Prelude Mcq's by Imtsal Group
Prelude Mcq's by Imtsal Group
Prelude Mcq's by Imtsal Group
Wordsworth went to France and Switzerland in 1790 along with his friend.
A. Coleridge
B. Henry
C. Robert Jones
D. Michal
Answer: C
A long religious poem written by Wordsworth that became extremely popular during the 19 th
century was.
A. The Excursion
B. An Evening Walk
C. The Prelude
D. Lyrical Ballads
Answer: A
The only book of Prelude which shares the memories of summer vacations of Wordsworth is.
A. 1st
B. 2nd
C. 3rd
D. 4th
Answer: D
From the vast city where I long had pined refers to.
A. London
B. Lake District
C. Wales
D. Past
Answer: A
The distinct factor between the previous epics and Wordsworth Prelude is.
A. Problems of Common men
B. Heroic qualities of Wordsworth
C. Supernatural machinery
D. None of Above
Answer: A
In book 1 of the Prelude Wordsworth uses one of the following simile for himself.
A. Lion
B. Bird
C. Tree
D. Apple
Answer: B
Complete the line of text starting from Long months of ease and undisturbed.
A. Delight
B. Silence
C. Happiness
D. Life
Answer: A
Complete the line of text starting from OH there is blessing in this gentle.
A. Air
B. Breeze
C. Dust
D. Air and Breeze
Answer: B
Complete the line of text staring from where the statue stood of.
A. Coleridge
B. Milton
C. Liberty
D. Newton
Answer: D
The discharged solider and the shorter poems are included in Prelude as well as in.
A. Mansus
B. Peter Bell
C. Lyrical Ballads
D. Both b & c
Answer: D
At the end in Prelude Wordsworth once again addresses Coleridge and talks to him rather in.
A. Apologetic method
B. Scientific method
C. Cultural method
D. None of them
Answer: A
Wordsworth realizes that returning to the River Derwent in the northwest of England in the
heart of the.
A. London
B. Lake district.
C. Dorset
D. Cottage
Answer: B
The hope in Book 1 of Prelude gives detail on the many possibilities for poetic inspiration of.
A. Marriage
B. Active days
C. Friendship
D. Death
Answer: B
In Prelude phrase Thanks to both refers to thanks to the sweet breath of.
A. Lake District
B. Heaven
C. Nature
D. Friend
Answer: B
In Prelude Pined word refers to suffer a mental and physical decline especially because of a.
A. Broken heart
B. Intellectuality
C. Pain
D. All of the above
Answer: A
In Prelude the poet has mentioned the characters of the living and dead poets whose services have.
A. not been recognized by the world
B. been recognized by the world
C. been admired by the Prime Minister at that time
D. B and C
Answer: A
The poet goes back to the nature in The Prelude because of.
A. Destructiveness of French revolution
B. Nature calls him
C. Pollution in cities
D. Changing attitudes
Answer: A
The child in The Prelude seems to be optimistic and enjoys the blissful period of.
A. Love
B. Ignorance
C. Threats
D. Silence
Answer: B
Wordsworth has said in book one of The Prelude that more beautiful place than any other place is.
A. Cottage
B. Garden
C. Theatre
D. Lake
Answer: B