Mecha Name: Gabriel Mecha Classification: Engel

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Mecha Name: Gabriel

Mecha Classification: Engel

MV: 0 Weight: 19.5 tons

Ground Fly MA: 22 (838mph,Mach 1.1)
MA: 5
Servo Armor Int Spaces Spaces Used
Head 6 6 6 1
L Arm 7 7 7 4
R Arm 7 7 7 4
Torso 8 12 12 Full
L Leg 8 7 7 Full
R Leg 8 7 7 Full

Weapon WA Rng Dmg Notes Location

Acid Claws +0 ---- 2K+ 1K acidic L/R Arm
Wide Angle Blaster +0 11 8K Attacks target hex/1 hex radius
Antimissile Dual Array +3 2 1K Anti missile Only L/R
Sword of Gabriel EMW* +0 --- 4K Hyper,Rechargeable (5 turns use) L. Arm
Sword of Gabriel EMW* +0 --- 4K Hyper,Rechargeable (5 turns use) R. Arm
Word of Gabriel Beam Gun +0 6 4K Head
Free Regenerating TechnoOrganics- +1 MV, Regenerates 10% of CP per 5 minutes

Gravitics(Costs .05xWeight per MA) 1 per MA MA 22 (838mph Mach 1.1)

Sensors/Backups 7km/1km 1000km/300km communication 6CP
Weight Efficiency- New weight is 20 tons or less
"Hot" Powerplant 10% Rebate
Ejection Seat, Stereo, Liftwire,Searchlights
Free Regenerating TechnoOrganics- +1 MV, Regenerates 10% of CP per 5 minutes
Free Amphibious Capability

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