Special Senses: Vision: Exercise
Special Senses: Vision: Exercise
Special Senses: Vision: Exercise
conjunctiva mucus
2. The eyeball is wrapped in adipose tissue within the orbit. What is the function of the adipose tissue?
What seven bones form the bony orbit? (Think! If you can’t remember, check a skull or your text.)
zygomatic maxillary
frontal lacrimal
3. Why does one often have to blow one’s nose after crying? Because tears drain into the nasal cavities via the
nasolacrimal ducts.
4. Identify the extrinsic eye muscle predominantly responsible for the actions described below.
5. What is a sty? Inflammation of a small oil or sweat gland associated with the eye exterior.
6. Using the terms listed on the right, correctly identify all structures provided with leader lines in the diagram.
c 1. anterior chamber
a b
l 2. anterior segment
c containing aqueous
d humor
t 3. bipolar neurons
p 4. ciliary body and
e 5. ciliary muscle
f 6. choroid
m o
n a
p 7. cornea
j 8. dura mater
Blowup of q 9. fovea centralis
retina u 10. ganglion cells
u o 11. iris
b 12. lens
r 13. optic disc
k 14. optic nerve
Pigmented s 15. photoreceptors
n 16. posterior chamber
i 17. retina
j h 18. sclera
d 19. scleral venous sinus
m 20. suspensory
g 21. vitreous body in
posterior segment
Notice the arrows drawn close to the left side of the iris in the diagram above. What do they indicate?
The flow of aqueous humor from the ciliary processes of the ciliary body to the scleral venous sinus (canal of Schlemm).
5. What is a sty? Inflammation of a small oil or sweat gland associated with the eye exterior.
6. Using the terms listed on the right, correctly identify all structures provided with leader lines in the diagram.
c 1. anterior chamber
a b
l 2. anterior segment
c containing aqueous
d humor
t 3. bipolar neurons
p 4. ciliary body and
e 5. ciliary muscle
f 6. choroid
m o
n a
p 7. cornea
j 8. dura mater
Blowup of q 9. fovea centralis
retina u 10. ganglion cells
u o 11. iris
b 12. lens
r 13. optic disc
k 14. optic nerve
Pigmented s 15. photoreceptors
n 16. posterior chamber
i 17. retina
j h 18. sclera
d 19. scleral venous sinus
m 20. suspensory
g 21. vitreous body in
posterior segment
Notice the arrows drawn close to the left side of the iris in the diagram above. What do they indicate?
The flow of aqueous humor from the ciliary processes of the ciliary body to the scleral venous sinus (canal of Schlemm).
7. Match the key responses with the descriptive statements that follow.
c; ciliary body 5. modification of the choroid that controls the shape of the
crystalline lens
l; scleral venous sinus 7. drains the aqueous humor from the eye
b; choroid 10. forms the bulk of the heavily pigmented vascular tunic
d; ciliary processes of the ciliary body 13. form (by filtration) the aqueous humor
8. The iris is composed primarily of two smooth muscle layers, one arranged radially and the other circularly.
9. You would expect the pupil to be dilated in which of the following circumstances? Circle the correct response(s).
10. The intrinsic eye muscles are under the control of which of the following? (Circle the correct response.)
bipolar cells, ganglion cells, photoreceptors photoreceptors, ganglion cells, bipolar cells
ganglion cells, bipolar cells, photoreceptors photoreceptors, bipolar cells, ganglion cells
12. The axons of the ganglion cells form the optic nerve, which exits from the eyeball.
13. Complete the following statements by writing either rods or cones on each blank:
The dim light receptors are the rods . Only cones are
found in the fovea centralis, whereas mostly rods are found in the periphery of the retina.
Cones are the photoreceptors that operate best in bright light and allow for color vision.
Vi s u a l P a t h w a y s t o t h e B r a i n
14. The visual pathway to the occipital lobe of the brain consists most simply of a chain of five neurons. Beginning with the pho-
toreceptor cell of the retina, name them and note their location in the pathway.
(1) photo receptor cell; retina (4) neuron; lateral geniculate nucleus of the thalamus
(2) bipolar cell; retina (5) cortical neuron; occipital (visual) cortex of the
15. Visual field tests are done to reveal destruction along the visual pathway from the retina to the optic region of the brain. Note
where the lesion is likely to be in the following cases:
Normal vision in left eye visual field; absence of vision in right eye visual field: Right optic nerve
Normal vision in both eyes for right half of the visual field; absence of vision in both eyes for left half of the visual
16. How is the right optic tract anatomically different from the right optic nerve? The right optic nerve contains fibers from the
right eye only. The right optic tract contains fibers from the lateral aspect of the right eye and the medial aspect of the left eye.
What is its function? To reflect light that enters the eye, thus increasing light stimulation of the retina under dim light conditions.
18. What does the retina look like? Thin yellowish white membrane. (Often becomes crumpled during dissection of the eye.)
At what point is it attached to the posterior aspect of the eyeball? At the optic disc.
Vi s u a l Te s t s a n d E x p e r i m e n t s
19. Match the terms in column B with the descriptions in column A:
Column A Column B
b; astigmatism 6. blurred vision due to unequal curvatures of the lens or cornea f. myopia
c; convergence 7. medial movement of the eyes during focusing on close objects g. refraction
21. Use terms from the key to complete the statements concerning near and distance vision.
During distance vision: The ciliary muscle is d , the suspensory ligament is e , the convexity of the lens
is b , and light refraction is b . During close vision: The ciliary muscle is a , the suspensory ligament is
22. Explain why vision is lost when light hits the blind spot. This area lacks photoreceptors.
23. What is meant by the term negative afterimage and what does this phenomenon indicate? Relative to retinal function, a
negative afterimage is a dark image of a bright object (e.g. light bulb) that is “seen” when the eyes are closed after viewing the bright
Is your visual acuity normal, less than normal, or better than normal?
Explain why each eye is tested separately when using the Snellen eye chart. There is usually a slight difference in the visual
Explain 20/40 vision. Poorer than normal vision. Able to read #40 letters at 20 feet. The normal eye reads these letters at 40 feet.
Explain 20/10 vision. Better than normal vision. Can read #10 letters at 20 feet. The normal eye would have to be 10 feet away to
25. Define astigmatism: Blurred vision due to unequal curvatures of the lens or cornea.
26. Record the distance of your near point of accommodation as tested in the laboratory:
Is your near point within the normal range for your age?
27. Define presbyopia: “Old vision.” A hyperopia resulting from decreasing lens elasticity with advancing age.
28. To which wavelengths of light do the three cone types of the retina respond maximally?
29. How can you explain the fact that we see a great range of colors even though only three cone types exist?
When more than one cone type is stimulated simultaneously, intermediate colors (of the visible spectrum) are seen.
30. What is the usual cause of color blindness? Malfunction or absence of one or more of the three cone types.
31. Explain the difference between binocular and panoramic vision. Binocular—visual fields overlap considerably but not
completely; therefore, slightly different views are received by each eye. Panoramic—little or no overlap of visual fields; therefore,
What factor(s) are responsible for binocular vision? The slight difference between the visual fields of the two eyes and the partial
32. In the experiment on the convergence reflex, what happened to the position of the eyeballs as the object was moved closer
What extrinsic eye muscles control the movement of the eyes during this reflex? Medial recti
What is the value of this reflex? Allows the image to be precisely focused on the fovea of each eye.
What would be the visual result of an inability of these muscles to function? Diplopia (double vision)
33. In the experiment on the photopupillary reflex, what happened to the pupil of the eye exposed to light?
Explanation? Regulation of pupil constriction by the parasympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system is coordinate (i.e.
34. Why is the ophthalmoscopic examination an important diagnostic tool? Allows noninvasive examination of the retinal
35. Many college students struggling through mountainous reading assignments are told that they need glasses for “eyestrain.”
Why is it more of a strain on the extrinsic and intrinsic eye muscles to look at close objects than at far objects?