Poverty Alleviation Programmes in India
Poverty Alleviation Programmes in India
Poverty Alleviation Programmes in India
- Shivani Krishnakumar
Poverty is the condition of not having enough
economic resources to sustain one’s basic needs.
There are two types of poverty- absolute poverty
and relative poverty. Absolute poverty is the
condition of not having enough resources to sustain
one’s basic needs while relative poverty is the
condition of being of a lesser living standards
compared to the area one lives in. In India, as per the
Rangarajan Committee(2014) one is in a state of
poverty in rural areas if they earn less than Rs 972
per month and less than Rs 1407 in urban areas.
According to The Global Multidimensional
Poverty Index released by the UN, it was noted that
271 million people moved out of poverty between
2005-06 and 2015-16 in India. The poverty rate fell
from 55% to 28% over the ten-year period. The
government measures designed to alleviate poverty
were instrumental in this decline.
Let us look at some such measures-
1.National Rural Livelihood Mission