LO 4 Build Database Applications With JDBC
LO 4 Build Database Applications With JDBC
LO 4 Build Database Applications With JDBC
What is JDBC?
JDBC stands for Java Database Connectivity, which is a standard Java API for
database-independent connectivity between the Java programming language
and a wide range of databases.
The JDBC library includes APIs for each of the tasks mentioned below that are
commonly associated with database usage.
Java Applications
Java Applets
Java Servlets
Java ServerPages (JSPs)
Enterprise JavaBeans (EJBs).
All of these different executables are able to use a JDBC driver to access a
database, and take advantage of the stored data.
JDBC Architecture
The JDBC API supports both two-tier and three-tier processing models for
database access but in general, JDBC Architecture consists of two layers −
The JDBC driver manager ensures that the correct driver is used to access each
data source. The driver manager is capable of supporting multiple concurrent
drivers connected to multiple heterogeneous databases.
Following is the architectural diagram, which shows the location of the driver
manager with respect to the JDBC drivers and the Java application −
The java.sql and javax.sql are the primary packages for JDBC 4.0. This is the
latest JDBC version at the time of writing this tutorial. It offers the main classes
for interacting with your data sources.
The new features in these packages include changes in the following areas −
SQL Syntax
Structured Query Language (SQL) is a standardized language that allows you to
perform operations on a database, such as creating entries, reading content,
updating content, and deleting entries.
SQL is supported by almost any database you will likely use, and it allows you to
write database code independently of the underlying database.
Create Database
The CREATE DATABASE statement is used for creating a new database. The
syntax is −
Drop Database
The DROP DATABASE statement is used for deleting an existing database. The
syntax is −
Note: To create or drop a database you should have administrator privilege on
your database server. Be careful, deleting a database would loss all the data
stored in the database.
Create Table
The CREATE TABLE statement is used for creating a new table. The syntax is −
SQL> CREATE TABLE table_name
column_name column_data_type,
column_name column_data_type,
column_name column_data_type
The following SQL statement creates a table named Employees with four
columns −
first VARCHAR(255),
last VARCHAR(255),
Drop Table
The DROP TABLE statement is used for deleting an existing table. The syntax is
SQL> DROP TABLE table_name;
The syntax for INSERT, looks similar to the following, where column1, column2,
and so on represents the new data to appear in the respective columns −
SQL> INSERT INTO table_name VALUES (column1, column2, ...);
The following SQL INSERT statement inserts a new row in the Employees
database created earlier −
SQL> INSERT INTO Employees VALUES (100, 18, 'Zara', 'Ali');
The SELECT statement is used to retrieve data from a database. The syntax for
SQL> SELECT column_name, column_name, ...
FROM table_name
WHERE conditions;
The WHERE clause can use the comparison operators such as =, !=, <, >,
<=,and >=, as well as the BETWEEN and LIKE operators.
The following SQL statement selects the age, first and last columns from the
Employees table, where id column is 100 −
SQL> SELECT first, last, age
FROM Employees
WHERE id = 100;
The following SQL statement selects the age, first and last columns from the
Employees table where first column contains Zara −
SQL> SELECT first, last, age
FROM Employees
WHERE first LIKE '%Zara%';
The UPDATE statement is used to update data. The syntax for UPDATE is −
SQL> UPDATE table_name
SET column_name = value, column_name = value, ...
WHERE conditions;
The WHERE clause can use the comparison operators such as =, !=, <, >,
<=,and >=, as well as the BETWEEN and LIKE operators.
The following SQL UPDATE statement changes the age column of the
employee whose id is 100 −
SQL> UPDATE Employees SET age=20 WHERE id=100;
The DELETE statement is used to delete data from tables. The syntax for
SQL> DELETE FROM table_name WHERE conditions;
The WHERE clause can use the comparison operators such as =, !=, <, >,
<=,and >=, as well as the BETWEEN and LIKE operators.
The following SQL DELETE statement deletes the record of the employee
whose id is 100 −
SQL> DELETE FROM Employees WHERE id=100;
Environment Setup
To start developing with JDBC, you should setup your JDBC environment by
following the steps shown below. We assume that you are working on a
Windows platform.
Install Database
The most important thing you will need, of course is an actual running database
with a table that you can query and modify.
Install a database that is most suitable for you. You can have plenty of choices
and most common are −
The latest JDK includes a JDBC-ODBC Bridge driver that makes most Open
Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers available to programmers using the
Now a days, most of the Database vendors are supplying appropriate JDBC
drivers along with Database installation. So, you should not worry about this part.
For this tutorial we are going to use MySQL database. When you install any of
the above database, its administrator ID is set to root and gives provision to set
a password of your choice.
Using root ID and password you can either create another user ID and
password, or you can use root ID and password for your JDBC application.
There are various database operations like database creation and deletion,
which would need administrator ID and password.
For rest of the JDBC tutorial, we would use MySQL Database with username as
ID and password as password.
If you do not have sufficient privilege to create new users, then you can ask your
Database Administrator (DBA) to create a user ID and password for you.
Create Database
Step 1
Step 2
Start the database server by executing the following command, if it is already not
C:\Program Files\MySQL\bin>mysqld
C:\Program Files\MySQL\bin>
Step 3
Create Table
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
Now you are ready to start experimenting with JDBC. Next chapter gives you a
sample example on JDBC Programming.
Sample Code
This sample example can serve as a template when you need to create your
own JDBC application in the future.
This sample code has been written based on the environment and database
setup done in the previous chapter.
Copy and paste the following example in FirstExample.java, compile and run as
follows −
//STEP 1. Import required packages
import java.sql.*;
// Database credentials
static final String USER = "username";
static final String PASS = "password";
//Display values
System.out.print("ID: " + id);
System.out.print(", Age: " + age);
System.out.print(", First: " + first);
System.out.println(", Last: " + last);
//STEP 6: Clean-up environment
}catch(SQLException se){
//Handle errors for JDBC
}catch(Exception e){
//Handle errors for Class.forName
//finally block used to close resources
}catch(SQLException se2){
}// nothing we can do
}catch(SQLException se){
}//end finally try
}//end try
}//end main
}//end FirstExample
Now let us compile the above example as follows −
C:\>javac FirstExample.java
When you run FirstExample, it produces the following result −
C:\>java FirstExample
Connecting to database...
Creating statement...
ID: 100, Age: 18, First: Zara, Last: Ali
ID: 101, Age: 25, First: Mahnaz, Last: Fatma
ID: 102, Age: 30, First: Zaid, Last: Khan
ID: 103, Age: 28, First: Sumit, Last: Mittal
Database Connections
After you’ve installed the appropriate driver, it is time to establish a database
connection using JDBC.
The Import statements tell the Java compiler where to find the classes you
reference in your code and are placed at the very beginning of your source code.
To use the standard JDBC package, which allows you to select, insert, update,
and delete data in SQL tables, add the following imports to your source code −
import java.sql.* ; // for standard JDBC programs
import java.math.* ; // for BigDecimal and BigInteger support
Register JDBC Driver
You must register the driver in your program before you use it. Registering the
driver is the process by which the Oracle driver’s class file is loaded into the
memory, so it can be utilized as an implementation of the JDBC interfaces.
You need to do this registration only once in your program. You can register a
driver in one of two ways.
Approach I – Class.forName()
Approach II – DriverManager.registerDriver()
The second approach you can use to register a driver, is to use the
static DriverManager.registerDriver() method.
After you’ve loaded the driver, you can establish a connection using
the DriverManager.getConnection() method. For easy reference, let me list the
three overloaded DriverManager.getConnection() methods −
getConnection(String url)
getConnection(String url, Properties prop)
getConnection(String url, String user, String password)
Following table lists down the popular JDBC driver names and database URL.
RDBMS JDBC driver name URL format
MySQL com.mysql.jdbc.Driver jdbc:mysql://hostname/ databaseName
ORACLE oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver jdbc:oracle:thin:@hostname:port Numbe
DB2 COM.ibm.db2.jdbc.net.DB2Driver jdbc:db2:hostname:port Number/databas
Sybase com.sybase.jdbc.SybDriver jdbc:sybase:Tds:hostname: port Number
All the highlighted part in URL format is static and you need to change only the
remaining part as per your database setup.
Create Connection Object
If you have a host at TCP/IP address with a host name of amrood, and
your Oracle listener is configured to listen on port 1521, and your database
name is EMP, then complete database URL would be −
Now you have to call getConnection() method with appropriate username and
password to get a Connection object as follows −
String URL = "jdbc:oracle:thin:@amrood:1521:EMP";
String USER = "username";
String PASS = "password"
Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection(URL, USER, PASS);
To make the same connection made by the previous examples, use the
following code −
import java.util.*;
At the end of your JDBC program, it is required explicitly to close all the
connections to the database to end each database session. However, if you
forget, Java’s garbage collector will close the connection when it cleans up stale
To ensure that a connection is closed, you could provide a ‘finally’ block in your
code. A finally block always executes, regardless of an exception occurs or not.
To close the above opened connection, you should call close() method as
follows −
Explicitly closing a connection conserves DBMS resources, which will make your
database administrator happy.
Before you can use a Statement object to execute a SQL statement, you need to
create one using the Connection object’s createStatement( ) method, as in the
following example −
Statement stmt = null;
try {
stmt = conn.createStatement( );
. . .
catch (SQLException e) {
. . .
finally {
. . .
Once you’ve created a Statement object, you can then use it to execute an SQL
statement with one of its three execute methods.
Just as you close a Connection object to save database resources, for the same
reason you should also close the Statement object.
A simple call to the close() method will do the job. If you close the Connection
object first, it will close the Statement object as well. However, you should
always explicitly close the Statement object to ensure proper cleanup.
Statement stmt = null;
try {
stmt = conn.createStatement( );
. . .
catch (SQLException e) {
. . .
finally {
Each parameter marker is referred by its ordinal position. The first marker
represents position 1, the next position 2, and so forth. This method differs from
that of Java array indices, which starts at 0.
Just as you close a Statement object, for the same reason you should also close
the PreparedStatement object.
A simple call to the close() method will do the job. If you close the Connection
object first, it will close the PreparedStatement object as well. However, you
should always explicitly close the PreparedStatement object to ensure proper
PreparedStatement pstmt = null;
try {
String SQL = "Update Employees SET age = ? WHERE id = ?";
pstmt = conn.prepareStatement(SQL);
. . .
catch (SQLException e) {
. . .
finally {
For a better understanding, let us study Prepare – Example Code.
The CallableStatement Objects
Three types of parameters exist: IN, OUT, and INOUT. The PreparedStatement
object only uses the IN parameter. The CallableStatement object can use all the
If you have IN parameters, just follow the same rules and techniques that apply
to a PreparedStatement object; use the setXXX() method that corresponds to the
Java data type you are binding.
When you use OUT and INOUT parameters you must employ an additional
CallableStatement method, registerOutParameter(). The registerOutParameter()
method binds the JDBC data type, to the data type that the stored procedure is
expected to return.
Once you call your stored procedure, you retrieve the value from the OUT
parameter with the appropriate getXXX() method. This method casts the
retrieved value of SQL type to a Java data type.
Just as you close other Statement object, for the same reason you should also
close the CallableStatement object.
A simple call to the close() method will do the job. If you close the Connection
object first, it will close the CallableStatement object as well. However, you
should always explicitly close the CallableStatement object to ensure proper
CallableStatement cstmt = null;
try {
String SQL = "{call getEmpName (?, ?)}";
cstmt = conn.prepareCall (SQL);
. . .
catch (SQLException e) {
. . .
finally {
Result Sets
The SQL statements that read data from a database query, return the data in a
result set. The SELECT statement is the standard way to select rows from a
database and view them in a result set. The java.sql.ResultSet interface
represents the result set of a database query.
A ResultSet object maintains a cursor that points to the current row in the result
set. The term “result set” refers to the row and column data contained in a
ResultSet object.
The methods of the ResultSet interface can be broken down into three
categories −
The first argument indicates the type of a ResultSet object and the second
argument is one of two ResultSet constants for specifying whether a result set is
read-only or updatable.
Type of ResultSet
The possible RSType are given below. If you do not specify any ResultSet type,
you will automatically get one that is TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY.
Type Description
The cursor can only move forward in
the result set.
The cursor can scroll forward and
backward, and the result set is not
ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_INSENSITIVE sensitive to changes made by others
to the database that occur after the
result set was created.
The cursor can scroll forward and
backward, and the result set is
ResultSet.TYPE_SCROLL_SENSITIVE. sensitive to changes made by others
to the database that occur after the
result set was created.
Concurrency of ResultSet
The possible RSConcurrency are given below. If you do not specify any
Concurrency type, you will automatically get one that is
Concurrency Description
Creates a read-only result set. This is the
ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE Creates an updateable result set.
All our examples written so far can be written as follows, which initializes a
Statement object to create a forward-only, read only ResultSet object −
try {
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement(
catch(Exception ex) {
finally {
There are several methods in the ResultSet interface that involve moving the
cursor, including −
S.N. Methods & Description
public void beforeFirst() throws SQLExceptionMoves the cursor just
before the first row.
public void afterLast() throws SQLExceptionMoves the cursor just after
the last row.
public boolean first() throws SQLExceptionMoves the cursor to the first
4 public void last() throws SQLExceptionMoves the cursor to the last row.
public boolean absolute(int row) throws SQLExceptionMoves the cursor
to the specified row.
public boolean relative(int row) throws SQLExceptionMoves the cursor
6 the given number of rows forward or backward, from where it is currently
public boolean previous() throws SQLExceptionMoves the cursor to the
7 previous row. This method returns false if the previous row is off the result
public boolean next() throws SQLExceptionMoves the cursor to the next
row. This method returns false if there are no more rows in the result set.
public int getRow() throws SQLExceptionReturns the row number that the
cursor is pointing to.
public void moveToInsertRow() throws SQLExceptionMoves the cursor
10 to a special row in the result set that can be used to insert a new row into the
database. The current cursor location is remembered.
public void moveToCurrentRow() throws SQLExceptionMoves the
11 cursor back to the current row if the cursor is currently at the insert row;
otherwise, this method does nothing
The ResultSet interface contains dozens of methods for getting the data of the
current row.
There is a get method for each of the possible data types, and each get method
has two versions −
For example, if the column you are interested in viewing contains an int, you
need to use one of the getInt() methods of ResultSet −
S.N. Methods & Description
public int getInt(String columnName) throws SQLExceptionReturns the
int in the current row in the column named columnName.
public int getInt(int columnIndex) throws SQLExceptionReturns the int
in the current row in the specified column index. The column index starts at
1, meaning the first column of a row is 1, the second column of a row is 2,
and so on.
Similarly, there are get methods in the ResultSet interface for each of the eight
Java primitive types, as well as common types such as java.lang.String,
java.lang.Object, and java.net.URL.
There are also methods for getting SQL data types java.sql.Date, java.sql.Time,
java.sql.TimeStamp, java.sql.Clob, and java.sql.Blob. Check the documentation
for more information about using these SQL data types.
The ResultSet interface contains a collection of update methods for updating the
data of a result set.
As with the get methods, there are two update methods for each data type −
One that takes in a column name.
One that takes in a column index.
For example, to update a String column of the current row of a result set, you
would use one of the following updateString() methods −
S.N. Methods & Description
public void updateString(int columnIndex, String s) throws
SQLExceptionChanges the String in the specified column to the value of s.
public void updateString(String columnName, String s) throws
2 SQLExceptionSimilar to the previous method, except that the column is
specified by its name instead of its index.
There are update methods for the eight primitive data types, as well as String,
Object, URL, and the SQL data types in the java.sql package.
Updating a row in the result set changes the columns of the current row in the
ResultSet object, but not in the underlying database. To update your changes to
the row in the database, you need to invoke one of the following methods.
S.N. Methods & Description
public void updateRow()Updates the current row by updating the
corresponding row in the database.
2 public void deleteRow()Deletes the current row from the database
public void refreshRow()Refreshes the data in the result set to reflect any
recent changes in the database.
public void cancelRowUpdates()Cancels any updates made on the current
public void insertRow()Inserts a row into the database. This method can
only be invoked when the cursor is pointing to the insert row.
Data Types
The JDBC driver converts the Java data type to the appropriate JDBC type,
before sending it to the database. It uses a default mapping for most data types.
For example, a Java int is converted to an SQL INTEGER. Default mappings
were created to provide consistency between drivers.
The following table summarizes the default JDBC data type that the Java data
type is converted to, when you call the setXXX() method of the
PreparedStatement or CallableStatement object or the ResultSet.updateXXX()
VARCHAR java.lang.String setString upd
CHAR java.lang.String setString upd
LONGVARCHAR java.lang.String setString upd
BIT boolean setBoolean upd
NUMERIC java.math.BigDecimal setBigDecimal upd
TINYINT byte setByte upd
SMALLINT short setShort upd
INTEGER int setInt upd
BIGINT long setLong upd
REAL float setFloat upd
FLOAT float setFloat upd
DOUBLE double setDouble upd
VARBINARY byte[ ] setBytes upd
BINARY byte[ ] setBytes upd
DATE java.sql.Date setDate upd
TIME java.sql.Time setTime upd
TIMESTAMP java.sql.Timestamp setTimestamp upd
CLOB java.sql.Clob setClob upd
BLOB java.sql.Blob setBlob upd
ARRAY java.sql.Array setARRAY upd
REF java.sql.Ref SetRef upd
STRUCT java.sql.Struct SetStruct upd
JDBC 3.0 has enhanced support for BLOB, CLOB, ARRAY, and REF data
types. The ResultSet object now has updateBLOB(), updateCLOB(),
updateArray(), and updateRef() methods that enable you to directly manipulate
the respective data on the server.
The setXXX() and updateXXX() methods enable you to convert specific Java
types to specific JDBC data types. The methods, setObject() and
updateObject(), enable you to map almost any Java type to a JDBC data type.
ResultSet object provides corresponding getXXX() method for each data type to
retrieve column value. Each method can be used with column name or by its
ordinal position.
VARCHAR java.lang.String setString
CHAR java.lang.String setString
LONGVARCHAR java.lang.String setString
BIT boolean setBoolean
NUMERIC java.math.BigDecimal setBigDecimal
TINYINT byte setByte
SMALLINT short setShort
INTEGER int setInt
BIGINT long setLong
REAL float setFloat
FLOAT float setFloat
DOUBLE double setDouble
VARBINARY byte[ ] setBytes
BINARY byte[ ] setBytes
DATE java.sql.Date setDate
TIME java.sql.Time setTime
TIMESTAMP java.sql.Timestamp setTimestamp
CLOB java.sql.Clob setClob
BLOB java.sql.Blob setBlob
ARRAY java.sql.Array setARRAY
REF java.sql.Ref SetRef
STRUCT java.sql.Struct SetStruct
Date & Time Data Types
The java.sql.Date class maps to the SQL DATE type, and the java.sql.Time and
java.sql.Timestamp classes map to the SQL TIME and SQL TIMESTAMP data
types, respectively.
Following example shows how the Date and Time classes format the standard
Java date and time values to match the SQL data type requirements.
import java.sql.Date;
import java.sql.Time;
import java.sql.Timestamp;
import java.util.*;
SQL’s use of NULL values and Java’s use of null are different concepts. So, to
handle SQL NULL values in Java, there are three tactics you can use −
int id = rs.getInt(1);
if( rs.wasNull( ) ) {
id = 0;
That may be fine for simple applications, but there are three reasons why you
may want to turn off the auto-commit and manage your own transactions −
To increase performance.
To maintain the integrity of business processes.
To use distributed transactions.
Transactions enable you to control if, and when, changes are applied to the
database. It treats a single SQL statement or a group of SQL statements as one
logical unit, and if any statement fails, the whole transaction fails.
To enable manual- transaction support instead of the auto-commit mode that the
JDBC driver uses by default, use the Connection
object’s setAutoCommit() method. If you pass a boolean false to
setAutoCommit( ), you turn off auto-commit. You can pass a boolean true to turn
it back on again.
For example, if you have a Connection object named conn, code the following to
turn off auto-commit −
Once you are done with your changes and you want to commit the changes then
call commit() method on connection object as follows −
conn.commit( );
Otherwise, to roll back updates to the database made using the Connection
named conn, use the following code −
conn.rollback( );
The following example illustrates the use of a commit and rollback object −
//Assume a valid connection object conn
Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
Using Savepoints
The new JDBC 3.0 Savepoint interface gives you the additional transactional
control. Most modern DBMS, support savepoints within their environments such
as Oracle’s PL/SQL.
When you set a savepoint you define a logical rollback point within a transaction.
If an error occurs past a savepoint, you can use the rollback method to undo
either all the changes or only the changes made after the savepoint.
The Connection object has two new methods that help you manage savepoints
//set a Savepoint
Savepoint savepoint1 = conn.setSavepoint("Savepoint1");
String SQL = "INSERT INTO Employees " +
"VALUES (106, 20, 'Rita', 'Tez')";
//Submit a malformed SQL statement that breaks
String SQL = "INSERTED IN Employees " +
"VALUES (107, 22, 'Sita', 'Tez')";
// If there is no error, commit the changes.
}catch(SQLException se){
// If there is any error.
In this case, none of the above INSERT statement would success and
everything would be rolled back.
Exceptions Handling
Exception handling allows you to handle exceptional conditions such as
program-defined errors in a controlled fashion.
JDBC Exception handling is very similar to the Java Exception handling but for
JDBC, the most common exception you’ll deal with is java.sql.SQLException.
SQLException Methods
An SQLException can occur both in the driver and the database. When such an
exception occurs, an object of type SQLException will be passed to the catch
The passed SQLException object has the following methods available for
retrieving additional information about the exception −
Method Description
getErrorCode( ) Gets the error number associated with the exception.
Gets the JDBC driver’s error message for an error, handled by the drive
getMessage( )
error number and message for a database error.
Gets the XOPEN SQLstate string. For a JDBC driver error, no useful in
getSQLState( ) from this method. For a database error, the five-digit XOPEN SQLstate
method can return null.
getNextException( ) Gets the next Exception object in the exception chain.
printStackTrace( ) Prints the current exception, or throwable, and it’s backtrace to a standa
Prints this throwable and its backtrace to the print stream you specify.
Prints this throwable and it’s backtrace to the print writer you specify.
By utilizing the information available from the Exception object, you can catch an
exception and continue your program appropriately. Here is the general form of a
try block −
try {
// Your risky code goes between these curly braces!!!
catch(Exception ex) {
// Your exception handling code goes between these
// curly braces, similar to the exception clause
// in a PL/SQL block.
finally {
// Your must-always-be-executed code goes between these
// curly braces. Like closing database connection.
// Database credentials
static final String USER = "username";
static final String PASS = "password";
//Display values
System.out.print("ID: " + id);
System.out.print(", Age: " + age);
System.out.print(", First: " + first);
System.out.println(", Last: " + last);
//STEP 6: Clean-up environment
}catch(SQLException se){
//Handle errors for JDBC
}catch(Exception e){
//Handle errors for Class.forName
//finally block used to close resources
}catch(SQLException se){
}//end finally try
}//end try
}//end main
}//end JDBCExample
Now, let us compile the above example as follows −
C:\>javac JDBCExample.java
When you run JDBCExample, it produces the following result if there is no
problem, otherwise the corresponding error would be caught and error message
would be displayed −
C:\>java JDBCExample
Connecting to database...
Creating statement...
ID: 100, Age: 18, First: Zara, Last: Ali
ID: 101, Age: 25, First: Mahnaz, Last: Fatma
ID: 102, Age: 30, First: Zaid, Last: Khan
ID: 103, Age: 28, First: Sumit, Last: Mittal
Try the above example by passing wrong database name or wrong username or
password and check the result.
Batch Processing
Batch Processing allows you to group related SQL statements into a batch and
submit them with one call to the database.
When you send several SQL statements to the database at once, you reduce
the amount of communication overhead, thereby improving performance.
JDBC drivers are not required to support this feature. You should use
the DatabaseMetaData.supportsBatchUpdates() method to determine if
the target database supports batch update processing. The method
returns true if your JDBC driver supports this feature.
The addBatch() method of Statement,
PreparedStatement, and CallableStatement is used to add individual
statements to the batch. The executeBatch() is used to start the
execution of all the statements grouped together.
The executeBatch() returns an array of integers, and each element of the
array represents the update count for the respective update statement.
Just as you can add statements to a batch for processing, you can remove
them with the clearBatch() method. This method removes all the
statements you added with the addBatch() method. However, you cannot
selectively choose which statement to remove.
Stored Procedure
This chapter is similar to that section, but it would give you additional information
about JDBC SQL escape syntax.
Three types of parameters exist: IN, OUT, and INOUT. The PreparedStatement
object only uses the IN parameter. The CallableStatement object can use all the
If you have IN parameters, just follow the same rules and techniques that apply
to a PreparedStatement object; use the setXXX() method that corresponds to the
Java data type you are binding.
When you use OUT and INOUT parameters, you must employ an additional
CallableStatement method, registerOutParameter(). The registerOutParameter()
method binds the JDBC data type to the data type the stored procedure is
expected to return.
Once you call your stored procedure, you retrieve the value from the OUT
parameter with the appropriate getXXX() method. This method casts the
retrieved value of SQL type to a Java data type.
A simple call to the close() method will do the job. If you close the Connection
object first, it will close the CallableStatement object as well. However, you
should always explicitly close the CallableStatement object to ensure proper
CallableStatement cstmt = null;
try {
String SQL = "{call getEmpName (?, ?)}";
cstmt = conn.prepareCall (SQL);
. . .
catch (SQLException e) {
. . .
finally {
The escape syntax gives you the flexibility to use database specific features
unavailable to you by using standard JDBC methods and properties.
d, t, ts Keywords
They help identify date, time, and timestamp literals. As you know, no two
DBMSs represent time and date the same way. This escape syntax tells the
driver to render the date or time in the target database’s format. For Example −
{d 'yyyy-mm-dd'}
Where yyyy = year, mm = month; dd = date. Using this syntax {d ‘2009-09-03’} is
March 9, 2009.
Similarly, you can use one of the following two syntaxes, either t or ts −
{t 'hh:mm:ss'}
Where hh = hour; mm = minute; ss = second. Using this syntax {t ’13:30:29′} is
1:30:29 PM.
{ts 'yyyy-mm-dd hh:mm:ss'}
This is combined syntax of the above two syntax for ‘d’ and ‘t’ to represent
escape Keyword
This keyword identifies the escape character used in LIKE clauses. Useful when
using the SQL wildcard %, which matches zero or more characters. For example
String sql = "SELECT symbol FROM MathSymbols
WHERE symbol LIKE '\%' {escape '\'}";
If you use the backslash character (\) as the escape character, you also have to
use two backslash characters in your Java String literal, because the backslash
is also a Java escape character.
fn Keyword
This keyword represents scalar functions used in a DBMS. For example, you can
use SQL function length to get the length of a string −
{fn length('Hello World')}
This returns 11, the length of the character string ‘Hello World’.
call Keyword
This keyword is used to call the stored procedures. For example, for a stored
procedure requiring an IN parameter, use the following syntax −
{call my_procedure(?)};
For a stored procedure requiring an IN parameter and returning an OUT
parameter, use the following syntax −
{? = call my_procedure(?)};
oj Keyword
JDBC Activity 1
Create ERD for POS system
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