Corp - Riano Midterm Reviewer
Corp - Riano Midterm Reviewer
Corp - Riano Midterm Reviewer
III. Public
Corporation Public Corporation Private Corporation
v. Private As to Government Control
Corporation Subject to Governmental visitation and Not subject to visitation, control, or
control being mere instrumentalities of charge by the State, except in the
the State exercise of police power
As to Consent as to Creation
May be created without the consent of Consent of the incorporators is
the locality to be affected necessary to the creation
As to Governing Law
Special Laws and Local Government Law on Private Corporations
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Camporedondo v. NLRC
Baluyot v. Holganza
Liban v. Gordon
- Art. VI, Sec. 13, The 1987 Philippine Constitution
No Senator or Member of the House of Representatives may hold any other
office or employment in the Government, or any subdivision, agency, or
instrumentality thereof, including GOCCs or their subsidiaries, during his term
without forfeiting his seat. Neither shall he be appointed to any office which may
have been created or the emoluments thereof increased during the term for
which he was elected
- Camporedondo v. NLRC
- Flores v. Drilon
- What were the contentions of Gordon?
Lack of standing
Not a taxpayer suits
Declaratory Relief which is outside the jurisdiction of the court
PNRC is not a GOCC
- Ruling:
PNRC does not fall under the definition of a GOCC
- Dissenting Opinion:
J. Nachura: It is not a quo warranto. It must be treated as a petition for
IV. Corporation
v. Partnership Corporation Partnership
Art. 1784, NCC Sec. 19. Commencement of corporate
A partnership begins from the existence
moment of the execution of the A private corporation formed or
contract, unless it is otherwise organized under this Code
stipulated commences to have corporate
existence and juridical
personality and is deemed
incorporated from the date the
SEC issues certificate of
incorporation under its official
seal; and thereupon the
stockholders/members and
their successors shall constitute
a body politic and corporate
under the name stated in the
articles of incorporation for the
period of time mentioned
therein, unless said period is
extended or the corporation is
sooner dissolved in accordance
with law
As to Creation
Created by mere agreement of the Created by law or by operation of law
Doctrine of Limited Capacity Doctrine of General Capacity
The powers of the corporation
are limited by the Corporation
Code, special laws
As to Number of Organizers
May be organized by at least 2 persons Requires at least 5 incorporators
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(except a corporation sole)
As to Powers
Partnership may exercise any power Corporation can exercise only the
authorized by the partners (provided it powers expressly granted by law or
is not contrary to law, morals, good implied from those granted or incident
customs, public order, public policy) to its existence
As to Management
Unless agreed upon, every partner is The power to do business and manage
an agent of the partnership its affairs is vested in the board of
directors or trustees
As to Effect of management
A partner as such can sue a co-partner The suit against a member of the board
who mismanages of directors or trustees who
mismanages must be in the name of
the corporation
As to Right of Succession
Partnership has no right of succession Corporation has right of succession
As to Extent of Liability to Third Persons
Partners are liable personally and Stockholders are liable only to the
subsidiarily (sometimes solidarily) for extent of the shares subscribed by them
partnership debts to third persons (limited liability rule)
As to Transfer of Interest
Partner cannot transfer his interest in Stockholder has generally the right to
the partnership so as to make the transfer his shares without prior consent
transferee a partner without unanimous of the other stockholders because
consent of all the existing partners corporation is not based on this
because the partnership is based on principle
the principle of delectus personarum
As to Term of Existence
Partnership may be established for any Corporation may not be formed for a
period of time stipulated by the partners term in excess of 50 years extendible to
not more than 50 years in any one
As to Firm Name
Limited partnership is required by law to Corporation may adopt any name
add the word “Ltd” to its name provided it is not the same as or similar
to any registered firm name
As to Dissolution
May be dissolved at any time by any or Can only be dissolved with the consent
all of the partners of the State
As to Governing Law
Governed by the NCC Governed by the Corporation Code
Obligation of a Corporation
- To formally organize and commence
- Sec. 22. Effects on non-use of corporate charter and continuous inoperation of a
If a corporation does not formally organize and commence the
transaction of its business or the construction of its works within 2 years
from the date of its incorporation, its corporate powers cease and the
corporation shall be deemed dissolved. However, if a corporation has
commenced the transaction of its business but subsequently becomes
continuously inoperative for a period of at least 5 years, the same shall
be a ground for the suspension or revocation of its corporate franchise or
certificate of incorporation
This provision shall not apply if the failure to organize, commence the
transaction of its businesses or the construction of its works, or to
continuously operate is due to causes beyond the control of the
corporation as may be determined by the SEC.
*Ultra vires acts – acts done outside the powers of the corporation
- Are ultra vires acts necessarily illegal?
o No. It may be legal but it is unauthorized
o Illegal acts can never be ratified.
o Ultra vires acts may possibly be ratified
o Every illegal act is ultra vires. Not all ultra vires acts are illegal
- Illustration:
o A corporation is established to manufacture modern jeepneys. Can it
manufacture taho and fishballs?
No. The manufacture of such products are far from its primary
o A corporation that manufactures cars operates 24 hours a day, in 3
shifts. The company established dorms for its employees and rented it to
them for a minimum amount. It built an electricity plant for the dormitory.
Is the electricity plant an ultra vires act? What if it sold the electricity
produced to the public?
No. Because it is for the benefit of its employees. It is an implied
power of the corporation to take care of its employees. However,
the selling of the electricity to the public is an ultra vires act since
it is different from the primary purpose of the company
As long as there is a logical relation between the primary and
secondary purpose of the corporation, the corporation acted
within its power.
- Can be void or unenforceable
o It is unenforceable if none of the parties have not yet performed any of
the acts
Art. 1390
Art. 1393
Art. 1392
A. General Powers
- Art. 46, NCC
- Juridical person may acquire and possess property of all kinds, as well as incur
obligations and bring civil or criminal actions, in conformity with the laws and
regulations of their organization
B. Express Powers
- Those expressly authorized by the Corporation Code and other laws, and its Articles
of Incorporation or Charter
- Exercised by the board unless other specific provisions provide otherwise
- Sec. 36. Corporate powers and capacity
1. To sue and be sued in its corporate name
- How to summon a corporation in the Philippines?
Sec. 11, Rule 14, ROC
When the defendant is a corporation, partnership or association
organized under the laws of the Philippines with a juridical
personality, service may be made on the president, managing
partner, general manager, corporate secretary, treasurer, or in-
house counsel
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If the corporation is not registered and it has no resident agent
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C. Implied powers
- Those that can be inferred from or necessary for the exercise of the express powers
- Sec. 6. Classification of shares
What is the limitation in classification of shares?
Articles of Incorporation
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Enjoy wider distribution because it
is low-priced
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Shares of stock which have been issued and
fully paid for, but subsequently reacquired by the
issuing corporation by purchase, redemption,
donation or through some other lawful means.
Such shares may again be disposed of for a
reasonable price fixed by the board of directors.
Incorporator Corporator
As to Nature of Membership
Signatory to the Articles of Stockholder (stock corporation)
Incorporation Member (non-stock corporation)
As to Contractual capacity
Must have contractual capacity May be such through a guardian
As to Permanence
Fait accompli; accomplished fact They may cease to be such if they
(the Articles of Incorporation subsequently lose their
cannot be amended to replace shareholdings
As to Number
Number is limited to 5-15 No restriction as to number
Majority vote of the board of directors/trustees
Vote or written assent of the stockholders representing at least:
i. 2/3 of the outstanding capital stock
o Without prejudice to the appraisal right of dissenting
stockholders in accordance with the provisions of the
ii. 2/3 of the members if it be a non-stock corporation
Original and amended articles together shall contain all provisions
required by law to be set out in the articles of incorporation
Amended articles shall be indicated by underscoring the change/s
Copy thereof duly certified under oath by the corporate secretary and
a majority of the directors or trustees stating the fact that said
amendment/s have been duly approved by the required vote of the
stockholders or members, shall be submitted to the SEC
Amendments shall take effect upon their approval by the SEC or from the
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date of filing with the said Commission if not acted upon within 6 months
from the date of filing for a cause not attributable to the corporation
Should there be a meeting? No.
Are there amendments that require a meeting?
Yes. Sec. 37. Power to extend or shorten corporate term
D. Specific Powers
1. Power to extend or shorten corporate term
2. Power to increase or decrease capital stock; incur, create or increase bonded
3. Power to deny pre-emptive right
4. Sale or other disposition of assets
5. Power to acquire own shares
6. Power to invest corporate funds in another corporation or business or for any
other purpose
7. Power to declare dividends
8. Power to enter into management contracts
- Limitations:
1. A corporation cannot lawfully decrease its capital stock if such decrease will
have the effect of relieving existing subscribers from the obligation of paying
for their unpaid subscriptions without a valuable consideration for such
Reason: Trust Fund Doctrine
- This refers to the principle that the capital stock, property and other
assets of the corporation are regarded as equity in trust for payment of
corporate creditors
2. It cannot issue stock in excess of the amount limited by its articles of
incorporation; and
Note: such issue is ultra vires and the stock so issued is void even in the
hands of a bona fide purchaser for value
An over issued stock is also known as a spurious stock
3. It must follow the manner and conditions provided by the law
- Requirements:
1. Prior written notice of the proposed increase or decrease of the capital stock
indicating the time and place of meeting addressed to each stockholder must
be made either by mail or personal service;
2. In case of Decrease in capital stock, the same must not prejudice the right of
the creditors
3. Approval by the majority of the board of directors;
4. Filing of the certificate with the SEC;
5. A Certificate in duplicate signed by a majority of the directors of the
corporation, countersigned by the chairman and the secretary of the
stockholders meeting;
6. Approval thereof by the SEC
7. Ratification by the stockholders holding or representing at least 2/3 of the
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outstanding capital stock at a meeting duly called for that purpose;
8. In case of increase in capital stock, there must be a Treasurer’s affidavit
showing that at least 25% of the approved increase in the capital must be
subscribed and that at least 25% of the amount subscribed must be paid
either in case or property
The capital stock of the corporation stands increased or decreased only from
and after approval and the issuance by the SEC of its certificate of filing that
the capital stock shall stand increased or decreased
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2. Approval by the majority vote of the board of directors;
3. Ratification by the stockholders holding or representing at least 2/3 of the
outstanding capital stock at a meeting duly called for that purpose;
- In case of a non-stock corporation where there are no members with voting
rights, the vote of a least a majority of trustees in office will be sufficient
4. Any Dissenting stockholder shall have the option to exercise his appraisal
right; and
- Stockholders have a common law proprietary or beneficial interest on the
corporate business enterprise, and any sale, transfer, disposition, or
encumbrance thereof would be void if effected by the Board of Directors
without the appropriate stockholder’s approval
5. Sale of the assets shall be subject to the provisions of existing laws on illegal
combinations and monopolies and the Bulk Sales Law;
- The sale of all or substantially all of the assets of the corporation is not
binding on the creditors if there is violation of the Bulk Sales Law
- SEC approval is not required
Such power really affects the business enterprise level of corporate
set-up, an area left by the State to the judgment of managers, and
does not in any way affect or alter the juridical entity granted by the
“Substantially all” – sale or other disposition shall be deemed to cover
substantially all the corporate assets if:
1. The corporation would be rendered INCAPABLE of continuing the
business; or
2. INCAPABLE of accomplishing the purpose for which it was incorporated
- Is the sale of corporate assets an act of management?
General rule: Yes. It is an act of management. Therefore, only the board will
XPN: It ceases to be an act of management and requires the consent of
As when it is not in the course of ordinary business of the
corporation, when it covers all or substantially all
All or substantially all, when the corporation can no longer continue
or can no longer accomplish its purpose
- Nell Doctrine
General Rule: Where one corporation sells or otherwise transfer all of its assets
to another corporation, the latter is not liable for the debts and liabilities of the
Art. 2058
The guarantor cannot be compelled to
pay the creditor unless the latter has
exhausted all the property of the
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debtor, and has resorted to all the
legal remedies against the debtor.
2. Where the transaction TCC, Art.80(5)
amounts to a consolidation or The surviving or consolidated
merger of the corporations; corporation shall be responsible and
liable for all the liabilities and
obligations of each of the constituent
corporations in the same manner as if
such surviving consolidated
corporation had itself incurred such
liabilities or obligations; and any
pending claim, action or proceeding
brought by or against any of such
constituent corporations may be
prosecuted by or against the surviving
or consolidated corporation. The
rights of creditors or liens upon the
property of any of such constituent
corporations shall not impaired by
such merger or consolidation
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suffered by them on account of the
alienation, whenever, due to any
cause, it should be impossible for him
to return them
Art. 1381(3)
The following contracts are
(3)Those undertaken in fraud of
creditors when the latter cannot in any
other manner collect the claims due
- Cases where Buyer of the Assets are Liable for the Debts of the Seller:
1. Where the purchaser expressly or impliedly agrees to assume the debts;
2. Where the transaction amounts to a consolidation or merger of the
3. Where the purchasing corporation is merely a continuation of the selling
corporation; and
4. Where the selling corporation fraudulently enters into the transaction to
escape liability for those debts
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- Availability of Appraisal Right
Any dissenting stockholder shall have appraisal right because he will be
exposed to a line of business which is not being pursued when he invested
in the company
f) Sec. 42. Power to invest corporate funds in another corporation or business or for
any other purpose
- Limitation:
Provisions of this Code
- Requisites:
1. To Pursue Primary Purpose:
- Approval of the Majority of the Board
2. To Pursue Secondary Purpose
a. Resolution by the majority of the board of directors or trustees;
b. Ratification by the stockholders representing at least
2/3 of the outstanding capital stock or
2/3 of the members in case of non-stock corporation
The law presumes that when stockholders invest in a corporation, it
is with the primary expectation that the corporation through its
business indicated in the articles of corporation
c. Prior written notice of the proposed investment and the time and place of
the meeting shall be made, addressed to each stockholder or member
by mail or by personal service;
d. Any dissenting stockholder shall have Appraisal right; and
- The ratification must be made at a Meeting duly called for the purposes
Unrestricted The retained earnings which have not been reserved or set
Retained aside by the board of directors for some corporate purpose
Earnings - For purposes of dividend declaration, the term “surplus
profits” under Sec. 3 may be used synonymously with
unrestricted retained earnings
- Requirements:
1. Unrestricted retained earnings
2. Resolution of the board
- The Board of Directors has the responsibility to declare dividends and
determine the time as well as their amount so long as they act in good
- If stock dividends are declared, there must be resolution of the board
with concurrence of 2/3 of the ownership of the outstanding capital stock
- Reason: The declaration of stock dividends is akin to forced purchase of
stocks. By declaring stock dividends, a corporation ploughs back a
portion of its entire unrestricted earnings either to its working capital or
for capital asset acquisition or investments
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- Requisites:
1. Approved by the board of directors and stockholders owning at least the
majority of the outstanding capital stock; or
At least the majority of the outstanding capital stock; or
At least a majority of the members in the case of a non-stock corporation
Both the managing and the managed corporation, at a meeting duly called
for the purpose
Where a stockholder/s representing the same interest of both the
managing and the managed corporations own or control more than
1/3 of the total outstanding capital stock entitled to vote of the
managing corporation; or
Where a majority of the members of the board of directors of the
managing corporation also constitute a majority of the members of
the board of directors of the managed corporation, then the
management contract must be approved by the stockholders of the
managed corporation owning at least
2/3 of the total outstanding capital stock entitled to vote
2/3 of the members of a non-stock corporation
- No management contract shall be entered into for a period longer than 5 years for
any 1 term
- Shall apply to any contract whereby a corporation undertakes to manage or operate
all or substantially all of the business of another corporation, whether such contracts
are called
Service contracts
Operating agreements
- Provided: That such service contracts or operating agreements which relate to the
… may be entered into for such periods as may be provided by the pertinent laws or
Utilization of natural resources
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