12 - DRC Seed Investment Brief

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A Quarter-Billion Dollar Industry?

The DRC Seed Sector

BRIEF DESCRIPTION: Compelling investment opportunities exist

for seed companies and seed start-ups in the Democratic Republic of
the Congo (DRC). This document outlines the market potential and
consumer demand trends in the DRC and highlights the high potential
of seed production in the country.

Executive Summary
Compelling investment opportunities exist for seed companies and seed start-ups in the Democratic Republic
of the Congo (DRC). This document outlines the market potential and consumer demand trends in the DRC
and highlights the high potential of seed production in the country.

The DRC is the second largest country in Africa with over 80 million hectares of agricultural land, of which 4
to 7 million hectares are irrigable. Average rainfall varies between 800 mm and 1,800 mm per annum. Bimodal
and extended unimodal rainfall patterns allow for two agricultural seasons in approximately 75% of the
country. Average relative humidity ranges from 45% to 90% depending on the time of year and location.

The market potential for maize, rice and bean seed in the DRC is estimated at $191 million per annum, of
which a mere 3% has been exploited. Maize seed sells at $3.1 per kilogramme of hybrid seed and $1.6 per
kilogramme of OPV seed, a higher price than in Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Zambia. Seed-to-grain ratios
are comparable with regional benchmarks at 5.5:1 for hybrid maize seed and 5.0:1 for OPV maize seed.

The DRC is defined by four relatively distinct sales zones, which broadly coincide with the country’s four
principal climate zones. Low-quality infrastructure and natural barriers draw distinct divides between the zones.
These barriers, plus differences in culture, language and agricultural practices, mean that the DRC is comprised
of not one but four markets. The highest potential zones in terms of seed sales are the East and South regions,
which border South Sudan, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Zambia.

Amendments to the Agricultural Code, Loi n°11/002 of 24 December 2011, mean that foreign investors can
now acquire tracts of agricultural land in the DRC. The National Institute of Study and Agricultural Research
(INERA) and the National Seed Service (SENASEM) govern seed production and certification in the DRC. Variety
release takes approximately 26 months, less time than in Kenya and Tanzania, but is more costly. The National
Seed Catalogue, last updated in 2012, contains some 137 varieties and an additional 20 varieties have been
released in the DRC since 2012 by ministerial decree. The majority of foundation seed in the DRC comes from
national research institutions but it is possible to import foundation seed from public and private suppliers
outside the DRC including CIMMYT, CIAT and ICRISAT.

A Quarter-Billion Dollar Industry? The DRC Seed Sector
Written by Bastiaan Huesken contributions by Ngama Munduku

DRC: Context
The DRC is the second largest country in Africa, with a surface area of over 2.3 million square kilometres. It
is endowed with 80 million hectares of agricultural land, of which less than 10% is under cultivation. This large
central African country borders Congo-Brazzaville and the Central African Republic to the North, South Sudan,
Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi and Tanzania to the East, and Zambia and Angola to the South. The DRC is
principally an agrarian country, home to over 56 million smallholder farmers. Agriculture accounts for about
20% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP). Approximately 90% of the agricultural activities in the DRC are
informal, and agricultural productivity is low compared to regional benchmarks 1. The DRC ranks 176th out of
189 countries on the Human Development Index and has been the recipient of sustained, long-term inflows
of Official Development Assistance (ODA) to the value of US$ 2 billion per annum2.

French is the official language of the DRC but is not widely spoken outside of the main urban areas. Lingala is
the predominant language in the North and West of the country while Swahili is the most widely spoken
language in the East and South. English fluency is low to non-existent.

Market Potential and Consumer Demand

The market potential in the DRC for maize, rice and bean seed sales alone is conservatively estimated at
$191 million. A mere 3% of this market potential has been explored and an estimated 54.3 million smallholder
farmers continue to lack access to high quality seed varieties.

Market trends indicate a shift in consumer behaviour in favour of commercial seed production, sales and
distribution systems. This shift is particularly apparent in the East and South of the DRC following over $3.1
million of sustained investment in demand creation in those two regions 3. As a result, sales to smallholder
farmers in the East and the South of the DRC grew by 690%, from 120 MT in 2015 to 950 MT in 2017, and
gross revenue totalled $4.57 million. Further exponential growth in consumer demand is forecast.

Figure 1. Sales to Smallholder Farmers (MT)








0 1

2015 2016 2017

Source: ÉLAN RDC, 2018

FAOSTATS reports that the average maize yield in the DRC is 0.77 MT per hectare compared to average maize yield in Kenya of 2.0 MT
per hectare (AgriExperience, 2012).
The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) registered net ODA inflows of $2.4 billion in 2014, $2.6 billion in
2015 and $2.1 billion in 2016.
3 ÉLAN RDC, a private sector development program funded by UKAid, and private sector partners invested $3.1 million in consumer
demand creation from 2014 to 2018.

A significant number of agro-industrial companies operating in the South (Haut-Katanga), West (Bandundu)
and East (Beni and Rutshuru) of the DRC constitute a further sizeable and reliable customer base for seed

In terms of both volume and variety of seed sales, the DRC holds tremendous potential. The country is defined
by multiple overlapping climate and agro-ecological zones, which allow for the cultivation of a large variety of
agricultural products.

Food Crops Cultivated in the DRC

Maize, Rice, Cassava Sorghum, Beans, Soya Beans, Groundnuts, Potatoes, Sweet Potatoes, Peas, Cow
Peas, Pigeon Peas, Carrots, Lettuce, Zucchini, Eggplant, Tomatoes, Bell Peppers, Onions, Spring Onions,
Bananas, Plantains, Pineapples, Strawberries.

Consumer demand for seeds for the aforementioned food crops is high and growing. For some of the food
crops, seed sales in the DRC have already surpassed those in Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and Zambia.5

This significant market potential and growing consumer demand are complemented by high prices for seed in
comparison to regional benchmarks. The price of hybrid maize seed is significantly higher in the DRC than in
it is in the neighbouring countries to the East and South including Tanzania, Uganda, Kenya and Zambia.

Table 1. Average Seed Prices per Country

Maize: hybrid Maize: OPV Rice Beans
($ per KG) ($ per KG) ($ per KG) ($ per KG)
DRC 3.1 1.6 2.0 2.3
Tanzania 2.2 1.3 - 1.1
Uganda 1.5 0.8 - 0.8
Kenya 1.8 1.7 - 1.8
Zambia 2.6 1.5 1.8 2.6

Source: TASAI, 2017

Seed-to-grain ratios in the DRC are comparable to regional benchmarks at 5.5:1 for hybrid maize seed, 5.0:1
for OPV maize seed, 1.8:1 for rice seed and 1.4:1 for bean seed.6

Market competition in the DRC is low, with only eleven seed companies operational in the entire country, all
based in the East and South.7 By comparison there are 23 seed companies operational in Kenya and 30 in
Tanzania. The low number of seed companies and the large geographic expanse of the country mean that
there is very little overlap in sales territories.

The rural agro-dealer network is small but growing. A 2017 study estimated that the ratio of agro-dealers to
farming households was approximately 1:9,000 compared to 1:2,900 in Tanzania and 1:3,200 in Zambia
(TASAI, 2017). The rural agro-dealer network is growing as a result of sustained investment by development
programmes and the private sector. In 2017 and 2018 an estimated additional 390 agro-dealers were
established and trained in Eastern and Southern DRC – almost double the 199 agro-dealers recorded in 2016.
All 390 agro-dealers received comprehensive training on good agricultural practices and business

For more information on agro-industrial companies operational in the DRC visit: www.fec-rdc.com
430 MT of rice seed valued at $860.000 was sold in the DRC in 2016 and sales volumes are estimated to have doubled since (ÉLAN
RDC, 2018).
Seed-to-grain ratios in Tanzania are: 8.7:1 for hybrid maize seed; 5.2:1 for OPV maize seed; 1.4:1 for bean seed.
Ratios in Uganda are 6.0:1 for hybrid maize seed; 3.0:1 for OPV maize seed; 1.2:1 for bean seed.
Ratios in Kenya are 4.5:1 for hybrid maize seed; 3.7:1 for OPV maize seed; 1.8:1 for bean seed.
Ratios in Zambia are 13.4:1 for hybrid maize seed; 10.0:1 for OPV maize seed; 1.4:1 for rice seed; 2.3:1 for bean seed.
For more information visit: www.tasai.org
There are no seed companies operational in the West or the North of the country.

Sales Strategies
The DRC is defined by four relatively distinct sales zones, which broadly coincide with the country’s four
principal climate zones. The highest potential of the zones in terms of seed sales are the East and the South
zones followed by the West zone, labelled Zone A, Zone B and Zone C, respectively, in the map below. Low-
quality infrastructure and natural barriers draw distinct divides between the zones, and differences in culture,
language and agricultural practices mean that the DRC is constituted of not one but four markets. Seed
companies and start-ups that intend to operate in the DRC will need to establish regional offices to manage
local operations.

Zone A covers the East of the DRC and includes, from North to South, the cities of Bunia, Beni,Zone
Zone D. Butembo,
Rutshuru, Goma, Bukavu and Uvira. This zone is the most agro-climatically diverse and has the highest
population density8. Cross-border trade (CBT) occurs mainly via the Kasindi (DRC to Uganda), Goma (DRC to
Rwanda), Rusizi (DRC to Rwanda) and Kamanyola (DRC to Rwanda) Zone C.border posts. Travel between the cities
listed above is complicated by poor infrastructure and security concerns. Intra-regional travellers therefore
commonly transit via Rwanda or Uganda.

Figure 2. Climate Zones of the DRC

Zone B.

Main Climate Precipitation Temperature

Equatorial fully humid

Equatorial monsoonal

Equatorial winter dry

Temperate fully humid warm summer

Temperate winter dry hot summer

Temperate winter dry warm summer

Zone D. Zone A.
Köppen-Geiger climate classification
Köppen-Geiger climate classification

Zone C.

Zone B.

Main Climate Precipitation Temperature

Source: Climate Service Center, 2013
Equatorial fully humid
Zone B covers the South of the DRC and includes, from North to South, Kalemie (on the shores of lake
Tanganyika), Likasi, Kolwezi
Equatorial and Lubumbashi. Cross border trade occurs predominantly via the Kasumbalesa
crossing point with Zambia. Zone B has a low population density by comparison with other regions of the DRC
and the local economy iswinter
by the mining industry. Several large agro-industrial farms and maize mills
have been established
to provide
fully humid
for the growing demand from the urban population and mines. The zone is
warm summer
further defined by good infrastructure, relative to the rest of the DRC, and intra-regional travel by road is
feasible. TheTemperate
zone has the lowest
winter dry average relative humidity in the DRC, on a par with average relative humidity
hot summer
in Zambia.9
Temperate winter dry warm summer
Zone C covers the West of the DRC and includes the cities of Kinshasa (the capital of the DRC, home to
between 10 and 15 million inhabitants), Mbanza-Ngungu,
Köppen-Geiger climate classificationKikwit and the harbour towns of Matadi and Boma
on the Atlantic coast. There are currently no seed companies operational in Zone C in spite of the fact that
there are several large agro-industrial companies operating in the region, particularly on the Plateau de Bateke
in the Bandundu Province. In addition, there are an estimated 16 million smallholder farmers in the region.

Population density in the Zone A. is 97 per km2
Average relative humidity in Zone B ranges between 45% and 85%.

Zone D is not currently a commercially viable market.

As noted above, sales and distribution strategies tailored to smallholder farmers have been piloted and scaled
with remarkable success in the DRC. Research has indicated that price is not the principal determinant in the
willingness of smallholder farmers to pay for seed. Smallholder farmers have proven capable and prepared to
pay from $1.5 for OPV maize seed to $4.0 for hybrid maize seed as long as the quality of the product has
been clearly demonstrated and the product is physically accessible. Sales strategies that target this
demographic therefore necessarily include consumer education tools and emphasize the establishment of
points of sale (POS) in close proximity to the target demographic.

How to sell to smallholder farmers

• Market seeds adapted to the local environment;
• Establish a dense network of trained POS;
• Develop a mobile sales force (motorized);
• Produce small seed packs (less than 10kg);
• Establish a large number of micro (10m2) demonstration plots;
• Conduct farmer field days;
• Air radio transmissions that emphasize consumer education.

The above tactics have gained significant traction among smallholder farmers.

Seed Production in the DRC

Average temperatures in the DRC vary dramatically between climate zones as indicated in the map below.

Figure 3. Average Temperatures in the DRC


10N 28.5

EQ 24

10E 15E 20E 25E 30E In °C

Source: Climate Service Center, 2013

Average rainfall in the DRC varies between 800 mm and 1,800 mm per annum, depending on location. Bimodal
and extended unimodal rainfall patterns allow for two agricultural seasons in approximately 75% of the country
(FEWS NET, 2015). In addition to abundant rainfall, the DRC contains almost half of Africa’s fresh water
reserves (Ibid).

Average relative humidity varies considerably across the country. Zone A is defined by average relative
humidity of between 60% and 80%, while average relative humidity in Zone B varies between 45% and 85%.
Average relative humidity in zone C ranges between lows of 70% and highs of 95%.

Of the total 80 million hectares of agricultural land in the DRC, an estimated 4 to 7 million are irrigable. Current
total irrigated land is estimated at a mere 13,500 hectares (FAO, 2005).

Figure 4. Average Rainfall in the DRC
15N 15N 15N 15N

10N 10N 10N 10N

05N 05N 05N 05N


05S 05S 05S 05S

10S 10S 10S 10S

15S 15S 15S 15S

10E 15E 20E 25E 30E 10E 15E 20E 25E 30E 10E 15E 20E 25E 30E 10E 15E 20E 25E 30E

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900

Precipitation in mm

Source: Climate Service Center, 2013

Agricultural Concessions
Foreign investors can now acquire agricultural concessions in the DRC. The Agricultural Code, Loi n°11/002 of
24 December 2011, was heavily criticized by local and international commentators for the fact that it severely
restricted access to land for foreign investors. In particular Article 16, which stipulated that applicants:

“be a natural person of Congolese nationality or a legal person governed by Congolese law whose shares
are majority owned by the Congolese State and/or nationals.”

The law elicited concerted criticism from local and international commentators and resulted in a sharp decline
of FDI inflows into the DRC agricultural sector. The law was eventually revised on 13 November 2017. The
revised Article 16 states that applicants:

(a) be a natural person or a legal person under Congolese law;

(b) have a residence, domicile or registered office in the Democratic Republic of Congo;
(c) submit proof of registration in the Trade and Personal Property Credit Register, in the case of a
person engaged in the business;
(d) justify the financial capacity likely to bear the burden of the development of the concession;
(e) produce an environmental and social impact study.

Agricultural concessions in the DRC are established by a registration certificate and granted by the Congolese
State. The concession is unassailable after two years from the date of delivery.

Broadly there are two kinds of concessions:

1) Perpetual concessions (without time limit); and

2) ordinary concessions (for a period of 25 years, renewable without limitation).

The perpetual concessions are reserved for natural persons of Congolese nationality and legal persons under
Congolese law whose majority shares are owned by the Congolese State and/or nationals. The ordinary
concessions are available to the aforementioned persons as well as foreigners.

To acquire concessions, applicants must:

1) Identify the concession with the Ministry of Land Affairs or the National Investment Promotion Agency
2) Sign an agreement with the traditional authority of the area against payment of a sum of money and
goods in-kind according to custom;
3) Conduct a land vacancy inquiry and demarcation of the land by the relevant government authorities
including the local departments of the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Land Affairs;
4) Obtain a signature for the concession contract with the Registrar of Real Estate Titles;
5) Establish the registration certificate by the Registrar of Real Estate Titles.

For large concessions special approval is required. Concessions of over 2,000 hectares require approval by
law. Concessions of between 1,000 and 2,000 hectares require approval by order of the President of the
Republic. Concessions of between 200 and 1,000 hectares require approval from the Ministry of Land Affairs.
Concessions of under 200 hectares require approval from the Governor of the Province; the Provincial
Government may delegate their powers to the Registrar of Real Estate Titles for land areas under 50 hectares.

Seed Production and Certification

The responsible authorities in relation to the release of seed varieties are the National Institute of Study and
Agricultural Research (INERA), the National Seed Service (SENASEM) and the Technical Commission for
Admission to the Catalogue (CTAC). Breeders generally liaise with INERA to verify the genetic origin of the
seed prior to submission of the application form for homologation with SENASEM. SENASEM will verify the
application and may request additional information. SENASEM will thereafter conduct trials to establish
Distinctness, Uniformity and Stability (DUS) and Value for Cultivation and Use (VCU). SENASEM subsequently
submits trial data to CTAC for evaluation and, once all the members of the commission agree, the variety is
registered in the National Seed Catalogue.

Figure 5. Variety Release Process

Source: UNAGRICO, 2010

The entire process takes 26 months in the DRC, six months longer than the process takes in Uganda but
shorter than in Tanzania and Kenya. However, the cost of variety release in the DRC is significantly higher
than the cost in neighbouring countries (TASAI, 2017).

Table 2. Variety Release Duration and Cost

Average Duration of Variety Release Average Cost of Variety Release
DRC 26 months $5,000
Tanzania 31 months $504
Uganda 20 months -
Kenya 33 months -
Zambia 24 months $1,070

Source: TASAI, 2017

The National Seed Catalogue is generally updated every three years but, because of financial constraints, it
has not been updated since 2012. In the interim, the Minister of Agriculture has issued decrees to the same
effect on an annual basis. In November 2018, TASAI started working with stakeholders to update the National

Seed Catalogue, taking into account all of the ministerial decrees of recent years. The 2012 catalogue contains
some 137 varieties and an additional 20 varieties were released in the DRC between 2014 and 2016 (see
appendix 1 for further information).

Production of certified seed in the DRC is regulated and must be accredited by SENASEM. SENASEM will inspect
the production site prior to planting and will conduct three additional inspections throughout the vegetative
cycle. Upon harvest, SENASEM will conduct tests and produce a report that certifies the quality of the seed.
Inspection costs total approximately $160 per visit and certification costs total approximately $13 per metric

Foundation Seed
There are 14 active seed breeders in the DRC, all linked to either INERA or the University of Lubumbashi
(UNILU). The majority of seed breeders receive insufficient support from the government in spite of their
importance to the sector. While the majority of foundation seed in the DRC comes from either INERA or UNILU,
it is possible to import foundation seed from private and public suppliers outside the DRC; permitted sources
include CIMMYT, CIAT and ICRISAT (TASAI, 2017).

Import and Export Policy

Import of seed into the DRC can be challenging but recent developments in relation to ratification of legislation
aligned with COMESA regulations holds promise. The DRC has not had a seed law in over 30 years but a law
has been drafted under the stewardship of the COMESA Seed Harmonization and Implementation Program
(COMSHIP) and submitted to the parliament of the DRC for review and ratification and eventual promulgation
by the President of the Republic. The seed law is aligned with the COMESA Seed Trade Harmonization
Regulations and should greatly facilitate the production, import, export and sale of seed in the DRC.

The DRC is one of four countries expected to ratify national legislation in line with the COMESA Seed Trade
Harmonization Regulations in 2019. Following stated support for the draft seed law from the Minister of
Agriculture and the Speaker of the House in 2017, COMSHIP is confident that the aligned seed law will be
ratified by parliament and promulgated by the incoming President of the Republic by Q3 of 2019. From Q3 of
2019 onwards, COMSHIP intends to train provincial regulators and the private sector on the COMESA Seed
Trade Harmonization Regulations.

The DRC is expected to align with all three of the core components of the COMESA Seed Trade Harmonization

• Chapter 3: COMESA Seed Certification System

• Chapter 4: COMESA Variety Release System
• Chapter 5: Quarantine and Phytosanitary Measures for Seed

This move will enable seed companies based in COMESA member-states to legally commercialize seed varieties
listed on the COMESA Plant Variety Catalogue in the DRC and it will thereby greatly facilitate the importation
of seed. To further bolster regional trade of seed, COMESA anticipates the launch of the COMESA Seed Labels
and Certificates in Q1 of 2019. The Seed Labels and Certificates will accompany large consignments of seed
crossing borders.

Export of seed from the DRC to COMESA member-states will remain problematic due to the limited technical
capacity of SENASEM and the fact that the DRC does not have a laboratory certified by the International Seed
Testing Association (ISTA). COMSHIP has neither the resources nor the remit to support the development of
capacity of SENASEM, so coordinated donor action will be required to bring the capacity of the National Seed
Services up to the required standard.

The current import processes in the DRC are not clearly defined and vary from region to region. There are
three main mechanisms by which seed companies and agro-dealers import seed into the DRC:

In total there are 105 seed inspectors in the DRC. In spite of this high number, the quality of seed inspection services in the DRC is low
(TASAI, 2017).

1. Customs clearing agents
This mechanism is not defined by a regulatory framework and is generally the most expedient import

2. Formal import of seed with tax exoneration for agricultural inputs

This mechanism is formally defined by a regulatory framework but has proven difficult to apply in practice.
Article 72 of the Agricultural Code Loi n°11/002 of 24 December 2011 stipulates that “imported agricultural
inputs destined exclusively for agricultural activities are exempt from import duties and taxes”. In order to
benefit from exoneration, an importer will be required to fulfil the conditions in the box below.

1. Have a company registration number

2. Have a national identification number issued by the Provincial Division of the Economy
3. Have an import-export number issued by the Foreign Trade Division
4. Have a tax number issued by the Provincial Tax Office
5. Have a bank account with a commercial bank in the DRC

3. Formal import of seed without tax exoneration for agricultural inputs

This mechanism is formally defined by a regulatory framework and is generally more expedient than the
second mechanism outlined above.

Research has indicated that the average length of time required to import seeds into the DRC is comparable
to regional benchmarks (TASAI, 2017), as indicated by the following table.

Table 3. Duration of Seed Importation

Country Average Time for Seed Importation
DRC 16 days
Tanzania 12 days
Uganda 6 days
Kenya 38 days
Zambia 11 days

Source: TASAI, 2017

Research has also indicated that the import of seed through informal channels is generally more expedient
than the import of seed through formal channels. Informal import of seeds into the DRC takes approximately
seven days, compared to the average 16 days it takes to import seeds formally. It is important to note that
the length of time it takes to import seeds and the costs associated with the importation of seeds vary per
border region. Formal and informal import costs range between $45 and $2,000 per consignment across the
highly autonomous regions (TASAI, 2017).

Infrastructure in the DRC is poor relative to regional standards. In spite of extensive road networks, travel
times between cities in the DRC are long and the routes are arduous (see appendix 4 for further information).
Trade routes in the East and South of the DRC generally avoid the poor national road network by transiting
through Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Tanzania and Zambia. As an example, the most expedient route from
Butembo in Zone A (East) to Lubumbashi in Zone B (South) is via Uganda, Tanzania and Zambia.

Access to electricity is also problematic in the DRC. Supply from the national electricity company, Société
Nationale d’Electricité (SNEL), is unreliable. Most companies that operate in the DRC invest in generators to
provide for their electricity requirements.

Climate Service Center (2013) Climate Change Scenarios for the Congo Basin. Retrieved 24 October 2018:
ÉLAN RDC (2018) Consumer Education: How to Sell Seeds to Smallholder Farmers in the DRC
FAO (2005) L’Irrigation en Afrique en Chiffres. Retrieved 24 October 2018:
FEWS NET, (2015) Democratic Republic of the Congo Staple Food Market Fundamentals. Retrieved 24 October 2018:
TASAI (2017) Country Report DRC (2017). Retrieved 24 October 2018:
UNAGRICO (2010) Basic Study of the Seed Sector in the Democratic Republic of Congo, in Keeping with Regional
Harmonization of Seed Legislation. Retrieved 24 October 2018: http://afsta.org/wp-


ÉLAN RDC is a UKAID market development project in the DRC implemented by Adam Smith International.
The project aims to reduce poverty in the DRC by increasing the incomes of over one million poor
smallholders, producers, entrepreneurs and consumers by the end of 2020.
Despite its extraordinary economic potential, the DRC remains desperately poor. Decades of conflict,
instability and poor governance have taken their toll, and 85% of the population living in poverty lack the
opportunities to lift themselves out of poverty.
We work to tackle the root causes of market failures and constraints. We work with the private sector to
design and spread new economic models that increase income, create jobs and lower prices for the poorest.
Our work places a particular focus on advancing the role of poor Congolese women and adolescent girls,
some of the most marginalised in the world.
ÉLAN RDC works across four geographical areas and six sectors of the economy.
• Perennial agriculture • Access to finance • Renewable energy
• Non-perennial agriculture • Mobile money • Transport
We have more than 200 partnerships with private sector actors in the DRC, providing technical advice,
leveraging funds and fostering networks to change business practices.

Appendix 1. Varieties Released by SENASEM and in the Seed Variety Catalogue
Year of Year of
Variety Origin Country Institution Introduction into Inscription into
the DRC Seed Catalogue
Babungo 3 1988 2012
Babungo Tanzania 1989 1997
Bambou Rwanda 1990 2008
Kasai 1 DRC 1990 1997
Katanga Zimbabwe CIMMYT 2008 2008
Katoki Wa Lukasa Nigeria IITA 2011 2012
Mudishi 1 Uganda NARO 2012 2012
Mudishi 3 Nigeria IITA 2012 2012
Mus(angana) 1 DRC INERA 2003 2008
Salongo 2 Mexico CIMMYT 1987 1995
Samaru Nigeria IITA 1988 2008
Tambo Zambia 1999 2008
Unilu (ZM 623) Zimbabwe 2008 2008
Bainbinge 1 2002 2008
Hubei 6 China 2003 2008
IAO2 Ivory Coast 1997 1999
Inera 6 DRC INERA 1997 2005
Inera 7 DRC INERA 1997 2005
IRAT 112 Ivory Coast IRAT 1995 1990
IRAT 216 Ivory Coast IRAT - 2012
IRAT 233 Ivory Coast ADRAO 1997 2001
Liboga (IRAT 112) DRC INERA 1997 2008
Lienge 1992 2005
Lioto DRC INERA 1989 2008
Nercia 3 Ivory Coast ADRAO 2006 2008
Nerica 6 Ivory Coast ADRAO 2006 2008
Nerica 4 Ivory Coast ADRAO 2006 2008
Nerica 7 Ivory Coast ADRAO 2006 2008
PNR 1 Ivory Coast ADRAO 1996 2008
Jasmine IRRI 1999 2008
PRERP 1 Ivory Coast ADRAO 1996 2000
PRERP 3 Ivory Coast ADRAO 1997 2000
SIPI Nigeria IITA 1995 2008
Mpolo DRC INERA 2001 2008
Bombe 2000 2008
CIM 9321-2 South Africa CIAT 2002 2008
D6 Kenya CIAT 1988 1997
Lola DRC INERA 2000 2008
Muduku Colombia CIAT 2000 2008
PC 115-B4 2004 2008
PVO 14 - 1997
PVO 14/2 - 1997
SIMAMA Colombia CIAT 2000 2008
Ntendezi - 1997

Year of Year of
Variety Origin Country Institution Introduction into Inscription into
the DRC Seed Catalogue
Mbidi DRC INERA 2006 2008
Nitu Colombia CIAT - 2012
Lyamungu Colombia CIAT 2006 2012
Sepe Colombia CIAT - 2012
C 12476-50 2003 2008
DB196 South Africa CIAT 2002 2008
DOR 715 South Africa CIAT 2002 2008
DPS-RS4 South Africa CIAT 2002 2008
Kirundo Burundi ISABU 1985 1988
Maharagi Soya Colombia CIAT 2003 2008
MCR 2301 2003 2008
M'Futila Rwanda ISAR 2002 2008
M'Sole Rwanda ISAR 2000 2008
Mvuazi Tanzania CIAT 2001 2008
Ntomo Colombia CIAT 2000 2008
Uyole 96 Tanzania CIAT 2003 2008
XAN 76 South Africa CIAT 2002 2008
Aliya CIAT 1981 2012
Diasivi Colombia CIAT - 2012
G 59 / 1-2 Colombia CIAT 2000 2008
Kihembe Colombia CIAT 2000 2008
Lib 1 Colombia CIAT 2000 2008
Lumbua - 2012
Manseki DRC INERA - 2012
Moore 88002 Burundi ISABU 2003 2008
Mpolo DRC INERA 2001 2008
Afya Nigeria IITA 1989 1997
Imperial 2012
Kitoko Nigeria IITA 1989 1997
Munanga Nigeria IITA 1990 1997
Siatsa Nigeria IITA 1988 1997
TGX573-209D Nigeria IITA 1990 1997
TGX1440-1D Nigeria IITA 2004 2008
TGX1830-20 Nigeria IITA 2003 2008
UFV 1 Nigeria IITA 1988 1997
Vuangi IITA 1989 1997

Source: Ministère de l'Agriculture et Développement Rural, 2012

Appendix 2. Varieties Released by SENASEM but not in the Seed Variety Catalogue
Variety Origin Country Institution
Nsima (ZM 625) Zimbabwe CIMMYT
Apska (ZM 725) Zimbabwe CIMMYT
Bukidi Bukidi (ZM 525) Zimbabwe CIMMYT
Kitoko (ZM 627) Zimbabwe CIMMYT
Tokachini (ZM 625) Zimbabwe CIMMYT
Amani (UH 50-53) Uganda NARO
ARC 37-16-1-51G
GIZA 182
Manjonjo / Masese (NUV 131-1)
Baliahamwabo / Kinja (RWV1129)
Binja / Sawasawa / Gobwine (CODMLV095)
Kipendwa / Mushagalusa (MBC23)
Pendeza (CODMLV096/2013A)
Nsimire / Namunene / Kombidoki (MAC 44)
Tochachini / Duchime / Democratia (Munyanya)
Nambiyo Mbiyo / Rukundo (NABE4)
Nafranga / Zirimo (HM 21-7)
Kinja / Mwizarahenda (RWR1668)

Source: TASAI, 2017

Appendix 3. Varieties Diffused in the DRC and to be Assessed by SENASEM
Maize Rice
Ecavel 1; Bazooka; Sam4Vita; Longe10H; Pannar 53; Rukarumu; Fashingabo; TOX3154;
H629; H628; H627; PNR67; ZM607; SC117; SC719; Namweru; Nerica 1; IRAT 13; Mayiyakunya
SC627; SC647; PN53; SC727; SC701; SC633; SC634;
SC637; SC608; SC602; SC513; SC506; SC403; SC720;
Zamseed 700; 634MRISEED; 624MRISEED
Beans Soya
Kabulangi; HM21-7; CODLMB001; RWV1129; PK6; SB24; SAFARI; SEQUELE; CANADA;
RWR2154; RWR2245; Namulengi; Pigeon Vert; Kaleya; Hernon; MRISEED
Kabulanketi; KAROUGE; Kasoda; Kademayi; PNR148

Source: TASAI, 2017


KINSHASA 355 490 1,105 1,283 2,317 2,033 2,66 2,709 2,624 3,192

MATADI 355 1,051 1,46 1,638 2,672 2,388 3,015 3,064 2,979 3,547

BANDUNDU 490 1,051 973 1,151 2,184 1,901 2,528 2,577 2,492 3,059

Source: DLCA Logcluster, 2018

KANANGA 1,105 1,46 973 179 1,212 928 1,556 1,604 1,52 2,087

MBUJI MAYI 1,283 1,638 1,151 179 1,036 752 1,379 1,428 1,344 1,911

LUBUMBASHI 2,317 2,672 2,184 1,212 1,036 1,421 1,432 1,655 2,013 2,831

KINDU 2,033 2,388 1,901 928 752 1,421 627 841 591 1,878

BUKAVU 2,66 3,015 2,528 1,556 1,379 1,432 627 220 647 2,028

GOMA 2,709 3,064 2,577 1,604 1,428 1,655 841 220 856 2,237

KISANGANI 2,624 2,979 2,492 1,52 1,344 2,013 591 647 856 1,577
Appendix 4. Distances Between Main Cities in the DRC

MBANDAKA 3,192 3,547 3,059 2,087 1,911 2,831 1,878 2,028 2,237 1,577


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