Marketing Communication Course Work 3

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Coursework 3

Mata Kuliah: Principles of Marketing Communication

Dosen Pengampu: Charlotte Manilyn Amanda Ulyana Kesaulya,M.Si.

Disusun oleh :

Nama : Surya Ananda Saputra

NIM : 22110260040
Kelas : 26C2T


Out Of Home

Kitkat implements OOH advertising, one of which is point-of-

sale display (POS). POS is usually found near the cashier at a
supermarket. In this way Kitkat can attract people (Especially
Children but also adults) will feel moved to buy or find out more
about the advertised product. This product placement box
resembles a trash can but is made of Kitkat which shows the
inside so that it shows the deliciousness that is contained in
each Kitkat package. This way can also increase the visual
power is great as advertisements are usually just a flat sheet of
paper but KitKat can take advantage of creative designs and
striking shapes to attract the attention of consumers and make
their brand memorable. KitKat hereby also performs more
specific targeting by choosing the right ad locations. They
choose locations to place these products relevant to their target
market, such as shopping malls or office areas, to reach more
segmented potential customers. The benefits of placing a product in a location like this can also
be done over a long period of time especially so this allows KitKat to create a brand presence
that is always stuck in the minds of consumers. Every time consumers see the POS, they are
reminded about KitKat products which can influence their purchase decision.

Digital media

Kitkat also uses digital media marketing techniques which can be

considered as very successful marketing so that Kitkat has become a lot
of devotees, even getting some benefits and opportunities to promote
their goods. With digital media, Kitkat can reach the audience needed so
that it can be known to be more interested in it and it is known which
locations are most interested in buying the Kitkat. This digital media is
also useful for collecting data on consumers who are interested in this
product, in this way Kitkat can identify more specific targeting and identify
suitable market segments for distribution of this product. Uploading a post
on social media is a very common step in marketing, but don't
underestimate this technique, because in a post uploaded on an internet
site, we as marketers can take positive things that can create a good
image for a product, namely can interact directly with consumers,
Through this digital age Kitkat can create opportunities to listen to
feedback, answer questions, and build a closer relationship with
customers(tennager until adult), because things that are considered normal can actually create
positive things to be used as an increase in brand loyalty and create a more personalized
experience. The added advantage of using digital in marketing a product is that Kitkat can
create unique, creative, and interesting marketing through videos, pictures, and even through
stories. As can be seen from the photo above, it is a digital media promotion technique carried
out by other people to review the brand, which is rare in various countries, not even through
Kitkat marketing who carry out the promotion, but from other people who are automatically not
paid by Kitkat. If we examine more deeply marketing through the media, this is the strength of
Kitkat's products to make their products famous because it is just enough to make various and
strange types of products to buy, people will also immediately review the products without
needing to be paid.

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