Hydrogen Production Using Renewable Energy: To Use Electric Energy From Solar PV System

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Solar energy is likely to

be the most
abundantly available
bountiful or

energy resource
available to us now
days and the
hydrogen production
with the solar energy is
known to be the
flawlesssolution for
renewable energy.
There are various
methods for utilizing
suns energy for
hydrogen production
are studied with both




Ashish Kalia
Mirza Omar Ali
Project Statement.................................................................................................................................1
Aim (objective)......................................................................................................................................2
possible design ideas............................................................................................................................2
Work breakdown structure..................................................................................................................7
Resource and estimation cost...............................................................................................................7
The utilize of suns energy to generate hydrogen can be carried by two technically
processed way : one is by water electrolysis using solar produced electricity and amd the
other method is direct solar water splitting process. When we consider solar produced
electricity, most famous is PhotoVoltic-electrolysis technique. Currently in the world almost
energy source of non renewable energy is running out at very higher rate.Apart from this
using non renewable energy resources poses severe health hazard to humans and other
living beings as it releases harmful by product like carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur
dioxide and many more carbons.Due to all this reason we urgently required a need of
renewable energy source.A source which does not give harmful by product like carbon
dioxide, carbon monoxide, sulphur etc and it's availability must be always so the best
answer we get after lot of research is hydrogen energy. As hydrogen energy provide us with
clean and eco-friendly from of energy.This clean energy can be used in various ways for our
daily normal uses,here in our project we have focused our study to produce hydrogen using
renewable energy resources like solar energy.In our project we will work with various
techniques how to convert water in hydrogen and focus our studies how storage of
hydrogen can be done in simplest manner to utilize the hydrogen as a fuel in our domestic
internal combustion engine like car and other vehicles and also how to convert this
hydrogen back to water as it is recyclable it has no doubt that hydrogen is our future fuel.

This type of project has been performed by various university. The project aims our study
to hydrogen Production using renewable energy & to show that it would be both feasible
and cost effective to use the electric energy from a solar PV system mounted on the roof of
suburban house to produce and store the hydrogen. The hydrogen produced should be a
sufficient quantity and be stored in such a way that it can be used to fuel a family car. We
have fixed the period of 7-8 weeks to study various aspects of the project.

it is clear that from the past many centuries we are exploiting the fossil fuels like coal
,petroleummain and natural gas etc.these fossil fuels are exhaustable and can be finished in
the coming years so to fulfill the requirement of our coming generation and even growing
population we require energy resources which are Inexhaustible.As Inexhaustible resources
have tendency to recharge themselves over a period of time without impacting earth and
other resources. This type of resources have the advantage of being abundant availability in
small small capacity every where around the globe Most of the good things about this type

of recourses that they are eco-friendly in nature as compare to non renewable which poses
harmful threat to our environment when they are used or burnt.As we know non renewable
resources are manufactured through various natural process are much slow to recharge and
the consumption rate is much higher so there is a threat that they will soon run out so to
overcome this we have finding a energy that is much reliable and useful to fulfill the needs
and requirements of people and industry ,also these renewable energy like solar energy,
wind energy, geothermal energy posses less threat to the environment.Solar energy is most
abundantly available energy among the renewable energy , with the help of this solar
energy we focused our study to produce hydrogen energy (which is also renewable energy)
to fulfills our domestic daily needs.As we know we have use of hydrogen fuel in various
aviation and other industries and they are very much useful,they store hydrogen in solid
state material like metal hydride, carbon nanotubes, polymer etc. so with the help of those
usage we will try to make hydrogen storage so we can utilise for domestic purpose.

There are some assumptions that have been considered for our project: -

1. Reducing the cost and improving energy efficiency for converting electricity to
2. The hydrogen produced should be a sufficient quantity and be stored in such a
way that it can be used to fuel a family car.


Two important amd main components of this project are

1. photovoltaics (PV) system- The first part of project is use of solar energy to
convert in electric energy by the method of PV system. The main component of
this system is following.

1. solar power (Photo voltic sheets and solar panels )

Solar panels (solar sheets) which utilizes the solar radiation falling on its sheets and
convert the solar radiation into useful electrical energy.This electrical energy can be
used for electrolysis of water and provide hydrogen and oxygen.This solar power
sheets consists of solar cells .when the solar cells are connected in series they form a
solar modules.

A solar module
A solar modules is made up of silicon cells with each cells has capacity to produce
0.50 volts.This mean the 35 - 36 solar cells are enough to charge 12V battery which
can run pump and motor. We use this solar cells to produce power of approx 300
Watt's to utilise it our electrolysis process so we have to plant more solar panels to
meet our demand of providing Hydrogen.
List of various advantages of using solar energy as our power source
 It has low maintenance cost unless it provides a serious damage
 Solar energy is eco-friendly in nature as it provides very less threat to our
 Unlimited availability of solar energy.

 Photo voltic cell manufacturing release many toxic chemicals for example like Cd
and AS which is harmful for living organisms
 Solar energy production is not economical as compared to other energy production
 Fluctuating weather of Australia makes availability is low in various months of the
2. Alkaline water electrolysis (PEM )
The phenomenon of hydrogen production through alkaline water electrolysis techniques was
invited in early 1790's.The production of hydrogen through this alkaline electrolysis method is up
to mega Watt's at commercial level, However alkaline electrolysis has its limitations as due to less
flux density (below 459mA/cm2 and also operates are lower values of presence and Kinetic
energies and it's efficiency is low, so as time goes new methods there is a new development in
this is anion exchange membrane (AEM) by the polymers anion with good conductivity.This new
innovations in this field is new milestone in the electrolysis process which is very fruitfull.


We are looking forward to store the hydrogen for domestic vehicles applications.Varrious
automobile company have tried this and they have succeeded also as they need very light
weight, compact ,safe and cost effective material and save .This is requirement also.We
require such material which can store it safely for journey of approx 800-1000Km on full
storage.which requires the storage of 8 to 10 kg hydrogen as it will also depend upon the
size of vehicles we are having.Storing hydrogen is the main issue as there is number of
storage techniques available but non of them meet the requirements of the industry.Infact
this is the most challenging issue we are going to take in our project as it is key hindrance to
the hydrogen fuel seems.

Different ways of storing hydrogen

 It can be compressed in gaseous form in high pressure vessel

 It can be stored in form of liquid (-250C) in the tanks
 It can be in form of solid either by absorbing it or reacting it with metals.

The various requirements for the project as follows:-

1. To use of solar photo voltaic cell and convert sufficient amount into electrical energy.
2. To use electrolysis produce sufficient amount of hydrogen energy.
3. Fuel economy should not be decreased and must be cost effective.


paras Photo Voltic cells and Photo Voltic sheets and
Asish Computer Aided designing and gantt chart
Mirza omer Ali Explanation of electrolysis process ,cost estimations


The required resources are as follows:

1. Solar panel which will used to convert solar energy to electric energy. With battery
and wire.
2. Cost estimations of the electrolyzer cell stack are based on limited experience and
are smaller cells.
3. Small steel chamber to store the hydrogen.
4. total estimated cost ranges from to $500-$800.

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