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I. Objectives: LS 4-Life and Career Skills

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Annex 1E to DepEd Order No. 42, s.



Community Learning Eva/Salongsong LC
Center (CLC) Parina LC Program A&E
Learning Facilitator Sharon P. Addulam Literacy Level Secondary
Month and Quarter October 10-14, 2022-Quarter 1 Strand LS 4-Life and Career Skills

Week No. 6
Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
A. Content Standards/Focus Ability to earn a living
Apply working
knowledge, attitudes and
B. Performance work-related skills as an
Standards/Terminal Objectives employed person to earn
a living and improve
one’s economic status
Discuss the rights and Discuss the rights and Discuss the rights and
responsibilities of responsibilities of responsibilities of
Discuss the rights and
employees and employees and employees and
responsibilities of
employers. This includes:- employers. This employers. This
employees and
LS4LC-AE-PSA-AE/JHS-22 includes:-LS4LC-AE-PSA-includes:-LS4LC-AE-
employers. This includes:-
C. Learning  Philippine labor AE/JHS-22 PSA-AE/JHS-22
Competencies/Enabling law. E.g.,  Philippine labor  workers
 workers rights
Objectives contractualization law. E.g., rights and
(Write the LC code for each) , minimum wage, contractualizatio responsibiliti
lawful and n, minimum es
 Enployers rights
unlawful dismissal wage, lawful and  Enployers
unlawful rights and
dismissal responsibiliti
II. CONTENT (Subject Matter) UNDERSTANDING RIGHTS What’s a Right and What’s RIGHTS AND Responsibilities of Applying What
& RESPONSIBILITIES a Responsibility? RESPONSIBILITIES UNDER Workers and We Learned
(Introductory Activity) THE LABOR CODE OF THE Employers About
(Introductory Activity) Labor Laws
A. References
1. Session Guide pages
2. Modules/Learner’s Life Skills Module 6 Life Skills
Life Skills Module 6 page Life Skills Module 6 page Life Skills Module 6 page
Materials pages page Module 6 page
3. Additional Materials from
Learning Resources (LR)
Facilitator’s Tool 6.A: Handout 6.4: Handout 6.5:
-Handout 6.1: Sample of
Statements and Answers Responsibilities of Labor Code
Human Rights Rights or Responsibilities
B. Other Learning Resources for Agree/Disagree Game the Employer and the Excerpts
-Handout 6.2: Universal at Work?
on Labor Code of the Worker.
Human Rights
Reviewon the past Review the
lesson. past lessons.
A. Springboard/Motivation
Quickly review on module
(Establishing a purpose for the

Ask participants to think Ask learners to give Introduce this session. If Tell learners that Read the
B. Activity (Review of previous about the proverb found examples of their own there are learners in the they will enter a scenario given
lesson/s or Presenting the new at the beginning of personal rights and class who have competition. Divide the learners
lesson) Module 6 : “Ang bawat responsibilities. experienced being the class in half to and answer the
karapatan ay may Have them stand up and employed, ask 1 or 2 to form 2 teams (left questions
kaakibat na ask them to share the share briefly their and right side of the related to the
responsibilidad” (Every rights that they think they experience as workers: class). Hang the topic.
right implies a have. Choose another set how many hours they manila papers on
responsibility). of 3-4 learners, have them worked, whether they different sides of the
stand up, and ask them to felt they were paid fairly room. To warm up
share the responsibilities for their services, what for the competition,
that they think they have. benefits did the ask the left‐side team
employer provide and so to give an example of
on. If there are no a “legal responsibility
learners who have been of employers”. Ask
employed, ask those who the right-side team to
helped their family give an example of a
business how they were “legal responsibility
compensated. of workers”. Tell
them that they will
have 5 minutes to
put the items on the
manila paper in the
proper column,
either workers’ or
responsibilities. They
should share verbally.
The team that puts
the most correct
items in the columns
wins. Distirbute one
set of cut-out items
to each team and let
them begin the
D. Analysis (Presenting Ask 1-2 learners to share How would you define a Bring out participants’ Ask participants to go Ask:
examples/instances of the new what they think about the ‘right’? How would you prior knowledge about to Handout 6.4. 1. What is the
lesson) proverb; or to give an define a ‘responsibility’? the Labor Code of the Responsibilities of issue?
example of a right and Philippines: Draw an the Employer and the
responsibility. Some imaginary line across the Worker in their 2. What do you
examples:  right to room. At one end of the Handbook and read think the
education comes with a room, put a sign that independently (or in Philippine law
responsibility to study says “Agree” and at the pairs) the list of says about this
well;  right to clean other end of the room, responsibilities. type of
water comes with a put a sign that says Which harassment? 3.
responsibility to take care “Disagree”. In the responsibilities were If you were
of the environment. middle, post the sign “Do not mentioned in the Melanie’s
Not Know”. Explain that competition? friends, what
you are going to read advice will you
aloud some statements. give to
If learners think the Melanie? 4.
statement is correct, Are you aware
they should stand at the of any groups
“Agree” end. If they or
disagree, or if they think organizations
the statement is not that provide
correct, then should services to
stand at the “Disagree” women who
end. If they aren’t sure, have been
or if they don’t know, harassed?
they should go
somewhere in between.
Discuss the meang of right Discuss the rights and Discuss and explain Discuss and
and responsibilities. responsibilities under the the responsibilities of explain the
In addition, explain that labor code. worker nd employer. Labor Code
Explain that this module some of the learners may Excerpts
will talk about some already be working for an
universal rights, one’s employer, while others
personal rights, as well as are still planning to look
the rights and for work. Others work at
responsibilities of home, maybe helping the
employees and family business. Clarify the
E. Discussing new concepts and
employers. State that the meaning of “workers”.
practicing new skills (sub-
Labor Code of the Who are considered
activity # 1)
Philippines is the law that workers? (Workers
governs employment include teachers, farmers,
practices and labor fishermen, carpenters,
relations in the bakers, electricians,
Philippines. State the drivers, security guards,
main Key Topics of this dressmakers, etc. Under
session the labor law, a worker is
any member of the labor
force, whether employed
or unemployed )
Ask the learners what
they think about the
F. Discussing new concepts and
topics. In what ways do
practicing new skills (sub-
they think these topics
activity #2)
are useful in real life
G. Abstraction (Making Have learners go to the Does every ‘right’ have a After you have discussed Arrange both teams 1. What are
corresponding all 5 statements, ask if in two rows so that your rights as a
‘responsibility’? Display there were any surprises, they are facing each (teacher,
the manila paper you or if you learned other. Explain that employee,
prepared and read the list anything new. Discuss they should pass the employer, self-
of rights. For each right, any issues that arose and ball from one team to employed
ask the same small groups summarize. the other (left, right,
of learners to say the left right,…). The 2. What are
corresponding person who receives your
responsibility to match it has 5 seconds to responsibilities
Learners’ Reflection in with that right. mention a
as a (teacher,
their Participant’s resposibility that they
Handbook, explaining discussed in his/her employer,
generalizations about the
that this is not a test but team. You will be the selfemployed
is a way to see what they time keeper,
already know or do not counting 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.3. Do you
know about the topics. The team that runs know or do
out of ideas first (and
you have any
takes more than 5 experience of
seconds) is
rights being
disqualified and the violated or
other team wins! responsibilities
Clarify any questions not being
before they start. done? Can you
tell us about
H. Application (Developing Ask participants to look at Choose one rights as a Read a statement from Refer to Handout 6.4 From the
mastery) Handout 6.1: Sample of worker and explain to the Facilitator’s Tool 6.A: Stress the point that lesson, choose
Human Rights in their class. Statements and Answers both workers and one right as a
Handbook. Each picture for Agree/Disagree Game employers have legal worker and
depicts one of the on Labor Code of the responsibilities that explain.
essential human rights. Philippines and ask they need to follow.
Ask learners what they people to ‘vote with their
understand about each feet’ by placing
picture. Ask which of the themselves along the
8 human rights we are Agree‐Disagree
most concerned about in continuum. When
this course. everyone has found their
Examples: Health and place, discuss the
statement. Why do you
safety (work readiness); think it is right? Not
right to work (work right? Read the correct
readiness) answer. Continue with
the next statement.
Remember: ‘rights’ are What is your
what you can expect your significant
employer to provide; learning on :
‘responsibilities’ are what Rights &
your employer can expect Responsibilities
that you will do. For of Workers and
What is the importance
I. Valuing (Finding Practical example, it is the right of Employers?
of knowing the rights and
applications of concepts and the employee to receive
responsibilities of every
skills in daily living) clear insutrction and
expectations about the
job from the employer
and it is the employer’s
responsibility to explain
the expectations of the
job to the employee.
Ask participants to look at Do the activity found in Do the activity found Answer the
Handout 6.3: Rights or the participants module. in the participants Module
Responsibilities at Work? module. Assessment
Do the activity found in
J. Evaluation (Assessing learning) in their Handbook. Identify the workers Module 6:
your module.
Answer the activity. responsibility and Rights &
emplyer’s Responsibilities
Review the next lesson. Review on Philippine Ano ang mga
K. Agreement ( Additional What is your right and Labor Laws iba’t ibang uri
activities for application or responsibilities as an ALS ng bantas?
remediation) learner?

A. No. of learners who earned 80%
in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons work?
No. of learners who have caught
up with the lesson
D. No. of learners who continue to
require remediation
E. Which of my teaching strategies
worked well? Why did these

F. What difficulties did I encounter

which my principal or supervisor
can help me solve?

G. What innovation or localized

materials did I use/discover which
I wish to share with other

Prepared by:

ALS Teacher

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