Thermal Expansion

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Thermal Expansion

The circumference of a vessel can be expressed as

C1 = π d1 



C1 = initial circumference (mm)

d1 = initial diameter (mm)

The change in circumference due to temperature change can be expressed as

dc = c2 – c1


dc = change in circumference (mm)

c2 = final circumference (mm)

dt = temperature change (oC)

α = linear expansion coefficient (mm/mm/oC)

α value at 465 oC=18.4x10-6 mm/mm/oC as pertable TE-1 of ASME SEC.II Part D

dt = (465-20 oC)=445 oC

The final circumference can be expressed as 

C2 = π d2


d2 = final diameter (mm)

d2 = d1 (dt α + 1)      



Expansion in diameter = 1987.1-1971=16mm

Radial expansion for one side =16/2=~8mm ( Consider as 10mm)

So width of slotted hole= Bolt dia +2 x Radial Expansion



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