Ankita Haware - Career Palnning-SISCO
Ankita Haware - Career Palnning-SISCO
Ankita Haware - Career Palnning-SISCO
Sunflag Iron and Steel Co. Ltd. is a prestigious unit of the SUN FLAG
GROUP. It has set up a state-of-art integrated plant at Bhandara, IndiaThe plant
has a capacity to produce 200,000 tonnes per annum of high quality special steel
using iron ore and non coking coal as basic inputs.
The plant comprises a 1,50,000 tonnes per annum Direct Reduction Plant,
to produce sponge iron for captive consumption in the Steel Melting Shop. This
shop comprises a 50/60 tonnes ultra high power Electric Are Furnace with
Eccentric bottom arrangement; a Ladle auto
mould level controller and electromagnetic
stirrer. The billets produced at the steel melting
shop are rolled at the Mannesmann Demag
Designed ultra modern 18 stand Continous
mill.This mill has a walking hearth reheating
furnace, quick roll-changing facilities, a 65
metres long walk and wait type modern cooling
bed and above all computerised process control
linking and controlling the various stages.
Within a short period of its inception in 1989, the SUNFLAG STEEL has
established itself as a major global force. This modern complex pulsating with
world-class technology, expert human resources and a commitment to
excellence, has created a distinct niche in spring steel and attained the position
of market leader in the segment. Today SUNFLAG STEEL has also embarked
on an export thrust and is regularly receiving prestigious orders from Japan and
many other Far East, Afro-Asian and Middle-East countries.
Since inception Sunflag has firmly believed that geographical boundaries do not
limit the growth of human progress.
In furthering its commitment to narrow the gap between developed and the
developing countries, Sunflag has succeeded in transplanting advanced
technologies into third world nations.
Think of Tanzania and you think A Country that defied the world
The land of shrimp, Cameroon. A land of 700 million who kept a tryst with destiny, a
The country perhaps is better country that synthesizes ancient culture with modern
forests, coffee, tea, and rubber Sunflag has a most modern composed Steel plant,
estates. A country where a revolutionizing the steel making in India, that produces
century of European occupation has left behind a tradition 2,00,000 tonnes of high quality steels. The product mix
of British Banks and French wines. A nation, whose stable covers wide range such as Carbon special steels, Alloy
government has enabled its economy grow steadily. steels, Free cutting steels and spring steels
Contact Information
WORKS 0091-7197-285551
PO. Bhandara Road to 285555 Fax 0091-7184-285570/285740
Pin : 441 905 Dist : Bhandara
DELHI 0091-11-26465122
11th floor,1116A-1119B, 0091-11-26465487 Fax 0091-11-26280074
International Trade Tower
E-Block Nehru Place
New Delhi - 110 019
MUMBAI 02522-645347
MA3 , Gupta Warehousing
Complex Mhatre Compund ,
Near Mayashree Weigh bridge,
Dapoda Road,
BHIWANDI -421 302.
i) To study the need of career planning in Sunflag Company.
A) Primary Data
often undertaken after the researcher has gained some insight into the
Published Papers
Case Papers
B) Secondary Data:
Structure interview
Informal Communications
Interview Methods
Through Questionnaires
Career planning
Career planning refers to planned and systemized progression of events
and development in the field of work or vocation of individuals during the
employable periods of their life. This definition seeks to balance the two
dimensions i.e. the objective of the organisation and the individual ambitions of
getting to the top.
Mid-life(40-55) 25 25%
Female 37 37%
Unmarried 40 40%
B.A 32 32%
M .com 25 25%
others 23 23%
Percentage analysis:
a. Strongly Agree 56 56
b. Agree 27 27
c. Neutral 15 15
d. Disagree 2 2
e. Strongly disagree 0 0
Chart 4.2.1
Attaining objectives
From the above chart it is found that most of the employees strongly agreed to their attaining career
a. Strongly Agree 15 15
b. Agree 42 42
c. Neutral 33 33
d. Disagree 7 7
e. Strongly disagree 3 3
Chart 4.2.2
From the above table it is observed that 42% of the employees agreed to doing work even when
a. Strongly Agree 60 60
b. Agree 43 43
c. Neutral 7 7
d. Disagree 0 0
e. Strongly disagree 0 0
Chart 4.2.3
From the above table it is found 60% of the respondents strongly agreed to using their abilities for
the organization.43% agreed whereas none of the respondent disagreed to the statement.
Table 4.2.4 view of respondents about completing their work on time
a. Strongly Agree 22 22
b. Agree 37 37
c. Neutral 19 19
d. Disagree 18 18
e. Strongly disagree 4 4
Chart 4.2.4
From the above table it is interpretated that 22% of the employees strongly agreed to completing
their job on time, 37% strongly agreed, 19% remained neutral, 18% and 4% disagreed and strongly
a. Strongly Agree 27 27
b. Agree 34 34
c. Neutral 14 14
d. Disagree 20 20
e. Strongly disagree 5 5
Chart 4.2.5
Usage of skills
From the above table it is analysed that the respondents strongly agreeing to using their skills are
a. Strongly Agree 30 30
b. Agree 35 35
c. Neutral 15 15
d. Disagree 15 15
e. Strongly disagree 7 7
Chart 4.2.6
From the above chart it is found that 30% of the employees strongly agreed to involving themselves
a. Strongly Agree 15 15
b. Agree 27 27
c. Neutral 7 7
d. Disagree 33 33
e. Strongly disagree 18 18
Chart 4.2.7
From the above table it is interpretated that 15% of the employees strongly agreed on positions
offering comfortable fit, 27% strongly agreed, 7% remained neutral, 33% and 18% disagreed and
a. Strongly Agree 12 12
b. Agree 27 27
c. Neutral 20 20
d. Disagree 25 25
e. Strongly disagree 15 15
Chart 4.2.8
From the above chart it is found that 12% of the employees strongly agreed to having awareness of
career planning activities, whereas 15% was strongly disagreeing in doing so.
Table 4.2.9 view of respondents on their freedom in their job
a. Strongly Agree 18 18
b. Agree 32 32
c. Neutral 10 10
d. Disagree 27 27
e. Strongly disagree 13 13
Chart 4.2.9
From the above table it is analysed that the respondents strongly agreeing to having freedom in
doing their job are 18%, agreed 32%, 10% neither agreed nor disagreed, 27%disagreed and 13%
strongly disagreed .
Table 4.2.10 view of respondents in taking risk in their job
a. Strongly Agree 27 27
b. Agree 31 31
c. Neutral 8 8
d. Disagree 20 20
e. Strongly disagree 14 14
Chart 4.2.10
From the above table it is interpretated that 27% of the employees strongly agreed totaking risk in
their job, 31% strongly agreed, 16% remained neutral, 20% and1 4% disagreed and strongly
a. Strongly Agree 21 21
b. Agree 45 45
c. Neutral 21 21
d. Disagree 11 11
e. Strongly disagree 2 2
Chart 4.2.11
From the above chart it is found that 21% of the employees strongly agreed to having opportunities
a. Strongly Agree 35 35
b. Agree 52 52
c. Neutral 16 16
d. Disagree 3 3
e. Strongly disagree 2 2
Chart 4.2.12
From the above table it is analyzed that the respondents strongly agreeing to having reward and
recognisation are 35%, agreed 52%, 16% neither agreed nor disagreed, 3%disagreed and 2%
strongly disagreed.
Table 4.2.13 view of respondents on encouragement for good performance
a. Strongly Agree 32 32
b. Agree 43 43
c. Neutral 15 15
d. Disagree 7 7
e. Strongly disagree 3 3
Chart 4.2.13
From the above table it is interpretated that 22% of the employees strongly agreed to
encouragement on good performance, 37% strongly agreed, 19% remained neutral, 18% and 4%
a. Strongly Agree 33 33
b. Agree 42 42
c. Neutral 11 11
d. Disagree 21 21
e. Strongly disagree 3 3
Chart 4.2.15
From the above table it is analysed that 33% respondents strongly agreeing to having team spirit in
the organization , agreed 42%, 11% neither agreed nor disagreed, 21%disagreed and 3% strongly
disagreed .
Table 4.2.15 view of respondents on level of satisfaction
a. Strongly Agree 23 23
b. Agree 66 66
c. Neutral 7 7
d. Disagree 3 3
e. Strongly disagree 1 1
Chart 4.2.15
Level of satisfaction
From the above chart it is found that 23% of the employees strongly agreed to level of satisfaction,
a. Strongly Agree 25 25
b. Agree 54 54
c. Neutral 8 8
d. Disagree 10 10
e. Strongly disagree 3 3
Chart 4.2.16
From the above table it is analyzed that 25% respondents are strongly agreeing to following rules
and regulations, 54% agreed %, 8% neither agreed nor disagreed, 10%disagreed and 3% strongly
Table 4.2.17 view of respondents on facilities provided
a. Strongly Agree 28 28
b. Agree 42 42
c. Neutral 8 8
d. Disagree 19 19
e. Strongly disagree 11 11
Chart 4.2.17
Facilities provided
From the above table it is interpretated that 28% of the employees strongly agreed to facilities
provided, 42% agreed, 8% remained neutral, 18% and 4% disagreed and strongly disagreed
a. Strongly Agree 61 61
b. Agree 33 33
c. Neutral 3 2
d. Disagree 2 3
e. Strongly disagree 1 1
Chart 4.2.18
From the above chart it is found that most of the employees strongly agreed to having safe working
a. Strongly Agree 21 21
b. Agree 35 35
c. Neutral 14 14
d. Disagree 23 23
e. Strongly disagree 7 7
Chart 4.2.19
From the above table it is interpretated that 21% of the employees strongly agreed tohaving better
working conditions,35% agreed, 14% remained neutral, 23% and 7% disagreed and strongly
disagreed respectively.
Table 4.2.20 view of respondents on discussion with superiors
a. Strongly Agree 17 17
b. Agree 36 36
c. Neutral 23 23
d. Disagree 16 16
e. Strongly disagree 8 8
Chart 4.2.20
From the above table it is analyzed that 17% respondents are strongly agreeing to having
discussions with the superiors , 36% agreed %, 23% neither agreed nor disagreed, 16%disagreed and
8% strongly disagreed.
Table 4.2.21 view of respondents on performance appraisal
a. Strongly Agree 18 18
b. Agree 55 55
c. Neutral 21 21
d. Disagree 4 4
e. Strongly disagree 2 2
Chart 4.2.21
Performance appraisal
From the above chart it is found that 18% of the employees strongly agreed to performance
a. Strongly Agree 15 15
b. Agree 60 60
c. Neutral 15 15
d. Disagree 7 7
e. Strongly disagree 3 3
Chart 4.2.22
Change of job
From the above table it is interpretated that 15% of the employees strongly agreed to change the
job if the task alloted is monotonous ,60% agreed, 15% remained neutral, 7% disagreed and 3%
strongly disagreed .
Table 4.2.23 view of respondents on training provided by organization
a. Strongly Agree 21 21
b. Agree 63 63
c. Neutral 14 14
d. Disagree 2 2
e. Strongly disagree 0 0
Chart 4.2.23
From the above chart it is found that 21% of the employees strongly agreed on training provided to
a. Strongly Agree 25 25
b. Agree 65 65
c. Neutral 6 6
d. Disagree 4 4
e. Strongly disagree 0 0
Chart 4.2.24
From the above chart it is found that most of the employees agreed in sharing their knowledge
Neutral 15 20 -5 25 .25
Since the calculated value is less than the tabulated value, null hypothesis is accepted. Hence there
is no significant difference in opinion among male and female towards taking risk in the job.
4.4 Weighted average analysis
Table 4.4.1 views of respondents regarding the constant training provided to enhance the career .
options No of respondents Total score Mean score
c. Neutral (3) 14 42
d. Disagree(2) 2 4
e. Strongly 0 0
Most of the respondents consider the constant training provided to enhance the career is
Career planning and development programs as we find from the study
plays crucial role in employee as well as organizations development. Career
planning is an integral part of every organization. It motivates and inspires
employees to work harder and keeps them loyal towards the organization.
Career planning helps an employee know the career opportunities available in
organization. This knowledge enables the employee to select the career most
suitable to his potential and this helps to improve employee’s morale and
productivity. On the basis questionnaire and personal interviews with the
employees It was also found that promotion is the major reason that sticks them
with the current job. Employees also prefer sound recognisation as well as
proper training. So for conclusion, the objectives of the study, to get the overall
knowledge about actually what the career planning and development is, the
scope of such programs in the banking industry are adequately fulfilled. And
study concludes that in banking industry because of its monotonous task and
due to tough pressure as well as more stress and frustration, need to be handling
the careers of most valuable asset that is the People. Conclusively that was
worthwhile to choose such topic as project, which is not only important for an
employee and employer, But for the researcher also to select the career, a in
particular line and may be a particular industry in which one wants to make the
career and get enough chances of advancement in career.
building exercises.
Despite planning the career, employees face certain career problems. They are:
5. Others:-
Several other problems hamper career planning. These include lack of an integrated human
resources policy, lack of a rational wage structure, absence of adequate opposition of trade
unions, lack of a good performance reporting system, ineffective attitudinal surveys, etc.
2. Mitchell, J., Coles, C., and Keane, J. (2009) Upgrading along value chains:
Marital Status: Single Married
Age: Adult (21-40) years Mid life Adults (40-55) years
Years of experience: Less than 5 years 6 to 10 years 11 to 15
Years: More than 15 years
5=strongly disagree
No particulars Strongly Agreed Neutral Disagree Strongly
agreed disagree
2. I have been successful in attaining
my career objectives
4. It is important for me to work
hard, even if I don’t like the work
6. I will give the best of my abilities
to the organization.
8. I always wish to complete my job
on time
10. I have used all the skills in my job
12. I have been involved in lot of
activities which are part of my job
15. I have been positions offered for a
7 comfortable fit.
17. I am aware of career planning
exercise done in banks
want in my job
up creative job
work place
13 The company encourages
in my organization
hygienic environment
I frequent discuss with team
are encouraged
my organization to enhance my