Battlelords of The 23 Engines of War Addendum
Battlelords of The 23 Engines of War Addendum
Battlelords of The 23 Engines of War Addendum
Front Armor 4 9
Left Armor 4 18
Rear Armor 4 9
Right Armor 4 18
Top Armor 4 18
Bottom Armor 4 18
Cost: 25,000cr
Crew: 2 (12)
Size: 5.2m L x 2.1m W x 2.2m H (85)
Size Mod: +40/+00
Weight: 1,815kg
Max Weight: 3,200kg
Cargo: 2,290 (1)
Top Speed: 44 m/s (159kph)
Range: 400km
Piloting Modifier: -10
Autopilot: Level 2
Acceleration: 1 m/s2
Front Armor 2 33
Front Left Armor 2 33
Rear Left Armor 2 18
Rear Armor 2 18
Rear Right Armor 2 18
Front Right Armor 2 33
Top Armor 2 55
The Rockwell Bayliner skimmer was the first skimmer ever offered for public sale, in 2158 Bottom Armor 2 40
on New Washington. The resulting frenzy for the “flying pickup” left 2 people dead from
Front Glass 1 3
trampling. Unfortunately, once the hype had passed, it was discovered that the skimmer had
serious flaws. The primitive lift unit cannot achieve heights of more than 1.5m, cannot pilot Left Glass 1 2
over water, and even suffers a -20 to all Piloting checks over soft ground such as snow or Right Glass 1 2
mud. Furthermore, there is a 1% chance per week of operation that the lift unit suffers a Rear Glass 1 3
mechanical failure (level 2-7 Skimmer Mechanic check to fix). The skimmer features an
open-sided configuration to provide easy access for repairs; this provides a +10 on all COMPONENTS THR BP
repair checks, but the lift unit is considered exposed (unprotected by armor) when hit
Engine (reactor) 8 90
from any location other than front left or front right.
In recognition of the problems with the Bayliner, Rockwell refitted the original design Engine (power system) 5 40
with tires in a “training wheel” type configuration; this allows the skimmer to land without Lift Unit 5 80
damage following most lift unit failures. In desperate situations, the skimmer can even be Basic-XL Tires (4) 0 5
operated as a wheeled vehicle with a top speed of 15 m/s and a Piloting modifier of -50, as
long as the engine is operational. A standard radio is thrown in with the vehicle, so in case
you find yourself stranded, you can call for a tow. EQUIPMENT
With all of the drawbacks, one might wonder why the Bayliner is still in production Navilex computer
after 120 years of service. The answer is simple: the Tech Level Laws. On tech level 4 Standard Radio
planets, the Bayliner faces only minimal competition in the skimmer market. Rockwell
delivers these to planets hungry for skimmers which can haul a decent load. With its
nearly one-ton capacity and spacious pickup bed, the Bayliner is well-suited to Frontier
lifestyles. It is easy to haul several persons or substantial amounts of cargo in the rear.
Anyone in the rear of a Bayliner should be considered to have 25% cover if seated
on top of something in the bed; more if they are crouching or laying prone. There are
no “rear side” glass locations in the Bayliner and any shots to these locations should be
considered to have struck the vehicle’s bed or cargo.
Anvil 450 330 110
Left Arm 450 430 210
Right Arm 450 430 210
Torso 450 11HP 370
Left Leg 450 875 320
Right Leg 450 875 320
Reactor 25 200
Flux Shield Generator 50 40
Theater Armor 15 54 EQUIPMENT known as the Tormentor; treat this system
Brilliance pAI 25 80 ECM/ECCM: 40/40
as an HB-120 Pulse weapon, except that
Theater Interface System 0 45 Brilliance pAI (Autopilot IM -2, Pilot level the malfunction number is 100. The
6, Gunnery level 2, Actions 5, IQ 60, Tormentor is also much smaller than the
PHYSICAL COMBAT Int 30) HB-120, with a size of 5 and weight of only
Scramble-X (right leg) 225 kilograms.
Punch: ATK 50, DAM 4d10 + 45, ROF 1/3 Mini Phase Nullifier (left leg) Chieftain Humpty Dumpties have
Kick: ATK 25, DAM 8d10 + 45, ROF 1/6 Digiton Battle System
Step On: ATK 10, DAM 3d10x10 + 75/sec
amassed a solid record on the battlefield
UV Scrambler
since their first deployment in 2262. They
are not designed to engage enemy vehicles
WEAPONRY DESCRIPTION and are typically escorted by a squadron
Tormentor PCS (anvil) “Call in the Big Chief”. That’s the frequent of marines with anti-tank weaponry to
Valley Green PAWS (right arm) call of Galactic Marines when confronted complement this unit’s considerable
Blazer Flamethrower (left arm)
by particularly stubborn fortified enemy killing power. The Blazer flamethrower,
Freewill-I LAMS (torso mount)
(2) Mycroline missile racks (legs, fire 3 ea per sec-
positions. The Chieftain class Ultra Armor while decidedly low tech, is very effective
ond): 24 Ballistex arm rockets is deployed with elite Alliance military in urban areas and close combat. One
Metalroid missile rack (THR 35): 3 Bonoir anti-tank units to provide heavy weapon support known drawback to the Chieftain is its
missiles against mechanized infantry, fortified lack of reactive armor, although this is
Flechette Unit (rear torso) bunkers, and Arachnid “captains” such as partially offset by the use of a Scramble-X
the Maelstrom General. The Chieftain pos- device to break incoming radar-guided
sesses a substantial 30HP Flux shield and weaponry.
heavy 450 point threshold. Its customized
Metalroid missile rack contains 3 Bonoir
anti-tank missiles. The PCS on the
Chieftain’s anvil is a purpose-built system
Cost: 37.5Mcr
Crew: 1 (6)
Size: 5.0m L x 2.1m W x 1.6m H (100)
Size Mod: +40/+00
Weight: 5,350kg
Top Speed: 21 m/s (76 kph)
Range: 1,050km
Initiative Modifier: -5
Flux Shield: 15HP
Anvil 300 330 120
Front Left Leg 300 7HP 260
Front Right Leg 300 7HP 260
Torso 300 10HP 360
Rear Left Leg 300 7HP 260
Rear Right Leg 300 7HP 260
Reactor 15 120
Flux Shield Generator 40 40
The Warthog is one ugly machine, but it Omega cannon for anti-personnel use, Mentax pAI 25 60
can get the job done on the battlefield. At and a healthy complement of Reflex and Theater Interface System 0 35
least, that’s how Telydyne is marketing this Heavy missiles. Combat experience sug-
crawler which features the BC-Incinerator gests that a more efficient design would PHYSICAL COMBAT
Pulse Combat System. Unfortunately for have provided a camouflage unit for
Front or Rear Kick: ATK 40, DAM 10d10 + 50,
any pilots of the Warthog, in order to “get stealth, or K-sats for support. Still, the
ROF 1/3
the job done” with the main weapon, you Warthog is able to “clean up” against less- Trample/Overrun: ATK 55, DAM 10d10 + 50
need to close to 150m! That is fairly diffi- er opposition without difficulty. Step On: ATK 15, DAM 4d10x10 + 100/sec
cult in an ungainly beast with a low top
speed and only moderate protection. EQUIPMENT WEAPONRY
Warthogs are basically ineffective outside ECM/ECCM: 60/40 BC-Incinerator PCS (anvil)
of urban or other enclosed environments Mentax pAI (Autopilot IM -1, Pilot level 5, Cobra XM2 Omega Weapon (anvil)
where surprise attacks can be made. Gunnery level 1, Actions 4, IQ 50, Int (3) EWES LAMS (torso mounts)
However, any enemies which do blunder 20) Launchpad Missile Rack (Torso F, Thr 4HP): 4
Dynatech radar system Envelopment Heavy Missiles
within 150m of this unit will definitely
Sprint Batteries (4) Sabot Reflex Missiles (internal mount, F)
“feel the pain” from its main weapon. In Radar Absorbent Coating (4) Saylon Warhead Reflex Missiles (internal mount, F)
order to increase the survivability of this
(4) Flechette Units (1/leg)
system, Telydyne has included triply