Why Computer Is Necessary Today - Essay - by Atifah Khoiriyah

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Name : Atifah Khoiriyah

Registered Number : 1910732012

Course : English for Academic Purposes B

Why using computer today is necessary?

Many people think that using smartphone is more practical than using computer. However, it is
undeniable that computer has become an important part in our life in which people cannot live
without. There are millions of people all over the world using computer. As the survey of Satista
reported, “Almost half of private households worldwide were estimated to have a computer at
home with the number of 47, 1% in 2019” (Alsop, 2021, par. 1). The number is increase from
time to time and the users are varied as well from different ages and backgrounds starting from
students, businessmen, art workers, and so forth. We can find computer everywhere that is used
in many fields for some particular purposes. Computer is an electronic device with the ability to
retrieve, store, and process data (Jordan University, 2017, par. 1). It functions to accomplish
many tasks easily such as providing accurate and fast data with a lot of programs provided in it.
That is why computer is necessary today in handling many works in various fields such as
education, business, and art.

Along with technological advancement, now the use of computer is necessary to do a lot of
activities in the education field. Most of schools and colleges around the world using computer in
the learning process for both teaching and doing assignments. The teacher can provide the
material through creative ways accompanied by animated graphics by using various tools such as
multimedia projector, PowerPoint presentations, and so on to make the learning process more
effective, enjoyable, and meaningful (Dabas, 2018, p.4). The teachers can also display the
materials from many sources in a short time more efficiently rather than using a manual
whiteboard. Besides that, students can also do their assignments neatly by using computer.
Unlike handwriting, the students’ works which are typed by using computer will look neatly
arranged because the students can set the particular format such as font, space, margin, and so
forth to make the assignment is easy to read. This can make the teacher easier to check and do
the correction on their assignments. Moreover, it will be useful for college students who usually
have the assignment consisting of several pages such as an essay or analytical paper. By using
Microsoft word provided on computer, they can write it easily without worrying suppose they do
mistakes because the word can be erased without leaving any mark. Those are the reasons why
using computer in the education field is essential nowadays.

On top of that, computer has also become an important part to handle many business activities.
As all we know that the number of computer users is raising along with the development of the
internet. By utilizing these two aspects, we can run and grow a business easier because almost all
kinds of official tasks are done by computer. For example is marketing. The company can easily
promote their product or service by creating and designing a website on the internet to attract
more customers all over the world. Afterward, the huge storage capacity of computer is able to
save many important company’s documents such as the data of customers in a large number
safely and neatly arranged. The company can also do business transactions very easily and
accurately and keep the record of all the profit and loss (Admin, 2008, par. 6). The computer
system can calculate the bills with the huge number accurately and quickly as we see in the
restaurant and supermarket. Then, because of pandemic situation, now the function of computer
has developed as well in maintaining the communication between the manager and staffs through
the online meeting by using a variety of applications such as Skype, Zoom, Ms. Teams, and so
forth. Even though this kind of application is available to be accessed on smartphone, but using
computer is more convenient because not all features can be used on smartphone and the
appearance will be different as well. That is why computer is fundamental to make people easier
in handling their business.

In addition, computer has become an essential part in the field of art as well. Along with the
rapid advancement of digital technology, now computer plays an important role in creating
various artworks as in the cinema arts of films and audio editing. Almost every type of editing
and audio visual composition can be made by using special software such as three-dimensional
figures in cartoon films and fiction movies (Admin, 2008, par. 9). For example is CGI
technology. Andrew McDonald explained, “Computer-Generated Imagery (CGI) is the creation
of still or animated visual content with computer software which refers to the 3D computer
graphics used to create characters, scenes and special effects in films, television and games [to
make the pictures seem real]” (par. 1). On top of that, every people can also use computer as a
medium to create a graphic design, a painting, or to edit particular pictures to be more aesthetic
by using a variety of software applications. For example, we can create WPAP pictures by using
Corel Draw, create acrylic painting effect by using Photoshop, edit someone’s picture to be more
beautiful by using XiuXiu, and so forth. Even though creating these kinds of artworks is also
available on smartphone, but of course, the features are not as complete as on the computer and
the result will be different as well. That is why most professional graphic designers, editors, and
animators prefer to do their work on computer. Those examples prove to us how important
computer is in the art field.

Computer is really needed in this modern era. It can help us to do a lot of activities in various
fields like education, business, and art. Computer can be used in the learning process to make the
quality of education to be more efficient as well as help the student to write their assignments in
a good performance. Afterward, there are many things that people can do to handle their business
such as offering their products or services through an online platform, saving the data in a large
number, calculating the data accurately, and maintaining the communication between colleagues
as well. Furthermore, now computer has become an integral part of the art field such as creating
the project of films, audio editing, and graphic designing as well. Thus, we can recapitulate that
there are a lot of things that we can do by using computer. It helps us easier to finish many works
by utilizing its features or program contained in it. That is why computer cannot be separated
from us because it plays the key roles in handling various works in our life.

Note: the type of hook that I use in the essay is “contradiction”.

Works Cited

Admin. (2008). Why are computers so important?. Letusfindout. Retrieved from


Alsop, T. (2021, Feb). Computer penetration rate among households worldwide 2005-2019.
Satista. Retrieved from https://www.statista.com/statistics/748551/worldwide-

Dabas, N. (2018). Role of Computer and Information Technology in Education System.

International Journal of Engineering and Techniques, 4(1), 4.

McDonald, A. (2020). What is CGI (Computer-Generated Imagery) & how does it work?. The
Rookies. Retrieved from https://discover.therookies.co/2020/04/05/what-is-cgi-computer-

Jordan University of Science and Technology. (2017). What is a Computer. CIS99 JUST Group.
Retrieved from https://www.just.edu.jo/~cis99/Toc/index.htm

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