Paper Electrochemistry

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Exam Final Term

Semester Fall 2021

Course Name Electrochemistry and statistical

Course Code CHM4093

Credit Hour 03

Course Instructor Ghazanfar Iqbal

Total Marks 40

Time Allowed 120 Minutes

Student Name:

Registration No.

Section 1

Time Allowed: 20 Minutes Max. Marks: 10

Question No: 1 Choose the Correct Option(s). (10)

I. Fermi-Dirac statistics is for the ________
a) indistinguishable particles
b) Particles with half integral spin
c) Particles with integral spin
d) None of above
II. The Maxwell-Boltzmann law is given by the expression.
a) n i= i
¿= e
N −∈
c) n i= i
∑ ge
d) All are incorrect.
III. The rate of a chemical reaction tells us about
a) the reactants taking part in the reaction.
b) the products formed in the reaction.
c) how slow or fast the reaction is taking place.
d) none of the above
IV. Which one of the following is an example of macrostate?
a) Volume
b) Energy
c) Direction of molecules
d) None of above
V. Phase space is a ------------------
a) 3-dimensional space
b) 4-dimensional space
c) 5-dimensional space
d) 6-dimensional space

VI. At equilibrium, the thermodynamic probability of system is

a) Maximum
b) Minimum
c) Minimum but only 1
d) One
VII. The no. of process by a state of a physical system can be realized is termed as
a) Statistical thermodynamics
b) Thermodynamic probability
c) Partition function
d) None of above
VIII. Molecules of a dilute gas are identical, distinguishable particles which obey ------statistics.
a) Maxwell Boltzmann
b) Bose-Einstein
c) Fermi-Dirac
d) Rayleigh-Jeans.
IX. The primary use of cyclic voltammetry is.
a) Quantitative analysis
b) Qualitative analysis
c) Study and mechanism of redox process
d) Structural analysis
X. Which of the following is incorrect for fuel cells?
a) They are modular.
b) They are highly efficient.
c) The noise level is very high.
d) The emission level is much below the permissible level.

Section II
Time Allowed: 100 Minutes Max. Marks: 30
Note: Attempt any four (03) questions, Question 2 is compulsory

Q.2: a) Derive relation for Lippmann’s equation. (7)

b) Calculate the Translational partition function for 1 mole of nitrogen at 2 atm and 27 0C assuming
the gas behave ideally (03)

Q.3: a) Derive mathematical relation for vibrational partition function. (05)

b) Define following terms with suitable examples where applicable. . (05)

 Phase space
 Unit cell
 Micro and macrostate
 Assembly and ensembles
 System

Q.4: a) Differentiate between Maxwell, Bose-Einstein’s and Fermi-Dirac’s statistics. (5)

b) Derive relation for rotational partition function. (5)

Q.5 a) Explain Stern model of electrical double layer. (4)

b) Prove that S= KlnW keeping in mind the statistical probability. (6)

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