Creative Marketing Strategies of Sembung Batik
Creative Marketing Strategies of Sembung Batik
Creative Marketing Strategies of Sembung Batik
Abstract. Batik is one of the cultures that is owned by the Indonesian. Batik
describes a story in a piece of cloth, about certain events and symbols that are
referred to as patterns. Each region has its batik style as a characteristic and
differentiator from the other regions. Basically, batik has the same technique,
which is to close and draw pictures or patterns and color them. Yogyakarta is
famously identified with batik. Therefore batik business magnificently develops in
this city. Today's era encourages innovation in making batik is necessary,
especially digital marketing, so the products are not only sold in galleries. Some
home industry businesses in the city of Yogyakarta have used digital promotion
strategies, one of which is Batik Sembung. The data of this research was collected
through observation and in-depth interviews. The results of the Batik Sembung
digital promotion analysis on social media accounts are to promote the products
online. Besides, the presence of online services eases for customers to choose the
desired product quickly. In addition, social media also facilitates the owner to
introduce new products or new creations and also eased the customers to see the
style, color, and fabric that will be selected. Thus, customers do not need to come
to the batik Sembung gallery. In digital promotion strategy, the batik home
industry uses social media such as Facebook and Instagram, where both social
media focuses on images and writing. Batik Sembung home industry can display
the latest creations in more detail way and show creativity in styles and patterns.
Today, the batik industry is an interesting thing to study, where many
people are re-interested in traditional culture. Traditional culture is no longer
something that has passed, but something that has historical significance because
it contains values and symbols. Batik is one of the traditional cultures that still
exist in the midst of the development and progress of the era. Batik is still
believed to have more value in each stroke and color, has a certain meaning. Not
just a colored fabric with a motif on it. The traditional value of batik is very
interesting because the more traditional process of making, namely with canting
and night, not with stamp or printing, makes more value on the fabric. Although
almost the same every batik cloth has a unique symbol, attractive, and has a
different selling price. Many batik creative industries package batik in their way,
where the owners of the industry want to have the inherent uniqueness of their
Indonesia almost has a batik typical in ever region, although with different
fabrics, different colors, but in essence, the same cloth covering and giving the
color or technique of dyeing. Each region is distinguished by its style and color, as
a characteristic of their respective regions. The difference between one region and
another makes batik an attractive creative industry. Each region needs to develop
its regional characteristics into something interesting. In addition to the accuracy
and patience of the batik process, creativity is also needed in making batik motifs,
especially for contemporary batik. Many home batik industries make batik
creations as a form of creativity and as a characteristic of the industry.
Contemporary batik is the batik of the maker where the maker is not in
accordance with the standard. The motive has no symbolic meaning; the variety is
free and broad even in addition to animal and plant motifs there are also abstract
motifs and are not related to an area. Unlike the classic batik where there is a
standard in the making, each style has meaning, the motifs that exist in batik tend
to be related to a particular area or are characteristic of an area.
The batik industry has grown even more since the endorsement of batik
became Indonesia's cultural heritage on October 2, 2009; there appeared a wide
variety of batik motifs. Contemporary batik is attractive because the colors are
brighter, and the motifs are diverse, making the batik industry attractive because it
is more colorful and rich in motifs. In addition to requiring creativity in
contemporary motifs, it is also necessary to have an appropriate marketing
strategy for its products, making the batik industry develop rapidly. Batik
marketing must also keep up with the times, which are not only centered on shops
or traditional markets, but also through digital marketing. Many batik home
industries do digital marketing by offering, but many are unattractive because the
motifs or colors offered are only like those on sales posts. This makes the need for
the creative industry in the batik industry. An attractive appearance on batik
makes people interested in batik culture. Ancient times creative in batik can
produce batik cloth in large quantities at low prices so that batik businesses appear
stamped on cheaper batik fabrics; the existence of this batik makes batik prices
affordable. Along with the development of the creative industry era is not only
how to create batik quickly and at low prices, but also creates new creations, so
that people and tourists are interested in and with the culture of batik. The creative
industry in batik that is developing at this time is the existence of abstract batik, as
well as the combination of printed batik with batik. Wherewith the creativity of
batik makers is able to raise the selling value of batik, as well as to create a new
culture, that is, people consider batik to have cultural value, not just a piece of
Many home industry batik marketing strategies that only rely on catalogs
or rely on posts of batik products on social media. Directly, batik marketing is
more crowded when sold because people can know the meaning of batik that he
will buy, and feel the quality of batik cloth. In contrast to the batik home industry,
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Marketing in the batik industry is needed to be able to compete with other
batik industries. The entrepreneur must determine the goals and which the
marketing targets are. According to Kotler (2008), marketing is a set of goals,
objectives, policies, and rules that are the direction of the company's marketing
efforts in dealing with the environment and the situation of competitors that are
always different. Business owners must have a marketing goal that will be done in
what way and can estimate the impact obtained when doing so.
In addition, determining the target market must also be the right to
facilitate the product marketing process. To attract people, the business owner
must have something different from the business competitors. In marketing must
also see the needs, desires, and requests. Needs and desires are things that are
similar but different, where the needs are when people have to have them, while
the desires of the person do not need, but for some reason, he wants to have them.
For example, people need cloth or batik clothes because at their place of work or
place of study requires that he use batik on certain days, this makes the person's
needs. While the desire where he already has a batik shirt that is used for the
office or school, or he is not someone who has an obligation to wear batik, but
when he saw the batik, he wants to have or feel the need to budget funds, buy a
product. The creativity of the entrepreneur towards his product is able to create
the needs and desires of the market. Needs and desires will affect increased
Marketing is not only the process of moving goods or selling and buying
goods but also the process of forming relationships with customers. Kotler and
Armstrong (2015: 29) says marketing is a process of forming relationships with
strong customers to capture the value of consumers in return and also the process
of creating value for the customer itself. Closeness with customers needs to be
created by business owners, to build relationships and trust. From here, the
business owner or marketer will have loyal customers or create community groups
that continue to buy products. The sustainability of a business is also determined
by how many products it sells to the market.
Marketing Strategy
In marketing to get the right way, there needs to be a marketing strategy.
Marketing strategies are used to simplify the way of marketing to reduce
marketing expenses. Chandra (2002: 93), wrote a marketing strategy of the impact
of the company's activities and expectations in product demand in the market in
implementing the marketing plan. Mention is related to changing prices,
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Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 423
personal selling, and sales promotion that companies use to convince consumers
and build relationships. While Morrisan M.A (2010: 17-34) promotion mix
consists of 6 types, namely:
1. Advertising
2. Direct Marketing
3. Sales Promotion
4. Public Relations
5. Personal Selling
6. Interactive / Internet Marketing
By conducting integrated marketing communication, it is expected that the
marketing process can be maximized.
Digital Marketing
The development of the sophistication of communication technology also
affects the way of marketing communication. Ascharisa Mettasatya Afrilial
(2018) mentioned the change in traditional or conventional marketing to be
integrated into the digital world due to the technological revolution that occurred
in the last few years. The existence of this digital media makes it easy for business
owners to market their products where the transaction process does not have to
occur face to face. The digital marketing process begins with: advertising, seller
communication about products, ordering, transactions, and shipping. Dahiya &
Gaytri (2017) mentioned that internet connection is no longer a habit in marketing
products and services. Besides, digital marketing is also safer for marketers when
marketing to consumers. Hansen et al. (2004), consumers prefer to use online
(online) with the consideration of risk rather than buying products conventionally
or offline.
In this research, the method used is a descriptive qualitative research
technique. Researchers use this research technique to explain phenomena through
in-depth data collection. The main problem raised by researchers is knowing how
the Digital Promotion Strategy, Sembung Batik Home Industry. With this method,
researchers can get in-depth and comprehensive results. Qualitative research
methods aim to understand phenomena in social contexts. Moleong (2002: 3) says
promoting the process of deep communication interactions between researchers
with the phenomena under study. In this study, researchers conducted interviews
with batik Sembung owners, employees in charge of conducting digital
promotions, as well as direct observation, both the place of manufacture and
marketing, as well as observing online marketing activities.
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creation of batik creations is done so that people are interested in new nuances of
batik. The following is the description of the owner of the Sembung batik:
“Batik sembung ciri khasnya kita. Batik abstrak yang kaya warna,
yang kontemporer, yang keluar dari pakem, tapi kita masih
membuat batik batik klasik, batik-batik pakem, batik yang dulu kita
juga masih melestarikan, kan kita tujuannya itu untuk melestarikan
budaya, karena kita juga melayani masyarakat, yang sudah jenuh
pada batik monoton, lalu kita berkreasi membuat batik batik
kontemporer, abstrak yang tidak meninggalkan motif motif lama.
Dalam artian batik abstrak batik kontemporer tersebut masih ada
motif-motif batik tempo dulu yang kita terapkan disitu,
The Sembung batik market share is not only local, but national and
international, from other countries such as America, Japan, Finland and India. In
addition to making contemporary, abstract or classical motifs, Sembung batik also
serves batik making from other regions, as revealed by the Sembung batik owner:
“Kalo dia sekedar membeli, dia ambil apa yang sudah ada motif
kita dibeli, tapi kalau dia bener-bener pengen membuat batik ciri
khas daerahnya, dia membawa kesini, lalu kita buatkan ya”
"If he just buys, he takes what we already have motives bought, but
if he wants to make batik typical of his area, he brings it here, then
we make it, yes."
In the service of making batik, the batik home industry serves consumers
well. Where it serves the process of making classical batik, to maintain the values
of classical batik typical of the city of Yogyakarta. It also serves the process of
making batik from other regions so that batik is sustainable, as well as making the
process of making abstract batik so that consumer choices become diverse and
become a love of culture through batik. In the process of making batik Sembung
already very skilled in their fields, understand what consumers want.
Batik Sembung business owners build closeness with consumers by
building mutual trust. The quality of goods produced in accordance with the price
of batik that has been determined. Buyers can buy batik directly in the goods
display shop or buy through ordering on social media owned by Batik Sembung,
such as Instagram, Facebook, and the website. After that, make a transaction at
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WhatsApp instant messenger. Trust is a value that is built not only when doing
direct marketing, but also when doing media marketing. This is consistent with
what was expressed by Kotler and Armstrong (2015: 29) that marketing is the
process of forming relationships between sellers and strong customers, and the
existence of value from consumers in return is also a process of creating value for
customers. Marketing is not only a process of moving goods or services but also
forming a relationship with customers.
Not only in the manufacturing process, but it puts forward the belief in the
marketing process also puts forward the trust. The owner is good, following the
online marketing trend to widen market share, that is, not only in stores. Business
owners analyze what social media are trending and fitting to do batik marketing;
the following is:
“Karena banyak pengikut dan pemakai, pemakai Instagram dan
Facebook kan banyak sekali, nah itu kan satu peluang kita untuk
masuk ke situ”.
The same thing was also said by employees who deal with batik Sembung's social
media, which is following the trends in the community what social media are
using, so they chose it. Here's what was said:
“Ya kebanyakan orang pengguna, menggunakan media sosial apa,
kita menggunakan media itu”
"Yes, most people, what social media users, we use the media."
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 423
activities that are personal selling, i.e., there are people who come to the batik
sales gallery or the place of making batik. Participating in exhibitions or fashion
shows, as well as batik workshops. Batik workshop activities in collaboration with
tour guides who bring domestic and international tourists to learn the process of
making batik. With this conventional marketing activity, batik owners build trust
and build closeness with visitors who are ultimately interested in becoming
customers. With conventional marketing or offline consumers can ask questions
and feel the batik cloth sembung,
“Kalau offline, di galeri kan kita bisa liat, pegang kainnya, bisa
wawancara panjang lebar”
"If it's offline, in the gallery, we can see it, hold the fabric, we can
interview at length."
The batik owner graciously serves every person who comes to his house or
place of batik making, permits viewing, even tries to make batik. Placement of a
separate batik sales gallery also makes there no pressure to buy batik products
when visiting the place. This atmosphere is interesting, where visitors feel close to
the owner of the batik. Conventional activities carried out are uploaded to social
media owned by Facebook, Instagram, and Website from Batik Sembung, to
convince potential customers who view uploads on social media. Batik Sembung
does advertisements using social media; batik owners have a reason why they use
social media to advertise because they are closer to the product with the
community. Like what is revealed as follows:
“Alasan ngupload foto ya? Karena ya mereka pada tahu batik-
batik kita, kegiatan kita, ya dapat kepercayaan di masyarakat”
Social media is a cheap medium for advertising; besides that, the public
will also trust the products advertised through social media. A social media
account is a representation of the account owner, making the account owner must
be honest and trustworthy. Conversely, as potential customers, consumers can
check whether the ads on social media are genuine or fraudulent from: a clear
address (can be checked via digital maps), people's comments on the post, if the
post is disabled, it should be suspicious, the number of followers of the account,
as well as the price and quality of the goods advertised. Photo uploads on social
media are also made interesting by introducing and displaying the creations of
batik makers, both batik, abstract, a combination of abstract and written,
contemporary writing, minimalist writing, stamp, stamp, and writing combination.
It also displays a review of batik, which explains the description of the batik.
In online postings or digital marketing, Batik Sembung also shows the
process of making, as well as details of batik patterns, colors, to the size of the
fabric even including the address of making batik,
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 423
“Dengan cara ya, kita mengupload nya gak hanya batik nya, tapi
ya cara pembuatannya, terus dengan alamat sini yang lengkap”.
"By the way, we upload it, not only the batik but yes, the way to
make it, continue with the complete address here".
An interesting thing done by the online marketing team from Batik Sembung,
namely the three media, both Facebook, Instagram, and Website are used as a
place to display photos and information only, while transactions occur through
WhatsApp instant messenger. Where consumers are advised to contact the admin
to ask questions and transact via private chat. Where people who contact admin
draw are people who are curious about the product, and people want to buy batik
Sembung. However, most people contact the admin number via WhatsApp
certainly buy,
“Kayaknya imbang deh mbak ya, mereka itu kebingungan , kalau
ke WhatsApp pasti beli”
"Not too much editing like that, afraid of that, between the facts
and the picture is different if you edit too much."
The marketing communication carried out by the Batik Sembung
industry is very creative and is able to make the Batik Sembung have its
characteristics other than another batik. Marketing by selling directly to the
batik gallery, marketing digitally using social media, participating in batik
exhibitions, participating in batik competitions, and opening workshops in
batik-making venues. In batik marketing communication, Sembung uses
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, volume 423
conventional and digital marketing where both are the same, namely how to
build closeness and trust between marketers and customers. Building trust
must be held where the marketing process is not just marketing and
transactions but how to create good communication with customers.
We would like to give my appreciate to Batik Sembung owner. Also
Communication Department, Faculty of Social and Political Sciences. Universitas
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