Standard Test of Compressive Strength of Concrete

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Standard Test of Compressive Strength of Concrete

‫الفحص القياسي لمقاومة إنضغاط الخرسانة‬

1- Scope: To measure the compressive strength of concrete.

. ‫ لقياس مقاومة إنضغاط الخرسانة‬:‫الغرض من الفحص‬

2- Apparatus

1- Cubic Moulds of size 150mm x 150mm x 150 mm

2- Steel floats: Two plasterer’s steel floats.
4-Sampling tray, 1.2 m x 1.2 m x 50 mm deep made from minimum 1.6 mm thick
non-corrodible metal.
5- Square mouthed shovel,
6-Tamping rod, made out of straight steel bar of circular cross section, 16 mm
diameter, 600 mm long with both ends hemispherical.
:‫األجهزة واألدوات‬

.‫سم‬15* ‫سم‬15* ‫سم‬15‫ قوالب ذات شكل مكعب بأبعاد‬-1

.‫مغرفة بحجم مناسب‬-3
‫ سم‬5*120*120 ‫ وعاء كبير بأبعاد‬-4
.‫ مقالبة (كرك) ذو مقطع مربع‬-5
.‫ سم‬60 ‫ ملم وطول اليقل‬16 ‫ عصا رص مدورة النهاية بقطر‬-6

Cube moulds are usually 150mm x 150mm x 150 mm (or 100mm x100mm
x100mm) and can be made from steel or polyurethane. The cube moulds are
manufactured according to the specification of the British Standards Institute BS
EN 12390-1:2000.

This procedure is specifically for a 150 mm cube moulds, as follows:
1- The moulds must be lightly coated in a mould release agent. This ensures that
the concrete does not stick to the mould and makes it easier to remove the cube.
2- When using a 150mm mould, the concrete sample is scooped into the mould in
3 equal layers (50mm) and compacted between each layer.
3- Hand compaction – using a compacting rod / bar to BS EN 12390-2:2009
When using a 150mm mould, each layer is compacted by 35 tamps. Once the 3
layers have been tampered, tap the side of the mould with a hammer.
Tampering and tapping removes trapped air in the concrete and allows
compaction of the sample. Mechanical compaction - internal poker vibrator /
vibrating table to BS EN 12390-2:2009. Each layer is filled and vibrated till no
more bubbles are on the surface of the layer, this is repeated for the 3 layers. It
is very important not to over vibrate the layers as it may lead to segregation /
disruption of the concrete mix.
4- Once complete, the concrete is levelled off using a concrete float or trowel to
give a smooth surface flush with the top of the mould.
5- Labelling It’s very important to uniquely identify each of the cubes (and
moulds) and to record where they have come from.
6- Storage the cubes should be covered with a damp cloth and a plastic sheet and
stored in dry environment at a temperature range of 20 ± 5 degrees. The
concrete cubes are removed from the moulds between 16 to 72 hours, usually
this done after 24 hours. Make sure the cube ID is transferred from the mould
to the cube before placing into a curing tank. The curing tank needs to operate
at a temperature between 20 ± 2 degrees and provides a moist environment that
allows the cubes to hydrate properly. Ensure the cubes are fully submersed at
all times.

‫‪7- Cubes are generally tested at 7 & 28 days unless specific early tests are‬‬
‫‪required, for example to remove a concrete shutter safely prior to 7 days.‬‬
‫‪Usually 1 cube will be tested at 7 days and 2 cubes at 28 days, however this‬‬
‫‪may vary depending of the requirements, check the design first.‬‬
‫‪8- The cubes are removed from the curing tank, dried and grit removed.‬‬
‫‪9- The cubes are tested using a calibrated compression machine. The cubes are‬‬
‫‪tested on the face perpendicular to the casting face. The compression machine‬‬
‫‪exerts a constant progressing force on the cubes till they fail, the rate of loading‬‬
‫‪is 0.6 ± 0.2 M/Pas (N/mm²/s). The reading at failure is the maximum‬‬
‫‪compressive strength of the concrete. BS EN 12390-2: 2009 / BS EN 12390-‬‬

‫طريقة العمل‪:‬‬
‫تستخدم القوالب القياسية المصنوعة طبقا للمواصفة البريطانية ‪BS EN 12390-1:2000.‬‬
‫الطريقة الموضحة ادناه تخص القوالب المكعبة ذات حجم ‪15‬سم *‪15‬سم *‪15‬سم‬
‫‪ - 1‬تدهن االسطح الداخلية للقوالب لمنع التصاق الخرسانة بالقالب‪.‬‬

‫‪ - 2‬تملئ القوالب على ثالث طبقات وترص أما بالرص اليدوي او االلي‪.‬‬

‫‪ - 3‬في حالة الرص اليدوي تضرب كل طبقة ب ‪ 35‬ضربة بإستخدام عصا الرص القياسية بحيث عصا‬

‫الرص تخترق الطبقة المراد رصها‪ .‬أما في حالة الرص االلي فإن الهزاز الكهربائي يستخدم للرص‬

‫بحيث يملئ القالب بالطبقة االولى الى ثلث ارتفاعه وترص حتى تنتهي الفقاعات من السطح وكذلك‬

‫يجرى الرص للطبقة الثانية والثالثة‪.‬‬

‫‪ - 4‬يعدل سطح القالب بالمالج او قطعة قماش ناعمة لحين الحصول على سطح أملس‪.‬‬

‫‪ - 5‬توضع عالمات على النماذج لبيان تاريخ الصب وغيرها من المعلومات المهمة لتمييز النماذج‪.‬‬

‫ ساعة تفتح القوالب وتوضع في الماء لغرض االنضاج ويجب ان تغمر كليا‬72 ‫ ساعة الى‬16 ‫ بعد‬- 6

.‫بالماء لحين يوم الفحص‬

‫ أيام ومكعبين لعمر‬7 ‫ يمكن ان يخصص مكعب واحد لعمر‬.‫ يوم‬28 ‫ أيام وعمر‬7 ‫ تفحص عادة في عمر‬- 7

.‫ يوم‬28

.‫ تزال المكعبات من خزان الماء وتنظف من اي شوائب‬- 8

‫ تفحص بوضعها في الجهاز الخاص لهذا الفحص بحيث يكون التحميل على السطح المعاكس لوجه‬- 9

0.6 ± 0.2 M/Pa ‫ يجب ان يكون معدل التحميل منتظم‬.‫الصب أي وجه الصب يكون لالسفل‬


• The concrete minimum compressive strength will be specified by the
client/designer in a specific format. An example of this is given
below: C40/50 The 40 is the compressive requirement of 40 N/mm²
of a crushed 100m concrete core and the 50 is a compressive
requirement of 50 N/mm² for a crushed concrete cube. Therefore,
using the method of testing using concrete cubes, the tested
compressive strength should be compared to the second number.

• Once the cubes have reached failure, the shape of the cube has been
altered due to the compression. The failure shape can indicate
whether it’s a satisfactory / unsatisfactory failure. The image left
shows the various failures of a cube as show in BS EN 12390-3:2009.

• Simple Mistakes reduce the strength – Poor Compaction. Normal

weight concrete, the weight of the cubes should be 8.1 kg.

Figure (1): Satisfactory Failures of Cube Specimens

Figure (2): Un satisfactory Failures of Cube Specimens

1- BS EN 12390-3:2009
2-Concrete Technology Book by A.M. Neville, J.J. Brooks

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