Muslims Against Mulism League

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Muslims against Muslim League

In Maududi’s estimation this was because Islamic civilization did not aim at
producing Tansen, Behzad (kamal al-din behzad d. 1535 popular iranian ) and
Cahrli Chaplin but Abu Bakr, Umar, Hussain, Abu Dhar Ghaffari and Rabia Basri.
Ali Usman Kazmi, Muslims against Muslim League, 112. Maududi decalred
earlier muslims in India as heretics and renegades bcz they escaped from India bcz
of its far end of Muslim cental empire, 6 th centurynnew wave of islam in india
started but rulers were the power hungery and worldly kings and ulema are lost the
passion of ijtihad, Islam spread in India bcz of small dedicated group of ulema and
the sufis p. 116. And that’s why the Muslims are in extreme minority in number.
He said he does not want Muslim govt but Islamic government p. 123. Before 1939
he postulated Muslim League as lesser evil than the congress and Maxist but when
ML passed resolution in the favour of british during the WW11 he openly
criticised it. He also vehemently criticized Jamiat ulema Hind bcz of their pro-
congress policies. For Jinnah (before WW11) maududi said no doubt he was
irreligious and faringi but good thing is that he is talking about Islamic
brotherhood. After passing the above mentioned resolution he vehemently
criticized Jinnah and ML, as he said the whole world know Jinnah did not know
the basics of Islam also criticized Allah Mushraqi, it was Pakistan resolution 1940
who deprived Maududi to become the supreme leader of Muslims of India and a
Jinnah emeregd as greatest and most popular leader instaed p.124-26. He did not
ready to accept Jinnah as a leader for the Muslim bcz of his western orientation. If
islamic sharia will implemet it will be Pakistan otherwise it will be Napak-istan p.
127. He decalred nationalism anti-Islamic sigment. Eventually, he supported ML
and Pakistan movement first time in the refrundum of NWFP, 132. His criticism to
ML Jinnah and idea of Pakistan perpetually continued sometime even after the
creation of Pakistan, 133. Objective Resolution (especially Islamic clauses) was
passed by assembly bcz of inbearable presure of Jamat-i-Islami, 138.

Meagan Robb Eaton: Ashraf Ali Thanwi (d.1943). When the Muslims of Jhansi
asked about his viwes or descion about the casting of vote in the election 1937
regarding the espouse of Muslim League Ashraf Ali Thanwi maintained ML is the
party of Big peoples and Zamidars he did not sure if they came into power they
will implemented Islamic system or not (Muslims against Muslim League, 148)
but bcz of Zafar Ahmed Usmani he allowed people of Jhansi to cast vote in the
faousre of ML and that’s why ML won the contest from Jhansi, 148. Ashraf Ali
Thanwi asked MA Jinnah when dialouge started between Jinnah and Nehru in late
1930s that he will must consult the ulema before making any agreement with
Nehru and Jinnah perceptively took into account his suggestion, 150. After 1938
Thanwi described ML better much better to Congress, ML is like one-eye man
while Congress is blind man so one-eyed man is better than blind man, 152. Even
in election 1946 three years after the death of Thanwi Muslim League destributed
leaflets at Meerut that Ashraf Ali Thanwi supported ML 155. Ashraf Ali Thanwi
exhorted the landlords to support ML, p. 164.

Mian Iftikhar al Din by Raza Ali

Mian Iftikhar ud din was the presedent of Punjab Provicial Congress. He resigned
from congress in 1945 bcz of its denial of Muslim Leage’s demand of self-
determination or made a seprate homeland and leftest different mentalty as
comapre to congress towards Raj, like they (leftests) opposed quit India movement.
ML got high majority in Punjab in election1946 but Uninist Party made a weak
coalition govt with Congress and Akali Dal but due to severe agitation of Ml
Khizar Hayat Khan’s (Uninist Party)’s ministry of Punjab was bringing down on
March 2, 1947. He resigned from ministery of rehibiation of refugees and latter
was expelled from ML in april 1950 bcz of severe criticism of some ML leaders,
landslords and other industerialist capitlist bcz of his adocacy towards
nationalization, Islamic socialism and his efforts for equal distribution of wealth..
he also exhorted the people to elect new blood next time (mean to change ML
leadership bcz of their selfishness) p.185. bcz of his expulsion from ML he
founded Azad Pakistan Party, 1954 Pakistan Communist Party was and Azad
Pakistan’s Karachi office was raided and sealed so, APP incorporated into National
Awami party in 1957 and Mian Iftikhar ud din was one of the leading man in the
formation of NAP, 187-88.

Markus Daechasel, Visionary of another politics.

Allam Musharqi and his Khaksar shwon great respect towards Jinnah and the
Khaksar’s work who attack on Jinnah was not instructed by al-Mushriqi neither the
Khaksar orgnization, 195. Allama Mashariqi (he was served as civil servent of Raj)
tried to get more territories under Pakitan to settle the refugee issue in this regard
he was continusly in contact with United Nation but Pak govt did not provide him
passport, he suggested militrized Pak society agaisnt Induian aggression, one unit
plan (long before its application), disclose Indian secret plan to divert the rout of
Punajb’s rivers, he also annoced jihad agaisnt India regarding kashmir issue p.

Safoora Arbab

According to Bacaha khan Congress did not consult with him about the fate of
NWFP and that’s why he did not chose both option Pakistan and Hindustan and
bycotted the referemdum moreover, bcz there was not a third option at ballot paper
as Pakhtunistan. It is also said it seems that it was Nehru who vetoed Pakhtunistan
option from ballot paper bcz of his hostile reception durung his second visit of
NWFP at FATA. P. 250.

Islam, Communism and the search for a Fiction by Ammar Ali Jan

Almost all the founding fathers of Communist Party in India founded in 1921 were
the Muslims it was bcz they found close link between communism and political
Islam (p. 262)

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