Tomas Claudio Colleges Morong, Rizal Graduate Studies Program
Tomas Claudio Colleges Morong, Rizal Graduate Studies Program
Tomas Claudio Colleges Morong, Rizal Graduate Studies Program
Morong, Rizal
The 1987 Philippine Constitution enjoins the state to protect and secure the
exclusive rights of scientists, inventors, artists and other gifted citizens to their
intellectual property and creation and in keeping with said constitutional mandate;
the 10th Congress of the Philippines enacted the Intellectual Property Code or
Republic Act No. 8293 seeking to provide protection to all forms of intellectual
property creation.
In the beginning of the semester I wasn’t too ecstatic since I’ve never been
intrigued by the concept of how our government operates or history. My attitude and
my goal entering the course was positive because every topic that we may
discussed was very relevant to us in order to understand better how political
important to everyone. This course also allowed me to expand my knowledge and
not to be so closed minded by becoming more active and involved in society. In this
subject I’ve taught many lot of things the importance of the people that may involve
in politic, the different kinds of Article that we discuss in every topics. The
contributions and achievements of the President in the Philippines. I encounter the
political issue that we may discuss further and understand more on how to resolve
the issue in many ways. I learned about bill of rights on how to protect the rights of
human concerning about life, properties, as well as liberty Therefore; i understood
that we have a freedom of speech we should have to abide what was written in every
article that we had in the bill of rights to avoid any violence’s on it. In these lessons, I
learned about the different role and regulations of our government and also people
against by the government like freedom to express of what he feel the economic
rights and the accused. It protects us from the abusers. It helps us to know our
limitations and the right things we should do in order for us to become a good citizen.
The Philippine Constitution is important because it protects our rights. It
enables us to have justice and live a beautiful life. It helps us to know our limitations
and the right things we should do in order for us to become a good citizen.