Part 1
Part 1
Part 1
Management (YIASCM)
• At the end of this session the leaner will able
to understand about
Encipherment using Modern Symmetric-Key
❏ To show how modern standard ciphers, such as
DES or AES, can be used to encipher long
❏ To discuss five modes of operation designed
to be used with modern block ciphers.
❏ To define which mode of operation creates
stream ciphers out of the underlying block
❏ ciphers.
To discuss the security issues and the error
propagation of different modes of operation.
❏ To discuss two stream ciphers used forreal-
time processing of data.
• Digital data is represented in strings of binary digits
(bits) unlike alphabets.
• Modern cryptosystems need to process this binary
strings to convert in to another binary string.
• Based on how these binary strings are processed, a
symmetric encryption schemes can be classified in
to −
a. Stream cipher
b. Block cipher
Stream Ciphers
• In this scheme, the plaintext is processed one
bit at a time i.e. one bit of plaintext is taken,
and a series of operations is performed on it
to generate one bit of ciphertext.
• Technically, stream ciphers are block ciphers
with a block size of one bit.
Block Ciphers
• In this scheme, the plain binary text is
processed in blocks (groups) of bits at a time;
i.e. a block of plaintext bits is selected, a series
of operations is performed on this block to
generate a block of ciphertext bits.
• The number of bits in a block is fixed.
• For example, the schemes DES and AES have
block sizes of 64 and 128, respectively.
Example :2
This mode is called electronic codebook because one can
precompile 2K codebooks (one for each key) in which each
codebook has 2n entries in two columns. Each entry can list the
plaintext and the corresponding ciphertext blocks. However, if K
and n are large, the codebook would be far too large to precompile
and maintain.
Assume that Eve works in a company a few hours per month (her
monthly payment is very low). She knows that the company uses
several blocks of information for each employee in which the
seventh block is the amount of money to be deposited in the
employee’s account. Eve can intercept the ciphertext sent to the
bank at the end of the month, replace the block with the
information about her payment with a copy of the block with the
information about the payment of a full-time colleague. Each
month Eve can receive more money than she deserves.
Error Propagation
A single bit error in transmission can create errors in
several in the corresponding block. However, the error
does not have any effect on the other blocks.
Cipher text Stealing
A technique called cipher text stealing (CTS) can make
it possible to use ECB mode without padding. In this
technique the last two plaintext blocks, PN−1 and PN , are
encrypted differently and out of order, as shown below,
assuming that PN−1 has n bits and PN has m bits, where m
In CBC mode, each plaintext block is exclusive-
ored with the previous cipher text
block before being
encrypted Cipher block chaining (CBC) mode
Cipher block chaining (CBC) mode
Example 4
It can be proved that each plaintext block at Alice’s site is
recovered exactly at Bob’s site. Because encryption and decryption
are inverses of each other,
RC4 is based on the concept of a state.
A5/1 (a member of the A5 family of cipher s) is used in
the Global System for Mobile Communication (GSM), a
networ k for mobile telephone communication..
General outline of A5/1
Key Management