WHLP - Als Week 7 2021

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Life Skills for Self-Directed Learning

Module 6 – Rights and Responsibilities of Workers and Employees

Week ____
Day and Learning
Learning Area Learning Objectives Learning Activities Mode of Delivery
Time Competency
8:00 – Wake Up, make up your bed, breakfast and get ready for a great day!
9:00 am
9:00 – Morning Meditation, Exercise, Bonding with Family.
9:30 am
Learning Strand 22 Discuss the rights Identify workers’ rights and  Session 1: Understanding For printed modules
1 and responsibilities of responsibilities Rights & Responsibilities
employees and Be familiar with universal human rights A. Personal
Content employers. This Take the Learner’s Reflection For elaborate explanation submission by the
Standard: Ability includes: - LSL4LC- Be familiar with their own personal regarding the activities stated parents or learners
to Earn a Living AE-PSA-AE/JHS-22 rights and responsibilities below, please refer to the to drop box at their
(Employment) Discuss the relationship between rights modules. respective
● Workers’ rights and and responsibilities community learning
Performance responsibilities 1: Introductory Activity centers
Become more familiar with workers’
Standard: Apply ● Employers rights and rights and responsibilities based on 30-50 minutes
working responsibilities B. To be retrieved by
some provisions of the Labor Code of
knowledge, ● Terms and condition 2: What’s a Right and What’s the ALS learning
the Philippines
attitudes, and of employment and a Responsibility? facilitator on a
work-related employee benefits 30-45 minutes certain date agreed.
skills ● Health and safety in
as an employed the workplace
person to earn a ● Harmonious and
living and productive work
improve one’s relationships
economic status (colleagues, superior,
22 Discuss the rights Become familiar with employers’  Session 2: Rights &
and responsibilities of responsibilities based on some of the Responsibilities Under the
employees and provisions of the Labor Code of the Labor Code of the
employers - LS4LC-AE- Philippines Philippines
PSA- Identify and understand the legal
AE/JHS-22. This responsibilities of employers For elaborate explanation
includes: Identify and understand the legal regarding the activities stated
 Philippine labor responsibilities of workers below, please refer to the
laws, e.g., Understand some real life application of modules.
contractualization, the Philippine labor code
minimum wage, Identify ways in which the Philippine 3: Introductory Activity
lawful and unlawful labor code can be broken and steps to 20-30 minutes
dismissal take when that happens
 Demonstrate Clarify some topics on rights and 4: Responsibilities of Workers
familiarity with the responsibilities that are of interest to and Employers
legal rights and learners 20-40 minutes
responsibilities of Perform an assessment for learning
employees 5: Applying What We Learned
 Demonstrate an About Philippine Labor Laws
understanding of 40-60 minutes
the role of unions
and other employer 6: Review, Wrapping Up, and
and employee Application
associations 90-110 minutes

Prepared by:

Mobiles Teacher

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