Cryptography An Introduction Continued : Shon Harris Cissp, 5 Edition

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An Introduction


Shon Harris
CISSP, 5th Edition
(3.8.1 Contd)
Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)

•If you are going to send an encrypted e-mail

to your boss, your e-mail client will use a
symmetric block cipher working in CBC mode.
•The e-mail client would not use ECB mode,
because most messages are long enough to
show patterns that can be used to reverse-
engineer the process and uncover the
encryption key.

The CBC mode is great to use when you need to send

large chunks of data at a time
Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)
•But what if you are not sending large chunks
of data at one time, but instead are sending a
steady stream of data to a destination?

•If you are working on a terminal that communicates

with a back-end terminal server, what is really going
on is that each keystroke and mouse movement you
make is sent to the backend server in chunks of eight
bits to be processed
Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)
So even though it seems as though the
computer you are working on is carrying out
your commands and doing the processing you
are requesting, it is not—this is happening on
the server.

Thus, if you need to encrypt the data that go from

your terminal to the terminal server, you could not
use CBC mode because it only encrypts blocks of data
64 bits in size. You have blocks of eight bits you need
to encrypt. So we use CFB mode…..
The Figure illustrates how CFB mode works, which is
really a combination of a block cipher and a stream
Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)
For the first block of eight bits that needs to be
encrypted, we do the same thing we did in CBC mode,
which is to use an IV.

Recall how stream ciphers work: The key and

the IV are used by the algorithm to create a
keystream, which is just a random set of bits.
This set of bits is XORed to the block of
plaintext, which results in the same size block
of ciphertext.
Cipher Feedback Mode (CFB)
•So the first block (eight bits) is XORed to the
set of bits created through the keystream
•Two things take place with this resulting
eight-bit block of ciphertext.
•One copy goes over the wire to the
destination (in our scenario, to the terminal
server), and another copy is used to encrypt
the next block of eight-bit plaintext.
Adding this copy of ciphertext to the
encryption process of the next block adds
more randomness to the encryption process.

We walked through a scenario where eight-bit blocks

needed to be encrypted, but in reality CFB mode can
be used to encrypt any size blocks, even blocks of just
one bit.

But since most of our encoding maps eight bits to one

character, using CFB to encrypt eight-bit blocks is very
•We use ECB mode for the process of encrypting small
amounts of data, such as a key or PIN value. These
components will be around 64 bits or more, so ECB
mode works as a true block cipher.

•We can use CBC mode to encrypt larger amounts of

data , in block sizes of 64 bits.

•In situations where you need to encrypt a smaller

amount of data, you need the cipher to work like a
stream cipher and to encrypt individual bits of the
blocks, as in CFB.
Output Feedback Mode

In some cases, you still need to encrypt a small

amount of data at a time (one to eight bits), but you
need to ensure possible errors do not affect your
encryption and decryption processes.
CFB Review

If you look again at the Figure for CFB, you see that the
ciphertext from the previous block is used to encrypt the
next block of plaintext. What if a bit in the first ciphertext
gets corrupted? Then we have corrupted values going into
the process of encrypting the next block of plaintext, and this
problem just continues because of the use of chaining in this
Output Feedback Mode

Now look at the Figure . It looks terribly similar to the

previous Figure (CFB), but notice that the values used to
encrypt the next block of plaintext are coming directly from
the keystream, not from the resulting ciphertext. This is the
difference between the two modes.
•If you need to encrypt something that would be
very sensitive to these types of errors, such as
digitized video or digitized voice signals, you should
not use CFB mode.
•You should use OFB mode instead, which reduces
the chance that these types of bit corruptions can
take place.

So OFB is a mode that a block cipher can work in

when it needs to emulate a stream, because it
encrypts small amounts of data at a time, but it
has a smaller chance of creating and extending
errors throughout the full encryption process.
To ensure OFB and CFB are providing the most
protection possible, the size of the ciphertext (in
CFB) or keystream values (in OFB) needs to be the
same size as the block of plaintext being encrypted.

This means that if you are using CFB and are

encrypting eight bits at a time, the ciphertext you
bring forward from the previous encryption block
needs to be eight bits. Otherwise, you are repeating
values over and over, which introduces patterns.

(This is the same reason why a one-time pad should be used

only one time and should be as long as the message itself.)
Counter Mode (CTR)

Counter Mode (CTR) is very similar to OFB

mode, but instead of using a randomly unique
IV value to generate the keystream values,
this mode uses an IV counter that increments
for each plaintext block that needs to be
encrypted. The unique counter ensures that
each block is XORed with a unique keystream
Counter Mode (CTR)
The other difference is that there is no
chaining involved, which means no ciphertext
is brought forward to encrypt the next block.
Since there is no chaining, the encryption
of the individual blocks can happen in parallel,
which increases the performance.

The main reason CTR would be used instead of the

other modes is performance.
This mode has been around for quite some time
and is used in encrypting ATM cells for virtual
circuits, in IPSec, and is now integrated in the new
wireless security standard, 802.11i.
Why Use CTR ?

A developer would choose to use this mode in these

situations because individual ATM cells or packets
going through an IPSec tunnel or over radio
frequencies may not arrive at the destination in
order. Since chaining is not involved, the destination
can decrypt and begin processing the packets
without having to wait for the full message to arrive
and then decrypt all the data.
3.8.2 Triple DES (3DES)
We went from DES to Triple-DES (3DES), so it might
seem we skipped Double-DES. We did. Double-DES
has a key length of 112 bits, but there is a specific
attack against Double-DES that reduces its work factor
to about the same as DES. Thus, it is no more secure
than DES. So let’s move on to 3DES.
Triple DES (3DES)
Many successful attacks against DES and the
realization that the useful lifetime of DES was about
up brought much support for 3DES. NIST knew that a
new standard had to be created, which ended up
being AES, but a quick fix was needed in the
meantime to provide more protection for sensitive
data. The result: 3DES (also known as TDEA—Triple
Data Encryption Algorithm).
3DES Performance

3DES uses 48 rounds in its computation, which makes

it highly resistant to differential cryptanalysis.
However, because of the extra work 3DES performs,
there is a heavy performance hit. It can take up to
three times longer than DES to perform encryption
and decryption.
3DES Modes
Although NIST has selected the Rijndael algorithm to
replace DES as the AES, NIST and others expect 3DES
to be around and used for quite some time. 3DES can
work in different modes, and the mode chosen
dictates the number of keys used and what functions
are carried out
3DES Modes
• DES-EEE3 Uses three different keys for encryption, and
the data are encrypted, encrypted, encrypted
• DES-EDE3 Uses three different keys for encryption, and
the data are encrypted, decrypted, and encrypted
• DES-EEE2 The same as DES-EEE3 but uses only two
keys, and the first and third encryption processes use
the same key
• DES-EDE2 The same as DES-EDE3 but uses only two
keys, and the first and third encryption processes use
the same key
EDE may seem a little odd at first. How much
protection could be provided by encrypting
something, decrypting it, and encrypting it again?
The decrypting portion here is decrypted with a
different key. When data are encrypted with one
symmetric key and decrypted with a different
symmetric key, it is jumbled even more. So the data
are not actually decrypted in the middle function,
they are just run through a decryption process with
a different key. Pretty tricky.

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