Samsung Electronics: Earnings Release Q4 2020
Samsung Electronics: Earnings Release Q4 2020
Samsung Electronics: Earnings Release Q4 2020
Samsung Electronics
January 2021
The financial information in this document are consolidated earnings results based on K-IFRS.
This document is provided for the convenience of investors only, before the external audit on our Q4 2020 financial results is
completed. The audit outcomes may cause some parts of this document to change.
This document contains "forward-looking statements" - that is, statements related to future, not past, events. In this context,
"forward-looking statements" often address our expected future business and financial performance, and often contain words
such as "expects”, "anticipates”, "intends”, "plans”, "believes”, "seeks” or "will ". “Forward-looking statements" by their nature
address matters that are, to different degrees, uncertain. For us, particular uncertainties which could adversely or positively affect
· The behavior of financial markets including fluctuations in exchange rates, interest rates and commodity prices
· Numerous other matters at the national and international levels which could affect our future results
These uncertainties may cause our actual results to be materially different from those expressed in this document.
Income Statement
(Unit: KRW Trillion) Q4 ’20 % of sales Q3 ’20 % of sales Q4 ’19 FY ’20 % of sales FY ’19 % of sales
Sales 61.55 100.0% 66.96 100.0% 59.88 236.81 100.0% 230.40 100.0%
Cost of Sales 37.80 61.4% 39.97 59.7% 38.55 144.49 61.0% 147.24 63.9%
Gross Profit 23.75 38.6% 26.99 40.3% 21.33 92.32 39.0% 83.16 36.1%
SG&A expenses 14.70 23.9% 14.64 21.9% 14.17 56.32 23.8% 55.39 24.0%
- R&D expenses 5.22 8.5% 5.31 7.9% 4.92 21.11 8.9% 19.91 8.6%
Operating Profit 9.05 14.7% 12.35 18.4% 7.16 35.99 15.2% 27.77 12.1%
Other non-operating income/expense △0.34 - 0.06 0.1% 0.06 △1.10 - 0.36 0.2%
Equity method gain/loss 0.13 0.2% 0.23 0.3% 0.16 0.51 0.2% 0.41 0.2%
Finance income/expense 0.14 0.2% 0.21 0.3% 0.34 0.95 0.4% 1.89 0.8%
Profit Before Income Tax 8.97 14.6% 12.84 19.2% 7.72 36.35 15.3% 30.43 13.2%
Income tax 2.37 3.8% 3.48 5.2% 2.49 9.94 4.2% 8.69 3.8%
Net profit 6.61 10.7% 9.36 14.0% 5.23 26.41 11.2% 21.74 9.4%
Profit attributable to owners of the parent 6.45 10.5% 9.27 13.8% 5.23 26.09 11.0% 21.51 9.3%
Earnings Per Share (KRW Won) 949 1,364 769 3,841 3,166
(Unit: KRW Trillion) Q4 ’20 Q3 ’20 Q4 ’19 QoQ YoY FY ’20 FY ’19 YoY
Total 61.55 66.96 59.88 8%↓ 3%↑ 236.81 230.40 3%↑
CE 13.61 14.09 12.87 3%↓ 6%↑ 48.17 45.32 6%↑
VD 8.51 8.24 8.09 3%↑ 5%↑ 27.71 26.18 6%↑
IM 22.34 30.49 24.95 27%↓ 10%↓ 99.59 107.27 7%↓
Mobile 21.46 29.81 24.05 28%↓ 11%↓ 96.02 102.33 6%↓
DS 27.92 25.93 24.74 8%↑ 13%↑ 103.04 95.52 8%↑
Semiconductor 18.18 18.80 16.79 3%↓ 8%↑ 72.86 64.94 12%↑
- Memory 13.51 14.28 13.18 5%↓ 2%↑ 55.54 50.22 11%↑
DP 9.96 7.32 8.05 36%↑ 24%↑ 30.59 31.05 2%↓
Harman 2.92 2.62 2.73 12%↑ 7%↑ 9.18 10.08 9%↓
Operating Profit
(Unit: KRW Trillion) Q4 ’20 Q3 ’20 Q4 ’19 QoQ YoY FY ’20 FY ’19 YoY
Total 9.05 12.35 7.16 △3.31 1.89 35.99 27.77 8.23
CE 0.82 1.56 0.79 △0.74 0.03 3.56 2.51 1.05
IM 2.42 4.45 2.52 △2.03 △0.10 11.47 9.27 2.20
DS 5.63 6.04 3.66 △0.41 1.97 21.12 15.58 5.54
Semiconductor 3.85 5.54 3.45 △1.69 0.40 18.81 14.02 4.79
DP 1.75 0.47 0.22 1.28 1.53 2.24 1.58 0.66
Harman 0.18 0.15 0.12 0.03 0.06 0.06 0.32 △0.27
※ CE : Consumer Electronics, IM : IT & Mobile communications, DS : Device Solutions, DP : Display Panel
※ Sales and operating profit of each business stated above reflect the organizational structure as of 2020, and the sales of business units include intersegment sales.
※ CE is restated due to the reclassification of the Health&medical equipment business, which has been included in CE from 2020.
※ Harman’s sales and operating profit figures are based on Samsung Electronics’ fiscal year, and acquisition related expenses are reflected.
Q4 Results and Outlook by Business Unit
Semiconductor D P
[Q4 '20 Results] [Q4 '20 Results]
□ Memory : Earnings weakened due to an ASP decline, currency effects, and
initial cost associated with new fabs despite strong demand from □ Mobile : Earnings improved significantly Q-Q thanks to a higher
mobile led by launches of new models and solid demand from
consumer products utilization rate due to strong demand from a major
- DRAM : Proactively addressed mobile/consumer demand, using our flexible customer amid a gradual recovery of smartphone demand
product mix strategy
- NAND : Sales grew for mobile and laptop with full-fledged conversion to □ Large : Loss narrowed Q-Q due to increased ASP
6th-generation V-NAND
□ S.LSI/ : Earnings declined due to currency effects from a weak US dollar,
Foundry among other factors, despite continued growth in orders from
major global customers [Q1 '21 Outlook]
[Q1 '21 Outlook] □ Mobile : Earnings to weaken sequentially due to a decline in sales,
□ Memory : Earnings to weaken due to a weak dollar and continued initial but utilization to improve Y-Y as major customers adopt
costs from new fabs despite solid mobile demand led by 5G
expansion and server demand recovery led by data centers OLED for more models with the expansion of 5G
- DRAM : Enhance cost competitiveness by increasing portion of 1z-nano
□ Large : Address LCD demand without disruption while preparing
- NAND : Strengthen market leadership by expanding portion of advanced
process, high-performance, value-added products timely launches of QD-display products
□ S.LSI : Increase SoC/CIS/DDI supply for flagship smartphones
□ Foundry : Expand mass production of EUV 5-nano SoCs and 8-nano HPC chips
[2021 Outlook]
[2021 Outlook]
□ Memory : DRAM market highly likely to recover in 1H21 due to solid □ Mobile : Further differentiate technologies & enhance cost
demand from mobile/server competitiveness and continue to expand application areas
Uncertainties from currency effects and geopolitical risks remain
Strengthen cost competitiveness and market leadership by to embrace the rapidly expanding 5G smartphone market
expanding application of EUV while accelerating conversion to and recovering smartphone demand
1z-nano DRAM and 6th-generation V-NAND
□ S.LSI : Increase supply mainly for products with solid demand (eg, 5G □ Large : Establish strong foundation within the premium TV
SoCs, high-resolution sensors, and DDIs)
segment via timely development of QD display
□ Foundry : Secure foundation for future growth by actively addressing
demand for advanced processes and diversifying areas of
application within areas such as HPC/network/automotive
Q4 Results and Outlook by Business Unit
[Q4 '20 Results] [Q4 '20 Results]
□ Mobile : Revenue decreased Q-Q due to intensified competition in □ TV : Earnings weakened Q-Q due to higher costs, but sales
the year-end season, and profit decreased due to increase
increased for premium products, including QLED/ultra-large/
in marketing costs during peak seasonality
lifestyle TVs as we actively addressed the release of
Kept margin in the double digits thanks to improvements
in our cost structure pent-up demand in advanced markets and strengthened
competitiveness in contactless sales
□ N/W : Performance improved as a result of 5G expansion in
Korea and 4G/5G business expansion overseas, □ DA : Revenue improved Y-Y led by increasing sales of premium
including in North America products, such as Bespoke and Grande AI appliances
[Appendix 1] Financial Position
(Unit : KRW Billion)
Dec 31, Sep 30, Dec 31,
2020 2020 2019
Assets 378,235.7 375,788.7 352,564.5
- Cash
124,727.0 117,910.8 112,152.7
Debt/Equity 7% 7% 7%