Calculate Thermal Expansion
Calculate Thermal Expansion
Calculate Thermal Expansion
10.8 - 12.5
Steel 6 - 6.94
Steel Stainless Austenitic (304) 9.61
Steel Stainless Austenitic (310) 8
Steel Stainless Austenitic (316) 8.89
Steel Stainless Ferritic (410)
10-6 m/moC = 1 μm/moC
m/m = meter per meter, in/in = inches per inches
Most values for temperature 25 oC (77 oF). The span in the values may be caused by the
variation in the materials themselves - or by the variation in the sources used.
dl = change in object length (m, inches)
L1 = L0 + dl
For wider temperature ranges - calculate for smaller spans and integrate the results.
α - linear expansion coefficient (m/moC, in/inoF)
t0 - initial temperature (oC, oF)
t1 - final temperature (oC, oF)
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Linear Temperature Coefficients - α - for some common metals
more metals ..
Example - Expansion of an Aluminum Beam
= 5.993 m
The longest final length of the beam at maximum temperature 50oC can be calculated as
= 6.004 m
Superficial Expansion
The amount by which a unit area of a material increases when the temperature is raised by one
degree is called the coefficient of superficial (area) expansion.
Cubic Expansion
The amount by which a unit volume of a material increases when the temperature is raised by
one degree is called the coefficient of cubic expansion.
The temperature expansion of pipes depends on start and final temperature of the pipe, and the
expansion coefficient of the piping material at the actual temperature. The expansion formula
can be expressed as:
dl = α Lo dt (1)
temperature expansion calculator
Note that the mean expansion coefficient may vary with temperature:
Temperature Range (oF)
- 32 32 - 212 32 - 400 32 - 600 32 - 750 32 - 900 32 - 1100 32 - 1300
Alloy Steel
7.7 8.0 8.4 8.8 9.2 9.6 9.8
(1% Cr. 1/2% Mo)
Mild Steel
7.1 7.8 8.3 8.7 9.0 9.5 9.7
(0.1 - 0.2% C)
Stainless Steel
10.8 11.1 11.5 11.8 12.1 12.4 12.6 12.8
(18% Cr. 8% Ni)
Formula (1) can also be used with SI units. The expansion coefficient must be adjusted to oC.
An alloy steel pipe with length 100 feet is heated from 32 to 212oF. The expansion coefficient
is 8 10-6 (in/inoF).
dl = (8 10-6 in/inoF) (100 ft) (12 in/ft) ((212 oF) - (32 oF))
= 1.728 inches
Volumetric expansion coefficient for water varies with temperature