Public FRCEM Examination Report 2019

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The report provides information on the performance of candidates in various FRCEM and MRCEM examinations, including statistics like mean scores, pass rates, and standard deviations. It aims to increase transparency around the examinations.

The abridged reports published on the College website include information on the standard setting and pass rates for each examination, with more detailed analysis planned for future reports. They aim to provide more information to candidates.

Pass rates for the FRCEM Primary ranged from 54-82% depending on location and training status. FRCEM Intermediate and Final pass rates were not explicitly stated but appeared to be around 90% or higher based on the QIP results. MRCEM OSCE pass rates in India ranged from 71-94% depending on the session.

The Royal College of Emergency Medicine

Patron: HRH The Princess Royal

7-9 Breams Buildings Tel +44 (0)207 404 1999

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2019 Abridged FRCEM Examination Report

Table of Contents
Introduction ...................................................................................................................... 2
FRCEM Primary ................................................................................................................. 3
FRCEM Primary ................................................................................................................. 4
FRCEM Intermediate SAQ ............................................................................................... 5
FRCEM Intermediate SAQ ............................................................................................... 6
FRCEM Intermediate SJP ................................................................................................. 7
FRCEM Intermediate SJP ................................................................................................. 8
FRCEM Final Critical Appraisal........................................................................................ 9
FRCEM Final Critical Appraisal...................................................................................... 10
FRCEM Final SAQ ........................................................................................................... 11
MRCEM OSCE (UK) ........................................................................................................ 18
MRCEM OSCE (UK) ........................................................................................................ 19
MRCEM OSCE (India) .................................................................................................... 20
MRCEM OSCE (India) .................................................................................................... 22
FRCEM Final QIP ............................................................................................................. 23
As part of the Examinations Subcommittee’s aim to provide more information to
candidates and increase transparency, the Education and Examinations Committees
agreed in October 2018 to produce abridged reports on the performance of FRCEM
Examinations. The abridged reports will be published on the College website once the full
reports have been reviewed by the Education and Examinations Committees, which meet
three times a year.

This is the second report to be published and includes information on the standard setting
and pass rates. More detailed analysis is planned in future iterations as we develop our
reporting capabilities.

Susannah Grant
Head of Examinations

12 June 2020

FRCEM Primary
June 2019

The 7th FRCEM Primary examination took place on 13th June 2019. 1245 candidates took
the examination, of whom 722 (58%) fulfilled the criteria required to pass the examination

6 questions were removed from the Primary paper after review of the item analysis, leaving
174 marks achievable for this examination.

Mean score 101.6 58.4%

Median score 103 59.1%
Standard deviation 25.9 14.9%
Candidates 1245
KR20: (measurement of reliability) 0.949
Range of marks 37 – 161 21.2% - 92.6%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 98.4 56.6%
Pass rate 722 / 1245 58%

FRCEM Primary statistics

Training Failed Passed Total

In UK Training 23 87 (79%) 110
Not in Training 73 134 (65 %) 207
Overseas 427 501 (54%) 928
Total 523 722 (58%) 1245

PMQ Qualified Failed Passed Total

UK 47 205 (82%) 252
Non-UK 476 517 (52%) 993

FRCEM Primary
December 2019

The 8th FRCEM Primary examination took place on 5th December 2019. 1292 candidates
took the examination, of whom 812 (62.8%) fulfilled the criteria required to pass the
examination overall.

5 questions were removed from the Primary paper after review of the item analysis, leaving
175 marks achievable for this examination.

Mean score 104 59.4%

Median score 105 60%
Standard deviation 25 14.3%
Candidates 1292
KR20: (measurement of reliability) 0.946
Range of marks 36 – 160 21% - 91%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 97.0 55.4%
Pass rate 812/1292 62.8%

FRCEM Primary statistics

Training Failed Passed Total

In Training 39 93 (70%) 132
Not in Training 61 215 (78%) 276
Overseas 380 504 (57%) 884
Total 480 812 (63%) 1292

PMQ Qualified Failed Passed Total

UK 46 213 (82%) 259
Non-UK 434 599 (58%) 1033

FRCEM Intermediate SAQ
6th March 2019

The 7th FRCEM Intermediate Short Answer Question (SAQ) examination took place on 6th
March 2019. 1144 candidates sat the examination, of whom 518 (45.3%) fulfilled the criteria
required to pass the examination overall.

0 questions were removed from the SAQ paper after review of the item analysis and there
were 180 marks achievable for this examination.

Mean score 106.2 59%

Median score 108 60%
Standard deviation 17.3 28.8%
SEM 5.89
Candidates 1144
Cronbach alpha:(measurement of reliability) 0.88
Range of marks 40 – 146.5 22.2% - 81.4%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 107.3 59.6%
Pass mark + SEM (Rounded) 113.0 62.8%
Pass rate 518 / 1144 45.3%

FRCEM Intermediate SAQ statistics

Training Failed Passed Total

In UK Training 52 105 (67%) 157
Not in Training 55 207 (79%) 262
Overseas 519 206 (28%) 725
Total 626 518 (45%) 1144

PMQ Qualified Failed Passed Total

UK 45 163 (78%) 208
Non-UK 581 355 (38%) 936

FRCEM Intermediate SAQ
17th September 2019

The 8th FRCEM Intermediate Short Answer Question (SAQ) examination took place on 17th
September 2019. 1193 candidates sat the examination, of whom 615 (51.6%) fulfilled the
criteria required to pass the examination overall.

0 questions were removed from the SAQ paper after review of the item analysis and there
were 180 marks achievable for this examination.

Mean score 114.6 63.6%

Median score 117.5 65.2%
Standard deviation 17.2 28.6%
SEM 5.32
Candidates 1193
Cronbach alpha:(measurement of reliability) 0.90
Range of marks 27.5 – 150 15.2% - 83.3%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 111.7 62%
Pass mark + SEM (Rounded) 117.0 65%
Pass rate 615 / 1193 51.6%

FRCEM Intermediate SAQ statistics

Training Failed Passed Total

In Training 49 97 (66.4%) 146
Not in Training 24 56 (70%) 80
Overseas 505 462 (47.7%) 967
Total 578 615 (51.6%) 1193

PMQ Qualified Failed Passed Total

UK 50 132 (73%) 182
Non-UK 528 483 (48%) 1011

FRCEM Intermediate SJP
6th March 2019


The 4th FRCEM Intermediate Situational Judgement Paper (SJP) examination took place on
6th March 2019. 327 candidates sat the examination, of whom 172 (52.6%) fulfilled the
criteria required to pass the examination overall.

1 question was removed from the SJP paper after review of the item analysis leaving 476
marks achievable for this examination.

FRCEM Intermediate SJP statistics

Mean score 370 77.7%

Median score 375 77.8%
Standard deviation 22.26 18.7%
Candidates 327
Cronbach alpha:(measurement of reliability) 0.78
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 10.35
Range of marks 278 – 418 58.4% - 87.8%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 363.14 76.3%
Pass mark + SEM (Rounded) 374.0 78.6%
Pass rate 172 / 327 52.6%

Training Failed Passed Total

In Training 46 81 (64%) 127
Not in Training 109 91 (45%) 200
Total 155 172 (53%) 327

PMQ Qualified Failed Passed Total

UK 41 138 (77%) 179
Non-UK 114 34 (23%) 148

FRCEM Intermediate SJP
17th September 2019


The 5th FRCEM Intermediate Situational Judgement Paper (SJP) examination took place on
17th September 2019. 395 candidates sat the examination, of whom 225 (57%) fulfilled the
criteria required to pass the examination overall.

2 questions were removed from the SJP paper after review of the item analysis, leaving 472
marks achievable for this examination.

FRCEM Intermediate SJP statistics

Mean score 372 78.8%

Median score 376 79.7%
Standard deviation 26.29 22.3%
Candidates 395
Cronbach alpha:(measurement of reliability) 0.83
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 10.92
Range of marks 275-424 58.3%-89.8%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 361.55
Pass mark + SEM (Rounded) 372.0
Pass rate 225 57.0%

Training Failed Passed Total

In Training 38 113 (75%) 151
Not in Training 132 112 (46%) 244
Total 170 225 (57%) 395

PMQ Qualified Failed Passed Total

UK 18 167 (90%) 185
Non-UK 152 58 (27%) 210

FRCEM Final Critical Appraisal
14th March 2019


The 27th FRCEM Final Critical Appraisal examination took place on 14 March 2019. 401
candidates took the examination, of whom 269(67.1%) fulfilled the criteria required to pass
the examination overall.

FRCEM FINAL Critical Appraisal statistics

Mean Weighted Score 2.73

Median Weighted Score 2.71
Standard Deviation 0.52
Candidates 401
Range of marks 1 – 3.86
Pass mark Overall Average >2.5
Pass rate 67.1%

Training Failed Passed Total

In Training 59 171 (74%) 230
Not in Training 73 98 (57%) 171
Total 132 269 (67%) 401

PMQ Qualified Failed Passed Total

UK 91 199 (69%) 290
Non-UK 41 70 (63%) 111

FRCEM Final Critical Appraisal
September 2019

The 28th FRCEM Final Critical Appraisal examination took place on 3rd September 2019 261
candidates took the examination, of whom 90 (34.4%) fulfilled the criteria required to pass
the examination overall.

FRCEM FINAL Critical Appraisal statistics

Mean Weighted score 2.29

Median Weighted score 2.29
Standard deviation 0.64
Candidates 261
Range of marks 1.00-400
Pass mark Overall Average >2.5
Pass rate 34.4%

Training Failed Passed Total

In Training 91 65 (42%) 156
Not in Training 80 25 (24%) 105
Total 171 90 (34.4%) 261

PMQ Qualified Failed Passed Total

UK 56 57 (50%) 113
Non-UK 115 33 (22%) 148

14 March 2019

The 27th FRCEM Final SAQ examination took place on 14 March 2019. 252 candidates took
the examination, of whom 102 (40.5%) fulfilled the criteria required to pass the examination

1 question was removed from the SAQ paper after review of the item analysis leaving 177
marks achievable for this examination.

FRCEM Final SAQ statistics

107.1 60.5%
Mean score
Median score 108.0 61%
Standard deviation 12.46
Candidates 252
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of 0.845
Range of marks 61 – 139 34.5% - 78.5%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 112.0 63.3%
Pass rate 102/252 40.5%

Training Failed Passed Total

In Training 60 68 (53%) 128
Not in Training 90 34 (27%) 124
Total 150 102 (40%) 252

PMQ Qualified Failed Passed Total

UK 55 42 (43%) 97
Non-UK 95 60 (39%) 155

3 September 2019


The 10th FRCEM Final Short Answer Question (SAQ) examination took place on 3rd
September 2019. 283 (61.8%) fulfilled the criteria required to pass the examination overall.

0 questions were removed from the SAQ paper after review of the item analysis and there
were 180 marks achievable for this examination.

FRCEM Final SAQ statistics

Mean score 125.7 69.8%

Median score 127 70.5%
Standard deviation 12.27
Candidates 283
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of 0.84
Range of marks 73 – 157 40.5% - 87.2%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 123.0 68.3%
Pass rate 175/283 61.8%

Training Failed Passed Total

In Training 46 114 (69%) 165
Not in Training 62 61 (52%) 118
Total 108 175 (62%) 283

PMQ Qualified Failed Passed Total

UK 32 102 (76%) 134
Non-UK 76 73 (49%) 149

Borderline Regression
The College uses the borderline regression method to standard set both the FRCEM and
MRCEM OSCE examinations. The content of the examination differs each day and
therefore the pass mark is calculated per day, dependent on the combination of stations
examined. All OSCE stations are equally weighted, with the double stations counting as
two stations. There are 160 marks achievable for this examination.

April / May 2019

The FRCEM OSCE examination took place between 29th April – 3rd May 2019. 136
candidates took the examination, of whom 94 (69.1%) fulfilled the criteria required to pass
the examination overall.

FRCEM Final OSCE statistics

29th April 2019

Mean score 106.22 66.4%

Median score 114.11 71.3%
Standard deviation 11.68
Candidates 29
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.82
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.91
Range of marks 87.49 – 13 54.7% - 84.4%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 103.13 64.5%
Pass mark + SEM 108.04 67.5%
Pass rate 16/29 55.2%

30th April 2019

Mean score 107.16 67%

Median score 114.77 71.7%
Standard deviation 10.28
Candidates 26
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.77
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.93
Range of marks 98.40 –141.05 61.5% - 88.2%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 102.88 64.3%
Pass mark + SEM 107.82 67.4%
Pass rate 20/26 76.9%

1st May 2019

Mean score 104.22 65.1%
Median score 114.25 71.4%
Standard deviation 13.00
Candidates 29
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.86
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.94
Range of marks 80.89 –104.22 50.5% - 65.1%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 101.56 63.5%
Pass mark + SEM 106.51 66.6%
Pass rate 19/29 65.5%

2nd May 2019

Mean score 108.49 67.8%

Median score 114.49 71.6%
Standard deviation 11.82
Candidates 26
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.82
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 5.01
Range of marks 80.43 –129.77 50.3% - 81.1%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 101.42 63.4%
Pass mark + SEM 106.43 66.5%
Pass rate 18/26 69.2%

3rd May 2019

Mean score 111.46 69.7%

Median score 115.58 72.2%
Standard deviation 9.07
Candidates 26
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.75
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.55
Range of marks 93.76 - 131.97 58.6% - 82.5%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 102.27 63.9%
Pass mark + SEM 106.82 66.8%
Pass rate 21 / 26 80.8%

Training Failed Passed Total

In Training 36 90 (71.6%) 116
Not in Training 6 4 (40%) 10
Total 42 94 (69.1%) 136

October / November 2019

The FRCEM OSCE examination took place between 31st October – 8th November 2019. 186
candidates took the examination, of whom 141 (75.8%) fulfilled the criteria required to pass
the examination overall. There are 160 marks achievable for this examination.

FRCEM Final OSCE statistics

Thursday 31st October 2019

Mean score 120.99 75.61%

Median score 121.48 76%
Standard deviation 8.47
Candidates 26
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.68
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.82
Range of marks 105.73–137.82 66% - 86.13%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 105.66 66%
Pass mark + 4.82 SEM 110.48 69.05%
Pass rate 24 / 26 92.3%

Friday 1st November 2019

Mean score 118.7 74.18%

Median score 119.95 74.96%
Standard deviation 8.64
Candidates 27
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.77
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.12
Range of marks 101 – 130.91 63.1% - 81.8%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 104.62 65.3%
Pass mark + 4.12 SEM 108.74 68%
Pass rate 23 / 27 85.1%

Monday 4th November 2019

Mean score 119 74.3%

Median score 122.19 76.3%
Standard deviation 13.81
Candidates 26
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.89
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.64
Range of marks 68.06 – 134.46 42.53% -
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 106.67 / 160 66.6%
Pass mark + 4.64 SEM 111.31 / 160 69.5%
Pass rate 22 / 26 84.61%

Tuesday 5th November 2019

Mean score 114.88 71.8%

Median score 118.45 74.03%
Standard deviation 11.65
Candidates 27
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.84
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.70
Range of marks 82.33 – 131.21 51.4% - 82.0%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 105.83 66.14%
Pass mark + 4.70 SEM 110.53 69.08%
Pass rate 18 / 27 66.6%

Wednesday 6th November 2019

Mean score 115.77 72.3%

Median score 116.73 73%
Standard deviation 8.54
Candidates 26
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.72
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.54
Range of marks 91.42 – 129.06 57.1% - 80.66%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 106.31 66.4%
Pass mark +4.54 SEM 110.85 69.2%
Pass rate 20 / 26 77%

Thursday 7th November 2019

Mean score 118.54 74.08%

Median score 119.32 74.57%
Standard deviation 10.24
Candidates 28
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.76
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.99
Range of marks 94.66 – 135.76 59.1% - 84.85%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 107.60 67.25%
Pass mark + 4.99 SEM 112.60 70.37%
Pass rate 20 / 28 71.4%

Friday 8th November 2019

Mean score 116.57 72.8%

Median score 115.74 72.3%
Standard deviation 12.28
Candidates 26
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.77
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 5.86
Range of marks 91.75 – 134.67 57.3% - 84.1%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 105.38 65.8%
Pass mark + 5.86 SEM 111.24 69.5%
Pass rate 16 / 26 61.5%

Training Failed Passed Total
In Training 15 116 (94%) 123
Not in Training 30 25 (45%) 55
Total 45 141 (76%) 186

January 2019


The 14th MRCEM OSCE UK examination took place on 28th and 29th January 2019. 55
candidates took the examination, of whom 43 fulfilled the criteria required to pass the
examination overall. There were 180 marks achievable for this examination.

MRCEM OSCE (UK)- Statistics

Monday 28th January 2019

Mean score 128.64 71.4%

Median score 131.27 72.9%
Standard deviation 13.2
Candidates 30
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.88
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.52
Range of marks 94.65 - 149.48 52.5%-83%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 113.78 63.2%
Pass mark + 4.52 SEM 118.3 65.7%
Pass rate 24/30 80%

Tuesday 29th January 2019

Mean score 124.92 69.4%

Median score 125.99 69.9%
Standard deviation 11.37
Candidates 25
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.86
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.29
Range of marks 104.21 -144.26 57.8% - 80.1%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 111.62 62%
Pass mark + 4.29 SEM 115.91 64.3%
Pass rate 19/25 76%

Training Failed Passed Total

In Training 0 7 (100%) 7
Not in Training 12 36 (75%) 48
Total 12 43 (78.2%) 55

June 2019

The 14th MRCEM OSCE UK examination took place on 11th & 12th June 2019. 54 candidates
took the examination, of whom 40 fulfilled the criteria required to pass the examination
overall. There were 180 marks achievable for this examination.

MRCEM OSCE (UK)- Statistics

Tuesday 11June 2019

Mean score 123.33 68.5%

Median score 120.07 66.7%
Standard deviation 13.60
Candidates 24
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.87
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.88
Range of marks 96.07 – 143.20
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 107.92 60%
Pass mark + 4.88 SEM 112.8 62.6%
Pass rate 15 / 24 62.5%

Wednesday 12 June 2019

Mean score 125.18 69.5%

Median score 125.29 69.6%
Standard deviation 10.83
Candidates 30
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.82
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.57
Range of marks 104.23 – 148.03
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 110.74 61.5%
Pass mark + 4.57 SEM 115.31 64%
Pass rate 25 / 30 83.3%

Failed Passed Total

In Training 0 4 4 (100%)
Not in Training 14 36 50 (72%)
Total 14 40 54 (74%)

July 2019

The 15th MRCEM OSCE examination took place in Chennai between 1st – 4th July 2019. 132
candidates took the examination, of whom 119 (90.15%) fulfilled the criteria required to
pass the examination overall. There were 180 marks achievable for this examination.

MRCEM OSCE (India) statistics

Monday 1st July 2019

Mean score 132.65 73.6%

Median score 132.77 73.7%
Standard deviation 11.81
Candidates 34
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.82
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.97
Range of marks 117.81 – 151.26
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 112.83 62.6%
Pass mark + 4.97 SEM 117.80 65.4%
Pass rate 32 / 34 94.1%

Tuesday 2nd July 2019

Mean score 132.81 73.7%

Median score 132.54 73.6%
Standard deviation 9.31
Candidates 32
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.70
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 5.09
Range of marks 113.98 – 151.29
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 112.2 62.3%
Pass mark + 5.09 SEM 117.30 65.1%
Pass rate 29 / 32 90.6%

Wednesday 3rd July 2019

Mean score 131.07 72.8%

Median score 131 72.7%
Standard deviation 12.89
Candidates 33
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.85
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.97
Range of marks 98.21 – 153.95
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 114.35 63.5%
Pass mark + 4.97 SEM 119.32 66.2%
Pass rate 29 / 33 88%

Thursday 4th July 2019

Mean score 132.57 73.6%

Median score 134.96 75%
Standard deviation 13.06
Candidates 33
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.88
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.49
Range of marks 105.11 – 157.21
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 112.31 62.3%
Pass mark + 4.49 SEM 116.80 64.8%
Pass rate 29 / 33 88%

November 2019

The 16th MRCEM OSCE examination took place in Mumbai between 18th – 20th November
2019. 107 candidates took the examination, of whom 82 (79.6%) fulfilled the criteria
required to pass the examination overall. There were 180 marks achievable for this

MRCEM OSCE (India) statistics

Monday 18th November 2019

Mean score 130.98 73%

Median score 132.17 73.4%
Standard deviation 12.75
Candidates 35
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.81
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 5.58
Range of marks 94.10 – 151.22 52.2% -
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 117.78 65.4%
Pass mark + 5.58 SEM 123.36 68.5%
Pass rate 25 / 35 71.4%

Tuesday 19th November 2019

Mean score 127.20 70.6%

Median score 128.33 71.29%
Standard deviation 10.23
Candidates 34
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.71
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 5.47
Range of marks 99.81 – 145.58 55.45% -
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 115.85 64.3%
Pass mark + 5.47 SEM 121.33 67.4%
Pass rate 25 / 34 73.5%

Wednesday 20th November 2019

Mean score 138.84 77.1%

Median score 139.01 77.2%
Standard deviation 10.05
Candidates 34
Cronbach alpha: (measurement of reliability) 0.77
Standard error of measurement (SEM): 4.82
Range of marks 117.10 – 65% - 90.2%
Pass mark derived from Standard Setting 115.56 64.2%
Pass mark + 4.82 SEM 120.39 66.8%
Pass rate 32 / 34 94.11%

Spring 2019

180 candidates submitted QIPs in Spring 2019 of whom 169 fulfilled the criteria required to
pass the examination overall.

Failed Passed Total

QIP 11 169 (94%) 180

Autumn 2019

126 candidates submitted QIPs in Autumn 2019 of whom 117 fulfilled the criteria required
to pass the examination overall.

Failed Passed Total

QIP 9 117 (93%) 126

Report Ends


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