COMSATS University Islamabad, Virtual Campus MGT403 Entrepreneurship Lecture # 4 Handouts

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COMSATS University Islamabad, Virtual Campus

MGT403 Entrepreneurship
Lecture # 4 Handouts

Lecture Topic; The Cultural Diversity of Entrepreneurship

If you go to the market or go to various businesses, you will come across entrepreneurs that come

across from various backgrounds, all of them are not necessary young, all of them are not necessarily

old, all of them are not necessary males, there are various segments of entrepreneurs that are given

below as accordingly.

Young Entrepreneurs

Young people are setting the pace in entrepreneurship. Disenchanted with their prospects in

corporate America and willing to take a chance to control their own destinies, scores of people are

choosing entrepreneurship as their primary career path.

In youngster the trend of starting business is improving e.g. Food trucks, Event management,

carrying business over the web, retailing business, launching a clothing business.

Generation X made up of those people that were born between 1965 and 1980 is the most

entrepreneurial generation in history.

Women Entrepreneurs

Another segment of business considered to be as women entrepreneurs. But despite years of

legislative efforts, women still face discrimination in the workforce. However, small business has been

a leader in offering women opportunities for economic expression through employment and

entrepreneurship. Increasing number of women are discovering that the best way to break the “Glass

Ceiling” that prevent them from rising to the top of many organizations is to start their own companies.

The freedom that owing their own companies gives them is one reason that entrepreneurship is a
COMSATS University Islamabad, Virtual Campus
MGT403 Entrepreneurship
Lecture # 4 Handouts

popular career choice for women. In fact, women now own 40 percent of all privately held business in

the United States and many of them are in field that traditionally have been male dominated. Although

the business women start tending to be small than those men start, their impact is anything but small.

e.g. Women empowerment schemes in Pakistan has been initiated by President General

Mushraffe, Women literacy rate program, launching of brands, running boutiques and outlets of

clothing, clothing business, hand weaving, making handicrafts, running beauty parlors, sewing clothes,

stitching clothes, embroidery, hand-weaving items.

Minority Entrepreneurs

Like women, minorities are also choosing entrepreneurship more often than ever before.

Hispanics, Asians and African-America respectively are most likely to become entrepreneurs.

Hispanics represent the fastest growing segment of the U.S. population and exhibit the greatest level of

entrepreneurial activity among minorities in the United States.

Minority entrepreneurs see owning their own business as an ideal way to battle discrimination and

minority-owned companies have come a long way in the last decade.

Immigrant entrepreneurs

In this form of entrepreneurship, Individuals move from one place to another place for

economic fortunes. They tend to go for that opportunity of entrepreneurship when they failed to get an

opportunity, or they fail to pursue their career, or fail to get jobs. Immigrant entrepreneurs own 12.5

percent of business in the United states and are 30 percent more likely to start business as compared to

non-immigrants. Although many immigrants come to the United states with few assets, the dedication

and desire to succeed enable them to achieve their entrepreneurial dreams.

COMSATS University Islamabad, Virtual Campus
MGT403 Entrepreneurship
Lecture # 4 Handouts

Part-time entrepreneurs

They get to enjoy the best of both worlds. They continue their employment by continuing their

business. Another category of entrepreneurship is considered to be as part time entrepreneurs. Starting

a part-time business is a popular gateway to entrepreneurship. Part-timers have the best of both worlds.

They can ease into a business without sacrificing the security of steady paychecks.

A major advantage of going into part-time business is the lower risk in case the venture flops.

Starting a part time business and maintaining a “regular” job can challenge the endurance of the most

determined entrepreneurs, but it does provide a safety net in case the business venture fails. You may

also launch a business with a part-time entrepreneurship mode as well.

Home-Based Entrepreneurs

In the past, home based business tended to be rather unexciting cottage industry such as making

handicrafts, home cook food and sewing clothes. Todays home based business are more diverse;

modern home-based entrepreneurs are more likely to be running high-tech or service companies with

million of dollars in sales. The biggest advantage home-based business offer entrepreneurship is the

cost savings of not having to lease or buy an external location. Home-based entrepreneurs also enjoy

the benefits of flexible work and lifestyles.

Because of their low-cost locations, home based businesses generate higher gross profit

margins than companies that have location outside the home. Less costly and powerful technology and

the internet, which are transforming many ordinary homes into “electronic cottage’ will continue to

drive the growth of home-based businesses.

COMSATS University Islamabad, Virtual Campus
MGT403 Entrepreneurship
Lecture # 4 Handouts

e.g. Home cook food, Silai School, Cottage industry (Trade that you get to conduct at home is

known as home-based entrepreneurs).

Family-Based Business Owners

A family-owned business is one that includes two or more members of a family with financial

control of the company. They are an integral part of our economy. The benefit of doing family-owned

entrepreneurs includes the reduced cost because you don’t have to pay wages to any third person apart

from your home members which creates a sort of competitive advantage over others.


“Copreneurs” are entrepreneurial couples who work together as co-owner of their business. More

than 1.2 million husband and wife teams operate businesses in the United States. Coprenurs divide

their business responsibilities on the basis of their skills, experience and abilities rather than on gender.

Corporate Castoffs

Corporate castoffs are those individuals who get fired by their organizations due to the economic

recession. Concentrating on trying to operate more efficiently, corporations have been downsizing,

shedding their excess bulk, and slashing employment at all levels in the organization. These

downsizing victims or “corporate castoffs” have become an important source of entrepreneurial


“Corporate Dropouts”
COMSATS University Islamabad, Virtual Campus
MGT403 Entrepreneurship
Lecture # 4 Handouts

The dramatic downsizing in corporate America has created another effect among the employees left

after restructuring; a trust gap. The result of this trust gap is growing number of “dropouts” from the

corporate structure who then become entrepreneurs. Although their work days may grow longer, and

their incomes may shrink, those who strike out on their own often find their work more rewarding and

more satisfying because they are doing what they enjoy, and they are in control.

Retired-Baby Boomers

Members of the baby boom generation (1946-1964) are retiring, but many of them are not idle; instead

they are launching business of their own.

COMSATS University Islamabad, Virtual Campus
MGT403 Entrepreneurship
Lecture # 4 Handouts

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MGT403 Entrepreneurship
Lecture # 4 Handouts

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