Practical Research 1 Week 3: The Research Problem and The Research Title
Practical Research 1 Week 3: The Research Problem and The Research Title
Practical Research 1 Week 3: The Research Problem and The Research Title
Week 3
The Research Problem and
the Research Title
The Research Problem
In starting with a research project, the researcher must have a clear
problem in mind. Basically, a research problem refers to a statement that
promptly suggests for conducting an investigation. Moreover, a research
problem to be designed must deal with some concerns in a particular field
that may need an improvement or a solution. The researcher must also
observe gaps in existing scholarly literature, theories, and practices in order
to come up with a good and relevant research problem. This designed
problem then will serve as a guide to know what kind of research study will
be most suitable to address the perceived concern.
Sources of Research Problem
There is a need for a socially relevant problem when the researcher
will attempt to conduct a study. Hence, it is said that identifying and
designing a research problem is quite a challenging task.
Familiarity with the potential sources, meanwhile, may help the
researcher to come up with a good research problem. As cited from Sacred
Heart University Library (2020), four (4) varied sources can be considered.
These are as follows:
1. Theory. Existing social philosophies and generalizations which the
researcher is familiar with ,may be of a great help to design a research
problem. The researcher may observe if there is a gap between theory
and practice. Difference between what is said by the elders and what
the youngsters see and observe may be a potential source of a
2. Practitioners. Consultation with the people who have direct
experiences in a field of interest may provide the researcher an idea of
what relevant problem he/she may investigate. Practitioners such as
teachers, social workers, health care providers, etc. are considered to
be a good source of problem since they are directly experiencing
difficulties and challenges which are needed to be addressed.
3. Personal experience. Daily experiences can provide the researcher
an idea of what problem that needs a solution. Observation on what is
happening in the community may allow him/her to see the common
concerns of people or institutions which may be subjected for
4. Relevant literature. An extensive and thorough review of
literature and studies relevant to the problem interest of the researcher
may enable him/her to come up with a potential study. Through
reviewing other available researches, the researcher may be able to
determine gaps in knowledge and to subject them for replication.
Thus, a good research problem will be ensured.
Considerations in Formulating the Research Problem
As cited from the book of Cristobal and Cristobal (2017), there are
criteria which should be considered by the researcher in order to arrive with
a good research problem. Here they adopted the proposed criteria of
Barrientos-Tan (1997) from the book entitled A Research Guide in Nursing
Education. These are further subdivided into external and internal criteria.
1. External Criteria
a. Novelty. The research problem must carry “newness.” With this, its
practical value would be easily perceived.
b. Availability of subjects. A research problem, when is subjected to
a further investigation, requires data from the target subjects. Hence,
the researcher must ensure that there will be available participants
who are capable of providing data needed for the study.
c. Support of the academic community. The academic community,
which consists of administrators, teachers, staff, students, and parents,
should be considered by the researcher in what particular problem will
be investigated. Each member plays a vital role in the conduct of the
study. Hence, the research problem should be clearly perceived as
beneficial once it is subjected for investigation. In addition, securing
permission among the said members must be done before conducting
the actual data collection procedure.
d. Availability and adequacy of facilities and equipment.
Necessary common devices such as computers and telephones which
will be used in undertaking a study should be considered. Likewise,
other needed materials required by the research problem should be
checked if they are available and sufficient.
e. Ethical considerations. A research problem, when is subjected to a
study, must not pose any unethical demands most especially on the
part of the research participants.
2. Internal Criteria
a. Qualifications of the researcher. These pertain to the expertise of
the researcher to the problem. It is important to the researcher that
he/she has enough knowledge and training when the research problem
is subjected to further investigation so as to ensure the success of the
b. Motivation and interest of the researcher. The research problem
which is in the interest of the researcher may give him/her satisfaction
and enjoyment. Hence, completion of the research tasks will be
efficiently attained.
c. Time factor. A research problem, when is subjected to a study,
should suggest to be time-efficient. With this, the undertaking will be
possibly accomplished in a given time frame.
d. Costs and returns. It is also important that the researcher should
consider a research problem which suggests to be cost-efficient. When
it is subjected to a study, it must not be a sort of an expensive
e. Hazards and handicaps. This means that a research problem
should not put the researcher in danger. The proposed study should be
safe not only to the participants but moreover to the researcher
himself/herself. Physical and mental health of the researcher must
always be considered.
Research Title
Once the researcher has already had a problem that will be subjected
for a study, he/she may now begin formulating a good research title that will
best represent the problem and the study itself in general. As cited from
Sacred Heart University Library.
1. Existing Literature
- a background on what researches have already been done about the
given subject.
2. Relevance to Local/Global Context
- situational interconnectedness of individuals or things in varying
3. Critical Background/Contextual Information
- circumstances forming a background of an event, idea or subject,
that enables the readers to understand the nature of the problem.
4. Research Gap
- problems, issues or questions that have not been addressed or are yet
to be understood.
5. Proof of Urgency
- an urgent need to solve the existing problem.
6. Research Goal/Objective
- the purpose why there is a need for the proposed study to be
Now, read and study the following sample of Rationale of the Study.
The Statement of the Problem
Statement of the Problem
After the researcher has clearly presented the rationale of the problem,
the formulation of the targeted and well-defined problem must follow. This
well-defined problem is commonly pertained to the “Statement of the
Problem.” Stating clearly the problem can make the vagueness of the study
be clarified. Further, this section allows the researcher to present other
essential elements of research undertaking such as the major variables,
objectives, and appropriate methodology.
Non-Researchable Questions:
1. Do the participants use social media platforms for their communication
2. Are the participants using emojis in their online communication?
3. Can the participants understand the meaning of emojis used in
4. Will the emojis be used for a language content learning presentation
Researchable Questions:
1. What are the most frequently used emojis by the participants in the
2. What are the pragmatic functions of emojis in the corpus?
3. How do multiple emojis affect the meaning of the discourse?
4. What learning content presentation strategy can be proposed based on the
results of the study.
Practical Research 1
Week 4
Content of Scope and Delimitation
Scope and delimitation is an informative part of your research. It is
informative because it is to where you declare the things you have to carry
out and follow through the course of research. I am sure, you are wondering
why there is a need for us to declare all of these to our readers. Likewise,
you are puzzled what are the elements of your research that are needed to be
included? Well, let us deal with them one by one.
Did you notice how terms give justifications? The underlined sentences
serve as your scope and delimitation. They limit down the scope of the
On the second paragraph, you need to remember that it contains
instrument used, validation and protocols followed in the conduct of the
Significance of the Study
Cristobal and Cristobal (2017) states that research is a very noble
undertaking if it makes significant contributions to the community and to the
academic field or discipline where the researcher is affiliated with. This is
basically the reason why the researcher needs to determine the relevance of
their study. It should apparently identify the purpose that the research will
serve and how it will contribute to the society, the country, the government,
the institution or agency concerned, and the research community.
Under this section of the research paper, the researcher must be able
to present the valuable contribution of the study to a particular body of
knowledge or area of specialization. As Cristobal and Cristobal (2017)
noted, it could be in the form of a new knowledge in the field, analysis of
trends over time, validation of other findings using different methodologies,
confirmation of the major findings of other studies, and verification of the
validity of findings in a different population. After identifying the general
significance of the study, the researcher also has to determine the
beneficiaries who will directly gain from the results of the study. They may
be classified as academic or non-academic.
Academic beneficiaries may include educational staff, teachers,
students and researchers, while non-academic beneficiaries may include
stakeholders, policymakers, agencies and organizations. They should be
specifically listed according to the significance of the study’s results to
them.Moreover, the researcher needs to cite the particular benefits that the
beneficiaries will gain from the study. They refer to all advantages to be
obtained by those directly involved especially the researchers and research
users. All of which can be manifested as demonstrable contribution of the
said research to the specialized field or to the community. Such benefits may
be classified as educational, professional and personal as shown in the table
on the following page.