Efficient: Design Chilled Water Systems
Efficient: Design Chilled Water Systems
Efficient: Design Chilled Water Systems
14% 9% 21%
Cooling Other Lighting
Grundfos TPD twin pumps used in a medium size chilled water plant
Fan coils
Heat recovery Cooling
Pressure Tertiary
holding pump
Chiller pump
tank Secondary
pumps Tertiary
A central chilled water system (shown above) generally • Controls loop – integrates the complete system to ensure
consists of the following five sub-systems as individual it works as intended. All the sub systems, including
heat-transferring loops of circulating water: chillers, pumps, cooling towers, fan coil units, cooling
• Refrigeration loop – consists of a chiller in which a tower fans and water treatment systems, are all
refrigerant changes its state at various stages to either integrated into a single system for easy monitoring and
absorb or reject heat from the evaporator and condenser control
• Heat rejection loop – consists of cooling towers, Increased efficiency
condenser water pumps and water treatment systems. Opportunities for optimising the energy consumption of a
This loop is used to reject the heat from the hot central air conditioning plant lie mainly with chillers, fans
refrigerant into the atmosphere either through radiators and pumps in the order of their contribution. Modern
(in the case of air-cooled systems) or through cooling chillers from renowned chiller manufacturers have evolved
towers where water removes heat from the condenser over the years and offer sophisticated designs, delivering
coil and ejects it to the atmosphere better energy performance over their previous designs.
• Primary loop – The main objective of the primary pumps
is to circulate chilled water within the production loop – Variable speed chillers utilise more efficient operation by
consists offering more adaptable chillers where compressor speed
• Secondary loop – consists of circulation pumps, which is varied relative to plant load. In 1998, for example,
carry the chilled water from the chiller to the various minimum full load efficiency (COP) for a 1800 kW
distribution systems like Fan Coil Units (FCU) or Ceiling centrifugal chiller was around 4.7, whereas building owners
Suspended Units (CSU) or Air Handling Units (AHU) or today are aiming towards a COP of 6.4 for the whole plant,
Radiant Cooling Panels (RCP) including pumps, fans and ancillaries.
• Mixing loops – the main purpose is to mix flow anad
return water to the required temperature. This
particularly is important where the system contains
radiant ceilings/floors, chilled beams ect. where
condensation is a concern
There are a great many details associated with designing Traditional solution
an efficient chiller plant. The following are some of the Traditionally, chilled water is delivered through a simple
most essential to consider: direct-primary, constant flow pumping scheme. Here,
• Focus on chiller part load efficiency – peak loads in most chilled water is pumped at a constant flow rate which is
commercial buildings are a rarity, and it’s imperative to independent of the cooling load. During part load
look for chillers which offer the best part load efficiency conditions, which occurs most of the time, three-way
• Design efficient pumping systems – design of variable control valves at cooling coils are used to bypass the chilled
volume pumping systems by incorporating variable water back to the return line. Chilled water mixes with
speed drives on the pumps can result in significant return water from the cooling coils and this results in lower
savings in the plant’s operating costs. Chiller plants chilled water return temperature to the plant. This lower
which allow varying flow through chillers use less space, return water temperature reduces the temperature
fewer components and reduce pumping energy to nearly differential (ΔT) across the chillers.
40%, compared to the conventional constant flow
• Proper selection of cooling tower – proper sizing and 3way
control valves
control of cooling towers is essential to ensure efficient
chiller operation. A tower may be rated to cool 800 m3/h
of water from 35°C to 30°C when the ambient wet bulb
temperature is 26°C. Assumption of wet bulb conditions Cooling loads
can lead to improper sizing of a cooling tower
• Integrated chiller controls – modern chillers provide a
wealth of detailed operating data which can be used Primary pumps
to make decisions about how to operate the rest of
the system
• Commission the system – commissioning a HVAC
system, (for example, functionally testing it under all
anticipated operating conditions to ensure the system
performs as intended) is also vital as it establishes a This method of chilled water pumping results in a
reliable basis for measuring performance and any significant waste of energy and a loss of performance of
improvements in system efficiency and reliability the main chiller plant caused by low ΔT.
Primary-secondary Secondary
A primary-secondary pumping scheme divides the chilled pumps
hydraulically separated by a de-coupler (neutral bridge).
Primary pumps
In primary-secondary systems, chilled water flows through control
the chiller primary loop at a constant flow rate, whereas panel
load. The hydraulic independence of each loop prevents 2way
variable flow in the secondary loop from influencing the control
constant flow in the primary loop.
supply and return mains of the chilled water loop or across Secondary
the most critical load in the pipe network.
Primary-secondary variable flow systems are more efficient pump
avoided in the distribution loop, resulting in better energy Primary
Primary-secondary-tertiary Each of the tertiary pumps has its own pump controller,
When the buildings to be served are distributed over a responding quickly to any changes in loop pressure caused
larger area, such as a university campus, so-called by fluctuating demand. These pumps are usually speed-
“primary-secondary-tertiary” schemes help to reduce controlled and when used as part of a suitable building
pump pressures in the system. By splitting the system connection strategy, they work in coordination with speed-
head between the secondary and tertiary pumps, excessive controlled central plant distribution (secondary) pumps.
pressurisation in zones which don’t need high pressure is
reduced. Variable primary flow systems
As mentioned, the primary loop relies on maintaining a
In these systems, all cooling coils or building loops may be constant flow through the chiller. This is a challenge to
served by a third set of pumps – tertiary pumps. engineers who are conscious of the need to make energy
savings. It would make sense to employ modern pumps
These distributed pumping systems are well suited for with variable frequency drives which could provide the
large, multiple zone buildings, or multiple building systems following benefits:
with central energy plants. These systems are actually a • Low energy cost due to variable flow (chilled water is
collection of smaller systems operating independently of pumped only to the requirement of the load)
each other, but all of them use the same distribution • Reduced operating cost
piping and the central chiller plant. • Better ability to tolerate below design chilled water
temperature differentials
Tertiary pumps are sized for requirements of the specific • Less capital cost, since secondary pumps and their
cooling coil alone. Pump head is also calculated only to accessories are eliminated altogether
overcome the frictional loss in the tertiary loop.
Cooling loads Minimum flow
bypass value
control valves
Fig. 4 Variable primary flow system
Supply -7 °C
Return -13 °C
With the advent of more sophisticated control systems and Minimum flow bypass valve
improvements in chiller technology over the past few In VPF systems, a bypass valve may be fitted in the
decades, variable primary flow (VPF) systems are widely common line via a controller connected to a flow meter in
used in the air conditioning industry. It provides immediate the water loop. When the chilled water flow is above the
cost savings, as it eliminates secondary distribution pumps, evaporator’s safe minimum flow, the valve is normally
associated pipes and accessories from the circuit. closed. If the cooling load requirement decreases to a level
where the flow is less than the evaporator safe minimum
Here, the primary pump is sized for circulating chilled flow, excess pumping is taking place in the chiller plant.
water through the chiller evaporator coil and further to the
cooling coil loads. In such a scenario, the amount of flow that’s in excess to
the cooling load requirement needs to be bypassed back to
Design of VPF systems the chiller plant. Only in such instances will bypass valves
There are certain limitations within which variable primary open up proportionately to divert the volume of chilled
flow systems should be designed: water back to the chiller plant.
• In order to reduce the risk for freezing, chiller
manufacturers recommend a safe minimum evaporator If the cooling coils need only 12 m3/h, for example, whereas
flow beyond which flow should not be reduced the minimum safe recommended evaporator coil flow in
• Velocity of flow through evaporator to be maintained the active chiller itself is 20 m3/h, the excess 8 m3/h is
between 1 and 3 m/s to contain tube erosion diverted through bypass line.
• Rate of change of flow through the chiller should be as
described by the respective chiller manufacturer Selection of bypass valve
• Chillers in parallel configuration are to be of equal Selecting an appropriate valve actuator is critical to ensure
capacity the proper functioning of the bypass function. One which
• System should be tolerant on temperature variations maintains a linear relationship between the valve position
and flow rate will do.
Evaporator flow and velocity limitations
Every chiller manufacturer recommends the minimum Can bypass valves be avoided?
flow range which can be pumped through the evaporator Bypass valves in VPF systems may be avoided when:
coil. Turn down ratio depends on chiller type also. Normally • The building load is constant
the minimum evaporator coil flow is 40-60% of the design • The building load is never below the evaporator safe
flow. minimum flow, which is typically 40-60 % of the
nominal load
Any operation of the chiller less than the safe minimum • A by-pass pump is substituting the bypass valve
flow will result in ice formation in the evaporator,
potentially damaging the equipment.
Minimum flow
bypass valve
normally closed