PartF Vol1 2017

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Rules for the Classification

of Ships
Effective from 1 January 2017

Part F
Additional Class Notations

Via Corsica, 12 - 16128 Genova - Italy
Tel. +39 01053851 - Fax: +39 0105351000
Definitions: the responsibility of qualified service suppliers. Survey practices
"Rules" in these General Conditions means the documents below and procedures are selected by the Society based on its experi-
issued by the Society: ence and knowledge and according to generally accepted techni-
- Rules for the Classification of Ships or other special units; cal standards in the sector.
- Complementary Rules containing the requirements for product, Article 3
plant, system and other certification or containing the require- 3.1. - The class assigned to a Ship, like the reports, statements, cer-
ments for the assignment of additional class notations; tificates or any other document or information issued by the Soci-
- Rules for the application of statutory rules, containing the rules to ety, reflects the opinion of the Society concerning compliance, at
perform the duties delegated by Administrations; the time the Service is provided, of the Ship or product subject to
- Guides to carry out particular activities connected with Services; certification, with the applicable Rules (given the intended use and
- Any other technical document, as for example rule variations or within the relevant time frame).
interpretations. The Society is under no obligation to make statements or provide
“Services” means the activities described in Article 1 below, ren- information about elements or facts which are not part of the spe-
dered by the Society upon request made by or on behalf of the cific scope of the Service requested by the Interested Party or on its
Interested Party. behalf.
“Society” or “RINA” means RINA Services S.p.A. and/or all the 3.2. - No report, statement, notation on a plan, review, Certificate
companies in the RINA Group which provide the Services. of Classification, document or information issued or given as part
“Surveyor” means technical staff acting on behalf of the Society in of the Services provided by the Society shall have any legal effect
performing the Services. or implication other than a representation that, on the basis of the
“Interested Party” means the party, other than the Society, having checks made by the Society, the Ship, structure, materials, equip-
an interest in or responsibility for the Ship, product, plant or sys- ment, machinery or any other item covered by such document or
tem subject to classification or certification (such as the owner of information meet the Rules. Any such document is issued solely
the Ship and his representatives, the ship builder, the engine for the use of the Society, its committees and clients or other duly
builder or the supplier of parts to be tested) who requests the Ser- authorised bodies and for no other purpose. Therefore, the Society
vices or on whose behalf the Services are requested. cannot be held liable for any act made or document issued by
“Owner” means the registered Owner, the ship Owner, the man- other parties on the basis of the statements or information given by
ager or any other party with the responsibility, legally or contractu- the Society. The validity, application, meaning and interpretation
ally, to keep the ship seaworthy or in service, having particular of a Certificate of Classification, or any other document or infor-
regard to the provisions relating to the maintenance of class laid mation issued by the Society in connection with its Services, is
down in Part A, Chapter 2 of the Rules for the Classification of governed by the Rules of the Society, which is the sole subject
Ships or in the corresponding rules indicated in the specific Rules. entitled to make such interpretation. Any disagreement on techni-
“Administration” means the Government of the State whose flag cal matters between the Interested Party and the Surveyor in the
the Ship is entitled to fly or under whose authority the Ship is carrying out of his functions shall be raised in writing as soon as
authorised to operate in the specific case. possible with the Society, which will settle any divergence of opin-
"Ship" means ships, boats, craft and other special units, as for ion or dispute.
example offshore structures, floating units and underwater craft. 3.3. - The classification of a Ship, or the issuance of a certificate or
Article 1 other document connected with classification or certification and
1.1. - The purpose of the Society is, among others, the classifica- in general with the performance of Services by the Society shall
tion and certification of ships and the certification of their parts have the validity conferred upon it by the Rules of the Society at
and components. the time of the assignment of class or issuance of the certificate; in
The Society: no case shall it amount to a statement or warranty of seaworthi-
- sets forth and develops Rules; ness, structural integrity, quality or fitness for a particular purpose
- publishes the Register of Ships; or service of any Ship, structure, material, equipment or machin-
- issues certificates, statements and reports based on its survey ery inspected or tested by the Society.
activities. 3.4. - Any document issued by the Society in relation to its activi-
1.2. - The Society also takes part in the implementation of national ties reflects the condition of the Ship or the subject of certification
and international rules and standards as delegated by various Gov- or other activity at the time of the check.
ernments. 3.5. - The Rules, surveys and activities performed by the Society,
1.3. – The Society carries out technical assistance activities on reports, certificates and other documents issued by the Society are
request and provides special services outside the scope of classifi- in no way intended to replace the duties and responsibilities of
cation, which are regulated by these general conditions, unless other parties such as Governments, designers, ship builders, man-
expressly excluded in the particular contract. ufacturers, repairers, suppliers, contractors or sub-contractors,
Article 2 Owners, operators, charterers, underwriters, sellers or intended
2.1. - The Rules developed by the Society reflect the level of its buyers of a Ship or other product or system surveyed.
technical knowledge at the time they are published. Therefore, the These documents and activities do not relieve such parties from
Society, though committed, also through its research and develop- any fulfilment, warranty, responsibility, duty or obligation (also of a
ment services, to continuous updating, does not guarantee they contractual nature) expressed or implied or in any case incumbent
meet state-of-the-art science and technology at the time of publi- on them, nor do they confer on such parties any right, claim or
cation or that they meet the Society's or others' subsequent techni- cause of action against the Society. With particular regard to the
cal developments. duties of the ship Owner, the Services undertaken by the Society
2.2. - The Interested Party is required to know the Rules on the do not relieve the Owner of his duty to ensure proper maintenance
basis of which the Services are provided. With particular reference of the Ship and ensure seaworthiness at all times. Likewise, the
to Classification Services, special attention is to be given to the Rules, surveys performed, reports, certificates and other docu-
Rules concerning class suspension, withdrawal and reinstatement. ments issued by the Society are intended neither to guarantee the
In case of doubt or inaccuracy, the Interested Party is to promptly buyers of the Ship, its components or any other surveyed or certi-
contact the Society for clarification. fied item, nor to relieve the seller of the duties arising out of the
The Rules for Classification of Ships are published on the Society's law or the contract, regarding the quality, commercial value or
website: characteristics of the item which is the subject of transaction.
2.3. - The Society exercises due care and skill: In no case, therefore, shall the Society assume the obligations
- in the selection of its Surveyors incumbent upon the above-mentioned parties, even when it is
- in the performance of its Services, taking into account the level of consulted in connection with matters not covered by its Rules or
its technical knowledge at the time the Services are performed. other documents.
2.4. - Surveys conducted by the Society include, but are not lim- In consideration of the above, the Interested Party undertakes to
ited to, visual inspection and non-destructive testing. Unless other- relieve and hold harmless the Society from any third party claim,
wise required, surveys are conducted through sampling as well as from any liability in relation to the latter concerning the
techniques and do not consist of comprehensive verification or Services rendered.
monitoring of the Ship or of the items subject to certification. The Insofar as they are not expressly provided for in these General
surveys and checks made by the Society on board ship do not nec- Conditions, the duties and responsibilities of the Owner and Inter-
essarily require the constant and continuous presence of the Sur- ested Parties with respect to the services rendered by the Society
veyor. The Society may also commission laboratory testing, are described in the Rules applicable to the specific Service ren-
underwater inspection and other checks carried out by and under dered.
Article 4 and International Arbitration of Milan. Arbitration will take place
4.1. – Any request for the Society's Services shall be submitted in in Genoa, Italy.
writing and signed by or on behalf of the Interested Party. Such a 6.2. - However, for disputes concerning non-payment of the fees
request will be considered irrevocable as soon as received by the and/or expenses due to the Society for services, the Society shall
Society and shall entail acceptance by the applicant of all relevant have the right to submit any claim to the jurisdiction of the Courts
requirements of the Rules, including these General Conditions. of the place where the registered or operating office of the Inter-
Upon acceptance of the written request by the Society, a contract ested Party or of the applicant who requested the Service is
between the Society and the Interested Party is entered into, which located.
is regulated by the present General Conditions. In the case of actions taken against the Society by a third party
4.2. – In consideration of the Services rendered by the Society, the before a public Court, the Society shall also have the right to sum-
Interested Party and the person requesting the service shall be mon the Interested Party or the subject who requested the Service
jointly liable for the payment of the relevant fees, even if the ser- before that Court, in order to be relieved and held harmless
vice is not concluded for any cause not pertaining to the Society. according to art. 3.5 above.
In the latter case, the Society shall not be held liable for non-fulfil- Article 7
ment or partial fulfilment of the Services requested. In the event of 7.1. - All plans, specifications, documents and information pro-
late payment, interest at the legal current rate increased by 2% vided by, issued by, or made known to the Society, in connection
may be demanded. with the performance of its Services, will be treated as confidential
4.3. - The contract for the classification of a Ship or for other Ser- and will not be made available to any other party other than the
vices may be terminated and any certificates revoked at the Owner without authorisation of the Interested Party, except as pro-
request of one of the parties, subject to at least 30 days' notice to vided for or required by any applicable international, European or
be given in writing. Failure to pay, even in part, the fees due for domestic legislation, Charter or other IACS resolutions, or order
Services carried out by the Society will entitle the Society to imme- from a competent authority. Information about the status and
diately terminate the contract and suspend the Services. validity of class and statutory certificates, including transfers,
For every termination of the contract, the fees for the activities per- changes, suspensions, withdrawals of class, recommendations/
formed until the time of the termination shall be owed to the Soci- conditions of class, operating conditions or restrictions issued
ety as well as the expenses incurred in view of activities already against classed ships and other related information, as may be
programmed; this is without prejudice to the right to compensa- required, may be published on the website or released by other
tion due to the Society as a consequence of the termination. means, without the prior consent of the Interested Party.
With particular reference to Ship classification and certification, Information about the status and validity of other certificates and
unless decided otherwise by the Society, termination of the con- statements may also be published on the website or released by
tract implies that the assignment of class to a Ship is withheld or, if other means, without the prior consent of the Interested Party.
already assigned, that it is suspended or withdrawn; any statutory 7.2. - Notwithstanding the general duty of confidentiality owed by
certificates issued by the Society will be withdrawn in those cases the Society to its clients in clause 7.1 above, the Society's clients
where provided for by agreements between the Society and the hereby accept that the Society will participate in the IACS Early
flag State. Warning System which requires each Classification Society to pro-
Article 5 vide other involved Classification Societies with relevant technical
5.1. - In providing the Services, as well as other correlated infor- information on serious hull structural and engineering systems fail-
mation or advice, the Society, its Surveyors, servants or agents ures, as defined in the IACS Early Warning System (but not includ-
operate with due diligence for the proper execution of the activity. ing any drawings relating to the ship which may be the specific
However, considering the nature of the activities performed (see property of another party), to enable such useful information to be
art. 2.4), it is not possible to guarantee absolute accuracy, correct- shared and used to facilitate the proper working of the IACS Early
ness and completeness of any information or advice supplied. Warning System. The Society will provide its clients with written
Express and implied warranties are specifically disclaimed. details of such information sent to the involved Classification
Therefore, except as provided for in paragraph 5.2 below, and also Societies.
in the case of activities carried out by delegation of Governments, 7.3. - In the event of transfer of class, addition of a second class or
neither the Society nor any of its Surveyors will be liable for any withdrawal from a double/dual class, the Interested Party under-
loss, damage or expense of whatever nature sustained by any per- takes to provide or to permit the Society to provide the other Clas-
son, in tort or in contract, derived from carrying out the Services. sification Society with all building plans and drawings, certificates,
5.2. – Notwithstanding the provisions in paragraph 5.1 above, documents and information relevant to the classed unit, including
should any user of the Society's Services prove that he has suffered its history file, as the other Classification Society may require for
a loss or damage due to any negligent act or omission of the Soci- the purpose of classification in compliance with the applicable
ety, its Surveyors, servants or agents, then the Society will pay legislation and relative IACS Procedure. It is the Owner's duty to
compensation to such person for his proved loss, up to, but not ensure that, whenever required, the consent of the builder is
exceeding, five times the amount of the fees charged for the spe- obtained with regard to the provision of plans and drawings to the
cific services, information or opinions from which the loss or dam- new Society, either by way of appropriate stipulation in the build-
age derives or, if no fee has been charged, a maximum of one ing contract or by other agreement.
hundred thousand Euro. Where the fees charged are related to a In the event that the ownership of the ship, product or system sub-
number of Services, the amount of the fees will be apportioned for ject to certification is transferred to a new subject, the latter shall
the purpose of the calculation of the maximum compensation, by have the right to access all pertinent drawings, specifications, doc-
reference to the estimated time involved in the performance of the uments or information issued by the Society or which has come to
Service from which the damage or loss derives. Any liability for the knowledge of the Society while carrying out its Services, even
indirect or consequential loss, damage or expense is specifically if related to a period prior to transfer of ownership.
excluded. In any case, irrespective of the amount of the fees Pursuant and owing to Italian legislative decree 196/2003, the
charged, the maximum damages payable by the Society will not Interested Party declares that it has read the information sheet con-
be more than 1 million Euro. Payment of compensation under this cerning the processing of personal data published on the society's
paragraph will not entail any admission of responsibility and/or website and gives its consent to such processing, also for commer-
liability by the Society and will be made without prejudice to the cial information purposes.
disclaimer clause contained in paragraph 5.1 above.
5.3. - Any claim for loss or damage of whatever nature by virtue of Article 8
the provisions set forth herein shall be made to the Society in writ- 8.1. – Should any part of these General Conditions be declared
ing, within the shorter of the following periods: THREE MONTHS invalid, this will not affect the validity of the remaining provisions.
from the date on which the Services were performed or THREE 8.2. - In the event of doubts concerning the interpretation of these
MONTHS from the date on which the damage was discovered. General Conditions, the Italian text will prevail.
Failure to comply with the above deadline will constitute an abso- Article 9
lute bar to the pursuit of such a claim against the Society. 9.1. – When the Society provides its Services to a consumer - i.e. a
Article 6 natural person who does not act within the scope of his business
6.1. - Any dispute arising from or in connection with the Rules or or professional activity - the following provisions do not apply: art.
with the Services of the Society, including any issues concerning 3.2. (as far as the Society is solely entitled to the interpretation of
responsibility, liability or limitations of liability of the Society, will the Rules); art. 4.2., (as far as the payment of the fees is also due
be determined in accordance with Italian Law and settled through for services not concluded due to causes not attributable to the
arbitration assigned to a board of three arbitrators who will pro- Interested Party); art. 5.1. (as far as the exclusion of liability is con-
ceed in compliance with the Rules of the Chamber of National cerned); art. 5.2.; art. 5.3.; and art. 6.1. (as far as the jurisdiction
of a Board of Arbitrators based in Genoa is concerned).

1. Reference edition 5. Rule subdivision and cross-references

The reference edition for Part F is the RINA Rules 2000 5.1 Rule subdivision
edition, which is effective from 1 June 2000. The Rules are subdivided into six parts, from A to F.
2. Amendments after the reference edition Part A: Classification and Surveys
2.1 RINA Rules 2000 has been completely rewritten Part B: Hull and Stability
and reorganised.
Part C: Machinery, Systems and Fire Protection
2.2 Except in particular cases, the Rules are updated
and published annually. Part D: Materials and Welding
Part E: Service Notations
3. Effective date of the requirements
3.1 All requirements in which new or amended provi- Part F: Additional Class Notations
sions with respect to those contained in the refer- Each Part consists of:
ence edition have been introduced are followed by • Chapters
a date shown in brackets. • Sections and possible Appendices
The date shown in brackets is the effective date of • Articles
entry into force of the requirements as amended by • Sub-articles
the last updating. The effective date of all those • Requirements
requirements not followed by any date shown in Figures (abbr. Fig) and Tables (abbr. Tab) are numbered
brackets is that of the reference edition. in ascending order within each Section or Appendix.
3.2 Item 6 below provides a summary of the technical 5.2 Cross-references
changes from the preceding edition. In general, this Examples: Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1, [3.2.1]or Pt A, Ch 1, App
list does not include those items to which only edi- 1, [3.2.1]
torial changes have been made not affecting the
• Pt A means Part A
effective date of the requirements contained
therein. The part is indicated when it is different from the part in
which the cross-reference appears. Otherwise, it is not
4. Rule Variations and Corrigenda
Until the next edition of the Rules is published, Rule
• Ch 1 means Chapter 1
Variations and/or corrigenda, as necessary, will be pub-
lished on the RINA web site ( Except in The Chapter is indicated when it is different from the
particular cases, paper copies of Rule Variations or cor- chapter in which the cross-reference appears. Other-
rigenda are not issued. wise, it is not indicated.
• Sec 1 means Section 1 (or App 1 means
Appendix 1)
The Section (or Appendix) is indicated when it is differ-
ent from the Section (or Appendix) in which the cross-
reference appears. Otherwise, it is not indicated.
• [3.2.1] refers to requirement 1, within sub- article
2 of article 3.
Cross-references to an entire Part or Chapter are not
abbreviated as indicated in the following examples:
• Part A for a cross-reference to Part A
• Part A, Chapter 1 for a cross-reference to Chapter 1
of Part A.
6. Summary of amendments introduced in the edition List of new or modified items
effective from 1 January 2017
Section 1: [4.8.6], [5.1.5], [5.3.2] (NEW);
This edition of Part F contains amendments whose effec-
tive date is 1 July 2016 or 1 January 2017.
The date of entry into force of each new or amended CHAPTER 12 (Title)
item is shown in brackets after the number of the item
Section 1: Complete Revision;

Part F
Additional Class Notations

Chapters 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


Chapter 9 ICE CLASS (ICE)

Section 1 Star-Hull
1 General 25
1.1 Principles
1.2 Conditions for the assignment and maintenance of the notation
1.3 Ship database
2 Documentation to be submitted 26
2.1 Plans and documents to be submitted
2.2 Hot spot map
2.3 Inspection and Maintenance Plan (IMP)
3 Inspection and Maintenance Plan (IMP) 27
3.1 Minimum requirements
3.2 General scope of IMP
3.3 Periodicity of inspections
3.4 Extent of inspections
3.5 Inspection reports
3.6 Changes to Inspection and Maintenance Plan
4 Acceptance criteria 30
4.1 Coating assessment
4.2 Sacrificial anode condition
4.3 Thickness measurements
4.4 Pitting
4.5 Fractures
5 Maintenance of the notation 31
5.1 Annual audit at the Owner’s offices
5.2 Annual shipboard audit
5.3 Class renewal survey
5.4 Suspension and withdrawal of the notation

Section 2 Star-Mach
1 General 35
1.1 Principles
1.2 Conditions for the assignment and maintenance of the notation
1.3 Ship database
2 Documentation to be submitted 36
2.1 Plans, documents and specifications
2.2 Inclusion of the Risk Analysis in the PMS Manual
2.3 Changes to the Planned Maintenance
2.4 Person responsible

RINA Rules 2017 3

3 Risk analysis 37
3.1 Initial risk analysis
3.2 Risk analysis review
4 Maintenance of the notation 37
4.1 Annual audit at the Owner’s offices
4.2 Annual shipboard audit
4.3 Occasional onboard audits and/or surveys
4.4 Suspension and withdrawal of the notation

Appendix 1 Acceptance Criteria for Isolated Areas of Items

1 General 39
1.1 Application

Appendix 2 Acceptance Criteria for Isolated Items

1 Partial safety factors 42
1.1 General
1.2 Partial safety factors based on the increased knowledge of the structure
2 Acceptance criteria for plating 42
2.1 Application
2.2 Renewal thicknesses
3 Acceptance criteria for ordinary stiffeners 44
3.1 Application
3.2 Renewal scantlings
4 Acceptance criteria for primary supporting members 45
4.1 Application
4.2 Work ratios
4.3 Renewal scantlings

Appendix 3 Acceptance Criteria for Zones

1 General 49
1.1 Application

Appendix 4 Pitting Intensity Diagrams

1 General 50
1.1 Diagrams

4 RINA Rules 2017

Appendix 5 Owner’s Hull Inspection Reports
1 General 51
2 Report for inspection of spaces 51
2.1 General
2.2 Identification data
2.3 Summary of findings and repairs
2.4 Details of findings and repairs
2.5 Attached documentation
3 Report for inspection of equipment 53
3.1 General
3.2 Identification data
3.3 Detailed report
3.4 Attached documentation

Appendix 6 Risk Analysis for Star-Mach

1 General 55
1.1 Application
1.2 Risk analysis process
1.3 Procedure
2 Overall process 55
2.1 Selection of the ship’s critical systems
2.2 Risk analysis of the systems
2.3 Identification of the critical items to be monitored
2.4 Collection of actual failure and maintenance data

RINA Rules 2017 5


Section 1 Alternative Propulsion System (AVM-APS)

1 General 59
1.1 Application
1.2 Coverage of AVM-APS and AVM-APS-NS notations
1.3 Redundancy
1.4 Documentation to be submitted
2 Special arrangements 60
2.1 Propulsion system
2.2 Systems for cooling, lubrication, fuel supply and starting
2.3 Electrical installations
2.4 Automation
3 Tests on board 61
3.1 Running tests
3.2 Sea trials

Section 2 Independent Alternative Propulsion

System (AVM-IAPS)
1 General 62
1.1 Application
1.2 Coverage of AVM-IAPS notation
1.3 Documentation to be submitted
2 Special arrangements 62
2.1 Systems for cooling, lubrication, fuel supply and starting
2.2 Electrical installations
2.3 Automation
3 Tests on board 63
3.1 Running tests
3.2 Sea trials

6 RINA Rules 2017

Section 3 Duplicated Propulsion System
1 General 65
1.1 Application
1.2 Coverage of AVM-DPS and AVM-DPS-NS notations
1.3 Redundancy
1.4 Documentation to be submitted
2 Special arrangements 66
2.1 Systems for cooling, lubrication, fuel supply and starting
2.2 Rudders and steering gears
2.3 Electrical installations
2.4 Automation
3 Tests on board 67
3.1 Running tests
3.2 Sea trials

Section 4 Independent Propulsion System

1 General 68
1.1 Application
1.2 Coverage of AVM-IPS notation
1.3 Documentation to be submitted
2 Special arrangements 69
2.1 Systems for cooling, lubrication, fuel supply and starting
2.2 Rudders and steering gears
2.3 Electrical installations
2.4 Automation
3 Tests on board 69
3.1 Running tests
3.2 Sea trials

RINA Rules 2017 7

Appendix 1 Procedures for Failure Mode and Effect Analysis
1 General 71
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Objectives
1.3 Sister ships
1.4 FMEA basics
1.5 FMEA analysis
2 FMEA performance 72
2.1 Procedures
2.2 System definition
2.3 Development of system block diagram
2.4 Identification of failure modes, causes and effects
2.5 Failure effects
2.6 Failure detection
2.7 Corrective measures
2.8 Use of probability concept
2.9 Documentation
3 Tests and reporting 75
3.1 Test program
3.2 Reporting
4 Probabilistic concept 75
4.1 General
4.2 Occurences
4.3 Probability of occurences
4.4 Effects
4.5 Safety level
4.6 Numerical values

8 RINA Rules 2017


Section 1 Unattended Machinery Spaces (AUT-UMS)

1 General 81
1.1 Application
1.2 Exemptions
1.3 Communication system
2 Documentation 81
2.1 Documents to be submitted
3 Fire and flooding precautions 81
3.1 Fire prevention
3.2 Fire detection
3.3 Fire fighting
3.4 Protection against flooding
4 Control of machinery 83
4.1 General
4.2 Diesel propulsion plants
4.3 Steam propulsion plants
4.4 Gas turbine propulsion plants
4.5 Electrical propulsion plant
4.6 Shafting, clutches, CPP, gears
4.7 Auxiliary systems
4.8 Control of electrical installation
5 Alarm system 100
5.1 General
5.2 Alarm system design
5.3 Machinery alarm system
5.4 Alarm system on navigating bridge
6 Safety systems 101
6.1 General
7 Testing 101
7.1 General

Section 2 Centralised Control Station (AUT-CCS)

1 General 103
1.1 Application
1.2 Exemptions
1.3 Communication system
2 Documentation 103
2.1 Documents to be submitted

RINA Rules 2017 9

3 Fire and flooding precautions 103
3.1 General
4 Control of machinery 103
4.1 Propulsion plant operation
4.2 Control position location
5 Alarm system 104
5.1 General
6 Safety system 104
6.1 General
7 Testing 104
7.1 Tests after completion
7.2 Sea trials

Section 3 Automated Operation in Port (AUT-PORT)

1 General 105
1.1 Application
1.2 Exemptions
1.3 Communication system
2 Documentation 105
2.1 Documents to be submitted
3 Fire and flooding precautions 105
3.1 General
4 Control of machinery 105
4.1 Plant operation
5 Alarm system 105
5.1 General
6 Testing 106
6.1 Tests after completion

10 RINA Rules 2017


Section 1 Centralised Navigation Equipment (SYS-NEQ)

1 General 109
1.1 Application
1.2 Operational Assumptions
1.3 Regulations, guidelines, standards
1.4 Definitions
2 Documentation 110
2.1 Documents to be submitted
3 Bridge layout 110
3.1 General
4 Bridge instrumentation and controls 111
4.1 General
4.2 Safety of navigation: collision-grounding
4.3 Position fixing
4.4 Controls - Communication
5 Design and reliability 112
5.1 General
5.2 Power supply
5.3 Environmental conditions
6 Prevention of accidents caused by operator’s unfitness 112
6.1 Bridge safety system
6.2 Field of vision
6.3 Alarm/warning transfer system - Communications
6.4 Bridge layout
7 Ergonomic recommendations 113
7.1 Lighting
7.2 Noise level
7.3 Vibration level
7.4 Wheelhouse space heating/cooling
7.5 Navigator’s safety
8 Testing 114
8.1 Tests

Section 2 Integrated Bridge Systems (SYS-IBS)

1 General 115
1.1 Application
1.2 Reference Regulations
1.3 Definitions
1.4 Abbreviations

RINA Rules 2017 11

2 Documentation 116
2.1 Documents to be submitted
3 General requirements 116
3.1 General
3.2 Integration
3.3 Data exchange
3.4 Failure analysis
3.5 Quality assurance
4 Operational requirements 118
4.1 Human factors
4.2 Functionality
4.3 Training
5 Technical requirements 119
5.1 Sensors
5.2 Alarm management
5.3 Human factors
5.4 Power interruptions and shutdown
5.5 Power supply
6 Testing 120
6.1 Introduction
6.2 General requirements
6.3 Operational requirements
6.4 Technical requirements

Section 3 Communication System (SYS-COM)

1 General 124
1.1 Application
2 Documentation 124
2.1 Documents to be submitted
3 Design requirements 124
3.1 General
3.2 Content of data transmitted
3.3 Transmission safety
4 Construction requirements 125
4.1 General
5 Testing 125
5.1 Design validation
5.2 Product type approval
5.3 Shipboard testing

12 RINA Rules 2017


Section 1 Hull Stress and Motion Monitoring (MON-HULL)

1 General 129
1.1 Application
1.2 Documentation
1.3 Data limits, warning levels
2 Hull monitoring system 129
2.1 Main functions
2.2 Sensors
2.3 Specifications
2.4 Data processing
2.5 Visual display
2.6 Alarms
2.7 Data storage
2.8 Exploitation and checking of stored data
2.9 Power supply unit
2.10 Calibration
2.11 Periodical inspections

Section 2 Shaft Monitoring (MON-SHAFT)

1 General 132
1.1 Applicability of MON-SHAFT notation
2 Requirements for the issuance of the notation 132
2.1 Arrangement
2.2 Lubricating oil analysis

RINA Rules 2017 13


Section 1 Comfort with Regard to Noise

1 General 135
1.1 Application
1.2 Basic principles
2 Definitions 135
2.1 Categories of spaces
2.2 Noise
2.3 Operational power in the CSR condition
2.4 Sound Index
2.5 Impact Sound Index (L'n,w)
3 General requirements 136
3.1 Design requirements
3.2 Construction requirements
4 Documentation to be submitted 137
4.1 Acoustic insulation plan
4.2 Noise Insulation characteristics
4.3 Measurement plan
4.4 Noise measurement results
5 Noise levels: testing conditions and acceptance criteria 138
5.1 Testing conditions
5.2 Measurement positions
5.3 Instrumentation
5.4 Measurement procedure
5.5 Acceptable noise levels in the CSR condition
5.6 Noise levels at power other than the CSR
6 Acoustic insulation characteristics: testing conditions and
acceptance criteria 141
6.1 Testing conditions
6.2 Acceptance criteria
7 Global noise comfort level of the ship 141
7.1 General
8 Report 142

Section 2 Comfort with Regard to Vibrations

1 General 146
1.1 Application
1.2 Basic principles

14 RINA Rules 2017

2 Definitions 146
2.1 Categories of spaces
2.2 Vibration
2.3 Operational power in the CSR condition
3 General Requirements 147
3.1 Design requirements
3.2 Constructional Requirements
4 Documentation to be submitted 147
4.1 Measurement plan
4.2 Vibration measurement results
5 Measurements of vibration levels 147
5.1 Testing conditions
5.2 Measurement positions
6 Instrumentation 148
6.1 General
6.2 Measurement procedure
7 Acceptance Criteria 148
7.1 Vibration levels in the CSR condition
7.2 Vibration levels at different condition than CSR
7.3 Comfort Levels
8 Report 150

Section 3 Comfort with Regard to Climate

1 General 154
1.1 Application
1.2 Definitions
1.3 Basic principles
1.4 Documentation to be submitted
1.5 Measurements on board
2 Basic design requirements 157
2.1 Design criteria
2.2 Design details
2.3 Ventilation
2.4 Calculations of heat gains and losses
2.5 Maintenance
2.6 Inspection and tests during manufacturing
2.7 Inspection and testing after completion
3 Experimental test criteria 158
3.1 General
3.2 Comfort level
3.3 Notation for passenger ships
4 Testing procedures 163
4.1 Instrumentation

RINA Rules 2017 15

5 Appendix 1 - Forms 163
5.1 Characteristics of the ship
5.2 Characteristics of machinery
5.3 Measuring instruments
5.4 Conditions during measurement
5.5 Measuring results
6 Measurement of humidity 169
6.1 Measuring of the absolute humidity using psychrometry
6.2 Relative humidity

16 RINA Rules 2017


Section 1 Sea and Air Pollution Prevention (GREEN PLUS)

1 General 173
1.1 Application
2 Definitions 173
3 Documents to be submitted 173
4 Requisites 174
4.1 General requirements
4.2 Basic systems, components and procedural means
4.3 Additional systems, components and procedural means
4.4 Applicable requirements
5 Environmental index 179
5.1 Index calculation
6 Assignment criteria 179
6.1 Ships other than those intended to operate at a fixed location
6.2 Ships intended to operate at a fixed location
6.3 Barge not provided with machinery spaces
7 Novel features 179
7.1 General
7.2 Examples
8 Systems and components 179
8.1 Systems and components certification

Section 2 Sea and Air Pollution Prevention (GREEN STAR)

1 Green Star Design 180
1.1 General
2 Green Star 180
2.1 General
2.2 Prevention of sea pollution
2.3 Prevention of air pollution
2.4 Ship Environmental Management
2.5 Inspections, tests and surveys

RINA Rules 2017 17

Section 3 Air Pollution Prevention (CLEAN-AIR)
1 General 188
1.1 Application
2.1 Application
2.2 Definitions
2.3 Documents to be submitted
2.4 Emission of ozone depleting substances
2.5 Emission of oxides of nitrogen (NOx)
2.6 Incinerators
2.7 Ship Environmental Management
2.8 Inspections and tests
3 LOWSOx(N) 191
3.1 Application and general
3.2 Maximum allowable sulphur content in fuel oil
3.3 Fuel oil management procedures
3.4 Navigation in SOx emission control areas
3.5 Documents to be submitted
3.6 Installations to limit the emission of SOx

Section 4 Sea Pollution Prevention (CLEAN-SEA)

1 General 193
1.1 Application
1.2 Required certificates
1.3 Definitions
1.4 Documents to be submitted
2 Design and procedural requirements 194
2.1 Prevention of sea pollution by oils
2.2 Prevention of sea pollution by noxious liquid substances carried in bulk as
2.3 Prevention of sea pollution by harmful substances carried by sea as cargo in
packaged form
2.4 Prevention of sea pollution by sewage
2.5 Prevention of sea pollution by garbage
2.6 Prevention of sea pollution by other sources
2.7 Ship recycling
2.8 Ship Environmental Management
3 Inspections and tests 200
3.1 Inspections and testing during construction
3.2 Inspection and testing after installation on board
3.3 Periodical surveys

18 RINA Rules 2017

Section 5 Low Sulphur Fuels (LSF)
1 General 202
1.1 Application
2 Documentation to be submitted 202
3 Requisites 202
3.1 General
3.2 Fuel oil consumers
3.3 Fuel oil system
4 Surveys 202
4.1 Survey for assignment of the notation
4.2 Annual Survey
4.3 Class Renewal Survey

Section 6 Green and Certified Cargo Handling Systems (GC CARGO

1 General 204
1.1 Application
1.2 Documents to be submitted
2 Validation 204
2.1 Application
2.2 Design
2.3 Verification and Testing
3 Environmental requirements 205
3.1 Environmental management procedures
3.2 Systems, components and procedural means to reduce environmental impact
3.3 Applicable requirements
3.4 Assignment Criteria
3.5 Novel features

Appendix 1 Definitions relevant the Green Plus Notation

1 General 212
1.1 MARPOL 73/78
1.2 Ship Environmental Manager
1.3 Ship recycling
2 Definitions in connection with prevention of sea pollution 212
2.1 Discharge
2.2 Grey water
2.3 Grey water - Maximum number of persons
2.4 Harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens
2.5 Harmful substance
2.6 Harmful substances carried in packaged form
2.7 TBT free antifouling system
2.8 Treated sewage holding tank
2.9 AFS Certificate

RINA Rules 2017 19

3 Definitions in connection with prevention of air pollution 213
3.1 Cold Ironing
3.2 Gas to liquid fuels (GTL)
3.3 Global Warming Potential (GWP)
3.4 Green House Gases (GHGs)
3.5 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)
3.6 Low energy consumption lights
3.7 Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP)
3.8 Particulates (PMs)
3.9 Second generation bio-fuels

Appendix 2 Basic and Additional Systems, Components and Procedural Means

to Evaluate the Ship's Environmental Index as per the Green Plus
1 Prevention of sea pollution 214
1.1 Oil from machinery spaces
1.2 Solid bulk cargo storage
1.3 Sewage
1.4 Grey water
1.5 Garbage
1.6 Other sources
2 Prevention of air pollution 218
2.1 Ozone depleting substances
2.2 Green House Gases and Pollutants
2.3 Nitrogen Oxides
2.4 Sulphur Oxides
2.5 Particulates
2.6 Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
2.7 Noise
2.8 Visual intrusion
2.9 Assessment and monitoring
2.10 Green Passport
3 Procedures 225

Appendix 3 Standards Specifications for Shipboard Incinerators

(IMO resolution MEPC.76(40) adopted on 25 September 1997)
1 General 226
1.1 Scope
1.2 Definitions
2 Design 227
2.1 Materials and manufacture
2.2 Operating requirements
2.3 Operating controls
2.4 Other requirements

20 RINA Rules 2017

3 Tests and certification 230
3.1 Tests
3.2 Certification
3.3 Marking
3.4 Quality assurance
4 ANNEX A1 - Emission standard for shipboard incinerators with
capacity of up to 1500 kW - Minimum information to be provided 231
4.1 IMO Type Approval Certificate
4.2 Fuel related emission
4.3 Passenger/cruise ships with incinerator installations having a total capacity of
more than 1500 kW
5 ANNEX A2 - Fire protection requirements for incinerators and
waste stowage spaces 233
5.1 SOLAS requirements to be applied
6 ANNEX A3 - Incinerators integrated with heat recovery units 234
6.1 Flue gas system
6.2 Alarms
6.3 Cleaning devices
7 ANNEX A4 - Flue gas temperature 234
7.1 General

RINA Rules 2017 21

Part F
Additional Class Notations

Chapter 1











RINA Rules 2017 23

Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 1


1 General • the following documents are to be submitted to the

Society by the Interested Party:
1.1 Principles - plans and documents necessary to carry out the
structural analysis, and information on coatings and
1.1.1 Application on cathodic protection (see [2.1])
The additional class notation STAR-HULL is assigned, in - the hot spot map of the structure (see [2.2])
accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.2.2], to ships com- - the Inspection and Maintenance Plan to be imple-
plying with the requirements of this Section. mented by the Owner (see [2.3])
1.1.2 Scope - information concerning the ship database and rele-
The additional class notation STAR-HULL is assigned to a vant electronic support to be implemented by the
ship in order to reflect the fact that a procedure including Owner (see [1.3.1])
periodical and corrective maintenance, as well as periodi- • the Society reviews and approves the Inspection and
cal and occasional inspections of hull structures and equip- Maintenance Plan, taking into account the results of the
ment, (hereafter referred to as the Inspection and structural analysis, as well as the information concern-
Maintenance Plan) are dealt with on board by the crew and ing the ship database
at the Owner’s offices according to approved procedures. • the Society carries out an initial shipboard audit to ver-
The assignment of the notation implies that a structural tridi- ify the compliance of the procedures on board with
mensional analysis has been performed for the hull struc- respect to the submitted documentation.
tures, as defined in Pt B, Ch 7, App 1 or Pt B, Ch 7, App 2
1.2.2 Maintenance of the notation
or Pt B, Ch 7, App 3, as applicable.
The maintenance of the STAR-HULL notation is based on
The implementation of the Inspection and Maintenance the following surveys and checks, whose scope and perio-
Plan is surveyed by the Society through: dicity are specified in [5], to be carried out by the Society:
• periodical audits carried out at the Owner’s offices and • annual audits at the Owner’s offices (see [5.1])
on board
• annual shipboard audits (see [5.2])
• examination of the data recorded by the Owner and
• class renewal surveys (see [5.3]).
made available to the Society through an electronic ship
database suitable for consultation and analysis
• periodical check of the hull structure, normally at the
1.3 Ship database
class renewal survey, against defined acceptance crite- 1.3.1 The ship database, to be available on board and at
ria and based on: the Owner’s offices, using an electronic support suitable for
- the collected data from actual implementation of the consultation and analysis, is to provide at least the follow-
Inspection and Maintenance Plan ing information:
- the results of the inspections, thickness measure- • the hot spot map, as indicated in [2.2]
ments and other checks carried out during the class • the documents required for the Inspection and Mainte-
renewal survey (see [5]). nance Plan, as indicated in [2.3], and the corresponding
1.1.3 Safety management system reports during the ship operation, as indicated in [3.5].
The Inspection and Maintenance Plan required under the The ship database is to include a backup system in order for
scope of the STAR-HULL notation may form part of the the data to be readily restored, if needed.
Safety Management System to be certified in compliance
with the ISM Code. 1.3.2 The ship database is to be:
• updated by the Owner each time new inspection and
1.2 Conditions for the assignment and maintenance data from the ship are available
maintenance of the notation • kept by the Owner.

1.2.1 Assignment of the notation Access to the databases is to be logged, controlled and
The procedure for the assignment of the STAR-HULL nota- secured.
tion is the following: 1.3.3 The ship database is to be made available to the
• a request for the notation is to be sent to the Society: Society.
- signed by the party applying for the classification, in This ship database is to be transmitted to the Society at least
the case of new ships every six months. It may be agreed between the Owner and
- signed by the Owner, in the case of existing ships the Society that the required data are automatically down-

RINA Rules 2017 25

Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 1

loaded into the Society’s ship database after they are col- 2.2 Hot spot map
2.2.1 The items to be included in the hot spot map are, in
general, the following:
2 Documentation to be submitted
• items (such as a plating panels, ordinary stiffeners or pri-
mary supporting members) for which the structural anal-
2.1 Plans and documents to be submitted ysis carried out at the design stage showed that the ratio
between the applied loads and the allowable limits
2.1.1 Structural analysis exceeded 0,975
The plans and documents necessary to support and/or per- • items identified as “hot spot item” during the structural
form the structural analysis covering hull structures are: reassessment, according to App 2
• those submitted for class as listed in Pt B, Ch 1, Sec 3, • structural details subjected to fatigue, based on the list
for new ships defined in Pt B, Ch 12, App 1
• those listed in Tab 1, for existing ships. However, • other items, depending on the results of the structural
depending on the service and specific features of the analyses and/or on experience.
ship, the Society reserves the right to request additional
or different plans and documents from those in Tab 1. 2.2.2 The hot spot map may indicate which items are to be
inspected periodically under the Owner’s responsibility.

Table 1 : Existing ships - Plans and documents

to be submitted to perform the structural analysis 2.3 Inspection and Maintenance Plan (IMP)

Plans and documents 2.3.1 The Inspection and Maintenance Plan is to be based
on the Owner’s experience and on the results of the struc-
Midship section tural analyses including the hot spot map.
Transverse sections The Inspection and Maintenance Plan is to include:
Shell expansion • the list of areas, spaces and hull equipment to be sub-
Longitudinal sections and decks jected to inspection

Double bottom • the periodicity of inspections

Pillar arrangements • the elements to be assessed during the inspection for

each area or space, as applicable:
Framing plan
- coating
Deep tank and ballast tank bulkheads
- anodes
Watertight subdivision bulkheads
- thicknesses
Watertight tunnels
- pitting
Wash bulkheads
- fractures
Fore part structure
Aft part structure
- deformations

Last thickness measurement report • the elements to be assessed during the inspection of hull

2.1.2 Coatings 2.3.2 As regards the maintenance plan, the following

The following information on coatings is to be submitted: information is to be given:

• list of all structural items which are effectively coated • maintenance scope

• characteristics of the coating system. • maintenance type (inspection, reconditioning)

• maintenance frequency (periodicity value unit is to be
2.1.3 Cathodic protection clearly specified, i.e. hours, week, month, year)
The following information on sacrificial anodes is to be sub- • place of maintenance (port, sea, etc.)
• manufacturer’s maintenance and repair specifications,
• localisation of anodes in spaces, on bottom plating and as applicable
sea chests
• procedures contemplated for repairs or renewal of struc-
• dimensions and weight of anodes in new condition. ture or equipment.

26 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 1

3 Inspection and Maintenance Plan - the other inspection is to be carried out preferably
not more than two months before the annual class
survey is conducted
- the minimum interval between any two consecutive
3.1 Minimum requirements inspections of the same item is to be not less than
four months.
3.1.1 The minimum requirements on the scope of the
• Type 2: inspection at annual intervals, preferably not
Inspection and Maintenance Plan (IMP), the periodicity of
more than four months before the annual class survey is
inspections, the extent of inspection and maintenance to be
carried out.
scheduled for each area, space or equipment concerned,
and the minimum content of the report to be submitted to • Type 3: inspection at bottom surveys.
the Society after the inspection are given hereafter.
3.3.2 The following areas/items are to be inspected with a
periodicity of Type 1:
3.1.2 At the Owner’s request, the scope and periodicity
may be other than those specified below, provided that this • deck area structure
is agreed with the Society. • shell plating above waterline
• hatch covers and access hatches
3.1.3 The IMP performed at periodical intervals does not
• deck equipment
prevent the Owner from carrying out occasional inspec-
tions and maintenance as a result of an unexpected failure • superstructures
or event (such as damage resulting from heavy weather or • ballast tanks, including peaks
cargo loading/unloading operation) which may affect the • cargo holds and spaces
hull or hull equipment condition.
• other accessible spaces
Interested parties are also reminded that any damage to the • sea connections and overboard discharges.
ship which may affect the class is to be reported to the Soci-
ety. For ships less than 5 years old, 25% in number of ballast
tanks (with a minimum of 1) are to be inspected annually, in
rotation, so that all ballast tanks are inspected at least once
3.2 General scope of IMP
during the 5-year class period.
3.2.1 The IMP is to cover at least the following areas/items: For ships 5 years old or more, all ballast tanks are to be
inspected annually.
• deck area structure
• hatch covers and access hatches 3.3.3 The following areas are to be inspected with a perio-
dicity of Type 2:
• deck fittings
• bunker and double bottom fuel oil tanks
• steering gear • fresh water tanks
• superstructures • cargo tanks.
• shell plating
3.3.4 Whenever the outside of the ship’s bottom is exam-
• ballast tanks, including peaks, ined in drydock or on a slipway, inspections are to be car-
ried out on the following items:
• cargo holds, cargo tanks and spaces
• rudders
• other accessible spaces
• propellers
• rudders • bottom plating
• sea connections and overboard discharges • sea chests and anodes.
• sea chests In addition, the requirement under Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2, [7.1.2]
• propellers. is to be complied with.

3.3 Periodicity of inspections 3.4 Extent of inspections

3.4.1 Deck area structure
3.3.1 Inspections are to be carried out at least with the fol-
The deck plating, structure over deck and hatch coamings,
lowing periodicity:
as applicable are to be visually examined for assessment of
• Type 1: two inspections every year, with the following the coating, and detection of fractures, deformations and
principles: corrosion.
- one inspection is to be carried out outside the win- When structural defects affecting the class (such as fractures
dow provided for the execution of the annual class or deformations) are found, the Society is to be called for
survey, in the vicinity of the halfway date of the occasional survey attendance. If such structural defects are
anniversary date interval repetitive in similar areas of the deck, a program of addi-

RINA Rules 2017 27

Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 1

tional close-up surveys may be planned at the Society’s dis- • Other deck fittings
cretion for the next inspections. Other deck fittings are to be visually examined and
In other cases, such as coating found in poor condition, dealt with under the same principles as those detailed in
repairs or renewal are to be dealt with, or a program of the items above according to the type of fitting.
maintenance is to be set in agreement with the Society, at a
suitable time, but at the latest at the next intermediate or 3.4.4 Steering gear
class renewal survey, whichever comes first. The inspection of the installation is to cover:
• examination of the installation
3.4.2 Hatch covers and small hatches
• test with main and emergency systems
Cargo hold hatch covers and related accessories are to be
visually examined and checked for operation under the • changeover test of working rams.
same scope as that required for annual class survey in. The
condition of coating is to be assessed. 3.4.5 Superstructures
The structural part of superstructures is to be visually exam-
Access hatches are to be visually examined, in particular
ined and checked under the same scope as that required for
tightness devices, locking arrangements and coating condi-
deck structure.
tion, as well as signs of corrosion.
The closing devices (doors, windows, ventilation system,
Any defective tightness device or securing/locking arrange-
skylights) are to be visually examined with attention to
ment is to be dealt with. Operating devices of hatch covers
tightness devices and checked for their proper operation.
are to be maintained according to the manufacturer’s
requirements and/or when found defective. Any defective item is to be dealt with.
For structural defects or coating found in poor condition,
3.4.6 Shell plating
refer to [3.4.1].
The shell plating, sides and bottom, are to be visually exam-
3.4.3 Deck fittings ined for assessment of the coating, and detection of frac-
The inspection of deck fittings is to cover at least the follow- tures, deformations and corrosion.
ing items: When structural defects affecting the class (such as fractures
• Piping on deck or deformations) are found, the Society is to be called for
occasional survey attendance. If such structural defects are
A visual examination of piping is to be carried out, with repetitive in similar areas of the shell plating, a program of
particular attention to coating, external corrosion, tight- additional close-up surveys may be planned at the Society’s
ness of pipes and joints (examination under pressure), discretion for the next inspections.
valves and piping supports. Operation of valves is to be
checked. In other cases, such as coating found in poor condition,
repairs or renewal are to be dealt with, or a program of
Any defective tightness, supporting device or valve is to
maintenance is to be set in agreement with the Society, at a
be dealt with.
suitable time, but at the latest at the next intermediate or
• Vent system class renewal survey, whichever comes first.
A visual examination of the vent system is to be carried
out. Dismantling is to be carried out as necessary for 3.4.7 Ballast tanks
checking the condition of closure (flaps, balls) and Ballast tanks, including peaks, are to be overall surveyed
clamping devices and of screens. with regards to:
Any defective item is to be dealt with. • structural condition (fractures, deformations, corrosion)
• Ladders, guard rails, bulwarks, walkways • condition of coating and anodes, if any
A visual examination is to be carried out with attention • fittings such as piping, valves.
to the coating condition (as applicable), corrosion,
deformation or missing elements. A program of close-up survey may also be required,
depending on the results of the structural analyses and the
Any defective item is to be dealt with. hot spot map.
• Anchoring and mooring equipment
When structural defects affecting the class are found, the
A visual examination of the windlass, winches, cap- Society is to be called for occasional survey attendance. If
stans, anchor and visible part of the anchor chain is to such structural defects (such as fractures or deformations)
be carried out. A working test is to be effected by lower- are repetitive in similar structures in the same ballast tanks
ing a sufficient length of chain on each side and the or in other ballast tanks, a program of additional close-up
chain lengths thus ranged out are to be examined survey may be planned at the Society’s discretion for the
(shackles, studs, wastage). next inspections.
Any defective item is to be dealt with. For replacement In other cases, such as coating found in poor condition or
of chains or anchors, the Society is to be requested for anodes depleted, repairs or renewal are to be dealt with, or
attendance. a program of maintenance is to be set in agreement with the
The manufacturer’s maintenance requirements, if any, Society, at a suitable time, but at the latest at the next inter-
are to be complied with. mediate or class renewal survey, whichever comes first.

28 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 1

3.4.8 Cargo holds and spaces 3.4.12 Sea chests

Dry cargo holds and other spaces such as container holds, Sea chests have to be examined with regards to:
vehicle decks are to be subjected to overall examination
and dealt with in the case of defects, under the same scope • structural condition (fractures, deformations, corrosion)
as that required for ballast tanks. Attention is also to be • condition of cleanliness, coating and anodes
given to other fittings, such as bilge wells (cleanliness and
• visual examination of accessible part of piping or valve.
working test) and ladders.
Cargo tanks are to be overall surveyed with regards to: 3.4.13 Propellers
• structural condition (fractures, deformations, corrosion) A visual examination of propeller blades, propeller boss
• condition of coating and anodes, if any and propeller cap is to be carried out as regards fractures,
• fittings such as piping, valves. deformations and corrosion. For variable pitch propellers,
absence of leakage at the connection between the blades
A program of close-up survey may also be required, and the hub is to be also ascertained.
depending on the results of the structural analyses and the
hot spot map. Absence of leakage of the aft tailshaft sealing arrangement
is to be ascertained.
When structural defects affecting the class are found, the
Society is to be called for occasional survey attendance. If 3.4.14 Cargo tanks, bunker and double bottom fuel
such structural defects (such as fractures or deformations) oil tanks, fresh water tanks
are repetitive in similar structures in the same cargo tanks or
Bunker and double bottom fuel oil tanks are to be overall
in other cargo tanks, a program of additional close-up sur-
surveyed with regards to:
vey may be planned at the Society’s discretion for the next
inspections. • structural condition (fractures, deformations, corrosion)
In other cases, such as coating found in poor condition or • condition of coating and anodes, if any
anodes depleted, repairs or renewal are to be dealt with, or
• fittings such as piping, valves.
a program of maintenance is to be set in agreement with the
Society, at a suitable time, but at the latest at the next inter- A program of close-up survey may also be required,
mediate or class renewal survey, whichever comes first. depending on the results of the structural analyses and the
hot spot map.
3.4.9 Other accessible spaces
Other spaces accessible during normal operation of the ship When structural defects affecting the class are found, the
or port operations, such as cofferdams, void spaces, pipe Society is to be called for occasional survey attendance. If
tunnels and machinery spaces are to be examined and dealt such structural defects (such as fractures or deformations)
with under the same scope as that required for dry cargo are repetitive in similar structures in the same bunker/dou-
holds and spaces. ble bottom fuel oil tanks or in other bunker/double bottom
Consideration is also to be given to the cleanliness of fuel oil tanks, a program of additional close-up survey may
spaces where machinery and/or other equivalent equipment be planned at the Society’s discretion for the next inspec-
exist which may give rise to leakage of oil, fuel water or tions.
other leakage (such as main and auxiliary machinery In other cases, such as coating found in poor condition or
spaces, cargo pump rooms, cargo compressor rooms, anodes depleted, repairs or renewal are to be dealt with, or
dredging machinery spaces, steering gear space). a program of maintenance is to be set in agreement with the
Society, at a suitable time, but at the latest at the next inter-
3.4.10 Rudder(s) mediate or class renewal survey, whichever comes first.
A visual examination of rudder blade(s) is to be carried out
to detect fractures, deformations and corrosion. Plugs, if
any, have to be removed for verification of tightness of the 3.5 Inspection reports
rudder blade(s). Thickness measurements of plating are to
be carried out in case of doubt. Access doors to pintles (if 3.5.1 Inspection reports are to be prepared by the person
any) have to be removed. Condition of pintle(s) has to be responsible after each survey. They are to be kept on board
verified. Clearances have to be taken. and made available to the Surveyor at his request. An elec-
tronic form is to be used for this purpose (see [1.3]).
Condition of connection with rudder stock is to be verified.
A copy of these reports is to be transmitted to the Owner’s
Tightening of both pintles and connecting bolts is to be
offices, for the records and updating of the ship database.

3.4.11 Sea connections and overboard discharges 3.5.2 The inspection reports are to include the following.
A visual external examination of sea inlets, outlet corre- • General information such as date of inspection/mainte-
sponding valves and piping is to be carried out in order to nance, identification of the person performing the
check tightness. An operation test of the valves and inspection with his signature, identification of the
manoeuvring devices is to be performed. area/space/equipment inspected.
Any defective tightness and/or operability is to be dealt • For inspection of structural elements (deck area, hatch
with. covers and small hatches, superstructures, ballast tanks,

RINA Rules 2017 29

Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 1

dry cargo holds and spaces, other spaces), the report is Table 2 : Acceptance criteria for coatings
to indicate:
- coating condition of the different boundaries and Condition Acceptance criteria
internal structures and, if any, coating repairs
Ships less than 10 years old Coatings in GOOD condition
- structural defects, such as fractures, corrosion
(including pitting), deformations, with the identifica- Ships 10 years old or more Coatings in GOOD or FAIR
tion of their location, recurrent defects condition

- condition of fittings related to the space inspected, Note 1:

with description as necessary of checks, working GOOD : only minor spot rusting
tests, dismantling, overhaul FAIR : local breakdown at edges of stiffeners and weld
connections and/or light rusting over 20% or
• For inspection of equipment (deck equipment, sea con-
more of areas under consideration, but less than
nections and overboard discharges), the report is to indi-
as defined for POOR condition
cate the results of visual examination, working tests,
POOR : general breakdown of coating over 20% or more
dismantling, repairs, renewal or overhaul performed.
of areas or hard scale at 10% or more of areas
under consideration.
3.5.3 When deemed necessary or appropriate, the report
is to be supplemented by documents, sketches or photo-
graphs, showing for example: 4.2 Sacrificial anode condition
• location and dimension of fractures, pitting, deforma- 4.2.1 Criteria
The acceptance criteria for sacrificial anodes in each coated
• condition of equipment before repairs space fitted with anodes is indicated in Tab 3 in terms of
• measurements taken. percentage of losses in weight.
Where acceptance criteria are not fulfilled, sacrificial
3.5.4 Models of inspection reports for structural elements anodes are to be renewed.
and equipment are given in App 5.
These models are to be used as a guide for entering the col- Table 3 : Acceptance criteria for sacrificial anodes
lected data into the ship database, in an electronic form.
Condition Percentage of loss in weight
3.6 Changes to Inspection and Mainte- Ships less than 10 years old Less than 25
nance Plan
Ships 10 years old or more Less than 50
3.6.1 Changes to ship operation, review of the inspection
and maintenance reports, possible subsequent changes to 4.3 Thickness measurements
the hot spot map and corrosion rates different than those
expected may show that the extent of the maintenance per- 4.3.1 General
formed needs to be adjusted to improve its efficiency. The acceptance criteria for measured thicknesses are indi-
Where more defects are found than would be expected, it cated in:
may be necessary to increase the extent and/or the fre- • App 1 for isolated areas of items (for example a local-
quency of the maintenance program. Alternatively, the ised area of a plate)
extent and/or the frequency of the maintenance may be • App 2 for items (for example a plating panel or an ordi-
reduced subject to documented justification. nary stiffener)
• App 3 for zones (for example the bottom zone).
4 Acceptance criteria
When the acceptance criteria are not fulfilled, actions
according to [4.3.2] to [4.3.4] are to be taken.
4.1 Coating assessment
4.3.2 Isolated area
4.1.1 Criteria
The thickness diminution of an isolated area of an item is
The acceptance criteria for the coating condition of each the localised diminution of the thickness of that item such
coated space is indicated in Tab 2. as, for example, the grooving of a plate or a web or a local
Where acceptance criteria are not fulfilled, coating is to be severe corrosion. It is expressed as a percentage of the rele-
repaired. vant as built thickness.
It is not to be confused with pitting (see [4.4]).
4.1.2 Repairs
If the criteria of acceptable diminution are not fulfilled for
The procedures for repairs of coatings are to follow the an isolated area, then this isolated area is to be repaired or
coating manufacturer’s specification for repairs, under the replaced. In any case, the criteria of thickness diminution
Owner’s responsibility. are to be considered for the corresponding item (see

30 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 1

4.3.3 Item (1/1/2001) Table 4 : Pitting intensity and corresponding

For each item, thicknesses are measured at several points acceptable wastage in pits
and the average value of these thicknesses is to satisfy the
acceptance criteria for the relevant item. Acceptable wastage in pits,
Pitting intensity, in %
If the criteria of measured thicknesses are not fulfilled for an in percentage of the average
(see App 4)
item, then this item is to be repaired or replaced. Where the residual thickness
criteria are fulfilled but substantial corrosion as defined in ≤3 23
Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2, [2.2.9] is found, the IMP is to be adjusted
to increase the frequency and/or extent of the maintenance 5 22
program. In any case, for the items which contribute to the 10 21
hull girder longitudinal strength, the criteria in [4.3.4] are
to be considered. 15 20
20 19
4.3.4 Zone
25 18
For consideration of the hull girder longitudinal strength,
the transverse section of the ship is divided into three zones: 30 17
• deck zone 40 15
• neutral axis zone 50 13
• bottom zone.
4.5 Fractures
The sectional area diminution of a zone, expressed as a per-
centage of the relevant as built sectional area, is to fulfil the
4.5.1 General
criteria of acceptable diminution for that zone.
Fractures are found, in general, at locations where stress
If the criteria of acceptable diminution are not fulfilled for a concentrations occur.
zone, then some items belonging to that zone are to be
replaced (in principle, those which are most worn) in order In particular, fractures occur at the following locations:
to obtain after their replacement an increased sectional area • beginning or end of a run of welding
of the zone fulfilling the relevant criteria.
• rounded corners at the end of a stiffener
• traces of lifting fittings used during the construction of
4.4 Pitting the ship
4.4.1 Pitting intensity • weld anomalies
The pitting intensity is defined by the percentage of area • welding at toes of brackets
affected by pitting. • welding at cut-outs
The diagrams in App 4 are to be used to identify the per- • intersections of welds
centage of area affected by pitting and thus the pitting inten-
• intermittent welding at the ends of each length of weld.
The structure under examination is to be cleaned and pro-
4.4.2 Acceptable wastage vided with adequate lighting and means of access to facili-
The acceptable wastage for a localised pit (intensity ≤ 3%) is tate the detection of fractures.
23% of the average residual thickness.
If the initiation points of the fractures are not apparent, the
For areas having a pitting density of 50% or more, the structure on the other side of the plating is to be examined.
acceptable wastage in pits is 13% of the average residual
thickness. 4.5.2 Criteria
For intermediate values (between localised pit and 50% of Where fractures are detected, the Society’s Surveyor is
affected area), the acceptable wastage in pits is to be always to be called for attendance.
obtained by interpolation between 23% and 13% of the
average residual thicknesses (see Tab 4). 5 Maintenance of the notation
4.4.3 Repairs
5.1 Annual audit at the Owner’s offices
Application of filler material (plastic or epoxy compounds)
is recommended as a mean for stopping/reducing the corro-
5.1.1 The audit is to be carried out annually preferably
sion process but this is not an acceptable repair for pitting
within the prescribed six-month window as shown in Fig 1.
exceeding the maximum permissible wastage limits.
If two or more ships belonging to the same Owner are
Welding repairs may be accepted when performed in assigned the STAR-HULL notation, this annual audit may be
accordance with agreed procedures. performed for all ships at the same time in a suitable period
agreed between the Owner and the Society.

RINA Rules 2017 31

Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 1

Figure 1 : Audit periodicity

Annual audit at Owner's office

0 1 2 3 4 (years)

3 month annual shipboard audit windows

Annual shipboard audit

5.1.2 The Surveyor checks that the ship database held at For ships other than ESP ships, the planning of the class
the Owner’s offices is kept updated, in particular with the renewal survey is to be prepared in advance of the survey
inspection and maintenance reports of the IMP. by the Owner in cooperation with the Society. This plan-
A preliminary evaluation on how the IMP is applied may be ning is preferably to be agreed during the annual audit at
done on the basis of the data and information collected dur- the Owner’s offices performed approximately eighteen
ing this audit and the data received from the ship. months before the due date of the class renewal survey (see
Depending on this evaluation, the Society may call for:
The planning is to include the following information:
• an occasional survey on board the ship by a Surveyor of
• conditions for survey
the Society to be carried out as soon as possible
• provisions and methods for access to structures
• corrective actions to be taken by the Owner in applying
• equipment for survey
the IMP.
• indication of spaces (holds, tanks, etc.) and areas for
5.1.3 The annual audit at the Owner’s offices performed internal examination, overall survey and close-up sur-
before the commencement of the class renewal survey is to vey
include the planning required for this survey (see [5.3.2]). • indication of sections and areas to be thickness meas-
5.2 Annual shipboard audit • indication of tanks to be tested
• indication of areas to be checked for fatigue fracture
5.2.1 The annual shipboard audit is to be carried out con- detection (see [5.3.3]).
currently with the annual survey.
It is to take account of:
5.2.2 During this audit the Surveyor: • the results of the IMP held by the Owner during the cur-
• verifies that the ship database is kept updated and trans- rent class period, as well as the class surveys carried out
mitted to the Owner’s offices during the same period
• verifies the consistency and implementation of the IMP • the scope of the class renewal survey as required in
Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 3 and Part A, Chapter 4, as applicable to
• carries out additional inspections relevant to hull (struc-
the ship concerned
ture and equipment), if required as a result of the audit
at the Owner’s offices. • the additional requirements related to the STAR-HULL
notation as indicated in [5.3.3].
5.3 Class renewal survey 5.3.3 In addition to the scope of the class renewal survey
as required for the ship concerned, the following is to be
5.3.1 The survey for the renewal of the STAR-HULL nota- carried out:
tion is to be carried out concurrently with the class renewal
• an annual shipboard audit as detailed in [5.2]
• the assessment of the condition of coating and anodes
The documentation to be prepared, the surveys to be car-
ried out and the structural reassessment to be done in con- • the close-up survey and thickness measurements as
nection with the class renewal survey are summarised in the required in the survey planning as a result of the previ-
flowchart shown in Fig 2. ous structural assessment
• a specific survey for fatigue fracture detection in accord-
5.3.2 For ESP ships, the planning of the class renewal sur- ance with the planning as a result of the previous hot
vey as required in Part A, Chapter 4 is to be used. spot map.

32 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 1

Figure 2 : Actions to be taken in connection with the Class Renewal Survey

Planning, documentation, Surveys

structural reassessment

Planning of the class renewal survey based on

existing Hot Spot Map recorded within the ship
data base and collection of maintenance data

- Overall Survey


- Close-up survey

- Assassment  
anode conditions
- Thickness measurements (systematically
associated with close-up survey)
-Detection of fractures and deformations

Structural reassessment of the AS-INSPECTED

STATE based on the collected data (the
reassessment is repeated, if necessary, based
on additional thickness measurements)

Updating of ship data base


Definition of a program for corrective actions, as

necessary, using the results of the structural
reassessment based on repairs/renewals

Completion of class renewal survey by

implementing repairs/renewals

Updating the system database


Updating the IMP (as necessary)

RINA Rules 2017 33

Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 1

5.3.4 On the basis of the results of the surveys, thickness sion of the STAR-HULL notation. However, in cases
measurements and fatigue fracture detection carried out as where the recommendation is of a minor nature, the
indicated in [5.3.3], the “as-inspected state” of the ship is notation may not be suspended.
established. A structural reassessment of the “as-inspected • The condition of the ship is below the minimum level
state” is performed according to the criteria in App 2. This for the STAR-HULL notation, but still above the level for
state may be progressively updated based on the results of the class (e.g. the scantling of a hull structure is below
additional inspections and/or thickness measurements the corrosion margin acceptable for the notation but is
required on the basis of the first “running” of the analysis. still above the corrosion margin). The action to be taken
Once the final “as-inspected state” is established, a program is either the immediate repair or the imposition of a rec-
of corrective actions is defined, which may consist of: ommendation for the STAR-HULL notation (without rec-
• structural renewals ommendation for class).
• repairs of structural defects (fractures, deformations, • The Inspection and Maintenance Plan is not complied
etc.) with (e.g. delays in performing the operations pro-
• repairs/renewals of coating and/or anodes. grammed according to the plan or the scope of inspec-
tion and/or maintenance not completely fulfilled),
in order to ensure that the ship continues to comply with and/or the maintenance of the database is not fulfilled.
the acceptance criteria given in [4]. In addition, the IMP
may be modified if needed. The action to be taken is:
- either the immediate compliance with the require-
5.3.5 The corrective actions are to be surveyed by a Sur- ments or the imposition of a recommendation if the
veyor of the Society. Subsequently a new “as-repaired state” non-conformity is of a minor nature or is an excep-
of the ship is obtained, including an updated hot spot map. tional occurrence
- or the suspension of the STAR-HULL notation if the
5.4 Suspension and withdrawal of the nota- non-conformity is of a major nature or a recurrence.
• A defect or a deficiency is found in applying the IMP.
5.4.1 The maintenance of the STAR-HULL notation is sub- The actions to be taken are the same as stated both for
ject to the same principles as those for the maintenance of repair of structure/coating/equipment (first two cases
class: surveys are to be carried out by their limit dates and above) and for the application of the IMP (third case
possible recommendations (related to the notation) are to above)).
be dealt with by their limit dates. • An unexpected defect or deficiency is found or an acci-
The suspension of class automatically causes the suspen- dent occurs, i.e. not as a result of lack of maintenance
sion of the STAR-HULL notation. or failure in the application of the IMP. The actions to be
taken are the same as stated for repair of structure/coat-
5.4.2 Various events may lead either to imposition of a ing/equipment (first two cases above).
recommendation related to the STAR-HULL notation or to
suspension of the notation itself. Some cases are given 5.4.3 The withdrawal of the STAR-HULL notation may be
below. decided in different cases, such as:
• The condition of the ship is below the minimum level • recurrent suspension of the STAR-HULL notation
required for class (e.g. scantling of a hull structure
below the corrosion margin). The action to be taken is • suspension of the STAR-HULL notation for more than a
either the immediate repair or the imposition of a rec- given period (i.e. 3 months)
ommendation for the class (if acceptable) and suspen- • expiry or withdrawal of class.

34 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 2


1 General tional equipment or systems that are considered critical,

depending on the ship type and service.
1.1 Principles The risk analysis process, its results and the proposed risk
reduction measures are to be included in a report, which is
1.1.1 Application (1/1/2001) to constitute a part of the PMS manual.
The additional class notation STAR-MACH is assigned, in
1.1.4 Class renewal survey (1/7/2003)
accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.2.3] to ships comply-
The assignment of the STAR-MACH implies that the class
ing with the requirements of this Section.
renewal surveys of machinery are carried out by applying
1.1.2 Procedure (1/7/2009) the planned maintenance scheme (PMS) described in Pt A,
Ch 2, Sec 2. The procedure of recognising surveys carried
The STAR-MACH notation reflects the fact that the Planned
out by the Chief Engineer, as indicated in Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2
Maintenance Scheme (PMS) on board in accordance with
when CMS or PMS schemes are adopted, is also applied.
Ch 12, Sec 1 is integrated with items highlighted by risk-
based considerations and is periodically updated on the The combination of the maintenance plan implemented by
basis of the onboard experience. This procedure can the Owner and the results of the risk analysis enables the
include periodical and corrective maintenance, condition- improvement of the PMS.
monitoring as well as periodical and occasional inspections
of machinery installations and equipment, and is to be 1.1.5 Manufacturer’s recommendations
operated on board and at the Owner’s offices. This proce- The STAR-MACH notation is by no means to be considered
dure is to be part of the PMS manual and may include a relaxation or a variation of the type and timing of mainte-
equipment outside the scope of the classification. nance recommended by the Manufacturer.
The implementation of this procedure is verified by the Any possible change or optimisation of the original mainte-
Society through: nance scheme may be considered only after the expiry of
the Manufacturer’s warranty period, once that all involved
• a risk analysis, initially performed by the Society itself,
machinery and equipment are set in service and the infor-
or by the Owner with the approval of the Society in mation relative to the maintenance and performance of the
order to identify critical machinery and equipment various machinery and equipment is collected and elabo-
items that are to be covered
rated, as necessary, in consultation with the Manufacturer,
• periodical update on the basis of the onboard corrective at the Owner’s request.
and preventive maintenance experience
• periodical examination of the data recorded by the 1.1.6 Safety Management System
Owner and made available to the Society through an The risk analysis report required under the scope of the
electronic ship database suitable for consultation; and STAR-MACH notation may be part of the Safety Manage-
ment System to be certified in compliance with the ISM
• periodical audits carried out by the Society at the
Owner's offices and on board.

1.1.3 Risk analysis (1/7/2009) 1.2 Conditions for the assignment and
Within the framework of STAR-MACH, the purpose of the maintenance of the notation
risk analysis is to review the preventive and corrective
maintenance process on the basis of the risk of failures of 1.2.1 Assignment of the notation (1/7/2009)
the equipment of the ship systems, where the 'risk' of an The procedure for the assignment of the STAR-MACH nota-
event is defined as the combination of its probability and tion is the following:
consequences. a) a request for the notation is to be sent to the Society:
The risk analysis is to include at least the equipment - signed by the party applying for the classification in
belonging to the following systems: the case of new ships, or
• Propulsion - signed by the Owner in the case of existing ships;
• Electrical Production b) the Society or the Owner performs the risk analysis for
• Steering gear, the selected systems;
c) the Society reviews and approves the PMS, which
including the auxiliaries that are essential for the functional- includes the risk analysis report, taking into account the
ity of the aforesaid systems. results of the above-mentioned risk analysis as well as
The Society, upon agreement with the Owner, may vary the the information concerning the ship database (for exist-
scope of the risk analysis to encompass different or addi- ing ships);

RINA Rules 2017 35

Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 2

d) the Society carries out an initial shipboard audit to ver- • information concerning the ship database and rele-
ify the compliance of the procedures on board with vant electronic support to be implemented by the
respect to the documentation submitted. Owner during the ship life (see [1.3.1]);
The documentation to be submitted to the Society by the
b) For a new ship, the plans and documents of the selected
interested party is listed in [2].
systems do not need to be duplicated with respect to
those requested for the purpose of classification in
1.2.2 Maintenance of the notation
Part C, Chapters 1, 2, 3 and 4.
The maintenance of the STAR-MACH notation is based on
regular risk analysis reviews (see [3.2]) and the following c) The plans are to be supplemented with the Manufac-
surveys to be carried out by the Society, according to the turer’s specifications, including the list of relevant
scope and frequency given in [4]: equipment and accessories and instructions for their
• annual audit at the Owner’s offices (see [4.1]) use, as required.

• annual shipboard audit (see [4.2]) d) The Society may request additional documents or infor-
• occasional shipboard audits/surveys (see [4.3]) triggered mation, when needed.
In addition, if the risk analysis is performed by the Owner,
- new risk analysis results he is to provide the Society with the risk analysis report,
- modifications to ship operations including the assumptions, considerations, risk models etc.
that have brought to the resulting list of critical machin-
- non-conformities. ery/equipment of the selected systems, for approval.

1.3 Ship database

2.2 Inclusion of the Risk Analysis in the
1.3.1 (1/7/2009) PMS Manual
The ship database is to be available on board and at the
Owner's offices, in an electronic format suitable for consul- 2.2.1 (1/7/2009)
tation and analysis. It is to include at least the following
The structure of the PMS manual is to be in accordance
with Ch 12, Sec 1, to which the risk analysis report (see [3]
• the documents required for the PMS, as indicated in below) is to be added. The risk analysis report is to include
[2.2], and the corresponding reports during the ship at least:
operation, as indicated in [4.2]
• assumptions, considerations, risk models etc. that have
• the results of the risk analysis and the risk reduction
led to the resulting list of critical machinery/equipment
of the selected systems
1.3.2 The ship database is to be: • the risk reduction measures defined for the critical
• kept by the Owner machinery/equipment (condition monitoring, additional
surveys, etc.).
• updated by the Owner each time new inspection and
maintenance data from the ship are available.
2.3 Changes to the Planned Maintenance
Access to the database is to be logged, controlled and
2.3.1 Changes to ship operation, condition monitoring,
The ship database is to include a back up system so that the risk analysis review, or any other documented change may
data can be readily restored, if needed. require modifications to the PMS. Where more defects are
1.3.3 (1/7/2009) found than would be expected, it may be necessary to
increase the extent and/or the frequency of the mainte-
The ship database is to be made available to the Society.
nance. The extent and/or the frequency of the maintenance
may be varied upon consultation with the Manufacturer. In
2 Documentation to be submitted general, all modifications to the PMS are to be justified and
documented, and are subject to approval by the Society.
2.1 Plans, documents and specifications
2.1.1 (1/7/2009) 2.4 Person responsible
a) The plans and documents necessary to assign the STAR-
MACH notation are to include: 2.4.1 The person on board responsible for the collection
and processing of maintenance data within the scope of the
• the system machinery and equipment as per [1.1.3], planned maintenance is to be authorised by the Society in
if the risk analysis is performed by the Society accordance with the procedure established for the recogni-
• the maintenance plan of machinery / equipment of tion of machinery surveys carried out by Chief Engineers
the selected systems, and (see Pt A, Ch 2, App 1).

36 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 2

3 Risk analysis 4 Maintenance of the notation

3.1 Initial risk analysis 4.1 Annual audit at the Owner’s offices
3.1.1 Purpose (1/7/2003) 4.1.1 The audit is to be carried out annually, preferably
The purpose of the initial risk analysis, to be carried out by within the prescribed six-month window as shown in Fig 1.
the Society or the Owner in order to assign the STAR- If more than one ship belonging to the same Owner is
MACH notation, is: assigned the STAR-MACH notation, this annual audit may
• to identify critical items (equipment and/or components) be performed for all ships at the same time at a suitable
period agreed between the Owner and the Society.
• to integrate the PMS with corrective/ preventive mainte-
nance procedures for the critical items identified 4.1.2 The Surveyor checks that the ship database held at
• to recommend measures to improve the type and/or fre- the Owner’s office is kept updated, in particular with the
quency of inspection and maintenance, when deemed inspection and maintenance reports of the Inspection and
necessary. Maintenance Plan.
From the data collected during this audit and data received
3.1.2 Process
from the ship, a preliminary review is done. This review
The overall risk analysis process is described in App 6. may lead to extending the scope of the audit and/or an
occasional machinery survey on board the ship, specifically
3.2 Risk analysis review for machinery the performance of which is deteriorating.
The audit includes the examination of:
3.2.1 Scope (1/7/2009) • preventive maintenance records
The initial risk analysis carried out in accordance with
• corrective maintenance records
[3.1.1] is to be kept up-to-date by either the Society or the
Owner upon agreement, on the basis of the information and • predictive maintenance records, i.e. planning records
data gathered from the ship database (see [1.3]), for about outstanding inspections or other actions for the
instance results of inspection and maintenance tasks, fail- forthcoming period.
ures and repairs.
The updated data may be used for a re-evaluation of the 4.2 Annual shipboard audit
critical systems and components, if this proves to be neces-
sary. 4.2.1 The annual shipboard audit is to be carried out con-
currently with the annual survey.
When the reviewed risk analysis shows a significant devia-
tion of the items' criticality from the initial risk analysis, 4.2.2 During this audit the Surveyor:
modifications of the Inspection and Maintenance Plan, for
• verifies that the ship data base is kept updated and is
instance in terms of type and periodicity of maintenance,
transmitted to the Owner’s office
may be required, subject to approval by the Society.
• verifies the consistency and implementation of the
3.2.2 Major alterations Inspection and Maintenance Plan
In the case of major alterations to the machinery and equip- • carries out additional inspections and/or tests relevant
ment covered by the STAR-MACH notation, the risk model to machinery, if required as a result of the audit at the
is to be updated to suit the new arrangements on board. Owner’s office.

Figure 1

Annual audit at Owner's office

0 1 2 3 4 (years)

3 month annual shipboard audit windows

Annual shipboard audit

RINA Rules 2017 37

Pt F, Ch 1, Sec 2

4.3 Occasional onboard audits and/or sur- 4.4.2 Different events may lead either to imposition of a
veys recommendation related to the STAR-MACH notation or to
suspension of the notation itself. Some cases are given
4.3.1 Occasional audits may be required when audits at below:
the Owner’s offices revealt that the Inspection and Mainte- a) The condition of the machinery installations is below
nance Plan has not been applied or working in the manner the minimum level required for class. The action to be
intended, or that particular equipment shows abnormal taken is either the immediate repair or the imposition of
behaviour. a recommendation for class (if acceptable) and suspen-
4.3.2 The Society is to be notified when an item is due to sion of the STAR-MACH notation. However, in cases
be repaired on a non-scheduled basis because of failure. where the recommendation is of a minor nature, the
The notification is to include the place, time and specifica- notation may not be suspended.
tion of the corrective action which has to be executed. The b) The PMS is not complied with (e.g. delays in performing
Society will decide whether to carry out an occasional on the operations scheduled according to the plan or the
board survey. scope of inspection and/or maintenance is not com-
pletely fulfilled), and/or the maintenance of the data-
4.3.3 The Society is to be notified of changes to the opera- base is not fulfilled.
tion of the ship and/or modifications to machinery and/or
The action to be taken is:
equipment to, so that:
• a survey on board the ship may be carried out to verify • either the immediate compliance with the require-
the changes and modifications ments or the imposition of a recommendation, if the
non-conformity is of a minor nature or is an excep-
• the effects of the changes and modifications may be
tional occurrence, or
taken into consideration, if deemed necessary, during
the next risk analysis • the suspension of the STAR-MACH notation, if the
non-conformity is of a major nature or a recurrence.
• an immediate revision of the Inspection and Mainte-
nance Plan is conducted, if deemed necessary. c) A defect or a deficiency is found in applying the PMS.
The actions to be taken are the same as stated above
The effects of any changes in relation to the Inspection and both for repair of machinery installations (case a) above)
Maintenance Plan are monitored during the next annual and for the application of the PMS (case b)).
shipboard audit.
d) An unexpected defect or deficiency is found or a failure
occurs, i.e. not as a result of lack of maintenance or fail-
4.4 Suspension and withdrawal of the nota-
ure in the application of the PMS. The actions to be
tion taken are the same as stated in the case a) above.
4.4.1 The maintenance of the STAR-MACH notation is 4.4.3 The withdrawal of the STAR-MACH notation may be
subject to the same principles as those for the maintenance decided in different cases, such as:
of class: surveys are to be carried out by their limit dates,
and any recommendations (related to the notation) are to be • recurrent suspension of the STAR-MACH notation
dealt with by their limit dates. • suspension of the STAR-MACH notation for more than
The suspension of class automatically causes the suspen- a given period (i.e. 3 months)
sion of the STAR-MACH notation. • expiry or withdrawal of class.

38 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 1, App 1



1 General 1.1.2 The acceptable limits for the thickness diminution of

isolated areas of items contributing to the hull girder longi-
tudinal strength are specified in:
1.1 Application • Tab 1 for the bottom zone items
• Tab 2 for the neutral axis zone items
1.1.1 The acceptance criteria consist in checking that the
• Tab 3 for the deck zone items.
thickness diminution of an isolated area of an item (meas-
ured according to Sec 1, [4.3.2]) is less than the acceptable The acceptable limits for the thickness diminution of iso-
limits specified in [1.1.2]. Otherwise, actions according to lated areas of items not contributing to the hull girder longi-
Sec 1, [4.3.2] are to be taken. tudinal strength are specified in Tab 4.

Table 1 : Acceptable limits for the thickness diminution of isolated areas of items
Items contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength and located in the bottom zone

Acceptable limit
L < 90 m L ≥ 90 m
Plating of: 22% 18%
• keel, bottom and bilge
• inner bottom
• lower strake of inner side and longitudinal bulkheads
• hopper tanks
Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners of: Web 22% 18%
• keel, bottom and bilge
Flange 18% 15%
• inner bottom
• lower strake of inner side and longitudinal bulkheads
• hopper tanks
Longitudinal primary supporting members Web 22% 18%
Flange 18% 15%

Table 2 : Acceptable limits for the thickness diminution of isolated areas of items
Items contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength and located in the neutral axis zone

Acceptable limit
L < 90 m L ≥ 90 m
Plating of: 22% 18%
• side
• inner side and longitudinal bulkheads
• ‘tweendecks
Longitudinals ordinary stiffeners of: Web 22% 18%
• side
Flange 18% 15%
• inner side and longitudinal bulkheads
• ‘tweendecks
Longitudinal primary supporting members Web 22% 18%
Flange 18% 15%

RINA Rules 2017 39

Pt F, Ch 1, App 1

Table 3 : Acceptable limits for the thickness diminution of isolated areas of items
Items contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength and located in the deck zone

Acceptable limits
L < 90 m L ≥ 90 m
Plating of: 22% 18%
• upper deck, stinger plate and sheerstrake
• upper strake of inner side and longitudinal bulkheads
• side in way of topside tank
• topside tanks (lower horizontal part, sloping plate and upper vertical part)
Longitudinal ordinary stiffeners of: Web 22% 18%
• upper deck, stringer plate and sheerstrake Flange 18% 15%
• upper strake of inner side and longitudinal bulkheads
• side in way of topside tank
• topside tanks (lower horizontal part, sloping plate and upper vertical part)
Longitudinal primary supporting members Web 22% 18%
Flange 18% 15%

Table 4 : Acceptable limits for the thickness diminution of isolated areas of items
Items not contributing to the hull girder longitudinal strength

Acceptable limit
L < 90 m L ≥ 90 m
Non-continuous hatch coamings Plating 22% 18%
Brackets 26% 22%
Hatch covers Top plating 22% 18%
Side and end plating 22% 18%
Ordinary stiffeners 22% 18%
Plating of transverse bulkheads 22% 18%
Ordinary stiffeners of transverse bulkheads Web 26% 22%
Flange 22% 18%
Brackets 26% 22%
Vertical primary supporting members and horizontal girders Web 22% 18%
of bulkheads
Flange 18% 15%
Brackets /stiffeners 22% 18%
Side frames Web 22% 18%
Flange 18% 15%
Brackets / stiffeners 22% 18%
Deck and bottom transverse primary supporting members Web 22% 18%
Flange 18% 15%
Brackets 22% 18%
Topside tank and hopper tank primary supporting members Web 22% 18%
Flange 18% 15%
Plating of the forward and aft peak bulkheads 22% 18%
Ordinary stiffeners of the forward and aft peak bulkheads Web 26% 22%
Flange 22% 18%
Cross ties Web 22% 18%
Flange 18% 15%
Brackets /stiffeners 18% 15%

40 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 1, App 2


tA : As-built thickness of plating, in mm tM,F : Measured thickness of ordinary stiffener face
plate, in mm
tM : Measured thickness of plating, in mm
wM : Section modulus, in cm3, of ordinary stiffeners,
tC : Corrosion additions, in mm, defined in Pt B, to be calculated on the basis of the measured
Ch 4, Sec 2, [3] thicknesses of web, face plate and attached
tC1, tC2 : Corrosion additions, in mm, defined in Pt B,
Ch 4, Sec 2, [3] for the two compartments sepa- wR : Renewal section modulus, in cm3, of ordinary
rated by the plating under consideration. For stiffeners i.e. the section modulus that an ordi-
plating internal to a compartment, tC1 = tC2 = tC nary stiffener of a ship in service is to have to
fulfil the yielding check.
tR : Overall renewal thickness, in mm, of plating, in
mm, defined in: tR,W : Renewal thickness, in mm, of ordinary stiffener
web, i.e. the web thickness that an ordinary
• [2.2.1] in general stiffener of a ship in service is to have in order to
fulfil the buckling check. This thickness is to be
• [4.3.1] for the plating which constitutes pri-
calculated as specified in [3.2.2]
mary supporting members
tR,F : Renewal thickness, in mm, of ordinary stiffener
tR1 : Minimum renewal thickness, in mm, of plating
face plate, i.e. the face plate thickness that an
defined in [2.2.2] ordinary stiffener of a ship in service is to have
tR2 : Renewal thickness, in mm, of plating subjected in order to fulfil the buckling check. This thick-
ness is to be calculated as specified in [3.2.2]
to lateral pressure or wheeled loads, i.e. the
thickness that the plating of a ship in service is wG : Rule gross section modulus, in cm3, of ordinary
to have in order to fulfil the strength check. This stiffeners, defined in [3.2.3]
thickness is to be calculated as specified in
[2.2.3] WRR : Re-assessment work ratio, defined in [4.2.1]

tR3 : Compression buckling renewal thickness, in WRA : As-built work ratio, defined in [4.2.2]
mm, i.e. the thickness that the plating of a ship tRY : Yielding renewal thickness, in mm, of primary
in service is to have in order to fulfil the com- supporting members, i.e. the thickness that the
pression buckling check. This thickness is to be plating which constitutes primary supporting
calculated as specified in [2.2.4] members of a ship in service is to have in order
to fulfil the yielding check. This thickness is to
tR4 : Shear buckling renewal thickness, in mm, i.e. be calculated as specified in [4.3.2]
the thickness that the plating of a ship in service
is to have in order to fulfil the shear buckling tRB : Buckling renewal thickness, in mm, of primary
check. This thickness is to be considered only supporting members, i.e. the thickness that the
for ships equal to or greater than 90 m in length plating which constitutes primary supporting
and is to be calculated as specified in [2.2.5] members of a ship in service is to have in order
to fulfil the buckling check. This thickness is to
tG : Rule gross thickness, in mm, of plating, defined be calculated as specified in [4.3.3]
in [2.2.6]
E : Young’s modulus, in N/mm2, to be taken equal
tA,W : As built thickness of ordinary stiffener web, in to:
• for steels in general:
tA,F : As built thickness of ordinary stiffener face
E = 2,06.105 N/mm2
plate, in mm
• for stainless steels:
tM,W : Measured thickness of ordinary stiffener web, in
mm E = 1,93.105 N/mm2

RINA Rules 2017 41

Pt F, Ch 1, App 2

ν : Poisson’s ratio. Unless otherwise specified, a 1.2.3 Partial safety factor γK5 for ordinary stiffeners
value of 0,3 is to be taken into account
The partial safety factor for yielding checks of ordinary stiff-
ReH : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the mate-
eners (γΚ5) is to be calculated as specified in [3.2.1].
rial, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, [2]
γm, γR, γK1, ... , γK9 : Partial safety factors, defined in [1]. 1.2.4 Partial safety factors γK6, γK7, γK8 and γK9 for
primary supporting members
1 Partial safety factors
These partial safety factors are to be calculated as specified
1.1 General
• [4.2.1] for reassessment structural analyses (γK6, γK7)
1.1.1 The partial safety factors γm and γR are defined in:
• [4.3.2] for yielding strength checks (γK8)
• Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [1.2] or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3, [1.3], as
applicable, for plating • [4.3.3] for buckling strength checks (γΚ9).
• Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [1.2] or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 4, [1.3], as
applicable, for ordinary stiffeners
• Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 3, [1.3] or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 5, [1.3], as
2 Acceptance criteria for plating
applicable, for primary supporting members.
2.1 Application
1.2 Partial safety factors based on the
increased knowledge of the structure 2.1.1 General

1.2.1 General The acceptance criteria for measured thicknesses of plating,

The partial safety factors γK1, γK2, to γK9 take into account the together with the application procedure to be adopted dur-
increased knowledge of the structural behaviour obtained ing the reassessment of hull structures, are indicated in
through the surveys carried out on in-service ship structures Fig 1.
and verification of their performances. Therefore, they have
values equal to or less than 1,0 and apply to reduce the par- 2.1.2 Specific cases
tial safety factor on resistance, γR, adopted in the strength
checks of new ships (see Part B, Chapter 7 or Part B, For the specific cases indicated in Tab 1, the acceptance cri-
Chapter 8, as applicable). teria to be applied, in lieu of those in [2.1.1], are those
specified in the Rules to which reference is made in the
1.2.2 Partial safety factors γK1, γK2, γK3 and γK4 for same table. In these cases, the maximum wastage allow-
plating ances are 0,75 times the values there specified.
These partial safety factors are to be calculated as specified
2.2 Renewal thicknesses
• [2.2.2] for minimum thicknesses (γK1)
• [2.2.3] for the strength checks of plate panels subjected 2.2.1 Overall renewal thickness
to lateral pressure or wheeled loads (γK2)
The overall renewal thickness is to be obtained, in mm,
• [2.2.4] for the compression buckling strength checks
from the following formula:
• [2.2.5] for the shear buckling strength checks (γΚ4). tR = max (tR1, tR2, tR3, tR4)

Table 1 : Acceptance criteria to be applied in specific cases

Ship type Item Rules to be applied

Ships with the service notation bulk carrier ESP, of single side skin Plating of vertically corrugated trans- Part A
construction, having L ≥ 150 m, intended for the carriage of bulk verse watertight bulkheads
cargoes having dry bulk density equal to or greater than 1,0 t/m3,
contracted for construction on or after 1 July 1998
Ships with the service notation bulk carrier ESP, contracted for Hatch cover plating Part A
construction on or after 1 July 1998
Ships with the service notation bulk carrier ESP, of single side skin Plating of vertically corrugated trans- Pt A, Ch 6, App 1
construction, having L ≥ 150 m, intended for the carriage of bulk verse watertight bulkhead between
cargoes having dry bulk density equal to or greater than 1,78 t/m3, cargo holds No. 1 and 2
contracted for construction prior to 1 July 1998

42 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 1, App 2

Figure 1 : Acceptance criteria for measured thicknesses of plating and application procedure

Thickness measurements tM tM< tR Steel renewal required


tM > t +0,5 (t - t ) No steel renewal required



2.2.2 Minimum renewal thickness where the hull girder stresses are to be calcu-
The minimum renewal thickness is to be obtained, in mm, lated considering the hull girder transverse sec-
from the following formula: tions constituted by elements (plating, ordinary
tR1 = t1 γK1 stiffeners, primary supporting members) having
their measured thicknesses and scantlings
γK2 : Partial safety factor (see [1.2.2]):
t1 : Minimum net thickness, in mm, to be calcu-
lated as specified in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [2.2] or γK2 = NP Ψ2
Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3, [2.2], as applicable
without being taken greater than 1,0
γK1 : Partial safety factor (see [1.2.2]):
Np : Coefficient defined in Tab 2
γK1 = NP Ψ1
without being taken greater than 1,0 t C1 + t C2
Ψ 2 = 1 + ------------------
Np : Coefficient defined in Tab 2 t2

t C1 + t C2
Ψ 1 = 1 + ------------------
- 2.2.4 Compression buckling renewal thickness
The compression buckling renewal thickness is to be
2.2.3 Renewal thickness of plating subjected to obtained, in mm, from the following formula:
lateral pressure or wheeled loads
The renewal thickness of plating subjected to lateral pres- tR3 = t3 γK3
sure or wheeled loads is to be obtained, in mm, from the where:
following formula:
t3 : Net thickness to be obtained, in mm, from the
t R2 = t 2 γ K2 following formulae:
t2 : Net thickness, in mm, to be calculated as speci- b σ x1 γ R γ m 12 ( 1-ν ) 3
R eH
t 3 = --- ------------------------------------------
- 10 for γ m γ R σ x1 ≤ -------
fied in: π EK 1 ε 2
• Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [3] or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3, 2 2
b 3 ( 1-ν )R eH 3 R eH
[3], as applicable, for plating subjected to - 10 for γ m γ R σ x1 > -------
t 3 = --- ----------------------------------------------- -
π EK 1 ε ( R eH -σ x1 γ R γ m ) 2
lateral pressure
• Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [4] or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3, b : Length, in m, of the plate panel side, defined in
[4], as applicable, for plating subjected to Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.1.2] or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3,
wheeled loads [5.1.2], as applicable

RINA Rules 2017 43

Pt F, Ch 1, App 2

Table 2 : Coefficient NP

Coefficient NP
L < 90 m L ≥ 90 m
In general, including that which constitutes web of primary supporting members 0,81 0,85
Plating which constitutes face plate of primary supporting members 0,85 0,89
Bottom primary supporting members of ships with one of the service notations bulk carrier 0,85 0,89
ESP, ore carrier ESP and combination carrier ESP
Hatch coaming brackets 0,78 0,81
Cross ties of ships with the service notation oil tanker ESP 0,85 0,89

σx1 : In plane hull girder normal stress, in N/mm2 to t C1 + t C2

Ψ 4 = 1 + ------------------
be calculated as specified in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, t4
[5.2.2] or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3, [5.2.2], as applica-
ble, considering the hull girder transverse sec- 2.2.6 Rule gross thickness
tions as being constituted by elements (plating, The rule gross thickness is to be obtained, in mm, from the
ordinary stiffeners, primary supporting mem- following formula:
bers) having their measured thicknesses and
t G = max ( t 1 ,t 2 ,t 3 ,t 4 ) + t c1 + t c2
ε, Κ1 : Coefficients defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.3.1] where t1, t2, t3 and t4 are the net thicknesses defined in
or Pt B, Ch 8, Sec 3, [5.3.1], as applicable [2.2.2], [2.2.3], [2.2.4] and [2.2.5], respectively.
γK3 : Partial safety factor (see [1.2.2]):
γK3 = NP Ψ3
3 Acceptance criteria for ordinary stiff-
without being taken greater than 1,0
Np : Coefficient defined in Tab 2
3.1 Application
t C1 + t C2
Ψ 3 = 1 + ------------------
t3 3.1.1 The acceptance criteria for measured scantlings of
ordinary stiffeners, together with the application procedure
2.2.5 Shear buckling renewal thickness to be adopted during the reassessment of hull structures, are
The shear buckling renewal thickness is to be obtained, in indicated in Fig 2.
mm, from the following formula:
tR4 = t4 γK4 3.2 Renewal scantlings
3.2.1 Renewal section modulus
t4 : Net thickness to be obtained, in mm, from the
The renewal section modulus is to be obtained, in cm3,
following formulae: from the following formula:
2 wR = wY γK5
b τ 1 γ R γ m 12 ( 1-ν ) 3 R eH
t 4 = --- ---------------------------------------
- 10 for γ m γ R τ 1 ≤ ----------
π EK 2 2 3 where:
2 2 wY : Net section modulus, in cm3, to be calculated
b 3 ( 1-ν )R 3 R eH
t 4 = --- -------------------------------------------------- 10 for γ m γ R τ 1 > ----------
- as specified in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 2, [3] or Pt B,
π EK 2 ( R eH - 3 τ 1 γ R γ m ) 2 3
Ch 8, Sec 4, [3], as applicable, where the hull
b : Length, in m, of the plate panel side, defined in girder stresses are to be calculated considering
Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.1.3] the hull girder transverse sections constituted by
τ1 : In plane hull girder shear stress, in N/mm2, to be elements (plating, ordinary stiffeners, primary
supporting members) having their measured
calculated as specified in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1,
thicknesses and scantlings
[5.2.3], considering the hull girder transverse
sections as being constituted by elements (plat- γK5 : Partial safety factor (see [1.2.3]):
ing, ordinary stiffeners, primary supporting γK5 = NS Ψ5
members) having their measured thicknesses without being taken greater than 1,0
and scantlings
NS : Coefficient defined in Tab 3
Κ2 : Coefficient defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.3.2]
γK4 : Partial safety factor (see [1.2.2]): 1 + -------C-
γK4 = NP Ψ4 Ψ 5 = -----------------Y
1 – αt C
without being taken greater than 1,0 α, β : Parameters, depending on the type of ordinary
Np : Coefficient defined in Tab 2 stiffener, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 1.

44 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 1, App 2

Figure 2 : Acceptance criteria for measured scantlings of ordinary stiffeners and application procedure

Scantling measurements YES Steel renewal required
t M,W < tR,W
tM, t M,W , t M,F OR
t M,F < tR,F


WM ³ WR + 0,25(WG - WR )

t M,W ³ tR,W + 0,25(t -t ) YES

A,W R,W No steel renewal required

³ t R,F + 0,25(tA,F - tR,F )



App 2, [4], considering a maximum percentage of wastage

Table 3 : Coefficient NS equal to 0,75 times the relevant values there specified.

Coefficient NS 3.2.3 Rule gross section modulus

Ordinary stiffeners
L < 90 m L ≥ 90 m The rule gross section modulus is to be obtained, in cm3,
from the following formula:
Flat bars and bulb profiles 0,81 0,85
w Y + βt C
Flanged profiles 0,81 0,81 w G = --------------------
1 – αt C

3.2.2 Renewal web and face plate thicknesses where:

The renewal web and face plate thicknesses are to be α, β : Parameters, depending on the type of ordinary
obtained, in mm, from the following formulae: stiffener, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 2, Tab 1

tR,W = hW / CW wY : Net section modulus, in cm3, defined in [3.2.1].

tR,F = bF / CF
4 Acceptance criteria for primary sup-
porting members
hw : Web height, in mm
bf : Face plate breadth, in mm 4.1 Application
CW, CF : Coefficients depending on the type and material
4.1.1 The acceptance criteria for measured scantlings of
of ordinary stiffeners, defined in Tab 4.
primary supporting members, together with the application
In any case, the renewal web and face plate thicknesses are procedure to be adopted during the reassessment of hull
to be not less than those obtained according to Pt A, Ch 2, structures, are indicated in Fig 3.

RINA Rules 2017 45

Pt F, Ch 1, App 2

Table 4 : Coefficients CW and CF

Type of ordinary stiffeners ReH = 235 ReH = 315 ReH = 355 ReH = 235 ReH = 315 ReH = 355
N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2 N/mm2
Flat bar 20 18 17,5 Not applicable
Bulb 56 51 49 Not applicable
With symmetrical face plate 56 51 49 34 30 29
With non-symmetrical face plate 56 51 49 17 15 14,5

Figure 3 : Acceptance criteria for measured scantlings of primary supporting members and application procedure

Scantling measurements


NO WRR > 0,975

t M < 0,7t A


Damage found? t > tR


NO Reinforcement

t >t

YES WRA > 1,0

for the item affected
by the damage


No steel renewal HOT SPOT Steel renewal Repair with

required ITEM required reinforcement

46 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 1, App 2

4.2 Work ratios γR γ m σ

WR B1 = ----------------b-
4.2.1 Reassessment work ratio
WRB2 : Shear buckling work ratio:
The reassessment work ratio is to be obtained from the fol-
lowing formula: γR γ m τ
WR B2 = ----------------b
WRR = max (γK6WRY, γK7WRB)
WRB3 : Compression, bending and shear buckling work
γK6 : Partial safety factor (see [1.2.4]):
WR B3 = ----
γK6 = 0,85 Fc

γK7 : Partial safety factor (see [1.2.4]): WRB4 : Bi-axial compression and shear buckling work
γK7 = 1,00 ratio:
WRY : Yielding work ratio, defined in [4.2.3] σ a  n  σ b  n n

WR B4 = γ R γ m   -------------
- + ---------------
WRB : Buckling work ratio, defined in [4.2.4].   R a σ c ,a  R b σ c ,b 

σa, σb, τb : Normal and shear stresses, in N/mm2, defined

4.2.2 As-built work ratio
in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.4]
The as-built work ratio is to be obtained from the following
formula: σc,τc : Critical buckling stresses, in N/mm2, defined in
Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.3]
WRA = max (WRY, WRB)
F : Coefficient defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.4.4]
Fc : Coefficient to be obtained from the following
WRY : Yielding work ratio, defined in [4.2.3]
WRB : Buckling work ratio, defined in [4.2.4].
σ comb R eH
- ≤ -------------
for ------------ -:
4.2.3 Yielding work ratio F 2γ R γ m
Fc = 1
The yielding work ratio is to be obtained from the following
σ comb R eH
formula: - > -------------
for ------------ -:
F 2γ R γ m
γ R γ m σ VM 4σ comb  σ comb 
WR Y = --------------------
- F c = ----------------------
- 1 – ----------------------
Ry R eH ⁄ γ R γ m  R eH ⁄ γ R γ m

where: σcomb : Combined stress in N/mm2, defined in Pt B,

σVM : Equivalent stress, in N/mm2, to be calculated as Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.4.4]
specified in Pt B, Ch 7, App 1, [5.1.2], consider- σc,a, σc,b : Critical buckling stresses, in N/mm2, defined in
ing the hull structure as being constituted by
Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1, [5.4.5]
elements (plating, ordinary stiffeners, primary
supporting members) having their measured n, Ra, Rb : Coefficients defined in Pt B, Ch 7, Sec 1,
thicknesses and scantlings
Ry : Minimum yield stress, in N/mm2, of the mate-
The above quantities are to be calculated considering the
rial, to be taken equal to 235/k N/mm2
hull structure as being constituted by elements (plating,
k : Material factor, defined in Pt B, Ch 4, Sec 1, ordinary stiffeners, primary supporting members) having
[2.3]. their measured thicknesses and scantlings.

4.2.4 Buckling work ratio

4.3 Renewal scantlings
The buckling element work ratio is to be obtained from the
following formula:
4.3.1 Overall renewal thickness
WRB = max (WRB1, WRB2, WRB3, WRB4)
The overall renewal thickness is to be obtained, in mm,
where: from the following formula:

WRB1 : Compression buckling work ratio: tR = max (tRY, tRB, 0,75tA)

RINA Rules 2017 47

Pt F, Ch 1, App 2

4.3.2 Yielding renewal thickness 4.3.3 Buckling renewal thickness

The yielding renewal thickness is to be obtained, in mm, The buckling renewal thickness is to be obtained, in mm,
from the following formula: from the following formula:
tRY = tY γK8 tRB = tB γK9
where: where:
tY : Net thickness to be obtained, in mm, from the tB : Net thickness to be obtained, in mm, from the
following formula: following formula:
tY = [tA - 0,5 (tC1 + tC2)] WRY t B = [ t A – 0 ,5 ( t C1 + t C2 ) ] 3 WR B
WRY : Yielding work ratio, defined in [4.2.3] WRB : Buckling work ratio, defined in [4.2.4]
γK8 : Partial safety factor (see [1.2.4]): γK9 : Partial safety factor (see [1.2.4]):
γK8 = NP ΨY γK9 = NP ΨB
Np : Coefficient defined in Tab 2 Np : Coefficient defined in Tab 2
0 ,25 ( t C1 + t C2 ) 0 ,25 ( tC1 + t C2 )
Ψ Y = 1 + -----------------------------------
- Ψ B = 1 + -----------------------------------
tY tB

48 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 1, App 3


1 General
Table 1 : Acceptable limits for the sectional area
diminution of zones
1.1 Application
Zone Acceptable limit
1.1.1 The acceptance criteria consist in checking that the
sectional area diminution of a zone (measured according to Bottom zone 7%
Sec 1, [4.3.4]) is less than the acceptable limits specified in
Neutral Side 11%
[1.1.2]. Otherwise, actions according to Sec 1, [4.3.4] are
axis zone
to be taken. Inner side and longitudi- 11%
nal bulkheads
1.1.2 The acceptable limits for the sectional area diminu-
tion of zones are specified in Tab 1. Deck zone 7%

RINA Rules 2017 49

Pt F, Ch 1, App 4


1 General In order to define the area affected by pitting, and thus the
pitting intensity, the diagrams in Fig 1 are to be used.
1.1 Diagrams
1.1.1 As specified in Sec 1, [4.4.1], the pitting intensity is
defined by the percentage of area affected by pitting.

Figure 1 : Pitting intensity diagrams ( from 1% to 50% intensity)

50 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 1, App 5


1 General 2.1.2 The report is divided into four parts:

• general identification data
1.1 • summary of findings and repairs for the different areas of
the space and for the fittings in this space
1.1.1 Application
• details of findings and repairs, as applicable
As stated in Sec 1, [3.5], inspection reports are to be pre-
• additional documentation attached to the report.
pared by the Owner’s person responsible each time an
inspection is carried out within the scope of the Inspection
and Maintenance Plan. Two models of inspection report are 2.2 Identification data
provided for this purpose:
2.2.1 The identification data are to give the information
• one model for inspection of spaces (applicable to about the space inspected, date and place of inspection and
inspection of deck area structure, ballast tanks, dry name of the person under whose responsibility the inspec-
cargo holds and spaces, superstructures and other tion has been carried out.
accessible compartments)
• one model for inspection of hull equipment (applicable 2.2.2 The identification of the space is to be such that:
to hatch covers and small hatches, deck equipment, sea • it is easy to trace the space concerned, in particular in
connections and overboard discharges). cases where several identical spaces exist on the ship
One separate inspection report is to be issued for each dif- • the same identification is used for the subsequent
ferent space or equipment inspected. inspection reports pertaining to the same space.

1.1.2 Use of models 2.3 Summary of findings and repairs

The Owner is to adapt these models, so far as practicable
and appropriate, to the ship concerned, the spaces to be 2.3.1 Each space inspected is divided into items corre-
inspected and the existing equipment. However, the general sponding to:
content of the report and its layout are to comply with the • the different boundaries of the space
• the internal structure of the space
1.1.3 Ship database • the fittings of the space.
Interested parties are reminded that, as stated in Sec 1,
For better understanding, the second column of the table
[1.3], the inspection reports are to be processed and
may be used to clarify which elements belong to each item
recorded in the ship database which is to be installed on
or which fittings are concerned.
board ship and at the Owner’s offices. Therefore, these
models are to be used as a guide for entering the collected 2.3.2 For each item, as applicable, the summary table is to
data into the ship database, in an electronic form. give a general answer to the findings and to the possible
The recording in the ship database is to be such as to easily repairs made.
retrieve the different reports pertaining the same spaces and • When coating condition is concerned, the answer is to
equipment during the lifetime of the ship, or the reports of be either “no coating”, or “good”, or “fair”, or “poor”,
inspections performed during a given period, or the reports as per the definition of such conditions given in Pt A,
related to the same type of space or equipment. Ch 2, Sec 2.
The attached documentation referred to in [2.5] and [3.4] • Anode condition is to be answered by giving an esti-
may be either kept in a separate paper file or electronically mated average loss of weight as a percentage, bearing in
processed in the ship database through appropriate means. mind the acceptance criteria given in Sec 1, [4].
• The other columns (fractures, general corrosion, pit-
2 Report for inspection of spaces ting/grooving, deformations, repairs) are to be answered
“yes” or “no”, depending on whether or not such
2.1 General defect/repair has been found/performed.
• The column “other” is to be used to indicate whether
2.1.1 The model of Owner’s report for space inspection is another type of inspection has been carried out, such as
given in Tab 1. thickness measurement, pressure test or working test.

RINA Rules 2017 51

Pt F, Ch 1, App 5

Table 1 : Owner’s report for space inspection

Person responsible:

Date of inspection: Place of inspection:

Name of ship: Register number:

Name and type of space: Location (port/stbd, from frame ... to frame ...):

Structure area, Items in the Coating Fractures General Pitting or Deforma- Repairs Other
fittings area /anode corrosion grooving tions


Port side

Stbd side

Forward bulkhead

Aft bulkhead

Internal structure


Findings during inspection: (location, type, details) Action taken: required repair, temporary repair, permanent repair
(location, type and extent)

Other documentation attached to the report :

sketches [ ] , photos [ ] , thickness measurement report [ ] , other [ ]

52 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 1, App 5

2.4 Details of findings and repairs 3.2 Identification data

2.4.1 Each time the answer in the summary table is “poor” 3.2.1 The identification data are to give the information
for coating, or “yes” for other topics, this part of the report is about the equipment inspected, date and place of inspec-
to be used to give details on the findings, defects or repairs tion and name of the person under whose responsibility the
concerned. inspection has been carried out.

2.4.2 As guidance, the following details are to be given:

3.2.2 The identification of the equipment is to be such
• for coating found in poor condition: structural elements that:
concerned, type of coating defect (breakdown, hard
scale) • it is easy to trace the item of equipment concerned, in
particular in cases where several identical items of
• for fractures: location of fractures, dimension, number
equipment exist on the ship
of identical fractures
• for general corrosion: structural elements concerned, • the same identification is used for the subsequent
extent of wastage on these elements, estimation of wast- inspection reports pertaining to the same item of equip-
age (if thickness measurements have been taken) ment.

• for pitting/grooving: structural elements concerned and

location, depth of pitting/grooving, percentage of 3.3 Detailed report
affected surface using diagrams in Appendix 5, length of
grooving 3.3.1 The detailed report of inspection is divided into three
• for deformations: type of deformation (buckling, exter- parts:
nal cause), location of the deformation and structural
elements concerned, estimation of size • inspection done:

• for repairs (if performed without the attendance of a Sur- - the type of inspection carried out: visual external
veyor, when this is possible or acceptable): type of examination, internal examination after dismantling,
repairs, elements or areas concerned. overhaul

- readings performed, when applicable: clearances,

2.5 Attached documentation thickness measurements, working pressure, or other
working parameters of the equipment
2.5.1 It is recommended that the report is supported by
attaching sketches, photos, the thickness measurement - findings during the inspection: corrosion, fractures,
report or other documentation, when this is deemed neces- pieces of equipment worn out, broken or missing.
sary to clarify the findings and/or repairs given in the
detailed part. • maintenance done, repairs carried out and pieces
For example:
• results of tests performed after the inspection, such as
• photos may be used to show the condition of the coat-
working test, pressure test, hose test or equivalent for
ing and anodes, the extent of general corrosion, pitting
and grooving, or the appearance and extent of fractures hatch covers or other weathertight fittings, sea trials.

• sketches may be used to indicate fractures, deformations

and repairs, especially when a photo cannot encompass 3.4 Attached documentation
the whole image and give a complete representation.
3.4.1 It is recommended that the report is supported by
3 Report for inspection of equipment attaching sketches, photos, the thickness measurement
report or other documentation, when this is deemed neces-
sary to clarify the findings and/or repairs given in the
3.1 General detailed part.

3.1.1 The model of Owner’s report for equipment inspec- For example:
tion is given in Tab 2.
• photos may be used to show the condition of the pieces
of equipment before their overhaul or renewal, the coat-
3.1.2 The report is divided into three parts:
ing condition of piping, or the extent of corrosion
• general identification data
• sketches may be used to indicate fractures and deforma-
• detailed report of findings and repairs
tions, clearances taken, or other measurements per-
• additional documentation attached to the report. formed.

RINA Rules 2017 53

Pt F, Ch 1, App 5

Table 2 : Owner’s report for equipment inspection

Person responsible:

Date of inspection: Place of inspection:

Name of ship: Register number:

Name and type of equipment: Location (port/stbd, at frame ..., ...):

Type of inspection, findings and readings:

Repairs, maintenance, pieces renewed:

Working tests, pressure test, trials, ... :

Other documentation attached to the report :

sketches [ ] , photos [ ] , thickness measurement report [ ] , other [ ]

54 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 1, App 6


1 General 2 Overall process

1.1 Application 2.1 Selection of the ship’s critical systems

1.1.1 Purpose (1/7/2003) 2.1.1 (1/7/2003)
The purpose of this Appendix is to describe the procedure The risk analysis ( Sec 2, [1.1.3]) is to include at least the
foreseen to carry out the risk analysis, in order to assign and machinery and equipment belonging to the following sys-
maintain the STAR-MACH notation, as given in Sec 2. tems:
The aim of the risk analysis is to identify critical systems • Propulsion
and/or components, to be included in the Inspection and
• Electrical Production
Maintenance Plan together with the measures to reduce
their risk. • Steering gear,

including the auxiliaries that are essential for the functional-

1.2 Risk analysis process ity of the aforesaid systems.
1.2.1 Initial risk analysis (1/7/2003) Upon agreement with the Owner, the scope of the risk anal-
An initial risk analysis is to be carried out by the Society or ysis may be extended to other equipment or systems which
by the Owner, in accordance with Sec 2, [3.1.1]. are considered critical, depending on the declared mission
of the ship.
1.2.2 Risk analysis review
The results of the initial risk analysis will be updated by the 2.2 Risk analysis of the systems
Society or by the Owner on the basis of the information and
data gathered from the ship database, in accordance with 2.2.1 (1/7/2003)
Sec 2, [3.2.1]. The selected critical systems and components are be be
analysed taking into account their functions in normal and
1.3 Procedure emergency operations.

1.3.1 Definitions (1/7/2003) The functions and systems are broken down to a level of
detail which is appropriate for the results to be expected
a) Accident is defined as an event or a series of events
from the risk analysis. Aspects relevant to the interaction of
whose consequence is loss of life, injury, ship loss or
the functions and systems are taken into special considera-
damage, or environmental damage.
tion in order to identify possible weak points, e.g. functions
b) Risk is defined as the combination of the probability and carried out by a single component whose failure may
consequence of an accident. impair the availability of the whole system.
c) Critical is a system and/or component whose failure In principle, any of the standard methods for performing the
may affect an essential ship’s function (e.g. main propul- risk analysis can be used (e.g. FMEA, Fault Tree Analysis
sion system). etc.); the choice depends on the degree of complexity of the
d) Fault Tree (FT) is a logic diagram in which an undesired system. For systems characterised by high level of redun-
event ('top event') is considered and its causes are dancy, the Fault Tree analysis (or any other equivalent
developed, where: the relationships among the lower method) is recommended; systems with components that
level events (generally failures) are established by means operate in functional series can be studied by the FMEA;
of logic gates (the principal ones being AND and OR). particularly simple systems may need only qualitative con-
The result is a set of combinations of events (generally siderations from the examination of their drawings and lay-
failures), each of which is necessary and sufficient to out. In any case, the process used, the assumptions and the
cause the top event. The FT may be qualitative or quan- results are to be clearly justified and documented in a dedi-
titative, according to whether statistical data are associ- cated report.
ated to each event.
e) Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) is a technique 2.3 Identification of the critical items to be
to analyse the modes and consequences of a single fail- monitored
ure of a component in a system. The effects of each sin-
gle failure are analysed to determine their severity and 2.3.1 (1/7/2003)
possible mitigation with respect to the loss of the system The critical items to be monitored during the ship life are
as a whole. those which appear from the risk analysis to have the largest

RINA Rules 2017 55

Pt F, Ch 1, App 6

influence on the risks, with particular focus on the potential • down time induced by the failure
single failures affecting a system under study. • schedule, timing and resources (manpower and con-
The items will be subjected to the process shown in Fig 1, sumables) foreseen for the preventive maintenance
and the resulting actions are to be implemented in the IMP. • details on corrective maintenance (spare parts used,
tasks carried out, mean time between two corrective
2.4 Collection of actual failure and mainte- actions)
nance data • date when the component was replaced or recondi-
2.4.1 (1/7/2003) tioned.
The actual information and data relative to preventive and Whenever practicable, the actual information and data
corrective maintenance and inspection on board for the mentioned above may be transformed into statistical param-
items found to be critical from the risk analysis are down- eters to be periodically updated, for comparison with simi-
loaded from the ship database at the request of the Society. lar equipment, analysis of reliability trends, optimisation of
In particular, the following data may be requested: the replacement intervals, etc.; these further analyses may
• working hours of each component lead to modification of the frequency of the Inspection and
• mode, cause and time of failure Maintenance Plan.

Figure 1 (1/7/2003)

Can the item's YES Define tests with

degradation be necessary skills, tools
detected through tests? and frequency


Can the item's

degradation be detected YES Condition monitoring
through measurements (pressure, temperature,
of physical parameters? vibrations etc.)


Can the item be easily YES Envisage spares and

repaired or replaced in tools on board to restore
case of failure? the item


Envisage emergency
procedures to cope with
the failure or modify the

56 RINA Rules 2017

Part F
Additional Class Notations

Chapter 2










RINA Rules 2017 57

Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 1


1 General 1.2.2 Targets (1/7/2008)

The following operating conditions are to be achieved by
ships having an alternative propulsion system in the event
1.1 Application of any single failure, as specified in [1.2.1]:
1.1.1 (1/7/2007) • Full load speed not less than 7 knots
The additional class notations AVM-APS or AVM-APS-NS • Range of 1000 nautical miles or range corresponding to
are assigned in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.3.2] 1/2 of the range achievable with the full supply of fuel,
to self propelled ships arranged with means for alternative whichever is the less
propulsion system complying with the requirements of this • Full steering capability
Section. • Availability of safety systems (including fire fighting sys-
tems, bilge system, navigating lights, communication
1.1.2 (1/7/2007)
apparatus, life-saving appliances)
The alternative propulsion system is a system suitable to • Habitability conditions (including minimum lighting,
maintain the ship propulsion in operating conditions, with ventilation, galleys, refrigerated stores, drinking water or
the limitations as specified below. evaporator services)
1.1.3 (1/7/2007) • Preservation of the cargo (when AVM-APS-NS notation
is assigned).
When the alternative propulsion system is designed for
emergency use only, in case of loss of the main propulsion 1.2.3 Services not required to be available
engine, the additional class notation AVM-APS is assigned. The following services need not to be supplied during the
1.1.4 (1/7/2007) operation of the alternative propulsion system:
• Cargo handling system
When the auxiliary propulsion system is designed for use in
conditions other than an emergency, the additional class • Ballast system needed for cargo handling operation only
notation AVM-APS-NS is assigned. • Bow thrusters
• Air conditioning
1.2 Coverage of AVM-APS and AVM-APS-NS • Other non essential services (for instance stabilizers, full
notations lighting, amusement items).

1.2.1 Single failure concept (1/7/2007) 1.3 Redundancy

1.3.1 (1/7/2007)
a) Any single failure leading to the loss of main engine is
considered. When the alternative propulsion system is designed for
emergency use only (e.g. unavailability of the main engine
b) The following items do not need to be considered for caused by a single failure), for the purpose of granting the
the purpose of granting the AVM-APS or AVM-APS-NS AVM-APS notation the following applies:
notations: a) it is accepted that some of the redundancies of machin-
• Rigidly coupled shafting components (i.e. propeller, ery and system normally required by the Rules may no
propeller shaft, intermediate shafts, bearings, cou- longer be available
plings, reduction gears) b) when exemptions are foreseen by the Rules for multiple
• Static components of the systems which are neces- propulsion systems, they are still applicable.
sary for the operation of the main engine (i.e. integ- 1.3.2 (1/7/2007)
rity of pipes, valves, pipe fittings, pipe supports, When the alternative propulsion system is designed for use
tanks) in conditions other than an emergency, for the purpose of
granting the AVM-APS-NS notation the following applies:
• Loss of one compartment due to fire or flooding.
a) all the redundancies of machinery and system normally
c) In principle, consequence failures, i.e. any failure of any required by the Rules are to be kept available, except
component directly caused by a single failure of another the redundancy of the exciters, in the event of use of a
component, are also to be considered. synchronous machine as source of alternative propul-
It is however assumed that the complete loss of the main sion power;
propulsion engine does not impair the proper functioning of b) the exemptions mentioned in item [1.3.1] b) are no
the other machinery and equipment. longer applicable.

RINA Rules 2017 59

Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 1

1.4 Documentation to be submitted 2.2.3 Cooling system (1/7/2007)

The circuit for the main engine may be used provided that
1.4.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted. proper operation is ensured where the part relative to the
main engine itself is cut off.
2 Special arrangements
2.2.4 Lubrication system (1/7/2007)

2.1 Propulsion system The circuit or circuits of the components of the alternative
propulsion system is/are to be independent of that for the
2.1.1 Alternative propulsion machinery (1/7/2007) main engine.

For ships having only one main engine and one propeller,
2.2.5 Fuel oil system (1/7/2002)
the alternative propulsion power is to be supplied either by
an alternative engine or electric motor, or by the shaft gen- The circuit for the main engine may be used provided that
erators, provided it has been designed in such a way that it proper operation is ensured where the part relative to the
can be readily used as propulsion motor in the case of loss main engine itself is cut off.
of the main engine.
2.2.6 Starting system (1/7/2007)
2.1.2 Coupling (1/7/2007)
The circuit for the main engine may be used provided that
Each engine or motor is to be able to be coupled/uncoupled
proper operation is ensured where the part relative to the
(as needed) to the shafting with an independent, effective,
readily usable means. main engine itself is cut off.

2.2 Systems for cooling, lubrication, fuel 2.3 Electrical installations

supply and starting
2.3.1 Alternative propulsion system designed for
emergency use only (AVM-APS notation)
2.2.1 General
The systems are to be constructed such as to satisfy the con-
ditions stipulated in [1.2.2]. In addition to what stated in the When the alternative propulsion system is designed for
relevant parts of the Rules, the following requirements emergency use only (AVM-APS notation) and is supplied by
apply. the main source of electrical power, the capacity of the
main generating sets is to be sufficient to comply with the
2.2.2 Pumps (1/7/2008) requirements of Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2.2], and to start and
operate the alternative propulsion system taking into
For the assignment of the AVM-APS notation, the systems
concerned are to be provided with at least two pumps, one account the following modifications:
as a stand-by of the other. The independently driven pumps
a) it is not required that the available power is sufficient to
of the main engine may be used if they are of adequate
supply those services necessary to provide preservation
of the cargo and those services indicated in [1.2.3],
For the assignment of the AVM-APS-NS notation, the sys-
tems concerned are to be provided with at least two pumps, b) it is not required that the power to start and operate the
one as a standby for the other also in case of unavailability alternative propulsion system is available with any one
of the main engine. of the main generating sets in standby condition.

Table 1 : Document to be submitted (1/7/2008)

No. (1) Document

1 A Description of the alternative propulsion system including an analysis (2) demonstrating the availability of the
operating conditions as per [1.2.2] and a description of the operations necessary to recover the propulsion and
essential services
(1) A : to be submitted for approval, in four copies;
(2) This analysis may be in the form of a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), unless the actual arrangement of the machinery
and equipment is quite simple and sufficient operating experience can be demonstrated such as to make unlike the possibility of
consequence failure in the case of a single failure. In such a case the Society may consider to accept a functional description of
system in lieu of the requested analysis.

60 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 1

2.3.2 Alternative propulsion system designed for 3 Tests on board

use in conditions other than an emergency
(AVM-APS-NS notation) (1/7/2007)
When the auxiliary propulsion system is designed for use in
3.1 Running tests
conditions other than an emergency (AVM-APS-NS nota- 3.1.1 The alternative propulsion system is to be subjected
tion) and is supplied by the main source of electrical power, to the running tests required by the Rules for similar sys-
the capacity of the main generating sets is to be sufficient to tems.
comply with the requirements of Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 3, [2.2],
and to start and operate the alternative propulsion system
3.2 Sea trials
with any one of the generating sets in standby condition.
3.2.1 (1/7/2008)
Consequently, it is required that the above available power
is also sufficient to supply those services necessary to pro- In the course of sea trials, the single failures mentioned in
vide preservation of the cargo while it is still not required [1.2.1] are to be simulated and the values of the power and
that the available power is sufficient to supply those serv- speed developed by the alternative propulsion system are to
ices indicated in [1.2.2]. be recorded.
Availability of the redundancies as per [1.3] is to be veri-
2.4 Automation fied.

2.4.1 (1/7/2007)
a) The alternative propulsion system is to be integrated
with any automation system installed on board.
b) Where the alternative propulsion system is electric, the
automation system is to be suitable for electric propul-

RINA Rules 2017 61

Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 2



1 General • Steering capability

• Availability of safety systems, including fire-fighting sys-
1.1 Application tems, bilge system, navigation lights, communication
apparatus, life-saving appliances
1.1.1 (1/7/2008)
• Habitability conditions, including minimum lighting,
The additional class notation AVM-IAPS is assigned in
ventilation, galleys, refrigerated stores, drinking water or
accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.3.3] to self-propelled
evaporator services
ships arranged with means for independent alternative pro-
pulsion complying with the requirements of this Section. • Preservation of the cargo.
1.1.2 (1/7/2008) 1.2.3 Services not required to be available
This notation is granted, provided that: (1/7/2008)
a) the ship is arranged with at least two propellers and the The following services need not be supplied after a casualty,
associated independent shafting, each one independ- during the emergency operation of the independent alterna-
ently driven by separate machinery, in such a way that tive propulsion system, when one of the propulsion systems
the propulsion power needed to comply with [1.2] is not available due to the casualty described in [1.2.1]:
remains available whenever any of the propulsion • Cargo handling system
machinery and the associated propeller and shafting are • Ballast system needed for cargo handling operation only
out of service.
• Bow thrusters
It is also applicable to ships arranged with at least two • Air conditioning
independent azimuth thrusters and any other equivalent
arrangement; • Other non essential services (for instance stabilisers, full
lighting, amusement items).
b) the propulsive installations are arranged in different
compartments, in such a way that the propulsion power 1.2.4 Redundancy (1/7/2008)
needed to comply with [1.2] remains available when- If the independent alternative propulsion system is used in
ever propulsion and auxiliary machinery arranged in an emergency due to the loss of one compartment, it is
any one compartment is not operating. accepted that some of the redundancies normally required
by the Rules may no longer be available.
1.2 Coverage of AVM-IAPS notation However, in the case of unavailability of one of the propul-
sion systems due to a single failure (excluding the loss of
1.2.1 Casualty (1/7/2008)
one compartment), all the redundancies of machinery and
The loss (due to fire or flooding) of one compartment where systems normally required by the Rules are to be kept avail-
propulsion, its auxiliary machinery, and the main source of able.
electrical power are located is to be considered.
In the case of electric propulsion, cold standby propulsion
However, the collision in way of a bulkhead and the conse- control systems may be accepted in way of full redundancy
quent loss of two adjacent compartments due to flooding is provided that they are permanently installed, ready for use
not to be considered a casualty for the purpose of this addi- and easily put into operation.
tional class notation.
The loss of the steering gear compartment is not considered 1.3 Documentation to be submitted
within the scope of this additional class notation.
1.3.1 (1/7/2008)
1.2.2 Targets (1/7/2008) The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted.
The following operating conditions are to be achieved by
ships having an independent alternative propulsion system, 2 Special arrangements
in the case of a casualty, as specified in [1.2.1]:
• Full load speed not less than 7 knots (lower speeds may 2.1 Systems for cooling, lubrication, fuel
be considered acceptable when the ship is provided supply and starting
with azimuth thrusters or similar propulsion thrusters)
• Range of 1000 nautical miles or range corresponding to 2.1.1 General (1/7/2008)
1/2 of the range achievable with the full supply of fuel, The (main and alternative) propulsion systems, the propul-
whichever is the lesser sion auxiliaries and the main source of electrical power are

62 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 2

to be designed and constructed such as to satisfy the condi- 2.2 Electrical installations
tions stipulated in [1.2.2].
2.2.1 (1/7/2008)
In addition to the provisions in the relevant parts of the The electric generators are to be arranged in such a way that
Rules and in [1.2.4], the following requirements apply. in the event of loss of one compartment, enough power still
remains available to operate the ship under the conditions
2.1.2 Pumps (1/7/2008) stated in [1.2.2] without any standby generating set. In gen-
eral, this requirement is to be achieved arranging two main
The systems concerned are to be provided with at least two switchboards and the electric generators in two separate
pumps, one as a standby for the other, suitably located so compartments.
that in the case of loss of one compartment at least one is
2.2.2 (1/7/2008)
still available.
Electrical cables and other electrical apparatus serving a
One of the two pumps may be driven by the propulsion machinery space and passing through the spaces where the
machinery, while the other is to be independently driven. other independent propulsion system is arranged are to be
ducted in trunks having a fire-retardant resistance at least
2.1.3 Cooling system (1/7/2008) equivalent to A60 Standard and located outside B/5.

In general, separate cooling systems are to be provided for The trunks are to be accessible for inspection and mainte-
each main propulsion system, unless the FMEA demon-
strates that one single cooling system serving all propulsion The use of fire-resisting cables, as an alternative to the
systems is arranged and located in such a way that any sin- trunks having a fire-retardant resistance at least equivalent
gle failure of the system, including loss of one compart- to A60 standard, will be considered on a case-by-case
ment, does not make all the propulsion systems inoperative basis.
at the same time.
2.3 Automation
2.1.4 Lubricating oil system (1/7/2008)
2.3.1 (1/7/2008)
Each main propulsion system is to be fitted with a separate The automation system is to be arranged in such a way as to
lubrication oil system. prevent the possibility that a single failure of the control sys-
tem may lead to the loss of more than one propulsion sys-
2.1.5 Fuel oil system (1/7/2008) tem.

In general, separate fuel oil systems are to be provided for In the case of electric propulsion, cold standby propulsion
each main propulsion system, unless the FMEA demon- control systems may be accepted in way of full redundancy
strates that one single fuel oil system serving all propulsion provided that they are permanently installed, ready for use
systems is arranged and located in such a way that any sin- and easily put into operation.
gle failure of the system, including loss of one compart-
ment, does not make all the propulsion systems inoperative 3 Tests on board
at the same time.
3.1 Running tests
2.1.6 By-pass (1/7/2008)
3.1.1 (1/7/2008)
Means are to be provided to bypass and shut off each of the
The independent alternative propulsion system is to be sub-
components which may be subject to single failure or mal-
jected to the running tests required by the Rules for similar
function due to the casualty, as described in [1.2.1], without
impairing the functioning of the system itself (including
machinery and equipment) or of the other systems which
are to be operated in connection with alternative propul- 3.2 Sea trials
sion. 3.2.1 (1/7/2008)
In the course of sea trials, the casualty mentioned in [1.2.1]
2.1.7 Piping segregation (1/7/2008) is to be simulated and the values of the power and speed
Piping systems common to the main and alternative propul- developed in this condition are to be recorded.
sion systems or piping systems serving one propulsion sys- Availability of the redundancies as per [1.2.4] is to be veri-
tem and passing through the spaces where another fied.
independent propulsion system is arranged are to be ducted
In the case of electric propulsion, when cold standby pro-
in watertight trunks having a fire-retardant resistance at least
pulsion control systems are provided, it is to be checked
equivalent to A60 standard and located outside B/5.
that they are permanently installed, ready for use and easily
The trunks are to be accessible for inspection and mainte- put into operation.

RINA Rules 2017 63

Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 2

Table 1 : Document to be submitted (1/7/2008)

No. (1) Document

1 A Description of the independent alternative propulsion system including an analysis (2) demonstrating the avail-
ability of the operating conditions as per [1.2.2] and a description of the operations necessary to recover the
propulsion and essential services
(1) A : to be submitted for approval, in four copies;
(2) This analysis may be in the form of a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA), unless the actual arrangement of the machinery
and equipment is quite simple and sufficient operating experience can be demonstrated such as to make unlikely the possibility
of consequence failure in the case of a single failure. In such case the Society may consider accepting a functional description
of the system in lieu of the requested analysis.

64 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 3



1 General achieved either considering one propeller running at

full power, with the other propeller idle, or with the two
1.1 Application propellers running at 50% of the respective power,
depending on the type of failure considered)
1.1.1 (1/7/2007)
The additional class notations AVM-DPS or AVM-DPS-NS • Full load speed not less than 7 knots (lower speeds may
are assigned in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.3.4] be considered acceptable when the ship is provided
to self propelled ships arranged with means for duplicated with azimuth thrusters or similar propulsion thrusters)
propulsion system complying with the requirements of this • Range of 1000 nautical miles or range corresponding to
Section. 1/2 of the range achievable with the full supply of fuel,
1.1.2 (1/7/2008) whichever is the less
This notation is granted to ships arranged with at least two • Duplicated steering rudder and steering gear, or equiva-
propellers and the associated independent shafting, each lent arrangement to ensure full steering capability in
one independently driven by separate machinery, in such a case of a single failure of one rudder or steering gear
way that at least 50% of the power remains available when-
• Availability of safety systems (including fire fighting sys-
ever any of the propulsion machinery, the associated pro-
tems, bilge system, navigating lights, communication
peller and shafting are not available.
apparatus, life-saving appliances)
It is also applicable to ships arranged with at least two inde-
• Habitability conditions (including minimum lighting,
pendent azimuth thrusters and any other equivalent
ventilation, galleys, refrigerated stores, drinking water or
evaporator services)
1.1.3 (1/7/2007)
• Preservation of the cargo.
When the duplicated propulsion system is designed for
emergency use only (e.g. in case of loss of one of the ship's
1.2.3 Services not required to be
propulsion systems), the additional class notation AVM-DPS available (1/7/2007)
is assigned.
The following services need not to be supplied during the
1.1.4 (1/7/2007) operation of one (or more) of the propulsion systems, when
When the duplicated propulsion system is designed for use any of the propulsion system is not available e.g. due to a
in conditions other than an emergency, additional class single failure (as defined in [1.2.1]) of any component of the
notation AVM-DPS-NS is assigned. propulsion plant:

1.2 Coverage of AVM-DPS and AVM-DPS-NS • Cargo handling system

notations • Ballast system needed for cargo handling operation only
• Bow thrusters
1.2.1 Single failure concept
The following single failures are to be considered: single • Air conditioning
failures of non-static components of the propulsion and • Other non essential services (for instance stabilizers, full
steering systems and consequence failures, i.e. any failure lighting, amusement items).
of any component directly caused by a single failure of
another component.
1.3 Redundancy
The loss of one compartment due to fire or flooding is not to
be considered as a single failure. Accordingly, duplicated 1.3.1 (1/7/2007)
apparatus, such as for instance main propulsion machinery, When the duplicated propulsion system is designed for
electric power generators, different sections of the main emergency use only (e.g. in case of single failure of any one
switchboard, duplicated steering gears, etc. may be of the non-static components of the propulsion and steering
installed in the same compartment. systems), for the purpose of granting the AVM-DPS notation
the following applies:
1.2.2 Targets (1/7/2008)
The following operating conditions are to be achieved by a) it is accepted that some of the redundancies of machin-
ships having a duplicated propulsion system, in the case of ery and system normally required by the Rules may no
a single failure, as specified in [1.2.1]: longer be available
• At least 50% of the power still available (in the case of b) when exemptions are foreseen by the Rules for multiple
ships with two propellers, this condition may be propulsion systems, they are still applicable.

RINA Rules 2017 65

Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 3

1.3.2 (1/7/2007) failure of the system does not make inoperative all the pro-
When the duplicated propulsion system is designed for use pulsion systems at the same time.
in conditions other than an emergency, for the purpose of In addition, the requirements under [1.3] apply depending
granting the AVM-DPS-NS notation the following applies: on the notation required.
a) all the redundancies of machinery and system normally
required by the Rules are to be kept available 2.1.4 Lubricating oil system (1/7/2007)

b) the exemptions mentioned in [1.3.1] b) are no longer Each main propulsion system is to be fitted with a separate
applicable lubrication oil systems.

c) in the case of electric propulsion, cold standby propul- In addition, the requirements under [1.3] apply depending
sion control systems may be accepted in way of full on the notation required.
redundancy provided that they are permanently
installed, ready for use and easily put into operation. 2.1.5 Fuel oil system (1/7/2007)
In general, separate fuel oil systems are to be provided for
1.4 Documentation to be submitted each main propulsion system, unless the FMEA demon-
strates that one single fuel oil system serving all propulsion
1.4.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted. systems is arranged in such a way that any single failure of
the system does not make all the propulsion systems inoper-
ative at the same time.
2 Special arrangements
In addition, the requirements under [1.3] apply depending
on the notation required.
2.1 Systems for cooling, lubrication, fuel
supply and starting 2.1.6 By-pass

2.1.1 General Means are to be provided to by-pass and shut-off each of

the components which may be subject to a single failure,
The systems are to be constructed such as to satisfy the con- described in [1.2.1], without impairing the functioning of
ditions stipulated in [1.2.2]. In addition to what stated in the the system itself (including machinery and equipment) or of
relevant parts of the Rules, the following requirements the other systems which are to be operated in connection
apply. with navigation in emergency.

2.1.2 Pumps (1/7/2007)

2.2 Rudders and steering gears
For the assignment of the AVM-DPS notation, the systems
concerned are to be provided with at least two pumps, one
as a stand-by of the other. One of the two pumps may be 2.2.1
driven by the propulsion machinery, while the other pump a) A duplicated rudder and steering gear are to be
is to be independently driven. arranged, unless the arrangement of the main propul-
For the assignment of the AVM-DPS-NS notation, irrespec- sion system allows the same manoeuvrability requested
tive of which of the non-static components of the propul- by the rules in case of single failure that may prevent the
sion and steering systems is considered not available, the use of the normal steering system, such as ships with
systems concerned are to be provided with at least two two independent controllable pitch propellers, ships
pumps, one as a standby for the other. with azimuth thrusters, ships with fore and aft side
2.1.3 Cooling system (1/7/2007) b) Where ships do not have traditional rudder and steering
In general, separate cooling systems are to be provided for gears, being their steering capability supplied by azi-
each main propulsion system, unless the FMEA demon- muth thrusters or equivalent features, means are to be
strates that one integrated cooling system serving all propul- provided to allow at least the same redundancy as
sion systems is arranged in such a way that any single required in a) above.

Table 1 : Document to be submitted (1/7/2007)

Item No. (1) Document

1 A Description of the duplicated propulsion system including an analysis (2) demonstrating the availability of the
operating conditions as per [1.2.2] and a description of the operations necessary to recover the propulsion and
essential services
(1) A : to be submitted for approval, in quadruplicate;
(2) This analysis may be in the form of a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). App 1 describes an acceptable procedure for car-
rying out the FMEA.

66 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 3

2.3 Electrical installations 3 Tests on board

2.3.1 (1/7/2007)
3.1 Running tests
Where the electrical power is supplied to the auxiliaries
necessary for propulsion through a single main switch- 3.1.1 The duplicated propulsion system is to be subjected
board, the switchboard is to be arranged in at least two sec- to the running tests required by the Rules for similar sys-
tions with all circuits properly distributed between the tems.
sections. In case of short circuit in one of the sections, the
faulty section is to be automatically disconnected and the 3.2 Sea trials
other section(s) is (are) to be capable of supplying the auxil- 3.2.1 (1/7/2008)
iaries necessary to operate the ship under the conditions In the course of sea trials the single failures mentioned in
stated in [1.2.2]. [1.2.1] are to be simulated and the values of the power and
speed developed in this condition are to be recorded.
2.4 Automation Availability of the redundancies as per [1.3] is to be veri-
2.4.1 The automation system is to be arranged in such a In the case of electric propulsion, when cold standby pro-
way as to prevent the possibility that a single failure of the pulsion control systems are provided, it is to be checked
control system may lead to the loss of more than one pro- that they are permanently installed, ready for use and easily
pulsion system. put into operation.

RINA Rules 2017 67

Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 4



1 General • Range of 1000 nautical miles or range corresponding to

1/2 of the range achievable with the full supply of fuel,
whichever is the less
1.1 Application
• Duplicated steering rudder and steering gear, or equiva-
1.1.1 The additional class notation AVM-IPS is assigned in lent arrangement to ensure steering capability in case of
accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.3.5] to self propelled a major failure of the rudder or steering gear
ships arranged with means for independent propulsion sys-
• Availability of safety systems, including fire fighting sys-
tems complying with the requirements of this Section.
tems, bilge system, navigating lights, communication
1.1.2 (1/7/2008) apparatus, life-saving appliances
This notation is granted, provided that : • Habitability conditions, including minimum lighting,
a) The ship is arranged with at least two propellers and the ventilation, galleys, refrigerated stores, drinking water or
associated independent shafting, each one independ- evaporator services
ently driven by separate machinery, in such a way that
• Preservation of the cargo.
at least 50% of the power remains available whenever
any of the propulsion machinery and the associated pro-
1.2.3 Services not required to be
peller and shafting are out of service.
available (1/7/2008)
It is also applicable to ships arranged with at least two
The following services need not to be supplied after casu-
independent azimuth thrusters and any other equivalent
alty, during the emergency operation of one (or more) of the
propulsion systems, when one of the propulsion systems is
b) The propulsive installations are arranged in different not available due to the casualty described in [1.2.1]:
compartments, in such a way that at least 50% of the
power installed on board is still available whenever pro- • Cargo handling system
pulsion and auxiliary machinery arranged in any one • Ballast system needed for cargo handling operation only
compartment is not operating.
• Bow thrusters
1.2 Coverage of AVM-IPS notation • Air conditioning

1.2.1 Casualty (1/7/2007) • Other non essential services (for instance stabilizers, full
lighting, amusement items).
The loss (due to fire or flooding) of one compartment where
propulsion, its auxiliary machinery, steering systems and the
1.2.4 Redundancy (1/7/2007)
main source of electrical power are located, is to be consid-
ered. However, the collision in way of a bulkhead, and the In the case any of the independent propulsion system is
consequent loss of two adjacent compartments due to used under an emergency due to the loss of one compart-
flooding is not to be considered as a single failure for the ment, it is accepted that some of the redundancies required
purpose of this additional class notation. normally by the rules may not be anymore available.

1.2.2 Targets (1/7/2008) However, in the case of unavailability of one of the propul-
sion systems due to a single failure (excluding the loss of
The following operating conditions are to be achieved by one compartment), all the redundancies of machinery and
ships having an independent propulsion system, in the case systems normally required by the Rules are to be kept avail-
of a casualty, as specified in [1.2.1]: able.
• At least 50% of the power still available (in the case of
ships with two propellers, this condition may be In the case of electric propulsion, cold standby propulsion
achieved either considering one propeller running at control systems may be accepted in way of full redundancy
full power, with the other propeller idle, or with the two provided that they are permanently installed, ready for use
propellers running at 50% of the respective power, and easily put into operation.
depending on the type of failure considered)
• Full load speed not less than 7 knots (lower speeds may 1.3 Documentation to be submitted
be considered acceptable when the ship is provided
with azimuth thrusters or similar propulsion thrusters) 1.3.1 The documents listed in Tab 1 are to be submitted.

68 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 4

2 Special arrangements 2.2 Rudders and steering gears

2.2.1 (1/7/2007)
2.1 Systems for cooling, lubrication, fuel
supply and starting a) A duplicated rudder and steering gear are to be
arranged in separate compartments, unless the arrange-
2.1.1 General ment of the main propulsion system allows the same
manoeuvrability requested by the Rules in case of single
The propulsion systems, the propulsion auxiliaries and the failure that may prevent the use of the normal steering
main source of electrical power are to be designed and system, such as ships with two independent controllable
constructed such as to satisfy the conditions stipulated in pitch propellers, ships with azimuth thrusters, ships with
[1.2.2]. In addition to what is stated in the relevant parts of fore and aft side thrusters.
the Rules and in [1.2.4], the following requirements apply.
b) Where ships do not have traditional rudder and steering
2.1.2 Pumps (1/7/2007) gear, their steering capability being supplied by azimuth
thrusters or equivalent features, means are to be pro-
The systems concerned are to be provided with at least two
vided to allow at least the same redundancy as required
pumps, one as a stand-by for the other, suitably located so
in a) above.
that in case of loss of one compartment at least one is still
available. One of the two pumps may be driven by the pro-
pulsion machinery, while the other pump is to be independ- 2.3 Electrical installations
ently driven. 2.3.1 (1/7/2007)
2.1.3 Cooling system (1/7/2007) The electrical generators are to be arranged in such a way
that in case of loss of one compartment, enough power still
In general, separate cooling systems are to be provided for remains available to operate the ship under the conditions
each main propulsion system, unless the FMEA demon- stated in [1.2.1] without any stand-by generating set. In gen-
strates that one single cooling system, serving all propulsion eral this requirement is to be achieved arranging two main
systems is arranged and located in such a way that any sin- switchboards and the electric generators in two separate
gle failure of the system, including loss of one compart- compartments.
ment, does not make inoperative all the propulsion systems
at the same time. 2.3.2 (1/7/2008)
Electrical cables and other electric apparatus serving a
2.1.4 Lubricating oil system machinery space and passing through the spaces where
Each main propulsion system is to be fitted with a separate other independent propulsion systems are arranged are to
lubrication oil system. be ducted in trunks having a fire- retardant resistance at
least equivalent to A60 Standard and located outside B/5.
2.1.5 Fuel oil system (1/7/2007) The trunks are to be accessible for inspection and mainte-
In general, separate fuel oil systems are to be provided for
each main propulsion system, unless the FMEA demon- The use of fire- resisting cables as an alternative to the
strates that one single fuel oil system serving all propulsion trunks having a fire-retardant resistance at least equivalent
systems is arranged and located in such a way that any sin- to A60 standard will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
gle failure of the system, including loss of one compart-
ment, does not make inoperative all the propulsion systems 2.4 Automation
inoperative at the same time.
2.4.1 (1/7/2007)
2.1.6 By-pass The automation system is to be arranged in such a way as to
Means are to be provided to by-pass and shut-off each of prevent the possibility that a single failure of the control sys-
the components which may be subject to a single failure, or tem may lead to the loss of more than one propulsion sys-
malfunction due to the casualty as described in [1.2.1], tem.
without impairing the functioning of the system itself In the case of electric propulsion, cold standby propulsion
(including machinery and equipment) or of the other sys- control systems may be accepted in way of full redundancy
tems which are to be operated in connection with naviga- provided that they are permanently installed, ready for use
tion in emergency. and easily put into operation.

2.1.7 Piping segregation (1/7/2007)

Piping systems common to the independent propulsion sys-
3 Tests on board
tems or piping systems serving one propulsion systems and
passing through the spaces where another independent pro- 3.1 Running tests
pulsion system is arranged are to be ducted in watertight
trunks having a fire retardant resistance at least equivalent 3.1.1 The independent propulsion system is to be sub-
to A60 Standard and located outside B/5. The trunks are to jected to the running tests required by the Rules for similar
be accessible for inspection and maintenance. systems.

RINA Rules 2017 69

Pt F, Ch 2, Sec 4

3.2 Sea trials Availability of the redundancies as per [1.2.4] is to be veri-

3.2.1 (1/7/2008)
In the course of sea trials the casualty mentioned in [1.2.1] In the case of electric propulsion, when cold standby pro-
is to be simulated and the values of the power and speed pulsion control systems are provided, it is to be checked
developed in this condition are to be recorded. that they are permanently installed, ready for use and easily
put into operation.

Table 1 : Document to be submitted (1/7/2007)

Item No. (1) Document

1 A Description of the independent propulsion system including an analysis (2) demonstrating the availability of
the operating conditions as per [1.2.2] and a description of the operations necessary to recover the propulsion
and essential services
(1) A : to be submitted for approval, in four copies.
(2) This analysis may be in the form of a Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). App 1 describes an acceptable procedure for
carrying out the FMEA.

70 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 2, App 1



1 General 1.2 Objectives

1.2.1 Primary objective
1.1 Introduction
The primary objective of FMEA is to provide a comprehen-
1.1.1 FMEA requirement sive, systematic and documented investigation which estab-
lishes the important failure conditions of the ship
As specified in Sec 1, Sec 2, Sec 3 and Sec 4 in order to propulsion, steering and power generation systems, as well
grant the AVM notations, an FMEA is to be carried out, with as any other system requested by the Owner, and assesses
the exception indicated in Note (2) of Sec 1, Tab 1 to ascer- their significance with regard to the safety of the ship and its
tain that in case of single failure to the propulsion, steering occupants.
and power generating system, the ship is still capable to
achieve the performances indicated in the applicable Sec- 1.2.2 Aim of the analysis
tions as a condition for granting the notation. The main aims of undertaking the analysis are to:
1.1.2 Scope of the Appendix a) provide ship and system designers with data to audit
This Appendix describes a failure mode and effects analysis their proposed designs
(FMEA) and gives guidance as to how it may be applied by: b) provide the Owner with the results of a study into ship’s
selected systems failure characteristics so as to assist in
a) explaining basic principles
an assessment of the arrangements and measures to be
b) providing the procedural steps necessary to perform an taken to limit the damages consequent of the failure
analysis within acceptable limits
c) identifying appropriate terms, assumptions, measures c) provide the Master and crew of the ship with data to
and failure modes, and generate comprehensive training, operational and main-
d) providing examples of the necessary worksheets. tenance programmes and documentation.

1.1.3 Definition of FMEA 1.3 Sister ships

A practical, realistic and documented assessment of the fail-
ure characteristics of the ship and its component systems 1.3.1 For ships of the same design and having the same
should be undertaken with the aim of defining and studying equipment, one FMEA on any one of such ships may be suf-
the important failure conditions that may exist. ficient, but each of the other ships are to be subject to the
same FMEA conclusion trials.
1.1.4 FMEA principles
The FMEA is based on a single failure concept under which 1.4 FMEA basics
each considered system at various levels of a system’s func-
tional hierarchy is assumed to fail by one probable cause at 1.4.1 Before proceeding with a detailed FMEA into the
a time. The effects of the postulated failure are analysed and effects of the failure of the system elements on the system
classified according to their severity. Such effects may functional output it is necessary to perform a functional fail-
include secondary failures (or multiple failures) at other ure analysis of the considered systems. In this way only sys-
level(s). Any failure mode which may cause a catastrophic tems which fail the functional failure analysis need to be
effect should be guarded against by system or equipment investigated by a more detailed FMEA.
redundancy unless the probability of such failure is
1.4.2 Operational modes
extremely improbable. For failure modes causing hazardous
effects corrective measures may be accepted in lieu. A test When conducting a system FMEA the following typical
programme should be drawn up to confirm the conclusions operational modes within the normal design environmental
of FMEA. conditions of the ships are to be considered:
a) normal seagoing conditions at full speed
1.1.5 Alternatives
b) maximum permitted operating speed in congested
While FMEA is suggested as one of the most flexible analy- waters
sis techniques, it is accepted that there are other methods
which may be used and which in certain circumstances c) manoeuvring alongside
may offer an equally comprehensive insight into particular d) seagoing conditions in emergency, as defined in Sec 1,
failure characteristics. Sec 2, Sec 3 and Sec 4.

RINA Rules 2017 71

Pt F, Ch 2, App 1

1.4.3 Functional interdependance specifically designed or adapted for the ship, such as the
This functional interdependence of these systems is also to craft’s electrical and hydraulic systems.
be described in either block diagrams or fault tree diagrams
or in a narrative format to enable the failure effects to be 2 FMEA performance
understood. As far as applicable, each of the systems to be
analysed is assumed to fail in the following failure modes:
2.1 Procedures
a) complete loss of function
2.1.1 The following steps are necessary to perform an
b) rapid change to maximum or minimum output
c) uncontrolled or varying output a) to define the system to be analysed
d) premature operation b) to illustrate the interrelationships of functional elements
e) failure to operate at a prescribed time of the system, by means of block diagrams
f) failure to cease operation at a prescribed time. c) to identify all potential failure modes and their causes
Depending on the system under consideration other failure d) to evaluate the effects on the system of each failure
modes may have to be taken into account. mode
e) to identify failure detection methods
1.4.4 Systems which can fail without catastrophic
effects f) to identify corrective measures for failure modes
If a system can fail without any hazardous or catastrophic g) to assess the probability of failures causing hazardous or
effect, there is no need to conduct a detailed FMEA into the catastrophic effects, where applicable
system architecture. For systems whose individual failure h) to document the analysis
can cause hazardous or catastrophic effects and where a
i) to develop a test programme
redundant system is not provided, a detailed FMEA as
described in the following paragraphs should be followed. j) to prepare FMEA report.

Results of the system functional failure analysis should be

documented and confirmed by a practical test programme
2.2 System definition
drawn up from the analysis.
2.2.1 The first step in an FMEA study is a detailed study of
the system to be analysed, through the use of drawings and
1.4.5 Redundant systems
equipment manuals. A narrative description of the system
Where a system, the failure of which may cause a hazard- and its functional requirements is to be drawn up including
ous or catastrophic effect, is provided with a redundant sys- the following information:
tem, a detailed FMEA may not be required provided that:
a) general description of system operation and structure
a) the redundant system can be put into operation or can
b) functional relationship among the system elements
take over the failed system within the time-limit dictated
by the most onerous operational mode without hazard- c) acceptable functional performance limits of the system
ing the ship and its constituent elements in each of the typical oper-
ational modes
b) the redundant system is completely independent of the
system and does not share any common system element d) system constraints.
the failure of which would cause failure of both the sys-
tem and the redundant system. Common system ele- 2.3 Development of system block diagram
ment may be acceptable if the probability of failure
complies with [4]. 2.3.1 Block diagram
c) the redundant system may share the same power source The next step is to develop block diagram(s) showing the
as the system. In such case an alternative power source functional flow sequence of the system, both for technical
should be readily available with regard to the require- understanding of the functions and operation of the system,
ment of a) above. and for the subsequent analysis. As a minimum the block
diagram is to contain:
The probability and effects of operator error to bring in the
redundant system are also to be considered. a) breakdown of the system into major sub-systems or

1.5 FMEA analysis b) all appropriate labelled inputs and outputs and identifi-
cation numbers by which each sub-system is consist-
1.5.1 The systems to be subject to a more detailed FMEA ently referenced
investigation at this stage are to include all those that have c) all redundancies, alternative signal paths and other
failed the system FMEA and may include those that have a engineering features which provide "fail-safe" measures.
very important influence on the safety of the ship and its
occupants and which require an investigation at a deeper 2.3.2 Block diagrams and operational modes
level than that undertaken in the system functional failure It may be necessary to have a different set of block diagrams
analysis. These systems are often those which have been prepared for each different operational modes.

72 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 2, App 1

2.4 Identification of failure modes, causes 2.4.2 System failure

and effects A failure mode in a system element could also be the failure
cause of a system failure. For example, the hydraulic line of
2.4.1 Failure mode
a steering gear system might have a failure mode of "exter-
Failure mode is the manner by which a failure is observed. nal leakage" (10). This failure mode of the hydraulic line
It generally describes the way the failure occurs and its could become a failure cause of the steering gear system’s
impact on the equipment or system. As an example, a list of failure mode "loss of output" (29).
failure modes is given in Tab 1. The failure modes listed in
Tab 1 can describe the failure of any system element in suf- 2.4.3 Top-down approach
ficiently specific terms. When used in conjunction with per-
formance specifications governing the inputs and outputs Each system should be considered in a top-down approach,
on the system block diagram, all potential failure modes starting from the system’s functional output, and failure is to
can be thus identified and described. Thus, for example, a be assumed by one possible cause at a time. Since a failure
power supply may have a failure mode described as "loss of mode may have more than one cause, all potential inde-
output" (29), and a failure cause "open (electrical)" (31). pendent causes for each failure mode are to be identified.

Table 1 : Example of failure mode list 2.4.4 Delay effect when operating back-up systems

1 Structural failure (rupture)

If major systems can fail without any adverse effect there is
no need to consider them further unless the failure can go
2 Physical binding or jamming undetected by an operator. To decide that there is no
3 Vibration adverse effect does not mean just the identification of sys-
4 Fails to remain in position tem redundancy. The redundancy is to be shown to be
immediately effective or brought on line with negligible
5 Fails to open
time lag. In addition, if the sequence is: "failure - alarm -
6 Fails to close operator action - start of back up- back up in service", the
7 Fails open effects of delay should be considered.
8 Fails closed
9 Internal leakage 2.5 Failure effects
10 External leakage
2.5.1 Concept
11 Fails out of tolerance (high)
The consequence of a failure mode on the operation, func-
12 Fails out of tolerance (low)
tion, or status of an equipment or a system is called a "fail-
13 Inadvertent operation ure effect". Failure effects on a specific sub-system or
14 Intermittent operation equipment under consideration are called "local failure
effects". The evaluation of local failure effects will help to
15 Erratic operation
determine the effectiveness of any redundant equipment or
16 Erroneous indication corrective action at that system level. In certain instances,
17 Restricted flow there may not be a local effect beyond the failure mode
18 False actuation
19 Fails to stop 2.5.2 End effect
20 Fails to start
The impact of an equipment or sub-system failure on the
21 Fails to switch system output (system function) is called an "end effect".
22 Premature operation End effects should be evaluated and their severity classified
in accordance with the following categories:
23 Delayed operation
24 Erroneous input (increased) a) catastrophic
25 Erroneous input (decreased) b) hazardous
26 Erroneous output (increased)
c) major
27 Erroneous output (decrease)
d) minor.
28 Loss of input
29 Loss of output The definition of these four categories of failure effects is in
30 Shorted (electrical)
31 Open (electrical) 2.5.3 Catastrophic and hazardous effects
32 Leakage (electrical)
If the end effect of a failure is classified as hazardous or cat-
33 Other unique failure conditions as applicable to the astrophic, back-up equipment is usually required to prevent
system characteristics, requirements and operational or minimize such effect. For hazardous failure effects cor-
constraints rective operational procedures may be generally accepted.

RINA Rules 2017 73

Pt F, Ch 2, App 1

2.6 Failure detection 2.7.4 Acceptability of corrective action

It is to be noted that corrective responses acceptable in one
2.6.1 Detectable failures operational mode may not be acceptable at another, e.g. a
The FMEA study in general only analyses failure effects redundant system element with considerable time lag to be
based on a single failure in the system and therefore a fail- brought into line, while meeting the operational mode "nor-
ure detection means, such as visual or audible warning mal seagoing conditions at full speed" may result in a cata-
devices, automatic sensing devices, sensing instrumentation strophic effect in another operational mode, e.g. "maximum
or other unique indications, is to be identified. permitted operating speed in congested water".
2.6.2 Non detectable failures
Where the system element failure is non-detectable (i.e. a
2.8 Use of probability concept
hidden fault or any failure which does not give any visual or 2.8.1 Acceptance criteria
audible indication to the operator) and the system can con-
If corrective measures or redundancy as described in pre-
tinue with its specific operation, the analysis is to be
ceding paragraphs are not provided for any failure, as an
extended to determine the effects of a second failure, which
alternative the probability of occurrence of such failure is to
in combination with the first undetectable failure may result
meet the following criteria of acceptance:
in a more severe failure effect e.g. hazardous or cata-
strophic effect. a) a failure mode which results in a catastrophic effect is to
be assessed to be extremely improbable
2.7 Corrective measures b) a failure mode assessed as extremely remote is to not
result in worse than hazardous effects
2.7.1 Back-up equipment response
c) a failure mode assessed as either frequent or reasonably
The response of any back-up equipment, or any corrective probable is not to result in worse than minor effects.
action initiated at a given system level to prevent or reduce
the effect of the failure mode of system element or equip-
ment, is also to be identified and evaluated. 2.8.2 Data
2.7.2 Corrective design provisions Numerical values for various levels of probabilities are laid
Provisions which are features of the design at any system down in [4]. In areas where there is no data from ships to
level to nullify the effects of a malfunction or failure, such determine the level of probabilities of failure other sources
as controlling or deactivating system elements to halt gener- can be used such as:
ation or propagation of failure effects, activating back-up or a) workshop test
standby items or systems, are to be described. Corrective b) history of reliability used in other areas under similar
design provisions include: operating conditions
a) redundancies that allow continued and safe operation c) mathematical model if applicable.
b) safety devices, monitoring or alarm provisions, which
permit restricted operation or limit damage 2.9 Documentation
c) alternative modes of operation.
2.9.1 Worksheet
2.7.3 Manual corrective actions It is helpful to perform FMEA on worksheets. Tab 2 shows
Provisions which require operator action to circumvent or an example of worksheet.
mitigate the effects of the postulated failure are to be
described. The possibility and effect of operator error is to 2.9.2 Worksheet organization
be considered, if the corrective action or the initiation of the The worksheets are be organized to first display the highest
redundancy requires operator input, when evaluating the system level and then proceed down through decreasing
means to eliminate the local failure effects. system levels.

74 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 2, App 1

Table 2 : FMEA worksheet

Name of system :
Mode of operation :
System block diagram:
Sheet No :
Date :
Name of analyst :

Equipment Failure effect Failure Correc- Severity Probability of

Ident. Failure Failure
name or Function Local End detec- tive of faiure failure (if Remarks
No. mode cause
number effect effect tion action effect applicable)

3 Tests and reporting 3.2 Reporting

3.1 Test program 3.2.1 The FMEA report is to be a self-contained document

with a full description of the craft, its systems and their
3.1.1 FMEA validation test functions and the proposed operation and environmental
An FMEA test programme is to be drawn up to prove the conditions for the failure modes, causes and effects to be
conclusions of FMEA. It is recommended that the test pro- understood without any need to refer to other plans and
gramme is to include all systems or system elements whose documents not in the report. The analysis assumptions and
failure would lead to: system block diagrams are to be included, where appropri-
a) major or more severe effects ate.
b) restricted operations The report is to contain a summary of conclusions and rec-
c) any other corrective action. ommendations for each of the systems analysed in the sys-
For equipment where failure cannot be easily simulated on tem failure analysis and the equipment failure analysis. It is
the ship, the results of other tests can be used to determine also to list all probable failures and their probability of fail-
the effects and influences on the systems and ship ure where applicable, the corrective actions or operational
restrictions for each system in each of the operational
3.1.2 Further investigations modes under analysis. The report is to contain the test pro-
The trials are also to include investigations into: gramme, reference any other test reports and the FMEA tri-
a) the layout of control stations with particular regard to als.
the relative positioning of switches and other control
devices to ensure a low potential for inadvertent and
4 Probabilistic concept
incorrect crew action, particularly during emergencies
and the provision of interlocks to prevent inadvertent
operation for important system operation 4.1 General
b) the existence and quality of the craft’s operational docu-
mentation with particular regard to the pre-voyage 4.1.1 Different undesirable events may have different
checklists. It is essential that these checks account for orders of acceptable probability. In connection with this, it
any unrevealed failure modes identified in the failure is convenient to agree on standardized expressions to be
analysis used to convey the relatively acceptable probabilities of
c) the effects of the main failure modes as prescribed in the various occurrences, i.e. to perform a qualitative ranking
theoretical analysis. process.

RINA Rules 2017 75

Pt F, Ch 2, App 1

4.2 Occurences 4.3.6 Extremely improbable

Extremely improbable is one which is so extremely remote
4.2.1 Occurence that it should not be considered as possible to occur.
Occurence is a condition involving a potential lowering of
the level of safety. 4.4 Effects
4.2.2 Failure 4.4.1 Effect
Failure is an occurrence in which a part, or parts, of the ship Effect is a situation arising as a result of an occurrence.
fail. A failure includes:
4.4.2 Minor effect
a) a single failure
Minore effect is an effect which may arise from a failure, an
b) independent failures in combinations within a system, event, or an error which can be readily compensated for by
and the operating crew; it may involve:
c) independent failures in combinations involving more a) a small increase in the operational duties of the crew or
than one system, taking into account: in their difficulty in performing their duties, or
1) any undetected failure that is already present b) a moderate degradation in handling characteristics, or
2) such further failures as would be reasonably c) slight modification of the permissible operating condi-
expected to follow the failure under consideration, tions.
4.4.3 Major effect
d) common cause failure (failure of more than one compo-
Major effect is an effect which produces:
nent or system due to the same cause).
a) a significant increase in the operational duties of the
Note 1: In assessing the further failures which follow, account
should be taken of any resulting more severe operating conditions
crew or in their difficulty in performing their duties
for items that have not up to that time failed. which by itself should not be outside the capability of a
competent crew provided that another major effect does
4.2.3 Event not occur at the same time, or
Event is an occurrence which has its origin outside the craft b) significant degradation in handling characteristics, or
(e.g., waves). c) significant modification of the permissible operating
conditions, but will not remove the capability to com-
4.2.4 Error
plete a safe journey without demanding more than nor-
Error is an occurrence arising as a result of incorrect action mal skill on the part of the operating crew.
by the operating crew or maintenance personnel.
4.4.4 Hazardous effect
4.3 Probability of occurences Hazardous effect is an effect which produces:
a) a dangerous increase in the operational duties of the
4.3.1 Frequent crew or in their difficulty in performing their duties of
Frequent is one which is likely to occur often during the such magnitude that they cannot reasonably be
operational life of a particular ship. expected to cope with them and will probably require
outside assistance, or
4.3.2 Reasonably probable
b) dangerous degradation of handling characteristics, or
Reasonably probable is one which is unlikely to occur often
but which may occur several times during the total opera- c) dangerous degradation of the strength of the ship, or
tional life of a particular ship. d) marginal conditions for, or injury to, occupants, or
e) an essential need for outside rescue operations.
4.3.3 Recurrent
Recurrent is a term embracing the total range of frequent 4.4.5 Catastrophic effect
and reasonably probable. Catastrophic effect is an effect which results in the loss of
the craft and/or in fatalities.
4.3.4 Remote
Remote is one which is unlikely to occur to every ship but 4.5 Safety level
may occur to a few ships of a type over the total operational
life of a number of ship of the same type. 4.5.1 Safety level is a numerical value characterizing the
relationship between ship performance represented as hori-
4.3.5 Extremely remote zontal single amplitude acceleration (g) and rate of acceler-
Extremely remote is one which is unlikely to occur when ation (g/s) and the severity of acceleration-load effects on
considering the total operational life of a number of ships of standing and sitting humans. The safety levels and the cor-
the type, but nevertheless should be considered as being responding severity of effects on passengers and safety crite-
possible. ria for ship performance are defined in Tab 3.

76 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 2, App 1

Table 3

Criteria not to be exceeded Value

Effect Comment
Type of load (2)
LEVEL 1 Maximum acceleration meas- 0,20 g 0,08 g and 0,20 g/s (3)
MINOR EFFECT ured horizontally (1) Elderly person will keep balance when holding
Moderate degradation of 0,15 g and 0, 20 g/s
safety Mean person will keep balance when holding
0,15 g and 0,80 g/s
Sitting person will start holding
LEVEL 2 Maximum acceleration meas- 0,35 g 0,25 g and 2 g/s
MAJOR EFFECT ured horizontally (1) Maximum load for mean person keeping balance when
Significant degradation of holding
safety 0,45 g and 10 g/s
Mean person falls out of seat when nor wearing seat belts
LEVEL 3 Collision design condition cal- 1g Risk of injury to persons, safe emergency operation after
HAZARDOUS EFFECT culated collision
Major degradation of safety Maximum structural design 1g
load, based on vertical accel- Degradation of person safety
eration at centre of gravity
LEVEL 4 1g Loss of ship and/or fatalities
(1) The recording instruments used are to be such that the accelerationaccuracy is better than 5% of the real value and frequency
response is to be minimum 20 Hz. Antialiasing filters with maximum passband attenuation 100 + 5% are to be used
(2) g = gravity acceleration (9,81 m/s2)
(3) g-rate of jerk may be evaluated from acceleration/time curves

4.6 Numerical values

Table 4
4.6.1 Where numerical probabilities are used in assessing
compliance with requirements using the terms similar to Frequent More than 10-3
those given above, the approximate values given in Tab 4 Reasonably probable 10-3 to 10-5
may be used as guidelines to assist in providing a common
Remote 10-5 to 10-7
point of reference. The probabilities quoted should be on an
hourly or per journey basis, depending on which is more Extremely remote 10-7 to 10-9
appropriate to the assessment in question. Extremely improbable Whilst no approximate numerical
Note 1: Different occurrences may have different acceptable prob- probability is given for this, the fig-
abilities, according to the severity of their consequences (see ures used should be substantially
Tab 5). less than 10 -9

Table 5

SAFETY LEVEL 1 1 1 2 3 4
EFFECT ON Normal Nuisance Operating Emergency procedures; Large reduction in safety Casualties and deaths,
SHIP AND limitations significant reduction in margin; crew over-burden usually with loss of
OCCUPANTS safety margins; difficult because of work-load or ship
for crew to cope with environmental condi-
adverse conditions; tions; serious injuries to
person injuries small number of persons
F.A.R. PROBA- Probable Improbable Extremely improbable
JAR-25 PRO- Probable Improbable Extremely improbable
BABILITY (2) Frequent Reasonably Remote Extremely remote
10-0 10-2 10-3 10-5 10-7 10-9
CATEGORY Minor Major Hazardous Catastrophic
(1) The United States Federal Aviation Regulation
(2) European Joint Airworthiness Regulations

RINA Rules 2017 77

Part F
Additional Class Notations

Chapter 3





RINA Rules 2017 79

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1


1 General 1.2.5 Fishing vessels of less than 45m in length are

exempted from the application of:
• alarm system requirements given in [5.2.3] and [5.4.2]
1.1 Application
• fire detection system requirements given in [3.2] insofar
1.1.1 The additional class notation AUT-UMS is assigned as the location of the spaces considered allows people
in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.4.2] to ships fitted on board to detect fire outbreaks easily, and
with automated installations enabling periodically unat- • requirement [3.4.4].
tended operation of machinery spaces, and complying with
the requirements of this Section. 1.2.6 Fishing vessels of less than 75 m in length are
exempted from the application of the requirements laid
Note 1: Machinery spaces are defined in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.4.2]. down in [1.3.2], [3.1.3] and [3.3.1].
1.1.2 The arrangements provided shall be such as to
ensure that the safety of the ship in all sailing conditions,
1.3 Communication system
including manoeuvring, is equivalent to that of a ship hav- 1.3.1 A reliable means of vocal communication shall be
ing the machinery spaces manned. provided between the main machinery control room or the
propulsion machinery control position as appropriate, the
1.2 Exemptions navigation bridge and the engineer officers’ accommoda-
1.2.1 For ships whose gross tonnage is less than 500 and This means of communication is to be foreseen in collective
propulsive power less than 1 MW, the requirements laid or individual accommodation of engineer officers.
down in [1.3] and [5.4.3] do not apply.
1.3.2 Means of communication are to be capable of being
1.2.2 For ships whose gross tonnage is less than 500 and operated even in the event of failure of supply from the
propulsive power less than 1 MW, the requirements laid main source of electrical power.
down in [4] do not apply. An alarm signal is to be activated
in the following circumstances: 2 Documentation
a) for diesel engine propulsion plant
• lubricating oil system low pressure
2.1 Documents to be submitted
• cylinder coolant high temperature 2.1.1 In addition to those mentioned in Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 1,
Tab 1, the documents in Tab 1 are required.
• cylinder coolant low pressure or low flow rate
• cylinder coolant make up tank low level Table 1 : Documents to be submitted
• sea water cooling low pressure or low flow rate
No. (1) Document
b) for auxiliary internal combustion engines intended for
1 A Means of communication diagram
electricity production of a power higher than 37 kW,
supplying essential services: 2 A Technical description of automatic engineer’s
alarm and connection of alarms to accom-
• cylinder coolant high temperature
modation and bridge, when applicable
• lubricating oil system low pressure.
3 A System of protection against flooding
1.2.3 For ships whose gross tonnage is less than 500 and 4 A Fire detection system: diagram, location and
propulsive power less than 1 MW, automatic stop is to be cabling
provided for lubricating oil failure of engines, reduction
gears, clutches and reversing gears. A possible override of (1) A : to be submitted for approval
this automatic stop is to be available at the control stations,
and an indication is to be provided at each control station, 3 Fire and flooding precautions
when override is activated.
3.1 Fire prevention
1.2.4 The requirements laid down in [3.3.1] do not apply
to cargo ships of less than 1 600 tons gross tonnage, insofar 3.1.1 The requirements regarding piping and arrangements
as the arrangements of the machinery space access make it of fuel oil and lubricating oil systems given in Pt C, Ch 1,
unnecessary. Sec 10 are applicable.

RINA Rules 2017 81

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

3.1.2 Fuel oil and lubricating oil purifiers and the auxiliary 3.2.9 Fire detector zones are to be arranged in a manner
equipment and its fittings containing hot fuel oil are to be that will enable the operating staff to locate the seat of the
grouped in a special room or in locations ventilated by fire. The arrangement and the number of loops and the
extraction; nevertheless, transfer pumps may be located location of detector heads are to be approved in each case.
outside this room. Air currents created by the machinery are not to render the
detection system ineffective.
3.1.3 Where heating is necessary, it is to be arranged with
automatic control. A high temperature alarm is to be fitted 3.2.10 When fire detectors are provided with the means to
and the possibility of adjusting its threshold according to adjust their sensitivity, necessary arrangements are to be
the fuel quality is to be provided. Such alarm may be omit- allowed to fix and identify the set point.
ted if it is demonstrated that the temperature in the tank
cannot exceed the flashpoint under the following condi- 3.2.11 When it is intended that a particular loop or detec-
tions: volume of liquid corresponding to the low level alarm tor is to be temporarily switched off, this state is to be
and maximum continuous heating power during 24 hours. clearly indicated. Reactivation of the loop or detector is to
be performed automatically after a preset time.
3.2 Fire detection 3.2.12 The fire detection indicating panel is to be provided
with facilities for functional testing.
3.2.1 For fire detection, the requirements given in Part C,
Chapter 4 are applicable. 3.2.13 The fire detecting system is to be fed automatically
from the emergency source of power by a separate feeder if
3.2.2 Means are to be provided to detect and give alarms the main source of power fails.
at an early stage in case of fires:
• in boiler air supply casing and exhausts (uptakes); and 3.2.14 Facilities are to be provided in the fire detecting
system to manually release the fire alarm from the following
• in scavenging air belts of propulsion machinery places:
unless the Society considers this to be unnecessary in a par- • passageways having entrances to engine and boiler
ticular case. rooms
• the navigating bridge
3.2.3 An automatic fire detection system is to be fitted in
machinery spaces of Category A as defined in Pt C, Ch 1, • the control station in the engine room.
Sec 1, [1.4.1] intended to be unattended.
3.3 Fire fighting
3.2.4 The fire detection system is to be designed with self-
monitoring properties. Power or system failures are to initi- 3.3.1 Unless otherwise stated, pressurisation of the fire
ate an audible alarm distinguishable from the fire alarm. main at a suitable pressure by starting a main fire pump and
carrying out the other necessary operations is to be possible
3.2.5 The fire detection indicating panel is to be located from the navigation bridge. Alternatively, the fire main sys-
on the navigating bridge, fire control station, or other acces- tem may be permanently under pressure.
sible place where a fire in the machinery space will not ren-
der it inoperative. 3.3.2 The arrangements for the ready availability of water
supply are to be:
3.2.6 The fire detection indicating panel is to indicate the
• in passenger ships of 1 000 gross tonnage and upwards,
place of the detected fire in accordance with the arranged
such that at least one effective jet of water is immedi-
fire zones by means of a visual signal. Audible signals
ately available from any hydrant in an interior location
clearly distinguishable in character from any other signals
and so as to allow the continuation of the output of
are to be audible throughout the navigating bridge and the
water by the automatic starting of a required fire pump
accommodation area of the personnel responsible for the
operation of the machinery space. • in passenger ships of less than 1 000 gross tonnage and
in cargo ships, to the satisfaction of the Society.
3.2.7 Fire detectors are to be of such type and so located
that they will rapidly detect the onset of fire in conditions 3.3.3 In addition to the fire-extinguishing arrangements
normally present in the machinery space. Consideration is mentioned in Part C, Chapter 4, periodically unattended
to be given to avoiding false alarms. The type and location spaces containing steam turbines (whose power is at least
of detectors are to be approved by the Society and a combi- 375 kW) are to be provided with one of the fixed fire-extin-
nation of detector types is recommended in order to enable guishing systems required in the same Chapter for machin-
the system to react to more than one type of fire symptom. ery spaces of category A.

3.2.8 Except in spaces of restricted height and where their 3.4 Protection against flooding
use is specially appropriate, detection systems using ther-
mal detectors only are not permitted. Flame detectors may 3.4.1 Bilge wells or machinery spaces bilge levels are to
be installed, although they are to be considered as comple- be monitored in such a way that the accumulation of liquid
mentary and are not to replace the main installation. is detected in normal angles of trim and heel.

82 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

3.4.2 Where the bilge pumps are capable of being started 4.1.7 The design of the remote automatic control system
automatically, means shall be provided to indicate when the shall be such that in the case of its failure an alarm will be
influx of liquid is greater than the pump capacity or when given. Unless impracticable, the preset speed and direction
the pump is operating more frequently than would normally of thrust of the propeller shall be maintained until local con-
be expected. trol is in operation.

3.4.3 Where the bilge pumps are automatically controlled, 4.1.8 Critical speed ranges, if any, are to be rapidly passed
they are not be started when the oil pollution level is higher over by means of an appropriate automatic device.
than accepted in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10.
4.1.9 Propulsion machinery is to stop automatically only
3.4.4 The location of controls of any valve serving a sea in exceptional circumstances which could cause quick crit-
inlet, a discharge below the waterline or a bilge injection ical damage, due to internal faults in the machinery. The
system shall be so sited as to allow adequate time for opera- design of automation systems whose failure could result in
tion in case of influx of water to the space, having regard to an unexpected propulsion stop is to be specially examined.
the time likely to be required in order to reach and operate An overriding device for cancelling the automatic shutdown
such controls. If the level to which the space could become is to be considered.
flooded with the ship in the fully loaded condition so
4.1.10 Where the propulsive plant includes several main
requires, arrangements shall be made to operate the con-
engines, a device is to be provided to prevent any abnormal
trols from a position above such level.
overload on each of them.
3.4.5 Bilge level alarms are to be given at the main control 4.1.11 Where standby machines are required for other
station, the engineers’ accommodation area and the navi- auxiliary machinery essential to propulsion, automatic
gating bridge. changeover devices shall be provided.

4 Control of machinery 4.2 Diesel propulsion plants

4.2.1 (1/1/2015)
4.1 General When a diesel engine is used for the propulsion plant, mon-
itoring and control of equipment is to be performed respec-
4.1.1 Under all sailing conditions, including manoeuvring, tively according to Tab 2 for crosshead engines or Tab 3 for
the speed, direction of thrust and, if applicable, the pitch of trunk piston engines.
the propeller shall be fully controllable from the navigation
bridge. 4.3 Steam propulsion plants
4.1.2 All manual operations or services expected to be 4.3.1 For steam propulsion plants, control and monitoring
carried out with a periodicity of less than 24 h are to be functions of steam turbines are required according to Tab 4.
eliminated or automated, particularly for: lubrication, top-
ping up of make up tanks and filling tanks, filter cleaning, 4.3.2 Turbine spinning is to take place automatically at
cleaning of centrifugal purifiers, drainage, load sharing on regular intervals when the shaft line is stopped during
main engines and various adjustments. Nevertheless, the manoeuvring.
transfer of operation mode may be effected manually.
4.3.3 Spinning is not allowed until the equipment is in a
4.1.3 A centralised control position shall be arranged with safe position.
the necessary alarm panels and instrumentation indicating
any alarm. 4.3.4 Lubrication of gear and turbines is to be automati-
cally ensured until the plant is stopped (driven oil pump or
4.1.4 Parameters for essential services which need to be gravity tank).
adjusted to a preset value are to be automatically con-
trolled. 4.3.5 If a special crash astern sequence is provided, it is to
be carried out through a separate device or by placing the
4.1.5 The control system shall be such that the services control gear in a special position; precautions are to be
needed for the operation of the main propulsion machinery taken to avoid its unintended use.
and its auxiliaries are ensured through the necessary auto- According to the type of plant, this control may be achieved
matic arrangements. by:
• cancelling the low vacuum shutdown device
4.1.6 It shall be possible for all machinery essential for the
safe operation of the ship to be controlled from a local posi- • shutting off the steam to the ahead turbine
tion, even in the case of failure in any part of the automatic • opening the turbine cylinder drain valves, the astern
or remote control systems. stop valve and the astern manoeuvring valve.

RINA Rules 2017 83

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

Table 2 : Monitored parameters for main propulsion crosshead diesel engine (1/1/2015)

Symbol convention
H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm
X = function is required, R = remote
Alarm Remote Slow-down Shut-down start of stand
Identification of system parameter
activation indication with alarm with alarm by pump with
Fuel oil system
• Fuel oil pressure after filter (engine inlet) L R
• Fuel oil viscosity before injection pumps or fuel oil tem- H+L
perature before injection pumps (for engine running on
heavy fuel)
• Leakage from high pressure pipes where required H
• Common rail fuel oil pressure L
Lubricating oil system
• Lubricating oil to main bearing and thrust bearing pres- L R X
• Lubricating oil to crosshead bearing pressure when sepa- L R X
• Lubricating oil to camshaft pressure when separate L
• Lubricating oil to camshaft temperature when separate H

• Lubricating oil inlet temperature H

• Thrust bearing pads or bearing outlet temperature H X

• Main, crank, crosshead bearing, oil outlet temperature or H X
oil mist concentration in crankcase (5)
• Flow rate cylinder lubricator (each apparatus) L X
• Level in lubricating oil tanks or oil sump, as appropriate L
• Common rail servo oil pressure L
• Lubricating oil to turbocharger inlet pressure (6) L
(1) Not required, if the coolant is oil taken from the main cooling system of the engine.
(2) Where outlet flow cannot be monitored due to engine design, alternative arrangement may be accepted.
(3) Where one common cooling space without individual stop valves is employed for all cilynder jackets.
(4) Where separate lubrificating oil systems are installed (e.g. camshaft, rocker arms, etc.), individual level alarms are required for
the tanks.
(5) When required by Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.5] or by SOLAS Reg.II-1/47.2.
(6) Unless provided with a self-contained lubrificating oil system integrated with the turbocharger.
(7) Where outlet temperature from each bearing cannot be monitored due to the engine/turbocharger design alternative arrange-
ments may be accepted. Continuous monitoring of inlet temperature in combination with specific intervals for bearing inspec-
tion in accordance with the turbocharger manufacturer’s instructions may be accepted as an alternative.

84 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

Symbol convention
H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm
X = function is required, R = remote
Alarm Remote Slow-down Shut-down start of stand
Identification of system parameter
activation indication with alarm with alarm by pump with
• Turbocharger lubricating oil outlet temperature on each H
bearing (7)
• Speed of turbocharger R
Piston cooling system
• Piston coolant inlet pressure L X (1)
• Piston coolant outlet temperature on each cylinder H X
• Piston coolant outlet flow on each cylinder (2) L X
• Level of piston coolant in expansion tank L
Sea water cooling system
• Sea water cooling pressure L
Cylinder fresh cooling water system
• Cylinder fresh cooling water system inlet pressure L X
• Cylinder fresh cooling water outlet temperature (from H X
each cylinder) or cylinder water outlet temperature (gen-
eral) (3)
• Oily contamination of engine cooling water system H
(when main engine cooling water is used in fuel and
lubricating oil heat exchangers)
• Level of cylinder cooling water in expansion tank L
Fuel valve coolant system
• Pressure of fuel valve coolant L
• Temperature of fuel valve coolant H
• Level of fuel valve coolant in expansion tank L
Starting and control air system
• Starting air pressure before main shut off valve L R
• Control air pressure L
• Safety air pressure L

Scavenge air system

(1) Not required, if the coolant is oil taken from the main cooling system of the engine.
(2) Where outlet flow cannot be monitored due to engine design, alternative arrangement may be accepted.
(3) Where one common cooling space without individual stop valves is employed for all cilynder jackets.
(4) Where separate lubrificating oil systems are installed (e.g. camshaft, rocker arms, etc.), individual level alarms are required for
the tanks.
(5) When required by Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.5] or by SOLAS Reg.II-1/47.2.
(6) Unless provided with a self-contained lubrificating oil system integrated with the turbocharger.
(7) Where outlet temperature from each bearing cannot be monitored due to the engine/turbocharger design alternative arrange-
ments may be accepted. Continuous monitoring of inlet temperature in combination with specific intervals for bearing inspec-
tion in accordance with the turbocharger manufacturer’s instructions may be accepted as an alternative.

RINA Rules 2017 85

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

Symbol convention
H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm
X = function is required, R = remote
Alarm Remote Slow-down Shut-down start of stand
Identification of system parameter
activation indication with alarm with alarm by pump with
• Scavenging air receiver pressure R
• Scavenging air box temperature (detection of fire in H X
receiver, see [3.2.2])
• Scavenging air receiver water level H
Exhaust gas system
• Exhaust gas temperature after each cylinder H R X
• Exhaust gas temperature after each cylinder, deviation H
from average
• Exhaust gas temperature before each turbocharger H R
• Exhaust gas temperature after each turbocharger H R
• Engine speed (and direction of speed when reversible) R

• Engine overspeed H X
• Wrong way X
• Control, safety, alarm system power supply failure X
(1) Not required, if the coolant is oil taken from the main cooling system of the engine.
(2) Where outlet flow cannot be monitored due to engine design, alternative arrangement may be accepted.
(3) Where one common cooling space without individual stop valves is employed for all cilynder jackets.
(4) Where separate lubrificating oil systems are installed (e.g. camshaft, rocker arms, etc.), individual level alarms are required for
the tanks.
(5) When required by Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.5] or by SOLAS Reg.II-1/47.2.
(6) Unless provided with a self-contained lubrificating oil system integrated with the turbocharger.
(7) Where outlet temperature from each bearing cannot be monitored due to the engine/turbocharger design alternative arrange-
ments may be accepted. Continuous monitoring of inlet temperature in combination with specific intervals for bearing inspec-
tion in accordance with the turbocharger manufacturer’s instructions may be accepted as an alternative.

86 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

Table 3 : Monitored parameter for main propulsion trunk piston diesel engine (1/1/2015)

Symbol convention
H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm
X = function is required, R = remote
Automatic start of
Alarm Remote Slow-down Shut-down stand
Identification of system parameter
activation indication with alarm with alarm by pump with
Fuel oil system
• Fuel oil pressure after filter (engine inlet) L R
• Fuel oil viscosity before injection pumps or fuel oil H+L
temperature before injection pumps (for engine run-
ning on heavy fuel)
• Leakage from high pressure pipes where required H
• Common rail fuel oil pressure L
Lubricating oil system
• Lubricating oil to main bearing and thrust bearing L R
pressure X
• Lubricating oil filter differential pressure H R
• Lubricating oil inlet temperature H R

• Oil mist concentration in crankcase (1) H X

• Flow rate cylinder lubricator (each apparatus) L X
• Common rail servo oil pressure L
• Lubricating oil to turbocharger inlet pressure (2) L R
• Turbochanger lub oil temp. each bearing (4) H R
Sea water cooling system
• Sea water cooling pressure L R
Cylinder fresh cooling water system
• Cylinder water inlet pressure or flow L R X
• Cylinder water outlet temperature (general) H R
• Level of cylinder cooling water in expansion tank L
Starting and control air system
Starting air pressure before main shut-off valve L R
Control air pressure L R
Scavenge air system
(1) When required by Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.5] or by SOLAS Reg.II-1/47.2.
One oil mist detector for each engine having two independent outputs for initiating the alarm and shut-down would satisfy the
requirement for independence between alarm and shut-down system.
(2) Unless provided with a self-contained lubrificating oil system integrated with the turbocharger.
(3) For engine power > 500 kW/cyl.
(4) Where outlet temperature from each bearing cannot be monitored due to the engine/turbocharger design alternative arrange-
ments may be accepted. Continuous monitoring of inlet pressure and inlet temperature in combination with specific intervals
for bearing inspection in accordance with the turbocharger manufacturer’s instructions may be accepted as an alternative.

RINA Rules 2017 87

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

Symbol convention
H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm
X = function is required, R = remote
Automatic start of
Alarm Remote Slow-down Shut-down stand
Identification of system parameter
activation indication with alarm with alarm by pump with
• Scavenging air receiver temperature H
Exhaust gas system
• Exhaust gas temperature after each cylinder (3) H R X
• Exhaust gas temperature after each cylinder (3), H
deviation from average
• Engine speed R
• Engine overspeed H X
• Control, safety, alarm system power supply failure X
(1) When required by Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.5] or by SOLAS Reg.II-1/47.2.
One oil mist detector for each engine having two independent outputs for initiating the alarm and shut-down would satisfy the
requirement for independence between alarm and shut-down system.
(2) Unless provided with a self-contained lubrificating oil system integrated with the turbocharger.
(3) For engine power > 500 kW/cyl.
(4) Where outlet temperature from each bearing cannot be monitored due to the engine/turbocharger design alternative arrange-
ments may be accepted. Continuous monitoring of inlet pressure and inlet temperature in combination with specific intervals
for bearing inspection in accordance with the turbocharger manufacturer’s instructions may be accepted as an alternative.

Table 4 : Steam turbines used for main propulsion

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Turbine Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Stand Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down by Start
Lubricating oil system
• Supply pressure X
• Cooler inlet temperature H
• Temperature of reduction gear bearings H (1)
• Temperature of turbine bearings and thrust bearings H (1)
• Level of return tank L (2)
• Level of gravity tank L (2)
• Main turbine speed R X
• Main turbine vibration H
(1) Alternatively: group alarm associated with means to find out the fault.
(2) Sensor to be located near the normal level.

88 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Turbine Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Stand Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down by Start
• Main turbine axial displacement H
• Automatic spinning fault X
• Gland seals fault at exhaust fans X
• Gland seals pressure of steam supply L+H
(1) Alternatively: group alarm associated with means to find out the fault.
(2) Sensor to be located near the normal level.

4.3.6 For steam propulsion plants, control and monitoring 4.5.2 Alarm system
functions of main boilers are required according to Tab 5. The following requirements are applicable to the alarm sys-
tem of electrical propulsion:
4.3.7 Additional arrangements may be required according • Alarms circuits of electrical propulsion are to be con-
to the type of boilers considered, in particular in the case of nected to the main alarm system on board. As an alter-
forced circulation boilers, concerning unexpected circula- native, the relevant circuit may be connected to a local
tion shutdown. alarm unit. In any case, a connection between the local
alarm unit and the main alarm system is to be provided.
Reheat cycle type boilers are also to be subjected to a spe-
cial examination. • The alarms can be arranged in groups, and shown in the
control station. This is acceptable when a discrimination
is possible locally.
4.3.8 Where the propulsive plant includes several main
boilers, automatic shutdown of one is to involve automatic • When the control system uses a computer based system,
slowdown of the turbines with a view to saving the maxi- the requirements of Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 4 are applicable, in
mum available steam for electricity production. particular, for the data transmission link between the
alarm system and the control system.
4.3.9 Unless special arrangements are provided, fire in • Individual alarms are considered as critical and are to
boiler air ducts is to be detected. be individually activated at the control stations, and
acknowledged individually.
• Shutdown activation is to be considered as an individ-
4.4 Gas turbine propulsion plants ual alarm.

4.4.1 For gas turbines, monitoring and control elements 4.5.3 Safety functions
are required according to Tab 6. The following requirements are applicable to the safety sys-
tem of electrical propulsion:
• As a general rule, safety stop using external sensors such
4.5 Electrical propulsion plant as temperature, pressure, overspeed, main cooling fail-
ure, stop of converter running by blocking impulse is to
4.5.1 Documents to be submitted be confirmed by the automatic opening of the main cir-
The following additional documents are to be submitted to cuit using a separate circuit.
the Society: • In order to avoid accidental stop of the propulsion line
and limit the risk of blackout due to wire break, the trip-
• A list of the alarms and shutdowns of the electrical pro- ping of the main circuit-breaker is to be activated by an
pulsion system emission coil with a monitoring of the line wire break.
• When the control and monitoring system of the propul- • In the case of a single line propulsion system, the power
sion plant is computer based, a functional diagram of limitation order is to be duplicated.
the interface between the programmable logic control- • As a general rule, when the safety stop is activated, it is
ler and computer network. to be maintained until local acknowledgement.

RINA Rules 2017 89

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

Table 5 : Main boilers

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Main boiler Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Fuel oil system
• Fuel oil delivery pressure or flow L
• Fuel oil temperature after heater or viscosity fault L+H
• Flame failure of each burner X
• Failure of atomising fluid X
• Boiler casing and economiser outlet smoke temper- H
ature (in order to detect possible fire outbreak)
• Burning air flow or equivalent L
General steam system
• Superheated steam pressure L+H R
• Superheated steam temperature H
• Desuperheated steam pressure (except if pressure is L
that of superheated steam)
• Desuperheated steam temperature H
• Lifting of safety valve (or equivalent: for instance X
high pressure alarm)
• Water level inside the drum of each boiler X
H X (1)
(1) Stop of the feed water pump

Table 6 : Propulsion gas turbine

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Turbine Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Lubricating oil system
• Turbine supply pressure L X X
• Differential pressure across lubricating oil filter H
• Bearing or lubricating oil (discharge) temperature H
Mechanical monitoring of gas turbine

90 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Turbine Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
• Speed R X
• Vibration H
• Rotor axial displacement (not applicable to roller H
• Number of cycles performed by rotating parts H
Gas generator monitoring system
• Flame and ignition failure X
• Fuel oil supply pressure L
• Fuel oil supply temperature H+L
• Cooling medium temperature H
• Exhaust gas temperature or gas temperature in spe- H
cific locations of flow gas path (alarm before shut-
• Pressure at compressor inlet (alarm before shutdown) L
• Control system failure X
• Automatic starting failure X

4.5.4 Transformers 4.5.8 All parameters listed in the tables of this item are
For transformers, parameters according to Tab 7 are to be considered as a minimum requirement for unattended
controlled or monitored. machinery spaces.
Some group alarms may be locally detailed on the corre-
4.5.5 Converters sponding unit (for instance loss of electronic supply, failure
of electronic control unit, etc.)
For converters, parameters according to Tab 8, Tab 9 and
Tab 10 are to be monitored or controlled.
4.6 Shafting, clutches, CPP, gears
4.5.6 Smoothing coil 4.6.1 For shafting and clutches, parameters according to
For the converter reactor, parameters according to Tab 11 Tab 13 are to be monitored or controlled.
are to be monitored or controlled.
4.6.2 For controllable pitch propellers, parameters accord-
4.5.7 Propulsion electric motor ing to Tab 14 are to be monitored or controlled.

For propulsion electric motors, parameters according to 4.6.3 For reduction gears and reversing gears, parameters
Tab 12 are to be monitored or controlled. according to Tab 15 are to be monitored or controlled.

RINA Rules 2017 91

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

Table 7 : Transformers

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Motor Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Earth failure on main propulsion circuits I
Circuit-breaker, short-circuit I (2) X
Circuit-breaker, overload I (2) X
Circuit-breaker, undervoltage I (2) X
Temperature of winding on phase 1, 2, 3 (1) G
I, H X (3)
Temperature sensor failure (short-circuit, open circuit, G
supply failure)
Cooling pump pressure or flow G, L
Cooling medium temperature G, H X
Leak of cooling medium G
(1) A minimum of 6 temperature sensors are to be provided :
• 3 temperature sensors to be connected to the alarm system (can also be used for the redundant tripping of the main cir-
• 3 temperature sensors connected to the control unit.
(2) To be kept in the memory until local acknowledgement.
(3) Possible override of slowdown by the operator.

Table 8 : Network converter

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Motor Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Short-circuit current I max I X
Overvoltage G X
Undervoltage G
Phase unbalanced I (X) (1)
Power limitation failure I
Protection of filter circuit trip I
Circuit-breaker opening operation failure I
Communication circuit, control circuits, power supplies, G X
watchdog of control system according to supplier’s
(1) This parameter, when indicated in brackets, is only advisable according to the supplier’s requirements.

92 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

Table 9 : Motor converter

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Motor Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Short-circuit current I max I X
Overvoltage G X
Undervoltage G X
Phase unbalanced I
Protection of filter circuit trip I
Communication circuit, control circuits, power supplies, G X
watchdog of control system according to supplier’s
Speed sensor system failure G X (1)
Overspeed I X
(1) Automatic switch-over to the redundant speed sensor system.

Table 10 : Converter cooling circuit

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Motor Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Air cooling temperature high I R
Ventilation, fan failure G
Cooling pump pressure or flow low G R
Cooling fluid temperature high G
Leak of cooling medium G
Temperature sensor failure (short-circuit, open circuit, G
supply failure)

Table 11 : Smoothing coil

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Motor Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Temperature of coil I, H R
Cooling air temperature I, H
Ventilation fan failure G
Cooling pump pressure or flow low G R
Cooling fluid temperature high G
Leak of cooling medium G
Temperature sensor failure (short-circuit, open circuit, G
supply failure)

RINA Rules 2017 93

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

Table 12 : Propulsion electric motor

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Motor Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Automatic tripping of overload and short-circuit protec- G, H H
tion on excitation circuit
Loss of excitation G X
Winding current unbalanced G
Harmonic filter supply failure I
Interface failure with power management system I X
Earthing failure on stator winding and stator supply I R
Temperature of winding on phase 1, 2, 3 G R
I, H X
Motor cooling air temperature I, H R
Cooling pump pressure or flow G ,L R
Cooling fluid temperature G, H
Leak of cooling medium G
Temperature sensor failure (short-circuit, open circuit, G
supply failure)
Motor bearing temperature G, H R
Bearing lubrication oil pressure (for self-lubricated motor, I, L R
when the speed is under the minimum RPM specified by X
the manufacturer, shutdown is to be activated)
Bearing lubrication oil pressure G, L
Turning gear engaged I
Brake and key engaged I
Shaft reduction gear bearing temperature I, H
Shaft reduction gear lubricating oil temperature I, H
Shaft reduction gear bearing pressure I, L

Table 13 : Shafting and clutches of propulsion machinery (1/7/2003)

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Main Engine Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Temperature of each shaft thrust bearing (not applicable H X
for ball or roller bearings)
Sterntube bush oil gravity tank level L
Clutch lubricating oil temperature H
Clutch oil tank level L
Clutch control oil pressure L

94 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

Table 14 : Controllable pitch propeller (1/7/2003)

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Main Engine Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Control oil temperature H
Oil tank level L
Control oil pressure L

Table 15 : Reduction gears/reversing gears of propulsion machinery (1/7/2013)

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Main Engine Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Lubricating oil temperature H (1) R (1)
Lubricating oil pressure L (1) R X
Oil tank level L (1)
Plain bearing temperature H
(1) May be omitted in the case of restricted navigation notation.

4.7 Auxiliary systems omitted, when the sub-units concerned are fully separated
with regard to power supply, cooling system, lubricating
4.7.1 Where standby machines are required for other aux- system etc.
iliary machinery essential to propulsion, automatic change-
Some of the propulsive plants may be partially used for rea-
over devices shall be provided.
sons of economy (use of one shaft line or one propulsion
Change-over restart is to be provided for the following sys- engine for instance). If so, automatic change-over, neces-
tems: sary for this exploitation mode, is to be provided.
• cylinder, piston and fuel valve cooling
• cylinder cooling of diesel generating sets (where the cir- 4.7.4 Means shall be provided to keep the starting air pres-
cuit is common to several sets) sure at the required level where internal combustion
• main engine fuel supply engines are used for main propulsion.
• diesel generating sets fuel supply (where the circuit is
4.7.5 Where daily service fuel oil tanks are filled automati-
common to several sets)
cally, or by remote control, means shall be provided to pre-
• sea water cooling for propulsion plant vent overflow spillages.
• sea water to main condenser (main turbines)
• hydraulic control of clutch, CPP or main thrust unit 4.7.6 Arrangements are to be provided to prevent overflow
spillages coming from equipment treating flammable liq-
• thermal fluid systems (thermal fluid heaters).
4.7.2 When a standby machine is automatically started, an
alarm is to be activated. 4.7.7 Where daily service fuel oil tanks or settling tanks are
fitted with heating arrangements, a high temperature alarm
4.7.3 When the propulsion plant is divided into two or shall be provided if the flashpoint of the fuel oil can be
more separate units, the automatic standby auxiliary may be exceeded.

RINA Rules 2017 95

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

4.7.8 For auxiliary systems, the following parameters,

according to Tab 16 to Tab 26 are to be monitored or con-

Table 16 : Control and monitoring of auxiliary electrical systems

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Main Engine Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Electric circuit, blackout X
Power supply failure of control, alarm and safety system X

Table 17 : Incinerators

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Incinerator Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Stand- Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down by Start
Combustion air pressure L X
Flame failure X X
Furnace temperature H X
Exhaust gas temperature H
Fuel oil pressure L
Fuel oil temperature or viscosity , where heavy fuel is used H+L

Table 18 : Auxiliary boilers

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Boiler Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Water level L+H X X
Fuel oil temperature L+H X X
Flame failure X X
Combustion air supply fan low pressure X
Temperature in boiler casing (fire) H
Steam pressure H (1) X X
Steam temperature X (2)
(1) When the automatic control does not cover the entire load range from zero load.
(2) For superheated steam over 330°C.

96 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

Table 19 : Fuel oil system

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm System Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Fuel oil tank level, overflow H (1)
Air pipe water trap level on fuel oil tanks H (2)
Outlet fuel oil temperature H (4) X (5) X
Sludge tank level H
Fuel oil settling tank level H (1)
Fuel oil settling tank temperature H (3)
Fuel oil centrifugal purifier overflow H X
Fuel oil in daily service tank level L
Fuel oil daily service tank temperature H (3) X
Fuel oil in daily service tank level H (1)
(to be provided if no suitable overflow arrangement)
(1) Or sight-glasses on the overflow pipe.
(2) Or alternative arrangement as per Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9.1.7].
(3) Applicable where heating arrangements are provided.
(4) Or low flow alarm in addition to temperature control when heated by steam or other media.
(5) Cut off of electrical power supply when electrically heated.

Table 20 : Lubricating oil system

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm System Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Air pipe water trap level of lubricating oil tank H
See Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10, [9.1.7]
Sludge tank level H
Lubricating oil centrifugal purifier overflow H
(stop of oil supply) X

RINA Rules 2017 97

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

Table 21 : Thermal oil system

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm System Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Forced draft fan stopped X
Thermal fluid temperature H
Thermal fluid pressure X
Flow through each element L X
Heavy fuel oil temperature or viscosity H+L X
Burner flame failure X X
Flue gas temperature (when exhaust gas heater) H X
Expansion tank level L X (1)
(1) Stop of burner and fluid flow.

Table 22 : Hydraulic oil system

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm System Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Pump pressure L+H
Service tank level L (1)
(1) The low level alarm is to be activated before the quantity of lost oil reaches 100 litres or 50% of the circuit volume , which-
ever is the lesser.

Table 23 : Boiler feed and condensate system

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm System Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Sea water flow or equivalent L X
Vacuum L
Water level in main condenser (unless justified) H+L
Salinity of condensate H
Feed water pump delivery pressure L X
Feed water tank level L
Deaerator inside temperature or pressure L + H (1)
Water level in deaerator L+H
Extraction pump pressure L
Drain tank level L+H
(1) In the case of forced circulation boiler.

98 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

Table 24 : Compressed air system (1/1/2010)

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm System Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Stand- Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down by Start
Air temperature at compressor outlet H
Compressor lubricating oil pressure (except where LL X
splash lubrication)

Table 25 : Cooling system

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm System Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Sea water pump pressure or flow X X
Fresh water pump pressure or flow X X
Level in cooling water expansion tank L

Table 26 : Thrusters (1/7/2005)

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Thruster Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Control oil pressure (preferably before cooler) L L
Oil tank level L

4.8 Control of electrical installation ensure that, in the case of loss of one of these generating
sets, the remaining ones are kept in operation without over-
4.8.1 Where the electrical power can normally be supplied load to permit propulsion and steering, and to ensure the
by one generator, suitable load shedding arrangement shall safety of the ship.
be provided to ensure the integrity of supplies to services
required for propulsion and steering as well as the safety of 4.8.5 Following a blackout, automatic connection of the
the ship. standby generating set is to be followed by an automatic
restart of the essential electrical services. If necessary, time
4.8.2 In the case of loss of the generator in operation, ade- delay sequential steps are to be provided to allow satisfac-
quate provision shall be made for automatic starting and tory operation.
connecting to the main switchboard of a standby generator
4.8.6 (1/1/2017)
of sufficient capacity to permit propulsion and steering and
Monitored parameters for which alarms are required to
to ensure the safety of the ship with automatic restarting of
identify machinery faults and associated safeguards are
the essential auxiliaries including, where necessary, sequen-
listed in Tab 27 and Tab 28. These alarms are to be indi-
tial operations.
cated at all the control locations for the individual machin-
4.8.3 The standby electric power is to be available in not ery at least as common alarms; in at least one of the control
more than 45 seconds. position and preferably at the centralized control position, if
any, all alarms are to be individually indicated. For commu-
4.8.4 If the electrical power is normally supplied by more nication of alarms from the machinery space to the bridge
than one generator simultaneously in parallel operation, area and accommodation for engineering personnel,
provision shall be made, for instance by load shedding, to detailed requirements are contained in [5].

RINA Rules 2017 99

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

5 Alarm system station showing which of the subsidiary control stations is

indicating a fault condition.

5.1 General 5.1.2 Unless otherwise justified, separation of monitoring

and control systems is to be provided.
5.1.1 A system of alarm displays and controls is to be pro- 5.1.3 The alarm system is to be designed to function inde-
vided which readily allows identification of faults in the pendently of control and safety systems, so that a failure or
machinery and satisfactory supervision of related equip- malfunction of these systems will not to prevent the alarm
ment. This may be arranged at a main control station or, system from operating. Common sensors for alarms and
alternatively, at subsidiary control stations. In the latter case, automatic slowdown functions are acceptable as specified
a master alarm display is to be provided at the main control in each specific table.

Table 27 : Auxiliary trunk piston reciprocating I.C. engines driving generators (1/1/2015)

Symbol convention
H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow-down Shut-down Automatic start of
Identification of system parameter Alarm with alarm with alarm stand-by pump
with alarm
Fuel oil viscosity or temperature before injection pumps L+H
Fuel oil leakage from high pressure pipes H
Lubricating oil temperature H
Lubricating oil pressure L
X (1)
Oil mist concentration in crankcase (3) X
Pressure or flow of cooling water L
Temperature of cooling water or cooling air H
Level in cooling water expansion tank, if not connected L
to main system
Overspeed activated X
Level in fuel oil daily service tank L
Starting air pressure L
Exhaust gas temperature after each cylinder (2) H
Common rail fuel oil pressure L
Common rail servo oil pressure L
(1) Not applicable to emergency generator set.
(2) For engine power above 500 kW/cyl.
(3) When required by Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 2, [4.3.5] or by SOLAS Reg.II-1/47.2.
One oil mist detector for each engine having two independent outputs for initiating the alarm and shut-down would satisfy the
requirement for independence between alarm and shut-down system.

Table 28 : Auxiliary steam turbines

Symbol convention Automatic control

H = High, HH = High high, G = group alarm
L = Low, LL = Low low, I = individual alarm Turbine Auxiliary
X = function is required, R = remote
Slow- Shut- Control Standby Stop
Identification of system parameter Alarm Indic
down down Start
Turbine speed local
Lubricating oil supply pressure L X

100 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

5.1.4 The alarm system shall be continuously powered and 6 Safety systems
shall have an automatic change-over to a standby power
supply in the case of loss of normal power supply.
6.1 General
5.1.5 (1/1/2017)
6.1.1 Safety systems of different units of the machinery
Where remote indications (R) are mentioned in the tables of plant are to be independent. Failure in the safety system of
this Section, they are required only for ships having the one part of the plant is not to interfere with the operation of
class notation AUT-CCS ( Sec 2) i.e. which are operated the safety system in another part of the plant.
with the machinery space unattended but under continuous 6.1.2 (1/1/2010)
supervision from a position where control and monitoring In order to avoid undesirable interruption in the operation
devices are centralized, without the traditional watch ser- of machinery, the system is to intervene sequentially after
vice being provided by personnel in the machinery space. the operation of the alarm system by:
• starting of standby units
5.2 Alarm system design • load reduction or shutdown, such that the least drastic
action is taken first.
5.2.1 The alarm system and associated sensors are to be A suitable alarm is to be activated at the starting of those
capable of being tested during normal machinery operation. pumps for which automatic starting is required.
6.1.3 (1/1/2010)
5.2.2 Insulation faults on any circuit of the alarm system
If overriding devices of the required automatic reduction of
are to generate an alarm, when an insulated earth distribu-
power (slowdown) are provided, they are to be so arranged
tion system is used.
as to preclude their inadvertent operation, and a suitable
alarm is to be activated by their operation.
5.2.3 An engineers’ alarm is to be activated when the
6.1.4 (1/1/2010)
machinery alarm has not been accepted in the machinery
spaces or control room within 2 minutes. If overriding devices of the required automatic stops (shut-
down) are provided, they are to be so arranged as to pre-
clude their inadvertent operation, and a suitable alarm is to
5.2.4 The alarm system is to have a connection to the engi- be operated by their activation. When the engine is stopped
neers’ public rooms and to each of the engineers’ cabins automatically, restarting after restoration of normal operat-
through a selector switch, to ensure connection to at least ing conditions is to be possible only after manual reset, e.g.
one of those cabins. bypassing the control lever through the 'stop' position.
Automatic restarting is not permissible.
5.3 Machinery alarm system
6.1.5 After stoppage of the propulsion engine by a safety
shutdown device, the restart is only to be carried out, unless
5.3.1 The local silencing of the alarms on the bridge or in
otherwise justified, after setting the propulsion bridge con-
accommodation spaces is not to stop the audible machinery
trol level on «stop».
space alarm.

5.3.2 (1/1/2017) 7 Testing

Unless required otherwise in the specific paragraphs,
machinery faults are to be indicated at all the control loca- 7.1 General
tions for machinery at least as common alarms; in at least
7.1.1 Tests of automated installations are to be carried out
one of the control position and preferably at the centralized
according to Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 6 to determine their operating
control position, if any, all alarms are to be individually
conditions. The details of these tests are defined, in each
case, after having studied the concept of the automated
installations and their construction. A complete test pro-
5.4 Alarm system on navigating bridge gram is to be submitted to the Society and may be as fol-
5.4.1 Alarms associated with faults requiring speed reduc- 7.1.2 The tests of equipment carried out alongside the
tion or automatic shut-down are to be separately identified quay under normal conditions of use include, for instance:
on the bridge.
• the electrical power generating set
• the auxiliary steam generator
5.4.2 The alarm system is to activate an audible and visual
alarm on the navigation bridge for any situation which • the automatic bilge draining system
requires action by or the attention of the officer on watch. • automatic centrifugal separators or similar purifying
5.4.3 Individual alarms are to be provided at the naviga- • automatic change-over of service auxiliaries
tion bridge indicating any power supply failures of the • detection of high pressure fuel leaks from diesel gener-
remote control of propulsion machinery. ating sets or from flexible boiler burner pipes.

RINA Rules 2017 101

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 1

7.1.3 (1/7/2009) one: astern slow, astern half, astern full, full ahead,
Sea trials are used to demonstrate the proper operation of half ahead, stop, full astern, stop, ahead dead slow,
the automated machinery and systems. For this purpose, for half ahead, then increasing the power until «under-
instance, the following tests are to be carried out: way» position for the remaining time.
• Test of the remote control of propulsion: • Test of the operating conditions of the electrical produc-
- checking of the operation of the automatic control tion :
system: programmed or unprogrammed starting - automatic starting of the generating set in the event
speed increase, reversal, adjusting of the propeller of a blackout
pitch, failure of supply sources, etc. - automatic restarting of auxiliaries in the event of a
- checking of the crash astern sequence, to ensure that blackout
the reversal sequence is properly performed from
- load-shedding in the event of generating set over-
full away, the ship sailing at its normal operation
speed. The purpose of this check is not to control the
nautical performances of the ship (such as stopping - automatic starting of a generating set in the event of
distance, etc.) generating set overload.
- finally, checking of the operation of the whole instal- • Test of fire and flooding system:
lation in normal working conditions, i.e. as a gen- - Test of normal operation of the fire detection system
eral rule without watch-keeping personnel for the (detection, system faults)
monitoring and/or running of the machinery during - Test of detection in the scavenging air belt and boiler
4 h at least air duct
- The following procedure may, for instance, be cho-
- Test of the fire alarm system
sen: «underway» during 3 h, then increasing to «full
ahead». Staying in that position during 5 min. Then - Test of protection against flooding.
stopping for 15 min. Then, putting the control lever • Test of operating conditions, including manoeuvring, of
in the following positions, staying 2 minutes in each the whole machinery in an unattended situation for 4 h.

102 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 2


1 General
Table 1 : Documentation to be submitted

1.1 Application No. I/A (1) Document

1.1.1 The additional class notation AUT-CCS is assigned in 1 A Means of communication diagram
accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.4.3] to ships fitted
2 A Central control position layout and location
with a machinery installation operated and monitored from
a centralised control station, and complying with the 3 A System of protection against flooding
requirements of this Section.
(1) A: to be submitted for approval
It applies to ships which are intended to be operated with I: to be submitted for information.
machinery spaces unattended, but with continuous supervi-
sion from a position where control and monitoring devices
of machinery are centralised. 4 Control of machinery
Note 1: Machinery spaces are defined in Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 1, [1.4.2].
4.1 Propulsion plant operation
1.1.2 Remote indications for continuous supervision of the
machinery are to be located in a centralised control posi- 4.1.1 The centralised control position is to be designed,
tion, to allow a watch service of the machinery space. equipped and installed so that the machinery operation is as
safe and effective as if it were under direct supervision.
1.2 Exemptions
4.1.2 Monitoring and control of main systems are to be
1.2.1 Exemptions mentioned in Sec 1, [1.2] may also be designed according to the requirements mentioned in
considered for the notation AUT-CCS. Sec 1, [4]. Additional indications in the centralised control
position are required, and shown in the table with the sym-
1.3 Communication system bol R.

1.3.1 A means of communication is to be provided 4.1.3 In the centralised control position, it is to be possible
between the centralised control station, the navigation to restore the normal electrical power supply in the case of
bridge, the engineers’s accommodation and, where neces- power failure (e.g. with remote control of the generating
sary, the machinery spaces. sets), unless an automatic restart is provided.

1.3.2 Means of communication are to be operable even in 4.1.4 Automatic restart of essential auxiliaries for propul-
the case of failure of the main source of electrical power sion and steering may be replaced by remote control from
supply. the centralised control position.

1.3.3 The requirements mentioned in Sec 1, [1.3] are 4.1.5 The status of machinery (in operation or on standby)
applicable. and all parameters crucial to the safe operation of essential
machinery are to be shown at the centralised control posi-
2 Documentation
4.1.6 Under all sailing conditions including manoeuvring,
2.1 Documents to be submitted the speed, direction of thrust and, if applicable, the pitch of
the propeller are also to be fully controllable from the cen-
2.1.1 In addition to those mentioned in Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 1, tralised control position.
Tab 1, documents according to Tab 1 are required.
4.1.7 In addition to the requirements in Sec 1, [4.1.10],
3 Fire and flooding precautions the device to prevent overload, when automatic or remote
controlled from the centralised control position, is to be fit-
ted with an alarm indicating the necessity of slowing down.
3.1 General
3.1.1 The requirements mentioned in Sec 1, [3] are appli- 4.2 Control position location
cable, except for Sec 1, [3.4.5].
4.2.1 The centralised control position is to be located in
3.1.2 The flooding alarms are to be transmitted to the cen- the machinery space or adjacent to it. Other arrangements
tralised control position. are to be submitted to the satisfaction of the Society.

RINA Rules 2017 103

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 2

4.2.2 If the centralised control position is an enclosed 6.1.2 Safety systems provided with automatic operation
space located in the machinery spaces, it is to be provided may be replaced by remote manual operation from the cen-
with two safe fire escapes. tralised control position.

5 Alarm system 7 Testing

5.1 General 7.1 Tests after completion

7.1.1 Tests are to be carried out of all systems which are
5.1.1 The alarm system is to be designed according to required to be in operation at the quay, such as the fuel oil
Sec 1, [5]. purifier system, electrical power generation, auxiliary steam
generator, etc.
5.1.2 Every alarm is to be indicated visually and audibly at
the centralised control position. If an alarm function has not
received attention locally within a limited time, an alarm 7.2 Sea trials
clearly audible in the engineers' accommodation is to be 7.2.1 (1/7/2009)
activated. The sea trials are to demonstrate the proper operation of
automation systems. A detailed test program is to be sub-
mitted for approval. As a minimum, the following are to be
6 Safety system
• the remote control system of propulsion machinery
6.1 General • electrical production and distribution
6.1.1 Safeguard disactivation, if provided at the centralised • efficiency of the fire detection and fire alarm system
control position, is to be so arranged so that it cannot be • protection against flooding
operated accidentally; the indication «safety devices off» is • continuous operation in all sailing conditions, including
to be clearly visible. This device is not to disactivate the manoeuvring, for 4 hours with unattended machinery
overspeed protection. spaces and at least one person in CCS.

104 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 3


1 General 3 Fire and flooding precautions

1.1 Application 3.1 General

1.1.1 The additional class notation AUT-PORT is assigned
in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.4.4] to ships fitted 3.1.1 The requirements given in Sec 1, [3] are applicable
with automated installations enabling the ship’s operation unless otherwise indicated below.
in port or at anchor without personnel specially assigned for
the watch-keeping of the machinery in service, and comply- 3.1.2 The remote control of the main fire pump for the
ing with the requirements of this Section. pressurisation of the fire main may be located at the bridge
running station if the wheelhouse and officers’ cabins are
1.1.2 The arrangements provided are to be such as to close together. Failing this, such remote control is to be fit-
ensure that the safety of the ship in port is equivalent to that
ted at a place close to the officers’ cabins or to the engine
of a ship having the machinery spaces manned.
room exit. Alternatively, the fire main may be permanently
under pressure.
1.2 Exemptions
3.1.3 Transmission to the navigating bridge of fire alarm
1.2.1 Exemptions mentioned in Sec 1, [1.2] may also be
considered for the notation AUT-PORT. and flooding is not required, but these alarms are to be
directed at the intervention personnel.
1.2.2 Ships whose gross tonnage is less than 1600 and
fishing vessels of less than 75 metres in length are exempted
from the requirements in [3.1.2]. 4 Control of machinery

1.2.3 Fishing vessels of less than 45 metres in length are

exempted from the requirements in [3.1.2] insofar as the
4.1 Plant operation
location of the spaces considered allows people on board
to easily detect fire outbreaks. 4.1.1 The machinery and systems which are to be in oper-
ation in port are to be designed according to Sec 1, [4],
1.3 Communication system unless otherwise stated.

1.3.1 The requirements of Sec 1, [1.3] are applicable. 4.1.2 The requirements regarding electrical production for
propulsion Sec 1 are not applicable.
2 Documentation
4.1.3 The operation of auxiliaries, other than those associ-
2.1 Documents to be submitted ated with propulsion, is to be designed according to Sec 1.
2.1.1 In addition to the those mentioned in Pt C, Ch 3,
Sec 1, Tab 1, Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 1, Tab 2 and Sec 1, Tab 1, 5 Alarm system
documents according to Tab 1 are required.
5.1 General
Table 1 : Documentation to be submitted

No. I/A (1) Document

5.1.1 The alarm system is to be designed according to
Sec 1, [5], unless otherwise stated in this Section.
1 A Means of communication diagram
2 A Technical description of automatic engineers’ 5.1.2 The alarm system is to be designed so as to inform of
alarm and connection of alarms to accom- any situation which requires attention of the personnel on
modation and bridge, when applicable watch.
3 A System of protection against flooding For this purpose, an audible and visual alarm is to be acti-
4 I List of machinery to be in operation in port vated in the centralised control station, in the engineers’
public rooms and at each engineer’s cabin through a selec-
(1) A: to be submitted for approval tor switch. Any other arrangement is to be to the satisfaction
I: to be submitted for information. of the Society.

RINA Rules 2017 105

Pt F, Ch 3, Sec 3

6 Testing
6.1 Tests after completion

6.1.1 Tests are to be carried out of all systems which are

required to be in operation in port, such as: the fuel oil puri-
fier system, electrical power generation, auxiliary steam
generator, etc.

106 RINA Rules 2017

Part F
Additional Class Notations

Chapter 4






RINA Rules 2017 107

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 1



1 General International Maritime Organisation are complied with, in

a) Regulation 12, Chapter V of the 1974 “International
1.1 Application
Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea” (SOLAS) and
applicable amendments
1.1.1 The additional class notation SYS-NEQ is assigned,
in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.5.2], to ships fitted b) the international Regulations for Preventing Collisions at
with a centralised navigation control system so laid out and Sea and all other relevant Regulations relating to Radio-
arranged that it enables normal navigation and manoeu- telegraphy, Radiotelephony and Safety of Navigation
vring operation of the ship by two persons in cooperation. required by Chapters IV and V of SOLAS 1974, as
This notation is assigned when the requirements of Articles
[1] to [5], [7] and [8] of this Section are complied with. c) the Provisional Guidelines for the Conduct of Trials in
which the Officer of the Navigational Watch acts as the
1.1.2 The additional class notation SYS-NEQ-1 is assigned, sole Lookout in Periods of Darkness (MSC Circular 566
in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.5.2], when, in of 2 July 1991)
addition to [1.1.1] above, the installation is so arranged that d) IMO Performance Standards for navigational equipment
the navigation and manoeuvring of the ship can be oper- applicable to:
ated under normal conditions by one person for periodical • magnetic compasses (Resolution A382)
one man watches. This notation includes specific require- • gyrocompasses (Resolution A424)
ments for prevention of accidents caused by the operator’s
unfitness. • radar equipment (Resolutions A222, A278, A477)
• ARPA (Resolution A422)
This notation is assigned when the requirements of this Sec-
• speed and distance measuring equipment (Resolu-
tion are complied with.
tion A478)
1.1.3 The composition and the qualification of the person- • echo sounding equipment (Resolution A224)
nel on watch remain the responsibility of the Owner and • radio direction finder (Resolution A223)
the Administration. The authorisation to operate the ship in • electronic navigational aids – general requirements
such condition remains the responsibility of the Administra- (Resolution A574)
tion. • VHF Radio installation (Resolution A609)
• automatic pilots (Resolution A342)
1.2 Operational Assumptions • rate-of-turn indicators (Resolution A526).

1.2.1 The requirements are framed on the following 1.3.2 The requirements and guidelines of the following
assumptions: international standards are applicable:
• Plans for emergencies are specified and the conditions • ISO 8468 “Ships bridge layout and associated equip-
under which a one man watch is permitted are clearly ment – Requirements and guidelines”
defined in an operations manual which is acceptable to • IEC 872: ARPA – Operational and performance require-
the Administration with which the ship is registered. ments – Methods of testing and required test results
• The manning of the bridge watch is in accordance with • IEC 936: Shipborne radar – Operational and perform-
the national regulations in the country of registration ance requirements – Methods of testing and required
and for the waters in which the ship is operating. test results
• IEC 1023: Marine speed and distance measuring equip-
• The requirements of the International Convention on
ment (SDME) – Operational and performance require-
Standards of Training Certification and Watchkeeping
ments – Methods of testing and required test results
for seafarers (STCW) and other applicable statutory reg-
ulations are complied with. • IEC Document 18 (Central Office) 534: Special features
– Control and instrumentation.

1.3 Regulations, guidelines, standards 1.3.3 Additional requirements may be imposed by the
national authority with whom the ship is registered and/or
1.3.1 The requirements are based on the understanding by the Administration within whose territorial jurisdiction it
that the applicable regulations and guidelines issued by the is intended to operate.

RINA Rules 2017 109

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 1

1.4 Definitions • Officer of the watch: person responsible for safe navi-
gating, operating of bridge equipment and manoeuvring
1.4.1 Terms used in the requirements are defined below: of the ship
• Radar plotting: the whole process of target detection,
• Acquisition: the selection of those target ships requiring
tracking, calculation of parameters and display of infor-
a tracking procedure and the initiation of their tracking
• Alarm: a visual and audible signal indicating an abnor- • Seagoing ship: ship navigating on the high seas, i.e.
mal situation areas along coasts and from coast to coast
• ARPA: automatic radar plotting aid • TCPA: time to closest point of approach
• Backup navigator: any individual, generally an officer, • Tracking: process of observing the sequential changes in
who has been designated by the ship’s Master to be on the position of a target, to establish its motion
call if assistance is needed on the navigation bridge
• Vigilance system: system provided to verify the officer of
• Bridge: that area from which the navigation and control the watch’s alertness
of the ship is exercised, including the wheelhouse and
• Watch alarm: alarm that is transferred from the bridge to
bridge wings
the Master and the backup navigator in the event of any
• Bridge wings: those parts of the bridge on both sides of officer of the watch deficiency (absence, lack of alert-
the ship's wheelhouse which, in general, extend to the ness, no response to another alarm/warning, etc.)
ship side • Wheelhouse: enclosed area of the bridge
• CPA: closest point of approach, i.e. the shortest target • Workstation: position at which one or several tasks con-
ship-own ship calculated distance that will occur in the stituting a particular activity are carried out.
case of no change in course and speed data

• Conning position: place on the bridge with a command- 2 Documentation

ing view and which is used when manoeuvring and
controlling a ship
2.1 Documents to be submitted
• Display: means by which a device presents visual infor-
mation to the navigator, including conventional instru- 2.1.1 In addition to the documents mentioned in Pt C,
mentation Ch 3, Sec 1, Tab 1, and the requirement in Pt C, Ch 3,
Sec 1, [2.1.1], documents according to Tab 1 are to be sub-
• Ergonomics: application of the human factor in the
analysis and design of equipment, work and working
2.1.2 Additional plans and specifications are to be submit-
• Field of vision: angular size of a scene that can be ted for approval, if requested by the Society.
observed from a position on the ship's bridge

• Lookout: activity carried out by sight and hearing as 3 Bridge layout

well as by all available means appropriate in the pre-
vailing circumstances and conditions so as to make a
3.1 General
full appraisal of the situation and of the risk of collision

• Navigation: all tasks relevant for deciding, executing 3.1.1 The bridge configuration, the arrangement of con-
and maintaining course and speed in relation to waters soles and equipment location are to enable the officer of the
and traffic watch to perform navigational duties and other functions
allocated to the bridge as well as maintain a proper lookout
• Navigator: person navigating, operating bridge equip- from a convenient position on the bridge, hereafter referred
ment and manoeuvring the ship to as a 'workstation'.
• NAVTEX: an international maritime radio telex system
sponsored by IMO and IHO, which automatically 3.1.2 A workstation for navigation and traffic surveil-
receives the broadcast telex information such as naviga- lance/manoeuvring is to be arranged to enable efficient
tional, meteorological warnings and search and rescue operation by one person under normal operating condi-
(SAR) alerts on a 24-hour watch basis tions. All relevant instrumentation and controls are to be
easily visible, audible and accessible from the workstation.
• Normal conditions: when all systems and equipment
related to navigation operate within design limits, and 3.1.3 The bridge layout design and workstations are to
environmental conditions such as weather and traffic do enable the ship to be navigated and manoeuvred safely by
not cause excessive workload to the officer of the watch two navigators in cooperation.

110 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 1

Table 1 : Documentation to be submitted

No. I/A (1) Documentation

1 A General arrangement of bridge and wheelhouse showing the position of the control console and panels
2 A Plans showing the field of vision from each workstation
3 A List and specification of navigational equipment fitted on the bridge and references (Manufacturer, type,
national authority approval...)
4 A Functional block diagram indicating the relationship between the items of navigational equipment and
between them and other equipment
5 A List of alarms and instrumentation fitted on the bridge
6 A Diagram of electrical supply to the navigational equipment
7 A Diagram of the system linking the bridge alarms with the other operational locations (2)
8 A Diagram of the navigation officer’s call system (2)
9 A Diagram of the communication systems (2)
10 A Diagram of the vigilance systems (2)
11 A Test program including test method
12 I List of the intended area of operation of the ship
(1) A : to be submitted for approval
I : to be submitted for information.
(2) Documents to be submitted only when a SYS-NEQ-1 notation is requested.

3.1.4 (1/7/2002) 4.1.2 Irrespective of their size, gross tonnage and date of
The requirements and guidelines of the ISO 8468 Standard construction, all ships assigned the additional notation SYS-
are to be regarded as a basic reference for the design of NEQ are to be equipped with the instrumentation and con-
bridge layout. trols described in [4.2] to [4.4] below.

The application of item 4.1.5 of the above-mentioned ISO

Standard is not compulsory for the assignment of the nota-
4.2 Safety of navigation: collision-ground-
tion SYS-NEQ. ing
4.2.1 The ship is to be equipped with an ARPA system
4 Bridge instrumentation and controls including or associated with a collision avoidance system,
meeting the requirements of IMO Resolution A422 (XI). The
4.1 General ARPA function may be independent or built into the radar
equipment. The system is to be based on the assumption
4.1.1 The instrumentation and controls at the workstation that all floating objects may come onto a collision course
for navigation and traffic surveillance/manoeuvring are to with own ship if the object's course is changed up to 45°
be arranged to enable the officer of the watch to: with its speed maintained. A warning is to be given to the
navigator at a time which is to be adjustable in the range of
a) determine and plot the ship's position, course, track and 6 to 30 minutes, having regard to the time to danger (TCPA).
The whole equipment is to feature the following capability:
b) analyse the traffic situation
• true motion and relative motion modes
c) decide on collision avoidance manoeuvres • daylight-visible display
d) alter course • automatic acquisition and tracking of 20 radar targets
e) change speed • guard zone system, featuring adjustable parameters,
notably warning and alarm set for CPA and TCPA
f) effect internal and external communications related to
navigation and manoeuvring, radio communication on • simulator function showing the likely effects of a course
the VHF or speed change in relation to tracked targets
• incorporated self-checking properties.
g) give sound signals
h) hear sound signals 4.2.2 An automatic pilot is to be provided and monitored
by an off-course alarm addressed to the navigator, in case of
i) monitor course, speed, track, propeller revolutions malfunction. This alarm is to be derived from a system inde-
(pitch), rudder angle and depth of water pendent from the automatic steering system. An overriding
j) record navigational data (may be manually recorded control device is to be provided at the navigating and
from data available at the workstation). manoeuvring workstation.

RINA Rules 2017 111

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 1

Alternatively, track piloting equipment may be considered. ities between the two sources. Failure of the main power
The navigator is to be given an alarm in the event of devia- supply to the distribution panels is to initiate an audible and
tion from the planned route. This alarm is to be adjustable visual alarm.
having regard to the time to danger or grounding.
5.2.2 Following a loss of power which has lasted for 30
Pre-warning is to be given at the approach of a way-point. seconds or less, all primary functions are to be readily rein-
An alarm is to be initiated when the water depth beneath stated. Following a loss of power which has lasted for more
the ship is less than a predetermined value. than 30 seconds, as many primary functions as practical are
to be readily reinstated.
4.3 Position fixing
5.3 Environmental conditions
4.3.1 Ships are to be provided with the following position
systems: 5.3.1 Shipborne navigational equipment specified in IMO
a) position fixing systems appropriate to the intended serv- Publication 978-88-04E “PERFORMANCE STANDARDS
ice areas FOR NAVIGATIONAL EQUIPMENT” is to be capable of
continuous operation under the conditions of various sea
b) at least two independent radar, one of which is to oper-
states, vibration, humidity, temperature and electromag-
ate within the X-band
netic interference likely to be experienced in the ship in
c) a gyrocompass system which it is installed.
d) a speed log system
5.3.2 Equipment which has been additionally specified in
e) an echo sounding system. this notation is to comply with the environmental condi-
tions specified in Pt C, Ch 2, Sec 2 for control and instru-
4.4 Controls - Communication mentation equipment, computers and peripherals for
shipboard use.
4.4.1 Ships are to be provided with the following control
and communication:
6 Prevention of accidents caused by
a) a propulsion plant remote control system, located on
the bridge operator’s unfitness
b) a whistle control device
6.1 Bridge safety system
c) a window wipe and wash control device
d) a main workstation console lighting control device 6.1.1 A vigilance system is to be provided to indicate that
e) steering pump selector/control switches an alert officer of the navigational watch is present on the
f) an internal communication system
g) a VHF radiotelephone installation 6.1.2 Any system used for verification of the officer of the
h) a wheelhouse heating/cooling control device navigational watch's alertness is not to cause undue inter-
ference with the performance of bridge functions.
i) a NAVTEX automatic receiver and recorder.
Note 1: The systems or controls under a) to g) are to be fitted within 6.1.3 The system is to be so designed and arranged that it
the reach of the officer of the watch when seated or standing at the cannot be operated in an unauthorised manner, as far as
main navigating and manoeuvring workstation. practicable.

5 Design and reliability 6.1.4 Any system used for periodical verification of the
officer of the navigational watch's alertness is to be adjusta-
ble up to 12 minute intervals and constructed, fitted and
5.1 General
arranged so that only the ship's Master has access to the
5.1.1 Where computerised equipment is interconnected component for setting the appropriate intervals.
through a computer network, failure of the network is not to
6.1.5 The system is to provide for the acknowledgement
prevent individual equipment from performing its individ-
by the officer of the navigational watch at the navigating
ual functions.
and traffic surveillance/manoeuvring workstation and other
appropriate locations in the bridge from where a proper
5.2 Power supply lookout may be kept.
5.2.1 Local distribution panels are to be arranged for all 6.1.6 Such system is to be connected to the alarm transfer
items of electrically operated navigational equipment. system described in [6.3].
These panels are to be supplied by two exclusive circuits,
one fed from the main source of electrical power and one 6.1.7 An alarm is to operate on the bridge in the event of a
from an emergency source of electrical power. Each item of failure of the bridge safety systems.
navigational equipment is to be individually connected to
its distribution panel. The power supplies to the distribution 6.1.8 The requirements of [6.1.1] to [6.1.7] do not prevent
panels are to be arranged with automatic change-over facil- the Society from accepting any technical systems that ade-

112 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 1

quately verify or help maintain the alertness of the officer of 6.4 Bridge layout
the watch at intervals up to 12 minutes.
6.4.1 The bridge configuration, the arrangement of con-
6.2 Field of vision soles and equipment location are to enable the officer of the
watch to maintain a proper lookout from a convenient
6.2.1 For the purpose of performing duties related to navi- workstation.
gation, traffic surveillance and manoeuvring, the field of
vision from a workstation is to be such as to enable observa- 6.4.2 A workstation for navigation and traffic surveil-
tion of all objects which may affect the safe conning of the lance/manoeuvring is to be arranged to enable efficient
ship. The field of vision from a workstation is to be in operation by one person under normal operating condi-
accordance with the guidelines on navigation bridge visibil- tions.
ity, as specified in IMO Resolution A708 as it applies to new
ships. 7 Ergonomic recommendations
For other functions, other workstations may be arranged sin-
gularly or in combination, provided the field of vision com- 7.1 Lighting
plies with the foregoing.
7.1.1 The lighting required on the bridge is to be designed
6.3 Alarm/warning transfer system - Com- so as not to impair the night vision of the officer on watch.
Lighting used in areas and at items of equipment requiring
munications illumination whilst the ship is navigating is to be such that
6.3.1 Any alarm/warning that requires bridge operator night vision adaptation is not impaired, e.g. red lighting.
response is to be automatically transferred to the Master Such lighting is to be arranged so that it cannot be mistaken
and, if he deems it necessary, to the selected backup navi- for a navigation light by another ship. It is to be noted that
gator and to the public rooms, if not acknowledged on the red lighting is not to be fitted over chart tables so that possi-
bridge within 30 seconds. ble confusion in colour discrimination is avoided.
Such transfer is to be carried out through the systems
required by [6.3.3] and [6.3.7], where applicable. 7.2 Noise level

6.3.2 Acknowledgement of alarms/warnings is only to be 7.2.1 The noise level on the bridge is not to interfere with
possible from the bridge. verbal communication and mask audible alarms.

6.3.3 The alarm/warning transfer is to be operated through 7.3 Vibration level

a fixed installation.
7.3.1 The vibration level on the bridge is not to be higher
6.3.4 Provision is to be made on the bridge for the opera- than that stipulated in Pt A, Ch 3, Sec 6, [2].
tion of a navigation officer call-alarm to be clearly audible
in the spaces of [6.3.1]. 7.4 Wheelhouse space heating/cooling
6.3.5 The alarm transfer system is to be continuously pow- 7.4.1 Unless otherwise justified, wheelhouse spaces are to
ered and have an automatic change-over to a standby be provided with heating and air cooling systems. System
power supply in the case of loss of normal power supply.
controls are to be readily available for the officer of the
6.3.6 At all times, including during blackout, the officer of watch.
the watch is to have access to facilities enabling two-way
speech communication with another qualified officer. 7.5 Navigator’s safety
The bridge is to have priority over the communication sys-
7.5.1 There are to be no sharp edges or protuberances on
the surfaces of the instruments and equipment installed on
Note 1: The automatic telephone network is acceptable for this the bridge which could cause injury to the navigator.
purpose, provided that it is automatically supplied during blackouts
and that it is available in the locations specified in [6.3.1]. 7.5.2 Sufficient handrails or the equivalent are to be fitted
inside the wheelhouse or around instruments and equip-
6.3.7 If, depending on the shipboard work organisation,
ment therein for safety in bad weather.
the backup navigator may attend locations not connected to
the fixed installation(s) described in [6.3.1], he is to be pro- 7.5.3 Adequate means are to be made for anti-slip of the
vided with a portable wireless device enabling both the floor, whether it is dry or wet.
alarm/warning transfer and the two-way speech communi-
cation with the officer of the watch. 7.5.4 Doors to the bridge wings are to be easy to open and
close. Means are to be provided to hold the doors open at
6.3.8 External sound signals from ships and fog signals that any position.
are audible on open deck are also to be audible inside the
wheelhouse; a transmitting device is to be provided to 7.5.5 Where provision for seating is made in the wheel-
reproduce such signals inside the wheelhouse (recom- house, means for securing are to be provided, having regard
mended frequency range: 70 to 700 Hertz). to storm conditions.

RINA Rules 2017 113

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 1

8 Testing 8.1.2 Shipboard tests and sea trials are to be carried out in
accordance with the test procedures submitted for approval
in advance to the Society. Tests and trials are to be per-
8.1 Tests formed under the supervision of the Surveyors.

8.1.1 Documentary evidence in the form of certification 8.1.3 After fitting on board, the installations are to be sub-
and/or test results is to be submitted to the satisfaction of the mitted to tests deemed necessary to demonstrate correct
Society. Where acceptable evidence is not available, the operation. Some tests may be carried out at quay side, while
requirements of Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 6 are applicable. others are to be effected at sea trials.

114 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 2


1 General IEC 61162 (all parts), Maritime navigation and radiocom-

munication equipment and systems - Digital interfaces
1.1 Application ISO 8468: 1990, Ship’s bridge layout and associated equip-
ment - requirements and guidelines
1.1.1 The additional class notation SYS-IBS is assigned, in ISO 9001: 1991, Quality systems - Model for quality assur-
accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.5.3], to ships fitted ance in design, development, production, installation and
with an integrated bridge system which allows simplified servicing
and centralised bridge operation of the main functions of
ISO 9002: 1991, Quality systems - Model for quality assur-
navigation, manoeuvring and communication, as well as
ance in production, installation and servicing
monitoring from the bridge of other functions, as specified
in [1.1.2]. IMO International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea
(SOLAS): 1997, Consolidated edition
This notation is assigned when the requirements of this Sec-
tion are complied with. IMO SOLAS: 1997, draft revision of SOLAS V, NAV 43/J/1 -
Safety of navigation
1.1.2 The following functions are to be part of the SYS-IBS: IMO A.823: 1995, Performance standards for automatic
a) passage execution: radar plotting aids (ARPAs)
• situation of navigation (position of the ship, local IMO A.830: 1995, Code on alarms and indicators (amend-
weather indication, ship heading….) ments to IMO Resolution A.686: 1991)
• navigation control and manoeuvring control (colli- IMO A.694: 1991, General requirements for shipborne
sion avoidance included) radio equipment forming part of the global maritime distress
b) communication system: and safety system (GMDSS) and for electronic navigational
• external communication linked with the safety of
the ship (distress equipment) IMO MSC.64 (67): 1996, Annex 1 - Performance standards
for integrated bridge systems (SYS-IBS)
• internal communication system
IMO MSC.64 (67): 1996, Annex 4 - amendments to A.477:
c) monitoring of the machinery installation
1981, Performance standards for radar equipment
d) monitoring of specific cargo operations (loading and
IMO MSC/Circular 566: 1991, Provisional guidelines on the
discharging of cargo, logging of cargo data, loading cal-
conduct of trials in which the officer of the navigational
watch acts as the sole lookout in periods of darkness
e) pollution monitoring
Additional IMO requirements may be applicable to SYS-
f) monitoring of heating, ventilation and air conditioning IBS.
for passenger ships.

1.1.3 This Section specifies the minimum requirements for

1.3 Definitions
the design, manufacture, integration and testing of inte- 1.3.1 Configuration of complete system: all operational
grated bridge systems (SYS-IBS). The latter are to comply functions of the SYS-IBS as installed.
with IMO Resolution MSC 64.(67) Annex 1 of the Interna-
tional Maritime Organisation (IMO), and other relevant 1.3.2 Configuration available: operation(s) allocated to
IMO performance standards, in order to meet the functional and available at each workstation.
requirements contained in applicable IMO instruments, not
precluding multiple usage of equipment and modules or the 1.3.3 Configuration in use: operation(s) and task(s) cur-
need for duplication. rently in use at each workstation.

1.1.4 The notation presumes efficient ship management by 1.3.4 Connectivity: a complete data link and the presence
suitably qualified personnel providing for, inter alia, the of valid data.
uninterrupted functional availability of systems and for
1.3.5 Essential functions: functions related to determina-
human factors.
tion, execution and maintenance of safe course, speed and
position of the ship in relation to the waters, traffic and
1.2 Reference Regulations weather conditions.
1.2.1 IEC 60945: 1996, Maritime navigation and radio- Such functions include but are not limited to:
communication equipment and systems - General require- • route planning
ments - Methods of testing and required test results • navigation

RINA Rules 2017 115

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 2

• collision avoidance ARPA : Automatic radar plotting aid

• manoeuvring DSC : Digital selective calling
• docking EGC : Enhanced group call
• monitoring of internal safety systems EPIRB : Emergency position indicating radio beacon
• external and internal communication related to safety in GMT : Greenwich Mean Time
bridge operation and distress situations. HF : High frequency
INMARSAT:International Mobile Satellite Organisation
1.3.6 Essential information: that information which is nec-
essary for the monitoring and control of essential functions. ISO : International Standards Organisation
ITU-R : International Telecommunication Union - radio
1.3.7 Functionality: ability to perform an intended func- sector
tion. The performance of a function normally involves a sys-
ITU-T : International Telecommunication Union - tele-
tem of displays, controls and instrumentation.
communication sector
1.3.8 IMO requirements: IMO Conventions, Regulations, MARPOL: IMO Convention for the prevention of pollution
Resolutions, Codes, Recommendations, Guidelines, Circu- by ships
lars and related ISO and IEC standards. MEPC : IMO Marine Environmental Protection Commit-
1.3.9 Integrated bridge system (SYS-IBS): any combination
of systems which are interconnected in order to allow cen- MF : Medium Frequency
tralised access to sensor information or command/control MSC : IMO Maritime Safety Committee
from workstations to perform two or more of the following NAV : IMO Subcommittee on Safety of Navigation
operations: NAVTEX: System for broadcast and reception of maritime
• passage execution safety information
• communications OOW : Officer of the watch
• machinery control r.p.m. : Revolutions per minute
• loading, discharging and cargo control, including HVAC UTC : Universal coordinated time
for passenger ships. VDU : Visual display unit
1.3.10 Integrity: ability of a system to provide users with VHF : Very high frequency.
accurate, timely, complete and unambiguous information
and warnings within a specified time when the system is not 2 Documentation
in use.

1.3.11 Latency: time interval between an event and the

2.1 Documents to be submitted
resulting information, including time for processing, trans- 2.1.1 In addition to the documents mentioned in Pt C,
mission and reception. Ch 3, Sec 1, Tab 1 and the requirement in Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 1,
[2.1.1], documents according to Tab 1 are to be submitted.
1.3.12 Multi-function display: a single visual display unit
which can present, either simultaneously or through a series
of selectable pages, information from more than one opera- 3 General requirements
tion of an SYS-IBS.
3.1 General
1.3.13 Novel systems or equipment: systems or equipment
which embody new features not fully covered by provisions 3.1.1 The SYS-IBS is to comply with all applicable IMO
of SOLAS - Chapter V but which provide an at least equiva- requirements as contained in the reference regulations
lent standard of safety. [2.1] or other relevant IEC Standards. Parts executing multi-
ple operations are to meet the requirements specified for
1.3.14 Part: individual subsystem, equipment or module.
each individual function they can control, monitor or per-
1.3.15 Performance check: a representative selection of form. By complying with these requirements, all essential
short qualitative tests, to confirm correct operation or essen- functions remain available in the event of a single failure.
tial functions of the SYS-IBS. Therefore, means for operation independent of the SYS-IBS
are not required.
1.3.16 Sensor: a device which provides information to or
is controlled or monitored by the SYS-IBS. 3.1.2 Each part of an SYS-IBS are to meet the relevant
requirements of IMO Resolution A.694(17) as detailed in
IEC 60495. As a consequence, the SYS-IBS is in compliance
1.4 Abbreviations with these requirements without further environmental test-
ing to IEC 60945.
1.4.1 Abbreviations used in this Section and/or in the
standards and annexes: 3.1.3 Where implemented, passage execution is not to be
AIS : Automatic identification system interfered with by other operations.

116 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 2

3.1.4 A failure of one part is not to affect the functionality 3.2.7 Each part to be integrated is to provide details of its
of other parts except for those functions directly dependent operational status and the latency and validity of essential
upon the information from the defective part. information. Means is to be provided within the SYS-IBS to
make use of this information.
3.2 Integration
3.2.8 An alternative means of operation is to be provided
3.2.1 The functionality of the SYS-IBS is to ensure that for essential functions.
operations are at least as effective as with stand-alone
equipment. 3.2.9 For integrated machinery control, it is to be possible
for all machinery essential for the safe operation of the ship
3.2.2 Continuously displayed information is to be reduced to be controlled from a local position.
to the minimum necessary for safe operation of the ship.
Supplementary information is to be readily accessible.
3.2.10 An alternative source of essential information is to
3.2.3 Integrated display and control functions are to adopt be provided. The SYS-IBS is to identify loss of either source.
a consistent man-machine interface philosophy and imple-
mentation. Particular consideration is to be given to: 3.2.11 The source of information (sensor, result of calcula-
tion or manual input) is to be displayed continuously or on
• symbols
• colours
• controls
3.3 Data exchange
• information priorities
• layout. 3.3.1 Interfacing within the SYS-IBS and to an SYS-IBS is to
comply with IEC 61162, as applicable.
3.2.4 Where multi-function displays and controls are used
to perform functions necessary for safe operation of the
3.3.2 Data exchange is to be consistent with safe opera-
ship, they are to be duplicated and interchangeable.
tion of the ship. The Manufacturer is to specify in the system
3.2.5 It is to be possible to display the complete system specification document (SSD) the maximum permissible
configuration, the available configuration and the configu- latency for each function considering the use of fast control
ration in use. loop, normal control loop, essential information and other
3.2.6 Any unintentional change of a configuration is to be
brought to the immediate attention of the user. An uninten- 3.3.3 Corrupted data are not to be accepted by the SYS-
tional change of the configuration in use is, in addition, to IBS. Corrupted or missing data are not affect functions
activate an audible and visual alarm. which are not dependent on this data.

Table 1 : Documentation to be submitted

No. I/A (1) Documentation

1 A General arrangement of the bridge showing the position of the control console and panels
2 A Plans showing the field of vision from each workstation
3 A List and specification of navigational equipment fitted on the bridge and references (Manufacturer, type...)
4 A List of alarms and instrumentation fitted on the bridge
5 I List and specification of automation equipment fitted on the bridge and references (Manufacturer, type...)
6 A Functional block diagram indicating the relationship between the items of navigational equipment and between
them and other equipment
7 A Functional block diagram of automation equipment remote controlled from the bridge
8 A Diagram of electrical supply to the navigational and automation equipment fitted on the bridge
9 A Diagram of the system linking the bridge alarms with the other operational locations
10 A Diagram of the navigation officer’s call system
11 A Diagram of the communication systems
12 A Diagram of the vigilance systems
13 A Test program including test method
(1) A: to be submitted for approval
I: to be submitted for information.

RINA Rules 2017 117

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 2

3.3.4 The integrity of data flowing on the network is to be 4.1.6 Layered menus are to be presented in a way which
ensured. minimises the added workload to find and return from the
desired functions.
3.3.5 The network is to be such that in the event of a single
fault between nodes there is an indication, the sensors and 4.1.7 An overwiew is to be easily available to assist the
displays on the network continue to operate and data trans- operator in the use of a multiple page system. Each page is
mission between them is maintained. to have a unique identifier.

3.3.6 A failure in the connectivity is not to affect inde- 4.1.8 Where multi-function displays are used, they are to
pendent functionality. be in colour. Continuously displayed information and func-
tional areas, e.g. menus, are to be presented in a consistent
3.4 Failure analysis manner.

3.4.1 A failure analysis is to be performed and docu- 4.1.9 For actions which may cause unintended results, the
mented. SYS-IBS is to request confirmation from the operator.
Note 1: Examples of such actions are:
3.4.2 Parts, functions and connectivity are to be identified. • attempting to change position of next waypoint while in track
mode steering
3.4.3 Possible failures of parts and connectivity associated • attempting to switch on bow thruster when insufficient electri-
with essential functions and information are to be identi- cal power is available.
4.1.10 Functions requested by the operator are to be
3.4.4 Consequences of failures with respect to operation, acknowledged or clearly indicated by the SYS-IBS on com-
function or status of the SYS-IBS are to be identified. pletion.
3.4.5 Each failure is to be classified with respect to its 4.1.11 Default values, where applicable, are to be indi-
impact on the SYS-IBS taking into account relevant charac- cated by the SYS-IBS when requesting operator input.
teristics, such as detectability, diagnosability, testability,
replaceability and compensating and operating provisions. 4.1.12 For bridge operation by one person, special consid-
eration is to be given to the technical requirements in [1].
3.4.6 The results of the failure analysis are to confirm the
possibility of continued safe operation of the ship. 4.2 Functionality

3.5 Quality assurance 4.2.1 It is always to be clear from where essential func-
tions may be performed.
3.5.1 The SYS-IBS is to be designed, developed, produced,
installed, and serviced by companies certified to ISO 9001 4.2.2 The system management is to ensure that one user
or ISO 9002, as applicable. only has the control of an input or function at the same
time; all other users are to be informed of this by the SYS-
4 Operational requirements
4.3 Training
4.1 Human factors
4.3.1 Manufacturers of integrated bridge systems are to
4.1.1 The SYS-IBS is to be capable of being operated by provide training possibilities for the ship’s crew. This train-
personnel holding appropriate certificates. ing may take place ashore or on board and is to be carried
out using suitable material and methods to cover the follow-
4.1.2 The man-machine interface (MMI) is to be designed
ing topics:
to be easily understood and in a consistent style for all inte-
grated functions. a) General understanding and operation of the system:
• knowledge and understanding of the system’s con-
4.1.3 Operational information is to be presented in a read- figuration and application
ily understandable format without the need to transpose, • reading and understanding of the operating manual
compute or translate.
• usage and understanding of brief description and
4.1.4 Indications, which may be accompanied by a short instructions provided on the bridge
low intensity acoustic signal, are to occur when: • usage and understanding of electronic “HELP”-func-
• an attempt is made to execute an invalid function tions, if provided in the system
• an attempt is made to use invalid information. • familiarisation with the system using safe trial modes
b) Mastering of uncommon conditions in the system:
4.1.5 If an input error is detected by the system it is to
• detecting and locating of failures
require the operator to correct the error immediately. Mes-
sages actuated by an input error are to guide the correct • resetting the system to safe default values and modes
responses, e.g.: not simply “Invalid entry”, but “Invalid • operating safely without certain sensor data or parts
entry, re-enter set point between 0 and 10”. • possibilities for repair on board

118 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 2

• identifying the potential for unintended results 5.2.5 Alarms are to be prioritised as follows:
c) Methods and support for providing the above-men- a) emergency alarms: alarms which indicate that immedi-
tioned training may be, for example: ate danger to human life or to the ship and its machin-
• printed material ery exists and that immediate action is to be taken
• training courses b) distress, urgency and safety alarms: alarms which indi-
• video films cate that a mobile unit or a person is in distress, or the
• computer based learning programmes calling station has a very urgent message concerning the
• simulation of different situations or data safety of a mobile unit or a person, or has an important
warning to transmit
• recorded speech.
c) primary alarms: alarms which indicate a condition that
5 Technical requirements requires prompt attention to prevent an emergency con-
dition as specified in statutory and classification rules
and regulations
5.1 Sensors
d) secondary alarms: alarms which are not included
5.1.1 In order to ensure an adequate system functionality, above.
the sensors employed are to be able to comply with the fol-
lowing, as applicable:
5.3 Human factors
a) ensure communication compatibility in accordance
with the relevant international marine interface Stand- 5.3.1 A multi-function display, if used, is to be a colour
ard IEC 1162; and provide information about their oper- display.
ational status and about the latency and validity of
essential information 5.3.2 The size, colour and density of text and graphic
b) respond to a command with minimal latency and indi- information presented on a display are to be such that it
cate receipt of invalid commands, when remote control may be easily read from the normal operator position under
is employed all operational lighting conditions.
c) have the capability to silence and re-establish the audi- Note 1: See ISO 8468 - 6.2.3.
ble portion of the local alarm
5.3.3 Symbols used in mimic diagrams are to be standard-
d) have information documented about deterministic and
ised throughout the system’s displays.
stochastic errors and how they are handled, insofar as
signals are pre-processed locally, e.g. plausibility check.
5.3.4 All information is to be presented on a background
providing high contrast and emitting as little light as possi-
5.2 Alarm management ble at night.
5.2.1 The SYS-IBS alarm management as a minimum is to
comply with the requirements of the Code on Alarms and 5.4 Power interruptions and shutdown
Indicators, 1995 (IMO Resolution A.830(19)) (see also IMO
A.686: 1991). 5.4.1 If subjected to an orderly shutdown, the SYS-IBS is,
upon turn-on, to come to an initial default state.
5.2.2 Appropriate alarm management on priority levels
(see [5.2.5]) and grouping of alarms based on operations 5.4.2 After a power interruption full functionality of the
and tasks is to be provided within the SYS-IBS. SYS-IBS is to be available following recovery of all subsys-
Note 1: The purpose of grouping of alarms is to achieve the follow- tems. The SYS-IBS is not to increase the recovery time of
ing: individual subsystem functions after power restoration.
• to reduce the variety in type and number of audible and visual
alarms and indicators so as to provide quick and unambiguous 5.4.3 If subjected to a power interruption, upon restoration
information to the personnel responsible for the safe operation of power the SYS-IBS is to maintain the configuration in use
of the ship and continue automated operation as far as practicable.
• to readily identify any abnormal situation requiring action to Safety related automatic functions, e.g. automated steering
maintain the safe operation of the ship control, are only to be restored upon confirmation by the
• to avoid distraction by alarms which require attention but do operator.
not require immediate action to restore or maintain the safe
operation of the ship.
5.5 Power supply
5.2.3 The number of alarms is to be kept as low as possible
by providing indications for information of lesser impor- 5.5.1 General power supply requirements are summarised
tance. in Tab 2.

5.2.4 Alarms are to be displayed so that the reason for the 5.5.2 Power supply requirements applying to parts of the
alarm and the resulting functional restrictions can be easily SYS-IBS as a result of other IMO requirements remain appli-
understood. Indications are to be self-explanatory. cable.

RINA Rules 2017 119

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 2

5.5.3 The SYS-IBS is to be supplied: b) Verify the validity of the appropriate type approval cer-
• from the main and emergency sources of power with tificates.
automated change-over through a local distribution c) Verify that all functions identified in a) are performed.
board with provision to preclude inadvertent shutdown,
6.2.3 In addition, the following is to be carried out:
• from a transitional source of power for a duration of not
less than 1 min, and a) Confirm compliance with IEC 60945 by one of the fol-
• where required in Tab 2, parts of the SYS-IBS are also to • a valid type approval certificate
be supplied from a reserve source of power.
• a test certificate issued by an appropriate body
• successful completion of appropriate tests.
6 Testing
b) Confirm by examination of the (SSD)(s) that operational
functions in addition to passage execution are imple-
6.1 Introduction mented on a non-interference basis (see [3.1.3]).
6.1.1 The testing proposed is intended to supplement and c) Independently disable each part identified in a) and
not replace testing of parts that is required to meet the rele- determine by a test that only those functions dependent
vant IMO performance standards. It is intended to ensure on the disabled part are affected (see [3.1.4]).
that when parts are integrated there is no degradation of d) Confirm by examination that only minimum information
their individual functionality and the overall system meets necessary for the safe operation of the ship and as appli-
the requirements contained in Sec 1, [4] and Sec 1, [5]. cable to the configuration in use is continuously dis-
played and that supplementary information is readily
6.1.2 In all instances the performance standards for parts accessible (see [3.2.2]).
will form the minimum test requirement for an integrated
system. Parts previously type approved will not require re- e) Where IMO requirements governing the symbols, col-
testing. Bridge-mounted parts for which no IMO perform- ours, controls, information priorities and layout of the
ance standard exists are to be tested to the requirements of integrated display and control functions exist, confirm
IEC 60945. Integration aspects of the SYS-IBS are to require compliance by examination. Where no such require-
testing to ensure compliance with requirements contained ments exist, confirm by examination that the use of sym-
in Sec 1, [4] and Sec 1, [5]. bols, colours, controls, information priorities and layout
is consistent (see [3.2.3]).
6.1.3 The test strategy is to demonstrate that when oper- f) Where used, confirm by examination that there are at
ated by suitably trained personnel, the SYS-IBS increases least two identical and interchangeable multi-function
the safety and efficiency of the management of the ship. displays and controls (see [3.2.4]).
g) Confirm by examination that it is possible to display the
6.2 General requirements configuration of the complete system, the configuration
available and the configuration in use (see [3.2.5]).
6.2.1 The Manufacturer is to state the operations intended
h) Disable a part of the configuration in use and confirm
to be performed by the SYS-IBS.
that an audible and visual alarm is activated (see
6.2.2 Since each SYS-IBS may integrate an individual set of [3.2.6]).
operations and parts, it is not possible to define in advance i) Confirm by examination of relevant certificates and
which IMO requirements apply. Therefore, the following documentation that each part integrated in the SYS-IBS
steps are to be taken with each individual SYS-IBS consid- provides details of its operational status and latency and
ered: validity of essential information. Confirm by a perform-
ance check that changes in status of the parts and of the
a) Produce a matrix of the applicable IMO requirements:
latency and validity of information are used by the SYS-
• collect IMO requirements referring generally to SYS- IBS in a safe and unambiguous manner (see [3.2.7]).
IBS (e.g. SOLAS Chapter V and Code on Alarms and
Indicators (A.686 and A.830)) j) Confirm by examination of the SSD that there is an alter-
native means of performing each applicable essential
• collect IMO requirements applicable to the opera- function (see [3.2.8]).
tions stated in [6.2.1] (e.g. if a radar/ARPA is inte-
grated, collect IMO MSC.64 (67), annex 4 and k) Confirm by examination of the SSD that for integrated
A.823) machinery control, it is possible for all machinery essen-
tial for the safe operation of the ship to be controlled
• identify the individual parts of the SYS-IBS and their from a local position.
l) Confirm by examination that there is an alternative
• identify parts executing multiple operations source of essential information. Confirm by a perform-
• identify functions necessary to perform the opera- ance check that loss of essential information is recog-
tions stated in [6.2.1] nised by the SYS-IBS.
• identify power supply requirements for the individ- m) Confirm by examination that the source of information
ual parts of the SYS-IBS from Tab 2. is displayed continuously or on request (see [3.2.11]).

120 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 2

n) Confirm by examination of relevant certificates and • Create an input error and ensure that immediate correc-
documentation that interfacing complies with IEC 1161, tion is required and that relevant guidance is given (see
as applicable (see [3.3.1]). [4.1.5]).
o) Confirm by examination of the SSD that the stated laten- • Confirm by a performance check, conducted by suitably
cies are appropriate to all intended operations. Confirm qualified personnel, that layered menus, if provided, are
by examination of the Manufacturer’s SSD that the presented such as to minimise workload (see [4.1.6]).
stated latencies are achieved while the network is • If provided, ensure that multiple pages are uniquely
loaded to its maximum expected loading (see [3.3.2]). identified and that an overview is available (see [4.1.7]).
p) Confirm by a performance check that corrupted data is • Ensure that continuously displayed information and
not accepted by the SYS-IBS and that corrupted and functional areas, e.g. menus, are presented in a consist-
missing data does not affect functions which are not ent manner in multi-function displays (see [4.1.2],
dependent on this data. [4.1.8]).
q) Confirm by examination of the Manufacturer’s SSD that, • Initiate a situation causing a potentially unintended
as a minimum, data includes a check-sum in accord- result and ensure that the result is identified and that
ance with IEC 1162-1 and that, in addition, limit check- confirmation of the action is requested from the opera-
ing is applied to essential data (see [3.3.4]). tor (see [4.1.9]).
r) Create a representative number of single faults between • Confirm by a performance check that completion of
network nodes and confirm that there is an indication of functions is acknowledged [4.1.10].
the fault, the displays and sensors continue to operate • Confirm that there is an indication of configuration
and data transmission is maintained. available at each workstation (see [4.2.1]).
s) Identify the system connectivity by examination of the • Confirm that essential functions cannot be performed
SSD. Independently interrupt each connection and simultaneously at more than one workstation and that
determine by a performance check that only those func- there is an indication of the configuration in use at each
tions dependent on the connection are affected and that workstation (see [4.2.2]).
all essential functions can still be performed (see
[3.3.6]). 6.3.2 The Manufacturer is to produce a written statement
that training possibilities are provided and confirm by
t) Confirm by examination of the SSD that a failure analy-
examination of the training material that it covers general
sis has been performed and documented. The results of
understanding and operation and mastering of uncommon
the failure analysis and the possibility of continued safe
operation of the ship are to be verified by testing a rep-
resentative selection of failures.
6.4 Technical requirements
u) Confirm by examination of the relevant certificate(s) that
the Manufacturer complies with ISO 9000 Series Stand- 6.4.1 The following tests are carried out:
a) Confirm, as applicable, by examination of the SSD that
sensors employed according to [5.1.1]:
6.3 Operational requirements
• communicate in accordance with IEC 1162
6.3.1 The following tests are carried out: • provide details of operational status, latency and
• Confirm by examination that the SYS-IBS includes dis- validity of essential information
plays, controls and instrumentation necessary to per- • respond to a command with minimal latency and
form the functions identified in [6.2.2] a). indicate receipt of invalid commands, when remote
• Confirm by a performance check, conducted by suitably control is employed
qualified personnel, that information presented is • have the capability to silence and re-establish the
understandable without the need to transpose, compute audible portion of the local alarm
or translate and that operation of integrated functions of
• have information documented about deterministic
the SYS-IBS identified in [6.2.1] is as effective as for
and stochastic errors and how they are handled.
equivalent stand-alone equipment (see [3.2.1], [4.1.1],
[4.1.2]). b) Initiate a situation identified in the SSD as requiring
immediate reaction by an operator and confirm that the
• Confirm by examination of the Manufacturer’s SSD that
resultant alarm complies with IMO A.686 and A.830
the specific requirements in MSC/Circular 566, para-
(see [5.2.1]).
graphs 10 to 32, are met, if applicable.
c) Create conditions necessary to generate all types of
• Confirm by a performance check that normal execution
alarms and indications listed in the matrix prepared in
of functions and use of information are not accompa-
[6.2.2] a).
nied by acoustic signals. If provided, ensure that acous-
tic signals accompanying attempts to execute an invalid d) Confirm that appropriate alarm management on priority
function or use invalid information are short, of low levels and functional groups is provided and that the
intensity and clearly distinguishable from alarms. number of the alarm types and their release is kept as

RINA Rules 2017 121

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 2

low as possible by providing indications for information • all information is presented on a background provid-
of lesser importance (see [5.2.2] [5.2.3]). ing high contrast and emitting as little light as possi-
e) Confirm that alarms are displayed so that the reason for ble at night (see [5.3.4]).
the alarm and the resulting functional restrictions can be h) Perform an orderly shutdown of the SYS-IBS and con-
easily understood and that indications are self-explana- firm that when power is turned on again, the default
tory (see [5.2.4]). state specified in the SSD is reached (see [5.4.1]).
f) Confirm that alarms are prioritised as emergency
alarms, distress, urgency and safety alarms, primary i) Record the configuration in use and the recovery times
alarms and secondary alarms (see [5.2.5]). of all subsystems. Disconnect all external sources of
power and wait for expiration of the SYS-IBS transitional
g) Confirm by examination, performed by suitably quali- source of power. Restore power and wait for recovery of
fied personnel, that: all subsystems. The recovery times of all subsystems are
• a multi-function display is a colour display (see to be as recorded (see [5.4.2]).
j) The SYS-IBS is to come to the configuration in use and
• the size, colour and density of text and graphic
information displayed on a VDU are such that it can continue automated operation as far as practicable. Ver-
be easily read from the normal operator position ify that safety related automatic functions are continued
only after confirmation (see [5.4.3]).
under all operational lighting conditions (see
[5.3.2]) k) Confirm by examination of the SSD that provision is
• symbols used in mimic diagrams are standardised made to comply with the power supply requirements
throughout the system’s displays (see [5.3.3]) listed in Tab 2 and in the matrix prepared in [6.2.2] a).

Table 2 : Power supply requirements in addition to the main source of energy

Reserve source Transitional Emergency

of energy (2) source (1) source (1)
Integrated bridge system X (3) X
VHF voice and DSC X (4) X (5)
MF voice and DSC X (6) X (7)
MF/HF voice, DSC and telex X (6) X (7)
INMARSAT ship earth station X (6) X (7)
NAVTEX receiver
EGC receiver
EPIRB X (8) X (8)
AIS transponders X (9)
Aeronautical VHF SAR voice transceiver X (10)
Lighting for radio installation (11) X (12) X
Equipment providing inputs to the radio installation X (13) X
Internal communication equipment and signals required in an emergency X (14) X
Magnetic compass and repeaters X (9)
ECDIS or automatic graphical position display X (9)
Electronic position fixing system X (13) X (9)
Radar X (9)
Gyrocompass and repeaters X (9)
Echo sounder X (9)
Speed and distance log X (9)
Rudder angle indicator X (9)
Propeller rpm, thrust direction and pitch as applicable X (9)
Heading control system X (9)
Rate of turn indicator X (9)
Voyage data recorder X (9)

122 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 2

Reserve source Transitional Emergency

of energy (2) source (1) source (1)
Integrated navigation system X (9)
Fire detection and alarm system X (14) X
Fire door holding and release X (15) X
Daylight signalling lamp, ship’s whistle and manually operated call points X (14) X
Emergency lighting and navigation lights X (14) X
Fire pump X
Automatic sprinkler pump X (15)
Emergency bilge pump and remote controlled bilge valves X (15)
Steering gear X
Power-operated watertight doors and associated control, indication and X (15) X (15)
alarm circuits
Lift cars X (15)
Machinery alarm system (16) X
Alarm transfer system for one person operated bridge (17) X
(1) Emergency and transitional sources are defined in SOLAS II-1/42 and /43. Where the emergency source is an accumulator
battery, a transitional source of emergency electrical power is not required, unless otherwise stated.
(2) Reserve source for radio installations is defined in SOLAS IV/13.
(3) A transitional source is required for essential functions of the SYS-IBS (5.5.3).
(4) Reserve source is required by SOLAS IV/13.2 for the installation to SOLAS IV/7.1.1.
(5) Emergency source is required by SOLAS II-1/ and for installations as per SOLAS IV/7.1.1, 7.1.2 and 7.1.5.
(6) Reserve source is required by SOLAS IV/13.2 for the installation to SOLAS IV/9.1.1, 10.1.1, 10.2.1 and 11.1 as appropriate for
the sea area(s) for which the ship is equipped.
(7) Emergency source is required by SOLAS II/1/, and and, and
for installations as per SOLAS IV/9.1.1, 9.1.2, 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.1.3, 10.2.1, 10.2.2 and 11.1 if applicable.
(8) If position input provided from external equipment.
(9) Local distribution panel(s) are to be arranged for all items of electrically operated navigational equipment. Each item is to be
individually connected to its distribution panel. The power supplies to the distribution panel(s) are to be arranged with auto-
matic change-over facilities between the main and the emergency source (IACS UR N1).
(10) If not equipped with primary batteries.
(11) Required by SOLAS IV/6.2.4.
(12) Reserve source may be used (SOLAS IV/13.5) as supply independent from main and emergency sources.
(13) Reserve source may be used (SOLAS IV/13.8) for ship’s navigational or other equipment which needs to supply uninterrupted
input of information to the radio installation to ensure its proper performance as required by SOLAS IV.
(14) For cargo ships a transitional source is not required if the emergency source is a generator which can be automatically started
and supply the required load within 45 s (see also (1)).
(15) Required for passenger ships only (see also (1)).
(16) A standby power supply with automatic change-over from normal power supply is required by SOLAS II-1/51.2.1.
(17) A standby power supply with automatic change-over from normal power supply is required by IACS UR N1.

RINA Rules 2017 123

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 3


1 General 3.1.2 The collection of data on board is also to be perma-

nently activated, at an acceptable speed for the planned
application of transmission.
1.1 Application
3.1.3 Transmission protocol is to be according to a recog-
1.1.1 The additional class notation SYS-COM is assigned, nised international standard, such as the National Marine
in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.5.4], to ships fitted Electronic Association and international marine interface
with a communication system complying with the require- Standard IEC 1162.
ments of this Section.
3.2 Content of data transmitted
1.1.2 The aim of this notation is to obtain a safe communi-
cation tool which provides: 3.2.1 The Standard N×ISO 10303, New Work Item N684,
still being developed, provides the nature of information
• the user ashore with the possibility of having a complete
which could be transmitted. This notation states a minimum
overview of the ship situation (voyage, cargo and
list of data to be transmitted. Complementary data obtained
from the Standard could be required by the Owner.
• the personnel on board with the possibility of calcula-
tion, consultation of databases available ashore and 3.2.2 At least the following permanent updated informa-
assistance from specialised troubleshooters ashore. tion is to be available:
• machinery data
2 Documentation • cargo data
• navigation data
2.1 Documents to be submitted • cost data including bunkering
• access to databases.
2.1.1 In addition to the documents mentioned in Pt C,
Ch 3, Sec 1, Tab 1, and the requirements in Pt C, Ch 3, 3.2.3 Machinery data is to include at least:
Sec 1, [2.1.1], documents according to Tab 1 are to be sub- • alarm and monitoring of the complete machinery of the
mitted. ship (which leaves the possibility of remote trouble
shooting or specific analysis to improve the global effi-
3 Design requirements ciency of the ship)
• Spare parts needs (enabling the ordering of the neces-
3.1 General sary spares in advance and the preparation for delivery
on board)
3.1.1 Permanent and reversible communication between • Availability of spares or components on board and
ship and shore is to be available. ashore.

Table 1 : Documentation to be submitted

No. I/A (1) Documentation

1 A Diagram of local area network and hardware characteristics
2 A Diagram of computer network and hardware characteristics
3 A Communication software description of local area network (Protocol characteristics...)
4 A List of data to be transmitted on internal network and priority level
5 I Specifications of the external communication systems
6 A List of data to be transmitted on external network and priority level
7 A Communication software description of external network including software in receiving station ashore (Proto-
col characteristics...)
8 A Test program of the communication equipment including test method for the integration of all the communica-
tion equipment (additional to the test procedure for type approval)
(1) A : to be submitted for approval
I : to be submitted for information.

124 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 4, Sec 3

3.2.4 Cargo data, as a minimum, is to include according to 4.1.3 The communication equipment is to be designed
the ship’s service: and produced according to a quality assurance scheme,
with reference Standard ISO 9000-1, and is to be surveyed
• for container ships, the identification and the “history”
by the Society.
of containers on board
• for gas carriers, the level and volume of cargo remaining
on board 5 Testing
• for refrigerated container ships, the “history” of the
cargo in containers 5.1 Design validation
• for tankers, the level and volume of cargo on board.
5.1.1 The validation of conception of the communication
system includes:
3.2.5 Navigation data, as a minimum, is to include:
• the situation of navigation (position of the ship, local • internal communication (coherence of internal network,
weather indication, sea conditions) “INTRANET”, local area network LAN) which is used for
the alarm, control and safety systems
• navigation plan (indication of planned routes).
• internal communication of all computers used for man-
3.2.6 Cost data, as a minimum, is to include: agement operation (maintenance, cargo, cost control),
which are to be internally networked on the ship
• the balance of the costs on board (accounting situation)
• external communication (safety of ship, navigational
• the bunkering situation (enabling decisions to be made aids, remote reporting of ship status for maintenance
on the location of bunkering and the possibility of nego- and operational purposes ashore), with SATCOM, radio-
tiating the cost and quality of the bunker). telephone, radio

3.2.7 Access to the database ashore is to be available. The • compatibility of the components and software.
data to be transmitted can be of great diversity and are only
to be dedicated to the exploitation of the ship. 5.2 Product type approval

3.3 Transmission safety 5.2.1 Type approval of products involved in the function of
communication, hardware and software is to be carried out
3.3.1 Corrupted data are not to be accepted. Corrupted or prior to installation. This is to cover the following:
missing data are not to affect functions which are not
• external communication using satellite communication
dependent on this data.
equipment, radio equipment, radio telephones, auto-
matic telephones
3.3.2 All data are to be identified with a priority level. The
transmission software is to be designed so as to take into • internal communication using LAN communication
consideration the priority of data. nodes and associated software, standard communica-
tion cards and associated software for PC applications
3.3.3 All transmission equipment is to be duplicated or
have a secondary means which is capable of the same • cables for networks
transmission capacity, with automatic commutation from • antennas
one to the other in the event of failure.
• association and compatibility of the above components.
3.3.4 An alarm is to be triggered in the case of automatic
commutation due to failure, indicating which transmission 5.2.2 The type approval procedure and tests are to be car-
equipment is affected. ried out according to Pt C, Ch 3, Sec 6.

3.3.5 A failure analysis is to be carried out to identify the 5.3 Shipboard testing
reliability of the transmission system. This analysis is to
include the duplicated components or software.
5.3.1 The means of transmission (hardware and software)
are to be checked when installed. This includes:
4 Construction requirements • the proper use of the approved components
• the correct installation on board the ship, which takes
4.1 General
into consideration the hardware (cabling, location of
aerials, layout of consoles) and the software (compatibil-
4.1.1 Communication equipment is to comply with the
ity of assembled software, the man-machine interface)
requirements stated in Part C, Chapter 3.
• the proper function verified with appropriate tests. The
4.1.2 The communication equipment for the SYS-COM tests of transmission equipment are to be carried out
notation is to be of an approved type. according to ISO 9646.

RINA Rules 2017 125

Part F
Additional Class Notations

Chapter 5




RINA Rules 2017 127

Pt F, Ch 5, Sec 1



1 General 1.3.2 The above information and the related statistics can
also be compared against warning levels determined by the
1.1 Application
These warning levels are always to be less than the maxi-
1.1.1 The additional class notation MON-HULL is mum values obtained from the requirements on the basis of
assigned in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.6.2] to which the hull structure is approved.
ships equipped with a Hull Stress and Motion Monitoring When a warning level is reached, a signal is to be emitted,
System (hereafter referred to as Hull Monitoring System for different from the signals for the limits mentioned in [1.3.1].
easy reference), complying with the requirements of this
2 Hull monitoring system
1.1.2 A Hull Monitoring System is a system which:
• provides real-time data to the Master and officers of the 2.1 Main functions
ship on hull girder longitudinal stresses and motions the
ship experiences while navigating and during loading 2.1.1 The Hull Monitoring System is to be able to ensure
and unloading operations in harbour. the following main functions:
• allows the real-time data to be condensed into a set of • collection of data
essential statistical results; the set is to be periodically • data processing: scaling, consistency checking, statisti-
updated, displayed and stored on a removable medium. cal processing
The information to be stored may be selected in view of • display management, handling of alarms and warnings
later exploitation by the Owner, for instance as an ele- • selection, compression, if any, and storage of the results.
ment in the exploitation of the ship or as an addition to
its logbook. Note 1: The resources needed for the later onshore exploitation of
the recorded results need not be considered as part of the Hull
Note 1: The information provided by the Hull Monitoring System is Monitoring System, provided that they cannot access the storage
to be considered as an aid to the Master. It does not replace his medium in order to modify the content.
own judgement or responsibility.

2.2 Sensors
1.2 Documentation
2.2.1 The sensors are to consist of a set of devices able to
1.2.1 The following documents are to be submitted to the provide at least:
Society for approval:
• information on the longitudinal stresses in the main
• specification of the main components: sensors, process- deck, at least at one location where the maximum hull
ing units, display unit, storage unit, power supply and girder normal stress can be expected during navigation,
cabling loading and unloading.
• functional scheme of the system
For a more consistent monitoring of the loading and
• principles and algorithm used for the data processing unloading operations, information on longitudinal
• determination of measurement ranges stresses in still water is to be collected in way of each
• determination of data limits cargo hold.
• calibration procedure including calibration values and • information on the vertical acceleration at the bow.
tolerances. For a consistent monitoring of the vertical acceleration
in any point of the hull girder, acceleration is also to be
1.3 Data limits, warning levels collected at the stern.
• information on the transverse acceleration due to the
1.3.1 The information provided by the transducers is to be roll and to the heel.
compared against limits corresponding to maximum values
obtained from the requirements on the basis of which the 2.2.2 Attention is drawn to the possible existence of local
hull structure is approved. strains induced by temperature gradients in the hull struc-
These limits cannot be crossed and their approach is to be ture.
signalled to the crew in order for a corrective action to be The strain sensors are to be located in areas free from these
carried out. temperature gradients.

RINA Rules 2017 129

Pt F, Ch 5, Sec 1

If a temperature compensation device is implemented, the as issued by the system, to be compared against the pre-
Manufacturer is to demonstrate its effectiveness on site. dicted values from the loading instrument.

2.2.3 The sensors are to comply with the applicable 2.4.3 Provision is to be made for a connection with a Voy-
requirements concerning protection against conducted and age Data Recorder where this is fitted on board. The Manu-
radiated electric and radioelectric emissions. facturer is to declare a limited set of parameters to be
forwarded to the Voyage Data Recorder.
2.2.4 The sensors are to be selected and installed in such a
way that a periodical on-site recalibration can be carried
out without extra equipment.
2.5 Visual display
When this operation is impossible, the Manufacturer is to 2.5.1 A graphical display is to be fitted, with the following
declare the period and procedure for the bench test calibra- features:
tion and demonstrate that the initial calibration remains • it is to be simple, clear and non-confusing
valid within the period.
• the user is to be able to obtain the information through
one reading
2.3 Specifications
• it is to be readable at a distance of at least 0,5 m
2.3.1 For each type of measurement, the Manufacturer is • two major pieces of information (e.g. stress and vertical
to state the limits of the domain, according to the ship. acceleration at bow) are declared as “default condi-
The limits are to include: tions” and displayed at power up and in the absence of
• the strain ranges keystroke from the user
• the acceleration ranges • when an alarm is emitted, the corresponding informa-
• the corresponding frequency range tion is to be displayed instead of the above “default con-
• the temperature ranges: sea water, open air, hull struc-
ture, sheltered, accommodation. 2.5.2 When the system detects a malfunction, the corre-
sponding status is to be superimposed on the display.
2.3.2 The global resolution of the instrument is to be such
that the incertitude as to the displayed information is less
than 7% of its full scale display. The global resolution 2.6 Alarms
applies on the entire domain; the specification of the com-
2.6.1 For each limit stated in [1.3.1], visual and audible
ponents is to be set accordingly.
alarms are to be fitted on the bridge to indicate when the
2.3.3 The system is to be able to detect and signal the mal- limit is approached and exceeded.
functions which can impair the validity of the data, e.g.: The alarms associated with each limit are to be clearly dis-
• data are out of range tinguishable from those relevant to other limits.
• data remain strictly constant 2.6.2 When a warning level is reached (see [1.3.2]), a visi-
• data are corrupted by high intensity noise ble signal is to be issued, distinct from those of the alarms
• the system stops or hangs. for limits stated in [2.6.1].

2.4 Data processing 2.6.3 When the system detects a malfunction, the alarms
and warnings associated with the data are to be inhibited
2.4.1 Wave-induced data are to be processed through a and a malfunction alarm is to be issued (see also [2.5.2]).
cyclical statistical procedure; the procedure (maximum
peak value, RMS, mean value, frequency spectrum, etc.) is 2.7 Data storage
to be selected in order that the displayed information is sig-
nificant, not confusing, immediately understood and as 2.7.1 The data are to be stored either by a recording
close as possible to the nautical experience of the crew. device which is part of the Hull Monitoring System, accord-
The procedure is to produce smoothed results that are not ing to [2.7.2] to [2.7.4], or by the integrated bridge system,
to deviate by more than 10% from one cycle to the next if any.
when in steady navigation conditions.
2.7.2 An electronic data storage recording device suitable
The procedure is to be such that a significant change in the for accumulating statistical information for feedback pur-
navigation conditions appears on the display after no more poses is to be fitted.
than three cycles.
The system is to switch automatically from port to sea con- 2.7.3 The data storage recording device is to be:
ditions, and vice versa. • entirely automatic, excluding replacement operations of
the storage support
2.4.2 It is recommended that the Hull Monitoring System
• such that its operation does not interrupt or delay the
should be linked to the loading instrument for a secure
process of collecting and treating data.
transfer of information from the instrument to the system.
This arrangement is to allow for the actual still water hull 2.7.4 Data are to be recorded with information on the date
girder stresses, converted to longitudinal bending moments, and time.

130 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 5, Sec 1

2.8 Exploitation and checking of stored data 2.10 Calibration

2.10.1 The initial calibration of the Hull Monitoring Sys-
2.8.1 The data stored according to [2.7] are to be treated
tem is to be based on an approved loading case in still
by the Owner through a statistical process. water.
The differences between results obtained from the Hull
2.8.2 Periodicity of exploitation of data is to be defined by Monitoring System and approved values are to be less than
the Owner depending on the ship’s operation. 5%.

2.10.2 The initial calibration of the Hull Monitoring Sys-

2.8.3 Means are to be incorporated which ensure that the
tem is to be carried out with a Surveyor in attendance.
integrity of the collected data can be checked at the exploi-
tation stage. 2.11 Periodical inspections
2.11.1 Checks of the main functions of the Hull Monitor-
2.9 Power supply unit ing System are to be carried out at intervals as agreed by the
Society and not exceeding one year.
2.9.1 The Hull Monitoring System is to be powered by the The instrument is to include an auto-checking facility so
main power source of the ship and in addition with an that the verification of the Hull Monitoring System can be
internal uninterruptible 30 minute power source. carried out without the need of external devices.

RINA Rules 2017 131

Pt F, Ch 5, Sec 2


1 General 2.2 Lubricating oil analysis

2.2.1 Item to be monitored
1.1 Applicability of MON-SHAFT notation In order for the notation MON-SHAFT to be granted, the
1.1.1 (1/7/2003) lubricating oil of the stern bearing is to be analysed as indi-
cated in this Section.
The additional class notation MON-SHAFT is assigned, in
accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.6.3], to ships comply- 2.2.2 Timing
ing with the requirements of this Section. Stern bearing lubricating oil is to be analysed regularly; in
any event, the interval between two subsequent analyses is
1.1.2 This notation is assigned only to ships having tail-
not to exceed six months.
shafts arranged with oil lubricated stern bearing and with
approved oil sealing glands. 2.2.3 Records
The lubricating oil analysis documentation is to be available
1.1.3 The assignment of this notation allows a reduced on board showing in particular the trend of the parameters
scope for complete tailshaft surveys; see Pt A, Ch 2, Sec 2, measured according to [2.2.4].
2.2.4 Content of analysis
2 Requirements for the issuance of the Each analysis is to include the following parameters:
notation • water content
• chloride content
• bearing material and metal particle content
2.1 Arrangement
• oil ageing (resistance to oxidation).
2.1.1 (1/7/2008)
The oil samples are to be taken under service conditions
In order for the notation MON-SHAFT to be granted, the
and are to be representative of the oil within the sterntube.
stern bearing is to be arranged with:
• facilities for measurement of bearing wear down, 2.2.5 Additional data to be recorded (1/7/2008)
• at least one temperature sensor for the aft bearing giving In addition to the results of the oil sample analysis, the fol-
temperature indication and high temperature alarm; an lowing data are to be regularly recorded:
alarm is to be activated in the event of failure of the tem- • oil consumption
perature sensor circuit. • aft bearing temperature.

132 RINA Rules 2017

Part F
Additional Class Notations

Chapter 6





RINA Rules 2017 133

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 1


1 General 1.2 Basic principles

1.2.1 (1/7/2002)
1.1 Application The requirements of this Section define the limits of accept-
ability of noise on board, the methods for verification of
1.1.1 (1/7/2007)
compliance and the criteria for acceptance. They are based,
COMF-NOISE notation, in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, as appropriate, on international standards and are deemed
Sec 2, [6.7.2], is assigned to ships classed by the Society to preserve the general principles of such standards.
and complying with the requirements of this Section.
1.2.2 (1/7/2002)
In the event that the ship undergoes modifications, refitting Verification of compliance is based on the measurements of
or repairs that may affect its level of comfort, the mainte- noise levels in ship spaces and of the insulation characteris-
nance of the notation is subject to the results of new meas- tics of barriers as specified in [3.2]. These measurements are
urements as deemed appropriate by the Society. to be carried out either by a Surveyor of the Society or by a
The notation is completed by a letter A, B or C which repre- technician from a company recognised as suitable by the
sents the merit level achieved for the assignment of the Society. In the latter case, measurements are to be per-
notation, the merit A corresponding to the lowest level of formed under the surveillance of a Surveyor of the Society.
The notation COMF-NOISE is only assigned if at least merit 2 Definitions
level C is reached.
When the merit levels achieved for the passenger spaces (if
2.1 Categories of spaces
any) and the crew spaces are different, the notation is com- 2.1.1 General (1/7/2002)
pleted by the suffix:
For the purposes of this Section, a specific, comfort-related
• PAX, for passenger spaces, and categorisation of the ship spaces is used.
• CREW, for crew spaces.
2.1.2 Crew spaces (1/7/2014)
1.1.2 (1/7/2002) Crew spaces are defined according to Resolution MSC. 337.
Ships not classed by the Society complying with the
2.1.3 Passenger spaces (1/7/2014)
requirements of this Section are provided with a Certificate
With the exception of garages, washrooms and toilets, to
of Conformity which attests their comfort quality. The Certif-
which the requirements of this Section do not apply, pas-
icate is valid for a period of 5 years and may be extended, at
senger spaces are the following:
the request of the Owner, for an additional 5-year period
based on a limited set of measurements covering at least a) Standard cabins
5% of those made when the Certificate was first issued. Spaces for private use of the passengers, where the pri-
1.1.3 (1/7/2003) mary purpose is to rest.
The requirements apply to conventional passenger and b) Suites or mini-suites
cargo ships irrespective of the ship’s age, as far as reasona- Luxury finish cabins greater than 15m2 with private
ble and practicable, to the satisfaction of the Society. lounge area with an extension at least 30% of the total
For ships less then 65 m (length between perpendiculars),
special consideration will be given by the Society, in partic- c) Cabin with communicating door
ular concerning the requirements in [5]. Cabin that has a communicating door on a common
1.1.4 (1/7/2014) wall to another cabin.
Comfort noise notations for crew spaces are equivalent to d) Type A entertainment spaces
the noise level limits stated in IMO Resolution MSC.337(91) Enclosed spaces for passenger recreation and/or pro-
as follows: longed passenger stay where the noise level is normally
high when in use (e.g. discos, theatres, cinemas, casi-
• COMF-NOISE CREW A for ships with gross tonnage
nos, show rooms, etc.).
equal to or greater than 10,000 GT
e) Type B public spaces
• COMF-NOISE CREW B for ships with gross tonnage
from 1,600 GT up to 10,000 GT Enclosed spaces for passenger recreation and/or pro-
longed passenger stay where the noise level is not nor-
For ships not subject to the application of IMO Resolution mally high when in use (e.g. self service restaurants,
MSC.337(91), COMF-NOISE CREW C may be assigned. main restaurant, pullman seat rooms, lounge areas,

RINA Rules 2017 135

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 1

bars, gymnasiums, conference halls and similar spaces, CSR other than 85% MCR is to be used, if such condition
etc.). corresponds to the normal seagoing conditions.
f) Type C public spaces
2.4 Sound Index
Enclosed spaces for passenger recreation and/or pro-
longed passenger stay where the noise level is low (e.g.
2.4.1 Sound Reduction Index (Rw) (1/7/2014)
reading rooms, libraries, card rooms, chapels, special
restaurants, health centre, sitting rooms, small lounges According to EN ISO 717-1:2013 and EN ISO 10140-
and similar spaces, etc.). 2:2010, Rw is the laboratory measurement of individual air-
borne sound insulation of building elements.
g) Type D public spaces
Spaces where passengers are not normally expected to 2.4.2 Apparent Sound Reduction Index
stay long (e.g. shops, enclosed walkways, atriums, pas- (R'w) (1/7/2014)
senger laundrettes, halls and similar spaces, etc.). According to EN ISO 717-1:2013 and EN ISO 140- 4:1998,
h) Type E transit spaces R'w is the value of field measurements of total airborne
sound insulation between rooms.
Spaces where passengers are normally expected to stay
for a short period of time (e.g. corridors, stairs, etc.). Field measurements should be performed according to ISO
140-4:1998. When the area of the material tested is < 10
i) Type F open spaces m2, a minimum value of 10 m2 should be considered for the
Outside spaces for prolonged and/or recreational stay of calculation of the R'w index.
passengers (e.g. swimming pool area, jacuzzi area,
open walkways, sun decks, etc.).
2.5 Impact Sound Index (L'n,w)
2.1.4 Work Spaces (1/7/2003) 2.5.1 (1/7/2014)
Service spaces (such as galleys, serveries, pantries, techni- According to EN ISO 717-2:2013 and EN ISO 140-7:1998,
cal spaces, workshops, passageways etc.) with significant L'n,w is the value of field measurements of the impact sound
random noise levels or potential high noise levels above index of floors and ceiling assembly.
3 General requirements
2.2 Noise
2.2.1 (1/7/2002) 3.1 Design requirements
Noise is the audible sound wave level, generally of a ran-
dom nature, in the 20 to 18000 Hz frequency range. As far 3.1.1 Noise insulation characteristics of
as compliance with the requirements of this Section is con- barriers (1/7/2003)
cerned, noise is measured in the 31,5 to 8000 Hz frequency For the purpose of the requirements of this Section, the
range unless otherwise specified by the Society in special noise insulation characteristic of the divisions formed by
cases. walls, ceilings and floors is represented by the R'w, which is
measured in dB.
2.2.2 (1/7/2003)
For the purposes of this Section, A-weighted noise levels are Depending on the types of spaces separated by divisions
considered, measured in dB(A) by a precision sound level (vertical and horizontal), the R'w is to be at least as given in
meter with an accuracy grade of about ± 1 dB. Tab 1.
The individual noise insulation characteristic (Rw) of cabin
2.3 Operational power in the CSR condition divisions is to be selected as appropriate. It is recom-
mended that the R’w of all surfaces be considered during
2.3.1 (1/7/2002)
design, e.g. when carrying out the noise prognosis [3.1.4].
Operational power is the propulsion power, in kW, at which
the ship is normally operated. 3.1.2 Impact Sound Index characteristics of floor
and ceiling combinations (1/7/2002)
2.3.2 (1/7/2014)
For the purpose of the requirements of this Section, the
The operational power to be considered for the purpose of
impact sound insulation characteristic of a floor/ceiling
these Rules is 85% of the maximum continuous rate (MCR)
combination is represented by the L'n,w, which is measured
defined in the following as the continuous service rate
in dB.
(CSR) condition.
Depending on the types of floors above cabins, the mini-
Controllable pitch and Voith-Schneider are to be in normal
mum values of L'n,w are provided in Tab 2.
seagoing position.
For the purposes of Tab 2:
2.3.3 (1/7/2003)
Subject to the acceptance of the Society and to the agree- • soft floor is carpet, moquette and similar
ment of the Owner and shipyard, a propulsion power at • hard floor is marble, tiles, wood, resins and similar.

136 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 1

appropriate values of Rw of floors, bulkheads and ceilings

Table 1 : Noise insulation characteristics of the of cabins.
divisions (1/7/2014)

Division between: R'w (dB) 3.2 Construction requirements

A B C 3.2.1 Noise measurement plan (1/7/2003)

level level level A plan is to be prepared describing the proposed noise
• Suite or mini-suite / cabin (1) 43 40 35
measurement campaign developed in compliance with
[5.2]. The plan is to include the extension and classification
• Standard cabin / cabin (1) 40 37 35 of ship zones with the noise limit level with reference to the
• Disco / cabin 65 60 55
expected COMFORT level in compliance with [5.5] and the
proposed minimum number of measurements to be taken in
• Type A spaces / cabin 60 55 50 each ship space. The aim is to obtain a rational distribution
• Type B spaces / cabin 55 50 45
of measurement points throughout the ship.

• Type C spaces / cabin 50 45 40 3.2.2 Noise measurement report (1/7/2002)

In accordance with [8], the report is to contain:
• Type D spaces / cabin 50 45 40
• position of measurements points
• Corridors (Type E spaces) / suite 40 35 33
• measured noise levels according to [5]
• Corridors (Type E spaces) / cabin 37 33 30 • resulting global comfort level according to [7].
• Crew Cabin/ Accommodation 48 45 42 Furthermore, the following general data are to be recorded
and included in the report:
• Crew cabin/crew cabin 37 35 32 • ship loading condition
• Crew cabin/corridor 33 30 27 • propulsion machinery details
(1) Except for Cabin suite / cabin with communicating
• estimated water depth
door where the R'w limits are reduced by 3dB • estimated environmental conditions (wind and waves)
• presence of noise sources due to external factors such as
additional personnel, ongoing repairs or fitting work,
Table 2 : Impact Noise Insulation characteristics of etc;
floor (1/7/2003)
• values of measurements of R'w and L'n,w,if applicable.
Floor above cabin L'n,w (dB)
4 Documentation to be submitted
• Soft floor 50
• Hard floor 55 4.1 Acoustic insulation plan
• Dance floors, stages, gymnasium floor 45 4.1.1 (1/7/2002)
The acoustic insulation plan is to be submitted for informa-
3.1.3 Acoustic insulation plan (1/7/2003) tion as soon as available and well before the execution of
The acoustic insulation plan is a general arrangement plan the measurement campaign. Although the acoustic insula-
of the spaces considered in this Section where the following tion plan is not subject to approval, its submission is a nec-
information is provided: essary prerequisite for compliance with the requirements of
a) the types of space according to the categories given in this Section.
b) the value of the noise insulation characteristic (Rw) of 4.2 Noise Insulation characteristics
cabin walls and floors; 4.2.1 (1/7/2003)
c) the values of the impact sound index (L'n,w) above cab- The following information is to be submitted:
ins; a) For divisions delimiting cabin spaces:
d) any type of acoustic insulation, even if integrated with • Laboratory test certificate of sound reduction index
the fire and thermal insulation plan. Rw for each type of division installed on board
• Installation details of all panels and outfitting for
3.1.4 Noise design prognosis (1/7/2002)
walls and ceilings
A noise design prognosis is a forecast based on calculation
models, carried out at the design stage, of the expected • The apparent sound reduction index R'w prediction
noise levels in the ship spaces. of the on site values in the measurement points
specified in [6.1]
Although a noise design prognosis is not required to be sub-
mitted, it is recommended that it should be carried out by b) For floors and ceilings of cabins:
the Designer, in particular for passenger ships, in order to • Impact Sound Index L'n,w prediction of the on site
properly design the noise insulation system and to evaluate measured values as specified in [6.1].

RINA Rules 2017 137

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 1

4.3 Measurement plan Society and to the agreement of the Owner and ship-
yard. In the case of ships with dynamic positioning,
4.3.1 (1/7/2002)
measurements are to be carried out at 40 % of maxi-
The proposed measurement plan, developed according to
mum thruster power for the design environmental con-
[3.2.1], is to be submitted for information well in advance
ditions that the ship operates in.
of the measurement campaign.
5.1.6 Other equipment (1/7/2014)
4.4 Noise measurement results Subject to the acceptance of the Society and to the agree-
4.4.1 (1/7/2002) ment of the Interested party, equipment such as bow thrust-
A duly signed detailed report is to be submitted for ers, stabilising fins etc. is to be operating during
approval. The format shown in item [8] is recommended. measurements if it is necessary for the ship in normal oper-
ating conditions and in the environmental conditions speci-
The noise measurement report is to be witnessed by a repre-
fied in [5.1.4].
sentative of the Builder, the Owner, a representative of the
company which carried out the measurements and the Soci- With the above-mentioned equipment operating, special
ety's Surveyor in charge of surveillance of the measure- consideration may be given by the Society concerning the
ments. acceptable noise level as per [5.5].

5 Noise levels: testing conditions and 5.2 Measurement positions

acceptance criteria
5.2.1 General (1/7/2014)
5.1 Testing conditions Measurements are to be carried out in the most representa-
tive spaces defined in [2.1] close to the potential noise
5.1.1 General (1/7/2005) sources (engine casing, ventilation trunk, HVAC station,
Noise levels are to be measured according to ISO 2923 in machinery room, outlet fan, etc.) according to the following
the conditions defined below. Different conditions may be principles.
accepted as equivalent at the discretion of the Society. At the discretion of the Society, additional measurements
are to be performed to establish the extension of area with
5.1.2 Equipment running during the tests excessive noise levels.
During measurements, all auxiliary systems, forced ventila- In the assessment of the noise distribution, for all types of
tion and air conditioning systems (HVAC systems) and hotel enclosed spaces, only the points with an average value rep-
service systems are to be operating in normal service condi- resentative of an area larger than 50 m2 will be considered.
tions; as noise arising from every kind of unnecessary If a noise level difference greater than 5 dB(A) exists in the
human activity is to be avoided, in general only the person- same enclosed space, additional measurements in that
nel needed for the operation of the ship hotel activities and space are to be considered.
those carrying out the measurements are to be present.
When measuring noise levels close to intake and exhaust
During measurements all passenger entertainment systems openings, the microphone should, where possible, not be
are to be switched off. placed within a 30° angle away from the direction of the
Doors and windows are to be closed. gas stream and not less than a distance of 1 m from the edge
The rooms are to be fully equipped with furniture, furnish- of the intake or exhaust opening of engines, ventilation, air
ings, ceiling and actual deck covering (e.g. carpet, etc.). conditioning and cooler systems, and as far as possible from
reflecting surfaces according to ISO 2923.
5.1.3 Ship loading conditions (1/7/2002)
As far as practicable the ship loading conditions are to be as 5.2.2 Passenger spaces (1/7/2005)
close as possible to the normal operating conditions. a) Cabins, mini-suites and suites

5.1.4 Environmental conditions (1/7/2014) Measurements are to be carried out, based on the meas-
urement plan, in at least the most representative 30% of
Water depth is to be at least 10 times the medium ship
the cabins located between the stern and the forward
draught. In general, meteorological conditions are to be
bulkhead of the engine room and in the most represent-
within the following limits: ative 10% of the other cabins. The microphone position
• wind: not stronger than Beaufort 4 - strong breeze is to be located in the middle of the cabin at a height of
(speed 11 to 16 knots), 1.4 m from the deck. No microphone positions are to be
• waves: significant height 0,5 to 1 m. closer than 0,5m from the boundary surface of the
5.1.5 Propulsive Power (1/7/2014) Each tested cabin larger than 25 m2 is to contain at
a) Measurements are to be carried out with the ship at the least two measurements points, each point at 1/3 of the
operational power in the CSR condition in [2.3]. main dimension. At the discretion of the Society, addi-
b) Additional measurements are to be carried out at 100% tional measurements are to be carried out.
MCR and at x% MCR, the different propulsion power Only the average noise will be considered in the com-
with respect to CSR is subject to the acceptance of the fort level assessment of the cabin.

138 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 1

b) Enclosed passenger spaces (Type A, B, C, D and E This compliance is to be verified according to ISO 17025
spaces) (2005) at least every two years by an organisation recog-
Measurements are to be carried out in all such spaces nised by the Society.
with an extension larger than 150 m2. The date of last verification and confirmation of compliance
with relevant IEC standards is to be recorded. Calibration
One measuring point is to be placed (approximately)
sheets are to be provided.
every 100 m2 of area of the space under examination.
Spaces with an area smaller than 150 m2 are to be con- 5.4 Measurement procedure
sidered only if close to potential noise sources.
5.4.1 (1/7/2007)
c) Type F open spaces Measurements are to be carried out to estimate the sound
Measurements are to be carried out in all such spaces. pressure levels LP by averaging the noise level during at
In open recreational spaces, if designed for prolonged least 15s with the time-weighting slow (S). If the sound is
stay of passengers (e.g. swimming pool area), a meas- irregular with fluctuations exceeding ± 3 dB(A), the measur-
urement point is to be placed every 100 m2. For other ing time is to be extended to at least 30s. The measured
types of spaces a measurement point is to be placed value is to be rounded to the nearest integer.
every 200 m2. If the open space can be closed by means Noise level is to be measured in dB (A) units with the A-
of mobile elements, such space is to be considered an weighting curve.
enclosed space and subject to the relevant require-
A main vertical zone with excessive noise levels respect to
the expected limit is to be subjected to additional measure-
ments to highlight the extension of the spatial distribution of
5.2.3 Crew and work spaces (1/7/2014)
the noise.
Measurements are to be taken in at least:
The averaged space noise level, LAeq, representative of the
a) three points of the wheelhouse (one at the centre, one at COMFORT level of the space type is calculated on an
the ends, port or starboard and one of the navigating energy basis according to the following equation:
bridge wing on the lee side of the ship)
• Space less than 150 m2, LAeq is the average of the meas-
b) six cabins (including hospital) on each deck for each ured noise levels set for this space
main vertical zone (preferably two cabins at the centre, N
1 
and at the extremities two portside and two starboard   10 i 
------ Lp

 10
 =1
 

L Aeq = 10 log  i-------------------------- -
c) one point in manned wokspaces, closer than 1m from  N 
operating machinery, decks, bulkheads, air inlets. If it is  
 
not possible, the microphone should be in the middle
between the machinery and adjacent reflecting surface. • Spaces equal to or greater than 150 m2, LAeq is the
The -microphone position is to be located at a height of weighted average of the set of measured points taking
between 1,2 m to 1,6 m from the deck, platform or into account the effective area covered with the single
walkway. measured value
Measurements shall be taken at intervals not greater 
- Lp i 
 -----
 
than 3m around all sources (e.g. main turbines or
 
 S i 10 10 

engines, main gearing, boiler firing platform, compres-
L Aeq = 10 log  -------------------------------
i=1 
sor).  N 
 
d) at local control stations, e.g. the main manoeuvring or 

 Si 

emergency manoeuvring stand on the main engine and
the machinery control rooms. where:
e) in the workshops, in order to restrict the number of LPi : noise level of i-th point
measurements and recordings, the number of record- Si : area associated to the i-th noise level
ings can be reduced to a total of at least four measure- N : number of measurements
ments at each machinery space level up to upper deck.
Any other surveyed space larger than 60 m2 is to contain at 5.5 Acceptable noise levels in the CSR con-
least two measurement points. dition
5.5.1 (1/7/2003)
5.3 Instrumentation Limits for the calculation of the noise comfort level are
5.3.1 (1/7/2014) given in Tab 3, for each category of space.
Noise level measurements are to be carried out by means of For crew spaces on all types of ships the Society may accept
integrating-averaging sound precision level meters. These different values depending on the national requirements of
sound level meters are to comply with IEC 60942 (2003-01) the State whose flag the ship is flying, provided that such
or a standard accepted as equivalent by the Society. values are not higher than LB in Tab 3.

RINA Rules 2017 139

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 1

Table 3 : CSR condition - Noise limits levels (1/7/2014)

Type of space LA LB

Passenger spaces
Suite or mini-suite (S) 45 50
Standard cabins (Cb) 50 55
Type A, B and D spaces 55 60
Type C spaces 52 57
Type E spaces 60 65
Type F spaces (1) 65 70
Crew spaces
Crew cabins 55 60
Senior officer cabins 52 55
Navigation spaces / Radar room 65 65
Radio Room 60 60
Look-out posts, incl. navigating bridge wings and windows 70 70
Hospital 55 60
Public crew spaces 60 65
Work spaces without equipment operating 70 75
Workshops other than those forming part of machinery 85 85
Offices 60 65
Mess Room / recreation room 60 65
Engine Control Room 75 75
Crew open decks (2) 75 75
(1) +10 dB(A) if less than 1 m from the ventilation inlet/outlet
(2) + 5 dB(A) if less than 1 m from the ventilation inlet/outlet

5.5.2 (1/7/2014) b) Noise level Type A, B, C, D, E, F spaces greater than

For each measured space, the time-space averaged noise 150 m2
level, LAeq, calculated according to [5.4] is compared with 1) Comfort level is A if:
the limits in Tab 4. • all LAeq values are less than or equal to LA
a) Noise level: passenger cabins and Type A, B, C, D 2) Comfort level is B if:
spaces less than 150 m2 • all LAeq values are less than or equal to LB
1) Comfort level is A if: 3) Comfort level is C if:
• all LAeq values are less than or equal to LB, except
• all LAeq values are less than or equal to LA, or
for less than 10% of the total number of these
• all LAeq values are less than or equal to LA, except types of spaces on board, which are to be less
for less than or equal to 5% of the total number than or equal to LB + 5dB(A).
of spaces of these types. c) Noise level crew spaces
In any case, spaces with Laq exceeding La are to 1) Comfort level is A if:
be less than or equal to LB • all LAeq values are less than or equal to LA,
2) Comfort level is B if: 2) Comfort level is B if:
• all LAeq values are less than or equal to LB
• all LAeq values are less than or equal to LB
3) Comfort level is C if:
3) Comfort level is C if:
• all LAeq values are less than or equal to LB, except
• all LAeq values are less than or equal to LB + for the senior officer cabins, which are to be less
5dB(A). than or equal to LB + 5dB(A).

140 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 1

5.6 Noise levels at power other than the a) For each type of vertical and horizontal division, meas-
CSR urements are to be taken of acoustic insulation from air-
borne noise index R'Wmis.
5.6.1 Measurement positions (1/7/2005) R'Wmis values are to be compared with the limits in
The aim of these measurements is to verify that the noise Tab 1.
levels do not change excessively. The measurements are to b) For each kind of passenger space for standard cabins
involve critical areas up to 5% of the total number of meas- and suites [2.1.3], below different type of floor, meas-
urements on each deck taken at the CSR. Critical areas are urements are to be taken of acoustic insulation from
those where highest noise levels have been measured. impact sound L’n,Wmis.
Excluding outside recreational spaces, for each deck the Two types of floor are to be considered:
areas in way of the longitudinal position of the propeller • hard: marble, wood, tiles
and close to the engine casing are to be considered critical.
• soft: moquette, synthetic green.
5.6.2 Acceptable noise level in a condition other For each kind of floor measured values are to be com-
than the CSR (1/7/2005) pared with the limits in Tab 2.
The measured noise levels in the operating condition of 6.1.3 Measurement procedure (1/7/2003)
[5.1.5] b) LMCR (noise level at MCR) and Lx%MCR (noise level
Measurements of acoustic insulation indexes from airborne
at reduced power x% of MCR) are compared with the meas-
noise and from impact noise are to be taken according to
ured noise level at CSR, LA eq of [5.1.5] a).
ISO Standards in [2.4] and [2.5].
a) Comfort level is A if:
• all differences of the noise levels with the corre- 6.2 Acceptance criteria
sponding values at CSR are lower than or equal to 3 6.2.1 (1/7/2003)
dB(A), For each floor or wall measured according to [6.1.2] and
or with reference to the characteristic value of R’w in Tab 1 and
• the noise levels are less than or equal to LA + 5 L’n,w in Tab 2, the resulting comfort level is:
dB(A). A if:
b) Comfort level is B if: - Acoustic insulation of vertical division R’Wmis greater
than or equal to R’w at A level, and
• the noise levels are less than or equal to LB + 5
dB(A). - Acoustic insulation of horizontal division R’Wmis
between passenger cabin and type A spaces, greater
c) Comfort level is C if: than or equal to R’w at A level, and
• all differences of the noise levels with the corre- - Impact noise L’n,Wmis lower than or equal to L’nw
sponding values at CSR are greater than 5 dB(A).
B if:
6 Acoustic insulation characteristics: test- - Acoustic insulation of vertical division R’Wmis greater
than or equal to R’w at B level, and
ing conditions and acceptance criteria
- Acoustic insulation of horizontal division R’Wmis
between passenger cabin and type A spaces, greater
6.1 Testing conditions than or equal to R’w at B level
6.1.1 General (1/7/2003) C if:
Measurements also to be carried out in passenger cabins - Acoustic insulation of vertical division R’Wmis greater
according to the following indications. At the discretion of than or equal to R’w at C level, and
the Society, additional measurements are to be carried out - Acoustic insulation of horizontal division R’Wmis
in particular locations within the measurement area. between passenger cabin and type A spaces, greater
Measurements are also carried out in crew spaces if the than or equal to R’w at C level.
installation and assembly of barriers, ceiling, floors and
acoustic insulation is different from passenger spaces. 7 Global noise comfort level of the
The noise insulation characteristics of division (R'w) and the ship
impact noise characteristics of floors and ceilings (L'n,w) are
to be measured only in cabin areas with the ship at berth 7.1 General
once the installation of the walls, floors, ceilings and fur-
nishings is complete. 7.1.1 (1/7/2003)
The comfort level is rated on the basis of the actual rating
6.1.2 Measurement positions (1/7/2014) reached by noise levels and acustic insulation indexes, pro-
For each type of wall and deck division, measurements are vided that at least C level is reached.
to be taken for the cabin with the largest area separating For the purposes of these Rules, the global noise comfort
measured spaces. level is assigned as follows.

RINA Rules 2017 141

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 1

7.1.2 COMF-NOISE A (1/7/2003) 7.1.4 COMF-NOISE C (1/7/2009)

Comfort level is A, if: Comfort level is C, if one of the following:
• noise levels at the CSR in [5.5] • noise level at the CSR in [5.5]
• conditions other than the CSR in [5.6] • condition other than the CSR in [5.6]
• acoustic insulation indexes in [6.2] • acoustic insulation indexes in [6.2]
is C level.
are A level.
Note 1: In any case the three above-mentioned items are to be
7.1.3 COMF-NOISE B (1/7/2005) evaluated.

Comfort level is B, if one of the following:

• noise levels at the CSR in [5.5]
8 Report
• condition other than the CSR in [5.6]
• acoustic insulation indexes in [6.2]
8.1.1 (1/7/2003)
is B level (the others are to be A or B). The report for noise measurements is to contain the follow-
ing Tables.

Table 4 : Characteristics of the ship (1/7/2014)

Name of the ship

Register number - RI
Name and address of the Owner
Name and address of the Shipyard
Place of build
IMO number
Gross tonnage
Construction number
Type of ship
Length - L m
Breadth - B m
Depth - D m
Max. draught - T m
Displacement at draught T t
Date of keel laying
Date of delivery
Velocity at MCR knots
Propulsion Power at MCR kW
Propulsion Power at CSR kW %MCR

142 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 1

Table 5 : Characteristics of the machinery (1/7/2014)

Propulsion machinery
Number of units
Max. continuous power kW
Shaft speed rev./min
Auxiliary diesel engines
Output kW
Number of units
Main reduction gear
Type of propeller
Number of propellers
Number of blades
Shaft speed at MCR rev/min
Propeller Diameter m
Propeller Pitch at MCR

Controllable Pitch YES NO

Stabilising fins, bow thruster etc. YES NO

needed for normal operation:
Other (special propulsion and power configurations)
Engine room ventilation
Number of units
Fan Diameter m
Fan speed rpm/variable speed (Y/N)
Total pressure Pa
Airflow capacity m3/h

Table 6 : Measuring instrumentation - noise (1/7/2014)

Instrumentation / Manufacturer
Sound level meter
Calibration of the sound level meter
Date of calibration in laboratory
Date of calibration prior to measuring
Other equipment

RINA Rules 2017 143

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 1

Table 7 : Conditions during measurement (1/7/2005)

Starting time
End time
Position of the craft
Type of voyage
Conditions during measurement
Draught forward m
Draught aft m

Depth of water under keel m

Weather conditions
Wind force / speed Bf - m/s
Sea state / average wave height SS - m
Speed of the ship knots
Propeller shaft speed rev/min
Propeller pitch setting
Propulsion machinery speed rev/min
Propulsion machinery power kW
Percentage of the Maximum Continuous Rate % 100
No. of propulsion machinery units operating
No. of generators operating
No. of units of auxiliary machinery operating

Table 8 : Measuring results: measurements at operational power - details (1/7/2005)

Position No. Type of space: S [m2] LP LAeq LX%MCR LMCR

Cb: Std. Cabin; S: Suite or mini-suite;A, B, C, D, E, F; [dB(A)] [dB(A)] [dB(A)] [dB(A)]
Crew Cb: Crew Std. Cabin; Crew S: Senior officer cab-
ins ; Crew office, Crew workspace, Crew navigation
Crew public

Table 9 : Measuring results: measurements at operational power - summary (1/7/2003)

Total number of measurements Total number of Spaces

No. of measurements ≤ LA % of measurements ≤ LA

No. of measurements ≤ LB % of measurements ≤ LB

No. of measurements ≤ LB + 5 dB(A) % of measurements ≤ LB + 5 dB(A)

144 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 1

Table 10 : Measuring results: measurements in conditions other than the CSR - summary (1/7/2005)

No. of measurements x% MCR %

No. of measurements Lx%MCR -LAeq ≤ 3 dB or No. of measurements Lx%MCR ≤ LB + 5 dB (A)
Lx%MCR ≤ LA + 5 dB (A)

No. of measurements MCR %

No. of measurements LMCR -LAeq ≤ 3 dB or No. of measurements LMCR ≤ LB + 5 dB (A)
LMCR ≤ LA + 5 dB (A)

Table 11 : Measurements at berth (Acoustic insulation from airborne noise) (1/7/2003)

Type of wall:
Delimited spaces:
Position No. R'W measured R'W admitted Deviation [dB]


Table 12 : Measurements at berth (Acoustic insulation from impact sound) (1/7/2003)

Type of floor:
Above space:
Position No. L'n,W measured L'n,W admitted Deviation [dB]


RINA Rules 2017 145

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 2


1 General Society. In the latter case, measurements are to be per-

formed under the surveillance of a Surveyor of the Society.
1.1 Application
2 Definitions
1.1.1 (1/7/2007)
COMF-VIB notation, in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2,
2.1 Categories of spaces
[6.7.3] is assigned to ships classed by the Society and com-
plying with the requirements of this Section. 2.1.1 General (1/7/2002)
In the event that the ship undergoes modifications, refitting For the purposes of this Section, a specific, comfort-related
or repairs that may affect its level of comfort, the mainte- categorisation of the ship spaces is used.
nance of the notation is subject to the results of new meas-
urements as deemed appropriate by the Society. 2.1.2 Crew spaces (1/7/2002)
Crew spaces are those described in IMO Resolution
The notation is completed by a letter A, B or C which repre-
sents the merit level achieved for the assignment of the
notation, the merit A corresponding to the lowest level of 2.1.3 Passengers spaces (1/7/2002)
vibration. The notation COMF-VIB is only assigned if at With the exception of garages, washrooms and toilets, to
least merit level C is reached. which the requirements of this Section do not apply, pas-
When the merit levels achieved for the passenger spaces (if senger spaces are the following:
any) and the crew spaces are different, the notation is com- a) Standard cabins
pleted by the suffix:
Spaces for private use of the passengers, where the pri-
• PAX, for passenger spaces, and mary purpose is to rest.
• CREW, for crew spaces. b) Suites or mini-suites
1.1.2 (1/7/2002) Luxury finish cabins greater than 15m2 with private
Ships not classed by the Society complying with the lounge area with an extension at least 30% of the total
requirements of this Section are provided with a Certificate surface.
of Conformity which attests their comfort quality. The Certif- c) Type A entertainment spaces
icate is valid for a period of 5 years and may be extended, at Enclosed spaces for passenger recreation and/or pro-
the request of the Owner, for an additional 5-year period longed passenger stay where the noise level is normally
based on a limited set of measurements covering at least high when in use (e.g. discos, theatres, cinemas, casi-
5% of those made when the Certificate was first issued. nos, show rooms, etc.).
1.1.3 (1/7/2003) d) Type B public spaces
The requirements apply to conventional passenger and Enclosed spaces for passenger recreation and/or pro-
cargo ships irrespective of the ship’s age, as far as reasona- longed passenger stay where the noise level is not nor-
ble and practicable, to the satisfaction of the Society. mally high when in use (e.g. self service restaurants,
For ships of less than 65 m (length between perpendiculars), main restaurant, pullman seat rooms, lounge areas,
special consideration will be given by the Society, in partic- bars, gymnasiums, conference halls and similar spaces,
ular concerning the requirements in item [7]. etc.).
e) Type C public spaces
1.2 Basic principles Enclosed spaces for passenger recreation and/or pro-
1.2.1 (1/7/2002) lounged passenger stay where the noise level is low
(e.g. reading rooms, libraries, card rooms, chapels, spe-
These Rules define the limits of acceptability of vibration on
cial restaurants, health centre, sitting rooms, small
board, the methods for verification of compliance and the
lounges, and similar spaces, etc.).
criteria for acceptance. They are based, as appropriate, on
international standards and are deemed to preserve the gen- f) Type D public spaces
eral principles of such standards. Spaces where passengers are not normally expected to
1.2.2 (1/7/2002) stay long (e.g. shops, enclosed walkways, atriums, pas-
senger laundrettes, halls and similar spaces, etc.).
Verification of compliance is based on the measurements of
vibration levels in ship spaces. These measurements are to g) Type E transit spaces
be carried out either by a Surveyor of the Society or by a Spaces where passengers are normally expected to stay
technician from a company recognised as qualified by the for a short period of time (e.g. corridors, stairs, etc.).

146 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 2

h) Type F open spaces ship zones and the proposed minimum number of measure-
Outside spaces for prolonged and/or recreational stay of ments to be taken in each ship space. The aim is to obtain a
passengers (e.g. swimming pool area, jacuzzi area, rational distribution of measurement points throughout the
open walkways, sun decks, etc.). ship.

2.1.4 Work Spaces (1/7/2003) 3.2.2 Vibration measurement report (1/7/2003)

Service spaces (such as galleys, serveries, pantries, techni- A duly signed detailed report is to be submitted. The forms
cal spaces, workshops, passageways, etc.) with significant shown in item [8] may be used for this purpose.
random noise levels or potential high noise levels above The report is to contain:
• position of measurement points
• measured vibration levels
2.2 Vibration
• for each vibration measuring point, the spectrum of the
2.2.1 (1/7/2005)
structural velocity in the frequency range of investiga-
Time variation of the value of a physical quantity described tion, as produced by the portable analyser, together with
by either the motion or the position of a mechanical system an indication of the frequency and value of the main
when this value is alternatively greater or smaller than a peaks
mean reference value.
• resulting comfort level
As far as these Rules are concerned, the physical quantity
for reference is: in the frequency range from 1 to 5 Hz, the The following general data and conditions are to be
structural acceleration measure in mm/s2, and in the fre- recorded and included in the report:
quency range from 5 to 100 Hz, the structural velocity • ship loading condition
measure in mm/s.
• propulsion machinery, main auxiliaries, navigational
aids, radio and radar sets
2.3 Operational power in the CSR condition
• water depth
2.3.1 (1/7/2002)
• environmental conditions (wind and waves)
Operational power is the propulsion power, in kW, at which
the ship is normally operated.
4 Documentation to be submitted
2.3.2 (1/7/2003)
The operational power to be considered for the purpose of
these Rules is 85% of the maximum continuous rate (MCR) 4.1 Measurement plan
defined in the following as the continuous service rate 4.1.1 (1/7/2002)
(CSR) condition. The proposed detailed measurement plan, developed
2.3.3 (1/7/2003) according to [3.2.1], is to be submitted for approval well in
Subject to the acceptance of the Society and to the agree- advance of the measurement campaign.
ment of the Owner and shipyard, a propulsion power at
CSR other than 85% MCR is to be used, if such condition 4.2 Vibration measurement results
corresponds to the normal seagoing conditions.
4.2.1 (1/7/2002)
A duly signed detailed report is to be submitted for
3 General Requirements approval. The format shown in item [8] is recommended.
The vibration measurement report is to be witnessed by a
3.1 Design requirements representative of the Builder, the Owner, a representative of
the company which carried out the measurements and the
3.1.1 Vibration design prognosis (1/7/2002)
Surveyor in charge of surveillance of the measurements.
A vibration design prognosis is a forecast based on Finite
Element Models (FEM) of the full ship (3D models), carried
out early in the design stage, of the expected vibration 5 Measurements of vibration levels
velocities in the ship spaces.
Although a vibration design prognosis is not required to be 5.1 Testing conditions
submitted, it is recommended that it should be carried out
by the Designer, in particular for passenger ships, in order 5.1.1 General (1/7/2002)
to properly design the structural arrangements so as to pre- Vibration levels are to be measured in the conditions
vent high vibration levels. defined below. Different conditions may be accepted as
equivalent at the discretion of the Society.
3.2 Constructional Requirements As far as possible the ship is to proceed on a straight course.

3.2.1 Vibration measurement plan (1/7/2002) 5.1.2 Equipment running during the tests
A plan describing the proposed vibration measurement (1/7/2003)
campaign, in compliance with [5.2], is to be developed. During measurements, all auxiliary systems, forced ventila-
The plan is to include the extension and classification of tion and air conditioning systems (HVAC systems) and hotel

RINA Rules 2017 147

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 2

service systems are to be operating in normal service condi- are to be located in the zone between the ship's extreme aft
tions. and the forward bulkhead of the engine room.
The rooms are to be fully equipped with furniture, furnish- For crew spaces at least 6 measurements for each deck are
ings, ceiling and actual deck covering (e.g. carpet). to be taken.

5.1.3 Ship loading conditions (1/7/2002)

6 Instrumentation
As far as practicable the ship loading conditions are to be as
close as possible to the normal operating conditions.
6.1 General
5.1.4 Environmental conditions (1/7/2002) 6.1.1 (1/7/2007)
Water depth is to be sufficiently great and at least 10 times Vibration levels (Vmis) are to be recorded by means of a port-
the medium ship draught. able analyser (vibrometer) in the frequency domain (spec-
In general, meteorological conditions are to be within the trum). Instrumentation is to comply with the requirements
following limits: of ISO 8041. This compliance is to be verified at least every
• wind: not stronger than Beaufort 3 - strong breeze two years by an organizsation recognised by the Society.
(speed 7 to 10 knots), The date of last verification and confirmation of compliance
• waves: not stronger than force 3 - rough (significant with relevant standards is to be recorded. Calibration sheets
wave height 0,5 to 1,25 m). are to be provided.
Where applicable, the fast fourier transform (FFT) analyser
5.1.5 Propulsive Power (1/7/2005) settings to obtain the vibration spectrum are to be the fol-
a) Measurements are to be carried out with the ship work- lowing:
ing at the operational power in the CSR condition in • frequency range 1 - 100 HZ
• time window type hanning with overlap equal to 2/3 or
b) Additional measurements are to be carried out at 100% 3/4 (66,7% or 75%)
MCR and at x% MCR, the different propulsion power • number of spectral line at least 400
with respect to CSR is subject to the acceptance of the
Society and to the agreement of the Owner and ship- • linear or exponential averaged spectra.
yard. Different instrumentation settings will be considered by the
Society on a case-by-case basis.
5.1.6 Other equipment (1/7/2003)
Subject to the acceptance of the Society and to the agree-
ment of the interested party, equipment such as bow thrust-
6.2 Measurement procedure
ers, stabilising fins etc., is to be operating during 6.2.1 (1/7/2005)
measurements if it is necessary for the ship to proceed in Vibration level measurements are to be carried out by
normal seagoing conditions and in the environmental con- recording the 0 - peak value of harmonic components of
ditions specified in [5.1.4]. structural acceleration, in mm/s2 in the frequency range
With the above-mentioned equipment operating, special form 1 to 5 Hz and the structural velocity, in mm/s, in the
consideration may be given by the Society concerning the frequency range from 5 to 100 Hz, by means of a portable
acceptable vibration level as per [7]. analyser connected to an accelerometer.
Alternatively, Root Mean Square (RMS) values may be
5.2 Measurement positions recorded instead of the 0 - peak values. It is noted that RMS
values correspond to the 0 - peak value divided by 21/2.
5.2.1 General (1/7/2003)
The vibration levels of the spectra line are to be averaged
Measurements are to be carried out in the spaces defined in over a length of time of at least 30 s. If significant evidence
[2.1] according to the general principles of ISO 4867-1984 of modulation appears in the vibration levels, the spectrum
and ISO 4868-1984. At the discretion of the Society, addi- will be averaged over a length of time of 60 s.
tional measurements are to be carried out where evidence
In the comfort level assessment, for each measurement
of local vibration occurs.
position only the maximum vibration among the vertical,
For reference purposes, the components of vibration at least transversal or longitudinal components will be considered.
in 2 points on the same deck as close as possible to the lon-
gitudinal position of the propeller(s), one on the centreline,
one on the side, are to be measured. It is recommended that
7 Acceptance Criteria
for these 2 points, a real-time record of vibration with the
time histories wave-form and the frequency spectra is pro- 7.1 Vibration levels in the CSR condition
vided. 7.1.1 (1/7/2005)
5.2.2 (1/7/2003) For each type of space, limit values (Vlim) depending on the
In passenger spaces, at least 10 measurements points for vibration comfort level are given in Tab 1, as well as in
each deck, with at least 3 measurements for the main verti- Fig 1, which also shows the numerical limits (constant
cal zone, are to be taken. 50 % of the measurement points acceleration curve) for frequencies below 5 Hz.

148 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 2

Values of vibration levels above Vlim may be neglected pro- Figure 1 : All ships (1/7/2002)
• they do not concern more than 10 % of the total area of
deck within the main vertical zone

Maximum Peak Value (mm/s)

and they are below:
• Vlim + 1,5 mm/s for for frequency f: 5 ≤ f ≤ 100 Hz. 25,20
• amis ≤ alim + 47,1 mm/s2 for frequency f: 1 ≤ f ≤ 5 Hz.



7.2 Vibration levels at different condition 10

than CSR C5 5,0
7.2.1 (1/7/2005) C4
The aim of these measurements is to verify that on each C2 2,5
deck the vibration levels are not excessive. The measure-
ments are to involve critical areas up to 10 % of the total C1

number of measurements for each deck, taken at the opera- 1

tional power. 1 10 100

Critical areas are those where highest vibration levels have Frequency (Hertz)
been measured.
For each critical area the measured values are to be com- 7.3 Comfort Levels
pared with the following vibration limits. 7.3.1 (1/7/2005)
Comfort level is assigned if at least: The comfort level is rated on the basis of the actual rating
• Vmis ≤ Vlim + 2,0 mm/s for frequency f: 5 ≤ f ≤100 Hz. reached by vibration level, provided that at least C level is
• amis ≤ alim + 62,8 mm/s2 for frequency f: 1≤ f ≤ 5 Hz. reached.
The global vibration comfort level is assigned as follows:
a) Comfort level is A if:
• at CSR all Vmis ≤ VA, and
• the criteria in [7.2.1] in a condition other than the
CSR are satisfied
b) Comfort level is B:
• at CSR all Vmis ≤ VA,
• at CSR all Vmis ≤ VB, and the criteria in [7.2.1] in a
condition other than the CSR are satisfied
c) Comfort level is C if at CSR all:
• Vmis ≤ VB + 1,5 mm/s for frequency f: 5 ≤ f ≤100 Hz.
• amis ≤ aB + 47,1 mm/s2 for frequency f: 1≤ f ≤ 5 Hz.

RINA Rules 2017 149

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 2

Table 1 : CSR condition - Vibration limit levels (1/7/2005)

Type of Spaces VA VB

1< f < 5 Hz 5≤ f ≤ 100 Hz 1< f < 5 Hz 5≤ f ≤ 100 Hz

Passenger spaces Acceleration 0-peak Vibration 0-peak mm/s Acceleration 0-peak Vibration 0-peak mm/s
mm/s2 (RMS values = (RMS values = Peak / mm/s2 (RMS values = (RMS values = Peak /
Peak / 21/2) 21/2) Peak / 21/2) 21/2)

Suites or mini-suites 31,4 1,0 78,5 2,5

Standard cabins 47,1 1,5 94,3 3,0
Type A, B, and D spaces 62,8 2,0 125,7 4,0
Type C spaces 47,1 1,5 94,3 3,0
Type E spaces 62,8 2,0 157,1 5,0
Type F spaces 94,3 3,0 157,1 5,0
1< f < 5 Hz 5≤ f ≤ 100 Hz 1< f < 5 Hz 5≤ f ≤ 100 Hz
Crew spaces Acceleration 0-peak Vibration 0-peak mm/s Acceleration 0-peak Vibration 0-peak mm/s
mm/s2 (RMS values = (RMS values = Peak / mm/s2 (RMS values = (RMS values = Peak /
Peak / 21/2) 21/2) Peak / 21/2) 21/2)

Crew cabins 62,8 2,0 110,0 3,5

Senior crew cabins 47,1 1,5 94,3 3,0
Navigation spaces 78,5 2,5 125,7 4,0
Radio Room 78,5 2,5 125,7 4,0
Hospital 47,1 1,5 94,3 3,0
Public crew spaces 78,5 2,5 157,1 5,0
Service spaces 78,5 2,5 157,1 5,0
Work spaces 78,5 2,5 125,7 4,0
Offices 78,5 2,5 125,7 4,0
Mess Room 78,5 2,5 125,7 4,0
ECR 78,5 2,5 125,7 4,0
Crew open deck 94,3 3,0 157,1 5,0

8 Report

8.1.1 (1/7/2002)
The report for vibration measurements is to contain the fol-
lowing tables.

150 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 2

Table 2 : Characteristics of the ship (1/7/2005)

Name of the ship

Register number RI
Name of the Owner
Name of the shipyard
Construction number
Type of ship
Length - L m
Breadth - B m
Depth - D m
Max. draught - T m
Displacement at draught T t
Velocity at MCR knots
Propulsion Power MCR kW
Propulsion Power CSR KW %MCR

Table 3 : Characteristics of the machinery (1/7/2003)

Propulsion machinery
Number of units
Max. continuous power kW
Shaft speed rev./min

Type of propeller
Number of propellers
Number of blades
Shaft speed at MCR rev/min
Propeller Diameter m
Propeller Pitch at MCR

Controllable Pitch YES NO

Stabilising fins, bow thruster etc. YES NO

needed for normal operation:

Table 4 : Measuring instrumentation - vibration (1/7/2002)

Instrumentation / Manufacturer

RINA Rules 2017 151

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 2

Table 5 : Conditions during measurement (1/7/2005)

Starting time
Finishing time
Position of the craft
Type of voyage
Conditions during measurement
Draught forward m

Draught aft m
Depth of water under keel m
Weather conditions

Wind force / speed Bf -m/s

Sea state / average wave height SS -m
Speed of the ship knots
Propeller shaft speed rev/min
Propeller pitch setting
Propulsion machinery speed rev/min
Propulsion machinery power kW
Percentage of the Maximum Continuous Rate % 100
No. of propulsion machinery units operating
No. of generators operating
No. of units of auxiliary machinery operating

Table 6 : Measuring results: measurements at operational power - details (1/7/2005)

Position No. Type of space: Freq. Vmis [hz] Vmis 0 - peak Vmis 0 - peak Vmis 0 - peak
Cb: Std. Cabin; S: Suite or mini- [mm/s] CSR mm/s MCR mm/s x%MCR
suite;A, B, C, D, E, F; Crew Cb:
Crew Std. Cabin; Crew S: Sen-
ior officer cabins ; Crew office,
Crew workspace, Crew naviga-
tion, Crew public

Table 7 : Measuring results: measurements in the CSR condition - summary (1/7/2005)

Total number of measurements

No. of measurements ≤ VA % of measurements ≤ VA

No. of measurements ≤ VB % of measurements ≤ VB

No. of measurements ≤ VB + 1 mm/s % of measurements ≤ VB + 1,0 mm/s

152 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 2

Table 8 : Measuring results: measurements in conditions other than the CSR - summary (1/7/2005)

No. of measurements x% MCR %

No. of measurements x% MCR ≤ VA + 2 mm/s % ≤ VA + 2 mm/s

No. of measurements x% MCR ≤ VB + 2 mm/s % ≤ VB + 2 mm/s

No. of measurements MCR %

No. of measurements MCR ≤ VA + 2mm/s % ≤ VA + 2 mm/s

No. of measurements MCR ≤ VB + 2mm/s % ≤ VB + 2 mm/s

RINA Rules 2017 153

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3


1 General where minimum comfort is necessary to prevent human

errors due to excessive stress of the crew, caused by an
unsatisfactory climatic condition in those spaces where
1.1 Application activities essential for the safety of the ship are per-
1.1.1 Premise
The feeling of comfort with regard to climate is subjective
and depends on many different factors, such as environ- 1.2 Definitions
mental factors (air temperature, temperature gradient, ther-
mal radiation, light, air speed, humidity, etc.) and personal 1.2.1 HVAC
factors (metabolism, state of person’s health, clothing, activ- HVAC is a combined heating-ventilation-air conditioning
ity, etc.). This makes it almost impossible to determine a system.
standard which may establish satisfactory conditions for all
people. 1.2.2 Crew accommodation
However, there are certain ranges of temperatures, humid- Crew accommodation includes cabins, offices, hospitals,
ity, air speed, etc. that may give a feeling of comfort to the mess rooms, recreation rooms and open deck areas to be
majority of healthy people, wearing standard type of clothes used by the ship’s officers and crew.
and performing normal activity in a certain space, the
number of unsatisfied people being limited to a small per- 1.2.3 Passenger accommodation
centage of the total occupants of such a space. Passenger accommodation includes all areas intended to be
used by the passengers.
The purpose of these Rules is to establish a number of cli-
matice parameters that can satisfy the majority of crew and
1.2.4 Public spaces
passengers on a ship and the way to ascertain that the
HVAC system of the ship is adequate to provide such a) Public spaces are all those spaces allocated to passen-
arrangements in all the design conditions. gers, including public spaces for prolonged and/or rec-
reational stay, as well as spaces for non prolonged
1.1.2 Application passenger stay.
a) The notation COMF-AIR, in accordance with Pt A, b) Service stairs and garages are not considered as part of
Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.7.4], will be granted to ships complying this definition.
with the requirements of this section.
c) As far as these Rules are concerned, the following defi-
b) The notation COMF-AIR may have one of the suffixes W nitions of enclosed public spaces are used:
and/or S meaning that the HVAC system has been satis-
factorily tested in Winter and/or Summer conditions, 1) Type A spaces:
respectively, as stated in [1.5.1]. Enclosed spaces for either passenger recreation
c) These Rules apply to spaces in which there are normally and/or prolonged passenger stay intended for inten-
crew members and passengers (accommodation spaces- sive physical activity (discos, gymnasiums, etc.)
for crew and passengers, wheelhouses, control rooms, 2) Type B spaces:
Enclosed spaces for either passenger recreation
d) The Rules are not applicable to service spaces, such as and/or prolonged passenger stay intended for
laundries, galleys, workshops, stores, service stairs and medium physical activity or which are normally
garages, which are to comply with the existing applica- crowded (restaurants, bars, cinemas, gaming rooms,
ble national standards (if any). conference halls, theatres, casinos, lounges, etc.)

1.1.3 Ship categories 3) Type C spaces:

Ships are divided into two main categories, taking into con- Enclosed spaces for either passenger recreation
sideration the specifics of the ship in the air control field, and/or prolonged passenger stay intended for light
and the technical feasibility for the ship to comply with physical activity (reading rooms, libraries, card
these Rules at a reasonable cost: rooms, chapels, etc.)
a) Passengers ships, including cruise ships, ferries and lin- 4) Type D spaces
ers, in which comfort needs particular care. Spaces where passengers are not normally expected
b) Heavy duty ships, namely all types of cargo ships, to stay long (shops, enclosed walkways, halls, corri-
including tankers, container ships, bulk carriers, etc. dors, etc.).

154 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

1.2.5 Passenger cabins, suites and mini-suites The refrigeration of the air may be obtained by one of
the following methods:
Passenger cabins, suites and mini-suites are spaces for pri-
vate use of passengers. • by expansion of the refrigerant;

1.2.6 Climate • by heat exchange with a flow of cooled air. In such

case the refrigerating unit includes the pumping sys-
Climate is the set of physical factors that affect the feeling of tem necessary for the circulation of the secondary
comfort or discomfort of persons in a certain environment. refrigerants.

1.2.7 Ambient temperature (internal) b) The thermal unit includes one or more heat exchangers
The ambient temperature is the average temperature result- for the production of the hot water necessary to heat the
ing from a number of different temperature measurements air, the control and regulation apparatus, as well as the
taken in a certain time in a specific space. pumping system for the circulation of the hot water.

1.2.8 Temperature gradient 1.2.16 Air treatment unit

For the purpose of these Rules, the temperature gradient is The air treatment unit is an adequately fitted and insulated
the vertical difference in temperature in a certain location metallic box containing all the equipment (fans, cold and
between a point located at a distance of 0,1 m from the hot heat exchangers, humidifying filters, condensate water
floor and a point located at a distance of 1,7 m from the collecting pans, etc.) necessary to treat the external air and
floor. to prepare the mixture of air to be sent to the various
1.2.9 Outside air temperature
The outside air temperature is the temperature measured 1.3 Basic principles
outside the space considered in a position which is not
exposed to the sun. 1.3.1 Compliance with the Rules

1.2.10 Dry bulb temperature Compliance with these Rules is verified by means of plan
review and measurements to be carried out on board in the
The dry bulb temperature is the temperature indicated by a conditions and locations indicated in this Section.
dry temperature-sensing element shielded from the effects
of radiation.
1.3.2 Measurements
1.2.11 Wet bulb temperature The measurements, required by this Section, are to be taken
The wet bulb temperature is the temperature measured by a either by a Surveyor from the Society or by a technician
thermometer whose bulb is covered by a wetted wick and from a company recognised as suitable by the Society. In
exposed to a current of rapidly moving air. the latter case, measurements are to be carried out under
the surveillance of a Surveyor.
1.2.12 Relative humidity
1.3.3 International standards
Relative humidity is the ratio between the mass of vapour
present in a volume of air and the mass of vapour required These Rules are based on the most recent international
to saturate the same volume of air. standards and requirements relevant to climatic condi-
tions. Tab 1 lists some of these standards. The list is given
1.2.13 Air velocity for information; where some of the listed standards have
more severe requirements than those indicated in this Sec-
Air velocity is the mean velocity of a mass of air. tion, compliance with the following requirements is con-
sidered sufficient for the issuance of the COMF-AIR
1.2.14 Draught notation, unless otherwise indicated.
Draught is the local cooling of the body due to air move-
ment. In general this is an unpleasant feeling.
1.4 Documentation to be submitted
1.2.15 Thermo-refrigerating station
1.4.1 Description of HVAC system
The thermo-refrigerating station includes the refrigerating
units and the thermal units. A description of the HVAC system is to be submitted to the
Society. Such description is to include the technical specifi-
a) The refrigerating unit includes one or more refrigerant cation of the system and the design criteria.
compressors with associated condensers and evapora-
tors, with the relevant control and regulation apparatus, The subsequent analysis will be used as the basis for the
as well as the sea water pumping system for cooling the assessment of the results of the measurements on board (see
condenser. [1.5.1] and [3.2.4]).

RINA Rules 2017 155

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

Table 1 : International standards

Standard Number Title

ISO 7726 Thermal environments - Instruments and methods for measuring physical quantities
ISO 7730 Moderate thermal environments - Determination of PMV and PPD indices
ISO 7547 Air conditioning and ventilation of accommodation spaces on board ships - Design
considerations and basis of calculations
ISO 8862 Air conditioning and ventilation of machinery control rooms on board ships - Design
conditions and basis for calculations
ISO 8864 Air conditioning and ventilation of wheelhouse on board ships - Design conditions
and basis for calculations
ANSI 55-1992 Thermal environmental conditions for human occupancy
ANSI 62-1989 Ventilation for acceptable indoor air quality
ANSI 1995 Handbook HVAC applications
ANSI 1997 Handbook Fundamentals
WHO (1) EURO reports and studies Indoor air pollutants -Exposure and health effects
78, 83
WHO (1) Series 23,1987 Air quality guidelines for Europe
(1) World Health Organization

1.4.2 Measurement plan the design outside air temperature and the
a) In order to obtain the notation, measurements of tem- design indoor temperature.
perature, air velocity and humidity are to be taken as • Weather conditions may be cloudy to partly
indicated in [3.1] and [3.2]. cloudy sky.
b) A detailed measurement plan is to be submitted, in 2) Summer conditions
order to assess compliance with these Rules.
• Difference of temperature between actual out-
c) The plan is to include: side air temperature and design indoor tempera-
• extension and classification of ship zones ture not less than 50% of the difference between
• position of ventilation and HVAC system inlets and the design outside air temperature and the
outlets design indoor temperature.
• type and minimum number of measurements to be • Difference of humidity between actual outside
taken in each ship space concerned air humidity and indoor humidity not less than
• proposed locations of measurement points 50% of the difference between the design out-
side air humidity and the design indoor humid-
• expected environmental conditions during the
• Weather conditions are to be clear to partly
1.5 Measurements on board cloudy sky.
b) Subject to satisfactory completion of one of the two sets
1.5.1 Measurement conditions of measurements, the COMF-AIR notation followed by
a) Due to the impossibility of performing enough repre- the appropriate suffix W or S, depending on the actual
sentative measurements to demonstrate the functioning testing conditions, will be granted to the ship. Subject to
of the HVAC in the full range of design climatic environ- satisfactory completion of the second set of measure-
mental conditions, at least two sets of measurements are ments, if requested by the Owner, the full COMF-AIR
to be performed to represent the Winter and Summer notation (without any limitation) will be granted. In gen-
conditions respectively, as follows: eral this second set of measurements is to be performed
1) Winter conditions within one year from the completion of the first set.
• Difference of temperature between actual out- c) The results of these two sets of measurements will be
side air temperature and design indoor tempera- compared with the documents mentioned in [1.4.1]
ture not less than 50% of the difference between and [3.2.4]. Where these results are not found to be in

156 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

substantial agreement, additional measurement sets 2.2 Design details

may be requested by the Society.
2.2.1 Temperature control
d) In the case of ships mainly intended for particular
trades, alternative requirements may be considered by a) An adequate system for the control and the regulation of
the Society on a case -by-case basis. the temperature is to be provided.
b) For passenger ships all the above regulators fitted in the
1.5.2 Reporting of results suites, mini-suites and passenger cabins are to be
a) Upon completion of a measurement set, as per [1.4.2] arranged with a device for automatic regulation of the
[1.5.1]and [3.2], a detailed report is to be submitted. temperature.
The forms shown in [5] may be used for this purpose.
2.2.2 Temperature gradient
b) The report is to contain:
The temperature gradient, as defined in [1.2.8], is not to
• position of measurement points exceed 3 ° C.
• measured levels
2.2.3 Temperature difference
c) The following general data and conditions are to be In general the difference in temperature between two differ-
recorded and included in the report: ent locations at the same level (height from the floor) of a
• ship loading condition space is not to exceed 2 °C.
• propulsion machinery, main auxiliaries, navigational
2.2.4 Floor temperature
aids, radio and radar sets
The surface temperature of the floors is to be not less than
• water depth 19°C and not greater than 26°C. Where a floor heating sys-
• environmental conditions. tem is used, different values may be agreed with the Society.

2.2.5 Service continuity

2 Basic design requirements
a) A reduction of the plant capability due to a failure of
equipment is acceptable for the refrigerating part of the
2.1 Design criteria system.

2.1.1 General b) In the case of any failure of the plant, it is to be capable

of continuing to work in those spaces which are not
Alternative design conditions may be used, provided affected by the failure.
acceptable technical justification are forwarded to the Soci-
ety. 2.2.6 Machinery and equipment
The various system components such as prime movers,
2.1.2 Air design temperature
compressors, pressure vessels, heat exchangers, ducts, fil-
a) The design outside air temperature is to be taken as fol- ters, etc. are to be designed, built and tested in accordance
lows: with the applicable parts of the Rules.
not over - 5 °C, 2.3 Ventilation
• SUMMER 2.3.1 Calculation of air supply
not less than + 32 °C. The supply of air to each space is to be calculated in
b) The design inside air temperatures are given in [3.2]. accordance with the Standard “ISO 7547”, considering the
gross volume of the space considered without any deduc-
2.1.3 Sea water design temperature tion for furniture and other stationary equipment.
The design sea water temperature is to be taken as follows: 2.3.2 Air recirculation
• WINTER The air supply may partly consist of recirculated air. How-
not more than - 2 °C, ever, the supplied air to each space is to have an airflow of
outdoor air not less than 0,008 m3/s for each person for
which the space is designed, or equal to at least 40% of the
not less than 30 °C. total supplied air, whichever is the greater.

2.1.4 Humidity 2.3.3 Air temperature

a) The design outside relative humidity in Summer is to be The temperature at the inlet of the air supplied to a space is
taken not less than 70%. to be:
b) The design inside relative humidity in Winter and in • not less than 10 °C lower than the average temperature
Summer is to be in accordance with [3.2.5], however in in the space , when in the cooling mode;
any case it is to be not less than 30% and not more than • not more than 23 °C higher than the average tempera-
60%. ture in the space, when in the heating mode.

RINA Rules 2017 157

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

2.3.4 Air velocity tenance without stopping the entire system, and shutting off
For air velocity design requirements see [3.2.10]. only one section of the plant at a time for a limited period.

2.3.5 Air quality 2.6 Inspection and tests during manufactur-

a) Ventilation ducts are to be constructed and maintained ing
in such a way as to minimise the opportunities for the
growth and dissemination of micro-organism through 2.6.1 Prime movers, compressors, pressure vessels, heat
the ventilation system. exchangers, ducts, etc. are to be tested at the Manufac-
b) Airborne particulate contaminants, such as microrgan- turer’s premises in accordance with the applicable parts of
isms, dust, fumes, smoke, and other dangerous sub- the Rules.
stances are to be captured by adequate filters and/or
dust collectors. 2.7 Inspection and testing after completion
2.3.6 Filters 2.7.1 Hydrostatic tests
a) Filters are to be of a type that is easy to clean or replace After installation on board and prior to starting operation,
and only requiring the shut off for a limited time of the the plant is to be subjected to a test at its maximum working
ventilation of one sector of the ship. pressure.
b) Tab 2 indicates the minimum required filtering capacity However, all pressure piping portions which have welded
for certain spaces of the ships. joints made on board are to be subjected to a strength test at
a pressure equal to 1,5 times the rated working pressure
Table 2 : Filtering capacity before being insulated.
Minimum dimensions of
2.7.2 Tests of the ventilation system
90% of particles trapped by
Space new filters in micron a) After installation, the ventilation system is to be tested
and the pressure, air capacity in cubic metres per
Passenger Heavy cargo
ships ships
minute, maximum rotational speed and power absorbed
by the fans are to be recorded.
Suites or mini-suites 1 -
b) The distribution of air in the various spaces is to be
Standard passenger cabins 4 -
Type A recreational space 4 -
c) The setting systems of the various plants are to be tested.
Type B recreational space 4 -
Type C recreational space 1 - 2.7.3 Water system tests
Type D recreational space 9 - The hot and cold water system is to be subjected to working
Wheelhouse 4 4
Radio room 4 4 2.7.4 Operational tests
Crew cabins 9 9 For the operational tests on board see [1.5] and [3.2].
Offices 4 9
Mess rooms 9 9 3 Experimental test criteria
Hospitals 1 4
3.1 General
Engine control rooms 9 9
3.1.1 Different conditions may be considered, if accepted,
2.3.7 Alternative ventilation system as equivalent for the purposes of these Rules at the discre-
An alternative natural or forced ventilation system is to be tion of the Society.
provided for wheelhouses, control rooms and hospitals, in
case of a major failure of the main HVAC system.
3.2 Comfort level
2.4 Calculations of heat gains and losses 3.2.1 Parameters to be measured

2.4.1 The calculations of heat gains and losses are to be a) In each of the spaces indicated in Tab 3 the following
carried out by means of a Standard acceptable to the Soci- parameters are to be measured and recorded:
ety, using parameters obtained from standards, experience, • Ambient temperature (internal)
direct measurement and data banks. • Average air velocity
• Average relative humidity.
2.5 Maintenance
b) Additional measurements of temperature gradient and
2.5.1 The HVAC is to be designed and arranged in such a floor temperature in certain representative locations will
way as to enable inspections, cleaning and ordinary main- be agreed on a case-by-case basis with the Society.

158 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

3.2.2 Measurement positions • Other spaces having a floor surface greater than 60
a) Measurements are to be taken in all the public and m2, 1 measurement point for the first 60 m2 plus 1
working spaces as well as in at least one cabin for each measurement point for every additional 80 m2 (or
type and for each plant sector; however not more than fraction) of floor surface.
30% of the cabins, suites and mini-suites need to be
tested. e) The temperature measurements are to be taken either in
the middle of the space concerned (when only one
b) The cabins selected for the measurements are to be
measurement point is foreseen) or in positions which
evenly distributed in the various decks and fire zones of
can be considered representative of the whole space
the ship.
(when more than one measurement point is foreseen).
c) For small passenger ships and heavy cargo ships, at least However, the distance of the measurement points from
three cabins are to be measured for each deck and/or the walls and/or the HVAC system inlets and outlets is
each fire zone. not to be less than 0,5 m. The distance of the measure-
d) The minimum number of measuring points is to be as ment points from the floor is to be between 1,0 m and
follows: 1,7 m.
• Cabins having a floor surface equal to or less than
25 m2, 1 measurement point. 3.2.3 Temperature ranges
• Suites, mini-suites and hospitals having a floor sur- Tab 3 indicates the nominal ranges of the reference temper-
face greater than 25 m2, 1 measurement point for ature To in Winter and in Summer conditions in the various
every additional 25 m2 (or fraction) of floor surface. spaces of the ship. The values actually obtained during the
• Other spaces having a floor surface equal to or less measurement are to be within the limits indicated in Tab 3,
than 60 m2, 1 measurement point. as modified in [3.2.6] [3.2.7], [3.2.8], [3.2.9].

Table 3 : Reference internal temperature ranges

Winter conditions Summer condition

Passenger ships Heavy cargo ships Passenger ships Heavy cargo ships
Max To Min To Max To Min To Max To Min To Max To Min To
(°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C) (°C)
Suites or mini-suites 23 22 - - 25 22 - -
Standard passenger cabins 23 22 - - 26 22 - -
Type A space 23 20 - - 26 22 - -
Type B space 23 21 - - 26 22 - -
Type C space 23 22 - - 26 22 - -
Type D space 23 21 - - 26 22 - -
Wheelhouse 23 22 23 22 25 22 25 22
Safety stations 23 22 23 22 25 22 25 22
Crew cabins 23 20 23 21 26 22 26 22
Offices 23 22 23 21 25 22 25 22
Mess rooms 23 21 23 21 26 22 26 22
Hospitals 23 22 23 22 25 22 25 22
Engine control rooms 23 22 23 22 25 22 25 22

RINA Rules 2017 159

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

Figure 1 : Psychrometric chart

3.2.4 Evaluation and correction of measured data c) All other spaces

Where the measurements are carried out with an outside air Comfort level is considered satisfactory if:
temperature different from the design temperature, the
measured values are to be checked against the lines of a all Tmeas values are between Tmax - 2 °C and Tmax + 1,5
compensation chart prepared by the shipyard and accepted °C, except for less than 30% of measured values, which
by the Society. are to be not less than Tmin - 1,5 °C

d) Fig 2 gives a graphic representation of the temperature

3.2.5 Relative humidity comfort limits for passenger ships in Winter conditions.
For all the spaces indicated in Tab 3 the measured relative
humidity is to be contained in the shadowed area of the 3.2.7 Temperature comfort limits for heavy cargo
psychrometric chart in Fig 1. ships in Winter conditions
For each measured temperature, the Tmeas values are to be
3.2.6 Temperature comfort limits for passenger
compared with Tab 3.
ships in Winter conditions
For each measured temperature, the Tmeas values are to be a) Wheelhouses, radio rooms, safety stations and hospitals
compared with Tab 3. Comfort level is considered satisfactory if:
a) Suites or mini-suites, type C spaces, hospitals all Tmeas values are between Tmin- 0,5 °C and Tmax + 1,5
Comfort level is considered satisfactory if: °C, except for less than 30% of measured values, which
are to be not less than Tmin - 1 °C.
all Tmeas values are between Tmax - 1 °C and Tmax + 1,5
°C, except for less than 20% of measured values, which b) All other spaces
are to be not less than Tmin - 0,5 °C.
Comfort level is considered satisfactory if:
b) Passenger cabins, type A, B and D spaces, wheelhouses, all Tmeas values are between Tmin- 0,5 °C and Tmax +1,5
safety stations, control rooms
°C, except for less than 30% of measured values, which
Comfort level is considered satisfactory if: are to be not less than Tmin - 2 °C.
all Tmeas values are between Tmax - 1,5 °C and Tmax + 1,5 c) Fig 2 gives a graphic representation of the temperature
°C, except for less than 20% of measured values, which comfort limits for heavy cargo ships in Winter condi-
are to be not less than Tmin - 1 °C. tions.

160 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

Figure 2 : Temperature comfort limits in Winter conditions (passenger and heavy cargo ships)

3.2.8 Temperature comfort limits for passenger 3.2.9 Temperature comfort limits for heavy cargo
ships in Summer conditions ships in Summer conditions
For each measured temperature, the Tmeas values are to be
compared with Tab 3. For each measured temperature, the Tmeas values are to be
compared with Tab 3.
a) Suites or mini-suites, type C spaces, hospitals
Comfort level is considered satisfactory if: a) Wheelhouses, safety stations, control rooms and hospi-
all Tmeas values are between Tmin - 0,5 °C and Tmin + 2,5 tals
°C, except for less than 20% of measured values, which
are to be not greater than Tmax + 0,5 °C Comfort level is considered satisfactory if:
b) Passenger cabins, type A, B and D spaces, wheelhouses, all Tmeas values are between Tmin - 1 °C and Tmax + 0,5
safety stations, control rooms
°C, except for less than 30% of measured values, which
Comfort level is considered satisfactory if:
are to be not greater than Tmax + 1,5 °C.
all Tmeas values are between Tmin - 1 °C and Tmin + 3 °C,
except for less than 20% of measured values, which are b) All other spaces
to be not greater than Tmax + 1 °C.
Comfort level is considered satisfactory if:
c) All other spaces
Comfort level is considered satisfactory if: all Tmeas values are between Tmin -1,5 °C and Tmax + 1 °C,
all Tmeas values are between Tmin - 1,5 °C and Tmin + 3,5 except for less than 30% of measured values, which are
°C, except for less than 20% of measured values, which to be not greater than Tmax + 2 °C.
are to be not greater than Tmax + 1,5 °C.
d) Fig 3 gives a graphic representation of the temperature c) Fig 3 gives a graphic representation of the temperature
comfort limits for passenger ships in Summer condi- comfort limits for heavy cargo ships in Summer condi-
tions. tions.

RINA Rules 2017 161

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

Figure 3 : Temperature comfort limits in Summer conditions (passenger and heavy cargo ships)

3.2.10 Air velocity ranges

Tab 4 indicates the ranges of the air velocity in Winter and
Summer conditions.

Table 4 : Air velocity ranges

Passenger ships Heavy cargo ships

Space Max air velocity Min air velocity Max air velocity Min air velocity
(m/s) (m/s) (m/s) (m/s)
Suites or mini-suites 0,25 0,15 - -
Standard passenger cabins 0,35 0,25 - -
Type A recreational space 0,40 0,25 - -
Type B recreational space 0,40 0,25 - -
Type C recreational space 0,35 0,20 - -
Type D recreational space 0,40 0,25 - -
Wheelhouse 0,30 0,20 0,30 0,20
Safety station 0,30 0,20 0,30 0,20
Crew cabins 0,40 0,25 0,45 0,30
Offices 0,35 0,25 0,45 0,30
Mess rooms 0,40 0,25 0,45 0,30
Hospitals 0,25 0,15 0,25 0,15
Engine control rooms 0,30 0,20 0,30 0,20

162 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

3.3 Notation for passenger ships 4.1.2 Calibration

Measuring instruments are to be properly calibrated accord-
3.3.1 For passenger ships the notations may be granted ing to a recognised standard.
even though the comfort level of the spaces not commonly
used by the passenger does not reach the values established
for such spaces, provided they can at least reach the values 5 Appendix 1 - Forms
established for the same spaces in heavy cargo ships.
5.1 Characteristics of the ship
4 Testing procedures
5.1.1 Tab 5 indicates the suggested format for recording
data relative to the ship.
4.1 Instrumentation
5.2 Characteristics of machinery
4.1.1 Thermometers
Temperature and humidity are to be measured by wet-and- 5.2.1 Tab 6 indicates the suggested format for recording
dry bulb thermometers or by other approved methods. data relative to the ship machinery.

Table 5 : Characteristics of the ship

Characteristics of ship
Name of the ship
Register number - RI
Port of registry
Name of the shipowner
Name of the shipyard
Place of building
Construction number
Type of ship
Dimensions Length - Lpp (m)
Breadth -B (m)
Depth - D (m)
Max. draught - T (m)
Displacement at draught T
Date of delivery

Table 6 : Characteristics of machinery

Characteristics of machinery
Propulsion machinery Manufacturer
Number of units
Max continuous power (kW)
Shaft speed (rev/min)
Main reduction gear Manufacturer
Reduction ratio
Type of propeller Type of propellers
Number of propellers
Number of blades
Shaft speed at max. continuous
power (rev/min)
Main auxiliaries Manufacturer
Number of units
Max continuous power (kW)

RINA Rules 2017 163

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

5.3 Measuring instruments 5.5 Measuring results

5.3.1 Tab 7 indicates the suggested format for recording 5.5.1 The following tables are an outline of the general
data relative to the measuring instruments. scheme in which the measurement positions of the climate
are indicated.
5.4 Conditions during measurement
5.4.1 Tab 8 indicates the suggested format for recording
data relative to the conditions during measuring.

Table 7 : Measuring instruments

Characteristics of instruments
Instrument Manufacturer Type of instrument
Calibration of the Date in labora-
thermometer tory

Date prior to

Calibration of the Date in labora-

anemometer tory

Date prior to

Table 8 : Conditions during measurement

Conditions during measurements

Starting time
Finishing time
Position of the ship
Type of voyage
Conditions during measurement Draught forward (m)
Draught aft (m)
Depth water under keel (m)
Weather conditions Wind force / speed (Bf -m/s)
Sea state / average wave height (SS -m)
Average outside air temperature
Speed of the ship (knots)
Propeller shaft speed (rev/min)
Propeller pitch
Propulsion machinery speed (rev/min)
Propulsion machinery power (kW)
No. of operating propulsion machineries
No. of D/A operating engines
No. of auxiliary machineries

164 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

5.5.2 Tab 9, Tab 10, Tab 11 and Tab 12 are the suggested 5.5.3 Tab 13, Tab 14, Tab 15 and Tab 16 are the suggested
formats for recording the measurements carried out in suites formats for recording the measurements carried out in pas-
or mini-suites, type C recreational spaces and hospitals. senger cabins, type A, B and D spaces, wheelhouses, safety
stations, control rooms.

Table 9 : Suites, mini-suites, type C recreational spaces and hospitals - Measurement in Winter conditions - Detail

Outside air ambient
Position internal air
Type of space 2
Area (m ) Humidity AVmeas temperature temperature
number temperature
Ta (internal)
To (1)

(1) Ambient temperature (internal) corrected in accordance with [3.2.4]

Table 10 : Suites, mini-suites, type C recreational spaces and hospitals -

Measurement in Winter conditions - Summary

Total number of measurements

Operative temperatures Air velocity Humidity
Measurement Number % Measurement Number % Max. Min.
Tmax-0,5≤Τo≤Tmax+1,5 AVmeas≤ AVmin

AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,05

Tmax-1≤To≤Tmax+1,5 AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,05

AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,10

Tmin≤To≤Τmax+1,5 AVmeas≤ AVmax

Tmin−1≤To≤Τmax+1,5 AVmeas≤ AVmax+0,10

Table 11 : Suites, mini-suites, type C recreational spaces and hospitals -

Measurement in Summer conditions - Detail
Outside air Corrected
ambient tem-
Position tempera- internal air
Type of space Area (m2) Humidity AVmeas perature
number ture temperature
Ta To (1)
(1) Ambient temperature (internal) corrected in accordance with [3.2.4]

RINA Rules 2017 165

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

Table 12 : Suites, mini-suites, type C recreational spaces and hospitals -

Measurement in Summer conditions - Summary

Total number of measurements

Operative temperatures Air velocity Humidity
Measurement Number % Measurement Number % Max. Min.
Tmin-0,5≤To≤Tmin+0,5 AVmeas≤ AVmin

AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,05

Tmin-0,5≤To≤Tmin+2,5 AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,05

AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,10

Tmin-0,5≤To≤Tmax AVmeas≤ AVmax

Tmin-0,5≤To≤Tmax+1 AVmeas≤ AVmax+0,10

Table 13 : Passenger cabins, type A, B, D recreational spaces, wheelhouses, safety stations, control rooms -
Measurement in Winter conditions - Detail

Outside ambient
Position air tem- tempera-
Type of space Area (m2) Humidity AVmeas air tem-
number perature ture (inter-
Ta nal)
To (1)

(1) Ambient temperature (internal) corrected in accordance with [3.2.4]

Table 14 : Passenger cabins, type A, B, D recreational spaces, wheelhouses, safety stations, control rooms -
Measurement in Winter conditions - Summary

Total number of measurements

Temperatures Air velocity Humidity
Measurement Number % Measurement Number % Max. Min.
Tmax-1≤To≤Tmax+1,5 AVmeas≤ AVmin

AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,1

Tmax-1,5≤To≤Tmax+1,5 AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,1

AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,15

Tmin≤To≤Tmax+1,5 AVmeas≤ AVmax

Tmin-1,5≤To≤Tmax+1,5 AVmeas≤ AVmax+0,15

166 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

Table 15 : Passenger cabins, type A, B, D recreational spaces, wheelhouses, safety stations, control rooms -
Measurement in Summer conditions - Detail

Outside rected
Position air tem- internal
Type of space Area (m2) Humidity AVmeas tempera-
number perature air tem-
Ta perature
To (1)

(1) Ambient temperature (internal) corrected in accordance with [3.2.4]

Table 16 : Passenger cabins, type A, B, D recreational spaces, wheelhouses, safety stations, control rooms -
Measurement in Summer conditions - Summary

Total number of measurements

Operative temperatures Air velocity Humidity
Measurement Number % Measurement Number % Max. Min.
Tmin-1<To<Tmin+1 AVmeas≤ AVmin

AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,1

Tmin-1<To<Tmin+3 AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,1

AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,15

Tmin-1<To<Tmax+0,5 AVmeas≤ AVmax

Tmin-1<To<Tmax+1,5 AVmeas≤ AVmax+0,15

5.5.4 Tab 17, Tab 18, Tab 19 and Tab 20 are the suggested
formats for recording the measurements carried out in all
other spaces in passenger and heavy cargo ships.

Table 17 : Other spaces - Measurement in Winter conditions - Detail

Outside rected
Position air tem- internal
Type of space Area (m2) Humidity AVmeas tempera-
number perature air tem-
Ta perature
To (1)

(1) Ambient temperature (internal) corrected in accordance with [3.2.4]

RINA Rules 2017 167

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

Table 18 : Other spaces - Measurement in Winter conditions - Summary

Total number of measurements

Operative temperatures Air velocity Humidity
Measurement Number % Measurement Number % Max. Min.
Tmax-1,5≤To≤Tmax+1,5 AVmeas≤ AVmin

AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,15

Tmax-2≤To≤Tmax+1,5 AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,15

AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,2

Tmin-0,5≤To≤Tmax+1,5 AVmeas≤ AVmax+0,05

Tmin-2≤To≤Tmax+1,5 AVmeas≤ AVmax+0,2

Table 19 : Other spaces - Measurement in Summer conditions - Detail

Outside rected
Position air tem- internal
Type of space Area (m2) Humidity AVmeas tempera-
number perature air tem-
Ta perature
To (1)

(1) Ambient temperature (internal) corrected in accordance with [3.2.4]

Table 20 : Other spaces - Measurement in Summer conditions - Summary

Total number of measurements

Operative temperatures Air velocity Humidity
Measurement Number % Measurement Number % Max. Min.
Tmin-1,5≤To≤Tmin+1,5 AVmeas≤ AVmin

AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,15

Tmin-1,5≤To≤Tmin+3,5 AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,15

AVmeas≤ AVmin+0,2

Tmin-1,5≤To≤Tmax+1 AVmeas≤ AVmax+0,05

Tmin-1,5≤To≤Tmax+2 AVmeas≤ AVmax+0,2

168 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

Figure 4 : Principle of operation of a psychrometer

6 Measurement of humidity ter), or by sucking air with a microturbine or a small

ventilator driven by an electric or mechanical motor. In
general, small sized temperature sensors require lower
6.1 Measuring of the absolute humidity
minimum air velocities.
using psychrometry
d) The dry and wet thermometers are to be protected from
6.1.1 Principles radiation by a screen. When the mean radiant tempera-
a) A psychrometer consists of two thermometers and a ture is higher or lower than the air temperature, the air
device to ensure ventilation of the thermometers at a temperature sensor is to be protected by using one or
minimum air velocity (see Fig 4). more screens. As the wet temperature may also be dif-
ferent from the mean radiant temperature, it is important
b) The first thermometer is an ordinary thermometer indi-
that the thermometer be protected.
cating the air temperature ta. This will be referred to as
the "dry" temperature of the air as opposed to the "wet" e) The wick around the wet thermometer is to extend
temperature indicated by the second thermometer. beyond the sensitive part of the sensor in order elimi-
nate errors due to thermal conduction in the thermome-
c) The latter consists of a thermometer surrounded by a
ter. If this precaution is not taken, the sensitive part of
wet wick generally made from close-meshed cotton.
the sensor cooled by evaporation is at the wet tempera-
The end of the wick lies in a container of water. The
ture, whereas the non-sensitive part, not being cooled,
water is raised by capillary attraction from the container
is at the air temperature. This results in a transfer of heat
to the thermometer and then evaporates at a rate
conduction between the two parts and consequently in
dependent upon the humidity of the air. This results in a
an error in the measurement of the wet temperature. The
greater cooling of the thermometer the drier the air (this
wet wick is therefore to extend sufficiently far along the
cooling is limited by the heat transfer due to air convec-
thermometer to cool the thermometer beyond the sensi-
tion). The temperature indicated by the thermometer
tive part. Tab 21 indicates the wick lengths which have
surrounded by the wet wick is referred to as the wet
been recommended for different types of thermometer.
temperature (psychometric) tw.
f) The water wetting the wick is to be distilled water, since
d) The observed dry temperature and wet temperature are
the water vapour pressure in the case of salt solutions is
used in the determination of the absolute humidity of
less than that in the case of pure water.
the air.
g) The wick of the wet thermometer is to allow the water to
6.1.2 Precaution to be taken using a psychrometer circulate easily by capillary attraction particularly when
a) Unless proper precautions are taken during measure- the absolute humidity of the air is low. In the latter con-
ment, the simplicity of the principle and the use of a dition, the increased evaporation of water at the ther-
psychrometer can lead to very considerable measuring mometer requires the water to rise quickly from its
errors. reservoir. The wick is to be replaced, if soiled.
b) The psychometric wet temperature is not be confused h) It is necessary to measure the barometric pressure when
with the natural wet temperature which is measured this deviates perceptibly (2 %) from 101,3 kPa. As the
using a naturally ventilated sensor with a wet wick. phenomenon of evaporation depends on the atmos-
c) The wet thermometer is to be ventilated at a sufficient pheric pressure (variable in particular as a function of
velocity generally at least within 4 or 5 m/s. The air may altitude), it is necessary to use charts corresponding to
be renewed either by rapidly moving the wet thermom- the barometric pressure measured.
eter manually in the environment (whirling psychrome-

RINA Rules 2017 169

Pt F, Ch 6, Sec 3

Table 21 b) The relative humidity e is the ratio between the partial

pressure of water vapour pa, in humid air and the water
Type Diameter (mm) Wick length (mm) vapour saturation pressure pas at the same temperature
Mercury thermometer All 20 (above the bulb) and the same total pressure.

1,2 60 p
e = ------a
Thermocouple 0,45 30 p as
0,12 10
c) The relative humidity is often expressed as a percentage
6.2 Relative humidity in accordance with the following relationship:
6.2.1 RH = 100 ⋅ e
a) The values giving the composition of the air in terms of
water vapour in relation to the maximum amount it can d) With regard to the heat transfer between man and his
hold at a given temperature characterise the relative environment by evaporation, it is the absolute humidity
humidity of the environment. of the air which needs to be taken into account.

170 RINA Rules 2017

Part F
Additional Class Notations

Chapter 7














RINA Rules 2017 171

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 1



1 General 2 Definitions

1.1 Application 2.1

1.1.1 (1/7/2013) 2.1.1 (22/10/2008)
The additional class notation GREEN PLUS is assigned, in Definitions are those given in:
accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.8.4] a), to: • MARPOL 73/78 as amended and
• sea going ships • App 1.
• ships intended to operate at a fixed location
• barges not provided with machinery spaces,
3 Documents to be submitted
designed and provided with systems, components and pro- 3.1
cedural means to control and prevent the emission of pol-
3.1.1 (1/7/2012)
luting substances into the sea, the air and, more in general,
the environment, in accordance with the requirements of The general list of plans and documents to be submitted is
[6.1], [6.2] and [6.3] as applicable. given in Tab 1. Plans and documents relating to systems,
components and procedural means not adopted to build the
Solid cargo handling systems which may be a source of sea ship’s environment index need not be submitted. The Soci-
or air pollution (e.g. those handling coal, iron ore, sulphur, ety reserves the right to request the submission of additional
etc.) are to be designed to minimize their environmental documents in the case of non-conventional design or if it is
impact according to Sec 6, [3]. deemed necessary for the evaluation of the systems and
The additional class notation GREEN PLUS T is assigned, in components.
accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.8.4] b), to ships
intended to operate at a fixed location, complying with
GREEN PLUS and Sec 6 requirements.
A Certificate of Compliance may be issued to ships not
classed with the Society, fulfilling the requirements of this

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted (1/7/2012)

No. A/I (1) Document

1 I Ship Environmental Management Plan
2 A Drawings with indication of capacities of fuel, sludge and lubricating oil tanks and distances from the base line and
shell plates
3 A Tank general arrangement plan showing the bilge tanks, their capacities and alarms
4 I General arrangement plan with indication of the zone intended for the stowage of packaged harmful substances in
relation to the other zones of the ship
5 I Plans of systems and equipment to discharge harmful substances in case of emergency and to dispose of and wash
possible leaks
6 A Tank general arrangement plan showing the treated sewage holding tanks, their capacities and their alarms
7 I Tank general arrangement plan showing the grey water holding tanks, their capacities and relevant alarms
8 A Ballast water management plan
9 A Garbage management plan including information on garbage treatment equipment and its control and monitoring
10 I General arrangements of refrigeration plants including the indication of retention facilities
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies; I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.

RINA Rules 2017 173

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 1

No. A/I (1) Document

11 I Data sheets with list of intended refrigerants to be used in the different refrigeration systems, their quantities and their
12 I Data sheets with the list of fixed fire-fighting means used, their quantities and GWP values
13 I Detailed plans of systems and equipment to limit SOx emission
14 I Drawings of fuel oil system, arrangements and procedures for use of separate fuel oil
15 A Green Passport Plus
16 A EEDI calculation
17 I Hull transom design study
18 I Calculation relevant to high performing propellers
19 I Study for the reduction of fuel
20 I Noise assessment and measurements
21 I Visual impact assessment
22 I Illumination plan and Light pollution assessment
23 I Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA)
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies; I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.

4 Requisites 4.2 Basic systems, components and proce-

dural means
4.1 General requirements 4.2.1 (1/7/2009)
4.1.1 (1/7/2012) Basic systems, components and procedural means, a ship is
A Ship Environmental Manager, as defined in App 1, [1.2], to be equipped with, are those defined in the requirements
is to be appointed and present on board (for barges not pro- of the IMO Conventions in force, as applicable to the ship.
vided with machinery spaces, the presence of the Ship Envi-
ronmental Manager on board is not required).
4.3 Additional systems, components and
4.1.2 (1/7/2012)
procedural means
An Environmental Management Plan, specific to the ship, is
to be made available on board. The Plan is to contain at 4.3.1 (1/7/2009)
least the procedures listed in App 2, [3]. The list of additional systems, components and procedural
4.1.3 (22/10/2008) means which can be considered for the assignment of the
Adequate training on environmental issues is to be planned, notation and the values to be used for the calculation of the
carried out and documented for all the persons on board relevant environmental index, as indicated in [5], are given
having influence on the environmental behavior of the ship. in the third and fourth column of Tab 2, respectively.

174 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 1

Table 2 : Additional systems, components and procedural means (1/1/2014)

No. Pollution source Item mental
( App 2)
1 Oil from Machinery Spaces Bilge Water Treatment (15 ppm with alarm and automatic stop) 2 (1) [1.1.1]
Bilge Water Treatment (5 ppm with alarm and automatic stop) 5 (1) [1.1.2]
Bilge Water Treatment (5 ppm with alarm, automatic stop and 7 (1) [1.1.3]
Bilge oil tank 2 [1.1.4]
Retention on board 8 [1.1.5]
Restrictions in the use of ship's fuel tanks for ballast 1 [1.1.6]
Fuel oil tank protection by means of tank boundary distance 8 (2) [1.1.7]
from the ship side and bottom
Fuel oil tank protection by means of outflow calculation 5 (2) [1.1.8]
Lubricating oil and sludge tank protection by means of tank 7 (3) [1.1.9]
boundary distance from the ship side and bottom
Lubricating oil and sludge tank protection by means of outflow 5 (3) [1.1.10]
Oil tank overflow 1 [1.1.11]
Gutters 1 [1.1.12]
Dry bilge concept 3 [1.1.13]
Sludge oil collection and handling facilities 2 [1.1.14]
Water-lubricated stern tube bearings 5 [1.1.15]
Magnetic coupling on oil pumps 5 [1.1.16]
Biodegradable and low aquatic toxicity lube oil 5 [1.1.17]
Restriction in the use of hydraulic plants 7 [1.1.18]
2 Solid bulk cargo storage Systems to minimize the dispersion of cargo environmentally 10 [1.2.1]
hazardous dusts
Cargo moisture level increasing systems 15 [1.2.2]
3 Sewage Treatment plant: effluent quality as per IMO MEPC.2(VI) 2 (4) [1.3.1]
Treatment plant: effluent quality as per IMO MEPC.159(55) 5 (4) [1.3.2]
Advanced treatment plant or additional polishing stage: effluent 8 (4) [1.3.3]
quality as per ADEC Title XIV (33 CFR Part 159 Subpart E)
Holding tank 3 (5) [1.3.4]
Retention on board 5 (5) [1.3.5]
Sewage record book 2 [1.3.6]
(1) to (9) With reference to the items where a note (1) to (9) appears, only one corresponding environmental index is assignable.
(10) applicable only to ships intended to operate at a fixed location.
(11) to be weighted.

RINA Rules 2017 175

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 1

No. Pollution source Item mental
( App 2)
4 Grey water Treatment plant: effluent quality as per IMO MEPC.2(VI) 3 (6) [1.4.1]
Treatment plant: effluent quality as per IMO MEPC.159(55) 7 (6) [1.4.2]
Advanced treatment plant or additional polishing stage: effluent 10 (6) [1.4.3]
quality as per ADEC Title XIV (33 CFR Part 159 Subpart E)
Holding tank 3 (7) [1.4.4]
Retention on board 5 (7) [1.4.5]
Grey water record book 2 [1.4.6]
5 Garbage Garbage Management Plan 2 [1.5.1]
Recycling 5 [1.5.2]
Advanced recycling 10 [1.5.3]
6 Other sources Ballast water exchange 5 [1.6.1]
Ballast water treatment 10 [1.6.2]
Marine growth prevention systems 3 [1.6.3]
Collection of spillage/ leakage of environmental hazardous sub- 3 [1.6.4]
Biodegradable and low aquatic toxicity lubricants 3 [1.6.5]
Limitation of hot water discharge (10) 5 [1.6.6]
Retention of dirty water from cargo area (10) 7 [1.6.7]
7 Ozone-depleting substances Refrigerating facilities 5 [2.1.1]
Restrictions in the use of GWP substances 10 (11) [2.1.2]
8 Green house gases and pollut- Non fossil fuels (use of electric power generators and/or propul- 30 (11) [2.2.1]
ants sion systems that do not use prime movers generating GHGs
and pollutants (e.g. sails, fuel cells, etc.))
Second generation of bio-fuels 20 (11) [2.2.2]
Cold ironing 5 [2.2.3]
Tool to manage handling and consumption of fuels 2 [2.2.4]
Computerized system to monitor fuel consumption 3 [2.2.5]
Support tool to assist the Master in keeping most efficient sail- 10 [2.2.6]
ing draft and trim
Energy saving and energy conservation 5 [2.2.7]
Fuel Consumption Decision Support Solution 10 [2.2.8]
Optimization of Air Conditioning (AC) plant (including passive 5 [2.2.9]
means to decrease AC demand, e.g. reflective glazing)
(1) to (9) With reference to the items where a note (1) to (9) appears, only one corresponding environmental index is assignable.
(10) applicable only to ships intended to operate at a fixed location.
(11) to be weighted.

176 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 1

No. Pollution source Item mental
( App 2)
Low energy consumption lights 5 [2.2.10]
Hull transom design (adoption of means capable to increase 3 [2.2.11]
propulsion efficiency by minimum 0,5% at design speed)
Stabilizer openings 3 [2.2.12]

8 Silicone-based antifouling paint 10 [2.2.13]

con. Fluoropolymer antifouling paint 15 [2.2.14]
Fins on propeller boss cups 3 [2.2.15]
High-performing propellers (capable to increase propulsion 5 [2.2.16]
efficiency by minimum 1%)
Installation of high efficiency (IE2) and premium efficiency (IE3) 3 (11) [2.2.17]
9 NOx Gas to liquids (GTL) fuels (NOx emission lower than the limits 15 (11) [2.3.1]
as per Annex VI to MARPOL 73/78 as amended from prime
movers and auxiliary boilers)
Fossil fuel pre-treatment (e.g. water emulsion), or water injec- 10 (11) [2.3.2]
tion into combustion chamber, or scavenging air, or combina-
tion of these (NOx emissions lower than the limits as per Annex
VI to MARPOL 73/78 as amended from prime movers and aux-
iliary boilers)
Dual-fuel engines running with LNG (NOx emissions lower 15 [2.3.3]
than the limits as per Annex VI to MARPOL 73/78 as amended
from prime movers)
Exhaust gas treatment (abatement of not less than 85% of total 20 [2.3.4]
generated NOx by prime movers)
NOx emissions monitoring and recording 3 [2.3.5]
10 SOx SOx limits (global 3% and SECA as required by MARPOL 73/78 5 (8) [2.4.1]
Annex VI)
SOx limits (global 1.0% and SECA as required by MARPOL 10 (8) [2.4.2]
73/78 Annex VI)
SOx limits (0,1%) 25 (8) [2.4.3]
Gas to liquids (GTL) fuels 10 (11) [2.4.4]
Blending fossil fuel with second-generation bio-fuels 10 (11) [2.4.5]
Dual-fuel engines running with LNG (gasoil only used as back- 10 [2.4.6]
up in an emergency)
Exhaust gas treatment (abatement of not less than 85% of total 20 [2.4.7]
generated SOx by prime movers)
SOx emissions monitoring and recording 3 [2.4.8]
(1) to (9) With reference to the items where a note (1) to (9) appears, only one corresponding environmental index is assignable.
(10) applicable only to ships intended to operate at a fixed location.
(11) to be weighted.

RINA Rules 2017 177

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 1

No. Pollution source Item mental
( App 2)
11 Particulates Gas to liquids (GTL) fuels (lower PMs emissions) 20 (11) [2.5.1]
Fuel treatment (lower PMs emissions achieved by fossil fuel pre- 15 (11) [2.5.2]
treatment (e.g. water emulsion), or blending of pre-treated fos-
sil fuel with second-generation bio-fuels, or combination of
Lower PMs emission achieved by modifications in prime mov- 15 (11) [2.5.3]
ers (e.g. common rail) that do not increase other pollutants and
GHGs emissions
Dual-fuel engines running with LNG (gasoil only used as back- 20 [2.5.4]
up in emergency)
Exhaust gas treatment (abatement of not less than 85% of total 10 [2.5.5]
generated PMs by prime movers)
12 CO2 Gas to liquids (GTL) fuels (reduction in CO2 emission) 10 (11) [2.6.1]

Blending fossil fuel with second-generation bio-fuels (reduction 10 (11) [2.6.2]

in CO2 emission)

Dual-fuel engines running with LNG (gasoil only used as back- 5 [2.6.3]
up in emergency)
CO2 monitoring and recording 3 [2.6.4]

Attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) ≤ Required EEDI 2 (9)

(Phase 0)
Attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) ≤ Required EEDI 4 (9)
(Phase 1) [2.6.5]

Attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) ≤ Required EEDI 6 (9)

(Phase 2)
Attained Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) ≤ Required EEDI 10 (9)
(Phase 3)
13 Noise Noise level assessment and implementation of the noise mitiga- 10 [2.7.1]
tion measures
14 Visual intrusion (10) Visual impact assessment and implementation of the esthetical 3 [2.8.1]
mitigation measures
Light pollution assessment and mitigation 5 [2.8.2]
15 Assessment and monitoring (10) Environmental Risk Assessment (ERA) 5 [2.9.1]
Annual monitoring of air quality 2 [2.9.2]
Annual monitoring of seawater quality 2 [2.9.3]
Annual monitoring of terrestrial and marine flora 2 [2.9.4]
15 Annual monitoring of terrestrial and marine fauna, including 2 [2.9.5]
con. migrant animals
Periodic ambient and underwater noise monitoring and 2 [2.9.6]
16 Ship at scrap Ship recycling - Green Passport Plus 5 [2.10.1]
(1) to (9) With reference to the items where a note (1) to (9) appears, only one corresponding environmental index is assignable.
(10) applicable only to ships intended to operate at a fixed location.
(11) to be weighted.

178 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 1

4.4 Applicable requirements 6.3 Barge not provided with machinery

4.4.1 (22/10/2008)
6.3.1 (1/7/2012)
The applicable requirements for each basic and additional
system, component installed and procedural means The additional class notation GREEN PLUS is assigned to a
adopted are given in App 2. barge not provided with machinery spaces:
a) complying with [4.1] and [4.2]
5 Environmental index b) having additional systems, components and procedural
means selected from items of Tab 2, pertaining to at
5.1 Index calculation least five different pollution sources (as listed in the sec-
ond column of Tab 2)
5.1.1 (1/7/2013)
c) having an environmental index calculated in accord-
The environmental index is obtained by adding up the val- ance with [5.1] greater than or equal to 40.
ues of the contributions for each additional system, compo-
nent and procedural means (items) the ship is equipped
with, according to Tab 2.
7 Novel features
No contribution to the ship's environmental index or to
coverage of the relevant pollution sources (see [6.1] b)) will 7.1 General
be given by the implementation of those items for which 7.1.1 (22/10/2008)
mandatory requirements are in force for the ship according
to IMO Conventions due to its specific characteristics such For the assignment of the notation the Society may consider
as tonnage, navigation, etc. systems, components and procedural means not listed in
Tab 2 based on novel principles and features on the basis of
Provided that the date of entry into force of IMO require- tests, calculations or other supporting information.
ments, becoming mandatory before the delivery of the ship,
is not yet known when the ship is contracted for construc-
tion, the implementation of the relevant items contributes to 7.2 Examples
the ship environmental index or to coverage of the relevant 7.2.1 (22/10/2008)
pollution sources.
Equipment to maximize the recovery of waste heat, electri-
cal propulsion systems designed to have the maximum effi-
6 Assignment criteria ciency at the different operational conditions of the ship
and any other fuel saving techniques may be considered by
6.1 Ships other than those intended to oper- the Society, on the basis of comparative studies to be sub-
ate at a fixed location mitted, for the calculation of the ship's environmental
6.1.1 (1/7/2012)
The additional class notation GREEN PLUS is assigned to 8 Systems and components
ships not intended to operate at a fixed location:
a) complying with [4.1] and [4.2]
8.1 Systems and components certification
b) having additional systems, components and procedural
means selected from items of Tab 2, pertaining to at 8.1.1 (22/10/2008)
least nine different pollution sources (as listed in the When systems and components are recognized as being
second column of Tab 2) capable of improving the ship's environmental behavior,
the Society may issue, upon request of the applicant (manu-
c) having an environmental index calculated in accord-
facturer or responsible vendor) a certificate stating the envi-
ance with [5.1] greater than or equal to 100.
ronmental properties of the system or component.

6.2 Ships intended to operate at a fixed The certificate may be issued in accordance with applicable
location national or international standards or, in the absence of
such standards, on the basis of the manufacturer's standards
6.2.1 (1/7/2012)
or specifications.
The additional class notation GREEN PLUS is assigned to a
ship intended to operate at a fixed location: The compliance to the reference document is ascertained
by means of:
a) complying with [4.1] and [4.2]
• execution of tests; or
b) having additional systems, components and procedural
means selected from items of Tab 2, pertaining to at • review of test documentation; or
least twelve different pollution sources (as listed in the
second column of Tab 2) • evidence of positive results during in-service operation;
c) having an environmental index calculated in accord-
ance with [5.1] greater than or equal to 100. • any combination of the above criteria.

RINA Rules 2017 179

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 2



1 Green Star Design • Incinerator type approval certificate in accordance with

IMO resolution MEPC.59(33) as amended or
MEPC.76(40) as amended, as applicable.
1.1 General
• "Engine International Air Pollution Prevention Certifi-
1.1.1 (1/7/2006) cate" (EIAPP Certificate or Document of Compliance), in
When ships are assigned the notations CLEAN-SEA and accordance with NOx technical code defined in [2.1.3],
CLEAN-AIR, the two separate notations are superseded by l).
the cumulative additional class notation GREEN STAR 3
Should one of the above-mentioned Certificates be sus-
DESIGN, in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.8.4] a).
pended or not be renewed for any reason, the GREEN STAR
3 notation will be automatically suspended until the ship is
2 Green Star granted a new valid certificate.

2.1.3 Definitions (1/7/2005)

2.1 General
a) Sewage
2.1.1 Application (1/7/2006) Sewage means:
The additional class notation GREEN STAR 3 is assigned, in • drainage and other wastes from any form of toilet
accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.8.4] b), to ships fitted and urinal;
with efficient means to control and prevent the emission of • drainage from medical premises (dispensary, sick
polluting substances in the sea and in the air, in accordance bay, etc.) via wash basins, wash tubs and scuppers
with the requirements of this item [2]. located in such premises;
• drainage from spaces containing live animals; or
2.1.2 Required certificates (1/7/2006) • other waste waters when mixed with the drainages
In order to be granted and to maintain the GREEN STAR 3 defined above.
class notation, the validity of the following documents is to
b) Treated sewage holding tank
be ensured:
Treated sewage holding tank means a tank used for the
• "International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate" collection and storage of the effluent of the sewage
(IOPP Certificate), in accordance with MARPOL 73/78, treatment plant.
Annex I.
c) Garbage
• Approved Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan
Garbage means all kinds of victual, domestic and oper-
(SOPE Plan).
ational waste excluding fresh fish and parts thereof, gen-
• "International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the erated during the normal operation of the ship and
Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk" (NLS liable to be disposed of continuously or periodically,
Certificate) in accordance with MARPOL 73/78 Annex except those substances which are defined or listed in
II, as applicable. Annexes I, II, III and IV to MARPOL 73/78.
• "International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of d) Harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk" (ICOF CHE Certificate) in Harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens means bacte-
accordance with the IBC Code, as applicable. ria, plants and animals which can survive in a viable
• "International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate" form in the ballast water and sediments carried in ships.
(ISPP Certificate) in accordance with MARPOL 73/78, e) Grey water
Annex IV. Grey water means drainage from dishwasher, galley,
• "International Anti-fouling System Certificate" (AFS Cer- shower, laundry, bath, washbasin drains and WC scup-
tificate) or statement of compliance, issued in accord- pers.
ance with IMO Resolution MEPC.102(48) as amended. f) TBT free antifouling system
• Oil filtering equipment type approval certificate, in Antifouling system means a coating, paint, surface treat-
accordance with IMO Resolution MEPC.60(33) as ment or device used to control or prevent attachment of
amended or MEPC.107(49) as amended, as applicable. organisms.
• Sewage treatment plant type approval certificate in TBT free antifouling system means an antifouling system
accordance with IMO Resolution MEPC.2(VI) as in compliance with the IMO Resolution MEPC.102(48)
amended. as amended.

180 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 2

g) Oily wastes For the purpose of these Rules, major conversion

Oily wastes means the water removed from the machin- means:
ery space bilges, used lube and hydraulic oils, sludge • the engine is replaced by a new engine built on or
from fuel oil and from lube oil treatment systems. after 1 January 2000; or
h) Harmful substances carried in packaged form • any substantial modification, as defined in the NOx
technical code, is made to the engine; or
• Harmful substances are those substances which are
• the maximum continuous rating of the engine is
identified as marine pollutants in the International
increased by more than 10%.
Maritime Dangerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) as
amended. n) Ship Environmental Manager
• Packaged form is the form of containment specified The Ship Environmental Manager is an officer in service
for harmful substances in the IMDG Code. on board, in charge of the management and control of
the procedures and activities relevant to the require-
i) Ozone depleting substances ments of this section.
Ozone depleting substances are those substances which o) Maximum number of persons on board, for the purpose
are defined in paragraph 4 of Article 1 of the Montreal of calculating grey water and sewage retention capacity
Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, for ro-ro passenger ships, means the maximum number
1987, listed in Annexes A, B, C or E to the Protocol in of passengers that can be accommodated in cabins plus
force at the time of the application of these Rules. the crew.
In general, the following ozone depleting substances are
2.1.4 Documents to be submitted (1/7/2004)
used on ships; however, this list is not to be considered
comprehensive of all the ozone depleting substances a) Plans and documents
that for any reason may be found in a ship. Tab 1 lists the plans and documents to be submitted.
• Halon 1211 - Bromochlorodifluoromethane b) Operational procedures and log-books
• Halon 1301 - Bromotrifluoromethane Tab 2 lists the procedures and record books to be sub-
• Halon 2402
• Halon 114B2 - 1,2-Dibromo-1,1,2,2- tetrafluor- 2.2 Prevention of sea pollution
• CFC-11 - Trichlorofluoromethane 2.2.1 Oily wastes (1/7/2010)
• CFC-12 - Dichlorodifluoromethane a) Compliance with MARPOL 73/78 Annex I
The applicable requirements of MARPOL 73/78 Annex
• CFC-113 - Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane
I, as amended, are to be complied with in addition to
• CFC-114 - 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2- tetrafluoroethane those in b) to e) and [2.2.2].
• CFC-115 - Chloropentafluoroethane. b) Bilge water
j) SOx emission control area 1) All machinery spaces bilges are to be drained into a
holding tank for pre-separation upstream of the oil
SOx emission control area is an area where the adop-
tion of special mandatory measures for SOx emissions separation and filtering equipment.
from ships is required to prevent, reduce and control air Alternative installations may be considered on a
pollution from SOx and its attendant adverse impacts on case-by-case basis.
land and sea areas. SOx emission control areas are The volume V of the holding tank, in m3, is to be at
listed in Regulation 14 of Annex VI to MARPOL 73/78 least:
as amended.
V = 1+ 5,5 P · 10-4
k) Global Warming Potential
where P is the power of the propulsion engine plant,
Global Warming Potential (GWP) is the potential global in kW. In any event, it is not required that the vol-
warming of a gas compared with CO2 on a time horizon ume V is greater than 15 m3.
of 100 years. Values of GWP for various refrigerants and Taking into account the ship service, navigation and
gases are published by the US Environmental Protection installed power, a smaller volume V may be
Agency (EPA); if more than one value is listed, the low- accepted on a case-by-case basis.
est is to be used for the purpose of compliance with
these Rules. 2) The oil filtering equipment is to be provided with an
oil content meter and with a 15 ppm alarm com-
l) NOx technical code bined with automatic stopping device.
NOx technical code is the Technical Code on Control of 3) The effluent from the 15 ppm filtering equipment is
Emission of Nitrogen Oxides from Marine Diesel to be capable of being recirculated to the bilge or
Engines adopted by IMO Conference MP/CONF.3/35 - bilge water holding tank.
Resolution 2, as amended.
4) The tank is to be so arranged as to allow periodical
m) Engine major conversion removal of sediments.

RINA Rules 2017 181

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 2

c) Sludge The Ship Environmental Management Plan referred to in

[2.4.2] is to include procedures covering the following:
The sludge tank is to be so arranged as to allow periodi-
cal removal of sediments. • oily waste management including discharge crite-
Sludge is to be disposed of on board through the incin-
• preparation, filling in and maintenance of the oil
erator or discharged ashore and is to be recorded in the
record book;
oil record book.
• periodical calibration of the oil content meter
Use of boilers for sludge disposal on board is not referred to in b), to be carried out when required by
allowed. the Manufacturer's instructions or, in the absence of
d) Use of oil tanks for ballast specific indications, at least every six months; docu-
mentation is to be kept on board for examination
Irrespective of their volume, tanks intended for fuel or during periodical surveys;
lubricating oil cannot be used for ballast.
• periodic cleaning of the bilge holding tank and of
e) Procedures and checks the sludge tank.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted

No. A/I Document

1 I Copy of the NLS or ICOF Certificate, if applicable
2 I Copy of the IOPP Certificate
3 A Drawings of the bilge system including volume of the bilge holding tank (4)
4 I Copy of the type approval certificate of the oil filtering equipment and alarm
5 A Schemes of the fuel oil, lubricating oil and relevant overflow system containing the information necessary to verify the
requirements of [2.2.2], b) (4)
6 I Copy of the approved SOPE Plan including the list of emergency equipment
7 I Details of enrolment in an Emergency Response Service according to [2.2.2], a)
8 I Copy of the ISPP Certificate and copy of the sewage treatment plant type approval certificate
9 A Drawings of the sewage system including piping, holding tank for treated sewage and alarms (4)
10 A Calculation of volume of holding tank for treated sewage (4)
11 I Copy of the AFS Certificate or statement of compliance
12 A Drawings of the greywater system including piping, holding tank and alarms (1) (4)
13 A Calculation of volume of grey water holding tank (1) (4)
14 A Data sheets with the list of refrigerants and fixed fire-fighting means used, their quantity and GWP values (4)
15 A Details of plans of systems and equipment to limit SOx emissions in SOx emission control areas (2) (4)
16 A Drawings of fuel oil system, arrangements and procedures for use of separate fuel oil according to (4)
17 I Incinerator type approval certificate (2)
18 I Documentation of compliance with technical requirements for the class notation VCS (3)
19 I Copy of the EIAPP Certificate or statement of compliance for each engine detailed in [2.3.2] a), 2) issued by a recog-
nized organization, as applicable
20 A Engine Technical File and record book [2.3.2] d) for each engine detailed in [2.3.2] a), 2)
21 A Details and operating manual(s) of NOx control equipment referred to in [2.3.2] e) (2)
(1) Passenger ships only
(2) Only if such a system is installed on board
(3) Only ships having service notation according to
(4) For ships in service, alternative documentation may be accepted provided it is sufficient for the execution of the initial survey
Note 1: A - to be submitted for approval in four copies
I - to be submitted for information in duplicate

182 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 2

No. A/I Document

22 I General arrangement plan with indication of the zone intended for the stowage of the harmful packaged substances in rela-
tion to the other zones of the ship

23 I Plans of systems and equipment to discharge the harmful substances in case of emergency and to dispose of and wash possi-
ble leaks

(1) Passenger ships only

(2) Only if such a system is installed on board
(3) Only ships having service notation according to
(4) For ships in service, alternative documentation may be accepted provided it is sufficient for the execution of the initial survey
Note 1: A - to be submitted for approval in four copies
I - to be submitted for information in duplicate

Table 2 : Operational procedures and record books (1/7/2013)

No. A/I Document

1 I Oil Systems Record Book
2 I Sewage record book
3 A Garbage management plan including garbage record book
4 A Ballast water management plan including ballast water record book
5 I Grey water record book (2)
6 I Refrigerant log book and procedures [2.3.1]
7 I Oily wastes management procedures according to [2.2.1], e)
8 I Accidental oil discharge management procedures according to [2.2.2], c)
9 I Sewage management procedures according to [2.2.3], d)
10 I Garbage management and waste recycling procedures according to [2.2.4] (1)
11 I Grey water management procedures according to [2.2.5] (2)
12 I Ship Environmental Management Plan
13 I Fuel management procedures for controlling SOx
14 I Incinerator management procedures according to [2.3.4]
15 A Green Passport Plus according to [2.2.5]
(1) Only for passenger ships other than ro-ro passenger ships
(2) Only for passenger ships and ro-ro passenger ships
Note 1: A - to be submitted for approval in four copies
I - to be submitted for information in 2 copies

2.2.2 Accidental oil discharge (1/7/2004) 1) All fuel oil and lubricating oil tanks of capacity
a) Emergency response greater than 10m3 are to be fitted with:
• an overflow system and a high level alarm or
1) The ship is to be enrolled in Society's Emergency
• an overflow system and flow alarm in the over-
Response Service.
flow main or
2) A Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPE • two high level alarms (90% and 95% of filling).
Plan) is to be available on board in accordance with
The alarm signals are to be given in a suitable station
Regulation 26 of MARPOL 73/78 Annex I.
from which bunkering or transfer operations are
b) Accidental spillage of oils controlled.

RINA Rules 2017 183

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 2

2) On the weather and/or superstructure decks each (flushometer) system is used and 11 litres/person/
fuel or lubricating oil tank vent, overflows and fill day if a vacuum system is used.
pipe connection is to be fitted with a fixed container
A smaller volume, though in any case not lower
or enclosed deck area with a capacity of:
than 50% of the above capacity, may be accepted
• 80 litres if the gross tonnage of the ship is provided that:
between 300 and 1600 • the ship is equipped with a post-treatment sys-
• 160 litres if the gross tonnage of the ship is tem for sewage, able to reduce the volume of the
greater than 1600. effluent (e.g. by recycling part of the treated sew-
age water for on board use);
3) Emergency equipment (e.g. containment boom) is to
be available on board and listed in the SOPE Plan. • 2 days’ retention is ensured;
On board procedures and training are to be foreseen • technical documentation, including results of
for the use of such equipment. on-board tests, of the system's efficiency and of
effluent volume reduction, is documented to the
4) The lube oil consumption of all systems having an satisfaction of the Society.
oil to sea interface, such as main and auxiliary
engines cooled by sea water, controlled pitch pro- 3) Sewage holding tanks are to be equipped with high
pellers, stern-tubes, bow and stern thruster, stabilis- level alarms.
ers, PODs etc, is to be recorded at least once a week
c) Sewage Record Book
in an "Oil Systems record book" aimed at detecting,
through unusually high consumption, oil leakage All sewage discharges whether to sea or shore based
through sealing. facilities are to be recorded in a sewage record book
with indication of the date, location and quantity of
The record book is to contain the list of all systems
sewage discharged.
concerned, the consumption of each system
recorded at least every week and corrective actions If the sewage is discharged to sea, the records are to
when carried out. include information on the ship speed and distance to
the nearest land.
c) Procedures and checks
d) Procedures and checks
The Ship Environmental Management Plan referred to in
[2.4.2] is to include procedures for the management of: The Ship Environmental Management Plan referred to in
[2.4.2] is to include procedures covering the following:
• spillage during bunkering;
• sewage management, including discharge criteria
• collision or grounding involving oil spillage and and use of holding tanks in port and no discharge
including use of emergency equipment referred to in areas;
• preparation, filling in and maintenance of the sew-
• preparation, filling in and maintenance of the oil age record book;
record book and of the "Systems oil consumption • disposal of sewage treatment plant residues. If the
log-book"; ship is not in a condition to dispose at sea of sewage
• periodical checks of the overflow systems/alarms. treatment plant residues in accordance with interna-
tional or national regulations, such residues are to
2.2.3 Sewage (1/7/2007) be disposed of ashore or by incineration.

a) Compliance with MARPOL 73/78 Annex IV 2.2.4 Garbage (1/7/2013)

The applicable requirements of MARPOL 73/78 Annex a) Compliance with MARPOL 73/78 Annex V
V, as amended, are to be complied with, in addition to
The applicable requirements of MARPOL 73/78 Annex
the requirements in b) to d).
V, as amended, are to be complied with, in addition
b) Sewage treatment plant to those in b) to d).
1) The ship is to be provided with a sewage treatment b) Garbage management plan and garbage record book
plant certified according to the standards and test
methods of MEPC.2(VI). 1) The ship is to be provided with an approved garbage
management plan to be kept on board. This plan is
2) In addition, the ship is to be equipped with holding to provide written procedures for collecting, storing,
tank(s) for sewage with sufficient capacity to allow processing and disposing of garbage, including the
storage of sewage when in port or in no discharge use of the equipment on board. It is also to designate
areas. the person in charge of carrying out the plan.
The minimum total capacity of such tank(s) is to be 2 The plan is to be in accordance with the guidelines
days based on the maximum number of persons on in IMO Resolution MEPC. 220(63) and written in the
board and 96 litres/person/day if a conventional working language of the crew.

184 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 2

2) For passenger ships, procedures are to be foreseen Systems for the treatment of ballast water may be
for the collection and safe disposal ashore of the fol- accepted in place of the ballast water exchange, subject
lowing hazardous wastes: to consideration by the Society.
• Photographic and x-ray development fluids The above does not apply to ships which only operate
with navigation other than unrestricted navigation.
• Dry-cleaning solvents and waste fluids
b) Antifouling system
• Print shop fluids
Antifouling systems for the hull are to be of TBT-free
• Photocopying and laser printer cartridges type, according to IMO Resolution MEPC.102(48), as
• Unused pharmaceuticals and those which are amended.
past their use-by date Antifouling systems applied on existing ships and not in
• Batteries compliance with the appendix of IMO
Res./MEPC.102(48) are to be removed or sealed the next
• Fluorescent and Mercury vapor lamp bulbs. time the ship is in dry dock.
3) Records of discharges are to be maintained in the c) Grey water
garbage record book.
Grey water requirements in this item c) and in items d)
c) Waste recycling and e) apply only to passenger and ro-ro passenger
For passenger ships other than ro-ro passenger ships: ships, except 4) which applies to all ships.
1) Grey water is always to be discharged at a distance
1) a strategy of waste recycling is to be foreseen,
of more than 4 nautical miles from the nearest land
adopted and documented;
or to a reception facility.
2) the minimum total quantity of wastes landed for The discharging criteria do not apply when the dis-
recycling (Wr) is to be 50% of recyclable wastes pro- charge of grey water is necessary for securing the
duced on board (Wb), where Wb = 40 Kg/per- safety of the ship and those on board, or saving life
son/year based on the number of persons the ship is at sea, or when the discharge results from damage to
certified to carry. the ship or its equipment.
The amount of waste landed for recycling is to be 2) Passenger ships and ro-ro passenger ships are to be
recorded in the garbage record book, and different equipped with holding tank(s) for grey water with
wastes are to be collected and landed separately. sufficient capacity to allow storage of grey water
For the purpose of this Rule, recyclable wastes are: when in port for at least 1 day. The total capacity of
grey water holding tank(s) is to be based on the max-
• Plastic
imum number of persons on board and 200
• Aluminum litres/person/day.
• Glass 3) Grey water holding tanks are to be equipped with
• Paper-Cardboard high level alarms.
4) If the same tanks are used to hold treated sewage
d) Procedures
and grey water:
The Ship Environmental Management Plan referred to in - the capacity of such tanks is to be at least the sum
[2.4.2] is to include procedures covering the following: of the capacities for the treated sewage holding tank
• Garbage management according to b) in [2.2.3] b) and the tank for grey water, and the
• waste recycling according to c). sewage treatment and discharge criteria apply.
d) Grey water record book
2.2.5 Other sources (1/7/2013) All grey water discharges whether to sea or shore based
a) Transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens facilities are to be recorded in a grey water record book
through ballast water with indication of the date, location and quantity of grey
water discharged.
A ballast water management plan, including a ballast
water record book, is to be developed in accordance If the grey water is discharged to sea, the records are to
with IMO International Convention for the control and include information on distance to the nearest land.
management of ship's ballast water and sediments, e) Procedures and checks
2004 and used for ballast water management. In addition to the requirements in item d), the Ship Envi-
Unless stricter requirements are enforced by the Port ronmental Management Plan referred to in [2.4.2] is to
State, it is recommended that ballast water exchange is include procedures covering grey water discharge crite-
carried out during international voyages at not less that ria, including use of holding tanks in ports and in no dis-
200 miles from the nearest land or, if not possible, at not charge areas.
less than 50 miles from nearest land in a zone with f) Harmful substances carried in packaged form
water depth not less than 200 m. Harmful substances are to be properly stowed and
The ship is not to be required to deviate from its secured so as to minimise the hazards to the marine
intended voyage, or delay the voyage in order to comply environment, according to MARPOL 73/78 Annex III, as
with these requirements. amended.

RINA Rules 2017 185

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 2

g) Ship recycling on board and made available during periodical sur-

The Green Passport Plus is to be developed according to
IMO Resolution MEPC.197(62) "Guidelines for the 2) Procedures need to be established such that, in the
development of the inventory of hazardous materials". event that the annual leakage exceeds the maximum
allowed, corrective actions are undertaken.
In application of the requirements of the Hong Kong
International Convention for the Safe and Environmen- d) Procedures and checks
tally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009, the Green Pass- The Ship Environmental Management Plan referred to in
port Plus provides detailed information with regard to [2.4.2] is to include procedures covering the following:
potentially hazardous materials utilised in the construc-
tion of the ship, its equipment and systems. 1) refrigerant management including control of leakage
and preparation, filling in and maintenance of the
This document accompanies the ship throughout its refrigerant log-book according to c);
operating life and incorporates all relevant design and
equipment changes, with the final Owner delivering the 2) minimizsation of the risk of depleting the refrigerant
document, with the ship, to the recycling facility. in the various operating conditions including during

2.3 Prevention of air pollution 2.3.2 Emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx) (1/7/2006)
a) Procedures and checks
2.3.1 Ozone depleting substances (1/7/2004)
The Ship Environmental Management Plan referred to in
a) General
[2.4.2] is to include procedures covering the following:
1) The following requirements apply to ships with 1) periodical checks of the emission relevant engine
refrigerating facilities, such as refrigerated cargo parameters and components referred to in d), at least
ships, liquefied gas carriers with reliquefaction every 6 months and after maintenance or replace-
plants, and other ships with centralised cargo refrig- ment of any such component;
eration systems.
2) preparation, filling in and updating of the engine
2) They also apply to: maintenance record book.
• centralised refrigeration systems for provision b) Periodical maintenance
For the purpose of minimising polluting emissions,
• centralised air conditioning plants; maintenance of engines is to be duly carried out accord-
• fixed fire-fighting systems. ing to the Manufacturer's requirements.

3) They do not apply to domestic type stand-alone 2.3.3 Oxides of sulphur (SOx) emissions - Fuel oil
refrigerators and air conditioning units. management procedures (15/10/2015)
The Ship Environmental Management Plan referred to in
b) Ozone depleting substances
[2.4.2] is to include procedures covering the following:
1) The use of halogenated substances (e.g. Halon and
a) maximum sulphur content to be specified in the fuel oil
CFC) as refrigerant or fire-fighting means is prohib-
purchase orders and to be verified in the fuel oil receipt
ited, with the exception of hydro-chlorofluorocar-
at the delivery of bunker;
bons (HCFCn), which are permitted until 1 January
2020. b) laboratory check of samples of the SOx content in the
bunker delivered according to a recognised standard
2) Refrigerants of centralised refrigeration systems are acceptable to the Society;
to have a global warming potential, GWP < 2000.
When this is not possible due to assessed technical c) records of purchase orders, receipts and laboratory anal-
reasons (documented in a technical report), 2000 < ysis including results are to be kept on board and made
GWP < 4000 is accepted in accordance with c). available to the Surveyor;

c) Control of leakage d) changeover from normal to low sulphur fuel required in

SOx emission control areas;
1) Annual refrigerant leakage is to be less than 10% of
e) maintenance of the SOx emission control system, if
the total refrigerant charge of each system. When
present on board.
2000 ≤ GWP < 4000, the refrigerant leakage is to be
less than
2.3.4 Incinerators (1/7/2006)
2000 a) Sludge disposal
10 ⋅ --------------
Sludge can only be disposed of on board through incin-
% of the total refrigerant charge of each system. eration, according to [2.2.1] c).
The leakage is to be documented by consumption Sludge disposal through incineration is to be recorded
figures recorded in a refrigerant log-book to be kept in the oil record book.

186 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 2

b) Procedures The Manual is to contain the procedures requested in these

Rules and is to include at least:
The Ship Environmental Management Plan referred to in
• the indication of person(s) in charge for each procedure
[2.4.2] is to include procedures covering:
to be carried out
• the operation of the incinerator(s) within the limits • documents and manuals required
(e.g. temperature, humidity, ecc.) recommended by • log-books/records to be filled in
the Manufacturer • time schedule when applicable (e.g. checking, sam-
• substances not permitted to be incinerated. pling, etc.)
The Ship Environmental Management Plan is to be submit-
2.3.5 Additional requirements for specific ship ted to the Society for information.
types (1/7/2009)
A ship which is classed with one or more of the following 2.5 Inspections, tests and surveys
service notations:
2.5.1 Inspections and testing during
a) oil tanker construction (1/7/2004)
Materials, systems or equipment which are installed on
b) chemical tanker board or modified in order to comply with the requirements
of this Sec 2 are to be surveyed and tested according to the
c) FLS tanker applicable Rules of the Society.
d) liquefied gas carrier 2.5.2 Initial survey (1/7/2004)
Following the satisfactory review and approval of the plans
e) combination carrier OOC
and other documentation requested in [2.1.4], an initial sur-
f) combination carrier OBO vey is to be carried out on board in order to:
• verify that hull and machinery arrangements are in
is also to comply with the requirements of Ch 13, Sec 7 rel- accordance with the approved documentation;
ative to the prevention of vapour emissions, excluding ships
• test, in the presence of the Surveyor and under working
as per a), b), c), e) and f) intended for the carriage of prod-
conditions, the equipment and systems covered by
ucts having flashpoint > 60°C.
these Rules including their control, monitoring and
In order for the GREEN STAR 3 notation to be granted to alarms;
such a ship, it is necessary that the VCS notation is also • verify and presence on board of the Ship Environmental
granted. Manager;
• verify the presence on board of the certificates, record
and log-books, and Environmental Management Plan
2.4 Ship Environmental Management requested by this Sec 2;
• carry out the engine parameter check according to the
2.4.1 Ship Environmental Manager (1/7/2005) engine technical file, of the engines referred to in
A Ship Environmental Manager, as defined in [2.1.3] n), is [2.3.2], d);
to be available on board. • for existing ships, assess and document (e.g. by photo)
the satisfactory maintenance of equipment and systems;
2.4.2 Ship Environmental Management 2.5.3 Periodical surveys (1/7/2004)
Plan (1/7/2004)
During periodical surveys, the checks and inspections
An Environmental Management Plan, specific to the ship, is requested in Pt A, Ch 5, Sec 7, as applicable, are to be car-
to be developed and made available on board. ried out.

RINA Rules 2017 187

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 3


1 General 2.2 Definitions

1.1 Application 2.2.1 MARPOL 73/78

MARPOL 73/78 is the IMO “International Convention for
1.1.1 (1/7/2006)
the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973/78“, including
This Section applies to the assignment of the notations the Annexes from I to VI, as amended.
2.2.2 Emission
2 CLEAN-AIR Emission is any release to the atmosphere of substances
which are covered by this Section.
2.1 Application
2.2.3 Ozone depleting substances
2.1.1 Coverage (1/7/2006)
Ozone depleting substances are those substances which are
a) The notation CLEAN-AIR is assigned to ships fitted with defined in paragraph 4 of Article 1 of the Montreal Protocol
efficient means to control and prevent the emission of on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer, 1987, listed in
polluting substances in the air, in accordance with Pt A, Annexes A, B, C or E to the Protocol in force at the time of
Ch 1, Sec 2, [6.8.3]. the application of these Rules.
b) The requirements of this Section are intended to prevent
In general, the following ozone depleting substances are
air pollution from any of the following hazards in addi-
used on ships; however, this list is not to be considered
tion to those stipulated by MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI:
comprehensive of all the ozone depleting substances that
• emissions of ozone depleting substances for any reason may be found in a ship.
• emissions contributing to global warming
• Halon 1211 - Bromochlorodifluoromethane
• emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx)
• Halon 1301 - Bromotrifluoromethane
• incinerators
• Halon 2402
In order for the notation CLEAN-AIR to be granted, all
the above polluting hazards are to be considered and • Halon 114B2 - 1,2-Dibromo-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane
the ship is to be fitted with means and/or operational
• CFC-11 - Trichlorofluoromethane
measures to simultaneously prevent all those which are
applicable, in relation to its characteristics and the like- • CFC-12 - Dichlorodifluoromethane
lihood of producing any or all of such emissions.
• CFC-113 - Trichloro-1,2,2-trifluoroethane
2.1.2 Additional requirements for oil tankers, • CFC-114 - 1,2-Dichloro-1,1,2,2-tetrafluoroethane
chemical tankers and gas carriers (1/7/2009)
A ship which is classed with one or more of the following • CFC-115 - Chloropentafluoroethane.
class notations:
2.2.4 Shipboard incineration
a) oil tanker
Shipboard incineration is the incineration of wastes or other
b) chemical tanker matter on board a ship, if such wastes or other matter are
c) FLS tanker generated during the normal operation of that ship.
d) liquefied gas carrier
2.2.5 Shipboard incinerator
e) combination carrier OOC
Shipboard incinerator is a shipboard facility designed for
f) combination carrier OBO the primary purpose of incineration.
is also to comply with the requirements of Ch 13, Sec 7 rel-
ative to the prevention of vapour emissions, excluding ships 2.2.6 Ozone Depleting Potential
as per a), b), c), e) and f) intended for the carriage of prod- Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP) is the potential of ozone
ucts having flashpoint > 60°C. depletion compared to CFC 11. Values of ODP for ozone
In order for the CLEAN-AIR notation to be granted to such a depleting gasses are provided in the "Montreal Protocol on
ship, it is necessary that the VCS notation is also granted. Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer" .

188 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 3

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted for prevention of emission of ozone depleting substances

No. A/I (1) Document

1 I General arrangements of refrigeration plants

2 A Scheme of refrigerating plant(s) showing the retention facilities as per [2.4.4]
3 A Data sheets with list of intended refrigerants to be used in the different refrigeration systems and their GWP and
4 I Refrigerant record book
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies;
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.

Table 2 : Documents to be submitted for incinerators

No. A/I (1) Document

1 I Copy of type approval certificate or statement of compliance with IMO Res. MEPC 76(40)
2 I Design data, including at least design pressure and design temperature, as applicable (2)
3 A Piping diagram (2)
4 I System for waste supply and incinerator feeding (2)
5 A Instrumentation, monitoring, alarm and control systems (2)
6 I Operating manual
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies;
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.
(2) Not required if the incinerator is of an approved type.

Table 3 : Documents to be submitted in connection with the Ship Environmental Management

No. (1) Document

1 I Ship Environmental Management Plan as per [2.4.6] , [2.5.1], [2.6.2] and [2.7.1]
(1) I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.

2.2.7 Global Warming Potential 2.3.3 Documents to be submitted in connection

with the Ship Environmental Management
Global Warming Potential (GWP) is the potential global
warming of a gas compared with CO2 on a time horizon of
100 years. Values of GWP for various refrigerants and gases Tab 3 lists the documents to be submitted in connection
are published by the US Environmental Protection Agency with the Ship Environmental Management.
2.4 Emission of ozone depleting substances
2.3 Documents to be submitted
2.4.1 Applicability
2.3.1 Documents to be submitted for prevention of a) The following requirements apply to ships with refriger-
emission of ozone depleting substances ating facilities, such as refrigerated cargo ships, lique-
Tab 1 lists the documents to be submitted for the assess- fied gas carriers with reliquefaction plants, and other
ment of the measures taken to prevent the emission of ships with centralised cargo refrigeration systems.
ozone depleting substances. b) They also apply to:
The documents in Tab 1 are additional to those relative to • centralised refrigeration systems for provision stores
refrigerating installations and fire-fighting systems listed in
• centralised air conditioning plants
the applicable Sections of the Rules.
• fixed fire-fighting systems.
2.3.2 Documents to be submitted for incinerators c) They do not apply to domestic type stand-alone refriger-
Tab 2 lists the documents to be submitted for incinerators. ators and air conditioning units.

RINA Rules 2017 189

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 3

2.4.2 Halogenated substances NOx emissions may be controlled by:

a) The use of halogenated substances (e.g. Halon and CFC) • after treatment (e.g. selective catalytic reduction) or
as refrigerant or fire-fighting means is prohibited, with • other methods (e.g. emulsion of water in fuel, intake
the exception of hydro-chlorofluorocarbons (HCFCn), air humidification, direct water or steam injection).
which are permitted until 1 January 2020.
The relevant equipment will be subject to special con-
b) Refrigerants of centralised refrigeration systems are to sideration by the Society.
have a global warming potential, GWP < 2000.
b) General requirements
2.4.3 Prevention of leakage 1) Means are to be provided to check proper operation
a) Means are to be provided to limit leaks to the atmos- of the equipment;
phere of refrigerants or their vapours in the event of fail- 2) Failure of the NOx emission control system and/or
ure of the plant, as well as in the case of discharge of equipment is not to affect the normal functioning of
refrigerant to an onshore reception facility. the engine.
b) Annual refrigerant leakage is to be less than 10% of the
total refrigerant charge of each system. The leakage is to 2.6 Incinerators
be documented by consumption figures recorded in a
refrigerant log-book to be kept on board and made 2.6.1 Applicability (1/7/2004)
available during periodical surveys.
a) The following requirements apply to ships with a per-
c) Procedures need to be established such that, in the manently installed shipboard incinerator, generally
event that annual leakage exceeds 10%, corrective complying with the requirements of IMO Resolution
actions are undertaken. MEPC.(76)40, adopted on 25 September 1997, “Stand-
ard specifications for shipboard incinerators”, which is
2.4.4 Evacuation facilities contained in App 3. The content of this Appendix is to
The system is be fitted with evacuation (e.g. compressors) be considered as part of the requirements to be com-
and retention facilities having the capability to retain all the plied with in order for the CLEAN-AIR notation to be
refrigerants, should the need to evacuate the whole plant issued.
arise in an emergency.
b) Ships without a permanently installed incinerator,
2.4.5 Maintenance and servicing which use the main or auxiliary boilers for incinerating
The plant is to be designed in such a way as to minimise the oil sludge generated during normal operations, cannot
risk of medium release in the case of maintenance, repair or be granted the CLEAN-AIR notation.
servicing; i.e. it is to be designed considering the possibility
2.6.2 Miscellaneous requirements (1/7/2004)
of isolating those sections which are to be serviced by a sys-
tem of valves and bypasses, in such a way as not to stop the a) Substances not permitted to be incinerated
operation of the plant while in service, preventing the risk Shipboard generators cannot be used to incinerate the
of release of the medium outside of the plant. following substances:
• cargo residues of substances indicated in Annexes I,
2.4.6 Procedures (1/7/2004)
II and III of the IMO International Convention for the
The Ship Environmental Management Plan, as per [2.7.1], is
Prevention of Pollution from Ships 1973/78, “MAR-
to contain the following:
POL 73/78” as amended, and related contaminated
• procedures to be followed to minimise the risk of packing materials
depleting the refrigerant or the refrigerant vapours in all
• polychlorinate biphenyls (PCBn)
operative and emergency conditions
• procedures for preparing, filing and updating the refrig- • garbage, as defined in Annex V of “MARPOL
erant log-book. 73/78”, containing more than traces of heavy met-
2.5 Emission of oxides of nitrogen (NOx) b) Operating manual
A Manufacturer’s operating manual for the incinerator is
2.5.1 Procedures (1/7/2004) to be provided on board.
The Ship Environmental Management Plan is to contain the
c) Safety measures
1) The flue gas outlet temperature is to be continuously
a) procedures for periodical checks of the emission rele-
vant engine parameters and components referred to in
the technical file. The periodical checks are to be car- 2) For incinerators fed continuously by an automatic
ried out at least every 6 months and after maintenance feeding system, the waste supply is to be shut off if
or replacement of any such component; the temperature indicated above falls below 850
b) procedures for preparing, filling in and updating the °C.
engine record book. 3) For batch loaded incinerators, the unit is to be
designed in such a way that the temperature in the
2.5.2 NOx control equipment (1/7/2004) combustion chamber reaches 600 °C in not less
a) Methods to control NOx emissions than 5 minutes.

190 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 3

d) Procedures 2.8.3 Periodical surveys (1/7/2004)

The Ship Environmental Management Plan as per During periodical surveys, the checks and inspections
[2.7.1] is to contain the procedures needed to comply requested in Pt A, Ch 5, Sec 7, as applicable, are to be car-
with a). ried out.

2.7 Ship Environmental Management 3 LOWSOx(N)

2.7.1 Ship Environmental Management

Plan (1/7/2004) 3.1 Application and general

An Environmental Management Plan, specific to the ship, is 3.1.1 (1/7/2010)

to be developed and made available on board. The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board ships is
The Manual is to contain at least the procedures requested not to exceed the percentage by mass as required by MAR-
in [2.4.6], [2.5.1] and [2.6.2] d) and is also to include: POL 73/78 Annex VI. The notation LOWSOx(N) is assigned
to ships that use on board fuel oil having sulphur content
• the indication of person(s) in charge for each procedure (average percentage calculated on a yearly basis) less than
to be carried out 3%. The value N in brackets is the maximum sulphur con-
tent used on board according to ship's procedures.
• documents and manuals required

• log-books/records to be filled in 3.2 Maximum allowable sulphur content in

• time schedule when applicable (e.g. periodical checks) fuel oil

The Ship Environmental Management Plan is to be submit- 3.2.1 (1/7/2010)

ted to the Society for information. a) The sulphur content of any fuel oil used on board ships
is not to exceed N% by mass as per [3.1] above.
2.8 Inspections and tests b) For navigation within SOx emission control areas, see
2.8.1 Installations to limit the emission of
3.3 Fuel oil management procedures
a) Materials
3.3.1 (1/7/2006)
Materials for piping and equipment specifically
designed to limit the emission of refrigerants are to be The Ship SOx Environmental Management Plan is to con-
tested in accordance with the applicable requirements tain the following:
for testing materials intended to be used for the con-
struction of similar types of piping and equipment and a) Procedures to detail the maximum sulphur content in
their classes and/or design conditions. the fuel oil purchase orders and to check the actual con-
tent of sulphur at the delivery of bunker.
b) Tests and inspection during fabrication
b) Procedures for testing and analysis, in accordance with
Piping and equipment specifically designed to limit the a recognised standard acceptable to the Society, to be
emission of refrigerants are to be inspected and tested used if the actual sulphur content is checked by sam-
during fabrication in accordance with the requirements pling.
applicable to similar types of piping or equipment and
their classes and/or design conditions. c) Procedures to manage records of purchase orders, type
of checking carried out and results, to be kept on board
c) Tests after installation and made available to the Surveyor.
After installation on board, the plant acceptance trials d) Fuel management procedures to be followed as part of
are to include the operation of the evacuation of all of the vessel's certified ship management system.
the refrigerant from the plant to the reception facilities
without any release of refrigerant and/or refrigerant
vapours. The control, monitoring and alarm systems are 3.4 Navigation in SOx emission control
also to be tested in the presence of the Surveyor, or their areas
functioning is to be simulated by a procedure agreed
with the Society. 3.4.1 Limitation of sulphur emission (1/7/2006)
Ships are to be provided with effective means to limit the
2.8.2 Incinerators
sulphur content of the SOx emission when sailing in Sox
Unless the incinerator is of a type approved by the Society, emission control areas, as detailed in [3.4.2], [3.4.3] or
the tests described in App 3 are to be carried out. [3.4.4].

RINA Rules 2017 191

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 3

3.4.2 Exhaust gas cleaning system (1/7/2006) 3.5 Documents to be submitted

a) An exhaust gas cleaning system is to be provided. This 3.5.1 (1/7/2006)
cleaning system is to have the capability to reduce the
Tab 4 lists the documents to be submitted for the assessment
total emission of sulphur oxides from ships, including
both auxiliary and main propulsion engines, to 6,0 g of the measures taken to prevent SOx emission.
SOx/kWh or less, calculated as the total weight of sul-
phur dioxide emission. 3.6 Installations to limit the emission of SOx
b) Waste streams from the use of such equipment are not
to be discharged into enclosed ports, harbours and estu- 3.6.1 General (1/7/2006)
aries unless it can be thoroughly documented by the If the SOx emission is controlled by an exhaust gas cleaning
ship that such waste streams have no adverse impact on system, the requirements in [3.6.2] to [3.6.4] apply.
the ecosystems of such enclosed ports, harbours and
estuaries. 3.6.2 Materials (1/7/2006)
Materials for piping and equipment which are part of the
3.4.3 Alternative methods (1/7/2006) cleaning system are to be tested in accordance with the
Any other technological method that is verifiable and requirements applicable to similar types of piping or equip-
enforceable to limit SOx emissions to a level equivalent to ment and their class and/or design conditions.
that indicated in [3.4.2] may be considered by the Society
on a case-by-case basis. 3.6.3 Tests and inspection during
fabrication (1/7/2006)
3.4.4 Ships using separate fuel oils (1/7/2010) Piping and equipment are to be inspected and tested during
a) The sulphur content of fuel used within SOx emission fabrication in accordance with the requirements applicable
control areas is not to exceed 1,0% by mass. to the types of piping or equipment which are part of the
b) Ships using separate fuel oils in order to comply with a) plant, and their class and/or design conditions.
above are to allow sufficient time for the fuel oil service
system to be fully flushed of all fuels exceeding 1,0% 3.6.4 Tests after installation (1/7/2006)
sulphur content prior to entry into an SOx emission con- After installation on board, the cleaning system is to be
trol area. The volume of low sulphur fuel oils (equal to tested in the presence of the Surveyor under operating con-
or less than 1,0% sulphur content) in each tank as well ditions. The control, monitoring and alarm systems are also
as the date, time and position of the ship when any fuel- to be tested in the presence of the Surveyor or their func-
changeover operation is completed are to be recorded tioning is to be simulated by a procedure agreed with the
in the log-book. Society.

Table 4 : Documents to be submitted

No. (1) Document

1 A Detailed plans of systems and equipment to limit SOx emission in the SOx emission control areas (2)
2 A Ship SOx Environmental Management Plan (3)
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies;
I = to be submitted for information only.
(2) Only if such systems and equipment are installed.
(3) The Ship SOx Environmental Management Plan is to be approved if class notation LOWSOx(N) is assigned to the ship.

192 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 4


1 General Should one of the above-mentioned Certificates be sus-

pended or not be renewed for any reason, the CLEAN-SEA
notation will be automatically suspended until the ship is
1.1 Application
granted a new valid certificate.
1.1.1 Coverage (1/7/2006)
The notation CLEAN-SEA is assigned to ships fitted with effi- 1.3 Definitions
cient means to control and prevent the emission of pollut-
ing substances in the sea, in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, 1.3.1 MARPOL 73/78 (1/7/2004)
Sec 2, [6.8.2]. MARPOL 73/78 is the IMO “International Convention for
The requirements of this Section are intended to prevent sea the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973/78, including
pollution from any of the following hazards: the Annexes from I to VI as amended.
• release of oil or oily substances into the sea
1.3.2 Definitions in connection with prevention of
• release of noxious liquid substances into the sea sea pollution by oil (1/7/2004)
• release of harmful substances carried as cargo by sea in Within these Rules all the terms used have the meaning pro-
packaged form vided in Annex I to MARPOL 73/78 as amended.
• release of sewage into the sea
• release of garbage into the sea 1.3.3 Definitions in connection with prevention of
sea pollution by noxious liquid substances
• transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens carried in bulk as cargo (1/7/2004)
through ballast water
Within these rules all the terms used have the meaning pro-
• release of TBT (tributyltin) of antifouling paints vided in Annex II to MARPOL 73/78 as amended.
• release of grey water to sea
• ship recycling. 1.3.4 Definitions in connection with prevention of
sea pollution by harmful substances carried
In order for the notation CLEAN-SEA to be granted, all the by sea in packaged form as cargo (1/7/2004)
above hazards are to be considered within the relevant Within these rules all the terms used have the meaning pro-
application limits. Accordingly, in relation to its characteris- vided in Annex III to MARPOL 73/78 as amended.
tics and the likelihood of producing any or all of such
uncontrolled release, each ship is to be fitted with means to 1.3.5 Definitions in connection with prevention of
simultaneously prevent all possible polluting hazards sea pollution by sewage (1/7/2005)
among those listed above. Within these rules all the terms used have the meaning pro-
vided in Annex IV to MARPOL 73/78 as amended. In addi-
1.2 Required certificates tion the following definitions apply:
1.2.1 (1/7/2004) a) Sewage
In order to be granted and to maintain the CLEAN-SEA class Sewage means:
notation, the validity of the following Certificates is to be
ensured: • drainage and other wastes from any form of toilets
and urinals,
• "International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate"
(IOPP Certificate), in accordance with MARPOL 73/78, • drainage from medical premises (dispensary, sick
Annex I. bay, etc.) via wash basins, wash tubs and scuppers
located in such premises,
• "International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the
Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk" (NLS • drainage from spaces containing live animals, or
Certificate) in accordance with MARPOL 73/78 Annex • other waste waters when mixed with the drainages
II, as applicable. defined above.
• "International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of b) Treated sewage holding tank
Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk" (ICOF CHE Certificate) in
accordance with the IBC Code, as applicable. Treated sewage holding tank means a tank used for the
collection and storage of sewage downstream of the
• "International Sewage Pollution Prevention Certificate"
treatment plant.
(ISPP Certificate) in accordance to MARPOL 73/78,
Annex IV. c) Maximum number of persons on board.
• "International Antifouling System Certificate" (AFS Cer- For ro-ro passenger ships the maximum number of persons
tificate) or statement of compliance issued in accord- on board is the maximum number of passengers that can be
ance with IMO Resolution MEPC.102(48) as amended. accommodated in cabins plus the crew.

RINA Rules 2017 193

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 4

1.3.6 Definitions in connection with prevention of 1.4.2 Documents to be submitted in connection

sea pollution by garbage (1/7/2004) with prevention of sea pollution by noxious
Within these rules all the terms used have the meaning pro- substances (1/7/2004)
vided in Annex V to MARPOL 73/78 as amended and in Tab 2 lists the documents to be submitted in connection
addition garbage means all kinds of victual, domestic and with prevention of sea pollution by noxious substances.
operational waste excluding fresh fish and parts thereof, The documents listed in Tab 2 do not take account of draw-
generated during the normal operation of the ship and lia- ings necessary for the issuance of the “International Pollu-
ble to be disposed of continuously or periodically, except tion Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious
those substances which are defined or listed in Annexes I, Liquid Substances in Bulk” or of the "International Certifi-
II, III and IV to MARPOL 73/78. cate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in
Bulk", as applicable.
1.3.7 Definitions in connection with prevention of
sea pollution by other sources (1/7/2005) 1.4.3 Documents to be submitted in connection
a) Harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens means bacte- with prevention of sea pollution by harmful
ria, plants and animals which can survive in a viable substances carried by sea in packaged
form in the ballast water and sediments carried in ships. form (1/7/2004)
Subsequent discharge of ballast water or sediment into Tab 3 lists the documents to be submitted in connection
the waters of port may result in threats to indigenous with prevention of sea pollution by harmful substances car-
human, animal and plant life and the marine environ- ried by sea in packaged form.
1.4.4 Documents to be submitted in connection
b) Grey water means drainage from dishwater, shower, with prevention of sea pollution by
laundry, bath, washbasin drains and WC scuppers. sewage (1/7/2004)
c) Maximum number of persons on board, for the purpose Tab 4 lists the documents to be submitted in connection
of calculating grey water retention capacity for ro-ro with prevention of sea pollution by sewage.
passenger ships, means the maximum number of pas- The documents listed in Tab 4 do not take account of draw-
sengers that can be accommodated in cabins plus the ings necessary for the issuance of the ISPP Certificate.
d) Antifouling system means a coating, paint, surface treat- 1.4.5 Documents to be submitted in connection
with prevention of sea pollution by
ment or device that is used in a ship to control or pre-
garbage (1/7/2004)
vent attachment of fouling organisms.
Tab 5 lists the documents to be submitted in connection
e) TBT free antifouling means an antifouling paint in com- with prevention of sea pollution by garbage.
pliance with IMO Resolution MEPC.104(48), as
amended. 1.4.6 Documents to be submitted in connection
f) AFS Certificate means "International Antifouling System with prevention of sea pollution by other
sources (1/7/2004)
Certificate" or statement of compliance, issued in
accordance with IMO Resolution MEPC.104(48), as Tab 6 lists the documents to be submitted in connection
amended. with prevention of sea pollution by other sources.
The documents listed in Tab 6 do not take account of docu-
1.3.8 Definitions in connection with the Ship mentation necessary for the issuance of the AFS Certificate.
Environmental Management (1/7/2004)
The Ship Environmental Manager is an officer in service on 1.4.7 Documents to be submitted in connection
board, in charge of the management and control of the pro- with the Ship Environmental Management
cedures and activities relevant to the requirements of this (1/7/2004)
Section. Tab 7 lists the documents to be submitted in connection
with the Ship Environmental Management.
1.3.9 Definition in connection with ship recycling
(1/7/2013) 1.4.8 Documents to be submitted in connection
The terms regarding ship recycling used in this Section have with ship recycling (1/7/2013)
the meaning provided in IMO Resolution MEPC.197(62) The Green Passport Plus is to be submitted for approval, in
and Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and four copies, in connection with ship recycling.
Environmentally Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009.
2 Design and procedural requirements
1.4 Documents to be submitted
2.1 Prevention of sea pollution by oils
1.4.1 Documents to be submitted in connection
with prevention of sea pollution by 2.1.1 General (1/7/2004)
oil (1/7/2004)
Provided the ship has been granted a valid IOPP Certificate
Tab 1 lists the documents to be submitted in connection issued by an Administration or by a recognised organisation
with prevention of sea pollution by oil. on behalf of an Administration, in accordance with MAR-
The documents listed in Tab 1 do not take account of draw- POL 73/78 Annex I, as applicable, the additional specific
ings necessary for the issuance of the IOPP Certificate. requirements as per [2.1.2] to [2.1.4] apply.

194 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 4

2.1.2 Tank arrangement (1/7/2004) • w = 0, 01 ⋅ ( 68 ,69 + 0 ,0657 ⋅ v )

a) For the purpose of these Rules, tanks for fuel oil, sludge for tanks having a volume between 20 and 2000 m3
tanks and tanks for lubricating oil, whether or not for
waste, of capacity exceeding the greater of 20 m3 • w=2
and V/100, where V is the total aggregate volume of for tanks having a volume greater than 2000 m3,
such tanks, are to be considered. Overflow tanks are to
be included unless they are provided with an alarm for where:
detection of liquid and operational procedures are fore- v : Volume of the tank, in m3.
seen for keeping such tanks empty.
e) Small suction wells may extend below such limit for a
b) Double bottoms for lubricating oil located under the height lower than 350 mm or h/2, whichever is the
main engine are not considered in these Rules. lesser, provided that they are as small as possible.
c) Such tanks, irrespective of their location, are to have the f) Tanks of any volume intended to contain fuel or lubri-
bottom at a distance h above the base line equal to or cating oil are not to be used also for ballast water.
greater than B/15, 2T/11 or 2 m, whichever is the lesser,
with a minimum of 0,7 m. g) All tanks and cofferdams, if any, around the tanks are to
be so arranged as to be adequately inspected; such cof-
d) The minimum distance w from the side and bottom shell ferdams are to be effectively protected against corrosion
plating, measured at any cross-section at right angles to by means of proper protective coatings of a light colour
the outer shell, is to be, in m: in order to be easily examined.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted in connection with prevention of sea pollution by oil

No. A/I (1) Document

1 I Copy of the IOPP Certificate
2 A Drawings with indication of tanks’ volume and distance from the base line and shell plates as per [2.1.2] (2)
3 A Schemes of the fuel oil, lubricating oil and relevant residue systems, containing the indications necessary to verify the
requirements as per [2.1.3] (2)
4 I Oil Systems Record Book
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies;
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.
(2) If these indications are contained in the drawings and schemes used for the classification of the ship, such drawings and
schemes may also be used to verify the requirements of these Rules.

Table 2 : Documents to be submitted in connection with prevention of sea pollution by noxious substances

No. (1) Document

1 I Copy of the “International Pollution Prevention Certificate for the Carriage of Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk” or
copy of the "International Certificate of Fitness for the Carriage of Dangerous Chemicals in Bulk", as applicable
(1) I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.

Table 3 : Documents to be submitted in connection with prevention of sea pollution by harmful substances carried
by sea in packaged form

No. (1) Document

1 I General arrangement plan with indication of the zone intended for the stowage of the harmful packaged substances in
relation to the other zones of the ship
2 I Plans of systems and equipment to discharge the harmful substances in case of emergency and to dispose of and wash pos-
sible leaks
(1) I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.

RINA Rules 2017 195

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 4

Table 4 : Documents to be submitted in connection with prevention of sea pollution by sewage

No. A/I (1) Document

1 I General arrangement plan with indication of the sewage treatment plant enclosing details on treatment procedures
2 I Copy of the ISPP Certificate and type approval certificate for the sewage treatment plant according to MEPC.2(VI), as
3 A Calculation of volume of holding tank(s) for treated sewage
4 I General information on control and monitoring systems (2)
5 I Sewage record book
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies;
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.
(2) Not required if the sewage treatment plant is of an approved type.

Table 5 : Documents to be submitted in connection with prevention of sea pollution by garbage

No. A/I (1) Document

1 I General information on garbage treatment equipment (2) (3)
2 A Garbage management plan including garbage record book as specified by MARPOL 73/78 Appendix to Annex V
3 I General description of control and monitoring systems of garbage treatment equipment (2)
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies;
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.
(2) Not required if the garbage treatment equipment is of an approved type.
(3) For incinerators see Sec 3.

Table 6 : Documents to be submitted in connection with prevention of sea pollution by other sources

No. A/I (1) Document

1 A Ballast water management plan, including a ballast water record book, developed in accordance with IMO Res.
2 I Copy of the AFS Certificate and details of TBT free antifouling paint
3 A Calculation of volume of grey water holding tank(s) (passenger ships only)
4 I Grey water record book (passenger ships only)
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies;
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.

Table 7 : Documents to be submitted in connection with the Ship Environmental Management (1/7/2013)

No. A/I (1) Document

1 I Ship Environmental Management Plan as per [2.1.4], [2.3.6], [2.4.4], [2.5.4], [2.6.4] and [2.8.2]
2 A Green Passport Plus as per [2.7.4]
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in four copies;
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.

196 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 4

2.1.3 Systems (1/7/2004) by sea water, controlled pitch propellers, sterntubes,

a) All fuel oil and lubricating oil tanks of capacity greater bow and stern thrusters, stabilisers, PODs etc, is to be
than 10 m3 are to be fitted with an overflow system and recorded at least once a week in an "Oil Systems record
a high level alarm. book" aimed at detecting, through unusually high con-
sumption, oil leakage through sealing.
Acceptable alternatives are:
• an overflow system and a flow alarm in the overflow The log-book is to contain the list of all systems con-
main cerned, the consumption of each system recorded at
least every week and corrective actions when carried
• no overflow system and two high level alarms (for out.
instance at 90% and 95% of filling).
b) The Ship Environmental Management Plan referred to in
b) The alarm signals are to be given in a suitable station
[2.8.2] is to include procedures covering the following:
from which bunkering or transfer operations are control-
led. • oily waste management including discharge crite-
c) On the weather and/or superstructure decks each fuel
or lubricating oil tank vent, overflows and fill pipe con- • preparation, filling in and maintenance of the oil
nection is to be fitted with a fixed container or enclosed record book and of the "Systems oil consumption
deck area with a capacity of: log-book";
• 80 litres if the gross tonnage of the ship is between • periodical calibration of the oil content meter
300 and 1600 referred to in [2.1.3], to be carried out when
• 160 litres if the gross tonnage of the ship is greater required by the Manufacturer's instructions or, in the
than 1600. absence of specific indications, at least every six
months; documentation is to be kept on board for
d) The oil filtering equipment, requested by MARPOL examination during periodical surveys;
Annex I, is to be provided with an oil content meter and
with a 15 ppm alarm combined with automatic stop- • periodical cleaning of the bilge holding tank and of
ping device. the sludge tank
e) The effluent from the 15 ppm filtering equipment is to • spillage during bunkering;
be capable of being recirculated to a bilge water hold- • periodical checks of the overflow systems/alarms.
ing tank. Such tank is to be so arranged as to allow peri-
odical removal of sediments. 2.2 Prevention of sea pollution by noxious
f) A holding tank is to be fitted for the pre-separation of liquid substances carried in bulk as
bilge water before conveying it to the separating or fil- cargo
tering equipment.
g) The volume V of such a tank, in m3, is to be at least: 2.2.1 Application (1/7/2004)
V = 1 + 5 ,5P ⋅ 10 –4 The following requirements apply to all ships.
where P is the power of the propulsion engine plant, in 2.2.2 General (1/7/2004)
kW. In any event it is not required that the volume V is
Provided the ship has been granted a valid “NLS” or a valid
greater than 15 m3.
"ICOF CHE" certificate, as applicable, issued by an Admin-
Particular cases, for instance with regard to the service, istration or by a recognised organisation on behalf of an
range and installed power, will be specially considered. Administration, in accordance with MARPOL 73/78 Annex
h) For ships operating with fuel oil having a mass density at II, as applicable, there are no additional specific require-
15°C greater than 0,94 kg/dm3 and viscosity at 50°C ments to be complied with on this matter for the purpose of
greater than 110 centistokes, the possibility of heating the issuance of the CLEAN-SEA notation.
such a tank is to be provided.
i) Ships operating with heavy fuel oil are to be provided 2.3 Prevention of sea pollution by harmful
with tanks for sludge from the fuel oil purifiers without substances carried by sea as cargo in
internal structures and with a suitable heating system. packaged form
j) The sludge tank is to be so arranged as to allow periodi-
cal removal of sediments. Sludge is either to be dis- 2.3.1 General (1/7/2004)
posed of on board through the incinerator or discharged Harmful substances carried as cargo in packaged form are
ashore and is to be recorded in the oil record book. to be properly stowed and secured so as to minimise the
Use of boilers for sludge disposal on board is not hazards to the marine environment, according to MARPOL
allowed unless a treatment system or special device is 73/78 Annex III, as amended.
installed to improve emissions generated by sludge
incineration, subject to RINA's approval. 2.3.2 Stowage (1/7/2004)
a) Harmful substances are to be properly stowed and
2.1.4 Procedures (1/7/2010) secured so as to minimise the hazards to the marine
a) The lube oil consumption of all systems having an oil to environment without impairing the safety of the ship
sea interface, such as main and auxiliary engines cooled and persons on board.

RINA Rules 2017 197

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 4

b) Certain harmful substances may, for sound scientific and on behalf of an Administration, in accordance with MAR-
technical reasons, need to be prohibited for carriage or POL 73/78 Annex IV, as applicable, the additional specific
be limited as to the quantity which may be carried requirements as per [2.4.2] to [2.4.4] apply.
aboard any one ship. In limiting the quantity, due con-
sideration is to be given to the size, construction and 2.4.2 Discharge of sewage at sea (1/7/2004)
equipment of the ship, as well as the packaging and the All sewage discharges whether to sea or shore based facili-
inherent nature of the substances. ties are to be recorded in the sewage record book with indi-
c) Each ship carrying harmful substances is to have a spe- cation of the date, location and quantity of sewage
cial list or manifest setting forth the harmful substances discharged and are to comply with MARPOL Annex IV dis-
on board and the location thereof. A detailed stowage charge requirements.
plan which sets out the location of the harmful sub-
stances on board may be used in place of such special 2.4.3 Sewage treatment plant (1/7/2004)
list or manifest. a) A sewage treatment plant, meeting operational require-
ments based on the standards and test methods as
2.3.3 Empty packages (1/7/2004)
detailed in Resolution MEPC.2(VI), as amended, is to be
Empty packages which have been used previously for the
installed on board.
carriage of harmful substances are themselves to be treated
as harmful substances, unless adequate precautions have b) The ship is to be equipped with holding tank(s) for
been taken to ensure that they contain no residue that is treated sewage with sufficient capacity to allow storage
harmful to the marine environment. of treated sewage when in port or in no discharge areas.
The minimum total capacity of such tank(s) is to be 2
2.3.4 Marking (1/7/2004) days based on the maximum number of persons on
a) Packages containing a harmful substance are to be dura- board and 96 litres/person/day if a conventional (flush-
bly marked with the correct technical name (trade ometer) system is used and 11 litres/person/day if a vac-
names alone are not to be used) and, additionally, are to uum system is used.
be durably marked or labelled to indicate that the sub- A smaller volume, in any case not lower than 50% of
stance is a marine pollutant. Such identification is to be the above capacity, may be accepted provided that:
supplemented where possible by other means, for
example, by use of the relevant United Nations number. • the ship is equipped with a post-treatment system for
sewage, able to reduce the volume of the effluent
b) The method of marking the correct technical name and
(ex. by recycling part of the treated sewage water for
of affixing labels on packages containing a harmful sub-
on board use);
stance is to be such that this information will still be
identifiable on packages surviving at least three months' • 2 days retention is ensured;
immersion in the sea. In considering suitable marking • technical documentation, including results of on-
and labelling, account is to be taken of the durability of board tests, of the system's efficiency and of effluent
the materials used and of the surface of the package. volume reduction is documented to the satisfaction
c) Packages containing small quantities of harmful sub- of the Society.
stances may be exempted from the marking require-
c) The ship is to be equipped with a pipe leading to the
exterior convenient for the discharge of sewage to a
2.3.5 Leaks (1/7/2004) reception facility; such pipe is to be fitted with a stand-
ard shore connection in compliance with MARPOL
a) Jettisoning of harmful substances carried in packaged
Annex IV, and the materials, piping, fittings and equip-
form is not permitted, except where necessary for the
ment are to comply with the applicable requirements of
purpose of securing the safety of the ship or saving life
the various Sections of these Rules.
at sea.
b) Appropriate measures based on the physical, chemical d) Treated sewage holding tanks are to be equipped with
and biological properties of harmful substances are to high level alarms.
be taken to regulate the washing of leakages overboard,
2.4.4 Procedures (1/7/2007)
provided that compliance with such measures would
not impair the safety of the ship and persons on board. The Ship Environmental Management Plan referred to in
[2.8.2] is to include procedures covering the following:
2.3.6 Procedures (1/7/2004)
• sewage management including discharge criteria and
The Ship Environmental Management Plan referred to in use of holding tanks in port and no discharge areas;
[2.8.2] is to include procedures covering the requirements
of this item [2.3]. • preparation, filling in and maintenance of the sewage
record book;
2.4 Prevention of sea pollution by sewage • disposal of sewage treatment plant residues. If the ship
is not in a condition to dispose at sea of sewage treat-
2.4.1 General (1/7/2004) ment plant residues in accordance with international or
Provided the ship has been granted a valid ISPP Certificate national regulations, such residues are to be disposed of
issued by an Administration or by a recognised organisation ashore or by incineration.

198 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 4

2.5 Prevention of sea pollution by garbage 2.5.4 Procedures (1/7/2004)

The Ship Environmental Management Plan referred to in
2.5.1 General (1/7/2004) [2.8.2] is to include procedures covering the Garbage man-
The applicable requirements of MARPOL 73/78 Annex V, as agement and waste recycling, according to this item [2.5].
amended, are to be complied with, in addition to the fol-
lowing additional specific requirements.
2.6 Prevention of sea pollution by other
2.5.2 Placards, garbage management plans and sources
garbage record-keeping (1/7/2013)
2.6.1 Transfer of harmful aquatic organisms and
a) Placards which notify the crew and passengers of the pathogens through ballast water (1/7/2007)
disposal requirements of MARPOL Annex V are to be
fitted on board as applicable. A ballast water management plan, including a ballast water
record book, is to be developed in accordance with IMO
b) The placards are to be written in the official language of International Convention for the control and management
the State whose flag the ship is entitled to fly and, for of ship's ballast water and sediments, 2004 and used for
ships engaged in voyages to ports or offshore terminals ballast water management.
under the jurisdiction of other States, in English or
French. Unless stricter requirements are enforced by the Port State,
it is recommended that ballast water exchange is carried out
c) A garbage management plan and record book is to be during international voyages at not less that 200 miles from
available on board. This plan is to provide written pro- the nearest land or, if not possible, at not less than 50 miles
cedures for collecting, storing, processing and disposing from nearest land in a zone with water depth not less than
of garbage, including the use of the equipment on 200 m. The ship is not to be required to deviate from its
board. It is also to designate the person in charge of car- intended voyage, or delay the voyage in order to comply
rying out the plan. Such plan is to be in accordance with these requirements.
with the guidelines in IMO Resolution MEPC.220(63)
and written in the working language of the crew. Systems for the treatment of ballast water may be accepted
in place of the ballast water exchange, subject to considera-
d) For passenger ships, special consideration in the gar-
tion by the Society.
bage management plan is to be given to the following
potentially hazardous wastes:
2.6.2 Antifouling system (1/7/2004)
• Photographic and x-ray development fluids
a) Antifouling systems for the hull are to be of TBT-free
• Dry-cleaning solvents and waste fluids type.
• Print shop fluids b) The AFS Certificate and documentation of the TBT-free
• Photocopying and laser printer cartridges antifouling system are to be kept on board for checking
during periodical surveys.
• Unused pharmaceuticals and those which are past
their use-by date
2.6.3 Release of grey water (1/7/2007)
• Batteries
The requirements of this item apply only to passenger and
• Fluorescent and Mercury vapor lamp bulbs. ro-ro passenger ships

2.5.3 Waste recycling (1/7/2004) a) Ships are to be equipped with holding tank(s) for grey
water with sufficient capacity to allow storage of grey
For passenger ships other than ro-ro passenger ships:
water when in port for at least 2 days. The total capacity
a) a strategy of waste recycling is to be foreseen, adopted of grey water holding tanks is to be based on the maxi-
and documented; mum number of persons on board and 200 litres/per-
b) the minimum total quantity of wastes landed for recy-
cling (Wr) is to be 50% of recyclable wastes produced b) Grey water holding tanks are to be equipped with high
on board (Wb), where Wb = 40 Kg/person/year based level alarms.
on the number of persons the ship is certified to carry.
c) If the same tanks are used to hold treated sewage and
The amount of waste landed for recycling is to be recorded grey water, their capacity is to be at least the sum of the
in the garbage record book, and different wastes are to be capacities for the treated sewage holding tanks in
collected and landed separately. [2.4.3] and the tanks for grey water.
Fore the purpose of this Rule, recyclable wastes are: A smaller volume, in any case not lower than 50% of
• Plastic the above capacity, may be accepted provided that:

• Aluminum • the ship is equipped with a system for treating grey-

water, able to reduce the volume of the effluent (e.g.
• Glass
by recycling part of the treated greywater for on
• Paper-Cardboard. board use);

RINA Rules 2017 199

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 4

• 2 days retention is ensured; 2.7.3 Design stage (1/7/2006)

• technical documentation, including results of on- When designing and constructing a vessel, due account is
board tests, of the system's efficiency and of effluent to be taken of the ship's ultimate disposal, by:
volume reduction is documented to the satisfaction a) using materials which can be recycled safely and in an
of the Society. environmentally sound manner; and
d) Grey water is always to be discharged at a distance of b) minimising the use of materials known to be potentially
more than 4 nautical miles from the nearest land or to a hazardous to health and the environment.
reception facility.
e) The discharging criteria do not apply when the dis- 2.7.4 Ship Recycling (1/7/2013)
charge of grey water is necessary for securing the safety The Green Passport Plus is to be developed according to
of the ship and those on board, or saving life at sea, or IMO Resolution MEPC.197(62) - Guidelines for the devel-
when the discharge results from damage to the ship or opment of the inventory of hazardous materials.
its equipment. In application of the requirements of the Hong Kong Inter-
f) All grey water discharges whether to sea or shore-based national Convention for the Safe and Environmentally
facilities are to be recorded in the grey water record Sound Recycling of Ships, 2009, the Green Passport Plus
book with indication of the date, location and quantity provides detailed information with regard to potentially
of grey water discharged. If the grey water is discharged hazardous materials utilised in the construction of the ship,
to sea, the records are to include information on dis- its equipment and systems.
tance to the nearest land. This document accompanies the ship throughout its operat-
ing life and incorporates all relevant design and equipment
2.6.4 Procedures (1/7/2004)
changes, with the final Owner delivering the document,
The Ship Environmental Management Plan referred to in with the ship, to the recycling facility.
[2.8.2] is to include procedures requested in [2.6] including
the grey water discharge criteria and use of holding tanks in
ports and in no discharge areas. 2.8 Ship Environmental Management

2.8.1 Ship Environmental Manager (1/7/2005)

2.7 Ship recycling A Ship Environmental Manager, as defined in [1.3.8], is to
be available on board.
2.7.1 General (1/7/2006)
Some of the problems associated with ship recycling might 2.8.2 Ship Environmental Management
be addressed at the design and construction stage, not only Plan (1/7/2004)
in relation to the ships themselves but also in respect of An Environmental Management Plan, specific to the ship, is
ships equipment. to be developed and made available on board.
The first step is to identify any potentially hazardous materi- The Manual is to contain at least the procedures requested
als which might be incorporated, as a matter of routine, in in [2.1.4], [2.3.6], [2.4.4], [2.5.4] and [2.6.4], and is to
the structure of ships and their equipment and, where prac- include:
ticable, consider using less hazardous alternatives.
• the indication of person(s) in charge for each procedure
2.7.2 Initial stage (1/7/2006) to be carried out
The initial stages might include an evaluation of: • documents and manuals required
a) the type, amount and potential hazard of materials uti- • log-books/records to be filled in
lised and their location on board a ship; • time schedule when applicable (e.g. checking, sam-
b) the activities expected during the operation of the ship pling, etc.)
and any potentially hazardous wastes which might be The Ship Environmental Management Plan is to be submit-
generated; and ted to the Society for information.
c) the feasibility of addressing the potential for hazardous
waste generation by considering: 3 Inspections and tests
1) product reformulation - installing components utilis-
ing less potentially hazardous materials; 3.1 Inspections and testing during con-
2) cleaner production technologies - which generate struction
less waste;
3.1.1 Materials (1/7/2004)
3) process modification - to generate less waste;
Materials for piping and equipment which are used for the
4) input substitution - utilising less potentially hazard- construction of equipment and systems to be installed on
ous consumables or those which generate less board in connection with the requirements of this Section
waste; and are to be tested in accordance with the Sections of the Rules
5) on-site, closed-loop recycling - systems that recycle applicable to similar types of piping or equipment and their
wastes on board the ship. class and/or design conditions.

200 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 4

3.1.2 Tests and inspection during are to be tested in the presence of the Surveyor under oper-
fabrication (1/7/2004) ating conditions. The control, monitoring and alarm systems
Piping and equipment relative to the means for preventing are also to be tested in the presence of the Surveyor or their
sea pollution, as stated in this Section, are to be inspected functioning is to be simulated by a procedure agreed with
and tested during fabrication in accordance with the Sec- the Society.
tions of the Rules applicable to the type of piping or equip-
ment and the relevant class and/or design conditions.
3.3 Periodical surveys
3.2 Inspection and testing after installation
on board 3.3.1 (1/7/2004)

3.2.1 (1/7/2004) During periodical surveys, the checks and inspections

After installation on board, the equipment and systems requested in Pt A, Ch 5, Sec 7, as applicable, are to be car-
installed in connection with the requirements of this Section ried out.

RINA Rules 2017 201

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 5


1 General those issued by other competent parties (e.g. operators or

technical consultants) capable of providing a final suitabil-
ity statement.
1.1 Application
3.2.3 (15/1/2010)
1.1.1 (15/1/2010)
The impact of the modifications referred to in [3.2.2] on
The additional class notation LSF is assigned to ships for engines already type approved and/or certified according to
which evidence has been provided to the Society, in MARPOL Annex VI is to be evaluated.
accordance with [3], that Low Sulphur Fuels (LSF) may be
used by some or all on board fuel oil consumers to be
recorded in the ship's status, together with the relevant per-
3.3 Fuel oil system
centage, in weight, of the fuel sulphur content (e.g. 1%, 3.3.1 (15/1/2010)
0,5%, 0,1%). Any modification of the fuel oil system is to be documented
Upon request, a statement may be issued to ships comply- and submitted for approval.
ing with the requirements of this Section. 3.3.2 (15/1/2010)
It is to be noted that responsibility for ensuring that the ship Appropriate LSF storage conditions are to be chosen in
is suitable for safe operation using the fuels required by the respect of heating sources; the piping system is to be suita-
applicable national or international legislation remains with ble for the use of LSF in particular to avoid possible leak-
the operator. ages.
3.3.3 (15/1/2010)
2 Documentation to be submitted When LSF is used, correct parameters (e.g. pressure, flow,
temperature, etc.) are to be maintained in the system within
the limits and specifications given by the manufacturer of
each fuel oil consumer.
2.1.1 (15/1/2010)
3.3.4 (15/1/2010)
The list of documents to be submitted is given in Tab 1. The Fuel changeover on each fuel oil consumer is to be carried
Society reserves the right to request the submission of addi- out in an easy, safe and reliable manner, following the rele-
tional documents in the case of non-conventional design or vant changeover procedure, which is to be available on
if it is deemed necessary to evaluate the systems and com- board.
3.3.5 (15/1/2010)
Where operational risks are identified in the analysis
3 Requisites referred to in [3.1], the relevant risk mitigations are to be
correctly implemented.
3.1 General
3.1.1 (15/1/2010) 4 Surveys
A documented analysis aimed at identifying possible risks
associated with the use of LSF, including changeover proce- 4.1 Survey for assignment of the notation
dures, is to be made available to the Society.
4.1.1 (15/1/2010)
The analysis is to be carried out by means of a methodology The survey is to include:
for identifying and dealing with potential problems, particu-
larly those which could create a hazardous situation or a) verification of the availability of the documents relevant
severe consequences on propulsion and auxiliary engines to the analysis carried out by the owner on the risks
or boilers. associated with the use of LSF and procedures for fuel
3.2 Fuel oil consumers b) verification of the availability of the statements relevant
to equipment being able to use LSF without risk, issued
3.2.1 (15/1/2010) by the manufacturers of each fuel handling equipment
Any fuel oil consumer (engine, boiler, etc.) is not to be neg- (e.g. pumps, coolers etc..) and fuel consumers (e.g. aux
atively affected by the LSF or by the fuel change. boilers and auxiliary engines) or, in the absence of the
3.2.2 (15/1/2010) original manufacturer, by other competent parties (e.g.
Suitability of the consumers, as they are, is to be stated by operators or technical consultants) capable of providing
the relevant manufacturers; alternatively modifications are a final suitability statement
to be carried out following the manufacturer's recommen- c) verification of the availability of approved drawings in
dations or, in the absence of the original manufacturer, the case of modifications of existing fuel systems, as per

202 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 5

manufacturer's requirements or, in the absence of the dures and consumers have been carried out since the
original manufacturer, by other competent parties (e.g. last survey
operators or technical consultants) capable of providing b) verification of on-board availability of the procedures
a final suitability statement for fuel changeover.
d) survey/tests of the modifications as per the applicable
rules (e.g. Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 10), including appropriate 4.3 Class Renewal Survey
location [3.3.2], absence of leakages [3.3.2], functional 4.3.1 (15/1/2010)
tests [3.3.3], and fuel changeover tests [3.3.4], correct The survey is to include:
implementation of risk mitigation, if any [3.3.5].
a) verification of the availability of the owner's declaration
stating that no modifications to the LSF System, proce-
4.2 Annual Survey dures and consumers have been carried out since the
last survey
4.2.1 (15/1/2010)
b) verification of on-board availability of the procedures
The survey is to include: for fuel changeover
a) verification of the availability of the owner's declaration c) testing of the fuel changeover during the dock trials for
stating that no modifications to the LSF System, proce- each fuel oil consumer.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted (15/1/2010)

No. A/I (1) Document

1 I Documents relevant to the analysis carried out on the risks associated with the use of LSF fuels
2 A Tank general arrangement plan showing the tanks for LSF storage
3 A Drawings of fuel oil system
4 I Arrangements and procedures for use of separate fuel oil
(1) A = to be submitted for approval in quadruplicate;
I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.

RINA Rules 2017 203

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 6



1 General 2.2 Design

2.2.1 (1/7/2013)
1.1 Application The cargo handling system is to be designed according to
the criteria indicated in the "Rules for the design of mobile
1.1.1 (1/7/2013) equipment for continuous handling of bulk materials, FEM
The additional class notation GC CARGO HANDLING SYS- Section II" (see Note 1 to [2.2.6]) considering, in addition to
TEM is assigned, in accordance with Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 2, the loads indicated in Chapter 2 of the above-mentioned
[6.8.6], to systems for handling solid cargo which may be a rules, the following:
source of sea or air pollution (e.g. those handling coal, iron - Dynamic loads due to the ship's accelerations, consid-
ore, sulphur, etc.), designed, built and installed to comply ering the system in stowed position, the ship's relevant
with the requirements of this Section. navigation notation and including the possible transit
condition, too.
A Certificate of Compliance may be issued to cargo han-
dling systems fulfilling the requirements of this section and - Dynamic loads due to the ship's accelerations, consid-
installed on ships not classed with the Society. ering the system in operating conditions with the design
significant wave height and other significant parameters
to be determined case by case on the basis of the speci-
1.2 Documents to be submitted fied operational requirements and relevant environmen-
tal conditions (e.g. wind).
1.2.1 (1/7/2013)
The general list of plans and documents to be submitted is 2.2.2 (1/7/2013)
given in Tab 1. The design significant wave height in operating conditions,
for which the system has been designed, and the ship where
Plans and documents relating to systems, components and the system is fitted are to be indicated on the test certificate
procedural means not adopted to build the system environ- of the cargo handling system.
mental index need not be submitted.
2.2.3 (1/7/2013)
The Society reserves the right to request the submission of Structural materials are to be in accordance with Part D.
additional documents in the case of non-conventional 2.2.4 (1/7/2013)
design or if it is deemed necessary for the evaluation of the
The electrical and hydraulic parts, including any pressure
systems and components.
vessels of the system, are to be in compliance with the
requirements of Part C as applicable.
2 Validation 2.2.5 (1/7/2013)
Classification of hazardous areas is to be carried out on the
2.1 Application ship and relevant cargo handling system on the basis of the
requirements of the IMO IMSBC Code applicable to the car-
2.1.1 (1/7/2013) goes to be handled, IEC 60079-10-1 and IEC 60079-10-2.
The cargo handling system is to be designed, approved and Certified safe type electrical equipment and systems may be
tested in accordance with the requirements in [2.2] and required to be installed depending on the above classifica-
[2.3]. tion.

Table 1 : Documents to be submitted (1/7/2013)

No. A/I (1) Document

1 I General arrangement of the handling system
2 A Structural drawings of the handling system
3 A Drawings of pressure vessels (e.g. hydraulic cylinders, air pressure vessels, etc.)
4 I Structural calculation report
5 I Environmental management procedures (see [3.1])
(1) A = four copies to be submitted for approval; I = to be submitted for information in duplicate.

204 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 6

2.2.6 (1/7/2013) 2.3.6 Operational test (1/7/2013)

For the classification of hazardous areas and the choice of
Operational tests are to be carried out on board after the
the relevant electrical equipment, the Society may accept
complete installation of the cargo handling system. The
national or international standards other than those men-
tests are to include all the checks necessary to demonstrate
tioned above.
the efficiency of safety, control and alarm systems, in partic-
Note 1: When referred to by the Society, regulations, rules and
ular correct behaviour of the machinery stopping equip-
standards are those currently in force at the date of contract for
construction as defined in Pt A, Ch 1, Sec 1. In the case of conver-
ment in both normal and emergency situations.
sion of existing ships, the regulations, rules and standards to be
Disassembly and inspection of parts, after testing, may be
applied will be defined by the Society on a case by case basis.
required if deemed necessary by the Society (e.g. by the
Surveyor in charge).
2.3 Verification and Testing
2.3.1 General (1/7/2013) 2.3.7 Overload test (1/7/2013)
Testing activities are to be carried out according to the
After the complete installation of the system, loading and
requirements from [2.3.2] to [2.3.6].
unloading booms are to be subjected to an overload test to
Following the positive results of the testing activities, a test be agreed with the Society on a case by case basis. For this
certificate (see also [2.2.2]) will be issued. purpose, loading and unloading booms are subject to the
rules for testing included in "Rules for loading and unload-
2.3.2 Materials (1/7/2013)
ing systems and other lifting appliances on board ships", as
Structural materials and fittings are to be tested by the Soci- applicable. The loading or unloading booms are to be
ety and the materials are to be found in compliance with included in the relevant unit documentation as required by
the relevant standards as specified on the approved draw- the competent Authority.

2.3.3 Welding procedures and welder

certification (1/7/2013)
3 Environmental requirements
Welding procedures are to be in compliance with Part D,
Ch 5, Sec 4, [1]. 3.1 Environmental management procedures
Welders are to be certified as requested in Pt D, Ch 5,
Sec 1, [2.2.3]. 3.1.1 (1/7/2013)

2.3.4 Visual inspection and non-destructive tests of Adequate environmental management procedures are to be
structural items (1/7/2013) available and training on environmental issues, including
All items subject to approval are to be verified for conform- emergency response, is to be planned, carried out and doc-
ity to the approved drawings, inspection and testing plan. umented for all people with influence on the environmental
Verification is to include all the non-destructive testing to be behaviour of the cargo handling systems.
carried on welded joints, to be agreed with the Society (e.g.
with the Surveyor in charge).
3.2 Systems, components and procedural
2.3.5 Machinery items (1/7/2013) means to reduce environmental impact
The machinery of cargo handling systems is to be tested by
the Manufacturer and the relevant manufacturer's statement 3.2.1 (1/7/2013)
of compliance is to be issued. Manufacturer test records are The list of systems, components and procedural means
to be available upon request. which can be considered for the assignment of the notation
Electrical and hydraulic items which are part of the system and the values to be used for the calculation of the relevant
are to be tested in accordance with Part C, Chapter 2 and index are given in the third and fourth columns of Tab 2,
Part C, Chapter 1 respectively. respectively.

Table 2 : Systems, components and procedural means to reduce environmental impact (1/7/2013)

No. System Pollution Source Item References
1 Continuous Airborne dust/ spillage Gravity system unloader 44 (83 (1)) [3.3.2]
Screw type continuous unloader 41 (80 (1)) [3.3.3]
Partially enclosed bucket type 41 (80 (1)) [3.3.4]
continuous unloader
2 Grabs Spillage Green enclosed grab 12 [3.3.5]
(1) score to be assigned if no conveyor system is foreseen on board

RINA Rules 2017 205

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 6

No. System Pollution Source Item References
3 Hopper Airborne dust Eco-hopper 10 [3.3.6]
Spillage Spill plate on hopper sides 3 [3.3.7]
Hopper top opening design 3 [3.3.8]
Integrated controlled system to 6 [3.3.9]
reduce overfilling from crane
Hopper internal grid 1 [3.3.10]
Airborne dust Vibrators on hopper plates 1 [3.3.11]
Water spray system on hopper top 9 [3.3.12]
Wind breaks on hopper sides 6 [3.3.13]
4 Feeders dozing Spillage Plate feeder / Apron conveyor 3 [3.3.14]
Feeder belt 3 [3.3.15]
Spillage reclaiming system 3 [3.3.16]

5 Transfer points Airborne dust/ spillage Transfer point design 3 [3.3.17]

Dust curtains at transfer points 3 [3.3.18]
Fully enclosed transfer points 6 [3.3.19]
Airborne dust Bag filters 6 [3.3.20]
6 Conveyor Airborne dust Water spray application on con- 4 [3.3.21]
veyor belts after transfer points
Airborne dust/ spillage Belt and pulley cleaners/scrapers 6 [3.3.22]
Belt centring devices 6 [3.3.23]
Spillage Belt dimensions and speed 9 [3.3.24]
Belt sealing 3 [3.3.25]
7 Discharging Airborne dust/ spillage Covered conveyors (top) 2 [3.3.26]
Covered conveyors (sides) 2 [3.3.27]
Covered conveyors (bottom) 2 [3.3.28]
Conveyor galleries 12 [3.3.29]
Conveyor flow monitoring 3 [3.3.30]
Airborne dust Covered discharging boom (top) 2 [3.3.31]
Covered discharging boom (side) 2 [3.3.32]
Covered discharging boom (bot- 2 [3.3.33]
Tunnel discharging boom 12 [3.3.34]
Airborne dust/ spillage Water spray in discharging chutes 3 [3.3.35]
Luffing discharging boom 6 [3.3.36]
Trimming device 6 [3.3.37]
Vertical telescopic chute 9 [3.3.38]
Vertical telescopic chute with 12 [3.3.39]
(1) score to be assigned if no conveyor system is foreseen on board

206 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 6

No. System Pollution Source Item References
8 Complete system Airborne dust/ spillage Air quality monitoring system 3 [3.3.40]
Testing on cargo qualities to iden- 6 [3.3.41]
tify the "dusty" cargoes
Spillage Cleaning procedure and cargo 15 [3.3.42]
contaminated water treatment
Oil and grease Collection of spillage/ leakage of 6 [3.3.43]
environmentally hazardous sub-
Cleaning procedure and cargo 5 [3.3.44]
contaminated water treatment
(1) score to be assigned if no conveyor system is foreseen on board

3.3 Applicable requirements 3.3.5 Green enclosed grab (1/7/2013)

Grabs are to be provided with devices for preventing the
3.3.1 General (1/7/2013) material from falling during transport both to the hopper
and back.
The applicable requirements for each additional system,
component installed and procedural means adopted are This is to be achieved by:
given hereinafter. a) applying lips manufactured in high strength steel (Har-
dox 500 or equivalent) on bottom and sides, purposely
3.3.2 Gravity system unloader (1/7/2013) designed, dimensioned and machined after assembly to
ensure perfect tightness between scoops even after
Cargo is to fall through remotely controlled openings posi- some wear;
tioned on the hold's bottom and to be collected by a con-
veyor belt system leading it to a discharging boom, b) designing the grab's scoop shape in order to minimize
specifically designed for the bulk material in use. The sys- compression of the material inside the grab during clos-
tem is intended to be extended from the openings on the ing thus minimizing the risk of spillage from the top;
hold bottom to the first transfer point above deck. c) constructing grabs in AISI, which are also to be designed
with bevelling plates on corners to prevent the material
3.3.3 Screw type continuous unloader (1/7/2013) from adhering to the scoop's internal surface, thus
reducing the fall of material while the open grab returns
Cargo is lifted from the hold to the top of the unloader by to the hold.
the rotating motion of a screw to be positioned inside a
structural pipe, achieving the transport of cargo without 3.3.6 Eco-hopper (1/7/2013)
exposing it to the action of either wind or rain (prevention Hoppers are provided with a ventilating system for the con-
from dust and washing down). The surface of material tainment of airborne dust generated by the material falling
affected by scraping is thus limited together with dust pro- from the grab. The grab is lowered deep inside the hopper
duction. The system is intended to extend from the cargo and when the material is dropped a forced air flow prevents
collecting boom opening to the first discontinuity (either an dust from rising from the hopper top opening; the polluted
opening, external grid, curtain, etc.) in the enclosed tunnel air is then filtered and recirculated.
through which the bulk material flows.
3.3.7 Spill plate on hopper sides (1/7/2013)
3.3.4 Partially enclosed bucket type continuous A spill plate is to be positioned on each hopper's side
unloader (1/7/2013) receiving the grab to cover the gap between the hopper and
Cargo is collected by means of a bucket chain, progres- the hold from which the cargo is collected. The spill plate
sively digging the surface of the pile inside the hold. As inclination is to be adjustable according to the operating
close to the shoe-type portion of the unloader as suitable for condition and its external borders are to be folded to give
its installation, a structural cover (gallery) is to be positioned the spill plate a tray shape (bulk material is not deviated
around the unloading arm, leading possible spillages back inside the hold, but collected and successively thrown
inside the hold and preventing the collected cargo from inside the hopper). The other sides of the hopper are to be
being exposed to wind or rain (prevention from dust and equipped with fixed plates, again for cargo containment
washing down). purposes and spillage avoidance.

The system is intended to extend from the cargo collecting 3.3.8 Hopper top opening design (1/7/2013)
boom opening to the first discontinuity (either an opening, Hoppers are to have a top opening area designed according
external grid, curtain, etc.) in the enclosed tunnel through to the capacity and dimensions of the grab, to facilitate dis-
which the bulk material flows. charge inside it and prevent spillage.

RINA Rules 2017 207

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 6

In particular: possibility of augmenting the spraying capacity or using

• The diagonal of the hopper opening surface is to be a mixture of water and chemical bonding additive.
equal to or exceed the open grab maximum extension
3.3.13 Wind breaks on hopper sides (1/7/2013)
multiplied by 1,5;
A wind break is to be installed on each hopper fixed vertical
• The hopper is to have a volume capacity equal to or plate. Wind breaks are to be dimensioned so as to contain
exceeding 2.5 times the receiving grab volume capacity. the closed grab inside the hopper and exceed it by 1.5 m. In
the case of adjacent wind breaks, they are to be sealed
3.3.9 Integrated control system to reduce overfilling
together to avoid spillage or dust escaping in between.
from crane (1/7/2013)
Proper level sensors are to be installed on the sides of each 3.3.14 Plate feeder / Apron conveyor (1/7/2013)
hopper to evaluate the actual height of the pile of material The collection and dosing of bulk material falling from the
inside it and compare it to a limit value. If this value is hopper is operated by a plate feeder (steel trays or plates
exceeded, a signal is to be sent either to the crane operator linked by a chain) running underneath the hopper bottom
monitor or to a warning light positioned on the hopper top opening at regulated speed. The speed regulation allows the
(where it is always visible to the crane operator) which turns quantity of bulk material to be maintained inside the hop-
red as a warning that the pile is reaching a dimension which per at acceptable levels, but fines can penetrate between
could lead to spilling from the hopper, and grab operations the plates and fall on deck.
should consequently be interrupted until the volume of
material is reduced to an acceptable level. 3.3.15 Feeder belt (1/7/2013)
The collection and dosing of bulk material falling from the
3.3.10 Hopper internal grid (1/7/2013)
hopper is operated by a belt running underneath the hopper
A protecting grid is to be installed inside hoppers to break bottom opening at regulated speed. The speed regulation
cohesive or high-moisture materials, facilitating cargo free allows the quantity of bulk material to be maintained inside
flow, and to protect the conveyor system from any foreign the hopper at acceptable levels, and the continuity of the
body (bulky items, stones, metal spikes, etc.), which could belt prevents fines from falling on deck.
possibly damage belts, creating spillage. This internal grid is
to be positioned at least 1000 mm below the hopper upper 3.3.16 Spillage reclaiming system (1/7/2013)
edge (without considering wind breaks, if present), in order The feeder dozing system is positioned above a portion of a
to prevent the bulk material falling on it, from spilling out of conveyor belt or a reclaiming device (either a tray to be
the hopper and to contain dust emission. Moreover, it is to periodically cleaned or a hopper) preventing the fall of bulk
be designed to guarantee the smooth fall of material material on deck.
through it according to its size and moisture and to mini-
mize air flow back and piling up of finer material on top of 3.3.17 Transfer point design (1/7/2013)
the grid lines which could generate airborne dust disper- The distance between the axis of drums of subsequent belts
sion. is to be to a minimum value, compatibly with the opera-
tional requirements of other installed devices (i.e. cleaners
3.3.11 Vibrators on hopper plates (1/7/2013)
and scrapers) and the practical handling of the bulk mate-
Hopper side plates are to be equipped with suitable vibra- rial. Moreover, the flow of the falling material is to be devi-
tors to be periodically operated to prevent the piling up of ated so as to have the same direction and versus of the
material on plates and corners (which might generate air- receiving belt, to avoid incorrect distribution of material on
borne dust dispersion) and hopper clogging (which may the conveyor and possible spillage.
lead to spillage).
3.3.18 Dust curtains at transfer points (1/7/2013)
3.3.12 Water spray system on hopper top Transfer points between belts are to be sheltered by means
opening (1/7/2013)
of curtains for the containment of dust. These are to be
A plant for airborne dust suppression, comprising a removable for inspection and maintenance purposes.
fresh/recycled water storage tank, an electric pump and
pipes going up the hopper's structures to reach a series of 3.3.19 Fully enclosed transfer points (1/7/2013)
nozzles oriented to the cargo discharging area is to be pro- Transfer points are to be totally enclosed by means of a rigid
vided. structure complete with rubber skirt at belt entrance and
a) Nozzles are to be of the "hollow cone" type, with a exit. The enclosed volume is to be ventilated with a nega-
spacing which ensures sprayed water mist can easily tive pressure to avoid the dispersion of airborne dust. Pol-
cover the area affected by cargo falling. Moreover, noz- luted air is to be collected and filtered.
zles are to be positioned so as to cross their gush in
order to properly cover the entire surface of the hopper 3.3.20 Bag filters (1/7/2013)
opening; Transfer points are to be de-dusted with a pulse jet bag filter
system. The bag type is to be selected according to the spe-
b) The system is to be automatically activated by a sensor cific application and the filtering surface is to be designed
perceiving the incoming grab; considering the factor air cloth ratio max 1,5m/min. Dust
c) The system should be regulated according to the cargo emission measured to the stack should be less than
features (moisture and size) and wind, foreseeing the 10mg/Nm3. Generally, vertical bag filters are preferred.

208 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 6

3.3.21 Water spray application on conveyor belts but still allowing for periodical inspection, and are to be
after transfer points (1/7/2013) removable for maintenance purposes.
An adequate number of nozzles are to spray water mist on
the conveyor starting from 2 m after each transfer point, to 3.3.27 Covered conveyors (sides) (1/7/2013)
avoid dust rising up from the deposited cargo surface. The conveyor system is protected by plates positioned on
Therefore, a plant for airborne dust suppression, including a the sides and sufficient in size to avoid dust being lifted by
water storage tank, an electric pump and pipes reaching the the wind.
nozzles is to be provided, having the following characteris-
3.3.28 Covered conveyors (bottom) (1/7/2013)
A collecting tray is to be fitted under the conveyor belt for
a) nozzles are to be in a position suitable to distribute its whole extension, to prevent possible spillage from falling
water homogeneously on the surface of material laid on directly into the sea or from piling up on deck and under-
the outcoming belt; neath structures, which could result in spillage and dust.
b) water mist is to be continuously applied when the con-
veyor system is running, unless cargo is already charac- 3.3.29 Conveyor galleries (1/7/2013)
terized by a sufficient moisture level and dust is not The whole conveyor system runs inside a water and wind
likely to disperse; proof tunnel, which is to be designed and dimensioned to
allow periodical inspection, maintenance and cleaning. The
c) the system is to be regulated according to the cargo fea-
inside is to be duly illuminated and accesses placed accord-
tures (moisture and size) and wind, foreseeing the possi-
ing to safety reasons. Material which has fallen from the
bility of augmenting the spraying capacity or using a
conveyor belts is therefore contained and can be periodi-
mixture of water and chemical bonding additive.
cally collected and returned to the cargo handling cycle,
3.3.22 Belt and pulley cleaners/scrapers (1/7/2013) while air dust due to wind action is avoided.
Conveyors are to be provided with primary cleaners and A ventilating plant is to be integrated for safety reasons and
secondary cleaners to be situated at the discharging end of the air moved through filters before leaving the tunnel.
the belt, suitable for the material and in number, dimension, Fresh air is to be supplied by performing from 6 to 10 recy-
material and type, to prevent carry-back of material. cles per hour.
Scraped material is to be collected into a tray/discharging
3.3.30 Conveyor flow monitoring (1/7/2013)
A system of cameras sending images to a remote control
Moreover, a V-plow cleaner is to be installed on the idle room are to be fitted at transfer points and along conveyor
drum. Additional scrapers can be installed and counted for belts, allowing constant monitoring with the aim of immedi-
extra points (1 point for each scraper). ately interrupting operations in the case of unexpected devi-
The effectiveness of the selected cleaners/scrapers is to be ation from normal operation.
tested during operations.
3.3.31 Covered discharging boom (top) (1/7/2013)
3.3.23 Belt and pulley cleaners/scrapers (1/7/2013) The discharging boom is to be provided with top shelters
To avoid spillage of material due to misalignment of the covering the entire length of the discharging belt. These
belt, suitable upper and lower self-centring idlers (or other shelters are to be designed so that the bottom edge reaches
effective devices/design solutions) are to be installed at least under the belt's idlers and pulley structure, protecting the
every 30 m minimum. cargo from rain and preventing the wind from lifting dust,
but still allowing periodical inspection, and are to be
3.3.24 Belt dimensions and speed (1/7/2013) removable for maintenance purposes. In the case of a tele-
The speed of all belts is to be adjustable according to the scopic boom, covers are not to interfere with its operability
actual flow of bulk material, cargo features (size and mois- but are still to guarantee that the entire extension of the dis-
ture) and weather conditions, but in any case kept lower charging boom is sheltered.
than 3 m/s. The belt design filling factor is not to exceed
65%, provided idler inclination does not exceed 35°. 3.3.32 Covered discharging boom (side) (1/7/2013)
The discharging boom is protected by plates positioned on
3.3.25 Belt sealing (1/7/2013) the sides and in sufficient size to avoid dust being lifted by
At transfer points and main hoppers, bulk material falling the wind. In the case of a telescopic boom, covers are not to
on belts is to be prevented from being transversally dis- interfere with its operability but are still to guarantee that
persed by means of a proper multiple rubber sealing. A sort the entire extension of the discharging boom is sheltered.
of labyrinth path is to be obtained by duly positioning the
various sealings to avoid cargo damaging the most external 3.3.33 Covered discharging boom
(bottom) (1/7/2013)
A collecting plate is to be fitted under the discharging boom
3.3.26 Covered conveyors (top) (1/7/2013) for its whole extension, to prevent spillage into the sea or on
The conveyor system is to be provided with top shelters deck, avoiding the piling up of cargo which could result in
covering the entire length of the conveyor belts. These shel- spillage and dust.
ters are to be designed so that the bottom edge reaches In the case of a telescopic boom, covers are not to interfere
under the belt's idlers and pulley structure, protecting the with its operability but are still to guarantee that the entire
cargo from rain and preventing the wind from lifting dust, extension of the discharging boom is sheltered.

RINA Rules 2017 209

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3.3.34 Tunnel discharging boom (1/7/2013) 3.3.40 Air quality monitoring system (1/7/2013)
The discharging conveyor system is to run inside a water The measuring equipment necessary to periodically meas-
and wind proof tunnel, which is to be designed and dimen- ure and record data about dust dispersed in the air is to be
sioned to allow periodical inspection, maintenance and available on board. The measurements are to be relevant to
cleaning. The inside is to be duly illuminated and accesses immediately identify failures or misbehaviour in the dust
placed according to safety reasons. Material which has containment/suppression system. In this case, operations
fallen from the conveyor belts is therefore contained and are to be immediately stopped and the normal operating
can be periodically collected and returned to the cargo conditions restored.
handling cycle, while air dust due to wind action is
The position of the airborne dust detectors is to be defined
on a case by case basis according to the cargo handling sys-
A ventilating plant is to be integrated for safety reasons and tem layout.
the air moved through filters before leaving the tunnel.
Fresh air is to be supplied by performing from 6 to 10 recy- 3.3.41 Testing of cargo qualities to identify the
cles per hour. "dusty" cargoes (1/7/2013)
The moisture level and size of cargo is to be evaluated to
3.3.35 Water spray at discharging chute (1/7/2013)
adjust the cargo handling system to suitably handle it with
A plant for airborne dust suppression, comprising a water regard to water sprinkle flow rate, conveyor system speed
storage tank, an electric pump and pipes reaching a series and filling capacity, etc.
of nozzles distributed on the discharging chute is to be pro-
vided. 3.3.42 Cleaning procedure and cargo contaminated
a) nozzles are to be fitted in sufficient number so that water treatment (1/7/2013)
sprayed water can easily cover the material falling from Spillage residues on deck are to be periodically washed
the chute; away and resulting wastewater is to be collected in settling
b) the water mist is to be continuously applied when cargo tanks for depuration, together with polluted water coming
is flowing, unless cargo is already characterized by a from the periodical cleaning of the system, and from the
sufficient moisture level and dust is not likely to dis- water spray system (preventing polluted water from being
perse; discharged at sea). A dedicated pump and pipeline plant is
to be used only for this purpose. During the washing opera-
c) the system is to be regulated according to the cargo fea-
tion, outboard scuppers are to be temporarily closed, while
tures (moisture and size) and wind, foreseeing the possi-
the washed down material is directed to suitably designed
bility of augmenting the spraying capacity or using a
settling tanks. Clean water is to be obtained by gravity set-
mixture of water and chemical bonding additive.
tling, or centrifugal depuration and then recycled, while the
3.3.36 Luffing discharging boom (1/7/2013) residual material can be treated as cargo and handled con-
Luffing shiploaders are considered to limit both spillage and sequently. The use of chemical flocculating substances to
airborne dust as a result of their ability to go deeper inside facilitate gravity settling will be considered on a case by
holds, reducing the falling height of the material. A ship- case basis.
loader is considered to be luffing if it can reach luffing
3.3.43 Collection of spillage/leakage of
angles in a range from 5° to the greatest possible angle environmentally hazardous
according to the bulk material to be handled below the hor- substances (1/7/2013)
izontal position.
Adequate gutters for the collection of spillages or leakages
3.3.37 Trimming device (1/7/2013) from cargo handling machinery are to be foreseen. A drain-
The discharging chute is complete with a trimming device ing system is to be provided, capable of discharging the
to convey the falling bulk material properly, thus reducing sludge from the gutters to the sludge tank. Discharge lines
the drop height and the irregularity of the flow. are to be sized to allow pumping by means of a power
operated pump, without the need to heat the sludge.
3.3.38 Vertical telescopic chute (1/7/2013)
The chute is to be enclosed in a telescopic tube complete 3.3.44 Biodegradable and low toxicity
lubricants (1/7/2013)
with rubber skirt at the discharging end to properly cover
the pile of cargo. A level sensor is to be foreseen to allow Biodegradable and low aquatic toxicity oils are to be used
the rubber to automatically position itself as low as possi- for the lubrication of cargo handling machinery and its
ble, so as to minimize the generation of dust. hydraulic systems. The oil biodegradability characteristic
and low aquatic toxicity are to be demonstrated by means
3.3.39 Vertical telescopic chute with of tests carried out according to a recognized standard.
aspiration (1/7/2013)
The chute is to be enclosed in a telescopic tube complete 3.4 Assignment Criteria
with rubber skirt at the discharging end to properly cover
the pile of cargo. A level sensor is to be foreseen to allow 3.4.1 (1/7/2013)
the rubber to automatically position itself as low as possi- The environmental index is obtained by adding up the val-
ble, so as to minimize the generation of dust. Moreover, the ues of the contributions for each system, component and
dust produced inside the rubber skirt or nearby is aspirated procedural means (items) the cargo handling system is
and led to filters. equipped with, according to Tab 2.

210 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, Sec 6

3.4.2 (1/7/2013) 3.5 Novel features

The additional class notation GC CARGO HANDLING SYS-
3.5.1 (1/7/2013)
TEM is assigned to a ship having a cargo handling system
For the assignment of the notation the Society may consider
a) complying with [2] and [3.1]
systems, components and procedural means not listed in
b) having an environmental index calculated in accord- Tab 2 based on novel principles and features on the basis of
ance with [3.4.1] greater than or equal to 100. tests, calculations or other supporting information.

RINA Rules 2017 211

Pt F, Ch 7, App 1



1 General 2.3 Grey water - Maximum number of per-

1.1 MARPOL 73/78 2.3.1 (22/10/2008)
1.1.1 (22/10/2008) Maximum number of persons on board, for the purpose of
MARPOL 73/78 is the IMO "International Convention for calculating grey water retention capacity for ro-ro passen-
the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973/78, including ger ships, means the maximum number of passengers that
the Annexes from I to VI as amended. can be accommodated in cabins plus the crew.

1.2 Ship Environmental Manager 2.4 Harmful aquatic organisms and patho-
1.2.1 (22/10/2008) gens
The Ship Environmental Manager is an officer in service on 2.4.1 (22/10/2008)
board, in charge of the management and control of the pro- Harmful aquatic organisms and pathogens means bacteria,
cedures and activities relevant to the requirements of this plants and animals which can survive in a viable form in the
Chapter. ballast water and sediments carried in ships.

1.3 Ship recycling 2.5 Harmful substance

1.3.1 (1/7/2013)
2.5.1 (22/10/2008)
The terms regarding ship recycling used in this Chapter
have the meaning provided in the Hong Kong International Harmful substance means any substance which, if intro-
duced into the sea, is liable to create hazards to human
Convention for the Safe and Environmentally Sound Recy-
cling of Ships 2009 and in IMO Resolution MEPC.197(62) health, harm living resources and marine life, damage
(Guidelines for the development of the inventory of hazard- amenities or interfere with other legitimate uses of the sea,
and includes any substance subject to control by MARPOL
ous materials).

2 Definitions in connection with pre-

2.6 Harmful substances carried in packaged
vention of sea pollution form
2.1 Discharge 2.6.1 (22/10/2008)
Harmful substances are those substances which are identi-
2.1.1 (22/10/2008)
fied as marine pollutants in the International Maritime Dan-
Discharge, in relation to harmful substances or effluents gerous Goods Code (IMDG Code) as amended. Packaged
containing such substances, means any release, howsoever form is the form of containment specified for harmful sub-
caused, from a ship and includes any escape, disposal, stances in the IMDG Code.
spillage, leakage, pumping, emitting or emptying.
Discharge does not include: 2.7 TBT free antifouling system
• dumping, within the meaning of the Convention on the
2.7.1 (22/10/2008)
Prevention of Marine Pollution by Dumping of Wastes
and Other Matter, London 13 November 1972, or Antifouling system means a coating, paint, surface treat-
ment or device used to control or prevent attachment of
• release of harmful substances directly arising from the
exploration, exploitation and associated offshore
processing of seabed mineral resources, or TBT-free antifouling system means an antifouling system in
• release of harmful substances for purposes of legitimate compliance with the IMO Resolution MEPC.102(48) as
scientific research into pollution abatement or control. amended.

2.2 Grey water 2.8 Treated sewage holding tank

2.2.1 (22/10/2008) 2.8.1 (22/10/2008)
Grey water means drainage from dishwasher, galley, Treated sewage holding tank means a tank used for the col-
shower, laundry, bath, washbasin drains and toilette scup- lection and storage of the effluent of the sewage treatment
pers. plant.

212 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, App 1

2.9 AFS Certificate 3.5 Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG)

2.9.1 (22/10/2008) 3.5.1 (22/10/2008)
Liquefied natural gas or LNG is natural gas (primarily meth-
AFS Certificate means "International Antifouling System
ane, CH4) that has been converted to liquid form for ease of
Certificate" or statement of compliance, issued in accord-
storage or transport.
ance with IMO Resolution MEPC.104(48), as amended.

3.6 Low energy consumption lights

3 Definitions in connection with pre- 3.6.1 (22/10/2008)
vention of air pollution Low energy consumption lights are lights other than incan-
descent light bulbs, halogen lamps and those having similar
3.1 Cold Ironing lum/W ratio, recognized by appropriate national or interna-
tional standards.
3.1.1 (22/10/2008)
Cold Ironing is the process of providing shore-side electrical 3.7 Ozone Depleting Potential (ODP)
power by means of a high-voltage shore connection system 3.7.1 (22/10/2008)
designed to supply the ship when operational and lying in Ozone Depleting Potential is the potential of ozone deple-
port while its main and auxiliary engines are turned off. tion compared to CFC 11. Values of ODP for ozone deplet-
ing gases are provided in the "Montreal Protocol on
3.2 Gas to liquid fuels (GTL) Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layer".

3.2.1 (22/10/2008) 3.8 Particulates (PMs)

Gas to liquid fuels are those fuels obtained according a 3.8.1 (22/10/2008)
refinery process which converts natural gas or other gaseous
Particulates, alternatively referred to as particulate matter
hydrocarbons into longer-chain hydrocarbons. (PM) or fine particles, are tiny particles of solid or liquid
suspended in a gas.
3.3 Global Warming Potential (GWP)
3.9 Second generation bio-fuels
3.3.1 (22/10/2008)
3.9.1 (22/10/2008)
Global Warming Potential is the potential global warming
Second generation bio-fuels are those produced sustainably
effect of a gas compared with CO2 on a time horizon of 100
by using biomass comprised of the residual non-food parts
of current crops, such as stems, leaves and husks that are
left behind once the food crop has been extracted, as well
3.4 Green House Gases (GHGs) as other crops that are not used for food purposes, such as
switch grass and cereals that bear little grain, and also
3.4.1 (22/10/2008) industry waste such as wood chips, skins and pulp from fruit
A Green House Gas is any gas, such as carbon dioxide pressing etc., whereby the complete cycle from production
(CO2), methane (CH4), nitrous oxide (N2O), chloro fluoro to consumption, allows to obtain, with equal total power
carbon compounds (CFCs) that contribute to the green- generated, a reduction in CO2 emissions of over 85% com-
house effect when released into the atmosphere. pared to fossil fuels.

RINA Rules 2017 213

Pt F, Ch 7, App 2



1 Prevention of sea pollution 2) measuring the flow of the water and the oil content

1.1 Oil from machinery spaces 3) giving alarm signals

4) controlling the position of the overboard discharge
1.1.1 Bilge Water Treatment (15 ppm with alarm and three-way valve
automatic stop) (1/7/2012) The open command of remote controlled overboard dis-
The oil filtering equipment is to grant maximum oil content charge valve is to be authorised from the bridge and
in the effluent up to 15 ppm, be provided with an oil con- indication of the status of manually operated overboard
tent meter and with a 15 ppm alarm in a manned position, discharge valves is to be available on the bridge.
combined with automatic stopping device. b) a recorder capable of recording
The effluent from the 15 ppm filtering equipment is to be 1) ship's time
capable of being re-circulated to the bilge water holding 2) run stop time of bilge water separator
tank (see [1.1.4] and Sec 1, [5.1.1], second sentence).
3) all the data from the monitoring and control system
1.1.2 Bilge Water Treatment (5 ppm with alarm and as described in a).
automatic stop) (22/10/2008)
1.1.4 Bilge oil tank (1/7/2012)
The oil filtering equipment is to grant maximum oil content All machinery space bilges are to be drained into a holding
in the effluent up to 5 ppm, be provided with an oil content tank for pre-separation upstream of the oil separation and
meter and with a 5 ppm alarm in a manned position, com- filtering equipment.
bined with automatic stopping device.
Alternative installations may be considered on a case-by-
If additional equipment is installed to ensure the above per- case basis.
formance, it is to be approved by the Society.
The volume V of the holding tank, in m3, is to be at least:
If the performance of 5 ppm is ensured by a system type V = 1+ 5,5 P · 10-4
approved according to applicable MARPOL regulations,
such performance is to be verified by the Society. where P is the power of the propulsion engine plant, in kW.
In any event, it is not required that the volume V is greater
The effluent from the 5 ppm filtering equipment is to be
than 15 m3.
capable of being re-circulated to the bilge water holding
tank, see [1.1.4]. Taking into account the ship service, navigation and
installed power, a smaller volume V may be accepted on a
1.1.3 Bilge Water Treatment (5 ppm with alarm, case-by-case basis.
automatic stop and recorder) (22/10/2008) The tank is to be so arranged as to allow periodical removal
In addition to [1.1.2] the system is to be provided with: of sediments.
a) a monitoring and control system, supervising the over- For ships operating with fuel oil having a mass density at
board discharge of the treated bilge water and including 15°C greater than 0,94 kg/dm3 and viscosity at 50°C greater
a fuel oil grease monitor, a flow meter, control means, than 110 centistokes, this tank is to be provided with heat-
valves and fittings, capable of: ing arrangements.

1) providing a fail-safe system for discharging treated The holding tank is to be connected to the standard dis-
bilge water overboard including immediate shut- charge connection referred to in regulation 13, Annex I to
down of Bilge Water Separator in the event of MARPOL 73/78 as amended.
No interconnections between the sludge tank discharge
• high oil content
piping and bilge-water piping is to be present, other than
• insufficient flow of sampling water through the possible common piping leading to the standard discharge
Oil monitor connection referred to in regulation 13, Annex I to MAR-
• the rinse/sampling valves (inlet and outlet) of the POL 73/78 as amended.
Oil monitor are not closed A high level alarm is to be given in a manned position.

214 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, App 2

1.1.5 Retention on board (1/7/2012) 1.1.10 Lubricating oil and sludge tank protection by
An oil bilge water holding tank is to be arranged to collect means of outflow calculation (1/7/2009)
all machinery space oily bilge waters for their subsequent The protection of the tanks (having a capacity of 20 m3 and
discharge ashore to dedicated reception facilities through above) is to be achieved applying the criteria of MARPOL
the standard discharge connection referred to in regulation Annex I Reg. 12A (independently from their total aggregate
13, Annex I to MARPOL 73/78 as amended, or any other capacity) based upon outflow calculation.
approved means of disposal. The retention tank(s) is (are) to The requirement is not applicable to the double bottom for
be separated and independent from the sludge tank. lubricating oil located under the main engine.
The minimum total capacity of the holding tank(s) is (are) to
be evaluated on the basis of the type of ship and its machin- 1.1.11 Oil tank overflow (22/10/2008)
ery considering 30 days of voyage duration. a) All fuel oil and lubricating oil tanks of capacity greater
The tank is to be so arranged as to allow periodical removal than 10 m3 are to be fitted with an overflow system and
of sediments. a high level alarm.
For ships operating with fuel oil having a mass density at Acceptable alternatives are:
15°C greater than 0,94 kg/dm3 and viscosity at 50°C greater • an overflow system and a flow alarm in the overflow
than 110 centistokes, this tank is to be provided with heat- main
ing arrangements. • no overflow system and two high level alarms (for
In the case of ships operating at a fixed location, the mini- instance at 90% and 95% of filling).
mum total capacity of the holding tank(s) is (are) to be b) The alarm signals are to be given in a suitable position
based on the type of ship and its machinery considering the from which bunkering or transfer operations are control-
maximum possible day interval between two ashore dispos- led.
A high level alarm is to be given in a manned position. 1.1.12 Gutters (22/10/2008)
On the weather and/or superstructure decks each fuel or
1.1.6 Restrictions in the use of ship's tanks for lubricating oil tank vent, overflow and fill pipe connection
ballast (22/10/2008) is to be fitted with a fixed container or enclosed deck area
The use of tanks intended for fuel oil as ballast tanks is not with a capacity of:
allowed, irrespective of their volume. • 80 litres if the gross tonnage of the ship is between 300
and 1600
1.1.7 Fuel oil tank protection by means of tank
boundary distance from the ship side and • 160 litres if the gross tonnage of the ship is greater than
bottom (1/7/2009) 1600.
The protection of the tanks is to be achieved applying the
1.1.13 Dry bilge concept (22/10/2008)
criteria of MARPOL Annex I Reg. 12A based on the distance
of the fuel oil tank boundary from the ship side and bottom. An adequate number of tanks of 1 m3 minimum each is to
be installed to collect drainage water from one or more
If the adoption of fuel oil tank protection criteria is compul-
equipment (e.g. diesel engine scavenging air coolers, pota-
sory for the ship concerned, no contribution to the ship's
ble water analyzers, low temperature heat exchangers)
environmental index will be considered for fuel oil tank
within the same compartment which have drainage water
protection, (see Sec 1, [5.1.1], second sentence).
with similar characteristics. Such tanks have the function to
1.1.8 Fuel oil tank protection by means of outflow drastically reduce water drainage to bilge spaces and so
calculation (1/7/2009) reduce the oily water, emulsified bilge water and other con-
taminated water collecting in bilge wells.
The protection of the tanks is to be achieved applying the
criteria of MARPOL Annex I Reg. 12A based upon outflow Each tank is to be equipped with automatic transfer means,
calculation. level indicator for local control and high level alarm given
in a manned position.
If the adoption of fuel oil tank protection criteria is compul-
sory for the concerned ship, no contribution to the ship's 1.1.14 Sludge oil collection and handling
environmental index will be considered for fuel oil tank facilities (22/10/2008)
protection, (see Sec 1, [5.1.1], second sentence).
An adequate number of tanks of 100 l approximate capacity
1.1.9 Lubricating oil and sludge tank protection by each is to be installed to collect oily liquids from drains,
means of tank boundary distance from the vents, seals and glands of all equipment in machinery
ship side and bottom (1/7/2009) spaces and bunker stations connected to a fuel oil and
The protection of the tanks (having a capacity of 20 m3 and lubricating oil system.
above) is to be achieved applying the criteria of MARPOL, The tanks are to be installed outside the double bottom.
Annex I, Reg. 12A (independently from their total aggregate Drain lines must not pass through watertight bulkheads or
capacity) based upon the distance of the fuel oil tanks tank tops.
boundary from the ship side and bottom. The tanks are to be in addition to the drain tanks dedicated
The requirement is not applicable to the double bottom for to each purifier module for the collection of generated
lubricating oil located under the main engine. sludge.

RINA Rules 2017 215

Pt F, Ch 7, App 2

The tanks are to be equipped with automatic transfer 1.3 Sewage

means, level indicator for local control and high level alarm
given in a manned position connected to the automation 1.3.1 Treatment plant: effluent quality as per IMO
system. MEPC.2(VI) (22/10/2008)
A hand pump is to be additionally provided which levers A sewage treatment plant, meeting operational require-
are to be located at floor level to facilitate operations; ments based on the standards and test methods as detailed
where this is not possible, a platform with a vertical ladder in Resolution MEPC.2(VI), as amended, is to be installed on
is provided for access to the pump. board.
Drain tanks of purifier modules are to be provided for each
purifier skid, equipped with a high level alarm given to a 1.3.2 Treatment plant: effluent quality as per IMO
manned position, connected to the Control and Monitoring MEPC.159(55) (22/10/2008)
Panel of each purifier. A sewage treatment plant, meeting operational require-
Drain tanks are to be discharged to the Sludge Tank by ments based on the standards and test methods as detailed
means of a power operated pump. All discharge lines are in Resolution MEPC.159(55) is to be installed on board.
sized to allow pumping without the need to heat the sludge. The system performance is to be certified.
1.1.15 Water-lubricated stern tube bearings 1.3.3 Advanced treatment plant or additional
(22/10/2008) polishing stage: effluent quality as per ADEC
Stern tube bearings are to be water lubricated according to Title XIV (33 CFR Part 159 Subpart
Pt C, Ch 1, Sec 7, [2.4.3], [2.4.4] and [2.4.7]. E) (22/10/2008)

1.1.16 Magnetic coupling on oil pumps (22/10/2008) A sewage treatment plant, meeting operational require-
ments based on the standards and test methods as detailed
Magnetic couplings are to be used to connect fuel oil and
in ADEC Title XIV (33 CFR Part 159 Subpart E) is to be
lubricating oil pumps and relevant drivers.
installed on board.
These couplings are to be approved by the Society.
The system performance is to be certified.
1.1.17 Biodegradable and low aquatic toxicity lube
oil (1/7/2012) 1.3.4 Holding tank (1/7/2012)
Biodegradable and low aquatic toxicity oils are to be used The ship is to be equipped with holding tank(s) for treated
for the lubrication of machineries, apart from diesel sewage with sufficient capacity to allow storage of treated
engines, and for hydraulic systems. The oil biodegradability sewage when in port or in no discharge areas.
characteristic and low aquatic toxicity are to be demon-
strated by means of tests carried out according to a recog- The discharge line is to be fitted with a standard discharge
nized standard. connection in accordance with regulation 10, Annex IV to
MARPOL 73/78 as amended, or any other approved means
1.1.18 Restrictions in the use of hydraulic of disposal.
plants (22/10/2008)
The minimum total capacity of such tank(s) is to be 2 days
All manoeuvring systems (steering gear, watertight doors, based on the maximum number of persons on board and 96
hatches, valves etc) apart from the controllable pitch pro- litres/person/day if a conventional (flush-meter) system is
peller actuating systems are not to be of hydraulic type. used and 11 litres/person/day if a vacuum system is used.

1.2 Solid bulk cargo storage A high level alarm is to be given in a manned position.

1.2.1 System to minimize the dispersion of cargo 1.3.5 Retention on board (1/7/2012)
environmentally hazardous dust (1/7/2012) The ship is to be equipped with holding tank(s) for treated
The ship is to be provided with means, additional to those sewage having a minimum total capacity evaluated on the
required for compliance with the International Load Line maximum possible duration of voyage, the maximum
Convention, capable of minimizing the dispersion of cargo number of persons on board and 96 litres/ person/ day if a
dust into the sea. conventional (flush-meter) system is used and 11 litres/ per-
These means may be structural defence against wind, cargo son/ day if a vacuum system is used.
covering means, closure means or a combination of these. The treated sewage is to be stored in the holding tank(s) for
Any other means will be specially considered. subsequent disposal ashore to dedicated reception facilities
through the standard discharge connection referred to in
1.2.2 Cargo moisture level increasing regulation 10, Annex IV to MARPOL 73/78 as amended, or
systems (1/7/2012) any other approved means of disposal.
When permitted by the type of stored cargo, the ship is to
be provided with a fixed spraying system capable of In the case of ships operating at a fixed location, the mini-
increasing the cargo moisture level. mum total capacity of the holding tank(s) is to be based on
the above criteria for the maximum possible day interval
Dirty waters generated from the dust suppression systems
between two ashore disposals.
are to be conveyed to a drainage system and disposed
ashore. A high level alarm is to be given in a manned position.

216 RINA Rules 2017

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1.3.6 Sewage record book (22/10/2008) 1.4.5 Retention on board (1/7/2012)

All sewage discharges whether to sea or shore reception The ship is to be equipped with holding tank(s) for all grey
facilities are to be recorded in the sewage record book with waters that are to be drained and stored in the holding
indication of the date, location and quantity of sewage dis- tank(s) for subsequent discharge ashore to dedicated recep-
charged, and are to comply with Annex IV to MARPOL tion facilities.
73/78 as amended. The holding tank is to have a minimum total capacity based
on the maximum possible duration of the voyage, the maxi-
1.4 Grey water mum number of persons on board and 200 litres/ person/
1.4.1 Treatment plant: effluent quality as per IMO
MEPC.2(VI) (1/7/2009) In the case of ships operating at a fixed location, the mini-
A grey water treatment plant, granting an effluent quality mum total capacity of the holding tank(s) is to be based on
meeting the limits as detailed in Resolution MEPC.2(VI), as the above criteria for the maximum possible day interval
amended, is to be installed on board. between two ashore disposals.
A high level alarm is to be given in a manned position.
1.4.2 Treatment plant: effluent quality as per IMO
MEPC.159(55) (22/10/2008) If the same tanks are used to hold treated sewage and grey
A grey water treatment plant granting an effluent quality water, their capacity is to be at least the sum of the capaci-
meeting the limits as detailed in Resolution MEPC.159(55) ties for the treated sewage holding tanks in [1.3.4] and the
is to be installed on board. tanks for grey water.

The system performance is to be certified. 1.4.6 Grey water record book (22/10/2008)
All grey water discharges whether to sea or shore reception
1.4.3 Advanced treatment plant or additional
polishing stage: effluent quality as per ADEC facilities are to be recorded in the grey water record book
Title XIV (33 CFR Part 159 Subpart E) with indication of the date, location and quantity of grey
(22/10/2008) water discharged. If the grey water is discharged to sea, the
A grey water treatment plant granting an effluent quality records are to include information on distance to the near-
meeting the limits as detailed in ADEC Title XIV (33 CFR est land.
Part 159 Subpart E) is to be installed on board.
The system performance is to be certified. 1.5 Garbage

1.4.4 Holding tank (22/10/2008) 1.5.1 Garbage Management Plan (1/7/2012)

The ship is to be equipped with holding tank(s) for grey The Garbage Management Plan is to be submitted for
water with sufficient capacity to allow storage of grey water approval.
when in port for at least 2 days. The total capacity of grey For passenger ships, special consideration in the garbage
water holding tanks is to be based on the maximum number management plan is to be given to potentially hazardous
of persons (see App 1, [2.3]) on board and 200 litres/per- wastes, such as:
• photographic and x-ray development wastes
A high level alarm is to be given in a manned position. • dry-cleaning solvent wastes
If the same tanks are used to hold treated sewage and grey • print shop wastes
water, their capacity is to be at least the sum of the capaci-
ties for the treated sewage holding tanks in [1.3.4] and the • photocopying and printer cartridges
tanks for grey water. • unused pharmaceuticals
A smaller volume, in any case not lower than 50% of the • batteries
above capacity, may be accepted provided that: • lamp bulbs.
• the ship is equipped with a system for treating grey
water, able to reduce the volume of the effluent (e.g. by 1.5.2 Recycling (1/7/2012)
reusing part of the treated grey water for on board use); The amount of waste landed for recycling is to be recorded
• 2 days' retention is ensured; in the garbage record book, and different wastes are to be
collected and landed separately.
• technical documentation, including results of onboard
tests, of the system's efficiency and of effluent volume For the purpose of this Rule, recyclable wastes include but
reduction is documented to the satisfaction of the Soci- are not limited to:
ety. • Plastic
Grey water is always to be discharged at a distance of more • Aluminium
than 4 nautical miles from the nearest land or to a reception • Glass
facility. • Paper-Cardboard.
The discharging criteria do not apply when the discharge of
grey water is necessary for securing the safety of the ship For passenger ships:
and those on board, or saving life at sea, or when the dis- a) a strategy of waste recycling is to be foreseen, adopted
charge results from damage to the ship or its equipment. and documented;

RINA Rules 2017 217

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b) the minimum total quantity of wastes landed for recy- istic and low aquatic toxicity are to be demonstrated by
cling (Wr) is to be 50% of recyclable wastes produced means of tests carried out according to a recognized stand-
on board (Wb), where Wb = 40 Kg/person/year based ard.
on the number of persons the ship is certified to carry.
1.6.6 Limitation of hot water discharge (1/7/2012)
1.5.3 Advanced recycling (22/10/2008) Limitation of hot water discharge is applicable only to ships
The garbage collection systems are to be designed and intended to operate at a fixed location.
installed to facilitate the efficient collection of all wet waste
The temperature rise of cooling water (inlet - outlet) is to be:
and dry waste generated onboard and to treat such waste in
the most effective and environmentally-friendly manner. All • less than 5°C or
recyclable wastes are to be separated for type and treated to • such as not to increase by more than 2°C the seawater
reduce volume and consent offloading ashore for recycling. temperature at the edge of the defined mixing zone or
As far as the technology allows, all processes are to be fully within 100 meters of the discharge point.
automatic and continuous.
1.6.7 Retention of dirty water from cargo
1.6 Other sources area (1/7/2012)
Dirty waters (e.g. those generated from the dust suppression
1.6.1 Ballast water exchange (22/10/2008) systems) are to be conveyed to a drainage system and dis-
A ballast water management plan, including a ballast water posed ashore.
record book, is to be developed in accordance with Reg. D-
1 of the IMO "International Convention for the control and 2 Prevention of air pollution
management of ship's ballast water and sediments, 2004"
and used for ballast water management.
2.1 Ozone depleting substances
Unless stricter requirements are enforced by the Port State,
it is recommended that ballast water exchange is carried out 2.1.1 Refrigerating facilities (22/10/2008)
during international voyages at not less that 200 miles from
the nearest land or, if not possible, at not less than 50 miles The following requirements apply to ships with refrigerating
from nearest land in a zone with water depth not less than facilities, such as refrigerated cargo ships, liquefied gas car-
200 m. The ship is not to be required to deviate from its riers with reliquefaction plants, and other ships with cen-
intended voyage, or delay the voyage in order to comply tralised cargo refrigeration systems.
with these requirements. They also apply to:
Systems for the treatment of ballast water may be accepted • centralised refrigeration systems for provision stores
in place of the ballast water exchange, subject to considera- • centralised air conditioning plants.
tion by the Society.
They do not apply to domestic type stand-alone refrigerators
1.6.2 Ballast water treatment (22/10/2008) and air conditioning units.
A ballast water treatment, plant complying with Reg. D-2 of
Means are to be provided to limit leaks to the atmosphere of
the IMO "International Convention for the control and man-
refrigerants or their vapours in the event of failure of the
agement of ship's ballast water and sediments, 2004", is to
plant, as well as in the case of discharge of refrigerant to an
be installed onboard.
onshore reception facility.
The system performance is to be certified.
Annual refrigerant leakage is to be less than 10% of the total
1.6.3 Marine growth prevention refrigerant charge of each system.
systems (22/10/2008) The system is be fitted with evacuation (e.g. compressors)
Antifouling systems for pipings are to be based on environ- and retention facilities having the capacity to retain all the
mentally friendly technologies, not discharging harmful refrigerants, should the need to evacuate the whole plant
products and approved by the Society. arise in an emergency.
The plant is to be designed in such a way as to minimise the
1.6.4 Collection of spillage/ leakage of
environmentally hazardous risk of medium release in the case of maintenance, repair or
substances (1/7/2012) servicing; i.e. it is to be designed considering the possibility
of isolating those sections which are to be serviced by a sys-
Drip trays or coamings having sufficient height are to be
tem of valves and bypasses, in such a way as not to stop the
provided on weather decks under equipment, systems and
operation of the plant while in service, preventing the risk
devices to collect spillage and or leakage of environmen-
of release of the medium outside of the plant.
tally hazardous substances.
Materials for piping and equipment specifically designed to
1.6.5 Biodegradable and low aquatic toxicity limit the emission of refrigerants are to be tested in accord-
lubricants (1/7/2012) ance with the applicable requirements for testing materials
Biodegradable and low aquatic toxicity oils are to be used intended to be used for the construction of similar types of
for the lubrication of machineries and for hydraulic systems piping and equipment and their classes and/or design con-
installed on open decks. The oil biodegradability character- ditions.

218 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, App 2

Piping and equipment specifically designed to limit the Where:

emission of refrigerants are to be inspected and tested dur- Psgbf = Nominal power of each user which utilizes second
ing fabrication in accordance with the requirements appli-
generation bio-fuel [kW]
cable to similar types of piping or equipment and their
classes and/or design conditions. PTOT = Nominal power of each user independently from the
utilized fuel [kW]
After installation on board, the plant acceptance trials are to
include the operation of the evacuation of the entire refrig- 2.2.3 Cold ironing (22/10/2008)
erant from the plant to the reception facilities without any
The ship is to be provided with an installation allowing the
release of refrigerant and/or refrigerant vapours. The con-
ship to be electrically fed from shore.
trol, monitoring and alarm systems are also to be tested in
the presence of the Surveyor, or their functioning is to be 2.2.4 Tool to manage handling and consumption of
simulated by a procedure agreed with the Society. fuels (22/10/2008)
The ship is to be provided with a system to monitor and
2.1.2 Restrictions in the use of GWP substances
Two alternatives may be chosen: a) fuel supplies to the ship and

a) avoid the use of refrigerants having GWP > 2000 in b) fuel consumption of the ship.
refrigeration or air conditioning plant systems; Data may be inserted manually.
b) design refrigeration or air conditioning plant systems 2.2.5 Computerized system to monitor fuel
minimising piping systems carrying the refrigerant (e.g. consumption (22/10/2008)
systems that utilise an intermediate cooling medium for Engine room automation system or an independent compu-
refrigerated cargo spaces/provision plants/AC Ventila- terised tool has to include means for continuous monitoring
tion Units). the fuel consumption at least of the following users:
The requirement does not apply to domestic type, stan- • propulsion engines
dalone, refrigerators and air conditioning units.
• diesel generators
The environmental index in Sec 1, Tab 2 is weighted multi-
• oil fired boilers
plying by R, defined as follows:
• other oil fired users (e.g. inert gas generators).
R = (PTOT -PGWP>2000) / PTOT
Where: 2.2.6 Support tool to assist the Master in keeping
most efficient sailing draft and trim
PGWP>2000 = Refrigerating capacity at - 10°C evaporating (22/10/2008)
temperature and + 25°C condensing temperature of refrig- The ship is to be fitted with means capable to support the
erating plants utilising refrigerants with GWP > 2000 Master in keeping most efficient sailing draft and trim.
excluding those complying with (b).
PTOT = Refrigerating capacity at - 10°C evaporating tempera- 2.2.7 Energy saving and energy conservation
ture and + 25°C condensing temperature of any refrigerat-
ing plant independently from the utilised medium [kcal/h]. The ship is to be provided with an operational manual,
acceptable to the Society, indicating the procedures used
on board to comply with energy saving and energy conser-
2.2 Green House Gases and Pollutants vation criteria.
2.2.1 Non fossil fuels (22/10/2008) At least the following areas are to be considered in the man-
Where power on board is partially or totally produced with ual:
systems which do not use fossil fuels (e.g. sails, fuel cells, • propulsion
etc.), the environmental index in Sec 1, Tab 2 is weighted • electric production
multiplying by R, defined as follows: • electric users for propulsion
R = Σ Pnon fossil fuels / Σ PTOT • electric users for hull services (steering, thrusters, bilge,
Where: ballast)
Pnon fossil fuels = Nominal power of each power source not • electric users for navigation
using fossil fuel [kW] • electric users for hotel/accommodation services (galley,
laundries, lighting and A/C etc)
PTOT = Nominal power of each power source independently
from the utilized fuel [kW] • steam production and users.

2.2.2 Second generation of bio-fuels (22/10/2008) 2.2.8 Fuel consumption Decision Support Solution
Where second generation bio-fuels are partially or totally
The ship is to be provided with a correlation study, accepta-
used on board, the environmental index in Sec 1, Tab 2 is
ble to the Society, among the parameters listed in [2.2.6] or
weighted multiplying by R, defined as follows:
other identified as key parameters for the reduction of fuel
R = Σ Psgbf / Σ PTOT oil consumption of the particular ship.

RINA Rules 2017 219

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The ship is to be provided with all the necessary devices for Table 1 : Environmental indexes (1/1/2014)
the data collection including those relevant to: draft, trim,
power RPM, speed, weather conditions (wind, waves, cur- Environmental
rents, etc). index

The monitoring of these parameters affecting the consump- High and premium efficiency motors are 3
tion performance is to be carried out for a time period sig- installed, with an aggregate power of more
nificant in respect of the ship's trade. than 80% of the ship aggregate electric
motor power
Collected data are to be analyzed to identify the best setting
in terms of optimal fuel consumption, route by route. High and premium efficiency motors are 2
installed, with an aggregate power of more
2.2.9 Optimization of Air Conditioning (AC) plant than 50% but less than 80% of the ship
(22/10/2008) aggregate electric motor power
Means are to be provided to optimize AC plant, including High and premium efficiency motors are 1
the use of passive means to decrease AC demand (e.g. installed, with an aggregate power of more
reflective glazing). than 20% but less than 50% of the ship
aggregate electric motor power
2.2.10 Low energy consumption lights (22/10/2008)
At least 80% in power of the lighting fittings is to be of low 2.3 Nitrogen Oxides
consumption type.
2.3.1 Gas to liquids (GTL) fuels (22/10/2008)
2.2.11 Hull transom design (22/10/2008) Where GTL fuels are partially or totally used on board, the
Means are to be adopted to increase propulsion efficiency environmental index in Sec 1, Tab 2 is weighted multiply-
by minimum 0.5% at design speed and relevant calcula- ing by R, defined as follows:
tions or evidence are to be submitted. R = Σ PGTL / Σ PTOT
2.2.12 Stabilizer openings (22/10/2008)
PGTL = Nominal power of each user which utilizes GTL fuel
Openings in way of fin stabilizers are to be fitted with suita-
ble means to restore the hull boundary continuity when fins [kW]
are not in operation. PTOT = Nominal power of each user independently from the
utilized fuel [kW]
2.2.13 Silicone-based antifouling paint (22/10/2008) Diesel engines, which are not subject to reg. 13 of MAR-
A silicone-based paint, which decreases the hull frictional POL Annex VI, are not to be taken into account.
resistance, is to be used as hull antifouling system.
2.3.2 Fossil fuel pre-treatment (e.g. water
2.2.14 Fluor-polymer antifouling paint (22/10/2008) emulsion), or water injection into combustion
chamber, or scavenging air, or combination of
A fluor-polymer-based paint, which decreases the frictional
these (22/10/2008)
resistance, is to be used as hull antifouling system.
Where fossil fuel pre-treatment (e.g. water emulsion), or
2.2.15 Fins on propeller boss cups (22/10/2008) water injection into combustion chamber, or scavenging air,
or combination of these are partially used on board, the
Suitable propeller boss fins are to be fitted on the propeller
environmental index in Sec 1, Tab 2 is weighted multiply-
to guide the water stream in order to reduce vortex and
ing by R, defined as follows:
increase the propeller efficiency.
2.2.16 High-performing propellers (22/10/2008) Where
The ship is to be fitted with high performing propellers PFT = Nominal power of each user which utilizes fuel treat-
(capable to increase propulsion efficiency by minimum 1% ment [kW]
at design speed) characterized by a double-side or a single-
side arc brim provided at the tip of each blade. Relevant PTOT = Nominal power of each user independently from the
calculations or evidence are to be submitted. utilized fuel [kW]
Diesel engines, which are not subject to Regulation 13 of
2.2.17 High-efficiency motors (1/1/2014) MARPOL Annex VI, are not to be taken into account.
The ship is to be fitted with high efficiency (IE2) or premium
2.3.3 Dual-fuel engines running with LNG
efficiency (IE3) motors, according to IEC 60034-30.
For motors having a rated power of 100 kW and above, the The fuel used on board is to be LNG (gasoil only used as
tests to determine the rated efficiency are to be carried out back-up in emergency).
under survey, and are to be part of the motor testing docu-
Diesel engines, which are not subject to Regulation 13 of
MARPOL Annex VI, are not to be taken into account.
The environmental index will be assigned as per Tab 1. Depending on installation a weighted index may be neces-

220 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, App 2

2.3.4 Exhaust gas treatment (22/10/2008) 2.4.5 Blending fossil fuel with second-generation
Each diesel engine subject to Regulation 13 of MARPOL bio-fuels (1/7/2010)
Annex VI is to be fitted with an exhaust gas treatment sys- Where blending (of fossil fuel with second generation bio-
tem which abates not less than 85% the total generated fuels), ensuring a sulphur content not exceeding 1,0% by
NOx and which does not increase total fuel consumption at mass, are partially or totally used on board, the environ-
the engine maximum continuous rating by more than an mental index in Sec 1, Tab 2 is weighted multiplying by R,
averaged 2%. defined as follows:
The system is to be acceptable to the Society in compliance R = Σ Psgbf / Σ PTOT
with Sec 1, [8] as applicable. Where
Depending on installation a weighted index may be neces- Psgbf = Nominal power of each user which utilizes blending
2.3.5 NOx emissions monitoring and recording PTOT = Nominal power of each user independently from the
(22/10/2008) utilized fuel[kW]
The ship is to be fitted with system for monitoring and
recording the NOx emissions from diesel engines and boil- 2.4.6 Dual-fuel engines running with LNG
ers. (22/10/2008)
The fuel used on board is to be LNG (gas oil only used as
Diesel engines, which are not subject to Regulation 13 of
back-up in emergency).
MARPOL Annex VI, are not to be taken into account.
Diesel engines, which are not subject to Regulation 13 of
The system is to be acceptable to the Society in compliance
MARPOL Annex VI, are not to be taken into account.
with Sec 1, [8] as applicable.
Depending on installation a weighted index may be neces-
2.4 Sulphur Oxides
2.4.7 Exhaust gas treatment (22/10/2008)
2.4.1 SOx limits (global 3,0 % and SECA as required
by MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI) (1/7/2010) Each diesel engine subject to Regulation 13 of MARPOL
Annex VI is to be fitted with an exhaust gas treatment sys-
The sulphur content of fuel used on board ships (average
tem which abates not less than 85% the total generated SOx
percentage calculated on a yearly basis) is not to exceed 3,0
and which does not increase total fuel consumption at the
% by mass. In any case, the sulphur content of any fuel oil
engine maximum continuous rating by more than an aver-
used on board ships is not to exceed the percentage by
aged 2%.
mass as required by MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI.
The system is to be acceptable to the Society in compliance
2.4.2 SOx (global 1,0 % and SECA as required by with Sec 1, [8] as applicable.
MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI) (1/7/2010)
Depending on installation a weighted index may be neces-
The sulphur content of fuel oil used on board ships (aver- sary.
age percentage calculated on a yearly basis) is not to
exceed 1,0 % by mass. In any case, the sulphur content of 2.4.8 SOx emissions monitoring and recording
any fuel oil used on board ships is not to exceed the per- (22/10/2008)
centage by mass as required by MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI.
The ship is to be fitted with system for monitoring and
recording the SOx emissions from diesel engines and boil-
2.4.3 SOx limits (0,1 %) (1/7/2010)
The sulphur content of fuel oil used on board ships (aver-
age percentage calculated on a yearly basis) is not to Diesel engines, which are not subject to Regulation 13 of
exceed 0,1 % by mass. In any case, the sulphur content of MARPOL Annex VI, are not to be taken into account.
any fuel oil used on board ships is not to exceed the per- The system is to be acceptable to the Society in compliance
centage by mass as required by MARPOL 73/78 Annex VI. with Sec 1, [8] as applicable.

2.4.4 Gas to liquids (GTL) fuels (22/10/2008)

2.5 Particulates
Where GTL fuels are partially or totally used on board, the
environmental index in Sec 1, Tab 2 is weighted multiply- 2.5.1 Gas to liquids (GTL) fuels (22/10/2008)
ing by R, defined as follows:
Where GTL fuels are partially or totally used on board the
R = Σ PGTL / Σ PTOT environmental index in Sec 1, Tab 2 is weighted multiply-
ing by R, defined as follows:
PGTL = Nominal power of each user which utilizes GTL fuel
[kW] Where
PTOT = Nominal power of each user independently from the PGTL = Nominal power of each user which utilizes GTL fuel
utilized fuel [kW]. [kW]

RINA Rules 2017 221

Pt F, Ch 7, App 2

PTOT = Nominal power of each user independently from the 2.6 Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
utilized fuel [kW]
Diesel engines, which are not subject to Regulation 13 of 2.6.1 Gas to liquids (GTL) fuels (22/10/2008)
MARPOL Annex VI, are not to be taken into account. Where GTL fuels are partially or totally used on board for
CO2 reduction, the environmental index in Sec 1, Tab 2 is
2.5.2 Fuel treatment (22/10/2008) weighted multiplying by R, defined as follows:
Where fossil fuel pre-treatment (e.g. water emulsion), or R = Σ PGTL / Σ PTOT
water injection into combustion chamber, or scavenging air,
or blending of pre-treated fossil fuel with second-genera- Where
tion bio-fuels or combination of these are partially used on PGTL = Nominal power of each user which utilizes GTL fuel
board, the environmental index in Sec 1, Tab 2 is weighted [kW]
multiplying by R, defined as follows: PTOT = Nominal power of each user independently from the
R = Σ PFT / Σ PTOT utilized fuel [kW]
Where Diesel engines, which are not subject to Regulation 13 of
PFT = Nominal power of each user which utilizes fuel treat- MARPOL Annex VI, are not to be taken into account.
ment [kW]
2.6.2 Blending fossil fuel with second-generation
PTOT = Nominal power of each user independently from the bio-fuels (22/10/2008)
utilized fuel [kW] Where blending (of fossil fuel and second generation bio-
Diesel engines, which are not subject to Regulation 13 of fuels) are partially or totally used on board for CO2 reduc-
MARPOL Annex VI, are not to be taken into account. tion, the environmental index in Sec 1, Tab 2 is weighted
multiplying by R, defined as follows:
2.5.3 Lower PMs emission achieved by
modifications in prime movers (e.g. common R = Σ Psgbf / Σ PTOT
rail) that do not increase other pollutants and Where:
GHGs emissions (22/10/2008)
Psgbf = Nominal power of each user which utilizes blending
Where modification in prime movers are carried out, to
achieve lower PMs emission without increasing other pol-
lutant and GHG emissions, only partially, the environmen- PTOT = Nominal power of each user independently from the
tal index in Sec 1, Tab 2 is weighted multiplying by R, utilized fuel [kW]
defined as follows:
2.6.3 Dual-fuel engines running with LNG
R = Σ Pmpm / Σ PTOT (22/10/2008)
Where The fuel used on board is to be LNG (gas oil only used as
Pmpm = Nominal power of modified prime movers [kW] back-up in emergency).
PTOT = Nominal power of each prime mover independently Diesel engines, which are not subject to Regulation 13 of
if modified or not [kW] MARPOL Annex VI, are not to be taken into account.

Diesel engines, which are not subject to Regulation 13 of Depending on installation a weighted index may be neces-
MARPOL Annex VI, are not to be taken into account. sary.

2.5.4 Dual-fuel engines running with LNG 2.6.4 CO2 emissions monitoring and recording
(22/10/2008) (22/10/2008)
The fuel used on board is to be LNG (gasoil only used as The ship is to be fitted with system for monitoring and
back-up in emergency). recording the CO2 emissions from diesel engines and boil-
Diesel engines, which are not subject to Regulation 13 of
MARPOL Annex VI, are not to be taken into account. Diesel engines, which are not subject to Regulation 13 of
MARPOL Annex VI, are not to be taken into account.
Depending on installation a weighted index may be neces-
sary. The system is to be acceptable to the Society in compliance
with Sec 1, [8] as applicable.
2.5.5 Exhaust gas treatment (1/7/2010)
Each diesel engine subject to Regulation 13 of MARPOL 2.6.5 Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI)
Annex VI is to be fitted with an exhaust gas treatment sys- (1/7/2012)
tem which abates not less than 85% the total generated The ship is to be provided with an index measuring ship's
PMs, as determined according to ISO 8178 Standard or CO2 efficiency at the design stage, expressed in the form of
equivalent, and which does not increase total fuel con- CO2 emitted per unit of transport work ("attained EEDI").
sumption at the engine maximum continuous rating by Taking into account the need to substantiate all data used in
more than an averaged 2%. the EEDI formula, these requirements are mainly applicable
The system is to be acceptable to the Society in compliance to new buildings.
with Sec 1, [8] as applicable. The "attained EEDI" is to be not greater than a "required
Depending on installation a weighted index may be neces- EEDI" as described in Table 1, Regulation 21 of Resolution
sary. MEPC.203(62).

222 RINA Rules 2017

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The "attained EEDI" is to be calculated according to the 2.8 Visual intrusion

"Interim Guidelines on the Method of Calculation of the
Energy Efficiency Design Index for New Ships" as per IMO 2.8.1 Visual impact assessment and
Circular MEPC.1/Circ.681. implementation of the aesthetic mitigation
measures (1/7/2012)
The "required EEDI" is to be calculated according to Regula- Visual impact assessment and implementation of the aes-
tion 21 of Resolution MEPC.203(62). thetic mitigation measures are applicable only to ships
intended to operate at a fixed location.
Reference lines to be used for the calculation of the
"required EEDI" are those contained in in Table 2, Regula- Visual impact assessment refers to a systematic analysis of
tion 21 of Resolution MEPC.203(62). potential impacts to landscape and waterscape resulting
from the ship and relevant mooring systems located in a
The "attained EEDI" is to be calculated only for the types of fixed position.
ships which fall into one or more of the categories in regula-
Visual impact assessment is also to include an investigation
tions 2.25 to 2.35 of Marpol Annex VI, chapter 1 as
of the means available to mitigate the effects of such instal-
amended by Resolution MEPC 203(62)). Ships having die-
lations prior to their implementation.
sel-electric propulsion, turbine propulsion or hybrid propul-
sion systems are excluded. There is no single precise methodology for visual impact
assessment and is assessed largely by qualitative judge-
ments, however the ship is to be provided with this assess-
2.7 Noise ment and identified mitigation measures are to be
2.7.1 Noise level assessment and implementation
The visual impact assessment is to be submitted to Society
of noise mitigation measures (1/7/2012)
for information.
For sea-going ships, an underwater noise assessment is to
be carried out identifying the appropriate measures to mini- 2.8.2 Light pollution assessment and
mize impact and disturbance to marine species in general. mitigation (1/7/2012)
Light pollution assessment and mitigation is applicable only
The measures may affect: to ships intended to operate at a fixed location.
• propeller design and propulsion system for example The ship is to be provided with a specific 'illumination
reducing cavitation and/ or turbulence in the wake field plan', to be developed at the detailed design stage, and a
study on light pollution, including assessment on birds
• hull form optimization for example reducing hull resist-
(migrant birds) and marine fauna, identification of effects
and their mitigation.
For ships operating at a fixed location, the assessment is to Countermeasures are to be adopted for mitigating light pol-
be carried out on both ambient and underwater noise to lution effects identified as significant.
include: The study is to address at least the following:
• description of the noise levels existing in the area where • species-dependent differences in light perception
the ship operates • light intensity, wavelength, glow, elevation and directiv-
• description of the sensitive receptors existing in the
area, which may be affected by noise associated to the • identification of minimum light needs (each light source
ship is to be described in terms of its purpose, location, foot-
print, intensity and spectral composition).
• identification of significant noise levels and the meas-
ures for minimizing them. The noise abatement meas- Possible mitigation actions could be:
ures can include planning activities, appropriate • lights off when not needed
selection of equipment, etc. • mount lights low down with lowest intensity for the job
• the expected improvement in terms of noise impact and • stop all light escaping upwards and outwards by means
disturbance to terrestrial and marine species, including of appropriate shields
migrant animals. • use wavelength lights having minimum impact for the
species involved.
Countermeasures are to be adopted for mitigating noise lev-
els identified as significant. The light pollution assessment is to be submitted to the
Society for information.
Noise measurements assessing the effectiveness of the
implemented measures are to be carried out annually.
2.9 Assessment and monitoring
The ambient and underwater noise measurements are to be
conducted in accordance with international standards. 2.9.1 Environmental Risk Assessment
(ERA) (1/7/2012)
The noise assessment and the measurements are to be sub- The ERA is applicable only to ships intended to operate at a
mitted to the Society for information. fixed location.

RINA Rules 2017 223

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An assessment of risk to the environment (air, water, land, An annual monitoring plan of seawater quality is to be
plants and wildlife, including migrant animals) is to be car- implemented and maintained.
ried out for the area and the surroundings where the ships
The plan, the list of parameters to be monitored and the
sampling points are to be agreed with an expert (Environ-
The assessment is to be made according to the following mental Protection Agency or marine biologist or equivalent)
steps: taking into account the environmental sensitivities, assimi-
lative capacity of seawater and the type of cargo.
• Hazard identification
• Identification of consequences if the hazard was to BOD (Biochemical Oxygen Demand), COD (Chemical
occur Oxygen Demand), pH, oil, total dissolved solids are to be
• Identification of existing controls
The equipment used for monitoring purposes is to be prop-
• Estimation of the magnitude of the consequences, con- erly calibrated and maintained.
sidering the existing controls
Monitoring data are to be analysed by experts so that any
• Estimation of the probability of the consequences, con-
necessary corrective actions can be taken.
sidering the existing controls
A first monitoring activity is to be performed prior to the
• Evaluation of the risk.
assignment of the score relevant to this item.
The assessment is to consider operative and emergency
conditions. 2.9.4 Annual monitoring of terrestrial and marine
flora (1/7/2012)
Software tools may be used for the estimation of magnitude These monitoring activities are applicable only to ships
and probability of the consequences, for example software
intended to operate at a fixed location.
for the evaluation of a toxic release.
An annual monitoring plan of terrestrial and marine flora is
Designers are free to choose any methodology for the eval-
to be implemented and maintained.
uation of risk.
The plan, the list of parameters to be monitored and the
The outcome is to be the identification of the necessary
sampling points are to be agreed with an expert (Environ-
measures to eliminate or, if not possible, minimize the risks
mental Protection Agency or biologist or equivalent) taking
into account the type of cargo and the terrestrial and marine
The measures are to be adopted. flora present in the area.
The ERA is to be periodically reviewed (in agreement with The equipment used is to be properly calibrated and main-
the Society) in order to assess the efficiency of the measures tained.
and the changes occurred in the meantime.
Monitoring data is to be analysed by experts so that any
The ERA and the successive reviews are to be submitted to necessary corrective actions can be taken.
the Society for information.
A first monitoring activity is to be performed prior the
assignment of the score relevant to this item.
2.9.2 Annual monitoring of air quality (1/7/2012)
These monitoring activities are applicable only to ships 2.9.5 Annual monitoring of terrestrial and marine
intended to operate at a fixed location. fauna, including migrant animals (1/7/2012)
An annual monitoring plan of air quality is to be imple- These monitoring activities are applicable only to ships
mented and maintained in the time. intended to operate at a fixed location.
The plan, the list of parameters to be monitored and the An annual monitoring plan of terrestrial and marine fauna,
sampling points are to be agreed with an expert (Environ- including migrant animals, is to be implemented and main-
mental Protection Agency or chemist or equivalent) taking tained in the time.
into account the environmental sensitivities and the cargo.
The plan, the list of parameters to be monitored and the
The equipment used for monitoring purposes is to be prop- sampling points are to be agreed with an expert (Environ-
erly calibrated and maintained. mental Protection Agency or biologist or equivalent) taking
into account the type of cargo and the terrestrial and marine
Monitoring data are to be analyzed by an expert so that any fauna, including migrant animals, present in every period of
necessary corrective actions can be taken. the year in the area.
A first monitoring activity is to be performed prior to the The equipment used is to be properly calibrated and main-
assignment of the score relevant to this item. tained.

2.9.3 Annual monitoring of seawater Monitoring data are to be analysed by experts so that any
quality (1/7/2012) necessary corrective actions can be taken.
These monitoring activities are applicable only to ships A first monitoring activity is to be performed prior to the
intended to operate at a fixed location. assignment of the score relevant to this item.

224 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, App 2

2.9.6 Periodic ambient and underwater noise months; documentation is to be kept on board for exam-
monitoring and recording (1/7/2012) ination during periodical surveys;
These monitoring activities are applicable only to ships • periodical cleaning of the oil bilge water retention tank,
intended to operate at a fixed location. bilge holding tank and of the sludge tank
• spillage during bunkering;
An annual monitoring plan of ambient and underwater
noise is to be implemented and maintained. • periodical checks of the overflow systems/alarms;
• preparation, filling in and maintenance of the cargo
The plan and the sampling points are to be agreed with the record book (for ships carrying noxious liquid sub-
Society. stances in bulk);
The equipment used is to be properly calibrated and main- • sewage management including discharge criteria and
tained. use of holding tanks in port and no discharge areas;
• preparation, filling in and maintenance of the sewage
The measurements are to be conducted in accordance with
record book;
international standards.
• disposal of sewage treatment plant residues. If the ship
Monitoring data are to be analysed by experts so that any is not in a condition to dispose at sea of sewage treat-
necessary corrective actions can be taken. ment plant residues in accordance with international or
national regulations, such residues are to be disposed
A first monitoring activity is to be performed prior to the
ashore or by incineration;
assignment of the score relevant to this item.
• grey water discharge criteria and use of holding tanks in
ports and in no discharge areas;
2.10 Green Passport • garbage management and waste recycling;
• procedures to be followed to minimise the risk of
2.10.1 Green Passport Plus (1/7/2012) depleting the refrigerant or the refrigerant vapours in all
The ship is to comply with the requirements of Sec 4, [2.7] operative and emergency conditions;
and is to be provided with a Green Passport Plus as per • corrective actions in the event the annual refrigerant
Sec 4, [2.7.4]. leakage exceeds 10%;
• preparing, filling in and updating the refrigerant log-
book. The leakage is to be documented by consumption
3 Procedures figures recorded in a refrigerant log-book to be kept on
board and made available during periodical surveys;
3.1 • the procedures required by MARPOL 73/78 as amended
or the reference to the company document containing
3.1.1 (1/7/2012) them.
The Ship Environmental Management Plan, referred to in
The lube oil consumption of all systems having an oil to sea
Sec 1, [4.1.2], is to include procedures covering the follow-
interface, such as main and auxiliary engines cooled by sea
water, controlled pitch propellers, sterntubes, bow and stern
• oily waste management including discharge criteria; thrusters, stabilisers, PODs etc, is to be recorded at least
once a week in an "Oil Systems record book" aimed at
• preparation, filling in and maintenance of the oil record detecting, through unusually high consumption, oil leakage
book; through sealings.
• periodical calibration of the oil content meters, when The log-book is to contain the list of all systems concerned,
required by the Manufacturer's instructions or, in the the consumption of each system recorded at least every
absence of specific indications, at least every six week and corrective actions when carried out.

RINA Rules 2017 225

Pt F, Ch 7, App 3



1 General and liquid wastes arising from the operation of the ship, e.g.
domestic waste, cargo-associated waste, maintenance
waste, operational waste, cargo residues and fishing gear,
1.1 Scope
etc. These facilities may be designed to use or not to use the
1.1.1 Coverage heat energy produced.
This specification covers the design, manufacture, perform-
1.2.3 Garbage
ance, operation and testing of incinerators intended to
incinerate garbage and other shipboard wastes generated Garbage means all kinds of victual, domestic and opera-
during the ship's normal service. tional waste excluding fresh fish and parts thereof, gener-
ated during normal operation of the ship as defined in
1.1.2 Application Annex V to MARPOL 73/78.
This specification applies to those incinerator plants with
capacities up to 1500 kW per unit. 1.2.4 Waste
Waste means useless, unneeded or superfluous matter
1.1.3 Industrial systems which is to be discarded.
This specification does not apply to systems on special
incinerator ships, e.g. for burning industrial wastes such as 1.2.5 Food wastes
chemicals, manufacturing residues, etc. Food wastes are any spoiled or unspoiled victual sub-
stances, such as fruits, vegetables, dairy products, poultry,
1.1.4 Items not addressed by the specification
meat products, food scraps, food particles, and all other
This specification does not address the electrical supply to materials contaminated by such wastes, generated aboard
the unit or the foundation connections and stack connec- ship, principally in the galley and dining areas.
1.2.6 Plastic
1.1.5 Emission requirements
This specification provides emission requirements in Annex Plastic means a solid material which contains as an essen-
A1 and fire protection requirements in Annex A2. Provi- tial ingredient one or more synthetic organic high polymers
sions for incinerators integrated with heat recovery units and which is formed (shaped) during either manufacture of
and provisions for flue gas temperature are given in Annex the polymer or the fabrication into a finished product by
A3 and Annex A4, respectively. heat and/or pressure. Plastics have material properties rang-
ing from hard and brittle to soft and elastic. Plastics are used
1.1.6 Hazardous materials for a variety of marine purposes including, but not limited
This specification may involve hazardous materials, opera- to, packaging (vapour-proof barriers, bottles, containers, lin-
tions and equipment. This standard does not purport to ers), ship construction (fibreglass and laminated structures,
address all of the safety problems associated with its use. It siding, piping, insulation, flooring, carpets, fabrics, paints
is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish and finishes, adhesives, electrical and electronic compo-
appropriate safety and health practices and determine the nents), disposable eating utensils and cups, bags, sheeting,
applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use, including floats, fishing nets, strapping bands, rope and line.
possible port State limitations.
1.2.7 Domestic waste
1.2 Definitions Domestic waste means all types of food wastes, sewage and
wastes generated in the living spaces on board the ship for
1.2.1 Ship the purpose of this specification.
Ship means a vessel of any type whatsoever operating in the
marine environment and includes hydrofoil boats, air-cush- 1.2.8 Cargo-associated waste
ioned vehicles, submersibles, floating craft and fixed or Cargo-associated waste means all materials which have
floating platforms. become wastes as a result of use on board a ship for cargo
stowage and handling. Cargo-associated waste includes but
1.2.2 Incinerator is not limited to dunnage, shoring pallets, lining and pack-
Incinerator means shipboard facilities for incinerating solid ing materials, plywood, paper, cardboard, wire, and steel
wastes approximating in composition to household waste strapping.

226 RINA Rules 2017

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1.2.9 Maintenance waste 2.1.3 Protection of rotating parts

Maintenance waste means materials collected by the All rotating or moving mechanical and exposed electrical
engine department and the deck department while main- parts should be protected against accidental contact.
taining and operating the vessel, such as soot, machinery
deposits, scraped paint, deck sweeping, wiping wastes, oily 2.1.4 Incinerator wall protection
rags, etc. Incinerator walls are to be protected with insulated fire
bricks/refractory and a cooling system. Outside surface tem-
1.2.10 Operational waste perature of the incinerator casing which may be touched
Operational wastes means all cargo-associated wastes and during normal operations should not exceed 20°C above
maintenance waste (including ash and clinkers), and cargo ambient temperature.
residues defined as garbage in Sec 4, [1.3.6].
2.1.5 Refractory design and material
1.2.11 Sludge oil
Refractory should be resistant to thermal shocks and to nor-
Sludge oil means sludge from fuel and lubricating oil sepa- mal ship's vibration. The refractory design temperature
rators, waste lubricating oil from main and auxiliary should be equal to the combustion chamber design temper-
machinery and waste oil from bilge water separators, drip ature plus 20%. (See [2.1])
trays, etc.
2.1.6 Corrosion minimisation
1.2.12 Oily rags
Incinerating systems should be designed such that corrosion
Oily rags are rags which have been saturated with oil as will be minimised on the inside of the systems.
provided for in Annex I to the Convention. Contaminated
rags are rags which have been saturated with a substance 2.1.7 Incinerators equipped to incinerate liquid
defined as a harmful substance in the other annexes to waste
MARPOL 73/78.
In systems equipped for incinerating liquid wastes, safe
1.2.13 Cargo residues ignition and maintenance of combustion are to be ensured,
e.g. by a supplementary burner using gas oil/diesel oil or
Cargo residues for the purposes of this standard are defined
as the remnants of any cargo material on board that cannot
be placed in proper cargo holds (loading excess and spill- 2.1.8 Combustion chamber design
age) or which remains in cargo holds and elsewhere after
unloading procedures are completed (unloading residual The combustion chamber(s) should be designed for easy
and spillage). However, cargo residues are expected to be maintenance of all internal parts including the refractory
in small quantities. and insulation.

1.2.14 Fishing gear 2.1.9 Means to assure negative pressure in the

Fishing gear is defined as any physical device or part thereof
or combination of items that may be placed on or in the The combustion process should take place under negative
water with the intended purpose of capturing, or controlling pressure which means that the pressure in the furnace under
for subsequent capture, living marine or freshwater organ- all circumstances should be lower than the ambient pres-
isms. sure in the room where the incinerator is installed. A flue
gas fan may be fitted to secure negative pressure.

2 Design 2.1.10 Incinerator furnace charging

The incinerating furnace may be charged with solid waste
2.1 Materials and manufacture either by hand or automatically. In every case, fire dangers
should be avoided and charging should be possible without
2.1.1 Materials danger to the operating personnel. For instance, where
The materials used in the individual parts of the incinerator charging is carried out by hand, a charging lock may be
are to be suitable for the intended application with respect provided which ensures that the charging space is isolated
to heat resistance, mechanical properties, oxidation, corro- from the fire box as long as the filling hatch is open. Where
sion, etc., as in other auxiliary marine equipment. charging is not effected through a charging lock, an inter-
lock should be installed to prevent the charging door from
2.1.2 Piping opening while the incinerator is in operation with burning
Piping for fuel and sludge oil should be seamless steel of of garbage in progress or while the furnace temperature is
adequate strength and to the satisfaction of the Society. above 220 °C.
Short lengths of steel, or annealed copper nickel, nickel
copper, or copper pipe and tubing may be used for the 2.1.11 Incinerators equipped with feeding sluice
burners. The use of non-metallic materials for fuel lines is Incinerators equipped with a feeding sluice or system
prohibited. Valves and fittings may be threaded in sizes up should ensure that the material charged will move to the
to and including 60 mm O.D. (outside diameter), but combustion chamber. Such system should be designed such
threaded unions are not to be used on pressure lines in sizes that both operator and environment are protected from haz-
33 mm O.D. (outside diameter) and over. ardous exposure.

RINA Rules 2017 227

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2.1.12 Interlocks ever, overall overcurrent protection is acceptable if it

Interlocks should be installed to prevent ash removal doors is sized on the basis of the smallest conductors of
from opening while burning is in progress or while the fur- the interconnecting wiring, or in accordance with
nace temperature is above 220 °C. the requirements of acceptable international
2.1.13 Observation ports
3) Overcurrent protection devices should be accessible
The incinerator should be provided with a safe observation and their function should be identified.
port of the combustion chamber in order to provide visual
control of the burning process and waste accumulation in c) Motors
the combustion chamber. Neither heat, flame nor particles 1) All electric motors should have enclosures corre-
should be able to pass through the observation port. An sponding to the environment where they are
example of a safe observation port is high-temperature glass located, at least IP 44, in accordance with the
with a metal closure. requirements of international standards acceptable
to the Society.
2.1.14 Electrical requirements
2) Motors should be provided with a corrosion-resist-
a) Electrical installation requirements should apply to all
ant nameplate specifying information in accordance
electrical equipment, including controls, safety devices,
with the requirements of acceptable international
cables, and burners and incinerators.
1) A disconnecting means capable of being locked in
3) Motors should be provided with running protection
the open position should be installed at an accessi-
by means of integral thermal protection, overcurrent
ble location at the incinerator so that the incinerator
devices, or a combination of both in accordance
can be disconnected from all sources of potential.
with the Manufacturer’s instructions and with the
This disconnecting means should be an integral part
requirements of acceptable international standards.
of the incinerator or adjacent to it. (See [2.3.1])
2) All uninsulated live metal parts should be guarded 4) Motors should be rated for continuous duty and
to avoid accidental contact. designed for an ambient temperature of 45 °C or
3) The electrical equipment should be arranged so that
failure of this equipment will cause the fuel supply 5) All motors should be provided with terminal leads
to be shut off. or terminal screws in terminal boxes integral with,
or secured to, the motor frames.
4) All electrical contacts of every safety device
installed in the control circuit should be electrically d) Ignition system
connected in series. However, special consideration 1) When automatic electric ignition is provided, it
should be given to arrangements when certain should be accomplished by means of either a high
devices are wired in parallel. voltage electric spark, a high energy electric spark,
5) All electrical components and devices should have a or a glow coil.
voltage rating commensurate with the supply volt- 2) Ignition transformers should have an enclosure cor-
age of the control system. responding to the environment where they are
6) All electrical devices and electrical equipment located, at least IP 44, in accordance with the
exposed to the weather should meet the require- requirements of acceptable international standards.
ments of international standards acceptable to the 3) Ignition cable should meet the requirements of
Society. acceptable international standards.
7) All electrical and mechanical control devices should e) Wiring
be of a type tested and accepted by a nationally rec-
ognised testing agency, according to international 1) All wiring for incinerators should be rated and
standards. selected in accordance with the requirements of
acceptable international standards.
8) The design of the control circuits should be such that
limit and primary safety controls directly open a cir- f) Bonding and grounding
cuit that functions to interrupt the supply of fuel to 1) Means should be provided for grounding the major
combustion units. metallic frame or assembly of the incinerator.
b) Overcurrent protection 2) Non-current carrying enclosures, frames and similar
1) Conductors for interconnecting wiring that is smaller parts of all electrical components and devices
than the supply conductors should be provided with should be bonded to the main frame or assembly of
overcurrent protection based on the size of the the incinerator. Electrical components that are
smallest interconnecting conductors external to any bonded by their installation do not require a sepa-
control box, in accordance with the requirements of rate bonding conductor.
acceptable international standards. 3) When an insulated conductor is used to bond elec-
2) Overcurrent protection for interconnecting wiring trical components and devices, it should show a
should be located at the point where the smaller continuous green colour, with or without a yellow
conductors connect to the larger conductors. How- stripe.

228 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, App 3

2.2 Operating requirements 2.2.5 Instruction plate

The incinerator should have instruction plate(s) attached in
2.2.1 Design operating conditions a prominent location on the unit clearly addressing the fol-
The incinerator system should be designed and constructed lowing:
for operation with the following conditions, as indicated in a) Cleaning ashes and slag from the combustion cham-
Tab 1 and Tab 2: ber(s) and cleaning of combustion air openings before
starting the incinerator (where applicable).
Table 1 b) Operating procedures and instructions. These should
include proper start-up procedures, normal shutdown
Item Temperature procedures, emergency shutdown procedures and pro-
cedures for loading garbage (where applicable).
Maximum combustion chamber flue 1200 °C
gas outlet temperature 2.2.6 Prevention of building up of dioxins
Minimum combustion chamber flue gas 850 °C To avoid building up of dioxins, the flue gas should be
outlet temperature shock-cooled to a maximum 350 °C within 2,5 metres from
the combustion chamber flue gas outlet.
Preheat temperature of combustion 650 °C
2.3 Operating controls
For batch loaded incinerators there are no preheating 2.3.1 Disconnecting switch
requirements. However, the incinerator should be designed The entire unit should be capable of being disconnected
such that the temperature in the actual combustion space from all sources of electricity by means of one disconnect
reaches 600°C within 5 minutes after start. switch located near the incinerator (see [2.1.14] a) 1)).

Table 2 2.3.2 Emergency stop

There should be an emergency stop switch located outside
the compartment which stops all power to the equipment.
Operation Mode The emergency stop switch should also be able to stop all
Prepurge, before ignition At least 4 air changes in the power to the fuel pumps. If the incinerator is equipped with
chamber(s) and stack, but not a flue gas fan, the fan should be capable of being restarted
less than 15 seconds. independently of the other equipment on the incinerator.

Time between restarts At least 4 air changes in the 2.3.3 Control equipment design
chamber(s) and stack, but not The control equipment should be so designed that any fail-
less than 15 seconds. ure of the following will prevent continued operations and
Postpurge, after shut-off of Not less than 15 seconds after cause the fuel supply to be cut off.
fuel oil the closing of the fuel oil valve. a) Safety thermostat/draft failure
Incinerator discharge Minimum 6% O2 (measured in 1) A flue gas temperature controller, with a sensor
gases dry flue gas) placed in the flue gas duct, should be provided to
shut down the burner if the flue gas temperature
2.2.2 Shielding of combustion chamber surfaces exceeds the temperature set by the Manufacturer for
the specific design.
The outside surface of combustion chamber(s) should be
shielded from contact such that people in normal work situ- 2) A combustion temperature controller, with a sensor
ations will not be exposed to extreme heat (20°C above placed in the combustion chamber, should be pro-
ambient temperature) or direct contact with surface temper- vided to shut down the burner if the combustion
atures exceeding 60°C. Examples for alternatives to accom- chamber temperature exceeds the maximum tem-
plish this are a double jacket with an air flow in between or perature.
an expanded metal jacket. 3) A negative pressure switch should be provided to
monitor the draft and the negative pressure in the
2.2.3 Operating pressure combustion chamber. The purpose of this negative
Incinerating systems are to be operated with underpressure pressure switch is to ensure that there is sufficient
(negative pressure) in the combustion chamber such that no draft/negative pressure in the incinerator during
gases or smoke can leak out to the surrounding areas. operations. The circuit to the program relay for the
burner will be opened and an alarm activated before
2.2.4 Warning plates the negative pressure rises to atmospheric pressure.

The incinerator should have warning plates attached in a b) Flame failure/fuel oil pressure
prominent location on the unit, warning against unauthor- 1) The incinerator should have a flame safeguard con-
ised opening of doors to combustion chamber(s) during trol consisting of a flame sensing element and asso-
operation and against overloading the incinerator with gar- ciated equipment for shutdown of the unit in the
bage. event of ignition failure and flame failure during the

RINA Rules 2017 229

Pt F, Ch 7, App 3

firing cycle. The flame safeguard control should be 2.4 Other requirements
so designed that the failure of any component will
cause a safety shutdown. 2.4.1 Documentation
A complete instruction and maintenance manual with
2) The flame safeguard control should be capable of
drawings, electrical diagrams, spare parts list, etc. should be
closing the fuel valves in not more than 4 seconds
furnished with each incinerator.
after a flame failure.
3) The flame safeguard control should provide a trial- 2.4.2 Installation
for-ignition period of not more that 10 seconds dur- All devices and components should, as fitted in the ship, be
ing which fuel may be supplied to establish flame. If designed to operate when the ship is upright and when
flame is not established within 10 seconds, the fuel inclined at any angle of list up to and including 15° either
supply to the burners should be immediately shut off way under static conditions and 22,5° under dynamic con-
automatically. ditions (rolling) either way and simultaneously inclined
dynamically (pitching) 7,5° by bow or stern.
4) Whenever the flame safeguard control has operated
because of failure of ignition, flame failure or failure 2.4.3 Incinerators
of any component, only one automatic restart may
a) Incinerators are to be fitted with an energy source with
be provided. If this is not successful, then manual
sufficient energy to ensure a safe ignition and complete
reset of the flame safeguard control should be
combustion. The combustion is to take place at suffi-
required for restart.
cient negative pressure in the combustion chamber(s) to
5) Flame safeguard controls of the thermostatic type, ensure that no gases or smoke leak out to the surround-
such as stack switches and pyrostats operated by ing areas.
means of an open bimetallic helix, are prohibited. b) A drip tray is to be fitted under each burner and under
6) If fuel oil pressure drops below the value set by the any pumps, strainers, etc. that require occasional exam-
Manufacturer, a failure and lock out of the program ination.
relay should result. This also applies to a sludge oil
burner (where pressure is important for the combus- 3 Tests and certification
tion process or a pump is not an integral part of the
3.1 Tests
c) Loss of power
3.1.1 Prototype tests
1) If there is a loss of power to the incinerator con- An operating test for the prototype of each design should be
trol/alarm panel (not remote alarm panel), the sys- conducted, with a test report completed indicating results of
tem should shut down. all tests. The tests should be conducted to ensure that all of
the control components have been properly installed and
2.3.4 Fuel control solenoid valves that all parts of the incinerator, including controls and safety
Two fuel control solenoid valves should be provided in devices, are in satisfactory operating condition. Tests should
series in the fuel supply line to each burner. On multiple include those described in [3.1.3] below.
burner units, a valve on the main fuel supply line and a
valve at each burner will satisfy this requirement. The valves 3.1.2 Factory tests
should be connected electrically in parallel so that both For each unit, if preassembled, an operating test should be
operate simultaneously. conducted to ensure that all of the control components
have been properly installed and that all parts of the incin-
2.3.5 Alarms erator, including controls and safety devices, are in satisfac-
tory operating condition. Tests should include those
a) An outlet for an audible alarm should be provided for described in [3.1.3] below.
connection to a local alarm system or a central alarm
system. When a failure occurs, a visible indicator 3.1.3 Shipboard tests
should show what caused the failure. (The indicator
An operating test after installation should be conducted to
may cover more than one fault condition.)
ensure that all of the control components have been prop-
b) The visible indicator should be designed so that, where erly installed and that all parts of the incinerator, including
failure is a safety related shutdown, manual reset is controls and safety devices, are in satisfactory operating
required. condition. The requirements for prepurge and time between
restarts should be verified at the time of the installation test.
2.3.6 Cooling after shutdown a) Flame safeguard
After shutdown of the oil burner, provision should be made The operation of the flame safeguard system should be
for the fire box to cool sufficiently. (As an example of how verified by causing flame and ignition failures. Opera-
this may be accomplished, the exhaust fan or ejector could tion of the audible alarm (where applicable) and visible
be designed to continue to operate. This would not apply in indicator should be verified. The shutdown times should
the case of an emergency manual trip). be verified.

230 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, App 3

b) Limit controls 4 ANNEX A1 - Emission standard for

Shutdown due to the operation of the limit controls shipboard incinerators with capacity
should be verified.
of up to 1500 kW - Minimum informa-
1) Oil pressure limit control
tion to be provided
The lowering of the fuel oil pressure below the value
required for safe combustion should initiate a safety
shutdown. 4.1 IMO Type Approval Certificate
2) Other interlocks 4.1.1 An IMO Type Approval Certificate should be
Other interlocks provided should be tested for required for each shipboard incinerator. In order to obtain
proper operation as specified by the unit Manufac- such certificate, the incinerator should be designed and
turer. built to an IMO approved standard. Each model should go
c) Combustion controls through a specified type approval test procedure at the fac-
tory or an approved test facility, and under the responsibility
The combustion controls should be stable and operate
of the Society.
Note 1: The incinerator is to be of a type approved or accepted by
d) Programming controls the Society.
Programming controls should be verified as controlling
and cycling the unit in the intended manner. Proper pre- 4.1.2 Type approval tests should include measuring of the
purge, ignition, postpurge and modulation should be parameters listed in Tab 3:
verified. A stopwatch should be used for verifying inter-
vals of time. Table 3
e) Fuel supply controls
The satisfactory operation of the two fuel control sole- Item Measure
noid valves for all conditions of operation and shut- Max Capacity kW or kcal/h
down should be verified. kg/h of specified waste
f) Low voltage test kg/h per burner
A low voltage test should be conducted on the incinera-
Pilot fuel consumption kg/h per burner
tor unit to satisfactorily demonstrate that the fuel supply
to the burners will be automatically shut off before an O2 Average in combustion %
incinerator malfunction results from the reduced volt- chamber/zone
CO Average in flue gas mg/MJ
g) Switches
Soot number average Bacharach or Ringelman
All switches should be tested to verify proper operation. Scale

3.2 Certification Combustion chamber flue °C

gas outlet average tempera-
3.2.1 The Manufacturer's certification that an incinerator ture
has been constructed in accordance with this standard Amount of unburned compo- % by weight
should be provided (by letter, certificate or in the instruction nents in ashes
4.1.3 Tab 4 indicates the duration of test operations.
3.3 Marking
Table 4
3.3.1 Each incinerator should be permanently marked
Operation Time
a) Manufacturer's name or trademark
b) Style, type, model or other Manufacturer's designation For sludge oil burning 6 - 8 hours
for the incinerator For solid waste burning 6 - 8 hours
c) Capacity - to be indicated by net designed heat release
of the incinerator in heat units per timed period; for 4.1.4 Fuel test specifications for type approval tests (% by
example, British Thermal Units per hour, megajoules weight) are indicated in Tab 5 and Tab 6.
per hour, kilocalories per hour.
4.1.5 Tab 7 indicates the required emission standard to be
verified by the type approval test.
3.4 Quality assurance Flue gas outlet temperature and O2 content should be meas-
ured during the combustion period, and not during the pre-
3.4.1 Incinerators should be designed, manufactured and heating or cooling periods. For a batch loaded incinerator, it
tested in a manner that ensures they meet the requirements is acceptable to carry out the type approval test by means of
of this standard. a single batch.

RINA Rules 2017 231

Pt F, Ch 7, App 3

A high temperature in the actual combustion chamber/zone Table 5

is an absolute requirement in order to obtain a complete
and smoke free incineration, including that of plastic and Sludge/waste Specification
other synthetic materials, while minimising DIOXINE, VOC Sludge oil 75% sludge oil from heavy
(Volatile Organic Compounds) and emissions. consisting of fuel oil
5% waste lubricating oil
20% emulsified water
Solid waste 50% food waste
(class 2) 50% rubbish containing
consisting of • approx 30% paper
• approx 40% cardboard
• approx 10% rags
• approx 20% plastic
The mixture will have up to
50% moisture and 7%
incombustible solids
Note 1: Classes of waste
Reference: Waste Classification from
Incinerator Institute of America (Information
for type approval tests only)
Note 2: Class 2
Refuse, consisting of approximately even
mixture of rubbish and garbage by weight. This
type of waste is common to passenger ships,
consists of up to 50% moisture,
7% incombustible solids and has a heating
value of about 10 000 kJ/kg as fired.

Table 6

Calorific values Densities

Sludge kJ/Kg kg/m3
Vegetables and putresci- 5700 1360 Paper (loose) 50
Paper 14300 3415 Refuse (75% wet) 720
Rag 15500 3700 Dry rubbish 110
Plastics 36000 8600 Scrap wood 190
Sludge oil 36000 8600 Wood sawdust 220
Sewage sludge 3000 716
Note 1: Density of loose general waste generated on board ship will be about 130 kg/m3.

Table 7

Emission Standard
O2 in combustion chamber 6 - 12%

CO in flue gas maximum average 200 mg/MJ

Soot number maximum average BACHARACH 3 or RINGELMAN 1
(A higher soot number is acceptable only during very short peri-
ods such as starting up)
Unburned components in ash residues Max 10% by weight
Combustion chamber flue gas outlet temperature range 850-1200 °C

232 RINA Rules 2017

Pt F, Ch 7, App 3

4.2 Fuel related emission • SOx

c) Any restriction on NITROGEN OXIDE (NOx) should
a) Even with good incineration technology the emission only be considered in connection with possible future
from an incinerator will depend on the type of material regulations governing the vessel's total pollution, i.e.
being incinerated. If for instance a vessel has bunkered main and auxiliary machinery, boilers, etc.
a fuel with high sulphur content, then sludge oil from
separators which is burned in the incinerator will lead to
emission of SOx. But again, the SOx emission from the
5 ANNEX A2 - Fire protection require-
incinerator would only amount to less than one per cent ments for incinerators and waste
of the SOx discharged with the exhaust from main and stowage spaces
auxiliary engines.
b) Principal organic constituents (POC) cannot be meas- 5.1 SOLAS requirements to be applied
ured on a continuous basis. Specifically, there are no
instruments with provision for continuous time teleme- 5.1.1 For the purpose of construction, arrangement and
try that measure POC, HCI or waste destruction effi- insulation, incinerator spaces and waste stowage spaces
ciency, to date. These measurements can only be made should be treated as category A machinery spaces (SOLAS
using grab sample approaches where the sample is II-2/3.19) and service spaces (SOLAS II-2/3.12), respec-
returned to a laboratory for analysis. In the case of tively. To minimise the fire hazards these spaces represent,
organic constituents (undestroyed wastes), the labora- the following SOLAS requirements in Chapter II-2 should be
tory work requires considerable time to complete. Thus, applied:
continuous emission control can only be assured by a) Annex A2.1 - Passenger ships
secondary measurements. For passenger vessels carrying more than 36 passengers
c) ON BOARD OPERATION/EMISSSION CONTROL 1) Regulation 26.2.2(12) should apply to incinerator
For a shipboard incinerator with IMO TYPE APPROVAL, and combined incinerator/waste stowage spaces,
emission control/monitoring should be limited to the and the flue uptakes from such spaces
following: 2) Regulation 26.2.2(13) should apply to waste stow-
age spaces and garbage chutes connected thereto.
1) Control/monitor O2 content in combustion chamber
(spot checks only; an O2 content analyser is not b) Annex A2.2 - Other ships
required to be kept on board). For all other vessels, including passenger vessels carry-
ing not more than 36 passengers:
2) Control/monitor temperature in combustion cham-
ber flue gas outlet. 1) Regulation 44.2.2(6) should apply to incinerator and
combined incinerator/waste spaces, and the flue
By continuous (auto) control of the incineration process,
uptakes from such spaces
it is ensured that the two parameters mentioned above
are kept within the prescribed limits. This mode of oper- 2) Regulation 44.2.2(9) should apply to waste stowage
ation will ensure that particulates and ash residue con- spaces and garbage chutes connected thereto.
tain only traces of organic constituents. c) Annex A2.3 - Incinerators and waste stowage spaces
Incinerators and waste stowage spaces located on
4.3 Passenger/cruise ships with incinerator weather decks (Regulation II-2/3.(17)) need not meet the
installations having a total capacity of above requirements but should be located:
more than 1500 kW 1) as far aft on the vessel as possible;
2) not less than 3 m from entrances, air inlets and
openings to accommodation and service spaces and
a) On board this type of vessel, the following conditions control stations;
will probably exist: 3) not less than 5 m measured horizontally from the
1) Generation of huge amounts of burnable waste with nearest hazardous area, or vent outlet from a haz-
a high content of plastic and synthetic materials. ardous area; and
2) Incinerating plant with a high capacity operating 4) not less than 2 m from the incinerator and the waste
continuously over long periods. material stowage area, unless physically separated
by a structural fire barrier.
3) Vessel often operating in very sensitive coastal areas.
d) Annex A2.4 - Fixed fire-extinguishing and fire detection
b) In view of the fuel related emission from a plant with system
such a high capacity, installation of a flue gas sea water A fixed fire detection and fire-extinguishing system
scrubber should be considered. This installation can should be installed in enclosed spaces containing incin-
perform an efficient after-cleaning of the flue gases, thus erators, in combined incinerator/waste stowage spaces,
minimising the content of: and in any waste stowage space in accordance with
• HC1 Tab 8.

RINA Rules 2017 233

Pt F, Ch 7, App 3

e) Annex A2.5 - Incinerator and waste stowage spaces on 6.2 Alarms

weather decks
Where an incinerator or waste stowage space is located 6.2.1 The incinerator unit should be equipped with a
on weather decks it must be accessible with two means visual and an audible alarm in case of loss of feed water.
of fire extinguishment: either fire hoses, semi-portable
fire extinguishers, fire monitors or a combination of any
two of these extinguishing devices. A fixed fire-extin-
6.3 Cleaning devices
guishing system is acceptable as one means of extin-
guishment. 6.3.1 The gas-side of the heat recovery device should have
equipment for proper cleaning. Sufficient access should be
f) Annex A2.6 - Flue uptakes
provided for adequate inspection of external heating sur-
Flue uptake piping/ducting should be led independently faces.
to an appropriate terminus via a continuous funnel or
7 ANNEX A4 - Flue gas temperature
6 ANNEX A3 - Incinerators integrated
with heat recovery units 7.1 General

6.1 Flue gas system 7.1.1 When deciding upon the type of incinerator, consid-
eration should be given as to what the flue gas temperature
6.1.1 The flue gas system, for incinerators where the flue will be. The flue gas temperature can be a determining fac-
gas is led through a heat recovery device, should be tor in the selection of materials for fabricating the stack.
designed so that the incinerator can continue operation Special high temperature material may be required for use
with the economiser coils dry. This may be accomplished in fabricating the stack when the flue gas temperature
with bypass dampers if needed. exceeds 430 °C.

Table 8

Automatic sprinkler system Fixed fire-extinguishing system Fixed fire detection system
Combined incinerator and X
waste stowage space
Incinerator space X X
Waste stowage space X

234 RINA Rules 2017

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