Lab 04 - Free & Forced Convection
Lab 04 - Free & Forced Convection
Lab 04 - Free & Forced Convection
Lab Report
Roll #: 04-3-1-024-2017
Group #: G 6
Table of Contents
1 Abstract...............................................................................................................3
2 Learning Objectives..............................................................................................3
3 Introduction.........................................................................................................3
4 Experimental Setup..............................................................................................4
5 Theory..................................................................................................................5
6 Procedure.............................................................................................................7
List of Figures
Figure 4-4-1: Experimental Setup....................................................................................................................4
Figure 4-4-2: Schematic of Experimental Setup..............................................................................................5
Figure 4-5-1: Typical graph of power against surface temperature...............................................................6
Figure 4-5-2: Typical graph of air velocity against surface temperature........................................................6
Figure 7-1 Power vs Surface Temperature.....................................................................................................10
Figure 7-2 Air velocity vs surface temperature..............................................................................................10
1 Abstract
Convection occurs in liquids and gases. For any solid to lose or gain heat by convection it
must be in contact with the fluid. Convection cannot occur in a vacuum. In this
experiment we will learn to measure heat transfer coefficient in case of both, free and
forced convection. We will observe the higher effectiveness of forced convection in
transferring heat in comparison to free convection and the effect of speed of fluid on the
heat transfer coefficient of forced convection will also be studied. The measurement and
prediction of heat transfer coefficients for such circumstances is achieved in this
experiment by studying the temperature profiles and heat flux in an air duct with
associated flat transfer surface.
2 Learning Objectives
Student will learn to measure heat transfer coefficient in case of both, free and
forced convection
They will observe the higher effectiveness of forced convection in transferring
heat in comparison to free convection
The effect of speed of fluid on the heat transfer coefficient of forced convection
will also be studied
3 Introduction
Convection is the transfer of heat by the movement of a fluid (liquid or gas) between
areas of different temperature. Warm air is less dense than cold air, and so convection
currents can form in the presence of a temperature gradient. When currents are produced
only by temperature-derived density differences in the fluid, it is known as natural
convection. When the convection currents are due to an external factor such as a pump or
fan, this is forced convection. The faster the fluid is moved, the faster the rate of
The exchange of heat by convection between a body and its environment depends on:
The temperature gradient between the two (this determines the amount of heat
absorbed or donated by a given mass of air that comes into contact with the
Relative movement of the fluid with which the body is in contact.
Convection occurs in liquids and gases. For any solid to lose or gain heat by convection it
must be in contact with the fluid. Convection cannot occur in a vacuum.
Heat transfer by simultaneous conduction and convection, whether free or forced, forms
the basis of most industrial heat exchangers and related equipment.
The measurement and prediction of heat transfer coefficients for such circumstances is
achieved in this experiment by studying the temperature profiles and heat flux in an air
duct with associated flat transfer surface.
4 Experimental Setup
Model: EES-TH-3104
Figure 4-4- 1: Experimental Setup
5 Theory
The hotter the temperature of the surface, the greater the convective currents and more
beat (power) will be dissipated. If more power is supplied to a surface, the temperature of
the surface must rise to dissipate this power.
forced convection will have a lower surface temperature than that of the same surface in
free convection, for the same power input.
6 Procedure
7. Increase the heater power in the exchanger by rotating the power control knob
clockwise. The power supplied to the exchanger should be shown in watts on the
8. Switch on the fan and increase the speed by rotating the fan speed control knob
9. Observe that the air velocity is indicated on the indicator.
10. Check that the plate temperature (TH) increases.
11. Set the heater power control and fan speed control knob to minimum.
12. Now you are ready for the following experiments.
A. Free Convection
Area= A = 140.3cm2
B. Forced Convection
Area= A = ___140.3cm2_
30.5 61.3 19 42.3 0.068947448
Plate Ambient
Heat transfer
Air Velocity Temperature Temperature TH – TA
Coefficient, h
m/s (TH) (TA) (0C)
W/m2. K
(0C) (0C)
4.1 61.1 19 42.1 0.067860207
4.82 65.3 19 46.3 0.066967589
5.10 66.9 19 47.9 0.06663369
5.85 67.9 19 48.9 0.066426689
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
20 30 40 50 60 70 80
Heat transfer is greater in forced convection then in free convection because its heat
transfer coefficient is greater than free convection heat coefficient.
From the experiment we have calculated the temperature difference between ambient
temperature and heater temperature for the case of both free and forced convection.
Temperature difference is less in free convection then in forced one.
From the graph between air velocity and temperature difference sated the air velocity
decreases the temperature difference decreases and vice versa. This is because heat
transfer is affected because of air velocity.