3750 Pulpress Pressurisation Unit: Installation and Operating Instructions

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3750 Pulpress


Installation and
operating instructions
File No: 37.858uk
Date: september 02, 2016
Supersedes: 37.858uk
Date: october 05, 2015
1.0 ce conformities 4
2.0 Preface 4
3.0 Introduction 4
4.0 Warnings symbols 4
5.0 Instructions for safe use 4
6.0 Typical chilled–water sealed system 5
7.0 Typical lthw sealed system – max. 100°c 5
8.0 Typical mthw sealed system – max. 120°c 6
9.0 Storage 6
10.0 Limitations 6
11.0 Protection 6
12.0 General notes 6
13.0 Installation 6
13.1 Mechanical 6
13.2 Electrical 6
14.0 Safety regulations 7
15.0 Commissioning 7
16.0 Operation 7
17.0 Heating system 7
18.0 Chiller systems 7
19.0 Controller functions 8
20.0 User interface 9
21.0 Statistics 9
22.0 Parameters 10
23.0 Warnings and alarms 11
24.0 Maintenance checks 13
25.0 Fault finding chart 13
i n sta l l at i on & 3750 Pulpress
o p erat in g in str uction s pressurisation unit

please read all these notes carefully, 4 .0 warnings symbols

1.0 ce conformities Safety instruction where an electrical hazard is

lvd bs en 61010-1
Low voltage switchgear bs en 60439-1 Safety instruction where non-compliance would
Safety of machinery bs en iso 12100-1&2 affect safety.
Safety of machinery bs en 60204-1
Electromagnetic compatibility Safety instruction relating to safe operation of the
Harmonic emissions bs en 61000-3-2 equipment. (attention)
Electrostatic discharge bs en 61000-4-2
Radiated rf immunity bs en 61000-4-3
Fast transient bursts bs en 61000-4-4 5 .0 instructions for safe use
Voltage surges bs en 61000-4-5
Conducted rf immunity bs en 61000-4-6 1 This equipment has been designed for the pressurisation
Voltage dips bs en 61000-4-11 of sealed heating, chilled water and closed condenser
Generic immunity bs en 61000-6-1 water systems to the operating conditions shown.
Generic immunity bs en 61000-6-2 2 No installation of this equipment should take place until
Generic emissions bs en 61000-6-3 this installation, operation and maintenance instructions
Generic emissions bs en 61000-6-4 has been studied and understoodby the person
Safety of stationary circulation bs en 60335-2-51 responsible.
pumps for heating and service 3 Handling, transportation and installation of this equipment
water installations shall only be undertaken with the proper use of lifting gear.
4 The set shall not be used for any purpose other than that
for which it was designed and sized.
2.0 preface 5 The set shall not be operated with the cover
removed and the cover interlocked isolator
1 The 3750 Pulpress pressurisation unit has been designed overridden.
for ease of setting and operation
2 All packaged pump systems are pre-wired and fully tested, note:
both hydraulically and electrically, prior to dispatch. During normal operation the pumps will only
3 All parameter data has been entered into the controller generate pressures sufficient to satisfy system de-
in accordance with the system criteria. Once on-site mand. However, abnormal running conditions may
connections have been made, and all pre-checks carried cause closed valve pressures to be experienced.
out, the system is ready for commissioning.
4 During commissioning if system conditions are found
to vary from those set out in the design criteria, the
parameters can be easily changed

3 .0 introduction

1 This installation and operation manual contains specific

information regarding safe installation and operation of
the 3750 Pulpress pressurisation unit. These instructions
must be read and understood by anyone responsible for
the installation and maintenance of this equipment.
2 Prior to power being applied, it is essential that all
pre-commissioning procedures are carried out in full.
3 Operators and installers must familiarise themselves with
the operation and controls of the equipment.
3750 Pulpress i nsta l l a ti o n &
pressurisation unit o perati ng i nstr ucti o ns

6.0 typical chilled–water sealed system

Air eliminator
see leaflet on air eliminators
electrical supply
cooling load

flow return

position auto-air expansion vessels
pump vent with
on-off clock
signals to bms

to cooling gravity
tower chillier loop 3750 pulpress

evaporator supply
chillier pump point

system fill
electrical safety interlock
Equipment within this
area supplied by others
isolating valve non-return valve drain cock lock shield valve

7.0 typical lthw sealed system – max. 100°c

electrical supply

heating load
flow return
auto-air expansion vessels
temperature pressure vent with
gauge gauge on-off clock
pump signals to bms
valve anti-
over temperature gravity
energy cutout loop 3750 pulpress
pump mains
boiler alternative point
controls position
system fill
electrical safety interlock
Equipment within this
area supplied by others
isolating valve non-return valve drain cock lock shield valve
i n sta l l at i on & 3750 Pulpress
o p erat in g in str uction s pressurisation unit

8.0 typical mthw sealed system – 12.0 gener al notes

max. 120°c
1 The sets comprise one or two pumps operating on a duty/
The arrangement of the mthw scheme is similar to the lthw stand-by arrangement.
system above but has, in addition, an intermediate vessel 2 Each set is sized to bs7074 and custom built for a specific
installed between the expansion vessels and the system application, any change in the system conditions shown
connection. The volume of water contained in this vessel may necessitate a change in the design or settings.
ensures that the return temperatures at the boiler are not 3 System must be completely flushed out, to remove any
transferred to the expansion vessel, where damage to the metal particles, dirt etc, which may damage the set.
diaphragm would otherwise occur. 4 The system should be pressure tested, to eliminate leaks.
5 Under no circumstances must any attempt be made
to introduce water treatment to the system via the
warning notes: break-tank.
6 No part of the set, connecting pipe or expansion vessel(s)
1 Packed-gland circulating pumps must not be used in are to be lagged.
sealed systems. 7 Fill the system via the quick-fill connection. Do not use the
2 Water treatment must not be added to the system via the set to fill the system.
3750 Pulpress break tank.
3 No part of the set, expansion vessel, intermediate vessel
or connecting pipe is to be lagged. 13 .0 installation
4 Precautions should be taken to ensure that Lock Shield
Valves are protected against unauthorised closure. 13 .1 mechanical
1 Install the set on a flat and even surface.
2 Site set with sufficient space to the front, left and right
9.0 stor age sides of the unit for maintenance purposes.
3 Connect the cold water mains supply, via a stopcock, to
Store in a dry place. Protect against dirt, damage and frost. the ballcock in the break tank. (Water supply pressure 0.8
bar minimum with ballcock fully open).
4 Arrange break tank overflow pipe to discharge into a
10.0 limitations convenient drain in line with clause 30 of the Water supply
Bye-laws 1989 edition.
1 Maximum system working pressure: 10 bar. 5 Make a connection from the set to the return side of the
2 Maximum flow temperature 120°c. boiler and suction side of the circulating pump(s). If
3 Electrical supplies: 1 phase, 50 or 60 Hz, 220 or 240 volts. intermediate vessels are provided these should be fitted
4 Power supply fluctuation: +/- 10% maximum. in this connection with the set and expansion vessels
5 Humidity non-condensing: 80% rh up to 31°c connected to the bottom of the vessel and the system to
decreasing linearly to 50% rh at 40°c. the top of the vessel. A manual air vent should be fitted in
6 Ambient temperature: -5°c to 40°c. the pipe work close to the top of the vessel, see general
7 Water supply pressure 0.8 bar minimum to 6.8 bar arrangement drawing provided. Ensure pump(s) are
maximum with ballcock fully open. vented by loosening the vent cap on top of the delivery
8 System fill pressure: branch of the pump. Care must be taken not to over
8.1 Low pressure pump(s) – 0.5 to 2.5 bar. tighten the system or water inlet connections.
8.2 Medium pressure pump(s) – 1.5 to 5.5 bar. 6 Never dry run the pump.
9 Maximum water temperature for expansion vessels: 7 For wall mounting, wall structure will need to be
9.1 Continuous – 70°c above this intermediate vessels determined to select appropriate fasteners. Ensure there
must be used. are no pipes or electrical cables running behind where the
9.2 Intermittent – 100°c. wall bracket is to be secured.
10 Maximum total boiler rating – refer to graph pu3750.

13.2 electrical
11.0 protection 1 The power supply required is 240 volt +/-10%, 1 phase,
50 Hz or 60 Hz to suit motors fitted.
The set must be protected from the formation of condensa- 2 The incoming supply should be connected to the door
tion. If there is a likelihood of condensation forming on or in interlocked isolator from a local 10 amp switched fused
the control panel then an anti-condensation heater should be spur and if possible an elcb unit.
fitted. Contact our service department for details.
3750 Pulpress i nsta l l a ti o n &
pressurisation unit o perati ng i nstr ucti o ns

3 All incoming cable glands should be ip54 rated as a 2 Turn on the water supply feeding the 3750 Pulpress unit
minimum. and fill the breaktank.
4 Wire the set control systems (see enclosed wiring 3 Check pumps are primed by loosening cap on the delivery
diagram) from the volt free terminals to the boiler control side of the pump–let water escape until no air is present,
system. replace caps and pressurize to the ambient temperature
5 Boiler/chiller interlock provided via normally open volt set pressure. “Never dry run the pumps”.
free contact. 4 With cover interlock isolating switch in the off position
6 The set must be efficiently earthed. switch on the power supply to the unit.

attention 16.0 operation

It is the user’s or certified electrician’s responsibil-
ity to ensure correct earthing and protection in Turn the main isolating switch to the ‘On’ position. The
accordance with applicable national and local system pressure will be displayed on the digital readout. The
requirements and standards. unit will automatically maintain pressure in the system as
set out in the design criteria and will only operate when the
pressure falls between the system fill pressure and the pump
important safety information cut-in pressure.

1 The voltage on the 3750 Pulpress unit is dangerous when

it is connected to the mains. Incorrect installation of the 17.0 heating system
set may lead to material damage or serious injury or
death. Consequently, you must comply with the Start the boiler(s). The water from the system will flow into
instructions in this manual as well as the local rules and the vessel(s) and the system pressure will rise slowly and
safety regulations. settle at a pressure below the maximum pressure shown on
2 Touching the electrical parts may be fatal, even after the nameplate. If the boiler safety valve lifts, check the valve
the mains supply has been disconnected, wait at least setting and the system details, against the ordering specifica-
4 minutes. tion for the 3750 Pressurisation unit.
3 The installation must be fused and isolated correctly.
4 Covers and cable entries must be fitted.
18.0 chiller systems

14 .0 safety regulations When the chiller(s) are started the water contracts as it cools
and the 3750 pressurisation unit will pass water from the
1 The 3750 Pulpress unit must be disconnected from the tank via the pump, to bring the pressure up to the ambient
mains if repair work is to be carried out. Check the mains temperature setting pressure. When the chiller is switched
supply has been disconnected and the necessary time has off the expanding water will pass into the expansion vessel,
passed (4 minutes). the pressure will rise and settle at a pressure below the maxi-
2 The correct protective earthing of the equipment must mum pressure shown on the nameplate.
be established, the user must be protected against supply
voltage, and the set must be protected against overload in note
accordance with applicable national and local regulations. On chiller sets, the highest system pressure will occur when
3 RCDs (elcb relays), multiple protective earthing or the system is at ambient temperature after operation, where-
earthing can be used as extra protection, provided that as on heating sets the highest pressure occurs at maximum
local safety regulations are complied with. system operating temperature.
If the system pressure falls due to a slow leak, water in the
expansion vessel(s) will run back into the systems.
15 .0 commissioning If the system leakage continues causing a drop in pressure
below the initial system pressure the pump(s) will start to
1 Fill the system with water via the quick fill connector. It is restore the initial system pressure.
essential that all air in the system is allowed to escape
In the event of a leak exceeding the pump(s) capacity then,
freely through automatic air vents and radiator bleeds,
providing the set's volt free contacts have been wired accord-
failure to remove air could result in a system malfunction.
ingly, the boiler burners will be shut down and the circulating
pumps are stopped. The system should then be closed down
and the leak rectified.
i n sta l l at i on & 3750 Pulpress
o p erat in g in str uction s pressurisation unit

19.0 controller functions

par 5 - high pressure alarm = mwp(pf1)

par 1 - pump cut out = fill pressure (pi)

par 1 - pump cut in = (pi) - 0.2bar differential

par 4 - low pressure alarm = static height (ph)

pump 1 pump 2 pump 1


par 3 - [pressure dip delay] = 5 sec par 11 - [hrs to pulse cycle] = 720 hrs
par 12 - [pulse cycle time] = 1 second

Pressure dip delay

When the down q button is pressed and held for 3 seconds
No message required, no alert. Should not start the pump Pump 2 will run and continue to run until the button is
until value parameter [pressure dip delay] seconds have released. This will enable the pumps to be tested manually.
passed without the pressure coming back to the set point.
Hours run meter(s)
Digital display
This cannot be reset, showing the number of hours the pump
Showing system pressure, warning codes, alarm codes and has been running. (Max. 999 hours).
pump run indication.
Pump auto cycle
Pump test
On two pump sets pumps will auto-cycle increasing service
When the controller is in the normal mode (not interval time.
When the up p button is pressed and held for 3 seconds Alarm
Pump 1 will run and continue to run until the button is
released. Audible alarms on error condition with mute.
3750 Pulpress i nsta l l a ti o n &
pressurisation unit o perati ng i nstr ucti o ns

20.0 user interface

normal autotest
view pressure or alarm device check
Press up or down for 3s = Pump test
Press down + for 5s = Autotest
Press up and down for 5s = Parameter lock/unlock
Press set for 5s = go to view par
view stat
Press set and for 5s = go to view stat
display statistics
Press for 5s = Reset alarm
Time out 20s = go to normal
Press up or down to select statistics
Press set = go to detail stat
view par
display parameter no.
Time out 20s = go to normal
Press up or down to select parameter
Press set = go to change par
detail stat
display statistic values
• Time out 20s = go to normal
change par • Press up or down to scroll logging
display parameter values alarm statistics.
Time out 20s = go to normal • Press set = go to view stat
Press up or down to change parameter value
Press set = go to view par Enhanced Only
Press set for 5s = save and go to view par

21.0 statistics

number name t ype

from s01 to s30 Alarm logging [30] num
s31 Pump 1 run time – hrs num
s32 Pump 2 run time – hrs num

s01 Most recent alarm

s30 Oldest alarm

Lines "---" = no alarm registered
i n sta l l at i on & 3750 Pulpress
o p erat in g in str uction s pressurisation unit


22.0 par ameters

0 = no 1 = nc

par unit of device

parameter type default min max inc
no. measure mode
1 Fill pressure (Pi) dec 2.5 1 24.9 1 Bar/25 All
2 Pump cut in (Pi-0.2bar) dec 0. 2 0 5.0 1 Bar/25 All
3 Pressure – dip delay num 5 0 10 0 1 Seconds All
4 Low pressure alarm (Ph) dec 2. 2 0 24.9 1 Bar/25 All
5 High pressure alarm (Pf1) dec 4.0 1 24.9 1 Bar/25 All
6 Max pump run time num 15 1 99 0 1 Minutes All
7 nc no alarm relay num 1* 0 1 1 Numeric All
8 Excessive no. of starts num 15 1 99 1 Numeric Enhanced
9 Excessive starts – minutes num 60 1 720 1 Minutes Enhanced
10 Service – months num 12 1 99 1 Numeric Enhanced
hrs after which the pump pulse
11 num 720 1 8640 1 Hours Enhanced
cycle starts – adjustable in p12
12 Pulse cycle time num 1 1 99 1 Seconds Enhanced
13 nc no lpr relay num 1* 0 1 1 Numeric Enhanced
14 nc no hpr relay num 1* 0 1 1 Numeric Enhanced
15 nc no pf1 relay num 0* 0 1 1 Numeric Enhanced
16 nc no pf2 relay num 0* 0 1 1 Numeric Enhanced
17 nc no run pump 1 relay num 0* 0 1 1 Numeric Enhanced
18 nc no run pump 2 relay num 0* 0 1 1 Numeric Enhanced
19 nc no lll relay num 0* 0 1 1 Numeric Enhanced
20 nc no hll relay num 0* 0 1 1 Numeric Enhanced
21 nc no est relay num 0* 0 1 1 Numeric Enhanced
22 nc no comm/power relay num 0* 0 1 1 Numeric Enhanced
23 n/a num 2 1 30 1 Days n/a
24 n/a num 2 1 60 1 Minutes n/a
25 n/a num 0* 0 1 1 Numeric n/a
26 Lux – digital num 6 0 7 1 Numeric All
27 Number of pumps num 2 1 2 1 Numeric All
28 Device_on_off num 1 0 1 1 Numeric All
29 Address num 1 1 247 1 Numeric All
30 ext_relay num 0 0 1 1 Numeric All
99 Firmware release num xx.xx -- -- -- Decimal All

note: (enhanced only )

Parameter 28 indicates the start-up or stand-by status of the controller (1 = on, 0 = Stand–by)
Parameter 29 indicates the address of the controller when it is connected in the MODbus mode, (1 to 247).
Parameter 30 indicates the communication mode: 0 = external relay board present, therefore rs485 mode enabled.
1 = MODbus mode enabled. When the external relay board is connected to the MODbus enabled controller please refer to
drawing number px10899 for controller setting instructions.
3750 Pulpress i nsta l l a ti o n &
pressurisation unit o perati ng i nstr ucti o ns


23 .0 warnings and alarms Functions:

• All pump(s) will stop running
break tank low/high water level • Activates ‘hpr’ alarm on display
The low water level alarm will be activated should the break • Activates ‘Common Alarm’ contact
tank level low switch trip. • Activates ‘High Pressure’ alarm contact
The controller will display:
This is an alarm. The set will stop all pumps until the system
low water level
pressure returns to normal.
The unit will then auto reset and operate as normal.
• All pump(s) will stop running
• All pump running contacts de-activate
tr ansducer failure
• Activates ‘lll’ alarm on display
• Activates ‘Low Level’ alarm contact. (Enhanced +vfc The transducer failure alarm will be activated should the
version only) transducer lose its signal.

high water level (enhanced only ) Functions:

Functions: • All pump(s) will stop running
• Activates ‘sf’ alarm on display
• All pump(s) will stop running
• All pump running contacts de-activate
• Activates ‘hll’ alarm on display
• Activates ‘High Level’ alarm contact. (Enhanced +vfc This is an alarm. The fault must be rectified before the unit
version only) can operate as normal.

note: pump tripped

In a high and low level alarm condition the set will trip and Any pumps that are tripped during operation, either in hand
stop all pumps until the water level returns to normal. or auto, will activate the following:
The unit will then auto reset and operate as normal.
• Pump(s) will stop running.
low system pressure
• Activates ‘pf1’ alarm on display (pump 1)
The low water pressure alarm will be activated should the • Activates ‘pf2’ alarm on display (pump 2)
pressure at the transducer drop below the value set in • Activates ‘pfa’ alarm on display (pump 1 & 2)
parameter 4. • Activates pump 1 or 2 contact. (Enhanced +vfc
version only)
• Activates ‘lpr’ alarm on display note:

• Activates ‘Common Alarm’ contact This is an alarm. Standby pump will take over and the set will
operate normally in the event of both pumps being tripped
• Activates ‘Low Pressure’ alarm contact (Enhanced +vfc the fault will need to be rectified and alarm manually reset
version only) before the unit can operate normally.

note: pump running

This is an alarm. The set will stop all pumps until the Any pumps that are running during operation, either in hand
system pressure returns to normal, if low pressure is due to or auto, will activate the following:
a system leak it will need to be rectified and system fill pres-
sure restored. Functions:
The unit will then auto reset and operate as normal. • Indicates ‘p1 or p2’ running on display
• Activates relevant ‘Pump Running’ contact (Enhanced +vfc
high system pressure version only)
The high system pressure alarm will be activated should
the pressure at the transducer rise above the value set in
parameter 5.
i n sta l l at i on & 3750 Pulpress
o p erat in g in str uction s pressurisation unit


ma x pump run time Functions:

The maximum pump run time alarm will be activated if the • Pump(s) will stop running
pump runs for an excessive amount of time. • Activates ‘est’ alarm on display

Functions: note:
• Pump(s) will stop running This is an alarm. Excessive pump starts may indicate a
• Activates ‘prt’ alarm on display system fault, rectify and reset manually.

note: service reminder (enhanced only )

This is an alarm. Excessive pump run time may indicate a The service reminder warning is displayed ten months after
system fault, rectify and reset manually. being activated.

excessive pump starts (enhanced only ) Functions:

The excessive pump start alarm will be activated if the pump • Activates ‘ser’ on display
starts for an excessive number of times over a certain period
of time. note:
Call Armstrong service to arrange service visit.


basic / pump delay

alarm description p relay buzzer display blinking reset
enhanced stop time
High pressure alarm – when the
High only
system pressure is above the 6 ba sic g yes hpr yes yes 500ms
pressure auto
required set point
Low pressure alarm – when the
Low pressure system pressure is below the 5 ba sic g yes lpr yes yes 500ms
pressure limit
Max. pump only
Max. pump run time alarm 3 ba sic d yes prt yes yes ---
time man
Power - only
9 ba sic d yes pf1 yes no 500ms
pump 1 man
Power - Tripped pump alarm only
10 ba sic d yes pf2 yes no 500ms
pump 2 man
Power – only
2 ba sic d yes pfa yes yes 500ms
pump all man
Low water alarm – not enough only
Low water 7 ba sic d yes lll yes yes 500ms
water in the break tank auto
High water High water alarm 8 enhanced d yes hll yes no 500ms
Pressure Sensor failure – if the sensor only
1 enhanced d yes sf yes yes 1000ms
sensor failure exceeds the check values man
Service reminder – when activat-
ed, p10 months will be counted.
Service by
Armstrong Service intervention 11 enhanced no no ser yes no ---
reminder pass
is required when Reminder mes-
sage is displayed.
Excessive starts – no more than
Excessive only
p08 starts in p09 hours are 4 enhanced d yes est yes yes ---
starts man

p = priorit y – order of displayed messages 1: High Priority, no.: Lower Priority

rel ay = g: General (on board), d: Dedicated on expansion board
3750 Pulpress i nsta l l a ti o n &
pressurisation unit o perati ng i nstr ucti o ns


24 .0 maintenance checks 3 High pressure

Regular checks (Every 3 months) symptom/cause action

• Check the pump(s) are developing the correct pressure and Incorrect capacity of ves- Check system and vessel ca-
are not noisy or vibrating or air-locked. sel or larger system than pacity by re-calculating sizes.
• Check that the mechanical seal is not leaking. originally specified
• Check that the motor is not over heating. Failure to maintain air Isolate and drain the vessel.
charge Adjust the air charge to match
Checks at six monthly intervals the fill pressure of the system.
• Check electrical installation thoroughly for defects. Ensure
that the earth connections are making good contact. 4 Low pressure
• Check that the break tank is clean.
• Check the operation of the high and low pressure set points. symptom/cause action
• Check low level float switch, (high if fitted).
Pump(s) tripped Check miniature circuit breakers and
reset if necessary.
Pump(s) burnt- Repair or replace pumps
For maintenance please contact our service division on
out seized
+44 (0) 845 762 6083.
System leakage Check system for leaks. Check for split
rate very high vessel bag via the air valve. Check non-
25 .0 fault finding chart return valve is not bypassing through
second pump.
section problem No water in tank Ensure that incoming water supply
or spasmodic is functioning i.e. check isolating valve
1 Pump(s) run continuously
water supply is open, ballcock operates and water
2 Pump(s) will not run is clean.
3 High pressure Delivery/suction Open valves.
4 Low pressure isolating valve
5 Low water level closed
Suction strainer(s) Repair or replace strainers.
1 Pump(s) run continuously obstructed

symptom/cause action 5 Low water level

Very high Check system for leaks. Check for split
i) Break tank
leakage rate in vessel bag via the air valve. Check
non-return valve is not bypassing
through second pump. symptom/cause action

Faulty Check that all wiring is in place and not No water in break Ensure that incoming water supply
electrical circuit loose at any connections. tank or spasmodic is functioning (i.e. check isolating
water supply valve is open, ballcock operates and
System pressure Compare system setting pressure
water is clean).
setting set (System data on display nameplate).
too high with Fill pressure (Pi) on data plate. To Incoming water pres- Increase the water pressure,
reset consult Armstrong Service Dept. sure is not sufficient consult Armstrong Service Dept.

2 Pump(s) will not run ii) Alarm

symptom/cause action symptom/cause action

Pump(s) tripped Check miniature circuit breakers and Faulty electrical Check that all wiring is in place and
reset if necessary. circuit not loose at any connections.
Faulty electrical Check that all wiring is in place and Broken or damaged Replacement float switch required.
circuit not loose at any connections. float switch
Pump(s) burnt-out Repair or replace pumps.
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a r m s t r o n g f lu i d t e c h n o lo g y
established 1934 a r m s t r o n g f lu i d t e c h n o lo g y. c o m

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