WHLP - Als Week 7 2021
WHLP - Als Week 7 2021
WHLP - Als Week 7 2021
Week ____
Day and Learning
Learning Area Learning Objectives Learning Activities Mode of Delivery
Time Competency
8:00 – Wake Up, make up your bed, breakfast and get ready for a great day!
9:00 am
9:00 – Morning Meditation, Exercise, Bonding with Family.
9:30 am
Learning Strand 22 Discuss the rights Identify workers’ rights and Session 1: Understanding For printed modules
1 and responsibilities of responsibilities Rights & Responsibilities
employees and Be familiar with universal human rights A. Personal
Content employers. This Take the Learner’s Reflection For elaborate explanation submission by the
Standard: Ability includes: - LSL4LC- Be familiar with their own personal regarding the activities stated parents or learners
to Earn a Living AE-PSA-AE/JHS-22 rights and responsibilities below, please refer to the to drop box at their
(Employment) Discuss the relationship between rights modules. respective
● Workers’ rights and and responsibilities community learning
Performance responsibilities 1: Introductory Activity centers
Become more familiar with workers’
Standard: Apply ● Employers rights and rights and responsibilities based on 30-50 minutes
working responsibilities B. To be retrieved by
some provisions of the Labor Code of
knowledge, ● Terms and condition 2: What’s a Right and What’s the ALS learning
the Philippines
attitudes, and of employment and a Responsibility? facilitator on a
work-related employee benefits 30-45 minutes certain date agreed.
skills ● Health and safety in
as an employed the workplace
person to earn a ● Harmonious and
living and productive work
improve one’s relationships
economic status (colleagues, superior,
22 Discuss the rights Become familiar with employers’ Session 2: Rights &
and responsibilities of responsibilities based on some of the Responsibilities Under the
employees and provisions of the Labor Code of the Labor Code of the
employers - LS4LC-AE- Philippines Philippines
PSA- Identify and understand the legal
AE/JHS-22. This responsibilities of employers For elaborate explanation
includes: Identify and understand the legal regarding the activities stated
Philippine labor responsibilities of workers below, please refer to the
laws, e.g., Understand some real life application of modules.
contractualization, the Philippine labor code
minimum wage, Identify ways in which the Philippine 3: Introductory Activity
lawful and unlawful labor code can be broken and steps to 20-30 minutes
dismissal take when that happens
Demonstrate Clarify some topics on rights and 4: Responsibilities of Workers
familiarity with the responsibilities that are of interest to and Employers
legal rights and learners 20-40 minutes
responsibilities of Perform an assessment for learning
employees 5: Applying What We Learned
Demonstrate an About Philippine Labor Laws
understanding of 40-60 minutes
the role of unions
and other employer 6: Review, Wrapping Up, and
and employee Application
associations 90-110 minutes
Prepared by:
Mobiles Teacher