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Sys Rev Pharm 2020;11(11):269-272

A multifaceted review journal in the field of pharmacy

The Effect Of Compress Therapy With Yellow Ginger

Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) On The Reduction Of Pain
Intensity In Elderly Suffering With Gout Athritis
Rita Sari, Yosi Handayani, Nurwinda Saputri, Rani Ardina, Herna Nurul Atika

health faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung

Corresponding Author: ritasari74@gmail.com

Pain is a condition that is more than just a single sensation caused by a particular Keywords: Compress grated ginger, pain, Gout arthritis
stimulus, pain is subjective and very individual. Pain occurs when the tissue is
damaged and causes the individual to react to relieve the pain. There are several Correspondence:
therapeutic ways to deal with pain, one of which is non-pharmacological therapy. Rita Sari
One of the non-pharmacological therapies is compress therapy with grated yellow health faculty, Universitas Muhammadiyah Pringsewu Lampung
ginger (zinggiber officinale). This study aims to determine the effect of *Corresponding author: Rita Sari email-address: ritasari74@gmail.com
compresses with grated yellow ginger (zinggiber officinale) on reducing pain
intensity in the elderly suffering from gout arthritis at the Tresna Werdha Bhakti
Yuswa Natar Home. This type of research uses the quasy experimental method,
the sample in this study was 16 patients who experienced gouty arthritis pain and
patients who were willing to become respondents. Sampling using consecutive
sampling technique. The data analysis used was the Dependent T Test. The results
of the bivariate analysis obtained with a value of p = 0.000, this shows that there
is an effect between compresses and grated yellow ginger (Zinggiber officinale) on
reducing pain. Therapy using yellow grated ginger (zinggiber officinale) can reduce
the pain scale in patients with gout arthritis. It is hoped that medical personnel
can educate patients on how to reduce gouty arthritis pain with a compress of
grated yellow ginger (zinggiber officinale).

INTRODUCTION elderly at the institution complained of joint pain and

The World Health Organization (WHO) states that Gout they only used rubbing oil to reduce the pain. In
Arthritis is one of the rheumatic diseases that has been preventing Gout Arthritis disease, good and sustainable
known since 2000 years ago and is the oldest disease management efforts can be made both pharmacologically
known to humans. Gout arthritis is an inflammation of the and non-pharmacologically. The pharmacological actions
joints as a manifestation of the accumulation of crystal of Gout Arthritis include: Non Steroid Anti-Inflammatory
deposits (hyperuricemia). Gout was once called the king Drugs (NSAIDs), Colchicine, Probenecid, Allopurinol,
of disease and disease of king, the common people call it Uricosuric, Corticosteroid, and non-pharmacological
gout disease caused by excess levels of uric compounds in actions besides using rubbing oil, one of which is to
the body, either due to overproduction, under- reduce pain, you can use a compress of grated ginger,
elimination, or increased purine intake [1]. Not all because ginger is effective for treatment, the average
hyperuricemia sufferers are sufferers of gouty arthritis. researcher previously used red ginger but in this study
but the risk of developing gout arthritis will further using yellow ginger because yellow ginger is easier to
increase blood uric acid levels [2]. obtain and the price is cheaper than red ginger. Ginger is
According to data obtained based on world incidence able to inhibit pain because it contains essential oils
rates, for example in the United States the prevalence of consisting of zingiberen, kamfena, lemonin, zingiberol
gout in adults has increased by 8.3 million people in 2010 which are anti-inflammatory and can reduce the pain of
while hyperuricemia also increased by 43.3 million Gout Athritis [5]
people from the previous year. Whereas in Indonesia, Based on research conducted by Purnamasari and
data on gout arthritis prevalence was obtained for Listyarini, there was an effect of ginger soaking water on
713,783 people [3], the highest gout arthritis prevalence the decrease in the pain scale, the average pain decreased
in Indonesia in 2018 was in Aceh with an incidence rate by 5.35 in gout elderly in Cengkalsewu Village [6], besides
of 13,389 people [4]. In Lampung gout arthritis ranks that there was a significant effect of giving warm
seventh with a prevalence of gout arthritis as many as compresses using grated red ginger. (Zingiber officinale
22,345 people.From the 2018 Riskesdas data shows that var rubrum rhizoma) on reducing pain scale in Gout
the highest area in Lampung suffering from gout arthritis Arthritis sufferers in Tateli Dua village, Madolang district,
is Lampung Tengah district with 3,434 people, East Minahasa district. This means that all respondents who
Lampung ranks second 2,822 and the lowest is in metro were given red ginger compresses experienced a
city 459 people [4]. decrease in the intensity of Gout Arthritis pain [7].
Based on the results of the pre-survey conducted by Judging from several cases of Gout Arthritis at the Tresna
researchers on October 21, 2017, there were 83 elderly Werdha Bahkti Yuswa Natar Home and the results of
people at the Tresna Werdha Bhakti Yuswa Natar Home previous studies, that non-pharmacological therapy is
and based on the health clinic reports at the orphanage needed for Gout Arthritis sufferers in the home because
that the incidence of Gout Arthritis during January to the elderly in the home have never compressed ginger
December 2017 reached (50%). Gout Arthritis if left grated. The aim of this study was to determine the effect
untreated will have a worse impact, swelling of the joints of compress therapy with yellow ginger (Zingiber
so that it can cause severe pain and limit their activities. officinale) on reducing pain intensity in the elderly with
When the researchers conducted interviews, many of the gout arthritis.

269 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 11, Nov-Dec 2020
The Effect Of Compress Therapy With Yellow Ginger Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) On
The Reduction Of Pain Intensity In Elderly Suffering With Gout Athritis
ea dia deviatio mu mum
METHOD n n n m
In this study using a research design that is comparative 1 77 73,5 9,832 63 102
numerical dependent (paired) analytical research which 6 , 0
aims to achieve the influence between the variables 56
studied using a quasi-experimental approach, namely a
research that is usually used in the field, in this study it Based on table 2, it shows that the average age of the
does not have strict restrictions on randomization and elderly is 77.56, with a standard deviation of 9.832, with
when the same can control for validity threats [8]. In this the lowest age of 63 and the highest age of 102.
study, the research design used was pre and post test 2. Univariate Analysis
without control (self-control), in this design the study Univariate analysis of each variable from the research
only intervened in the group without comparison, the results, both the dependent and independent variables.
effectiveness of the treatment was assessed by comparing The results of research on each variable are displayed in
the pre-test and post-test scores [9]. the form of a frequency distribution.

RESULT Table 3
The effect of compresses with grated yellow ginger Average pain before being given a compress of grated
(Zingiber Officinale) on reducing pain intensity in elderly yellow ginger (Zinggiber Officinale) at the Tresna Werdha
people with gout arthritis at the Tresna Werdha Bhakti Bhakti Yuswa Natar
Yuswa Natar Home and there were 16 respondents. The N Me Medi Std. Mini Maxi
research results: an an deviation mum mum
1. Characteristics of Respondents 1 6, 6,00 1, 377 3 8
The characteristics of the respondents for each variable 6 19
are displayed in the form of a frequency distribution. This
table will be presented in the form of a table of research Table 3 shows the pain before being given a compress of
results followed by an explanation or description of the grated yellow ginger (zinggiber officinale) to the elderly
research results table. at the Tresna Werdha Bhakti Yuswa Natar Home with an
Table 1 average pain intensity of 6.19 with a standard deviation
Characteristics of Gender and Respondents' Education of 1.377, with the lowest pain scale 3 and the highest pain
Characteristics Frequency Presentation scale 8.
Male 7 43,8% Table 4
Famale 9 56,3% Average pain after being given a compress of grated
Education yellow ginger (Zinggiber Officinale) at the Tresna Werdha
Sd 6 37,5% Bhakti Yuswa Natar Home
Junior high 4 25 %
school 6 37,5% N Me Medi Std. Mini Maxi
High school an an deviation mum mum
1 3, 3, 00 1, 628 0 7
Total 16 100% 6 38

Based on table 1 shows 16 respondents with 7 male Table 4 shows the pain intensity after being given a
respondents (43.8%) and 9 female respondents (56.3%) compress of grated yellow ginger (zinggiber officinale) to
who experience pain due to arthritis gout. Female the elderly at the Tresna Werdha Bhakti Yuswa Natar
respondents are higher than male respondents. Primary Home that the average pain intensity was 3.38, with a
and high school education respondents (37.5%) and the standard deviation of 1, 628, with the lowest pain scale 0
lowest with junior high school education (25%). and the highest pain scale 7.
Table 2
Characteristics of Respondents Age 3. Bivariate Analysis
N M Me Std. Mini Maxi Bivariate analysis on the results of the study of the two
variables as follows:

Table 5
The Effect of Gouty Athritis Pain Before and After Giving a Compress of Yellow Ginger (Zinggiber Officinale) at the Tresna
Werdha Bhakti Yuswa Natar Home
Pain Intervention T Test
N Mean SD T df P
Before being given a 16 6,19 1,377 12, 355 15
compress of grated 0,000
After being given a 16 3,38 1,628 12, 355 15
compress of grated

270 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 11, Nov-Dec 2020
Sys Rev Pharm 2020;11(7):1-6 271
A multifaceted review journal in the field of pharmacy

Based on table 5, it is found that the average pain that are useful in reducing pain. Ginger compresses are
intensity before being given a compress of grated yellow applied to people with gouty arthritis pain because they
ginger is 6.19 and the average pain intensity after being can reduce joint pain, reduce compression or
given a compress of grated yellow ginger is 3.38, the p compression of joint pain, so that after applying ginger
value is 0.000 <α (0.05). This means that Ha is accepted, compresses can relax stiff muscles and can flex
which means that there is an effect of compresses of connective tissue. So that ginger compresses can inhibit
grated yellow ginger (Zinggiber Officinale) on the the pain receptor mechanism in large nerve fibers which
reduction of pain intensity in the elderly with gouty will result in a change in the mechanism, namely the gate
arthritis at the Tresna Werdha Bahkti Yuswa Natar Home. that will modify and change the sensation of pain causing
pain perception and muscle receptors so that pain can be
DISCUSSION reduced [15,16,17,18,19]
The results of statistical test analysis in this study Based on research that has been conducted by
indicate that there is an effect of compresses with grated researchers for 1 week and the study was carried out 15
yellow ginger (Zinggiber officinale) on the reduction of minutes every day, because in the span of 15 minutes the
pain intensity in elderly people with gout arthritis at the essential oil begins to break down so that blood vessels
Tresna Werdha Bhakti Yuswa Natar Home, it is found that widen to facilitate blood flow and are able to relax painful
the average pain intensity before being given the and stiff joint muscles, all the elderly Those who became
compress of grated yellow ginger officinale) of 6.19, and respondents were given the same treatment by giving a
after being given a compress of grated yellow ginger compress of grated yellow ginger, before being given
(Zinggiber officinale) of 3.38, with a p value of 0.000 intervention by the elderly, the pain scale was first
<(0.05). measured because the pain range for each elderly in the
In line with the research conducted by Purnamasari and orphanage was different. After measuring the pain scale
Listyarini that there was an effect of ginger soaking water of the elderly, they are given a compress of grated yellow
on the decrease in the pain scale, the average pain ginger on the part experiencing joint pain.
decreased by 5.35 in elderly gout in Cengkalsewu Village, After being given a compress of grated ginger, the
besides that Samsudin et al stated in their research that researchers re-measured the respondent's pain scale so
there was a significant effect of giving warm compresses. that the measurement was carried out until the 7th day
using grated red ginger (Zingiber officinale var rubrum and the researcher grouped the respondents so that the
rhizoma) to reduce the pain scale in people with Gout researcher could see a decrease in pain intensity in each
Arthritis in Tateli Dua village, Madolang district, respondent at the orphanage. Each respondent who was
Minahasa district. This means that all respondents who given a compress of grated yellow ginger on average
were given red ginger compresses experienced a experienced a decrease in pain intensity, at the time of
decrease in the intensity of Gout Arthritis pain [10]. the study there were respondents who experienced a
In line with the results of research conducted by drastic reduction in the pain scale from pain scale 3 to
Syarifatul Izza that there is a difference in the pain scale 0, but there was 1 respondent who
effectiveness of giving warm water compresses and experienced a decrease in pain scale reduction with
ginger compresses against reduction in the elderly in the respondents who Another, the respondent only
Wening Wardoyo Ungaran Social Rehabilitation Unit [11] experienced 1 reduction in the pain scale from 8 to 7
and according to research that giving warm compresses because the respondent was accustomed to using rubbing
uses ginger to relieve pain scales in gout patients. oil every day when feeling pain, and the respondent was
arthritis in Kedungwungu Village, Tegowanu District, still within the severe pain scale limit with chronic pain
Grebongan Regency, that there is an effect of warm criteria and the effectiveness of the pain scale limit after a
compresses using ginger on reducing pain in arthritis pain scale of not more than a scale of 6 is given to grated
gout in Kedungwungu Village, Tegowanu District, yellow ginger. So that when given the grated yellow
Grebongan Regency [12]. ginger, the respondent experienced a different heat
Giving ginger compress really needs to be socialized to all response between respondents who rarely used rubbing
circles, especially to the elderly because in addition to oil and those who had never been given grated ginger.
being affordable, it is also very effective to be used as a Based on this, the researchers concluded that all
compress on joint areas that experience pain due to respondents were given the same treatment by being
various diseases, both rheumatism, gout and joint given a compress of grated ginger on the part that
complaints with other diseases [13]. Warm water experienced joint pain experienced a decrease in pain
compresses and ginger compresses have an effect in intensity because ginger is a traditional treatment
reducing gout pain / arthritis gout [14]. without chemicals and which is able to overcome pain in
The above research is supported by the results of a the elderly with gout arthritis. make blood vessels open
literature study which states that pain due to gout so that it can facilitate blood circulation and a better
arthritis can be reduced by administering compresses supply of food and oxygen so that joint pain can be
with grated ginger because ginger rhizomes contain reduced. Therefore, the researchers advised the elderly in
essential oils that can relieve joint pain, one of which is social institutions to use ginger traditional medicine,
for the treatment of gout arthritis and muscle tension that because ginger is easy to obtain, without side effects,
occurs. Ginger can also inhibit prostaglanin production. effective, and cheap.
Prostaglanin itself is a hormone that can cause
inflammation that occurs in the human body. Ginger CONCLUSION
contains several active substances including essential oil Therapy using yellow grated ginger (zinggiber officinale)
consisting of zingiberen, camphor, lemonin, zingiberol. In can reduce the pain scale in patients with gout arthritis.
ginger contains volatile essential oils and gives ginger a Can determine the effect of compresses with grated
distinctive smell. This oil contains main components such yellow ginger (zinggiber officinale) on reducing pain
as zingiberen and zingiberol, which contain compounds

271 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue

7, July-Aug 2020
The Effect Of Compress Therapy With Yellow Ginger Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) On
The Reduction Of Pain Intensity In Elderly Suffering With Gout Athritis
intensity in patients with gout arthritis and can compare Rubrum) Terhadap Penurunan Skala Nyeri
theory with direct application PadaPenderitaGout Artritis Di Desa Tateli Dua
Kecamatan Mandolang Kabupeten Minahasa. Jurnal
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272 Systematic Reviews in Pharmacy Vol 11, Issue 11, Nov-Dec 2020

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