COVID 19 Vaccine or Death Vaccine
COVID 19 Vaccine or Death Vaccine
COVID 19 Vaccine or Death Vaccine
The world has been shocked with the French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier called
mass vaccination against the coronavirus during the pandemic “unthinkable” and a historical blunder
that is “creating the variants” and leading to deaths from the disease. Get vaccinated and be ready to
die within two years.
Let me share with you some facts and figures and the I will come to highlight the fake claim,
disinformation and cheap popularity of French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier.
French virologist Luc Montagnier is a vrolegist and nobel prize winner but this is not his domain to speak
or predict.
1- The humanity has witnessed these planned conspiracies, disinformation and propaganda war
against chiken pox, BCG, polio and attached many unbeliveble misinformation with these
2- The conspirators and propagandanist developed so powerful contents and for the
reinforcement purpose colored with religious quotes, values and practices. These strategies
created and developed a fear and fobia against polio vaccine
3- In most part of the world the people were living in an atmosphere of trauma and parlayed fear.
4- They campaigned that polio vaccine is causing polio, cerebral palsy, consists of pig fats, pop
control, infertility, early puberty, premature babies birth, abortion, wakening of the semen and
5- Montagnier has promoted several controversial and unverified claims surrounding vaccinations,
homeopathy and the COVID-19 pandemic. For instance, his criticism of the French government's
vaccine program prompted widespread outcry in the scientific community.
6- In 2017, 106 academic scientists wrote an open letter “calling [the professor] to order”. The
letter read: “We, academics of medicine, cannot accept that one of our peers is using his Nobel
prize [status] to spread dangerous health messages outside of his field of knowledge."
Covid-19 Incubation
Covid-19 Testing
Covid-19 Symptom identification
Covid-19 Quarantine
Covid-19 Recovery/ Mortality
Montagnier said that vaccination is driving the process. “What does the virus do?
Does it die or find another solution?” How the virologist
Pig fat
Myth 9: R vaccine cause autism? And because of this the French Virologist Luc
Montagnier spread the rumours and got the cheap popularity.
Myth 10: Is there mercury in vaccines, and will this be toxic for my child?
Throughout the rest of your body:
Muscle pain
Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE) of disease is a
general concern for the development of vaccines and antibody
therapies because the mechanisms that underlie antibody
protection against any virus have a theoretical potential to
amplify the infection or trigger harmful immunopathology.
This possibility requires careful consideration at this critical
point in the pandemic of coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-
19), which is caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome
coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2). Here we review observations
relevant to the risks of ADE of disease, and their potential
implications for SARS-CoV-2 infection. At present, there are no
known clinical findings, immunological assays or biomarkers
that can differentiate any severe viral infection from immune-
enhanced disease, whether by measuring antibodies, T cells or
intrinsic host responses. In vitro systems and animal models
do not predict the risk of ADE of disease, in part because
protective and potentially detrimental antibody-mediated
mechanisms are the same and designing animal models
depends on understanding how antiviral host responses may
become harmful in humans. The implications of our lack of
knowledge are twofold. First, comprehensive studies are
urgently needed to define clinical correlates of protective
immunity against SARS-CoV-2. Second, because ADE of
disease cannot be reliably predicted after either vaccination or
treatment with antibodies—regardless of what virus is the
causative agent—it will be essential to depend on careful
analysis of safety in humans as immune interventions for
COVID-19 move forward Nobel Prize winner: Mass COVID
vaccination an ‘unacceptable mistake’ that is ‘creating the
variants’ In every country, ‘the curve of vaccination is
followed by the curve of deaths,’ the famous virologist said.
Wed May 19, 2021 - 6:59 pm EST May 19, 2021 (LifeSiteNews)
– French virologist and Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier
called mass vaccination against the coronavirus during the
pandemic “unthinkable” and a historical blunder that is
“creating the variants” and leading to deaths from the
disease. “It’s an enormous mistake, isn’t it? A scientific error
as well as a medical error. It is an unacceptable mistake,”
Montagnier said in an interview translated and published by
the RAIR Foundation USA yesterday. “The history books will
show that, because it is the vaccination that is creating the
variants.” wcea facebook Many epidemiologists know it and
are “silent” about the problem known as “antibody-
dependent enhancement,” Montagnier said. “It is the
antibodies produced by the virus that enable an infection to
become stronger,” he said in an interview with Pierre
Barnérias of Hold-Up Media earlier this month. Vaccination
leading to variants SUBSCRIBE to LifeSite's daily headlines
Email address Subscribe U.S. Canada World Catholic While
variants of viruses can occur naturally, “It is clear that the
new variants are created by antibody-mediated selection due
to the vaccination.” Vaccinating during a pandemic is
“unthinkable” and is causing deaths, the winner of the 2008
Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovery ‘Deaths follow
vaccination’ “The new variants are a production and result
from the vaccination. You see it in each country, it’s the same:
in every country deaths follow vaccination,” he said. A video
published last week on YouTube uses data from the Institute
for Health Metrics and Evaluation at the University of
Washington to illustrate the spikes in deaths in numerous
countries across the globe after the introduction of COVID
vaccination, confirming Montagnier’s observation.