Govt. Graduate College Sahiwal: Affiliated With B.Z.U. Multan

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Graduate College Sahiwal

Affiliated with B.Z.U. Multan
Class: BS-IT 5 semester (2018-22) Course Code: -------------
Subject: Visual Programming Total Marks: 60
1) All questions are COMPULSORY and CARRY equal marks.
2) Draw suitable diagrams wherever NECESSARY.
3) Design proper GUI.

Q. 1 Give Short Answers to the following: [5×3=15]

1. What is data validation in VB.Net.
2. Explain any two built in- date functions.
3. What is exception and how it is handled in VB.Net?
4. How to use MDI in VB. Net?
5. Explain any three properties of Button Control.

Q. 2 Attempt the following [4+4+4+3=15]

a) Design GUI and write code f or following in VB. Net (ADO. Net)
without wizard:
 Accept player-details like player-No, player -name, No- of -runs-
Scored, No- of- times-out and save these details in players table.
b) Design GUI and write code for the following in VB. Net.
- Add items to list box.
- Remove selected item from list box.
c) Design GUI and write code for the following in VB. Net.
• Accept a length & height in textbox.
• Calculate area of rectangle.
• Display result in Msg box.
d) Explain polymorphism in VB. Net.

Q. 3 Attempt the following [4+4+4+3=15]

a) Design GUI and write code for the following:

(ADO. Net) with wizard:
- Accept Item details like Item-No, Item-name, Item rate, Item- quantity
and save these details in Item table.
b) Design GUI and write code in VB. Net for the following.
- Accept two no. in two text boxes.
- Display prime No. among them in message box.
c) Explain Inheritance & types of Inheritance in VB. Net.
d) Give difference between overloading and overriding.
Q. 4 Attempt the following [4+4+4+3=15]
a) What is destructor? Explain with example.
b) Enlist operators used for string concatenation with explaination.

c) Write a program to calculate Fibonacci series of a given number using

console application program.
d) Design GUI and write a code for following in VB. Net using Rich
text box:

- Change font color of selected text.

- Change font size of selected text.
- Exit.

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