node.

Global Settings for Device Portals

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
You can configure the following general settings for the BYOD and My Devices portals:
• Employee Registered Devices: Enter the maximum number of devices that an employee can register in
Restrict employees to. By default, this value is set to 5 devices.
• Retry URL: Enter a URL that can be used to redirect the device back to Cisco ISE in Retry URL for

Once you configure these general settings, they apply to all BYOD and My Devices portals that you set up
for your company.

Personal Device Portals

Cisco ISE provides several web-based portals to support employee-owned personal devices. These device
portals do not participate in the guest or sponsor portal flows.
• Blocked List Portal: Provides information about personal devices that are block listed and cannot be
used to gain access to the network.
• BYOD Portals: Enables employees to register their personal devices using native supplicant provisioning
• Certificate Provisioning Portal: Enables administrators and employees to request for user or device
certificate(s) for devices that cannot go through the BYOD flow.
• Client Provisioning Portals: Forces employees to download a posture agent on their devices that checks
for compliance.
• MDM Portals: Enables employees to enroll their mobile devices with an external Mobile Device
Management (MDM) system.
• My Devices Portals: Enables employees to add and register personal devices, including those that do
not support native supplicant provisioning, and then manage them.

Cisco ISE provides you with the ability to host multiple device portals on the Cisco ISE server, including a
predefined set of default portals. The default portal themes have standard Cisco branding that you can customize
through the Administrators portal (Administration > Device Portal Management). You can also choose to
further customize a portal by uploading images, logos, and cascading style sheets (CSS) files that are specific
to your organization.

Access Device Portals

You can access any of the Personal Device Portals from the Cisco ISE GUI as follows:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Blocked List Portal

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management.
Step 2 Select the specific device portal that you want to configure.

Blocked List Portal

Employees do not access this portal directly, but are redirected to it.
If employees lose their personal device or it is stolen, they can update its status in the My Devices portal,
which adds it to the Blocked List endpoint identity group. This prevents others from using the device to obtain
unauthorized network access. If anyone attempts to connect to the network using one of these devices, they
are redirected to the Blocked List portal which informs them that the device is denied access to the network.
If the device is found, employees can reinstate it (in the My Devices portal) and regain network access without
having to register the device again. Depending on whether the device was lost or stolen, additional provisioning
may be required before the device can be connected to the network.
You can configure the port settings (default is port 8444) for the Blocked List portal. If you change the port
number, make sure it is not being used by another end-user portal.
For information about configuring a Blocked List portal, see Edit the Blocked List Portal, on page 711.

Certificate Provisioning Portal

Employees can access the Certificate Provisioning portal directly.
The Certificate Provisioning portal allows employees to request certificates for devices that cannot go through
the onboarding flow. For example, devices such as point-of-sale terminals cannot go through the BYOD flow
and need to be issued certificates manually. The Certificate Provisioning portal allows a privileged set of users
to upload a certificate request for such devices, generate key pairs (if required), and download the certificate.
Employees can access this portal and request for a single certificate or make a bulk certificate request using
a CSV file.

ISE Community Resource

For information about the functionality and configuration of Cisco ISE Certificate Provisioning Portal, see
ISE 2.0: Certificate Provisioning Portal.

Bring Your Own Device Portal

Employees do not access this portal directly.
Employees are redirected to the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) portal when registering personal devices
using native supplicants. The first time employees attempt to access the network using a personal device, they
may be prompted to manually download and launch the Network Setup Assistant (NSA) wizard and be guided
through registering and installing the native supplicant. After they have registered a device, they can use the
My Devices portal to manage it.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Client Provisioning Portal

Note BYOD flow is not supported when a device is connected to a network using AnyConnect Network Access
Manager (NAM).

Related Topics
Create a BYOD Portal, on page 713
Personal Devices on a Corporate Network (BYOD), on page 699

Client Provisioning Portal

Employees do not access this portal directly, but are redirected to it.
The Client Provisioning system provides posture assessments and remediations for devices that are attempting
to gain access to your corporate network. When employees request network access using their devices, you
can route them to a Client Provisioning portal and require them to first download the posture agent. The
posture agent scans the device for compliance, such as verifying that virus protection software is installed on
it and that its operating system is supported.
Related Topics
Create a Client Provisioning Portal, on page 716

Mobile Device Management Portal

Employees do not access this portal directly, but are redirected to it.
Many companies use a Mobile Device Management (MDM) system to manage employees’ mobile devices.
Cisco ISE allows integration with external MDM systems that employees can use to enroll their mobile device
and gain access to your corporate network. Cisco provides an external MDM interface that employees can
enroll in to register their devices and then connect to the network.
The MDM portal enables employees to enroll in an external MDM system.
Employees can then use the My Devices portal to manage their mobile devices, such as lock their devices
with a pin code, reset their device to its default factory settings, or remove applications and settings that were
installed when registering the device.
Cisco ISE allows you to have a single MDM portal for all external MDM systems, or a portal for each individual
MDM system.
For information about configuring MDM servers to work with Cisco ISE, see Create an MDM Portal, on page

My Devices Portal
Employees can access the My Devices portal directly.
Some network devices that need network access are not supported by native supplicant provisioning and
cannot be registered using the BYOD portal. However, employees can add and register personal devices,
whose operating systems are not supported or do not have web browsers (such as printers, internet radios,
and other devices), using the My Devices portal.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
BYOD Deployment Options and Status Flow

Employees can add and manage new devices by entering the MAC address for the device. When employees
add devices using the My Devices portal, Cisco ISE adds the devices to the Endpoints window
(Administration > Context Visibility > Endpoints) as members of the RegisteredDevices endpoint identity
group (unless already statically assigned to a different endpoint identity group). The devices are profiled like
any other endpoint in Cisco ISE and go through a registration process for network access.
When two MAC addresses from one device are entered into the My Devices portal by a user, profiling
determines that they have the same hostname, and they are merged together as a single entry in Cisco ISE.
For example, a user registers a laptop with wired and wireless addresses. Any operations on that device, such
as delete, acts on both addresses.
When a registered device is deleted from the portal, the DeviceRegistrationStatus and BYODRegistration
attributes change to Not Registered and No, respectively. However, these attributes remain unchanged when
a guest (who is not an employee) registers a device using the Guest Device Registration window in the
credentialed Guest portals, because these BYOD attributes are used only during employee device registration.
Regardless of whether employees register their devices using the BYOD or the My Devices portals, they can
use the My Devices portal to manage them.

Note The My Devices portal is not available when the Administrator's portal is down.

Related Topics
Create a My Devices Portal, on page 719

BYOD Deployment Options and Status Flow

The BYOD deployment flows that support personal devices vary slightly based on these factors:
• Single or dual SSID: With single SSID, the same Wireless Local Area Network (WLAN) is used for
certificate enrollment, provisioning, and network access. In a dual SSID deployment, there are two
SSIDs.One provides enrollment and provisioning, and the other provides secure network access.
• Windows, macOS, iOS, or Android device: The native supplicant flow starts similarly, regardless of the
device type, by redirecting employees using a supported personal device to the BYOD portal to confirm
their device information. The process diverges based on the device type.

Employee Connects to Network

1. Cisco ISE authenticates the employee's credentials against the corporate Active Directory or other corporate
identity stores and provides an authorization policy.
2. The device is redirected to the BYOD portal. The device’s MAC address field is preconfigured, and the
user can add a device name and description.
3. The native supplicant is configured (MacOS, Windows, iOS, Android) but the process varies by device:
• MacOS and Windows devices: Employee clicks Register in the BYOD portal to download and install
the supplicant provisioning wizard (Network Setup Assistant), which configures the supplicant and
provides the certificate (if necessary) used for EAP-TLS certificate-based authentication. The issued
certificate is embedded with the device's MAC address and employee's username.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
BYOD Deployment Options and Status Flow

Note Network Setup Assistant cannot be downloaded to a Windows device, unless the
user of that device has administrative privileges. If you cannot grant end users
administrative privileges, then use your Group Policy object (GPO) to push the
certificate to the user's device, instead of using the BYOD flow.

Note Starting with version MacOS 10.15, the user must allow download of the
Supplicant Provisioning Wizard (SPW). A window displays on the user's device
asking them to allow or deny downloads from the Cisco ISE server.

• iOS devices: The Cisco ISE policy server sends a new profile using Apple’s iOS over the air to the
IOS device, which includes:
• The issued certificate (if configured) is embedded with the IOS device's MAC address and
employee's username.
• A Wi-Fi supplicant profile that enforces the use of EAP-TLS for 802.1X authentication.

• Android devices: Cisco ISE prompts and routes employee to download the Network Setup Assistant
(NSA) from the Google Play store. After installing the application, the employee can open NSA and
start the setup wizard, which generates the supplicant configuration and issued certificate used to
configure the device.

4. After the user goes through the on boarding flow, Cisco ISE initiates a Change of Authorization (CoA).
This causes the MacOS, Windows, and Android devices to reconnect to the secure 802.1X network. For
single SSID, iOS devices also connect automatically, but for dual SSID, the wizard prompts iOS users to
manually connect to the new network.

Note You can configure a BYOD flow that does not use supplicants. See the Cisco ISE Community document

Note Check the Enable if Target Network is Hidden check box only when the actual Wi-Fi network is hidden.
Otherwise, Wi-Fi network configuration may not be provisioned properly for certain iOS devices, especially
in the single SSID flow (where the same Wi-Fi network or SSID is used for both onboarding and connectivity).

BYOD Session Endpoint Attribute

The state of the endpoint attribute BYODRegistration changes during the BYOD flow to the following states.
• Unknown: The device has not been through a BYOD flow.
• Yes: The device has been through BYOD flow, and is registered.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
BYOD Deployment Options and Status Flow

• No: The device has been through BYOD flow, but is not registered. This means that the device was

Device Registration Status Endpoint Attribute

The state of the endpoint attribute DeviceRegistrationStatus changes during device registration to the following
• Registered: The device has been through BYOD flow, and it is registered. There is a 20-minute delay
before the attribute changes from pending to registered.
• Pending: The device has been through BYOD flow, and it is registered. But, Cisco ISE has not seen it
on the network.
• Not Registered: The device has not been through BYOD flow. Not Registered is the default state of the
DeviceRegistrationStatus attribute.
• Stolen: The user logs onto the My Devices portal, and marks a currently onboarded device as Stolen.
This happens:
• If the device was onboarded by provisioning a certificate and a profile, Cisco ISE revokes the
certificate that was provisioned to the device, and assigns the device’s MAC address to the Blocked
List endpoint identity group. That device no longer has network access.
• If the device was onboarded by provisioning a profile (no certificate), Cisco ISE assigns the device
to the Blocked List endpoint identity group. The device still has network access, unless you create
an authorization policy for this situation. For example, IF Endpoint Identity Group is Blocked
List AND BYOD_is_Registered THEN DenyAccess.

An administrator performs an action that disables network access for several devices, such as deleting
or revoking a certificate.
If a user reinstates a stolen device, the status reverts to Not Registered. The user must delete that device,
and add it back. This starts the onboarding process.
• Lost: The user logs on to the My Devices portal, and marks a currently onboarded device as Lost that
causes the following actions:
• The device is assigned to Blocked List identity group.
• Certificates provisioned to the device are not revoked.
• The device status is updated to Lost.
• BYODRegistration status is updated to No.

A lost device still has network access unless you create an authorization policy to block lost devices.
You can use the Blocked List identity group or the endpoint:BYODRegistration attribute in your rule.
For example, IF Endpoint Identity Group is Blocked List AND EndPoints:BYODRegistrations
Equals No THEN BYOD. For more granular access, you can also add
NetworkAccess:EAPAuthenticationMethod Equals PEAP or EAP-TLS or EAP-FAST” ,
InternalUser:IdentityGroup Equals <<group>> to the IF part of the rule.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Limit the Number of Personal Devices Registered by Employees

Limit the Number of Personal Devices Registered by Employees

You can allow employees to register between 1 and 999 personal devices. Regardless of the portal that
employees used to register their personal devices, this setting defines the maximum number of devices registered
across all portals.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > Settings >
Employee Registered Devices.
Step 2 Enter the maximum number of devices that an employee can register in the Restrict employees to field. By default, this
value is set to 5 devices.
Step 3 Click Save. If you do not want to save any updates you made to the settings, click Reset to revert to the last saved values.

Support Device Registration Using Native Supplicants

You can create native supplicant profiles to support personal devices on the Cisco ISE network. Based on the
profile that you associate with a user’s authorization requirements, Cisco ISE provides the necessary supplicant
provisioning wizard to set up the user’s personal device to access the network.
The first time employees attempt to access the network using a personal device, they are guided automatically
through the registration and supplicant configuration. After they have registered the device, they can use the
My Devices portal to manage their devices.

Operating Systems Supported by Native Supplicants

Native supplicants are supported for these operating systems:
• Android (excluding Amazon Kindle, B&N Nook)
• MacOS (for Apple Mac computers)
• Apple iOS devices (Apple iPod, iPhone, and iPad)
• Microsoft Windows 7, 8 (excluding RT), Vista, and 10

Allow Employees to Register Personal Devices Using Credentialed Guest

Employees using credentialed Guest portals can register their personal devices. The self-provisioning flow
supplied by the BYOD portal enables employees to connect devices to the network directly using native
supplicants, which are available for Windows, MacOS, iOS, and Android devices.

Before you begin

You must create the native supplicant profiles.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Provide a URL to Reconnect with BYOD Registration

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Guest Access > Portals & Components >
Guest Portals.
Step 2 Choose the credentialed Guest portal that you want to allow employees to use to register their devices using native
supplicants and click Edit.
Step 3 Click the Portal Behavior and Flow Settings tab.
Step 4 Under BYOD Settings, check the Allow employees to use personal devices on the network check box.
Step 5 Click Save.

Provide a URL to Reconnect with BYOD Registration

You can provide information that enables employees, who encounter a problem while registering their personal
devices using the BYOD portal to reconnect with the registration process.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > Settings >
Retry URL.
Step 2 In the Retry URL for Onboarding field, enter the URL to be used to redirect the device back to Cisco ISE.
When a device encounters a problem during the registration process, it tries to reconnect to the internet automatically.
At this point, the URL that you enter here is used to redirect the device back to Cisco ISE (which reinitiates the onboarding
process). The default value is
Step 3 Click Save.
If you do not want to save any updates you made to the settings, click Reset to revert to the last saved values.

Device Portals Configuration Tasks

You can use a default portal and its default settings such as certificates, endpoint identity group, identity
source sequence, portal themes, images, and other details provided by Cisco ISE. If you do not want to use
the default settings, you should create a new portal or edit an existing one to meet your needs. You can duplicate
a portal if you want to create multiple portals with the same settings.
After creating a new portal or editing a default one, you must authorize the portal for use. Once you authorize
a portal for use, any subsequent configuration changes you make are effective immediately.
You do not need to authorize the My Devices portal for use.
If you choose to delete a portal, you must first delete any authorization policy rules and authorization profiles
associated with it or modify them to use another portal.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Device Portals Configuration Tasks

Use this table for the tasks related to configuring the different Device portals.

Task Blocked List BYOD Portal Client MDM Portal My Devices

Portal Provisioning Portal
Enable Policy Required Required Required Required Required
Services, on page

Add Certificates to Required Required Required Required Required

the Device Portal,
on page 709

Create External Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Required
Identity Sources,
on page 709

Create Identity Not Required Not Required Not Required Not Required Required
Source Sequences,
on page 710

Create Endpoint Not Required Required Not Required Required Required

Identity Groups,
on page 711

Edit the Blocked Required Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
List Portal

Create a BYOD Not applicable Required Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable
Portal, on page 713

Create a Client Not applicable Not applicable Required Not applicable Not applicable
Portal, on page 716

Create an MDM Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Required Not applicable
Portal, on page 717

Create a My Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Not applicable Required
Devices Portal, on
page 719

Create Not applicable Required Required Required Not Required

Profiles, on page

Customize Device Optional Optional Optional Optional Optional

Portals, on page

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Enable Policy Services

Enable Policy Services

To support the Cisco ISE end-user web portals, you must enable the portal-policy services on the node on
which you want to host them.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 2 Click the node and click Edit.
Step 3 Under the General Settings tab, enable the Policy Service toggle button.
Step 4 Check the Enable Session Services check box.
Step 5 Click Save.

Add Certificates to the Device Portal

If you do not want to use the default certificates, you can add a valid certificate and assign it to a certificate
group tag. The default certificate group tag used for all end-user web portals is Default Portal Certificate

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > System
Step 2 Add a system certificate and assign it to a certificate group tag that you want to use for the portal.
This certificate group tag will be available to select during portal creation or editing.
Step 3 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > (any
portal) > Create or Edit > Portal Settings.
Step 4 Select the specific certificate group tag from the Certificate Group Tag drop-down list that is associated with the newly
added certificate.

Note • BYOD does not support certificate chains longer than three certificates.
• During BYOD onboarding, certificates are issued twice for iOS devices.

Create External Identity Sources

Cisco ISE can connect with external identity sources such as Active Directory, LDAP, RADIUS Token, and
RSA SecurID servers to obtain user information for authentication and authorization. External identity sources
also include certificate authentication profiles that you need for certificate-based authentications.

Note To work with passive identity services, which enable you to receive and share authenticated user identities,
see Additional Passive Identity Service Providers, on page 527.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Create Identity Source Sequences

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > External
Identity Sources.
Step 2 Choose one of these options:
• Certificate Authentication Profile for certificate-based authentications.
• Active Directory to connect to an Active Directory as an external identity source. See Active Directory as an External
Identity Source, on page 477 for more details.
• LDAP to add an LDAP identity source. See LDAP, on page 566 for more details.
• RADIUS Token to add a RADIUS Token server. See RADIUS Token Identity Sources, on page 589 for more details.
• RSA SecurID to add an RSA SecurID server. See RSA Identity Sources, on page 596 for more details.
• SAML Id Providers to add an identity provider (IdP), such as Oracle Access Manager. See SAMLv2 Identity
Provider as an External Identity Source, on page 602 for more details.
• Social Login to add a Social Login, such as Facebook, as an external identity source. See Social Login for
Self-Registered Guests, on page 328 for more details.

Create Identity Source Sequences

Before you begin
Ensure that you have configured your external identity sources in Cisco ISE.
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.
For allowing guest users to authenticate through Local WebAuth, you must configure both the Guest portal
authentication source and the identity source sequence to contain the same identity stores.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > Identity
Source Sequences > Add.
Step 2 Enter a name for the identity source sequence. You can also enter an optional description.
Step 3 Check the Select Certificate Authentication Profile check box and choose a certificate authentication profile for
certificate-based authentication.
Step 4 Choose the database or databases that you want to include in the identity source sequence in the Selected List field.
Step 5 Rearrange the databases in the Selected list field in the order in which you want Cisco ISE to search the databases.
Step 6 Choose one of the following options in the Advanced Search List area:
• Do not access other stores in the sequence and set the AuthenticationStatus attribute to ProcessError: Choose
this option if you want Cisco ISE to discontinue the search, if the user is not found in the first selected identity
• Treat as if the user was not found and proceed to the next store in the sequence: Choose this option if you want
Cisco ISE to continue searching the other selected identity sources in sequence, if the user is not found in the first
selected identity source.
While processing a request, Cisco ISE searches these identity sources in sequence. Ensure that you have the identity
sources in the Selected list field listed in the order in which you want Cisco ISE to search them.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Create Endpoint Identity Groups

Step 7 Click Submit to create the identity source sequence that you can then use in policies.

Create Endpoint Identity Groups

Cisco ISE groups endpoints that it discovers in to the corresponding endpoint identity groups. Cisco ISE
comes with several system-defined endpoint identity groups. You can also create additional endpoint identity
groups from the Endpoint Identity Groups window. You can edit or delete the endpoint identity groups that
you have created. You can only edit the description of the system-defined endpoint identity groups. You
cannot edit the name of these groups or delete them.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Identity Management > Groups >
Endpoint Identity Groups.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the Name for the endpoint identity group that you want to create (do not include spaces in the name of the endpoint
identity group).
Step 4 Enter the Description for the endpoint identity group that you want to create.
Step 5 Click the Parent Group drop-down list to choose an endpoint identity group to which you want to associate the newly
created endpoint identity group.
Step 6 Click Submit.

Edit the Blocked List Portal

Cisco ISE provides a single Blocked List portal that displays information when a lost or stolen device that is
block listed in Cisco ISE is attempting to access your corporate network.
You can only edit the default portal settings and customize the default message that displays for the portal.
You cannot create a new Blocked List portal, or duplicate or delete the default portal.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the required certificates configured for use with this portal.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > Blocked
List Portal > Edit.
Step 2 Provide a unique Portal Name and a Description for the portal.
Ensure that the portal name that you use here is not used for any other end-user portals.
Step 3 From the Language File drop-down list, choose the desired action to import or export language files to be used with the
Step 4 Click the Portal test URL link to open a new browser tab that displays the URL for this portal. Policy Services Node
(PSN) with Policy Services must be turned on. If Policy Services are disabled, the PSN only displays the Admin portal.
Note The test portal does not support RADIUS sessions, so you won't see the entire portal flow for all portals. BYOD
and Client Provisioning are examples of portals that depend on RADIUS sessions. For example, a redirect to
an external URL will not work. If you have more than one PSN, Cisco ISE chooses the first active PSN.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Edit the Blocked List Portal

Step 5 Expand Portal Settings. Update the default values for ports, certificate group tags, endpoint identity groups, and so on,
and define behavior that applies to the overall portal.
• HTTPS Port: Enter a port value between 8000 to 8999; the default value is 8443 for all the default portals, except
the Blocked List Portal, which is 8444. If you upgraded with port values outside this range, they are honored until
you modify this window. If you modify this window, update the port setting to comply with this restriction.
If you assign ports used by a non-guest (such as My Devices) portal to a guest portal, an error message appears.
For posture assessments and remediation only, the Client Provisioning portal also uses ports 8905 and 8909. Otherwise,
it uses the same ports assigned to the Guest portal.
Portals assigned to the same HTTPS port can use the same Gigabit Ethernet interface or another interface. If they
use the same port and interface combination, they must use the same certificate group tag. For example:
• Valid combinations include, using the Sponsor portal as an example:
• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate tag A and My Devices portal: Port 8443, Interface 0,
Certificate group A.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate group A and My Devices portal: Port 8445, Interface
0, Certificate group B.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8444, Interface 1, Certificate group A and Blocked List portal: Port 8444, Interface
0, Certificate group B.

• Invalid combinations include:

• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate group A and My Devices portal: 8443, Interface 0,
Certificate group B.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8444, Interface 0, Certificate tag A and Blocked List portal: Port 8444, Interface 0,
Certificate group A.

Note We recommend that you use interface 0 for Guest services for best performance. You can either configure
only interface 0 in the Portal Settings, or you can use the CLI command ip host to map a hostname or
FQDN to the IP address of interface 0.

• Allowed Interfaces: Select the PSN interfaces which a PAN can use to run a portal. When a request to open a portal
is made on the PAN, the PAN looks for an available allowed port on the PSN. You must configure the Ethernet
interfaces using IP addresses on different subnets.
These interfaces must be available on all the PSNs, including VM-based ones, that have Policy Services turned on.
This is a requirement because any of these PSNs can be used for the redirect at the start of the guest session.
• The Ethernet interfaces must use IP addresses on different subnets.
• The interfaces you enable here must be available on all your PSNs, including VM-based ones when Policy
Services turned on. This is required because any of these PSNs can be used for a redirect at the start of the guest
• The portal certificate Subject Name or Alternate Subject Name must resolve to the interface IP address.
• Configure ip host x.x.x.x in Cisco ISE CLI to map the secondary interface IP address to the
FQDN, which is used to match the certificate Subject Name or Alternate Subject Name.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Create a BYOD Portal

• If only the bonded NIC is selected, when the PSN attempts to configure the portal it first attempts to configure
the Bond interface. If that is not successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup on that PSN, then the
PSN logs an error and exits. The PSN will not try to start the portal on the physical interface.
• NIC Teaming or bonding is a configuration option that allows you to configure two individual NICs for high
availability (fault tolerance). If one of the NICs fails, the other NIC that is part of the bonded connection
continues the connection. A NIC is selected for a portal based in the Portal Settings configuration. If both
physical NICs and the corresponding bonded NIC are configured, when the PSN attempts to configure the
portal, it first attempts to connect to the Bond interface. If that is not successful, perhaps because there was no
bond setup on that PSN, then the PSN attempts to start the portal on the physical interface.

• Certificate Group tag: Pick a certificate group tag that specifies the certificate to be used for the portal’s HTTPS
• Display Language
• Use Browser Locale: Use the language specified in the client browser's locale setting as the display language
of the portal. If browser locale's language is not supported by Cisco ISE, then the Fallback Language is used
as the language portal.

• Fallback Language: Choose the language to use when the language cannot be obtained from the browser
locale, or if the browser locale language is not supported by Cisco ISE.

• Always Use: Choose the display language to use for the portal. This setting overrides the User Browser Locale

Step 6 On the Portal Page Customization tab, customize the page title and message text that appears in the portal when an
unauthorized device is attempting to gain access to the network.
Step 7 Click Save and then Close.

Create a BYOD Portal

You can provide a Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) portal to enable employees to register their personal
devices, so that the registration and supplicant configuration can be done before allowing access to the network.
You can create a new BYOD portal, or you can edit or duplicate an existing one. You can delete any BYOD
portal, including the default portal provided by Cisco ISE.
Any changes that you make to the Portal & Page Settings under the Portal Behavior and Flow Settings
tab are reflected in the graphical flow in the device portal flow diagram. If you enable a window, such as the
Support Information window, the window appears in the flow and the employee experiences it in the portal.
Disabling the window removes it from the flow.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the required certificates and endpoint identity groups configured for use within this

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > BYOD >

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Create a BYOD Portal

Step 2 Provide a unique Portal Name and a Description for the portal.
Ensure that the portal name you use here is not used for any other end-user portals.
Step 3 From the Language File drop-down list, choose the desired action to import or export language files to be used with the
Step 4 Click the Portal Behavior and Flow Settings tab.
Step 5 Expand Portal Settings. Update the default values for ports, certificate group tags, endpoint identity groups, and so on,
and define behavior that applies to the overall portal.
Step 6 Expand Support Information Page Settings. Update the required information here to help employees provide information
that the Help Desk can use to troubleshoot network access issues.
Step 7 Click the Portal Page Customization tab. Scroll down to the Page Customizations area to customize the following end
user portal windows. Choose the portal window you want to customize by clicking the corresponding option listed under
Pagesin the left side menu.
• BYOD Welcome:
• Device Configuration Required: Enter the content to be displayed when the device is redirected to the BYOD
portal for the first time and requires certificate provisioning.
• Certificate Needs Renewal: Enter the content to be displayed when the previous certificate needs to be renewed.

• BYOD Device Information:

• Maximum Devices Reached: Enter the content to be displayed when the maximum limit of devices that an
employee can register is reached.
• Required Device Information: Enter the content to be displayed when requesting device information that is
required to enable an employee to register the device.

• BYOD Installation:
• Desktop Installation: Enter the content to be displayed when providing installation information for a desktop
• iOS Installation: Enter the content to be displayed when providing installation instructions for an iOS mobile
• Android Installation: Enter the content to be displayed when providing installation instructions for an Android
mobile device.

• BYOD Success:
• Success: Enter the content to be displayed when the device is configured and automatically connected to the
• Success: Manual Instructions: Enter the content to be displayed when the device is successfully configured
and an employee must manually connect to the network.
• Success: Unsupported Device: Enter the content to be displayed when an unsupported device is allowed to
connect to the network.

Step 8 Click Save and then click Close.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Create a Certificate Provisioning Portal

What to do next
You must authorize the portal in order to use it. You can also customize your portal either before or after you
authorize it for use.

Create a Certificate Provisioning Portal

Cisco ISE provides a Certificate Provisioning portal that allows you to request for certificates for devices that
cannot go through the onboarding flow. For example, devices such as point-of-sale terminals. You can request
for a single certificate or make a bulk certificate request using a CSV file.
You can edit the default portal settings and customize the messages that appear on the portal. You can also
create, duplicate, and delete the Certificate Provisioning portal.
There are two types of users who can access the Certificate Provisioning portal:
• Internal or external users with administrative privileges: Can generate certificates for themselves as well
as for others.
• All other users: Can generate certificates only for themselves.

Users (network access users) who are assigned the Super Admin or ERS Admin role have access to this portal
and can request certificates for others. However, if you create a new internal admin user and assign the Super
Admin or ERS Admin role, the internal admin user will not have access to this portal. You must first create
a network access user and then add the user to the Super Admin or ERS Admin group. Any existing network
access users who are added to the Super Admin or ERS Admin group will have access to this portal.
For other users to be able to access the portal and to generate certificates for themselves, configure the
Certificate Provisioning Portal Settings. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > Device Portal Management > Certificate Provisioning > Edit > Portal Behavior and
Flow Settings > Portal Settings. Ensure that you choose the appropriate identity source or identity source
sequence under Authentication Method and choose the user group under Configure Authorized Groups.
All users who belong to the groups that you choose will have access to the portal and can generate certificates
for themselves.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the required certificates configured for use with this portal.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > Certificate
Provisioning > Create.
Ensure that the portal name that you use here is not used for any other end-user portals.

Step 2 Provide a unique Portal Name and a Description for the portal.
Step 3 From the Language File drop-down list, choose the desired action to import or export language files to be used with the
Step 4 Click the Portal Behavior and Flow Settings tab.
Step 5 Expand Portal Settings. Update the default values for ports, certificate group tags, endpoint identity groups, and so on,
and define behavior that applies to the overall portal.
Step 6 Click the Portal Page Customization tab. Customize the page title and the message text that appears in the portal.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Create a Client Provisioning Portal

Step 7 Click Save and then Close.

Create a Client Provisioning Portal

You can provide a Client Provisioning portal to enable employees to download the Cisco AnyConnect posture
component, that verifies the posture compliance of the device before allowing access to the network.
You can create a new Client Provisioning portal, or you can edit or duplicate an existing one. You can delete
any Client Provisioning portal, including the default portal provided by Cisco ISE.
Users (network access users) who are assigned the Super Admin or ERS Admin role have access to this portal.
However, if you create a new internal admin user and assign the Super Admin or ERS Admin role, the internal
admin user will not have access to this portal. You must first create a network access user and then add the
user to the Super Admin or ERS Admin group. Any existing network access users who are added to the Super
Admin or ERS Admin group will have access to this portal.
For other users to be able to access the portal and to generate certificates for themselves, configure the
Certificate Provisioning Portal settings. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > Device Portal Management > Client Provisioning > Edit > Portal Behavior and Flow
Settings > Portal Settings. Ensure that you choose the appropriate identity source or identity source sequence
under Authentication Method and choose the user group under Configure Authorized Groups. All users
who belong to the groups that you choose will have access to the portal and can generate certificates for
Any changes that you make to the Portal & Page Settings under the Portal Behavior and Flow Settings
tab are reflected in the graphical flow in the device portal flow diagram. If you enable a window, such as the
Support Information window, the window appears in the flow and the employee experiences it in the portal.
Disabling the window removes it from the flow.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the required certificates and client provisioning policies configured for use with this

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > Client
Provisioning > Create.
Step 2 Provide a unique Portal Name and a Description for the portal.
Ensure that the portal name
Step 3 From the Language File drop-down list, choose the desired action to import or export language files to be used with the
Step 4 Click the Portal Behavior and Flow Settings tab.
Step 5 Expand Portal Settings. Update the default values for ports, certificate group tags, endpoint identity groups, and so on,
and define behavior that applies to the overall portal.
Step 6 Expand Support Information Page Settings. Update the required information here to help employees provide information
that the Help Desk can use to troubleshoot network access issues.
Step 7 Click the Portal Page Customization tab. Scroll down to the Page Customizations area to customize the following end
user portal windows. Choose the portal window you want to customize by clicking the corresponding option listed under
Pagesin the left side menu.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Create an MDM Portal

• Client Provisioning Portals:

• Agent Unknown: Enter the content to be displayed when the agent is unknown.
• Checking, Scanning and Compliant: Enter the content to be displayed when the posture agent is successfully
installed and checks, scans and verifies that the device is compliant with posture requirements.
• Non-compliant: Enter the content to be displayed when the posture agent determines that the device is not
compliant with posture requirements.

• Client Provisioning (Agent Not Found):

• Agent Not Found: Enter the content to be displayed when the posture agent is not detected on the device.
• Manual Installation Instructions: Enter the content to be displayed when devices do not have Java or Active
X software installed on them, instructions on how to manually download and install the posture agent.
• Install, No Java/ActiveX: Enter the content to be displayed when devices do not have Java or Active X software
installed on them, instructions on how to download and install the Java plug-in.
• Agent Installed: Enter the content to be displayed when the posture agent is detected on the device, instructions
on how to start the posture agent, which checks the device for compliance with posture requirements.

Step 8 Click Save and then click Close.

What to do next
You must authorize the portal in order to use it. You can also customize your portal either before or after you
authorize it for use.
Related Topics
Authorize Portals, on page 344
Customize Device Portals, on page 721

Create an MDM Portal

You can provide a Mobile Device Management (MDM) portal to enable employees to manage their mobile
devices that are registered for use on your corporate network.
You can create a new MDM portal, or you can edit or duplicate an existing one. You can have a single MDM
portal for all of your MDM systems or you can create a portal for each system. You can delete any MDM
portal, including the default portal provided by Cisco ISE. The default portal is for third-party MDM providers.
You can create a new MDM portal, or you can edit or duplicate an existing one. You can delete any MDM
portal, including the default portal provided by Cisco ISE. The default portal is for third-party MDM providers.
Any changes that you make to the Portal & Page Settings under the Portal Behavior and Flow Settings
tab are reflected in the graphical flow in the device portal flow diagram. If you enable a window, such as the
Support Information window, the window appears in the flow and the employee experiences it in the portal.
Disabling the window removes it from the flow.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Create an MDM Portal

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the required certificates and endpoint identity groups configured for use with this portal.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > Mobile
Device Management > Create, Edit or Duplicate.
Step 2 Provide a unique Portal Name and a Description for the portal.
Ensure that the portal name you use here is not used for any other end-user portals.
Step 3 From the Language File drop-down list, choose the desired action to import or export language files to be used with
the portal.
Step 4 Click the Portal Behavior and Flow Settings tab.
Step 5 Expand Portal Settings. Update the default values for ports, certificate group tags, endpoint identity groups, and so
on, and define behavior that applies to the overall portal.
Step 6 Expand Employee Mobile Device Management Settings. Access the link provided to configure third-party MDM
providers and then define the acceptance policy behavior for employees using the MDM portals.
Step 7 Expand Support Information Page Settings. Update the required information here to help employees provide
information that the help desk can use to troubleshoot network access issues.
Step 8 Click the Portal Page Customization tab.
Step 9 Customize the Content Area messages that appears in the MDM portal during the device enrollment process.
• Unreachable: Enter the content to be displayed when the selected MDM system cannot be reached.
• Non-compliant: Enter the content to be displayed when the device being enrolled is not compliant with the
requirements of the MDM system.
• Continue: Enter the content to be displayed when the device should try connecting to the network in case of
connectivity issues.
• Enroll: Enter the content to be displayed when the device requires the MDM agent and needs to be enrolled in
the MDM system.

Step 10 Click Save and then click Close.

What to do next
You must authorize the portal in order to use it. You can also customize your portal either before or after you
authorize it for use. Also see the following topics:
• Add Certificates to the Device Portal, on page 709
• Create Endpoint Identity Groups, on page 711
• Create Authorization Profiles, on page 720
• Customize Device Portals, on page 721

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Create a My Devices Portal

Create a My Devices Portal

You can provide a My Devices portal to enable employees to add and register their personal devices that do
not support native supplicants and cannot be added using the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) portal. You
can then use the My Devices portal to manage all devices that have been added using either portal.
You can create a new My Devices portal, or you can edit or duplicate an existing one. You can delete any My
Devices portal, including the default portal provided by Cisco ISE.
Any changes that you make to the Portal & Page Settings under the Portal Behavior and Flow Settings
tab are reflected in the graphical flow in the device portal flow diagram. If you enable a window, such as the
Support Information window, the window appears in the flow and the employee experiences it in the portal.
Disabling the window removes it from the flow.

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the required certificates, external identity stores, identity source sequences, and endpoint
identity groups configured for use with this portal.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > My
Devices > Create.
Step 2 Provide a unique Portal Name and a Description for the portal.
Ensure that the portal name you use here is not used for any other end-user portals.
Step 3 From the Language File drop-down list, choose the desired action to import or export language files to be used with
the portal.
Step 4 Click the Portal Behavior and Flow Settings tab.
Step 5 Expand Portal Settings to update the default values for ports, certificate group tags, endpoint identity groups, and so
on, and define behavior that applies to the overall portal.
Step 6 Expand Login Page Settings to specify employee credential and login guidelines.
Step 7 Expand Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings to add a separate AUP page and define the acceptable use policy
behavior for employees.
Step 8 Expand Post-Login Banner Page Settings to notify employees of additional information after they log into the portal.
Step 9 Expand Employee Change Password Settings to allow employees to change their own passwords. This option is
enabled only if the employee is part of the internal users database.
Step 10 In the Portal Page Customization tab, customize the following information that appears in the My Devices portal
during registration and management:
• Titles, instructions, content, field and button labels
• Error messages and Notification Messages

Step 11 Click Save and then click Close.

What to do next
You can customize the portal if you want to change its appearance.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Create Authorization Profiles

Related Topics
Customize Device Portals, on page 721
My Devices Portal, on page 702
Display Devices Added by an Employee, on page 721

Create Authorization Profiles

When you authorize a portal, you are setting up the network authorization profiles and rules for network

Before you begin

You must create a portal before you can authorize it.

Step 1 Set up a special authorization profile for the portal.

Step 2 Create an authorization policy rule for the profile.

Create Authorization Profiles

Each portal requires that you set up a special authorization profile for it.

Before you begin

If you do not plan to use a default portal, you must first create the portal so you can associate the portal name
with the authorization profile.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization >
Authorization Profiles.
Step 2 Create an authorization profile using the name of the portal that you want to authorize for use.

What to do next
You should create a portal authorization policy rule that uses the newly created authorization profile.

Create Authorization Policy Rules

To configure the redirection URL for a portal to use when responding to the users' (guests, sponsors, employees)
access requests, define an authorization policy rule for that portal.
The url-redirect takes the following form based on the portal type, where:
ip:port : the IP address and port number
PortalID: the unique portal name
For a Hotspot Guest portal:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Customize Device Portals

For a Mobile Device Management (MDM) portal:


Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Sets to create a new authorization policy
rule under Standard policies.
Step 2 For Conditions, select an endpoint identity group that you want to use for the portal validation. For example, for the
Hotspot Guest portal, select the default GuestEndpoints endpoint identity group and, for the MDM portal, select the
default RegisteredDevices endpoint identity group.
Note Do not use Network Access:UseCase EQUALS Guest Flow as one of the validation conditions in the Hotspot
Guest authorization policy, because the Hotspot Guest portal only issues a Termination CoA. Instead, match
the identity group that the endpoint belongs to for validation. For example,
• If GuestEndpoint + Wireless MAB then Permit Access

• If Wireless MAB then HotSpot Redirect

Step 3 For Permissions, select the portal authorization profile that you created.

Note While creating an authorization condition using a dictionary attribute with the MAC option enabled, such as
RADIUS.Calling-Station-ID, you must use a Mac operator (for example, Mac_equals) to support different
MAC formats.

Customize Device Portals

You can customize the portal appearance and user (guests, sponsors, or employees as applicable) experience
by customizing the portal themes, changing UI elements on the portal pages, and editing error messages and
notifications that are displayed to the users. For more information about customizing portals, see the
Customization of End-User Web Portals section in .

Manage Personal Devices Added by Employees

When employees register a device using the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) or the My Devices portals, the
registered device is displayed in the Endpoints list. Although employees can disassociate a device from their
account by deleting it, the device remains in the Cisco ISE database. As a result, employees might need your
assistance in resolving errors they encounter when working with their devices.

Display Devices Added by an Employee

You can locate devices added by a specific employee using the Portal User field displayed on the Endpoints
listing window. This might be useful if you need to delete devices registered by a specific user. By default,
this field does not display, so you must enable it first before searching.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Errors When Adding Devices to My Devices Portal

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Identities > Endpoints.
Step 2 Click the Settings icon available on the top right corner of the endpoints list, below the dashlets.
Step 3 Check the Portal User check boxEnable the Portal User toggle button to display this information in the endpoints listing.
Step 4 Click Go.
Step 5 Click the Filter drop-down list and choose Quick Filter.
Step 6 Enter the user’s name in the Portal User field to display only the endpoints that are assigned to that particular user.

Errors When Adding Devices to My Devices Portal

Employees cannot add a device that was already added by another employee, and that device is still in the
endpoints database.
If employees attempt to add a device that already exists in the Cisco ISE database:
• We recommend adding the device through the BYOD portal, if it supports native supplicant provisioning,.
This overwrites any registration details that were created when it was initially added to the network.
• If the device is a MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB) device, such as a printer, then first resolve the
ownership of the device. If appropriate, you can remove the device from the endpoints database using
the Administrator's portal, so that the new owner can successfully add the device using the My Devices

Note The My Devices portal is not available when the Administrator's portal is down.

Devices Deleted from My Devices Portal Remain in Endpoints Database

When an employee deletes a device from the My Devices portal, the device is removed from the employee’s
list of registered devices, but the device remains in the Cisco ISE endpoints database and is displayed in the
Endpoints list.
You can permanently delete the device from the Endpoints window. To view this window, click the Menu
icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Identities > Endpoints.

Limit the Number of Personal Devices Registered by Employees

You can allow employees to register between 1 and 999 personal devices. Regardless of the portal that
employees used to register their personal devices, this setting defines the maximum number of devices registered
across all portals.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management > Settings >
Employee Registered Devices.
Step 2 Enter the maximum number of devices that an employee can register in the Restrict employees to field. By default, this
value is set to 5 devices.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Monitor My Devices Portals and Endpoints Activity

Step 3 Click Save. If you do not want to save any updates you made to the settings, click Reset to revert to the last saved values.

Monitor My Devices Portals and Endpoints Activity

Cisco ISE provides various reports and logs that allow you to view endpoint and user management information
and guest and sponsor activity.
You can run these reports either on demand or on a scheduled basis.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > Reports.
Step 2 Choose Guest or Endpoints and Users to view the various guest, sponsor, and endpoint related reports
Step 3 Choose the data with which you want to search using the Filters drop-down list.
Step 4 Select the Time Range during which you want to view the data.
Step 5 Click Run.

My Devices Login and Audit Report

The My Devices Login and Audit report is a combined report that tracks:
• Login activity by employees at the My Devices portal.
• Device related operations performed by the employees in the My Devices portal.

This report is available at: Operations > Reports > Reports > Guest > My Devices Login and Audit.

Registered Endpoints Report

The Registered Endpoints report provides information about all the endpoints that are registered by employees.
This report is available at: Operations > Reports > Reports > Endpoints and Users > Registered Endpoints.
You can filter on attributes such as Identity, Endpoint ID, Identity Group, Endpoint Profile and you can
generate a report.
You can query the endpoint database for endpoints that are assigned to the Registered Devices endpoint
identity group. You can also generate reports for specific users that have the Portal User attribute set to a
non null value.
The Registered Endpoints report provides information about a list of endpoints that are registered through
device registration portals by a specific user for a selected period of time.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Bring Your Own Device (BYOD)
Registered Endpoints Report

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
• Define Network Devices in Cisco ISE, on page 725
• Third-Party Network Device Support in Cisco ISE, on page 746
• Manage Network Device Groups, on page 753
• Network Device Groups, on page 754
• Import Templates in Cisco ISE, on page 758
• IPsec Security to Secure Communication Between Cisco ISE and NAD, on page 762
• Mobile Device Manager Interoperability with Cisco ISE, on page 773
• Set Up Mobile Device Management Servers with Cisco ISE, on page 778

Define Network Devices in Cisco ISE

A network device such as a switch or a router is an authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) client
through which AAA service requests are sent to Cisco ISE. Define network devices in Cisco ISE to enable
interaction between Cisco ISE and network devices.
Configure network devices for RADIUS or TACACS AAA, Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP)
for the Profiling service to collect Cisco Discovery Protocol and Link Layer Discovery Protocol (LLDP)
attributes for profiling endpoints, and TrustSec attributes for Cisco TrustSec devices. A network device that
is not defined in Cisco ISE cannot receive AAA services from Cisco ISE.
In the network device definition:
• Select the vendor profile that fits the network device. The profile includes pre-defined configurations
for the device, such as settings for URL redirect and change of authorization.
• Configure the RADIUS protocol for RADIUS authentications. When Cisco ISE receives a RADIUS
request from a network device, it looks for the corresponding device definition to retrieve the configured
shared secret. If Cisco ISE finds the device definition, it obtains the configured shared secret on the
device and matches it against the shared secret in the request to authenticate access. If the shared secrets
match, the RADIUS server will process the request further based upon the policy and configuration. If
the shared secrets do not match, a reject response is sent to the network device. A failed authentication
report is generated, which provides the failure reason.
• Configure the TACACS+ protocol for TACACS+ authentications. When Cisco ISE receives a TACACS+
request from a network device, it looks for the corresponding device definition to retrieve the shared
secret that is configured. If it finds the device definition, it obtains the shared secret that is configured
on the device and matches it against the shared secret in the request to authenticate access. If the shared
secrets match, the TACACS+ server will process the request further based upon the policy and

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Define a Default Network Device in Cisco ISE

configuration. If they do not match, a reject response is sent to the network device. A failed authentication
report is generated, which provides the failure reason.
• You can configure the Simple Network Management Protocol (SNMP) in the network device definition
for the Profiling service to communicate with the network devices and profile endpoints that are connected
to the network devices.
• You must define Cisco TrustSec-enabled devices in Cisco ISE to process requests from TrustSec-enabled
devices that can be part of the Cisco Trustsec solution. Any switch that supports the Cisco TrustSec
solution is an Cisco TrustSec-enabled device.
Cisco TrustSec devices do not use the IP address. Instead, you must define other settings so that Cisco
TrustSec devices can communicate with Cisco ISE.
Cisco TrustSec-enabled devices use the TrustSec attributes to communicate with Cisco ISE. Cisco
TrustSec-enabled devices, such as the Nexus 7000 series switches, Catalyst 6000 series switches, Catalyst
4000 series switches, and Catalyst 3000 series switches are authenticated using the Trustsec attributes
that you define while adding Cisco Trustsec devices.

Note When you configure a network device on Cisco ISE, we recommend that you do not include a backslash (\)
in the shared secret. This is because when you upgrade Cisco ISE, the backslash will not appear in the shared
secret. Note, however, that if you reimage Cisco ISE instead of upgrading it, the backslash appears in the
shared secret.

Define a Default Network Device in Cisco ISE

Cisco ISE supports the default device definition for RADIUS and TACACS authentications. You can define
a default network device that Cisco ISE can use if it does not find a device definition for a particular IP address.
This feature enables you to define a default RADIUS or TACACS shared secret and the level of access for
newly provisioned devices.

Note We recommend that you add the default device definition only for basic RADIUS and TACACS authentications.
For advanced flows, you must add separate device definition for each network device.

Cisco ISE looks for the corresponding device definition to retrieve the shared secret that is configured in the
network device definition when it receives a RADIUS or TACACS request from a network device.
Cisco ISE performs the following procedure when a RADIUS or TACACS request is received:
1. Looks for a specific IP address that matches the one in the request.
2. Looks up the ranges to see if the IP address in the request falls within the range that is specified.
3. If both step 1 and 2 fail, it uses the default device definition (if defined) to process the request.

Cisco ISE obtains the shared secret that is configured in the device definition for that device and matches it
against the shared secret in the RADIUS or TACACS request to authenticate access. If no device definitions
are found, Cisco ISE obtains the shared secret from the default network device definition and processes the
RADIUS or TACACS request.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Devices

Network Devices
These windows enable you to add and manage network devices in Cisco ISE.

Network Device Definition Settings

The following tables describe the fields in the Network Devices window, which you can use to configure a
network access device in Cisco ISE. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices, and click Add.

Network Device Settings

The following table describes the fields in the New Network Devices window.

Table 109: Network Device Settings

Field Name Description

Name Enter a name for the network device.

You can provide a descriptive name to the network
device which is different from the hostname of the
device. The device name is a logical identifier.
Note You cannot edit the name of a device after
it is configured.

Description Enter a description for the device.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Description

IP Address or IP Range Choose one of the following from the drop-down list
and enter the required values in the fields displayed:
• IP Address: Enter a single IP address (IPv4 or
IPv6 address) and a subnet mask.
• IP Range: Enter the required IPv4 address range.
To exclude IP addresses during authentication,
enter an IP address or IP address range in the
Exclude field.

The following are the guidelines for defining the IP

addresses and subnet masks, or IP address ranges:
• You can define a specific IP address, or an IP
range with a subnet mask. If device A has an IP
address range defined, you can configure another
device B with an individual address from the
range that is defined in device A.
• You can define IP address ranges in all the octets.
You can use a hyphen (-) or an asterisk (*) as
wildcard to specify a range of IP addresses. For
example, *.*.*.*, 1-10.1-10.1-10.1-10, or
• You can exclude a subset of IP address range
from the configured range in a scenario where
that subset has already been added. For example,
10.197.65.*/, or 10.197.65.* exclude
• You cannot define two devices with the same
specific IP addresses.
• You cannot define two devices with the same IP
range. The IP ranges must not overlap either
partially or completely.

Device Profile Choose the vendor of the network device from the
drop-down list.
Use the tooltip next to the drop-down list to see the
flows and services that the selected vendor's network
devices support. The tooltip also displays the RADIUS
CoA port and type of URL redirect that is used by the
device. These attributes are defined in the device
type's network device profile.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Description

Model Name Choose the device model from the drop-down list.
Use the model name as one of the parameters while
checking for conditions in rule-based policies. This
attribute is present in the device dictionary.

Software Version Choose the version of the software running on the

network device from the drop-down list.
You can use the software version as one of the
parameters while checking for conditions in rule-based
policies. This attribute is present in the device

Network Device Group In the Network Device Group area, choose the
required values from the Location, IPSEC, and
Device Type drop-down lists.
If you do not specifically assign a device to a group,
it becomes a part of the default device groups (root
network device groups), which is All Locations by
location and All Device Types by device type.

RADIUS Authentication Settings

The following table describes the fields in the RADIUS Authentication Settings area.

Table 110: Fields in the RADIUS Authentication Settings Area

Field Name Usage Guidelines


Protocol Displays RADIUS as the selected protocol.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Shared Secret Enter the shared secret for the network device.
The shared secret is the key that is configured on the
network device using the radius-host command with
the pac option.
Note The length of the shared secret must be
equal to or greater than the value
configured in the Minimum RADIUS
Shared Secret Length field in the Device
Security Settings window
(Administration > Network Resources
> Network Devices > Device Security
For a RADIUS server, the best practice is
to have 22 characters. For new installations
and upgraded deployments, the shared
secret length is four characters by default.
You can change this value in the Device
Security Settings window.

Use Second Shared Secret Specify a second shared secret to be used by the
network device and Cisco ISE.
Note Although Cisco TrustSec devices can take
advantage of the dual shared secrets (keys),
Cisco TrustSec CoA packets sent by Cisco
ISE will always use the first shared secret
(key). To enable the use of the second
shared secret, choose the Cisco ISE node
from which the Cisco TrustSec CoA
packets must be sent to the Cisco TrustSec
device. Configure the Cisco ISE node to
be used for this task in the Send From
drop-down list in the Work Centers >
Device Administration > Network
Resources > Network Devices > Add >
Advanced TrustSec Settings window.
You can select a Primary Administration
node (PAN) or a Policy Service node
(PSN). If the chosen PSN node is down,
the PAN sends the Cisco TrustSec CoA
packets to the Cisco TrustSec device.

Note The Second Shared Secret feature for

RADIUS Access Request works only for
packets containing the
Message-Authenticator field.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

CoA Port Specify the port to be used for RADIUS CoA.

The default CoA port for the device is defined in the
network device profile that is configured for a network
device (Administration > Network Resources >
Network Device Profiles > Network Resources >
Network Device Profiles). Click the Set To Default
button to use the default CoA port.
Note If you modify the CoA port specified in
the Network Devices window
(Administration > Network Resources >
Network Devices) under RADIUS
Authentication Settings, make sure that
you specify the same CoA port for the
corresponding profile in the Network
Device Profile window (Administration >
Network Resources > Network Device


DTLS Required If you check the DTLS Required check box, Cisco
ISE processes only the DTLS requests from this
device. If this option is disabled, Cisco ISE processes
both UDP and DTLS requests from this device.
RADIUS DTLS provides improved security for Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) tunnel establishment and
RADIUS communication.

Shared Secret Displays the shared secret that is used for RADIUS
DTLS. This value is fixed and used to compute the
Message Digest 5 (MD5) integrity checks.

CoA Port Specify the port to be used for RADIUS DTLS CoA.

Issuer CA of ISE Certificates for CoA Choose the Certificate Authority to be used for
RADIUS DTLS CoA from the drop-down list.

DNS Name Enter the DNS name of the network device. If the
Enable RADIUS/DTLS Client Identity Verification
option is enabled under RADIUS Settings window
(Adminstration > System > Settings > Protocols >
RADIUS , Cisco ISE compares this DNS name with
the DNS name that is specified in the client certificate
to verify the identity of the network device.

General Settings

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Enable KeyWrap Check the Enable KeyWrap check box only if

KeyWrap algorithms are supported by the network
device. This option is used to increase the RADIUS
security through an AES KeyWrap algorithm.
Note When you run Cisco ISE in FIPS mode,
you must enable KeyWrap on the network

Key Encryption Key Enter the encryption key that is used for session
encryption (secrecy).

Message Authenticator Code Key Enter the key that is used for keyed Hashed Message
Authentication Code (HMAC) calculation over
RADIUS messages.

Key Input Format Click the radio button for one of the following
• ASCII: The value that is entered in the Key
Encryption Key field must be 16 characters
(bytes) in length and the value that is entered in
the Message Authenticator Code Key field
must be 20 characters (bytes) in length.
• Hexadecimal: The value that is entered in the
Key Encryption Key field must be 32 characters
(bytes) in length and the value that is entered in
the Message Authenticator Code Key field
must be 40 characters (bytes) in length

Specify the key input format that you want to use to

enter the Cisco ISE FIPS encryption key, so that it
matches the configuration that is available on the
wireless LAN controller. The value that you specify
must be the correct (full) length for the key, and
shorter values are not permitted.

TACACS Authentication Settings

Table 111: Fields in the TACACS Authentication Settings Area

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Shared Secret A string of text that is assigned to a network device

when TACACS+ protocol is enabled. The user must
enter the text before the network device authenticates
a username and password. The connection is rejected
until the user supplies the shared secret.

Retired Shared Secret is Active Displayed when the retirement period is active.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Retire Retires an existing shared secret instead of ending it.

When you click Retire, a message box is displayed.
You can click either Yes or No.

Remaining Retired Period (Available only if you select Yes in the Retire
message box) Displays the default value specified in
the following navigation path: Work Centers >
Device Administration > Settings > Connection
Settings > Default Shared Secret Retirement
Period. You can change the default values.
This allows a new shared secret to be entered. The
old shared secret will remain active for the specified
number of days.

End (Available only if you select Yes in the Retire

message box) Ends the retirement period and
terminates the old shared secret.

Enable Single Connect Mode Check the Enable Single Connect Mode check box
to use a single TCP connection for all TACACS
communications with the network device. Click the
radio button for one of the following options:
• Legacy Cisco Devices
• TACACS Draft Compliance Single Connect
If you disable Single Connect Mode, Cisco ISE
uses a new TCP connection for every TACACS

SNMP Settings
The following table describes the fields in the SNMP Settings section.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Definition Settings

Table 112: Fields in the SNMP Settings Area

Field Name Usage Guidelines

SNMP Version Choose one of the following options from the SNMP
Version drop-down list:
• 1: SNMPv1 does not support informs.
• 2c
• 3: SNMPv3 is the most secure model because it
allows packet encryption when you choose the
Priv security level in a later step.
Note If you have configured your network
device with SNMPv3 parameters, you
cannot generate the Network Device
Session Status summary report that
is provided by the monitoring service
(Operations > Reports >
Diagnostics > Network Device
Session Status). You can generate
this report successfully if your
network device is configured with
SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c parameters.

SNMP RO Community (Applicable only for SNMP Versions 1 and 2c) Enter
the Read Only Community string that provides Cisco
ISE with a particular type of access to the device.
Note The caret (circumflex ^) symbol is not

SNMP Username (Only for SNMP Version 3) Enter the SNMP


Security Level (Only for SNMP Version 3) Choose one the following
options from the Security Level drop-down list:
• Auth: Enables MD5 or Secure Hash Algorithm
(SHA) packet authentication.
• No Auth: No authentication and no privacy
security level.
• Priv: Enables Data Encryption Standard (DES)
packet encryption.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Auth Protocol (Only for SNMP Version 3 when the security levels
Auth or Priv are selected) Choose the authentication
protocol that you want the network device to use from
the Auth Protocol drop-down list.
• MD5

Auth Password (Only for SNMP Version 3 when the Auth or Priv
security levels are selected) Enter the authentication
key. It must be at least eight characters in length.
Click Show to display the authentication password
that is already configured for the device.
Note The caret (circumflex ^) symbol cannot be

Privacy Protocol (Only for SNMP Version 3 when Priv security level
is selected) Choose one of the following options from
the Privacy Protocol drop-down list:
• AES128
• AES192
• AES256
• 3DES

Privacy Password (Only for SNMP Version 3 when Priv security level
is selected) Enter the privacy key.
Click Show to display the privacy password that is
already configured for the device.
Note The caret (circumflex ^) symbol cannot be

Polling Interval Enter the polling interval in seconds. The default value
is 3600 seconds.

Link Trap Query Check the Link Trap Query check box to receive
and interpret linkup and linkdown notifications
received through the SNMP trap.

Mac Trap Query Check the Link Trap Query check box to receive
and interpret MAC notifications received through the
SNMP trap.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Originating Policy Services Node Choose the Cisco ISE server to be used to poll for
SNMP data, from the Originating Policy Services
Node drop-down list. The default value for this field
is Auto. Overwrite the setting by choosing a specific
value from the drop-down list.

Advanced TrustSec Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Advanced TrustSec Settings section.

Table 113: Fields in the Advanced TrustSec Settings Area

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Device Authentication Settings

Use Device ID for TrustSec Identification Check the Use Device ID for TrustSec Identification
check box if you want the device name to be listed as
the device identifier in the Device ID field.

Device ID You can enter the device ID in this field only if you
have not checked the Use Device ID for TrustSec
Identification check box.

Password Enter the password that you have configured on the

Cisco TrustSec device CLI to authenticate the Cisco
TrustSec device.
Click Show to display the password.


Enable HTTP REST API Check the Enable HTTP REST API check box to
use the HTTP REST API to provide the required Cisco
TrustSec information to the network devices. This
enhances the efficiency and ability to download large
configurations in a short period of time as compared
to the RADIUS protocol. It also improves reliability
by using TCP over UDP.

Username Enter the username that you have configured on the

Cisco TrustSec device CLI to authenticate the Cisco
TrustSec device. The username cannot contain special
characters such as space ! % ^ : ; , [ { | } ] ` " = < > ?

Password Enter the password that you have configured on the

Cisco TrustSec device CLI to authenticate the Cisco
TrustSec device.

TrustSec Device Notification and Updates

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Device ID You can enter the device ID in this field only if you
have not checked the Use Device ID for TrustSec
Identification check box.

Password Enter the password that you have configured on the

Cisco TrustSec device CLI to authenticate the Cisco
TrustSec device.
Click Show to display the password.

Download Environment Data Every <...> Specify the time interval at which the device must
download its environment data from Cisco ISE by
choosing the required values from the drop-down lists
in this area. You can choose the time interval in
seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks. The default
value is one day.

Download Peer Authorization Policy Every <...> Specify the time interval at which the device must
download the peer authorization policy from Cisco
ISE by choosing the required values from the
drop-down lists in this area. You can specify the time
interval in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
The default value is one day.

Reauthentication Every <...> Specify the time interval at which the device
reauthenticates itself against Cisco ISE after the initial
authentication by choosing the required values from
the drop-down lists in this area. You can configure
the time interval in seconds, minutes, hours, days or
weeks. For example, if you enter 1000 seconds, the
device will authenticate itself against Cisco ISE every
1000 seconds. The default value is one day.

Download SGACL Lists Every <...> Specify the time interval at which the device
downloads SGACL lists from Cisco ISE by choosing
the required values from the drop-down lists in this
area. You can configure the time interval in seconds,
minutes, hours, days or weeks. The default value is
one day.

Other TrustSec Devices to Trust This Device Check the Other TrustSec Devices to Trust This
(TrustSec Trusted) Device check box to allow all the peer devices to trust
this Cisco TrustSec device. If this check box is not
checked, the peer devices do not trust this device, and
all the packets that arrive from this device are colored
or tagged accordingly.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Send Configuration Changes to Device Check the Send Configuration Changes to Device
check box if you want Cisco ISE to send Cisco
TrustSec configuration changes to the Cisco TrustSec
device using CoA or CLI (SSH). Click the radio
button for CoA or CLI (SSH), as required.
Select the CoA option if you want Cisco ISE to send
the configuration changes to the Cisco TrustSec device
using CoA.
Select the CLI (SSH) option if you want Cisco ISE
to send the configuration changes to the Cisco
TrustSec device using CLI (using the SSH
connection). For more information, see the "Push
Configuration Changes to Non-CoA Supporting
Devices" section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide:
Segmentation .

Send From Choose from the drop-down list the Cisco ISE node
from which the configuration changes must be sent
to the Cisco TrustSec device. You can select a PAN
or PSN node. If the PSN node that you selected is
down, the configuration changes are sent to the Cisco
TrustSec device using the PAN.

Test Connection You can use this option to test the connectivity
between the Cisco TrustSec device and the selected
Cisco ISE node (PAN or PSN).

SSH Key To use this feature, open an SSHv2 tunnel from Cisco
ISE to the network device, and use the device's CLI
to retrieve the SSH key. You must copy this key and
paste it in the SSH Key field for validation. For more
information, see the "SSH Key Validation" section in
Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Segmentation .

Device Configuration Deployment

Include this device when deploying Security Group Check the Include this device when deploying
Tag Mapping Updates Security Group Tag Mapping Updates check box
if you want the Cisco TrustSec device to obtain the
IP-SGT mappings using device interface credentials.

EXEC Mode Username Enter the username that you use to log in to the Cisco
TrustSec device.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Default Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

EXEC Mode Password Enter the device password.

Click Show to view the password.
Note We recommend that you avoid the use of
% character in passwords, including EXEC
mode and Enable mode passwords, to
avoid security vulnerabilities.

Enable Mode Password (Optional) Enter the enable password that is used to
edit the configuration of the Cisco TrustSec device in
privileged mode.
Click Show to view the password.

Out Of Band TrustSec PAC

Issue Date Displays the issuing date of the last Cisco TrustSec
PAC that was generated by Cisco ISE for the Cisco
TrustSec device.

Expiration Date Displays the expiration date of the last Cisco TrustSec
PAC that was generated by Cisco ISE for the Cisco
TrustSec device.

Issued By Displays the name of the issuer (a Cisco TrustSec

administrator) of the last Cisco TrustSec PAC that
was generated by Cisco ISE for the Cisco TrustSec

Generate PAC Click the Generate PAC button to generate the

out-of-band Cisco TrustSec PAC for the Cisco
TrustSec device.

Default Network Device Definition Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Default Network Device window, with which you configure
a default network device that Cisco ISE can use for RADIUS or TACACS+ authentication. Choose one of
the following navigation paths:
• Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices > Default Device
• Work Centers > Device Administration > Network Resources > Default Devices

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Default Network Device Definition Settings

Table 114: Fields in the Default Network Device window

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Default Network Device Status Choose Enable from the Default Network Device
Status drop-down list to enable the default network
device definition.
Note If the default device is enabled, you must
enable either RADIUS or TACACS+
authentication settings by checking the
relevant check box in the window.

Device Profile Displays Cisco as the default device vendor.

RADIUS Authentication Settings

Enable RADIUS Check the Enable RADIUS check box to enable

RADIUS authentication for the device.


Shared Secret Enter a shared secret. The shared secret can be up to

127 characters in length.
The shared secret is the key that you have configured
on the network device using the radius-host command
with the pac option.
Note The length of the shared secret must be
equal to or greater than the value
configured in the Minimum RADIUS
Shared Secret Length field in the Device
Security Settings window
(Administration > Network Resources >
Network Devices > Device Security
Settings). By default, this value is four
characters for new installations and
upgraded deployments. For the RADIUS
server, the best practice is to have 22


DTLS Required If you check the DTLS Required check box, Cisco
ISE processes only the DTLS requests from this
device. If this option is disabled, Cisco ISE processes
both UDP and DTLS requests from this device.
RADIUS DTLS provides improved security for SSL
tunnel establishment and RADIUS communication.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Default Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Shared Secret Displays the shared secret used for RADIUS DTLS.
This value is fixed and is used to compute the MD5
integrity checks.

Issuer CA of ISE Certificates for CoA Select the certificate authority to be used for RADIUS
DTLS CoA from the Issuer CA of ISE Certificates
for CoA drop-down list.

General Settings

Enable KeyWrap Check the Enable KeyWrap check box only if

KeyWrap algorithms are supported on the network
device, which increases RADIUS security via an AES
KeyWrap algorithm.

Key Encryption Key Enter an encryption key to be used for session

encryption (secrecy) when you enable KeyWrap.

Message Authenticator Code Key Enter the key that is used for keyed Hashed Message
Authentication Code (HMAC) calculation over
RADIUS messages when you enable KeyWrap.

Key Input Format Choose one of the following formats by clicking the
corresponding radio button, and enter values in the
Key Encryption Key and Message Authenticator
Code Key fields:
• ASCII: The Key Encryption Key must be 16
characters (bytes) in length, and the Message
Authenticator Code Key must be 20 characters
(bytes) in length.
• Hexadecimal: The Key Encryption Key must
be 32 bytes in length, and the Message
Authenticator Code Key must be 40 bytes in

TACACS Authentication Settings

Shared Secret A string of text assigned to a network device when

TACACS+ protocol is enabled. A user must enter the
text before the network device authenticates a
username and password. The connection is rejected
until the user supplies the shared secret.

Retired Shared Secret is Active Displayed when the retirement period is active.

Retire Retires an existing shared secret instead of ending it.

When you click Retire, a message box is displayed.
Click Yes or No.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Import Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Remaining Retired Period (Available only if you select Yes in the above message
box) Displays the default value specified in the
following navigation path: Work Centers > Device
Administration > Settings > Connection Settings >
Default Shared Secret Retirement Period. You can
change the default values.
This allows a new shared secret to be entered and the
old shared secret will remain active for the specified
number of days.

End (Available only if you select Yes in the above message

box) Ends the retirement period and terminates the
old shared secret.

Enable Single Connect Mode Check the Enable Single Connect Mode check box
to use a single TCP connection for all TACACS+
communication with the network device. Click the
radio button for one of the following options:
• Legacy Cisco Devices
• TACACS Draft Compliance Single Connect

If you disable this option, Cisco ISE uses a new TCP

connection for every TACACS+ request.

Network Device Import Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Network Device Import Page, which you can use to import
network device details into Cisco ISE. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices.

Table 115: Network Devices Import Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Generate a Template Click Generate a Template to create a

comma-separated value (CSV) template file.
Update the template with network devices information
in the same format and save it locally. Then, use the
edited template to import network devices into any
Cisco ISE deployment.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Add a Network Device in Cisco ISE

Field Name Usage Guidelines

File Click Choose File to choose the CSV file that you
might have recently created, or previously exported
from any Cisco ISE deployment.
You can import network devices in to another Cisco
ISE deployment with new and updated network
devices information using the Import option.

Overwrite Existing Data with New Data Check the Overwrite Existing Data with New Data
check box to replace existing network devices with
the devices in your import file.
If you do not check this check box, new network
device definitions that are available in the import file
are added to the network device repository. Duplicate
entries are ignored.

Stop Import on First Error Check the Stop Import on First Error check box if
you want Cisco ISE to discontinue import when it
encounters an error during import. Cisco ISE imports
network devices until the time of an error.
If this check box is not checked and an error is
encountered, the error is reported and Cisco ISE
continues to import the remaining devices.

Add a Network Device in Cisco ISE

You can add a network device in Cisco ISE or use the default network device.
You can also add the network device in the Network Devices (Work Centers > Device Administration >
Network Resources > Network Devices) window.

Before you begin

The AAA function must be enabled on the network device to be added. See See the section “Command to
Enable AAA Functions” in chapter “Integrations” in the Cisco ISE Administrator Guide for your release.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the corresponding values in the Name, Description, and IP Address fields.
Step 4 Choose the required values from the drop-down lists for Device Profile, Model Name, Software Version, and Network
Device Group fields.
Step 5 (Optional) Check the RADIUS Authentication Settings check box to configure the RADIUS protocol for authentication.
Step 6 (Optional) Check the TACACS Authentication Settings check box to configure the TACACS protocol for authentication.
Step 7 (Optional) Check the SNMP Settings check box to configure SNMP for the Cisco ISE profiling service to collect
information from the network device.
Step 8 (Optional) Check the Advanced Trustsec Settings check box to configure a Cisco TrustSec-enabled device.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Import Network Devices into Cisco ISE

Step 9 Click Submit.

Import Network Devices into Cisco ISE

To enable Cisco ISE to communicate with network devices, you must add device definitions of the network
devices in Cisco ISE. Import device definitions of network devices into Cisco ISE through the Network
Devices window (From the main menu, choose Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices).
Import a list of device definitions into a Cisco ISE node using a comma-separated value (CSV) file. A CSV
template file is available when you click Import on the Network Devices window. Download this file, enter
the required device definitions, and then upload the edited file though the Import window.
You cannot run multiple imports of the same resource type at the same time. For example, you cannot
concurrently import network devices from two different import files.
When you import a CSV file of device definitions, you can either create new records or update existing records
by clicking the Overwrite Existing Data with New Data option.
Import templates may vary in each Cisco ISE. Do not import CSV files of network devices that have exported
from a different Cisco ISE release. Enter the details of the network devices in the CSV template file for your
release, and import this file into Cisco ISE.

Note You can import the network devices with IP ranges in all the octets.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices.
Step 2 Click Import.
Step 3 In the Import Network Devices window displayed, click Generate A Template to download a CSV file that you can
edit and then import into Cisco ISE with the required details.
Step 4 Click Choose File to choose the CSV file from the system that is running the client browser.
Step 5 (Optional) Check the check boxes for Overwrite Existing Data with New Data and Stop Import on First Error, as
Step 6 Click Import.
When the file import is complete, Cisco ISE displays a summary message. The summary message includes import status
(successful or unsuccessful), number of errors encountered, if any, and the total processing time taken for the file import

Export Network Devices from Cisco ISE

You can export the device definitions of network devices available in a Cisco ISE node in the form of a CSV
file. You can then import this CSV file into another Cisco ISE node so that the device definitions are available
to the required Cisco ISE nodes.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Troubleshoot Network Device Configuration Issues

Note You can export the network devices with IP ranges in all the octets.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices.
Step 2 Click Export.
Step 3 Export the device definitions for the network devices added to the Cisco ISE node by performing one of the following
• Check the check boxes next to the devices that you want to export, click Export, and choose Export Selected from
the drop-down list.
• Click Export and choose Export All from the drop-down list to export all the network devices added to the Cisco
ISE node.

Step 4 In both cases, a CSV file of device definitions is downloaded to your system.

Troubleshoot Network Device Configuration Issues

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools > General
Tools > Evaluate Configuration Validator.
Step 2 Enter the IP address of the network device you want to evaluate in the Network Device IP field whose configuration
you want to evaluate.
Step 3 Check the check boxes and click the radio buttons next to the configuration options you want to compare against the
recommended template.
Step 4 Click Run.
Step 5 In the Progress Details... area displayed, click Click Here to Enter Credentials. In the Credentials Window dialog
box displayed, enter the connection parameters and credentials that are required to establish a connection with the network
devices, and click Submit.
To cancel the workflow, click Click Here to Cancel the Running Workflow in the Progress Details... window.

Step 6 Check the check boxes next to the interfaces that you want to analyze, and click Submit.
Step 7 Click Show Results Summary for details of the configuration evaluation.

Execute Network Device Command Diagnostic Tool

The Execute Network Device Command diagnostic tool allows you to run the show command on any network
The results that are displayed are the same as what you would see on a console. The tool enables you to identify
any problems in a device configuration.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Third-Party Network Device Support in Cisco ISE

Use this tool to validate the configuration of any network device, or if you are curious about how a network
device has been configured.
To access the Execute Network Device Command diagnostic tool, choose one of the following navigation
• In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic
Tools > Execute Network Device Command.
• In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Profiler > Troubleshoot >
Execute Network Device Command.

In the Execute Network Device Command window displayed, enter the IP address of the network device
and the show command you want to run in the corresponding fields. Click Run.

Third-Party Network Device Support in Cisco ISE

Cisco ISE supports third-party network access devices (NADs) by using network device profiles. A NAD
profile defines the capabilities of a third-party device with a simplified policy configuration, regardless of the
vendor-side implementation. A network device profile contains the following:
• The protocols that the network device supports, such as RADIUS, TACACS+, and Cisco TrustSec. You
can import into Cisco ISE any vendor-specific RADIUS dictionaries that exist for the network device.
• The attributes and values that the device uses for various authentication flows such as Wired MAB and
802.1X. These attributes and values allow Cisco ISE to detect the right authentication flow for your
device according to the attributes that the network device uses.
• The Change of Authorization (CoA) capabilities of the network device. While the RADIUS protocol
RFC 5176 defines a CoA request, the attributes used in a CoA request vary depending on the network
device. Most non-Cisco devices with RFC 5176 support will support the "Push" and "Disconnect"
functions. For devices that do not support the RADIUS CoA type, Cisco ISE also supports SNMP CoA.
• The attributes and protocols that the network device uses for MAB flows. Network devices from different
vendors perform MAB authentication differently.
• The VLAN and ACL permissions that are used by the device. When you save the profile Cisco ISE
automatically generates authorization profiles for each configured permission.
• URL redirection technique information. URL redirection is necessary for advanced flows like Bring
Your Own Device (BYOD), guest access, and posture services. There are two types of URL redirection
found on a network device, static and dynamic. For static URL redirection, you can copy and paste the
Cisco ISE portal URL into the configuration. For dynamic URL redirection, Cisco ISE uses a RADIUS
attribute to tell the network device where to redirect to.
If the network device does not support both dynamic and static URL redirects, Cisco ISE provides an
Auth VLAN configuration by which URL redirect is simulated. The Auth VLAN configuration is based
on DHCP and DNS services running in Cisco ISE.

Once you have defined your network devices in Cisco ISE, configure these device profiles or use the
preconfigured device profiles that are offered by Cisco ISE in order to define the capabilities that Cisco ISE
uses to enable basic authentication flows, and advanced flows such as Profiler, Guest, BYOD, MAB, and

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Third-Party Network Device Support in Cisco ISE

URL Redirect Mechanism and Auth VLAN

When a third-party device is used in the network and the device does not support dynamic or static URL
redirect, ISE simulates the URL redirect flow. The URL redirect simulation flow for such devices is operated
by running a DHCP or DNS service on Cisco ISE.
The following is an example of an Auth VLAN flow:
1. A guest endpoint connects to the NAD.
2. The network device sends the RADIUS or MAB request to Cisco ISE.
3. Cisco ISE runs the configured authentication and authorization policy and stores the user accounting
4. Cisco ISE sends the RADIUS Access-Accept message which contains the Auth VLAN ID.
5. The guest endpoint receives network access.
6. The endpoint broadcasts a DHCP request and obtains a client IP address, and the Cisco ISE DNS sinkhole
IP address from the Cisco ISE DHCP service.
7. The guest endpoint opens a browser that sends a DNS query and receives the Cisco ISE IP address.
8. The endpoint HTTP and HTTPS requests are directed to Cisco ISE.
9. Cisco ISE responds with an HTTP 301 Moved message with a guest portal URL. The endpoint browser
redirects to the guest portal window.
10. The guest endpoint user logs in for authentication.
11. Cisco ISE validates endpoint compliance and then responds to the NAD. Cisco ISE sends the CoA,
authorizes the endpoint, and bypasses the sinkhole.
12. The guest user receives the appropriate access based on the CoA, and the endpoint receives an IP address
from an enterprise DHCP. The guest user can now use the network.

You can separate the Auth VLAN from the corporate network to prevent unauthorized network access by a
guest endpoint before the endpoint passes authentication. Configure the Auth VLAN IP helper to point to the
Cisco ISE machine, or connect one of the Cisco ISE network interfaces to the Auth VLAN.
Multiple VLANs may be connected to one network interface card by configuring a VLAN IP-helper from the
NAD configuration. For more information about configuring an IP helper, refer to the administration guide
for the network device for instructions. For guest access flows that include VLANs with IP helpers, define a
guest portal, and select that portal in an authorization profile that is bound to MAB authorization. For more
information about guest portals, see the Cisco ISE Guest Services section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Guest
and BYOD .
The following diagram displays a basic network setup when an Auth VLAN is defined (the Auth VLAN is
connected directly to a Cisco ISE node).

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Profiles

Figure 32: Auth VLAN Connected to Cisco ISE Node

The following diagram displays a network with Auth VLAN and an IP helper:
Figure 33: Auth VLAN Configured with IP Helper

CoA Types
Cisco ISE supports both RADIUS and SNMP CoA types. RADIUS or SNMP CoA type support is required
for the NAD to work in complex flows, while it is not mandatory for basic flows.
Define the RADIUS and SNMP settings that are supported by the network device when configuring the NAD
in Cisco ISE, and indicate the CoA type to be used for a specific flow when configuring the NAD profile. For
more information about defining protocols for your NADs, see Network Device Definition Settings, on page
727. Check with your third-party supplier to verify which CoA type your NAD supports before creating the
device and NAD profile in Cisco ISE.

Network Device Profiles

Cisco ISE supports some third-party network access devices (NADs) by using network device profiles. These
profiles define the capabilities that Cisco ISE uses to enable basic flows, and advanced flows such as Guest,
BYOD, MAB, and Posture.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Profiles

Cisco ISE includes predefined profiles for network devices from several vendors. Cisco ISE 2.1 and later
releases have been tested with the network devices listed in the following table:

Table 116: Vendor Devices Tested with Cisco ISE 2.1 and Later Releases

Device Vendor CoA Type URL Supported or Validated Use Cases

Type Redirect
Type 802.1X Profiler Profiler Posture Guest and
and MAB without with CoA BYOD
Flows CoA Flows

Wireless Aruba RADIUS Static Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

7000, URL

Motorola RADIUS Dynamic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

RFS 4000 URL

HP 830 RADIUS Static Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes


Ruckus RADIUS — Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

ZD 1200

Wired HP A5500 RADIUS Auth Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

by ISE

HP 3800 RADIUS Auth Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

and 2920 VLAN
(ProCurve) provided
by ISE

Alcatel SNMP Dynamic Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

6850 URL

Brocade RADIUS Auth Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

by ISE

Juniper RADIUS Auth Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes

EX3300-24p VLAN
by ISE

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Configure A Third-Party Network Device in Cisco ISE

For other third-party NADs, you must identify Yes Yes Requires Requires CoA support.
the device properties and capabilities, and create CoA
If a wired device does
custom NAD profiles in Cisco ISE. support
not support URL
redirect, Cisco ISE
utilizes Auth VLAN.
Wireless devices have
not been tested with
Auth VLAN.

You must create custom NAD profiles for other third-party network devices that do not have a predefined
profile. For advanced flows such as Guest, BYOD, and Posture, the network device must support the RADIUS
protocol RFC 5176 which pertains to CoA Support for these flows depends on the NAD's capabilities. Refer
to the device's administration guide for information on the attributes that are required to create network device
profiles in Cisco ISE.
If you upgrade from Cisco ISE Release 2.0 or earlier to Cisco ISE Release 2.1 or later, the authentication
policy rules and RADIUS dictionaries created in the earlier release to communicate with non-Cisco NADs
will continue to work in Cisco ISE after the upgrade.

ISE Community Resource

For information about third-party NAD profiles, see ISE Third-Party NAD Profiles and Configs.

Configure A Third-Party Network Device in Cisco ISE

Cisco ISE supports third-party NADs by using network device profiles. These profiles define the capabilities
that Cisco ISE uses to enable flows such as Guest, BYOD, MAB, and Posture.

Before you begin

See Network Device Profiles, on page 748.

Step 1 Add the third-party network device in Cisco ISE (See Import Network Devices into Cisco ISE, on page 744. If you are
configuring Guest, BYOD, or Posture workflows, ensure Change of Authorization (CoA) is defined and the NAD’s URL
redirect mechanism is configured to point to the relevant Cisco ISE portal. To configure the URL redirect, copy the Cisco
ISE portal URL from the portal’s landing page. For more information about configuring CoA types and URL redirect
for the NAD in Cisco ISE, see Network Device Definition Settings, on page 727. In addition, refer to the third party
device’s administration guide for instructions.
Step 2 Ensure that an appropriate NAD profile for your device is available in ISE. To view exting profiles, choose
Administration > Network Resources > Network Device Profiles. If appropriate profile does not exist in Cisco ISE,
create a custom profile. See Create a Network Device Profile, on page 751 for information on how to create custom
Step 3 Assign a NAD profile to the NAD that you want to configure. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices. Open the device to which you want to assign a profile and
from Device Profile, select the correct profile from the drop-down list.
Step 4 When you configure your policy rules, the authorization profile should be explicitly set to the NAD profile in step 1, or
“Any” if you are just using VLAN or ACL or if you have different devices from different vendors in your network. To
set the NAD profile for the authorization profile, choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization >
Authorization Profiles. Open the relevant authorization profile and from Network Device Profile, select the relevant

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Create a Network Device Profile

NAD profile from the drop-down list. When using Auth VLAN for Guest flows, you should also define a guest portal
and select that portal in an Authorization profile that is bound to MAB authorization, similar to regular Guest flows. For
more information about guest portals, see the Cisco ISE Guest Services section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Guest and

Create a Network Device Profile

Before you begin
• Most NADs have a vendor-specific RADIUS dictionary that provides several vendor-specific attributes,
apart from the standard IETF RADIUS attributes. If the network device has a vendor-specific RADIUS
dictionary, import it into Cisco ISE. See the third-party device’s administration guide for instructions on
which RADIUS dictionary is required. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > System > Radius > RADIUS Vendors. To import RADIUS
dictionaries, see the topic "Create RADIUS-Vendor Dictionaries" in Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Secure
Wired Access .
• For complex flows such as Guest and Posture, the network device must support the CoA types that are
defined in RFC 5176
• For information about the fields and possible values for creating a network device profile, see the Network
Device Profiles Settings section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Secure Wired Access .

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network Device
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 In the New Network Device Profile window displayed, enter the corresponding values in the Name and Description
fields for the network device.
Step 4 Select the vendor of the network device from the Vendor drop-down list.
Step 5 In the Icon area, click the Change Icon... button to upload an icon for the network device from your system.
Click the Set To Default button in the Icon area to use the default icon provided by Cisco ISE.

Step 6 Check the check boxes for the protocols that the device supports in the Supported Protocols area. Check the check boxes
only for the protocols you want to actually use. If the network device supports the RADIUS protocol, select the RADIUS
dictionary to be used device from RADIUS Dictionaries drop-down list.
Step 7 In the Templates area, enter relevant details as follows:
a) Click the Authentication/Authorization collapsible to configure the network device's default settings for flow types,
attribute aliasing, and host lookup. In the new Flow Type Conditions area displayed, enter the attributes and values
that your device uses for various authentication and authorization flows such as Wired MAB, or 802.1X. This enables
Cisco ISE to detect the correct flow type for your device according to the attributes it uses. There is no IETF standard
for MAB and different vendors use different values for Service-Type. See the device's user guide or use a sniffer
trace of a MAB authentication to determine the correct settings. In the Attribute Aliasing area, map device-specific
attribute names to common names to simplify policy rules. Currently, only the Service Set Identifier (SSID) is defined.
If the network device has the concept of wireless SSID, then set this to the attribute it uses. Cisco ISE maps this to
an attribute called SSID in the Normalized RADIUS dictionary. This simplifies policy rule configuration as you can
refer to SSID in one rule and it works for multiple devices even if the underlying attributes are different. In the Host

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Export Network Device Profiles from Cisco ISE

Lookup area, check the Process Host Lookup check box and select the relevant MAB protocols and attributes for
your device, based on the instructions provided third-party device vendor.
b) Click the Permissions collapsible to configure the network device's default settings for VLAN and ACL. These are
automatically mapped based on the authorization profiles you create in Cisco ISE.
c) Click the Change of Authorization (CoA) collapsible to configure the network device's CoA capabilities .
d) Click the Redirect collapsible to configure the network device's URL redirect capabilities. URL redirection is
necessary for guest, BYOD, and posture services.
Step 8 Click Submit.

Related Topics
How to Create ISE Network Access Device Profiles

Export Network Device Profiles from Cisco ISE

Export single or multiple network device profiles that are configured in Cisco ISE in the form of an XML
file. The XML file can then be edited and imported into Cisco ISE file as new network profiles.

Before you begin

SeeHow to Create ISE Network Access Device Profiles.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network Device
Step 2 Check the check boxes next to the devices that you want to export, and click Export Selected.
Step 3 A file named DeviceProfiles.xml downloads to your local hard disk.

Import Network Device Profiles into Cisco ISE

Import a single or multiple network device profiles into Cisco ISE using a single XML file with the Cisco
ISE XML structure. You cannot concurrently import network device profiles from multiple import files.
Typically, you would first export an existing profile from the Cisco ISE administrator portal to use as a
template. Enter your device profile details as necessary in the file and save it as an XML file. Then, import
the edited file back in to Cisco ISE. To work with multiple network device profiles, export multiple profiles
that are structured together as a single XML file, edit the file, and then import the profiles together to create
multiple profiles in Cisco ISE.
When you import network device profiles, you can only create new records. You cannot overwrite an existing
profile. To update an existing network device profile, export the existing profile from Cisco ISE, delete the
profile from Cisco ISE, and then import the profile after you edit it accordingly.

Before you begin

See How to Create ISE Network Access Device Profiles.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Manage Network Device Groups

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network Device
Step 2 Click Import.
Step 3 Click Choose File to choose the XML file from the system that is running the client browser.
Step 4 Click Import.

Manage Network Device Groups

The following windows enable you to configure and manage network device groups.

Network Device Group Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Network Device Groups window that you use to create network
device groups. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network
Resources > Network Device Groups > All Groups.
You can also create network device groups in the Work Centers > Device Administration > Network
Resources > Network Device Groups > All Groups window.

Table 117: Fields in the Network Device Group Window

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter a name for the root network device group. For
all subsequent child network device groups added to
this root network device group, enter the name of this
newly created network device group.
You can have a maximum of six nodes in a network
device group hierarchy, including the root node. Each
network device group name can have a maximum of
32 characters.

Description Enter a description for the root or the child network

device group.

No. of Network Devices The number of network devices in the network group
is displayed in this column.

Network Device Group Import Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Import dialog box in the Network Device Group window.
To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network
Device Groups.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Groups

Table 118: Fields in the Network Device Groups Import Window

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Generate a Template Click this link to download a CSV template file.

Update the template with network device groups
information in the same format, and save it locally to
import the network device groups into any Cisco ISE

File Click Choose File to the location of the CSV file that
you want to upload. This might be a newly created
file or a file that was previously exported from another
Cisco ISE deployment.
You can import network device groups from one Cisco
ISE deployment to another, with new and updated
network device groups information.

Overwrite Existing Data with New Data Check the Overwrite Existing Data with New Data
check box if you want to replace existing network
device groups with the device groups in your import
If you do not check this check box, only new network
device groups in the import file are added to the
network device group repository. Duplicate entries
are ignored.

Stop Import on First Error Check the Stop Import on First Error check box to
discontinue import at the first instance of encountering
an error during the import.
If this check box is not checked and an error is
encountered, Cisco ISE reports the error and continues
importing the rest of the device groups.

Network Device Groups

Cisco ISE allows you to create hierarchical network device groups. Use network device groups to logically
group network devices based on various criteria, such as geographic location, device type, or its relative place
in the network (such as Access Layer or Data Center).
To view the Network Device Groups window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network
Resources > Network Device Groups.
For example, to organize your network devices based on geographic location, group them by continent, region,
or country:
• Africa > Southern > Namibia
• Africa > Southern > South Africa

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Groups

• Africa > Southern > Botswana

Group the network devices based on the device type:

• Africa > Southern > Botswana > Firewalls
• Africa > Southern > Botswana > Routers
• Africa > Southern > Botswana > Switches

Assign network devices to one or more hierarchical network device groups. When Cisco ISE processes the
ordered list of configured network device groups to determine the appropriate group to assign to a particular
device, it may find that the same device profile applies to multiple device groups. In this case, Cisco ISE will
apply the first device group matched.
There is no limit on the maximum number of network device groups that you can create. You may create up
to six levels of hierarchy (including the parent group) for the network device groups.
The device group hierarchy is displayed in two views, Tree Table and Flat Table. Click Tree Table or Flat
Table above the list of network device groups to organize the list into the desired view.
In the Tree Table view, the root node appears at the top of the tree followed by the child groups in hierarchical
order. Click Expand All to view all the device groups in each root group. Click Collapse All to view a list
of only the root groups.
In the Flat Table view, the hierarchy of each device group is displayed in the Group Hierarchy column.
In both views, the number of network devices that are assigned to each child group is displayed in the
corresponding No. of Network Devices column. Click the number to launch a dialog box that lists all the
network devices that are assigned to that device group. The dialog box that is displayed also contains two
buttons to move network devices from one group to another. Click the Move Devices to Another Group
button to move network devices from the current group to another. Click the Add Devices to Group button
to move a network device into the chosen network device group.
To add a network device group in the Network Device Groups window, click Add.In the Parent Group
drop-down list, choose the parent group to which the network device group must be added, or choose the Add
As Root Group option to add the new network device group as the parent group.

Note You cannot delete a device group if any devices are assigned to that device group. Before deleting a device
group, you must move all the existing devices to another device group.

Root Network Device Groups

Cisco ISE includes two predefined root network device groups, All Device Types and All Locations. You
cannot edit, duplicate, or delete these predefined network device groups, but you can add new device groups
under them.
You can create a root Network Device Group (network device group), and then create child network device
groups under the root group in the Network Device Groups window, as described in the preceding section.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Attributes Used by Cisco ISE in Policy Evaluation

Network Device Attributes Used by Cisco ISE in Policy Evaluation

When you create a new network device group, a new network device attribute is added to the Device dictionary
in System Dictionaries (Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries). The added device attributes are then
used in policy definitions.
Cisco ISE allows you to configure authentication and authorization policies using Device dictionary attributes
such as the device type, location, model name, or software version that is running on the network device.

Import Network Device Groups in to Cisco ISE

You can import network device groups in to a Cisco ISE node using a comma-separated value (CSV) file.
You cannot concurrently import network device groups from two different import files.
Download a CSV template from the Cisco ISE administrator portal, enter your network device group details
in the template, save the template as a CSV file, and then import the edited file in to Cisco ISE.
When importing device groups, you can create new records or update existing records. When you import
device groups, you can also define whether you want Cisco ISE to overwrite the existing device groups with
the new groups or stop the import process when Cisco ISE encounters the first error.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network Device
Step 2 Click Import.
Step 3 In the dialog box displayed, click Choose File to choose the CSV file from the system that is running the client browser.
To download a CSV template file for adding network device groups, click Generate a Template.

Step 4 To overwrite existing network device groups, check the Overwrite Existing Data with New Data check box.
Step 5 Check the Stop Import on First Error check box.
Step 6 Click Import.

Export Network Device Groups from Cisco ISE

You can export network device groups that are configured in Cisco ISE in the form of a CSV file. You can
then import these network device groups into another Cisco ISE node.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network Device
Groups > All Groups.
Step 2 To export the network device groups, you can do one of the following:
• Check the check boxes next to the device groups that you want to export, and choose Export > Export Selected.
• Choose Export > Export All to export all the network device groups that are defined.

Step 3 A CSV file downloads in to your local hard disk.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Manage Network Device Groups

Manage Network Device Groups

The following windows enable you to configure and manage network device groups.

Network Device Group Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Network Device Groups window that you use to create network
device groups. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network
Resources > Network Device Groups > All Groups.
You can also create network device groups in the Work Centers > Device Administration > Network
Resources > Network Device Groups > All Groups window.

Table 119: Fields in the Network Device Group Window

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter a name for the root network device group. For
all subsequent child network device groups added to
this root network device group, enter the name of this
newly created network device group.
You can have a maximum of six nodes in a network
device group hierarchy, including the root node. Each
network device group name can have a maximum of
32 characters.

Description Enter a description for the root or the child network

device group.

No. of Network Devices The number of network devices in the network group
is displayed in this column.

Network Device Group Import Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Import dialog box in the Network Device Group window.
To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network
Device Groups.

Table 120: Fields in the Network Device Groups Import Window

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Generate a Template Click this link to download a CSV template file.

Update the template with network device groups
information in the same format, and save it locally to
import the network device groups into any Cisco ISE

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Import Templates in Cisco ISE

Field Name Usage Guidelines

File Click Choose File to the location of the CSV file that
you want to upload. This might be a newly created
file or a file that was previously exported from another
Cisco ISE deployment.
You can import network device groups from one Cisco
ISE deployment to another, with new and updated
network device groups information.

Overwrite Existing Data with New Data Check the Overwrite Existing Data with New Data
check box if you want to replace existing network
device groups with the device groups in your import
If you do not check this check box, only new network
device groups in the import file are added to the
network device group repository. Duplicate entries
are ignored.

Stop Import on First Error Check the Stop Import on First Error check box to
discontinue import at the first instance of encountering
an error during the import.
If this check box is not checked and an error is
encountered, Cisco ISE reports the error and continues
importing the rest of the device groups.

Import Templates in Cisco ISE

Cisco ISE allows you to import a large number of network devices and network device groups using CSV
files. The template contains a header row that defines the format of the fields. You must not edit this header
Use the Generate a Template link in the relevant import flow for network devices and network device groups
to download a CSV file to your local system.

Network Devices Import Template Format

The following table lists and describes the fields in the header of the import network device CSV template

Table 121: CSV Template Fields and Descriptions for Network Devices

Field Description

Name:String(32) (Required) This field is the network device name. It

is an alphanumeric string of a maximum length of 32

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Devices Import Template Format

Field Description

Description:String(256) This field is a description of the network device. It is

a string of a maximum length of 256 characters.

IP Address:Subnets(a.b.c.d/m|...) (Required) This field is the IP address and subnet

mask of the network device. It can contain more than
one value separated by a pipe “|” symbol.
IPv4 and IPv6 are supported for network device
(TACACS and RADIUS) configurations and for
external RADIUS server configurations.
When entering an IPv4 address, you can use ranges
and subnet masks.

Model Name:String(32) (Required) This field is the network device's model

name. It is a string with a maximum length of 32

Software Version:String(32) (Required) This field is the network device's software

version. It is a string with a maximum length of 32

Network Device Groups:String(100) (Required) This field is an existing network device

group. If it is a subgroup, it must include both the
parent and subgroup separated by a space. It is a string
with a maximum length of 100 characters. For
example, Location>All Location>US

Authentication:Protocol:String(6) This field is the authentication protocol that you want

to use. The only valid value is "RADIUS" (not

Authentication:Shared Secret:String(128) (Required, if you enter a value in the authentication

protocol field) This field is a string with a maximum
length of 128 characters.

EnableKeyWrap:Boolean(true|false) This field is enabled only if it is supported on the

network device. The valid values are "true" and

EncryptionKey:String(ascii:16|hexa:32) (Required, if you enable KeyWrap) This field is the

encryption key that is used for session encryption.
ASCII values: 16 characters (bytes) long
Hexadecimal values: 32 characters (bytes) long.

AuthenticationKey:String(ascii:20|hexa:40) (Required, if you enable KeyWrap). This field the

keyed Hashed Message Authentication Code (HMAC)
calculation over RADIUS messages.
ASCII values: 20 characters (bytes) long
Hexadecimal values: 40 characters (bytes) long.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Devices Import Template Format

Field Description

InputFormat:String(32) This field is the encryption and authentication keys

input format. ASCII and hexadecimal values are

SNMP:Version:Enumeration (|2c|3) This field is used by the profiler service. It is the

version of the SNMP protocol, 1, 2c, or 3.

SNMP:RO Community:String(32) (Required, if you enter a value for the SNMP version
field) SNMP Read Only community. This field is a
string with a maximum length of 32 characters.

SNMP:RW Community:String(32) (Required, if you enter a value for the SNMP version
field) SNMP Read Write community. This field is a
string with a maximum length of 32 characters.

SNMP:Username:String(32) This field is a string with a maximum length of 32


SNMP:Security Level:Enumeration(Auth|No (Required if you choose SNMP version 3) This field

Auth|Priv) accepts the values "Auth", "No Auth", or "Priv".

SNMP:Authentication (Required if you have entered "Auth" or "Priv" for

Protocol:Enumeration(MD5|SHA) the SNMP security level) This field accepts the values
"MD5" or "SHA".

SNMP:Authentication Password:String(32) (Required if you have entered Auth for the SNMP
security level) This field is a string with a maximum
length of 32 characters.

SNMP:Privacy (Required if you have entered "Priv" for the SNMP

Protocol:Enumeration(DES|AES128|AES192|AES256|3DES) security level) This field accepts the values "DES",
"AES128", "AES192", "AES256", or "3DES".

SNMP:Privacy Password:String(32) (Required if you have entered "Priv" for the SNMP
security level) This field is a string with a maximum
length of 32 characters.

SNMP:Polling Interval:Integer:600-86400 seconds This field is to set the SNMP polling interval. A valid
value is an integer from 600 to 86400.

SNMP:Is Link Trap Query:Boolean(true|false) This field is to enable or disable the SNMP link trap.
The valid value is "true" or "false".

SNMP:Is MAC Trap Query:Boolean(true|false) This field is to enable or disable the SNMP MAC trap.
The valid value is "true" or "false".

SNMP:Originating Policy Services Node:String(32) This field is to indicate which Cisco ISE server must
be used to poll for SNMP data. It is automatic by
default, but you can overwrite the setting by assigning
different values in this field.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Devices Import Template Format

Field Description

Trustsec:Device Id:String(32) This field is a Cisco Trustsec device ID, and is a string
with a maximum length of 32 characters.

Trustsec:Device Password:String(256) (Required if you have entered a Cisco TrustSec device

ID) This field is the Cisco TrustSec device password
and is a string with a maximum length of 256

Trustsec:Environment Data Download This field is to set the Cisco TrustSec environment
Interval:Integer:1-2147040000 seconds data download interval. A valid value is an integer
from 1 to 24850.

Trustsec:Peer Authorization Policy Download This field is to set the Cisco TrustSec peer
Interval:Integer:1-2147040000 seconds authorization policy download interval. A valid value
is an integer from 1 to 24850.

Trustsec:Reauthentication This field is to set the Cisco TrustSec reauthentication

Interval:Integer:1-2147040000 seconds interval. A valid value is an integer from 1 to 24850.

Trustsec:SGACL List Download This field is to set the Cisco TrustSec security group
Interval:Integer:1-2147040000 seconds ACL list download interval. A valid value is an integer
from 1 to 24850.

Trustsec:Is Other Trustsec Devices This field is to indicate whether a Cisco TrustSec
Trusted:Boolean(true|false) device is trusted. The valid value is "true" or "false".

Trustsec:Notify this device about Trustsec This field is to notify Cisco TrustSec configuration
configuration changes to the Cisco TrustSec device. The valid value

Trustsec:Include this device when deploying This field indicates if the Cisco TrustSec device
Security Group Tag Mapping included on security group tag. The valid value is
Updates:Boolean(true|false) "true" or "false".

Deployment:Execution Mode Username:String(32) This field is the user name that has privileges to edit
the network device configuration. It is a string with a
maximum length of 32 characters.

Deployment:Execution Mode Password:String(32) This field is the device password, and is a string with
a maximum length of 32 characters.

Deployment:Enable Mode Password:String(32) This field is the password of the device that allows
you to edit its configuration. It is a string with a
maximum length of 32 characters.

Trustsec:PAC issue date:Date This field is the issuing date of the last Cisco TrustSec
PAC that was generated by Cisco ISE for the Cisco
TrustSec device.

Trustsec:PAC expiration date:Date This field is the expiration date of the last Cisco
TrustSec PAC that was generated by Cisco ISE for
the Cisco TrustSec device.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Network Device Groups Import Template Format

Field Description

Trustsec:PAC issued by:String This field is the name of the issuer (a Cisco TrustSec
administrator) of the last Cisco TrustSec PAC that
was generated by Cisco ISE for the Cisco TrustSec
device. It is a string value.

Network Device Groups Import Template Format

The following table lists the fields in the template header and provides a description of the fields in the Network
Device Group CSV file.

Table 122: CSV Template Fields and Description for Network Device Groups

Field Description

Name:String(100): (Required) This field is the network device group

name. It is a string with a maximum of 100 characters
in length. The full name of an NDG can have a
maximum of 100 characters in length. For example,
if you are creating a subgroup India under the parent
groups Global > Asia, then the full name of the NDG
that you are creating would be Global#Asia#India and
this full name cannot exceed 100 characters in length.
If the full name of the NDG exceeds 100 characters
in length, the NDG creation fails.

Description:String(1024) This is an optional network device group description.

It is a string, with a maximum of 1024 characters in

Type:String(64): (Required) This field is the network device group

type. It is a string, with a maximum of 64 characters
in length.

Is Root:Boolean(true|false): (Required) This is a field that determines if the

specific network device group is a root group. Valid
value is true or false.

IPsec Security to Secure Communication Between Cisco ISE

and NAD
IPsec is a set of protocols that provides security to IP. The AAA, RADIUS, and TACACS+ protocols use the
MD5 hashing algorithm. For greater security, Cisco ISE offers the IPsec feature. IPsec provides secure
communication by authenticating the sender, discovering any changes in data during transmission, and
encrypting the data that is sent.
Cisco ISE supports IPsec in tunnel and transport modes. When you enable IPsec on a Cisco ISE interface and
configure the peers, an IPsec tunnel is created between Cisco ISE and the NAD to secure the communication.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Configure RADIUS IPsec on Cisco ISE

You can define a pre-shared key or use X.509 certificates for IPsec authentication. IPsec can be enabled on
Gigabit Ethernet 1 through Gigabit Ethernet 5 interfaces. You can configure IPsec on only one Cisco ISE
interface per PSN.
IPsec cannot be enabled on Gigabit Ethernet 2 as the smart license is enabled (e0/2—> eth2) by default.
However, if you are required to enable IP Security, you have to choose a different interface for smart licensing.

Note Gigabit Ethernet 0 and Bond 0 (when Gigabit Ethernet 0 and Gigabit Ethernet 1 interfaces are bonded) are
management interfaces in the Cisco ISE CLI. IPsec is not supported on Gigabit Ethernet 0 and Bond 0.

Required components include:

• Cisco ISE Release 2.2 and later.
• Cisco IOS Software, C5921 ESR Software (C5921_I86-UNIVERSALK9-M): The ESR 5921 configuration,
by default, supports IPsec in tunnel and transport modes. Diffie-Hellman Group 14 and Group 16 are

Note The C5921 ESR software is bundled with Cisco ISE, Releases 2.2 and later. You
need an ESR license to enable it. See Cisco 5921 Embedded Services Router
Integration Guide for ESR licensing information.

Configure RADIUS IPsec on Cisco ISE

To configure RADIUS IPsec on Cisco ISE, you must:

Step 1 Configure IP address on the interface from the Cisco ISE CLI.
Gigabit Ethernet 1 through Gigabit Ethernet 5 interfaces (Bond 1 and Bond 2) support IPsec. However, IPsec can be
configured only on one interface in a Cisco ISE node.

Step 2 Add a directly connected network device to the IPsec network device group.
Note RADIUS IPsec requires the static route gateway to be directly connected through an interface of the device.

a) In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network
b) In the Network Devices window, click Add.
c) Enter the name and IP address and subnet of the network device that you want to add in the corresponding fields.
d) From the IPSEC drop-down list, choose Yes.
e) Check the RADIUS Authentication Settings check box.
f) In the Shared Secret field, enter the shared secret key that you have configured on the network device.
g) Click Save.
Step 3 Add a separate management interface to interact with the Cisco Smart Software Manager (CSSM). See Smart Software
Manager satellite for information on Embedded Services Router (ESR). To do this, from the Cisco ISE CLI, run the
following command to select the corresponding management interface (Gigabit Ethernet 1 to 5 (or Bond 1 or 2)):

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Configure RADIUS IPsec on Cisco ISE

ise/admin# license esr smart {interface}

This interface must be able to reach to access the Cisco online licensing server.

Step 4 Add a network device to a directly connected gateway from the Cisco ISE CLI.
ip route [destination network] [network mask] gateway [next-hop address]

Step 5 Activate IPsec on Cisco ISE nodes.

a) In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols >
All the Cisco ISE nodes in the deployment are listed in this window.
b) Check the check box next to the Cisco ISE node on which you want to activate IPsec, and then click the Enable radio
c) Choose the interface that you want to use for IPsec communication from the IPSec Interface for selected nodes:
drop-down list.
d) Click the radio button for one the following authentication type for the selected Cisco ISE node:
• Pre-shared Key: If you choose this option, you must enter the pre-shared key and configure the same key on
the network device. Use alphanumeric characters for the pre-shared key. Special characters are not supported.
For instructions on how to configure the pre-shared key on the network device, see the network device
documentation. For an example of the pre-shared key configuration output, see Example: Output of Pre-shared
Key Configuration on Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches, on page 772.
• X.509 Certificates: If you choose this option, from the Cisco ISE CLI, go to the ESR shell and configure and
install X.509 Certificates for ESR 5921. Then, configure the network device for IPsec. For instructions, see
Configure and Install X.509 Certificates on ESR-5921, on page 766.

e) Click Save.
Note You cannot modify IPsec configurations directly. To modify the IPsec tunnel or authentication when IPsec is
enabled, disable the current IPsec tunnel, modify the IPsec configuration, and then re-enable the IPsec tunnel
with a different configuration.

Note When enabled, IPsec removes the IP address from the Cisco ISE interface and shuts down the interface. When
the user logs in from Cisco ISE CLI, the interface is displayed with no IP address and in shutdown state. This
IP address will be configured on the ESR-5921 interface.

Step 6 Type esr to enter into the ESR shell.

ise/admin# esr
% Entering ESR 5921 shell
% Cisco IOS Software, C5921 Software (C5921_I86-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.5(2)T2, RELEASE SOFTWARE
% Technical Support:
% Copyright (c) 1986-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc.

Press RETURN to get started, CTRL-C to exit


Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Configure RADIUS IPsec on Cisco ISE

Note For FIPS compliance, you must configure a secret password that is at least eight characters in length. Enter the
Enable secret level 1 command to specify the password:
ise-esr5921(config)#enable secret level 1 ?
0 Specifies an UNENCRYPTED password will follow
5 Specifies a MD5 HASHED secret will follow
8 Specifies a PBKDF2 HASHED secret will follow
9 Specifies a SCRYPT HASHED secret will follow
LINE The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) 'enable' secret

Note If you configure customized RADIUS ports from the GUI (other than 1645, 1646, 1812, and 1813), you must
enter the following CLI command in the ESR shell to accept the configured RADIUS ports:
ip nat inside source static udp [port_number] interface Ethernet0/0 [port_number]

Step 7 Verify IPsec tunnel and RADIUS authentication over IPsec tunnel.
a) Add a user in Cisco ISE and assign the user to a user group (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and
chooseAdministration > Identity Management > Identities > Users).
b) Carry out the following steps to verify if the IPsec tunnel is established between Cisco ISE and the NAD:
1. Use the ping command to test if the connection between Cisco ISE and the NAD is established.
2. Run the following command from the ESR shell or the NAD CLI to verify if the connection is in the active state:
show crypto isakmp sa
ise-esr5921#show crypto isakmp sa
dst src state conn-id status QM_IDLE 1001 ACTIVE

3. Run the following command from the ESR shell or the NAD CLI to verify if the tunnel is established:
show crypto ipsec sa
ise-esr5921#show crypto ipsec sa

interface: Ethernet0/0
Crypto map tag: radius, local addr

protected vrf: (none)

local ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
remote ident (addr/mask/prot/port): (
current_peer port 500
PERMIT, flags={}
#pkts encaps: 52, #pkts encrypt: 52, #pkts digest: 52
#pkts decaps: 57, #pkts decrypt: 57, #pkts verify: 57
#pkts compressed: 0, #pkts decompressed: 0
#pkts not compressed: 0, #pkts compr. failed: 0
#pkts not decompressed: 0, #pkts decompress failed: 0
#send errors 0, #recv errors 0

local crypto endpt.:, remote crypto endpt.:

plaintext mtu 1438, path mtu 1500, ip mtu 1500, ip mtu idb Ethernet0/0
current outbound spi: 0x393783B6(959939510)
PFS (Y/N): N, DH group: none

inbound esp sas:

spi: 0x8EA0F6EE(2392913646)
transform: esp-aes esp-sha256-hmac ,
in use settings ={Tunnel, }
conn id: 99, flow_id: SW:99, sibling_flags 80000040, crypto map: radius

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Configure and Install X.509 Certificates on ESR-5921

sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4237963/2229)

IV size: 16 bytes
replay detection support: Y

inbound ah sas:

inbound pcp sas:

outbound esp sas:

spi: 0x393783B6(959939510)
transform: esp-aes esp-sha256-hmac ,
in use settings ={Tunnel, }
conn id: 100, flow_id: SW:100, sibling_flags 80000040, crypto map: radius
sa timing: remaining key lifetime (k/sec): (4237970/2229)
IV size: 16 bytes
replay detection support: Y

outbound ah sas:

outbound pcp sas:

c) Verify the RADIUS authentication using one of the following methods:

• Log in to the network device using the credentials of the user that you created in Step 8 (a). The RADIUS
authentication request is sent to the Cisco ISE node. View the details in the Live Authentications window.
• Connect the end host with the network device and configure 802.1X authentication. Log in to the end host using
the credentials of the user that you created in Step 8 (a). The RADIUS authentication request is sent to the Cisco
ISE node. View the details in the Live Authentications window.

Configure and Install X.509 Certificates on ESR-5921

Step 1 Type esr to enter into the ESR shell.

ise/admin# esr
% Entering ESR 5921 shell
% Cisco IOS Software, C5921 Software (C5921_I86-UNIVERSALK9-M), Version 15.5(2)T2, RELEASE SOFTWARE
% Technical Support:
% Copyright (c) 1986-2015 Cisco Systems, Inc.

Press RETURN to get started, CTRL-C to exit


Note For FIPS compliance, you must configure a secret password that is at least eight characters in length. Enter the
Enable secret level 1 command to specify the password:
ise-esr5921(config)#enable secret level 1 ?
0 Specifies an UNENCRYPTED password will follow
5 Specifies a MD5 HASHED secret will follow
8 Specifies a PBKDF2 HASHED secret will follow
9 Specifies a SCRYPT HASHED secret will follow
LINE The UNENCRYPTED (cleartext) 'enable' secret

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Configure and Install X.509 Certificates on ESR-5921

Note If you configure customized RADIUS ports from the GUI (other than 1645, 1646, 1812, and 1813), you must
enter the following CLI command in the ESR shell to accept the RADIUS ports that are configured:
ip nat inside source static udp [port_number] interface Ethernet0/0 [port_number]

Step 2 Generate an RSA key pair using the following command:

crypto key generate rsa label rsa2048 exportable modulus 2048

Step 3 Create a trustpoint using the following command:

crypto pki trustpoint trustpoint-name

enrollment terminal
serial-number none
fqdn none
ip-address none
revocation-check none
rsakeypair rsa2048

Step 4 Generate a certificate signing request using the following command:

crypto pki enroll rsaca-mytrustpoint

Display Certificate Request to terminal? [yes/no]: yes

Step 5 Copy the output of the certificate signing request to a text file, submit it to an external CA for signing, and obtain the
signed certificate and the CA certificate.
Step 6 Import the Certificate Authority (CA) certificate using the following command:
crypto pki authenticate rsaca-mytrustpoint

Copy and paste the contents of the CA certificate, including the "—BEGIN—" and "—-End—" lines.

Step 7 Import the signed certificate using the following command:

crypto pki import rsaca-mytrustpoint

Copy and paste the contents of the signed certificate, including the "—BEGIN—" and "—-End—" lines.
The following is an example of the output that is displayed when you configure and install X.509 Certificates on Cisco
5921 ESR:
ise-esr5921#show running-config
hostname ise-esr5921
boot host unix:default-config
no aaa new-model
bsd-client server url
mmi polling-interval 60

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Configure and Install X.509 Certificates on ESR-5921

no mmi auto-configure
no mmi pvc
mmi snmp-timeout 180
! If contact email address in call-home is configured as
! the email address configured in Cisco Smart License Portal will be used as contact email address
to send SCH notifications.
profile "CiscoTAC-1"
destination transport-method http
no destination transport-method email
ip cef
no ipv6 cef
multilink bundle-name authenticated
crypto pki trustpoint SLA-TrustPoint
enrollment pkcs12
revocation-check crl
crypto pki trustpoint rsaca-mytrustpoint
enrollment terminal
serial-number none
fqdn none
ip-address none
revocation-check none
rsakeypair rsa2048
crypto pki certificate chain SLA-TrustPoint
certificate ca 01
30820321 30820209 A0030201 02020101 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 0B050030
32310E30 0C060355 040A1305 43697363 6F312030 1E060355 04031317 43697363
6F204C69 63656E73 696E6720 526F6F74 20434130 1E170D31 33303533 30313934
3834375A 170D3338 30353330 31393438 34375A30 32310E30 0C060355 040A1305
43697363 6F312030 1E060355 04031317 43697363 6F204C69 63656E73 696E6720
526F6F74 20434130 82012230 0D06092A 864886F7 0D010101 05000382 010F0030
82010A02 82010100 A6BCBD96 131E05F7 145EA72C 2CD686E6 17222EA1 F1EFF64D
CBB4C798 212AA147 C655D8D7 9471380D 8711441E 1AAF071A 9CAE6388 8A38E520
1C394D78 462EF239 C659F715 B98C0A59 5BBB5CBD 0CFEBEA3 700A8BF7 D8F256EE
4AA4E80D DB6FD1C9 60B1FD18 FFC69C96 6FA68957 A2617DE7 104FDC5F EA2956AC
7390A3EB 2B5436AD C847A2C5 DAB553EB 69A9A535 58E9F3E3 C0BD23CF 58BD7188
68E69491 20F320E7 948E71D7 AE3BCC84 F10684C7 4BC8E00F 539BA42B 42C68BB7
C7479096 B4CB2D62 EA2F505D C7B062A4 6811D95B E8250FC4 5D5D5FB8 8F27D191
C55F0D76 61F9A4CD 3D992327 A8BB03BD 4E6D7069 7CBADF8B DF5F4368 95135E44
DFC7C6CF 04DD7FD1 02030100 01A34230 40300E06 03551D0F 0101FF04 04030201
06300F06 03551D13 0101FF04 05300301 01FF301D 0603551D 0E041604 1449DC85
4B3D31E5 1B3E6A17 606AF333 3D3B4C73 E8300D06 092A8648 86F70D01 010B0500
03820101 00507F24 D3932A66 86025D9F E838AE5C 6D4DF6B0 49631C78 240DA905
604EDCDE FF4FED2B 77FC460E CD636FDB DD44681E 3A5673AB 9093D3B1 6C9E3D8B
D98987BF E40CBD9E 1AECA0C2 2189BB5C 8FA85686 CD98B646 5575B146 8DFC66A8
467A3DF4 4D565700 6ADF0F0D CF835015 3C04FF7C 21E878AC 11BA9CD2 55A9232C
7CA7B7E6 C1AF74F6 152E99B7 B1FCF9BB E973DE7F 5BDDEB86 C71E3B49 1765308B
5FB0DA06 B92AFE7F 494E8A9E 07B85737 F3A58BE1 1A48A229 C37C1E69 39F08678
80DDCD16 D6BACECA EEBC7CF9 8428787B 35202CDC 60E4616A B623CDBD 230E3AFB
418616A9 4093E049 4D10AB75 27E86F73 932E35B5 8862FDAE 0275156F 719BB2F0
D697DF7F 28
crypto pki certificate chain rsaca-mytrustpoint
certificate 39
30820386 3082026E A0030201 02020139 300D0609 2A864886 F70D0101 0B050030
61310B30 09060355 04061302 5553310B 30090603 5504080C 024E4331 0C300A06

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Configure and Install X.509 Certificates on ESR-5921

03550407 0C035254 50310E30 0C060355 040A0C05 43495343 4F310C30 0A060355

040B0C03 53544F31 19301706 03550403 0C107273 6163612E 65726368 616F2E63
6F6D301E 170D3136 30393031 32313037 34335A17 0D313730 39303132 31303734
335A301D 311B3019 06035504 03131269 73652D35 3932312E 63697363 6F2E636F
6D308201 22300D06 092A8648 86F70D01 01010500 0382010F 00308201 0A028201
0100EE87 CABFBA18 7E0405A8 ACAAAB23 E7CB6109 2CF98BAE 8EE93536 BF1EBBD3
73E60BE7 F430B5AF EBF8B0C5 969B2828 A6783BB4 64E333E4 29C8744E 6E783617
194AF1B0 7F04B4EA B89FD6EB F9C4F2DD 196DC6E0 CAA49B8B 665B6E0D 2FBC1D2F
8E8181B9 60FAE126 D1B2E4E4 1F321A97 10C1B76A C2BB3174 361B13FA 2CB7BDFE
22C0C33F 2792D714 C41E2237 00B1AE49 6593DCC3 A799D526 D81F9706 A71DA14E
5ED76038 7A2C84B4 C668E35C 337BA1DC 9CA56AC2 C8E0059F 660CE39C 925310A0
F9A21FFB 3C3C507A 20B924F7 E0125D60 6552321C 35736079 42449401 15E68DA6
B4776DAA FB5AFDF8 59E31373 263175E3 1F14416A 24C21D69 A46173B6 96CC84FB
5B9D0203 010001A3 818C3081 89300906 03551D13 04023000 302C0609 60864801
86F84201 0D041F16 1D4F7065 6E53534C 2047656E 65726174 65642043 65727469
66696361 7465301D 0603551D 0E041604 146DD31C 03690B98 330B67FA 6EDC7B20
F99FB924 60301F06 03551D23 04183016 8014966A 0C21AF96 3E827690 423599CC
EE8087A1 2909300E 0603551D 0F0101FF 04040302 05A0300D 06092A86 4886F70D
01010B05 00038201 0100C0B9 D2845D97 6FFC16DB 01559659 BC1DECA6 E1A01965
1F6CD459 E03D7ABE 91179FEB 08BF5B9B 84B62C36 236F528E E30C921C 81DA29E1
EA3DFDC1 B0B0EEBA 14EADAEC 078576E4 D643A0EF 7D8E0880 C5FC3965 811B08C0
5696DBF5 FADA4092 ACF549B8 2257F508 636D52AA 6CDC9596 AB43313F 6C33C9C1
2CFDDBE3 EA9D407C 8D1B0F49 BBACD0CD 2832AC12 CD3FEFC8 501E1639 A4EFDC27
69CA0147 971A1B2D DB2758E6 A84AFC86 4F9A4942 3D7EDBCC 7BDCC1BB 61F69B31
BF13E39B 10AAC31C 55E73C8B C30BE516 7C506FF4 AC367D94 814A6880 EF201A6D
CD2E1A95 7BBEC982 01CE867D 931F56E1 1EF1C457 9DC9A0BE 9DB2DC9B 19873585
89AE82F6 A37E51D6 EECD
certificate ca 008DD3A81106B14664
308203A2 3082028A A0030201 02020900 8DD3A811 06B14664 300D0609 2A864886
F70D0101 05050030 61310B30 09060355 04061302 5553310B 30090603 5504080C
024E4331 0C300A06 03550407 0C035254 50310E30 0C060355 040A0C05 43495343
4F310C30 0A060355 040B0C03 53544F31 19301706 03550403 0C107273 6163612E
65726368 616F2E63 6F6D301E 170D3135 31303231 32313135 34335A17 0D323531
30313832 31313534 335A3061 310B3009 06035504 06130255 53310B30 09060355
04080C02 4E43310C 300A0603 5504070C 03525450 310E300C 06035504 0A0C0543
4953434F 310C300A 06035504 0B0C0353 544F3119 30170603 5504030C 10727361
63612E65 72636861 6F2E636F 6D308201 22300D06 092A8648 86F70D01 01010500
0382010F 00308201 0A028201 0100CB82 2AECEE38 1BCB27B9 FA5F2FBD 8609B190
16A6F741 5BEC18B8 8B260CAF 190EA1CE 063BC558 556DC085 6FAC5425 14AFE225
0E9E3A12 05F3DA7E D17E03F2 7FFE92FB 38D67027 DBC5C175 EB53E96B 66C20D11
B4C32D38 AE04385C 8FD4CB74 31A97824 CA1CAFD5 091806C3 6F9CBF8D DC42DD5B
D985703D F3BB9ED1 7DE99614 422D765C 86AB25CD E80008C5 22049BE8 66D1CA27
E1EB6D4F 4FD3CC18 E091BBF0 6FE0EB52 B33F231A 6D6B7190 4196C929 D22E2C42
B9CD2BBD 24550E82 8CD8838F C41B4DAD 2FA1636A 5787BBB2 F21E4718 335B005B
A196DA5A 1B525175 C26B3581 EA4B0203 010001A3 5D305B30 1D060355 1D0E0416
0414966A 0C21AF96 3E827690 423599CC EE8087A1 2909301F 0603551D 23041830
16801496 6A0C21AF 963E8276 90423599 CCEE8087 A1290930 0C060355 1D130405
30030101 FF300B06 03551D0F 04040302 02A4300D 06092A86 4886F70D 01010505
00038201 01002334 A3F0E5D3 4D229985 67A07754 73EC52E3 05B7D05F 926CC863
220F849B 861C36B2 EF7C3485 474D4EF0 73895879 CAE08BBB 183B7CFA A20C4354
86C6D9DF D445DACE C252C608 236F6673 F3F3C329 474B22E8 660BF91E 41054B8D
43B80E44 AE69C164 2C9F41A2 8284F577 21FFAB8E A6771A5E DD34EBE4 A0DC2EAD
95702010 02964566 478DA90F 5E134643 81A5F5EA 362D0394 1F9F23D1 DEE50B07
12938299 1AF11A36 82DAFC6A 164B2F66 8B0AB7CC 9A723EBC B50E740B 0A9270E3
60E2ED42 7F10D1A6 F6735144 AE93BF86 3D5A0502 6811D2BD 6E694693 28DE84C5
3747CF0A D2B8D6C9 6CBEBA0A D1137CF8 E31CBF6B 437D82DD D74A4A9F 3557B3D9
D0BD055F 65A8
license udi pid CISCO5921-K9 sn 9XG4481W768
username lab password 0 lab

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Configure and Install X.509 Certificates on ESR-5921

crypto keyring MVPN-spokes
rsa-pubkey address
crypto isakmp policy 10
encr aes
hash sha256
group 16
crypto isakmp policy 20
encr aes
hash sha256
group 14
crypto isakmp profile MVPN-profile
description LAN-to-LAN for spoke router(s) connection
keyring MVPN-spokes
match identity address
crypto ipsec transform-set radius esp-aes esp-sha256-hmac
mode tunnel
crypto ipsec transform-set radius-2 esp-aes esp-sha256-hmac
mode transport
crypto dynamic-map MVPN-dynmap 10
set transform-set radius radius-2
crypto map radius 10 ipsec-isakmp dynamic MVPN-dynmap
interface Ethernet0/0
description e0/0->connection to external NAD
ip address
ip nat outside
ip virtual-reassembly in
no ip route-cache
crypto map radius
interface Ethernet0/1
description e0/1->tap0 internal connection to ISE
ip address
ip nat inside
ip virtual-reassembly in
no ip route-cache
interface Ethernet0/2
no ip address
interface Ethernet0/3
no ip address
ip forward-protocol nd
no ip http server
no ip http secure-server
ip nat inside source list 1 interface Ethernet0/0 overload
ip nat inside source static udp 1645 interface Ethernet0/0 1645
ip nat inside source static udp 1646 interface Ethernet0/0 1646
ip nat inside source static udp 1812 interface Ethernet0/0 1812
ip nat inside source static udp 1813 interface Ethernet0/0 1813

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Configure and Install X.509 Certificates on ESR-5921

access-list 1 permit

line con 0
logging synchronous
line aux 0
line vty 0 4
transport input none

The following is an example of the output that is displayed when you configure and install X.509 certificates on Cisco
Catalyst 3850 Series Switches:
cat3850#show running-config

enable password lab

username lab password 0 lab
aaa new-model

aaa group server radius ise

server name ise-vm
deadtime 60
aaa authentication login default group radius local

aaa authentication enable default group radius enable

crypto isakmp policy 10

encr aes

hash sha256
authentication rsa-sig
group 16
crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 86400
crypto ipsec transform-set radius esp-aes esp-sha256-hmac
mode tunnel

crypto ipsec profile radius-profile

crypto map radius 10 ipsec-isakmp

set peer
set transform-set radius

match address 100

interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1
no switchport
ip address

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Example: Output of Pre-shared Key Configuration on Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series Switches

crypto map radius

access-list 100 permit ip host host
snmp-server community public RO
snmp-server community private RW
radius server rad-ise
address ipv4 auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646

key secret

Example: Output of Pre-shared Key Configuration on Cisco Catalyst 3850 Series

The following is an example of the output that is displayed when you configure the pre-shared key on Cisco
Catalyst 3850 Series Switches:
cat3850#show running-config

enable password lab

username lab password 0 lab
aaa new-model
aaa group server radius ise
server name ise-vm
deadtime 60
aaa authentication login default group radius local

aaa authentication enable default group radius enable

crypto isakmp policy 10

encr aes

hash sha256
authentication pre-share
group 16
crypto isakmp key 123456789 address
crypto ipsec security-association lifetime seconds 86400
crypto ipsec transform-set radius esp-aes esp-sha256-hmac
mode tunnel
crypto ipsec profile radius-profile
crypto map radius 10 ipsec-isakmp
set peer
set transform-set radius
match address 100
interface GigabitEthernet1/0/1

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Mobile Device Manager Interoperability with Cisco ISE

no switchport
ip address

crypto map radius

access-list 100 permit ip host host
snmp-server community public RO
snmp-server community private RW
radius server rad-ise
address ipv4 auth-port 1645 acct-port 1646

key secret

Mobile Device Manager Interoperability with Cisco ISE

Mobile Device Management (MDM) servers secure, monitor, manage, and support mobile devices deployed
across mobile operators, service providers, and enterprises. MDM servers act as a policy server that controls
the use of some applications on a mobile device (for example, an email application) in the deployed
environment. However, the network is the only entity that can provide granular access to endpoints based on
access control lists (ACL). Cisco ISE queries the MDM servers for the necessary device attributes to create
ACLs that provide network access control for those devices.
You can run multiple active MDM servers on your network, including ones from different vendors. This
allows you to route different endpoints to different MDM servers based on device factors such as location or
device type.
Cisco ISE also integrates with MDM servers using the Cisco MDM Server Info API, Version 2, to allow
devices to access the network over VPN via Cisco AnyConnect 4.1 and Cisco Adaptive Security Appliances
9.3.2 or later.
In the following illustration, Cisco ISE is the enforcement point and the MDM policy server is the policy
information point. Cisco ISE obtains data from the MDM server to provide a complete solution.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Supported Mobile Device Management Use Cases

Figure 34: MDM Interoperability with Cisco ISE

You can configure Cisco ISE to interoperate with one or more external Mobile Device Manager (MDM)
servers. By setting up this type of third-party connection, you can use the detailed information available in
the MDM database. Cisco ISE uses REST API calls to retrieve information from the external MDM server.
Cisco ISE applies the appropriate access control policies to switches, access routers, wireless access points,
and other network access points. The policies give you greater control of the remote devices that are accessing
the Cisco ISE-enabled network.
For a list of the MDM vendors supported by Cisco ISE, see Supported Mobile Device Management Servers,
on page 776.

Supported Mobile Device Management Use Cases

Cisco ISE performs the following functions with the external MDM server:
• Manages device registration: Unregistered endpoints that access the network are redirected to a registration
page that is hosted on the MDM server. Device registration includes the user role, device type, and so
• Handles device remediation: Endpoints are granted restricted access during remediation.
• Augments endpoint data: the endpoint database is updated with information from the MDM server that
you cannot gather using the Cisco ISE profiling services. Cisco ISE uses six device attributes that you
can view in the Endpoints window. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work
Centers > Network Access > Identities > Endpoints.
The following are examples of the device attributes available.

• MDMImei: 99 000100 160803 3

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Supported Mobile Device Management Use Cases

• MDMManufacturer: Apple
• MDMModel: iPhone
• MDMOSVersion: iOS 6.0.0
• MDMPhoneNumber: 9783148806

• Polls the MDM server once every four hours for device compliance data. Configure the polling interval
in the External MDM Servers window. (To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Work Centers > Network Access > Network Resources > External MDM Servers.
• Issues device instructions through the MDM server: Cisco ISE issues remote actions for user devices
through the MDM server. Initiate remote actions from the Cisco ISE administration portal through the
Endpoints window. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Context Visibility >
Endpoints. Check the check box next to the MDM server and click MDM Actions. Choose the required
action from the drop-down list displayed.

Vendor MDM Attributes

When you configure an MDM server in Cisco ISE, the vendor's attributes are added to a new entry named
mdm in the Cisco ISE system dictionary. The following attributes are used for registration status, and are
commonly supported by MDM vendors.
• DeviceRegisterStatus
• DeviceCompliantStatus
• DiskEncryptionStatus
• PinLockStatus
• JailBrokenStatus
• Manufacturer
• SerialNumber
• OsVersion
• PhoneNumber
• MDMServerName
• MDMServerReachable
• Model

If a vendor's unique attributes are not supported, you may be able to use ERS APIs to exchange vendor-specific
attributes. Check the vendor's documentation for information on the ERS APIs supported.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Supported Mobile Device Management Servers

The new MDM dictionary attributes are available for use in authorization policies.

Supported Mobile Device Management Servers

Supported MDM servers include products from the following vendors:
• Absolute
• Blackberry - BES
• Blackberry - Good Secure EMM
• Cisco Meraki Systems Manager
• Citrix Endpoint Management (earlier known as Xenmobile)
• Globo
• IBM MaaS360
• JAMF Casper Suite
• Microsoft Intune, for mobile devices
• Microsoft SCCM, for desktop devices
• MobileIron UEM

Note Some versions of MobileIron do not work with Cisco ISE. MobileIron is aware
of this problem, and have a fix. Please contact MobileIron for more information.

• Mosyle
• SAP Afaria
• Sophos
• SOTI MobiControl
• Symantec
• Tangoe
• VMware Workspace ONE (earlier known as AirWatch)
• 42 Gears

ISE Community Resource

How To: Meraki EMM / MDM Integration with ISE

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Ports Used by the Mobile Device Management Server

Ports Used by the Mobile Device Management Server

The following table lists the ports that must be open between Cisco ISE and an MDM server to enable them
to communicate with each other. See the documentation from the MDM vendor for a list of ports that must
be open on the MDM agent and server.

Table 123: Ports Used by the MDM Server

MDM Server Ports

MobileIron 443

Zenprise 443

Good 19005

Airwatch 443

Afaria 443

Fiberlink MaaS 443

Meraki 443

Microsoft Intune 80 and 443

Microsoft SCCM 80 and 443

Mobile Device Management Integration Process Flow

1. The user associates a device with an SSID.
2. Cisco ISE makes an API call to the MDM server.
3. This API call returns a list of devices for the user and the posture statuses for the devices.

Note The input parameter is the MAC address of the endpoint device. For off-premise Apple iOS devices (any
device that connects to Cisco ISE through a VPN), the input parameter is the UDID.

4. If the user’s device is not on this list, it means that the device is not registered. Cisco ISE sends an
authorization request to the NAD to redirect to Cisco ISE. The user is presented with the MDM server

Note You must register a device that is enrolled on the MDM server outside of a Cisco ISE network via the MDM
portal. This is applicable for Cisco ISE Release 1.4 and later. Earlier Cisco ISE versions allow devices that
are enrolled outside the Cisco ISE-enabled network to be automatically enrolled if they are compliant with
the posture policies.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Set Up Mobile Device Management Servers with Cisco ISE

5. Cisco ISE uses MDM to provision the device and presents the appropriate window for the user to register
the device.
6. The user registers the device in the MDM server, and the MDM server redirects the request to Cisco
ISE through automatic redirection or manual browser refresh.
7. Cisco ISE queries the MDM server again for the posture status.
8. If the user’s device is not compliant with the posture (compliance) policies that are configured on the
MDM server, the user is notified that the device is out of compliance. The user must take the necessary
action to ensure that the device is compliant.
9. When the user’s device is compliant, the MDM server updates the device's state in its internal tables.
10. If the user refreshes the browser now, the control is transferred back to Cisco ISE.
11. Cisco ISE polls the MDM server once every four hours to get compliance information and issues the
appropriate Change of Authorization (CoA). You can configure the polling interval. Cisco ISE also
checks the MDM server every five minutes to make sure that it is available.

The following figure illustrates the MDM process flow.

Note A device can only be enrolled in a single MDM server at a time. If you want to enroll the same device to an
MDM service from another vendor, the previous vendor's profiles must be removed from the device. The
MDM service usually offers a "corporate wipe", which only deletes the vendor's configuration from the device
(not the whole device). The user can also remove the files. For example, on an iOS device, the user can go to
the Settings > General >Device management window, and click Remove Management. Or the user can go
to the MyDevices portal in Cisco ISE and click Corporate Wipe.

Set Up Mobile Device Management Servers with Cisco ISE

To set up MDM servers with Cisco ISE, you must perform the following high-level tasks:

Step 1 Import the MDM server certificate into Cisco ISE, except for Intune, where you import the Policy Administration node's
(PAN) certificate into Azure.
Step 2 Create mobile device manager definitions.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Import Mobile Device Management Server Certificate into Cisco ISE

Step 3 Configure ACLs on the Wireless LAN Controllers.

Step 4 Configure an authorization profile that redirects nonregistered devices to the MDM server.
Step 5 If there are multiple MDM servers on the network, configure separate authorization profiles for each vendor.
Step 6 Configure authorization policy rules for the MDM use cases.

Import Mobile Device Management Server Certificate into Cisco ISE

For Cisco ISE to connect with the MDM server, you must import the MDM server certificate into the Cisco
ISE Trusted Certificates store. If your MDM server has a CA-signed certificate, you must import the root
certificate into the Cisco ISE Trusted Certificates store.

Note For Microsoft Azure, import the Cisco ISE certificate into Azure. See Connect Microsoft Intune to Cisco ISE
as a Mobile Device Management Server, on page 782.

Step 1 Export the MDM server certificate from your MDM server and save it on your local machine.
Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and chooseChoose Administration > System > Certificates >
Trusted Certificate > Import.
Step 3 In the Import a new Certificate into the Certificate Store window, click Choose File to select the MDM server
certificate that you obtained from the MDM server.
Step 4 Add a name for the certificate in the Friendly Name field.
Step 5 Check the Trust for authentication within ISE check box.
Step 6 Click Submit.
Step 7 Verify that the Trust Certificates window lists the newly added MDM server certificate.

What to do next
Define Device Management Servers in Cisco ISE, on page 779

Define Device Management Servers in Cisco ISE

Define mobile and desktop device management servers in Cisco ISE to allow Cisco ISE to communicate with
the required servers. You can configure the authenticaton type used to communication with the servers, the
frequency with which Cisco ISE requests device inforamation from a device management server, and so on.
To define a mobile management server, see Configure Mobile Device Management Servers in Cisco ISE, on
page 780.
To define a Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) server, see Select Configuration Baseline
Policies for Endpoint Compliance from Desktop Device Manager Server.

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Secure Wired Access
Configure Mobile Device Management Servers in Cisco ISE

Configure Mobile Device Management Servers in Cisco ISE

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > External MDM.
Step 2 In the MDM Servers window, click .
Step 3 Enter the name and description of the MDM server that you want to add in the corresponding fields.
Step 4 From the Server Type drop-down list, choose Mobile Device Manager.
Step 5 From the Authentication Type drop-down list, choose either Basic or OAuth - Client Credentials.
If you choose the Basic authentication type, the following fields are displayed:
• Host Name / IP Address: Enter the hostname or IP address of the MDM server.
• Port: Enter the port to use when connecting to the MDM server, which is usually 443.
• Instance Name: If this MDM server has several instances, enter the instance that you want to connect to.
• Username: Enter the username that must be used to connect to the MDM server.
• Password: Enter the password that must be used to connect to the MDM server.
• Polling Interval: Enter the polling interval in minutes for Cisco ISE to poll the MDM server for compliance check
information. Set this value to match the polling interval on your MDM server. The valid range is from 15 to 1440
minutes. The default value is 240 minutes. We recommend that you set the polling interval below 60 minutes only
if you are testing a few active clients on your network. If you set this value below 60 minutes for a production
environment with many active clients, the system’s load increases significantly and may negatively affect performance.
If you set the polling interval to 0, Cisco ISE disables communication with the MDM server.
• Time Interval For Compliance Device ReAuth Query: When an endpoint is authenticated or reauthenticated,
Cisco ISE uses a cache to get the MDM variables for that endpoint. If the age of the cached value is higher than the
value configured in this field, Cisco ISE sends a new device query to the MDM server to get new values. If the
compliance status has changed, then Cisco ISE triggers the appropriate CoA.
The valid range is from 1 to 1440 minutes. The default value is one minute.

If you choose the OAuth - Client Credentials authentication type, the following fields are displayed:
• From the Auto Discovery drop-down list, choose Yes or No.
• Auto Discovery URL: Enter the value of Microsoft Azure AD Graph API Endpoint from the Microsoft Azure
management portal. This URL is the endpoint at which an application can access directory data in your Microsoft
Azure AD directory using the Graph API. The URL is of the form: https://<hostname>/<tenant id>
For example,
An expanded version of this URL is also in the property file, which is of the form:
https://<Graph_API_Endpoint>/<TenantId_Or_Domain>/servicePrincipalsByAppId/<Microsoft Intune

• Client ID: The unique identifier for your application. Use this attribute if your application accesses data in another
application, such as the Microsoft Azure AD Graph API, Microsoft Intune API, and so on.
• Token Issuing URL: Enter the value of the Oauth2.0 Authorization Endpoint from the previous step. This is the
endpoint at which your app obtains an access token using OAuth2.0. After your app is authenticated, Microsoft
Azure AD issues your app (Cisco ISE) an access token, which allows your app to call the Graph API or Intune API.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Cisco ISE Mobile Device Management Support for Microsoft Intune and Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager

• Token Audience: The recipient resource that the token is intended for, which is a public, well-known APP ID URL
to the Microsoft Intune API.
• Polling Interval: Enter the polling interval in minutes for Cisco ISE to poll the MDM server for compliance check
information. Set this value to match the polling interval on your MDM server. The valid range is from 15 to 1440
minutes. The default value is 240 minutes. We recommend that you set the polling interval below 60 minutes only
if you are testing a few active clients on your network. If you set this value below 60 minutes for a production
environment with many active clients, the system’s load increases significantly and may negatively affect performance.
If you set the polling interval to 0, Cisco ISE disables communication with the MDM server.
• Time Interval For Compliance Device ReAuth Query: When an endpoint is authenticated or reauthenticated,
Cisco ISE uses a cache to get the MDM variables for that endpoint. If the age of the cached value is higher than the
value configured in this field, Cisco ISE sends a new device query to the MDM server to get new values. If the
compliance status has changed, then Cisco ISE triggers the appropriate CoA.
The valid range is from 1 to 1440 minutes. The default value is one minute.

Step 6 Choose Enabled from the Status drop-down list.

Step 7 To verify that the MDM server is connected to Cisco ISE, click Test Connection. Test Connection is not intended to
check permissions for all the use cases (get baselines, get device information, and so on). These are validated when the
server is added to Cisco ISE.
Step 8 Click Save.

Cisco ISE Mobile Device Management Support for Microsoft Intune and
Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager
• Microsoft Intune: Cisco ISE supports Microsoft Intune device management as a partner MDM server
to manage mobile devices.
Configure Cisco ISE as an OAuth 2.0 client application on the Microsoft Intune server managing mobile
devices. Cisco ISE gets a token from Azure to establish a session with the Cisco ISE Intune application.
For information about how Microsoft Intune communicates with a client application, see
• Desktop Device Manager (Microsoft SCCM): Cisco ISE supports the Microsoft System Center
Configuration Manager (SCCM) as a partner MDM server for managing Windows computers. Cisco
ISE retrieves compliance information from the Microsoft SCCM server using WMI, and uses that
information to grant or deny network access to a user's Windows device.

Microsoft SCCM Workflow

Cisco ISE retrieves information from the Microsoft SCCM server about whether a device is registered, and
if it is registered, if it is compliant. The following diagram shows the workflow for devices that are managed
by Microsoft SCCM.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Connect Microsoft Intune to Cisco ISE as a Mobile Device Management Server

Figure 35: SCCM Workflow

When a device connects to the network and a Microsoft SCCM policy is matched, Cisco ISE queries the
SCCM server that is specified in the authorization policy to retrieve compliance and last login (check-in) time.
With this information, Cisco ISE updates the compliance status and the lastCheckinTimeStamp of the device
in the Endpoint list.
If the device is not compliant or not registered with Microsoft SCCM, and a redirect profile is used in the
authorization policy, a message is displayed to the user that the device is not compliant, or is not registered
with the Microsoft SCCM. After the user acknowledges the message, Cisco ISE can issue a CoA to the
Microsoft SCCM registration site. Users are granted access based on the authorization policy and profile.

Microsoft SCCM Server Connection Monitoring

You cannot configure polling intervals for Microsoft SCCM.
Cisco ISE runs an MDM HeartBeat job that verifies connection with the Microsoft SCCM server, and raises
alarms if Cisco ISE loses the connection to the Microsoft SCCM server. The HeartBeat job interval cannot
be configured.

Connect Microsoft Intune to Cisco ISE as a Mobile Device Management Server

Step 1 Log in to the Microsoft Azure portal, and choose Active Directory.
Step 2 Click New Registration.
Step 3 In the Register An Application window displayed, enter a value in the Name field.
Step 4 In the Supported Account Types area, click the Accounts in this organizational directory only radio button.
Step 5 Click Register.
Step 6 The Overview window of the newly registered application is displayed. With this window open, log in to the Cisco
ISE administration portal.
Step 7 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > System >

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Connect Microsoft Intune to Cisco ISE as a Mobile Device Management Server

Step 8 From the list of certificates displayed, choose either the Default self-signed server certificate or any other certificate
you have configured for Admin usage. Check the check box for the required certificate.
Step 9 Click Export.
Step 10 In the dialog box displayed, click the Export Certificate Only radio button and click Export.
Step 11 Click View for the details of this certificate. Scroll down the displayed Certificate Hierarchy dialog box to the
Fingerprints area. You will refer to these values at a later step.
Step 12 In the Microsoft Azure Active Directory portal, click Certificates and Secrets from the left menu pane.
Step 13 Click Upload Certificate and upload the certificate that you exported from Cisco ISE.
Step 14 After the certificate uploads, verify that the Thumbprint value that is displayed on the window matches the Fingerprint
value in the Cisco ISE certificate.
Step 15 Choose Manifest from the left menu pane.
Step 16 In the content displayed, check the value of displayName. The value must match the common name that is mentioned
in the Cisco ISE certificate.
Step 17 Choose API Permissions from the left menu pane.
Step 18 Click Add and add the following permissions:

Step 19 Collect the following details from the Overview window of the application:
• Application (client) ID
• Directory (tenant) ID

Step 20 Click Endpoints on the Overview window and copy the value of the Oauth 2.0 Token Endpoint (V2) field.
Step 21 Download certificates from and in the PEM (chain)
format. The following certificates must be downloaded:
• Microsoft IT TLS CA 1
• Baltimore CyberTrust Root
• DigiCert SHA2 Secure Server CA
• DigiCert Global Root CA

Step 22 In the Cisco ISE administration portal, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates >
Trusted Certificates.
Step 23 For each of the four certificates you downloaded, carry out the following steps:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Policy Set Example for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager

a. Click Import.
b. Click Choose File and choose the downloaded certificate from your system.
c. Allow the certificate to be trusted for use by Infrastructure and Cisco Services. In the Usage area, check the Trust
for authentication within ISE and Trust for authentication of Cisco Services check boxes.
d. Click Save.

Step 24 Click the Menu icon ( ) and chooseAdministration > Network Resources > External MDM.
Step 25 Click Add.
Step 26 Enter a value in the Name field.
Step 27 Choose OAuth – Client Credentials from the Authentication Type drop-down list.
Step 28 The following fields require the information from the Microsoft Intune application in Microsoft Azure Active Directory:
a. In the Auto Discovery URL field, enter “<Directory (tenant) ID>”
b. In the Client ID field, enter the Application (client) ID value from the Microsoft Intune application.
c. In the Token Issuing URL field, enter the Oauth 2.0 Token Endpoint (V2)value.

Step 29 Enter the required values for the Polling Interval and Time Interval For Compliance Device ReAuth Query fields.
Step 30 Click Test Connection to ensure that Cisco ISE can connect to the Microsoft server.
Step 31 When the connection test is successful, choose Enabled from the Status drop-down list.
Step 32 Click Save.

What to do next
In the Cisco ISE administration portal, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network
Resources > External MDM. The Microsoft Intune server added must be displayed in the list of MDM
Servers displayed.

Policy Set Example for Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager

The following new dictionary entries are used in policies to support Microsoft SCCM.
• MDM.DaysSinceLastCheckin: The number of days since a user last checked in or synchronized a
device with Microsoft SCCM. The value may range from 1 to 365 days.
• MDM.UserNotified: The valid values are Y or N. The value indicates whether the user was notified that
their device is not registered. You can then allow the user limited access to the network and then redirect
them to the registration portal, or deny them access to the network.
• MDM.ServerType: The valid value is MDM for MDM servers and DM for desktop device management.

The following is an example of a policy set that supports Microsoft SCCM.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Configure the Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager Server for Cisco ISE

Policy Name If Then

SCCM_Comp Wireless_802.1X AND PermitAccess

SccmServer1 AND
EQUALS Registered

SCCM_NonComp_Notify Wireless_802.1X AND PermitAccess

SccmServer1 AND
EQUALS NonCompliant AND
MDM:UserNotified EQUALS 28

SCCM_NonComp_Days Wireless_802.1X AND SCCMRedirect

SccmServer1 AND
EQUALS Registered AND

SCCM_NonComp Wireless_802.1X AND SCCMRedirect

SccmServer1 AND
EQUALS NonCompliant AND
EQUALS Registered

SCCM_UnReg_Notify Wireless_802.1X AND PermitAccess

EQUALS Registered AND
MDM:UserNotified EQUALS Yes

Configure theMicrosoft System Center Configuration Manager Server forCisco

Cisco ISE communicates with the Microsoft SCCM server using Windows Management Instrumentation
(WMI). Configure WMI on the Windows server running Microsoft SCCM.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Set Permissions When Microsoft Active Directory User is in the Domain Admin Group

Note The user account that you use for Cisco ISE integration must either:
• Be a member of the SMS Admins user group.
• Have the same permissions as the SMS object under the WMI namespace:

where sitecode is the Microsoft SCCM site.

Set Permissions When Microsoft Active Directory User is in the Domain Admin Group
For Windows Server 2008 R2, Windows Server 2012, and Windows Server 2012 R2, the Domain Admin
group does not have full control of certain registry keys in the Windows operating system by default. The
Microsoft Active Directory administrator must give the Microsoft Active Directory user full control permissions
on the following registry keys:
• HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}
• HKLM\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}

The following Microsoft Active Directory versions require no registry changes:

• Windows 2003
• Windows 2003R2
• Windows 2008

To grant full control, the Microsoft Active Directory admin must first take ownership of the key:

Step 1 Right-click the key icon and choose the Owner tab.
Step 2 Click Permissions.
Step 3 Click Advanced.

Permissions for Microsoft Active Directory Users Not in Domain Admin Group
For Windows Server 2012 R2, give the Microsoft AD user full control permissions on the following registry
• HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}
• HKLM\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}

Use the following commands in Windows PowerShell to check if full permission is given to the registry keys:
• get-acl -path
| format-list

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Permissions for Microsoft Active Directory Users Not in Domain Admin Group

• get-acl -path
"hklm:\Software\Classes\Wow6432Node\CLSID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}" |

The following permissions are required when a Microsoft AD user is not in the Domain Admin group, but is
in the Domain Users group:
• Add registry keys to allow Cisco ISE to connect to the domain controller.
• Permissions to Use DCOM on the Domain Controller, on page 510
• Set Permissions for Access to WMI Root/CIMv2 Namespace, on page 512

These permissions are only required for the following Microsoft AD versions:
• Windows 2003
• Windows 2003R2
• Windows 2008
• Windows 2008 R2
• Windows 2012
• Windows 2012 R2
• Windows 2016

Add Registry Keys to Allow Cisco ISE to Connect to the Domain Controller
You must manually add some registry keys to the domain controller to allow Cisco ISE to connect as a domain
user, and retrieve login authentication events. An agent is not required on the domain controllers or on any
machines in the domain.
The following registry script shows the keys to add. You can copy and paste this into a text file, save the file
with a .reg extension, and double click the file to make the registry changes. To add registry keys, the user
must be an owner of the root key.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00


"DllSurrogate"=" "

"DllSurrogate"=" "

Make sure that you include two spaces in the value of the DllSurrogate key. If the registry is manually updated,
you must include only the two spaces and do not include the quotes. While updating the registry manually,
ensure that quotes are not included for AppID, DllSurrogate, and its values.
Retain the empty lines as shown in the preceding script, including the empty line at the end of the file.
Use the following commands in the Windows command prompt to confirm if the registry keys are created
and have the correct values:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Permissions to Use DCOM on the Domain Controller

• reg query "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}" /f

"{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}" /e

• reg query HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\AppID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6} /f " " /e

• reg query HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\Wow6432Node\AppID\{76A64158-CB41-11D1-8B02-00600806D9B6}

/f " " /e

Permissions to Use DCOM on the Domain Controller

The Microsoft Active Directory user who is used for Cisco ISE Passive Identity service must have the
permissions to use DCOM on the domain controller server. Configure permissions with the dcomcnfg command
line tool.

Step 1 Run the dcomcnfg tool from the command line.

Step 2 Expand Component Services.
Step 3 Expand Computers > My Computer.
Step 4 Choose Action from the menu bar, click Properties, and click COM Security.
Step 5 The account that Cisco ISE uses for both access and launch must have Allow permissions. Add the Microsoft Active
Directory user to all the four options, Edit Limits and Edit Default for both Access Permissions and Launch and
Activation Permissions.
Step 6 Allow all local and remote accesses for both Access Permissions and Launch and Activation Permissions.
Figure 36: Local and Remote Accesses for Access Permissions

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Set Permissions for Access to WMI Root/CIMv2 Namespace

Figure 37: Local and Remote Accesses for Launch and Activation Permissions

Set Permissions for Access to WMI Root/CIMv2 Namespace

By default, Microsoft Active Directory users do not have permissions for the Execute Methods and Remote
Enable. You can grant access using the wmimgmt.msc MMC console.

Step 1 Choose Start > Run and type wmimgmt.msc.

Step 2 Right-click WMI Control and click Properties.
Step 3 Under the Security tab, expand Root and choose CIMV2.
Step 4 Click Security.
Step 5 Add the Microsoft Active Directory user, and configure the required permissions as shown in the following image.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Open Firewall Ports for WMI Access

Figure 38: Required Permissions for WMI Root\CIMv2 Namespace

Open Firewall Ports for WMI Access

The firewall software on the Microsoft Active Directory domain controller may block access to WMI. You
can either turn off the firewall, or allow access on a specific IP address (Cisco ISE IP address) to the following
• TCP 135: General RPC Port. When performing asynchronous RPC calls, the service listening on this
port tells the client which port the component servicing this request is using.
• UDP 138: NetBIOS Datagram Service
• TCP 139: NetBIOS Session Service
• TCP 445: SMB

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Select Configuration Baseline Policies for Endpoint Compliance from Desktop Device Manager Server

Note Cisco ISE supports SMB 2.0.

Higher ports are assigned dynamically, or you can configure them manually. We recommend that you add
%SystemRoot%\System32\dllhost.exe as a target. This program manages ports dynamically.
All firewall rules can be assigned to a specific IP address (Cisco ISE IP).

Select Configuration Baseline Policies for Endpoint Compliance from Desktop

Device Manager Server
You can view the baseline policies available in a Desktop Device Manager server (for example, a Microsoft
SCCM server) added to Cisco ISE, and choose specific baseline policies to check for endpoint compliance
for network access. The configuration baseline policies that are enabled and deployed in the Desktop Device
Manager server can be viewed in the Cisco ISE administration portal.

Note Check your user privileges in your desktop device management server to ensure you have the required security
permissions to allow baseline policies and compliance information to be sent to Cisco ISE. An administrator
must be added in the Security > Administrator Users folder of the desktop device manager.

To view the baseline policies in a Desktop Device Manager server in the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon
( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > External MDM > MDM Servers.

Add a New Desktop Device Manager Server to Cisco ISE, and Select Configuration Baseline Policies
1. In the MDM Servers window, click Add.
2. Choose Desktop Device Manager from the Server Type drop-down list.
3. Enter the required details for the following fields:
• Host Name / IP Address: Enter the hostname or IP address of the Microsoft SCCM server.
• Instance Name: If the Microsoft SCCM server has several instances, enter the instance that you
want to connect to.
• Username: Enter the username that must be used to connect to the Microsoft SCCM server.
• Password: Enter the password that must be used to connect to the Microsoft SCCM server.
• Time Interval For Compliance Device ReAuth Query: When an endpoint is authenticated or
reauthenticated, Cisco ISE uses a cache to get the MDM variables for that endpoint. If the age of the
cached value is higher than the value configured in this field, Cisco ISE sends a new device query
to the MDM server to get new values. If the compliance status has changed, then Cisco ISE triggers
the appropriate CoA.
The valid range is from 1 to 1440 minutes. The default value is one minute.

4. Choose Enabled from the Status drop-down list.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Configure an Authorization Profile for Redirecting Nonregistered Devices

To verify that the server is connected to Cisco ISE, click the Test Connection button. To view the configuration
baseline policies available in this server, click Save & Continue. A new window is displayed with a list of
names and IDs of the baseline policies.

Select Configuration Baseline Policies from an Existing Desktop Device Manager Server
In the MDM Servers window, check the check box for the desired server and click Edit. Click the
Configuration Baselines tab for the list of the baseline policies available in this server.
By default, all the baseline policies are selected. Uncheck the check box next to Name to deselect all the
baseline policies. Select the required baseline policies by checking the check boxes next to their names. Click
Endpoint compliance is checked based on the selected configuration baseline policies.
If there are any changes in the configuration baseline policies in a Desktop Device Manager server, click the
Update Now button in the Configuration Baselines tab for the changes to be updated in Cisco ISE.

Configure Device Identifiers for Windows Endpoints

A Desktop Device Manager server uses certain attributes as identifiers to verify endpoints connecting to the
network. The endpoint MAC address is the most popularly used identifier. However, MAC addresses are not
the most reliable identifiers when dongles, docking stations, or MAC address randomization techniques are
in use.
You can now choose to use hostnames as identifiers. The hostnames are derived from common name (CN)
or SAN-DNS attributes available in certificates. Certificate-based authentication of endpoints is mandatory
to check for baseline policy compliance using hostnames.
To configure device identifiers for a Desktop Device Manager server, go to its Server Configuration tab.
From the main menu, choose Administration > Network Resources > External MDM > MDM Servers >
In the Device Identifier Configurations section, the following identifiers are enabled by default, in this order:
1. Legacy MAC Address
2. Cert – CN, Hostname
3. Cert – SAN-DNS, Hostname

To deselect an identifier, uncheck the check box against the identifier. You can drag the attributes to rearrange
the order in which they are used by the server for verification.

Verify Configuration of Device Identifiers

When hostnames are used for verification, a GUID is assigned to the endpoint by Cisco ISE. See the Live
Logs window (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and chooseOperations > RADIUS > Live
Logs), and check the GUID entry for details.

Configure an Authorization Profile for Redirecting Nonregistered Devices

You must configure an authorization profile in Cisco ISE to redirect nonregistered devices for each external
MDM server.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Configure Authorization Policy Rules for the Mobile Device Management Use Cases

Before you begin

• Ensure that you have created an MDM server definition in Cisco ISE. Only after you successfully integrate
Cisco ISE with the MDM server is the MDM dictionary populated and you can create an authorization
policy using the MDM dictionary attributes.
• Configure ACLs on the Wireless LAN Controller for redirecting unregistered devices.
• If you are using a proxy for Internet connection and the MDM server is part of the internal network, then
you have to put the MDM server name or its IP address in the Proxy-Bypass list. In the Cisco ISE GUI,
click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Proxy to perform this

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization
> Authorization Profiles > Add.
Step 2 Create an authorization profile for redirecting nonregistered devices that are not compliant or registered.
Step 3 Enter a name for the authorization profile that matches the MDM server name, in the Name field.
Step 4 Choose ACCESS_ACCEPT from the Access Type drop-down list.
Step 5 In the Common Tasks section, check the Web Redirection check box and choose MDM Redirect from the drop-down
Step 6 Choose the name of the ACL that you configured on the wireless LAN controller from the ACL drop-down list.
Step 7 Choose the MDM portal from the Value drop-down list.
Step 8 Choose the MDM server that you want to use from the MDM Server drop-down list.
Step 9 Click Submit.

What to do next
Configure Authorization Policy Rules for the Mobile Device Management Use Cases.

Configure Authorization Policy Rules for the Mobile Device Management Use
You must configure authorization policy rules in Cisco ISE to complete the MDM configuration.

Before you begin

• Add the MDM server certificate to the Cisco ISE certificate store.
• Ensure that you have created the MDM server definition in Cisco ISE. Only after you successfully
integrate Cisco ISE with the MDM server does the MDM dictionary get populated, and you can create
an authorization policy using the MDM dictionary attributes.
• Configure ACLs on the Wireless LAN Controller for redirecting unregistered or noncompliant devices.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Sets, and expand the policy set to view the
authorization policy rules.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Configuring ACLs on the Wireless LAN Controller for Mobile Device Management Interoperability

Step 2 Add the following rules:

• MDM_Un_Registered_Non_Compliant: For devices that are not yet registered with an MDM server or noncompliant
with MDM policies. Once a request matches this rule, the Cisco ISE MDM window is displayed to a user, with
information on registering the device with the MDM server.
Note Do not use the MDM.MDMServerName condition in this policy. When this condition is used, an endpoint
matches the policy only if the endpoint is registered with the MDM server.

• PERMIT: If the device is registered with Cisco ISE, registered with MDM, and is compliant with Cisco ISE and
MDM policies, it is granted access to the network based on the access control policies configured in Cisco ISE.

Step 3 Click Save.

Configuring ACLs on the Wireless LAN Controller for Mobile Device

Management Interoperability
You must configure ACLs on the Wireless Controller for use in an authorization policy to redirect nonregistered
devices and certificate provisioning. Your ACLs must be in the following sequence.

Step 1 Allow all outbound traffic from the server to the client.
Step 2 (Optional) Allow ICMP inbound traffic from the client to the server for troubleshooting.
Step 3 Allow access to the MDM server for unregistered and noncompliant devices to download the MDM agent and proceed
with compliance checks.
Step 4 Allow all inbound traffic from the client to the server to Cisco ISE for the web portal and supplicant, and certificate
provisioning flows.
Step 5 Allow inbound DNS traffic from the client to the server for name resolution.
Step 6 Allow inbound DHCP traffic from the client to the server for IP addresses.
Step 7 Deny all inbound traffic from the client to the server to corporate resources for redirection to Cisco ISE (as per your
company policy).
Step 8 (Optional) Permit the rest of the traffic.

The following example shows the ACLs for redirecting a nonregistered device to the BYOD flow.
In this example, the Cisco ISE IP address is, the internal corporate network IP addresses
are and (to redirect), and the MDM server subnet is

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
Wipe or Lock a Device

Figure 39: ACLs for Redirecting Nonregistered Device

Wipe or Lock a Device

Cisco ISE allows you to wipe or turn on pin lock for a lost device. You can configure this from the Endpoints

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Identities > Endpoints.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the device that you want to wipe or lock.
Step 3 From the MDM Actions drop-down list, choose one of the following options:
• Full Wipe: Depending on the MDM vendor, this option either removes the corporate apps or resets the device to
the factory settings.
• Corporate Wipe: This option removes applications that you have configured in the MDM server policies.
• PIN Lock: This option locks the device.

Step 4 Click Yes to wipe or lock the device.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Secure Wired Access
View Mobile Device Management Reports

View Mobile Device Management Reports

Cisco ISE records all additions, updates, and deletions of MDM server definitions. You can view these events
in the Change Configuration Audit report, which displays all the configuration changes from any system
administrator for a selected time period.
In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > Reports > Audit >
Change Configuration Audit. Check the entries in the Object Type and Object Name columns for the
MDM server you want to review, and click the corresponding Event value to view the details of the
configuration event.

View Mobile Device Management Logs

You can use the Debug Wizard window to view mobile device management log messages. In the Cisco ISE
GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Degug Wizard > Debug Log
Configuration. Click the radio button next to a Cisco ISE node and click Edit. In the new window displayed,
click the radio button next to the component name external-mdm, and click Edit. The default log level for
this component is INFO. Choose DEBUG or TRACE from the corresponding Log Level drop-down list,
and click Save.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

• Policy Sets, on page 797
• Policy Set Configuration Settings, on page 799
• Authentication Policies, on page 800
• Authorization Policies, on page 808
• Policy Conditions, on page 822
• Special Network Access Conditions , on page 841
• Policy Set Protocol Settings, on page 845
• Enable MAB from Non-Cisco Devices, on page 888
• Enable MAB from Cisco Devices, on page 890
• TrustSec Architecture, on page 891
• Integration with Cisco DNA Center, on page 894
• TrustSec Dashboard, on page 895
• Configure TrustSec Global Settings, on page 898
• Configure TrustSec Matrix Settings, on page 902
• Configure TrustSec Devices, on page 904
• Configure TrustSec AAA Servers, on page 906
• TrustSec HTTPS Servers, on page 906
• Security Groups Configuration, on page 907
• Egress Policy, on page 914
• SGT Assignment, on page 928
• TrustSec Configuration and Policy Push, on page 930
• Security Group Tag Exchange Protocol , on page 938
• Add an SXP Domain Filter, on page 939
• Configure SXP Settings, on page 940
• TrustSec-Cisco ACI Integration, on page 941
• Configure ACI Settings, on page 942
• Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access Integration with Virtual Network Awareness, on page 944
• Run Top N RBACL Drops by User Report, on page 951

Policy Sets
Cisco ISE is a policy-based, network-access-control solution, which offers network access policy sets, allowing
you to manage several different network access use cases such as wireless, wired, guest, and client provisioning.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Policy Sets

Policy sets (both network access and device administration sets) enable you to logically group authentication
and authorization policies within the same set. You can have several policy sets based on an area, such as
policy sets based on location, access type and similar parameters. When you install ISE, there is always one
policy set defined, which is the default policy set, and the default policy set contains within it, predefined and
default authentication, authorization and exception policy rules.
When creating policy sets, you can configure these rules (configured with conditions and results) in order to
choose the network access services on the policy set level, the identity sources on the authentication policy
level, and network permissions on the authorization policy levels. You can define one or more conditions
using any of the attributes from the Cisco ISE-supported dictionaries for different vendors. Cisco ISE allows
you to create conditions as individual policy elements that can be reused.
The network access service to be used per policy set to communicate with the network devices is defined at
the top level of that policy set. Network access services include:
• Allowed protocols—the protocols configured to handle the initial request and protocol negotiation.
• A proxy service—sends requests to an external RADIUS server for processing.

Note From the Work Centers > Device Administration , you can also select a relevant TACACS server sequence
for your policy set. Use the TACACS server sequence to configure a sequence of TACACS proxy servers for

Policy sets are configured hierarchically, where the rule on the top level of the policy set, which can be viewed
from the Policy Set table, applies to the entire set and is matched before the rules for the rest of the policies
and exceptions. Thereafter, rules of the set are applied in this order:
1. Authentication policy rules
2. Local policy exceptions
3. Global policy exceptions
4. Authorization policy rules

Note Policy Sets functionality is identical for network access and for device administration policies. All processes
described in this chapter can be applied when working with both the Network Access and the Device
Administration work centers. This chapter specifically discusses the Network Access work center policy sets.
In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets.

ISE Community Resource

For information about using RADIUS results from a WLC, see WLC Called-Station-ID (Radius Authentication
and Accounting Config) .

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Policy Set Configuration Settings

Policy Set Configuration Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Policy Sets window, from which you can configure policy sets,
including authentication, exception and authorization policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon
( ) and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets for network access policies.In the Cisco
ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Device Admin
Policy Sets for device administration policies.

Table 124: Policy Set Configuration Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Status Choose the status of this policy. It can be one of the

• Enabled: This policy condition is active.
• Disabled: This policy condition is inactive and
will not be evaluated.
• Monitor Only: This policy condition will not
be evaluated.

Policy Set Name Enter a unique name for this policy set.

Conditions From a new policy row, click the plus (+) icon or from
an existing policy row, click the Edit icon to open the
Conditions Studio.
Description Enter a unique description for the policy.

Allowed Protocols or Server Sequence Choose an allowed protocol that you have already
created, or click the (+) sign to Create a New
Allowed Protocol , to Create a New Radius
Sequence, or to Create a TACACS Sequence.

Conditions From a new exceptions row, click the plus (+) icon
or from an existing exception row, click the Edit icon
to open the Conditions Studio.
Hits Hits are a diagnostic tool indicating the number of
times the conditions have matched. Hover over the
icon to view when this was last updated, reset to zero
and to view the frequency of updates.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Authentication Policies

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Actions Click the cog icon from the Actions column to

view and select different actions:
• Insert new row above: Insert a new policy above
the policy from which you opened the Actions
• Insert new row below: Insert a new policy below
the policy from which you opened the Actions
• Duplicate above: Insert a duplicate policy above
the policy from which you opened the Actions
menu, above the original set.
• Duplicate below: Insert a duplicate policy below
the policy from which you opened the Actions
menu, below the original set.
• Delete: Delete the policy set.

View Click the arrow icon to open the Set view of the
specific policy set and view its authentication,
exception, and authorization sub-policies.

Authentication Policies
Each policy set can contain multiple authentication rules that together represent the authentication policy for
that set. Priority of the authentication policies is determined based on the order to those policies as they appear
within the policy set itself (from the Set view page in the Authentication Policy area).
Cisco ISE dynamically chooses the network access service (either an allowed protocol a server sequence)
based on the settings configured on the policy set level, and thereafter checks the identity sources and results
from the authentication and authorization policy levels. You can define one or more conditions using any of
the attributes from the Cisco ISE dictionary. Cisco ISE allows you to create conditions as individual policy
elements that can be stored in the Library and then can be reused for other rule-based policies.
The identity method, which is the result of the authentication policy, can be any one of the following:
• Deny access—Access to the user is denied and no authentication is performed.
• Identity database—A single identity database that can be any one of the following:
• Internal users
• Guest users
• Internal endpoints
• Active Directory
• Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) database

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Authentication Policies

• RADIUS token server (RSA or SafeWord server)

• Certificate authentication profile

• Identity source sequences—A sequence of identity databases that is used for authentication.

The default policy set implemented at initial Cisco ISE installation includes the default ISE authentication
and authorization rules. The default policy set also includes additional flexible built-in rules (that are not
defaults) for authentication and authorization. You can add additional rules to those policies and you can
delete and change the built-in rules but you cannot remove the default rules and you cannot remove the default
policy set.

Authentication Policy Flow

In authentication policies, you can define multiple rules, which consist of conditions and results. ISE evaluates
the conditions that you have specified and based on the result of the evaluation, assigns the corresponding
results. The identity database is selected based on the first rule that matches the criteria.
You can also define an identity source sequence consisting of different databases. You can define the order
in which you want Cisco ISE to look up these databases. Cisco ISE will access these databases in sequence
until the authentication succeeds. If there are multiple instances of the same user in an external database, the
authentication fails. There can only be one user record in an identity source.
We recommend that you use only three, or at most four databases in an identity source sequence.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Authentication Failures—Policy Result Options

Figure 40: Authentication Policy Flow

Authentication Failures—Policy Result Options

If you choose the identity method as deny access, a reject message is sent as a response to the request. If you
choose an identity database or an identity source sequence and the authentication succeeds, the processing
continues to the authorization policy configured for the same policy set. Some of the authentications fail and
these are classified as follows:
• Authentication failed—Received explicit response that authentication has failed such as bad credentials,
disabled user, and so on. The default course of action is reject.
• User not found—No such user was found in any of the identity databases. The default course of action
is reject.
• Process failed—Unable to access the identity database or databases. The default course of action is drop.

Cisco ISE allows you to configure any one of the following courses of action for authentication failures:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Authentication Policies

• Reject—A reject response is sent.

• Drop—No response is sent.
• Continue—Cisco ISE continues with the authorization policy.

Even when you choose the Continue option, there might be instances where Cisco ISE cannot continue
processing the request due to restrictions on the protocol that is being used. For authentications using PEAP,
LEAP, EAP-FAST, EAP-TLS, or RADIUS MSCHAP, it is not possible to continue processing the request
when authentication fails or user is not found.
When authentication fails, it is possible to continue to process the authorization policy for PAP/ASCII and
MAC authentication bypass (MAB or host lookup). For all other authentication protocols, when authentication
fails, the following happens:
• Authentication failed—A reject response is sent.
• User or host not found—A reject response is sent.
• Process failure—No response is sent and the request is dropped.

Configure Authentication Policies

Define an authentication policy per policy set by configuring and maintaining multiple authentication rules,
as necessary.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or Policy Admin.
Optionally, if you do not want to use the available system default, ensure you have configured any external
identity stores if necessary. For more information, see the Internal and External Identity Sources section in
Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Asset Visibility .

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets for network
access policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration >
Device Admin Policy Sets for device administration policies.

Step 2 From the row for the policy set from which you would like to add or update an authentication policy, click from the
View column in the Policy Sets table, in order to access all of the policy set details and to create authentication and
authorization policies as well as policy exceptions.
Step 3 Click the arrow icon next to the Authentication Policy part of the page to expand and view all of the Authentication Policy
rules in the table.
Step 4 From the Actions column on any row, click the cog icon. From the dropdown menu, insert a new authentication policy
rule by selecting any of the insert or duplicate options, as necessary.
A new row appears in the Authentication Policy table.
Step 5 From the Status column, click the current Status icon and from the dropdown list update the status for the policy set as
necessary. For more information about status, seeAuthentication Policy Configuration Settings, on page 804 .
Step 6 For any rule in the table, click in the Rule Name or Description cells to make any free-text changes necessary.

Step 7 To add or change conditions, hover over the cell in the Conditions column and click . The Conditions Studio opens.
For more information, see Policy Conditions, on page 822.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Authentication Policy Configuration Settings

Not all attributes you select will include the “Equals”, “Not Equals", "In", "Not In", “Matches", “Starts With" or “Not
Starts With” operator options.
The “Matches” operator supports and uses regular expressions (REGEX) not wildcards.
Note You must use the “equals” operator for straight forward comparison. “Contains” operator can be used for
multi-value attributes. “Matches” operator should be used for regular expression comparison. When “Matches”
operator is used, regular expression will be interpreted for both static and dynamic values. In case of lists, the
"in" operator checks whether a particular value exists in a list. In case of a single string the "in" operator checks
whether the strings are same like the "equals" operator.

Step 8 Organize the policies within the table according to the order by which they are to be checked and matched. To change
the order of the rules, drag and drop the rows in to their correct position.
Step 9 Click Save to save and implement your changes.

What to do next
1. Configure authorization policies

Authentication Policy Configuration Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Authentication Policy section of the Policy Sets window, from
which you can configure authentication subpolicies as part of your policy sets.In the Cisco ISE GUI, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets for network access policies.
In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration >
Device Admin Policy Setsfor device administration policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( )
and choose Policy Sets > View > Authentication Policy

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Authentication Policy Configuration Settings

Table 125: Authentication Policy Configuration Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Status Choose the status of this policy. It can be one of the

• Enabled: This policy condition is active.
• Disabled: This policy condition is inactive and
will not be evaluated.
• Monitor Only: This policy condition will be
evaluated, but the result will not be enforced.
You can view the results of this policy condition
in the Live Log authentication page. In this, see
the detailed report which will have the monitored
step and attribute. For example, you may want
to add a new policy condition, but are not sure
if the condition would provide you with the
correct results. In this situation, you can create
the policy condition in monitored mode to view
the results and then enable it if you are satisfied
with the results.

Rule Name Enter a name for this authentication policy.

Conditions From a new policy row, click the plus (+) icon or from
an existing policy row, click the Edit icon to open the
Conditions Studio.
Use Choose the identity source that you want to use for
authentication. You can also choose an identity source
sequence if you have configured it.
You can edit the default identity source that you want
Cisco ISE to use in case none of the identity sources
defined in this rule match the request.

Options Define a further course of action for authentication

failure, user not found, or process failure events. You
can choose one of the following options:
• Reject: A reject response is sent.
• Drop: No response is sent.
• Continue: Cisco ISE proceeds with the
authorization policy.

Hits Hits are a diagnostic tool indicating the number of

times the conditions have matched.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Password-Based Authentication

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Actions Click the cog icon from the Actions column to

view and select different actions:
• Insert new row above: Insert a new authentication
policy above the policy from which you opened
the Actions menu.
• Insert new row below: Insert a new
authentication policy below the policy from
which you opened the Actions menu.
• Duplicate above: Insert a duplicate authentication
policy above the policy from which you opened
the Actions menu, above the original set.
• Duplicate below: Insert a duplicate authentication
policy below the policy from which you opened
the Actions menu, below the original set.
• Delete: Delete the policy set.

Password-Based Authentication
Authentication verifies user information to confirm user identity. Traditional authentication uses a name and
a fixed password. This is the most popular, simplest, and least-expensive method of authentication. The
disadvantage is that this information can be told to someone else, guessed, or captured. An approach that uses
simple, unencrypted usernames and passwords is not considered a strong authentication mechanism, but it
can be sufficient for low-authorization or low-privilege levels such as Internet access.

Secure Authentication Using Encrypted Passwords and Cryptographic Techniques

You should use encryption to reduce the risk of password capture on the network. Client and server access
control protocols, such as RADIUS, encrypt passwords to prevent them from being captured within a network.
However, RADIUS operates only between the authentication, authorization, and accounting (AAA) client
and Cisco ISE. Before this point in the authentication process, unauthorized persons can obtain cleartext
passwords such as in the following examples:
• In the communication between an end-user client that dials up over a phone line.
• On an ISDN line that terminates at a network access server.
• Over a Telnet session between an end-user client and the hosting device

More-secure methods use cryptographic techniques, such as those used inside the Challenge Authentication
Handshake Protocol (CHAP), one-time password (OTP), and advanced EAP-based protocols. Cisco ISE
supports a variety of these authentication methods.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Authentication Methods and Authorization Privileges

Authentication Methods and Authorization Privileges

A fundamental implicit relationship exists between authentication and authorization. The more authorization
privileges that are granted to a user, the stronger the authentication should be. Cisco ISE supports this
relationship by providing various methods of authentication.

Authentication Dashlet
The Cisco ISE dashboard provides a summary of all authentications that take place in your network and for
your devices. It provides at-a-glance information about authentications and authentication failures in the
Authentications dashlet.
The RADIUS Authentications dashlet provides the following statistical information about the authentications
that Cisco ISE has handled:
• The total number of RADIUS authentication requests that Cisco ISE has handled, including passed
authentications, failed authentications, and simultaneous logins by the same user.
• The total number of failed RADIUS authentications requests that Cisco ISE has processed.

You can also view a summary of TACACS+ authentications. The TACACS+ Authentications dashlet provides
statistical information for device authentications.
For more information about device administration authentications, see the TACACS Live Logs section in
Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Troubleshooting . For additional information about RADIUS Live Logs settings,
see the RADIUS Live Logs section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Troubleshooting .

ISE Community Resource

For information on how to troubleshoot failed authentications and authorizations, see How To: Troubleshoot
ISE Failed Authentications & Authorizations.

View Authentication Results

Cisco ISE provides various ways to view real-time authentication summary.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > RADIUS > Live Logs for network
authentications (RADIUS). In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > TACACS > Live
Logs to view the real-time authentication summaries.
Step 2 You can view the authentication summary in the following ways:
• Hover your mouse cursor over the Status icon to view the results of the authentication and a brief summary. A pop-up
with status details appears.
• Enter your search criteria in any one or more of the text boxes that appear at the top of the list, and press Enter, to
filter your results.
• Click the magnifier icon in the Details column to view a detailed report.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Authentication Reports and Troubleshooting Tools

Note As the Authentication Summary report or dashboard collects and displays the latest data corresponding
to failed or passed authentications, the contents of the report appear after a delay of a few minutes.

Authentication Reports and Troubleshooting Tools

Apart from the authentication details, Cisco ISE provides various reports and troubleshooting tools that you
can use to efficiently manage your network.
There are various reports that you can run to understand the authentication trend and traffic in your network.
You can generate reports for historical as well as current data. The following is a list of authentication reports:
• AAA Diagnostics
• RADIUS Accounting
• RADIUS Authentication
• Authentication Summary

Note You must enable IPv6 snooping on Cisco Catalyst 4000 Series switches, otherwise IPv6 address will not be
mapped to the authentication sessions and will not be displayed in the show output. Use the following commands
to enable IPv6 snooping:
vlan config <vlan-number>
ipv6 snooping
ipv6 nd raguard policy router
device-role router
interface <access-interface>
ipv6 nd raguard
interface <uplink-interface>
ipv6 nd raguard attach-policy router

Authorization Policies
Authorization policies are a component of the Cisco ISE network authorization service. This service allows
you to define authorization policies and configure authorization profiles for specific users and groups that
access your network resources.
Authorization policies can contain conditional requirements that combine one or more identity groups using
a compound condition that includes authorization checks that can return one or more authorization profiles.
In addition, conditional requirements can exist apart from the use of a specific identity group.
Authorization profiles are used when creating authorization policies in Cisco ISE. An authorization policy is
composed of authorization rules. Authorization rules have three elements: name, attributes, and permissions.
The permission element maps to an authorization profile.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Authorization Profiles

Cisco ISE Authorization Profiles

Authorization policies associate rules with specific user and group identities to create the corresponding
profiles. Whenever these rules match the configured attributes, the corresponding authorization profile that
grants permission is returned by the policy and network access is authorized accordingly.
For example, authorization profiles can include a range of permissions that are contained in the following
• Standard profiles
• Exception profiles
• Device-based profiles

Profiles consist of attributes chosen from a set of resources, which are stored in any of the available vendor
dictionaries, and these are returned when the condition for the specific authorization policy matches. Because
authorization policies can include condition mapping to a single network service rule, these can also include
a list of authorization checks.
authorization verifications must comply with the authorization profiles to be returned. Authorization
verifications typically comprise one or more conditions, including a user-defined name that can be added to
a library, which can then be reused by other authorization policies.

Permissions for Authorization Profiles

Before you start configuring permissions for authorization profiles, make sure you:
• Understand the relationship between authorization policies and profiles.
• Are familiar with the Authorization Profile page.
• Know the basic guidelines to follow when configuring policies and profiles.
• Understand what comprises permissions in an authorization profile.

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results to work with
authorization profiles. From the menu on the left, choose Authorization > Authorization Profiles.
Use the Results navigation pane as your starting point in the process for displaying, creating, modifying,
deleting, duplicating, or searching policy element permissions for the different types of authorization profiles
on your network. The Results pane initially displays Authentication, Authorization, Profiling, Posture, Client
Provisioning, and Trustsec options.
Authorization profiles let you choose the attributes to be returned when a RADIUS request is accepted. Cisco
ISE provides a mechanism where you can configure Common Tasks Settings to support commonly used
attributes. You must enter the value for Common Tasks Attributes, which Cisco ISE translates to the
underlying RADIUS values.

ISE Community Resource

For an example of how to configure Media Access Control Security (MACsec) encryption between an 802.1x
supplicant (Cisco AnyConnect Mobile Security) and an authenticator (switch), see MACsec Switch-host
Encryption with Cisco AnyConnect and ISE Configuration Example.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Location Based Authorization

Location Based Authorization

Cisco ISE integrates with Cisco Mobility Services Engine (MSE) to introduce physical location-based
authorization. Cisco ISE uses information from MSE to provide differentiated network access based on the
actual location of the user, as reported by MSE.
With this feature, you can use the endpoint location information to provide network access when a user is in
an appropriate zone. You can also add the endpoint location as an additional attribute for policies to define
more granulated policy authorization sets based on device location. You can configure conditions within
authorization rules that use location-based attributes, for example:
MSE.Location Equals LND_Campus1:Building1:Floor2:SecureZone
You can define the location hierarchy (campus/building/floor structure) and configure the secure and non-secure
zones using the Cisco Prime Infrastructure application. After defining the location hierarchy, you must
synchronize the location hierarchy data with the MSE servers. For more information on Cisco Prime
Infrastructure, see:
You can add one or multiple MSE instances to integrate MSE-based location data to the authorization process.
You can retrieve the location hierarchy data from these MSEs and configure location-based authorization
rules using this data.
To track the endpoint movement, check the Track Movement check box while creating an authorization profile.
Cisco ISE will query the relevant MSE for the endpoint location every 5 minutes to verify if the location was

Note • When adding an MSE device to Cisco ISE, copy the certificates from the MSE device over to ISE to
facilitate authorization.
• Tracking multiple users will impact the performance due to frequent updates. The Track Movement
option can be used for high security locations.
• The Location Tree is created by using the location data retrieved from the MSE instances. You can select
the location entries that are exposed to the authorization policy by using the Location Tree.
• You will need Cisco ISE Advantage licenses to use the Location Services.

Add an MSE server

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Location Services
> Location Servers
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the MSE server details, such as server name, hostname/IP address, password, and so on.
Step 4 Click Test to test MSE connectivity using the server details that you have provided.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Location Tree

Step 5 (Optional) Enter the MAC address of an endpoint in the Find Location field and click Find to check whether the endpoint
is currently connected to this MSE.
If the endpoint location is found, it is displayed in the following format: Campus:Building:Floor:Zone. Sometimes, more
than one entry can be displayed depending on the location hierarchy and zone settings. For example, if all the floors of
a building (building1) in a campus named Campus1 are defined as non-secure zones, and the Lab Area in the first floor
is defined as a secure zone, the following entries will be displayed when the endpoint is located in the Lab Area:
Found in:

Step 6 Click Submit.

After a new MSE is added, go to the Location Tree page and click Get Update to retrieve its location hierarchy and add
it to the Location Tree. If there are filters defined on this tree, these filters are applied on the new MSE entries as well.

Location Tree
The Location Tree is created by using the location data retrieved from the MSE instances. In the Cisco ISE
GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Location Services >
Location Tree.
If one building has multiple MSEs, Cisco ISE will collate the location details from all the MSEs and present
them as a single tree.
You can select the location entries that are exposed to the authorization policy by using the Location Tree.
You can also hide specific locations based on your requirements. It is recommended to update the Location
Tree before hiding locations. Hidden locations will remain hidden even when the tree is updated.
If the location entries related to an authorization rule are modified or removed, you must disable the affected
rules and set these locations as Unknown or select a replacement location for each affected rule. You must
verify the new tree structure before applying the change or canceling the update.
Click Get Update to get the latest location hierarchy structure from all MSEs. After verifying the new tree
structure, click Save to apply your changes.

Downloadable ACLs
Access control lists (ACLs) are lists of access control entries (ACEs), which may be applied by a Policy
Enforcement Point (for example, a switch) to a resource. Each ACE identifies the permissions allowed per
user for that object, such as read, write, execute and more. For example, an ACL may be configured for use
the Sales area of the network, with an ACE allowing Write permissions for the Sales group and a separate
ACE allowing Read permissions for all other employees of the organization. With RADIUS protocol, ACLs
grant authorization by filtering source and destination IP addresses, transport protocols, and additional
parameters. Static ACLs reside on and are directly configured from the switch and can be applied in your
authorization policies from the ISE GUI; downloadable ACLs (DACLs) can be configured, managed and
applied in your authorization policies from the ISE GUI.
To implement DACLs in your network authorization policy in ISE:
1. Configure a new or existing DACL from Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Downloadable ACLs.
For more information see Configure Permissions for Downloadable ACLs, on page 812.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Permissions for Downloadable ACLs

2. Configure a new or existing authorization profile from Policy > Policy Elements > Results >
Authorization Profiles, using any of the DACLs you already configured.
3. Implement the authorization profiles you have configured when creating and configuring new and existing
policy sets from Policy > Policy Sets.

Configure Permissions for Downloadable ACLs

With ISE, downloadable ACLs (DACLs) can be configured and implemented in your authorization policies
for control of how the network is accessed by different users and groups of users. Default authorization DACLs
are available with installation of ISE, including the following default profiles:

When working with DACLs, these defaults cannot be changed, but you can duplicate them in order to create
additional, similar, DACLs.
Once you've configured the DACLs that you need, you can then apply those DACLs to relevant Authorization
policies on your network. Once you've applied a DACL to an authorization policy, you can no longer change
its type, or delete it from ISE. In order to change the DACL type once it has already been used in a policy,
you can create a duplicate DACL and then update the duplicate, or you can alternatively remove the DACL
from your policies in order to update it and then reapply when relevant.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization >
Downloadable ACLs.
Step 2 Click Add from the top of the Downloadable ACLs table or alternatively, choose any of the existing DACLs and click
Duplicate from the top of the table.
Step 3 Enter or edit the desired values for the DACL, keeping in mind the following rules:
• Supported characters for the name field are: alphanumeric, hyphen(-), dot( .) and underscore( _ )
• IP formats are handled based on the selected IP version when you choose the DACL type as follows:
• IPv4 to validate only IPv4 legal ACEs. You must enter a valid IPv4 format.
• IPv6 to validate only IPv6 legal ACEs. You must enter a valid IPv6 format.
• DACLs upgraded from prior releases to release 2.6 shows the Agnostic option as DACL type in the IP Version
field. Enter any format as required. Use Agnostic to create a DACL for devices not supported by Cisco. When
Agnostic is selected, formats are not validated and you cannot check DACL syntax.

• The keyword Any must be the source in all ACEs in the DACL. Once the DACL is pushed, the Any in the source
is replaced with the IP address of the client that is connecting to the switch.

Note The IP Version field is noneditable when DACL is mapped to any authorization profile. In this case, remove
the DACL reference from Authorization Profiles, edit the IP version and remap the DACL in Authorization

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Machine Access Restriction for Active Directory User Authorization

Step 4 Optionally, when you finish creating the complete list of ACEs, click Check DACL Syntax to validate the list. If there
are validation errors, the check returns specific instructions identifying the invalid syntax in the window that opens
Step 5 Click Submit.

Machine Access Restriction for Active Directory User Authorization

Cisco ISE contains a Machine Access Restriction (MAR) component that provides an additional means of
controlling authorization for Microsoft Active Directory-authentication users. This form of authorization is
based on the machine authentication of the computer used to access the Cisco ISE network. For every successful
machine authentication, Cisco ISE caches the value that was received in the RADIUS Calling-Station-ID
attribute (attribute 31) as evidence of a successful machine authentication.
Cisco ISE retains each Calling-Station-ID attribute value in cache until the number of hours that was configured
in the “Time to Live” parameter in the Active Directory Settings page expires. Once the parameter has expired,
Cisco ISE deletes it from its cache.
When a user authenticates from an end-user client, Cisco ISE searches the cache for a Calling-Station-ID
value from successful machine authentications for the Calling-Station-ID value that was received in the user
authentication request. If Cisco ISE finds a matching user-authentication Calling-Station-ID value in the
cache, this affects how Cisco ISE assigns permissions for the user that requests authentication in the following
• If the Calling-Station-ID value matches one found in the Cisco ISE cache, then the authorization profile
for a successful authorization is assigned.
• If the Calling-Station-ID value is not found to match one in the Cisco ISE cache, then the authorization
profile for a successful user authentication without machine authentication is assigned.

Guidelines for Configuring Authorization Policies and Profiles

Observe the following guidelines when managing or administering authorization polices and profiles:
• Rule names you create must use only the following supported characters:
• Symbols: plus (+), hyphen (-), underscore (_), period (.), and a space ( ).
• Alphabetic characters: A-Z and a-z.
• Numeric characters: 0-9.

• Identity groups default to “Any” (you can use this global default to apply to all users).
• Conditions allow you to set one or more policy values. However, conditions are optional and are not
required to create an authorization policy. These are the two methods for creating conditions:
• Choose an existing condition or attribute from a corresponding dictionary of choices.
• Create a custom condition that allows you to select a suggested value or use a text box to enter a
custom value.

• Condition names you create must use only the following supported characters:
• Symbols: hyphen (-), underscore (_), and period (.).

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Authorization Policies

• Alphabetic characters: A-Z and a-z.

• Numeric characters: 0-9.

• When you create or edit an authorization profile, if you choose to enable Web Redirection (CWA,
MDM, NSP, CPP) with any other option than the Client Provisioning (Policy) , you will not be able
to configure IPv6 address as Static IP/Host name/FQDN for that authorization policy. This is because
IPv6 Static IP/Host name/FQDN are not supported in Central Web Auth (CWA), Mobile Device
Management (MDM) redirect, and Native Supplicant Protocol (NSP).
• Permissions are important when choosing an authorization profile to use for a policy. A permission can
grant access to specific resources or allow you to perform specific tasks. For example, if a user belongs
to a specific identity group (such as Device Admins), and the user meets the defined conditions (such as
a site in Boston), then this user is granted the permissions associated with that group (such as access to
a specific set of network resources or permission to perform a specific operation on a device).
• When you use the radius attribute Tunnel-Private-Group-ID in an authorization condition, you must
mention both the tag and the value in the condition when the EQUALS operator is being used, for
Tunnel-Private-Group-ID EQUALS (tag=0) 77

Note As of Cisco ISE 1.4, ANC replaces Endpoint Protection Services (EPS). ANC provides additional classifications,
and performance improvements. While using ERS attributes in a policy might still work for some ANC actions
some of the time, you should use ANC attributes. For example, Session:EPSStatus=Quarantine may fail.
Use Session:ANCPolicy as a condition in a policy.

Configure Authorization Policies

After creating attributes and building blocks for authorization policies from the Policy menu, create authorization
policies within policy sets from the Policy Sets menu.

Before you begin

Before you begin this procedure, you should have a basic understanding of the different building blocks used
to create authorization policies such as identify groups and conditions.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets for network
access policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration >
Device Admin Policy Sets for device administration policies.

Step 2 From the View column, click to access all of the policy set details and to create authentication and authorization
policies as well as policy exceptions.
Step 3 Click the arrow icon next to the Authorization Policy part of the page to expand and view the Authorization Policy
Step 4 From the Actions column on any row, click the cog icon. From the dropdown menu, insert a new authorization policy
rule by selecting any of the insert or duplicate options, as necessary.
A new row appears in the Authorization Policy table.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Authorization Policies

Step 5 To set the status for a policy, click the current Status icon and from the dropdown list select the necessary status from
the Status column. For more information about statuses, see Authorization Policy Settings, on page 816.
Step 6 For any policy in the table, click in the Rule Name cells to make any free-text changes necessary and to create a unique
rule name.

Step 7 To add or change conditions, hover over the cell in the Conditions column and click . The Conditions Studio opens.
For more information, see Policy Conditions, on page 822.
Not all attributes you select will include the “Equals”, “Not Equals", "In", "Not In", “Matches", “Starts With" or “Not
Starts With” operator options.
The “Matches” operator supports and uses regular expressions (REGEX) not wildcards.
Note You must use the “equals” operator for straight forward comparison. “Contains” operator can be used for
multi-value attributes. “Matches” operator should be used for regular expression comparison. When “Matches”
operator is used, regular expression will be interpreted for both static and dynamic values. In case of lists,
the "in" operator checks whether a particular value exists in a list. In case of a single string the "in" operator
checks whether the strings are same like the "equals" operator.

Step 8 For network access results profiles, select the relevant authorization profile from the Results Profiles dropdown list

or choose or click , choose Create a New Authorization Profile and when the Add New Standard Profile screen
opens, perform the following steps:
a) Enter values as required to configure a new authorization profile. Keep the following in mind:
• Supported characters for the name field are: space, ! # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , - . / ; = ? @ _ {.
• For Common Tasks, to enter a DACL, choose the relevant DACL Name option as follows and then select
the necessary DACL from the dynamic dropdown list:
• To use an IPv4 DACL, check DACL Name.
• To enter an IPv6 DACL, check IPv6 DACL Name.
• To enter any other DACL syntax, check either option. Agnostic DACLs appear in both the IPv4 and the
IPv6 dropdown lists.
Note If you select DACL Name, then the AVP type is for IPv4, even if the DACL itself is agnostic.
If you select a DACL for the IPv6 DACL Name, then the AVP type is for IPv6, even if the
DACL itself is agnostic.

• Note If you choose to use ACL for your policy, ensure your device is compatible with this feature. For
more information, see the Cisco Identity Services Engine Compatibility Guide.

For Common Tasks, to enter an ACL, choose the relevant ACL (Filter-ID) option as follows and then type
the ACL name in the field:
• To use an IPv4 ACL, check ACL (Filter-ID).
• To enter an IPv6 ACL, check ACL IPv6 (Filter-ID).

• To use an ACL for Airespace devices, check Airespace ACL Name or Airespace IPv6 ACL Name as
necessary, and type the ACL name in the field.
• You can double-check the authorization profile RADIUS syntax from the Attributes Details that dynamically
appear at the bottom of the screen.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Authorization Policy Settings

b) Click Save to save your changes to the Cisco ISE system database to create an authorization profile.
c) In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization >
Authorization Profiles to create, manage, edit, and delete profiles outside of the Policy Sets area.
Step 9 For network access results security groups, select the relevant security group from the Results Security Groupsdropdown

list or click , choose Create a New Security Group and when the Create New Security Group screen opens, perform
the following steps:
a) Enter a name and description (optional) for the new security group.
b) Check the Propagate to ACI check box if you want to propagate this SGT to Cisco ACI. The SXP mappings that
are related to this SGT will be propagated to Cisco ACI only if they belong to a VPN that is selected in the Cisco
ACI Settings page.
This option is disabled by default.
c) Enter a Tag Value. Tag value can be set to be entered manually or autogenerate. You can also reserve a range for
the SGT. You can configure it from the In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers
> TrustSec > Settings > General TrustSec Settings
d) Click Submit.
For more information, see Security Groups Configuration, on page 907.

Step 10 For TACACS+ results, select the relevant Command Sets and Shell Profiles from the Results drop-down lists or click

in the Command Sets or Shell Profiles column to open the Add Commands Screen or Add Shell Profile
respectively. Choose Create a New Command Set or Create a New Shell Profile and enter the fields.
Step 11 Organize the order by which the policies are to be checked and matched within the table.
Step 12 Click Save to save your changes to the Cisco ISE system database and create this new authorization policy.

Authorization Policy Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Authorization Policy section of the Policy Sets window, from
which you can configure authorization policies as part of your policy sets. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets for network access policies. In
the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Device
Admin Policy Sets for device administration policies.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Authorization Policy Settings

Table 126: Authorization Policy Configuration Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Status Choose the status of this policy. It can be one of the

• Enabled: This policy condition is active.
• Disabled: This policy condition is inactive and
will not be evaluated.
• Monitor Only: This policy condition will be
evaluated, but the result will not be enforced.
You can view the results of this policy condition
in the Live Log authentication page. In this, see
the detailed report which will have the monitored
step and attribute. For example, you may want
to add a new policy condition, but are not sure
if the condition would provide you with the
correct results. In this situation, you can create
the policy condition in monitored mode to view
the results and then enable it if you are satisfied
with the results.

Rule Name Enter a unique name for this policy.

Conditions From a new policy row, click the plus (+) icon or from
an existing policy row, click the Edit icon to open the
Conditions Studio.
Results or Profiles Select the relevant authorization profile, which
determines the different levels of permissions offered
to the configured security group. If you have not yet
configured the relevant authorization profile, you can
do so inline.

Results or Security Groups Select the relevant security group, which determines
the groups of users relevant to the specific rule. If you
have not yet configured the relevant security group,
you can do so inline.

Results or Command Sets Command sets enforce the specified list of commands
that can be executed by a device administrator. When
a device administrator issues operational commands
on a network device, ISE is queried to determine
whether the administrator is authorized to issue these
commands. This is also referred to as command

Results or Shell Profiles TACACS+ shell profiles control the initial login
session of the device administrator.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Authorization Profile Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Hits Hits are a diagnostic tool indicating the number of

times the conditions have matched.
Actions Click the cog icon from the Actions column to
view and select different actions:
• Insert new row above: Insert a new authorization
rule above the rule from which you opened the
Actions menu.
• Insert new row below: Insert a new authorization
rule below the rule from which you opened the
Actions menu.
• Duplicate above: Insert a duplicate authorization
rule above the rule from which you opened the
Actions menu, above the original set.
• Duplicate below: Insert a duplicate authorization
rule below the rule from which you opened the
Actions menu, below the original set.
• Delete: Delete the rule.

Authorization Profile Settings

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results >
Authorization > Authorization Profiles, the Authorization Profiles window define attributes for network

Authorization Profile Settings

• Name: Enter a name for this new authorization profile.
• Description: Enter a description for this authorization profile.
• Access Type: Choose the access type: ACCESS_ACCEPT or ACCESS_REJECT.
• Service Template: Enable this option to support sessions with SAnet-capable devices. Cisco ISE
implements service templates in authorization profiles using a special flag that marks them as Service
Template compatible. Since the service template is also an authorization profile, it acts as a single policy
that supports both SAnet and non-SAnet devices.
• Track Movement: Enable this option to track user location with Cisco Mobility Services Engine (MSE).

Note This option may impact Cisco ISE performance, it is only intended for
high-security locations.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Authorization Profile Settings

• Passive Identity Tracking: Enable this option to use the Easy Connect feature of Passive Identity for
policy enforcement and user tracking.

Common Tasks
Common tasks are specific permissions and actions that apply to network access.
• DACL Name : Enable this option to use a downloadable ACL. You can use the default values
DENY_ALL_IPV6_TRAFFIC), or select an attribute from the following dictionaries:
• External identity store (attributes)
• Endpoints
• Internal User
• Internal Endpoint

For more information about adding DACLs or editing and managing existing DACLs, see Downloadable
ACLs, on page 811.
• ACL (Filter-ID): Enable this option to configure a RADIUS filter-ID attribute. The filter-ID specifies
an ACL on the NAD. When you define the filter-ID, Cisco ISE appends “.in” to the file name. Your
Filter-ID is displayed in the Attributes Details pane. ACL IPv6 (Filter-ID) works the same way for
IPv6 connections to the NAD.
• Security Group: Enable this option to assign a security group (SGT) part of authorization.
• If Cisco ISE is not integrated with Cisco DNA Center, Cisco ISE assigns VLAN ID 1.
• If Cisco ISE is integrated with Cisco DNA Center, then select the Virtual Network (VN) that Cisco
DNA Center shared with Cisco ISE, select the Data Type, and the subnet/address pool.

Note A Security Group task includes a security group and a VN. If you configure a
security group, then you cannot configure a VLAN. An endpoint device can only
be assigned to one virtual network.

• VLAN: Enable this option to specify a virtual LAN (VLAN) ID. You can enter integer or string values
for the VLAN ID. The format for this entry is Tunnel-Private-Group-ID:VLANnumber.
• Voice Domain Permission : Enable this option to use a downloadable ACL. The vendor-specific attribute
(VSA) of cisco-av-pair is associated with the value device-traffic-class=voice. In multidomain
authorization mode, if the network switch receives this VSA, the endpoint connects to a voice domain
after authorization.
• Web Redirection (CWA, DRW, MDM, NSP, CPP): Enable this option to enable web redirection after
• Select the type of redirection. The type of Web Redirection that you select displays additional
options, which are described below.
• Enter an ACL to support the redirection that Cisco ISE sends to the NAD.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Authorization Profile Settings

The ACL you enter to send to the NAD displays in the Attributes Details pane as a cisco-av pair.
For example, if you enter acl119, it is displayed in the Attributes Details pane as: cisco-av-pair
= url-redirect-acl = acl119.

• Select the other settings for the selected web redirection type.

Select one of the following types web redirection:

• Centralized Web Auth: Redirect to the portal you select from the Value drop-down.
• Client Provisioning (Posture): Redirect to the client provisioning portal you select from the Value
drop-down, to enable posture on the client.
• Hot Spot: Redirect: Redirect to the hot spot portal you select from the Value drop-down.
• MDM Redirect: Redirect to the MDM portal on the MDM server that you specify.
• Native Supplicant Provisioning: Redirect to the BYOD portal you select from the Value drop-down.

After selecting the web redirection type, and entering the required parameters, configure the following
• Display Certificates Renewal Message: Enable this option to display a certificate renewal message.
The URL-redirect attribute value changes and includes the number of days for which the certificate
is valid. This option is only for Centralized Web Auth redirection.
• Static IP/Host Name/FQDN: Enable this option to redirect a user to a different PSN. Enter the
target IP address, hostname, or FQDN. If you do not configure this option, the user is redirected to
the FQDN of the policy service node that received this request.
• Suppress Profiler CoA for endpoints in Logical Profile: Enable this option to cancel the redirect
for a certain type of endpoint device.

• Auto SmartPort: Enable this option to use Auto SmartPort functionality. Enter an event name, which
creates a VSA cisco-av-pair with that value as auto-smart-port=event_name. This value is displayed
in the Attributes Details pane.
• Access Vulnerabilities: Enable this option to run the Threat Centric NAC Vulnerability Assessment on
this endpoint as part of authorization. Select the adapter, and when to run the scan.
• Reauthentication: Enable this option to keep the endpoint connected during reauthentication. You choose
to maintain connectivity during reauthentication by choosing to use RADIUS-Request (1). The default
RADIUS-Request (0) disconnects the existing session. You can also set an inactivity timer.
• MACSec Policy: Enable this option to use the MACSec encryption policy whenever a MACSec enabled
client connects to Cisco ISE. Choose one of the following options: must-secure, should-secure, or
must-not-secure. Your settings are displayed in the Attributes Details pane as: cisco-av-pair =

• NEAT : Enable this option to use Network Edge Access Topology (NEAT), which extends identity
recognition between networks. Checking this check box displays cisco-av-pair =
device-traffic-class=switch in the Attributes Details pane.

• Web Authentication (Local Web Auth) : Enable this option to use local web authentication for this
authorization profile. This value lets the switch recognize authorization for web authentication by Cisco
ISE sending a VSA along with a DACL. The VSA is cisco-av-pair = priv-lvl=15, which is displayed
in the Attributes Details pane.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Authorization Policy Exceptions

• Airespace ACL Name: Enable this option to send an ACL name to Cisco Airespace wireless controller.
The Airespace VSA uses this ACL to authorize a locally defined ACL to a connection on the WLC. For
example, if you entered rsa-1188, it is displayed as Airespace-ACL-Name = rsa-1188 in the Attributes
Details pane.
• ASA VPN: Enable this option to assign an Adaptive Security Appliances (ASA) VPN group policy.
From the drop-down list, choose a VPN group policy.
• AVC Profile Name: Enable this option to run application visibility on this endpoint. Enter the AVC
profile to use.
• UPN Lookup: TBD

Advanced Attributes Settings

• Dictionaries: Click the down arrow icon to view the available options in the Dictionaries window. Select
a dictionary and an attribute that should be configured in the first field.
• Attribute Values: Click the down-arrow icon to display the available options in the Attribute Values
window. Select the desired attribute group and the attribute value. This value is matched with the one
selected in the first field. The Advanced Attributes settings that you configure are displayed in the
Attribute Details panel.
• Attributes Details: This pane displays the configured attribute values that you have set for Common
Tasks and Advanced Attributes.
The values that are displayed in the Attributes Details pane are read-only.

Note To modify or delete any of the read-only values that are displayed in the
Attributes Details pane, modify or delete these values in the corresponding
Common Tasks field, or in the attribute that you selected in the Attribute Values
field in the Advanced Attributes Settings pane.

Related Topics
Cisco ISE Authorization Profiles, on page 809
Permissions for Authorization Profiles, on page 809
Configure an Authorization Profile for Redirecting Nonregistered Devices, on page 792
Create Authorization Profiles, on page 344

Authorization Policy Exceptions

Within each policy set, you can define regular authorization policies, as well as local exception rules (defined
from the Authorization Policy Local Exceptions part in the Set view for each policy set) and global exception
rules (defined from the Authorization Policy Global Exceptions part in the Set view for each policy set) .
Global authorization exception policies enable you to define rules that override all authorization rules in all
of your policy sets. Once you configure a global authorization exception policy, it is added to to all policy
sets. Global authorization exception policies can then be updated from within any of the currently configured
policy sets. Every time you update a global authorization exception policy, those updates are applied to all
policy sets.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Local and Global Exceptions Configuration Settings

The local authorization exception rule overwrites the global exception rule. The authorization rules are
processed in the following order: first the local exception rule, then the global exception rule, and finally, the
regular rule of the authorization policy.
Authorization exception policy rules are configured identically to authorization policy rules. For information
about authorization policies, see Configure Authorization Policies, on page 814.

Note Cisco ISE does not support the use of % character in the authorization policies to avoid security issues.

Local and Global Exceptions Configuration Settings

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets
for network access policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers >
Device Administration > Device Admin Policy Sets for device administration policies. In the Cisco ISE
GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy Sets > View > Local Exceptions Policy or Global
Exceptions Policy.
Authorization exception settings are identical to the Authorization policy settings and are as described in
Authorization Policy Settings, on page 816.

Policy Conditions
Cisco ISE uses rule-based policies to provide network access. A policy is a set of rules and results, where the
rules are made up of conditions. Cisco ISE allows you to create conditions as individual policy elements that
can be stored in the system library and then reused for other rule-based policies from the Conditions Studio.
Conditions can be as simple or complex as necessary using an operator (equal to, not equal to, greater than,
and so on), and a value, or by including multiple attributes, operators and complex hierarchies. At runtime,
Cisco ISE evaluates a policy condition and then applies the result that you have defined based on whether the
policy evaluation returns a true or a false value.
After you create a condition and assign it a unique name, you can reuse this condition multiple times across
various rules and policies by selecting it from the Conditions Studio Library, for example:
Network Conditions.MyNetworkCondition EQUALS true

You cannot delete conditions from the Condition Studio that are used in a policy or are part of another condition.
Each condition defines a list of objects that can be included in policy conditions, resulting in a set of definitions
that are matched against those presented in the request.
You can use the operator, EQUALS true, to check if the network condition evaluates to true (whether the value
presented in the request matches at least one entry within the network condition) or EQUALS false to test
whether the network condition evaluates to false (does not match any entry in the network condition).
Cisco ISE also offers predefined smart conditions that you can use in your policies separately or as building
blocks in your own customized conditions, and which you can update and change based on your needs.
You can create the following unique network conditions to restrict access to the network:
• Endstation Network Conditions—Based on endstations that initiate and terminate the connection.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes

Cisco ISE evaluates the remote address TO field (which is obtained based on whether it is a TACACS+
or RADIUS request) to identity whether it is the IP address, MAC address, calling line identification
(CLI), or dialed number identification service (DNIS) of the endpoint.
In a RADIUS request, this identifier is available in Attribute 31 (Calling-Station-Id).
In a TACACS+ request, if the remote address includes a slash (/), the part before the slash is taken as
the FROM value and the part after the slash is taken as the TO value. For example, if a request has
CLI/DNIS, CLI is taken as the FROM value and DNIS is taken as the TO value. If a slash is not included,
the entire remote address is taken as the FROM value (whether IP address, MAC address, or CLI).
• Device Network Conditions—Based on the AAA client that processes the request.
A network device can be identified by its IP address, device name that is defined in the network device
repository, or Network Device Group.
In a RADIUS request, if Attribute 4 (NAS-IP-Address) is present, Cisco ISE obtains the IP address from
this attribute. If Attribute 32 (NAS-Identifier) is present, Cisco ISE obtains the IP address from Attribute
32. If these attributes are not found, it obtains the IP address from the packet that it receives.
The device dictionary (NDG dictionary) contains network device group attributes such as Location,
Device Type, or other dynamically created attributes that represent NDGs. These attributes contain the
groups that the current device is related to.
• Device Port Network Conditions—Based on the device's IP address, name, NDG, and port (physical port
of the device that the endstation is connected to).
In a RADIUS request, if Attribute 5 (NAS-Port) is present in the request, Cisco ISE obtains the value
from this attribute. If Attribute 87 (NAS-Port-Id) is present in the request, Cisco ISE obtains the request
from Attribute 87.
In a TACACS+ request, Cisco ISE obtains this identifier from the port field of the start request (of every

For more information about these unique conditions, see Special Network Access Conditions , on page 841.

Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes

Dictionaries are domain-specific catalogs of attributes and allowed values that can be used to define access
policies for a domain. An individual dictionary is a homogeneous collection of attribute type. Attributes that
are defined in a dictionary have the same attribute type and the type indicates the source or context of a given
Attribute types can be one of the following:

In addition to attributes and allowed values, a dictionary contains information about the attributes such as the
name and description, data type, and the default values. An attribute can have one of the following data types:
Cisco ISE creates system dictionaries during installation and allows you to create user dictionaries.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes

Attributes are stored in different system dictionaries. Attributes are used to configure conditions. Attributes
can be reused in multiple conditions.
To reuse a valid attribute when creating policy conditions, select it from a dictionary that contains the supported
attributes. For example, Cisco ISE provides an attribute named AuthenticationIdentityStore, which is located
in the NetworkAccess dictionary. This attribute identifies the last identity source that was accessed during
the authentication of a user:
• When a single identity source is used during authentication, this attribute includes the name of the identity
store in which the authentication succeeded.
• When an identity source sequence is used during authentication, this attribute includes the name of the
last identity source accessed.

You can use the AuthenticationStatus attribute in combination with the AuthenticationIdentityStore attribute
to define a condition that identifies the identity source to which a user has successfully been authenticated.
For example, to check for a condition where a user authenticated using an LDAP directory (LDAP13) in the
authorization policy, you can define the following reusable condition:

If NetworkAccess.AuthenticationStatus EQUALS AuthenticationPassed AND

NetworkAccess.AuthenticationIdentityStore EQUALS LDAP13

Note The AuthenticationIdentityStore represents a text field that allows you to enter data for the condition. Ensure
that you enter or copy the name correctly into this field. If the name of the identity source changes, you must
ensure to modify this condition to match the change to the identity source.

To define conditions that are based on an endpoint identity group that has been previously authenticated,
Cisco ISE supports authorization that was defined during endpoint identity group 802.1X authentication status.
When Cisco ISE performs 802.1X authentication, it extracts the MAC address from the “Calling-Station-ID”
field in the RADIUS request and uses this value to look up and populate the session cache for the device's
endpoint identity group (defined as an endpointIDgroup attribute). This process makes the endpointIDgroup
attribute available for use in creating authorization policy conditions, and allows you to define an authorization
policy based on endpoint identity group information using this attribute, in addition to user information.
The condition for the endpoint identity group can be defined in the ID Groups column of the authorization
policy configuration page. Conditions that are based on user-related information need to be defined in the
“Other Conditions” section of the authorization policy. If user information is based on internal user attributes,
then use the ID Group attribute in the internal user dictionary. For example, you can enter the full value path
in the identity group using a value like “User Identity Group:Employee:US”.

Supported Dictionaries for Network Access Policies

Cisco ISE supports the following system-stored dictionaries that contain the different attributes necessary
when building conditions and rules for your authentication and authorization policies:
• System-defined dictionaries

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes

• RADIUS vendor dictionaries

• Airespace
• Cisco
• Cisco-BBSM
• Cisco-VPN3000
• Microsoft
• Network access

For authorization policy types, the verification configured in the condition must comply with the authorization
profiles to be returned.
Verifications typically include one or more conditions that include a user-defined name that can then be added
to a library and reused by other policies.
The following sections describe the supported attributes and dictionaries available for configuring conditions.

Attributes Supported by Dictionaries

The table lists the fixed attributes that are supported by dictionaries, which can be used in policy conditions.
Not all of these attributes are available for creating all types of conditions.
For example, while creating a condition to choose the access service in authentication policies, you will only
see the following network access attributes: Device IP Address, ISE Host Name, Network Device Name,
Protocol, and Use Case.
You can use the attributes listed in the following table in policy conditions.

Dictionary Attributes Allowed Protocol Rules Identity Rules

and Proxy

Device Device Type (predefined network device group) Yes Yes

Device Location (predefined network device group)

Other Custom Network Device Group

Software Version

Model Name

RADIUS All attributes Yes Yes

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes

Dictionary Attributes Allowed Protocol Rules Identity Rules

and Proxy

Network Access ISE Host Name Yes Yes

AuthenticationMethod No Yes

AuthenticationStatus No No

CTSDeviceID No No

Device IP Address Yes Yes

EapAuthentication (the EAP method that is used during No Yes

authentication of a user of a machine)

EapTunnel (the EAP method that is used for tunnel No Yes


Protocol Yes Yes

UseCase Yes Yes

UserName No Yes

WasMachineAuthenticated No No

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes

Dictionary Attributes Allowed Protocol Rules Identity Rules

and Proxy

Certificate Common Name No Yes





Organization Unit

Serial Number

State or Province


Subject Alternative Name

Subject Alternative Name - DNS

Subject Alternative Name - E-mail

Subject Alternative Name - Other Name

Subject Serial Number


Issuer - Common Name

Issuer - Organization

Issuer - Organization Unit

Issuer - Location

Issuer - Country

Issuer - Email

Issuer - Serial Number

Issuer - State or Province

Issuer - Street Address

Issuer - Domain Component

Issuer - User ID

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

System Defined Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes

System Defined Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes

Cisco ISE creates system dictionaries during installation that you can find in the System Dictionaries page.
System-defined dictionary attributes are read-only attributes. Because of their nature, you can only view
existing system-defined dictionaries. You cannot create, edit, or delete system-defined values or any attributes
in a system dictionary.
A system-defined dictionary attribute is displayed with the descriptive name of the attribute, an internal name
as understood by the domain, and allowed values.
Cisco ISE also creates dictionary defaults for the IETF RADIUS set of attributes that are also a part of the
system-defined dictionaries, which are defined by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF). You can edit
all free IETF RADIUS attribute fields except the ID.

Display System Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes

You cannot create, edit, or delete any system-defined attribute in a system dictionary. You can only view
system-defined attributes. You can perform a quick search that is based on a dictionary name and description
or an advanced search that is based on a search rule that you define.

Step 1
Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > System.
Step 3 Choose a system dictionary in the System Dictionaries page, and click View.
Step 4 Click Dictionary Attributes.
Step 5 Choose a system dictionary attribute from the list, and click View.
Step 6 Click the Dictionaries link to return to the System Dictionaries page.

User-Defined Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes

Cisco ISE displays the user-defined dictionaries that you create in the User Dictionaries page. You cannot
modify the values for Dictionary Name or Dictionary Type for an existing user dictionary once created and
saved in the system.
You can do the following in the User Dictionaries page:
• Edit and delete user dictionaries.
• Search user dictionaries based on name and description.
• Add, edit, and delete user-defined dictionary attributes in the user dictionaries.
• Delete attributes of the NMAP extension dictionary, using the NMAP scan action. When custom ports
are added or deleted in the NMAP Scan Actions page, the corresponding custom ports attributes are
added, deleted, or updated in the dictionary.
• Add or remove allowed values for dictionary attributes.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create User-Defined Dictionaries

Create User-Defined Dictionaries

You can create, edit, or delete user-defined dictionaries.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > User
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the name for the user dictionary, an optional description, and a version for the user dictionary.
Step 4 Choose the attribute type from the Dictionary Attribute Type drop-down list.
Step 5 Click Submit.

Create User-Defined Dictionary Attributes

You can add, edit, and delete user-defined dictionary attributes in user dictionaries as well as add or remove
allowed values for the dictionary attributes.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > User
Step 2 Choose a user dictionary from the User Dictionaries page, and click Edit.
Step 3 Click Dictionary Attributes.
Step 4 Click Add.
Step 5 Enter the name for an attribute name, an optional description, and an internal name for the dictionary attribute.
Step 6 Choose a data type from the Data Type drop-down list.
Step 7 Click Add to configure the name, allowed value, and set the default status in the Allowed Values table.
Step 8 Click Submit.

RADIUS-Vendor Dictionaries
Cisco ISE allows you to define a set of RADIUS-vendor dictionaries, and define a set of attributes for each
one. Each vendor definition in the list contains the vendor name, the vendor ID, and a brief description.
Cisco ISE provides you the following RADIUS-vendor dictionaries by default:
• Airespace
• Cisco
• Cisco-BBSM
• Cisco-VPN3000
• Microsoft

The RADIUS protocol supports these vendor dictionaries, and the vendor-specific attributes that can be used
in authorization profiles and in policy conditions.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create RADIUS-Vendor Dictionaries

Create RADIUS-Vendor Dictionaries

You can also create, edit, delete, export, and import RADIUS-vendor dictionaries.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > System >
Radius > Radius Vendors.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter a name for the RADIUS-vendor dictionary, an optional description, and the vendor ID as approved by the Internet
Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA) for the RADIUS vendor.
Step 4 Choose the number of bytes taken from the attribute value to specify the attribute type from the Vendor Attribute Type
Field Length drop- down list. Valid values are 1, 2, and 4. The default value is 1.
Step 5 Choose the number of bytes taken from the attribute value to specify the attribute length from the Vendor Attribute Size
Field Length drop-down list. Valid values are 0 and 1. The default value is 1.
Step 6 Click Submit.

Create RADIUS-Vendor Dictionary Attributes

You can create, edit, and delete RADIUS vendor attributes that Cisco ISE supports. Each RADIUS-vendor
attribute has a name, data type, description, and direction, which specifies whether it is relevant to requests
only, responses only, or both.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > System
> Radius > Radius Vendors.
Step 2 Choose a RADIUS-vendor dictionary from the RADIUS vendor dictionaries list, and click Edit.
Step 3 Click Dictionary Attributes, and then click Add.
Step 4 Enter the attribute name for the RADIUS vendor attribute and an optional description.
Step 5 Choose the data type from the Data Type drop-down list.
Step 6 Check the Enable MAC option check box.
Step 7 Choose the direction that applies to RADIUS requests only, RADIUS responses only, or both from the Direction
drop-down list.
Step 8 Enter the vendor attribute ID in the ID field.
Step 9 Check the Allow Tagging check box.
Step 10 Check the Allow multiple instances of this attribute in a profile check box.
Step 11 Click Add to add the allowed value for the vendor attribute in the Allowed Values table.
Step 12 Click Submit.

HP RADIUS IETF Service Type Attributes

Cisco ISE introduces two new values for the RADIUS IETF Service Type attribute. The RADIUS IETF
service type attribute is available in Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > System > RADIUS > IETFIn
the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > System
> RADIUS > IETF. You can use these two values in policy conditions. These two values are specifically
designed for HP devices to understand permissions of the user.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

RADIUS Vendor Dictionary Attribute Settings

Enumeration Name Enumeration Value

HP-Oper 252

HP-User 255

RADIUS Vendor Dictionary Attribute Settings

This section describes RADIUS vendor dictionaries used in Cisco ISE.
The following table describes the fields in the Dictionary window for RADIUS vendors, which allows you
to configure dictionary attributes for the RADIUS vendors. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( )
and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Dictionaries > System > RADIUS > RADIUS Vendors.

Table 127: RADIUS Vendor Dictionary Attribute Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Attribute Name Enter the vendor specific attribute name for the
selected RADIUS vendor.

Description Enter an optional description for the vendor specific


Internal Name Enter the name for the vendor specific attribute that
refers to it internally in the database.

Data Type Choose one of the following data types for the vendor
specific attribute:
• UNIT32
• UNIT64
• IPV4
• IPV6

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Navigate the Conditions Studio

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Enable MAC option Check this check box to enable the comparison of
RADIUS attribute as MAC address. By default, for
the RADIUS attribute calling-station-id this option is
marked as enabled and you cannot disable it. For other
dictionary attributes (of string types) within the
RADIUS vendor dictionary, you can enable or disable
this option.
Once you enable this option, while setting the
authentication and authorization conditions, you can
define whether the comparison is clear string by
selecting the Text option or whether it is MAC address
by selecting the MAC address option.

Direction Choose one of the options that applies to RADIUS


ID Enter the vendor attribute ID. The valid range is 0 to


Allow Tagging Check this check box to mark the attribute as being
permitted to have a tag, as defined in RFC2868. The
purpose of the tag is to allow grouping of attributes
for tunnelled users. See RFC2868 for more details.
The tagged attributes support ensures that all attributes
pertaining to a given tunnel contain the same value
in their respective tag fields, and that each set includes
an appropriately-valued instance of the
Tunnel-Preference attribute. This conforms to the
tunnel attributes that are to be used in a multi-vendor
network environment, thereby eliminating
interoperability issues among Network Access Servers
(NASs) manufactured by different vendors.

Allow Multiple Instances of this Attribute in a Check this check box when you want multiple
Profile instances of this RADIUS vendor specific attribute
in profiles.

Related Topics
System Defined Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes, on page 828
User-Defined Dictionaries and Dictionary Attributes, on page 828
RADIUS-Vendor Dictionaries, on page 829
Create RADIUS-Vendor Dictionaries, on page 830

Navigate the Conditions Studio

Use the Conditions Studio to create, manage and re-use conditions. Conditions can include more than one
rule, and can be built with any complexity including only one level, or multiple hierarchical levels. When
using the Conditions Studio to create new conditions, you can use the condition blocks that you have already

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Navigate the Conditions Studio

stored in the Library and you can also update and change those stored condition blocks. While creating and
managing conditions later, easily find the blocks and attributes that you need by using quick category filters,
and more.
In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets
for network access policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers >
Device Administration > Device Admin Policy Sets for device administration policies.
To edit or change conditions that have already been applied to the specific rule in any of your policy sets,

hover over the cell in the Conditions column and click , or click the plus sign from the Conditions
column in the Policy Set table in order to create a new condition, which you can then immediately apply to
the same policy set or alternatively you can also save in the Library for future use.
The following figure shows the main elements of the Conditions Studio.
Figure 41: Conditions Studio

The Condition Studio is divided into two main parts: the Library and the Editor. The Library stores condition
blocks for reuse while the Editor enables you to edit those saved blocks and create new ones.
The following table describes the different parts of the Conditions Studio:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Navigate the Conditions Studio

Fields Usage Guidelines

Library Displays the list of all condition blocks that were

created and saved in the ISE database for reuse. To
use these condition blocks as part of your currently
edited condition, drag and drop them from the Library
to the relevant level in the Editor and update the
operators as necessary.
Conditions stored in the Library are all represented

by the Library icon , because conditions can be

associated with more than one category.
Next to each condition in the Library you can also
find the i icon. Hover over this icon to view a full
description of the condition, view the categories to
which it is associated, and to delete the condition from
the library entirely. You cannot delete conditions if
they are used by policies.
Drag and drop any of the Library conditions into the
Editor in order to use it for the currently edited policy
on its own or as a building block for a more complex
condition to be used in the current policy or saved as
a new condition in the Library. You can also drag and
drop the condition in the Editor in order to make
changes to that condition and then save it under the
same or a new name in the Library.
There are also predefined conditions upon installation.
These conditions can also be changed and deleted.

Search and filter Search conditions by name or filter them by category.

In a similar manner, you can also search and filter
attributes from the Click to add an attribute field in
the Editor. The icons on the toolbar represent different
attribute categories such as subject, address and so
forth. Click an icon to view attributes related to the
specific category and click a highlighted icon from
the category toolbar in order to deselect it, thereby
removing the filter.

Conditions List The complete list of all conditions in the Library, or

the list of conditions in the Library based on the search
or filter results.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Navigate the Conditions Studio

Fields Usage Guidelines

Editor Create new conditions to use immediately as well as

to save them in the system Library for future use, and
edit existing conditions and save those changes in the
Library for immediate and future use.
When opening the Conditions Studio in order to create
a new condition (click the plus sign from any of the
policy set tables), the Editor appears with only a
single, empty, line to which you can add your first
When the Editor opens with empty fields, no operator
icons appear

The Editor is divided into different virtual columns

and rows.
Columns represent different hierarchical levels, and
each column is indented based on its position in the
hierarchy; rows represent individual rules. You can
create single or multiple rules per level, and you can
include multiple levels.
The example in the image above displays a condition
that is in the process of being built or edited and
includes a hierarchy of rules, where both the first and
second levels in the figure are marked with the number
5. The rules on the top parent level use the operator
In order to change the operator once you have selected
it and created the hierarchical level, simply select the
relevant option from the dropdown list that appears
in this column.
In addition to the operator dropdown list, each rule
has a relevant icon in this column, indicating what
category it belongs to. If you hover over the icon, a
tooltip indicates the name of the category.
Once saved to the library, all condition blocks are
assigned the Library icon, replacing the category icons
that appeared in the Editor.
Finally, if a rule is configured to exclude all relevant
matched items, then the Is-Not indicator also appears
in this column. For example, if a location attribute
with the value London is set to Is-Not then all devices
from London will be denied access.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure, Edit and Manage Policy Conditions

Fields Usage Guidelines

This area displays the options available when working

with hierarchical levels as well as multiple rules within
a condition.
When you hover over any column or row the relevant
actions appear. When you select an action, it is applied
to that section and all of the children sections. For
example, with five levels in Hierarchy A, if you
choose AND from any rule in the third level, then a
new hierarchy, Hierarchy B, is created under the
original rule so that the original rule becomes the
parent rule for Hierarchy B, which is embedded in
Hierarchy A.
When you first open the Condition Studio in order to
create a new condition from scratch, the Editor area
includes only one line for a single rule that you can
configure, as well as the option to select relevant
operators or to drag and drop relevant conditions from
the Library.
Additional levels can be added to the condition with
the AND and OR operator options. Choose New to
create a new rule on the same level from which you
clicked the option. The New option only appears once
you have configured at least one rule on the top level
of the hieararchy.

Configure, Edit and Manage Policy Conditions

Use the Conditions Studio to create, manage and re-use conditions. Conditions can include more than one
rule, and can be built with any complexity including only one level, or multiple hierarchical levels. Manage
the condition hierarchy from the Editor side of the Conditions Studio as in the following image:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure, Edit and Manage Policy Conditions

Figure 42: Editor—Conditions Hierarchy

When creating new conditions, you can use the condition blocks that you have already stored in the Library
and you can also update and change those stored condition blocks. While creating and managing conditions,
easily find the blocks and attributes that you need by using quick category filters, and more.
When creating and managing condition rules, use attributes, operators and values.
Cisco ISE also includes predefined condition blocks for some of the most common use cases. You can edit
these predefined conditions to suit your requirements. Conditions saved for re-use, including the out-of-the-box
blocks, are stored in the Library of the Condition Studio, as described in this task.
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or Policy Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Sets
Step 2 Access the Conditions Studio to create a new condition and to edit existing condition blocks, in order to then use those
conditions as part of the rules you configure for the specific policy set (and its associated policies and rules), or in order
to save to the Library for future use:

a) Click from the Conditions column in the Policy Set table on the main Policy Set page in order to create
conditions that are relevant for the entire policy set (conditions that are checked prior to matching authentication
policy rules).

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure, Edit and Manage Policy Conditions

b) Alternatively, click from a specific policy set row in order to view the Set view, including all rules for
authentication and authorization. From the Set view, hover over the cell in the Conditions column from any of the

rule tables and click to open the Conditions Studio.

c) If you are editing conditions that have already been applied to the policy set, then click to access the Conditions
The Conditions Studio opens. If you have opened it in order to create new conditions, then it appears as in the following
image. For a description of the fields and to see an example of the Conditions Studio when you have opened it to edit
conditions that were already applied to the policy set, see Navigate the Conditions Studio, on page 832.
Figure 43: Conditions Studio—Creating a New Condition

Step 3 Use an existing condition block from the Library as a rule in the condition that you are creating or editing.
a) Filter by selecting the relevant category from the category toolbar—in the Library, all blocks that contain an attribute
from the selected category are displayed. Condition blocks that contain more than one rule but that use an attribute
from the selected category for at least one of those rules, are also displayed. If there are additional filters added,
then the results displayed include only condition blocks from the specific filter that also match the other filters that
were included. For example, if you select the Ports category from the toolbar and you also enter "auth" as free text
in the Search by Name field, then all blocks related to ports with "auth" in their names are displayed. Click the
highlighted icon again from the category toolbar in order to deselect it, thereby removing that filter.
b) Search for condition blocks with free text—in the Search by Name free text field, enter any term, or part of a term,
that appears in the name of the block for which you are searching. As you type, the system dynamically searches
for relevant results in real time. If no category is selected (none of the icons are highlighted) then the results include
condition blocks from all categories. If a category icon is already selected (the displayed list is already filtered),
then the results displayed include only blocks in the specific category that use the specific text.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure, Edit and Manage Policy Conditions

c) Once you find the condition block, drag it to the Editor and drop it in the correct level of the block that you are
building. If you drop it in the incorrect location, you can drag and drop it again from within the Editor, until it is
placed correctly.
d) Hover over the block from the Editor and click Edit to change the rule, in order make changes relevant for the
condition you are working on, to overwrite the rule in the Library with those changes or alternatively to save the
rule as a new block in the Library.
The block, which is read-only when dropped into the Editor can now be edited and has the same fields, structures,
lists and actions as all other customized rules in the Editor. Continue to the next steps for more information in
editing this rule.
Step 4 Add an operator to the current level in order to then add additional rules on the same level—choose AND, OR or Set
to 'Is not'. Set to 'Is not' can also be applied to individual rules.
Step 5 Create and edit rules using the attribute dictionaries—click in the Click to add an attribute field. The Attribute Selector
opens as in the following image:

The parts of the Attribute Selector are as described in the following table:

Fields Usage Guidelines

Attribute Category toolbar Contains a unique icon for each of the different attribute
categories. Choose any attribute category icon to filter the
view by category.
Click a highlighted icon in order to deselect it, thereby
removing the filter.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure, Edit and Manage Policy Conditions

Fields Usage Guidelines

Dictionary Indicates the name of the dictionary in which the attribute

is stored. Select a specific dictionary from the dropdown
in order to filter attributes by vendor dictionary.

Attribute Indicates the name of the attribute. Filter attributes by

typing free text for the attribute name in the available field.
As you type, the system dynamically searches for relevant
results in real time.

ID Indicates the unique attribute identification number. Filter

attributes by typing the ID number in the available field.
As you type, the system dynamically searches for relevant
results in real time.

Info Hover the information icon on the relevant attribute row

to view extra details about the attribute.

a) From the Attribute Selector search, filter and search for the attribute you need. When you filter or enter free text
in any part of the Attribute Selector, if there are no other filters activated, then the results include all attributes
relevant for the selected filter only. If more than one filter is used, then the search results that are displayed match
all filters. For example, if you click the Port icon from the toolbar and type "auth" in the Attribute column, then
only attributes from the Port category that have "auth" in their name are displayed. When you choose a category,
the icon in the toolbar is highlighted in blue and the filtered list is displayed. Click the highlighted icon again from
the category toolbar in order to deselect it, thereby removing the filter.
b) Choose the relevant attribute in order to add it to the rule.
The Attribute Selector closes and the attribute you selected is added to the Click to add an attribute field.
c) From the Equals dropdown list, select the relevant operator.
Not all attributes you select will include the “Equals,” “Not Equals,” “Matches,” “Starts With,” or “Not Starts With”
operator options.
The “Matches” operator supports and uses regular expressions (REGEX) not wildcards.
You must use the “equals” operator for straight forward comparison. “Contains” operator can be used for multi-value
attributes. “Matches” operator should be used for regular expression comparison. When “Matches” operator is
used, regular expression will be interpreted for both static and dynamic values.
d) From the Attribute value field do one of the following:
• Type a free text value in the field
• Select a value from the list that dynamically loads ( when relevant—depending on the attribute selected in the
previous step)
• Use another attribute as the value for the condition rule—choose the table icon next to the field in order to
open the Attribute Selector and then search, filter and select the relevant attribute. The Attribute Selector closes
and the attribute you selected is added to the Attribute value field.

Step 6 Save rules in the Library as a condition block.

a) Hover over the rule or hierarchy of rules that you would like to save as a block in the Library. The Duplicate and
Save buttons appear for any rule or group of rules that can be saved as a single condition block. If you would like

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Special Network Access Conditions

to save a group of rules as a block, choose the action button from the bottom of the entire hierarchy in the blocked
area for the entire hierarchy.
b) Click Save. The Save condition screen pops up.
c) Choose:
• Save to Existing Library Condition—choose this option to overwrite an existing condition block in the Library
with the new rule you have created and then select the condition block that you want to overwrite from the
Select from list dropdown list.
• Save as a new Library Condition—type a unique name in the Condition Name field for the block.

d) Optionally, enter a description in the Description field. This description appears when you hover over the info icon
for any condition block from within the Library, enabling you to quickly identify the different condition blocks
and their uses.
e) Click Save to save the condition block in the Library.
Step 7 To create a new rule on a new child level—click AND or OR to apply the correct operator between the existing parent
hierarchy and the child hierarchy that you are creating. A new section is added to the Editor hierarchy with the selected
operator, as a child of the rule or hierarchy from which you chose the operator.
Step 8 To create a new rule on a a current existing level—click New from the relevant level. A new empty row appears for a
new rule in the same level as the level from which you began.
Step 9 Click X to remove any condition from the Editor and all of its children.
Step 10 Click Duplicate to automatically copy and paste the specific condition within the hierarchy, thereby creating additional
identical children at the same level. You can duplicate individual rules with or without their children, depending on the
level from which you click the Duplicate button.
Step 11 Click Use from the bottom of the page to save the condition you created in the Editor and to implement that condition
in your policy set.

Special Network Access Conditions

This section describes unique conditions that can be useful when creating your policy sets. These conditions
cannot be created from the Conditions Studio and so have their own unique processes.

Configure Device Network Conditions

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Network Conditions
> Device Network Conditions
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter a name and description for the network condition.
Step 4 Enter the following details:
• IP Addresses—You can add a list of IP addresses or subnets, one per line. The IP address/subnet can be in IPv4 or
IPv6 format.
• Device Name—You can add a list of device names, one per line. You must enter the same device name that is
configured in the Network Device object.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Device Port Network Condition

• Device Groups—You can add a list of tuples in the following order: Root NDG, comma, and an NDG (that it under
the root NDG). There must be one tuple per line.

Step 5 Click Submit.

Configure Device Port Network Condition

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Network Conditions
> Device Port Network Conditions
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter a name and description for the network condition.
Step 4 Enter the following details:
• IP Addresses—Enter the details in the following order: IP address or subnet, comma, and a port (that is used by the
device). There must be one tuple per line.
• Devices— Enter the details in the following order: device name, comma, and a port. There must be one tuple per
line. You must enter the same device name that is configured in the Network Device object.
• Device Groups— Enter the details in the following order: Root NDG, comma, NDG (that it under the root), and a
port. There must be one tuple per line.

Step 5 Click Submit.

Configure Endstation Network Conditions

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Network Conditions
> Endstation Network Conditions
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter a name and description for the network condition.
Step 4 Enter the following details:
• IP Addresses—You can add a list of IP addresses or subnets, one per line. The IP address/subnet can be in IPv4 or
IPv6 format.
• MAC Addresses—You can enter a list of Endstation MAC addresses and Destination MAC addresses, separated
by a comma. Each MAC address must include 12 hexadecimal digits and must be in one of the following formats:
nn:nn:nn:nn:nn:nn, nn-nn-nn-nn-nn-nn, nnnn.nnnn.nnnn, or nnnnnnnnnnnn.
If the Endstation MAC or the Destination MAC is not required, use the token "-ANY-" instead.
• CLI/DNIS—You can add a list of Caller IDs (CLI) and Called IDs (DNIS), separated by a comma. If the Caller ID
(CLI) or the Called ID (DNIS) is not required, use the token "-ANY-" instead.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create Time and Date Conditions

Step 5 Click Submit.

Create Time and Date Conditions

Use the Policy Elements Conditions page to display, create, modify, delete, duplicate, and search time and
date policy element conditions. Policy elements are shared objects that define a condition that is based on
specific time and date attribute settings that you configure.
Time and date conditions let you set or limit permission to access Cisco ISE system resources to specific times
and days as directed by the attribute settings you make.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or Policy Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Common >
Time and Date > Add
Step 2 Enter appropriate values in the fields.
• In the Standard Settings area, specify the time and date to provide access.
• In the Exceptions area, specify the time and date range to limit access.

Step 3 Click Submit.

Use IPv6 Condition Attributes in Authorization Policies

Cisco ISE can detect, manage, and secure IPv6 traffic from endpoints.
When an IPv6-enabled endpoint connects to the Cisco ISE network, it communicates with the Network Access
Device (NAD) over an IPv6 network. The NAD conveys the accounting and profiling information from the
endpoint (including IPv6 values) to Cisco ISE over an IPv4 network. You can configure authorization profiles
and policies in Cisco ISE using the IPv6 attributes in your rule conditions to process such requests from
IPv6-enabled endpoints and ensure that the endpoint is compliant.
You can use wildcard characters in IPv6 prefix and IPv6 interface values. For example: 2001:db8:1234::/48.
Supported IPv6 address formats include:
• Full notation: Eight groups of four hexadecimal digits separated by colons. For example,
• Shortened notation: Exclude leading zeros in a group; replace groups of zeros with two consecutive
colons. For example: 2001:db8:85a3::8a2e:370:7334
• Dotted-quad notation (IPv4-mapped and IPv4 compatible-IPv6 addresses): For example, ::ffff:

Supported IPv6 attributes include:

• NAS-IPv6-Address

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Use IPv6 Condition Attributes in Authorization Policies

• Framed-Interface-Id
• Framed-IPv6-Prefix
• Login-IPv6-Host
• Framed-IPv6-Route
• Framed-IPv6-Pool
• Delegated-IPv6-Prefix
• Framed-IPv6-Address
• DNS-Server-IPv6-Address
• Route-IPv6-Information
• Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool
• Stateful-IPv6-Address-Pool

The following table lists Supported Cisco Attribute-Value pairs and their equivalent IETF attributes:

Cisco Attribute-Value Pairs IETF Attributes

ipv6:addrv6=<ipv6 address> Framed-ipv6-Address

ipv6:stateful-ipv6-address-pool=<name> Stateful-IPv6-Address-Pool

ipv6:delegated-ipv6-pool=<name> Delegated-IPv6-Prefix-Pool

ipv6:ipv6-dns-servers-addr=<ipv6 address> DNS-Server-IPv6-Address

The RADIUS Live Logs page, RADIUS Authentication report, RADIUS Accounting report, Current Active
Session report, RADIUS Error report, Misconfigured NAS report, Adaptive Network Control Audit, and
Misconfigured Supplicant report support IPv6 addresses. You can view the details about these sessions from
the RADIUS Live Logs page or from any of these reports. You can filter the records by IPv4, IPv6, or MAC

Note If you connect an Android device to an IPv6 enabled DHCPv6 network, it receives only the link-local IPv6
address from the DHCP server. Hence, global IPv6 address is not displayed in the Live Logs and in the
Endpoints page (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Network
Access > Identities > Endpoints).

The following procedure describes how to configure IPv6 attributes in authorization policies.

Before you begin

Ensure that the NADs in your deployment support AAA with IPv6. See AAA Support for IPv6 for information
on how to enable AAA support for IPv6 on your NADs.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Policy Set Protocol Settings

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Policy Sets for network
access policies. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration >
Device Admin Policy Sets for device administration policies.
Step 2 Create authorization rules.
Step 3 When creating authorization rules, create a condition from the Conditon Studio. In the Condition Studio, from the RADIUS
dictionary, choose the RADIUS IPv6 attribute, the operator, and the value.
Step 4 Click Save to save the authorization rules in the policy set.

Policy Set Protocol Settings

You must define global protocol settings in Cisco ISE before you can use these protocols to create, save and
implement a policy set. You can use the Protocol Settings page to define global options for the Extensible
Authentication Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST), Extensible Authentication
Protocol-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS), and Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP)
protocols, which communicate with the other devices in your network.

Supported Network Access Policy Set Protocols

The following is a list of protocols that you can choose while defining your Network Access Policy Set policy:
• Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)
• Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP)
• Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol Version 2 (MS-CHAPv2)
• Extensible Authentication Protocol-Message Digest 5 (EAP-MD5)
• Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS)
• Extensible Authentication Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST)
• Extensible Authentication Protocol-Tunneled Transport Layer Security (EAP-TTLS)
• Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security (PEAP-TLS)

Guidelines for Using EAP-FAST as Protocol

Follow these guidelines when using EAP-FAST as an authentication protocol:
• It is highly recommended to enable EAP-TLS inner method when the EAP-FAST accept client certificate
is enabled on authenticated provisioning. EAP-FAST accept client certificate on authenticated provisioning
is not a separate authentication method but a shorter form of client certificate authentication that uses
the same certificate credentials type to authenticate a user but does not require to run an inner method.
• Accept client certificate on authenticated provisioning works with PAC-less full handshake and
authenticated PAC provisioning. It does not work for PAC-less session resume, anonymous PAC
provisioning, and PAC-based authentication.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure EAP-FAST Settings

• EAP attributes are displayed per identity (so in EAP chaining displayed twice) are shown in authentication
details in monitoring tool in order user then machine even if authentication happens in different order.
• When EAP-FAST authorization PAC is used then EAP authentication method shown in live logs is equal
to the authentication method used for full authentication (as in PEAP) and not as Lookup.
• In EAP chaining mode when tunnel PAC is expired then ISE falls back to provisioning and AC requests
User and Machine authorization PACs - Machine Authorization PAC cannot be provisioned. It will be
provisioned in the subsequent PAC-based authentication conversation when AC requests it.
• When Cisco ISE is configured for chaining and AC for single mode then AC response with IdentityType
TLV to ISE. However, the second identity authentication fails. You can see from this conversation that
client is suitable to perform chaining but currently is configured for single mode.
• Cisco ISE supports retrieval attributes and groups for both machine and user in EAP-FAST chaining
only for AD. For LDAP and Internal DB ISE uses only the last identity attributes.

Note “EAP-FAST cryptobinding verification failed” message might be seen if EAP-FAST authentication protocol
is used for High Sierra, Mojave, or Catalina MAC OSX devices. We recommend that you configure the
Preferred EAP Protocol field in the Allowed Protocols page to use PEAP or EAP-TLS instead of EAP-FAST
for these MAC OSX devices.

Configure EAP-FAST Settings

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > EAP-FAST > EAP Fast Settings.
Step 2 Enter the details as required to define the EAP-FAST protocol.
Step 3 Click Revoke if you want to revoke all the previously generated primary keys and PACs.
Step 4 Click Save to save the EAP-FAST settings.

Generate the PAC for EAP-FAST

You can use the Generate PAC option in the Cisco ISE to generate a tunnel or machine PAC for the EAP-FAST

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Settings.

Step 2 From the Settings navigation pane on the left, click Protocols.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

EAP-FAST Settings

Step 3 Choose EAP-FAST > Generate PAC.

Step 4 Enter the details as required to generate machine PAC for the EAP-FAST protocol.
Step 5 Click Generate PAC.

EAP-FAST Settings
The following table describes the fields on the Protocol Settings window, which you can use to configure the
EAP-FAST, EAP-TLS, and PEAP protocols. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > EAP-FAST > EAP FAST Settings.

Table 128: Configuring EAP-FAST Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Authority Identity Info Description Enter a user-friendly string that describes the Cisco
ISE node that sends credentials to a client. The client
can discover this string in the Protected Access
Credentials (PAC) information for type, length, and
value (TLV). The default value is Identity Services

Master Key Generation Period Specifies the primary key generation period in
seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks. The value
must be a positive integer in the range 1 to
2147040000 seconds. The default is 604800 seconds,
which is equivalent to one week.

Revoke all master keys and PACs Click Revoke to revoke all primary keys and PACs.

Enable PAC-less Session Resume Check this check box if you want to use EAP-FAST
without the PAC files.

PAC-less Session Timeout Specifies the time in seconds after which the PAC-less
session resume times out. The default is 7200 seconds.

Related Topics
Policy Set Protocol Settings, on page 845
Guidelines for Using EAP-FAST as Protocol, on page 845
Benefits of EAP-FAST, on page 888
Configure EAP-FAST Settings, on page 846

PAC Settings
The following table describes the fields on the Generate PAC window, which you can use to configure protected
access credentials for EAP-FAST authentication. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > EAP-FAST > Generate PAC.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

PAC Settings

Table 129: Generating PAC for EAP-FAST Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Tunnel PAC Click this radio button to generate a tunnel PAC.

Machine PAC Click this radio button to generate a machine PAC.

Trustsec PAC Click this radio button to generate a Trustsec PAC.

Identity (For Tunnel and Machine PAC) Specifies the

username or machine name that is presented as the
“inner username” by the EAP-FAST protocol. If the
identity string does not match that username,
authentication fails.
This is the hostname as defined on the Adaptive
Security Appliance (ASA). The identity string must
match the ASA hostname otherwise, ASA cannot
import the PAC file that is generated.
If you are generating a Trustsec PAC, the Identity
field specifies the Device ID of a Trustsec network
device and is provided with an initiator ID by the
EAP-FAST protocol. If the Identity string entered
here does not match that Device ID, authentication

PAC Time to Live (For Tunnel and Machine PAC) Enter a value in
seconds that specifies the expiration time for the PAC.
The default is 604800 seconds, which is equivalent
to one week. This value must be a positive integer
between 1 and 157680000 seconds. For the Trustsec
PAC, enter a value in days, weeks, months, or years.
By default, the value is one year. The minimum value
is one day and the maximum is 10 years.

Encryption Key Enter an encryption key. The length of the key must
be between 8 and 256 characters. The key can contain
uppercase or lowercase letters, or numbers, or a
combination of alphanumeric characters.

Expiration Data (For Trustsec PAC only) The expiration date is

calculated based on the PAC Time to Live.

Related Topics
Policy Set Protocol Settings, on page 845
Guidelines for Using EAP-FAST as Protocol, on page 845
Generate the PAC for EAP-FAST, on page 846

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Using EAP-TTLS as Authentication Protocol

Using EAP-TTLS as Authentication Protocol

EAP-TTLS is a two-phase protocol that extends the functionality of EAP-TLS protocol. Phase 1 builds the
secure tunnel and derives the session keys used in Phase 2 to securely tunnel attributes and inner method data
between the server and the client. You can use the attributes tunneled during Phase 2 to perform additional
authentications using a number of different mechanisms.
Cisco ISE can process authentications from a variety of TTLS supplicants including:
• AnyConnect Network Access Manager (NAM) on Windows
• Windows 8.1 native supplicant
• Secure W2 (also called as JoinNow on MultiOS)
• MAC OS X native supplicant
• IOS native supplicant
• Android based native supplicant
• Linux WPA supplicant

Note If cryptobinding is required, you must use EAP-FAST as the inner method.

Configure EAP-TTLS Settings

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols >
Step 2 Enter the required details in the EAP-TTLS Settings page.
Step 3 Click Save.

EAP-TTLS Settings
The following table describes the fields on the EAP-TTLS Settings window. To view this window, click the
Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > EAP-TTLS.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure EAP-TLS Settings

Table 130: EAP-TTLS Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Enable EAP-TTLS Session Resume If you check this check box, Cisco ISE will cache the
TLS session that is created during phase one of
EAP-TTLS authentication, provided the user
successfully authenticates in phase two of EAP-TTLS.
If a user needs to reconnect and the original
EAP-TTLS session has not timed out, Cisco ISE uses
the cached TLS session, resulting in faster EAP-TTLS
performance and a reduced AAA server load.
Note When the EAP-TTLS session is resumed,
the inner method is skipped.

EAP-TTLS Session Timeout Specifies the time in seconds after which the
EAP-TTLS session times out. The default value is
7200 seconds.

Related Topics
Policy Set Protocol Settings, on page 845
Using EAP-TTLS as Authentication Protocol, on page 849
Configure EAP-TTLS Settings, on page 849

Configure EAP-TLS Settings

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > EAP-TLS.
Step 2 Enter the details as required to define the EAP-TLS protocol.
Step 3 Click Save to save the EAP-TLS settings.

EAP-TLS Settings
The following table describes the fields on the EAP-TLS Settings window, which you can use to configure
the EAP-TLS protocol settings. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration >
System > Settings > Protocols > EAP-TLS.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure PEAP Settings

Table 131: EAP-TLS Settings

Fields Usage Guidelines

Enable EAP-TLS Session Resume Check this check box to support an abbreviated
reauthentication of a user who has passed full
EAP-TLS authentication. This feature provides
reauthentication of the user with only a Secure Sockets
Layer (SSL) handshake and without applying the
certificates. EAP-TLS session resume works only if
the EAP-TLS session has not timed out.
EAP-TLS Session Timeout Specifies the time in seconds after which the
EAP-TLS session times out. The default value is 7200

Stateless Session Resume

Master Key Generation Period Enter the time after which the primary key is
regenerated. This value determines the duration that
a primary key remains active. You can enter the value
in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks.

Revoke Click Revoke to cancel all previously generated

primary keys and tickets. This option is disabled on
the secondary node.

Related Topics
Policy Set Protocol Settings, on page 845
Configure EAP-TLS Settings, on page 850

Configure PEAP Settings

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Administration > System > Settings.

Step 2 From the Settings navigation pane on the left, click Protocols.
Step 3 Choose PEAP.
Step 4 Enter the details as required to define the PEAP protocol.
Step 5 Click Save to save the PEAP settings.

PEAP Settings
The following table describes the fields on the PEAP Settings window, which you can use to configure the
PEAP protocol settings. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration >
System > Settings > Protocols > PEAP.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure RADIUS Settings

Table 132: PEAP Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Enable PEAP Session Resume Check this check box for the Cisco ISE to cache the
TLS session that is created during phase one of PEAP
authentication, provided the user successfully
authenticates in phase two of PEAP. If a user needs
to reconnect and the original PEAP session has not
timed out, the Cisco ISE uses the cached TLS session,
resulting in faster PEAP performance and a reduced
AAA server load. You must specify a PEAP session
timeout value for the PEAP session resume features
to work.

PEAP Session Timeout Specifies the time in seconds after which the PEAP
session times out. The default value is 7200 seconds.

Enable Fast Reconnect Check this check box to allow a PEAP session to
resume in the Cisco ISE without checking user
credentials when the session resume feature is enabled.

Related Topics
Policy Set Protocol Settings, on page 845
Configure PEAP Settings, on page 851
Advantages of Using PEAP, on page 886
Supported Supplicants for the PEAP Protocol, on page 886
PEAP Protocol Flow, on page 887

Configure RADIUS Settings

You can configure the RADIUS settings to detect the clients that fail to authenticate and to suppress the
repeated reporting of successful authentications.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings
Step 2 From the Settings navigation pane, click Protocols.
Step 3 Choose RADIUS.
Step 4 Enter the details as required to define the RADIUS settings.
Step 5 Click Save to save the settings.

RADIUS Settings
The following table describes the fields on the RADIUS Settings window. To view this window, click the
Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > RADIUS.
If you enable the Suppress Repeated Failed Clients option, clients with repeated authentication failures will
be suppressed from the audit logs, and the requests from these clients will be automatically rejected for the

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

RADIUS Settings

specified time period. You can also specify the number of authentication failures after which the requests
from these clients should be rejected. For example, if this value is configured as 5, when a client authentication
fails five times, all the requests received from that client will be rejected for the configured time period.

Note If the cause of authentication failure is entry of wrong password, the client will not be suppressed.

Note If you configure suppression of RADIUS failures, you may still receive the error "5440 Endpoint Abandoned
EAP Session and started a new one" after you configure RADIUS log suppression. For more information,
see the following ISE Community post:

Table 133: RADIUS Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Suppress Repeated Failed Clients

Suppress Repeated Failed Clients Check this check box to suppress the clients for which
the authentications fail repeatedly for the same reason.
These clients are suppressed from the audit logs and
the requests from these clients are rejected for the
specified time period if Reject RADIUS Requests
from Clients with Repeated Failures option is

Detect Two Failures Within Enter the time interval in minutes. If a client fails
authentication twice for the same reason within this
time period, it will be suppressed from the audit logs,
and the requests from this client will be rejected if
Reject RADIUS Requests from Clients with
Repeated Failures option is enabled.

Report Failures Once Every Enter the time interval in minutes for the failed
authentications to be reported. For example, if this
value is set as 15 minutes, clients that repeatedly fail
authentication will be reported in the audit logs only
once every 15 minutes, thereby preventing

Reject RADIUS Requests from Clients with Check this check box to automatically reject the
Repeated Failures RADIUS requests from the clients for which the
authentications fail repeatedly. You can enable this
option to avoid unnecessary processing by Cisco ISE
and to protect against potential denial of service

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

RADIUS Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Failures Prior to Automatic Rejection Enter the number of authentication failures after which
requests from clients with repeated failures are
automatically rejected. All the requests received from
these clients are automatically rejected for the
configured time period (specified in Continue
Rejecting Requests for field). After the interval
expires, the authentication requests from these clients
are processed.
Continue Rejecting Requests for Enter the time interval (in minutes) for which the
requests from clients with repeated failures are to be

Ignore Repeated Accounting Updates Within Repeated accounting updates that occur within this
period will be ignored.

Suppress Successful Reports

Suppress Repeated Successful Authentications Check this check box to prevent repeated reporting
of successful authentication requests in last 24 hours
that have no change in identity context, network
device, and authorization.

Authentications Details

Highlight Steps Longer Than Enter the time interval in milliseconds. If execution
of a single step exceeds the specified threshold, it will
be marked with a clock icon in the authentication
details window.

Detect High Rate of RADIUS Requests

Detect Steady High Rate of Radius Requests Check this check box to raise an alarm for high
RADIUS request load when the limit specified in the
Duration of RADIUS requests and Total number
of RADIUS requests fields is exceeded.

Duration of RADIUS Requests Enter the period of time (in seconds) that will be used
to calculate the RADIUS rate. The default is 60
seconds. The valid range is from 20 to 86400 seconds.

Total Number of RADIUS Requests Enter the request limit that will be used to calculate
the RADIUS rate. The default is 72000 requests. The
valid range is from 24000 to 103680000 requests.


Authentication Ports Specify the ports to be used for RADIUS UDP

authentication flows. You can specify a maximum of
4 port numbers (separated by a comma). By default,
port 1812 and port 1645 are used. The valid range is
from 1024 to 65535.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

RADIUS Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Accounting Ports Specify the ports to be used for RADIUS UDP

accounting flows. You can specify a maximum of 4
port numbers (separated by a comma). By default,
port 1813 and port 1646 are used. The valid range is
from 1024 to 65535.
Note Ensure that these ports are not used by
other services.


Authentication and Accounting Port Specify the port to be used for RADIUS DTLS
authentication and accounting flows. By default, port
2083 is used. The valid range is from 1024 to 65535.
Note Ensure that this port is not used by other

Idle Timeout Enter the time (in seconds) that you want Cisco ISE
to wait before it closes the TLS session if no packets
are received from the network device. Default value
is 120 seconds. The valid range is from 60 to 600

Enable RADIUS/DTLS Client Identity Verification Check this check box if you want Cisco ISE to verify
the identity of the RADIUS/DTLS clients during the
DTLS handshake. Cisco ISE fails the handshake if
the client identity is not valid. Identity check is
skipped for the default network device, if configured.
Identity check is performed in the following sequence:
1. If the client certificate contains the subject
alternative name (SAN) attribute:
• If SAN contains the DNS name, the DNS
name specified in the certificate is compared
with the DNS name that is configured for
the network device in Cisco ISE.
• If SAN contains the IP address (and does not
contain the DNS name), the IP address
specified in the certificate is compared with
all the device IP addresses configured in
Cisco ISE.

2. If the certificate does not contain SAN, subject

CN is compared with the DNS name that is
configured for the network device in Cisco ISE.
Cisco ISE fails the handshake in the case of

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Security Settings

Related Topics
Policy Set Protocol Settings, on page 845
RADIUS Protocol Support in Cisco ISE, on page 861
Configure RADIUS Settings, on page 852

Configure Security Settings

To configure the security settings:

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Security Settings
Step 2 On the Security Settings page, select the required options:
• Allow TLS 1.0: Allows TLS 1.0 for communication with legacy peers for the following workflows:
• Cisco ISE is configured as an EAP server
• Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server
• Cisco ISE is configured as a secure syslog client
• Cisco ISE is configured as a secure LDAP client

• Allow TLS 1.1: Allows TLS 1.1 for communication with legacy peers for the following workflows:
• Cisco ISE is configured as an EAP server
• Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server
• Cisco ISE is configured as a secure syslog client
• Cisco ISE is configured as a secure LDAP client

• Allow SHA1 Ciphers: Allows SHA-1 ciphers for communication with peers for the following workflows:
• Cisco ISE is configured as an EAP server
• Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS server
• Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS client
• Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server
• Cisco ISE is configured as a secure syslog client
• Cisco ISE is configured as a secure LDAP client

You can select one of the following options:

• Allow all SHA-1 Ciphers
• Allow only TLS_RSA_with_AES_128_CBC_SHA

Note We recommended using SHA-256 or SHA-384 ciphers for enhanced security.

• Allow ECDHE-RSA Ciphers: Allows ECDHE-RSA ciphers for communication with peers for the following

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Security Settings

• Cisco ISE is configured as an EAP server

• Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS server
• Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS client
• Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server
• Cisco ISE is configured as a secure syslog client
• Cisco ISE is configured as a secure LDAP client

• Allow 3DES ciphers: Allows 3DES ciphers for communication with peers for the following workflows:
• Cisco ISE is configured as an EAP server
• Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS server
• Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS client
• Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server
• Cisco ISE is configured as a secure syslog client
• Cisco ISE is configured as a secure LDAP client

• Accept Certificates without Validating Purpose: When ISE acts as an EAP or RADIUS DTLS server, client
certificates are accepted without checking whether the Key Usage extension contains keyAgreement bit for
ECDHE-ECDSA ciphers or keyEncipherment bit for other ciphers.
• Allow DSS ciphers for ISE as a client: When Cisco ISE acts as a client, allow DSS ciphers for communication
with a server for the following workflows:
• Cisco ISE is configured as a RADIUS DTLS client
• Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server
• Cisco ISE is configured as a secure syslog client
• Cisco ISE is configured as a secure LDAP client

• Allow Legacy Unsafe TLS Renegotiation for ISE as a Client: Allows communication with legacy TLS servers
that do not support safe TLS renegotiation for the following workflows:
• Cisco ISE downloads CRL from HTTPS or a secure LDAP server
• Cisco ISE is configured as a secure syslog client
• Cisco ISE is configured as a secure LDAP client

Step 3 Disclose invalid usernames: By default, ISE displays INVALID for authentication failures due to an incorrect username.
To aid in debugging, this option forces ISE to disclose (display) USERNAME in reports, instead of INVALID. Whether
you check this option or not, USERNAME is always displayed for failed authentications that are not due to an incorrect
When you enable Disclose invalid usernames, you must select Always show invalid usernames or Show invalid
usernames for a specific time. When you choose the time option, select a time in minutes, up to one month (43,200

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Supported Cipher Suites

This feature is supported for Active Directory, Internal Users, LDAP, and ODBC identity sources. It is not supported for
other identity stores, such as RADIUS token, RSA, or SAML. For those identity stores, an incorrectly entered username
always reported as "invalid."

Step 4 Click Save.

Supported Cipher Suites

Cisco ISE supports TLS versions 1.0, 1.1, and 1.2.
Cisco ISE supports RSA and ECDSA server certificates. The following elliptic curves are supported:
• secp256r1
• secp384r1
• secp521r1

The following table lists the supported Cipher Suites:

Cipher Suite When Cisco ISE is configured as an When Cisco ISE downloads
EAP server CRL from HTTPS or a
secure LDAP server
When Cisco ISE is configured as a
RADIUS DTLS server When Cisco ISE is configured
as a secure syslog client or a
secure LDAP client
When Cisco ISE is configured
as a RADIUS DTLS client for

TLS 1.0 support When TLS 1.0 is allowed When TLS 1.0 is allowed
(DTLS server supports only DTLS 1.2) (DTLS client supports only
DTLS 1.2)
Allow TLS 1.0 option is disabled by
default in Cisco ISE 2.3 and above.
TLS 1.0 is not supported for TLS based
EAP authentication methods
802.1X supplicants when this option is
disabled. If you want to use the TLS
based EAP authentication methods in
TLS 1.0, check the Allow TLS 1.0
check box in the Security Settings
window. To view this window, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > System > Settings >
Protocols > Security Settings.

TLS 1.1 support When TLS 1.1 is allowed When TLS 1.1 is allowed

ECC DSA ciphers

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Supported Cipher Suites





ECDHE-ECDSA-AES256-SHA When SHA-1 is allowed When SHA-1 is allowed

ECDHE-ECDSA-AES128-SHA When SHA-1 is allowed When SHA-1 is allowed

ECC RSA ciphers

ECDHE-RSA-AES256-GCM-SHA384 When ECDHE-RSA is allowed When ECDHE-RSA is allowed

ECDHE-RSA-AES128-GCM-SHA256 When ECDHE-RSA is allowed When ECDHE-RSA is allowed

ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA384 When ECDHE-RSA is allowed When ECDHE-RSA is allowed

ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 When ECDHE-RSA is allowed When ECDHE-RSA is allowed

ECDHE-RSA-AES256-SHA When ECDHE-RSA/SHA-1 is allowed When ECDHE-RSA/SHA-1 is


ECDHE-RSA-AES128-SHA When ECDHE-RSA/SHA-1 is allowed When ECDHE-RSA/SHA-1 is


DHE RSA ciphers

DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA256 No Yes

DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA256 No Yes

DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA No When SHA-1 is allowed

DHE-RSA-AES128-SHA No When SHA-1 is allowed

RSA ciphers

AES256-SHA256 Yes Yes

AES128-SHA256 Yes Yes

AES256-SHA When SHA-1 is allowed When SHA-1 is allowed

AES128-SHA When SHA-1 is allowed When SHA-1 is allowed

3DES ciphers

DES-CBC3-SHA When 3DES/SHA-1 is allowed When 3DES/DSS and SHA-1

are enabled

DSS ciphers

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Supported Cipher Suites


are enabled


are enabled


are enabled

Weak RC4 ciphers

RC4-SHA When "Allow weak ciphers" option is No

enabled in the Allowed Protocols page
and when SHA-1 is allowed

RC4-MD5 When "Allow weak ciphers" option is No

enabled in the Allowed Protocols page

EAP-FAST anonymous Yes No

provisioning only:

Peer certificate restrictions

Validate KeyUsage Client certificate should have

KeyUsage=Key Agreement and
Authentication for the following

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

RADIUS Protocol Support in Cisco ISE

Validate ExtendedKeyUsage Client certificate should have Server certificate should have
KeyUsage=Key Encipherment and ExtendedKeyUsage=Server
ExtendedKeyUsage=Client Authentication
Authentication for the following
• AES256-SHA256
• AES128-SHA256
• AES256-SHA
• AES128-SHA
• RC4-MD5

RADIUS Protocol Support in Cisco ISE

RADIUS is a client/server protocol through which remote-access servers communicate with a central server
to authenticate dial-in users and authorize their access to the requested system or service. You can use RADIUS
to maintain user profiles in a central database that all remote servers can share. This protocol provides better
security, and you can use it to set up a policy that is applied at a single administered network point.
RADIUS also functions as a RADIUS client in Cisco ISE to proxy requests to a remote RADIUS server, and
it provides Change of Authorization (CoA) activities during an active session.
Cisco ISE supports RADIUS protocol flow according to RFC 2865 and generic support for all general RADIUS
attributes as described in RFC 2865 and its extension. Cisco ISE supports parsing of vendor-specific attributes
only for vendors that are defined in the Cisco ISE dictionary.
RADIUS interface supports the following attribute data types that are defined in RFC 2865:
• Text (Unicode Transformation Format [UTF])
• String (binary)
• Address (IP)
• Integer
• Time

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Allowed Protocols

ISE Community Resource

For information about the network access attributes supported by Cisco ISE, see ISE Network Access

Allowed Protocols
The following table describes the fields in the Allowed Protocols window, which allows you to configure
the protocols to be used during authentication. Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authentication >
Allowed Protocols.

Table 134: Allowed Protocols

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Allowed Protocols > Authentication Bypass

Process Host Lookup Check this check box if you want Cisco ISE to process
the Host Lookup request. The Host Lookup request
is processed for PAP/CHAP protocol when the
RADIUS Service-Type equals 10 (Call-Check) and
the username is equal to Calling-Station-ID. The Host
Lookup request is processed for EAP-MD5 protocol
when the Service-Type equals 1 (Framed) and the
username is equal to Calling-Station-ID. Uncheck this
check box if you want Cisco ISE to ignore the Host
Lookup request and use the original value of the
system username attribute for authentication. When
unchecked, message processing is done according to
the protocol (for example, PAP).
Note Disabling this option could result in the
failure of existing MAB authentications.

Allowed Protocols > Authentication Protocols

Allow PAP/ASCII This option enables PAP/ASCII. PAP uses cleartext

passwords (that is, unencrypted passwords) and is the
least secure authentication protocol.

Allow CHAP This option enables CHAP authentication. CHAP uses

a challenge-response mechanism with password
encryption. CHAP does not work with Microsoft
Active Directory.

Allow MS-CHAPv1 Check this check box to enable MS-CHAPv1.

Allow MS-CHAPv2 Check this check box to enable MS-CHAPv2.

Allow EAP-MD5 Check this check box to enable EAP-based MD5

password hashed authentication.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Allowed Protocols

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Allow EAP-TLS Check this check box to enable EAP-TLS

Authentication protocol and configures EAP-TLS
settings. You can specify how Cisco ISE will verify
the user identity as presented in the EAP identity
response from the end-user client. User identity is
verified against information in the certificate that the
end-user client presents. This comparison occurs after
an EAP-TLS tunnel is established between Cisco ISE
and the end-user client.
Note EAP-TLS is a certificate-based
authentication protocol. EAP-TLS
authentication can occur only after you
have completed the required steps to
configure certificates.

• Allow authentication of expired certificates

to allow certificate renewal in Authorization
Policy: Check this check box, if you want to
allow users to renew certificates. If you check
this check box, ensure that you configure
appropriate authorization policy rules to check
if the certificate has been renewed before
processing the request any further.
• Enable Stateless Session Resume: Check this
check box to allow EAP-TLS session resumption
without requiring the session state to be stored
at the server. Cisco ISE supports session ticket
extension as described in RFC 5077. Cisco ISE
creates a ticket and sends it to an EAP-TLS
client. The client presents the ticket to ISE to
resume a session.
• Proactive Session Ticket update: Enter the
value as a percentage to indicate how much of
the Time To Live (TTL) must elapse before the
session ticket is updated. For example, if you
enter the value 60, the session ticket is updated
after 60 percent of the TTL has expired.
• Session ticket Time to Live: Enter the time after
which the session ticket expires. This value
determines the duration that a session ticket
remains active. You can enter the value in
seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks.

Allow LEAP Check this check box to enable Lightweight

Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP)

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Allowed Protocols

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Allow PEAP

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Allowed Protocols

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Check this check box to enable PEAP authentication
protocol and PEAP settings. The default inner method
is MS-CHAPv2.
When you check the Allow PEAP check box, you can
configure the following PEAP inner methods:
• Allow EAP-MS-CHAPv2: Check this check
box to use EAP-MS-CHAPv2 as the inner
• Allow Password Change: Check this check
box for Cisco ISE to support password
• Retry Attempts: Specifies how many times
Cisco ISE requests user credentials before
returning login failure. Valid values are 0
to 3.

• Allow EAP-GTC: Check this check box to use

EAP-GTC as the inner method.
• Allow Password Change: Check this check
box for Cisco ISE to support password
• Retry Attempts: Specifies how many times
Cisco ISE requests user credentials before
returning login failure. The valid range is
from 0 to 3.

• Allow EAP-TLS: Check this check box to use

EAP-TLS as the inner method.
Check the Allow authentication of expired
certificates to allow certificate renewal in
Authorization Policy check box, if you want to
allow users to renew certificates. If you check
this check box, ensure that you configure
appropriate authorization policy rules to check
if the certificate has been renewed before
processing the request any further.
• Require Cryptobinding TLV: Check this check
box if you want both the EAP peer and the EAP
server to participate in the inner and outer EAP
authentications of the PEAP authentication.
• Allow PEAPv0 Only for Legacy Clients: Check
this check box to allow PEAP supplicants to
negotiate using PEAPv0. Some legacy clients do
not conform to the PEAPv1 protocol standards.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Allowed Protocols

Field Name Usage Guidelines

To ensure that such PEAP conversations are not
dropped, check this check box.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Allowed Protocols

Field Name Usage Guidelines


Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Allowed Protocols

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Check this check box to enable EAP-FAST
authentication protocol and EAP-FAST settings. The
EAP-FAST protocol can support multiple internal
protocols on the same server. The default inner
method is MS-CHAPv2.
When you check the Allow EAP-FAST check box,
you can configure EAP-FAST as the inner method:
• Allow EAP-MS-CHAPv2
• Allow Password Change: Check this check
box for Cisco ISE to support password
• Retry Attempts: Specifies how many times
Cisco ISE requests user credentials before
returning login failure. Valid values are 0-3.

• Allow EAP-GTC
Allow Password Change: Check this check box
for Cisco ISE to support password changes.
Retry Attempts: Specifies how many times
Cisco ISE requests user credentials before
returning login failure. Valid values are 0-3.
• Use PACs: Choose this option to configure Cisco
ISE to provision authorization Protected Access
Credentials (PAC) for EAP-FAST clients.
Additional PAC options appear.
• Don't Use PACs: Choose this option to
configure Cisco ISE to use EAP-FAST without
issuing or accepting any tunnel or machine
PACs. All requests for PACs are ignored and
Cisco ISE responds with a Success-TLV without
a PAC.
When you choose this option, you can configure
Cisco ISE to perform machine authentication.
• Allow EAP-TLS: Check this check box to use
EAP-TLS as the inner method.
Check the Allow authentication of expired
certificates to allow certificate renewal in
Authorization Policy check box, if you want to
allow users to renew certificates. If you check
this check box, ensure that you configure
appropriate authorization policy rules to check
if the certificate has been renewed before
processing the request any further.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Allowed Protocols

Field Name Usage Guidelines

• Enable EAP Chaining: Check this check box
to enable EAP chaining.
EAP chaining allows Cisco ISE to correlate the
results of user and machine authentication and
apply the appropriate authorization policy using
the EAPChainingResult attribute.
EAP chaining requires a supplicant that supports
EAP chaining on the client device. Choose the
User and Machine Authentication option in the
EAP chaining is available when you choose the
EAP-FAST protocol (both in PAC based and
PAC less mode).
For PAC-based authentication, you can use user
authorization PAC or machine authorization
PAC, or both to skip the inner method.
For certificate-based authentication, if you enable
the Accept Client Certificate for Provisioning
option for the EAP-FAST protocol (in the
Allowed Protocol service), and if the endpoint
(AnyConnect) is configured to send the user
certificate inside the tunnel, then during tunnel
establishment, ISE authenticates the user using
the certificate (the inner method is skipped), and
machine authentication is done through the inner
method. If these options are not configured,
EAP-TLS is used as the inner method for user
After you enable EAP chaining, update your
authorization policy and add a condition using
the NetworkAccess:EapChainingResult attribute
and assign appropriate permissions.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Allowed Protocols

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Allow EAP-TTLS Check this check box to enable EAP-TTLS protocol.

You can configure the following inner methods:
• Allow PAP/ASCII: Check this check box to use
PAP/ASCII as the inner method. You can use
EAP-TTLS PAP for token and OTP-based
• Allow CHAP: Check this check box to use
CHAP as the inner method. CHAP uses a
challenge-response mechanism with password
encryption. CHAP does not work with Microsoft
Active Directory.
• Allow MS-CHAPv1: Check this check box to
use MS-CHAPv1 as the inner method.
• Allow MS-CHAPv2: Check this check box to
use MS-CHAPv2 as the inner method.
• Allow EAP-MD5: Check this check box to use
EAP-MD5 as the inner method.
• Allow EAP-MS-CHAPv2: Check this check
box to use EAP-MS-CHAPv2 as the inner
• Allow Password Change: Check this check
box for Cisco ISE to support password
• Retry Attempts: Specifies how many times
Cisco ISE requests user credentials before
returning login failure. Valid values are 0
to 3.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Allowed Protocols

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Allow TEAP

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Allowed Protocols

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Check this check box to enable the Tunnel Extensible
Authentication Protocol (TEAP) and configure the
TEAP settings. TEAP is a tunnel-based EAP method
that enables secure communication between a peer
and a server by using the Transport Layer Security
(TLS) protocol to establish a tunnel. The
type-length-value (TLV) objects are used within the
TEAP tunnel to transport authentication-related data
between the EAP peer and the EAP server.
You can configure the following inner methods for
• Allow EAP-MS-CHAPv2: Check this check
box to use EAP-MS-CHAPv2 as the inner
• Allow Password Change: Check this check
box for Cisco ISE to support password
• Retries: Enter the number of times that
Cisco ISE will allow a user to enter the
credentials before returning a login failure
message. The valid range is from 0 to 3.

• Allow EAP-TLS: Check this check box to use

EAP-TLS as the inner method.
• Allow Authentication of Expired
Certificates to Allow Certificate Renewal
in Authorization Policy: Check this check
box if you want to allow a user to renew
certificates. If you enable this option, ensure
that you configure the appropriate
authorization policy rules to verify whether
the certificates have been renewed, before
processing the authorization request further.

• Allow Downgrade to MSK: Check this check

box if the inner method supports the Extended
Master Session Key (EMSK), but the client
device provides only the Master Session Key
(MSK). Note that while EMSK is more secure
than MSK, some client devices might not support
• Accept Client Certificate during Tunnel
Establishment: Check this check box if you
want Cisco ISE to request for a client certificate
during TEAP tunnel establishment. If the
certificate is not provided, Cisco ISE uses the

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Allowed Protocols

Field Name Usage Guidelines

configured inner methods for authentication.
• Enable EAP Chaining: Check this check box
to enable EAP chaining. EAP chaining allows
Cisco ISE to run both the inner methods for user
and machine authentication inside the same
TEAP tunnel. This enables Cisco ISE to correlate
the authentication results and apply the
appropriate authorization policy, using the
EAPChainingResult attribute.
After you enable EAP chaining, update your
authorization policy, add a condition using the
NetworkAccess:EapChainingResult attribute,
and assign the appropriate permissions.
Note When EAP chaining is enabled,
ensure that the user and machine
certificates are copied in the
supplicant if you want to do both user
and machine authentication.

Note • If EAP chaining is enabled in Cisco

ISE, both the primary and secondary
authentication method must be
configured for the Microsoft
• If EAP chaining is disabled in Cisco
ISE, only the primary authentication
method must be configured for the
Microsoft supplicant.
• If both the primary and secondary
authentication method are configured
as None, EAP negotiation might fail
with the following message:
Supplicant stopped responding
to ISE

Preferred EAP Protocol Check this check box to choose your preferred EAP
protocols from any of the following options:
and EAP-MD5. If you do not specify the preferred
protocol, EAP-TLS is used by default.

EAP-TLS L-bit Check this check box to support legacy EAP

supplicants that expect length-included flag (L-bit
flag) by default in TLS Change Cipher Spec message
and Encrypted Handshake message from ISE.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

PAC Options

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Allow Weak Ciphers for EAP If this option is enabled, legacy clients are allowed to
negotiate using weak ciphers (such as
RSA_RC4_128_SHA, RSA_RC4_128_MD5). We
recommend that you enable this option only if your
legacy clients support only weak ciphers.
This option is disabled by default.
Note Cisco ISE does not support

Require Message Authenticator for all RADIUS If this option is enabled, Cisco ISE verifies whether
Requests the RADIUS Message Authenticator attribute is
present in the RADIUS message. If the message
authenticator attribute is not present, the RADIUS
message is discarded.
Enabling this option provides protection from spoofed
Access-Request messages and RADIUS message
The RADIUS Message Authenticator attribute is a
Message Digest 5 (MD5) hash of the entire RADIUS
Note EAP uses the Message Authenticator
attribute by default and does not require
that you enable it.

Related Topics
Allowed Protocols in FIPS and Non-FIPS Modes for TACACS+ Device Administration , on page 301
Define Allowed Protocols for Network Access, on page 882

PAC Options
The following table describes the fields after you select Use PACs in the Allowed Protocols Services List
window. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results
> Authentication > Allowed Protocols.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

PAC Options

Table 135: PAC Options

Field Name Usage Guidelines


Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

PAC Options

Field Name Usage Guidelines

• Tunnel PAC Time To Live: The Time to Live
(TTL) value restricts the lifetime of the PAC.
Specify the lifetime value and units. The default
is 90 days. The range is between 1 and 1825

• Proactive PAC Update When: <n%> of PAC

TTL is Left: The Update value ensures that the
client has a valid PAC. Cisco ISE initiates an
update after the first successful authentication
but before the expiration time that is set by the
TTL. The update value is a percentage of the
remaining time in the TTL. The default is 90%.
• Allow Anonymous In-band PAC Provisioning:
Check this check box for Cisco ISE to establish
a secure anonymous TLS handshake with the
client and provision it with a PAC by using phase
zero of EAP-FAST with EAP-MSCHAPv2. To
enable anonymous PAC provisioning, you must
choose both of the inner methods,
• Allow Authenticated In-band PAC Provisioning:
Cisco ISE uses SSL server-side authentication
to provision the client with a PAC during phase
zero of EAP-FAST. This option is more secure
than anonymous provisioning but requires that
a server certificate and a trusted root CA be
installed on Cisco ISE.
When you check this option, you can configure
Cisco ISE to return an Access-Accept message
to the client after successful authenticated PAC
• Server Returns Access Accept After
Authenticated Provisioning: Check this
check box if you want Cisco ISE to return
an access-accept package after authenticated
PAC provisioning.

• Allow Machine Authenticatio: Check this check

box for Cisco ISE to provision an end-user client
with a machine PAC and perform machine
authentication (for end-user clients who do not
have the machine credentials). The machine PAC
can be provisioned to the client by request
(in-band) or by the administrator (out-of-band).
When Cisco ISE receives a valid machine PAC
from the end-user client, the machine identity

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Acting as a RADIUS Proxy Server

Field Name Usage Guidelines

details are extracted from the PAC and verified
in the Cisco ISE external identity source. Cisco
ISE only supports Active Directory as an external
identity source for machine authentication. After
these details are correctly verified, no further
authentication is performed.
When you check this option, you can enter a
value for the amount of time that a machine PAC
is acceptable for use. When Cisco ISE receives
an expired machine PAC, it automatically
reprovisions the end-user client with a new
machine PAC (without waiting for a new
machine PAC request from the end-user client).
• Enable Stateless Session Resume: Check this
check box for Cisco ISE to provision
authorization PACs for EAP-FAST clients and
skip phase two of EAP-FAST (default =
Uncheck this check box in the following cases:
• If you do not want Cisco ISE to provision
authorization PACs for EAP-FAST clients
• To always perform phase two of EAP-FAST
When you check this option, you can enter
the authorization period of the user
authorization PAC. After this period, the
PAC expires. When Cisco ISE receives an
expired authorization PAC, it performs
phase two EAP-FAST authentication.

Related Topics
OOB TrustSec PAC, on page 904
Generate the PAC for EAP-FAST, on page 846

Cisco ISE Acting as a RADIUS Proxy Server

Cisco ISE can function both as a RADIUS server and as a RADIUS proxy server. When it acts as a proxy
server, Cisco ISE receives authentication and accounting requests from the network access server (NAS) and
forwards them to the external RADIUS server. Cisco ISE accepts the results of the requests and returns them
to the NAS.
Cisco ISE can simultaneously act as a proxy server to multiple external RADIUS servers. You can use the
external RADIUS servers that you configure here in RADIUS server sequences. The External RADIUS Server
page lists all the external RADIUS servers that you have defined in Cisco ISE. You can use the filter option
to search for specific RADIUS servers based on the name or description, or both. In both simple and rule-based
authentication policies, you can use the RADIUS server sequences to proxy the requests to a RADIUS server.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure External RADIUS Servers

The RADIUS server sequence strips the domain name from the RADIUS-Username attribute for RADIUS
authentications. This domain stripping is not applicable for EAP authentications, which use the EAP-Identity
attribute. The RADIUS proxy server obtains the username from the RADIUS-Username attribute and strips
it from the character that you specify when you configure the RADIUS server sequence. For EAP
authentications, the RADIUS proxy server obtains the username from the EAP-Identity attribute. EAP
authentications that use the RADIUS server sequence will succeed only if the EAP-Identity and
RADIUS-Username values are the same.

Configure External RADIUS Servers

You must configure the external RADIUS servers in the Cisco ISE to enable it to forward requests to the
external RADIUS servers. You can define the timeout period and the number of connection attempts.

Before you begin

• You cannot use the external RADIUS servers that you create in this section by themselves. You must
create a RADIUS server sequence and configure it to use the RADIUS server that you create in this
section. You can then use the RADIUS server sequence in authentication policies.
• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > External
RADIUS Servers.
The RADIUS Servers page appears with a list of external RADIUS servers that are defined in Cisco ISE.

Step 2 Click Add to add an external RADIUS server.

Step 3 Enter the values as required.
Step 4 Click Submit to save the external RADIUS server configuration.

Define RADIUS Server Sequences

RADIUS server sequences in Cisco ISE allow you to proxy requests from a NAD to an external RADIUS
server that will process the request and return the result to Cisco ISE, which forwards the response to the
RADIUS Server Sequences page lists all the RADIUS server sequences that you have defined in Cisco ISE.
You can create, edit, or duplicate RADIUS server sequences from this page.

Before you begin

• Before you begin this procedure, you should have a basic understanding of the Proxy Service and must
have successfully completed the task in the first entry of the Related Links.
• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > RADIUS Server
Step 2 Click Add.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Acting as a TACACS+ Proxy Client

Step 3 Enter the values as required.

Step 4 Click Submit to save the RADIUS server sequence to be used in policies.

Cisco ISE Acting as a TACACS+ Proxy Client

Cisco ISE can act as proxy client to external TACACS+ servers. When it acts as a proxy client, Cisco ISE
receives authentication, authorization, and accounting requests from the Network Access Server (NAS) and
forwards them to the external TACACS+ server. Cisco ISE accepts the results of the requests and returns
them to the NAS.
The TACACS+ External Servers page lists all the external TACACS+ servers that you have defined in Cisco
ISE. You can use the filter option to search for specific TACACS+ servers based on the name or description,
or both.
Cisco ISE can simultaneously act as a proxy client to multiple external TACACS+ servers. In order to configure
multiple external servers, you can use the TACACS+ server sequence page. Refer to the TACACS+ Server
Sequence Settings page for more information.

Configure External TACACS+ Servers

You must configure the external TACACS servers in the Cisco ISE to enable it to forward requests to the
external TACACS servers. You can define the timeout period and the number of connection attempts.

Before you begin

• You cannot use the external TACACS servers that you create in this section directly in the policy. You
must create a TACACS server sequence and configure it to use the TACACS server that you create in
this section. You can then use the TACACS server sequence in the policy sets.
• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Network
Resources > TACACS External Servers.
The TACACS External Servers page appears with a list of external TACACS servers that are defined in Cisco ISE.
Step 2 Click Add to add an external TACACS server.
Step 3 Enter the values as required.
Step 4 Click Submit to save the external TACACS server configuration.

TACACS+ External Server Settings

The following table describes the fields in the TACACS External Servers page. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Network Resources > TACACS
External Servers page.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Define TACACS+ Server Sequences

Table 136: TACACS+ External Server Settings

Fields Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the TACACS+ external server.

Description Enter a description for the TACACS+ external server


Host IP Enter the IP address (IPv4 or IPv6 address) of the

remote TACACS+ external server.

Connection Port Enter the port number of the remote TACACS+

external server. The port number is 49.

Timeout Specify the number of seconds that ISE should wait

for a response from the external TACACS+ server.
The default is 5 seconds. Valid values are from 1 to

Shared Secret A string of text that is used to secure a connection

with the TACACS+ External Server. The connection
will be rejected by the TACACS+ External server if
this is not configured correctly.

Use Single Connect The TACACS protocol supports two modes for
associating sessions to connections: Single Connect
and Non-Single Connect. Single connect mode reuses
a single TCP connection for many TACACS+ sessions
that a client may initiate. Non-Single Connect opens
a new TCP connection for every TACACS+ session
that a client initiates. The TCP connection is closed
after each session.
You can check the Use Single Connect check box for
high-traffic environment and uncheck it for low-traffic

Define TACACS+ Server Sequences

TACACS+ server sequences in Cisco ISE allow you to proxy requests from a NAD to an external TACACS+
server that will process the request and return the result to Cisco ISE, which forwards the response to the
NAD. The TACACS+ Server Sequences page lists all the TACACS+ server sequences that you have defined
in Cisco ISE. You can create, edit, or duplicate TACACS+ server sequences from this page.

Before you begin

• You should have a basic understanding of the Proxy Service, Cisco ISE Admin Groups, Access Levels,
Permissions, and Restrictions.
• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.
• Ensure that the external TACACS+ servers that you intend to use in the TACACS+ server sequence are
already defined.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

TACACS+ Server Sequence Settings

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Network
Resources > TACACS External Server Sequence.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the required values.
Step 4 Click Submit to save the TACACS+ server sequence to be used in policies.

TACACS+ Server Sequence Settings

The following table describes the fields in the TACACS Server Sequence page. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Network Resources > TACACS
Server Sequence page.

Table 137: TACACS+ Server Sequence Settings

Fields Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the TACACS proxy server


Description Enter a description for the TACACS proxy server


Server List Select the required TACACS proxy servers from the
Available list. The available list contains the list of
TACACS proxy servers configured in the TACACS
External Services Page.

Logging Control Check to enable logging control:

• Local Accounting: Accounting messages are
logged by the server that handles requests from
• Remote Accounting: Accounting messages are
logged by the proxy server that handles requests
from devices.

Username Stripping Username Prefix/Suffix Stripping:

• Prefix Strip: Check to strip the username from
the prefix. For example, if the subject name is
acme\smith and the separator is \, the username
becomes smith. The default separator is \.
• Suffix Strip: Check to strip the username from
the suffix. For example, if the subject name is and the separator is @, the
username becomes smith. The default separator
is @.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Network Access Service

Network Access Service

A network access service contains the authentication policy conditions for requests. You can create separate
network access services for different use cases, for example, Wired 802.1X, Wired MAB, and so on. To create
a network access service, configure allowed protocols or server sequences. The network access service for
network access policies is then configured from the Policy Sets page.

Define Allowed Protocols for Network Access

Allowed protocols define the set of protocols that Cisco ISE can use to communicate with the device that
requests access to the network resources. An allowed protocols access service is an independent entity that
you should create before you configure authentication policies. Allowed protocols access service is an object
that contains your chosen protocols for a particular use case.
The Allowed Protocols Services page lists all the allowed protocols services that you create. There is a default
network access service that is predefined in the Cisco ISE.

Before you begin

Before you begin this procedure, you should have a basic understanding of the protocol services that are used
for authentication.
• Review the Cisco ISE Authentication Policies section in this chapter to understand authentication type
and the protocols that are supported by various databases.
• Review the PAC Options to understand the functions and options for each protocol service, so you can
make the selections that are appropriate for your network.
• Ensure that you have defined the global protocol settings.

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authentication > Allowed Protocols.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the required information.
Step 4 Select the appropriate authentication protocols and options for your network.
Step 5 If you choose to use PACs, make the appropriate selections.
To enable Anonymous PAC Provisioning, you must choose both the inner methods, EAP-MSCHAPv2 and Extensible
Authentication Protocol-Generic Token Card (EAP-GTC). Also, be aware that Cisco ISE only supports Active Directory
as an external identity source for machine authentication.

Step 6 Click Submit to save the allowed protocols service.

The allowed protocols service appears as an independent object in the simple and rule-based authentication policy pages.
You can use this object in different rules.
You can now create a simple or rule-based authentication policy.
If you disable EAP-MSCHAP as inner method and enable EAP-GTC and EAP-TLS inner methods for PEAP or EAP-FAST,
ISE starts EAP-GTC inner method during inner method negotiation. Before the first EAP-GTC message is sent to the
client, ISE executes identity selection policy to obtain GTC password from the identity store. During the execution of
this policy, EAP authentication is equal to EAP-GTC. If EAP-GTC inner method is rejected by the client and EAP-TLS

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Network Access for Users

is negotiated, identity store policy is not executed again. In case identity store policy is based on EAP authentication
attribute, it might have unexpected results since the real EAP authentication is EAP-TLS but was set after identity policy

Network Access for Users

For network access, a host connects to the network device and requests to use network resources. The network
device identifies the newly connected host, and, using the RADIUS protocol as a transport mechanism, requests
Cisco ISE to authenticate and authorize the user.
Cisco ISE supports network access flows depending on the protocol that is transported over the RADIUS

RADIUS-Based Protocols Without EAP

RADIUS-based protocols that do not include EAP include the following:
• Password Authentication Protocol (PAP)
• Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol version 1 (MS-CHAPv1)
• MS-CHAP version 2 (MS-CHAPv2)

RADIUS-Based Non-EAP Authentication Flow

This section describes RADIUS-based flow without EAP authentication. RADIUS-based flow with PAP
authentication occurs in the following process:
1. A host connects to a network device.
2. The network device sends a RADIUS request (Access-Request) to Cisco ISE that contains RADIUS
attributes that are appropriate to the specific protocol that is being used (PAP, CHAP, MS-CHAPv1, or
3. Cisco ISE uses an identity store to validate user credentials.
4. A RADIUS response (Access-Accept or Access-Reject) is sent to the network device that will apply the

The following figure shows a RADIUS-based authentication without EAP.

Figure 44: RADIUS-Based Authentication Without EAP

The non-EAP protocols supported by Cisco ISE are:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Password Authentication Protocol

Password Authentication Protocol

PAP provides a simple method for users to establish their identity by using a two-way handshake. The PAP
password is encrypted with a shared secret and is the least sophisticated authentication protocol. PAP is not
a strong authentication method because it offers little protection from repeated trial-and-error attacks.

RADIUS-Based PAP Authentication in Cisco ISE

Cisco ISE checks the username and password pair against the identity stores, until it eventually acknowledges
the authentication or terminates the connection.
You can use different levels of security concurrently with Cisco ISE for different requirements. PAP applies
a two-way handshaking procedure. If authentication succeeds, Cisco ISE returns an acknowledgment; otherwise,
Cisco ISE terminates the connection or gives the originator another chance.
The originator is in total control of the frequency and timing of the attempts. Therefore, any server that can
use a stronger authentication method will offer to negotiate that method prior to PAP. RFC 1334 defines PAP.
Cisco ISE supports standard RADIUS PAP authentication that is based on the RADIUS UserPassword attribute.
RADIUS PAP authentication is compatible with all identity stores.
The RADIUS-with-PAP-authentication flow includes logging of passed and failed attempts.

Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol

CHAP uses a challenge-response mechanism with one-way encryption on the response. CHAP enables Cisco
ISE to negotiate downward from the most-secure to the least-secure encryption mechanism, and it protects
passwords that are transmitted in the process. CHAP passwords are reusable. If you are using the Cisco ISE
internal database for authentication, you can use PAP or CHAP. CHAP does not work with the Microsoft
user database. Compared to RADIUS PAP, CHAP allows a higher level of security for encrypting passwords
when communicating from an end-user client to the AAA client.
Cisco ISE supports standard RADIUS CHAP authentication that is based on the RADIUS ChapPassword
attribute. Cisco ISE supports RADIUS CHAP authentication only with internal identity stores.

Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol Version 1

Cisco ISE supports the RADIUS MS-CHAPv1 authentication and change-password features. RADIUS
MS-CHAPv1 contains two versions of the change-password feature: Change-Password-V1 and
Change-Password-V2.Cisco ISE does not support Change-Password-V1 based on the RADIUS
MS-CHAP-CPW-1 attribute, and supports only Change-Password-V2 based on the MS-CHAP-CPW-2
attribute.The RADIUS MS-CHAPv1 authentication and change-password features are supported with the
following identity sources:
• Internal identity stores
• Microsoft Active Directory identity store

Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol Version 2

The RADIUS MS-CHAPv2 authentication and change-password features are supported with the following
identity sources:
• Internal identity stores
• Microsoft Active Directory identity store

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

RADIUS-Based EAP Protocols

RADIUS-Based EAP Protocols

EAP provides an extensible framework that supports various authentication types. This section describes the
EAP methods supported by Cisco ISE and contains the following topics:

Simple EAP Methods

• EAP-Message Digest 5
• Lightweight EAP

EAP Methods That Use Cisco ISE Server Certificate for Authentication

Apart from the methods listed above, there are EAP methods that use certificates for both server and client

RADIUS-Based EAP Authentication Flow

Whenever EAP is involved in the authentication process, the process is preceded by an EAP negotiation phase
to determine which specific EAP method (and inner method, if applicable) should be used. EAP-based
authentication occurs in the following process:
1. A host connects to a network device.
2. The network device sends an EAP Request to the host.
3. The host replies with an EAP Response to the network device.
4. The network device encapsulates the EAP Response that it received from the host into a RADIUS
Access-Request (using the EAP-Message RADIUS attribute) and sends the RADIUS Access-Request to
Cisco ISE.
5. Cisco ISE extracts the EAP Response from the RADIUS packet and creates a new EAP Request,
encapsulates it into a RADIUS Access-Challenge (again, using the EAP-Message RADIUS attribute),
and sends it to the network device.
6. The network device extracts the EAP Request and sends it to the host.

In this way, the host and Cisco ISE indirectly exchange EAP messages (transported over RADIUS and passed
through the network device). The initial set of EAP messages that are exchanged in this manner negotiate the
specific EAP method that will subsequently be used to perform the authentication.
The EAP messages that are subsequently exchanged are then used to carry the data that is needed to perform
the actual authentication. If it is required by the specific EAP authentication method that is negotiated, Cisco
ISE uses an identity store to validate user credentials.
After Cisco ISE determines whether the authentication should pass or fail, it sends either an EAP-Success or
EAP-Failure message, encapsulated into a RADIUS Access-Accept or Access-Reject message to the network
device (and ultimately also to the host).

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Extensible Authentication Protocol-Message Digest 5

The following figure shows a RADIUS-based authentication with EAP.

Figure 45: RADIUS-Based Authentication with EAP

Extensible Authentication Protocol-Message Digest 5

Extensible Authentication Protocol-Message Digest 5 (EAP-MD5) provides one-way client authentication.
The server sends the client a random challenge. The client proves its identity in a response by encrypting the
challenge and its password with MD5. Because a man in the middle could see the challenge and response,
EAP-MD5 is vulnerable to dictionary attack when used over an open medium. Because no server authentication
occurs, it is also vulnerable to spoofing. Cisco ISE supports EAP-MD5 authentication against the Cisco ISE
internal identity store. Host Lookup is also supported when using the EAP-MD5 protocol.

Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol

Cisco ISE currently uses Lightweight Extensible Authentication Protocol (LEAP) only for Cisco Aironet
wireless networking. If you do not enable this option, Cisco Aironet end-user clients who are configured to
perform LEAP authentication cannot access the network. If all Cisco Aironet end-user clients use a different
authentication protocol, such as Extensible Authentication Protocol-Transport Layer Security (EAP-TLS),
we recommend that you disable this option.

Note If users access your network by using a AAA client that is defined in the Network Devices section as a RADIUS
(Cisco Aironet) device, then you must enable LEAP, EAP-TLS, or both; otherwise, Cisco Aironet users cannot

Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol

Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP) provides mutual authentication, ensures confidentiality
and integrity to vulnerable user credentials, protects itself against passive (eavesdropping) and active
(man-in-the-middle) attacks, and securely generates cryptographic keying material. PEAP is compatible with
the IEEE 802.1X standard and RADIUS protocol. Cisco ISE supports PEAP version 0 (PEAPv0) and PEAP
version 1 (PEAPv1) with Extensible Authentication Protocol-Microsoft Challenge Handshake Authentication
Protocol (EAP-MS-CHAP), Extensible Authentication Protocol-Generic Token Card (EAP-GTC), and
EAP-TLS inner methods. The Cisco Secure Services Client (SSC) supplicant supports all of the PEAPv1
inner methods that Cisco ISE supports.

Advantages of Using PEAP

Using PEAP presents these advantages: PEAP is based on TLS, which is widely implemented and has
undergone extensive security review. It establishes a key for methods that do not derive keys. It sends an
identity within the tunnel. It protects inner method exchanges and the result message. It supports fragmentation.

Supported Supplicants for the PEAP Protocol

PEAP supports these supplicants:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

PEAP Protocol Flow

• Microsoft Built-In Clients 802.1X XP

• Microsoft Built-In Clients 802.1X Vista
• Cisco Secure Services Client (SSC), Release 4.0
• Cisco SSC, Release 5.1
• Funk Odyssey Access Client, Release 4.72
• Intel, Release

PEAP Protocol Flow

A PEAP conversation can be divided into three parts:
1. Cisco ISE and the peer build a TLS tunnel. Cisco ISE presents its certificate, but the peer does not. The
peer and Cisco ISE create a key to encrypt the data inside the tunnel.
2. The inner method determines the flow within the tunnel:
• EAP-MS-CHAPv2 inner method—EAP-MS-CHAPv2 packets travel inside the tunnel without their
headers. The first byte of the header contains the type field. EAP-MS-CHAPv2 inner methods support
the change-password feature. You can configure the number of times that the user can attempt to
change the password through the Admin portal. User authentication attempts are limited by this
• EAP-GTC inner method—Both PEAPv0 and PEAPv1 support the EAP-GTC inner method. The
supported supplicants do not support PEAPv0 with the EAP-GTC inner method. EAP-GTC supports
the change-password feature. You can configure the number of times that the user can attempt to
change the password through the Admin portal. User authentication attempts are limited by this
• EAP-TLS inner method—The Windows built-in supplicant does not support fragmentation of
messages after the tunnel is established, and this affects the EAP-TLS inner method. Cisco ISE does
not support fragmentation of the outer PEAP message after the tunnel is established. During tunnel
establishment, fragmentation works as specified in PEAP documentation. In PEAPv0, EAP-TLS
packet headers are removed, and in PEAPv1, EAP-TLS packets are transmitted unchanged.
• Extensible Authentication Protocol-type, length, value (EAP-TLV) extension—EAP-TLV packets
are transmitted unchanged. EAP-TLV packets travel with their headers inside the tunnel.

3. There is protected acknowledgment of success and failure if the conversation has reached the inner method.
The client EAP message is always carried in the RADIUS Access-Request message, and the server EAP
message is always carried in the RADIUS Access-Challenge message. The EAP-Success message is
always carried in the RADIUS Access-Accept message. The EAP-Failure message is always carried in
the RADIUS Access-Reject message. Dropping the client PEAP message results in dropping the RADIUS
client message.

Note Cisco ISE requires acknowledgment of the EAP-Success or EAP-Failure message during PEAPv1
communication. The peer must send back a PEAP packet with empty TLS data field to acknowledge the
receipt of success or failure message.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Extensible Authentication Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling

Extensible Authentication Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling

Extensible Authentication Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST) is an
authentication protocol that provides mutual authentication and uses a shared secret to establish a tunnel. The
tunnel is used to protect weak authentication methods that are based on passwords. The shared secret, referred
to as a Protected Access Credentials (PAC) key, is used to mutually authenticate the client and server while
securing the tunnel.

Benefits of EAP-FAST
EAP-FAST provides the following benefits over other authentication protocols:
• Mutual authentication—The EAP server must be able to verify the identity and authenticity of the peer,
and the peer must be able to verify the authenticity of the EAP server.
• Immunity to passive dictionary attacks—Many authentication protocols require a password to be explicitly
provided, either as cleartext or hashed, by the peer to the EAP server.
• Immunity to man-in-the-middle attacks—In establishing a mutually authenticated protected tunnel, the
protocol must prevent adversaries from successfully interjecting information into the conversation between
the peer and the EAP server.
• Flexibility to enable support for many different password authentication interfaces such as MS-CHAPv2,
Generic Token Card (GTC), and others—EAP-FAST is an extensible framework that allows support of
multiple internal protocols by the same server.
• Efficiency—When using wireless media, peers are limited in computational and power resources.
EAP-FAST enables the network access communication to be computationally lightweight.
• Minimization of the per-user authentication state requirements of the authentication server—With large
deployments, it is typical to have many servers acting as the authentication servers for many peers. It is
also highly desirable for a peer to use the same shared secret to secure a tunnel much the same way that
it uses the username and password to gain access to the network. EAP-FAST facilitates the use of a
single, strong, shared secret by the peer, while enabling servers to minimize the per-user and device state
that it must cache and manage.

The EAP-FAST protocol flow is always a combination of the following phases:
1. Provisioning phase—This is phase zero of EAP-FAST. During this phase, the peer is provisioned with a
unique, strong secret that is referred to as the PAC that is shared between the Cisco ISE and the peer.
2. Tunnel establishment phase—The client and server authenticate each other by using the PAC to establish
a fresh tunnel key. The tunnel key is then used to protect the rest of the conversation and provides message
confidentiality and with authenticity.
3. Authentication phase—The authentication is processed inside the tunnel and includes the generation of
session keys and protected termination.Cisco ISE supports EAP-FAST versions 1 and 1a.

Enable MAB from Non-Cisco Devices

Configure the following settings sequentially to configure MAB from non-Cisco devices.

Step 1 Ensure that the MAC address of the endpoints that are to be authenticated are available in the Endpoints database. You
can add these endpoints or have them profiled automatically by the Profiler service.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Enable MAB from Non-Cisco Devices

Step 2 Create a Network Device Profile based on the type of MAC authentication used by the non-Cisco device (PAP, CHAP,
or EAP-MD5).
a) Choose Administration > Network Resources > Network Device Profiles.
b) Click Add.
c) Enter a name and description for the network device profile.
d) Select the vendor name from the Vendor drop-down list.
e) Check the check boxes for the protocols that the device supports. If the device supports RADIUS, select the RADIUS
dictionary to use with the network device.
f) Expand the Authentication/Authorization section to configure the device's default settings for flow types, attribute
aliasing, and host lookup.
g) In the Host Lookup (MAB) section, do the following:
• Process Host Lookup—Check this check box to define the protocols for host lookup used by the network device
Network devices from different vendors perform MAB authentication differently. Depending on the device type,
check the Check Password check box and/or Check Calling-Station-Id equals MAC Address check box, for
the protocol you are using.
• Via PAP/ASCII—Check this check box to configure Cisco ISE to detect a PAP request from the network device
profile as a Host Lookup request.
• Via CHAP—Check this check box to configure Cisco ISE to detect this type of request from the network devices
as a Host Lookup request.
• Via EAP-MD5—Check this check box to enable EAP-based MD5 hashed authentication for the network device

h) Enter the required details in the Permissions, Change of Authorization (CoA), and Redirect sections, and then click
For information on how to create custom NAD profiles, see Network Access Device Profiles with Cisco Identity
Services Engine.

Step 3 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices.
Step 4 Select the device for which you want to enable MAB, and then click Edit.
Step 5 In the Network Device page, select the network device profile that you created in step 2 from the Device Profile drop-down
Step 6 Click Save.

Note For Cisco NADs, the Service-Type values used for MAB and web/user authentication are different. This
allows ISE to differentiate MAB from web authentication when Cisco NADs are used. Some non-Cisco NADs
use the same value for the Service-Type attribute for both MAB and web/user authentication; this may lead
to security issues in your access policies. If you are using MAB with non-Cisco devices, we recommend that
you configure additional authorization policy rules to ensure that your network security is not compromised.
For example, if a printer is using MAB, you could configure an authorization policy rule to restrict it to printer
protocol ports in the ACL.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Enable MAB from Cisco Devices

Enable MAB from Cisco Devices

Configure the following settings sequentially to configure MAB from Cisco devices.

Step 1 Ensure that the MAC address of the endpoints that are to be authenticated are available in the Endpoints database. You
can add these endpoints or have them profiled automatically by the Profiler service.
Step 2 Create a Network Device Profile based on the type of MAC authentication used by the Cisco device (PAP, CHAP, or
a) In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network
Device Profiles.
b) Click Add.
c) Enter a name and description for the network device profile.
d) Check the check boxes for the protocols that the device supports. If the device supports RADIUS, select the RADIUS
dictionary to use with the network device.
e) Expand the Authentication/Authorization section to configure the device's default settings for flow types, attribute
aliasing, and host lookup.
f) In the Host Lookup (MAB) section, do the following:
• Process Host Lookup—Check this check box to define the protocols for host lookup used by the network device
Depending on the device type, check the Check Password check box and/or Check Calling-Station-Id equals
MAC Address check box, for the protocol you are using.
• Via PAP/ASCII—Check this check box to configure Cisco ISE to detect a PAP request from the network device
profile as a Host Lookup request.
• Via CHAP—Check this check box to configure Cisco ISE to detect this type of request from the network devices
as a Host Lookup request.
• Via EAP-MD5—Check this check box to enable EAP-based MD5 hashed authentication for the network device

g) Enter the required details in the Permissions, Change of Authorization (CoA), and Redirect sections, and then click
For information on how to create custom NAD profiles, see Network Access Device Profiles with Cisco Identity
Services Engine.

Step 3 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices.
Step 4 Select the device for which you want to enable MAB, and then click Edit.
Step 5 In the Network Device page, select the network device profile that you created in step 2 from the Device Profile drop-down
Step 6 Click Save.

ISE Community Resource

For information about IP phone authentication capabilities, see Phone Authentication Capabilities.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

TrustSec Architecture

TrustSec Architecture
The Cisco TrustSec solution establishes clouds of trusted network devices to build secure networks. Each
device in the Cisco TrustSec cloud is authenticated by its neighbors (peers). Communication between the
devices in the TrustSec cloud is secured with a combination of encryption, message integrity checks, and
data-path replay protection mechanisms. The TrustSec solution uses the device and user identity information
that it obtains during authentication to classify, or color, the packets as they enter the network. This packet
classification is maintained by tagging packets when they enter the TrustSec network so that they can be
properly identified for the purpose of applying security and other policy criteria along the data path. The tag,
also called the security group tag (SGT), allows Cisco ISE to enforce access control policies by enabling the
endpoint device to act upon the SGT to filter traffic.
The following figure shows an example of a TrustSec network cloud.
Figure 46: TrustSec Architecture

ISE Community Resource

For information on how to simplify network segmentation and improve security using Cisco TrustSec, see
Simplify Network Segmentation with Cisco TrustSec and Policy-Based Software Defined Segmentation
and Cisco TrustSec Improve Security White Paper.
For a complete list of Cisco TrustSec platform support matrices, see Cisco TrustSec Platform Support Matrix.
For a complete list of support documentation available for TrustSec, see Cisco TrustSec.
For a complete list of TrustSec community resources, see TrustSec Community.

TrustSec Components
The key TrustSec components include:
• Network Device Admission Control (NDAC)—In a trusted network, during authentication, each network
device (for example Ethernet switch) in a TrustSec cloud is verified for its credential and trustworthiness
by its peer device. NDAC uses the IEEE 802.1X port-based authentication and uses Extensible
Authentication Protocol-Flexible Authentication via Secure Tunneling (EAP-FAST) as its Extensible

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

TrustSec Terminology

Authentication Protocol (EAP) method. Successful authentication and authorization in the NDAC process
results in Security Association Protocol negotiation for IEEE 802.1AE encryption.
• Endpoint Admission Control (EAC)—An authentication process for an endpoint user or a device
connecting to the TrustSec cloud. EAC typically happens at the access level switch. Successful
authentication and authorization in EAC process results in SGT assignment to the user or device. EAC
access methods for authentication and authorization includes:
• 802.1X port-based authentication
• MAC authentication bypass (MAB)
• Web authentication (WebAuth)

• Security Group (SG)—A grouping of users, endpoint devices, and resources that share access control
policies. SGs are defined by the administrator in Cisco ISE. As new users and devices are added to the
TrustSec domain, Cisco ISE assigns these new entities to the appropriate security groups.
• Security Group Tag (SGT)—TrustSec service assigns to each security group a unique 16-bit security
group number whose scope is global within a TrustSec domain. The number of security groups in the
switch is limited to the number of authenticated network entities. You do not have to manually configure
security group numbers. They are automatically generated, but you have the option to reserve a range of
SGTs for IP-to-SGT mapping.
• Security Group Access Control List (SGACL)—SGACLs allow you to control the access and permissions
based on the SGTs that are assigned. The grouping of permissions into a role simplifies the management
of security policy. As you add devices, you simply assign one or more security groups, and they
immediately receive the appropriate permissions. You can modify the security groups to introduce new
privileges or restrict current permissions.
• Security Exchange Protocol (SXP)—SGT Exchange Protocol (SXP) is a protocol developed for TrustSec
service to propagate the IP-SGT bindings across network devices that do not have SGT-capable hardware
support to hardware that supports SGT/SGACL.
• Environment Data Download—The TrustSec device obtains its environment data from Cisco ISE when
it first joins a trusted network. You can also manually configure some of the data on the device. The
device must refresh the environment data before it expires. The TrustSec device obtains the following
environment data from Cisco ISE:
• Server lists—List of servers that the client can use for future RADIUS requests (for both
authentication and authorization)
• Device SG—Security group to which the device itself belongs
• Expiry timeout—Interval that controls how often the TrustSec device should download or refresh
its environment data

• Identity-to-Port Mapping—A method for a switch to define the identity on a port to which an endpoint
is connected, and to use this identity to look up a particular SGT value in the Cisco ISE server.

TrustSec Terminology
The following table lists some of the common terms that are used in the TrustSec solution and their meaning
in an TrustSec environment.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Supported Switches and Required Components for TrustSec

Table 138: TrustSec Terminology

Term Meaning

Supplicant A device that tries to join a trusted network.

Authentication The process of verifying the identity of each device

before allowing it to be part of the trusted network.

Authorization The process of deciding the level of access to a device

that requests access to a resource on a trusted network
based on the authenticated identity of the device.

Access control The process of applying access control on a per-packet

basis based on the SGT that is assigned to each packet.

Secure communication The process of encryption, integrity, and data-path

replay protection for securing the packets that flow
over each link in a trusted network.

TrustSec device Any of the Cisco Catalyst 6000 Series or Cisco Nexus
7000 Series switches that support the TrustSec

TrustSec-capable device A TrustSec-capable device will have TrustSec-capable

hardware and software. For example, the Nexus 7000
Series Switches with the Nexus operating system.

TrustSec seed device The TrustSec device that authenticates directly against
the Cisco ISE server. It acts as both the authenticator
and supplicant.

Ingress When packets first encounter a TrustSec-capable

device that is part of a network where the Cisco
TrustSec solution is enabled, they are tagged with an
SGT. This point of entry into the trusted network is
called the ingress.

Egress When packets pass the last TrustSec-capable device

that is part of a network where the Cisco TrustSec
solution is enabled, they are untagged. This point of
exit from the trusted network is called the egress.

Supported Switches and Required Components for TrustSec

To set up a Cisco ISE network that is enabled with the Cisco TrustSec solution, you need switches that support
the TrustSec solution and other components. Apart from the switches, you also need other components for
identity-based user access control using the IEEE 802.1X protocol. For a complete up-to-date list of the
Trustsec-supported Cisco switch platforms and the required components, see Cisco TrustSec-Enabled

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Integration with Cisco DNA Center

Integration with Cisco DNA Center

Cisco ISE is a major component of Cisco Digital Network Architecture (DNA). Cisco DNA Center allows
you to automate your network to provide business agility. When you integrate Cisco ISE and Cisco DNA
Center, Cisco ISE provides endpoint authentication for Cisco DNA Center.

Connecting Cisco DNA Center to Cisco ISE

See the requirements and instructions for configuring Cisco DNA Center and Cisco ISE in the DNAC User
This section provides additional information about the Cisco ISE configuration for Cisco DNA Center.
• Passwords: Cisco DNA Center uses the Cisco ISE admin username and password when it connects to
Cisco ISE to authenticate access to Cisco ISE. For details about system passwords, see the Administrative
Access to Cisco ISE section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Getting Started .

Note In Cisco DNA Center versions earlier than, the Cisco ISE CLI was used
to perform the initial integration steps, and hence the Cisco ISE CLI and admin
usernames and passwords had to be the same. From Cisco DNA Center Release onwards, the use of Cisco ISE CLI has been dropped, and hence the Cisco
ISE CLI and admin usernames and passwords need not be the same.

• APIs: Cisco DNA Center configures some parts of ISE by calling ISE APIs. Enable API access in Cisco
ISE, but do not enable CSRF. For more information, see the Enable External RESTful Services APIs
section in
• pxGrid: Cisco ISE is a pxGrid controller, and Cisco DNA Center is a subscriber. Both Cisco ISE and
Cisco DNA Center monitor the Trustsec (SD-Access) content, which contains SGT and SGACL
information. Synchronize the system clocks between Cisco ISE and Cisco DNA Center. Cisco ISE uses
a certificate to connect to pxGrid, which is configured by Cisco DNA Center for their connection. For
more information about pxGrid in Cisco ISE, see the pxGrid Node section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide:
Deployment .

Note Cisco ISE 2.4 and later supports pxGrid 2.0 and pxGrid 1.0. Although pxGrid
2.0 allows up to 4 pxGrid nodes in the Cisco ISE deployment, Cisco DNA Center
does not currently support more than 2 pxGrid nodes.

• Cisco ISE IP Address: The connection between the Cisco ISE PAN and Cisco DNA Center must be
direct. It cannot be through a proxy, a load balancer, or virtual IP address. Both Cisco ISE and Cisco
DNA Center configure a static address for each other.
Verify that Cisco ISE is not using a proxy. If it is, exclude the Cisco DNA Center IP from the proxy.
The following features support IPv4 and IPv6 IP addresses:
• External RESTful Services (ERS) API

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

TrustSec Dashboard

• Admin REST API

• Secure Shell (SSH) Protocol

• SXP: DNA Center does not require SXP. You may want to enable SXP when you connect Cisco ISE to
the DNA-managed network, so Cisco ISE can communicate with network devices that don’t have hardware
support for Trustsec (SD-Access).

Note When configuring your ISE deployment to support Trustsec, or when ISE is
integrated with Cisco DNA Center, do not configure an ISE Policy Service node
as SXP-only. SXP is an interface between Trustsec and non-Trustsec devices. It
does not communicate with the Trustsec-enabled network devices.

• Certificate for connections to Cisco ISE:

• The Cisco ISE admin certificate must contain the Cisco ISE IP or FQDN in subject name or SAN.
• ECDSA is not supported for SSH keys, ISE SSH access, or in certificates for the Cisco DNA Center
and Cisco ISE connection.
• Selfsigned certs on Cisco DNA Center must have the Basic Constraint's extension with cA:TRUE
(RFC5280 section-4.2.19).

Note In Cisco DNA Center versions earlier than, there was a requirement to enable SSH. From Cisco DNA
Center Release onwards, the use of SSH been dropped, and hence there is no need to enable SSH.

TrustSec Dashboard
The TrustSec dashboard is a centralized monitoring tool for the TrustSec network.
The TrustSec dashboard contains the following dashlets:
• Metrics: The Metrics dashlet displays statistics about the behavior of the TrustSec network.
• Active SGT Sessions: The Active SGT Sessions dashlet displays the SGT sessions that are currently
active in the network. The Alarms dashlet displays alarms that are related to the TrustSec sessions.
• Alarms
• NAD / SGT/ACI Quick View: The Quick View dashlet displays TrustSec-related information for NADs
and SGTs.
• TrustSec Sessions / NAD Activity/ACI endpoint Activity Live Log: In the Live Log dashlet, click the
TrustSec Sessions link to view the active TrustSec sessions. You can also view information about TrustSec
protocol data requests and responses from NADs to Cisco ISE.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


This section displays statistics about the behavior of the TrustSec network. You can select the time frame (for
example, past 2 hours, past 2 days, and so on) and the chart type (for example, bars, line, spline).
The latest bar values are displayed on the graphs. It also displays the percentage change from the previous
bar. If there is an increase in the bar value, it will be displayed in green with a plus sign. If there is a decrease
in the value, it will be displayed in red with a minus sign.
Place your cursor on a bar of a graph to view the time at which the value was calculated and its exact value
in the following format: <Value:xxxx Date/Time: xxx>
You can view the following metrics:

SGT sessions Displays the total number of SGT sessions created during the chosen time
Note SGT sessions are the user sessions that received an SGT as
part of the authorization flow.

SGTs in use Displays the total number of unique SGTs that were used during the
chosen time frame. For example, in one hour, if there were 200 TrustSec
sessions, but ISE responded with only 6 types of SGTs in the authorization
responses, the graph will display a value 6 for this hour.

Alarms Displays the total number of alarms and errors that occurred during the
chosen time frame. Errors are displayed in red and alarms are displayed
in yellow.

NADs in use Displays the number of unique NADs, which took part in TrustSec
authentications during the chosen time frame.

Current Network Status

The middle section of the dashboard displays information about the current status of the TrustSec network.
The values displayed in the graphs are updated when the page is loaded and can be refreshed by using the
Refresh Dashboard option.

Active SGT Sessions

This dashlet displays the SGT sessions that are currently active in the network. You can view the top 10 most
used or least used SGTs. The X-axis shows the SGT usage and the Y-axis displays the names of the SGTs.
To view the TrustSec session details for an SGT, click on the bar corresponding to that SGT. The details of
the TrustSec sessions related to that SGT are displayed in the Live Log dashlet.

This dashlet displays the alarms related to the TrustSec sessions. You can view the following details:
• Alarm Severity—Displays an icon that represents the severity level of the alarm.
• High—Includes the alarms that indicate failure in the TrustSec network (for example, device failed
to refresh its PAC). Marked with red icon.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Quick View

• Medium—Includes warnings that indicate wrong configuration of the network device (for example,
device failed to accept CoA message). Marked with yellow.
• Low—Includes general information and update on network behavior (for example, configuration
changes in TrustSec). Marked with blue.

• Alarm description
• Number of times the alarm occurred since this alarm counter was last reset.
• Alarm last occurrence time

Quick View
The Quick View dashlet displays TrustSec-related information for NADs. You can also view the
TrustSec-related information for an SGT.

NAD Quick View

Enter the name of the TrustSec network device for which you want to view the details in the Search box and
press Enter. The search box provides an autocomplete feature, which filters and shows the matched device
names in a drop-down as the user types into the text box.
The following information is displayed in this dashlet:
• NDGs: Lists the Network Device Groups (NDGs) to which this network device belongs.
• IP Address: Displays the IP address of the network device Click on this link to view the NAD activity
details in the Live Logs dashlet.
• Active sessions: Lists the number of active TrustSec sessions connected to this device.
• PAC expiry: Displays the PAC expiry date.
• Last Policy Refresh: Displays the policy last download date.
• Last Authentication: Displays the last authentication report timestamp for this device.
• Active SGTs: Lists the SGTs used in the active sessions that are related to this network device. The
number displayed within the brackets denotes the number of sessions that are currently using this SGT.
Click on an SGT link to view the TrustSec session details in the Live Log dashlet.

You can use the Show Latest Logs option to view the NAD activity live logs for the device.

SGT Quick View

Enter the name of the SGT for which you want to view the details in the Search box and press Enter.
The following information is displayed in this dashlet:
• Value: Displays the SGT value (both decimal and hexadecimal).
• Icon: Displays the icon that is assigned to this SGT.
• Active sessions: Lists the number of active sessions that are currently using this SGT.
• Unique users: Lists the number of unique usernames, which hold this SGT in their active sessions.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Live Log

• Updated NADs: Lists the number of NADs which downloaded policies for this SGT.

ACI Quick View

The following information is displayed in this dashlet:
• SDA SGTs: Lists the number of SGTs sent by Cisco ISE to Cisco SD-Access.
• ACI EPGs: Lists the number of EPGs learnt by Cisco ISE from Cisco ACI.
• SDA Bindings: Lists the number of bindings sent by Cisco ISE to Cisco SD-Access.
• ACI Bindings: Lists the number of bindings learnt by Cisco ISE from Cisco ACI.
• SDA VNs: Lists the number of virtual networks learnt by Cisco ISE from Cisco SD-Access.
• ACI VNs: Lists the number of virtual networks learnt by Cisco ISE from Cisco ACI.
• SDA Extended VNs: Lists the number of extended virtual networks sent from the Cisco SD-Access
domain to the Cisco ACI Domain.
• SDA Tenant: Displays the name of the tenant shared by Cisco SD-Access with Cisco ISE.
• ACI Tenants: Lists the number of tenants shared with Cisco SD-Access by Cisco ACI.
• SDA Domain ID: Displays the domain ID number of Cisco SD-Access.
• ACI Domain ID: Displays the domain ID number of Cisco ACI.
• Peering State: Displays the current state of the peering relation between the Cisco SD-Access domain
and the Cisco ACI Domain.

To know more about Cisco Software-Defined Access (Cisco SD-Access) and Cisco Application Centric
Infrastructure (Cisco ACI), see TrustSec-Cisco ACI Integration, on page 941 and Cisco ACI and Cisco
SD-Access Integration with Virtual Network Awareness, on page 944.

Live Log
Click the TrustSec Sessions link to view the active TrustSec sessions (sessions that have SGT as part of their
Click the NAD Activity link to view information regarding TrustSec protocol data requests and responses
from NADs to Cisco ISE.
Click the ACI endpoint Activity link to view the IP-SGT information learnt by Cisco ISE from Cisco ACI.

Configure TrustSec Global Settings

For Cisco ISE to function as an TrustSec server and provide TrustSec services, you must define some global
TrustSec settings.

Before you begin

• Before you configure global TrustSec settings, ensure that you have defined global EAP-FAST settings
(choose Administration > System > Settings > Protocols > EAP-FAST > EAP-FAST Settings).

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

General TrustSec Settings

You may change the Authority Identity Info Description to your Cisco ISE server name. This description
is a user-friendly string that describes the Cisco ISE server that sends credentials to an endpoint client.
The client in a Cisco TrustSec architecture can be either the endpoint running EAP-FAST as its EAP
method for IEEE 802.1X authentication or the supplicant network device performing Network Device
Access Control (NDAC). The client can discover this string in the protected access credentials (PAC)
type-length-value (TLV) information. The default value is Identity Services Engine. You should change
the value so that the Cisco ISE PAC information can be uniquely identified on network devices upon
NDAC authentication.
• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Settings > General TrustSec
Step 2 Enter the values in the fields. For information about the fields, see General TrustSec Settings, on page 899
Step 3 Click Save.

What to do next
• Configure TrustSec Devices, on page 904

General TrustSec Settings

Define the global TrustSec settings for Cisco ISE to function as a TrustSec server and provide TrustSec
services. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Settings
> General TrustSec Settings.

Verify Trustsec Deployment

This option helps you to verify that the latest TrustSec policies are deployed on all network devices. Alarms
are displayed in the Alarms dashlet, under Work Centers > TrustSec > Dashboard and Home > Summary,
if there are any discrepancies between the policies configured on Cisco ISE and on the network device. The
following alarms are displayed in the TrustSec dashboard:
• An alarm displays with an Info icon whenever the verification process starts or completes.
• An alarm displays with an Info icon if the verification process was cancelled due to a new deployment
• An alarm displays with a Warning icon if the verification process fails with an error. For example, failure
to open the SSH connection with the network device, or if the network device is unavailable, or if there
is any discrepancy between the policies configured on Cisco ISE and on the network device.

The Verify Deployment option is also available from the below windows. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
Menu icon ( ) and choose:
• Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > Security Groups
• Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > Security Group ACLs
• Work Centers > TrustSec > TrustSec Policy > Egress Policy > Matrix

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

General TrustSec Settings

• Work Centers > TrustSec > TrustSec Policy > Egress Policy > Source Tree
• Work Centers > TrustSec > TrustSec Policy > Egress Policy > Destination Tree

Automatic Verification After Every Deploy: Check this check box if you want Cisco ISE to verify the
updates on all the network devices after every deployment. When the deployment process is complete, the
verification process starts after the time you specify in the Time after Deploy Process field.
Time After Deploy Process: Specify the time for which you want Cisco ISE to wait for after the deployment
process is complete, before starting the verification process. The valid range is 10–60 minutes.
The current verification process is cancelled if a new deployment request is received during the waiting period
or if another verification is in progress.
Verify Now: Click this option to start the verification process immediately.

Protected Access Credential (PAC)

• Tunnel PAC Time to Live :
Specify the expiry time for the PAC. The tunnel PAC generates a tunnel for the EAP-FAST protocol.
You can specify the time in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks. The default value is 90 days. The
following are the valid ranges:
• 1–157680000 seconds
• 1–2628000 minutes
• 1–43800 hours
• 1–1825 days
• 1–260 weeks

• Proactive PAC Update Will Occur After: Cisco ISE proactively provides a new PAC to a client after
successful authentication when a configured percentage of the Tunnel PAC TTL remains. The server
starts the tunnel PAC update if the first successful authentication occurs before the PAC expires. This
mechanism updates the client with a valid PAC. The default value is 10%.

Security Group Tag Numbering

• System will Assign SGT Numbers: Choose this option if you want Cisco ISE to automatically generate
the SGT numbers.
• Except Numbers in Range: Choose this option to reserve a range of SGT numbers for manual
configuration. Cisco ISE will not use the values in this range while generating the SGTs.
• User Must Enter SGT Numbers Manually: Choose this option to define the SGT numbers manually.

Security Group Tag Numbering for APIC EPGs

Security Group Tag Numbering for APIC EPGs : Check this check box and specify the range of numbers
to be used for the SGTs created based on the EPGs learnt from APIC.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

General TrustSec Settings

Automatic Security Group Creation

Auto Create Security Groups When Creating Authorization Rules: Check this check box to create the
SGTs automatically while creating the authorization policy rules.
If you select this option, the following message displays at the top of the Authorization Policy window: Auto
Security Group Creation is On

The autocreated SGTs are named based on the rule attributes.

Note The autocreated SGTs are not deleted if you delete the corresponding authorization policy rule.

By default, this option is disabled after a fresh install or upgrade.

• Automatic Naming Options: Use this option to define the naming convention for the autocreated SGTs.
(Mandatory) Name Will Include: Choose one of the following options:
• Rule name
• SGT number
• Rule name and SGT number

By default, the Rule name option is selected.

Optionally, you can add the following information to the SGT name:
• Policy Set Name (this option is available only if Policy Sets are enabled)
• Prefix (up to 8 characters)
• Suffix (up to 8 characters)

Cisco ISE displays a sample SGT name in the Example Name field, based on your selections.
If an SGT exists with the same name, ISE appends _x to the SGT name, where x is the first value, starting
with 1 (if 1 is not used in the current name). If the new name is longer than 32 characters, Cisco ISE
truncate its to the first 32 characters.

IP SGT static mapping of hostnames

IP SGT Static Mapping of Hostnames: If you use FQDN and hostnames, Cisco ISE looks for the
corresponding IP addresses in the PAN and PSN nodes while deploying the mappings and checking the
deployment status. You can use this option to specify the number of mappings that are created for the IP
addresses returned by the DNS query. You can select one of the following options:
• Create mappings for all IP addresses returned by a DNS query
• Create mappings only for the first IPv4 address and the first IPv6 address that is returned by a
DNS query

TrustSec HTTP Service for Network Devices

• Enable HTTP Service: Use HTTP to transfer Trustsec data to network devices over port 9063.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure TrustSec Matrix Settings

• Include entire response payload body in Audit: Enable this option to display the entire TrustSec HTTP
response payload body in the audit logs. This option may dramatically decrease performance. When this
option is disabled, only HTTP headers, status, and authentication information are logged.

Related Topics
TrustSec Architecture, on page 891
TrustSec Components, on page 891
Configure TrustSec Global Settings, on page 898

Configure TrustSec Matrix Settings

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Settings > TrustSec Matrix Settings.
Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Settings > TrustSec Matrix
Step 3 Enter the required details in the TrustSec Matrix Settings page.
Step 4 Click Save.

TrustSec Matrix Settings

The following table describes the fields on the TrustSec Matrix Settings window. To view this window, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Settings > TrustSec Matrix Settings.

Table 139: Configuring TrustSec Matrix Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Allow Multiple SGACLs Check this check box if you want to allow multiple SGACLs
in a cell. If this option is not selected, Cisco ISE will allow
only one SGACL per cell.
By default, this option is disabled upon fresh install.
After upgrade, Cisco ISE will scan the Egress cells and if it
identifies at least one cell with multiple SGACLs assigned
to it, it allows the admin to add multiple SGACLs in a cell.
Otherwise, it allows only one SGACL per cell.
Note Before disabling multiple SGACLs, you must
edit the cells containing multiple SGACLs to
include only one SGACL.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

TrustSec Matrix Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Allow Monitoring Check this check box to enable monitoring for all cells in
the matrix. If monitoring is disabled, Monitor All icon is
greyed out and the Monitor option is disabled in the Edit
Cell dialog.
By default, monitoring is disabled upon fresh install.
Note Before disabling monitoring at matrix level, you
must disable monitoring for the cells that are
currently being monitored.

Show SGT Numbers Use this option to display or hide the SGT values (both
decimal and hexadecimal) in the matrix cells.
By default, the SGT values are displayed in the cells.

Appearance Settings The following options are available:

• Custom settings: The default theme (colors with no
patterns) is displayed initially. You can set your own
colors and patterns.
• Default settings: Predefined list of colors with no
patterns (not editable).
• Accessibility settings: Predefined list of colors with
patterns (not editable).

Color/Pattern To make the matrix more readable, you can apply coloring
and patterns to the matrix cells based on the cell contents.
The following display types are available:
• Permit IP/Permit IP Log: Configured inside the cell
• Deny IP/Deny IP Log: Configured inside the cell
• SGACLs: For SGACLs configured inside the cell
• Permit IP/Permit IP Log (Inherited): Taken from the
default policy (for non-configured cells)
• Deny IP/Deny IP Log (Inherited): Taken from the
default policy (for non-configured cells)
• SGACLs (Inherited): Taken from the default policy
(for non-configured cells)

Related Topics
Egress Policy, on page 914
Matrix View, on page 915
Configure TrustSec Matrix Settings, on page 902

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure TrustSec Devices

Configure TrustSec Devices

For Cisco ISE to process requests from TrustSec-enabled devices, you must define these TrustSec-enabled
devices in Cisco ISE.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > Network
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the required information in the Network Devices section.
Step 4 Check the Advanced Trustsec Settings check box to configure a Trustsec-enabled device.
Step 5 Click Submit.

OOB TrustSec PAC

All TrustSec network devices possess a TrustSec PAC as part of the EAP-FAST protocol. This is also utilized
by the secure RADIUS protocol where the RADIUS shared secret is derived from parameters carried by the
PAC. One of these parameters, Initiator-ID, holds the TrustSec network device identity, namely the Device
If a device is identified using TrustSec PAC and there is no match between the Device ID, as configured for
that device on Cisco ISE, and the Initiator-ID on the PAC, the authentication fails.
Some TrustSec devices (for example, Cisco firewall ASA) do not support the EAP-FAST protocol. Therefore,
Cisco ISE cannot provision these devices with TrustSec PAC over EAP-FAST. Instead, the TrustSec PAC is
generated on Cisco ISE and manually copied to the device; hence this is called as the Out of Band (OOB)
TrustSec PAC generation.
When you generate a PAC from Cisco ISE, a PAC file encrypted with the Encryption Key is generated.
This section describes the following:

Generate a TrustSec PAC from the Settings Screen

You can generate a TrustSec PAC from the Settings screen.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings
Step 2 From the Settings navigation pane on the left, click Protocols.
Step 3 Choose EAP-FAST > Generate PAC.
Step 4 Generate TrustSec PAC.

Generate a TrustSec PAC from the Network Devices Screen

You can generate a TrustSec PAC from the Network Devices screen.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Generate a TrustSec PAC from the Network Devices List Screen

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > Network
Step 2 Click Add. You can also click Add new device from the action icon on the Network Devices navigation pane.
Step 3 If you are adding a new device, provide a device name.
Step 4 Check the Advanced TrustSec Settings check box to configure a TrustSec device.
Step 5 Under the Out of Band (OOB) TrustSec PAC sub section, click Generate PAC.
Step 6 Provide the following details:
• PAC Time to Live—Enter a value in days, weeks, months, or years. By default, the value is one year. The minimum
value is one day and the maximum is ten years.
• Encryption Key—Enter an encryption key. The length of the key must be between 8 and 256 characters. The key
can contain uppercase or lowercase letters, or numbers, or a combination of alphanumeric characters.
The Encryption Key is used to encrypt the PAC in the file that is generated. This key is also used to decrypt the PAC
file on the devices. Therefore, it is recommended that the administrator saves the Encryption Key for later use.
The Identity field specifies the Device ID of a TrustSec network device and is given an initiator ID by the EAP-FAST
protocol. If the Identity string entered here does not match that Device ID defined under TrustSec section in the
Network Device creation page, authentication will fail.
The expiration date is calculated based on the PAC Time to Live.

Step 7 Click Generate PAC.

Generate a TrustSec PAC from the Network Devices List Screen

You can generate a TrustSec PAC from the Network Devices list screen.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > Network
Step 2 Click Network Devices.
Step 3 Check the check box next to a device for which you want to generate the TrustSec PAC and click Generate PAC.
Step 4 Provide the details in the fields.
Step 5 Click Generate PAC.

Push Button
The Push option in the egress policy initiates a CoA notification that calls the Trustsec devices to immediately
request for updates from Cisco ISE regarding the configuration changes in the egress policy.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure TrustSec AAA Servers

Configure TrustSec AAA Servers

You can configure a list of Trustsec-enabled Cisco ISE servers in the AAA server list. TrustSec devices to
authenticate against any of these servers. When you click Push, the new servers in this list download to the
TrustSec devices. When a TrustSec device tries to authenticate, it chooses any Cisco ISE server from this list.
If the first server is down or busy, the TrustSec device can authenticate itself against any of the other servers
from this list. By default, the primary Cisco ISE server is a TrustSec AAA server. We recommend that you
configure more Cisco ISE servers for a more reliable Trustsec environment.
This page lists the Cisco ISE servers in your deployment that you have configured as your TrustSec AAA

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > TrustSec AAA
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the values as described:
• Name—Name that you want to assign to the Cisco ISE server in this AAA Server list. This name can be different
from the hostname of the Cisco ISE server.
• Description—An optional description.
• IP—IP address of the Cisco ISE server that you are adding to the AAA Server list.
• Port—Port over which communication between the TrustSec device and server should take place. The default is

Step 4 Click Push.

What to do next
Configure Security Groups.

TrustSec HTTPS Servers

By default, Cisco ISE exchanges Trustsec environment data between Cisco ISE and Trustsec NADs using
RADIUS. You can configure Cisco ISE to use HTTPS, which is faster and more reliable than RADIUS. Cisco
ISE uses REST APIs to implement HTTP transfers.
HTTPS transfer requires:
• Port 9603 must be open between the HTTPS servers and the Trustsec network devices.
• The credentials of the HTTPS server on every network device that connects to a PSN must be unique.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Security Groups Configuration

• Cisco switches are running version 16.12.2, 17.1.1 or higher.

To configure HTTPS transfer:

1. On each network device, enable HTTP file transfer, and require credentials.
2. In Cisco ISE, enable Trustsec REST API Service for Network Devices in General Trustsec Settings.
3. In Cisco ISE, edit each PSN's network device definition to check Enable HTTP REST API and enter
the credentials to the network device's HTTP server.
4. In Cisco ISE, add that network device as a Trustsec HTTPs Server under Trustsec > Components.

Note If you configure only one node for HTTPS, then the Trustsec servers that are not configured for HTTPS do
not display in the Trustsec servers list. You must configure all the other Trustsec-enabled nodes in your
deployment for HTTPS. If no PSNs are configured for HTTPS, then RADIUS is used, and all Cisco ISE lists
all the PSN nodes in this Trustsec deployment.

After configuration is complete, Cisco ISE returns a list of configured servers in the TrustSec environment
data under Trustsec > Network Devices.

Enable ERS in debug. This setting logs all ERS traffic. Don't leave this setting enabled for more than 30 mins
to avoid overloading the log file.
You can enable additional audit information by checking Include request payload body under Trustsec
REST API Service for Network Devices on Trustsec > Settings > General Trustsec Settings.General
TrustSec Settings

Security Groups Configuration

A Security Group (SG) or Security Group Tag (SGT) is an element that is used in TrustSec policy configuration.
SGTs are attached to packets when they move within a trusted network. These packets are tagged when they
enter a trusted network (ingress) and untagged when they leave the trusted network (egress).
SGTs are generated in a sequential manner, but you have the option to reserve a range of SGTs for IP to SGT
mapping. Cisco ISE skips the reserved numbers while generating SGTs.
TrustSec service uses these SGTs to enforce the TrustSec policy at egress.
You can configure security groups from the following pages in the Admin portal:
• In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components
> Security Groups
• Directly from egress policy page at Configure > Create New Security Group.

You can click the Push button to initiate an environment CoA notification after updating multiple SGTs. This
environment CoA notification goes to all TrustSec network devices forcing them to start a policy/data refresh

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Managing Security Groups in Cisco ISE

Managing Security Groups in Cisco ISE

To create, edit or delete Security Groups, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Add a Security Group

1. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components
> Security Groups.
2. Click Add to add a new security group.
3. Enter a name and description (optional) for the new security group.
4. Check the Propagate to ACI check box if you want to propagate this SGT to Cisco ACI. The SXP
mappings that are related to this SGT will be propagated to Cisco ACI only if they belong to a VPN that
is selected in the Cisco ACI Settings page.
This option is disabled by default.
5. Enter a Tag Value. Tag value can be set to be entered manually or autogenerate. You can also reserve a
range for the SGT. You can configure it from the General TrustSec Settings page (Work Centers >
TrustSec > Settings > General TrustSec Settings).
6. Click Save.

Delete a Security Group

You can't delete security groups that are still in use by a source or destination. That includes the default groups,
which are mapped to a function in Cisco ISE:
• Guest
• Trustsec Devices
• Unknown

Import Security Groups into Cisco ISE

You can import security groups in to a Cisco ISE node using a comma-separated value (CSV) file. You must
first update the template before you can import security groups into Cisco ISE. You cannot run import of the
same resource type at the same time. For example, you cannot concurrently import security groups from two
different import files.
You can download the CSV template from the Admin portal, enter your security group details in the template,
and save the template as a CSV file, which you can then import back into Cisco ISE.
While importing security groups, you can stop the import process when Cisco ISE encounters the first error.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > Security

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Export Security Groups from Cisco ISE

Step 2 Click Import.

Step 3 Click Browse to choose the CSV file from the system that is running the client browser.
Step 4 Check the Stop Import on First Error check box.
Step 5 Click Import .

Export Security Groups from Cisco ISE

You can export security groups configured in Cisco ISE in the form of a CSV file that you can use to import
these security groups into another Cisco ISE node.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > Security Groups.
Step 2 Click Export.
Step 3 To export security groups, you can do one of the following:
• Check the check boxes next to the group that you want to export, and choose Export > Export Selected.
• Choose Export > Export All to export all the security groups that are defined.

Step 4 Save the export.csv file to your local hard disk.

Add IP SGT Static Mapping

You can use the IP-SGT static mappings to deploy the mappings on TrustSec devices and SXP domains in a
unified manner. While creating a new IP-SGT static mapping, you can specify the SXP domains and the
devices on which you want to deploy this mapping. You can also associate the IP-SGT mapping to a mapping

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > IP SGT Static
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 In the New area displayed, choose IP Address or Hostname from the drop-down list, and enter the corresponding value
in the field next to it.
In the Map to SGT individually option in the following step, you can specify a SXP domain to map to. However, the
Send to SXP Domain field is not accessible if you choose Hostname in this step. To add an SXP domain in the next
step, you must choose IP Address here.
Step 4 If you want to use an existing mapping group, click Add to a Mapping Group and select the required group from the
Mapping Group drop-down list.
If you want to map this IP address/hostname to an SGT individually, click Map to SGT Individually and do the following:
• Select an SGT from the SGT drop-down list.
• Select the Virtual Network for the mapping from the drop-down list .
• Select the SXP VPN groups on which the mapping must be deployed.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Deploy IP SGT Static Mappings

• Specify the devices on which you want to deploy this mapping. You can deploy the mapping on all TrustSec devices,
on selected network device groups, or on selected network devices.

Step 5 Click Save.

Deploy IP SGT Static Mappings

After adding the mappings, deploy the mappings on the target network devices using the Deploy option. You
must do this explicitly even if you have saved the mappings earlier. Click Check Status to check the deployment
status of the devices.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > IP SGT Static
Step 2 Check the check boxes near the mappings that you want to deploy. Check the check box at the top if you want to deploy
all the mappings.
Step 3 Click Deploy.
All the TrustSec devices are listed in the Deploy IP SGT Static Mapping window.

Step 4 Check the check boxes near the devices or the device groups to which the selected mappings must be deployed.
• Check the check box at the top if you want to select all the devices.
• Use the filter option to search for specific devices.
• If you do not select any device, the selected mappings are deployed on all the TrustSec devices.
• When you select devices to deploy new mapping, ISE selects all the devices that will be affected by the new mapping.

Step 5 Click Deploy. The deploy button updates the mapping on all the devices affected by the new maps.
The Deployment Status window shows the order in which the devices are updated and the devices that are not getting
updated because of an error or because the device is unreachable. After the deployment is complete, the window displays
the total number of devices that are successfully updated and the number of devices that are not updated.

Use the Check Status option in the IP SGT Static Mapping page to check if different SGTs are assigned to
the same IP address for a specific device. You can use this option to locate the devices that have conflicting
mappings, IP addresses that are mapped to multiple SGTs, and the SGTs that are assigned to the same IP
address. The Check Status option can be used even if device groups, FQDN, hostname, or IPv6 addresses
are used in the deployment. You must remove the conflicting mappings or modify the scope of deployment
before deploying these mappings.
IPv6 addresses can be used in IP SGT static mappings. These mappings can be propagated using SSH or SXP
to specific network devices or network device groups.
If FQDN and hostnames are used, Cisco ISE looks for the corresponding IP addresses in the PAN and PSN
nodes while deploying the mappings and checking the deployment status.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Import IP SGT Static Mappings into Cisco ISE

Use the IP SGT Static Mapping of Hostnames option in the General TrustSec Settings window to specify
the number of mappings created for the IP addresses returned by the DNS query. Select one of the following
• Create mappings for all the IP addresses returned by a DNS query.
• Create mappings only for the first IPv4 address and the first IPv6 address returned by a DNS

Import IP SGT Static Mappings into Cisco ISE

You can import IP SGT mappings using a CSV file.
You can also download the CSV template from the Admin portal, enter your mapping details, save the template
as a CSV file, and then import it back into Cisco ISE.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > IP SGT Static
Step 2 Click Import.
Step 3 Click Browse to select the CSV file from the system that is running the client browser.
Step 4 Click Upload.

Export IP SGT Static Mappings from Cisco ISE

You can export the IP SGT mappings in the form of a CSV file. You can use this file to import these mappings
into another Cisco ISE node.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > IP SGT Static
Step 2 Do one of the following:
• Check the check boxes next to the mappings that you want to export, and choose Export > Selected.
• Choose Export > All to export all the mappings.

Step 3 Save the mappings.csv file to your local hard disk.

Add SGT Mapping Group

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Add Security Group Access Control Lists

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > IP SGT Static
Mapping > Manage Groups.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter a name and description for the mapping group.
Step 4 Do the following:
• Select an SGT from the SGT drop-down list.
• Select the Virtual Network for the mapping from the drop-down list.
• Select the SXP VPN groups on which the mappings must be deployed.
• Specify the devices on which you want to deploy the mappings. You can deploy the mappings on all TrustSec
devices, on selected network device groups, or on selected network devices.

Step 5 Click Save.

You can move an IP SGT mapping from one mapping group to another mapping group.
You can also update or delete the mappings and mapping groups. To update a mapping or mapping group,
check the check box next to the mapping or mapping group that you want to update, and then click Edit. To
delete a mapping or mapping group, check the check box next to the mapping or mapping group that you
want to delete, and then click Trash > Selected. When a mapping group is deleted, the IP SGT mappings
within that group are also deleted.

Add Security Group Access Control Lists

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > Security Group
Step 2 Click Add to create a new Security Group ACL.
Step 3 Enter the following information:
• Name—Name of the SGACL
• Description—An optional description of the SGACL
• IP Version—IP version that this SGACL supports:
• IPv4—Supports IP version 4 (IPv4)
• IPv6—Supports IP version 6 (IPv6)
• Agnostic—Supports both IPv4 and IPv6

• Security Group ACL Content—Access control list (ACL) commands. For example:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Add Security Group Access Control Lists

permit icmp
deny ip
The syntax of SGACL input is not checked within ISE. Make sure you are using the correct syntax so that switches,
routers and access points can apply them without errors. The default policy can be configured as permit IP, permit
ip log, deny ip, or deny ip log. A TrustSec network device attaches the default policy to the end of the specific cell
Here are two examples of SGACLs for guidance. Both include a final catch all rule. The first one denies as the final
catch all rule, and the second one permits.
permit tcp dst eq 80
permit tcp dst eq 443
deny ip

deny tcp dst eq 23
deny tcp dst eq 23
deny tcp dst eq 3389
permit ip

The following table lists syntax for SGACL for IOS, IOS XE and NS-OS operating systems.

SGACL CLI and ACEs Syntax common across IOS, IOS XE, and NX-OS

config acl deny, exit, no, permit

deny ahp, eigrp, gre, icmp, igmp, ip, nos, ospf, pcp, pim, tcp, udp

deny tcp dst, log, src

deny tcp src
deny tcp dst

deny tcp dst eq range 0 65535

deny tcp src eq

deny udp Dst, log, src

deny udp src
deny udp dest

deny tcp dst eq www range 0 65535

deny tcp src eq www

Note Hypens are not allowed by some Cisco switches. So permit dst eq 32767-65535 is not valid. Use permit
dst eq range 32767 65535.

Step 4 Click Push.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Egress Policy

The Push option initiates a CoA notification that tells the Trustsec devices to immediately request updates from Cisco
ISE about the configuration changes.

Note Cisco ISE has the following predefined SGACLs: Permit IP, Permit IP Log, Deny IP, and Deny IP Log. You
can use these SGACLs to configure the TrustSec Matrix using the GUI or ERS API. Though these SGACLs
are not listed in the Security Group ACLs listing page in the GUI, these SGACLs will be listed when you use
the ERS API to list the available SGACLs (ERS getAll call).

Egress Policy
The egress table lists the source and destination SGTs, both reserved and unreserved. This page also allows
you to filter the egress table to view specific policies and also to save these preset filters. When the source
SGT tries to reach the destination SGT, the TrustSec-capable device enforces the SGACLs based on the
TrustSec policy as defined in the Egress Policy. Cisco ISE creates and provisions the policy.
After you create the SGTs and SGACLs, which are the basic building blocks required to create a TrustSec
policy, you can establish a relationship between them by assigning SGACLs to source and destination SGTs.
Each combination of a source SGT to a destination SGT is a cell in the Egress Policy.
In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > TrustSec Policy
> Egress Policy
You can view the Egress policy in three different ways:
• Source Tree View
• Destination Tree View
• Matrix View

Source Tree View

The Source Tree view lists a compact and organized view of source SGTs in a collapsed state. You can expand
any source SGT to see the internal table that lists all information related to that selected source SGT. This
view displays only the source SGTs that are mapped to destination SGTs. If you expand a specific source
SGT, it lists all destination SGTs that are mapped to this source SGT and and the corresponding policy
(SGACLs) in a table.
You will see three dots (...) next to some fields. This signifies that there is more information contained in the
cell. You can position the cursor over the three dots to view the rest of the information in a quick view popup.
When you position the cursor over an SGT name or an SGACL name, a quick view popup opens to display
the content of that particular SGT or SGACL.

Destination Tree View

The Destination Tree view lists a compact and organized view of destination SGTs in a collapsed state. You
can expand any destination SGTs to see the internal table that lists all information related to that selected

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Matrix View

destination SGT. This view displays only the destination SGTs that are mapped to source SGTs. If you expand
a specific destination SGT, it lists all source SGTs that are mapped to this destination SGT and and the
corresponding policy (SGACLs) in a table.
You will see three dots (...) next to some fields. This signifies that there is more information contained in the
cell. You can position the cursor over the three dots to view the rest of the information in a quick view popup.
When you position the cursor over an SGT name or an SGACL name, a quick view popup opens to display
the content of that particular SGT or SGACL.

Matrix View
The Matrix View of the Egress policy looks like a spreadsheet. It contains two axis:
• Source Axis—The vertical axis lists all the source SGTs.
• Destination Axis—The horizontal axis lists all the destination SGTs.

The mapping of a source SGT to a destination SGT is represented as a cell. If a cell contains data, then it
represents that there is a mapping between the corresponding source SGT and the destination SGT. There are
two types of cells in the matrix view:
• Mapped cells—When a source and destination pair of SGTs is related to a set of ordered SGACLs and
has a specified status.
• Unmapped cells—When a source and destination pair of SGTs is not related to any SGACLs and has no
specified status.

The Egress Policy cell displays the source SGT, the destination SGT, and the Final Catch All Rule as a single
list under SGACLs, separated by commas. The Final Catch All Rule is not displayed if it is set to None. An
empty cell in a matrix represents an unmapped cell.
In the Egress Policy matrix view, you can scroll across the matrix to view the required set of cells. The browser
does not load the entire matrix data at once. The browser requests the server for the data that falls in the area
you are scrolling in. This prevents memory overflow and performance issues.
You can use the following options in the View drop-down list to change the matrix view.
• Condensed with SGACL names—If you select this option, the empty cells are hidden and the SGACL
names are displayed in the cells.
• Condensed without SGACL names—The empty cells are hidden and the SGACL names are not displayed
in the cells. This view is useful when you want to see more matrix cells and differentiate between the
content of the cells using colors, patterns, and icons (cell status).
• Full with SGACL names—If you select this option, the left and upper menus are hidden and the SGACL
names are displayed in the cells.
• Full without SGACL names—When this option is selected, the matrix is displayed in full screen mode
and the SGACL names are not displayed in the cells.

ISE allows you to create, name, and save the custom views. To create custom views, choose Show > Create
Custom View. You can also update the view criteria or delete unused views.
The Matrix view has the same GUI elements as the Source and Destination views. However, it has these
additional elements:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Matrix Dimensions

Matrix Dimensions
The Dimension drop-down list in the Matrix view enables you to set the dimensions of the matrix.

Import/Export Matrix
The Import and Export buttons enable you to import or export the matrix.

Create Custom View

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Matrix View page, select the Create Custom View option from the Show drop-down list.
Step 2 In the Edit View dialog box, enter the following details:
• View Name—Enter a name for the custom view.
• Source Security Groups—Move the SGTs that you want to include in the custom view to the Show transfer box.
• Show Relevant for Destination—Check this check box if you want to override your selection in the Source Security
Group Show transfer box and copy all the entries in the Destination Security Group Hide transfer box. If there are
more than 200 entries, the data will not be copied and a warning message will be displayed.
• Destination Security Groups—Move the SGTs that you want to include in the custom view to the Show transfer
• Show Relevant for Source—Check this check box if you want to override your selection in the Destination Security
Group Show transfer box and copy all the entries in the Source Security Group Hide transfer box.
• Sort Matrix By—Select one of the following options:
• Manual Order
• Tag Number
• SGT Name

Step 3 Click Save.

Matrix Operations

Navigating through the Matrix

You can navigate through the matrix either by dragging the matrix content area with the cursor or by using
horizontal and vertical scroll bars. You can click and hold on a cell to drag it along with the entire matrix
content in any direction. The source and destination bar moves along with the cells. The matrix view highlights
the cell and the corresponding row (Source SGT) and column (Destination SGT) when a cell is selected. The
coordinates (Source SGT and Destination SGT) of the selected cell are displayed below the matrix content

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure SGACL from Egress Policy

Selecting a Cell in the Matrix

To select a cell in the matrix view, click on it. The selected cell is displayed in different color, and the source
and destination SGTs are highlighted. You can deselect a cell either by clicking it again or by selecting another
cell. Multiple cell selection is not allowed in the matrix view. Double-click the cell to edit the cell configuration.

Configure SGACL from Egress Policy

You can create Security Group ACLs directly from the Egress Policy page.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > TrustSec > TrustSec Policy > Egress Policy.
Step 2 From the Source or Destination Tree View page, choose Configure > Create New Security Group ACL.
Step 3 Enter the required details and click Submit.

Configure Work Process Settings

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Settings > Work Process Settings.
Step 2 Select one of the following options:
• Single Matrix—Select this option if you want to create only one Policy matrix for all the devices in the TrustSec
• Multiple Matrices—Allows you to create multiple policy matrices for different scenarios. You can use these matrices
to deploy different policies to different network devices.
Note The matrices are independent and each network device can be assigned to only one matrix.

• Production and Staging Matrices with Approval Process—Select this option if you want to enable the Workflow
mode. Select the users that are assigned to the editor and approver roles. You can select the users only from the
Policy Admin and Super Admin groups. A user cannot be assigned to both editor and approver roles.
Ensure that email addresses are configured for the users that are assigned to the editor and approver roles, otherwise
email notifications regarding the workflow process will not be sent to these users.
When the Workflow mode is enabled, a user that is assigned to the editor role can create a staging matrix, select the
devices on which he wants to deploy the staging policy, and submit the staging policy to the approver for approval.
The user that is assigned to the approver role can review the staging policy and approve or reject the request. The
staging policy can be deployed on the selected network devices only after the staging policy is reviewed and approved
by the approver.

Step 3 Check the Use DEFCONS check box if you want to create DEFCON matrices.
DEFCON matrices are standby policy matrices that can be easily deployed in the event of network security breaches.
You can create DEFCON matrices for the following severity levels: Critical, Severe, Substantial, and Moderate.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Matrices Listing Page

When a DEFCON matrix is activated, the corresponding DEFCON policy is immediately deployed on all the TrustSec
network devices. You can use the Deactivate option to remove the DEFCON policy from the network devices.

Step 4 Click Save.

Matrices Listing Page

TrustSec policy matrices and DEFCON matrices are listed in the Matrices Listing page. In the Cisco ISE GUI,
click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > TrustSec Policy > Egress Policy >
Matrices List. You can also view the number of devices that are assigned to each matrix.

Note Matrices Listing page is not displayed when Single Matrix mode is enabled with DEFCON matrix option

You can do the following from the Matrices Listing page:

• Add a new matrix
• Edit an existing matrix
• Delete a matrix
• Duplicate an existing matrix
• Assign NADs to a matrix

You can assign NADs to a matrix by using the Assign NADs option. To do this:
1. In the Assign Network Devices window, select the network devices that you want to assign to a matrix.
You can also use the filter option to select the network devices.
2. Select the matrix from the Matrix drop-down list. All the existing matrices and the default matrix are
listed in this drop-down list.

After assigning the devices to a matrix, click Push to notify the TrustSec configuration changes to the relevant
network devices.
Note the following points while working on the Matrices Listing page:
• You cannot edit, delete, or rename the default matrix.
• While creating a new matrix you can start with a blank matrix or copy the policy from an existing matrix.
• If you delete a matrix, the NADs that are assigned to that matrix are automatically moved to the default
• When you copy an existing matrix, a copy of the matrix will be created but devices are not automatically
assigned to the copied matrix.
• In the Multiple Matrices mode, all the devices are assigned to the default matrix at the initial stage.
• In the Multiple Matrices mode, some of the SGACLs might be shared among the matrices. In such cases,
changing an SGACL content will affect all matrices that contain this SGACL in one of their cells.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

TrustSec Matrix Workflow Process

• Multiple matrices cannot be enabled if staging is in progress.

• When you are moving from Multiple Matrices mode to Single Matrix mode, all the NADs are automatically
assigned to the default matrix.
• You cannot delete a DEFCON matrix if it is currently activated.

TrustSec Matrix Workflow Process

The Matrix Workflow feature helps you to test a new policy on a limited set of devices by using a draft version
of the matrix (called staging matrix) before deploying the policy on all the network devices. You can submit
the staging policy for approval and deploy the staging policy on the selected network devices after it is
approved. This feature helps you to deploy the new policy on a limited set of devices, check whether it is
working fine, and make any changes, if required. You can continue deploying the policy on next set of devices
or on all the devices. When the staging policy is deployed on all the network devices, the staging matrix can
be set as the new production matrix.
When the Workflow mode is enabled, a user that is assigned to the editor role can create a staging matrix and
edit the matrix cells. The staging matrix is a copy of the production matrix that is currently deployed on the
TrustSec network. The editor can select the devices on which he wants to deploy the staging policy and submit
the staging policy to the approver for approval. The user that is assigned to the approver role can review the
staging policy and approve or reject the request. The staging policy can be deployed on the selected network
devices only after the staging policy is reviewed and approved by the approver.
The following figure describes the workflow process.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

TrustSec Matrix Workflow Process

Figure 47: Matrix Workflow Process

Super Admin user can select the users that are assigned to the editor and approver roles in the Workflow
Process Settings page. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec
> Settings > Workflow Process.
You cannot edit the SGTs and SGACLs after the staging policy is deployed on the selected devices, however,
you can edit the matrix cells. You can use the Configuration Delta report to track the difference between the
production matrix and the staging matrix. You can also click on the Delta icon on a cell to view the changes
made to that cell during the staging process.
The following table describes the different stages of the workflow:

Stage Description

Staging in Edit The matrix is moved to Staging in Edit state, when an editor starts
editing the staging matrix. After editing the staging matrix, the editor
can select the devices on which he wants to deploy the new staging

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

TrustSec Matrix Workflow Process

Stage Description

Staging Awaiting Approval After editing the matrix, the editor submits the staging matrix to the
approver for review and approval.
While submitting the staging matrix for approval, the editor can add
the comments that will be included in the email sent to the approver.
The approver can review the staging policy and approve or reject the
request. The approver can also view the selected network devices and
the Configuration Delta report. While approving or rejecting a request,
the approver can add the comments that will be included in the email
sent to the editor.
The editor can cancel the approval request as long as the staging policy
is not deployed on any of the network devices.

Deploy Approved When the approver approves the request, the staging matrix is moved
to Deploy Approved state. If the request is rejected, the matrix is
moved back to Staging in Edit state.
The editor can deploy the staging policy on the selected network
devices only after the staging policy is approved by the approver.

Partially Deployed After the staging matrix is deployed on the selected devices, the matrix
is moved to Partially Deployed state. The matrix remains in the
Partially Deployed stage till the staging policy is deployed on all the
network devices.
You cannot edit the SGTs and SGACLs at this stage, however, you
can edit the matrix cells.
The devices that are not deployed with the latest policy (out-of-sync
devices) are displayed in orange (with italic font) in the Network
Device Deployment window. This status is also displayed on the
deployment progress status bar. The editor can select these devices
and request approval to synchronize the devices that were updated in
different deployment cycles.

Fully Deployed The above process is repeated till the staging policy is deployed on
all the network devices. When the staging matrix is deployed on all
the network devices, the approver can set the staging matrix as the
production matrix.
We recommend that you take a copy of the production matrix before
setting the staging matrix as the new production matrix, because after
replacing the production matrix with the staging matrix, you cannot
rollback to the previous version of the production matrix.

The options displayed in the Workflow drop-down list vary based on the workflow state and the user role
(editor or approver). The following table lists the menu options displayed for an editor and approver:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

TrustSec Matrix Workflow Process

Workflow state Menu displayed for Editor Menu displayed for Approver

Staging in Edit • Select network devices • View network devices

The following options are • View deltas
available in the Network
Device Deployment window:
• Request approval for
selected devices
• Request approval for
all/filtered Staging list
• Request approval for
all/filtered Production list
• Request approval for
all/filtered devices

• Request approval for all

• Discard staging
• View deltas

Staging Awaiting Approval • Cancel approval request • Approve deploy

• View network devices • Reject deploy
The following option is • View network devices
available in the Network
Device Deployment window: The following options are
available in the Network
• Cancel approval request Device Deployment window:
• Approve deploy
• View deltas
• Reject deploy

• View deltas

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

TrustSec Matrix Workflow Process

Workflow state Menu displayed for Editor Menu displayed for Approver

Approved - ready to deploy • Deploy • Reject deploy

• Cancel approval request • View network devices
• View network devices The following option is
available in the Network
The following options are Device Deployment window:
available in the Network
Device Deployment window: • Reject deploy
• Deploy
• View deltas
• Cancel approval request

• View deltas

Partially deployed • Select network devices • View network devices

The following options are • View deltas
available in the Network
Device Deployment window:
• Request approval for
selected devices
• Request approval for
all/filtered Staging list
• Request approval for
all/filtered Production list
• Request approval for
all/filtered devices

• Request approval for all

• View deltas

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Egress Policy Table Cells Configuration

Workflow state Menu displayed for Editor Menu displayed for Approver

Fully deployed • Select network devices • Set as production

The following options are • View network devices
available in the Network
Device Deployment window: • View deltas

• Request approval for

selected devices
• Request approval for
all/filtered Staging list
• Request approval for
all/filtered Production list
• Request approval for
all/filtered devices

• Request approval for all

• View deltas

The workflow options are also available in the Source and Destination Tree view.
You can view the list of devices that downloaded the staging/production policy by using the TrustSec Policy
Download report (Work Centers > TrustSec > Reports). The TrustSec Policy Download lists the requests sent
by the network devices for policy (SGT/SGACL) download and the details sent by ISE. If the Workflow mode
is enabled, the requests can be filtered for production or staging matrix.

Egress Policy Table Cells Configuration

Cisco ISE allows you to configure cells using various options that are available in the tool bar. Cisco ISE
does not allow a cell configuration if the selected source and destination SGTs are identical to a mapped cell.

Add the Mapping of Egress Policy Cells

You can add the mapping cell for Egress Policy from the Policy page.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > TrustSec Policy > Egress
Step 2 To select the matrix cells, do the following:
• In the matrix view, click a cell to select it.
• In the Source and Destination tree view, check the check box of a row in the internal table to select it.

Step 3 Click Add to add a new mapping cell.

Step 4 Select appropriate values for:
• Source Security Group

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Export Egress Policy

• Destination Security Group

• Status, Security Group ACLs
• Final Catch All Rule

Step 5 Click Save.

Export Egress Policy

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > TrustSec Policy > Egress
Policy > Matrix > Export.
Step 2 Check the Include Empty Cells check box if you want to include the empty cells (which do not have any SGACL
configured) in the exported file.
When this option is enabled, the whole matrix is exported and the empty cells are marked with the "Empty" keyword in
the SGACL column.
Note Ensure that the exported file does not contain more than 500000 lines, otherwise the export may fail.

Step 3 Select one of the following options:

• Local Disk—Select this option if you want to export the file to a local drive.
• Repository—Select this option if you want to export the file to a remote repository.
You must configure the repositories before exporting the file. To configure the repositories, choose Administration
> Maintenance > Repository. Ensure that read and write access privileges are provided for the repository that you
have selected.
You can encrypt the exported file by using an encryption key.
You can modify the file name. File name should not include more than 50 characters. By default, the file name
includes the current time, however, if the same file name exists on the remote repository, the file will be overwritten.

Step 4 Click Export.

Import Egress Policy

You can create the egress policy offline and then import it in to Cisco ISE. If you have a large number of
security group tags, then creating the security group ACL mapping one by one might take some time. Instead,
creating the egress policy offline and importing it in to Cisco ISE saves time for you. During import, Cisco
ISE appends the entries from the CSV file to the egress policy matrix and does not overwrite the data.
Egress policy import fails if the:
• Source or destination SGTs do not exist
• SGACL does not exist
• Monitor status is different than what is currently configured in Cisco ISE for that cell

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure SGT from Egress Policy

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > TrustSec Policy > Egress
Policy > Matrix > Import.
Step 2 Click Generate a Template.
Step 3 Download the template (CSV file) from the Egress Policy page and enter the following information in the CSV file:
• Source SGT
• Destination SGT
• Monitor status (enabled, disabled, or monitored)

Step 4 Check the Overwrite Existing Data with New Data check box if you want to overwrite the existing policy with the one
that you are importing. If empty cells (cells that are marked with the "Empty" keyword in the SGACL column) are
included in the imported file, the existing policy in the corresponding matrix cells will be deleted.
While exporting the egress policy, if you want to include the empty cells, check the Include Empty Cells check box.
For more information, see Export Egress Policy, on page 925.

Step 5 Click Validate File to validate the imported file. Cisco ISE validates the CSV structure, SGT names, SGACL, and file
size before importing the file.
Step 6 Check the Stop Import on First Error check box for Cisco ISE to cancel the import if it encounters any errors.
Step 7 Click Import.

Configure SGT from Egress Policy

You can create Security Groups directly from the Egress Policy page.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > TrustSec Policy > Egress
Step 2 From the Source or Destination Tree View page, choose Configure > Create New Security Group.
Step 3 Enter the required details and click Submit.

Monitor Mode
The Monitor All option in the egress policy allows you to change the entire egress policy configuration status
to monitor mode with a single click. Check the Monitor All check box in the egress policy page to change
the egress policy configuration status of all the cells to monitor mode. When you check the Monitor All check
box, the following changes take place in the configuration status:
• The cells whose status is Enabled will act as monitored but appears as if they are enabled.
• The cells whose status is Disable will not be affected.
• The cells whose status is Monitor will remain Monitored.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Features of Monitor Mode

Uncheck the Monitor All check box to restore the original configuration status. It does not change the actual
status of the cell in the database. When you deselect Monitor All, each cell in the egress policy regains its
original configuration status.

Features of Monitor Mode

The monitoring functionality of the monitor mode helps you to:
• Know how much traffic is filtered but monitored by the monitor mode
• Know that SGT-DGT pair is in monitor mode or enforce mode, and observe if there is any unusual packet
drop is happening in the network
• Understand that SGACL drop is actually enforced by enforce mode or permitted by monitor mode
• Create custom reports based on the type of mode (monitor, enforce, or both)
• Identify which SGACL has been applied on NAD and display discrepancy, if any

The Unknown Security Group

The Unknown security group is a pre-configured security group that cannot be modified and represents the
Trustsec with tag value 0.
The Cisco security group network devices request for cells that refer to the unknown SGT when they do not
have an SGT of either source or destination. If only the source is unknown, the request applies to the <unknown,
Destination SGT> cell. If only the destination is unknown, the request applies to the <source SGT, unknown>
cell. If both the source and destination are unknown, the request applies to the <Unknown, Unknown> cell.

Default Policy
Default Policy refers to the <ANY,ANY> cell. Any source SGT is mapped to any destination SGT. Here, the
ANY SGT cannot be modified and it is not listed in any source or destination SGTs. The ANY SGT can only
be paired with ANY SGT. It cannot be paired with any other SGTs. A TrustSec network device attaches the
default policy to the end of the specific cell policy.
• If a cell is empty, that means it contains the default policy alone.
• If a cell contains some policy, the resulting policy is a combination of the cell specific policy followed
by the default policy.

According to Cisco ISE, the cell policy and the default policy are two separate sets of SGACLs that the devices
get in response to two separate policy queries.
Configuration of the default policy is different from other cells:
• Status can take only two values, Enabled or Monitored.
• Security Group ACLs is an optional field for the default policy, so can be left empty.
• Final Catch All Rule can be any of the following: Permit IP, Deny IP, Permit IP log, or Deny IP log.
Clearly the None option is not available here because there is no safety net beyond the default policy.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

SGT Assignment

SGT Assignment
Cisco ISE allows you to assign an SGT to a TrustSec device if you know the device hostname or IP address.
When a device with the specific hostname or IP address joins the network, Cisco ISE will assign the SGT
before authenticating it.
The following SGTs are created by default:
• SGT_TrustSecDevices
• SGT_NetworkServices
• SGT_Employee
• SGT_Contractor
• SGT_Guest
• SGT_ProductionUser
• SGT_Developer
• SGT_Auditor
• SGT_PointofSale
• SGT_ProductionServers
• SGT_DevelopmentServers
• SGT_TestServers
• SGT_PCIServers
• SGT_Quarantine

Sometimes, devices need to be manually configured to map the security group tags to the endpoint. You can
create this mapping from the Security Group Mappings page. Before you perform this action, ensure that you
have reserved a range of SGTs.
ISE allows you to create up to 10,000 IP-to-SGT mappings. You can create IP-to-SGT mapping groups to
logically group such large scale mappings. Each group of IP-to-SGT mappings contains a list of IP addresses,
a single security group it would map to and a network device or network device group which is the deployment
target for those mappings.

NDAC Authorization
You can configure the TrustSec policy by assigning SGTs to devices. You can assign security groups to
devices based on TrustSec device ID attribute.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure NDAC Authorization

Configure NDAC Authorization

Before you begin

• Ensure that you create the security groups for use in the policy.
• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > TrustSec Policy > Network
Device Authorization.
Step 2 Click the Action icon on the right-hand side of the Default Rule row, and click Insert New Row Above.
Step 3 Enter the name for this rule.
Step 4 Click the plus sign (+) next to Conditions to add a policy condition.
Step 5 You can click Create New Condition (Advance Option) and create a new condition.
Step 6 From the Security Group drop-down list, select the SGT that you want to assign if this condition evaluates to true.
Step 7 Click the Action icon from this row to add additional rules based on device attributes either above or below the current
rule. You can repeat this process to create all the rules that you need for the TrustSec policy. You can drag and drop the

rules to reorder them by clicking the icon. You can also duplicate an existing condition, but ensure that you change
the policy name.
The first rule that evaluates to true determines the result of the evaluation. If none of the rules match, the default rule will
be applied; you can edit the default rule to specify the SGT that must be applied to the device if none of the rules match.

Step 8 Click Save to save your TrustSec policy.

If a TrustSec device tries to authenticate after you have configured the network device policy, the device will get its SGT
and the SGT of its peers and will be able to download all the relevant details.

Note By default, the result of default Network Device Authorization policy is set to TrustSec_Devices.

Configure End User Authorization

Cisco ISE allows you to assign a security group as the result of an authorization policy evaluation. Using this
option, you can assign a security group to users and end points.

Before you begin

• Read the information on authorization policies.
• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Authorization Policy.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

TrustSec Configuration and Policy Push

Step 2 Create a new authorization policy.

Step 3 Select a security group, for Permissions.
If the conditions specified in this authorization policy is true for a user or endpoint, then this security group will be
assigned to that user or endpoint and all data packets that are sent by this user or endpoint will be tagged with this particular

TrustSec Configuration and Policy Push

Cisco ISE supports Change of Authorization (CoA) which allows Cisco ISE to notify TrustSec devices about
TrustSec configuration and policy changes, so that the devices can reply with requests to get the relevant data.
A CoA notification can trigger a TrustSec network device to send either an Environment CoA or a Policy
You can also push a configuration change to devices that do not intrinsically support the TrustSec CoA feature.

CoA Supported Network Devices

Cisco ISE sends CoA notifications to the following network devices:
• Network device with single IP address (subnets are not supported)
• Network device configured as a TrustSec device
• Network device set as CoA supported

When Cisco ISE is deployed in a distributed environment where there are several secondaries that interoperate
with different sets of devices, CoA requests are sent from Cisco ISE primary node to all the network devices.
Therefore, TrustSec network devices need to be configured with the Cisco ISE primary node as the CoA
The devices return CoA NAK or ACK back to the Cisco ISE primary node. However, the following TrustSec
session coming from the network device would be sent to the Cisco ISE node to which the network devise
sends all it's other AAA requests and not necessarily to the primary node.

Push Configuration Changes to Non-CoA Supporting Devices

Some platforms do not support Cisco ISE's "Push" feature for Change of Authorization (CoA), for example:
some versions of the Nexus network device. For this case, ISE will connect to the network device and make
it to trigger an updated configuration request towards ISE. To achieve this, ISE opens an SSHv2 tunnel to the
network device, and the Cisco ISE sends a command that triggers a refresh of the TrustSec policy matrix.
This method can also be carried out on network platforms that support CoA pushing.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Network
Resources > Network Devices.
Step 2 Check the checkbox next to the required network device and click Edit.
Verify that the network device's name, IP address, RADIUS and TrustSec settings are properly configured.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

SSH Key Validation

Step 3 Scroll down to Advanced TrustSec Settings, and in the TrustSec Notifications and Updates section, check the Send
configuration changes to device checkbox, and click the CLI (SSH) radio button.
Step 4 (Optional) Provide an SSH key.
Step 5 Check the Include this device when deploying Security Group Tag Mapping Updates check box, for this SGA device
to obtain the IP-SGT mappings using device interface credentials.
Step 6 Enter the username and password of the user having privileges to edit the device configuration in the Exec mode.
Step 7 (Optional) Enter the password to enable Exec mode password for the device that would allow you to edit its configuration.
You can click Show to display the Exec mode password that is already configured for this device.
Step 8 Click Submit at the bottom of the page.

The network device is now configured to push Trustsec changes. After you change a Cisco ISE policy, click
Push to have the new configuration reflected on the network device.

SSH Key Validation

You may want to harden security by using an SSH key. Cisco ISE supports this with its SSH key validation
To use this feature, you open an SSHv2 tunnel from the Cisco ISE to the network device, then use the network
device's own CLI to retrieve the SSH key. You then copy this key and paste it into Cisco ISE for validation.
Cisco ISE terminates the connection if the SSH key is wrong.
Limitation: Currently, Cisco ISE can validate only one IP (not on ranges of IP, or subnets within an IP)

Before you begin

You will require:
• Login credentials
• CLI command to retrieve the SSH key

for the network device with which you want the Cisco ISE to communicate securely.

Step 1 On the network device:

a) Log on to the network device with which you want the Cisco ISE to communicate using SSH key validation.
b) Use the device's CLI to show the SSH key.
For Catalyst devices, the command is: sho ip ssh.
c) Copy the SSH key which is displayed.
Step 2 From the Cisco ISE user interface:
a) In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Network
Resources > Network Devices, and verify the required network device's name, IP address, RADIUS and TrustSec
settings are properly configured.
b) Scroll down to Advanced TrustSec Settings, and in the TrustSec Notifications and Updates section, check the
Send configuration changes to device checkbox, and click the CLI (SSH) radio button.
c) In the SSH Key field, paste the SSH key retrieved previously from the network device.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Environment CoA Notification Flow

d) Click Submit at the bottom of the page.

The network device is now communicating with the Cisco ISE using SSH key validation.

Environment CoA Notification Flow

The following figure depicts the Environment CoA notification flow.
Figure 48: Environment CoA Notification Flow

1. Cisco ISE sends an environment CoA notification to the TrustSec network device.
2. The device returns an environment data request.
3. In response to the environment data request, Cisco ISE returns:
The environment data of the device that sent the request—This includes the TrustSec device’s SGT (as
inferred from the NDAC policy) and download environment TTL.
The name and generation ID of the TrustSec AAA server list.
The names and generation IDs of (potentially multiple) SGT tables—These tables list SGT name versus
SGT value, and together these tables hold the full list of SGTs.
4. If the device does not hold a TrustSec AAA server list, or the generation ID is different from the generation
ID that is received, the device sends another request to get the AAA server list content.
5. If the device does not hold an SGT table listed in the response, or the generation ID is different from the
generation ID that is received, the device sends another request to get the content of that SGT table.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Environment CoA Triggers

Environment CoA Triggers

An Environment CoA can be triggered for:
• Network devices
• Security groups
• AAA servers

Trigger Environment CoA for Network Devices

To trigger an Environment CoA for the Network devices, complete the following steps:

Step 1 Choose In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Device Administration > Network
Resources > Network Devices.
Step 2 Add or edit a network device.
Step 3 Update TrustSec Notifications and Updates parameters under the Advanced TrustSec Settings section.
Changing the environment attribute is notified only to the specific TrustSec network device where the change took place.
Because only a single device is impacted, an environmental CoA notification is sent immediately upon submission. The
result is a device update of its environment attribute.

Trigger Environment CoA for Security Groups

To trigger an Environment CoA for the security groups, complete the following steps.

Step 1 Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > Security Groups.
Step 2 In the Security Group page, change the name of an SGT, which will change the name of the mapping value of that SGT.
This triggers an environmental change.
Step 3 Click the Push button to initiate an environment CoA notification after changing the names of multiple SGTs. This
environment CoA notification goes to all TrustSec network devices and provides an update of all SGTs that were changed.

Trigger Environment CoA for TrustSec AAA Servers

To trigger an Environment CoA for the TrustSec AAA servers, complete the following steps.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > TrustSec AAA
Step 2 In the TrustSec AAA Servers page create, delete or update the configuration of a TrustSec AAA server. This triggers an
environment change.
Step 3 Click the Push button to initiate an environment CoA notification after you configure multiple TrustSec AAA servers.
This environment CoA notification goes to all TrustSec network devices and provides an update of all TrustSec AAA
servers that were changed.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Trigger Environment CoA for NDAC Policy

Trigger Environment CoA for NDAC Policy

To trigger an Environment CoA for the NDAC Policies, complete the following steps.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Policy > Network Device Authorization.
In the NDAC policy page you can create, delete, or update rules of the NDAC policy. These environment changes are
notified to all network devices.

Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > TrustSec Policy > Network
Device Authorization.
In the NDAC policy page you can create, delete, or update rules of the NDAC policy. These environment changes are
notified to all network devices.

Step 3 You can initiate an environment CoA notification by clicking the Push button in the NDAC policy page. This environment
CoA notification goes to all TrustSec network devices and provides an update of network device own SGT.

Update SGACL Content Flow

The following figure depicts the Update SGACL Content flow.
Figure 49: Update SGACL Content Flow

1. Cisco ISE sends an update SGACL named list CoA notification to a TrustSec network device. The
notification contains the SGACL name and the generation ID.
2. The device may replay with an SGACL data request if both of the following terms are fulfilled:
If the SGACL is part of an egress cell that the device holds. The device holds a subset of the egress policy
data, which are the cells related to the SGTs of its neighboring devices and endpoints (egress policy
columns of selected destination SGTs).
The generation ID in the CoA notification is different from the generation ID that the device holds for
this SGACL.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Initiate an Update SGACL Named List CoA

3. In response to the SGACL data request, Cisco ISE returns the content of the SGACL (the ACE).

Initiate an Update SGACL Named List CoA

To trigger an Update SGACL Named List CoA, complete the following steps:

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > Security Group
Step 2 Change the content of the SGACL. After you submit a SGACL, it promotes the generation ID of the SGACL.
Step 3 Click the Push button to initiate an Update SGACL Named List CoA notification after you change the content of multiple
SGACLs. This notification goes to all TrustSec network devices, and provides an update of that SGACL content on the
relevant devices.
Changing the name or the IP version of an SGACL does not change its generation ID; hence it does not require sending
an update SGACL named list CoA notification.
However, changing the name or IP version of an SGACL that is in use in the egress policy indicates a change in the cell
that contains that SGACL, and this changes the generation ID of the destination SGT of that cell.

Policies Update CoA Notification Flow

The following figure depicts the Policies CoA Notification flow.
Figure 50: Policies CoA Notification flow

1. Cisco ISE sends an update policies CoA notification to a TrustSec network device. The notification may
contain multiple SGACL names and their generation IDs, and multiple SGT values and their generation
2. The device may replay with multiple SGACL data requests and/or multiple SGT data.
3. In response to each SGACL data request or SGT data request, Cisco ISE returns the relevant data.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Update SGT Matrix CoA Flow

Update SGT Matrix CoA Flow

The following figure depicts the Update SGT Matrix CoA flow.
Figure 51: Update SGT Matrix CoA flow

1. Cisco ISE sends an updated SGT matrix CoA notification to a TrustSec network device. The notification
contains the SGT value and the generation ID.
2. The device may replay with an SGT data request if both the following terms are fulfilled:
If the SGT is the SGT of a neighboring device or endpoint, the device downloads and hold the cells related
to SGTs of neighboring devices and endpoints (a destination SGT).
The generation ID in the CoA notification is different from the generation ID that the device holds for
this SGT.
3. In response to the SGT data request, Cisco ISE returns the data of all egress cells, such as the source and
destination SGTs, the status of the cell, and an ordered list of the SGACL names configured in that cell.

Initiate Update SGT Matrix CoA from Egress Policy

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > TrustSec Policy > Egress
Step 2 On the Egress Policy page, change the content of a cell (status, SGACLs).
Step 3 After you submit the changes, it promotes the generation ID of the destination SGT of that cell.
Step 4 Click the Push button to initiate the Update SGT matrix CoA notification after you change the content of multiple egress
cells. This notification goes to all TrustSec network devices, and provides an update of cells content on the relevant

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

TrustSec CoA Summary

TrustSec CoA Summary

The following table summarizes the various scenarios that may require initiating a TrustSec CoA, the type of
CoA used in each scenario, and the related UI pages.

Table 140: TrustSec CoA Summary

UI Page Operation that How it is triggered CoA type Send to

triggers CoA

Network Device Changing the Upon successful Environment The specific network
environment TTL in Submit of TrustSec device
the TrustSec section network device
of the page

TrustSec AAA Any change in the Accumulative Environment All TrustSec

Server TrustSec AAA changes can be network devices
server (create, pushed by clicking
update, delete, the Push button on
reorder) the TrustSec AAA
servers list page.

Security Group Any change in the Accumulative Environment All TrustSec

SGT (create, changes can be network devices
rename, delete) pushed by clicking
the Push button on
the SGT list page.

NDAC Policy Any change in the Accumulative Environment All TrustSec

NDAC policy changes can be network devices
(create, update, pushed by clicking
delete) the Push button on
the NDAC policy

SGACL Changing SGACL Accumulative Update RBACL All TrustSec

ACE changes can be named list network devices
pushed by clicking
the Push button on
the SGACL list

Changing SGACL Accumulative Update SGT matrix All TrustSec

name or IP version changes can be network devices
pushed by clicking
the Push button on
the SGACL list page
or the policy push
button in the Egress

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Security Group Tag Exchange Protocol

UI Page Operation that How it is triggered CoA type Send to

triggers CoA

Egress Policy Any operation that Accumulative Update SGT matrix All TrustSec
changes the changes can be network devices
generation ID of an pushed by clicking
SGT the Push button on
the egress policy

Security Group Tag Exchange Protocol

Security Group Tag (SGT) Exchange Protocol (SXP) is used to propagate the SGTs across network devices
that do not have hardware support for TrustSec. SXP is used to transport an endpoint's SGT along with the
IP address from one SGT-aware network device to another. The data that SXP transports is called as IP-SGT
mapping. The SGT to which an endpoint belongs can be assigned statically or dynamically, and the SGT can
be used as a classifier in network policies.
To enable SXP service on a node, check the Enable SXP Service check box in the General Node Settings
page. You must also specify the interface to be used for SXP service.
SXP uses TCP as its transport protocol to set up SXP connection between two separate network devices. Each
SXP connection has one peer designated as SXP speaker and the other peer as SXP listener. The peers can
also be configured in a bi-directional mode where each of them act as both speaker and listener. Connections
can be initiated by either peers, but mapping information is always propagated from a speaker to a listener.

Note Session bindings are always propagated on the default SXP domain.

The following table lists some of the common terms used in the SXP environment:

IP-SGT mapping The IP Address to SGT mapping that is exchanged over SXP
To view all the mappings learned by the SXP devices (including
static mappings and session mappings), choose Work Centers
> TrustSec > SXP > All SXP Mappings.

SXP Speaker The peer that sends the IP-SGT mappings over the SXP

SXP Listener The peer that receives the IP-SGT mappings over the SXP

To view the SXP peer devices that are added to Cisco ISE, choose Work centers > TrustSec > SXP > SXP

Note We recommend that you run the SXP service on a standalone node.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Add an SXP Device

Note the following points while using the SXP service:

• Cisco ISE does not support multiple SXP session bindings with same IP address.
• If the RADIUS accounting updates are too frequent (for example, around 6 to 8 accounting updates in
few seconds), sometimes the accounting update packet might be dropped and SXP might not receive the
IP-SGT binding.
• After upgrading from a previous version of ISE, SXP does not start automatically. After the upgrade,
you must change the SXP password and restart the SXP process.

Add an SXP Device

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Work Centers > TrustSec > SXP > SXP Devices.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the device details:
• Click Upload from a CSV file to add the SXP devices using a CSV file. Browse and select the CSV file, and then
click Upload.
You can also download the CSV template file, fill in the details of the devices that you want to add, and upload the
CSV file.
• Click Add Single Device to add the device details manually for each SXP device.
Enter the name, IP address, SXP role (listener, speaker, or both), password type, SXP version, and connected PSNs
for the peer device. You must also specify the SXP domain to which the peer device is connected.

Step 4 (Optional) Click Advanced Settings and enter the following details:
• Minimum Acceptable Hold Timer—Specify the time, in seconds, a speaker will send keepalive messages for keeping
the connection alive. The valid range is from 1 to 65534.
• Keep Alive Timer—Used by a speaker to trigger the dispatch of keepalive messages during intervals when no other
information is exported via update messages. The valid range is from 0 to 64000.

Step 5 Click Save.

Add an SXP Domain Filter

You can view all the mappings learned by the SXP devices (including static mappings and session mappings).
To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > SXP > All SXP

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure SXP Settings

By default, session mappings learnt from the network devices are sent only to the default VPN group. You
can create SXP domain filters to send the mappings to different SXP domains (VPNs).
You will find automatically created mappings in this window based on the configured Virtual Network in the
IP-SGT mappings.

Note From Cisco ISE 3.0 onwards, a network device can be part of more than one SXP domain.

To add an SXP domain filter:

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > SXP > All SXP Mappings.
Step 2 Click Add SXP Domain Filter.
Step 3 Do the following:
• Enter the subnet details. The session mappings of the network devices with IP addresses from this subnet are sent
to the SXP domain (VPN) that is selected in the SXP Domain field.
• Select an SGT from the SGT drop-down list. The session mappings that are related to this SGT are sent to the SXP
domain that is selected in the SXP Domain field.
If you have specified both Subnet and SGT, the session mappings that match this filter are sent to the SXP domain
that you have selected in the SXP Domain field.
• Select the Virtual Network from the drop-down list. The session mappings that are related to this Virtual Network
are sent to the SXP domain that is selected in the SXP Domain field.
• Select the SXP domain to which the mappings must be sent.

Step 4 Click Save.

You can also update or delete the SXP domain filters. To update a filter, click Manage SXP Domain Filter,
check the check box next to the filter that you want to update, and then click Edit. To delete a filter, check
the check box next to the filter that you want to delete, and then click Trash > Selected.

Configure SXP Settings

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Settings > SXP Settings.
Step 2 Enter the required details in the SXP Settings page.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

TrustSec-Cisco ACI Integration

If you uncheck the Publish SXP Bindings on PxGrid check box, the IP-SGT mappings will not be propagated across
the network devices.

Step 3 Click Save.

Note When the SXP settings are changed, the SXP service is restarted.

TrustSec-Cisco ACI Integration

Cisco ISE can synchronize SGTs and SXP mappings with the Internal Endpoint Groups (IEPGs), External
Endpoint Groups (EEPGs), and endpoint (EP) configuration of Cisco Application Centric Infrastructure (Cisco
Cisco ISE supports packets coming from the Cisco ACI domain to the TrustSec domain by synchronizing the
IEPGs, and creating correlating read-only SGTs in ISE. These SGTs map the endpoints configured in Cisco
ACI, and create correlating SXP mappings in ISE. The SGTs displayed on the Security Groups page (with
the value "Cisco ACI" in the Learned From field). You can view the SXP mappings on the All SXP Mappings
page. These mappings are sent to Cisco ACI only if the Policy Plane option is selected (in the Cisco ACI
Settings page) and the SXP device belongs to an SXP domain, that you configured on the Cisco ACI Settings

Note You can’t use read-only SGTs in IP-SGT mappings, mapping groups, and SXP local mappings.

When you add a Security Group, you can specify whether the SGT is sent to Cisco ACI by enabling the
Propagate to ACI option. When this option is enabled, the SXP mappings that are related to this SGT are
sent to Cisco ACI. But, only if the Policy Plane option is selected (in the Cisco ACI Settings page) and the
SXP device belongs to an SXP Domain, which you configure on the Cisco ACI Settings page.
Cisco ACI supports the packets that are sent from the TrustSec domain to the Cisco ACI domain by
synchronizing the SGTs, and creating correlating EEPGs. Cisco ACI creates subnets under EEPG based on
the SXP mappings from Cisco ISE. These subnets are not deleted from Cisco ACI, when the corresponding
SXP mappings are deleted in Cisco ISE.
When an IEPG is updated in Cisco ACI, the corresponding SGT configuration is updated in Cisco ISE. A
new EEPG is created in Cisco ACI, when an SGT is added in Cisco ISE. When an SGT is deleted, the
corresponding EEPG is deleted in Cisco ACI. When an endpoint is updated in Cisco ACI, the corresponding
SXP mapping is updated in Cisco ISE.
If the connection with the Cisco ACI server is lost, Cisco ISE re-synchronizes the data again when the
connection is reestablished.

Note You must enable the SXP service to use the Cisco ACI integration feature.

You can view all the bindings sent to Cisco ACI from Cisco ISE and vice versa in the All ACI Mappings
window. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > ACI. When
the binding is learned from the Cisco ACI, the Learned By column displays ACI and the PSNs involved
column is empty. Whereas when the binding is sent to Cisco ACI from Cisco ISE, the Learned By column

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure ACI Settings

displays the type of binding such as static, SXP or session and the PSNs involved column displays the FQDN
of the PSNs involved. Tenant information is also displayed for the bindings that are sent to ACI in the VN
column (in tenant:VN format).

Note To successfully integrate Cisco ISE and Cisco ACI, the signed certificate should have proper SAN fields.
Cisco ISE will use values specified in the SAN extension property of the certificate presented by the APIC

Note Only IPv4-SXP bindings with Cisco ACI are currently supported by Cisco ISE. IPv6-SGT bindings from
Cisco ACI are not supported.

Configure ACI Settings

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Trusted
Certificates > Import.
Step 2 Import the Cisco ACI certificate. For more information, see Import the Root Certificates to the Trusted Certificate Store,
on page 156.
Step 3 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Settings > ACI Settings.
Step 4 Check the Enable ACI Integration check box to learn endpoints from Cisco ACI and propagate them using SXP.
Step 5 Select one of the following options:
• Data Plane / Hardware Integration
• Policy Plane / API Integration
Note If you choose Data Plane / Hardware Integration, Cisco ISE must be integrated with Cisco DNA Center.
If you choose Policy Plane / API Integration, SXP propagation is not possible without active SXP service.
Activate SXP service in the Deployment window prior to selecting this option.

Step 6 Enter the following details if you select Data Plane / Hardware Integration
• IP address: Enter the IP address or hostname of the Cisco ACI server. You can enter three IP addresses or host
names separated by commas.
• Username: Enter the username of the Cisco ACI admin user.
• Password: Enter the password of the Cisco ACI admin user.
• Tenant name: Enter the name of the tenant that is configured on the Cisco ACI.
• Test Connection to ACI: Click this button to check the connectivity with the Cisco ACI server.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure ACI Settings

• Renew Certificate: Click this button to perform a domain manager refresh. A certificate is typically valid for 10
years. Successful peering should be available in the system before renewing the certificate. The Cisco ISE application
has to be restarted from the CLI of all the nodes in the deployment after renewing the certificate. The approximate
time to renew the certificate is five minutes.
• New SGT Suffix: This suffix will be added to the SGTs that are newly created based on the EPGs learnt from Cisco
Note The EPG name will be truncated if it is greater than 32 characters. However, you can view the full name
of the EPG, application profile name, and SGT suffix details in the Description field in the Security Groups
listing page.

• New EPG Suffix: This suffix will be added to the EPGs that are newly created in Cisco ACI based on the SGTs
learnt from Cisco ISE.
• Enable Data Plane: Check this check box to download the translation table for the border routers. If you enable
the check box, you must select the default SGT name for the packets that cannot be matched to any other existing
• Default SGT name: Choose the default name for the SGT from the drop-down list.

• Enable Elements Limit: This option is available only if you enable the data plane.
• Max number of IEPGs: Specify the maximum number of IEPGs that will be converted to SGTs. IEPGs are
converted in alphabetical order. Default value is 1000.
• Max number of SGTs: Specify the maximum number of SGTs that will be converted to IEPGs. SGTs are
converted in alphabetical order. Default value is 500.

Step 7 Enter the following details if you have selected the Policy Plane / API Integration option:
• IP address / Hostname: Enter the IP address or hostname of the Cisco ACI server. You can enter three IP addresses
or host names separated by commas.
• Admin name: Enter the username of the Cisco ACI admin user.
• Admin password: Enter the password of the Cisco ACI admin user.
• Tenant name: Enter the name of the tenant that is configured on the Cisco ACI.
• L3 Route network name: Enter the name of the Layer 3 Route network that is configured on the Cisco ACI for
synchronizing the policy elements.
• Test Settings: Click this button to check the connectivity with the Cisco ACI server.
• New SGT Suffix: This suffix will be added to the SGTs that are newly created based on the EPGs learnt from Cisco
• New EPG Suffix: This suffix will be added to the EPGs that are newly created in Cisco ACI based on the SGTs
learnt from Cisco ISE.
• In the SXP Propagation area, you can select all the SXP domains or specify the SXP domains that will share the
mappings with Cisco ACI.
• Enable Data Plane: Check this check box to download the translation table for the border routers. If you enable
the check box, you must select the default SGT name for the packets that cannot be matched to any other existing

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access Integration with Virtual Network Awareness

• EEPG name for untagged packets: Cisco TrustSec packets that are not converted to an EEPG are tagged with
this name in Cisco ACI.
• Default SGT name: Choose the default name for the SGT from the drop-down list.

• Enable Elements Limit: This option is available only if you enable the data plane.
• Max number of IEPGs: Specify the maximum number of IEPGs that will be converted to SGTs. IEPGs are
converted in alphabetical order. Default value is 1000.
• Max number of SGTs: Specify the maximum number of SGTs that will be converted to IEPGs. SGTs are
converted in alphabetical order. Default value is 500.

Step 8 Click Save.

Note You cannot change the EPG and SGT suffix when the ACI integration option is enabled. To change the EPG
and SGT suffix, you must first disable the Enable ACI Integration option.

Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access Integration with Virtual

Network Awareness
In Cisco ISE Release 2.7, there is a basic implementation of synchronizing SGT and SXP mappings with the
Internal Endpoint Groups (IEPGs), External Endpoint Groups (EEPGs), and endpoint configuration of Cisco
Cisco ISE Release 3.0 supports an extra implementation that provides enhanced conversion of information
exchange and cross-domain automation for a Cisco Software-Defined Access (SD-Access) fabric with Cisco
ACI infrastructure. This implementation supports the following:
• Exchange and translation of EPG and SGT information
• Extension of Cisco SD-Access virtual networks into the Cisco ACI fabric
• Cisco SD-Access and Cisco ACI fabric dataplane automation
• Exchange of IP-SGT bindings
• Send the bindings to pxGrid and SXP domains

Cisco ISE learns the virtual network information from RADIUS bindings or Cisco ACI bindings, and provides
a local static mapping for a specific virtual network. A virtual network can be used to enhance the SXP filter
logic that is leveraged to coordinate the sharing of IP-SGT bindings with Cisco ACI. Note that the SXP
domains and virtual networks are closely linked, in the sense that the virtual networks that are extended to
Cisco ACI are the only constructs to share IP-SGT bindings with Cisco ACI. Therefore, specific SXP domains
(denoted with the SD-Access- prefix) are mapped to the equivalent virtual network (SXP domain minus the
SD-Access- prefix) in Cisco ISE.
In order to allow the Cisco SD-Access border node to know about the Cisco ACI bindings, the Cisco ACI
bindings are replicated as if they were originated from all the extended virtual networks before they are sent
through the SXP filter logic. For example, a binding from Cisco ACI with the original Cisco ACI virtual
network is sent through the SXP filter four times, if Cisco SD-Access virtual network 1, virtual network 2

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access Integration with Virtual Network Awareness

and virtual network 3 are extended to Cisco ACI. This exact same binding goes through the filter for all the
four virtual networks. The filters can be modified and customized as per specific deployment requirements.
However, the replication will always happen for all extended virtual networks.
Cisco ISE learns about the IP-SGT, EPG bindings from Cisco ACI whenever possible. However, Cisco ISE
cannot force Cisco ACI to learn about any bindings. Cisco ACI has to explicitly request for the bindings from
Cisco ISE.
The following table lists the source and destination combinations that are possible for IP-SGT or IP-EPG
bindings in Cisco ISE.

Source Destination Source Grouping Destination Notes

Domain Domain Grouping
Cisco ACI SXP Cisco ACI virtual SXP domain Cisco ACI virtual network can be used as a
network key in the SXP filter to share the binding with
one or more SXP domains.
Cisco ACI PxGrid Cisco ACI virtual VPN for SXP Cisco ACI virtual network can be used as a
network topic on key in the SXP filter to share the binding with
PxGrid one or more SXP VPNs on pxGrid.
Cisco ACI Cisco Cisco SD-Access SXP domain The Cisco ACI bindings are shared with all
SD-Access extended virtual the SXP domains that are auto-created for the
border network border node virtual network information
node exchange (“SD-Access-“ prefixed domains).
Cisco ISE SXP Cisco SD-Access SXP domain The static bindings can be sent to the SXP
static virtual network or domain either directly (specify SXP domain
mapping existing SXP in static mapping) or through the SXP filter
domain (along with the virtual network information).
If no virtual network is specified, then the SXP
filter uses the DEFAULT_VN for the virtual
Cisco ISE pxGrid Cisco SD-Access SXP domain The static bindings can be sent to the SXP
static virtual network domain either directly (specify SXP domain
mapping in static mapping) or through the SXP filter
(along with the virtual network information).
If no virtual network is specified, then the SXP
filter uses the DEFAULT_VN for the virtual
Cisco ISE Cisco ACI Cisco SD-Access Cisco The Cisco SD-Access virtual network must
static virtual network SD-Access be extended into Cisco ACI (mdpExtendvirtual
mapping virtual network networkReq) and the binding uses the virtual
network in the SXP filter to send the binding
to Cisco ACI, with the SXP domain mapped
to a virtual network.
SXP pxGrid SXP domain SXP domain The SXP domain shows up as a VPN in the
SXP topic on pxGrid.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access Integration with Virtual Network Awareness

SXP Cisco ACI SXP domain Cisco SXP domain sharing is selected under Cisco
SD-Access ACI settings.
virtual network
Only the SXP Domain which is auto-created
by the Cisco SD-Access virtual network
(virtual network equivalent SXP Domain), is
The Cisco SD-Access virtual network should
be extended to Cisco ACI for the virtual
network to have a chance of sharing the
The bindings must be a part of the consumer
service for which Cisco ACI requests endpoint

SXP SXP SXP Domain SXP Domain SXP bindings that make it through
prioritization are shared.
RADIUS Cisco ACI Cisco SD-Access Cisco The RADIUS bindings are sent through SXP
bindings virtual network SD-Access filter (along with the virtual network
virtual network information). If no virtual network is specified
for the binding, then the SXP filter uses
DEFAULT_VN for the virtual network.
RADIUS pxGrid Cisco SD-Access Cisco The RADIUS bindings make it to the session
bindings virtual network SD-Access directory topic on pxGrid with the virtual
virtual network network field added to the topic.
RADIUS SXP Cisco SD-Access SXP domain Cisco SD-Access virtual network can be used
bindings virtual network as a key in the SXP filter to select an SXP
domain to share the binding with.

To promote cross-domain support, you must have the ability to exchange and filter the various network
forwarding domains, for example, IP address, subnet mask, Security Group Tag, EPGs, virtual networks,
Virtual Routing and Forwarding(VRF), from one policy domain, or a forwarding domain within a policy
domain, to another and vice versa. This is especially important when a policy domain, for example Cisco
SD-Access, Cisco ACI, SD-WAN, CPC, and Meraki, has multiple forwarding domains.
You can identify, capture, and store the policy domain’s network-specific forwarding domain and the
domain-specific attributes for all the sessions and bindings learned from other policy domains. These will be
used by the policy administrator to filter the sessions and bindings into specific SXP domains. In addition, it
enables the administrator to create policies that map or filter only certain bindings from one forwarding domain
to another.
From Cisco ISE 3.0 onwards, with every virtual network learnt by the Cisco ISE from Cisco DNA Center,
you will find an automatically created SXP filter and an SXP domain in the SXP Devices window. To view
this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > SXP > SXP Devices. These
SXP domains will, in turn, be used to set the virtual networks in the bindings shared with Cisco ACI.
You can add and edit virtual networks to IP-SGT static mappings in the IP-SGT Static mapping window. To
view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > Components > IP
SGT Static Mapping. Click Add to add a new mapping, or click Edit to modify an existing mapping.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access Integration with Virtual Network Awareness

Figure 52: Add virtual network in IP SGT Static Mapping

You can also include virtual networks in the SXP domain filter to specify which SXP domain to send the
mapping to when the mapping received by Cisco ISE is mapped to a particular virtual network. To view this
window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > TrustSec > SXP > SXP Devices > All SXP
Mappings and click Add SXP Domain Filter. The bindings learned by Cisco ACI have the original Cisco
ACI virtual network, and these are sent to the SXP domain configured in the filter. This filter also influences
how a binding is sent to the Cisco ACI.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Cisco ISE for Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access Integration

Figure 53: Add virtual network information in SXP Device Filter

Configure Cisco ISE for Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access Integration
This task helps you to configure Cisco ISE to support Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access Integration.

Before you begin

Make sure Cisco ISE is integrated with the latest version of Cisco DNA Center, and the APIC version being
used is 5.1 or later.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 2 From the nodes list, check the check box next to the node for which you want to enable the SXP and pxGrid services.
Step 3 Scroll down to the Policy Service section and enable the pxGrid and SXP services as shown in the following figure.
If you have more than one interface enabled on Cisco ISE, in the Enable SXP Service area, specify which interface
will hold the SXP connection.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Cisco ISE for Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access Integration

Figure 54: Enable SXP and pxGrid services

Step 4 Click Save.

Step 5 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > pxGrid Services > All Clients.
Step 6 Verify whether the pxGrid service is up and running.
The notification for a successful connection shows up at the bottom-left corner of the window as shown in the following
Figure 55: Verify Connectivity to pxGrid Service

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Verify Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access Integration

Step 7 Download the APIC certificates from the APIC controller browser. Click the lock icon in the address bar of the browser
to view the certificate and download it as a PEM file.
Step 8 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Trusted
Step 9 Import the downloaded APIC certificate file in the Trusted Certificates window.
Step 10 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centres > TrustSec > Settings > ACI Settings.
Step 11 Configure the ACI settings as required. For more information, see Configure ACI Settings, on page 942

Verify Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access Integration

To get detailed information between the Cisco ACI and Cisco SD-Access connectivity, choose Operations >
Troubleshoot > Debug Wizard > Debug Log Configuration. Select the Cisco ISE node for which the SXP
and pxGrid services are enabled and click Edit. Set the log level to DEBUG for the spbhub, sxp and TrustSec
components as shown in the following figure.
Figure 56: Enable debug logs

The logs can be downloaded from the Dowload Logs window. (To view this window, click the Menu icon
( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Dowload Logs.) You can choose to download either a support
bundle from the Support Bundle tab or download specific debug logs from the Debug Logs tab.
In addtion, the TrustSec Dashboard, on page 895 is enhanced with the information learnt from the Cisco ACI
integration, which is useful for troubleshooting Cisco ACI-related issues.
After the Cisco DNA Center sends out the domain advertisement, confirm whether the APIC certificates are
obtained from the APIC domain manager or not, in the both the Trusted Certificates window and the System
Certificates window of Cisco ISE.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Run Top N RBACL Drops by User Report

Figure 57: Verify the Certificate in System Certificates window

Figure 58: Verify the Certificate in Trusted Certificates window

Run Top N RBACL Drops by User Report

You can run the Top N RBACL Drops by User report to see the policy violations (based on packet drops) by
specific users.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > TrustSec.
Step 2 Click Top N RBACL Drops by User.
Step 3 From the Filters drop-down menu, add the required monitor modes.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Run Top N RBACL Drops by User Report

Step 4 Enter the values for the selected parameters accordingly. You can specify the mode from the Enforcement mode drop-down
list as Enforce, Monitor, or Both.
Step 5 From the Time Range drop-down menu, choose a time period over which the report data will be collected.
Step 6 Click Run to run the report for a specific period, along with the selected parameters.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

• Posture Types, on page 954
• Agentless Posture, on page 956
• Agentless Posture Troubleshooting, on page 959
• Posture Administration Settings, on page 959
• Posture General Settings, on page 966
• Download Posture Updates to Cisco ISE, on page 967
• Posture Acceptable Use Policy Configuration Settings, on page 970
• Configure Acceptable Use Policies for Posture Assessment, on page 971
• Posture Conditions, on page 972
• Compliance Module, on page 976
• Check Posture Compliance, on page 977
• Create Patch Management Conditions, on page 977
• Create Disk Encryption Conditions, on page 978
• Posture Condition Settings, on page 978
• Configure Posture Policies, on page 1002
• Configure AnyConnect Workflow, on page 1004
• Prerequisite for Certificate-Based Conditions, on page 1005
• Default Posture Policies, on page 1007
• Client Posture Assessment, on page 1008
• Posture Assessment Options, on page 1008
• Posture Remediation Options, on page 1010
• Custom Conditions for Posture, on page 1010
• Posture End-Point Custom Attributes , on page 1011
• Create Posture Policy Using End-Point Custom Attributes, on page 1011
• Custom Posture Remediation Actions, on page 1012
• Posture Assessment Requirements, on page 1015
• Posture Reassessment Configuration Settings, on page 1017
• Custom Permissions for Posture, on page 1019
• Configure Standard Authorization Policies, on page 1020
• Best Practices for Network Drive Mapping with Posture, on page 1020
• Configure AnyConnect Stealth Mode Workflow, on page 1021
• Enable AnyConnect Stealth Mode Notifications, on page 1025
• Configure Cisco Temporal Agent Workflow, on page 1025

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Posture Types

• Posture Troubleshooting Tool, on page 1027

• Configure Endpoint Login Credentials, on page 1028
• Endpoint Scripts Settings, on page 1028
• Configure Client Provisioning in Cisco ISE, on page 1029
• Client Provisioning Resources, on page 1029
• Create Native Supplicant Profiles, on page 1032
• Client Provisioning Without URL Redirection for Different Networks, on page 1034
• AMP Enabler Profile Settings, on page 1035
• Cisco ISE Support for Onboarding Chromebook Devices, on page 1038
• Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility, on page 1050
• Cisco Web Agent, on page 1055
• Configure Client Provisioning Resource Policies, on page 1056
• Client Provisioning Reports, on page 1058
• Client Provisioning Event Logs, on page 1058
• Portal Settings for Client Provisioning Portals, on page 1059
• HTML Support for Client Provisioning Portals Language Files, on page 1061

Posture Types
The following posture agents monitor and enforce Cisco ISE posture policies:
• AnyConnect: Deploys the AnyConnect agent to monitor and enforce Cisco ISE posture policies that
require interaction with the client. The AnyConnect agent stays on the client. For more information about
using AnyConnect in Cisco ISE, see Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility, on page 1050.
• AnyConnect Stealth: Runs posture as a service, with no user interface. The agent stays on the client.
When you choose the AnyConnect Stealth posture type in the posture requirement, some of the conditions,
remediations, or attributes in a condition are disabled (grayed out). For example, when you enable
AnyConnect Stealth requirement, the Manual Remediation Type is disabled (grayed out) because this
action requires client-side interaction.
Mapping the posture profile to the AnyConnect configuration, and then mapping the Anyconnect
configuration to the Client Provisioning window for AnyConnect Stealth mode deployment supports:
• AnyConnect can read the posture profile and set it to the intended mode.
• AnyConnect can send information related to the selected mode to Cisco ISE during the initial posture
• Cisco ISE can match the right policy, based on the mode and other factors, such as identity group,
OS, and compliance module.

Note AnyConnect Stealth mode requires AnyConnect version 4.4 and later.

For more information about configuring AnyConnect Stealth in Cisco ISE, see Configure AnyConnect
Stealth Mode Workflow, on page 1021.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Posture Types

• Temporal Agent: When a client attempts to access the trusted network, Cisco ISE opens the Client
Provisioning portal. The portal instructs the user to download and install the agent, and run the agent.
The temporal agent checks the compliance status, and sends the status to Cisco ISE. Cisco ISE acts based
on the results. The temporal agent removes itself from the client after compliance processing completes.
The temporal agent does not support custom remediation. The default remediation supports only message
The Temporal Agent does not support the following conditions:
• Service Condition MAC—System Daemon check
• Service Condition-MAC—Daemon or User Agent check
• PM—Up To Date check
• PM—Enabled check
• DE—Encryption check

• Configure posture policies using the Posture Types Temporal Agent and Compliance Module
4.x or later. Do not configure the compliance module as 3.x or earlier or Any Version.
• For the Temporal Agent, you can only view Patch Management conditions containing the Installation
check type in the Requirements window.
• Cisco ISE does not support VLAN-controlled posture with the Temporal Agent for Mac OSX. When
you change the network access from an existing VLAN to a new VLAN, the user’s IP address is
released before the VLAN change. The client gets a new IP address by DHCP when the user connects
to the new VLAN. Recognizing the new IP address requires root privileges, but the Temporal Agent
runs as a user process.
• Cisco ISE supports ACL-controlled posture environment, which does not require the refreshing of
endpoint IP addresses.
• For more information about configuring the Temporal agent in Cisco ISE, see Configure Cisco
Temporal Agent Workflow, on page 1025.

• AMP Enabler—The AMP Enabler pushes the AMP for Endpoints software to a subset of endpoints
from a server hosted locally within the enterprise, and installs AMP services to its existing user base.
AMP Profiler is described here AMP Enabler Profile Settings, on page 1035.
• Agentless Posture—Agentless posture provides posture information from clients, and completely removes
itself when finished. No action is required from the end user. Unlike the Temporal agent, Agentless
Posture connects to the client as an administrative user. For more information about using Agenetless
Posture in Cisco ISE, see Agentless Posture, on page 956.

The Client Provisioning page (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy
Elements > Results > Client Provisioning > Resources) and the Posture Requirements window (In the Cisco
ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Posture > Requirements)
use the posture types. The best practice is to provision the posture profile in the Client Provisioning window.
Related Topics
Configure AnyConnect Stealth Mode Workflow, on page 1021
Configure Cisco Temporal Agent Workflow, on page 1025

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Agentless Posture

Agentless Posture
Agentless posture provides posture information from clients, and completely removes itself when finished.
No action is required from the end user.
• The client must be reachable by its IP address, and that IP address must be available in RADIUS
• Windows and Mac clients are currently supported.
• For Windows clients, port 5985 to access Powershell on the client must be open. Powershell must
be version 5.1 or later. The client must have cURL version 7.34 or later.
• For Mac OSX clients, port 22 to access SSH must be open to access the client. The client must have
cURL version 7.34 or later.

• Client credentials for shell login must have local admin privileges.
• Run the posture feed update to get the latest clients, as described in the configuration steps.
• Ensure that the following entry is updated in the sudoers file to avoid certificate installation failure on
the endpoints:
<macadminusername> ALL = (ALL) NOPASSWD: /usr/bin/security, /usr/bin/osascript
• For Mac OSX, the user account configured must be an administrator's account. To view this window,
click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Endpoint Scripts > Login
Configuration > MAC Local User. Agentless posture for Mac OSX would not work with any other
account type, even if you grant more privileges.

Supported Posture Conditions

• File condition
• Service condition
• Application condition
• External Data Source Condition
• Compound condition
• Anti-malware condition
• Patch management condition
• Firewall condition
• Disk encryption condition

Note Service conditions are not supported for Mac OSX.

Unsupported Posture Conditions

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Agentless Posture

• Remediation
• Grace period
• Periodic Reassessment
• Acceptable Use-policy

Supported Client Operating Systems

• Microsoft Windows versions: 10
• Mac OSX versions: 10.13, 10.14, 10.15

Agentless Posture Process Flow

1. The client connects to the network.
2. Cisco ISE detects if agentless posture is enabled in the authorization profile used by client.
3. If so, Cisco ISE sends an agentless posture job request to the Cisco ISE Messaging queue.
4. Cisco ISE gets the job from the messaging queue, and starts the Agentless Posture flow.
5. Cisco ISE connects to the client via power shell or SSH.
6. Cisco ISE pushes the certificate, if it’s not already in the client's trust certificate authority store.
7. Cisco ISE runs the client provisioning policy.
8. Cisco ISE pushes the agentless plugin to the client and launches the plugin.
9. Posture evaluation runs on the client, and sends the status to Cisco ISE.
10. Cisco ISE removes the agentless plugin from client. Logs of the posture flow remain on the client for
24 hours, or until the client deletes them.

Agentless Posture Configuration

1. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Posture
> Requirements, and create one or more Posture Requirements that use Agentless posture to identify the
2. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Posture > Posture Policy,
and create one or more supported Posture Policy rules that use Agentless posture for that Posture
Requirement. You can duplicate the rules you plan to use, and change the Posture type to Agentless.
3. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results >
Authoriation > Authorization Profiles and create an Authorization Profile that evaluates the results
from Agentless Posture.
• Enable Agentless Posture in the authorization profile.
• Use this profile only for Agentless Posture. Do not also use this for other posture types.
• CWA and Redirect ACL is not required for Agentless Posture. You can use VLANs, DACLs or
ACLs as part of your segmentation rules.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Agentless Posture

4. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Client Provisioning and add a Client
Provisioning policy. For the Cisco Agent Configuration, choose the Agentless plugin for the Operating
System that you configured. For Windows, the plugin is CiscoAgentlessWindows 4.9.01095. For MacOS,
the plugin is CiscoAgentlessOSX 4.9.01095. Select the posture condition this rule checks for. Note, if
you’re using Active Directory, you can use Active Directory groups in your policy.

Note Agentless posture configuration for MACOSX 10.14 and 10.15 versions aren’t available until you update the
posture feed. Before you can run the posture feed, update the posture feed URL. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Posture > Settings > Software Updates > Posture Updates.
In the Posture Updates window, enter the url (
in the Update Feed URL field and click Update Now.

5. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Sets and expand Authorization
Policy. Enable and configure the following three Authorization policies:
• Unknown_Compliance_Redirect: Configure conditions Network_Access_Authentication_Passed
AND Compliance_Unknown_Devices with result Agentless Posture.
• NonCompliant_Devices_Redirect: Configure conditions Network_Access_Authentication_Passed
and Non_Compliant_Devices with result DenyAccess.
• Compliant_Devices_Access: Configure conditions Network_Access_Authentication_Passed and
Compliant_Devices with result PermitAccess.

6. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Settings > Endpoint
Scripts > Endpoint Login Configuration , and configure the client credentials to log onto clients. These
same credentials are used by the Endpoint Scripts. For more information, see <<Link to Endpoint Scripts
7. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Settings > Endpoint
Scripts > Settings, and configure Max retry attempts for OS identification and Delay between retries
for OS identification. These settings determine how quickly connectivity issues can be confirmed. For
example, an error that the PowerShell port is not open displays in logs only after all retries are not exhausted.
8. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings >
Posture > General Settings, and configure the Agentless Posture settings. See Posture General Settings,
on page 966 .
9. As clients connect with Agentless posture, you can see them in the Live Logs.

Debugging and Troubleshooting

Enable debug log level for:
• Infrastructure
• Client Provisioning
• Posture

The debug log is inise-psc.log

Agentless Posture Troubleshooting is available under:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Agentless Posture Troubleshooting

• In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Live Logs—The three dots
under the Posture Status column opens Agentless Posture Troubleshooting
• In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostics
> General Tools

For more information about Agentless Posture Troubleshooting, see the Chapter Maintain and Monitor.

Agentless Posture Troubleshooting

The Agentless Posture report is the main troubleshooting tool to use when agentless posture isn’t working as
expected. This report shows the stages of agentless flow, including events such as script upload completed,
script upload failed, script execution completed, etc., along with any known failure reasons.
You can access Agentless Posture Troubleshooting from two locations:
• In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Live Logs: Click the vertical
three dots on the Posture Status column for the client you wish to troubleshoot.
• In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostics
> General Tools > Agentless Posture Troubleshooting.

The Agentless Posture Troubleshooting tool collects Agentless Posture activity for a specified client. Agentless
Posture Flow initiates posture and displays all interactions between a currently active client and Cisco ISE.
Only Download Client Logs creates logs with up to the past 24 hours of posture flows from the client. The
client could delete the logs at any time. When collection finishes, you can export a ZIP file of the logs.

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > Reports > Endpoints
and Users > Agentless Postureto view all endpoints that ran Agentless posture.

Posture Administration Settings

You can globally configure the Admin portal for posture services. You can download updates automatically
to the Cisco ISE server through the web from Cisco. You can also update Cisco ISE manually offline later.
In addition, having an agent like AnyConnect or the Web Agent installed on the clients provides posture
assessment and remediation services to clients. The client agent periodically updates the compliance status
of clients to Cisco ISE. After login and successful requirement assessment for posture, the client agent displays
a dialog with a link that requires end users to comply with terms and conditions of network usage. You can
use this link to define network usage information for your enterprise network that end users accept before
they can gain access to your network.

Client Posture Requirements

To create a posture requirement:
1. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Posture
> Requirements.
2. From the Edit drop-down list at the end of any requirement row, choose Insert New Requirement.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Client Posture Requirements

3. Enter the required details and click Done.

The following table describes the fields in the Client Posture Requirements window.

Table 141: Posture Requirement

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter a name for the requirement.

Operating Systems Choose an operating system.

Click plus [+] to associate more than one operating
system to the policy.
Click minus [-] to remove the operating system from
the policy.

Compliance Module From the Compliance Module drop-down list, choose

the required compliance module:
• 4.x or Later: Supports antimalware, disk
encryption, patch management, and USB
• 3.x or Earlier: Supports antivirus, antispyware,
disk encryption, and patch management
• Any Version: Supports file, service, registry,
application, and compound conditions.

For more information about compliance module, see

Compliance Module, on page 976.

Posture Type From the Posture Type drop-down list, choose the
required posture type.
• AnyConnect: Deploys the AnyConnect agent to
monitor and enforce Cisco ISE policies that
require client interaction.
• AnyConnect Stealth: Deploys the AnyConnect
agent to monitor and enforce Cisco ISE posture
policies without any client interaction.
• Temporal Agent: A temporary executable file
that is run on the client to check the compliance

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Timer Settings for Clients

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Conditions Choose a Condition from the list.

You can also create any user defined condition by
clicking the Action Icon and associate it with the
requirement. You cannot edit the associated parent
operating system while creating user defined
The pr_WSUSRule is a dummy compound condition,
which is used in a posture requirement with an
associated Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)
remediation. The associated WSUS remediation action
must be configured to validate Windows updates by
using the severity level option. When this requirement
fails, the Agent on the Windows client enforces the
WSUS remediation action based on the severity level
that you define in the WSUS remediation.
The pr_WSUSRule cannot be viewed in the
Compound conditions list page. You can only select
the pr_WSUSRule from the Conditions widget.

Remediation Actions Choose a Remediation from the list.

You can also create a remediation action and associate
it with the requirement.
You have a text box for all the remediation types that
can be used to communicate to the Agent users. In
addition to remediation actions, you can communicate
to Agent users about the non-compliance of clients
with messages.
The Message Text Only option informs Agent users
about the noncompliance. It also provides optional
instructions to the user to contact the Help desk for
more information, or to remediate the client manually.
In this scenario, the Agent does not trigger any
remediation action.

Related Topics
Configure Acceptable Use Policies for Posture Assessment, on page 971
Create Client Posture Requirements, on page 1017

Timer Settings for Clients

You can set up timers for users to remediate, to transition from one state to another, and to control the login
success screen.
We recommend configuring agent profiles with remediation timers and network transition delay timers and
the timer used to control the login success screen on client machines so that these settings are policy based.
You can configure all these timers for agents in client provisioning resources in the AnyConnect Posture

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Set Remediation Timer for Clients to Remediate Within Specified Time

Profile window (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements >
Results > Client Provisioning > Resources > Add > AnyConnect Posture Profile).
However, when there are no agent profiles configured to match the client provisioning policies, you can use
the settings in the General Settings configuration window (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( )
and choose Administration > System > Settings > Posture > General Settings).

Set Remediation Timer for Clients to Remediate Within Specified Time

You can configure the timer for client remediation within a specified time. When clients fail to satisfy configured
posture policies during an initial assessment, the agent waits for the clients to remediate within the time
configured in the remediation timer. If the client fails to remediate within this specified time, then the client
agent sends a report to the posture run-time services after which the clients are moved to the noncompliance

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Posture >
General Settings.
Step 2 In the Remediation Timer field, enter a time value in minutes.
The default value is 4 minutes. The valid range is 1–300 minutes.

Step 3 Click Save.

Set Network Transition Delay Timer for Clients to Transition

You can configure the timer for clients to transition from one state to the other state within a specified time
using the network transition delay timer, which is required for Change of Authorization (CoA) to complete.
It may require a longer delay time when clients need time to get a new VLAN IP address during success and
failure of posture. When successfully postured, Cisco ISE allows clients to transition from unknown to
compliant mode within the time specified in the network transition delay timer. Upon failure of posture, Cisco
ISE allows clients to transition from unknown to noncompliant mode within the time specified in the timer.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Posture >
General Settings.
Step 2 Enter a time value in seconds, in the Network Transition Delay field.
The default value is 3 seconds. The valid range is 2 to 30 seconds.

Step 3 Click Save.

Set Login Success Window to Close Automatically

After successful posture assessment, the client agent displays a temporary network access screen. The user
needs to click the OK button in the login window to close it. You can set up a timer to close this login screen
automatically after specified time.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Set Posture Status for Nonagent Devices

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Posture >
General Settings.
Step 2 Check the Automatically Close Login Success Screen After check box.
Step 3 Enter a time value in seconds, in the field next to Automatically Close Login Success Screen After check box.
The valid range is 0 to 300 seconds. If the time is set to zero, then AnyConnect does not display the login success screen.

Step 4 Click Save.

Set Posture Status for Nonagent Devices

You can configure the posture status of endpoints that run on non-agent devices. When Android devices and
Apple devices such as an iPod, iPhone, or iPad connect to a Cisco ISE enabled network, these devices assume
the Default Posture Status settings.
These settings can also be applied to endpoints that run on Windows and Macintosh operating systems when
a matching policy is not found during posture runtime.

Before you begin

In order to enforce policy on an endpoint, you must configure a corresponding Client Provisioning policy
(Agent installation package). Otherwise, the posture status of the endpoint automatically reflects the default

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Posture >
General Settings.
Step 2 From the Default Posture Status drop-down list, choose the option as Compliant or Noncompliant.
Step 3 Click Save.

Posture Lease
You can configure Cisco ISE to perform posture assessment every time a user logs into your network or
perform posture assessment in specified intervals. The valid range is from 1 to 365 days.
This configuration applies only for those who use AnyConnect agent for posture assessment.
When the posture lease is active, Cisco ISE will use the last known posture state and will not reach out to the
endpoint to check for compliance. But when the posture lease expires, Cisco ISE does not automatically trigger
a re-authentication or a posture reassessment for the endpoint. The endpoint will stay in the same compliance
state since the same session is being used. When the endpoint re-authenticates, posture will be run and the
posture lease time will be reset.
Example Use Case Scenario:
• The user logs on to the endpoint and gets it posture compliant with the posture lease set to one day.
• Four hours later the user logs off from the endpoint (the posture lease now has 20 hours left).

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Periodic Reassessments

• One hour later the user logs on again. Now the posture lease has 19 hours left. The last know posture
state was compliant. Hence the user is provided access without posture being run on the endpoint.
• Four hours later the user logs off (the posture lease now has 15 hours left).
• 14 hours later, the user logs on. The posture lease has one hour left. The last known posture state was
compliant. The user is provided access without posture being run on the endpoint.
• One hour later, the posture lease expires. The user is still connected to the network as the same user
session is being used.
• One hour later, user logs off (the session is tied to the user but not to the machine, so the machine can
stay on the network).
• One hour later the user logs on. Since the posture lease has expired and a new user session is launched,
the machine performs a posture assessment, the results are sent to the Cisco ISE and the posture lease
timer is reset to one day in case of this use case.

Periodic Reassessments
Periodic reassessment (PRA) can be done only for clients that are already successfully postured for compliance.
PRA cannot occur if clients are not compliant on your network.
A PRA is valid and applicable only if the endpoints are in a compliant state. The policy service node checks
the relevant policies, and compiles the requirements depending on the client role that is defined in the
configuration to enforce a PRA. If a PRA configuration match is found, the policy service node responds to
the client agent with the PRA attributes that are defined in the PRA configuration for the client before issuing
a CoA request. The client agent periodically sends the PRA requests based on the interval specified in the
configuration. The client remains in the compliant state if the PRA succeeds, or the action configured in the
PRA configuration is to continue. If the client fails to meet PRA, then the client is moved from the compliant
state to the noncompliant state.
The PostureStatus attribute shows the current posture status as compliant in a PRA request instead of unknown
even though it is a posture reassessment request. The PostureStatus is updated in the Monitoring reports as
When the posture lease has not expired, an endpoint becomes compliant based on the Access Control List
(ACL), and PRA is initiated. If PRA fails, the endpoint is deemed noncompliant and the posture lease is reset.

Configure Periodic Reassessments

You can configure periodic reassessments only for clients that are already successfully postured for compliance.
You can configure each PRA to a user identity group that is defined in the system.

Before you begin

• Ensure that each Periodic reassessment (PRA) configuration has a unique group or a unique combination
of user identity groups assigned to the configuration.
• You can assign a role_test_1 and a role_test_2, which are the two unique roles to a PRA configuration.
You can combine these two roles with a logical operator and assign the PRA configuration as a unique
combination of two roles. For example, role_test_1 OR role_test_2.
• Ensure that two PRA configurations do not have a user identity group in common.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Posture Troubleshooting Settings

• If a PRA configuration already exists with a user identity group Any, you cannot create other PRA
configurations unless you perform one of the following:
• Update the existing PRA configuration with the Any user identity group to reflect a user identity
group other than Any.
• Delete the existing PRA configuration with a user identity group “Any”.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Posture >
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Modify the values in the New Reassessment Configuration window to create a new PRA.
Step 4 Click Submit to create a PRA configuration.

Posture Troubleshooting Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Posture troubleshooting window, which you use to find and
resolve posture problems on the network. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools > General Tools > Posture Troubleshooting.

Table 142: Posture Troubleshooting Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Search and Select a Posture event for troubleshooting

Username Enter the username to filter on.

MAC Address Enter the MAC address to filter on, using format:

Posture Status Select the authentication status to filter on:

Failure Reason Enter the failure reason or click Select to choose a

failure reason from a list. Click Clear to clear the
failure reason.

Time Range Select a time range. The RADIUS authentication

records that are created during this time range are

Start Date-Time: (Available only when you choose Custom Time

Range) Enter the start date and time, or click the
calendar icon to select the start date and time. The
date should be in the mm/dd/yyyy format and time in
the hh:mm format.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Posture General Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

End Date-Time: (Available only when you choose Custom Time

Range) Enter the end date and time, or click the
calendar icon to select the start date and time. The
date should be in the mm/dd/yyyy format and time in
the hh:mm format.

Fetch Number of Records Select the number of records to display: 10, 20, 50,
100, 200, 500

Search Result

Time Time of the event

Status Posture status

Username User name associated with the event

MAC Address MAC address of the system

Failure Reason Failure reason for the event

Related Topics
Posture Troubleshooting Tool, on page 1027

Posture General Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Posture General Settings window, which you can use to
configure general posture settings such as remediation time and posture status. To view this window, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Posture > General Settings.
These settings are the default settings for posture, which can be overridden by a posture profile.

General Posture Settings

• Remediation Timer: Enter the time to wait before starting remediation. The default value is 4 minutes.
The valid range is 1–300 minutes.
• Network Transition Delay: Enter a time value in seconds. The default value is 3 seconds. The valid
range is from 2 to 30 seconds.
• Default Posture Status: Choose Compliant or Noncompliant. Non-agent devices assume this status
while connecting to the network.
• Automatically Close Login Success Screen After: Check the check box to close the login success
screen automatically after the specified time. You can configure the timer to close the login screen
automatically. The valid range is from 0 to 300 seconds. If the time is set to zero, then the agents on the
client do not display the login success screen.
• Continuous Monitoring Interval: Specify the time interval after which AnyConnect should start sending
monitoring data. For application and hardware conditions, the default value is 5 minutes.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Download Posture Updates to Cisco ISE

• Agentless posture client timeout: Specify how long to wait before a posture check is considered as
• Remove Agentless Plugin after each run: Enabling this setting removes the agent from the client after
running Agentless posture. We strongly recommend that you leave this disabled, so that the downloaded
plugin can be reused, until newer versions are available. Leaving this disabled helps to reduce network
• Acceptable Use Policy in Stealth Mode: Choose Block in stealth mode to move a client to noncompliant
posture status, if your company's network-usage terms and conditions are not met.

Posture Lease
• Perform posture assessment every time a user connects to the network: Select this option to initiate
posture assessment every time the user connects to network
• Perform posture assessment every n days: Select this option to initiate posture assessment after the
specified number of days, even if the client is already postured Compliant.
• Cache Last Known Posture Compliant Status: Check this check box for Cisco ISE to cache the result
of posture assessment. By default, this field is disabled.
• Last Known Posture Compliant Status: This setting only applies if you have checked Cache Last
Known Posture Compliant Status. Cisco ISE caches the result of posture assessment for the amount
of time specified in this field. Valid values are from 1 to 30 days, or from 1 to 720 hours, or from 1 to
43200 minutes.

Related Topics
Posture Administration Settings, on page 959
Posture Lease, on page 963
Set Remediation Timer for Clients to Remediate Within Specified Time, on page 962
Set Network Transition Delay Timer for Clients to Transition, on page 962
Set Login Success Window to Close Automatically, on page 962
Set Posture Status for Nonagent Devices, on page 963

Download Posture Updates to Cisco ISE

Posture updates include a set of predefined checks, rules, and support charts for antivirus and antispyware for
both Windows and Macintosh operating systems, and operating systems information that are supported by
Cisco. You can also update Cisco ISE offline from a file on your local system, which contains the latest
archives of updates.
When you deploy Cisco ISE on your network for the first time, you can download posture updates from the
web. This process usually takes approximately 20 minutes. After the initial download, you can configure
Cisco ISE to verify and download incremental updates to occur automatically.
Cisco ISE creates default posture policies, requirements, and remediations only once during an initial posture
updates. If you delete them, Cisco ISE does not create them again during subsequent manual or scheduled

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Offline Updates

Before you begin

To ensure that you are able to access the appropriate remote location from which you can download posture
resources to Cisco ISE, you may be required to verify that you have the correct proxy settings configured for
your network as described in Specifying Proxy Settings in Cisco ISE.
You can use the Posture Update window to download updates dynamically from the web.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Posture >
Step 2 Choose the Web option to download updates dynamically.
Step 3 Click Set to Default to set the Cisco default value for the Update Feed URL field.
If your network restricts URL-redirection functions (via a proxy server, for example) and you are experiencing difficulty
accessing the above URL, try also pointing your Cisco ISE to the alternative URL in the related topics.

Step 4 Modify the values in the Posture Updates window.

Step 5 Click Update Now to download updates from Cisco.
After being updated, the Posture Updates window displays the current Cisco updates version information as a verification
of an update under Update Information section in the Posture Updates window.

Step 6 Click Yes to continue.

Cisco ISE Offline Updates

This offline update option allows you to download client provisioning and posture updates, when direct internet
access to from a device using Cisco ISE is not available or is not permitted by a security policy.
To download offline client provisioning resources:

Step 1 Go to:

Step 2 Provide your login credentials.
Step 3 Navigate to the Cisco Identity Services Engine download window, and select the release.
The following Offline Installation Packages are available for download:
• win_spw-<version>—Offline SPW Installation Package for Windows
• mac-spw-<version>.zip—Offline SPW Installation Package for Mac OS X
• compliancemodule-<version>—Offline Compliance Module Installation Package
• macagent-<version>—Offline Mac Agent Installation Package
• webagent-<version>—Offline Web Agent Installation Package

Step 4 Click either Download or Add to Cart.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


For more information on adding the downloaded installation packages to Cisco ISE, see the "Add Client
Provisioning Resources from a Local Machine" section in the Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator
You can update the checks, operating system information, and antivirus and antispyware support charts for
Windows and Mac operating systems offline from an archive in your local system, using posture updates.
For offline updates, ensure that the versions of the archive files match the versions in the configuration file.
Use offline posture updates after you configure Cisco ISE and want to enable dynamic updates for the posture
policy service.
To download offline posture updates:

Step 1 Go to
Step 2 Save the file to your local system. This file is used to update the operating system information, checks,
rules, and antivirus and antispyware support charts for Windows and Mac operating systems.
Step 3 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Posture.
Step 4 Click the arrow to view the settings for posture.
Step 5 Click Updates.
The Posture Updates window is displayed.
Step 6 Click the Offline option.
Step 7 Click Browse to locate the archive file ( from the local folder in your system.
Note The File to Update field is a mandatory field. You can select only one archive file (.zip) containing the
appropriate files. Archive files other than .zip, such as .tar, and .gz are not supported.

Step 8 Click Update Now.

Download Posture Updates Automatically

After an initial update, you can configure Cisco ISE to check for the updates and download them automatically.

Before you begin

• You should have initially downloaded the posture updates to configure Cisco ISE to check for the updates
and download them automatically.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Posture >
Step 2 In the Posture Updates window, check the Automatically check for updates starting from initial delay check box.
Step 3 Enter the initial delay time in hh:mm:ss format.
Cisco ISE starts checking for updates after the initial delay time is over.

Step 4 Enter the time interval in hours.

Cisco ISE downloads the updates to your deployment at specified intervals from the initial delay time.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Posture Acceptable Use Policy Configuration Settings

Step 5 Click Save.

Posture Acceptable Use Policy Configuration Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Posture Acceptable Use Policy Configurations window, which
you can use to configure an acceptable use policy for posture. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( )
and choose Administration > System > Settings > Posture > Acceptable Use Policy.

Table 143: Posture AUP Configurations Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Configuration Name Enter the name of the AUP configuration that you
want to create.

Configuration Description Enter the description of the AUP configuration that

you want to create.

Show AUP to Agent users (for Windows only) When selected, the link to network usage terms and
conditions for your network is displayed to users upon
successful authentication and posture assessment.

Use URL for AUP message When selected, you must enter the URL to the AUP
message in the AUP URL field.

Use file for AUP message When selected, you must browse to the location and
upload a file in a zipped format. The file must contain
the index.html at the top level.
The .zip file can include other files and subdirectories
in addition to the index.html file. These files can
reference each other using HTML tags.

AUP URL Enter the URL to the AUP, which users must access
upon successful authentication and posture

AUP File Browse to the file and upload it to the Cisco ISE
server. It should be a zipped file and should contain
the index.html file at the top level.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Acceptable Use Policies for Posture Assessment

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Select User Identity Groups Choose a unique user identity group or a unique
combination of user identity groups for your AUP
Note the following while creating an AUP
• Posture AUP is not applicable for a guest flow
• No two configurations have any user identity
group in common
• If you want to create a AUP configuration with
a user identity group “Any”, then delete all other
AUP configurations first
• If you create a AUP configuration with a user
identity group “Any”, then you cannot create
other AUP configurations with a unique user
identity group or user identity groups. To create
an AUP configuration with a user identity group
other than Any, either delete an existing AUP
configuration with a user identity group “Any”
first, or update an existing AUP configuration
with a user identity group “Any” with a unique
user identity group or user identity groups.

Acceptable use policy Lists existing AUP configurations and end user
configurations—Configurations list identity groups associated with AUP configurations.

Related Topics
Configure Acceptable Use Policies for Posture Assessment, on page 971

Configure Acceptable Use Policies for Posture Assessment

After login and successful posture assessment of clients, the client agent displays a temporary network access
screen. This screen contains a link to an acceptable use policy (AUP). When the user clicks the link, they are
redirected to a page that displays the network-usage terms and conditions, which they must read and accept.
Each Acceptable Use Policy configuration must have a unique user identity group, or a unique combination
of user identity groups. Cisco ISE finds the AUP for the first matched user identity group, and then it
communicates to the client agent that displays the AUP.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Posture >
Acceptable Use Policy.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Modify the values in the New Acceptable Use Policy Configuration window.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Posture Conditions

Step 4 Click Submit.

Posture Conditions
A posture condition can be any one of the following simple conditions: a file, a registry, an application, a
service, or a dictionary condition. One or more conditions from these simple conditions form a compound
condition, which can be associated to a posture requirement.
When you deploy Cisco ISE on your network for the first time, you can download posture updates from the
web. This process is called the initial posture update.
After an initial posture update, Cisco ISE also creates Cisco defined simple and compound conditions. Cisco
defined simple conditions have pc_ as their prefixes and compound conditions have pr_ as their prefixes.
You can also configure Cisco ISE to download the Cisco-defined conditions periodically as a result of dynamic
posture updates through the web. You cannot delete or edit Cisco defined posture conditions.
A user defined condition or a Cisco defined condition includes both simple conditions and compound conditions.

Simple Posture Conditions

You can use the Posture Navigation pane to manage the following simple conditions:
• File Conditions: A condition that checks the existence of a file, the date of a file, and the versions of a
file on the client.
• Registry Conditions: A condition that checks for the existence of a registry key or the value of the registry
key on the client.
• Application Conditions: A condition that checks if an application or process is running or not running
on the client.

Note If a process is installed and running, user is compliant. However, the Application
condition works in reverse logic; If an application is not installed and not running,
the end user is complaint. If an application is installed and running, the end user
is non-complaint.

• Service Conditions: A condition that checks if a service is running or not running on the client.
• Dictionary Conditions: A condition that checks a dictionary attribute with a value.
• USB Conditions: A condition that checks for the presence of USB mass storage device.

Create Simple Posture Conditions

You can create file, registry, application, service, and dictionary simple conditions that can be used in posture
policies or in other compound conditions.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Compound Posture Conditions

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or Policy Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Posture.
Step 2 Choose any one of the following: File, Registry, Application, Service, or Dictionary Simple Condition.
Step 3 Click Add.
Step 4 Enter the appropriate values in the fields.
Step 5 Click Submit.

Compound Posture Conditions

Compound conditions are made up of one or more simple conditions, or compound conditions. You can make
use of the following compound conditions while defining a Posture policy.
• Compound Conditions: Contains one or more simple conditions, or compound conditions of the type
File, Registry, Application, or Service condition
• Antivirus Compound Conditions: Contains one or more AV conditions, or AV compound conditions
• Antispyware Compound Conditions: Contains one or more AS conditions, or AS compound conditions
• Dictionary Compound Conditions: Contains one or more dictionary simple conditions or dictionary
compound conditions
• Antimalware Conditions: Contains one or more AM conditions.

Create Compound Posture Conditions

You can create compound conditions that can be used in posture policies for posture assessment and validation.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or Policy Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Posture >
Compound Conditions > Add.
Step 2 Enter appropriate values for the fields.
Step 3 Click Validate Expression to validate the condition.
Step 4 Click Submit.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Dictionary Compound Condition Settings

Dictionary Compound Condition Settings

Table 144: Dictionary Compound Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the dictionary compound condition

that you want to create.

Description Enter the description of the dictionary compound

condition that you want to create.

Select Existing Condition from Library Define an expression by selecting pre-defined

conditions from the policy elements library or add
ad-hoc attribute/value pairs to your expression in the
subsequent steps.

Condition Name Choose dictionary simple conditions that you have

already created from the policy elements library.

Expression The Expression is updated based on your selection

from the Condition Name drop-down list.

AND or OR operator Choose an AND, or an OR operator to logically

combine dictionary simple conditions, which can be
added from the library.
Click the Action icon to do the following:
• Add Attribute/Value
• Add Condition from Library
• Delete

Create New Condition (Advance Option) Select attributes from various system or user-defined
You can also add predefined conditions from the
policy elements library in the subsequent steps.

Condition Name Choose a dictionary simple condition that you have

already created.

Expression From the Expression drop-down list, you can create

a dictionary simple condition.

Operator Choose an operator to associate a value to an attribute.

Value Enter a value that you want to associate to the

dictionary attribute, or choose a value from the
drop-down list.

Related Topics
Compound Posture Conditions, on page 973

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Predefined Condition for Enabling Automatic Updates in Windows Clients

Create Compound Posture Conditions, on page 973

Predefined Condition for Enabling Automatic Updates in Windows Clients

The pr_AutoUpdateCheck_Rule is a Cisco predefined condition, which is downloaded to the Compound
Conditions window. This condition allows you to check whether the automatic updates feature is enabled on
Windows clients. If a Windows client fails to meet this requirement, then the Network Access Control (NAC)
Agents enforce the Windows client to enable (remediate) the automatic updates feature. After this remediation
is done, the Windows client becomes posture compliant. The Windows update remediation that you associate
in the posture policy overrides the Windows administrator setting, if the automatic updates feature is not
enabled on the Windows client.

Preconfigured Antivirus and Antispyware Conditions

Cisco ISE loads preconfigured antivirus and antispyware compound conditions in the AV and AS Compound
Condition windows, which are defined in the antivirus and antispyware support charts for Windows and
Macintosh operating systems. These compound conditions can check if the specified antivirus and antispyware
products exist on all the clients. You can also create new antivirus and antispyware compound conditions in
Cisco ISE.

Antivirus and Antispyware Support Chart

Cisco ISE uses an antivirus and antispyware support chart, which provides the latest version and date in the
definition files for each vendor product. Users must frequently poll antivirus and antispyware support charts
for updates. The antivirus and antispyware vendors frequently update antivirus and antispyware definition
files, look for the latest version and date in the definition files for each vendor product.
Each time the antivirus and antispyware support chart is updated to reflect support for new antivirus and
antispyware vendors, products, and their releases, the NAC Agents receive a new antivirus and antispyware
library. It helps NAC Agents to support newer additions. Once the NAC Agents retrieve this support
information, they check the latest definition information from the periodically updated se-checks.xml file
(which is published along with the se-rules.xml file in the se-templates.tar.gz archive), and determine whether
clients are compliant with the posture policies. Depending upon what is supported by the antivirus and
antispyware library for a particular antivirus, or antispyware product, the appropriate requirements will be
sent to the NAC Agents for validating their existence, and the status of particular antivirus and antispyware
products on the clients during posture validation.
For more information on the antivirus and anti-malware products supported by the ISE posture agent, see the
Cisco AnyConnect ISE Posture Support Charts: Cisco ISE Compatibility Guide.
You can verify the minimum compliance module version while creating an anti-malware posture condition.
After the posture feed is updated, choose Work Centers > Posture > Policy Elements > Anti-Malware
Condition and then choose the Operating System and Vendor to view the support chart.

Note Some of the Anti-Malware endpoint security solutions (such as FireEye, Cisco AMP, Sophos, and so on)
require network access to their respective centralized service for functioning. For such products, AnyConnect
ISE posture module (or OESIS library) expects the endpoints to have internet connectivity. It is recommended
that internet access is allowed for such endpoints during pre-posture for these online agents (if offline detection
is not enabled). Signature Definition condition might not be applicable in such cases.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Compliance Module

Compliance Module
The compliance module contains a list of fields, such as vendor name, product version, product name, and
attributes provided by OPSWAT that supports Cisco ISE posture conditions.
Vendors frequently update the product version and date in the definition files, therefore, you must look for
the latest version and date in the definition files for each vendor product by frequently polling the compliance
module for updates. Each time the compliance module is updated to reflect the support for new vendors,
products, and their releases, the AnyConnect agents receives a new library. It helps AnyConnect agent to
support newer additions. Once the AnyConnect agents retrieve this support information, they check the latest
definition information from the periodically updated se-checks.xml file (which is published along with the
se-rules.xml file in the se-templates.tar.gz archive), and determine whether clients are compliant with the
posture policies. Depending upon what is supported by the library for a particular antivirus, antispyware,
antimalware, disk encryption, or patch management product, the appropriate requirements will be sent to the
AnyConnect agents for validating their existence, and the status of the particular products on the clients during
posture validation.
The compliance module is available on
Table given below lists the OPSWAT API versions that support and do not support the ISE posture policy.
There are different policy rules for agents that support versions 3 and 4.

Table 145: OPSWAT API Versions

Posture Condition Compliance Module Version


Antivirus 3.x or earlier

Antispyware 3.x or earlier

Antimalware 4.x or later

Disk Encryption 3.x or earlier and 4.x or later

Patch Management 3.x or earlier and 4.x or later

USB 4.x or later


File Any version

Application Any version

Compound Any version

Registry Any version

Service Any version

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Check Posture Compliance

Note • Be sure to create separate posture policies for version 3.x or earlier and version 4.x or later, in anticipation
of clients that may have installed any one of the above versions.
• OESIS version 4 support is provided for compliance module 4.x and Cisco AnyConnect 4.3 and higher.
However, AnyConnect 4.3 supports both OESIS version 3 and version 4 policies.
• Version 4 compliance module is supported by ISE 2.1 and higher.

Check Posture Compliance

Step 1 Log in to Cisco ISE and access the dashboard.
Step 2 In the Posture Compliance dashlet, hover your cursor over a stack bar or sparkline.
A tooltip provides detailed information.

Step 3 Expand the data categories for more information.

Step 4 Expand the Posture Compliance dashlet.
A detailed real-time report is displayed.
Note You can view the posture compliance report in the Context Visibility window. Navigate Context Visibility
> Endpoints > Compliance. This window displays different charts based on Compliance Status, Location,
Endpoints, and Applications by Categories.
You might see the posture status for endpoints that do not have any active sessions. For example, if the last
known posture status for an endpoint is Compliant, the status remains Compliant in the Context Visibility
window until the next update is received for the endpoint, even if the endpoint session is terminated. The posture
status is retained in the Context Visibility window until that endpoint is deleted or purged.

Create Patch Management Conditions

You can create a policy to check the status of a selected vendor's patch management product.
For example, you can create a condition to check if Microsoft System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM),
Client Version 4.x software product is installed at an endpoint.

Note Supported versions of Cisco ISE and AnyConnect:

• Cisco ISE version 1.4 and later
• AnyConnect version 4.1 and later

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create Disk Encryption Conditions

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or Policy Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Posture >
Patch Management Condition.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter the condition name and description in the Name and Description fields.
Step 4 Choose the appropriate operating system from the Operating System drop-down field.
Step 5 Choose the Compliance Module from the drop-down list.
Step 6 Choose the Vendor Name from the drop-down list.
Step 7 Choose the Check Type.
Step 8 Choose the appropriate patch from the Check patches installed drop-down list.
Step 9 Click Submit.

Related Topics
Patch Management Condition Settings, on page 997
Add a Patch Management Remediation, on page 1014

Create Disk Encryption Conditions

You can create a policy to check if an end point is compliant with the specified data encryption software.
For example, you can create a condition to check if the C: drive is encrypted in an end point. If the C: drive
is not encrypted then the end point receives a non-compliance notification and ISE logs a message.

Before you begin

To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or Policy Admin. You can associate a Disk
Encryption condition with a posture requirement only when you use the AnyConnect ISE posture agent.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Posture >
Disk Encryption Condition.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 In the Disk Encryption Condition window, enter the appropriate values in the fields.
Step 4 Click Submit.

Posture Condition Settings

This section describes simple and compound conditions used for posture.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

File Condition Settings

File Condition Settings

The following table describes the fields in the File Conditions window. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu
icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Posture > File Condition.

Table 146: File Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines for Windows OS Usage Guidelines for Mac OSX

Name Enter the name of the file condition. Enter the name of the file condition.

Description Enter a description for the file Enter a description for the file
condition. condition.

Operating System Select any Windows operating Select any Mac OSX to which the
system to which the file condition file condition should be applied.
should be applied.

File Type Choose one of the predefined Choose one of the predefined
settings: settings:
• FileDate: Checks whether a • FileDate: Checks whether a
file with a particular file with a particular
file-created or file-modified file-created or file-modified
date exists on the system. date exists on the system.
• FileExistence: Checks • FileExistence: Checks
whether a file exists on the whether a file exists on the
system. system.
• FileVersion: Checks whether • CRC32: Checks the data
a particular version of a file integrity of a file using the
exists on the system. checksum function.
• CRC32: Checks the data • SHA-256: Checks the data
integrity of a file using the integrity of a file using the
checksum function. hash function.
• SHA-256: Checks the data • PropertyList: Checks the
integrity of a file using the property value in a plist file,
hash function. such as loginwindow.plist.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

File Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines for Windows OS Usage Guidelines for Mac OSX

Data Type and Operator NA (Available only if you select

PropertyList as the File Type)
Choose the data type or value of the
key to be searched in the plist files.
Each data type contains a set of
• Unspecified: Checks the
existence of the specified key.
Enter an Operator (Exists,
• Number: Checks for the
specified key of number data
type. Enter an Operator
(equals, does not equal,
greater than, less than, greater
than or equal to, less than or
equal to) and a Value.
• String: Checks for the
specified key of string data
type. Enter an Operator
(equals, does not equal, equals
(ignore case), starts with, does
not start with, contains, does
not contain, ends with, does
not end with) and a Value.
• Version: Checks for the value
of the specified key as a
version string. Enter an
Operator (earlier than, later
than, same as) and a Value.

Property Name NA (Available only if you select

PropertyList as the File Type)
Enter a name of the key, for

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

File Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines for Windows OS Usage Guidelines for Mac OSX

File Path Choose one of the predefined Choose one of the predefined
settings: settings:
• ABSOLUTE_PATH: Checks • Root: Checks the file in the
the file in the fully qualified root (/) directory. Enter the file
path of the file. For example, path.
C:\<directory>\file name. For
other settings, enter only the • Home: Checks the file in the
file name. home (~) directory. Enter the
file path.
• SYSTEM_32: Checks the file
in the
directory. Enter the file name.
the file in the C:\ drive. Enter
the file name.
Checks the file in the
C:\Program Files. Enter the
file name.
the file in the root path for
Windows system. Enter the
file name.
if the specified file is present
on the Windows user's
desktop. Enter the file name.
• USER_PROFILE: Checks if
the file is present in the
Windows user's local profile
directory. Enter the file path.

File Date Type (Available only if you select (Available only if you select
FileDate as the File Type) Choose FileDate as the File Type) Choose
Creation Date or Modification Creation Date or Modification
Date. Date.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

File Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines for Windows OS Usage Guidelines for Mac OSX

File Operator The File Operator options change The File Operator options change
according to the settings you select according to the settings you select
in the File Type. Choose the in the File Type. Choose the
settings appropriately: settings appropriately:
FileDate FileDate
• EarlierThan • EarlierThan
• LaterThan • LaterThan
• EqualTo • EqualTo
• Within: The last n number of • Within: The last n number of
days. Valid values are days. Valid values are between
between 1 and 300 days. 1 and 300 days.

FileExistence FileExistence
• Exists • Exists
• DoesNotExist • DoesNotExist

• EarlierThan
• LaterThan
• EqualTo

File CRC Data (Available only if you select (Available only if you select
CRC32 as the File Type) You can CRC32 as the File Type) You can
enter a checksum value, for enter a checksum value, for
example, 0x3c37fec3 to check file example, 0x3c37fec3 to check file
integrity. The checksum value integrity. The checksum value
should start with 0x, a hexadecimal should start with 0x, a hexadecimal
integer. integer.

File SHA-256 Data (Available only if you select (Available only if you select
SHA-256 as the File Type) You SHA-256 as the File Type) You can
can enter a 64-byte hexadecimal enter a 64-byte hexadecimal hash
hash value to check file integrity. value to check file integrity.

Date and Time (Available only if you select (Available only if you select
FileDate as the File Type) Enter FileDate as the File Type) Enter
the date and time of the client the date and time of the client
system in mm/dd/yyyy and system in mm/dd/yyyy and
hh:mm:ss format. hh:mm:ss format.

Related Topics
Simple Posture Conditions, on page 972
Compound Posture Conditions, on page 973

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Firewall Condition Settings

Create a Posture Condition, on page 1023

Firewall Condition Settings

The Firewall condition checks if a specific Firewall product is running on an endpoint. The list of supported
Firewall products is based on the OPSWAT support charts. You can enforce policies during initial posture
and Periodic Reassessment (PRA).
Cisco ISE provides default Firewall conditions for Windows and Mac OS. These conditions are disabled by

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the Firewall condition.

Description Enter a description for the Firewall condition.

Compliance Module Choose the required compliance module.

• 4.x or later
• 3.x or later
• Any Version

Operating System Checks If the required Firewall product is installed

on an endpoint. You can select the Windows OS or
Mac OSX.

Vendor Choose a vendor name from the drop-down list. The

Firewall products of a vendor and their check type
are retrieved and displayed in the Products for
Selected Vendor table. The list in the table changes
according to the selected operating system.

Check Type Enabled: To check if a specific Firewall is running

on an endpoint. Verify if the vendor's product supports
the chosen check type by referring to the Products
for Selected Vendor list.

Registry Condition Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Registry Conditions window. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Posture > Registry Condition.

Table 147: Registry Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the registry condition.

Description Enter a description for the registry condition.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Registry Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Registry Type Choose one of the predefined settings as the registry


Registry Root Key Choose one of the predefined settings as the registry
root key.

Sub Key Enter the sub key without the backslash (“\”) to check
the registry key in the path specified in the Registry
Root Key.
For example, SOFTWARE\Symantec\Norton
AntiVirus\version will check the key in the following

Value Name (Available only if you select RegistryValue or

RegistryValueDefault as the Registry Type) Enter
the name of the registry key value to be checked for
This is the default field for RegistryValueDefault.

Value Data Type (Available only if you select RegistryValue or

RegistryValueDefault as the Registry Type) Choose
one of the following settings:
• Unspecified: Checks whether the registry key
value exists or not. This option is available only
for RegistryValue.
• Number: Checks the specified number in the
registry key value
• String: Checks the string in the registry key
• Version: Checks the version in the registry key

Value Operator Choose the settings appropriately.

Value Data (Available only if you select RegistryValue or

RegistryValueDefault as the Registry Type) Enter
the value of the registry key according to the data type
you have selected in Value Data Type.

Operating System Select the operating system to which the registry

condition should be applied.

Related Topics
Simple Posture Conditions, on page 972
Compound Posture Conditions, on page 973

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Continuous Endpoint Attribute Monitoring

Continuous Endpoint Attribute Monitoring

You can use the Cisco AnyConnect agent to continuously monitor different endpoint attributes to ensure that
dynamic changes are observed during posture assessment. This improves the overall visibility of an endpoint
and helps you create posture policies based on their behavior. The Cisco AnyConnect agent monitors
applications that are installed and running on an endpoint. You can turn on and off the feature and configure
how often the data should be monitored. By default, data is collected every 5 minutes and is stored in the
database. During initial posture, Cisco AnyConnect reports a complete list of running and installed applications.
After initial posture, the Cisco AnyConnect agent scans the applications every X minute and sends the
differences from the last scan to the server. The server displays the complete list of running and installed

Application Condition Settings

The application condition queries for applications that are installed on an endpoint. This helps you get an
aggregate visibility of the software distributed on your endpoints. For example, based on the information, you
can create policies and work with the Desktop team to reduce software licenses.
The following table describes the fields in the Application Conditions window. To view this window, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Posture > Policy Elements > Application Condition >

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter a name for the application condition.

Description Enter the description for the application condition.

Operating System Select the Windows OS or MAC OSX to which the

application condition should be applied.

Compliance Module Choose one of the following options:

• 4.x or later
• 3.x or earlier
• Any Version

Check By Choose one of the following options:

• Process: Choose this option to check if a process
is running on an endpoint.
• Application: Choose this option to check if an
application is running on an endpoint.

Process Name (Available only when you select Process as the Check
By option) Enter the required process name.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Service Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Application Operator (Available only when you select Process as the Check
By option) Choose one of the following options:
• Running: Choose this option to check if an
application is running on an endpoint.
• Not Running: Choose this option to check
whether an application is not running on an

Application State (Available only when you select Application as the

Check By option) Choose one of the following
• Installed: Choose this option to check whether
the clients have malicious applications installed.
If a malicious application is found, the
remediation action is triggered.
• Running: Choose this option to check if an
application is running on an endpoint.

Provision By (Available only when you select Application as the

Check By option) Choose one of the following
• Everything: You can select all listed categories
such as Browser, Patch Management, and so on.
• Name: You should select at least one category.
For example, if you choose the Browser
category, it displays the corresponding vendors
in the Vendor drop-down list.
• Category: You can check one or more categories
such as Anti-Malware, Backup, Browser, or Data

Note Categories are dynamically updated from

the OPSWAT library.

You can view the number of installed and running applications for each endpoint in the Context Visibility
> Endpoints > Compliance window.
The Home > Summary > Compliance window displays the percentage of endpoints that are subject to
posture assessment and are compliant.

Service Condition Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Service Conditions window. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Posture > Service Condition.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Posture Compound Condition Settings

Table 148: Service Conditions Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter a name for the service condition.

Description Enter a description of the service condition.

Operating Systems Select the operating system to which the service

condition should be applied. You can select different
versions of the Windows OS or Mac OSX.

Service Name Enter the name of the Daemon or User Agent service,
for example,, running as root. The
AnyConnect agent uses the command sudo launchctl
list to validate the service condition.

Service Type Choose the type of service that AnyConnect should

check for to ensure client compliance:
• Daemon: Checks if a specified service, such as
scanning a client device for malware, is present
in the specified list of Daemon services in the
• User Agent: Checks if a specified service, such
as a service that runs when malware is detected,
is present in the specified list of User services in
the client.
• Daemon or User Agent: Checks if the specified
services are present either in the Daemon or User
Agent services list.

Service Operator Choose the service status that you want to check in
the client:
• Windows OS: To check if a service is Running
or Not Running.
• Mac OSX: To check if a service is Loaded, Not
Loaded, Loaded and Running, Loaded with
Exit Code, and Loaded and running or with
Exit code.

Related Topics
Simple Posture Conditions, on page 972
Compound Posture Conditions, on page 973

Posture Compound Condition Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Compound Conditions window. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Posture > Compound Condition.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

AntiVirus Condition Settings

Table 149: Posture Compound Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the compound condition that you

want to create.

Description Enter the description of the compound condition that

you want to create.

Operating System Select one or more Windows operating systems. This

allows you to associate Windows operating systems
to which the condition is applied.

Parentheses ( ) Click the parentheses to combine two simple

conditions from the following simple condition types:
file, registry, application, and service conditions.

( & ): AND operator (use “&” for an AND operator, You can use the AND operator (ampersand [ & ]) in
without the quotes) a compound condition. For example, enter Condition1
& Condition2.

( | ): OR operator (use “|” for an OR operator, without You can use the OR operator (horizontal bar [ | ]) in
the quotes) a compound condition. For example, enter Condition1
& Condition2.

( ! ): NOT operator (use “!” for a NOT operator, You can use the NOT operator (exclamation point [
without the quotes) ! ]) in a compound conditions. For example, enter
Condition1 & Condition2.

Simple Conditions Choose from a list of simple conditions of the

following types: file, registry, application, and service
You can also create simple conditions of file, registry,
application, and service conditions from the object
Click the quick picker (down arrow) on the Action
button to create simple conditions of file, registry,
application, and service conditions.

Related Topics
Posture Conditions, on page 972
Create Compound Posture Conditions, on page 973

AntiVirus Condition Settings

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions >
Posture > Anti-Virus Condition.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

AntiVirus Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the antivirus condition that you

want to create.

Description Enter the description of the antivirus condition that

you want to create.

Operating System Select an operating system to check the installation

of an antivirus program on your client, or check the
latest antivirus definition file updates to which the
condition is applied.

Vendor Choose a vendor from the drop-down list. The

selection of Vendor retrieves their antivirus products
and versions, which are displayed in the Products for
Selected Vendor table.

Check Type Choose whether to check an installation or check the

latest definition file update on the client.

Installation Choose to check only the installation of an antivirus

program on the client.

Definition Choose to check only the latest definition file update

of an antivirus product on the client.

Products for Selected Vendor

Choose an antivirus product from the table. Based on the vendor that you select in the New Anti-virus Condition
page, the table retrieves information on their antivirus products and their version, remediation support that
they provide, latest definition file date and its version.
The selection of a product from the table allows you to check for the installation of an antivirus program, or
check for the latest antivirus definition file date, and its latest version.

Note Only one condition can be configured for each antivirus product from either Baseline Condition or Advance

Baseline Condition

Field Name Guideline

Minimum Version (Available only when you update the Operating

System and Vendor) Choose minimum version of the
antivirus from the drop down list.
The check will enforce the network policy on all the
endpoints on your network to comply with the
mimimum version of antivirus.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

AntiVirus Condition Settings

Field Name Guideline

Maximum Version The maximum version for antivirus is revised

automatically when you update the posture feed.

Minimum Compliance Module Version The minimum compliance module version is updated
from the AnyConnect.

Advance Condition

Field Name Guidelines

Check against latest AV definition file version, if (Available only when you choose Definition check
available type) Choose to check the antivirus definition file
version on the client against the latest antivirus
definition file version, if available as a result of
posture updates in Cisco ISE. Otherwise, this option
allows you to check the definition file date on the
client against the latest definition file date in Cisco

Allow virus definition file to be (Enabled) (Available only when you choose Definition check
type) Choose to check the antivirus definition file
version and the latest antivirus definition file date on
the client. The latest definition file date cannot be
older than that you define in the next field (days older
than field) from the latest antivirus definition file date
of the product or the current system date.
If unchecked, Cisco ISE allows you to check only the
version of the antivirus definition file using the Check
against latest AV definition file version, if available

Days Older than Define the number of days that the latest antivirus
definition file date on the client can be older from the
latest antivirus definition file date of the product or
the current system date. The default value is zero (0).

Latest File Date Choose to check the antivirus definition file date on
the client, which can be older by the number of days
that you define in the days older than field.
If you set the number of days to the default value (0),
then the antivirus definition file date on the client
should not be older than the latest antivirus definition
file date of the product.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Antispyware Compound Condition Settings

Field Name Guidelines

Current System Date Choose to check the antivirus definition file date on
the client, which can be older by the number of days
that you define in the days older than field.
If you set the number of days to the default value (0),
then the antivirus definition file date on the client
should not be older than the current system date.

Related Topics
Compound Posture Conditions, on page 973
Preconfigured Antivirus and Antispyware Conditions, on page 975
Antivirus and Antispyware Support Chart, on page 975

Antispyware Compound Condition Settings

The following table describes the fields in the AS Compound Conditions window. In the Cisco ISE GUI,
click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > AS Compound Condition.

Table 150: Antispyware Compound Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the antispyware compound

condition that you want to create.

Description Enter the description of the antispyware compound

condition that you want to create.

Operating System Selecting an operating system allows you to check

the installation of an antispyware program on your
client, or check the latest antispyware definition file
updates to which the condition is applied.

Vendor Choose a vendor from the drop-down list. The

selection of Vendor retrieves their antispyware
products and versions, which are displayed in the
Products for Selected Vendor table.

Check Type Choose if you want to choose a type whether to check

an installation, or check the latest definition file update
on the client.

Installation Choose if you want to check only the installation of

an antispyware program on the client.

Definition Choose if you want to check only the latest definition

file update of an antispyware product on the client.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Antimalware Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Allow Virus Definition File to be (Enabled) Check this check box when you are creating
antispyware definition check types, and disabled when
creating antispyware installation check types.
If checked, the selection allows you to check
antispyware definition file version and the latest
antispyware definition file date on the client. The
latest definition file date cannot be older than that you
define in the days older than field from the current
system date.
If unchecked, the selection allows you to check only
the version of the antispyware definition file as the
Allow virus definition file to be check box is not

Days Older than Define the number of days that the latest antispyware
definition file date on the client can be older from the
current system date. The default value is zero (0).

Current System Date Choose to check the antispyware definition file date
on the client, which can be older by the number of
days that you define in the days older than field.
If you set the number of days to the default value (0),
then the antispyware definition file date on the client
should not be older than the current system date.

Products for Selected Vendor Choose an antispyware product from the table. Based
on the vendor that you select in the New Anti-spyware
Compound Condition page, the table retrieves
information on their antispyware products and their
version, remediation support that they provide, latest
definition file date and its version.
The selection of a product from the table allows you
to check for the installation of an antispyware
program, or check for the latest antispyware definition
file date, and its latest version.

Related Topics
Compound Posture Conditions, on page 973
Preconfigured Antivirus and Antispyware Conditions, on page 975
Antivirus and Antispyware Support Chart, on page 975

Antimalware Condition Settings

The antimalware condition is a combination of the antispyware and antivirus conditions and is supported by
OESIS version 4.x or later compliance module.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Antimalware Condition Settings

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Posture >
Antimalware Condition.

Note It is recommended that you manually update the installed Antimalware products to have the latest definitions
at least once. Otherwise, the posture checks using AnyConnect for Antimalware definitions might fail.

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter a name for the antimalware condition.

Description Enter a description for the antimalware condition.

Operating System Choose an operating system to check the installation

of antimalware programs on your client, or check the
latest antimalware definition file updates to which the
condition is applied. It supports both MAC and
Windows OS .

Vendor Choose a vendor from the drop-down list. The selected

vendor's antimalware products, versions, latest
definition dates, latest definition versions, and
minimum compliance module versions are displayed
in the Products for Selected Vendor table.

Check Type Choose one of the following options:

• Installation: Choose this option to check only
the installation of an antimalware program on
the client.
• Definition: Choose this option to check only the
latest definition file update of an antimalware
product on the client.

Check Against Latest AV Definition File Version, (Available only when you choose Definition check
if Available type) Choose this option to check the antimalware
definition file version on the client against the latest
antimalware definition file version, if available as a
result of posture updates in Cisco ISE. Otherwise, this
option allows you to check the definition file date on
the client against the latest definition file date in Cisco
This check will only work if there is a value listed in
Cisco ISE for the Latest Definition Date or Latest
Definition Version field for the selected product.
Otherwise, the Current System Date field must be

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Antimalware Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Allow Virus Definition File to be (Available only when you choose Definition check
type) Choose this option to check the antimalware
definition file version and the latest antimalware
definition file date on the client. The latest definition
file date cannot be older than that you define in the
Days Older Than field.
If unchecked, Cisco ISE allows you to check only the
version of the antimalware definition file using the
Check against latest AV definition file version

Days Older Than Define the number of days that the latest antimalware
definition file date on the client can be older than the
latest antimalware definition file date of the product
or the current system date. The default value is zero.

Latest File Date Choose this option to define the number of days that
the latest antimalware definition file date on the client
can be older than the latest antimalware definition file
date of the product.
If you set the number of days to the default value,
then the antimalware definition file date on the client
should not be older than the latest antimalware
definition file date of the product.
This check works only if there is a value listed in
Cisco ISE for the Latest Definition Date field for the
selected product. Otherwise, the Current System
Date field must be used.

Current System Date Choose this option to define the number of days that
the latest antimalware definition file date on the client
can be older than the current system date.
If you set the number of days to the default value,
then the antimalware definition file date on the client
should not be older than the current system date.

Products for Selected Vendor

Choose an antimalware product from the table. Based on the vendor that you select in the New Antimalware
Condition window, the antimalware products and their versions, remediation support provided, latest definition
file dates and versiona are displayed in this table.

Note Only one condition can be configured for each antimalware product from either Baseline Condition or
Advance Condition.

Baseline Condition

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Dictionary Simple Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Minimum Version (Available only when you update the Operating System and
Vendor fields) The minimum version of the antimalware that
must be installed on the endpoints.

Maximum Version The maximum version for antimalware is revised automatically

when you update the posture feed.

Minimum Compliance Module Version The minimum compliance module version is updated based on

Advance Condition
Related Topics
Compound Posture Conditions, on page 973

Dictionary Simple Condition Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Dictionary Simple Conditions window. In the Cisco ISE GUI,
click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Posture > Dictionary
Simple Condition.

Table 151: Dictionary Simple Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the dictionary simple condition that

you want to create.

Description Enter the description of the dictionary simple

condition that you want to create.

Attribute Choose an attribute from the dictionary.

Operator Choose an operator to associate a value to the attribute

that you have selected.

Value Enter a value that you want to associate to the

dictionary attribute, or choose a predefined value from
the drop-down list.

Related Topics
Simple Posture Conditions, on page 972
Create Simple Posture Conditions, on page 972

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Dictionary Compound Condition Settings

Dictionary Compound Condition Settings

Table 152: Dictionary Compound Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the dictionary compound condition

that you want to create.

Description Enter the description of the dictionary compound

condition that you want to create.

Select Existing Condition from Library Define an expression by selecting pre-defined

conditions from the policy elements library or add
ad-hoc attribute/value pairs to your expression in the
subsequent steps.

Condition Name Choose dictionary simple conditions that you have

already created from the policy elements library.

Expression The Expression is updated based on your selection

from the Condition Name drop-down list.

AND or OR operator Choose an AND, or an OR operator to logically

combine dictionary simple conditions, which can be
added from the library.
Click the Action icon to do the following:
• Add Attribute/Value
• Add Condition from Library
• Delete

Create New Condition (Advance Option) Select attributes from various system or user-defined
You can also add predefined conditions from the
policy elements library in the subsequent steps.

Condition Name Choose a dictionary simple condition that you have

already created.

Expression From the Expression drop-down list, you can create

a dictionary simple condition.

Operator Choose an operator to associate a value to an attribute.

Value Enter a value that you want to associate to the

dictionary attribute, or choose a value from the
drop-down list.

Related Topics
Compound Posture Conditions, on page 973

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Patch Management Condition Settings

Create Compound Posture Conditions, on page 973

Patch Management Condition Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Patch Management Conditions window. To view this window,
click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Posture > Patch
Management Condition.

Table 153: Patch Management Condition

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter a name for the patch management condition.

Description Enter a description for the patch management


Operating System Choose an operating system to check the installation

of a patch management software on the endpoint, or
check the latest patch management definition file
updates to which the condition is applied. You can
select the Windows OS or Mac OSX. You can also
select more than one version of an operating system
to create the patch management condition.

Vendor Name Choose a vendor from the Vendor Name drop-down

list. Based on your selection, the patch management
products and their supported versions, check type,
and minimum compliant module support details are
displayed in the Products for Selected Vendor table.
The list in the table changes according to the selected
operating system.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Patch Management Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Check Type Choose one of the following options:

• Installation: To check if the selected product is
installed on the endpoint. This check type is
supported by all vendors.
Note For the Cisco Temporal Agent, you
can only view the Patch Management
conditions containing the Installation
check type in the Requirements
• Enabled: To check if the selected product is
enabled on the endpoint. Verify if the vendor's
product supports the chosen check type by
referring to the Products for Selected Vendor
• Up to Date: To check if the selected product
does not have missing patches. Verify if the
vendor's product supports the chosen check type
by referring to the Products for Selected
Vendor list.

Click the Products for Selected Vendor drop-down

list to view the list of products that the vendor you
have specified in the Vendor Name field supports.
For example, if you have selected Vendor A that has
two products, namely Product 1 and Product 2.
Product 1 may support the Enabled option, whereas
Product 2 might not. Or, if Product 1 does not support
any of the check types, it is grayed out.
Note (Applicable for Cisco ISE 2.3 and above,
and AnyConnect 4.5 and above) If you
select the Up to Date Check Type in the
Patch Management condition with SCCM,
then Cisco ISE:
1. Uses the Microsoft API to check the
current security patch for the specified
severity level.
2. Triggers the Patch Management
remediation for that missing security

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Disk Encryption Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Check Patches Installed (Available only when you select the Up To Date
check type) You can configure severity levels for
missing patches, which are then deployed based on
the severity. Choose one of the following options:
• Critical Only: To check if critical software
patches are installed on the endpoints in your
• Important and Critical: To check if important
and critical software patches are installed on the
endpoints in your deployment.
• Moderate, Important, and Critical: To check
if moderate, important, and critical software
patches are installed on the endpoints in your
• Low To Critical: To check if low, moderate,
important, and critical software patches are
installed on the endpoints in your deployment.
• All: To install the missing patches for all severity

Related Topics
Create Patch Management Conditions, on page 977

Disk Encryption Condition Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Disk Encryption Condition window. In the Cisco ISE GUI,
click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Posture > Disk Encryption

Table 154: Disk Encryption Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the disk encryption condition that

you want to create.

Description Enter a description for the disk encryption condition.

Operating System Select an operating system of the end point, whose

disk is to be checked for encryption. You can select
the Windows OS or Mac OSX. You can also select
more than one version of an operating system to create
the disk encryption condition.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Disk Encryption Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Vendor Name Choose a vendor name from the drop-down list. The
data encryption products of a vendor, and their
supported version, the encryption state check, and the
minimum compliant module support are retrieved and
displayed in the Products for Selected Vendor table.
The list in the table changes according to the selected
operating system.

Location Enabled only when an option is checked in the

Products for Selected Vendor section. Select any
one of the following options:
• Specific Location: To check if the specified disk
drive is encrypted in the end point, (for example,
C: for Windows OS) or a specified volume label
is encrypted, (for example, Mackintosh HD for
Mac OSX).
• System Location: To check if the default
Windows OS system drive or Mac OSX hard
drive is encrypted in the end point.
• All Internal Drives: To check the internal
drives. Includes all hard disks that are mounted
and encrypted, and all internal partitions.
Excludes read only drives, system recovery
disk/partition, boot partition, network partitions,
and the different physical disk drives that are
external to the endpoint (including but not limited
to disk drives connected via USB and
Thunderbolt). Encryption software products that
are validated include:
• Bit-locker-6.x/10.x
• Checkpoint 80.x on Windows 7

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

USB Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Encryption State The Encryption State checkbox is disabled when the

selected product does not support encryption state
check. The repeater is displayed only when the
checkbox is checked. You can select the Fully
Encrypted option to check if the client's disk drive is
wholly encrypted.
If you create a condition, for example for TrendMicro,
and select two vendors—one with the Encryption
State "Yes" and another with the Encryption State
"No", then the Encryption State will be disabled
because one of the Vendor Encryption States is "No".
Note You can click the repeater to add more
Locations and the relationship between
each location is the logical AND operator.

Related Topics
Create Disk Encryption Conditions, on page 978

USB Condition Settings

The following table describes the fields in the USB Condition window. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu
icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Posture > Policy Elements > USB. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Posture > USB Condition
The USB check is a predefined condition and supports only Windows OS.

Table 155: USB Condition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name USB_Check

Description Cisco predefined check

Operating System Windows

Compliance Module A display-only field for ISE posture compliance

module support for version 4.x (and later).

Related Topics
Simple Posture Conditions, on page 972

Hardware Attributes Condition Settings

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Hardware Attributes
Condition to access the Hardware Attributes Condition window. The following table describes the fields
in the Hardware Attributes Condition window.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Posture External DataSource Condition

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Hardware_Attributes_Check: The default name assigned to the condition.

Description Cisco predefined check that collects hardware attributes from clients.

Operating System Windows All or Mac OS

Compliance 4.x or later


Posture External DataSource Condition

You can configure conditions to match an endpoints UDID with an external datasource. Currently, only Active
Directory is supported. The scripts required on the posture agent to send UDID to Active Directory are not
included with ISE.

Configure Posture Policies

A posture policy is a collection of posture requirements that are associated with one or more identity groups
and operating systems. The Dictionary Attributes are optional conditions that can be used along with the
identity groups and the operating systems to define different policies for the devices.
Cisco ISE provides an option to configure the grace time for the devices that are noncompliant. If a device is
found to be noncompliant, Cisco ISE looks for the previously known good state in the posture assessment
result cache and provides grace time for the device accordingly. The device is granted access to the network
during the grace period. You can configure the grace time period in minutes, hours, or days (up to a maximum
of 30 days).
See the section "Posture Policy" in ISE Posture Prescriptive Deployment Guide for more information.

Note Profiler policy evaluation will not work if both 'Endpoint policies' and 'Logical Profiles' are configured under
Other Conditions in Policy > Posture.

Note • When the grace period is extended or reduced, if the device goes through the posture flow again (for
example, if the Delayed Notification option is enabled, Re-Scan option is selected, device disconnects
or reconnects to a network), the new grace period and delayed notification will be applied.
• Grace period is not applicable for the temporal agent.
• When a device matches multiple posture policies, with each policy having a different grace period, the
device gets the maximum grace period configured among the different policies.
• The Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) is not displayed when the device is in the grace period.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Posture Policies

Before you begin

• You must understand the Acceptable Use Policy (AUP).
• You must understand periodic reassessments (PRA).
• You must use AnyConnect agent 4.7 or higher to see compliance-related notifications. For more
information about configuring the AnyConnect agent, see Create AnyConnect Configuration, on page

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Posture or Work Centers > Posture > Posture
Step 2 Use the drop-down arrow to add a new policy.
Step 3 To edit the profile, either double-click a policy or click Edit at the end of the row.
Step 4 From the Rule Status drop-down list, choose Enabled or Disabled.
Step 5 Choose the drop-down under Policy Options, and specify the Grace Period Settings in minutes, hours, or days.
The valid values are:
• 1 to 30 days
• 1 to 720 hours
• 1 to 43200 minutes

By default, this setting is disabled.

Note Even if the posture assessment result is noncompliant, if the device is found to be previously compliant and
the cache is not yet expired, the device is granted access for the amount of time specified in the Grace Period

Step 6 (Optional) Drag the slider named Delayed Notification to delay the grace period prompt from being displayed to the
user until a specific percentage of grace period has elapsed. For example, if the notification delay period is set to 50%
and the configured grace period is 10 minutes, Cisco ISE checks the posture status after 5 minutes and displays the
grace period notification if the endpoint is found to be noncompliant. Grace period notification is not displayed if the
endpoint status is compliant. If the notification delay period is set to 0%, the user is prompted immediately at the
beginning of the grace period to remediate the problem. However, the endpoint is granted access until the grace period
expires. The default value for this field is 0%. The valid range is from 0 to 95%.
Step 7 In the Rule Name field, enter the name of the policy.
Note It is a best practice to configure a posture policy with each requirement as a separate rule in order to avoid
unexpected results.

Step 8 From the Identity Groups column, select the desired identity group.
You can create posture policies based on user or end-point identity groups.

Step 9 From the Operating Systems column, select the operating system.
Step 10 From the Compliance Module column, select the required compliance module:
• 4.x or Later: Supports antimalware, disk encryption, patch management, and USB conditions.
• 3.x or Earlier: Supports antivirus, antispyware, disk encryption, and patch management conditions

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure AnyConnect Workflow

• Any Version—: upports file, service, registry, application, and compound conditions.

Step 11 From the Posture Type column, select the Posture Type.
• AnyConnect—Deploys the AnyConnect agent to monitor and enforce Cisco ISE policies that require client
• AnyConnect Stealth—Deploys the AnyConnect agent to monitor and enforce Cisco ISE posture policies without
any client interaction.
• Temporal Agent—A temporary executable file that is run on the client to check the compliance status.

Step 12 In Other Conditions, you can add one or more dictionary attributes and save them as simple or compound conditions
to a dictionary.
Note The dictionary simple conditions and compound conditions that you create in the Posture Policy window
are not displayed while configuring an authorization policy.

Step 13 Specify the requirements in the Requirements field.

Step 14 Click Save.

Configure AnyConnect Workflow

To configure the AnyConnect agent, perform the following steps in Cisco ISE:

Step 1 Create an AnyConnect agent profile.

Step 2 Create an AnyConnect configuration for AnyConnect packages.
Step 3 Create a client provisioning policy.
Step 4 (Optional) Create custom posture condition.
Step 5 (Optional) Create custom remediation action.
Step 6 (Optional) Create custom posture requirements.
Step 7 Create a posture policy.
Step 8 Configure the client provisioning policy.
Step 9 Create an authorization profile.
Step 10 Configure the authorization policies.

Note Cisco ISE does not support ARM64 version of AnyConnect for AnyConnect posture flow. Ensure that you
do not use the ARM64 version of AnyConnect in the client provisioning policy, otherwise it might cause
failure on the client side. Restart the client if Anyconnect is not working properly because of this issue.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Prerequisite for Certificate-Based Conditions

Prerequisite for Certificate-Based Conditions

Client Provisioning and Posture Policy rules may include conditions based on certificate attributes. A
prerequisite for certificate-based conditions in either the Client Provisioning or Posture Policy is to ensure
that there is s a matching Authorization Policy rule based on the same certificate attribute.
For example, you should use the same attribute as shown in the figures, the Issuer – Common Name attribute
is used in both Client Provisioning or posture and authorization policies.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Prerequisite for Certificate-Based Conditions

Figure 59: Cisco Provisioning Policy

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Default Posture Policies

Figure 60: Conditions Studio

Note ISE server certificate must be trusted in the System Certificate store for AnyConnect 4.6 MR2 and above.
Any posture check or remediation that requires elevated privileges will not work if the server is untrusted.
• Windows OS: The server certificate must be added to the System Certificate store.
• MAC OS: The server certificate must be added to the System Keychain. It is recommended that you use
the command-line utility to trust the certificate. Adding the certificate to the System Keychain using the
Keychain Access app might not work if it is already present in the Login Keychain.

Default Posture Policies

The Cisco ISE software comes with a number of pre-configured posture policies (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Posture) that make it easier for you to create the posture policies
and profiles. These policies are disabled by default. You can enable these policies based on your requirements.
Following are some of the default posture policies.

Rule Name Description Requirements

Default_Antimalware_Policy_Mac Checks if endpoints have any of the Any_AM_Installation

supported vendor’s antimalware
software (that is recognized by
AnyConnect) installed and running
in their devices.

Default_Antimalware_Policy_Win Checks if endpoints have any of the Any_AM_Installation_Win

supported vendor’s antimalware
software (that is recognized by
AnyConnect) installed and running
in their devices.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Client Posture Assessment

Rule Name Description Requirements

Default_AppVis_Policy_Mac Gathers information and reports all Default_AppVis_Requirement_Mac

the applications that are installed
on a given endpoint.

Default_AppVis_Policy_Win Gathers information and reports all Default_AppVis_Requirement_Win

the applications that are installed
on a given endpoint.

Default_Firewall_Policy_Mac Checks if endpoints have any of the Default_Firewall_Requirement_Mac

supported vendor’s Firewall
program (that is recognized by
AnyConnect) installed.

Default_Firewall_Policy_Win Checks if endpoints have any of the Default_Firewall_Requirement_Win

supported vendor’s Firewall
program (that is recognized by
AnyConnect) installed.

Default_USB_Block_Win Ensures that the endpoint device USB_Block

does not have any USB storage
devices connected.

Client Posture Assessment

To ensure that the imposed network security measures remain relevant and effective, Cisco ISE enables you
to validate and maintain security capabilities on any client machine that accesses the protected network. By
employing posture policies that are designed to ensure that up-to-date security settings or applications are
available on client machines, the Cisco ISE administrator can ensure that any client machine that accesses the
network meets, and continues to meet, the defined security standards for enterprise network access. Posture
compliance reports provide Cisco ISE with a snapshot of the compliance level of the client machine at the
time of user login, as well as any time a periodic reassessment occurs.
Posture assessment and compliance occurs using one of the following agent types available in Cisco ISE:
• AnyConnect ISE Agent: A persistent agent that can be installed on Windows or Mac OS X client to
perform posture compliance functions.
• Cisco Temporal Agent: A temporary executable file that is run on the client to check the compliance
status. The agent is removed from the client machine after the login session is terminated. By default,
the agent resides in the Cisco ISE ISO image, and is uploaded to Cisco ISE during installation.

Posture Assessment Options

The following table provides a list of posture assessment (posture conditions) options that are supported by
the Cisco ISE Posture Agents for Windows and Macintosh, and the Web Agent for Windows.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Posture Assessment Options

Table 156: Posture Assessment Options

ISE Posture Agent for Cisco Temporal Agent for ISE Posture Agent for Cisco Temporal Agent for
Windows Windows Macintosh OS X Macintosh OS X

Operating System/Service — — —

Service Check Service Check (Temporal Service Check (AC 4.1 Daemon checks are not
agent 4.5 and ISE 2.3) and ISE 1.4) supported

Registry Check Registry Check (Temporal — —

agent 4.5 and ISE 2.3)

File Check File Check (Temporal File Check (AC 4.1 and File Check (Temporal
agent 4.5 and ISE 2.3) ISE 1.4) agent 4.5 and ISE 2.3)

Application Check Application Check Application Check (AC Application Check

(Temporal agent 4.5 and 4.1 and ISE 1.4) (Temporal agent 4.5 and
ISE 2.3) ISE 2.3)

Antivirus Installation Antimalware Installation Antivirus Installation Antimalware Installation

Antivirus Version/ OPSWAT version 4 is Antivirus Version/ OPSWAT version 4 is

Antivirus Definition Date used, hence no Antivirus Definition Date used, hence no
Antivirus/Antispyware Antivirus/Antispyware
support; only support; only
Antimalware is supported Antimalware is supported

Antispyware Installation OPSWAT version 4 is Antispyware Installation OPSWAT version 4 is

used, hence no used, hence no
Antivirus/Antispyware Antivirus/Antispyware
support; only support; only
Antimalware is supported Antimalware is supported

Antispyware Version/ OPSWAT version 4 is Antispyware Version/ OPSWAT version 4 is

Antispyware Definition used, hence no Antispyware Definition used, hence no
Date Antivirus/Antispyware Date Antivirus/Antispyware
support; only support; only
Antimalware is supported Antimalware is supported

Patch Management Check Only Patch Management Patch Management Check —

(AC 4.1 and ISE 1.4) installation check (AC 4.1 and ISE 1.4)

Windows Update Running — — —

Windows Update — — —

WSUS Compliance — — —

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Posture Remediation Options

Posture Remediation Options

The following table provides a list of posture remediation options that are supported by the Cisco ISE Posture
Agents for Windows and Macintosh, and the Web Agent for Windows.

Table 157: Posture Remediation Options

ISE Posture Agent for ISE Posture Agent for

Windows Macintosh OS X

Message Text (Local Check) Message Text (Local Check)

URL Link (Link Distribution) URL Link (Link Distribution)

File Distribution —

Launch Program —

Antivirus Definition Update Antivirus Live Update

Antispyware Definition Update Antispyware Live Update

Patch Management Remediation (AC 4.1 - and ISE —


Windows Update —


ISE Community Resource

Cisco ISE and SCCM integration Reference Guide

Custom Conditions for Posture

A posture condition can be any one of the following simple conditions: a file, a registry, an application, a
service, or a dictionary condition. One or more conditions from these simple conditions form a compound
condition, which can be associated with a posture requirement.
After an initial posture update, Cisco ISE also creates Cisco-defined simple and compound conditions.
Cisco-defined simple conditions use the pc_ as and compound conditions use pr_ as.
A user-defined condition or a Cisco-defined condition includes both simple and compound conditions.
Posture service makes use of internal checks based on antivirus and antispyware (AV/AS) compound conditions.
Hence, posture reports do not reflect the exact AV/AS compound-condition names that you have created. The
reports display only the internal check names of AV/AS compound conditions.
For example, if you have created an AV compound condition named "MyCondition_AV_Check" to check
any Vendor and any Product, the posture reports will display the internal check, that is “av_def_ANY”, as
the condition name, instead of "MyCondition_AV_Check".

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Posture End-Point Custom Attributes

Posture End-Point Custom Attributes

You can use the posture endpoint custom attributes to create client provisioning and posture policies. You
can create a maximum of 100 endpoint custom attributes. The following types of endpoint custom attributes
are supported: Int, String, Long, Boolean, Float, IP, and Date.
Endpoint custom attributes can be used to allow or block devices based on certain attributes or to assign certain
privileges based on the posture or client provisioning policies.

Create Posture Policy Using End-Point Custom Attributes

To create a posture policy using endpoint custom attributes:

Step 1 Create the endpoint custom attributes.

b) Enter the Attribute Name (for example, deviceType) and Data Type (for example, String) in the Endpoint Custom
Attributes area.
c) Click Save.
Step 2 Assign values to the custom attributes.
a) In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Context Visibility > Endpoints.
b) Assign the custom attribute values.
• Check the required MAC address check box, and then click Edit.
• Or, click the required MAC address, and then click Edit in the Endpoints page.

c) Ensure that the custom attribute that you created is displayed in the Custom Attributes area in the Edit Endpoint
dialog box.
d) Click Edit and enter the required attribute value (for example, deviceType = Apple-iPhone).
e) Click Save.
Step 3 Create a posture policy using the custom attributes and values.
a) In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Posture > Posture Policy.
b) Create the required policy. Choose the custom attributes by clicking Other Conditions and select the required
dictionary (for example, choose Endpoints > deviceType, the custom attribute that you created in Step 1). For more
information, see the Configure Cisco Temporal Agent Workflow, on page 1025 .
c) Click Save.

To create a client provisioning policy using endpoint custom attributes:

1. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Posture > Client
Provisioning > Client Provisioning Policy.
2. Create the required policy.
• Create the required rule (for example, Rule Name=WindowsAll, if Identity Groups=Any and Operating
Systems=Windows All and Other Conditions=Conditions, then Results=AC_Win_44117).

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Custom Posture Remediation Actions

• Choose the custom attributes by clicking Other Conditions and selecting the required dictionary.

Custom Posture Remediation Actions

A custom posture remediation action is a file, a link, an antivirus or antispyware definition updates, launching
programs, Windows updates, or Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) remediation types.

Add an Antispyware Remediation

You can create an antispyware remediation, which updates clients with up-to-date file definitions for compliance
after remediation.
The AS Remediations window displays all the antivirus remediations along with their name and description
and their modes of remediation.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Posture.
Step 2 Click Remediation Actions.
Step 3 Click AS Remediation.
Step 4 Click Add.
Step 5 Modify the values in the New AS Remediations window.
Step 6 Click Submit.

Add an Antivirus Remediation

You can create an antivirus remediation, which updates clients with up-to-date file definitions for compliance
after remediation.
The AV Remediations window displays all the antivirus remediations along with their name and description
and their modes of remediation.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Posture.
Step 2 Click Remediation Actions.
Step 3 Click AV Remediation.
Step 4 Click Add.
Step 5 Modify the values in the New AV Remediation window.
Step 6 Click Submit.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Add a File Remediation

Add a File Remediation

A file remediation allows clients to download the required file version for compliance. The client agent
remediates an endpoint with a file that is required by the client for compliance.
You can filter, view, add, or delete file remediations in the File Remediations window, but you cannot edit
file remediations. The File Remediations window displays all the file remediations along with their name and
description and the files that are required for remediation.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Posture.
Step 2 Click Remediation Actions.
Step 3 Click File Remediation.
Step 4 Click Add.
Step 5 Enter the name and description of the file remediation in the Name and Description fields.
Step 6 Modify the values in the New File Remediation window.
Step 7 Click Submit.

Add a Launch Program Remediation

You can create a launch program remediation, where the client agent remediates clients by launching one or
more applications for compliance.
The Launch Program Remediations page displays all the launch program remediations along with their name
and description and their modes of remediation.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Posture.
Step 2 Click Remediation Actions.
Step 3 Click Launch Program Remediation.
Step 4 Click Add.
Step 5 Modify the values in the New Launch Program Remediation page.
Step 6 Click Submit.

Troubleshoot Launch Program Remediation

When an application is launched as a remediation using Launch Program Remediation, the application is
successfully launched (observed in the Windows Task Manager), however, the application UI is not visible.

The Launch program UI application runs with system privileges, and is visible in the Interactive Service
Detection (ISD) window. To view the Launch program UI application, ISD should be enabled for the following

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Add a Link Remediation

• Windows Vista: ISD is in stop state by default. Enable ISD by starting ISD service in services.msc.
• Windows 7: ISD service is enabled by default.
• Windows 8/8.1: Enable ISD by changing "NoInteractiveServices" from 1 to 0 in the registry:
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CurrentControlSet \ Control \ Windows.

Add a Link Remediation

A link remediation allows clients to click a URL to access a remediation window or resource. The client agent
opens a browser with the link and allow the clients to remediate themselves for compliance.
The Link Remediation window displays all the link remediations along with their name and description and
their modes of remediation.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Posture.
Step 2 Click Remediation Actions.
Step 3 Click Link Remediation.
Step 4 Click Add.
Step 5 Modify the values in the New Link Remediation window.
Step 6 Click Submit.

Add a Patch Management Remediation

You can create a patch management remediation, which updates clients with up-to-date file definitions for
compliance after remediation.
The Patch Management Remediation window displays the remediation type, patch management vendor names,
and various remediation options.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Posture.
Step 2 Click Remediation Actions.
Step 3 Click Patch Mangement Remediation.
Step 4 Click Add.
Step 5 Modify the values in the Patch Management Remediation window.
Step 6 Click Submit to add the remediation action to the Patch Management Remediations window.

Add a Windows Server Update Services Remediation

You can configure Windows clients to receive the latest WSUS updates from a locally administered or a
Microsoft-managed WSUS server for compliance. A Windows Server Update Services (WSUS) remediation
installs latest Windows service packs, hotfixes, and patches from a locally managed WSUS server or a
Microsoft-managed WSUS server.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Add a Windows Update Remediation

You can create a WSUS remediation where the client agent integrates with the local WSUS Agent to check
whether the endpoint is up-to-date for WSUS updates.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Posture.
Step 2 Click Remediation Actions.
Step 3 Click Windows Server Update Services Remediation.
Step 4 Click Add.
Step 5 Modify the values in the New Windows Server Update Services Remediation window.
Step 6 Click Submit.

Add a Windows Update Remediation

The Windows Update Remediations page displays all the Windows update remediations along with their name
and description and their modes of remediation.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > > Posture..
Step 2 Click Remediation Actions.
Step 3 Click Windows Update Remediation.
Step 4 Click Add.
Step 5 Modify the values in the New Windows Update Remediation window.
Step 6 Click Submit.

Posture Assessment Requirements

A posture requirement is a set of compound conditions with an associated remediation action that can be
linked with a role and an operating system. All the clients connecting to your network must meet mandatory
requirements during posture evaluation to become compliant on the network.
Posture-policy requirements can be set to mandatory, optional, or audit types in posture policies. If requirements
are optional and clients fail these requirements, then the clients have an option to continue during posture
evaluation of endpoints.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Posture Assessment Requirements

Figure 61: Posture Policy Requirement Types

Mandatory Requirements
During policy evaluation, the agent provides remediation options to clients who fail to meet the mandatory
requirements defined in the posture policy. End users must remediate to meet the requirements within the
time specified in the remediation timer settings.
For example, you have specified a mandatory requirement with a user-defined condition to check the existence
of C:\temp\text.file in the absolute path. If the file does not exist, the mandatory requirement fails and the user
will be moved to Non-Compliant state.

Optional Requirements
During policy evaluation, the agent provides an option to clients to continue, when they fail to meet the
optional requirements specified in the posture policy. End users are allowed to skip the specified optional
For example, you have specified an optional requirement with a user-defined condition to check for an
application running on the client machine, such as Calc.exe. Although, the client fails to meet the condition,
the agent prompts an option to continue further so that the optional requirement is skipped and the end user
is moved to Compliant state.

Audit Requirements
Audit requirements are specified for internal purposes and the agent does not prompt any message or input
from end users, regardless of the pass or fail status during policy evaluation.
For example, you are in the process of creating a mandatory policy condition to check if end users have the
latest version of the antivirus program. If you want to find out the non-compliant end users before actually
enforcing it as a policy condition, you can specify it as an audit requirement.

Visibility Requirements
During policy evaluation, the agent reports compliance data for visibility requirements, every five to ten

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Client System Stuck in Noncompliant State

Client System Stuck in Noncompliant State

If a client machine is unable to remediate a mandatory requirement, the posture status changes to “noncompliant”
and the agent session is quarantined. To get the client machine past this “noncompliant” state, you need to
restart the posture session so that the agent starts posture assessment on the client machine again. You can
restart the posture session as follows:
• In wired and wireless Change of Authorization (CoA) in an 802.1X environment:
• You can configure the Reauthentication timer for a specific authorization policy when you create
a new authorization profile in the New Authorization Profiles page.“Configuring Permissions for
Downloadable ACLs” section on page 20-11 for more information.
• Wired users can get out of the quarantine state once they disconnect and reconnect to the network.
In a wireless environment, the user must disconnect from the wireless lan controller (WLC) and
wait until the user idle timeout period has expired before attempting to reconnect to the network.

• In a VPN environment—Disconnect and reconnect the VPN tunnel.

Create Client Posture Requirements

You can create a requirement in the Requirements window where you can associate user-defined conditions
and Cisco defined conditions, and remediation actions. Once created and saved in the Requirements window,
user-defined conditions and remediation actions can be viewed from their respective list windows.

Before you begin

• You must have an understanding of acceptable use policies (AUPs) for a posture.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Posture >
Step 2 Enter the values in the Requirements window.
Step 3 Click Done to save the posture requirement in read-only mode.
Step 4 Click Save.

Posture Reassessment Configuration Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Posture Reassessment Configurations window, which you can
use to configure posture reassessment. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > System > Settings > Posture > Reassessments.

Table 158: Posture Reassessment Configuration Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Configuration Name Enter the name of PRA configuration.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Posture Reassessment Configuration Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Configuration Description Enter a description for PRA configuration.

Use Reassessment Enforcement? Check the check box to apply the PRA configurations
for the user identity groups.

Enforcement Type Choose the action to be enforced:

• Continue: The user continues to have the
privileged access without any user intervention
to remediate the client irrespective of the posture
• Logoff: If the client is not compliant, the user is
forced to logoff from the network. When the
client logs in again, the compliance status is
• Remediate: If the client is not compliant, the
agent waits for a specified time for the
remediation to happen. Once the client has
remediated, the agent sends the PRA report to
the policy service node. If the remediation is
ignored on the client, then the agent sends a
logoff request to the policy service node to force
the client to logoff from the network.
If the posture requirement is set to mandatory,
then the RADIUS session will be cleared as a
result of the PRA failure action and a new
RADIUS session has to start for the client to be
postured again.
If the posture requirement is set to optional, then
the agent on the client allows the user to click
the continue option from the agent. The user can
continue to stay in the current network without
any restriction.

Interval Enter a time interval in minutes to initiate PRA on the

clients after the first successful login.
The default value is 240 minutes. Minimum value is
60 minutes and maximum is 1440 minutes.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Custom Permissions for Posture

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Grace time Enter a time interval in minutes to allow the client to

complete remediation. The grace time cannot be zero,
and should be greater than the PRA interval. It can
range between the default minimum interval (5
minutes) and the minimum PRA interval.
The minimum value is 5 minutes and the maximum
value is 60 minutes.
Note The grace time is enabled only when the
enforcement type is set to remediate action
after the client fails the posture

Select User Identity Groups Choose a unique group or a unique combination of

groups for your PRA configuration.

PRA configurations Displays existing PRA configurations and user identity

groups associated to PRA configurations.

Related Topics
Posture Lease, on page 963
Periodic Reassessments, on page 964
Posture Assessment Options, on page 1008
Posture Remediation Options, on page 1010
Custom Conditions for Posture, on page 1010
Custom Posture Remediation Actions, on page 1012
Configure Periodic Reassessments, on page 964

Custom Permissions for Posture

A custom permission is a standard authorization profile that you define in Cisco ISE. Standard authorization
profiles set access privileges based on the matching compliance status of the endpoints. The posture service
broadly classifies the posture into unknown, compliant, and noncompliant profiles. The posture policies and
the posture requirements determine the compliance status of the endpoint.
You must create three different authorization profiles for an unknown, compliant, and noncompliant posture
status of endpoints that can have different set of VLANs, DACLs, and other attribute value pairs. These
profiles can be associated with three different authorization policies. To differentiate these authorization
policies, you can use the Session:PostureStatus attribute along with other conditions.

Unknown Profile
If no matching posture policy is defined for an endpoint, then the posture compliance status of the endpoint
may be set to unknown. A posture compliance status of unknown can also apply to an endpoint where a
matching posture policy is enabled but posture assessment has not yet occurred for that endpoint and, therefore
no compliance report has been provided by the client agent.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Standard Authorization Policies

Note We recommend you to use posture with redirection for all Cisco network access devices.

Compliant Profile
If a matching posture policy is defined for an endpoint, then the posture compliance status of the endpoint is
set to compliant. When the posture assessment occurs, the endpoint meets all the mandatory requirements
that are defined in the matching posture policy. For an endpoint that is postured compliant, it can be granted
privileged network access on your network.

Noncompliant Profile
The posture compliance status of an endpoint is set to noncompliant when a matching posture policy is defined
for that endpoint but it fails to meet all the mandatory requirements during posture assessment. An endpoint
that is postured noncompliant matches a posture requirement with a remediation action, and it should be
granted limited network access to remediation resources in order to remediate itself.

Configure Standard Authorization Policies

You can define two types of authorization policies on the Authorization Policy window, standard exceptions
authorization policies. The standard authorization policies that are specific to posture are used to make policy
decisions based on the compliance status of endpoints.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Sets.
Step 2 In the View column, click the arrow icon adjacent the corresponding Default Policy.
Step 3 In the Actions column, click the cog icon, and then from the dropdown list, choose a new authorization policy.
A new row appears in the Policy Sets table.
Step 4 Enter a rule name.
Step 5 From the Conditions column, click the (+) symbol.
Step 6 Create the required conditions on the Conditions Studio Page. In the Editor section, click the Click To Add an Attribute
text box, and select the required Dictionary and Attribute.
You can drag and drop a Library condition to the Click To Add An Attribute text box.

Step 7 Click Use to create a new standard authorization policy in read-only mode.
Step 8 Click Save.

Best Practices for Network Drive Mapping with Posture

During posture assessment of a Windows endpoint, the endpoint user may encounter a delay in accessing the
desktop. This may be due to Windows trying to restore the file server drive letter mappings before providing
the user access to the desktop. The best practices to avoid the delay during posture are:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure AnyConnect Stealth Mode Workflow

• Endpoints should be able to reach the Active Directory server because the file server drive letter cannot
be mapped without reaching the AD. When posture (with AnyConnect ISE posture agent) triggers, it
blocks access to AD, causing delay in login. Use Posture Remediation ACLs to provide access to AD
servers before posture is completed.
• You should set a delay for the login script until posture completes and then you have to set the Persistence
attribute to NO. Windows tries to reconnect all the network drives during login and this cannot be done
until AnyConnect ISE posture agent gains full network access.

Configure AnyConnect Stealth Mode Workflow

The process of configuring AnyConnect in the stealth mode involves a series of steps. You should perform
the following steps in Cisco ISE.

Step 1 Create an AnyConnect agent profile, see Create an AnyConnect Agent Profile.
Step 2 Create an AnyConnect Configuration for AnyConnect Packages, see Create an AnyConnect Configuration for
AnyConnect Packages.
Step 3 Upload a Open DNS Profile in Cisco ISE, see Upload a Open DNS Profile in Cisco ISE.
Step 4 Create a Client Provisioning Policy, see Create a Client Provisioning Policy.
Step 5 Create a Posture Condition, see Create a Posture Condition.
Step 6 Create Posture Remediation, see Create Posture Remediation
Step 7 Create Posture Requirement in Clientless Mode, see Create Posture Requirement in Stealth Mode.
Step 8 Create Posture Policy, see Create Posture Policy.
Step 9 Configure authorization profile.
a) In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization >
Authorization Profiles.
b) Click Add and enter the Name of the profile.
c) In Common Tasks, enable Web Redirection (CWA, MDM, NSP, CPP) and choose Client provisioning (Posture)
from the drop-down list, enter the redirect ACL name and choose the Client Provisioning Portal Value. You can
edit or create a new Client Provisioning Portal in Work Centers > Posture > Client Provisioning > Client
Provisioning Portal.
Step 10 Configure authorization policies.
a) In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Sets
b) Click > and choose Authorization Policy and click on + icon to create a new authorization rule that features
Session:Posture Status EQUALS Unknown condition and the authorization profiled configured previously.
c) Above the previous rule, create a new authorization rule that features Session:Posture Status EQUALS
NonCompliant condition and another one that features Session:Posture Status EQUALS Compliant condition.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create an AnyConnect Agent Profile

Create an AnyConnect Agent Profile

Before you begin
You must upload the AnyConnect Cisco packages for MAC and Windows OS and the AnyConnect compliance

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client Provisioning >
Step 2 From the Add drop-down list, choose AnyConnect Posture Profile.
Step 3 From the Posture Agent Profile Settings drop-down list, choose AnyConnect.
Step 4 In the Name field, type the required name (for example, AC_Agent_Profile).
Step 5 In the Agent Behavior section, select the Stealth Mode parameter as Enabled .
Step 6 Click Save.

What to do next
You should create the AnyConnect configuration for the AnyConnect packages.

Create an AnyConnect Configuration for AnyConnect Packages

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client Provisioning >
Step 2 From the Add drop-down list, choose AnyConnect Configuration.
Step 3 From the Select AnyConnect Package drop-down list, choose the required AnyConnect package (for example,
Step 4 In the Configuration Name text box, type the required Name (for example, AC_Win_44117).
Step 5 In the Compliance Module drop-down list, choose the required compliance module (for example,
AnyConnectComplianceModuleWindows 4.2.437.0).
Step 6 In the AnyConnect Module Selection section, check the ISE Posture and Network Access Manager check boxes.
Step 7 In the Profile Selection section, from the ISE Posture drop-down list, choose the AnyConnect agent profile (for example,
Step 8 From the Network Access Manager drop-down list, choose the required AnyConnect agent profile (for example,

What to do next
You should upload the Open DNS profile to be pushed to the client.

Upload a Open DNS Profile in Cisco ISE

The Open DNS profile is pushed to the client.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create a Client Provisioning Policy

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client Provisioning >
Step 2 From the Add drop-down list, choose Agent Resources From Local Disk.
Step 3 From the Category drop-down list, choose Customer Created Packages.
Step 4 From the Type drop-down list, choose AnyConnect Profile.
Step 5 In the Name text box, type the required name (for example, OpenDNS).
Step 6 Click Browse and locate the JSON file from the local disk.
Step 7 Click Submit.

What to do next
You should create the client provisioning policy.

Create a Client Provisioning Policy

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Client Provisioning.
Step 2 Create the required rule (for example, Rule Name=WindowsAll, if Identity Groups=Any and Operating Systems=Windows
All and Other Conditions=Conditions, then Results=AC_Win_44117).

What to do next
You should create the posture condition.

Create a Posture Condition

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Posture > File
Step 2 Enter the required name (for example, filechk).
Step 3 From the Operating Systems drop-down list, choose Windows 7 (All).
Step 4 From the File Type drop-down list, choose FileExistence.
Step 5 From the File Path drop-down list, choose ABSOLUTE_PATH C:\test.txt.
Step 6 From the File Operator drop-down list, choose DoesNotExist.

What to do next
You should create the posture remediation.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create Posture Remediation

Create Posture Remediation

The file condition checks if test.txt file exists on the endpoint. If it does not exist, the remediation is to block
the USB port and prevent the installation of the file using a USB device.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Remediation Actions >
USB Remediations.
Step 2 Enter the required name (for example, clientless_mode_block).
Step 3 Click Submit.

What to do next
You should create the posture requirement.

Create Posture Requirement in Stealth Mode

When you create a Remediation action from the Requirements page, only the remediations that are applicable
to stealth mode are displayed: Anti-Malware, Launch Program, Patch Management, USB, Windows Server
Update Services, and Windows Update.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client Provisioning >
Step 2 Create the required posture requirement (for example, Name=win7Req for Operating Systems=Windows7(All) using
Compliance Module=4.x or later using Posture Type=AnyConnect Stealth met if Condition=filechk then Remediation

What to do next
You should create the posture policy.

Create Posture Policy

Before you begin
Ensure that the posture policy requirement and the policy are created in the clientless mode.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Posture
Step 2 Create the required rule. For example, if Identity Groups=Any and Operating Systems=Windows 7(All) and Compliance
Module=4.x or later and Posture Type=AnyConnect Stealth then Requirements=win7Req.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Enable AnyConnect Stealth Mode Notifications

Note For Client Provisioning without URL redirection, configuring the conditions with attributes specific to Network
Access or Radius will not work and matching of the client provisioning policy might fail due to the
non-availability of session information for the specific user in the Cisco ISE server. However, Cisco ISE allows
configuring conditions for the externally added identity groups.

Enable AnyConnect Stealth Mode Notifications

Cisco ISE provides several new failure notifications for AnyConnect stealth mode deployments. Enabling
failure notifications in stealth mode helps you to identify issues with wired, wireless, or VPN connections.
To enable notifications in stealth mode:

Note AnyConnect version and higher supports stealth mode notifications.

Before you begin

Configure AnyConnect in stealth mode.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client
Provisioning > Resources.
Step 2 Choose Add > AnyConnect ISE Posture Profile.
Step 3 From the Select a Category drop-down list, choose AnyConnect.
Step 4 From the Agent Behavior section, choose Enabled for the Enable notifications in stealth mode option.

Configure Cisco Temporal Agent Workflow

The process of configuring the Cisco temporal agent involves a series of steps. You should perform the
following steps in Cisco ISE.

Step 1 Create Posture Condition

Step 2 Create Posture Requirements
Step 3 Create the Posture Policy
Step 4 Configure the Client Provisioning Policy
Step 5 Configure authorization profile.
a) In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization >
Authorization Profiles.
b) Click Add and enter the Name of the profile.
c) In Common Tasks, enable Web Redirection (CWA, MDM, NSP, CPP) and choose Client provisioning (Posture)
from the drop-down list, enter the redirect ACL name and choose the Client Provisioning Portal Value. You can edit

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create Posture Condition

or create a new Client Provisioning Portal in Work Centers > Posture > Client Provisioning > Client Provisioning
Step 6 Configure authorization policies.
a) In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Sets.
b) Click > and choose Authorization Policy and click on + icon to create a new authorization rule that features
Session:Posture Status EQUALS Unknown condition and the authorization profiled configured previously.
c) Above the previous rule, create a new authorization rule that features Session:Posture Status EQUALS NonCompliant
condition and another one that features Session:Posture Status EQUALS Compliant condition.
Step 7 Download and Launch Cisco Temporal Agent

Create Posture Condition

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Conditions > Posture > File
Step 2 Enter the required name (for example, filecondwin).
Step 3 From the Operating Systems drop-down list, choose Windows 7 (All).
Step 4 From the File Type drop-down list, choose FileExistence.
Step 5 From the File Path drop-down list, choose ABSOLUTE_PATH C:\test.txt.
Step 6 From the File Operator drop-down list, choose DoesNotExist.

Create Posture Requirements

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Posture >
Step 2 From the Edit drop-down list, choose Insert New Requirement.
Step 3 Enter the Name, Operating Systems, and Compliance Module (for example, Name filereqwin, Operating Systems
Windows All, Compliance Module 4.x or later).
Step 4 In the Posture Type drop-down, choose Temporal Agent.
Step 5 Select the required condition (for example, filecondwin).
Note For the Cisco Termporal Agent, you can only view Patch Management conditions containing the Installation
check type in the Requirements page.

Step 6 Select the Message Text Only remediation action.

Note The temporal agent is supported by AnyConnect 4.x or later.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create the Posture Policy

Create the Posture Policy

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Posture.
Step 2 Create the required rule (for example, Name=filepolicywin, Identity Groups=Any, Operating Systems=Windows All,
Compliance Module=4.x or later, Posture Type=Temporal Agent, and Requirements=filereqwin).

Configure the Client Provisioning Policy

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Client Provisioning.
Step 2 Create the required rule (for example, Rule Name=Win, Identity Groups=Any, Operating Systems=Windows All, Other
Conditions=Conditions, Results=CiscoTemporalAgentWindows4.5).

Download and Launch Cisco Temporal Agent

Step 1 Connect to the SSID.

Step 2 Launch a Browser and you will be redirected to the Client Provisioning Portal.
Step 3 Click Start. This checks if the Cisco Temporal agent is installed and running.
Step 4 Click This Is My First Time Here.
Step 5 Choose Click Here to Download and Launch Cisco Temporal Agent.
Step 6 Save the Cisco Temporal Agent .exe or .dmg file for Windows or Mac OSX respectively. For Windows, run the .exe file
and for Mac OSX, double-click the .dmg file and run the acisetempagent app.
The Cisco Temporal Agent scans the client and displays the results, such as Red cross marks for non-compliant checks.

Posture Troubleshooting Tool

The Posture Troubleshooting tool helps you find the cause of a posture-check failure to identify the following:
• Which endpoints were successful in posture and which were not.
• If an endpoint failed in posture, what steps failed in the posture process.
• Which mandatory and optional checks passed and failed.

You determine this information by filtering requests based on parameters, such as username, MAC address,
and posture status.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Endpoint Login Credentials

Configure Endpoint Login Credentials

The Endpoint Login Configuration window is where you configure login credentials so Cisco ISE can log
in to clients. The login credentials that are configured in this window are used by the following Cisco ISE
In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Endpoint
Scripts > Settings.
The following tabs are displayed:
• Windows Domain User: Configure the domain credentials that Cisco ISE must use to log in to a client
via SSH. Click the Plus icon and enter as many Windows logins as you need. For each domain, enter
the required values in the Domain, Username, and Password fields. If you configure domain credentials,
the local user credentials that are configured in the Windows Local User tab are ignored.
• Windows Local User: Configure the local account that Cisco ISE uses to access the client via SSH. The
local account must be able to run Powershell and Powershell remote.
• MAC Local User: The local account that Cisco ISE uses to access the client via SSH. The local account
must be able to run Powershell and Powershell remote.

Endpoint Scripts Settings

This page configures options for Endpoint Scripts and Agentless Posture.
• Upload endpoint script execution logs to ISE: Enabled by default, you can upload endpoint scripts to
Cisco ISE. Disabling this disables endpoint scripts, you cannot upload or run endpoint scripts.
• Endpoint script execution verbose logging: Enable verbose logging for debugging.
• Endpoints processor batch size: You can adjust this accommodate network loads and system
• Endpoints processing concurrency for MAC
• Endpoints processing concurrency for Windows
• Maximum retry attempts for OS identification
• Delay between retries for OS identification (msec)
• Endpoint pagination batch size
• Log retention period on Endpoints (Days)
• Connection Time out (sec)
• Max-retry attempts for Connection
• Port Number for Powershell: Change this to use a nonstandard port number.
• Port Number for SSH Connection: Change this to use a nonstandard port number.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Client Provisioning in Cisco ISE

Configure Client Provisioning in Cisco ISE

Enable client provisioning to allow users to download client provisioning resources and configure agent
profiles. You can configure agent profiles for Windows clients, Mac OS X clients, and native supplicant
profiles for personal devices. If you disable client provisioning, users attempting to access the network will
receive a warning message indicating that they are not able to download client provisioning resources.

Before you begin

If you are using a proxy and hosting client provisioning resources on a remote system, verify that the proxy
allows clients to access that remote location.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Client Provisioning
or Work Centers > Posture > Settings > Software Updates > Client Provisioning.
Step 2 From the Enable Provisioning drop-down list, choose Enable or Disable.
Step 3 From the Enable Automatic Download drop-down list, choose Enable.
Feed downloads include all the available client provisioning resources. Some of these resources may not be pertinent to
your deployment. Cisco recommends manually downloading resources whenever possible instead of setting this option.

Step 4 Specify the URL where Cisco ISE searches for system updates in the Update Feed URL text box. For example, the
default URL for downloading client-provisioning resources is
Step 5 When there is no client provisioning resource for a device, choose one of the following options:
• Allow Network Access: Users are allowed to register their device on the network without having to install and
launch the native supplicant wizard.
• Apply Defined Authorization Policy: Users must try to access the Cisco ISE network via standard authentication
and authorization policy application (outside of the native supplicant provisioning process). If you enable this option,
the user device goes through standard registration according to any client-provisioning policy applied to the user’s
ID. If the user’s device requires a certificate to access the Cisco ISE network, you must also provide detailed
instructions to the user describing how to obtain and apply a valid certificate using the customizable user-facing text

Step 6 Click Save.

What to do next
Configure client provisioning resource policies.

Client Provisioning Resources

Client provisioning resources are downloaded to endpoints after the endpoint connects to the network. Client
provisioning resources consist of compliance and posture agents for desktops, and native supplicant profiles
for phones and tablets. Client provisioning policies assign these provisioning resources to endpoints to start
a network session.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Add Client Provisioning Resources from Cisco

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy Elements > Results > Client Provisioning >
Resources. The following resource types can be added to the list by clicking the Add button:
• Agent resources from Cisco Site: Select the AnyConnect, and Supplicant Provisioning wizards you
want to make available for client provisioning policies. Cisco periodically updates this list of resources,
adding new ones and updating existing ones. You can also set up ISE to download all the Cisco resources
and resource updates automatically, see Configure Client Provisioning in Cisco ISE, on page 1029 for
more information.
• Agent resources from local disk: Select resources on your PC that you want to upload to ISE, see Add
Cisco Provided Client Provisioning Resources from a Local Machine, on page 1031.
• AnyConnect Configuration: Select the AnyConnect PC clients that you want to make available for
client provisioning. See Create AnyConnect Configuration for more information.
• Native Supplicant Profile: Configure a supplicant profile for phones and tablets that contain settings
for your network. For more information, see Create Native Supplicant Profiles.
• AnyConnect ISE Posture Profile: Configure the AnyConnect ISE Posture here when you don't want
to create and distribute agent XML profiles. For more information about the AnyConnect ISE Posture
agent and ISE Posture Profile Editor, see the AnyConnect Administrators Guide for your version of

After creating client provisioning resources, create client provisioning policies that apply the client provisioning
resources to the endpoints. See Configure Client Provisioning Resource Policies, on page 1056.
Related Topics
Configure Client Provisioning in Cisco ISE, on page 1029
Add Client Provisioning Resources from Cisco, on page 1030
Add Cisco Provided Client Provisioning Resources from a Local Machine, on page 1031
Add Customer Created Resources for AnyConnect from a Local Machine, on page 1031

Add Client Provisioning Resources from Cisco

You can add client provisioning resources from for AnyConnect Windows, MAC OSX clients,
and Cisco Web agent. Depending on the resources that you select and available network bandwidth, Cisco
ISE can take a few minutes, to download client provisioning resources to Cisco ISE.

Before you begin

• Ensure that you have configured the correct proxy settings in Cisco ISE.
• Enable client provisioning in Cisco ISE.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client Provisioning >
Step 2 Choose Add > Agent resources from Cisco site.
Step 3 Select one or more required client provisioning resources from the list available in the Download Remote Resources
dialog box.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Add Cisco Provided Client Provisioning Resources from a Local Machine

Step 4 Click Save.

What to do next
After you have successfully added client provisioning resources to Cisco ISE, you can begin to configure
client provisioning resource policies.

Add Cisco Provided Client Provisioning Resources from a Local Machine

You can add client provisioning resources from the local disk, which you previously downloaded from Cisco.

Before you begin

Be sure to upload only current, supported resources to Cisco ISE. Older, unsupported resources are likely to
cause serious issues for client access.
If you are downloading the resource files manually from the, see the Section “Cisco ISE Offline
Updates” in the Cisco ISE Release Notes.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client Provisioning >
Step 2 Choose Add > Agent resources from local disk.
Step 3 Choose Cisco Provided Packages from the Category drop-down list.
Step 4 Click Browse to the directory on your local machine where the resource file that you want to download to Cisco ISE
You can add AnyConnect or Cisco Web Agent resources that you previously downloaded from Cisco to your local
Step 5 Click Submit.

What to do next
After you have successfully added client provisioning resources to Cisco ISE, you can configure client
provisioning resource policies.

Add Customer Created Resources for AnyConnect from a Local Machine

Add customer created resources like AnyConnect customization and localization packages and AnyConnect
profiles from the local machine to Cisco ISE.

Before you begin

Ensure that customer created resources for AnyConnect are zipped files and available in your local disk.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client provisioning >

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create Native Supplicant Profiles

Step 2 Choose Add > Agent Resources from local disk.

Step 3 Choose Customer Created Packages from the Category drop-down list.
Step 4 Enter the name and description for AnyConnect resources.
Step 5 Click Browse to the directory on your local machine where the resource file that you want to download to Cisco ISE
Step 6 Choose the following AnyConnect resources to upload to Cisco ISE:
• AnyConnect customization bundle
• AnyConnect localization bundle
• AnyConnect profile
• Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) Enabler Profile

Step 7 Click Submit.

The Uploaded AnyConnect Resources table displays AnyConnect resources that you add to Cisco ISE.

What to do next
Create AnyConnect agent profile

Create Native Supplicant Profiles

You can create native supplicant profiles to enable users to bring their own devices into the Cisco ISE network.
When the user signs in, Cisco ISE uses the profile that you associated with that user’s authorization requirements
to choose the necessary supplicant provisioning wizard. The wizard runs and sets up the user’s personal device
to access the network.

Note The provisioning wizard only configures interfaces which are active. Because of this, users with Wired and
Wireless connections will not be provisioned for both interfaces, unless they are both active.

Before you begin

• Open up TCP port 8905 to enable installation of Cisco AnyConnect Agent, Cisco Web Agent, and
supplicant provisioning wizard. For more information about port usage, see the “Cisco ISE Appliance
Ports Reference” appendix in the Cisco Identity Services Engine Hardware Installation Guide.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client Provisioning >
Step 2 Choose Add > Native Supplicant Profile.
Step 3 Create a profile, using the descriptions described in Native Supplicant Profile Settings, on page 1033

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Native Supplicant Profile Settings

What to do next
Enable selfprovisioning capabilities that allow employees to directly connect their personal devices to the
network, as described in the Support for multiple Guest Portals section.

Native Supplicant Profile Settings

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client
Provisioning Resources, and add a Native Supplicant Profile, you will see the following settings.
• Name: Name of the native supplicant profile that you are creating, and select which operating system(s)
this profile should apply to. Each profile defines settings for a network connection that ISE will apply
to the client's native supplicant.

Wireless Profile(s)
Configure one or more Wireless profiles, one for each SSID that you want to make available to the client.
• SSID Name: Name of the SSID that the client will connect to.
• Proxy Auto-Config File URL: If the client will connect to a proxy to get the network configuration for
its supplicant, enter the URL to that proxy server.
• Proxy Host/IP
• Proxy Port
• Security: Configure the client to use WPA or WPA2.
• Allowed Procotol: Configure which protocol the client should use to connect to the authentication server;
• Certificate Template: For TLS, choose one of the certificate templates defined on Administration >
System Certificates > Certificate Authority > Certificate Templates.

Optional Settings are described in the section Optional Settings - for Windows.
iOS Settings
• Enable if target network is hidden

Wired Profile
• Allowed Protocol: Configure which protocol the client should use to connect to the authentication server;
• Certificate Template: For TLS, choose one of the certificate templates that defined on Administration
System Certificates Certificate Authority Certificate Templates

Optional Settings - for Windows

If you expand Optional, the following fields are also available for Windows clients.
• Authentication Mode: Decide whether to use User, Machine or both as credentials for authorization.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Client Provisioning Without URL Redirection for Different Networks

• Automatically use logon name and password (and domain if any): If you selected User for
authentication mode, use the logon and password to without prompting the user, if that information is
• Enable Fast Reconnect: Allow a PEAP session to resume without checking user credentials when the
session resume feature is enabled in the PEAP protocol options, which is configured on Administration >
System > Settings > Protocols > PEAP.
• Enable Quarantine Checks: Check if the client has been quarantined.
• Disconnect if server does not present cryptobinding TLV: Disconnect if cryptobinding TLV is not
supported for the network connection.
• Do not prompt user to authorize new servers or trusted certification authorities: Automatically
accept user certificates; do not prompt the user.
• Connect even if the network is not broadcasting its name (SSID): For Wireless profiles only.

Client Provisioning Without URL Redirection for Different

Client provisioning without URL redirection is required when the third party NAC does not support CoA.
You can perform client provisioning with and without URL redirection.

Note For client provisioning with URL redirection, if the client machine has proxy settings configured, ensure that
you add Cisco ISE to the list of exceptions in the browser settings. This setting is applicable for all flows,
BYOD, MDM, Guest, and Posture that use URL redirection. For example, on Windows machines, do the
1. From Control Panel, click Internet Properties.
2. Select the Connections tab.
3. Click LAN settings.
4. Click Advanced from the Proxy server area.
5. Enter the IP addresses of the Cisco ISE nodes in the Exceptions box.
6. Click OK.

Given below are the steps you perform to provision an endpoint without redirection for different networks.
1. Connect the Cisco ISE network with provisioned certification.
2. Open a browser window and type in the provisioning URL:
3. Log into the CP portal via internal user, AD, LDAP, or SAML.
AnyConnect performs posture. The endpoint moves to the right network based on posture compliance.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

AMP Enabler Profile Settings

1. Connect the Cisco ISE network with User Name and Password through NSP
2. Open a browser window and type in the provisioning URL:
3. Log into the CP portal via internal user, AD, LDAP, or SAML
AnyConnect performs posture. The endpoint moves to the right network based on posture compliance.

MAB (Wired Networks)

1. Connect the Cisco ISE network.
2. Open a browser window and type in the provisioning URL:
3. Log into the CP portal via internal user, AD, LDAP, or SAML.
AnyConnect performs posture. The endpoint moves to the right network based on posture compliance.

MAB (Wireless Networks)

1. Connect the Cisco ISE network
2. Open a browser window and type in the provisioning URL:
3. Log into the CP portal via internal user, AD, LDAP, or SAML.
AnyConnect performs posture. Posture starts for wireless 802.1X only.

AMP Enabler Profile Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Advanced Malware Protection (AMP) Enabler Profile window.In
the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client
Provisioning > Resources.
Click the Add drop-down arrow and select the AMP Enabler Profile.

Table 159: AMP Enabler Profile Page

Field Names Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the AMP enabler profile that you
want to create.

Description Enter a description for the AMP enabler profile.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create an AMP Enabler Profile Using the Embedded Profile Editor

Field Names Usage Guidelines

Install AMP Enabler • Windows Installer: Specify the URL of the local
server that hosts the AMP for Windows OS
software. The AnyConnect module uses this URL
to download the .exe file to the endpoint. The
file size is approximately 25 MB.
• Mac Installer: Specify the URL of the local
server that hosts the AMP for Mac OSX
software. The AnyConnect module uses this URL
to download the .pkg file to the endpoint. The
file size is approximately 6 MB.

The Check button communicates with the server to

verify if the URL is valid. If the URL is valid, a "File
found" message is displayed or else an error message
is displayed.

Uninstall AMP Enabler Uninstalls the AMP for endpoint software from the

Add to Start Menu Adds a shortcut for the AMP for endpoint software
in the Start menu of the endpoint, after the AMP for
endpoint software is installed on the endpoint.

Add to Desktop Adds an icon for the AMP for endpoint software on
the desktop of the endpoint, after the AMP for
endpoint software is installed on the endpoint.

Add to Context Menu Adds the Scan Now option in the right-click context
menu of the endpoint, after the AMP for endpoint
software is installed on the endpoint.

Create an AMP Enabler Profile Using the Embedded Profile Editor

You can create the AMP enabler profile using the Cisco ISE embedded profile editor or the standalone editor.
To create the AMP enable profile using the Cisco ISE embedded profile editor:

Before you begin

• Download the AMP for Endpoint software from the SOURCEfire portal and host it on a local server.
• Import the certificate of the server that hosts the AMP for endpoint software to the ISE certificate store.
In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Certificates > Trusted
• Ensure that the AMP Enabler options are selected in the AnyConnect Module Selection and Profile
Selection sections in the AnyConnect Configuration window ( In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu
icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client provisioning > Resources > Add
> AnyConnect Configuration > Select AnyConnect Package).

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create an AMP Enabler Profile Using the Standalone Editor

• You must log in to the SOURCEfire portal, create policies for endpoint groups, and download the AMP
for endpoint software. The software comes preconfigured with the policies that you have chosen. You
must download two images, namely, the redistributable version of the AMP for endpoint software for
Windows OS and AMP for endpoint software for Mac OSX. The downloaded software is hosted on a
server that is accessible from the enterprise network.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client Provision >
Step 2 Click the Add drop-down.
Step 3 Choose AMP Enabler Profile to create a new AMP enabler profile.
Step 4 Enter the appropriate values in the fields.

Create an AMP Enabler Profile Using the Standalone Editor

To create an AMP enabler profile using the AnyConnect standalone editor.

Before you begin

You can create an AMP enabler profile by uploading the XML format of the profile using the AnyConnect
4.1 standalone editor.
• Download the AnyConnect standalone profile editor for Windows and Mac OS from
• Launch the standalone profile editor and enter the fields as specified in the AMP Enabler Profile Settings.
• Save the profile as an XML file in your local disk.
• Ensure that the AMP Enabler options are selected in the AnyConnect Module Selection and Profile
Selection sections in the AnyConnect Configuration window ( In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu
icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client provisioning > Resources > Add
> AnyConnect Configuration > Select AnyConnect Package).

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client provisioning >
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Choose Agent resources from local disk.
Step 4 Choose Customer Created Packages from the Category drop-down.
Step 5 Choose AMP Enabler Profile from the Type drop-down.
Step 6 Enter a Name and Description.
Step 7 Click Browse and select the saved profile (XML file) from the local disk. The following example shows a customized
install file.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FAProfile xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="FAProfile.xsd"

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Troubleshoot Common AMP Enabler Installation Errors


The following example shows a customized uninstall file.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<FAProfile xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation="FAProfile.xsd"

Step 8 Click Submit.

The newly created AMP Enabler profile is displayed in the Resources page.

Troubleshoot Common AMP Enabler Installation Errors

When you enter the SOURCEfire URL in the Windows or MAC Installer text box and click Check, you might
encounter any of the following errors:
• Error Message: The certificate for the server containing the Mac/Windows installer file is not trusted by
ISE. Add a trust certificate to Administration > Certificates > Trusted Certificates.
This error message appears if you have not imported the SOURCEfire trusted certificate in to the Cisco
ISE certificate store. Obtain a SOURCEfire trusted certificate and import it in to the Cisco ISE trusted
certificate store (Administration > Certificates > Trusted Certificates).
• Error Message: The installer file is not found at this location, this may be due to a connection issue. Enter
a valid path in the Installer text box or check your connection.
This error message appears when the server hosting the AMP for Endpoint software is down or if there
is a typographic error in the Windows Installer or MAC Installer text box.
• Error Message: The Windows/Mac installer text box does not contain a valid URL.
This error message appears when you enter a syntactically incorrect URL format.

Cisco ISE Support for Onboarding Chromebook Devices

Chromebook devices are managed devices (managed by the Google domain), unlike other devices (Apple,
Windows, Android) and have limited onboarding support. Cisco ISE supports the onboarding of Chromebook
devices on a network. Onboarding refers to the process of delivering the required settings and files to an
endpoint such that it is able to connect securely to a network after authenticating with Cisco ISE. This process

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Support for Onboarding Chromebook Devices

includes certificate provisioning and/or native supplicant provisioning. However, in Chromebook devices,
you can only perform certificate provisioning. Native supplicant provisioning is done via the Google Admin
Unmanaged Chromebook devices cannot be onboarded to a secure network.
The entities involved in the Chromebook onboarding process are the:
• Google Administrator
• ISE Administrator
• Chromebook User/Device
• Google Admin Console (Managed by the Google Administrator)

The Google administrator:

• Secures the following licenses:
1. Google Apps Administrator license for the Google Admin Console configuration—URL: The Google Admin Console enables an administrator to manage Google
services for people in an organization.
2. Chromebook device management license—URL: A Chromebook device management
license is used to configure settings and enforce policies for a specific Chromebook device. It gives
the Google Administrator access to device settings to control user access, customize features, configure
network access, and more.

• Facilitates provisioning and enrolling of Chromebook devices with a Google device license.
• Manages Chromebook devices through the Google Admin Console.
• Sets up and manages the Wi-Fi network configuration for each Chromebook user.
• Manages the Chromebook devices by configuring applications and forced extensions to be installed on
the Chromebook device. Onboarding the Chromebook device requires the Cisco Network Setup Assistant
extensions to be installed in the Chromebook device. This allows the Chromebook device to connect to
Cisco ISE and install the ISE certificate. The extension is forcibly installed because the action of certificate
installation is allowed only for managed devices.
• Ensures that the Cisco ISE certificates are installed in the Google Admin Console to provide server
validation and secure connection. The Google administrator decides whether a certificate should be
generated for a device or a user. Cisco ISE provides options to:
• Generate the certificate for a single user who does not share the Chromebook device.
• Generate a certificate for a Chromebook device that is shared by multiple users. Refer to Step 5 in
the Configure the Network and Force Extensions in the Google Admin Console section for the
required additional configuration.

The Google Administrator installs the ISE server certificate so that ISE is trusted to perform the certificate
provisioning on the Chromebook device and also to allow EAP-TLS certificate-based authentication.
Google Chrome version 37 and higher supports certificate-based authentication for Chromebook devices.
The google administrator needs to load the ISE provisioning application in the Google Admin Console
and make it available to the Chromebook devices to get the certificate from ISE.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Best Practices for Using Chromebook Device in a Shared Environment

• Ensures that the recommended Google host names are allowed in the ACL definition list configured in
the WLC for SSL secure connections. Refer to the recommended and allowed host names in the Google
Support page.
The ISE Administrator:
• Defines the native supplicant profile for the Chromebook OS that includes the certificate template
• Creates the necessary authorization rules and client provisioning policies in Cisco ISE for Chromebook

The Chromebook User:

• Wipes out the Chromebook device and enrolls it to the Google domain to secure the enforced policy that
was defined by the Google administrator.
• Receives the Chromebook device polices and the Cisco Network Setup Assistant forced extension installed
by the Google Admin Console.
• Connects to the provisioned SSID, as defined by the Google administrator, opens the browser, displays
the BYOD pages, and starts the onboarding process.
• The Cisco Network Setup Assistant installs a client certificate in the Chromebook device, which allows
the device to perform EAP-TLS certificate-based authentication.

The Google Admin Console:

The Google Admin Console supports Chromebook device management and allows configuring a secure
network and pushing Cisco Network Setup Assistant certificate management extensions to the Chromebook.
The extension sends an SCEP request to Cisco ISE and installs the client certificate to allow secure connection
and access to the network.

Best Practices for Using Chromebook Device in a Shared Environment

When a Chromebook device is used in a shared environment, such as schools and libraries, the Chromebook
device is shared by different users. Some of the best practices that Cisco recommends include:
• When onboarding a Chromebook device with a specific user (student or professor) name, the user's name
will be populated in the Common Name (CN) in the Subject field of the certificate. Also, the shared
Chromebook is listed in the My Devices portal under that specific user. Therefore, it is recommended
for shared devices to use a shared credential when onboarding, so that devices show up only under the
specific user’s My Devices portal listing. The shared account can be administered by the administrator
or professor as a separate account to control shared devices.
• The Cisco ISE administrator can create a custom certificate template for shared Chromebook devices
and use it in the policy. For example, instead of using the standard certificate template that matches the
Subject-Common Name (CN) value, you can specify a Name (for example, chrome-shared-grp1) in the
certificate and the same name can be assigned to the Chromebook device. A policy can be designed to
match the name to allow or deny access to a Chromebook device.
• The Cisco ISE administrator can create an endpoint group with all the Chromebook devices’ MAC
addresses that needs to go through Chromebook onboarding (devices for which access need to be
restricted). The authorization rule should call this out along with device type Chromebook—this would
allow access to be redirected to the NSP.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Chromebook Onboarding Process

Chromebook Onboarding Process

The Chromebook onboarding process involves a series of steps:

Step 1 Configure the Network and Force Extensions in the Google Admin Console .
Step 2 Configure Cisco ISE for Chromebook Onboarding.
Step 3 Wipe a Chromebook Device.
Step 4 Enroll Chromebook to the Google Admin Console.
Step 5 Connect Chromebook to the Cisco ISE Network for BYOD On Boarding.

Configure the Network and Force Extensions in the Google Admin Console
The Google administrator performs the following steps.

Step 1 Log in to the Google Admin Console.

a) Enter the following URL: in the browser.
b) Enter the required username and password.
c) In the Welcome to Admin Console window, click Device Management.
d) On the Device Management window, click Network.
Step 2 Set up the Wi-Fi network for managed devices.
a) In the Networks window, click Wi-Fi.
b) Click Add Wi-Fi to add the required SSIDs. See Google Admin Console - Wi-Fi Network Settings for more
For MAB flows, create two SSIDs, one for the open network, and the other for certificate authentication. When you
connect to the open network, Cisco ISE ACLs redirect you to the credentialed guest portal for authentication. After
successful authentication, ACLs redirect you to the BYOD portal.
If the ISE certificate is issued by an intermediate CA, then you must map the intermediate certificate to the "Server
certificate authority", instead of to the Root CA.
c) Click Add.
Step 3 Create the forced extensions.
a) In the Device Management window, under the Device Settings , click Chrome Management.
b) Click User Settings.
c) Scroll down, and in the Apps and Extensions section, in the Force-Installed Apps and Extensions option, click
Manage Force-Installed Apps.
Step 4 Install the forced extensions.
a) In the Force-Installed Apps and Extensions window, click Chrome Web Store.
b) In the Search text box, type "Cisco Network Setup Assistant" to locate the extension.
The forced Cisco Network Setup Assistant extension of the Chromebook device requests the certificate from Cisco
ISE, and installs the ISE certificate on the Chromebook device. The extension must be configured as force-installed

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Cisco ISE for Chromebook Onboarding

because certificate installation is only allowed for managed devices. If the extension was not installed during the
enrollment process, the Cisco ISE certificate cannot be installed.
See the Cisco ISE Internationalization and Localization section in for more information about the languages that are
supported by extensions.
c) Click Add to force install apps.
d) Click Save.
Step 5 (Optional) Define the configuration file to install a certificate in a Chromebook device which is shared by multiple users.
a) Copy and paste the following code in a Notepad file and save it to your local disk.
"certType": {
"Value": "system"

b) Choose Device Management > Chromebook Management > App Management.

c) Click the Cisco Network Setup Assistant extension.
d) Click User Settings and choose your domain.
e) Click Upload Configuration File and choose the .txt file that you saved in your local disk.
Note In order for the Cisco Network Setup Assistant to create a certificate for a device that is shared by multiple
users, you must add the Notepad file in the Google Admin Console. Otherwise, the Cisco NSA creates a
certificate for a single user.

f) Click Save.
Step 6 (Optional) Install a certificate for a single user who does not share the Chromebook.
a) Choose Device Management > Network > Certificates.
b) In the Certificates window, click Add Certificate and upload the Cisco ISE certificate file.

What to do next
Configure Cisco ISE for Chromebook on board.

Configure Cisco ISE for Chromebook Onboarding

Before you begin
The Cisco ISE administrator must create the required policy. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( )
and choose Policy > Policy Sets window.
Given below is an example of an authorization policy:
Rule Name: Full_Access_After_Onboarding, Conditions: If RegisteredDevices AND Wireless_802.1x AND
Endpoints:BYODRegistration EQUALS Yes AND Certificate: Subject Alternative Name Equals
RadiusCalling-Station-ID AND Network Access: EAP-Authentication EQUALS EAP-TLS Then

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Wipe a Chromebook Device

The CompliantNetworkAccess is an authorization result that is configured. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the
Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Authorization > Authorization Profiles

Step 1 Configure the Native Supplicant Profile (NSP) on Cisco ISE.

a) In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client
Provisioning > Resources.
The Chromebook device is displayed in the Client Provisioning page for a fresh Cisco ISE installation. However, for
upgrade, you should download posture updates. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > System > Settings > Posture > Updates window.
b) Click Add > Native Supplicant Profile.
c) Enter the Name and Description.
d) In the Operating System field, choose Chrome OS All.
e) In the Certificate Template field, select the required certificate template.
f) Click Submit. Observe that the SSID is provisioned via the Google Admin Console and not through the native
supplicant provisioning flow.
Step 2 Map the NSP in the Client Provisioning page.
a) In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Client Provisioning.
b) Define the result.
• Choose the in-built Native Supplicant configuration (Cisco-ISE-Chrome-NSP) in the Results of the client
provisioning policy.
• Or, create a new rule and ensure to choose the Result created for the Chromebook device.

Wipe a Chromebook Device

The Chromebook device must be wiped after the Google Admin Console is configured by the Google
Administrator. The Chromebook user must wipe the device, which is a one-time process, to force extensions
and configure the network settings. You can refer to the following URL:
a/answer/1360642 for further information.
The Chromebook user performs the following steps:

Step 1 Press Esc-Refresh-Power key combination. The screen displays a yellow exclamation point (!).
Step 2 Press Ctrl -D key combination to begin dev mode, then press Enter key. The screen displays a red exclamation point.
Step 3 Press Ctrl -D key combination. The Chromebook deletes its local data, returning to its initial state. The deletion takes
approximately 15 minutes.
Step 4 When the transition completes, press the Spacebar key, then press the Enter key to return to verified mode.
Step 5 Enroll the Chromebook before signing in.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Enroll Chromebook to the Google Admin Console

What to do next
Enroll Chromebook to the Google Admin Console.

Enroll Chromebook to the Google Admin Console

In order to provision a Chromebook device, the Chromebook user must first enroll in the Google Admin
Console page and receive device policies and forced extensions.

Step 1 Turn on the Chromebook device and follow the onscreen instructions until you see the sign on screen. Do not sign in yet.
Step 2 Before signing in to the Chromebook device, press Ctrl-Alt-E key combination. The Enterprise Enrolment screen
Step 3 Enter your email address and click Next.
You will receive the following message: Your device has successfully been enrolled for enterprise management.
Step 4 Click Done.
Step 5 Enter the username and password from your Google admin welcome letter, or the username and password for an existing
Google Apps user on your account that has eligibility to enroll.
Step 6 Click Enroll Device. You will receive a confirmation message that the device has been successfully enrolled.
Note that the Chromebook enrollment is a one-time process.

Connect Chromebook to the Cisco ISE Network for BYOD On Boarding

The procedure is for Dual SSID—To connect to a 802.x network using the EAP-TLS protocol, the Chromebook
user performs the following steps:

Note If you are using Dual SSID—When connecting from 802.x PEAP to an EAP-TLS network, connect to the
network by entering your credentials in the network supplicant, not the web browser.

Step 1 In the Chromebook, click Settings.

Step 2 In the Internet Connection section, click Provisioning Wi-Fi Network, and then click your network.
Step 3 The credentialed guest portal opens.
a. On the Sign On page, enter the Username and Password.
b. Click Sign-on.

Step 4 In the BYOD Welcome page, click Start.

Step 5 In the Device Information field, enter a name and a description for your device. For example, "Personal Devices: Jane's
Chromebook Used for School or Shared Devices: Library Chromebook #1 or Classroom 1 Chromebook #1".
Step 6 Click Continue.
Step 7 Click Yes in the Cisco Network Setup Assistant dialog box to install the certificate to access the secure network.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Google Admin Console - Wi-Fi Network Settings

If the Google Administrator configured secure Wi-Fi, the network connection should happen automatically. If it does
not, choose the secure SSID from the list of available networks.
Chromebook users who have already enrolled in the domain, and have the Cisco Network Setup Assistant extension, can
update the extension without waiting for the auto update. Manually update the extension by performing the following
a. In your Chromebook, open the browser and enter the following URL: chrome://Extensions.
b. Check the Developer Mode check box.
c. Click Update Extensions Now.
d. Verify that the Cisco Network Setup Assistant extension version is and higher.

Google Admin Console - Wi-Fi Network Settings

The Wi-Fi network configuration is used to configure an SSID in a customer network or to match the certificate
using certificate attributes (for EAP-TLS). When the certificate is installed in the Chromebook, it is synchronized
with the Google admin settings. Connection is established only when one of the defined certificate attributes
matches the SSID configuration.
Listed below are the mandatory fields, specific to EAP-TLS, PEAP, and Open network flows, which the
Google administrator configures to set up the Wi-Fi network in the Google Admin Console page (Device
Management > Network > Wi-Fi > Add Wi-Fi) for each Chromebook user.


Name Enter the name of the Enter the name of the Enter the name of the
network connection. network connection. network connection.

Service Set Identifier Enter the SSID (for Enter the SSID (for Enter the SSID (for
(SSID) example, tls_ssid). example, tls_ssid). example, tls_ssid).

This SSID Is Not Select the option. Select the option. Select the option.

Automatically Connect Select the option. Select the option. Select the option.

Security Type WPA/WPA2 Enterprise WPA/WPA2 Enterprise Open

(802.1x) (802.1x)

Extensible Authentication EAP-TLS PEAP —


Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Google Admin Console - Wi-Fi Network Settings


Inner Protocol — • Automatic —

• MSCHAP v2 (Select
the option)
• MD5

Outer Identity — — —

Username Optional, either set a fixed Enter the PEAP —

value or use variables credentials to authenticate
from the user login: against ISE (internal ISE
${LOGIN_ ID} or user/AD/other ISE
${LOGIN_EMAIL}. identities) and the
Password field.

Server Certificate Select the ISE certificate Select the ISE certificate —
Authority (imported from Device (imported from Device
Management > Network Management > Network
> Certificates). > Certificates).

Restrict Access to this • Select Mobile • Select Mobile —

Wi-Fi Network by Devices. Devices.
• Select Chromebooks. • Select Chromebooks.

Client Enrollment URL Enter a URL to which the — —

Chromebook device
browser is redirected for
users who are not
enrolled. Configure ACLs
on the Wireless LAN
Controller for redirecting
unenrolled users.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Google Admin Console - Wi-Fi Network Settings


Issuer Pattern An attribute in the — —

certificate. Select at least
one attribute from either
the Issuer Pattern or
Subject Pattern that
should match installed
certificate attributes.
Specify certificate
attributes that will be
matched with the
Chromebook device to
accept the certificate.
• Common Name:
Refers to the Subject
field of the
certificate or the
wildcard domain in
the Subject field of
the certificate, which
must match the
FQDN of the node.
• Locality: Refers to
the test locality
(City) that is
associated with the
certificate subject.
• Organization: Refers
to the organization
name that is
associated with the
certificate subject.
• Organizational Unit:
Refers to the
organizational unit
name that is
associated with the
certificate subject.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Google Admin Console - Wi-Fi Network Settings


Subject Pattern An attribute in the — —

certificate. Select at least
one attribute from either
the Issuer Pattern or
Subject Pattern that
should match installed
certificate attributes.
Specify certificate
attributes that will be
matched with the
Chromebook device to
accept the certificate.
• Common Name:
Refers to the Subject
field of the
certificate or the
wildcard domain in
the Subject field of
the certificate, which
must match the
FQDN of the node.
• Locality: Refers to
the test locality
(City) that is
associated with the
certificate subject.
• Organization: Refers
to the organization
name that is
associated with the
certificate subject.
• Organizational Unit:
Refers to the
organizational unit
name that is
associated with the
certificate subject.

Proxy Settings • Direct Internet • Direct Internet —

Connection Connection
(Selected) (Selected)
• Manual Proxy • Manual Proxy
Configuration Configuration
• Automatic Proxy • Automatic Proxy
Configuration Configuration

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Monitor Chromebook Device Activities in Cisco ISE


Apply Network By User By User —

Monitor Chromebook Device Activities in Cisco ISE

Cisco ISE provides various reports and logs to view information related to the authentication and authorization
of Chromebook devices. You can run these reports either on demand or on regular basis. You can view the
authentication method (for example, 802.1x) and authentication protocol (for example, EAP-TLS). In the
Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > RADIUS > Live Logs window. You can
also identify the number of end points that are classified as Chromebook devices. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click
the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Network Access > Identities > Endpoints window.

Troubleshoot Chromebook Device Onboarding

This section describes problems that you may encounter while onboarding your Chromebook device.
• Error: Unable to install the extension from the webstore—You cannot install the extension from the
webstore. It will be automatically installed on your Chromebook device by the network administrator.
• Error: Completed the installation of the certificate, however, unable to connect to the secure
network—Verify on the Admin Console that the installed certificate matches defined Issuer/Subject
attribute pattern. You can get information about installed certificate from: chrome://settings/certificates
• Error: Displays an error message "Obtain Network Certificate", when trying to manually connect to the
secure network on the Chromebook—Click Get New Certificate, the browser opens and redirects you
to the ISE BYOD flow to install the certificate. However, if you are unable to connect to the secure
network, verify on the Admin Console that the installed certificate matches the defined Issuer/Subject
attribute pattern.
• Error: Clicked Get New Certificate but is forwarded to the site—User needs to be
connected to the provisioning SSID, in order to be redirected to ISE and commence the certificate
installation process. Be sure that the correct access list is defined for this network.
• Error: Displays an error message "Only managed devices can use this extension. Contact helpdesk or
network administrator"—Chromebook is a managed device and the extension must be configured as a
forced install to gain access to the Chrome OS APIs to install the certificate on the device. Although, the
extension can be installed manually by downloading it from the Google web store, an unenrolled
Chromebook user cannot install the certificate.
An unenrolled Chromebook device can secure a certificate if the user belongs to the Domain Users group.
The extension tracks the domain user on any device. However, the domain user can produce user-based
authentication keys for an unenrolled device.
• Error: Unclear of the order in which SSIDs are connected in the Google Admin Console—
• If several SSIDs (PEAP and EAP-TLS) are configured on the Google Admin Console, after the
certificate is installed and the attributes are matched, the Chrome OS automatically connects to the
SSID with certificate-based authentication regardless of the order in which the SSIDs are configured.
• If two EAP-TLS SSIDs match the same attribute, the connection depends on other factors such as
signal strength and other network level signals, which cannot be controlled by the user or admin.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility

• If multiple EAP-TLS certificates are installed on the Chromebook device and all of them match the
certificate pattern configured on the Admin Console, the newest certificate will be used for the

Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility

Cisco ISE uses an integrated module in Cisco AnyConnect for Cisco ISE posture requirements.

Note Cisco AnyConnect does not support CWA flow. You can't provision Cisco AnyConnect from the Guest portal
using the Require guest device compliance field in the Work CentersGuest Access > Portals & Components
> Guest Portals > Create, Edit, or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Guest Device
Compliance Settings window. Instead, provision Cisco AnyConnect on the Client Provisioning portal. That
method results in redirection as configured in authorization permissions.

Note When switching network mediums, you must change the default gateway so the Cisco AnyConnect ISE
posture module can detect the changed network and reassess the client.

When you integrate Cisco ISE with the Cisco AnyConnect agent, Cisco ISE:
• Serves as a staging server to deploy Cisco AnyConnect Version 4.0 and future releases
• Interacts with the AnyConnect posture component for Cisco ISE posture requirements
• Supports deployment of Cisco AnyConnect profiles, customization and language packages, and OPSWAT
library updates for Windows and Mac OS X operating systems
• Supports Cisco AnyConnect and legacy agents at the same time

Create AnyConnect Configuration

AnyConnect configuration includes AnyConnect software and its associated configuration files. This
configuration can be used in the client provisioning policy that allows users to download and install AnyConnect
resources on the clients. If you use both ISE and an ASA to deploy AnyConnect, then the configurations must
match on both headends.
To push the ISE posture module when connected to a VPN, Cisco recommends that you install the AnyConnect
agent through Cisco Adaptive Security Appliance (ASA), which uses the Cisco's Adaptive Security Device
Manager (ASDM) GUI tool. ASA does the installation using the VPN downloader. With the download, the
ISE posture profile is pushed via ASA, and the discovery host needed for later provisioning the profile is
available before the ISE posture module contacts ISE. Whereas with ISE, the ISE posture module will get the
profile only after ISE is discovered, which could result in errors. Therefore, ASA is recommended to push
the ISE posture module when connected to a VPN.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create AnyConnect Configuration

Note When Cisco ISE is integrated with ASA, ensure that the Accounting mode is set to Single in ASA. Accounting
data is sent to only one accounting server in Single mode.

Before you begin

Before configuring an AnyConnect configuration object, you must:
1. Download the AnyConnect Headend Deployment package and compliance module from Cisco Software
download page.
2. Upload these resources to Cisco ISE (see Add Cisco Provided Client Provisioning Resources from a Local
Machine, on page 1031).
3. (Optional) Add the customization and localization bundles (see Add Customer Created Resources for
AnyConnect from a Local Machine, on page 1031).
4. Configure an AnyConnect posture agent profile (see Create a Posture Agent Profile, on page 1052).

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client Provision >
Step 2 Click Add to create an AnyConnect configuration.
Step 3 Choose AnyConnect Configuration.
Step 4 Choose an AnyConnect Package, which you previously uploaded. For example, AnyConnectDesktopWindows
Step 5 Enter the name for the current AnyConnect Configuration. For example, AC Config xxx.x.xxxxx.x.
Step 6 Choose the compliance module, which you previously uploaded. For example, AnyConnectComplianceModulewindows
Step 7 Check one or more AnyConnect modules check boxes. For example, choose one or more modules from the following:
ISE Posture, VPN, Network Access Manager, Web Security, AMP Enabler, ASA Posture, Start Before Log on (only
for Windows OS), and Diagnostic and Reporting Tool.
Note Un-checking the VPN module under AnyConnect Module Selection does not disable the VPN tile in the
provisioned client. You must configure VPNDisable_ServiceProfile.xml to disable the VPN tile on AnyConnect
GUI. In a system where AnyConnect is installed at the default location, you can find this file under C:\Program
Files\Cisco. If AnyConnect is installed at a different location, then the file will be available under <AnyConnect
Installed path>\Cisco.

Step 8 Choose AnyConnect profiles for selected AnyConnect modules. For example, ISE Posture, VPN, NAM, and Web
Step 9 Choose AnyConnect customization and localization bundles.
Step 10 Click Submit.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Create a Posture Agent Profile

Create a Posture Agent Profile

Use this procedure to create an AnyConnect posture agent profile, where you can specify parameters that
define the agent behavior for the posture protocol.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results > Client Provisioning >
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Choose AnyConnect Posture Profile.
Step 4 Enter Name of the profile.
Step 5 Configure parameters for the following:
• Cisco ISE posture agent behavior
• Client IP Address Changes
• Cisco ISE posture protocol

Step 6 Click Submit.

Client IP Address Refresh Configuration

The following table describes the fields in the NAC AnyConnect Posture Profile window, which allows you
to configure parameters for the client to renew or refresh its IP address after VLAN change. In the Cisco ISE
GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Resilts > Client Provisioning >
Resources > Add > NAC or AnyConnect Posture Profile.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Client IP Address Refresh Configuration

Field Name Default Value Usage Guidelines

VLAN detection interval 0, 5 This setting is the interval at which

the agent check for the VLAN
For the Mac OS X agent, the
default value is 5. By default, the
access to authentication VLAN
change feature is enabled with
VlanDetectInteval as 5 seconds for
Mac OS X. The valid range is 5 to
900 seconds.
0 —Access to Authentication
VLAN change feature is disabled.
1 to 5—Agent sends an Internet
Control Message Protocol (ICMP)
or Address Resolution Protocol
(ARP) query every 5 seconds.
6 to 900—An ICMP or ARP query
is sent every x seconds.

Enable VLAN detection without No This setting enables or disables

UI (Not applicable for a Mac OS VLAN detection even when the
X client) user is not logged in.
No—VLAN detect feature is
Yes—VLAN detect feature is

Retry detection count 3 If the Internet Control Message

Protocol (ICMP) or Address
Resolution Protocol (ARP) polling
fails, this setting configures the
agent to retry x times before
refreshing the client IP address.

Ping or ARP 0 This setting specifies the method

used for detecting the client IP
The valid range is 0 to 2.
address change.
0—Poll using ICMP
1—Poll using ARP
2—Poll using ICMP first, then (if
ICMP fails) ARP

Maximum timeout for ping 1 Poll using ICMP, and if there is no

response within the specified time,
The valid range is 1 to 10 seconds.
then declare an ICMP polling

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Posture Protocol Settings

Field Name Default Value Usage Guidelines

Enable agent IP refresh Yes (Default) This setting specifies whether or

not the client machine to renew or
refresh its IP address after the
switch (or WLC) changes the
VLAN for the login session of the
client on the respective switch port.

DHCP renew delay 0 This setting specifies that the client

machine waits before attempting to
The valid range is 0 to 60 seconds.
request for a new IP address from
the network DHCP server.

DHCP release delay 0 The setting specifies that the client

machine waits before releasing its
The valid range is 0 to 60 seconds.
current IP address.

Note Merge parameter values with existing agent profile settings or overwrite them to appropriately configure
clients on Windows and Mac OS X clients for refreshing IP addresses.

Posture Protocol Settings

The following table describes the fields in the AnyConnect Posture Profile page, which allows you to configure
posture protocol settings for AnyConnect in Cisco ISE. For information on other fields in posture protocol
settings for Anyconnect, see the Cisco AnyConnect Secure Mobility Client Administrator Guide for your
version of AnyConnect.

Field Name Default Value Usage Guidelines

Call Home List — Enter a comma-separated list of IP

addresses and ports with colon in
between the IP address and the port.

Back-off Timer 30 sec This setting enables the Anyconnect

agent to continuously to reach the
discovery targets (redirection
targets and previously connected
PSNs) by sending the discovery
packets till this max time limit is
reached. The valid range is 10 to
600 seconds.

Continuous Endpoint Attribute Monitoring

You can use the Cisco AnyConnect agent to continuously monitor different endpoint attributes to ensure that
dynamic changes are observed during posture assessment. This improves the overall visibility of an endpoint
and helps you create posture policies based on their behavior. The Cisco AnyConnect agent monitors

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco Web Agent

applications that are installed and running on an endpoint. You can turn on and off the feature and configure
how often the data should be monitored. By default, data is collected every 5 minutes and is stored in the
database. During initial posture, Cisco AnyConnect reports a complete list of running and installed applications.
After initial posture, the Cisco AnyConnect agent scans the applications every X minute and sends the
differences from the last scan to the server. The server displays the complete list of running and installed

Cisco Web Agent

The Cisco Web Agent provides temporal posture assessment for client machines.
Users can launch the Cisco Web Agent executable, which installs the Web Agent files in a temporary directory
on the client machine via ActiveX control or Java applet.
After users log in to the Cisco Web Agent, the Web Agent gets the requirements that are configured for the
user role and the operating system from the Cisco ISE server, checks the host registry, processes, applications,
and services for required packages and sends a report back to the Cisco ISE server. If requirements are met
on the client machine, the user is allowed network access. If requirements are not met, the Web Agent presents
a dialog to the user for each requirement that is not satisfied. The dialog provides the user with instructions
and the action to take for the client machine to meet the requirement. Alternatively, if the specified requirements
are not met, users can choose to accept the restricted network access while they try to remediate the client
system so that it meets requirements for the user login role.

Note ActiveX is supported only on the 32-bit versions of Internet Explorer. You cannot install ActiveX on a Firefox
web browser or on a 64-bit version of Internet Explorer.

Cisco Web Agent

The Cisco Web Agent provides temporal posture assessment for client machines.
Users can launch the Cisco Web Agent executable, which installs the Web Agent files in a temporary directory
on the client machine via ActiveX control or Java applet.
After users log in to the Cisco Web Agent, the Web Agent gets the requirements that are configured for the
user role and the operating system from the Cisco ISE server, checks the host registry, processes, applications,
and services for required packages and sends a report back to the Cisco ISE server. If requirements are met
on the client machine, the user is allowed network access. If requirements are not met, the Web Agent presents
a dialog to the user for each requirement that is not satisfied. The dialog provides the user with instructions
and the action to take for the client machine to meet the requirement. Alternatively, if the specified requirements
are not met, users can choose to accept the restricted network access while they try to remediate the client
system so that it meets requirements for the user login role.

Note ActiveX is supported only on the 32-bit versions of Internet Explorer. You cannot install ActiveX on a Firefox
web browser or on a 64-bit version of Internet Explorer.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Client Provisioning Resource Policies

Configure Client Provisioning Resource Policies

For clients, the client provisioning resource policies determine which users receive which version of resources
(agents, agent compliance modules, and agent customization packages or profiles) from Cisco ISE upon login
and user session initiation.
For AnyConnect, resources can be selected either from the Client Provisioning Resources window to create
an AnyConnect configuration that you can use in the Client Provisioning Policy window. AnyConnect
configuration is the AnyConnect software and its association with different configuration files that includes
AnyConnect binary package for Windows and Mac OS X clients, compliance module, module profiles,
customization, and language packages for AnyConnect.

Before you begin

• Before you can create effective client-provisioning resource policies, ensure that you have added resources
to Cisco ISE. When you download the agent compliance module, it always overwrites the existing one,
if any, available in the system.
• Check the native supplicant profile that is used in the client provisioning policy and ensure that the
wireless SSID is correct. For iOS devices, if the network that you are trying to connect is hidden, check
the Enable if target network is hidden check box in the iOS Settings area.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Client Provisioning.
Step 2 From the Behavior drop-down list, choose one of the following options:
• Enable: Ensures Cisco ISE uses this policy to help fulfill client-provisioning functions when users log in to the
network and conform to the client-provisioning policy guidelines.
• Disable: Cisco ISE does not use the specified resource policy to fulfill client-provisioning functions.
• Monitor: Disables the policy and “watches” the client-provisioning session requests to see how many times Cisco
ISE tries to invoke based on the “Monitored” policy.

Step 3 Enter a name for the new resource policy in the Rule Name text box.
Step 4 Specify one or more Identity Groups to which a user who logs into Cisco ISE might belong.
You can choose to specify the Any identity group type, or choose one or more groups from a list of existing Identity
Groups that you have configured.

Step 5 Use the Operating Systems field to specify one or more operating systems that might be running on the client machine
or device through which the user is logging into Cisco ISE.
You can choose to specify a single operating system like Android, Mac iOS, Mac OSX or an umbrella operating system
designation that addresses a number of client machine operating systems like Windows XP (All) or Windows 7 (All).
Note Though the option to select MAC OS 10.6, 10.7, and 10.8 is available in the Client Provisioning window in
Cisco ISE GUI, these versions are not supported by AnyConnect.

Step 6 In the Other Conditions field, specify a new expression that you want to create for this particular resource policy.
Step 7 For client machines, use the Agent Configuration option to specify which agent type, compliance module, agent
customization package, and profile to make available and provision on the client machine.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Cisco ISE Posture Agent in the Client Provisioning Policy

It is mandatory to include the client provisioning URL in authorization policy, to enable the Agent to popup in the client
machines. This prevents request from any random clients and ensures that only clients with proper redirect URL can
request for posture assessment.
Step 8 Click Save.

What to do next
After you have successfully configured one or more client provisioning resource policies, you can start to
configure Cisco ISE to perform posture assessment on client machines during login.

Configure Cisco ISE Posture Agent in the Client Provisioning Policy

For client machines, configure the agent type, compliance module, agent customization package, and/or profile
to make available and provision for users to download and install on the client machine.

Before you begin

You must add client provisioning resources for AnyConnect in Cisco ISE.

Step 1 Choose an available agent from the Agent drop-down list and specify whether the agent upgrade (download) defined
here is mandatory for the client machine by enabling or disabling the Is Upgrade Mandatory option, as appropriate.
The Is Upgrade Mandatory setting only applies to agent downloads. Agent profile, compliance module, and Agent
customization package updates are always mandatory.

Step 2 Choose an existing agent profile from the Profile drop-down list.
Step 3 Choose an available compliance module to download to the client machine using the Compliance Module drop-down
Step 4 Choose an available agent customization package for the client machine from the Agent Customization Package
drop-down list.

Configure Native Supplicants for Personal Devices

Employees can connect their personal devices to the network directly using native supplicants, which are
available for Windows, Mac OS, iOS, and Android devices. For personal devices, specify which Native
Supplicant configuration to make available and provision on the registered personal device.

Before you begin

Create native supplicant profiles so that when user log in, based on the profile that you associate with that
users authorization requirements , Cisco ISE provides the necessary supplicant provisioning wizard to set up
the users personal devices to access the network.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Choose Policy > Client Provisioning.
Step 2 Choose Enable, Disable, or Monitor from the behavior drop-down list:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Client Provisioning Reports

Step 3 Enter a name for the new resource policy in the Rule Name text box.
Step 4 Specify the following:
• Use the Identity Groups field to specify one or more Identity Groups to which a user who logs into Cisco ISE might
• Use the Operating System field to specify one or more operating systems that might be running on the personal
device through which the user is logging into Cisco ISE.
• Use the Other Conditions field to specify a new expression that you want to create for this particular resource policy.

Step 5 For personal devices, use Native Supplicant Configuration to choose the specific Configuration Wizard to distribute
to these personal devices.
Step 6 Specify the applicable Wizard Profile for the given personal device type.
Step 7 Click Save.

Client Provisioning Reports

You can access the Cisco ISE monitoring and troubleshooting functions to check on overall trends for successful
or unsuccessful user login sessions, gather statistics about the number and types of client machines logging
into the network during a specified time period, or check on any recent configuration changes in client
provisioning resources.

Client Provisioning Requests

The Operations > Reports > ISE Reports > Endpoints and Users > Client Provisioning report displays
statistics about successful and unsuccessful client provisioning requests. When you choose Run and specify
one of the preset time periods, Cisco ISE combs the database and displays the resulting client provisioning

Supplicant Provisioning Requests

The Operations > Reports > ISE Reports > Endpoints and Users > Supplicant Provisioning window
displays information about recent successful and unsuccessful user device registration and supplicant
provisioning requests. When you choose Run and specify one of the preset time periods, Cisco ISE combs
the database and displays the resulting supplicant provisioning data.
The Supplicant Provisioning report provides information about a list of endpoints that are registered through
the device registration portal for a specific period of time, including data like the Logged at Date and Time,
Identity (user ID), IP Address, MAC Address (endpoint ID), Server, profile, Endpoint Operating System,
SPW Version, Failure Reason (if any), and the Status of the registration.

Client Provisioning Event Logs

You can search event log entries to help diagnose a possible problem with client login behavior. For example,
you may need to determine the source of an issue where client machines on your network are not able to get
client provisioning resource updates upon login. You can use logging entries for Posture and Client Provisioning
Audit and Posture and Client Provisioning Diagnostics.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Portal Settings for Client Provisioning Portals

Portal Settings for Client Provisioning Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
Client Provisioning Portals > Create, Edit, Duplicate, or Delete > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings.

Portal Settings
• HTTPS Port: Enter a port value between 8000 to 8999; the default value is 8443 for all the default
portals, except the Blocked List Portal, which is 8444. If you upgraded with port values outside this
range, they are honored until you make any change to this page. If you make any change to this page,
you must update the port setting to comply with this restriction.
• Allowed Interfaces: Select the PSN interfaces which can run a portal. Only a PSN with an available
allowed interface on a PSN can create a portal. You can configure any combination of physical and
bonded interfaces. This is a PSN-wide configuration; all portals can only run on these interfaces, this
interface configuration is pushed to all the PSNs.
• You must configure the Ethernet interfaces using IP addresses on different subnets.
• The interfaces you enable here must be available on all your PSNs, including VM-based ones when
Policy Services turned on. This is required because any of these PSNs can be used for a redirect at
the start of the guest session.
• The portal certificate Subject Name/Alternate Subject Name must resolve to the interface IP.
• Configure ip host x.x.x.x in ISE CLI to map secondary interface IP to FQDN,
which will be used to match Certificate Subject Name/Alternate Subject Name.
• If only the bonded NIC is selected, when the PSN attempts to configure the portal it first attempts
to configure the Bond interface. If that is not successful, perhaps because there was no bond set
upon that PSN, then the PSN logs an error and exits. It will NOT attempt to start the portal on the
physical interface.
• NIC Teaming or bonding is an O/S configuration option that allows you to configure two individual
NICs for high availability (fault tolerance). If one of the NICs fails, the other NIC that is part of the
bonded connection continues the connection. A NIC is selected for a portal based on the portal
settings configuration:
• If both physical NICs and the corresponding bonded NIC are configured - When the PSN
attempts to configure the portal, it first attempts to connect to the Bond interface. If that is not
successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup on that PSN, then the PSN attempts to
start the portal on the physical interface.

• Certificate Group Tag: Select the group tag of the certificate group to use for the portal’s HTTPS traffic.
• Authentication Method: Choose which identity source sequence (ISS) or Identity Provider (IdP) to use
for user authentication. The ISS is a list of Identity Stores that are searched in sequence to verify user
credentials. Some examples include: Internal Guest Users, Internal Users, Active Directory, and LDAP.
Cisco ISE includes a default client provisioning Identity Source Sequence for Client Provisioning Portals,

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Portal Settings for Client Provisioning Portals

• Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN): Enter at least one unique FQDN and/or hostname for your
Client Provisioning portal. For example, you can enter, so that when
the user enters either of those into a browser, they will reach the Client Provisioning Portal.
• Update DNS to ensure that the FQDN of the new URL resolves to a valid Policy Services Node
(PSN) IP address. Optionally, this address could point to a load balancer virtual IP address that
serves a pool of PSNs.
• To avoid certificate warning messages due to name mismatches, include the FQDN of the customized
URL, or a wildcard, in the subject alternative name (SAN) attribute of the local server certificate
of the Cisco ISE PSN.

Note For Client Provisioning without URL redirection, the portal name that is entered
in the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) field must be configured in the
DNS configuration. This URL must be communicated to the users to enable Client
Provisioning without URL redirection.

• Idle Timeout: Enter the time in minutes that you want Cisco ISE to wait before it logs out the user if
there is no activity in the portal. The valid range is from 1 to 30 minutes.

Note In the Client Provisioning Portal, you can define the port number and the certificate so that the host allows
you to download the same certificate for Client Provisioning and Posture. If the portal certificate is signed by
the officials certificate authority, you will not receive any security warning. If the certificate is self-signed,
you will receive one security warning for both the portals and Cisco AnyConnect Posture component.

Login Page Settings

• Enable Login: Select this check box to enable the login step in the Client Provisioning Portal
• Maximum failed login attempts before rate limiting : Specify the number of failed login attempts from
a single browser session before Cisco ISE starts to artificially slow down the rate at which login attempts
can be made, preventing additional login attempts. The time between attempts after this number of failed
logins is reached is specified in Time between login attempts when rate limiting.
• Time between login attempts when rate limiting : Set the length of time in minutes that a user must wait
before attempting to log in again, after failing to log in the number of times defined in Maximum failed
login attempts before rate limiting.
• Include an AUP (on page/as link): Display your company’s network-usage terms and conditions, either
as text on the page currently being displayed for the user or as a link that opens a new tab or window
with AUP text.
• Require acceptance: Require users to accept an AUP before they can access the portal. The Login button
is not enabled unless the user accepts the AUP. If users do not accept the AUP, they will not be able to
access the portal.
• Require scrolling to end of AUP: This option displays only if Include an AUP on page is enabled.
Ensure that the user has read the AUP completely. The Accept button activates only after the user has
scrolled to the end of the AUP.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

HTML Support for Client Provisioning Portals Language Files

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings

• Include an AUP: Display your company’s network-usage terms and conditions on a separate page to the
• Require scrolling to end of AUP: Ensure that the user has read the AUP completely. The Accept button
activates only after the user has scrolled to the end of the AUP.
• On first login only: Display an AUP when the user logs into the network or portal for the first time only.
• On every login: Display an AUP each time the user logs into the network or portal.
• Every ______ days (starting at first login): Display an AUP periodically after the user first logs into the
network or portal.

Post-Login Banner Page Settings

Include a Post-Login Banner page: Display additional information after the users successfully log in and
before they are granted network access.

Change Password Settings

Allow internal users to change their own passwords: Allow employees to change their passwords after they
log in to the Client Provisioning Portal. This only applies to employees whose accounts are stored in the Cisco
ISE database and not to those stored in external databases, such as Active Directory or LDAP.

HTML Support for Client Provisioning Portals Language Files

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
Client Provisioning Portals > Edit > Portal Page Customization > Pages. You can use the View HTML
Source icon in the mini-editor and add HTML code in your content.
These dictionary keys in the portal's language properties files support HTML in their text.

Note This is not a complete list of the dictionary keys in the files.

• key.guest.ui_client_provision_agent_installed_instructions_without_java_message
• key.guest.ui_contact_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_success_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_unable_to_detect_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_agent_installation_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_posture_agent_check_message
• key.guest.ui_vlan_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_agent_installation_instructions_with_no_java_message

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

HTML Support for Client Provisioning Portals Language Files

• key.guest.ui_success_instruction_message
• key.guest.ui_vlan_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_vlan_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_contact_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_contact_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_contact_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_posture_check_compliant_message
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_error_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_error_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_posture_check_non_compliant_message
• key.guest.ui_vlan_install_message
• key.guest.ui_success_optional_content_1
• key.guest.ui_success_optional_content_2
• key.guest.ui_client_provision_posture_agent_scan_message

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
• Threat Centric NAC Service, on page 1063
• Network Resources, on page 1080
• Device Portal Management, on page 1107

Threat Centric NAC Service

Threat Centric Network Access Control (TC-NAC) feature enables you to create authorization policies based
on the threat and vulnerability attributes received from the threat and vulnerability adapters. Threat severity
levels and vulnerability assessment results can be used to dynamically control the access level of an endpoint
or a user.
You can configure the vulnerability and threat adapters to send high fidelity Indications of Compromise (IoC),
Threat Detected events, and CVSS scores to Cisco ISE, so that threat-centric access policies can be created
to change the privilege and context of an endpoint accordingly.
Cisco ISE supports the following adapters:
• SourceFire FireAMP
• Cognitive Threat Analytics (CTA) adapter
• Qualys

Note Only the Qualys Enterprise Edition is currently supported for TC-NAC flows.

• Rapid7 Nexpose
• Tenable Security Center

When a threat event is detected for an endpoint, you can select the MAC address of the endpoint on the
Compromised Endpoints window and apply an ANC policy, such as Quarantine. Cisco ISE triggers CoA
for that endpoint and applies the corresponding ANC policy. If ANC policy is not available, Cisco ISE triggers
CoA for that endpoint and applies the original authorization policy. You can use the Clear Threat and
Vulnerabilities option on the Compromised Endpoints window to clear the threat and vulnerabilities
associated with an endpoint (from Cisco ISE system database).
The following attributes are listed under the Threat dictionary:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Threat Centric NAC Service

• CTA-Course_Of_Action (values can be Internal Blocking, Eradication, or Monitoring)

• Qualys-CVSS_Base_Score
• Qualys-CVSS_Temporal_Score
• Rapid7 Nexpose-CVSS_Base_Score
• Tenable Security Center-CVSS_Base_Score
• Tenable Security Center-CVSS_Temporal_Score

The valid range is from 0 to 10 for both Base Score and Temporal Score attributes.
When a vulnerability event is received for an endpoint, Cisco ISE triggers CoA for that endpoint. However,
CoA is not triggered when a threat event is received.
You can create an authorization policy by using the vulnerability attributes to automatically quarantine the
vulnerable endpoints based on the attribute values. For example:
Any Identity Group & Threat:Qualys-CVSS_Base_Score > 7.0 -> Quarantine

To view the logs of an endpoint that is automatically quarantined during CoA events, choose Operations >
Threat-Centric NAC Live Logs. To view the logs of an endpoint that is quarantined manually, choose
Operations > Reports > Audit > Change Configuration Audit.
Note the following points while enabling the Threat Centric NAC service:
• The Threat Centric NAC service requires a Cisco ISE Advantage license.
• Threat Centric NAC service can be enabled on only one node in a deployment.
• You can add only one instance of an adapter per vendor for Vulnerability Assessment service. However,
you can add multiple instances of FireAMP adapter.
• You can stop and restart an adapter without losing its configuration. After configuring an adapter, you
can stop the adapter at any point of time. The adapter would remain in this state even when the ISE
services are restarted. Select the adapter and click Restart to start the adapter again.

Note When an adapter is in Stopped state, you can edit only the name of the adapter
instance; you cannot edit the adapter configuration or the advanced settings.

You can view the threat information for the endpoints on the following pages:
• Home page > Threat dashboard
• Context Visibility > Endpoints > Compromised Endpoints

The following alarms are triggered by the Threat Centric NAC service:
• Adapter not reachable (syslog ID: 91002): Indicates that the adapter cannot be reached.
• Adapter Connection Failed (syslog ID: 91018): Indicates that the adapter is reachable but the connection
between the adapter and source server is down.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Threat Centric NAC Service

• Adapter Stopped Due to Error (syslog ID: 91006): This alarm is triggered if the adapter is not in the
desired state. If this alarm is displayed, check the adapter configuration and server connectivity. Refer
to the adapter logs for more details.
• Adapter Error (syslog ID: 91009): Indicates that the Qualys adapter is unable to establish a connection
with or download information from the Qualys site.

The following reports are available for the Threat Centric NAC service:
• Adapter Status: The Adapter Status report displays the status of the threat and vulnerability adapters.
• COA Events: When a vulnerability event is received for an endpoint, Cisco ISE triggers CoA for that
endpoint. The CoA Events report displays the status of these CoA events. It also displays the old and
new authorization rules and the profile details for these endpoints.
• Threat Events: The Threat Events report provides a list of all the threat events that Cisco ISE receives
from the various adapters that you have configured. Vulnerability Assessment events are not included
in this report.
• Vulnerability Assessment: The Vulnerability Assessment report provides information about the
assessments that are happening for your endpoints. You can view this report to check if the assessment
is happening based on the configured policy.

You can view the following information from Operations > Reports > Diagnostics > ISE Counters >
Threshold Counter Trends:
• Total number of events received
• Total number of threat events
• Total number of vulnerability events
• Total number of CoAs issued (to PSN)

The values for these attributes are collected every 5 minutes, so these values represent the count for the last
5 minutes.
The Threat dashboard contains the following dashlets:
• Total Compromised Endpoints dashlet displays the total number of endpoints (both connected and
disconnected endpoints) that are currently impacted on the network.
• Compromised Endpoints Over Time dashlet displays a historical view of the impact on endpoints for
the specified time period.
• Top Threats dashlet displays the top threats based on the number of endpoints impacted and the severity
of the threat.
• You can use the Threats Watchlist dashlet to analyze the trend of selected events.

The size of the bubbles in the Top Threats dashlet indicates the number of endpoints impacted and the light
shaded area indicates the number of disconnected endpoints. The color as well as the vertical scale indicate
the severity of the threat. There are two categories of threat—Indicators and Incidents. The severity attribute
for Indicator is "Likely_Impact" and the severity attribute for Incident is "Impact_Qualification".
The Compromised Endpoint window displays the matrix view of the endpoints that are impacted and the
severity of the impact for each threat category. You can click on the device link to view the detailed threat
information for an endpoint.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Enable Threat Centric NAC Service

The Course Of Action chart displays the action taken (Internal Blocking, Eradication, or Monitoring) for the
threat incidents based on the CTA-Course_Of_Action attribute received from the CTA adapter.
The Vulnerability dashboard on the Home page contains the following dashlets:
• Total Vulnerable Endpoints dashlet displays the total number of endpoints that have a CVSS score
greater than the specified value. Also displays the total number of connected and disconnected endpoints
that have a CVSS score greater than the specified value.
• Top Vulnerability dashlet displays the top vulnerabilities based on the number of endpoints impacted
or the severity of the vulnerability. The size of the bubbles in the Top Vulnerability dashlet indicates the
number of endpoints impacted and the light shaded area indicates the number of disconnected endpoints.
The color as well as the vertical scale indicates the severity of the vulnerability.
• You can use the Vulnerability Watchlist dashlet to analyze the trend of selected vulnerabilities over a
period of time. Click the search icon in the dashlet and enter the vendor-specific id ("qid" for Qualys ID
number) to select and view the trend for that particular ID number.
• The Vulnerable Endpoints Over Time dashlet displays a historical view of the impact on endpoints
over time.

The Endpoint Count By CVSS graph on the Vulnerable Endpoints window shows the number of endpoints
that are affected and their CVSS scores. You can also view the list of affected endpoints on the Vulnerable
Endpoints window. You can click the device link to view the detailed vulnerability information for each
Threat Centric NAC service logs are included in the support bundle (see Download Cisco ISE Log Files, on
page 1203). Threat Centric NAC service logs are located at support/logs/TC-NAC/

Enable Threat Centric NAC Service

To configure vulnerability and threat adapters, you must first enable the Threat Centric NAC service. This
service can be enabled on only one Policy Service Node in your deployment.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the PSN on which you want to enable the Threat Centric NAC service and click Edit.
Step 3 Check the Enable Threat Centric NAC Service check box.
Step 4 Click Save.

Related Topics
Add SourceFire FireAMP Adapter, on page 1067
Configure Cognitive Threat Analytics Adapter, on page 1068
Configure Authorization Profiles for CTA Adapter, on page 1069
Configure Authorization Policy using the Course of Action Attribute, on page 1069
Threat Centric NAC Service, on page 1063

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Add SourceFire FireAMP Adapter

Add SourceFire FireAMP Adapter

Before you begin
• You must have an account with SourceFire FireAMP.
• You must deploy FireAMP clients on all endpoints.
• You must enable Threat Centric NAC service on the deployment node (see Enable Threat Centric NAC
Service, on page 1066).
• FireAMP adapter uses SSL for REST API calls (to the AMP cloud) and AMQP to receive the events. It
also supports the use of proxy. FireAMP adapter uses port 443 for communication.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Threat Centric NAC > Third Party
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Select AMP : Threat from the Vendor drop-down list.
Step 4 Enter a name for the adapter instance.
Step 5 Click Save.
Step 6 Refresh the Vendor Instances listing window. You can configure the adapter only after the adapter status changes to
Ready to Configure on the Vendor Instances listing window.
Step 7 Click the Ready to configure link.
Step 8 (Optional) If you have configured a SOCKS proxy server to route all the traffic, enter the hostname and the port number
of the proxy server.
Step 9 Select the cloud to which you want to connect. You can select US cloud or EU cloud.
Step 10 Select the event source to which you want to subscribe. The following options are available:
• AMP events only
• CTA events only
• CTA and AMP events

Step 11 Click the FireAMP link and login as admin in FireAMP. Click Allow in the Applications pane to authorize the Streaming
Event Export request.
You will be redirected back to Cisco ISE.
Step 12 Select the events (for example, suspicious download, connection to suspicious domain, executed malware, java
compromise) that you want to monitor.
When you change the advanced settings or reconfigure an adapter, if there are any new events added to the AMP cloud,
those events are also listed in the Events Listing window.
You can choose a log level for the adapter. The available options are: Error, Info, and Debug.
The summary of the adapter instance configuration will be displayed in the Configuration Summary window.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Configure Cognitive Threat Analytics Adapter

Configure Cognitive Threat Analytics Adapter

Before you begin
• You must enable Threat Centric NAC service on the deployment node (see Enable Threat Centric NAC
Service, on page 1066).
• Log in to Cisco Cognitive Threat Analytics (CTA) portal via and request
CTA STIX/TAXII service. For more information, see Cisco ScanCenter Administrator Guide.
• Cognitive Threat Analytics (CTA) adapter uses TAXII protocol with SSL to poll the CTA cloud for
detected threats. It also supports the use of proxy.
• Import the adapter certificate in to the Trusted Certificate Store. Choose Administration > System >
Certificates > Trusted Certificates > Import to import the certificate.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Threat Centric NAC > Third Party
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Select CTA : Threat from the Vendor drop-down list.
Step 4 Enter a name for the adapter instance.
Step 5 Click Save.
Step 6 Refresh the Vendor Instances listing page. You can configure the adapter only after the adapter status changes to Ready
to Configure on the Vendor Instances listing page.
Step 7 Click the Ready to configure link.
Step 8 Enter the following details:
• CTA STIX/TAXII service URL: URL of the CTA cloud service. By default, the following URL is used:
• CTA feed name: Enter the feed name of the CTA cloud service.
• CTA username and password: Enter the username and password for the CTA cloud service.
• Proxy host and port (optional): If you have configured a proxy server to route all the traffic, enter the hostname
and the port number of the proxy server.
• Polling interval: Time interval between each poll. Default value is 30 minutes.
• First Poll Duration in hours: Age of the data to be pulled at the first poll. Default value is 2 hours. Maximum
value is 12 hours.
• Incident Type: The following options are available:
• CTA events only
• AMP events only
• CTA and AMP events

Step 9 Click Next.

Step 10 Click Advanced Settings to configure the following options:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Configure Authorization Profiles for CTA Adapter

• Impact Qualification: Select the severity level of the incident to be polled. The following options are available:
• 1 - Insignificant
• 2 - Distracting
• 3 - Painful
• 4 - Damaging
• 5 - Catastrophic

For example, if you have selected "3-Painful", incidents with this severity level (3-Painful) and above (in this case,
4-Damaging and 5-Catastrophic) are polled.
• Logging level: Choose a log level for the adapter. The available options are: Error, Info, and Debug.

Step 11 Click Finish.

Note CTA works with user identities listed in the web proxy logs as IP addresses or usernames. Specifically, in the
case of IP addresses, the IP address of a device that is available through the proxy logs may collide with the
IP address of another device on the internal network. For example, roaming users connected via AnyConnect
and a split-tunnel directly to the internet could acquire a local IP range address (for example, 10.0.0.X address),
which may collide with an address in an overlapping private IP range used in an internal network. We
recommend that you take into account the logical network architecture while defining the policies to avoid
quarantine actions being applied on mismatched devices.

Configure Authorization Profiles for CTA Adapter

For each threat event, the CTA adapter returns one of the following values for the Course of Action attribute:
Internal Blocking, Monitoring, or Eradication. You can create authorization profiles based on these values.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Authorization > Authorization
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 Enter a name and description for the authorization profile.
Step 4 Select the Access Type.
Step 5 Enter the required details and click Submit.

Configure Authorization Policy using the Course of Action Attribute

You can use the CTA-Course_Of_Action attribute to configure authorization policies for the endpoints for
which threat events are reported. This attribute is available in the Threat directory.
You can also create exception rules based on the CTA-Course_Of_Action attribute.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Support for Vulnerability Assessment in Cisco ISE

Step 1 Choose Policy > Policy Sets

You can edit an existing policy rule or create a new exception rule for the endpoints with threat events.
Step 2 Create a condition to check for the CTA-Course_Of_Action attribute value and assign the appropriate authorization
profile. For example:
Network_Access_Authentication_Passed AND ThreatCTA-Course_Of_Action CONTAINS Internal Blocking then
blocking (authorization profile)
Note "Internal Blocking" is the recommended Course of Action attribute to be used for quarantining the endpoints.

Step 3 Click Save.

When a threat event is received for an endpoint, Cisco ISE checks if there is any matching authorization policy
for the endpoint and triggers CoA only if the endpoint is active. If the endpoint is offline, threat event details
are added to the Threat Events report (Operations > Reports > Threat Centric NAC > Threat Events).

Note Sometimes CTA sends multiple risks and their associated Course of Action attributes in one incident. For
example, it can send "Internal Blocking" and "Monitoring" (course of action attributes) in one incident. In
this case, if you have configured an authorization policy to quarantine endpoints using "equals" operator, the
endpoints will not be quarantined. For example:
CTA-Course_Of_Action EQUALS Internal Blocking then Quarantine_Systems (authorization profile)

In such cases, you must use "contains" operator in the authorization policy to quarantine the endpoints. For
CTA-Course_Of_Action CONTAINS Internal Blocking then Quarantine_Systems

Support for Vulnerability Assessment in Cisco ISE

Cisco ISE integrates with the following Vulnerability Assessment (VA) Ecosystem Partners to obtain
vulnerability results of endpoints that connect to the Cisco ISE network:
• Qualys: Qualys is a cloud-based assessment system with scanner appliances deployed in the network.
Cisco ISE allows you to configure an adapter that communicates with Qualys and obtains the VA results.
You can configure the adapter from the Admin portal. You need a Cisco ISE administrator account with
Super Admin privileges to configure the adapter. The Qualys adapter uses REST APIs to communicate
with the Qualys Cloud Service. You need a user account in Qualys with Manager privileges to access
the REST APIs. Cisco ISE uses following Qualys REST APIs:
• Host Detection List API: To check the last scan results of the endpoint
• Scan API: To trigger an on-demand scan of the endpoint

Qualys enforces limits on the number of API calls that subscribed users can make. The default rate limit
count is 300 per 24 hours. Cisco ISE uses Qualys API version 2.0 to connect to Qualys. Refer to the
Qualys API V2 User Guide for more information on these API functions.
• Rapid7 Nexpose: Cisco ISE integrates with Rapid 7 Nexpose, a vulnerability management solution, to
help detect vulnerabilities and enables you to respond to such threats quickly. Cisco ISE receives the

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Enable and Configure Vulnerability Assessment Service

vulnerability data from Nexpose and based on the policies that you configure in ISE, it quarantines the
affected endpoints. From the Cisco ISE dashboard, you can view the affected endpoint and take appropriate
Cisco ISE has been tested with Nexpose Release 6.4.1.
• Tenable SecurityCenter (Nessus scanner): Cisco ISE integrates with Tenable SecurityCenter and receives
the vulnerability data from Tenable Nessus scanner (managed by Tenable SecurityCenter) and based on
the policies that you configure in ISE, it quarantines the affected endpoints. From the Cisco ISE dashboard,
you can view the affected endpoints and take appropriate action.
Cisco ISE has been tested with Tenable SecurityCenter 5.3.2.

The results from the ecosystem partner are converted in to a Structured Threat Information Expression (STIX)
representation and based on this value, a Change of Authorization (CoA) is triggered, if needed, and the
appropriate level of access is granted to the endpoint.
The time taken to assess endpoints for vulnerabilities depends on various factors and hence VA cannot be
performed in real time. The factors that affect the time taken to assess an endpoint for vulnerabilities include:
• Vulnerability assessment ecosystem
• Type of vulnerabilities scanned for
• Type of scans enabled
• Network and system resources allocated by the ecosystem for the scanner appliances

In this release of Cisco ISE, only endpoints with IPv4 addresses can be assessed for vulnerabilities.

Enable and Configure Vulnerability Assessment Service

To enable and configure Vulnerability Assessment Service in Cisco ISE, perform the following tasks:

Step 1 Enable Threat Centric NAC Service, on page 1066.

Step 2 To configure:
• Qualys adapter, see Configure Qualys Adapter, on page 1072.
• Nexpose adapter, see Configure Nexpose Adapter, on page 1074.
• Tenable adapter, see Configure Tenable Adapter, on page 1076.

Step 3 Configure Authorization Profile, on page 1079.

Step 4 Configure Exception Rule to Quarantine a Vulnerable Endpoint, on page 1079.

Enable Threat Centric NAC Service

To configure vulnerability and threat adapters, you must first enable the Threat Centric NAC service. This
service can be enabled on only one Policy Service Node in your deployment.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Deployment.
Step 2 Check the check box next to the PSN on which you want to enable the Threat Centric NAC service and click Edit.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Configure Qualys Adapter

Step 3 Check the Enable Threat Centric NAC Service check box.
Step 4 Click Save.

Related Topics
Add SourceFire FireAMP Adapter, on page 1067
Configure Cognitive Threat Analytics Adapter, on page 1068
Configure Authorization Profiles for CTA Adapter, on page 1069
Configure Authorization Policy using the Course of Action Attribute, on page 1069
Threat Centric NAC Service, on page 1063

Configure Qualys Adapter

Cisco ISE supports the Qualys Vulnerability Assessment Ecosystem. You must create a Qualys adapter for
Cisco ISE to communicate with Qualys and obtain the VA results.

Before you begin

• You must have the following user accounts:
• Admin user account in Cisco ISE with Super Admin privileges to be able to configure a vendor
• User account in Qualys with Manager privileges

• Ensure that you have appropriate Qualys license subscriptions. You need access to the Qualys Report
Center, Knowledge Base (KBX), and API. Contact your Qualys Account Manager for details.
• Import the Qualys server certificate in to the Trusted Certificates store in Cisco ISE (Administration >
Certificates > Certificate Management > Trusted Certificates > Import). Ensure that the appropriate
root and intermediate certificates are imported (or present) in the Cisco ISE Trusted Certificates store.
• Refer to the Qualys API Guide for the following configurations:
• Ensure that you have enabled CVSS Scoring in Qualys (Reports > Setup > CVSS Scoring > Enable
CVSS Scoring).
• Ensure that you add the IP address and subnet mask of your endpoints in Qualys (Assets > Host
• Ensure that you have the name of the Qualys option profile. The option profile is the scanner template
that Qualys uses for scanning. We recommend that you use an option profile that includes
authenticated scans (this option checks the MAC Address of the endpoint as well).

• Cisco ISE communicates with Qualys over HTTPS/SSL (port 443).

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Threat Centric NAC > Third Party
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 From the Vendor drop-down list, choose Qualys:VA.
Step 4 Enter a name for the adapter instance. For example, Qualys_Instance.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Configure Qualys Adapter

The listing window appears with a list of configured adapter instances.

Step 5 Refresh the Vendor Instances listing window. The status for the newly added Qualys_Instance adapter should change
to Ready to Configure.
Step 6 Click the Ready to Configure link.
Step 7 Enter the following values in the Qualys configuration screen and click Next.

Field Name Description

REST API Host The hostname of the server that hosts the Qualys cloud. Contact your Qualys representative for
this information.

REST API Port 443

Username User account in Qualys with Manager privileges.

Password Password for the Qualys user account.

HTTP Proxy Host If you have a proxy server configured to route all Internet traffic, enter the hostname of the proxy

HTTP Proxy Port Enter the port number used by the proxy server.

If the connection to the Qualys server is established, the Scanner Mappings window appears with a list of Qualys
scanners. The Qualys scanners from your network appear in this window.

Step 8 Choose the default scanner that Cisco ISE will use for on-demand scans.
Step 9 In the PSN to Scanner Mapping area, choose one or more Qualys scanner appliance(s) to the PSN node, and click
The Advanced Settings window appears.

Step 10 Enter the following values in the Advanced Settings window. The settings in this window determine whether an
on-demand scan will be triggered or the last scan results will be used for VA.

Field Name Description

Option Profile Choose the option profile that you want Qualys to use for scanning the endpoint. You can choose
the default option profile, Initial Options.

Last Scan Results - Check Settings

Last scan results (Impacts the access rate of Host Detection List API) Time interval in minutes after which the
check interval in last scan results must be checked again. Valid range is between 1 and 2880.

Maximum results (Impacts the access rate of Host Detection List API) If the number of queued scan requests
before last scan exceeds the maximum number specified here, the last scan results are checked before the time
results are checked interval specified in Last scan results check interval in minutes field. Valid range is between
1 and 1000.

Verify MAC True or False. When set to true, the last scan results from Qualys would be used only if it includes
address the MAC address of the endpoint.

Scan Settings

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Configure Nexpose Adapter

Field Name Description

Scan trigger (Impacts the access rate of Scan API) Time interval in minutes after which an on-demand scan
interval in minutes is triggered. Valid range is between 1 and 2880.

Maximum requests (Impacts the access rate of Scan API) If the number of queued scan requests exceeds the maximum
before scan is number specified here, an on-demand scan would be triggered before the time interval specified
triggered in Scan trigger interval in minutes field. Valid range is between 1 and 1000.

Scan status check Time interval in minutes after which Cisco ISE communicates with Qualys to check the status
interval in minutes of the scan. Valid range is between 1 and 60.

Number of scans (This option depends on the number of scanners you have mapped to each PSN in the Scanner
that can be Mappings screen) Each scanner can process only one request at a time. If you have mapped
triggered more than one scanner to the PSNs, then you can increment this value based on the number of
concurrently scanners you have chosen. Valid range is between 1 and 200.

Scan timeout in Time in minutes after which the scan request will time out. If a scan request times out, an alarm
minutes is generated. Valid range is between 20 and 1440.

Maximum number Indicates the number of requests that can be queued into a single request to be sent to Qualys
of IP addresses to for processing. Valid range is between 1 and 1000.
be submitted per

Choose the log Choose a log level for the adapter. The available options are ERROR, INFO, DEBUG, and
level for adapter TRACE.
log files

Step 11 Click Next to review the Configuration Settings.

Step 12 Click Finish.

Configure Nexpose Adapter

You must create a Nexpose adapter for Cisco ISE to communicate with Nexpose and obtain the VA results.

Before you begin

• Ensure that you have enabled the Threat-Centric NAC service in Cisco ISE.
• Log in to Nexpose Security Console and create a user account with the following privileges:
• Manage sites
• Create reports

• Import the Nexpose server certificate in to the Trusted Certificates store in Cisco ISE (Administration
> Certificates > Certificate Management > Trusted Certificates > Import). Ensure that the appropriate
root and intermediate certificates are imported (or present) in the Cisco ISE Trusted Certificates store.
• Cisco ISE communicates with Nexpose over HTTPS/SSL (port 3780).

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Configure Nexpose Adapter

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Threat Centric NAC > Third Party
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 From the Vendor drop-down list, choose Rapid7 Nexpose:VA.
Step 4 Enter a name for the adapter instance. For example, Nexpose.
The listing window appears with a list of configured adapter instances.

Step 5 Refresh the Vendor Instances listing window. The status for the newly added Nexpose adapter should change to Ready
to Configure.
Step 6 Click the Ready to Configure link.
Step 7 Enter the following values in the Nexpose configuration screen and click Next.

Field Name Description

Nexpose Host The hostname of the Nexpose server.

Nexpose Port 3780.

Username Nexpose Admin user account.

Password Password for the Nexpose Admin user account.

HTTP Proxy Host If you have a proxy server configured to route all Internet traffic, enter the hostname of the proxy

HTTP Proxy Port Enter the port number used by the proxy server.

Step 8 Click Next to configure Advanced Settings.

Step 9 Enter the following values in the Advanced Settings window. The settings in this window determine whether an
on-demand scan will be triggered or the last scan results will be used for VA.

Field Name Description

Settings for checking latest scan results

Interval between Time interval in minutes after which the last scan results must be checked again. Valid range is
checking the latest between 1 and 2880.
scan results in

Number of If the number of queued scan requests exceeds the maximum number specified here, the last
pending requests scan results are checked before the time interval specified in Interval between checking the latest
that can trigger scan results in minutes field. Valid range is between 1 and 1000.
checking the latest
scan results

Verify MAC True or False. When set to true, the last scan results from Nexpose would be used only if it
address includes the MAC address of the endpoint.

Scan settings

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Configure Tenable Adapter

Field Name Description

Settings for checking latest scan results

Scan trigger Time interval in minutes after which a scan is triggered. Valid range is between 1 and 2880.
interval for each
site in minutes

Number of If the number of queued scan requests exceeds the maximum number specified here, a scan
pending requests would be triggered before the time interval specified in Scan timeout in minutes field. Valid
before a scan is range is between 1 and 1000.
triggered for each

Scan timeout in Time in minutes after which the scan request will time out. If a scan request times out, an alarm
minutes is generated. Valid range is between 20 and 1440.

Number of sites for The number of sites for which scans can be run concurrently. Valid range is between 1 and 200.
which scans could
be triggered

Timezone Choose the time zone based on the time zone that is configured in the Nexpose server.

Http timeout in Time interval in seconds for Cisco ISE to wait for a response from Nexpose. Valid range is
seconds between 5 and 1200.

Choose the log Choose a log level for the adapter. The available options are ERROR, INFO, DEBUG, and
level for adapter TRACE.
log files

Step 10 Click Next to review the Configuration Settings.

Step 11 Click Finish.

Configure Tenable Adapter

You must create a Tenable adapter for Cisco ISE to communicate with Tenable SecurityCenter (Nessus
scanner) and obtain the VA results.

Before you begin

Note You must configure the following in Tenable SecurityCenter before you can configure the Tenable Adapter
in Cisco ISE. Refer to Tenable SecurityCenter Documentation for these configurations.

• You must have Tenable Security Center and Tenable Nessus Vulnerability Scanner installed. While
registering the Tenable Nessus scanner, ensure that you choose Managed by SecurityCenter in the
Registration field.
• Create a user account with Security Manager privilege in Tenable SecurityCenter.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Configure Tenable Adapter

• Create a repository in SecurityCenter (Log in to Tenable SecurityCenter with Admin credentials and
choose Repository > Add).
• Add the endpoint IP range to be scanned in the repository.
• Add Nessus scanner.
• Create scan zones and assign IP addresses to the scan zones and scanners that are mapped to these scan
• Create a scan policy for ISE.
• Add an active scan and associate it with the ISE scan policy. Configure settings and targets (IP/DNS
• Export System and Root certificates from Tenable SecurityCenter and import it in to the Trusted
Certificates store in Cisco ISE (Administration > Certificates > Certificate Management > Trusted
Certificates > Import). Ensure that the appropriate root and intermediate certificates are imported (or
present) in the Cisco ISE Trusted Certificates store.
• Cisco ISE communicates with Tenable SecurityCenter over HTTPS/SSL (port 443).

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Threat Centric NAC > Third Party
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 From the Vendor drop-down list, choose Tenable Security Center:VA.
Step 4 Enter a name for the adapter instance. For example, Tenable.
The listing window appears with a list of configured adapter instances.

Step 5 Refresh the Vendor Instances listing window. The status for the newly added Tenable adapter should change to Ready
to Configure.
Step 6 Click the Ready to Configure link.
Step 7 Enter the following values in the Tenable SecurityCenter configuration window and click Next.

Field Name Description

Tenable The hostname of the Tenable SecurityCenter.


Tenable 443

Username Username of the user account that has Security Manager privileges in Tenable SecurityCenter.

Password Password of the user account that has Security Manager privileges in Tenable SecurityCenter.

HTTP Proxy Host If you have a proxy server configured to route all Internet traffic, enter the hostname of the proxy

HTTP Proxy Port Enter the port number used by the proxy server.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Configure Tenable Adapter

Step 8 Click Next.

Step 9 Enter the following values in the Advanced Settings window. The settings in this window determine whether an
on-demand scan will be triggered or the last scan results will be used for VA.

Field Name Description

Repository Choose the repository that you created in Tenable SecurityCenter.

Scan Policy Choose the scan policy that you have created for ISE in Tenable SecurityCenter.

Settings for checking latest scan results

Interval between Time interval in minutes after which the last scan results must be checked again. Valid range is
checking the latest between 1 and 2880.
scan results in

Number of If the number of queued scan requests exceeds the maximum number specified here, the last
pending requests scan results are checked before the time interval specified in the Interval between checking
that can trigger the latest scan results in minutes field. Valid range is between 1 and 1000. The default is 10.
checking the latest
scan results

Verify MAC True or False. When set to true, the last scan results from Tenable SecurityCenter would be used
address only if it includes the MAC address of the endpoint.

Scan Settings

Scan trigger Time interval in minutes after which an on-demand scan is triggered. Valid range is between 1
interval for each and 2880.
site in minutes

Number of If the number of queued scan requests exceeds the maximum number specified here, an on-demand
pending requests scan would be triggered before the time interval specified in Scan trigger interval for each site
before a scan is in minutes field. Valid range is between 1 and 1000.

Scan timeout in Time in minutes after which the scan request times out. If a scan request times out, an alarm is
minutes generated. Valid range is between 20 and 1440.

Number of scans The number of scans that can be run concurrently. Valid range is between 1 and 200.
that could run in

Http timeout in Time interval in seconds for Cisco ISE to wait for a response from Tenable SecurityCenter.
seconds Valid range is between 5 and 1200.

Choose the log Choose a log level for the adapter. The available options are ERROR, INFO, DEBUG, and
level for adapter TRACE.
log files

Step 10 Click Next to review the Configuration Settings.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Configure Authorization Profile

Step 11 Click Finish.

Configure Authorization Profile

The authorization profile in Cisco ISE now includes an option to scan endpoints for vulnerabilities. You can
choose to run the scan periodically and also specify the time interval for these scans. After you define the
authorization profile, you can apply it to an existing authorization policy rule or create a new authorization
policy rule.

Before you begin

You must have enabled the Threat Centric NAC service and configured a vendor adapter.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Authorization > Authorization
Step 2 Create a new authorization profile or edit an existing profile.
Step 3 From the Common Tasks area, check the Assess Vulnerabilities check box.
Step 4 From the Adapter Instance drop-down list, choose the vendor adapter that you have configured. For example,
Step 5 Enter the scan interval in hours in the Trigger scan if the time since last scan is greater than text box. Valid range is
between 1 and 9999.
Step 6 Check the Assess periodically using above interval check box.
Step 7 Click Submit.

Configure Exception Rule to Quarantine a Vulnerable Endpoint

You can use the following Vulnerability Assessment attributes to configure an exception rule and provide
limited access to vulnerable endpoints:
• Threat:Qualys-CVSS_Base_Score
• Threat:Qualys-CVSS_Temporal_Score
• Rapid7 Nexpose-CVSS_Base_Score
• Tenable Security Center-CVSS_Base_Score
• Tenable Security Center-CVSS_Temporal_Score

These attributes are available in the Threat directory. Valid value ranges from 0 to 10.
You can choose to quarantine the endpoint, provide limited access (redirect to a different portal), or reject the

Step 1 Choose Policy > Policy Sets.

You can edit an existing policy rule or create a new exception rule to check for VA attributes.
Step 2 Create a condition to check for the Qualys score and assign the appropriate authorization profile. For example:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Vulnerability Assessment Logs

Any Identity Group & Threat:Qualys-CVSS_Base_Score > 5 -> Quarantine (authorization profile)

Step 3 Click Save.

Vulnerability Assessment Logs

Cisco ISE provides the following logs for troubleshooting VA services.
• vaservice.log—Contains VA core information and is available in the node that runs the TC-NAC service.
• varuntime.log—Contains information about the endpoint and the VA flow; is available in the Monitoring
node and the node that runs the TC-NAC service.
• vaaggregation.log—Contains hourly aggregation details about the endpoint vulnerability and is available
in the Primary Administration Node.

Network Resources
Support for Session Aware Networking (SAnet)
Cisco ISE provides limited support for Session Aware Networking (SAnet). SAnet is a session management
framework that runs on many Cisco switches. SAnet manages access sessions, including visibility,
authentication, and authorization. SAnet uses a service template, which contains RADIUS authorization
attributes. Cisco ISE includes a service template inside an authorization profile. Cisco ISE identifies service
templates in an authorization profile using a flag that identifies the profile as “Service Template” compatible.
Cisco ISE authorization profiles contain RADIUS authorization attributes that are transformed into a list of
attributes. SAnet service templates also contain of RADIUS authorization attributes, but those attributes are
not transformed into a list.
For SAnet devices, Cisco ISE sends the name of the service template. The device downloads the content of
the service template, unless it already has that content in a cache or statically defined configuration. Cisco
ISE sends a CoA notification to the device when a service template changes RADIUS attributes.

Network Devices
These windows enable you to add and manage network devices in Cisco ISE.

Network Device Definition Settings

The following tables describe the fields in the Network Devices window, which you can use to configure a
network access device in Cisco ISE. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices, and click Add.

Network Device Settings

The following table describes the fields in the New Network Devices window.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Definition Settings

Table 160: Network Device Settings

Field Name Description

Name Enter a name for the network device.

You can provide a descriptive name to the network
device which is different from the hostname of the
device. The device name is a logical identifier.
Note You cannot edit the name of a device after
it is configured.

Description Enter a description for the device.

IP Address or IP Range Choose one of the following from the drop-down list
and enter the required values in the fields displayed:
• IP Address: Enter a single IP address (IPv4 or
IPv6 address) and a subnet mask.
• IP Range: Enter the required IPv4 address range.
To exclude IP addresses during authentication,
enter an IP address or IP address range in the
Exclude field.

The following are the guidelines for defining the IP

addresses and subnet masks, or IP address ranges:
• You can define a specific IP address, or an IP
range with a subnet mask. If device A has an IP
address range defined, you can configure another
device B with an individual address from the
range that is defined in device A.
• You can define IP address ranges in all the octets.
You can use a hyphen (-) or an asterisk (*) as
wildcard to specify a range of IP addresses. For
example, *.*.*.*, 1-10.1-10.1-10.1-10, or
• You can exclude a subset of IP address range
from the configured range in a scenario where
that subset has already been added. For example,
10.197.65.*/, or 10.197.65.* exclude
• You cannot define two devices with the same
specific IP addresses.
• You cannot define two devices with the same IP
range. The IP ranges must not overlap either
partially or completely.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Description

Device Profile Choose the vendor of the network device from the
drop-down list.
Use the tooltip next to the drop-down list to see the
flows and services that the selected vendor's network
devices support. The tooltip also displays the RADIUS
CoA port and type of URL redirect that is used by the
device. These attributes are defined in the device
type's network device profile.

Model Name Choose the device model from the drop-down list.
Use the model name as one of the parameters while
checking for conditions in rule-based policies. This
attribute is present in the device dictionary.

Software Version Choose the version of the software running on the

network device from the drop-down list.
You can use the software version as one of the
parameters while checking for conditions in rule-based
policies. This attribute is present in the device

Network Device Group In the Network Device Group area, choose the
required values from the Location, IPSEC, and
Device Type drop-down lists.
If you do not specifically assign a device to a group,
it becomes a part of the default device groups (root
network device groups), which is All Locations by
location and All Device Types by device type.

RADIUS Authentication Settings

The following table describes the fields in the RADIUS Authentication Settings area.

Table 161: Fields in the RADIUS Authentication Settings Area

Field Name Usage Guidelines


Protocol Displays RADIUS as the selected protocol.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Shared Secret Enter the shared secret for the network device.
The shared secret is the key that is configured on the
network device using the radius-host command with
the pac option.
Note The length of the shared secret must be
equal to or greater than the value
configured in the Minimum RADIUS
Shared Secret Length field in the Device
Security Settings window
(Administration > Network Resources
> Network Devices > Device Security
For a RADIUS server, the best practice is
to have 22 characters. For new installations
and upgraded deployments, the shared
secret length is four characters by default.
You can change this value in the Device
Security Settings window.

Use Second Shared Secret Specify a second shared secret to be used by the
network device and Cisco ISE.
Note Although Cisco TrustSec devices can take
advantage of the dual shared secrets (keys),
Cisco TrustSec CoA packets sent by Cisco
ISE will always use the first shared secret
(key). To enable the use of the second
shared secret, choose the Cisco ISE node
from which the Cisco TrustSec CoA
packets must be sent to the Cisco TrustSec
device. Configure the Cisco ISE node to
be used for this task in the Send From
drop-down list in the Work Centers >
Device Administration > Network
Resources > Network Devices > Add >
Advanced TrustSec Settings window.
You can select a Primary Administration
node (PAN) or a Policy Service node
(PSN). If the chosen PSN node is down,
the PAN sends the Cisco TrustSec CoA
packets to the Cisco TrustSec device.

Note The Second Shared Secret feature for

RADIUS Access Request works only for
packets containing the
Message-Authenticator field.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

CoA Port Specify the port to be used for RADIUS CoA.

The default CoA port for the device is defined in the
network device profile that is configured for a network
device (Administration > Network Resources >
Network Device Profiles > Network Resources >
Network Device Profiles). Click the Set To Default
button to use the default CoA port.
Note If you modify the CoA port specified in
the Network Devices window
(Administration > Network Resources >
Network Devices) under RADIUS
Authentication Settings, make sure that
you specify the same CoA port for the
corresponding profile in the Network
Device Profile window (Administration >
Network Resources > Network Device


DTLS Required If you check the DTLS Required check box, Cisco
ISE processes only the DTLS requests from this
device. If this option is disabled, Cisco ISE processes
both UDP and DTLS requests from this device.
RADIUS DTLS provides improved security for Secure
Sockets Layer (SSL) tunnel establishment and
RADIUS communication.

Shared Secret Displays the shared secret that is used for RADIUS
DTLS. This value is fixed and used to compute the
Message Digest 5 (MD5) integrity checks.

CoA Port Specify the port to be used for RADIUS DTLS CoA.

Issuer CA of ISE Certificates for CoA Choose the Certificate Authority to be used for
RADIUS DTLS CoA from the drop-down list.

DNS Name Enter the DNS name of the network device. If the
Enable RADIUS/DTLS Client Identity Verification
option is enabled under RADIUS Settings window
(Adminstration > System > Settings > Protocols >
RADIUS , Cisco ISE compares this DNS name with
the DNS name that is specified in the client certificate
to verify the identity of the network device.

General Settings

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Enable KeyWrap Check the Enable KeyWrap check box only if

KeyWrap algorithms are supported by the network
device. This option is used to increase the RADIUS
security through an AES KeyWrap algorithm.
Note When you run Cisco ISE in FIPS mode,
you must enable KeyWrap on the network

Key Encryption Key Enter the encryption key that is used for session
encryption (secrecy).

Message Authenticator Code Key Enter the key that is used for keyed Hashed Message
Authentication Code (HMAC) calculation over
RADIUS messages.

Key Input Format Click the radio button for one of the following
• ASCII: The value that is entered in the Key
Encryption Key field must be 16 characters
(bytes) in length and the value that is entered in
the Message Authenticator Code Key field
must be 20 characters (bytes) in length.
• Hexadecimal: The value that is entered in the
Key Encryption Key field must be 32 characters
(bytes) in length and the value that is entered in
the Message Authenticator Code Key field
must be 40 characters (bytes) in length

Specify the key input format that you want to use to

enter the Cisco ISE FIPS encryption key, so that it
matches the configuration that is available on the
wireless LAN controller. The value that you specify
must be the correct (full) length for the key, and
shorter values are not permitted.

TACACS Authentication Settings

Table 162: Fields in the TACACS Authentication Settings Area

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Shared Secret A string of text that is assigned to a network device

when TACACS+ protocol is enabled. The user must
enter the text before the network device authenticates
a username and password. The connection is rejected
until the user supplies the shared secret.

Retired Shared Secret is Active Displayed when the retirement period is active.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Retire Retires an existing shared secret instead of ending it.

When you click Retire, a message box is displayed.
You can click either Yes or No.

Remaining Retired Period (Available only if you select Yes in the Retire
message box) Displays the default value specified in
the following navigation path: Work Centers >
Device Administration > Settings > Connection
Settings > Default Shared Secret Retirement
Period. You can change the default values.
This allows a new shared secret to be entered. The
old shared secret will remain active for the specified
number of days.

End (Available only if you select Yes in the Retire

message box) Ends the retirement period and
terminates the old shared secret.

Enable Single Connect Mode Check the Enable Single Connect Mode check box
to use a single TCP connection for all TACACS
communications with the network device. Click the
radio button for one of the following options:
• Legacy Cisco Devices
• TACACS Draft Compliance Single Connect
If you disable Single Connect Mode, Cisco ISE
uses a new TCP connection for every TACACS

SNMP Settings
The following table describes the fields in the SNMP Settings section.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Definition Settings

Table 163: Fields in the SNMP Settings Area

Field Name Usage Guidelines

SNMP Version Choose one of the following options from the SNMP
Version drop-down list:
• 1: SNMPv1 does not support informs.
• 2c
• 3: SNMPv3 is the most secure model because it
allows packet encryption when you choose the
Priv security level in a later step.
Note If you have configured your network
device with SNMPv3 parameters, you
cannot generate the Network Device
Session Status summary report that
is provided by the monitoring service
(Operations > Reports >
Diagnostics > Network Device
Session Status). You can generate
this report successfully if your
network device is configured with
SNMPv1 or SNMPv2c parameters.

SNMP RO Community (Applicable only for SNMP Versions 1 and 2c) Enter
the Read Only Community string that provides Cisco
ISE with a particular type of access to the device.
Note The caret (circumflex ^) symbol is not

SNMP Username (Only for SNMP Version 3) Enter the SNMP


Security Level (Only for SNMP Version 3) Choose one the following
options from the Security Level drop-down list:
• Auth: Enables MD5 or Secure Hash Algorithm
(SHA) packet authentication.
• No Auth: No authentication and no privacy
security level.
• Priv: Enables Data Encryption Standard (DES)
packet encryption.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Auth Protocol (Only for SNMP Version 3 when the security levels
Auth or Priv are selected) Choose the authentication
protocol that you want the network device to use from
the Auth Protocol drop-down list.
• MD5

Auth Password (Only for SNMP Version 3 when the Auth or Priv
security levels are selected) Enter the authentication
key. It must be at least eight characters in length.
Click Show to display the authentication password
that is already configured for the device.
Note The caret (circumflex ^) symbol cannot be

Privacy Protocol (Only for SNMP Version 3 when Priv security level
is selected) Choose one of the following options from
the Privacy Protocol drop-down list:
• AES128
• AES192
• AES256
• 3DES

Privacy Password (Only for SNMP Version 3 when Priv security level
is selected) Enter the privacy key.
Click Show to display the privacy password that is
already configured for the device.
Note The caret (circumflex ^) symbol cannot be

Polling Interval Enter the polling interval in seconds. The default value
is 3600 seconds.

Link Trap Query Check the Link Trap Query check box to receive
and interpret linkup and linkdown notifications
received through the SNMP trap.

Mac Trap Query Check the Link Trap Query check box to receive
and interpret MAC notifications received through the
SNMP trap.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Originating Policy Services Node Choose the Cisco ISE server to be used to poll for
SNMP data, from the Originating Policy Services
Node drop-down list. The default value for this field
is Auto. Overwrite the setting by choosing a specific
value from the drop-down list.

Advanced TrustSec Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Advanced TrustSec Settings section.

Table 164: Fields in the Advanced TrustSec Settings Area

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Device Authentication Settings

Use Device ID for TrustSec Identification Check the Use Device ID for TrustSec Identification
check box if you want the device name to be listed as
the device identifier in the Device ID field.

Device ID You can enter the device ID in this field only if you
have not checked the Use Device ID for TrustSec
Identification check box.

Password Enter the password that you have configured on the

Cisco TrustSec device CLI to authenticate the Cisco
TrustSec device.
Click Show to display the password.


Enable HTTP REST API Check the Enable HTTP REST API check box to
use the HTTP REST API to provide the required Cisco
TrustSec information to the network devices. This
enhances the efficiency and ability to download large
configurations in a short period of time as compared
to the RADIUS protocol. It also improves reliability
by using TCP over UDP.

Username Enter the username that you have configured on the

Cisco TrustSec device CLI to authenticate the Cisco
TrustSec device. The username cannot contain special
characters such as space ! % ^ : ; , [ { | } ] ` " = < > ?

Password Enter the password that you have configured on the

Cisco TrustSec device CLI to authenticate the Cisco
TrustSec device.

TrustSec Device Notification and Updates

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Device ID You can enter the device ID in this field only if you
have not checked the Use Device ID for TrustSec
Identification check box.

Password Enter the password that you have configured on the

Cisco TrustSec device CLI to authenticate the Cisco
TrustSec device.
Click Show to display the password.

Download Environment Data Every <...> Specify the time interval at which the device must
download its environment data from Cisco ISE by
choosing the required values from the drop-down lists
in this area. You can choose the time interval in
seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks. The default
value is one day.

Download Peer Authorization Policy Every <...> Specify the time interval at which the device must
download the peer authorization policy from Cisco
ISE by choosing the required values from the
drop-down lists in this area. You can specify the time
interval in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or weeks.
The default value is one day.

Reauthentication Every <...> Specify the time interval at which the device
reauthenticates itself against Cisco ISE after the initial
authentication by choosing the required values from
the drop-down lists in this area. You can configure
the time interval in seconds, minutes, hours, days or
weeks. For example, if you enter 1000 seconds, the
device will authenticate itself against Cisco ISE every
1000 seconds. The default value is one day.

Download SGACL Lists Every <...> Specify the time interval at which the device
downloads SGACL lists from Cisco ISE by choosing
the required values from the drop-down lists in this
area. You can configure the time interval in seconds,
minutes, hours, days or weeks. The default value is
one day.

Other TrustSec Devices to Trust This Device Check the Other TrustSec Devices to Trust This
(TrustSec Trusted) Device check box to allow all the peer devices to trust
this Cisco TrustSec device. If this check box is not
checked, the peer devices do not trust this device, and
all the packets that arrive from this device are colored
or tagged accordingly.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Send Configuration Changes to Device Check the Send Configuration Changes to Device
check box if you want Cisco ISE to send Cisco
TrustSec configuration changes to the Cisco TrustSec
device using CoA or CLI (SSH). Click the radio
button for CoA or CLI (SSH), as required.
Select the CoA option if you want Cisco ISE to send
the configuration changes to the Cisco TrustSec device
using CoA.
Select the CLI (SSH) option if you want Cisco ISE
to send the configuration changes to the Cisco
TrustSec device using CLI (using the SSH
connection). For more information, see the "Push
Configuration Changes to Non-CoA Supporting
Devices" section in Cisco ISE Admin Guide:
Segmentation .

Send From Choose from the drop-down list the Cisco ISE node
from which the configuration changes must be sent
to the Cisco TrustSec device. You can select a PAN
or PSN node. If the PSN node that you selected is
down, the configuration changes are sent to the Cisco
TrustSec device using the PAN.

Test Connection You can use this option to test the connectivity
between the Cisco TrustSec device and the selected
Cisco ISE node (PAN or PSN).

SSH Key To use this feature, open an SSHv2 tunnel from Cisco
ISE to the network device, and use the device's CLI
to retrieve the SSH key. You must copy this key and
paste it in the SSH Key field for validation. For more
information, see the "SSH Key Validation" section in
Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Segmentation .

Device Configuration Deployment

Include this device when deploying Security Group Check the Include this device when deploying
Tag Mapping Updates Security Group Tag Mapping Updates check box
if you want the Cisco TrustSec device to obtain the
IP-SGT mappings using device interface credentials.

EXEC Mode Username Enter the username that you use to log in to the Cisco
TrustSec device.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Default Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

EXEC Mode Password Enter the device password.

Click Show to view the password.
Note We recommend that you avoid the use of
% character in passwords, including EXEC
mode and Enable mode passwords, to
avoid security vulnerabilities.

Enable Mode Password (Optional) Enter the enable password that is used to
edit the configuration of the Cisco TrustSec device in
privileged mode.
Click Show to view the password.

Out Of Band TrustSec PAC

Issue Date Displays the issuing date of the last Cisco TrustSec
PAC that was generated by Cisco ISE for the Cisco
TrustSec device.

Expiration Date Displays the expiration date of the last Cisco TrustSec
PAC that was generated by Cisco ISE for the Cisco
TrustSec device.

Issued By Displays the name of the issuer (a Cisco TrustSec

administrator) of the last Cisco TrustSec PAC that
was generated by Cisco ISE for the Cisco TrustSec

Generate PAC Click the Generate PAC button to generate the

out-of-band Cisco TrustSec PAC for the Cisco
TrustSec device.

Default Network Device Definition Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Default Network Device window, with which you configure
a default network device that Cisco ISE can use for RADIUS or TACACS+ authentication. Choose one of
the following navigation paths:
• Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices > Default Device
• Work Centers > Device Administration > Network Resources > Default Devices

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Default Network Device Definition Settings

Table 165: Fields in the Default Network Device window

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Default Network Device Status Choose Enable from the Default Network Device
Status drop-down list to enable the default network
device definition.
Note If the default device is enabled, you must
enable either RADIUS or TACACS+
authentication settings by checking the
relevant check box in the window.

Device Profile Displays Cisco as the default device vendor.

RADIUS Authentication Settings

Enable RADIUS Check the Enable RADIUS check box to enable

RADIUS authentication for the device.


Shared Secret Enter a shared secret. The shared secret can be up to

127 characters in length.
The shared secret is the key that you have configured
on the network device using the radius-host command
with the pac option.
Note The length of the shared secret must be
equal to or greater than the value
configured in the Minimum RADIUS
Shared Secret Length field in the Device
Security Settings window
(Administration > Network Resources >
Network Devices > Device Security
Settings). By default, this value is four
characters for new installations and
upgraded deployments. For the RADIUS
server, the best practice is to have 22


DTLS Required If you check the DTLS Required check box, Cisco
ISE processes only the DTLS requests from this
device. If this option is disabled, Cisco ISE processes
both UDP and DTLS requests from this device.
RADIUS DTLS provides improved security for SSL
tunnel establishment and RADIUS communication.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Default Network Device Definition Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Shared Secret Displays the shared secret used for RADIUS DTLS.
This value is fixed and is used to compute the MD5
integrity checks.

Issuer CA of ISE Certificates for CoA Select the certificate authority to be used for RADIUS
DTLS CoA from the Issuer CA of ISE Certificates
for CoA drop-down list.

General Settings

Enable KeyWrap Check the Enable KeyWrap check box only if

KeyWrap algorithms are supported on the network
device, which increases RADIUS security via an AES
KeyWrap algorithm.

Key Encryption Key Enter an encryption key to be used for session

encryption (secrecy) when you enable KeyWrap.

Message Authenticator Code Key Enter the key that is used for keyed Hashed Message
Authentication Code (HMAC) calculation over
RADIUS messages when you enable KeyWrap.

Key Input Format Choose one of the following formats by clicking the
corresponding radio button, and enter values in the
Key Encryption Key and Message Authenticator
Code Key fields:
• ASCII: The Key Encryption Key must be 16
characters (bytes) in length, and the Message
Authenticator Code Key must be 20 characters
(bytes) in length.
• Hexadecimal: The Key Encryption Key must
be 32 bytes in length, and the Message
Authenticator Code Key must be 40 bytes in

TACACS Authentication Settings

Shared Secret A string of text assigned to a network device when

TACACS+ protocol is enabled. A user must enter the
text before the network device authenticates a
username and password. The connection is rejected
until the user supplies the shared secret.

Retired Shared Secret is Active Displayed when the retirement period is active.

Retire Retires an existing shared secret instead of ending it.

When you click Retire, a message box is displayed.
Click Yes or No.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Device Security Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Remaining Retired Period (Available only if you select Yes in the above message
box) Displays the default value specified in the
following navigation path: Work Centers > Device
Administration > Settings > Connection Settings >
Default Shared Secret Retirement Period. You can
change the default values.
This allows a new shared secret to be entered and the
old shared secret will remain active for the specified
number of days.

End (Available only if you select Yes in the above message

box) Ends the retirement period and terminates the
old shared secret.

Enable Single Connect Mode Check the Enable Single Connect Mode check box
to use a single TCP connection for all TACACS+
communication with the network device. Click the
radio button for one of the following options:
• Legacy Cisco Devices
• TACACS Draft Compliance Single Connect

If you disable this option, Cisco ISE uses a new TCP

connection for every TACACS+ request.

Device Security Settings

Specify the minimum length for the RADIUS shared secret. For new installation and upgraded deployment,
by default, this value is 4 characters. For the RADIUS server, best practice is to have 22 characters.

Note The length of the shared secret entered in the Network Devices page must be equal to or greater than the value
configured in the Minimum RADIUS Shared Secret Length field in the Device Security Settings page.

Related Topics
Network Device Definition Settings, on page 727

Network Device Import Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Network Device Import Page, which you can use to import
network device details into Cisco ISE. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > Network Resources > Network Devices.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Manage Network Device Groups

Table 166: Network Devices Import Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Generate a Template Click Generate a Template to create a

comma-separated value (CSV) template file.
Update the template with network devices information
in the same format and save it locally. Then, use the
edited template to import network devices into any
Cisco ISE deployment.

File Click Choose File to choose the CSV file that you
might have recently created, or previously exported
from any Cisco ISE deployment.
You can import network devices in to another Cisco
ISE deployment with new and updated network
devices information using the Import option.

Overwrite Existing Data with New Data Check the Overwrite Existing Data with New Data
check box to replace existing network devices with
the devices in your import file.
If you do not check this check box, new network
device definitions that are available in the import file
are added to the network device repository. Duplicate
entries are ignored.

Stop Import on First Error Check the Stop Import on First Error check box if
you want Cisco ISE to discontinue import when it
encounters an error during import. Cisco ISE imports
network devices until the time of an error.
If this check box is not checked and an error is
encountered, the error is reported and Cisco ISE
continues to import the remaining devices.

Manage Network Device Groups

The following windows enable you to configure and manage network device groups.

Network Device Group Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Network Device Groups window that you use to create network
device groups. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network
Resources > Network Device Groups > All Groups.
You can also create network device groups in the Work Centers > Device Administration > Network
Resources > Network Device Groups > All Groups window.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Group Import Settings

Table 167: Fields in the Network Device Group Window

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter a name for the root network device group. For
all subsequent child network device groups added to
this root network device group, enter the name of this
newly created network device group.
You can have a maximum of six nodes in a network
device group hierarchy, including the root node. Each
network device group name can have a maximum of
32 characters.

Description Enter a description for the root or the child network

device group.

No. of Network Devices The number of network devices in the network group
is displayed in this column.

Network Device Group Import Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Import dialog box in the Network Device Group window.
To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network
Device Groups.

Table 168: Fields in the Network Device Groups Import Window

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Generate a Template Click this link to download a CSV template file.

Update the template with network device groups
information in the same format, and save it locally to
import the network device groups into any Cisco ISE

File Click Choose File to the location of the CSV file that
you want to upload. This might be a newly created
file or a file that was previously exported from another
Cisco ISE deployment.
You can import network device groups from one Cisco
ISE deployment to another, with new and updated
network device groups information.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Profiles Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Overwrite Existing Data with New Data Check the Overwrite Existing Data with New Data
check box if you want to replace existing network
device groups with the device groups in your import
If you do not check this check box, only new network
device groups in the import file are added to the
network device group repository. Duplicate entries
are ignored.

Stop Import on First Error Check the Stop Import on First Error check box to
discontinue import at the first instance of encountering
an error during the import.
If this check box is not checked and an error is
encountered, Cisco ISE reports the error and continues
importing the rest of the device groups.

Network Device Profiles Settings

The following table describes the fields on the Network Device Profiles window, which you can use to
configure the default settings for a type of network device from a specific vendor, such as the device's support
for protocols, redirect URLs, and CoA settings. You then use the profile to define specific network devices.
To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network Resources > Network
Device Profiles.

Network Device Profile Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Network Device Profile section.

Table 169: Network Device Profile Settings

Field Name Description

Name Enter a name for the network device profile.

Description Enter the description for the network device profile.

Icon Select the icon to use for the network device profile.
This icon will default to the icon for the vendor that
you select.
The icon you select must be a 16 x 16 PNG file.

Vendor Select the vendor of the network device profile.

Supported Protocols

RADIUS Check this check box if this network device profile

supports RADIUS.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Profiles Settings

Field Name Description

TACACS+ Check this check box if this network device profile

supports TACACS+.

TrustSec Check this check box if this network device profile

supports TrustSec.

RADIUS Dictionaries Select one or more RADIUS dictionaries supported

by this profile. Import any vendor-specific RADIUS
dictionaries before you create the profile.

Authentication/Authorization Template Settings

The following table describes the fields in the Authentication/Authorization section.

Table 170: Authentication/Authorization Settings

Field Name Description

Flow Type Conditions Cisco ISE supports 802.1X, MAC authentication

bypass (MAB), and browser-based Web authentication
login for basic user authentication and access via both
wired and wireless networks.
Check the check boxes for the authentication logins
that this type of network device supports. It could be
one or more of the following:
• Wired MAC authentication bypass (MAB)
• Wireless MAB
• Wired 802.1X
• Wireless 802.1X
• Wired Web Authentication
• Wireless Web Authentication

After you check the authentication logins that the

network device profile supports, specify the conditions
for the login.

Attribute Aliasing Check the SSID check box to use the device's Service
Set Identifier (SSID) as the friendly name in policy
rules. This allows you to create a consistent name to
use in policy rules.

Host Lookup (MAB)

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Profiles Settings

Field Name Description

Process Host Lookup Check this check box to define the protocols for host
lookup used by the network device profile.
Network devices from different vendors perform MAB
authentication differently. Depending on the device
type, check the Check Password or Checking
Calling-Station-Id equals MAC Address check box,
or both, for the protocol you are using.

Via PAP/ASCII Check this check box to configure Cisco ISE to detect
a PAP request from the network device profile as a
Host Lookup request.

Via CHAP Check this check box to configure Cisco ISE to detect
this type of request from the network devices as a
Host Lookup request.
This option enables CHAP authentication. CHAP uses
a challenge-response mechanism with password
encryption. CHAP does not work with Microsoft
Active Directory.

Via EAP-MD5 Check this check box to enable EAP-based MD5

hashed authentication for the network device profile.

You can define the VLAN and ACL permissions that will be used for this network device profile. After the
profile is saved, Cisco ISE automatically generates authorization profiles for each configured permission.

Table 171: Permissions

Field Name Description

Set VLAN Check this check box to set the VLAN permissions
for this network device profile. Choose of the
following options:
• IETF 802.1X Attributes. This is a set of default
RADIUS attributes defined by the Internet
Engineering Task Force.
• Unique Attributes. You can specify multiple
RADIUS attribute-value pairs.

Set ACL Check this check box to select the RADIUS attribute
to set for the ACL on the network device profile.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Profiles Settings

Change of Authorization (CoA) Template Settings

This template defines how the CoA is sent to this type of network device. The following table describes the
fields in the Change of Authorization (CoA) section.

Table 172: Change of Authorization (CoA) Settings

Field Name Definition

CoA by Select one of the following options:

• Not supported


Default CoA Port The port to send the RADIUS CoA. By default, this
is port 1700 for Cisco devices and port 3799 for
devices from a non-Cisco vendor.
You can override this on the Network Device window.

Timeout Interval The number of seconds that Cisco ISE waits for a
response after sending the CoA.

Retry Count The number of times Cisco ISE attempts to send the
CoA after the first timeout.

Disconnect Select how to send a disconnect request to these

• RFC 5176: Check this check box for a standard
session termination and leave the port ready for
a new session, as defined per RFC 5176.
• Port Bounce: Check this check box to terminate
the session and restart the port.
• Port Shutdown: Check this check box to
terminate the session and shutdown the port.

Re-authenticate Select how to send a reauthentication request to the

network devices. This is currently supported only by
Cisco devices.
• Basic: Check this check box for a standard
session reauthentication.
• Rerun: Check this check box to run through the
authentication method from the beginning.
• Last: Use the last successful authentication
method for the session.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Network Device Profiles Settings

Field Name Definition

CoA Push If the network devices do not support Cisco's TrustSec

CoA feature, select this option to allow Cisco ISE to
push a configuration change to the device.


Timeout Interval The number of seconds that Cisco ISE waits for a
response after sending the CoA.

Retry Count The number of times that Cisco ISE attempts to send
a CoA.

NAD Port Detection Relevant RADIUS attribute is currently the only


Relevant RADIUS Attribute Select how to detect the NAD port:

• Nas-Port
• Nas-Port-ID

Disconnect Select how to send a disconnect request to these

• Reauthenticate: Check this check box to
terminate the session and restart the port.
• Port Bounce: Check this check box to terminate
the session and restart the port.
• Port Shutdown: Check this check box to
terminate the session and shutdown the port.

Redirect Template Settings

The network devices can redirect a client's HTTP requests if it's configured as part of the authorization profile.
This template specifies whether this network device profile supports URL redirect. You will use the URL
parameter names specific to the device type.
The following table describes the fields in the Redirect section.

Table 173: Redirect Settings

Field Name Definition

Type Select whether the network device profile supports a

static or dynamic URL redirect.
If your device supports neither, select Not Supported
and set up a VLAN from Settings > DHCP & DNS
Services .

Redirect URL Parameter Names

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
External RADIUS Server Settings

Field Name Definition

Client IP Address Enter the parameter name that the network devices
use for a client's IP address.

Client MAC Address Enter the parameter name that the network devices
use for a client's MAC address.

Originating URL Enter the parameter name that the network devices
use for the originating URL.

Session ID Enter the parameter name that the network devices

use for the session ID.

SSID Enter the parameter name that the network devices

use for the Service Set Identifier (SSID).

Dynamic URL Parameters

Parameter When you select to use a Dynamic URL for

redirection, you will need to specify how these
network devices create the redirect URL. You can
also specify whether the redirect URL uses the session
ID or client MAC address.

Advanced Settings
You can use the Network Device Profile to generate a number of policy elements to make it easy to use a
network device in policy rules. These elements include compound conditions, authorization profiles, and
allowed protocols.
Click Generate Policy Elements to create these elements.

External RADIUS Server Settings

The following table describes the fields on the External RADIUS Server window, which you can use to
configure a RADIUS server. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration >
Network Resources > External RADIUS Servers.

Table 174: External RADIUS Server Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the external RADIUS server.

Description Enter a description of the external RADIUS server.

Host IP Enter the IP address of the external RADIUS server.

When entering an IPv4 address, you can use ranges
and subnet masks. Ranges are not supported for IPv6.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
External RADIUS Server Settings

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Shared Secret Enter the shared secret between Cisco ISE and the
external RADIUS server that is used for authenticating
the external RADIUS server. A shared secret is an
expected string of text that a user must provide to
enable the network device to authenticate a username
and password. The connection is rejected until the
user supplies the shared secret. The shared secret can
be up to 128 characters in length.

Enable KeyWrap Enable this option to increase the RADIUS protocol

security via an AES KeyWrap algorithm.

Key Encryption Key (Only if you check the Enable Key Wrap check box)
Enter a key to be used for session encryption

Message Authenticator Code Key (Only if you check the Enable Key Wrap check box)
Enter a key to be used for keyed HMAC calculation
over RADIUS messages.

Key Input Format Specify the format you want to use to enter the Cisco
ISE encryption key, so that it matches the
configuration that is available on the WLAN
controller. The value you specify must be the correct
(full) length for the key as defined below (shorter
values are not permitted).
• ASCII: The Key Encryption Key must be 16
characters (bytes) long, and the Message
Authenticator Code Key must be 20 characters
(bytes) long.
• Hexadecimal: The Key Encryption Key must be
32 bytes long, and the Message Authenticator
Code Key must be 40 bytes long.

Authentication Port Enter the RADIUS authentication port number. The

valid range is from 1 to 65535. The default is 1812.

Accounting Port Enter the RADIUS accounting port number. The valid
range is from 1 to 65535. The default is 1813.

Server Timeout Enter the number of seconds that the Cisco ISE waits
for a response from the external RADIUS server. The
default is 5 seconds. Valid values are from 5 to 120.

Connection Attempts Enter the number of times that the Cisco ISE attempts
to connect to the external RADIUS server. The default
is 3 attempts. Valid values are from 1 to 9.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
RADIUS Server Sequences

Field Name Usage Guidelines

RADIUS Proxy Failover Expiration Enter the amount of time to elapse after the connection
has failed and until a connection to this server is
attempted again. Valid range is from 1 to 600.
Configure this parameter to skip the server timeout
and go straight to failover.

RADIUS Server Sequences

The following table describes the fields on the RADIUS Server Sequences window, which you can use to
create a RADIUS server sequence. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose
Administration > Network Resources > RADIUS Server Sequences > Add.

Table 175: RADIUS Server Sequences

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the RADIUS server sequence.

Description Enter an optional description.

Host IP Enter the IP address of the external RADIUS server.

User Selected Service Type Choose the external RADIUS servers that you want
to use as policy servers from the Available list box
and move them to the Selected list box.

Remote Accounting Check this check box to enable accounting in the

remote policy server.

Local Accounting Check this check box to enable accounting in Cisco


Advanced Attribute Settings

Strip Start of Subject Name up to the First Check this check box to strip the username from the
Occurrence of the Separator prefix. For example, if the subject name is acme\userA
and the separator is \, the username becomes userA.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
RADIUS Server Sequences

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Strip End of Subject Name from the Last Check this check box to strip the username from the
Occurrence of the Separator suffix. For example, if the subject name is and the separator is @, the username
becomes userA.
• You must enable the strip options to extract the
username from NetBIOS or User Principle Name
(UPN) format usernames ( or
/domain/user), because only usernames are
passed to the RADIUS server for authenticating
the user.
• If you activate both the \ and @ stripping
functions, and you are using Cisco AnyConnect,
Cisco ISE does not accurately trim the first \ from
the string. However, each stripping function that
is used individually, works as it is designed with
Cisco AnyConnect.

Modify Attributes in the Request to the External Check this check box to allow Cisco ISE to
RADIUS Server manipulate attributes that come from or go to the
authenticated RADIUS server.
The attribute manipulation operations include these:
• Add: Add additional attributes to the overall
RADIUS request/response.
• Update: Change the attribute value (fixed or
static) or substitute an attribute by another
attribute value (dynamic).
• Remove: Remove an attribute or an
attribute-value pair.
• RemoveAny: Remove any occurrences of the

Continue to Authorization Policy Check this check box to divert the proxy flow to run
the authorization policy for further decision making,
based on identity store group and attribute retrieval.
If you enable this option, attributes from the response
of the external RADIUS server will be applicable for
the authentication policy selection. Attributes that are
already in the context will be updated with the
appropriate value from the AAA server accept
response attribute.

Modify Attributes before send an Access-Accept Check this check box to modify the attribute just
before sending a response back to the device.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
NAC Manager Settings

NAC Manager Settings

The following table describes the fields on the New NAC Managers window, which you can use to add a
NAC Manager. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Network
Resources > NAC Managers.

Table 176: NAC Manager Settings

Fields Usage Guidelines

Name Enter the name of the Cisco Access Manager (CAM).

Status Click the Status check box to enable REST API

communication from the Cisco ISE profiler that
authenticates connectivity to the CAM.

Description Enter the description of the CAM.

IP Address Enter the IP address of the CAM. Once you have

created and saved a CAM in Cisco ISE, the IP address
of the CAM cannot be edited.
You cannot use and, as they
are excluded when validating the IP addresses of the
CAMs in Cisco ISE, and so, they are not valid IP
addresses that you can use in the IP Address field for
the CAM.
Note You can use the virtual service IP address
that a pair of CAMs share in a
high-availability configuration. This allows
a failover support of CAMs in a
high-availability configuration.

Username Enter the username of the CAM administrator that

allows you to log on to the user interface of the CAM.

Password Enter the password of the CAM administrator that

allows you to log on to the user interface of the CAM.

Device Portal Management

Configure Device Portal Settings
Portal Identification Settings for Device Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Managment >
Blocked List Portal, Client Provisioning Portals, BYOD Portals, MDM Portals, or My Device Portals >
Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portals Settings and Customization.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Portal Settings for BYOD and MDM Portals

• Portal Name: Enter a unique portal name to access this portal. Do not use this portal name for any other
Sponsor, Guest, or nonguest portals, such as Blocked List, Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), Client
Provisioning, Mobile Device Management (MDM), or My Devices portals.
This name appears in the authorization profile portal selection for redirection choices. It is applied to the
list of portals for easy identification among other portals.
• Description: Optional.
• Portal Test URL: A system-generated URL displays as a link after you click Save. Use it to test the
Click the link to open a new browser tab that displays the URL for this portal. Policy Services Node
(PSN) with Policy Services must be turned on. If Policy Services are disabled, the PSN only displays
the Admin portal.

Note The test portal does not support RADIUS sessions, so you won't see the entire
portal flow for all portals. BYOD and Client Provisioning are examples of portals
that depend on RADIUS sessions. For example, a redirect to an external URL
will not work. If you have more than one PSN, Cisco ISE chooses the first active

• Language File: Each portal type supports 15 languages by default, which are available as individual
properties files bundled together in a single zipped language file. Export or import the zipped language
file to use with the portal. The zipped language file contains all the individual language files that you
can use to display text for the portal.
The language file contains the mapping to the particular browser locale setting along with all of the string
settings for the entire portal in that language. A single language file contains all the supported languages,
so that it can easily be used for translation and localization purposes.
If you change the browser locale setting for one language, the change is applied to all the other end-user
web portals. For example, if you change the browser locale from fr,fr-fr,fr-ca to fr,fr-fr
in the Hotspot Guest portal, the changes also apply to the My Devices portal.
An alert icon displays when you customize any of the text on the Portal Page Customizations tab. The
alert message reminds you that any changes made to one language while customizing the portal must
also be added to all the supported languages properties files. You can manually dismiss the alert icon
using the drop-down list option; or it is automatically dismissed after you import the updated zipped
language file.

Portal Settings for BYOD and MDM Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
BYOD Portals or MDM Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings >
Portal Settings.
Configure these settings to define portal page operations.
• HTTPS Port: Enter a port value between 8000 to 8999; the default value is 8443 for all the default
portals, except the Blocked List Portal, which is 8444. If you upgraded with port values outside this
range, they are honored until you modify this window. If you modify this window, update the port setting
to comply with this restriction.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Portal Settings for BYOD and MDM Portals

If you assign ports used by a non-guest (such as My Devices) portal to a guest portal, an error message
For posture assessments and remediation only, the Client Provisioning portal also uses ports 8905 and
8909. Otherwise, it uses the same ports assigned to the Guest portal.
Portals assigned to the same HTTPS port can use the same Gigabit Ethernet interface or another interface.
If they use the same port and interface combination, they must use the same certificate group tag. For
• Valid combinations include, using the Sponsor portal as an example:
• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate tag A and My Devices portal: Port 8443,
Interface 0, Certificate group A.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate group A and My Devices portal: Port 8445,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8444, Interface 1, Certificate group A and Blocked List portal: Port 8444,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.

• Invalid combinations include:

• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate group A and My Devices portal: 8443,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8444, Interface 0, Certificate tag A and Blocked List portal: Port 8444,
Interface 0, Certificate group A.

Note We recommend that you use interface 0 for Guest services for best performance.
You can either configure only interface 0 in the Portal Settings, or you can use
the CLI command ip host to map a hostname or FQDN to the IP address of
interface 0.

• Allowed Interfaces: Select the PSN interfaces which a PAN can use to run a portal. When a request to
open a portal is made on the PAN, the PAN looks for an available allowed port on the PSN. You must
configure the Ethernet interfaces using IP addresses on different subnets.
These interfaces must be available on all the PSNs, including VM-based ones, that have Policy Services
turned on. This is a requirement because any of these PSNs can be used for the redirect at the start of the
guest session.
• The Ethernet interfaces must use IP addresses on different subnets.
• The interfaces you enable here must be available on all your PSNs, including VM-based ones when
Policy Services turned on. This is required because any of these PSNs can be used for a redirect at
the start of the guest session.
• The portal certificate Subject Name or Alternate Subject Name must resolve to the interface IP
• Configure ip host x.x.x.x in Cisco ISE CLI to map the secondary interface IP
address to the FQDN, which is used to match the certificate Subject Name or Alternate Subject

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
BYOD Settings for BYOD Portals

• If only the bonded NIC is selected, when the PSN attempts to configure the portal it first attempts
to configure the Bond interface. If that is not successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup
on that PSN, then the PSN logs an error and exits. The PSN will not try to start the portal on the
physical interface.
• NIC Teaming or bonding is a configuration option that allows you to configure two individual NICs
for high availability (fault tolerance). If one of the NICs fails, the other NIC that is part of the bonded
connection continues the connection. A NIC is selected for a portal based in the Portal Settings
configuration. If both physical NICs and the corresponding bonded NIC are configured, when the
PSN attempts to configure the portal, it first attempts to connect to the Bond interface. If that is not
successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup on that PSN, then the PSN attempts to start
the portal on the physical interface.

• Certificate Group tag: Pick a certificate group tag that specifies the certificate to be used for the portal’s
HTTPS traffic.
• Endpoint Identity Group: Choose an endpoint identity group to track guest devices. Cisco ISE provides
the GuestEndpoints endpoint identity group to use as a default. You can also create more endpoint
identity groups if you choose to not use the default.
Choose an endpoint identity group to track employee devices. Cisco ISE provides the RegisteredDevices
endpoint identity group to use as a default. You can also create more endpoint identity groups if you
choose to not use the default.
• Display Language
• Use Browser Locale: Use the language specified in the client browser's locale setting as the display
language of the portal. If browser locale's language is not supported by Cisco ISE, then the Fallback
Language is used as the language portal.

• Fallback Language: Choose the language to use when the language cannot be obtained from the
browser locale, or if the browser locale language is not supported by Cisco ISE.

• Always Use: Choose the display language to use for the portal. This setting overrides the User
Browser Locale option.

BYOD Settings for BYOD Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
BYOD Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > BYOD Settings.
Use these settings to enable Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) functionality for employees who want to use
their personal devices to access your corporate network.

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Include an AUP (on page/as link) Display your company’s network-usage terms and conditions, either
as text on the window currently being displayed for the user or as a
link that opens a new tab or window with AUP text.

Require Acceptance Require users to accept an AUP before their account is fully enabled.
The Login button is not enabled unless the user accepts the AUP. If
users do not accept the AUP, they will not obtain network access.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Portal Settings for Certificate Provisioning Portal

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Require scrolling to end of AUP This option displays only if Include an AUP on page is enabled.
Ensure that the user has read the AUP completely. The Accept button
is enabled only after the user has scrolled to the end of the AUP.

Display Device ID Field During Display the device ID to the user during the registration process, even
Registration though the device ID is pre-configured and cannot be changed while
using the BYOD portal.

Originating URL After successfully authenticating to the network, redirect the user’s
browser to the original website that the user is trying to access, if
available. If not available, the Authentication Success window
appears. Make sure that the redirect URL is allowed to work on port
8443 of the PSN by the access-control list on the NAD and by
authorization profiles configured in Cisco ISE for that NAD.
For Windows, MAC, and Android devices, control is given to the
Self-Provisioning Wizard app, which does provisioning. Therefore,
these devices are not redirected to the originating URL. However,
iOS (dot1X) and unsupported devices (that are allowed network
access) are redirected to this URL.

Success page Display a page indicating that the device registration was successful.

URL After successfully authenticating to the network, redirect the user's

browser to the specified URL, such as your company’s website.

Note If you redirect a Guest to an external URL after authentication, there may be a delay while the URL address
is resolved and the session is redirected.

Portal Settings for Certificate Provisioning Portal

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
Certificate Provisioning Portal > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Portal
• HTTPS Port: Enter a port value between 8000 to 8999; the default value is 8443 for all the default
portals, except the Blocked List Portal, which is 8444. If you upgraded with port values outside this
range, they are honored until you modify this window. If you modify this window, update the port setting
to comply with this restriction.
If you assign ports used by a non-guest (such as My Devices) portal to a guest portal, an error message
For posture assessments and remediation only, the Client Provisioning portal also uses ports 8905 and
8909. Otherwise, it uses the same ports assigned to the Guest portal.
Portals assigned to the same HTTPS port can use the same Gigabit Ethernet interface or another interface.
If they use the same port and interface combination, they must use the same certificate group tag. For

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Portal Settings for Certificate Provisioning Portal

• Valid combinations include, using the Sponsor portal as an example:

• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate tag A and My Devices portal: Port 8443,
Interface 0, Certificate group A.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate group A and My Devices portal: Port 8445,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8444, Interface 1, Certificate group A and Blocked List portal: Port 8444,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.

• Invalid combinations include:

• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate group A and My Devices portal: 8443,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8444, Interface 0, Certificate tag A and Blocked List portal: Port 8444,
Interface 0, Certificate group A.

Note We recommend that you use interface 0 for Guest services for best performance.
You can either configure only interface 0 in the Portal Settings, or you can use
the CLI command ip host to map a hostname or FQDN to the IP address of
interface 0.

• Allowed Interfaces: Select the PSN interfaces which a PAN can use to run a portal. When a request to
open a portal is made on the PAN, the PAN looks for an available allowed port on the PSN. You must
configure the Ethernet interfaces using IP addresses on different subnets.
These interfaces must be available on all the PSNs, including VM-based ones, that have Policy Services
turned on. This is a requirement because any of these PSNs can be used for the redirect at the start of the
guest session.
• The Ethernet interfaces must use IP addresses on different subnets.
• The interfaces you enable here must be available on all your PSNs, including VM-based ones when
Policy Services turned on. This is required because any of these PSNs can be used for a redirect at
the start of the guest session.
• The portal certificate Subject Name or Alternate Subject Name must resolve to the interface IP
• Configure ip host x.x.x.x in Cisco ISE CLI to map the secondary interface IP
address to the FQDN, which is used to match the certificate Subject Name or Alternate Subject
• If only the bonded NIC is selected, when the PSN attempts to configure the portal it first attempts
to configure the Bond interface. If that is not successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup
on that PSN, then the PSN logs an error and exits. The PSN will not try to start the portal on the
physical interface.
• NIC Teaming or bonding is a configuration option that allows you to configure two individual NICs
for high availability (fault tolerance). If one of the NICs fails, the other NIC that is part of the bonded
connection continues the connection. A NIC is selected for a portal based in the Portal Settings

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Portal Settings for Certificate Provisioning Portal

configuration. If both physical NICs and the corresponding bonded NIC are configured, when the
PSN attempts to configure the portal, it first attempts to connect to the Bond interface. If that is not
successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup on that PSN, then the PSN attempts to start
the portal on the physical interface.

• Certificate Group tag: Pick a certificate group tag that specifies the certificate to be used for the portal’s
HTTPS traffic.
• Authentication Method: Choose which identity source sequence or Identity Provider (IdP) to use for
user authentication. The identity source sequence is a list of identity stores that are searched in sequence
to verify user credentials.
Cisco ISE includes a default identity source sequence for sponsor portals, Sponsor_Portal_Sequence.
To configure IdP, choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources >
SAML Id Providers.
To configure an identity source sequence, choose Administration > Identity Management > Identity
Source Sequences.
• Configure authorized groups: Choose the user identity groups to which you want to grant permission
to generate certificates and move them to the Chosen box.
• Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN): Enter at least one unique FQDN or hostname for the Sponsor
or MyDevices portal. For example, you can enter,sponsor,
so that when the user enters either of those into a browser, the sponsor portal displays. Separate names
with commas, but do not include spaces between entries.
If you change the default FQDN, then also do the following:
• Update your DNS so that the FQDN of the new URL resolves to a valid Policy Services Node (PSN)
IP address. Optionally, this address could point to a load balancer virtual IP address that serves a
pool of PSNs.
• To avoid certificate warning messages due to name mismatches, include the FQDN of the customized
URL, or a wildcard, in the subject alternative name (SAN) attribute of the local server certificate
of the Cisco ISE PSN. If the Allow Kerberos SSO option is enabled for the sponsor portal, you
must include the FQDN of the Cisco ISE PSN, or a wildcard, in the SAN attribute of the local server
certificate used by the portal.

• Idle Timeout: Enter the time in minutes that you want Cisco ISE to wait before it logs out the user if
there is no activity in the portal. The valid range is from 1 to 30 minutes.

Login Page Settings

• Maximum Failed Login Attempts Before Rate Limiting: Specify the number of failed login attempts
from a single browser session before Cisco ISE starts to throttle that account. This does not cause an
account lockout. The throttled rate is configured in Time between login attempts when rate limiting.
• Include an AUP: Add a acceptable use policy window to the flow. You can add the AUP to the window,
or link to another window.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Portal Settings for Client Provisioning Portals

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings

• Include an AUP Page: Display your company’s network-usage terms and conditions on a separate page
to the user.
• Use Different AUP for Employees: Display a different AUP and network-usage terms and conditions
for employees only. If you choose this option, you cannot also choose Skip AUP for employees.
• Skip AUP for Employees: Employees are not required to accept an AUP before accessing the network.
If you choose this option, you cannot also choose Use different AUP for employees.
• Require Acceptance: Require users to accept an AUP before their account is fully enabled. The Login
button is not enabled unless the user accepts the AUP. If users do not accept the AUP, they will not obtain
network access.
• Require Scrolling to End of AUP: This option displays only if Include an AUP on page is enabled.
Ensure that the user has read the AUP completely. The Accept button activates only after the user has
scrolled to the end of the AUP. Configure when the AUP appears to the user.
• On First Login only: Display an AUP the first time the user logs into the network or portal.
• On Every Login: Display an AUP every time the user logs into the network or portal.
• Every __ Days (starting at first login): Display an AUP periodically after the user first logs into
the network or portal.

Portal Settings for Client Provisioning Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
Client Provisioning Portals > Create, Edit, Duplicate, or Delete > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings.

Portal Settings
• HTTPS Port: Enter a port value between 8000 to 8999; the default value is 8443 for all the default
portals, except the Blocked List Portal, which is 8444. If you upgraded with port values outside this
range, they are honored until you make any change to this page. If you make any change to this page,
you must update the port setting to comply with this restriction.
• Allowed Interfaces: Select the PSN interfaces which can run a portal. Only a PSN with an available
allowed interface on a PSN can create a portal. You can configure any combination of physical and
bonded interfaces. This is a PSN-wide configuration; all portals can only run on these interfaces, this
interface configuration is pushed to all the PSNs.
• You must configure the Ethernet interfaces using IP addresses on different subnets.
• The interfaces you enable here must be available on all your PSNs, including VM-based ones when
Policy Services turned on. This is required because any of these PSNs can be used for a redirect at
the start of the guest session.
• The portal certificate Subject Name/Alternate Subject Name must resolve to the interface IP.
• Configure ip host x.x.x.x in ISE CLI to map secondary interface IP to FQDN,
which will be used to match Certificate Subject Name/Alternate Subject Name.
• If only the bonded NIC is selected, when the PSN attempts to configure the portal it first attempts
to configure the Bond interface. If that is not successful, perhaps because there was no bond set

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Portal Settings for Client Provisioning Portals

upon that PSN, then the PSN logs an error and exits. It will NOT attempt to start the portal on the
physical interface.
• NIC Teaming or bonding is an O/S configuration option that allows you to configure two individual
NICs for high availability (fault tolerance). If one of the NICs fails, the other NIC that is part of the
bonded connection continues the connection. A NIC is selected for a portal based on the portal
settings configuration:
• If both physical NICs and the corresponding bonded NIC are configured - When the PSN
attempts to configure the portal, it first attempts to connect to the Bond interface. If that is not
successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup on that PSN, then the PSN attempts to
start the portal on the physical interface.

• Certificate Group Tag: Select the group tag of the certificate group to use for the portal’s HTTPS traffic.
• Authentication Method: Choose which identity source sequence (ISS) or Identity Provider (IdP) to use
for user authentication. The ISS is a list of Identity Stores that are searched in sequence to verify user
credentials. Some examples include: Internal Guest Users, Internal Users, Active Directory, and LDAP.
Cisco ISE includes a default client provisioning Identity Source Sequence for Client Provisioning Portals,
• Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN): Enter at least one unique FQDN and/or hostname for your
Client Provisioning portal. For example, you can enter, so that when
the user enters either of those into a browser, they will reach the Client Provisioning Portal.
• Update DNS to ensure that the FQDN of the new URL resolves to a valid Policy Services Node
(PSN) IP address. Optionally, this address could point to a load balancer virtual IP address that
serves a pool of PSNs.
• To avoid certificate warning messages due to name mismatches, include the FQDN of the customized
URL, or a wildcard, in the subject alternative name (SAN) attribute of the local server certificate
of the Cisco ISE PSN.

Note For Client Provisioning without URL redirection, the portal name that is entered
in the Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) field must be configured in the
DNS configuration. This URL must be communicated to the users to enable Client
Provisioning without URL redirection.

• Idle Timeout: Enter the time in minutes that you want Cisco ISE to wait before it logs out the user if
there is no activity in the portal. The valid range is from 1 to 30 minutes.

Note In the Client Provisioning Portal, you can define the port number and the certificate so that the host allows
you to download the same certificate for Client Provisioning and Posture. If the portal certificate is signed by
the officials certificate authority, you will not receive any security warning. If the certificate is self-signed,
you will receive one security warning for both the portals and Cisco AnyConnect Posture component.

Login Page Settings

• Enable Login: Select this check box to enable the login step in the Client Provisioning Portal

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Employee Mobile Device Management Settings for MDM Portals

• Maximum failed login attempts before rate limiting : Specify the number of failed login attempts from
a single browser session before Cisco ISE starts to artificially slow down the rate at which login attempts
can be made, preventing additional login attempts. The time between attempts after this number of failed
logins is reached is specified in Time between login attempts when rate limiting.
• Time between login attempts when rate limiting : Set the length of time in minutes that a user must wait
before attempting to log in again, after failing to log in the number of times defined in Maximum failed
login attempts before rate limiting.
• Include an AUP (on page/as link): Display your company’s network-usage terms and conditions, either
as text on the page currently being displayed for the user or as a link that opens a new tab or window
with AUP text.
• Require acceptance: Require users to accept an AUP before they can access the portal. The Login button
is not enabled unless the user accepts the AUP. If users do not accept the AUP, they will not be able to
access the portal.
• Require scrolling to end of AUP: This option displays only if Include an AUP on page is enabled.
Ensure that the user has read the AUP completely. The Accept button activates only after the user has
scrolled to the end of the AUP.

Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings

• Include an AUP: Display your company’s network-usage terms and conditions on a separate page to the
• Require scrolling to end of AUP: Ensure that the user has read the AUP completely. The Accept button
activates only after the user has scrolled to the end of the AUP.
• On first login only: Display an AUP when the user logs into the network or portal for the first time only.
• On every login: Display an AUP each time the user logs into the network or portal.
• Every ______ days (starting at first login): Display an AUP periodically after the user first logs into the
network or portal.

Post-Login Banner Page Settings

Include a Post-Login Banner page: Display additional information after the users successfully log in and
before they are granted network access.

Change Password Settings

Allow internal users to change their own passwords: Allow employees to change their passwords after they
log in to the Client Provisioning Portal. This only applies to employees whose accounts are stored in the Cisco
ISE database and not to those stored in external databases, such as Active Directory or LDAP.

Employee Mobile Device Management Settings for MDM Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
MDM Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Employee Mobile
Device Management Settings.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Portal Settings for My Devices Portals

Use these settings to enable Mobile Device Management (MDM) functionality for employees using the MDM
portals and define their AUP experience.

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Include an AUP (on page/as link) Display your company’s network-usage terms and conditions,
either as text on the window currently being displayed for the
user or as a link that opens a new tab or window with AUP text.

Require Acceptance Require users to accept an AUP before their account is fully
enabled. The Login button is not enabled unless the user accepts
the AUP. If users do not accept the AUP, they will not obtain
network access.

Require scrolling to end of AUP This option displays only if Include an AUP on page is enabled.
Ensure that the user has read the AUP completely. The Accept
button is enabled only after the user has scrolled to the end of
the AUP.

Portal Settings for My Devices Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
My Devices Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Portal Settings.
• HTTPS Port: Enter a port value between 8000 to 8999; the default value is 8443 for all the default
portals, except the Blocked List Portal, which is 8444. If you upgraded with port values outside this
range, they are honored until you modify this window. If you modify this window, update the port setting
to comply with this restriction.
If you assign ports used by a non-guest (such as My Devices) portal to a guest portal, an error message
For posture assessments and remediation only, the Client Provisioning portal also uses ports 8905 and
8909. Otherwise, it uses the same ports assigned to the Guest portal.
Portals assigned to the same HTTPS port can use the same Gigabit Ethernet interface or another interface.
If they use the same port and interface combination, they must use the same certificate group tag. For
• Valid combinations include, using the Sponsor portal as an example:
• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate tag A and My Devices portal: Port 8443,
Interface 0, Certificate group A.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate group A and My Devices portal: Port 8445,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.
• Sponsor portal: Port 8444, Interface 1, Certificate group A and Blocked List portal: Port 8444,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.

• Invalid combinations include:

• Sponsor portal: Port 8443, Interface 0, Certificate group A and My Devices portal: 8443,
Interface 0, Certificate group B.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Portal Settings for My Devices Portals

• Sponsor portal: Port 8444, Interface 0, Certificate tag A and Blocked List portal: Port 8444,
Interface 0, Certificate group A.

Note We recommend that you use interface 0 for Guest services for best performance.
You can either configure only interface 0 in the Portal Settings, or you can use
the CLI command ip host to map a hostname or FQDN to the IP address of
interface 0.

• Allowed Interfaces: Select the PSN interfaces which a PAN can use to run a portal. When a request to
open a portal is made on the PAN, the PAN looks for an available allowed port on the PSN. You must
configure the Ethernet interfaces using IP addresses on different subnets.
These interfaces must be available on all the PSNs, including VM-based ones, that have Policy Services
turned on. This is a requirement because any of these PSNs can be used for the redirect at the start of the
guest session.
• The Ethernet interfaces must use IP addresses on different subnets.
• The interfaces you enable here must be available on all your PSNs, including VM-based ones when
Policy Services turned on. This is required because any of these PSNs can be used for a redirect at
the start of the guest session.
• The portal certificate Subject Name or Alternate Subject Name must resolve to the interface IP
• Configure ip host x.x.x.x in Cisco ISE CLI to map the secondary interface IP
address to the FQDN, which is used to match the certificate Subject Name or Alternate Subject
• If only the bonded NIC is selected, when the PSN attempts to configure the portal it first attempts
to configure the Bond interface. If that is not successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup
on that PSN, then the PSN logs an error and exits. The PSN will not try to start the portal on the
physical interface.
• NIC Teaming or bonding is a configuration option that allows you to configure two individual NICs
for high availability (fault tolerance). If one of the NICs fails, the other NIC that is part of the bonded
connection continues the connection. A NIC is selected for a portal based in the Portal Settings
configuration. If both physical NICs and the corresponding bonded NIC are configured, when the
PSN attempts to configure the portal, it first attempts to connect to the Bond interface. If that is not
successful, perhaps because there was no bond setup on that PSN, then the PSN attempts to start
the portal on the physical interface.

• Certificate Group tag: Pick a certificate group tag that specifies the certificate to be used for the portal’s
HTTPS traffic.
• Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN): Enter at least one unique FQDN or hostname for the Sponsor
or MyDevices portal. For example, you can enter,sponsor,
so that when the user enters either of those into a browser, the sponsor portal displays. Separate names
with commas, but do not include spaces between entries.
If you change the default FQDN, then also do the following:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Portal Settings for My Devices Portals

• Update your DNS so that the FQDN of the new URL resolves to a valid Policy Services Node (PSN)
IP address. Optionally, this address could point to a load balancer virtual IP address that serves a
pool of PSNs.
• To avoid certificate warning messages due to name mismatches, include the FQDN of the customized
URL, or a wildcard, in the subject alternative name (SAN) attribute of the local server certificate
of the Cisco ISE PSN. If the Allow Kerberos SSO option is enabled for the sponsor portal, you
must include the FQDN of the Cisco ISE PSN, or a wildcard, in the SAN attribute of the local server
certificate used by the portal.

• Authentication Method: Choose which identity source sequence or Identity Provider (IdP) to use for
user authentication. The identity source sequence is a list of identity stores that are searched in sequence
to verify user credentials.
Cisco ISE includes a default identity source sequence for sponsor portals, Sponsor_Portal_Sequence.
To configure IdP, choose Administration > Identity Management > External Identity Sources >
SAML Id Providers.
To configure an identity source sequence, choose Administration > Identity Management > Identity
Source Sequences.
• Endpoint Identity Group: Choose an endpoint identity group to track guest devices. Cisco ISE provides
the GuestEndpoints endpoint identity group to use as a default. You can also create more endpoint
identity groups if you choose to not use the default.
Choose an endpoint identity group to track employee devices. Cisco ISE provides the RegisteredDevices
endpoint identity group to use as a default. You can also create more endpoint identity groups if you
choose to not use the default.
• Purge Endpoints in this Identity Group when they Reach __ Days: Specify the number of days after
which the device is purged from the Cisco ISE database. Purging is done on a daily basis and the purge
activity is synchronized with the overall purge timing. The change is applied globally for this endpoint
identity group.
If changes are made to the Endpoint Purge Policy based on other policy conditions, this setting is no
longer available for use.
• Idle Timeout: Enter the time in minutes that you want Cisco ISE to wait before it logs out the user if
there is no activity in the portal. The valid range is from 1 to 30 minutes.
• Display Language
• Use Browser Locale: Use the language specified in the client browser's locale setting as the display
language of the portal. If browser locale's language is not supported by Cisco ISE, then the Fallback
Language is used as the language portal.

• Fallback Language: Choose the language to use when the language cannot be obtained from the
browser locale, or if the browser locale language is not supported by Cisco ISE.

• Always Use: Choose the display language to use for the portal. This setting overrides the User
Browser Locale option.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Login Page Settings for My Devices Portals

Login Page Settings for My Devices Portals

• Maximum Failed Login Attempts Before Rate Limiting: Specify the number of failed login attempts
from a single browser session before Cisco ISE starts to throttle that account. This does not cause an
account lockout. The throttled rate is configured in Time between login attempts when rate limiting.
• Maximum Failed Login Attempts Before Rate Limiting: Specify the number of failed login attempts
from a single browser session before Cisco ISE starts to throttle that account. This does not cause an
account lockout. The throttled rate is configured in Time between login attempts when rate limiting.
• Include an AUP: Add a acceptable use policy window to the flow. You can add the AUP to the window,
or link to another window.

Acceptable Use Policy Page Settings for My Devices Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Administration > Device Portal
Management > My Devices Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings >
Acceptable Use Policy (AUP) Page Settings.
Use these settings to define the AUP experience for the users (guests, sponsors or employees as applicable).

Field Usage Guidelines

Include an AUP Page Display your company’s network-usage terms and conditions on
a separate page to the user.

Require scrolling to end of AUP Ensure that the user has read the AUP completely. The Accept
button is enabled only after the user has scrolled to the end of the

On First Login only Display an AUP when the user logs into the network or portal for
the first time only.

On Every Login Display an AUP each time the user logs into the network or portal.

Every __ Days (starting at first login) Display an AUP periodically after the user first logs into the
network or portal.

Post-Login Banner Page Settings for My Devices Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
My Devices Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Post-Login
Banner Page Settings.
Use this setting to notify users (guests, sponsors or employees as applicable) of additional information after
they log in successfully.

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Include a Post-Login Banner page Display additional information after the users
successfully log in and before they are granted
network access.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Employee Change Password Settings for My Devices Portals

Employee Change Password Settings for My Devices Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
My Devices Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Employee Change
Password Settings. Use these settings to define the password requirements for employees using the My
Devices portal.
To set the employee password policy, choose Administration > Identity Management > Settings > Username
Password Policy.

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Allow internal users to change password Allow employees to change their passwords after they
log into the My Devices portal.
This only applies to employees whose accounts are
stored in the Cisco ISE database and not to those
stored in external databases, such as Active Directory
or LDAP.

Manage Device Settings for My Devices Portal

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
My Devices Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Page Customization > Manage Devices.
Under Page Customizations, you can customize the messages, titles, content, instructions, and field and
button labels that appear on the Manage Accounts tab of the My Devices portal.
Under Settings, you can specify the actions that employees using this portal can perform on their registered
personal devices.

Table 177: Manage Device Settings for My Devices Portals

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Lost Enable employees to indicate that their device is lost. This action updates
the device status in the My Devices portal to Lost and adds the device
to the Blocked List endpoint identity group.

Reinstate This action reinstates a block listed, lost or stolen device and resets it
status to its last known value. This action resets the status of a stolen
device to Not Registered, since it has to undergo additional provisioning
before it can connect to the network.
If you want to prevent employees reinstating devices that you have block
listed, do not enable this option in the My Devices portal.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Add, Edit, and Locate Device Customization for My Devices Portals

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Delete Enable employees to delete a registered device from the My Devices
portal or to delete unused and add new devices, when the maximum
number of registered devices is reached. This action removes the device
from the list of devices displayed in the My Devices portal, but the device
remains in the Cisco ISE database and continues to be listed in the
Endpoints list.
To define the maximum number of personal devices that employees can
register using either the BYOD or My Devices portals, choose
Administration > Device Portal Management > Settings > Employee
Registered Devices.
To permanently delete the device from the Cisco ISE database, choose
Work Centers > Network Access > Identities > Endpoints.

Stolen Enable employees to indicate that their device is stolen. This action
updates the device status in the My Devices portal to Stolen, adds the
device to the Blocked List endpoint identity group, and removes its

Device lock For MDM enrolled devices only.

Enable employees to immediately lock their device remotely from the
My Devices portal, in the event it is lost or stolen. This action prevents
unauthorized use of the device.
However, the PIN cannot be set in the My Devices portal and should
have already been configured by the employee on their mobile device
in advance.

Unenroll For MDM enrolled devices only.

Enable employees to choose this option if they no longer need to use
their device at work. This action removes only those applications and
settings installed by your company, while retaining other apps and data
on the employee's mobile device.

Full wipe For MDM enrolled devices only.

Enable employees to choose this option if they have lost their device or
are replacing it with a new one. This action resets the employee's mobile
device to its default factory settings, removing installed apps and data.

Add, Edit, and Locate Device Customization for My Devices Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
My Devices Portals > Create, Edit or Duplicate > Portal Page Customization > Add Devices, Edit Devices
or Locate Devices.
Under Page Customizations, you can customize the messages, titles, content, instructions, and field and
button labels that appear on the Add, Edit and Locate tabs of the My Devices portal.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Support Information Page Settings for Device Portals

Support Information Page Settings for Device Portals

To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > Device Portal Management >
BYOD Portals, Client Provisioning Portals, MDM Portals, or My Devices Portals > Create, Edit or
Duplicate > Portal Behavior and Flow Settings > Support Information Page Settings.
Use these settings to display the information that your Help Desk can use to troubleshoot access issues
experienced by users (guests, sponsors or employees as applicable).

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Include a Support Information Page Display a link to an information window, such as Contact Us, on
all enabled windows for the portal.

MAC Address Include the MAC address of the device on the Support Information

IP Address Include the IP address of the device on the Support Information


Browser User Agent Include the browser details such as the product name and version,
layout engine, and version of the user agent originating the request
on the Support Information window.

Policy Server Include the IP address of the ISE Policy Service Node (PSN) that
is serving this portal on the Support Information window.

Failure Code If available, include the corresponding number from the log message
catalog. To view the message catalog, choose Administration >
System > Logging > Message Catalog.

Hide Field Do not display any field labels on the Support Information window
if the information that they would contain is non-existent. For
example, if the failure code is unknown, and therefore blank, do not
display Failure Code, even if it is selected.

Display Label with no Value Display all selected field labels on the Support Information
window, even if the information that they would contain is
non-existent. For example, if the failure code is unknown, display
Failure Code, even if it is blank.

Display Label with Default Value Display this text in any selected field on the Support Information
window, if the information that they would contain is non-existent.
For example, if you enter Not Available in this field, and the failure
code is unknown, the Failure Code field displays Not Available.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Threat Containment
Support Information Page Settings for Device Portals

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

• pxGrid and Cisco ISE, on page 1125

pxGrid and Cisco ISE

Note From Cisco ISE Release 3.1, all pxGrid connections must be based on pxGrid 2.0. pxGrid 1.0-based
(XMPP-based) integrations will cease to work on Cisco ISE from Release 3.1 onwards.
pxGrid Version 2.0, which is based on WebSockets, was introduced in Cisco ISE Release 2.4. We recommend
that you plan and upgrade your other systems to pxGrid 2.0-compliant versions in order to prevent potential
disruptions, if any, to integrations.

Cisco pxGrid is an open and scalable Security Product Integration Framework (SPIF) that allows for
bi-directional any-to-any partner platform integrations.
pxGrid 1.0 uses legacy Extensible Messaging and Presence Protocol(XMPP) implementation. pxGrid 1.0 is
in maintenance mode, and will soon be removed. Cisco pxGrid 1.0 requires client SDK libraries (Java or C)
to work with pxGrid.
pxGrid 2.0 uses REST and WebSocket interfaces. A client uses REST for control messages, queries and
application data, and WebSockets for pushing events. For more information about pxGrid 2.0, see Welcome
to Learning Cisco Platform Exchange Grid (pxGrid).
Cisco pxGrid can:
• Share context-sensitive information from the Cisco ISE session directory with other network systems,
such as ISE Eco system partner systems and other Cisco platforms.
• Enable third-party systems to invoke adaptive network control actions to quarantine users and devices
in response to a network or security event. TrustSec information, such as tag definition, value, and
description, pass from Cisco ISE via a TrustSec topic to other networks.
• Send endpoint profiles with Fully Qualified Names (FQNs) from Cisco ISE to other networks through
an endpoint profile meta topic.
• Bulk download of tags and endpoint profiles.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

pxGrid and Cisco ISE

• Publish and subscribe to SXP bindings (IP-SGT mappings) through pxGrid. For more information about
SXP bindings, see the Security Group Tag Exchange Protocol section in the Segmentation chapter of
the Cisco ISE Administrators Guide.
• Cisco pxGrid Context-in enables ecosystem partners to publish topic information into Cisco ISE. This
enables Cisco ISE to take action based on the identified asset in the ecosystem. For more information
about Cisco pxGrid Context-in, see pxGrid Context-In.

Note pxGrid 1.0 is in maintenance mode and will soon be deprecated. We introduced pxGrid 2.0 in ISE 2.4. We
highly encourage partners to switch their pxGrid client implementations to pxGrid 2.0.

pxGrid Overview
pxGrid has the following components:
• Controller: Handles Discovery, Authentication, and Authorization.
• Provider: Returns query results or publishes.
• Pubsub: Provides pxGrid services to providers and consumers.
• Subscriber: Once authorized, subscribers get the contextual information and alerts from topics that they
subscribe to.

pxGrid provides the following functions:

• Discovery: Discovers service properties based on service name. The flow starts when a provider asks to
“Register Service” with the pxGrid Controller. After registration, the consumer uses “Lookup Service”
to discover the locations of the providers.
• Authentication: The pxGrid Controller authenticates the pxGrid client for access to services. Credentials
are either username and password, or certificates (preferred).
• Authorization: When pxGrid gets an operation request, it consults with pxGrid Controller to authorize
the request. pxGrid assigns the client to a pre-defined group.

High Availability for pxGrid 1.0

With pxGrid 1.0, you can configure two nodes with the pxGrid persona operating in Active/Standby mode.
Cisco pxGrid servers replicate information between the nodes through the PAN. When the PAN goes down,
pxGrid server stops handling the client registration and subscription. You must manually promote the PAN
to activate the pxGrid server.
You can see the pxGrid processes with the CLI command show application status ise. The following processes
relevant to pxGrid 1.0 are:
• pxGrid Infrastructure Service
• pxGrid Publisher Subscriber Service
• pxGrid Connection Manager
• pxGrid Controller

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

pxGrid and Cisco ISE

On the Active pxGrid 1.0 node, these processes show as 'Running'. On the Standby pxGrid 1.0 node, they
show as Disabled. If the Active pxGrid 1.0 noshow logging application pxgrid.statede goes down, the
standby pxGrid node detects that loss, and starts the four pxGrid processes. Within a few minutes, these
processes show as 'Running', and the Standby node becomes the Active node. You can verify that pxGrid is
in standby on that node by running the CLI command show logging application pxgrid.
Cisco ISE does automatic failover to the secondary pxGrid node. If you bring the original primary pxGrid
node back into the network, the original primary pxGrid node continues as the secondary role, and isn’t
promoted back to the primary role, unless you shut down the current primary.

High Availability for pxGrid 2.0

pxGrid 2.0 nodes operate in an Active/Active configuration. For high availability, there should be at least two
pxGrid nodes in the deployment. Large deployments can have up to four nodes for increased scale and
redundancy. We recommend that you configure IP addresses for all nodes, so that if one node goes down,
that node's clients connect to working node. When the PAN goes down, pxGrid server stops handling the
activations. Manually promote the PAN to activate the pxGrid server. For more information about pxGrid
deployments, see ISE Performance & Scale .
All pxGrid service provider clients periodically reregister themselves with the pxGrid controller within a span
of 7.5 minutes. If the client does not reregister, the PAN node assumes it’s inactive, and deletes that client. If
the PAN node goes down for more than 7.5 minutes, when it comes back up it deletes all the clients with
timestamp values older than 7.5 minutes. All those clients must then register again with the pxGrid controller.
pxGrid 2.0 clients used WebSocket and REST-based APIs for pub/sub and query. These APIs are served by
the ISE application server on port 8910. The pxGrid processes shown by show logging application pxgrid
don’t apply to pxGrid 2.0.

Loss Detection
In Cisco ISE 3.0, we added sequence IDs to pxGrid topics. If there is a break in transmission, the subscriber
can recognize that by checking the gap in sequence of IDs. The subscriber notices the change in topic sequence
ID, and asks for data based on the date of last sequence number. If the Publisher goes down, when it comes
back up, topic sequence starts at 0. When the Subscriber sees sequence 0, they must clear the cache and start
bulk download. If subscriber goes down, the publisher keeps assigning sequential IDs. When the subscriber
reconnects, and sees a gap in sequence IDs, the subscriber asks for data from time of the last sequence number.
Loss detection works with Session Directory, and TrustSec Configuration. With Session Directory, when the
client detects a loss, they must clear the cache and start bulk download.
If you have an existing application that doesn’t use sequence IDs, you don’t have to use them. But using them
provides benefits of loss detection and recovery from loss.
Session Directory sessions are batched and published by MnT asynchronously for every notify interval to
Changes to Trust Sec Config Security Group Security Groups are published to
Loss Detection is only supported for pxGrid 2.0, and is on by default.
To see code examples of using Loss Detection, see

Monitoring and Debugging

The following logs are available for pxGrid:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

pxGrid Summary Page

• pxgrid.log: pxGrid 1.0 processes activities

• pxgrid-server.log: pxGrid 2.0 activities and errors
• pxgrid-cm.log: pxGrid 1.0 connection logs
• pxgrid-controller.log: pxGrid 1.0 control messages logs
• pxgrid-jabberd.log: pxGrid 1.0 XMPP server logs
• pxgrid-pubsub.log: pxGrid 1.0 XMPP Pubsub logs

The Log page displays all the pxGrid 2.0 management events. Event info includes the client and capability
names along with the event type and timestamp. Navigate to Administration > pxGrid Services > Diagnostics
> Log to view the list of events. You can also clear the logs and resynchronize or refresh the list.

pxGrid Summary Page

The Summary page displays statistics of the current pxGrid 2.0 environment.
• Current Connections: Lists the connections to the controller
• Control Messages: Authentication, Authorization, and service Discovery
• REST APIs: Number of clients who connected using WebSockets or XMPP
• Pubsub Throughput: Amount of data published to clients
• Clients: Clients connected by REST or WebSocket
• Errors: Number of transmission errors, which caused client to ask for data transfer restart

pxGrid Client Management

When a new client connects to pxGrid, the Administrator must visit this page to approve the client before the
client can participate on the grid. However, if you enabled automatic approval of certificate-based accounts
on the Settings page, then manual approval is unnecessary.
• Clients: Lists external client accounts for both pxGrid 1.0 and 2.0.
• pxGrid Policy: Lists the available services that clients can subscribe to. You can edit a policy to change
which groups can access to that policy. You can also create a new policy for a service that doesn’t already
have a policy.
• Groups: Default groups are EPS or ANC. You can add more groups, and use them to limit access to
A pxGrid client can register itself with the pxGrid controller by sending the username via REST API.
The pxGrid controller generates a password for the pxGrid client during client registration. The
administrator can approve or deny the connection request.
• Certificates: You can generate a new certificate to use the Cisco ISE internal Certificate Authority.
For information about creating certificates for pxGrid, see:
• Deploying Certificates with Cisco pxGrid - Using Self-Signed Certificates Updates to Cisco ISE

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Control pxGrid Policies

• Deploying Certificates with Cisco pxGrid - Using External CA with updates to Cisco ISE 2.0/2.1/2.2

Control pxGrid Policies

You can create pxGrid authorization policies to controll access to the services that pxGrid clients can access.
These policies control which services are available to the pxGrid clients.
You can create different types of groups and map the available services to the pxGrid clients to these groups.
Use the Manage Groups option in the Client Management > Groups window to add new groups. You can
view the predefined authorization policies that use predefined groups (such as EPS and ANC) in the Policies
To create an authorization policies for pxGrid clients:

1. From the Administration, choose pxGrid Services > Client Management > Policy, and click the Add
2. From the Service drop-down list, choose the service:
3. From the Operation drop-down list, choose one of the following options:
4. From the Groups drop-down list, choose the groups that you want to map to this service.
5. Click Submit.


Step 1 From the Administration, choose pxGrid Services > Client Management > Policy, and click the Add button.
Step 2 From the Service drop-down list, choose the service:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Enable pxGrid Service


Step 3 From the Operation drop-down list, choose one of the following options:
• <ANY>
• publish
• publish /topic/
• publish /topic/
• publish /topic/
• <CUSTOM>—You can specify a custom operation if you select this option.

Step 4 From the Groups drop-down list, choose the groups that you want to map to this service.
Predefined groups (such as EPS and ANC) and groups that you manually added are listed in this drop-down list.

Step 5 Click Submit.

Enable pxGrid Service

Before you begin

• Enable the pxGrid persona on at least one node to view the requests from the Cisco pxGrid clients.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > pxGrid Services.
Step 2 Check the checkbox next to the client and click Approve.
Step 3 Click Refresh to view the latest status.
Step 4 Select the capability you want to enable and click Enable.
Step 5 Click Refresh to view the latest status.

pxGrid Diagnostics
• XMPP: The Administration > pxGrid Services > Diagnostics > XMPP page lists pxGrid 1.0 clients,
external and internal. Also lists capabilities.
• Websocket: The Administration > pxGrid Services > Diagnostics > Websocket page lists pxGrid 2.0
clients, external and internal. It also lists the available pxGrid 2.0 topics, and the clients that publish or
subscribe to each one.
• Log: The Administration > pxGrid Services > Diagnostics > Live Logs page lists management events.
• Tests: On the Administration > pxGrid Services > Diagnostics > Tests page, the Health Monitoring
test verifies that a client can access the Session Directory service. When you click the Start Test button,
we create an internal pxGrid 2.0 client. This client queries the bulk session download REST API, and

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

pxGrid Settings

then subscribes to the session topic. It listens on that topic for a few minutes, and then terminates. When
the test is complete, you can display a log of the test activities.

pxGrid Settings
• Automatically approve new certificate-based accounts: Off by default, gives you control over
connections to the pxGrid server. Only check this setting when you trust all clients in your environment.
• Allow password based account creation: Check this check box to enable username/password based
authentication for pxGrid clients. If you enable this option, the pxGrid clients aren't automatically

Generate Cisco pxGrid Certificate

Before you begin
Some versions of Cisco ISE have a certificate for Cisco pxGrid that uses NetscapeCertType. We recommend
that you generate a new certificate.
• To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.
• A Cisco pxGrid certificate must be generated from the primary PAN.
• If the Cisco pxGrid certificate uses the subject alternative name (SAN) extension, be sure to include the
FQDN of the subject identity as a DNS name entry.
• Create a certificate template with digital signature usage and use that to generate a new Cisco pxGrid

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > pxGrid Services > Client Management >
Step 2 Select one of the following options from the I want to drop-down list:
• Generate a single certificate (without a certificate signing request): You must enter the Common Name (CN)
if you select this option.
• Generate a single certificate (with a certificate signing request): You must enter the Certificate Signing Request
details if you select this option.
• Generate bulk certificates: You can upload a CSV file that contains the required details.
• Download Root Certificate Chain: You can download the root certificates and add them to the trusted certificate
store. You must specify the host name and the certificate download format.

Step 3 Common Name (CN): (Required if you choose to Generate a single certificate (without a certificate signing request)
option.) Enter the FQDN of the pxGrid client.
Step 4 Certificate Signing Request Details: (Required if you choose to Generate a single certificate (without a certificate
signing request) option.) Enter the complete certificate signing request details.
Step 5 Description: (optional) You can enter a description for this certificate.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Generate Cisco pxGrid Certificate

Step 6 Certificate Template: Click the pxGrig_Certificate_Template link to download the certificate template edit the
template based on your requirements.
Step 7 Subject Alternative Name (SAN): You can add multiple SANs. The following options are available:
• IP address: Enter the IP address of the Cisco pxGrid client to be associated with the certificate.
• FQDN: Enter the fully qualified domain name of the pxGrid client.

Note This field is not displayed if you have selected the Generate Bulk Certificate option.

Step 8 Select one of the following options from the Certificate Download Format drop-down list:
• Certificate in Private Enhanced Electronic Mail (PEM) format, key in PKCS8 PEM format (including
certificate chain): The root certificate, the intermediate CA certificates, and the end entity certificate are represented
in the PEM format. PEM formatted certificate are BASE64-encoded ASCII files. Each certificate starts with the
"--------BEGIN CERTIFICATE-----" tag and ends with the "-------END CERTIFICATE----" tag. The end entity’s
private key is stored using PKCS* PEM. It starts with the "-----BEGIN ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----" tag
and ends with the "-----END ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY----" tag.
• PKCS12 format (including certificate chain; one file for both the certificate chain and key): A binary format
to store the root CA certificate, the intermediate CA certificate, and the end entity 's certificate and private key in
one encrypted file.

Step 9 Certificate Password: Enter the password for the certificate and confirm the password by entering it again in the next
Step 10 Click Create.

The certificate that you created is visible in Cisco ISE in the Issued Certificates window. To view this window,
click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Certificates > Certificate Authority >
Issued Certificates. The certificate is also downloaded to your browser's downloads directory.

Note From Cisco ISE 2.4 patch 13 onwards, the certificate requirements have become stricter for the pxGrid service.
If you are using the Cisco ISE default self-signed certificate as the pxGrid certificate, Cisco ISE might reject
that certificate after applying Cisco ISE 2.4 patch 13 or later versions. This is because the older versions of
that certificate have the Netscape Cert Type extension specified as SSL Server, which now fails (a client
certificate is also required now).
Any client with a non-compliant certificate fails to integrate with Cisco ISE. Use a certificate issued by the
internal CA or generate a new certificate with proper usage extensions:
• The Key Usage extension in the certificate must contain the Digital Signature and Key Encipherment
• The Extended Key Usage extension in the certificate must contain the Client Authentication and Server
Authentication fields.
• The Netscape Certificate Type extension is not required. If you like to include that extension, you must
add both SSL Client and SSL Server in the extension.
• If you are using a self-signed certificate, the Basic Constraints CA field must be set to True and the
Key Usage extension must contain the Key Cert Sign field.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

The following sections describe the configuration required on switches and Wireless Controllers to support
Cisco ISE functions.
• Enable Your Switch to Support Standard Web Authentication, on page 1133
• Local Username and Password Definition for Synthetic RADIUS Transactions, on page 1134
• NTP Server Configuration to Ensure Accurate Log and Accounting Timestamps, on page 1134
• Command to Enable AAA Functions, on page 1134
• RADIUS Server Configuration on the Switch, on page 1135
• Command to Enable RADIUS Change of Authorization (CoA), on page 1135
• Command to Enable Device Tracking and DHCP Snooping, on page 1136
• Command to Enable 802.1X Port-Based Authentication, on page 1136
• Command to Enable EAP for Critical Authentications, on page 1136
• Command to Throttle AAA Requests Using Recovery Delay, on page 1137
• VLAN Definitions Based on Enforcement States, on page 1137
• Local (Default) Access List (ACL) Definitions on the Switch, on page 1138
• Enable Switch Ports for 802.1X and MAB, on page 1139
• Command to Enable 802.1X based on Identity-Based Networking Services, on page 1141
• Command to Enable EPM Logging, on page 1142
• Command to Enable SNMP Traps, on page 1142
• Command to Enable SNMP v3 Query for Profiling, on page 1143
• Command to Enable MAC Notification Traps for Profiler to Collect, on page 1143
• RADIUS Idle-Timeout Configuration on the Switch, on page 1143
• Wireless Controller Configuration for iOS Supplicant Provisioning, on page 1144
• Configuring ACLs on the Wireless LAN Controller for Mobile Device Management Interoperability, on
page 1144

Enable Your Switch to Support Standard Web Authentication

Ensure that you include the following commands in your switch configuration to enable standard web
authentication functions for Cisco ISE, including provisions for URL redirection upon authentication:
ip classless

ip route

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Local Username and Password Definition for Synthetic RADIUS Transactions

ip http server
! Must enable HTTP/HTTPS for URL-redirection on port 80/443

ip http secure-server

Local Username and Password Definition for Synthetic RADIUS

Enter the following command to enable the switch to talk to the Cisco ISE node as though it is the RADIUS
server for this network segment:
username test-radius password 0 abcde123

NTP Server Configuration to Ensure Accurate Log and

Accounting Timestamps
Ensure that you specify the same NTP server on the switch as you have set in Cisco ISE by entering the
following command:
ntp server <IP_address>|<domain_name>

Command to Enable AAA Functions

Enter the following commands on the switch to enable the various AAA functions between the switch and
Cisco ISE, including 802.1X and MAB authentication functions:
aaa new-model
! Creates an 802.1X port-based authentication method list

aaa authentication dot1x default group radius

! Required for VLAN/ACL assignment

aaa authorization network default group radius

! Authentication & authorization for webauth transactions

aaa authorization auth-proxy default group radius

! Enables accounting for 802.1X and MAB authentications

aaa accounting dot1x default start-stop group radius


aaa session-id common

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

RADIUS Server Configuration on the Switch

aaa accounting update periodic 5

! Update AAA accounting information periodically every 5 minutes

aaa accounting system default start-stop group radius


RADIUS Server Configuration on the Switch

Configure the switch to interact with Cisco ISE as the RADIUS source server by entering the following
radius-server <ISE Name>
! ISE Name is the name of the ISE PSN

address ipv4 <ip address> auth-port 1812 acct-port 1813

! IP address is the address of the PSN. This example uses the standard RADIUS ports.

key <passwd>
! passwd is the secret password confiugured in Cisco ISE


Note We recommend that you configure a dead-criteria time of 30 seconds with 3 retries to provide longer response
times for RADIUS requests that use Active Directory for authentication.

Command to Enable RADIUS Change of Authorization (CoA)

Specify the settings to ensure the switch is able to appropriately handle RADIUS CoA behavior supporting
posture functions on Cisco ISE by entering the following commands:
aaa server radius dynamic-author

client <ISE-IP> server-key 0 abcde123

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Command to Enable Device Tracking and DHCP Snooping

Note • Cisco ISE uses port 1700 (Cisco IOS software default) versus RFC default port 3799 for CoA. Existing
Cisco Secure ACS 5.x customers may already have this set to port 3799 if they are using CoA as part of
an existing ACS implementation.
• Shared secret key should be the same as the one configured on Cisco ISE while adding a network device
and the IP address should be a PSN IP address.

Command to Enable Device Tracking and DHCP Snooping

To help provide optional security-oriented functions from Cisco ISE, you can enable device tracking and
DHCP snooping for IP substitution in dynamic ACLs on switch ports by entering the following commands:
! Optional

ip dhcp snooping
! Required!

! Configure Device Tracking Policy!

device-tracking policy <DT_POLICY_NAME>
no protocol ndp
tracking enable
! Bind it to interface!
interface <interface_id>
device-tracking attach-policy<DT_POLICY_NAME>
In RADIUS accounting, the DHCP attributes are not sent by the IOS sensor to Cisco ISE even when DHCP
snooping is enabled. In such cases, DHCP snooping should be enabled on the VLAN to make the DHCP
Use the following commands to enable DHCP snooping on VLAN:
ip dhcp snooping
ip dhcp snooping vlan 1-100

Command to Enable 802.1X Port-Based Authentication

Enter the following commands to turn 802.1X authentication on for switch ports, globally:
dot1x system-auth-control

Command to Enable EAP for Critical Authentications

To support supplicant authentication requests over the LAN, enable EAP for critical authentications
(Inaccessible Authentication Bypass) by entering the following command:
dot1x critical eapol

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Command to Throttle AAA Requests Using Recovery Delay

Command to Throttle AAA Requests Using Recovery Delay

When a critical authentication recovery event takes place, you can configure the switch to automatically
introduce a delay (in milliseconds) to ensure Cisco ISE is able to launch services again following recovery
by entering the following command:
authentication critical recovery delay 1000

VLAN Definitions Based on Enforcement States

Enter the following commands to define the VLAN names, numbers, and Switch Virtual Interfaces (SVIs)
based on known enforcement states in your network. Create the respective VLAN interfaces to enable routing
between networks. This can be especially helpful to handle multiple sources of traffic passing over the same
network segments from both the endpoints (such as PC, laptop) and the IP phone through which the endpoint
is connected to the network, for example:

vlan <VLAN_number>

name ACCESS!

vlan <VLAN_number>

name VOICE

interface <VLAN_number>

description ACCESS

ip address

ip helper-address <DHCP_Server_IP_address>

ip helper-address <Cisco_ISE_IP_address>

interface <VLAN_number>

description VOICE

ip address

ip helper-address <DHCP_Server_IP_address>

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Local (Default) Access List (ACL) Definitions on the Switch

Local (Default) Access List (ACL) Definitions on the Switch

Enable these functions on older switches (with Cisco IOS software releases earlier than 12.2(55)SE) to ensure
Cisco ISE is able to perform the dynamic ACL updates required for authentication and authorization by
entering the following commands:
ip access-list extended ACL-ALLOW

permit ip any any

ip access-list extended ACL-DEFAULT

remark DHCP

permit udp any eq bootpc any eq bootps

remark DNS

permit udp any any eq domain

remark Ping

permit icmp any any

remark Ping

permit icmp any any

remark PXE / TFTP

permit udp any any eq tftp

remark Allow HTTP/S to ISE and WebAuth portal

permit tcp any host <Cisco_ISE_IP_address> eq www

permit tcp any host <Cisco_ISE_IP_address> eq 443

permit tcp any host <Cisco_ISE_IP_address> eq 8443

permit tcp any host <Cisco_ISE_IP_address> eq 8905

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Enable Switch Ports for 802.1X and MAB

permit udp any host <Cisco_ISE_IP_address> eq 8905

permit udp any host <Cisco_ISE_IP_address> eq 8906

permit tcp any host <Cisco_ISE_IP_address> eq 8080

permit udp any host <Cisco_ISE_IP_address> eq 9996

remark Drop all the rest

deny ip any any log

! The ACL to allow URL-redirection for WebAuth

ip access-list extended ACL-WEBAUTH-REDIRECT

permit tcp any any eq www

permit tcp any any eq 443

Note This configuration on the Wireless Controller may increase CPU utilization and raises the risk of system
instability. This is an IOS issue and does not adversely affect Cisco ISE.

Enable Switch Ports for 802.1X and MAB

To enable switch ports for 802.1X and MAB:

Step 1 Enter the interface configuration mode for all of the access switch ports:
interface range FastEthernet0/1-8
Step 2 Enable the switch ports for access mode (instead of trunk mode):
switchport mode access
Step 3 Statically configure the access VLAN. This provides local provisioning for the access VLANs and is required for
open-mode authentication:
switchport access vlan <VLAN_number>

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Enable Switch Ports for 802.1X and MAB

Step 4 Statically configure the voice VLAN:

switchport voice vlan <VLAN_number>
Step 5 Enable open-mode authentication. Open-mode allows traffic to be bridged onto the data and voice VLANs before
authentication is completed. We strongly recommend using a port-based ACL in a production environment to prevent
unauthorized access.
Enabling open-mode authentication also enables pre-authentication access before the AAA server response, subject to
the port ACL.
authentication open
Step 6 Apply a port-based ACL to determine which traffic should be bridged by default from unauthenticated endpoints onto
the access VLAN. Because you should allow all access first and enforce policy later, you should apply ACL-ALLOW
to permit all traffic through the switch port. You have already created a default Cisco ISE authorization to allow all
traffic for now because we want complete visibility and do not want to impact the existing end-user experience yet.
An ACL must be configured to prepend dynamic ACLs from AAA server.
ip access-group ACL-ALLOW in
Note Prior to Cisco IOS software Release 12.2(55)SE on DSBU switches, a port ACL is required for dynamic
ACLs from a RADIUS AAA server to be applied. Failure to have a default ACL will result in assigned
dynamic ACLs being ignored by the switch. With Cisco IOS software Release 12.2(55)SE, a default ACL
will be automatically generated and applied.

Note We are using ACL-ALLOW at this point in the lab because we want to enable 802.1X port-based
authentication, but without any impact to the existing network. In a later exercise, we will apply a different
ACL-DEFAULT, which blocks undesired traffic for a production environment.

Step 7 Enable Multi-Auth host mode. Multi-Auth is essentially a superset of Multi-Domain Authentication (MDA). MDA
only allows a single endpoint in the data domain. When multi-auth is configured, a single authenticated phone is allowed
in the voice domain (as with MDA) but an unlimited number of data devices can be authenticated in the data domain.
Allow voice and multiple endpoints on same physical access port
authentication host-mode multi-auth
Note Multiple data devices (whether virtualized devices or physical devices connected to a hub) behind an IP phone
can exacerbate the access ports’ physical link-state awareness.

Step 8 Enable various authentication method options with the following commands:
Enable re-authentication:
authentication periodic
Enable re-authentication via RADIUS Session-Timeout:
authentication timer reauthenticate server
authentication event fail action next-method
Configure critical authentication vlan method in case of dead server:
authentication event server dead action reinitialize vlan <VLAN_number>
authentication event server alive action reinitialize
Configure IOS Flex-Auth authentication for 802.1X and MAB:
authentication order dot1x mab
authentication priority dot1x mab
Step 9 Enable 802.1X port control on the switchport:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Command to Enable 802.1X based on Identity-Based Networking Services

authentication port-control auto

authentication violation restrict
Step 10 Enable MAC Authentication Bypass (MAB):
Step 11 Enable 802.1X on the switchport:
dot1x pae authenticator
Step 12 Set the retransmit period to 10 seconds:
dot1x timeout tx-period 10
Note The 802.1X tx-period timeout should be set to 10 seconds. Do not change this unless you understand the

Step 13 Enable the portfast feature:

spanning-tree portfast

CommandtoEnable802.1XbasedonIdentity-Based Networking
The following example shows a control policy that is configured to allow sequential authentication methods
using 802.1X, MAB, and web authentication.
class-map type control subscriber match-all DOT1X
match method dot1x
class-map type control subscriber match-all DOT1X_FAILED
match method dot1x
match result-type method dot1x authoritative
class-map type control subscriber match-all DOT1X_NO_RESP
match method dot1x
match result-type method dot1x agent-not-found
class-map type control subscriber match-all MAB
match method mab
class-map type control subscriber match-all MAB_FAILED
match method mab
match result-type method mab authoritative

policy-map type control subscriber DOT1XMAB

event session-started match-all
10 class always do-until-failure
10 authenticate using dot1x retries 2 retry-time 0 priority 10
event authentication-failure match-first
10 class DOT1X_NO_RESP do-until-failure
10 terminate dot1x
20 authenticate using mab priority 20
20 class DOT1X_FAILED do-until-failure

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Command to Enable EPM Logging

10 terminate dot1x
20 authenticate using mab priority 20
30 authorize
40 class always do-until-failure
10 terminate dot1x
20 terminate mab
30 authentication-restart 60
event agent-found match-all
10 class always do-until-failure
10 terminate mab
20 authenticate using dot1x retries 2 retry-time 0 priority 10

The following example shows a control policy that is configured to allow sequential authentication methods
using MAB, 802.1X, and web authentication.
policy-map type control subscriber MABDOT1X
event session-started match-all
10 class always do-until-failure
10 authenticate using mab priority 20
20 authenticate using dot1x priority 10
event authentication-failure match-first
10 class ALL_FAILED do-until-failure
10 authentication-restart 60
event authentication-success match-all
10 class DOT1X do-until-failure
10 terminate mab
event agent-found match-all
10 class always do-until-failure
10 authenticate using dot1x priority 10

Applying the service policy on the interface:

interface GigabitEthernet1/0/4
switchport mode access
device-tracking attach-policy pol1
ip access-group sample in
authentication timer reauthenticate server
access-session port-control auto
dot1x pae authenticator
dot1x timeout tx-period 10
dot1x timeout auth-period 10
spanning-tree portfast
service-policy type control subscriber DOT1XMAB

Command to Enable EPM Logging

Set up standard logging functions on the switch to support possible troubleshooting and recording for Cisco
ISE functions:
epm logging

Command to Enable SNMP Traps

Ensure the switch is able to receive SNMP trap transmissions from Cisco ISE over the appropriate VLAN in
this network segment:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Command to Enable SNMP v3 Query for Profiling

snmp-server community public RO

snmp-server trap-source <VLAN_number>

Command to Enable SNMP v3 Query for Profiling

Configure the switch to ensure SNMP v3 polling takes place as intended to support Cisco ISE profiling services
using the following commands. Prior to that configure the SNMP settings in the Cisco ISE GUI in the SNMP
Settings window. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and chooseAdministration > Network
Resources > Network Devices > Add | Edit > SNMP Settings.
Snmp-server user <name> <group> v3 auth md5 <string> priv des <string>

snmp-server group <group> v3 priv

snmp-server group <group> v3 priv contextvlan-1

Note The snmp-server group <group> v3 priv context vlan-1 command must be configured for each context.
The snmp show context command lists all the context information.

If the SNMP request times out and there is no connectivity issue, then you can increase the timeout value.

Command to Enable MAC Notification Traps for Profiler to

Configure your switch to transmit the appropriate MAC notification traps so that the Cisco ISE profiler function
is able to collect information on network endpoints:
mac address-table notification change

mac address-table notification mac-move

snmp trap mac-notification change added

snmp trap mac-notification change removed

RADIUS Idle-Timeout Configuration on the Switch

To configure the RADIUS idle-timeout on a switch, use the following command:
Switch(config-if)# authentication timer inactivity

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Wireless Controller Configuration for iOS Supplicant Provisioning

where inactivity is interval of inactivity in seconds, after which the client activity is considered unauthorized.
In Cisco ISE, you can enable this option for any authorization policies to which such a session inactivity timer
should apply. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Policy > Policy Elements > Results >
Authorization > Authorization Profiles.

Wireless Controller Configuration for iOS Supplicant

For Single SSID
To support Apple iOS-based devices (iPhone or iPad) switching from one SSID to another on the same wireless
access point, configure the Wireless Controller to enable the FAST SSID change function. This function
helps ensure iOS-based devices are able to more quickly switch between SSIDs.


Fast SSID must be enabled to support dual SSID BYOD. When fast SSID changing is enabled, the Wireless
Controller allows clients to move faster between SSIDs. When fast SSID is enabled, the client entry is not
cleared and the delay is not enforced. For more information about configuring fast SSID on a Cisco Wireless
Controller, see the Cisco Wireless Controller Configuration Guide.

Example Wireless Controller Configuration

WLC (config)# FAST SSID change
You might see the following error message while trying to connect to a wireless network for some of the
Apple iOS-based devices:
Could not scan for Wireless Networks.

You can ignore this error message because this does not affect the authentication of the device.

Configuring ACLs on the Wireless LAN Controller for Mobile

Device Management Interoperability
You must configure ACLs on the Wireless Controller for use in an authorization policy to redirect nonregistered
devices and certificate provisioning. Your ACLs must be in the following sequence.

Step 1 Allow all outbound traffic from the server to the client.
Step 2 (Optional) Allow ICMP inbound traffic from the client to the server for troubleshooting.
Step 3 Allow access to the MDM server for unregistered and noncompliant devices to download the MDM agent and proceed
with compliance checks.
Step 4 Allow all inbound traffic from the client to the server to Cisco ISE for the web portal and supplicant, and certificate
provisioning flows.
Step 5 Allow inbound DNS traffic from the client to the server for name resolution.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configuring ACLs on the Wireless LAN Controller for Mobile Device Management Interoperability

Step 6 Allow inbound DHCP traffic from the client to the server for IP addresses.
Step 7 Deny all inbound traffic from the client to the server to corporate resources for redirection to Cisco ISE (as per your
company policy).
Step 8 (Optional) Permit the rest of the traffic.

The following example shows the ACLs for redirecting a nonregistered device to the BYOD flow.
In this example, the Cisco ISE IP address is, the internal corporate network IP addresses
are and (to redirect), and the MDM server subnet is
Figure 62: ACLs for Redirecting Nonregistered Device

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configuring ACLs on the Wireless LAN Controller for Mobile Device Management Interoperability

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

• Monitoring and Troubleshooting Service in Cisco ISE, on page 1147
• Cisco ISE Telemetry, on page 1152
• Information that Telemetry Gathers, on page 1152
• SNMP Traps to Monitor Cisco ISE, on page 1155
• Cisco ISE Alarms, on page 1159
• Log Collection, on page 1178
• RADIUS Live Logs, on page 1179
• TACACS Live Logs, on page 1182
• Live Authentications, on page 1184
• RADIUS Live Sessions, on page 1186
• Export Summary, on page 1189
• Authentication Summary Report, on page 1191
• Cisco Support Diagnostics for Deployment and Support Information, on page 1192
• Diagnostic Troubleshooting Tools, on page 1193
• Session Trace Test Cases, on page 1196
• Technical Support Tunnel for Advanced Troubleshooting, on page 1197
• TCP Dump Utility to Validate the Incoming Traffic, on page 1198
• Obtaining Additional Troubleshooting Information, on page 1202

Monitoring and Troubleshooting Service in Cisco ISE

The Monitoring and Troubleshooting (MnT) service is a comprehensive identity solution for all Cisco ISE
run-time services. The Operations menu contains the following components, and can be viewed only from
the primary Policy Administration Node (PAN). Note that the Operations menu does not appear in the primary
Monitoring node.
• Monitoring: Provides real-time presentation of meaningful data representing the state of access activities
on a network. This insight allows you to easily interpret and affect operational conditions.
• Troubleshooting: Provides contextual guidance for resolving access issues on networks. You can then
address user concerns and provide resolution in a timely manner.
• Reporting: Provides a catalog of standard reports that you can use to analyze trends and monitor system
performance and network activities. You can customize reports in various ways and save them for future

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Open TAC Support Case in Cisco ISE

use. You can search records using wild cards and multiple values in all the reports for the Identity,
Endpoint ID, and ISE Node (except the Health Summary report) fields.

ISE Community Resource

For a complete list of troubleshooting TechNotes, see ISE Troubleshooting TechNotes.

Open TAC Support Case in Cisco ISE

Raise a case in Cisco ISE to request support with any deployment issues. Using the TAC Support Case feature
in the Cisco ISE portal, you can easily raise a support case for specific nodes that you face issues with. Along
with the information you provide through the form presented, information like the serial number of your node
and the Cisco ISE version in use are also sent to Cisco TAC.

Note This feature is available in Cisco ISE Release 3.0 Patch 1 and later.

Step 1 In the home window of your Cisco ISE portal, and click the question mark icon in the top-right corner.
Step 2 In the Interactive Help menu displayed, click Resources and choose TAC Support Cases from the drop-down list.
Step 3 In the new window displayed, log in using your credentials. If you see an error message for failure in accessing
the feature, please consult customer support to review the terms of your Cisco ISE contract.
Step 4 When you log in, the Cases window is displayed. Click Open A Case.
Step 5 In the Open Case form:
a. Select upto four nodes for which to open a case from the drop-down list. Primary PAN and MnT nodes are selected
by default.
b. Enter details of your issue in the Title and Description fields.
c. Enter the required information in Contract ID and Product Name fields.
d. (Optional) Select values for:
1. Tech: Choose from the drop-down list of Cisco ISE Releases, where Cisco Identity Services Engine - 2.6 refers
to Releases 2.6 and above).
2. Sub Tech: Choose the problem area from the drop-down list of Cisco ISE features.
3. Problem Code: Choose the applicable value from the drop-down list.

What to do next
With this, Cisco TAC receives the details of your issue and contacts you to further investigate the problem
and troubleshoot. The cases generated here are of severity level 3 by default. For higher severity cases (1 and
2), contact Cisco TAC to open a case.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Health Check

See the details of your case in the TAC Support Cases window. From the list of cases displayed, check the
checkbox for the case you want to examine. Click View Case to see the details of your case and a list of notes
that includes updates from TAC on this case. Click Add Notes to add a note of your own to the case.
To close the case, click the Close Case button. You must provide closure reason when closing the case.

Health Check
Cisco ISE, Release 3.0 introduces an on-demand health check option to diagnosis all the nodes in your Cisco
ISE deployment. Running health check on all the nodes prior to any operation helps to reduce the downtime
and improves the overall functionality of Cisco ISE system by identifying any critical issues. Health Check
provides the working status of a component and notifies immediate troubleshooting recommendations on
breakage of any Cisco ISE components, if any.

Table 178: Health Check Deployment

Deployment Type Description

Platform Support Check This checks the supported platforms in the

It checks the 34xx and other unsupported platform
details and checks if the system has a minimum of 12
Core CPU, 300GB Hard Disk, 16GB Memory.
Deployment Validation Helps to check the state of the deployment node if it
is in sync or in progress.

DNS Resolvability Checks for the forward and reverse lookup of host
name and IP address.

Trust Store Certificate Validation Indicates if your trust store certificate is valid or

System Certificate Validation Checks the system certificate validation for each node.

Disk Space Check Checks the hard disk located in the platform support
check. And checks the available free space in disk for
further upgrade procedure.

NTP Reachability and Time Source Check Checks for the NTP configured in the system and
whether the time source is from the NTP server.

Load Average Check Checks for load of the system frequently on a

specified interval. The frequency ranges between 1-,
5- and 15-minutes interval.

MDM Validation Checks for connectivity between configured MDM

server and PSN server.

License Validation Checks if the smart licence is configured and valid.

For users whose smart licence is not configured and
valid, a warning is shown asking the user to configure
and validate the licence.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Run Health Check

Deployment Type Description

Services or Process Failures Indicates the state of the service or application if it is

running or in failed state.

I/O Bandwidth Performance Check This checks for the disk read write speed.

Note The numbers adjacent to the deployment indicates the number of nodes and their health check details. For
example: If a deployment has 0/2, 0 indicated the number of nodes failed/in progress/completed state and 2
indicates number of nodes in the deployment.

Note During the health check if any node does not send back response for fifteen minutes, health check for that
specific node gets timed out.

Run Health Check

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Health Checks.
Step 2 Click Start health checks.
An information pop-up window displays the following message:
Health Checks triggered.

Step 3 Click Ok to view the status.

Step 4 In the Health Checks window, you will be able to view the health status of each component. The following colors indicate
the health status of the Cisco ISE component:

Color Health Status Action

Red Not Good Click the drop-down option to view the

troubleshooting recommendations that
are available in the box. Resolve the
issues and click the refresh icon.

Orange Good Click the drop-down option to view the

troubleshooting recommendations that
Note The health status of the
are available in the box.
component is good to
perform an operation.
However, the issues that
might affect some
functionalities in future.

Green Good No action is required.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Network Privilege Framework Event Flow Process

Color Health Status Action

Blue Good Click the information icon to view the

critical information about the

Step 5 Click Download report.

A HealthChecksReport.json file is saved on your local system with detailed health status information of your Cisco ISE
After the health check is triggered, the status is retained in the Health Check window for next three hours. You will not
be able to run health check until the Health Checks window is refreshed/expired.

Network Privilege Framework Event Flow Process

The Network Privilege Framework (NPF) authentication and authorization event flow uses the process
described in the following table:

Process Stage Description

1 Network Access Device (NAD) performs either a

normal authorization or a flex authorization.

2 An unknown agentless identity is profiled with web


3 A RADIUS server authenticates and authorizes the


4 Authorization is provisioned for the identity at the


5 Unauthorized endpoint traffic is dropped.

User Roles and Permissions for Monitoring and Troubleshooting Capabilities

Monitoring and troubleshooting capabilities are associated with default user roles. The tasks you are allowed
to perform are directly related to your assigned user role.
See section "Cisco ISE Administrator Groups" in Chapter "Cisco ISE Admin Guide: Overview" in Cisco ISE
Administrator Guide for information on the permissions and restrictions set for each user role.

Note Accessing Cisco ISE using the root shell without Cisco TAC supervision is not supported, and Cisco is not
responsible for any service disruption that might be caused as a result.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Data Stored in the Monitoring Database

Data Stored in the Monitoring Database

The Cisco ISE monitoring service collects and stores data in a specialized monitoring database. The rate and
amount of data utilized to monitor network functions may require a node dedicated solely to monitoring. If
your Cisco ISE network collects logging data at a high rate from policy service nodes or network devices, we
recommend a Cisco ISE node dedicated to monitoring.
To manage the information stored in the monitoring database, perform full and incremental backups of the
database. This includes purging unwanted data and then restoring the database.

Cisco ISE Telemetry

Telemetry monitors your system and devices in your network to provide feedback to Cisco on how you use
the product. Cisco uses this information to improve the product.
Telemetry is enabled by default. To disable this feature:
1. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings >
Network Success Diagnostics > Telemetry
2. Uncheck the Enable Telemetry check box to disable telemetry.

• Cisco Account: Enter your Cisco account so you can get emails from Telemetry. We may also use this
ID to contact you if Telemetry finds any serious issues that may affect you.
• Transport Gateway: You can use a proxy between your Cisco ISE and the Cisco external telemetry
servers for extra security. To do this, check this check box and enter the FQDN of your proxy server.
Telemetry does not require a proxy.
Cisco provides software for Transport Gateway. You can download from This software runs
on a Linux server. See the Smart Call Home Deployment Guide for information on how to deploy the
Transport Gateway software on an RHEL server. If you are using this Cisco software, the URL value is
<FQDN of proxyserver>/Transportgateway/services/DeviceRequestHandler. You can use this
gateway to connect to the Smart Licensing server, too. From Version 3.5 of the Transport Gateway, you
cannot change the port, but you can enter IP address instead of the FQDN.

Information that Telemetry Gathers

Telemetry sends the following information to Cisco.
For each Policy Administration node (PAN)
• Current number of postured endpoints
• Current number of PxGrid clients
• Current number of endpoints managed by MDM
• Current number of Guest users
• Start and end date of this telemetry record

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Information that Telemetry Gathers

• FIPS status

For each Policy Service node (PSN)

• Number of profiler probes
• Node service type
• Passive ID used

For All nodes

• Total and Active NADs
• Number of CPU cores
• VM available disk space
• VM memory and CPU settings
• System Name
• Serial number
• VID and PID
• Uptime
• Last CLI login

MnT node count

pxGrid node count
• Have any licenses expired?
• Number of Cisco ISE Essentials licenses available, maximum ever used
• Number of Cisco ISE Advantage licenses available, maximum ever used
• Number of Cisco ISE Premier licenses available, maximum ever used
• Number of small, medium, and large VM licenses
• Is an evaluation license in use?
• Name of the smart account
• Number of TACACS devices
• Expiration date, remaining days, license term
• Service types, primary and secondary UDI

• Number of inactive policies
• Last Posture Feed update

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Information that Telemetry Gathers

• Number of active policies

• Posture feed updates

Guest Users
• Maximum number of authenticated guests for the day
• Maximum number of active guests for the day
• Maximum number of BYOD users for the day
• External ID information for authenticated guests

Network Access Devices (NAD)

• Authorization: Activated ACLs, VLANS, Policy size
• NDG map and NAD hierarchy
• Authentication:
• Number of RADIUS, RSA ID, LDAP, ODBC, and Active Directory ID stores
• Number of local (non-admin) users
• NDG map and NAD map
• Number of policy lines

For authorizations, active VLANs, policy count, number of activated ACLs:

• Status, VID, PT
• Average load, memory usage
• Number of PAP, MnT, pxGrid, and PIC nodes
• Name, profile name, profile ID

NAD Profile
For each NAD profile:
• Name and ID
• Cisco device
• TACACS support
• RADIUS support
• Trustsec support
• Default profile

• Date of last feed update
• Are automatic updates enabled?

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

SNMP Traps to Monitor Cisco ISE

• Endpoints profiled, endpoint type, unknown endpoints, percentage unknown, and total endpoint count
• Number of custom profiles
• Serial number, scope, endpoint types, custom profiles

Mobile Device Management (MDM)

• List of MDM nodes
• For a date range, current MDM endpoint count, current guest user count, current postured users count
• pxGrid client count
• Node count

SNMP Traps to Monitor Cisco ISE

Generic SNMP Traps in Cisco ISE
SNMP traps help you to monitor the status of Cisco ISE. If you want to monitor Cisco ISE without accessing
the Cisco ISE server, you can configure a MIB browser as an SNMP host in Cisco ISE. You can then monitor
the status of Cisco ISE from the MIB browser.
See the Cisco Identity Services Engine CLI Reference Guide for information on the snmp-server host and
snmp-server trap commands.
Cisco ISE supports SNMPv1, SNMPv2c, and SNMPv3.
Cisco ISE sends the following generic system traps if you configure the SNMP host from the CLI:
• Cold start: When the device reboots.
• Linkup: When Ethernet interface is up.
• Linkdown: When Ethernet interface is down.
• Authentication failure: When the community strings do not match.

The following table lists the generic SNMP traps that are generated by default in Cisco ISE.

OID Description Trap Example

. \n Indicates that DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance

the agent has = Timeticks: (478) 0:00:04.78
been restarted. SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID:
SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapEnterprise.0 = OID:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

SNMP Traps to Monitor Cisco ISE

OID Description Trap Example

. \n Indicates that DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance

the agent is in = Timeticks: (479) 0:00:04.79
the process of SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID:
being shut NET-SNMP-AGENT-MIB::nsNotifyShutdown
down. SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapEnterprise.0 = OID:

. \n Signifies that DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance

the SNMP = Timeticks: (478) 0:00:04.78
entity, acting SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID:
in an agent IF-MIB::linkUp IF-MIB::ifIndex.12 =
role, has INTEGER: 12 IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus.12 =
detected that INTEGER: up(1) IF-MIB::ifOperStatus.12 =
the INTEGER: up(1)
ifOperStatus SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapEnterprise.0 = OID:
object for one NET-SNMP-MIB::netSnmpAgentOIDs.10
of its
links left the
Down state
into some
other state
(but not into
the notPresent
state). This
other state is
indicated by
the included
value of

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

SNMP Traps to Monitor Cisco ISE

OID Description Trap Example

. \n Signifies that DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance

the SNMP = Timeticks: (479) 0:00:04.79
entity, acting SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID:
in an agent IF-MIB::linkDown IF-MIB::ifIndex.5 =
role, has INTEGER: 5 IF-MIB::ifAdminStatus.5 =
detected that INTEGER: up(1) IF-MIB::ifOperStatus.5 =
the INTEGER: down(2)
ifOperStatus SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapEnterprise.0 = OID:
object for one NET-SNMP-MIB::netSnmpAgentOIDs.10
of its
links is about
to enter the
Down state
from some
other state
(but not from
the notPresent
state). This
other state is
indicated by
the included
value of

. \n Signifies that DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance

the SNMP = Timeticks: (8) 0:00:00.08
entity, SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID:
supporting a SNMPv2-MIB::coldStart
notification SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapEnterprise.0 = OID:
originator NET-SNMP-MIB::netSnmpAgentOIDs.10
application, is
itself and that
may have
been altered.

Process-Monitoring SNMP Traps in Cisco ISE

Cisco ISE allows you to send hrSWRunName traps for Cisco ISE process statuses to the SNMP manager if
you configure an SNMP host from the Cisco ISE CLI. Cisco ISE uses a cron job to trigger these traps. The
cron job retrieves the Cisco ISE process status from Monit. After you configure the SNMP-Server Host
command from the CLI, a cron job runs every five minutes and monitors Cisco ISE.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

SNMP Traps to Monitor Cisco ISE

Note When an ISE process is manually stopped by an admin, Monit for the process also stops and no traps are sent
to the SNMP manager. A process-stop SNMP trap is sent to the SNMP manager only when a process
accidentally shuts down and is not automatically revived.

The following is an exhaustive list of process-monitoring SNMP traps in Cisco ISE.

OID Description Trap Example

. \n A textual DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance

description of this = Timeticks: (63692139) 7 days, 8:55:21.39
running piece of SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID:
software, including HOSTRESOURCES- MIB::hrSWRunName
the manufacturer, HOSTRESOURCES- MIB::hrSWRunName
revision, and the = STRING: "redis-server:Running"
name by which it is
commonly known.
If this software was
installed locally,
this must be the
same string as that
used in the
The services
considered are
app-server, rsyslog,
ca-server est-server,
and elasticsearch.

Cisco ISE sends traps for the following statuses to the configured SNMP server:
• Process Start (monitored state)
• Process Stop (not monitored state)
• Execution Failed: When the process state changes from Monitored to Execution Failed, a trap is sent.
• Does Not Exist: When the process state changes from Monitored to Does Not Exist, a trap is sent.

A unique object ID (OID) is generated for every object in the SNMP server and a value is assigned to the
OID. You can find the object with its OID value in the SNMP server. The OID value for a running trap is
running, and the OID value for the not monitored, does not exist, and execution failed traps is stopped.
Cisco ISE sends traps using the OID of hrSWRunName that belongs to the HOST-RESOURCES MIB, and
sets the OID value as < PROCESS NAME > - < PROCESS STATUS >, for example, runtime - running.
To stop Cisco ISE from sending SNMP traps to the SNMP server, remove the SNMP configuration from the
Cisco ISE CLI. This operation stops sending SNMP traps and polling from the SNMP manager.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Disk Utilization SNMP Traps in Cisco ISE

When a Cisco ISE partition reaches its threshold disk utilization limit and the configured amount of free space
is reached, the disk utilization trap is sent.
The following is an exhaustive list of disk utilization SNMP traps that can be configured in Cisco ISE:

OID Description Trap Example

. \n
Percentage of space used on DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance
disk. = Timeticks: (118198297) 13 days,
16:19:42.97 SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0
= OID: UCD-SNMP-MIB::dskPercent

. \n Path where the disk is DISMAN-EVENT-MIB::sysUpTimeInstance

mounted. = Timeticks: (118198304) 13 days,
dskPath can send traps for all
SNMPv2-MIB::snmpTrapOID.0 = OID:
the mount points in the
output of the ISE admin
UCD-SNMP-MIB::dskPath = STRING: /opt
command show disks.

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarms notify you of critical conditions on a network and are displayed in the Alarms dashlet. They also
provide information on system activities, such as data purge events. You can configure how you want to be
notified about system activities, or disable them entirely. You can also configure the threshold for certain
Most alarms do not have an associated schedule and are sent immediately after an event occurs. At any given
point in time, only the latest 15,000 alarms are retained.
If the event reoccurs, the same alarms are suppressed for about an hour. During the time that the event reoccurs,
depending up on the trigger, it may take about an hour for the alarms to re-appear.
The following table lists all the Cisco ISE alarms, descriptions, and their resolution.

Table 179: Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

Administrative and Operational Audit Management

Deployment Upgrade Failure An upgrade has failed on an ISE Check the ADE.log on the failed
node. node for upgrade failure reason and
corrective actions.

Upgrade Bundle Download failure An upgrade bundle download has Check the ADE.log on the failed
failed on an ISE node. node for upgrade failure reason and
corrective actions.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

SXP Connection Failure SXP connection has failed. Verify that the SXP service is
running. Check peer for

Cisco profile applied to all devices Network device profiles define the Consider editing the configuration
capabilities of network access of non-Cisco network devices to
devices, such as MAB, Dot1X, assign the appropriate profile.
CoA, Web Redirect. As part of the
ISE 2.0 upgrade, the default Cisco
network device profile was applied
to all network devices.

Secure LDAP connection reconnect CRL check result is that the Check the CRL configuration and
due to CRL found revoked certificate used for LDAP verify that it is valid. Check that the
certificate connection is revoked. LDAP server certificate and its
issuer certificates are not revoked.
If revoked, issue new certificate and
install it on LDAP server.

Secure LDAP connection reconnect OCSP check result is that the Check the OCSP configuration and
due to OCSP found revoked certificate used for LDAP verify that it is valid. Check that the
certificate connection is revoked. LDAP server certificate and its
issuer certificates are not revoked.
If revoked,issue new certificate and
install it on LDAP server.

Secure syslog connection reconnect CRL check result is that the Check the CRL configuration and
due to CRL found revoked certificate used for syslog verify that it is valid. Check that the
certificate connection is revoked. syslog server certificate and its
issuer certificates are not revoked.
If revoked, issue new certificate and
install it on syslog server.

Secure syslog connection reconnect OCSP check result is that the Check the OCSP configuration and
due to OCSP found revoked certificate used for syslog verify that it is valid. Check that the
certificate connection is revoked. syslog server certificate and its
issuer certificates are not revoked.
If revoked, issue new certificate and
install it on syslog server.

Administrator account Administrator account is locked or Administrator password can be

Locked/Disabled disabled due to password expiration reset by another administrator using
or incorrect login attempts. For the GUI or CLI.
more details, refer to the
administrator password policy.

ERS identified deprecated URL ERS identified deprecated URL The request URL is deprecated and
we recommend that you avoid
using it.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

ERS identified out-dated URL ERS identified outdated URL The requested URL is outdated and
we recommend that you use a
newer one. This URL will not be
removed in future releases.

ERS request content-type header is ERS request content-type header is The request resource version stated
outdated outdated. in the request content-type header
is outdated. That means that the
resource schema has been modified.
One or more attributes may have
been added or removed. To
overcome that with the outdated
schema, the ERS engine will use
default values.

ERS XML input is a suspect for ERS XML input is a suspect for Review your XML input.
XSS or Injection attack XSS or injection attack.

Backup Failed The ISE backup operation failed. Check the network connectivity
between Cisco ISE and the
repository. Ensure that:
• The credentials used for the
repository are correct.
• There is sufficient disk space
in the repository.
• The repository user has write

CA Server is down CA server is down. Check to make sure that the CA

services are up and running on the
CA server.

CA Server is Up CA server is up. A notification to inform the

administrator that the CA server is

Certificate Expiration This certificate will expire soon. Replace the certificate. For a trust
When it expires, Cisco ISE may fail certificate, contact the issuing
to establish secure communication Certificate Authority (CA). For a
with clients. CA-signed local certificate,
generate a CSR and have the CA
create a new certificate. For a
self-signed local certificate, use
Cisco ISE to extend the expiration
date. You can delete the certificate
if it is no longer used.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

Certificate Revoked Administrator has revoked the Go through the BYOD flow from
certificate issued to an endpoint by the beginning to be provisioned
the internal CA. with a new certificate.

Certificate Provisioning Certificate provisioning More than one certificate found

Initialization Error initialization failed with the same value of CN
(CommonName) attribute in the
subject. Cannot build certificate
chain. Check all the certificates in
the system, including those from
the SCEP server.

Certificate Replication Failed Certificate replication to secondary The certificate is not valid on the
node failed secondary node, or there is some
other permanent error condition.
Check the secondary node for a
pre-existing, conflicting certificate.
If found, delete the pre-existing
certificate on the secondary node,
and export the new certificate on
the primary, delete it, and import it
in order to reattempt replication.

Certificate Replication Temporarily Certificate replication to secondary The certificate was not replicated
Failed node temporarily failed to a secondary node due to a
temporary condition such as a
network outage. The replication
will be retried until it succeeds.

Certificate Expired This certificate has expired. Cisco Replace the certificate. For a trust
ISE may fail to establish secure certificate, contact the issuing
communication with clients. Certificate Authority (CA). For a
Node-to-node communication may CA-signed local certificate,
also be affected. generate a CSR and have the CA
create a new certificate. For a
self-signed local certificate, use
Cisco ISE to extend the expiration
date. You can delete the certificate
if it is no longer used.

Certificate Request Forwarding Certificate request forwarding Make sure that the certification
Failed failed. request that is coming in matches
the attributes from the sender.

Configuration Changed Cisco ISE configuration is updated. Check if the configuration change
This alarm is not triggered for any is expected.
configuration change in users and

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

CRL Retrieval Failed Unable to retrieve CRL from the Ensure that the download URL is
server. This occurs if the specified correct and is available for the
CRL is unavailable. service.

DNS Resolution Failure DNS resolution failed on the node. Check if the DNS server configured
by the ip name-server command
is reachable.
If you get the alarm as DNS
Resolution failed for CNAME
<hostname of the node>, ensure
that you create CNAME RR along
with the A record for each Cisco
ISE node.

Firmware Update Required A firmware update is required on Contact Cisco TAC to obtain
this host. firmware update.

Insufficient Virtual Machine Virtual Machine (VM) resources Ensure that the minimum
Resources such as CPU, RAM, disk space, or requirements for the VM host, as
IOPS are insufficient on this host. specified in the Cisco ISE
Hardware Installation Guide.

NTP Service Failure The NTP service is down on this This could be because there is a
node. large time difference between NTP
server and Cisco ISE node( more
than 1000s). Ensure that your NTP
server is working properly and use
the ntp server <servername> CLI
command to restart the NTP service
and fix the time gap.

NTP Sync Failure All the NTP servers configured on Execute the show ntp command
this node are unreachable. from the CLI for troubleshooting.
Ensure that the NTP servers are
reachable from Cisco ISE. If NTP
authentication is configured, ensure
that the key ID and value matches
with that of the server.

No Configuration Backup No Cisco ISE configuration backup Create a schedule for configuration
Scheduled is scheduled. backup.

Operations DB Purge Failed Unable to purge older data from the Check the Data Purging Audit
operations database. This occurs if report and ensure that the
the MnT nodes are busy. used_space is lesser than the
threshold_space. Log in to the MnT
nodes using CLI and perform the
purge operation manually.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

Profiler SNMP Request Failure Either the SNMP request timed out, Ensure that SNMP is running on
or the SNMP community or user the NAD and verify that SNMP
authentication data is incorrect. configuration on Cisco ISE matches
with NAD.

Replication Failed The secondary node failed to Log in to the Cisco ISE GUI and
consume the replicated message. perform a manual synchronization
from the deployment page.
Deregister and register back the
affected Cisco ISE node.

Restore Failed Cisco ISE restore operation failed. Ensure network connectivity
between Cisco ISE and the
repository. Ensure that the
credentials used for the repository
is correct. Ensure that the backup
file is not corrupted. Execute the
reset-config command from the
CLI and restore the last known
good backup.

Patch Failure A patch process has failed on the Reinstall the patch process on the
server. server.

Patch Success A patch process has succeeded on -

the server.

External MDM Server API Version External MDM server API version Ensure that the MDM server API
Mismatch does not match with what is version is the same as what is
configured in Cisco ISE. configured in Cisco ISE. Update
the Cisco ISE MDM server
configuration, if needed.

External MDM Server Connection Connection to the external MDM Ensure that the MDM server is up
Failure server failed. and the Cisco ISE-MDM API
service is running on the MDM

External MDM Server Response External MDM server response Ensure that the Cisco ISE-MDM
Error error. API service is running properly on
the MDM server.

Replication Stopped ISE node could not replicate Log in to the Cisco ISE GUI to
configuration data from the PAN. perform a manual synchronization
from the deployment page or
deregister and register back the
affected ISE node with the required

Endpoint certificates expired Endpoint certificates were marked Re-enroll the endpoint device to get
expired by daily scheduled job. a new endpoint certificate.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

Endpoint certificates purged Expired endpoint certificates were No action needed. This was an
purged by daily scheduled job. administrator-initiated clean-up

Endpoints Purge Activities Purge activities on endpoints for Review the purge activities by
the past 24 hours. This alarm is choosing Operations > Reports >
triggered at midnight. Endpoints and Users > Endpoint
Purge Activities.

Slow Replication Error Slow or a stuck replication is Verify that the node is reachable
detected. and part of the deployment.

Slow Replication Info Slow or a stuck replication is Verify that the node is reachable
detected. and part of the deployment.

Slow Replication Warning Slow or a stuck replication is Verify that the node is reachable
detected. and part of the deployment.

PAN Auto Failover - Failover Promotion request to the Secondary See the alarm details for further
Failed administration node failed. action.

PAN Auto Failover - Failover Successfully triggered the failover Wait for promotion of secondary
Triggered of the Secondary Administration PAN to complete, and bring up the
Node to Primary role. old primary PAN.

PAN Auto Failover - Health Check PAN did not receive the health Verify if the reported monitoring
Inactivity check monitoring request from the node is down or out-of-sync, and
designated monitoring node. trigger a manual synchronization if

PAN Auto Failover - Invalid Health Invalid health check monitoring Verify if the health check
Check request received for auto failover. monitoring node is out-of-sync, and
trigger a manual synchronization if

PAN Auto Failover - Primary Primary Admininstration Node is Bring up the PAN, or wait for
Administration Node Down down or is not reachable from the failover to happen.
monitoring node.

PAN Auto Failover - Rejected Secondary administration node See the alarm details for further
Failover Attempt rejected the promotion request action.
made by the health check monitor

EST Service is down EST service is down. Make sure that the CA and EST
services are up and running, and
Certificate services endpoint sub
CA certificate chain is complete.

EST Service is up EST service is up. A notification to inform the

administrator that the EST service
is up.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

Smart Call Home Communication Smart Call Home messages were Ensure that there is network
Failure not sent successfully. connectivity between Cisco ISE and
Cisco Systems.

Telemetry Communication Failure Telemetry messages were not sent Ensure that there is network
successfully. connectivity between Cisco ISE and
Cisco Systems.

Adapter not reachable Cisco ISE cannot connect to the Check the adapter logs for more
adapter. details about the failure.

Adapter Error Adapter has encountered an error. Check the description of the alarm.

Adapter Connection Failed The adapter cannot connect to the Ensure that the source server is
source server. reachable.

Adapter Stopped Due to Error The adapter has encountered an Ensure that the adapter
error and is not in the desired state. configuration is correct and the
source server is reachable. Refer to
the adapter logs for more details
about the error.

Service Component Error The service component has Check the description of the alarm.
encountered an error.

Service Component Info The service component has sent a None.


ISE Services
Excessive TACACS Authentication The ISE Policy Service nodes are • Check the re-auth timer in the
Attempts experiencing higher than expected network devices.
rate of TACACS authentications.
• Check the network
connectivity of the ISE

Excessive TACACS Authentication The ISE Policy Service nodes are • Check the authentication steps
Failed Attempts experiencing higher than expected to identify the root cause.
rate of failed TACACS
authentications. • Check the ISE/NAD
configuration for Identity and
Secret mismatch.

MSE Location Server accessible MSE Location Server is accessible None.

again again.

MSE Location Server not MSE Location Server is not Check the MSE Location Server is
accessible. accessible or is down. up and running and is accessible
from the ISE nodes.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

AD Connector had to be restarted AD Connector stopped If this issue persists, contact Cisco
unexpectedly and had to be TAC for assistance.

Active Directory forest is Active Directory forest Global Check DNS configuration,
unavailable Catalog is unavailable, and cannot Kerberos configuration, error
be used for authentication, conditions, and network
authorization, and group and connectivity.
attribute retrieval.

Authentication domain is Authentication domain is Check DNS configuration,

unavailable unavailable, and cannot be used for Kerberos configuration, error
authentication, authorization and conditions, and network
group and attribute retrieval. connectivity.

ISE Authentication Inactivity Cisco ISE policy service nodes are • Check the ISE/NAD
not receiving authentication configuration.
requests from the network devices.
• Check the network
connectivity of the ISE/NAD

ID Map. Authentication Inactivity No user authentication events were If this is a time when user
collected by the Identity Mapping authentications are expected, for
service in the last 15 minutes. example, work hours, check the
connection to the Active Directory
domain controllers.

CoA Failed Network device has denied the Ensure that the network device is
Change of Authorization (CoA) configured to accept CoA from
request issued by the Cisco ISE Cisco ISE. Check if CoA is issued
policy service nodes. on a valid session.

Configured nameserver is down Configured nameserver is down or Check DNS configuration and
unavailable. network connectivity.

Supplicant Stopped Responding Cisco ISE sent last message to the • Verify that the supplicant is
client 120 seconds ago, but there is configured properly to conduct
no response from the client. a full EAP conversation with
Cisco ISE.
• Verify that NAS is configured
properly to transfer EAP
messages to/from the
• Verify that the supplicant or
NAS does not have a short
timeout for EAP conversation.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

Excessive Authentication Attempts Cisco ISE policy service nodes are Check the re-auth timer in the
experiencing higher than expected network devices. Check the
rate of authentications. network connectivity of the Cisco
ISE infrastructure.
After the threshold is met, the
Excessive Authentication Attempts
and Excessive Failed Attempts
alarms are triggered. The numbers
displayed next to the Description
column are the total number of
authentications that are
authenticated or failed against
Cisco ISE in the last 15 minutes.

Excessive Failed Attempts Cisco ISE policy service nodes are Check the authentication steps to
experiencing higher than expected identify the root cause. Check the
rate of failed authentications. Cisco ISE/NAD configuration for
identity and secret mismatch.
After the threshold is met, the
Excessive Authentication Attempts
and Excessive Failed Attempts
alarms are triggered. The numbers
displayed next to the Description
column are the total number of
authentications that are
authenticated or failed against
Cisco ISE in the last 15 minutes.

AD: Machine TGT refresh failed ISE server Ticket Granting Ticket Check that the ISE machine
(TGT) refresh has failed. The TGT account exists and is valid. Also
is used for AD connectivity and check for possible clock skew,
services. replication, Kerberos configuration
or network errors, or both.

AD: ISE account password update ISE server has failed to update it's Check that the ISE machine
failed AD machine account password. account password is not changed
and that the machine account is not
disabled or restricted. Check the
connectivity to KDC.

Joined domain is unavailable Joined domain is unavailable, and Check DNS configuration,
cannot be used for authentication, Kerberos configuration, error
authorization, and group and conditions, and network
attribute retrieval. connectivity.

Identity Store Unavailable Cisco ISE policy service nodes are Check the network connectivity
unable to reach the configured between Cisco ISE and the identity
identity stores. stores.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

Misconfigured Network Device Cisco ISE has detected too many Too many duplicate RADIUS
Detected RADIUS accounting information accounting information has been
from NAS. sent to ISE from NAS. Configure
NAS with accurate accounting
This alarm is disabled by default.
To enable this alarm, see Enable
and Configure Alarms.

Misconfigured Supplicant Detected Cisco ISE has detected Ensure that the configuration on the
misconfigured supplicant on the supplicant is correct.
This alarm is disabled by default.
To enable this alarm, see Enable
and Configure Alarms.

No Accounting Start Cisco ISE policy service nodes Ensure that RADIUS accounting is
have authorized a session, but did configured on the network device.
not receive accounting start from Check the network device
the network device. configuration for local

Unknown NAD Cisco ISE policy service nodes are Check if the network device is a
receiving authentication requests genuine request and add it to the
from a network device that is not configuration. Ensure that the secret
configured in Cisco ISE. matches.

SGACL Drops Secure Group Access (SGACL) Run the RBACL drop summary
drops occurred. This occurs if a report and review the source
Trustsec- capable device drops causing the SGACL drops. Issue a
packets due to SGACL policy CoA to the offending source to
violations. reauthorize or disconnect the

RADIUS Request Dropped The authentication/accounting Check that the NAD/AAA client
request from a NAD is silently has a valid configuration in Cisco
discarded. This may occur due to ISE. Check whether the shared
unknown NAD, mismatched shared secrets on the NAD/AAA client and
secrets, or invalid packet content Cisco ISE matches. Ensure that the
per RFC. AAA client and the network device,
have no hardware problems or
This alarm is disabled by default.
problems with RADIUS
To enable this alarm, see Enable
compatibility. Also ensure that the
and Configure Alarms.
network that connects the device to
Cisco ISE has no hardware

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

EAP Session Allocation Failed A RADIUS request was dropped Wait for a few seconds before
because EAP sessions limit is invoking another RADIUS request
reached. This condition can be with new EAP session. If system
caused by too many parallel EAP overload continues to occur, try
authentication requests. restarting the ISE server.

RADIUS Context Allocation Failed A RADIUS request was dropped Wait for a few seconds before
due to system overload. This invoking a new RADIUS request.
condition can be caused by too If system overload continues to
many parallel authentication occur, try restarting the ISE server.

AD: ISE machine account does not Cisco ISE machine account does Check if the Cisco ISE machine
have the required privileges to fetch not have the required privileges to account has rights to fetch user
groups fetch groups. groups in the Active Directory.

System Health
High Disk I/O Utilization Cisco ISE system is experiencing Check if the system has sufficient
high disk I/O utilization. resources. Check the actual amount
of work on the system, for example,
number of authentications, profiler
activity, and so on. Add an
additional server to distribute the

High Disk Space Utilization Cisco ISE system is experiencing Check if the system has sufficient
high disk space utilization. resources. Check the actual amount
of work on the system, for example,
number of authentications, profiler
activity, and so on Add an
additional server to distribute the

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

High Load Average Cisco ISE system is experiencing Check if the system has sufficient
high load average. resources. Check the actual amount
of work on the system, for example,
number of authentications, profiler
activity, and so on. Add an
additional server to distribute the
If the High Load Average alarm is
seen against 2:00 a.m. time stamps
for Primary and Secondary MNT
nodes, note that CPU usage might
be high due to DBMS statistics
being run at that hour. CPU usage
will be back to normal when the
DBMS stats is complete.
A High Load Average alarm is
triggered at 1:00 a.m. every Sunday
by a weekly maintenance task. This
maintenance task rebuilds all the
indexes that occupy more than 1
GB space. This alarm can be

High Memory Utilization Cisco ISE system is experiencing Check if the system has sufficient
high memory utilization. resources. Check the actual amount
of work on the system, for example,
number of authentications, profiler
activity, and so on. Add an
additional server to distribute the

High Operations DB Usage Cisco ISE monitoring nodes are Check and reduce the purge
experiencing higher volume of configuration window for the
syslog data than expected. operations data.

High Authentication Latency Cisco ISE system is experiencing Check if the system has sufficient
high authentication latency. resources. Check the actual amount
of work on the system, for example,
number of authentications, profiler
activity, and so on. Add an
additional server to distribute the

Health Status Unavailable The monitoring node has not Ensure that Cisco ISE nodes are up
received the health status from the and running, and are able to
Cisco ISE node. communicate with the monitoring

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

Process Down One of the Cisco ISE processes is Restart the Cisco ISE application.
not running.

Profiler Queue Size Limit Reached The ISE Profiler queue size limit Check if the system has sufficient
has been reached. Events received resources, and ensure that the
after reaching the queue size limit EndPoint attribute filter is enabled.
will be dropped.

OCSP Transaction Threshold The OCSP transaction threshold Check if the system has sufficient
Reached has been reached. This alarm is resources.
triggered when the internal OCSP
service has reached a high volume

License About to Expire License installed on the Cisco ISE View the Licencing window in
nodes are about to expire. Cisco ISE to view the license

License Expired License installed on the Cisco ISE Contact the Cisco Accounts team
nodes has expired. to purchase new licenses.

License Violation Cisco ISE nodes have detected that Contact the Cisco Accounts team
you are exceeding or are about to to purchase additional licenses.
exceed the allowed license count.

Smart Licensing Authorization Authorization for Smart Licensing See the Cisco ISE License
Expired has expired. Administration window to
manually renew registration for
Smart Licensing or check your
network connectivity with Cisco
Smart Software Manager. Contact
your Cisco partner if the issue

Smart Licensing Authorization Renewal of authorization with See the Cisco ISE License
Renewal Failure Cisco Smart Software Manager has Administration window to
failed. manually renew authorization with
Cisco Smart Software Manager
using the Refresh button in the
Licenses table. Contact your Cisco
partner if issue persists.

Smart Licensing Authorization Renewal of authorization with Notification to inform that

Renewal Success Cisco Smart Software Manager was authorization renewal of Cisco ISE
successful. with Cisco Smart Software
Manager was successful.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

Smart Licensing Communication Communication of Cisco ISE with Check your network connectivity
Failure Cisco Smart Software Manager has with Cisco Smart Software
failed. Manager. Log in to Cisco Smart
Software Manager or contact your
Cisco partner if issue persists.

Smart Licensing Communication Communication of Cisco ISE with Notification to inform that your
Restored Cisco Smart Software Manager was network connectivity with Cisco
restored. Smart Software Manager has been

Smart Licensing De-Registration Deregistration of Cisco ISE with See the Cisco ISE License
Failure Cisco Smart Software Manager has Administration window for
failed. additional details. Log in to Cisco
Smart Software Manager or contact
your Cisco partner if issue persists.

Smart Licensing De-Registration Deregistration of Cisco ISE with Notification to inform that
Success Cisco Smart Software Manager was deregistration of Cisco ISE with
successful. Cisco Smart Software Manager was

Smart Licensing Disabled Smart Licensing is disabled on See the License Administration
Cisco ISE, and traditional licensing window to enable Smart Licensing
is in use. again. See the Cisco ISE Admin
Guide or contact your Cisco partner
to learn about using Smart
Licensing on Cisco ISE.

Smart Licensing Evaluation Period Evaluation period of Smart See the Cisco ISE License
Expired Licensing has expired. Administration window to register
Cisco ISE with Cisco Smart
Software Manager.

Smart Licensing HA Role changed High-availability role change has Notification to inform that the HA
occurred while using Smart role of Cisco ISE has changed.

Smart Licensing Id Certificate Smart Licensing certificate has See the Cisco ISE License
Expired expired. Administration window to
manually renew registration for
Smart Licensing. Contact your
Cisco partner if the issue persists.

Smart Licensing Id Certificate Registration renewal for Smart See the Cisco ISE License
Renewal Failure Licensing with Cisco Smart Administration window to
Software Manager has failed. manually renew registration for
Smart Licensing. Contact your
Cisco partner if the issue persists.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

Smart Licensing Id Certificate Registration renewal for Smart Notification to inform that
Renewal Success Licensing with Cisco Smart registration renewal with Cisco
Software Manager was successful. Smart Software Manager was

Smart Licensing Invalid Request Invalid request was made to Cisco See the Cisco ISE License
Smart Software Manager. Administration window for
additional details. Log in to Cisco
Smart Software Manager or contact
your Cisco partner if issue persists.

Smart Licensing Out of Cisco ISE licenses are out of See the ISE License
Compliance compliance. Administration window for
additional details. Contact your
partner or Cisco account team to
purchase new licenses.

Smart Licensing Registration Registration of Cisco ISE with See the ISE License
Failure Cisco Smart Software Manager has Administration winsow for
failed. additional details. Log in to Cisco
Smart Software Manager or contact
your Cisco partner if issue persists.

Smart Licensing Registration Registration of Cisco ISE with Notification to inform that
Successful Cisco Smart Software Manager was registration of Cisco ISE with Cisco
successful. Smart Software Manager was

System Error
Log Collection Error The Cisco ISE monitoring collector This will not impact the actual
process is unable to persist the audit functionality of the Policy Service
logs generated from the policy nodes. Contact Cisco TAC for
service nodes. further resolution.

Scheduled Report Export Failure Unable to copy the exported report Verify the configured repository. If
(CSV file) to the configured it has been deleted, add it back. If
repository. it is not available or is not
reachable, reconfigure the
repository to a valid one.


Unknown SGT was provisioned Unknown SGT was provisioned. ISE provisioned the Unknown SGT
as part of the authorization flow.
unknown SGT should not be
assigned as part of a known flow.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms

Alarm Name Alarm Description Alarm Resolution

Some TrustSec network devices do Some TrustSec network devices do ISE identified some network
not have the latest ISE IP-SGT not have the latest ISE IP-SGT devices that have a different
mapping configuration mapping configuration. IP-SGT mapping sets. Use the
IP-SGT Mapping Deploy option
to update the devices.

TrustSec SSH connection failed TrustSec SSH connection failed. ISE failed to establish SSH
connection to a network device.
Verify if the network device's SSH
credentials in the Network Device
window are similar to the
credentials configured on the
network device. Check the network
device-enabled SSH connections
from ISE (IP address).

TrustSec identified ISE was set to TrustSec-identified ISE was set to TrustSec supports only TLS
work with TLS versions other then work with TLS versions other than Version 1.0.
1.0 1.0.

Trustsec PAC validation failed Trustsec PAC validation failed. ISE could not validate a PAC that
was sent by the network device.
Check the Trustsec device
credentials in the Network Device
window and in the device CLI.
Make sure the device uses a valid
PAC which was provisioned by the
ISE server.

Trustsec environment data Trustsec environment data Cisco ISE has received illegal
download failed download has failed. Environment Data request.
Verify the following:
• PAC exists in the request, and
is valid.

• All the attributes exist in the


TrustSec CoA message ignored TrustSec CoA message was Cisco ISE has sent a TrustSec CoA
ignored. message and did not receive a
response. Verify if the network
device is CoA capable. Check the
network device configuration.

TrustSec default egress policy was TrustSec default egress policy was The TrustSec default egress policy
modified modified. cell was modified. Make sure it is
aligned with your security policy.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Alarm Settings

Note Alarms are not triggered when you add users or endpoints to Cisco ISE.

Alarm Settings
The following table describes the fields in the Alarm Settings window(In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu
icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Alarm Settings > Alarm Configuration >

Field Name Description

Alarm Type Alarm type.

Alarm Name Name of the alarm.

Description Description for the alarm.

Suggested Actions Action to be performed when the alarm is triggered.

Status Enable or Disable the alarm rule.

Severity Select the severity level for your alarm. Valid options
• Critical: Indicates a critical error condition.
• Warning: Indicates a normal but significant
condition. This is the default condition.
• Info: Indicates an informational message.

Send Syslog Message Send a syslog message for each system alarm that
Cisco ISE generates.

Enter multiple e-mails separated with comma List of e-mail addresses or ISE administrator names
or both.

Notes in Email (0 to 4000 characters) Custom text messages that you want associated with
your system alarm.

Add Custom Alarms

Cisco ISE contains 12 default alarm types, such as High Memory Utilization and Configuration Changes.
Cisco-defined system alarms are listed in the Alarms Settings window (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu
icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Alarm Settings). You can only edit the system
In addition to existing system alarms, you can add, edit, or delete custom alarms under the existing alarm
For each alarm type, you can create a maximum of five alarms. The total number of alarms is limited to 200.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarm Notifications and Thresholds

In the Alarm Configuration tab of the Alarm Settings window, the Conditions column displays details for
four alarms: High Authentication Latency, High Disk I/O Utilization, High Disk Space Utilization, and High
Memory Utilization. Each of these alarms has a configurable threshold value. However, the Conditions
column may not display details even when the threshold values are configured. In this case, re-edit the relevant
threshold field for the alarm to view the details in the Conditions column.
To add an alarm:

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Alarm Settings
Step 2 In the Alarm Configuration tab, click Add.
Step 3 Enter the required details. See the Alarm Settings section for more information.
Based on the alarm type (High Memory Utilization, Excessive RADIUS Authentication Attempts, Excessive TACACS
Authentication Attempts, and so on), additional attributes are displayed in the Alarm Configuration window. For
example, Object Name, Object Type, and Admin Name fields are displayed for Configuration Change alarms. You
can add multiple instances of same alarm with different criteria.

Step 4 Click Submit.

Cisco ISE Alarm Notifications and Thresholds

You can enable or disable Cisco ISE alarms and configure alarm notification behavior to notify you of critical
conditions. For certain alarms, you can configure thresholds such as maximum failed attempts for the Excessive
Failed Attempts alarm or maximum disk utilization for the High Disk Utilization alarm.
You can configure the notification settings on a per‐alarm basis. You can enter the email IDs of the users who
have to be notified for each alarm (both system‐defined and user‐defined alarms).

Note The recipient email address specified at the alarm rule level overrides the global recipient email address setting.

Enable and Configure Alarms

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings > Alarm Settings.
Step 2 Select an alarm from the list of default alarms and click Edit.
Step 3 Select Enable or Disable.
Step 4 Configure alarm threshold, if applicable.
Step 5 Click Submit.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Alarms for Monitoring

Cisco ISE Alarms for Monitoring

Cisco ISE provides system alarms which notify you whenever any critical system condition occurs. Alarms
that are generated by Cisco ISE are displayed in the Alarm dashlet. These notifications automatically appear
in the alarm dashlet.
The Alarm dashlet displays a list of recent alarms, which you can select from to view the alarm details. You
can also receive notification of alarms through e-mail and syslog messages.

View Monitoring Alarms

Step 1 Go to the Cisco ISE Dashboard.

Step 2 Click on an alarm in the Alarms dashlet. A new window opens with the alarm details and a suggested action.
Step 3 Click Refresh to refresh the alarms.
Step 4 Acknowledge alarms to reduce the alarm counters (number of times an alarm is raised) by marking them as read. You
can select alarms to acknowledge by checking the check boxes next to the timestamps.
Choose Acknowledge Selected from the Acknowledge drop-down list to mark as read all the alarms currently displayed
in the window. By default, 100 rows are displayed in the window. You can choose a different number of rows to be
displayed, by choosing the desired value from the Rows/Page drop-down list.
Choose Acknowledge All from the Acknowledge drop-down list to mark as read all the alarms in the list, whether or
not they are currently displayed in the window.
Note When you check the check box near Time Stamp in the title row, all the alarms displayed in the window are
selected. However, if you then uncheck a check box for one or more of the selected alarms, the select all function
lapses. You will see that the check box near Time Stamp is unchecked at this point.

Step 5 Click the Details link corresponding to the alarm that you select. A new window opens with the details corresponding
to the selected alarm.
Note The Details link corresponding to the alarms that were generated prior to persona change shows no data.

Log Collection
Monitoring services collect log and configuration data, store the data, and then process it to generate reports
and alarms. You can view the details of the logs that are collected from any of the servers in your deployment.

Alarm Syslog Collection Location

If you configure monitoring functions to send alarm notifications as syslog messages, you need a syslog target
to receive the notification. Alarm syslog targets are the destinations where alarm syslog messages are sent.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

RADIUS Live Logs

Note Cisco ISE monitoring requires that the logging-source interface configuration use the network access server
(NAS) IP address. You must configure a switch for Cisco ISE monitoring.

You must also have a system that is configured as a syslog server to be able to receive syslog messages. You
can create, edit, and delete alarm syslog targets.
To configure a remote logging target as an alarm target, perform this procedure.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Logging > Remote Logging
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 In the New Logging Target window, submit the required details for the logging target, and check the Include Alarms
for this Target check box.

RADIUS Live Logs

The following table describes the fields in the Live logs window, which displays the recent RADIUS
authentications. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > RADIUS > Live
Logs. You can view the RADIUS live logs only in the Primary PAN.

Table 180: RADIUS Live Logs

Field Name Description

Time Shows the time at which the log was received by the
monitoring and troubleshooting collection agent. This
column is required and cannot be deselected.

Status Shows if the authentication was successful or a failure.

This column is required and cannot be deselected.
Green is used to represent passed authentications. Red
is used to represent failed authentications.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

RADIUS Live Logs

Field Name Description

Details Clicking the icon under the Details column opens the
Authentication Detail Report in a new browser
window. This report offers information about
authentication and related attributes, and
authentication flow. In the Authentication Details
box, Response Time is the total time it takes Cisco
ISE to process the authentication flow. For example,
if authentication consists of three roundtrip messages,
which took 300 ms for the initial message, 150 ms for
the next message, and 100 ms for the last, Response
Time is 300 + 150 + 100 = 550 750 ms.
Note You cannot view the details for endpoints
that are active for more than 48 hours. You
might see a page with the following
message when you click the Details icon
for endpoints that are active for more than
48 hours: No Data available for this
record. Either the data is purged
or authentication for this session
record happened a week ago. Or if
this is an 'PassiveID' or 'PassiveID
Visibility' session, it will not
have authentication details on ISE
but only the session.

Repeat Count Shows the number of time the authentication requests

were repeated in the last 24 hours, without any change
in the context of identity, network devices, and

Identity Shows the logged in username that is associated with

the authentication.
If the username is not present in any ID Store, it is
displayed as INVALID. If the authentication fails due
to any other reason, it is displayed as USERNAME.
Note This is applicable only for users. This is
not applicable for MAC addresses.

To aid debugging, you can force Cisco ISE to display

the invalid usernames. To do this, check the Disclose
Invalid Usernames check box under
Administration > System > Settings > Security
Settings. You can also configure the Disclose Invalid
Usernames option to time out, so that you do not have
to manually turn it off.

Endpoint ID Shows the unique identifier for an endpoint, usually

a MAC or IP address.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

RADIUS Live Logs

Field Name Description

Endpoint Profile Shows the type of endpoint that is profiled, for

example, profiled to be an iPhone, Android, MacBook,
Xbox, and so on.

Authentication Policy Shows the name of the policy selected for specific

Authorization Policy Shows the name of the policy selected for specific

Authorization Profiles Shows an authorization profile that was used for


IP Address Shows the IP address of the endpoint device.

Network Device Shows the IP address of the Network Access Device.

Device Port Shows the port number at which the endpoint is


Identity Group Shows the identity group that is assigned to the user
or endpoint, for which the log was generated.

Posture Status Shows the status of posture validation and details on

the authentication.

Server Indicates the Policy Service from which the log was

MDM Server Name Shows the names of the MDM servers.

Event Shows the event status.

Failure Reason Shows the detailed reason for failure, if the

authentication failed.

Auth Method Shows the authentication method that is used by the

RADIUS protocol, such as Microsoft Challenge
Handshake Authentication Protocol Version 2
(MS-CHAPv2), IEE 802.1x or dot1x, and so on.

Authentication Protocol Shows the authentication protocol used, such as

Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP),
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), and so on.

Security Group Shows the group that is identified by the

authentication log.

Session ID Shows the session ID.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

TACACS Live Logs

Note In the RADIUS Live Logs and TACACS+ Live Logs window, a “Queried PIP”- entry appears for the first
attribute for each policy authorization rule. If all the attributes within the authorization rule are related to a
dictionary that was already queried for previous rules, no additional- “Queried PIP” entry appears.

You can do the following in the RADIUS Live Logs window:

• Export the data in CSV or PDF format.
• Show or hide the columns based on your requirements.
• Filter the data using the quick or custom filter. You can also save your filters for later use.
• Rearrange the columns and adjust the width of the columns.
• Sort the column values.

Note All the user customizations will be stored as user preferences.

TACACS Live Logs

The following table describes the fields in the TACACS Live Logs page, which displays the TACACS+ AAA
details. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > TACACS > Live Logs.
You can view the TACACS live logs only in the Primary PAN.

Table 181: TACACS Live Logs

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Generated Time Shows the syslog generation time based on when a

particular event was triggered.

Logged Time Shows the time when the syslog was processed and
stored by the Monitoring node. This column is
required and cannot be deselected.

Status Shows if the authentication was successful or a failure.

This column is required and cannot be deselected.
Green is used to represent passed authentications. Red
is used to represent failed authentications.

Details Brings up a report when you click the magnifying

glass icon, allowing you to drill down and view more
detailed information on the selected authentication
scenario. This column is required and cannot be

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

TACACS Live Logs

Field Name Usage Guidelines

Session Key Shows the session keys (found in the EAP success or
EAP failure messages) returned by ISE to the network

Username Shows the user name of the device administrator. This

column is required and cannot be deselected.

Type Consists of two Types—Authentication and

Authorization. Shows user names who have passed
or failed authentication, authorization, or both. This
column is required and cannot be deselected.

Authentication Policy Shows the name of the policy selected for specific

Authorization Policy Shows the name of the policy selected for specific

ISE Node Shows the name of the ISE Node through which the
access request is processed.

Network Device Name Shows the names of network devices.

Network Device IP Shows the IP addresses of network devices whose

access requests are processed.

Network Device Groups Shows the name of the corresponding network device
group to which a network device belongs.

Device Type Shows the device type policy used to process access
requests from different network devices.

Location Shows the location-based policy used to process

access requests from network devices.

Device Port Shows the device port number through which the
access request is made.

Failure Reason Shows the reason for rejecting an access request made
by a network device.

Remote Address Shows the IP address, MAC address, or any other

string that uniquely identifies the end station.

Matched Command Set Shows the MatchedCommandSet attribute value if it

is present or shows an empty value if the
MatchedCommandSet attribute value is empty or
attribute itself does not exist in the syslog.

Shell Profile Shows the privileges that were granted to a device

administrator for executing commands on the network

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Live Authentications

You can do the following in the TACACS Live Logs page:

• Export the data in csv or pdf format.
• Show or hide the columns based on your requirements.
• Filter the data using quick or custom filter. You can also save your filters for later use.
• Rearrange the columns and adjust the width of the columns.
• Sort the column values.

Note All the user customizations will be stored as user preferences.

Live Authentications
You can monitor recent RADIUS authentications as they happen from the Live Authentications window.
The window displays the top 10 RADIUS authentications in the last 24 hours. This section explains the
functions of the Live Authentications window.
The Live Authentications window shows the live authentication entries corresponding to the authentication
events as they happen. In addition to authentication entries, this window also shows the live session entries
corresponding to the events. You can also drill-down a session to view a detailed report corresponding to that
The Live Authentications window provides a tabular account of recent RADIUS authentications, in the order
in which they occur. The last update shown at the bottom of the Live Authentications window shows the
date of the server, time, and timezone.

Note If the password attribute in an Access-Request packet is empty, an error message is triggered and the access
request will fail.

When a single endpoint authenticates successfully, two entries appear in the Live Authentications window:
one corresponding to the authentication record and another corresponding to the session record (pulled from
the session live view). Subsequently, when the device performs another successful authentication, the repeat
counter corresponding to the session record is incremented. The Repeat Counter that appears in the Live
Authentications window shows the number of duplicate RADIUS authentication success messages that are
See the Live Authentication data categories that are shown by default. These are described in the Recent
RADIUS Authentications section.
You can choose to view all the columns, or only selected data columns. After selecting the columns that you
want to be displayed, you can save your selections.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Monitor Live Authentications

Monitor Live Authentications

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > RADIUS > Live logs
Step 2 From the Refresh drop-down list, select a time interval to change the data refresh rate.
Step 3 Click the Refresh icon to manually update the data.
Step 4 From the Show drop-down list, choose an option to change the number of records that appear.
Step 5 From the Within drop-down list, choose an option to specify a time interval.
Step 6 Click Add or Remove Columns and choose the options from the drop-down list to change the columns that are displayed.
Step 7 Click Save at the bottom of the drop-down list to save your modifications.
Step 8 Click Show Live Sessions to view the live RADIUS sessions.
You can use the dynamic Change of Authorization (CoA) feature for the Live Sessions that allows you to dynamically
control active RADIUS sessions. You can send reauthenticate or disconnect requests to a Network Access Device (NAD).

Filter Data in the Live Authentications Page

Using the filters in the Live Authentications page, you can filter the information that you need and troubleshoot
network authentication issues quickly. You can filter records in the Authentication (live logs) page and view
only those records that you are interested in. The authentication logs contain many details, and filtering the
authentications from a particular user or location helps you scan the data quickly. You can use several operators
that are available in the fields in the Live Authentications page to filter out records based on your search
• 'abc' : Contains 'abc'
• '!abc' : Does not contain 'abc'
• '{}' : Is empty
• '!{}' : Is not empty
• 'abc*' : Starts with 'abc'
• '*abc' : Ends with 'abc'
• '\!', '\*', '\{', '\\' : Escape

The Escape option allows you to filter text with special characters (including the special characters used as
filters). You must prefix the special character with a backward slash (\). For example, if you want to view the
authentication records of users with identity "Employee!," enter "Employee\!" in the Identity Filter field. In
this example, Cisco ISE considers the exclamation mark (!) as a literal character and not as a special character.
In addition, the Status field allows you to filter only passed authentication records, failed authentications,
live sessions, and so on. The green check mark filters all the passed authentications that occurred in the past.
The red cross mark filters all failed authentications. The blue i icon filters all live sessions. You can also
choose to view a combination of these options.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > RADIUS > Live Logs
Step 2 Filter data based on any of the fields in the Show Live Authentications page.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

RADIUS Live Sessions

You can filter the results based on passed or failed authentications, or live sessions.

RADIUS Live Sessions

The following table describes the fields in the RADIUS Live Sessions window, which displays live
authentications. To view this window, click the Menu icon ( ) and chooseYou can view the RADIUS live
sessions only in the Primary PAN.

Table 182: RADIUS Live Sessions

Field Name Description

Initiated Shows the timestamp when the session was initiated.

Updated Shows the timestamp when the session was last

updated due to a change.

Account Session Time Shows the time span (in seconds) of a user's session.

Session Status Shows the current status of an endpoint device.

Action Click the Actions icon to reauthenticate an active

RADIUS session or disconnect an active RADIUS

Repeat Count Shows the number of times a user or endpoint is


Endpoint ID Shows the unique identifier for an endpoint, usually

a MAC or IP address.

Identity Shows the username of an endpoint device.

IP Address Shows the IP address of an endpoint device.

Audit Session ID Shows a unique session identifier.

Account Session ID Shows a unique ID provided by a network device.

Endpoint Profile Shows the endpoint profile for a device.

Posture Status Shows the status of posture validation and details on

the authentication.

Security Group Shows the group that is identified by the

authentication log.

Server Indicates the Policy Service node from which the log
was generated.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

RADIUS Live Sessions

Field Name Description

Auth Method Shows the authentication method that is used by the

RADIUS protocol, such as Password Authentication
Protocol (PAP), Challenge Handshake Authentication
Protocol (CHAP), IEE 802.1x or dot1x, and so on.

Authentication Protocol Shows the authentication protocol used, such as

Protected Extensible Authentication Protocol (PEAP),
Extensible Authentication Protocol (EAP), and so on.

Authentication Policy Shows the name of the policy selected for specific

Authorization Policy Shows the name of the policy selected for specific

Authorization Profiles Shows an authorization profile that was used for


NAS IP Address Shows IP address of a network device.

Device Port Shows the connected port to a network device.

PRA Action Shows the periodic reassessment action taken on a

client after it is successfully postured for compliance
on your network.

ANC Status Adaptive Network Control status of a device as

Quarantine, Unquarantine, or Shutdown.

WLC Roam Shows the boolean (Y/N) used to track, which an

endpoint has been handed off during roaming, from
one WLC to another. It has the value of
cisco-av-pair=nas-update =Y or N.
Note Cisco ISE relies on the nas-update=true
attribute from WLC to identify whether
the session is in roaming state. When the
original WLC sends an accounting stop
attribute with nas-update=true, the session
is not deleted in ISE to avoid
reauthentication. If roaming fails, ISE
clears the session after five days of

Packets In Shows the number of packets received.

Packets Out Shows the number of packets sent.

Bytes In Shows the number of bytes received.

Bytes Out Shows the number of bytes sent.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

RADIUS Live Sessions

Field Name Description

Session Source Indicates whether it is a RADIUS session or Passive

ID session.

User Domain Name Shows the registered DNS name of a user.

Host Domain Name Shows the registered DNS name of a host.

User NetBIOS Name Shows the NetBIOS name of a user.

Host NetBIOS Name Shows the NetBIOS name of a host.

License Type Shows the type of license used.

License Details Shows the license details.

Provider Endpoint events are learned from different syslog

sources. These syslog sources are referred to as
• Windows Management Instrumentation
(WMI)—WMI is a Windows service that
provides a common interface and object model
to access management information about
operating system, devices, applications, and
• Agent: A program that runs on a client on behalf
of the client or another program.
• Syslog: A logging server to which a client sends
event messages.
• REST: A client is authenticated through a
terminal server. The TS Agent ID, Source Port
Start, Source Port End, and Source First Port
values are displayed for this syslog source.
• Span: Network information is discovered using
span probes.
• DHCP: DHCP event.
• Endpoint

Note When two events from different providers

are learned from an endpoint session, the
providers are displayed as
comma-separated values in the live
sessions page.

MAC Address Shows the MAC address of a client.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Export Summary

Field Name Description

Endpoint Check Time Shows the time at which an endpoint was last checked
by the endpoint probe.

Endpoint Check Result Shows the result of an endpoint probe. The possible
values are:
• Unreachable
• User Logout
• Active User

Source Port Start (Values are displayed only for the REST provider)
Shows the first port number in a port range.

Source Port End (Values are displayed only for the REST provider)
Shows the last port number in a port range.

Source First Port (Values are displayed only for the REST provider)
Shows the first port allocated by the Terminal Server
A Terminal Server refers to a server or network device
that allows multiple endpoints to connect to it without
a modem or network interface and facilities the
connection of the multiple endpoints to a LAN
network. The multiple endpoints appear to have the
same IP address, and therefore, it is difficult to
identify the IP address of a specific user.
Consequently, to identify a specific user, a Terminal
Server Agent is installed in the server, which allocates
a port range to each user. This helps create an IP
address-port user mapping.

TS Agent ID (Values are displayed only for the REST provider)

Shows the unique identity of the Terminal Server
Agent that is installed on an endpoint.

AD User Resolved Identities (Values are displayed only for AD user) Shows the
potential accounts that matched.

AD User Resolved DNs (Values are displayed only for AD user) Shows the
Distinguished Name of AD user, for example,

Export Summary
You can view the details of the reports exported by all the users in the last 7 days along with the status. The
export summary includes both the manual and scheduled reports. The export summary page is automatically
refreshed every 2 minutes. Click the Refresh icon to refresh the export summary page manually.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Export Summary

The super admin can cancel the export which is in-progress or in queued state. Other users are allowed only
to cancel the export process that they have initiated.
By default, only 3 manual export of reports can run at a given point of time and the remaining triggered manual
export of reports will be queued. There are no such limits for the scheduled export of reports.

Note All the reports in the queued state will be scheduled again and the reports in the In-Progress or
Cancellation-in-progress state will be marked as failed when the Cisco ISE server is restarted.

Note If the primary MnT node is down, the scheduled report export job will run on secondary MnT node.

The following table describes the fields in the Export Summary page. In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu
icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > Export Summary.

Table 183: Export Summary

Field Name Description

Report Exported Displays the name of the report.

Exported By Shows the role of the user who initiated the export

Scheduled Shows whether the report export is a scheduled one.

Triggered On Shows the time when the export process has been
triggered in the system.

Repository Displays the name of the repository where the

exported data will be stored.

Filter Parameters Shows the filter parameters selected while exporting

the report.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Authentication Summary Report

Field Name Description

Status Shows the status of the exported reports. It can be one

of the following:
• Queued
• In-progress
• Completed
• Cancellation-in-progress
• Cancelled
• Failed
• Skipped

Note Failed status indicates the reason for

failure. Skipped status indicates that the
scheduled export of reports is skipped as
the primary MnT node is down.

You can do the following in the Export Summary page:

• Show or hide the columns based on your requirements.
• Filter the data using quick or custom filter. You can also save your filters for later use.
• Rearrange the columns and adjust the width of the columns.

Authentication Summary Report

You can troubleshoot network access for a specific user, device, or search criteria based on attributes that are
related to the authentication requests. You can do this by running an Authentication Summary report.

Troubleshoot Network Access Issues

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > Reports > Device Administration >
Authentication Summary Report.
Step 2 Filter the report for Failure Reasons.
Step 3 Review the data in the Authentication by Failure Reasons section of the report to troubleshoot your network access
Note Since the Authentication Summary report collects and displays the latest data corresponding to failed or passed
authentications, the contents of the report appear after a delay of a few minutes.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco Support Diagnostics for Deployment and Support Information

Cisco Support Diagnostics for Deployment and Support

The Cisco Support Diagnostics Connector is a new feature that helps Cisco Technical Assistance Center
(TAC) and Cisco support engineers obtain deployment information from the Primary Administration Node.
TAC can get support information of any particular node in your deployment through the connector. This data
enables quicker and better-informed troubleshooting.
You can enable the Cisco Support Diagnostics Connector through the Cisco ISE administration portal. The
feature allows a two-way connection between the primary policy administration node in your deployment and
Cisco Support Diagnostics, leveraging the Security Services Exchange (SSE) cloud portal.
• You must have Super Admin or System Admin role to enable or disable Cisco Support Diagnostics.

Configure Cisco Support Diagnostics Connector

To enable the Cisco Support Diagnostics feature:
• In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Administration > System > Settings >
Network Success Diagnostics > Cisco Support Diagnostics > Cisco Support Diagnostics Setting.
• This feature is disabled by default. If not, check the Enable Cisco Support Diagnostics check box to
activate Cisco Support Diagnostics.

Verify Cisco Support Diagnostics Bi-Directional Connection

To verify that Cisco ISE is successfully registered/enrolled with Cisco Support Diagnostics, and that a
bi-directional connection has been established through the Security Services Exchange portal:
• In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > Reports > Audit >
Change Configuration Audit.
• Look for the following event reports:
1. Cisco Support Diagnostics is enabled.
2. The ISE server is registered to Cisco Support Diagnostics.
3. The ISE SSE services were enrolled to Cisco Support Diagnostics.
4. The Cisco Support Diagnostics bi-directional connectivity is enabled.
• You can also go to the Operations Audit window (In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and
choose Operations > Reports > Reports > Audit > Operations Audit) for details of the services
enabled, disabled, registered, un-registered, enrolled, or un-enrolled as part of Cisco Support Diagnostics.

Troubleshooting Information
If the Cisco Support Diagnostics bi-directional connection appears as to be broken, check for the following:
• Smart licensing: Disabling smart licensing disables Cisco Support Diagnostics automatically. Re-enable
smart licensing to enable the connector.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Diagnostic Troubleshooting Tools

• Connectivity to Security Services Exchange cloud: When Cisco Support Diagnostics is enabled, Cisco
ISE continuously checks the persistent connectivity established with the Security Services Exchange
portal. If this connection is found to be broken, the following critical alarm is triggered: “Alarms: The
Cisco Support Diagnostics bi-directional connectivity is broken”. Re-enable the feature using the
configuration steps provided earlier.

Related Information
An administrator can use ERS APIs to perform these specific tasks:
• Trigger support information on a specific node.
• Get the status of the triggered support bundle.
• Download the support bundle.
• Pull the deployment information.

See ERS SDK page for usage and other information.

Diagnostic Troubleshooting Tools

Diagnostic tools help you diagnose and troubleshoot problems on a Cisco ISE network and provide detailed
instructions on how to resolve problems. You can use these tools to troubleshoot authentications and evaluate
the configuration of any network device on your network, including Trustsec devices.

The RADIUS Authentication Troubleshooting Tool

This tool allows you to search and select a RADIUS authentication or an Active Directory-related RADIUS
authentication for troubleshooting when there is an unexpected authentication result. Use this tool if you
expected an authentication to pass, but it failed, or if you expected a user or machine to have a certain level
of privileges, and the user or machine did not have those privileges.
• Searching RADIUS authentications based on Username, Endpoint ID, Network Access Service (NAS)
IP address, and reasons for authentication failure for troubleshooting, Cisco ISE displays authentications
only for the system (current) date.
• Searching RADIUS authentications based on NAS Port for troubleshooting, Cisco ISE displays all NAS
Port values since the beginning of the previous month to the current date.

Note When searching RADIUS authentications based on NAS IP address and Endpoint
ID fields, a search is first performed in the operational database, and then in the
configuration database.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Troubleshoot Unexpected RADIUS Authentication Results

Troubleshoot Unexpected RADIUS Authentication Results

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools >
General Tools > RADIUS Authentication Troubleshooting.
Step 2 Specify the search criteria in the fields, as needed.
Step 3 Click Search to display the RADIUS authentications that match your search criteria.
If you are searching for AD-related authentication, and an Active Directory server is not configured in your deployment,
a message saying 'AD not configured' is displayed.
Step 4 Select a RADIUS authentication record from the table, and click Troubleshoot.
If you need to troubleshoot AD-related authentication, access the Diagnostics Tool under Administration > Identity
Management > External Identity Sources > Active Directory > AD node.
Step 5 Click User Input Required, modify the fields, as needed, and then click Submit.
Step 6 Click Done.
Step 7 Click Show Results Summary after the troubleshooting is complete.
Step 8 To view the diagnosis, the steps taken to resolve the problem, and the troubleshooting summary, click Done.

Execute Network Device Command Diagnostic Tool

The Execute Network Device Command diagnostic tool allows you to run the show command on any network
The results that are displayed are the same as what you would see on a console. The tool enables you to identify
any problems in a device configuration.
Use this tool to validate the configuration of any network device, or if you are curious about how a network
device has been configured.
To access the Execute Network Device Command diagnostic tool, choose one of the following navigation
• In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic
Tools > Execute Network Device Command.
• In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Work Centers > Profiler > Troubleshoot >
Execute Network Device Command.

In the Execute Network Device Command window displayed, enter the IP address of the network device
and the show command you want to run in the corresponding fields. Click Run.

Execute Cisco IOS show Commands to Check Configuration

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools > General
Tools > Execute Network Device Command.
Step 2 Enter the information in the appropriate fields.
Step 3 Click Run to execute the command on the specified network device.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

The Evaluate Configuration Validator Tool

Step 4 Click User Input Required, and modify the fields, as necessary.
Step 5 Click Submit to run the command on the network device, and view the output.

The Evaluate Configuration Validator Tool

You can use this diagnostic tool to evaluate the configuration of a network device and identify configuration
problems, if any. The Expert Troubleshooter compares the configuration of the device with the standard

Agentless Posture Troubleshooting

The Agentless Posture report is the main troubleshooting tool to use when agentless posture isn’t working as
expected. This report shows the stages of agentless flow, including events such as script upload completed,
script upload failed, script execution completed, etc., along with any known failure reasons.
You can access Agentless Posture Troubleshooting from two locations:
• In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Live Logs: Click the vertical
three dots on the Posture Status column for the client you wish to troubleshoot.
• In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostics
> General Tools > Agentless Posture Troubleshooting.

The Agentless Posture Troubleshooting tool collects Agentless Posture activity for a specified client. Agentless
Posture Flow initiates posture and displays all interactions between a currently active client and Cisco ISE.
Only Download Client Logs creates logs with up to the past 24 hours of posture flows from the client. The
client could delete the logs at any time. When collection finishes, you can export a ZIP file of the logs.

In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Reports > Reports > Endpoints
and Users > Agentless Postureto view all endpoints that ran Agentless posture.

Troubleshoot Network Device Configuration Issues

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools > General
Tools > Evaluate Configuration Validator.
Step 2 Enter the IP address of the network device you want to evaluate in the Network Device IP field whose configuration
you want to evaluate.
Step 3 Check the check boxes and click the radio buttons next to the configuration options you want to compare against the
recommended template.
Step 4 Click Run.
Step 5 In the Progress Details... area displayed, click Click Here to Enter Credentials. In the Credentials Window dialog
box displayed, enter the connection parameters and credentials that are required to establish a connection with the network
devices, and click Submit.
To cancel the workflow, click Click Here to Cancel the Running Workflow in the Progress Details... window.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Troubleshoot Endpoint Posture Failure

Step 6 Check the check boxes next to the interfaces that you want to analyze, and click Submit.
Step 7 Click Show Results Summary for details of the configuration evaluation.

Troubleshoot Endpoint Posture Failure

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools > General
Tools > Posture Troubleshooting.
Step 2 Enter the information in the appropriate fields.
Step 3 Click Search.
Step 4 To find an explanation and determine a resolution for an event, select the event in the list and click Troubleshoot.

Session Trace Test Cases

This tool allows you to test policy flows in a predicable way to check and verify the way that the policy is
configured, without needing to have real traffic originate from a real device.
You can configure the list of attributes and their values to be used in a test case. These details are used to
perform interactions with the Policy system to simulate the run-time invocation of the policy.
The attributes can be configured by using dictionaries. All the dictionaries that are applicable to Simple
RADIUS authentication are listed in the Attributes field.

Note You can configure test cases only for Simple RADIUS authentication.

Configure a Session Trace Test Case

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools > General
Tools > Session Trace Test Cases.
Step 2 Click Add.
Step 3 In the Test Details tab, enter a name and description for the test case.
Step 4 Select one of the predefined test cases or configure the required attributes and their values. The following predefined
Test Cases are available:
• Basic Authenticated Access
• Profiled Cisco Phones

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Technical Support Tunnel for Advanced Troubleshooting

• Compliant Devices Access

• Wi-Fi Guest (Redirect)
• Wi-Fi Guest (Access)

When you select a predefined Test Case, Cisco ISE automatically populates the relevant attributes for the Test Case. You
can use the default values for these attributes or select the desired value from the displayed options. You can also add
additional custom attributes to the Test Case.
The attributes and the values that you add to the Test Case are listed in the Text field (below the Custom Attributes field).
When you edit the content in the Text field, Cisco ISE checks the validity and syntax of the updated content.
You can view the summary of all the attributes at the bottom of the Test Details page.

Step 5 Click Submit .

Cisco ISE validates the attributes and their values and indicates errors, if any before saving the test details.

Step 6 In the Test Visualizer tab, select the node on which you want to run this Test Case.
Note Only the nodes with Policy Service persona are displayed in the ISE Node drop-down list.
Click User Groups/Attributes to retrieve the groups and attributes for a user from an external identity store.

Step 7 Click Execute.

Cisco ISE executes the Test Case and displays the step-by-step results of the Test Case in a tabular format. It displays
the policy stages, matching rules, and result objects. Click the green icon to view the details for each step.

Step 8 Click the Previous Test Executions tab to view the results of previous test executions. You can also select and compare
any two Test Cases. Cisco ISE displays the comparative view of the attributes for each Test Case in a tabular format.

You can launch the Session Trace Test Case tool from the RADIUS Live Logs page. You can select an entry
on the Live Logs page and click the Actions icon (on the Details column) to launch the Session Trace Test
Case tool. Cisco ISE extracts the relevant attributes and their values from the corresponding log entry. You
can modify these attributes and values, if required, and execute the Test Case.

Technical Support Tunnel for Advanced Troubleshooting

Cisco ISE uses the Cisco IronPort Tunnel infrastructure to create a secure tunnel for Cisco technical support
engineers to connect to an ISE server and troubleshoot issues with the system. Cisco ISE uses SSH to create
the secure connection through the tunnel.
As an administrator, you can control the tunnel access; you can choose when and how long to grant access to
a support engineer. Cisco Customer Support cannot establish the tunnel without your intervention. You will
receive notifications about the service logins. You can disable the tunnel connection at any point of time. By
default, the technical support tunnel remains open for 72 hours. However, we recommend that you or the
support engineer close the tunnel when all the troubleshooting work is complete. You can choose to extend
the tunnel beyond 72 hours, if needed.
Use tech support-tunnel enable command to initiate a tunnel connection.
The tech support-tunnel status command displays the status of the connection. This command provides
information on whether the connection is established or not, if there is an authentication failure, or if the

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Establish a Technical Support Tunnel

servers are unreachable. If the tunnel server is reachable, but ISE is unable to authenticate, ISE tries to
authenticate again every 5 minutes for a period of 30 minutes, after which the tunnel is disabled.
You can disable the tunnel connection using the tech support-tunnel disable command. This command
disconnects an existing tunnel even if a support engineer is currently logged in.
If you have already established a tunnel connection from an ISE server, the SSH keys that are generated are
available on the ISE server. When you try to enable the support tunnel at a later point of time, the system
prompts you about reusing the SSH keys generated earlier. You can choose to use the same keys or generate
new keys. You can also manually reset the keys using the tech support-tunnel resetkey command. If you
execute this command when a tunnel connection is enabled, the system prompts you to disable the connection
first. If you choose to continue with the existing connection and not disable t,he connection the keys are reset
after the existing connection is disabled. If you choose to disable the connection, the tunnel connection is
dropped and the keys are reset immediately.
After you establish a tunnel connection, you can extend it using the tech support-tunnel extend command.
See the Cisco Identity Services Engine CLI Reference Guide for usage guidelines about the tech support-tunnel

Establish a Technical Support Tunnel

You can establish a secure tunnel through the Cisco ISE Command Line Interface (CLI).

Step 1 Enter the following command from the Cisco ISE CLI:
tech support-tunnel enable
The system prompts you for a password and a nickname for the tunnel.

Step 2 Enter the password.

Step 3 (Optional) Enter a nickname for the tunnel.
The system generates an SSH key and displays the password, device serial number, and the SSH key. You must pass this
information to Cisco Customer Support for the support engineer to connect to your system.

Step 4 Copy the password, device serial number, and SSH key and send it to Cisco Customer Support.
The support engineer can now securely connect to your ISE server. You will receive periodic notifications about service

TCP Dump Utility to Validate the Incoming Traffic

TCP Dump Utility sniffs packets, which you can use to verify that the expected packet has reached a node.
For example, when there is no incoming authentication or log indicated in the report, you may suspect that
there is no incoming traffic, or that the incoming traffic cannot reach Cisco ISE. In such cases, you can run
this tool to validate.
You can configure the TCP Dump options and then collect data from the network traffic to help you troubleshoot
a network issue.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Use TCP Dump to Monitor Network Traffic

Use TCP Dump to Monitor Network Traffic

The TCP Dump page lists TCP Dump process files that you create. You can create different files for different
purposes, run them as needed, and delete them when you don't need them.
You control the data that is collected by specifying size, number of files and how long the process runs. If the
process finishes before the time limit, and the file is less than the maximum size, and you enabled more than
one file, then the process continues and creates another dump file.
You can run TCP dump on more interfaces, including bonded interfaces.
Human Readable format is no longer an option, the dump file is always in raw format.
We support IPv6 connections to the repository.

Before you begin

The Network Interface drop-down list in the TCP Dump page displays only the network interface cards (NICs)
that have an IPv4 or IPv6 address configured. By default in VMware, all NICs are connected, which means
that all NICs have an IPv6 address and are displayed in the Network Interface drop-down list.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools > General
Tools > TCP Dump.
Step 2 Choose a Host Name as the source for the TCP Dump utility.
Step 3 Choose Network Interface to monitor from the drop-down list.
Step 4 In the Filter field, enter a boolean expression on which to filter.
The following are supported standard tcpdump filter expressions:
• ip host
• ip host ISE123
• ip host and not

Step 5 Enter a File Name for this TCP Dump process.

Step 6 Choose the Repository to store TCP Dump log files in.
Step 7 File Size—Select a maximum file size.
If the dump exceeds this file size, a new file opens to continue the dump. The number of times that the dump can
continue to a new file is limited by the Limit to setting.

Step 8 Limit to—Limit the number of files that the dump can expand into.
Step 9 Time Limit—Configure how long a dump runs before ending.
Step 10 Set Promiscuous Mode by clicking the radio button to On or Off. The default is On.
Promiscuous mode is the default packet sniffing mode in which the network interface passes all traffic to the system’s
CPU. We recommend that you leave it set to On.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Save a TCP Dump File

Note Cisco ISE does not support frames greater than 1500 MTU (jumbo frames).

Save a TCP Dump File

Before you begin
You should have successfully completed the task, as described in the Using TCP Dump to Monitor network
Traffic section.

Note You can also access TCP Dump through the Cisco ISE CLI. For more information, see the Cisco Identity
Services Engine CLI Reference Guide.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools > General
Tools > TCP Dump.
Step 2 From the Format drop-down list, choose an option. Human Readable is the default.
Step 3 Click Download, navigate to the desired location, and then click Save.
Step 4 To get rid of the previous dump file without saving it first, click Delete.

Compare Unexpected SGACL for an Endpoint or User

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools > Trustsec
Tools > Egress (SGACL) Policy.
Step 2 Enter the Network Device IP address of the Trustsec device whose SGACL policy you want to compare.
Step 3 Click Run.
Step 4 Click User Input Required and modify the fields as necessary.
Step 5 Click Submit.
Step 6 Click Show Results Summary to view the diagnosis and suggested resolution steps.

Egress Policy Diagnostic Flow

The Egress Policy diagnostic tool uses the process described in the following table for its comparison:

Process Stage Description

1 Connects a the device with the IP address that you

provided, and obtains the access control lists (ACLs)
for each source and destination SGT pair.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Troubleshoot Connectivity Issues in a Trustsec-Enabled Network with SXP-IP Mappings

Process Stage Description

2 Checks the egress policy that is configured in Cisco

ISE and obtains the ACLs for each source and
destination SGT pair.

3 Compares the SGACL policy that is obtained from

the network device with the SGACL policy that is
obtained from Cisco ISE.

4 Displays the source and destination SGT pair if there

is a mismatch. Also, displays the matching entries as
additional information.

Troubleshoot Connectivity Issues in a Trustsec-Enabled Network with SXP-IP


Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools > Trustsec
Tools > SXP-IP Mappings .
Step 2 Enter the IP address of the network device.
Step 3 Click Select.
Step 4 Click Run, and then click User Input Required and modify the necessary fields.
The Expert Troubleshooter retrieves Trustsec SXP connections from the network device and again prompts you to select
the peer SXP devices.

Step 5 Click User Input Required, and enter the necessary information.
Step 6 Check the check box of the peer SXP devices for which you want to compare SXP mappings, and enter the common
connection parameters.
Step 7 Click Submit.
Step 8 Click Show Results Summary to view the diagnosis and resolution steps.

Troubleshoot Connectivity Issues in a Trustsec-Enabled Network with IP-SGT


Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools >
Trustsec Tools > IP User SGT.
Step 2 Enter the information in the fields, as needed.
Step 3 Click Run.
You are prompted for additional input.

Step 4 Click User Input Required, modify the fields as necessary.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Device SGT Tool

Step 5 Click Submit.

Step 6 Click Show Results Summary to view the diagnosis and resolution steps.

Device SGT Tool

For devices that are enabled with the Trustsec solution, each network device is assigned an SGT value through
RADIUS authentication. The Device SGT diagnostic tool connects to the network device (with the IP address
that you provide) and obtains the network device SGT value. It then checks the RADIUS authentication
records to determine the SGT value that was assigned most recently. Finally, it displays the Device-SGT pairs
in a tabular format, and identifies whether the SGT values are the same or different.

TroubleshootConnectivity IssuesinaTrustsec-Enabled NetworkbyComparing

Device SGT Mappings

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Diagnostic Tools >
Trustsec Tools > Device SGT.
Step 2 Enter the information in the fields, as needed.
The default port number for Telnet is 23 and SSH is 22.

Step 3 Click Run.

Step 4 Click Show Results Summary to view the results of the device SGT comparison.

Obtaining Additional Troubleshooting Information

Cisco ISE allows you to download support and troubleshooting information from the Admin portal. You can
use the support bundle to prepare diagnostic information for the Cisco Technical Assistance Center (TAC) to
troubleshoot problems with Cisco ISE.

Note The support bundles and debug logs provide advanced troubleshooting information for TAC and are difficult
to interpret. You can use the various reports and troubleshooting tools that Cisco ISE provides to diagnose
and troubleshoot issues that you are facing in your network.

Cisco ISE Support Bundle

You can configure the logs that you want to be a part of your support bundle. For example, you can configure
logs from a particular service to be part of your debug logs. You can also filter the logs based on dates.
The logs that you can download are categorized as follows:

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Support Bundle

• Full configuration database: Contains the Cisco ISE configuration database in a human-readable XML
format. When you troubleshoot issues, you can import this database configuration into another Cisco
ISE node to re-create the scenario.
• Debug logs: Captures bootstrap, application configuration, run-time, deployment, public key infrastructure
(PKI) information and monitoring and reporting.
Debug logs provide troubleshooting information for specific Cisco ISE components. To enable debug
logs, see Chapter 11, “Logging”. If you do not enable the debug logs, all the informational messages
(INFO) will be included in the support bundle. For more information, see Cisco ISE Debug Logs, on
page 1204.
• Local logs: Contains syslog messages from the various processes that run on Cisco ISE.
• Core files: Contains critical information that helps identify the cause of a crash. These logs are created
when the application crashes, and includes heap dumps.
• Monitoring and reporting logs: Contains information about alerts and reports.
• System logs: Contains Cisco Application Deployment Engine-related (ADE-related) information.
• Policy configuration: Contains policies configured in Cisco ISE in human-readable format.

You can download these logs from the Cisco ISE CLI by using the backup-logs command. For more
information, See the Cisco Identity Services Engine CLI Reference Guide.

Note For Inline Posture nodes, you cannot download the support bundle from the Admin portal. You must use the
backup-logs command from the Cisco ISE CLI.

If you choose to download these logs from the Admin portal, you can do the following:
• Download only a subset of logs based on the log type, such as debug logs or system logs.
• Download only the latest n number of files for the selected log type. This option allows you to control
the size of the support bundle and the time taken for download.

Monitoring logs provide information about the monitoring, reporting, and troubleshooting features. For more
information about downloading logs, see Download Cisco ISE Log Files, on page 1203.

Support Bundle
You can download the support bundle to your local computer as a simple tar.gpg file. The support bundle will
be named with the date and time stamps in the format
ise-support-bundle_ise-support-bundle-mm-dd-yyyy--hh-mm.tar..gpg. The browser prompts you to save the
support bundle to an appropriate location. You can extract the content of the support bundle and view the
README.TXT file, which describes the contents of the support bundle, as well as how to import the contents
of the ISE database if it is included in the support bundle.

Download Cisco ISE Log Files

You can download the Cisco ISE log files to look for more information while troubleshooting issues in your

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Debug Logs

You can also download system logs that include ADE-OS and other log files to troubleshoot installation and
upgrade issues.
While downloading a support bundle, instead of entering an encryption key manually, you can now choose
to use a public key for encryption. If you choose this option, Cisco PKI will be used for encryption and
decryption of the support bundle. Cisco TAC maintains the public and private keys. Cisco ISE uses the public
keys to encrypt the support bundle. Cisco TAC can decrypt the support bundle using the private keys. Use
this option if you want to provide the support bundle to Cisco TAC for troubleshooting. Use the shared key
encryption if you are going to troubleshoot the issues on premise.

Before you begin

• You must have Super Admin or System Admin privileges to perform the following task.
• You should have configured the debug logs and debug log levels.

Step 1 Choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Download Logs > Appliance Node List.
Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Download Logs >
Appliance Node List.
Step 3 Click the node from which you want to download the support bundles.
Step 4 In the Support Bundle tab, choose the parameters that you want to be populated in your support bundle.
If you include all the logs, your support bundle will be excessively large and the download will take a long time. To
optimize the download process, choose to download only the most recent n number of files.

Step 5 Enter the From and To dates for which you want to generate the support bundle.
Step 6 Choose one of the following:
• Public Key Encryption: Choose this option if you want to provide the support bundle to Cisco TAC for troubleshooting
• Shared Key Encryption: Choose this option if you want to troubleshoot the issues locally on premise. If you choose
this option, you must enter the encryption key for the support bundle.

Step 7 Enter and re-enter the encryption key for the support bundle.
Step 8 Click Create Support Bundle.
Step 9 Click Download to download the newly-created support bundle.
The support bundle is a tar.gpg file that is downloaded to the client system that is running your application browser.

What to do next
Download debug logs for specific components.

Cisco ISE Debug Logs

Debug logs provide troubleshooting information for various Cisco ISE components. Debug logs contain
critical and warning alarms generated over the last 30 days, and information alarms generated over the last 7
days. While reporting problems, you might be asked to enable these debug logs and send them for diagnosis
and resolution of your problems.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Obtain Debug Logs

Note Enabling debug logs with heavy load (such as monitoring debug logs) may generate alarms about high load.

Obtain Debug Logs

Step 1 Configure the components for which you want to obtain debug logs.
Step 2 Download the debug logs.

Cisco ISE Components and Corresponding Debug Logs

Table 184: Components and Corresponding Debug Logs

Component Debug Log

Active Directory ad_agent.log
Cache Tracker tracking.log
Entity Definition Framework (EDF) edf.log
JMS ise-psc.log
License ise-psc.log
Notification Tracker tracking.log
Replication-Deployment replication.log
Replication-JGroup replication.log
Replication Tracker tracking.log
RuleEngine-Attributes ise-psc.log
RuleEngine-Policy-IDGroups ise-psc.log
accessfilter ise-psc.log
admin-infra ise-psc.log
boot-strap wizard ise-psc.log
cisco-mnt ise-psc.log
client ise-psc.log
cpm-clustering ise-psc.log
cpm-mnt ise-psc.log
epm-pdp ise-psc.log
epm-pip ise-psc.log
anc ise-psc.log

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Cisco ISE Components and Corresponding Debug Logs

Component Debug Log

anc ise-psc.log

ers ise-psc.log
guest ise-psc.log
Guest Access Admin guest.log

Guest Access guest.log

MyDevices guest.log

Portal guest.log

Portal-Session-Manager guest.log

Portal-web-action guest.log

guestauth ise-psc.log
guestportal ise-psc.log
identitystore-AD ise-psc.log
infrastructure ise-psc.log
mdm ise-psc.log
mdm-pip ise-psc.log
mnt-report reports.log
mydevices ise-psc.log
nsf ise-psc.log
nsf-session ise-psc.log
org-apache ise-psc.log
org-apache-cxf ise-psc.log
org-apache-digester ise-psc.log
posture ise-psc.log
profiler profiler.log
provisioning ise-psc.log
prrt-JNI prrt-management.log
runtime-AAA prrt-management.log
runtime-config prrt-management.log
runtime-logging prrt-management.log
sponsorportal ise-psc.log
swiss ise-psc.log

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Configure Debug Wizard by Function

Configure Debug Wizard by Function

The Debug Wizard contains debug templates that you can use to troubleshoot issues on Cisco ISE nodes. You
can configure the Debug Profiles and the Debug Logs.
In the Debug Profile Configuration window, you can configure the debug log severity level for individual
components inside the template.
In the Debug Log Configuration window, you can configure the severity levels for debug logs. Debug logs
capture bootstrap, application configuration, runtime, deployment, monitoring, reporting, and public key
infrastructure (PKI) information.

Note • The per node log levels take precedence over Debug Wizard Profiles.
• When enabling multiple profiles that edit the same component, the higher log level takes precedence
where Trace has the highest priority.

Step 1 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Debug Wizard > Debug
Profile Configuration to configure a debug profile.
Step 2 To create a new profile, click Add.
Step 3 Enter the Name and Description of the new profile.
Check the check boxes adjacent to the components that you want to include in the profile, and set the corresponding
Log Level for each of the components.
Step 4 To save the profile, click Save.
Step 5 To enable the ISE node immediately, click Enable. Otherwise click Do it Later.
Step 6 If you click on Enable, check the check boxes adjacent to the ISE nodes for which you want to enable the profile.
Step 7 Click Save.
Step 8 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Debug Wizard > Debug
Log Configuration to configure a debug log.
Step 9 Click on the radio button to choose a node.
Step 10 Click on the radio button to choose a component and click Edit to change the Component Name, Log Level, Description
and Log File Name of a component.
Step 11 Click Save.

Download Debug Logs

Before you begin
To perform the following task, you must be a Super Admin or System Admin.

Step 1 Choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Download Logs > Appliance Node List.
Step 2 In the Cisco ISE GUI, click the Menu icon ( ) and choose Operations > Troubleshoot > Download Logs > Appliance
Node List.

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0

Download Debug Logs

Step 3 From the Appliance node list, click the node from which you want to download the debug logs.
Step 4 Click the Debug Logs tab.
A list of debug log types and debug logs is displayed. This list is based on your debug log configuration.

Step 5 Click the log file that you want to download and save it to the system that is running your client browser.
You can repeat this process to download other log files as needed. The following are additional debug logs that you can
download from the Debug Logs window:
• isebootstrap.log: Provides bootstrapping log messages
• monit.log: Provides watchdog messages
• pki.log: Provides third-party crypto library logs
• iseLocalStore.log: Provides logs about the local store files
• ad_agent.log: Provides Microsoft Active Directory third-party library logs
• catalina.log: Provides third-party logs

Cisco Identity Services Engine Administrator Guide, Release 3.0


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