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The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Program (4Ps) is a human development measure of the
national government that provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor, to
improve the health, nutrition, and the education of children aged 0-18. It is patterned after the
conditional cash transfer (CCT) schemes in Latin American and African countries, which have
lifted millions of people around the world from poverty. The Department of Social Welfare and
Development (DSWD) is the lead government agency of the 4Ps.

The 4Ps has dual objectives as the flagship poverty alleviation program:

1. social assistance, giving monetary support to extremely poor families to respond

to their immediate needs; and
2. social development, breaking the intergenerational poverty cycle by investing in
the health and education of poor children through programs such as:
o health check-ups for pregnant women and children aged 0 to 5;
o deworming of schoolchildren aged 6 to 14;
o enrollment of children in daycare, elementary, and secondary schools; and
o family development sessions.
In order to receive the abovementioned subsidy, all the succeeding conditions must be
met by the household-beneficiaries:
1. Pregnant women must avail pre- and post-natal care, and be attended during
childbirth by a trained professional;
2. Parents or guardians must attend the family development sessions, which include
topics on responsible parenting, health, and nutrition;
3. Children aged 0-5 must receive regular preventive health check-ups and vaccines;
4. Children aged 6-14 must receive deworming pills twice a year; and
5. Children-beneficiaries aged 3-18 must enroll in school, and maintain an
attendance of at least 85% of class days every month.


The program has one of the most comprehensive poverty targeting databases
in the world today, covering 75% of the country’s population. It has been used
extensively to identify poor and near-poor beneficiaries for national and local
government programs. The program has one of the most comprehensive
poverty targeting databases in the world today, covering 75% of the country’s
population. It has been used extensively to identify poor and near-poor
beneficiaries for national and local government programs.Cash grants are
provided to beneficiaries in two ways: 1) Health Grant of ₱500.00 per
household for every month, or a total of ₱6,000.00 per year; 2) Education Grant of ₱300.00
per child on each month for ten months or a total of ₱3,000.00 per year
 The program has one of the most comprehensive poverty targeting databases in
the world today, covering 75% of the country’s population. It has been used
extensively to identify poor and near-poor beneficiaries for national and local
government programs.
 The program benefits about 20% of the population, the majority of the nation’s
 9 million children are currently benefiting from the program, 1.9 million of which
are in high school. The program has also achieved almost universal enrolment for
elementary age children of 4Ps households.
 Social protection programs, Pantawid included, have cushioned the poor from
the adverse impacts of various shocks the country experienced over the past six
years. A study estimates that the program has led to a poverty reduction of 1.4
percentage points per year or 1.5 million less poor Filipinos.
 The 4Ps is currently the world’s fourth-largest CCT program based on population
coverage. It complements the government’s other development priorities such as
generating jobs and creating livelihood opportunities for the poor.


 One of the most crucial characteristic of the 4Ps and other CCT programs
implemented in other countries is its being a ‘demand-side’ intervention instead
of being a ‘supply-side’ intervention. That is, in order to be considered as a
beneficiary of the program, one must concede with the government’s demands
and conditionality (Coady & Parker, 2002). This is remarkably notable in the
conditions concerning education and health services where the beneficiaries
being brought into the education and health services system instead of
expanding the education and health systems in order to reach them.
 Furthermore, as previously mentioned, poverty in the country is not only caused
by the lack of economical resources, but also because of socio-economic and
political factors that prevent the equality and distribution of resources. Although
the 4Ps aims to provide the poor with the education which is, otherwise,
inaccessible, it does not directly answer the socio-economic and political
problems that are the primary cause of poverty. In the case of the 4Ps in the
Philippines, it does not answer the issues regarding the political and economic
elite families. And poverty can only be totally alleviated if there are programs
that could target its roots.

 All 4Ps beneficiaries will also be given priority in the availment of modalities and
interventions under DSWD's Sustainable Livelihood Program or other appropriate
or similar programs offered by other government agencies or accredited private
 Considered eligible for the anti-poverty program are farmers, fisherfolk,
homeless families, indigenous peoples, and those who are in the informal settler
sector and in geographically isolated and disadvantaged areas .


 Another major disadvantage of the 4Ps implementation is that it requires a huge

amount of finance which we do not have at the present. The 4Ps is a loan
driven program, much of the funds constituting the conditional cash grants given
to beneficiaries are generated from loans abroad, particularly from the United
States. Arguments against the 4Ps point out that despite the large amounts of
financial resources needed to implement the program; it does not generate
guaranteed returns to the economy as much as infrastructure projects like
construction of roads, bridges, and railways do.
 The 4Ps will also encounter some difficulties in achieving support from the other
social classes, mainly because it does not benefit middle-income groups which
have also been steadily affected by limited universal services and decreases in
employment (Cuesta, 2007). These middle-income groups are also suffering from
issues of poverty and limited access to educational and health benefits, but are
not included in the target population of the 4Ps. The 4Ps is programmed to help
only the extremely poor.

The Pantawid Pamilyang Pilipino Programs poses many appealing objectives,

goals and benefits for the poor families that comprises most of the Philippine’s
population. The 4Ps is a good example of strengthening the government’s capability of
distributing the country’s resources to those who are extremely in need. It is undeniable
that there are many poor households that will benefit from the said program, and that
the program covers the basic needs that otherwise would go unmet. Likewise, the
government’s effort in making the country’s educational and health services system
inclusive is a huge step towards social mobility and equality. I think that 4Ps’ principle
that a well-fed and educated citizens are imperative for a productive country and

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