3750 Pulpress Pressurisation Unit: Installation and Operating Instructions
3750 Pulpress Pressurisation Unit: Installation and Operating Instructions
3750 Pulpress Pressurisation Unit: Installation and Operating Instructions
Installation and
operating instructions
File No: 37.858uk
Date: september 02, 2016
Supersedes: 37.858uk
Date: october 05, 2015
1.0 ce conformities 4
2.0 Preface 4
3.0 Introduction 4
4.0 Warnings symbols 4
5.0 Instructions for safe use 4
6.0 Typical chilled–water sealed system 5
7.0 Typical lthw sealed system – max. 100°c 5
8.0 Typical mthw sealed system – max. 120°c 6
9.0 Storage 6
10.0 Limitations 6
11.0 Protection 6
12.0 General notes 6
13.0 Installation 6
13.1 Mechanical 6
13.2 Electrical 6
14.0 Safety regulations 7
15.0 Commissioning 7
16.0 Operation 7
17.0 Heating system 7
18.0 Chiller systems 7
19.0 Controller functions 8
20.0 User interface 9
21.0 Statistics 9
22.0 Parameters 10
23.0 Warnings and alarms 11
24.0 Maintenance checks 13
25.0 Fault finding chart 13
i n sta l l at i on & 3750 Pulpress
o p erat in g in str uction s pressurisation unit
3 .0 introduction
flow return
position auto-air expansion vessels
pump vent with
on-off clock
signals to bms
to cooling gravity
tower chillier loop 3750 pulpress
evaporator supply
chillier pump point
system fill
electrical safety interlock
Equipment within this
area supplied by others
isolating valve non-return valve drain cock lock shield valve
electrical supply
heating load
flow return
auto-air expansion vessels
temperature pressure vent with
gauge gauge on-off clock
pump signals to bms
valve anti-
over temperature gravity
energy cutout loop 3750 pulpress
pump mains
boiler alternative point
controls position
system fill
electrical safety interlock
Equipment within this
area supplied by others
isolating valve non-return valve drain cock lock shield valve
i n sta l l at i on & 3750 Pulpress
o p erat in g in str uction s pressurisation unit
13.2 electrical
11.0 protection 1 The power supply required is 240 volt +/-10%, 1 phase,
50 Hz or 60 Hz to suit motors fitted.
The set must be protected from the formation of condensa- 2 The incoming supply should be connected to the door
tion. If there is a likelihood of condensation forming on or in interlocked isolator from a local 10 amp switched fused
the control panel then an anti-condensation heater should be spur and if possible an elcb unit.
fitted. Contact our service department for details.
3750 Pulpress i nsta l l a ti o n &
pressurisation unit o perati ng i nstr ucti o ns
3 All incoming cable glands should be ip54 rated as a 2 Turn on the water supply feeding the 3750 Pulpress unit
minimum. and fill the breaktank.
4 Wire the set control systems (see enclosed wiring 3 Check pumps are primed by loosening cap on the delivery
diagram) from the volt free terminals to the boiler control side of the pump–let water escape until no air is present,
system. replace caps and pressurize to the ambient temperature
5 Boiler/chiller interlock provided via normally open volt set pressure. “Never dry run the pumps”.
free contact. 4 With cover interlock isolating switch in the off position
6 The set must be efficiently earthed. switch on the power supply to the unit.
14 .0 safety regulations When the chiller(s) are started the water contracts as it cools
and the 3750 pressurisation unit will pass water from the
1 The 3750 Pulpress unit must be disconnected from the tank via the pump, to bring the pressure up to the ambient
mains if repair work is to be carried out. Check the mains temperature setting pressure. When the chiller is switched
supply has been disconnected and the necessary time has off the expanding water will pass into the expansion vessel,
passed (4 minutes). the pressure will rise and settle at a pressure below the maxi-
2 The correct protective earthing of the equipment must mum pressure shown on the nameplate.
be established, the user must be protected against supply
voltage, and the set must be protected against overload in note
accordance with applicable national and local regulations. On chiller sets, the highest system pressure will occur when
3 RCDs (elcb relays), multiple protective earthing or the system is at ambient temperature after operation, where-
earthing can be used as extra protection, provided that as on heating sets the highest pressure occurs at maximum
local safety regulations are complied with. system operating temperature.
If the system pressure falls due to a slow leak, water in the
expansion vessel(s) will run back into the systems.
15 .0 commissioning If the system leakage continues causing a drop in pressure
below the initial system pressure the pump(s) will start to
1 Fill the system with water via the quick fill connector. It is restore the initial system pressure.
essential that all air in the system is allowed to escape
In the event of a leak exceeding the pump(s) capacity then,
freely through automatic air vents and radiator bleeds,
providing the set's volt free contacts have been wired accord-
failure to remove air could result in a system malfunction.
ingly, the boiler burners will be shut down and the circulating
pumps are stopped. The system should then be closed down
and the leak rectified.
i n sta l l at i on & 3750 Pulpress
o p erat in g in str uction s pressurisation unit
par 5 - high pressure alarm = mwp(pf1)
par 3 - [pressure dip delay] = 5 sec par 11 - [hrs to pulse cycle] = 720 hrs
par 12 - [pulse cycle time] = 1 second
normal autotest
view pressure or alarm device check
Press up or down for 3s = Pump test
Press down + for 5s = Autotest
Press up and down for 5s = Parameter lock/unlock
Press set for 5s = go to view par
view stat
Press set and for 5s = go to view stat
display statistics
Press for 5s = Reset alarm
Time out 20s = go to normal
Press up or down to select statistics
Press set = go to detail stat
view par
display parameter no.
Time out 20s = go to normal
Press up or down to select parameter
Press set = go to change par
detail stat
display statistic values
• Time out 20s = go to normal
change par • Press up or down to scroll logging
display parameter values alarm statistics.
Time out 20s = go to normal • Press set = go to view stat
Press up or down to change parameter value
Press set = go to view par Enhanced Only
Press set for 5s = save and go to view par
21.0 statistics
0 = no 1 = nc
• Activates ‘Common Alarm’ contact This is an alarm. Standby pump will take over and the set will
operate normally in the event of both pumps being tripped
• Activates ‘Low Pressure’ alarm contact (Enhanced +vfc the fault will need to be rectified and alarm manually reset
version only) before the unit can operate normally.
Functions: note:
• Pump(s) will stop running This is an alarm. Excessive pump starts may indicate a
• Activates ‘prt’ alarm on display system fault, rectify and reset manually.
Faulty Check that all wiring is in place and not No water in break Ensure that incoming water supply
electrical circuit loose at any connections. tank or spasmodic is functioning (i.e. check isolating
water supply valve is open, ballcock operates and
System pressure Compare system setting pressure
water is clean).
setting set (System data on display nameplate).
too high with Fill pressure (Pi) on data plate. To Incoming water pres- Increase the water pressure,
reset consult Armstrong Service Dept. sure is not sufficient consult Armstrong Service Dept.
Pump(s) tripped Check miniature circuit breakers and Faulty electrical Check that all wiring is in place and
reset if necessary. circuit not loose at any connections.
Faulty electrical Check that all wiring is in place and Broken or damaged Replacement float switch required.
circuit not loose at any connections. float switch
Pump(s) burnt-out Repair or replace pumps.
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